Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread dark

Hi Chris.

What you say about tactical simulations is true of vanilla angband,  ie, 
the basic varient which is purely about the dungeon full of monsters and 
equipment balance and choice.

There are however now some other varients which feature quests, npcs, unique 
pantheons of gods and powers etc, all using the basic Angband version and 
engine (another reason I've been trying to push for accessibility changes in 
the game).

Getting back to roleplaying games in general, I disagree with you about the 
deffinition of an rp game being open ended and having an effect on the world 
devorced from story.

I'd say the basic deffinition of a role playing game and what distinguishes 
it from a life sim is story.

Even playing tabletop games with a gm, there is a story, and sequence of 
events and background the gm has in mind.

Of course, the way the players interact with those events might not be as 
the gm expects, and might require some improvising on the gm's part, but the 
basic idea is that the players are characters taking part in a constructed 
series of events, a construction story or situation.

Suppose the gm creates a battle betwene two sides. The characters might 
decide to follow faction A, faction B, or try and stop the war. The Gm 
however must have certain ideas about the ramifications of this, and certain 
pre-conceived notions of what will happen, whome the characters will meet or 
fight, what stats the npcs involved etc.

Even if the Gm plays an incredibly open ended game and asks the characters 
what to do after describing the situation, the Gm already has something in 

Also personally, it's this aspect, participating in a story, quite literally 
"playing a role" which most interests me in rpgs themselves, and it's this 
aspect which is so trodden on by current net rpgs and muds, with all the 
grinding, guild wars, pvp factionalism etc.

the problem is the larger the group, the less story control the game has, 
and when you've got players in their thousands, you can' weave stories 
around them without factors like game resets, npc quests etc,  and so 
down the road to grinding.

I'd personally much rather have an absolutely complex world and story with a 
single character which you are free to explore alone, participating in it's 
story and becoming a central figure.

To take a single example, i loved the way in Sryth, once you completed the 
Mirk quest, the description of the town of stormfield utterly changed, and 
the npcs there reacted to you differently. That quest was an indellable part 
of the world, and once it was done, it was done forever with that 
character,  consequences and all, with all the plot threads that 

If Tom was willing to make the game modular enough to accept player created 
content, or let other people contribute adventures, this is also something 
I'd absolutely love! to do, sinse I'm certain learning enough php to add the 
scripting for adventures would take considderably less time than trying to 
learn enough general programming skill to create more own rpg,  and 
creating rpgs is something I'd love to do.

then again, it's Tom's world, and Tom's rules, and if he doesn't want others 
dabling in it, --- fair enough.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Shaun,
Like I mentioned earlier it really comes down to a matter of logistics. 
It is one thing to create a side-scroller like Mysteries of the 
Ancients, and quite  another when designing a detailed roll playing game.
With a game like Mysteries of the ancients you have perhaps 14enemies on 
a level, most of a similar type or class, and equally as many special 
items. In terms of management that is a manageable amount of things to 
store in memory, and keep track of. Especially, since everything is 
pretty much standard throughout the entire game.
With a fantasy game book style roll playing game such as Sryth there is 
much more to keep track of. Each and every weapon could be different in 
terms of stats, quality, and may or may not have magic powers. In a game 
like Mysteries of the Ancients you only have to worry about one sword. 
In a roll playing game there could be hundreds of swords ranging from 
short swords, long swords, to broad swords, and so on. They could be 
common, sturdy, well crafted, exceptional,  magical, etc. You need to 
have a way to store all of that information without keeping it all in 
memory. The easiest way to do that is use a third-party database, and 
perform look ups when necessary.
Yeah, I could technically do the same thing in an off line version, but 
it seams to be the more difficult way of handling it. Instead of a nice 
SQL database I store all of that info in a text file and open and read 
those files as necessary. It just seams to me to be a quick and dirty 
way of handling it without the advantages of a true database on hand.


shaun everiss wrote:

Well an online game is all and good, but I would probably take offline if I 
the main issue is that there are a load of capped connections, and going over 
that probably is not nice.
although in theory the php html games take vary little data I just thought I 
would point out that fact.
In the next few months or so its possible either my bill or speed will change 
depending on the ability of me to afford the unlimited connection I am 
currently on who's prices is set to rise from 50 to 60 dollars.
This may mean I will have to either reduce my connection to a capped one say 
25gb which is still a fair ammount but others use the system to or change to a 
cheaper isp which will probably have a smaller cap all in all I'd prefur some 
offline play to.

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Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread Christopher Bartlett
I have some thoughts here, being an inveterate paper-and-pen role playing

First, I don't think I'd classify Angband or any of the Roguelikes as an
RPG.  These feel more like tactical simulations with a lot of details added
in to make them have replay value.

One big advantage of what Tom is proposing would be the possibility of
user-extensibility.  As I understand it, the game design would be completely
modular, so it should be possible to bolt on new modules fairly easily.  I
don't know how many people know or want to learn PHP, but some sort of
scripting language for specific objects, areas and creatures might be
doable, a la MUD wizards.  I'd certainly like to learn PHP to contribute to
such a game.

In order for the game to be truly an RPG, play would have to be completely
open-ended, with the player goals being whatever the player desires.  This
is the downfall of the MUD style of gaming, where the goals are scripted
into the game, leading to grinding and in the end the final lack of these
games as compared to human-moderated games.  TA decision to limit the play
to single-player mode, while logistically understandable would detract
significantly from the RP aspect of the game, since it becomes impossible to
have gross effects on the world.

Stories make sense in one respect, as they give structure to chaos, but if
you're looking for something truly revolutionary, then there has to be a
good balance between pre-generated story arcs and something the player comes
up with on the fly.

I'm not sure how to translate all of these thoughts into a playable
computer-mediated game.  The questions transcend the medium and would be
faced no matter how you decide to deploy the game.  

I don't know how ambitious you want to be Tom, but I would be interested in
being a part of the creation of things, if you're looking for any
collaborators.  I have 25 years of IRL role-playing experience, both playing
and running games.  I used to be a fair hand at programming, back when 68020
assembly code was being taught, and I could probably reacquire some skills
if I had the right project to work on.  Whether or no, I will be watching
this project with great interest.

Chris Bartlett

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Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread shaun everiss
Well an online game is all and good, but I would probably take offline if I 
the main issue is that there are a load of capped connections, and going over 
that probably is not nice.
although in theory the php html games take vary little data I just thought I 
would point out that fact.
In the next few months or so its possible either my bill or speed will change 
depending on the ability of me to afford the unlimited connection I am 
currently on who's prices is set to rise from 50 to 60 dollars.
This may mean I will have to either reduce my connection to a capped one say 
25gb which is still a fair ammount but others use the system to or change to a 
cheaper isp which will probably have a smaller cap all in all I'd prefur some 
offline play to.
At 12:34 p.m. 16/07/2009, you wrote:
>Hi Tom.
>While i take the points about interface, ability to update the game easily and 
>make it ultiplatform, my concern with the game being entirely online and 
>multiplayer is that it avoides the traps of focusing on pvp, guild wars, power 
>gaming and grinding which seem to dominate so many other web games.
>How about hosting the game online and using that system, but having no player 
>interaction or comparison the way Sryth used to be.
>I'm sorry, i was just very much looking forward to a really detailed story 
>driven single player game,  which actually doesn't exist on the internet 
>at the moment from what I can determine.
>If people want pvp or party adventuring,  there are muds and rpgs aplenty 
>which offer those things.
>Beware the Grue!
>- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
>Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:24 AM
>Subject: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch
>>Creating Roll Playing Games
>> From Scratch
>>by Thomas Ward
>>Jul. 15, 2009
>>Like many modern game players I enjoy a well designed roll playing game 
>>complete with grand adventures, lots of magic weapons, the ability to learn 
>>and train new skills, a large game world to explore, etc. However, it never 
>>occurred to me how much time and effort goes into creating a well designed 
>>roll playing game from scratch. Most of the big name roll playing games we 
>>know of such as Dungeons and Dragons, Heroes Might and Magic, and final 
>>Fantasy have entire teams of people devoted to those projects. Therefore it 
>>should come as no surprise why they are so addictive and interesting to play. 
>>At times big name roll playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons can seam 
>>near endless when it comes to new content and adventures. Yet, what would it 
>>take to create a custom roll playing game from scratch?
>>Well, I have discovered firsthand that creating a roll playing game from 
>>scratch is no easy matter. At first I assumed that creating my own Dungeons 
>>and Dragons style roll playing game should be fairly easy. After all, i had 
>>lots of story ideas floating around in my mind, and it should be easy enough 
>>to use them as a starting point for my custom roll playing game. Plus, I have 
>>more than ten years experience as a software developer, and I figured if I 
>>could create  a FPS game engine, a side-scroller, a racing game, etc writing 
>>a roll playing game adventure system would be a piece of cake. That idea 
>>quickly was dispelled when I actually realized what was involved in creating 
>>a full fledged roll playing adventure system.
>>First, thing I discovered as a game developer I had to create a rather 
>>comprehensive story for the game. Actually, more like several short stories 
>>held together in the context of the main story. I had to put considerable 
>>thought into the who, what, when, where, why, and how aspects to draft the 
>>main story. Like any good story it requires supporting people, places, and 
>>things of interest. That ends up being a very large task in and of itself.
>>The next step was to convert the game's story and adventures into a paper and 
>>pen game book. This was easy enough to do. Rather than create custom rules, 
>>character classes, etc I decided to just go ahead and borrow the official 
>>Dungeons and Dragons character classes, rules, spells, etc. This saved a 
>>considerable amount of time and energy since the Dungeons and Dragons rules 
>>are widely used by similar roll playing games anyway.
>>Finally, I was ready for the hard part. Converting the paper and pen game 
>>into some kind of computer game. As I mentioned above at first I thought this 
>>would be fairly straightforward and easy. As it turned out I grossly under 
>>estimated the complexity involved in creating a fairly in depth roll playing 
>>game. A roll playing game such as Sryth certainly is no small feet for a 
>>single developer.
>>The first decision was weather or not to create the game as an internet based 
>>game or as a stand alone game. Both options have their own advantages and 
>>disadvantages. A lot depends on weather the developer inte

Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Well I'm fully in favor of the frequent updates etc which a php script game 
could give, and I'm glad your stil thinking single player even if the 
logistics are much easier online, pluss, it'd probably be seen as more 
reasonable of you to charge for an online game in some way than for a 
downloadable text rpg, - though personally I'd be willing to pay for 
such a game if it fulfilled my needs.

But being as your also running a business (and to maintain the server costs 
of the game), either a subscription or account update fee for the game to 
gain full access would be seen as more reasonable by the public in 
general, - I know the huge amounts of markiting resources the commercial 
interactive fiction company malinch have to put into selling their games.

Btw, not to quibble over your decision (which I completely understand the 
logic of), but Angband, the roguelike I mentioned which will hopefully be 
having full accessibility features added in the future, has taken precisely 
the opposite approach.

I'm not certain what language the game is written in, but there are 
certainly several versions (windows mac os), and even source code for self 

When new versions come out, they are symply stuck on the website and people 
are expected to update. Everything in the game,  the thousand or so 
monsters, the classes, items, and huuge amount of complex mechanics are 
contained in a series of text files which are easy to modify (one reason 
Angband has so many varients developed by other people). There is even a 
text file containing sound and display options.

Obviously there are some differences,  the most notable being that while 
Angband certainly uses lots of text for a roguelike (one reason why I'm 
fairly convinced it can be made fully accessible in the first place given 
some extra warning messages and coordinates), it does have a basically 
spacial interface with characters moving around a grid based, randomly 
generated dungeon rather than the environment being described gamebook 

Stil, in terms of pure mechanics,  of which Angband has a truly mind 
bogling amount, everything is run through text file databases.

this isn't to say your decision is wrong, or to argue in the least, - as 
I said I can fully follow your logic, I just thought it was an interesting 
contrast, and sinse we're discussing rpgs I thought I'd throw it out for 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Dark,
Smile. I agree with you whole heartedly. I'm just as turned off by this 
focus on pvp, guild wars, and grinding on web based games as you are. In 
fact I began working on Legends of Etheria for exactly the same reasons 
you mentioned. I want a single player rpg game that is as close to a 
paper and pen game as a person can get, and also have a detailed 
interactive story line too. That's why I began with a stand alone game 
first. However, as I explained writing a game in C++, Java, C-Sharp, 
whatever wasn't practical from a logistical point of view.
As soon as I started testing out my game ideas in php it was immediately 
obvious it was the easiest way to go. If you have an rpg game with 5,000 
php scripts and you want to add a new adventure to a certain area simply 
upload the new scripts to the web server, and make a link to it in the 
proper web page. That takes maybe five minutes tops. No recompiling the 
game, no uploading the entire game, no worrying about software 
dependencies, and so on. Using a web interface is a very simple and 
straightforward means of designing a game of its size.
Anyway, I just wanted to say we are on the same page with this. 
Basically, my point was that it was easier and more practical make the 
game an online game. I did not say I was actually planning on adding pvp 
and party style play in Legends of Etheria any time soon. I'm just as 
interested as you are in creating a single player roll playing game with 
a detailed story and full of adventures.


dark wrote:

Hi Tom.


While i take the points about interface, ability to update the game 
easily and make it ultiplatform, my concern with the game being 
entirely online and multiplayer is that it avoides the traps of 
focusing on pvp, guild wars, power gaming and grinding which seem to 
dominate so many other web games.

How about hosting the game online and using that system, but having no 
player interaction or comparison the way Sryth used to be.

I'm sorry, i was just very much looking forward to a really detailed 
story driven single player game,  which actually doesn't exist on 
the internet at the moment from what I can determine.

If people want pvp or party adventuring,  there are muds and rpgs 
aplenty which offer those things.

Beware the Grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread dark

Hi Tom.


While i take the points about interface, ability to update the game easily 
and make it ultiplatform, my concern with the game being entirely online and 
multiplayer is that it avoides the traps of focusing on pvp, guild wars, 
power gaming and grinding which seem to dominate so many other web games.

How about hosting the game online and using that system, but having no 
player interaction or comparison the way Sryth used to be.

I'm sorry, i was just very much looking forward to a really detailed story 
driven single player game,  which actually doesn't exist on the internet 
at the moment from what I can determine.

If people want pvp or party adventuring,  there are muds and rpgs 
aplenty which offer those things.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:24 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

Creating Roll Playing Games
From Scratch

by Thomas Ward

Jul. 15, 2009

Like many modern game players I enjoy a well designed roll playing game 
complete with grand adventures, lots of magic weapons, the ability to 
learn and train new skills, a large game world to explore, etc. However, 
it never occurred to me how much time and effort goes into creating a well 
designed roll playing game from scratch. Most of the big name roll playing 
games we know of such as Dungeons and Dragons, Heroes Might and Magic, and 
final Fantasy have entire teams of people devoted to those projects. 
Therefore it should come as no surprise why they are so addictive and 
interesting to play. At times big name roll playing games such as Dungeons 
and Dragons can seam near endless when it comes to new content and 
adventures. Yet, what would it take to create a custom roll playing game 
from scratch?
Well, I have discovered firsthand that creating a roll playing game from 
scratch is no easy matter. At first I assumed that creating my own 
Dungeons and Dragons style roll playing game should be fairly easy. After 
all, i had lots of story ideas floating around in my mind, and it should 
be easy enough to use them as a starting point for my custom roll playing 
game. Plus, I have more than ten years experience as a software developer, 
and I figured if I could create  a FPS game engine, a side-scroller, a 
racing game, etc writing a roll playing game adventure system would be a 
piece of cake. That idea quickly was dispelled when I actually realized 
what was involved in creating a full fledged roll playing adventure 
First, thing I discovered as a game developer I had to create a rather 
comprehensive story for the game. Actually, more like several short 
stories held together in the context of the main story. I had to put 
considerable thought into the who, what, when, where, why, and how aspects 
to draft the main story. Like any good story it requires supporting 
people, places, and things of interest. That ends up being a very large 
task in and of itself.
The next step was to convert the game's story and adventures into a paper 
and pen game book. This was easy enough to do. Rather than create custom 
rules, character classes, etc I decided to just go ahead and borrow the 
official Dungeons and Dragons character classes, rules, spells, etc. This 
saved a considerable amount of time and energy since the Dungeons and 
Dragons rules are widely used by similar roll playing games anyway.
Finally, I was ready for the hard part. Converting the paper and pen game 
into some kind of computer game. As I mentioned above at first I thought 
this would be fairly straightforward and easy. As it turned out I grossly 
under estimated the complexity involved in creating a fairly in depth roll 
playing game. A roll playing game such as Sryth certainly is no small feet 
for a single developer.
The first decision was weather or not to create the game as an internet 
based game or as a stand alone game. Both options have their own 
advantages and disadvantages. A lot depends on weather the developer 
intends the game to support player verses player style game play, wishes 
to use a central game server, store items and stats in a database, use 
Sapi support, etc.
With a stand alone game it is certainly much easier to add sound effects, 
background music, Sapi speech support, and other such features to the 
game. Not to mention as a stand alone game it would not require a constant 
high speed internet connection to play. However, by the same token that 
would exclude features such as online adventure parties and player verses 
player style game play which are quite popular in current online roll 
playing games.
If I decided to build an internet based roll playing game I would then 
have to decide between a web based game book style adventure such as 
Sryth, or design the game as a mud. Given the two options a web based game 
book style adventure would certainly seam more preferable as it would be 
more user

Re: [Audyssey] Cesna in fs2004 and its your plane

2009-07-15 Thread michael maslo

You can contact me off list and I can help you with it. My email is listed 
above. We can talk and I can help you. I can talk son skype or messenger

--- On Wed, 7/15/09, Lindsay Cowell  

> From: Lindsay Cowell 
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Cesna in fs2004 and its your plane
> To: ", Gamers Discussion list" 
> Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 7:44 PM
> Hi
> I'm sure I performed the landing checklist. The IAS was at
> 85. How would I know if I came in too steeply?
> Lindsay Cowell
> - original message -
> Subject:    Re: [Audyssey] Cesna in fs2004
> and its your plane
> From:    "Harun"
> Date:        15/07/2009 3:24
> pm
> Can you give any more info?
> Did you:
> -Perform the landing checkist?
> -Make sure the flaps were down?
> -Have the IAS high enough so you wouldn't stall?
> -Come in a bit too steep?
> Cheers,
> ---
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> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the
> web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the
> management of the list,
> please send E-mail to
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
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> You can make changes or update your subscription via the
> web, at
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Re: [Audyssey] BPP: ZOA Flyin, Fri July 17 2009

2009-07-15 Thread Mike Maslo
Will be there

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Harun
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:38 PM
To: gamers
Subject: [Audyssey] BPP: ZOA Flyin, Fri July 17 2009


I'll be hosting as Air Traffic Controller for a flyin on Friday July 17
2009, at 2200 Zulu (1700/5PM Central) for Oakland Center (ZOA).

If you don't know about the flyins, here's a sample.

If you'd like to join, you need FS9, IYP, and Teamspeak. 

Tutorial - Setting up Teamspeak:

You can contact me via PM, MSN, or Skype on the day of the flyin to get
connection info. 

Hope to see you in the skies!
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Re: [Audyssey] Cesna in fs2004 and its your plane

2009-07-15 Thread Lindsay Cowell

I'm sure I performed the landing checklist. The IAS was at 85. How would I know 
if I came in too steeply?

Lindsay Cowell

- original message -
Subject:Re: [Audyssey] Cesna in fs2004 and its your plane
From:   "Harun"
Date:   15/07/2009 3:24 pm

Can you give any more info?

Did you:
-Perform the landing checkist?
-Make sure the flaps were down?
-Have the IAS high enough so you wouldn't stall?
-Come in a bit too steep?

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Re: [Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

2009-07-15 Thread Mike Maslo
Go to eBay.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of The Kolesar Brothers
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 3:03 PM
To: Audyssey Mailing list
Subject: [Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

Hi To all.
I have called all of the local stores around me for MSFS 2004. So far I can 
only find fsx for 08. Would that work
1. on a vista maching.
2. for what we blind pilots have been trying to do?
Has anyone had any luck finding 04 at their loacal walmart? I ask this 
because around here they only have fsx.
Thanks to one and all.
Matt & Ron Kolesar & there great Dogs! 

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[Audyssey] Materia magica

2009-07-15 Thread dark

I remember Kelly and a couple of other people were really big players of this 

Now that my vip mud display problem is fixed I'm playing it a litle more, but 
stil have some questions. It'd be great to have a chat about the game,  
either on this list or in the game itself. 

I'm a dwarf paladin by the name of Krandok in the game,  right now running 
around the town of Rune. 

If anyone's either played this game, or playing it I'd love to here from them. 

Beware the Grue! 

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[Audyssey] Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-15 Thread Thomas Ward

Creating Roll Playing Games
From Scratch

by Thomas Ward

Jul. 15, 2009

Like many modern game players I enjoy a well designed roll playing game 
complete with grand adventures, lots of magic weapons, the ability to 
learn and train new skills, a large game world to explore, etc. However, 
it never occurred to me how much time and effort goes into creating a 
well designed roll playing game from scratch. Most of the big name roll 
playing games we know of such as Dungeons and Dragons, Heroes Might and 
Magic, and final Fantasy have entire teams of people devoted to those 
projects. Therefore it should come as no surprise why they are so 
addictive and interesting to play. At times big name roll playing games 
such as Dungeons and Dragons can seam near endless when it comes to new 
content and adventures. Yet, what would it take to create a custom roll 
playing game from scratch?
Well, I have discovered firsthand that creating a roll playing game from 
scratch is no easy matter. At first I assumed that creating my own 
Dungeons and Dragons style roll playing game should be fairly easy. 
After all, i had lots of story ideas floating around in my mind, and it 
should be easy enough to use them as a starting point for my custom roll 
playing game. Plus, I have more than ten years experience as a software 
developer, and I figured if I could create  a FPS game engine, a 
side-scroller, a racing game, etc writing a roll playing game adventure 
system would be a piece of cake. That idea quickly was dispelled when I 
actually realized what was involved in creating a full fledged roll 
playing adventure system.
First, thing I discovered as a game developer I had to create a rather 
comprehensive story for the game. Actually, more like several short 
stories held together in the context of the main story. I had to put 
considerable thought into the who, what, when, where, why, and how 
aspects to draft the main story. Like any good story it requires 
supporting people, places, and things of interest. That ends up being a 
very large task in and of itself.
The next step was to convert the game's story and adventures into a 
paper and pen game book. This was easy enough to do. Rather than create 
custom rules, character classes, etc I decided to just go ahead and 
borrow the official Dungeons and Dragons character classes, rules, 
spells, etc. This saved a considerable amount of time and energy since 
the Dungeons and Dragons rules are widely used by similar roll playing 
games anyway.
Finally, I was ready for the hard part. Converting the paper and pen 
game into some kind of computer game. As I mentioned above at first I 
thought this would be fairly straightforward and easy. As it turned out 
I grossly under estimated the complexity involved in creating a fairly 
in depth roll playing game. A roll playing game such as Sryth certainly 
is no small feet for a single developer.
The first decision was weather or not to create the game as an internet 
based game or as a stand alone game. Both options have their own 
advantages and disadvantages. A lot depends on weather the developer 
intends the game to support player verses player style game play, wishes 
to use a central game server, store items and stats in a database, use 
Sapi support, etc.
With a stand alone game it is certainly much easier to add sound 
effects, background music, Sapi speech support, and other such features 
to the game. Not to mention as a stand alone game it would not require a 
constant high speed internet connection to play. However, by the same 
token that would exclude features such as online adventure parties and 
player verses player style game play which are quite popular in current 
online roll playing games.
If I decided to build an internet based roll playing game I would then 
have to decide between a web based game book style adventure such as 
Sryth, or design the game as a mud. Given the two options a web based 
game book style adventure would certainly seam more preferable as it 
would be more user friendly. All of the options or choices could be 
standard buttons, links, and would be easier to design using perl or 
php. While I believe I could create a mud server from scratch it seams 
as though it would be a lot more work, and I've never especially liked 
typing long commands into mud style games anyway. Therefore I decided it 
definitely wouldn't be a mud.
The next thing I had to do was decide on a programming language. Since I 
wasn't overly concerned with multiplayer online style game play I chose 
to create a rough draft of my ideas in C++. I used SDL for sound and 
input support, and use Sapi for speaking menus, reading the adventure 
introductions, etc. As it turned out again I grossly underestimated what 
I needed to create a game world of any size.
My first problem was finding enough sounds to make the game sound 
realistic. I needed sounds for swords, spears, daggers, knives, bow and 
arrows, and various other weapo

[Audyssey] Super Deekout queries

2009-07-15 Thread Chris Hallsworth

Hello all,
Two questions on Super Deekout for you.
1. How do you clear the top ten scores?
2. Could someone please send me the cheats for the game?
Thanks in advance.
Chris Hallsworth
Skype: chrishallsworth7266

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Re: [Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

2009-07-15 Thread Scott Shade
Amazon has it for 24.00 I think, give or take. Others might have it as well 
but amazon is the place where I saw it listed for sure.
- Original Message - 
From: "The Kolesar Brothers" 

To: "Audyssey Mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 3:03 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

Hi To all.
I have called all of the local stores around me for MSFS 2004. So far I 

only find fsx for 08. Would that work
1. on a vista maching.
2. for what we blind pilots have been trying to do?
Has anyone had any luck finding 04 at their loacal walmart? I ask this
because around here they only have fsx.
Thanks to one and all.
Matt & Ron Kolesar & there great Dogs!

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[Audyssey] BPP: ZOA Flyin, Fri July 17 2009

2009-07-15 Thread Harun

I'll be hosting as Air Traffic Controller for a flyin on Friday July 17 2009, 
at 2200 Zulu (1700/5PM Central) for Oakland Center (ZOA).

If you don't know about the flyins, here's a sample.

If you'd like to join, you need FS9, IYP, and Teamspeak. 

Tutorial - Setting up Teamspeak:

You can contact me via PM, MSN, or Skype on the day of the flyin to get 
connection info. 

Hope to see you in the skies!
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Re: [Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

2009-07-15 Thread Michael Amaro

Contact me off list.
Windows Live ID and e-mail:
Skype ID:
Feel free to add me.
- Original Message - 
From: "The Kolesar Brothers" 

To: "Audyssey Mailing list" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1:03 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

Hi To all.
I have called all of the local stores around me for MSFS 2004. So far I 

only find fsx for 08. Would that work
1. on a vista maching.
2. for what we blind pilots have been trying to do?
Has anyone had any luck finding 04 at their loacal walmart? I ask this
because around here they only have fsx.
Thanks to one and all.
Matt & Ron Kolesar & there great Dogs!

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Re: [Audyssey] Crock dentist problems

2009-07-15 Thread
Hi. You must have the .NET 2.0 runtime installed, regardless of whether you
have .NET 1.1 or 3.0 or 3.5 installed. Please grab it from our site and let
me know if this fixes the problem. HTH.

Original Message:
From: dark
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 00:48:29 +0100
Subject: [Audyssey] Crock dentist problems


I've been testing braillesoft's games in order to write a page for (and because i'm always up for trying new things). 

I'm running into a problem with crocodile dentist though, I don't seem to
be able to use my arrow keys to cycle through the teeth for some reason.
They just cycle through the reply I typed in when i answered "yes" to
recieve instructions, and flicking in and out of the game window didn't
seem to work. 

Any suggestions? 

Beware the Grue! 

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[Audyssey] Crocodile dentist, repeat!

2009-07-15 Thread dark

To repeat, I'm having an issue with crocodile dentist! I can't use the curser 
keys to go through the teeth, they just scan over the letters in the text input 

I did ask this before but either I missed the reply, or my message got lost 
somewhere in the pile (as I've noticed sometimes happens on this list), --- 
this is of course nobody's fault, it's just what happens with a list with a lot 
of traffic, but sinse I'm trying to get some work done for I'd 
appreciate some advice over this issue. 

Beware the Grue! 

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[Audyssey] Having problems.Asking a flying question.

2009-07-15 Thread The Kolesar Brothers
Hi To all.
I have called all of the local stores around me for MSFS 2004. So far I can 
only find fsx for 08. Would that work
1. on a vista maching.
2. for what we blind pilots have been trying to do?
Has anyone had any luck finding 04 at their loacal walmart? I ask this 
because around here they only have fsx.
Thanks to one and all.
Matt & Ron Kolesar & there great Dogs! 

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Re: [Audyssey] Cesna in fs2004 and its your plane

2009-07-15 Thread Harun
Can you give any more info?

Did you:
-Perform the landing checkist?
-Make sure the flaps were down?
-Have the IAS high enough so you wouldn't stall?
-Come in a bit too steep?

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