[Goanet] People Of UP Wish They Were Cows

2018-01-01 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


People Of UP Wish They Were Cows - 
While the government crusades on about protecting cows, it conveniently forgets 
that the Indian cow is the least efficient producer of milk, and the milk it 
produces ...

In Uttar Pradesh, it is increasingly clear that it is better to be a cow than a 
human being. On Monday, while the nation watched with keen interest the Gujarat 
election result, the UP government keenly proceeded with this most important 
agenda of looking after its cows. It announced that every district would have a 
Gau Sanrakshan Samiti (Cow Protection Committees) consisting of the District 
Magistrate, the SP, the District Development Officer and two "cow lovers" 
chosen from cow-loving associations.

Imagine the plight of these poor officers, already burdened with maintaining 
law in order in unmanageably large districts, 33 of them with populations above 
3 million. In fact, the biggest districts in UP have populations that exceed 
that of New Zealand; and the crime graph in UP is constantly moving upwards. 
Even RSS Chief Mohan Bhagat criticized the law and order situation in the state 
when he met Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in September. Now, in addition to 
maintaining some semblance of law and order and spearheading development 
programmes, these three key officers of the district will now be additionally 
be burdened with protecting cows, maintaining cow shelters and marketing (!) 
cow produce, such as incense sticks and mosquito coils!

If this weren't poison enough, they will be subject to the constant supervision 
and nagging of these two "cow lovers" on the committee who will presumably soon 
want a car with a driver and peon and a siren and a blue light to efficiently 
perform their duties. After all these are jobs for the "boys" who helped the 
BJP come to power.

All this would be funny if it weren't so tragic. UP is amongst the poorest 
states in India with one third of 210 million+ people below the official 
poverty line (and that line is pretty low in itself). That's a whopping 70 
million people (more than the population of the UK) who don't earn enough to 
feed and look after themselves in a manner befitting a human being and yet, 
they must take second place to cows!

And they are. UP, which has a huge informal sector that produces handicrafts, 
has already suffered huge setbacks because of demonetization and GST, putting 
the livelihood of millions at stake. Shouldn't the government have made efforts 
to support and market those products, rather than pushing cow dung?

While the government crusades on about protecting cows, it conveniently forgets 
that the Indian cow is the least efficient producer of milk, and the milk it 
produces does not match the quality or quantity of buffalo milk. And where 
there are cows producing abundant milk, they are from imported or cross breeds 
and not that delicate India cow, which presumably is sacred because of the milk 
it gives us. In UP, buffaloes provide 70% of the milk, a much higher proportion 
than in the country as a whole. So if the government were doing something for 
buffaloes, at least there would be some economic reason to the move.

And talking economics, the economics of cattle-rearing and breeding also 
involved selling off the older stock. Now they can't, and since they can't, 
farmers don't want to keep cows because they don't recover their investment 
just by milking cows. They make money when cattle is sold. Now that owners 
cannot sell them, they release them, creating a huge uncared for cattle 

The Times of 
 reported that as a result, in Jaipur, the gaushalas were overwhelmed with 
double their capacity at 14,000, costs of Rs. 3 crore a month, and 8,000 cows 
died of malnutrition. That's more than Rs. 2,000 a month per cow. To put that 
in context, the central government's National Old Age pension Scheme provides 
for Rs. 200 per month. Obviously, the elderly are less important than cows in 

It is completely ridiculous that UP, which is one of India's most backward, 
least developed and maladministered states, is willing to burden its already 
overwhelmed bureaucracy with schemes that do not benefit the electorate but 
meet some religious goal post. It is unacceptable for the UP government to 
divert scare resources from a poverty-struck populace.

The UP, and other cow belt, state governments should carefully watch and see if 
milk production starts to fall as less farmers are willing to add to their 
cattle. If 


2017-06-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Archdiocese of 
This website is dedicated to the Priests, Religious and Lay faithful of the 
Archdiocese of Bombay for their devotion, commitment and service, over the past 
125 years, since the erection of the Archdiocese.


JUNE 19, 2017

We Regret to Announce the Sad Demise of His Eminence, Ivan Cardinal Dias, 
Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, and 
Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay.

Cardinal Ivan Dias, was born on 14 April, 1936 in Mumbai, India and was 
ordained for the Archdiocese of Bombay on 8 December, 1958. He held a doctorate 
in Canon Law from the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome.

He entered the Holy See’s diplomatic service in 1964 and was posted to the 
Nordic countries, Indonesia, Madagascar, La Réunion, the Comorros, Mauritius 
and the Secretariat of State. On 8 May 1982, he was appointed titular 
Archbishop of Rusubisir and Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Ghana, Togo and Benin, and 
received episcopal ordination on 19 June. He later served as Apostolic Nuncio 
in Korea (1987-91) and Albania (1991-97).

On 8 November 1996 he was appointed Archbishop of Bombay. Till 2006

He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Saint Pope John Paul II in the 
consistory of 21 February, 2001, of the Title of Spirito Santo alla Ferratella 
(Holy Spirit at Ferratella).

Cardinal Ivan Dias was also President Delegate of the 10th Ordinary General 
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 2001). He was appointed Prefect of 
the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and Grand Chancellor of the 
Pontifical Urbanian University from 20 May 2006 until 10 May 2011.

Cardinal Dias passed away at 8 PM, in Rome, today, 19 June, 2017. The funeral 
details are awaited.

Press Office

Archdiocese of Bombay


2017-05-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Following letter to Archbishop, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, should make you 
understand the meaning. So far, we ha…


Following letter to Archbishop, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, should make you 
understand the meaning. So far, we have not received any response, but on 
ground, it is reliably learnt that desirable action has been taken.

Crux of the entire matter is, DMC R South’s letter, bearing Ref. No. DMC / Z 
VII/ 236/ OD dated 22/03/2017; to Fr. Don John D’souza,  Sole Trustee, Our Lady 
of Remedy Church, SV Road,Poinsur, Kandivali (W), Munbai – 67; which concludes 
with following statement.

” Thanking you for your valuable co – operation for surrendering the land under 
Road Widening to the corporation”.





Constituted under Para 29 of Christifideles Laici

(Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation of H.H.Late Pope John Paul-II)

A/7  Rodrigues Compound, Malwani Village, Malad (W), Mumbai, 400095. Contact 
No. 98707 19628

E Mail: silentvoic...@gmail.com

(Archdiocese of Bombay)

27th, March, 2017;


H.E. Oswald Cardinal Gracias,

Archbishop of Bombay,

Holy Name Cathedral,

Nathalal Parekh Marg,

Fort, Mumbai – 41;

Your Eminence,


Hope this letter finds you in the pink of health. We keep you always, in our 
prayers, so that you can lead the community for many long years.

Your Eminence, the Saga of Betrayal, if it is true, is reenacting once again, 
in this twenty first century. Fr Don John, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Remedy 
Church, Poinsur; seems to have meekly surrendered to BMC authorities, the piece 
of land, belonging to the Parish. Most importantly, he has done it in the 
middle of night, keeping every person in dark, who have been helping him to 

Apart from the parishioners, various other associations and individuals have 
come forward to help the parish, tide over this Injustice. While Bombay 
Catholic Sabha (BCS), parish unit was, from day one, with the Parish Priest, 
other parishioners united under the banner of GUARDIANS UNITED in order to help 
him. Associations like SOUL – Save Our Land, WatchDog Foundation, Bombay East 
Indian Association (BEIA), All India Catholic Union (AICU) and BCS Central Unit 
among others, joined later. All these associations participated in various 
events, conducted jointly, to send a strong message to BMC authorities that NOT 
AN INCH OF OUR LAND will be allowed to touch in unjust manner.

Chronology of the events, in this context, is as follows:

  1.  BMC authorities demolished the Sadanand Chawl, belonging to the parish. 
Parishioners gathered on the spot immediately, when the news of demolition was 
flashed. Even people from other parishes, particularly from Malwani and Orlem, 
made appearance on the site.
  2.  A Human Chain was formed around the Church, to symbolize protection to 
the land.
  3.  On 25th, December 2016; in spite of being Christmas Festival, many 
Catholics from the parish as well as surrounding Parishes, gathered at the gate 
near OLRC, Poinsur to register their protest against unjust land acquisition.
  4.  3rd, January, Parish authorities, along with members from associated 
groups, met DMC and Asst. Commissioner, R South; and discussed this matter at 
length. At this meeting, yours truly also was present and brought to the notice 
of BMC administration that the Road Widening Plan is invalid, since it has been 
drawn in violation of a law, which provides protection to Religious Places. I 
personally discussed this matter with Fr. Richard Crasto later, who was present 
at this meeting.
  5.  On, 21st, January, 2017; a massive SILENT PROTEST RALLY, commencing from 
OLRC and marching to BMC R South office was organized jointly by these 


2017-05-14 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

[Image may contain: flower and text]

Author Unknown
August 10, 2011

1. The Credibility of Its Founder: Peter spoke for Jesus' closest
followers when he said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words
of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of
God." (John 6:68-69)

2. Reliability of Its Book: The integrity of this historical and
geographical record is supported by archeology. The Bible continues to
speak not only with spiritual power but with convincing prophetic

3. Explanations for Life: It is the Christian faith that reflects a
caring attention to detail so evident in the species and ecosystems of
the natural world. It is Christ who clothed himself in our humanity to
feel what we feel and then to suffer and die in our place.

4. Its Continuity with the Past: The Christian faith offers continuity
with our deepest ancestral roots. Those who trust Christ are accepting
the same Creator and Lord worshiped by Adam, Abraham, and Solomon.

5. Its Foundational Claim: The first Christians were witnesses. They
risked their lives to tell the World that with their own eyes they had
seen an innocent man die and then miraculously walk among them 3 days

6. Its Power to Change Lives: Not only were the first disciples
dramatically changed but so were their worst enemies. Paul was
transformed from a killer of Christians into one of their chief
advocates (Galatians 1:11-24)

7. Its Analysis of Human Nature: The Bible says that society's real
problems are problems of the heart. In an age of information and
technology, failures of character have scandalized institutions of the
family, religion, and the arts.

8. Its View of Human Achievement: Generation after generation has
hoped for the best. We have conceived technologies that will deliver
us from the oppressive slavery of work. Yet we are as close as ever to
what the New Testament describes as the end times. (Matthew 24:5-31)

9. Its Impact on Society: From roof tops to necklaces to earrings, we
see the sign of the cross, bearing visible witness to Christ's death.
Social relief agencies have been fueled by the direct or residual
values of The Bible.

10. Its Offer of Salvation: No other faith offers everlasting life as
a gift to those who trust the One who has overcome death for them. No
other system offers assurance of forgiveness and adoption into the
family of God.


[Goanet] Hindutva mobs flex muscles against Muslims. Sikhs, Christians should speak up before it’s too late

2017-05-03 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Hindutva mobs flex muscles against Muslims. Sikhs, Christians should speak up 
before it’s too late

India’s religious minorities have always been suspicious of Hindutva, aware 
that one day they could be on the receiving end of its intolerance. That day is 
arriving faster than they realise.

A famous European quote comes to mind. After the Second World War a German 
priest spoke of his regret in not opposing Hitler earlier. He wrote: “First 
they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a 
Socialist.” Then they came for the Trade Unionists and the same happened. Then 
the Jews. “Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Read the whole article:

[Goanet] The probe into the brutal murder of Fr Bismarque was reinstated by the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court on Tuesday, April 15, 2017

2017-04-24 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Joseph Rebello >

“If you are a Buddhist, inspire yourself by thinking of the bodhisattva. If you 
are a Christian, think of the Christ, who came not to be served by others but 
to serve them in joy, in peace, and in generosity. For these things, these are 
not mere words, but acts, which go all the way, right up to their last breath. 
Even their death is a gift, and resurrection is born from this kind of death. 
― Jean-Yves Leloup,


April 22- April 28 
 Cover Story
By Rajan Narayan April 22, 
2017 2 
REVIVED: The probe into the brutal murder of Fr Bismarque was reinstated by the 
Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court on Tuesday, April 15, 2017
During the holy week on Tuesday, the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court 
resurrected the case of murder against those responsible for the death of 
activist priest, Fr Bismarque, under mysterious circumstances. This is the 
culmination of the year-long battle by a team of activists, including cyber 
security expert Dr Samir Kelekar. The judgement ensures that the police and the 
politicians cannot get away with murder of activists


[Goanet] New Delhi: Indian nun helps teenagers beat drug addiction

2017-04-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Indian nun helps teenagers beat drug addiction
Sister Ann Mary counsels children on the effects of drugs and sometimes goes 
after dealers herself
[Indian nun helps teenagers beat drug addiction]

Sister Ann Mary is the coordinator of an eight-member committee that the Delhi 
High Court formed in November 2016 to spread awareness in schools on the danger 
of drugs. (ucanews.com photo)

ucanews.com - Catholic News Asia | Church, Features ...
ucanews.com is the most trusted independent Catholic news source from Asia. It 
reports news from, about and of interest to the Church in Asia

Ritu Sharma, New Delhi 
April 19, 2017

Clad in a white habit Sister Ann Mary comes out of a Delhi court room with a 
contagious smile. But behind the friendly face is a woman determined to save 
children from the clutches of drug addiction.

The 30-year-old nun, a qualified lawyer, has been working among child drug 
users since 2012.

"The drug addicts are mostly aged 14-20 and come from families where parents 
are separated or have no time for their children," said the nun who belongs to 
the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Graces.

The children from well-to-do families can get money to buy drugs but their 
problem is that their parents are busy earning money and have no idea what they 
are doing, the nun said. "Even if I tell parents about the condition of their 
children they do not believe it. So, I wait until they see it for themselves," 
she said, adding that most of the drug users drop out of school.

"They have no control, they do not know where they are or who they are with. 
The could commit crime or become a victim of crime," she said.

Sister Mary said the most popular drugs are heroin, cocaine and cannabis.

The nun said drugs are easily available at roadside eateries, tea shops and 
even medical shops. "The drug business is going on without any fear. The 
peddlers are hand-in-glove with the police and that is why drugs are so openly 
available," she said.

Threat to life

She began counseling children against using drugs in 2012 when she was serving 
in the north Indian town of Meerut.

In a slum of rag pickers, beggars and cobblers near her convent, she noticed 
the poor engaging in prostitution and drug taking. She and other nuns began 
educating local children about the dangers of drug use "but the change was very 
slow as the poverty was so deep rooted," she said.

Her work continued when she transferred to Ghaziabad, a satellite town of 
Delhi, in 2015.  She noticed addicted children there as well. She also located 
a few areas where drugs were exchanged and even tried to shoot pictures and 
videos as evidence.

"While I was trying to take a picture, a woman held my hand and warned that she 
would break the camera if I tried again. I had no choice but to leave the 
place," the nun said. The intimidation continued. She has been getting 
threatening phone calls from drug dealers for the last three months.

But it will take more than that to put Sister Mary off. So far, she has 
counseled 25 child drug users. She is doing a free service in the name of God 
"who has entrusted me with lots of children."

In November 2016, the Delhi High Court formed a drug awareness committee of 
eight people, including two judges, and made Sister Mary the coordinator.

They run awareness sessions for school students as well as parents. "Children 
these days are very smart. They might not be taking drugs but they know all 
about them," she said.


Sister Ann Mary with school children after a drug awareness session at a New 
Delhi school. The nun counsels school children against substance abuse as part 
of her fight to save children from addiction. (ucanews.com 

The nun also gives individual counseling sessions to drug users. One parent 
sought her help for his drug-addicted daughter after seeing the teenager 
watching pornography late at night under the influence of drugs.

Another boy was taciturn and very violent. Sister Mary sent the parents out of 
the room. "He was shaking terribly … it took me around six hours to make him 
speak to me about the problem," she said.

The nun also counsels the parents and helps them find drug treatment centers. 
"After a point only treatment centers can help," she said.

A drug-abundant market

India has strict anti-drug laws. Offenders are punished with jail terms up to 
20 years depending on the gravity of the offence but police continue to make 
drug-related arrests indicating the problem is still prevalent.

The northeast state of Mizoram tops the list of drugs seizures, according to 

[Goanet] EAT LESS, WASTE LESS ...ET 15 Apr pg 10

2017-04-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Trained restaurant staff could help customers order wisely, keep garbage levels 
On the way to buy glorious flowers at the Ghazipur wholesale market in east 
Delhi, it is impossible to miss the mountain of garbage on the right flank of 
the highway, euphemistically called a landfill

Silk Stalkings - EAT LESS, WASTE LESS
Reshmi Dasgupta

Trained restaurant staff could help customers order wisely, keep garbage levels 

On the way to buy glorious flowers at the Ghazipur wholesale market in east 
Delhi, it is impossible to miss the mountain of garbage on the right flank of 
the highway, euphemistically called a landfill. Kites circle endlessly over the 
noxious escarpment and hidden fires emit spires of smoke as dumper trunks snake 
up to unload more rotting waste.

There is no starker evidence of how much garbage modern cities that is, all of 
us residents create every day. Thankfully Indians still have not reached the 
wastage levels of the so-called “developed“ countries of the west. Even so, our 
sheer numbers make up for the low per capita waste generation. And the 
landfills keep rising.

Every year New York generates over four million tons of waste, of which a third 
is discarded food. That rots and emits the greenhouse gas methane. But at least 
the city authorities there have been working with generators of food waste 
individuals and restaurants -to curb output so that that the landfills will 
eventually stop growing.

Restaurants create half a million tons of food waste a year in New York. It's 
estimat ed that if just 5% of them reduce wastage by donating uneaten food or 
composting leftovers, landfills could shrink 14%. Residents have been pitching 
in by composting organic waste in individual or community plots, but how about 
simply wasting less?
An eastern nation like Singapore has taken a different tack. It's solid waste 
generation rose marginally in 2016 to 7.81 million tonnes but so did its 
recycling especially construction debris. More importantly, domestic waste 
generation dropped a bit from 2.13 million tonnes in 2015 to 2.09 million 
tonnes in 2016 and recycling increased.

That's because the Singapore government has been combatting food wastage at 
many levels, including consumption.Freedom to Squander the latest battle cry 
against Consumer Affairs and Food minister Ram Vilas Paswan's inarticulate 
advocacy of listing portion sizes on menus to curb over inadvertent 
ordering-would clearly cut no ice there! Singapore's National Environment 
Agency's food waste management strategy says “The preferred way to manage food 
waste is to avoid wasting food at the onset“. So since 2015, it has been 
conducting programmes for “smart food purchase“ and teaching ways to cook and 
store food that minimise wastage at source and save money.

It has also put out relevant content in the media including online and reached 
out to schools and food retail brands to join this effort to “remind and 
encourage“ people not to waste food. It has even produced a waste minimisation 
guidebook for restaurants and supply chains in collaboration with major 
international hotel groups.

Particularly those Indians prematurely protesting about supposed curbs on what 
or how much we can eat, may be interested to learn that the guidebook has a 
separate section called “food portion management“. It suggests restaurants 
offer “different portion choices or indicate serving sizes in menus (e.g. for 
sharing by 3 ­ 4 persons)“.

It also advocates restaurant wait staff be “well-informed on serving sizes and 
ingredients of dishes in the menu“ in order to “minimise food wastage by 
customers“.Making staff aware of food waste reduction initiatives is also 
suggested. Sounds like our minister was inspired by this Singapore initiative 
to broach an Indian variant, if incoherently.

While eating more judiciously as the PM suggested in a recent Mann ki Baat is a 
sensible personal initiative to opt for, an incident last October showed me the 
value of listing portion sizes and training staff to help people order 
correctly. In our case, it would have prevented under-ordering and not left us 
with a bad taste in the mouth.

At a (then) newly opened restaurant in a five star hotel, we were burdened with 
a surprisingly taciturn and singularly unhelpful staff. So we went by the 
prices to guess portion sizes. At `500++ I reasoned 

[Goanet] Goodbye 'Corbett National Park', Corbett Road is declared as National Highway now

2017-04-08 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Ashish Garg via Change.org 



Ashish Garg just posted an update on Chief Minister Uttarakhand: Stop 
construction of highway through Corbett park, 

Corbett Road is declared as National Highway now

Dear friends Thanks for supporting the cause which is surely close to your 
hearts as amply reflected in your comments filled with anguish towards Govt 
move and love towards wildlife & environment. However, it is painful that Govt 
has different plans and as per the latest news, this road through Corbett which 
was state highway hitherto is now declared as National Highway by Shri Gadkari, 

Read full 

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[Goanet] Article for World Health Day (April 7th 2017) - Fr Cedric Prakash sj*

2017-04-07 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Dear Friend


Here is an article for World Health Day tomorrow (April 7th 2017)

Kindly consider publishing it



Fr Cedric
Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
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Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] Pope’s Morning Homily: Nice Crucifix You Wear, But Is It Sincere…

2017-04-07 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Pope’s Morning Homily: Nice Crucifix You Wear, But Is It Sincere…

At Casa Santa Marta, Francis Criticizes Crucifixes Worn, or Signs of the Cross, 
If It’s Proper Substance Isn’t Behind Them



It is lovely if one wears a Crucifix, but what matters is that one wears it for 
the right, sincere reasons…

According to Vatican Radio, Pope Francis said these words today, April 4, 2017, 
during his daily morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, while reflecting on today’s 
reading in which Jesus says to the Pharisees: “You will die in your sins.”

“To die in your sins” Francis reminded, is a bad thing, noting that Jesus was 
compelled to used the strong words “because their hearts were closed and they 
did not understand the mystery of the Lord.”

Reflecting on the First Reading in which the Lord tells Moses to make a saraph 
serpent and mount it on a pole, the Pope said the serpent is “the symbol of the 
devil,” who caused humanity to sin.

Then Jesus, the Pope continued recalling, said: “When you lift up the Son of 
Man, then you will realize that ‘I AM,’ and that I do nothing on my own.”

This, Francis said, is the mystery of the Cross.

Not a Symbol

The Jesuit Pontiff highlighted that the bronze serpent was the sign of two 
things: “the sign of sin and of the seductive power of sin”, and it was a 
prophecy of the Cross.

The Cross, he continued, is not only a symbol of belonging, but it is the 
memory of God who was made sin for love. As Saint Paul says: “For our sake he 
made him to be sin who did not know sin.”

“Taking upon Himself all the filth of humanity,” the Pope stated, “He was 
lifted so that all men wounded by sin would be able to see Him.”

“Salvation comes only from the Cross, from this Cross that is God made flesh” 
he said.

Stressing there is no salvation in ideas, good will, or the desire to be good, 
he distinguished rather that salvation is “in the crucified Christ, because 
like the bronze serpent, He was able to take all the poison of sin and heal us.”

What’s Is the Cross for You?

“What is the Cross for you?” Francis asked those present. “Yes, it is the 
Christian symbol. We make the sign of the Cross, but often we do not do it 

He criticized that for some, the Cross is like “a badge of belonging,” which 
they wear “to show they are Christians, or even in search of visibility, they 
wear it as an ornament decorated with precious gems.”

However, the Pope reminded, whoever does not look to the Cross with faith will 
die in his sins, will not receive salvation.

“Today,” Pope Francis said, the Church proposes “a dialogue with the Mystery of 
the Cross, with God who became sin for our sake.”

“Each of us,” he continued, “can say He became sin ‘for love of me.’”

Inviting all faithful to think about how they wear the Cross and how aware they 
are when making the Sign of the Cross, Pope Francis concluded asking each of us 
“to look to this God who became sin so that we do not die in our sins,” and to 
reflect on the questions he just posed.

[Goanet] Wanted A Romero Today by Fr Cedric Prakash (24th March 2017)

2017-03-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


- Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

March 24th marks yet another anniversary of the brutal assassination of 
Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador. On that day in 1980, he was brutally 
gunned down whilst celebrating Holy Mass in San Salvador.  He was an outspoken 
critic of his Government, the military and of the other right wing elements of 
his country, for their continued oppression and exploitation of the poor. There 
has never been any doubt about who was responsible for his death.

As a young priest and as a Bishop, Romero was well known for his conservative 
thinking and for wanting to maintain the ‘status quo’. He was afraid to rock 
the boat and never wanted to be on the wrong side of the powerful and vested 
interests groups of El Salvador. He had a long-standing friendship with Jesuit 
Fr. Rutilio Grande. The poor and exploited of the country was Grande’s major 
concern. He left no stone unturned to highlight their plight and make their 
struggles his own. Unlike Romero, Grande did not hesitate to take up cudgels 
against the powerful

Grande was killed on March 12th 1977. Romero was appointed Archbishop of San 
Salvador just three weeks before Grande was murdered. Grande’s death came as a 
great shock to Romero.At Grande’s funeral Mass, Romero said in his homily, “The 
government should not consider a priest who takes a stand for social justice as 
a politician or a subversive element when he is fulfilling his mission in the 
politics of the common good.” He also said plainly, “Anyone who attacks one of 
my priests, attacks me. If they killed Rutilio for doing what he did, then I 
too have to walk the same path”. The death of his friend was also a turning 
point in the life of Romero. From that day onwards, he wholeheartedly worked 
for the rights of the poor, until his own murder.

On May 23rd 2015, Archbishop Romero was beatified in San Salvador, in the midst
of hundreds of thousands from his native land, who venerate him as a Saint 
In a message on the day of his beatification Pope Francis said, "The 
beatification ...
 is a cause of great joy for Salvadorans and for those of us who rejoice at the 
example of the greatest children of the church. Monsignor Romero, who built 
peace from the strength of love, gave testimony of the faith with his life, 
committed to the very end."

In a fitting tribute to Oscar Romero on December 21st 2010, the United Nations 
 Assembly proclaimed March 24th as the International Day for ‘the Right to the 
Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims.’
The purpose of the Day is to:

•honour the memory of victims of gross and systematic human rights 

and promote the importance of the right to truth and justice;

•pay tribute to those who have devoted their lives to, and lost their 
lives in the

 struggle to promote and protect human rights for all;

•recognize, in particular, the important work and values of Archbishop 

Arnulfo Romero of El Salvador, who was assassinated on 24 March 1980, after

 denouncing violations of the human rights of the most vulnerable populations

 and defending the principles of protecting lives, promoting human

 dignity and opposition to all forms of violence

The world needs the likes of Oscar Romero more than ever today. Truth and 
Justice in several countries of the world are totally disregarded by the 
so-called leaders today. Not much attention is paid to the victims of crime and 
violence – particularly the institutionalized ones. The poor continue to be the 
victims of unjust structures everywhere.

  As we observe another day dedicated to this great prophet of our times let us 
allow ourselves to be challenged and inspired by his words, “I will not tire of 
declaring that if we really want an effective end to violence we must remove 
the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social 
injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, 
repression. All this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest 
flows naturally”.

24th March 2017

*(Fr. Cedric Prakash sj  is a human rights activist. He is currently with the 
Jesuit Refugee Service in Beirut as the Regional Advocacy and Communications 
Officer of the MENA Region)

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on 

[Goanet] JOURNEYING in HOPE and RESILIENCE by Fr. Cedric Prakash sj(23 March2017)

2017-03-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 



Father Michael Lapsley epitomizes the very best in human nature. His entire 
life has been a journey: of pain and suffering; of healing and forgiveness. The 
journey has not certainly not been an easy one. Leaving his native New Zealand 
in 1973, as a young Anglican priest, he arrived in South Africa, which had 
mainstreamed apartheid. “I was not treated as a human being, but as a ‘white’ 
man”, he painfully says. He was clear about his mission: he identified himself 
totally with the anti-apartheid struggle.

Those on the other camp did not take this lightly. A letter bomb in 1990 almost 
killed him. Though he survived, the blast took both of his hands, one of his 
eyes and impaired his hearing. “But my spirit was not broken”, he says. He was 
able to go through the suffering, transcend it in some ways and embark on the 
journey of healing. His vocation now is to promote the healing of others- which 
he does with much compassion and total commitment.

His presence in Beirut today could not have come at a more significant time for 
the Jesuit Refugee Service (MENA Region). Just a week ago, a special campaign 
was launched by JRS to highlight the hope and resilience of the Syrian 
displaced and refugees. At a very meaningful interaction this morning, Father 
Michael shared with the JRS team (from Syria, Lebanon and the Regional Office) 
the need and importance of the healing of memories and the challenges of 

Some of those present had come from Aleppo, Homs and Damascus. The past week 
has seen a fresh spate of violence in all these cities. “How does one begin the 
process of healing, when there is so much of violence and suffering all around 
us?” Another JRS staffer put it more bluntly, “how are you able to forgive, 
when they have done so much to you?”

Fr. Michael nonchalantly says, “we have to begin somewhere and at some time; to 
heal the wounds, even if the scars may remain permanently. We have to get rid 
of the poison within us”. “I term it”, he continues with a smile, “as positive 
vomiting!” He is convinced that listening to others, sharing ones stories – has 
to take place a collective; where confidentiality is respected. “Only then, we 
will be able to give strength to each other: to enable hope and resilience.”

All were inspired and touched by this interaction with Father Lapsley. Some of 
those present felt, that they themselves had just embarked on a special 
journey. Fr. Sami Hallak sj, the Project Director of JRS in Aleppo, Syria, has 
translated Fr. Laspsley’s memoirs into Arabic. For Fr. Sami, because of the 
situation in Aleppo (bombs falling everywhere) “I wanted to finish this 
translation as soon as possible. The Arabic version will hopefully help many of 
us in a very positive way”.
‘Redeeming the Past’, is the title of Fr Lapsley’s memoirs; it has a subtitle 
‘My journey from Freedom Fighter to Healer.’ It was first published in English 
in 2012. It has already been translated into some other languages but the 
Arabic version will surely be a source of learning and healing- because of the 
sheer grit and determination , the hope and resilience of one man, who has had 
the courage to show the world that ‘another way is possible’

 In the words of the legendary Nelson Mandela, “Michael’s life represents a 
compelling metaphor….a foreigner who came to our country and was transformed. 
His life is part of the tapestry of the many long journeys and struggles of our 
people”. Words of inspiration indeed, for many Syrian people who are refugees 
and displaced, but who are convinced, that their journey of hope and resilience 
will lead to a better tomorrow.

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] Mumbai: Job Post: Manager Programs Power To Lead

2017-03-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Dear Friends,

 As you now Power to Lead is growing and we now need a full time person who 
will manage and execute the program. We have the main program which his for 7 
months with a period of about 4 months of campaigns for recruiting the next 
batch. We also have many plans for Alumni and for short courses.
 This is a very key position as it will involve registering participants to 
organising events, coordinating alumni and executing the vision of the core 
team for PTL.

Do let me know if you have someone in mind. Pass this on or if you feel 
inclined to help, please apply.
People who have been associated with teaching/ administration/ or are recently 
retired can also apply

Thank you!
Warm regards,

[Goanet] WOMEN STRIKE by Fr. Cedric Prakash sj (5March2017)

2017-03-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Women Strike!

   -Fr Cedric Prakash sj*

March 8th dawns every year! As the world observes International Women’s Day 
(IWD), there will be the usual round of cosmetic programmes, with speaker after 
speaker using the politically correct words and with the typically patronising 
attitude towards women. The sad and cruel reality is that precious little seems 
to change. In India and in several other parts of the world, most women 
continue to be condemned to live as second-class citizens in patriarchal and 
male-dominated societies.

Gurmehar Kaur, a 20-year old peace activist and student of the Delhi 
University, has over the last few weeks, emerged as an icon. She has 
courageously and brazenly taken on the fascist forces that are doing their best 
to destroy the fabric of India. The message she wants to convey is simple: she 
wants peace in the sub-continent. Her father who was in the Indian Army was 
killed in the Kargil war, when she was just two years old. However, several men 
in India (including some so-called ‘celebrities’) are still unable to respect 
Gurmehar’s audacity and forthrightness. They have been trolling her, spewing 
hate and threatening her with violence and rape. In doing so, the men prove a 
point that they are still unable to accept the Gurmehars of our world!

Gurmehar’s courage, finds resonance with the theme for this year’s IWD Campaign 
#BeBoldForChange  that 
challenges one for “ground-breaking action that truly drives the greatest 
change for women. Each one of us - with women, men and non-binary people 
joining forces - can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking 
bold pragmatic action to accelerate gender parity. Through purposeful 
collaboration, we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential 
offered to economies the world over”.

Very significantly, on March 8th, in the US and across the globe, women 
(supported by their allies) will find common cause and will act together for 
equity, justice and human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people 
through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity. The plan is to remove 
themselves from the economy to protest societal barriers that keep all women 
from achieving true equality. Though two events are being held—A Day Without a 
Woman(#DayWithoutAWoman), organized by the ‘Women's 
 and the International Women's Strike(#IStrikeFor), a grassroots endeavour 
founded by a team of activists, feminists, and scholars—organizers are working 
together in solidarity to create a united message that represents women from 
all walks of life. They want to combat decades-long socioeconomic inequality by 
calling for marginalized communities—working women, women of colour, Native 
women, immigrant women, Muslim and other minority women, disabled women, and 
lesbian, queer, and trans women—to come together and make their voices heard.

The ‘Women’s Strike’ is intended to become the most impacting global movement. 
This is not an impossibility given the fact that women organised the ‘Women’s 
March’  on January 21st, which brought out millions of women not only in 
Washington, but across the United States and in several Capitals across the 
globe – to protest against the anti-women rhetoric of the newly- elected US 
President. On March 8th this year, all (particularly those women who cannot go 
on ‘strike’ for obvious reasons!) are encouraged to wear red, which is the 
colour of love, revolution energy and sacrifice- as a sign of solidarity.

Since 2013, February 14th also has a newer meaning with the ‘One Billion 
Campaign’, which has been fighting against the sexual and physical violence 
against women... This year, the One Billion Rising Revolution gave sharper 
focus and visibility to the exploitation of women and has tried to harness even 
stronger global solidarity to demand an end to violence in all forms. ‘Rise! 
Disrupt! Connect!’ are the catchwords today for this significant campaign. The 
‘Nirbhaya’ reality in India was not a once-and-for-all. It is a painful reality 
to which the average Indian woman is subjected to – in the private precincts of 
one’s home, at the work place and even in open, public places. Women, in 
general, continue to be demeaned and even dehumanised.

A few days ago in New Delhi at a programme REMEMBERANCE – highlighting the 
fifteenth anniversary of the Gujarat Carnage there were several extraordinary 
women present. There was Zakia Jafri and Nishrin Jafri, the wife and the 
daughter of Eshan Jafri who was brutally murdered during that carnage. Teesta 
Setalvad, Shabnam Hashmi and others who have relentlessly championed the cause 
of the 

[Goanet] Some Carbon Fast Resolutions

2017-03-03 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Our Lady Egypt 
Subject: Some Carbon Fast Resolutions

Bishop Allwyn D'Silva has asked us to make Carbon Fast Resolutions in this 
season of Lent. Here are some Carbon Fast Resolutions.


•   Use reusable cloth / jute bag for all marketing purposes and avoid 
plastic bags.

•   Carry water bottle from home wherever I go and avoid buying mineral 
water bottles

•   Stop drinking pesticide ridden cola drinks and drink healthy natural 
drinks especially water

•   Minimize or totally avoid junk food and use wholesome homemade food

•   Stop using throw away glasses / plates etc during SCC, parish or family 
celebrations and start using reusable items.

•   Avoid or minimize the use of Air-conditioner, washing machines, and 
other high energy consuming domestic appliances

•   Switch off electrical appliances – light, water heaters, fans, TV, 
computer etc when not in use and save electricity

•   Give a lift to others (car pool) whenever possible, like going for 
Sunday Mass, school work, meetings etc and save on petrol / diesel

•   Use my private vehicle only if it is a must. Instead walk short 
distances or use public transport.

•   Keep 2 bins to segregate my kitchen waste – dry and wet garbage – and 
propagate its importance to others

•   Donate unused things lying at my home which are not needed for me but 
useful to others.

•   Use water consciously fully aware that it is a rare and precious 
commodity for millions

•   Use stationary including papers sparingly and creatively like using 
both sides or avoid using paper altogether if online communication suffices

•   Plant trees wherever I can and cultivate the habit of appreciating 

•   Carry minimum luggage of bare necessities whenever I go out for 
business or vacation

Fr. Anthony D'Souza

[Goanet] TODAY: FIFTEEN YEARS AGO! by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (28 February 2017)

2017-02-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

-Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

It’s fifteen years today! How soon the years fly by. Some things however, are 
never forgotten. The memories are still fresh. The pain, the suffering, the 
trauma – though not visible – still lingers on. Only those who have gone 
through it know deep down, what it means to lose a loved one. That too through 
such inhuman brutality.Rupa and Dara Mody still wait for their only son Azhar, 
who went missing on February 28th 2002, to come home. The nightmare for many 
continue. The masterminds: the main culprits still roam with impunity and 
immunity. It was, indeed one of the bloodiest chapters of post-independent 
India. Certainly, the only one presided over and engineered by those 
responsible for protecting the lives and property of ordinary citizens. Sadly, 
it is still not a closed chapter. It was no ordinary riot: it was the Gujarat 
Genocide of 2002!

Today after fifteen years, many may agree that there must be healing; but for 
that to take place, the victim-survivors have to experience the triumph of 
truth and justice. A painful reality can never be swept under the carpet. The 
wheels of justice have moved in some cases but the judiciary has still to prove 
that it serves the cause of justice alone; a good section of the media in India 
has been bought up and compromised and can no longer be impartial and 
objective. Fatigue does set.Moreover, (as we see in Delhi University today), 
the fascist and fundamentalist forces responsible for what happened in 2002 and 
are still blatantly  at work in the country. True there have been several 
convictions, thanks to the dogged determination of human rights stalwarts like 
Teesta Setalvad and others.

Very ironically, the one who presided over the Gujarat Genocide, ‘rules’ the 
country today. That is  a sad and bitter truth. The mayhem and murder of 
innocent men, women and children; rapes, arson, loot, displacement and 
denigration of thousands of Muslims- just does not seem to have mattered. It 
all seemed part of a game in which one scores brownie points. Your dastardly 
deeds gain legitimacy through the ballot box. After all, Hitler succeeded 
immensely because of the lies, myths and half-truths dished out by Goebbels, 
his Propaganda Minister. Tragically, a similar story here!

It was certainly very unfortunate that fifty-nine persons lost their lives when 
the S-G coach of the Sabarmati Express caught fire on February 27th 2002, just 
outside the Godhra Railway Station. The whole truth on what caused the fire is 
still not out. Nothing else happened for more than twenty-four hours after 
that; not in Gujarat, not anywhere else in India. Sadly, enough from the 
afternoon of February 28th, began those dark and violent days, which would make 
any human being to squirm and to hang one’s head down in shame.

In December 2003, the then Chief Justice of India V.N. Khare presiding over a 
Divisional Bench of the Supreme Court criticized the Government of Gujarat 
saying, “I have no faith left in the prosecution and the Gujarat Government. I 
am not saying Article 356. You have to protect people and punish the guilty. 
What else is raj dharma? You quit if you cannot prosecute the guilty. “Some 
years later in February 2012 in a landmark ruling, the Acting Chief Justice of 
Gujarat Bhaskar Bhattacharya, very emphatically stated, “Gujarat government’s 
inadequate response and inaction (to contain the riots) resulted in an anarchic 
situation which continued unabated for days on…the state cannot shirk from its 

In the context of the many cases and the fact that several fingers were 
pointing to the connivance of the Modi Government, the Supreme Court of India 
appointed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into certain cases, very 
specially a complaint made by Zakia Jafri with regard to the murder of her 
husband, the former Member of Parliament Ehsan Jafri and several others. It is 
common knowledge that the SIT played a very dubious and partisan role in key 
cases. The SITs Final Report was also challenged. It had just too many grey 
areas with gaping loopholes. It went all out to protect the masterminds of this 
carnage. Whatever that Report said or did not say, the complicity and the 
culpability of the powerful and of certain vested interests, has never ever 
been doubted.

There have been numerous efforts to consign Gujarat 2002 to the fires of 
history. Efforts have been made, by the most powerful in the land to buy up 
people and to coopt others, to denigrate those who fought relentlessly for 
justice on behalf of the victim survivors.There are certainly the loud, shrill 
voices, who try to legitimize what happened in those bloody days. They provide 
all kinds of 

[Goanet] The Catholic Church’s attempts to go green

2017-02-27 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kalina 


The Catholic Church’s attempts to go 
Engagement with environmental issues is not a new thing for the church.

Last month, 44 women from south Asian countries met at St Pius College, a 
Catholic seminary in a Mumbai suburb, to discuss their perspective on climate 
change and its impact on vulnerable populations.

Engagement with environmental issues is not a new thing for the church. More 
than two decades ago, before global warming and climate change received the 
attention the subjects now get, Pope John Paul II, the then head of the church, 
had made pleas about respecting nature. Pope Francis, the current head, has 
warned about climate change and its implications on human life. In Laudato Si, 
a document that he released in June 2015, the Pope wrote about environmental 
degradation and global warming, and called for action to mitigate the problem.

The concern for the environment has found support in the local church. The 
Mumbai diocese has a bishop who heads an Archdiocesan Office for Environment. 
This year, the archdiocese of Bombay has asked Catholics to observe a ‘carbon 
fast’ during the 40-day Lent season, which begins on March 1, to create 
awareness about global warming and the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. 
Every parish in Mumbai has been given a day when they will incorporate 
environment-saving practices into their activities.

Some decisions taken at the January meeting are important: the participants 
have pledged to propagate information on climate change in their newsletters 
and in schools run by the church. Some ideas that will be implemented are 
conventional: kitchen gardens in schools, recycling of waste water, planting 
indigenous trees in afforestation programmes, forgoing firecrackers at 
celebrations, and avoiding the use of plastic ‘use and throw’ plates and 

Other ideas are more exceptional: leaving more surfaces in compounds and 
grounds without concrete (to allow rain water to seep into the ground and 
recharge groundwater), restricting excessive withdrawal of groundwater, 
treatment of sewage before it is discharged into natural water bodies, 
energy-efficient electrical appliances, promoting use of shared or public 
transport and avoiding the use of personalised transport.

Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, a doctor and a lay Catholic theologian who was one of the 
delegates, explained why the issue of climate change needed a woman’s 
perspective. “Because women are affected the most by climate change, 
particularly in rural areas; women go in search of water, firewood and they put 
food on the table. All these activities are affected by climate change,” said 
Lobo Gajiwala. “When the environment is degraded they have to walk farther and 
farther to search for water and firewood.”

It is said that educating a woman is educating a family. This is something 
similar, said Lobo Gajiwala.

There are sceptics within the church who feel that the environment programmes 
are acts of tokenism. “I have seen functions at a church (a pilgrim centre in 
the city) where pilgrims are served refreshments in paper cups that are 
discarded after one use. Is it environment-friendly to cut trees for paper? Why 
do they not have cups that can be cleaned and used again?” asked a parish 
priest from a south Mumbai church. “People who talk about carbon fasts do not 
hesitate to use air-conditioned cars for every trip.”

Lobo Gajiwala felt feels that considering the vast reach of the Catholic Church 
– with 1.3 billion members, that is more than a sixth of mankind, thousands of 
schools, hospitals and universities – the environmental ideas coming from this 
global institution will have a far-reaching impact. The influence could travel 
beyond the community as some of the institutions, especially the schools and 
universities, are used by other groups. “The priest does have a point (that 
there is tokenism), but it will take time for the ideas to seep in. When the 
official (church) machinery is promoting it, the ideas will sink in,” said Lobo 
Gajiwala. “The official mandate is now there. Machinery has been put to the 
service of this ideal.”

[Goanet] Green Earth Movement (GEM): Environmental Newsletter- SOLAR SURESH

2017-02-21 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: felix rebello >


Solar power is reshaping energy production around the world. While people are 
choosing to move to solar power in many countries like China, Japan, Germany, 
and the United States, Indians are also changing their lifestyle to use solar 
power as a source of energy.

One such person is Dwarkadas Suresh, popularly known as Solar Suresh. An IIT 
Madras and IIM Ahmedabad graduate, he lives in Chennai with his wife, son, and 
daughter-in-law. He has worked in textile marketing industries in various 
capacities including as the Chief Executive Officer, Managerial Director. He 
retired in 2015, and is now enjoying his green home.

To read more about SOLAR SURESH click – 
www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in – go to GEM 
E-NEWSLETTER section and read the latest GEM-7/19 – SOLAR SURESH.

Read in this issue of the GEM other interesting and educative articles like,  
Asia’s ‘Cleanest Village’ And It Is In India; Mumbai school dumps old ways, 
recycles 3,000-kg waste; Clean Ganga: Funds flow generously for project, but 
river far from clean; Toxic flames emanate from Bengaluru lake, civic body 
passes the buck; Climate change affects all, but women are facing new, more 
severe challenges and so on.

You can make the forthcoming summer vacation for children and youth an 
exciting,  productive and learning experience by conducting  ENVIRONMENT QUIZ 

For  user-friendly, ready to use, ENVIRONMENT QUIZ papers SET 1 and 2 , visit 
the above website and go to GEM section, click MEGA ECO QUIZ – SET 1 and SET 2.

Forwarding this mail to your contacts is your small contribution for the 
protection of Mother Earth.

Fr Felix Rebello

[Goanet] Social Justice: Setting a Tone! by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (18 February 2017)

2017-02-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

(For favour of publication
 on World Social Justice Day (February 20th 2017)THANKS

Social Justice: Setting a Tone!
- Fr Cedric Prakash sj*
“Preventing Conflict and Sustaining Peace through Decent Work” is the theme of 
the 2017 World Social Justice Day, which will be observed on February 20th

As a justification of the theme the UN lists the following objectives: (i)to 
highlight the importance of employment-centred strategies and programs and 
their contribution to international efforts to prevent conflicts, sustain 
peace, build resilient societies and promote social justice;(ii) to explore the 
intersectionality of employment, peace and social justice across the 2030 
Agenda for sustainable development; (iii) to expand knowledge sharing and 
collaboration with the UN system and other key stakeholders on effective 
strategies for peace, social justice and development.

Both the theme and the objectives are certainly laudable! Wars and conflicts 
have held centre-stage across the globe in the last few years. It has cost the 
world enormously in every sense of the word. With over 65 million people as 
refugees or internally displaced and with numbers growing – the need and 
importance to prevent conflict and to ensure sustainable peace should 
necessarily be topmost on the World Agenda. Providing ‘decent work’ (as the UN 
puts it) is a key social justice factor that could lead to a more sustainable 
global peace.

The moot point to be considered is whether those who control the destinies of 
nations today can honestly demonstrate the political will towards the 
realisation of the theme. In a concept note for the day, the UN says, “peaceful 
and inclusive societies, as well as decent work and equitable growth, are key 
priorities of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda 
states that sustainable development cannot be realized without peace and 
security and encourages member States to build peaceful, just and inclusive 
societies that provide equal access to justice and that are based on respect 
for human rights.”

An ideal certainly not negotiable or debatable; but several of the world 
leaders do not seem to be on the same page! Political leadership in many 
countries today seem to doing exactly the opposite. The US President is keen on 
building walls and keeping out even legitimate refugees and immigrants. The 
Palestinians are forced to live in a hostile environment, since Israel just 
does not pay heed to world opinion. No one seems to be serious in preventing 
and ending wars and conflicts. Why would they? Many of them are conveniently 
tied up to the profiteering military- industrial establishment. The only way to 
stop wars, as everyone knows, is to halt the production of arms and ammunition; 
to make disarmament and denuclearisation a reality. Tragically, the spending on 
military warfare has been escalating in most countries (for example, India’s 
‘defence’ budget!); besides, spending in the social sector like on health, 
education and the creation of employment (or as the UN says ‘decent work’) is 
drastically decreased.

Every effort must be made to ensure ‘decent work’ – for those who need it. This 
would entail ensuring that the rights of the workers are respected with a just 
wage, reasonable working hours, social security and other benefits. One should 
also make sure that the refugees and other displaced are not exploited. 
Unfortunately today social discrimination and exclusion; xenophobia and 
jingoism seems to be on the rise as never before. India is in the midst of an 
election season. The divide-and –rule campaign, by sections of the political 
class is a blatant human rights violation. The primary objective of winning an 
election is no longer about serving the people- but rather of how one can 
selfishly accumulate more power and wealth. As said earlier, the numbers of 
refugees and IDPs continue to grow: from Syria to South Sudan; the world 
witnesses the suffering of the Rohingyas of Myanmar and the Yezidis of Iraq who 
face genocide. Be it the child soldiers of Colombia or those who labour in the 
sweatshops of China, there are today, millions of children who are deprived of 
their childhood. Human trafficking pays rich dividends to the unscrupulous and 
other vested interests.  In the midst of such a grim and complex reality, can 
one actually talk of preventing conflict and sustaining peace and much more, 
providing decent work particularly to the refugee, to the migrant and to the 

It is ten years since World Social Justice Day was launched  in 2007 and it  
comes as a very powerful reminder to all  that, “social justice is an 
underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among 
nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender 
equality or the rights 

[Goanet] Love Walking in the Rain by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (14 February 2017)

2017-02-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Love Walking in the Rain

-   Fr Cedric Prakash sj*

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a wonderful city complete with history, 
tradition and modernity. Amman, however on a very cold (temperature less than 5 
℃) and rainy day is not the most exciting place to be in. Above all, since 
Amman is built on hills (jabal) and has several valleys (wadi), walking 
distances from one house to another, is certainly not something that one easily 

Nevertheless, walking today in the rain with Esraa and Mohamed, two volunteers 
with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) here in Jordan, was indeed a very special 
experience. ‘Camp Hussein’ not far from downtown, in north-west Amman, was set 
up in 1952 to house thousands of Palestinian refugees, after the Arab-Israeli 
war of 1948. Today, the winds of change have blown over this sprawling area. It 
however continues to be one of the poorer quarters of the city; the people who 
live here are not only Palestinians but also refugees from other countries like 
Iraq, Syria, Sudan, and Somalia besides poor Jordanians.

Esraa and Mohamed had prior appointments with six refugee families, who had 
contacted JRS sometime earlier. As a ‘Family Visit’ team of JRS(there are four 
two-member teams) this ‘first visit’ is important : to make a personal contact 
with the family, to listen to their pain and suffering, to assess their needs 
and above all, to see in what ways JRS can serve, accompany and if needed, to 
advocate for them.

There was always a warm welcome at every house. As one listened to the heart 
–rending stories of these refugee families, one often wondered if compassion 
and love were just dreams of the past. Everybody had fled war and violence; 
their travels to Jordan were arduous, but somehow they made it. Once here, 
there are issues of loneliness and isolation, of not being easily accepted, of 
education for the children and of employment. The rented ‘homes’ they now lived 
in had the minimum of facilities (one could see it); the rentals kept 
increasing. Most find it extremely difficult to make both ends meet.

We listened to the Iraqi woman who fled Mosul and also a violent husband; to 
the Syrian woman with three children, whose husband is now taken away from her 
and now detained far away in another camp, because he was ‘working’ and that is 
against the law; then, there was another woman whose husband has been deported 
back to the country from which he had fled- and the family has absolutely no 
knowledge of his whereabouts. Some want to die; others feel totally helpless 
and hopeless.  Listening to their pain, seeing their tears, made the rains and 
chill, the steep climbs and the slippery slopes, pale into insignificance. As 
one walked on, the words of Charlie Chaplin kept tugging at my heartstrings “I 
always love walking in the rain, so no one can me crying.” We did however 
experience the refugees crying.

For the refugees, JRS represented by Esraa and Mohamed, comes as a life- line. 
The two of them listened with their hearts. The bonding was infectious, the 
warmth was palpable. One could feel this, as Esraa embraced an elderly woman 
and as Mohamed took out some sweets from his bag to give the little children. 
Today was also ‘Valentine’s Day’, when the world celebrates ‘love’ – even if it 
is very commercial and cosmetic! (Plenty of reminders in the shops, newspapers 
and WhatsApp messages). One could not help reflecting on the real meaning of 
‘love’: the courage to reach out in compassion, to our sisters and brothers who 
are displaced, excluded and marginalised. In a very extra-ordinary way, through 
seemingly ordinary deeds, I was part of an experience in which   Esraa and 
Mohamed communicated to those they encountered, what love actually means!

When I was young, there was a popular love song ‘Walking in the Rain’; it was a 
boy-girl romantic song. Today, in a very different context and a more 
challenging reality, I cannot but help remember the chorus of that song:
“Feels like I'm walking in the rain
I find myself trying to wash away the pain
Cause I need you to give me some shelter
Cause I'm fading away
And baby, I'm walking in the rain”

14th February 2017
Amman Jordan

* (Fr Cedric Prakash sj is a human rights activist. He is currently based in 
Lebanon, engaged with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in the Middle East on 
advocacy and   communications. Contact: 

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena


2017-02-15 Thread Robin Viegas

By Incredible Goa Staff 
Reporter -
February 15, 2017


Thousands of Indians from the Portuguese colonies have gone to Europe and 
settled there after acquiring Portuguese citizenship. The Portuguese 
citizenship gives them an opportunity to work and settle anywhere in Europe as 
European citizens. Remedios Rodrigues, a former Goa Shipyard employee – a 
government undertaking is on his way to the UK with a stopover in Portugal to 
collect his Portuguese passport and become a Portuguese citizen after 
surrendering his Indian passport. He is a step away from giving up his Indian 
citizenship in search of his European dreams. The 50-year-old Indian from the 
holiday resort state of Goa who has his family of wife and children still based 
in Goa did not have to make rounds at the immigrations offices of the UK 
embassy in India but pursued his English dreams through the Portuguese 
connections. Goa was a former Portuguese colony till 1961, until the Indian 
army liberated it, on December 19 that year.

How an Indian, who is born in this country and has spent his entire life in 
India can he become a European Union citizen, is the immediate question, which 
comes to mind. For some with no connection opting for Portuguese citizenship 
may seem strange. But this is the route, which Indians from the western state 
of Goa and union territories of Daman and Diu have been exploring to further 
their European dreams. Yes, people from the former Portuguese colonies in 
India, which includes Goa, Daman, Diu, Nagar, and Haveli can exercise the 
option to become citizens of Portugal subject to certain conditions.

According to a researcher Constantino Hermanns Xavier, “Indian immigration to 
Portugal has happened in different waves from the 16th Century onwards. The 
first wave was the Portuguese ships, which carried craftsmen, tailors, and 
others with specialized skills from India to Portugal. They have had a distinct 
influence on the architecture and culture of our country. The second wave was 
of Goan intellectuals who went to Portugal to study and then settled down and 
the third and most significant wave was in 1961, when the people of Goa were 
given the choice of opting for Portuguese citizenship,”


According to the available information, until the early 1970s, there were 
substantial populations of Goans in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. There 
have also, historically, been Goans in former British colonies ofKenya, Uganda, 
and Tanzania, and Portuguese colonies of Mozambique and Angola. The end of 
colonial rule and the subsequent waves of the expulsion of Indians from Kenya 
and Uganda forced the community to migrate elsewhere, however. The Gulf News 
put the number of Goans residing outside India as approximately 300,000.

But if you look at the chart it will make one thing clear that more than 50% 
Goans perhaps may not want to become Portuguese citizens and hence they have 
Gulf countries and some of them have permanently settled in these countries. 
Goans settled in the Gulf return home at regular intervals – every two years –, 
while some come less often. They time their holidays to coincide with a wedding 
in the family, religious festivals, exposition of the remains of St. Francis 
Xavier, or to attend to some family matters. Others come home to choose a bride 
and get married. The bulk of migrants cannot take their families along, 
particularly those earning low salaries. However, there are migrants of the 

[Goanet] I am ashamed of the country I once served

2017-02-04 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


'I am ashamed of the country I once 
In their own words: BBC Capital readers share their reasons for leaving America 

In their own words: BBC Capital readers share their reasons for leaving America 

1 February 2017

When Donald Trump won the US election on 8 November last year, Americans who 
voted for him rejoiced. Others were ambivalent. And still others expressed 
alarm. But some were so concerned that they began considering their options for 
leaving the US 

Following one of the most divisive US elections in recent history, following on 
the heels of the similarly divisive vote for Brexit in the UK, we asked if 
people were making plans to leave the 
 because of the uncertainty and political climate. Our question was met with 
hundreds of compelling, sometimes polarising and often worried responses. These 
are some of the stories our readers told and reasons they gave for leaving, or 
postponing a move home.

[(Credit: Getty 

Some US citizens, concerned with the new Trump administration, are planning to 
move overseas (Credit: Getty Images)

Immediate leavers

It’s easier for some people  to leave the US than it is for others. Some said 
they were looking into dual citizenship status or ancestry that might help 
secure it.

“On November 9th I met with a lawyer and began the process of applying for 
residency in Spain. My wife is an EU citizen and I don't foresee our family 
returning to the US,” wrote Jonathan Allen.  “It breaks my heart.”

I leave the US with a heavy heart and complete disgust. I am ashamed of the 
country I once served

Marie-Denise Jolie has firm and imminent plans. “Moving to Canada on 8 Feb 
2016. I am born and raised in [the] US, even served in [the] US Army, but have 
dual citizenship because one parent is Canadian. I never expected to move to 
Canada but I just can not stay here and I doubt I will be back other than short 

“I leave the US with a heavy heart and complete disgust. I am ashamed of the 
country I once served."

Fear of losing a way of life

“We are a gay couple, and had been planning on a wedding in June,” wrote Jim 
Brunk. But instead, the couple planned to file their marriage license in late 
January. “My partner is HIV positive and Jewish. Three strikes against us here 
in the newly forming Republic.

“Not sure where we will end up, perhaps Canada. I am Mennonite and will be 
contacting Mennonite Central Committee to see how they can help us gain entry 
into Canada.”


For some, temporary moves abroad are turning into permanent or long-term stays 
(Credit: Alamy)

For Phil Morel, leaving is under serious consideration: “My wife is Mexican, I 
hold an EU passport. We both feel very disenfranchised from the bigotry, 
inflammatory language and dangerous positions taken, even if we do live in 

I teach overseas and due to the political climate, I have no intention on 

Alexa Tenjou was blunt and circumspect: “I teach overseas and due to the 
political climate, I have no intention on returning,” she wrote. “As a black 
American and a woman, things are decidedly stacked against me.”

Catherine Hannan sees so much turmoil ahead that she and her partner are making 
plans to leave before it’s too hard to leave the country. “We live in a rural 
area where people are already starting to regret voting for Trump. We tried to 
warn them but they were blinded by their religious convictions,” wrote Hannan, 
who says she stands out in her community because she’s originally from 
California, which she says is a more progressive state. “We are semi-retired, 
collect social security and pension but don't know if that will be available 
for long under Trump.

Not just the US

The vote to leave the European Union has led UK citizens to consider leaving

“I have lived in the UK for around 30 years and have 3 secondary school-aged 
kids. Hoping to flee Brexit for an EU country this summer,” wrote Fiona Moorman 
. “I'm an EU citizen. Nativism and populism don't work for me!”

Clare Fenwick wrote that she left the UK after the June 2016 Brexit vote. “I am 
now living in the Netherlands. I choose a country that  better fits my values 

[Goanet] AMERICAN JESUITS TAKE A STAND by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (February 3rd 2017)

2017-02-03 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

-  Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

These are tumultuous times for the United States and in fact, for a good part 
of the world. President Donald Trump is being true to his campaign promises. In 
just about ten days after his inauguration, he has signed several controversial 
executive orders. These include, imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee 
programme and a 90-day ban on travel to the US from citizens of seven countries 
which are regarded as ‘terror hot spots’: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, 
Somalia and Sudan. Additionally, there are orders to build a  US-Mexico border 
wall, to 
 a weekly list of ‘criminal actions by aliens’ in Sanctuary Cities (besides 
stripping these cities of federal funding), and to ramp up immigration 
enforcement and deportation efforts. These orders have naturally polarized 
several sections of society, besides generating massive protests in the US and 
elsewhere. Civil society and institutions committed to human rights, justice, 
freedom and peace, find these orders illegal, cruel and misguided.

The Jesuits of America have not lost time in taking a courageous and 
unequivocal stand on behalf of the refugees, the migrants and the excluded. As 
early as November 17th 2016( just a week after the results of the Presidential 
Elections), Fr Leo J. O’Donovan, sj , the Executive Director, of the Jesuit 
Refugee Service/USA,set the tone and spirit, with a letter addressed to 
‘Friends and  Fellow Americans’ saying, “How shall JRS/USA respond to this 
situation? How shall we respond to the spectre of fear, selfishness, and lack 
of compassion that appears before us? First, let me say clearly that the 
divisive election campaign and its surprising outcome can only serve to 
reinforce JRS’s commitment to our mission to accompany, serve, and defend the 
rights of refugees in the United States and throughout the world. This 
commitment is absolute. It stands on the foundation of the teachings of the 
Church that we are all equally children of God and are related to each other in 
equal dignity as one family. In this context, our commitment to support and to 
speak out for the most vulnerable people, giving comfort, companionship and 
education to those otherwise forgotten and bringing the voice of the voiceless 
to the seats of power is unshakeable. It is in fact even more important at this 
uncertain time”.

Fr O’Donovan followed that path-breaking letter with an ‘Open Letter’ addressed 
to President Trump on the day of his inauguration (January 20th 2017), 
emphatically stating that, “our country's welcome of these newcomers expresses 
who we are as a people. It is a sign of our commitment to the rights of 
refugees to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution. It reflects our desire to 
respond to the call of the Jewish and Christian scriptures to welcome strangers 
among us, especially those in danger or great need. It is rooted in the 
recognition that all men and women possess a shared human dignity and, in the 
eyes of faith, are sons and daughters of a loving Creator who calls us together 
as one human family”. The letter was also a challenge, “Mr. President, the 
generosity of the United States in response to the needs of refugees is a 
source of our reputation as "the last best hope of humankind" and expresses our 
highest moral values”; with a final appeal, “when you consider actions you 
might take to fulfil your promise to make America great again, remember the 
greatness of heart that is at the foundation of just and humane U.S. refugee 
assistance. Our nation and our world look to you for a magnanimous response to 
those who have been forced from their homes”.

Jesuits run several Universities in the US, which include some of the most 
prestigious ones. In the wake of these executive orders the Presidents of 
almost all these Universities, have issued powerful statements reiterating 
their commitment to Gospel values, Jesuit identity, human rights and to a 
welcoming, inclusive and diverse American society. The President of Georgetown 
University for one, states, “Our Catholic and Jesuit identity provides the 
foundation for our lives together. Guided by our mission, we have placed a 
special emphasis on interreligious dialogue and our openness to different faith 
traditions and cultures. This includes our efforts to support a diverse and 
vibrant Muslim community on campus." The Boston College President is 
categorical, “The order is also contrary to American understandings of this 
nation’s role as a refuge and its place as a society that does not discriminate 
on the basis of religion or national origin." Whereas   Marquette University 
reaffirms, “More than 135 years ago, Marquette 

[Goanet] Karnataka: India road victim bleeds to death as bystanders film

2017-02-03 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


India road victim bleeds to death as bystanders film - BBC 
Anwar Ali pleaded with onlookers to take him to hospital but they filmed him 

2 February 2017

  *   From the sectionIndia

[Injured Anwar Ali in hospital]Image captionDoctors say Anwar Ali could have 
been saved if he had been brought to hospital earlier

Footage of a teenage victim of a hit-and-run accident pleading with 
unresponsive onlookers to take him to hospital has caused shock in India.

Local media reported people gathered around and took pictures and videos of the 
injured teen, but did not help him.

Anwar Ali, 17, was taken to hospital around half an hour after his bicycle 
collided with a bus in Karnataka state.

He bled to death. Doctors say he could have survived if he had received medical 
care sooner.

The incident in Koppal district in Karnataka has revived controversy about 
people being reluctant to help road accident victims in India.

If no-one helps you after a car crash in India, this is 

India crashes kill 146,133 in 

Can India really halve its road 

Some activists argue that it is not a lack of compassion but an entire system 
stacked against helping road victims.

"The foremost reason is intimidation by police," safety campaigner Piyush 
Tewari told the BBC last year.

"Oftentimes if you assist someone the police will assume you're helping that 
person out of guilt."

Apart from the fear of being falsely implicated, people also worry about 
becoming trapped as a witness in a court case - legal proceedings can be 
notoriously protracted in India.

And if they helped the victim get to hospital, they feared coming under 
pressure to stump up fees for medical treatment.

In May last year, India's Supreme Court ruled that "good Samaritans" would be 
protected from harassment. Karnataka has also passed a law stipulating that 
people helping road accident victims would not be subjected to harassment.

However, correspondents say that many people are unaware of the rulings and do 
not trust police to follow them.

[Goanet] MURDERING THE MAHATMA TODAY! by Fr Cedric Prakash sj(30January2017)

2017-01-30 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


-  Fr Cedric Prakash sj*

January 30th 1948 will remain etched forever in the conscience of the nation. 
On that fateful day at evening prayer, Mahatma Gandhi fell to the bullets of 
his assassin Nathuram Godse, in Delhi. Godse represented the fascist, fanatic, 
fundamentalist and ‘feku’ forces, which abhorred the values for which Gandhi, 
espoused all his life and particularly the idea of an inclusive, pluralistic 
and secular India. These forces unfortunately are still very alive in India and 
in several parts of the world today!

There are certainly those who disagreed with Gandhi during his lifetime and 
there are many who disagree with his philosophy and his methodology even today. 
Nevertheless, few will be able to contest the fact that Gandhi was a man of 
principles who lived and died for a cause. His life was frugal and exemplary 
and unlike several politicians today, he did not care leave alone crave, for 
the privileges and the trappings of power.

In his lifetime, he internalized and propagated two cherished values TRUTH 
(Satyagraha) and NONVIOLENCE (Ahimsa). This twin doctrine is today more than 
ever needed, as sizeable sections of India and other parts of the world fall 
easy prey to falsehood and hate; to divisiveness and violence.  Gandhi believed 
in the spirituality of inclusiveness. For him, the Hindu Scriptures ‘the 
Bhagvad Gita’ and Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”(particularly the section on the 
‘Beatitudes’)had to be read and meditated upon simultaneously since he was 
convinced that they resonated with one another. He refers to this in his 
autobiography ‘My Experiment with Truth’

There was plenty of violence and bloodshed in the run –up to India’s 
independence. Gandhi truly desired an undivided India, in which Hindus and 
Muslims would live in peace and harmony. In October 1946, he spent weeks in 
Naokhali (today in Bangla Desh) literally bringing to a halt, in a non-violent 
way, massacres and mayhem between the two communities. On August 15 1947, as 
India celebrated her independence, there were no celebrations for Gandhi; he 
was back in Calcutta with his protégé Abdul Ghaffar Khan. He encouraged people 
to be non-violent and peaceful; he himself prayed, fasted and spun yarn. Those 
actions of his had a profound impact on the people- peace was restored. When C 
Rajagopalachari, the first Governor- General of Independent India, visited and 
congratulated Gandhi for restoring peace in the city, Gandhi said he would not 
be satisfied "until Hindus and Muslims felt safe in one another's company and 
returned to their own homes to life as before." He sincerely cared for those 
who were forcibly displaced.
On the day Gandhi was assassinated Pandit Nehru, India’s Prime Minister in an 
emotional address to the nation said, “the light has gone out of our lives and 
there is darkness everywhere! “He was just stating a fact. Darkness continues 
to envelop a good part of the world today; the very forces that murdered Gandhi 
continue to murder all that he epitomized. True there are some hypocritical 
gestures like usurping the place of Gandhi at the spinning wheel, for a picture 
on an official calendar. Gandhi never subscribed to showmanship nor was he 
arrogant. He fought against sectarianism and racism and would have left no 
stone unturned today to take sides with the refugees and other forcibly 
displaced people of the world.
Indian Catholics will observe a “Day of Peace” on January 30th. Significantly, 
in a message for the Fiftieth World Day of Peace (celebrated officially on 
January 1st 2017) entitled ‘Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace’, Pope 
Francis emphatically states that, “violence is not the cure for our broken 
world.” He calls for a new style of politics built on peace and nonviolence, 
and at the same time for disarmament and the eradication of nuclear weapons. 
Both Mahatma Gandhi and Abdul Ghaffar Khan are referred to in this message as 
icons of nonviolence and peace. We certainly have much to learn from them.
The world today is in a turmoil as never before. In ways both subtle and 
direct; through discriminatory policies and executive orders; through 
manipulations and coercions, we witness the gradual break-up of our world, even 
as hasty and unwanted walls are built to keep people out. We need to do all we 
can to prevent the triumph of these forces who are inimical to the cherished 
ideals and values of Gandhi, the Apostle of Nonviolence. We must cry halt to 
their murderous march now!
30th January 2017

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995

[Goanet] Panjim(Goa): Destruction of Azad Maidan and monster toilet next to Tristao de Braganca Cunha’s relics is symptomatic of Goa’s degeneration By Vivek Menezes

2017-01-21 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >


Destruction of Azad Maidan and monster toilet next to Tristao de Braganca 
Cunha’s relics is symptomatic of Goa’s degeneration
January 19, 2017

VIVEK MENEZES  |  One glance at Panaji’s iconic Azad Maidan is enough to see 
everything that has gone terribly wrong with Goa. The famous grounds – as old 
as the capital city itself – lies torn to pieces. Massive mounds of rubble and 
mud cover its once-pleasant expanse. A large portion of its attractive, 
quasi-European black metal railing has been bludgeoned away and is now being 
replaced by horrendous monstrosity, exactly resembling the worst of Bollywood 
crudity. Worst by far, the beautiful, ethereal neo-classical monument at centre 
– sacred resting place for Goa’s seminal nationalist – is dominated by a 
freakishly large, extraordinarily ill-conceived toilet.

It’s not only Azad Maidan being flushed but also democracy itself along with 
every standard of urban development. This is now the norm for the current 
administration, where outrageous scam “infrastructure” has become its signature 
activity. Highly dubious, unbelievably expensive projects are underway all over 
Goa even as the state debt burden has soared past unsustainable to the verge of 
bankruptcy. There is a detectable pattern – opaque project planning, total lack 
of oversight, zero public participation, huge cost over-runs, and a small set 
of crony contractors.

Even as the rest of Goa gets royally messed up, the multi-crore toileting of a 
cherished landmark particularly demonstrates how bad things are. The 
Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) has no official knowledge about what is 
underway at Azad Maidan. Mayor Surendra Furtado says no plans have come to his 
office, and he has given no permissions. He has a conspiracy theory that the 
ground has specifically been made unusable for demonstrations and rallies – its 
historic purpose for over a century – but that doesn’t explain the gargantuan 
lavatory looming over the remains of poor Tristao de Braganca Cunha.

Cunha – often called ‘The father of Goan nationalism’ was the voice and 
advocate of the Indian Congress Party in France in the early 1920s. It is 
because of him Romain Rolland learned about Gandhi. That history and great 
legacy is only part of what is being disrespected by the lavatory which now 
casts its shadow on his tomb.

There is also the monument to the martyrs of Goa’s freedom struggle, which 
stands like a meek bookend to the colossal concrete latrine that now commands 
the north end of Azad Maidan.

Panaji MLA Sidharth Kunkalienkar is one man with some answers, which he kindly 
shared over the phone. According to him, the last renovation of Azad Maidan 
took place many years ago and the ground was not in a good condition (this is 
accurate). Then added that literally only one family lived on the square (which 
is not accurate). He said work has been initiated under the Atal Mission for 
Rejuvenation and Urban Tranformation by Goa State Infrastructure Development 
Corporation (GSIDC). And when asked if any architects had been consulted, he 
said, “LKS”.

Like Louis Berger a few years ago, this Spain-headquartered consultancy has 
become the favoured vehicle for dodgy projects in Goa. The company website says 
the state government is “our main customer in India” via GSIDC. Its projects 
(Azad Maidan isn’t even listed) are a laundry list of very bad, environmentally 
unfriendly ideas: the ridiculous walkway overhanging the Baga river, the likely 
illegal ‘redevelopment’ of beach areas in Miramar, the sinister-sounding 
‘redevelopment of one of the premier tourist destinations…where several 
Bollywood movies have been filmed’ (probably Fontainhas).

Connect the dots. It is the deeply flawed ‘Holistic Master Plan’ created by 
this same LKS being used to ram through Panaji’s ‘Smart City’ scheme which will 
involve unprecedented levels of money being expended in the tiny riverside 
city. The obliteration of everything charming about Azad Maidan is thus quite 
possibly only the beginning. The fact is all of India’s most charming little 
capital is now threatened with the same fate. If they can do this to the 
centerpiece of Goan democracy, on the same turf as the monuments dedicated to 
the state’s most cherished heroes, just imagine the size and scale of the 
urinals we can expect in the rest of hertage Panaji.

Last word to Panaji native Raya Shankhwalker, who writes, “In my experience as 
a practicing architect in Panjim, I have seen so many examples of heedless 
obliteration of carefully planned urban infrastructure. This wonderfully 
situated riverside city was very well planned in a gridiron pattern…All through 
the city, large and small public 

[Goanet] Green Earth Movement -E Newsletter : A RESPONSIBLE ACT

2017-01-21 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: felix rebello >


What does it mean to be responsible? Who and what are we responsible for? Are 
we only responsible for ourselves? Our family? Our community? What about the 
mountains, the rivers, and the land? Who takes responsibility for them? If you 
are Piyush Sethia, then you take responsibility for all of it.

For further reading click - 
www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in - go to GEM 
E-NEWSLETTER section and read the latest GEM-7/17 - A RESPONSIBLE ACT.

Read in this issue of the GEM other interesting and educative articles like, 
Perfect pen drive; Mumbai's Minara Masjid goes green; Concrete chokes 20 trees 
in Mumbai's green lung; Delay in marking pvt forests leads to degradation of 
green cover; From addiction to ordination to the priesthood; Marry before you 
are 25, a bishop in Kerala tells and so on.

Visit the above website also for various resource materials like PPTs on 
various environmental issues, Eco Quizes, Bible Study; Monthly Bible Quiz, 
liturgical articles and quizzes, group games, puzzles for kids, jokes, stories 

Forwarding this mail to your contacts is your small contribution in bringing 
awareness amongst the readers on the important issue of 'Protection of 

Fr Felix Rebello

[Goanet] Mumbai: A "PROTEST MORCHA " on Saturday, 21th January between 10.00 a.m and 12.00 noon from outside our Lady of Remedy Church, Poinsur, Kandivali West to DMC Office, R-South Ward Kandivali We

2017-01-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Save Our Land >

URGENT : Please participate and pass the message around.

A *'PROTEST MORCHA * has been organised on Saturday, 21 January  2017 between  
10 am -12.00 noon . The Morcha will begin at 10 a.m.  outside the Remedy 
Church, Poinsur, Kandivali West* and march on S.V. Road to the BMC / DMC - R 
-South Ward to protest the BMC notice to take over part of the church land.

*Not an Inch of our Land will be given."*

This is to inform you that the citizens/community has organised a SILENT MARCH 
named ROAD TO FREEDOM, to BMC R South office, situated at 2nd, cross Road, MG 
Road, near swimming pool, Kandivali (W); to protest against BMC's land 
acquisition Notice to Our Lady of Remedy Church, Poinsur.
The march will begin at 10.00 AM on 21st, January, 2017; from our Lady of 
Remedy Church and reach the BMC office around 12.00 Noon, wending through SV 
Road, where a delegation will meet the Dy. Municipal Commissioner and present 
him a memorandum.
We would like to inform you that the community has organised similar protests 
in the recent past, the prominent one being on 25th, December, 2016; being the 
day of CHRISTMAS, near Our Lady of Remedy Church. Prior to this, on 18th, June, 
2016; the community marched to BMC R South office.
We had requested the Dy. Municipal Commissioner Z VII for an appointment for a 
meeting, through a letter dated 2nd , December 2016, copy of which is attached: 
so that the matter could be discussed across the table. Our just  demand was to 
give us  a fair hearing and stop this injustice. Unfortunately, the request was 
Hence we have had no choice but to organise this protest march to the Office of 
the DMC. We expect a large turnout for this morcha.
This Protest Campaign is organised by The Bombay Catholic Sabha, Guardians 
United, Watchdog Foundation,  All India Catholic Union[Maharashtra] and Save 
Our Land [SOUL].

Thank you for your support to our cause and look forward to your presence.

warm regards
Dolphy A. D'souza
Cell: 09833884227
Save Our Land [SOUL] Team
Mumbai 400 095.

[Goanet] Demonetisation: 18 Hard Questions the Parliamentary Panel Should Ask the RBI Governor/ Read findings of RTI application filed by the Indian Express on demonitisation

2017-01-18 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Demonetisation: 18 Hard Questions the Parliamentary Panel Should Ask the RBI 
Moneylife is an online resource for news and opinions on personal finance, 
banking, finance and industry sectors from India.

Demonetisation: 18 Hard Questions the Parliamentary Panel Should Ask the RBI 
Moneylife Digital 
18 January 

The governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Urjit Patel is supposed to appear 
before a parliamentary panel today, to explain the demonetisation decision and 
its effect on economy. He would also be quizzed about the steps the Central 
bank took to deal with the massive cash crunch that followed the sudden 
withdrawal of 500 and 1000-rupee notes, announced by Prime Minister Narendra 
Modi in an address to the nation on the evening of November 8. Here is a list 
of questions that the Parliamentary panel may like to put to Mr Patel.

1.   Was there any contingency plan before withdrawing the 85% on notes?

2.   When did the printing of Rs500 denomination notes start?

3.   How many pieces of notes of Rs2,000 denomination were ready by 8th 
November 2016?

4.   Was the stock of paper, ink, security features enough on that day to print 
new notes?

5. Please give us the paper production figures also printing figures month wise 
before 8th November 2016 to support the contention that you were ready with 
plans or to indicate you had made adequate plans

6.   Were you not supposed to change the security features as well along with 
new designs? Who delayed them?

7.   Do you even now have contracts in place for M-features, security thread, 
ink etc.? Or you are importing these on expired contracts? Give us the contract 
dates please.

8.   How much have you spent on imported paper, ink, security features before 
and after the 8th November 2016?

9.   Luckily Bank Note Paper Mill India Pvt Ltd (BNPM) has so far produced 
solar 6,300 tonnes of paper, but by 8th November 2016 produced 2,600 tonnes of 
paper for Rs2,000 denomination. What if that Mill had also failed like 
Hoshangabad because of some accident? Was there a plan in place?

10. Is it true that the Hoshangabad plant was supposed to produce 6,000 MT 
security paper in a year but by 8th November 2016 had produced only 10 tonnes 
for Rs500 note paper?

11. You require 28,000 MT of paper to replenish 18 billion pieces. Was enough 
paper imported for this purpose? By when?

12. Why have you now called for tenders for import of 27,000MT paper?

13. You have plans to consume 27,000MT imported paper plus 14,000MT 
manufactured by your Mysuru paper mill even if you ignore Hoshangabad. Is this 

14. If so, do you know that you have exhausted your reserve bank notes while 
the old notes which were pulled out to be incineration that you put back into 
circulation, will wear out in a few months? How would you print all those notes 
and by which time frame. Can it take as long as two years?

15. As on 8th November 2016, was the printing capacity of Bharatiya Reserve 
Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd. (BRBNMPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the RBI 
(Salboni and Mysuru) around 40 million per day and govt presses 
(Nashik-Maharashtra, Dewas-Madhya Pradesh) 15 million per day?

16. How did you think replenishing even 10% of withdrawn notes within two 
months or 8 weeks was possible? Are all the Presses still working in two shifts 
to print 90 million notes per day?

17. Will the printing presses take this extra load continuously?

18. How many more months required to replenish the old notes?

Five questions the parliamentary panels must ask RBI governor Urjit Patel on 

Why do we still know so little about demonetisation? Where are the 

[Goanet] From RUR: Go Green with Tetra Pak Program

2017-01-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Team RUR >

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings from RUR!

RUR Greenlife - Are you Reducing, Reusing, Recycling? (RUR) is an environment 
organization founded in 2009 with a vision to create eco-conscious citizens who 
make their waste worthwhile for the planet. RUR has been actively working on 
sustainable waste management solutions. From home composting to large scale 
recycling of bio degradable waste and dry non degradable, RUR works on 
designing, training, sensitizing and educating citizens to set up a suitable 
system to reduce the waste impact on the landfill and cut down carbon and 
ecological footprints.

'Go Green with Tetra Pak Recycling' is the flagship program of RUR. For over 
five years now, RUR together with cooperative retail chains Sahakari Bhandar & 
Reliance Fresh stores and the world's leading food processing and packaging 
solutions company Tetra Pak has been spreading the word of Go Green Program to 
maximize the rate of recycling consumed Tetra Pak Cartons in Mumbai. Tetra Pak 
cartons are 100% recyclable. The recycled Tetra Pak Cartons are converted into 
useful paper products and composite recycled sheets to make furniture.

For every 4500 recycled Tetra Pak cartons, a recycled school desk is donated to 
an underprivileged school.

For a society joining the initiative, for every 4500 cartons a garden bench 
made from 100% recycled Tetra Pak cartons is donated to the society.

Since its initiation in 2010, Go Green with Tetra Pak Recycling has far 
reaching impact:
> collected over 13,00,000 Tetra Pak cartons
> 82 corporate, educational institutions and restaurants, societies are
> donated 35 garden benches, 140 school desks and 200 recycling bins.

In the year 2013, 'Go Green with Tetra Pak Recycling' has been recognized in the
Limca Book of Records.

Please find attached the RUR profile, Go Green with Tetra Pak Recycling 
brochure, Registration Form for your perusal.

Should you have any queries, get in touch with us on 
i...@rur.co.in or 
rur.sh...@gmail.com/ 022 66540957;  Rekha 

Together we can make a change for a greener and cleaner tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

Team Go Green
RUR Greenlife Pvt Ltd,
Sustainable Waste Management Solutions

[Goanet] RBI Admits That On Notes Ban, It Followed Government's Lead ( also read comments to this article)

2017-01-11 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


(please read the comments from reader to this news article by clicking on the 
above link)

The government "advised" the RBI to scrap 500 and 1,000-rupee notes on the 
November 7


  1.  RBI offers explanation of notes ban to parliamentary panel
  2.  Felt notes ban would combat black money, terror-funding: RBI
  3.  Government advised notes ban on Nov 7, RBI ok-ed on Nov 8

 The Reserve Bank of India or RBI has said that though it was the government 
that recommended cancelling high-denomination notes in November, the central 
bank felt that "such a proposal could not have come at a more opportune time." 
The government "advised" the RBI to scrap 500 and 1,000-rupee notes on the 
November 7, just a day later, the RBI board reviewed the proposal, and on 
November 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the shock announcement of a 
demonetisation drive.

These disclosures have been made on paper by the RBI to a parliamentary panel - 
the Standing Committee on Finance - which is reviewing the notes ban.  Senior 
minister Piyush Goyal had earlier told parliament that the government had 
followed all rules and protocol in introducing the notes ban, though he did not 
say that it was the government that had floated the proposal to the RBI.

The central bank has been dealing with criticism that it compromised its 
autonomy by serving largely as a tag-along on the government's plans for a 
massive decision on currency.

The RBI has said that for several months, it had been in agreement with the 
government that introducing new notes would facilitate a crackdown on black 
money and terror-funding through counterfeited bills. In May, the RBI says, the 
government advised it to introduce Rs.2,000 notes.

The abrupt withdrawal of notes that amounted to 86 percent of the currency in 
use triggered a countrywide shortage of cash. There still aren't enough new 
notes to meet demand, but the RBI has said that it felt there was enough 
currency to counter the impact of the notes ban.

On January 20, RBI Governor Urjit Patel has been summoned by another 
parliamentary panel to explain how demonetisation was decided and its impact on 
the economy.

[Goanet] Green Earth Movement: Environmental News: BMCs SMART MOVE

2017-01-10 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: felix rebello >


Six months ago more than seven tonnes everyday of empty tender coconut shells, 
were being dumped on the already exhausted dumping ground. But engineers of 
Solid Waste Management Department of the B ward office of BMC have come up with 
an excellent project which has not only saved lot of money on collecting, 
transportation and dumping of these tender coconut shells but the by-product of 
the waste is most useful as a fertiliser.

For further reading click - 
www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in - go to GEM 
E-NEWSLETTER section and read the latest GEM-7/16 - BMC SMART MOVE.

Read this issue of the GEM for other interesting and educative articles like, 
Bishop Agnelo Gracias of Mumbai exhorts not to spend money to destroy trees for 
coffins, but donate body after death;  She quit her job to build more than 400 
toilets in Thumkuru; Shivaji memorial money could have helped Maharashtra 
complete key projects; Uproar as Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development 
Authority eyes development of 1,070 sq km on Mumbai outskirts; RTI revelation: 
Rs 2,958 crore spent on Ganga 'clean-up' without visible results; Former 
Atheist Mark Zuckerberg Gets Religion and so on.

Visit the above website for educative and awareness PowerPoint Presentations on 
various environmental issues. You can read and study these PPTs and organise 
awareness sessions for your groups like church groups, students, NGOs, Housing 
Society members etc. For about 200 quiz questions on environment, go to GEM 
section and click ECO QUIZ. Bringing awareness on environmental issues is the 
first step of caring for God's Creation in keeping with Pope Francis' teaching 
in his encyclical on environment 'Laudato Si'.

Fr Felix Rebello

[Goanet] Let us honour Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj with tallest statue in the world at better location at less cost

2017-01-09 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Change.org >
To: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


I just signed the petition, "Shri Devendra Fadnavis: Let us honour Chatrapati 
Shivaji Maharaj with tallest statue in the world at better location at less 

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[Shri Devendra Fadnavis: Let us honour Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj with tallest 
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Shri Devendra Fadnavis: Let us honour Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj with tallest 
statue in the world at better location at less cost

Petition by APLI Mumbai · 641 supporters

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Started 1,000
30 Dec, 2016Milestone


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I just signed the petition, "Shri Devendra Fadnavis: Let us honour Chatrapati 
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[Goanet] Gifts for the New Year 2017 by - Fr. Cedric Prakash sj (01 January 2017)

2017-01-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Gifts for the New Year 2017
-Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

Christmas Season is a time for gift-giving; that New Year’s Day falls bang in 
the midst of it, adds to the significance of the season. In welcoming and 
celebrating the first day of 2017, there are eight wonderful gifts, one should 
give to oneself and to others today and for every day of the year. These are:

Gift of Peace
It is a much-needed and perhaps the best gift we can give ourselves and to each 
other this Christmas. Real peace is a vibrant, living and tangible one. It is 
not the peace of the graveyard, but the peace which ordinary people can 
experience in the marketplace, in a crowded railway station, in a shopping 
mall, in a place of worship in a discotheque- yes everywhere where they can rub 
shoulders with one another and create space for the other, irrelevant of the 
colour of one’s skin of or one’s ethnicity or religion or caste or class The 
peace of equality and dignity. The first message which the angels give to 
ordinary shepherds whilst heralding the birth of Jesus is “Peace on Earth: to 
all men and women of goodwill!” Today is the World Day of Peace and we pray for 
the gift of Peace for ALL!

Gift of Nonviolence
On this World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has given the world a very relevant 
theme to reflect and act upon ‘Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace’. In 
his message he emphatically says that, “violence is not the cure for our broken 
world.” Pope Francis also reminds us of icons of nonviolence and peace like 
Mahatma Gandhi, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, 
Leymah Gbowee and the thousands of Liberian women – all of them deserving of 
emulation. It is certainly not easy to be nonviolent in a world that seems to 
have institutionalised violence. The most prized gifts for little children at 
Christmas are toy guns and violent video games. We easily blame ‘terrorists’, 
conveniently forgetting those who profit in manufacturing and peddling arms and 
ammunition to every side in a war. We have seen enough of violence in this past 
year (last night a New Year’s party in Istanbul was attacked killing almost 
forty revellers), wars and conflicts at every level: countries at war, civil 
wars and domestic violence.  Nonviolence is the gift we need for a meaningful 
and lasting peace.

Gift of Justice
 Much of the conflicts in today's world are because of injustices meted out to 
particular sections of society. Deprivations, exploitation, human rights 
violations abound everywhere. We generally don’t seem to care about them –as 
long as we are not affected! Just a few days ago, a UN Security Council 
resolution on the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, has been totally 
disregarded, even as most countries of the world support the Palestinian cause. 
Then we have the UN Climate Change Conferences which have resulted in the 
‘Paris Agreement’ and which today has been signed by 194 countries. However, in 
a deplorable U-turn some countries feel that they can no longer be held 
responsible for the climate changes the world has been subjected to. Human 
rights defenders, the world over, have become soft targets for the powerful. We 
need to be united and resolute, wherever we are, in fighting injustices. We 
need to gift ourselves with a more just world!

Gift of Truth
The so-called ‘powerful leaders’ of our   world embark on outrageous lies to 
keep people divided, submissive and subjugated We experience it happening all 
the time: from India to the United States! In India, these myths, half-truths 
and preposterous reasoning have been given a new name ‘fekuisms’. During the 
time of Hitler, the underlying principle was “repeat a lie a thousand times and 
it becomes the truth”; something which his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels 
mastered to perfection. The propagation of untruth is today regarded as 
‘Goebbelsian’. A large section of the media today is coporatorised, bought up 
or just kotows to the ideology of vested interests. Mahatma Gandhi together 
with his doctrine of nonviolence (ahimsa) was also adamant on ‘the force of 
truth’(satyagraha), Truth seekers and whistle-blowers are hounded and done away 
with. Our world desperately needs to mainstream truth as never before!

Gift of Liberty
Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that “a piece of freedom is no longer enough 
for human beings...unlike bread, a slice of liberty does not finish hunger. 
Freedom is like life. It cannot be had in installments. Freedom is 
indivisible--we have it all, or we are not 
free!”. People everywhere continue to be 
denied their liberty: millions forcibly displaced: child- labourers robbed of 
their childhood; women dominated and oppressed by patriarchy; higher castes 
enslaving those below them; the many in prisons without a fair 

[Goanet] CHRISTMAS IN JORDAN by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (26 December 2016)

2016-12-31 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

Jordan has always been regarded as part of the Holy Land.  There are several 
holy sites here associated with Christianity; these include, the place on the 
River Jordan(Al-Maghtas) where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist; the 
fortified hilltop(Machaerus) overlooking the Dead Sea, where John the Baptist 
was imprisoned and also executed; and Mount Nebo from where Moses looked onto 
the promised land. Jordan has also been known as the ‘land of peace’(Amman). An 
appropriate place to spend Christmas: the birth of our Saviour.

Christmas Day is a public holiday in Jordan There were the Christmas Masses in 
all Churches in Amman. I concelebrated at the vigil at the Church of St Mary of 
Nazareth in Sweifieh; the midnight mass at the Church of St Jean Baptiste de 
LaSalle in Jabal Hussein and the Christmas morning mass in the Church of St 
Mary of Annunciation in Jabal Luweibdeh.The Churches were fairly crowded; the 
congregations comprised people from different parts of the world: from New 
Zealand to Canada. However, at every Mass a sizeable section was from the 
Philippines and from India. A good percentage of the Filipinos work as 
domestics; several of the Indians are from Kerala, mainly nurses in the local 
hospitals, particularly in the prestigious Cancer Hospital here.

Every Mass was memorable. The singing was gutsy; the people’s participation was 
high. The Churches were festooned, with the crib and the Christmas tree having 
their places of prominence. The atmosphere was charged with the spirit of 
Christmas: as people wished one another, posed for photos and were high on 

There was also a heavy dampener over Christmas: exactly a week earlier on 
December 18th, terrorist attacks in Al- Karak, the historic city in Southern 
Jordan, resulted in eleven fatalities and many more injured. The Jordanian 
authorities were taking no chances: all Churches were provided with heavy 
security on Christmas Day; public Christmas parties in hotels and clubs were 
also cancelled. Newspapers and the electronic media on Christmas Day and 
thereafter, highlighted the continued violence in different parts of the world 
and the total disregard that powerful people and even certain nations have, for 
a more peaceful and liveable world.

On December 26th, Fr. Michael Linden ,Superior and the Jesuit Center here in 
Amman, hosted an ‘at home’ for about twenty refugees, living in the city. Most 
of the refugees were Muslims from Sudan and were now living ‘alone’. It was a 
Christmas celebration in the true sense of the word: generously showing that 
there IS room in the inn, welcoming the ‘other’, sharing and caring! There was 
plenty of food and drink, singing and camaraderie and gifts for all. At the end 
of several hours of togetherness, one of the refugees summed it all saying, 
“Now I know what Christmas is all about: to make me feel wanted, accepted- like 
a human being!”

In his many messages these past couple of days, Pope Francis, has been 
painstakingly highlighting the significance of Christmas; particularly 
important was his homily at the midnight mass, when he said, “let us allow the 
Child in the manger to challenge us, but let us also be challenged by all those 
children in today’s world who are lying not in a crib, caressed with affection 
by their mothers and fathers, but in squalid “mangers that devour dignity”. 
Children who hide underground to escape bombardment, on the pavements of large 
cities, in the hold of a boat overladen with immigrants… Let us allow ourselves 
to be challenged by those children who are not allowed to be born, by those who 
cry because no one relieves their hunger, by those who hold in their hands not 
toys, but weapons”.

A powerful challenging message indeed for all us: in Jordan and elsewhere in 
the world, as we celebrate the Christmas Season!

 26th December 2016

   Amman, Jordan

* (Fr Cedric Prakash sj a Jesuit of the Gujarat Province is a human rights 
activist. He is currently based in Lebanon, engaged with the Jesuit Refugee 
Service(JRS) in the Middle East on advocacy and   communications. Contact: 
cedricprak...@gmail.com )

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)

[Goanet] India sees long bank queues as rupee deadline passes

2016-12-31 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Indians in Mumbai and Delhi give us their views of the country's bank note 
People in India have until the end of Friday to deposit discontinued notes in 
bank and post office accounts.

(click on the above link to watch the video )

Indians in Mumbai and Delhi give us their views of the country's bank note ban

There have been long queues outside many banks in India as people tried to 
deposit discontinued banknotes ahead of a deadline that has now passed.

An estimated 40% of cash dispensers are empty, meaning people are unable to 
withdraw new notes to replace the old ones they have handed in.

There has been widespread disruption since Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in 
November that 500 and 1,000 rupee notes would no longer be legal.

The move was meant to curb corruption.

It has divided opinion, especially over how the ban was implemented.

Early last month the government scrapped the 500 and 1000 rupee 
notes to crack down on 
undeclared money and fake cash.

Deadlines for spending the notes or swapping them for new currency have already 

  *   India's cash crisis 
  *   Desperate housewives' scramble to change secret 
  *   How will India destroy 20 billion 
  *   How India's currency ban is hurting the 

Some people, including those of Indian origin living abroad, will be able to 
exchange the notes in branches of India's central bank until 31 March 2017 - 
but the process will be more complicated than going to a regular bank.

Parliament is preparing laws that will make it a criminal offence to hold the 
old notes from 1 April 2017 onwards.

[Old 500 rupee notes]Image copyrightREUTERSImage captionThe 500 and 1000 rupee 
notes were scrapped to target so-called 'black money'

Together the two notes represented 86% of the currency in circulation and there 
have been chaotic scenes in India ever since, with people having to spend hours 
queuing outside banks and cash machines which have been running out of money.

ATM queues and cash withdrawal limits mean getting currency can still be 
tricky, and there have been several changes of the rules around how much money 
people can access or deposit.

The government hopes the measures will encourage more people to have bank 
accounts and move towards a society less reliant on cash.

But there are concerns that many poorer people and those in rural areas have 
yet to get bank accounts.

Local firms which allow people to make digital payments both online and in 
shops have reported a surge in 
transactions as people look for 
cashless alternatives.

The government says the move has been a success with the banks flush with cash 
and significant increases in tax collection.

But critics argue the move has failed to root out corruption and unearth 
illegal cash, since most of the money in circulation has been put back into the 
financial system. Instead, they say, the economy which was growing at a rapid 
pace, has slowed down significantly.


India's cash crisis explained
17 November 2016
How India's currency ban is hurting the poor
12 November 2016
India rupee ban: Snapdeal to deliver cash
23 December 2016

[Goanet] AS 2016 TICKS AWAY INTO HISTORY…!!!! by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (31Dec2016)

2016-12-31 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


-  Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*
As 2016 ticks away into history: I sit in prayerful silence looking back into 
another year. And what a year it has been: for the world, for India, for the 
Middle East, for the Church, for the Society of Jesus and of course for each 
one of us, also for me! I need to put down some reflections in writing!

As 2016 ticks away into history: It’s been a year of suffering for so many all 
over. War and violence hogged the headlines almost daily. In most cases, 
innocent men, women and children were the victims. The refugees and the IDPs 
reached a staggering over 65 million world-wide; from Syria to Myanmar; from 
Congo to Colombia- the rot continued unabated! Meeting and talking to some of 
them, during this past year, from South Sudan and Somalia; from Syria and from 
Iraq – one cannot help but feel saddened at man’s inhumanity to man!

As 2016 ticks away into history: One wonders what’s happened to reason, to 
goodness, to justice to inclusiveness? It was a year in which the fringe 
elements continued to dominate with their fascist, fanatic and fundamentalist 
agenda; their terror tactics held sway: from ISIS to the Arms and Ammunition 
Industry. Powerful lobbies and vested interests continued to determine the fate 
of ordinary citizens. The majority of people never expected Duterte to become 
the President of the Philippines or for US to give the world a Trump. A tragic 
year indeed for the world!

As 2016 ticks away into history:  What was predicted earlier has become a 
painful reality for millions of Indians. We gave ourselves a Prime Minister who 
was bound to destroy the plural fabric of India and everything that is sacred 
in our Constitution. His goons continue to decide what an Indian should eat, 
wear, see or believe in! Human Rights Defenders and NGOs who work for the poor 
and marginalized are denigrated and put on the back- foot. Besides, the 
‘demonetization’ announced with such bravado, has taken the toll of the 
ordinary Indian: the farmer, the casual labourer, the housewife, those who have 
to make both ends meet with the little money they have. Meanwhile, the 
powerful, corrupt and cronies of the ruling political party, continue with 
immunity and impunity!

As 2016 ticks away into history: one cannot help but remember the many who have 
died and gone to their eternal reward. The list is endless: faces and memories 
keep streaming back. Those who were close, in the same community; near and dear 
ones of close friends: parents, siblings. The death of a loved one will always 
leave a perennial void. It was also a year when several celebrities world- wide 
bid their final adieu! The one consolation is that in the life beyond there are 
no differences, no classifications! Many loved ones were sick during the year– 
some are bravely fighting various stages of cancer. All have a special place in 
one’s heart and prayers.

As 2016 ticks away into history: it was also a defining period for the Society 
of Jesus! The General Congregation 36 was a special moment of grace for the 
Jesuits! One Superior General, Fr Adolfo Nicolas resigns; Fr Arturo Sosa from 
Venezuela is elected the new Superior General. And then, Fr Peter Hans 
Kolvenbach, the former Superior General dies in Beirut on November 26th. The 
year was a challenge to the Society to row into deeper waters, to go beyond 
frontiers, to reach out to the margins, to take a stand on behalf of those who 
need us the most. A challenge which will have to be faced in the coming year!

As 2016 ticks away into history: it was also the ‘Year of Mercy’ in the 
Catholic Church. Pope Francis has exemplified what a Christian should be, in 
every possible way! He has been direct and has not minced words as he 
‘care-fronted’ those responsible for the suffering in this world. His 
teachings, his speeches provided the global citizen with a road-map for change: 
be it with regard to the environment or in welcoming the refugee. The 
canonization of Mother Teresa in September was surely a positive highlight of a 
year of anguish and suffering. An everyday reminder that much more needs to be 

As 2016 ticks away into history: I will always remember it as a year in which I 
took a major leap into the unknown! It was a call, a “yes”, after a long period 
of discernment. It was a difficult decision. But as I look back, with all the 
pluses and minuses, with all the ups and downs- there has not been a moment of 
regret. True, I sometimes miss doing the work I was doing in India (friends 
send me reminders regularly!). However, this past year has also been full of 
newer challenges. The refugee crisis is certainly one which has gripped the 
world. The Jesuit Refugee Service is one such organization that accompanies, 
serves and advocates for the displaced, 


2016-12-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: felix rebello >


Children are uniquely vulnerable to air pollution - due both to their 
physiology as well as to the type and degree of their exposure. There are 
several reasons for this vulnerability amongst children including that their 
respiratory airways are smaller so infections are more likely to cause 
blockages than in adults; they breathe twice as fast, taking in more air per 
unit of body weight, compared to adults; their lungs and immune systems are 
still developing, so they are highly susceptible to infections, which both 
increases the risks of respiratory infection and reduces their ability to 
combat such infections.

For further reading click - 
www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in - go to GEM 
E-NEWSLETTER section and read the latest  GEM-7/14 - CHILDREN ARE CHOKED.

This issue of GEM also contains other interesting and enriching articles like, 
Kalina teacher, students recycle 30,000 Tetra Pak cartons in 3 years; Juhu 
beach to get makeover in 4 months; How to be an Environmentalist and a resource 
person; Need a mass movement to conserve forest, says environment minister Anil 
Madhav Dave; 'Ecological Island' in Vatican aims for optimum disposal of waste; 
five hundred crore wedding in Karnataka;  and fifty crore house for the 
Telangana Chief Minister and so on

Lead article in this issue says, "Children are uniquely vulnerable to air 
pollution". Can we put into the minds of the kids that 'Self-help is the best 
help'? If they need a clean and green future, they need to work for it. Read 
'Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on SCC ECO KIDS CLUBS at Infant Jesus 
church, Jogeshwari, Mumbai.

Forwarding this mail to your contacts is your small contribution for 

Fr Felix Rebello

[Goanet] Karnataka: Century-old church vandalised in Udupi

2016-12-16 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

Century-old church vandalised in Udupi

December 14, 2016 by admin
Filed under newsletter-india

Leave a 

 December 14, 2016: Vandals desecrated a century-old landmark Catholic church 
that runs two schools and a college in southern Karnataka, leaving behind a 
shattered statue and another partly damaged in the Sunday afternoon attack 
barely a fortnight before Christmas.

The intruders, however, could not enter the church building in Shirva, Udupi 
district, as all the doors had been well secured.

But the assault left a sour taste in the relatively peaceful district that has 
rarely seen such attacks on minority institutions.

Church sources said the 103-year-old institution - Our Lady of Health Church - 
in Udupi district, around 380km from Bangalore, had its usual Sunday mass but 
the authorities found the statues vandalised when they returned after the 
afternoon break yesterday.

The one completely destroyed was that of St Antony while a statue of St 
Lawrence had been displaced from its pedestal and damaged in the process, 
parish priest Father Stanly Tauro said.

The statues, both 2ft tall, were placed just outside the main door of the 
church, which runs the Don Bosco School and St Mary's school and St Mary's 
College on its 10-acre campus.

"Everything was fine when we left around 12.30pm (on Sunday), the usual time 
when everyone leaves after the mass. The incident was discovered after 3pm," 
the priest told The Telegraph today.

Tauro had immediately informed police, who arrived and took his written 

"I have no idea who would do such a thing. But it appears the incident took 
place between 1pm and 3pm, when no one was around on the campus," Tauro, whose 
parish is home to around 1,050 Catholic families, added. "Unfortunately no one 
is around on Sundays (as the schools and the college were closed for the 

Tauro said both the CCTV cameras at the spot were out of order. "We realised 
the CCTV system was dead when we checked it yesterday. I feel it was affected 
because of frequent power failures in this area."

Immediately after the complaint the police had deployed fingerprint experts and 
sniffer dogs. "This area has not seen any such incidents. So we are looking at 
all possible angles," Udupi district police superintendent K.T. Balakrishna 

The officer said a special team had been assigned to investigate the case. An 
FIR has been registered under the penal code's Section 295, which deals with 
destruction and desecration of religious places.

Sunday's incident in Udupi was the first since March 2013, when a group of 
alleged Bajrang Dal activists barged into a Christian prayer hall and assaulted 
seven worshippers. Twenty Bajrang activists were later arrested.

- telegraph

[Goanet] Shocking! On its own, RBI decides 26 areas to be out-of-bounds under the RTI Act

2016-12-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Looks like the reasons for the disastrous implementation of demonetisation by 
the present government that affects each and every citizen of this country, 
will remain a dirty secret. The Reserve Bank of India, violating the basic 
norms of the Right to Information (RTI) Act is against supply of any 
information, even if it comes under the Section 4 of the RTI Act.

If you go to most of the websites of public authorities, you will find suo motu 
disclosures under Section 4 of the RTI Act, hardly being adhered too. This, 
despite, repeated directives from the Department of Personnel and Training 
(DoPT), over the last few years. The Reserve Bank of India, has audaciously 
declared on its website, that it cannot disclose most of its information, even 
that which comes under Section 4, explaining that, “being the Central Bank of 
the country, in its role as banker to the Government and banker to the banks, 
the RBI receives and holds a lot of sensitive information, the disclosure of 
which may not, at all times, be in the interest of the nation or serve public 

Giving a list of 26 areas where it cannot provide information, the preamble in 
the link,https://rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=2347, states, “A 
list of such information which cannot be disclosed either wholly or partially 
is furnished…While compiling the list, it has been the Bank's endeavour to 
attain the objectives of the RTI Act, without jeopardizing the financial 
stability and economic interests of the State. It may also be noted that the 
list is only indicative and not exhaustive and is subject to review / revision. 
Each application received under the Act would be examined in the light of the 
provisions of the Act and any decision with respect to non-disclosure by the 
Bank will be supported by the relevant exemption provisions…”

The fact is, that even that information which is not in any way sensitive nor 
would it “jeopardize the financial interest of the State” and which in fact, is 
mandatory for public disclosure under Section 4 of the RTI Act has been put 
under arrest of Section 8 of the RTI Act by the supercilious Reserve Bank. A 
few examples being:

  *   Transfer Request letters / representations / records and connected 
notings and correspondence received from officers
  *   List of employees of doubtful integrity
  *   Vigilance Audit Report
  *   Property statement and particulars of properties of employees
  *   Information regarding merger/ amalgamation proposal of banks.
  *   Information about annual branch expansion plan of banks during the 
currency of plan
  *   Correspondence with Government relating to proposed amendments to various 
  *   Information relating to appointment of directors on the boards of banks/ 
financial institutions, if it involves third party personal information
  *   Details of Superannuation benefits like Provident Fund, Gratuity, 
Encashment of leave, commuted value of pension paid to individuals (except to 
legal heirs in case of death). Also, information on compassionate package paid 
on behalf of individuals.

The 26 areas include even those ‘general’ areas where information comes under 
RT Act. For example, the Human Resources Management Department; Department of 
Banking Regulation and Department of Banking Supervision.

The RBI arrogantly declares ‘Department of Communication’ (which dishes out 
press releases) and selectively excludes journalists from briefings, as the 
only area where information comes in a totally transparent manner. It states 
here: “The role of Department of Communication (DoC) is to disseminate 
information meant for markets, banks and public in general. It receives 
information from Departments that is meant for dissemination. As such, in 
principle, DoC does not have any information that cannot be disclosed under the 
RTI Act.’’

This has prompted RTI activist Vijay Kumbhar and this author to file a 
complaint with the Central Information Commission (CIC). Kumbhar says, “Banks 
deal with public funds even if they are private ones. Reserve Bank of India is 
at the head of them all and it is scandalous that it should bring in 
information under Section 4, into Section 8 category. It has thus left no work 
for the Public Information Officer (PIO) who needs to just keep denying every 
kind of information.”

In addition, under Section 8 of the RTI Act, a public authority is bound to 
provide partial information, even if the remaining comes under information that 
can be denied. So, why pre-empt? Please see below the entire, exhaustive list 
under which information can be denied. The yellow highlights are the ones I 
have mentioned in the article. You might find a few others too.

(Vinita Deshmukh is 
consulting editor of 

[Goanet] What makes Christmas a season of joy? - Be happy in remembering, sharing and caring for those in great poverty and need

2016-12-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

What makes Christmas a season of joy? | UCAN 
Be happy in remembering, sharing and caring for those in great poverty and need.

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A street vendor arranges Christmas decorations as Filipinos start to flock to 
shopping malls and street markets to prepare for the holidays. (Photo by Jun 
By Father Shay Cullen
What makes Christmas so beautiful, so cheerful, and a happy time, especially 
for children? It must be the gift-giving, the time when children look forward 
to gifts and love and caring and sharing.

The children of some well-off families receive so many gifts through the years 
that receiving more means nothing anymore. Children from poor families, 
however, looks at a Christmas gift as a joy they never forget because they have 
so little in this world.

Christmas is about change of heart and mind when the rich reach out to the 
poor. It's about caring and sharing.

It may not be much to ask, but with millions of displaced children in the world 
today, hundreds of thousands hungry and starving, it will be our duty and honor 
and a blessing for us to be able to share with them.

To give from our abundance and not to keep it all for ourselves is the spirit 
of Christmas. This is what should be with us all our lives — helping others not 
just ourselves.

It's a natural virtue to care and share with our own families, but to help a 
stranger in need is an act of great goodness and virtue. That is being a good 

A frugal Christmas is in order and we are challenged to have the courage and 
the love of neighbors and to stop and ask, "Who is my neighbor?"

In case you have forgotten that important teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, I 
remind you, it is the traveler who was beaten and robbed and left for dead.

The rich politician and merchant came and saw him and walked on by. The simple 
traveler, an outcast — a refugee almost — of Jewish society, came by and helped 
the wounded and bound his wounds when others would not and would leave him to 

There are those who look the other way and walk on by. As many as 6,000 people 
have been shot dead in the Philippines since June this year. We ask why?

We are challenged by the Christmas spirit to put aside lavish plans for big 
spending and parties and think of the wounded and the dying in the war in Syria.

These are victims of the ruthless bombing of civilians, schools and hospitals 
by Putin of Russia and the war criminal Assad.

We must be concerned that the UK has sold 4.2 billion dollars worth of arms to 
the Saudis for their war in Yemen, killing hundreds of civilians including 
women and children. Whether they were killed intentionally or not, it's a war 
crime. It's like putting a sword in the hands of King Herod.

The modern images of the Holy Family fleeing the evil King Herod seeking safety 
as refugees are present in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and South Sudan. If the family 
of Jesus fled to Europe today, they would be barred by an iron fence, barbed 
wire, a concrete wall with the signs "No entry, go away, you are not welcome 

If you believe that is right, then you are wrong. Because there are certain 
values treasured by most of humanity and that is to be treated by others, as we 
would want them to treat us. That may sound selfish but it is the bottom line. 
It is the lowest motivation.

The higher value and greatest motivation to help others ought to be because 
they are human like all of us. They have equal rights, dignity, humanity and 
God-given value and honor.

Christmas has a message for all of us and it is in the image of Jesus of 
Nazareth. He is the most revered of prophets and the Son of God as he was born 
in utter poverty. He grew up, lived and worked in a poor family as a tradesman.

Then there is the evil force of the so-called Islamic State that has captured 
and tortured many and threatens thousands more with death, as did the evil King 
Herod in his day of massacres of the innocents and their parents.

Are we going to close our doors and windows and keep them out of a refuge and 

[Goanet] India's New Bank Notes Already Being Used For Corruption: Foreign Media

2016-12-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


India's New Bank Notes Already Being Used For Corruption: Foreign 
On Nov. 8 - the same day American politics was upended - India's prime minister 
announced the sudden invalidation of all high denomination currency notes, 
accounting for a whopping 86 percent of the country's cash.

Old Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 were demonetised and the Centre introduced new notes 
of Rs. 500 and Rs. 2,000.


  1.  The notes ban was done primarily to catch tax evaders
  2.  Taxmen registered 36 cases in 2 states, seized over 20 crores in new cash
  3.  A BJP politician arrested with Rs.33 lakh in new 2000 notes in Bengal

 On Nov. 8 - the same day American politics was upended - India's prime 
minister announced the sudden invalidation of all high denomination currency 
notes, accounting for a whopping 86 percent of the country's cash. 
Demonetization, as it is referred to here, has thrown Indians rich and poor 
into a protracted state of confusion and frustration.

The move's primary intention has been to catch tax evaders. A significant 
portion of India's cash is ill-gotten or undeclared, and it passes hands in an 
extensive shadow economy that goes untaxed. Invalidating 500 and 1,000 rupee 
notes meant that all Indians, including those hoarding large amounts of cash, 
would have to exchange those notes for new ones at a bank. In the process, 
official thinking went, all cash would become accounted for, and those who had 
been evading taxes would either have to stomach huge losses or declare their 
assets and pay major penalties.

For the plan to work, however, it had to be done in secret. Otherwise, those in 
possession of India's "black money" could have converted it into noncash assets 
such as gold and avoided detection. That secrecy meant that the minting of new 
notes - new 500s, and 2,000s instead of 1,000s - could not happen in earnest 
until well after the invalidation was announced, lest a whiff of the change 
seep out. At current rates of printing, analysts say it may take three more 
months, if not double that, to restore the economy to its previous level of 

As such, India is now in the throes of a major cash shortage. People are 
spending hours in those lines, often to find out that cash has run out before 
their turn. That's not to mention entire sectors of the economy - including 
segments of agriculture and even manufacturing - that are entirely cash-driven 
and have gone through major slowdowns because of the shortage.

For the first few weeks of demonetization, it was common to meet Indians who 
felt that their collective suffering and inconvenience was justified because it 
would ultimately usher in a less corrupt, more equal India. But as the 
initiative enters its second month, more and more reports are emerging of 
seizures of vast quantities of hoarded cash in the new notes. Like water 
reaching the sea, the corrupt, it seems, have found ways to navigate around the 
government's new obstacles.

In just two states alone, India's Income Tax department said on Wednesday that 
it had recovered 202,200,000 rupees (roughly $3 million) in new 2,000 notes, 
according to ANI News. In those two states, Karnataka and Goa, the department 
said it had registered a total of 36 cases and recovered unaccounted-for assets 
- mostly in cash, jewelry and gold - in excess of 10 billion rupees (roughly 
$150 million).

Stories of humongous seizures of assets including new currency have become so 
common that news outlets are simply adding them as bullet points to stories 
with running tallies. A sense is building that while millions of Indians 
languish in ATM lines, the old black money system is simply restarting itself 
with the new notes.

The biggest question is how people are getting their hands on such huge stashes 
of the new currency. A sting operation by the India Today news channel revealed 
one way: visiting your local politician. Reporters posing as businessmen 
approached four politicians in and around New Delhi, none of whom were from the 
party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They said that they had large 
quantities of old notes that they wanted to launder into new ones. Each of the 
four politicians said that they could arrange the deed for a 30 or 40 percent 
cut. On Dec. 6, a politician from Modi's party was arrested in the state of 
West Bengal with 3.3 million rupees in new notes.

Bank employees, from local tellers to a staffer 

[Goanet] Please sign this online petition to stop this stupid plan

2016-12-14 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Avaaz.org >

Dear friends,

Indian billionaire Adani is trying to put a toxic coal complex next to the 
magical Great Barrier Reef! It's a crazy plan, but we've got a chance to stop 

He's asking the Australian government for one BILLION dollars for the massive 
coal project that could destroy the sea floor home of turtles and tropical 
fish. But first an independent panel must approve the loan, and insiders say 
Indian voices can convince them to block it.

It's time to make them feel the heat. Add your name -- and Avaaz will deliver 
our call to the panel with a massive campaign in the Australian media:

Click to save the Great Barrier Reef: 

The Reef is one of our planet's natural wonders but it's dying fast. Scientists 
say it's literally being cooked to death by waters warmed by climate change. 
This coal complex is so gigantic it will make warming worse - for the reef and 
all of us!

An Australian minister just said this coal project will help India meet its 
climate change obligations! But India needs to switch fast to *actual* clean 
energy like solar and wind -- not invest in new multi-billion coal projects. 
It's an epically stupid plan.

This is a do or die moment for the reef-wrecking coal complex: the company 
behind it is buried in debt, and without this loan their finances could fall 
apart. Let's stop the reef-killing deal - add your voice now:

Click to save the Great Barrier Reef: 

Avaaz has mobilised again and again to block financing and support for this 
coal complex! This could be the last time - let's get an epic win for the 
planet, and for future generations.

With hope,
Oliver, Risalat, Danny, Mais, Andrew, Alice and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Every signature really does matter! Sign here: 


Great Barrier Reef Hit by Worst Coral Die-Off on Record (New York Times)

Adani coal mine: green groups fume over plan for $1b federal loan (The Guardian)

Aside from the culture, environment and cost, is Adani a good investment? 
(Sydney Morning Herald)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that 
the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. 
("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in 
every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 
continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest 
campaigns here, or follow us 
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[Goanet] Maharashtra Releases RERA Rules For Public Suggestions, Buyer Groups Allege Dilution - including details how to object

2016-12-14 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Maharashtra Releases RERA Rules For Public Suggestions, Buyer Groups Allege 

After missing out on the first two deadlines, the Maharashtra government has 
finally come out with its version of RERA rules. The rules of Real estate 
(Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 have been published by the housing 
department on 9th December. They will be open for public suggestions and 
objections until 23rd of this month.

Some of the salient features of the draft rules are as follows:

  *   Deemed conveyance under MOFA exists
  *   Parking spaces can be sold by the promoter at consideration
  *   All projects where occupancy certificates to all the buildings under 
sanctioned plan not received needs to be registered with authority.
  *   Registration exempted for renovation, repair or redevelopment which does 
not involve marketing, advertisement, selling or new allotment of any apartment 
or structural repairs, rehabilitation buildings being constructed under any 
scheme of law.
  *   Maharashtra Ownership of Flats Act or (MOFA) is repealed.

While the officials from the housing department are claiming that the rules are 
framed keeping the interests of the buyers in mind. Buyer groups and activists 
feel otherwise.

Fight for RERA member Prakash Paddikal feels that the rules have been diluted.

''The rules don't take into consideration all our demands. For instance, people 
who want to undergo redevelopment get no protection from this.  The authorities 
responsible for causing delays have not  been brought under the purview of the 
act. Also, the registration fees  for real estate projects which are Rs.1 per 
sq. meter for a project where the area of land proposed to be developed is less 
than 1000 square meter and Rs. 2 per square meter where the area is more than 
1000 square meter is ridiculously small. These are our initial observations, we 
will be studying the rules in detail now.''

Noted property Lawyer Uday Wavikar feels that consumer interest is diluted in 
the RERA rules published by the government.

" Deposit in the escrow account is from now onwards. So what happens to the 
projects which are not yet completed? They have allowed the developer to change 
the plans if permitted by the authorities, this is a clear case of injustice on 
the buyers. Besides now parking space can be sold by the developer which is 
against the MOFA. Moreover, the state level appeal will go to the respective 
high court of the state. Instead of this, we had demanded a creation of 
separate authority like NCDRC to hear the appeal.''

Ramesh Prabhu, Chairman of Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association (MSWA), 
says that though the rules have clarified some things, there are still a lot of 
ambiguities which need elaboration.

"The rules state that conveyance to be given by apex body after completion of 
the last building in the layout. The developer may not complete last building 
to explore additional FSI. Rules also exclude conveyance of government bodies 
like MHADA, CIDCO, NIT etc stating that it will be as per the provisions of the 
respective acts related to them.''

Some of the activists also pointed out that rules don't seem to allow criminal 
proceedings against the developers.

The PDF of draft rules is available on the government website. Any suggestions 
or objections can be sent via email to 
 or through post addressed to Principal Secretary, Housing Department, 
Mantralaya, Mumbai 400032.

[Goanet] NONVIOLENCE IS THE WAY by Fr Cedric Prakash sj (December 12th 2016)

2016-12-14 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


   -Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*
Violence continues to throttle several parts of the world: in the past few 
days, bombings in Istanbul, Turkey and in the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo, Egypt; 
the escalation of violence in Aleppo Syria- are just some of the violent acts 
which have resulted in several deaths and many more injuries. In some places 
violence has become a way of life, highly institutionalised; little children 
grow up on stories of war, of how the ‘enemy’ needs to be dealt with. For 
several across the globe there seems to be nothing to hope for: one act of 
violence spawns another, for retaliation and revenge. Most are oblivious of the 
truth that ‘eye for an eye’ makes the whole world blind.

Pope Francis in a style which is characteristic of his papacy, has once again 
sent out a powerful message to the world. It is a message for the Fiftieth 
World Day of Peace which will be celebrated on January 1st 2017; entitled 
‘Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace’, he emphatically states in this 
message that, “violence is not the cure for our broken world.” He calls for a 
new style of politics built on peace and nonviolence, and at the same time for 
disarmament, the eradication of nuclear weapons and an end to domestic violence 
and abuse against women and children.

His message is addressed to the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state 
and government, and to religious, civic and community leaders; in wishing all 
peace, Pope Francis says, “I pray that the image and likeness of God in each 
person will enable us to acknowledge one another as sacred gifts endowed with 
immense dignity. Especially in situations of conflict, let us respect this, our 
deepest dignity and make active nonviolence our way of life”. Though Catholic 
in expression, the message clearly transcends the narrow confines of any 
religion as he proposes an agenda “to banish violence from our hearts, words 
and deeds, and to becoming nonviolent people and to build nonviolent 
communities that care for our common home.”

Pope Francis insists that building a new politics of nonviolence starts in the 
human heart and the home. “The family”, he says, “is the indispensable crucible 
in which spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, learn to 
communicate and to show generous concern for one another, and in which 
frictions and even conflicts have to be resolved not by force but by dialogue, 
respect, concern for the good of the other, mercy and forgiveness.”. Certainly 
a moot point for reflection as Christmas approaches; do we reflect that the 
most sought after and given Christmas gifts to little children, are the 
‘violent’ ones: ranging from toy guns to play-stations!

The message refers to icons of nonviolence and peace like Mahatma Gandhi, Khan 
Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Martin Luther King Jr.  Mahatma Gandhi is regarded as 
the ‘Apostle of Non-Violence’ today; his birth anniversary on October 2nd is 
observed as the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’. The World Day of Peace, is 
celebrated by the Church in India on January 30th, the anniversary of Gandhi’s 
assassination. Pope Francis also says, “women in particular are often leaders 
of nonviolence, as for example, was Leymah Gbowee and the thousands of Liberian 
women, who organized pray-ins and nonviolent protest that resulted in 
high-level peace talks to end the second civil war Liberia”.

In our broken world, for Pope Francis, “Mother Teresa is a symbol, an icon of 
our times… She bowed down before those who were spent, left to die on the side 
of the road, seeing in them their God-given dignity; she made her voice heard 
before the powers of this world, so that they might recognize their guilt for 
the crimes – the crimes! – of poverty they created”

Pope Francis has been consistent in his references to those who are responsible 
for the wars and conflicts in the world today- and specially the 
military-industrial establishment, “because vast amounts of resources are 
diverted to military ends and away from the everyday needs of young people, 
families experiencing hardship, the elderly, the infirm and the great majority 
of people in our world”. He goes on further to say, “I plead for disarmament 
and for the prohibition and abolition of nuclear weapons: nuclear deterrence 
and the threat of mutual assured destruction are incapable of grounding such an 

The Beatitudes of Jesus is a ‘manual’ for peace and non-violence; “applying the 
Beatitudes, which outlines how to be blessed, good and authentic, is also a 
program and a challenge for political and religious leaders, the heads of 
international institutions, and business and media executives.”

In the concluding paragraph of his message 

[Goanet] Sweden Runs Out Of Garbage, Imports From Other Countries

2016-12-12 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Sweden Runs Out Of Garbage, Imports From Other 
Sweden has run out of garbage and the Scandinavian country has been forced to 
import rubbish from other countries to keep its state-of-the-art recycling 
plants going.

Sweden was one of the first countries to implement a heavy tax on fossil fuels 
in 1991 (Representational)


  1.  Sweden forced to import rubbish to keep recycling plants running
  2.  Country uses renewable energy to heat homes
  3.  Sweden is importing garbage from countries like the UK

 Sweden has run out of garbage and the Scandinavian country has been forced to 
import rubbish from other countries to keep its state-of-the-art recycling 
plants going.

Sweden, which sources almost half its electricity from renewables, was one of 
the first countries to implement a heavy tax on fossil fuels in 1991.

Sweden's recycling system is so sophisticated that only less than 1 per cent of 
its household waste has been sent to landfill last year.

"Swedish people are quite keen on being out in nature and they are aware of 
what we need do on nature and environmental issues. We worked on communications 
for a long time to make people aware not to throw things outdoors so that we 
can recycle and reuse," said Anna-Carin Gripwall, director of communications 
for Avfall Sverige, the Swedish Waste Management's recycling association.

Sweden has implemented a cohesive national recycling policy so that even though 
private companies undertake most of the business of importing and burning 
waste, the energy goes into a national heating network to heat homes through 
the extremely cold winter.

"That's a key reason that we have this district network, so we can make use of 
the heating from the waste plants. In the southern part of Europe they don't 
make use of the heating from the waste, it just goes out the chimney. Here we 
use it as a substitute for fossil fuel," Gripwell was quoted as saying by the 

She termed Sweden's policy of importing waste to recycle from other countries, 
like the UK, as a temporary situation.

"There's a ban on landfill in European Union countries, so instead of paying 
the fine they send it to us as a service. They should and will build their own 
plants, to reduce their own waste, as we are working hard to do in Sweden," 
Gripwall said.

"Hopefully there will be less waste and the waste that has to go to 
incineration should be incinerated in each country. But to use recycling for 
heating you have to have district heating or cooling systems, so you have to 
build the infrastructure for that, and that takes time," she added.

Swedish municipalities are investing in futuristic waste collection techniques, 
like automated vacuum systems in residential blocks, removing the need for 
collection transport, and underground container systems that free up road space 
and get rid of any smells, the report said.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a 
syndicated feed.)

[Goanet] Mumbai (Mahim W): December 10th programme on the 'Practical Road to Police Reforms' : 5.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m - St. Michael's Church Auditorium, Mahim West.

2016-12-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Police Reforms Watch 



An Interactive Conversation on the Practical Road to Police Reforms with 
Political Leaders, Legal Luminaries and Citizen Stakeholders

Date: 10th December'2016 (Saturday)

Time: 5.00 - to 7.00 pm

Venue: St. Michael's Church Auditorium, L.J.Road, Mahim, Mumbai - 16


   In partnership with...

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI),Delhi

The Bombay Catholic Sabha

Police Reforms Watch

Eminent Personalities who will be participating are...

Mr. Julio Rebeiro - Former Mumbai Police Commissioner and Chairman-PCGT

Mr. Sanjoy Hazarika - Director- CHRI

Ms. Maja Daruwala - Former Director and Sr. Advisor- CHRI

Ms. Kalpana Sharma - Veteran Journalist & Author

Adv. Kranti L C- Executive Director - Human Rights Law Network

The other young Political Leaders who have been invited are...

Ms. Poonam Mahajan (BJP) Mr. Milind Deora (INC)

Mr. Aditya Thackeray (SS)   Ms. Supriya Sule 

Your participation will go a long way in ensuring "Better Policing"

Addl. Program -  Launch of the "Mahiti Adhikar Manch Website"

This event is also supported by... AGNI, Watchdog Foundation, SOUL - Save Our 
Land, Mahiti Adhikar Manch,  Bombay East Indian Association,  YWCA,  Church  In 
The City  &  Desh Seva Samiti & Sports Mission


Dolphy A. D'souza  (Cell: 9833884227)

Web: www.humanrightsinitiative.org

[Goanet] Black Money And Terror - Quality of counter-terrorism, not currency crackdown, will prevent terrorism.

2016-11-25 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Black Money And 
Quality of counter-terrorism, not currency crackdown, will prevent terrorism.

Global research has now found that terrorists seldom use tax dodgers or Hawala 
agents of target countries as they are known to local agencies.

On November 10 our prime minister said that demonetisation of high value 
currency notes was “a decisive war against the menace of corruption, black 
money and terrorism”. Social media claimed that the “PM had nuked terror 
funding”. Subsequent discourses saw official assertions that a “cashless 
economy” would end “black money” to make us “terror-free”.

But a “cashless economy” need not be “terror-free”. In November 2014, CNBC 
conducted a survey of the 10 top “cashless” societies. It found Belgium to be 
the world’s top cashless society with 93 per cent non-cash consumer payments 
and 83 per cent debit card use. France was second, then Canada, the UK, Sweden, 
Australia, Holland, the US, Germany and South Korea.

Unfortunately, Belgium and France were also the worst victims of indigenous and 
trans-border terrorism. This rampage started on January 7, 2015, with the 
Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. France did not detect that Amedy Coulibaly and 
Medi Nemmouche had bought their weapons from Brussels. Nor did Belgian agencies 
know that Molenbeek, a small 5.8-sq km area in their country was Islamic 
State’s busiest terror incubating unit in the world. This long bloody spree saw 
15 serious terror incidents, killing 254 innocents and 16 terrorists.

Global research has now found that terrorists seldom use tax dodgers or hawala 
agents of target countries as they are known to local agencies. “Black money” 
is not preferred since it does not satisfy the principle of “volume, risk, 
convenience, simplicity, costs and speed”. Terrorists never hire crime cartels 
because they shift loyalty. Dawood might have been used by a hostile government 
once, but terror cartels never “outsource” their campaigns. Funds are moved 
using phoney legal means, although their origin might be through crimes like 
robbery, extortion or fraud. Terrorists usually do not collect funds from the 
places of their residence and certainly not in the country where attacks are 

The US Treasury Department’s National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment 
(2015) report gives the details of innovative terror financing, mostly with a 
legal facade. Centralised inter-agency coordination is done to deal with global 
criminal activities like kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking, charities, 
bank frauds and state sponsorship to link with funding. Many individuals not 
directly connected to “charities” were collecting funds through their personal 
bank accounts and transferring funds to terrorist organisations under proper 

Another great risk they faced was when money lands up in the US through foreign 
banks which do not follow the US’s due diligence practices and “suspicious 
activity identification” processes. Another problem is from a multitude of 
Money Service Businesses (MSB) in the US which could range from Fortune 500 
companies to small stores who exchange currency as a side business. The same 
experience is evident through the report on ISIS financing by the Paris-based 
Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an inter-governmental body against terror 
financing and money laundering. Detecting terror financing through legal 
channels is an extremely onerous task, as the US Treasury and FATF reports 
would indicate.

Unfortunately, in India, such centralised monitoring is rendered difficult with 
a structural inadequacy and bureaucratic inelasticity to keep pace with 
innovative terrorism. Our counter-terrorism (CT) machinery is under 29 state 
governments and the NIA has not expanded to take over a country-wide mandate. 
That is why we had to be alerted by the British Channel 4 to locate the “Shami 
Witness” in December 2014. As a result, India never took note of the ISIS 
threat until late 2015, although the government was warned since 2014 by many, 
including this writer. Strangely even as late as May 24, 2016, our home 
minister had maintained that ISIS posed no threat to India

Again it was only during late 2015 that we started considering the need for 
de-radicalisation despite global indications of its benefits. The UK was saved 
from the ISIS when it was trampling upon Europe only because of its “channel 
process” programme from 2009. Under this, 4,50,000 frontline staff were trained 

[Goanet] How Modi allowed Black Money to Escape Abroad before Demonetization

2016-11-24 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Krishnaraj Rao >

18 November, 2016, Mumbai: Before demonetization, Modi Sarkar actually changed 
the rules to allow black money to be taken out of India and parked abroad. 
Well-planned structured money laundering was enabled by Modi Sarkar before 
banning 500 and 1000 denomination currencies.


Details of Modi's actions over the last two years:

1) One week after Modi's taking office as prime minister on 26 May 2014, RBI 
Increased the LRS (Liberalized Remittance Scheme) slab to USD 125,000, on Jun 
03, 2014. Read this RBI circular: http://bit.ly/2g1zUZN

2) Exactly one year after Modi became PM, LRS slab was further increased to 
250,000 USD on 26 May 2015. Read this RBI circular: http://bit.ly/2fLgMQL

{How and by whom are funds transferred outside India? Read details here: 

Why are funds generally transferred abroad under Liberalized Remittence Scheme 
(LRS)? Read http://bit.ly/2fnC7PA, http://bit.ly/2fC5O2l and also 

Lots more information, especially specific notifications, can be found at RBI's 
website: http://bit.ly/2fnESjV }

LRS limit of USD 250,000 means an individual from India can transfer upto two 
crore rupee per year to their overseas account. Due to this increase, there was 
a sudden spurt in foreign remittances since June 2015. Approximately 4.6 
billion USD (30,000 Crore rupees) were transferred from India in 11 months 
(June 2015 to May 2016) -- almost 300% higher than historical average 
remittance. There is no clear explanation from RBI for this sudden surge. Read 
this article in Economic Times dated 17th May 2016: http://bit.ly/1ThbZT0

After enabling enormous amounts to be transfered overseas, now Modi is playing 
anti corruption, anti counterfeit and anti black money drama.

Thank you Vineet Malik for your basic research and valuable inputs.


Krishnaraj Rao

[Goanet] Sign this online petition "Reinstate the honest"

2016-11-22 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Change.org >



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[Goanet] The cycles of demonetisation: A looks back at two similar experiments in 1946 and 1978

2016-11-22 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


The cycles of demonetisation: A looks back at two similar experiments in 1946 
In West Bengal, a pundit had to postpone the marriage of his daughter. The Rs 
1,000 notes he had scraped together for the marriage were no longer legal 
tender. In Nainital a big businessman fell...

In West Bengal, a pundit had to postpone the marriage of his daughter. The Rs 
1,000 notes he had scraped together for the marriage were no longer legal 

In Nainital a big businessman fell over and died from heart failure when he 
went to hand in his Rs 1,000 notes. And in Calcutta, an enterprising gentleman 
who handed in notes to the value of Rs 6.03 lakh, the largest amount deposited 
that day, claimed he had got them for “an official secret which could not be 
disclosed to the public.”

These are not scenes from the current round of demonetisation, though similar 
ones might well happen (it would be interesting to see if the official secrets 
argument works). Nor are they from 1978, which is the demonetisation round that 
an older generation still remembers, when the newly installed Janata government 
decreed it as proof of the commitment to cleaning up the system.

These stories are from 70 years back, when on January 12, 1946, the 
pre-Independence government of India passed the High Denomination Bank Notes 
(Demonetisation) Ordinance. The background was World War II, which had just got 
over, but during which businessmen in India were supposed to have made huge 
fortunes supplying the Allied war effort and were concealing their profits from 
the tax department.



Letter writers to the Times of India (ToI) exulted at this first formal 
demonetisation in India. “The money that is concentrated in the hands of these 
people is not simply wealth. It is the life blood of thousands of Indians who 
starved and died during the last five years while black marketeers went on 
piling up money in their safes,” fumed SR Rangnekar from Bombay (now Mumbai). 
He advised the government to follow this up by cracking down on their stocks of 
gold “if they exceed 100 tolas.”

G Pingle from Kalyan noted snidely that many black marketing businessmen “tried 
to play the role of true nationalists. It passes my comprehension why so-called 
nationalists did not make any attempt to improve the condition of their 
war-weary fellow men.” Eric Miranda from Bandra suggested that people handing 
in high-value notes “might even be allowed to smoke a cigarette made out of one 
of these notes, as some are now doing, as some consolation.”



A writer using the name Non-Idealist suggested, more practically, that the 
government not waste time moralising about the black market, but just focus on 
getting the money. Noting that a large amount of notes might just never get 
handed in because they could not be accounted for, and hence go to waste (or be 
used to make cigarettes), the writer suggested the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 
simply offer 30-40% of the value of the notes, with no questions asked.

The Indian nationalist leaders, who hadn’t been party to the decision, sounded 
dubious about its effects. Rajendra Prasad, who would become the first 
president of India, declared that “while we, Congressmen, have no sympathy with 
profiteers and dealers in the black market, it is not right to penalise honest 
people who in good faith have their savings in notes of demonetised value… A 
large number of people belonging to the middle and lower middle classes will be 
hit hard.”



And in a display of scepticism about government regulations that, sadly, would 
not carry over to the later Indian government, Prasad wondered how the problem 
had been created in the first place: 

[Goanet] Fight air pollution - Sign the Help us breath petition

2016-11-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Sign The #HelpUsBreathe Petition To Fight Air 
Join the NDTV campaign for reducing pollution by signing this petition:

View Survey

(click on the above link & sign)

[Goanet] SUPERMOON OF A SUPERDAY by Fr. Cedric Prakash sj (14 November 2016)

2016-11-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


-  Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*
It is not always that one has the opportunity to gaze at a SUPERMOON. One was 
warned not to miss this spectacle – the first one after 68 years, and 
apparently the next one will be only in 2034.An amazing phenomenon indeed- to 
see the moon so close, so bright, so radiant. One can only give thanks to the 
Creator of this Universe, to praise Him and to thank Him at this moment- for 
the many graces and blessings which he showers down upon us constantly. At the 
same time, we need to question ourselves on the way we destroy his creation; 
the way we allow hate and violence to govern our lives- not bothered at all, 
about the generations to come after us!
“Those who have loved are those who have found God”, says GURU NANAK, the 
founder of Sikhism, whose birth anniversary we celebrate today. His followers 
do all they can to serve others in tangible ways. Several Sikhs who live in 
Lebanon, have come together to open a welcome centre for Syrian refugees coming 
into Lebanon; they provide them with a hot meal and other essentials. It is a 
great day to remind ourselves of the need and importance of love and why we 
need to find God in loving and serving others.
There are certainly many across the ages who have manifested their love for 
others in deed! It is the 107th birth anniversary of Fr. PEDRO ARRUPE. He was 
truly a man for others; he witnessed the horrors of the nuclear attack on 
Hiroshima, and was convinced that love not war was the answer to the problems 
of the world. He was also the Superior General of the Society of Jesus when the 
Jesuit General Congregation (GC 32) mandated that true faith is in the 
promotion of a more humane and just society. Among Arrupe’s immortal words are, 
“fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything”.
Arrupe was convinced that one had to respond to the cries of the ‘boat people’ 
who were desperately fleeing war and persecution in South East Asia. The plight 
of these refugees was tragic. On November 14th 1980, he founded the JESUIT 
REFUGEE SERVICE(JRS) to accompany, to serve and to defend the rights of 
refugees/IDPs.Thanks to the vision of Arrupe, today JRS serves thousands of 
refugees/IDPs in some of the most difficult places in the world, truly ensuring 
that love is made fruitful in service!
We also celebrate today the memory of ST JOSEPH PIGNATELLI, a Spanish Jesuit 
(1737-1811) who is regarded as the Second Founder of the Society of Jesus. He 
was largely responsible for the restoration of the Society which ultimately 
took place in 1814.He was frail in health and suffered much; but because of his 
candour, courage and commitment, he was able to weather many storms and 
hostilities. As a Jesuit he was convinced that his main work and that of his 
fellow Jesuits was to be of service to others.
It is also the birth anniversary of PANDIT JAWARLAL NEHRU, India’s first Prime 
Minister. Nehru gave the country the vision and leadership it needed, after 
years of colonial rule. He was determined that the rights and freedoms 
guaranteed in the Constitution of India would belong to all Indians. He desired 
that India truly becomes a secular and socialist country. India will always 
cherish his statesmanship and the rich legacy he gave the country.
Nehru loved children. Very appropriately his birthday is celebrated as 
CHILDREN’S DAY in India. Nehru believed that since children were the future of 
the country, we needed to invest in them, to protect them, to nurture them. 
Several years ago Nehru said, "Grown-ups have a strange way of putting 
themselves in compartments and groups. They build barriers... of religion, 
caste, colour, party, nation, province, language, customs and of rich and poor. 
Fortunately, children do not know much about these barriers, which separate. 
They play and work with each other and it is only when they grow up that they 
begin to learn about these barriers from their elders."
I once was a child: cared for, loved by and nurtured by my MOTHER CYNTHIA. On 
this day in 2010 she went to her eternal reward. I remember her today in a very 
special way and thank God for the gift of her to me and to my siblings. She was 
truly a woman of substance: who put her children and family at the centre of 
her life. Every mother is indeed very special and so was mine.
In Syria today! And as I look back at NOVEMBER 14th 2016, it was indeed a 
SUPERDAY, for the reasons above and many more! It is late night and I have just 
returned after a walk outside, in a country torn and divided by almost six 
years of war and strife. An eerie and heavy silence permeates the night. As I 
gazed lovingly at the SUPERMOON-I thought of the many children who have been 
killed or deprived of their childhood for no fault of theirs; I remembered the 
many mothers who have suffered 

[Goanet] Your Next Step to National Marathon Circuit - Goa River Marathon

2016-11-15 Thread Robin Viegas

From: Goa River Marathon 
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 5:35 AM
Subject: Your Next Step to National Marathon Circuit

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Goa River Marathon 2016

[Goanet] Mumbai (Dadar W): Wednesday 9 November : Join us to discuss Dangers to RTI activists with Activist Kamlakar Shenoy and Mr Shailesh Gandhi

2016-11-07 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: "shenoy kamlakar" 
From: Shilpa - Moneylife Foundation 
Date: Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 9:00 AM

Open this email on your web 
browser | Forward this 
email to a friend

Wednesday, 09 November 2016
Time: 5pm - 7pm

Dangers to RTI Activists
Should you worry? What should you do to avoid problems

 had the dubious distinction of having the maximum number of RTI activists 
killed. What is the protection and support system available to RTI activists? 
Do you, as an ordinary RTI practitioner need to worry?

Join us to hear Mr Kamlakar Shenoy - an activist who has personally faced 
attacks and is now fighting a winning battle for justice. Mr Shailesh Gandhi, 
former Central Information Commissioner will lead the session and also provide 
guidance to individual RTI users.

5.00 to 5.45 pm Offering advice for individual issues in RTI or Act 21 of 20006
5.45pm to 6.30pm Kamlakar Shenoy: Experiences and dangers as a RTI User
6.30 pm to 7.00pm Shailesh Gandhi: Exemptions in the RTI Act

Venue: Moneylife Foundation Knowledge Centre, 304, 3rd Floor, Hind Service 
Industries Premises, Off. Veer Savarkar Marg, Near Shivaji Park Seaface, Dadar 
(W), Mumbai - 400028.

RSVP: Shilpa at 022-49205000 or email 
foundat...@moneylife.in or
Call/SMS/ WhatsApp on +91-7045156415 (Please give your Name. email ID & Contact 

If you do not wish to receive further emails from us, Click here to 

[Goanet] Let us save Delhi - Sign this petition to curb pollution

2016-11-07 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Change.org >


I just signed the petition, ".@PMOIndia @ArvindKejriwal @anilmdave Action plan 
to curb Delhi Pollution #LetsSaveDelhi."

I think this is important. Will you sign it too?

Here's the link:



Bombay Catholic Sabha, Kalina Unit



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[.@PMOIndia @ArvindKejriwal @anilmdave Action plan to curb Delhi Pollution 


.@PMOIndia @ArvindKejriwal @anilmdave Action plan to curb Delhi Pollution 

Petition by Kush Kochgaway · 24,066 supporters

Take the next step to victory

Started 25,000
02 Nov, 2016Milestone


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[Goanet] Mumbai(Bandra W): Job Vacancy at SNEHA NGO.

2016-11-07 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: "Nirmala Niketan Extension Centre" 

Dear Alumni Members,

Dr Fernandez of SNEHA NGO is starting a Palliative Care Centre for patients 
with cancer in Bandra west Hill Road. This involves volunteers who will visit 
patients homes for giving support to patients.

Those Senior Citizens students who have completed their Certificate Course, who 
want to work as volunteers and who are staying around Bandra, Khar Santacruz 
can apply for this position.

Secondly, they want counselors-- those who have passed the Counselling Course 
and would like to work in this center can apply, Especially those who would 
like to work with Cancer Patients. Additional training will be given by Tata 
Memorial to those interested in this position.

For more details, Please contact-- Ms. Vanessa (CEO of SNEHA).

Amruta Parthe
Program Coordinator.
College of Social Work,
Nirmala Niketan Extension Centre
St. Pius College Campus, Virwani Road,
Gate no. 2, Goregaon (East)
Mumbai- 400 063
Tel. no. 29271433
Email : nnextension.cen...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Dismantling Democracy by Fr Cedric Prakash sj(6November2016)

2016-11-07 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Dismantling Democracy

-Fr. Cedric 
Prakash sj*

The way Fatima, the mother of Najeeb Ahmed (#najeebahmed) the missing JNU 
student was treated this evening by the Delhi Police was just appalling. She 
was at a rally peacefully protesting with several others about the mysterious 
disappearance of her son. They were demanding that the Police and the Central 
Government need to do much more to trace Najeeb. The rally was disbanded by the 
police. There is enough of evidence (viral on social media) to show how Fatima 
was dragged, manhandled and detained by the police. Several other protestors 
(including students) were also detained.

This is not the first incident happening this past week. Some opposition 
political leaders who were protesting the death of a retired soldier were also 
arrested and were made to stop their protests. The son of the soldier who had 
gone to meet these leaders was beaten up by the police.

The popular TV Channel NDTV, will be taken off the air on November 9th for 24 
hours because of the inconvenient questions they asked and their coverage of 
the Pathankot terror attack that took place on January 2nd this year. Another 
channel from Assam has been given the same treatment. For several months now, 
there has been a virtual black-out on the media (mainly electronic and social) 
from Kashmir.

The BJP, the main ruling party, has gone to town about the "surgical strikes" 
on Pakistan. This is rather unfortunate. Anyone questioning the veracity of 
these 'surgical strikes' or asking for more information is termed 
'anti-national' or 'unpatriotic'. Pakistan certainly does not have a favourable 
track record either on human rights or on the freedom of its citizens. However, 
there are well-meaning citizens in both countries who would like the avenues of 
dialogue to be kept open and to continue Indo-Pak bonding on meaningful fronts. 
This is also frowned upon.

India has upped its military spending. Precious foreign reserves are squandered 
on what is conveniently referred to as 'upgrading' the military. Countries who 
need to sell from their stockpiles, find India an easy customer. The budgets 
for essentials like education, health, agriculture, employment generation, 
poverty alleviation programmes- have been drastically cut. This does not augur 
well for 'development' meant to be inclusive and holistic.

Human Rights Defenders are pushed to the wall. Organizations which take a stand 
for truth and justice and for the Constitutional rights of the oppressed are 
denied the possibility of receiving foreign aid. Right-wing fascists with full 
support from the ruling class, lynch you or beat you because of what you 
believe in, eat, dress, write, see etc. Crony capitalism is on the rise.

It has never been so bad in India! Opposition, students and liberal media are 
suppressed; Rights and Freedoms are curtailed; dissent is quashed! Today it is 
not merely the writing on the wall: the dismantling of democracy has begun!

  November 6th 2016

* (Fr Cedric Prakash sj is a human rights activist. He is currently based in 
Lebanon, engaged with the Jesuit Refugee Service(JRS) in the Middle East on 
advocacy and   communications. Contact: 

[Goanet] The macabre fate of 'beating heart corpses'

2016-11-05 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2016 1:10 AM
Subject: The macabre fate of 'beating heart corpses'


The macabre fate of ‘beating heart 
Their bodies are as fresh as the day they departed. How do we know they’re 
really dead?

Their bodies are as fresh as the day they departed. How do we know they’re 
really dead?

Their hearts are still beating. They urinate. Their bodies don’t decompose and 
they are warm to the touch; their stomachs rumble, their wounds heal and their 
guts can digest food. They can have heart attacks, catch a fever and suffer 
from bedsores. They can blush and sweat – they can even have babies.

And yet, according to most legal definitions and the vast majority of doctors 
these patients are thoroughly, indisputably deceased.

These are the beating heart cadavers; brain-dead corpses with functioning 
organs and a pulse. Their medical costs are astronomical (up to 
 for just a few weeks), but with a bit of luck and a lot of help, today it’s 
possible for the body to survive for months – or in rare cases, decades – even 
though it’s technically dead. How is this possible? Why does this happen? And 
how do doctors know they’re really dead?

Premature burials

Identifying the dead has never been easy. In 19th Century France there were 30 
theories about how to tell if someone had passed away – including attaching 
pincers to their nipples and putting leeches in their bottom. Elsewhere, the 
most reliable methods included yelling a patient’s name (if the patient ignored 
them three times, they were dead) or thrusting mirrors under their noses to see 
if they fogged up.

[(Credit: Getty 

Early attempts to test for signs of life included attaching pincers to nipples 
(Credit: Getty Images)

Suffice to say, the medical establishment wasn’t convinced about any of them. 
Then in 1846, the Academy of Sciences in Paris launched a competition for “'the 
best work on the signs of death and the means of preventing premature burials” 
and a young doctor tried his luck. Eugène Bouchut figured that if a person’s 
heart had stopped beating, they were surely dead. He suggested using the newly 
invented stethoscope to listen for a heartbeat – if the doctor didn’t hear 
anything for two minutes, they could be safely buried.

He won the competition and his definition of “clinical death” stuck, eventually 
to be immortalised in films, books and popular wisdom. “There wasn’t much that 
could be done, so basically anyone could look at a person, check for a pulse 
and decide whether they were dead or alive,” says Robert Veatch from the 
Kennedy Institute of Ethics.

But a chance discovery in the 1920s made things decidedly messier. An 
electrical engineer from Brooklyn, New York, had been investigating why people 
die after they’ve been electrocuted – and wondered if the right voltage might 
also jolt them back to life. William Kouwenhoven devoted the next 50 years to 
finding a way to make it happen, work which eventually led to the invention of 
the defibrillator.

[(Credit: Getty 

The loss of heart beat was once considered a sign of death, but we now know 
this need not be the end (Credit: Getty Images)

It was the first of a deluge of revolutionary new techniques, including 
mechanical ventilators and feeding tubes, catheters and dialysis machines. For 
the first time, you could lack certain bodily functions and still be alive. Our 
understanding of death was becoming unstuck.

The invention of the EEG – which can be used to identify brain activity – dealt 
the final blow. Starting in the 1950s, doctors across the globe began 
discovering that some of their patients, who they had previously considered 
only comatose, in fact had no brain activity at all. In France the mysterious 
phenomenon was termed coma dépasse, meaning literally “a state beyond coma”. 
They had discovered the ‘beating-heart cadavers’, people whose bodies were 
alive though their brains were dead.

This was an entirely new category of patient, one which overturned 5,000 years 
of medical understanding in a single sweep, raising new questions about how 
death is identified and dredging up some thorny philosophical, ethical and 
legal issues to boot.

 “It goes back and forth as to what people call them but I think patient is the 

[Goanet] Withdraw Ban On NDTV India Straight Away, Say Editors, Journalists

2016-11-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Withdraw Ban On NDTV India Straight Away, Say Editors, Journalists


Withdraw Ban On NDTV India Straight Away, Say Editors, 
Senior journalists and news organizations have publicly condemned the 
government's day-long ban on NDTV India, with near unanimous comparisons to the 
Emergency when fundamental rights were suspended and the freedom of the press 
was eroded.

NDTV has refuted the charges and is "considering all options".


  1.  NDTV India ordered to go off air on November 9
  2.  Accused of irresponsible coverage of Pathankot attack
  3.  NDTV refutes charges, "considering all options"

 Senior journalists and news organizations have publicly 
 the government's day-long ban on NDTV India, with near unanimous comparisons 
to the Emergency when fundamental rights were suspended and the freedom of the 
press was eroded.

NDTV India has been ordered not to broadcast on Wednesday, November 9, with a 
government panel ruling that it had divulged "strategically sensitive details" 
while covering January's deadly attack on the Pathankot air base.

NDTV has strongly refuted the 
 and "is examining all options."

"After the dark days of the emergency when the press was fettered, it is 
extraordinary that NDTV is being proceeded against in this manner," it said in 
a statement, adding that "every channel and newspaper had similar coverage."

A spokesman for the information ministry told news agency AFP that the channel 
will have to go off air "for violating the cable TV act" which limits what the 
media can report during major security incidents.

Although the government has ordered other temporary shutdowns of TV networks, 
it is the first time that this specific legislation has been invoked to take a 
news channel off air.

"The decision to take the channel off the air for a day is a direct violation 
of the freedom of the media and therefore the citizens of India and amounts to 
harsh censorship imposed by the government reminiscent of the Emergency," the 
Editors Guild of India said in a 
 seeking "an immediate withdrawal of the ban order."

The Mumbai Press 
 which represents over 2,500 journalists, said that the government has the 
option to take an organization to court for "irresponsible media coverage," but 
that a ban against "a specific TV channel that has been critical of the 
government, and has done serious ground reporting on the views of the common 
man, does not augur well for freedom of expression of the country."

India ranks 133 among 180 countries in the latest annual World Press Freedom 
Index released by Reporters Without Borders in 2016.

'If We Can't Ask Questions, What Can We Do': Ravish Kumar On NDTV India Ban

A special episode of PrimeTime anchored by Ravish Kumar following a ban order 
on NDTV India.

Asked about the encounter of eight SIMI men in Bhopal this week, Junior Home 
Minister Kiren Rijiju told reporters that the "habit" of questioning the 
authorities and the police "should stop".

When did authority and police rise above questioning? Authority means 
accountability. Without it, power becomes something else altogether. When we 
cannot ask questions, when we cannot speak freely, what can we do?

Amid the controversy over government's order for day-long ban on NDTV India, 
watch a special episode of the Hindi show PrimeTime anchored by Ravish Kumar as 
two mime artists help us understand what a person of 'authority' would prefer 
being questioned about.

1-Day Ban On NDTV India Draws Huge Protest
1-Day Ban On NDTV India Draws Huge Protest

Nov 04, 2016
17:47 (IST)

[Goanet] Dolphy D'souza shared a clipping of Mumbai on Policing Issues in Indian Express - 31/10/16

2016-11-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Police Reforms Watch 

Dear Friend,

This is a article of the 2 year report of the functioning of the Home 
Department whose head is the Maharashtra Chief Minister which appeared in 
today's Indian Experss newspaper.

warm regards,
Dolphy D'souza

Dolphy D'souza shared a clipping of Mumbai


[Goanet] Delhi Chokes On Air 14 Times More Polluted As Diwali Smog Clouds

2016-11-02 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Delhi Chokes On Air 14 Times More Polluted As Diwali Smog Clouds 
Pollution levels spiked to alarming levels in Delhi and other parts of North 
and East India on Monday, as smoke from Diwali firecrackers clogged the air, 
also hitting visibility.

Air pollution levels have spiked in Delhi and parts of north India the morning 
after Diwali.


  1.  Thick smog in Delhi, parts of north India morning after Diwali
  2.  Pollutants as high as 14 to 16 times the safe limit in Delhi
  3.  Smoke from firecrackers affects visibility, air quality rating 'severe'

 There is thick smog hanging over Delhi and parts of Uttar Pradesh on the 
morning after Diwali, with pollution at a dangerous "severe" at 7 am on Monday. 
Smoke from firecrackers has choked the air and also affected visibility.

Data from the central pollution monitoring agency showed that concentrations of 
Particulate Matter or PM 10 (coarser pollutants) was over 1,600 micrograms per 
cubic metre compared to a safe level of 100 at around 2 am in Delhi's Anand 
Vihar. PM 2.5, a standard measure of air quality, was as much as 14 times the 
safe limit.

These particles can cause respiratory diseases if one is subjected to prolonged 
exposure to unsafe levels. Seven areas in the national capital region featured 
among the 10 most polluted places in the country, while Kanpur and Lucknow in 
Uttar Pradesh also recorded severe pollution.


A thick cloud of smoke hung low over houses in Delhi.

Pollution in Delhi peaks during Diwali as a hazardous mix of noxious gases and 
pollutants hang very close to the surface. The Delhi High Court had described 
the capital as "gas chamber" last year.

As people celebrated Diwali by bursting firecrackers on Sunday, a NASA photo at 
about 8 pm showed the top half of India hazy with smoke.

Experts had warned that pollution during this year's Diwali was expected to be 
worse than the last two 
 because of a combination of adverse factors like slow wind speed and moisture 
in the air, a major hindrance in the dispersion of suspended pollutants.


Popular spots like India Gate and Rajpath in Delhi were choked with smog.

The pollution monitoring agency has advised people to avoid all outdoor 
physical activity when air quality is rated "severe" like this morning. People 
with heart or lung diseases, older adults, and children are advised to remain 
indoors and keep activity levels low.

A report released by UNICEF on 
 said almost one in seven children worldwide live in areas with high levels of 
outdoor air pollution, mostly in South Asia, and their growing bodies are most 
vulnerable to damage.

Around 6 lakh children under age 5 die every year - more than malaria and 
HIV/AIDS combined - from diseases caused by or exacerbated by outdoor and 
indoor air pollution, UNICEF said.


2016-10-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


The life and times of Tai & the party she nurtured

The life and times of Tai & the party she nurtured

29 Oct, 2016, 08:07AM IST

A-   A+

Circa March 9, 2012: There she sat on the front row of dignitaries at the 
swearing in of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, her frail tiny frame concealed 
in a sea of people and VIPs. She certainly wasn’t the star of the day, almost 
having faded into oblivion before making what turned out be the last plunge at 
activism/politics – the language agitation and the fight to keep education 
grants away from English medium schools, a movement Herald has vehemently 
opposed as it went against the grain of inclusion that Goa is meant to be. 
Noticing this Herald writer near the front rows, Mrs Kakodkar signalled that 
she wanted to speak. And then she said, “I have never been a favourite of your 
paper and I do not agree with your stand on several issues, but I love the way 
your paper argues and speak ups and debates strongly. This keeps democracy 
alive and for that I read you.”

Incidentally, this was the first meeting with her and very unfortunately, 
turned out to be the last because further conversations did not happen. But 
what stood out, as it did during her three decades of active political life is 
her firm stand on issues, often mistaken for rigidity, coupled with the grace 
and flexibility to accept and hear alternate thought.

Her passing also marks the fall of another pillar who lived in an era where 
political acrimony never offset social graces. Politics was still fought in a 
manner hard and bitter, power was still sought, the political field was still a 
minefield and yet, principles dictated politics. And principles outshone pelf. 
And in doing so, both her principles and her politics worked. For her, for her 
party and for a Goa which believed in regionalism as the mantra for self 
protection, preservation and growth.

To many though MGP did not include all. For large chunks of Salcete, MGP was 
the “other” and to many in the MGP, Salcete was the land across the proverbial 
mountain of discomfort and distrust. But it took a Shashikala Kakodkar to 
bridge that or even attempt to bridge that. Before her and after her moving out 
of active politics, there is no one in the MGP who has managed to, or even 
attempted to win the hearts of Xaxtikars. (See report on the bottom of this 
page). This journey started in 1973 when the Benaulim seat fell vacant after 
the death of the UGP MLA. This is when Shashikala Kakodkar decided that MGP 
would contest Benaulim and asked Dr Wilfred Mesquita, a minority leader 
(current BJP Vice President) to prepare the ground. Her message to him was 
clear, “I’m going to Benaulim not to win but to understand the feeling of the 
people of Salcete”. MGP narrowly won that seat in the normal round of counting, 
however, the victory of their candidate Menino Jesus Ferrao, popularly known as 
Luta Ferrao was challenged by Wilfred D’Souza. The EC then ordered the counting 
of votes of those whose votes were illegally cast before they arrived at the 
booth, and were then allowed to cast their votes separately, which were kept in 
sealed envelopes. When this was done, Dr D’Souza was finally declared the 

As she kept the legacy of MGP alive, during her clear run as Chief Minister 
from 1973 to 1979 after the death of her father Dayanand Bandodkar, she also 
had her frailties. She faced toppling games and also made, what many call the 
cardinal mistake of merging MGP with the Congress (I). Though she extracted 
herself from this, the act led to a cascading effect after which MGP was never 
the same.

In 1977 Advocate Shankar Lad and Dayanand Narvekar defected from “Tai”, as 
Shashikala was lovingly called till her last day, and along with a group 
consisting of Willy D’Souza (Congress U) and then new Janata Party leaders, 
Jack Sequiera, Ferdinho Rebello and Mhadav Bir attempted to form a government. 
But look at the politics of principle in those days, A Janata Party government 
in Delhi led by Prime Minister Morarji Desai refused saying that there should 
be no government formed by defections. The Assembly was dissolved, but Morarji 
Desai did not allow his own party’s government from being formed in Goa.

Then came the 

[Goanet] Goa River Marathon - 2016 - Hurry, Register NOW !

2016-10-28 Thread Robin Viegas

From: Goa River Marathon 

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To unsubscribe please click 

Goa River Marathon 2016

[Goanet] GOOD MORNING! The layman's ten commandments to follow in life all the time

2016-10-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 



Someone has written these beautiful words.  The piece is a must read.  Try to 
understand the deep meaning of it.  They are like the Ten Commandments to 
follow in life all of the time!

1.   Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is 
a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout the journey.

2.   So why is a car's WINDSHIELD so large and the Rear View Mirror so small?  
Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE.  So, Look Ahead and Move on.

3.   Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes a few minutes to burn, but it takes 
years to write.

4.   All things in life are temporary.  If they're going well, enjoy them... 
they will not last forever.  If they're going wrong, don't worry... they can't 
last long either.

5.   Old Friends are Gold!  New Friends are Diamond!  If you get a Diamond, 
don't forget the Gold!  Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of 

6.   Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above 
and says, "Relax, friend, it's just a bend, not the end!"

7.   When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD 
doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.

8.   A blind person asked St. Anthony:  "Can there be anything worse than 
losing eye sight?"  He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!"

9.   When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and 
sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for 

10.   WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES... it takes away today's 

If you really enjoy this, please pass on to others.  It may just brighten 
someone's day... Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, and 
Leave the rest to God.

-- Author Unknown

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><

[Goanet] Goa: Sada Sub Jail ambulance used for transporting fish!

2016-10-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


VASCO: The Sada Sub Jail has been in the news for the wrong reasons for quite 
some time now. And this time, the brand new ambulance attached to the jail, 
which is meant for transporting the inmates in distress, is being used to carry 
fish and other essential commodities from the market.

20 Oct, 2016, 06:30AM IST

[Sada Sub Jail ambulance  used for transporting fish!]
A-   A+

Team Herald

VASCO: The Sada Sub Jail has been in the news for the wrong reasons for quite 
some time now. And this time, the brand new ambulance attached to the jail, 
which is meant for transporting the inmates in distress, is being used to carry 
fish and other essential commodities from the market.

This major lapse on the part of the jail authorities came to light after a 
concerned citizen from Vasco clicked a few pictures on his mobile after finding 
that the jail authorities were allegedly misusing the brand new ambulance by 
stacking fish in it.

The ambulance has been stinking due to which the inmates have been avoiding to 
get themselves transported to the hospitals during emergencies.

Surprisingly, even the sources at Sada Sub Jail confirmed to Herald that they 
came across many instances when the jail authorities used ambulance for 
transporting essential commodities, fish and slaughtered chicken.

Herald decided to take up the issue with the senior jail officials managing the 
affairs of state prisons and even sent a few pictures to Additional Inspector 
General of Prisons Siddhivinayak Naik.

After taking a look at the pictures, Naik claimed that he was completely 
shocked to know that the ambulance was being misused and that, he would 
immediately seek an explanation from the jail authorities in this regard.

"This is not right; they should not use ambulance for such purpose and any 
ambulance has to be hygienic as patients are been transported to hospitals. 
Even I need to know as to why they have used the ambulance and why they failed 
to use any other mode of transport to carry fish to the jail. I have already 
asked the jail authorities to explain," Siddhivinayak Naik told Herald.

[Goanet] Mai Ge Dhobitalao - Song By Andrew Ferrao

2016-10-18 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >

Andrew Ferrao 
October 15 at 

We feel honored and humbled that you made time to listen to our song and shared 
it on your timeline
Thank you for all the 
[https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v5/f6c/1/16/2764.png] ❤️!

Mai Ge Dhobitalao : YouTube link


Mai Ge Dhobitalao - Andrew Ferrao (Goan - konkani original 
“Mai Ge Dhobitalao" - Andrew Ferrao (Andrew Ferrao Collaborations) Music 
Composer / Vocals : Andrew Ferrao | Lyrics : Roque Lazarus |…

Making musical waves in Goa


‘ Ata Kitem Korpache, Goem Kabar re Amche, Konnache gomteak dorpache, Maar 
teka, fodd teka, dor teka, soddi naka, ’ is the chorus from the catchy new 
song, ‘ Mai Ge Dhobitalao’ that is making rounds on Facebook and Whatsapp. One 
person who knows he has made a difference by producing the song is Andrew 
Ferrao from Verna. “ After uploading the song, it went viral in less than 24 
hours on Facebook and Whatsapp. I hope this works in not only being a well 
received song but a stronger message to make a difference for Goa,” says Andrew.

‘ Mai Ge Dhobitalao’ is a single with a message about Goa’s current state of 
affairs. “ It is about Goa, a piece of land like any other part of the world 
but what draws everyone here is cultural ethos of the Goan people. Even if 
harmony in the communities is strong yet youth are getting wayward and tend to 
get instigated at the drop of the hat. This is the result of over indulgence by 
parents as the chorus of the song ends with  ‘ Mar teka,  fodd teka..’ which is 
the voice of the youth in Goa today.  In the song, we are not lusting for blood 
rather we are pointing to the crime, fights and issues like influx of 
migration, land being sold by Goans rather than keeping it in the family and 
the high number of bidders from other states.   Through the song we hope that 
Goans not only save Goa but also protect the culture of the state,” explains 

The rock song was conceptualised by Andrew Ferrao in Mumbai who also did the 
music composing, and lending his vocals and the lyrics is Roque Lazarus. Steve 
Carvalho ( Mumbai) is the video director and the song was mixed and mastered by 
Umar Shaikh at Kabir Studio ( Mumbai).  Nixon Soares played the guitars, Crosby 
Fernandes ( Mumbai) on bass and Prathamesh Chari on drums. With everything 
about Goa, why was the song titled, ‘ Mai Ge Dhobitalao’? “ In Mumbai, Mai Ge 
Dhobitalao is an expression like Maiche kazar and it is used a lot by Goans 
living in Mumbai,” adds Andrew.

Andrew Ferrao has created a niche for himself as a successful performer, 
composer and producer in his 23 year- old music career. One of the most 
distinguished keyboard players in the circuit, he is known for his unique 
playing style. His wide array of musical involvement spans from performing with 
Rabbi Shergill, Neeraj Shridhar ( Bombay Vikings), Pritam , Natalie Di Luccio ( 
Canadian Opera Soprano), Leslie Lewis, Vasuda Sharma, Hamsika Iyer, Shruti 
Pathak, and collaborating with the Youtubers based in Mumbai,  composing music 
for jingles, music albums and documentaries.

The music video was shot over two days at Andrew’s house terrace at Verna by 
using minimum lights. The scenes of the children were shot at places like the 
Margao wholesale fish market, Margao vegetable market, Holy Spirit Church, 
Grace Church Margao, Colva beach, Quepem mining area, slums at Birla, Verna 
industrial area, Margao Old Municipal Building and the Rivona hill cutting 
site. Andrew was part of the crew when they were scouting for locations and he 
was disappointed with the way Goa was getting destroyed. “ Goa is in need of 
good leaders and Goans are feeling let down by the system. People think they 
should join politics to make money but what future do they see for their 
children? I come to Goa especially to breathe in fresh air because the cities 
are getting polluted. I hope Goa doesn’t turn out to be the same,” says Andrew.

This was the first time that Andrew sang for a song and from being behind the 
recording booth, he faced the microphone, “ Usually I record people singing 
songs. This time, I sang and recorded the song in one take. Even I was 
surprised as most singers take 5 to 10 to 15 takes for one song. Maybe I had 
too much anger which was finally vented out through the song,” laughs Andrew.

He also received feedback from Goans in Goa and abroad who want to help Andrew 
with his next single. “ I have already started working on the next song and I 
received many calls from Goans 

[Goanet] The port city that lost its waters - In Central Asia fishing boats lie bizarrely stranded in the scotching desert 100 Kms from the sea.

2016-10-15 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


The port city that lost its 
Fishing boats lie stranded more than 100km from the sea, victims of a terrible 
environmental disaster.

Fishing boats lie stranded more than 100km from the sea, victims of a terrible 
environmental disaster.

Click on the above link & view the gallery.  The are 11 photographs

[Goanet] Who is your perfect Dalit woman

2016-10-11 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: John Dayal >

An important read, even if one  may not be able to or may not want to answer 
the question in the purple headline
John Dayal
skype johndayalindia

aymvk2...@gmail.com>, Vinay Stephen 

So Who’s Your Perfect Dalit Woman?


October 6, 2016  By Christina 
Thomas Dhanaraj

Christina Thomas Dhanaraj

“The oppressor is solidary with the oppressed only when he stops regarding the 
oppressed as an abstract category and sees them as persons who have been 
unjustly dealt with, deprived of their voice, cheated in the sale of their 
labor — when he stops making pious, sentimental, and individualistic gestures 
and risks an act of love. True solidarity is found only in the plenitude of 
this act of love, in its existentiality, in its praxis. To affirm that men and 
women are persons and as persons should be free, and yet to do nothing tangible 
to make this affirmation a reality, is a farce.”
— Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

I have come to believe that intersection is a beautiful thing. Not necessarily 
from the lens of the onlooker, but from within myself, for myself. The fact 
that I’m Dalit, Tamizh, Christian, Woman, and everything else could only mean 
there are layers to the person that I am, with every layer attributing me with 
experiences that make me complex and unique. So as a contemporary Dalit woman 
living in urban India, I recognise the path my ancestors and I have travelled 
to reach this place in history. Like many of my peers, I grew up listening to 
the stories of how our grandfathers and grandmothers moved from place to place; 
how they found jobs before they found a career; how they found a religion that 
promised the dignity Hinduism denied; how they navigated social, academic, and 
political spaces rife with discrimination; how they married and loved and had 
children amidst hate;and how they survived, and sometimes thrived, in a country 
that refused to recognise their humanity. I grew up seeing my parents carryon 
this legacy of assertion, at their workplace, at the church, in the community, 
and in our so-called social circles. Needless to say, this was no easy feat.

Who am I? Why am I a Dalit woman?
I grew up in a lower middle class family in a town on the outskirts of Chennai. 
And unlike many of my Christian friends, I came to know which caste I belonged 
to much earlier in life. I was probably 5 years of age when my mother sat me 
down, and almost in whispers, explained what our ancestors were made to do for 
a living. “They disposed of the dead”, she said. That those we saw dancing and 
playing the parai during a funeral, could in fact be our brothers. That they, 
and therefore we, were supposedly untouchable. I remember being very upset, 
refusing to believe what she told me. I may have even cried a little.

But perhaps similar to other Dalit (Christian) families, my parents tried their 
very best to shield us from the pain and trauma our caste locations would 
otherwise bring. And because I was a 3rd generation Christian, my primary label 
was that of an ‘Indian Christian’. All through my teenage, I stuck to it. I did 
not have a community certificate either, and was slotted under open 
competition, which meant I would not benefit from affirmative action. This lack 
of an official caste identity did not however grant me any social status. The 
Indian church, and specifically Tamizh CSI congregations, to which we belong 
to, are very adept at spotting caste markers of every family. This means that 
no matter how much one tries to distance oneself from his/her oppressed-caste 
identity, the community inside the church ensures that his/her label stays 
alive in their eyes. This means that inter-caste marriages will not happen. 
This means that unless one has enough class to help compensate, caste will 
continue to determine social acceptance and respect. And no, the fact that my 
grandfather and my maternal uncle were both presbyters did not help.

I was almost 20 when I finally found a platform that helped me unpack my caste 
location. Given that I grew up in a very non-politicised Christian context, I 
heard the word ‘Dalit’ for the first time only when I was in college. I took to 
it like I was waiting for it my whole life. The more I heard and the more I 
read, the more I understood how caste had shaped my experiences, and that of my 
family’s. The biology teacher who made me stand up in class and repeatedly 
asked me if I was really, really sure I came under OC, and not SC. The girl at 
my church who nonchalantly called me a parachi. The hesitation in attending 
weddings that 

[Goanet] Amid tension, Goa Archbishop calls for prayers for 'Mother India'

2016-10-11 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Archbishop Ferrao said that instructions had been issued to the church and 
parish networks to conduct special prayers.
Posted on October 10, 2016, 8:17 AM

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Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao, religious leader of Goan Catholics who account 
for more than a quarter of Goa's population, has appealed for special prayers 
for peace for "Mother India", especially in the light of simmering hostilities 
with Pakistan.

"I call upon members of other religious communities in our Archdiocese to join 
us in praying for our Mother India," Ferrao said in a statement issued here on 

"Ironically, it (peace) is one of the most eluding goods in today's society. 
The fragile peace along the Indian border with neighbouring Pakistan is 
regularly disturbed by exchange of fire and other forms of violence, revealing 
a simmering state of hostility and suspicion between two countries that 
otherwise share linguistic, cultural, geographic and even economic links," 
Ferrao said.

The archbishop said that instructions had been issued to the church and parish 
networks to conduct special prayers "for one another and for peace in our land".


[Goanet] EXECUTION IS A TERRORIST’S TOOL Fr. Cedric Prakash sj* (October 10, 2016)

2016-10-11 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

‘EXECUTION IS A TERORIST’S TOOL: Stop the cycle of violence’, screams a 
powerful poster brought out by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty 
(www.worldcoalition.org) for the World Day 
against the Death Penalty , October 10th 2016!The focus this year is on  
‘terrorism’ and whether the death penalty is actually a deterrent to an act of 
A handout by the Coalition states that, “Since the 1980’s, there has been a 
global trend towards abolition of the death penalty which continues to this 
day. Today two-thirds of countries (140) are now abolitionist in law or in 
practice. However, despite this global trend towards abolition, many 
governments have in recent years resorted to use of the death penalty following 
terrorist attacks on their countries, in the name of protecting their countries 
and peoples.”

India has the dubious distinction of being among those countries like Bangla 
Desh, Pakistan and Nigeria that have adopted laws that expanded the scope of 
the death penalty, adding certain terrorist acts to the list of crimes 
punishable by death.
The Coalition says this of India, “the death penalty for terrorism can be 
imposed under authority of the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) 
Act passed in 1987 (amended in 1993), and in the Prevention of Terrorism Act 
passed in 2002. India has executed people for crimes related to terrorism on 
several occasions: the only survivor among those responsible for the attacks in 
Mumbai in 2008 was executed in 2012 and the man sentenced for planning the 
attack in December 2001 against the Indian Parliament, causing nine deaths, was 
executed in 2013.

In July 2015, India carried out the execution of Yakub Abdul Razak Memon, who 
was sentenced for participating in implementing several bomb attacks which 
caused 257 casualties in Mumbai in March 1993. This man had been sentenced to 
death in 2007 under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act 
which does not conform to the principles of international law relating to fair 
trials, particularly in terms of arbitrary detention, torture and obtaining 
evidence, and all legal avenues have been rejected since then. In August 2015, 
the Law Commission of India, the executive body charged with reforming the law, 
recommended abolition of the death penalty, except for offences related to 
terrorism and any offences which attack the State.”

The Coalition has been very vigorous in its campaign against the death penalty. 
It cites ten major reasons to end the use of the death penalty, the first one 
being that ‘No State should have the power to take a person’s life’.

The World Congress against the Death Penalty held at Oslo, Norway in June this 
year underlined the necessity to take further significant steps towards the 
complete and universal abolition of the death penalty. In a message to the 
Congress Pope Francis also called for a world “free of the death penalty” He 
said “the practice brings no justice to victims, but instead fosters vengeance. 
Indeed, nowadays the death penalty is unacceptable, however grave the crime of 
the convicted person. It is an offence to the inviolability of life and to the 
dignity of the human person; it likewise contradicts God’s plan for individuals 
and society, and his merciful justice.”

When Yakub Memon was executed in July 2015, several Indians were very vocal in 
their protest, highlighting that the cause of justice was not served. Of 
course, the flag- bearers of the death penalty (and these are very selective on 
‘who’ should be given capital punishment), were quick at branding those who 
felt that Memom’s execution was not justified, as “anti-national” and 

The proponents of the death penalty, seem oblivious of the fact that ‘execution 
is a terrorist’s tool’. One only legitimatizes the heinous act of a terrorist 
with the death penalty. The cycle of violence has to stop! Capital punishment 
is a barbaric act. No civilized country should even think of having it!

On this day, we need to recommit ourselves to do all we can for the abolition 
of the death penalty!
10th October 2016

* (Fr Cedric Prakash sj is an Indian Jesuit priest and a human rights activist. 
He is currently based in Lebanon and engaged with the Jesuit Refugee 
Service(JRS) in the Middle East on advocacy and   communications. He can be 
contacted on cedricprak...@gmail.com )

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)

[Goanet] Goa Buzz - News from Goa - Ms Bevinda Collaco, Editor Target Goa

2016-10-11 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Bevinda Collaco >

Goa Buzz

Mhadei Bachao Abhiyan calls BJP govt’s out of court settlement noises a cheap 
sellout of Goa for cheaper political 
October 10, 2016

Goa was so close to winning the Mhadei (Mahadayi) case in the Mhadei Water 
Dispute Tribunal (MWDT), and suddenly the… Read Full 

Former dismissed security guard caught with victim’s mobile phone and debit 
card, arrested for murder of 
October 9, 2016

Goa Police have a suspect in place over the murder and suspected rape of the 
perfumer in North Goa. A… Read Full 

Goa in shock as two women murdered on same day, one in the north and one in the 
October 8, 2016

Yesterday was a black day in Goa. Two women murdered, one in the north and one 
in the south. Women… Read Full 

Not just brides, Goa Govt should bank Rs 1 lakh Ladli Laxmi scheme for every 
newborn girl and present it to her at the age of 
October 7, 2016

Pratima Coutinho has brought out the dark side of the Ladli Laxmi scheme — that 
it is turning out to be hell for… Read Full 

Goa’s BJP practically gifted away the mining leases, while other states have 
earned huge revenue by auctioning mining 
October 6, 2016

When you look at the amount of revenue earned by the states with auctioning 
their mining blocks, you feel nothing… Read Full 

It’s war in Salcete, Parsekar’s weapon of giving blanket permission for cell 
towers, blunted by sharp opposition of 
October 5, 2016

Heeding his masters’ voices in Delhi, Chief Minister Parsekar thought he would 
take away the powers of the village panchayats… Read Full 

Bevdas beware, come mid-November no drinking in public places in 

Bevdas beware. Come November and you will have to do your drinking in private. 
Not in public places in Goa…. Read Full 

NGT refuses to grant a stay on the Baina Beach Beautification 

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) does not come down like the wrath of God on 
all government projects. Remember Rajabhau… Read Full 

Education Director GP Bhat orders cell towers to be constructed on govt primary 
schools when the int’l safety norm is no cell tower within 500 mt of any 

[Goanet] Priest buried after found hanging in Kalyan parish

2016-10-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Priest buried after found hanging in Kalyan parish | UCAN 
The police suspect suicide, but could not attribute a motive for the action as 
the victim left no suicide note.

The police suspect suicide, but could not attribute a motive for the action as 
the victim left no suicide note.
Posted on October 5, 2016, 7:26 PM

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The body of a 29-year-old Catholic priest, who was found hanging dead early on 
Sunday in his parish house in Kalyan diocese, was buried on Tuesday.

Father John Koovakunnel was found hanging from the ceiling fan of his room at 
St. Anthony Church when people arrived for Sunday morning Mass, local reports 
said quoting police sources.

The police suspect suicide, but could not attribute a motive for the action as 
the victim left no suicide note.

The parish room, in which the body was found hanging, was locked from inside. 
The priest's parents say they have no idea as to what could have prompted him 
to take the extreme step.

Indian Express news paper quoted the spokesperson of Kalyan diocese saying the 
dioceses has "requested the authorities concerned for a detailed inquiry to 
find out the cause of death."

The priest, a native of Kerala, had been working in the church for the 
past-year-and-half years.

The parents of the victim told police he spoke normally to them just hours 
before his death.

They called him every night. During these phone calls, the deceased would tell 
them everything he was doing, Indian Express reported quoting an officer at 
Khopoli police station.

The last last phone call between them was made at 10.30 pm on Saturday. The 
postmortem report said body was found six hours after the death, which helps 
police to conclude that the suicide happened hours after he spoke to the family.

The parents told the police that he spoke to them very normally. "They did not 
get any indication that something was troubling him," said Vijay Pandhartpatte, 
Deputy Superintendent of Police, Khalapur.

"There was no tension at home. The deceased was looking forward to the marriage 
of his younger brother next month," the officer said.

Police have checked the room and his diary for clues but could not find any. 
Detailed inquiries will be made, and police will also analyze his cell phone 
for more clues, the officer said.

Source: Indian 

[Goanet] Madhya Pradesh: Church group awarded for keeping Indore clean

2016-10-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Church group awarded for keeping Indore clean | UCAN 
Janvikas Kendra has been helping thousands earn a living out of waste 
management in Indore.

Janvikas Kendra has been helping thousands earn a living out of waste 
management in Indore.
Posted on October 5, 2016, 6:49 PM

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A church group has been recognized for assisting rag pickers improve the waste 
management of a city in central India.

The church group Janvikas Kendra (Center for People's Development) was awarded 
with Swachata Puraskar (Award for Hygiene Services) from Malini Gaur, the mayor 
of Indore on Oct. 2.

Gaur said Janvikas Kendra has "contributed immensely" to keeping the city clean 
through its solid waste management system.

Janvikas Kendra works with some 10,000 people, mostly rag pickers who live in 
35 of the 599 officially recognized slums in the city.

"We have a strong network of rag pickers mostly women who do door-to-door 
collection of waste materials that helps keep the city clean," said Divine Word 
Father Roy Thomas, director of Janvikas Kendra.

Established in 2001, the center began with the goal of assisting rag pickers 
not covered by the majority of the government's welfare schemes due to their 
lack of documents to prove their identify.

The center organized rag pickers into groups and offered small loans to help 
them start businesses such as scarp dealing.

The work was "for the overall progress of rag pickers such as their health, 
education of their children, personal hygiene, income generation and protecting 
their rights among the many other activities," said Father Thomas.


[Goanet] Bishops call for day of prayer for India

2016-10-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Bishops call for day of prayer for India | UCAN 
National bishops' conference head Cardinal Cleemis has urged to conduct special 
prayers for peace.

Bishops call for day of prayer for India
National bishops' conference head Cardinal Cleemis has urged to conduct special 
prayers for peace.
Posted on October 6, 2016, 7:44 AM

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New Delhi:

The Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) has called for a Day of Prayer 
for India to be held on October 16, Sunday, with special liturgies and prayers 
for the nation, its leaders and its people.

"Our beloved country is going through extraordinary challenges, especially on 
its borders," CBCI President Cardinal Baselios Cleemis said in a statement 
issued on Oct 4, celebrated by the Catholic Church as the Feast of St Francis 
of Assisi, the messenger of peace.

The cardinal reminded that October is a month of festivals for India -starting 
with Gandhi Jayanti on Oct 2, Feast of St Francis Assisi on Oct 4 for 
Christians, Dussehra on Oct 11 for Hindus, Muharram on Oct 12 for Muslims, Guru 
Nanak Jayanti on Oct 20 for Sikhs, and ending the month with Deepavali on Oct 

But the festivals are celebrated this year amid tensions in the country's 
borders, the cardinal stated while calling for the Day of Prayer for India. He 
urged all bishops, priests, religious and lay leaders to conduct special 
prayers for peace and welfare of the nation on the chosen day.

Source: CBCI press release

[Goanet] Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical: 13 Things to Know and Share

2016-10-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical: 13 Things to Know 
Pope Francis’s highly anticipated encyclical—Laudato Si’—is now out. Here are 
13 things to know and share. 1) What are the basic facts about this encyclical?

Pope Francis’s highly anticipated encyclical—Laudato Si’—is now out.

Here are 13 things to know and share.

1) What are the basic facts about this encyclical?

An encyclical is a teaching document issued by the pope. Encyclicals are among 
the more solemn and thus more authoritative papal documents.

This one is called Laudato Si’ (“Be praised” or “Praise be to you”)—a line from 
the Canticle of the Sun by 
St. Francis of Assisi.

It is Pope Francis’s second encyclical. His first was Lumen 
 which was largely drafted by his predecessor, Benedict XVI. Laudato Si’ is 
thus the first encyclical prepared entirely at Pope Francis’s initiative.

It is devoted to ecology and related themes.

2) Where can I read it—or just get a summary of it?

You can read it online at the Vatican website 

The are various summaries of it online, including ones by Edward 

3) Why did Pope Francis write this encyclical?

Care for creation is something that is close to his heart. You might guess this 
from the fact that he chose to be called Francis after St. Francis of Assisi, 
who was famed for his concern for nature (so much so that the Catechism of the 
Catholic Church mentions it; see CCC 2416).

More fundamentally, Pope Francis believes that there are significant ecological 
problems today that need to be addressed. They include not only problems in the 
natural environment but also in the human sphere, particularly among the 

There may also be an evangelistic motive. Pope Francis is convinced that the 
Church needs to do more with evangelization and engaging people who currently 
don’t listen to the Church.

4) What is unique about this encyclical?

Several things. First, it is the only encyclical devoted to environmentalism. 
This topic has been the subject of many papal statements, but Francis is the 
first pope to devote an encyclical to it.

Second, virtually all encyclicals are addressed to the bishops of the Catholic 
Church, sometimes with added groups like other Catholic clergy, religious, 
laypeople, and even—in exceptional cases—all people “of good will.”

Laudato Si’ is different. It is not addressed specifically to the bishops with 
additional groups added. Instead, it is addressed to every person on the 
planet. This means, unlike any previous encyclical, only a minority of its 
intended audience is Catholic. (Catholics make up a little more than one 
billion of the seven billion people alive.)

Third, encyclicals are usually more centered on Catholic doctrine. WhileLaudato 
Si’ contains many elements of Catholic teaching, it is not focused on Church 
doctrine in the same way.

For example, the first chapter is devoted to a summary of the various 
environmental problems Pope Francis sees the world facing, and his summary is 
based on scientific studies rather than theological documents.

When he does begin focusing in a sustained way on Church teaching, in the 
second chapter, he begins with a note explaining why a document addressed to so 
many nonbelievers would have a chapter specifically devoted to religious 
belief. (His explanation is that science and religion can have a fruitful 

Fourth, and related to the former, the encyclical does not simply propose views 
that all are expected to accept because of the pope’s religious authority. 
Instead, he invites the people of the world to a dialogue on the subject of 
environmentalism, writing:

In this encyclical, I would like to enter into dialogue with all people about 
our common home.

5) What does the encyclical contain?

Including a brief introduction, the document comprises six chapters:

  1.  What Is Happening to Our Common Home
  2.  The Gospel of Creation
  3.  The Human Roots 

[Goanet] SC raps Centre on Food Act non-compliance by drought-hit states

2016-10-06 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

SC raps Centre on Food Act non-compliance by drought-hit states | UCAN 
An organisation had sought the court's intervention for relief to the poor in 
drought-affected states, including Gujarat, Bihar and Haryana.

An organisation had sought the court's intervention for relief to the poor in 
drought-affected states, including Gujarat, Bihar and Haryana.
Posted on October 5, 2016, 5:44 PM

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New Delhi:

The Supreme Court on Wednesday slammed the Centre for doing nothing to tell the 
states to comply with the top court's directions to supply food grain to the 
poor in drought-affected states under the National Food Security Act.

A bench of Justice Madan B. Lokur and Justice N.V. Ramana said: "We will 
discharge the Union of India (as respondents from the case) if it is not able 
to do anything."

The apex court asked petitioner-organisation Swaraj Abhiyan to file an 
affidavit to flag five or six court directions issued on May 11 that were not 
complied with by the drought-hit states across the country for initiation of 
contempt proceedings.

During the course of hearing, the petitioner's counsel Prashant Bhushan said 
the contempt proceedings should not only be against the states concerned but 
also the Centre.

Taking a dim view of the Centre's approach, Justice Lokur said: "The moment we 
ask you questions, it is construed as if we are attacking the government of 

As Additional Solicitor General P.S. Narasimha sought to play down the 'small 
issue' of states not setting up 'Food Commissions' to monitor implementation of 
the act, Justice Lokur observed: "An Act of Parliament is being violated with 
impunity. (It) is not a small issue."

The bench asked Narasimha to explain what he had said in the affidavit on the 

Section 16 (1) of the Food Security Act, 2013, says: "Every state government 
shall, by notification, constitute a state Food Commission for the purpose of 
monitoring and review of implementation of this Act."

However, most state governments, taking recourse to the act's Section 18, have 
saddled other existing commissions with additional responsibility of the Food 

Section 18 provides for the designation of any commission or body to function 
as the state Food Commission.

Clearly exasperated over non-compliance with the apex court orders and the 
Centre informing the bench that it had sent a communication to the states on 
the matter, Justice Ramana said: "If this is the way the matter is going on, 
there is no need to hear it. We are wasting your time."

"An Act passed by Parliament has to be followed by the states. Let them say 
they don't bother about the Act," Justice Lokur said.

He asked Narasimha: "Is there a remedy under the Constitution if states don't 
comply with the laws passed by Parliament?"

The Additional Solicitor General pointed to Article 365 which says that when a 
state does not comply with the Centre's orders issued in exercise of its powers 
under the Constitution, the President can hold that a situation has arisen 
wherein the government of the said state cannot be carried on in accordance 
with the constitutional provisions.

The Supreme Court's strong observations came during the course of hearing on 
the compliance of several apex court directions dated May 11, given in the 
judgment on a public interest litigation by Swaraj Abhiyan.

The organisation had sought the court's intervention for relief to the poor in 
drought-affected states, including Gujarat, Bihar and Haryana.

The three states have resisted the suggestion that they declare some of their 
districts as drought-affected.

Justice Ramana said: "We are not getting any feel or visible change except that 
funds have been 

[Goanet] The Jesuit Parliament - by Fr (Dr.) Walter Fernandes ; An article on the Jesuits (Shillong Times)

2016-10-04 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Please find attached a piece of mine which appeared in the Shillong times 
yesterday, 2nd October 2016. You may find it useful. With love


Dr Walter Fernandes
Senior Fellow
North Eastern Social Research Centre
Jagriti 2nd floor
GMCH Road, Christian Basti
Guwahati 781005
Assam, India

Mobile: (0) 8761920176
Email: walter.ne...@gmail.com
Website: www.nesrc.org

The Jesuit Parliament

Walter Fernandes

On Sunday 2nd October, 226 Jesuits elected by 80 provinces across five 
continents gathered in Rome to begin their 36th General Congregation, what 
other religious call their general chapter. Forty six of them are from the 18 
administrative units of India and two of Sri Lanka and Nepal. They include Fr. 
Arul Soosai, head of the Jesuits in the Seven Sisters. This General 
Congregation that can be called their Parliament is the 36th since they were 
founded by Ignatius of Loyola on 27th September 1540. It is expected to last 
about six weeks. The delegates will give a new direction to the work of the 
Society of Jesus (the official name of the Jesuits) in order to help them to 
face the challenges of the contemporary world. They will also elect a successor 
to the superior general Fr Adolfo Nicolas who has offered to resign. Till the 
1960s the Jesuit General was for life. Now he may offer his resignation in case 
of being disabled by ailment or age but his resignation becomes effective when 
the delegates vote for it.

The delegates represent the world’s 16,000 Jesuits, down from 36,000 in the 
1960s. Today a majority of them are in Asia, Africa and Latin America unlike 
five decades ago when Europe and North America formed the majority. India has 
around 4,000 or 25 per cent of them. As in the rest of the Church in the Jesuit 
order too, the average age in Europe and North America is over 60 years while 
in Asia and Africa it is in the 40s. It means that the new direction of the 
Society has to come from these two continents. Till the 1960s the West gave 
this direction. In the 1970s Latin America began to show the way through 
declarations such as “preferential option for the poor” in the 32nd General 
Congregation of 1975. From the 1980s South Asia has been contributing much to 
new thinking. The demographic change itself gives this mandate to Asia 
particularly to South Asia which accounts for a big proportion of relatively 
young Jesuits. The first Jesuit, Francis Xavier, reached India in 1542 within 
two years after they were founded. Ever since then Jesuits have had ups and 
downs in the country. The Jesuit Archbishop Menezes was a major actor in the 
events that led to the split in the St Thomas Church of Kerala. On the positive 
side they built up the Church of the fishing community on the Coromandel Coast 
of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Xavier himself founded the Church of the fishing 
people whom the Portuguese had baptised and abandoned with no catechesis. 
Xavier catechised them in his broken Tamil and organised their Church in such a 
way that it gave a new identity to this exploited community. Even the otherwise 
anti-Catholic Church historian Stephen Miller recognises that the identity was 
so strong that they nearly revolted against the Dutch who after conquering 
their region tried to impose Protestantism on them. The revolt forced the Dutch 
to abandon this effort.

That was Xavier’s way of responding to the mandate of Ignatius of Loyola to all 
the Jesuits to be available for the mission where they are needed the most. 
They have continued this response in various forms in India and in the rest of 
the world. In India they were pioneers in giving an Indian form to Christianity 
through the efforts of the De Nobili mission in the South in the seventeenth 
century. In China the team led by Matteo Ricci made this effort. In Latin 
America Jesuits started the “Reductions of Paraguay” to protect the indigenous 
peoples from the Spanish rulers who enslaved and exploited them. These efforts 
also earned them enemies among the powerful. Under pressure from the kings of 
Europe the pope suppressed the Society of Jesus in 1773. It was restored in 

Also after their restoration Jesuits have continued their pioneering efforts as 
well as mistakes. In India they run 50 colleges (2 of them in the Northeast) 
and hundreds of high schools, many research centres, retreat houses and social 
action units. They are active among the refugees and indigenous peoples. 
Intellectual work is one of their strong points. Fr Jerome D’Souza was a member 
of the Constituent Assembly. In the 1950s the Government of India appointed Fr 
Santapau as the Director General of the Botanical Survey of India. Among those 
who have continued his work and Fr Cecil Saldanha with whom are identified the 
flora of Karnataka. The open school system owes its origin to a Jesuit Fr 
Thomas Kunnunkal. The research 

[Goanet] Opinions of the Minority Community about the Draft National Education Policy 2016. Please sign this petition

2016-09-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Change.org >


I just signed the petition, "Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India: Opinions of the 
Minority Community about the Draft National Education Policy 2016."

I think this is important. Will you sign it too?

Here's the link:



Bombay Catholic Sabha, Kalina Unit


We bring to your attention the Draft National Education Policy 2016 published 
by the MHRD, Govt. of India (http://mhrd.gov.in/nep-new

A closer look at the new education policy reveals that

  *   Yoga is to be made compulsory and facilities for the same are mandatory 
for educational institutions to get recognition
  *   Sanskrit and Indian culture are proposed to be made mandatory in the 
curriculum.  Introduction of Moral values is also a veiled attempt to teach one 
particular religious book in value classes.

The preamble of the draft eulogizes the ancient patriarchal gurukul system, and 
praises the contributions of male hindu scholars of the past and of hindu 
leaders in modern India.

The draft does not give any credit to the immense historic and continuing 
contribution of the Church to education in Indian society. The Church has been 
making a very valuable positive impact to school, college and professional 
education through its thousands of institutions in the country.

The NEP 2016 policy mentions names of Gokhale, Ram Mohan Roy, Pt. Madan Mohan 
Malaviya and Gandhiji who worked for better education for the people of India 
but has ignored -

  *   Sir Sayed who founded Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875
  *   William Carey who founded the Sirampore University and was the 
inspiration to Raja Ram MohanRoy.
  *   Inception of English Medium Schooling through the missionaries of the 

History should not be distorted and the education system should not be 
communalized. The Government must be sensitive to the pluralistic 
multicultural, multi-religious context of the country, before imposing any 
centralized system of education for it to be truly inclusive.

The draft is ambiguous on its definition of Value Education. What is value 
education? What it should be? Values are the priorities which individuals and 
societies attach to certain beliefs, experiences, and objects, in deciding how 
they shall live and what they shall treasure. What is the basis of the Values 
that the Government is trying to introduce? Cultural? Religious? …??

The draft with its emphasis on governance and administration through a 
hierarchy of offices at state division, district, block and schools gives rise 
to the fear of the imposition of a centralized system of education which takes 
away the freedom and dynamism of minority-run institutions and individual 

The draft talks about introducing the study of Indian Culture. Again this is an 
open ended inclusion in the draft which can be used to introduce books of 
religious significance in the name and garb of Culture. To achieve social 
inclusiveness and national integration, curriculum should reflect the plural 
culture of India.

The minority community's views and apprehensions don’t seem to be taken into 
consideration while formulating the draft. The government must have a special 
consultation of intellectuals, academicians from members of minority community 
and with minority educational Institutions before finalizing the draft.

So, at a time when the fabric of the education system is being distorted with 
please sign this petition and ensure we have a well informed non based 
education system that would enable the next generation to make healthy choices.


You're receiving this because you signed:

[Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India: Opinions of the Minority Community about the 
Draft National Education Policy 2016] 


Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India: Opinions of the Minority Community about the 
Draft National Education Policy 2016

Petition by Oliver Rayi · 13,164 supporters

Take the next step to victory

Started 15,000
15 Sep, 2016Milestone


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[Goanet] Mumbai: Quest on wheels programme

2016-09-25 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Our Lady Egypt

see attachments. Please inform others. Fr Anthony

[Goanet] PROTEST THE GPISA (Gujarat Protection of Internal Security Act) by Fr Cedric Prakash sj

2016-09-23 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 


-  Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

 The Government of Gujarat continues to be on the offensive. Unable to deal 
with growing unrests and protests on several fronts- it has decided to unleash 
another draconian law called the ‘Gujarat Protection of Internal Security 
Act’(GPISA). Apparently, a draft is now ready and the Bill is expected to be 
tabled in the State Assembly at the next budget session.

The provisions of the forthcoming law are draconian on several counts; they 
negate the fundamental rights of citizens and go against the grain and spirit 
of the Constitution of India! The proposals include that:

• the Government can take action against caste groups, communities 
promoting ‘sectarian interests’

• all offences under the new law will be non-bailable.

• people can be arrested merely on suspicion of being a ‘threat to 
internal security.’

• no legal proceedings against security agencies can be initiated for 
action taken ‘in ‘good faith.’

• both public and private establishments can be put under electronic 

• the Government can create security zones with special policing powers.

In short, the proposed legislation literally suspends all civil rights and 
gives the police unbridled powers to arrest anyone ‘on suspicion’. Defending 
the indefensible, an Official from the Home Department of the Gujarat 
Government recently said, “the bill will deal with internal security challenges 
posed by terrorism, insurgency, communalism and even caste violence”. This is 
all very ironic since those responsible for such acts since 2002 in Gujarat, 
now occupy high positions of power and privilege in the country and are cloaked 
with apparent immunity.

This is not the first time that the Gujarat Government has attempted to pass 
such a law. In 2003, when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister, the State 
Assembly had passed the terrible ‘Gujarat Control of Terrorism and Organised 
Crime (GujCoTOC)bill. Strangely enough it was, the Vajpayee Government that 
sent it back in 2004 asking for major changes to be made. The Bill was passed 
later thrice by the State Assembly. Two Presidents, APJ Abdul Kalam (2004) and 
Pratibha Patil (2008) sent it back to the State Government without giving their 
assent. In September 2015, the Central Government under PM Modi cleared another 
version of the GujCoTOC. President Pranab Mukherjee’s approval did not seem 
forthcoming; finally, at the end of January 2016, the Union Home Ministry 
withdrew this controversial anti-terror Bill.

Draconian laws are not new to Modi and his ilk. In March 2003, as the CM of 
Gujarat he also introduced the ‘Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act’ – which makes 
it mandatory for permission from the civil authority before one can embrace 
another religion. Inspite of his tall claims of ‘religious freedom’ in India – 
he has not withdrawn this anti-Constitutional law to date.

It is evidently clear that GPISA is designed to stifle dissent, to choke human 
rights defenders and anyone else who demand their legitimate and democratic 
rights. From the Gujarat Carnage of 2002 Gujarat is on the boil: every effort 
has been made to crush the minorities; land and livelihood has been snatched 
from the poor and the marginalized – be it the small farmers or the ordinary 
fishermen. Big Corporations have profited immensely from this injustice. The 
patidars, the dalits, the safai karmacharis, the adivasis have all been on the 
receiving end in Gujarat.

 The voices of protest and dissent in Gujarat and elsewhere cannot be silenced; 
those who take a stand for truth and for justice- can never be muted. The GPISA 
cannot be tabled in whatever form. Attempts by the Government to defocus from 
the plight of the people is bound to have disastrous consequences. It is hoped 
that sanity and good sense prevails. Beginning with Gujarat, we cannot allow 
India to become another police or rogue State- as is happening in other 
countries around us!

We, the people of India, need to awake, now! We need to protest the GPISA!

September 23rd 2016

*(Fr. Cedric Prakash sj is a human rights activist. He can be contacted on 
Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] Pope of non-violence .....the message is one that India and Pakistan must hear......IE 23 Sep pg 13

2016-09-23 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Pope of 
Pope Francis’ message is one that India and Pakistan must hear.

“Your Holiness, please come to India.” “Yes, next year,” Pope Francis answered 
softly but emphatically and with a smile. The twinkle in his eyes accentuated 
his joy at meeting an Indian and showed the pope’s keenness to visit a country 
he knows should have been on his itinerary earlier.

The pontiff was meeting nearly 500 participants — from all over the world — of 
the inter-faith conference in the holy town of Assisi in Italy (18-20 
September). The moment was special; we had assembled to celebrate the 30th 
anniversary of the meet of leaders and representatives of all religions 
convened in 1986 by Pope John Paul II. The place too was special — the scenic 
mountain-top Basilica of St. Francis (1182-1226), whose name and mission the 
pope has chosen for his papacy.

Like St. Francis of Assisi, whom his ardent admirer, Mahatma Gandhi, described 
as “a great yogi in Europe”, Pope Francis has been passionately advocating 
inter-faith harmony and protection of the environment. His encyclical on 
climate change, released before the Paris Summit, is a searing indictment of 
the ecological destruction in our time. This has earned him the epithets, 
“Green Pope” and “Poor Man’s Pope”.

In Assisi, he was the pope of nonviolence. He had come to specially greet the 
conference, organised by the Community of Sant’egidio, a Vatican-inspired body, 
that has been holding inter-faith meets every year in different cities in 
Europe since 1986. I have been participating in these annual conferences for 
the past few years as a Hindu representative.

I presented four of my books to the pope. The first caught his attention, for 
it is titled, Mahatma Gandhi, St. Francis and Pope Francis — Three great men 
and their endeavours to combine God-ward devotion with Man-ward love. He showed 
much interest in the title of my book on Mahatma Gandhi — Music of the Spinning 
Wheel. The next, on Swami Vivekananda, needed some explanation since he did not 
seem to know “this great Hindu monk who was a pioneer of inter-faith dialogue — 
he gave an inspiring speech at the first World Parliament of Religions in 
Chicago in 1893. I also gave him, Fatwa on terrorism and suicide bombings by 
Pakistan’s renowned Islamic scholar, Tahir-ul-Qadri, the Indian edition of 
which carries my introductory essay.

The choice of Qadri’s Quranic condemnation of terrorism and wars in the name of 
Islam was deliberate. The Assisi meet — its theme was thirst for peace — was 
held against the backdrop of the fratricidal wars in four Muslim countries — 
Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen. The refugee crisis, triggered by these wars, has 
become an existential crisis for Europe, forcing it to come to grips with its 
own past and its uncertain future.

The Pope’s sermon connected the timeless messages of religion with the pressing 
challenges before today’s world. His words — peace alone, and not war, is holy 
— were clearly addressed to the misguided jihadists of ISIS and other terrorist 
organisations. “The name of God cannot be used to justify violence.”

His words also addressed the common people. “Our future consists in living 
together. For this reason we are called to free ourselves from the heavy 
burdens of distrust, fundamentalism and hate. Believers should be artisans of 
peace in their prayers to God and in their actions for humanity.” The pope 
never misses an opportunity to tell political leaders of the world what they 
should hear. In Assisi, he said: “We turn to those who hold the greatest 
responsibility in the service of the peoples, to the leaders of nations, so 
that they may not tire of seeking and promoting ways of peace, looking beyond 
their particular interests and those of the moment: May they not remain deaf to 
God’s appeal to their consciences, to the cry of the poor for peace and to the 
healthy expectations of the younger generations.”

I could clearly see how relevant his message was for the current situation in 
violence-scarred Kashmir, and why Prime 
Ministers Narendra 
Modi and Nawaz 
Sharif needed to pay heed to it. After the ceremony was over, I went up to the 
pope, shook his hand reverentially, and made an appeal: “Your Holiness, please 
pray for India-Pakistan peace and reconciliation.”

He seemed a little taken aback. After a 

[Goanet] SECULAR CITIZEN - Climate Change

2016-09-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Don Aguiar >

Good Morning,

Below is an article in the latest issue of the SECULAR CITIZEN that will be on 
the stands this – 19th September 2016.

Do comment / respond on the article – Climate Change

Happy Reading
Don Aguiar

Climate Change  Don Aguiar.

I remember the first time I heard about the climate change problem, and it gave 
me a very uneasy feeling. It was way back in 1987.

Some people then asked if all this talk of climate change was just a device: 
while others said that they didn’t care about it. The world is not something 
that is only outside us: the world is within us too. WE ARE THE WORLD. There is 
an old proverb; tomorrow never comes. But the old proverb has only been a 
proverb, tomorrow has kept coming. It may not come as tomorrow: it will always 
come as today – in that sense the proverb is right. But today the situation is 
totally different: tomorrow really may not come

The daily news reminds us again and again of the importance of this message. 
I’m filed with morbid fascination as I read each news report of shrinking ice, 
or species migrating towards the poles or prediction of much of the world’s 
landmass turning to desert. And I’m intensely curious about what’s going to 
happen in the next few years.

All of our countries will be affected by a changing climate. But the world’s 
poorest people will bear the heaviest burden—from rising seas and more intense 
droughts, shortages of water and food. We will be seeing climate change 

Climate change which is related to Global warming is the term used to describe 
a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its 
oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s 

There is great debate among many people, and sometimes in the news, on whether 
global warming is real (some call it a hoax). But climate scientists looking at 
the data and facts agree the planet is warming. While many view the effects of 
global warming to be more substantial and more rapidly occurring than others 
do, the scientific consensus on climatic changes related to global warming is 
that the average temperature of the Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 °C over 
the past 100 years.

The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by 
the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human 
activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global warming that 
has occurred over the past 50 years.

Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate carrying out global 
warming research have recently predicted that average global temperatures could 
increase between 1.4 and 5.8 °C by the year 2100. Changes resulting from global 
warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, 
as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe 
weather events.

It's not necessarily going to be of biblical proportions, but our living 
conditions are at risk of deteriorating somewhat with the effects of global 
warming, which is why it's so important to do something about it. The world of 
the next generation will be likely to be less healthy, more dangerous and less 
pleasant to live in.

Climate change also allows insects and other disease carriers to migrate 
farther north and to higher elevations, potentially introducing diseases such 
as hantavirus and Dengue fever into new areas. In general, insects and rodents 
are the key vectors of disease, and they love disturbance.  They do very well 
when there are droughts and floods, etc.

Heat waves, the spread of infectious disease and winter weather anomalies are 
the three big [climate-change issues] directly for human health. But the pests 
and diseases that affect livestock, wildlife, agricultural and marine systems 
are also going to affect public health in very profound ways because that's 
what provides us with life-support systems, meaning air, water and food.

Extreme heat, for example, affects the circulatory system in ways that tax 
those who already have problems regulating blood flow. Night-time temperatures 
that don't drop substantially from midday highs put extra stress on the body.

When humans get hot, their hearts beat faster and their bodies attempt to cool 
off by sweating, which calls for increased blood flow to the vessels near the 
skin and decreased blood flow to vessels around major organs,

As the world begins to see a greater number of weather extremes, state and 
local public health departments need to fortify their public-health tracking 
systems and know where their vulnerabilities are,

With more carbon dioxide in the air, allergy sufferers and people with asthma 
also may have a hard time. The higher carbon counts appear to favor ragweed 

[Goanet] Week 3 of Season of Creation: Silence, Refugees & Food Waste

2016-09-17 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Global Catholic Climate Movement 

Let us remember the most vulnerable among us

View this email in your 


Dear Friends,

Pope Francis stated on the World Day of Prayer for Creation, “The world’s poor, 
though least responsible for climate change, are most vulnerable and already 
suffering its impact."

As we enter this third week of the Season of 
 we pray that the governments who are now gathered at the United Nations 
General Assembly remember this truth.  This Wednesday, September 21, they are 
invited to formalize their commitments to addressing the climate crisis by 
ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement. Let’s pray that 28 
 ratify this historic agreement so that it can come into force.

In the backdrop of this global gathering, we remember our brothers and sisters 
in East Asia where Typhoon 
 the strongest storm of 2016, battered Taiwan and China earlier this week. At 
least 10 people were killed and thousands were displaced.

May the most vulnerable among us continue to motivate us to pray, reflect and 
act for climate justice for all.


Christina on behalf of the 



In Thursday’s Laudato Si prayer session, Janet O’Sullivan led us in the 
practice of Christian meditation as taught by Fr. John Main, OSB. She shared 
Pope Francis’ words that “Many things have to change course, but it is we human 
beings above all who need to change.” (LS 202). Meditation, Janet shared, is a 
discipline which changes us through the silence during which we are 
“allowing/asking for that energy which is deepest in us, to become alive in us, 
bringing the fruits of the Spirit-love, peace, patience.”

Invitation: Find 10 minutes this weekend where you can commit to just being in 
silence with God. You can watch the 
 of the prayer session or read Janet’s 
 You can also learn more about Christian meditation on the website of the World 
Community of Christian 
 Then join our next session with Dr. Catherine Mooney Thursday, September 22 at 
8:00 AM New York EDT/2:00 PM Rome (see your local time 
 For more information click 



In Laudato Si, Pope Francis reminds us “There has been a tragic rise in the 
number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by 
environmental degradation.” (LS 25) Already in 2008, the UN said that 20 
million people were displaced because of climate change. As this number 
continues to grow, the necessary social, political, economic, and legal 
structures will need to be in place to support the migrant’s needs.

Invitation:  Imagine if you will, hearing a siren blare at 2:30 in the morning. 
Having to grab your children and what little you can carry to get out of your 
home before a flood hits. Reflect on the realities climate migrants have to 
face in a new country; new language, new customs, new faces who may look on 
them with distaste. Then think about a small way you can participate in 
positively affecting change in your community. You can also watch this 
 or view these 
 to learn about some of the communities that have already been affected by this 

[Goanet] Mumbai: `Public has greater role to play in resolving city's traffic chaos' ...TOI 14 Sep pg 9

2016-09-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Public has greater role to play in resolving city's traffic chaos - Times of 
Severe and stringent steps are required to be taken urgently, if we are to save 
our roads from total chaos and mayhem

COMMENT - `Public has greater role to play in resolving city's traffic chaos'
Armin Wandrewala

The traffic situation on Mumbai's roads is reaching a state of grave concern. 
Severe and stringent steps are required to be taken urgently , if we are to 
save our roads from total chaos and mayhem.

While the authorities --BMC, government, police, transport department--have a 
major role to play in resolving the many issues that plague our roads, the 
general public itself has an even greater role to play , considering that the 
majority of the problems are caused by sheer indiscipline, lack of obedience to 
signals and traffic regulations, and utter lawlessness that road users exhibit 
blatantly, defying laws, rules, regulations, even common courtesy and indeed, 
common sense.

It is a given, today , that hardly anyone halts at a red signal. What is worse 
is, if someone does, they are sought to be intimidated by the vehicles behind, 
into moving ahead, with constant honking, at times even abuses! This happens 
even at pedestrian crossings and the zebra lines continue to be transgressed. 
Often, regrettably , the traffic police at pedestrian junctions urge the 
vehicles ahead, right onto the zebra lines, in a bid to try and diffuse traffic 
jams, without a thought to pedestrians.

The problems are compounded by pedestrians jaywalking , often while talking on 
cellphones, resulting in motorists having no option but to honk, leading to 
noise pollution. Pedestrians sometimes jump over barricades right in the middle 
of the road without a thought to oncoming traffic, even at night. A mishap, if 
occurs, can then create untold problems for the hapless motorist, for no fault 
of his.

Increasingly evidenced is the tendency of motorists --especially bikers--to 
drive on the wrong side of the road and to completely disregard "no-entry" 
signs, creating bottlenecks for the traffic coming the right way . Bikers often 
get onto pavements adding to the woes of the hapless pedestrians.

While illegal parking mushrooms all over, there is the alarming increase in the 
tendency of people to park not only bikes, but even cars on pavements. So, 
pedestrians who are already battling against hawkers, encroachments and filth, 
also have to contend with vehicles parked on pavements.

What is needed is a combined, holistic effort by all road users with sincere 
efforts by the authorities concerned to address our traffic situation, which 
results in more fatalities than does terror. Less tolerance and more outrage 
voices against traffic offenders would perhaps help remedy the situation.

(The author is an advocate who has filed a PIL against rampant traffic 
violations and indiscipline)


[Goanet] A Good Samaritian: Amid Violence In Bengaluru, Lorry Owner Becomes Saviour For Tamil Nadu Driver

2016-09-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Amid Violence In Bengaluru, Lorry Owner Becomes Saviour For Tamil Nadu 
In the middle of the arson and vandalism seen in Karnataka's Bengaluru on 
Monday over the Cauvery water dispute with Tamil Nadu, one man refused to go 
with the mob.

Shivanna went to the spot where Tamil Nadu-registered buses were being set on 


  1.  Shivanna went to Mysuru Road where buses were being set on fire.
  2.  He drove the drivers to the border with Tamil Nadu.
  3.  More than 40 buses were burnt in the depot.

 In the middle of the arson and vandalism seen in Karnataka's Bengaluru on 
Monday over the Cauvery water dispute with Tamil Nadu, one man refused to go 
with the mob.

Shivanna, who has been in the lorry business since 1968, went right to the spot 
where Tamil Nadu-registered buses were being set on fire on Mysuru Road. There 
were flames and smoke everywhere at a depot where more than 40 buses were burnt.

Some of the drivers were hiding in a storage room. They didn't know how to 
escape, until Shivanna helped them.

"I was in Ramanagaram. When I returned to Bengaluru and learnt about the 
protests I checked if my lorries were damaged. Two were. I learnt that the KPN 
buses had been set on fire so I took my car and went there. 42 buses were 
burnt. I looked for the drivers. 15 of them had been taken to a police station 
and the others, all frightened, were hiding in a godown," Mr Shivanna told NDTV.

He found the drivers, put them in the container compartment of his lorry and 
drove them to the border with Tamil Nadu. He said: "I took 31 drivers, put them 
into the bus home and then returned to Bangalore,"

That day, those who were not protesting stayed away from the roads. What made 
Shivanna go the extra distance to help the men?

"My service is mostly in Tamil Nadu. I felt in my mind that I have been eating 
their food so I wanted to help. I also employ 30 drivers from Tamil Nadu. The 
men I took to the border called me when they reached home and blessed me," he 

"When we are born as human beings we need to do things like this. Whatever 
state they are from, once they come to Karnataka we must consider them ours and 
help them."

Two persons were killed in protests, several buses were burnt and shops and 
other buildings were vandalized after the Supreme Court announced an order that 
meant Karnataka would have to give more water from the river Cauvery to 
neighbor Tamil Nadu that it had been asked to a week ago.

[Goanet] Bengaluru Protests Hit Amazon, Flipkart; IT Companies Fear 'Mammoth Losses'

2016-09-14 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Bengaluru Protests Hit Amazon, Flipkart; IT Companies Fear 'Mammoth 
The economic impact of the violent Cauvery protests in Bengaluru was underlined 
today as many companies advised their employees to work from home or leave 

An unrest in Karnataka over Cauvery water dispute has affected operations of IT 
companies in Bengaluru


  1.  Violent protests over Cauvery issue hit operations of companies
  2.  Many offices closed early on Monday, employees asked to work from home
  3.  Karnataka has suffered up to Rs.25K cr in losses so far: Trade lobby

 Reflecting the economic impact of the violent Cauvery protests in Karnataka's 
Bengaluru, many companies based in the city known as India's Silicon Valley put 
their operations on hold or advised employees to work from home on Tuesday, 
having had to close early on Monday.

Companies like Amazon and Flipkart said their operations had been affected by 
the protests in the IT hub against a Supreme Court order on the sharing of 
river Cauvery waters with Tamil Nadu.

"Owing to the situation in Bangalore currently, the delivery of products is 
temporarily impacted.  We will resume all deliveries at the earliest," said 
Amazon, the world's top online retailer.

Flipkart also said it was stalling operations today as the safety of delivery 
staff is its priority. "As we hope the situation to get better soon, we are 
trying to mitigate all customer impact by keeping them informed about expected 
delays," said Neeraj Aggarwal, a senior Flipkart executive.

Indian software giants Infosys and Wipro were among the big employers to stay 
shut on Tuesday. Some firms were closed for Eid.

On Monday, many offices were forced to shut down early, as were schools and 
colleges, when protesters vandalized shops and burnt Tamil Nadu registered 
buses and trucks. Accounting giant Ernst & Young asked its workers to leave 
early and avoid travelling in vehicles with Tamil Nadu plates in Karnataka.

"The impact is that people are scared and not spending too much time at work. 
Productivity has been hit badly, we haven't been able to work for the last 
several days," said Harshit Mathur of online payment company Razorpay.

Two persons have been killed in the protests described by Prime Minister 
Narendra Modi as "distressful".

Besides major IT companies including Infosys and Mphasis, Bengaluru is home to 
start-ups like Ola besides Flipkart. Multinationals like Samsung Electronics 
and Oracle also have offices there.

Industry body Assocham said in a press release that Karnataka, especially 
Bengaluru, is estimated to have suffered losses worth Rs. 22,000 to 25,000 
crore. "The losses will be mammoth but we can't quantify," an official of 
recruitment company TeamLease told NDTV.

Businesses in Bengaluru have faced four days of disruption this month because 
of protests linked to the water dispute and an unrelated trade union strike on 
September 2.


Shut For 2 Days Due To Cauvery Protests, Some Schools To Reopen: 10 Updates

BENGALURU:  A day after violence and arson in Karnataka's Bengaluru over the 
Cauvery river water dispute with Tamil Nadu, airlines have decided to waive 
cancellation and rescheduling charges of flights to Bengaluru. After 2 days of 
being shut, some schools will re-open on Wednesday.
Here are the latest developments in this big story:

  1.  In IT hub Bengaluru, where more than 350 people have been arrested for 
vandalism, the government has decided to keep schools in non-curfew bound areas 
open on Wednesday. Some private schools also will be closed.
  2.  Domestic airlines including national carrier Air India and private 
carriers - Indigo, Vistara, Jet Airways - have announced that they would waive 
flight cancellation/ rescheduling changes for flights to Bengaluru for a 
specified period.
  3.  The Prime Minister has been asked by Karnataka Chief Minister 
Siddaramaiah to intervene. Earlier today, PM Modi said the situation is 
"distressful" and added that breaking the law is not a "viable alternative" 
since it was causing loss to the poor.
  4.  Parts of Bengaluru, where buses were burnt and shops were damaged on 
Monday, are 

[Goanet] Mother Teresa - Goan Song

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] 'Acche Din' Was Manmohan Singh's Quote, We Are Stuck With It: Nitin Gadkari (Please read the comments to the article -mind blowing)

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


'Acche Din' Was Manmohan Singh's Quote, We Are Stuck With It: Nitin 
Joking that the BJP was saddled with the phrase "Acche Din" or good times, 
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari today credited Manmohan Singh with using it first. 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi borrowed it from his predecessor, Mr Gadkari said 
at an event in Mumbai.

(Please click on the above link & also read the comments to this article)

PM Narendra Modi borrowed the phrase "Acche Din" from his predecessor, Nitin 
Gadkari said. (File Photo)


  1.  Nitin Gadkari credited Manmohan Singh using 'Acche Din' first.
  2.  It is a bone stuck in our throat, Nitin Gadkari said.
  3.  Acche Din was a top keyword in BJP's campaign in 2014 national election.

 Joking that the BJP was saddled with the phrase "Acche Din" or good times, 
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari today credited Manmohan Singh with using it first. 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi borrowed it from his predecessor, Mr Gadkari said 
at an event in Mumbai.

"It is Modi-ji's who told us...when Manmohan Singh was PM, he used it, and now 
it is stuck to us so much that everyone shouts - when will there be "Acche 
Din," Mr Gadkari said while responding to a question at an event organized by 
the newspaper Lokmat Times.

"It is a bone stuck in our throat. Our country is such an ocean of dissatisfied 
souls that Acche Din never come...media should not misinterpret me...Those who 
have cycles want scooters, and those who have scooters want cars. It is not 
wrong, but the wealthy are dissatisfied too."

The minister traced the etymology to a Delhi conference, when, he said, Dr 
Singh promised Acche Din in the future in response to questions from NRIs. 
"Then Modi-ji said it somewhere and it got stuck to us. Still, I believe that 
Acche Din means people have good expectations," said Mr Gadkari.

The promise of Acche Din was a top keyword in BJP's campaign for the 2014 
national election. But the phrase deemed a big hit with voters has since been 
mocked by opposition parties and BJP critics to target the government on what 
they call unfulfilled promises.

Recently, comedian Kapil Sharma used the phrase sarcastically while alleging 
corruption in Mumbai's civic body in tweets tagging PM Modi.

[Goanet] Examiner Vol. 167 No. 37 - 10th Sep 2016 MOTHER TERESA CANONIZATION Special issue (PDF attached)

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Dear All,



My article is on Page 30

Your comments are welcome

Love and prayers,


Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] COMPANION (September 2016)- A Mother Teresa Special (PDF attached)

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Dear All,


Here is the September issue of COMPANION - a Mother Teresa Special

My monthly feature on Pages 20-21

Your comments are welcome

warm wishes


Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] The Secular Citizen Vol.25 No.37(September 12th 2016) (Mother Teresa special) (PDF attached)

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Dear All,


Here is the latest issue of Secular Citizen

You are welcome to comment on my article on Mother Teresa

warm wishes and prayers


Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/JRSMiddleEast

[Goanet] The widows who can't return home

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


The widows who can't return 
Rejected by their communities and abandoned by their loved ones, thousands of 
Hindu women make their way to Vrindavan, a pilgrimage city that's home to more 
than 20,000 widows.

click on the above link to view the slide show

[Goanet] Season of Creation: Let's Live Pope Francis’ words to “discover God in all things”

2016-09-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Global Catholic Climate Movement 

Pray, Reflect, and Act in Union with Creation
View this email in your 


Dear friends,

As we enter this second week of the Season of 
 we are celebrating wins and mourning losses. The United States and China, the 
world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, formally joined the Paris climate 
agreement last week. We now hope this will inspire at least 28 more 
 to ratify the treaty in order for it to come into force.

Unfortunately, the North Pole is experiencing rapid signs of global 
 as broken ice and open waters inch closer from multiple directions. We hold 
these realities of our planet tenderly, as we continue to celebrate the Season 
of Creation.

We invite you to join us this week in spending some time in nature and 
celebrating the many creatures that “give glory to God by their very existence” 
(Laudato Si). Several opportunities are listed below, to dive deeper into Pope 
Francis’ powerful words.

In prayer and action,

Christina on behalf of the 


 Thursday’s Laudato Si prayer session, Sr. Margaret Galiardi, OP guided us 
through the prayer practice of going outside with the intention of 
“discover[ing] God in all things.” (LS, 233) It is an invitation to walk slowly 
and mindfully, bringing awareness to the senses, and pausing to be with 
whatever you encounter outside.  As she said, “This practice is to meet and 
greet and experience and rest in this Divine presence which is to be found ‘in 
the slightest detail in the seamless garment of God’s creation, in the last 
speck of dust of our planet.”  (Laudato Si, 9).

Invitation: Find 15 minutes this weekend or later during the week, when you can 
practice going outside with intention allowing yourself to “embrace the God who 
has embraced you in all things.” You can read the transcript from Sr. 
Margaret’s mediation or watch it 
 Then join us this Thursday for our next Laudato Si Prayer Session with Janet 
O’Sullivan: see more details 


 Pope Francis’ September 1 message “Show Mercy to our Common 
 he said that “each creature has its own intrinsic value that must be 
respected."  All of us probably know this, having had some kind of special 
experience when seeing an animal in the wild, or playing with our favorite pet.

Yet 150 species go extinct 

 each day. In response to this loss of biodiversity, Pope Francis says, 
“thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, 
nor convey their message to us. We have no such right." (LS,33)

Invitation: Take 5 minutes this weekend (or later during the week) to view this 
photo gallery of 
 which have gone extinct, or are close to extinction. Reflect on the tremendous 
loss of life and the consequences it will have for our current and future 
generations in light of the Pope’s words.  Then pray for the courage of all 
people to look for ways to stop this mass extinction.


 loved seeing the pictures pour in from the different Season of Creation 
events. From painted paper lanterns of the earth to walks out in nature, the 
response has been inspiring.

If you haven’t been able to attend a Season of Creation 

[Goanet] Beef ban - Bull Shit

2016-09-12 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Sunny Fernandes 

A blog on the subject matter


Do post your feedback below the article



Bull Shit (Part II)

 country where eating cow meat is illegal but drinking its urine is alleged to 
be healthy. At the same time BJP MP Dalit leader Udit Raj tweeted suggesting 
that champion Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt went on to win nine Olympics gold 
despite being born in poverty; after his trainer advised him to eat beef twice 
a day. This should be taken seriously by the Government and Sporting Authority 
of India and even consider the womanizing Bolt indulged in along with beef 
consumption, as that could be also the main and only reason of his winning 
medals. This has been even proved by the Nehru genealogy from the time of 
Motilal Nehru where womanizing helped them to ‘run’ government generation after 
generation. Just that Rahul has not yet got it, and feels it will work with the 
hand (symbol of the Congress Party). Even the recent AAP party minister in 
Delhi Sandeep Kumar video sex scandal, will be proven was not a scandal but 
imitating Usain Bolt, that would help in ‘running’ the Government. Cannot 
understand why the AAP party ‘swept’ him out of the party. Indian parties take 
their party symbols extremely seriously, where AAP symbol is a broom so they 
allege to sweep corruption. Mayawati in fact even looks like party symbol, 
which is an elephant.

Usain Bolt should be strongly encouraged to drink his urine as this may help 
him to be the Prime Minister of his country, as ex late Prime Minister Morarji 
Desai used to drink his own urine. So once Usain becomes the Prime Minister of 
his country Jamaica, he can then elevate it out of poverty, and Jamaica would 
be as developed as India. In fact we had one of our Ministers who even asked if 
one should urinate in dams to battle a draught condition in Maharashra. His 
intentions were so noble that he actually wanted all suffering from drought, to 
be leaders like Morarji Desai. Even Baba Ramdev uses cow urine in some of his 
products and his empire business has grown from his ‘half naked’ self to a 5000 
crore company. He has ads to prove that multinational companies who use coal, 
salt and other Indian herbs in their toothpaste is all about ancient Indian 
dental remedy. The multinationals just missed the ‘cow urine’ which is the top 
secret, of Baba Ramdev’s Organization’s success story.

Since the cow is a sacred animal its slaughter (and even consumption) is banned 
in some states of India. In Maharashtra however beef consumption is allowed as 
long as it is brought in from other states. Which means the cow which is sacred 
in Maharashtra suddenly loses it holy status, if it is imported from another 
state. Untouchability amongst humans which was practiced in India in medieval 
times is now practiced with cows, just that it in Maharashtra one can touch the 
cow to worship it and not eat it. The largest hit community with the beef ban, 
in Maharashtra community has been the Qureshi community who livelihood was on 
cow slaughter and beef trade. Recently two Qureshi brothers literally 
slaughtered a traffic policeman to death, as the policeman asked for the 
driving license of one of the brothers. Wondering now if the law would now 
treat them leniently, as the policeman was not a cow. India is becoming a land 
of ‘gau rakshaks’ meaning ‘cow protectors’, wondering when it would be a land 
of ‘human protectors’, but then police who are to protect the citizens are 
themselves not safe. Killing in the allegation a family possessed beef at home 
and later it was proven it was not. A passenger in a rickshaw and that too in a 
city like Bombay was questioned if his leather bag was ‘cow hide’. One can’t 
even think of following Mahatma Gandhi in life style of wearing loin cloth and 
sporting wooden footwear, as even Gandhi was assassinated.

If the law can decide what we cannot eat, then what can stop them from deciding 
what we should eat? As some recent reports stated that energy drinks like Red 
Bull contain Bull Sperm. So now, will suddenly another political party or 
health brigade like the moral brigade, decide to pass a law that Indians should 
start consuming Bull Sperm. Then Baba Ramdev’s company may come with a 
concoction of Cow Urine and Bull Sperm and prove it health benefit for Indians. 
Since bull meat is allowed for consumption, soon all who want to eat its meat, 
would have to legally consume everything of it from its urine to sperm and even 
Bull Shit.

[Goanet] Mumbai: Bishops mourn death of Catholic leader George Menezes

2016-09-12 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Bishops mourn death of Catholic leader Menezes | UCAN 
George Menezes died of age-related illness on Sept. 10 in Mumbai. He was 87.

George Menezes died of age-related illness on Sept. 10 in Mumbai. He was 87.
Posted on September 11, 2016, 10:38 PM

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The Catholic Bishops' Conference of India has expressed "heartfelt sorrow" on 
the death of George Menezes, former president of All India Catholic Union, 
calling him a "courageous and illustrious" son of the Church.

The 87-year old Mumbai Catholic died of age-related illness on Sept. 10 in 
Mumbai. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday in Bandra,where he lived with 
his family.

He was president of Catholic Union for four years from 1986.

Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, secretary general of the Indian bishops' 
conference, remembered him as a "prominent Journalist, award winning writer and 
an inspirational speaker" in a statement issued on Saturday.

"He loved the Church with all his heart. He rendered services as a member of 
the Pontifical Council for Laity, a member of the "think thank" of Federation 
of Asian Bishops' Conferences, besides taking up several leadership roles in 
Indian Church, the statement said.

"We might have not always agreed with what he said but we were absolutely sure 
that he loved the Church and wanted the Church to love and be loved," Bishop 
Mascarenhas said offering condolences and prayers.

Menezes joined Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party at the invitation of 
former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's and become a member of its 
National Executive while he was still a Member of the Pontifical Council for 
the Laity.

He justified his decision to join BJP saying his strength for it came from Pope 
John Paul II's words that "it was better to build bridges than to build walls."

He resigned from the party in 1992 after the party engaged in supporting crowd 
of Hindu volunteers, who demolished the 16th disputed Mosque Ayodhya, leading 
to country-wide Hindu Msulim riots.

"His short stint in politics ended with a hard hitting open letter" to party 
leader L. K. Advani "lamenting the way things were being dealt with," Bishop 
Mascarenhas said in the statement.

He also served India as an Indian Air Force officer and was a diplomat with the 
Indian Embassy in Paris.

His former colloquies in the Catholic union remembered the leader as "a 
powerful personality who had the courage to take on the system and fight for 
rights of the laity and the minorities."


[Goanet] Caritas partners resolve to work on agriculture sovereignty

2016-09-12 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Caritas partners resolve to work on agriculture sovereignty | UCAN 
Caritas India is supporting nine DSSSs of Maharashtra in implementing 
People-Led Empowerment.

Caritas India is supporting nine DSSSs of Maharashtra in implementing 
People-Led Empowerment.
Posted on September 11, 2016, 9:39 PM

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Caritas India partners in Maharashtra took the resolution to work with greater 
vigour for helping communities achieve self-reliance in agriculture.

The Diocesan Social Service Societies (DSSSs) also decided to intensify their 
community mobilisation efforts so that more grassroots-level movements could be 
generated for addressing local issues.

The decisions were taken in the 3-day review-cum-reflection workshop of JEEVAN 
People-Led Empowerment (PLE) cluster programme that concluded in Mumbai on 7 
September 7.

Caritas India is supporting nine DSSSs of Maharashtra in implementing PLE in 
the sectors of sustainable agriculture, good governance and tribal identity. 
JEEVAN seeks to organise communities around issues and participate more 
meaningfully in the local self-governance processes.

Ms. Benazir Lobo, country Head of Dialogue and Partnership Services of 
Misereor, while addressing the reflection meeting lauded the contributions of 
partners in strengthening the voices of communities. "The impressive number of 
collective actions of communities is an evidence of the empowerment that is 
happening in villages. Partners' clarity on people's empowerment is appreciable 
and their commitment to sustaining the empowering processes is praiseworthy," 
she added.

The partners presented 65 collective actions of communities in the spheres of 
good governance, reviving traditional agriculture systems, eradication of 
social evils and creating community assets.

Partners, during the reflection meeting, observed that farmers have lost 
control over agriculture to exploitative markets. Communities need to launch 
concerted and persistent efforts for recouping the control that they had on 

Caritas India partners decided to initiate reflection processes among farmers 
so that they can understand their dependency on market and develop local 
strategies for freeing themselves from the clutches of market.

Accounts of several people's campaigns were shared during the review meeting. 
These included convening special Gram Sabha meetings by communities, agitations 
against alcoholism, revival of traditional art forms, women organising special 
Gram Sabha meetings with police protection, collective action for the 
construction of roads and massive water absorption trenches, collective farming 
and people's campaign for cleanliness and fighting social evils.

Ms. Lobo later released a compilation of the impact stories of people's 

Source: Caritas 

[Goanet] The Shrine of Fatima - Karjat

2016-09-12 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Calistus Fernandes >

The Shrine of Fatima-Karjat

- First church dedicated to Our lady of Fatima in Asia

The Shrine is blest to have the Statue brought from Portugal

in the year 1920 Three years after the apparition -

13th of every month a special
Fatima Devotion is held from 9am to 4 pm
In honour of Our Lady of Fatima
Tuesday   13th September   2016
Program for the day
9.00 am Rosary
 10.00  am Unfurling of the Flag
1015am to 11am Novena with short reflection on the Gospel passage
11 am Break
1115 to 1215 Spiritual talks / Hymns / Sharing etc
 Topic : Peace through Love ( Amoris 
Laetitia Joy of Love )
1230 noon Mass
1.15 Fellowship Lunch
2.00 Intercessory prayer for peace/Praise & Adoration
3.00 Benediction and final blessing
330 Tea

 Mary Queen of Peace
Peace through
contentment, forgiveness, love & service
Fr Calistus Fernandes
You can call 9422095931/ 8793535171 for further information
Will appreciate if you can forward this message to your contacts
Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness,
but because

  you ?? deserve peace ...

Calistus Fernandes
Shrine of Our lady of Fatima
Karjat (Next to Karjat Rly Station)
Raigad District  Maharasthra India
Cell 9422095931/ 8793535171

[Goanet] The Good Samaritans: STORY OF MUMBAIKARS' GENEROSITY - Rich at heart, their small gifts boost cancer care

2016-08-31 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Aug 31 2016 : Mirror (Mumbai)
their small gifts boost cancer care
Jyoti Shelar TWEETS @jyotiMIRROR

A phone booth owner with physical disability has been donating Rs 50 every few 
months to Tata Memorial Hospital

A woman from a middle-class family saved Rs 25 from her daily household spend 
for 40 days and sent a cheque of Rs 1,000 to the country's top cancer treatment 

Another man with a meagre income dropped off a cheque of Rs 100 with a 
heartwarming letter on his endeavour to help cancer-stricken children

Two weeks after a cancer char ity con sparked outrage and deepened many 
people's cyn icism about the city, inspira tional stories of generosity from 
everyday Mumbaikars emerged on Tuesday.

For months now, citizens with barely enough resources to support their own 
families have been sending small amounts of cash, food packets, fruits, and 
other items for cancer patients receiving care at Tata Memorial Hospital.

The small but important contributions have lifted the spirits of the patients, 
most of whom are poor, and the medical staff, who urged the city's affluent 
members to give more to charity.

The Parel hospital sees 60,000 new cancer patients every year. Patients from 
struggling families are treated without charge. Their care is funded by 
individual donors and corporates.Despite significant contributions, the 
hospital needs more resources to care for the growing number of people with 
cancer, whose treatments are long and expensive.

Many big-hearted citizens with nominal incomes are trying to fill the gap with 
whatever they can spare in a city that was earlier this year ranked as the 
world's 17th most expensive place to live in.

Andheri resident Hemant Mishra, who runs one of the last surviving public phone 
booths in the city, visited the hospital thrice last year to make three 
donations of Rs 50 each.The 51-year-old with a physical disability earns around 
Rs 25 a day.

“Today, almost everyone has a mobile; there is no money in the pay phone 
business. But I try to contribute whatever little I can to cancer care,“ he 
said. Despite his daily struggles, Mishra decided to donate to good causes 
after he lost his mother to brain cancer in 1994. “Everyone should try to do 
some charity. It's an emotionally rewarding experience,“ Mishra said.

During one of his visits to the hospital, he dropped off a signed letter 
addressed to doctors and the management, saying: “Aap dayalu ho (You are very 
kind and generous).“

A Pune resident, who sent a cheque of Rs 100, also penned a heartwarming note. 
“My earnings are meagre, but I want to contribute to the great work you do and 
for the cause of treating cancer-stricken children,“ the good Samaritan wrote.

Tata Memorial's paediatric department runs a large programme to fund treatment 
of poor patients and offer nutritional meals.

A 54-year-old Christian woman, who struggles to support her family, contributed 
Rs 1,000 to the programme recently. “My husband lost his job three months ago 
and it's very tough to manage with my salary. I have health problems, but god 
is great and I am able to get up every morning and go to work,“ reads the 
letter attached to the cheque sent by the woman, who lives in Goregaon.

“For Lent, some people give up eating meat, while some make small sacrifices. I 
thought of saving Rs 25 every day during the 40-day period and donate the final 
amount to the paediatric unit.“

Ram Gopal Yadav, whose daughter Annu is undergoing treatment for bone cancer at 
Tata Memorial, thanked small and big donors for funding her care. “I would have 
never been able to pay for the treatment, which costs over Rs 5 lakh. My 
daughter is receiving care because of the generous people of Mumbai,“ Yadav, a 
small-time painter from UP, said.

The acts of giving by ordinary citizens stand in sharp contrast to the actions 
of two men who sought donations on local trains for a three-yearold cancer 
patient. The two men, who showed a fake Tata Memorial certificate to commuters, 
didn't transfer any collected money for the child's treatment. The cheats are 
members of a group that has collected Rs 10 lakh in the name of cancer 
treatment, but has not transferred any funds to the intended recipients.

Humayun Jafri, Tata Memorial's public relations officer, said would-be donors 
should be wary of frauds, and make contributions directly to the hospital. He 
lauded the efforts by people like Mishra to make a difference.“It's a very 
touching gesture by Mishra. The staff has developed a bond with him. Recently, 
he informed us through a letter that his father had passed away,“ Jafri said.

Shalini Jatia, secretary of Improving Paediatric Cancer Care and Treatment 
(ImPaccT) Foundation, 

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