[Goanet] RE: Dear Carmo.....of Bandra, Hockey and

2006-06-22 Thread Eugene Correia

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Now and then, hockey gets a mention on this forum.
True, Bandra has a big reputation for producing hockey
players both in men's and women's.
Having covered hockey for many years for some of
Mumbai dailies and also for The Sportstar, I can say
that Bandra is to Mumbai what Sarangpur (hope I got
the name right) is to Punjab. The only difference
between the two places is that the Punjab village has
contributed more to the Indian team than Bandra.
Hockey lives in Bandra more than anywhere else in good
ole Mumbai. Having been out of Mumbai for more than
two decades, I assume the tribe of hockey players in
Bandra continues to grow.
Bandra was (is?) the home of Lusitanians, the team
that brough the Goan hockey prowess to the forefront
in the old days. The club's recent history is not so
Nice to know Leo is still guarding his net at age 93.
It was always been a pleasure to listen to him during
the few times we spoke. Same goes to Johnny Pinto, the
most hurt player in India's hockey history.
It was always fun to discuss and compare Leo to other
Goan goalkeepers just as Sacru and later Olympio.
According to many observers, Leo was incomparable to
the other Goans and, in fact, to many who donned India
I have no recollection of seeing Leo in action, but I
probably saw him when I went to the games as a child
with my dad. 
Since I didn't see Leo play, my favourite remains
Laxman. I haven't seen Indian players in live action
on a field after 1983, but watched the Indian team on
TV at a few international tournaments. I also follow
the hockey scene reading Indian papers on the web, and
The Sportstat.
I hope Bandra remains the nursery of Mumbai's hockey
and make more contributions to the Indian team.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] re: reita faria

2006-06-14 Thread Eugene Correia
If the information on Reita Faria's height is right, I
am surprised.
Having met her when she was an intern at at GT
hospital in Mumbai, she seemed much taller than 5 ft 7
1/2 inches.
Need to cross-check this.


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[Goanet] re: article on immigrant, and book on south asian women

2006-06-07 Thread Eugene Correia
This is for those who like to read on immigration
crisis in US and related issues


Brains and borders

Here's a book on immigrant women

Dreams, Questions, Struggles: South Asian Women in
Britain. Amrit Wilson. Pluto Press, $37.95

From schoolgirls to matriarchs, single mothers to
extended families, and businesswomen to factory
workers, the experience of Asian women in Britain
today is polarised by class and religion. This book
explores the lives and struggles of two generations of
British Asian women to present a political account of
their experiences: personal and public, individual and
collective, their struggles take on power structures
within the family, the community and, on occasion, the
British state.
I am not sure if this is a new book or a new edition. 

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[Goanet] re: BBC past programmes on Goa

2006-06-07 Thread Eugene Correia

I know it does not matter whether Portugual recognizes
the liberation of Goa or not. The post was to
clarify the situation.
Portuguese leaders who have visited India and
everything is fine and dandy now between the two
countries. See how Portugal send Aby Salem back to
India to face trial?
Like all colonial powers, Portugal too has been the
victim of the march of democracy. Goa was a beacon for
many African nations to demand independence. This in
itself is a major contribution of India's take over of


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Re: [Goanet] Past BBC programmes on Goa

2006-06-05 Thread Eugene Correia
Marlon said that USA back Portugual during the Indian
army's march into Goa.
USA played a double role. In his memoirs, GK Galbraith
has explained it all. Nehru had Kennedy's backing.
However, Portuguese call on US to help them as NATO
ally fell on deaf ears.
Subsequent crying by Portugal was ignored by
As far as I know Portugal has not offically recognized
Goa's liberation. Portugal only restored diplomatic
relations which were cut off after 1961.


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[Goanet] review of The DaVinci Code

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

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Just after I had posted my views on The DaVinci Code,
afriend sent me this. I think it's from The New

The Da Vinci Code.
Issue of 2006-05-29
Posted 2006-05-22

The story of The Da Vinci Code goes lik  this. A
dead Frenchman is found laid out on th  floor of the
Louvre. His final act was to carve  number of bloody
markings into his own flesh  indicating, to the expert
eye, that he wa  preparing to roll in fresh herbs and
sear himsel  in olive oil for three minutes on each
side. This  however, is not the conclusion reached b 
Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), a professor o  symbology
at Harvard, who happens to be i  Paris. Questioned by
Bezu Fache (Jean Reno)  the investigating policeman at
the scene  Langdon starts rabbiting about pentacles an
 pagans and God knows what. But what does God know,
exactly? And can He keep His mouth shut?
Help arrives in the shape of Sophie Neveu (Audrey
Tautou), a police cryptographer. She turns out to be
the granddaughter of the deceased, and a dab hand at
reversing down Paris streets in a car the size of a
pissoir. This is useful, since she and Langdon are
soon on the run, convinced that Fache is about to nail
the professor on a murder charge-the blaming of
Americans, on any pretext, being a much loved Gallic
sport. Our hero, needing somebody to trust, does the
same dumb thing that every fleeing innocent has done
since Robert Donat in The Thirty-nine Steps. He and
Sophie visit a cheery old duffer in the countryside
and spill every possible bean. In this case, the
duffer is Sir Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen), who
lectures them on the Emperor Constantine and the
Council of Nicaea, in 325 A.D. We get a flashback to
the council in question, and I must say that, though I
have recited the Nicene Creed throughout my adult
life, I never realized that it was originally
formulated in the middle of a Beastie Boys concert.
Fache is not the only hunter on Langdon's scent. There
is also Silas (Paul Bettany), a cowled albino monk
whose hobbies include self-flagellation, multiple
homicide, and irregular Latin verbs. He works for Opus
Dei, the Catholic organization so intensely secretive
that its American headquarters are tucked away in a
seventeen-story building on Lexington Avenue. Silas
answers to Bishop Aringarosa (Alfred Molina), who in
turn answers to his cell phone, his Creator, and not
much else. Between them, they track Langdon and Sophie
to England, where a new villain, hitherto suspected by
nobody except the audience, is prevented from shooting
his quarry because, unusual for London, there is a
gaggle of nuns in the way-God's Work if ever I saw it,
although I wouldn't say so to a member of Opus Dei.
The task of the Bishop and his hit man is to thwart
the unveiling of what Teabing modestly calls the
greatest secret in modern history, so powerful that,
if revealed, it would devastate the very foundations
of Christianity. Later, realizing that this sounds a
little meek and mild, he stretches it to the greatest
coverup in human history. As a rule, you should
beware of any movie in which characters utter lines of
dialogue whose proper place is on the advertising
poster. (Just imagine Sigourney Weaver, halfway
through Alien, turning to John Hurt and explaining,
In space, no one can hear you scream.) There is a
nasty sense in The Da Vinci Code that, not unlike
Langdon, we are being bullied into taking its
pronouncements at face value. Such nagging has a
double effect. First, any chance to enjoy the
proceedings as hokum-as a whip-cracking quest along
the lines of Raiders of the Lost Ark-is rapidly
stifled and stilled. Second, one's natural reaction to
arm-twisters of any description is to wriggle free,
turn around, and kick them in the pentacles. So here
There has been much debate over Dan Brown's novel ever
since it was published, in 2003, but no question has
been more contentious than this: if a person of sound
mind begins reading the book at ten o'clock in the
morning, at what time will he or she come to the
realization that it is unmitigated junk? The answer,
in my case, was 10:00.03, shortly after I read the
opening sentence: Renowned curator Jacques Saunière
staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's
Grand Gallery. With that one word, renowned, Brown
proves that he hails from the school of
elbow-joggers-nervy, worrisome authors who can't stop
shoving us along with jabs of information 

[Goanet] link to award-winning story

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

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A friend in Canada won the second prize in the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's short story
Here's the link



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[Goanet] re: immigration

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

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There's been a lot of debate over immigration -- local
and foreign. As the US is in the midst of a crisis and
Canada under the Conservative Stephen Harper is also
turning into anti-minority, immigration is come under
fire from the right-wing forces.
Europe too has seen its share of troubles. Though the
US periodically breaks into mayhem over immigration,
Canada and Australia see the issue to the forefront
On the issue of a Toronto-based Tamil group banned for
its alleged terrorist links by the Canadian government
and the subsequest debate if the new government is
anti-immigrant, here's one quote from a Canadian list.

--Giacomo Cardinal Biffi, archbishop of Bologna, who
created a stir on September 12, 2000, by writing that:
The criteria for admitting immigrants can never be
just economic. It is necessary to concern oneself
seriously with saving the nation's own identity. Italy
is not a deserted land, without history, without
living and vital traditions, without an unmistakable
cultural and spiritual physiognomy, to be populated
indiscriminately, as if it were not a model legacy of
humanism and culture that must not be allowed to
I believe the bishop was talking of the period when
the wave of new immigrants was threatening Italy. The
quote's logic has been applied to keep out those
immigrants who do not fall into the category of
cultural ethos. 
Many in Goa feel that outsiders coming to settle in
Goa do not fall into the Goan cultural and social mix.
There's no doubt the indiscrimination on colour, race
and ethnicity prevails subtly in Canada, the ethnics
have made lot of progress.
The battle for equality continues to be fought in the
corridors of power and academia. Indo-Canadians have
been one of the groups in the forefront of this
To the new Conservative government's credit, a public
enquiry has been ordered into the Air India crash. The
ousted Liberals and before that the Mulroney
government had not found it necessary to set up a
The Harpen government have may scored a major
political point in gaining support from the
Indo-Canadians, who form part of the minority
Among the South Asians in Toronto, the Tamils (most of
them from Sri Lanka) were close to overcoming the
Sikhs in terms of population.


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[Goanet] RE: The Da Vince Code (Hightlights)- The Mind only .....

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

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Saw the film yesterday and found it drab in content.
However, the direction was superb. Ron Howard, the
director, is able to play with a difficult subject
There was laughter when the historian Sir Leigh
Teabing says to Audrey Tautou that she is the last
living descendant of Jesus. I would term it as black
As critics have noted, Tom Hanks plays a lifeless
Harvard Prof. Robert Langdon. He seems a confused man
and moves about aimlessly throughout the movie.

That the heroine is indeed the Holy Grail is another
comic element. She at last finds her home in a
priory (a place where missionaries live) where the
story tells us she really belongs.

The Opus Dei undertone are also comical in part. The
monk is becomes a murderer and the Archbiship
Aringorosa are whacky characters.

The explanation of the Last Supper with Mary Magdalene
next to Jesus and the theory that she was pregnant and
migrated to France seems ridiculous. 

Since I haven't read the book, I am not sure how much
it follows the book. 

The movie cannot be considered as a serious film
and, in fact, seems a partial parody on the Church.
The superfluous mixes with fantasy and fiction
overides truth.

It's a curious film that one should watch for what it
tries to define, among other things, that Jesus was
human. A school of thought on Jesus's humanity is
very much in existence. So, no surprise here.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Re: The Da Vince Code

2006-06-01 Thread Eugene Correia

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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As the debate over the book and movie rages on, and
according to one post quoting a book that says Jesus
married and lived in France, I wish to point out to
another book, Jesus Died in Kashmir, by a German
historian (I don't have the book with me right now).
The book is available in English translation.
One of the British magazines many years ago carried
the photo of Jesus tomb in Kashmir and also the family
who claim to be Jesus's descendants.
Some believe that the 13-year gap in the Bible is that
of Jesus visiting Asia and ending up in India. These
Kashmiri families believe Jesus never returned to his
home town but settled down in the valley, married and
raised children.
I wish to see the Code in a day or two. I have glaced
through the book. However, I bought and read the Holy
Blood and Holy Grail many years ago.
In Toronto I also watched a movie Mary of Magdala (I
am not sure if I have got the name correctly) even as
protestors pleaded with me not to go into the theatre.
Also having watched The Passion of Christ and many
other Jesus-based movies, my faith has not been shaken
a bit.
In the name of Jesus, I remain a convinced Catholic.

eugene correia

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[Goanet] re:Developments in Goan NRI Affairs

2006-06-01 Thread Eugene Correia

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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It's not Felicitation but FACILITATION.


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[Goanet] re: Nelly Furtado

2006-05-22 Thread Eugene Correia
As far as I know, Nelly Furtado is from Portugal
(Azores) who was brought up in Vancouver, and later
moved to Toronto. 
I have watched her live performance once in Toronto
when she had just made big news with her first album.
I remember reading that she wants to visit India,
particularly Goa, as she had heard much about the
little state.

Eugene Correia

Michael Ali writes:

Nelly Furtado's third album 'Loose' will be released
on June 20, 
2006. The
follow up to 2003's 'Folklore', 'Loose' includes the
'Man-eaters as
well as a duet with Latin pop superstar Juanes, and
the song 
'All Good
Things' which features Coldplay's frontman, Chris

Nelly Furtado, a Bombay Goan left India to settle in
Canada when 
she was
three years old.

Mike Ali

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[Goanet] NRI minister's views, and news

2006-05-07 Thread Eugene Correia
Emirates Evening Post -- May 5

Machine Readable Passpopts will reduce chances of
forgery and speed up immigration clearance
By Rayeesa Absal

 Abhu Dhabi -- I n a move aimed at speeding up
consular passport services, the Indian Embassy
launched its first Machine Readable Pass ports (MRP)
yesterday. Eventually, all Indian passports are
expected to be machine readable.
 The embassy plans to gradually replace old
passports with MRPs whenever citizens submit passports
for services like renewal or changing personal
details. The new computerised consular wing
(electronic consular facilities) at the embassy was
inaugurated by the Indian Minister for Overseas
Affairs Vayalar Ravi, in the presence of Indian
Ambassador C.M. Bhandari. The new wing has been
launched in view of the increasing volume of consular
work at the embassy and to ensure parity with
international standards and norms.
  Ravi also handed out Overseas Citizenship of
India (OCI) cards. So far, 28 applications have been
received for OCI cards, of which five are under
process and the rest are ready for delivery, according
to the embassy.
 The launching took place after the Indian
Government granted recognition to the new system,
which is expected to reduce chances of forgery and
 The computerisation of consular facilities will
also reduce chances of human error, besides increasing
productivity and promising faster immigration
clearance. New passports and other passportrelated
services usually take five working days to be
 Abu Dhabi is the final stopover in Ravi's UAE
visit, also bringing to a close his week-long visit to
the Gulf countries. As part of his visit, the minister
met with several prominent members of the Indian
community including representatives and leaders of
major Indian organis in the UAE.
Turn to Page 7 for 2 sive interview with Ravi.

 big demand
 Passport-related services sought over the past
five yea
 Year   New Passports   Other Services
 2001   26,582  5151
 2002   30,856  4575
 2003   41,378  5537
 2004   42,012  6674
 2005   37,226  6598
'Workers need protection'
By Kiran Bajwa

DUBAI On his maiden visit to the UAE as Indian
Minister for Overseas Affairs, Vayalar Ravi has a
packed schedule. During his three-day stay, he will
meet Indian workers as well as attend a number of
functions in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In an exclusive
interview, Ravi spoke about a range of issues
concerningIndian expatriates. Excerpts from the

You have been talking about amending the Indian
Emigration Act to protect immigrants. What sort of
amendments do you propose?
We are trying to provide teeth to the act. By making
it a strict act, we will be able to protect poor
jobseekers from the nexus of agents. I want to put
unscrupulous agents behind bars and punish them
What is the status of the modernisation of Protector
of Emigrants Office? Do you think this would
streamline its functioning, making it more transparent
and effective?
It is done. Our offices have been fully computerised.
All our embassies can access labourer records in a
fraction of a second. This has made the office's
functioning effective and has opened more branches in
north Indian states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Around Rs 400 crore is lying with the Protector of
Emigrants Office. Don't you think that the interest
earned on this amount should be sent to Indian
missions to help
needy expatriate workers?
I have to look into the details about how the money
can be utilised. If relevant provisions are there, we
will definitely avail of them.

What is the status of the Smart Card issuing process?
Will you will able to meet the September 30 deadline?
We are trying to complete the process of issuing Smart
Cards at the earliest but I don't think we will be
able to meet our deadline of September 30. We need to
extend it. Smart Cards will make it easier for Indians
in foreign countries (NRIs, overseas workers) to enter
or exit the country.

Given the growing prostitution racket in the Gulf, are
you planning to introduce strict rules for single
females coming here?
We are working on this issue with various
organisations like the National Women's Commission. We
suggest that women avoid coming here alone. We won't
allow single women below the age of 30 years to come
here. We need to build awareness among women to combat
this racket. Strict measures are required to check
this abuse.

How many complaints have you received in this regard?
I cannot give you figures offhand but we have been
receiving complaints, mostly from Saudi Arabia and

During your recent Doha visit you told Indian
ambassadors in Gulf countries to send you reports
about the working conditions of Indian labourers. Have
you received these reports?
I receive these reports regularly. We are getting
complaints about certain issues 

[Goanet] who is NRI?

2006-05-06 Thread Eugene Correia
The Emirates Evening Post carried an interview with
Indian Minister for Overseas Affairs, Vayalar Ravi, in
Friday's edition. I will scan and post it on Sunday.
A sidebox to the story.
At a luncheon hosted by the Indian Business and
Professional Council, a business, Vashu Shroff, asked:
Who are NRIs? Businessmen like us or poor labourers?
They have genuine problems, which need to be
addressed. We don't have such problems but are
complaining. We have money to solve our issues but
labourers find it difficult to ear their bread and
butter here and also face problems back home.
Excerpts from the Interview

Ravi said that the introduction of the Smart Card,
which was to be introduced by Sept, would have to be
extended as the formalities may not be completed by
the deadline. Smart CAr wil meke it easier for NRS to
enter or exit the country.
On the status of the Protector of Emigrants Office, he
said the offices have been fully computerized. All
our embassies can access labourer records in a
fraction of a second. This has made the office's
functioning effective and check malpracties
He was asked what the government is doing regaridngt
the growing prostitution racked in the Gulf with
reference to singles women coming into the region.
His reply: We are working on this issues with various
organisations like the National Women's Commission. We
suggest that women avoid coming here alone. We won't
allow single women below the age of 30 to come

He said he has recieved lots of complaints, mostly
from Saudi Arabia and Muscat, regarding this issue.

He advised Indian labourers not to resort to protest
like the one witnessed in Dubai very recently against
one company. He said the government would also take up
the issue of sponsors/emplouers keeping the labourers'
documents with them. 

I believe the documents are passports.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs views

2006-05-05 Thread Eugene Correia
Gulf News -- May 5

Rogue agents' racket must be broken, says Indian
By Sunita Menon, Staff Reporter

Dubai: The nexus of dishonest agents extends from
India to the Gulf countries, said an Indian minister

I am quite aware of how the unskilled and
semi-skilled Indian labourers are being duped by
dishonest agents. The first priority is to break this
racket. This can be achieved if governments of various
countries work in close cooperation, said Vayalar
Ravi, Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs, at a
luncheon meeting organised by the Indian Business and
Professional Group (IBPG). 

An estimated 200 Indian businessmen and professionals
attended and interacted with the minister who is on a
three-day visit to the UAE. He praised the Indian
consul general Yash Sinha for his efforts here.

A four-page memorandum outlining issues like the need
for identity cards for Gulf Non-Resident Indians
(NRIs), return air tickets for stranded and destitute
NRIs against the deposit given to the Immigration
Department in India, and the need to launch a
self-employment scheme for Gulf returnees was also
presented to the minister by senior Indian businessman
and social worker, Bharatbhai Shah. 

During his stay he will hold discussions with various
UAE ministers, the Indian diaspora, various Indian
organisations and the media.

Ravi said that there are an estimated 400,000 Indian
nationals who work as blue-collar workers in the Gulf
countries. The priority of my ministry is to find
solutions to the problems faced by thousands of Indian
blue collar workers. I am aware of the helplessness
faced by an Indian labourer whose passport and other
documents are taken away from him by unscrupulous
agents the moment he gets out of the airport. I have
also received feedback on the issues faced by Indian
nationals by the Indian missions overseas, he said.

Answering a question about Indian labourers going on
the rampage, he said: Violence of any sort is not
welcomed. The Indian workforce enjoys a reputation of
being peace-loving. The matter will be discussed with
concerned authorities in the UAE.

According to statistics provided by the minister,
licences of 120 agents were cancelled in the last
three years because of their bad records. There are
about 4,580 registered recruiting agents in India of
which 2,500 are in active business.

Regarding granting voting rights to Non-Resident
Indians (NRIs) in the Gulf, Ravi said that the Bill
granting voting rights is already introduced in the
Parliament. Once the Bill gets cleared it will help
NRIs to exercise their right to vote provided they are
present in the country during elections, he said.


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[Goanet] goanet progesses as new voices are heard

2006-05-04 Thread Eugene Correia
It's nice to hear new voices on goanet. Maybe a year
or more I lamented the absence of female voices which
were once loud and clear. Oldtimers will remember
them, so I need not name them.
Elizabeth is a good replacement to those who have now
become inactive. She gives back as much as she takes.
And that too in rapid-fire action.
Though Mario has been around for sometime now, I still
consider him a new voice. He surely replaces some of
the old ones.
I wish I could keep pace with the debates over
religion, reservations, NRI voting rights, etc. that
have marked goanet over the past few months.
Since I get a digest version, I think I lag behind. I
am thinking of gearing up to meet the new challenges
of the new voices by  diving into the debate, even
if I have too with my legs first in.
The debate are tense and engaging, and I wish some of
them involved deeply in their point-and-counter-point
arguments leave personal remarks aside.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] goa stall at dubai travel show

2006-05-04 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
i was informed that dr. willy was in dubai with a
delegation for the arabian travel market. i visited
the goa stand as part of the india pavilion, but did
not find the good old doctor.
however, met the director of tourism, sandip jacques.
today (thurs) morning dr. willy was to address a press
conference but i could not attend.
also with the delegation is victor albuquerque
promoting health tourism.


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[Goanet] film on usa sikh family - sorry, not related to Goa

2006-05-04 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
not related to Goa, but felt goans living in usa would
be keen to watch it.


Acclaimed short film about a Sikh American family
after 9/11 
premieres on PBS' Independent Lens starting Tuesday,
May 9, 2006.


American Made (http://americanmadethemovie.com) is a
story about a 
Sikh American family in the aftermath of 9/11.

When the Singh family's car breaks down in the desert,
Ranjit tells 
his father that no one will stop to help because he
looks like a 

What follows is the heart-rending struggle between a
father and son 
and a larger exploration of faith, tradition,
acceptance, and what 
it means to be 'American' today.

Told with humanity and humor, American Made has won
seventeen awards 
from film festivals around the world.

It will likely be the first fictional film about Sikh
Americans post-
9/11 on national television.

Director Sharat Raju's next project is a full-length
film Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath
film.com) to be released in Fall 2006.

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[Goanet] re: NRI voting rights -- an article

2006-05-01 Thread Eugene Correia
I scanned this article from the recent issue of The
International Indian magazine.

NRI Voting: The dilemma of rights

A beginning has been made and though the final outcome
remains unknown, the voice of the NRI community is
already being heard beyond the ballot boxes.
The voices of the NRI community in the Gulf States are
yet to find a place in the Indian electoral process
that is uncomfortable with the uncertainty of the
consequences such a step might have in determining the
course of governance in India.
The issue has long been side stepped with a measured
caution and empty assurances from politicians, mainly
citing procedural difficulties in implementing a
mechanism for NRIs to participate in the electoral
However, there is an estimated 20 million NRIs spread
across the world of which almost 4 million resides in
the Gulf States alone. Many of them have been
industriously investing in commercial establishments,
hospitals and residential complexes, contributing
positively to a growing economy. It is estimated that
every year the state of Kerala alone receives almost
Rs 24,000 crores in repatriation with the NRIs in the
Gulf region on the whole contributing an estimated $6
billion worth of remittance to the India exchequer.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has now categorically
pointed out that Gulf Indians have a convincing
political basis in demanding voting rights and that
the government would be taking appropriate measures in
this regard at the earliest. He further elaborated
Most of them have immediate families back in India
and have thus a vital stake in local governance,
including the issue of who would represent them in the
state assembly or the national parliament.
Will the Indian government finally grant voting right
to Gulf's NRIs?
Gulf NRI demands have also found support in the Kerala
chief minister Oommen Chandy, who feels that: Being
Indian nationals, these NRIs should be allowed to
exercise their franchise. NRls in the Gulf region have
contributed significantly to the economy of Kerala and
there is a pressing need to recognize their
contribution. He has further recommended to the
Centre to make sure that the voters' list includes all
the names of Indian passport holders in the Gulf
The government to demonstrate its sincerity on the
issue soon followed up the pledge with a Cabinet note
being drafted with the final decision on the matter
being the responsibility of the Union Cabinet.
What seems to be a simple issue on the surface in
which the right to vote is a constitutional right of
every citizen, at the same time is a privilege that
must be exercised with responsibility and a clear
understanding of the Indian political system.
Therefore, while Indians living outside the country
and holding an Indian passport are certainly entitled
to be allowed the right to vote in elections
ethically, the Indian constitution does not evidently
have a provision to implement it in practice.
The constitution under Section 20(8) (d) read with
Section 20(3) of the RP Act, 1950 states that NRI
citizens who are employed under the Government of
India are qualified to be registered as voters.
However, according to the Constitution of India,
Section 19, of the Representation of Peoples Act,
1950, clearly points out that only a person who is
resident in a constituency is entitled to be
registered in the electoral roll of that
constituency. So, the first step to consider in NRI
voting is the amendment of the law by the parliament
without which any initiative would not have value or
The seeds of corruption have also long been allowed to
erode through the sanctity of the electoral process,
therefore making it difficult to imagine a transparent
mechanism in which NRIs will be allowed to be an
effective part of the electoral process.
There is a certain amount of political idealism in
demanding voting rights for NRI with the belief that
it will somehow make the Indian government more
accountable and change things for the better. It
certainly is a possibility but a somehow distant
optimism given the existent realities of Indian
politics and law.
There is also a certain amount of risk in conducting
India's state assembly or national elections in the
Gulf region, where the perception of Indians is that
of a hardworking and generally a peaceful community
posing almost negligible threat to the Government. But
granting the opportunity to participate in local and
national elections in India could radically change
that perception as political divisions creep in and
Indian political parties wrestle to make an
impression. The situation will be made further
unstable by the fact that politics in India is not
issue based but fueled by class, caste and religion.
While in India, this is seen as part of the political
process, in a foreign land it is sure to be
scrutinized as a threat and will in some way disturb
the unity and attitudes of the expatriate community.
There is also a demand by 

[Goanet] NRI voting rights

2006-04-30 Thread Eugene Correia
A lot of debate on the NRI voting right. As the
situation stands right now, the Indian government has
assured that the NRIs, particularly those in the Gulf
areas, will get voting rights.
Kerala has fully backed the centre's decision. But
when it will happen has not been said. It will take
time, just as it took couple of years for the
government to give okay to dual citizenship to PIOs.
As one of the goanetters metioned India woke up late
to the PIO/NRI potential for investments, it is rather
the work of New York-based Friends of the BJP who got
the then BJP-led government to take steps in this
The New York-based Global Organization of People of
Indian Origin (GOPIO) was probably the first to moot
the idea of dual citizenship. They used lot of
pressure on the BJP government. Pravasi Divas was the
result of the hard lobbying.
The Congress government had little choice but to
follow the path set by the former government. Doing
otherwise would bring on the wrath of the PIOs.
Now that the ball has been set rolling, it is slowly
but surely gathering moss. Patience is vital. 
Next step, as GOPIO has demanded, is for
representation in Parliament. It's a tall order. Maybe
it won't happen in the near future, but possibly in
the long run.
The jump for dual citizenship to PIO/NRIs MPs is going
to be a long jump. I don't see the need for such.
Selfless Indian-Americans, especially the strong
groups in New York and California, are keen on it.
Let's wait and see.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Eduardo Faleiro's statement on NRI issues

2006-04-13 Thread Eugene Correia
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

From Eduardo Faleiro's press statement on NRI issues,
it seems he is seized of the matter, some of which
were raised again with the visiting NRI delegation to
the Gulf.
In the light of what he says, it is obvious that the
NRI team's trip gained nothing valuable. He has set
the ball rolling and hope there will be answers from
official quarters such as the Overseas Ministry.
Now the main question is: Should NRGs address their
queries directly to Faleiro or go through the NRI Goa
FC? Maybe some will find it best to send to both.
With Faleiro in a full-time job, and with the NRI Goa
FC being run by volunteers, I think it would be wise
to depend on Faleiro to deliver the answers.
From his statement it also seems he enjoys the CM's

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] travel piece on Palolem, Goa

2006-04-11 Thread Eugene Correia
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Travel -- What's On (Dubai) May, 2006

Bhaji on the Beach

Ayurvedic massage, wheatgrass shots, 6am yoga, colonic
flushes - Palolem beach in southern Goa is the
ultimate soul-cleansing holiday. So Gareth Roberts
watched it all from the bar with a Kingfisher and a

Excuse me, miss, the carpet here seems to be soaking
wet, I said, squishing my feet into the expanding
dark stain for effect. Our 737 is 15 minutes out of
Dubai and still ascending and 1 can feel thin tendrils
of fear brush the back of my neck. Water and
electronics, not a good mix, especially at 30,000
feet. I shout to the flight attendant. Don't worry
it's nothing, we can get you another seat she shouts
back from the jump seat in front of the Executive
Class seating.
The seatbelt light pings and almost immediately the
wall mounted cinema screen crackles into life - so
begins two hours of in-flight entertainment
Bollywood-style -- West Side  Story meets Four
Weddings and a Funeral. With car chases. My
three-year-old daughter is so enthralled she has
stopped eating the toothpaste she fished out of the
complimentary wash bag while nobody was looking.
Two song-and-dance hours later the plane descends into
Goa. First, the dark cyan waters of the Arabian Sea,
then the black, palm-spiked rocks of mainland India
and then lots of dark lush green. After Dubai's
halogen landscape, Goa wraps itself around you like a
leafy primordial boa. The friends we're meeting here
appear from nowhere, bouncing up the stairs their
faces beaming the internationally recognisable smile
of people who have three weeks off work.
We've got a taxi booked, it’s great, you'll love it.
I'm worried. Fully loaded, our taxi --which from a
distance looked like a people carrier from any
international airport until you realise it's not that
far away, its, right in front of you, it's very, very
small -- shuffled out of the airport and gripped the
black tarmac road that snaked over the hill into the
rolling dense forests of Goa. The first night was
spent only a few clicks from the airport as the next
day half our party went on a shopping expedition to
Mumbai to stock up on exotic material and discount
Once in Goa, we discover The Coconut Creek Hotel
really is set in a coconut grove and swisher than the
website photos suggest. The shaded terraces,
respectfully raised to only half the height of the
massive palm trees, jostle for space by the pool. The
chalets wed booked online are spacious and well
appointed - each has a small terrace leading to the
pool and bar where your next beer is only a wave away.
Thee owner, a feisty Scot with a penchant for pub
quizzes, has a well-honed sense of what constitutes
good service welcoming guests personally and offering
great tips (garnered from 20-years in the region) on
how to get the most out of the area in two weeks -
most of which is lost by our third Honey Bee - an
innocent-sounding brandy concoction that demolishes
the senses with the zeal of a cyclone.
Come dusk and the mosquitoes come out to play. These
sneaky black monsters have evolved biting skills that
made light work of my clothes and repellent. But I was
only bitten twice in two weeks and they work short
shifts - Deet is recommended, swatting is optional.
The Coconut Creek seems entirely occupied by
returnees. Sean Davies a sunburnt taxi driver from
Dorset, England visits twice a year with his wife, 
It's incredibly calm here, I'm happy to just sit down
by the beach watching the surf, Id move here if I
The next day, we pile into another tin-can taxi and
head down the coast to Palolem. Regarded as one of the
world's great beaches, Palolem is a three-mile
crescent of platinum sand in a bay carved by gentle
surf, monitored by a million impossibly angled coconut
palms. When the breeze picks up, they sway like drunk
supermodels - all big hair and stick thin bodies. Our
bamboo hut is like a cast-off from a bad Tarzan movie.
The huts double in number every year, sporting names
that range from the mundane Beach Huts to the
comically exotic Mr Jane's Marigold Chalets to the
baffling iPod Villa Music Huts. Each year they build
them and at the end of the season they tear them down
and burn them.
The beach is home to hundreds of motorcycle taxis,
rickshaws and hole-in-the-wall shops selling
everything from sarongs to vodka to racy cassettes.
The town of Bakti Kutir is on a hill overlooking the
bay through palms so dense that under a full moon, it
looks like a bar-code plantation. There's a mad
selection of therapeutic treatments but `Panic Yoga'
catches my eye. As I 

[Goanet] lynn's view on Indian media

2006-04-10 Thread Eugene Correia
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
I recently came across Lynn de Souza's name in
Campaign Middle East weekly, which is published in
Dubai and has arrangement with Campaign UK. Probably
Lynn's piece was taken from the UK edition.

Eugene Correia

Campaign -- INSIDER'S VIEW 

A combination of Western aspirations and traditional
Indian values is driving a booming media industry,
Lynn de Souza says

   There is an optimistic buoyancy in the air. It
weaves through the endless traffic jams, dug-up roads
and construction chaos in our cities like an army of
ants, moving relentlessly forward. Nothing can hold it
back. Bomb blasts, earthquakes, tidal waves and
thunderstorms are but minor blips, brushed aside. A
bright future beckons, calling Indians all over the
world, in her cities, her villages and her diaspora,
to come and contribute to its making and participate
in the takings.
   The media and entertainment industry has
transformed itself in the past ten years and it will
do so again twice over in the next ten months. Already
the value of advertising and promotional inventory
used by this industry exceeds that of all the FMCG
players combined, making it the most advertised
category in the country. The best talent from
marketing, communication and advertising companies is
being drawn to this sector, fascinated by its growth
prospects, its high energy and creativity levels and,
of course, the attractive pay packets made possible by
bullish foreign and Indian investors in this sector.
   A sprinkling of private FM radio stations in nine
cities gave a boost to this ailing medium six years
ago, doubling its reach inside two years. Imagine what
the 330 new FM radio licences spread all over the
country, bagged by 29 large players, some with
internationally proven capabilities,will do to its
popularity. India has gone cellular faster than the
West: 70 million users of mobile phones, living in
remote villages and metropolitan multi-storey towers,
are a mind-boggling marketing and communication
   The US$4.3 billion TV industry is set to reach
US$9.5 billion by 2010, making it the largest medium
by then, overtaking even print. Directto-home TV is
already here, but the big stakes are around the corner
in mid-2006, when Tata Sky launches.
   The regional local-language players have arguably
been the most successful in recent years. India can
boast the newspaper with the highest daily readership
in the world - the 150-year-old Dainik Jagran,
published from more than 30 centres in the Hindi belt,
has a National Readership Survey readership of more
than 20 million per day.
   A youthful India, still grounded in traditional
family values, has never had it so good. While the
materialism of the West has enabled us to aspire to a
better life, centuries of ingrained tolerance have
taught us to keep our feet on the ground.
   Even as George Bush promises to increase the number
of HIB visas to the US, a reverse brain drain has
begun with Indian business process outsourcing
services as diversified as medical transcriptions to
data analytics to ad copy.
The ants march on. Maybe they will swallow up the
elephant sooner than we think.

Lynn de Souza is the director of Lintas Media Group,

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[Goanet] nri associations

2006-04-07 Thread Eugene Correia
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Vivian asked me in an email if I know of NRI
associations in Goa. I was told by Brig. D'Costa that
there are some associations but he mentioned Jerome's
association. Floriano has added to the information
that Rene wants or has started one and that Vivian may
be thinking of starting another one.
In an earlier post, Vivian said he is no longer and
NRI, having settled in Goa. I believe Vivian has tried
to find out about these associations but without
I suggest he contact Brig. D'Costa or Dourado. Someone
on this forum requested for the emails of the three
NRI FC members, and I too would like to have them.
Perhaps, Wilson Coelho could provide Dourado's email.
Another point, I saw just a couple of netters replying
to my post on the NRI Dubai meet. So far, there's no
one who has either supported the idea of a petition to
the government to disband the NRI FC. 
It's such apathy on the part of NRGs that the NRI FC
members take the NRGs for granted. NRGs should not be
differential to those in authority.
When the central government has bent over backwards to
meet most of the demands of the NRIs/PIOs, the
attitude of the Goa government needs to change. The
Kerala government often sends delegation to the Gulf
headed by a minister. Having attended a couple of
their meetings, the debate among the officials and
NRKs is tense and heated.
No doubt the NRKs have a large number in the Middle
East and a big economic force, the Kerala government
has little choice but to listen to them. The NRK
remittances to Kerala is much, much more than the NRG
remittances to Goa.
I don't know if there is need for an NRI association
based in Goa. Once the the NRI FC website is updated
and functioning, as Dourado promised he would do in a
short time, NRGs could send their complaints, problems
to the centre. 
Dourado, however, said that for any news item or for
any NRG issue the website may receive thousands of
posts. He said there is no staff to handle it.
About NRI associations in Goa, there must be further
thinking. I hope others contribute to the debate.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] nri meet afterthoughts

2006-04-06 Thread Eugene Correia
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Here are some afterthoughts. As for hockey in Goa, it
was the late Aniceto Fernandes, founder of Goan
Sports, who formed and promoted both the men's and
women's association. One of the charges against him
was that he was based in Mumbai and running the sport
from Mumbai. However, it was Govind S. Waglo who more
or less looked after the administrative side.
Just to give the women's side, the players were not
happy with the state of affairs. They approached
Herculano Dourado to spearhead the opposition to the
office-bearers and probably also to take over the
association in the hope he would put the house in
order.  He couldn't do much because Shashikala
Kakodkar was the president of the women's association.
At least for some terms, the president of the men's
was the director-general or the inspector-general of
police, who is a freedom fighter and whose name
escapes me now.
It's ironic that Herculano is behaving more
dictatorial that Aniceto was. So just as others who
now want to kick-start hockehy in Goa and would also
probably like someone else to take over the reins,
they can't do much. Like Dourado is close to KPS Gill,
Aniceto was close to late Kartar Singh who domminated
India's women's hockey. In fairness to Aniceto, he did
give hockey a push in Goa. But things deteriorated
later on. Aniceto also played a big role in football
with his very close relationship with Ziauddin, the
AIFF secretary and also secterary of WIFA, and BM
Parkhot and Unni.
I met a couple of past women players and asked them
what they feel now that the man that wanted to change
the state of women's hockey has now ruined it. One of
them was silent and the other just nodded her head. 
I have seen enough of Goa's sports, though not from
close quarters. I had often had quarells with both
Aniceto and Waglo. In fact, it was Kartar Singh who
ruined my relationship with Aniceto. I and Aniceto
never talked till his death. I paid a visit to his
house on the day he died and also attended his
Coming to Dourado, I feel the man could be more suited
to sit on committees dealing with labour issues. But
like many politicians, they have their fingers in
different pies. In India, just as politics and
religion make a heady mix, politics and sports is
another giddy tonic.
The NRI associations in Goa and Goan groups abroad,
particularly in the Gulf, must demand a new set-up
under Eduardo Faleiro. An online petition is one best
way to start with. Since I hear of only one NRI
association in Goa, run by Jerome Mendes, it would be
nice if this body takes the responsiblity of posting a
petition on the www.petitiononline.com. I am ready to
draft one and sent to others who can want to take a
look at it and make the necessary suggestions before
posting it on the internet. Let's start the ball

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] The NRI Meet in Dubai -- My Take (Part II and Last)

2006-04-04 Thread Eugene Correia
The NRI Meet in Dubai -- My Take (Part II and last)

by Eugene Correia

A student said she wanted to join the medical college
in Goa but she had to pay Rs 25 lakhs for admission. I
am not sure if she said these fees were for students
of NRI parents under NRI quota. Dourado joked that
paying so much would mean she won't have anything
remaining for her dowry. When Dourado began his
replies at the end of the question session, the
student was gone. He explained that there is now an
entrance test for all students, no matter what they
score at the exams. He said he would check with the
authorities and asked participants if they could
contact the student so he could get her email. A paper
was circulated to get each of the participants' email
but obviously she left before she could put her's
Dourado, as quoted by the paper, slammed the visit of
previous NRI members, obviously the one led by Keni,
the chairman. No doubt Keni and other members came on
invitation, but I didn't see any reason why Dourado
had to criticize the group. I think Dourado is
coveting Keni's post. Though Dourado and Keni, along
with the other members, owe it to the Parikar
government for being on the executive committee, I
don't know if Keni enjoyed or enjoys the BJP support.
Now that the political regime has changed and Dourado
being a Congressman, it won't be a surprise if Keni is
kicked out and Dourado takes his place.
From my attendance of the 2005 Gomant Vishwa
Sammellan, I could see tensions between the Catholic
members and the Hindu members of the executive
committee. There was lot of backbiting. I wish anyone
who attended this year's convention could throw more
light on the proceedings. Maybe goanet carried some
posts on it and I obviously missed it. The Keni group
was entertained in Dubai by one of the goanetters who
is no longer active on this forum. I must say that the
informal gathering at the goanetter's place was much
cordial and interactive than the one that was
conducted by the Dourado group. There was the
secretary taking notes, unlike at this meeting where
all three were taking notes.
Brigadier D'Costa spoke saying that we must proceed
forward and lot look back. He said that as a soldier
he always keeps hopes. When I asked him in private
before the meeting on the general NRI scene in Goa, he
said there were some associations and they were
confusion among them.
Dourado also lectured on unity among NRI Goans, and at
one point remarked that if there are three Goans,
there are four associations. This is hackneyed
remark. One of the participants suggested that NRGs
should form pressure groups to influence the
government. Well, the reason the NRI Facilitation
Centre is set up is precisely to act as a pressure
or lobby on behalf of NRGs. Besides, there's an
advisory committee, on which the Kuwait representative
is Wilson Coelho, who organized the meeting there.
There's one Joaquim D'Souza for Dubai, but he
obviously wasn't present at the meeting. No
information was given whether he was contacted by the
group, since it was Pravin who worked to put the meet
These representatives are supposed to gather
complaints and forwarded it to the centre.
The Emirates Post reporter George asked Dourado if
they had contacted the Indian consulate, and Dourado
said no. I think if Dourado or Pravin had asked the
consulate for space to hold a meeting, I am sure it
would have been granted. George also said there is no
Goan officer in the consulate as there are from other
communities to deal with respective community groups
in Dubai. Dourado seemed amazed and said it could be a
coincidence that there are officers belonging to
different ethnic groups, as he had not aware that this
is the norm in selecting these officers. George is a
former media advisor to the Indian embassy in Abu
When Dourado said that the political scene in Goa is
such there is corruption, George asked him if he could
go on record. Dourado tried to wriggle out of the
situation saying he has to tell the people the truth
but doesn't want to be quoted. He said that the media
wasn't invited for the meeting, and though George came
on his own will on reading about the meeting in the
Gulf News, Dourado welcomed him. He told George to
understand the situation when reporting about the
It was George who suggested that the Goa government
think about starting a steamer service to meet the
demand of the NRGs since there is only an Air India
direct flight to Goa. The Indian Airlines fly to Goa
via Kerala. Dourado explained that the airlines being
commercial they would rightly seek to know the if it
was financial viable for the airlines to increase
direct flights, in the case of Air India, or start new
ones instead of going via Kerala. Dourado said he,
along with Dr. Willy, was responsible in having a
direct flight from Kuwait to Goa.
On the question of identity cards for NRGs, Dourado
said they should apply for PIO cards. I informed him
that PIO cards are only

[Goanet] NRI Meet in Dubai - My Take -- Part I

2006-04-03 Thread Eugene Correia
The NRI meet in Dubai -- My Take (Part I)

by Eugene Correia

The reports on the visit of the three-member team from
the NRI Facilitation Centre to the Gulf is not
flattering. I have no information about the meeting in
Abu Dhabi. 
The Kuwait meeting report by Rabindra Pimenta and The
Emirates Evening Post report show that many Goans did
not want to come and those who were present were not
happy at the result.
In a post before the team's visit I had echoed the
same sentiments expressed by Godfrey Gonsalves that
the trip is a waste of time and money. What made the
Goa government to undertake this mission so early to
the next Gomant Vishwa Samellan is beyond my
understanding. I can infer that whoever suggested this
trip wanted to come to the Gulf at the government's
cost before there could be change of scenario with the
appointment of Eduardo Faleiro as NRI Commissioner.
Since Faleiro is still awaiting Terms of Reference to
his appointment, as reported here on goanet, some wise
members wanted to jump the gun and enjoy this joy
The Emirates story say how the Dubai meeting was
conducted. I can go further and say that I was very
disapointed with Herculano Dourado's handling of the
meeting. Before the meeting I enquired with him about
what would be the centre's position vis-a-vis Faleiro
and he told me that they had met Faleiro before the
trip. He also informed the gathering that the team had
two meetings with Faleiro. However, he requested me
not to raise questions regarding the issue of
relationship between the centre and the Faleiro.
I did not raise because at the start of the meeting
Dourado specified that he was only seeking to hear
problems and suggestions from NRGs. Besides, it was
getting late and people were leaving the room because
for many the next day (Saturday. I learnt about the
meeting just one hour before its scheduled time 7:30
pm and that too from a person I just called to talk
about something personal. The person told me that the
meeting's annoucement appeared in Gulf News, which I
hadn't read that morning.
When a person asked Dourado to give background
information on the centre, he began by saying that it
was formed three or four years ago. I tried to point
out that the NRI Facilitation Cell was its forerunner,
but he cut me short saying that he will sit down and I
can come and tell the people about the centre.  His
impatience to listen and also the tone of his voice
made it clear to me that Dourado was going to conduct
the meeting in an authorative manner. It was not
something I expected of him when I raised a point of
order. As I think of it and begin to understand his
behaviour, I feel I shouldn't have been surprised at
all. I will later provide examples to show how Dourado
has ruled over some organizations to the detriment of
the organization's interests.
When Pravin, the person who sort of coordinated the
meeting, raised an issue and asked the people if what
he said was true or not, Dourado admonished him by
telling him not to be a populist. Mind you, Pravin,
as president of the Goan Sodality Group in the St.
Mary's Church, went out of his way to get a church
hall and also to get the church to make an
announcement of the meeting, but both were denied. He
said he called many people to come but few turned up. 
Dourado said that since no local groups could arrange
a hall, the delegation members booked the hotel room
from their own money. He said emphatically twice that
he wanted to have the meeting at all cost to show that
the team really cared for NRGs. But much later he
admitted that the team found a benefactor in Nelson
Silveira, who is known for his support of Goan
football and also as the financier of the football
team Vaxim Divar. Nelson paid the room's Dirhams 500
Obviously, the team wanted to have the meeting at all
cost or they would have lost face. One of the members
told me before the meeting that they contacted the
local Goan association, but found that it was
defunct. I am not sure if the Goan Cultural Society
is defunct but surely the association is not
functioning as it should.
This raises an important question: Why did the Goa
government sent a team without sufficient
funds/budget? It looked ambarassing and probably many
NRGs felt guilty when Dourado began saying the team
had decided to pay from their pockets for the room
charge.  Perhaps the Emirates Evening Post reporter
took away the impression that the Goa government lacks
money to provide sufficients funds to its official
team. Many Goans in the gathering would have willingly
given money to pay towards the cost of the room if
Pravin or someone who was connected in organizing the
meeting had approached them with a request.
Pimenta and the Evening Post's reports inform the
nature of problems raised at both meetings. Dourado,
himself a lawyer, gave legal interpretations to some
of the problems that related to land and house
disputes, and provided his understanding of some
problems that related to get high

[Goanet] NRI meet in Dubai

2006-04-03 Thread Eugene Correia
Here is the full report that appeared in The Emirates
Evening Post.
I have carried the report as is by Daniel P. George,
who is the paper's chief
reporter, erred in writing Felicitation instead of
Facilitation and misspelled Dourdo instead of Dourado.
According to the website, Surlakar is still a member
and not ex-member. However, as Dourado explained the
website has not been updated. I was quoted in the
paper, but I will provide a personal viewpoint of the
whole exercise tommorrow. I was waiting for the
evening daily to be out and check what was reported.

eugene correia

Goans demand better treatment

Submit list of problems to team send by state govt but
expect no redress

By Daniel P. George
   Dubai -- Even as Goans in Dubai met up with a
three-member delegation of the NRI Felicitation Centre
appointed by the Governot of Goa to pur out their woes
at a hotel last evening, they were dismayed over the
step-motherly treament meted out to them by their
state government.
In what turned out to be classroom-like exercise,
the Goans were asked to spell out their problems to
the committee comprising Brigadier (Retd) Ian D'Costa,
member of the centre; Advocate Herculano Dourdo,
vice-chairman of the centre; and Mohandas Surlakar,
ex-Member of the centre.
   Dourdo, who took down the points and grievances of
the Dubai Goans on paper, said he would convey to the
government their problems and seek speedy redress. The
Goans who attended the meeting did not seem happpy at
the whole exerices even after giving voice to their
problems. They were irked by way their issues were
taken down on paper without any details, residential
address or where they hail from. It was a big farce,
said one Goan who did not want to be identified.
   They were wondering as to how this centre would
address their problems without further details and
whether this was yet another shopping rip as most
Indian ministers and dignitatires resort to when they
visit the UAE.
   There have been visits before by people to the UAE
and they have come winded, dined and gone back but
this is the first time a delegation reprsenting the
Government has come here and we will represent your
case to the government for redressal he told those
   The range of problems presented by the Goans
included land encroachments back home, corruption in
goverment departments and a lack of direct flight to
Goa from Dubai. According to Eugene Correia, These
issues have already been discussed time and again at
the Gomanth Samellan held last year. All that the
Goans want is a single window to address their
problems when they visit their home state on a
   The Dubai placed on record the cheating of job
seekers by unscrupulous agents, housemaids in jails,
poor and jobless Goans facing a bleak future and lack
of medical assistance to the poor.
   Dourdo assured the Goans their problems would be
address icnluding a suggestion for a ferry service
between Goa and Dubai due to the rising costs of air
   Another request from a student was to do away with
NRI quota in professional colleges and resort to merit
system as the fees were too expensive for the average
middle class parent.

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[Goanet] NRI meet in Dubai

2006-04-02 Thread Eugene Correia

Further to my enquiry regarding the Gomant Vishwa
Samellan in 2005, I checked the nrigoa website and saw
the following names in the  Advisory Committee:-

Committee Members 
 Shri. Edgar Leo Martins, Portugal 
 Shri. Zamir Khan, Saudi Arabia 
 Mr. Rene Baretto, London 
 Mr. Eddie Fernandes, U. K 
 Humberto Rabindra Pimenta, Kuwait 
 Victor Anthony Fernandes, Canada 
 Victorino Pinto, Swizerland 
 Alexander Menino, Kuwait 
 Simon Xavier D’Silva, Doha Qatar 
 Thomas A. Pereira, USA 
 Yvonne Pereira, Kenya 
 Alex Wilson Coelho, Kuwait 
 Shri. Ashok G. Bale, New York 
 Shri. Surendra Vasant Borkar, Australia 
 Ms. Karin Elizabeth Fernandes, Canada 
 Maria de Lourdes Figueiredo de Albuquerque, Lisbon 
 Shri. Joaquim D’Souza, Dubai 
 Shri. Ratikant Mandrekar, Abu Dhabi 

I don't know if Joaquim D'Souza attended the Dubai
meet. The point here is that the the NRI Facilitation
Centre could ask the above committee members to gather
the complaints, grievances and problems and sent them
to the centre instead of the three-member delegation
making the trip to Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Here is the full report in The Emirates Evening Post.
I have carried the report as is George, who is chief
reporter, erred in making in Felicitation instead of
Facilitation and misspelled Dourdo instead of Dourado.
According to the website Surlakar is still a member
and not ex-member. However, as Dourado explained the
website has not been updated. I was quoted in the
paper, but I will provide a personal viewpoint of the
whole exercise tommorrow. I was waiting for the
evening daily to be out and check what was reported. 

Goans demand better treatment

Submit list of problems to team send by state govt but
expect no redress

By Daniel P. George

Dubai -- Even as Goans in Dubai met up with a
three-member delegation of the NRI Felicitation 
Centre appointed by the Governot of Goa to pur out
their woes at a hotel last evening, they were dismayed
over the step-motherly treament meted out to them by
their state government.
 In what turned out to be classroom-like exercise, the
Goans were asked to spell out their problems to the
committee comprising Brigadier (Retd) Ian D'Costa,
member of the centre; Advocate Herculano Doudo,
vice-chairman of the centre; and Mohandas Surlakar,
ex-Member of the centre.
Dourdo (instead of Dourado -- eugene) who took down
the points and grievances of the Dubai Goans on paper,
said he would convey to the government their problems
and seek speedy redress.
The Goans who attended the meeting did not seem happpy
at the whole exerices even after giving voice to their
problems. They were irked by way their issues were
taken down on papger without any details, resitial
address or where they hail from. It was a big farce,
said one Goa who did not want to be identified. 
They were wondering as to how this centre would
address theri problems without further details and
whether this was yet another shopping rip as most
Indian ministers and dignitatires resort to when they
visit the UAE.
There have been visits before by people to the UAE
and they have come winded, dined and gone back but
this is the first time a delegation reprsenting the
Government has come here and we will represent your
case to the government for redressal he told those
The range of problems presented by the Goans included
land encroachments back home, corruption in goverment
departments and a lack of direct flight to Goa from
Dubai. According to Eugene Correia, These issues have
already been discussed time and again at the Gomanth
Samellan held last year. All that the Goans want is a
single window to address their problems when they
visit their home state on a vacation.
The Dubai placed on record the cheating of job seekers
by unscrupulous agents, housemaids in jails, poor and
jobless Goans facing a bleak future and lack of
medical assistance to the poor.
Dourdo assured the Goans their problems would be
address icnluding a suggestion for a ferry service
between Goa and Dubai due to the rising costs of air
Another request from a strudent was to do away with
NRI quota in professional colleges and resort to merit
system as the fees were too expensive for the average
middle class parent.

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[Goanet] tourist write-ups on Goa

2006-04-01 Thread Eugene Correia
I happened to get a copy of the Jan-Feb issue of
Darpan, the inflight magazine of Alliance Air. There
are three articles on Goa. First, On Lobster Avenue --
 Vana Banerjee Bey doves into a sophisticated cology
off Goa. The place is not mentioned, but it says
three islands surround Lobster Avenue. They take a
boat on the Mandovi into the ocean.

Second, Notes from Eart -- Prena Singh Bindra goes
wild in Goa. It's about the Western Ghats and The Goa
biot is the lower region of the Sahyadris, covering an
area of about 600 sq km.

Third, That Thing about the Thong -- Bharati Motwani
spies in on a Goan beach under the guise of a
sociologist. This piece is bit tongue-in-cheek. The
opening para reads: The Goan beaches and beach bums
are neatly divided into two. There is the Nudie North
and the Snooty South. In the middles are the des
upstgars -- the declasse Dilliwallahs, the mob from
Mumbai and the busloads of triy-tripping Kanadiga
clods who soak up beer like a platoon of sponge on
legs. Well-thanked and frisky, they reacot to al
lthings remotely female like Rovers responds to lunch.

More addition to tourist impressions of Goa by

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] NRI meet in Kuwait

2006-04-01 Thread Eugene Correia
Has anything bnen posted on the NRI delegation meet in Kuwait?

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[Goanet] nri meet

2006-04-01 Thread Eugene Correia
At the 2005 Gomant Sammelan I remember some members
were identified as representatives of some countries
such as Canada, Oman, etc. I am not sure if anyone
representated Dubai.  Can someone who attended this
conference or know about this please inform me about
their names.
I believe they were appoinbted by the NRI
facilitation Centre. 
I ask this because of the meeting I attended of the
NRI delegation in Dubai. Though I will give my views
later today, I would like to see what I said earlier
-- that this trip is just a free ride for these
three noble volunteers who are bent on doing so much
for their NRI brethren and sisters.

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[Goanet] re: nri delegation

2006-03-24 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:   |
|  Politics of Destruction   |
| http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=Newsamp;file=articleamp;sid=416
Further to what I wrote on the visit of the NRI team to Gulf countries and of 
the meeting at Khaleej Times, I wish to add that the meeting is under the 
auspices of the Khaleej Times International Forum. An ad for the same 
says, An Interactive Discussion on India on the Fast Track. Guest speaker 
Shri Kamal Nath, Minister of Commerce and Industry.
  It's on Tuesday, Marcy 28 at 4 pm at the Khaleej Times Building. The 
discussions will be followed by a QA session. To register, email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or calll Deesha Bhatia at 050-6575456.
  Not sure if the minister would be able to answer non-industry related 
questions, such as NRI property, cheap flights.
  The Goan Society in Dubai should make it a point to send representatives. 
The Indian diplomats, including Ambassador GM Bhandari, are most likely to 
  Does anyone knows the date when the Goan NRI team is visiting and meeting 
people in Dubai?
  Eugene Correia

[Goanet] nri delegation

2006-03-23 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:   |
|  Politics of Destruction   |
| http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=Newsamp;file=articleamp;sid=416
I was informed by someone here in Dubai about the delegation's visit. However, 
the person was not aware of the date. I think it was Godfrey who pointed out 
the non-benefit of such a visit. Having attended one Goan NRI meet in Goa two 
years ago, I am convinced nothing much will be achieved. I had also been 
present at the NRI team visit to Dubai. It was led by Chandrakant Keni and 
Tony Correia-Affonso was a part of the team.

  Having attended the Pravasi Divas in 2005, I can say that the issues are 
almost same for all NRIs and PIOs. Vivian has outlined some. I have also 
attended Kerala NRI meet, and found their main problems relate to cheap 
flights to Kerala, the job and medical security in the Gulf, and NRI 
remittances.'Some of these have been addressed by the Indian government. 
  I forget when but one of these days there will be a meeting of Indians 
leaders with Minister Kamal Nath organized by the Indian diplomatic 
commission. The meet is to be held at the Khaleej Times building. The meeting 
will address issues relating to Indian expat labour.
  It would be great if Eduardo Faleiro was accompanying the NRI delegation, 
since he holds a cabinet rank. As I see it, it's a free ride at taxpayers' 

[Goanet] re:Clear Stream of Reason

2006-02-12 Thread Eugene Correia
I just happened to read about Francis Newton and
Hussain in yesterday's DNA newspaper online. A column
on the Progressive Artists Group mentions all those
involved in this movement. Ara now lives in Paris. I
used to bump into Ara often at the Jehangir Art
Gallery and also had a chance once to visit his house
at Kala Ghoda.


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[Goanet] Re: The Clear Stream of Reason

2006-02-12 Thread Eugene Correia
VM de Malar says Hussain was Francis Newton D'Souza's
mentor. To the best of my knowledge, Newton and
Hussain were part of the Group of 7, that was launched
in Mumbai.
Newton was later disappointed with Hussain's work,
dismissing it as pop art.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Sonia book reading in Mumbai

2006-02-04 Thread Eugene Correia
Author of the best-selling Shantaram,
and Sonia Faleiro
will read from the book.

on Friday, February 10, at 6.30 p.m.
at Oxford Bookstore
3 Dinsha Vachcha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai
Harish Shenoy 98210 14546, Shraddha Chopra 98203 26240

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[Goanet] canadian elections

2006-01-24 Thread Eugene Correia
Troy de Souza lost to Dr. Keith Martin. All MPs of
South Asian origin, with the exception of Gurmant
Grewal, who didn;t contest, were returned. One new
South Asian face is Sukh Dhaliwal, who had lost in the
2004 elections. 
He is a Liberal who got elected from Newton-North
Delta in British Columbia. So, the total number of 10
Gurbax Singh Malhi has created a record retained the
Malton-Gore seat for the fifth time for the Liberals,
while both Deepak Obhrai and Rahim Jaffer, both
Conservatices, have been elected for the fourth time.
If one of these guys gets a ministerial berth is to be
seen. Rahim was once said to be a rising star in the
then Reform party but he messed it up with an minor
incident many years ago.
Re-elected are: Gurbax Singh Malhi, Ruby Dhalla,
Navdeep Bains, Wajid Khan, Yasmin Ratansi (all Liberal
in Ontario), Ujjal Dosanjh, Sukh Dhaliwal (both Lib),
Nina Grewal (Conservative), all in British Columbia),
Rahim Jaffer and Deepak Obhrai (both CON in Alberta).
Mobina Jaffer is in the Senate, appointed by former PM
Jean Chretien in 2001.
Dosanjh was minister of health in the Liberal
government which is out of power after 12 years.
Harper, the PM in waiting, has promised to do away
with the Landing Fee of $975 for new immigrants. Hope
he keeps his word.
Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] re: conservative candidate in canada

2006-01-13 Thread Eugene Correia
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
--  I agree with Mario to a point that the Liberals have erred badly in their rule under Martin, but they haven't "messed up" Canada. At least not yet.  Troy faces an uphill battle as he is contesting against Dr. Keith Martin, who has claimed he's "one-fourth" Indian because his maternal grandmother was a Goan. Martin is the incumbent MP, I think, second term. He was a Conservative then switched over to the Liberal side.  As predicted by some political pundits, the Conservatives may win the elections and form a minority government. As things stand now, it's going to be a close race.  On another point, more than 30 candidates of Indian origin are fighting the elections. Of the 10 MPs of Indian origin, only one MP -- Gurmant Grewal, is not contesting. Grewal was probably told to step down after doctoring a taped interview with Federal Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh.  Grewal's wife, Narinder (Nina), also an MP, both
 creating a record as a husband and wife team for the first time in parliament, is contesting. Both are Conservatives. She is likely to face a tougher battle this time against the Liberal candidate, Brenda Locke.  As it has been in the past, most of the South Asian candidates are Sikhs. Among the 10 outgoing MPs, one of them was with origin in Parkistan. He is Wajid Khan, who is recontesting from Mississauga-Streetsville in Ontario.Eugene Correia
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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] candidate for Canadian election

2006-01-09 Thread Eugene Correia
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
  Troy de Souza is the Conservative candidate for Equismlat constituency in 
Victoria, British Columbia.  Canadian general elections on Jan 23.
  Given below is a reply from his campaign office to my query on his racial 
background. Though I had asked the office if he was Goan or Mangalorean, it 
isn''t clear from the reply if he is a Goan. The East Indian ancestry 
could mean a Goan.
  Troy is of mixed Portuguese and East Indian ancestry, whose family left Goa 
before Troy was born.  Troy was actually born in Pakistan, so is certainly an 
interesting representative of a broad spectrum South Asian ancestry.  He is 
Roman Catholic and is married to a lady of Sikh ancestry.  They have one child.
  Troy came to Canada when he was 8 years old, and was educated in Victoria 
BC.  He then went on to education at Camosun College, University of Victoria 
and finally took a law degree at University of Windsor in Ontario.  He also 
served as a reserve artillery officer, achieving the rank of captain.  He is a 
municipal lawyer practicing on Vancouver Island.
Troy DeSouza Campaign Office

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] re: pdf file

2005-12-18 Thread Eugene Correia
I sometimes use cutepdf writer. Otherwise, I bring documents into Adobe 
Indesign and create pdf. 
  Eugene Correia

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] goencho ulo

2005-12-15 Thread Eugene Correia
I checked the goacom website but didn't find the second issue of Goencho Ulo. How do I get to read it?Eugene Correia__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com --
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Konkani songs and singers

2005-12-02 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
It's interesting to read Dominic and Joe's writings on Konkani songs and 
singers. I heard Felcy for the first time at the Soglle Bhagivont tiatr in 
Dubai. She and her sister sang a tribute song to their dad Rom Tony. I was 
also pleased to hear Anthony after a very, very long time.
  Since no playbill, which lists the cast and singers, was provided it was 
hard to know who is who. One singer, I think Souza Boy or maybe Frances de 
Tuem imitated old singers such as Kid Boxer, Young Menezes, Remmie Colaco, and 
newer ones such as Succorino and, I think, Lorna. Both Lorna and Soccorina 
were part of the group.
  Lorna sang her old stuff, but missed lines from songs. One doesn't 
understand why she didn't sing newer songs composed by different people and 
also why she didn't her tribute song to Chris Perry.
  The tiatr Roddo Naka by Prince Jacob, which was held the previous day, the 
organizers sold a folded handbill for 10 dirhams. I bought one to know the 
cast. There were no names. The handbills had numbers which were drawn for some 
prizes and the first prize being a ticket to any destination Gulf Air flew.
  Truly, people suffer in silence because they want to watch the tiatr. Many 
were standing up with no seats available despite paying 50 dirhams. The 
organizers, as usual, apologized and, at the same time, appeal to their Goan 
hearts and for their love of Konkani. 
  Better arrangements must be made for such shows. I am not sure if the 
organizers make lot of money. People who reserved their seats were shocked to 
see their seats occupied by others. There was nothing the organizers could do 
to get these illegal occupants of the go elsewhere.
  'The organizeers stock reply: We are doing it for the love of Konkani and 
so you can also bear a little discomfort for the language.
  Eugene Correia

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goencho Ulo

2005-11-26 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
First congrats to those behind this new venture in bringing out the Romi Konknni fortnightly. It's my hope that this paper would endure the financial woes and other factors that resuled in killing other Romi Konknni papers, including dailies.  I read that the next step is to have a daily. Without sounding pessimistic, the people behind Goencho Ulo should put off their big dream of having a daily. These people could instead work hard to make the paper a weekly first. The history of failed daily papers is known to those who have watched the Goan media scene.I would like to request the group to put an internet edition. It should be subscribtion-based, just like Goan Observer.Wishing the team the best of luck.Eugene Correia  
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[Goanet] dubai soccer in goa papers?

2005-11-08 Thread Eugene Correia
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

I am told the story of dubai goan soccer final
appeared in goa papers. If true, can someone send a
link or paste the story, either on goanet or
personally to me.


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[Goanet] Passing away of Fr. John Correia-Afonso

2005-11-08 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Dear Tony,

My heartfelt sympathies to you and family. I knew Fr.
John quite well and interacted with him a couple of
times. Had a pleasant time talking history with him on
his visit to Toronto many years ago.
Last time I was in Mumbai I tried to meet him but was
informed he was very ill.
A great servant of the Lord. May his soul rest in
Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] on Goa

2005-11-06 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
This is from Mumbai's DNA newspaper, Sunday, Nov 6.

Doing the done thing
The holiday does not seem to matter anymore; the
destination is all that counts
Ninad D Sheth 
My last visit to Goa was at the turn of the
millennium, right after my wedding. The honeymoon — as
my wife reminds me on the odd occasion — is long over.
So I was keen to know if the same will hold true for
my attachment with this exquisite sea-facing
Since I was paying my way — and, alas, not on a junket
— I chose a no-frills airline called Spice Jet. It is
frighteningly no-frills! They do not even have life
jackets; in case of trouble over the sea you pull the
seat from your bottom, hug it close and pray hard. 
Destination Goa attracts blondes of all manners. Just
before takeoff, a pretty young French backpacker
parked herself next to me. Now my French isn’t much
but conversations tend to start on short hauls. The
blonde asked me if I had “done” Goa before. 
Unlike backpackers out to ‘do’ India with a vengeance,
I do not ‘do’ a place. It is much better to discover
the place by walking around, meeting the local
historian, dropping by an off-the-map eatery, and
generally taking time to soak it in. 
With the death of distance these days no one wants a
relaxed look. Travel is bereft of either exotica or
adventure. The destination has taken over; the journey
does not really matter. There is a frenzied need
amongst the middle class to ‘do’ a destination, if
possible within the dreaded two-nights-three-days
In the 1990s, Boeing proudly announced in its ad line
— tomorrow you can be anywhere, thus, by definition,
ruling out that adrenalin flow which comes from going
down the road less taken as in the olden days of
The charm and romance of travellers like Francis
Younghusband or Richard Halliburton has long gone. By
contrast, the air-conditioned traveller of today is
the new consumer of global haunts, the outsider
breezing past without bothering to look in. The
digital culture has shrunk distance unbelievably.
Microsoft’s tag line asks you where you want to go
today. Between Boeing and Microsoft, the world has
become a TV screen and the magic-carpet traveller has
been reduced to a couch potato. 
Entire communities, most notably the Gujaratis and the
Bengalis, have a fixed idea of visiting spaces through
the vulgar mass tour groups with special diets thrown
in. The Gee Wiz American is the crassest incarnate of
the modern tourist. The Japanese, taking digital
pictures of everything that moves come a close second.

Modern travel is entirely soulless. There no
excitement of arrival and none of the abiding pleasure
of finding. All that matters is a picture with a grin
in front of the Parthenon. Inevitably, the
merry-go-round ends with a dinner at the local
As I drank yet another feni on a moonlit Palolim
beach, I had uneasy thoughts that another crass
American Denis Tito had already “done” space as a
tourist. The final frontier has been crossed.
At the Goa airport on my way back, I bought a lottery
ticket promising riches (actually, a crore). I said to
myself, what good is it even if I win? In Goa you
realise that the best things in life cost little. A
feni, reading a book by the beach, or chatting up the
blondes. For the one out to seek Goa and not ‘do’ her,
she saves her charms, like true love. Goa remains a
one-night stand that lasts a lifetime. 

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] Re: Dubai goan soccer final - Benaulim Banned

2005-11-05 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
I don't understand how Iranian Club can ban a team
playing under the United Goans and All-Star
Entertainment, the official organizers. The stadium is
rented out to the organizers.
Somewhere between the club management and the
organizers lies the problem. Is it that the organizers
are passing on the buck to the club officials?
One would like to hear from the organizers on this

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Dubai goan soccer final - my take

2005-11-05 Thread Eugene Correia
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
The dubai goan soccer tournament ended on a sad note.
The final was called off after the benaulim team
refused to play following a penalty-kick award against
them and then its goalkeeper getting the red card.
The penalty was called when Russell fell down from a
sliding tackle by a defender and, a fraction later ,
another defender also did the same.
Just as the referee blew the whistle the benaulim
goalkeeper rushed upwards but neither did the referee
nor many in the stands saw what happened.
however, the linesman raised his flag and when the
referee consulted him, the referee pulled his red card
and showed it to the goalkeeper.
According to one newspaper report, the goalkeeper
kicked an opponent but the report doesn't say if the
opponent was Russell.
One has to believe the linesman who was close to the
Though the referee agreed to withdraw the red card, it
was suprising that benaulim didn't continue to play.
Tongues waged in the stands saying that Rusell is
known to fake his falls, particularly in the penalty
Russell and Randall are a formidable combination in
the Vaxim Divar ranks. Speedy and skilful, both can
create problems for the defence. Russell, in
particular, was tightly marked. Rarely he cut himself
Benaulim put up a good fight against the fancied
opponents. They moved the ball well but often lacked
players upfront. The midfielders stayed far behind
instead of moving up with the forwards. Probably the
pace of the match took a toll on them.
Divar is a all-round team. They combine well. The
forwards look menancing every time they had the ball,
unlike their opponents.
I think goalkeeper Casmiro went a bit too far. If,
according to the reports, the ref withdrew the red
card, he should have been ready to stand in goal for
the penalty.
Demanding that even the penalty be withdrawn was
asking for too much. I am told Casmira played for Goa.
I think he showed bad sportsmanship.
It's another matter that rival teams charge the
organizers of playing favourites. The teams say that
Vaxim Divar enjoy the organizers' patronage.
I believe it was the mismanagment of the football
tournament by officials of the Goan Society in Dubai,
the orignal organizers, that led to teams banding
together to form the United Goans and joining All-Star
Entertainment in starting the tournament.
It's time the teams take a good look at all the
organizational aspects and make sure that organizers
don't play favourites.
It's doubtful that Benaulim will be banned for their
act. One must wait and see how this incident is
thrashed out. 
Eugene Correia

Gulf News
Inter-village soccer final ends in controversy
Dubai  | Staff Report | 05/11/2005 | Print this page

The final of the second All Goa inter-village soccer
tournament ended in controversy after one of the teams
walked out.

Trouble broke out eight minutes into the second half
after referee Mohammad Aziz flashed the red card to
ABC Benaulim goalkeeper Casmiro Palha for a charge on
Russell Rodrigues of Vanxim Divar without the ball in
play. The move had resulted in a penalty being awarded
in favour of Vanxim Divar after Rodrigues had been
felled with both teams tied goalless.

Linesman Azari informed Aziz about the charge made by
Palha and the referee showed the Benaulim goalkeeper
the red card.

Palha, in turn, questioned the referee why he had been
given the card, but Aziz stuck to his decision.
Watched by Samant Goel, Consul from the Consulate
General of India and a large holiday crowd of mostly
Goan expatriates, Aziz backtracked on his decision
after Benaulim refused to continue. The organising
committee of All Star Entertainment met hurriedly and
tried to have better sense prevail, but Benaulim stuck
to their decision, insisting that the decision on the
penalty also be withdrawn. It was an offence
punishable with a red card, referee Aziz told Gulf

But ABC Benaulim manager Dominic Colaco charged
favouritism for the Vanxim Divar team throughout the
tournament. If they wanted to win the trophy this
way, why make us play at all? Colaco asked.

Till this unfortunate incident, the final had given
the large crowd enough to cheer about. And it was the
players who were left to rue the situation in the end.
We would have loved to win this trophy in a proper
way as we thought we were the better team, shrugged
Vanxim Divar skipper, Noel Fernandes.

We were willing to withdraw the red card and allow
the goalkeeper to play

[Goanet] dubai soccer result

2005-10-14 Thread Eugene Correia
The second match between Chinchinim UAE Exchange and
SFX Old Goa ended in a 1:1 draw. 


The match ended in a goalless draw. I watched the
match. It was fast game, and SFX missed many chances.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] Re: Still no native Indian Catholic Saint (Mario Goveia)

2005-09-26 Thread Eugene Correia
Has this subject come here before?

Isn't an East Indian monk from Bassein, Gonzalo, 
among the 13 matrys of Japan?


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] re:Abbe Faria statue

2005-09-17 Thread Eugene Correia
Wouldn't it be great to have a postage stamp of Abbe
Faria with Malika Sherawat in the reclining pose!
Just as the statue in Panaji.

Just a thought


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] re:mumbai konknni bhasha mandal

2005-09-16 Thread Eugene Correia
Fausto has brought memories of the KBM in Mumbai. He
rightly praises the efforts of F J Matyres, who worked
almost single-handedly in keeping the organization
I met this genial worker very often, and I could see
his deep feelings for the language. He tried his best
within his limited means, devoting time after his work
in a post office.
KBM was there more in name, but its activites were
unheard of. They had meetings but I don't know what
they discussed and what came out of it.
I think the KBM committee met sometimes at the
bungalow of a Muslim lover (not of Goan origin) of the
I am not sure if KBM is still there. Fausto has named
the giants of old who helped KBM progress,
particularly at the time when Konknni was under seize
by the Marathi-language crusaders.
May their souls rest in peace.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] re:roman konkani and other languages

2005-09-06 Thread Eugene Correia
Carmo's pointing out to the author and site for the
movement of Roman script for Marathi reminds me of a
former Indian consul general in Toronto who was
studying artificial intelligence at McMaster
University in Hamilton, Ontario, about an hour's drive
from Toronto, which is recognized for its computer
science faculty.
He said he was working on a common script, possibly
Roman, for major Indian languages. Didn't know what he
I think after his retirement from the foreign service,
he lives in the Darjeeling area.
Konkani has a better chance of getting Roman script
recognized than Marathi ever being written in Roman
script. I doubt the purists and the linguists in the
Marathi community would give up Devanagiri, which is
one of the strengths of its identity.
It's becoming very common to see Hindi written in
Roman script, particularly stuff relating to
The Hindi soap opera has titles written in Roman


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[Goanet] goa festival in mumbai

2005-09-04 Thread Eugene Correia
From Mumbai Mirror

Go Goa!

Festival vows celebrities with sea food

Visitors to Intercontinental The Grand at Sahar on
Friday must have been delighted to find the holiday
spirit pervading amchi Mumbai. A coconut tree, a
hammock, fishing nets, and a huge boat at the entrance
greeted those who  wandered into the Goan Food
Festival. To complete the ambience, waiters dressed in
straw hats and beach shirts served up curry in small
mud pots. The ambience soon had the guests letting
their hair down. Ila Arun, for one, joined the
two-member band (without the microphone, mind you) and
added to the vocal din…er…variety.  As for the dinner,
it was prepared by a chef flown in especially from
Goa. On offer were Chicken Calde Soup, Prawns Pulao,
Cabbage Foogath, and other interesting seafood
delicacies.Quite a few television stars seemed to have
wrapped up their shoots to come partake of the feast.
Rohit Roy looked thrilled at the prospect of two
pretty young things escorting him (and wife Manasi
Joshi) to the venue. Actors Gurdip Kohli and boyfriend
Arjun Punj also strolled in at some point in the
evening and pampered their taste buds. Kishwar and
Hiten Paintal enjoyed the attention from the

The Goan Food Festival will go on till September 10.

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[Goanet] re: konknni and romi lipi

2005-08-31 Thread Eugene Correia
This is important correction, though there could be
other mistakes.

In my village I COULD'NT (instead of could) find many
including mine, buying Konknni magazines and V. Ixtt,
except for one neighbour.

I think S.M.Borges raises some pertinent questions,
and it would be good if he posts the article detailing
the other viewpoint on this forum, if needed in
separate parts.

Is S.M Borges the same Borges who writes or has
written or Gulab?


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[Goanet] re: Konknni ani Romi Lipi..... some opinions

2005-08-30 Thread Eugene Correia
protest in India, and the Konknni agitation is a good
example among many others found in the rest of the
country. India was divided into states on linguistic
lines. I am, however, positive that if Konknni Roman
script shares the official language status with
Devanagiri script it won't make much of a difference
to the body politic of the state. Some of those
Devanagiri side have expressed their support, and this
should hold good in the fight for equal status.
Naik has a long laundry list of ifs and buts as
well as other suggestions why Roman script Konknni
should get what it deserves. He also paints a doomsday
scenario if the struggle for Roman script Konknni
A cuple of months before Fr. Freddy D'Costa died, I
had a lunch meeting with him at his Parish during my
visit to Goa. In the short time we had together, he
admitted that Gulab wasn't doing well circulation-wise
and that the few advertisements were able to support
the magazine. 
Low circulation and probably lack of ads were perhaps
reasons among others that killed Uzvadd. Even the New
Uzvadd failed to shine. Similarly other Konknni papers
could not fly. I am, therefore, bit suprised at Naik's
suggestion for Roman Konknni papers, though he gives
names of the existing papers and magazines as examples
of survival. In my village I could find many houses,
including mine, buying Konknni magazines and V. Ixtt,
except for one neighbour. He was good enough to give
me old copies of Gulab which he had saved, and I could
read them during my holidays. I think a serious study
on the feasibility of Roman script Konknni magazines
and newspapers need to be undertaken.
Naik wants the Archdiocese to start Konknnni journals
targetting the young. It looks nice on paper, but I
wish to hear from those in the field of journalism how
realistic is the idea. May I ask if the
English-language youth magazine Call, from Pilar
Society, still coming out?
We need to harness the power of the language among the
young. There may not be financial rewards, and if the
Archdiocese or any government, semi-government or
independent organizations can bear the financial
burden it would be a big step forward. 
I understand and appreciate Fr. Naik and all those who
are the in the forefront of this new struggle. I want
to tackle other points, but I think I have written
enough, at least for now. I have expressed my opinion
in an effort to widen up the debate, at least

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani

2005-08-28 Thread Eugene Correia
With the turn of the Konkani Romi script debate
towards Marathi, I remember that during the agitation
for Konkani a noted Marathi writer said that Konknni
should be written in Marathi! Didn't know what he
meant or if he was misquoted.
With so much of Hinglish now in use in India, the day
is not far when Konglish will be widely spoken. The
trend has set in Goa.
All Indian languages with have lish as a suffix. I
remember couple of English plays where the Parsi
characters spoke in mixed Gujarati-English sentences.
The RSM may achieve its objectives, but will it give
rise to more writers in this script? Those at the
forefront of this movement would do well to answer
Newspapers such a V.Ixtt and even magazines such as
Gulab are not seen in too many Goan catholic
households. There is a dearth of Konknni writers.
Another movement to make RS writers of youngsters
would be needed as a follow-up action.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani....correction

2005-08-27 Thread Eugene Correia

 copy  of Konkani Ord Xastra (maybe my spelling is
 incorrect) written by Prof. Antonio Fernandes 

I think the name of the booklet is Konknni Nad Xastra
(definitely NOT Ord). I think it means, Rules of
Konknni Grammar.


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[Goanet] Re: kingfisher airlines ad

2005-08-27 Thread Eugene Correia
I could not find the ad for the kingfisher airlines on
the company website, and would be happy if someone
sends me a link or posts it on the forum.

Scantily-clad girls promoting tourist destinations is
not new. It seems the old controversy of the billboard
that was outside the Dabolim airport has been
reignited. I think it was the billboar welcoming
visitors to Goa to a place where anything goes,
maybe I am not using the exact words.

In the current controversy, the NGOs and individuals
may be fighting the sublimal message in the
Kingfisher Airlines ad.
Whether we like it or not, Goa has attained fame (or
to those who look at the other side, infamy) as a fun
place. Maybe this is the hangover from the hippie
I doubt, however, Goa is looked at as a sin city in
the manner such as Bangkok. The paedophile image
created with the arrest of Freddy Peats and the
reopening of the issue with Peats's associate in the
child-sex ring now brought to Goa will put the
spotlight back on Goa.
Kerala offers almost equivalent or better scenic
delights as Goa, but its tourist image is much
cleaner than Goa's. Once an image is created, it
As far as I can see, Goa's image isn't soiled. Such
ads only create some frills, but visitors would be
losers if they come for sex tourism. In this
not-so-subtle ads, Goa can come to be projected as a
better nightspot than the rest of India, though
frankly the nightlife in some metropolitcan cities,
particularly Mumbai, is much more tempting to those
who seek such pleasures.
In new tourist places such as Dubai, which is promoted
as very liberal compared to other cities in the Middle
East, there is what one would call underground
tourism. The word sex is taboo.
I can believe that call-girl rackets are existing in
Goa but open soliciting as done on Dubai streets may
not be taking place. That Goa had or still has a red
light district is enough to convince the global
traveller that the state is hot.
I read an article on Goa's tourism in the current
issue of Goa Today, but I don't remember reading
anything on sex being one of the magnets, rest being
sun, sea and feni, attracting tourists, foreign and
domestic, to Goa.
I would hold rest of my comments till I see the
Kingfisher Airlines ad. If someone could post me
privately the ad, I would be thankful.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani.... new form

2005-08-27 Thread Eugene Correia
Eugene Correia wrote on 25.08.2005:  Even the late
Lourdino Rodrigues
 devnagiri script, and the TSKK published his work in
 that script.

Jorge: Is it Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues or Prof. Lucio

Eugene: Prof Lourdino Rodrigues from Santa Cruz. To
the best of my knowledge Prof. Lucio didn't write in

The Dalgado Konkani Academy had published a small
booklet on Roman orthography many years ago. It's
obvious now that this one is no longer relevant.

I don't know how many netters have seen or have a copy
of Konkani Ord Xastra (maybe my spelling is incorrect)
written by Prof. Antonio Fernandes (not sure if I got
the name correctly). He was called professor
because, I believe, he taught at the Rachol Seminary.

I had mentioned this to Tomazinho Cardozo during one
few meetings at the NRI Meet at the Kala Academy. He
wanted a copy of it. Unfortunately, the copy is at a
different location than I am currently at.

I think I also talked about the professore's small
booklet with Fr. Mathew Almeida, when he came to
Toronto, more in passing than its merits and demerits
in the context of present-day Konkani.

Since the structure of Roman script Konkani has
undergone changes over the last decade or so, Konkani
Ord Xastra would not meet the present qualifications.
It could be dismissed as old Konkani.

The late Prof. George Mark Moraes paid a glowing
tribute to Prof. Fernandes in an article in The
Examiner under the heading, Konkani Man of Letters.

I think I mentioned about Prof. Fernandes before on
this forum. I had requested his daughter to get his
works published, but she said that her brother was in
possession of his papers. 

It's hard sometimes to convince people that publishing
a learned man's material for the common good of the
community is better than hanging on to such works for
whatever personal reasons.

In the context of the new form of Roman script
Konkani, I would have loved to hear the views of Prof.
Olivinho Gomes. Has any journalist approached him for
his views? If not, could some of the journos on this
forum get Prof. Gomes to talk. It would be nice to
have an all-round debate on the subject that's hot
issue now.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] re: goanet anniversary... and the next steps

2005-08-26 Thread Eugene Correia
I have said this before and I repeat this again on the
occasion of goanet's eleventh anniversary -- that
Herman is our own Rip Van Winkle, in the sense he
wakes up only on certain auspicious days.
This obvious is meant to be taken as a joke, just
during one of the few heated debates on this forum he
was also nicknamed The Herminator. 
Rip Van Winkle also means a person who is oblivious to
social change. In this respect, Herman is no Mr.
Winkle. Since he has announced that goanet would also
help in community building projects, I think he and
those who guide the destiny of goanet have the
interests of the community at large at heart.
I assume the goanet membership has increased over the
past few years, which is a good sign that Goans, and
in few cases, non-Goans see the forum as something to
be part of in sharing knowledge of Goa and things
What is saddening, however, is the absence of voices
that one heard very loudly and clearly. Some of the
prolific writers have disappeared altogether. I wish
they could show up now and then. 
I can't say if they are still members. If they are,
they perhaps won't to remain in the background, a
place to where they relegated themselves.
I won''t name names, but if these guys and gals are 
reading this I would want them to make their presence
again on the forum. It was joy to read them, argue
with them, agree or disagree with them, and pick each
other's brains.
I have said it earlier, but the lack of women's voices
is another disturbing issue. I ask again, Where have
all the women gone? We need more than Daisy's recipes
and Cynthia's soul-searching posts, often forwarded
from other mailing lists, Viviana's direct hits, now
infrequent, and Liane Rodricks's limericks.
Give us the female perspective on things, from World
Goa Day to Konkani script and everything in between.
Coming to Herman's future goals, I think getting funds
for social upliftment projects, literary projects and
women's empowerment projects would make goanet not
just an cyber water fountain stop or an idle's man
pastime, as some critics say in hushed voices.
I would also suggest that goanet seek reasons from
those who have left or are silent. Reasons could be
from 1. lack of time, 2. burn out, 3. information
overload, 4. just hot air, 5. too much infighting.
They should be invited to suggest alternatives, but as
far as I can see, the alternatives are few. What
goanet is doing and facing is common to many mailing
Here's raising a glass of feni to goanet and all those
who bring us the news and views each day, rain or
shine, Hurricane Katrina or Tsunami.

Eugene Correia
Someone who has at times thought of quitting, but
hasn't had the guts to do so

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[Goanet] Re: Roman script Konkani... in new form

2005-08-25 Thread Eugene Correia
Since the Dalgado Konkani Academy hasn't said anything
regarding the new Roman Konkani script, it's fair to
assure the body has accepted the script.
Like Fred, I too am totally taken by surprise by
TSKK's about turn or rather a change in direction,
from first pushing from a devnagiri script to now
promoting the new Roman Konkani script.
Even the late Prof. Lourdino Rodrigues advocated
devnagiri script, and the TSKK published his work in
that script. I am not sure if the learned professor's
full dictonary has been published.
TSKK's earlier thrust for devnagiri was probably
because the devnagiri script captured the phonetics
well. If the same effect is available through the two
added symbols to the Roman script it may be wise to
follow this script.
Will Goem be written as Goƒhy? (I tried to put the
symbol over the letter o, but can't in plain text. I
copied from Microsoft World, but the result is what I
got above).
Would this new script make Shenoi Goembab turn in his
grave? Or, could his book, The Triumph of Konkani,
renamed as The Crimp of Konkani?


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[Goanet] Re: Further insights into WGD

2005-08-22 Thread Eugene Correia
 having started in Kuwait is true, but I, in
the matter of Goan diaspora, GOA Toronto preceded the
Kuwait organization.
On another level and to other questions, I think
Wendell made a suggestion to have a corpus fund for
Goa's development. Considering what Goa Sudharop is
doing, I think it follows the same thinking, with
their funds aimed for Goa's development.
The IGO also contributed in the form of hospital beds
to Goa. I am not aware what the body is doing now, or
if the body is still in operation.
If I recollect correctly, Godfrey Gonsalves, in other
post not related to the issue of GWD, provoked
diaspora Goans to come to the aid of the state. I
think he said that we diaspora Goans should not just
talk of helping but coming to Goa and held help
physically in the uplift of the society. It would be a
big sacrifice to do that on the part of diaspora
Goans. I wouldn't go to that length at least for now,
knowing the socio-political climate in Goa. Maybe the
prospect of a good-paying job would act as a magnet.
Perhaps when I retire, going to Goa would be an
At a more intellectual level, I don't think having
WGD makes any much impact on the Goan psyche. It does
make any difference to my Goanness, since I celebrate
it in different ways. Going to Viva Goa and having a
separate GWD appears to me the same in the current
format. Unless the parameters are changed to make the
WGD stand out significantly against other Goan
functions, meaning having seminars, workshops on Goan
themes, it will be just dances, picnics, etc. I find
this is just sentimental sop. 
I haven't come across other communities having such
global celebrations, except that some communities have
their annual conventions in North America, such as the
Bengalis. I am not sure if the Konkanis have theirs
annually, probably once every two years. I think the
Sikhs had one in Dubai last year. The World Sikh
Organization used it have their annual meeting with
fanfare some years, more enthusiastically when the
issue of Khalistan was hot. The Sikh community has
been ruptured by the Khalistan issue, and more and
more Sikhs, some of them ardent supports of the
movement, have realized that Khalistan is a dead
From Gilbert Lawrence's complaints, I picked the one
that I feel needs urgent attention. It's about his
book which, he says is still way under-utilized. I
gather he means that the WGD organizers and other Goan
diaspora organizations need to push the book among its
members or to the Goan public at large. It's going to
be a hard sell for associations to sell a book,
though publicity could be provided in their respective
I tried hard to sell late Prof. Frank D'Souza book of
his collected essays published by his family. I then
got the current chairman of the GOA, Roque Baretto, to
buy more than a dozen or so at a concession rate and
keep the profits for the Salcette Association (I
think). Few Goans buy books on Goan subjects, as I
have seen at Viva Goa and other events.
On the subject of books, though the idea seems
financially unfeasible if one takes into account
Gilbert's case, I want the Goan diaspora, rather
directly the Goan associations, to consider putting a
book together of selected articles from The Goan World
and Anglo-Lusitano, both print publications that went
out of publishing decades ago.
I had approached Father John Correa-Affonso to
consider such a project. He had informed me that the
The Goan World magazine, the copies which he had
obtained from Prof. Adolf Viegas's family, was in the
process of being sorted out and arranged properly.
Some he said were badly tattered. This was long time
I assume the copies must have been arranged. If so,
whether they are available for the public at the Heras
Institute, at St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, is not
known to me. The pages of the magazine and the weekly
contain a wealth of literature from a galaxy of Goan
intellectuals before my growing up and which, I doubt,
would come again.
Some of the stuff has been published by the families
of different authors, such as Prof. Armando Menezes,
and Prof. Francisco Correia-Affonso. The essays by
others must be made available to this generation and
future generations of Goans.
Maybe the writings belong to another age and the
issues no more relevant to our times, but it's
essential that Goans who seek the knowledge of Goan
issues as well as opinions of learned Goans on the
national, regional and local issues of the day read
The diaspora associations could come together to
sponsor a researcher. The Heras Instituted could be
approached to be a joint partner in this project. The
computers-for-Goa can be an inspiration for diaspora
Goans to join hands once again and carry the literary
project, for which we could find a name, forward to

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] reactions to posts

2005-08-21 Thread Eugene Correia
I don't seem to understand why some netters want to
send their criticisms or replies privately instead of
posting them on the forum.
This particular person called garbage the part where
I made comments on the claims for the WGD. He spoke
nothing of other points in the lengthy post.
This individual has done the same recently. He is
indeed becoming a pest, and need to prescribe medicine
for himself to cure him of his nasty habits. As they
say, doc heal self!

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]Free Thoughts on World Goa Day

2005-08-20 Thread Eugene Correia
 into the
background. In the current battle for Konkani in Romi
script, the faultlines becomes visbile.
Wendell Rodricks's call to dispora Goans to come to
the aid of the state is sensible, but fraught with
fear. One need to read between the lines of his
message and also through what he says in the current
issue of Goa Today. The very mention of corruption,
neglect and apathy are words loaded with caution. He
calls us to join the resident Goans in the battle.
But, to be generous, we may win the battle, however
small, but will we win the war?
I was a witness to the farce that took place in the
name of NRI Goan event in Panaji. Chandrakant Keni's
message on the WGD  is welcome, but taking into
consideration the unsustained efforts of the NRI-Goa
to consolidate  the unity of Goans across the globe
the words sound hollow.
The WGD could mean different things to different
Goans. Those Goans who haven't reconciled to the fact
that Goa is liberated and now part of the nation
called India, where it belonged and should have
remained if not for the Portuguese interlude, the WGD
could be nostalgic with Portuguese colours. For others
who have no hangup of the Portuguese regime, the WGD
is something of an opportunity to coil up tightly into
Mother India's womb.
Diaspora Goans must continue to work harder to
strengthen the ties that bind to Goa and, at the same
time, continue on their quest to occupy the Third

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]shortage of burial space

2005-08-17 Thread Eugene Correia
from Mumbai Miror

Bury the coffin!

Catholic priests advice against ostentatious funerals
and the use of elaborate coffins to promote
environmentally clean burials

When you drop dead, drop in: reads an invitation to a
funeral parlour in Mumbai. But a movement for less
ostentatious funerals that has taken root in Vasai, on
Mumbai’s outskirts, portends a deadly blow to the
flourishing business in coffins and funeral
For the last one and half years, Catholic priests and
laity in Vasai have been promoting the idea of
‘environmentally clean’ funerals that does away with
coffins. One of the priests spearheading this idea is
father Francis Britto who edits a local community
journal called Suvarta. Britto says that simple
funerals agreed with the idea of a clean environment
that his magazine promotes. “The graveyards in Vasai
are small and there are no fixed family graves. The
use of closed coffins creates a problem because the
body does not decompose fast and the grave cannot be
reused for a long time. Getting rid of coffins saves
wood and trees,” said Britto.
At least two parishes in Vasai, Our Lady of Lourdes in
Shirlaiwadi and St Michael’s in Manickpur, have
already implemented the concept and ten more have
recently decided to promote the idea.   “The movement
is now on full swing,” declared Britto.
Though the church has promoted the idea, it has not
declared it as official policy because of concerns
that many members would see it as an offensive on old
practices. “We support the idea because it is hygienic
and environment friendly. However, we do not want to
force the practice on the people; the idea will have
to be promoted slowly,” said father Michael D’Souza,
parish priest of St Jude’s Church at Jari Mari, Kurla.
In Mumbai, churches have not started experimenting
with the idea; but church leaders said that they are
watching the developments in Vasai with interest.
D’Souza says that he would like to implement the idea
at his parish. “My congregation is largely poor and
cannot afford elaborate funerals. We suggested the
idea of simple funerals; but it is yet to become
popular. People are worried about what their relatives
and friends would say if they do not give their dear
departed a nice funeral,” said D’Souza.
Like in most cities, burial space in Mumbai is
shrinking, forcing communities like Christians and
Muslims to reuse graves more frequently. “Teak wood
coffins take years to disintegrate and is a hindrance
to the practice of rotational use of graves,” said
Britto. To get over the problem, some churches have
allowed cremations, provided the people who demand it
for their dead relatives sign an undertaking that they
have not abandoned the belief in the resurrection of
the body, says father Tony Charanghat, spokesperson
for the archbishop of Mumbai and editor of Catholic
community weekly Examiner.
Charanghat added that the spiralling costs of funerals
and shrinking burial space are two primary reasons why
the church wants to encourage the idea. For instance,
the cost of an elaborate coffin could go upto Rs
20,00. “The cost of coffins has been skyrocketting and
the richer you are, the more and elaborately decorated
the coffin is. Rich people like to show off with the
best coffins,” he said.
For the Catholic community, the issue is an emotional
one. “It is certainly a sentimental issue,” says
Joseph Dias, resident of Kalina and member of Catholic
Secular Forum, a community organisation. “One option
midway could be the use of bio-degradable materials
for making coffins. This will maintain traditions and
also take care of modern day problems like lack of
space and environmental pollution,” he added.
Despite the arguments in favour of tradition, priests
say that the use of coffins is a largely urban
practice. “There is no compulsion to use a coffin. It
is a new practice,” said D’Souza. Dias said there is
nothing in Christian scriptures that make the use of
coffins compulsory. “Whether we like it or not, we
will have to think on this issue,” he said.
The idea has even the backing of Michael Pinto, whose
family has been in the undertaking business for nearly
a century. “It may not be good for my business; but
simpler funerals are a very good idea. It will save
the trees,” he said.

* Manoj R. Nair writes on the multiple communities in

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[Goanet]re: darryl and hospital bills

2005-08-16 Thread Eugene Correia
I just posted what I was told to me over the phone by
an ex-colleague. I believe he was on a respirator or
maybe heart-lung machine at the Lilavati Hospital in
Bandra, and earlier to that at a Malad hospital. He
was a resident of Malad.
I am not aware of the details, such as TOI insurance,
etc. I didn't query my friend about all this. We were
talking about the death and the funeral.
But I am told by someone else whose family member was
on a heart-lung machine that it cost them Rs 3000 for
15 minutes, just before the person died.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]goan journalist passes away

2005-08-15 Thread Eugene Correia
Read this morning on the net that Darryl Crasto, a
senior sports reporter with the Times of India, passed
away yesterday in Mumbai.
Darryl covered the World Junior Hockey in July.
Besides hockey, he was a specialist writer on
motorsports, billiards and snooker and motorsports.
He was an ex-colleague at the Free Press Journal, then
moved on to Indian Post and later joined the Times of
India's new paper, Independent, which folded and he
was absorbed by the TOI.
He was also a past president of the Sports Journalists
Federation of India, and, according to another
ex-colleauge, Darryl was president of the Mumbai Press
According to this ex-colleague, Darryl got wet two
days in Holland, and then on the day when Mumbai was
flooded in walked from Bori Bunder to Mazagaon, his
mother's house, in deep water.
I am he contacted pneumonia, and after ten days or so
in two hospitals, he breathed his last yesterday.
He leaves behind his wife and two children, the eldest
who is in junior college.
I was informed that his hospital bills came up to six
lakhs for the ten days or so he was in the hospital,
and ex-colleagues and friends were trying to raise
funds to pay the bills.
His two uncles, Joe and John Crasto (both deceased),
the later too having started at the Free Press
Journal, and both together at the Times, were sports
journalist. His older brother, Ivan, too is a sports
journalist, also ex-FPR, and now with Rediff.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: dinesh and washington

2005-08-10 Thread Eugene Correia
During the 1988 First International Goan Convention
when I was putting together the souvenir, I wrote to
the Washington DC Association but got no reply. In the
souvenir I have given brief notes on those Goan
associations around the world who wrote back to me. I
thought the association was rather inactive or, maybe,
So, it's easy to understand why the association didn't
invite Dinesh. 
Maybe a decade ago, I led a group of Goans from
Toronto to a New York convention of Indian Christians.
This group was largely made of Konkani singers and
I was requested by the then NY Goan association
president, Pascoal D'Souza, who is now based in Las
At this convention, mostly of Keralites, I met a lady
from Washington who was involved in a Christian group.
We got to talk and she told me (I forget here name)
that she had invited Dinesh for lunch or dinner. She
was a Mangalorean and wanted to know from whether
Dinesh was a Goan/Mangalorean/East Indian.
I told her that I was not aware but I know he's from
Bandra. I related this to show that there were some
groups who wanted to tap Dinesh for whatever reasons,
or maybe just wanted him over to know him better.
In that respect, has the NY Goan Association invited
him to speak at any of their functions. I think the
GOA, Toronto, should also invite Dinesh if they have
any function. But unfortunately, the GOA has mostly
I don't think even an event such as Viva Goa is the
right one to invite Dinesh. To give an example, I had
to request the GOA to have Dr. Leon Joseph D'Souza,
former minister in the Maharashtra government and
later Rajya Sabha MP.
People hardly paid any attention to his speech. They
didn't care, for most of them who come for such shows
are interested only in having a great time.
Maybe when Dinesh is in Goa, goanet could ask him to
speak. So, goanet guyas get in touch with Dinesh and
ask him when he is visiting his native place.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: dinesh

2005-08-09 Thread Eugene Correia
Dinesh has his own website
http://www.dineshdsouza.com, but 
 he hasn't given details of his
Made a more specific search on his goan roots on
google and here's one of the sites
Unfortunately, the site 
http://goacom.com/saligao_tinto/scroll.htm does not
list him as one of the proud sons of Saligao. Maybe
rightly so, for Dinesh is a Assagoakar, and a grandson
of Saligao, according to some of the posts here.
But the tinto  --
-- says it's proud of him, though not saying he is
grandson of the village.

here's what the Telegrapha site says:
The author is chairman, Institute for Social and
Economic Change 
Elitism or meritocracy?  
In The Karma of Brown Folk, Vijay Prashad examines the
“model minority” that many in the south Asian
community in the United States of America believe that
they belong to. He argues that American Orientalists
(including ideologues like the immigrant from Goa,
Dinesh D’Souza), have perpetuated the stereotype that
south Asian immigrants (unlike the blacks) are a
special breed. They are said to “demonstrate the
finest qualities of hard work and an impatience to
succeed”. He goes on to paraphrase D’Souza as arguing
in his book, The End of Racism, that “the oppressive
conditions of life among black Americans is more a
result of their civilizational collapse than of the
persistence” of structures of racial discrimination.
Prashad takes the contrary position that this is a
false contrast of racial stereotypes. He says that the
attainments of Asians in the US “are not caused by
natural or cultural selection; rather, they are the
result of state selection whereby the US state,
through the special-skills provisions in the 1965
Immigration Act, fundamentally reconfigured the
demography of south Asian America”.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: dinesh profile on websites

2005-08-08 Thread Eugene Correia
Thanks to Jose's instigation, I googled Dinesh. But
even on his own website he hasn't given details of his
Made a more specific search on his goan roots on
google and here's one of the sites
Unfortunately, the site 
http://goacom.com/saligao_tinto/scroll.htm does not
list him as one of the proud sons of Saligoa. Maybe
rightly so, for Dinesh is a Assagoakar, and a grandson
of Saligoa.
But the tinto  --
-- says it's proud of him. 
here's what the Telegrapha site says:
The author is chairman, Institute for Social and
Economic Change 
Elitism or meritocracy?  
In The Karma of Brown Folk, Vijay Prashad examines the
“model minority” that many in the south Asian
community in the United States of America believe that
they belong to. He argues that American Orientalists
(including ideologues like the immigrant from Goa,
Dinesh D’Souza), have perpetuated the stereotype that
south Asian immigrants (unlike the blacks) are a
special breed. They are said to “demonstrate the
finest qualities of hard work and an impatience to
succeed”. He goes on to paraphrase D’Souza as arguing
in his book, The End of Racism, that “the oppressive
conditions of life among black Americans is more a
result of their civilizational collapse than of the
persistence” of structures of racial discrimination.
Prashad takes the contrary position that this is a
false contrast of racial stereotypes. He says that the
attainments of Asians in the US “are not caused by
natural or cultural selection; rather, they are the
result of state selection whereby the US state,
through the special-skills provisions in the 1965
Immigration Act, fundamentally reconfigured the
demography of south Asian America”.

Eugene Correia

PS: Let's put this issue to rest.

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[Goanet]re: dinesh vs antara link

2005-08-06 Thread Eugene Correia
Here's the link for the dinesh vs antara debate


There's a whole series on My America: Letters to
Americans on the site.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: the dinesh debate

2005-08-05 Thread Eugene Correia
One of the netters suggested that there's always
someone on the net to bring another fellow Goan down.
If this is a reference to me, let me point out that I
had posed a query. I just wanted to know if Dinesh is
a Goan, and that's all. As I said, I was wrongly
informed. Just for curiousity (as it does not matter
to the core issue), if Dinesh's mom is 'east Indian.'
The lady who informed me was of east Indian origin.
My point is why would she me this wrong information.
Second, as vivian too has noted that some of us may be
suffering from 'crab mentality'. This is not the issue
As Mario says, it should have opened a debate on
dinesh's politics and his writings. If i remember
correctly, dinesh shunned away from a debate called by
Black scholars after his book on race appeared.
I would enjoy such a debate and would take part in it
vigorously. However, I don't remember much from the
two books I read (I didn;t read his book on America).
Besides, most of my notes are in Canada and I am in
the middle east.
But I was fear that it could take the turn such as
Mario vs Cornel we saw recently on the list. Frankly,
i didn't follow it. I haven't given much time to
reading all posts on goanet since i have been in the
middle east, unlike i used to when i was in canada.
I see too many anti-american books at bookstores.
Reading Fareed Zakaria provides the other side of the
argument, one that people like dinesh hang on to.
In conclusion, let me say i have no intention of
bringing dinesh down. Indeed I am happy for him for
his success. But ideological I can't be happy on his
projection and promotion of the Conservative agenda.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]Re: dinesh

2005-08-05 Thread Eugene Correia
I fully understand the term East Indian as applied
to people of Indian or often to those from the Indian
subcontinent in the US. Just as Paki used as a
racial slur by white supremacists or even
racially-prejudice Canadians meant all people
originating from the Indian subcontinent.
With explanatory articles and defensive arguments, the
term has faded away from the mainstream jargon and
now replaced by the rubric visible minority.
On Dinesh, one can argue his politics. He in on the
right and those on the left see him as a arrogant
immigrant who made good on his Ivy League education
and connection.
The Illustrated Weekly had a big story of him and a
big photo with Ronald Reagan. I felt he would go much
higher in the Republican administration of Bush.
Like any one, he has his supporters and distractors.
It's fine for Mario to praise him as a Goan who
achieved fame. But I would not support him just
because he's a Goan. I don't agree with many of his
statements and conclusions in the two books I read.
As for my earlier reference to dinesh and antara dev
sen, it was on the topic, The Wrong America.
Her letter to Dinesh:
I write to you not just as an Indian to an American,
but also as one who shares many of the memories that
run in your veins, the colur of the skin over that,
and the respect for a good life and democratic
freedoms that nestle somewhere in between. I write to
you specifically because everyday events frequently
remind me of the enormous role the United States of
America plays in the lives of distant mortals, and
because of your unquestion love for your chosen
country that is reflected in the title of your book
which has no question mark: What's so great about
No, I don't hate America. I can't. nurtured by TS
Elliot, Ella Fitzgerald and Sylvia Path
But Allen Ginsberg howls in my head: America why are
your libraries full of tears?  millions killed for
flimy reasons 
She gives Vietnam, Guba, Afghanistan and many other
countries.. Then she says, No, I don't believe
America is evil. Partly becasue every wrong in my
McDonald-and-Coke deprived Indian childhoos was blamed
on the CIA and its agents, till I almost blamed them
for my homework.
She goes on to say, It's this Janus-faced America
that I wrote to you about... American maybe great, as
your book so affectionately explai9ns, but does it not
also need to be good?
She say ... this is the America I would rather see,
America as a just nation that lives the democratic
freedoms it preaches... And we remain indebted to an
America that is fast become invisible.
The last two lines, Shouldn''t your next book be
called 'What is fair about America' -- I won't use a
question mark either.

In his reply, dinesh begins, Reading your letter, I
feel a bit like the mosquitor at the nudist colony --
I'm not sure where to begin!
He says, Your main quarrel seems to be with American
foreign policy... Twice in the past centurey,
America's actions played a crucial role in saving
freedom -- first, from the threat of Nazi tyranny, and
then, from the threat of Soviet imperalism.
He says the the war against the evil empire was a
just war, and America's victory ikn that war has left
the world better and freer.
He goes on to explain America's role and tells her
that your most serious misunderstanding, in my view,
is that you neglect the fundamental principle of
American foreign policy, which upon reflection is a
deep moral principle. It is the principle of the
lesser eveil.
He says, What amazes me is that you, like so many
others, are content to bash America without any
apparent appreciation of the hard decisions that
leaders must make.
He admits, Sure, America has made its mistakes.
My point in quoting both (though I wish I could send
the whole piece which is dated August, 2004) is to
show that one can take issue with Dinesh on many
points. It's the familiar liberal vs conservative
fight we continue to see on a much heightened level
after the Iraq war, more so with the disclosure that
America went to war without the conclusive proof of
Iraq having WMD.
What we reap now in the form of London bombings, and
previous to that Madrid mayhem, is what American
foreign policy has brought about.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: niz goenkar

2005-08-04 Thread Eugene Correia
Further to Rene's remark on Niz Goenkar, I just want
to add on what I read recently. In his book, Goa,
Frank Simoes (which I mentioned earlier re: caste
debate), he often calls himself blue blooded Goan. 
Maybe he says that for emphatic reasons or satire on
his own caste distinction.
True, that the Raul Gama family in Saligoa and the
Simoes from Colvale were both aristocratic families.
So, I think he can be allowed to call himself blue
blooded, while those who were not so lucky can at
least call ourselves true blooded, just as Sharon
Another phrase that comes to mind, Ami Goenkar Te
Goenkar. What can one make of this?


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[Goanet]re: dinesh d'souza

2005-08-04 Thread Eugene Correia
I think dinesh's name has appeared on this list
earlier in a different context. that he is a
conservative and anti-immigrant is well-known. he
earned his reputation for himself being an immigrant
who has attacked affirmative action. I have read his
two books and many articles.
I also think I pointed out here that to the best of my
knowledge Dinesh is an east indian. Someone in
Canada told me she knew him as a child in Bandra, as
both families were from the same area. 
However, let me add that calling for his ethnic
background has nothing to do with my post here, just
to ask for clarification whether he is on Goan origin.
I have no problems discussing his politics. In fact,
just some days ago I found a pro and con article with
different views from Antara Dev Sen and Dinesh
 Here's some background on Antara
Antara Dev Sen is the founder and editor of The Little
Magazine, published in Delhi and featuring essays,
fiction, poetry, art and criticism. She was senior
editor at the Hindustan Times and a fellow at the
Reuters Foundation in Oxford, England.

Antara Dev Sen wrote a Red Cross report on Angola,
which involved travelling through rebel territory, and
is advisor of Word Without Borders. She also authored
India the Eternal Magic (2000)

She has written diversely for openDemocracy,
contributing to the Letters to America series, on the
May 2004 Indian elections and India's reaction to the
December 2004 tsunami.


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Re: [Goanet]Goan experiences Mumbaiites'

2005-08-02 Thread Eugene Correia
Cornel's query regarding true blooded Goan can be
best summurized by an appropriate, though not equal,
Konkani words, Aum Nix Goenkar. 
It's just for emphasis. Or, rather hyperbole. Those
who often say these words mean that they are Goans to
the core. It defies defination.
As as extenstion, Indians often says, Aum Bharatiya
Aye. No literal translation, but it means we are
Indians through and through.
In this context, RDK's reply to my post on Britain and
immigrants and Rene's subsequent queries are relevant.
As RDK says what he said was obvious in relation to
the outsider factor in Goa.
Goans in Goa, when convenient, blames outsiders for
many of the state's problems -- from employment to
corruption to shortages of essential items.
Migrant labour comes where there is demand such as
Biharis going to Punjab to work the fields and
settling there in quite a good number. Some of them
have become baptized Sikhs. However, these new Sikhs
are not welcomed with open arms. 
Native Sikhs look upon these Sikhs as people who have
embraced the religion to gain communal acceptance and
for economic reasons. 
In contrasst, a white person converting to Sikhism is
often welcomed with open arms and warm hearts. 
Ami Goenkar was a battlecry some years ago when the
employment problem rose its ugly head in Goa.
Similarly, sons-of-the-soil campaign in Goa started
but never got a boost. 
Some political leaders wanted to exploit this
ill-conceived slogan for political gain, just as the
Shiv Sena used it to gain political mileage from
Maharashtrians in the early history of the party. 
The Congress was powerful in the state and the Shiv
Sena used every gimmick to make inroads into the
Congress vote banks, large parts of it being
So, Cornel take heart. Sharon probably wanted to show
that she is a brave Goan who weathered the monsoon
mayhem and survive to tell a story. Her story is one
of the many that may have been heard in those trying
-- and crying - monsoon tales.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]diaspora books

2005-07-28 Thread Eugene Correia
Found the book on the net. Want to know from Cornel or
other UK goanetters if the book is still available. 


Kusoom Vadgama: India in Britain The Indian
Contribution to the British Way of
Life (Robert Royce Limited, 1984).
In Diaspora: Theories, Histories, Texts

Edited by Makarand Paranjape
Over the last twenty years or so, it seems as if the
Indian diaspora has suddenly come of age. Shedding its
minority status, it has demonstrated its inclination
for becoming a majority, not in the sense of numerical
superiority, but of growing up, maturing, attaining
self-apprehension and self-expression. It can now look
at itself, the host country, and the homeland, with a
critical humor that has not necessarily dulled its
passion or lessened the intensity of its engagement.
Moreover, the Indian diaspora has become an important
economic force, whose reputed net worth exceeds
hundreds of billions of dollars. It is, at once, more
mobile and cohesive than ever before, what with faster
means of travel and communication. Not only has the
old diaspora made inroads into the new, but the access
of all the scattered peoples of Indian origin to
India, the motherland, has also increased
dramatically. Now, it actually seems as if this
diaspora has an unprecedented ascendancy and leverage
both in the host country and the homeland. Perhaps its
days of 'impossible mourning,' to use Vijay Mishra's
phrase, might at last be at an end

Makarand Paranjape, a widely published scholar,
critic, poet, and columnist, is currently Professor of
English at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Alka Kumar Brinda Bose 
C. Vijayasree Deepika Bahri 
Harish Narang Henry Schwarz 
Jasbir Jain K. Satchidanandan 
K. S. Maniam  Makarand Paranjape 
Manjit Inder Singh Pratyusha Basu  
R. Raj Rao Satendra Nandan  
Shanthini Pillai Shiva Kumar Srinivasan 
Sudhir Kumar Susanna Checketts 
Uma Parameswaran Vijay Mishra 
Vinay Lal 

368 pages
Price US $ 10.95
ISBN 81-87981-06-7  


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[Goanet]britain and immigrants

2005-07-26 Thread Eugene Correia
Saw a book titled Bloody Foreigners, published in
Britain in 2004 but reissued this year in paperback. I
haven't read, but hope it buy it. Did anyone on the
goanet read it?

This is the type of hysteria that white Britain
creates and then the consequences is what we see now
happening in that country.
No doubt the immigrant Muslim community, and many
others, were disturbed with Tony Blair's support to
USA in its War Against Terror, the underlying problem
seems immigrant distrust and frustration.

The social ills of racial discrimination and prejudice
takes its own toll. Sad but true.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: caste

2005-07-19 Thread Eugene Correia
Yesterday I was going through Frank Simoes's book,
Goa, formerly released as Glad Seasons in Goa, and the
chapter I read, Radhika's Genealogy Class, he pokes
fun at himself, giving twist to the abbreviation, OBC.

He tells his dauther, Radhika, it meansOpulent Brahmin
Class or Opulent Other Class (I forget while writing).
He also makes funny remarks on his wife, a Hindu.
As many may be aware, Simoes's wrote satire, besides
his regular job as copywrite at his own company.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]re: cybermatrimonials

2005-07-08 Thread Eugene Correia
Can't understand the hullabaloo over mention of caste
in cybermatrimonials.
If one puts an ad asking for particular caste, the
person is within his/her rights. Maybe the person
wants to marrying within his/her caste.
Banning of adverts requesting that prospective
partners meet the requirements is not the answer. The
adverts haven't hurt anyone. 
Those who are looking at issues such as caste in these
innocuous posts are people with a deep sense of quilt.
The Times of India even had (or still has) a section
on NRI grooms. (Not sure of NRI brides). This is just
another filter. There may be spinsters looking just
for NRIs as prospecive lifepartners.
Suppose a caste-conscious person puts an advert
without mentioning caste as a prerequisite, the person
will be bombarded with more emails. So a filter such
as caste helps in narrowing the field.d
Why do people put fair-skinned, convent-educated,
homely, outgoing? These are obviously to convey a
person's strong or plus points.
The issue of casteism needs to be tackled in a wider
scope and not just through the personal domain of


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2005-06-24 Thread Eugene Correia
Suzie Coelho is Goan, and there's no doubt about it.

When her father came for the first international goan
convention in toronto in 1988, i asked him how suzie
was? he was taken aback. he asked me how i knew he was
suzie's father. i told him, i know and that's it.
later, after his death I said something to the effect
that suzie was married to sonny bono for a short time,
and she replied to me saying that she was married to
him for 9 years (if i remember correctly).
Her brother is a professor of music in Calgary. 
In this I now forget her father's first name. but he
was joint editor of the post-convention report, change
and continuity, with prof. narendra wagle of toronto
he didn;t work for world bank, but the health dept. he
was a psychologist, i think. he invited me to come to
washington when i spoke to him from new york during
one of my visits.
he didn''t know much of goa. he used to bug prof. jose
pereira for lot of information. i think he also came
to toronto for a seminar and spoke about something on
goa, it was very poor. may be there are some
goanetters who attended both the convention and the
seminar and they could point out if i am wrong.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body
 'help' to
 You can reach the person managing the list at
 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
 is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Goanet digest...
 Today's Topics:
1. Indian Immigration Conspiracy- Be careful
 (Pascoal Vaz)
2. View From The Outer Harbour (20-6-2005)
 (Thalmann Pereira)
3. Re: El. Power. Goa --TT1 (Think Tank) (halur
4. Spreading common sense ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
5. Re: Spreading fear through Chain letters
 (Francisco Colaco)
6. RE: Freedom Fighters. (Tom  Carolina)
7. Re: New York Goans. (Jim Fernandes)
8. Re: Migration: Opportunities for children or
 wanderlust (Gabe Menezes)
9. Re: Recent items from Goanet (Bernado Colaco)
   10. Re: Joseph Zuzarte on Feni (Miguel Braganza)
   11. Re: Fwd: [Goanet]Susie a Goan?  Then Sonny is,
 too. (Mario Goveia)
   12. Telephone woes... for the lack of a phone
 directory (Frederick Noronha (FN))
   13. RE: Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning
 (Philip Thomas)
   14. RE: RE: Freedom Fighters. (Nasci Caldeira)
   15. Sao Joao or 'Sunjanv'   TODAY (JoeGoaUk)
   16. NHRC pulls up state govts on disabled-friendly
 infrastructure (Goa Desc)
 Message: 1
 Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 21:21:20 -0400
 From: Pascoal Vaz goanet@goanet.org
 To: goanet@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet]Indian Immigration Conspiracy- Be
 Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
 Indian Immigration Conspiracy- Be careful
 This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian
 Immigration, Police,
 Customs and Air India staff with networking at all
 the Indian
 International Airports. Be watchful when ever you
 give your passport
 to Immigration/Customs/Air India staff. The pass
 port can be easily
 tampered and can create trouble to you. They have
 found easy way  of
 making money from NRIs.
 This is the way it works:
 At the time of the passenger's departure, if the
 passenger is not
 looking  at the officer while he is stamping the
 exit, the officer
 very cleverly  tears away one of the page from the
 passport.  When the
 passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case
 is reported on his
 computer terminal with full details. Now all over
 India they have got
 full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing
 on the Passport
 number entered by the departure immigration officer.
 They have made
 their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he
 is interrogated.
 Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad,
 his income and
 standing etc., the price to get rid of the problem
 is settled by the
 Police and Immigration people. If someone argues,
 his future is
 spoiled because there are always some innocent
 fellows who think the
 honesty is the basis of getting justice in India.
 Please advise every passenger to be careful at the
 airport. Whenever
 they hand over the passport to the counters of Air
 India, or
 immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant,
 should not remove
 eyes from the   passport even if the officer in
 front tries to divert 
 their attention.
 Also, please pass this information to all friends,
 media men and
 important politicians.
 Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India
 to rob the NRIs
 the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with
 He was traveling with his family. They had six
 passports. They got the
 visa of America and decided to go via Hyderabad from
 Jeddah. They
 Hyderabad. Stayed about a month a left for States.
 When they 


2005-05-31 Thread Eugene Correia
When I read somewhere that Micky Pacheco wears rings
on his fingers and thick gold chains, I was reminded
of Franciso Branco.
When I first met him on his victory as Panaji mayor, I
was stunned by the jewelry he was wearing. If I
remember correctly, he was short and portly. With that
physical stature and the jewellery he looked like a
I forget what profession he held before becoming the
I saw pics of Pacheco during the rally in the Goan
Observer. Can't believe that elections in Goa are much
bigger than the famed carnival. Seems like all this is
sizzle but no substance.
Nowadays it matters little who wins and who loses. All
are painted with the same brush of being corrupt and
arrogant. The GO story on Monte Cruz is illustrative
of how deep corruption is in Goa.
No politician is above board.
The people have become complacent. Probably so because
there's no alternative. Even a promising party such as
UGP has to fall back on Monte Cruz is surprising.
If Benaulim projects such a poor picture, Taleigao is
not far behind. Or perhaps worse. Floriano Lobo's
jumping into the fray maybe akin to committing
political harakiri.
Good intentions apart, it seems to be from this
distance and from reading newspaper reports that Lobo
is a non-starter. If he can be a giant-killer, than
Lobo would be a political miracle. And miracles is
what we need in dear old Goa.
Come June 2, we will know.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]cricket and tendulkar's star

2005-05-31 Thread Eugene Correia

The International Cricket Council did a ground
breaking ceremony to construct a building in dubai.
They are going to be located in the Dubai Sports City,
which is one of the many cities coming up here.
Abdul Rahman Bukhatir, the man behind cricket in the
gulf, said, This is a historic event. we certainly
have come a long way in cricket in theis part of the
world. This is a very proud day in that we've been
able to bring this level of seriousness to the whole
Ehsan Mani said that the dubai ceremony represent a
fantastic new chapter in the history of the ICC and
the game of cricket.
The office will open in media city (where i work) on
Aug. 1.
Chef executive Malcolm Speed that it's very exciting.
we're coming to a new culturee. It's not just
relocation. we also share the vision of what is going
on in dubai. dubai becomes the wrold headquaters for
cricket. we're confident other sports will come here
speed said that an annual meeting of delegates at
Lord's would continute to be held there to maintain
Bukhtair is partner in Sports City.


Tendulkar's star


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[Goanet]Re: airfields

2005-03-18 Thread Eugene Correia
Where is the beach in Dabolime? Perhaps, the writer
means Bogmalo beach below the airport. The bar's name
is Joet.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]bad peter and other tiatr stuff

2005-02-25 Thread Eugene Correia
When I was in Goa recently, I attended a tiatr,
Kallukant Uzvadd, by comedian Dominic. The reason to
attend it in Margoa was to meet some of the old
tiatrists such as Prem Kumar and Ophelia who were to
be honoured that day.
However, the honourees were not present for some
I mention this because it was Ophelia who once, when
we chatted backstage at Bhangwaddi, remarked to me
that I would be in for a surprise. I said what and she
smiled away.
Then I learnt that she was marrying Bab Peter. It was
a May-December wedding, as dear Bab may have been more
than 15 years younger than her.
I also learnt that the late C. Alvares tried his best
to stop this wedding. For those who may not know, C.
Alvares dated Ophelia for many years and, I think, the
relationship broke when Ophelia moved to Beirut to be
with her late sister Mohana.
Not surprisingly though, Mohana herself was Alvares's
girlfriend. It was a good love affair, I am told.
However, I don't know the reason why it fell apart.
Future historians of tiatr can investigate. I am not
sure if this is mentioned anywhere in the many pieces
that appeared after Alvares' death.
Coming to Bab Peter, I didn't know him well in later
years. I knew him well as a small boy. The reason is
that he moved into my building with his family as a
sub-tenant. I think Peter's family lived there for not
more than six months.
It was only when I saw him on stage and his name
spread as a budding singer/actor, I realized he was
the same Peter I knew as a small kid. However, there
was just a casual hi when I bumped into him.
But with Ophelia is was a different matter. She spoke
freely, though I never got to ask her about her affair
with Alvares. During this time Alvares was dating
Betty Fernandes.
I however talked with other people why Alvares was
interfering with her lovelife. Maybe he still had a
soft corner for her.
I read netter Daniel's interview with Ophelia in Goan
Observer. It was heart-warming. I missed the
opportunity to meet her. I did enquire about her and
other with Wilson Mazrello, of Wilmix, and Cyriaco
Dias, who I met at the Vishwa Gomant Sammelan.
Cyriaco recognized me when I stood to ask a question
during the conference. He then came to the front row
where I was sitting and extended his hand. It was a
nice meeting after 1988 when he came to Toronto for
the first International Goan Convention.
Similarly, it was a heart-touching meeting with one
two other Goan tiatrists. Walking near Longinos at
Margoa I recognized Pramanand Lotlikar walking towards
me. I said hello and asked him if he recognized me. He
stared at me for a brief time and said yes.
He couldn't get my name. We talked for some time and
he handed me his business card and I said I would try
and meet him at a more convenient time when I come to
Margoa. It never happened.
Before this another meeting with another tiatrist was
refreshing. I didn't know that a tiatr was to be held
in a vaddo in Bogmalo on the feast day of St.
Sebastian. It was only late at night I got the news.
I went but I was late by half an hour to see Tum Asso
Sor by Rose Ferns. During the interval I went to the
dressing space and said hello to him. He took a long
time to recognize and when I told him who I was he
suddenly began talking about the times we met in
Mumbai. He introduced me to his wife. We talked for a
short time and then again after the end of the play.
He too said I should drop in his photocopying shop
opposite the Vidya Niketan, but I didn't get a chance.
It was nice reconnecting with tiatrists after a long
time. I saw just two tiatrs. I found Roseferns' tiatr
to have gone the soap opera way, as he used some
effects from the Hindi soaps that so many Goan
families watch fervently.
Again coming to Bab Peter, I didn't see him as an
actor in the classic mold in the few tiatrs I saw him
take part. He survived in the highly-competitive world
of Goan theatre. Ophelia, in contrast, was a class by

Eugene Correia

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2005-02-17 Thread Eugene Correia
It's heartening to know that Lorna still regales Goan
crowds wherever she goes. I saw another new CD
released in Goa titled From Goa to Lisboa, which has
her old numbers.
I think there are at least two earlier cassettes/CDs,
I think, titled, Unforgetable Lorna, and Golden Hits,
by her. Besides, her songs have been sung by other
singers on cassettes and CDs.
Her voice may not be the same, but that she still
commands attention in a crowd field of women singers
in Goa speaks greatly in her honour.
Are we still crazy to hear the frequet 'repackaging'
of Lorna?

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]Margaret's piece

2005-02-17 Thread Eugene Correia
Margaret has made her point clear. It's easy to
understand her because of the nature of her job or
jobs. She needs money to make a living, and
writing/editing and conducting writing workshops is
what she does.
I also understand Tony's case as someone eager to
publish his writings. He wants his writings to be
edited and he felt those like Margaret could help in
in his venture.
One clearly sees a clash of motives. I, however, wish
that Tony had not gone to the extreme and, as he
eventually did, publish on his own.
Though I try to understand that writers such as Tony
and also my friend Valentino Fernandes rush to
publish, I wish they would take more time to go
through their manuscripts. Tony's took one of his
former collegague at Gomantak Times help in getting
his book edited.
During my recent trip to Goa and my visit to Tony in
Canacona I remarked to him that his book seemed to be
a mish-mash of things and the title, Naked Goa, seems
inappropriate. Some issues are irrevalant to the Goan
Valentino's book, How to be an Instant Goan, is partly
written in a lighter vein. He has made many
generalizations, especially on the lifestyles of Goans
Admittedly, he talked to some overseas Goans who, I
feel, just blurt out their opinions without serious
thoughts. It's a book that one may want to read just
for some of off-the-cuff remarks and unfounded
I read also Ben Antao's book, Goa Rediscovered, and
Frank Simoes' book Goa, formerly named Glad Seasons in
Goa. Though I am still in the process of finishing
Simoes' book, I can say it's very different both in
style and substance to Antao's book. Simoes' book is
also huge compared to Antao's. Well, Simoes has been
published by Rupa (I think) while Antao has been
published by himself or perhaps jointly with Goan
Observer. I don't have the copies of the book in front
of me as I am writing from an internet cafe.
More of Antao's and Simoes book later. Also will touch
on Margaret and her opinion on Silviano's book.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]remo in dubai

2005-02-13 Thread Eugene Correia
Remo and Ian Anderson of the Jethro Tull group teamed
up well at a concert here in Dubai.
Remo's solo effort began with Undir Mojea Mama. He
introduced himself saying he was from Goa and then
while sipping water from a soda told the audience in
Konkani that it's wasn't feni.
He followed it up with a flute composition on a
folksong from north-east india, and then went into the
the familiar Ho Meri Munni, and the rock hit Bombay
Supported ably by Sivamuni on the drums and another
drummer on the south indian drum and a bass guitarist,
Remo and Ian played some combined pieces on the flute.
Both complimented each other in song and and
instruments and both praised each other's skills. Remo
said it was a privilege to play in Ian's company and
it was a great moment to jam with the English group
that played ballards and old Victorian tunes.
Ian also drew laughter with his jokes, once saying if
Dubai decides to build England in the ocean that could
get f***ing Blair with it. 
The Jebel Ali area has become famous for the offshore
man-made islands The Palm, and The World.
Unfortunately, could not attend the show at the Global
Village which featured Indian artistes, including the
Goan singer Hema Sardesai.
Wished the Goans here, or at least some Goan
entrepreneurs or organizations, had organized a show
feasturing both Remo and Hema.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet]last two stories on pravasi divas

2005-01-19 Thread Eugene Correia
Leading lights from the diaspora show paths to further

From Eugene Correia

MUMBAI: While European Parliament MP, Nina Gill,
thought people of Indian origin have “spiced up the
world”, UN Under-Secretary, Shashi Tharoor, felt that
the term NRI meant “Never Relinquished India” and
telecommunications entrepreneur, Sam Pitroda, opined
that  “corporate successes” is a given but a
“generation change” is needed in the social sector.
They were taking part in the plenary session of New
Initiatives for the Diasora which was chaired by Lord
Navnit Dhalakia, with other diaspora panelists, Dato
Seri S. Samy Vellu, Malaysia’s Minister of Works, A.R.
Bundhun, Vice-President, Mauritius, Dr. Basdeo Pandey,
Leader of the Opposition, Trnidad and Tobago, Dr P.
Mohamed Ali, MD, Galfar Engineering  Contracting,
Sultanate of Oman, and Vijay Amritraj, President,
First Serve Entertainment, USA.
To show the extent to what level the influence of
Indian diaspora has penetrated into the workplace in
the world, Shashi Tharoor remarked that British curry
houses employ more workers than in the iron, steel,
coal, shipping and mining industries combined.
It’s one example of how the Empire can strike back, he
quipped, drawing a big laugh from the crowd.
He said that events like the PBD were necessary for
Indians to voice their concerns and share their
values. “Sometimes the value of a conference lies in
conferring,” he added.
Tharoor said that overseas Indians have contributed
richly in diverse fields both in India and where they
live and that they should be accorded the right to
Providing the example of Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) as a “brand name” recognized as much
as “MIT”, the UN official said India is no longer
known as a land of “begging bowls and snake-charmers”.

He remarked that for far too long it was believed that
the only country Indians cannot succeed is in India
He began his address saying light-heartedly but
carrying a thought-provoking commentary on India’s
secularism that where can one see a Muslim President
appointing a Sikh Prime Minister made room for him by
a Roman Catholic politician..
Nina Gill urged the overseas Indian youth to get
involved in politics and gave brief details of her own
rise in politics. “There a few and far in between in
politics,” she added.
She said she refused to be taken as a second-class
citizen because of her race. “I was articulate and I
set up an organization to fight back.
Indian families encouraged their children to excel in
the professions and, therefore, very few of these
overseas Indian youth take up public office, she
Sam Pitroda said he was ridiculed as one of the
“computer boys” when he tried to usher in the
communications revolution, but the state of the
country has shown his vision has succeeded.
He, however, warned that the technology success
shouldn’t make India sit back and relax but work
harder to provide similar success in the social
sector. Besides the economic reforms, there must be
judicial, administrative and political reforms, he
He called upon the government to build at least ten
large cities in fresh urban setting, while
recommending a 10-point program to elevate poverty and
improve growth.


Citizenship for all overseas Indians

From Eugene Correia

MUMBAI:  The overseas delegates to the third Pravasi
Bharatiya Divas burst into a thunderous applause when
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared the
government’s decision to extend dual citizenship to
people of Indian origin living in all countries.
As the applause from more than 2,500 delegates and
invitees to the opening ceremony at the S.N. Kohli
ground in Navynagar, South Mumbai, died down, Singh
added a condition to the qualification, saying that
only those who migrated after Jan. 26, 1950 would be
eligible and if only their host countries allowed.
The dual nationality was first offered to overseas
Indians in eight countries, including US and Canada,
and then eight more countries were added.
The immediate reaction to this clause was not seen in
the packed audience, but during the following two days
of the event, many overseas Indians were not sure how
it would work out.
The PM asked the government and the bureaucracy be
forgiven because “little has happened to implement
this declaration of intent” since the dual citizenship
was announced at last year’s meet.
 “I do hope that a day will come when every single
overseas Indian who wishes to secure Indian
citizenship will actually be able to do so,” he said
He asked for more time and called for patience from
overseas Indians till the government creates a
user-friendly form instead of the three-layered one.
Singh said that the government may consider using
“smart card” for security reasons, and that he has
requested concerned ministries to “spell out the
benefits of registering overseas citizenship.”  
Despite the differences in religion, cuisine and

[Goanet]mea culpa

2005-01-18 Thread Eugene Correia
Peter D'Souza rightly pointed my mistake in writing
Sanjay Gandhi as PM. It was Rajiv, no doubt.
I may have made other errors, and the one I noticed
while scrolling through the stories on goanet is that
I said Chair in the story on entertainment. It
should be American Chai.
Filing stories for both a Toronto paper and India West
in San Francisco at the media centre at the end of an
exhausting day was painful, more so because of the
prevailing conditions in the media centre.
The centre was noisy, crowded and badly organized. The
Press Information Bureau (PIB) officials were not very
helpful. I and many others had lot of problems with
them, from getting our media passes to special
police clearance to cover the last day when the
president spoke.
It was so frustrating that I yelled at one of them,
who behaved as a big-shot babu. Despite a senior
official telling one of the junior officials to issue
me a pass, after showing him the credentials and also
the messages from the Consul General in Toronto to the
MEA, he behaved in a rude manner.
He had given me a hard time on the inaugural day,
keeping me outside the gate for more than a hour until
a senior official issued me an invite. This guy told
me I would not be allowed to cover as I didn't have a
J visa, issued for journalists.
Even telling him that I came via Dubai where a tourist
visa was issued to me, he was adamant. Ultimately, I
got the pass. I had applied in November 2004 and I had
a copy of the email that the Toronto Consulate had
sent to the MEA in the same month. The applications
had to be routed through Indian diplomatic missions.
But no excuse for mistakes. As many journalists would
vouch, when faced with deadline and with more than one
story to write, it is a race against time. Errors crop
in and, hence, there are desk people who must catch
such mistakes.


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[Goanet]Maria Aurora Couto's yearend remarks on Goa

2005-01-18 Thread Eugene Correia


Opinion - Leader Page Articles

Dangerous currents

By Maria Aurora Couto

History and memory need to be recovered by both the Hindu and Catholic 
communities of Goa but not with crude productions that distort and telescope 
unrelated events to create divisive hatreds.

[Goanet]pbd--- youth

2005-01-18 Thread Eugene Correia

Call for youth to join in India’s progress

From Eugene Correia

Mumbai: Three young Members of Parliament (MP), with
one common characteristic of having studied abroad and
worked abroad, B. J. Panda, Milind Deora, and
Manvendra Singh, brought their own experiences of
living abroad and unveiled their vision for a new
Hailed as part of the new breed of Indian MPs, the
three spelled out the things that need to be done to
by the new generation of India to enhance and improve
India’s image at home and abroad.
At the plenary session on India and the Generation
Next, the three MPs, who formed the part of Indian
panelists, were joined by diaspora youth panelists,
Prof. Premnarine Misir, Pro-Chancellor, University of
Guyana, Vigneswaran, MP and Parliamentary Secretary
for Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia, Dharmesh
Mistry, Management Consultant, who left his job in the
UK to work with Indicops, a voluntary group, in India,
and Dr. Amitabha Ghosh, NASA scientist.
Moderated by Prithviraj Chavan, Minister of State in
the Prime Minister’s Office, and himself a returned
expatriate, the debate took a lively turns.
Dr. Ghosh was very critical of government services,
saying he found that many slum dwellers had a fridge,
a TV and a motorbike but no essential services like
water and sanitation.
The picture, according to him, says that the private
sector has delivered but the government sector has
failed. It drew a clarification from Manvendra Singh
that the slums are “illegal” and, hence, there’s no
question of providing them with either water or
It was Mistry who articulated very well the need for
overseas Indian youth to provide voluntarily their
knowledge and skills to India. He said he has high
hopes India would come on top and the youth would lead
the way.
Both Panda and Deora said that not much must be made
of the fact they are young MPs. They chose to get into
politics to help change the face of India. Milind is
son of former MP, Murli Deora, who regained the South
Bombay seat for the Congress, while Manvendra, BJP MP,
is son of former BJP Minister, Jaswant Singh. Panda
(Janata Dal is member of Rajya Sabha.
There was the group of diaspora interns, who came to
India from different countries for a two-week visit.
The group went to many universities and other places.

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[Goanet]bpd every two years

2005-01-18 Thread Eugene Correia
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas may be held every two years

From Eugene Correia

Mumbai: Though there has been no official
announcement, the Indian government may hold the
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas every two years.
The organizers, FICCI and the newly created Ministry
for Overseas Indians Affairs, said that 2,500
delegates participated, the highest so far. The
previous two meets were held in Delhi.
There has been criticism that the PBD is nothing but a
jamboree where nothing of significance gets achieved.
However, opinions on its worth is divided.
It seems a good idea to have the event every second
year and the intervening year filled with an economic
meet. With the organizers trying to pack as much
possible within the three days, the business community
does not get enough time to network.
Those who have attended the previous two meets say
that the issues are repeated. By holding it every two
years, it would give the government and the diaspora
community time to take stock of the government
promises and of new issues.

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[Goanet]pravasi divas -- awardees

2005-01-18 Thread Eugene Correia
Pitroda, Bhagwati, Shyamalan among awardees

by Eugene Correia

Mumbai: Fifteen people of Indian origin were honoured
with the
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards on the concluding day
of the third Pravasi Divas in Mumbai on Jan. 9.
Three of them are based in the United States -- Dr.
Sam Pitroda, the man who pioneered the
telecommunications era in modern India as Technology
Advisor to the late Indian Prime Minister Sanjay
Gandhi, Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati, of Columbia
University, who is engaged in writing about
developmental economics and has authored many papers
on India's economy, Prof. Sunil Khilani, who teaches
political science at John Hopkins University,
Washington, DC, author Vikram Seth, who divides his
time between India and USA, often in San Francisco,
California. and filmmaker Manoj Night Shyamalan.
Former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and now
the Opposition leader, Basdeo Panday, Lord Bhiku
Chhotalal Parekh, a political scientist who has
contributed tremendously to socio-political studies in
both UK and India, Amina Cachalia, a social activist
who founded the Women's Progressive Union in South
Africa, Ahmed Kathrada, also from South Africa and a
social activist who served in Nelson Mandela's
cabinet, Alokeranjan Dasgupta, a noted translator of
Bengali poetry and former  teacher at the South Asian
Institute, University of Heidelberg, Vijay Singh, one
of the world's leading golfer, from Fiji, J.K. Chande,
a community leader in Tanzania, M. Arunachalam, Hong
Kong businessmen and cultural activist, M.A.
Yussuffali, who runs a big grocery business in the
United Arab Emirates and also engaged in many
charitable organizations,  and Sant Singh Virmani, of
the Phillipines, renowned for his research work in
hybrid rice.
Shymalan, Seth, Prof. Bhagwati and Vijay Singh were

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[Goanet]pravasi divas -- gulf nris

2005-01-17 Thread Eugene Correia
Gulf NRIs get special attention

by Eugene Correia

Mumbai: Indians in the Persian Gulf region were
accorded a special session to deal with their issues
and problems.
Many representatives from this region -- United Arab
Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait -- asked
that the government look into such issues as
exploitation of hoursemaids, cheaper air fares, work
contracts, and recruitment agencies.
Minister for Overseas Indians Affairs, Jagdish Tytler,
was emotional when he spoke of the plight of Indian
housemaids in Oman and angry with those people who
dupe innocent workers with jobs in the Gulf only to
leave them out in the cold.
While seeking help from Gulf NRIs in stopping illegal
practices of hiring workers under false pretexts,.
Tytler said he would not hesitate in cancelling
passports of those found guilty of exploiting such
He said that the government is thinking of setting up
a corporate law office in Dubai to take up cases on
behalf of workers who have been wronged.
Tytler  informed that certain rules have been put in
place where the interests of the  housemaids have been
taken care of, such as proper documentation and also
the setting the age limit of 30 years for housemaids
who want to work in the Gulf.
Issues such as getting NRIs on electoral roles and
allotment of quota for children of Gulf NRIs also came
for discussion. One delegate pointed out that calling
Indians working in the Gulf NRIs was wrong, because
they are not settled there but are only on working

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[Goanet]pravasi divas

2005-01-11 Thread Eugene Correia
i attended the three-day Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in
Mumbai. Spotted Goa NRI Fecilitation Committee
chairman Chandrakant Keni in lineup at the food stall
of Goan dishes. Spoke to him briefly. Didn't see the
others members of the committee.
Special session on Gulf NRIs. Lots of complaints, but
overwhelming demand for cheaper airlines to Kerala and
direct flights from Abu Dhabi, Oman and Qatar. Kerala
CM too joined in.
Would Goans make similar demand for direct flights to
Met some Mangaloreans from Kuwait at the Goan food
Will file brief reports once I return to Goa.


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[Goanet]new moble number

2004-12-29 Thread Eugene Correia
my new mobile number for goa is



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[Goanet]for viviana

2004-12-16 Thread Eugene Correia
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

I am told Viviana and Aristo are in Goa. if anyone
knows where they are, please let me know how to
contact them, such as telephone number, etc.
I am in Bogmalo and my cell number is 9890479418.
unfortunately, i can't get calls on this in bogmalo
because of the range problem. when I go to the hilltop
at dabolim or vasco i get the calls.
however, my home number is 2538004, but at times i am
not at home. 


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