FreeBSD WIFI USB adapter

2011-08-11 Thread bud

I have a Dell XPS Studio laptop with a broadcom wifi adapter built in. 
I've had no luck trying to compile in the BWI option into the kernel to
get it to work and think that buying a cheap usb WIFI adapter is the
quickest way to make wireless 802.11 b/g work.

Realizing that some chip sets are better supported than others, I was
hoping some list subscribers might be able to identify currently offered
USB WIFI adapters that they know to work.  I will then purchase one that
has a good track record.

Any suggestions/comments on adapters that work would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: FreeBSD ZFS system

2011-06-25 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:

 Op 23-6-2011 9:35 schreef Valentin Bud:

 On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:

 OK, it works very well. Installing a ZFS FreeBSD system with an ufs /boot
 is very very easy using the PC-BSD DVD.
 However, I have one question:

 I'd like to install FreeBSD (pcbsd) on a (zfs) mirror
 In OpenSolaris you can install directly to the zfs mirror, but how's this
 in this situation After all, an UFS partitin is also created. How can I get
 the equivalent of an OpenSolaris mirrored install for a FreeBSD system?

 Hope I phrased the question clearly enough.
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 Hello Community,

   Like others said in their answer to your question, you don't have to put
 /boot on UFS, just go with root on ZFS.
 If you would like speed when installing the system I recommend mfsBSD - As pointed out
 in the web page there is a script (zfsinstall) that does all the work for
 you. It does all the steps described in the
 wiki -

   If you want to gain knowledge about the process of installing FreeBSD
 with root on ZFS then go with the wiki
 article. Using mfsBSD I install a 8.2-STABLE custom system in under 5
 seconds. That's pretty neat :).

 OK, I tried mfsbsd. I had the iso loaded at ata1 master and freebsd-8.2-dvd
 as ata1 slave.
 I booted my VM; mfsbsd came up fine. I mounted my fbsd dvd drive on /cdrom
 and tried to run the zfsinstall script. Alas, it refuses.. It can't find the
 (needed!) 8.2-RELEASE.???tgz file It does not exist. There is only a
 directory 8.2-RELEASE (on DVD as well as on CDROM ). Question: is this a bug
 in zfsinstall script?
 How do I work around it?

Hello Community,

 You don't need any other CD/DVD to install from. The 8.2-RELEASE.tar.gz
file is on the mfsBSD iso. You have to mount it to /cdrom and you can use
zfsinstall script that comes with mfsBSD to do a root on ZFS install of

 I outline the steps:
0. Download
1. Boot mfsBSD. No other disk needed to install FreeBSD on root.
2. # mount /dev/acd0 /cdrom (change acd0 with your local CD/DVD drive).
3. # *zfsinstall -d ad0 -t /cdrom/8.2-RELEASE-amd64.tar.xz* -s 4G - change
the drive and swap partition size according to your

You might wanna check the options of zfsinstall  script, it has quite some
nice ones, see -h flag of the command.

Have a great day,
network warrior
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Re: FreeBSD ZFS system

2011-06-23 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:

 OK, it works very well. Installing a ZFS FreeBSD system with an ufs /boot
 is very very easy using the PC-BSD DVD.
 However, I have one question:

 I'd like to install FreeBSD (pcbsd) on a (zfs) mirror
 In OpenSolaris you can install directly to the zfs mirror, but how's this
 in this situation After all, an UFS partitin is also created. How can I get
 the equivalent of an OpenSolaris mirrored install for a FreeBSD system?

 Hope I phrased the question clearly enough.
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Hello Community,

 Like others said in their answer to your question, you don't have to put
/boot on UFS, just go with root on ZFS.
If you would like speed when installing the system I recommend mfsBSD - As pointed out
in the web page there is a script (zfsinstall) that does all the work for
you. It does all the steps described in the
wiki -

 If you want to gain knowledge about the process of installing FreeBSD with
root on ZFS then go with the wiki
article. Using mfsBSD I install a 8.2-STABLE custom system in under 5
seconds. That's pretty neat :).

a great day,
network warrior
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Custom FreeBSD appliance

2011-03-01 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 We have started using virtualization platforms at work,
a mix of ESXi and KVM. Until now I had no problems
running FreeBSD (full ZFS) as a guest on neither of them. Some
might say this is not optimal neither safe but we have a dedicated
server (10 GB RAM, Intel Quad Core) running 8-STABLE with
ZFS for backing up all the VMs that we have.

 We have quite a few apps we use, from Apache to MySQL,
ghostscript and others. Until I've heard of virtualization all the apps
were running on a single dedicated server. I remember once I had
to update some appX which depended on some libX-new-version and
the other appY depended on libX-past-version. I had to roll back the update,
quite a pain and some downtime. No more of that when I've heard about
jails. At first I've used jails,which are great (thanks FreeBSD for this). I
do use them in
some parts of the environment and I am very happy with them. We chose
because we have a mixture of debian, Windows and FreeBSD machines
we need to do the job.

 I have been thinking lately to build specialized robots (as I call them)
for a
certain task. A specialized robot for me is a custom FreeBSD install
with a certain package (eg. MySQL), with all the tuning done for that
particular app, starting from FS to memory optimization, network
and the like. What do you think about this?

 I would like to build that custom install *exactly* with what's needed by
particular app, no more no less. Where would be a great place to start?
I suppose the build system and src.conf would be a start.
How can I find  what a certain app really needs? For example if I want to
build a robot that does outgoing SMTP using postfix, what are the stuff
that need to be build/loaded into base system for this to work?

 This way I can save memory, boot speed, security.

What do you think of all this? Your comments are greatly appreciated.

network warrior
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Re: Tuning routing table size in FreeBSD 8.0 and 7.2

2011-02-25 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:37 PM, nikitha wrote:

 Thank you all, for your timely reply..
 To answer Niko's question: Just i'm doing some performance/stress testing
 a freebsd router.. :-)


 On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:

  On 2/24/2011 4:51 PM, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
  On 2/24/11 3:00 PM, nikitha wrote:
  Could you plz share the information on the maximum number of routes
  be added (by default) in FREEBSD 8.0/7.2 kernel?
  In Linux the sysctl rt_max_size is used. Is there a similar tunable
  parameter in freeBSD?
  I could not find a sysctl that matched what you're looking for.
  AFAIK, the routing table is limited only by the amount of RAM you can
  allocate to it.
  Yes. You can use vmstat -z | grep rtentry to examine it.
  It seems trivial to add a limit there(without having thought of
  multiple routing tables and vnet).
  Out of curiosity, why would you want such a limit?
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Hello Sumi,

 What tools do you use to perform the tests?

network warrior
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Re: openldap problems authenticating

2011-02-23 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:47 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:

 Hello list,

 I am running an openldap 2.4 server under FreeBSD that was working
 well until the config was tweaked by someone on the team without
 properly documenting their work

 # /usr/local/etc/ldap.con on ldap server (FreeBSD 8.1)

 base dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 sudoers_base ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 binddn cn=pam_ldap,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 bindpw {SSHA}secret
 scope sub
 pam_password exop
 nss_base_passwd ou=staff,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 nss_base_shadow ou=staff,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com

 # grep for ldap account shows ldap account on the ldap server itself

 [root@LBSD2:/usr/local/etc/openldap] #getent passwd | grep walbs
 walbs:secret/:1002:1003:Walkiria Soares:/home/walbs:/usr/local/bin/bash
 [root@LBSD2:/usr/local/etc/openldap] #grep walbs /etc/passwd
 [root@LBSD2:/usr/local/etc/openldap] #

 # /etc/ldap.conf on ldap client (centos 5.5)

 base dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 sudoers_base ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 binddn cn=pam_ldap,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 bindpw {crypt}secret
 scope sub
 pam_password exop
 nss_base_passwd ou=staff,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 nss_base_shadow ou=staff,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com

 # grep getent passwd for ldap account on the client nothing turns up
 after a long pause

 [root@LCENT01:~] #getent passwd | grep walbs
 [root@LCENT01:~] #

 # nsswitch on the client

 passwd: files ldap
 shadow: files ldap
 group:  files ldap
 #hosts: db files nisplus nis dns
 hosts:  files dns

 # this is what's going on in the logs on the ldap server during th
 getent from the #client

 Feb 22 21:31:18 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3411 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=49
 Feb 22 21:31:18 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3411 op=1 UNBIND
 Feb 22 21:31:18 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3411 fd=22 closed
 Feb 22 21:31:26 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3412 fd=22 ACCEPT from
 IP= (IP=
 Feb 22 21:31:26 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3412 op=0 BIND
 dn=cn=pam_ldap,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com method=128
 Feb 22 21:31:26 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3412 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=49
 Feb 22 21:31:26 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3412 op=1 UNBIND
 Feb 22 21:31:26 LBSD2 slapd[51158]: conn=3412 fd=22 closed

 #ldap search from the client as the pam services account is able to
 locate the ldap user info

 [root@LCENT02:~] #ldapsearch -xH 'ldap://' -D
 ,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com' -w 'secret' -b
 # extended LDIF
 # LDAPv3
 # base dc=summitnjhome,dc=com with scope subtree
 # filter: (uid=walbs)
 # requesting: ALL

 # walbs, People,
 dn: uid=walbs,ou=People,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 uid: walbs
 cn: Walkiria Soares
 givenName: Walkiria
 sn: Soares
 objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
 objectClass: person
 objectClass: organizationalPerson
 objectClass: inetOrgPerson
 objectClass: posixAccount
 objectClass: top
 uidNumber: 1002
 gidNumber: 1003

 # search result
 search: 2
 result: 0 Success

 # numResponses: 2
 # numEntries: 1

 #pam_ldap services account in the ldap directory

 3 cn=pam_ldap,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
 cn: pam_ldap
 objectClass: top
 objectClass: inetOrgPerson
 sn: PAM
 userPassword: {SSHA}secret

 I have also tried doing anonymous binds on the client as well as using
 plain text passwords. I get the same tag=97 err=49 messages on the
 client either way.

 Some advice is sorely needed here. Thank you very kindly in advance!

 GPG me!!

 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F186197B

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Hello Tim,

 First of all: err=49 message in LDAP logs mean some kind of invalid
(user or password, either tls but this is not the case).

 After reading the mail a few times I have noticed something strange:

base dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
sudoers_base ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
binddn cn=pam_ldap,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
*bindpw {SSHA}secret*

and on the client:

base dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
sudoers_base ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
binddn cn=pam_ldap,ou=Services,dc=summitnjhome,dc=com
*bindpw {crypt}secret*

I honestly say that I have never seen the password entry preceded
by the algo used to encrypt it in ldap.conf.

Anyway, logs are no liar so you should double check for user/password
combination in config files. This is backed up by the fact that the direct
ldapsearch from CLI works. For sure on CLI you 

rc startup script - daemon: failed to set user environment

2010-11-03 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I am trying to build a startup script for an application built from source
code. The application name is SOGo (

I will attach the rc  script and the error I receive when I run it.

# PROVIDE: sogod
# REQUIRE: memcached
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable sogod:
# sogod_enable (bool):  Set it to YES to enable sogod.
#   Default is NO

. /etc/rc.subr


load_rc_config ${name}

: ${sogod_enable=NO}
: ${sogod_user=sogo}
: ${sogod_workers=-WOWorkersCount 1}
: ${sogod_command=/usr/local/GNUstep/Local/Tools/Admin/sogod}
: ${sogod_logfile=/var/log/sogo/sogo.log}

command_args=-f -p ${pidfile} -u ${sogod_user} ${sogod_command}
${sogod_workers} -WOPidFile ${pidfile} -WOLogFile ${sogod_logfile}


sogod_prestart() {
if [ ! -d `dirname ${pidfile}` ]; then
mkdir `dirname ${pidfile}` /dev/null 21  chown
${sogod_user} `dirname ${pidfile}`
if [ ! -d `dirname ${sogod_logfile}` ]; then
mkdir `dirname ${sogod_logfile}` /dev/null 21
touch ${sogod_logfile}  chown ${sogod_user}
if [ -z ${GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT} ]; then
. /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/

run_rc_command $1

 The sogo daemon requires memcached running to start and the
file ${sogod_logfile}
to be readable by ${sogod_user}. I also requires the
directory /var/run/sogo/ to be read/write
by ${sogod_user} so it can write the PID file. The makefile must
be loaded
so it can run properly.

 The other command_args are the startup arguments sogod takes.

memcached is already started:
sogo# sockstat | grep memcached
nobody   memcached  71167 16 tcp4 *:*
nobody   memcached  71167 17 udp4 *:*

sogod is enabled is /etc/rc.conf
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod rcvar
# sogod
#   (default: )

This is the error I receive when I try to start sogod
sogo# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod start
Starting sogod.
daemon: failed to set user environment
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod: WARNING: failed to start sogod

 This is the first rc script I write. What can I do to debug the problem

Thank you and have a great day,
network warrior
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Re: rc startup script - daemon: failed to set user environment

2010-11-03 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Frank Shute wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 08:55:45AM +0200, Valentin Bud wrote:
  Hello community,
   I am trying to build a startup script for an application built from
  code. The application name is SOGo (
  I will attach the rc  script and the error I receive when I run it.
  # PROVIDE: sogod
  # REQUIRE: memcached
  # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable sogod:
  # sogod_enable (bool):  Set it to YES to enable sogod.
  #   Default is NO
  . /etc/rc.subr
  load_rc_config ${name}
  : ${sogod_enable=NO}
  : ${sogod_user=sogo}
  : ${sogod_workers=-WOWorkersCount 1}
  : ${sogod_command=/usr/local/GNUstep/Local/Tools/Admin/sogod}
  : ${sogod_logfile=/var/log/sogo/sogo.log}
  command_args=-f -p ${pidfile} -u ${sogod_user} ${sogod_command}
  ${sogod_workers} -WOPidFile ${pidfile} -WOLogFile ${sogod_logfile}
  sogod_prestart() {
  if [ ! -d `dirname ${pidfile}` ]; then
  mkdir `dirname ${pidfile}` /dev/null 21  chown
  ${sogod_user} `dirname ${pidfile}`
  if [ ! -d `dirname ${sogod_logfile}` ]; then
  mkdir `dirname ${sogod_logfile}` /dev/null 21
  touch ${sogod_logfile}  chown ${sogod_user}
  if [ -z ${GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT} ]; then
  . /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/
  run_rc_command $1
   The sogo daemon requires memcached running to start and the
  file ${sogod_logfile}
  to be readable by ${sogod_user}. I also requires the
  directory /var/run/sogo/ to be read/write
  by ${sogod_user} so it can write the PID file. The makefile
  be loaded
  so it can run properly.
   The other command_args are the startup arguments sogod takes.
  memcached is already started:
  sogo# sockstat | grep memcached
  nobody   memcached  71167 16 tcp4 *:*
  nobody   memcached  71167 17 udp4 *:*
  sogod is enabled is /etc/rc.conf
  # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod rcvar
  # sogod
  #   (default: )
  This is the error I receive when I try to start sogod
  sogo# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod start
  Starting sogod.
  daemon: failed to set user environment
  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod: WARNING: failed to start sogod
   This is the first rc script I write. What can I do to debug the problem
  Thank you and have a great day,
  network warrior

 Starting with the obvious, did you create a sogo userID with adduser(8)?
 You want to give it nologin as a shell. It will also want a group.




  Contact info:

 Hello Mr. Frank,

 Yes I did.

sogo# id sogo
uid=1001(sogo) gid=1001(sogo) groups=1001(sogo)

Thank you,
network warrior
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Re: How to connect a jail to the web ?

2010-08-10 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Brice ERRANDONEA berrando...@yahoo.frwrote:


 I've just created my first FreeBSD jail in order to install a web server
 But I don't know how to connect it to the web. When I try pinging a http
 website, it doesn't work. Of course, it works when I do it from outside the

 Another problem, probably linked to the first one, I can't run rc within
 jail, even as the jail's root. It says : permission denied.

 Here's how I built and started my jail. I had already run make buildworld
 upgrading to 8.1 release :

 # mkdir /usr/prison
 # cd /usr/src
 # make installworld DESTDIR=/usr/prison
 # make distribution DESTDIR=/usr/prison
 # mount -t devfs devfs /usr/prison/dev
 # jail -c path=/usr/prison host.hostname=ServeurWeb ip4.addr=
 # jail /usr/prison ServeurWeb csh

 I guess this must be a very basic question but please help me.


 To be able to ping from inside the jail you need raw sockets
activated on the host.

sysctl security.jail.allow_raw_sockets=1

For ease of configuration you could use ezjail - a jail administration
framework written
in shell or if you plan to use lots of jails (20+) you could try qjail which
is also a jail
administration framework.

have a great day,
network warrior
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Re: new jail utility is available. announcement.

2010-07-21 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Aiza wrote:

  Not yet, when I have a spare box I might, although I quite like using
 zfs for jails as you can limit the disk usage dynamically per zfs
 filesystem and I didnt see any support there yet, even basic support
 like there is with ezjail would be nice.

 Zfs was left out because its over kill. Sparse image jails gives the same
 protection at a 10th of the overhead.

Hello community,

 ZFS shouldn't be left out. Besides limiting the disk usage dynamically per
zfs FS
you have another big advantage - snapshots. Suppose you want to upgrade
is a jail and something goes kaboom you just revert to the previous working
 I agree you can copy the image back and forth but zfs snapshots are faster
and not
that space consuming.

 The layout that I plan to use is the following:

  | |
  | | ...

Group can be any kind of characteristic you want to take into account
those jails (eg. group1 - mail servers, group2 - web servers, groupX -
companyY, etc.).
You can also go with more levels of depth but for me it's enough.

This way if your server doesn't handle all the jails you have running,
buy new hardware, install FBSD (or just copy the ZFS root container over to
the new
system) and migrate the jails over.

I am waiting for network stack virtualization to come out and dreaming about
live jails
migration in the future of FBSD :).

I would like you to reconsider ZFS support and thanks for qjail :).

a great day,
network warrior
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Re: Clarification: Jail -vs- Chroot

2010-07-14 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Aiza wrote:

 Ed Flecko wrote:

 Hi folks,
 I'm reading about jails and chroot, and I'm not clear about the
 differences so I'm hoping someone can clarify this for me.

 Here's what I think is correct:

 1.) FreeBSD has both chroot capability as well as jail capability.

 2.) Only FreeBSD has true, jail functionality? Yes?...No?

 3.) When reading something (book, article, etc.), is there a way to
 determine if the author is, in fact, talking about truly a jail or
 are they really just referring to a chroot environment? For example,
 I have a book (Preventing web attacks with Apache) that says:

 Chroot is short for change root and essentially allows you to run
 programs in a protected or jailed environment. The main benefit of a
 chroot jail is that the jail will limit the portion of the file system
 the daemon can see to the root directory of the jail. Additionally,
 since the jail only needs to support Apache, the programs available in
 the jail can be extremely limited.

 4.) Jail is the more secure of the two options?

 5.) When would you typically use a jail -vs- a chroot? The new, 2nd
 edition of Absolute FreeBSD says:

 Chrooting is useful for web servers that have multiple clients on one
 machine—that is, web servers with many virtual hosts.

 Comments??? Suggestions???

 Thank you!


 Well let me take a shot at this. First of all we are only talking about the
 FreeBSD operating system. The ability to chroot a directory tree has been
 available since RELEASES 2.0. The jail utility first appeared in RELEASE
 4.0. The jail utility is just a basic effort to automate the building and
 administration of an chrooted directory tree which is pretty much useless
 unless it contains a complete copy of the Freebsd operating system binaries.
 The major short coming of the jail command jail system is each jail has it's
 own copy of the hosts running system binaries. Freebsd reserves a limited
 number of control structures for storing files and directories, called
 inodes. Creating a few jails consumes many of these valuable inodes,
 eventually preventing the creation of new jails and new files on the host.
 Worst yet is each jail loads it's own copy of it's running binaries into
 memory which causes thrashing on the swap device as memory pages are swapped
 in and out as the limited memory is shared between the host and jails.
 Besides consuming resources and creating performance degradation, this also
 causes a major administration headache when wanting to update the host
 running system, because the host and the jails all have to be running the
 same RELEASE version.

 Now with some considerable hand jobbing per the jail section of the
 handbook, a jail environment can be created where by a single copy of the
 jailed running binaries are shared among all the jails. But this still
 leaves you with an administration nightmare as the number of jails deployed
 grows past 5. Now there are some ports in the port system that are utility
 wrappers around the jail command that tries to address this administration
 nightmare. My experience with these are they are very poorly documented and
 you really need to have a good grasp on how jails work and network ip
 address usage before they are useful. Their easy of use quickly evaporates
 as the number of jails deployed reaches 10.

 The next generation of a jail utility for the deployment of a large number
 of jails is in project phase right now. Keep checking the ports system for

 Now about what to run in a jail. Well since each jail is like a complete
 stand-a-lone operating system, you can populate it with any application you
 want. The real limitation is how is that jail going to gain public internet
 access so the domain name of your apache website can be found and accessed.
 A static ip address is pretty much required, though with some creative ip
 address assignments this can be circumvented. Thats a whole other subject

Hello community,

 Aiza could you please tell us more about qjail. google isn't very helpful
and I am very interested in the subject.

thank you.
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Re: Requesting community opinion regarding security/pam_ldap groupdn and member_attribute

2010-04-18 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Alejandro Imass wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Valentin Bud
  Hello community,
   I am working these days on implementing a centralized

  The problem is that pam_ldap wants the memberUid attribute to contain the
  user's DN and there is
  no option to change this behavior.


  My question is: what is the argument behind this and do you think it
  stay this way or
  could it be changed?
  In my case I really need pam_ldap to check just for UID not DN of a user
  memberUid attribute.

 I think you are a bit confused here, because dn is not an attribute,
 and you must revise RFCs 4510 to 4519,4530 (and others related).

 The DN is the Distinguished Name, which is basically the RDN + the DN
 of the parent node. let's see where should I start

 Ok, think of LDAP as 2 things: 1) a simple network protocol, 2) a
 database model that stores entries in a tree fashion (the Directory
 Information Tree or DIT). Each entry (the atomic unit in a DIT) has
 to derive from at least one structural Object Class (or more) and zero
 or more Auxiliary Classes. The structural class has one (or more -
 though it's not very common) MUST attributes, which _usually_ make up
 the entry's RDN (Relative Distinguished Name). So, the RDN is
 _usually_ conformed of the principal MUST attribute of it's primary
 structural class, and _usually_ it defines the entry type[1].

 I say usually because entries commonly derive from several classes,
 not just one, so in reallity you can use _any_ attribute for your RDN,
 as long as you make sure it's unique among siblings (other entries
 that share the same parent). When you position the entry in the DIT
 you conform what is known as the DN, which is the attribute(s) that
 conform the RDN + the DN of the parent node. It is also important to
 note that, and not many people know this, that both the RDN and DN
 could change during the life of an entry, and there is an operational
 attribute called the entryUUID which is sort-of a unique identifier in
 the DIT (RFC4530), and although it's not really meant to be used as a
 day-to-day identifier, may prove useful when integrating LDAP data to
 other data sources such as RDBMS. Oh, and entries can also have
 multiple DNs (Alias Names RFC4512, sect 2.6).

 So, back to your question, the short answer is that to find an entry
 in the DIT you HAVE TO use the dn, althoug the attribuites that
 conform that dn are really up to you. For example, if your entry
 derives from person and posixAccount you could use any of (or both) cn
 and/or uid in the RDN.

 Alejandro Imass

 [1] The entry type, of course is what you want it to be, though many
 of your GUI tools will chose the principal atribute of the first
 objectclass to show you the node (they seldomly use the complete dn,
 so you kind-a think of that attribute as the type (organization,
 person, ou, etc.), but that may be missleading)

  I have asked our friend google what does he has to say about this and
  out that
  there is a patch on Debian which can be found here:
  that gives the user the possibility to choose if the memberUid attribute
  holds the DN or UID.
  I would really like that feature so I have patched pam_ldap to no success
  and since my C programming
  skills are close to none I am stuck.
  Would you people think that the above patch would be useful? Please
  on this. How
  can I/we make that patch work?
  Thank you very much and a great day,
  network warrior since 2005
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Hello Alejandro,

 Thank you for your explanation about LDAP. It has been helpful.

 My problem though is WHY (argumented) does pam_ldap want to see the DN of
the entry
which matched the search for the uid attribute in the memberUid attribute of
the group I want to enforce users be a part of so they can login into the
using ssh.

 Since memberUid attribute holds the value of posix uid I think is not
pretty correct
to find there a DN relating to the standards.

Thanks once again. A great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Requesting community opinion regarding security/pam_ldap groupdn and member_attribute

2010-04-16 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I am working these days on implementing a centralized
authentication/authorization service
for all the FBSD servers I have. I am using OpenLDAP to store the user and
( as a web frontend to administer the directory.

 To enable SSH/console authentication from LDAP I noticed that one can use
security/pam_ldap from ports
and net/nss_ldap so that the name service switch can get groups/passwd info
from LDAP too.

 I have successfully configured OpenLDAP and created a user as follows:

dn: cn=Valentin BUD,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
sn: BUD
givenName: Valentin
uid: mtx
cn: Valentin BUD
homeDirectory: /home/mtx
loginShell: /bin/tcsh
uidNumber: 5001
gidNumber: 5001
gecos: Valentin BUD

and a posixGroup as follows:

dn: cn=ssh,ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: ssh
gidNumber: 7000
description: SSH allowed users
memberUid: mtx

I have configured pam_ldap to honor group membership using
pam_groupdn cn=ssh,ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
pam_member_attribute memberUid

The problem is that pam_ldap wants the memberUid attribute to contain the
user's DN and there is
no option to change this behavior.

My question is: what is the argument behind this and do you think it should
stay this way or
could it be changed?
In my case I really need pam_ldap to check just for UID not DN of a user in
memberUid attribute.

I have asked our friend google what does he has to say about this and found
out that
there is a patch on Debian which can be found here:
that gives the user the possibility to choose if the memberUid attribute
holds the DN or UID.
I would really like that feature so I have patched pam_ldap to no success
and since my C programming
skills are close to none I am stuck.

Would you people think that the above patch would be useful? Please argument
on this. How
can I/we make that patch work?

Thank you very much and a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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FreeBSD8.0 with AHCI

2010-02-18 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I have an Intel server and I must activate AHCI from BIOS so I can
use all the 6 HDDs.

 Can anybody tell me if FBSD8.0 is stable using AHCI. This is the first
I have to use so I thought I'd ask the community opinion first.

Thank you,
network warrior since 2005
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FreeBSD8.0 on IBM BladeCenter S 8886

2010-02-18 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 Does anyone have a working setup of FBSD (preferably 8.0) on
an IBM BladeCenter S 8886? Do you think it would work?

 Google is short on answers on this matter.

Thank you,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: Multihome on FreeBSD 7.2

2009-10-08 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Aflatoon Aflatooni aaflato...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I have a DELL server with dual port nic card on it. The NICs are connected
 to the same VLAN.
 I would like to configure the server so that both NIC cards are redundant
 that if one goes down the second one would pick up and continue. So I would
 need both ports to be configured with the same IP addresses of the server.
 Is there something that I need to configure or add to /etc/rc.conf?


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Hello Aflatoon,

 Take a look at lagg(4). I think that's what you need.

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: What does one call name server registration?

2009-07-15 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Michael David Crawford m...@prgmr.comwrote:


 I'm having a problem making myself clear to my domain name registrar's tech

 I have set up djbdns on a couple of my own servers, and want them
 registered AS name servers with whoever handles such registration.

 Most registrars allow one to just enter their hostnames and IPs and they
 take care of it automagically.

 But my once-beloved registrar HJ Linnen just outsourced all their
 registration services to NameScout, and they haven't got a clue.

 When I looked into it in my account page at NameScout, they said to email
 tech support, so I did.

 And tech support replied with the end-user instructions for assigning name
 servers to the domains one has registered with them.  That's not what I

 What I have are two pairs in the following format:

 I would like a domain to be able to set its name servers to be and, and then when that domain is
 resolved the lookup is delegated to either or

 What is the process called, of registering such name servers?  If I can
 tell NameScout support to do that for me, possibly they can get themselves a
 clue on my behalf.


 Michael David Crawford - We Don't Assume You Are Stupid.

  Xen-Powered Virtual Private Servers:
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Hello Mike,

 Just to point it out what i understand from your post is that you want the
NSs to
authoritative for your domain ( So when someone queries for
your servers (a.ns.example OR answer that query.

 Lets suppose the following example:
You have 2 server that you want to enable BIND (or whatever DNS application)
so they
are authoritative for
Server A - -
Server B - -

 First when you register a domain you must point a NS for that domain. So
when you register you will assign (and B) as NSs for that
particular domain.
Now if the NS for one domain has the name of the domain in it (sort of
speak, excuse my
non-tech language) as ns.A.** does you need a so called GLUE
record for
those NSs. There you point out the IP add of the NS in question.

Hope I understood right what you want and that my post helps you.

a great day,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: 2 questions: GEOM_LABEL and partition naming

2009-07-07 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Daniel Underwood djuatde...@gmail.comwrote:

 Good morning, folks!  (At least, it's morning on the east coast of USA)

 QUESTION 1: Would someone please explain the /var/run/dmesg.boot excerpt

 Note: I have glanced at both of the following links, but at the
 moment, I do not have time to dig into the documentation and learn all
 about this.  I'm hoping to get enough knowledge to understand what's
 going on with this excerpt, and then later invest time in deeper

 [BEGIN excerpt from dmesg.boot]
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1a is ufsid/4a0047d615cb402f.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1d is ufsid/4a0047d94598831f.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1e is ufsid/4a0047d8017e2a4d.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1f is ufsid/4a0047d82cde044f.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1g is ufsid/4a0047d6b40e9fa1.
 Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d615cb402f removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1a is ufsid/4a0047d615cb402f.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d6b40e9fa1 removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1g is ufsid/4a0047d6b40e9fa1.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d8017e2a4d removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1e is ufsid/4a0047d8017e2a4d.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d82cde044f removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1f is ufsid/4a0047d82cde044f.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d94598831f removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider ad0s1d is ufsid/4a0047d94598831f.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d615cb402f removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d6b40e9fa1 removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d8017e2a4d removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d82cde044f removed.
 GEOM_LABEL: Label ufsid/4a0047d94598831f removed.
 [END excerpt from dmesg.boot]

This are labels:

 More possibly relevant information:

 [BEGIN /etc/fstab]
 # DeviceMountpoint  FStype  Options Dump
 /dev/ad0s1b noneswapsw  0   0
 /dev/ad0s1a /   ufs rw  1   1
 /dev/ad0s1g /home   ufs rw  2   2
 /dev/ad0s1e /tmpufs rw  2   2
 /dev/ad0s1f /usrufs rw  2   2
 /dev/ad0s1d /varufs rw  2   2
 /dev/acd0   /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0

 linproc /usr/compat/linux/proc  linprocfs  rw  0  0
 [END /etc/fstab]

 [BEGIN output of df command]
 Filesystem  1K-blocksUsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/ad0s1a756750  162710   53350023%/
 devfs   1   10   100%/dev
 /dev/ad0s1g  23364076  112878 21382072 1%/home
 /dev/ad0s1e756750 862   695348 0%/tmp
 /dev/ad0s1f  10154158 5275158  40856%/usr
 /dev/ad0s1d756750  163790   53242024%/var
 linprocfs   4   40   100%/usr/compat/linux/proc
 [END output of df command]

 QUESTION 2: I'm suprised that the device names (from the df output
 above) do not include ad0s1b and ad0s1c.  I thought the naming
 should follow the model of ad0s1% where % begins at a and
 continues in alphabetical order for each partition on that device.
 What am I missing?

 Partition b is for swap and c represents the entire slice. They will not
appear in df output.

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Re: PF Routing to VPN Device

2009-06-18 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Mike Sweetser - Adhost


 We have a network with a VPN device sitting beside a PF server, both
 connected to an internal network.

 PF Server:
 VPN Device:

 The VPNs are set up for and, so any traffic to
 these networks should be routed to  We've set up routes on
 the PF server as such.

 We've set up the following rules:

 block in log
 pass in on $int_if route-to from to {

 However, the block in log is catching the return traffic.  From pflog
 when somebody on the VPN ( tries to connect to on
 port 80:

 00 rule 28/0(match): block in on bge1: [|tcp]

 If we remove the block in log, the traffic works.

 What are we missing?


Hello Mike,

 What version on FBSD are you using? The keep state is implicit from 7.0 as
far as i know. I might not be right so someone please correct.

 If that is the case you should add keep state to your rule and see what

my 7c,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: PF Routing to VPN Device

2009-06-18 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Valentin Bud valentin@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Mike Sweetser - Adhost wrote:


 We have a network with a VPN device sitting beside a PF server, both
 connected to an internal network.

 PF Server:
 VPN Device:

 The VPNs are set up for and, so any traffic to
 these networks should be routed to  We've set up routes on
 the PF server as such.

 We've set up the following rules:

 block in log
 pass in on $int_if route-to from to {

 However, the block in log is catching the return traffic.  From pflog
 when somebody on the VPN ( tries to connect to on
 port 80:

 00 rule 28/0(match): block in on bge1: [|tcp]

 If we remove the block in log, the traffic works.

 What are we missing?


  Hello Mike,
 What version on FBSD are you using? The keep state is implicit from 7.0

So if you are using a version prior 7.0 you should add keep state so the
return traffic
can be passed.

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Re: path for user www

2009-06-15 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Pieter Donche

 On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, Robert Huff wrote:

 Pieter Donche writes:

  How can one change the PATH for the user www ?
  to include e.g. /usr/local/bin

  In /etc/passwd the entry now is:
  www:*:80:80:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin

Start by reading the section 5 man page for passwd.
Could you provide a little more detail about what's breaking
 and why you think this user's path is involved?
Robert Huff

 Some users on my system run scripts in their webpages. If they specify
 commands (e.g.) 'python',  it is not found, unless it is specified as
 '/usr/local/bin/python', since the Apache runs in an environment which
 has as PATH: (as can be seen from phpinfo() output)
 /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr:bin only.

 How can one make the PATH that Apache httpd deamon will use
 be a different path? and where exaclty does it get
 /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr:bin from
 in the first place?

 I could try specifying in /usr/local/sbin/apachectl 's Bourne shell script:
 export PATH

 but wouldn't this be set back to the original at an Apache update?

 root has a better path:


 how could I have httpd have the same path?

Hello Pieter,

  I guess you are looking for apache's SetEnv directive:

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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glabel(8) a gmirror(8) doesn't work

2009-06-10 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 Yesterday I have installed FBSD 7.2-RELEASE. I have installed on a mirror
created with gmirror(8). All I have modified on this system is that I have
updated the sources, rebuild the world and kernel and of course install.

 I have named the mirror system0 and all worked well. Now the problem
is that i want to glabel the partitions on the mirror so i have followed the
1. reboot to single user
2. mount -a
3. tunefs -L var /dev/mirror/system0s1d
This commands exits with Failed to write superblock.

 After reading the man of gmirrror(8) and glabel(8) i have noticed that both
of them
store metadata on the last sector of the provider. From this results that
what I want
to do is not possible, at least my logic tells me that. Since gmirror wrote
to the last sector of the provider, glabel tries to rewrite it and the
system stops the
process to protect the filesystem. But then again for gmirror the providers
the two hdd i use for mirroring and for glabel the provider is the mirror
itself. That's
again what my logic tells me. So i think there is some kind of separation
between the
two modules and things should work.

 I have searched a bit but couldn't find any relevant info on labeling a
mirror. I just
want to know if this is possible and if it's not I'd like to understand why.

Labeling a partition is not a must-have but it's sure nice :).


network warrior since 2005
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Re: glabel(8) a gmirror(8) doesn't work

2009-06-10 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 1. reboot to single user
 2. mount -a
 3. tunefs -L var /dev/mirror/system0s1d
 This commands exits with Failed to write superblock.

 replace mount -a with mount /

 you can't write directly to partition which is mounted mounted

Thanks this time it worked. I am almost sure (99%) I've tried that already
yesterday but the 1% wins.

One more question can i label the / partition. I have the same error when i
to label it.

network warrior since 2005
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Re: glabel(8) a gmirror(8) doesn't work

2009-06-10 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Manolis Kiagias wrote:

 Valentin Bud wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
  1. reboot to single user
  2. mount -a
  3. tunefs -L var /dev/mirror/system0s1d
  This commands exits with Failed to write superblock.
  replace mount -a with mount /
  you can't write directly to partition which is mounted mounted
  Thanks this time it worked. I am almost sure (99%) I've tried that
  yesterday but the 1% wins.
  One more question can i label the / partition. I have the same error when
  to label it.

 You should be able to. Just reboot into single user mode and *do not*
 enter any mount commands.  The / partition is mounted read only in this
 case, and tunefs -L will succeed.

Yes it worked. Thank you very much. The odd thing is that I once
tried to label it after mounting / and rw and afterward changed it to ro
with the help of mount and it did not work.

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: glabel(8) a gmirror(8) doesn't work

2009-06-10 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 3:20 PM, dhaneshk k wrote:

  List members;

 Starting with FreeBSD 7.2, the 
 supports a new label type for
 UFS file systems, based on the unique file system id, ufsid.

 Is the above clause  applicable in this case ? instead of using  tunefs  -L

 can we use#  glabel status  ?

 and can use the ufsid labels   of  /dev/ufsid/and  edit  /etc/fstab
 entries  for the partitions?

Well yes you are right. The point of labeling the partitions was/is to
make the names more easier to remember IMO. Remembering a
string (the ufsid) is not quite my specialty. Anyway thanks for the heads


  Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 09:12:47 +0300
  Subject: glabel(8) a gmirror(8) doesn't work

  Hello community,
  Yesterday I have installed FBSD 7.2-RELEASE. I have installed on a mirror
  created with gmirror(8). All I have modified on this system is that I
  updated the sources, rebuild the world and kernel and of course install.
  I have named the mirror system0 and all worked well. Now the problem
  is that i want to glabel the partitions on the mirror so i have followed
  1. reboot to single user
  2. mount -a
  3. tunefs -L var /dev/mirror/system0s1d
  This commands exits with Failed to write superblock.
  After reading the man of gmirrror(8) and glabel(8) i have noticed that
  of them
  store metadata on the last sector of the provider. From this results that
  what I want
  to do is not possible, at least my logic tells me that. Since gmirror
  to the last sector of the provider, glabel tries to rewrite it and the
  system stops the
  process to protect the filesystem. But then again for gmirror the
  the two hdd i use for mirroring and for glabel the provider is the mirror
  itself. That's
  again what my logic tells me. So i think there is some kind of separation
  between the
  two modules and things should work.
  I have searched a bit but couldn't find any relevant info on labeling a
  mirror. I just
  want to know if this is possible and if it's not I'd like to understand
  Labeling a partition is not a must-have but it's sure nice :).
  network warrior since 2005
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Re: another compile error

2009-06-09 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 7:42 PM, Kent Stewart wrote:

 On Tuesday 09 June 2009 08:00:20 am DA Forsyth wrote:
  trying to build kernel for 7.2 and get this
  (my earlier problem was my having CFLAGS=... in /etc/src.conf)
  MAKE=make sh /usr/src/sys/conf/ LERGY72
  cc -c -O -pipe  -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -
  Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -
  Wcast-qual  -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -fformat-extensions -nostdinc  -
  I. -I/usr/src/sys -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/altq -D_KERNEL -
  DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include opt_global.h -fno-common -
  finline-limit=8000 --param inline-unit-growth=100 --param large-
  function-growth=1000  -mno-align-long-strings -mpreferred-stack-
  boundary=2  -mno-mmx -mno-3dnow -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mno-sse3 -
  ffreestanding -Werror  vers.c
  linking kernel.debug
  udbp.o(.text+0x59): In function `ng_udbp_disconnect':
  /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:857: undefined reference to
  udbp.o(.text+0xc9): In function `udbp_detach':
  /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:450: undefined reference to
  udbp.o(.text+0xde):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:452: undefined
  reference to `ng_unref_node'
  udbp.o(.text+0x79e): In function `udbp_attach':
  /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:375: undefined reference to `ng_newtype'
  udbp.o(.text+0x7cc):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:381: undefined
  reference to `ng_make_node_common'
  udbp.o(.text+0x813):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:384: undefined
  reference to `ng_name_node'
  udbp.o(.text+0x828):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:385: undefined

 I just cvsuped and did a buildworld and a buildkernel. The kernel compiled
 without a problem. So, this means that you have probably modified your
 config file until it doesn't work. Start over with GENERIC and leave the
 comment on udbp.


 Kent Stewart
 Richland, WA

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 If you want udbp(4) you have to know that it requires netgraph(4).
They are both available as modules and/or kernel config options
(actually udbp(4) is a device :) ).

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: OT - help w configure, make, etc.

2009-06-09 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 7:42 PM, Giorgos Keramidas

 On Tue, 9 Jun 2009 10:38:23 -0500, Gary Gatten
  I'm basically a novice at the whole configure/make process.  I've
  hacked my way through some errors in the past, but I can't get past
  this one.  It used the GNU auto tools and the configure script has a
  bunch of shell, c, sed, awk, etc. stuff that's k1lling me!
  Anyway, I can't get past this error and the app developers/users
  aren't offering timely help, so if anyone here is interested in
  debugging a configure script and helping me get this (nTop 3.3.10)
  compiled would be GREATLY appreciated!  I'll contact you offlist off

 Why not `on list'?

 This way we won't have to duplicate the efforts of all the previous
 subscribers every time you describe what the problem is.

 I agree. This might benefit to others. I guess there are lot
of people out there that don't really understand make and config
so this could be a reference to all of them.

 I know (and agree) that everybody should RTFM but there are times
when the fine manual is just not enough and real world examples
provide a thorough understanding.

my 7c,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: OT - help w configure, make, etc.

2009-06-09 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

  so this could be a reference to all of them.

 I know (and agree) that everybody should RTFM but there are times
 when the fine manual is just not enough and real world examples
 provide a thorough understanding.

  just few months and this will be general unix support list for everybody.
 how about name change?

and here we go again ...
network warrior since 2005
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Re: another compile error

2009-06-09 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Kent Stewart wrote:

 On Tuesday 09 June 2009 09:54:41 am Valentin Bud wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 7:42 PM, Kent Stewart wrote:
   On Tuesday 09 June 2009 08:00:20 am DA Forsyth wrote:
trying to build kernel for 7.2 and get this
(my earlier problem was my having CFLAGS=... in /etc/src.conf)
MAKE=make sh /usr/src/sys/conf/ LERGY72
cc -c -O -pipe  -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs
Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -
Wcast-qual  -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -fformat-extensions -nostdinc
I. -I/usr/src/sys -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/altq -D_KERNEL -
DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include opt_global.h -fno-common -
finline-limit=8000 --param inline-unit-growth=100 --param large-
function-growth=1000  -mno-align-long-strings -mpreferred-stack-
boundary=2  -mno-mmx -mno-3dnow -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mno-sse3 -
ffreestanding -Werror  vers.c
linking kernel.debug
udbp.o(.text+0x59): In function `ng_udbp_disconnect':
/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:857: undefined reference to
udbp.o(.text+0xc9): In function `udbp_detach':
/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:450: undefined reference to
udbp.o(.text+0xde):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:452: undefined
reference to `ng_unref_node'
udbp.o(.text+0x79e): In function `udbp_attach':
/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:375: undefined reference to `ng_newtype'
udbp.o(.text+0x7cc):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:381: undefined
reference to `ng_make_node_common'
udbp.o(.text+0x813):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:384: undefined
reference to `ng_name_node'
udbp.o(.text+0x828):/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/udbp.c:385: undefined
   I just cvsuped and did a buildworld and a buildkernel. The kernel
   compiled without a problem. So, this means that you have probably
   modified your kernel
   config file until it doesn't work. Start over with GENERIC and leave
   comment on udbp.
   Kent Stewart
   Richland, WA
   ___ mailing list
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   If you want udbp(4) you have to know that it requires netgraph(4).
  They are both available as modules and/or kernel config options
  (actually udbp(4) is a device :) ).

 If that is all it takes, then, I think that GENERIC should mention
 the options NETGRAPH as a requirement for udbp.

Well i agree with you but it *doesn't*. The man page does it:

man 4 udbp:

It requires netgraph(4) to be available.  This can be done either by
 adding options NETGRAPH to your kernel configuration file, or alterna-
 tively loading netgraph(4) as a module, either from /boot/loader.conf
 from the command line, before the udbp module.


 There are numerous places
 with requires miibus as a comment because a device won't compile without
 it. A commented line has often been there because it was a work in progress
 such as ULE was for what seems like years or broken for unknown reasons.
 GENERIC was always self documenting.


 Kent Stewart
 Richland, WA

network warrior since 2005
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Re: OT - help w configure, make, etc.

2009-06-09 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

  I this thread dies right now, I PROMISE I'll just figure it out

 what exactly do you want to figure?

With all due respect Mr. Puchar I guess you haven't read
the OP's problem which he posted in the first message.

network warrior since 2005
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Re: Opinion request about a file server

2009-06-08 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 10:06 AM, DA Forsyth wrote:

  I think my file/print/mail server is a bit overkill:

 Nice, esp when you compile world.   Last year I upgraded our server
 to a Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, Intel DG965 board.  2GB RAM.  Previous board
 was an ASUS P3 1.1GHz, which now hosts my backup server.  Both ran
 FreeBSD file/print/email/web services perfectly.  I upgraded to get
 the onboard SATA sockets so I could increase our available disk space
 (4x500GB in RAID5 for data).

 However, a nice benefit is that the Core2 will compile world in 1/4
 the time, and user don't notice the server is 'busy'.

 SO, to the original question, yes that motherboard will work just
 fine.   What are you doing for system backups?  A single drive is not
 enough.  I recommend a mirror pair at least, and suggest a second box
 for backups.

Hello community,

 Thanks everybody for their thoughts. After reading your posts and some
articles over the
weekend I will take the gmirror(8) + gjournal(8) road.

 The backups will be done offsite because the company which I'm doing this
is a friend of my boss and we do have a lot of spare space or our servers.

thanks once again,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: Opinion request about a file server

2009-06-08 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 10:06 AM, DA Forsyth wrote:

  I think my file/print/mail server is a bit overkill:

 Nice, esp when you compile world.   Last year I upgraded our server
 to a Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, Intel DG965 board.  2GB RAM.  Previous board
 was an ASUS P3 1.1GHz, which now hosts my backup server.  Both ran
 FreeBSD file/print/email/web services perfectly.  I upgraded to get
 the onboard SATA sockets so I could increase our available disk space
 (4x500GB in RAID5 for data).

 However, a nice benefit is that the Core2 will compile world in 1/4
 the time, and user don't notice the server is 'busy'.

 SO, to the original question, yes that motherboard will work just
 fine.   What are you doing for system backups?  A single drive is not
 enough.  I recommend a mirror pair at least, and suggest a second box
 for backups.

The system will have 2x1TB HDD in mirroring and 500 GB HDD for another use
requested by the client.

network warrior since 2005
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Re: Re[4]: fatal trap 12

2009-06-06 Thread Valentin Bud


 What options I must add to kernel? Can You tell me what I must do when
 system crash next time?

  On 6/6/09, wrote:
  Hello, Freebsd-questions.
  After one of new crash I have this:
  GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
  Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
  welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
  Type show copying to see the conditions.
  There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for
  This GDB was configured as amd64-marcel-freebsd...
  Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:
  Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
  cpuid = 2; apic id = 02
  fault virtual address   = 0x0
  fault code  = supervisor read data, page not present
  instruction pointer = 0x8:0x804c4eb8
  stack pointer   = 0x10:0xff807a0478f0
  frame pointer   = 0x10:0xff807a047930
  code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
  = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
  processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
  current process = 32668 (perl5.10.0)
  Physical memory: 4082 MB
  Dumping 1647 MB: 1632 1616 1600 1584 1568 1552 1536 1520 1504 1488 1472
  1440 1424 1408 1392 1376 1360 1344 1328 1312 1296 1280 1264 1248 1232
  1200 1184 1168 1152 1136 1120 1104 1088 1072 1056 1040 1024 1008 992 976
  944 928 912 896 880 864 848 832 816 800 784 768 752 736 720 704 688 672
  640 624 608 592 576 560 544 528 512 496 480 464 448 432 416 400 384 368
  336 320 304 288 272 256 240 224 208 192 176 160 144 128 112 96 80 64 48
  Reading symbols from /boot/kernel/accf_http.ko...Reading symbols from
  Loaded symbols for /boot/kernel/accf_http.ko
  #0  doadump () at pcpu.h:195
  195 __asm __volatile(movq %%gs:0,%0 : =r (td));
  (kgdb) list *0x804c4eb8
  0x804c4eb8 is in pfs_ioctl
  260 static int
  261 pfs_ioctl(struct vop_ioctl_args *va)
  262 {
  263 struct vnode *vn = va-a_vp;
  264 struct pfs_vdata *pvd = vn-v_data;
  265 struct pfs_node *pn = pvd-pvd_pn;
  266 struct proc *proc;
  267 int error;
  269 PFS_TRACE((%s: %lx, pn-pn_name, va-a_command));
  (kgdb) backtrace
  #0  doadump () at pcpu.h:195
  #1  0x801c8dac in db_fncall (dummy1=Variable dummy1 is not
  ) at /usr/src/sys/ddb/db_command.c:516
  #2  0x801c92df in db_command (last_cmdp=0x80b30c88,
  cmd_table=0x0, dopager=1) at /usr/src/sys/ddb/db_command.c:413
  #3  0x801c94f0 in db_command_loop () at
  #4  0x801cb0d9 in db_trap (type=Variable type is not
  ) at /usr/src/sys/ddb/db_main.c:228
  #5  0x80554e55 in kdb_trap (type=12, code=0,
  at /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_kdb.c:524
  #6  0x807fae80 in trap_fatal (frame=0xff807a047840,
  eva is not available.
  ) at /usr/src/sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c:752
  #7  0x807fb254 in trap_pfault (frame=0xff807a047840,
  at /usr/src/sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c:673
  #8  0x807fbc02 in trap (frame=0xff807a047840) at
  #9  0x807df35e in calltrap () at
  #10 0x804c4eb8 in pfs_ioctl (va=0xff807a047a10) at
  #11 0x805bb1d3 in vn_ioctl (fp=Variable fp is not available.
  ) at vnode_if.h:437
  #12 0x80562d02 in kern_ioctl (td=0xff0006682000, fd=3,
  com=1076655123, data=0xff00ad2b7d40 ) at file.h:269
  #13 0x80563029 in ioctl (td=0xff0006682000,
  uap=0xff807a047bf0) at /usr/src/sys/kern/sys_generic.c:571
  #14 0x807fb4d6 in syscall (frame=0xff807a047c80) at
  #15 0x807df56b in Xfast_syscall () at
  #16 0x000800c9c0ec in ?? ()
  Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
  Can You help me? What can I do? Server crash periodicaly...

  Add more debug options to kernel, because dump is not useful
  with corrupted stack.

   For this question, you must debug the kernel by Serial.
  when fatal, you use find the error by command bt.
  发送日期:2009-06-02 14:51:45
  主题:fatal trap 12
  Hello, Freebsd-questions.
 I use FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE amd64. About month ago system was crashed
 with  Fatal trap 12...
 I bay new hardware and install 

Re: pkg_deinstall: delete all packages installed, except for X, Y and Z

2009-06-05 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 6:13 AM, Fbsd1 wrote:

 Wojciech Puchar wrote:

  ignore errors about package can't be deleted because X, Y or Z requires
 it. it's exactly what you want.

  pkg_delete `cat /tmp/pkglist`  gives error 'no such package `cat
 /tmp/pkglist` installed

  for sure you used ' instead of `

   Yet that was the error. I did not know there was another type of quote
 key on the keyboard. The one used in the example is below the Esc key.

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The `` (below your escape key) do command substitution while '' do quoting.
This is just FYI :).

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Opinion request about a file server

2009-06-05 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I have an old computer (ASRock P4Dual-915GL) with Intel P4
CPU at 3.0Ghz and 2Gb of RAM.

 I am asking the list maybe is somebody out there with a similar
and running FreeBSD on such a system as a File Server and Print Server
using samba.

 What i mainly try to achieve, talking in storage space, is 2 HDD of 1TB in
mirroring using gmirror(8) and 1 separate HDD of 500Gb.

 So do you think the system I've mentioned would handle the load? The server
will be
used by 4 people for storage of all sorts of files that can be found in
Design and daily
Office World (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc, Word Documents, etc).

Thank you,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: Getting old versions of FreeBSD

2009-06-05 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Frederique Rijsdijk wrote:


 For some 'issue' I have to install an old version FreeBSD: 4.7-p28. The
 ISO of 4.7 I have found, but how to get to p28?


 -- Frederique

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Hello Frederique,

 You have to track the errata branch of 4.7. That would be RELENG_4_7.
Get the sources (i suppose they are on cvs) using csup(1) and rebuild
and you should get to p28.

 I don't know for sure if the sources for that specific errata branch are
still there.
Maybe others can shed some lights on this.

Here you can find the errata 4.7-RELEASE errata:

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: sshd in jail

2009-06-03 Thread Valentin Bud
2009/6/3 Sajó Zsolt Attila


 I would like use the sshd in jail, but the port forwarding doesn't work in
 the pf firewall. My jail ip: If I use the ssh -l user
 command it's well, but when I use the ssh -p 5859 -vv -l user command I get this error:
 OpenSSH_5.1p1 FreeBSD-20080901, OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 2007
 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
 debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
 debug1: Connecting to [] port 5859.
 debug1: connect to address port 5859: Connection refused
 ssh: connect to host port 5859: Connection refused

 The pfctr -sn command output's:
 nat on vr0 inet from to any -gt; (vr0) round-robin
 nat on vr0 inet from to any -gt; (vr0) round-robin
 rdr on vr0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = 5859 -gt; port

 My pf.conf:
 Ext = vr0 # output interface
 Loop = lo0 # Loopback interface
 IntNet1= # Jail 1
 IntNet2= # Jail 2 this is running the sshd
 NoRoute = {,,,, }
 InServicesTCP = { ssh, http, https }
 OutServicesTCP = { http, https, whois, domain, ssh, ftp, ftp-data, nntp,
 1863, 8880 }
 OutServicesUDP = { ntp, domain }
 NowDeny = { 445, 67, 68 }
 X11 = { 6010, 5900}
 Timeserver = { }
 CVSupServers = { }
 CVSupPorts = { 5999 }
 DynDNSServer = { }
 DynDNSPorts = { 8245 }
 scrub in on $Ext all
 altq on $Ext priq bandwidth 100Kb queue { q_pri, q_def }
 queue q_pri priority 7
 queue q_def priority 1 priq(default)
 nat on $Ext from $IntNet1 to any -gt; ($Ext)
 nat on $Ext from $IntNet2 to any -gt; ($Ext)
 rdr on $Ext proto tcp from any to any port 5859 -gt; $IntNet2 port 22
 block in quick on $Ext proto { tcp, udp} from any to any port $NowDeny
 block out log on $Ext all
 block in log on $Ext all
 block return-rst out log on $Ext proto tcp all
 block return-rst in log on $Ext proto tcp all
 block return-icmp out log on $Ext proto udp all
 block return-icmp in log on $Ext proto udp all
 block in log quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any flags FUP/FUP
 block in log quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any flags SF/SFRA
 block in log quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any flags /SFRA
 block in log quick on $Ext from $NoRoute to any
 block out log quick on $Ext from any to $NoRoute
 block in quick on $Ext from any to
 pass in quick on $Ext proto tcp from any to $IntNet2 port 8022 keep state

 pass in quick on $Loop all
 pass out quick on $Loop all

This two could be changed to
'set skip on lo0' in the pf OPTIONS section.

 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any port gt; 1024 flags
 S/SA keep state
 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto icmp all icmp-type 8 code 0 keep state
 pass in log quick on $Ext inet proto icmp all icmp-type 8 code 0 keep state
 pass in quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any port $InServicesTCP
 flags S/SA keep state
 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto udp from any to any port $OutServicesUDP
 keep state
 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any port $OutServicesTCP
 flags S/SA modulate state
 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to $CVSupServers port
 $CVSupPorts flags S/SA modulate state
 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to $Timeserver port time
 flags S/SA modulate state
 pass out quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any port {
 6880gt;lt;6889, 6969 } flags S/SAFR keep state
 pass in quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any port 6880gt;lt;6889
 flags S/SAFR keep state
 anchor passin

 Somebody knows why doesn't work the rdr?

You don't have a pass rule for the 5859 port. You can, however, accomplish
what you want in a couple of ways.

1. use the pass keyword in rdr
rdr *pass* on vr0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = 5859 -gt;
port 22

2. a separate pass in rule
pass in quick on $Ext inet proto tcp from any to any port 5859 flags S/SA
keep state.

3. simply add 5859 port to $InServicesTCP macro.

a great day,

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network warrior since 2005
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Re: find and searching for specific expression in files

2009-05-30 Thread Valentin Bud
2009/5/30 Zbigniew Szalbot

  Can you please give me a hint how to use find to search for a specific
  text within files?
  Generally, you don't - find(1) does not examine the contents of files by
  itself, just their directory information.  You normally use grep(1) to
  search within a file.

 Ahhh - I use grep on daily basis. Now why didn't I think of it? I got so
 fixed on the idea of using find that I completely forgot about grep

 Sorry for the noise and thank you very much for your help!

 Zbigniew Szalbot

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Hello Mr. Zbigniew Szalbot,

 You can use egrep -r * (grep -e) to search for specific text pattern while
you are in a directory with many sub directories. The output is nice because
it tells you the file in which the text pattern was found :).

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: find and searching for specific expression in files

2009-05-30 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Mel Flynn

 On Saturday 30 May 2009 13:56:22 Valentin Bud wrote:
  2009/5/30 Zbigniew Szalbot
Can you please give me a hint how to use find to search for a
text within files?
Generally, you don't - find(1) does not examine the contents of files
by itself, just their directory information.  You normally use
to search within a file.
   Ahhh - I use grep on daily basis. Now why didn't I think of it? I got
   fixed on the idea of using find that I completely forgot about grep
   Sorry for the noise and thank you very much for your help!
   Zbigniew Szalbot
   ___ mailing list
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  Hello Mr. Zbigniew Szalbot,
   You can use egrep -r * (grep -e) to search for specific text pattern
  you are in a directory with many sub directories. The output is nice
  because it tells you the file in which the text pattern was found :).

 Discouraged because:
 - it's possible to hit maxarglen if the root directory has many

Never occured so i didn't have a clue about it :|.

 - Will not search hidden directories in the root directory because of the
 shell glob
 - cannot be combined with other search criteria such as the file's

 find . -type f -mtime 2 -exec grep '^Subject: \[SPAM\]' {} +

 will find all messages in a maildir modified within the last 2 minutes
 the subject has been flagged as spam. I use + rather then ; so that one
 invocation for grep is done whenever maxarglen is hit (like if you used
 xargs(1)), rather then one grep per file.

This list is amazing because everyday you learn something new. Thanks.

a great day,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: Growing a ZFS file system

2009-05-29 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Mike Barnard mike.barna...@gmail.comwrote:


 I have a zfs pool of about 700GB, on it, i have a file system, home,
 on /home and its 200GB. The file system has reached 100% capacity and im in
 need of growing it... Unfortunately i cannot find any documentation on how
 to grow a zfs file system. Any one done this?

 PS: I want to grow my file system to 400GB




 Of course, you might discount this possibility, but remember that one in
 a million chances happen 99% of the time.
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If you mounted /honme as a file system on the pool of 700 GB and you didn't
used any attributes
of zfs to force /home to have *only* 200GB than you just have to remove the
attributes regarding the space.

ZFS grows automatically, you don't have to manually enlarge it.
The above is true if the filesystem is ZFS not UFS on top of ZFS.

network warrior since 2005
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Re: FreeBSD Software RAID

2009-05-25 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Graeme Dargie

 -Original Message-
 From: Howard Jones []
 Sent: 25 May 2009 14:58
 Subject: FreeBSD  Software RAID


 Can anyone with experience of software RAID point me in the right
 direction please? I've used gmirror before with no trouble, but nothing

 I have a set of brand new 1TB drives, a Sil3124 SATA card and a FreeBSD
 7.1-p4 system.

 I created a RAID 5 set with gvinum:
 drive d0 device /dev/ad4s1a
 drive d1 device /dev/ad6s1a
 drive d2 device /dev/ad8s1a
 drive d3 device /dev/ad10s1a
 volume jumbo
plex org raid5 256k
sd drive d0
sd drive d1
sd drive d2
sd drive d3

 and it shows as up and happy. If I reboot, all the subdisks show as
 stale, and so the plex is down. It seems to be doing a rebuild, although
 it wasn't before, and would newfs, mount and accept data onto the new
 plex before the reboot.

 Is there any way to avoid having to wait while gvinum apparently
 calculates the parity on all those zeroes?

 Am I missing some step to 'liven up' the plex before the first reboot?
 (loader.conf has the correct line to load gvinum at boot) I tried again,
 with 'gvinum start jumbo' before rebooting, and that made no difference.

 Also is the configuration file format actually documented anywhere? I
 got that example from someone's blog, but the gvinum manpage doesn't
 mention the format at all! It *does* have a few pages dedicated to
 things that don't work, which was handy... :-) The handbook is still
 talking about ccd and vinum, and mostly covers the complications of
 booting of such a device.

 On the subject of documentation, I'm also assuming that this:
S jumbo.p0.s2   State: I 1% D: d2   Size:
 931 GB
 means it's 1% through initialising, because the states or the output of
 'list' aren't described in the manual either.

 I'm was half-considering switching to ZFS, but the most positive thing I
 could find written about that (as implemented on FreeBSD) is that it
 doesn't crash that much, so perhaps not. That was from a while ago

 Does anyone use software RAID5 (or RAIDZ) for data they care about?


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 I have been running ZFS RAIDZ for 5 months on a 7.1 amd64 install, I
 have to say my experience has been mostly good. Initially I had an issue
 with a pci sata card causing drives to disconnect, but after investing a
 new motherboard with 6 sata ports everything has been smooth. I did have
 to replace a disk last week as it was showing checksum, read and write
 errors. ZFS rebuilt 2TB of data in around 5hours and did not loose any
 files at all.



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I have been using ZFS for about half an year. I just have mirroring with 2
drives. Never had a problem with it. I would go with ZFS in the future too.
And yes the server is in production and it has all sort of important data.

a great day,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: Backing up FreeBSD and other Unix systems securely

2009-05-20 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Karl Vogel

  On Sun, 17 May 2009 09:12:57 -0700,
  Kelly Jones said:

 K I like this plan because it does versioned backups, and doesn't backup
 K identical files twice. I dislike it because I lose Mozy's unlimited disk
 K space.

 K % Is there software that already does this?

   I have a 3-Tbyte server running FreeBSD-6.1 that does something very
   similar.  I don't bother with encrypting the filenames or hashes
   because we control the box, and if I'm not at work, other admins
   might need to restore something quickly.

   We have around 3.7 million files from 5 other servers backed up
   under two 1.5-Tbyte filesystems, /mir01 and /mir02.  My setup looks
   like this:

 |  +-HASH
 |  |  +-00
 |  |  |  +-00
 |  |  |  +-01
 |  |  +-01
 |  |  +-fe
 |  |  +-ff
 |  +-server1
 |  +-server2
 |  +-HASH
 |  +-server3
 |  +-server4
 |  +-server5

   The HASH directories have two levels of subdirectories 00-ff.
   That's been more than sufficient to keep directories from getting
   too big; I average around 25 files per directory.

   I do hourly backups on the other fileservers using something like the
   find and timestamp method you mentioned, but I ignore 0-length files
   because they always hash to the same value.  The backup directories
   for the second fileserver look like this for 5 May 2009:

 |  +-server2
 |  |  +-2009
 |  |  |  +-0505
 |  |  |  |  +-070700
 |  |  |  |  |  +-doc  (filesystem)
 |  |  |  |  |  +-home
 |  |  |  |  +-080700
 |  |  |  |  |  +-doc
 |  |  |  |  |  +-home
 |  |  |  |  +-190700
 |  |  |  |  |  +-home

   After the backups are rsynced to the backup server, I find any regular
   files with only one link, compute the RMD160 hash of the contents, and
   make a hardlink to the appropriate filename under the HASH directory.
   People love to make copies of copies of files, so this really cuts down
   on the disk space used.

   The hardlinks make it easy to avoid restoring things that aren't what
   the user had in mind; if a file's been corrupted, I can tell when it
   happened just by looking at the inode, so I don't restore an earlier
   version that's also junk.  I can also tell if there were duplicates
   anywhere on the fileserver at the time the user lost the good version;
   it's a lot faster for them to get a known good copy from somewhere
   else on the fileserver than it is to restore over the network.

   The software is just a few scripts to do things like find files with
   just one link, compute hashes, do hardlinks, etc.  I can put up a tarball
   if anyone's interested.

Hello Kelly,

 I am doing something similar at a company i work for. I would be interested
to see your scripts
to make a comparison.


 Karl Vogel  I don't speak for the USAF or my company

 The best way for the Government to maintain its credit is to pay as it
 goes-not by resorting to loans, but by keeping out of debt-through an
 adequate income secured by a system of taxation, external or internal,
 or both.  --Pres. William McKinley's First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1897
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Re: C programming question

2009-04-08 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Konrad Heuer wrote:

 On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, Frank Shute wrote:

  On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 11:41:54AM +0200, Valentin Bud wrote:

 Hello community,

  I have built with a micro controller a system of power plugs that
  can be controlled through the serial port.  I have 2 plugs that i
  can start/stop and check the status of them. This is accomplished
  by sending different letters (eg. A/W) to start/stop one of the
  plugs and another set of letter for the other plug and one letter
  to check the status.

  Taking into account the fact that my C skills are almost 0 how
  complicated would be to write a program so I can control that micro
  controller through the serial port. Or is there some kind of
  program that can read/write from/to the serial port from the
  command line. I don't want an interactive program like minicom,
  just a program that connects and send a command (a letter in my
  case) to the serial port.

  Why not minicom (or any other program like it)? My goal is to be
  able to start/stop the plugs using a web interface.  I have tried
  using minicom and background it but when i log out minicom closes.
  If minicom is started i can send commands to ttyd0 with echo, but i
  can't read anything from serial.

  Now back to my original question, how hard/complicated will it be
  to write a C program to control the micro controller through the
  serial port.

  Of course on FreeBSD :).

 About 10 years ago I adapted a a C program that was used to control a
 board (which basically had a chip and a thermocouple on it) via the
 serial port.

 IIRC, the C was relatively simple but if you're a total beginner then
 it would be hard without cribbing code off the 'net.

 If you want to learn C then go for it but if you don't you'd be better
 off using one of the scripting languages: perl, python, ruby etc. and
 your development time will be much reduced.

 Also they all have facilities for easily converting your program to
 use the CGI so that you can webify the control and I'm sure they all
 have some module for using a serial port (comms/p5-Device-SerialPort
 in ports for perl).

 Please find a program of mine attached; it was used to communicate with a
 card reader connected via serial port. Maybe it will help you a little bit
 although you don't need all the stuff.

 Best regards

 Konrad Heuer
 GWDG, Am Fassberg, 37077 Goettingen, Germany,

Thanks everybody for the heads up. I don't know (yet) which path i am going
to take. I know a little bit of perl so i guess i'll start reading on how
can i accomplish my goal with perl.


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mysql memory

2009-04-08 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I have mysql installed on FreeBSD 7.0 i386. I am using from
to check for tuning parameters. Now my problem, sort of speak, is that
shows the following:
[OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 1.6G (53% of installed RAM)

 So as far as i understand mysql is limited to using max 1.6G of RAM. But
shows different things
68083 mysql   18  440   2901M  1927M ucond   3   608:36
1.07%  mysqld

 Why is mysql using more memory than showed in mysqltuner. Is mysqltuner

 Mysql is used for storing fulltext obtained throuhg OCR from different
documents. Is there a way
to make a chart on how much memory is needed for a given number of pages or

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C programming question

2009-04-07 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I have built with a micro controller a system of power plugs that can be
controlled through the serial port.
I have 2 plugs that i can start/stop and check the status of them. This is
accomplished by sending different
letters (eg. A/W) to start/stop one of the plugs and another set of letter
for the other plug and one letter
to check the status.

 Taking into account the fact that my C skills are almost 0 how complicated
would be to write a program
so I can control that micro controller through the serial port. Or is there
some kind of program that can
read/write from/to the serial port from the command line. I don't want an
interactive program like minicom,
just a program that connects and send a command (a letter in my case) to the
serial port.

 Why not minicom (or any other program like it)? My goal is to be able to
start/stop the plugs using a web interface.
I have tried using minicom and background it but when i log out minicom
closes. If minicom is started i can
send commands to ttyd0 with echo, but i can't read anything from serial.

 Now back to my original question, how hard/complicated will it be to write
a C program to control the micro controller
through the serial port.

 Of course on FreeBSD :).


network warrior since 2005
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USB hub and USB to Serial cable on FreeBSD

2009-03-12 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 Do you know if i can get FreeBSD 7.0 to see USB to serial (RS232) cables if
they are
connected to a USB hub?

thank you,

network warrior since 2005
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Re: USB hub and USB to Serial cable on FreeBSD

2009-03-12 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 Do you know if i can get FreeBSD 7.0 to see USB to serial (RS232) cables if
 they are
 connected to a USB hub?

  load a proper USB-serial driver ;)

 man ucom

Thanks for the tip Wojciech. I just wonder if it will work because i want to
8 USB to Serial to an USB hub and the hub to be connected to the FreeBSD box

through an USB port. Do you think that is possible? Any comments suggestion

a great day,
network warrior since 2005
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Re: a strange question about OSs

2009-02-23 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Jerry McAllister wrote:

 - Show quoted text -
 On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 03:17:44PM +0200, Reko Turja wrote:

  From: Redd Vinylene
  Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 11:55 AM
  To: questions
  Subject: Re: a strange question about OSs
  On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Valentin Bud
  Hello Community,
   The following question may sound very ackward but was OS is
  suitable from
  the following list
  to replace FBSD:
- OpenSUSE 10.3
- Debian 4.0
- CentOS 5
  The company i work for wants to change the provider because of the
  economical crisis to
  save some money. The actual provider gave us the chance to install
  our OS
  but the one
  they chose as a replacement doesn't give any other choice besides
  the above
  I work for 2 years in IT and FBSD is the only OS i have ever used
  production. I like it and
  learned it a little bit. It is going to be a steep learning curve
  with the
  new OS which I'm not afraid
  of but i would like to chose a suitable OS and one that has some
  similarities with FBSD.
  thank you,

 This confuses me a little.
 Wouldn't FreeBSD be the more economical route?

 I can't imagine saving money moving from FreeBSD to
 one of those listed.  FreeBSD is free and seems to
 take less administration hours than those others.
 Certainly you do not gain anything in quality or

 Oh, I see in re-reading that it is not your company, but
 your potential new service provider that wants to force
 you to switch OS.   Well, there is more than one way to
 gain economy.   Switching to something inferior - of poorer
 service level is not a gain in economy.

 So, maybe you should try suggesting FreeBSD to that provider.
 All they need to do is insert the install CD in to the machine
 anyway.You can do the rest.

That's what i thought. I will try to speak with them about this option.

thank you,

 - Show quoted text -

  I doubt you'll find anything suitable after getting accustomed to
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mail question

2009-02-19 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I have a special question.

If a client sends an email through my server how can i stop the mail for
being delivered so
i can process the mail and change some things and afterward deliver it.

I have postfix + dovecot installed. Some suggestions ...

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Re: mail question

2009-02-19 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Valentin Bud valentin@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello community,

  I have a special question.

 If a client sends an email through my server how can i stop the mail for
 being delivered so
 i can process the mail and change some things and afterward deliver it.

 I have postfix + dovecot installed. Some suggestions ...


Hello again,

 I guess i have found what i want. Postfix MILTER

So basically i create a filter in C, perl or something, I use it via STMP or
non-STMP. That
filter makes the necessary changes and afterwards i reinject the mail into

If anybody has the time/chance to verify if I am right please let me know.

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mysqld out of memory

2009-02-10 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 Today I had for the first time this problem with mysql on a production
The following start flowing in the mysql-err.log
090210  9:12:17 [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed
1676280 bytes)

Doing a top resulted in mysql eating up about 2GB of memory of a total of 4
GB which
i have on that particular box. After googling a little i found some post on
the mailing list about
setting kern.maxdsiz to 1GB. After that I have checked out the kern.maxdsiz
# limits -Hd
Resource limits (current):
  datasize  1048576 kB

I noticed that it is already at 1GB. Now my problem is how can i avoid this
in the future because
on that production server mysql is crucial or in case it happens how ca I be
the first to know
of that problem?

I will post some info about the server
# uname -a
FreeBSD nemty 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #5: Tue Mar 25 16:38:28 CET
2008 r...@nemty:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NEMTY  i386

# mysqladmin version
Server version  5.0.75-log
If there are any other info that might help in troubleshooting this problem
i will be glad
to provide them. Thanks for yout input.

a great day,
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Re: make installworld fails

2009-02-08 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Tim Judd wrote:

 Valentin Bud wrote:


 This are the parts from /etc/make.conf regarding system build options:
 # --- system build options

 I didn't give any arguments to
 # make buildworld or
 # make installworld

 I have ran them as i've typed them above.

 Is there something wrong in /etc/make.conf ?

 I should make sure it's mentioned --
 FreeBSD 7.x started an /etc/src.conf that are the knobs for FreeBSD world
 ONLY.  This leaves /etc/make.conf available for ports ONLY.

 I'd update your files, because there's a possibility your WITHOUT_
 statements were ignored.

Thanks for the heads up. I will start right away to move and organize
files. :)

a great day,


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make installworld fails

2009-02-07 Thread Valentin Bud
elo list,

just updated a newly installed freebsd 7.1 system and it crashed here:

=== rescue (install)
=== rescue/librescue (install)
=== rescue/rescue (install)
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   rescue /rescue
install: rescue: No such file or directory
*** Error code 71

Stop in /usr/src/rescue/rescue.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/rescue.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

I have updated the sources using the csup method then
# make buildkernel  KERNCONF=CUSTOMISED
# make installkernel KERNCONF=CUSTOMISED
# mergemaster -p
#make installworld

# uname -a
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2 #0: Sat Feb  7
15:47:11 EET 2009

# ls -al /
output omitted for brevity
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel 2560 Feb  7 14:54 rescue

# ls -al /usr/src/rescue
total 12
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:45 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:50 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   133 Nov 25 04:59 Makefile
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  1603 Nov 25 04:59 README
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:45 librescue
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:45 rescue

Now the question is what can i do next?

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Re: make installworld fails

2009-02-07 Thread Valentin Bud

This are the parts from /etc/make.conf regarding system build options:
# --- system build options

I didn't give any arguments to
# make buildworld or
# make installworld

I have ran them as i've typed them above.

Is there something wrong in /etc/make.conf ?


On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Giorgos Keramidas

 On Sat, 7 Feb 2009 17:52:09 +0200, Valentin Bud
  elo list,
  just updated a newly installed freebsd 7.1 system and it crashed here:
  === rescue (install)
  === rescue/librescue (install)
  === rescue/rescue (install)
  install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   rescue /rescue
  install: rescue: No such file or directory
  *** Error code 71
  Stop in /usr/src/rescue/rescue.
  *** Error code 1

 You seem to have built only parts of the source tree, i.e. because you
 completed a buildworld cycle when WITHOUT_RESCUE was defined.

 Try repeating the buildworld and installworld steps with exactly the
 *same* options in their environment.

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Re: make installworld fails

2009-02-07 Thread Valentin Bud
  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 ping
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 ping6
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 ps
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 pwd
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rcorder
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rcp
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rdump
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 realpath
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 reboot
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 red
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rescue
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 restore
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rm
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rmdir
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 route
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 routed
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rrestore
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rtquery
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 rtsol
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 savecore
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 sconfig
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 setfacl
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 sh
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 slattach
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 spppcontrol
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 startslip
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 stty
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 swapon
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 sync
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 sysctl
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 tar
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 tcsh
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 test
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 tunefs
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 umount
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 unlink
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 vi
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 whoami
-r-xr-xr-x  121 root  wheel  3793072 Jan  1 13:51 zcat

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Glen Barber wrote:

 Valentin Bud said:
  elo list,
  just updated a newly installed freebsd 7.1 system and it crashed here:
  === rescue (install)
  === rescue/librescue (install)
  === rescue/rescue (install)
  install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   rescue /rescue
  install: rescue: No such file or directory
  *** Error code 71
  Stop in /usr/src/rescue/rescue.
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /usr/src/rescue.
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /usr/src.
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /usr/src.
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /usr/src.
  *** Error code 1
  I have updated the sources using the csup method then
  # make buildkernel  KERNCONF=CUSTOMISED
  # make installkernel KERNCONF=CUSTOMISED
  # mergemaster -p
  #make installworld

 Was this during buildworld or installworld?

  # uname -a
  FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2 #0: Sat Feb
  15:47:11 EET 2009
  # ls -al /
  output omitted for brevity
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel 2560 Feb  7 14:54 rescue
  # ls -al /usr/src/rescue
  total 12
  drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:45 .
  drwxr-xr-x  22 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:50 ..
  -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   133 Nov 25 04:59 Makefile
  -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  1603 Nov 25 04:59 README
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:45 librescue
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Feb  7 13:45 rescue
  Now the question is what can i do next?

 What does `ls -al /rescue' show?


 Glen Barber

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Re: make installworld fails

2009-02-07 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Giorgos Keramidas

 On Sat, 7 Feb 2009 17:52:09 +0200, Valentin Bud
  elo list,
  just updated a newly installed freebsd 7.1 system and it crashed here:
  === rescue (install)
  === rescue/librescue (install)
  === rescue/rescue (install)
  install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   rescue /rescue
  install: rescue: No such file or directory
  *** Error code 71
  Stop in /usr/src/rescue/rescue.
  *** Error code 1

 On Sat, 7 Feb 2009 18:10:51 +0200, Valentin Bud
  This are the parts from /etc/make.conf regarding system build options:
  # --- system build options
  I didn't give any arguments to
  # make buildworld or
  # make installworld
  I have ran them as i've typed them above.
  Is there something wrong in /etc/make.conf ?

 These options don't seem to affect the build of `/usr/src/rescue'.  Can
 you try running the build commands once more in that directory?

# cd /usr/src/rescue
# make cleandir ; make cleandir
# make obj depend all

 Then it should be possible to install the newly built /rescue binaries,
 and your installworld should complete fine.

Hello Giorgios,

Thanks that worked and the installworld succeeded. Is this a bug? Should i
report it?

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Re: make installworld fails

2009-02-07 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Giorgos Keramidas

 On Sat, 7 Feb 2009 19:19:09 +0200, Valentin Bud
 On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Giorgos Keramidas
   # --- system build options
   I didn't give any arguments to
   # make buildworld or
   # make installworld
   I have ran them as i've typed them above.
   Is there something wrong in /etc/make.conf ?
  These options don't seem to affect the build of `/usr/src/rescue'.  Can
  you try running the build commands once more in that directory?
 # cd /usr/src/rescue
 # make cleandir ; make cleandir
 # make obj depend all
  Then it should be possible to install the newly built /rescue binaries,
  and your installworld should complete fine.
  Hello Giorgios,
  Thanks that worked and the installworld succeeded. Is this a bug?
  Should i report it?

 No, that's ok.  You somehow managed to botch 'buildworld'.  Now that the
 missing bits are in /usr/obj all is fine.

 If you start with a *clean* /usr/obj tree and the problem reappears,
 then please let us know :)

Ok, sure do. :)

thanks once again,
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init: can't exec getty after power failure

2009-01-20 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,

I have FreeBSD 7.0-p5 installed on 2 USB drives mirroring with gmirror. I
the following partition scheme:
/ - on USB
/var, /usr, /tmp, /home - on internal HDD using ZFS.

 Last night after a power failure the system failed to boot with the
following error:
... can't find /boot/loader.4th. Entered BIOS and changed the first boot
drive to be
the second USB from raid. The system boots but it stops here:

Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/mirror/gm0s1a
Loading configuration file
/libexec/ /lib/ object is not dynamically linked
init: can't exec getty '/usr/libexec' getty for port /dev/ttyv7: No such
file or directory

ttyv[n] in fact where 'n' takes values from 0 - 7.

Booted into single user mode, fsck-ed the root partition and tried to mount
all the UFS
partitions (/var, /usr) from the USB drive but the mount command fails with
/libexec/ /lib/ object is not dynamically linked

Is there anything i can do next besides reinstallation?

thank you very much and a great day,
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Re: Snow in my Server

2008-12-21 Thread Valentin Bud

 Just leave it be, enjoy the holidays and afterward the snow will go by its
self :).

Merry Xmas to everybody,

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Gennady Kudryashoff

 Just try to remove old-stoned CGA video adapter.

 GH Help, I'm in southern Ontario and I have 20cm of snow on my freebsd
 GH 7-release server.
 GH IT seems to be causeing some http outages.
 GH My FBSD 6-.0 doesn't seem to be affected thou.
 GH Any suggestions,

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Re: Backing Up ZFS

2008-12-19 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 As ZFS is becoming more stable and approaching production ready, how
 would one Backup ZFS? In terms of backing up to an external media or
 storage rather than doing snapshots. In case the the server
 spontaneously bursts into flames.

 use tar it's filesystem independent if you have tape drives.

 actually you can tar to anything even multivolume backup using USB
 connected drivers.

  I'm just curious at what others are currently doing to back up huge
 amounts of data. eg. 2TB and onwards.

 1. ZFS - External HDD (External HDD aren't even big enough to handle
 greater than 2TB) Taken offsite daily
 2. ZFS - Another ZFS box (Not sure how you take it off site daily)
 3. ZFS - Remote ZFS using RSync (Living in Australia, there are
 limits on data transfer of a few hundred GB per month, to costs are

 you don't require your backup target to have ZFS.

Quite wrong. If you want to use the zfs send | zfs receive along with zfs
snapshots tools the backup target *needs* to be ZFS.

If you plan to use the zfs send | [ tar | gz ] then you can backup the
snapshots anywhere you want in a compressed form.

a great day,

 all your 3 solutions are filesystem-independent

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Re: Backing Up ZFS

2008-12-19 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:


 you don't require your backup target to have ZFS.

 Quite wrong. If you want to use the zfs send | zfs receive along with zfs

 quite right. i was NOT answering to zfs send/receive case!

that's the purpose of quite. didn't know for sure what you were referring

a great day,
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Re: portsnap and portupgrade

2008-12-18 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Tom Worster wrote:

 On 12/18/08 12:12 PM, Daniel Bye wrote:

  On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 04:41:22PM +0100, Pieter Donche wrote:
  So since it's faster and doesn't delete user generated files,
  upgrade is always to be preferred over extract, right?
  Yes. As RW has already noted, extract will replace the entire ports tree
  with the pristine version in portsnap's archive.

 so if one plans to do portsnap fetch; portsnap extract after installing
 freebsd from a release CD on a new machine, there's no point in installing
 the ports collection from the CD using sysinstall?

As far as i see things no it makes no sense to install the ports tree from
I have never installed ports from CD because all the computers running
freebsd have an
internet connection and the first thing i do is to fetch the updated ports

a great day,

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Re: Centralized DB of system users

2008-12-17 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

  LDAP is the way to go.

 the right tool for the task is the way to go.

100% agree. generally speaking now.

a great day,

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Re: i686 CPU Compatibility

2008-12-16 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello Abd,

 Yes it is. If you are a newcomer to FreeBSD i suggest you go for the latest
is 7.0.

 All the platforms supported by FreeBSD as well as places where FBSD can be
can be found here:

And of course don't forget to check:
The Handbook:
The FAQ:
The Man:

a great day,

2008/12/16 Abd Hamid Shamsi

 I just want to ask, is this freeBSD compatible with my i686 CPU. if there
 any, please advice me what version should i use. TQ

 Mohd Shamsi Hafiz bin Abdul Hamid
 Pegawai Pemasaran

 Galeri Cenderamata Koperasi UPM BHD
 Beg Berkunci 260
 Pejabat Pos UPM
 Universiti Putra Malaysia
 43400 Serdang
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Re: Centralized DB of system users

2008-12-13 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,

 Thanks everybody for comments, things are starting to become more clear
now. I have to do the reading regarding all the recom i have received from
of you which will take me some time because this project is in my spare time

which is close to unexistent.
 I'll come back with feedback as soon as i decide which solution to use.

a great day,
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Re: Centralized DB of system users

2008-12-12 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,

 Thank you everyone for your input. I now know what to look for. Gave it a
read at NIS in the
handbook but as you guys said it's FBSD only so because of the
interoperability i think i will go with

 I'll just have to check if (i suppose it does) that particular linux distro
is ok with using LDAP.

thanks once again and a great day,

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Ivan Voras wrote:

 2008/12/12 Wojciech Puchar
  I agree - NIS is easiest to setup, but LDAP is the right solution in
  this case (though it's very complicated to set up, especially the first
  why it is right solution?

 Interoperability. Today, with Linux, tomorrow, Windows or Mac OS X.
 Besides, it scales well and has a large number of supporting
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Re: (no subject)

2008-12-12 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello Mr. Abedini and all the others by that matter,

 I don't want to be rude but do you remember the time when we used to
send letters. Any of those letter had a Subject. E-mail communications are
on those letters (the concept) and they do have a Subject line on which you
fill a small amount of information about what you intend to get help with.

my 7 cents and a great day,

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 2:17 PM, abedini wrote:

 Hi all dear

 I have laptop acer 4220 and I need to install FreeBSD.

 This laptop have sata HDD how can install FreeBSD in this system.

 Mohammad Abedini
 Site Acquisition Supervisor ( AHV )
 Tel : 06113387881
 Mobile :09179397499

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Re: Centralized DB of system users

2008-12-12 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 this case (though it's very complicated to set up, especially the first

 why it is right solution?

 Interoperability. Today, with Linux, tomorrow, Windows or Mac OS X.

 so not right but interoperable. if i do have only unix systems in LAN,
 NIS is much better easier and faster.

If you only have UNIX systems in LAN. But in my case i have Linux + FreeBSD
(server). From the handbook
NIS only works between FBSDs. Am i missing something?

thank you,

 for windows-only LAN with unix server, simply using samba is OK.

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Centralized DB of system users

2008-12-11 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,

 I don't know if the Subject says what i really want to achieve but i do
hope that i will make myself understood.

 I work for a school and i want to install in 2 labs on very low performance
computers (1 Ghz CPU, 126 Mb RAM) some linux distro (zen walk). I *need*
to install linux because there are some programs that need to run on those
stations and guess what, they only work on linux.

 There are different students that use those computers and they change
frequently. So i thought
to make a server, using FreeBSD (of course), that has a database of users so
the linux machines
don't have local users but they query the DB to get login credentials and
such. I don't
really know what to look for. So any suggestion and hints to how can i
achieve this
are welcomed.

thank you and a great day,
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Re: Best way to back up mysql database

2008-12-10 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,

 I apologize if I somehow highjack the thread. I just want to tell the list
for further references
one way (my way) of doing mysql backup and to ask you if it's safe or not.

 I have 2 server: one of which is the master (named for the sake of brevity
with M) in mysql terms and the second being the slave (named with S).

 I use mysqldump on S and deliver the tarballs to a remote location. I first
stop the slave, do mysqldump
and start the slave.

Is this approach safe? Some might argue that it's not necessary or even
expensive somehow to have 2 boxes
*but* in my case I have 2 servers in production and one backups the other.

thanks for your input and have a great day,
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Re: Locked myself out.. AGAIN!!

2008-12-07 Thread Valentin Bud
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Redd Vinylene [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On this dedicated box here I made the mistake of adding a comment to
 root's entry in my password file:

 root:*:0:0::/root:/bin/sh # What I thought would be a harmless comment.

 Now I can't su to root. And my ISP is closed on Sundays. Is there any
 way I can fix this on my own?

Do you have sudo ? If yes (re)edit the file and change it back how it was.
If not others might come with some opinions :|.

a great day.

 Thanks y'all!

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Re: loader.conf issues

2008-12-04 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Weldon S Godfrey 3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did a quick search for this and didn't see anyone seeing this.

 I am running 7.0-PRERELEASE amd64

 This is my loader.conf:


 However, this is what happens after reboot:

 store1# sysctl -a | grep kmem
 vm.kmem_size_scale: 3
 vm.kmem_size_max: 3221225472
 vm.kmem_size_min: 0
 vm.kmem_size: 1073741824
 store1# sysctl -a | grep kern.maxvn
 kern.maxvnodes: 10

 Is there some issue with vm.kmem_size_max being larger than 3G?  If this has
 been fixed, let me know.  I am using 7.0-RELEASE loader from amd64 iso since
 for some reason, when I complile a new loader on this Dell 2950-iii, I get
 an unusable loader (it just hangs before the screen to select safe mode,
 single user mode, etc).

Quote Jeremy Chadwich talking about vm.kmem_size:
1) Consider increasing it from 512M to something like 1.5GB; do not
increase it past that on RELENG_7, as there isn't support for more than
2GB total. For example, on a 1GB memory machine, I often recommend
768M. On 2GB machines, 1536M. You will need to run -CURRENT if you
want more.

a great day,


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Re: FreeBSD 7.0: which distribution

2008-12-02 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Johan Hendriks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the only reason that people use FreeBSD/i386 on 64-bit processors is that
 some binary-only drivers are only availaboe for i386.

what kind of drivers would be missing for the amd64 distribution ???


No Nvidia on that particular motherboard so the OP is on the safe side.

@OP: I have just installed FBSD amd 64 2 weeks ago to benefit of +4 GB of RAM
and until now i didn't have any kind of problem in compiling and
running applications.

My box is a web/mail/vpn/router/samba (yes i know there shouldn't be
that many services
on the box, but tell my boss that) and all the apps are working like a charm.


 Johan Hendriks

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Re: 5 TB server

2008-12-01 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Wojciech Puchar
 This is one of the main reasons i want to go with ZFS. Another would be
 filesystem level compression of the data. I have noticed that 3dmax
 files (one of
 the programs the company works with) are very compressable (from 50
 Mb to ~ 7Mb).

 will it be majority of data???

About 40% of it. 50% adobe *.psd and the other 10% all sort of data.

a great day,

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Re: Disenchanted with ZFS; alternatives?

2008-12-01 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Kirk Strauser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have ZFS on my 7.1-PRERELEASE system, and while it does some spiffy things,
 in general I'm a bit underwhelmed.


  Adding new filesystems on a whim is really nice.

yes it is.

  It has a lot of really cool other features that I will probably never need.

then you don't need ZFS. usually you choose a technology because you need
it. if you don't need it then you don't use it. pure simple.


  I have nearly 3GB of wired RAM, but it doesn't seem to be all that fast.
 For example, starting an Amanda backup on a UFS2 filesystem would get through
 the estimate phase almost instantly on a system that had been up for several
 days because of cached filesystem data.  On ZFS, it still limps along even if 
 just finished the last backup a few minutes earlier.

it's all about compromises. uses lots of ram *but* gives you the
ability to add new filesystems
on the run.

and after all it's all about choices.


  Other than saying I'm using ZFS, I don't seem to have much to show for it.


  Raidz  and  top-level vdevs cannot be removed from a pool.

 At this point, I'm almost ready to go back to good ol' UFS2, but I'd hate to
 give up that easy addition of new filesystems.  I *could* have a single 700GB
 root FS but that just doesn't seem right.  Are there any good, tested GEOM-
 based ways of getting that functionality, perhaps along the lines of using
 something like gvirstor and growfs as needed?

 - Kirk

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Re: Reversing a ZFS mistake

2008-12-01 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:36 AM, Reinis Ivanovs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems I've made a mistake using ZFS, and now my /usr/local/ is
 empty. I wanted to create a snapshot of a directory inside of it, so I
 ran zfs create tank/usr/local and zfs create tank/usr/local/www as

Maybe it's just a typo but zfs create actually creates a file system
(data set), doesn't
do a snapshot of a certain directory.

 I had seen in the guides I'd been using. That worked, but the
 filesystems created were empty. As I found out later, doing what I did
 on Solaris would have created the filesystems but not mounted them,
 but on FreeBSD they were mounted automatically, and the previous
 contents hidden. The question now is, how do I get my files back? The
 system is crippled without /usr/local/ and I can't unmount or destroy
 it, because it says that the device is busy. Any help would be


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Re: Disenchanted with ZFS; alternatives?

2008-12-01 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Kirk Strauser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 01 December 2008 11:49:46 Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 UFS is excellent. your problem is that you like to have lots of
 filesystems. why don't just make one or one per disk?

 For all the usual reasons: faster fsck, ability to set attributes on each
 filesystem (noexec, noatime, ro), a runaway process writing to /tmp won't 
 problems in /var, etc.

 A big local reason is that Amanda is much easier to configure when you're 
 a bunch of filesystems because it runs tar with --one-file-system set.  If 
 is separate from / and I want to back them up separately, I just tell Amanda
 to dump / and /var.  If /var is part of / then I have to say dump / except
 for /var (and /tmp and /usr and ...).

Why don't you use the ZFS backup tools: snapshots, zfs send | receive (this in
case you have a second box with zfs) or zfs send | [ tar | gzip | bzip
] to compress
the snapshot and do whatever you want with it.
The snapshots backup file system (data sets) and it's ultra fast:
# du -h /home/user
# time zfs snapshot tank/home/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
zfs snapshot tank/home/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  0.00s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 0.855 

Now the compression will take a little more but you get the idea.

a great day,

 i have one per disk/mirror configuration everywhere except one place where
 i made separate filesystem for /var/spool/squid for some reasons.

 Oh, there are definitely advantages to that setup.  It just complicates 
 admin functions (see above).  With something like ZFS that makes creating new
 filesystems trivially easy, they're nice to use.

 tell me what's your needs and how many/what disks you have.

 Right now I have a 750GB (with another on order) and a 320GB.  The box is a
 multi-purpose home server with mail, several websites, and a bunch of local
 file streaming (from MP3 and ripped DVDs to Apple's Time Machine storage).

 UFS is best-performer on real load, runs on almost no RAM, but uses more
 if available for caching.

 That's my main beef with ZFS at the moment.  I don't mind if it uses a lot of
 RAM - that's what I bought it for! - but that it doesn't seem to use it
 effectively (at least on my workload).

 - Kirk
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Re: 5 TB server

2008-11-30 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 8:38 PM, Modulok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/28/08, Valentin Bud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello community,

  I have to come up with a solution for a company that has as we speak
 4 TB of data spread among 3 computers with lots of HDDs. Of course
 i've recommend
 them to buy a server for that storage capacity and for data organization.

  I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some
 raidz. One of the problems
 is that the server will stay in their office so it has to be quite silent.

  I honestly don't know what hardware to look for so if you have any
 i'm more than open to hear them.

 a great day,

 I'm not sure what kind of fans everyone here is running, with all
 these complaints about noise...

 For a single server sitting in an office, use a regular desktop case
 with some good 12cm fans. Get a few fan-speed-controllers to reduce
 the RPMs a little and you can have a computer with several disks in it
 that is damn near silent, even when it is sitting right next to you.
 Put a good power supply unit, with a slow 14cm fan in it and you can't
 hear the computer at all. As far as heat goes, a well ventilated
 aluminum desktop case disperses heat very, very well, permitting the
 reduction of fan speed.

 I have a server built this way sitting not 2 feet from me, which
 contains 5 hard drives providing 24/7 file storage via samba for the
 entire local area network, and unless one puts their ear against the
 case, it's difficult to tell if it is even running...even under heavy
 load. (This is in a quiet room.) As far as heat goes, the case blows
 out room temperature air and all components are cold to the touch.
 Built for around...$800-$900 USD. (I'm not exactly sure on the figure,
 as some components have been upgraded over the years.)

 Case: Lian Li PC-7B Plus II ATX Mid Tower. Best case ever. Cheap.
 Simple. Roomy. Very well ventilated. I now personally own 4 of these
 cases. No regrets.  Ditch the factory fans though. Replace them with a
 few Zalman 12cm fans. These usually come with a resistor so you can
 reduce the fan speed (and noise).

 Processor: Whatever. I went with a cheap dual core Opteron at the time.
 Board: I usually stick with Tyan. whatever fits your processor, your
 budget and provides you with enough SATA headers. For a simple file
 server, stick with a lower-end single-socket board. Unless you plan to
 do some serious number crunching or have a lot of money to spend, you
 don't need the extra processors sitting around doing nothing, with
 their fans making noise.

 Memory: Start with a few (say 2) gigs, it's cheap.
 Power Supply Unit: I've had good luck with Thermaltake W0144 Purepower
 RX. They use 14cm fans which are silent, but move a lot of air and
 I've had zero problems with them. The ability to only plugin the power
 components you require helps maintain good airflow in the case.

 Network: Not all network cards are created equal! Go with one (or two)
 PCI Intel network cards. If it's based on the Intel PRO/1000GT, it
 will be supported by the em(4) driver on FreeBSD. I use the Intel
 PWLA8391GT. Zero problems.

 As far as hard drives go, I've found recently that Western Digital
 drives are quite silent, even under heavy read/writes, but I haven't
 tried Seagate or any of the other major drive manufacturers in a long
 time, so they may be about the same.

Thanks for sharing. I'm just wondering what is the maximum number
of hard disk a motherboard can support, i mean desktop motherboards.
And is it easy to attach a storage unit in case you want more space?
 This company i'm talking about is growing with 1 Tb per year. I have talked
to them to archive the data but it's out of discusion because they almost
always need random parts of old projects and they want to access it ASAP.

a great day,

 With a little work, your goal of a silent, high-capacity server is
 quite attainable. It can be pretty cheap to build too.

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Re: 5 TB server

2008-11-30 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 9:45 PM, Karl Vogel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:48:45 +0200,
 Valentin Bud [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 V I have to come up with a solution for a company that has as we speak 4 TB
 V of data spread among 3 computers with lots of HDDs.  Of course I've
 V recommend them to buy a server for that storage capacity and for data
 V organization.

   Good idea.  We had a similar problem here; a SuperMicro server tanked,
   and the company that provided the warranty went bankrupt, so all we had
   were 12 perfectly good 400-Gb SATA drives and nowhere to put them.

   The drives were the big-cost item, so I didn't want to just dump them.
   We finally bought two empty IBM x3400 8-bay enclosures plus some IBM
   SAS 3.5 hot-swap trays, and it's working like a charm.

 V I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some raidz.

   In my experience, completely new filesystems or operating systems need
   at least 5 years in the field to weed out all the weird corner-cases.
   I might trust ZFS on Sun hardware (*with* vendor support) at this point,
   but I'd wait awhile before trying it on anything else.

I perfectly agree with you and yes there might be monsters out there
in the ZFS on FreeBSD but the fact that us (the community) embrace the
change and apply it makes the development of it possible and even faster.
I don't want to offend anyone or to start a war this is just my opinion.

   This isn't a slam at ZFS or the FreeBSD porters, it's just recognition
   of the fact that some types of software development are *not* time-
   compressible, regardless of who's doing the work.

 V One of the problems is that the server will stay in their office so it
 V has to be quite silent.

   Not a good idea, especially if this data is their bread-and-butter.
   You can walk out the door with a system this size on your shoulder,
   so I'd recommend a locked room with reasonable cooling and *clean*
   power.  You don't need a 10-foot-tall zillion-dollar Liebert A/C,
   but you absolutely need a UPS that can take care of power spikes;
   the more moderate the environment, the less likely you are to have a
   hardware failure.

I have thought about a decent UPS and already told them that they should
install an alarm system of some sort because neither I nor any IT company
can warranty them physical security. The room is not possible :|, that
would have
been great. What do you think about a rack of some sort?

   I don't use disk mirroring because 99% of our problems come from humans
   rather than hardware.  If someone zaps the wrong file, a mirror will
   simply replicate that mistake; we have two matching servers in separate
   rooms, and we run rsync nightly to back up the production box without
   deleting any files.  I also run hourly backups on the production box
   to store anything that's been modified in the last 60 minutes, which
   gives us a nice file history and takes care of most recovery problems.

This is the actual technology i apply ATM in one of the offices in which
i have 2 BSD boxes. I thought about using RAID because of the amount of data
and the safety of it and plus the second box is out of the question ATM :|.

   With two servers, I can use basic UFS filesystems and get fine I/O
   performance with minimum maintenance.

thank you for your thoughts,

 Karl Vogel  I don't speak for the USAF or my company

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 called themselves Motorola.   --possibly-true item for a lull in conversation
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Re: 5 TB server

2008-11-30 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Karl Vogel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:45:31 -0500,
 I spewed something along the lines of:

 K In my experience, completely new filesystems or operating systems need at
 K least 5 years in the field to weed out all the weird corner-cases.  I might
 K trust ZFS on Sun hardware (*with* vendor support) at this point, but I'd
 K wait awhile before trying it on anything else.

 On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 21:28:51 +0100,
 Wojciech Puchar [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 W if it will ever be good filesystem, it will be no longer ZFS. just the
 W ideas is in big part wrong.

   I'm not trying to start a religious war, but at least one idea in ZFS is
   worth its weight in platinum: end-to-end file-integrity checks.  ZFS can
   (and does) find and correct file errors introduced by disk firmware and
   media problems.  With the sheer volume of stuff being stored these days,
   that capability (in any filesystem) is going to be crucial.

This is one of the main reasons i want to go with ZFS. Another would be the
filesystem level compression of the data. I have noticed that 3dmax
files (one of
the programs the company works with) are very compressable (from 50
Mb to ~ 7Mb).

thank you,

 Karl Vogel  I don't speak for the USAF or my company

 I think that's how Chicago got started.  A bunch of people in New York
 said, Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't
 cold enough.  Let's go west.   --Richard Jeni
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5 TB server

2008-11-28 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello community,

 I have to come up with a solution for a company that has as we speak
4 TB of data spread among 3 computers with lots of HDDs. Of course
i've recommend
them to buy a server for that storage capacity and for data organization.

 I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some
raidz. One of the problems
is that the server will stay in their office so it has to be quite silent.

 I honestly don't know what hardware to look for so if you have any suggestions
i'm more than open to hear them.

a great day,
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Re: 5 TB server

2008-11-28 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Wojciech Puchar

 I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some

 i think you already tested it well and compared to normal UFS.

Well when ( if ) i'm going to actually buy the server i will so some
tests with ZFS and
some with UFS. On the ZFS side the most attractive thing is the backup
and of course
the easiness of administration.

 raidz. One of the problems
 is that the server will stay in their office so it has to be quite silent.

 I honestly don't know what hardware to look for so if you have any
 i'm more than open to hear them.

 if i were you i would get any motherboard with 8 SATA ports, up to 8 1TB
 disks, cheapest available CPU, good PCIe gigabit cards or two.

8x1TB with some mirroring + striping would equal how much in terms of
available space? Sorry i have to do my homework regarding RAID :|.

 if it has to be single volume i would use gstripe, or if it should be
 protected somehow - graid3 or graid5, and use UFS.

 if it's not that important - simply making each whole drive as one
 filesystem and multiple mount points.

 i strongly recommend later way - in case of any problems it's easiest to

Thank you for you thoughts,
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Re: 5 TB server

2008-11-28 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Johan Hendriks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Onderwerp: 5 TB server

Hello community,

 I have to come up with a solution for a company that has as we speak
4 TB of data spread among 3 computers with lots of HDDs. Of course
i've recommend
them to buy a server for that storage capacity and for data organization.

 I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some
raidz. One of the problems
is that the server will stay in their office so it has to be quite silent.

 I honestly don't know what hardware to look for so if you have any 
i'm more than open to hear them.

a great day,

 Well if you mean a lot of disk then you mean a lot of heat, and with that 
 comes good cooling and with that comes fans and most of them when running at 
 full speed will give you some noise.

I've already told them about this and of course as you said is just
the way it is.
Another solution would be to keep the server in some data center,
preferably in the
ISP data center, if they have one. What do you think about regarding
that they work in
Design with 200, 300+ Mb files?

 I have some HP Proliants running but those are no fun under your desk even if 
 the fans are running at a lower level.

I have an Intel server in one of the offices i work for and believe
i've never seen a server which make more noise than this one.
 And in another office i have a Dell one which is quite silent but it
has only 2 or 3 HDD and there are 7 people
working on samba so not so much load on the server. What do you think
/ know about Dell?

 So it is better to put the server in a separate room with proper cooling or 
 else you are surely going to get hit with faulty hardware because of the heat.

Thought of that and looked around in their office but they don't have
a separate room
so that's why i would like to find the most silent server out there.

thanks for your thoughts and comments,

 In short a server needs cooling and most cooling gives noise, that is just 
 the way it is.

 Johan Hendriks

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Re: 5 TB server

2008-11-28 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Beech Rintoul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 28 November 2008 04:48:45 Valentin Bud wrote:
 Hello community,

  I have to come up with a solution for a company that has as we speak
 4 TB of data spread among 3 computers with lots of HDDs. Of course
 i've recommend
 them to buy a server for that storage capacity and for data organization.

  I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some
 raidz. One of the problems
 is that the server will stay in their office so it has to be quite silent.

  I honestly don't know what hardware to look for so if you have any
 suggestions i'm more than open to hear them.

 a great day,

 You're going to need proper cooling regardless. Which is never silent If you
 can't locate the servers somewhere where fan noise etc won't bother anyone,
 several companies make office quiet insulated cooled rack enclosures. But
 AFAIK they are very pricey. Check on CDW

 Of course the proper cooling is essential when we are talking about
this kind of
data storage capacity. I will have to check out for the cooled
insulated rack enclosures
you mentioned.



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Re: mysqld_multi missing after mysql50-server install

2008-11-26 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello again,

 Did some more research. I have a system running FreeBSD  6.2-RELEASE-p12 with
an earlier version on mysql (mysql-server-5.0.41). Same thing, the
mysqld_multi and mysqlmanager
is missing. Once again do i miss something? If yes what is it?

 And of course if there are other possibilities to run 2 mysqld
instances on one server
please let me know.

thank you and a great day,

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Valentin Bud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello list,

  I have just installed mysql50-server from ports. I need to start
 2 instances of mysqld. I have searched on how can I
 accomplish that and there are 2 methods either using mysqld_multi
 or mysqlmanager. After reading a little on i decided i want
 to go on mysqld_multi way because mysqlmanager will be removed in
 6.0 and i want to use this 2 instances quite some time from now on.

  The only problem is that i couldn't find neither of them (mysqld_multi
 or mysqlmanager) after installing mysql50-server. My system is
 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p5 amd64. I did some digging and extracted the sources
 chnage dir to the sources dir and ./configure --help to see the
 available options.
 Found an options name --with-mysqlmanager. Went back to add this option to
 the Makefile (CONFIGURE_ARGS section) reinstalled mysql50-server but
 again the mysqlmanager program/script is missing. Am i missing something?

  And i found in /usr/local/share/mysql a script called
 mysqld_multi.server which
 doesn't run saying: Can't execute /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_multi
 from dir /usr/local/mysql.
 Check to see if there is a dir called /usr/local/mysql but there isn't
 one. I even did a
 find / -name mysqld_multi without no success.

  So can someone point me in the right direction please.

 thanks and a great day,

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Re: mysqld_multi missing after mysql50-server install

2008-11-26 Thread Valentin Bud
On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Ott Köstner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Valentin Bud wrote:

  And of course if there are other possibilities to run 2 mysqld
 instances on one server
 please let me know.

 There is no limit, how many instances of mysqld you can run. Just
 specify different database directories and sockets for each instance.
 Something like that:

 $ mysqld --datadir=your sql instance dada dir --socket=/tmp/your
 socket ...

I get it. It's like making my own mysqld_multi. I can make multiple
/etc/my.cnf and
specify on the command line the default data dir, config file, etc and
it just works.
I will try it and get back with the results. I am thinking of making
rc.d files to start
the daemons at boot.

 There is no need to run mysqld as root (and better not do that). Just
 any regular user is OK for mysqld.

I am running mysql from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server and it runs
as user mysql.
Thanks anyway for the heads up :).

have a great day,


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Re: make release of current

2008-11-26 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello Beech,

Could you be more specific on what documentation to read.

thank you and a great day,

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Beech Rintoul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 November 2008 20:40:21 michael wrote:
 will make release work for current? i've built a nice working system
 that i would like to be able to install on several identical machines.

 Yes, but read all the docs completely there are a number of options you need,
 like telling it to use your source tree instead of CVS and if you want to
 build packages etc.

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mysqld_multi missing after mysql50-server install

2008-11-25 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,

 I have just installed mysql50-server from ports. I need to start
2 instances of mysqld. I have searched on how can I
accomplish that and there are 2 methods either using mysqld_multi
or mysqlmanager. After reading a little on i decided i want
to go on mysqld_multi way because mysqlmanager will be removed in
6.0 and i want to use this 2 instances quite some time from now on.

 The only problem is that i couldn't find neither of them (mysqld_multi
or mysqlmanager) after installing mysql50-server. My system is
FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p5 amd64. I did some digging and extracted the sources
chnage dir to the sources dir and ./configure --help to see the
available options.
Found an options name --with-mysqlmanager. Went back to add this option to
the Makefile (CONFIGURE_ARGS section) reinstalled mysql50-server but
again the mysqlmanager program/script is missing. Am i missing something?

 And i found in /usr/local/share/mysql a script called
mysqld_multi.server which
doesn't run saying: Can't execute /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_multi
from dir /usr/local/mysql.
Check to see if there is a dir called /usr/local/mysql but there isn't
one. I even did a
find / -name mysqld_multi without no success.

 So can someone point me in the right direction please.

thanks and a great day,
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Re: Xeon Quad Core (Was: Server Freezing Solid)

2008-11-24 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Chris Maness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since a Xeon Quad Core is a 64bit processor, would it work ok with FreeBSD?
 Or would the adm64 release be better for that chip?

Hello Chris,

I had a server with an Intel Xeon Quad Core CPU that was running FBSD 7.0
since the day 7.0 was released ( i386 ). Never had a problem with it.

Yesterday i moved the server on FBSD 7.0 amd64 to use ZFS. Until now
it works like a charm.

a nice day,

 Chris Maness
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Re: ZFS Recovery Tools

2008-11-21 Thread Valentin Bud
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Wojciech Puchar
 What does MAXPHYS mean (yes max raw I/O transfer) and do? A little
 bit more specific if you may.

 how large can be single read from disk.

 when you say read 2 files in the same time, FreeBSD will readahead at most
 MAXPHYS from one file, then from file 2, from file 1 etc.

 128kB/s is way too much for todays drives, that can read 1MB within one
 access time.

Thank you for your explanation.

a great day,
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Re: ZFS Recovery Tools

2008-11-20 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:31 PM, Wojciech Puchar

  I was just reading stuff about ZFS, and wonder if it would be
 beneficial for me to use it. I store a lots of multimedia files in my
 HD, they usually have the size of  1GB (e.g. 1.2, 1.7 or even
 bigger), and my system is running UFS.

 simply use UFS with big blocks (-b 65536 -f 8192) will be OK.

 BTW i have such change in param.h on every system i have:

 --- param.h~2008-10-09 20:49:54.0 +0200
 +++ param.h 2008-10-09 20:49:54.0 +0200
 @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
  #define DFLTPHYS   (64 * 1024) /* default max raw I/O transfer size
  #ifndef MAXPHYS
 -#define MAXPHYS(128 * 1024)/* max raw I/O transfer size
 +#define MAXPHYS(1024 * 1024)/* max raw I/O transfer
 size */

What does MAXPHYS mean (yes max raw I/O transfer) and do? A little
bit more specific if you may.
thank you.

  #ifndef MAXDUMPPGS

 no idea why it's not the default.

  so can I buy a new HD, say 500GB, and format it ZFS style and use it
 along with other UFS? and will ZFS performs better than UFS in my

 there may be slight (if any) speedup with transfer speed, and HUGE (like
 10x) increase in CPU load. on slower CPUs transfers will be actually slower.
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Re: Delay startup of services in rc.conf || elswhere

2008-11-18 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello bsd,

 I once had a problem just like yours. I introduced at the end
of the mysql startup script from /usr/local/etc/rc.d a sleep 10 command
and that did the trick.

all the best,

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 1:05 PM, bsd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a server configured to start 10 services at startup (in /etc/rc.conf)

 Unfortunately, the startup of MySQL seems to be returning ok before It
 actually has started completely the program… the next program rely on MySQL
 and does not start well because the database is not fully started.

 I would like to introduce something like a sleep 10 timer in the service
 startup process…

 How can I do that?

 Gregober --- PGP ID -- 0x1BA3C2FD
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Re: realtime network replication

2008-11-17 Thread Valentin Bud
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:25 AM, Ansar Mohammed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I need to replicate /home between two freebsd servers in real time (no
 scheduled rsyncs)

what about csync ?

 What are my options?

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Re: Question about entry in auth.log

2008-11-15 Thread Valentin Bud
 I personally use key authentication along with DenyUsers and
AllowUsers directives
from sshd. One more thing i do regarding ssh brute force is to make
use of the max-src-conn and
max-src-conn-rate from pf firewall.

My auth logs look like:
Nov 14 11:15:36 xxx sshd[3570]: User root from not
allowed because not listed in AllowUsers
Nov 14 11:15:38 xxx sshd[3572]: Invalid user admin from
Nov 14 11:15:41 xxx sshd[3574]: Invalid user test from
Nov 14 11:15:44 xxx sshd[3576]: User root from not
allowed because not listed in AllowUsers
Nov 14 11:15:46 xxx sshd[3578]: Invalid user ghost from

Five tries from the above ip and if unsuccessful it gets overloaded in
a table and
all the states originating from that ip are killed.

All the servers i have are web/mail ones, none of them is used for
users, so i don't know if this is a good approach
but i wrote it to help make an idea about it.

a great day,

On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 5:00 AM, Lisa Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, Tom Marchand wrote:

 Or michael is vacationing in Romania.

 Very odd. Sigh, Michael is not vacationing in Romania. Doubt he's ever been
 there. I got rid of the michael account (it wasn't used anyway), and
 downloaded a new copy of chkrootkit, installed it and ran it along with
 chklastlog and chkwtmp. Nothing was found. Pehaps this was a harmless enough
 prank? Anything else I ought to look at? Fortunately the michael account did
 not have te ability to su to root.


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migrate server on freebsd amd64

2008-10-27 Thread Valentin Bud
Hello list,
 I want your opinion about migrating a freebsd server to amd64.
I have the following configuration:

Motherboard: Intel S5000VSA
CPU: Intel Xeon E5335 @ 2Ghz
RAM: 2 x 1Gb DDR2 FB-DIMM 667Mhz
HDD: 2 x 320 Gb SATA II + 1 x 500 Gb SATA II

This server runs as a web / mail server using:
Apache 2.2
MySQL 5.0
php 5
postfix + dovecot

Currently the server runs FBSD 7.0 i386 (RELENG_7). I plan to switch the
server to amd64
and use ZFS.
I want your suggestions about the above applications and their stability on
64 bit FBSD as well
as suggestions about running ZFS on the given hardware. I will upgrade the
RAM in the near future to
4 Gb. The CPU is out of the question because of the cost.

 I'm sorry if this is not the proper place to ask questions about FBSD amd64
but i thought that here are many
people that might be using amd64 and come with some opinions. Thank you.

all the best,
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Re: migrate server on freebsd amd64

2008-10-27 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Wojciech Puchar 

 while it's strange you haven't installed amd64 at first place, why
 migrating WORKING thing? if it works fine - don't touch.

I didn't install amd64 from the start because my knowledge at the time
I installed the server were very limited and i was afraid of problems that
arise in the amd64 system, problems that i couldn't handle at that time.
 By migrating i mean fresh install.

thank you,
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Re: DHCP and MAC addresses

2008-10-27 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Odhiambo Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Deian Popov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  try deny unknown-clients; and may be boot-unknown-clients false; in

 Hi Deian,

 You guys are great!

 Thank you very much.

 One response I got off list was that I could use deny

Sorry for the off list response. It's my mistake of pressing Reply instead
of Reply All,
like i did now.

all the best,

 unknown-clients; if I use isc-dhcpd-server, which got me thinking ...
 is there another dhcp server for FreeBSD in the ports tree, or outside

 BTW, why did you delete the b from your name?:-)

 Best regards,
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Re: DHCP and MAC addresses

2008-10-27 Thread Valentin Bud
On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Wojciech Puchar 

  Hello List,

 Suppose I have 100 Desktops, and I want my DHCP server to _only_
 assign IP addresses to these hosts, using MAC addresses, is there a
 way to tell the DHCP server to NOT assign any IP address to a machine
 whose MAC address it doesn't know?

 of course.

 and you can assign IP to each MAC


 deny unknown-clients;
 (dont specify range at all)

But do define the subnet:
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
 If you have 100 MAC address by this technique you avoid writing
options routers; in each host declaration.
No matter how many subnets you have, just define them and write the
router and DNS server(s) there and in the host declaration just the IP and
a host-name.

all the best,


  host something {
  hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55;
  option host-name something.somewhere;
  option routers router_IP;


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Re: Can't upgrade or deinstall phpMyAdmin

2008-10-23 Thread Valentin Bud
May i ask a question. Why do you use phpmyadmin from ports? It installs
lots of libraries hence possible security threats in the future. So instead
taking care of updating a bunch of libraries just for phpmyadmin why don't
you simply download it from, put in the apache
root, set it up and so you have to take care to update it when a new version
my 2 cents,

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Mike Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Wednesday 22 October 2008, Matthew Seaman wrote:

  Hmmm... not entirely sure what has actually gone wrong there, but I
  suspect your /var/db/pkg directory is probably in a bit of a mess.
   Deinstalling phpMyAdmin is simply a matter of removing almost all of
  the files under /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin -- the only one the port
  tries to preserve is

 Yes, I knew phpMyAdmin kept all its files in one place so replacing it
 with the new version by hand was possible if all else failed but the
 ports system would have still thought it had version 2 and I was rather
 unsure what problems the inconsistency might create later.
  Can you try:
  ~   # pkg_delete -f phpMyAdmin-

 Yes, I'd already done that with the same segfault.

  If the worst comes to the worst, you can do this (which is certainly
  *not* recommended in the general case, just it happens to work for
  phpMyAdmin which is a port without other things depending on it, and
  that installs everything into one directory):
  ~   # cd /usr/local/www
  ~   # cp phpMyAdmin/ /root
  ~   # rm -rf phpMyAdmin
  ~   # cd /var/db/pkg
  ~   # rm -rf phpMyAdmin-
  ~   # pkgdb -F

 That did the trick, thanks for the help.

  Note: there's no need to reinstall phpMyAdmin because you've upgraded
  Apache or even PHP.  phpMyAdmin is all native PHP code and identical
  on disk for whatever combination of PHP interpreter and web server
  you use.  You just need to copy the Apache config stuff into the new
  httpd.conf (ie. based on what 'pkg_info -Dx phpMyAdmin' produces).

 Yes, but in this case I'd moved my web server temporarily onto another
 machine while I (slowly) upgraded the hardware on this box, hence the
 removal of Apache and PHP. After getting the new hardware back into
 service I installed the newer versions of Apache and PHP, it was just
 by chance that there was still a copy of phpMyAdmin on the system but
 in view of the security vulnerability in I thought I'd better
 replace it with 3.0.0_1.

 Mike Clarke
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Re: Can't upgrade or deinstall phpMyAdmin

2008-10-23 Thread Valentin Bud
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Wojciech Puchar 

 May i ask a question. Why do you use phpmyadmin from ports? It installs

 well i don't use phpmyadmin at all ;)

  lots of libraries hence possible security threats in the future. So
 taking care of updating a bunch of libraries just for phpmyadmin why don't
 you simply download it from, put in the apache
 root, set it up and so you have to take care to update it when a new

 and do it with all other software too, ending with total mess quickly.
 just like windows

Just for the record i'm not doing it with other software and i don't intend

the main reason i don't like to install phpmyadmin from ports is the
# pwd

# make all-depends-list | grep x11

I am not that good in FBSD so i'm asking, is there a way to install
without installing all the above mentions as depends x11 stuff?
 The above x11 ports install dependecies of their own so you end up with
lots of
x11 stuff you don't need. So that's why i use and like the other method.
thank you for you opinions,
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