Re: [julia-users] Why does my Julia code run so slow?

2015-02-23 Thread Sean Marshallsay
Kuba, most of the relevant discussion was happening here:

On Monday, 23 February 2015 07:27:55 UTC, Kuba Roth wrote:

 Sorry for a off topic question. 
 @Viral. Is there any discussion going on about new GC you mentioned? Can 
 you point it to me please? I wonder what are the changes? 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Share Library and Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Tim Holy


On Monday, February 23, 2015 01:33:08 AM DP wrote:
 What are the suffices on account of creation of shared library(c++)
 i = Int
 d = Double
 On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 2:56:21 PM UTC+5:30, Jeff Waller wrote:
  What can be the problem?
   I think this:
  jeffw@dub1:~$ echo _Z6CP_lliPc | c++filt
  jeffw@dub1:~$ echo _Z6CP_lliPh | c++filt
  CP_lli(unsigned char*)

[julia-users] Re: splice! function. Instead of removing a single item, remove a collection of items stored in an array.

2015-02-23 Thread Aero_flux
Thanks for the reply. I did try deleteat! without much success. What did 
work for me was the following though:

errors=reverse(errors) #start with the largest index first and work down

for x=1:length(errors)

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:17:29 AM UTC, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 corrected_data = deleteat!(x, errors) should be what you're looking for. 
 Alternately, a more functionally pure way to do it is to compute the good 
 indices and then just do corrected_data = x[good_idx], though this will 
 make a copy of those elements of x.

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:14:11 PM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I might be going about this the wrong way. I have a sequence of data in a 
 1-D array x. Now I have done some calculations and have a 1-D array of 
 the indexed points in x that erroneous. What I would like to to is remove 
 all the data points in x that uses the saved indices. I figured I would 
 use corrected_data = splice!(x, errors) but of course it won't take arrays. 
 Any hints?

 Many thanks

Re: [julia-users] Re: Suppress printed output from PyPlot

2015-02-23 Thread Guido Masella

thank you for the tips but the second method return an error:

ERROR: IJulia not defined
 in withfig at /home/gdmsl/.julia/v0.3/PyPlot/src/PyPlot.jl:547

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Steven G. Johnson

 On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 4:58:44 AM UTC-5, gdmsl wrote:

 julia plot(rand(10),rand(10));
 Figure(PyObject matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x7f7979d24dd8)
 Figure(PyObject matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x7f7979d24dd8)

 I really need to suppress output like Figure(PyObject
 matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x7f7979d24dd8)

 The plot command (and similar) displays its output as a side effect (think
 of it as a println statement, but via display).   In the REPL, the
 default display backend just calls `print`.   You can suppress this in
 two ways:

 1) You could define your own display backend that silently ignores
 `Figure` objects, and push it onto the display stack (see the Multimedia
 I/O section of the manual.

 2) You could wrap your plot commands in withfig:

  f = figure()
  withfig(f) do
    plot commands ...

 The withfig command converts the plot results from a side effect into a
 return value (which you can suppress with a semicolon).   It was intended
 for use with the Interact package, but should work as well here.

[julia-users] Passing pointer to struct to a julia callback function

2015-02-23 Thread Juhani Kataja

I started experimenting with Julia-C interface and found out that it 
seems to be hard to pass a struct defined in C to a callback function 
defined in Julia as follows:

type ab_struct

function const_ab_struct(a_::Cint, b_::Cdouble, c_::Ptr{ab_struct})
  c_ref = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(c_)
  c_ref.a = a_
  c_ref.b = b_
  return 0

const c_const_ab_struct = cfunction(const_ab_struct, Cint, (Cint, Cdouble,
ccall( (:testme_ab_callback, my_lib), Void, (Ptr{Void},), 

In my_lib dynamic library I have
typedef struct {
  int a;
  double b;
} ab_struct;

void testme_ab_callback(int (*fun)(int, double, ab_struct*))
  ab_struct foo;
  printf(%i, %f\n, foo.a, foo.b);

This will yield segfault (seemingly) from c_ref.a=a_ (I'm using osx 10.10 
and julia version 0.3.5 installed from .dmg)

Am I doing something wrong (which is a more probable than..)? Is this kind 
of struct-callback construct possible to implement (cleanly)? 


[julia-users] Project organization

2015-02-23 Thread Marc Gallant
I'm having some trouble figuring out the proper way to organize a project 
in Julia. I understand how a *package* is organized (from the many 
available examples), but now I am writing code that uses various packages 
(my own and others) and I don't feel like I have a good idea on how a 
*project* should be organized.

Let's say I have a project called Major Calculations that uses the packages 
Foo.jl, Bar.jl, and Important.jl.

1. Should I use Pkg.generate() to create Major Calculations? In other 
words, should it be a package (in the julia sense)? It isn't going to be a 
library of types and methods, but rather a project where I give it large 
amounts of data and it outputs modified data and plots.

2. Should I break down Major Calculations into separate modules? For 
example, there are groups of functions that are related. Should each of 
these get their own module?

3. What should the directory layout of Major Calculations be? Should I have 
a main.jl? What if I want to process the data in steps (e.g., first.jl, 
second.jl, ...).

4. When I use the project, I want to pass it two files: a configuration 
file, and the data file. The configuration file will define a bunch of 
constants that are used throughout Major Calculations (i.e., it is 
required). Should these be declared as global consts? If that's the case, 
should I have a file (e.g., constants.jl) that I include at the start of 
main.jl that reads the file and just sets all constants? And should this be 
completely in the global scope?

5. If the two modules Foo and Bar both export functions with the same name 
(but different parameters), how do I avoid conflicts? Should the project 
use import instead of using?

In essence, I am just having a hard time differentiating how code is 
organized when it is a package for general usage, compared to how it 
organized when it is a project used to process data. 

Thanks for your time. 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Tensor-product function for multidimensional arrays (2 dims)

2015-02-23 Thread Spencer Lyon

Hey Tim,

Yep, sure does.

For those who find this later (i.e. future me), here are a couple ways to 
replicate the example in the numpy docs using TensorOperations.jl:

using TensorOperations, IndexNotation

# NOTE: we build it inside-out and then permute to match numpy's row major
#   reshape with Julia's column major reshape.
a = permutedims(reshape(0:59.0, (5, 4, 3)), (3, 2, 1))

b = permutedims(reshape(0:23.0, (2, 3, 4)), (3, 2, 1))

# first method -- using IndexNotation
c1 = a[la,b,c]*b[lb,a,d]

# second method -- calling tensorcontract
c2 = tensorcontract(a, [a, b, c], b, [b, a, d])

# third method -- using inlace operations
c3 = Array(Float64, 5, 2)
TensorOperations.tensorcontract!(1,a,[a, b, c],'N',b,[b, a, 
d],'N',0.0, c3,[c, d])

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 6:34:12 AM UTC-5, Tim Holy wrote:

Does TensorOperations.jl do what you want? 


 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 12:32:34 AM Viral Shah wrote: 
  Best to file an issue. 
  On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 12:52:17 PM UTC+5:30, Spencer Lyon 
   Bump on this thread. I need this functionality again... 
   On Friday, December 6, 2013 at 11:04:44 AM UTC-5, Spencer Lyon wrote: 
   I am working with tensors with more than 2 dimensions. I would like 
   find a Julia equivalent to the numpy function tensordot. The 
   for the function explains its use well, so I will just copy/paste it 
   def tensordot(a, b, axes=2): 

   Compute tensor dot product along specified axes for arrays = 
   Given two tensors (arrays of dimension greater than or equal to 
   ``a`` and ``b``, and an array_like object containing two 
   objects, ``(a_axes, b_axes)``, sum the products of ``a``'s and 
   elements (components) over the axes specified by ``a_axes`` and 
   ``b_axes``. The third argument can be a single non-negative 
   integer_like scalar, ``N``; if it is such, then the last ``N`` 
   dimensions of ``a`` and the first ``N`` dimensions of ``b`` are 
   a, b : array_like, len(shape) = 1 
   Tensors to dot. 
   axes : variable type 
   * integer_like scalar 
 Number of axes to sum over (applies to both arrays); or 
   * array_like, shape = (2,), both elements array_like 
 Axes to be summed over, first sequence applying to ``a``, 
 to ``b``. 
   See Also 
   dot, einsum 
   When there is more than one axis to sum over - and they are not 
   (first) axes of ``a`` (``b``) - the argument ``axes`` should 
   two sequences of the same length, with the first axis to sum over 
   first in both sequences, the second axis second, and so forth. 
   A traditional example: 
a = np.arange(60.).reshape(3,4,5) 
b = np.arange(24.).reshape(4,3,2) 
c = np.tensordot(a,b, axes=([1,0],[0,1])) 
   (5, 2) 
   array([[ 4400.,  4730.], 
  [ 4532.,  4874.], 
  [ 4664.,  5018.], 
  [ 4796.,  5162.], 
  [ 4928.,  5306.]]) 

# A slower but equivalent way of computing the same... 
d = np.zeros((5,2)) 
for i in range(5): 
   ...   for j in range(2): 
   ... for k in range(3): 
   ...   for n in range(4): 
   ... d[i,j] += a[k,n,i] * b[n,k,j] 
c == d 
   array([[ True,  True], 
  [ True,  True], 
  [ True,  True], 
  [ True,  True], 
  [ True,  True]], dtype=bool) 

   I think the functionality laid out in the explicit for loops would be 
   quite easy to replicate using the @nloops and @nref macros in 
   but I am not sure if that will be most performant way to implement 
 such a 
   function. Also, I wanted to check here to see if this has already 
   before I spend some time working on this. 


[julia-users] Re: Project organization

2015-02-23 Thread Marc Gallant
Thanks for your input. I have some questions about your reply:

4.  Yes, putting constants in global scope is fine. I believe there will 
 not be a performance issue is you mark the variables as const

How do I load the configuration file if Major Calculations is a package? 
using MajorCalculations won't work because MajorCalculations.jl requires 
a configuration file to define constants. And how to I pass the data to 

For example, if MajorCalculations is my main file, I would like to write

$ julia MajorCalculations.jl configuration.txt data.txt

But how does this work in conjunction with using or import 


[julia-users] Re: splice! function. Instead of removing a single item, remove a collection of items stored in an array.

2015-02-23 Thread Josh Langsfeld
It's working fine for me:

julia x1 = rand(1:10,5); x2 = copy(x1)
5-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia errs = [2,4];

julia deleteat!(x1,errs);

julia x1
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia for i=length(errs):-1:1

julia x2
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:07:43 AM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. I did try deleteat! without much success. What did 
 work for me was the following though:

 errors=reverse(errors) #start with the largest index first and work down

 for x=1:length(errors)

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:17:29 AM UTC, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 corrected_data = deleteat!(x, errors) should be what you're looking for. 
 Alternately, a more functionally pure way to do it is to compute the good 
 indices and then just do corrected_data = x[good_idx], though this will 
 make a copy of those elements of x.

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:14:11 PM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I might be going about this the wrong way. I have a sequence of data in 
 a 1-D array x. Now I have done some calculations and have a 1-D array of 
 the indexed points in x that erroneous. What I would like to to is remove 
 all the data points in x that uses the saved indices. I figured I would 
 use corrected_data = splice!(x, errors) but of course it won't take arrays. 
 Any hints?

 Many thanks

Re: [julia-users] Passing pointer to struct to a julia callback function

2015-02-23 Thread Jameson Nash
unsafe_pointer_to_objref expects a reference to a Julia object (allocated
by Julia), whereas you've passed a reference to memory allocated by C.
Julia types are layout-compatible with C, but it still matters who
allocated them when doing the translation.

unsafe_load should work for you.

On Mon Feb 23 2015 at 8:57:50 AM Juhani Kataja wrote:


 I started experimenting with Julia-C interface and found out that it
 seems to be hard to pass a struct defined in C to a callback function
 defined in Julia as follows:

 type ab_struct

 function const_ab_struct(a_::Cint, b_::Cdouble, c_::Ptr{ab_struct})
   c_ref = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(c_)
   c_ref.a = a_
   c_ref.b = b_
   return 0

 const c_const_ab_struct = cfunction(const_ab_struct, Cint, (Cint, Cdouble,
 ccall( (:testme_ab_callback, my_lib), Void, (Ptr{Void},),

 In my_lib dynamic library I have
 typedef struct {
   int a;
   double b;
 } ab_struct;

 void testme_ab_callback(int (*fun)(int, double, ab_struct*))
   ab_struct foo;
   printf(%i, %f\n, foo.a, foo.b);

 This will yield segfault (seemingly) from c_ref.a=a_ (I'm using osx 10.10
 and julia version 0.3.5 installed from .dmg)

 Am I doing something wrong (which is a more probable than..)? Is this kind
 of struct-callback construct possible to implement (cleanly)?


[julia-users] Re: Project organization

2015-02-23 Thread Avik Sengupta
So I am not sure there are cannonical answers to some of these questions, 
but I'll try to address some of them based of my current opininions. So 
imho, and fwiw etc... 

1. Major Calculations should mostly be a package. A package is not 
necessarily a library, it is a self contained unit of code sharing. So if 
you want to share your code publicly, it should most certainly be a 
package. If its only a private piece of code, private to you or your 
organisation, then you can get away with not making it a package. However, 
I think you would benefit from making it one, if only for the reason that 
the src/ directory of all packages are automatically in the load path. 

2. I think this is a personal choice based on your domain and design. 
Creating separate modules will create clear boundaries between parts of 
your code. Only you can decide if that is valuable to you. 

3. If you make this  a package, then your main file should be 
MajorCalculations.jl . This file will be loaded when calling using 
MajorCalculations . Beyond that, your are free to layout your code as you 
wish. The majority of Julia packages these days I think have functionality 
in separate files (and optionally separate modules) that are included in 
the main file for the package

In terms of steps, I believe you should model your steps as function calls. 
So one way would be 

#file: MajorCalculations.jl

module MajorCalculations

include(first.jl)  #define function first()
include(second.jl) #define function second()

function process()
end #function

end #process

4.  Yes, putting constants in global scope is fine. I believe there will 
not be a performance issue is you mark the variables as const

5. If the functions have different number of types of parameters, they will 
not clash, they will be multiple methods of a single function (so long as 
correcly imported). If they really clash, then don't export them from the 
module, call them with a fully qualified name Module.func()

On Monday, 23 February 2015 14:39:49 UTC, Marc Gallant wrote:

 I'm having some trouble figuring out the proper way to organize a project 
 in Julia. I understand how a *package* is organized (from the many 
 available examples), but now I am writing code that uses various packages 
 (my own and others) and I don't feel like I have a good idea on how a 
 *project* should be organized.

 Let's say I have a project called Major Calculations that uses the 
 packages Foo.jl, Bar.jl, and Important.jl.

 1. Should I use Pkg.generate() to create Major Calculations? In other 
 words, should it be a package (in the julia sense)? It isn't going to be a 
 library of types and methods, but rather a project where I give it large 
 amounts of data and it outputs modified data and plots.

 2. Should I break down Major Calculations into separate modules? For 
 example, there are groups of functions that are related. Should each of 
 these get their own module?

 3. What should the directory layout of Major Calculations be? Should I 
 have a main.jl? What if I want to process the data in steps (e.g., 
 first.jl, second.jl, ...).

 4. When I use the project, I want to pass it two files: a configuration 
 file, and the data file. The configuration file will define a bunch of 
 constants that are used throughout Major Calculations (i.e., it is 
 required). Should these be declared as global consts? If that's the case, 
 should I have a file (e.g., constants.jl) that I include at the start of 
 main.jl that reads the file and just sets all constants? And should this be 
 completely in the global scope?

 5. If the two modules Foo and Bar both export functions with the same name 
 (but different parameters), how do I avoid conflicts? Should the project 
 use import instead of using?

 In essence, I am just having a hard time differentiating how code is 
 organized when it is a package for general usage, compared to how it 
 organized when it is a project used to process data. 

 Thanks for your time. 

[julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've released 
a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia 
package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting 
interface and the structure of the package itself.

Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic 
features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

Bokeh is an interactive plotting 
library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as 
it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the obvious 
option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without the pain.

I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia 
community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and 
adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that 
wouldn't work?

[julia-users] How to store the state of current rand generator (not set the seed)

2015-02-23 Thread Steve Kay
I'm trying to build a simulation model with sequential stages. I only want 
to set the seed for the random number generator once at the very start of 
the simulation comparing different possible strategies. Stage 1 is common 
to all strategies and involves running lots of sims to reach stage 2 . At 
this stage my strategies follow different routes. Ideally I'd like to store 
the state of the random number generator just before starting stage 2 (and 
be able to recall it at a later time). That way I can run my first strategy 
through, then reset to the same state at the start of stage 2 and run the 
next strategy through, etc. All strategies then facing the same random 
conditions (without having to rerun stage 1 or set another seed at stage 
2).. Are there such commands that store and reset the number generator to a 
particular state? Any help much appreciated.



[julia-users] What was allp function and what happened to it?

2015-02-23 Thread Benjamin Turk
I have been looking at the following code snippet from the julia-dev forum:

valuetypeof(::()) = ()
valuetypeof{T}(::(T,)) = T
function valuetypeof(x::Tuple)
  t = typeof(x[1])
  @assert allp(y-typeof(y)==t, x)

I would like to know what allp is and what happened to it?


Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
Thanks for being accepting of my provocation. Some emphasis on graphics
makes sense, I just think it would be a mistake to spend too long wrestling
with c libraries when projects like threejs show how much can be done with
just javascript. Technologies like chrome, v8, html5 have consumed masses
of time and money, it makes sense to piggy back of as much of it as

The saving file -- opening file is definitely just the first step,
websockets should allow real time data transfer in both directions. HTML5
can definitely handle the graphs, take a look at these examples:

So I think there's no reason why the above example shouldn't be possible
with nothing more than the Julia standard library, WebSockets.jl, reference
to a JavaScript file and a browser.


Samuel Colvin,

On 23 February 2015 at 20:16, Tim Holy wrote:

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 11:19:17 AM Samuel Colvin wrote:
  Answers inline below. But generally I'm not suggesting that Bokeh.jl is a
  complete or a viable all round option yet: I was just making a general
  point (and saying someone mildly antagonistic to kick off some debate,

 Oh, I appreciate your interaction on this. While we've made a lot of
 there's still room for improvement in our graphics subspace, and not very
 unity. (I need to check out Mike's Blink.jl, too.) Perhaps at the next
 JuliaCon graphics can be a big topic of discussion and perhaps hacking.

  I think you're probably right about WebGL, Bokeh doesn't have any support
  for 3D plotting yet, although I read somewhere (can't find it now) that
  they're looking at all the options and will work on 3D when they decide
  a good approach - maybe that says a lot in itself.
  For some examples of 3D plotting in the browser plotly have some pretty
  cool demos:

 Those are indeed nice, but for some insight into about what's actually
 possible...check out this amazing video by Simon Danish (using his
 collection of packages):

 It's my understanding that this video was just capturing what was going on
 inside a window on his desktop, *in real time*. That would be pretty hard
 achieve by saving data to files and popping up browser windows...


   - I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because I'm
   lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data to
   Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your machine,
   is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the
   use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If
   have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker.
  I'm not sure it's a dealbreaker but all Bokeh.jl does is write an HTML
  with a reference to bokeh.js and insert the plot data in a big clump of
  JSON. It then just prompts your default browser to open that file.
  I know it sounds inefficient, but in the end there's a finite limit on
  much data you should ever have to pass to a plot - enough data to fill
  screen. If your passing GB (or even MB normally) of data to the plot
  there's a lot of down sampling you can do before it will be noticeable in
  the plot. That down sampling should be done in Julia, but obviously
  not started yet.
  The timing above is just the time taken to generate and write the HTML
  file, that's why I included (in my first message) a manual measurement of
  how long it take to display the data in chrome - about 6 seconds.
   - Can you point me to how one writes callback functions? (User clicks
 on a
   single point on a plot, I want it to call back to my *julia* code so I
   some more detailed analysis/visualization on the data corresponding to
   particular point. I don't want to have to write that code in
   imagine this is possible (probably some kind of socket communication?),
   I'd love to have someone point me to how it's done. There may be
   where one wants fast callbacks, although for interactive usage I expect
   callback time will be dwarfed by the rendering time.
  Bokeh can do this but not Bokeh.jl yet, It should just require sockets
  will call a function in Julia so no javascript required.
   These are the things that make me worry about relying on
   also recognize that path holds some attractions.
  Yes the ease of installation, publishing and transferring HTML plots is
  pretty cool. Do you know of another plotting library which has a self
  contained export format for interactive plots which virtually every
  computer in the world has a viewer for?

Re: [julia-users] Re: World of Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Stefan Karpinski
I wonder if there isn't some API option to exclude them – they must already
have this information, since they use it on the site.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Ivar Nesje wrote:

 Strange that GitHub excludes merge commits on their site, but not in their

 mandag 23. februar 2015 19.57.19 UTC+1 skrev Jiahao Chen følgende:

 Fair enough, but that would mean actually parsing the commit history :)


 Jiahao Chen
 Staff Research Scientist
 MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Patrick O'Leary

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 5:50:09 PM UTC-6, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 World of Julia is now updated in time for the 2015 Oscars.

 336 contributors to JuliaLang/julia
 545 packages
 695 devs total

 IJulia notebook:

 Nbviewer link:

 A small suggestion: it may be more insightful if you remove merge
 commits; I would say I'm definitely overcounted in the current results.

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Gadfly, while awesome, isn't exactly a speed demon – I think you'd need to
compare with something like native visualization using Gtk.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Samuel Colvin wrote:

 You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
 don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
 platform perspective.

 Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest

 julia using Gadfly

 julia x=1:100

 julia y=sqrt(x);

 julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
 elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83% gc

 julia import Bokeh

 julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)

 julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
 elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
 Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)

 Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds. It
 was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.

 One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly it
 uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.


 Samuel Colvin,

 On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski

 Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the work
 on the package!

 There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and
 performance requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web
 technologies are also generally not up to the task of producing
 publication-quality graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are
 probably both diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
 released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without the

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
 wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
Humm, gadfly does seem very slow even on subsequent calls, perhaps plot is
generating the SVG even though it's not used?

julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
elapsed time: 37.313627903 seconds (2044604824 bytes allocated, 3.81% gc

julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
elapsed time: 21.228884246 seconds (1128013088 bytes allocated, 3.59% gc

julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
elapsed time: 21.632743948 seconds (1128006012 bytes allocated, 6.86% gc

julia import Bokeh

julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)

julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
elapsed time: 1.815997064 seconds (125026480 bytes allocated, 4.95% gc time)
Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)

julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
elapsed time: 0.003634852 seconds (24107784 bytes allocated)
Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)

julia versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.3.6
Commit a05f87b* (2015-01-08 22:33 UTC)
Platform Info:
  System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.3


Samuel Colvin,

On 23 February 2015 at 18:35, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Yes, that 33 seconds for the first Gadfly plot is all code generation –
 the second time you do it, it certainly doesn't take 33 seconds.

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Tim Holy wrote:

 Do those timings include compilation? It's not really meaningful on the

 For reference: on my laptop, Winston (on the second run):

 julia @time (p = plot(x,y); display(p))
 elapsed time: 0.256627468 seconds (16 MB allocated, 1.77% gc time in 1
 with 0 full sweep)

 Even this is slow by comparison to where I think we want to be.


 On Monday, February 23, 2015 06:27:24 PM Samuel Colvin wrote:
  You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
  don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
  platform perspective.
  Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest
  julia using Gadfly
  julia x=1:100
  julia y=sqrt(x);
  julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
  elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83% gc
  julia import Bokeh
  julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)
  julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
  elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
  Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
  Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds. It
  was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.
  One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly
  uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.
  Samuel Colvin,
  On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski
   Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the
 work on
   the package!
   There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and
   requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web
   are also generally not up to the task of producing publication-quality
   graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
   diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.
   On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin
   To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
   released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:
   This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper
   package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the
   interface and the structure of the package itself.
   Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
   features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.
   Bokeh is an interactive
   library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript
   it's backend to display and manipulate plots.
   Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
   obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI
   I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
   community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
   adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where
   wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] What was allp function and what happened to it?

2015-02-23 Thread Stefan Karpinski
It was pointed out that allp could just be a method of all – so just delete
the p.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Benjamin Turk wrote:

 I have been looking at the following code snippet from the julia-dev forum:

 valuetypeof(::()) = ()
 valuetypeof{T}(::(T,)) = T
 function valuetypeof(x::Tuple)
   t = typeof(x[1])
   @assert allp(y-typeof(y)==t, x)

 I would like to know what allp is and what happened to it?


[julia-users] Re: World of Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Patrick O'Leary
On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 5:50:09 PM UTC-6, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 World of Julia is now updated in time for the 2015 Oscars.

 336 contributors to JuliaLang/julia
 545 packages
 695 devs total

 IJulia notebook:

 Nbviewer link:

A small suggestion: it may be more insightful if you remove merge commits; 
I would say I'm definitely overcounted in the current results.

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Yes, that 33 seconds for the first Gadfly plot is all code generation – the
second time you do it, it certainly doesn't take 33 seconds.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Tim Holy wrote:

 Do those timings include compilation? It's not really meaningful on the

 For reference: on my laptop, Winston (on the second run):

 julia @time (p = plot(x,y); display(p))
 elapsed time: 0.256627468 seconds (16 MB allocated, 1.77% gc time in 1
 with 0 full sweep)

 Even this is slow by comparison to where I think we want to be.


 On Monday, February 23, 2015 06:27:24 PM Samuel Colvin wrote:
  You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
  don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
  platform perspective.
  Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest
  julia using Gadfly
  julia x=1:100
  julia y=sqrt(x);
  julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
  elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83% gc
  julia import Bokeh
  julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)
  julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
  elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
  Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
  Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds. It
  was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.
  One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly it
  uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.
  Samuel Colvin,
  On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski
   Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the
 work on
   the package!
   There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and
   requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web
   are also generally not up to the task of producing publication-quality
   graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
   diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.
   On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin
   To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
   released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:
   This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper
   package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the
   interface and the structure of the package itself.
   Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
   features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.
   Bokeh is an interactive plotting
   library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript
   it's backend to display and manipulate plots.
   Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
   obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI
   I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
   community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
   adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where
   wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Re: World of Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Jiahao Chen
Fair enough, but that would mean actually parsing the commit history :)


Jiahao Chen
Staff Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Patrick O'Leary

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 5:50:09 PM UTC-6, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 World of Julia is now updated in time for the 2015 Oscars.

 336 contributors to JuliaLang/julia
 545 packages
 695 devs total

 IJulia notebook:

 Nbviewer link:

 A small suggestion: it may be more insightful if you remove merge commits;
 I would say I'm definitely overcounted in the current results.

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
Answers inline below. But generally I'm not suggesting that Bokeh.jl is a 
complete or a viable all round option yet: I was just making a general 
point (and saying someone mildly antagonistic to kick off some debate, 

On Monday, 23 February 2015 18:17:24 UTC, Tim Holy wrote:

 This looks interesting, I should definitely give this a whirl sometime. 

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 09:38:45 AM Samuel Colvin wrote: 
  I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia 
  community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and 
  adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where 
  wouldn't work? 

 I'm pretty ignorant about HTML, so pardon some stupid 

 - I have the impression that Web3D seems to be a fairly limited subset of 
 OpenGL offers 

I think you're probably right about WebGL, Bokeh doesn't have any support 
for 3D plotting yet, although I read somewhere (can't find it now) that 
they're looking at all the options and will work on 3D when they decide on 
a good approach - maybe that says a lot in itself.

For some examples of 3D plotting in the browser plotly have some pretty 
cool demos:

 - I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because I'm 
 lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data to 
 Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your machine, 
 is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the HTML 
 use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If conversely 
 have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker. 

I'm not sure it's a dealbreaker but all Bokeh.jl does is write an HTML file 
with a reference to bokeh.js and insert the plot data in a big clump of 
JSON. It then just prompts your default browser to open that file.

I know it sounds inefficient, but in the end there's a finite limit on how 
much data you should ever have to pass to a plot - enough data to fill the 
screen. If your passing GB (or even MB normally) of data to the plot 
there's a lot of down sampling you can do before it will be noticeable in 
the plot. That down sampling should be done in Julia, but obviously that's 
not started yet.

The timing above is just the time taken to generate and write the HTML 
file, that's why I included (in my first message) a manual measurement of 
how long it take to display the data in chrome - about 6 seconds.

 - Can you point me to how one writes callback functions? (User clicks on a 
 single point on a plot, I want it to call back to my *julia* code so I can 
 some more detailed analysis/visualization on the data corresponding to 
 particular point. I don't want to have to write that code in javascript.) 
 imagine this is possible (probably some kind of socket communication?), 
 I'd love to have someone point me to how it's done. There may be 
 where one wants fast callbacks, although for interactive usage I expect 
 callback time will be dwarfed by the rendering time. 

Bokeh can do this but not Bokeh.jl yet, It should just require sockets and 
will call a function in Julia so no javascript required.

 These are the things that make me worry about relying on HTML/javascript. 
 also recognize that path holds some attractions.  

Yes the ease of installation, publishing and transferring HTML plots is 
pretty cool. Do you know of another plotting library which has a self 
contained export format for interactive plots which virtually every 
computer in the world has a viewer for?


[julia-users] Re: Tensor-product function for multidimensional arrays (2 dims)

2015-02-23 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:32:34 AM UTC-5, Viral Shah wrote:

 Best to file an issue.


Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Tim Holy
This looks interesting, I should definitely give this a whirl sometime.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 09:38:45 AM Samuel Colvin wrote:
 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
 wouldn't work?

I'm pretty ignorant about HTML, so pardon some stupid questions/observations:

- I have the impression that Web3D seems to be a fairly limited subset of what 
OpenGL offers

- I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because I'm too 
lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data to Bokeh? 
Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your machine, there 
is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the HTML side 
use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If conversely you 
have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker.

- Can you point me to how one writes callback functions? (User clicks on a 
single point on a plot, I want it to call back to my *julia* code so I can do 
some more detailed analysis/visualization on the data corresponding to that 
particular point. I don't want to have to write that code in javascript.) I 
imagine this is possible (probably some kind of socket communication?), but 
I'd love to have someone point me to how it's done. There may be circumstances 
where one wants fast callbacks, although for interactive usage I expect that 
callback time will be dwarfed by the rendering time.

These are the things that make me worry about relying on HTML/javascript. I 
also recognize that path holds some attractions.


Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Tim Holy
Do those timings include compilation? It's not really meaningful on the first 

For reference: on my laptop, Winston (on the second run):

julia @time (p = plot(x,y); display(p))
elapsed time: 0.256627468 seconds (16 MB allocated, 1.77% gc time in 1 pauses 
with 0 full sweep)

Even this is slow by comparison to where I think we want to be.


On Monday, February 23, 2015 06:27:24 PM Samuel Colvin wrote:
 You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
 don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
 platform perspective.
 Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest
 julia using Gadfly
 julia x=1:100
 julia y=sqrt(x);
 julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
 elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83% gc
 julia import Bokeh
 julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)
 julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
 elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
 Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
 Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds. It
 was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.
 One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly it
 uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.
 Samuel Colvin,
 On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
  Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the work on
  the package!
  There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and performance
  requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web technologies
  are also generally not up to the task of producing publication-quality
  graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
  diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.
  On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin
  To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
  released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:
  This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
  package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting
  interface and the structure of the package itself.
  Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
  features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.
  Bokeh is an interactive plotting
  library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
  it's backend to display and manipulate plots.
  Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
  obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without
  I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
  community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
  adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
  wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Daniel Jones
Ouch, it looks like it does even after code generation. I need to look into 
that. I never noticed because I always use hexbin for these sorts of plots, 
which also could be faster but is still only 2.5 seconds for this example.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 10:36:28 AM UTC-8, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Yes, that 33 seconds for the first Gadfly plot is all code generation – 
 the second time you do it, it certainly doesn't take 33 seconds.

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Tim Holy javascript:

 Do those timings include compilation? It's not really meaningful on the 

 For reference: on my laptop, Winston (on the second run):

 julia @time (p = plot(x,y); display(p))
 elapsed time: 0.256627468 seconds (16 MB allocated, 1.77% gc time in 1 
 with 0 full sweep)

 Even this is slow by comparison to where I think we want to be.


 On Monday, February 23, 2015 06:27:24 PM Samuel Colvin wrote:
  You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
  don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
  platform perspective.
  Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest
  julia using Gadfly
  julia x=1:100
  julia y=sqrt(x);
  julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
  elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83% gc
  julia import Bokeh
  julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)
  julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
  elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
  Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
  Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds. It
  was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.
  One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly 
  uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.
  Samuel Colvin,
  On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski 
 javascript: wrote:
   Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the 
 work on
   the package!
   There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and 
   requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web 
   are also generally not up to the task of producing publication-quality
   graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
   diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.
   On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin 
   To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
   released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:
   This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper 
   package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the 
   interface and the structure of the package itself.
   Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
   features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.
   Bokeh is an interactive 
   library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript 
   it's backend to display and manipulate plots.
   Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
   obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI 
   I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
   community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
   adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where 
   wouldn't work?

[julia-users] Julia users @ APS March Meeting?

2015-02-23 Thread Jim Garrison
The annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society is next week in 
San Antonio, and I am wondering if any Julia users would be interested in 
getting together there to chat for a bit.  I already know of 4-5 Julia 
users attending, but surely there will be others I don't yet know of.  Let 
me know if you'd be interested in joining us.

- Jim

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the work on
the package!

There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and performance
requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web technologies
are also generally not up to the task of producing publication-quality
graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin wrote:

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've released
 a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without the

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
 wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Re: Suppress printed output from PyPlot

2015-02-23 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 6:52:25 AM UTC-5, gdmsl wrote:

 thank you for the tips but the second method return an error:

Oh, right, withfig currently only works with IJulia (which has a display 
queue and an undisplay function to remove things from the queue).It 
won't work with the REPL.  So, probably you need the other solution: 
implement and push a (trivial) custom display backend then.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Large memory allocation and GC time in fractal renderer

2015-02-23 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 10:06:44 AM UTC-5, DumpsterDoofus wrote:

 Nope, I was just manually typing them in, but thanks for pointing that 
 out. I tried it by calling `import Base.Math.@horner` and then implemented 
 it like this:
 f = @horner(x, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4)
 fP = @horner(x, a1, 2*a2, 3*a3, 4*a4)
 fPP = @horner(x, 2*a2, 6*a3, 12*a4)
 Performance was the same as manually entering the Horner forms by hand 
 (ie, much better than the non-Horner form). Good to know!

Better to just use @evalpoly(x, a0, a1, ...).   This has the advantage of 
being documented and exported already.It inlines to @horner for real x 
and to a different algorithm for complex x (where you can do better than 

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
platform perspective.

Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest

julia using Gadfly

julia x=1:100

julia y=sqrt(x);

julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83% gc

julia import Bokeh

julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)

julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)

Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds. It
was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.

One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly it
uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.


Samuel Colvin,

On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the work on
 the package!

 There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and performance
 requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web technologies
 are also generally not up to the task of producing publication-quality
 graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
 diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
 released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without the

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
 wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Tim Holy
Gadfly is definitely not efficient.

Your 2nd timing on Bokeh seems either extremely encouraging or a bit 
suspicious. For reference, with Winston I get (after warmup)

julia @time plot(x,y)
elapsed time: 0.003610142 seconds (278 kB allocated)

julia @time display(plot(x,y))
elapsed time: 0.262181796 seconds (16 MB allocated)

The first one just creates the task (essentially, constructing the scene 
graph), and the rendering happens after the `@time` macro ends. The second 
version includes the time to render it. So, does your ~4ms timing include 
rendering, or is it just the time needed to hand the task off to Bokeh?


On Monday, February 23, 2015 06:43:49 PM Samuel Colvin wrote:
 Humm, gadfly does seem very slow even on subsequent calls, perhaps plot is
 generating the SVG even though it's not used?
 julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
 elapsed time: 37.313627903 seconds (2044604824 bytes allocated, 3.81% gc
 julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
 elapsed time: 21.228884246 seconds (1128013088 bytes allocated, 3.59% gc
 julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
 elapsed time: 21.632743948 seconds (1128006012 bytes allocated, 6.86% gc
 julia import Bokeh
 julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)
 julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
 elapsed time: 1.815997064 seconds (125026480 bytes allocated, 4.95% gc time)
 Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
 julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
 elapsed time: 0.003634852 seconds (24107784 bytes allocated)
 Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
 julia versioninfo()
 Julia Version 0.3.6
 Commit a05f87b* (2015-01-08 22:33 UTC)
 Platform Info:
   System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
   WORD_SIZE: 64
   BLAS: libopenblas (NO_LAPACKE DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Sandybridge)
   LIBM: libopenlibm
   LLVM: libLLVM-3.3
 Samuel Colvin,
 On 23 February 2015 at 18:35, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
  Yes, that 33 seconds for the first Gadfly plot is all code generation –
  the second time you do it, it certainly doesn't take 33 seconds.
  On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Tim Holy wrote:
  Do those timings include compilation? It's not really meaningful on the
  For reference: on my laptop, Winston (on the second run):
  julia @time (p = plot(x,y); display(p))
  elapsed time: 0.256627468 seconds (16 MB allocated, 1.77% gc time in 1
  with 0 full sweep)
  Even this is slow by comparison to where I think we want to be.
  On Monday, February 23, 2015 06:27:24 PM Samuel Colvin wrote:
   You're probably right about research publications, I guess plots these
   don't need to be interactive which makes things easier from a cross
   platform perspective.
   Performance wise I'm not sure you're right, with Julia 0.3.6 and latest
   julia using Gadfly
   julia x=1:100
   julia y=sqrt(x);
   julia @time draw(PNG(test.png, 6inch, 3inch), plot(x=x, y=y))
   elapsed time: 33.860814218 seconds (2043746808 bytes allocated, 3.83%
   julia import Bokeh
   julia Bokeh.autoopen(true)
   julia @time Bokeh.plot(x, y)
   elapsed time: 1.557460583 seconds (125617712 bytes allocated)
   Plot(Bokeh Plot with 1 datacolumns)
   Timing on my phone, the Bokeh plot had opened in chrome in 6 seconds.
   was a little slow but still fine to zoom/pan etc.
   One of the nice things about Bokeh is that unlike d3, plotly or Gadfly
   uses canvas not SVG for it's plots which makes it way faster.
   Samuel Colvin,
   On 23 February 2015 at 18:00, Stefan Karpinski
Bokeh and Bokeh.jl are both very cool – thanks so much for all the
  work on
the package!

There seem to still be visualization tasks that have scale and
requirements such that HTML and JavaScript don't cut it. Web
are also generally not up to the task of producing
graphics, e.g. for research publications. The gaps are probably both
diminishing, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Samuel Colvin

To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper
package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the
interface and the structure of the package itself.

Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
features, but the examples 

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Tim Holy
On Monday, February 23, 2015 11:19:17 AM Samuel Colvin wrote:
 Answers inline below. But generally I'm not suggesting that Bokeh.jl is a
 complete or a viable all round option yet: I was just making a general
 point (and saying someone mildly antagonistic to kick off some debate,

Oh, I appreciate your interaction on this. While we've made a lot of progress, 
there's still room for improvement in our graphics subspace, and not very much 
unity. (I need to check out Mike's Blink.jl, too.) Perhaps at the next 
JuliaCon graphics can be a big topic of discussion and perhaps hacking.

 I think you're probably right about WebGL, Bokeh doesn't have any support
 for 3D plotting yet, although I read somewhere (can't find it now) that
 they're looking at all the options and will work on 3D when they decide on
 a good approach - maybe that says a lot in itself.
 For some examples of 3D plotting in the browser plotly have some pretty
 cool demos:

Those are indeed nice, but for some insight into about what's actually 
possible...check out this amazing video by Simon Danish (using his GLPlot.jl 
collection of packages):

It's my understanding that this video was just capturing what was going on 
inside a window on his desktop, *in real time*. That would be pretty hard to 
achieve by saving data to files and popping up browser windows...


  - I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because I'm
  lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data to
  Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your machine,
  is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the HTML
  use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If conversely
  have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker.
 I'm not sure it's a dealbreaker but all Bokeh.jl does is write an HTML file
 with a reference to bokeh.js and insert the plot data in a big clump of
 JSON. It then just prompts your default browser to open that file.
 I know it sounds inefficient, but in the end there's a finite limit on how
 much data you should ever have to pass to a plot - enough data to fill the
 screen. If your passing GB (or even MB normally) of data to the plot
 there's a lot of down sampling you can do before it will be noticeable in
 the plot. That down sampling should be done in Julia, but obviously that's
 not started yet.
 The timing above is just the time taken to generate and write the HTML
 file, that's why I included (in my first message) a manual measurement of
 how long it take to display the data in chrome - about 6 seconds.
  - Can you point me to how one writes callback functions? (User clicks on a
  single point on a plot, I want it to call back to my *julia* code so I can
  some more detailed analysis/visualization on the data corresponding to
  particular point. I don't want to have to write that code in javascript.)
  imagine this is possible (probably some kind of socket communication?),
  I'd love to have someone point me to how it's done. There may be
  where one wants fast callbacks, although for interactive usage I expect
  callback time will be dwarfed by the rendering time.
 Bokeh can do this but not Bokeh.jl yet, It should just require sockets and
 will call a function in Julia so no javascript required.
  These are the things that make me worry about relying on HTML/javascript.
  also recognize that path holds some attractions.
 Yes the ease of installation, publishing and transferring HTML plots is
 pretty cool. Do you know of another plotting library which has a self
 contained export format for interactive plots which virtually every
 computer in the world has a viewer for?

[julia-users] Constructing matrices

2015-02-23 Thread Bill Hart
I'm writing some code which takes 2-dimensional Julia arrays and converts
them to an external matrix type.

For example Mat([1 2; 3 4; 5 6]) creates a 3x2 matrix.

But I cannot figure out the syntax for nx1 arrays in Julia.

Note that I need to be able to construct nx1 and 1xn matrices.

I assumed the syntax would be [1 2 3] for 1x3 and [1; 2; 3] for 3x1. But
this doesn't seem to work, currently. It looks like the latter is a synonym
for [1, 2, 3], which makes no sense at all to me.

Also, what's with

julia transpose(transpose([1; 2; 3])) == [1; 2; 3]


[julia-users] Re: Constructing matrices

2015-02-23 Thread Pablo Zubieta
Yeah, I have never thought of that, but it seems kind of confusing.

You can do

julia hvcat(1, 1, 2, 3)
3x1 Array{Int64,2}:

julia hvcat(1, 1, 2, 3)'' == hvcat(1, 1, 2, 3)


Re: [julia-users] Re: World of Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Ivar Nesje
Strange that GitHub excludes merge commits on their site, but not in their 

mandag 23. februar 2015 19.57.19 UTC+1 skrev Jiahao Chen følgende:

 Fair enough, but that would mean actually parsing the commit history :)


 Jiahao Chen
 Staff Research Scientist
 MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Patrick O'Leary 
 javascript: wrote:

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 5:50:09 PM UTC-6, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 World of Julia is now updated in time for the 2015 Oscars.

 336 contributors to JuliaLang/julia
 545 packages
 695 devs total

 IJulia notebook:

 Nbviewer link:

 A small suggestion: it may be more insightful if you remove merge 
 commits; I would say I'm definitely overcounted in the current results.

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Tobias Knopp
Technologies like OpenGL have consumed masses of time and money as well :-)

Having worked on 3D visualization of large datasets (512^3) I am pretty 
sure that one has to utilize the graphics hardware in order to obtain full 

But it seems it all is about use cases. Exporting to html has the big 
advantage that publishing online becomes easy (preserving interactivity). 
For publication ready plots I love to use PyPlot as it gives me a lot of 
control over my plot. Since PyPlot is slow I favor a combination of Gtk and 
Winston to do interactive applications with plots



Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 21:47:25 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:

 Thanks for being accepting of my provocation. Some emphasis on graphics 
 makes sense, I just think it would be a mistake to spend too long wrestling 
 with c libraries when projects like threejs show how much can be done with 
 just javascript. Technologies like chrome, v8, html5 have consumed masses 
 of time and money, it makes sense to piggy back of as much of it as 

 The saving file -- opening file is definitely just the first step, 
 websockets should allow real time data transfer in both directions. HTML5 
 can definitely handle the graphs, take a look at these examples:

 So I think there's no reason why the above example shouldn't be possible 
 with nothing more than the Julia standard library, WebSockets.jl, reference 
 to a JavaScript file and a browser.



 Samuel Colvin,

 On 23 February 2015 at 20:16, Tim Holy javascript: 

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 11:19:17 AM Samuel Colvin wrote:
  Answers inline below. But generally I'm not suggesting that Bokeh.jl is 
  complete or a viable all round option yet: I was just making a general
  point (and saying someone mildly antagonistic to kick off some debate,

 Oh, I appreciate your interaction on this. While we've made a lot of 
 there's still room for improvement in our graphics subspace, and not very 
 unity. (I need to check out Mike's Blink.jl, too.) Perhaps at the next
 JuliaCon graphics can be a big topic of discussion and perhaps hacking.

  I think you're probably right about WebGL, Bokeh doesn't have any 
  for 3D plotting yet, although I read somewhere (can't find it now) that
  they're looking at all the options and will work on 3D when they decide 
  a good approach - maybe that says a lot in itself.
  For some examples of 3D plotting in the browser plotly have some pretty
  cool demos:

 Those are indeed nice, but for some insight into about what's actually
 possible...check out this amazing video by Simon Danish (using his 
 collection of packages):

 It's my understanding that this video was just capturing what was going on
 inside a window on his desktop, *in real time*. That would be pretty hard 
 achieve by saving data to files and popping up browser windows...


   - I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because 
   lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data to
   Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your 
   is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the 
   use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If 
   have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker.
  I'm not sure it's a dealbreaker but all Bokeh.jl does is write an HTML 
  with a reference to bokeh.js and insert the plot data in a big clump of
  JSON. It then just prompts your default browser to open that file.
  I know it sounds inefficient, but in the end there's a finite limit on 
  much data you should ever have to pass to a plot - enough data to fill 
  screen. If your passing GB (or even MB normally) of data to the plot
  there's a lot of down sampling you can do before it will be noticeable 
  the plot. That down sampling should be done in Julia, but obviously 
  not started yet.
  The timing above is just the time taken to generate and write the HTML
  file, that's why I included (in my first message) a manual measurement 
  how long it take to display the data in chrome - about 6 seconds.
   - Can you point me to how one writes callback functions? (User clicks 
 on a
   single point on a plot, I want it to call back to my *julia* code so 
 I can
   some more detailed analysis/visualization on the data corresponding to
   particular point. I don't want to have to write that code in 
   imagine this is possible (probably some kind of socket 
   I'd love to have someone point me to how it's done. There may be
   where one wants fast callbacks, 

[julia-users] Re: Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Simon Danisch
*To qualify what I mean by easier, I guess I mean: Easier in most cases 
for most developers, c and c++ are all very well, but the popularity and 
ease of development of JavaScript can't be argued with.*

That's exactly why I hope that Julia will replace javascript, also for 
graphics. Like this we have both scientific and graphics algorithms in the 
same language, which would be huge!

Concerning WebGL, I believe that WebGL itself is for the most things not 
that much slower. It's just more restrictive and doesn't have some options 
to really speed things up (complicated topic really).
So simple OpenGL will have very comparable performance to WebGL.
Also the whole stack around it makes it difficult, to interactively change 
and upload huge amounts of values from within julia...
Well, all can surely be done with a lot of magic, but I think you end up 
with the same amount of work, like you would end up with when you cleanly 
implement it with Julia. 
While the latter leaves you with an incredible base to do even bigger 
things (Like having game engines and physics engines, OpenCL/CUDA and the 
like, which would be a great benefit for the scientific community).

Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 18:38:45 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've released 
 a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia 
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting 
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic 
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting 
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as 
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the 
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without the 

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia 
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and 
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that 
 wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Re: Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
I had no idea until today about your effort to use Julia for graphics. It's
really exciting.

If graphics is becoming one of Julia's core purposes then work on
graphics at a low level isn't wasted.

It sounds like on most of this we're actually agreeing.

I'm as keen as anyone for JavaScript to be a stop gap before something
better, just that right now it's the best stop gap.


Samuel Colvin,

On 23 February 2015 at 22:41, Simon Danisch wrote:

 *To qualify what I mean by easier, I guess I mean: Easier in most
 cases for most developers, c and c++ are all very well, but the popularity
 and ease of development of JavaScript can't be argued with.*

 That's exactly why I hope that Julia will replace javascript, also for
 graphics. Like this we have both scientific and graphics algorithms in the
 same language, which would be huge!

 Concerning WebGL, I believe that WebGL itself is for the most things not
 that much slower. It's just more restrictive and doesn't have some options
 to really speed things up (complicated topic really).
 So simple OpenGL will have very comparable performance to WebGL.
 Also the whole stack around it makes it difficult, to interactively change
 and upload huge amounts of values from within julia...
 Well, all can surely be done with a lot of magic, but I think you end up
 with the same amount of work, like you would end up with when you cleanly
 implement it with Julia.
 While the latter leaves you with an incredible base to do even bigger
 things (Like having game engines and physics engines, OpenCL/CUDA and the
 like, which would be a great benefit for the scientific community).

 Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 18:38:45 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
 released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without
 the pain.

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
 wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Re: Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Simon Danisch
Great to hear =) Well it's a rocky road, to be honest... But I think it'll
pay off double in the end! I'm a little afraid of Julia's garbage
collector, but besides that Julia seems to be very fit for high performance

2015-02-23 23:48 GMT+01:00 Samuel Colvin

 I had no idea until today about your effort to use Julia for graphics.
 It's really exciting.

 If graphics is becoming one of Julia's core purposes then work on
 graphics at a low level isn't wasted.

 It sounds like on most of this we're actually agreeing.

 I'm as keen as anyone for JavaScript to be a stop gap before something
 better, just that right now it's the best stop gap.


 Samuel Colvin,

 On 23 February 2015 at 22:41, Simon Danisch wrote:

 *To qualify what I mean by easier, I guess I mean: Easier in most
 cases for most developers, c and c++ are all very well, but the popularity
 and ease of development of JavaScript can't be argued with.*

 That's exactly why I hope that Julia will replace javascript, also for
 graphics. Like this we have both scientific and graphics algorithms in the
 same language, which would be huge!

 Concerning WebGL, I believe that WebGL itself is for the most things not
 that much slower. It's just more restrictive and doesn't have some options
 to really speed things up (complicated topic really).
 So simple OpenGL will have very comparable performance to WebGL.
 Also the whole stack around it makes it difficult, to interactively
 change and upload huge amounts of values from within julia...
 Well, all can surely be done with a lot of magic, but I think you end up
 with the same amount of work, like you would end up with when you cleanly
 implement it with Julia.
 While the latter leaves you with an incredible base to do even bigger
 things (Like having game engines and physics engines, OpenCL/CUDA and the
 like, which would be a great benefit for the scientific community).

 Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 18:38:45 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
 released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without
 the pain.

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
 wouldn't work?

Re: [julia-users] Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Samuel Colvin
You're quite right about the cost of OpenGL, my bad.

WebGL is still using graphics hardware, and dealing happily with big
datasets, take a look at:
- that's definitely using my graphics card fairly heavily.

I guess my point was (not that I explained it clearly at all) that web
technologies are built on top of libraries like OpenGL, they still use
graphics hardware but make accessing it way easier.

To qualify what I mean by easier, I guess I mean: Easier in most cases
for most developers, c and c++ are all very well, but the popularity and
ease of development of JavaScript can't be argued with. In my experience
the easier the tools are to use, the better the end product is (all other
things being equal).

With something like graphics which isn't the core purpose of Julia we
should use all the tools available to have the strongest offering with the
resources available.


Samuel Colvin,

On 23 February 2015 at 21:53, Tobias Knopp

 Technologies like OpenGL have consumed masses of time and money as well :-)

 Having worked on 3D visualization of large datasets (512^3) I am pretty
 sure that one has to utilize the graphics hardware in order to obtain full

 But it seems it all is about use cases. Exporting to html has the big
 advantage that publishing online becomes easy (preserving interactivity).
 For publication ready plots I love to use PyPlot as it gives me a lot of
 control over my plot. Since PyPlot is slow I favor a combination of Gtk and
 Winston to do interactive applications with plots



 Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 21:47:25 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:

 Thanks for being accepting of my provocation. Some emphasis on graphics
 makes sense, I just think it would be a mistake to spend too long wrestling
 with c libraries when projects like threejs show how much can be done with
 just javascript. Technologies like chrome, v8, html5 have consumed masses
 of time and money, it makes sense to piggy back of as much of it as

 The saving file -- opening file is definitely just the first step,
 websockets should allow real time data transfer in both directions. HTML5
 can definitely handle the graphs, take a look at these examples:

 So I think there's no reason why the above example shouldn't be possible
 with nothing more than the Julia standard library, WebSockets.jl, reference
 to a JavaScript file and a browser.


 Samuel Colvin,

 On 23 February 2015 at 20:16, Tim Holy wrote:

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 11:19:17 AM Samuel Colvin wrote:
  Answers inline below. But generally I'm not suggesting that Bokeh.jl
 is a
  complete or a viable all round option yet: I was just making a general
  point (and saying someone mildly antagonistic to kick off some debate,

 Oh, I appreciate your interaction on this. While we've made a lot of
 there's still room for improvement in our graphics subspace, and not
 very much
 unity. (I need to check out Mike's Blink.jl, too.) Perhaps at the next
 JuliaCon graphics can be a big topic of discussion and perhaps hacking.

  I think you're probably right about WebGL, Bokeh doesn't have any
  for 3D plotting yet, although I read somewhere (can't find it now) that
  they're looking at all the options and will work on 3D when they
 decide on
  a good approach - maybe that says a lot in itself.
  For some examples of 3D plotting in the browser plotly have some pretty
  cool demos:

 Those are indeed nice, but for some insight into about what's actually
 possible...check out this amazing video by Simon Danish (using his
 collection of packages):

 It's my understanding that this video was just capturing what was going
 inside a window on his desktop, *in real time*. That would be pretty
 hard to
 achieve by saving data to files and popping up browser windows...


   - I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because
   lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data
   Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your
   is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the
   use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If
   have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker.
  I'm not sure it's a dealbreaker but all Bokeh.jl does is write an HTML
  with a reference to bokeh.js and insert the plot data in a big clump of
  JSON. It then just prompts your default browser to open that file.
  I know it sounds inefficient, but in the end there's a finite limit on
  much data you should ever have to pass to a plot - 

[julia-users] Re: Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Simon Danisch
I'll be really happy, if everything worked without javascript and html, to 
be honest.
Yeah it's great to use it and gives you quick, awesome looking results, but 
it's the lazy way out in my view.
It's great that you can use Julia in a web browser, but it gets pretty 
restrictive, as soon as you want to do more serious things. 
The browser makes much sense, if the packages are really hard to install, 
but if Julia is easy to install, I don't see a huge difference. (Besides 
publishing things quickly on websites. But for that an HTML exporter should 
be sufficient, instead of building the whole graphics stack with web 
If you go down the web way, you might find yourself bound to a huge, 
heterogeneous technology stack, where parts are often slow, written in 
different languages, are just fast by an incredible amount of work (like in 
the case of javascript), or are simply closed source.

So this thread basically sums up the motivation for my OpenGL efforts.
Yes, GLPlot should be pretty fast, at least the rendering itself. Event 
management and such is not that performant, and I haven't optimized much 
yet. But it builds upon modern OpenGL, which even without optimizations 
enables me to render around ~40 mio anti aliased triangles fluently on my 
onboard HD 4400.

Here is a short overview over the state of my projects:
GLPlot.jl: pretty much on hold at the moment, as I'm rewriting the whole 
infrastructure, to have it all use one generic rendering platform and a 
unified geometry stack.
Romeo.jl: on hold as well, pretty much a crude prototype of something, that 
should become comparable to IJulia.
Experimental Features (not all are activated at the moment): Plots via 
GLPlot, Gadfly and PyPlot can be inlined (best support for GLPlot, 
obviously, where you can actually click on things and change them). All 
variables have a default edit and visualize function, which means you can 
just click on your matrix and see a e.g. surface plot.
The edit functions returns a visualization and a signal of that type. With 
that you get an editable visualization of, e.g. text, colors, or numbers. 
Editable Representation can be something like a slider or a textfield ;) 
Everything can be editable really, if it's the vertexes of your 3D mesh, 
the values of your surface, or the labels of you plot.
This is all on hold, as I want to have a unified 2D/3D mesh representation, 
which relies on FixedSizeArrays, which both isn't in place yet.
Also I'm slowly moving forward with an opengl accelerated 2D drawing api, 
which will be really awesome (possibly a lot faster than other libraries, 
including Cairo even with its new OpenGL backend, while keeping comparable 
rendering quality).

Additionally, I'm trying to incorporate some of my newer findings into 
GLAbstraction and slowly have a better abstraction of the OpenGL array 
I'm also slowly moving into the direction of building prototypes for 
HyperSignals, which can be thought of as an high performance alternative to 
Reactive, which compiles code just in time for the current situation.
It is thought to solve a lot of problems which I currently have in an 
elegant way. (Like, when can a whole event branch be executed on the GPU, 
when am I allowed to do multi threading and things like that).

Sorry to hijack this thread, but I think it's relevant to this discussion, 
as it shows what could possibly achieved with native Julia alone.
If you get the idea to try out Romeo, don't be disappointed, it's a little 
funky and might not work at all. I'm currently not wasting any time on it 
and instead try to put it on a solid base.

Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 18:38:45 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:

 To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've released 
 a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:

 This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia 
 package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the plotting 
 interface and the structure of the package itself.

 Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic 
 features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.

 Bokeh is an interactive plotting 
 library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as 
 it's backend to display and manipulate plots.

 Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the 
 obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without the 

 I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia 
 community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and 
 adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that 
 wouldn't work?

[julia-users] Re: Why does my Julia code run so slow?

2015-02-23 Thread Simon Danisch
How does it compare to c by now?

[julia-users] Re: splice! function. Instead of removing a single item, remove a collection of items stored in an array.

2015-02-23 Thread Josh Langsfeld
corrected_data = deleteat!(x, errors) should be what you're looking for. 
Alternately, a more functionally pure way to do it is to compute the good 
indices and then just do corrected_data = x[good_idx], though this will 
make a copy of those elements of x.

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:14:11 PM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I might be going about this the wrong way. I have a sequence of data in a 
 1-D array x. Now I have done some calculations and have a 1-D array of 
 the indexed points in x that erroneous. What I would like to to is remove 
 all the data points in x that uses the saved indices. I figured I would 
 use corrected_data = splice!(x, errors) but of course it won't take arrays. 
 Any hints?

 Many thanks

[julia-users] Re: Why does my Julia code run so slow?

2015-02-23 Thread Zhixuan Yang
About 3.5x slower.

在 2015年2月23日星期一 UTC+8下午4:01:16,Simon Danisch写道:

 How does it compare to c by now?

Re: [julia-users] memory usage of worker processes

2015-02-23 Thread Zhixuan Yang
`@everywhere gc()` doesn't help.

If it's related to unfixed bugs, maybe I should use rmprocs() to kill the 
worker processes and start them again for temporary use.

在 2015年2月23日星期一 UTC+8下午3:55:27,Amit Murthy写道:

 There are a bunch of memory related issues w.r.t. distributed computing 
 still pending resolution. I guess an `@everywhere gc()` in between the 
 `remotecall_fetch` calls  did not help?

 I suspect that is a 
 probable cause of these leaks.

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Zhixuan Yang 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hello everyone, 

 If I have a very large array in the main process and I use remotecall() 
 or pmap() to copy the array to worker processes and modify the array in 
 parallel (all modifications are wrapped in a function). After returning 
 from the worker process, will the copied array be released?

 See the following REPL session run on my laptop (OS X with 8GB memory)

 $ ~/julia/julia -p 1

 julia A = randn(1*1);
 # According to the system monitor, the main process of julia used about 
 800MB of memory, and the worker process used about 80MB

 julia A[1] = remotecall_fetch(2, x-(x[1] = 1.0), A);
 # Now the main process used about 1.6GB of memory, the worker process 
 used about 800MB

 julia @everywhere gc()

 # Now Both the main proess and the worker process used about 800MB of 
 memory, the copied array in the worker process wasn't released

 julia A[1] = remotecall_fetch(2, x-(x[1] = 2.0), A);
 # If I want to iterate the computing, the situation gets worse. Now the 
 worker process used about 1.6GB

 julia A[1] = remotecall_fetch(2, x-(x[1] = 3.0), A);
 # worker process used about 2.4GB now

 julia A[1] = remotecall_fetch(2, x-(x[1] = 4.0), A);
 # worker process used about 3GB

 julia A[1] = remotecall_fetch(2, x-(x[1] = 5.0), A);
 # worker process used about 3.8GB

 In my real code, the array is even larger and there is more processes. 
 After one or two iterations of pmap(), the computation becomes much slower 
 than the first iteration. I think it's because the huge memory consumption 
 triggers page swapping constantly.  

 PS. In fact I prefer using shared memory or multithreading in my project, 
 but I don't know how to share a  object with a user defined type besides 
 shared array. 

 Regards, Yang Zhixuan

[julia-users] Re: Share Library and Julia

2015-02-23 Thread DP
What are the suffices on account of creation of shared library(c++)
i = Int
d = Double

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 2:56:21 PM UTC+5:30, Jeff Waller wrote:

 What can be the problem?

  I think this:

 jeffw@dub1:~$ echo _Z6CP_lliPc | c++filt

 jeffw@dub1:~$ echo _Z6CP_lliPh | c++filt
 CP_lli(unsigned char*)

[julia-users] Share Library and Julia

2015-02-23 Thread DP

Created a shared library (c++) to be used in Julia via cpp package.

ccall: could not find function _Z6CP_lliPh in library


nm -D

There is _Z6CP_lliPc

What can be the problem?

[julia-users] Re: Share Library and Julia

2015-02-23 Thread Jeff Waller

 What can be the problem?

 I think this:

jeffw@dub1:~$ echo _Z6CP_lliPc | c++filt

jeffw@dub1:~$ echo _Z6CP_lliPh | c++filt
CP_lli(unsigned char*)

[julia-users] Making optional fields of unknown type more efficient

2015-02-23 Thread Ben Ward

In Julia, if you are not sure of an arguments type beforehand, you can use 
'Any', or if you know it comes under an abstract type, you can use that.

I've been working on a type for BioJulia which allows for representation of 
a node of a phylogenetic tree that will allow annotation with biological 
data in the form of other types from the packages from BioJulia:

PhyExtension allows defining arbitrary metadata to annotate nodes.

This allows the PhyNode type to support any phylogenetic tree format 
that includes annotations (e.g. PhyloXML, NeXML), and allows programmatic 
extension of nodes with annotations.
type PhyExtension{T}

PhyNode represents a node in a phylogenetic tree.

A node can have:

- `name`
- `branchlength`
- one or more `extensions`
- a reference to its `parent` PhyNode
- reference to one or more `children`
type PhyNode
 # Inner constructor goes here.

As you can see - PhyExtension is parametric so can be constructed to 
contain any type.

I'm wondering, though is this the best that can be done, can I handle the 
potential to hold any number of types with unknown variables any better - 
if so, how?

Is specifying a Vector of PhyExtension, where a PhyExtenision is a type 
that contains any other type really giving that much information to the 
Julia system to work on efficiently? 

My understanding is that PhyExtension is parametric so a version is 
effectively defined for every possible {T} (including user defined 
composite types they might come up with). But then I imagine that's not 
much information when creating the Vector{PhyExtension} as an element could 
be any of the many possible PhyExtensions - the compiler has to allow for 
an array that can store any PhyExtension? Or is it that the array contains 
references to PhyExtensions so actually the array is simple?


Re: [julia-users] Re: Bokeh.jl update released: call for feedback

2015-02-23 Thread Tim Holy
The new GC is very nice.


On Monday, February 23, 2015 11:57:38 PM Simon Danisch wrote:
 Great to hear =) Well it's a rocky road, to be honest... But I think it'll
 pay off double in the end! I'm a little afraid of Julia's garbage
 collector, but besides that Julia seems to be very fit for high performance
 2015-02-23 23:48 GMT+01:00 Samuel Colvin
  I had no idea until today about your effort to use Julia for graphics.
  It's really exciting.
  If graphics is becoming one of Julia's core purposes then work on
  graphics at a low level isn't wasted.
  It sounds like on most of this we're actually agreeing.
  I'm as keen as anyone for JavaScript to be a stop gap before something
  better, just that right now it's the best stop gap.
  Samuel Colvin,
  On 23 February 2015 at 22:41, Simon Danisch wrote:
  *To qualify what I mean by easier, I guess I mean: Easier in most
  cases for most developers, c and c++ are all very well, but the
  and ease of development of JavaScript can't be argued with.*
  That's exactly why I hope that Julia will replace javascript, also for
  graphics. Like this we have both scientific and graphics algorithms in
  same language, which would be huge!
  Concerning WebGL, I believe that WebGL itself is for the most things not
  that much slower. It's just more restrictive and doesn't have some
  to really speed things up (complicated topic really).
  So simple OpenGL will have very comparable performance to WebGL.
  Also the whole stack around it makes it difficult, to interactively
  change and upload huge amounts of values from within julia...
  Well, all can surely be done with a lot of magic, but I think you end up
  with the same amount of work, like you would end up with when you cleanly
  implement it with Julia.
  While the latter leaves you with an incredible base to do even bigger
  things (Like having game engines and physics engines, OpenCL/CUDA and the
  like, which would be a great benefit for the scientific community).
  Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015 18:38:45 UTC+1 schrieb Samuel Colvin:
  To coincide (approximately) with the release of Bokeh v0.8.0 I've
  released a significantly improved version of Bokeh.jl:
  This is the first plotting library I've built and the first proper Julia
  package. I would therefore really appreciate any feedback on the
  interface and the structure of the package itself.
  Bokeh.jl is still a bit rough round the edges and missing some basic
  features, but the examples above demonstrate what it can do.
  Bokeh is an interactive plotting
  library originally developed for python which uses HTML  Javascript as
  it's backend to display and manipulate plots.
  Whether by using Bokeh or other libraries, web technologies are the
  obvious option for Julia to get great visualization/graphics/UI without
  the pain.
  I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
  community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
  adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where
  wouldn't work?

[julia-users] Unable to set up AppVeyor.

2015-02-23 Thread Ismael VC
This is the log:

[00:00:00] Build started
[00:00:10] git clone -q --branch=master 
git:// C:\projects\ahn-jl
[00:00:17] git checkout -qf 49367576242db296b6cd360e086b0ca4acc0d492
[00:00:17] Running Install scripts
[00:00:17] if ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -and 
$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER -ne ((Invoke-RestMethod `$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG/history?recordsNumber=50).builds
| ` Where-Object pullRequestId -eq 
$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)[0].buildNumber) { ` throw There are 
newer queued builds for this pull request, failing early. }
[00:00:17] (new-object 
[00:00:19] C:\projects\julia-binary.exe /S /D=C:\projects\julia
[00:00:19] This version of C:\projects\julia-binary.exe is not compatible 
with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system 
information and then contact the software publisher.
[00:00:19] Command exited with code 1


This is my `appveyor.yml`:

  - JULIAVERSION: stable/win32
# Add [av skip] to commit messages for docfixes, etc to reduce load on queue
  message: /\[av skip\]/

# if there's a newer build queued for the same PR, cancel this one
-ne ((Invoke-RestMethod `$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG/history?recordsNumber=50).builds
 | `
Where-Object pullRequestId -eq 
$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)[0].buildNumber) { `
throw There are newer queued builds for this pull request, failing 
early. }
# Download most recent Julia Windows binary
  - ps: (new-object 
# Run installer silently, output to C:\projects\julia
  - C:\projects\julia-binary.exe /S /D=C:\projects\julia

# Need to convert from shallow to complete for Pkg.clone to work
  - IF EXIST .git\shallow (git fetch --unshallow)
  - C:\projects\julia\bin\julia-debug -e versioninfo(); Pkg.init(); 
Pkg.clone(pwd(), \AHN\)

  - C:\projects\julia\bin\julia-debug -e Pkg.test(\AHN\)


[julia-users] Re: splice! function. Instead of removing a single item, remove a collection of items stored in an array.

2015-02-23 Thread Aero_flux
Yup you are absolutely right. Working for me as well. Thought I would give 
the @time macro a try. Haven't used it before. Will stick to deleteat!. 

function f1(n)
  x1 = rand(1:10,5);
  errs = [2,4];

function f2(n)
  x1 = rand(1:10,5);
  errs = [2,4];
  for i=length(errs):-1:1

julia @time f1(1)
elapsed time: 0.266245646 seconds (595924 bytes allocated)

julia @time f2(1)
elapsed time: 0.59141116 seconds (1087272 bytes allocated)

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 3:08:08 PM UTC, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 It's working fine for me:

 julia x1 = rand(1:10,5); x2 = copy(x1)
 5-element Array{Int64,1}:

 julia errs = [2,4];

 julia deleteat!(x1,errs);

 julia x1
 3-element Array{Int64,1}:

 julia for i=length(errs):-1:1

 julia x2
 3-element Array{Int64,1}:

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:07:43 AM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. I did try deleteat! without much success. What did 
 work for me was the following though:

 errors=reverse(errors) #start with the largest index first and work down

 for x=1:length(errors)

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:17:29 AM UTC, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 corrected_data = deleteat!(x, errors) should be what you're looking for. 
 Alternately, a more functionally pure way to do it is to compute the good 
 indices and then just do corrected_data = x[good_idx], though this will 
 make a copy of those elements of x.

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:14:11 PM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I might be going about this the wrong way. I have a sequence of data in 
 a 1-D array x. Now I have done some calculations and have a 1-D array of 
 the indexed points in x that erroneous. What I would like to to is 
 all the data points in x that uses the saved indices. I figured I would 
 use corrected_data = splice!(x, errors) but of course it won't take 
 Any hints?

 Many thanks

[julia-users] Re: SAVE THE DATE: JuliaCon 2015, June 24 - 28

2015-02-23 Thread Carlo di Celico
Looking forward to this! I'm guessing registration will open through sometime soon?

On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 12:18:36 AM UTC-5, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to announce that 
 JuliaCon 2015 will be held at the MIT Stata Center during the dates of 
 Wednesday, June 24 through Sunday, June 28.

 More details forthcoming. We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge, 
 Massachusetts six months from now, sans blustering bombogenetic blizzard.

[julia-users] Re: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: JuliaCon 2015, June 24-28, MIT

2015-02-23 Thread Christian Peel
Are you open to suggestions?  On Saturday in Berkeley we heard Katherine 
Hyatt give a great talk on using Julia for simulating quantum systems.  She 
also talked about how it was much easier to get people up to speed on Julia 
than C++ and went in to details as to why.  So there's two angles, the 
quantum simulations themselves, and the utility of Julia over previous 
tools due to ease of use and speed.  Here's her web page:

BTW, I'd love to see Juliacon in the SF Bay area.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 6:47:00 PM UTC-8, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 On behalf of the JuliaCon 2015 Program Committee, it is my pleasure to 
 announce that the *Call for Participation **for JuliaCon 2015 is now 

 Venue: MIT Ray  Maria Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, 
 Massachusetts 02139.

 *Call for Participation closes: April 8, 2015, 11:59pm EDT*
 *Estimated notification: April 18, 2015*
 *JuliaCon dates: June 24 - 28, 2015*

 JuliaCon proposal submission form: link
 JuliaCon website: (to be updated shortly)
 JuliaCon program committee email: javascript:.

 JuliaCon 2015 is looking for Julia users like you to speak! We’re looking 
 for talks and workshops about using Julia, whether that means writing a 
 Julia package or doing your research using Julia.

 *Who will decide the program?*

 The JuliaCon program committee is composed of entirely of volunteer 
 organizers and can be reached at javascript: 
 with any questions or comments. Please limit your submissions to no more 
 than 3 proposals.

 If you’re having trouble deciding on a topic, please send us an email; 
 we’re happy to help.

 *What kinds of presentations are we looking for?*

 We are looking for speakers for three types of presentations: regular 
 talks, lightning talks, and workshops. The types of presentations differ in 
 the amount of time allotted.

- Each regular talk will receive *35 minutes* of presentation time and *5 
minutes* for QA.
- Each lightning talk will receive *8 minutes* to speak and *2 minutes* 
for QA.
- Workshops are larger blocks of time which are useful for tutorials, 
in-depth presentations of deeper ideas, and hackathons. Each workshop slot 
will be given *up to 3 hours*. Please note in your proposal how much 
time your workshop will require.

 Speakers are expected to bring their own laptops to connect to the 

 *What will the audience be like?*

 The audience will be users of Julia, and come from widely varying 
 backgrounds and interests. They range from professional programmers who 
 enjoy new languages to professors who use Julia as a tool in their work. 
 While many Julia users are very comfortable with math and statistics, the 
 only thing you can consistently assume is that they’ve written some Julia 
 code before.

 JuliaCon 2015 will also feature a tutorial for new users.

 *What topics are you looking for?*

 As long as it’s about Julia or using Julia, it’s on topic. We’re looking 
 for talks about work that you’ve already done or have made significant 
 progress on. Demos are welcome.

 Last year, there were many talks about specific Julia packages. This is a 
 great way to advertise a package you wrote (or love to use). We want to 
 know what your package does, how it does it, and how did using Julia affect 
 your package, for better or worse.

 See the video recordings from last year at to get a feel for 
 what people presented and what the audience expected.

 If you want to speak but are having trouble coming up with a topic, the 
 best topics are centered on your experience using Julia. Besides creating 
 or maintaining a package, your experience teaching Julia or using Julia in 
 your work or research would also be interesting. We are specifically 
 interested in your experience with Julia in a classroom setting.

 If you’re looking for presentation ideas, consider talks about: compilers, 
 runtimes, parallelism, experiences teaching Julia, scientific computing, 
 and/or visualization.

 *Do you have any tips for filling out the submission form?*


 This will be listed on the website when the speakers are announced. This 
 is a good place to mention if you’ve created a Julia package or maintain 


 Make your title reflect your topic (rather than being clever) Please 
 reserve “Julia In Production” style titles for experience reports of using 
 Julia at companies, not research. (customer-facing, revenue-generating, 
 etc). However, we still do want to hear about using Julia for research, 
 just don’t use the word production in the title.


 The abstract is a summary of what you wanted to do, what you ended up 
 doing, the results you obtained, and what you learned from the experience. 
 This will be listed on the website if your talk is accepted.

 *Special notes:*

[julia-users] Re: Julia users @ APS March Meeting?

2015-02-23 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I'm interested.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:39:23 PM UTC+1, Jim Garrison wrote:

 The annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society is next week in 
 San Antonio, and I am wondering if any Julia users would be interested in 
 getting together there to chat for a bit.  I already know of 4-5 Julia 
 users attending, but surely there will be others I don't yet know of.  Let 
 me know if you'd be interested in joining us.

 - Jim

Re: [julia-users] How to store the state of current rand generator (not set the seed)

2015-02-23 Thread Jameson Nash
Couldn't you just use a random number extracted from the first random
number generator to create N new, identical random numbers generates for
the second stage? Or just generate the full data set at the start of the
second stage (from the random number generator), and feed that list into
the subsequent stages?

On Mon Feb 23 2015 at 12:02:04 PM Steve Kay

 I'm trying to build a simulation model with sequential stages. I only want
 to set the seed for the random number generator once at the very start of
 the simulation comparing different possible strategies. Stage 1 is common
 to all strategies and involves running lots of sims to reach stage 2 . At
 this stage my strategies follow different routes. Ideally I'd like to store
 the state of the random number generator just before starting stage 2 (and
 be able to recall it at a later time). That way I can run my first strategy
 through, then reset to the same state at the start of stage 2 and run the
 next strategy through, etc. All strategies then facing the same random
 conditions (without having to rerun stage 1 or set another seed at stage
 2).. Are there such commands that store and reset the number generator to a
 particular state? Any help much appreciated.



[julia-users] Re: splice! function. Instead of removing a single item, remove a collection of items stored in an array.

2015-02-23 Thread Aero_flux
Yup you are absolutely right. Working for me as well. Thought I would give 
the @time macro a try. Haven't used it before. Restarting Julia, adding 
functions and running @time gives a longer elapsed time for both. Rerunning 
@time returns tiny values. The time listed below is for re-entering the 
functions followed by @time, which is closer to what would happen every 
time I rerun a script without closing Julia. Will stick to deleteat!. Thanks

function f1(n)
  x1 = rand(1:10,5);
  errs = [2,4];

function f2(n)
  x2 = rand(1:10,5);
  errs = [2,4];
  for i=length(errs):-1:1

julia @time f1(1)
elapsed time: 0.002991644 seconds (62712 bytes allocated)

julia @time f2(1)
elapsed time: 0.006547346 seconds (129080 bytes allocated)

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 3:08:08 PM UTC, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 It's working fine for me:

 julia x1 = rand(1:10,5); x2 = copy(x1)
 5-element Array{Int64,1}:

 julia errs = [2,4];

 julia deleteat!(x1,errs);

 julia x1
 3-element Array{Int64,1}:

 julia for i=length(errs):-1:1

 julia x2
 3-element Array{Int64,1}:

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:07:43 AM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. I did try deleteat! without much success. What did 
 work for me was the following though:

 errors=reverse(errors) #start with the largest index first and work down

 for x=1:length(errors)

 On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:17:29 AM UTC, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 corrected_data = deleteat!(x, errors) should be what you're looking for. 
 Alternately, a more functionally pure way to do it is to compute the good 
 indices and then just do corrected_data = x[good_idx], though this will 
 make a copy of those elements of x.

 On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:14:11 PM UTC-5, Aero_flux wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I might be going about this the wrong way. I have a sequence of data in 
 a 1-D array x. Now I have done some calculations and have a 1-D array of 
 the indexed points in x that erroneous. What I would like to to is 
 all the data points in x that uses the saved indices. I figured I would 
 use corrected_data = splice!(x, errors) but of course it won't take 
 Any hints?

 Many thanks

[julia-users] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: JuliaCon 2015, June 24-28, MIT

2015-02-23 Thread Jiahao Chen
On behalf of the JuliaCon 2015 Program Committee, it is my pleasure to 
announce that the *Call for Participation **for JuliaCon 2015 is now open.*

Venue: MIT Ray  Maria Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts 02139.

*Call for Participation closes: April 8, 2015, 11:59pm EDT*
*Estimated notification: April 18, 2015*
*JuliaCon dates: June 24 - 28, 2015*

JuliaCon proposal submission form: link
JuliaCon website: (to be updated shortly)
JuliaCon program committee email:

JuliaCon 2015 is looking for Julia users like you to speak! We’re looking 
for talks and workshops about using Julia, whether that means writing a 
Julia package or doing your research using Julia.

*Who will decide the program?*

The JuliaCon program committee is composed of entirely of volunteer 
organizers and can be reached at with any 
questions or comments. Please limit your submissions to no more than 3 

If you’re having trouble deciding on a topic, please send us an email; 
we’re happy to help.

*What kinds of presentations are we looking for?*

We are looking for speakers for three types of presentations: regular 
talks, lightning talks, and workshops. The types of presentations differ in 
the amount of time allotted.

   - Each regular talk will receive *35 minutes* of presentation time and *5 
   minutes* for QA.
   - Each lightning talk will receive *8 minutes* to speak and *2 minutes* 
   for QA.
   - Workshops are larger blocks of time which are useful for tutorials, 
   in-depth presentations of deeper ideas, and hackathons. Each workshop slot 
   will be given *up to 3 hours*. Please note in your proposal how much 
   time your workshop will require.
Speakers are expected to bring their own laptops to connect to the 

*What will the audience be like?*

The audience will be users of Julia, and come from widely varying 
backgrounds and interests. They range from professional programmers who 
enjoy new languages to professors who use Julia as a tool in their work. 
While many Julia users are very comfortable with math and statistics, the 
only thing you can consistently assume is that they’ve written some Julia 
code before.

JuliaCon 2015 will also feature a tutorial for new users.

*What topics are you looking for?*

As long as it’s about Julia or using Julia, it’s on topic. We’re looking 
for talks about work that you’ve already done or have made significant 
progress on. Demos are welcome.

Last year, there were many talks about specific Julia packages. This is a 
great way to advertise a package you wrote (or love to use). We want to 
know what your package does, how it does it, and how did using Julia affect 
your package, for better or worse.

See the video recordings from last year at to get a feel for 
what people presented and what the audience expected.

If you want to speak but are having trouble coming up with a topic, the 
best topics are centered on your experience using Julia. Besides creating 
or maintaining a package, your experience teaching Julia or using Julia in 
your work or research would also be interesting. We are specifically 
interested in your experience with Julia in a classroom setting.

If you’re looking for presentation ideas, consider talks about: compilers, 
runtimes, parallelism, experiences teaching Julia, scientific computing, 
and/or visualization.

*Do you have any tips for filling out the submission form?*


This will be listed on the website when the speakers are announced. This is 
a good place to mention if you’ve created a Julia package or maintain one.


Make your title reflect your topic (rather than being clever) Please 
reserve “Julia In Production” style titles for experience reports of using 
Julia at companies, not research. (customer-facing, revenue-generating, 
etc). However, we still do want to hear about using Julia for research, 
just don’t use the word production in the title.


The abstract is a summary of what you wanted to do, what you ended up 
doing, the results you obtained, and what you learned from the experience. 
This will be listed on the website if your talk is accepted.

*Special notes:*

Please note in your submission if:

   - You do not want your presentation recorded and posted on the JuliaCon 
   website. We plan to record all presentations by default.
   - You need additional resources beyond the standard video projector and 
   laser pointer. (We expect speakers to bring their own laptops unless you 
   ask for one.)
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Re: [julia-users] Making optional fields of unknown type more efficient

2015-02-23 Thread Mauro
Julia will be able to produce specialised code for any non-concrete type
in your PhyNode.  It does not matter whether it's Any or some other
abstract/parameter-less type.  At least that is how I read the docs:

However, I think a method will only be slow if it actually uses the
PhyNode.extensions field, otherwise it should be fine.

Anyway, can you not construct your type like so:
type PhyExtension{T}

type PhyNode{T}

If a user needs to have different types of things in PhyNode.extensions
she can choose PhyExtension{Any} and loose some performance, otherwise a
concrete type, like PhyExtension{Float64}, will be fast.

On Tue, 2015-02-24 at 02:30, Ben Ward wrote:

 In Julia, if you are not sure of an arguments type beforehand, you can use 
 'Any', or if you know it comes under an abstract type, you can use that.

 I've been working on a type for BioJulia which allows for representation of 
 a node of a phylogenetic tree that will allow annotation with biological 
 data in the form of other types from the packages from BioJulia:

 PhyExtension allows defining arbitrary metadata to annotate nodes.

 this allows the PhyNode type to support any phylogenetic tree format 
 that includes annotations (e.g. PhyloXML, NeXML), and allows programmatic 
 extension of nodes with annotations.
 type PhyExtension{T}

 PhyNode represents a node in a phylogenetic tree.

 A node can have:

 - `name`
 - `branchlength`
 - one or more `extensions`
 - a reference to its `parent` PhyNode
 - reference to one or more `children`
 type PhyNode
  # Inner constructor goes here.

 As you can see - PhyExtension is parametric so can be constructed to 
 contain any type.

 I'm wondering, though is this the best that can be done, can I handle the 
 potential to hold any number of types with unknown variables any better - 
 if so, how?

 Is specifying a Vector of PhyExtension, where a PhyExtenision is a type 
 that contains any other type really giving that much information to the 
 Julia system to work on efficiently? 

 My understanding is that PhyExtension is parametric so a version is 
 effectively defined for every possible {T} (including user defined 
 composite types they might come up with). But then I imagine that's not 
 much information when creating the Vector{PhyExtension} as an element could 
 be any of the many possible PhyExtensions - the compiler has to allow for 
 an array that can store any PhyExtension? Or is it that the array contains 
 references to PhyExtensions so actually the array is simple?
