H-Net* Pertanyaan - Sambungan pengajian kitab Qanun,Jinayah Syar`iyah perkara 58-61.

2002-08-01 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Terima kasih kepada saudara-saudara sekelian memberi respon kepada pertanyaan
tersebut. Dan saya sendiri telah meneliti beberapa rujukan dan saya akui
ianya hadith Sahih Muslim.
Setelah saya amati sebuah kitab "Kifayatul Akhiar" halaman 186, terdapat
penghuraian mengenai tersebut dan saya merasakan terjemahan mafhum hadith
yang dibawah masih mempunyai kekeliruan. Di dalam penghuraian di dalam
kitab tersebut tidak ada menyebut zaman. Pada pendapat saya, penggunaan
zaman tidak tepat dan membolehkan orang yang membaca terkeliru. Penggunaan
zaman bererti pemerintahan pada zaman ketika khalifah. Dan saya merasakan
dan sepatutnya dimafhumkan seperti begini;

"Rasulullah s.a.w. telah melaksanakan hukuman sebat bagi peminum arak
sebanyak 40x sebat, manakala Saidina Abu Bakar telah menyebat sebanyak
40x sebat juga, dan Saidina Umar menyebat 80x sebat. Kesemuanya adalah
sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w.. Tetapi yang dibuat oleh Saidina Umar tadi lebih
aku sukai." (HR Muslim)
Rujukan: Kifatul Akhiar (B. Arab), halaman 186, Cetakkan Indonesia.

Itu sahaja, pendapat saya, yang baik daripada Allah, dan yang lemah
itu daripada kelemahan saya sendiri.

 Dalam qanun jinayah Syar`iyah, seseorang yang telah sabit kesalahan
minum arak atau sebarang minuman yang memabukkan, sama ada dia mabuk atau
tidak, wajib dikenakan hukuman sebat tidak lebih dari 80x sebat dan tidak
kurang dari 40x sebat, hukuman ini adalah berdalilkan hadith Rasulullah
s.a.w. yang diriwayatkan dari Ali bin Abi Talib
r.a. yang bermaksud :
"Rasulullah s.a.w. telah melaksanakan hukuman sebat bagi peminum arak
sebanyak 40x sebat, manakala Saidina Abu Bakar telah menyebat sebanyak
40x sebat juga, dan pada zaman pemerintah khalifah Umar peminum
arak disebat sebanyak 80x sebat. Kesemuanya adalah sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w..
Tetapi yang dibuat oleh Saidina Umar tadi lebih aku sukai." (HR Muslim)

H-Net* Pertanyaan - Sambungan pengajian kitab Qanun Jinayah Syar`iyah perkara58-61.

2002-07-30 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Maaf sebagai pertanyaan dan masih keliru, diharap saudara boleh terangkan
secara detail.
Di dalam huraian tersebut saudara ada mengeluarkan dalil iaitu ;
 Dalam qanun jinayah Syar`iyah, seseorang yang telah sabit kesalahan
minum arak atau sebarang minuman yang memabukkan, sama ada dia mabuk atau
tidak, wajib dikenakan hukuman sebat tidak lebih dari 80x sebat dan tidak
kurang dari 40x sebat,
hukuman ini adalah berdalilkan hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. yang diriwayatkan
dari Ali bin Abi Talib r.a. yang bermaksud :
"Rasulullah s.a.w. telah melaksanakan hukuman sebat bagi peminum
arak sebanyak 40x sebat, manakala Saidina Abu Bakar telah menyebat sebanyak
40x sebat juga, dan pada zaman pemerintah khalifah Umar peminum arak disebat
sebanyak 80x sebat. Kesemuanya adalah sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w.. Tetapi
yang dibuat oleh Saidina Umar tadi lebih aku sukai." (HR Muslim) >
Pendapat saya, hadith yang saudara utarakan tu masih ada keliru, iaitu
adakah mau`l (logik) hadith tersebut dikeluarkan pada zaman pemerintahan
khalifah, pendapat saya hadith hanya keluar pada pemerintahan Rasullah
SAW sahaja. Pemerintahan khalifah hanya dijalankan selepas kewafatan Rasullah
SAW. Jadi saya rasa ianya perlu dijelaskan darimanakah sumber tersebut.
p/s Sekadar bertanya dan mencari kepastian.

H-Net* Seminar : Travel Arrangements

2002-06-02 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
As-salamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah

As the Islamic Network Seminar: Beyond the Headlines coincides with the
national Jubilee Bank Holiday, we are sending out some details on
issues tomorrow to help you plan your travel arrangements.

Please allow extra time to get to the seminar early, as there will be
talks all in the one day.

Metropolitan Police have informed us that there will be no parking
or road closures in the vicinity of the Islamic Cultural centre, and
Networks will be running throughout the day.

However, from 1800 HRS Monday 3rd June, there will be areas subject to
road closure during the Jubilee festivities south of Hyde Park Corner
station till the River Thames affecting these main bridges: Chelsea
Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Vauxhall Bridge and Embankment.

Although these bridges may not be closed totally, it is best to avoid
areas in the evening of Monday 3rd June, and find alternative routes
this area, if travelling to or from South London by car.

Below is a link, to a London Map, indicating the affected areas:

On the whole, there should be no major transport problems, but we hope
this information is of use to those who may be affected, and to allay
worries of those who were concerned about possible travel closures
the bank holiday.
Further details about the seminar can be found at:

Jazakamullahu Khayra
Islamic Network

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Panglima Perang Palestin

2002-05-25 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Panglima Perang Palestin 2

2002-05-25 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Kartun

2002-05-24 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Tarikh Lahir Dalam Kalender Islam

2002-05-21 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Salam sejahtera buat semua. Mungkin kita mencari tarikh lahir kita bersamaan
berapa Hijrah (kalender islam). Setelah sekian lama saya mencari, maka
ada website memberi perkhidmatan mencari tarikh lahir sebenar di dalam
kalender islam. Sila saudara dan saudari klik link di bawah;
Semoga ianya memberi manfaat buat semua. Wassalam

H-Net* Poligami

2002-03-29 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Salam sejahtera buat sahabat-sahabat yang dirahmati ilahi.
Terlebih dahulu saya mohon maaf, andainya kata-kata saya ini membawa
kurang berpuas mana-mana individu.
Saya tertarik perdebatan dan perbahasan yang berlaku iaitu pihak Dr.
Ikmal dan sahabat-sahabat netters sekelian. Dan saya terasa dan teringin
memberi sepatah idea yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang berlaku.
Setelah saya amati dan teliti sebenarnya perkataan poligami yang
diartikel seolah-olah mengajak saudari-saudari netters memahami erti poligami
dan memberitahu bahawa poligami ialah baik dari segi agama. Tidak syak
lagi dan tidak ragu-ragu lagi
bahawasanya poligami memang sah dari segi agama.
Firman Allah SWT;

"Jika kamu takut bahawa kamu tidak akan berlaku adil tentang anak-anak
yatim, maka kahwinilah olehmu perempuan-perempuan yang baik bagimu, berdua
atau bertiga atau berempat orang. Tetapi jika kamu takut bahawa tidak akan
berlaku adil dan kahwinilah seorang sahaja atau pakailah hamba sahaya.
Yang demikian itu lebih dekat kepada tiada aniaya"
Surah An-Nisa : 3
Ayat di atas jelas hukum syarie membenarkan pernikahan poligami.
Bagi pendapat saya, sebenarnya perempuan bukanlah menhalang atau tidak
mahu berpoligami. Tetapi atas beberapa faktor menyebabkan ramai orang perempuan
mengenepikan poligami contohnya:
• Lelaki tidak mampu berlaku adil terhadap isterinya.
• Lelaki tidak mampu dari segi material.
• Lelaki mudah dayus terhadap isteri.
• Lelaki mudah bengis terhadap isterinya.
Maka dengan factor dan asas tersebut ramai perempuan yang kurang berminat
ke arah tersebut. Bagi saya permasalahan yang berlaku bukanlah salah kaum
wanita. Tetapi kaum lelaki yang bersalah sekiranya kita tidak mampu menyenaraikan
keperibadian yang tertera sebagai satu amalan dan sebagai satu usaha bagi
memperjayakan sistem poligami.
Ayat tersebut secara terang-terangan menyatakan bahawa lelaki tidak
akan mampu berlaku adil. Mungkin ia mampu melakukan adil hanya 2 atau 3
di dalam sehari tetapi adakah kita mampun melakukan adil selama-lamanya.
Sudah tentu tidak jawapannya.
Bagi saya. Dan saya sendiri mempelajari hukum Undan-undang Syarie, tidak
perlulah kita meluahkan dan mengesa kaum wanita berpoligami secara wajib.
Kerana poligami tidaklah tidaklah dihukumkan Wajib Mua`in (Wajib Fardu
Ain). Kerana ianya hanyalah sunah Nabi SAW. Nabi tidak menyatakan
ianya wajib.
Justeru itu, saya sebagai seorang lelaki dan seorang insan yang bergelarkan
Muslim perlulah kita hayati dari sudut ilmiah, hukumah dan psikologi dan
inya tidaklah lari dari Al-Quran dna As-Sunnah.
Semoga ianya memberi serba sedikit pandangan yang baik buat netters
semua. Wallahualam.

H-Net* Wycombe Islamic Centre Project

2002-03-01 Terurut Topik kliner

As-Salamu 'alaykum
Please support the efforts for buying a building for a Masjid in High
Wycombe, UK The project is
headed by our brother Abu Rumaysah and has the full support of Islamic
Network  The attached
document contains further details

Remember the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (SAW):
Whoever builds a Masjid, seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah shall
build a house for him in Paradise

Please forward this message to as many people as you can

One can also donate directly to the bank account of Wycombe Islamic
Barclasy Bank (High Wycombe), Sort code 20-40-71, Account No 70188026

Below are further recommendations by some students of knowledge and da'i

Shaykh Suhaib Hassan:
In that locality a Masjid of Ahlus-Sunnah is urgently needed as there is
no Masjid which cares for
the true teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah  I am glad to know that these
young brothers are trying to
establish a centre for this purpose I fully commend and support their
cause and appeal to the
benefactors to extend a helping hand to this noble cause

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips:
I know of this project and it is a worthy cause I believe the brothers
to be sincere and committed I
fully support their efforts of building a Masjid that will spread the
teachings of the Qur'an and
authentic Sunnah, according to the understanding of the early generation
of righteous scholars

'Abdurraheem Green:
Please help the brothers and sisters of High Wycombe who have been
calling to Allah for years with
patience and perseverance  May Allah help them and you

Abu 'Abdis-Salam:
I personally know the brothers and know them to be upright and sincere (
insha Allah) in their efforts
of building a Masjid that will spread the teachings of the Qur'an and
authentic Sunnah

Description: MS-Word document

H-Net* Learning The Truth about 'Issa (Jesus) #2/4

2002-02-20 Terurut Topik kliner

Learning The Truth about 'Issa (Jesus) #2/4
by Brother Yahya Adel Ibrahim
All Praise is for Allah alone. He is the Rabb of all that exists. Surely,
we send the highest Salah and Salam upon the Final Prophet, the leader
of the pious and upon his family, companions and those who follow their
example with Ih’san till the Day of Reckoning.
Amma Ba‘du
One of the greatest hurdles confronting Muslims today is a lack of knowledge
about certain essential beliefs that we as Muslims must unwaveringly adhere
to. Of the most pertinent issues facing Muslims living in localities that
are heavily influenced by western culture is how we view ‘Issa bin Marium
-Jesus the Son of Mary – ‘alihi as-Salaam (AS).
On a cyclical basis we are confronted with different "religious" occasions
that are marked by our Christian neighbours, coworkers and acquaintances.
It is paramount that we as Muslims have a firm understanding of what he
– ‘Issa (AS) represents to us as Muslims. Whether it is Easter Monday or
Christmas day, we as Muslims should know what Islam says about the issues
that are presented to us on a regular basis.
This four part series will attempt to expound upon the basic knowledge
that Muslims may already have. It will also seek to introduce evidences
from the Nobel Quran and the Pure Sunnah with regards to issues that may
not have been discussed in detail before. There are four main issues regarding
‘Issa bin Marium (AS) that we as Muslims must have knowledge of.

The Muslim Nation is more Worthy of ‘Issa than all the other nations.

Who was Marium? And the Truth about the Immaculate Conception
and the Birth of ‘Isaa (AS).

The Life and Near Death of ‘Issa (AS).

The Inevitable Return of ‘Issa to Slay the Dajjal (One-eyed liar or the
Anti-Christ) and Lead the Muslim Nation.

We will attempt to deal with each of these four points – continuing here
with Part two – in a knowledge-based manner. The opinions expressed will
be those that are held by the majority of the Scholars of Islam. The weaker
opinions or those that do not have an evidentiary basis will not be discussed
unless to show their inaccuracy or incorrectness. In discussing this issue
we will only turn to the verified sources of authenticity. We will only
narrate that which is accepted as true and verified by the Muslim scholars
of past and present. We will not look into sources that do not have an
Islamic basis. A Muslim writes this discussion for Muslims, from exclusively
Islamic scholarly sources. To debate these issues from others sources (Bible)
is a wholly separate discussion that has no place here.

Who was Marium? And the Truth about the Immaculate Conception and the Birth
of ‘Isaa (AS)
It has been aptly stated that behind every successful man there is a woman.
In most cases, ones’ mother is by far the single most profound shaping
force behind a young man or woman. From the moment of conception the mother
to be undergoes emotional, physical and psychological changes that ready
her for the responsibility of shaping the life a new human being. The mother
is an institution of higher learning. She is a bastion of blind love for
her child. She is a proprietor of undying devotion. The mother is a source
of physical nutrition and safety, emotional attachment, psychological comfort
and spiritual guidance to her growing child.
Therefore, we are compelled as Muslims to honour, elevate, adore, protect,
esteem, respect, revere, strengthen, recognize, be dutiful to, give comfort
to, show loyalty and allegiance to, pay homage to and supplicate for ones
The mother-son relationship is one of great importance and value in
Islam. As such, we have been given many great examples in the Quran and
the Sunnah to model ourselves after. One can see examples in the Quran
of all of the different forms of family structure. To see the relationship
of a foster mother with her adopted son look to the example of Musa or
Moses (AS) and his foster mother Asiya (AS). To see the relationship of
a single mother raising her son alone look to the example of Isma‘eel or
Ishmael (AS) and his mother Hajar (AS). To see the relationship of an unrighteous
mother with her children look to the example of the daughters of Lot or
Lut (AS) and their unrighteous mother.
Of the most poignant and telling mother-son relationships in the Quran
is that of ‘Issa bin Marium (AS). For the first and last time in history
a Prophet would not be addressed by his father’s name. Rather, he is referred
to as Jesus the son of Mary.
To assess and grasp the true virtue of ‘Issa (AS) it is necessary to
learn about his mother Marium ibnata ‘Imran (AS).

Who is Marium (AS)?
Marium (AS) simply is of the most complete women of all humanity, past,
present and future.
Rasool ul Allah (SAAW) said:

"Many men have reached completion (in
their relationship with Allah such as the many thousands of Prophets Ibn

(Yet,) only four woman have reached (this same level of) completion.
Marium bint (daughter 

H-Net* Learning The Truth about 'Issa (Jesus) #1/4

2002-02-20 Terurut Topik kliner

Learning The Truth about 'Issa (Jesus) #1/4
by Brother Yahya Adel Ibrahim
All Praise is for Allah alone. He is theRabbof
all that exists. Surely, we send the highestSalah
and Salamupon the Final Prophet, the leader of the pious and
upon his family, companions and those who follow their example withIh’santill
the Day of Reckoning.
Amma Ba‘du:
One of the greatest hurdles confronting Muslims today is a lack of knowledge
about certain essential beliefs that we as Muslims must unwaveringly adhere
to. Of the most pertinent issues facing Muslims living in localities that
are heavily influenced by western culture is how we view ‘Issa bin Marium
-Jesus the Son of Mary – ‘alihi as-Salaam (AS).
On a cyclical basis we are confronted with different "religious" occasions
that are marked by our Christian neighbours, co-workers and acquaintances.
It is paramount that we as Muslims have a firm understanding of what he
– ‘Issa (AS) represents to us as Muslims. Whether it is Easter Monday or
Christmas day, we as Muslims should know what Islam says about the issues
that are presented to us on a regular basis.
This four part series will attempt to expound upon the basic knowledge
that Muslims may already have. It will also seek to introduce evidences
from the Noble Quran and the Pure Sunnah with regards to issues that may
not have been discussed in detail before. There are four main issues regarding
‘Issa bin Marium (AS) that we as Muslims must have knowledge of.

The Muslim Nation is more Worthy of ‘Issa than all the
other nations.

Who was Marium? And the Truth about the Immaculate Conception and the Birth
of ‘Isaa (AS).

The Life and Near Death of ‘Issa (AS).

The Inevitable Return of ‘Issa to Slay the Dajjal (One-eyed liar or the
Anti-Christ) and Lead the Muslim Nation.

We will attempt to deal with each of these four points – beginning here
with Part one – in a knowledge based manner. The opinions expressed will
be those that are held by the majority of the Scholars of Islam. The weaker
opinions or those that do not have an evidentiary basis will not be discussed
unless to show their inaccuracy or incorrectness. In discussing this issue
we will only turn to the verified sources of authenticity. We will only
narrate that which is accepted as true and verified by the Muslim scholars
of past and present. We will not look into sources that do not have an
Islamic basis. A Muslim writes this discussion for Muslims, from exclusively
Islamic scholarly sources. To debate these issues from others sources (Bible)
is a wholly separate discussion that has no place here.

The Muslim Nation is more Worthy of ‘Issa than all others
The one who claims that ‘Issa (AS) is God, or that ‘Issa (AS) is the Son
of God, or that God is a Trinity that includes ‘Issa is in fact the most
distant from the teachings of ‘Issa (AS) even if he calls himself a devout
Christian. Claiming love for someone implies that you adhere to what that
individual stood for and called to. ‘Issa (AS) was never one who claimed
any one of the previous three statements for himself. In fact neither did
his true followers. For this to become clear we will analyze four main

The Prophets of Allah are all Related.

The Only accepted Deen (Religious Way of Life) is Islam.

‘Issa was but a humble Messenger and Prophet of Allah.

‘Issa distances himself from the slander and unjustified claims of Christians.

The Prophets of Allah are all related
Rasool ul Allah (SAAW) said:

"I am the most worthy of ‘Issa bin
Marium in this life and in the hereafter." They (Sahaba) asked: "Why is
that O Messenger of Allah (SAAW)?" He (SAAW) replied: "The Prophets are
paternal (bloodline) brethren (from fathers side). Their mothers may be
different (races, peoples, bloodlines) yet their Deen is always one (Islam)."
Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.

Therefore this necessitates that he who disputes the validity of one
of the true Prophets and Messengers has in fact reviled and disputed all
of them. One cannot believe in Muhammad (SAAW) and not believe in ‘Issa
(AS). Equally, one cannot truly believe in ‘Issa and not believe in Muhammad
(SAAW). To truly accept one Prophet or Messenger necessitates the acceptance
of all those who came before him and all who will come after him, ending
with Muhammad (SAAW).
This concept is clearly portrayed in the Quran. Allah (SWT) mentions
the first Messenger to humanity Nuh or Noah (AS) in the Quran. What is
very interesting is that Allah (SWT) states in Surat ash-Shu‘arah (26:105)

"Nuh’s people disbelieved the Messengers."

The point of relevance is that a plural (Messengers) is used in this
ayah, yet we know that there were no Messengers sent to his people or humanity
as a matter of fact. Allah only sent Nuh (AS) to his people and none other
before him. This same concept is further emphasized in the same Surat.
Allah (SWT) says:

"‘Ad’s people disbelieved the Messengers."
Ash-Shu‘rah (26:123)
"Thamud’s people 

H-Net* Fatwa Tentang Valentine's Day

2002-02-14 Terurut Topik kliner


Some people celebrate Yawm al-Hubb (Valentine's Day)on February 14 [the
second month of

the Christian Gregorian calendar] every year by exchanging red roses as
gifts. They also dress up in

red clothing, and congratulate one another (on this occasion). Some sweet
shops produce special

sweets - red in colour - and draw hearts upon them. Some shops advertise
their goods which are

specially related to this day. What is the Islaamic view [concerning the

1.Celebrating this day?

2.Buying from these shops on this day?

3.Selling - by shop-owners who are not celebrating - the things which are
used as gifts, to those

who are celebrating?

(And) may Allaah reward you with all good!


The clear evidence from the Qur.aan and Sunnah - and this is agreed upon
by consensus (Ijmaa') of

the early generations of the Muslim Ummah - indicates that there are only
two 'Eeds in Islaam (days

of celebration): 'Eed al-Fitr (after the fast of Ramadhaan) and 'Eed al-Adhaa
(after the standing at

'Arafah for pilgrimage).

Every other 'Eed - whether it is coto a person, group, incident or any
other occasion - is an innovated

'Eed. It is not permissible for the Muslim people to participate in it,
approve of it, make any show of

happiness on its occasion, or assist in it in any way - since this will
be transgressing the bounds of


...and whoever transgresses the bounds of

Allaah, he has wronged his own self, [Soorah

at-Talaaq, Aayah 1]

If we add to this fabricated 'Eed the fact that it is one of the 'Eeds
of the disbelievers, it is sin upon sin.

This is because it is Tashabbuh (imitation) of the disbelievers, and a
type of Muwaalaat (loyalty) to

them. And Allaah has prohibited the believers from imitation of them and
having love or loyalty for

them in His Mighty Book (Qur.aan). It is also confirmed from the Prophet
(sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa

sallam) that he said:

Whoever imitates a people is one of them.

'Eed al-Hubb (the celebration of Valentine's Day) comes under the category

what has been mentioned here, since it is one of the pagan Christian holidays.

Hence it is not permissible for any Muslim, who believes in Allaah and
the Last

Day, to participate in it, approve of it, or congratulate (anyone on that

occasion). On the contrary, it is obligatory to abandon it and stay far

from it - in response to Allaah and His Messenger, and to distance oneself

the anger of Allaah and His punishment.

Additionally, it is forbidden for a Muslim to assist or help in this 'Eed,
or any

other of the forbidden/illegal celebrations in any way whatsoever - whether

food or drink, selling or buying, production, gift-giving, correspondence,

announcements, etc. All of these things are considered as co-operating
in sin

and transgression and disobedience of Allaah and His Messenger. Allaah,

Glorious and Most High, says:

... and co-operate with one another in

righteousness and piety, and do not co-operate in

sin and transgression. And fear Allaah! Verily

Allaah is severe in punishment, [Soorah

al-Maa.idah, Aayah 2]

Likewise, it is obligatory for every Muslim to adhere strictly to the Qur.aan

Sunnah in every situation - especially in times of temptations and corruption.

is incumbent that he/she understand, be aware and be cautioned from falling

into the deviations of those whom Allaah is angry with (Jews) and those

are astray (Christians) and the immoral people who have no fear of punishment

- nor hope of reward - from Allaah, and who give no attention at all to

It is necessary for the Muslim to flee to Allaah, the Most High, seeking

Hidaayah (Guidance) and Thabaat (Firmness) upon the Path. Verily, there
is no

Guide except Allaah, and no One Who can Grant Firmness except Him.

And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations

upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his


H-Net* Allah's Greatness

2002-02-07 Terurut Topik kliner

Allah's Greatness

by Imaam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

Ibn Al-Qayyim described Allah's Greatness, saying,

He governs the affairs of the various kingdoms and He commands and forbids,
creates, sustains, gives

death, gives life, gives power, strips power (to and from whom He wills)
and alternates the night and

day. He gives varying fortunes to people and alternates governments (and
states), destroying some

and bringing some into existence.

His Command and Power are dominant in the heavens and their zones, the
earth and all that which is

on and in it, in the seas and in the air. His Knowledge has encompassed
everything and He counted

everything. He hears all types of voices and they do not confuse Him. Rather,
He hears each voice in

its distinct language and need, and no voice will make Him busy from fulfilling
the need of another,

and no need will ever escape His Perfect Knowledge (and His Power to deliver).
He does not

become bored because of the many needs of those who need. His Sight encompasses
all that which

there is. He sees the movement of a black ant on a barren rock during a
dark night.

To Him, the Unseen is uncovered end the secret is secret no more,

"Whosoever is in the heavens and on Earth begs

of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a

matter to bring Forth (such as giving honor to

some, disgrace to some, life to (some, death to

some, etc.)." [55:29]

He forgives an evil deed, makes depression vanish and brings reprieve from
disasters, relief for

whoever needs it, wealth for the poor, guidance for the misguided, light
for the lost, help for he who is

desperate, fullness for the hungry, cover for the barely clothed, cure
for the ill and ease for he who

suffers. He accepts he who repents, gives reward for he who does good,
gives aid for he who was

dealt with injustice, destroys an arrogant person, covers mistakes,
gives safety after fear end elevates

some people and humiliates others.

If those who inhabit His heavens and His earth and all those whom He created,
whether mankind or

the Jinns, had hearts similar to the most pious heart, His Kingdom will
not increase. If all His creation,

whether mankind or the Jinns, had hearts similar to the heart of the most
wicked heart, this will not

decrease from His Kingdom. Also, if all those who inhabit His heavens and
His earth, all mankind and

all the Jinns, the dead and the living, stand up on one strip of land and
each asks Him for his need,

and He then fulfils their needs, this will not decrease from what He has
a bit.

He is the First, nothing is before Him, the Last, nothing is after Him,
the Most High, nothing is above

Him, and the Most Near, nothing is nearer than Him. He, Exalted and Ever
High as He is, is the Best

Whom one can and should remember, the only One Who deserves to be worshiped
and thanked, the

Kindest of all those who own and the Most generous of all those who are
asked to give. He is the

King Who has no partner, the One Who has no competitor, the Samad (Self-Sufficient)
Who has no

offspring, and the Ever High, none like unto Him.

Everything perishes save His Face and every kingship is bound to perish
except His. He will only be

obeyed by His Leave, and His Knowledge uncovers all disobedience to Him.
When He is obeyed, He

thanks for it, and when He is disobeyed, He grants forgiveness (for those
who truly repent to Him).

Every punishment from Him is just and every bounty is a grace. He is the
Closest Witness and the

Nearest One with His Perfect Care. He controls the forelocks of everything
and has the full records of

all deeds end the books of all ages.

The hearts are unmasked to Him and the secret is unveiled. His giving and
punishing is merely a


"Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is

only that He says to it, ‘Be, and it is!’" [36:82].

H-Net* There should be no Compromise on Islaamic Principles

2002-02-07 Terurut Topik kliner

There should be no Compromise on Islaamic Principles

by Imaam al-Haramain Saud Ash-Shuraim

All praise is due to Allaah. May peace and benedictions be upon the Messenger
of Allaah, his

household and companions.

Fellow Muslims! Fear Allaah, put your trust in Him, seek for His aid and
humble yourselves before Him

in order to be elevated and have a good ending in this world and the hereafter.
Allaah says,

“No doubt verily, the friends of Allaah, no fear

shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.

Those who believed in the oneness of Allaah and

used to fear Him much.” (Yoonus 10:62-63)

Brethren in Faith! When one takes a cursory look at the series of the current
world happenings one will

conclude that he who claims that any concepts, movements or ideologies
that do not emanate from

Islaam and its pristine teachings can solve the world problems and correct
the wrongs should be either

abnormal, sick or a conspirator who should not be trusted at all.

Islaam is a pure religion that frees man from worshipping fellow creatures
to the worshipping of the

Creator. It affirms that real glory can only be achieved through Islaam
while humiliation is a result of

keeping away from it. No matter what happens, it is impossible for Islaam
to enter a heart with all its

sweetness and yet that heart surrenders to any other authority besides
that of Allaah. Allaah says,

“Truly, the religion with Allaah is Islaam.” (Aal

‘Imraan 3:19)

He also says,

“Whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it

will never be accepted of him and in the Hereafter

he will be one of the losers.” (Aal ‘Imraan 3:85)

Brethren in Islaam! When we see a lot of atrocities that are being committed

over the Muslim world and we hear the agonies of those whose lands and

properties are wrongly occupied and seized without anyone standing up to

answer the clarion call for help being made by the victims of these atrocities,

start to ponder over the causes of this weakness that has befallen the

nation, the silence of those who have the truth and the woes, division

calamities that the might of the falsehood people has brought to the humanity.

we make a good diagnosis of our condition, it will not be difficult to
identify the

disease. Yes, things may not be permanently good for the Muslims; they

have problems here and there, for attaining perfection in worldly comfort

illusory. It is therefore good to train oneself on how to confront attacks

Islaam and the Muslims and get oneself ready to endure and stand firm without

wasting time on passing commentaries that bring no benefit nor remove harm.

Moreover, all these afflictions that befall the Muslim nation between now

then are mere trials with which Allaah distinguishes between the good and

bad. Allaah enjoins us to react whenever He tries us with good things of

world with the saying of Prophet Sulaymaan,

“This is by the Grace of my Lord to test me

whether I am grateful or ungrateful.” (An-Naml


He also forbids us from reacting during afflictions like those whom He

describes in this verse,

“And among mankind is he who worships Allaah

as it were, upon the edge (i.e. in doubt): if good

befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trials

befalls him he turns back on his face (i.e. he

reverts to disbelief after embracing Islaam). He

loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is

the evident loss.” (Al-Hajj 22:11)

Brethren in Islaam! Non-Muslims shall never be pleased with Muslims until

abandon their religion and their Divine Law or at least make a lot of

compromise that will leave nothing left of Islaam but its name only. ‘Umar

to the Messenger of Allaah with a book he got from some people of the

Scripture and started reading it. The Messenger of Allaah got annoyed and


“I have brought unto you a pure and clean religion. Do not ask people of

Book anything lest they tell you the truth which you may deny and tell
you a lie

which you may believe. By Him in Whose hand is my soul, if (Prophet) Moosa

were to be alive now, he would have no option but to follow me.”

Therefore, bargaining with the religion of Islaam or any of its values

established concepts is the greatest act of treachery and madness, for

and the society’s glory lie in their adherence to Islaam, its practices
and in

remaining firm on that till death. So, he whom the circumstances of this

life has changed or that his very essence has been altered by these worldly

slogans and therefore abandoned his religion, such is a disgraced person
and a

loser whose lot ignominy. Allaah says,

“Verily, those who have turned back as

disbelievers after the guidance have been

manifested to them, Satan has beautified for

them (their false hopes) and Allaah prolonged

their term. This is because they said to those who

hate what Allaah has sent down: ‘We will obey

you in part of the matter.’ But Allaah 

H-Net* Saudara Baru - WillSmith

2002-01-29 Terurut Topik kliner


2002-01-27 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
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Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

Pada pendapat saya mengenai masalah ini, memang benar apa yang dikatakan oleh
dato tersebut iaitu pada ketika waktu dulu nasyid dihidupkan dengan alat2 muzik
seperti kompang dan itu yang pernah dilakukan pada zaman Rasullah SAW.

Wujudnya pengharusan muzik drum dan gitar di dalam nasyid terdapat pendapat
mengatakan ianya harus dengan syarat iaitu
1. Mestilah nasyid yang dibawa bercirikan cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul atau
lebih dekat lagi ia mengcorakkan kepada syariat islam.

2. Nasyid tersebut tidak bercampur dengan lelaki dan perempuan.

Itu sahaja pandangan saya. Mungkin saudara-saudara lain dapat memberikan ilmu
yang lebih dekat lagi. Wallahua`alam.

Dato' Bandar wrote:

  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 Saya bukan peminat muzik tetapi izinkan saya membuat teguran berkenaan muzik
 nasyid kontemporari kita sekarang ini.
 Saya merasa agak keliru dengan perjuangan nasyid kontemporari sekarang
 ini.Kalau dulu hanya menggunakan peralatan muzik keislaman (spt kompang
 dsb)tapi sekarang mengapa sudah menjadi nasyid pop.(ada drum,gitar
 dsb)?Contohnya nasyid Pergi Tak Kembali dari Rabbani,muziknya jauh
 menyimpang dari bunyian nasyid terdahulu.

 Mereka yg benar2 arif tentang muzik dlm Islam sangat2 dialukan untuk
 memberikan komen.

 Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
  ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
  ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
  ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
  ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

 Pengirim: Dato' Bandar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* The Lord of the Rings

2002-01-18 Terurut Topik kliner


2002-01-14 Terurut Topik kliner

Apabila tajuk ini dihuraikan maka ramai dikalangan kita sukar untuk
membaca disebabkan ketakutkan penghuraian ini akhirnya MATI.
Firman Allah SWT;


“Bagaimana kamu kufur (ingkar) dengan Allah dan adalah kamu itu mati
maka kamu dihidupkan, kemudian kamu dimatikan kemudian kamu dihidupkan
kemudian kepada-Nya kamu dikembalikan”

(Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayat 28)
Adapun tanda-tanda kematian mengikut ulamak adalah benar dan ujud
Cuma amalan dan ketakwaan kita sahaja yang akan dapat membezakan kepekaan
kita kepada tanda-tanda ini.
Rasulallah SAW diriwayatkan masih mampu memperlihat dan menceritakan
keluarga dan sahabat secara lansung akan kesukaran menghadapi
sakaratulmaut dari awal hinggalah akhirnya hayat Baginda.
Imam Ghazali rahimahullah diriwayatkan memperolehi tanda-tanda ini sehinggakan
beliau mampu menyediakan dirinya untuk menghadapi sakaratulmaut secara
sendirian. Beliau menyediakan dirinya dengan segala persiapan termasuk
mandinya, wuduknya serta kafannya sekali cuma ketika sampai
bahagian tubuh dan kepala sahaja beliau telah memanggil abangnya iaitu
Imam Ahmad Ibnu Hambal untuk menyambung tugas tersebut. Beliau wafat
ketika Imam Ahmad bersedia untuk mengkafankan bahagian mukanya.
Adapun riwayat -riwayat ini memperlihatkan kepada kita sesungguhnya
Allah SWT tidak pernah berlaku zalim kepada hambanya. Tanda-tanda
yang diberikan adalah untuk menjadikan kita umat Islam supaya dapat
bertaubat dan bersedia dalam perjalanan menghadap
Allah SWT. Walaubagaimanapun semua tanda-tanda ini akan berlaku
kepada orang-orang Islam sahaja manakala orang-orang kafir
iaitu orang yang menyekutukan Allah nyawa mereka ini akan terus di
rentap tanpa sebarang peringatan sesuai dengan kekufuran mereka kepada
Allah SWT.
Adapun tanda-tanda ini terbahagi kepada beberapa keadaan :
Tanda 100 hari sebelum hari mati.
Ini adalah tanda pertama dari Allah SWT kepada hambanya dan hanya akan
disedari oleh mereka-mereka yang dikehendakinya.
Walaubagaimanapun semua orang Islam akan mendapat tanda ini cuma
samada mereka sedar atau tidak sahaja.
Tanda ini akan berlaku lazimnya selepas waktu Asar. Seluruh tubuh iaitu
dari hujung rambut sehingga ke hujung kaki akan mengalami getaran
atau seakan-akan mengigil.
Contohnya seperti daging lembu yang baru disembelih dimana
jika diperhatikan dengan teliti kita akan mendapati daging tersebut seakan-akan
bergetar. Tanda ini rasanya lazat dan bagi mereka sedar dan berdetik di
hati bahawa mungkin ini adalah tanda mati maka getaran ini akan berhenti
dan hilang setelah kita sedar akan kehadiran tanda ini.
Bagi mereka yang tidak diberi kesedaran atau mereka yang hanyut
dengan kenikmatan tanpa memikirkan soal kematian , tanda ini akan
lenyap begitu sahaja tanpa sebarang munafaat.
Bagi yang sedar dengan kehadiran tanda ini maka ini adalah peluang
terbaik untuk memunafaatkan masa yang ada untuk mempersiapkan diri
dengan amalan dan urusan yang akan dibawa atau ditinggalkan
sesudah mati.
Tanda 40 hari sebelum hari mati
Tanda ini juga akan berlaku sesudah waktu Asar. Bahagian pusat kita
akan berdenyut-denyut. Pada ketika ini daun yang tertulis nama kita
akan gugur dari pokok yang letaknya di atas Arash Allah SWT.
Maka malaikatmaut akan mengambil daun tersebut dan mula membuat
persediaannya ke atas kita antaranya ialah ia akan mula mengikuti
kita sepanjang masa.
Akan terjadi malaikatmaut ini akan memperlihatkan wajahnya sekilas
lalu dan jika ini terjadi, mereka yang terpilih ini akan merasakan
seakan-akan bingung seketika.
Adapun malaikatmaut ini wujudnya cuma seorang tetapi kuasanya
untuk mencabut nyawa adalah bersamaan dengan jumlah nyawa yang akan
Tanda 7 hari
Adapun tanda ini akan diberikan hanya kepada mereka yang diuji dengan
musibah kesakitan di mana orang sakit yang tidak makan secara tiba-tiba
ianya berselera untuk makan.
Tanda 3 hari
Pada ketika ini akan terasa denyutan di bahagian tengah dahi kita
iaitu diantara dahi kanan dan kiri.
Jika tanda ini dapat dikesan maka berpuasalah kita selepas itu
supaya perut kita tidak mengandungi banyak najis dan ini akan
memudahkan urusan orang yang akan memandikan kita nanti.
Ketika ini juga mata hitam kita tidak akan bersinar lagi dan bagi
orang yang sakit hidungnya akan perlahan-lahan jatuh dan ini
dapat dikesan jika kita melihatnya dari bahagian sisi.
Telinganya akan layu dimana bahagian hujungnya akan beransur-ansur
masuk ke dalam.
Telapak kakinya yang terlunjur akan perlahan-lahan jatuh ke depan
dan sukar ditegakkan.
Tanda 1 hari
Akan berlaku sesudah waktu Asar di mana kita akan merasakan satu denyutan
di sebelah belakang iaitu di kawasan ubun-ubun di mana ini menandakan
kita tidak akan sempat untuk menemui waktu Asar keesokan harinya.

Tanda Akhir
Akan berlaku keadaan di mana kita akan merasakan satu keadaan sejuk
di bahagian pusat dan ianya akan turun ke pinggang dan seterusnya
akan naik ke bahagian halkum.
Ketika ini hendaklah kita terus mengucap kalimah syahadah dan
berdiam diri dan 

H-Net* Permasalahan Islam tidak memaksa....

2002-01-12 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Kembali kita kepada permasalahan yang seringkali terjumpa pada keadaan
yang mungkin kita tidak sangka.
Firman Allah SWT;


"Tiada ada paksaan untuk memasuki Agama Islam, sungguhnya telah jelas
jalan yang benar daripada jalan yang sesat"
(Surah Al-Baqarah, Juz. 3)

Ayat di atas jelas dan terangkan bahawa memang di dalam Agama Islam
tidak memaksa seseorang yang bukan islam memasuki Agama Islam. Islam
hanya mengajak mereka yang kafir (sesat) supaya memasuki Agama Allah. Penggunaan
di sini ialah mengajak tidak memaksa. Itu kepada mereka yang belum memasuki
Permasalahan Pertama
Seandainya mereka (orang kafir) memasuki Islam tidak dapat tidak mereka
perlu mengikuti Undang-undang Islam. Iaitu tidak boleh melanggarnya. Sekiranya
mereka orang Islam yang telah melanggar Undang-undang Islam Mesti
dihukum. Tidak wujud di dalam Al-Quran maupun As-Sunnah mengatakan mereka
yang telah berumur 18 tahun boleh memilih agama sendiri. Kerana apabila
seseorang itu Islam, dia tidak boleh memasuki agama lain. Dan apabila didapati
mereka tetap mengikari dan memasuki agama lain maka hukuman mereka ialah
pancung (setelah diberi nasihat dan tunjuk jalan selama 3 hari).
Permasalahan Kedua
Mereka (orang yang memasuki Agama Islam melalui ibubapa mereka) merasakan
mereka seolah-olah dipaksa memasuki Agama Islam dan mereka mengatakan ayat
Al-Quran di atas sebagai hujah mereka. Permasalahan ini boleh dikatakan
mereka sudah tidak mengenal Agama Islam dan tidak didik mengenal Agama
Islam. Maka faktor tersebut membuatkan mereka berasa Agama Islam bukanlah
agama yang mereka pilih.
Mengapa masalah ini berlaku?
Keadaan ini membuatkan kita berfikir sejenak;
1. Adakah mereka ingin kebebasan seperti orang-orang kafir lain?
2. Adakah mereka merasa Agama Islam memaksa mereka?
3. Adakah mereka berasa sukar untuk beribadah kepada Allah?
4. Adakah mereka tidak tahu menahu lansung Agama Islam?
5. Adakah mereka telah dirasuki fikrah ke arah agama yang sesat?
6. Adakah mereka ingin tiada agama?
7. Dll.
Walau apa jua, masalah yang berlaku, terus terang saya katakan ayat
Al-Quran di atas tiada kena mengena dengan mereka yang telah memasuki Agama
Islam. Dan dengan itu saya harap jangan mudah menggunakan ayat Al-Quran
sebagai hujah untuk meletakkan kita lari daripada agama-Nya.
Sesungguhnya Allah SWT lagi Maha Mengetahui apa jua yang ditadbirnya.


H-Net* Pembetulan

2002-01-12 Terurut Topik kliner

Terima kasih saudara Khair99.

Firman Allah SWT;


H-Net* How To Achieve Allah's Love

2002-01-04 Terurut Topik kliner
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 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Kartun3

2001-12-27 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Kartun2

2001-12-27 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Kartun1

2001-12-27 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* 13 Ramadan 1422 / 28 November 2001

2001-11-28 Terurut Topik kliner

Forget our Seminar

Restoring the Balance - Sun 30th Dec -
Regents Park Masjid (London)
Abu Ameenah Bilal
Philips, Abu 'Aaliyah, 'Abdurraheem Green and Abu 'Abdis-Salam

Latest Additions
to www.Islaam.Net

Feeling of Alienation (Al-Ghurabah) byUmm
Muhammad - Taken from her Book, Realities of Faith: Among the realities
of faith and facts of life is this: the true adherents to the Straight
Path of Allah (as-sirat al-mustaqeem) are a small minority, living
as strangers in society

November 2001 : US Military Walks Right Into Taliban Trap with Ground Invasion
- Until now, many Muslims have, unfortunately, trusted Western media reports
that the Mujahideen have been defeated. However, they should ask themselves
where are all the thousands of Mujahideen who have not yet entered the
battle arena on a large scale?

al-Anfal byAbu Hajar al-Iraqi
- The Spoils of War

does the Heart fast? byAa'id Abdullah
al-Qarni - From the Book 30 lessons for those who Fast: The believer’s
heart glows like a lamp, shines like the sun and sparkles like the morning
light. It increases in faith whenever the believer listens to the verses
of the Quran, it grows in conviction when it contemplates, and increases
in guidance when it reflects...

of Victory and Defeat byMuhammad ibn
Saalih al-'Uthaymeen - Al-Jihad, 1411 Dar al Afaq, Riyadh: That
we know our strength - and that there is no power or movement except with
Allah - so that we are not amazed by our strength and numbers, for conceitedness
and being proud of oneself is a cause of defeat...

Wisdom Behind the Losses Muslims Suffered During Uhud byIbn
Katheer - A Tafseer of Ayahs 137 and 143 of Surah ali-Imraan: Taken
from Tafsir Ibn Kathir abridged by a group of scholars under the supervision
of Shaykh Safiur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

H-Net* ;

2001-11-21 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* '

2001-11-21 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* '

2001-11-21 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* ;

2001-11-21 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Mengapa PM tidak berdiri ketika penyampaian hadiah bersama SultanTerangganu?

2001-11-02 Terurut Topik kliner

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Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

Pendapat saya mengenai PM tidak berdiri semasa penyerahan hadiah
Musabaqah tempohari ialah besar kemungkinan PM protes tentang usul PM
tidak diterima.

Berita ini diberitahu oleh sahabat saya iaitu Persidangan Sultan
dihadiri Sultan dan MB.

Maka usul PM ialah untuk melenyapkan penggunaan nama Islam di dalam
parti atau agensi. Selalunya pengudian diadakan sulit macam undi dalam
cerita Survivor Series, jadi mereka perlu undi di bilik khas yang tidak
diketahui siapa pilihannya.

Jadi pada ketika itu, pengerusi dipegang oleh Sultan Terengganu iaitu
pemangku bagi Agong yang sakit.

Apabila usul diberikan Sultan Terengganu telah bertanya kepada Tuan Guru
Hadi Awang.

Maka dengan itu Sultan Terengganu telah memilih cara pengundian
pertanyaan. Sultan Terengganu bertanya Ayahanda Sultan Azlan
bersetujukah Ayahanda menjatuhkan nama Islam?' sehinggalah seterusnya.
Maka jawapan mereka tidak mungkin kerana disebabkan malu usul PM tidak
dipersetujui oleh persidangan, besar  kemungkinan mungkin itu protes PM
kepada Sultan.

Jadi itu sahaja pandangan saya, wallahua`alam.

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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Awas dengan berita CNN

2001-10-27 Terurut Topik kliner

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Banyak berita2 daripada CNN wajib diperhati kesahihannya salah satu
mengenai gambar mengenai Toliban menembak wanita.

Kesahihan sebenarnya fakta tersebut telah diterangkan saudara di bawah,
dan bagi memang benar sekiranya kita membunuh seseorang dengan fikiran
waras dan bukanlah melindungi diri maka wajib dihukum bunuh kepada si
pembunuh tersebut. Sila baca di bawah.


From:  Darwina Shukri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Thu Oct 25, 2001  1:37 am
Subject:  Re: [Sutera] Re: Tholiban Di TV1


saya ada subscribe dgn another intenational muslimah group, ada
sorang tu dr
britain cakap dokumentari ni dah pernah ditunjuk kat UK sebelum
perang. dia
cakap, the reason pompuan tu kena bunuh sebab dia bunuh suami dgn
anak dia.
and basically dokumentari ni, we suspect ni propaganda RAWA, an
yg nak liberalise org pompuan afghanistan, the way she sounded, lebih
Sisters in Islam kita kat M'sia nih. another part yg some members dlm
ni skeptical pasal dokumentari ni masa dia tunjuk budak2 pompuan tgh
belajar. someone yg boleh baca tulisan tu, cakap makna salah satu
ayat yg
dia dpt baca bermaksud, islam tu agama barbaric, lebih kurang mcm tu
sound dia.

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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Anti Virus

2001-10-18 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

Maaf, sekadar memberi pandangan. Untuk pengetahuan netters semua, saya
mengsyorkan kepada netters yang selalu buka email tiap2 hari seeloknya
menggunakan Anti Virus Norton AntiVirus 2001 ke atas.

Pengsyoran ini berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah berlaku. Sebabnya
setelah dikaji Norton Antivirus boleh detect cepat virus melalui email
walaupun anda tidak menekan fail tersebut.

Apabila keadaan ini berlaku anti virus tersebut akan mengeluarkan
pertanyaan samada untuk membaiki fail tersebut atau membuang dll. Maka
pilihan yang paling selamat seeloknya buang terus fail dan email
tersebut. Ia mengelak daripada sesuatu perkara yg tidak diingini.

Tetapi tidak dapat dinafikan setiap antivirus mempunyai kelemahan
masing2. Sebagai makluk Allah SWT yang bersifat baharu, sudah pasti
ianya tidak berkekalan.

Itu sahaja pandangan saya, Wallahu`alam.

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Awas Halaman Web Ini

2001-10-04 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

Kepada netters semua awas dgn halaman web ini


Halaman yang telah memesongkan fahaman dengan mengubah maksud ayat

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Important: We need your help!

2001-10-03 Terurut Topik kliner

Islaamic Network wrote:

prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Islaamic Network has been running
for quite some time now, and by the Grace of Allah has reached a stage,
in which it has become necessary to recruit more volunteers to help continue
in its smooth running. We are looking for key figures to join our established
team to aid with our rapidly growing network. We need dedicated and determined
brothers and sisters who can work efficiently and reliably, and who have
an ambition to fulfil the obligation of Da’wah to Islam and making the
Word of Allah uppermost. We require those who can work from home in their
spare time on a voluntary basis, seeking the Pleasure of Allah.



for organising a network of contacts around the country who will carry
out distribution of our publicity/publications. It will be the manager’s
role to supervise the distribution, allocate contacts with sufficient material,
following them up and suggesting suitable locations to distribute (Example:
Mosques, Shops, Events, etc).



be in charge of establishing a strategy for the sale and distribution of
our products, primarily tapes of conference lectures and videos. This will
be a web and telephone orientated position, thus it is ideal for those
who would want to work from home. Knowledge of E-commerce would be a bonus
but not essential.

Article Inputters

be in charge of establishing a strategy for the sale and distribution of
our products, primarily tapes of conference lectures and videos. This will
be a web and telephone orientated position, thus it is ideal for those
who would want to work from home. Knowledge of E-commerce would be a bonus
but not essential.


require freelance designers with experience to help us in the design of
our posters/flyers and for our website.

Raising Manager


require someone to establish and carry out a strategy for securing funds,
for example by contacting Muslim-owned businesses and requesting donations.
Experience of dealing with the procedure of 'Charity Aid' an advantage.

(Must be present at all Major Islaamic Network Events).

Cassette Duplicator

person required to mass-produce our tapes to order. Responsibilities also
include tape labelling and postaging.

(Must be present at all Major Islaamic Network Events).


are looking for able, accurate and fast translators from Arabic to English.
Original Arabic material of Islaamic Knowledge must be translated into
clear readable prose of modern English.



contacts with Universities / Islaamic Societies; liasing with them to organise
talks, lectures, seminars, Islaamic awareness weeks and annual dinners.
Amongst their tasks will be to organise the composition of a freshers’
Da’wah pack

Operations Manager


need to have the ability to orchestrate the logistics of a conference,
its proceedings and all subsequent affairs. Team leadership and organising
attributes is an essential prerequisite. These will include: Organising
Stalls and their Contracts, Catering, Venues etc.



our events and products. Having good communication qualities in order to
liase with designers, printers and other publicity associated members.

Audio/Visual Technician


set up quality audio/video recordings and live transmissions of our events.
Including internet streaming.

H-Net* Akhbar Iran mendedahkan siapakah yang menyerang Pentagon WCT

2001-10-01 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 (Terjemahan laporan Al Manar TV)
 Al Manar TV (doc) : Akhbar keluaran petang Iranian Kayhan  mendedahkan
pengkomplotan serangan di New York dan Washington pada  Selasa (11 Sept
2001) adalah bekas juru terbang tentera udara Amerika Syarikat,  dan
rampasan ke atas pesawat-pesawat tersebut tidak berlaku tetapi  adalah
helah yang digunakan untuk menutup senario kejadian yang  sebenarnya
telah berlaku.

 Akhbar Kayhan merujuk kepada laporan-laporan awal media cetak Barat
yang menyatakan tindakan juruterbang-juruterbang American Airlines  dan
United Airlines yang tidak menekan butang kecemasan, yang lazim
digunakan untuk keadaan cemas atau keadaan bahaya, adalah petunjuk
penting dalam kes ini. Ini petunjuk bahawa ke-empat-empat juru  terbang
American Airlines dan United Airlines sebenarnya terlibat  dalam operasi
suicide tersebut, dan cerita pasal pesawat-pesawat  itu dirampas oleh
kumpulan pengganas Islam adalah pembohongan belaka.

 Tidak ada berlaku rampasan ke atas pesawat-pesawat yang terlibat.

 Laporan-laporan (awal) beberapa media cetak Barat tersebut telah
menyebut bahawa tiga dari juruterbang2 yang terlibat adalah bekas
tentera udara Perang Vietnam, manakala juru terbang yang ke empat
adalah adik kepada seorang juru terbang tentera udara Amerika  syarikat
yang terbunuh semasa perang Vietnam. Laporan-laporan awal  itu juga
menyenaraikan nama-nama juru terbang yang terlibat itu:

 1) Charles Berlingham, juru terbang Flight 77. Dia menjunamkan
pesawatnya ke Pentagon di mana beliau pernah berkerja untuk beberapa

  2) Jason Dahil, juru terbang Flight 93. Pesawatnya ditembak hancur  di
Pennsylvania. Dilaporkan pesawat ini jatuh terhempas. Pesawat itu  tidak
jatuh terhempas kerana hanya yang tinggal adalah cebisan dan  serpihan.
Abang kepada juru terbang ini, Kenneth Dahil terbunuh di  Vietnam dalam
tahun 1971 semasa berusia 20 tahun.

 3) Joe Agotawski, juru terbang Flight 11. Dia menghempaskan  pesawatnya
ke menara pertama World Trade Center.

 4) Victor Sarasini, juru terbang Flight 75. Dia menghempaskan
pesawatnya ke menara kedua World Trade Center.

 Akhbar Iranian Kayhan merujuk kepada percanggahan antara maklumat  yang
dikeluarkan oleh American Airlines dan United Airlines sehari  selepas
kejadian dengan laporan FBI yang disiarkan 3 hari kemudiannya.

  Tiga hari selepas kejadian, FBI telah menyiarkan senarai penumpang-
penumpang yang termasuklah 19 orang keturunan Arab. Penumpang-
penumpang Arab itu tidak wujud dalam senarai yang dikeluarkan sehari
selepas kejadian oleh syarikat American Airlines dan United Airlines.

 FBI melaporkan pesawat ke-empat jatuh terhempas di sebuah padang di
Pennsylvania, tetapi tidak ada tapak kesan di mana kapal terbang itu
terhempas, dan sebenarnya pesawat tersebut ditembak hancur oleh jet
pejuang Amerika Syarikat dan bukannya juru terbang menghempaskannya.

 Akhbar Iranian Kayhan menggunakan maklumat akhbar French Agency yang
menyebut bahawa cebisan pesawat ke-empat itu dijumpai sejauh 4 batu
dari tempat kapal terbang itu dikatakan terhempas. Dan ini  menunjukkan
pesawat tersebut meletup di udara setelah ditembak oleh  peluru berpandu
jet pejuang Amerika Syarikat.

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Enakmen Keluarga Islam (7)

2001-09-21 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Maaf, saya tidak dapat menyambung kerana agak sibuk. Di sini sambungannya.

23. Perkahwinan selepas akadnikah dan pendaftaran perkahwinan
di bawah seksyen ini hendaklah serupa dalam serba perkara dengan yang dipakai
bagi perkahwinan-perkahwinan lain yang diakadnikahkan dalam negeri
di bawah Enakmen ini seolah-olah Pendaftar yang dilantik untuk sesuatu
Negara asing adalah seorang Pendaftar untuk negeri.
24. Selepas mendaftarkan sesuatu perkahwinan dan selepas dibayar kepadanya
fee yang ditetapkan, Pendaftar hendaklah mengeluarkan suatu surat perakuan
nikah dalam borang yang ditetapkan kepada kedua-dua pihak bagi perkahwinan
25. Adalah menjadi kewajipan tiap-tiap orang untuk melaporkan kepada
Pendaftar tentang hal keadan sesuatu kes dalam mana dia berpendapat bahawa
sesuatu perkahwinan adalah taksah atau bahawa sesuatu perkahwinan yang
kena didaftarkan telah diakadnikahkan bersalahan dengan Enakmen ini.
26. Dulia Yang Maha Mulia Sultan boleh melantik mana-mana pegawai awam
yang berkelayakkan untuk menjadi Ketua Pendaftar Perkahwinan, Penceraian
dan Rujuk Orang Islam bagi maksud-maksud Enakmen ini, yang mana adalah
berkuasa menjalankan penyeliaan-penyeliaan dan kawalan ke atas Pendaftar-pendaftar
dan Pendaftaran Perkahwinan, Penceraian dan rujuk di bawah Enakmen ini.
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan boleh melantik beberapa orang yang berkelayakkan
sebagaimana yang perlu, untuk menjadi Pendaftar Perkahwinan, Penceraian
dan Rujuk Orang Islam bagi mana-mana daerah dalam Negeri sebagaimana
ditentukan dalam perlantikan itu.
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan boleh melantik beberapa orang yang berkelayakkan
sebagaimana yang perlu, untuk menjadi Penolong Pendaftar Perkahwinan, Penceraian
dan Rujuk Orang Islam bagi mana-mana kawasan dalam negeri sebagaimana perlantikan
Tiap-tiap Naib Qadi hendaklah kerana jawatannya menjadi penolong Pendaftar
Perkahwinan, Penceraian dan Rujuk Orang Islam bagi kawasannya.
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan boleh memberitahu dalam warta melantik mana-mana
anggota staf diplomatic Malaysia di mana-mana negara untuk menjadi Pendaftar
Perkahwinan, Penceraian dan Rujuk Orang Islam bagi maksud-maksud Enakmen
ini di negera itu.
Tiap-tiap orang yang dilantik atau yang disifatkan dilantik sebagai
Pendaftar di bawah seksyen ini bukan pegawai awam hendaklah disifatkan
sebagai penjawat awam bagi maksud-maksud Qanun Keseksaan.
27. Tiap-tiap pendaftar hendaklah menyimpan suatu Daftar Perkahwinan
dan buku-buku sebagaimana yang ditetapkan oleh Enakmen ini atau oleh kaedah-kaedah
yang dibuat di bawah Enakmen ini, dan tiap-tiap perkahwinan yang diakadnikahkan
dalam negeri hendaklah didaftarkan dengan sewajarnya oleh Pendaftar dalam
Daftar Perkahwinannya.
28. Tiap-tiap pendaftar hendaklah, dengan seberapa segera yang praktik
selepas akhir tiap-tiap satu bulan , menyerahkan kepada Ketua Pendaftar
suatu salinan tiap-tiap catatan yang diperakui benar dan ditandatangi olehnya
yang telah dibuat oleh Pendaftar dana Daftar Perkahwinannya.
Semua salinan itu hendaklah disimpan oleh Ketua Pendaftar mengikut apa-apa
cara sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dan hendaklah menjadi Daftar Perkahwinan
Ketua Pendaftar.

H-Net* Malam Yang Sungguh Pilu

2001-09-16 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
17/9/01 1.13pagi.

Benarlah Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud;

Tidak sekali-kali akan meredai oleh orang Yahudi dan Nasrani  kepada
engkau (orang Muslimin) sehinggalah engkau mengikutinya. Surah

Malam yang sungguh pilu dan sedih apabila terdengar Afganistan akan
diserang. Betapa sedih dan pilunya seorang Muslim yang tinggal jauh drp
bumi Umat Islam diserang dan dibunuh.

Sedih dan terhibanya daku seorang Muslim hanya menatap surat khabar dan
berita apabila mendengar umat Islam ditimpa musibah tersebut.

Marilah kita muhasabah diri kita, wahai sahabat2 sekelian, betapa Allah
SWT meletakkan  hambanya di tempat yang telah ditakdirkannya.

Sekiranya kita ditempat hamba Allah SWT di bumi Afganistan... maka
malulah kita. Kerana jiwa, iman, zahiri dan batini kita tidak tawajuh
kepada-Nya untuk menegakkan Keadilan KeIslaman bersandarkan Jihad Fi


Wallahuala`alam. ;-(

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-09-05 Terurut Topik kliner

Klik disini


kliner wrote:
Sila baca surat pembaca ini, betapa bodohnya dan
bangangnya orang UMNO, kerana dia tidak sedara bahawa dia telah mengkutuk
hukum tuhan.

Print version of this story

Monday September 3

Azan sesuai di zaman Nabi tetapi tidak relevan di zaman IT Umno Beruas

6:55pm, Mon: Bukan sebab saya ahli Umno maka saya sokong Dr

Mahathir Mohamad. Tetapi saranan beliau supaya Islam diubah

supaya tidak ketinggalan zaman adalah sesuatu yang sangat


Lihat sahaja azan yang dilaungkan untuk tanda masuk waktu

sembahyang. Azan dilaungkan di zaman Nabi sebab pada masa itu

jam, TV, radio dan lain-lain alat moden untuk mengesan masa dan

menyampaikan maklumat tidak ada lagi. Di zaman Nabi hanya

matahari menjadi panduan menentukan masa. Maka terpaksalah

azan dilaungkan untuk menandakan masuk waktu sembahyang.

Zaman ini waktu solat disebar dengan luas. Suratkhabar pun

menyiarkannya. Hampir semua orang memakai jam tangan, dan di

merata-rata ada jam untuk kita merujuk waktu. Kalau kita hendak

mengetahui waktu solat kita hanya perlu semak di akhbar, dan

memastikan sudah masuk waktu solat dengan hanya melihat waktu

di jam tangan kita. Maka azan tidak perlu lagi di zaman IT yang

serba moden ini.

Khutbah pada solat hari Jumaat juga sudah tidak relevan lagi.

Khutbah bertujuan untuk menyampaikan ajaran agama serta

maklumat. Di zaman IT, iaitu zaman teknologi maklumat, kita boleh

mendekati ajaran agama tanpa diadakan khutbah. Ajaran agama

boleh didapati dari percetakan, media eletronik dan Internet.

Kemajuan komunikasi menjadikan khutbah tidak lagi relevan dan

seharusnya kita tidak lagi meneruskan khutbah pada hari Jumaat.

H-Net* Url Website Mengenai Umno Beruas Kutuk Azan Dan Khutbah JUmaat

2001-09-05 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

Link surat pembaca dan pilih 3 hari kemudian update 23 Ogos 2001

atau link direct ialah.


 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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 ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-09-04 Terurut Topik kliner

Sila baca surat pembaca ini, betapa bodohnya dan bangangnya orang UMNO,
kerana dia tidak
sedar bahawa dia telah mengkutuk hukum tuhan.

Print version of this story

Monday September 3

Azan sesuai di zaman Nabi tetapi tidak relevan di zaman IT Umno Beruas

6:55pm, Mon: Bukan sebab saya ahli Umno maka saya sokong Dr

Mahathir Mohamad. Tetapi saranan beliau supaya Islam diubah

supaya tidak ketinggalan zaman adalah sesuatu yang sangat


Lihat sahaja azan yang dilaungkan untuk tanda masuk waktu

sembahyang. Azan dilaungkan di zaman Nabi sebab pada masa itu

jam, TV, radio dan lain-lain alat moden untuk mengesan masa dan

menyampaikan maklumat tidak ada lagi. Di zaman Nabi hanya

matahari menjadi panduan menentukan masa. Maka terpaksalah

azan dilaungkan untuk menandakan masuk waktu sembahyang.

Zaman ini waktu solat disebar dengan luas. Suratkhabar pun

menyiarkannya. Hampir semua orang memakai jam tangan, dan di

merata-rata ada jam untuk kita merujuk waktu. Kalau kita hendak

mengetahui waktu solat kita hanya perlu semak di akhbar, dan

memastikan sudah masuk waktu solat dengan hanya melihat waktu

di jam tangan kita. Maka azan tidak perlu lagi di zaman IT yang

serba moden ini.

Khutbah pada solat hari Jumaat juga sudah tidak relevan lagi.

Khutbah bertujuan untuk menyampaikan ajaran agama serta

maklumat. Di zaman IT, iaitu zaman teknologi maklumat, kita boleh

mendekati ajaran agama tanpa diadakan khutbah. Ajaran agama

boleh didapati dari percetakan, media eletronik dan Internet.

Kemajuan komunikasi menjadikan khutbah tidak lagi relevan dan

seharusnya kita tidak lagi meneruskan khutbah pada hari Jumaat.


2001-08-21 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner


2001-08-19 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Apakah Perasaan Anda?

2001-08-05 Terurut Topik kliner

H-Net* Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam (Bhg. 6)

2001-07-13 Terurut Topik kliner

18. Tiada suatu perkahwinan boleh diakadnikahkan kecuali dalam qariah
masjid di mana pihak perempuan bermustautin , tetapi Pendaftar atau Hakim
Syariah yang memberi kebenaran berkahwin di bawah Seksyen 15 atau 16 boleh
memberi kebenaran untuk berkahwin itu diakadnikahkan di tempat lain, sama
ada dalam negeri atau mana-mana negeri.
Kebenaran di bawah Sekseyn (1) bolehlah dinyatakan dalam kebenaran berkahwin
yang diberi dibawah Seksyen 15 atau 16.
Walauapapun peruntukkan Subseksyen (1), sesuatu perkahwinan itu boleh
diakadnikahkan dalam qariah masjid yang lain daripada qariah masjid di
mana pihak perempuan bermustautin jika;
i. dalam hal di mana perempuan itu bermustautin dalam negeri kebenaran
berkahwin mengenai perkahwinan itu telah diberi dibawah Seksyen 15 atau
16 dan kebenaran untuk berkahwin itu diakadnikahkan dalam qariah masjid
yang lain itu telah diberi di bawah Subseksyen (1) atau
ii. dalam hal di mana perempuan itu bermustautin dalam sesuatu negeri,
kebenaran berkahwin mengenai perkahwinan itu dan kebenaran untuk perkahwinan
itu diakadnikahkan dalam qariah masjid yang lain itu telah diberi oleh
pihak berkuasa yang hak bagi negeri itu.
19. Mas Kahwin hendaklah biasanya dibayar oleh pihak lelaki atau wakilnya
kepada pihak perempuan atau wakilnya dihadapan orang yang mengakadnikahkan
perkahwinan tu dan sekurang-kurangnya dua orang saksi lain.
Pendaftar hendaklah, mengenai tiap-tiap perkahwinan yang hendak didaftarkan
olehnya, menetu dan merekodkan;
i. nilai dan butir-butir lain mas kahwin
ii. nilai dan butir-butir lain pemberian
iii. nilai dan butir-butir lain apa-apa bahagian mas kahwin atau pemberian
pada masa akadnikah itum, dan tarikh yang dijanjikan untuk penjelasan
iv. butir-butir cagaran yang diberi bagi menjelaskan mas kahwin atau
20. Selepas sahaja diakadnikah sesuatu perkahwinan dilakukan, Pendaftar
hendaklah mencatatkan butir-butir yang ditetapkan dan ta`liq yang ditetapkan
bagi perkahwinan itu di dalam Daftar Perkahwinan.
Catatan itu hendaklah diakui saksi oleh pihak-pihak kepada perkahwinan
itu dan oleh dua orang saksi, selain daripada Pendaftar, yang hadir semasa
perkahwinan itu diakadnikahkan.
Catatan itu hendaklah kemudiannya ditandatangangi oleh Pendaftar itu.
21. Tiada seseorang lelaki boleh berkahwin dengan seseorang lain dalam
masa dia masih beristerikan isterinya yang sedia ada kecuali dengan terlebih
dahulu mendapatkan pengesahan secara bertulis daripada Qadi bahawa ia telah
membuat akuan dihadapa Qadi yang ia akan berlaku adil terhadap isteri-isterinya
dan jika dia berkahwin sedemikian tanpa pengesahan tersebut, maka perkahwinan
itu tidak boleh didaftarkan di bawah Enakmen ini.
Subseksyen (1) terpakai bagi perkahwinan dalam negeri dan luar
22. Tertakluk kepada subseksyen (2) perkahwinan bolehlah diakadnikahkan
mengikut Hukum Syarak oleh Pendaftar yang dilantik di bawah Seksyen 26
(5) dikedutaan, Suruhanjaya Tinggi atau Pejabat Konsul Malaysia di mana-mana
negara yang telah diakadnikahkan perkahwinan di Kedutaan, Suruhanjaya Tinggi,
atau Pejabat Konsul itu.
Sebelum mengakadnikahkan sesuatu perkahwinan di bawak Seksyen ini, Pendaftar
hendaklah berpuas hati;
i. Sebelum mengakadnikahkan sesuatu perkahwinan itu adalah pemustautin
ii. Bahawa tiap-tiap satu pihak mempunyai keupayaan untuk berkahwinan
mengikut Hukum Syarak dan Enakmen ini dan
iii. Bahawa, jika salah satu pihak bukan pemustautin negeri, perkahwinan
yang dicadangkan itu, jika diakadnikahkan, akan dikira sebagai sah di tempat
di mana pihak itu bermustautin.
Prosedur bagi akadnikah dan pendaftaran perkahwinan di bawah seksyen
ini hendaklah serupa dalam serba perkara dengan yang dipakai guna bagi
perkahwinan-perkahwinan lain yang diakadnikahkan dan didaftarkan dalam
Negeri Perak di bawah Enakmen ini seolah-olah pendaftar yang dilantik untuk
sesuatu Negara Asing adalah seorang pendaftar untuk sesebuah negeri.

H-Net* Mujahideen Appeal For Dua

2001-07-12 Terurut Topik kliner

Mujahideen Appeal For Dua
The Mujahideen have conveyed a request to the worldwide Muslim community that 
they keep Chechnya, and the plight of its people and Mujahideen, foremost in 
their minds. In particular they urge that the Muslims continue to make dua 
(supplication to Allah) for their victory as it is felt that the conflict is 
reaching a stage which may be decisive for one side or the other.
Brothers and Sisters: The greatest support you can give the Mujahideen 
involves you raising your hands towards the heavens and making rigorous 
supplication to Allah Most High with [for example] the following Dua: 
Oh Allah! You have revealed The Book...You control the clouds and dominate 
their path. You defeat the armies of Your enemies.
Oh Allah, All Mighty are You, All Powerful are 
  You,Oh Allah, defeat your enemies, defeat the 
  Russians!Oh Allah! Scatter their aim, shake the earth 
  beneath their feet, strike fear into their hearts. Oh Allah! 
  Cripple their limbs and blind their sight, and send upon them epidemics and 
  calamities. Oh Allah! Disperse their gatherings and shatter 
  their unity; Make their condition severe amongst themselves, and make their 
  plots turn against them - show us the glory of your Power and make their 
  destruction a lesson for those who do not learn lessons. Oh 
  Allah! Hasten their destruction, and make their wealth a bounty for the 
  Muslims.Oh Allah! Aid our Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. 
  Oh Allah! Unify their ranks, and gather them on the word of 
  truth. Oh Allah! Make accurate the aim of their weapons; 
  strengthen their determination and make them steadfast, and bestow upon them 
  tranquillity. Oh Allah, put their hearts at peace and guide 
  them to that which is all-good. Oh Allah! Give them 
  authority in Your Glorified Name, and give glory to them with your infinite 
  armies in the heavens and the earth.Oh Lord of the Worlds! 
  May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon 
  all his followers and 

Re: H-Net* Mahathir Diambang Neraka

2001-07-09 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt

Salam bahagia kepada netters sekelian, mohon 
kemaafan andainya komen saya ini membawa satu idea yang kurang enak didengar 
oleh sebahagian netters.

Komen saya mengenai topic di sini saya rasa perlu 
ditegur dari sudut agama, tidak dari sudut politik, kerana Agama Islam adalah 
pedoman iaitu melalui Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah SAW.

Mengenai perkataaan saudara tersebut saya rasa 
tidak elok dan tidak wajar bagi saudara berkata demikian iaitu "Mahathir 
Diambang Neraka".

Hujah saya, saudara seolah2 meletakan si pulan 
tersebut adalah ahli neraka, kerana Rasullah SAW sendiri tidak pernah berkata si 
pulan bin pulan adalah ahli neraka. Tetapi Rasullah SAW hanya berkata sesiapa 
sahaja yang melanggar Hukum Allah SWT maka dia adalah ahli neraka, jadi di sini 
Rasullah SAW sendiri tidak mengkhususkan siapa bin siapa,, tetapi saudara telah 
terlajak jauh.

Kita kembali kepada ayat yang dikeluarkan oleh 

Sabda Rasulullah 

Orang orang yang sombong dan bengis(zalim) itu nanti dikumpulkan pada hari 
kiamat dalam bentuk srupa semuat kecil yang dipijak pijak oleh orang ramai . Ini 
adalah kerana mereka mnegambil ringan kepada Allah ‘Azza wa jalla” 

Firman Alla Ta’ala 

“Bagi Allah adalah semua yang dilangit dan dibumi agar Allah dapat 
memberikan balasan kepada orang-orang yang berbuat kejahatan sesuai dengan 
amalan-amalan mereka dan memberi balasan orang orang yang berbuat kebaikan 
dengan kebaikan pula.” 

S.Najm 31.

Dimanakah letaknya pengkhusussan si pulan bin pulan adalah ahli neraka. 
Jadi di sini tidak baik sama sekali kita meletakkan seseorang itu adalah ahli 
neraka, kerana kita belum tahu siapa yang akan masuk neraka dan siapa yang akan 
masuk syurga.

Walhal Nabi SAW mempunyai satu permintaan yang mana permintaan tersebut 
belum pernah dipinta oleh Rasullah SAW. Cuba kita lihat zaman Nabi Nuh, Nabi 
Luth dll. Mereka telah menggunakan permintaan mereka kerana umat di zaman itu 
telah terlalu terlanjur jauh sesat. Jadi besar kemungkinan insyallah di 
akhirat nanti Rasullah SAW akan menggunakan niat tersebut. Wallahu`alam.

Tujuan saya mengutarakan komen di sini bersandarkan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah 
tidak bersandarkan kepada politik.


   Original Message - 
  zaidah mohd 
  Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 6:12 AM
  Subject: H-Net* Mahathir Diambang 
  *~* { 
  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - http://www.hizbi.net } { Hantarkan mesej anda 
  ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] } { Iklan barangan? 
  Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] } 
  *~* PAS : KE ARAH 
  Mahathir Diambang Neraka. 
  Sabda Rasulullah 
  Orang orang yang sombong dan bengis(zalim) itu nanti dikumpulkan 
  pada hari kiamat dalam bentuk srupa semuat kecil yang dipijak pijak oleh orang 
  ramai . Ini adalah kerana mereka mnegambil ringan kepada Allah ‘Azza wa jalla” 

  Firman Alla Ta’ala 
  “Bagi Allah adalah semua yang dilangit dan dibumi agar Allah dapat 
  memberikan balasan kepada orang-orang yang berbuat kejahatan sesuai dengan 
  amalan-amalan mereka dan memberi balasan orang orang yang berbuat kebaikan 
  dengan kebaikan pula.” 
  S.Najm 31. 
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  Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB) ( Berhenti ? 
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  HIZBI-Net ) ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 
  "zaidah mohd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 9}

2001-07-09 Terurut Topik kliner

Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 
The EIGHT condition of the shahadah is that the person who 
makes the shahadah must DENY EVERY OTHER OBJECT OF WORSHIP. Although that is 
clear in the words of the testimony of faith, it does not seem clear to everyone 
who makes that testimony. Therefore, I am mentioning it explicitly here. In 
Surah al-Baqara, Allaah clearly reminds us of this important aspect of the 
shahadah, the shahadah is not merely an affirmation but it is both and 
affirmation and a negation. Allaah states, "And he who rejects false deities 
and believes in Allaah has grasped a firm handhold which will never break" 
(al-Baqara : 256). Perhaps the Prophet (peace be upon him) made this point even 
clearer when he said, "Whoever says there is no one worthy of worship except 
Allaah and denies whatever is worshipped besides Allaah, then his wealth and 
blood are protected and his accounting will be with Allaah." (Recorded by 
Muslim). Although this condition should be obvious to everyone who says the 
words of shahadah, you can still find Muslims who say the shahadah and then make 
acts of worship for beings or things other than Allaah. You will find them going 
to the graveyards and worshipping those in the graves. They will perform acts of 
worship, not for the sake of Allaah, but for the sake of the dead "saints" in 
the grave. What kind of shahadah have these people made? Do you really think 
that their shahadah will mean anything on the Day of Judgement as long as they 
believe that acts of worship may be done for other than Allaah? 

H-Net* Knowledge for Knowledge

2001-06-29 Terurut Topik kliner

Knowledge for Knowledge


From Jaabir (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who 
  said that Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallam) said: 
  Do not acquire knowledge in order to compete with the scholars, 
  nor to argue with the ignorant, nor to gain mastery over the gatherings. 
  Since whoever does that, then: The Fire! The Fire!
Consider, May Allaah have mercy on you, the admonition and the lesson 
contained in what Ibn Abee Haatim ar-Raazee narrates, he said: I entered into 
Damascus upon the students of hadeeth and I passed by the circle of Qaasim 
al-Joo'ee. I found a group sitting around him and he was speaking. Their 
appearance amazed me and I heard him saying: 'Seize the benefit of five things 
from the people of your time: when you are present you are not known; when you 
are absent you are not missed; when you are seen your advice is not sought; when 
you say something your saying is not accepted; and when you have some knowledge 
you are not given anything for it. I also advise you with five things: when you 
are treated unjustly then do not behave unjustly; when you are praised then do 
not become happy; when you are criticised do not be upset; when you are not 
believed then do not become angry; and if they act deceitfully towards you do 
not act deceitfully towards them.' Ibn Abee Haatim said: So I took that as my 
benefit from Damascus. So consider, May Allaah protect us and you from 
the evils of the soul, how sincere desire for knowledge and benefit led him to 
listen to one who certainly possessed less knowledge than himself in order to 
benefit his understanding and to acquire some knowledge. Another matter that 
must be mentioned here is that: The Believer is a Mirror for His 

H-Net* Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam (Bhg.)

2001-06-29 Terurut Topik kliner

14. Apabila dikehendaki untuk mengakadnikah sesuatu perkahwinan dalam
negeri, tiap-tiap satu pihak kepada perkahwinan yang dicadangkan itu hendaklah
memohon dalam borang yang ditetapkan untuk kebenaran berkahwin kepada pendaftar
bagi qariah masjid di mana pihak perempuan itu bermustautin.
Jika pihak lelaki bermustautin di qariah masjid yang berlainan dari
qariah masjid pihak perempuan atau bermustautin di mana-mana negeri, permohonannya
hendaklah mengandungi atau disertai dengan kenyataan Pendaftar bagi qairah
masjidnya atau oleh pihak berkuasa yang hak negeri itu, mengikut mana yang
berkenaan, yang bermaksud bahawa sejauh yang dapat dipastikannya perkara-perkara
yang disebut dalam permohonan itu adalah benar.
Permohonan tiap-tiap pihak hendaklah disampaikan kepada pendaftar sekurang-kurangnya
tujuh hari sebelum tarikh yang dicadangkan bagi perkahwinan itu, tetapi
pendaftar boleh membenarkan masa yang lebih singkat dalam mana-mana kes
Permohonan kedua-dua pihak hendaklah dianggap sebagai suatu permohonan
15. Tertakluk kepada Seksyen 16, Pendaftar, apabila berpuas hati tentang
kebenaran perkara-perkara yang disebut dalam permohonan itu, tentang sahnya
perkahwinan yang dicadangkan itu, dan jika pihak lelaki itu sudah berkahwin
pada bila-bila masa selepas permohonan itu dan telah dibayar fee yang ditetapkan,
mengeluarkan kepala pemohon pengesahannya untuk berkahwin dalam borang
yang ditetapkan.
16. Dalam mana-mana kad berikut iaitu;
(a) jika pihak perempuan aalah seorang janda yang tersabit oleh Seksyen
12(3) atau
(b) jika pihak perempuan tidak mempunyai wali dari nasab mengikut Hukum
maka Pendaftar hendaklah, sebagai ganti bertinfak di bawah Seksyen 15,
merujuk permohonan itu kepada Hakim Syariah yang mempunyai bidangkuasa
di tempat perempuan itu bermustautin.
Hakim Syariah, apabila berpuas hati kebenaran perkara-perkara yang disebutkan
dalam permohonan itu dan tentang sahnya perkahwinan yang dicadangkan itu
dan bahawa kes itu adalah kes mewajarkan pemberian kebenaran bagi maksud-maksud
Seksyen 12(3), atau persetujuannya terhadap perkahwinan itu diakadnikahkan
oleh Wali Hakim bagi maksud-maksud Seksyen 11(b), mengikut mana yang berkenaan,
hendaklah pada bila-bila masa selepas permohonan itu dirujukkan kepadanya
dan setelah dibayar fee yang ditetapkan mengeluarkan kepada pemohon kebenarannya
untuk berkahwin dalam borang yang ditetapkan.
17. Tiada suatu perkahwinan boleh diakadnikahkan melainkan suatu kebenaran
berkahwin telah diberi;
(a) oleh Pendaftar di bawah Seksyen 15 atau oleh Hakim Syariah
di bawah Seksyen 16, jika perkahwinan itu melibatkan seorang perempuan
yang bermustautin dalam negeri, atau
(b) oleh Pihak Berkuasa yang hak bagi sesuatu negeri, jika perkahwinan
itu melibatkan seorang perempuan yang bermustautin di negeri itu.

H-Net* Knowledge for Knowledge

2001-06-27 Terurut Topik kliner

Knowledge for Knowledge


From Jaabir (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who 
  said that Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallam) said: 
  Do not acquire knowledge in order to compete with the scholars, 
  nor to argue with the ignorant, nor to gain mastery over the gatherings. 
  Since whoever does that, then: The Fire! The Fire!
Consider, May Allaah have mercy on you, the admonition and the lesson 
contained in what Ibn Abee Haatim ar-Raazee narrates, he said: I entered into 
Damascus upon the students of hadeeth and I passed by the circle of Qaasim 
al-Joo'ee. I found a group sitting around him and he was speaking. Their 
appearance amazed me and I heard him saying: 'Seize the benefit of five things 
from the people of your time: when you are present you are not known; when you 
are absent you are not missed; when you are seen your advice is not sought; when 
you say something your saying is not accepted; and when you have some knowledge 
you are not given anything for it. I also advise you with five things: when you 
are treated unjustly then do not behave unjustly; when you are praised then do 
not become happy; when you are criticised do not be upset; when you are not 
believed then do not become angry; and if they act deceitfully towards you do 
not act deceitfully towards them.' Ibn Abee Haatim said: So I took that as my 
benefit from Damascus. So consider, May Allaah protect us and you from 
the evils of the soul, how sincere desire for knowledge and benefit led him to 
listen to one who certainly possessed less knowledge than himself in order to 
benefit his understanding and to acquire some knowledge. Another matter that 
must be mentioned here is that: The Believer is a Mirror for His 

H-Net* Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam (Bhg. 4)

2001-06-25 Terurut Topik kliner

12. Tiada seseorang perempuan boleh, dalam masa perkahwinannya
dengan seseorang lelaki berterusan, berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki lain.

Jika perempuan itu adalah seorang janda-
(a) tertakluk kepada perenggan C, dia tidak boleh, pada
bila-bila masa sebelum tamat tempoh iddahnya yang dikira mengikut Hukum
Syarak, berkahwin dengan seseorang melainkan kepada lelaki yang akhir dia
telah bercerai.
(b) dia tidak boleh berkahwin melainkan dia telah mengemukakan
i. Suatu surat perakuan cerai yang sah yang dikeluarkan di
bawah undang-undang yang pada masa itu berkuatkuasa; atau
ii. Suatu perakuan, yang boleh diberi atas permohonnya selepas di tempat
di mana permohonan itu dibuat, yang bermaksud bahawa dia adalah seorang

(c) jika perceraian itu adalah dengan ba`in kubra (tiga talaq)
dia tidak boleh berkahwin semula dengan suaminya yang dahulu itu melainkan
dia telah berkahwin dengan sah dengan seorang lain dan dia telah disetubuhi
oleh seseorang lain dalam perkahwinan itu dan perkahwinan itu dibubarkan
kemudiannya dengsan sah dan setelah habis iddahnya. (1)

(1) Hukum bagi cina buta (istilah pak sanggup bagi berkahwin dengan
janda untuk dikembalikan kepada si suami yang menalak tiga) adalah haram
mutlak, sebab ia adalah dirancang.

Jika perempuan itu mendakwa telah bercerai sebelum dia telah
disetubuhi oleh suaminya dalam perkahwinan itu, dia tidak boleh, dalam
iddah perceraian biasa, berkahwin dengan seseorang yang lain daripada suaminya
yang dahulu itu, kecuali dengan kebenaran Kadhi di tempat pengantin perempuan
Jika perempaun itu adalah seorang balu.

i. dia tidak boleh berkahwin dengan seseorang pada bila-bila
masa sebelum tamat tempoh iddahnya yang dikira mengikut Hukum Syarak.
ii. Dia tidak boleh berkahwin melainkan dia telah mengemukakan surat
perakuan kematian suaminya atau dengan cara lain menbuktikan kematian suaminya.

13. Jika seseorang telah mengikat suatu perjanjian pertunangan mengikut
Hukum Syarak, sama ada secara lisan atau secara bertulis, dan sama ada
secara bersendirian atau melalui seorang perantaraannya, dan kemudiannya
enggan berkahwin dengan pihak yang satu lagi kepada perjanjian itu tanpa
apa-apa sebab yang sah manakala pihak yang satu lagi bersetuju berkahwin
demngannya, maka pihak yang mungkar adalah bertanggungjawab memulangkan
pemberian-pemberian pertunangan, jika ada, atau nilainya dan membayar apa-apa
wang yang telah dibelanjakan dengan suci hati oleh atau untuk pihak yang
satu lagi untuk membuat persedian bagi perkahwinan itu, dan yang demikian
boleh dituntut melalui tindakan dalam Mahkamah.

H-Net* Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 8}

2001-06-24 Terurut Topik kliner

Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 
The SEVENTH condition is LOVE (or al-mahabbah). That is, the 
believer loves this shahadah, he loves in accordance with the shahadah, he loves 
the implications and requirements of the shahadah and he loves those who act and 
strive for the sake of this shahadah. This is a necessary condition of the 
shahadah. If a person makes the shahadah but does not love the shahadah and what 
it stands for, then, in fact, his faith is not complete. It is not the faith of 
a true believer. And if he loves something more that this shahadah or if he 
loves something more than Allaah, then he has negated his shahadah. The true 
believer, the one meeting the conditions of the shahadah puts no one whatsoever 
as an equal to Allaah in his love. Allaah says in the Quraan, "Yet of mankind 
are some who take unto themselves (objects of worship which they set as) rivals 
to Allaah, loving them with a love like (that which is due to) Allaah only. 
However, those who believe are stauncher in their love of Allaah" (al-Baqara 
: 165). And elsewhere Allaah says "Say: If your fathers, or your sons, or 
your brethren, or your wives, or your tribe, or the wealth you have acquired, or 
merchandise for which you fear that there will be no sale, or dwellings you 
desire are dearer to you than Allaah and His Messenger and striving in His way: 
then wait till Allaah brings His command to pass. Allaah guides not wrongdoing 
folk" (al-Tauba : 24). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever has 
three characteristics has tasted the sweetness of faith. [The first of these] is 
that he loves Allaah and His Messenger more than he loves anyone else..." 
(Recorded by al-Bukharee and Muslim.). This is one of the most important aspects 
of Islaam yet, for some reason, it is missing from the lives of many Muslims. 
They act in Islaam as if Islaam were a chore instead of doing things out of the 
love of Allaah. When Allaah orders us to do something, like bear witness to the 
faith, to pray or to fast, we should realise that that thing is pleasing to 
Allaah and, therefore, out of our love for Allaah, we should be very pleased to 
do the acts that are pleasing to Allaah. But, as I said, this feeling is missing 
from many, many Muslims today. 

H-Net* The Muslim is Honest and Truthful in All His Affairs

2001-06-22 Terurut Topik kliner

The Muslim is Honest and Truthful in All His 


From Abu Hurairah (radiyallaahu 'anhu) 
  who said that Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: 
  Three things are the sign of the hypocrite: when he speaks he 
  tells lies, when he promises he breaks it and when he is trusted he proves 
  to be dishonest. [26]So 
he is truthful and honest in his speech, faithful to his promise, trustworthy in 
carrying out that which he has been entrusted with. He does not deceive or 
defraud, he does not tell lies and is not guilty of hypocrisy. So truthfulness 
and honesty is one of the chief good qualities, whereas falsehood is the head of 
corruption and evil. So his honesty keeps him far away from evil and foul deeds 
and sickness of the heart. Therefore whatever action he does, he does it for 
Allaah, the One free and far removed from all defects, not to attain some 
worldly position, fame or repute. So his motto is: Knowledge for 
Knowledge26.Reported by 
al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 1/31/no.32) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. 

H-Net* The Muslim's Piety and Self Restraint

2001-06-16 Terurut Topik kliner

The Muslim's Piety and Self Restraint


The Muslim's Piety and Self Restraint 
  From an-Nu'maan ibn Basheer (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that I heard 
  Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) say: That which 
  is lawful is clear, and that which is forbidden is clear, and between them 
  are doubtful matters about which many of the people have no knowledge. So 
  whoever avoids doubtful matters saves his Religion and his honour, and 
  whoever falls into doubtful matters falls into what is forbidden. Just 
  like a shepherd who grazes (his sheep) near to a private pasture (of 
  another), he will soon stray on to it. Indeed for every king there is a 
  private preserve. Indeed the preserve of Allaah are those things which He 
  has forbidden. Indeed there is a piece of flesh in the body which if it is 
  good, then the whole body is good, but if it is corrupt then the whole 
  body is corrupt. Indeed it is the heart. 25]
So the Muslim with regard to whatever situation arises in his life will have 
to face each of them with one of the following three stances: Completely 
refraining from it: That is with regards to that which is doubtful Accepting 
without constraint: That is with regard to which is clearly permissible 
To abstain from it: This is with regards to things which are not clearly 
permissible nor clearly forbidden. If the last stance indicates something it is 
an indication of a Muslim's piety and fear of falling into that which is 
forbidden and of entering into something evil. The Muslim therefore 
abstains from it, and distances himself from it in order to please Allaah and to 
ensure that His commands are followed. It is not to be said, as some people say: 
'That is not forbidden, so do it.' No, since it is not permissible to do 
everything other than which has been forbidden. So those things which are 
doubtful matters are closer to that which is forbidden, as occurs in the hadeeth 
itself: 'Whoever falls into the doubtful matters falls into what is 
forbidden' So this fear and piety confirms that: The Muslim is 
Honest and Truthful in All His Affairs25.Reported by al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 
1/44/no.49) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. 

H-Net* Enakmen Undan-undang Keluarga (Bhg. 3)

2001-06-15 Terurut Topik kliner

1. 7. Tiada seorang lelaki atau perempuan, mengikut 
mana yang berkenaan, boleh, oleh sebab nasab, berkahwin dengan;
(a) Ibunya atau bapanya.
(b) Neneknya hingga ke atas sama ada dari sebelah 
bapa atau dari sebelah ibu.
(d) Akan perempuannya atau anak lelakinya dari cucu 
perempuannya ataucucu 
lelakinya hingga ke bawah.
(e) Saudara perempuan 
atau saudara lelaki seibu, sebapa, saudara perempuan atau saudara lelaki sebapa 
dan saudara perempuan atau saudara lelaki seibu.
(f) Emak saudara atau bapa 
saudara sebelah bapanya hingga ke atas.
(g) Emak saudara atau 
saudara sebelah ibuna hingga ke atas.
Tiada seseorang lelaki atau perempuan, megikut mana 
yang berkenaan boleh, oleh sebab pertalian kahwin, berkahwin dengan.
(a) Ibu mertuanya atau 
bapa mertuanya hingga ke atas.
(b) Emak tirinya atau bapa 
tirinya, iaitu isteri bapanya atau suami ibunya.
(c) Nenek tirinya, 
iaitu isteri atau suami kepada nenek lelakinya, atau nenek perempuannya, sama 
ada dari sebelah bapa atau sebelah ibu.
(d) Menantunya.
(e) Anak perempuan 
tiri hingga ke bawah yang telah disetubuhi ibunya.
(f) Akan lelaki 
tiri hingga ke bawah.

Tiada seseorang atau perempuan, mengikut mana yang 
berkenaan, boleh, oleh sebab sesusuan berkahwin dengan orang perempuan atau 
lelaki yang ada hubungan dengannya melalui penyusuan di mana, jika hubungan itu 
adalah melalui penyusuan. Jika hubungan itu adalah melalui kelahiran dan bukan 
melalui penyusuan, perempuan atau lelaki itu tetap dilarang berkahwin dengannya 
oleh sebab nasab atau pertalian kahwin.
Tiada seseorang lelaki boleh mempunyai dua isteri 
pada satu masa jika isteri-isteri itu adalah pertalian antara satu sama lain 
melalui nasab, pertalian kahwin, atau susuan dan pertalian itu adalah dari jenis 
yang jika salah seorang daripada mereka adalah seorang lelaki, menjadikan 
perkahwinan antara mereka tetap tidah sah disisi Hukum Syarak.
2.8.  Tiada seseorang lelaki 
boleh berkahwin dengan seseorang bukan Islam.

Tiada seseoarng perempuan boleh berkahwin dengan 
seseorang bukan Islam.

9. Sesuatu perkahwinan adalah tak sah 
melainkan jika cukup semua syarat yang perlu, menurut Hukum Syarak untuk 
menjadikannya sah.
1 10. Sesuatu perkahwinan yang bersalahan dengan 
Enakmen ini tidak boleh didaftarkan di bawah Enakmen ini.
Sesuatu perkahwinan adalah tidah diakui dan tidak boleh didaftakan di 
bawah Enakmen ini melainkan kedua-dua pihak kepada perkahwinan itu boleh 
bersetuju terhadapnya, dan sama ada;
(a) Wali pihak perempuan 
telah bersetuju terhadap perkahwinan itu mengikut Hukum Syarak atau.

 (b) Hakim Syariah yang mempunyai bidangkuasa di tempat mana 
pihak perempuan itu bermustautin atau   

  seseorang yang diberi kuasa secara am atau 
khas bagi maksud itu oleh Hakim Syariah itu telah, selepas  

   penyiasatan wajar 
dihadapan semua pihak yang berkenaan, memberi persetujuan tersebut boleh diberi 
   wali tidak boleh 
dikesan atau jika wali telah enggan memberi persetujuaan dengan tiada sebab 



H-Net* Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 6}

2001-06-14 Terurut Topik kliner

Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 

The FIFTH condition is TRUTHFULNESS (or as-sidq), as opposed to hypocrisy and 
dishonesty. This means that when we say the shahadah, we are saying it honestly. 
We actually mean it. We are not lying when it comes to our testimony of faith. 
The Prophet (peace be upon his) said, No one bears testimony to there 
being no one worth of worship save Allaah, sincerely from his heart, except that 
Allaah makes the Hell-fire forbidden for him. (Recorded by al-Bukharee 
and Muslim.) We are all familiar with those who say the testimony of faith yet 
they are not saying it honestly. They do not believe in it but they are simply 
saying it in order to protect themselves or to get some gain from doing so; 
these are the hypocrites. Allaah has described them in the opening of the Quraan 
with the following words, And of mankind are some who say, 'We believe 
in Allaah and the Last Day,' when they believe not. They think to beguile Allaah 
and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves, but they perceive 
not. In their hearts is a disease, and Allaah increases their disease. A painful 
doom is theirs because they lie (al-Baqara 8-10). Obviously, the 
shahadah of those who become Muslims simply to benefit from being Muslim and not 
because they believe in Islaam will be rejected by Allaah in the Hereafter. They 
will face a painful punishment due to their 

H-Net* The Islaamic Personality {Hadeeth 11}: The Muslim Has NoFree Time

2001-06-14 Terurut Topik kliner

The Muslim Has No Free Time

From Ibn 'Abbaas (radiyallaahu 
'anhumaa) who said that Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi 
wa'sallam) said: There are two blessings which many people lose: 
health and free time. 
So how can one who has no free time preoccupy himself with this world? How 
can one whose time is filled experience free time? So consider, may Allaah have 
Mercy upon you, what one of the scholars said about one of the Imaams: 'I was a 
neighbour of his at the school in Cairo, my house was above his house. For 
twelve years, I did not awake on any night, at any hour of the night except that 
I noticed candle light in his house and he was occupied with knowledge. Even 
when he was eating, his books would be with him and he was occupied with 
them.[24] From those things upon which the Muslim 
personality is built is: The Muslim's Piety and Self Restraint 23.Reported by al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 
'Aarifeen (p.79) of an-Nawawee 

H-Net* Following and Applying Divine Guidance

2001-06-08 Terurut Topik kliner

Following and Applying Divine Guidance


From Umm ud-Darda 
  (radiyallaahu 'anhaa) who said: I said to Aboo Dardaa (radiyallaahu 
  'anhu): Will you not seek for things to entertain your guests just as 
  others seek for things for their guests? So he replied: I heard Allaah's 
  Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) say: "Ahead of you is a 
  steep mountain which will not be surmounted by those who are 
  overburdened." So I wish to lighten my load for that ascent![22]
So the Muslim follows and applies divine guidance in all his affairs. This 
world to him is merely a passage to the hereafter and he has no attachment to it 
except for that which is essential in order to meet his needs and preserve 
himself. But as for this world diverting most of his attention and being the 
goal which he seeks after, thinking that what he is doing is good, then this is 
not from the character or characteristics of the Muslim. So how strange is the 
case of the people who waste the prime of their lives and expend their youth 
submerged in worldly actions, thinking they are doing good. This is indeed 
something from Satan, made alluring by him. So how are there people able to do 
this when it is the case that: The Muslim Has No Free 
Time22.It is reported by 
al-Haakim (4/574), al-Baihaqee in Shu'abul Eemaan and others and its chain of 
narration is saheeh 

H-Net* Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 4}

2001-06-07 Terurut Topik kliner

Prerequisites of the Declaration 
of Faith {Part 4}
  THIRD condition of the shahadah is ACCEPTANCE (al-qabool). If a person has 
  knowledge of and certainty in the shahadah, this must followed by acceptance, 
  with the tongue and heart, of whatever that shahadah implies. Whoever refuses 
  to accept the shahadah and its implications, even if he knows that it is true 
  and certain about its truth, than he is a disbeliever. This refusal to accept 
  is sometimes due to pride, envy or other reasons. In any case, the shahadah is 
  not a true shahadah without its unconditional acceptance.The scholars 
  all talk about this condition as a general condition in the way that I have 
  just stated. However, there is also a more detailed aspect that we must all be 
  aware of. The believer accepts whatever the implications of the shahadah are. 
  This also means that he believes in whatever is stated in the Quraan or stated 
  by the Prophet (peace be upon him), without any right to choose what he wants 
  to believe and what he wants to reject. Allaah says in the Quraan, "Do you 
  believe in part of the book and reject part of it? And what is the reward of 
  those who do so save ignominy in the life of the world, and on the Day of 
  Resurrection they will be consigned to the most grievous doom" (al-Baqara 
  : 85). This is one aspect that the Muslims must be aware of. Although 
  it is not the same as the complete refusal to accept the truth, by rejecting 
  part of the truth that has come from Allaah, one also negates his testimony of 
  faith. Unfortunately, many Muslims are doing this nowadays in various ways. 
  Although not all of these forms may necessarily be considered apostasy, they 
  are still very dangerous. For example, if they do not like what is stated in a 
  verse in the Quraan, they simply reinterpret the verse according to their 
  liking. If they do not like what is stated in a hadeeth, they simply state 
  that the hadeeth must not be authentic although they are not scholars in that 
  field. This kind of behaviour is the antithesis of the behaviour of the true 
  Muslims. Whatever comes from Allaah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), the 
  true Muslim believes in as the truth. This goes hand in hand with their 
  testimony of faith. 


2001-06-07 Terurut Topik kliner

Semua perkataan dan ungkapan yang digunakan 
ditauliahkan oleh Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan untuk mengkahwinkan perempuan yang 
tidah mempunyai wali mengikut Hukum Syarak atau perempuan yang walinya enggan 
menikahkannya tanpa suatu sebab yang musabah mengikut Hukum Syarak.

Semua perkataan dan ungkapan yang digunakan dlaam 
Enakmen ini dan yang tidah ditakrifkan dalamnya tetapi ditakrifkan dalam Akta 
Pentafsiran 1967 hendaklah mempunyai erti yang diberi kepadanya masing-masing 
oleh Akta itu.

Melainkan jika kandungan ayatnya menghendaki makna 
yang lain apa-apa rujukan dalam Enakmen ini mengenai sesuatu Bahagian atau 
Seksyen tertentu adalah rujukan dalam Enakmen ini mengenai sesuatu Bahagian atau 
Seksyen Enakmen ini yang tertentu itu.

1. Tiada apa-apa jua yang terkandung dalam Enakmen ini boleh mengurankan 
atau menyentuh hak-hak progratif dan Kuasa-kuasa Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan 
sebagai ketua Agama Islam Negeri, sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dan dinyatakan 
dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri dan Perlembangan 

2. Kecuali sebagaimana diperuntukkan dengan nyata selainny, Enakmen ini 
hendaklah dipakai bagi semua orang yang beragama Islam yang bermukim dalam 
negeri ini dan semua orang yang beragama Islam yang bermustautin dalam Negeri 
ini tetapi bermukim di luar negeri ini.

Bagi maksud Enakmen ini, seseorang yang bermuikim 
tetap dalam negeri ini hendaklah disifatkan sebagai bermustautin dalam negeri 
ini sehingga dibuktikan sebaliknya.

3. Tiada apa-apa jua dalam Enakmen ini boleh menyentuh sahnya sesuatu 
perkahwinan Islam yang telah diakadnikahkan di bawah mana-mana jua undang-undang 
di mana jua pun sebelum tarikh yang ditetapkan.

Perkahwinan sedemikian, jika sah di bawah 
undang-undang yang dibawahnya ia telah diakadnikahkan, hendaklah disifatkan 
sebagai didaftarkan di bawah Enakmen ini.

Tiap-tiap perkahwinan sedemikian, melainkan jika 
tidak diakui di bawah undang-undang yang di bawahnya ianya telah diakadnikahkan, 
hendaklah berterusan sehingga dibubarkan;

(a) Dengan kematian salah seorang daripada pihak-pihak yang berkahwin 
(b) Dengan 
apa-apa talak sebagaiman yang dilafazkan di bawah Enakmen ini.
(c) Dengan perintah Mahkamah yang layak berbidangkan atau
(d) Dengan 
penetapan pembatalan yang di buat oleh Mahkamah yang layak 

4. Sesuatu perkahwinan di dalam Negeri hendaklah mengikut peruntukan Enakmen 
ini dan hendaklah diakadnikahkan mengikut Hukum Syarak oleh:

(a) Wali di hadapan Pendaftar.
(b) Wakil Wali di hadapan dan dengan kebenaran 
(c) Pendaftar sebagai wakil wali 
  (d) Wali 


2001-06-02 Terurut Topik kliner

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt

Selalunya kita hanya tahu syarat-syarat perkahwinan 
sahaja, tetapi kali ini ada baiknya kita mendalami hukum-hakam Enakmen 
Undang-undang Perkahwinan di Malaysia.


  ini bolehlah dinamakan Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam 1984 dan hendaklah 
  mula berkuatkuasa pada tarikh yang ditetapkan oleh 1984 oleh Duli Yang Maha 
  Mulia Sultan melalui pemberitahu dalam warta:
Dengan syarat bahawa Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan boleh dari masa ke semasa 
menetapkan tarikh-tarikhh yang berlainan  
 melalui pemberitahuan dalam warta bagi mula 
berkuatkuasanya Bahagian-bahagian atau peruntukan-peruntukan Enakmen 
 ini yang berlainan.
2. Dalam 
Enakmen ini, melainkan jika konteksnya menghendaki makna yang berlainan:
ANAK DARA ertinya seorang perempuan yang belum pernah bersetubuh.
BALU ertinya perempuan yang suaminya telah meninggal dunia.
BERMUSTAUTIN ertinya seseorang yang tinggal tetap atau pada kelazimannya 
tinggal berumahtangga dalam sesuatu kawasan yang tertentu.
BERMUKIM ertinya seseorang yang tinggal sementara dalam sesuatu kawasan 
DUDA ertinya lelaki yang isterinya telah meninggal dunia.
FASAKH ertinya pembubaran nikah disebabkan oleh sesuatu hal keadaan yang 
diharuskan oleh Hukum Syara.
HAKIM SYARIAH ertinya seorang Kadhi yang dilantik di Bawah Seksyen 43 
Undang-undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam 1965.
HARTA SEPENCARIAN ertinya pendapatan atau harta yang didapati daripada 
ushaa bersama di antara suami dan isteri dan termasuklah pendapatan yang 
didapati daripada usaha mereka bersama.
JANDA ertinya perempuan yang bukan anak dara atau isteri orang.
KARIAH ertinya kawasan sesuatu masjid yang ditentukan oleh kebiasaan 
penduduk di tempat itu.
MAHKAMAH ertinya Mahkamah Kadhi atau Kadhi Besar atau Jawatankuasa Ulang 
Bicara yang ditubuhkan di bawah Seksyen 44 dan 46 Undang-undang Pentadbiran 
Agama Islam 1965.
MAJLIS ertinya Majlis Agama Islam yang ditubuhkan di bawah seksyen 5 
Undang-undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam 1965.
MAS KAHWIN ertinya pembayaran kahwin yang wajib dibayar di bawah hokum 
syarak oleh suami kepada isteri pada masa perkahwinan diakadnikahkan, sama ada 
dibayar dengan wang tunai atau dengan bende ataupun dengan berhutang dengan 
cagaran atau tidak.
MUT`AH ertinya bayaran saguhati yang diberi dari segi hukum syarak kepada 
isteri yang diceraikan.
NASAB ertinya keturunan yang berasaskan pertalian darah yang saha.
PENDAFTAR ertinya seorang Pendaftar Perkahwinan, Perceraian dan Rujuk 
orang-orang Islam yang dilantik di bawah seksyen 26 Enakmen ini dan termasuklah 
Ketua Pendaftar dan Penolong Pendaftar.
PERSETUBUHAN SYUBAH ertinya persetubuhan yang dilakukan di atas anggapan 
sah akad nikah, tetapi sebenarnya akan itu tidah sah (fasid) atau persetubuhan 
yang berlaku secara tersilap dan termasuk mana-mana persetubuhan yang tidak 
dihukum Had dalam Islam.
RUJUK ertinya perkembalian kepada nikah yang asal.
SESUSUAN ertinya pernyusuan bayi dengan perempuan yang bukan ibu 
kandungannya sekuran-kurangnya sebanyak lima kali yang mengenyangkan dalam masa 
umurnya dua tahun ke bawah.
TA`LIQ ertinya menggantungkan penunaian talak dengan sesuatu.
TARIKH YANG DITETAPKAN ertinya tarikh yang ditetapkan di bawah Seksyen 1 
untuk mula berkuatkuasanya Enakmen ini.
THAYYIB ertinya perempuan yang pernah bersetubuh.
WALI ertinya waris bagi seorang perempuan yang boleh mengkahwinkannya 
mengikut Hukum Syarak.
WALI HAKIM ertinya wali yang ditauliahkan oleh Duli Yang Maha Mulia 
Sultan untuk mengahwinkan perempuan yang tidak mempunyai wali mengikut Hukum 
Syarak atau perempuan yang walinya enggan menikahkannya tanpa suatu sebab yang 
munsabah mengikut Hukum Syarak.

H-Net* The Islaamic Personality {Hadeeth 9}: The Muslim does notHarbour Envy

2001-05-31 Terurut Topik kliner

  The Muslim does not Harbour Envy

  From Ibn Mas'ood (radiyallaahu 
'anhumaa) who said that Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi 
wa'sallam) said: There is to be no envy except with regard to 
two[19] : A man whom Allaah has given wealth 
which he strives to spend righteously, and a man to whom Allaah has 
given the Wisdom (i.e. the Qur'aan) and he acts according to it and 
teaches it to others.[20]
  If he were to have envy of the people he would hope for their downfall in 
  order to satisfy the pride that he has in himself, his vanity and the 
  conceitedness of his mind. So he (the Muslim) knows that envy is a dangerous 
  disease and a harmful evil and therefore keeps away from it. As for 
  the envy which is accepted from that which is sinful, then it is envy which 
  does not cause the person to be afflicted by the sickness of wishing for that 
  blessing to leave the other person. Rather he supplicates to his Lord, the One 
  free of all imperfections, for his brother; that Allaah should protect him, 
  and for himself; that Allaah should make him like him. As for that which is at 
  variance with this, then it is blameworthy and to be condemned.[21] So this 
  emphasises that fact that the Muslim is one who is: Following and 
  Applying Divine Guidance19.See 
  Fath ul Bari (1/167) 20.Reported by al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 1/62/no.73) 
  21.Refer to the treatise Dhammul Hasad wa Ahlihi of Ibn ul Qayyim with my 
  footnotes and checking 

H-Net* Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 3}

2001-05-29 Terurut Topik kliner

  Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 
  3}The SECOND condition of the shahadah is CERTAINTY 
  (or al-yaqeen). This is the opposite of doubt and uncertainty. In Islaam, in 
  fact, any kind of doubt is equivalent to Kufr or disbelief. We must, in our 
  hearts, be absolutely certain of the truth of the shahadah. Our hearts must 
  not be wavering in any way when we testify to the truth of, "There is none 
  worthy of worship except Allaah."Allaah describes the believers in the 
  Quraan as those who have belief in Allaah and then their hearts waver not. 
  Allaah says, "the (true) believers are those only who believe in Allaah and 
  His messenger and afterward doubt not, but strive with their wealth and their 
  lives for the cause of Allaah. Such are the sincere" (al-Hujuraat : 15). 
  Similarly, the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said, "No 
  one meets Allaah with the testimony that there is none worthy of worship but 
  Allaah and I am the Messenger of Allaah, and he has no doubt about hat 
  statement, except that he will enter Paradise." (Recorded by Muslim.) 
  Indeed, Allaah describes the hypocrites as those people whose hearts 
  are wavering. For example, Allaah says, "They alone seek leave of thee (not 
  to participate in jihad) who believe not in Allaah and the Last Day and whose 
  hearts feel doubt, so in their doubt they waver" (al-Tawbah : 45). 
  Many scholars have stated that the diseases of the heart, or the doubt 
  and suspicions that one allows into one's heart, are more dangerous for a 
  person's faith than lusts and desires. This is because lusts and desires may 
  be satisfied at some time yet the person still knows them to be wrong and he 
  may control himself and repent and give up that evil deed. On the other hand, 
  the doubts and suspicions may linger in the heart, with no cure, until the 
  person finally leaves Islaam entirely or continues to practice Islaam while, 
  in fact, in his heart he does not have the true faith. The greatest cure for 
  these doubts is seeking knowledge. It is through sound knowledge of the Quraan 
  and the sunnah that most of these doubts will be removed. By study and 
  understanding, one will attain certainty. And as one studies and learns more, 
  his certainty will be made firmer and firmer.I will give you just one 
  example on this point; this is related to all of the doubts, suspicions and 
  misconceptions that are circulating about the authenticity of the hadeeth 
  literature. For example, some Muslims even claim that hadeeth were not 
  recorded until at least 200 years after the death of the Prophet (peace be 
  upon him). Indeed, there are Muslims who seem to have a great deal of doubt 
  about hadeeth and very quick to reject hadeeth on that basis. But, in fact, if 
  one actually takes the time to study the history and preservation of hadeeth, 
  one will immediately recognise that all those claims and charges against the 
  hadeeth are not based on anything scientific whatsoever. They are nothing but 
  false claims that come from Satan and which Muslims with poor understanding 
  and knowledge have allowed to creep into their hearts. Let me make one last 
  point about this condition of certainty. As I alluded to earlier, doubts and 
  misconceptions are very dangerous for a person's faith. Doubt and wavering are 
  tantamount to apostasy in Islaam, as I mentioned earlier. Hence, every Muslim 
  should do best to safeguard himself from such doubts and remain away from the 
  sources of doubts- especially if they are not well grounded in the Islaamic 
  sciences and do not have the knowledge to refute such doubts and 
  misconceptions. Hence if a person has an associate or friend, even if he be a 
  Muslim friend, who is always making him doubt Allaah or the religion, then he 
  should remain away from that person in order to safeguard his own religion. 
  Many Muslims nowadays study courses on Islaam taught by Orientalists 
  and because of their weak backgrounds in Islaamic studies, they are influenced 
  by the nonsense that some of these Orientalists are teaching in the name of 
  "science". Similarly, many brothers and sisters nowadays are spending hours at 
  a time with the computer news groups and bulletin boards. A lot of nonsense 
  and falsehood are posted on those news groups and bulletin boards. Again, the 
  one who is not very knowledgeable of his religion may easily be influenced and 
  affected by the misconceptions and false arguments that he reads in those 
  bulletin boards. He should remain away from those things and get a deeper 
  knowledge of Islaam through the authentic sources of the religion. Again, the 
  greatest counterforce that can defeat doubts and misconceptions, after the 
  bounty and guidance of Allaah, is sound knowledge and understanding of the 
  religion. When a person has that, he will not be affected by the weak 
  arguments put out by the enemies of 

H-Net* Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith {Part 2}

2001-05-18 Terurut Topik kliner

Islaamic Network wrote:

Do not forget the 'Islaamic Relationships' Seminar in Rochdale

Prerequisites of the Declaration of
Faith {Part 2}
The FIRST of these condition is KNOWLEDGE. That is, one must have the basic
and general knowledge of what is meant by the shahadah. One must understand
what the shahadah is affirming and what the shahadah is denying. Allaah
says in the Quraan, "So know that there is no God save Allaah, and ask
forgiveness for your sin" (Muhammad : 19). Similarly, the Prophet (peace
be upon him) said, "Whoever dies knowing that there is no one worthy
of worship except Allaah shall enter Paradise." (Recorded by Muslim).
In fact, the shahadah itself is a testimony. When one testifies to something,
one must know what it is that he is testifying concerns. Obviously, a testimony
about something that one does not have any knowledge about is absolutely
unacceptable. Allaah says in the Quraan," Save him who bears witness
unto the truth knowingly" (al-Zukhruf : 86). Now this condition probably
sounds obvious; if someone said to you, "There is no God except Allaah,"
and then said that what he meant by Allaah was Jesus, you would immediately
tell him that this shahadah is nonsense. Yet can you imagine that there
is a Muslim country in the world that until recently used to have a yearly
week-long celebration to "the Gods of the Sea"! All along they call themselves
Muslims and they make the shahadah numerous times a day. This clearly shows
that they have no idea what the meaning of their shahadah is. Do you think
that this kind of shahadah will open the doors to Paradise for them? Today,
there are many Muslims who wonder why we should not accept secularism.
They think that there is nothing wrong with secularism! Many of these Muslims
pray five times a day and utter the shahadah repeatedly. Yet they see nothing
wrong with accepting a Lawgiver other than Allaah? What kind of shahadah
are these people making?
All of us must do our best to learn at least the basics of Islaamic
beliefs, the basics of what shahadah means. In this way, Allaah willing,
we will be making the correct shahadah. We will be witnessing to the truth
as we are supposed to be witnesses to it.

Re: H-Net* Bantuan : Bina Web Jawi Digital

2001-03-28 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

firstly  kena sediakan windows arabic..
then software arabic contohnya adobe photoshop arabic dan paint shop 
arabic... semuanya edisi english n arabic...

bradd pitt wrote:

 *~* { Sila 
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 *~* PAS : KE 
 Saya ingin berkongsi dengan netters tentang matlamat saya untuk 
 membina web page untuk tulisan jawi...maksud nak gantikan huruf rumi 
 dalam web site la...
 kalau sesiapa boleh memberi maklumat bagaimana untuk memulakan projek 
 saya haraf haris fazilah..dan member2 yang teror dalam bidang IT boleh 
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Re: H-Net* Best Handphone Line

2001-03-22 Terurut Topik kliner

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cadangan saya kalau nak guna bil baik guna Maxis sebab bil Maxis tak 
macam bil celcom bil hantu.. dlm sebulan paling kurang satu bil.. paling 
banyak 3 bil sebulan...

Hakimi wrote:

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 Saya nak minta pendapat netters, diantara Maxis,
 Celcom atau TM Touch, yang mana paling baik dari segi
 kos dan coverage?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 
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H-Net* Komen CNN tentang HAJI

2001-03-05 Terurut Topik kliner


  Hajj crush kills pilgrims

Millions take part in the Hajj pilgrimage

MECCA, Saudi Arabia -- A stampede on the third day of the Hajj in Saudi
Arabia has killed 35 Muslim pilgrims, a civil defence chief has said.The deaths occurred during the ritual of the symbolic stoning of Satan
that was performed by more than two million Muslims on a desert plain at
Mina outside Mecca early on Monday.The official Saudi Press Agency quoted Brigadier General Saad bin Abdullah
al-Tuwaijer as saying that 23 women and 12 men of various nationalities were
crushed to death as a huge crowd rushed toward one of three giant pillars
representing the devil.The stampede followed severe pushing and shoving at a bridge, where pilgrims
perform the ritual stoning aimed at three pillars. The stoning has to be
achieved before dusk. AUDIO
Journalist Ribea Williams: It makes you try a bit harder as a person

450K/41 sec.AIFF or WAV sound
Ahmad Saifuddin, Islamic Scholar: stoning ritual turns to tragedy

490K/45 sec.AIFF or WAV soundIN-DEPTHKey Hajj facts
Pillars of Islam
Hajj image gallery
Flash map: The pilgrimage
Video: Scenes of prayer
Message board: Religion today
CNN's Riz Khan reports:
Spiritual meaning
Logistical challenge
Women and Islam

An unspecified number of other pilgrims were slightly injured in the crush on the first day of the three-day ritual.

Siraj Wahab, a journalist at the scene, told CNN said he had seen at least five bodies being carried away.

Tuwaijer was quoted as saying: "At 8.12 a.m. (1100 GMT) this morning...most
pilgrims who had arrived in Mina early flocked to Jamarat in huge numbers.
"As a result of pushing at the stoning point, several pilgrims, most
of whom were elderly, fell to the ground, resulting in the death of 35 persons...as
a result of suffocation and stampede."

He said security officials intervened and took control of the situation.

Ahmad Saifuddin, an Islamic scholar told CNN that the injuries were not thought to be serious.

He said groups are supposed to be guided to the site, but that it appeared that some had made their own way to the site.

"There needs to be an awareness by individuals" of the rules, he said.

Saifuddin said that if people had "acted more smoothly" in his view, there "would not have been so many deaths or injuries."

It was the first fatal incident at the Hajj since 1998, when at least
118 pilgrims died and more than 180 were injured in a stampede on the third
day of the stoning ritual at Mina.During the ritual, wave after wave of pilgrims in white robes cast seven
pea-size pebbles at the three pillars that symbolise the devil.

The pillars are at the centre of giant ramps built to accommodate the huge crowds of pilgrims.

'Sea of white robes'

Streets along the three-mile route were a sea of white robes. Many pilgrims walked, 

others crowded inside and on top of cars, buses and trucks as helicopters hovered overhead and police directed traffic.

CNN's Riz Khan said the Saudi Arabian authorities have introduced numerous
safety measure to combat the larger numbers of pilgrims attending the annual
Hajj, such as fire-proof tents and water sprinklers in the desert.But the existence of two-and-a-half million pilgrims concentrated in
such a small area creates a "physically stressful" environment, he said.Muslims across the world on Monday celebrate Eid al-Adha, one of Islam's
most important holy days, which marks the prophet Abraham's willingness to
sacrifice his son for God.Muslim tradition says it was the site of the pillars where the devil
tried to tempt Abraham to disobey God by refusing to sacrifice his son. This
account is common to Islam, Christianity and Judaism.According to tradition, at the last minute God instructed Abraham to
sacrifice a ram instead, and Muslims around the world now follow suit, sacrificing
camels and cattle to mark Eid al-Adha, or the feast of sacrifice.Once they complete the stoning ritual, pilgrims shave or cut their hair
and then slaughter more than a half-million camels, cows and sheep near this
tent city that only comes to life during the Hajj.For pilgrims in Saudi Arabia this year, most of the animals will be sacrificed
at a large slaughterhouse in Mecca that was built at a cost of about $125
million.Pilgrims can go to slaughterhouses to buy and slaughter animals themselves
or they can pay a bank or company to do it on their behalf. Meat is sent
to the needy in 27 countries.The Hajj peaked on Sunday with prayers on Mount Arafat, a hill outside
the holy city of Mecca where the Prophet Mohammed delivered his last sermon
in 632.Due to the sheer size of the crowds, the Hajj has frequently been marred
by tragedies. But the two past years have been trouble-free, mainly due to
improvements in facilities and roads.


H-Net* Re:

2001-02-27 Terurut Topik kliner
walaikumussalam, wrt wbt.

bagi saya lah kan pandangan saya berbeza sedikit.. actually saya dah bertanya
kepada wakil tm.net so diaorg cakap masa kat pop tu jgn ler 3 just put pop.tm.net.my
jer. so sampai sekarang saya tidak ada masalah. cubalah wahai sahabatku semua.

anum wrote:
000a01c0a00d$9ed5bac0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
  jika anda ada masalah semasa membuka outlook 
express, selalunya message yg terpapar pada skrin begini bunyinya; 
  The host 'pop3.tm.net.my' could not be found. 
Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 
'mail.tm.net.my', Server: 'pop3.tm.net.my', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, 
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 45545, Error Number: 0x821cdd
  masalah ini senang saja. anda cuma perlu 
tutup (x) dan buka semula outlook express.biasanya dua-tiga kali anda buka dan 
tutup email anda akan diterima.
  insyaallah. selamat 

Re: H-Net* RASA TaKpUaS Hati !!!!!

2001-02-14 Terurut Topik kliner
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Re: H-Net* bagaimana membaca text arab melalui explorer 5

2001-02-06 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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nak tengok web site yang font arab mesti ada windows arabic, then kalau
font yang dibina oleh web tersebut ialah font yang kita takder so tak
bleh view lah dia.

tapi kalau diaorg gune fonts times new roman arabic atau traditional
arabic insyallah kita bleh baca tersebut.


makndak wrote:

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 sesiapa boleh tolong saya ??? bagaimana nak setup
 internet explorer 5 supaya boleh membaca perkataan

 ribuan terima kasih.


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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-02-03 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

Ketua Bahagaian Peperiksaan Universiti Al-Azhar telah datang ke
Malaysia. Beliau datang kerana untuk melaraskan kertas soalan Sijil STAM
(Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia).

Ucapan beliau, pihak Universiti Al-Azhar tidak membuang sijil lain yang
mereka iktiraf sebelum ini untuk memasuki Universiti Al-Azhar. Oleh itu
sijil-sijil sekolah agama 4 thanawi dan STA yang diiktiraf oleh
Universiti Al-Azhar boleh memasuki ke Universiti Al-Azhar.

Persoalannya sekarang, besar kemungkinan pihak Kerajaan akan menyuruh
JPM Mesir tidak melayan sijil selain STAM.

Apa idea kita untuk masalah itu?


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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: H-Net* Budget Package

2001-02-02 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.

Sekadar bertanya.

Pengalaman saya, mengenai pakej encik, saya rasa ada satu problem.
Problem tersebut ialah MODEM  56 kbps Motorola.

Persoalannya adakah dia menggunakan modem jenis motorola ataupun jenama
lain tapi menggunakan chipset motorala.

Sebab, kalau dia menggunakan jenis motorola, saya rasa modem tersebut
tidak sesuai dengan jenis processor tersebut. Kerana modem jenis tersebut
sesuai dengan processor jenis pentium I.

Tapi kalau dia menggunakan jenis Rockwel mempunyai chipset motorala saya

Besar kemungkinan sekiranya modem jenis motorola digunakan untuk
processor melebihi 200 Mhz, maybe ler... bila dia connection tak sampai
44,000 bps. Atau besar kemungkinan connection sukar dilakukan.

Itu pandangan saya. terima kasih.

imdnoor wrote:

  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Perkenalan Parti PAS

2001-01-11 Terurut Topik kliner

Balqis Wrote:

PARTI lslam Se-Malaysia atau ringkasnya disebut PAS
adalah sebuah parti politik yang diluluskan
pendaftarannya pada 31hb. Mei 1955 dengan Registration
No. 733 (Penang). Pada awalnya ia didaftarkan atas
nama Persatuan lslam Se-Malaya dengan rujukan
kelulusan pendaftarannya 34 in R. of. S 26/52.
Tujuan atau matlamat perjuangan PAS ialah
memperjuangkan wujudnya di dalam negara ini sebuah
masyarakat dan pemerintahan yang terlaksana di
dalamnya nilai-nilai hidup lslam dan hukum-hukumnya
menuju keredhaan Allah serta mempertahankan kesucian
lslam, juga kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan negara.
Dengan itu, dasar yang diperjuangkan oleh PAS ialah
lslam dengan seruannya ialah Allahu Akbar. Bagi
mencapai tujuan atau matlamat perjuangan tersebut,
usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh PAS termasuklah:
1. Menyeru umat manusia kepada syariat Allah dan
sunnah Rasulullah melalui dakwah, sama ada secara
lisan, tulisan mahupun amalan.
2. Memperjuangkn lslam sebagai akidah dan syariah
serta menjadikannya sebagai panduan berpolitik dan
bernegara serta memperkenalkan nilai-nilai ke-lslaman
dalam usaha menegakkan keadilan dan kemajuan di
segenap bidang termasuk pemerintahan dan pentadbiran,
ekonomi dan sosial serta pelajaran dan pendidikan.
3. Memupuk dan memperkuatkan ukhwah lslamiah dan
menyuburkan rasa perpaduan di kalangan rakyat bagi
memelihara kehidupan politik dan masyarakat yang sihat
dan berkebajikan.
4. Mengajak dan menggalakkan badan-badan,
pertubuhan-pertubuhan dan orang-orang perseorangan
bagi mengenali dan memahami serta memperjuangkan
konsep dan pandangan hidup lslam.
5. Menyediakan rencana-rencana dan bertindak bagi
memperbaiki susunan serta institusi-institusi
masyarakat, bentuk politik, keadilan ekonomi dan
negara untuk membela kepentingan umat lslam dan rakyat
6. Menyertai dan bekerjasama dengan badan-badan,
persatuan-persatuan atau pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang
tidak berlawanan tujuannya dengan PAS bilamana dan
selama ianya mustahak dan sesuai serta tidak
bercanggah dengan undang-undang negara.
7. Mempertahankan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa rasmi
negara yang tunggal dalam amalannya disamping berusaha
mengembangkan bahasa al-Quran.
8. Memperjuangkan wujudnya kebudayaan negara
berasaskan nilai-nilai yang tidak bercanggah
dengan ajaran lslam.
9. Memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan umat lslam di
negara ini tanpa mengabaikan tanggungjawab
melaksanakan keadilan terhadap seluruh rakyat Malaysia
dan tanggungjawab mewujudkan keharmonian antara kaum
di dalam negara ini.
10. Menyertai dan bekerjasama dengan Bangsa-Bangsa
Bersatu serta badan-badan lain yang sah bagi
mengekalkan keamanan dan menjamin hak-hak asasi
manusia serta menghapuskan segala macam kezaliman,
kepalsuan, perhambaan dan penindasan di kalangan umat
11. Melakukan apa-apa juga usaha dan tindakan dalam
batas-batas Perlembagaan dan undang-undang negara bagi
mencapai semua tujuan-tujuan PAS ke dalam dan ke luar.

Hukum tertinggi sekali dalam pegangan PAS ialah
Kitabullah (al-Quran) dan Sunnah Rasul serta ljmak dan
Qias yang terang dan nyata. Dengan tertakluk kepada
hukum tertinggi tersebut, segala gerakan dan
pentadbiran PAS adalah dijalankan di bawah perintah
dan kekuasaan Muktamar. Akan tetapi Muktamar itu
sendiri tertakluk di bawah syarat-syarat yang
terkandung dalam Perlembagaan PAS dan aturan peraturan
Muktamar atau Mesyuarat PAS.
Bagi menjamin kekuasaan PAS yang diperuntukkan itu dan
badan-badan yang diberikan kepadanya kuasa oleh
Muktamar Tahunan dan oleh mana-mana peruntukan dalam
Perlembagaan yang tidak terkeluar daripada
kehendak-kehendak yang diperuntukkan dalam hukum
tertinggi PAS dan tidak berlawanan pula dengan dasar
PAS, maka sebuah majlis yang dinamakan Majlis Syura
Ulama ditubuhkan.
Majlis Syura Ulama berkuasa menghurai, menjelas dan
mentafsir dasar PAS dan mana-mana peruntukan di dalam
Perlembagaan PAS yang tidak menimbulkan kesamaran
mengenai maksud dan tujuannya serta membuat ketetapan
mengenainya, mengeluarkan arahan dan perintah supaya
dasar dan ketetapan itu dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan oleh
mana-mana pihak atau badan di dalam PAS dan mengawasi
serta memelihara supaya dasar dan ketetapan serta
kehendak-kehendak dalam Perlembagaan parti dipatuhi
dalam kegiatan, gerakan dan pentadbiran PAS serta
memelihara, menjaga dan mengawal tatatertib PAS.
Majlis ini juga berkuasa melantik ahli-ahli
jawatankuasa tatatertib PAS seperti yang terdapat pada
fasal 75 Perlembagaan parti.
Mengenai ahli PAS, hanya terdapat satu jenis sahaja
keahlian di dalam PAS, iaitu dinamakan Ahli PAS. Untuk
menjadi ahli PAS, seseorang itu mestilah Warganegara
Malaysia, beragama lslam, akil baligh menurut hukum
syarak, menerima serta taat kepada Perlembagaan PAS
dan peraturan, arahan-arahan serta keputusan-keputusan
parti dari masa ke semasa.
Seseorang pelajar universiti atau kolej universiti
tidak boleh menjadi ahli PAS tanpa mendapat kebenaran
bertulis daripada Naib Canselor universiti berkenaan.

H-Net* Rumblings of discontent among ethnic Muslims on China's Asian frontier

2000-12-25 Terurut Topik kliner

KASHGAR, China - The sights and sounds of Kashgar in western China
seem more Central Asian or Middle Eastern than Chinese.
Men wearing embroidered skullcaps stand talking in a Turkic language
called Uighur, the language of Xinjiang's dominant ethnic group of the
same name. Women walk by covered from head to toe. The call to Friday prayers
sounds from a nearby mosque.
During a break from our official program on a government-escorted trip,
I take a walk down a twisting alleyway and wander over to a stall selling
Arabic books. The old man running it does not speak Chinese, even though
he is a Chinese citizen.
A younger man hanging out at the stall speaks Mandarin, China's official
dialect, but with a thick accent. I ask him if the reports I have heard
are true that there is a religious revival among the traditionally Muslim
ethnic groups here in China's far western Xinjiang province.
"Yes," he says, opening a book. The page he turns to shows the flags
of many Islamic countries. "See how many Islamic countries there are in
the world?"
"Do you want one, too?" I ask. He nods. "But we don't dare talk about
such things," he says, "or the police will find us and take us away."
Another man is buying an Arabic grammar book so that he can read the
Koran better. "The government doesn't like young people to believe in Islam,"
the man says. "We would like to have an Islamic country."
Isn't he afraid? "We are only afraid of Allah," he says, "not the Chinese
or the Communists."
Separation of religion and state

Children performing traditional dances at Kashgar's No. 1 Minority

On the surface, Xinjiang was calm. The towns and cities my TV crew
and I visited on our government-escorted trip in early October were full
of posters and signs exhorting ethnic unity. The police presence we saw
was no heavier than in any other Chinese town we have been to. We saw no
outward signs of protest. But underneath the surface, some local residents
I talked to say, are growing fault lines.
Our official program included a visit to the Kashgar No. 1 Minority
Kindergarten, where preschoolers dressed in colorful costumes danced and
sang in the languages of Xinjiang's major ethnic groups -- Uighur, Kazak
and Kirgiz.
"We hope to keep all our heritage and customs alive, like ethnic cuisine
and dress," said headmistress Mehriban. (Many Uighurs go by only one name.)
But one part of their heritage is actively discouraged in school: Islam.
In Xinjiang, the devout are free to worship in government-sanctioned
mosques. Locals say Friday prayers are always packed. Government officials
point to this fact as proof of religious freedom here.
But when you examine religious policies closely, it is clear authorities
seek to contain religion within tight parameters. Sermons that advocate
behavior that contradicts Chinese law or Communist policy are banned. Government-approved
Muslim clerics, or Imams, are not allowed to criticize the Chinese government's
family planning policies, for example, if they want to keep themselves
and their followers out of trouble.

Street scenes in Kashgar, in China's Xinjiang Province

For religious leaders such as Sadik Kari Aji of Kashgar's government-approved
Id Kah Mosque, complying with such conditions often means walking a fine
line. "I tell my followers not to oppose the government's policies," he
said, "and to do things which are good for social stability."
Xinjiang's young educated elite are told they must choose between their
religion and the Communist Party if they want to advance their careers.
At the Kashgar Teacher's College, the majority of students belong to
Muslim ethnic groups. Xinjiang's future teachers are discouraged from practicing
religion not only at school but also at home. To join the Communist Party,
a prerequisite for career advancement, they will be required to disavow
religion and declare themselves atheists.
One Uighur who chose that route is Miriban Rousimamait, a 30-something
official with the Xinjiang Women's Association. She is in charge of poverty
alleviation work in Hotan city. Many of the people here hover just above
the poverty line.
Rousimamait is on a crusade to empower the poor women of Hotan, giving
them the tools to help themselves through a Canadian-funded micro-credit
program. One key to the program's success is changing traditional notions
held by local Muslims that women must depend on their husbands.
"Once women get loans and training from our program to run small businesses,
they raise their families' incomes and their status in the community rises,"
said Rousimamait, her eyes shining with pride. "We are working to change
unequal ways of thinking in the countryside, and are helping to liberate
A side effect of Rousimamait's work: More local families are sending
their daughters to school, because for the first time they see how their
ability to read, write and calculate can benefit the families' dairy, produce,
mutton or handicraft businesses.

H-Net* Kullu Ammun Wa Antum Bilkhir

2000-12-23 Terurut Topik kliner

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.
Saya mengambil kesempatan di bulan yang barakah ini, saya ingin mengucapkan:
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir  Batin"
kepada umat Islam.

H-Net* Bagaimanakah cara anda menghitung zakat anda?

2000-12-16 Terurut Topik kliner

Bagaimanakah cara anda menghitung zakat anda?

1. Sila Pilih Mata Wang Anda

SterlingPound MesirDirham
AmeriahDolar AmerikaDolar
KanadaDinar KuwaitRial
SaudiFrank PerancisLira
ItaliMark JermanYen
JepunRinggit MalaysiaRupiah
IndonesiaDinar JordanDinar
LibyaGuilder Holland

mata wang anda tidak ada di dalam senarai sila hubungi kami

2. Sila Tentukan Jenis Haul

dia Jenis Haul?

Tahun Qamariah (Hijrah - 354 Hari)

Tahun Syamsiah (Masihi - 365 Hari)

Mengikut Hari

3. Sila Tentukan Nisab Apakah
dia Nisab? Dengan menuliskan harga 1 gram emas di saat hendak membayar
zakat untuk menentukan nisabnya, jika zakat Anda termasuk dalam bentuk
mata uang, emas, perak, perhiasan, utang piutang, perdagangan, barang eksploitasi
atau barang tambang.Harga 1 Gram Emas4.
Sila Masukkan Daftar ZakatSemua unit zakat yang Anda miliki, baik berupa
emas, perak... atau kekayaan lainnya (bila ada). Bila sudah mencapai nisab,
maka wajib dibayar zakatnya.

Mata Wang







Binatang Ternakan

Bahan Galian

Tanaman dan



2000-11-20 Terurut Topik kliner

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Penyayang
Puji-pujian bagi Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, selawat dan salam keatas
junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad Sallaahu
'alaihi wasallam serta para sahabatnya.
Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini satu hadis tentang kelebihan tarawikh
pada malam-malam ramadhan
telah tersebar dengan meluas sekali. Media-media elektronik,media-media
cetak serta media-media massa
turut sama memainkan peranan mereka menyebarkannya melalui akhbar-akhbar,
dairi-dairi Islam, TV, radio,
risalah-risalah dan lain-lain dengan harapan semoga mereka mendapat
saham dalam usaha menggalakkan umat
Islam supaya rajin beramal ibadat terutamanya dalam bulan yang diberkati
itu. Hadis yang dimaksudkan itu
ialah satu hadis yang agak panjang kononnya diriwayatkan oleh Sayyidina
Ali r.a. yang sebahagian darinya adalah seperti berikut,
Diriwayatkan oleh Sayyidina Ali bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda
berkenaan dengan fadhilat sembahyang tarawih pada bulan Ramadhan antaranya:
 Malam Pertama: Keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama
seperti mana dia baru dilahirkan
(mendapat keampunan dari Allah Taala).
 Malam Keempat: Mendapat pahala sebagaimana pahala orang-orang
yang membaca kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil
dan Al-Quran.
 Malam Keenam: Allah kurniakan pahala kepadanya pahala malaikat-malaikat
yang tawaf di Baitul-Ma`mur
(sebanyak 70 ribu malaikat sekali tawaf), serta setiap batu-batu dan
tanah akan mendoakan supaya Allah
mengampuni dosa-dosa orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang tarawih pada
malam ini.
 Malam Ketujuh: Seolah-olah dia dapat bertemu serta menolong
Nabi Musa A.S. menentang musuh ketatnya
Firaun dan Haman.
 Malam Kelapan: Allah mengurniakan pahala orang sembahyang tarawih
sepertimana yang telah dikurniakan
kepada Nabi Ibrahim A.S.
 Malam kesembilan: Allah kurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu
ibadat hambanya seperti Nabi Muhammad
 Dan kelebihan-kelebihan seterusnya sehingga sampai kemalam
yang ke-tiga puluh
 Namun begitu setelah diajukan
pertanyaan kepada beberapa tokoh agama tanahair tentang kedudukan hadis
ini, dari manakah ianya diambil, semuanya tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan.
Dan setelah diteliti dalam kitab induk hadis seperti Sunan Sittah dan lain-lain
kitab hadis lagi, ianya tidak ditemui. Begitu juga dalam kitab-kitab hadis
palsu (maudhu`aat) sendiri pun tidak didapati hadis ini. Ini menunjukkan
bahawa hadis ini merupakan satu hadis yang baru diada-adakan sehingga ulama-ulama
hadis dahulu yang menulis tentang hadis maudhu` pun tidak mengetahui akan
wujudnya hadis ini. Kita tidak menafikan kelebihan sembahyang tarawih dan
kedudukannya didalam sunnah. Namun begitu kita tidak mahu umat Islam tertipu
dengan berbagai-bagai janji palsu yang menyebabkan umat Islam mengerjakan
amalan-amalan kebaikan dengan mengharapkan sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak
akan diperolehinya.
Dengan tersebarnya hadis-hadis palsu seumpama ini juga akan mencemarkan
kesucian hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. yang dipelihara dengan dengan begitu baik
oleh ulama-ulama kita dahulu.
 Rasulullah S.A.W. telah pun
memberikan amaran terhadap orang-orang yang mengadakan pendustaan atas
namanya dengan ancaman yang berat sebagaimana sabdanya : Barang siapa
sengaja mengadakan dusta atas namaku maka hendaklah dia menyediakan tempatnya
dalam neraka. (Bukhori, Muslim)
 Hadis ini diriwayatkan dengan
banyak sekali sehingga sampai keperingkat Mutawatir. Ancaman ini merangkumi
segala jenis pendustaan keatas Nabi S.A.W. sama ada dengan maksud memberi
galakan supaya rajin beramal ibadat ataupun ancaman supaya menjauhi segala
larangan Allah (targhib dan tarhib).
 Mulla Ali Qari dalam Al-Asrarul-Marfu'ah
selepas membawakan lebih dari seratus riwayat hadis tentang
pendustaan atas nama Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. menukilkan kata-kata Imam
Nawawi dalam syarah Muslim. Kata Imam Nawawi: Haram meriwayatkan sesuatu
hadis palsu (maudhu`) bagi orang yang mengetahui bahawa hadis itu maudhu`
atau dia hanya menyangka hadis ini maudhu`.
Siapa yang menceritakan hadis yang dia tahu atau dia sangka bahawa ianya
maudhu` serta dia tidak menerangkan keadaannya maka dia termasuk dalam
ancaman ini. Katanya lagi, tidak ada perbezaan dalam pengharaman pendustaan
atas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. di antara hadis tentang hukum-hukum dan hadis
yang bukan berkenaan dengan hukum seperti hadis yang mengandungi dorongan
serta galakan beramal ibadat, hadis-hadis
nasihat dan lain-lain. Semuanya haram termasuk dalam sebesar-besar
dosa dan sejelek-jelek perkara dengan
ijmak ulamak Islam… seterusnya dia berkata:
Ulama-ulama telah pun sepakat tentang haram berdusta atas nama orang-orang
biasa. Bagaimana pula dengan
orang yang kata-katanya adalah syariat, kalamnya adalah wahyu dan berdusta
atasnya adalah pendustaan atas Allah juga. Fiman Allah bermaksud: Tidaklah
dia mengucapkan mengikut kemahuan hawa nafsunya. Apa yang
diucapkan tidak lain melainkan wahyu yang diwahyukan. (An-Najm: 3-4).
Di dalam hadis tersebut nampaknya ada galakan supaya umat Islam 

H-Net* Negeri Selangor terima $91 juta bagi Putrajaya

2000-11-08 Terurut Topik kliner

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Negeri Selangor terima $91 juta bagi Putrajaya

  Perjanjian jadikan Putrajaya Wilayah Persekutuan

  KUALA LUMPUR -- Kerajaan Negeri Selangor akan
menerima wang tunai
  RM200 juta ($91.35 juta) serta bayaran tahunan
sebanyak RM7.5 juta
  untuk selama-lamanya daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan
  termeterainya perjanjian untuk menjadikan kawasan
Putrajaya seluas 4,931
  hektar sebagai Wilayah Persekutuan.

  Surat perjanjian itu ditandatangani oleh Yang
di-Pertuan Agong Sultan
  Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, bagi pihak Kerajaan
Persekutuan manakala
  kerajaan Negeri Selangor diwakili oleh pemangku
Raja Selangor, Raja Idris

  Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir
Mohamad, menjadi saksi
  bagi Kerajaan Persekutuan manakala saksi bagi
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
  ialah Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Dr Mohd Khir

  Majlis itu dijalankan di Balai Rongseri Istana
Negara di sini.

  Perjanjian itu bagaimanapun akan berkuatkuasa pada
satu tarikh yang akan
  ditetapkan selepas mendapat perkenan Majlis
Raja-raja dan Rang
  Undang-undang berkaitan yang diluluskan Dewan
Undangan Negeri
  Selangor dan Parlimen, kata kenyataan yang
dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat
  Perdana Menteri.

  Menerusi perjanjian itu juga Kerajaan Persekutuan
menyerahkan kepada
  Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sebanyak 26 keping tanah
milik Persekutuan
  seluas 10.16 hektar di Morib dan bilangan
keanggotaan perwakilan negeri
  Selangor dalam lembaga pengarah Perbadanan
Putrajaya ditambah
  daripada seorang sekarang ini kepada dua orang.

  Dalam perjanjian itu juga, kedua-dua pihak
bersetuju supaya Kerajaan
  Persekutuan membiayai projek-projek pembangunan
bagi memajukan
  kawasan kampung di pinggir Putrajaya dan Cyberjaya
di bawah Rancangan
  Malaysia Ke-8 (RMK-8) dengan kos RM800 juta.

  Sekiranya peruntukan RM800 juta itu tidak dapat
dibelanjakan sepenuhnya
  dalam RMK-8 bakinya akan dibelanjakan dalam
Rancangan Malaysia ke-9.
  -- Bernama.

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H-Net* first You Could Win A Digital Camera

2000-11-01 Terurut Topik kliner
Title: Win This

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H-Net* Salah hantar e-mel

2000-10-27 Terurut Topik kliner

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STRASBOURG (Perancis) -- Seramai 18 juruteknik di sebuah kilang di
Perancis digantung tugas mereka selepas e-mel lucah yang   saling mereka
hantar di antara satu sama lain tersilap dihantar kepada seorang pegawai
eksekutif wanita di sebuah rangkaian  televisyen di Amerika Syarikat.

Pertukaran bahan lucah yang sudah berjalan sekian lama di kilang turbin
gas syarikat General Electric (GE) itu terbongkarapabila satu
e-mel tersilap dihantar ke rangkaian televisyen NBC yang dimiliki GE.

"Ia bukan setakat masalah moral, atau kerana penerimanya seorang wanita
Amerika," kata pengurus kakitangan kilang itu, Encik Thierry Baril,
kelmarin. "Ini soal menyalahgunakan kelengkapan profesional untuk tujuan
peribadi, dan membazirkan ruang memori dan mengundang virus," kata
beliau. -- Reuters.

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Pengirim: kliner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* OIC mahu Israel dipulau

2000-10-27 Terurut Topik kliner

Krisis Timur Tengah
OIC mahu Israel dipulau
Negara Islam diseru henti semua bentuk kerjasama
ISLAMABAD -- Muktamar Islam (OIC) semalam menyeru semua negara Islam
menghentikan apa juga corak kerjasama dengan Israel, ekoran tindakannya
terhadap rakyat Palestin, yang mengorbankan 133 orang dalam sebulan.
Pendirian itu dicapai di akhir sidang selama dua hari kongres di sini
"Pembunuhan orang yang tidak berdosa di Palestin merupakan satu peringatan
yang memilukan, gara-gara ketiadaan tindakan secara kolektif di kalangan
negara Arab dan Islam, yang dijadikan sebagai sumber menggalakkan Israel
dan penyokongnya," demikian bunyi resolusi yang diluluskan.
Majlis eksekutif kongres itu menyeru negara anggota OIC agar tidak lagi
meneruskan sebarang kegiatan, baik secara rasmi atau tidak rasmi, dalam
rangka kerjasama berbilang negara dengan Israel.
Di Gaza, ribuan orang Palestin berhimpun di Masjid Jamaa al-Akbar semalam
bagi pengebumian belia Islam yang mati dalam ledakan bom yang dibawanya.
Dalam kejadian dekat pos kawalan tentera Israel itu, seorang askar Israel
turut mengalami kecederaan.
Di Baitulmakdis, Israel semalam menjalankan siasatan ke atas beberapa
pegawai polisnya yang disyaki memukul lelaki Palestin yang ditangkap kerana
dikatakan terlibat dalam pembunuhan dua askar Israel, kata Kementerian
Kehakiman di sini.
Menteri Kehakiman, Encik Yossi Beilin, berkata dua askar Israel yang
dibunuh pada 12 Oktober lalu semasa berada dalam tahanan polis Palestin
di bandar Ramallah di Tebing Barat itu merupakan satu perbuatan 'jahat'.
"Bagaimanapun, Israel tidak boleh membiarkan para anggota polisnya menyalahgunakan
kuasa mereka.
"Pendirian kami sama selama ini -- sekalipun dalam keadaan terdesak
sekarang -- kami masih berperikemanusiaan," kata Encik Beilin.
"Kalau kami bersikap tidak mengikut norma yang baik, perbuatan itu perlu
disiasat. Itulah bezanya antara kami dengan mereka."Sumber-sumber keselamatan
berkata polis Israel telah membelasah Thabet Abbas Aasi, seorang Pelastin,
yang dilihat dalam foto sedang mempamerkan tangannya yang berlumuran darah
di luar balai polis Ramallah semasa pembunuhan askar Israel itu. -- Reuters,

H-Net* Poligami

2000-10-19 Terurut Topik kliner

Penulis : Kashfullah bin Amaluddin
Dengan Asma ALLAH, Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyanyang

Kepada semua pembaca terutamanya kaum wanita yang amat dihormati,
penulis ingin secara ikhlas dan rendah diri menasihati anda semua agar
terus membaca rencana ini, biarpun mungkin ada antara anda yang selama
ini tidak yakin , marah atau mempersoalkan konsep poligami dari segi hukum
mahupun “implementation in actual society”. Istiqamah anda semua untuk
terus membaca rencana ini hingga selesai amatlah dihargai. Soal anda dapat
menerima kandungan rencana ini ataupun tidak adalah tidak diutamakan.

Yang penting ialah anda membaca kesemuanya dan berfikir dengan ikhlas.
Segala yang benar adalah dari ALLAH SWT dan segala yang salah dan tersilap
adalah kerana kelemahan dan kedhoifan saya sebagai hambaNYA yang lemah
dan kurang ilmu. Semoga rencana ini dapat mencanai kembali fikrah dan perancangan
kita seterusnya , baik kepada muslimin apatah lagi muslimat.

Sabda Nabi SAW:

“ Apabila anak perempuan kamu telah baligh, maka nikahkanlah dia”

Jika kita mengkaji dan mengupas hadis yang tersebut diatas, tentulah
perlu kita tekankan tujuan ianya disampaikan oleh Baginda SAW. Mengapakah
perlu disegerakan seseorang gadis yang telah mencapai akhil baligh untuk
bernikah. Pasti ada jawaban terhadap tuntutan ini. Perkahwinan itu sendiri
adalah amat dituntut oleh Islam. Di samping ianya dapat menyelesaikan keperluan
dan tuntutan zahir dan batin insaniah, menyambungkan zuriat keturunan keluarga,
ianya juga merupakan suatu formula rawatan kepada permasalahan sosial ummah.

“ Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah
satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat ( yang membawa kerosakan

- Surah Al-Israa’ : 32
Jalan yang halal lagi barokah untuk memenuhi tuntutan zahir, batin dan
kesinambungan zuriat keturunan adalah melalui jalan perkahwinan yang sah
di sisi syarak.

Sabda Rasulullah SWT :
“ Orang-orang yang buruk diantara kamu ialah mereka yang masih hidup
membujang dan diantara kamu yang matinya sia-sia ialah mereka yang hidup

 - Riwayat Ahmad
bin Hambal

Sabda Rasulullah SWT :
“ Dua rakaat yang dilakukan oleh yang berkeluarga lebih afdal daripada
tujuh puluh rakaat yang dilakukan oleh orang yang hidup membujang”

- Hadis dikemukakan oleh ‘Adiy berasal dari Abu Hurairah

Antara asbab yang menjadikan perkahwinan itu salah satu faktor
utama penyelesaian masalah ummah ialah kerana setiap masyarakat bermula
daripada individu insaniah yang mana setiap insaniah pula terdiri daripada
elemen akal, ruh, jasad, nafsu dan naluri. Tuntutan untuk memenuhi
segala aspek elemen insaniah ini adalah asas kepada keseimbangan kesihatan
dan kesempurnaan insaniah tersebut, lantas menjalinkan ikatan kekeluargaan
yang mantap seterusnya kepada suatu masyarakat yang beriman, bertaqwa dan

atau kaum Hawa adalah amat dimuliakan oleh Islam. Islam yang dibawa
oleh para Rasul-rasul dan Nabi-nabi turut sama membawa pembelaan terhadap
kaum Hawa yang telah dizalimi oleh mereka yang tidak beriman. Di zaman
Jahiliah, kaum wanita dianggap pembawa masalah, aib dan beban terhadap
sesebuah keluarga. Malah kaum Hawa dilayani secara zalim, membatasi norma-norma
kemanusian hanya sekadar untuk memuaskan nafsu serakah lelaki jahiliah.
Umat Islam tidak wajar melemparkan tuduhan bahawa ada antara hukum ketentuan
dari ALLAH SWT bersifat menzalimi mereka kerana ALLAH SWT telah mengharamkan
sifat zalim itu dari diriNYA.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
“ Barangsiapa menggembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang
yang senantiasa menangis kerana takutkan ALLAH. Orang yang menangis kerana
takutkan ALLAH diharamkan ALLAH akan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya”

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

“ Syurga itu dibawah telapak kaki ibu”

- Riwayat An-Sa’i

Namun begitu , disebalik Islam memuliakan kaum Hawa, Islam juga memberi
suatu peringatan akan bahaya mereka kepada ummah. Kisah yang dinukilkan
dari datuk kita Nabi Adam a.s dan nenda kita Siti Hawa rmh. berkenaan
penyingkiran mereka dari syurga cukup untuk mengajar kita hakikat sebenar.
Bilamana sahaja seseorang wanita itu telah mencapai akhil baligh, ia secara
tidak langsung boleh menjadi suatu fitnah kepada lelaki, sekiranya wanita
tersebut tidak mentaati tuntutan Islam. Bentuk tubuh, rambut, suara dan
gaya penampilan wanita dengan mudah membangkitkan syahwat dan mengaburi
mata ramai lelaki, apatah lagi sekiranya lelaki tersebut tidak beriman
malah jahil agama. Sebaliknya, sekiranya wanita tersebut memenuhi tuntutan
syarak, Islam akan menungkat naik martabat dan maqam wanita tersebut ke
tahap yang mulia.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
“ ..dan sebaik-baik perhiasan dunia ialah wanita-wanita yang solehah”

sebagai Ad-Din menyediakan suatu platform yang jelas dalam menangani segala
aspek permasalahan Bani Adam, baik dari segi zahir dan batin insaniah
hinggalah kepada soal 

H-Net* Delegasi Israel batal hadiri sidang di Jakarta akibat diancam bunuh

2000-10-12 Terurut Topik kliner

Delegasi Israel
batal hadiri sidang di Jakarta akibat diancam bunuh
delegasi Israel membatalkan rancangan ke persidangan Kesatuan Antara Parlimen
(IPU) di sini mulai Ahad ini selepas menerima ancaman bunuh.
Ancaman itu
sebagai "membalas kekejaman tentera Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin".
Sejak beberapa
hari lalu, kumpulan anti-Israel berarak membantah keputusan Dewan Perwakilan
Rakyat (DPR) menjadi tuan rumah bagi sidang itu dan gagal menahan kedatangan
anggota Parlimen Knesset Israel.
Anggota majlis
perundangan dari parti Islam mengancam memulaukan sidang itu.
"Kami mendesak
DPR menolak penyertaan Israel," kata pengerusi Parti Bulan Bintang (PBB),
Encik Ahmad Sumargono, yang menganggap tindakan itu mencerminkan perasaan
orang Islam di negara Islam terbesar di dunia.
Agung PPP, parti Islam terbesar dalam DPR, Encik Ali Marwan Hanan, berkata
Speaker Dewan, Encik Akbar Tandjung, patut menolak penyertaan Israel.
Encik Akbar
berkata DPR hanya menjadi tuan rumah dengan 1,200 perwakilan seluruh dunia,
dan tidak berhak menghalang mana-mana perwakilan, termasuk mereka dari
Menteri Luar,
Encik Alwi Shihab, berkata walaupun pendirian Indonesia tidak berubah mengenai
isu mengiktiraf negara Yahudi itu, bantahan tersebut "dilakukan agak lambat".
"Ia patut dilahirkan
lama dahulu, bukan sekarang," katanya kepada akhbar Jakarta Post.
FPI, Encik Muchsin Ahmad Alatas, Barisan Pembebasan Islam (FPI), kumpulan
ekstrim Islam, berikrar 20,000 anggotanya akan "melakukan pembersihan"
di hotel dan Lapangan Terbang "untuk menghalau delegasi Israel". -- Bernama.

H-Net* Bil Celcom

2000-09-19 Terurut Topik kliner

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assalamualaikum para netters semua...

saya terkilan dengan bil terbaru celcom yang mana bil dia kucar
always saya selalu bayar dalam linkungan RM250 kebawah.. bulan lepas
saya bayar rm200 lebih juga

cas guna hanya tak sampai 100 tapi cas lain2 tu yg berlimpat ganda...
anyway... saya terima hakikat tu...

tapi yg paling ketara ... bulan ni... rm500 lebih... pelik bin ajaib...
ish ish... ish..
saya harap pihak celcom perbetulkan sistem bil... dan kemaskini sistem

Customer always true.

p/s jgn kasi customer lari ke syarikat lain. :)


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H-Net* Indonesian court adjourns Suharto's corruption trial

2000-08-31 Terurut Topik kliner

Indonesian court adjourns Suharto's corruption trial

leaves Pertamina Hospital in Jakarta in a wheelchair in this August 1999

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A five-judge
panel adjourned Indonesian President Suharto's corruption trial shortly
after it opened on Thursday, after the former leader failed to appear in
court and his attorneys said he was too ill to stand trial.
The judges adjourned proceedings until September 14 to allow an independent
team of doctors to examine the 79-year-old former president.
Suharto is accused of illegally amassing hundreds of millions of dollars
during his presidency.
The trial opened amid tight security at 11 a.m. (0300 GMT).

Lawyers say Suharto has brain damage
"This morning, Suharto's medical team consisting of 23 doctors checked
the health of our client and concluded he was sick," said Felix Tampubolon,
Suharto's lead defense lawyer.
"Because of that, he could not face the court," Tampubolon told the
five-judge panel, chaired by chief judge Lalu Mariyun.
While defense lawyers have said previously that Suharto is unable to
understand simple questions, several state-appointed doctors who examined
him said they believe he is healthy enough to stand trial.
But on Thursday, a short time before the trial opened, Denny Kailimang,
a member of Suharto's eight-person defense, told reporters that the former
president would not appear in court.
"It is not possible," he said, just minutes after the doctors had finished
examining Suharto, in the former president's central Jakarta residence.
Suharto's lawyers have said in the past that the former president --
who suffered strokes after leaving office in May, 1998 -- has severe brain
damage, and that he suffers from kidney stones and diabetes.

$583 million allegedly stolen from charities
Formal charges were laid against Suharto on August 3. He is accused of
misusing funds from seven charities that he chaired. The indictment alleges
Suharto stole $583 million from those organizations. Suharto has denied
any wrongdoing.
The indictment also alleges that Suharto skimmed 2 percent of Indonesia's
income tax revenue, took funds from sales taxes and snatched a percentage
from the monthly paychecks of civil servants and military personnel.
Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid has said he would pardon Suharto
if convicted, but that he wanted the former president to return any illegally
obtained funds.
While Wahid has said that Suharto is too old to go through the trial
process, he said it is important the trial proceed to prove that nobody
is above the law.

Heavy security
Approximately 1,200 police were deployed to the trial site on Thursday,
a day after a small bomb exploded in an unoccupied bus less than 300 meters
(990 feet) from the courtroom.
Nobody was hurt in the blast, and damage was minimal. Police said the
bomb had been made of gunpowder from dozens of fireworks. They said they
believed the blast was message to the trial's participants.
"It is an act of terror to intimidate people before the trial starts,"
Jakarta's chief detective, Col. Hair Mantilla, said.
The trial had been moved to a reception hall at the Agriculture Ministry
in southern Jakarta due to space and security concerns.
Suharto ruled the world's fourth most populous nation for 32 years until
he stepped aside amid widespread protests.

H-Net* Wildfire helicopter crash kills 1, as weather hampers firefighters

2000-08-04 Terurut Topik kliner

Wildfire helicopter crash kills 1, as weather hampers firefighters

A wildfire
burns in Globe, Arizona

ELKO, Nevada -- The crash
of a firefighting helicopter near Elko, Nevada, has killed one person and
injured three others, while other firefighters battling about 60 fires
raging in nine Western U.S. states continued to be plagued by the weather
A Bell 206 chopper assigned to a fire northeast of Elko crashed Thursday
night shortly after takeoff.
It was not immediately clear whether the person who died in the crash
was in the helicopter or on the ground. At least one of the injured was
a fuel truck driver who ran to help those in the crash, officials said.

Meanwhile, nature was not expected to provide any relief from a U.S.
forest fire season described by federal officials as the worst in 50 years.
"It's still going to be hot, with scattered thunderstorms that won't
produce much rain," said CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen, who predicted similar
conditions continuing through the weekend.
About 700,000 acres are burning throughout the West, forcing hundreds
of evacuations. About half the scorched acreage is in Idaho, mostly in
national forests away from population centers.
"We were warned by weather forecasters that this was going to happen
this year," said National Fire Information Officer Bob Valen.
But Friday also brought good news about a recently devastating wildfire
that threatened ancient Indian ruins in a U.S. national park.
Mesa Verde National Park was reopening Friday after firefighters contained
a fire that eventually scorched more than 22,950 acres and came within
four miles of sandstone ruins built by the Anasazi Indians hundreds of
years ago.

Possibly no weather break until October
Forecasters warn the kind of break in the weather needed to change the
conditions favorable to fires may not occur until October.
Officials at the National Interagency Fire Center said so far this year,
61,932 fires have burned across the nation, scorching 3.76 million acres,
the highest total since at least the mid-1980s. Over the past 10 years,
the average annual number of fires was 53,068, with an average of 1.99
million acres burned.
Assistant Interior Secretary Sylvia Baca called it the worst fire season
in 50 years.
"We're thinking this is shaping up to be a reference point for years
to come in terms of its severity," said Baca, who oversees the federal
Bureau of Land Management, which manages 264 million acres of public land
in the West.

Help from Mexico and Australia being considered

The Pechanga
Fire near Temecula, California, burns out of control for the sixth day
Thursday. It has already consumed over 5,722 acres

Two California firefighters were listed in serious condition and two
others in fair condition at a hospital Thursday, one day after they were
caught in a sudden flare up caused by swirling winds from a thunderstorm.
Meanwhile, U.S. Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck toured the Idaho and
Montana fire lines to review the safety of fire crews.
"There is not a timber stand, grassland or structure that is worth the
life of a firefighter or a member of the public," said Dombeck.
After meeting with fire strategists, he also pledged that crews will
be given adequate resources, saying, "This is top on our radar screen."
Canadian firefighters are already on the lines in Montana, but U.S.
resources have been stretched so thin that fire officials have asked the
Canadian government for aerial tankers and additional firefighters.
They are also considering bringing in firefighting crews from Mexico
and technical experts from Australia, if conditions don't improve soon.
Already in Idaho, there are 689 Army troops sent from Ft. Hood, Texas,
to help battle three big wildfires. Those troops will be assigned Friday
to mop-up duty on the Burgdorf Junction fire, which has burned 15,562 acres
so far and is 43 percent contained.

from Fort Hood, Texas, learn to recognize and extinguish hot spots in the
burned-out area on top of a mountain in the Payette National Forest outside
McCall, Idaho, on Thursday

One of the soldiers was injured Thursday during a training exercise
with a pickax. He hit his foot with it, cutting the skin and breaking some
toes. He was treated and released at a hospital in McCall, 60 miles north
of Boise.
The Marines are also coming to the aid of overwhelmed firefighters.
On Friday, 500 Marines are expected to arrive from Southern California
with some 35 tons of equipment.
The government is spending $15 million a day to support 20,000 civilian
and military firefighters from 46 states and Canada.

Some hot spots
Fire officials say a wildfire in the Cleveland National Forest in California
is showing few signs of slowing, after causing nearly $5 million in damage.
After not burning for more than a century, portions of the forest are
thick with brush, allowing the fire to spread quickly.
Janeen Gardner of the California 

H-Net* Opposition candidate Moshe Katsav in upset

2000-07-31 Terurut Topik kliner

Opposition candidate Moshe Katsav in upset win for Israeli president

Moshe Katsav,
center, upset former Prime Minister Peres on Monday in a Knesset vote for
Israeli president

Knesset considers no-confidence vote after defeating Barak ally

From staff and wire reports

JERUSALEM -- Opposition Israeli
lawmaker Moshe Katsav unexpectedly defeated former Prime MinisterShimon
Peres, an ally of Prime MinisterEhud
Barak, on Monday as the Knesset voted for
a new president.
When Katsav, of the Likud party, failed in the first round to win the
required 61 votes to give him the largely ceremonial job, the Knesset turned
to a second round of voting while another crucial vote waited in the wings
-- a no-confidence motion regarding Barak's minority government.
Peres, who had been expected to win easily, took 57 votes to Katsav's
60 in the first round with three legislators abstaining. In the second
round, all three abstentions went to Katsav.
The vote -- to replaceEzer
Weizman, who resigned as president this month amid allegations of fraud
and breach of trust -- was a blow to Barak, already reeling after several
defections turned his ruling coalition into a minority government ahead
of the failed Camp David summit.
Following the presidential vote, the Knesset was to take up debate over
the no-confidence motion. Angered by concessions Barak seemed ready to
make last week in the peace summit with Palestinians, some conservative
lawmakers want to force Barak's government to face early elections.
The embattled leader, however, appeared poised to survive the motion
after Foreign Minister David Levy announced he would vote in support of
the government Monday. Levy, who wants the prime minister to try to assemble
a government of national unity, said he would wait until Wednesday to decide
whether to leave Barak's cabinet.

Levy opposes peace concessions
Barak's government lost its majority in parliament in the days leading
up to this month's Mideast summit at Camp David when three religious parties
left his coalition in protest of his participation in the talks.
But hours before leaving for Camp David on July 10, Barak survived a
no-confidence motion when Knesset opponents could not rally enough votes
to topple his administration.
Levy, who opposed concessions such as sharing control of parts of Jerusalem
with the Palestinians, first indicated he was thinking of resigning last
week. Analysts speculated that if he made his move prior to Monday's votes,
he could propel the government into collapse.
But following a meeting Sunday with Barak, Levy said in a written statement,
"If no effort is made to establish a unity government by this Wednesday,
I will resign from the governmentThis announcement has been delivered
to the prime minister."
The foreign minister said he was pushing for national unity because
Camp David proposals to reach a peace with the Palestinians had plunged
Israel into crisis. He said Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had already
begun touring Arab countries to shore up Arab solidarity.
Israel should show its own resolve, Levy said.

'All options are open'
Barak has not ruled out a unity government, and on Sunday evening he indicated
he was contemplating an approach to Likud, comparing such a proposal to
his efforts with the Palestinians.
"I must make peace or at least an interim agreement with opponents ...
in order to go forward," he said.
"All options are open," Barak's office said.
But Barak reportedly has great reservations about asking the Likud into
government, believing that would cripple his efforts to close a peace deal
with the Palestinians within months. Although the Camp David talks failed,
the sides resumed talks on Sunday.
Likud leader Ariel Sharon on Sunday repeated his steadfast opposition
to joining Barak's government, calling for early elections.
Barak will likely win a three-month reprieve to pursue peace moves if
he survives Monday's votes. A vote of no confidence cannot take place during
the three months that parliament is in recess. That gives Barak until October
29 to secure his government's future.
Also, Levy said he would support an existing new elections bill if Barak
failed to make the effort to ask the Likud to join him -- but such a bill
could take months to come to fruition, as opposed to no-confidence motions,
which are effective almost immediately.

Barak broke long-standing taboos
Barak incurred the wrath of his opponents by breaking long-standing taboos
at Camp David -- offering the Palestinians concessions on sharing Jerusalem,
handing over the West Bank's strategic Jordan Valley, and allowing some
Palestinian refugees to return.
The talks broke down after the Palestinians insisted on full sovereignty
in east Jerusalem, which Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.
Barak's critics say that by showing Israel's full hand at Camp David,
and offering the Palestinians a degree of autonomy in Jerusalem, he has
given the Palestinians the upper hand.

H-Net* Appeals court grants Napster reprieve

2000-07-28 Terurut Topik kliner

Appeals court grants Napster reprieve

can keep playing, for a while at least.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay Friday against a
preliminary injunction that would have required that the popular, music-sharing
Internet service Napster shut by midnight Friday (3 a.m. EDT).
Napster is an Internet site that allows users to upload and download
recorded music. It claims 20 million users and hundreds of millions of
downloads this year. The recording industry and artists have sued Napster
claiming the service threatens the financial integrity of their business
A U.S. District Court in San Francisco had issued a preliminary injunction
Wednesday against Napster, ordering it to to stop offering access to digital
versions of songs whose copyrights are owned by the major labels.
Following Wednesday's order, Napster interim CEO Hank Barry gave a statement
via Web cast on Napster's Web site.
"Although we strongly and firmly disagree with the judge's decision,
we respect and understand the basis for it and we plan to comply," Barry
said Wednesday on the Napster Web site. "We'll fight this in a variety
of ways to keep the Napster community growing and strong."
In its response filed with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the
recording industry said Napster's claim that the court order would put
it out of business are untrue and legally irrelevant.
"Napster's present attempt to delay this matter fits its pattern in
this litigation. Its motion rests on mischaracterizations of both the evidentiary
record and the District Court's ruling, and on the fundamental fallacy
that the injunction will cause Napster irreperable injury," the response
"Napster's claim that the injunction would put it out of business is
both untrue and legally irrelevant. The law does not permit a company deliberately
built on copyright infringement to complain that its business will be devastated
if it is forced to stop trafficking in pirated music."
In issuing the injunction, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Patel said Napster
"is enjoined from causing, assisting, facilitating, copying, or otherwise
distributing all copyrighted songs or musical compositions."
"If you design a site designed to enable infringement, you can't stand
by and claim you don't know what's going on," Patel said in response to
Napster's arguments in court.
Patel noted that 70 million people are expected to be using Napster
by year's end and said "what lures them is the infringing use."
Shortly after Patel's decision, users flooded to the Napster Web site
in a race to download free music before the court order goes into effect.

Industry: Napster an illegal online bazaar
The Recording Industry Association of America sued Napster in December,
accusing the San Mateo, California-based company of encouraging an unrestrained,
illegal, online bazaar. Time Warner, parent company of CNN and CNN.com,
is a member of RIAA.

Judge Patel
handed down strong words saying, "piracy" was in the minds of Napster's

Napster argued that personal copying of music is protected by federal
The Napster site allows computer users to upload and download prerecorded
music. It claims 20 million users and hundreds of millions of downloads
so far this year.
Napster works as a clearinghouse -- pointing users to computers where
songs in the popular MP3 format can be downloaded. It and some of the other
music-sharing services provide online directories to songs through central
computers. Others use distributed networks, in which each logged-on user
acts as a server. That enables even more connections than directories with
a central server.
The more than 100 central computers used by Napster made the company
a clear target for the lawsuit. However, the injunction is likely to have
no effect on Gnutella and other decentralized technologies in which song
files are traded directly among a constantly changing collection of computer

founder Shawn Fanning vowed in a Web cast that the fight for the right
to share music over the internet was not over

Napster's "MusicShare" software, Scour Exchange, iMesh and CuteMX update
directories to songs via central servers. Gnutella and Freenet are programs
that used the distributed system.
Napster was designed to search only for shared MP3 files. Scour Exchange,
iMesh and CuteMX can be used to search for audio, video and images. Gnutella
and Freenet are "file agnostic" and can be used to share all file types.
Another free program, called Wrapster, allows any file to be disguised
as an MP3 file and transmitted via Napster.
All these programs are available on the Internet and are free to download
and use.
The case is AM Records v. Napster.

H-Net* GOP makes quick work of platform despite abortion battle

2000-07-28 Terurut Topik kliner

GOP makes quick work of platform despite abortion battle

By Matt Smith and Ian Christopher McCaleb/
PHILADELPHIA -- Republicans gathered in Philadelphia moved quickly Friday
to approve a platform, with delegates scheduled to take up the core document
by early afternoon amid a new attempt to soften the party's stance on abortion.

"Some of the subcommittees are done already," the platform committee's
chairman, Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, announced shortly before noon
Friday. "We're working very swiftly."
The platform hearings opened Friday morning at the Philadelphia Convention
Center, close to the main convention site. Delegates split up into separate
groups to mark up 68-page draft platform, with each of the eight subcommittees
focusing on a section of the document.
Previous conventions have taken several days to approve a platform:
Hopes for an early consensus and a deference to presumed presidential nominee
George W. Bush's positions on top issues helped speed the deliberations
Friday. But as it has in previous years, the question of abortion rights
again surfaced as a point of contention among delegates.
The most watched of the eight platform groups, the family subcommittee,
rejected two attempts to amend the abortion plank. One of the amendments
would have altered the platform language in a way that accepted the views
of pro-choice Republicans, some of whom argued that their position was
not respected within the party, and that the "personal" issue of abortion
should be depoliticized and removed from the party's foundation document.
The second would have struck the GOP's outright opposition to abortions
in cases of rape, incest or when a woman's life is in danger.
The abortion rights advocates said they may try again Friday to change
the platform on abortion when the full 107-member platform committee meets
later in the afternoon. They also vowed to raise their voices once more
before the entire slate of delegates, when the convention gets under way
next week.
Convention delegate Toni Casey of California, a sitting member of the
family subcommittee who advanced the first amendment just minutes into
the body's deliberations, said the abortion rights wing of the party had
been "silenced."
Speaking of the platform as written, Casey said, "I am strongly suggesting
that this language does not reflect the opinions and beliefs held by thousands
and thousands of pro-choice Republican men and women."
"We need a platform that underscores that abortion is a difficult, moral
decision that has to be kept between a woman and her religion," Casey said,
adding that the party's presumed presidential nominee, Texas Gov. George
W. Bush, "has not said that members of this subcommittee cannot change
this language in a way that builds upon the common ground we can all agree
But Bush, through intermediaries, has made it clear to those running
the platform proceedings that he does not want the language altered.

'This is round one'
The targeted section of the platform reads in part: "The unborn child has
a fundamental individual right to life that cannot be infringed. ... Our
purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against
those who perform abortions."
Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Illinois -- the longtime chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee, considered one of the most eloquent among anti-abortion activists
-- spoke against the amendments as a member of the subcommittee.

Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Illinois

"What about the unborn?" Hyde asked. "What about those who can't run
away, who depend on our sense of humanity?"
Speaking later against the second amendment, Hyde said he supported
abortion in cases where the woman's life would be placed in severe danger
by a difficult pregnancy, but said he would not bend on rape or incest.
"The sins of the father should not be visited upon the unborn child,"
he said.
The first amendment failed on a 3-10 vote, with subcommittee Chairwoman
Ellen Sauerbray of Maryland abstaining, and the second fell on a vote of
11-3. The votes prompted expressions of defiance from members of the abortion
rights groups in attendance, many of whom spilled out into the hall to
consider their next move.
"This is round one, there are many more to go," said Susan Cullman of
the Republican Pro-Choice Coalition. "There's a new complexion this year,"
Cullman continued, saying she believed the state delegations to this year's
conventions included many more pro-choice voters than in years past.
"People are tired of this issue interrupting their ability to do Republican
Janet McElligott of the group Republicans for Choice said, "We're not
going anywhere, we're still Republicans." Should the activists' efforts
fail this year, McElligott predicted streams of pro-choice Republicans
would defect to the Democratic ticket.
Activists on the other side of the issue pointed to the platform's preamble
to shoot a large portion of their opposition's arguments down. That 

H-Net* Test your political I.Q.

2000-07-28 Terurut Topik kliner

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

1. In 1948, Thomas Dewey and Earl Warren
on the last GOP ticket to have nominees with
in common:
a) Both were from California
b) Both had run on previous Republican
c) Both were incumbent governors
d) Both were former Democrats

2. Who declared at the 1964 Republican
Convention, "I would remind you that
in the defense of liberty is no vice."?
a) Barry Goldwater
b) Ronald Reagan
c) Jesse Helms
d) Spiro Agnew

3. From 1932 until 1995, this man was the
only Republican to serve as speaker of the
U.S. House of Representatives:
a) Nicholas Longworth
b) Joseph Martin
c) Leslie Arends
d) Everett Dirksen

4. Which Republican president also served on
the Supreme Court?
a) Herbert Hoover
b) Chester A. Arthur
c) William Howard Taft
d) Warren Harding

5. The first Republican nominee for vice
president was:
a) Hannibal Hamlin
b) Salmon Chase
c) William T. Seward
d) William Dayton

6. In 1896, this victorious GOP presidential
nominee ran a "front porch" campaign from
his home in Canton, Ohio:
a) Benjamin Harrison
b) William McKinley
c) James Garfield
d) Rutherford B. Hayes

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H-Net* Bekas Ahli Maunah Bercerita

2000-07-19 Terurut Topik kliner
a kerana pihak
polis boleh membunuh mereka kerana bersama mereka ada banyak senjata
10. Dalam pada itu 2 polis yang membuat tinjauan kawasan telah ditangkap
bersama 2 orang lagi untuk disoal siasat oleh kumpulan tsb. Akhirnya 2
polis tersebut dibunuh, kemungkinan cuba melarikan diri ditembak oleh SB
tsb kerana mereka mengetahui rancangan SB tsb ataupun supaya Amin dan
Al-Maunah dituduh kejam. Sebab soalsiasat polis drpd mereka mengatakan
Amin yang membunuh kedua-duanya.
11. Beberapa orang ahli Al-Maunah yang terbunuh dan cedera ditembak
berkemungkinan ditembak oleh SB dari kumpulan yang sama semasa mereka
cuba melarikan diri dari kumpulan Al-Maunah tsb di Grik. Setelah mereka
berjaya melarikan diri nama mereka tidak diumumkan kpd media.
12. Amin dan kumpulannya tidak keluar dari markaznya untuk menyerah diri
pada peringkat awal kerana khuatir keselamatan mereka, setelah tahu
mereka telah diPERANGKAP. Kemungkinan mereka akan ditembak mati sebaik
sahaja dilihat pihak polis kerana telah tahu perangkap polis SB. Sebab
itu Amin mahu berunding dahulu dengan Jen Zahidi untuk memberikan
gambaran sebenar dan menjamin keselamatan mereka.
13. Mereka terpaksa bersedia dengan senjata api setelah dikepong, kerana
sekiranya polis yang mara mereka yakin polis akan menamatkan riwayat
mereka, sebab itu bila Jen Zaini masuk bersama komandonya kumpulan
Al-Maunah bersetuju menyerahkan senjata mereka melainkan parang
perguruan mereka sebelum Amin dan Zaini duduk
bersila berdialog.
14. Kalau mereka mahu dengan izin Allah tanpa senjata mereka, ilmu dalam
boleh menewaskan Jen Zaini dan komandonya apatah lagi dengan senjata api
ditangan tetapi mereka tidak berniat jahat dan tidak mahu melakukan 2
kali kesilapan sebab itu mereka hanya mahu menyerah diri secara selamat.

15. Kalau merekalah yang merompak senjata2 tsb sudah tentu mereka akan
terus menggunakan senjata tersebut dan sesudah terkepong dan tahu mereka
bersalah tentu mereka lebih sanggup berdepan dengan pihak berkuasa dan
kalau mati pun tak kisah sebab "mati syahid"
16. Kalau mereka merompak senjata tsb mengapa disimpan ditempat markaz
mereka Bukit Jenalek yang telah diketahui umum sejak berbulan2 lepas,
orang kampung pun sering melihat mereka sebelum peristiwa tsb.  Kita
harap Jen Zaini berkatalah yang benar dan menunaikan janji yang dibuat
dengan Amin. Janganlah takut dengan manusia sebaliknya takutlah kpd
Allah sahaja. Janganlah menganiayai puluhan orang Islam dan jutaan yang
lain dengan tidak menjelaskan kisah yang sebenarnya. Saya kenal Amin dan
sahabat2 yang lain. Sekian. Maafkan sekiranya berlaku kesilapan.

Rakyat Malaysia Yang Cintakan Kedamaian (RMYCK)
13 Julai 2000

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H-Net* Protesters target drug firms as

2000-07-09 Terurut Topik kliner

Protesters target drug firms as AIDS conference opens in South Africa
DURBAN, South Africa -- As an
international conference on AIDS prepared to open Sunday in Africa, protesters
staged a spirited rally aimed squarely at drug companies and South African
President Thabo Mbeki.
Treatment Action Campaign, a South African-based umbrella group backed
by 230 AIDS organizations from around the world, staged a march in Durban,
South Africa, where the conference is being held, to demand that pharmaceutical
companies make affordable drugs available to poor, developing nations.

Declaration reiterates HIV causes AIDS
Much of the run-up to the conference has been dogged by controversy over
Mbeki's appointment to a panel looking into the disease of scientists who
doubt that HIV causes AIDS.
In a show of force, 5,000 leading scientists from around the globe signed
the Durban Declaration, which proclaimed that evidence shows clearly and
without ambiguity that HIV is the cause of the epidemic.

"The data fulfill exactly the same criteria as for other viral diseases
such as polio, measles and smallpox," the declaration, recently published
in the medical journal The Lancet, states.
The scientists added that debate over the origins of the disease could
hamper efforts to curb the epidemic.
at a pre-conference briefing, Dr. Helen Rees, chair of South Africa's Medicines
Control Council, compared the impact of AIDS with war in Africa.
"Never before have countries experienced death rates of this magnitude
among young adults of both sexes," she said. "You can see something like
that among men in times of war, when you see a whole generation cut out
between 20, 30, 40 years old ... the breadwinners, the parents, they are
taken out of society by AIDS."

H-Net* Clinton vows to use the Web to

2000-07-08 Terurut Topik kliner

Clinton vows to use the Web to bring democracy closer to the people

July 8, 2000

Web posted at: 10:33 a.m. EDT (1433 GMT)
Harking back to the emergence of radio in the early 20th century, U.S.
President Bill Clinton said Saturday in his weekly webcast that the federal
government has a duty to use the expanding Internet to keep citizens informed.

The president recalled that President Woodrow Wilson became the first
chief executive 81 years ago this week to use the fledgling radio when
he spoke to Franklin D. Roosevelt -- then a U.S. Navy assistant secretary
in Washington -- on a return trip from Europe.
Fifteen years later, Roosevelt as president regularly used the radio
to reach millions of Americans in their homes with his famous fireside
The country stands at a similar technological crossroads today, Clinton
"We have barely begun to understand how information technology will
change our lives, but those of us in government have a responsibility to
use these new tools to expand the reach of democracy and give more people
a chance to live their dreams," Clinton said. The president also spoke
to the public by radio on Saturday.
The president also promoted the White House's revamped Web site, www.whitehouse.gov,
which was unveiled Friday. The site, launched six years ago, has been updated
with standard navigation tools and a keyword search feature.
Sitting at his desk in the Oval Office with a computer monitor behind
him, Clinton marveled at how quickly online information resources have
When he became president in 1992, Clinton said, there were 50 Web sites
on the World Wide Web. Today, there are 17 million sites.
In the United States alone, almost 50 million households can go online
today, he said.
Clinton also touted a project under way to create a single site -- firstgov.gov
-- that will link all federal information online. Announced June 24, the
effort is expected to be ready in about 90 days.
Clinton also called for the government to close "the digital divide"
by making sure that computers are installed in every classroom and that
teachers have adequate training to use the technology available to them.
"We must do more to ensure the benefits of the information revolution
flow to every American," he said. Reuters contributed to this report.

H-Net* Mexico praised for democratic

2000-07-03 Terurut Topik kliner

Mexico praised for democratic gains after historic election
ends PRI rule

MEXICO CITY -- The face of Mexican politics
was notably different on Monday after a historic election that ended 71
years of one-party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Vicente Fox of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) swept past
PRI's candidate for president, Francisco Labastida,
while a PAN-Green Party alliance took control of Congress in an election
that raised Mexico's democratic stock.
"I want to congratulate the Mexican nation for the democratic and political
maturity it showed during the election," said European Union foreign policy
chief Javier Solana, a one-time foreign minister of Spain, Mexico's former
colonial ruler.
Mexico's neighbors -- the United States, Chile, Argentina and Brazil
among them -- also praised the success of the weekend vote, which saw nearly
two-thirds of eligible voters take part.
With 93 percent of the vote counted, Fox had racked up 42.8 percent
of the vote, followed by Labastida's 35.7 percent. Three other candidates
trailed the two front-runners.
"Today Mexico is already different," Fox, who celebrated his 58th birthday
on Sunday, told his cheering supporters. "Today Mexico steps into the 21st
century with the right foot."

PRI pledges smooth transition
The president-elect pledged to maintain an "open and inclusive" atmosphere
between outgoing President Ernesto Zedillo
and his own government during the five-month transition period before he
begins his six-year presidential term in December.
"Today we stand on the other side of the bridge, and a new era is about
to begin," said Fox. "I extend my hand to my adversaries in this contest."
Zedillo accepted that hand, conceding Fox's victory in a nationally
televised address.
"I talked by phone with Fox to let him know the government is absolutely
ready to collaborate with him," Zedillo said, adding that he offered to
oversee a "transparent way of government" until Fox takes office.
"I feel like I'm on top of the world," Fox said. "Today I am more in
love than ever with my country. Tomorrow, we have a lot -- a lot -- of
work to do."
Labastida, who won the first-ever PRI primary to run as the party's
candidate, became the first PRI presidential candidate to lose an election.
"The citizens made a decision we should all respect," he said in his
concession speech, appearing to have tears in his eyes. "I will set an
"Our party is alive and will remain alive, and will know how to recover,
with the unity of all its members, the trust of the majority," said Labastida,
who did not utter the name of the man who beat him.

Seen as fairest election ever
The presidential election was the most competitive in Mexico's history,
and despite hundreds of allegations of pressure and vote-buying, the elections
were widely seen as Mexico's fairest ever.
"The Carter Center has been monitoring elections down here for more
than 12 years," former U.S. President Jimmy Carter told CNN from Mexico
City. "This one was almost perfect."
Carter gave what he called "the major credit ... to the Mexican people,
who showed a sense of maturity and a deep commitment to freedom and democracy
that was really extraordinary."
National authorities acted this year to assure voters that they would
not see the kind of fraud that many observers say twisted election outcomes
in the past.

Zedillo lauds 'great calm'
The president of the independent IFE, Jose Woldenberg, said in a statement
that 99.99 percent of the nation's 113,423 voting stations functioned normally,
marking the highest percentage in Mexico's history.
After casting his vote Sunday, Zedillo said, "There's great participation,
there's great enthusiasm and there's a great calm in the country... It
will strengthen our democracy, and that will allow the country to continue
It was the first time in 71 years that the PRI did not dominate the
Mexican political landscape. The party has controlled the presidency since
creation of the office in 1929.
Zedillo, of the PRI, has helped create new election guidelines for candidates
running for local and regional posts, and for the five candidates trying
to succeed him as president. Mexican presidents are elected for one six-year

Fox wants to jump-start the economy
Fox, a former Coca-Cola executive and rancher, was elected governor of
central Guanajuato state in 1995.
He pledged to halt corruption, jump-start the economy with foreign investment
and jobs programs and nearly double spending for public education. He espouses
an agreement with the United States that would let workers cross the border
Labastida ran a largely traditional campaign after a landslide victory
in the party's first presidential primary in November.
He promised more aid for the countryside, more resources for public
education and more attention to the poor. Labastida, a former governor
of Sinaloa state, was a top Cabinet secretary before the campaign and said

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