Re: [foreman-users] Re: foreman-rake issue in foreman puppet module?

2017-05-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 25/05/17 12:31, Jason McMahan wrote:
> It appears this is a known bug currently open.

This bug is specifically about audit entries, not logging.

#19534 reduces the encryption-related logging which may be affecting the

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Re: [foreman-users] foreman_hooks: different json output on create and destroy

2017-05-23 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 23/05/17 14:35, AdamW wrote:
> Running 1.15 with foreman_hooks, and the json output to my hooks is
> different between a 'create' and 'destroy' event. In the 'destroy' event
> I am missing host parameters from the json output, but I can't find the
> reason for this in the code.
> Anybody here know why this is?

They have probably been deleted at the point "destroy" is called.
Internally in Foreman this uses the "after_destroy" event.

You could try using the "before_destroy" event instead.

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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman and Infrastructure as Code

2017-05-22 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 22/05/17 14:38, Peter Bittner wrote:
> Dominic,
> > looks like Foreman expects that you create Puppet classes on the
> Foreman
> > UI, but you have to install modules from the command line,
> directly on
> > the server
> You don't "have" to do this, you should probably deploy the Puppet
> environment and modules from source control using r10k or
> librarian-puppet. Installing modules by hand is fine for an example
> (e.g. in documentation), but you should have a better way to do it in
> practice.
> Thanks for pointing this out. Solves one problem. So, I can add
> dependencies in |Modulefile| or |metadata.json|, and let our CI server
> deploy the changes to the Foreman host.

Yes, Modulefile usually.

> Changes to hosts and their assigned Puppet classes made through the
> Foreman UI should have audit entries created under Monitor > Audits,
> but
> there's no rollback mechanism.
> A question aside: Where is the Puppet configuration that was (is) used
> by `foreman-install`? I suspected it to live under
> `/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/`, but no it's not. I need
> the configuration of the Foreman host be under version control right
> after completing the installation. Only this will allow me to apply
> changes to the host in a controlled manner. Is it thrown away after the
> installation was completed?

The modules are in /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules, and the
parameters used are in
/etc/foreman-installer/scenarios.d/foreman-answers.yaml. You can add the
modules to your modulepath (via an environment.conf), or fetch them from
Puppet Forge etc.

> If you want to version control host/node classification, then you'd be
> much better off doing that inside your Puppet manifests and data files,
> then deploying it alongside the modules in your Puppet environment from
> source control. Foreman would just be used for reporting and
> provisioning.
> That sounds like what I want.
> If you want to use Foreman's web UI to manage hosts rather than source
> control, then do so, and you can still deploy modules in the Puppet
> environment from source control.
> I don't get that, sorry. What do you intend with "manage host rather
> than source control" (through Foreman's UI)?

Editing hosts via the web UI (or API) to assign classes, assign groups,
modify class parameters etc.

> I want the configuration changes to happen through source control only.
> Forman only for transparency, i.e. reporting, sounds perfect.

Then I'd suggest putting everything into the Puppet environment, forget
Foreman's Puppet class and parameter handling and use Puppet's data
lookup and Hiera to assign classes and parameters to hosts.

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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman 1.15.0 released

2017-05-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 12/05/17 07:48, Adam Winberg wrote:
> When will this release be available via the 'latest' release dir on

Yes, this is now changed. (The announcement preceded the websites being

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Re: [foreman-users] No reports from Proxy

2017-05-05 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 05/05/17 09:57, James Denton wrote:
> I have recently updated both our Foreman master and a seperate foreman
> proxy to version 1.14. I have noticed though that the proxy no longer
> sends reports to the master and gives the following error in messages:
> *May  5 09:51:43 foremanproxy puppet-master[3950]: Report processor
> failed: Could not send report to Foreman at
> https://foremanproxy.test.dmz/api/config_reports: Connection refused -
> connect(2)*
> Why is it sending the report to itself and not to the foreman master?

Check the value of :url in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/foreman.yaml is
correct. This is the configuration file for the report processor and ENC.

> Also another slight issue - On the front end under  infrastructure -->
> smart proxies although all features for the seperate smart proxy are
> listed as ok however under puppet --> environments I received the
> following error:
> *
> Failure: ERF50-5345 [Foreman::WrappedException]: Unable to connect
> ([ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: ERF12-2749 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]:
> Unable to get environments from Puppet ([RestCli...)

The underlying part of the message (RestCli...) is truncated, check
/var/log/foreman/production.log for the whole message. It may indicate
an unusual HTTP response from the smart proxy, in which case,
check/reply with the smart proxy logs while performing the import again
to find the cause.

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Re: [foreman-users] Issue with Foreman-rake/Gems

2017-05-03 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 03/05/17 09:43, James Denton wrote:
> Hi
> For some reason I can no longer use foreman-rake for anything nor does
> the foreman-installer work. Please see below:
> [root@localhost pxelinux.cfg]# foreman-rake db::dump
> rake aborted!
> Don't know how to build task 'db::dump'

Use a single colon, `foreman-rake db:dump`.

> [r...@localhostpxelinux.cfg]# bundle exec rake -T
> Could not locate Gemfile

Use `foreman-rake -T`. This command will only work reliably on source

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Re: [foreman-users] @host variable does not work in if-statement

2017-04-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 25/04/17 22:05, Matt . wrote:
> On a provisioning template the following does not work:
> <% if @host.architecture == 'x86_64' -%>
> foo
> <% end -%>

Use: if @host.architecture.to_s == 'x86_64'

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Re: [foreman-users] host parameter to check if it's virtual or bare-metal

2017-04-07 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 07/04/17 04:30, Chi Fu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wonder if there is a host parameter -- Boolean to tell whether the
> host being rendered is a virtual machine or bare-metal.  I would like to
> use it in partitioning script to automatically give 'install-disk' a
> value that matches. 

<% if @host.compute_resource -%>
<% else -%>
<% end -%>

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Re: [foreman-users] Error starting puppet when foreman installed via puppet module (selinux)

2017-04-07 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 06/04/17 22:39, Iain Hallam wrote:
> I've identified that SELinux was preventing Foreman from starting when
> using the passenger upstream repo, and replacing mod_passenger with the
> EPEL version fixed that.
> I'm currently applying a Puppet manifest using the puppet-foreman
> module, that simply says:
> class { '::foreman':
>   admin_ => ...
> }
> Is there any way in this type of installation to also set the Apache
> manage_repo to false so that the passenger repo never gets added?

Set it via Hiera, or possibly use:

class { '::apache::mod::passenger':
  manage_repo => false,

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.14.3 bug fix release

2017-04-04 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.14.3 is now available with bug fixes for eleven issues.

Please see the release notes for the full list of changes:

For installation or upgrade instructions, see:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Packages may be found in the 1.14 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


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Re: [foreman-users] Error while installation

2017-03-23 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 23/03/17 04:08, prakash ranjan wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to install by
> following:-
> After running - foreman-installer,getting following error:-
> /Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Passenger/Apache::Mod[passenger]/Package[mod_passenger]/ensure:
> change from purged to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e
> 0 -y install mod_passenger' returned 1: Error: Package:
> passenger-4.0.53-4.el7.x86_64 (epel)
> Requires: rubygem(rake)

You're missing this dependency from your OS repo. If you're using RHEL,
check you have the "optional" repository enabled. Otherwise check for
the source of rubygem-rake in your OS distribution, it should be present.

> After facing the same issue previously, I installed rubygem and
> passenger. But getting the same error.
> [root@foreman-home ~]# gem install rack -v=1.6.4

If you're using the installer, you're using a packaged installation. Do
not install gems locally over the top, you may introduce version conflicts.

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Re: [foreman-users] Error starting puppet when foreman installed via puppet module (selinux)

2017-03-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/03/17 00:28, James Evans wrote:
> I'm working on some documentation and demos around bootstrapping a
> Foreman environment from scratch. If I manually install Foreman,
> following the directions on the web site everything is fine, with
> selinux in enforcing mode. However, I want to build a Foreman
> installation via the puppet agent. I've installed the latest
> puppetserver and puppet-agent AIO on CentOS 7, and then installed the
> theforeman/foreman puppet module (and dependencies). The puppet run
> errors out with a can't find SSL certificate error:
> The cert is there, and is valid. Manually trying to start the apache
> server gives the same error. Changing selinux to permissive mode allows
> apache to start, and everything seems to be working in my simple vagrant
> tests. The selinux labels seem to be the same from the working "hand
> installed" version and the puppet installed version:

The process labels may be different, but hard to say without the AVC log.

> I've looked though the source of the foreman-installer, and I don't see
> anything that is obviously making changes to selinux. I'd really like to
> get this working in enforcing mode, and it seems like it should work.
> Does anyone have any ideas about what might be causing the puppet module
> to break when used without the installer?

The installer also sets the parameter:

  apache::mod::passenger::manage_repo: false

which on EL7 will install the version of Passenger from EPEL7 rather
than from Phusion. There isn't support in the OS policy for Phusion
Passenger, so it may be running in the wrong context (httpd_t, not
passenger_t), bug #17093.

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Re: [foreman-users] Cryptic error during install of foreman into Centos 7

2017-03-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 13/03/17 16:43, Jonathan D wrote:
>  /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[]: 
> Could
> not evaluate: Exception 504 "Gateway Timeout" in get request to:
> Any ideas to resolve this error?   Have been searching for a solution,
> but nothing found. 

Check if you have $http_proxy or $HTTP_PROXY (or similar) environment
variables set, and try unsetting them. The installer may be using them.

Or register the smart proxy manually via the UI, under the
Infrastructure menu.

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.14.2 bug fix release

2017-03-02 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.14.2 is now out with bug fixes for some provisioning features,
API responses and for Puppet class imports, among others.

Please see the release notes for the full list of changes:

For installation or upgrade instructions, see:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Packages may be found in the 1.14 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


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Re: [foreman-users] Package puppet does not exist in EPEL (RHEL 6) anymore

2017-02-27 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 25/02/17 12:36, wrote:
> Then I found this:
> So package puppet has been removed from EPEL 6 REPO!

There are alternatives - Puppet publish two repositories, one containing
Puppet 3 and another containing Puppet 4
(, respectively.)

Or if you depend on provisioning servers with outdated software, you
should have a mirror of the repository and packages (use yum-utils'
reposync command). The packages are probably still in Fedora's Koji

> Question is now to me: What is required to do to enable the - mandatory
> - RHEL 6 Foreman provisioning again?
> Which parts needs to be touched?

Foreman's default templates accept two parameters to enable the Puppet
3.x or 4.x (PC1) repository during provisioning. Set them globally,
per-OS or per-host to "true" in Foreman:

  enable-puppetlabs-repo - enables the 3.x repo
  enable-puppetlabs-pc1-repo - enables the 4.x PC1 repo

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Re: [foreman-users] What exactly does foreman do when importing puppet environments

2017-02-24 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 24/02/17 12:25, Marc Haber wrote:
> Ths real issue was a stray "g" in line 1 of the manifest defining the
> new class, which led to the entire manifest file being (silently?[1])
> ignored. After (finding and) removing the g, everything is fine.
> Thanks for helping!
> Greetings
> Marc
> [1] I didn't comb through the really busy production.log in great
> detail, but didn't find a meaningful error message. Nothing was given
> on the web interface though.

Yes, it probably won't be. It's best currently to validate anything
being deployed before importing.

With Puppet 4.4, the smart proxy is now able to report on manifest
syntax errors (#15095), but Foreman doesn't use this information yet
(#7086, #3900).

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Re: [foreman-users] What exactly does foreman do when importing puppet environments

2017-02-23 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 23/02/17 10:42, Marc Haber wrote:
> I then, as usual, create an Environment branch01a in foreman and let
> it import the classes by clicking in the environment list on the arrow
> next to "Classes" and selecting "Import from" in the drop-down.
> Foreman works a bit, reports a green window, but the class list
> imported is an obsolete one. Classes deleted in branch01a still show
> up in the class list, and the new classes defined in branch01a dont
> show.
> Do I see correctly that Foreman does not look into the local file
> system but does instead query the puppet server for a list of its
> environment?

The behaviour depends on the Puppet version being used and as configured
in the smart proxy's puppet.yml configuration file.

On Puppet 3.x without directory environments, the module path is
determined from puppet.conf and the manifests parsed by the smart proxy.
This may be cached inside the smart proxy based on the mtime of the
files if :use_cache is enabled.

On 3.5-3.8 with directory environments, the module path is determined by
querying the Puppet master or server, and manifests parsed as above.

On 4.x, the Puppet Server resource_types or environment_classes APIs is
queried returning the parsed data. The server may be configured to cache

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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman Web-UI

2017-02-09 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 09/02/17 09:45, Vadim Bulst wrote:
> Hi there,
> I updated to from 13.x to 14.1 and there is something wrong with the UI
> - see screenshot:
> <>
> I'm using Apache on Centos 7
> Did somebody already submitted a bug report ?

Yes, see comment #3 at for
details on correcting the Apache configuration, or re-run foreman-installer.

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Re: [foreman-users] Deploy TFTP PXELinux config for lou-servant.local task failed with the following error:

2017-02-08 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 07/02/17 14:57, NM wrote:
> While provisionning VM through fore man getting the following error.
> # *Unable to save*Deploy TFTP PXELinux config for lou-servant.local task
> failed with the following error: ERF12-5472 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]:
> Unable to set TFTP boot entry for 00:5F:09:D0:A6:3E
> ([RestClient::ResourceNotFound]: 404 Resource Not Found) for proxy
> https://foreman-server.local:8443/tftp
> #
> # [root@foreman-server ~]# cat /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/tftp.yml
> # ---
> # # TFTP management
> # :enabled: https
> # :tftproot: /var/lib/tftpboot
> # # Defines the TFTP Servername to use, overrides the name in the subnet
> declaration
> # :tftp_servername:
> # [root@foreman-server ~]#
> #
> #
> #  tail -f /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log
> #
> #
> #
> # I, [2017-02-08T00:47:19.192980 ]  INFO -- : - -
> [08/Feb/2017:00:47:19 +0530] "POST /tftp/PXELinux/00:5F:09:D0:A6:3E
> HTTP/1.1" 404 27 0.0069

A 404 on this call might suggest that the TFTP module isn't enabled
correctly, despite :enabled: https in the configuration file.

First try restarting foreman-proxy in case the config has since changed,
but otherwise please show the log file from the smart proxy startup
process, preferably with log_level set to DEBUG in
/etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml. It should log a few lines about the
"tftp" module.

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: ldap authentication and assigning users to organizations on initial login

2017-02-08 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 07/02/17 17:44, Chris Baldwin wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Did you ever figure this one out?

This feature was added in Foreman 1.14.0, see for
more details.

> On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 3:06:12 AM UTC-4, Steve F wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've recently configured The Foreman with LDAP Authentication and
> organizations enabled, however when a new user logs in for the first
> time they are not assigned to an organization configured in Foreman,
> I don't currently see a way of making this happen automatically, has
> anyone done this before or know how this might be achieved ?

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Re: [foreman-users] How to change output language for hammer

2017-02-08 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 08/02/17 10:05, Sam Amara wrote:
> Hello,
> I use hammer to get informations for hosts created. 
> But when I launch for example this command:
> hammer host info --name 
> The output is in french language and i want it to be in english.

Set the LANG environment variable, e.g. LANG=en hammer [..]

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: foreman-installer needs to be run every reboot

2017-02-02 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 31/01/17 13:04, klmueller80 via Foreman users wrote:
> Hi Dominic,
> it seems that foremanitself won`t start.

The log only shows that PostgreSQL isn't started, which would prevent
Foreman connecting to the database. Foreman itself (under Apache) should
be running according to the log.

> puppetdb, puppetserver and
> puppet agent are up and runnig. i added a verbose output of
> foreman-installer, perhaps you can see what went wrong.

The two log lines in the installer log show that PostgreSQL is not
started. This would affect Foreman's connection to the database.

  [ WARN 2017-01-31 13:54:33 verbose]
/Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/File[systemd-override]: Ensure
set to :present but file type is link so no content will be synced

This suggests that /etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service is a symlink,
you should probably remove that and re-run the installer so the module
can install the file as designed.

This might have prevented Puppet from configuring systemd to start
postgresql.service at boot.

  [ WARN 2017-01-31 13:54:35 verbose]
ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'

This is the module starting postgresql.service manually. After fixing
the above, this might not be necessary. Else try running "systemctl
enable postgresql.service".

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.14.1 bug fix release

2017-02-02 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.14.1 is now out with over forty bug fixes across the project,
fixing many web UI errors, an issue starting the smart proxy on Windows,
and a couple of new issues found in 1.14.0.

Please see the release notes for the full list of changes:

For installation or upgrade instructions, see:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Packages may be found in the 1.14 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


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Re: [foreman-users] foreman-installer needs to be run every reboot

2017-01-31 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 31/01/17 11:07, klmueller80 via Foreman users wrote:
> Hi Community!
> I run puppet with foreman at CentOS7 latest. Puppet 4.5.2 and foreman
> 1.12. Everything is default, i installed with foreman-installer.
> Everything works fine, but i need to run the foreman-installer every
> time i reboot the machine. otherwise the frontend is not started and
> puppetmaster as well..

What does "not started" mean precisely? A service isn't running?

What change does the installer make each time you run it? Read the log
or run with -v.

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Re: [foreman-users] Managing Puppet Server(2.7.2) with foreman 1.12-14

2017-01-30 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 27/01/17 16:36, 'mmt' via Foreman users wrote:
> What is the recommended way to managed Puppet Server(2.7.2) under
> Foreman 1.12-14.
> The issue I found is that if I install new gem packages and want to
> restart puppet server (service puppetserver restart) it fails due to the
> fact that foreman changes permissions on some of the files.
> puppetserver.log:
> |
> (Permissiondenied)
> |
> and foreman-installer/foreman.log:
> |
> /File[/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/crl.pem]/owner:owner changed 'puppet'to
> 'root'
> |

foreman-installer does not actively manage this file, it is more likely
to be Puppet managing internal file permissions while it runs "puppet

Ensure you're on the latest version of Puppet and check for any file
permissions overridden in puppet.conf (Foreman 1.15 will not use this
config file when running puppet apply).

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] DHCP 404 and DNS 400 errors

2017-01-27 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 26/01/17 16:35, Alan McAlexander wrote:
> From zones.conf:
>  zone "" {
> type master;
> file "/var/cache/bind/zones/";
> update-policy {
> grant rndc-key zonesub ANY;
> };
> };
> zone "" {
> type master;

The zone here does not match the zone in your first
message, see my quoted response:

> On 26/01/17 00:38, Alan McAlexander wrote:
>> ;; flags: qr ra; ZONE: 1, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
>> ;   IN  SOA
> This indicates the zone is, check that's what's
> configured in BIND. If you have a more specific zone, then change the
> subnet configuration (prefix length/netmask) in Foreman to match.

For the zone, the subnet in Foreman should be
10.X.X.0 with a or 24 bit prefix specified. It appears
that it's set to 8.

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.13.4 bug fix release

2017-01-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.13.4 is now available with a small number of bug fixes,
including in the MS DNS and EC2 components.

This is very likely the last update to the Foreman 1.13 series, and so I
recommend using Foreman 1.14 instead for further fixes and features.

Please see our full release notes for the changes:

See the links below for how to get it by installing or upgrading:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Our list of supported OSes has changed, so please check these when
setting up new installations or upgrading.

Packages may be found in the 1.13 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  84E7 90DF FB1D 2EAE C429 C6CD 4EA2 F7E7 7DFE 6FC2

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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"Foreman users" group.
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [foreman-users] LDAP account password is not working while configuring LDAP in Foreman via API

2017-01-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 24/01/17 16:32, Unnikrishnan K wrote:
> Hello Dominic,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I have enabled the debug mode and captured the logs for API call.
> Please find the attached logs file with this mail.

Thanks, though unfortunately I don't see anything that might explain the
issue. The account_password does appear to be persisted correctly.

You could perhaps double check by using the Rails console: execute
`foreman-rake console` and enter:


This will return the decrypted account password, which should match your

> After the API call for LDAP configuration, I tried to login to foreman
> with LDAP user and I am getting below error
> 2017-01-24T11:09:52 [ldap] [D]   op bind (6105.6ms)  [ result=failure ]
> 2017-01-24T11:09:52 [ldap] [D]   valid_user? (6106.3ms)  [ user=b09871 ]
> 2017-01-24T11:09:52 [app] [W] Error during authentication against
> 'LDAP-LDAP-Server'
>  | LdapFluff::Generic::UnauthenticatedException: Could not bind to
> ActiveDirectory user
> <>
>  |
> /usr/share/foreman/vendor/ruby/2.0.0/gems/ldap_fluff-0.4.1/lib/ldap_fluff/generic.rb:59:in
> `service_bind'
> Then I login to Foreman GUI and update the same account password from
> GUI and it is working fine.

Could you capture the SQL log while updating the account? Perhaps the
"UPDATE" SQL query will help show which fields have changed.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Strange behavior connecting to proxy

2017-01-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 24/01/17 16:57, Andrew Melo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a proof-of-concept foreman instance running in a VM with a proxy
> on the machine connected to our IPMI network. For some reason, trying to
> add the proxy to my foreman instance yields:
> Unable to communicate with the proxy: ERF12-2530
> [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to detect features ([Errno::EACCES]:
> Permission denied - connect(2) for "" port 8123) for proxy
> Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.

Is SELinux or another security system enabled and enforcing on your
Foreman server? To receive a permission denied during an outbound
connection suggests a security system.

If SELinux, the standard policy does not include 8123 as a smart proxy
port. You can add ports with `semanage port -a -t foreman_proxy_port_t
-p tcp 8124`, but 8123 is usually defined as a web cache port so you'd
probably need to load new SELinux policy to allow foreman_proxy_t to
connect to http_cache_port_t (audit2allow may help).

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Any way to merge old configs in site.pp?

2017-01-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 25/01/17 21:49, Thomas Cheng wrote:
> I've some configs in old site.pp to be merged into Foreman:
>  Say, old site.pp has two lines only:
>  $global_var1 = 'value_1'
>  Package { allow_virtual => false }
> The first line can be migrated with a Foreman common(global) variable
> 'global_var1' with value 'value_1' .
> but, how to migrate the setting in second line? it looks like that
> Foreman httpd/passenger ignores the contents inside site.pp.

site.pp is read by the Puppet master, no matter if you're using Foreman
or not. It's possible that it's in the wrong location. See for more details.

(Node definitions are different with an ENC, but you don't appear to be
using them.)

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Documentation for external DHCP

2017-01-23 Thread Dominic Cleal
> On 23/01/2017 11:36, Dominic Cleal wrote:
>> On 23/01/17 13:29, Raul Dias wrote:
>>> For example, bootp, tftp, pxe...
>> filename/next-server for PXE booting will be set by Foreman when
>> creating managed hosts for provisioning. There's nothing to do.
>> You can set those options too (pxelinux.0 is the usual filename) if you
>> want them to apply to non-Foreman managed hosts, but it isn't necessary.

On 23/01/17 14:40, Raul Dias wrote:
> Sorry to insist.
> Why it is not necessary?

Setting PXE (filename/next-server) options for non-Foreman hosts isn't
required to use Foreman. Foreman will set filename/next-server for hosts
you're configuring with it for provisioning.

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Re: [foreman-users] Documentation for external DHCP

2017-01-23 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 19/01/17 12:23, Raul Dias wrote:
> Hello,
> When configuring a smart proxy for external DHCP (isc), is very
> different than letting Foreman handle DHCP internally.
> Other than omapi configuration described in the wiki, what are the other
> configs (dhcpd.conf) that needs to be done?  (couldn't find it in the docs)

OMAPI and the smart proxy configuration files (dhcp.yml, dhcp_isc.yml)
are the only necessary configuration.

Add subnet stanzas and optionally pools to your ISC DHCP config for any
subnets you want it to offer leases to. The smart proxy will work for
any subnets defined in the ISC DHCP config.

More details about configuring subnets and pools can probably be found
in the ISC docs, it isn't specific to Foreman or the smart proxy.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] LDAP account password is not working while configuring LDAP in Foreman via API

2017-01-23 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 19/01/17 10:41, Unnikrishnan K wrote:
> Hello,
> I have configured the LDAP from Foreman GUI and LDAP authentication is
> working fine. I tried to automate the same by using python script which
> is calling Foreman API and LDAP configuration is added successfully by
> the script. But LDAP authentication is not working unless I login to
> Foreman GUI and update the LDAP account password.
> I am using the same LDAP account password in the script but it is
> working only when I am updating it from GUI (Administer -> LDAP
> authentication)

This was also filed at, but
without the information I requested it's difficult to say what's wrong.
Please include the exact details and logs from your API call.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Smart Proxy Version Compatibility Question...

2017-01-18 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 18/01/17 15:07, Sean A wrote:
> I have a system admin in another organization and location within my
> company that runs a puppet master + smart proxy on RHEL 6.  We have just
> upgraded our Foreman server from 1.11 to 1.13.3, and didn't realize that
> EL6 support had been removed from the 1.13 tree.  Will we be able to run
> a 1.12.4 smart-proxy with our 1.13.3 Foreman Server?

Yes, the Puppet smart proxy API should be fully compatible between these

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Error - Update Foreman 1.12.3 --> 1.13.3

2017-01-18 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 18/01/17 11:09, Martin Parlow wrote:
> How can i proceed?
> (i  the fqdn)
> |
> [11:53] root prod-foreman-01:~# foreman-rake db:migrate --trace
> ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
> ** Invoke environment (first_time)
> ** Execute environment
> API controllers newer than Apipie cache! Run apipie:cache rake task to
> regenerate cache.
> rake aborted!
> NoMethodError: undefined method `all?' for
> "puppetmaster01.puppet.":String
> /usr/share/foreman/app/validators/array_hostnames_validator.rb:3:in
> `validate_each'

This is attempting to validate the "trusted_puppetmaster_hosts" setting
under Administer > Settings > Auth is an array, but it's a plain string.
No thought was put into fixing this on an upgrade.

If you can fix this to be an array before upgrading, then set it to:


or if you're unable to, consider deleting the entry from the "settings"
table in your database and it'll be recreated. Change it back to the
original value if required after upgrading.

I would ordinarily suggest that errors should be filed as bugs, but
1.13.x is very close to the end of its life, and it's unlikely to be
fixed at this stage (would have been better during RCs).

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.14.0 released

2017-01-16 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.14.0 is now available, the latest major release containing new
support for automatic IPv6 addressing, LDAP and template enhancements,
and a new email delivery configuration UI.

Thanks to the 92 contributors to this release, who helped write, fix and
translate it, and to the testers who've helped during the release
candidate phase.

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Headline features
Support for automatic IPv6 addressing for hosts on compute resource is
new in this release, allowing Foreman to assign addresses via EUI-64 for
virtual machines and for compute providers with native IPv6 support
(DigitalOcean, Rackspace).

It's easier to edit and manage templates with a new help section in the
template editor, and a new export feature.

Lots more features can be found listed in the release notes:

Two lower priority security issues have also been fixed in this release:

- CVE-2016-7077: information disclosure from association lists shown
without authorization
- CVE-2016-8634: organizations/locations wizard may run stored XSS in name

Lastly, do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this

Packages may be found in the 1.14 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [foreman-users] Foreman 1.13.2 - URL /host//parent_facts/partitions::/dev../facts not found on server

2017-01-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/01/17 18:08, James Perry wrote:
> I was digging into host facts details on my Foreman 1.13.2. When I got
> to partitions and clicked the + I got the error: 
>   The requested URL
> /hosts//parent_facts/partitions::/dev/mapper/rootvg-home/facts was
> not found on this server.
> Is this a bug in Foreman or am I missing some configuration / setting
> somewhere for it to import the data properly? 

Yes, it's a bug that's tracked at

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman upgrade from 1.9 to 1.10 db:migrate rake aborted

2017-01-10 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 09/01/17 23:43, Andre Mosin wrote:
> Hi,
> I have successfully upgraded foreman from 1.6 to 1.7, to 1.8, and to 1.9
> but now I am trying to upgrade from 1.9 to 1.10 and I am running into
> issues I think with fog-libvirt.
> there was no problem with yum upgrade but when I am running db:migrate I
> get the following.
> foreman-rake db:migrate --trace
> rake aborted!
> Gem loading error: cannot load such file -- fog/libvirt

Which version of ruby193-rubygems do you have installed?

If you have 1.8.24, run "yum downgrade ruby193-rubygems-1.8.23".

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.14.0-RC3 available for testing

2017-01-06 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.14.0-RC3 is now available for testing, containing six or so
bug fixes for issues found in the previous release candidates.

Please help by testing and getting it release-ready, and expect the next
RC or final release within one to two weeks.

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

This is also a good time to improve translations for existing locales to
ensure full coverage. Help out at

Changes in this release
This release contains many varied changes, including:

- Email configuration has moved into the settings UI/API
- IPv6 address assignment or generation for hosts on compute resources
- Orgs/locations can be assigned to LDAP users on creation
- Session support in the API via cookies
- Smart Proxy's MS DHCP provider now uses a native API
- Smart Proxy's Puppet importer uses a new Puppet Server API

Testing of these particular changes is quite important for the release,
but many other features and bug fixes can be found listed in the release
notes by category.

Please have a look through for anything that you might rely on and give
it a test:

Two lower priority security issues have also been fixed in this release:

- CVE-2016-7077: information disclosure from association lists shown
without authorization
- CVE-2016-8634: organizations/locations wizard may run stored XSS in name

Lastly, do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this

Packages may be found in the 1.14 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug in your testing, please file it and note the
version of Foreman that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [foreman-users] New to Foreman, need clarification on Smart-Proxy

2017-01-05 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 04/01/17 15:55, Michael Montone wrote:
> Hello,
>I am fairly new to Foreman and would like some clarification to using
> Smart-Proxy.
>1. I have a new Foreman server running, which installed with Smart-Proxy.
>2.  I have an existing Kickstart server, as well as an existing Bind
> server.
>3.  I can install foreman-proxy on both the kickstart and bind
> server, and the foreman server smart-proxy can then speak to the remote
> kickstart proxy, running dhcp and tftp, as well as the remote bind
> server smart-proxy and can facilitate the provisioning and building of
> servers?  Is this correct?

Yes, that's right.

>I went through the process of installing foreman-proxy on the
> kickstart server.  I generated ssl keys on the foreman server, copied
> them to the kickstart server.  I updated the settings.yml file as per
> the manual.  I also updated the settings.d/dhcp.yml files to enable the
> server. It doesn't work yet, but after a few nights of playing with it,
> I want to make sure I am on the right track.  e.g.  There are two
> proxies, one is on the foreman server, which speaks to the proxy on the
> kickstart server, which then manages the dhcp and tftp services.

Yes, under Infrastructure > Subnets, you can then select the smart proxy
on the kickstart server as the DHCP/TFTP proxy. Hosts built with this
subnet will then have reservations/TFTP menus created on that server
using the smart proxy.

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.14.0-RC2 available for testing

2016-12-22 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.14.0-RC2 is now available for testing - a small update to the
earlier release candidate with additional fixes that were shipped in the
parallel 1.13.3 release.

Please help by testing and getting it release-ready, and look out for
new release candidates approximately every two weeks with the latest bug

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

This is also a good time to improve translations for existing locales to
ensure full coverage. Help out at

Changes in this release
This release contains many varied changes, including:

- Email configuration has moved into the settings UI/API
- IPv6 address assignment or generation for hosts on compute resources
- Orgs/locations can be assigned to LDAP users on creation
- Session support in the API via cookies
- Smart Proxy's MS DHCP provider now uses a native API
- Smart Proxy's Puppet importer uses a new Puppet Server API

Testing of these particular changes is quite important for the release,
but many other features and bug fixes can be found listed in the release
notes by category.

Please have a look through for anything that you might rely on and give
it a test:

Two lower priority security issues have also been fixed in this release:

- CVE-2016-7077: information disclosure from association lists shown
without authorization
- CVE-2016-8634: organizations/locations wizard may run stored XSS in name

Lastly, do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this

Packages may be found in the 1.14 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  AF74 2A91 BF76 6333 E9FF 5EAA BFE5 1511 F06D 8950

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug in your testing, please file it and note the
version of Foreman that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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"Foreman users" group.
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [foreman-users] Invalid 'Valid-Until' entry in Release file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/deb

2016-12-22 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 21/12/16 21:09, Herman Resto wrote:
> I'm getting an "Invalid 'Valid-Until' entry in Release file
> /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/deb" the foreman.org_dists_xenial_Release
> This happens while trying to install via apt in Ubuntu 16.04 AMD_64
>  "apt-get update && apt-get -y install foreman-installer
> from the "deb xenial 1.14" repository.
> What can be the cause of this? I notice an Invalid time stamp of
> 00:00:00 for the packages.

The JTC timezone specified in the Release file causes the error.

Please try again, I've updated Freight (the archive manager) to version
0.3.10 which contains a fix for this issue.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] How to access puppet resources?

2016-12-21 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 20/12/16 11:25, wrote:
> Hi there,
> I recently started using Foreman for managing Windows 7 endpoints and a
> few Linux clients. When I enter e.g. 
> puppet resource package
> on the command line of a client with a present puppet installation, I am
> able to obtain a list of all installed packages on that system,
> including the version number. How can I access this data within Foreman
> centrally? And how can I enable, that this information is in some kind
> "cached" on the server if a client is offline?

You could create a fact that's distributed via Puppet. Using Facter's
external facts support, this can be a script that's executed on each
Puppet run and then the value of the fact will be stored in Foreman. The
result won't be very easy to read, but it may suffice. has
more information on creating external facts. If it's in the modulepath
then it will be downloaded automatically by the Puppet agents.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] re-injecting dhcp leases for all managed interfaces

2016-12-21 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 20/12/16 16:24, Brian Witt wrote:
> Hi, is there a way to have foreman go through all managed interfaces
> (bmc and front-end) and re-inject (delete, then add) leases for each
> one?  I'm using foreman 1.11.4 with smart proxy 1.11.4 with isc dhcpd
> and it seems that leases get lost on a regular basis (restarting dhcpd?)
> so we're frequently using this procedure to re-inject a lease for bmc
> for instance when a host goes down and we discover the bmc is not
> responding on the network:
> edit host -> interfaces -> edit BMC -> change IP address -> OK -> Save
> -> edit host -> interfaces -> edit BMC -> change IP address back -> OK
> -> Save -> Overwrite
> Then since the bmc likely picked up the 'wrong' address, need to reset
> it back to the correct address.
> It'd be great if there was a button to re-create all leases (or even
> just the leases for a particular host or interface) but I don't see one.

Via the host list, tick the checkbox next to one or more hosts, then
choose "Rebuild Config" from the Select Action dropdown menu.

See the 1.10 release notes for more details:

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Foreman 1.14.0-RC1 available for testing

2016-12-19 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/12/16 18:48, Daniel Lobato wrote:
> Looks like centos-release-scl-rh-2-2 has the wrong key?
> nodejs-css-loader and foreman (two packages I picked at random) both use
> PGP#f06d8950 but rpm -K for centos-release-scl-rh gives me PGP#f4a80eb5

Thank you, I've replaced the RPMs with the correctly signed versions. I
skipped a step when releasing - sorry.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Foreman 1.14.0-RC1 available for testing

2016-12-19 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 16/12/16 01:29, Anandharaj Subramaniam wrote:
> This version still does not support Puppet Server 2.7? Based on the
> compatibility table, it is listed up to 2.6 only.

Both 1.13 and 1.14 are compatible with Puppet Server 2.7, the
documentation hasn't been updated yet.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Install on Jessie with MySQL fails

2016-12-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 13/12/16 17:37, Raul Dias wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 6:58:54 AM UTC-2, Dominic Cleal wrote:
> On 12/12/16 23:38, Raul Dias wrote:
> > foreman-installer--foreman-db-type=mysql \
> > --foreman-db-manage=false \
> > --foreman-db-host=mysql \
> > --foreman-db-database=foreman \
> > --foreman-db-username=foreman \
> > --foreman-db-password=mypassword
> Note that these options are different to the default in that they
> assume
> a pre-existing database.
> The database exists, but is empty.  The  installer did create the
> tables.  Is this what you meant?
> OTOH, just the tables roles and features have one row each.

production.log indicates it's missing some tables ('sessions') and the
end of foreman_install.log (line 580) suggests it didn't finish setting
up the database. Some tables seem to already be present so it skipped
everything else.

I'd suggest dropping all existing the tables (or recreate the DB) and
then run:

foreman-rake db:migrate
foreman-rake db:seed
foreman-rake apipie:cache:index

This will set up all of the tables and initial configuration. The
db:seed command will print a random admin password out, take note of it.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Apply iptables from foreman GUI

2016-12-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/12/16 08:12, Anandharaj Subramaniam wrote:
> Just to confirm, i have installed puppetlabs/firewall module and
> imported in Foreman. Going to the firewall class page, there are only
> few smart class parameters are available. So how do i configure the
> iptables rules? This cannot be done in foreman? 

No, not directly. Put "firewall" resources in your own class and then
add this to hosts via Foreman. If you have configurable rules then add
parameters to your class to control the behaviour from Foreman.
has more general guidance.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Install on Jessie with MySQL fails

2016-12-13 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 12/12/16 23:38, Raul Dias wrote:
> Hello,
> The world of foreman/puppet is new to me. 
> I am trying to install Foreman in a Debian Jessie with MySQL support
> from the beginning.
> This fails.
> The install is in a LXC (2.0).
> If I do a plain foreman-installer (with the default PostgreSQL), it
> works fine.  So, there must be some issue regarding the MySQL support in
> the installer anyhow (1.13).
> foreman-installer--foreman-db-type=mysql \
> --foreman-db-manage=false \
> --foreman-db-host=mysql \
> --foreman-db-database=foreman \
> --foreman-db-username=foreman \
> --foreman-db-password=mypassword

Note that these options are different to the default in that they assume
a pre-existing database.

> The mysql database is populated (tables are created, etc).  So the
> connection is fine.
> |
> 2016-12-1221:30:49main] 
> Foreman_smartproxy[](provider=rest_v3):Makinggetrequest
> to
> |
> |
> 2016-12-1221:30:55main] 
> Foreman_smartproxy[](provider=rest_v3):Receivedresponse
> 503fromrequest to

Can you view the web page at What error
message does it show? If none, also check/pastebin logs under

The error here indicates the installer received an error when connecting
to the running Foreman instance it tried to install. A 503 indicates
it's temporarily unavailable for some reason.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Error "Could not find class ::tftp::params" while installing foreman-proxy

2016-12-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 12/12/16 09:07, Dominic Cleal wrote:
> On 08/12/16 21:46, Sankara wrote:
>> I am trying to install and configure foreman-proxy 1.12 (in one of the
>> node, say compile master) using the module available at
>> While running “puppet agent -t”  (to install and configure
>> foreman-proxy) , I am getting the below error on my node. Can you please
>> help me to find what could be the issue?
>> [root@poc-agent vagrant]# puppet agent -t --server=
>> Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>> Info: Loading facts
>> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
>> SERVER: Could not find class ::tftp::params for poc-agent.local on node
>> poc-agent.local
> You're probably missing the theforeman/tftp module, which is a
> dependency. See
> for
> the full list.
> `puppet module install theforeman/tftp -v 2.0.0` should add it.

Correction, -v 1.8.2 (2.0.0 isn't compatible with that old version).

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Error "Could not find class ::tftp::params" while installing foreman-proxy

2016-12-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 08/12/16 21:46, Sankara wrote:
> I am trying to install and configure foreman-proxy 1.12 (in one of the
> node, say compile master) using the module available at
> While running “puppet agent -t”  (to install and configure
> foreman-proxy) , I am getting the below error on my node. Can you please
> help me to find what could be the issue?
> [root@poc-agent vagrant]# puppet agent -t --server=
> Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Info: Loading facts
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> SERVER: Could not find class ::tftp::params for poc-agent.local on node
> poc-agent.local

You're probably missing the theforeman/tftp module, which is a
dependency. See for
the full list.

`puppet module install theforeman/tftp -v 2.0.0` should add it.

> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> [root@poc-agent vagrant]#
> =
> What I have in my Puppetfile?
> I have added the below line to download the module
> mod 'theforeman/foreman_proxy', '3.0.1'

Not all tools download dependencies (r10k doesn't, librarian-puppet should).

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] smart proxy template with host params

2016-12-07 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 07/12/16 14:47, jamese wrote:
> The issue I'm having is that one of my host params is being completely
> ignored.
> In my partition template, I have the following:
> os_soft_raid = @host.params['os_soft_raid'] || true
> I'm then using this variable later, let's say like this:
> if [ "<%= os_soft_raid -%>" == "true" ]; then
>  do some software raid things
> fi
> I have explicitly set the host param to "false" and if I preview the
> template via the foreman UI for the host I'm trying to build, it
> correctly shows that os_soft_raid gets rendered into "false".  However,
> when the host contacts the smart proxy to get the template, the
> os_soft_raid param is set to "true", the default.
> I can replicate this by either going to my central foreman instance with
> the following uri:

This is tracked under, with
a fix under review that will likely be in 1.13.3.

It happens under some OS types when the partition table also contains
references to params - if you're able to remove that, it'd probably work
around the issue.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid parameter dns_realm on Class[Foreman_proxy]

2016-12-07 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 06/12/16 19:42, Sankara wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to install and configure foreman-proxy 1.12 (in one of the
> node, say compile master) using the module available at
> While running “puppet agent -t”  (to install and configure
> foreman-proxy) , I am getting the below error on my node. Can you please
> help me to find what could be the issue?
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> SERVER: Invalid parameter dns_realm on Class[Foreman_proxy] at
> /dev/modules/fmanproxy/manifests/config.pp:128 on node poc-agent.local
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

You're supplying a parameter that isn't on the foreman_proxy class.

> the config.pp file in my module fmanproxy, I have the below
> class fmanproxy::config {
>   class { '::foreman_proxy':
> bind_host=> $::fmanproxy::bind_host,
> bmc  => $::fmanproxy::bmc,
> dns_realm=> $::fmanproxy::dns_realm,

dns_realm isn't a valid parameter on the foreman_proxy class. Check
against the list of valid parameters in the manifest:

I'm unsure which you intend to set, probably either dns, realm or dns_zone.

> } ## End of class ::foreman_proxy
>   # Install the foreman_proxy
> include ::foreman_proxy

Unnecessary - you're already including it by using class {
'::foreman_proxy': .. }.

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.13.2 bug fix release

2016-11-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.13.2 is now available with lots of bug fixes across host
creation, fact imports and much more.

Please see our full release notes for the changes:

See the links below for how to get it by installing or upgrading:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Our list of supported OSes has changed, so please check these when
setting up new installations or upgrading.

Packages may be found in the 1.13 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  84E7 90DF FB1D 2EAE C429 C6CD 4EA2 F7E7 7DFE 6FC2

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Most the attributes are getting "null" from /api/hosts Foreman API

2016-11-25 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 25/11/16 05:59, Amrit Atmajit wrote:
> On the other hand, in  Puppet v4.7.0, all hosts details In am getting
> from foreman API is:
> Foreman API: *https:///api/hosts?per_page=9*
> *
> *
> Response: 
> {
>   "ip": null,
>   "environment_id": 1,
>   "environment_name": "production",
>   "last_report": "2016-11-21 05:34:01 UTC",
>   "mac": null,
>   "realm_id": null,
>   "realm_name": null,
>   "sp_mac": null,
>   "sp_ip": null,
>   ...
>   ...
>   ...
>   "configuration_status_label": "Out of sync",
>   "name": "",
>   "id": 7,
>   "hostgroup_name": null,
>   "hostgroup_title": null
> },
> As per the above highlighted attributes from Foreman APIs are fetched
> properly in Puppet v3.8.7. On the other hand, most of the attributes are
> fetched as "null" in Puppet v4.7.0.
> But, these attributes are coming properly from the following Foreman API
> of both the Puppet Servers.
> Foreman API to get the
> fat_values: *https:///api/v2/fact_values?per_page=9*

What is logged by Foreman (production.log) when the Puppet agent runs?
It should log a fact upload, this may be partially failing to update the
IP/MAC on the hosts.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Puppet agent 4.x upgrade/ installation.

2016-11-16 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 15/11/16 16:11, Akash Kaveti wrote:
> Hello,
> I have foreman 1.12.3 with pupper servers puppet version 4.7.0, but with
> my current setup, puppet agent 3.8.5 is installing.
> How do I make the new clients installations from foreman should install
> puppet agent 4.x?
> I have checked in puppet_setup snippet, but didnt work out.

What does that mean precisely?

The puppet_setup snippet has a parameter called
"enable-puppetlabs-pc1-repo" - set it to "true" on the host, an OS or
globally and it should configure the Puppet PC1 repositories and install

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Re: [foreman-users] Custom variables in templates

2016-11-15 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/11/16 20:48, Sean O'Keeffe wrote:
> Use a Parameter you can set them on an Organisation, Location, operating
> system, subnet, host group and host. They have a priority so you can
> override them at points*. You could get access them from the template
> using @host.params[''] so when the hosts PXE template is
> generated it would be set to what ever that param is set to for that host.
> * sorry I can't remember he priory right now!

See under
Global parameters.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Facts are not Coming in JSON Format when Query is done via APIs

2016-11-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/11/16 14:32, Vishal Sarin wrote:
> Hi Dominic, The agents are windows based.
> One has 1.7.0 and other one has 1.5.3 
> For 1.5.3 its working but for 1.7.0 they don't

I'm unsure from your description that you're defining "working" correctly.

This is not correct for recent versions of Puppet:

 "networking": "{\"dhcp\"=>\"\" [..]

Note also that this is not JSON. It's a stringified hash, but it's a
Puppet 3 style of sending hashes and shouldn't be expected on Puppet 4
(if that's the version of your agents).

If the agent is 1.5.3 then it ought to be using Puppet 4.5.2, which
shouldn't be sending this format.

> I am using puppet Server version 4.7.0 and I see that facts are coming in 
> this format.
>  "networking::interfaces::Ethernet::dhcp": "",

This looks correct, each fact being sent individually. Facts will be
stored separately in Foreman instead of in one blob.

I can only suggest you need to upgrade the agent to ensure the host with
the older version sends it in the same way.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Facts are not Coming in JSON Format when Query is done via APIs

2016-11-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/11/16 12:43, Vishal Sarin wrote:
> Hi Dminic,
> Yes they are from two different CentOS based Puppet Masters (Server)
> In One we have Puppet Version 4.7.0 and on Other we have 4.5.3 

The facts look like they're from a Windows machine, not from CentOS.

Are those only the Puppet server versions? What are the _agent_ versions
on the hosts sending the facts?

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Facts are not Coming in JSON Format when Query is done via APIs

2016-11-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/11/16 14:21, Vishal Sarin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using puppet Server version 4.7.0 and I see that facts are coming
> in this format.
>  "networking::interfaces::Ethernet::dhcp": "",
>   "networking::interfaces::Ethernet::ip": "",
>   "ipaddress": "",
>   "networking::ip": "",
>   "ipaddress_Ethernet": "",
>   "memory::system::used": "1.08 GiB",
>   "timestamp": "11/05/2016 07:46:56",
>   "memory::system::used_bytes": "1157337088",
> While I have another Server with Version 4.5.3 and I see that facts come
> there in JSON format.

Are these different agents? What version exactly are the agents?

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Why must I restart foreman-proxy to activate dhcpd changes.

2016-11-03 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 03/11/16 12:51, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Christian Froestl
> <> wrote:
>> webfrontend of smart-proxy dhcp
> What's that? Do you mean DHCP browser plugin?
> Anyway, we introduced some ISC DHCP optimizations via inotify, this
> might be regression. Symtoms are very similar.
> What OS are you running on? Can you tell if inotify is available on your 
> system?

Per Christian's other thread
(!topic/foreman-users/xEITFFe9uE8), the
leases file appears to be accessed over NFS instead of being local to
foreman-proxy, which will not work with inotify.

The foreman-proxy service should be colocated with the DHCP daemon and
lease file, not remote.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] dhcp smart proxy with isc dhcp 4.2.5 and 4.3.5

2016-11-03 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 02/11/16 14:00, Christian Froestl wrote:
> Why I have to restart all services after each entry or delete to have a
> working setup?
> My setup:
> dhcpd runs on host ipa01. foreman runs on host foreman. 
> dhcp directory from ipa01 is mounted via nfs to foreman on /mnt/ipa01/dhcp

I think the issue is using NFS to share the leases file - if you're
running foreman-proxy on a different server and using NFS to access the
leases, foreman-proxy will be unable to monitor for changes in the lease
file via inotify.

You could file a feature request for some other type of monitoring for
NFS, e.g. mtime based, but it wouldn't be as reliable as running the
foreman-proxy process on the same server as the DHCP daemon.

Regarding your second post to this mailing list, please don't repost
within a day.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] AW: foreman and external puppet server

2016-11-01 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 01/11/16 14:23, Tobias Köck wrote:
> Hi Mr. McMahan,
> thank you for the answer. I'll try it out.
> I have tried the interactive version
> foreman-installier -i
> Is there somewhere a mapping of the command line options with the
> interactive options or where do I have to check it in the scripts?

The command line options are in the form "--MODULE-PARAMETER", so
--puppet-server is the module 'puppet' (first menu), parameter 'server'
(second menu), and --foreman-proxy-puppet is in the 'foreman_proxy'
module, 'puppet' parameter.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] disabling oauth causes Foreman_proxy registration attempts to fail

2016-10-31 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 28/10/16 20:36, wrote:
> Does this perform the registration (and likely redundant refresh):
> hammer proxy create --name $HOSTNAME --url https://$HOSTNAME:8443
> hammer proxy refresh-features --name $HOSTNAME
> I've dug around the hammer interface and this seems to be the only thing
> that matches (to my inexperience in foreman/hammer eyes).

Yes, that's correct. The refresh-features is probably redundant, it
should update when first created.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] using global parameters in smart class parameter

2016-10-27 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 27/10/16 06:48, francesc bassas wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Foreman 1.12 with puppet 3.8.7
> I've defined a global parameter which is a list of IP's and I would like
> to use it as a value in a smart class parameter. Is this possible?
> How can I reference to it? I mean if the parameter is "ips_list" I've
> tried $::ips_list, but it does not work.
> Excuse me if the answer is trivial.

<%= @host.params['ips_list'] %> should work.,
other macros on that page should also work in the context of a smart
class parameter or global parameter.

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.13.1 bug fix release

2016-10-26 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.13.1 is now available with over thirty bug fixes for a wide
range of issues - including API error improvements, limitations on VM
CPU/memory amounts removed,  DNS record fixes, and a number of fact
import improvements.

Please see our full release notes for the changes:

See the links below for how to get it by installing or upgrading:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Our list of supported OSes has changed, so please check these when
setting up new installations or upgrading.

Packages may be found in the 1.13 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  84E7 90DF FB1D 2EAE C429 C6CD 4EA2 F7E7 7DFE 6FC2

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Provisioning from a dedicated tftp+dhcp host

2016-10-25 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 24/10/16 20:13, Nicola V wrote:
> Hello,
> I setup a few hosts as tftp + dhcp servers and correctly connected them
> to the Foreman instance via the smart proxies. This architecture allows
> some distribution of roles.
> I proceeded with the "provisioning setup" section and am presented with
> the pre-requisites step, plus a subnet dropdown. All is fine but I can't
> seem to be able to select a different "provisioning host": the wizard
> assumes I want to provision stuff from the foreman master:
> ✓ Found registered host fm-master.local
> ✓ Found registered smart proxy fm-master.local
> ✓ Host fm-master.local has at least one network interface
> Clicking next and filling the configuration values takes me to the
> foreman-installer copy-pastable commands, and I can notice the
> --foreman-proxy-tftp-servername parameter pointing at the foreman master
> itself. I would like to be allowed to use whatever tftp server I have
> registered, instead of the foreman instance. Is this even possible (and
> would it make sense, instead of using foreman as the tftp)?

Yes, don't use the provisioning setup. It's a plugin that's only
designed to help set up provisioning first time from the Foreman server
itself with the installer.

Set up the smart proxies as you wish (manually or using the installer),
register them in Foreman and then under Infrastructure > Subnets, assign
them to the subnets.

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.12.4 bug fix release

2016-10-21 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.12.4 is now available in our repositories with a very small
number of bug fixes, mainly around searching and the dashboard page.

Full release notes for all of the changes:

This is likely to be the last 1.12.x release, please take a look at
upgrading to the recent Foreman 1.13.0 release.

See the links below for how to get it by installing or upgrading:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Our list of supported OSes has changed, so please check these when
setting up new installations or upgrading.

We also have an experimental guide to upgrading a combined Foreman 1.12
and Puppet 3 installation to a Puppet 4 installation:

Packages may be found in the 1.12 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  860D D70A 378A 84CE 8D47  C10E B507 F6A6 7D49 2D06

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


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Re: [foreman-users] ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'provision_method' for Host::Managed

2016-10-21 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 21/10/16 00:57, 'Konstantin Orekhov' via Foreman users wrote:
> I'd suggest editing
> /usr/share/foreman/db/migrate/20140304184854_add_provision_method_to_hosts.rb
> and commenting out the "remove_column" line with a #, then run:
> foreman-rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20140304184854
> foreman-rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20140304184854
> Yep, this certainly fixed my problem - thank you very much, Dominic! 
> While we are on this topic - is there a reason why all of those files
> under /usr/share/foreman/db/migrate cannot be used for DB migration
> steps to allow Foreman admins to "jump" the major releases?

No, but they're largely untested and are quite prone to bugs in big
steps as they usually are only run in small steps. We used to run tests
on major version migrations, but it was removed.

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Re: [foreman-users] Puppet ca proxy ssl issues

2016-10-17 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 15/10/16 00:33, Jack Watroba wrote:
> I've been trying to setup a foreman installation with a separate
> puppetmaster/puppetca host. I've installed a full foreman installation
> on one server, and then followed the instructions from the "Setting up
> Foreman with external Puppet masters" section of the documentation,
> including generating ssl certs on the original server and copying them
> over to the new proxy server. If I follow those directions, I can setup
> an external puppetmaster that works fine, but if I want to also make
> that into a puppetca server by setting: 'puppet-server-ca=true' and
> 'foreman-proxy-puppetca=true', then I run into ssl errors when
> attempting to import classes from the puppet proxy/ca server, or even
> just running 'puppet agent -t' on the puppetmaster/ca proxy server.
> The error in the proxy.log on the proxy server is:
> "[2016-10-14T22:11:25.305337 #3733] ERROR -- : Failed to list puppet
> environments: SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read
> finished A"
> Are there additional steps that I need to take in regards to the ssl
> certificates in order to make this work? 

Ensure you separate the two sets of SSL certificates (and CAs) and have
the correct settings pointing to the correct set of certs. It sounds
like they may be muddled.

/etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/puppet_proxy_puppet_api.yml must reference
the certificates used to access the local Puppet master, while
/etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml must instead reference the certs used by
your Foreman installation to communicate with the smart proxy.

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Re: [foreman-users] API to Get Hosts with "configuration_status_label=Active"

2016-10-17 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 17/10/16 04:25, Amrit Atmajit wrote:
> Thanks Dominic,
> This search option is a proper approach to get active hosts rather than
> "configuration_status_label=Active".
> But adding to Vishal's query, our requirement is to list the active
> hosts along with their facts values (like, hostname, macaddress,
> manufacturer, etc.) using a single api.

Foreman doesn't have many APIs that try to combine things, you should
use multiple API calls.

> API we are using to list all hosts and their facts values is:
> "/api/fact_values"
> We can add an external facts value to this api which will provide us
> last_report > "35 minutes ago" .
> But, we are not sure how to get this value.

These searches will only work on the hosts list, the fact_values API has
a more limited ability to search details of hosts.

Fetch the list of hosts using /api/v2/hosts, then query the facts for
each one in turn with GET /api/v2/hosts/

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Foreman 1.13 install - puppet errors

2016-10-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/10/16 15:12, Andrew Enstad wrote:
> /var/log/foreman/production.log file:
> 2016-10-14 09:09:14 2ac200ec [app] [I] Processing by
> HostsController#externalNodes as YML
> 2016-10-14 09:09:14 2ac200ec [app] [I]   Parameters:
> {"name"=>""}
> 2016-10-14 09:09:14 2ac200ec [app] [W] No smart proxy server found on
> ["", "puppet",
> ""] and is not in trusted_puppetmaster_hosts

This says that no smart proxy is registered with the hostname

If you have just installed, either this registration part of the
installation failed (and there was an error message from the installer)
or the smart proxy is registered under another hostname. Please check
registered smart proxies under the Infrastructure menu, and either
re-run the installer or add

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Re: [foreman-users] undefined method 'physical_device' in preseed_networking_setup

2016-10-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/10/16 09:14, Tom K. wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to provision a vm machine with an alias/virtual Interface like eth0:1.
> So far so good. After the first build and the final Callback to Foreman
> I get an Exception in the foreman log so that the "wget" command to
> finish build cancels.
> In the Snippet "preseed_networking_setup" I found this
> <% @host.managed_interfaces.each do |interface| %>
> <% next if !interface.managed? || interface.subnet.nil? ||
> interface.primary -%>
> <% subnet = interface.subnet -%>
> <% virtual = interface.virtual? -%>
> <% dhcp = subnet.nil? ? false : subnet.dhcp_boot_mode? -%>
> real=`ip -o link | grep <%= interface.mac -%> | awk '{print $2;}' | sed
> s/:$//`
> <% if virtual -%>
> real=`echo <%= interface.identifier -%> | sed
> s/<%=*interface.physical_device* -%>/$real/`
> <% end -%>
> But what's the correct Method for interface.physical_device?

It should probably be interface.attached_to, it was renamed back in
Foreman 1.7.0. If it works for you, please do send a fix to

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman or Puppet problem?

2016-10-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 13/10/16 21:24, Mike Wilson wrote:
> Here is where I have the problem, with host4a. The puppet runs complain:
> |
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on
> SERVER: {"message":"Server Error: Could not find class motd for
> on node
>", [..]

The error indicates that Foreman is specifying the "motd" module must be
applied, but it isn't on the Puppet master. It's likely that it's in the
wrong location, or a setting such as the environmentpath in puppet.conf
is incorrect.

> I also have reviewed the smart proxy/class/host group settings trying to
> see if there is something I left out from the new host4/host4a since the
> only difference from these and the ones that work are it is on a
> different compute resource... but didn't see anything obvious.

Assuming the environments are meant to be identical, I don't think this
is related at all to Foreman.

> Anyone have suggestions on where I might look at this for a cause?

If you show the exact locations of the modules, manifests and
puppet.conf (plus version), it might be possible to say what the issue is.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Sharing common puppet modules between multiple environments in Foreman

2016-10-14 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/10/16 19:06, 'Konstantin Orekhov' via Foreman users wrote:
> The module should be at /etc/puppet/environments/common/ntp/ or
> /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/. What are the paths of the modules you've
> added?
> Hmm, since my common environment is a real environment, its modules are
> under /etc/puppet/environments/common/*modules*/.

This isn't the right directory, it needs to be one higher, in
/etc/puppet/environments/common/ or in /etc/puppet/modules.

> Foreman has no problems finding and importing all of my classes and
> modules in all environments. It just does not allow me to assign modules
> from one environment (common) to any of the hosts or HostGroups
> belonging to other environment.

Yes, they shouldn't be imported into an environment called common, they
should appear in every environment.

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Re: [foreman-users] Sharing common puppet modules between multiple environments in Foreman

2016-10-11 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 10/10/16 21:36, 'Konstantin Orekhov' via Foreman users wrote:
> Hello all!
> I have a "common" environment with some non-app-related modules (OS
> repos, DNS, NTP, things of that nature), and several other environments,
> which are application-specific - for example, "production".
> Most of the common modules need to applied to all systems in
> "production" environment as well, However, after importing the puppet
> classes into Foreman from "common" environment, they get mapped to that
> environment and I don't see a way to add any of them to any of the
> hostgroups from "production" environment.

If they are imported into a separate environment then they are in the
wrong location. Even if they are in a "common" (basemodulepath) area
then they should appear within every other environment, not a new

> So, how do I share the modules/puppet classes between multiple
> environments in Foreman?
> On puppet level this should be just fine as Foreman installer puts a
> proper base path for me:
> # grep base /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
>   basemodulepath   =
> /etc/puppet/environments/common:/etc/puppet/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules

The module should be at /etc/puppet/environments/common/ntp/ or
/etc/puppet/modules/ntp/. What are the paths of the modules you've added?

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] foreman-rake "Don't know how to build task 'templates:purge'"

2016-10-11 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/10/16 02:44, Stefan Lasiewski wrote:
> I'm running CentOS 6 with SCL, and we're still on Foreman 1.11.
> I'm trying to work with foreman_templates
> <> to update my
> templates. I installed foreman_templates a few weeks ago using
> `foreman-installer` and I thought it was working then.
> However, when I run certain foreman-installer tasks, I get errors about
> 'Don't know how to build task', and others. I get essentially the same
> error inside and outside of the TFM SCL environment.
> I'm not very experienced with foreman-rake. Any idea what's going on?
> |
> [root@puppet ~]# foreman-rake templates:purge 
> rake aborted!
> Don't know how to build task 'templates:purge'

It's unlikely that the version you have installed contains this feature.
It appears to be in version 3.0.0, but it was released for Foreman 1.12
and higher. You can check your version from the About page or by running
`foreman-rake plugin:list`.

Ensure you read the docs for the version of any plugin you're running by
installing the -doc package (e.g. tfm-rubygem-foreman_templates-doc) and
using rpm -qd tfm-rubygem-foreman_templates-doc to find the README. Or
many plugins publish versioned docs at

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Re: [foreman-users] Cannot start foreman-proxy after upgrade to Puppet 4.x

2016-10-05 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 04/10/16 20:44, Matt . wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I followed the manual way from here to upgrade foreman for usage with
> Puppet 4.x but I cannot start my foreman-proxy anymore:
> [root@foreman-01 ~]# sudo /etc/init.d/foreman-proxy restart
> Stopping foreman-proxy: foreman-proxy was not running. [FAILED]
> Starting foreman-proxy:
> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.5.3/lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb:52:in
> `chdir': Permission denied - /root (Errno::EACCES)

Use "service foreman-proxy restart" instead, it clears out your current
environment and path better than calling an init.d script directly.


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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman upgrade works but fresh install doesn't

2016-10-03 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 30/09/16 22:38, Doug Forster wrote:
> 1. Installed current version on a fresh rhel 7 host.
> 2. Cloned the production database to a new mysql server for testing. 
> 3. upgraded from 1.10 to 1.11. 
> 4. upgraded to 1.12. 
> Everything seemed to work fine. 
> Added a new host and pointed it at the same database and installed
> foreman 1.12. I cannot auth via LDAP on the new host. 

If you're sharing a database, ensure the encryption token is the same on
both servers or Foreman will not be able to decrypt the contents of
passwords within the database (e.g. the bind password).

for more details.

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Puppet not working on Client installed through Foreman

2016-09-29 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 29/09/16 14:31, thrinay garrepalli wrote:
> "Yeah it is there in the tasksel in the template. But not in the
> preview. I guess the problem might be Puppet proxy. Where should I
> exactly check Puppet proxy?"

Edit the host, on the first tab, at the bottom.

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Puppet not working on Client installed through Foreman

2016-09-29 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 28/09/16 15:51, thrinay garrepalli wrote:
> Hi,
> Puppet is not installed on the client. I have used same thing you have
> mentioned in the link. But when I see the preview for that client I
> cann't see those lines.
> my preseed default template consists of 
> <%

That's perfectly correct in a preview. It's an ERB template where
everything between <% %> is code for rendering the template, not the output.

Is the Puppet package listed under tasksel (see line 134)?

It's likely that this is false:

>   pm_set = @host.puppetmaster.empty? ? false : true
>   puppet_enabled = pm_set || @host.param_true?('force-puppet')

Ensure you have a Puppet proxy selected on the first tab of the host.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Use dhcp and foreman proxy classes

2016-09-28 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 28/09/16 10:11, wrote:
> Dear Dominic,
> thank you for your help. I have two new questions. If I would do this,
> does it mean, that after the modifications, I cannot manage my dhcp
> server via foreman -> foreman-proxy anymore?

No, it just disables the foreman_proxy class including the dhcp class,
preventing the duplicate definition. You then add the dhcp class as you
did before, avoiding the duplicate.

> And the other question,
> where do I must to modify this file? On the foreman server? Where is the
> file located on an ubuntu server, and the modification, do I need to
> deploy it to the foreman-proxy, or everything will be done
> automatically? Sorry, I am new in foreman.

It's a parameter of the class, you don't need to edit the module. If you
are adding the class via Foreman, edit the class under Configure >
Puppet classes, then tick Override on the dhcp_manage parameter and set
the default value to false (or set it on the host's parameters tab after
ticking Override).

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Re: [foreman-users] Puppet not working on Client installed through Foreman

2016-09-28 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 28/09/16 15:06, thrinay garrepalli wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed ubuntu by Foreman un attended installation. Puppet
> master is working fine but when I run puppet on the client it is showing
> an error that puppet command not found.
> I have installed client on a VM and Foreman server is on Hardware server.

Is Puppet even installed on the client? Check the package list for
puppet or puppet-agent, depending on the version.

Note that newer versions may have the binaries in /opt/puppetlabs/bin/
instead, so check there. This directory should though be added to PATH
via profile scripts, through the Puppet packages.

If it isn't installed, ensure a Puppet proxy is selected on the host or
override the behaviour of the template through the "force-puppet"
or edit it as you see fit.

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Re: [foreman-users] Use dhcp and foreman proxy classes

2016-09-27 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 27/09/16 11:07, wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible to use the puppets "theforeman-dhcp" and
> "theforeman-proxy" on the same agent? My goal is to install and
> configure my dhcp server via "theforeman-dhcp" and install/configure
> foreman-proxy on the same agent. The problem is only, that class dhcp is
> configured in both puppets. If i deploy both puppets on the target
> system, I get an error in foreman, that class is already defined. Do you
> have an idea how to solve this?

Disable management of the dhcp class in foreman_proxy. See
- set foreman_proxy::dhcp_managed to false.

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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman 1.12.3 - Error checking out Infrastructure -> Smart proxies 'Puppet' tab

2016-09-27 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 26/09/16 23:18, Michael Hurn wrote:
> I get this error on Foreman 1.12.3 but not on Foreman 1.12.2
> I also get the error on new install and on an upgrade from 1.12.
> Looks to me that the SQL is missing `smart_proxies` after FROM `hosts`

Thanks, this was a bug introduced in 1.12.3 which was fixed in It'll be available in 1.12.4.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Config groups Internal Server Error

2016-09-27 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 27/09/16 01:33, Dragan Mudric wrote:
> More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Check /var/log/foreman/production.log for more information.

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[foreman-users] Re: [foreman-announce] Foreman 1.12.3 security and bug fix release

2016-09-20 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 20/09/16 15:01, Dominic Cleal wrote:
> [foreman-announce] Foreman 1.12.3 security and bug fix release

I made a mistake in the subject line that I'd like to clarify: the
1.12.3 release is a bug fix release _only_. There are no new
security-related fixes in this version.

Sorry for any confusion.

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.12.3 security and bug fix release

2016-09-20 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.12.3 is now available in our repositories with a number of bug
fixes and support for Puppet Server 2.6 (now default).

Full release notes for all of the changes:

It's likely that a further 1.12.4 release will be made in a month's time
before we fully switch focus to 1.13.x. Please take a look at the recent
release candidate for 1.13.0 and help get it ready.

See the links below for how to get it by installing or upgrading:

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Our list of supported OSes has changed, so please check these when
setting up new installations or upgrading.

We also have an experimental guide to upgrading a combined Foreman 1.12
and Puppet 3 installation to a Puppet 4 installation:

Packages may be found in the 1.12 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  860D D70A 378A 84CE 8D47  C10E B507 F6A6 7D49 2D06

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug, please file it and note the version of Foreman
that you're using in the report.


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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Tip: Passing puppetlabs/firewall configuration through Foreman web interface

2016-09-16 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 15/09/16 23:57, Joseph Cunningham wrote:
> I know this is an old thread, but following this guide, I'm getting the
> following error when attempting to run puppet agent -t on the client:
> Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Info: Loading facts
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> SERVER: no implicit conversion of nil into Hash at
> /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/firewall_custom/manifests/init.pp:12
> on node
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> Gist of init.pp is here:

Line 12 is the create_resources() call, which uses $firewall_data from
the class parameter. If that is nil, then it's likely that the parameter
isn't correctly set in Foreman.

View the ENC output (the YAML button on the host page) and ensure
firewall_data is listed below the firewall_custom class name with the
YAML representing your firewall resources/rules, else ensure it's set in
the smart class parameter in Foreman.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Cannot get "Run Puppet" to work in GUI

2016-09-16 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 15/09/16 16:41, Scott Mckeown wrote:
> I have read just about every doc I can find on how to get the "run
> puppet" button to work in the web ui with no luck.
> I am trying to use the  mcollective provider.
> The foreman documentation section only shows a few lines in a couple of
> files to change. 
> I have made all of the stated changes, still not working. 
> Is there a better guide to get this working?

I don't know about a guide, but if you can more precisely show what
isn't working, including showing the smart proxy logs, any errors and
the relevant/changed configuration files, somebody may be able to help.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Ubuntu Desktop-Unattended installation

2016-09-15 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 15/09/16 13:11, Akash Kaveti wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install ubuntu desktop, but I have succeeded. I have
> tried different mirrors but I ended up with Ubuntu server.
> Would be very much greatful, if any one can help.

Try updating the package list (via tasksel) in the preseed file, i.e.
the line at
Edit your preseed via Foreman's provisioning templates UI.

for a list of standard tasks.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Puppet Server Stop After OS Update

2016-09-15 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 14/09/16 18:23, Marcio Costa wrote:
> Hello. Im using Centos 7.2 and after an update, the puppet servers stop
> loading.  I have this error:

It's likely that you updated to Puppet Server 2.6.0.

> Sep 14 14:13:15 java: Exception in thread "main"
> *java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: service
> does not appear in configuration*

Add to /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/web-routes.conf:


> I have modified the file *web-routes.conf.erb* and added the text:
> (
> Still not working.   I appreciate any help.
> Thank you.

The file I'm guessing you might have edited (hard to say without knowing
the full path) is part of the Foreman installer. Did you _run_ the
Foreman installer after editing it?

You would need to run it with --puppet-server-puppetserver-version=2.6.0
to apply this 2.6-style configuration.

Dominic Cleal

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[foreman-users] Foreman 1.13.0-RC1 available for testing

2016-09-13 Thread Dominic Cleal
Foreman 1.13.0-RC1 is now available for testing - the first of the
release candidates for the upcoming 1.13 version.

Please help by testing and getting it release-ready, and look out for
new release candidates approximately every two weeks with the latest bug

Installation quick start:

Upgrade instructions:

Release notes:

This is also a good time to improve translations for existing locales to
ensure full coverage. Help out at

Changes in this release
This release contains many varied changes, including:

- Support for IPv6 subnets, addresses and orchestration on hosts
- Parsing performance improvements in ISC DHCP smart proxy module
- UEFI boot loaders and TFTP boot files configured
- Puppet facts importer supports Facter 2+ structured facts
- OpenStack Liberty, server groups and scheduler support

Lots more features can be found listed in the release notes by
category, please have a look through for anything that you might rely
on and give it a test:

Do take note of the upgrade warnings and deprecations in this release:

Packages may be found in the 1.13 directories on both
and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
  84E7 90DF FB1D 2EAE C429 C6CD 4EA2 F7E7 7DFE 6FC2

Bug reporting
If you come across a bug in your testing, please file it and note the
version of Foreman that you're using in the report.


Dominic Cleal

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"Foreman users" group.
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [foreman-users] Puppet facts as foreman parameter overrides

2016-09-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/09/16 05:08, sybari wrote:
> I have a class that I would like to override a hash parameter for using
> Foreman 1.12.2, and I'd like one of the values I pass through in this
> hash to be the IP address of the host the class is running against.
> I have looked at ways to pass through facter, hiera, etc. but can't seem
> to find the right answer here.
> Is this possible?  If so, how can I reference the ip address of the host
> in question in Foreman?

Foreman parameter values, both global and smart variables, can use the
same templating syntax that templates use

Using <%= @host.ip %> should work to get the primary IP address.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Unable to get environments from Puppet. Foreman 1.12.1 Puppet 3.8.7 After upgrade.

2016-08-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/08/16 20:03, Michael Hurn wrote:
> Thank you for the feedback so far Dominic
> Ok I'm beginning to think that it could be a puppet permissions issue.
> As we are using an external MySQL server for Foreman can I regress to my
> snapshot (running Foreman 1.11.1 Puppet 3.8.3) taken just before upgrade?

Sure, I don't see why not. You won't be able to run 1.11 against a 1.12
database, but after upgrading the packages again it should be OK.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] [foreman] Problems with instalation of foreman 1.12

2016-08-12 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 12/08/16 07:19, Carlos Mata wrote:
> I'm trying to install foreman 1.12 in a Centos 7 but I got the following
> errors. I also notice that the puppet agent was not installed with the
> foreman installer(in previous versions I've tried the puppet agent was
> installed with foreman)

The "puppet-agent" RPM should be installed, which provides the
puppet-agent service. Note that Puppet 4.x PC1 packages have different
service names to Puppet 3.x.


> What could be wrong? Thanks in advance,
> Carlos
> Systemd start for puppetserver failed!
> /Stage[main]/Puppet::Server::Service/Service[puppetserver]/ensure:
> change from stopped to running failed: Systemd start for puppetserver
> failed!

The puppetserver logs under /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ should
contain the reason.

> /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[foreman-server.example]:
> Could not evaluate: Exception Connection refused - connect(2) for
> "foreman-server.example" port 443 in get request to:
> https://foreman-server.example/api/v2/smart_proxies?search=name=%22foreman-server.example%22

Apache is probably not running, try running `systemctl start httpd` and
check its logs if failing.

Dominic Cleal

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"Foreman users" group.
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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Unable to get environments from Puppet. Foreman 1.12.1 Puppet 3.8.7 After upgrade.

2016-08-11 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 11/08/16 13:46, Michael Hurn wrote:
> Sadly that was not the case as the auth.conf settings were correct.
> The log below is from when I take a look at the smartproxy and do a
> 'refresh' under 'Overview'.

auth.conf does indeed look correct, but the error seen by the smart
proxy is pretty clear:

> E, [2016-08-11T12:32:42.238822 #4126] ERROR -- : Failed to list puppet
> environments: Failed to query Puppet find environments v2 API: 403
> {"message":"Not Authorized: Forbidden request:
> vm-puppet.test.local( access to /v2.0/environments [find] at
> :119","issue_kind":"FAILED_AUTHORIZATION"}

I think you need to look at the Puppet master configuration in more
detail to find why it's being refused. This isn't the smart proxy itself.

Perhaps the auth.conf you're editing isn't the active copy, it's in
another path to what you're expecting for some reason, isn't loaded
(restart the master), or similar.

Dropping the Puppet master to a debug log level should show more
information about why it's not authorising access. That may require
setting log_level in the master's (or running it in the
foreground with --debug), and reconfiguring your syslog daemon to log
debug level messages.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Re: Unable to get environments from Puppet. Foreman 1.12.1 Puppet 3.8.7 After upgrade.

2016-08-11 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 10/08/16 15:41, Michael Hurn wrote:
> Thank you some how it got set to '4.3.1'
> That fixed my test/dev system but the production now gives:
> E, [2016-08-10T14:33:21.692073 #19365] ERROR -- : Failed to list puppet
> environments: Failed to query Puppet find environments v2 API: 403
> {"message":"Not Authorized: Forbidden request:
> vm-puppet.test.local( access to /v2.0/environments [find] at
> :119","issue_kind":"FAILED_AUTHORIZATION"}

Check the /etc/puppet/auth.conf configuration on your master, it needs
to have the following entry:

path /v2.0/environments
method find
allow *

You may need to restart it after adding this.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] Unable to get environments from Puppet. Foreman 1.12.1 Puppet 3.8.7 After upgrade.

2016-08-10 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 10/08/16 15:11, Michael Hurn wrote:
> After upgrading from Foreman 1.11.1 & Puppet 3.8.3.
> When I try to import classes I get an error popup:
> Error: ERF12-2749 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to get environments
> from Puppet ([RestClient::NotAcceptable]: 406 Not Acceptable) for proxy
> https://vm-puppet.test.local:8443/puppet
> when hitting the Import from PuppetProxy button on the
> page: https://vm-puppet.test.local/puppetclasses
> __ 
> In the /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log I get:
> D, [2016-08-10T13:26:10.898951 #15759] DEBUG -- : accept:
> D, [2016-08-10T13:26:10.910504 #15759] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick
> is invoked.
> E, [2016-08-10T13:26:11.054200 #15759] ERROR -- : Failed to list puppet
> environments: Failed to query Puppet find environments v3 API: 404 Not
> Found: Could not find environment 'puppet'

Using Puppet 3.8, the smart proxy shouldn't be using the v3 API, it
should on v2. Check the value of :puppet_version in
/etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/puppet.yml matches your Puppet master version.

Logs from the smart proxy startup should also show what value the
puppet_version is configured to.

Dominic Cleal

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Re: [foreman-users] how to build foreman rpm with edge version of code ?

2016-08-04 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 04/08/16 15:18, pronix pronix wrote:
> appeared new question.
> i want repeat full process locally.
> which command is used for create tarball on ?
> because standart git archive not fit , spec file expect some other
> structured and prepared archive.

It's a git archive but with a prefix:

git archive --prefix=foreman-1.13.0/ HEAD | bzip2 -9 >

Dominic Cleal

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