[Goanet]Events of '61...

2005-07-29 Thread Salus Correia

Bernardo Colaco wrote:


what was wrong was the way it was attained. It was
hurry, hurry affair, with 
no person fit to rule Goa. A big mistake on the part
of Nehru, Hence all we 
have had were crooks ruling Goa, and Goans have
accepted it as a way of life. 
Tumi chorat, amkam susegad dovrat. 


Precisely, crooks have been ruling Goa because the act
of Democracy is a failure. Should partial democracy be
installed in Goa? Our 'think tanks' discuss issues on
this forum which have no relevance to Goa.

Dear Bernardo,

Its over FORTY YEARS since liberation, and Goa has made huge strides in 
progress.  Goa is nowhere where it was before liberation, and I just cannot 
comprehend your thoughts.  In a democracy, the government is one chosen by the 
people for the people, so where does your friend Nehru come in the picture?  
Democracy is not a failure in Goa, in fact, it is one of the great success 
stories ever.  Sadly it is the fault of the Goan masses when they willingly 
choose to elect the representatives they have.

I think its time for all Goans to forget their dreams of Portuguese rule, and 
go on forward from there.  Like I said earlier, Goa has progressed 
tremendously, and if one compare and goes into details I can say that the 
progress that Goa achieved in the last 40 years is definitely more than what 
happenned in the 100 years before liberation.  Let us see the positives and 
avoid being pessimistic.  See the improvement in educational facilities, 
productive industry, among so many other areas where there has been an 
advancement.  And instead of always complaining, let us do something to 
encourage our fellow Goans to do something better.



[Goanet]Abbe Faria

2005-07-29 Thread Salus Correia

Sandeep Heble wrote:

The magician I spoke to some time back, on this
particular subject, was Goa's renowned magician D

He has even written a book debunking the art of
hypnotism. Those who wish to have more insights and
info on the subject of hypnotism must make it a
point to interact with him. He is very knowledgeable,
humorous and witty. He lives in Panjim. 

The little talk I had with him left me more than
convinced that hypnotism was nothing but bunkum

D. Satish may be Goa's renowned magician, but we would like to know the 
basis for him to be an authority on Hypnotism.  For Sandeep's 
information, 99% of Goanet subscribers are very knowledgeable, humorous 
and witty.  The only difference is that they all do not live in Panjim.  
But that qualification does not make them an authority on any subject.  
Hypnotism is a subject that is too vast to learn about in a 'little 
talk' so lets just not get into that now.  And just for the record, I am 
sure many Goanetters will agree with my view that 'magic' IS NOTHING BUT 



[Goanet]Motocycle Pilots

2005-07-26 Thread Salus Correia
I agree with Rahul.  In the mid sixties I remember a couple of pilots 
near the Panjim gardens and one chap used to hire his bike to the older 
boys at Don Bosco High School!  This concept must have then moved on to 
the beach fronts etc as Domnic and the rest claim.  But the fact remains 
that Panjim had motorcycle pilots for a long long time!


[Goanet]Re: SC bans use of horns, loudspeakers, crackers after 10 pm

2005-07-20 Thread Salus Correia
We must change with the times, and the church has done so too.  Here in 
Melbourne, in my parish we have the midnight service at midnight, but 
the main and more attractive service is at 6 pm and it is called the 
'Vigil' service.  This Vigil is held in the open air, and is very 
popular and is largly attended.  The program begins with a barbeque at 5 
pm, followed by family picnics on the grounds.  Then at 6 the choir 
begins singing carols, followed by the mass and the rest of the 
festivities.  Everyone is informally dressed too.
The more serious type attend the service in the church formally dressed 
at midnight!  And there is no problem with use of the sound system there 
as the church walls are well insulated for sound which cannot be heard 
With the introduction of the new law, rather than fight it, I think it 
would be nice if every parish had their own service in their respective 
church, and maybe Don Bosco's in Panjim could have a vigil service in 
the open air at 6.  That way the Catholic community would be leading by 
example too.

[Goanet]CAju Feni

2005-07-19 Thread Salus Correia

Alfred de Tavares wrote:

I admited as much to Gabe when he forwarded me the vintage
Zuzarte article by return post.

I did not know that the Salesians had elevated their educational unit
to the status of a seminary. More power to them.

But, then, they have always been fast.

About Raia and Racol/Raitura.. The Salesian orchard/estate lies in
Santemol, ardorously claimed by both, hardly a co'tti-dram away from
yours truely in Loutulim.

Dear Alfred, sorry to say this, but you missed again.  I have never said that the 
Salesians have elevated their educational unit to the status of a seminary.  I think you 
are confusing the SVD's who are Missionaries of Divine Mercy with the SDB's 
who are the Salesians of Don Bosco.
And incidentally, the Salesians are nowhere near Raia.  They are in Quepem 
where they run Pope John 23 High school, and in Sulcorna which is nearby!

It is the Missionaries of Divine Mercy who have their institution at Raia.


salus [not 'salu']

[Goanet]Solar powered traffic lights

2005-07-19 Thread Salus Correia
Neil and Gabriel have given us some insight, and here is my two paise 
worth of an addition!

Here in Melbourne, traffic lights are also controlled by magnetic 
sensors which are placed under the road, just before the white stopping 
line.  When there is a slack in traffic, say in the night or during off 
peak times, then we find the green signal lit up on the main 
thoroughfare.  Should a vehicle come up facing a red light, no sooner 
the vehicle comes over the sensor, then the lights automatically change 
to green, and then revert back as they were.  The advantage here is that 
unlike the 'timer' system, traffic flows smoothly during slack times.  
During peak times, the timers overide the sensors, and each side gets 
equal time to cross at the junctions.

There have been many times when the Government in Goa have invested in 
traffic lights, only to have them go out of order in a short time, and 
then they have remained standing till another new system is installed 
with the same fate and result.  Maybe it would be a better idea if the 
government does a proper study about the quality of they system they are 
introducing, and have a sort of a service contract with the supplier to 
maintain the system, with penalities.

[Goanet]Caju Feni

2005-07-18 Thread Salus Correia

Alfred de Tavares wrote:

Not the Rachol seminary, dear Gabe. They don't have the gumption (begging 

pardon, Fr. Ivo) for such an enterprise.

Dear Alfred,
Slow down my friend!  I am sure Gabe has not refered to the Rachol Seminary.  
He has very clearly mentioned Raia seminary.  Now Raia and Rachol are 
definitely two different villages and should not be confused.  And 
incidentally, there is the SVD seminary in Raia, which is very well known for 
its quality distillation of good old Caju Feni!



2005-07-16 Thread Salus Correia

Fred's news reported:

 Final year students of the Institute of Ship-
 building Technology, Vasco have built a sports
 car M-796 GT by using scrap components of various
 cars, as part of their final year project. It
 took 16 weeks for the students to build the car,
 costing Rs 42,950.
my comments:

From this we can conclude that the business of scrap must be great in 
Goa!!!  Wake up young goans.  Open up scrap yards in a hurry.  Take over 
this lucarative business currently dominated by non Goans.  There seems 
to be a lot of money in scrap.



[Goanet]teaching music

2005-07-14 Thread Salus Correia

Orlando wrote:

This is Orlando calling .I am teachin Solfeggio at Kala Academy,Goa.The book 
followed is Singing Exercises by A. Lavignac.Incidentally it is the same book 
I learnt the 3 R's of music from,decades ago.An urgent need is felt to upgrade 
the Solfeggio syllabus in Kala Academy.I have found out there are other (and 
in a way easy) methods of teaching  basics of music,though I have not,as yet, 
found a proper and systhematic text book for the same.I would be extremely 
indebted to anyone wiling to help so that music making (and teaching this fine 
art)will be a joyous art. I wish to express my thanks for your time and am 
loking forward to receive help in any manner whatsoever.


Hello Orlando,

click on this link for more information: 

Happy surfing and best of luck.


[Goanet]liberated by the army!

2005-07-14 Thread Salus Correia

Gabriel de Figueredo wrote:

Goa has not been liberated at all, the way the
Indian Armed Forces have behaved so far.  All they
appear to want to do is to crush the Goan spirit, and
to brainwash its people, by force if need be. You may
not have experienced their attitudes to civilians
first hand - I have, on two occasions, both when I was
a teen: once in 1967, then in 1973.

Very true indeed.  I remember an instance when I parked on the road by the side 
of the military establishment near the Collectorate in Panjim.  I was 
approached by a thuggish looking creep armed with  rifle and ordered to move 
away from where I parked.  I was very firm and told him that I was on public 
road, over which they had no hold or authority.  I attempted to report this to 
the Panjim Police station, but was directed to make the complaint to the PMC 
instead.  Disgusted, I just gave up as I felt I was being handballed, and that 
nobody wanted to interfere with the military.

The army has no respect for the people of Goa, and have proved it time and 
again.  Take for example the case of the Merces spring.  This was a lovely 
spring where all of us used to go for a bath on hot days when we were young.  
Today the spring is contaminated and stinks foul.  The army has put up septic 
tanks right over the source of the spring, and no one seems to care.  The 
people of Merces have tried their best, but looks like it has all fallen on 
deaf ears.  I am not sure of the present status as I have been out of touch 
with the subject for some time.  But the fact remains as Gabriel rightly 
pointed out.  The army considers Goa as their spoils of war.


[Goanet]National Association for the Blind

2005-07-13 Thread Salus Correia

Sandra Gordon wrote:

I would be interested to learn more about the Goan branch of the National 
Association for the Blind, as mentioned in the Goa Net News Bytes (11 July 

The reason I ask is because I work for a local charity working with blind 
adults and children here in Scotland, and I would be most interested to 
communicate with a similar organisation in Goa, and find out what services 
they offer the blind population in Goa.

Would you have an address or an e-mail address where I could write to them.

Your help would be most appreciated.


I am not sure they have an email address, but the mailing address is:

National Association for the Blind,
Govt. Primary School premises,
Segundo Bairo,
Santa Cruz,
Ilhas Goa 403 005

Hope this is of help


[Goanet]Damaneses and Diuenses? Linguistically correct?

2005-07-11 Thread Salus Correia

Cecil wrote:

Damaneses and Diuenses? Linguistically correct?

How about the original Goemcar Damaocar  Diucar ???



[Goanet]economic migrant

2005-07-11 Thread Salus Correia

Gabe Menezes wrote:

In my opinion Mario was an economic migrant.

Well Gabe, the subject and issue aside, I firmly believe that every Goan who is out of Goa is an economic migrant, and that includes you, whether you  say or believe otherwise.  Its no shame. 



Re: [Goanet]One more Goan Bishop!

2005-07-06 Thread Salus Correia

Message: 7
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 17:49:04 +1000 (EST)
From: Gabriel de Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet]One more Goan Bishop!
To: goanet@goanet.org
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

--- Salus Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

He appointed Fr. Anthony Alwyn Fernandes Barreto 
of the clergy of Poona, 
pastor of the parish of the Immaculate Conception in
Vengurla, as bishop 
of the new diocese. The bishop-elect was born in
Goa-Damao, India in 
1952 and ordained a priest in 1979.


The statement re place of birth is incorrect, as in
1952, Goa-Damao was not in the Republic of India, but
was the then-called Estado da India Portuguesa.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.


Maybe what you say is right, but all I did was to quote from the Vatican News Service, word for word.  Secondly, I dont think it is relevant at all.  Goa has been and always will be a part of the Indian subcontinent.  



[Goanet]One more Goan Bishop!

2005-07-05 Thread Salus Correia

News from the Vatican:

VATICAN CITY, JUL 5, 2005 (VIS) - The Holy Father erected the diocese of 
Sindhudurg (area 21,099, population 5,365,706, Catholics 29,794, priests 
31, religious 98), India, with territory taken from the diocese of 
Poona, making it a suffragan of metropolitan church of Bombay. He 
appointed Fr. Anthony Alwyn Fernandes Barreto of the clergy of Poona, 
pastor of the parish of the Immaculate Conception in Vengurla, as bishop 
of the new diocese. The bishop-elect was born in Goa-Damao, India in 
1952 and ordained a priest in 1979.

 VIS 050705 (90)


2005-07-03 Thread Salus Correia

Cynthia wrote:

One night I dreamed a dream. 

As I was walking along the beach with my Lord. 

Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. 

Dear Cynthia,

For some time you have been putting up some inspiring posts like the above on 
Goanet, which I am sure a lot of the readers enjoy, while some have been 
complaining too.

The important issue here is that you are not giving due credits to the authors, 
poets or writers.  And that is not right at all.  Please ensure that whenever 
you post someone else's work, you must give the person credit.  Sometimes some 
work is covered by a copyright, and you can get Goanet in a mess if you do not 
have permission to reprint in such cases.

For your information, and for the information of Goanet readers, Footprints 
was written by Margaret Fishback Powers in 1964, and she holds the copyright to her 
works.  Her publishers are HarperCollins Publishers [Australia] Pty Limited Group.  She 
has also authored a book bearing the same name in 1993.

[Goanet]Getaways for Women

2005-07-02 Thread Salus Correia

Cecil wrote:

In my fledgling writing career I have been inspired by many incidents.
The photo of Silviano being interviewed by the gorgeous Raquel Carvalho (at 
http://www.goanet.org)  is one such inspiring image. To be so close to such 
a delectable creature is indeed something to aspire for. I have now decided 
that I too will write a novel just so I can feature on Getaways for Women?


Keep trying Cecil.  At least we can be sure the novel will be a good 
one, worth reading.  As far as the reward you are hoping for, its good 
to live in hope and not die in despair!  Maybe your luck will finally 
run true!

[Goanet]The book of Common Prayer

2005-07-01 Thread Salus Correia
Once again, Cecil has done it!  And this time as the 'Virtual Biblical 
Scholar' he has continued to impress! 
Well done Cecil, good research there.  The book of Common Prayer is 
indeed a well that one can go to.  There is one point though - about the 
Catholics using an Anglican book.  Well, that is a very good sign, isn't 
it?  Today the churches are all moving towards unity, and use the best 
of each other for the common goal of praising our God.  Here in our 
parish we used Anglican material for our lenten scripture groups, and it 
was very inspiring indeed.  We also have ecumenical meetings where all 
the churches [say many of them!] get together now and then for a common 
day of worship and praise.  The good thing is that the Catholic Church 
has taken the intiative, and hopefully the day will come when the 
churches will be united once again.


[Goanet]Black African Arch Bishop who messmerizes people at his mass.

2005-06-22 Thread Salus Correia

Milad Meah Meah wrote...

Hi, Goans.
Here is a topic I would like to know more about.
There is a Black African Arch Bishop who messmerizes people at his mass.
Casts out devil, cures possessed people.(Ask the packed audience daily at 
his Mass)

Lives in the atic above the Pope's bedroom.
Yet kept under observation, and not sent to Africa for the last 20 years.
What are the Vatican affraid of? A Blace African?...

Dear Milad,

First and foremost, are you a Goan?  And what is your game?  I would like to 
know your motives behind this posting.  I only hope you are not trying to start 
another sad string of Catholic bashing on this forum.

For starters, the little you got about Archbishop Milingo happens to be wrong.  
This African prelate was the unfortunate victim of the Rev Moon, and the story 
happens to be of the year 2001 (20 years according to you!)when he was married 
to a certain Maria Sung.  It did not take long  for the poor man to realise 
what he had done, and then he went into counselling for help.  Some  claimed 
that during this period he was being hidden in the Vatican, but it is not so.  
The last posted news on this subject was posted on the Archbishop's website on 
the 29th of Ausgust 2001.

It only goes to prove the fact that anyone, however strong one's faith may be, 
could be a victim of  the designs of the evil one.  But the good news is that 
salvation is open to all who repent, and His grace Archbishop Milingo happens 
to have done exactly that.

If you want details about such matters, please do not waste the time of Goanetters on this forum.  Just go to google and type your querry there.  To make your job easier, click on this link: 


Coming back to the first line I wrote, what are you up to?  A coward who does 
not want to be recognised on this forum of Goencars, you shame us all.  So how 
about standing up for the truth for once, and tell us who you really are. 
Truthfully of course!

[niz Goencar in Melbourne]

[Goanet]Migration: Opportunities for children or wanderlust

2005-06-18 Thread Salus Correia

Among other things, Cecil wrote:

I have heard stories of qualified professionals in Australia (and elsewhere) 
doing menial jobs as there are no job opportunities in their particular field. 
Isn't that then a waste of an education? Not to say the problem does not exist 
in India, but we do admit to it...

Well Cecil,you too have written well, but then that's what you always do, much 
to the delight of Goans who read Goanet!

What you said above is true.  But you have to remember that it applies to you 
and me who think of migrating with their grey hairs on!  It is difficult as you 
rightly said, for qualified professionals who migrate, to get job opportunities 
in their particular field.  But that is not the case with the young ones who 
live and qualify here.  Somehow there is a problem with us getting jobs in our 
field, however highly qualified we may be.  But the kids start right away, and 
that makes the difference.  The young ones have open doors in any careers of 
their choice in this country.

You also spoke about education and careers in detail.  Well, I do believe that one needs a good educational background for any career of choice. While there are lots of career opportunities in India, we still hear of many companies showing preference to overseas qualified candidates as compared to the local ones.  This is not something new anyway.  Even in our time, we used to envy the foreign returned blokes to took over [talk of Harvard etc!!] 

And we cannot deny the fact that this area is still lacking in many respects in 
amchem Goem.  Maybe with time, things will change and our grandchildren or 
great grandchildren will be the beneficiaries.  But for now, the overseas 
options seems to be better for the children.

For your information, when i first landed here in melbourne 5 years ago, it was very difficult for me to start in my field of expertise.  I just could not get anywhere and drew a blank wall wherever I tried.  It was very frustrating.  Here employers seek local expererience, and without that it is difficult.  I do know of guys making it in their lines of expertise, but many including me did not.  Out of desperation I took on a job in a factory in order to survive with my family.  There were lots of fears, and fear can drive one to the wall.  But guess what?  I enjoyed coming home after the first day at work.  I could just put my feet up, and relax without any work stress whatsoever!!! That was a great feeling, so much so, that I decided that I would do just that for some time!  After a year, I decided that I wanted to continue in this new line, but realized that I would not have the energy to continue at the pace I was on.  So the next step I took was to qualify myself locally, after which I got a promotion and I am very happy now in the Automobile manufacturing industry.  I am relaxed at work, and there is no stress as compared to the time when I spent about 17 years dedicated to Purchasing followed by the manufacture of Linda's Bebinca in Goa!  And the cycle continues.  Right now I have a qualified dentist on my assembly line.  Two months ago I had a young guy from Tamil Nadu who had a masters in Engineering, but like me could not get an entry.  He worked with me for about eight months, but now managed to get a very good job in his line with a Telephone provider here, and is very happy with his success.  

So you see, it is a matter of choices, and not a matter of running down Goa or 
wanderlust as some may think. The benefits are there too.  We do afford more, 
live better than we ever did, but then that comes with the package I suppose!  
And at the core of that big package lies a lot of hard work!

[Goanet]Migration: Opportunities for children or wanderlust

2005-06-16 Thread Salus Correia

Cecil wrote:

Just for the sake of friendly debate, which will perhaps leave all of us 
better informed, could you qualify the statement that you made of your 
children having an advantage of choice as far as choice of careers go..


Just have a go at any of the Australian Universities, and see the choice for 
yourself.  And mind you, you do not need a grand distinction to gain entry, and 
mind you, these are very good centers of learning, far better than what is on 
offer in Goa.

click here for more details:


Now these are only a few universities in a small place like Melbourne.  Go 
through the sites and see what is there on offer.  Besides university degrees, 
there are also options of courses like TAFE etc., and like I said earlier, our 
children do have a better advantage as far as choice of careers go.  If we were 
in Goa, we only had Goa University, and I do not have to say more.  By the way, 
Goa is also bigger than Melbourne.  So the question of choice is far bigger 
than you can imagine.
I do not want to let our beloved Goa down, but sometimes we do need to make 
hard decisions for the sake of our loved ones.  We were doing well in Goa, and 
were very comfortable, but had to leave it all behind for the sake of our 
children.  Mind you, it did hurt a lot making that decision, but we just had to 
do it, and today we know we did not make a mistake.
I agree that education here is very costly as compared to Goa, but there are 
Government subsidies  to enable the young ones to afford whatever they need by 
way of education, and payback is slow on low interest terms, mainly deducted 
off your income, based on your income earned, when you earn it.  In Goa, we 
have to rely on the banks, and I need not go into those details now.
Incidentally, there are scores of Indian students including Goans ones studying 
independantly in Universities over here.  Many opt to stay on after completion 
of their courses, but still many do opt to return to India, and I am not 
surprised with their decision in that regard.  If my children decide to return 
to India, they will have my support too, in that decision.
Your friend may have had different reasons for his migration, but then we all 
have our own very reasons too.  For some it may be wanderlust, but not for all.
By the way, I still love my Goa, and care a lot about what is going on there.  
Nothing can change or diminish the Goa that is in my heart.


[Goanet]parcels sent abroad

2005-06-14 Thread Salus Correia

Cecil Pinto wrote:

Does anyone know why parcels sent abroad have to be compulsorily covered...

Once upon a time, that was the most secure way of ensuring the parcel arrived at the destination safely.  I am not sure where it originated, but the reason was because insurance companies began to hold the postal dept liable for loss of contents in insured parcels, and to ensure that they were in the clear, the postal authorities decided to make the customer pay for the extra packing so that the parcels arrived safely at the destination, and they did not have to hassle of dealing with the insurance companies.  
Things have changed nowadays.  The post office underwrites insurance of the parcels themselves, and in most countries the use of cloth packing has been swapped for strong lined paper packing instead.  Heree in Australia the post offices sell special boxes for mailing purposes, and they are safe.  They come in different sizes - even tiny ones to mail a cd by post safely.

This looks like a case of blindly following an old practice without checking 
the merits in todays changed circumstances,.

[Goanet]Home is where the heart is

2005-06-14 Thread Salus Correia

Cecil wrote:

Over the last few weeks I have seen Goans settled in UK, Canada, USA and 
Australia compare the advantages and disadvantages of their adopted 
countries. After having examined all possibilities I have decided that we 
are in fact better off here at home in Goa, India. There's no place like home.

Cecil, you are very right.  There is definitely no place like good old Amchem 
Goem!!!  We all have our reasons for being out of Goa, but it is foolishness to 
even compare Goa with any place on earth.  And importantly, nothing can wipe 
away the Goa which is deep in our hearts.  Thanks for staying on in Goa.  
Please keep it well and enjoy yourself.  I envy you!  We may have a different 
lifestyle, clothes, houses, and our children may have the advantage of choice 
as far as their careers go, but you have GOA!!!

[Goanet]Besides, Dol Mojea Bai, What else you remember??

2005-06-14 Thread Salus Correia

Joeboyuk wrote:

Besides, Dol Mojea Bai, What else you remember??

my spellings are not very good, but this is what the old grandmothers used to 
sing to babies when they cried!

Bobhe bobhe thathachem, 
Korguttamchem bhathachem

Rhoss asa pun ghodd nam
Posrear vochunk konn nam!

[Goanet]Konkani dictionary

2005-06-12 Thread Salus Correia

Silviano Barbosa wrote:

Please hire a good Konkani editor/speller/pronounciator or whatever you call 
him/her, before the print version is published. Most of your buyers of the 
print version will be overseas Konkannis anyway and it will be a sell-out in 
no time.
A very laudable effort indeed from everyone involved , especially the 
Magalorean Community for having given us this MEGA GIFT compilation of this 
free electronic version.

Like true  NIZ Konknni mogui, you guys just don't talk about it, but you 
have really  DONE IT!

Mhojim Porbim Tumkam!
Konknnichen nanv VHODD zaunv!

Salu Soz tuji vakhanni korunk mhoji urbha choddtta!

I echo what Silviano wrote.  Well done Ancy, congratulations to all who were involved in this mighty project.  I found the dictionary very useful and a great help especially when I am desperate for a word.  No longer can I say 'its on the tip of my tongue'!!!  
Silviano, I think the spellings and pronounciation are very accurate, considering they have used the Manglorean dialect of Konkani, which is different from the ones used in Salcette and Bardez, or for that matter the whole of Goa.  I have been a few times to Mangalore myself, and initially found it very difficult to understand the pronounciations they used.  But as I got to know the people well, I began to appreciate and accept it as their way of speaking, and then found nothing wrong with it.  The important thing to think about is that our Manglorean brethren have preserved and treasured the language over the years, though far away from Goa, and have also worked at furthering it more than we Goans have done so far.

So Ancy, once again my congratulations to you and all the Manglorean brethren 
who have contributed to this huge project!  Well done.

[Goanet]Pray for me, I have sinned

2005-06-10 Thread Salus Correia

Marlon wrote:

I think the following lyrics by Gowan from his 80's
hit A Criminal Mind are an apt response to your
prayers for me...

Not apt enough my friend.  But you will still remain in my prayers!


[Goanet]Pray for me, for I have sinned

2005-06-08 Thread Salus Correia

Marlon wrote:

Hold it right there Cecil! I believe I am a bigger
sinner than you, Kevin and Santosh and therefore
request that I be given priority in Salus' prayer
allotment. Given the number of character
assassinations, email hijackings, server hackings,
mail bombings and identity impersonations I have been
involved in, I think I am pretty much right up there
in my cyber mortal sin count. I confess I am also
guilty of arson thanks to the numerous flame wars I
have started, not to mention mention the numerous
drownings thanks to the flood of email spam I have
sent various of my unfortunate victims.

Salus, can you provide me with details on the type and
number of prayers you plan to perform for me?  I would
like to have it for my records. If I get sent down
there, I can use this as evidence to strengthen my
case to god that you brayed for me. Do not let me down
or should I say, do not let me go down - or else.

I think Marlon is making a confession to the wrong person here.  Marlon, if you 
are truly guilty of all the so called sins mentioned by you, then you must have 
remorse for the wrongs you have done, and the next step would be to approach 
the concerned authorities and make a confession.
As to prayers, I will definitely include you among others in my prayers.  May 
God bless you and forgive you if you are really sincere.

[Goanet]Re: Unchrisitan

2005-06-06 Thread Salus Correia

Kevin Saldanha wrote:

Dear Salus and all his Christian friends,

One quote that sticks in my head from Eckhart Tolle's book - The Power 
of Now - is  You have found God the moment you realise that you no 
longer need to seek him on page 147.  I have!

The God he refers to is an internal peace rather than an external 
supernatural deity.  I would appreciate you NOT intervening on my behalf 
with any of your supernatural deities unless it makes you feel better, 
in which case you would be praying for yourself.


Thanks Kevin, glad you are happy with your beliefs.  I have no quarrel 
with you on that account.  You are a free agent, free to do what you 
please, or believe what you want.

As far as para #2 goes, Goanet is an open forum for members to voice 
their opinions.  So for your information, I have not intervened on your 
behalf.  I do appreciate and understand your capabilities on that 
account.  As far as praying for others go, NO ONE can stop me or others 
from praying for your well being and conversion to the TRUTH as we 
believe it.  So starting now, I have begun praying for you, and this is 
a clarion call to all other like minded Goanetters to do the same.


2005-06-05 Thread Salus Correia

Afra says:

May be coz u r Christian u took it as anti, it was anti Religion.
Any one who goes to god or gods, does so out of desperation.
1. They cannot control the situation they are in. Therefore they are control 
freaks (like it or not)
2. They go to god coz s/he does not say things against you, secondly coz the 
people in this world have failed your expectations, therefore u ask the gods 
to interfere on your behalf. (again to gain control)
Those who go to god are either control freaks (priests/pundits/mullhas etc.) 
or frustrated control freaks (ordinary people who could not gain control by 
fair means or foul).


Afra has been known to write crap on this forum before.  In fact jc has just 
brought out some of her 'tosh'!!!  We who have faith, do so because we have met 
our Saviour, and not for any of the reasons that Afra mentions.  Is she or does 
she think she is an authority on every subject?  Or is this just a case of 
sensationalisation, seeking attention?  I just wonder!

All I can say is that we need to hold her and other like minded persons in our 
prayers, so that they may be enlightened some day.  Each one's faith or belief 
is their own personal thing, and no one has tried to impose it on Afra or 
anyone else.  So I fail to understand the acidity in her thoughts against those 
who believe.  Maybe it was her lack of faith and total trust in God that has 
led her to think that God had failed her.  Well, lets all say a prayer for her. 
 And finally I wont be surprised if someone else rises to her rescue!  Well we 
will pray for those persons too!!!

And finally, please understand that you do not have to respond and always have 
the last word!

[Goanet]Gaddo and bullock cart

2005-06-04 Thread Salus Correia

Jerry Fernandes wrote:

I smell humour in your confusion. Gaddo and bullock cart are one and the same, 
and I too have ridden along with our friends when we were kids but not on long 
journeys as Peter did, but only in our village. The best part of it was 
learning some lovely words when the captain of the gaddo used to whip the poor 

_Hey Jerry, bull's eye on the first line. 

remember : eerri eeri jho. vhoah! jho jho!!! followed by the traditional 
portugoan obsenities by some captains.  And by the way, BULLS mate, not poor cows!


2005-06-04 Thread Salus Correia

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro wrote:

In my day (late 1920s) the children in Porvorim would carry stones on their 
head, singing Sant' Anton, man'chea bettan

Paus gall amchea shetan.
in my village it went:

Sant Anton virgo, 
Iscolacho burgo!

Dev Saiba paus dhi!!!

[Goanet]Santa Claus and white lies

2005-06-03 Thread Salus Correia

Kevin Saldanha wrote:

Kids are getting smarter and smarter every generation and what worked for our 
generations may not work for theirs when they get their information from so 
many other sources than their parents...

Yes, unfortunately it was our generation that was weak and we have strayed away 
from the faith.  Good news Kevin: like you said above, kids have seen through 
it all and now today they are slowly getting back into the Church, that too 
without our help!!!

[Goanet]Dear 'Whoever you are',

2005-06-02 Thread Salus Correia

Afra Dias wrote:

Dear 'Whoever you are',
Typing in Bold letters in itself tells me that u r Psychologically Traumatised 
and deserved every bit u got. You are still not mentally OK. You went to Jesus 
coz he does not shout back at you while the others on earth DO...

please, thats not in good taste.


2005-06-02 Thread Salus Correia

Afra Dias wrote:

Dear Goencars,
What Jose Colaco is saying is absolute 'tosh'.
Gaonkar in English means Citzenship - not of the country, but of the village 
s/he is born.
What right has a foreigner like Jose Colaco got to come to our village and 
tell us what we should do with their ancestral property which our grandfathers 
acquired by working on the ships etc?

Reading Afra'a views got me thinking...
Would Afra let me know where she has property in Goa, and if she is 
willing to give it to me for free  Wouldn't that be just great?  
Thank you Afra, you are so kind, and so generous.  Just let me know when 
you manage to effect the transfer of title etc!!!

[Goanet]Goanet Reader -- Looking back at the simple, slow-moving Goa

2005-06-02 Thread Salus Correia

peter fernandes wrote:

I have traveled in all the types of transport mentioned; the bullock cart, and 
the gaddo. My grandmother had to go for a feast from Parra to Aldona and we 
hired a gaddo to take us there . We started early as we had to reach the...


I am confused, poor me!  Please, someone please tell me what is the difference between the 'bullock cart' and the 'gaddo'!!! 

[Goanet]Jobs in India

2005-06-01 Thread Salus Correia
Adobe have announced a few positions vacant in India.  Click on the link 
below for details:


[Goanet]Everything has a limit

2005-05-14 Thread Salus Correia
Bonefacio Lopes wrote
...Salus correia starts his note SUNIL/AVERTANO WHOEVER YOU REALLY ARE, didn't 
your folks teach you how to address people. No one on the net is whoever Mr. 
salus its very important you show respect towards each other while addressing...

I have every respect for every one everywhere, but when someone has an address 
with one name and signs off with another name, well that is surely confusing.  
There have been so many instances in the past where people post on Goanet using 
false ids etc, and the post in question made me think this was another such 
case!  And I definitely had no intention of disrespecting anyone.  And if 
someone has felt disrespected, here are my apologies.

[Goanet]Re: False assertions

2005-05-14 Thread Salus Correia
Fr. Ivo wrote:
Let us respect those who believe that there is no God, as well as those who 
believe, with Reason enriched by Faith, that God is our Creator and loving Father
Well said Fr. Ivo!  I couldn't have said it better!!

[Goanet]CATHOLIC ???

2005-05-12 Thread Salus Correia
sunil/avertano wrote...
Message: 19
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 21:51:17 -0400
From: avertano teles goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]CATHOLIC ???
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
I have been reading a lot about the POPE, GAY PRIESTS, CAFETARIA CATHOLICS, 
should expect more of such stuff on net. Why should catholic related issues 
only be discussed ? Is our mentality confined only in questioning catholic 
religion and its principles? Can someone enlighten us whether communities from 
other religion discuss such issues the way we discuss pertaining to religion ? 
Let's go in for a change of topic pleasee.

Come on Sunil or Avertano or whoever you really are!  Be proactive and 
write about something else.  Start another thread, and go on from 
there.  But please do not tell people not to write on a particular 
subject/topic.  If someone has something to say, this is their forum to 
do so. Have you given a thought that there may be many who actually want 
to read on subjects pertaining to religion?


[Goanet]Is it ethical to buy second hand clothes that were sent as aid?

2005-05-10 Thread Salus Correia
Cecil wrote:
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 21:05:22 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]Is it ethical to buy second hand clothes that were sent as aid?
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
The 'purumentachem' (hope I got that right!) fair is on in Panjim. 
Basically a fair to buy provisions for the monsoons. Of course like every 
previous year the actual 'provision' hawkers are few and what is being sold 
is the regular knickknacks available at all fairs.

What struck me as curious this year is the sheer number of hawkers selling 
'aid' clothes*...
*The amount of clothes collected here in Australia itself was so much that it would have been just too much to give away to the tsunami affected people, who needed other things besides clothes, which happen to be the easiest things to part with.

So the surplus clothes are auctioned off to the highest bidder, and the money 
so collected is then utilized where most needed.
Hope this explanation would help your conscience.  You have done nothing 
unethical.  Indirectly, you may have actually helped some of the tsunami 
affected people with your purchase.

[Goanet]Goanet digest, Vol 1 #2169

2005-05-10 Thread Salus Correia
Sad news about the deaths resulting from trees being uprooted etc.  But 
since when has there been a tree big enough to be uprooted and crash on 
somebody on the road near 4 pillars??  Beats me!!  I was visiting in Goa 
a couple of years ago, and recollect the area near 4 pillars as an area 
surrounded by unsown paddy fields, and wetlands.

Its time reporters take pains to report the correct news in the press, 
with accurate details.

*.*3 persons were crushed to death when two trees fell on them in a separate
incident. Kevin Fernandes 26, of Vasco died at Merces when coconut tree fell
on him. Other 2 both 19, from St.Inez and porvorim, died when tree uprooted
and came crushing down on them when they were passing by on their motorcycle
near 4 Pillars, panaji. GT*.*

[Goanet]Goan Picnic Songs FAQs

2005-05-06 Thread Salus Correia
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|   Today's Events include Fruit Carving - Decor - Watermelon eating |
|Fancy Dress.Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net  | 
Cecil wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 04 May 2005 18:43:21 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]Goan Picnic Songs FAQs
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
I will attempt to publicly answer a few private queries/comments for the 
benefit of everyone.

Q #1
Incidentally, I believe that the chorus is a parody of
Mexican or pseudo-Mexican songs, like La Cucaracha or South
of the Border, and so should be spelled Ay ay ay ay

That's another fantastic gem of writing!  Well done Cecil!!!
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.

[Goanet]Re: John Paul II

2005-04-08 Thread Salus Correia
Well George, you are free like everyone else to your opinions. Personally I 
think you do not know much of the Catholic faith from what you have written.  
The Church is not a club with open membership and is not a democracy either.  
One has to acknowledge Jesus as the Lord and Master of our lives to qualify 
for membership, which incidentally is 'confirmed' as some point in time.  
Sadly, there are millions of so called confirmed catholics who have for 
reasons sometimes even not known to them,  turned the other way, yet remain or 
prefer to be known as Catholics.

Right from the time of Jesus the church has been run by 'direction'. The 
faithfull have the right to advise, suggest and talk, but  we have to always 
remember that unlike a club or some governments, it is not a democracy.  If 
our views are not accepted, we can always negotiate via the proper channels 
and not via the media.  If eventually our thoughts are not accepted for 
whatever reason, then in all obedience we have to accept the 'direction' that 
we must believe comes from God himself, through his appointed shephards.

Sometimes we do not know or see the bigger picture as God sees it. Eventually 
with time it unfolds and then we realise the whats and whys. If we want to be 
known as followers of Jesus, then it does make sense that we follow the 
directions as they come.

John Paul II has done his time here on earth and it is not up to you, me or 
anyone else but the Father in heaven to sit in judgement.  And as far as his 
call for sainthood goes, just because some people or groups are making the 
call, does not mean that the call will be accepted.  Once again we must 
believe that whatever happens, will be so by divine 'direction' and nothing 
else.  Thousands have been touched by John Paul II and that is their way of 
saying 'THANK YOU' I suppose.

Like I said earlier, this is my opinion, and I have no intention of forcing  
my views down on you or any one else.


2005-04-04 Thread Salus Correia


   VIS internet
    Search Documents     
      Receive VIS  Press Office 
  04.04.2005     Fifteenth Year - N.63 




  VATICAN CITY, APR 4, 2005 (VIS) - Following is the official death 
certificate for Pope John Paul II, released yesterday by the Holy See Press 
    I certify that His Holiness John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) born in 
Wadowice (Krakow, Poland) on May 18, 1920, residing in Vatican City, and a 
Vatican citizen, died at 9:37 p.m. on April 2, 2005 in his apartment in the 
Apostolic Palace, Vatican City because of:

 - septic shock.

 - irreversible cardio-circulatory collapse.
   In a person also affected by:
- Parkinson's disease.

- progressive episodes of acute respiratory insufficiency and a consequent 

- benign prostate hypertrophy complicated by urosepsis.

- hypertensive cardiopathy and ischemia.

The ascertainment of death was effected by means of an electrocardiogram 
which lasted 20 minutes.

I declare that the causes of death, according to my science and conscience, 
are those indicated above.
    Vatican City, April 2, 2005
    Director of Health and Hygiene of Vatican City State

  Dr. Renato Buzzonetti

.../POPE:DEATH CERTIFICATE/...VIS 050404 (170)
  VATICAN CITY, APR 4, 2005 (VIS) - At the end of the morning, Holy See 
Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls held a briefing in the Holy See 
Press Office for accredited journalists on the following questions:
  First and Second General Congregations of the Cardinals.
    The first two General Congregations of the Cardinals in the period of 
Vacant See were held this morning in the Bologna Room of the Vatican Apostolic 
Palace according to the norms of the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici 
gregis (UDG).
    Sixty-five cardinals took part in the First Congregation which began 
at 10 a.m. They swore an oath according to para 12 of UDG.
    In the second General Congregation, the 65 cardinals present made the 
most urgent decisions, including the mode of transferring the body of the 
deceased pontiff to the Vatican Basilica, and the date of the funeral Mass for 
John Paul II.
    Also present at this morning's General Congregations were Archbishops 
Leonardo Sandri, substitute at the Secretariat of State, Francesco Monterisi, 
the secretary of the College of Cardinals, and Piero Marini, master of papal 
liturgical ceremonies, and several ceremonial assistants.
Transfer of the body of John Paul II.  
    At 5 p.m. today, Monday April 4, the body of John Paul II will be 
moved from the Clementine Hall to the Vatican Basilica.
    After a moment of prayer presided over by Cardinal Camerlengo Eduardo 
Martinez Somalo, the transfer of the body will begin.
    The procession will proceed along the Scala Nobile, the First Loggia, 
the Sala Ducale, the Sala Regia, the Scala Regia and then, coming through the 
Bronze Door, it will cross St Peter's Square and enter the basilica by the 
central doors.
    In the Vatican Basilica, the Cardinal Camerlengo will preside at the 
Liturgy of the Word.
    The visits of the faithful can begin at around 8 p.m.
    For today it has been decided that the Vatican Basilica will remain 
open all night. It will close only from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. in order to allow for 
the technical maintenance of the basilica.
  Funeral Mass for John Paul II. 
    The funeral Mass for John Paul II will be celebrated on Friday, April 
8 at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square.
    The funeral liturgy will be celebrated by the cardinals and the 
patriarchs of the Oriental Churches. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, dean of the 
College of Cardinals, will preside.
    At the end of the liturgy, the casket of the Roman Pontiff will be 
brought into the Vatican Basilica and then into the Vatican Grottoes for 
    Navarro-Valls noted that the body of John Paul II will rest in the 
same place where Blessed Pope John XXIII was entombed. The remains of the this 
Pope, who died in 1963, 

[Goanet]Re: airfields

2005-03-21 Thread Salus Correia
Your mails do make interesting reading, and with your naval background 
etc its nice to learn a few things now and then.  Refering to your 
response to Gabriel, I had in the past gathered from the various posts 
on Dabolim, that the airport in question was somehow usurped off the 
people of Goa.  And now in your post you make mention that The facility 
(Juhu) doesnt even belong to the Ministry of Defence  The question here 
is, does Dabolim 'belong' to the Navy?

In order for Dabolim airport to 'belong' to the Navy, it has to be 
bought from, won over or gifted off by its rightful owners.  By any 
chance, has that ever happened, and at what price?  And if it has, where 
does the question of the Navy leaving Dabolim arise from? 

Just curious!

Message: 9
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:34:50 +0530
From: gilbert menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Re: airfields
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

Gabriel ,
since you ask, the Juhu strip is longer than the deck of a carrier.
But that was not the point. The suggestion from your friend Phillip
was for Juhu  to serve as substitute for the Navy which is operating
an air station at Goa. You therefore need to look at the huge Navy
infrastructure built up at Goa as well as the types of aircraft being
operated here, most of them being non aircraft carrier types.  Heres
some of the types.
1.Kiran jet trainer
2.Tu-142-long range maritime patrol
3.IL-38- Long Range anti sub warfare
4. Aiforce Jaguar -Maritime strike(periodically)
5. Sea Harrier V/STOL
All these types need extended runaway lengths, including the Harrier Trainer..
Besides, the Navy also operates a variety of helicopters such as the
Seaking ASW, Kamov-28  ASW, Kamov-31 Air Early Warning helos,
If you knew the basics of VTOL training, you would know that a pilot
needs to be comfortable on a full length runaway, before he
transitions to the very difficult VSTOL mode, used for carrier
The Navy possess infrastructure to maintain , service and repair these
aircraft at Goa.  The Navy obviously , also has weapons for these
aircraft at Goa.
Then, out of the blue, comes this nonsensical suggestion about Juhu--
which has nothing on it.  When I last saw it, it was being used as a
staging point for ONGC helicopters used for servicing the oil offshore
installations of Bombay High.  The facility doesnt even belong to the
Ministry Of  Defence.
I hope I havent gone into technicalities.
btw,What *technical* function did you perform for the Brazilian Navy?
How many times did you step on the deck of the carrier *Minas Gerais*?
regards, Gilbert.

[Goanet]Royal announcement

2005-02-12 Thread Salus Correia
If what Gabe says is true (stunning, vivacious, gorgeous} then there is 
definitely a dearth of real beauty in England!!!  Move over to 
Melbourne, Gabe, and you will then learn what 'stunning, vivacious and 
gorgeous' really means!!!  And if you want even more, just go and see 
the lovely lasses in Amche Goem. 
On the other hand, I would understand it if you had called young William 
'dashing'.  His father, Charles is anything but 'dashing' anymore.

Salus Correia
Message: 4 Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:36:01 + From: Gabe Menezes 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: goanet@goanet.org Subject: [Goanet]Gabe 
Prince Charles to Marry. Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org I trust you have 
all heard that our dashing Prince Charles is to marry the stunning, 
vivacious, gorgeous Mrs Camilla ...

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-01-16 Thread Salus Correia

I am sure that most of the Goanet readers are already tired of the ‘Ribandar
’ debate.  I could understand it if a sincere attempt was made by Aires
Rodrigues to give us the facts, but the way he has chosen to use Goanet to
meet his own personal ends surely disgusts me.

I feel sick reading every post of his detailing what he has accused the
priest of doing.  While at no stage am I confirming or denying what the
priest has done, please, do not portray him as guilty while the matter is
still sub-judice.

It is high time the admin team steps in and stops this so called debate
because it is no longer a debate, but a mud slinging activity.  If the
priest is really guilty, then surely our good man Joel will give us the news
off the local papers as he has faithfully been doing so far.  I am sure that
majority of Goanet readers will agree with my point of view on this subject.
I am looking forward to a confirmation from the admin team that this so
called debate has been closed with immediate effect.

Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Someone I met yesterday in Panjim said, This Ribandar debate is going on
too long at Goanet.
 ...the general member also has a responsiblity to speak up


2004-10-04 Thread Salus Correia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

I was of the impression that things were slightly different in Goa.  We have
what is called a ‘civil registration’, which is basically a process whereby
the two people intending to get married inform/intimate the civil registrar
of their intent to get married.  The civil registrar then processes the
application, and advertises the proposed union, calling for objections if
any, within a set number of days.  After this process is over, the couple
has the choice of getting married before either a priest, a bhat or a
judge/civil official, who in turn will pass on a confirmation to the civil
registrars office that the marriage has taken place.

So the couple in question are not getting married twice, but only once.  In
the case of an inter-religious union, then either the bhat or the priest
will actually conduct the marriage.  In case the couple want to go to the
second religious minister, then they only get a blessing, and not a second

So you see, it looks like there is some confusion between a civil
registration which is done in Goa, with a civil marriage which is done
elsewhere.  Incidentally, the civil registration has a validity, and the
marriage has to be finalised within 3 months of the registration
formalities, failing which the process needs to be repeated.

Message: 3
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 13:53:40 +0530
From: Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Catholic wedding: a sacrament

This approach to the issue of marriage on the part of the Catholic has
always struck me as peculiar. In case of marriages between Catholics and
non-Catholics, the issue often comes up, as the Catholic half of the
union tends to be very attached to the sacrament and therefore insists
on it being carried out -- in addition to the civil wedding.

This is peculiar, especially since 'secular' laws like the Special
Marriages Act have been created specifically to enable marriages without
religious trappings, and this is particularly useful to marriages
between people of different religions. Else, everybody insists on
carrying out what their faith prescribes, and people get married twice
or even thrice.

Maybe the Church needs to relook at its position and accept that
'secular' procedures are equally valid?

The Christian marriage is regarded as sacrament,
while the non-Christian marriage is not. This point is debatable
and some
Catholic theologians do not like the distinction, but it is
still held.

[Goanet]Australian/Goan Catholic wedding questions

2004-10-04 Thread Salus Correia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

I beg to differ!

The dates on both the church certificate and civil certificate are the same,
provided the marriage was a church wedding presided over by a priest, and
registered as per the current practice.

I have before me both my certificates and they both bear the same date of

Message: 3
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 15:25:03 +0100 (BST)
From: President\(sgpiag\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Australian/Goan Catholic wedding questions

Lawrence Rodrigues wrote:

QUESTION Could somebody who has been married in Goa,
please confirm whether the
*date of
marriage* on the Marriage certificate issued by the
Civil Registrar in
Goa is
the same as recorded in the Church certificate,

The dates do differ. For that matter whether it is the
Catholic Hindu or Muslim marriage the dates on the Cil
Registry differ from the respective religious records.

Terence Mazarelo
HELPLINE 24 hrs 9822158584
Tel +91 832 2731373

[Goanet]Parallel elections on GoaNet?

2004-03-14 Thread Salus Correia

This is not fair.  Cecil has been contributing a lot of humour on this list
for a long time now.  In fact we look forward to messages from him. Cecil
has kept alive the cheer and joy on the forum.   Insulting him on the forum
the way you did is just not fair.
It is guys like you who portray Goans as lazy crabs all over the world.  In
the first place, we would like to know what has been your contribution to
the betterment of Goa?  From what I noticed via your message, you are rather
unproductive, going to the extent of misusing work facilities offered to you
by your employer.  It is guys like you who think they are rather smart, but
who cheat the company that employs them.  For a change, get back to work and
be productive at your job.  And if you want to criticize people like Cecil,
maybe you should think a hundred times before sending out such nasty
messages, which anyway should be sent in your own time, from home or
elsewhere, but definitely not from the workplace.


ps:  I wll not be responding further on this subject on this forum.

Message: 5
From: Vincent Andrade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Parallel elections on GoaNet?
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 14:56:26 +0530
Organization: Hiralal  Co (Shipping) Pvt Ltd




# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Monte de Guirim.

2004-01-26 Thread Salus Correia
Thanks, Tony Felix for the lovely article you wrote on Monte de Guirim. It
brought back memories of the short time I spent there way back in 1965-66!
And even though names were not mentioned, Frs Pacificus, Ephrem, Salvador 
Ben came to my mind! And Bro Policarp too!! And my good friends Innocencio
Caeido  Altinho Gomes - wonder where they are!Those were the days, days we
will never forget!~!


# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


2004-01-25 Thread Salus Correia
Hello Mervyn,

Its very true as you have said.  All over the world there is a conciousness
for safety which is spreading, and warmly embraced.  The direct result is
that a lot of injuries and even deaths are avoided.
I just cannot understand why our brethren in Goa are making such a big fuss
about using helmets when it is in their own interest.  It saddens me to read
some fellows coming up with arguments like 'its our heads, or its our lives,
and we know what is best for us' etc.
I have just returned from a holiday in my beloved Goa, and believe me I was
very sad when I saw what has happened to Goa.  A huge increase in the number
of vehicles, and absolutely nothing has been done to improve the
infrastructure. And the drivers too have given up on following road rules.
People who live in Goa have become used to this nonsense.  They do not
realise how bad it is.  And to crown it all, now they come up with protests
against implementation of rules which are in their interest.


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:04:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Helmets

Salus Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I live in Melbourne, and cyclists over here have to
 use helmets too.  It is
 a good idea to use the helmets when riding on any
 two wheeler, motorised or
 not.  Somehow Goans in Goa seem to be having a
 problem with that, and we
 find it hard to understand why.  Safety starts with
 self, and I think the Government is right in
 putting its foot down with the helmet law.

I was out skiing last week.
A father and his five year old son were waiting
infront of me for the next ski chair to arrive. As the
chair approached, the two of them tried to move
forward to the line where they needed to be to get on
the chair.

As they were moving forward, the five year old slipped
and the ski lift swung forward at the exact same time
and hit the child on the head. The child was thrown
five feet with the impact.

Luckly for both of them, ski helmets are compusory for
kids here in Canada. Else, that ski trip could have
turned into a life long disaster for the two of them.


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