[flexcoders] How to remove labels from a chart with ActionScript

2009-01-12 Thread Julien BALMONT

i'm trying to remove the labels from the horizontal axis of a column chart
(and a line chart) when clicking on a button (and also add it if removed).
For this, i have to use ActionScript, but i'm unable to find the correct
syntax and Object.

Can anyone help me?

I've tried myBarChart.styleName = noAxisStyle; (with a noAxisStyle class
defined with .noAxisStyle
showLabels: false;
but it doesn't work.

I also tried myBarChart.setStyle(showLabels, true); but it diesn't work.

Finally I tried
false); but it doesn't work.

No other idea.


[flexcoders] Re: geting info of a user who has loged in

2009-01-12 Thread johndoematrix
am sorry for sounding naive and inexperienced, but i am stack. i have
read thru all the solutions suggested but have failed. please can
someone help with a small tutorial on how to do this. i know am asking
for too much but please help. thanks

[flexcoders] Status Bar on firefox

2009-01-12 Thread al-al :D
Hi, I'm working on a flex web app where I connect to a blazeDS server
to get some data. I notice that even when I finished loading the data
through 1 of my datagrids, I see that the Firefox Status Bar still
displays Transferring data from.. url instead of Done. 

I researched that I could have a way around this but it involves
Javascript and the window.status=string hack. But another problem
arises: Firefox does not permit changing the status of the browser on
default. Btw, the hack works fine on IE.

Is there any other way to send parameters to the status bar? 

Thanks and more power to Flex designers and programmers :D

[flexcoders] How to test flash apps in the normal (non-debug) player with the debug player in installed?

2009-01-12 Thread tom s
Hi All,
I have the flash debug player installed for FireFox and IE.
What is the best way to test flash apps in the normal (non-debug) player on
the *same machine*?
(I don't have access to a spare machine right now).

I want to do this test because I have read that the error thrown
by ExternalInterface.call is different in the normal player than the debug
player, but that was written many months ago, so I don't know if it is still
true (e.g. in version 10.x)



[flexcoders] Multiple selection in dataGrid by dragging Mouse with left mouse key

2009-01-12 Thread Dharmendra Chauhan
 Is it possible to select multiple rows in data grid by just
dragging mouse over It. I know this can we achieved with combination
of sift key and mouse.
This need has arisen because we are migrating .DOT Net  data grid
with flex data grid and user  want to have same ease of multiple

Initially I was confused with dragMultipleSelection propery of
datagird but later I realized that it is for dragging rows and not for

Please let me know whether it is possible  in flex or not  and if it
is possible then please provide me some pointers.

[flexcoders] DataGrid MultipleSelectio with mouse only

2009-01-12 Thread Dharmendra Chauhan
I want to provide functionality where in user can select multiple 
rows in dg by holding left mouse key and dragging over the dg.


I have also designed a sample app for this but Only issue with 
approach is that It(mOver.target.listData.rowIndex) does not 
consistently  return rowIndex ,sometimes It throws error `Property 
listData not found on mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder 
and there is no default value  as a result of it ,few row left 

This error occurs only when user tries to select rows with fast 
mouser movement.



?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?


mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
layout=absolute creationComplete=init()





  import mx.charts.HitData;


  import mx.events.ListEvent;

  import flash.utils.describeType;

  import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;

  import mx.controls.Alert;

  import mx.formatters.DateFormatter;

  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

  // include MatsFormatter.as

 var selectedArr:Array = new Array();

   var arrCol:ArrayCollection ;   

function init():void{

 arrCol = new ArrayCollection([{name:'AA', age:25}, 
{name:'BB', age:15}, 

   {name:'CC', age:23},
{name:'DD', age:25}, {name:'EE', age:15}, 

   {name:'FF', age:23},
{name:'GG', age:25}, {name:'HH', age:15}, 

   {name:'II', age:23}]);

dg.dataProvider = arrCol;



var isMouseDown:Boolean = false;


public function mouseDownFunc
(mDn:flash.events.MouseEvent  ):void{


isMouseDown = true;



public function mouseUpFunc
(mUp:flash.events.MouseEvent  ):void{

 // Alert.show(mouseUpFunc);

   isMouseDown = false;

   // Work Around to select iterleaved unselected row 

 /*   var selectedArr2:Array = new Array();

   var firstRowIndex :int = dg.selectedIndices[0]

   var lastRowIndex :int = dg.selectedIndices
[dg.selectedIndices.length -1 ]

   if(firstRowIndex  lastRowIndex){

  for(var i:int = firstRowIndex; firstRowIndex= 



  for(var j:int = lastRowIndex; lastRowIndex= 



   dg.selectedIndices = selectedArr2; */



public function mouseOverFunc
(mOver:MouseEvent,dgCol:ListEvent = null ):void{

  var  rend:Object;



   selectedArr = dg.selectedIndices;


   dg.selectedIndices = selectedArr;




  //  rend = mOver.relatedObject ; 





  /* public function itemRollOverFunc



 selectedArr = dg.selectedIndices;


 dg.selectedIndices = selectedArr;





 } */






 DataGrid {



   verticalGridLineColor :#808080;

   horizontalGridLineColor :#808080;



   fontSize: 8;

   headerStyleName: dgHeaderStyles;


.dgHeaderStyles {

fontSize: 10;

textAlign: left;

backgroundColor: #d4d0c8;

fontFamily :san Sarif;





mx:Panel layout=absolute title=MATS Trade Management Console 
id=gridPanel left=5 right=5 top=5 bottom=5 

  mx:DataGrid  width=50% height=50% 
headerColors=[#d4d0c8,#d4d0c8] horizontalScrollPolicy=auto 
allowMultipleSelection=true id=dg


  selectionColor=#FF  top=0 

[flexcoders] get rowIndex in datagird's mouseOver Function

2009-01-12 Thread Dharmendra Chauhan
My requiremnt is to get rowIndex in mouseover Function in DataGird so
that I can use that index to select perticuler row of 
datagrid.ItemRollover Function does not get called when I hold left 
mouse key and drag it over dg. 
I want to provide functionality where in user can select multiple 
rows in dg by holding left mouse key and dragging over the dg. 

I have also designed a sample app for this but Only issue with 
approach is that It(mOver.target.listData.rowIndex) does not 
consistently  return rowIndex ,sometimes It throws error `Property 
listData not found on mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder 
and there is no default value  as a result of it ,few row left 

This error occurs only when user tries to select rows with fast 
mouse movement. 

Here is my sample app code  :- 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? 

mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
layout=absolute creationComplete=init() 




  import mx.charts.HitData; 


  import mx.events.ListEvent; 

  import flash.utils.describeType; 

  import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; 

  import mx.controls.Alert; 

  import mx.formatters.DateFormatter; 

  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; 

  // include MatsFormatter.as 

 var selectedArr:Array = new Array(); 

   var arrCol:ArrayCollection ; 

function init():void{ 

 arrCol = new ArrayCollection([{name:'AA', age:25}, 
{name:'BB', age:15}, 

   {name:'CC', age:23},
age:25}, {name:'EE', age:15}, 

   {name:'FF', age:23},
age:25}, {name:'HH', age:15}, 

   {name:'II', age:23}]); 

dg.dataProvider = arrCol; 


var isMouseDown:Boolean = false; 

public function mouseDownFunc 
(mDn:flash.events.MouseEvent  ):void{ 


isMouseDown = true; 


public function mouseUpFunc 
(mUp:flash.events.MouseEvent  ):void{ 

 // Alert.show(mouseUpFunc); 

   isMouseDown = false; 

   // Work Around to select iterleaved unselected row 

 /*   var selectedArr2:Array = new Array(); 

   var firstRowIndex :int = dg.selectedIndices[0] 

   var lastRowIndex :int = dg.selectedIndices 
[dg.selectedIndices.length -1 ] 

   if(firstRowIndex  lastRowIndex){ 

  for(var i:int = firstRowIndex; firstRowIndex= 



  for(var j:int = lastRowIndex; lastRowIndex= 



   dg.selectedIndices = selectedArr2; */ 


public function mouseOverFunc 
(mOver:MouseEvent,dgCol:ListEvent = null ):void{ 

  var  rend:Object; 



   selectedArr = dg.selectedIndices; 


   dg.selectedIndices = selectedArr; 


  //  rend = mOver.relatedObject ; 




  /* public function itemRollOverFunc 



 selectedArr = dg.selectedIndices; 


 dg.selectedIndices = selectedArr; 





 } */ 




 DataGrid { 



   verticalGridLineColor :#808080; 

   horizontalGridLineColor :#808080; 



   fontSize: 8; 

   headerStyleName: dgHeaderStyles; 


.dgHeaderStyles { 

fontSize: 10; 

textAlign: left; 

backgroundColor: #d4d0c8; 

fontFamily :san Sarif; 



mx:Panel layout=absolute title=MATS Trade Management Console 
id=gridPanel left=5 right=5 top=5 bottom=5 


[flexcoders] Flex 3 Dialog Boxes ...

2009-01-12 Thread SJF
Hello All,

I'm using Flex 3 and working on pure actionscript projects (i.e: File  New
 ActionScript Project).

I often have issues with numerous dialog boxes and parts of the interface
within Flex (see images below):

Tabs and controls within these boxes don't appear correctly. This is not a
memory issue as my laptop is a high spec machine and Flex is the only thing

Also, a recent suggestion made was to update my display drivers, which I
have done - unfortunately this hasn't fixed the issue.

Anyone advise or have the same problem?


[flexcoders] Anti-aliasing of device fonts in Flash player 10

2009-01-12 Thread Sreejith P

I am now working with Localization and Internationalization of our
application.Currently we are embeding the fonts with the application
which provide us the ability of anti-aliasing of fonts.

Since embedding the fonts is not a practical solution while doing L10n
and I18n, we lost the ability on anti aliasing the fonts.

But when i saw Justin Everett-Church article about Flash Player 10,he
mentioned about the ability to anti alias the device/system font as
one of the prime features in Flash Player 10.Here is the article

I failed to find any way to do that with flash player 10.Could you
guys please help me how to anti-alias Device/System font  using flex 3
and flash player 10.

Thanks and Regards,

Sreejith P

[flexcoders] Anti-aliasing of device fonts in Flash player 10

2009-01-12 Thread Sreejith P
Hi Guys,

I am now working with Localization and Internationalization of our
application.Currently we are embedding the fonts with the application
which provide us the ability of anti-aliasing of fonts.

Since embedding the fonts is not a practical solution while doing L10n
and I18n, we lost the ability on anti aliasing the fonts.

But when i saw Justin Everett-Church article about Flash Player 10,he
mentioned about the ability to anti alias the device/system font as
one of the prime features in Flash Player 10.Here is the article

I failed to find any way to do that with flash player 10.Could you
guys please help me how to anti-alias Device/System font  using flex 3
and flash player 10.

Thanks and Regards,

Sreejith P

[flexcoders] the tilelist will be winking when the data is refreshing.

2009-01-12 Thread Scarlet.H

I have a item component that include label, progressbar and image inside
the progresss bar of each image in tilelist will be updated in time if the
user select some photo or videos to upload.

I don't know how to resolve the wink issue when the data be updated.

any suggestion for it?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[flexcoders] Data Grid with dynamic columns ignoring % width or right style.

2009-01-12 Thread wesley.acheson
Hi All,

I've a problem with the DataGrid ignoring the % width, while using
Canvas as the parent.  When I dynamically create columns it stretches
to beyond the origional area.  This behaviour has been reported as a
bug. http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-14390.  The workarround
described in the bug setting the width to 0 works for me in a simple
test case but doesn't appear to work within my main application.

I've got a test case that I would have to post at work (monday) if its
usefull to see the problem.

What I was wondering is why setting the width of the grid to 0 worked.
 I tried raising all the event and invalidateProperties,
invalidateSize etc that setting the width property seems to do. But
that doesn't seem to work.

I would like to extend datagrid with a version that doesn't have this
issue if I can figure out why a fixed width doesn't work.

Thanks for your time.


[flexcoders] E4X with RegExp

2009-01-12 Thread plugsymmv
I'm having trouble parsing some XML.  

This works 

This is apparently should work with a compiler warning

public static const GEARDEF1:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}$/,i);
var xL2:XMLList=inputXML..node.(GEARDEF1.test(@name));

and using square bracketing like this should work and stop the warnings.
public static const GEARDEF1:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}$/,i);
var xL2:XMLList=inputXML..node.(GEARDEF1[test](@name));

Trouble is neither of the two methods using RegExp work - which if it
were that simple wouldn't matter. The reason for this is that I need
to build arrays of RegExs to loop over like this.
public static const GEARDEF1:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}$/,i);
public static const GEARDEF2:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}W$/);
public static const GEARDEF3:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}01Loc$/);
public static var geardefs:Array =[GEARDEF1, GEARDEF2, GEARDEF3];

Any suggestions as to why this doesn't work?

[flexcoders] how to achieve Apple Spotlight effect

2009-01-12 Thread kaushal.shah05
How can I modify the current Adobe autocomplete component to act more
like Apple Spotlight where the results that display as you type are

[flexcoders] Re: Nested DataGrid!

2009-01-12 Thread nateross83
Glad to hear it helped Brian.  Please let me know if you have any 
questions.  Happy Flexing!

- Nate Ross

[flexcoders] Super class as RemoteClass: Type Coercion failed

2009-01-12 Thread Vital Lobachevsky
Hi, all

I'm a newbie in Flex. Could you help me to understand what's going wrong here?

My Flex sample app uses RemoteObject to call a method of Java class.
This method returns an instance of some ClassA that extends some

public class MyRemoteJavaClass {

public ClassB myRemoteMethod() {
ClassA result = someMethodThatReturnsClassA();
return result;

When I try to use ActionScript class that maps directly to ClassB:

// ClassB.as
public class ClassB {

I get the TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
mx.utils::objectpr...@1184fc59 to com.example.ClassB.

With [RemoteClass(alias=com.example.ClassA)] it works fine.

Is it possible to use super class in my example? Thanks in advance.

[flexcoders] Flex MenuBar rolling over HTML Page.

2009-01-12 Thread sachin kothe
Hi All,
   I have an use case where any HTML page e.g. google.com is embedded inside 
Flex Application using IFrame and i have a Flex Menu Bar over the IFrame. 
Requirnment is when i select a Flex menu, menu items should roll over the HTML 
 Is it Feasible and how we can do that?  
I tried as below but Menu Items goes behind IFrame and not visible.
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 


import mx.events.MenuEvent;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.collections.*;

public var menuBarData:XMLListCollection;

private var menubarXML:XMLList =

menuitem label=Flex Resources id=Favorites data=top
menuitem label=Flex Developer Center 
path=http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/; data=1A/
menuitem label=Flex Team Blog data=1B 
menuitem label=Search data=top
menuitem label=Google data=2A path=http://www.google.com/
menuitem label=Yahoo data=2B path=http://www.yahoo.com; /

private function init():void
menuBarData = new XMLListCollection(menubarXML); 
mx:HBox width=100% height=100%

mx:Panel title=Flex-iFrame width=100% height=100% 
mx:MenuBar id=tree width=100% height=30 dataProvider={menuBarData}
labelField=@label showRoot=false
change=iFrame.source = event.it...@path /

local:IFrame id=iFrame source=http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/; 
width=100% height=100%/
mx:CheckBox id=cbVisible label=IFrame Visible selected=true 




[flexcoders] Re: How to test flash apps in the normal (non-debug) player with the debug player in installed?

2009-01-12 Thread Michael VanDaniker
Check out the Flash Switcher Firefox extension.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tom s tcs2...@... wrote:

 Hi All,
 I have the flash debug player installed for FireFox and IE.
 What is the best way to test flash apps in the normal (non-debug)
player on
 the *same machine*?
 (I don't have access to a spare machine right now).
 I want to do this test because I have read that the error thrown
 by ExternalInterface.call is different in the normal player than the
 player, but that was written many months ago, so I don't know if it
is still
 true (e.g. in version 10.x)

[flexcoders] Re: Namespace declaration problem

2009-01-12 Thread valdhor
It is not uncommon for someone to code something that requires someone
else's code but they can't (or won't) include that code because they
don't want to go through any licensing. They should have told you that
it was required and where to go and get it. Was there ANY
documentation to that effect?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, brucewhealton br...@... wrote:

 I thought, when I first read this, that you were saying that it is a
 part of a normal flex installation.  The author of the text said that
 I need to download and install the auto-complete edit field component
 into my libs directory.  I wonder if that means just for this project
 or the libs directory for my Flex installation.
 I don't understand why, if a 3rd party package or set of components is
 required, they were not included with the rest of the content that
 comes with the text.  It almost sounded like I should have somehow
 known to locate and install this auto-complete component and that I
 should have known how to install it into this project.  Is it just me,
 or is it strange to think that the reader of this text would have
 known to do this without even mentioning anything about needing this
 extra component, how to get it and how to install it or install it for
 this project?
 So, yes, I did follow package notation, even before I asked this
 question.  I mean the explanation of it was helpful to refresh my
 memory as to how it works.  Then it just left me thinking something is
 seriously missing that I need.  Please let me know what you think... 
 Shouldn't a writer at least mention that one is going to need to
 install this component into this package?  
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gordon Smith gosmith@ wrote:
  It sounds like you don't have the SWC with the
 comc.adobe.flex.extras.controls.* classes (which are not part of a
 standard Flex installation) or it isn't on your library-path.
  Gordon Smith
  Adobe Flex SDK Team
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of brucewhealton
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 6:25 PM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Namespace declaration problem
  Hello all,
  I have this code that I copied from a text book on Flex. I'm
  aware of package notation but I'm not sure how this works in this
  example and what is going wrong. In the code, I have within the
  Application tag, a namespace definition. So, the Application tag
  opens like this:
  mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
  I'm cutting out what is not relevant to the problem. The problem is
  that this tag is not recognized by Flex 3, it gives a compile time
  ec:AutoComplete id=nameField labelField=name lookAhead=true /
  I guess I need to figure out what is inside the controls package that
  is named above in the Application.
  The error I get on that line is
  1046: Type was not found or was not a Compile time constant:
  How might I figure this out? The text where I found this does not
  elaborate on this particular code. It is an example of coding that is
  a little different then what I am familiar with.
  Can anyone help me make sense of this, please?

Re: [flexcoders] Multiple selection in dataGrid by dragging Mouse with left mouse key

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Dharmendra Chauhan
chauhan_i...@yahoo.com wrote:
  Is it possible to select multiple rows in data grid by just
 dragging mouse over It. I know this can we achieved with combination
 of sift key and mouse.


 Please let me know whether it is possible  in flex or not  and if it
 is possible then please provide me some pointers.

I think you (or someone else) asked this one before and didn't get an
answer. This is possible but non-trivial. You can extend the DataGrid
to override the mouse handling and update the selection accordingly.
The pointer I can give you is the DataGrid source code itself -- look
into that.



Re: [flexcoders] Using dispatchEvent ?

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:42 AM, biosmonkey biosmon...@yahoo.com wrote:

 In my main app, I instantiate an instance of this class.  I also
 create an event listener at the application level.

 Here's the problem:

 * If I use dispatchEvent(...) inside MyClass, the event listener in
 the main app never fires (the custom event *is* set to bubble)

To add to Josh's response, I would say the best way to do this is to
listen on the object itself.

obj = new MyClass();

The events don't have to be bubbling then.


[flexcoders] get selected datagrid dynamically

2009-01-12 Thread Jason B
Im trying to get the selected item value from the parent app but i
cannot seem to put the name as a variable?

var fieldname:String = columnData.field;

create_text = new TextInput();
 create_text.percentWidth = 80;
 create_text.id = inputtext + counter;

create_test.text =

I can alert the fieldname fine showing the data grid's field name but
i need to use it as a variable to get the selected items value from
the grid

[flexcoders] Re: Flash Remoting Options

2009-01-12 Thread valdhor
A shot in the dark: WebORB for .NET

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy amyblankens...@... wrote:

 Hi, all;
 I built a great little example file using AMFPHP.  It works great on my 
 local installation of WampServer, but when I uploaded it to my web 
 host, the Service Browser for AMFPHP wouldn't work.  I contacted my 
 host, and they said that was because my hosting is Windows (which I did 
 on purpose so I could play with ASP).  They use ASAPI or CGI to handle 
 the PHP part.
 I don't want to change to a Linux account just over this one example 
 file.  Are there remoting options that can work on my existing hosting 

[flexcoders] Lazy Loading Tree example posted

2009-01-12 Thread Amy
Several people on here have asked for example code for lazy loading 
data intended for a Tree component.  I've posted the example here:


Hope this helps someone :-)


[flexcoders] Re: get selected datagrid dynamically

2009-01-12 Thread Jason B
also tried

create_test.text =

[flexcoders] Re: Using dispatchEvent ?

2009-01-12 Thread biosmonkey
Actually, I did think about that and tried changing from
EventDispatcher to extending UIComponent but it still does not work. I
even tried Canvas and it still does not catch it.

As an experiment, though, I tried dispatching the same event from one
of my components elsewhere in the application just to make sure the
custom event itself was OK, and that worked.

Does it make a difference that I am dispatching this event from inside
an HTTPService callback? Basically, the way this class works is that I
instantiate it with a timer value, and every x seconds it makes a call
to the server to get some data, and based on the result of that data I
dispatch an event with the payload.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Josh McDonald dzn...@... wrote:

 Event bubbling only occurs within the display list. So your dispatching
 object must also be a child UIComponent if you want to catch bubbled
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:12 PM, biosmonkey biosmon...@... wrote:
  I thought I had understood the event model, but apparently not.
  I have a custom class that extends EventDispatcher, let's call it
  MyClass.  This class will periodically dispatch a custom event based
  on a timer and some condition.
  In my main app, I instantiate an instance of this class.  I also
  create an event listener at the application level.
  Here's the problem:
  * If I use dispatchEvent(...) inside MyClass, the event listener in
  the main app never fires (the custom event *is* set to bubble)
  * The only way it will work is if I use the application object, ie
  But I don't understand why I have to do this? I have used a similar
  model just fine when dispatching events from inside components (ie I
  use dispatchEvent and my custom event is heard at the app level via
  Can someone help me understand this?
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
  Alternative FAQ location:
  Search Archives:
  http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%40yahoogroups.comYahoo! Groups
 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for
 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!
 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: j...@...
 :: http://flex.joshmcdonald.info/
 :: http://twitter.com/sophistifunk

[flexcoders] Re: Using dispatchEvent ?

2009-01-12 Thread biosmonkey

The dispatched event needs to be heard by any component, anywhere, by
setting an event listener for it at the application level.  So
bubbling up to the app is critical. 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Manish Jethani
manish.jeth...@... wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:42 AM, biosmonkey biosmon...@... wrote:
  In my main app, I instantiate an instance of this class.  I also
  create an event listener at the application level.
  Here's the problem:
  * If I use dispatchEvent(...) inside MyClass, the event listener in
  the main app never fires (the custom event *is* set to bubble)
 To add to Josh's response, I would say the best way to do this is to
 listen on the object itself.
 obj = new MyClass();
 The events don't have to be bubbling then.

[flexcoders] Re: Styling Alert box default button

2009-01-12 Thread valdhor
Checkout graphical skinning. A couple of places to start:


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, achegedus achege...@... wrote:

 I have a custom styled alert box with two buttons (ok and cancel), I'm
 trying to make the default button look slightly different, but I can't
 figure out how to do this.  Does anyone know?  The default style can
 achieve this.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Using dispatchEvent ?

2009-01-12 Thread Sam Lai
The event listener attached to the Application is not reacting to the
event fired from your custom class because your custom class instance
is not attached to the Application DisplayList. It is just an object
in memory. If you want the event from your custom class instance to
bubble up to the Application, you need to add it to the Application's

The DisplayList is typically used for UI components, i.e. when you
click a button in the UI, it fires an event and that event propagates
up the display list.

However, you can add non-UI components to it too. Your custom class
just needs to extend the DisplayObject class (I think - it should have
extended EventDispatcher already). You also need to add the instance
to the Application object by using the addChild method on the
Application object, e.g. application.addChild(myclass);

If you declare the custom class instance in MXML, it is automatically
added to the Application object (well, technically, only if it is a
loaded component in the UI).

2009/1/12 biosmonkey biosmon...@yahoo.com:

 The dispatched event needs to be heard by any component, anywhere, by
 setting an event listener for it at the application level.  So
 bubbling up to the app is critical.

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Manish Jethani
 manish.jeth...@... wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:42 AM, biosmonkey biosmon...@... wrote:

  In my main app, I instantiate an instance of this class.  I also
  create an event listener at the application level.
  Here's the problem:
  * If I use dispatchEvent(...) inside MyClass, the event listener in
  the main app never fires (the custom event *is* set to bubble)

 To add to Josh's response, I would say the best way to do this is to
 listen on the object itself.

 obj = new MyClass();

 The events don't have to be bubbling then.



 Flexcoders Mailing List
 FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
 Alternative FAQ location: 
 Search Archives: 
 http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%40yahoogroups.comYahoo! Groups Links

[flexcoders] Re: CategoryAxis category order

2009-01-12 Thread Amy
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Maciek Sakrejda msakre...@... 

 Ok, so it looks like a (reasonably simple) way to do this is to set 
the dataProvider of the CategoryAxis to originalDataProvider.toArray
().reverse() on every update of originalDataProvider. A 
ListCollectionView to wrap originalDataProvider would have been 
cleaner, but there doesn't seem to be a simple way to say sort the 
opposite of how this is sorted by default. I tried to extend 
ListCollectionView into a ReverseListCollectionView by overriding 
getItemAt() and itemIndex(), but it looks like CategoryAxis actually 
uses IViewCursor, and I would have had to write my own. I think this 
solution works reasonably well for now.

This might noy be by default, but had you seen this thread:
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/121765 ?

You might be able to just create a sort like that and set it to be 
the default sort of your ListCollectionView.



[flexcoders] Re: Flash Remoting Options

2009-01-12 Thread Amy
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alan K ultr...@... wrote:

 Resonably - there are no options regarding AMFPHP.
 PHP 4 is really old.  Your host should offer an upgrade to at  least  
 PHP 5.

I think it has to do with the framework they use to provide PHP on 
Windows accounts.  I'm thinking maybe I pushed the account beyond what 
they intended it to do, so I can't really complain much.

I've had someone offer me a free account to host this example, so it 
might be going online soon anyway :-).



Re: [flexcoders] How to remove labels from a chart with ActionScript

2009-01-12 Thread Sam Lai

should work. How have you defined your chart in MXML? Did you
explicitly define a horizontal axis renderer, or are you using the
internal one? Maybe try defining one explicitly, and that way you can
set an ID and refer to it directly.

2009/1/12 Julien BALMONT julien.balm...@echovox.com:

 i'm trying to remove the labels from the horizontal axis of a column chart
 (and a line chart) when clicking on a button (and also add it if removed).
 For this, i have to use ActionScript, but i'm unable to find the correct
 syntax and Object.

 Can anyone help me?

 I've tried myBarChart.styleName = noAxisStyle; (with a noAxisStyle class
 defined with .noAxisStyle
 showLabels: false;
 but it doesn't work.

 I also tried myBarChart.setStyle(showLabels, true); but it diesn't work.

 Finally I tried
 false); but it doesn't work.

 No other idea.



Re: [flexcoders] How to remove labels from a chart with ActionScript

2009-01-12 Thread Julien BALMONT
You're a chief!!!
I had forgotten the [0] ;(

Thanks for your help, now it works


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Sam Lai samuel@gmail.com wrote:


 should work. How have you defined your chart in MXML? Did you
 explicitly define a horizontal axis renderer, or are you using the
 internal one? Maybe try defining one explicitly, and that way you can
 set an ID and refer to it directly.

 2009/1/12 Julien BALMONT 

  i'm trying to remove the labels from the horizontal axis of a column
  (and a line chart) when clicking on a button (and also add it if
  For this, i have to use ActionScript, but i'm unable to find the correct
  syntax and Object.
  Can anyone help me?
  I've tried myBarChart.styleName = noAxisStyle; (with a noAxisStyle
  defined with .noAxisStyle
  showLabels: false;
  but it doesn't work.
  I also tried myBarChart.setStyle(showLabels, true); but it diesn't
  Finally I tried
  false); but it doesn't work.
  No other idea.

Julien Balmont
Project Manager
Tel:  +331 41 92 28 73
Mobile: +336 32 65 17 60

Echovox France
107 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine

Re: [flexcoders] How to remove labels from a chart with ActionScript

2009-01-12 Thread Julien BALMONT
And FYI, the Axis Renderer was defined explicitly.

Thanks again

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Julien BALMONT jul...@zong.com wrote:

 You're a chief!!!
 I had forgotten the [0] ;(

 Thanks for your help, now it works


 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Sam Lai samuel@gmail.com wrote:


 should work. How have you defined your chart in MXML? Did you
 explicitly define a horizontal axis renderer, or are you using the
 internal one? Maybe try defining one explicitly, and that way you can
 set an ID and refer to it directly.

 2009/1/12 Julien BALMONT 

  i'm trying to remove the labels from the horizontal axis of a column
  (and a line chart) when clicking on a button (and also add it if
  For this, i have to use ActionScript, but i'm unable to find the correct
  syntax and Object.
  Can anyone help me?
  I've tried myBarChart.styleName = noAxisStyle; (with a noAxisStyle
  defined with .noAxisStyle
  showLabels: false;
  but it doesn't work.
  I also tried myBarChart.setStyle(showLabels, true); but it diesn't
  Finally I tried
  false); but it doesn't work.
  No other idea.

 Julien Balmont
 Project Manager
 Tel:  +331 41 92 28 73
 Mobile: +336 32 65 17 60

 Echovox France
 107 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine

Julien Balmont
Project Manager
Tel:  +331 41 92 28 73
Mobile: +336 32 65 17 60

Echovox France
107 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine

[flexcoders] Browser and embeded Flex scrolling together

2009-01-12 Thread bffoley
Currently I'm working on a Flex app for a client that has a VBox with
a vertical scrollbar on it.  Inside of the VBox is a long list of
custom components (based on HBox) that can be viewed by scrolling up
and down on the scrollbar.  The issue is this application is embeded
within a HTML page that has a lot of content below the application,
therefore when the user scrolls the mousewheel on my VBox, it scrolls
the main page as well.  I've noticed that most components do this as
well, with the exception being TextArea.  I've dug around the livedocs
and some forums in hope of finding a solution to make this work, but
 so far nothing.  I was wondering if perhaps anyone has come
across this issue and know a solution or a workaround, or have
suggestions on how I could better accomplish what I need to do here?

[flexcoders] ExternalInterface erros

2009-01-12 Thread flexaustin
Anyone know why I am getting this error when making an
externalinterface call?

missing ) after argument list
[Break on this error] try { __flash__toXML(Glide.onSelect(43,4...
bYOU/b $ 'FBar'\,\connection\:0

RE: [flexcoders] VO and LabelField Problem

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
What happens when you use labelField=”courseName”?

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Berkay Unal
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:24 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] VO and LabelField Problem


When trying have dataprovider for a list control using remoting with VO i 
cannot set the label of the control with the labelField = courseName.

How to achieve this, guess i am missing smthing. Any help appreciated much

result   Array (@1a522159)

[0]com.abc.courseList.VO.CourseVO (@1ee40449)
courseID 1
[1]com.abc.courseList.VO.CourseVO (@1ee404c1)
courseID 2
[2]com.abc.courseList.VO.CourseVO (@1ee40719)
courseID 3
length  3


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Wierd error 1067 on extended DefaultDataDescriptor

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
Worthy of a bug if you have the time.  I agree it is inconsistent

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Amy
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 5:47 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Wierd error 1067 on extended DefaultDataDescriptor

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Alex 
Harui aha...@... wrote:

 You have to assign an instance of your class, not the class itself

Yes, I ultimately figured that out. Thanks :-). I was expecting it to
work like itemRenderers or something.

[flexcoders] Re: recompiling framework shared library?

2009-01-12 Thread Darrell Loverin
The reason you are having a problem is because of the first in wins 
rule that applies to loading classes. Your monkey patched VideoPlayer 
class is in your swf file, but in frame 2. The framework swz file is 
loaded in frame 1, so its definition of VideoPlayer wins.  The way to 
work around this is to create your own RSL with just your VideoPlayer 
class and its dependencies. Load this new RSL before the signed 
framework RSL and your definition of the VideoPlayer will win.

Note: the new RSL can be large in some cases, depending on the size of 
the classes the monkey patched file is dependent on.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, luvfotography ygro...@... wrote:

 Hi, I've made a change to mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoPlayer.as and
 placed it in my 'src' folder under the folders 'mx', then 'controls',
 then 'videoClasses' and it picks up the change no problem.
 If I then change my project to use 'runtime shared library' it's not
 picking up my changes.
 What do I need to do?  
 do i need to recompile the framework_3.0.0.477.swz somehow?

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Make Enter work as Tab in Flex DataGrid

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
DataGrid disables focusmanager when passing tab through the cells.  You could 
override DG, trap the keyDown for ENTER, call stopImmediatePropagation so the 
DG doesn't see it, and dispatch a fake keyFocusChange event instead

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Sergey Snovsky
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 7:14 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Make Enter work as Tab in Flex DataGrid

Any ideas, please?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Sergey 
Snovsky serge012...@...


 I'm trying to make Enter work the same as Tab in a DataGrid - commit
 changes to the edited cell and move focus to the next one to the
 right, then next row, etc.

 I've tried to use something like:




 but I cannot seem to make it work in a DataGrid...

 Any help would be much appreciated!

 Thank you!


RE: [flexcoders] Error: Access of undefined property

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
Change the class name, maybe it is colliding with mx.utils.StringUtils

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of freak182
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 6:14 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Error: Access of undefined property


It just kinda weird that i encounter and here is the cscenario:

I create a StringUtils.as;

package com.buspinoy.utils

public class StringUtils
public static function isEmpty(str:String):Boolean
return str == null || str.length == 0;

public static function isNotEmpty(str:String):Boolean
return !StringUtils.isEmpty(str);

public function StringUtils()


...this is based on org.apache.commons.lang, but when i put in a code like

if (StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedText) )
this.selectedItem = comboCursor.current;
...it gives me error Access of undefined property...any idea what is
happening?because i have static function working properly but not inside the
if condition.

btw, quick question, does AS will support method overloading in the future?

Thanks a lot.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

RE: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
I would not set  both selectedItems and selectedIndices.  Probably just 
selectedIndices because it should be faster.

I don't think selectItem will be called if the item is already selected.  Due 
to the way invalidation works, maybe it hasn't been de-selected yet.  
Sometimes, callLater can help in these situations.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Glenn Jones
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

I started with the example from your blog dated Feb 2008 

To deselect the other rows, the checkbox column header renderer calls a 
'selectAll()' method on the CheckBoxDataGrid
with  a flag of false.  That method builds two arrays - one for all items in 
the collection and one for all indices in the collection.
It then replaces mx:DataGrid.selectedItems and selectedIndices with new arrays. 
In the deselect case, the new arrays are empty.
In the select all case then have all items/indices.

Visually, selectAll true/false seems to work when it's called. But in the 
use-case I describe below I'm counting on the
mx:DataGrid.selectItem() to be called in order to deselect rows in the case 
that a single row is selected.
Based on trace statements, I know that mx:DataGrid.selectItem() is never called 
when the problem occurs

Is there something about the way I'm selecting things which causes the 
selectItem() to not be called?

I tried replacing just selectedItemds or just selectedIndicies or both. it 
doesn't seem.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Alex Harui 
aha...@adobe.commailto:aha...@adobe.com wrote:

Which example did you start with?  Which event do you use to deselect the other 
rows, and what does that code look like?

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Glenn Jones
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 9:49 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem


I'm using Flex 3.2 and I have a DataGrid which implements a column of 
checkboxes to select rows.  I started with Alex' example.
Then I added a header renderer on the checkbox column such that if check the 
header, then all rows are selected.
To implement the select all behavior, I'm creating an array of indices for 
[0..n] and assigning that array to mx:DataGrid.selectedIndices.

For the most part this works fine.

But if the DataGrid is editable, then I sometimes have a problem. The problem 
is that if all rows are selected, and you click on
an editable cell, sometimes the cell becomes editable without deselecting all 
of the other rows. The behavior I want is that
if you start editing a cell, then just that row becomes selected. This happens 
some of time, but not all of the time.

If the grid is non-editable, then I can't reproduce the problem.

I overrode mx:DataGrid.selectItem() in order to clear the checkbox in the 
header renderer any time a single item is selected.  I've
noticed that when the problem behavior occurs, the mx:DataGrid.selectItem() 
method is never called.

It's almost like there's some race condition between selecting an item and 
starting a cell edit.

Any ideas on how I could work around this?


[flexcoders] Re: Using dispatchEvent ?

2009-01-12 Thread biosmonkey
I see.

I think the part I was missing was the fact that the class object
needed to be a child of the application to be in its display list,
instead of instantiated to a variable.

I could convert my class to a component I suppose, and place it in my
MXML but frankly I don't mind dispatching from mx..application.

I just needed to understand why I had to do it that way.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Sam Lai samuel@... wrote:

 The event listener attached to the Application is not reacting to the
 event fired from your custom class because your custom class instance
 is not attached to the Application DisplayList. It is just an object
 in memory. If you want the event from your custom class instance to
 bubble up to the Application, you need to add it to the Application's
 The DisplayList is typically used for UI components, i.e. when you
 click a button in the UI, it fires an event and that event propagates
 up the display list.
 However, you can add non-UI components to it too. Your custom class
 just needs to extend the DisplayObject class (I think - it should have
 extended EventDispatcher already). You also need to add the instance
 to the Application object by using the addChild method on the
 Application object, e.g. application.addChild(myclass);
 If you declare the custom class instance in MXML, it is automatically
 added to the Application object (well, technically, only if it is a
 loaded component in the UI).
 2009/1/12 biosmonkey biosmon...@...:
  The dispatched event needs to be heard by any component, anywhere, by
  setting an event listener for it at the application level.  So
  bubbling up to the app is critical.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Manish Jethani
  manish.jethani@ wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:42 AM, biosmonkey biosmonkey@ wrote:
   In my main app, I instantiate an instance of this class.  I also
   create an event listener at the application level.
   Here's the problem:
   * If I use dispatchEvent(...) inside MyClass, the event listener in
   the main app never fires (the custom event *is* set to bubble)
  To add to Josh's response, I would say the best way to do this is to
  listen on the object itself.
  obj = new MyClass();
  The events don't have to be bubbling then.
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
  Alternative FAQ location:
  Search Archives:
http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%40yahoogroups.comYahoo! Groups

[flexcoders] Re: Styling Alert box default button

2009-01-12 Thread Jason B
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, achegedus achege...@... wrote:

 I have a custom styled alert box with two buttons (ok and cancel), I'm
 trying to make the default button look slightly different, but I can't
 figure out how to do this.  Does anyone know?  The default style can
 achieve this.

have you looked at 

[flexcoders] Tweening VBox or List IndexChangedEvent

2009-01-12 Thread kylewburke
I've implemented a ButtonSkin for CheckBox.  I have several of them in
a VBox.  I'm trying to tween during the IndexChangedEvent via the
childIndexChange event, to move the selected CheckBox up to the top.

I'm wondering if VBox is the right way to go or is a subclass of List

Also not sure if childIndexChange is the right way to go, since the AS
doc says:

Dispatched *after* the index of a container child changes

Thanks for any suggestions.


[flexcoders] Re: ExternalInterface erros

2009-01-12 Thread Anthony DeBonis
-What browser are you using - or does it happen in all browsers

- Can you get something simple to work like this

-Can you post the code?

Re: [flexcoders] Tweening VBox or List IndexChangedEvent

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:03 PM, kylewburke monk...@monkeyden.com wrote:
 I've implemented a ButtonSkin for CheckBox.  I have several of them in
 a VBox.  I'm trying to tween during the IndexChangedEvent via the
 childIndexChange event, to move the selected CheckBox up to the top.

Well, actually, you can just set moveEffect on the individual children.


?xml version=1.0?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
function doThing() {
vb.setChildIndex(vb.getChildAt(0), 3);

  mx:Button click=doThing() /

  mx:VBox id=vb
mx:Button label=b1 moveEffect=Move /
mx:Button label=b2 moveEffect=Move /
mx:Button label=b3 moveEffect=Move /
mx:Button label=b4 moveEffect=Move /



Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

2009-01-12 Thread Glenn Jones
I've tried setting just selectedIndices - same result

In my CheckBoxDataGrid.selectAll() method, I tried calling
invalidateProperties/invalidateList/validateNow - same result.

In my CheckBoxHeaderRenderer.clickHandler, I tried using callLater to
execute CheckBoxDataGrid.selectAll() - same result.

I repeated the callLater test after removing
invalidateProperties/invalidateList/validateNow - same result.

Any suggestions on which operations I should use for callLater()?

As a workaround, I added an event listener for itemEditBeginning on the
checkboxdatagrid. If the selected item count was  1,
then I called event.preventDefault().  This actually triggers a crash
sometime later in mx:DataGrid (line 3889 - itemEditorInstance is null).

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Alex Harui aha...@adobe.com wrote:

I would not set  both selectedItems and selectedIndices.  Probably just
 selectedIndices because it should be faster.

 I don't think selectItem will be called if the item is already selected.
 Due to the way invalidation works, maybe it hasn't been de-selected yet.
 Sometimes, callLater can help in these situations.

 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Glenn Jones
 *Sent:* Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:52 PM
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

 I started with the example from your blog dated Feb 2008

 To deselect the other rows, the checkbox column header renderer calls a
 'selectAll()' method on the CheckBoxDataGrid
 with  a flag of false.  That method builds two arrays - one for all items
 in the collection and one for all indices in the collection.
 It then replaces mx:DataGrid.selectedItems and selectedIndices with new
 arrays. In the deselect case, the new arrays are empty.
 In the select all case then have all items/indices.

 Visually, selectAll true/false seems to work when it's called. But in the
 use-case I describe below I'm counting on the
 mx:DataGrid.selectItem() to be called in order to deselect rows in the case
 that a single row is selected.
 Based on trace statements, I know that mx:DataGrid.selectItem() is never
 called when the problem occurs

 Is there something about the way I'm selecting things which causes the
 selectItem() to not be called?

 I tried replacing just selectedItemds or just selectedIndicies or both. it
 doesn't seem.


 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Alex Harui aha...@adobe.com wrote:

 Which example did you start with?  Which event do you use to deselect the
 other rows, and what does that code look like?

 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Glenn Jones
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 08, 2009 9:49 PM
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem


 I'm using Flex 3.2 and I have a DataGrid which implements a column of
 checkboxes to select rows.  I started with Alex' example.
 Then I added a header renderer on the checkbox column such that if check
 the header, then all rows are selected.
 To implement the select all behavior, I'm creating an array of indices for
 [0..n] and assigning that array to mx:DataGrid.selectedIndices.

 For the most part this works fine.

 But if the DataGrid is editable, then I sometimes have a problem. The
 problem is that if all rows are selected, and you click on
 an editable cell, sometimes the cell becomes editable without deselecting
 all of the other rows. The behavior I want is that
 if you start editing a cell, then just that row becomes selected. This
 happens some of time, but not all of the time.

 If the grid is non-editable, then I can't reproduce the problem.

 I overrode mx:DataGrid.selectItem() in order to clear the checkbox in the
 header renderer any time a single item is selected.  I've
 noticed that when the problem behavior occurs, the mx:DataGrid.selectItem()
 method is never called.

 It's almost like there's some race condition between selecting an item and
 starting a cell edit.

 Any ideas on how I could work around this?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Using dispatchEvent ?

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:59 PM, biosmonkey biosmon...@yahoo.com wrote:

 The dispatched event needs to be heard by any component, anywhere, by
 setting an event listener for it at the application level.  So
 bubbling up to the app is critical.

Since your component has nothing to do with UI, strictly speaking,
making it a UI component (extending DisplayObject) seems like the
wrong thing to do. Event bubbling is typically for UI events; your
event is not a UI event, it's just that you need it to be broadcast

So I would consider making the event dispatcher object available
application-wide, by making it a singleton, for instance, or by making
it a property of the main application. It seems you're already doing
something to that effect -- dispatching off the main application


RE: [flexcoders] Re: get selected datagrid dynamically

2009-01-12 Thread Tracy Spratt
Bracket notation replaces dot notation, so try:

create_test.text =


Tracy Spratt 
Lariat Services 

Flex development bandwidth available 

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jason B
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:00 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: get selected datagrid dynamically


also tried

create_test.text =


RE: [flexcoders] E4X with RegExp

2009-01-12 Thread Tracy Spratt
Put that logic in a function that returns a Boolean, so you can debug
it.  Then use the function in the e4x expression.


Tracy Spratt 
Lariat Services 

Flex development bandwidth available 

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of plugsymmv
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 5:28 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] E4X with RegExp


I'm having trouble parsing some XML. 

This works 
var xL0:XMLList=inputXML..node.(/^Gear[0-9]{2}W$/.(test(@name)));

This is apparently should work with a compiler warning

public static const GEARDEF1:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}$/,i);
var xL2:XMLList=inputXML..node.(GEARDEF1.test(@name));

and using square bracketing like this should work and stop the warnings.
public static const GEARDEF1:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}$/,i);
var xL2:XMLList=inputXML..node.(GEARDEF1[test](@name));

Trouble is neither of the two methods using RegExp work - which if it
were that simple wouldn't matter. The reason for this is that I need
to build arrays of RegExs to loop over like this.
public static const GEARDEF1:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}$/,i);
public static const GEARDEF2:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}W$/);
public static const GEARDEF3:RegExp=new RegExp(/^Gear[0-9]{2}01Loc$/);
public static var geardefs:Array =[GEARDEF1, GEARDEF2, GEARDEF3];

Any suggestions as to why this doesn't work?


RE: [flexcoders] Re: geting info of a user who has loged in

2009-01-12 Thread Tracy Spratt
We will not write your application for you.  Well I will, at my hourly
rate, contact me off list if you want to hire me.


If you want any more help from me you will need to show what you are


To start with, post your login HTTPService declaration code and your
result handler code. 


Tracy Spratt 
Lariat Services 

Flex development bandwidth available 

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of johndoematrix
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 4:33 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: geting info of a user who has loged in


am sorry for sounding naive and inexperienced, but i am stack. i have
read thru all the solutions suggested but have failed. please can
someone help with a small tutorial on how to do this. i know am asking
for too much but please help. thanks


[flexcoders] Re: get selected datagrid dynamically

2009-01-12 Thread Jason B
It's funny after i posted i tried that but then it still threw an
error, it wasn't until you posted the same thing i went back and seen
i had a lowercase I in selecteditem instead of selectedItem
:( i need some coffee

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt tspr...@... wrote:

 Bracket notation replaces dot notation, so try:
 create_test.text =
 Tracy Spratt 
 Lariat Services 
 Flex development bandwidth available 
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Jason B
 Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:00 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: get selected datagrid dynamically
 also tried
 create_test.text =

[flexcoders] How to create universal event handler?

2009-01-12 Thread Dan
I have class MyEvent extends flash.events.Event.
I also have a second class MyEventChild extends MyEvent.
Both classes define string constants that are used as event type.

How can I add event listener to handle any of MyEvent or MyChildEvent

If I do addEventListener(MyEvent.Evt1, handleEvt), I will handle only
that specific  MyEvent.Evt1 event. I need to be able to handle
MyEvent.Evt2 and MyChildEvent.Evt1 and my FutureChildEvent.EvtX.
How can this be achieved?

Thank you!

Re: [flexcoders] How to create universal event handler?

2009-01-12 Thread Howard Fore
Create a custom event that uses your current event type string as a
variable. Then your handler can look at the variable value to decide
what to do.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Dan danijel.arsenov...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have class MyEvent extends flash.events.Event.
 I also have a second class MyEventChild extends MyEvent.
 Both classes define string constants that are used as event type.

 How can I add event listener to handle any of MyEvent or MyChildEvent

 If I do addEventListener(MyEvent.Evt1, handleEvt), I will handle only
 that specific  MyEvent.Evt1 event. I need to be able to handle
 MyEvent.Evt2 and MyChildEvent.Evt1 and my FutureChildEvent.EvtX.
 How can this be achieved?

Howard Fore, howard.f...@hofo.com
The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it. - Jeff Atwood

Re: [flexcoders] Data Grid with dynamic columns ignoring % width or right style.

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 3:51 AM, wesley.acheson
wesley.ache...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've a problem with the DataGrid ignoring the % width, while using
 Canvas as the parent.  When I dynamically create columns it stretches
 to beyond the origional area.  This behaviour has been reported as a
 bug. http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-14390.  The workarround
 described in the bug setting the width to 0 works for me in a simple
 test case but doesn't appear to work within my main application.


 I would like to extend datagrid with a version that doesn't have this
 issue if I can figure out why a fixed width doesn't work.

I've left a reply on the bug:


Basically your DataGrid's minWidth is too large for the Panel. You can
set the minWidth property to reduce it. By default the measured value
for minWidth is always going to be large enough to accommodate all the



Re: [flexcoders] How to create universal event handler?

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Dan danijel.arsenov...@gmail.com wrote:

 If I do addEventListener(MyEvent.Evt1, handleEvt), I will handle only
 that specific  MyEvent.Evt1 event. I need to be able to handle
 MyEvent.Evt2 and MyChildEvent.Evt1 and my FutureChildEvent.EvtX.
 How can this be achieved?

You have to add a listener for each event type separately.

  obj.addEventListener(foo, commonHandler);
  obj.addEventListener(bar, commonHandler);
  obj.addEventListener(baz, commonHandler);

There's no shortcut way to listen for all events from an object.


Re: [flexcoders] Timer Solution

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:09 AM, vinod kumar coolvinu1...@ymail.com wrote:
 I want an urgent help. From metadata information i got the frame rate as 15.
 So between every second i want to display the values 1 to 15 using timer.

You can listen for the enterFrame event and do it there.


[flexcoders] Re: ExternalInterface erros

2009-01-12 Thread flexaustin
I can't really post the code.  The issue is either I think is either
one of two things, but I can't seem to resolve either of them.

#1. I am passing data to a javascript function in json format, which
contains escaped   \.

#2. This is the issue. 
 On this one I tried putting my function call in '' to as this blog
post suggests, but it didn't help.

The JSONENcoder is escaping the  and \ on the flex/actionscript side,
but when it is getting passed to the javascript file I don't think the
javascript file is understanding the escaped items.  I am not a JS guy
so I don't know if JS/Broswer knows about escaped characters?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Anthony DeBonis anth...@... wrote:

 -What browser are you using - or does it happen in all browsers
 - Can you get something simple to work like this
 -Can you post the code?

Re: [flexcoders] Loading Images Using CSS

2009-01-12 Thread Manish Jethani
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Dan Vega danv...@gmail.com wrote:

 mx:Image id=logo initialize=logo.source =

 .logo {
 source: assets/images/robp/rocketfm_logosmall.png;

 TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object

You have to use .logo (as opposed to logo) in your call to



[flexcoders] How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread flexcoder2008
I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
component's mxml such as:

[Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]

If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
is the syntax for this?

I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
want my module to listen for that event.

[flexcoders] Re: How to create universal event handler?

2009-01-12 Thread Dan
 Create a custom event that uses your current event type string as a
 variable. Then your handler can look at the variable value to decide
 what to do.

You mean when I do dispatchEvent, I always use the same type string,
like this?
dispatchEvent(new MyEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT)
dispatchEvent(new MyChildEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT)
dispatchEvent(new MyFutureChildEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm and ChangeWatcher

2009-01-12 Thread claudiu ursica
I don't know if that is indeed the best practice but for now if it suit your 
needs just do it. The main idea is that the model drives the view, and at the 
same time it represent the current state of the up. Having a view bound to that 
model makes the view display the current state for the app. Now you either do 
it by bindings or 

by your own implementation of the observer pattern it is up to you. That 
implementation of the observer in there helps you prevent silent failures, 
otherwise flex bindings should do just fine. I'm not sure this is what you 
expected to hear, and I am sorry if I cannot be more helpful. We had an app 
once an we used a custom error class to handle all the messages/erros in the up 
(something like model.error.doError()) which handled both the messages and 
their displaying triggering. It did just fine, dunno if it was the best way to 
do it, but it worked...


From: lampei lam...@gmail.com
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:00:59 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm and ChangeWatcher

That's actually the example I've been using (I thought it was 2006,
not 2007), but it's 2 years old, and my question still holds.  Is this
the best practice or is some other method being used with Cairngorm?

--- In flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com, claudiu ursica the_braniak@ ... wrote:

http://weblogs. macromedia. com/auhlmann/ archives/ 2007/02/creating 
_a_popu.html# more
 This should give you some directions.. .
  _ _ __
 From: lampei lam...@...
 To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
 Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 1:34:25 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm and ChangeWatcher
 I have begun tinkering around with various frameworks and thought I
 would start with Cairngorm.  I am refactoring a small application to
 use Cairngorm, but ran into a snag.  All of the examples I found just
 bound an item in the view to a property of the ModelLocator, and thus
 automagically updated the value when the property of the ModelLocator
 changed.  However, I had one item that is waiting for a response from
 a service, and needed to respond to that change (such as an error
 message), rather than just display the updated data that is returned.
 I found an example that uses the ChangeWatcher class to watch the
 property on the ModelLocator.  This seemed to work fine, but I was
 wondering if this is still best practice, as the example I found was
 from 2006.


[flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread aceoohay

Is anyone out there?

Any ideas?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, aceoohay pa...@... wrote:

 The systems that I write are traditional data entry types of 
 I do everything within panels within modules. I have had users ask 
 they could expand the size of the panel in order to read them better 
 due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
 Are there any existing panel like components that allow expanding, 
 while making the contained objects larger? 
 Contained objects generally include label, textinput, textarea, 
 combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased, etc.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Release a child .... again

2009-01-12 Thread Gordon Smith
Did I understand correctly that you create child2 dynamically? If so, I would 
use the following pattern in the parent's script:

// Create and add child2:
child2 = new Whatever();


// Remove child2:

Gordon Smith
Adobe Flex SDK Team

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of markgoldin_2000
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 5:40 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Release a child  again

On its (child2) creationComplete.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Gordon 
Smith gosm...@... wrote:

 When does child2 call parent.addEventListener()?

 Gordon Smith
 Adobe Flex SDK Team

 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of markgoldin_2000
 Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 7:36 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Release a child  again

 If you really are doing addEventListener to child2
 No, child2 adds a listener to its parent - the Container. Child1
 dispatches the event, the event bubbles up, Container handles it,
 sees that actual event hanlder is in child2 and lets chuld2 handle
 So, where to remove the listener?
 If I have child2.removeEventListener(remoteDateEvent,
 remoteClickHandler); outide of child2 then I am getting an error
 1120: Access of undefined property remoteClickHandler

 --- In 
40yahoogroups.com, Paul Andrews paul@ wrote:
  According to your original explanation the only event handler for
  remoteDateEvent is added to the parent container. All the forms
 do is
  issue events.
  If you really are doing addEventListener to child2, then
  child2.removeEventListener(remoteDateEvent, remoteClickHandler);
  is what you need.
  removeAllChildren should be done on the parent container.
  so, first remove handlers, then remove forms.
  - Original Message -
  From: markgoldin_2000 markgoldin_2000@
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 7:54 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Release a child  again
  I am not removing the handles at all because I dont know where to
   code for that.
   I tried (child2)
   private function init():void
   Does not help.
   Children removal is removeAllChildren.
   --- In 
40yahoogroups.com, Paul Andrews paul@ wrote:
   - Original Message -
   From: markgoldin_2000 markgoldin_2000@
   Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 7:12 PM
   Subject: [flexcoders] Release a child  again
Still cannot get it work.
Here is my scenario:
1. Container adds child1 to itself.
2. Container adds child2 to itself.
Child2 adds a custom event listener to parent (Container):
false, 0, true);
3. Child1 dispatches a custom event:
private function executeRun(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if(event.charCode == 13)
var eventObj:remoteDateRun = new remoteDateRun
4. Child2 handles custom event:
public function remoteClickHandler(event:remoteDateRun):void
runDate = event.runDate;
At this point everything works.
Now, after some user action both forms are removed form the
and all previous steps are repeated.
At this point everything still works.
Now user is going back to his initial selection. Both forms
removed again and 3rd set of forms is added to the Container.
point if a child1 dispatches a custom event then child2 form
will get it to handle. Can someone please just put step by
instruction how to make sure that a form is released and
I have spent days if not more trying to fix the problem.
   Be better if you can make a complete example. You say that
   the event, yet you also say you add the event handler to the
   container, nor do you show any code to remove the handlers or
Thanks in advance.
   Flexcoders Mailing List
   Alternative FAQ 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: ExternalInterface erros

2009-01-12 Thread Ralf Bokelberg
Why do you want to use JSON? You can pass in plain objects instead, e.g.

ExternalInterface.call(someJSMethod, { a: 1, b: { c: true, d: hello} } );


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 7:55 PM, flexaustin flexaus...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I can't really post the code. The issue is either I think is either
 one of two things, but I can't seem to resolve either of them.

 #1. I am passing data to a javascript function in json format, which
 contains escaped   \.

 #2. This is the issue.
 On this one I tried putting my function call in '' to as this blog
 post suggests, but it didn't help.

 The JSONENcoder is escaping the  and \ on the flex/actionscript side,
 but when it is getting passed to the javascript file I don't think the
 javascript file is understanding the escaped items. I am not a JS guy
 so I don't know if JS/Broswer knows about escaped characters?


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Anthony DeBonis anth...@... wrote:

 -What browser are you using - or does it happen in all browsers

 - Can you get something simple to work like this

 -Can you post the code?


Re: [flexcoders] How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread Nate Beck
It's exactly the same as a standard Event.  As you can see in the Language
Reference (

var event:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent(credentialsChanged);
  event.name = name;
  event.passsword = password; // misspelling won't be caught!


module.addEventListener(credentialsChanged, myHandler);

The DynamicEvent class works exactly like and Event... it just gives
you the ability to add properties to it at runtime.  If you're going
to be using the same event over and over again.  You're better off
just creating a custom event

If you do not identify an event in the class file with the [Event]
metadata tag, the MXML compiler generates an error if you try to use
the event name in MXML. Any component can register an event listener
for the event in ActionScript by using the addEventListener()method,
even if you omit the [Event] metadata tag.



On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:07 AM, flexcoder2008 djohnso...@yahoo.comwrote:

   I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
 component's mxml such as:

 [Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]

 If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
 is the syntax for this?

 I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
 want my module to listen for that event.





Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Nate Beck
Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize panel
Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I think...





On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pa...@compuace.com wrote:


 Is anyone out there?

 Any ideas?


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com,
 aceoohay pa...@... wrote:
  The systems that I write are traditional data entry types of
  I do everything within panels within modules. I have had users ask
  they could expand the size of the panel in order to read them better
  due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
  Are there any existing panel like components that allow expanding,
  while making the contained objects larger?
  Contained objects generally include label, textinput, textarea,
  combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased, etc.





[flexcoders] Re: How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread flexcoder2008
Hmmm, this is the way I have done it - but my event handler is not firing.

I am dispatching my DynamicEvent from a Cairngorm command - in the
execute method I have:

var evt:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent(initCompleted);

in my module's creationComplete handler I have this code:


Then in the module's script block I have the event handler

private function initCompletedHandler(event:DynamicEvent):void{

This handler never gets hit.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck n...@... wrote:

 It's exactly the same as a standard Event.  As you can see in the
 Reference (
 var event:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent(credentialsChanged);
   event.name = name;
   event.passsword = password; // misspelling won't be caught!
 module.addEventListener(credentialsChanged, myHandler);
 The DynamicEvent class works exactly like and Event... it just gives
 you the ability to add properties to it at runtime.  If you're going
 to be using the same event over and over again.  You're better off
 just creating a custom event

 If you do not identify an event in the class file with the [Event]
 metadata tag, the MXML compiler generates an error if you try to use
 the event name in MXML. Any component can register an event listener
 for the event in ActionScript by using the addEventListener()method,
 even if you omit the [Event] metadata tag.
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:07 AM, flexcoder2008 djohnso...@...wrote:
I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
  component's mxml such as:
  [Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]
  If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
  is the syntax for this?
  I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
  want my module to listen for that event.

[flexcoders] Re: How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread kylewburke
What do you mean by register?  Do you want to listen for that event
or dispatch one?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, flexcoder2008 djohnso...@... wrote:

 I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
 component's mxml such as:
 [Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]
 If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
 is the syntax for this?
 I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
 want my module to listen for that event.

[flexcoders] Re: How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread flexcoder2008
Well, I want to dispatch the dynamicEvent from the actionscript class
(which is a Cairngorm command) and I want my module to listen for that

Since the module event handler code is not being hit, I thought I
might need to register this event with the compiler (perhaps my
terminology is wrong - sorry).  I know that when using a component,
you use the [Event] metadata tag to announce that the component
dispatches a particular event.  I thought that I might have to do the
same thing with an actionscript class.  

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, kylewburke monk...@... wrote:

 What do you mean by register?  Do you want to listen for that event
 or dispatch one?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, flexcoder2008 djohnson29@ wrote:
  I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
  component's mxml such as:
  [Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]
  If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
  is the syntax for this?
  I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
  want my module to listen for that event.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread Nate Beck
Events don't bubble by default.
So if you're depending on the Cairngorm Front Controller to pick them up,
and the object dispatching the event isn't directly below the Application,
you need to enable event bubbling.

new DynamicEvent(myType, true);


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:48 AM, flexcoder2008 djohnso...@yahoo.comwrote:

   Well, I want to dispatch the dynamicEvent from the actionscript class
 (which is a Cairngorm command) and I want my module to listen for that

 Since the module event handler code is not being hit, I thought I
 might need to register this event with the compiler (perhaps my
 terminology is wrong - sorry). I know that when using a component,
 you use the [Event] metadata tag to announce that the component
 dispatches a particular event. I thought that I might have to do the
 same thing with an actionscript class.

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com,
 kylewburke monk...@... wrote:
  What do you mean by register? Do you want to listen for that event
  or dispatch one?
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com,
 flexcoder2008 djohnson29@ wrote:
   I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
   component's mxml such as:
   [Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]
   If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
   is the syntax for this?
   I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
   want my module to listen for that event.





[flexcoders] Stupid Question - Flex width and height

2009-01-12 Thread Wally Kolcz

This is probably a dumb question but...

I am trying to do a Flex app primarily in AS. In the constuctor I am trying to 
create an ApplicationControlBar that is the same as this:
mx:ApplicationControlBar right=5 left=5 top=55 id=mainACB /

I am having a problem with trying to create the same effect as right=5 and 
left=5. I assume that I need to put the x=5 (hence the left=5) and then 
do the math to find out the 'stage' size and subtract the other side (5) for 
the width. However what do I use to do the math?

I tried Application.application.stage.width, but I keeping getting a null value 
error. How can I detect the size of the swf at 100%x100% and do the math or is 
there an easier way to do this. Didn't see a mainACB.right.

Here is what I do have:

var mainACB:ApplicationControlBar = new ApplicationControlBar();
mainACB.x = 5;
mainACB.y = 65;
 mainACB.height = 30;
mainACB.width = Application.application.stage.width - 5;  

Re: [flexcoders] Stupid Question - Flex width and height

2009-01-12 Thread Alan K
It would seem to me that Application.application.stage.width only  
exists when using the Flex framework.  Without Flex your just dealing  
with the 'default' Flash display list.

On Jan 12, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Wally Kolcz wrote:


Re: [flexcoders] VO and LabelField Problem

2009-01-12 Thread Berkay Unal
Nothing happens.
I got it working if i cast the evt.result to ArrayCollection but when i cast
it,  in the flex debugger i see the result.events as an nativeObject not VO


Berkay UNAL

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 18:06, Alex Harui aha...@adobe.com wrote:

What happens when you use labelField=courseName?

 *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Berkay Unal
 *Sent:* Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:24 AM
 *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] VO and LabelField Problem


 When trying have dataprovider for a list control using remoting with VO i
 cannot set the label of the control with the labelField = courseName.

 How to achieve this, guess i am missing smthing. Any help appreciated much

 result   Array (@1a522159)

 [0]com.abc.courseList.VO.CourseVO (@1ee40449)

 courseID 1


 [1]com.abc.courseList.VO.CourseVO (@1ee404c1)

 courseID 2


 [2]com.abc.courseList.VO.CourseVO (@1ee40719)

 courseID 3


 length  3




[flexcoders] Re: ExternalInterface erros

2009-01-12 Thread flexaustin
Here is the string being passed. The JSONEncoder encodes the object
into a string (data var in this case) then passes it over using

data:String =
bYOU/b $ 
bYOU/b $  'FBar',type:BigCategory,id:43}

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ralf Bokelberg
ralf.bokelb...@... wrote:

 Why do you want to use JSON? You can pass in plain objects instead, e.g.
 ExternalInterface.call(someJSMethod, { a: 1, b: { c: true, d:
hello} } );
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 7:55 PM, flexaustin flexaus...@... wrote:
  I can't really post the code. The issue is either I think is either
  one of two things, but I can't seem to resolve either of them.
  #1. I am passing data to a javascript function in json format, which
  contains escaped   \.
  #2. This is the issue.
  On this one I tried putting my function call in '' to as this blog
  post suggests, but it didn't help.
  The JSONENcoder is escaping the  and \ on the flex/actionscript side,
  but when it is getting passed to the javascript file I don't think the
  javascript file is understanding the escaped items. I am not a JS guy
  so I don't know if JS/Broswer knows about escaped characters?
  TIA, J
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Anthony DeBonis anthony@ wrote:
  -What browser are you using - or does it happen in all browsers
  - Can you get something simple to work like this
  -Can you post the code?

[flexcoders] Re: How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread flexcoder2008
Thanks Nate,

Tried that but it still doesn't work.  I'm basically trying to
dispatch a dynamicEvent from a Cairngorm event and then trying to get
a module to listen for that event.  I don't want this event to be a
CiarngormEvent to be handled by the FrontController and the Command
object.  In other words, I want the module that originally dispatched
the CairngormEvent to handle the DynamicEvent that gets raised by the

I just can't seem to get this to work.  

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck n...@... wrote:

 Events don't bubble by default.
 So if you're depending on the Cairngorm Front Controller to pick
them up,
 and the object dispatching the event isn't directly below the
 you need to enable event bubbling.
 new DynamicEvent(myType, true);
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:48 AM, flexcoder2008 djohnso...@...wrote:
Well, I want to dispatch the dynamicEvent from the actionscript
  (which is a Cairngorm command) and I want my module to listen for that
  Since the module event handler code is not being hit, I thought I
  might need to register this event with the compiler (perhaps my
  terminology is wrong - sorry). I know that when using a component,
  you use the [Event] metadata tag to announce that the component
  dispatches a particular event. I thought that I might have to do the
  same thing with an actionscript class.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com,
  kylewburke monkeys@ wrote:
   What do you mean by register? Do you want to listen for that event
   or dispatch one?
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com,
  flexcoder2008 djohnson29@ wrote:
I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
component's mxml such as:
[Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]
If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a
dynamicEvent, what
is the syntax for this?
I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class,
and I
want my module to listen for that event.

[flexcoders] How to avoid red borders created by validators at page loading

2009-01-12 Thread b.kotireddy

In my page i have textInput's and Combo Box fields. When my page loads
Text Input fields are not having any red borders, but all Combo Boxes
are with red borders with This Field is required. I think these
because of Validations. Is their any way that i can avoid that red
borders with text. 

Thanks in Advance

[flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread aceoohay
While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it does not 
expand the contained objects.

If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set video 
enable would become much larger than they were originally when the 
maximize button was clicked.

I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can find the 
expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code that 
will force the objects in a container to increse in size by n%.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck n...@... wrote:

 Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize panel
 Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I think...
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pa...@... wrote:
  Is anyone out there?
  Any ideas?
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com,
  aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
   The systems that I write are traditional data entry types of
   I do everything within panels within modules. I have had users 
   they could expand the size of the panel in order to read them 
   due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
   Are there any existing panel like components that allow 
   while making the contained objects larger?
   Contained objects generally include label, textinput, textarea,
   combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased, etc.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to create universal event handler?

2009-01-12 Thread Howard Fore
Nope, I meant the process described here:

But I think Manish's answer is the easier approach.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Dan danijel.arsenov...@gmail.com wrote:
 Create a custom event that uses your current event type string as a
 variable. Then your handler can look at the variable value to decide
 what to do.

 You mean when I do dispatchEvent, I always use the same type string,
 like this?
 dispatchEvent(new MyEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT)
 dispatchEvent(new MyChildEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT)
 dispatchEvent(new MyFutureChildEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT)

Howard Fore, howard.f...@hofo.com
The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it. - Jeff Atwood

[flexcoders] Re: geting info of a user who has loged in

2009-01-12 Thread valdhor
I use PHP and WebORb for PHP so anything I show will use that.
Please do not ask for a tutorial using something else.
There should be enough here for you to extrapolate for use with any

This is a quick and dirty example that hard codes things. In a real
I would loosely couple everything with events.

My Flex project is set up with a couple of folders called components and

The main Application file (login_example.mxml):
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute xmlns:view=components.*
 import ValueObjects.UserCredentials;
 import components.*;
 import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
 import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;

 private var myLoginForm:IFlexDisplayObject;

 private function doApplicationComplete():void
 myLoginForm = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, login,

 public function
 viewstack1.selectedChild = admin;
 admin.userCredentials = userCredentials;
 mx:ViewStack x=0 y=26 id=viewstack1 width=100%
 view:Home id=home/
 view:Admin id=admin/

This has a view stack for each view - Admin and Home. There are also a
couple of functions.
doApplicationComplete is called on applicationComplete event and
instantiates the login
window. doLogin is called from the login component if login is
successful. It poulates the
userCredentials variable of the Admin component.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;


This is just a container for the background of the login window at

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=absolute title=Login Form
 import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
 import mx.controls.Alert;
 import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
 import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
 import mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject;
 import mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel;
 import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;
 import ValueObjects.UserCredentials;
 import mx.core.Application;

 private var userInfoService:RemoteObject;
 private var userInfoChannelSet:ChannelSet;
 private var userInfoAmfChannel:AMFChannel;
 private var userCredentials:UserCredentials = new

 private function onInitialize():void
 userInfoChannelSet = new ChannelSet();
 userInfoAmfChannel = new AMFChannel(my-amf,
 userInfoService = new RemoteObject();
 userInfoService.channelSet = userInfoChannelSet;
 userInfoService.destination =
 userInfoService.requestTimeout = 30;

 private function loginHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 if(event.result as String == Success)
 Alert.show(Login Failed. Please try again);

 private function doLogin():void
 userCredentials.username = username.text;
 userCredentials.password = password.text;

 private function faultHandler(fault:FaultEvent):void
 case Client.Error.RequestTimeout:
  Alert.show(The server is not responding.
Please check that you are connected and the server is running., Server

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Nate Beck
... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a problem?  A
component taking 100% of the width of it's container will always scale to
fit that container.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pa...@compuace.com wrote:

   While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it does not
 expand the contained objects.

 If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set video
 enable would become much larger than they were originally when the
 maximize button was clicked.

 I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can find the
 expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code that
 will force the objects in a container to increse in size by n%.


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Nate
 Beck n...@... wrote:
  Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize panel
  Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I think...
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pa...@... wrote:
   Is anyone out there?
   Any ideas?
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
   aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
The systems that I write are traditional data entry types of
I do everything within panels within modules. I have had users
they could expand the size of the panel in order to read them
due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
Are there any existing panel like components that allow
while making the contained objects larger?
Contained objects generally include label, textinput, textarea,
combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased, etc.





Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Nate Beck
After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding what you're
saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to change
their monitor resolution? :D

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck n...@tldstudio.com wrote:

 ... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a problem?  A
 component taking 100% of the width of it's container will always scale to
 fit that container.

 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pa...@compuace.com wrote:

   While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it does not
 expand the contained objects.

 If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set video
 enable would become much larger than they were originally when the
 maximize button was clicked.

 I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can find the
 expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code that
 will force the objects in a container to increse in size by n%.


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Nate
 Beck n...@... wrote:
  Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize panel
  Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I think...
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pa...@... wrote:
   Is anyone out there?
   Any ideas?
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
   aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
The systems that I write are traditional data entry types of
I do everything within panels within modules. I have had users
they could expand the size of the panel in order to read them
due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
Are there any existing panel like components that allow
while making the contained objects larger?
Contained objects generally include label, textinput, textarea,
combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased, etc.







Re: [flexcoders] Data Grid with dynamic columns ignoring % width or right style.

2009-01-12 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Manish Jethani manish.jeth...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 3:51 AM, wesley.acheson
 wesley.ache...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've a problem with the DataGrid ignoring the % width, while using
  Canvas as the parent.  When I dynamically create columns it stretches
  to beyond the origional area.  This behaviour has been reported as a
  bug. http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-14390.  The workarround
  described in the bug setting the width to 0 works for me in a simple
  test case but doesn't appear to work within my main application.


  I would like to extend datagrid with a version that doesn't have this
  issue if I can figure out why a fixed width doesn't work.

 I've left a reply on the bug:


 Basically your DataGrid's minWidth is too large for the Panel. You can
 set the minWidth property to reduce it. By default the measured value
 for minWidth is always going to be large enough to accommodate all the


Okay sorry If I wasn't clear enough about it basically the data grid
stretches, but not enough to accomidate all columns. Nor even enough to fill
the container.  Setting a width of 0 makes the datagrid remember its
constraint layout.  Some other intresting factors in my test case if I leave
on column not dynamically created specified in the mxml, and replace it with
the dynamic columns then it works correctly.

The other point is that it still occurs even if horizontal scroll policy is
set to on.  (Which is actually the way I want it to work).  Again I got this
reply when I was at home so it will have to wait until tomorrow if I produce
a test case.

My test case was simply adding a data grid to an application and either
giving it a right constraint or a percentage width.  The I created a loop
and created an array of DataGridColumn headers.  Then I set this array as
the datagrid column array.

Anyway thanks for your time Manis.


Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 Dialog Boxes ...

2009-01-12 Thread Wesley Acheson
Looks like an issue with Java SWT to me.  Do you have a recient JDK

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:22 AM, SJF sjf...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello All,

 I'm using Flex 3 and working on pure actionscript projects (i.e: File  New
  ActionScript Project).

 I often have issues with numerous dialog boxes and parts of the interface
 within Flex (see images below):

 Tabs and controls within these boxes don't appear correctly. This is not a
 memory issue as my laptop is a high spec machine and Flex is the only thing

 Also, a recent suggestion made was to update my display drivers, which I
 have done - unfortunately this hasn't fixed the issue.

 Anyone advise or have the same problem?


[flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread aceoohay
Actually, I have.

Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character 
based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their 
entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they 
can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all 
I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck n...@... wrote:

 After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding what 
 saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
 Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to 
 their monitor resolution? :D
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck n...@... wrote:
  ... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a 
problem?  A
  component taking 100% of the width of it's container will always 
scale to
  fit that container.
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pa...@... wrote:
While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it 
does not
  expand the contained objects.
  If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set 
  enable would become much larger than they were originally when 
  maximize button was clicked.
  I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can 
find the
  expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code that
  will force the objects in a container to increse in size by n%.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
40yahoogroups.com, Nate
  Beck nate@ wrote:
   Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize 
   Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I 
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
Is anyone out there?
Any ideas?
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

 The systems that I write are traditional data entry types 
 I do everything within panels within modules. I have had 
 they could expand the size of the panel in order to read 
 due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.

 Are there any existing panel like components that allow
 while making the contained objects larger?

 Contained objects generally include label, textinput, 
 combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased, 



RE: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Tim Rowe
It won't run in 40 column mode?

I feel evil suggesting this when 1280x1024 is the norm these days.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of aceoohay
Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 8:59 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

Actually, I have.

Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character
based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their
entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they
can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all
I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Nate 
Beck n...@... wrote:

 After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding what
 saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
 Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to
 their monitor resolution? :D

 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck n...@... wrote:

  ... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a
problem? A
  component taking 100% of the width of it's container will always
scale to
  fit that container.
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pa...@... wrote:
  While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it
does not
  expand the contained objects.
  If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set
  enable would become much larger than they were originally when
  maximize button was clicked.
  I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can
find the
  expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code that
  will force the objects in a container to increse in size by n%.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com 
40yahoogroups.com, Nate
  Beck nate@ wrote:
   Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize
   Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
Is anyone out there?
Any ideas?
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com 
aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

 The systems that I write are traditional data entry types
 I do everything within panels within modules. I have had
 they could expand the size of the panel in order to read
 due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.

 Are there any existing panel like components that allow
 while making the contained objects larger?

 Contained objects generally include label, textinput,
 combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased,





[flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread aceoohay

I am not sure I understand?

What I need is the ability to expand a panel, and all of its 
contained objects such as textinputs, labels, comboboxes and the 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Rowe tim.r...@... wrote:

 It won't run in 40 column mode?
 I feel evil suggesting this when 1280x1024 is the norm these days.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of aceoohay
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 8:59 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its 
contained objects.
 Actually, I have.
 Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character
 based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their
 entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they
 can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all
 I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%
40yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
  After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding 
  saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
  Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to
  their monitor resolution? :D
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
   ... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a
 problem? A
   component taking 100% of the width of it's container will 
 scale to
   fit that container.
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
   While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it
 does not
   expand the contained objects.
   If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set
   enable would become much larger than they were originally 
   maximize button was clicked.
   I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can
 find the
   expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code 
   will force the objects in a container to increse in size by 
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%
40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
 40yahoogroups.com, Nate
   Beck nate@ wrote:
Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize
Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

 Is anyone out there?

 Any ideas?


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%
40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
 aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
  The systems that I write are traditional data entry 
  I do everything within panels within modules. I have had
  they could expand the size of the panel in order to read
  due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
  Are there any existing panel like components that allow
  while making the contained objects larger?
  Contained objects generally include label, textinput,
  combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased,



Re: [flexcoders] Stupid Question - Flex width and height

2009-01-12 Thread Wesley Acheson
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Wally Kolcz wko...@isavepets.com wrote:

  This is probably a dumb question but...

 I am trying to do a Flex app primarily in AS. In the constuctor I am trying
 to create an ApplicationControlBar that is the same as this:
 mx:ApplicationControlBar right=5 left=5 top=55 id=mainACB /

 I am having a problem with trying to create the same effect as right=5
 and left=5. I assume that I need to put the x=5 (hence the left=5) and
 then do the math to find out the 'stage' size and subtract the other side
 (5) for the width. However what do I use to do the math?

 I tried Application.application.stage.width, but I keeping getting a null
 value error. How can I detect the size of the swf at 100%x100% and do the
 math or is there an easier way to do this. Didn't see a mainACB.right.

 Here is what I do have:

 var mainACB:ApplicationControlBar = new ApplicationControlBar();
 mainACB.x = 5;
 mainACB.y = 65;
  mainACB.height = 30;
 mainACB.width = Application.application.stage.width - 5;

Em can you not just add mainABC.setStyle(right,5) or am I missing
something? I think that this is what you want?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Wesley Acheson
For all the children try using percentage widths and heights, I don't really
know about the font of things.   Maybe you could increase the font size by
giving everything a font size attached to a variable.  Or try using CSS to
benefit from Cascading rules?


Wesley Acheson

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:07 PM, aceoohay pa...@compuace.com wrote:


 I am not sure I understand?

 What I need is the ability to expand a panel, and all of its
 contained objects such as textinputs, labels, comboboxes and the


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Rowe tim.r...@... wrote:
  It won't run in 40 column mode?
  I feel evil suggesting this when 1280x1024 is the norm these days.
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of aceoohay
  Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 8:59 AM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its
 contained objects.
  Actually, I have.
  Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character
  based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their
  entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they
  can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all
  I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders% flexcoders%25
 40yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
   After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding
   saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
   Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to
   their monitor resolution? :D
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a
  problem? A
component taking 100% of the width of it's container will
  scale to
fit that container.
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it
  does not
expand the contained objects.
If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set
enable would become much larger than they were originally
maximize button was clicked.
I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can
  find the
expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code
will force the objects in a container to increse in size by
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%flexcoders%25
 40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
  40yahoogroups.com, Nate
Beck nate@ wrote:

 Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize
 Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I





 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

  Is anyone out there?
  Any ideas?
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%flexcoders%25
 40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
  aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
   The systems that I write are traditional data entry
   I do everything within panels within modules. I have had
   they could expand the size of the panel in order to read
   due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
   Are there any existing panel like components that allow
   while making the contained objects larger?
   Contained objects generally include label, textinput,
   combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased,






 Flexcoders Mailing List
 FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
 Alternative FAQ location:
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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Tim Rowe
Sorry, it sounds like I've misunderstood what you were saying - I thought they 
were saying the 80 column display they already had wasn't large enough and that 
was the reason for your re-write.  Nevermind :)

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of aceoohay
Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 9:08 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.


I am not sure I understand?

What I need is the ability to expand a panel, and all of its
contained objects such as textinputs, labels, comboboxes and the


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Tim 
Rowe tim.r...@... wrote:

 It won't run in 40 column mode?

 I feel evil suggesting this when 1280x1024 is the norm these days.


 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of aceoohay
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 8:59 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its
contained objects.

 Actually, I have.

 Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character
 based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their
 entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they
 can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all
 I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.


 --- In 
40yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
  After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding
  saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
  Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to
  their monitor resolution? :D
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
   ... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a
 problem? A
   component taking 100% of the width of it's container will
 scale to
   fit that container.
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
   While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it
 does not
   expand the contained objects.
   If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set
   enable would become much larger than they were originally
   maximize button was clicked.
   I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can
 find the
   expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code
   will force the objects in a container to increse in size by
   --- In 
40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
 40yahoogroups.com, Nate
   Beck nate@ wrote:
Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize
Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

 Is anyone out there?

 Any ideas?


 --- In 
40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
 aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
  The systems that I write are traditional data entry
  I do everything within panels within modules. I have had
  they could expand the size of the panel in order to read
  due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
  Are there any existing panel like components that allow
  while making the contained objects larger?
  Contained objects generally include label, textinput,
  combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased,



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Nate Beck
What Wesley is saying seems like a good starting point.

I haven't heard of this type of behavior before.  But a uniform scaling of
all components and all of their text at the same time will be a challenge...
I'm on a mac, so if I can't read something, I just use the Command+Option+8
shortcut to enable accessibility, and then Command+Option+= to zoom in.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Wesley Acheson wesley.ache...@gmail.comwrote:

   For all the children try using percentage widths and heights, I don't
 really know about the font of things.   Maybe you could increase the font
 size by giving everything a font size attached to a variable.  Or try using
 CSS to benefit from Cascading rules?


 Wesley Acheson

 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:07 PM, aceoohay pa...@compuace.com wrote:


 I am not sure I understand?

 What I need is the ability to expand a panel, and all of its
 contained objects such as textinputs, labels, comboboxes and the


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Rowe tim.r...@... wrote:
  It won't run in 40 column mode?
  I feel evil suggesting this when 1280x1024 is the norm these days.
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of aceoohay
  Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 8:59 AM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its
 contained objects.
  Actually, I have.
  Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character
  based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their
  entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they
  can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all
  I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders% flexcoders%25
 40yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
   After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding
   saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
   Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to
   their monitor resolution? :D
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a
  problem? A
component taking 100% of the width of it's container will
  scale to
fit that container.
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it
  does not
expand the contained objects.
If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set
enable would become much larger than they were originally
maximize button was clicked.
I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can
  find the
expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code
will force the objects in a container to increse in size by
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%flexcoders%25
 40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
  40yahoogroups.com, Nate
Beck nate@ wrote:

 Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize
 Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I





 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

  Is anyone out there?
  Any ideas?
  --- In 
 40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
  aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
   The systems that I write are traditional data entry
   I do everything within panels within modules. I have had
   they could expand the size of the panel in order to read
   due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
   Are there any existing panel like components that allow
   while making the contained objects larger?
   Contained objects generally include label, textinput,
   combobox, etc... Font sizes would need to be increased,






 Flexcoders Mailing List

Re: [flexcoders] How to create universal event handler?

2009-01-12 Thread Paul Andrews
- Original Message - 
From: Dan danijel.arsenov...@gmail.com
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 6:24 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] How to create universal event handler?

I have class MyEvent extends flash.events.Event.
 I also have a second class MyEventChild extends MyEvent.
 Both classes define string constants that are used as event type.

 How can I add event listener to handle any of MyEvent or MyChildEvent

 If I do addEventListener(MyEvent.Evt1, handleEvt), I will handle only
 that specific  MyEvent.Evt1 event. I need to be able to handle
 MyEvent.Evt2 and MyChildEvent.Evt1 and my FutureChildEvent.EvtX.
 How can this be achieved?

Is this really a good route to go down?

Your universal event handler will turn into a big switch statement and will 
be responsible for handling  whatever is thrown at it.

The difference between having separate events (most likely custom events) is 
that the handler method is invoked in the correct context for the event and 
that handler method only needs access to data structures that need to be 
changed for that specific event. The event and handler only change in 
response to changing circumstances regarding that specific event (in the 
future it may need to carry some extra or different data).

If you have a universal event handler, the handler function has to have 
access to all the data structures to be manipulated in response for all the 
'subevents'. The universal handler must be changed every time an event is 
added, or changed.

It seems as though the universal handler scheme just avoids the creation of 
individual events and handlers in favour of putting that same effort in one 
basket rather than have the flexibility of separate true events. Effectively 
you are building a controller mechanism  inside of a single event handler.


 Thank you! 

[flexcoders] Re: How to register a dynamicEvent in an Actionscript class

2009-01-12 Thread flexcoder2008
In case this helps anyone else - I got this to work.

Had to reference the moduleLoader through the application - so when I
dispatch the dynamicEvent from inside the CairgormCommand's execute
method it looks like this:

initCompleteEvent = new DynamicEvent(initCompleted,true);

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, flexcoder2008 djohnso...@... wrote:

 Well, I want to dispatch the dynamicEvent from the actionscript class
 (which is a Cairngorm command) and I want my module to listen for that
 Since the module event handler code is not being hit, I thought I
 might need to register this event with the compiler (perhaps my
 terminology is wrong - sorry).  I know that when using a component,
 you use the [Event] metadata tag to announce that the component
 dispatches a particular event.  I thought that I might have to do the
 same thing with an actionscript class.  
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, kylewburke monkeys@ wrote:
  What do you mean by register?  Do you want to listen for that event
  or dispatch one?
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, flexcoder2008 djohnson29@
   I have seen numerous examples of registering a dynamicEvent in a
   component's mxml such as:
   [Event (name=rowSelected, type=mx.events.DynamicEvent)]
   If I have an actionscript class that dispatches a dynamicEvent, what
   is the syntax for this?
   I want to dispatch a dynamicEvent from an actionscript class, and I
   want my module to listen for that event.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Styling Alert box default button

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
And note that the default button has emphasized=true

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of valdhor
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 7:39 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Styling Alert box default button

Checkout graphical skinning. A couple of places to start:


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, 
achegedus achege...@... wrote:

 I have a custom styled alert box with two buttons (ok and cancel), I'm
 trying to make the default button look slightly different, but I can't
 figure out how to do this. Does anyone know? The default style can
 achieve this.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained objects.

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
xscale = yscale = someScaleFactorGreaterThanOne?

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Nate Beck
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 2:15 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its contained 

What Wesley is saying seems like a good starting point.

I haven't heard of this type of behavior before.  But a uniform scaling of all 
components and all of their text at the same time will be a challenge...

I'm on a mac, so if I can't read something, I just use the Command+Option+8 
shortcut to enable accessibility, and then Command+Option+= to zoom in.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Wesley Acheson 
wesley.ache...@gmail.commailto:wesley.ache...@gmail.com wrote:

For all the children try using percentage widths and heights, I don't really 
know about the font of things.   Maybe you could increase the font size by 
giving everything a font size attached to a variable.  Or try using CSS to 
benefit from Cascading rules?


Wesley Acheson
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:07 PM, aceoohay 
pa...@compuace.commailto:pa...@compuace.com wrote:

I am not sure I understand?

What I need is the ability to expand a panel, and all of its
contained objects such as textinputs, labels, comboboxes and the


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Rowe 
tim.r...@... wrote:

 It won't run in 40 column mode?

 I feel evil suggesting this when 1280x1024 is the norm these days.


 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of aceoohay
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 8:59 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Expanding size of panel, and its
contained objects.

 Actually, I have.

 Unfortunately the system they are coming from is a unix character
 based system where an 80 character by 24 line screen takes up their
 entire monitor. A number of the users are complaining that they
 can't read the default font sizes, and while I told them that's all
 I can do, I was hoping to find an easy solution.


 --- In 
40yahoogroups.comhttp://40yahoogroups.com, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
  After thinking about it for a minute... now I'm understanding
  saying. You want to actually ZOOM in, make them larger.
  Have you tried taking the easy way out and telling the people to
  their monitor resolution? :D
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Nate Beck nate@ wrote:
   ... If you're using constraint based layout... how is there a
 problem? A
   component taking 100% of the width of it's container will
 scale to
   fit that container.
   On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
   While that example does allow you to maximize a panel, it
 does not
   expand the contained objects.
   If it did what I need the buttons set video visible and set
   enable would become much larger than they were originally
   maximize button was clicked.
   I should have mentioned that I have done searching, and can
 find the
   expanding panel in many places, but nowhere can I find code
   will force the objects in a container to increse in size by
   --- In 
40yahoogroups.comhttp://40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
 40yahoogroups.comhttp://40yahoogroups.com, Nate
   Beck nate@ wrote:
Doing a quick google search for, flex maximize, minimize
Returns loads of examples of what you're trying to do I

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM, aceoohay pauls@ wrote:

 Is anyone out there?

 Any ideas?


 --- In 
40yahoogroups.comhttp://40yahoogroups.com flexcoders%
 aceoohay pauls@ wrote:
  The systems that I write are traditional data entry
  I do everything within panels within modules. I have had
  they could expand the size of the panel in order to read
  due to poor eyesight, high res monitors and the like.
  Are there any existing panel like components that allow
  while making the contained objects larger?
  Contained objects 

Re: [flexcoders] Stupid Question - Flex width and height

2009-01-12 Thread Wally Kolcz
Thanks, didn't know that!

From: Wesley Acheson wesley.ache...@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 2:08 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Stupid Question - Flex width and height 

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Wally Kolcz wko...@isavepets.com wrote:
This is probably a dumb question but...

I am trying to do a Flex app primarily in AS. In the constuctor I am trying to 
create an ApplicationControlBar that is the same as this:
mx:ApplicationControlBar right=5 left=5 top=55 id=mainACB /

I am having a problem with trying to create the same effect as right=5 and 
left=5. I assume that I need to put the x=5 (hence the left=5) and then 
do the math to find out the 'stage' size and subtract the other side (5) for 
the width. However what do I use to do the math?

I tried Application.application.stage.width, but I keeping getting a null value 
error. How can I detect the size of the swf at 100%x100% and do the math or is 
there an easier way to do this. Didn't see a mainACB.right.

Here is what I do have:

var mainACB:ApplicationControlBar = new ApplicationControlBar();
mainACB.x = 5;
mainACB.y = 65;
 mainACB.height = 30;
mainACB.width = Application.application.stage.width - 5;  


Em can you not just add mainABC.setStyle(right,5) or am I missing 
something? I think that this is what you want?


RE: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
How small a test case can you build?  I think it is time to see how you're 
trying to wire this up.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Glenn Jones
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:21 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

I've tried setting just selectedIndices - same result

In my CheckBoxDataGrid.selectAll() method, I tried calling 
invalidateProperties/invalidateList/validateNow - same result.

In my CheckBoxHeaderRenderer.clickHandler, I tried using callLater to execute 
CheckBoxDataGrid.selectAll() - same result.

I repeated the callLater test after removing 
invalidateProperties/invalidateList/validateNow - same result.

Any suggestions on which operations I should use for callLater()?

As a workaround, I added an event listener for itemEditBeginning on the 
checkboxdatagrid. If the selected item count was  1,
then I called event.preventDefault().  This actually triggers a crash sometime 
later in mx:DataGrid (line 3889 - itemEditorInstance is null).

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Alex Harui 
aha...@adobe.commailto:aha...@adobe.com wrote:

I would not set  both selectedItems and selectedIndices.  Probably just 
selectedIndices because it should be faster.

I don't think selectItem will be called if the item is already selected.  Due 
to the way invalidation works, maybe it hasn't been de-selected yet.  
Sometimes, callLater can help in these situations.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Glenn Jones
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem

I started with the example from your blog dated Feb 2008 

To deselect the other rows, the checkbox column header renderer calls a 
'selectAll()' method on the CheckBoxDataGrid
with  a flag of false.  That method builds two arrays - one for all items in 
the collection and one for all indices in the collection.
It then replaces mx:DataGrid.selectedItems and selectedIndices with new arrays. 
In the deselect case, the new arrays are empty.
In the select all case then have all items/indices.

Visually, selectAll true/false seems to work when it's called. But in the 
use-case I describe below I'm counting on the
mx:DataGrid.selectItem() to be called in order to deselect rows in the case 
that a single row is selected.
Based on trace statements, I know that mx:DataGrid.selectItem() is never called 
when the problem occurs

Is there something about the way I'm selecting things which causes the 
selectItem() to not be called?

I tried replacing just selectedItemds or just selectedIndicies or both. it 
doesn't seem.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Alex Harui 
aha...@adobe.commailto:aha...@adobe.com wrote:

Which example did you start with?  Which event do you use to deselect the other 
rows, and what does that code look like?

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Glenn Jones
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 9:49 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.commailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] DataGrid selectAll problem


I'm using Flex 3.2 and I have a DataGrid which implements a column of 
checkboxes to select rows.  I started with Alex' example.
Then I added a header renderer on the checkbox column such that if check the 
header, then all rows are selected.
To implement the select all behavior, I'm creating an array of indices for 
[0..n] and assigning that array to mx:DataGrid.selectedIndices.

For the most part this works fine.

But if the DataGrid is editable, then I sometimes have a problem. The problem 
is that if all rows are selected, and you click on
an editable cell, sometimes the cell becomes editable without deselecting all 
of the other rows. The behavior I want is that
if you start editing a cell, then just that row becomes selected. This happens 
some of time, but not all of the time.

If the grid is non-editable, then I can't reproduce the problem.

I overrode mx:DataGrid.selectItem() in order to clear the checkbox in the 
header renderer any time a single item is selected.  I've
noticed that when the problem behavior occurs, the mx:DataGrid.selectItem() 
method is never called.

It's almost like there's some race condition between selecting an item and 
starting a cell edit.

Any ideas on how I could work around this?


[flexcoders] Re: Generating random colors, excluding others

2009-01-12 Thread gr33neye501
Thankyou Sunil for replying to my question. your example uses flash
player 10, i can not view the example or the code for it. 

as it breaks my Flex builder, (still using Flex 3.0) 

I'm at a delicate stage of my project and can't afford Flex builder
breaking and having to reinstall it all!

Do you happen to have the code snipit, which i can see without using
FlashPlayer 10.

I expect to go to 10 in a month or so. But am trying to solve this
issue now. Your help is greatly appriciated.

Once again thank you for responding.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, sunild99 sunilbd...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gr33neye501 devarc@ wrote:
  Hi guys
  I'm trying to generate a series of random colours, but would like to
  exclude certain colour and closely related shade. 
  For example, i'd like create any colours except red or similar shades.
  Anyone know of how I could do this. It's a really subjective thing I
  Help really appreciated
 I had to do something similar recently. I used HSB color values to
generate distinct colors, 
 and then converted them to RGB.
 I saw you message this morning, and whipped up an example of my
ColorManager class 
 using Degrafa:

 To exclude colors, you can modify the code that generates colors to
omit the hues you 
 don't want.
 PS: sorry if this is a repost (Yahoo's beta Rich-Text Editor broke
on me)

RE: [flexcoders] Anti-aliasing of device fonts in Flash player 10

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Harui
Hmm. I thought it always anti-aliased, even in FP9.  It might be better in FP10 
with the new text engine.  Flex doesn't support that right now.  You could grab 
a Gumbo build and see if it is any different.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Sreejith P
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 12:51 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Anti-aliasing of device fonts in Flash player 10

Hi Guys,

I am now working with Localization and Internationalization of our
application.Currently we are embedding the fonts with the application
which provide us the ability of anti-aliasing of fonts.

Since embedding the fonts is not a practical solution while doing L10n
and I18n, we lost the ability on anti aliasing the fonts.

But when i saw Justin Everett-Church article about Flash Player 10,he
mentioned about the ability to anti alias the device/system font as
one of the prime features in Flash Player 10.Here is the article

I failed to find any way to do that with flash player 10.Could you
guys please help me how to anti-alias Device/System font using flex 3
and flash player 10.

Thanks and Regards,

Sreejith P

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