Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Brion Vibber
On June 13 I wrote:
So far as I recall, Gimp has always lacked the ability to copy and paste 
images to other applications. Is this something that still requires 
support from Gtk to do cleanly? I noticed that the Win32 port of Gimp 
ships with a plugin that hacks in some clipboard support, and have had a 
go at porting it to Mac OS X:
It's been brought to my attention that 2.1 now uses the GTK+ system 
clipboard for copying images, so it might be nice to integrate the 
native clipboard with that more directly.

After a lot of recompiling, I've managed to get 2.1 running from CVS. It 
seems to be doing _something_ with the clipboard, but I haven't yet 
gotten anything resembling an image out of it. Is there any X11-based 
program known to interoperate with it that I could test with to make 
sure it's working? GTK+ on Mac OS X is stuck in the X11 ghetto; Apple's 
X11 server tries to keep the X and Mac clipboards in sync, but seems to 
manage plain text only... on the Mac side I see only empty text on the 
clipboard after copying an image.

Either Gimp or GTK+ could be hacked up to use the Mac clipboard 
directly, I suppose. Any opinions on what's the correct place to do this?

The plugin I've been working on also provides access to the Grab and 
Image Capture services for screen capture and scanning (services 
communicate over the same NSPasteboard interface as the clipboard), so 
it'll likely continue to be independently useful even after a 
hypothetical Mac-clipboard-enabled Gimp 2.2.

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Gimp-developer] Read/write plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If there's an API function that you don't understand you can look at
> its description in the header files and source code under
> "libgimp/", "libgimpbase", etc. grep is your friend.

I also suggest you use the API documentation which can be found in the
GIMP source tree in the devel-docs folder or online at

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Brion Vibber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After a lot of recompiling, I've managed to get 2.1 running from
> CVS. It seems to be doing _something_ with the clipboard, but I
> haven't yet gotten anything resembling an image out of it. Is there
> any X11-based program known to interoperate with it that I could test
> with to make sure it's working?

The easiest way to test is to use a second instance of GIMP. Another
application that is known to work is the word-processor Abiword.

Here are some links that explain how the X clipboard is supposed to
be used:

GIMP passes image data in the PNG format and announces it using the
"image/png" mimetype identifier.

> Either Gimp or GTK+ could be hacked up to use the Mac clipboard
> directly, I suppose. Any opinions on what's the correct place to do
> this?

It definitely belongs into GTK+ in the long run. Perhaps it would be
good to start a GDK backend for MacOS X that is based on the GDK-X11
backend but deals with clipboard and other interoperability issues.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Read/write plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Soren Hauberg
Hi again
Thanks for all the reply's - that was really fast.
Anyway, I'll be looking into the bmp plug-in and then I'll properbly 
come running for help again.

Thanks all,
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Script-fu-server and queuing

2004-07-05 Thread Oscar Picasso

I use the script-fu-server and came across this remark at

Adding a Queue

Because the Gimp was not originally designed as a server, it does not follow
some conventions that are necessary for such a mode. This includes the issue of
managing shared resources among different threads of execution. A few of the
resources that are not 'thread-safe' include the current foreground/background
color and brush shape.

An example of the severity of this problem is if you are running two Perl
scripts at once on the same Gimp server. Let's say that the first script needs
to write some white text on a black background, and the second one needs to
write black text on a white background. Because the two are running at the same
time, the following sequence of events may occur:

   1. #1 sets the foreground color to white.
   2. #2 sets the foreground color to black.
   3. #1 writes some text to its black image, using the current foreground
color (which is now black.)
   4. #2 writes some text to its white image, using the current foreground
color (still black.) 

Obviously, script #1 ends up with an image that has the incorrect color of
text. The solution to this problem is to only allow the Gimp server to run one
script at a time. This is easier said than done, especially if you have
multiple scripts that run every few minutes. What you need to do is create a
queue system that maintains a list of scripts that need to be run and have a
separate program feed them into the Gimp, one by one. When a script wants to
run, it is submitted to the queue and waits for its turn. This kind of system
is almost identical to print queues, where multiple computers share one

On the other hand I took a look at the gimp sources and it seems there is some
kind of queuing mechanism build inside gimp.

I have also read the post
""; about
queuing (for perl-fu, but I guess it's the same for script-fu)

>From this post it seems that I can safely sent multiple concurrent requests to
the script-fu-server (apart the problem of memory consumption raised by the
initial poster of that thread).

What is the reality in this regard? Do I have to build my own queue or is it
handled by gimp.

I use v 1.2.3 but plan to upgrade to gimp 2.0. Is there a difference in that
respect between the two versions?


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Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Script-fu-server and queuing

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Oscar Picasso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I use the script-fu-server and came across this remark at
> Adding a Queue
> Because the Gimp was not originally designed as a server, it does
> not follow some conventions that are necessary for such a mode. This
> includes the issue of managing shared resources among different
> threads of execution. A few of the resources that are not
> 'thread-safe' include the current foreground/background color and
> brush shape.
> An example of the severity of this problem is if you are running two
> Perl scripts at once on the same Gimp server. Let's say that the
> first script needs to write some white text on a black background,
> and the second one needs to write black text on a white
> background. Because the two are running at the same time, the
> following sequence of events may occur:
>1. #1 sets the foreground color to white.
>2. #2 sets the foreground color to black.
>3. #1 writes some text to its black image, using the current foreground
> color (which is now black.)
>4. #2 writes some text to its white image, using the current foreground
> color (still black.) 
> Obviously, script #1 ends up with an image that has the incorrect
> color of text. The solution to this problem is to only allow the
> Gimp server to run one script at a time. This is easier said than
> done, especially if you have multiple scripts that run every few
> minutes. What you need to do is create a queue system that maintains
> a list of scripts that need to be run and have a separate program
> feed them into the Gimp, one by one. When a script wants to run, it
> is submitted to the queue and waits for its turn. This kind of
> system is almost identical to print queues, where multiple computers
> share one printer.

I don't think a queue is the way to go here. In gimp-2.0 we have
introduced the concept of a GimpContext that holds the foreground and
background colors, current brush, pattern, gradient and all that. The
solution is though to let each script/plug-in run in it's own context.
We didn't do that yet because some scripts rely on the possibility to
manipulate the user context. The best thing to solve this is probably
to let scripts work in their own context by default and add an API to
manipulate the user context.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Roadmap for 2.2 (and beyond)

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

one of the things we discussed last week at GIMPCon was planning the
2.2 release. I didn't take notes from our discussions but I will try
to summarize the results and will also try to be more specific when it
comes to the features we'd like to see in 2.2.

We agreed that 2.2 will take some more time and decided to set a date
for a final feature freeze by the end of August. Since I was actually
in favor of an earlier date I plan to be very strict about this date.
Any feature that isn't basically finished by the end of August will
have to be backed out for the 2.2 release. We'd like to know about all
features that people are working on before the end of July. Do not
expect us to accept larger patches that introduce completely new
features close to the feature freeze at the 31th of August. This
schedule gives everyone four weeks to announce their plans and eight
weeks to finish them.

Since the tree is currently rather stable and we don't expect that to
change during the next weeks, we hope to be able to flush out
remaining bugs rather quickly and aim to release GIMP 2.2 by the end
of September.

When 2.2 is out, we'd like to invite all GIMP developers to help on
bringing GEGL to a state where we can start to use it from GIMP (and
other apps). This will slow down GIMP development for a while but we
need to finally make the move towards GEGL.

There's a lot more to say about GIMPCon but I will try to do that in
separate mails in an attempt to keep the discussion focused on a
particular topic. So stay tuned for more mails to come during the next

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann
Hi Brion,

it would be very helpful if you could point us to some documentation
about the MacOS X clipboard. I am particularily interested in the
formats that are typically used to exchange data using the clipboard.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Brion Vibber
Sven Neumann wrote:
it would be very helpful if you could point us to some documentation
about the MacOS X clipboard. I am particularily interested in the
formats that are typically used to exchange data using the clipboard.
Cocoa apps (those written with the NeXT-derived toolkit) use TIFF for 
transferring raster images. Older apps (like Photoshop) tend to use 
PICT, which is a metafile format encapsulating calls to the QuickDraw 
drawing library. Using the Cocoa NSPasteboard interface, I can copy a 
TIFF and it performs the conversion to PICT for me, but when pasting I 
need to handle both formats.

Additionally rich text data may contain TIFF images, which can be 
extracted (this is useful for copying images from an RTFD document in 

Cocoa prefers premultiplied alpha, so there's some lossy conversion for 
images with partially transparent areas. (This could probably be 
eliminated between instances of the Gimp by using libtiff to create & 
read the TIFFs rather than NSBitmapImageRep which I'm using at the moment.)

How is image cut-n-paste handled on Win32? Windows apps use DIB (.bmp) 
format for clipboard transfer; does the GDK backend handle DIB<->PNG 
conversion? I took a quick look around gdkselection-win32.c & friends 
but didn't see anything obvious.

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Brion Vibber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Cocoa apps (those written with the NeXT-derived toolkit) use TIFF for
> transferring raster images. Older apps (like Photoshop) tend to use
> PICT, which is a metafile format encapsulating calls to the QuickDraw
> drawing library. Using the Cocoa NSPasteboard interface, I can copy a
> TIFF and it performs the conversion to PICT for me, but when pasting I
> need to handle both formats.

We use gdk-pixbuf to handle the clipboard image data. So far we only
use the PNG format but it would be reasonable to extend this to the
full range of formats supported by gdk-pixbuf. There's an API that we
can use that allows us to retrieve the list of supported formats and
the associated mime-types.

There's a tiff loader in GTK+ but no way to save TIFF files. There
doesn't seem to be support for PICT (except perhaps in a 3rd party
pixbuf loader that I don't know about). So the best way to address
this would probably be to write a PICT loader and either get it into
GTK+ or bundle it with GIMP for MacOS X.

> How is image cut-n-paste handled on Win32? Windows apps use DIB
> (.bmp) format for clipboard transfer; does the GDK backend handle
> DIB<->PNG conversion? I took a quick look around
> gdkselection-win32.c & friends but didn't see anything obvious.

It would not be the job of the backend to handle the format
conversion.  The backend only needs to expose the clipboard in a
compatible manner (e.g. data with associated mime-types). It's the
application's job to handle the actual clipboard data. Of course it
would be nice if everyone could agree on using PNG but that's
unfortunately not how it works. So in order to use the win32 clipboard
we will need to support BMP support in gdk-pixbuf. This is there
fortunately but it seems to be limited to reading.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Brion Vibber
Sven Neumann wrote:
>> Is there any X11-based program known to interoperate with it that
>> I could test with to make sure it's working?
The easiest way to test is to use a second instance of GIMP. Another
application that is known to work is the word-processor Abiword.
Thanks, it seems to be working on the X11 side. I do sometimes get what 
looks like an RGBA/ARGB mixup copying from Abiword to Gimp though; I'll 
try to isolate that and report the bug to the guilty party... :P

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Gimp-developer] color management

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

one of the things we dicussed shortly at GIMPCon was how to add basic
color management to GIMP. We know that it will be a major effort to
integrate this and it will need GEGL to do it properly. However there
are a few things in this area that we should be able to do for GIMP
2.2. That should help users that are waiting for these features and it
should help us to get some experise in this area. So here's the plan...

We agreed that lcms ( seems to be a good
choice for our needs. We already use it for the proof display filter
so it's basically already a dependency and the plan I am going to
outline is not going to make it a hard dependency. So if anyone wants
GIMP w/o color management and w/o a dependency on lcms that will
continue to be possible.

There are a couple of things we want to to achieve:

 (1) color-correct the image display according to a monitor profile
 (2) make it easier to do soft-proofs
 (3) use color profiles embedded into files we open
 (4) embed color profiles into files we save
 (5) do color separation based on color profiles

How much of this will make it into 2.2 depends on how much work is put
into this which in turn means that it depends on your contributions.
Some parts can be achieved by means of modules and plug-ins and can
thus be developed further after the GIMP 2.2 release. We should now
focus on the changes to the core and to the libgimp and module APIs
that we need to get this done.

I will try to propose some ideas that aim to implement the points
mentioned above:

(1) color-correct the image display according to a monitor profile

This can be done rather easily using the existing display filters
architecture. What stands in the way here is that display filters are
not very well integrated yet. As a user you should not have to
configure the monitor profile for every image display you open. So
what needs to be done here is to improve integration of color display
filters. Mitch and me already started to make some changes that are
supposed to lead to a set of global display filters that are
configured in the user's filterrc and that are loaded by default. The
user can then configure a monitor display filter that color-corrects
all image displays for her monitor. We will have to extend this to
previews and color selectors in order to provide a consistently
color-corrected user interface.

(2) make it easier to do soft-proofs

We have a display filter already that does soft proofs. At the moment
it is however rather akward to use. I see two ways to improve this.
One is to make it remember it's configuration and we are already
working on providing that functionality for all display filters. The
other improvement I see is to adapt to standard locations for color
profiles. The file selector for color profiles should contain
bookmarks for the default locations for color profiles as they have
been suggested on the OpenICC mailing-list on
($prefix/share/color/icc and ~/.color/icc). Perhaps we even want to
add a special widget to select color profiles?

(3) use color profiles embedded into files we open

When an image file we open has an embedded color profile we should ask
the user if the image should be converted to linear sRGB (which is
what GIMP assumes internally). This will need changes to a couple of
plug-ins and these changes need to go into #ifdef's since we don't
want to depend on lcms. Or should we just add this dependency?

(4) embed color profiles into files we save

Not sure how much sense this makes. If we had a widget to select color
profiles, then it would be easy to add ways to attach color profiles
to images. I am just not sure if that makes sense for us since we
can't (yet) work in the color spaces defined by these profiles (expect
for the linear sRGB profile).

(5) do color separation based on color profiles

There are two plug-ins that can do color separation based on color
profiles. One is the separate plug-in:

The other is the TIFF plug-in by Kai-Uwe Behrmann. I haven't looked at
it recently and don't know what state it is in. But AFAIK it also does
color separation to CMYK. I have some sentiments against including a
plug-in with lots of #ifdef'ed code that is supposed to work for
various flavours of GIMP as well as CinePaint but it would certainly
be good to evaluate if and how this plug-in could replace the current
tiff plug-in.

Since I am not a color management expert myself, there might be
fundamental design flaws in the stuff I outlined above. Please let me
know about them and please contribute your ideas.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Brion Vibber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > The easiest way to test is to use a second instance of GIMP. Another
> > application that is known to work is the word-processor Abiword.
> Thanks, it seems to be working on the X11 side. I do sometimes get
> what looks like an RGBA/ARGB mixup copying from Abiword to Gimp
> though; I'll try to isolate that and report the bug to the guilty
> party... :P

I've seen that as well. I suspect it's the GIMP code that still
assumes that a GimpBuffer is always RGBA while the clipboard code
happily passes it a RGB tile-manager if the PNG data doesn't have an
alpha channel. I am just not sure where this would best be fixed. We
need to either remove that assumption or add an alpha channel when
converting the pixbuf to a tile-manager.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Brion Vibber
Tor Lillqvist wrote:
Brion Vibber writes:
 > How is image cut-n-paste handled on Win32?
There is a (Windows-specific) GIMP plug-in that does the "paste from
(Windows) Clipboard" and "copy to Clipboard". That code probably
should move to GTK+. (I doubt it's straightforward, though, so it
hardly will get done in GTK+ 2.6.)
Yeah, that's the plugin I ported to Mac OS X. :(
-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Brion Vibber writes:
 > How is image cut-n-paste handled on Win32? Windows apps use DIB (.bmp) 
 > format for clipboard transfer; does the GDK backend handle DIB<->PNG 
 > conversion? I took a quick look around gdkselection-win32.c & friends 
 > but didn't see anything obvious.

There is a (Windows-specific) GIMP plug-in that does the "paste from
(Windows) Clipboard" and "copy to Clipboard". That code probably
should move to GTK+. (I doubt it's straightforward, though, so it
hardly will get done in GTK+ 2.6.)


Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] color management

2004-07-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Sven Neumann writes:
 > When an image file we open has an embedded color profile we should ask
 > the user if the image should be converted to linear sRGB (which is
 > what GIMP assumes internally). 

Er, what's "linear" about sRGB? It's gamma encoded (and that's a good
thing). Doesn't the term "linear" in the context of colour spaces mean
one with components that are linear in intensity, i.e. a linear
transformation of the CIEXYZ colour space, which sRGB isn't. Or am I

I don't know, maybe we should also allow other (more wider gamut)
internal working colour spaces than sRGB? A lot of the proprietary
software users seem to use the "Adobe RGB" colour space. I don't know
if they are just kidding themselves or whether it actually is
noticeably better to use a wider gamut when working on photographic
images. (If one uses a colour space with a much wider gamut than the
monitor, or different primaries, (most monitors are "close" to sRGB),
one definitely has to use a display profile.)

BTW, a good site with colour management info is


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Tor Lillqvist wrote:

> There is a (Windows-specific) GIMP plug-in that does the "paste from
> (Windows) Clipboard" and "copy to Clipboard". That code probably
> should move to GTK+. (I doubt it's straightforward, though, so it
> hardly will get done in GTK+ 2.6.)

What is the state of support for the GDK clipboard in the win32
backend? Michael reported that he can't even copy and paste image data
from one GIMP instance to the other on Win32. Would that be supposed
to work?


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Sven Neumann writes:
 > What is the state of support for the GDK clipboard in the win32
 > backend?

For the *GDK* clipboard only cut&paste of text is supported. The
winclipboard plug-in uses the Windows clipboard directly. 

 > Michael reported that he can't even copy and paste image data
 > from one GIMP instance to the other on Win32. Would that be supposed
 > to work?

Yes it does work. (Although I now notice that it always copies the
whole drawable to the Windows clipboard, not just the selection as one
would expect).


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Image cut-n-paste; Mac clipboard plugin

2004-07-05 Thread Brion Vibber
I wrote:
Thanks, it seems to be working on the X11 side. I do sometimes get what 
looks like an RGBA/ARGB mixup copying from Abiword to Gimp though; I'll 
try to isolate that and report the bug to the guilty party... :P
Patch in bugzilla:
-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature