Re: [galaxy-dev] 'galaxy-api-tools' project

2013-09-19 Thread Carlos Borroto
On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Carlos Borroto wrote:

 I'm interested in developing a tool that would allow easy interaction
 with the Galaxy API. I started coding and this[1] is what I have so


Second effort session on this project. The first time around I somehow
missed Bioblend python library, I made sure this is not the case this
time around. Bioblend is making development quite easy and is opening
a bunch of possibilities I didn't even know were possible.

The project is now also on pypi, all you need to install it is:
$ pip install galaxy-api-tools

This is a use case fully supported currently.

- List all workflows available to you:

$ galaxy-api-tools get-workflows
[   {   u'id': u'f597429621d6eb2b',
u'model_class': u'StoredWorkflow',
u'name': u'Map and Variant Calling',
u'published': False,
u'tags': [],
u'url': u'/api/workflows/f597429621d6eb2b'},
{   u'id': u'f2db41e1fa331b3e',
u'model_class': u'StoredWorkflow',
u'name': u'Combine and Split',
u'published': False,
u'tags': [],
u'url': u'/api/workflows/f2db41e1fa331b3e'}]

- Show workflow details so you can clearly see what to expect and what
you need to provide:

$ galaxy-api-tools show-workflow name=Combine and Split
{   u'id': u'f2db41e1fa331b3e',
u'inputs': {   u'5': {   u'label': u'FASTA', u'value': u''},
   u'6': {   u'label': u'QUAL', u'value': u''},
   u'7': {   u'label': u'BARCODE_INDEX', u'value': u''}},
u'model_class': u'StoredWorkflow',
u'name': u'Combine and Split',
u'published': False,
u'steps': {   u'5': {   u'id': 5,
u'input_steps': {   },
u'tool_id': None,
u'type': u'data_input'},
  u'6': {   u'id': 6,
u'input_steps': {   },
u'tool_id': None,
u'type': u'data_input'},
  u'7': {   u'id': 7,
u'input_steps': {   },
u'tool_id': None,
u'type': u'data_input'},
  u'8': {   u'id': 8,
u'input_steps': {   u'fasta_file': {
u'source_step': 5,

u'step_output': u'output'},
u'qual_file': {
u'source_step': 6,

u'step_output': u'output'}},
u'tool_id': u'fastq_combiner',
u'type': u'tool'},
  u'9': {   u'id': 9,
u'input_steps': {   u'barcode_index': {
u'source_step': 7,

u'step_output': u'output'},

u'input_format|inputs_0|input': {   u'source_step': 8,

 u'step_output': u'output_file'}},
u'tool_id': u'ngs-tools_split_by_barcode',
u'type': u'tool'}},
u'tags': [],
u'url': u'/api/workflows/f2db41e1fa331b3e'}

- Upload two pairs of FNA/QUAL files from a 454 run and run the
previous workflow for combining them into a FASTQ file and split them
by barcode:

$ galaxy-api-tools upload --library name=API Imports --upload-method
galaxy_filesystem \
  --genome hg19 --folder Run 20130918 --workflow name=Combine and Split \
  --add-file .qual=qual454=QUAL --workflow-input
BARCODE_INDEX=1cd8e2f6b131e891=ldda  \
  --workflow-param ngs-tools_split_by_barcode=barcodes=RL001,RL002 \
  /local/seq_data/R_2013_09_18/1.fna /local/seq_data/R_2013_09_18/2.fna
{   u'history': u'0c5ffef6d88a1e97',
u'outputs': [u'1a5b83933dc4bf08', u'aebaa141e7243ebf']}
{   u'history': u'911dde3ddb677bcd',
u'outputs': [u'07a38ebd55a6989d', u'56fc5a09f8ae2546']}

There are a few issues I need to workout. Also, a lot of code
refactoring and commenting needs to happen if a seriously want other
people to join this effort. Ideally something like this could be built
inside Bioblend.

I hope someone else finds it useful,
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[galaxy-dev] datacache bowtie2 for mm9 ?

2013-09-19 Thread Curtis Hendrickson (Campus)

First, I wanted to thank you for making the datacache available 
rsync:// It's a great resource.

However, what is the best way to stay abreast of changes to what's in 
datacache, and understand how these indexes are computed?

We are currently upgrading to bowtie2, but I notice that the bowtie2 indices 
for mm9, which used to be in
have been removed, and only the hg19 genome has bowtie2 indices. Why only that 
one, and not the others?
Where are the scripts you use to make these indices, in case I want to create 
bowtie2 indices for other

So, how do I find out *why* they were removed? (Can I safely use the copy I 
have, or was there a problem with them?)

More generally, how do I understand the policies and logic behind the datacache 
indices, and be notified of changes, short of running my own periodic 

Finally, since I'm doing reproducible research is anything planned for 
systematically versioning genome indices, so I can easily tell what version of 
a system (ie, what BWA version) was used to create the index, and be sure that 
an index will not suddenly disappear.

Research Associate/CTSA-Informatics Team
University of Alabama at Birmingham

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Re: [galaxy-dev] Unicode in tool stderr crashing galaxy?

2013-09-19 Thread Bjoern Gruening
Hi Simon,

it's just a guess but can you try the attached patch if you have a
reproducible case. It is not tested, but at least it should point you in
the right direction. If its working, I will create a pull request.


 My optimism was short lived.  I think I've hit a galaxy bug in Unicode 
 Having managed to get the deseq tool not to crash galaxy in the sqlalchemy 
 I now get a crash when clicking on the info-stderr for the tool output 
 dataset, probably because it contains Unicode.  Here's the traceback from 
 Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 47124)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 1068, in process_request_in_thread
 self.finish_request(request, client_address)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.6/, line 322, in finish_request
 self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.6/, line 617, in __init__
 line 442, in handle
   File /usr/lib64/python2.6/, line 329, in handle
 line 437, in handle_one_request
 line 290, in wsgi_execute
 line 150, in wsgi_write_chunk
   File /usr/lib64/python2.6/, line 316, in write
 data = str(data) # XXX Should really reject non-string non-buffers
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2018' in 
 position 169: ordinal not in range(128)
 I don't know where to look to find the actual stderr output.  Any pointers?
 Is this actually a galaxy bug now?
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diff -r e19c7819ea3c lib/galaxy/jobs/
--- a/lib/galaxy/jobs/	Tue Sep 17 17:21:10 2013 +0200
+++ b/lib/galaxy/jobs/	Thu Sep 19 11:41:32 2013 +0200
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 from import ActionBox
 from import JobRunnerMapper
 from import BaseJobRunner
+from galaxy.util import unicodify
 from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
 from galaxy.util.expressions import ExpressionContext
 from galaxy.util.json import from_json_string
@@ -1081,6 +1082,8 @@
 # By default, the tool succeeded. This covers the case where the code
 # has a bug but the tool was ok, and it lets a workflow continue.
 success = True
+stdout = unicodify( stdout )
+stderr = unicodify( stderr )
 # Check exit codes and match regular expressions against stdout and
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Re: [galaxy-dev] configuring auth_ldap for galaxy

2013-09-19 Thread John Chilton
Hey Srinivas,

  I have no insights here, I am sorry. My knowledge of LDAP is rather limited.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Maddhi, Srinivas wrote:
 Another galaxy + nginx + LDAP user here.


 I have it working as well with help from Galaxy Wiki docs and mailing list
 archives. The configure options that were used to compile nginx:
 --add-module=../nginx-upload-module-2.2 --with-pcre=../pcre-8.33
 --with-http_ssl_module --conf-path=/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
 --pid-path=/var/run/ --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log
 --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --user=galaxy-qa
 --group=galaxy-qa --with-debug

 I also supplied the proxy_set_header X-URL-SCHEME https; directive in
 the / and /api location blocks.

 Good luck!


 Thanks for the detailed response to Iry's question, and docs for this

 Related question: Are you aware of a mechanism that would transmit LDAP
 attributes, say mail for example, to downstream apps ?  I have that
 question in to the author of that module and haven't heard back.

 The need for that: in my use case, the email address associated with
 remote_user is not but rather  As such, I am stuck, less than
 ideally, with requiring users to use as
 their username instead of just short_name. Our previous solution to this
 was to hack galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/ which I would
 like to avoid for ease of maintainability purposes.

 Thank you.

 -Original Message-
 From: John Chilton
 Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 7:49 AM
 To: Iry Witham
 Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] configuring auth_ldap for galaxy

You have to compile nginx with the auth-ldap module. Have you done
this? I am doing using CloudBioLinux and here is how it is being done
in that context, but it would probably be easier just doing it by

I have posted my information on configuring CloudMan's nginx for LDAP
auth, but you can ignore the CloudMan stuff:


http {

#auth_ldap_binddn cn=nginx,ou=service,dc=example,dc=com;
#auth_ldap_binddn_passwd mYsUperPas55W0Rd
#auth_ldap_group_attribute uniquemember; # default 'member'
#auth_ldap_group_attribute_is_dn on; # default on



location / {
auth_ldap_require valid_user;
auth_ldap LDAP Auth Source Description;
proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;

proxy_pass  http://galaxy_app;
proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header   X-URL-SCHEME https;


# For API access, set REMOTE_USER if available so Galaxy
# session based requests are let through, if REMOTE_USER is not
# available pass the request through and let Galaxy determine
# if a key is present and valid.
location  /api {
proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
proxy_pass  http://galaxy_app;
proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 7:37 AM, Iry Witham wrote:
 Hi Team,

 Has anyone had any experience with setting up auth_ldap for nginx?  I am
 attempting to make this work, but nginx fails to start with the

 Starting nginx nginx: [emerg] unknown directive auth_ldap_url in
 startproc:  exit status of parent of /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx: 1


 Any help would be appreciated.


 Iry Witham

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Re: [galaxy-dev] Towards Galaxy Linux (not) ? [was [RFC] Storing of tarballs and patches for tool_dependencies to enable reproducibility]

2013-09-19 Thread Bjoern Gruening
Hi Simon,

thank you very much for your comments!

 I can see man years of effort being spent on solving this problem within 
 Galaxy.  I was going to title this email Danger, Will Robinson, but I 
 didn't want to be disrespectful.  
 I think the path being embarked upon, tool dependency packaging, tool 
 versioning, reproducibility, and long term archive of source tarballs is 
 going to lead inevitably 
 to creation of a new Linux distribution, which I guess will be called Galaxy 

I'm not sure it is comparable to a entire Linux distribution, its more
like an Appstore, like pypi, bioconductor or gems, and yes that is
reinvented somehow. I want to point out, that the pool of bioinformatic
applications are not so huge compared to an entire linux distribution
and that many of them exists as pre-compiled binaries, which makes
everything easier. 

 The packaging and archival you are talking about is exactly the service 
 provided by a Linux distribution.

Sorry maybe I was misleading. I only want a central storage for
binaries/tarballs where the source can not be trusted for long term.
'long term' and 'trusted' needs to be defined in such a discussion here.
I do not think we should copy python packages that are stored in pypi.
We should make it easy as possible to install them in our repository. If
you do not trust pypi, we can offer a mirror. Some goes for gems.

But what about packages that do not store different versions of
packages? We should have a central place to store them. UCSC tools for
example. Easy to install, but we need to store them somewhere.

 There's well established infrastructure to handle this, and years of 
 experience have gone into solving the problems well.

Sure, we can learn from them, or use them.

 Surely the number of Linux distributions in the world now exceeds 100, but I 
 don't see that the world will become a better place if we increase that 
 number by one more.

I'm not talking about a new linux distribution. Galaxy is running
everywhere, RHEL, OS-X, SUSE, what ever is used in the Amazon Cloud
and we need to run Galaxy on top of that. 

 We at AgResearch can't be alone in having to pick a Linux distribution to run 
 from the short list supported by our hardware vendor.  
 I can't see Galaxy Linux being on that list anytime soon.  So we have to make 
 Galaxy run on the particular distribution we have here.  For us that's CentOS 

Sure, agree.

 Now, I see scary mention of platform independence as a goal for Galaxy 
 packaging, which I interpret as will run on any Linux distribution.  
 I think that's essentially infeasible.

I hope not :)
We should define a minimal subset of dependencies a Galaxy system needs.
Python, libz, gccX.Y, libfortran and so on, that's it. That can be
understood as some kind of abstraction layer. If your distribution can
offer it, Galaxy is supported, otherwise take care of such an
abstraction layer for your system.

 All you can do is write install scripts which you hope are portable (by 
 following as many best practices as you know about), and then work patiently 
 with users on strange platforms, to adapt each install script to work on that 
 platform also.  I think this is not a good use of anyone's time.

I see your point, but as we support a minimal subset of requirements
that argument does not hold. Moreover, I do not expect that issue in the
Galaxyland. We are dealing with professional
administrators/bioinformaticians running on large clusters, not with
desktop users. I hope the set of different distributions that are really
in use are minimalistic. 

 How many Linux distributions do the Galaxy community actually care about 
 today?  The RHEL family is surely important, as is Ubuntu LTS.  Anything 

Maybe a few Solaris Systems and do not forget OS-X.

 I'd be quite interested to understand this, as it provides a context for the 
 discussion, and ensures we're not just solving a hypothetical problem.
 I'm just starting work on a native packaging infrastructure for Galaxy, that 
 will enable tool dependencies to use defined versions of natively installed 
 That frees me up to make my packages work nicely on the RHEL family.  It 
 looks like the RPMs themselves (including SRPMs obviously) will be hosted by 
 the CentOS project before too long.
 Once they're there, they can easily be archived forever.  Anyone else on that 
 platform is welcome to use the same infrastructure.  
 Then, all we really need is someone to handle the packaging effort for the 
 other major Linux distributions (a small number, I hope), and the problem is 
 essentially solved.

Sure, but the problem is not solved, or? It's just transferred from your
Linux metaphor to 'packaging formats'. How many different packaging
formats we have ... do we need a new one ...   

 Getting the Bio-Linux team interested in multi-version packaging would be a 
 great next step.

I really think that is the important part! We need to convince and

Re: [galaxy-dev] pass user groups to dynamic job runner

2013-09-19 Thread John Chilton
Feature request received.

The following changeset demonstrates how one could implement this

First step is to create a new dynamic job destination, this is
demonstrated in job_conf.xml in the above changeset. This demonstrates
the new style job_conf section - this will need to be adapted for the
old style runners but is still doable.

Then you will want to add a dynamic job runner rule that implements
this logic. This is the file lib/galaxy/jobs/rules/

This will do what you asked, you can adjust the tools it targets and
the message that gets displayed to the user pretty easily (right now
it is just No license, no tool).

There is no longer any need to display such tools to the user thanks
to dynamic toolbox filters. This is that last file:
lib/galaxy/tools/filters/ This will prevent any tool
in the list 'LICENSED_TOOLS' from even being seen by unlicensed users.
You do need to specify this filter is being used by adding the line:

tool_filters = license_filter:has_license

in the [app:main] section of universe_wsgi.ini.

Hope this helps!


On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:45 AM, Vandeweyer Geert wrote:

 Could somebody point me to the place where I can create a ticket for the 
 following feature:

 - We want to have tools available only to users who provided a licence for 
 this tool.
 - To prevent very long email lists (see example on dev-only tools), I'd like 
 to have a group 'have_licence'
 - in dynamic job runner function : check if user is in usergroup : ok = run 
 ; fail = give message.

 Or can I hide tools from the menu based on usergroup?


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[galaxy-dev] not compatible with galaxy-central stable

2013-09-19 Thread Richard Burhans

my galaxy instance:
parent: 10587:1f34ec186fcf
 Pack script.
branch: stable
commit: 3 modified, 91 unknown
update: (current)
parent: 10592:ea0c57f1cdf0 tip
 Fix for unicode values in rst_to_html.
branch: default
commit: 34 unknown (clean)
update: (current)

Try to install this repository:

File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/eggs/WebError-0.8a- 
py2.7.egg/weberror/evalexception/', line 364 in respond

  app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/eggs/Paste- 
py2.7.egg/paste/', line 84 in __call__

  return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/galaxy/web/ 
framework/middleware/', line 91 in __call__

  return environ, start_response )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/eggs/Paste- 
py2.7.egg/paste/', line 633 in __call__

  return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/galaxy/web/ 
framework/', line 132 in __call__

  return self.handle_request( environ, start_response )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/galaxy/web/ 
framework/', line 190 in handle_request

  body = method( trans, **kwargs )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/galaxy/web/ 
framework/', line 221 in decorator

  return func( self, trans, *args, **kwargs )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/galaxy/webapps/ 
galaxy/controllers/', line 911 in prepare_for_install

  includes_tool_dependencies )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/tool_shed/util/', line 85 in get_dependencies_for_repository
  installed_rd, missing_rd =  
( trans, repo_info_tuple )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/tool_shed/util/', line 214 in  
  tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision,  
prior_installation_required = suc.parse_repository_dependency_tuple 
( rd_tup )
File '/scratch/galaxy/home/oocyte/galaxy_oocyte/lib/tool_shed/util/', line 1197 in parse_repository_dependency_tuple

  prior_installation_required = str( prior_installation_required )
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'prior_installation_required'  
referenced before assignment

contains_error = False
repository_dependency_tuple =  ['',  
'package_clapack_3_2_1', 'rico', '56a949e5f998', 'True', 'False']


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[galaxy-dev] Test Toolshed Biopython package dependency Atlas fails to install (Was: Re: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'prior_installation_required' referenced before assignment)

2013-09-19 Thread Carlos Borroto
On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Björn Grüning wrote:
 Hi Peter and Carlos,

 On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Carlos Borroto wrote:
  I did an extra test. Started with a clean 'galaxy-dist'. This time
  both repositories fail with the same error. I guess before something
  was cached for the repository with version 0.1.4.
  I used biopython repository as a guide to write my tool dependency 
  I can confirm biopython repository is failing to install for me with
  exactly the same error. I wonder if a recently addition in the test
  toolshed broke the treatment of prior_installation_required.

 Could be - note that currently Biopython isn't currently
 installing properly on the Test Tool Shed due to ALTAS
 failing (a requirement of NumPy which is a requirement
 of Biopython). Dave and Bjoern are I think looking at this

 I can't do much I tested it again and for me its working fine on my
 computers I have at hand ... sorry.

In case it helps, this is how the INSTALLATION.log file ends on OS X 10.8.4:
$ tail -n 3 
x ATLAS/tune/lapack/lanbsrch.c
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

This is the relevant part I can find in Galaxy's log:
[localhost] local: tar xfvj atlas3.10.1.tar.bz2

Warning: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing
'tar xfvj atlas3.10.1.tar.bz2'

After noticing this I got what I'm guessing is the original file from

I can confirm that trying to untar this file fails with the exact same
error. However, on Ubuntu 13.04 untaring this file works just fine.

On Ubuntu 13.04 the error I see is:
It appears you have cpu throttling enabled, which makes timings
unreliable and an ATLAS install nonsensical.  Aborting.
See ATLAS/INSTALL.txt for further information

Björn, you said cpu throttling can be easily disable on Ubuntu. Can
you comment how? Do I need to disable it completely, or should the
install script do it when installing?


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[galaxy-dev] Access to history_id from tool config XML

2013-09-19 Thread Tim Dreszer
It would be useful to have access $__history_id__ in the same way as one
accesses $__user_id__.  I am running a local instance of galaxy and have
modified the following file to achieve this:

At line ~694:
incoming['__user_name__'] = user_name
+   if job.history and
+   incoming['__history_id__'] =
+   else:
+   incoming['__history_id__'] = 'unknown'
I have tested this change and it appears to give me exactly what I want.
 My question: does this change appear correct and can it be incorporated
into the main galaxy code-base?

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[galaxy-dev] pass user groups to dynamic job runner

2013-09-19 Thread Vandeweyer Geert

Could somebody point me to the place where I can create a ticket for the 
following feature: 

- We want to have tools available only to users who provided a licence for this 
- To prevent very long email lists (see example on dev-only tools), I'd like to 
have a group 'have_licence'
- in dynamic job runner function : check if user is in usergroup : ok = run ; 
fail = give message.

Or can I hide tools from the menu based on usergroup? 


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Re: [galaxy-dev] August 2013 Galaxy Update Newsletter is out

2013-09-19 Thread Dave Clements
Hi Samuel, everyone,

There is now a Vimeo channel containing all 25 taped talks from GCC2013:

We're still figuring out how to best use Vimeo.  Please do let us know if
you have any suggestions for how to improve the site.  Look for more
content here going forward.

And it's on a Vimeo Plus account, so you won't see any ads for phones,
football teams, telescopes, or faster than light travel.  :-)

Dave C

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Dave Clements

 Hi Samuel, everyone,

 Our main reason for avoiding these ad supported services is that we don't
 want people to have to deal with ads to see Galaxy Video content.

 Dave C

 On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 2:54 AM, Samuel Lampa

 On 08/08/2013 07:38 PM, Dave Clements wrote:

 I wanted to ask though, are there specific reasons for not using a
 service like YouTube / Vimeo etc?

 Yes!  Um, but I can't remember what they are (sadly, this is true).
  We'll talk about this on the next outreach call, and I'll post here what
 we decide.

 Ok, nice, many thanks!

 Best Regards
 // Samuel


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Re: [galaxy-dev] Towards Galaxy Linux (not) ? [was [RFC] Storing of tarballs and patches for tool_dependencies to enable reproducibility]

2013-09-19 Thread Ido Tamir
If I might chime in, I am a bit worried about all the automatic installation 
going on in galaxy, and it seems that the trend is to enhance this.
A small R or python script calling into well known libraries that come from 
well known repositories (bioconductor etc… ) I can check.
(Of course I install too much stuff from github, bioconductor etc… without 
 I'm not sure it is comparable to a entire Linux distribution, its more
 like an Appstore, like pypi, bioconductor or gems, and yes that is

The app stores are checked by Apple or google for malicious code, the apps are 
There are many eyes for python, bioconductor packages and gems because much 
more people interact with
them directly compared to galaxy-tools.

 Sorry maybe I was misleading. I only want a central storage for
 binaries/tarballs where the source can not be trusted for long term.
 'long term' and 'trusted' needs to be defined in such a discussion here.
 I do not think we should copy python packages that are stored in pypi.
 We should make it easy as possible to install them in our repository. If
 you do not trust pypi, we can offer a mirror. Some goes for gems.

Trusted for me means I trust the source not having dangerous code. I trust pypi
more than some mirror, bioconductor base packages from more than some freshly 
published package 
that few people have used, tools from galaxy core developers more than from 
tool-shed etc…
I know this is not the type of trust you were talking about.

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Re: [galaxy-dev] cuffdiff wrapper not synchronized with cuffdiff version

2013-09-19 Thread Curtis Hendrickson (Campus)

First of all, thanks for all your efforts, and for updating the cuffdiff, etc, 

However, it's a little frustrating to us that a non-backward compatible change 
in the supported version of the cuffdiff executable was not reflected in a new 
version number for the cuffdiff (and other cuff) wrappers. This leaves us no 
way to support both versions of cuffdiff, and makes all histories that were run 
with the older version non-reproducible.

I know the general versioning problem is address through the tool-shed 
mechanism, but for the remaining core wrappers, can maintainers please update 
wrapper version numbers when making changes?

For this wrapper set, how would you advise us to support both?

It seems to me that I HAVE to leave the cuffdiff v1.3-compatible as 
wrapper_version=0.0.5, or old histories/workflows break.
However, if I change the cuffdiff_v2.1-compatible wrapper to something else, 
I'll be out of sync with galaxy-central, and will create 
migration/reproducibility issues in the future.

Would you accept a pull request to update the version number of the cuff 
wrappers that were changed in the migration to cuff*2.1?

Thanks again for updating the wrappers, and help me figure out how to support 
them cleanly.


[] On Behalf Of Jeremy Goecks
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:09 PM
To: Karen Chait
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] cuffdiff wrapper not synchronized with cuffdiff 

After the latest update of Galaxy I saw that the cuffdiff wrapper is for 
version 2.0. I updated the $PATH to cuffdiff v. 2.0.2 but when I run cuffdiff 
in Galaxy I get the following error:
Error running cuffdiff. cuffdiff: /lib64/ no version information 
available (required by cuffdiff)
cuffdiff: unrecognized option '--library-norm-method'
cuffdiff v1.3.0 (3022)

What else do I need to define inorder to run the latest version of cuffdiff.

This depends on your setup. If you're running Galaxy under a particular user, 
you may have to update that user's $PATH. If you're running on a cluster, 
you'll need to ensure that the submission script uses the correct $PATH.

If you provide more details on your set up, it may be possible to provide 
additional insight/suggestions for your problem.


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Re: [galaxy-dev] cuffdiff wrapper not synchronized with cuffdiff version

2013-09-19 Thread Curtis Hendrickson (Campus)

Thanks for the super-quick response. That should resolve things nicely.

We can hack the old wrapper back in, using a hard-coded path to the old 
We can pull your new wrapper, and install the new cuffdiff.

Then we should have backward and forward compatibility.
Shantanu suggests it might be a better world if we create a tool-shed 
repository for the cuffdiff 1.3-2.1 (wrapper 0.0.5) version, then install that.
Would that be a better path, or just add confusion?


From: Jeremy Goecks []
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 2:18 PM
To: Curtis Hendrickson (Campus)
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] cuffdiff wrapper not synchronized with cuffdiff 

I know the general versioning problem is address through the tool-shed 
mechanism, but for the remaining core wrappers, can maintainersplease update 
wrapper version numbers when making changes?

Not bumping wrapper versions is an oversight, not deliberate.

For this wrapper set, how would you advise us to support both?

Fortunately, I refactored the Cuffdiff wrapper recently and correctly bumped 
the tool version:

You can either pull this changeset manually or wait until the next distribution 
in early October to get the changeset.

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Re: [galaxy-dev] cuffdiff wrapper not synchronized with cuffdiff version

2013-09-19 Thread Jeremy Goecks
 I know the general versioning problem is address through the tool-shed 
 mechanism, but for the remaining core wrappers, can maintainersplease update 
 wrapper version numbers when making changes?

Not bumping wrapper versions is an oversight, not deliberate.
 For this wrapper set, how would you advise us to support both?

Fortunately, I refactored the Cuffdiff wrapper recently and correctly bumped 
the tool version:

You can either pull this changeset manually or wait until the next distribution 
in early October to get the changeset.

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[galaxy-dev] Part Time Job opening at GenePeeks

2013-09-19 Thread Adam Cohn
Hi everyone,

I am posting this position description for a Part Time - Galaxy (BioLinux)
Server Administrator / Python Programmer.
We are a really great company in an interesting space.  Please check out
this video for a good overview of what we do.

(We also have some full time openings that range from computational
geneticist to senior scientist, if you are interested, send me an e-mail and
I will send you more information.)

GenePeeks: Protecting our Children

GenePeeks is a genetic information company with a mission to help families
protect the next generation. Our patent-pending technology reduces the risk
of more than 600 severe, pediatric diseases by digitally weaving together
the DNA of prospective parents and analyzing thousands of digital babies
Our initial focus is the donor sperm industry, where we help sperm bank
clients avoid donor matches that carry a high risk of passing on
life-threatening and life-altering diseases.
GenePeeks was founded by Princeton genetics professor Lee Silver and Anne
Morriss, an entrepreneur and mother whose first child was born with a rare
disease that could have been identified with GenePeeks technology. For more
information, please visit

GenePeeks is a unique genetic information company with a mission to help
families protect the health of their future children.  We are searching for
a Part Time Galaxy (BioLinux) Server Administrator to join our growing team
and help develop leading-edge technologies in a fast-paced, early-stage

€ Manage and maintain several cloud based BioLinux instances running Galaxy
on Amazon Web Services
€ Manage and maintain a source code control baseline on BitBucket
€ Manage and maintain internal wiki site using mediawiki
€ Help install and maintain new cloud based technologies as required
€ Perform code reviews of Python scripts
€ Assist in organizing the code base and proper source code
€ Manage backup and disaster recovery planning
€ Must be fast learning and responsive
€ Must have experience using BioLinux
€ Must have Python coding experience
€ Must have experience using BitBucket
€ Background in Genetics or Molecular Biology is a plus
€ Sense of humor required
€ Position is part time and will bill hourly
€ Hours will fluctuate ­ (estimate about 10 hours a week)
€ Location in the New York area is a plus, but will consider remote working
arrangements for the right candidate
Hourly Rate
€ Commensurate with experience and efficiency

If you are interested please contact me directly at

Adam S. Cohn
Chief Technology Officer / Chief Operations Officer
175 Varick Street, New York, NY
(646) 664-4268
(703) 473-8811 (mobile)

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Re: [galaxy-dev] cuffdiff wrapper not synchronized with cuffdiff version

2013-09-19 Thread Jeremy Goecks
 We can hack the old wrapper back in, using a hard-coded path to the old 

You could also use Managed Tool Dependencies for multiple versions of cuffdiff:

 Shantanu suggests it might be a better world if we create a tool-shed 
 repository for the cuffdiff 1.3-2.1 (wrapper 0.0.5) version, then install 
 Would that be a better path, or just add confusion?

This is on the right path. The right thing to do is migrate the Cuff* tool 
wrappers out of the galaxy-central/dist repositories; this is a bit more effort 
than simply creating the tool-shed repository for the wrappers.

There are two reasons I haven't done this:

(a) time;
(b) because the tools—and consequently the wrappers—are still in active 
development, there needs to be a place for managing development of the 
wrappers. Hence, the wrappers need a home on bitbucket or github, but we (the 
Galaxy team) haven't determined where these wrappers should live.

(a) is a much more significant barrier than (b), so if a pull request migrating 
Cuff* tools out of the distribution were made, I'm sure (b) could be worked out.


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