Bismillah [IslamCity] The Deeds Of Dead Jihadi...!

2009-06-06 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad) 
Dawud :: Book 14 : Hadith 2494
Narrated Fadalah ibn Ubayd:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Everyone who dies will have fully 
complete his action, except one who is on the frontier (in Allah's path), for 
his deeds will be made to go on increasing till the Day of Resurrection, and he 
will be safe from the trial in the grave.

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)." 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.
Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam):"Allahumma infa'ni bima 
'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli 
haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."

  Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! group 

Bismillah [IslamCity] MUSLIM DEMOGRAPHY.

2009-06-06 Thread mohammed bawany
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam:
Assalamo'alai'kum w RahmatUllah:
I was very pleased to see the email "Muslims Demography" yesterday.
Then I was/am upset because my mind boggles
" Will the Muslim Majority in the World change the Scenario of the World, 
tilting it to look more Islamic?"
Well I don't find any pleasure in the majority of Muslims - WHY?
1. More than 200 million Arab Muslims can not over power 12 to 15 million Jew 
in Israel nor can they tame Israel to come to terms with Muslims.
2. Are the Muslims of today not infighting with each other? what difference 
will be if smaller groups grow like mushrooms?
3. A Muslim is Honest, speaker of Truth, Not thief in its real senses, Trust 
worthy, Fulfill er of Promises, NOT a drinker nor Ha ram (forbidden) eater,
4 A true Muslim is never a gambler ( forward stock Player, Bet knitters, etc)
5 A Muesli never accepts Interest neither gives money on Interest nor obtains 
on Interest.
Please tell me if the demographics can change the realities.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Obama In Cairo: A New Face For Imperialism

2009-06-06 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Obama In Cairo: A New Face For Imperialism
By Patrick Martin
05 June, 2009

The speech delivered by US President Barack Obama in Cairo yesterday was 
riddled with contradictions. He declared his opposition to the “killing of 
innocent men, women, and children,” but defended the ongoing US wars in Iraq 
and Afghanistan and the US proxy war in Pakistan, while remaining silent on the 
most recent Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. These wars have killed 
at least one million Iraqis and tens of thousands in Afghanistan, Pakistan and 
the Palestinian territories.

Obama declared his support for democracy, human rights and women’s rights, 
after two days of meetings with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Egyptian 
President Hosni Mubarak, two of the most notorious tyrants in the Middle East. 
He said nothing in his speech about the complete absence of democratic rights 
in Saudi Arabia, or about the ongoing repression under Mubarak’s military 
dictatorship. In the days before the US president’s arrival at Al-Azhar 
University, the campus was raided by Egyptian secret police who detained more 
than 200 foreign students. Before leaving on his Mideast trip, Obama praised 
Mubarak as a “steadfast ally.”

While posturing as the advocate of universal peace and understanding, Obama 
diplomatically omitted any reference to his order to escalate the war in 
Afghanistan with the dispatch of an additional 17,000 US troops. And he tacitly 
embraced the policy of his predecessor in Iraq, declaring, “I believe the Iraqi 
people are ultimately better off without the tyranny of Saddam Hussein.” He 
even seemed to hedge on the withdrawal deadline of December 2011 negotiated by 
the Bush administration, which he described as a pledge “to remove all our 
troops from Iraq by 2012.”

Obama rejected the charge that America is “a self-interested empire”—a 
perfectly apt characterization—and denied that the United States was seeking 
bases, territory or access to natural resources in the Muslim world. He claimed 
that the war in Afghanistan was a “war of necessity” provoked by the 9/11 
terrorist attacks. This is the same argument made by the Bush-Cheney 
administration at the time, which deliberately conceals the real material 
interests at stake. The war in Afghanistan is part of the drive by US 
imperialism to dominate the world’s two most important sources of oil and gas, 
the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Basin.

There was of course a distinct shift in the rhetorical tone from the bullying 
“you’re either with or against us” of George W. Bush to the reassuring “we’re 
all in this together” of Obama. But as several commentators noted (the New 
Republic compared the speech line-for-line to that given by Bush to the United 
Nations on September 16, 2006), if you turned off the picture and the sound and 
simply read the prepared text, the words are very similar to speeches delivered 
by Bush, Condoleezza Rice and other officials of the previous administration.

The vague and flowery rhetoric, the verbal tributes to Islamic culture and the 
equal rights of nations, constitute an adjustment of the language being used to 
cloak the policy of US imperialism, not a change in substance. Obama made not a 
single concrete proposal to redress the grievances of the oppressed peoples of 
the Middle East. That is because the fundamental source of this oppression is 
the profit system and the domination of the world by imperialism, of which 
American imperialism is the most ruthless.

Obama made one passing reference to colonialism, and to the US role in the 
overthrow of the democratically elected Mossadegh government in Iran in 1953. 
But in his litany of “sources of tension” in the region, he offered the same 
checklist as his predecessor, with the first place given to “violent 
extremism”, Obama’s rhetorical substitute for Bush’s “terrorism.”

The reaction to the Obama speech in the American media was across-the-board 
enthusiasm. Liberal David Corn of Mother Jones magazine said Obama’s great 
advantages were “his personal history, his non-Bushness, his recognition of US 
errors, his willingness to at least talk as if he wants to be an honest broker 
in the Mideast.”

Michael Crowley wrote in the pro-war liberal magazine New Republic, “to see him 
unfold his biography, to cut such an unfamiliar profile to the world, is to 
appreciate how much America will benefit from presenting this new face to the 

Perhaps most revealing was the comment by Max Boot, a neoconservative 
arch-defender of the war in Iraq, who wrote: “I thought he did a more effective 
job of making America’s case to the Muslim world. No question: He is a more 
effective salesman than his predecessor was.”

In his speech in Cairo, Obama was playing the role for which he was drafted and 
promoted by a decisive section of the US financial elite and the military and 
foreign policy apparatus. This role is to provide a new face for US imperialism 
as part of 

Bismillah [IslamCity] ruling: Reciting a verse of sajda while praying behind an imam

2009-06-06 Thread Shahid
  Question # 120670: What should the person praying behind an imam do if he 
recites a verse in which there is a sajdah (prostration)? 


What should I do if I recite a soorah in which there is a sajdah when I am 
praying behind an imam?.


Praise be to Allaah. 

You should not prostrate, because following the imam is obligatory and the 
prostration of recitation is Sunnah. If a person is praying behind an imam, it 
is not permissible for him to prostrate, and if he prostrates deliberately 
although he knows that that is not permissible, then his prayer becomes 
invalid. End quote. 

Fataawa Islamiyyah (1/290)

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel wants Palestinians to make Jordan a homeland

2009-06-06 Thread KIMBERLY HENRY
That's pretty ironic considering that Jordan was Palestine before the creation 
of Isreal and it's siding with the Brits in the war for independence; better 
idea how about Jordan partnering with Palestine and remerging the lands. Just 
another one of my dumb ideas!


From: "" 
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2009 12:44:26 PM
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel wants Palestinians to make Jordan a 

Jordanian MPs: Break ties 
with Israel over Knesset proposal  

At least 15 Jordanian lawmakers on Friday urged the government 
to sever diplomatic ties with Israel in protest against debate in the Israeli 
parliament over regarding Jordan as an 
"alternative homeland" for the Palestinians. 

"The voting on the 
proposal by the Israeli Knesset proves that the Zionist mentality of the ruling 
politicians in Israel does not believe in peace and has no respect for the 
treaties and UN resolution," the pro-government National Democratic Bloc at the 
lower house of parliament said in a statement. 

The group, which includes 
15 deputies, considered last week's discussion in Israel's Knesset "a 
of the peace treaty, which Jordan concluded with Israel in 1994. 

group said Jordan's response should be the "dismissal of the Israeli ambassador 
and withdrawal of the Jordanian envoy" from Israel. 

The proposal depicting "two states for two peoples on the two 
banks of the River Jordan" was put on the Knesset's agenda by MK Aryeh 
Eldad from the far-right National Union-National Religious Party. 

Knesset voted to refer the suggestion to one of its committees for further 

Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh summoned Israeli's 
ambassador in Amman earlier this week and handed him a strongly-worded protest 
that "categorically rejected" the Knesset move. 

Judeh reiterated 
Jordan's stance envisaging the creation of an independent Palestinian state on 
all territories that Israel captured in the 1967 Six-Day War, including East 
Jerusalem, under the two-state track supported by the world's leading powers, 
including the United States and the European Union.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1088969. html

Bismillah [IslamCity] Barak Hussein Obama's Speech: Frank and constructive

2009-06-06 Thread S A Hannan
Barak Hussein Obama's Speech: Frank and Constructive 

The speech of US President  Barak Obama in Cairo was the first of its
kind in history.No western leader before him addressed the entire
Muslim world on issues of great relevance to both the West and the
Muslim world.In his speech he discussed the contribution of Islam to
civilization, the false stereotypes used about Islam and Muslims, the
political issues of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, the need for new
beginning in relatioms between Muslim world and the West .He said "I've
come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and
Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual
respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not
exclusive and need not be in competition.  Instead, they overlap, and
share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance
and the dignity of all human beings.- .  But I am convinced that in
order to move forward, we must say openly to each other the things we
hold in our hearts and that too often are said only behind closed doors.
There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from
each other; to respect one another; and to seek common ground.  As the
Holy Koran tells us, "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth."
(Applause.)  That is what I will try to do today -- to speak the truth
as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that
the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the
forces that drive us apart. I know there are many -- Muslim and
non-Muslim -- who question whether we can forge this new beginning.
Some are eager to stoke the flames of division, and to stand in the way
of progress.  Some suggest that it isn't worth the effort -- that we are
fated to disagree, and civilizations are doomed to clash. Many more are
simply skeptical that real change can occur.  There's so much fear, so
much mistrust that has built up over the years.  But if we choose to be
bound by the past, we will never move forward.  And I want to
particularly say this to young people of every faith, in every country
-- you, more than anyone, have the ability to reimagine the world, to
remake this world."
We welcome Barak Obama's initiative from the  great Muslim city of
Cairo.The tone of sincerity was apparent and most of us were touched by
his speech. There are doubters everywhere who will say that this is only
diplomacy and there will not be any change.We do not agree with them.The
world can have peace and progress through dialogue, listening to each
othe as President Obama has said.This is not to suggest that we agree
with everything.It is not necessary.It never happens that we always
agree on all points.We particularly feel that the invasion of Afganistan
was not necessary..We also agree with his view that Middle East should
be kept nuclear weapon free.Though he urged Iran not to go for nuclear
weapons and did not mention Israel, it was clear from his words "nuclear
free middle east " that he does not want Israel to have nuclear weapons.
In any event we sincerely appreciate his speech and urge him to take
steps as he has said.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Halal : Buying Muslim

2009-06-06 Thread hasniessa

Halal: Buying Muslim
By CARLA POWER Thursday, May. 14, 2009

FRESH LOOK: Malaysia-based El Hajj markets skincare products such as 
moisturizer and facial cleanser to pilgrims headed to Mecca
Palani Mohan / Reportage by Getty Images for TIME

Khalfan Mohammed has long been buffeted by culture shock while staying in 
five-star hotels. As a devout Muslim he has learned to ask staff to remove the 
minibar's alcohol. He loathes lobbies with loud discos and drunken guests. When 
traveling with his parents, it is the bikinis that rankle most. "It was quite 
shocking for my mother to sit in a restaurant with undressed people," the Abu 
Dhabi-based businessman says. "My mom and dad are not used to seeing people in 
public wearing their underwear." To avoid such embarrassment, the Mohammeds 
took to renting furnished apartments.




The Force Behind the Gulf Boom


Islam's Soft Revolution


Saudi Arabia's Lessons Learned
Dubai's Sand Castles

No longer. On a trip to Dubai last year, Mohammed stayed in the Villa Rotana, 
one of a growing number of hotels catering to Muslim travelers. In the lobby — 
all white leather, brick and glass, with a small waterfall — quiet reigns. Men 
in dishdashas and veiled women glide by Westerners who are sometimes discreetly 
reminded to respect local customs. Minibars are stocked not with alcohol, but 
with Red Bull, Pepsi and the malt drink Barbican. (See pictures of migrant 
workers in the Gulf.)
Time was, buying Muslim meant avoiding pork and alcohol and getting your meat 
from a halal butcher, who slaughtered in accordance with Islamic principles. 
But the halal food market has exploded in the past decade and is now worth an 
estimated $632 billion annually, according to the Halal Journal, a Kuala 
Lumpur-based magazine. That's about 16% of the entire global food industry. 
Throw in the fast-growing Islam-friendly finance sector and the myriad other 
products and services — cosmetics, real estate, hotels, fashion, insurance — 
that comply with Islamic law and the teachings of the Koran, and the sector is 
worth well over $1 trillion a year.
One reason for the rise of the halal economy is that the world's 1.6 billion 
Muslims are younger and, in some places at least, richer than ever. Seeking to 
tap that huge market, non-Muslim multinationals like Tesco, McDonald's and 
Nestlé have expanded their Muslim-friendly offerings and now control an 
estimated 90% of the global halal market.
At the same time, governments in Asia and the Middle East are pouring millions 
into efforts to become regional "halal hubs," providing tailor-made 
manufacturing centers and "halal logistics" — systems to maintain product 
purity during shipping and storage. The increased competition is changing 
manufacturing and supply chains in some unusual places. Most of Saudi Arabia's 
chicken is raised in Brazil, which means Brazilian suppliers have built 
elaborate halal slaughtering facilities. Abattoirs in New Zealand, the world's 
biggest exporter of halal lamb, have hosted delegations from Iran and Malaysia. 
And the Netherlands, keen to maximize Rotterdam's role as Europe's biggest 
port, has built halal warehouses so that imported halal goods aren't stored 
next to pork or alcohol.
Such arrangements cost, of course, but since the industry's anchor is food, 
business is booming, even in the economic crisis. "What downturn?" asks Nordin 
Abdullah, executive director of the Halal Journal. "You don't need your Gucci 
handbag, but you do need your hamburger."
Not just hamburgers. Drug companies such as the U.K.'s Principle Healthcare and 
Canada's Duchesnay now sell halal vitamins free of the gelatins and other 
animal derivatives that some Islamic scholars say make mainstream products 
haram, or unlawful. The Malaysia-based company Granulab produces synthetic bone 
graft material to avoid using animal bone, while Malaysian and Cuban scientists 
are collaborating on a halal meningitis vaccine.
In the Gulf, the Burooj real estate company is carving out a niche, not just 
because it deals exclusively with Islamic banks, but because it designs spas 
and swimming pools that segregate the sexes. For Muslim women concerned about 
skin-care products containing alcohol or lipsticks that use animal fats, a few 
cosmetics firms are creating halal makeup lines.
The burgeoning Islamic finance industry is using the global economic crisis to 
win new non-Muslim customers. Investors are attracted by Islamic banking's more 
conservative approach: Islamic law forbids banks from charging interest (though 
customers pay fees) and many scholars discourage investment in excessively 
leveraged companies. Though it currently accounts for just 1% of the global 
market, the Islamic finance industry's value is growing at around 15% a year, 
and could reach $4 trillion in five years, up from $500 billion today, 
according to a 2008 report from Moody's Investors Service.
Those wh

Bismillah [IslamCity] Decoding God's Changing Moods

2009-06-06 Thread hasniessa

Decoding God's Changing Moods
By ROBERT WRIGHT Monday, Jun. 15, 2009

Symbols of the three Monotheistic religions.
S袡stien D賡rmaux / Godong / Corbis
Jun. 15, 2009
Decoding God's Changing Moods

The ancient Israelites got straightforward guidance from Scripture on how to 
handle people who didn't worship Israel's god, Yahweh. "You shall annihilate 
them — the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the 
Hivites and the Jebusites — just as the Lord your God has commanded."
The point of this exercise, explained the Book of Deuteronomy, was to make sure 
the "abhorrent" religions of nearby peoples didn't rub off on Israelites.
Yet sometimes the Israelites were happy to live in peace with neighbors who 
worshipped alien gods. In the Book of Judges, an Israelite military leader 
proposes a live-and-let-live arrangement with the Ammonites: "Should you not 
possess what your god Chemosh gives you to possess? And should we not be the 
ones to possess everything that our god Yahweh has conquered for our benefit?" 
(See pictures of spiritual healing around the world.)
The Bible isn't the only Scripture with such vacillations between belligerence 
and tolerance. Muslims, who like Christians and Jews worship the God who 
revealed himself to Abraham, are counseled in one part of the Koran to "kill 
the polytheists wherever you find them." But another part prescribes a 
different stance toward unbelievers, "To you be your religion; to me my 
You'd think the Abrahamic God would make up his mind — Can he live with other 
gods or not? What's with the random mood fluctuations?
But the fluctuations aren't really random. If you juxtapose the Abrahamic 
Scriptures with what scholars have learned about the circumstances surrounding 
their creation, a pattern appears. Certain kinds of situations inspired 
tolerance, and other kinds inspired the opposite. You might even say this 
pattern is a kind of code, a code that is hidden in the Scriptures and that, 
once revealed, unlocks the secret of God's changing moods.
And maybe this code could unlock more than that. Maybe knowing what 
circumstances made the authors of Scripture open-minded can help make 
modern-day believers open-minded. Maybe the hidden code in the Bible and the 
Koran, the code that links Scriptural content to context, could even help mend 
the most dangerous of intra-Abrahamic fault lines, the one between Muslims and 
The first step in seeing this code is to look to the world that gave us the 
Hebrew Bible (what Christians call the Old Testament) and the Koran — the world 
that embedded the code in them. There we'll see how consequential God's mood 
changes could be — how, indeed, a burst of vengeful intolerance helped give us 
monotheism itself; we'll see that the birth of monotheism left us with what you 
might call a bad God.
But we'll also see that this God then had bursts of moral growth — within both 
Judaism and Islam — and that the proven ingredients of that growth are around 
today, just when another such burst is needed.
In the beginning — or near the beginning — was King Solomon. Israel's third 
King, he reigned in the 10th century B.C.E. (before the common era). In 
addition to being famously wise, he was flagrantly polytheistic. The Bible 
handles this awkward fact by blaming it on his many wives of foreign 
extraction, who "turned away his heart after other gods."
The Bible has the logic backward. In ancient times, when a man of royal blood 
married a foreign woman of royal blood, it wasn't on a romantic whim. It was 
part of foreign policy, a way to cement relations with another nation. And that 
cement was strengthened by paying respect to the nation's gods. Solomon's many 
wives didn't lead to his many gods; his politics led to both the wives and the 
Solomon believed Israel could benefit — economically and otherwise — by staying 
on good terms with nearby nations. As game theorists say, he saw relations with 
other nations as non-zero-sum; the fortunes of Israel and other nations were 
positively correlated, so outcomes could be win-win or lose-lose. His warmth 
toward those religions was a way of making the win-win outcome more likely.
Again and again in the Bible, this perception of non-zero-sumness underlies 
religious tolerance. This doesn't mean religious tolerance is always 
consciously calculated. The human mind does lots of subterranean work to pave 
the way for social success. But whether the calculation is conscious or not, 
people are more open to the religious beliefs of other people if they sense a 
non-zero-sum dynamic.
See people finding God on YouTube.
See pictures of John 3:16 in pop culture.
The flip side is that perceptions of a zero-sum dynamic — of a game in which 
one side will win and one side lose — can foster intolerance of other religions 
and their gods. Indeed, a close look at the Bible shows how this worldview 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Evil Eye - help!

2009-06-06 Thread KIMBERLY HENRY
If someone can help my mom please write back; here is a copy of her 
correspondence to me. This is a lady who is very intelligent, well educated, 
and loving who used to always do for others. She has now been sick, lethargic, 
sometimes apathetic, she hides in her home and has met failure in everything 
that she tries to do which makes her more depressed. Doctors have no answers 
and she may well lose the last of what she has - her home and her children if 
something doesn't change.
Nina and Alyce

I used to study Quran sometimes reciting softly while at work during down time 
which due to the job was often; most people did homework and such during down 
time. A lady who hated me for no reason that I can comprehend used to always 
stare hatefully and maliciously at me especially when I was studying. This lady 
through other maneuvers caused the environment around me to be so toxic that I 
had to finally leave that job. My home and personal life simply fell apart 
during this time as well. As a revert I had never given much thought to the 
evil eye but since my life has steadily fallen into disrepair since that lady 
used to stare at me and I wholehearted seek Allah, swt and do my best to meet 
my obligations it has been suggested to me that I may be afflicted with the 
evil eye. How can one know if they are afflicted with the evil eye or if 
Allah,swt is simply testing them or can it be both and what can be done? I have 
been tested in many ways before but
 never for such a long time, I can't even describe the physical, pshcological, 
financial, trauma that I have been suffering these past three years. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fwd: english institute- flyer [1 Attachment]

2009-06-06 Thread Abida Rahmani

Assalam Alaikum,
Please spread the word through your email contacts.


3:110 YOU ARE indeed the best community that has ever been brought forth for 
[the good of] mankind: you enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the 
doing of what is wrong, and you believe in God. Now if the followers of earlier 
revelation had attained to [this kind of] faith, it would have been for their 
own good; [but only few] among them are believers, while most of them are 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Historic George Galloway Speech Now Available on DVD From Al-Awda

2009-06-06 Thread Zahi Damuni
Right Honorable George Galloway MP
Anaheim, April 7, 2009

George Galloway delivered a historic speech in Anaheim California on April 7, 
2009 to a 1000-strong audience in which he announced the formation of Viva 
Palestina USA and its plans for a large aid convoy to break the siege of Gaza. 
Galloway also announced that this aid convoy will be led by himself and Vietnam 
Veteran Ron Kovic. Since then, Viva Palestina efforts have sprung up around the 
US in an effort to make this US Convoy a reality.

A DVD of Galloway's historic April 7, 2009 speech has been produced 
professionally by Al-Awda's Media Center.

To request a copy of this DVD and any of Al-Awda's Media Center professionally 
produced DVD's listed below, simply go to and 
follow the instructions. All proceeds are directed to Al-Awda's Media Center. 
Work at the Media Center is currently underway to produce DVD's from the 
Seventh Annual International Al-Awda Convention which took place May 22-24, 

Other DVD's and CD's

Archbishop Atallah Hanna
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the inspiring speech (30 min) in Arabic with English 
subtitles of Archbishop Atallah Hanna as filmed at the Sixth International 
Annual Al-Awda Convention. The convention was held in Anaheim California May 
16-18, 2008 to mark the 60th Year of the Nakba and Struggle to Return.

Born in the village of Rami in Galilee, Archbishop Theodosios "Atallah" Hanna 
is a distinguished Arab nationalist and spiritual leader for Palestine. He is 
Archbishop of Sevastia of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. He is 
also the designated spokesperson for the Greek Orthodox Church for all of 
Palestine. The Archbishop is a member of the Arab Nationalist Congress as a 
representative of Palestine, and has received numerous awards for his work to 
strengthen Arab unity and for being a powerful spokesperson for the Palestinian 
cause. This DVD was produced by Al-Awda's Media Center. Minimum donation $20.00 
plus $5.00 shipping per copy.

Supreme Justice Dr. Sheikh Taiseer Al Tamimi
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the motivational speech (20 min) in Arabic with English 
subtitles of Supreme Justice Dr. Sheikh Al Tamimi as filmed at the Sixth 
International Annual Al-Awda Convention.

Dr. Sheikh Al Tamimi was born in the old city of Al-Khalil (Hebron) in 1952. He 
was assigned as Palestine's Supreme Judge of Sharia Courts in 2002. And in 
2003, he was appointed the Head of the Higher Council of Sharia Jurisdiction 
and Head of the Supreme Sharia Court in Palestine. He is also the Head of the 
Inter-religious Dialogue Committee in Palestine and Head of the Committee for 
Defending the Islamic and Christian Holy Places in Jerusalem. He is also the 
Head of the committee for defending and protecting Al-Khalil City. Dr. Sheikh 
Tamimi is an outspoken advocate regarding the Palestinian Right to Return. This 
DVD was produced by Al-Awda's Media Center. Minimum donation $20.00 plus $5.00 
shipping per copy.

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the highly educational speech (36 min) in English of Dr. 
Salman Abu Sitta's as filmed at the Sixth International Annual Al-Awda 

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta is General Coordinator of the Right of Return Congress, is 
the Founder and President of The Palestine Land Society and a former member of 
The Palestine National Council. Dr. Abu Sitta is a world-renowned researcher on 
refugee affairs, and the author of numerous articles and books on Palestine and 
Palestinian refugees, particularly "the Atlas of Palestine 1948" and the 
"Return Journey" atlas. This DVD was produced by Al-Awda's Media Center. 
Minimum donation $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping per copy.

The Inalienable Rights of Palestinian Refugees
to Return (CD)
by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta

Important Highly Educational PowerPoint Presentation (with sound). Microsoft 
PowerPoint Version 2002 on Windows 2000 or Windows XP needed. For sound, 
computer speakers may be sufficient. --- Minimum donation is $10.00 plus $5.00 

Dr. As'ad AbuKhalil
Anaheim, May 17, 2008

This DVD presents the highly educational speech (22 min) in English of Dr. 
As'ad AbuKhalil as filmed at the Sixth International Annual Al-Awda Convention.

Dr. AbuKhalil was born March 16, 1960 in Tyre, Lebanon and grew up in Beirut. 
He received his BA and MA from The American University of Beirut in Political 
Science. He came to the US in 1983 and received his PhD in comparative 
government from Georgetown University. He taught at Tufts University, 
Georgetown University, George Washington University, Colorado College, and 
Randolph-Macon Woman's College. He also served as a Scholar-in-Residence at 
Middle East Institute in Washington DC. Dr. Abu Khalil has served as free-lance 
Middle East consultant for NBC News and ABC News, an experience that served 
only to increase his disdain for mainstream US media. He is now professor of 
Political Scien


2009-06-06 Thread Zaras Kitchen
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 10:32:45 -0700
Subject: CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years

A study conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has cast doubt
over Israel's
survival beyond the next 20 years.

The CIA report predicts "an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a
one-state solution, as the most viable
model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming
specter of colonial Apartheid while
allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being
the precondition for sustainable peace in the region."

The study, which has been made available only to a certain number of
individuals, further forecasts the return
of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, and the exodus of
two million Israeli -
who would move to the US in the next fifteen years.

"There is over 500,000 Israelis with American passports and more than
300,000 living in the area
of just California," International lawyer Franklin Lamb said in an interview
with Press TV on Friday,
adding that those who do not have American or western passport, have already
applied for them.

"So I think the handwriting at least among the public in Israel is on the
wall...[which] suggests history
will reject the colonial enterprise sooner or later," Lamb stressed.

He said CIA, in its report, alludes to the unexpectedly quick fall of the
apartheid government in
South Africa and recalls the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early
1990s, suggesting the
end to the dream of an 'Israeli land' would happen 'way sooner' than later.

The study further predicts the return of over one and a half million
Israelis to Russia and other parts
of Europe, and denotes a decline in Israeli births whereas a rise in the
Palestinian population.

Lamb said given the Israeli conduct toward the Palestinians and the Gaza
strip in particular,
the American public -- which has been voicing its protest against Tel Aviv's
measures in the last 25 years --
may 'not take it anymore'.

Some members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have been informed of
the report.


FULL STORY:§ionid=351020202

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Heart of Obama at Cairo Speech - Dr.M.K.Sherwani

2009-06-06 Thread Sherwani Mustafa
The Heart of Obama at Cairo Speech

I am born of your sperm,
I know the depth of your mind;
I have your blood  in my veins,
What lies inside you, I can  find.
I was your breed, I  know your instinct,
On earth, you are the most gullible race;
The praise of  your faith gives you  joy,
Quotes from Qur’an glorify  your face.
  Bush had a suspicious and dubious trait,
He  was a zealous fool ; aroused your hate;
His color was a mirror to his darkest heart,
I have a perfect match, I thank my fate.
Many a time , I pondered, why he failed,
I will surpass him, and attain our goal;
I will vanquish you , but will always tell,
In this  world , you have a historic role.
I am getting you slain  through my  slaves,
That I have  bought   from  amongst you;
They are faithfully doing what I wish,
You all are applauding me, barring a few.
  Our Israel will continue on the usurped soil,
The Palestinians must not dream to be free;
Afghanistan and Iraq now belong to us ,
  Our drones will keep their killing spree.
  With the hysteria of terror and global threat,
In your lands, our forces will always remain;
I will pick up more spots to foment unrest,
Till you dispel your dignity  from your brain.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Lucknow, U.P. India

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Bismillah [IslamCity] from Cairo to Buchenwald....and the chiken-soups of Gaza

2009-06-06 Thread chemayelraja

Buchenwald.  in 2009
The day after the day when he was in Cairo
President Barack Obama went directly to visit
the ex-concentration camp of Buchenwald in Germany
Arriving to the camp he laid a white flower and said :
This place is the ultimate rebuke
for those who would still deny the Holocaustunquote
If I may answer on behalf of the revisionists
which never was my task , nor my duty
I would reply to Obama two things :
1- revisionist do not deny the existence of the concentration-camps
but they doubt and deny what has happened in them !!
2- Buchenwald is 6200 kilometres away from Cairo
and has been out of business for the last 64 years ,
so why not having visited , instead , the Gaza Strip
which only 263 kilometres from Cairo and is still in business
OK Gaza is not a "Death-Camp"  , as such...
but it is surely a huge "Concentration-Camp"
but if you would add the boycott and the starvation and the siege
and the bombardments ...
Gaza would then qualify  as a "Death-camp".
Why to dig in past ,
when the present is equaly so rotten !!!
Why to go look inside a 64 years old closed kitchen (Buchenwald)
and to try to convince us , whether or not , it has had  chicken-soup
when a modern, contemporary and still active kitchen (Gaza)
has ,still on fire , hot-boiling-chicken-soup ??

Are there also US-double-standards...
in Chicken-soups ?? and in Holocausts ???

Sherlock Hommos
6th of June 2009