2007-01-07 Thread airesrod
More details are emerging of how the recently
concluded Global Goan Convention was an awful drain on
the state exchequer.

The eight feted delegates including Dr Narana 
Coissoro had their flights and five star hotel
expenses paid for by Goa's tax payers. 

Can the Goa Government come clean and provide a
listing of all the expenses that were incurred for the

Aires Rodrigues

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet] NRI meet and other issues

2007-01-07 Thread Eugene Correia
I apologise for repeating what Floriano said that the
Regional Plan was taken off the agenda. I had
forgotten that I had read JoeGoaUK's brief report
where he said that issue was discussed on the first
day, not once but twice.
As I see now, there was definitely no need for it to
come up again on the second day. Maybe Aires and his
ilk were unhappy that the issue wasn't discussed
threadbare on the first day and, hence, wanted to
bring it up again on the second day.
I have taken a cursory look at the plan on
www.savegoa.com. The plan envisages creating of
townships, though I am not sure if these will be
upscale. States such as Maharashtra and Hyderabad have
many areas which had complexes for returning NRIs and
also those who can afford the upscale lifestyle.
There would be tourist-focussed areas.
Among the effects mentioned are increase in migrant
labour, ecological imbalance, concrete jungles, etc.
Is it true that for a country or state to progress,
development work should be done? The important part is
that the plan should help the economic vitality of the
state and also help strengthen the tourism sector.
If the plan could help provide employment with a
little sacrifice in terms of ecology and other
environmental and social aspects, then it could be
welcomed but with conditions.
There was opposition to Zuari Agro Plant. It had some
severe effects on the seawaters, but then after a good
fight the issue was settled.
Goan youth need jobs and should not necessarily run to
the Middle East or on cruise ships. 
The RP should be subjected to a impact-report study
and also scrunity by recognized and independent
Those with better knowledge could enlighten us on the
pros and cons of the plan.
Goa has two groups, Save Goa Front, and Save Goa
Campaign fighting for scrapping the plan. I would want
them to provide alternative plans or amendments to the
RP so that Goa's economic future is not jeopardized by
those whose aim is to score political points.


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[Goanet] Fearful In Goa - The Stephen Bennett Story

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Francis

The available information on this murder from all sources intrigues me.

Is the boy innocent (a mere cannabis smoker)? Are the Goa police hand
in glove with gangsters? And to what extent? I can guess.

Here is some coverage in Bombay's Mid-Day. Pitiable pleas from a young
man in danger.

Roland Francis

[Goanet] Appreciating JoeGoaUK (to Cip)

2007-01-07 Thread JoeGoaUk

Hi Cip,

Look alike Joegoauk ? Where did you first saw him or his picture to assume him 
a 'look alike'?

Fyi, Real Joegoauk was there only on the first day but not whole day.
And he promptly made a rough report on the Day One and also said there will be 
no such report
on day 2 & 3.

One could see that any one there at Cidade could pose and register as Delegate.

I had two delegates who were staying with us were kind enough to pass it on to 
me whatever
that was discussed (some of it)or happend at GGC base on which I was trying to 
make a report. 
As the same time, I was hoping such report would be posted by some one who 
attended the GGC at
least on day 2 & 3.

I don't know who you saw at Cansaulim feast on the 6th as I only went there on 
the 7th.
check my prv. posts on this.

You also say 'On 4th afternoon, he questioned Coimmissioner for NRI during 
the inter-active section in the secretariat, Porvorim'

What questions you put Mr. Cip? Just curious.

Btw. did you ask him 'look-alike' who he was ?

Anyway, real JoeGoaUK will never pose for photograp with netters.
You obviously captured a wrong one.

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet] Goan Folk Music

2007-01-07 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Hi Roland,

Methinks today's deafening musak has dulled the
creative instinct in many a potential musician,
tending to imitate rather than creating new forms of

The musicians of old were trained in the parochial
schools where training in harmony was imparted,
besides choral singing and some instrumental training.
Today the need for this type of training no longer
exists, as church liturgy is no longer in latin and
the "sung" liturgy is at a minimum, so the need for a
trained "mestre da igreja" is a dying breed, if not
dead already. 

Today's tribe of Goan musicians has little overall
training, as everyone chases the English system of
musicianship (TCL and RCM) which often follows a
narrow branch of specialisation into one or at most
two instruments (with some theory thrown in), as
compared to the continental (or latin-european) format
which is based on solfeggio and training in harmony
alongside instrumental training.  

And note that the Mando is not a 3/4 waltz time as
incorrectly played by many bands, but has its own
peculiar 6/8 (or as some say, 6/4) pattern.



--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Pardon my ignorance of the Goan Mando, but it
> appears to me that I
> hear today the same mandos I have been hearing from
> the age I was old
> enough to appreciate music (make that 5 years old).
> Haven't any Goans added to the repertoire of that
> music in the
> intervening years? Where have all the Goan musicians
> gone? Have they
> not been able or skillful enough to have added to
> the old compositions
> of our fathers and grandfathers?
> Have Goan musicians somehow gone brain-dead? The
> excuse that they have
> concentrated on other strains for daily living or
> lucrative purposes
> does not cut any ice. For example If Remo had made
> it big on the
> Indian scene could he not give back something to
> Goan music?
> Basilio Magno and peers, hear me?
> Cheers
> Roland Francis

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com 


2007-01-07 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Hi Aires,

Thank you for your time and effort to preserve Goa's pristine hills,
fields and beaches.  We applaud your unrelenting pursuit to check
wasteful expenses of taxpayer's monies.  Do not get discouraged... 

You are a true Goan vigilante!

Best wishes,

Aires Rodrigues wrote:

I have been asked by Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan
(Save Goa Campaign) Dr. Oscar Rebello to head a
committee which will act as a flying squad to attend
to any complaints of hill cutting, CRZ and other land
use violations.

Complaints could be made to me on  9822684372 which
would be a 24 hour helpline.


I will submit a monthly report of all complaints
received to the Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan Dr.
Oscar Rebello. 

Aires Rodrigues

Re: [Goanet] Paedophiles in GOA- A BBC Report

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Francis

Another latest BBC link on the subject.
Is this getting to be a real Goa problem?


On 1/6/07, Noronha,Ronald [Ontario] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

** Global Account **
A set of free-standing documentaries from the BBC that uncover the secrets
that those in positions of authority would prefer to stay hidden.

Roland Francis

[Goanet] RP 2011

2007-01-07 Thread Seb dc

For those of you, who would like to support Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) in
their fight to de-notiy the Reginal Plan 2011, kindly flood your mails to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in their signature campaign. For moe info www.savegoa.com


[Goanet] Release of latest issue of Parmal

2007-01-07 Thread Goanet Events
The latest issue of Parmal will be released at the hands of Ms. Maria Aurora 
Couto, author of Goa - A Daughter's Story

Venue: Francisco Luis Gomes Garden, Campal, Panaji
Date: January 12, 2006
Time: 6:00pm

Refreshments courtesy Navtara Restaurant, Panaji and Mapusa

Goa Heritage Action Group
Yesterda. Today. Tomorrow

Goanet Events:


2007-01-07 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Dear Mr. Caldeira,

Saddam Hussein has gone !! But you may remember his famous look-alike the 
"Soup Nazi", who terrorized NY ! "Soup Nazi" translates to "Nazi Caldin"!! 
Ring a bell? Your senile utterances and boorish behaviour do.

At the outset, let me clarify that Aires and I do not see eye-to-eye, over a 
property dispute between me and the owner of the 'River Princess'. But that 
doesn't detract from acknowledging the ferocious battles he has waged 
unstintingly on our behalf, over 32 years.

You started by voicing blatant untruths that Aires was not an NRI, merely a 
trouble-maker, etc. When you were shown to be wrong, you switched mode to a 
cacophony of shrill, rooftop abuse. Does it hurt so much to swallow the 
truth? Remove your dentures and give it a try, old feller. Floriano too has 
elucidated this point. George Pinto, Floriano, myself, and a host of others 
attended the 1st NRI Convention in 2001, excellently organised 
byAires Rodrigues! Today, the Govt. of India blatantly claims to be 
organising these Conventions - so, Nasci, who has hijacked what, from whom?

I did advise you, "Nasci mento", to check your facts, before shooting your 
mouth off! Right, uncle, switch on your pacemaker - since you're so skilled 
at bad-mouthing others, a few questions for you. What are your antecedents, 
which village do you actually come from?? A host of others (Cip, Bernado, 
etc), have also clarified Aires's undeniable patriotism - what have YOU done 
for your motherland Mr. N, other than crawling out the rock from 'Down 
Under', as you so blatantly advertise?

My sister is a surgeon in Melbourne (Langwarrin, Pindara), and, apparently, 
your geriatric antics are legendary! Time for you to team up with that 
Melbourne super-zero, Insp. ('Clouseau') Newton Filomeno, whose x-ray vision 
enabled him to see inside Zidane's head and lose his impartiality! Final 
error - Aires is NOT a journalist! A Mario Goveia you are not - even Houdini 
took his correspondence course!

Elsewhere on Goanet, Kevin has some sane advice for you - why don't you take 
him up on it? He's a respected vet, and highly skilled with porcine issues - 
a case like yours of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is child's play for him. You 
know, there really is no need to be so "Nazi"mental!

With best wishes for a safe convalescence,



Nassci Caldeira:

Hey Francis,

Eduard Faleiro or any of the polis and bureaucrats are
not fellow villagers of mine! And more importantly I
am not not "Nasty' like you certainly are. My name, I
put down as Nasci, that is short for Nascimento! Just
shows how biased and 'ROD" loyal you are in this
mudslinging! In this piece you Francis, have displayed
your 'True Colours' vis a vis bias towards comrade Rod.!
Hah Ha! What right has this Aires Rod the brat, to try to
hijack a well concieved Goan NRI Convention?? He certainly
deserves 'free board and lodge' at taxpayer's expense!

If your 'namesake' is so concerned about taxpayer's
money, then he should and you too should pay for all
of the Convention expenses! That will surely save the
Goa Govt. exchequer! Where in the world are
'journalist allowed to quetion proceedings at a
convention? Journalists are only allowed to put
questions after the event at a properly constituted
press conference! Tell, this to your Aires Rod,
please. Of course you are welcome to have your say!
but not welcome to call me 'Nasty'! How much 'LOW' can
a 'ROD' get? You have just so belittled yourself!
Nasci Caldeira.

[Goanet] The Kunbis of North Goa - The KoKon-Kunbis

2007-01-07 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

Hi Everyone,

I have followed the interesting discussiions on the Kunbis and Gavdas of Goa 
on the internet over the past few days.

You may note that the Kunbis of South Goa are  a bunch of dicriminatory 
folks too. They often look down on the Gavdas and Kunbis of North Goa and 
often refer to the latter as KoKon-Kunbis and exemplify them as the ones who 
mix their whiskey in their beer to make it more potent !

Vijay Mallya Please take note - you may have to fortify your Premier 
Kingfisher Lager Beer !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
INDIAN Harbour Beach, Florida

[Goanet] Goa in the Portuguese Press

2007-01-07 Thread Eddie Fernandes

The forthcoming State visit of the Portuguese President, Cavaco Silva, has
generated some press coverage in Portugal.  Please do correct my translation

The Invasion of  Goa, Daman & Diu was Illegal and Illegitimate
7 Jan: Portugal Diário.  General Carlos Azeredo considers the attack by the
Indian troops of the Portuguese territories in 1961 as an attack to  Human
Rights. He was in Goa when 50,000 Indian troops invaded Goa on the night of
17 Dec. 1961. Less than two days later the Portuguese accepted a ceasefire
but did not recognise the conquest till  25  April  1974.  680 words.

What remains of Portugal in Goa
7 Jan: Portugal Diário.  The few remaining Portuguese speakers in Goa
celebrate a weekly mass in Portuguese … Nalini Sousa, 33, was born and grew
up in Lisbon and came to Goa in 1998 to marry a Goan. Now she teaches
Portuguese to adults … The Government has changed the names of some streets
… The television series Contacto Goa will be transmitted for the second time
by RTP International in February … while cricket has a following, soccer is
king in Goa. 531 words.
For a photograph of Nalini Sousa see http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/

Portuguese Goans emigrate to  England
7 Jan: Diário Digital. Many of the Goans resident in Portugal are emigrating
to England but in spite of  the change of country they continue it feel
Portuguese … Susana Pereira Bastos, coordinator  do Centro de Estudos das
Migrações e das Minorias Étnicas of  Universidade Nova de Lisboa said that
thousands of Goans had left Portugal to work in England and they included
the “elite” Goans … The Indian Embassy estimates that there 60,000 Indians
living in Portugal, including 7,000 Indian nationals. According to the
secretary-general of Casa de Goa, José Maria Furtado, there are about 10,000
Goans living in Portugal. The Goans and Gujaratis are well-integrated in
Portugal … 568 words.

Bollywood films to be shot in Lisbon
6 Jan: Diário Digital.  Bollywood films are to be shot in Lisbon and other
exotic Portuguese locations and this will attract more Indian tourists to
Portugal. http://diariodigital.sapo.pt/news.asp?section_id=14&id_news=257134

Online coverage of visit of Portuguese President’s visit  to Goa
5 Jan:  Correio da Manhã. The State visit of Cavaco Silva to India will take
place from 10 to 17 Jan and will be covered with text, photos and videos at
www.presidencia.pt The President will visit New Delhi, Goa, Mumbai and

Also at http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/

My paradise lost? By Rosie Waterhouse 
7 Jan: Mail on Sunday (UK). An estimated 5,000 foreigners own homes in Goa,
on India’s west coast, of which 3,000 are British … The exotic climate, slow
pace of life, cheap cost of living and welcoming people of Goa seem
irresistible …  The backlash appears to have started last May with agitation
about the colonialist British ‘invading’ and buying properties, forcing up
prices and spoiling the scenery and culture … We can only hope the
politicians remember that Goa is dependent on tourism for its prosperity. As
one anxious owner said: ‘Do they really want to kill the goose that laid the
golden egg?’  879 words. 
Read the May 2005 account of Rosie Waterhouse at

'Killer's wife' denies hanged holidaymaker molested her
7 Jan: Mail on Sunday. … Nirmala  has denied Bennett tried to sexually
assault her and said she had never seen him before his body was found.  2671

Video Clip: Stephen Bennett Murder 
6 Jan: Channel 4  News (UK).  A terrified son's final call home from India -
how Stephen Bennett knew he was in danger days before his body was found.
4m:03s. http://www.channel4.com/player/v2/player.jsp?showId=4149

Eddie Fernandes
Goan Voice UK

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time? re Kunbis

2007-01-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would much rather be at a Kunbi function than at a
> pretentious frou frou party in Bardez, where people
> pretend they don't know Konkani.
Mario observes:
I think you have the two Goas mixed up.  From my
experience, it is in the Portuguese-Goan bastion of
Salcete that people pretend not to know Konkani.

[Goanet] Portugal v India some hard facts

2007-01-07 Thread Bernado Colaco
Recently and very often Goanet is the stage of anti
Portuguese rethoric. Here some hard facts compiled for
reader information on Portugal's poverty.



Per Capita GDP (US$) 2004
India   626

Life expectancy at birth 2004-2005
Life expectancy at birth is an estimate of the number
of years to be 
lived by a
female or male newborn, based on current age-specific
mortality rates. 
expectancy at birth by sex gives a statistical summary
of current 
in male and female mortality across all ages. In areas
with high infant 
child mortality rates, the indicator is strongly
influenced by trends 
differentials in infant and child mortality.

Men   Women
India   62  65
Portugal74  81

School life expectancy (in years). Primary to tertiary
education 2004
India   10

Infant mortality rate 2000-2005
Infant mortality rate is the total number of infants
dying before 
reaching the
age of one year per 1,000 live births in a given year.
It is an 
of the number of deaths per 1,000 children born alive
who die within 
one year
of birth. Under-five mortality rate is defined as the
probability of 
before reaching age 5 and is expressed as the number
of deaths under 
age 5 per
1,000 live births.
India   68
Portugal 6


Personal computers (per 1,000 people) - 2004
India 12
Portugal 133

Internet users (per 1,000 people) -2004
India 32
Portugal 281

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)
India 5
Portugal  9

Source: http://ddp-ext.worldbank.org

Technological achievement
The Technology Achievement Index is calculated from
indicators in four
categories: creation of technology; diffusion of
recent innovations; 
of old innovations; and human skills.
The indicators for creation of technology are patents
granted per 
capita and
royalty and license fees received from abroad per
Diffusion of recent innovations is calculated from the
number of 
Internet hosts
per capita and the share of high- and
medium-technology exports as a 
of all exports.
Indicators for diffusion of old technology are
telephones (land line 
cellular) per capita and electricity consumption per
Human skills are calculated based on the average
number of years of 
and the gross enrolment ratio at the tertiary level in
mathematics and

India   0.2

Source: United Nations Development Program. Human
Development Report 
2001. New
York: Oxford University Press,2001, Table A2.1. via

Car production (per capita) - 2002
India   0.6536 per 1,000 people
Portugal17.2793 per 1,000 people

Motor vehicle production (per capita) -2002
India 0.825674 per 1,000 people
Portugal 23.7395 per 1,000 people

Source: International Organization of Motor Vehicle
referred by

Highways Paved (per capita) - 2005
India   1.40436 km per 1,000 people
Portugal5.59436 km per 1,000 people

Source: CIA World Factbook, referred by

Per capita total expenditure on health in
international dollars by 
country -2002
India   96

Source: World Health Organization referred by

Human development index -2006
A composite index measuring average achievement in
three basic 
dimensions of
human development--a long and healthy life, knowledge
and a decent 
standard of

India   0.611

Human poverty index (HPI-1) Rank -2004
A composite index measuring deprivations in the three
basic dimensions 
in the human development index--a long and healthy
life, knowledge and 
decent standard of living. For details on how the
index is calculated

India 126 of top
Portugal Rank 28 of top

Physicians (per 100,000 people) -1990-2004
India 60
Portugal  342

Research and development (R&D) expenditures (% of GDP)
- 2000-2003
Current and capital expenditures (including overhead)
on creative, 
activity intended to increase the stock of knowledge.
Included are 
and applied research and experimental development work
leading to new 
products or processes.

India   0.8

Tuberculosis cases - prevalence (per 100,000 people)
The total number of tuberculosis cases reported to the
World Health
Organization. A tuberculosis case is defined as a
patient in whom 
has been bacteriologically confirmed or diagnosed by a

India   312

Population living below $1 a day (%) 1990


2007-01-07 Thread airesrod
I have been asked by Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan
(Save Goa Campaign) Dr. Oscar Rebello to head a
committee which will act as a flying squad to attend
to any complaints of hill cutting, CRZ and other land
use violations.

Complaints could be made to me on  9822684372 which
would be a 24 hour helpline.

You could also email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I will be assisted by Mr. Prajal Sakhardande (North
Goa) and Mr. Ananta V. Cacodo (South Goa)

A five member sub - committee is also being
constituted for each of Goa's eleven talukas to keep
vigil on any land use violations.

I shall pursue and monitor the progress on all
complaints received with the North Goa Collector Mr.
Nikhil Kumar who has been appointed by the Government
of Goa as the Nodal Officer to handle all complaints
of land use violations.

I have appealed to all respective Deputy Collectors,
Mamlatdars and Police Inspectors to comply with their
statutory duty by being vigilant and taking prompt
deterrent action against all land use violations
within their jurisdiction.

I will submit a monthly report of all complaints
received to the Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan Dr.
Oscar Rebello. 

Aires Rodrigues

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet] This little business of mine

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Francis

The whole post is in riddles.

1. Who is your market?
2. What exactly are you selling?
3. Why do you have to extend credit and depend on buyers' goodwill?
4. How do you export?

etc etc etc.


On 1/7/07, JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This little business of mine

I have just made an investment (business expansion)
It's a small investment with few thousand Rupees (about 100).
My average daily outgoings are about Rs.2000 which includes rent, charges, fees 
My business is export oriented mainly dealing in Goan products.
So, obviously, my main customers are from overseas.

In this type of business, the seller does not see the buyer nor the buyer sees 
the seller as
this is an online business.
Returns so far so good but like every businessmen, always aiming high for 
higher returns.
I have variety of Goan products on display (food products, Antiques (including 
religious) so
that customers can pick and mix.
Yet there are some customers who would like to buy it all.
But regret to say almost all my customers  buy on credit which often result in 
bad debts.
Yet, I am happy with the returns so far,
Today 7/1/7, a customer RF (Royal Food)  placed a huge order (biggest ever 
order so far).
I  usually don't get any complaints from the customers as I always try to offer 
the best and
off course, the quickest. However,  there is one area  where I received one or 
two complaints
which concern me a lot  and sometimes wonder if it is worth discontinuing with 
this products
(Religious Items) but there are many equally fond of these items. I would like 
to reassure to
such customers nothing is ( knowingly) sold here  as 'fake'
All products are pure Goan and genuine.

Customers' satisfaction is our business motto.
We don't sell Cheap things but sell things Cheap.


  for Goa & NRI related info...

Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] Miracles at Pota

2007-01-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

From: "Gllenda Viegas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Miracles at Pota
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 13:42:14 +

Dear Nasci
Nobody has asked you to criticise hindus and hinduism. Every one has a 
right to follow their religion the way they want. Morever all the 
Christians originally born in Goa  were hindus till 1532 or so and we were 
converted to Catholism. Our religion whether someone believes or not have 
hindu roots and customs. Many of us still believe in superstitions and 
other beliefs .There are many catholics who go to the hindu temples to pour 
oil on the deity. I have heard that there is one zatra in Bardez for which 
the Catholic church nearby sends oil or flowers to the hindu diety and in 
return the temple sends to the catholic church flowers or oil I do not 
know. So Nasci caldeira should not talk bad about the hindus and their 

and on her behalf

I will say Sorry to the hindu brothers

and sisters on the goanet.


Has a miracle just occured, Nasci´s gender transveresed?


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Re: [Goanet] Appreciating JoeGoaUK

2007-01-07 Thread JOANITA FERNANDEZ
I think I saw JoeGoaUK look-alike for the 'Global Goans Convention' on 3rd, 
4th & 5th Jan.  On 4th afternoon, he questioned Coimmissioner for NRI during 
the inter-active section in the secretariat, Porvorim. Later, he travelled 
to Hotel 'Cidade de Goa' in the coach among other Global Goans. On arrival 
at the hotel 'Cidade de Goa', he was photographed by the Goanetter Rene 
Baretto.  Later for the dinner hosted by the Commissioner, goanetter Bond 
from Mapuca was looking out for JoeGoaUK look-alike, however he disappeared 
into the thin air.

Somehow, he re-appeared on Saturday afternoon, 06th Jan in Cansaulim, in 
front of the church taking photographs of the three Kings on their horses.

As yet I am not sure whether he is so-called JoeGoaUK or look-alike or a 
friendly ghost.


[Goanet] Aires Rod, Trouble Maker and Non Achiever?

2007-01-07 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Dear Floriano,

At the outset, I'd like to say the reporting on the recently concluded
Global Goan Convention has been ambiguous and inconsistent, so it has not
been easy, for me, to determine who is telling the truth. However I'd like
to raise a couple of queries and would be happy if you and/or Aires could
respond to, minus any emotions.

Aires Rodrigues wanted to force the discussion on the Regional Plan-2011 
in the NRI Convention. This discussion has not only been struck off the 
agenda by this Congress's stooge

I also understand there was a request made by the Save Goa Campaign (Noël 
Caldeira) to all those attending the Global Goan Convention "to make 
revoking the Regional Plan 2011 your one-point prerequisite agenda before 
talking of anything else" as per their newsletter dated December 21, 2006.

My questions:

# 1 With the Global Goan convention organized by the Government of Goa under
the auspices of the Goa NRI Commissioner, who in your opinion should have
the ability and the right to define the agenda for this meet ?

# 2 If an individual, invited or otherwise, chose to disrupt a meeting of
the Goa Suraj Party or the Save Goa Front, what would the executive of
either organization do ?

For the rest of us reading here

With regard to the constitution of the Goa NRI Commissioner's office, can we
publicly validate the benefits of the office holder being of cabinet rank?
Does it benefit the Non-resident Goan (NRG) to have a commisioner with a
foot in government? Could a change in government lead to a change in
commissioner? If the office of the Goa NRI Commissioner was apolitical, how
would the office be sustained (if at all it is necessary)? Could the
Commissioner establish a business plan with an annual budget that the
Government could underwrite? Would NRGs be prepared to make an annual
subscription to sustain the office of the Goa NRI Commissioner?

I have too many questions and difficulty rationalizing them.

- Bosco 


2007-01-07 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No hard feelings! Learn Christian Theology and you
> will have been redeemed from hindu to agnostic to a
> true Christian, not a pretentious Christian! I
> welcome you, Santosh.
> Nasci Caldeira
> Melbourne Down Under.

Way down under.
Way, way down under.
And at the same time a terrible embarrassment to all
other Goans.

Rest in peace my way, way, way down under friend.

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[Goanet] Lourdes and Miracles

2007-01-07 Thread afra dias

Hi Goans,
Mario wrote:
I have seen people go into debt because of their belief that going to 
Lourdes or Fatima or Medjugorge or Pota is the only thing that will solve 
their problem.  To me that constitutes an unfortunate  misunderstanding of 
the fundamentals of Christian beliefs.  Jesus preached and healed in the 
most unusual places.

-Afra Says:-
Advertisements now manipulate people's minds.
100 or so years ago, manipulation was done where there was mass gatherings, 
what better than to do it on a Sunday!!?

This is how Lourdes came about:-
A business man wanted to transport his goods (parishable) to town from the 
country side as quickly as he could.

'Railway', was his brainstorm.
Having laid the railway line, how was he going to recoup his capital?
The King of France (who wanted fresh produce) and his friends came up with 
an idea (don't forget, the Clergy of those days were in cohert with the rich 
and the royalty). - MIRACLE IN LOURDES.

People bought Railway tickets - Problem solved.
Byron once said - "I see crutches, but I don't see any false limbs!".

[Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time?

2007-01-07 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Response to Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami:

At first, I am empathetic to Ana Maria's reaction. I feel the same when I see / 
hear someone blow-up Rs 5,000.00 on an expensive bottle of wine.  Yet my 
perspective will be different if I were making or selling that wine.  This 
brings me to the need to look at the larger picture, than  our narrow 
perspective and interest.

Ana Maria's reaction (as a Goan) to visitors / tourists coming to Goa and 
blowing up Rs. 50,000 on a 1-2 night junket is disappointing.  Would it be 
better if those tourists not come at all? Or come and spend the same amount of 
money staying in Goa for a month?  How would the latter situation work out for 
their contribution to the Goan economy and drain on her resources?

My guess is that social parties involving Delhiwallas would involve business 
and political networking. So I am disappointed that a well-traveled and 
educated Goan like Ana Maria did not take advantage of their presence in Goa, 
and tell us about the networking. I hope she welcomed these busy-bodies, 
empathized with them about their ultra-short stay and invited them to come back 
again. Hope Ana Maria  encouraged them to make-up for their short stay by 
taking back to Delhi a lot of Goan bibique etc. and at least a six-month supply 
of feni, not to mention other Goan gifts for their relatives and friends. 

The above would be better rather than writing about the Goan kashti.  Is that 
what her take-home message was from the party?  I compliment the Delhiites for 
rushing home back to work, after a day or two of partying. Now I know why the 
country is doing so well.  Would we want them to just lol around in Goa on the 
beach?  And then criticize them for that too?  I think these Delhiwallas should 
be thanked for choosing Goa for the short vacation. They could have gone to 
many other tourists spots in India and aboard.  As far as their flying visit to 
Goa, they should be emulated for their dedication to their work.

By visiting Goa and spending their money there, the ripple effect permits their 
money to reach the very people Ana Maria would like to see the money go --- and 
they will be our bhaus and bhoinims in Goa.
Kind Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time?/to Sunith

2007-01-07 Thread Carvalho

--- Sunith D Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cecil,
> No need to worry about Selma this time. She has made
> it quite clear 
> that she considers other goan women insipid.
> No we know why no one will talk to her at Goan
> events.
> Regards
> Sunith Velho

Dear Sunith,

I was wondering who would take the bait on that one
:)) As for no one talking to me at Goan events, your
penchant for hyperbole and extrapolation is superb. 

I think I said I find the women insipid, I find the
men positively charming and I've never had any
problems with getting them to talk to me. Not only can
I discuss the GDP of Brazil but I can dance a mean
Mambo No. 5 as well :)

Take care and have a good one, we've got snow up here.

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Re: [Goanet] Goa minister resigns - will CBI raids follow?

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Francis

The CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation)

The CBI is a sorry apology for a national investigational force that
has the internal all-country mandate of an FBI, an RCMP (Mounties) or
an MI5.

For starters, the CBI has no direct recruitment process and is
dependent on a deputation system  that absorbs police personnel from
other police and para-military forces including the BSF (Border
Security Force) the Home Guards, the Central and State Reserve Police
Forces, the CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) and the various
RPFs (Railway Protection Forces) . In principle the deputation
procedure is supposed to make available to this senior force the best
of the other junior forces but in actual practice over the years since
Indian independence, the best brains have gone to RAW (Research and
Analysis Wing) which is equivalent to the CIA, the Canadian CSIS or
the British MI6 and to the prestigious NSG (National Security Guards -
the Black Cat Commandos).

This is because political interference has made the CBI a tool of the
current ruling party as so rightly pointed out in this forum. Due to
this, no self-respecting senior police officer willingly takes a
transfer to his deputation term there. He has to be pushed into it and
his service conduct rules have to be invoked or promotion threatened
to make him take that posting. Not to say some CBI chiefs have not
tried to do their jobs well. They disappointingly found out that they
were emasculated at every turn.

Just as there is an unwritten rule that top performers in the UPSC
exam are given the first shot at the IFS (indian Foreign Service),
followed in merit by the IAS, the IPS (Indian Police Service), and the
IAAS (Indian Audit and Accounting Service), in descending order, so
also now it seems the CBI ranks as the least desirable in terms of
force candidate preference with RAW at the top.

If one were to visit the CBI office at Tanna House in Colaba Bombay,
one would be appalled at the obsolete furniture, even more obsolete
computer equipment and the general dowdy ambiance and accompanying
morale there. Of course occasionally the Bureau will rise to a certain
investigation in a stellar manner but if you follow it through, you
will discover that it sputters and dies out. Whether this is due to
major political interference, poor follow up at legal prosecution
stage or a lack of resources, I shall leave it to you to figure out.


On 1/7/07, Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I agree, sir!

-- RKN

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time? re Kunbis

2007-01-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

For the first time in my life, I agree more with Cecil... than with Selma.

Without intending to defend Cecil (he doesn't need it... and he's too
unpredictable anyway!) his comment didn't strike me the way Selma read
it. In fact, I burst into a chortle on first seeing it, provoking a
family member to ask, "What happened?"

To me, Cecil was trying to say: "Yes, Goa itself is a stratified,
class and caste divided society. So why complain when the divisions
work against you? Do we complain when we have been treating others
unfairly (for generations)?"

Coming to think of it, we're pretty racist when it comes to keeping
people out of our own "parties". So, Cecil's question, if I read it
right, why complain when a party in Goa has a "Delhites-only"
unwritten signboard outside it?

Don't know if Cecil would agree with my reading of his comment... but
that's how it came across to me. FN

PS: I don't agree with Cecil's deliberately provocative and
unjustified criticism of all "South Goans" in general, as he calls
them. I think he does it more for effect, like his "world famous all
over Goa" joke.

On 07/01/07, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do we really have to denigrate the Kunbis and Gawdas
of Salcete? These salt of the earth people have raised
themselves up in society through sheer dint of hard
work. Today they are represented in society as masons,
teachers and administrative staff.

> - Original Message -
> From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > And you were expecting what? Kunbis and gawdas
> from Salcete?

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] WORKSHOP ON RP-2011

2007-01-07 Thread Goanet Events


Time..: 4pm
Venue: Caritas Hall, St. Inez, Panaji
Report: Workshop for North Goa schools-its implications for Goa.

Goanet Events:

[Goanet] Goa news for January 8, 2007

2007-01-07 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Yahoo! News and Goanet.org

Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Paradise Found ; Georgina Rodgers Relaxes on Goa's Golden
Beaches (RedNova)

By Georgina Rodgers HURTLING along in our clapped-out 4x4
vehicle in the oppressive heat of the mid-morning sun, we
swerve suddenly to avoid yet another wandering cow. In Goa,
there are no road markings, few traffic lights, and seemingly
no right of way.


*** (AFX UK Focus) 2007-01-07 22:27 GMT: BHP Billiton, Rio
Tinto may bid for 51 pct stake in India's Sesa Goa - report
(Interactive Investor)

SYDNEY (XFN-ASIA) - BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are rumored to
be among the bidders for a controlling 51 pct stake in India's
largest non-state iron ore exporter, Sesa Goa, The Sydney
Morning Herald reported, citing Indian media reports.


*** The good ˜old charm of Velha Goa (Deccan Herald)

If you thought Goa was all about feni, food, fiesta, siesta,
sprawling palm-fringed beaches, isolated coves, islands and
rivers, you are sadly mistaken.


*** 20 teams from all over India participated in the
championship, which was organized by Goa Thangta Association
under the ... (Greater Kashmir)

Srinagar: The J&K Thang Ta team won 59 medals in the 13th
National Thangta championship, which was held at Kalangote Goa
from December 23 to 25. The team missed the chance to grab the
overall championship only by 15 points and had to satisfy with
runners up trophy.


*** Night landing to be allowed at Goa airport from Jan 8 (New

Panaji, Jan 6: Following confusion at Goa airport last week due
to diversion and cancellation of several flights, the Navy has
agreed to extend night landing facilities to civilian aircraft
from January 8.


*** Parents to leave for Goa to get at the root of Bennett's
death (New Kerala)

London, Jan 7: Nearly a month after the body of Stephen
Bennett, a self-taught builder from Cheltenham in the UK, was
found hanged from a tree in a Maharashtra village, his parents
Carol and Maureen plan to leave for Goa to carry out their own
investigation into his murder.


*** Goa celebrates the Three Kings Day (New Kerala)

Cansaulim (Goa), Jan. 6 : Christians in Goa on Saturday
celebrated the Three Kings Day marked by a church service,
procession and a colourful fest to commemorate the Biblical
story of the three kings' journey, bringing gifts to the baby


*** Goa Bachaos ultimatum to govt over regional plan (Navhind

Panaji, Jan 6 As a future course of action to persist with its
demand to scrap the Regional Plan 2011, the Goa Bachao Abhiyan
(GBA) today asked the government to de-notify the 10-year
public document by January 15, 2007, failing which a large
public meeting would be held at the Lohia Maidan, Margao, on
January 16. A meeting of the representatives of various
non-government organisations and ...


*** BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto may bid for 51 pct stake in India's
Sesa Goa - report (Sharewatch)

It said Mitsui & Co is believed to be considering offers for
the 51 pct stake, worth about 780 mln usd, it holds in Sesa Goa
as the Japanese trading group does not consider it a core


*** Goa celebrates the Three Kings Day (ANI via Yahoo! India

Cansaulim (Goa), Jan. 6 (ANI): Christians in Goa on Saturday
celebrated the Three Kings Day marked by a church service,
procession and a colourful fest to commemorate the Biblical
story of the three kings' journey, bringing gifts to the
baby Jesus. Perched on a hill, the Cansaulim Church, a
centuries-old stone chapel, 24 km from capital Panaji, sprang
to life as scores of devotees thronged ...


Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Now, opposition to New Margao Hospital site too.

2007-01-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
Now, opposition to New Margao Hospital site too.

‘’No, no, not into my backyard, take it elsewhere or take it in your backyard 
or his’

It seems the above has become  very common excuse  now everywhere in Goa when 
it comes to a
new developmental projects etc.  Be it a Garbage Treatment plant, Expressway, 
Konkan Railway, Roads, IT parks etc etc

Health Minister Dayanand Narvekar told Global Goan Convention delegates on Jan. 
4, 2007 that
the New Margao Hospital coming up soon near KTC  and  that the work for 
construction of new 
Hospital will start before the end of current financial year i.e. before April 
2007.  He also
told that the current Hospicio building is not suitable for any changes or 
modification or
repairs and that the building is heritage structure. 

But it seems the process for land acquisition for the same is not completed yet.

Today, it was reported in local dailies that farmers of Dovandem, Margao have 
strongly opposed
the acquisition process of the agricultural land, which is reportedly underway 
to build a new
district hospital. Memos also been submitted to Governor and Chief secretary. 
They have also
suggested that the present Hospicio and TB hospital  be modified and upgraded 
with modern
facilities and services or the new hospital be built at Monte Hill.

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[Goanet] This little business of mine

2007-01-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
This little business of mine

I have just made an investment (business expansion) 
It’s a small investment with few thousand Rupees (about 100).
My average daily outgoings are about Rs.2000 which includes rent, charges, fees 
My business is export oriented mainly dealing in Goan products.
So, obviously, my main customers are from overseas.

In this type of business, the seller does not see the buyer nor the buyer sees 
the seller as
this is an online business.
Returns so far so good but like every businessmen, always aiming high for 
higher returns.
I have variety of Goan products on display (food products, Antiques (including 
religious) so
that customers can pick and mix.
Yet there are some customers who would like to buy it all.
But regret to say almost all my customers  buy on credit which often result in 
bad debts.
Yet, I am happy with the returns so far,
Today 7/1/7, a customer RF (Royal Food)  placed a huge order (biggest ever 
order so far).
I  usually don’t get any complaints from the customers as I always try to offer 
the best and
off course, the quickest. However,  there is one area  where I received one or 
two complaints
which concern me a lot  and sometimes wonder if it is worth discontinuing with 
this products
(Religious Items) but there are many equally fond of these items. I would like 
to reassure to
such customers nothing is ( knowingly) sold here  as ‘fake’  
All products are pure Goan and genuine.

Customers’ satisfaction is our business motto.
We don’t sell Cheap things but sell things Cheap.

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[Goanet] Save Goa !

2007-01-07 Thread Cher Sty
   I could not have read everything about the  new Goa regional development 
plan 2011 on Goanet. So, in the case the following link -  www.savegoa.com - 
had not been mentionned before, I am sending it to you.

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Re: [Goanet] Abusing other religions

2007-01-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

What Cecil says is right in theory. The reality is that monotheistic
faiths have a tendency to "prove" their own correctness (over others).
And this makes it easy to slip into a tendency of trying to, likewise,
"prove" other faiths wrong. Or "ours" superior to "theirs". We need to
keep this in mind in an increasingly inter-connected world, where no
people or faith group are an island. No harm in reminding ourselves of
the strengths and weaknesses of each faith group. FN

On 07/01/07, Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I stand with young C.

>From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jeevan wrote:
>Is it a Christian value to abuse other religion on public forum such as
>this? Is it a crime to worship nature?
>Dear Jeevan,
>No, abusing other religions is not a Christian value, and it is not a crime
>to worship nature.
>Nasci Caldeira anti-Hindu views are not representative of Christians in
>general or Goan Christians in particular.
>Nasci's anti-Aires Rodrigues views too are solely his own.
>The democratic nature of this forum allows for all types.

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Fwd: Mission/to Kevin

2007-01-07 Thread Kevin Saldanha

Amended message forwarded to GoaNet.  Hope this complies with GoaNet rules.
Have kept entire text of original short message as it is relevant   /ks

-- Forwarded message --
From: Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 6, 2007 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Mission/to Kevin
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

Happy new year, MAG BAN!

I'm sorry you find the discussion of religion offensive but coming
from a country and state that is steeped in religion where every
action is either attributed to or governed by one deity or another, it
is inevitable that religion will creep into the conversation.  Gone
are the days when we were treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and
fed dung) although many priests, pundits and imams pray for the return
of those times when their interpretation of an imaginary God's word
kept them in business.  Today, that line of work is falling on hard
times and only survives due to the propagation of the myths of angels,
demons, souls and eternal afterlife.

With the widespread availability of information at your fingertips
today, ignorance is no longer bliss.  Gazing at a crucifix these days
makes me wonder what kind of sadistic theologian saddled a religious
community with such guilt by immortalizing the image of a tortured,
naked man in his death throes nailed to two beams.  You couldn't have
dreamed up a more gut-wrenching theme in todays violent culture.  And
you call it a religion that reveres life?  I feel it borders on child
abuse to expose youngsters to such a crude image.  We have become so
enured to it that we no longer see it for what it is.

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Message: 10
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:05:12 +
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Mission/to Kevin


Why do we always discuss about our religion on open ground, so called
(internet, chats, and mails) do we have this rite? offlate since our
brothers and sisters found temporary green pastures on other side of the
religion joinning different groups, which is created by our own self(human
ruling) this was not there in so called our childhood times, just one church
and one religion, look around the world , do we find peace anywhere? are we
happy in our homes going to other churches?  outside we show the bright
smile but take a deep look within us, there is something lacking and sadness
which we dont know nor realize.

No hard feelings to anyone but just pause and think for a while, look at the

God bless you all
have a wonderful days ahead


[Goanet] Miracles at Pota

2007-01-07 Thread Gllenda Viegas

Dear Nasci
Nobody has asked you to criticise hindus and hinduism. Every one has a right 
to follow their religion the way they want. Morever all the Christians 
originally born in Goa  were hindus till 1532 or so and we were converted to 
Catholism. Our religion whether someone believes or not have hindu roots and 
customs. Many of us still believe in superstitions and other beliefs .There 
are many catholics who go to the hindu temples to pour oil on the deity. I 
have heard that there is one zatra in Bardez for which the Catholic church 
nearby sends oil or flowers to the hindu diety and in return the temple 
sends to the catholic church flowers or oil I do not know. So Nasci caldeira 
should not talk bad about the hindus and their religion and on her behalf I 
will say Sorry to the hindu brothers and sisters on the goanet. Secondly 
those who have not visited Pota should not write anything about Pota or the 
miracles.First make a retreat yourself and ask God to forgive you for your 
sins and look around and feel sorry for those brothers who are not healthy. 
Many times we catholics have a habit of criticizing christians of other 
denominations. Many times priests are heard condeming the believers and 
their bible .Those who are with christ are not against christ.People 
sometimes uses earthly yardstick to measure heavenly God and heaven. The 
"Mother " syndromme is only to keep the flock together.

Good luck and God bless you.
No heart feelings

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Re: [Goanet] Goa Voter Guidance List

2007-01-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Hey, you'll guys sound very 20th century ... and hierarchical. If we
guys presume that knowledge and wisdom is the monopoly of a few, then
we run into other tough issues: who is 'wise', who should control,
what issues get predominance?

At least after the success of Goanet, we could have more faith in 'smart mobs':
A smart mob is a form of self-structuring social organization through
technology-mediated, intelligent "emergent behavior". The concept was
introduced by Howard Rheingold in his book Smart Mobs: The Next Social
Revolution. According to Rheingold, smart mobs are an indication of
the evolving communication technologies that will empower the people.
In 2002, the "smart mob" concept was highlighted in the New York Times
"Year in Ideas"

Take a look at my friend Michael Bauwens' network

There are quite a few peer-to-peer movements listed here:

Perhaps an ICT-supported movement (which is open ended, and not the
'monopoly' of a few leaders) would be ablel to throw up issues that
are relevant to the diversity of Goa and its many regions.

As of now, we don't even know the issues affecting different parts of
Goa. The biggest challenge: how do we give the affected people a
voice? Email isn't the only tool! FN

On 07/01/07, Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here are some difficult questions from someone not in touch.
Is there a voter guidance list of clean candidates who will be a
credit to their position?
If not, why does not a committee comprising of eminent and reputed
Goans prepare such a list - and quickly. Cannot Oscar Rebello who has
ably led the protest to the regional plan take such a task at hand?
Are there no candidates who will qualify for such a list?
Is anyone optimistic that the people will not vote for the same old corrupt men?
Will Goa get another chance?

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] **DEAR AUNTY No. 35 - WEEKLY HUMOR :-))**

2007-01-07 Thread Francis Rodrigues
   **DEAR AUNTY No. 35 - WEEKLY TOP 12**
Kith go, no sign! Still giddy with your presents and Christmas tree?Pio
Dear Pio: Oi re pisha, I'm still in my Christmas holly daze !
Is it true journalists ran from gun-toting cops at the NRI Convention?  Salu
Dear Salu:Yeah, they missed getting a bulletin themselves !
Big mine-owners loot Goa, destroy lives and health, don’t care! Comment - Jo

Dear Jo:  "Great mines stink alike!"
(proverb:'great minds think alike')*
Do you think by resigning, the TCP Monster Rat has gone underground?Rati
Dear Rati: Oh no, he's just lying low under a near Babush!
 ('..under a nearby bush!")*
Was Mary Magdalene in the Bible a Marwari who was asked to convert?Selma
Dear Selma:  Yup, she was told: "Woman, go and Sindhi no more !"
('Woman, go and sin thee no more!')*
My dog snores! Should my wife disturb it - or what to feed it?  Ken Tucky
Dear Ken:'She can nag it !'   ('chicken nugget!')*
What's the difference JoeGoa's Bakery 7/11 and Rane's RP-20/11?   Zia
Dear Zia:One seeks to garnish our pao, the other to punish our gao !
What can we learn from Monserrate's ouster by the common people?   Oscar
Dear Oscar:"He who crores over others lakhs common cents !!"
Question from my niece - who invented the three-wheeler?   Otto
Dear Otto:Haha !  Rick Shah !
Why was Advocate Rodrigues expelled from the NRI Convention?  Nasci Caldin
Dear Nasci:Oh darling you know, ...he was too 'Aires'k !
('he was too hi-risk!’)*
60th Independence Anniversary! Any lesson from our founding fathers?   Kalam
Dear Kalam: Gandhi cast evil out from the Nehru minds !
  ('Gun the caste evil out from the narrow minds!')*
Gimme one of yr 'Famous Konkani Proverbs' to charm this pretty divorcee? Lui
Dear Lui:"A Mrs. as good as a Bile !" ('Bile'=wife)*
(proverb:'a miss is as good as a mile')*
Disclaimer: all original material [EMAIL PROTECTED] *translations for
'tube-lights' & non-konkani readers worldwide. Forward with acknowledgement.
Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.
-- next part --
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[Goanet] Does this echo the Goan ? (Skilled workers desert Philippines )

2007-01-07 Thread Gabe Menezes

Skilled workers desert Philippines
By Nick Higham
BBC News

Michael Duque is a nurse in the accident and emergency department at a
London hospital. Six years ago he left his home in the Philippines to
seek his fortune abroad.

As a nurse in Britain he earns about £24,000 (US $47,000) a year;
doing a similar job in one of the top hospitals in Manila, the
Philippines capital, he would be earning just £1,800 ($3,500).

He is one of some eight million Filipinos living and working overseas.

The money they send back in "remittances" - about $15bn in 2006 - is
vital to the Philippines economy.

But there's a substantial cost involved as well, for Philippine
society and for the individuals involved.

The personal cost lies in long-distance family separation, something
familiar to generations of Filipinos.

Every month Michael sends up to £600 home to his family: wife Glenda,
daughter Ella, aged 7, and son CG, aged 4. They live well on it, in a
house in Manila's suburbs.

Glenda, who trained as a nurse herself, is now a full-time mother. And
Michael, like many exiled Filipinos, is paying not only to support his
family but to educate the next generation of overseas workers: Ella
goes to a local private school.

But Michael has worked abroad ever since his daughter was born,
originally in the Gulf and for the past four years in the UK.

He keeps in touch by phone and e-mail and via the videophone on the
computer and he gets home perhaps once a year to see the children.

But he misses his kids growing up and he misses being a father to them, he said.

His absence puts a strain on his relationship with his wife as well:
"It makes her crazy and stressed; she gets jealous," he said.

Familiar story

The children miss their father too. "Sometimes they say: 'I want my
Dad,'" Glenda told me when I interviewed her in the front room of
their house, as Ella conscientiously did her homework on the sofa
beside her. "Especially her, because she is the favourite of her

Ella is a solemn child: in the two hours we were in the family's home
I didn't see her smile once and she scarcely said a word.

I didn't see her younger brother at all: he threw a tantrum and stayed
upstairs, screaming and slamming doors as soon as we arrived.

The Duques' story is a familiar one. Everywhere you go in Manila you
meet people with relatives abroad - hardly surprising when 10% of the
population count as OFWs, or "Overseas Filipino Workers".

They work as nannies and domestic servants, as construction workers,
as seamen, as nurses and doctors. The Middle East used to be the prime
destination; now many OFWs are to be found in the US, Europe and,
increasingly, in other Asian countries.

Wages and salaries are so low in the Philippines that it often pays
highly-trained professionals to accept much lower status jobs abroad:
there are stories of headteachers getting jobs as nannies and doctors
retraining as nurses.

Skills shortage

Most of those who work abroad can be described as middle class: the
rich have no incentive to leave, the very poor lack the education or
the money to buy schooling and air fares.

But this haemorrhage of talent is bleeding the Philippines dry of
badly-needed skills.

Dr Delen dela Paz is a community health physician attached to one of
Manila's top hospitals.

She claims that 11 government hospitals and about 1,000 private
clinics have closed in the past few years thanks to the shortage of
nurses and doctors.

It's a challenge for the Philippines government, which gives every
appearance of encouraging overseas workers. Special courses are laid
on for those hoping to work abroad and they enjoy fast-track status at

We attended a glittering ceremony at the presidential palace in
Manila, where President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo handed out awards
recognising the achievements of overseas Filipinos.

The recipients included a London-based dance and music group, Lahing Kayumanggi.

Its chairman, Lito Maggay, is the child of an overseas worker: his
mother left to work in London when he was young, leaving him to be
brought up by relatives in the Philippines. He was 17 before he was
able to join her.


But despite the hoopla at the palace and despite the money they send
back, the government denies actively encouraging the export of labour.

Arturo Brion, labour secretary in the Arroyo administration, says the
outflow is a fact of life, given the disparity between wages in the
Philippines and abroad; the government's policy is to regulate it (for
instance by licensing recruitment agencies) and to help and protect

It organises family circles for those left behind and encourages
contract workers to return home eventually, rather than becoming
permanent migrants.

He also denies there is a shortage of nurses - though he concedes that
many of the more experienced have left. It's a problem the government
is trying to address. How?

Through incentives, he says, before adding that it would be premature
to discus

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Borovpan Sudarnni Korunk Soddtana

2007-01-07 Thread lino dourado
   Borovpan Sudarnni Korunk Soddtana   
  SOMPADAK: Heo tujeo kannio vachpak loka kodden vell nam. Tugele lekh uzvaddak 
ieunk naslelean fattlea don sumanant offisantle fon vazle. Vachtana hansunk, hi 
tuji borovpachi chall asa ti, vachpeanchea nirxealea jivitacher odik hanso 
haddun, adlea vorsa vonn Novea Vorsant tankam bhouch umedir dovortolo oxem 
mhaka dislelem. Punn, ho tuzo lekh polleun vachpeanim igorjek sermanv aikopache 
bond korchem poddtelem. 
   BOROVPI: Mhoji borovpachi poddot  kaim lokank avoddnam mhonn vachpi 
boroitat, hea chitti vibhagant vachunk mellta. Double meaning diun hanv 
ollxigim borovpam kortam, itloch tancho nixedh. Hea khatir mhojea borovpan 
illoso bodoll  korun vachpeanchea monant mhojea vixim goir somoz zala to 
poixavunk hea Novea Vorsant panvl ghetlam.
  SOMPADAK: Khoinchea vachpeanchi khobor korta tum? Aichea vachpi lokak, kitem 
zai ani naka asta tem eka potrachea sompadpeak khobor asta ani hech khatir 
hanvem tujim borovpam svikar keleant ani uzavaddak haddleant ani haddtam. Ek 
ugddas dor. Thika (criticism) marpi odik moujen tuje lekh vachtat ani hech 
monis zaun asat khorele dhongi (hypocrites) 
  BOROVPI: Anik ek Goenchea Konknni dhormik satollea potrar “Sopnant Ghoddtta 
Patok Nasta” ho mhozo lekh chappun haddlolo. Don sumanant konn ekto Fast Pen 
mhonnlolo uttlo “Boroita Tem Mat Patok” mhonn niddukaen roddunk laglo. Tea 
uprant tech borovpean Mumbai-chea eka Konknni masikar aplea penant kitli meren 
oskotaen bhorleli niddukai asa ti dakhoili.
  SOMPADAK: Only a hypocrite would yell about the imperfection of something 
when they themselves are imperfect. Khaxalem tanchea thaim naslolean 
dusreanchem sarke nhoi mhunn sangpak fokot dhongi monis poile aroddtele. Tuka 
ek dakttich gozal sangtam. Ghoddie tunvem hea adim aikoleli asteli.
  BOROVPI: Punn kitem-i sang. Novea Vorsant nichev ghetla to mat hanv fattim 
gheuncho nam.
  SOMPADAK: Hanv sangtam tem poilim aikon ge. Uprant tuzo nirnnoi. Dog 
Budd’dhormik mothvasi (Buddhist monk) eke nodixim pavon sorle. Suktter, te 
nodichem udok dhimbe sokla pavtalem. Tedna lok, ti nod par kortalo. 
Budd’dhormikamni, ek sobit sundor choli nodixim ubi asleli poleli. Tika, nodi 
par korunk zai asli punn, apnnale paim mat udkan bizounk ti toiar nasli. Oxem, 
eka Budd’dhormikak kolltoch tannem, tika aplea khanddar marli ani nodi 
peletoddik voron pavoili. Dogui aple fuddle vatter astana sumar orddea hora 
uprant dusro Budd’dhormik zagovlo ani poileak hinnsaun ani xiddkavnni diun 
sanglem, te choliek khanddar marun tanchea dhormancho kaido moddun pap adarlem 
mhunn. Buddhist dhorman, ostoreank apuddchem mhollear ek vhodd patok adim 
somzotale. Tea vellar borea Samaritanan, dhongi Budd’dhormikak sanglem. “Hanvem 
te choliek khanddar gheun peletoddi haddlear orddem hor odik zalem. Azun tum te 
cholie ani mhojea vixim itlem vaitt kiteak chinta? Jedna hanv, ti doiall karnni
 sapuch visorlom?”
  BOROVPI:  Hea gozali velean tum mhaka kitem sangunk soddta?
  SOMPADAK: Hanv kainch sangonam. Niall korun polle. Sangpachem mhollear 
potrachi bori vikri zateli zalear  tatunt lokachem monant probhav poddpa 
sarkelim boroupam asunk nibel gorjechem. Hansun-hansun chimtto kaddtelim 
boroupam don pavtti vachunk poddtat, kiteak; bhero don pavttim hansta. Mhojem 
disalem, dispottim (daily) bhair sorta. Tuzo lekh dor Sonvarak uzvaddak ieta. 
Ek Sonvor chuklo zalear, mon diun vahpi asat te fon khorun kharann vichartat. 
Disantlean mhaka topall (mail) pavtta tacho hixeob nam. Choddan chodd borovpam 
dusreancher chikoll marlelim astat. Tosle topall, kochreachea dobean udoitam. 
Tuka vixech korun mhojea offisant apovchem mhollear, eka namnechea lekhokachi 
borpavoll dobean udovpak mhaka vaitt dista. Osle nove lekh vachun monis aplea 
jivitachi novsornni (renewal) korcho nam. Dekhun ho tuzo lekh ge ani tujea 
borovpachi poddotik sudarnni dinastanam adlech poddotin boroun, nirxelea 
(disappointed) jinneche mukhamollar hanskutleant hanso khelloi.
  Lino B. Dourado


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Re: [Goanet] Pota Retreats

2007-01-07 Thread Carvalho

--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it Rs. 250 now? I thought it was Rs. 170, which
> is
> what is still being claimed on their website. Are
> there any more hidden charges? 
> Thousands of people attending is precisely what I am
> talking about. This enormous volume of customers is
> generated by false advertising of miracle cures. It
> also brings in a healthy stream of donations, which
> would never have been as robust without the lure of
> miracles. 
> Attending the retreat would not convince me that the
> laws of nature are being routinely violated at this
> chosen place, that these specially gifted
> charismatic
> preachers possess some unearthly telepathic powers
> which enable them to remote-sense the healing
> process
> occurring within the human body. I have seen my
> share
> of godmen, televangelists, faith healers and
> psychics
> perform miracles before live audiences on TV, and in
> a
> couple of instances, in person. I have read how many
> of them have been exposed as frauds when the bright
> light of scientific scrutiny was shone upon them.
> What would convince me is actual scientific evidence
> of an AIDS patient being miraculously cured or a
> congenitally defective heart beating inside the
> chest
> cavity of a child being preternaturally repaired -
> physical evidence obtained by undertaking a thorough
> medical examination before and after a retreat using
> objective diagnostic methods.
> Those who feel that this is all about spirituality
> should ask themselves: Would this place attract up
> to
> 20,000 people from far and wide, many of them poor,
> every week, if miracles had not been used as a
> promotional tactic?
> Why don't the spiritually inclined simply throng to
> our beautiful churches and temples, instead? They do
> not charge any fee. Mental patients are not
> prevented
> from entering their premises. The priests who offer
> services  there do not ask anybody to disclose any
> details about their personal health. No false hopes
> are touted or sold there. No frills or gimmicks.
> Just
> pure faith! That is how it should be.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> --- Gllenda Viegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Retreat at Pota really bring spirituality to
> > oneself. The registration fee 
> > which includes lodging and food is just around two
> > hundred and fifty for all 
> > the days. Thousands of people attend the retreats
> > while several others help 
> > in the organisation. The environment makes one
> feel
> > for God and many cures 
> > do take place. One should not write anything
> against
> > these retreats without 
> > attending the same. These retreats are attended by
> > people of all religions. 
> > I request Santosh Helekar to attend these retreats
> > and then write what ever 
> > he wants to write
> > Yours faithfully
> > Glenda Viegas
> > 

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[Goanet] Goenkara goem samball

2007-01-07 Thread Joel Moraes

Goenkara goem samball
Goa was born developed but When MAFIA Rane took over from the MGP to rule 
the liberated Goa,the process of loot and lootmar commenced and now it's 
time to re-liberate Goa from the hands of Goa-Ghatki politicians and that 
day if turns out to be real than that will be the True Goa Liberation 
day.The recent dictatorial attitude by  Eduardo Faleiro wherein the SGF 
convener,Press persons were not allowed to attend the Global goans 
convention confirms the Police and the law is in the hands of politicians in 
Power.Eduardo Faleiro wanted not to have any discussions on Regional Plan at 
the convention and this also confirms the Rajya Sabha MP doesn't have true 
goan blood in him.You are duplicate,Mr. Faleiro.

Who is this Congress? Who is this Rane ,Willy,Babush etc?Who are 
you,Goa-Ghatki politicians to have your own plans for Goa?You people have 
sold your souls for the sake of Power,you people have ruined and looted Goa 
and now you people have plans to sell Goa for all.

Our fields are been converted in the name of farms and what not?mountains 
are been razed into flat surfaces,our ground holy water has been 
polluted,our lovely beaches has been miserably raped during day light and 
we,the sons of the soil turned out to be mere spectators.The Goa-Ghatki 
politicians have taken advantage of our silence.They are all set to sell the 
identity of Niz Goenkars.The Willy's,Rane's,Ravi's,Luizinho's,Sardinha's not 
forgetting Da Vinci code fame Churchill etc has made enough.They are not 
bothered about ordinary goenkars and if they, then Goa would have not 
witnessed such days where people had to come out to save their own Goa which 
was liberated from the Portuguese rule on the 19th December 1961.

Forget about our future.Our ancestors knew that people like me will not be 
able or allowed to earn our daily bread staying in our  Mai desh Goa and 
that's the reason why they had Kudds for us in Mumbai from where we could 
search for a better life and that's what we did.We cannot compare our 
ancestors to the present day IITians but they were true natural genius.They 
had kept enough for us in the name of rice fields,rich mountains,beautiful 
beaches and all great things but we humans disturbed the nature and 
environment for our personal gains.Goenkara,think about our next 
generation,fudlle pilgechem chint.Goenkara,think about our identity as 
goenkar.Goenkara,see that the next generation doesn't curse us.The 
Goa-ghatki politicians might threaten us as they have started to do with Dr 
Oscar,Mrs Patricia etc.We need to remain united if not for us then atleat 
for the sake of our next generation.We should not be held responsible for 
our own disappearance.

Goenchea saiba,rakh amkam samball amkan,Goa-ghatki politicians hanchea 

Viva Goa!

Joel Morais

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa at this time? (Vivek Menezes)

2007-01-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Goanet News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?NewsID=1071856
> Must you come to Goa at this time?
> Friday, December 29, 2006  22:24 IST
> Vivek Menezes
> Let's start at the top. Why Goa? Why do all of you
> newly moneyed, newly adventurous and aspirational 
> Indians head here like lemmings every New Year? 
> Don't you know that the Goans are in xenophobic
> uproar?
Mario asks incredulously:
Isn't the author an American who left the US to settle
in what he describes as horrid old Goa?  And the
"...newly moneyed, newly adventurous and aspirational
Indians..." are being harangued for just visiting?

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time? re Kunbis

2007-01-07 Thread Carvalho
Cecil pinto wrote in response to Ana's post about
attending a party where only Delhites were present:

> - Original Message -
> From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > And you were expecting what? Kunbis and gawdas
> from Salcete?


Do we really have to denigrate the Kunbis and Gawdas
of Salcete? These salt of the earth people have raised
themselves up in society through sheer dint of hard
work. Today they are represented in society as masons,
teachers and administrative staff.

I went to a Kunbi wedding once. The host was extremely
gracious and hospitable. I've never seen such
energetic and raw interpretation of dance and music,
except once at a South African party. Perhaps there is
some very distant racial genetic link with Africa and
the indigenous population of Goa, but I digress. I
would much rather be at a Kunbi function than at a
pretentious frou frou party in Bardez, where people
pretend they don't know Konkani.

It is rather hypocritical to eloquently denounce
religion bashing and then go on to denigrate another
section of society who may not have the wherewithal to
be represented on a cyber forum.


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[Goanet] Goan Folk Music

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Francis

Pardon my ignorance of the Goan Mando, but it appears to me that I
hear today the same mandos I have been hearing from the age I was old
enough to appreciate music (make that 5 years old).

Haven't any Goans added to the repertoire of that music in the
intervening years? Where have all the Goan musicians gone? Have they
not been able or skillful enough to have added to the old compositions
of our fathers and grandfathers?

Have Goan musicians somehow gone brain-dead? The excuse that they have
concentrated on other strains for daily living or lucrative purposes
does not cut any ice. For example If Remo had made it big on the
Indian scene could he not give back something to Goan music?

Basilio Magno and peers, hear me?


Roland Francis


2007-01-07 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza [Moderator-GRN]
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Teotonio R. de Souza"

Source: Correio da Manha
Lisboa, 06-01-2006


The President regards it as a business visit to aN emerging world
power. The visit is planned accordingly. He will be accompanied
almost exclusively by those who have experience and intentions of
investing and establishing a commercial dialogue with India. This
dialogue, according to President's spokesperson, has been
insignificant so far.

The main personalities accompanying the President will be the
representatives of the banks of Portugal, of companies connected with
tourism, computers, telecommunications, and directors of the main
business associations. The visit is not meant to be tourism oriented
neither a pilgrimage, as reported by a source connected with the
Presidential palace, and it will be very different from the style of
visit conducted by the President Mário Soares in 1992.

The visit of Cavaco Silva has been planned with great secrecy. The
President has been meeting the businessmen who have been in contact
with India and also some members of the parliament. He intends
putting in place a 'relationship of the future' with one of the
countries that makes the BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia and China), the
emerging world powers.  Cavaco will be in  – New Delhi, Goa, Mumbai
and Bangalore – and the main event will be an economic seminar. While
thinking of investment potential, the President is conscious of the
Indian investors abroad, such as the Indian businessman Lakshmi
Mittal, who has taken over the Arcelor, the second major steel
producer in the world.

Regarding matters of diplomacy and economy, Portugal wishes to act as
bridge between Africa and Brasil. During the visit the President may
sign some agreements in the areas of education and a treaty of

During his stay in India, the President of Portugal will meet the
President of Índia, Abdul Kalam, the PM, Manmohan Singh, the leader
of the Opposition in  Lokh Sabha, the Congress Party leader, Sonia
Ghandi, and will pay homage to Mahatma Ghandi. In Goa, the President
will receive a doctorate `honoris causa' from the Goa University.


The President of Portugal will be accompanied by 67 businessmen, who
are paying for their trip. Among them will be the directors of Galp,
Murteira Nabo, of PT, Henrique Granadeiro, of BES, Ricardo Salgado,
of BPI, Fernando Ulrich, and of  Millennium BPC, Paulo Teixeira
Pinto. All business areas are included in the visit, such as
Logoplaste (Filipe de Botton),  Siemens (João Picoito),  Alcatel
(João Araújo), Dan Cake (Kantilal Jamnadas) and  Sonae (Carlos
Bianchi de Aguiar).


These are the Ministers of External Affairs,  Luís Amado, of Economy,
Manuel Pinho, and of Culture, Isabel Pires de Lima. They represent
the present socialist Government of Portugal. Besides the Cabinet
Ministers, the team will include  Ministers of State of External
Affairs, Gomes Cravinho, and Higher Studies, Manuel Heitor. This
latter in representation of the Cabinet Minister,Mariano Gago. The
various political parties will also be represented.


India is a market of  1.1 thousand million consumers. The commercial
balance is against Portugal, which in  2005, exported goods worth
21,55 milllion euros and imported goods worth  208,1 million euros.

According to the Portuguese Bureau of National Statistics (INE) there
has been a slow increase  of imports (4,9%) and exports (13,7%)
between  2001 e 2006.

Such rate of increase is considered insufficient to invert the
deficit facing Portugal  – a negative balance of 160,6 million euros
between January and September of  2006. Till September of 2006
Portugal exported 21,5 million euros worth of goods, as against
182,1 million euros worth of imports.

According to Portuguese National Bureau of Statistics, the number of
companies exporting to India grew between  2000 and 2004, from 198 to
349. The companies importing from India grew from 1163 in 2000 to
1620 in those four years.

In 2005, 40% of Portuguese exports consisted of  machinery, followed
by plastic and rubber products (12 por cento), metals (8,2%),
leatherware (6,3%), textiles (5,9 por cento) and  celulose (5,7 %).


The indian film industry may be granted facilities to enter the
Portuguese market to promote greater tourism flow from India to
Portugal, as reported by `Times of India'.


Cavaco Silva will assist a Mass in Portuguese in the Basílica of Bom


The concluding days of the President's visit will include a visit to
Bangalore, regarded as the Silicon Valley of  India, which has become
an attraction point for the latest in computer technology.

--- End forwarded message ---

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time?

2007-01-07 Thread Sunith D Velho


No need to worry about Selma this time. She has made it quite clear 
that she considers other goan women insipid.

No we know why no one will talk to her at Goan events.

Sunith Velho

Cecil writes;
I have known Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami as a friend for a long time. 
Before the crusading Joan of Arc takes up cudgels uninvited, this is 
not an attack on Ana Maria, but just seeking for clarification of a 
publicly stated viewpoint that is contradictory.

Sunith D Velho

[Goanet] Is Nasci Caldeira Losing His Marbles ?

2007-01-07 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

Hi Floriano,

It appears that Nasci Cadeira is aging rapidly and is losing his marbles.
I got one such malicious note from him just for being a Goan graduate of the
elite Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) , for having got my doctorate
in Engineering Management and for having played hockey at national levels
in India and the US. I wonder what are his credentials or if he has any ?
And now he is criticizing Adv Aires Rodrigues who is doing great service
for Goa and Goans in Goa. Nasci appears to be a backer of the Goan Gaon Goon
Chors who are ruling Goa today and making a Gaan of the place. We need to
inspire our Goan Youth to be high achievers and exterminate characters
like Nasci Caldeira from Goanet for the greater good of Goa and Goans !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
currently touring India.

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 23:06:47 +0530
From: Floriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aires Rod, Trouble Maker and Non Achiever?
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Dear Dear Nasci,

I have to butt in on this malicious overtone against Aires Rodrigues, who 
now a qualified High Court Lawyer. What you have picked up is nothing but a 
malicious campaign by Eduard Faleiro, the shameless tom tom of the congress. 
And there are known tout here on the net who would  spread these cannard for 
eminent Eduard Faleiro.

Aires Rodrigues wanted to force the discussion on the Regional Plan-2011 in 
the NRI Convention. This discussion has not only been struck off the agenda 
by this Congress's stooge, he has ordered the arrest of Aires Rodrigues 
fearing that he would have the delegates asking for this discussion.


[Goanet] Paedophiles in GOA- A BBC Report

2007-01-07 Thread Noronha,Ronald [Ontario]

** Global Account **
A set of free-standing documentaries from the BBC that uncover the secrets 
that those in positions of authority would prefer to stay hidden.


[Goanet] Building a pre-election, citizen-crafted agenda

2007-01-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Building a pre-election, citizen-crafted agenda
January 7th, 2007 at 5:05 pm (Goa) ·

Dr Basilio Monteiro (above) and the New York-based St John's
University's last weekend's ICT-for-development conference  at the
Hotel Mandovi saw the raising of many issues — besides just
traditional ICTforD themes. As a non-purist, who believes that
technology is intricatly connected with real-life, and that we should
not pretend otherwise, this was a welcome change.

Dr Nandkumar "The Guy In The Red Shirt" Kamat had many points to make,
given his vast and encyclopaedic knowledge. Nandu has a lot to say.
Usually. This blogger often appreciates his points (even if we
sometimes disagree… and he sometimes takes him time in making them).

One of the very valid points he made was the need for citizens to
build up their own pre-poll people's agenda. As Nandu put it
optimstically: "When a (political) candidate comes to my house during
the elections due later this year), he will not tell me what I will
do, (Instead) I will tell him what he will do."

[There's not much time left. Elections are just months away.]

That's optimistic. Knowing the way politics in Goa operates (based on
community, caste, emotive issues, shrewd manipulation … including more
recently of "environmental" issues) this is unlikely to happen in the
near future. But it is a very interesting goal. Who knows, it could be
made to happen. One day.

Microbiologist-activist-and-man-of-many-roles Nandkumar Kamat
explained the context thus: "Some 35-40% (voters) never go to the
polling booth. They make a huge difference (in the ultimate results).
We need a people's agenda. A peple's political agenda. Because the
Leftists were using the lever (in New Delhi), we got some (postiive)
reforms there. Those ruling Goa have no Common Minimum Programme.
Instead, here it's a policy drafted by (dream-merchants like those
selling the) monorail, skybus… superhighways… things that were never
discussed in any five-year plans. These (dream-merchants, and
lobbyists) are the people running our government. In the years to
come, there will be a mafia ruling Goa's political identity. Take the
case of what happened (with hill-cutting at) Sant Estevam, a very
fragile island. Even the Chief Secretary could not believe (his eyes
when he saw) the photos of what we showed him. How do I expect the
rule of law in this state? The law is being purchased."

Interesting points all. Given the deeply-fractured, and easily
divided-and-ruled nature of Goan society, there may be pessimism over
this working out. But, who knows… Maybe we could try… build a wiki
where various inputs are received… and compiled.

Of course, that's a big job. One could always make a start. What if I
was crafting a 'agenda' just for the village I live in, Saligao …
currently represented by the deputy chief minister of Goa ,no less
(who has done a great job in side-stepping crucial issues over the
years)? It might read something like this (an incomplete, one-sided
list maybe. Your suggestions are welcome):

   * Improve badly neglected public transport in Saligao, specially
to Panjim, Porvorim.
   * Build badly needed libraries in the village. Never done so far
by public authorites.
   * Improve educational facilities, specially of weaker institutions
(govt primary school, for eg)
   * Stop village-level corruption (fuelled often by those protected
by politicians)
   * Garbage dump on hilltop above community residences a major hazard.
   * Agricultural productivity in village needs to be addressed urgently.
   * Encourage local entrepreneurship, lack of credit in village is a
serious issue
   * Career-guidance and drop-out problem need urgent steps
   * Activity centre for the elderly.
   * Health-care facilities virtually non-existent locally …
   * Illegal (or even 'legal') land conversion in villages needs
addressing asap.
   * Renovation of long-negelected village market place.
   * Playgrounds for children in the village (not just big sports
complex, as long talked about)
   * Commercial water sale from the village needs to be monitored, controlled.
   * Drop of village water table (due to above) badly affects agriculturists
   * Sharp drop in home-bred  livestock  needs to be urgently addressed
   * Livelihood opportunities for weaker sections need locally-suited
   * Opportunities for girl-students needs a special re-look
   * Strengthening educational opportunities in the village
   * Soil erosion, largely untapped.
   * Increasing Saligao's green cover, including diversity of hilltop
   * Study impact of industrial estate inappropriately sited on
hilltop, including wastes runoffs
   * Deforestation in some areas, such as Salmona spring locality.
   * Noncultivation of village fields, issues need to be addressed, with action
   * Inter-community relations needs creative solutions to be improved.
   * Telecommunication infrastructure needs strengthening.
   * Expat population needs to be better inv

Re: [Goanet] Goa Voter Guidance List

2007-01-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

I nominate Dr Francisco Colaco to act as ombudsman in this matter.

Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, 2007-01-07

From: "Roland Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

To: Goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Voter Guidance List
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 01:19:46 -0500

Here are some difficult questions from someone not in touch.

Is there a voter guidance list of clean candidates who will be a
credit to their position?

If not, why does not a committee comprising of eminent and reputed
Goans prepare such a list - and quickly. Cannot Oscar Rebello who has
ably led the protest to the regional plan take such a task at hand?

Are there no candidates who will qualify for such a list?

Is anyone optimistic that the people will not vote for the same old corrupt 

Will Goa get another chance?


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2007-01-07 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Freedom of speech was not the order of the day at
> the
> Convention. Even access to discussions was denied to
> the press. My participation in the deliberations was
> short lived. On the second day of the Convention
> anticipating that I would raise the issue of the Goa
> Regional Plan 2011, Commissioner of NRI affairs Mr.
> Eduardo Faleiro directed the Director of NRI affairs
> Mr.Ulhas Kamat to summon the police and arrest me. 

And I thought I was called 'paranoid' by some netters
a couple of months ago...


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Re: [Goanet] Abusing other religions

2007-01-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

I stand with young C.

From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

To: goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Abusing other religions
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 13:20:02 +0530

Jeevan wrote:
Is it a Christian value to abuse other religion on public forum such as
this? Is it a crime to worship nature?


Dear Jeevan,

No, abusing other religions is not a Christian value, and it is not a crime 
to worship nature.

Nasci Caldeira anti-Hindu views are not representative of Christians in 
general or Goan Christians in particular.

Nasci's anti-Aires Rodrigues views too are solely his own.

The democratic nature of this forum allows for all types.



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[Goanet] Pl. check this out: Young hearts singing Mando/Dulpods (youngest being 86) - Pics & Video included

2007-01-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
Pl. check this out: Young hearts singing Mando/Dulpods   (youngest being 86) - 
Pics & Video

As said earlier, yesterday, 6/01/07, Chandor, Verem and Cansaulim celebrated 
their grand
feasts 'Three Kings Feast'  and same day, at 3 pm there  was 40th all Goa Mando 
competition at Kala Academy, Panjim.

We finally arrived at KA around 7.30pm missed most of the 23 groups but 
consider myself one of
the luckiest persons to see these youngest singing Mando and dulpods. 
Check this talking photo of mine

and now, watch them singing/dancing in this movie clip.

Finally, listen to the public round of applause (Video) it was continous even 
after the
curtain come down.

Congratulations to all of you young girls and boys and also to other 22 groups 
Pl. Keep our tradition going. 
God Bless You.

Other Groups photos
Read a report on

Note: There is another compettion at Chinchinim on 13th Jan and Februay at GVN 

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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[Goanet] Sitars, scanners … and sounds

2007-01-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha


Sitars, scanners … and sounds

January 7th, 2007 at 2:46 pm (Music, Reviews, Goa, World of Music)

My comp's desktop is a mess currently. So many tools open, trying to
do so many jobs… at the same time… but there's a reason for it….

There's the Xsane scanning software opened. Two browsers (Firefox and
Flock aka The Social Browser. The latter is something that makes
blogging a very easy task). There's Sound Juicer, the music-playing
software of my GNU/Linux Ubuntu distro. And the usual other things…
Evolution for email, a Nautilus file-browser, another Wikipedia page,
a dozen or so bookmarked to read via Whizz RSS the intersting
Inter-Press Service stories coming in from the region I still
unrepentingly prefer to refer to as the Third World.

Information-clutter, here we come!

That's at one level. At another level, it's very exciting to hear the
unexpected sounds emerging from Colin 'Bassman' D'Cruz's The Brown
Indian Band: Fusion Lounge. Got tempted trying it out, then got
immediately inspired to scan the image, and blog it instantly… without
delaying for another day. On a relaxed Sunday afternoon, it's some
mellifluous sounds emerging from the speakers of my GNU/Linux-driven
comp. The sitar mixes with the guitar, almost flawlessly. There's the
tabla too. And much more that misses my untrained ear. East meets
West, as interpreted through the eyes of a hard-core Goan (even if
Colin and his many groups haven't got the deserved respect from the
home-state of their origins).

Colin is a great guy, a nice musician (maybe these ajectives should be
reversed…) The number of bands he permuted and combined in his career
took him to the (now Coke-owned) Limca Book of Indian records –he's
been part of five to six dozen bands when one last read.

Now, it's a fusion venture. (It was a pleasure to encounter his last
experiment, decked in Latino flavours and called (Obligato), quite
some years back, when I was writing for the Herald). This time around,
with names like Bhupali Blues, Bhairavi Bounce, Chandra Funk and Todi
Trip… Colin gives us his new serving. This guy never gives up. More
than that, he knows how to keep striving to make his work visible.
Including online. As an independent — musician, journalist, or
whatever… — that isn't always easy. Thanks Colin for keeping me
informed about your ventures, for sending me updates… and apologies
for the long delay in taking note of it! Here's wishing you well.

technorati tags:goa, music, fusionmusic, india, indian, indianmusic,
musicfromindia, goan
Blogged with Flock
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Misleading military stance

2007-01-07 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Navy is pleading for
> land in Gujarat in
> exchange for 9 acres at Dabolim which would make
> more parking space
> available for aircraft.

How greedy can the Navy get?  Isn't a whole island of
Anjediva sufficient for the Navy to get out of Dabolim

> 2. "Dabolim  airport ... has seen a phenomenal
> growth of  Rs 75,000 crores
> in assets ever since it was established in 1962."

"It" was established in 1962? The airport was built in
1955 with Goan resources (recursos de fomento do
Estado da India Portuguesa; the Goa, Damao, Diu, Dadra
and Nagar Haveli enclaves were then collectively known
as Estado da India Portuguesa). What the Navy has done
is expand a few resources, and I daresay the funds for
the expansion of the tarmac and infrastructure came
from the civilian purse (Airports Authority), not the
naval one. The majority of Naval assets are probably
the aircraft stationed at Dabolim, which in principle,
ought to be stationed a few kilometres down south at
the spanking brand new facility called SeaBird.

Could you, Philip, please write a rebuttal to this
article in the TOI?



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[Goanet] Re (Goanet) NRI Meet and other issues

2007-01-07 Thread JoeGoaUk

 RP2001 was discused on the first day more than 2 times.
(miniters presernt were Willy (Chief Miniter didn't turn up), Digambar & Chief 
Willy the Enviroment and Tourism minister washed his hand saying he is not a 
part of RP2001
nor it/file has come to his office and that he was not aware of it at all.
Second day there was an indirect mention of it more than once.
Ministers present were Luizin Faleiro, Dayanand Narvekar and Subash Shirodkar 
(and they had
nothing to do with TCP or Enviroment as Willy did not turn up) they all painted 
rosy pictures
of oneself or thier achievements. Including power point presentation by IT and 
Health minister
Narvekar. I wonder if 80% of those 40 delegates present understood it at all.
As I understand majority of the delegates were retire senior citizens including 
Third day there was no interactive session with the ministers.

 Read more on Day one on GGC 

Some Excerpts:

-Interactive session (open forum- Q & A seesion)

Minister present: Eduardo, Willy, Digambar, Chief Passport officer..

CM was supposed to come but send his Deputy (Willy) instead.  Perhaps,  because 
of  RP2011.

Alexander Fernandes  from Kuwait raised garbage problem and that every time 
this is taken up
‘we get same old baxonn’

Wilson Coelho again from Kuwait sought clarification from CPO about the ENCR  
requirement to
those who could not complete 3 years abroad as  he/she had to go back to Goa 
say due to death
in the family etc. Also said Pakistani Goans visa takes 3-6 months.

Another one from Kuwait, a president of Goan welfare Association said that 
there is no help in
Kuwait to those who are in distress. Also, it seems he was criticizing the 
previous speaker,
which most found very strange.

Alwyn from Honkong fired the first Salvo on RP011

Aires Rod, again RP2011 and said ‘all share in the same pie’, high level of 
corruption citing
eg. A talathi asking Rs.500 for a certificate and when asked why, the talathi 
says he has to
recover Rs.7 lakhs he paid to get the job.

There was another with RP2011 again.

After discussing the above, Faleiro says no more topics on RP2011.

But Ahisha Siquera from New York brought up the topic again and Mr. Faleiro 
said no. to this a
gentleman next to her stood up and said what the point of coming here if the 
topic is not
discussed and that this is a waste of time. Faleiro replied saying ‘so, don’t 
waste your time’
to this, they both walked out.

Victor D’Souza (London) says Communidade refused to give him a small piece of 
land 50sqmtrs
for him for car park on the ground he was not resident here.

Rene Barreto (UK) said something about people changing ‘Form I & IV’ of his 

Custodio D’souza (France) complained that Indian Embassy staff there treating 
people like

Coach left for Fort Aguada Hotel for Dinner.

At this time (around 8pm) total delegates were about 45

But around 9pm the the crowed was nearly 150 again,  with the arrival of 
ministers and other
dignitaries but mostly were other govt officers, friends, family and chamchas 
of ministers
like Joaquim alemao, Digambar Kamat, CM, etc etc.

Cultural programe there started one hour late again (because CM and other 
ministers came
late). Function got over around midnight.

This might  interests you too..
My source said, when he first entered the convention hall, he mistook it  as 
conference as he saw almost all were in the casual dress like T-shirts, half 
shirts etc.
He went back to reception only to ask which hall GGC takes place.   There were 
only about 3-5
NRIs with suit/ties it seems

Sadly, there will be no reporting for Day 2 & 3


More to follow soon

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( response to Kevin)

2007-01-07 Thread Nasci Caldeira
Kevin, you are completely off the mark; I am not for
faith Healing as such or for any god men. It is all
about how with Faith and invoking in the right
environment, The Holy Spirit empowers a person or
persons and healing and some cures may follow!
My explanation was about what would and is happening
at Potta! I have never been there myself, nor have I
heard any live witnesses! But I have witnessed the
phenomenon in a similar spiritual environment. That's
all. Also I do not believe nor condone, in any way,
the Jehova's Witnesses! The Organisers and leaders at
Potta are of strong Catholic background only, and
thats where my faith is! Take it or leave it.

Also, let me tell you, I am not deriding any other
religion in this piece! There is a difference in a
Religion and pretentious religions and this has been
my contention all along! 
By bringing in Jehova's Witnesses, you are trying to
hijack my piece on Potta! Wanting to be another
Aires??? You are on a different planet, dear kevin,a
different plane as well!

Thank you for reading me!
Nasci Caldeira.
--- Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This message below is one of the greatest drawbacks
> of organized
> religion... the tendency of the followers of one
> faith to denigrate
> others.> Faith is why Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to
> their children to
> have a life saving blood transfusion which, on
> occasion, has had to be
> court mandated to treat an deficiency in a minor. 

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Re: [Goanet] NRI Meet and other issues

2007-01-07 Thread Eugene Correia
Goannetters have now begun questioning the purpose and
motive of the Goan NRI Meet. Perhaps Goa did not want
to lag behind in welcoming, entertaining, honouring
and listening to NRGs, just as Kerala does. 
When the Pravasi Divas was first conceived by the then
BJP-led government, many raised the same question: why
must India honour its NRIs? As I may have written
here, the push for such came from the Friends of the
BJP, with its headquarters in New York. When the
Congress came to power, there was a mild rumour that
the Divas would be cancelled. The Congress realized
that it would hurt the NRIs and it would be seen as an
anti-NRI party. So, the party went along and kept the
show going.
The Pravasi Divas has both its advantages and
disadvantages. Similarly, the Goan NRI Meet has its
own advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to
take stock of the previous meets and check if what was
discussed and promised has been realized. I doubt if
even 25 percent of what was put on the plate has been
addressed. The BJP will say that it was ousted and
tghe Congress will say that it still to settle in and,
hence, not much time could be devoted to NRI issues.
When it was announced that Eduardo Faleiro was
appointed NRI Commissioner, the gloabal diaspora
committee welcomed his appointment. However, the fact
remains that Faleiro is part of the government because
he is given a cabinet rank. Herein possibly lies his
As mentioned here, the number of "real" NRIs has been
less at this meet, just as it has been in the previous
ones. At the one I attended there were many Goans from
outside Goa, mostly from Mumbai. Whether Goans from
the rest of India qualify to be called "NRIs" is
debatable. By the same token, can we still call
ex-NRIs now settled in Goa as NRIs?
At the 2005 meet, the majority of the delegates were
members of the BJP. It was more of a grandstanding by
the ruling party. As I reflect on it, I can firmly
state that the meet was "defeatist" in nature.
Aires Rodrigues may now deride the the NRI meet as
waste of taxpayer's money. I don't know who
financially supported the first meet held under the
NRI Felitatioon Committee, which came about from the
launch of a global goan associaiton by Aires. Aires
neither voiced the same feelings of wasting people's
money at the 2005 meet, and I don't if he did at the
2006 meet. Aires falls into that category of ex-NRIs,
having lived in Portugal, Canada and England. His
heart is obviously in Goa.
I tend to agree that Aires's politics are now
self-centred. He was different as a student leader,
where the cause of fighting for the rights of students
was supreme. I, for one, wouldn't trust him for a
paise. His politics abhors me. He is now more of a
political opportunist and a publicity seeker. Goans in
Goa should bypass his Save Goa group, and look at
other creditable organizations to fight for making Goa
a progressive state.
Aires accuses Faleiro of "highhanded dictorial
behaviour". In my personal experience, I have seen
Aires trying to show his "might" even in place like
Toronto where he was an unknown in the Goan community.
He bent backwards to please one of Goa's famous
"Gaoons", though he later fell out with this political
Leave Aires aside, and let's hear from those who
attended the meet if anything fruitful came out of it.
If such meet do not serve the purpose of NRGs, then
NRGs must demand no more of such tamashas.
In this respect, I would like to know what role the
new Global Alliance of World Associations (or whatever
it is called) played at the meet. I was never aware of
it till reading it on goannet.
I take it to be a parellel body to the International
Goan Organization (IGO), which "exists" but in a form
and shape that is ridiculous. It is largely run by the
Uganda mafia in Toronto, with Zulema de Souza as the
guiding light.
It seems the global image of Goans has now been placed
in the hands of Goans Down Under. I wish if the people
behind this organization would send me personally or
post it to goanet how the association came about to be
formed and its constitution.
Floriano's little details on the RP-2011 threw some
light on this much-discussed and much-hated plan.
Thanks to him for also informing that the RP was taken
off the agenda. I had asked for such information in my
first post on the subject, whether there was lenghty
and fruitful discussion but there was no reply to it.
This is serious error on the part of Faleiro or the
committe. Since the meet is under the auspices of the
Goa government and since Faleiro is part of it, I, as
I said ealier, think Faleiro had only one option: to
resign as Commissioner if the government insisted on
removing the item from the agenda.
This brings me again to the question whether the meet
should be ever held in future. NRGs can directly deal
with the central government's ministry for overseas
affairs. A supplementary question if whether there is
a need for a NRI Commissioner if the post is not
independent of th

Re: [Goanet] Goa minister resigns - will CBI raids follow?

2007-01-07 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair


I agree, sir!

-- RKN

Re: [Goanet] Must you come to Goa this time?

2007-01-07 Thread Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami
Well Cecil, if you want to start this debate.  OK.

I knew whose house I was going to, as I've been there before. earlier
occasions, a lot of local people, I mean Goans and,  non-goans who have made
Goa their home.

this time it was only Delhities.  No, I am not uncomfortable in their
company, because I have lived in Delhi, first as a child and then married
life.  I was under the impression it would be a mixed crowd.

What the Delhities were saying is the local men were wearing very little
clothes, which made the visitors to Goa uncomfortable.  Hence my remark.

Sorry I don't go to Bombay for a friend's wedding on one day and fly back
the other.  Its not my scene.  By the way I have not been in Bombay for
seven  years.  the last time was in 2001 in March for three days en-route

Delhi is a place which changes people and I have seen it, especially if you
relocate from Bombay or Cheenai to Delhi, don't ask me why, more so if they
have lived over 15 years in Delhi.
I haven't met this friend from Delhi in over 10 years. the only reason I
keep in contact with him is because I've known him since I was 18 and his
first wife/son died tragically in the Uphaar Cinema fire at Connaught Place
in 1997.  He has since married again and I have not met his second wife.

You have misunderstood me Cecil.  What I meant to say is Goans do not want
to call themselves Indians, especially if they have migrated to from India
post 1961 from different parts of India to other countries.  I lived in
Brazil for four years.  Very few Goans at that time.  I was the only one who
called myself Indian,. the others called themselves Portuguese.  I know
personally Goans who  look down upon Indians and pass rude remarks about
them.  That is why I passed the remark.

No, I do not resent anyone visiting Goa. What I resent is what is happening
to go  in the name of progress.

Ana Maria

- Original Message -
From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: Must you come to Goa this time?

> Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami wrote:
> During the new year weekend it looked like the whole of Delhi descended in
> goa. Went for a cocktail party with a friend at someone's mansion. guess
> what, I was the only Goan  Only Delhities and a couple of government
> Cecil:
> And you were expecting what? Kunbis and gawdas from Salcete?
> Surely you were aware of what the composition of the guests would be?
> That you still chose to go means you are comfortable in their company. Or
> aren't you?
> Reminds me of another woman on this forum who went to a party at Fundacao
> Oriente and was shocked to hear Portuguese being spoken!
> -
> Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami:
> Oh, goa is so beautiful? but the local men wear swimsuits, I think they
> meant khastis. I kept quiet, and then remarked. this is what they wear in
> Goa. Do you expect goans to swim in full atire and women to wear saris?
> kept quiet.
> Cecil:
> I didn't quite get what you are trying to say.
> Firstly it is very rare to see Goan men wearing kashtis and secondly yes,
> many Goan women do use a saree as a swimsuit. Go to Baga in may and see
> yourself. What is the point you are trying to make?
> --
> Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami:
> Another very close friend, flew in from Delhi on the 31st to attend Vijay
> Mallaya's party and Babu Keni's party at the Mandovi. flew back on the
> It really sickened me.
> Cecil:
> Why did it sicken you?
> If you went to Mumbai to attend a friend's wedding or party and flew back
> on the next day should it sicken someone else?
> If these friends' behavior  sicken you why do you still maintain your
> friendship with them?
> ---
> Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami:
> How can people spend that kind of money, why can't they donate to some
> individuals, to the poor and underpriveleged?
> Cecil:
> And how do you know that they are not donating to worthy causes? Also keep
> in mind that everything is relative. Somewhere on the hillside in Betim is
> a poor carpenter's assistant who looks at your lifestyle and says the same
> thing of you.
> But most important Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami is to clarify what exactly
> your point is. At the GoaNetter's met you went out of your way to drive
> home the point that Goans are not in any way superior to Indians in
> general. It seemed incongruous at the time that a GoaNetter at a
> meet is going out of her way to unfavourably compare Goans with "Indians".
> But given that there was sense in what you said (despite it not being the
> ideal venue for such a discussion) nobody objected for the simple reason
> that your voice at least helped to partially drown out the two
> Australian-Goans (one not even subscribed to GoaNet!) at the meeting who
> seemed to have an aggressive agenda of their own which nobody else could
> identify or sympathize with.
> A

[Goanet] Refrain from ideas of developing Goa on lines of Singapore: Jamir

2007-01-07 Thread Philip Thomas
. The problem is one does not look
at the tourism issue in a little depth. The fact is that the predominant
form of tourism to Goa is Indian while foreign tourists form only a small
fraction of this. Between the two, who is in a position to better value
Goa's historical identity? If the answer is "foreign" then why the
restrictions (of charter flights) at Dabolim airport in the name of
security?  Local tourists will flood in by train, bus or car, its not a
problem. And as a result the challenge of avoiding damage to Goa's identity
is infinitely greater. Anyway, that's my take on the situation. Cheers.

Re: [Goanet] Irresponsible Governance

2007-01-07 Thread Floriano
Ha' Tony Ha'
Your last line has enthused me a great deal.
Keep it up.

- Original Message -
From: "Tony Correia Afonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 9:26 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Irresponsible Governance

> Wonders never cease in our wondeful Goa! Newspaper headlines
> proclaim:"Government Orders Scrutiny of Regional Plan!" We
> all thought that the Plan had been discussed/circulated in the Cabinet
> after due scrutiny,it had been notified in the Official Gazette
> in November 2006. This is the least one would expect from a responsible
> body such as the Cabinet, particularly in view of the vital
> impact which the enactment will have on Goa's very future.
>  It is basic management practice to have such plans formulated by the
> planners after public discussion and consultation with the
> stake-holders concerned, after which they are put up to the concerned
> authority (in this case, the Cabinet) where they are expected to be
> thoroughly studied and scrutinised before being approved and notified. It
> only in our wonderland of Goa that the procedure is made to stand on its
> head and reversed! The Plan is first notified and then subjected to
> by the very peolple who formulated it in the first place!
>  Former test cricketer Mohinder Amarnath is reported to have called the
> Selection Committee "a bunch of jokers." Applying
> the same epithet to our powers-that-be would amount to an insult to
>  Satyameva Jayate!
> Benaulim, Goa:
> 6th. Jan.2007
>  ---Tony
> Correia-Afonso.
> *
> *
> Tony Correia-Afonso
> 542 Pulvaddo,Benaulim,
> Goa 403716,
> India.
> Phone:91-832-2772063

[Goanet] Fact, fiction and 'fly-by-night' --- again

2007-01-07 Thread Philip Thomas
<"Night landing to be allowed at Goa airport from Jan 8". This item in Goa
related news of goanet also appears, with a few changes, in HERALD, Jan 7.
The problem of separating facts from fiction (due to typos) is thus deep
rooted. We have both the local and outside media to contend with. The
giveaway in the original is the following:<8.77 acres land which would be
used for facilities like three apron and constructing seven arrow bridges,>.
That should read "aero" not "arrow", right? In HERALD "apron" has been
pluralised to "aprons"! The more important question is about the number of
passengers per day at Dabolim. Now HERALD has given it as 3000. This works
out to only over 1 million per year. Just a couple of months ago, HERALD had
given the figure as 8000! Maybe some typo problem between 3 and 8. At the
lower level there would not be much of a congestion problem. Finally, there
is the eternal issue of night flying. If it already existed since 2003,
where is the question of "extending" it? And what is this about giving
permission to keep the airport open for night landing "from Jan 8"? The Navy
is always shouting from the house tops that night landing is there and not
being utilised. Cheers.

[Goanet] Abusing other religions

2007-01-07 Thread Cecil Pinto

Jeevan wrote:
Is it a Christian value to abuse other religion on public forum such as
this? Is it a crime to worship nature?


Dear Jeevan,

No, abusing other religions is not a Christian value, and it is not a crime 
to worship nature.

Nasci Caldeira anti-Hindu views are not representative of Christians in 
general or Goan Christians in particular.

Nasci's anti-Aires Rodrigues views too are solely his own.

The democratic nature of this forum allows for all types.



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Re: [Goanet] Mission/to Kevin

2007-01-07 Thread Carvalho

--- Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Organised religion evolved from tribal fears. 

Hi Kevin,

It was Emerson who wrote, "the religion of one age is
the literary entertainment of the next." No doubt the
religions of yesteryear are the mythologies of today,
and today's religions will be obscure reading material
for the generations of tomorrow. As far as the
spiritual dimension of religion goes, I agree with you

But religion has also served another purpose; the
pantheist view that equates God with the natural order
of the universe and its role in evolving a body of
ideology that permeates everything from judicial
systems to social justice. Not to mention as a guide
to surviving emotional and mental trauma. It is to
this end, that religion can be a nurturing source of
self-administered healing, a path to self-discovery
and a value system or it can be a manipulative,
exploitation of the human spirit. Arguably, all
religions are a mix of both, it is only the degree
that is questionable. To misquote Einstein, it's all
relative. :)


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[Goanet] Hector De Moraes - An inspirational Goan Completing a 'Century'

2007-01-07 Thread Anacleto Anthony Fernandes
An autumnal downpour failed to dispirit family and friends, travelling from 
as far afield as Goa, the United States and Germany to attend the 
celebrations in the U.K. , on 22nd October 2006, exactly 100 years to the 
date of his birth.

Born in Beira, Mozambique, to his merchant seaman father Joao Antonio De 
Moraes and mother Anna Blandina nee Mascarenhas, Hector, after his early 
education in Goa, attended a Salesian-run boarding school in Nagpur.The 
disciplines, ethos and values instilled in him there, remain a guiding force 
in his career and life to this very day.

With employment opportunities opening up in British East Africa, Hector, 
aged 22, found himself in the Civil Service, at the Horticultural and 
Agricultural research station, Njoro, in the heart of Kenya's "White 
Highlands", where he was to make a lasting impression on his superiors.

A keen sportsman, the dashing, motorcycle-riding Hector, soon became popular 
at the Goan Institute in the neighbouring town of Nakuru (the agrarian 
headquarters of the Rift Valley).

In 1940, Hector, whilst on extended overseas leave in Goa, met and married 
Sybil Pinto of Bombay.

Photo and entire article at:


[Goanet] Goa Voter Guidance List

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Francis

Here are some difficult questions from someone not in touch.

Is there a voter guidance list of clean candidates who will be a
credit to their position?

If not, why does not a committee comprising of eminent and reputed
Goans prepare such a list - and quickly. Cannot Oscar Rebello who has
ably led the protest to the regional plan take such a task at hand?

Are there no candidates who will qualify for such a list?

Is anyone optimistic that the people will not vote for the same old corrupt men?

Will Goa get another chance?
