[lace] re: Postcard of a Lace Maker's Cottage at Palgrave, Norfolk

2020-02-16 Thread Nicky Hoewener-Townsend
A good few years ago I communicated with Diana Smith about a postcard of a
lace maker’s cottage in Palgrave, Norfolk. Diana if you read this please
would you contact me direct.

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[lace] Honiton Lace research query

2019-07-14 Thread Nicky Hoewener-Townsend
Hi Brian
Honiton lace comprised of motifs that were either connected together by
‘brides’ or mounted onto a net ground for making up into the finished
article, so perhaps the term lace sewer is referring to the women whose job
this was?

The term lace worker may have been used interchangeably for either the lace
maker or the lace sewer? During my own research of villages within a 10 mile
radius and across the range of the different census years I found that the
terms lace maker, lace weaver and lace worker were used, but that which one
depended very much upon the individual enumerator. I found that each was
consistent in their use of term throughout their recording. I also found that
a woman described as a lace worker in one census might well be described by
one of the alternatives in a subsequent census again depending on who the
enumerator was. There is usually a page for each district that states who the
enumerator was, some enumerators covered more than one district and some did
the job for more than one census year.

Nicky H-T  in Suffolk UK

> Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 17:01:24 +1000
> From: 
> Subject: [lace] census records and definitions
> May of you will know that we have nothing more than two names that were
> recorded by Gertude Whiting as being maker  of Honiton lace bobbins.  They
> are  Mr Miller and Mr Goode.  They appear both to be Beer residents, though
> it is possible that Mr Millers mother married again (??)  I am guessing the
> Gertrude Whiting visited in the 1920s.
> I have read most of the books about Devon lace/ families etc, but not a
> mention of bobbin decorators.  Am I fated to never know who made them and
> who decorated them?  (leave aside seamen, perhaps shepherds or possibly
> children (Na飗e bobbins)

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[lace] Bobbin Lace and Native Americans

2017-01-03 Thread Nicky Hoewener-Townsend
Hello Brian & Carol
Interesting question and reply, clearly there is evidence of Native Americans
making lace, but perhaps more relevantly, would the Native Americans have been
using what are quite clearly English East Midlands bobbins? One of which looks
to have been made by one of the Compton's.

By the way, I do think the asking price of £242 is utterly ridiculous.

Nicky in Suffolk Uk

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 01:31:35 -0700
From: Carol <ca...@azsnaps.com <mailto:ca...@azsnaps.com>>
Subject: [lace] Bobbin lace and Native Americans

Hello Brian,
Sorry, you will have to eat your words.  Sybil Carter, an Episcopal
missionary, is the name of the woman who began teaching bobbin lace to women
of the Ojibwe tribe in Minnesota. The women were taught how to make other
laces as well.  According to what I've read they made a very high quality
lace.  Minnesota is considered a Great Plains state.
There was an Indian School in Phoenix AZ and according to a display at the
Heard Museum in Phoenix they did teach bobbin lace to the girls at this
so bobbin lace was not confined to the Great Plains.  Some of the tribes in
the Arizona area would have been the Hopi, Papago, Tohono O'odham, Apache,
According to some Indian Affairs reports in 1901, in New York (state) there
were Native American women making bobbin lace.
Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix, AZ USA

http://tinyurl.com/jvaccul <http://tinyurl.com/jvaccul>


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[lace-chat] New Year Greetings

2016-12-31 Thread Nicky Hoewener-Townsend
Have not been able to participate this past year, but have enjoyed reading the
David sorry to hear that you’re poorly, keep positive and my very best
wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
Wishing everyone on Arachne a very Happy New Year too.


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[lace] Great Tapestry of Scotland

2014-04-02 Thread Nicky Hoewener-Townsend
Just to add to Jeri’s posting about the Great Tapestry of Scotland, it is
beautifully illustrated with a wealth of information about the story behind
each panel, planning on seeing it when it’s at the Scottish parliament later
this year.

But there is also a wonderful book about the Tapestry of Prestonpans [which
lies a few miles from Edinburgh] it too is also beautifully illustrated and
tells the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s journey from France to victory at
Prestonpans in 1745. It was also designed by Andrew Crummy who designed the
GTofS tapestry. There is a very informative web site about
itwww.prestonpanstapestry.org and fingers crossed we will get to see this one

And for final tapestry overload I believe that the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry
is also nearing completion and panels will be on display in Edinburgh at St
Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in August.  Its another community project based on
the dispersal of Scotlands people around the world, more information
atwww.scottishdiasporatapestry.org, believe Andrew Crummy is involved with
this project too.

Trusting the message goes as I’m using a new system so a sharp learning curve

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[lace] Richard Ives his bobbins

2014-02-19 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Sadly Richard Ives stopped making lace bobbins a few years ago now, he gave
the last few of his remaining stock to me a couple of years ago when he and
Jenny had a tidy up at home. He was the first bobbin maker that I got to
know when I first took up lacemaking in the 80's and I have always loved his
bobbins, so beautifully slim, elegant and a fabulous finish to them. Richard
was also President of Suffolk Lacemakers for many years - Suffolk Lacemakers
are celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year.


Nicky in Suffolk   

From: The Lacebee thelace...@btinternet.com

Subject: [lace] Richard Ives Bobbin Maker


Does anyone know if Richard Ives is still making bobbins and if so what his
current contact details are?

I tried the email address I had from 2004 and it bounced.

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[lace] teaching children

2013-07-09 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Hi all, 
Just been catching up on the thread of recent digests and came across Joke 
Lyn's messages regarding teaching children.

Lyn wrote: I apologize, but your posting struck me the wrong way.  I'm
sitting here with tears of laughter running down my face, thinking, Rats,
my extensive criminal convictions will not let me teach lace to children...
I know it's serious, and probably expensive, but really, lacemakers going to
schools to prey on young children?  The thought is such an absurdity.  I
suppose there could be a predator out there, lurking amongst us Lacemakers 

Joke wrote: It would be lovely if children could have an afternoon to get to
know lacemaking..

For 12-14 years I voluntarily ran a lace club in the lunch hour at what was
then the local middle school [children aged 9-13] where I taught both girls
and boys to make lace. Living in a relatively rural area it had to be during
lunch because after school clubs were difficult for the majority of children
who had to be bussed to and from school each day. The class was always full
[14 max] with a lengthy waiting list of youngsters wanting to have a go at
making lace, often inspired by the annual exhibition the group put on to
coincide with parents days. Some lasted for a few weeks before deciding it
wasn't for them others stayed on until they changed school, one is now my
groups membership sec.  All went well until the school had a new headmaster
who thought it a waste of time and spent a year making life very
difficult... so that class moved to my home along with the class I'd
already set up for the older children going to high school. But gradually
numbers dwindled and life was made even more difficult because of all the
scandals of child abuse that were coming to the fore and CRB checking was
introduced and became compulsory . this was when I bowed out of teaching
children, not because I wouldn't pass through the CRB checks I hasten to
add, but because the cost of it was prohibitive.  And yes Lyn I do see the
funny side of what you wrote.

Another problem that we now face in my area at least, is the lack of
lacemakers who are able and willing to teach. Over the past couple of years
when I've been out giving a talk/exhibiting within the county I've been
asked where folk can go to learn, but classes are non-existent in many parts
of the county, so cutting a long story short this has resulted in a new
class of adult beginners [not all retired] and a bit of a trek for me, so
far it's going well, though I do have to watch out for herds of deer
suddenly leaping out from the hedgerows across the road when I drive back
home in the dark, it's happened each week so far. Clearly this particular
narrow lane crosses their regular route, but it's the only way home for me,
but I have to say that one particular stag is quite an impressive animal and
I do so enjoy seeing them, fingers crossed they won't one day actually land
on my car. Never imagined that lacemaking could be so fraught with danger!!!

Nicky   in a gloriously sunny Suffolk so wonderful to see some sunshine at
long long last.

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[lace] Intellectual Property etc

2013-05-28 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Hello All
I've been catching up reading the numerous comments regarding publishing and
the trials of getting a book into print, both Catherine Barley and Alex
Stillwell have said much that I agree with. One of the reasons I
self-published was to avoid many of the pitfalls of going with a publisher
and possibly finding myself tied into something that I didn't want to be at
a later date - yes I know you need to read the small print but when you've
not been there before the small print doesn't necessarily mean what you may
think it does.

I certainly didn't write my book for the money - but because I felt it was
important that at least some record be made about my county's little known
lacemaking past before what was left vanished into total obscurity. When I
embarked on the project I never expected it to take nine years of my life,
working full time on it and the rest. It was extremely daunting, never
dreamt I'd ever do anything like it, but on the whole I enjoyed pretty much
every minute of it, with a few exceptions, but I couldn't have done it in
the time but for the unfailing support of my DH. The major issue with
self-publishing is the financial implication of it all and it is a big risk
to take on so when a 'book seller' approached me about stocking my book to
do me a big favour and then in the next breath said they expected a 70%
discount on the purchase price for doing so you may just be able to imagine
my response - the shop closed last year - so I got the last laugh after all!

One thing that has irked me in recent months has been the number of
'sellers' who purport to stock my book and then state on their site that my
book is 'out of print' which it isn't nor is it yet out of stock, though the
pile has greatly diminished - I can only assume that some of these sellers
claim this simply because they don't actually have any copies in stock
themselves. Oh and I'm not referring to the lace suppliers who do stock it,
they have been brilliant in their support. 

Like Catherine, I'm also pretty disgusted by those who are selling the books
at highly inflated prices. A second hand dealer living just a few miles from
me had my book listed on his web site at an inflated price, he justified it
because to his knowledge it was 'out of print' and therefore it could
command a higher price. I told him that it wasn't out of print, but readily
available, his response was that he only had my word for it!!! 

Nicky H-T   in Suffolk UK   where it is once again rather dull and overcast

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[lace] lurkers and posting

2013-03-16 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Well said Jane, Lyn, Jeri et al, we come from an incredibly wide and varied
background and all have very different personalities and temperaments and
this shines through in the various responses that this topic has elicited.
There are all kinds of reasons why some lurk more than others, I tend to be
a lurker, not because I don't wish to contribute but more because I get the
digest versions which often means that answers to queries have been sent
before I have even received the posting with the original question, so
invariably what I might say has already been written several times over. 


Over the years I've been with Arachne I've had many questions and queries
answered by so many of you knowledgeable folk out there, for which I have
been extremely grateful and I have greatly enjoyed participating in some of
the exchanges that have been organised by various members and I'm so very
glad that they have been willing to take the time to organise them. It's
always great to hear from those who contribute less frequently, but thank
you to all those who are regular contributors, you are not taken for granted
 long may Arachne continue, a commemorative bobbin would be lovely,
I recall purchasing a bobbin some years ago and my arachne cover cloth is in
regular use. 


Thank you Jane re: proxy voting - all done. Jeri I do so hope you get your
apprentice, we so need to encourage the next generation to fall in love with
lacemaking and its history. 

Nicky in Suffolk

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[lace] Lace and Postage Stamps

2013-01-12 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Happy New year to you all. I only get the digests which have on the whole
been pretty quiet, so thought it time I made a contribution anyway. I know
that a few of you, like myself collect lace themed stamps so...


Having been alerted, by a friend, to the fact that the February 2013 issue
of 'Stamp' magazine might be of interest to me, I acquired a copy yesterday
from 'off the shelf' at a well-known UK High Street newsagents in Norwich.
Stamp Magazine has a regualr My Collection category in which readers
basically submit an article about their personal collection of stamps, why
they collect what they do etc etc. The My Collection article for this
month's issue features the stamp collection of Margareta von Bahr from
Sweden -  her theme is LACE. The article covers four pages and features
quite a few of the beautiful lace stamps that have been issued over the
years, along with a few other interesting artifacts - Margareta explains
that her theme of stamps deals with the history of bobbin-lacemaking, which
has been of interest to her since a child, when she watched the bobbin's
dancing on my aunt's lace-pillow, and was sometimes allowed to have a go
herself. She returned to the hobby after retiring and also began collecting
stamps in 2007 after attending one or two philatelic exhibitions. It's an
interesting article and full marks to her for highlighting this niche
thematics topic to a wider audience - the magazine has a pretty extensive


Happy lacemaking  collecting

Nicky  in Suffolk 

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[lace-chat] Lace and Postage Stamps

2013-01-12 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Happy New year to you all. I only get the digests which have on the whole
been pretty quiet, so thought it time I made a contribution anyway. I know
that a few of you, like myself collect lace themed stamps so...


Having been alerted, by a friend, to the fact that the February 2013 issue
of 'Stamp' magazine might be of interest to me, I acquired a copy yesterday
from 'off the shelf' at a well-known UK High Street newsagents in Norwich.
Stamp Magazine has a regualr My Collection category in which readers
basically submit an article about their personal collection of stamps, why
they collect what they do etc etc. The My Collection article for this
month's issue features the stamp collection of Margareta von Bahr from
Sweden -  her theme is LACE. The article covers four pages and features
quite a few of the beautiful lace stamps that have been issued over the
years, along with a few other interesting artifacts - Margareta explains
that her theme of stamps deals with the history of bobbin-lacemaking, which
has been of interest to her since a child, when she watched the bobbin's
dancing on my aunt's lace-pillow, and was sometimes allowed to have a go
herself. She returned to the hobby after retiring and also began collecting
stamps in 2007 after attending one or two philatelic exhibitions. It's an
interesting article and full marks to her for highlighting this niche
thematics topic to a wider audience - the magazine has a pretty extensive


Happy lacemaking  collecting

Nicky  in Suffolk 

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[lace] Christmas Card Exchange

2012-12-19 Thread Nicky H-Townsend

Today I received a delightful card from my exchange partner Marji Sakievich,
a lovely lace angel watching over a nativitiy scene -  and next year the
angel which will be adorning my Christmas Tree, along with my other past
exchange decorations - they are all much treasured and look so very pretty
on the tree. I'm hoping that Marji either has or will shortly receive my own


May I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas/Festive season and
may you all continue to enjoy your lacemaking in 2013

Greetings to you all

Nicky in Suffolk 

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[lace-chat] Christmas Card Exchange

2012-12-19 Thread Nicky H-Townsend

Today I received a delightful card from my exchange partner Marji Sakievich,
a lovely lace angel watching over a nativitiy scene -  and next year the
angel which will be adorning my Christmas Tree, along with my other past
exchange decorations - they are all much treasured and look so very pretty
on the tree. I'm hoping that Marji either has or will shortly receive my own


May I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas/Festive season and
may you all continue to enjoy your lacemaking in 2013

Greetings to you all

Nicky in Suffolk 

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[lace] Christmas Card exchange

2012-12-15 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Hello all

I'm having to try and re-send this message because I don't think it got
through the first time, but at least I'm finally receiving both Arachne
digests again.




This morning I received a lovely Christmas card from my exchange pal Joepie
Hammett in Sussex - thank you Joepie it is absolutely delightful and what a
lovely thought to include the coaster for mounting it in - after Christmas
it will be in my den so I can admire it everyday - it is a beautiful little
owl that Joepie has designed, he has just so much character he really is
wonderful thank you very much.


Thank you also to both Amber and Avital for getting me back on to Arachne
after weeks of absence even from lurkdom - having had a major computer
breakdown, a new computer and new to us  windows 7 operating system [all
courtesy of my husband's son for husbands significant birthday]. But it has
been a bit of a nightmare, firstly getting to grips with the new system
(still can't find 'undo' button), and secondly finding that all the files
from the old computer had been transferred but it was just as if the filing
cabinet had been emptied and everything stuffed back in anywhere!!! So a lot
of re-organising. Then to upset the apple cart we changed our ISP provider
so for those who may wish to know I have a new e.mail address
bob.b...@btinternet.com which leads to another question - does anyone know
how I go about boosting the signal for wifi usage elsewhere in the house -
before the change of ISP provider we had good wifi coverage and I could use
my lap top anywhere in the house - since the change we can't use the tablet,
kindle or laptop unless in the same room as the BT hub yet they are
connected for wifi usage, the signal is just too low. Any suggestions.


Many thanks

Nicky in Suffolk

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[lace-chat] Christmas Card exchange

2012-12-15 Thread Nicky H-Townsend
Hello all

I'm having to try and re-send this message because I don't think it got
through the first time, but at least I'm finally receiving both Arachne
digests again.




This morning I received a lovely Christmas card from my exchange pal Joepie
Hammett in Sussex - thank you Joepie it is absolutely delightful and what a
lovely thought to include the coaster for mounting it in - after Christmas
it will be in my den so I can admire it everyday - it is a beautiful little
owl that Joepie has designed, he has just so much character he really is
wonderful thank you very much.


Thank you also to both Amber and Avital for getting me back on to Arachne
after weeks of absence even from lurkdom - having had a major computer
breakdown, a new computer and new to us  windows 7 operating system [all
courtesy of my husband's son for husbands significant birthday]. But it has
been a bit of a nightmare, firstly getting to grips with the new system
(still can't find 'undo' button), and secondly finding that all the files
from the old computer had been transferred but it was just as if the filing
cabinet had been emptied and everything stuffed back in anywhere!!! So a lot
of re-organising. Then to upset the apple cart we changed our ISP provider
so for those who may wish to know I have a new e.mail address
bob.b...@btinternet.com which leads to another question - does anyone know
how I go about boosting the signal for wifi usage elsewhere in the house -
before the change of ISP provider we had good wifi coverage and I could use
my lap top anywhere in the house - since the change we can't use the tablet,
kindle or laptop unless in the same room as the BT hub yet they are
connected for wifi usage, the signal is just too low. Any suggestions.


Many thanks

Nicky in Suffolk

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[lace-chat] unsubscribing shortly

2006-08-07 Thread nicky

Hi Spiders
I've not really been able to keep up with all that has been going on for 
sometime now, and just hadn't had time to unsubscribe so have just had to 
shelve masses of messages, life has been very stressful of late. But I just 
wanted to share some fabulous news before I unsubscribe before we go away on 
holiday to Scotland.

My lovely daughter-in-law of just one year has an identical twin sister, who 
was in the most horrendous road accident a few months ago - she is now out 
of a coma, conscious and now on the road to recovery, she has been able to 
say a few words this past day or two with the aid of a voice box and 
although she has a very long way to go the future is looking so much 
brighter and we understand that she will be transferred from Addenbrooks to 
the more local Norfolk  Norwich Hospital in the next few weeks, where she 
will probably remain for many months yet. As you can imagine it has been a 
dreadful time for all the family especially those closest to her.

best wishes to all for a great summer,
Nicky in Suffolk

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[lace] finishing a garter

2006-07-11 Thread nicky

Hi Jenny
Both my husband and I have now made several wedding garters. The method I 
use for finishing them off is this. I use shirring elastic and run ribbon 
only through the middle section. The shirring elastic is carefully sewn 
along both edges of lace next to the middle, once stitched I then carefully 
pull up the shirring elastic so that the garter is gathered and then knot 
the ends of shirring elastic and cut off the excess (which I use for other 
things such as bobble ties for holding two bobbins together). I make sure 
that there is enough play for the bride to slip the garter on comfortably 
and if necessary the shirring elastic can always be tightened a little more 
on the day (I show her how to do it). The ribbon is purely for decoration.

Reports back from the various brides (one of which was me) is that the 
garter has been comfortable to wear as the shirring elastic is much finer 
than ordinary knicker elastic and it doesn't leave a mark. The garters have 
stayed up and felt quite secure for the entire day. Disadvantage, it takes a 
bit more time and effort to oversew the shirring elastic into place, but the 
effort is worth it and the garter looks good too, no bulky elastic to hide. 
A picture of one of our garters (and horseshoe) was in a fairly recent 
edition of The Lacemaker newsletter of the Lace Cirle, the one giving a 
write up about their 2005 AGM held in Norfolk.

Hope that this is of help to you.
best wishes
Nicky in Suffolk 

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