Re: namespace-prefixes

2004-03-05 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
At 8:53 PM +0100 3/5/04, Simon Pepping wrote:
It took me a little while, but I now remember again why I did not want
to use the XMLReaderFactory. I do not understand how I can guarantee
that I get an XMLReader that is capable of validation. In
SAXParserFactory I can configure the factory to look for a validating
and namespace-aware parser. In XMLReaderFactory, it may produce an
XMLReader which throws an exception when I want to set the validating
feature on it.
This is a new one for me, and I can see how you might think 
SAXParserFactory guarantees validation by looking at the API docs, 
but it isn't true. SAXParserFactory can indeed give you a parser that 
does not support validation. If you ask for validation, and a 
validating parser isn't available, then you'll get an exception, just 
as you would if you tried to set validation on an XMLReader returned 
by XMLReaderFactory that did not support validation. Most 
SAXParserFactory users have installed implementations that default to 
Crimson, Oracle, or Xerces, all of which validate, so they never 
notice this.

The only way to be sure to get validation is to request a known 
validating parser such as Xerces by name, and it's much easier to 
request a known parser with XMLReaderFactory than with 
SAXParserFactory. The latter requires you to muck with system 
properties and the services API, and never be to sure whether the 
user is going to throw some other jar file in the mix that overrides 
your carefully constructed code.

I remain amazed at what developers believe about SAXParserFactory 
that just isn't true, and what magical properties they attribute to 
it. I really am curious to know how these ideas took hold in the 
community. Possibly there was a crucial book or tutorial at some 
point that promulgated these mistaken ideas that I just haven't read. 
You know, now that I think about it that way I have a funny feeling I 
may know which book that was, but I'll have to wait till I get to my 
office on Tuesday to check.


  Elliotte Rusty Harold
  Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)

Re: namespace-prefixes

2004-03-05 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
By the way, if you're curious you can look at the code for 
SAXParserFactory (and its default concrete subclass in Java 1.4) in 
the Apache Crimson CVS (which is ungodly slow today, not sure why). 
It's easy to see that it never returns any parser other than Crimson, 
regardless of what features you ask for. Of course, other 
implementations like Xerces will return different defaults. But the 
SAXParserFactory will not iterate through all installed parsers 
looking for one that satisfies all the requested features. I suppose 
you can imagine one that does that, but I've never seen one like 
that, and the one in Java 1.4 certainly doesn't do that.

What's really strange though is that when you try to set a feature on 
the factory, then the factory actually creates an XMLReader to see if 
an exception is thrown, and then throws the reader away! In other 
words. SAXParserFactory.setFeature() invokes XMLReader.setFeature()! 
The SAXParserFactory doesn't even know what features it can support 
until the XMLReader tells it! Talk about a hack. Check it out for 


  Elliotte Rusty Harold
  Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)

Re: namespace-prefixes

2004-03-04 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
At 12:56 PM +1000 3/4/04, Peter B. West wrote:

In HEAD, ///apps/ contains the following:

protected static XMLReader createParser() throws FOPException {
try {
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
factory.setFeature(;, true);
return factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader();
} catch (SAXNotSupportedException se) {
throw new FOPException(Error: You need a parser which allows the
   +  feature to be set to true to support namespaces, se);
I would be inclined to modify that to:

protected static XMLReader createParser() throws FOPException {
try {
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
return factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader();
} catch (SAXNotSupportedException se) {
throw new FOPException(Error: You need a parser which allows the
   +  feature to be set to true to support namespaces, se);
What I ask on reading this code is why you're using SAXParserFactory 
at all? SAXParserFactory is a Sun class they invented to fill a hole 
in SAX 1.0. It's unnecessary in SAX 2.0. SAX2 apps should use 
XMLReaderFactory instead, which has the correct defaults you want in 
the first place. It would look something like this:

   protected static XMLReader createParser() throws FOPException {
try {
XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
return parser;
} catch (SAXException se) {
throw new FOPException(Could not find a parser. Make sure the
+  system property is set);
That's off the top of my head so it may not compile, and there are 
ways to look for alternative parsers if you don't find one 
immediately (See 
) but you get the idea.


  Elliotte Rusty Harold
  Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003) 

Re: namespace-prefixes

2004-03-04 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
At 2:36 PM -0800 3/4/04, Glen Mazza wrote:
--- Elliotte Rusty Harold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What I ask on reading this code is why you're using
 at all? SAXParserFactory is a Sun class they
 invented to fill a hole
 in SAX 1.0. It's unnecessary in SAX 2.0. SAX2 apps
 should use
 XMLReaderFactory instead, which has the correct
 defaults you want in
 the first place. It would look something like this:
Mr. Harold,

Pardon my ignorance here--but do the Xalan libraries
that ship with the 1.4 JDK handle SAX 2.0?
Yes, they absolutely do. If you're using namespaces, XMLReader, 
ContentHandler, and so forth (and you really have to be for XSL) then 
you are already using SAX 2.

 The Xalan
home page [1] is ambiguous on their support of it, and
I'm concerned if there would be compatability problems
if we were to use it.
I'm not quite sure what you're seeing on that page that concerns you, 
but I don't see anything there that should prevent you from using 

  Elliotte Rusty Harold
  Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)

Re: namespace-prefixes

2004-03-04 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
At 10:43 AM +1000 3/5/04, Peter B. West wrote:

I think this might be because the HEAD developers were moving to a 
JAXP implementation, and SAXParserFactory is still in the 1.4 
javax.xml.parsers package, which, AIUI, is what one is supposed to 
use for JAXP-compatible applications.  I don't know much about JAXP, 
so this could be wrong.
It's a common misconception, but it is very much a misconception.  I 
don't know how this meme got started, but it is annoyingly 
persistent; and it causes people all sorts of trouble. 
SAXParserFactory should not be used in 2004. It does not replace 
XMLReaderFactory. In fact, the opposite is true. XMLReaderFactory 
replaces SAXParserFactory.  The only reason SAXParserFactory exists 
is to support SAX 1.0. It is underspecified and has completely wrong 
defaults for handling namespaces or SAX 2.

Honestly Sun should never have released it in the first place. By the 
time they released JAXP 1.0, SAX 2.0 was in late beta, just weeks 
from release, and was obviously going to render JAXP 1.0 obsolete; 
but Sun went ahead anyway, and thoroughly confused the market. Not 
invented here syndrome, I think.  They simply were not willing to 
accept a process they didn't control.  Four years later the rest of 
us are still paying the price for their hubris. :-(

  Elliotte Rusty Harold
  Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)

XSL-FO, Chapter 18 of the XML Bible, has been updated

2002-07-03 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

I'm happy to announce that I've posted an updated version of Chapter 
18 of the XML Bible, XSL Formatting Objects, at Cafe con Leche:

This is the complete chapter, approximately 70 pages with many full examples
of XSL-FO. Everything should now be up-to-date with the November 2001 
Recommmendation of the XSL-FO specification and FOP 0.20.4.  Mostly 
the changes were fairly minor, just changing the master-name 
attribute to the master-reference attribute on about four elements. I 
also updated the FOP coverage to version 0.20.4, and fixed a few 
minor errors where I noticed them.


| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
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Build problems Could not read filters from file:

2002-05-28 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

I'm trying to compile FOP 0.20.3 to add PMG support through JIMI. 
However, all builds keep dying like this:


J:\fop-0.20.3\build.xml:293: Could not read filters from file: 

This is not just regular bulds but build clean and so forht too. Any 

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|   The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (IDG Books, 2001) |
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Re: pdf bean

2002-03-25 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold


Somewhat off topic, but since this shapes up as the largest collective body
of pdf-ers outside of Adobe, I hope not to offend.

Anyone know of a pdf-rendering components (java) ?

see for a $449 payware product 
that will do this, or try Google

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
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Re: 0.20.3rc bug

2002-01-30 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

Hello all,
   I have not posted any bugs before and don't really know the formal
procedure yet, and I haven't seen this brought up by anyone else either.
I have a stylesheet which produces an fo file with two fo:page-sequences.
It produces pdf's correctly with version =0.20.2rc.  With 0.20.3.rc it
produces the message:
   master-reference for fo:page-sequence matches no simple-page-master or

It seems that there is something wrong with the new version since I clearly
have two page-sequence-master s with the same names as the two

No. There is something wrong with your stylesheet. Specifically, you 
are using the syntax from the XSL Proposed Recommednation rather than 
the syntax from the XSL 1.0 Recommmendation. The name of this 
attribute changed between the two. 0.20.3 supports the final syntax, 
not the earlier draft syntax. YOu need to change a master-name 
attribute to a master-reference attribute on the fo:page-sequence.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] FOP 0.20.3 Release Candidate available

2002-01-22 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

At 1:32 PM +0100 1/22/02, Christian Geisert wrote:
Hi all,

the Release Candidate for 0.20.3 (Maintenance release) is finally
available at for downloading and testing.

Cool! Since this is labeled a Release Candidate is there actually 
plan to make this a release at some point? 0.20.2 never got beyond 
release candidate.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
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Re: FOP conformance

2001-11-30 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

At 1:19 PM -0400 11/30/01, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

As regards the topic in general, I support Keiron 100%. The entire point of
the rewrite is that during the process things are in limbo...this was well
understood before, or so I thought.

It was understood. However, there was an implicit assumption that 
XSL-FO was stable enough that FOP 0.20-2 would continue to work as 
well as it ever had.  When XSL 1.0 was released, that assumption 
proved to be false. That's not the fault of anybody here, just life 
on the bleeding edge. As other projects like DocBook start upgrading 
their stylesheets to support the final XSL 1.0 recommendation, then 
FOP stops working where it worked before. This means users need to 
make a decision between supporting the tools that work with XSL 1.0 
and FOP. Nobody here anticipated this.

Note that I am specifically talking about the change from the 
master-name to master-reference attribute, not the various other 
patches that have been submitted to 0.20-2. While useful, those 
patches aren't as important. The master-name/master-reference affects 
all XSL-FO documents, and means that FOP is totally non-functional. 
This is not a case of not supporting this feature in these 
stylesheets or that feature in those stylesheets. FOP will not 
produce any output when presented with an XSL 1.0 stylesheet. It 
cannot be used.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
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Re: XSL-FO Engine comparisons

2001-08-03 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

At 10:28 PM +0100 7/31/01, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
Elliotte Rusty Harold writes:
  The downside to this otherwise excellent engine is that it's Windows
  only and based on Windows graphics primitives rather than PostScript or
  PDF. It displays on the screen very nicely, and prints nicely too.
  However, it does not produce a PDF document that I can send to my editor
  or a typesetter.
Cant you print PS to file and Distill it?

I suppose I could, but only if somebody knows of an open source tool for distilling 
files. After the Skylarov fiasco, I'll be damned if I'm going to give Adobe one more 

Hmm, after a little hunting around with Google it looks like GhostScript might 
actually do that. I'll have to give it a try. 

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
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Re: XSL-FO Engine comparisons

2001-08-01 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold

At 7:19 PM +0200 7/31/01, Petr Andrs wrote:

I think there is other reason for formatters beeing not production redy 
as well. This reason is that XSL FO is only in CR state of its first 
version. I think 1.1 or 2.0 XSL FO Recomendation will be far better.

I don't think that's it. I haven't found any cases where XSL FO was insufficiently 
expressive for my needs (essentially laying out a computer book). There've been a 
couple of cases where Docbook was insufficiently expressive, but there are workarounds 
for that. The problems I encountered were all in implementation, not in the language. 
A new version of XSLFO wouldn't really help me any. 

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|  The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)   |
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