Re: L&I Johnson: Jury deadlocked

1998-04-09 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>The jury deadlocked after three days of deliberations, in all likelihood
>there will be a retrial. Full update tomorrow.
>Kathy E

This was readily predictable given that race again likely reared its ugly
head in the jury room, just as I predicted last evening.  I think that
racial prejudice cuts both ways and that racism is still rampant in America
today.  It is getting to the point that maybe a "jury of his peers" is
taking on a new meaning. BTW,  Did anyone catch F. Lee Bailey discussing the
possible impeachment of the President on "Larry King" ?  His final statement
was to the effect that it took 45 years to vindicate Dr. Sam Shepard, and he
hoped it did not take that long to vindicate his LA client ( is he talking
about OJ?, if so how will OJ ever be vindicated?)  Ron

Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.

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L&I Johnson: Jury deadlocked

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The jury deadlocked after three days of deliberations, in all likelihood
there will be a retrial. Full update tomorrow.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

One of the guys from that foundation that was backing her said the other
day that if she does appeal they would back her financially.

I don't see her appealing though.

> HI Sue,
> You're right on with this information, IMO.  And I'm still betting on a
> decision NOT to appeal.  Now that the case has been dismissed the money
> well has dried up and even those most gullible members of the public will
> not send money to the Paula Jones legal defense fund.  Especially now
> that it's been revealed she's spending it on clothes and hair do's.
> I agree with Len.  They'll drop Jones and pick up with
> Lewinsky/Tripp/Goldberg et al.
> Bill

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Re: L&I U.S. Bans Foreign Guns Permanently

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I honestly don't see guns disappearing completely, but I do see laws
being enacted, and existing laws being enforced to the point where it is
going to be very difficult to own guns.  And the people who do commit
crimes with guns are going to really go down hard.  

I think that the average person is tired of being afraid to drive on the
freeways, etc in fear and they are forcing lawmakers and judges to do
something about it.  And jury's are going to come down hard on offenders

I think that this is already happening.  

The NRA is losing power in WDC.  The lawmakers are more afraid of losing
their jobs than they are afraid of the NRA.  

> HI Sue,
> That is where changes must be made, IMO.  At the grass roots level with
> the American voters.  Look at the changes that have been made in other
> areas.  Sacred cows have fallen by the wayside throughout our country's
> history, and America's infatuation with guns of all kinds will also fall
> by the wayside one of these days.  As soon as the voting public voices a
> strong anti-gun opinion at the polling places we'll see politicians
> change their stance on this issue.
> Bill

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Re: L&I Re Guns, guns and more guns.

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

For one thing the USDA probably doesn't have any authority when it comes
to guns and/or narcotics.  But more importantly I don't think the states
or the feds want to set up a precedent that could develop into something
that would be like border checkpoints between the states.


On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 11:59:25 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill:
>Makes sense.  There certainly isn't anything out there except catus, 
>I guess the fly wouldn't survive to get to it's host if it tried to 
>I can see what could happen to the California economy if it did get 
>Still think that since they have these cars stopped anyway they could
>also look for guns and narcotics.  But I guess they have their reasons
>why they don't.  At least they do ask.  :)
>> HI Sue,
>> Because the fruit fly or any other pest needs the 
>> in order to live and reproduce.  If there are no target crops 
>> point A and point B then the pest will not make it to point B.  BUT, 
>> someone has a target crop in a car and it is infested with something 
>> they carry it to Point B where it gets into the crop in that 
>location it
>> will not take long for it to infest all of Point B's crop.
>> The potato famine in Ireland was caused by a fungus brought to that
>> country in ships from the US.  The fungus got into the air and was
>> carried into the potato fields by the misty fog that was so 
>prevalant in
>> Ireland.
>> Bill
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L&I GOP Weighs Possible Starr Testimony

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

GOP Weighs Possible Starr Testimony
>   WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republicans are weighing a
>   plan to have Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr testify
>   before Congress if he files a report outlining evidence
>   of potentially impeachable offenses by President
>   Clinton, officials said Thursday.
>   These officials, who spoke only on condition of
>   anonymity, said that under the plan, Starr would
>   outline and explain his findings to a panel of
>   lawmakers.
>   Among the many unanswered questions about such an
>   appearance, the officials added, is whether the
>   independent counsel would appear in an open session.
>   Nor is it clear what type of questioning he would be
>   subject to.
>   Asked about the proposal, one Judiciary Committee
>   official said it was ``pure speculation'' based on the
>   assumption that there would be a referral to Congress.
>   Any decision abut procedure will not be made until and
>   unless the independent counsel makes such a referral
>   the official said.
>   Republican officials said they had had no contact with
>   Starr's office about his investigation.
>   Likewise, Starr's office said there had been no contact
>   with the House.
>   Discussion of a possible hearing featuring Starr comes
>   at a time when Speaker Newt Gingrich and Rep. Henry
>   Hyde, R-Ill., chairman of the Judiciary Committee, are
>   planning for an event that would be unprecedented: the
>   submission of a formal report by an independent counsel
>   outlining evidence of impeachable offenses.
>   Starr was appointed under legislation that was enacted
>   after Richard Nixon resigned from office rather than
>   face impeachment proceedings in the full House. The law
>   requires any independent counsel to notify the House
>   ``of any substantial and credible information ... that
>   may constitute grounds for impeachment.''
>   Republicans were careful to describe any hearings that
>   might follow submission of Starr's report as a review
>   of his work, not as part of any formal impeachment
>   inquiry.
>   Still, these sessions, if they occurred, would likely
>   be a critical part of any determination on the part of
>   the House to move onto the next step: a formal
>   impeachment inquiry.
>   In a political vein, many Republicans view Clinton's
>   poll ratings as inexplicably high, given the
>   controversy over sex-and-cover-up charges that have
>   swirled around him. Clinton has denied any wrongdoing.
>   Some Republicans suggest that a public airing of
>   Starr's material, depending on the evidence he has
>   accumulated, could begin eroding public confidence in
>   the president.
>   Starr is investigating whether Clinton had a sexual
>   relationship with former White House intern Monica
>   Lewinsky and then encouraged her to lie about it in the
>   Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit.
>   Starr also is investigating possible obstruction of
>   justice of the 4-year-old Whitewater investigation in
>   Arkansas, and he is delving into the Clintons'
>   relationship with their former business partner Jim
>   McDougal. As a lawyer in Little Rock, Ark., Hillary
>   Rodham Clinton did work for McDougal's failing savings
>   and loan.
>   Despite the lack of official contact between the
>   independent counsel and the House, speculation has been
>   intense in Congress in recent weeks that Starr would
>   issue a report to lawmakers by the end of May.
>   In a statement issued on Wednesday, Starr said that
>   while his investigation is moving very quickly, ``it
>   continues to be impeded by a variety of privilege
>   invocations. Nonetheless, we are proceeding
>   expeditiously in all phases of the investigation,
>   including the litigation necessary to gather and assess
>   all relevant facts.''

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L&I Armed Student in Idaho Surrenders

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Armed Student in Idaho Surrenders

>   POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) -- A 14-year-old student at a
>   school for troubled youths pulled a gun on the
>   principal today, and then holed up inside for five
>   hours before surrendering after trading his guns for
>   cigarettes, pizza and soda.
>   The principal escaped unharmed, and police said it was
>   unclear whether four students who were in the school
>   with the boy were held hostage.
>   ``The other students may be in there willingly,''
>   police Lt. Garry Pritchett said about an hour before
>   the standoff ended with no injuries.
>   ``They ate all the pizza, they drank all the pop and
>   they trashed the whole building,'' police Capt. Mike
>   Stayner said.
>   Initially, police believed several students and
>   possibly a teacher were being held hostage at The
>   Alternate School by the boy, who fired a shot into a
>   wall or ceiling and demanded cigarettes and alcohol.
>   Around 11 a.m., 2 1/2 hours after the standoff began,
>   two students walked out separately, leaving four -- two
>   boys and two girls -- inside with the armed student.
>   A little after 1 p.m., the remaining five students came
>   out and were put in the back seats of police cruisers.
>   Earlier, a psychiatrist talked to the armed student.
>   Pritchett said the students had been watching the
>   standoff on television until police ordered cameras
>   removed from the area and a cable to television sets
>   inside the school severed.
>   The area around the school was cordoned off and all
>   homes within a block were evacuated after the incident
>   began about 8:30 a.m.
>   About 90 minutes into the standoff, somebody stepped
>   outside and placed a gun on the ground. A short time
>   later, a person -- it was unclear if it was the same
>   one -- kicked the gun farther away.
>   Pritchett said the 14-year-old, who remained armed with
>   another weapon, had swapped a .22-caliber semiautomatic
>   pistol for packages of cigarettes from police. He later
>   traded a .45-caliber weapon for pizza and pop.
>   Police said the youth had threatened principal Paul
>   Matthews on Wednesday. The boy returned today and
>   pulled a weapon on Matthews, who threw a table between
>   them and ordered students to evacuate, Matthews said.
>   Christopher Williams, spokesman for the Bannock School
>   District, said the incident occurred in the school's
>   multipurpose room. Matthews had just begun his daily
>   routine of explaining what would be on the students'
>   agenda when the boy pulled the gun.
>   ``He (Matthews) told me he had just gotten out about
>   three sentences when the student pulled the gun,''
>   Williams said.
>   The school normally has 30-35 students. There are 10
>   students per class and three teachers and a principal
>   at any one time.
>   Pocatello, with about 50,000 residents, is located in
>   southeastern Idaho, about 200 miles east of Boise and
>   150 miles north of Salt Lake City.

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L&I Judge Allows Internet Smut Suit

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Judge Allows Internet Smut Suit

>   ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) -- A federal judge has allowed a
>   lawsuit to go forward that challenges restrictions at a
>   public library to accessing obscene Internet sites.
>   In a ruling Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Leonie
>   Brinkema said blocking access to parts of the World
>   Wide Web may raise constitutional issues.
>   ``The central question before this court is whether a
>   public library may, without violating the First
>   Amendment, enforce content-based restrictions on access
>   to Internet speech,'' the judge wrote.
>   In 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled material on the
>   Internet should be given as much free speech protection
>   as books enjoy.
>   The Loudoun County Library in northern Virginia
>   installed X-Stop software on its computers in November
>   to block patrons from accessing obscene or sexually
>   explicit language.
>   Sites blocked by the filtering software include those
>   belonging to the San Francisco Examiner, a Methodist
>   church in San Francisco, a University of Maryland
>   women's association and a safe-sex page for teen-agers,
>   the complaint alleges.
>   Part of the Examiner's site was blocked because
>   columnist Rob Morse sometimes writes about gay issues,
>   according to Morse.
>   The plaintiffs include Morse, the American Civil
>   Liberties Union and John Ockerbloom, who publishes
>   texts of banned books on his Web site.

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L&I Starr To Probe Hale Allegations

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Starr To Probe Hale Allegations

>   WASHINGTON (AP) -- Brushing aside possible conflicts of
>   interest, the Justice Department gave Whitewater
>   prosecutor Kenneth Starr the go-ahead Thursday to
>   investigate allegations that a conservative foundation
>   may have provided financial assistance to his star
>   witness.
>   Justice officials were looking at Starr's ties to the
>   American Spectator foundation, said a senior agency
>   official who requested anonymity. But Deputy Attorney
>   General Eric Holder told Starr in a letter that the
>   independent counsel has ``investigative and
>   prosecutorial jurisdiction over these allegations''
>   because it involved possible tampering with one of his
>   witnesses.
>   ``The department lacks jurisdiction to investigate
>   it,'' Holder wrote.
>   A witness has alleged that top Whitewater witness David
>   Hale received payments and other assistance from
>   conservative activists working for the American
>   Spectator Educational Foundation, which publishes the
>   magazine, when Hale was cooperating with Starr's
>   investigation.
>   Starr's friend and former law partner, high-powered
>   Washington lawyer Theodore Olson, is a director on the
>   foundation's board and the magazine's publisher is a
>   personal friend of Starr's. Also, the foundation has
>   received funding from a group controlled by billionaire
>   publisher Richard Mellon Scaife that gave $1 million to
>   Pepperdine University, where Starr plans to teach after
>   the investigation.
>   Holder alluded to those ties in his letter, saying that
>   ``there have been suggestions that your office would
>   have a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a
>   conflict ... because of the importance of Hale to your
>   investigation and because the payments allegedly came
>   from funds provided by Richard Scaife.''
>   And Holder practically invited Starr to refer the
>   matter back to the Justice Department if necessary.
>   ``Should you believe that this matter would be better
>   investigated by the Department of Justice,'' he wrote,
>   ``we would be prepared to accept a referral from you.''
>   Earlier Thursday, Attorney General Janet Reno declined
>   to talk in detail about the matter although she told
>   her weekly news conference that Justice officials hoped
>   to have a decision quickly.
>   Allegations that Hale was assisted by conservative
>   activists working for the magazine first came to light
>   in March.
>   Caryn Mann, a Bentonville, Ark., funeral home employee,
>   said that her former live-in boyfriend received money
>   from magazine officials and that her son saw the
>   boyfriend give cash to Hale when Hale was cooperating
>   with Starr's invesigation.
>   She said Hale and Dozhier provided information about
>   the Whitewater probe to officials at the magazine and
>   that Hale was often accompanied by FBI agents when he
>   visited her former boyfriend.
>   Parker Dozhier, Mann's former boyfriend, acknowledged
>   to The Associated Press that he received $35,000 to be
>   the magazine's ``eyes and ears'' in Arkansas and that
>   Hale occassionally stayed rent-free in a secluded
>   fishing cabin he owns, but denied giving money to Hale.
>   Whitewater prosecutors working with Hale said they were
>   were unaware of Dozhier's ties to the conservative
>   activists.
>   Terry Eastland, publisher of American Spectator, said
>   there's no evidence that money from a $1.7 million
>   research project on Whitewater, dubbed the ``Arkansas
>   Project,'' went to Hale. Eastland is overseeing an
>   internal audit to determine how the project money was
>   spent. Olson is assisting with that audit.
>   Starr and Olson were partners at the same law firm in
>   the 1970s and both worked at the Justice Department
>   during in the 1980s -- Olson as assistant attorney
>   general and Starr as solicitor general.
>   Olson represented Hale in Washington in 1995 and 1996
>   during congressional hearings on Whitewater.
>   Justice officials were looking at these connections and
>   were considering whether the investigation should be
>   conducted by Starr, the agency's Office of Professional
>   Responsibility or the Arkansas judge that

Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:38:47 EDT DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>In a message dated 98-04-08 22:06:49 EDT, you write:
><< I think it's a bit much myself.  Who cares?  It DOES seem strange 
> he'd be doing this in a public area.  Makes me wonder if there might 
> more to it.  Like solicitation or something.
> Bil >>
>Well, if he was alone, whom was he soliciting?  Himself?  

Hi Doc,

I think the modus operandi for some of these things is for the guy doing
the soliciting to expose himself in a public area and wait for someone to
encounter him. Then, if the person seeing him is interested he will
approach and make contact.

It appears that is what happened here, except the guy who approached him
was an undercover cop.  

But it's still impossible to know for sure what was really going on.


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L&I Re: Reply from Iacono on the polygraph survey

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:38:49 EDT DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>In a message dated 98-04-08 22:21:19 EDT, you write:
><< It takes all
> kinds I guess.
>  >>
>I've heard that before, Bill.  Has anyone ever explained why?  

Yes, all kinds of people have offered all kinds of explanations. :)


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L&I Ban on televised executions challenged

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 9 (UPI) _ A veteran Florida broadcast
journalist is challenging a state
rule that prohibits television cameras at executions. 

Later this month, an administrative judge will consider Mike Vasilinda's
argument that Florida
taxpayers have a right to see how capital punishment is carried out in
their state. 

Vasilinda, who runs a video production company that feeds news reports
to television stations
across Florida, asked the state Department of Corrections for permission
to tape four executions
carried out last month, but his request was denied. 

Corrections officials cited a 1977 policy that banned cameras, audio
recorders and even artist tools
at an execution. 

But Vasilinda contends the agency had no authority to adopt the policy
and claims the issue is about
``the public's right to know.'' 

He says, ``The public pays for executions and they have a right to see
how their money is spent.'' 

None of the 38 states that have the death penalty allow cameras at

In 1991, a California public television station sued unsuccessfully to
film an execution and three
years later, talk show host Phil Donahue lost a legal battle to obtain
access to a North Carolina

Florida allows a dozen print and broadcast reporters at every execution,
but corrections officials
take strict precautions against hidden cameras and recorders.
Journalists are provided with pads
and pencils as they enter the witness room. 

Vasilinda's petition has prompted some legislators to hastily draft a
bill that would put the camera
restriction into law. 

State Rep. Allen Trovillion says, ``We have enough traumatic things in
the media today.'' 
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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct'

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill :)

They are keeping pretty quiet about what the lewd act was, yet there is
only so much one person can do alone that would be considered a lewd
act. Looking at this from the legal point of view, he was in a public
rest room, public is the key word, he can't do those sort of things in a
public facility. The one paragraph that stands out to me in the story I
have read is this:

  The 34-year-old singer was alone in a
  rest room in Will Rogers Park when an
  undercover officer saw him commit the
  act Tuesday, police Lt. Edward Kreins
  said. Kreins would not identify the act
  and said only that Michael did not
  proposition the officer. 

That makes me think he wasn't in a closed in stall, very possible he was
at a urinal, but I'm just guessing.

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> HI Kathy,
> Do you or anyone know the details about this?  From what I could see
> based only on what's been reported, he was in a public rest room (in a
> stall?) and he was alone. IMO, that's a big difference from what Pee Wee
> Herman did since ol' Pee Wee was whacking off in a movie theater.
> There must be more to this, IMO.
> Bill
Kathy E
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Re: L&I Re: Mitchell Johnson--victim of sexual abuse

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Very Funny Mac! LOL Y'all are giving TX a bad name, btw if you look
Florida is the one that has been "chair" happy lately, not TX. 

Yet in the publics eye it's TX that is the number one state for
executions even though the true facts show it isn't. CA sentences more
people to death than any state and Florida executes more than any other
state, TX beat FL once because we didn't execute any for one year while
looking at the DP in Texas, after some revisions were done they did
execute those who were supposed to be executed the prior year and the
current year, and yea I know Bill your going to say like you did last
time well that still makes for a LOT of executions no it didn't Bill.
The simple fact is the murders and killers, kill a LOT more than any
state does. But lets not let facts get in the way of emotional
arguments. Of course the easiest way to stop the DP is to stop people
from killing others. Yet again people don't like to look at that, it's
easier to attack the punishment than to attack the criminal and what
they did and how to keep them from doing it. It's the same old merry go

moonshine wrote:
> Evenin' Ron,
> I think this is something that the lawyer cooked up. The father has been on t.v.
> everyday and said nothing about this. Supposedly the kid told some other relatives 
> this but they didn't inform the parents. Nice relatives! It wasn't until the lawyer
> "confirmed"
> it with the same caring family members that he felt he should inform the jury pool 
>of the
> tragedy this poor child has suffered. I think they should move the venue to Texas.
> ...Mac
Kathy E
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L&I Packwood may run again

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

WASHINGTON, April 9 (UPI) _ The New York Times says (Thursday) former
Sen. Bob
Packwood, (R-Ore.), who was forced to resign under a cloud of sexual
misconduct allegations, is
testing the political waters again. Packwood, now a Washington lobbyist,
is setting his sights lower
this time, and considering a run for the Oregon state legislature.
Packwood reportedly believes
President Clinton's endurance amid an avalanche of sexual allegations
indicates a change in the
political climate. 
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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Re Guns, guns and more guns.

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-09 15:55:03 EDT, you write:

<< Yes it could be that, I guess.  But do they need probable cause to
 search a car at a border check? >>

I don't know.  Ed???

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Re: L&I Re Guns, guns and more guns.

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-09 14:53:59 EDT, you write:

<< Still think that since they have these cars stopped anyway they could
 also look for guns and narcotics.  But I guess they have their reasons
 why they don't.  At least they do ask.  :)
 Sue >>

"Probable cause" maybe?  I think that would be required.

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Re: L&I Re Guns, guns and more guns.

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc:

Yes it could be that, I guess.  But do they need probable cause to
search a car at a border check?

> "Probable cause" maybe?  I think that would be required.
> Doc

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Re: L&I Re: Reply from Iacono on the polygraph survey

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-08 22:21:19 EDT, you write:

<< It takes all
 kinds I guess.
I've heard that before, Bill.  Has anyone ever explained why?  

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-09 02:27:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Well Doc it sounds to me like he was doing what Pee Wee Herman did,
 masturbating in public, and I do think the law says it's considered lewd
 to do that in public. >>

Probably.  But Pee Wee was in a crowded theater with others around who could
see.  I still wonder what constitutes "lewd" when one is alone. (They never
did answer that old question about the tree falling in the forest, did they?)

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-08 22:06:49 EDT, you write:

<< I think it's a bit much myself.  Who cares?  It DOES seem strange that
 he'd be doing this in a public area.  Makes me wonder if there might be
 more to it.  Like solicitation or something.
 Bil >>

Well, if he was alone, whom was he soliciting?  Himself?  Strange...

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L&I Re: Mitchell Johnson--victim of sexual abuse

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Kathy,

LOL...not only do you drag me into a discussion where I'm not commenting
about anything you misstate the facts.  I never said anything about
"that's still a lot of executions."  You must be thinking of someone

As I've stated before, my biggest objection to the death penalty is that
it is inevitable that innocent people will be executed over the course of
many years.  And if even only ONE innocent person is executed it is
sufficient to ban the death penalty, IMO. Another good argument against
it is that, in spite of what people want to say, it is administered in a
very discriminatory manner.

Since it has been proven not to be a deterrent it only makes sense that
there are better ways to decrease capital crimes.  The death penalty does
not do one thing to decrease capital crimes.  If it did then the number
of people on death row would decrease instead of increase.


On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 00:02:08 -0400 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Very Funny Mac! LOL Y'all are giving TX a bad name, btw if you look
>Florida is the one that has been "chair" happy lately, not TX. 
>Yet in the publics eye it's TX that is the number one state for
>executions even though the true facts show it isn't. CA sentences more
>people to death than any state and Florida executes more than any 
>state, TX beat FL once because we didn't execute any for one year 
>looking at the DP in Texas, after some revisions were done they did
>execute those who were supposed to be executed the prior year and the
>current year, and yea I know Bill your going to say like you did last
>time well that still makes for a LOT of executions no it didn't Bill.
>The simple fact is the murders and killers, kill a LOT more than any
>state does. But lets not let facts get in the way of emotional
>arguments. Of course the easiest way to stop the DP is to stop people
>from killing others. Yet again people don't like to look at that, it's
>easier to attack the punishment than to attack the criminal and what
>they did and how to keep them from doing it. It's the same old merry 
>moonshine wrote:
>> Evenin' Ron,
>> I think this is something that the lawyer cooked up. The father 
>has been on t.v.
>> everyday and said nothing about this. Supposedly the kid told some 
>other relatives about
>> this but they didn't inform the parents. Nice relatives! It wasn't 
>until the lawyer
>> "confirmed"
>> it with the same caring family members that he felt he should inform 
>the jury pool of the
>> tragedy this poor child has suffered. I think they should move the 
>venue to Texas.
>> ...Mac
>Kathy E
>"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and 
>isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Re Guns, guns and more guns.

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

Makes sense.  There certainly isn't anything out there except catus, so
I guess the fly wouldn't survive to get to it's host if it tried to fly

I can see what could happen to the California economy if it did get in.

Still think that since they have these cars stopped anyway they could
also look for guns and narcotics.  But I guess they have their reasons
why they don't.  At least they do ask.  :)

> HI Sue,
> Because the fruit fly or any other pest needs the fruit/vegetable/plant
> in order to live and reproduce.  If there are no target crops between
> point A and point B then the pest will not make it to point B.  BUT, if
> someone has a target crop in a car and it is infested with something and
> they carry it to Point B where it gets into the crop in that location it
> will not take long for it to infest all of Point B's crop.
> The potato famine in Ireland was caused by a fungus brought to that
> country in ships from the US.  The fungus got into the air and was
> carried into the potato fields by the misty fog that was so prevalant in
> Ireland.
> Bill

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I put the whole story on last night.  From what I gathered today on the
news, a plain clothes cop walked in on him while he was doing his thing,
and observed this and arrested him.  He gave his real name, and the cop
didn't know who he was until he got down to the station and he told
someone.  He posted bail, and went to David Geffins home to hide until
the court date.  

> HI Kathy,
> Do you or anyone know the details about this?  From what I could see
> based only on what's been reported, he was in a public rest room (in a
> stall?) and he was alone. IMO, that's a big difference from what Pee Wee
> Herman did since ol' Pee Wee was whacking off in a movie theater.
> There must be more to this, IMO.
> Bill

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I really don't know what he was doing in there, and to tell you the
truth I'm really not all that interested.  LOL  

As far as I can see it, he was alone, and if that is how he gets his
jollies, who am I to say anything.  Now if he had of had a kid or
someone who was unwilling with him, then that would be very different.

I will agree that it isn't good for the neighborhood to have a gathering
place like that.  Especially when it could have been a kid that walked
in instead of a cop.  So I think that the cops are right in trying to
get the guys to find another, more secluded place (preferably their own
homes or a hotel room) to do whatever it is that they want to do. ;)

> HI Sue,
> LOL.I've never really known any guys hanging around public restrooms
> masturbating together, if that is what you are referring to.
> However, I HAVE heard a lot about homosexual men hanging around public
> parks and rest rooms looking to hook up with other homosexual men to
> solicit sex, usually on a pay as you come basis. 
> As Vi correctly points out, everything right now is pure conjecture.  But
> I find it very hard to believe that the cops would arrest someone for
> lewd behavior if he was alone in a public rest room masturbating.  There
> is more to this than what we know right now, IMO.
> And his top ten excuses had me ROTF.
> Bill

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Re Guns, guns and more guns.

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

Because the fruit fly or any other pest needs the fruit/vegetable/plant
in order to live and reproduce.  If there are no target crops between
point A and point B then the pest will not make it to point B.  BUT, if
someone has a target crop in a car and it is infested with something and
they carry it to Point B where it gets into the crop in that location it
will not take long for it to infest all of Point B's crop.

The potato famine in Ireland was caused by a fungus brought to that
country in ships from the US.  The fungus got into the air and was
carried into the potato fields by the misty fog that was so prevalant in


On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 20:27:58 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill:
>It's that agriculture border check.  They don't seem to be interested 
>anything other than fruits and veggies.  Drugs and guns they don't 
>Heaven help us that we would get another fruit fly or something like
>that.  Seriously, I guess that is immportant, but I can't see why the
>stupid fly couldn't just fly over the border on it's own, why would it
>need a car to transport it.  
>> HI Sue,
>> There's a border check going from Arizona into California??  I 
>> I never realized that.
>> But now that you mention it, I DO remember a trip to California when 
>> was 18 where we were stopped somewhere and questioned about plants,
>> fruits and vegetables we had in the car.  I guess it makes sense 
>when you
>> consider the damage that could be done if some disease were to be
>> unleashed on the crops there in California.
>> But it still seems obvious that bringing guns into California is not 
>> major task.
>> Bill
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>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Women and Crime

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi :)

I remember the case you brought up, I think what one should also
consider with that case is the background. Yes it is a sad custom in
Japan, if a women is shamed as she was that the women will sometimes
take extreme actions and kill her children than herself. The problem
with that lady trying to do it, is she did toss her kids off the bridge,
they died. She didn't, the biggest problem she had in her trial was, it
was shown she had been living in the U.S. and following our customs and
such, and had pretty much given up the customs of her home country. I do
think it was a rather good try on the defense's part, yet her own
actions worked against her.

I have yet to see children on death row, I find that is a argument based
on emotion and not fact, I do see killers on death row, and I also see
women who kill just like men on death row as they should be. I do not
assume automatically a female kills in self defense and men kill just
because they want to, in reality every person who does kill has a reason
why they did it, yet if we get down to the bare bones of the matter,
they did not have the right to kill another unless it was in the act of
self defense, to protect themselves or loved ones.

I find the DP laws very rigid also, but not as your saying, I see it's
very hard to get the DP, and if you do get it, you usually worked to get

I do understand your reasoning and stance yet I don't think this is
something you or I will ever come to an agreement on, but I did
appreciate the dialect we had :)

Viola Provenzano wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
> Hi Kathy,
> Sorry I inadvertently changed the subject line.
> There are exceptions to all rules, and , no, I do not think women should
> receive lighter sentences for abusing or killing children than men.  Each
> case should be judged on its merits and the penalty "customized" to fit
> the situation and crime.  So often women's darker crimes are based on
> survival, burn out or trying to please men,  And there are some crimes
> the law is ill equipped to handle, such as the case of the young Asiatic
> wife betrayed by an adulterous and rejecting husband who in her torment
> and in compliance with her own customs, took their children into the
> ocean and drowned them.  (This tragedy happened a few years ago in LA).
> Death penalty laws are too rigid and all encompassing at present.
> I maintain the day we end up with death rows of women and children
> awaiting execution will be a sorry day indeed.
> Vi
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 04:50:44 -0500 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>William J. Foristal wrote:
>> Hi Doc,
>> I think it's a bit much myself.  Who cares?  It DOES seem strange 
>> he'd be doing this in a public area.  Makes me wonder if there might 
>> more to it.  Like solicitation or something.
>> Bill
>I bet I know.  Does "would you like to kiss this for me"  sound
>familar as he barred the police officer's exit from the restroom ??
>jackief--I know I will be nice--tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
Hi Jackie,

ROTF.if Susan Carpenter McMillan shows up as a spokesperson for one
of the cops we'll know for sure. :)


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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Vi,

Of course it's all speculation.  All we know is the scant details
reported so far.  He could have been performing a vasectomy on himself. 
He could have been checking for melanoma.  To read anything like him
being high on coke or heroin at the time and flashed as a message of
contempt for the police is pure conjecture at this time also. 


On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 00:56:38 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
>Hi Bill,  George Michael may hav e been "high"on coke or heroin at the 
>time, and "flashed" as a message of contempt for the police.  To read 
>anything like
>solicitation into his act is pure conjecture at this time.  He could 
>have been following the call of nature,  which act was misundrtstood 
>the police.  
>You wrote:
>Hi Doc,
>>I think it's a bit much myself.  Who cares?  It DOES seem strange 
>>he'd be doing this in a public area.  Makes me wonder if there might 
>>more to it.  Like solicitation or something. > >Bill  
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Re: L&I Noe Investigation

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:  Yes you called it right down the line.

All the other story transcripts from that show are on there (eggs,
school buses, etc) but not that one.  I sent an email to them asking for
it, maybe they will send me one.  I hope.

If this thing goes to trial, and I hope it does, IMO it will really be
interesting.  She had 10 kids in all, one died a couple of hours after
birth from a blood disorder, another was still born, but all the rest
died at home.  She was even quoted as telling someone that she couldn't
stand the crying and would kill the baby if it didn't quit.  The baby
later was found dead.  She was the one who found all the babies dead,
but one, that one the father found.

The father still can't talk about it, he gets very emotional.  She shows
absolutely no emotion, when talking about them.  It really is something.

I hope that I can get those transcripts.

> HAH! I was right! Suffocation by dear mom! Of course it wasn't that hard
> to figure out since most of the mothers killed their babies by
> suffocation back then.
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Kathy,

Do you or anyone know the details about this?  From what I could see
based only on what's been reported, he was in a public rest room (in a
stall?) and he was alone. IMO, that's a big difference from what Pee Wee
Herman did since ol' Pee Wee was whacking off in a movie theater.

There must be more to this, IMO.


On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 02:26:13 -0400 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Well Doc it sounds to me like he was doing what Pee Wee Herman did,
>masturbating in public, and I do think the law says it's considered 
>to do that in public.
>DocCec wrote:
>> What on earth can one do alone in the john that is "lewd" enough to 
>> arrest in LA?  And why were they snooping around anyway -- it's not 
>like he
>> was propositioning someone or something.  Sheesh!
>> Doc
>Kathy E
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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

LOL.I've never really known any guys hanging around public restrooms
masturbating together, if that is what you are referring to.

However, I HAVE heard a lot about homosexual men hanging around public
parks and rest rooms looking to hook up with other homosexual men to
solicit sex, usually on a pay as you come basis. 

As Vi correctly points out, everything right now is pure conjecture.  But
I find it very hard to believe that the cops would arrest someone for
lewd behavior if he was alone in a public rest room masturbating.  There
is more to this than what we know right now, IMO.

And his top ten excuses had me ROTF.


On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 20:02:21 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill:
>What happened is that there is a park in LA where guys hang around in
>the restroom doing what guys do when they hang around in the restrooms
>together. (trying to be nice)  And there have been complaints from the
>neighbors.  The cops went under cover and caught George Michael in the
>restroom doing whatever it was that he was doing.
>Actually that night they caught three other guys too, but none of them
>were famous so therefore they weren't in the news.

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L&I The Starr Witness

1998-04-09 Thread hallinan


Imagine Starr finds the smoking gun in the Whitewater swindle.

I can just picture it all now.  The star witness (no pun intended) is
revealed for the first time to be a 55-year-old accountant who found
the line in the ledgers where the President cheated.  The flashbulbs
are popping as Joe Snuffle shows the photographers the pencil he used
to mark the line.  Women mob him for autographs.  Men are jealous.
They start reading accounting books so they can throw around words
like debit to make themselves exciting on a date.  Sidney Blumenthal
tells reporters off-the-record he heard Joe wet the bed until he was
ten.  Robert Bennett tells the reporters that the Clintons donated all
the money to the Salvation Army along with Bill's used underwear if
they took it.  James Carvill tells Sam Donaldson Joe lives in a
trailer court and wears a toupee.  Cokie Roberts is shocked that this
was not revealed. People begin to question the motives of any
accountant with a toupee.  Why would he wear one except to entice
women?  Police begin to check lists of known sex offenders.   Arlen
Specter announces that there will be no hearings unless Mr. Snuffle
can prove he didn't write the entry in the ledger.  Accountants begin
to say that any accountant can make an entry in the ledger and they
don't want to be associated with fraud.  After he loses his job, Joe
Snuffle asks the Jones if he can sleep in their old Mercedes since the
kids sleep on the couch.  Starr asks Pepperdine if they still want
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Johnson: Tuesday summary/Closing arguments

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I agree with both of you, I expect a conviction on this case.

moonshine wrote:
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DocCec wrote:
> > DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > In a message dated 98-04-07 22:46:05 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << "People like Suzanne Johnson do not kill," Carlos said repeatedly.
> >  "People like Suzanne Johnson nurture life...The state's case is based on
> >  a need to blame someone for Jasmine Miller's death. And who do they
> >  blame? The last person to hold the baby, my client, Suzanne Johnson."
> >   >>
> >
> > Frankly I think this is a weak argument.  People like (whatever) do,
> > unfortunately, sometimes do things that seem out of character.  That's not to
> > say she did what she is accused of doing, just that the argument is weak.
> > Doc
> Mornin',   I agree. I thought the whoe defense case was weak and Carlos was in over 
> head.
> ...Mac
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Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Uh-oh... and oops!

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HIya Kaysie!!!

LMAO at this one.  Ooops is right.  Sort of like the defendant who, when
a witness identified him as the perp, blurted out he's lying I was
wearing a mask! :)

How's things in Gahjuhh?


On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 10:13:35 -0400 Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence 
>guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense's closing statement the
>lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted 
>to a
>"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all," the
>lawyer said as he looked at his watch. "Within one minute, the person
>presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom." 
>He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all
>looked on eagerly. A minute passed. Nothing happened. Finally the 
>said, "Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked 
>with anticipation. I therefore put to you that you have a reasonable 
>in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you 
>return a
>verdict of not guilty." 
>The jury, clearly confused, retired to deliberate. A few minutes 
>later, the
>jury returned and pronounced a verdict of guilty. 
>"But how?" inquired the lawyer. "You must have had some doubt; I saw 
>all of
>you stare at the door." 
>The jury foreman replied: "Oh, we did look, but your client didn't."
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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Hi Mac,
> >It seems like there is more than meets the eye and when you look at as a
> whole >there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations. This makes me
> suspicious >of the accuser and of the story they have to sell/tell.
> Do you see your problem?

No, enlighten me if you can.

> >> Clinton himself remains remarkably silent while
> >> his henchmen make the crudest imaginable attacks on those on the White House
> >> enemies list.
> >Most likely on the advice of his lawyers and common sense.
> Yup.  :-}
> >It seems to me that Paula Jones kept silent also and had a plattoon of
> >spokespersons and lawyers doing her attacking.
> >Double standard, Terry!
> Paula Jones told her story, Mac.  We are still waiting for Clinton's lawyers
> to let him use his - ummm - good sense.  Who has a double standard?

PJ has told many stories and her complaint took on a life of its own. There is onlyone
truth and there is no need to change it. The president denied these allegations
and IMO is listening to good advice. His adversaries have done him more good than harm.
They have tried to use sex as a weapon and have failed in the eyes of the people.
So far the double standard still lies with you.

> >> Nixon, after all this time, has been exposed as a crude
> >> amateur compared to the current occupant of the White House.
> >
> >I think Nixon was a pro and hardly crude.
> There were a lot expletives deleted as I recall.

What are you referring to?...Mac

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Re: L&I Nixon beat his wife

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 12:09:37 -0400 moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>William J. Foristal wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>> HI Mac,
>> LOL...glad it's not just me who sees this blatant double standard 
>> applied.  It seems that some would welcome the return of the Gestapo
>> tactics in this country.  That kind of attitude reminds me of the 
>> of the poor blacks in the south in the 60's.  All it took was for 
>> white woman to claim she had been raped or touched by a black man 
>> people would come out of the woodwork to simply accept the 
>allegation as
>> fact and rant and rave for a lynching.  Evidence?  Proof?  No need 
>> that. THOSE people were convinced that THEY knew the truth.
>> Bill
>Afternoon Bill,
>   Did you happen to catch Geraldo last night? He aired some old 
>allegations against
>Dick Armey regarding his behavior and female students when he taught 
>some courses. The
>reaction by the Clinton bashers was hypocritical to say the least.
>   If one doesn't know that this is purely political has their head up 
>the elephant's ass.

Hi Mac,

Of course it's political.  I bet the Clinton bashers aren't going to
assume that Armey was guilty of anything just because he's being accused
of it.   


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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 16:24:54 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>Hi Mac,
>>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Ronald Helm wrote:
>>> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> >ASSAULT? I didn't know you were a witness to any assault! Strong 
>words from
>>> a weak mind.
>>> Watch it Mac.  Where is Ed when we need him :-)  Are you going to 
>take that
>>> from Mac, Terry?   Ron
>>Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down 
>hurtin' jackie put
>>on him.
>Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected 
>wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.
>Best, Terry 
>"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

ROTF..if you respected that opinion on all the groups you participate
then you'd probably sell your computer and buy a Game Boy. 
LMAO..I've been surfing through some of the news groups on the web. 
Wow, you ARE a glutton for punishment.  


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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 10:51:18 -0700 "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>ASSAULT? I didn't know you were a witness to any assault! Strong 
>words from
>a weak mind.
>Watch it Mac.  Where is Ed when we need him :-)  Are you going to take 
>from Mac, Terry?   Ron

Hi Ron,

As Deputy to the sheriff I took immediate action in Ed's absence.  Of
course, I will file my final report to Ed as always.  I challenged Mac
about his statement and was about to ax him when, son of a gun, he
presented me with irrefutable evidence that his statement was true and
defendable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Case dismissed.  LOL!


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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> >
> >Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down from
> hurtin' jackie put
> >on him.
> >...Mac
> Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected her
> wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.

I wonder whyMac


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L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread Steve Wright
Title: Yahoo! - News : George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct'


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Earlier Story: 
Police Find Body 
In Search For Kirsty (PA) 

Wednesday April 8, 8:43 PM GMT

George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct'Millionaire singer George 
Michael has been arrested in a public park in Los Angeles for "lewd 
The star was detained after he was spotted by an undercover officer 
committing the alleged offence in a public toilet in a memorial park in Beverly 
Hills on Tuesday evening.
Police later confirmed that the man they arrested was the internationally 
famous singer.
The British star, who has enjoyed a 15-year music career, was booked for lewd 
conduct and released after posting 500 dollars bail. He is scheduled to appear 
in court on May 5.
Lieutenant Edward Kreins told a news conference the singer was arrested in 
the Will Rogers Memorial Park, in Beverly Hills, by undercover officers from the 
crime suppression unit.
They had been on a routine patrol in the family park when they allegedly saw 
Michael engaging in "a lewd act", he added, confirming that the singer 
was alone at the time of his arrest.
Michael at first gave police his real name, Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, and 
then supplied his stage name when asked if he used any other names. At the 
police station he described his occupation as "singer".
An assistant of Michael's agent, Connie Filippello, told PA News: "We 
have no comment to make." Michael shot to fame in the 1980s as one half of 
the duo Wham! with Andrew Ridgeley before leaving to pursue a highly successful 
solo career. 

Related Stories 

Michael 'Arrested For Lewd Conduct' In La Park - Wednesday April 
8, 5:13 PM 
Michael' Arrested In Park - Wednesday April 8, 2:58 PM 
Star George Michael 'Arrested' - Wednesday April 8, 2:38 


Earlier Story: 
Police Find Body 
In Search For Kirsty (PA) 

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Re: L&I Nixon beat his wife

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

Terry is wrong again.  That guy who wrote the article for Spectator
magazine that first mentioned a woman named "Paula" gave a very sincere
apology to Clinton and to the public because he fell for the right wing
conspirators' line of bull and helped them in a planned attack to destroy
Clinton.  So some journalists DO apologize.


On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 12:22:26 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Terry:
>I have not heard of any journalists apologize for anything that they
>have said, but I have heard a lot of journalists lately say that 
>they are going too far especially on the Clinton matters.  I have 
>a few in fact state that they have been getting a lot of response from
>the public and should back down on this story.  So maybe the whole 
>lies with what the public will and will not accept from these
>journalists, not with the journalists alone.
>This is especially true in the reporting of stories from "sources".  
>fact Nightline did a whole segment on "sources" and who they are, 
>to calm this matter down.
>If you look at the amount of news stories that are coming out now
>(regarding Clinton), and what was coming out I think you will see 
>is a lot less of it, and not all of it is because the story is old, 
>The public is what rules what the reporters, etc will and will not put
>out there.  As long as we are willing to read it, and keep asking for
>more they are going to go after it.  That became quite evident in the
>Simpson case.  The public wouldn't stand for autopsy photos of Nicole
>being published, but wanted that trial in all of it's glory every day. 
>And we got both.  The paper with the autopsy photos were taken out of
>the stores, and the trial was on every channel 24 hours a day almost.  
>don't blame reputable journalists for reporting what the public wants,
>and I don't blame them for bringing in people or evidence that they 
>that the public wants.  It is up to us to tell them what we will and
>will not pay for.
>I didn't know that Ms. Bowman tried to commit suicide.  But I can see
>where something like what she went through could cause a person to do
>this sort of thing.  I blame that more on the attorney's that
>represented Smith than the reporters though.  The reporters had to 
>gotten their information from someone.  Knowing what Bailey did now in
>the Simpson case (leaking information to the New Yorker about Fuhrman)
>and how Black handled the Albert case, it leaves room to speculate, if
>nothing else.
>Legit reporters are going to go after anything that they feel the 
>wants, but if the public doesn't want it they aren't going to be
>interested.  They want to sell papers, and aren't going to waste their
>time on things that won't sell them.
>I don't know enough about Lizzie Borden to say anything about that 
>just that she was found innocent of her parents deaths, and died a
>recluse because the public felt otherwise.  Sort of like another story
>that was going on not too long ago. 
>The book about Nixon, could very well be true, and then again not. 
>Obviously it wasn't something that was well known, if at all, up until
>now, so how can it be proven that he did such a thing.  Patricia isn't
>alive to say one way or the other.  As for helping battered women, how
>can that be.  I doubt that this book was written to help battered 
>I am not defending Nixon.  My family had some personal dealings with
>this man, and he was everything that his reputation said he was, and a
>few others.  I did not like him, and still don't.  He was a crook, 
>There are so many rumors about Kennedy that it will never be known 
>is true and was isn't.  I have read some books that were written about
>the whole family and it certainly isn't any secret that everyone of 
>men in that family have sexual problems, and most drinking problems. 
>But whether he was sleeping with the maid at the time he was suppose 
>be taking care of the country is something that will never really be
>How do we know that Kennedy asked the mob to make a hit on Castro?  
>is another story that there is no proof of.  I doubt that the mob 
>tell anyone, although maybe one of the hit guys did, I dunno.  But it
>still is an unfounded story.
>I do have a question about the war and Kennedy.  Kennedy was killed in
>Nov of 1963, the first ground troops were sent into Nam in early 1965. 
>That is almost 2 years after Kennedy died.  My question is this,
>wouldn't it have been Johnson who was responsible for this, not
>Kennedy.  Just wondering. 
>I guess what it comes down to is that we the public build these guys 
>and trust them enough to run the country, and then take great pride in
>seeing them torn down.  Unfortunately it looks like in most cases it 

Re: L&I Starr report under way

1998-04-09 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Ron,

LOL...all of this is old news and does not seem to contain any smoking
gun.  If the REPUBLICANS are distancing themselves from Starr and his
witch hunt, surely you don't think there is much of a chance for an
impeachment do you?

BTW, those billing records that were misplaced and suddenly found in the
White House?  Well guess what.  They found duplicates of them in Vince
Foster's old papers in the attic of his house.  And guess what again? 
They were IDENTICAL to the ones found in the White House.  Ooops, another
dead end.

Newsweek says it best this week on their cover.  It's time for Starr to
put up or shut up.

But I continue to LMAO when I think of all the glee and reverie shown by
several people on these lists when the Supreme Court over ruled Judge
Wright's order that the civil suit be postponed until after Clinton
leaves office.  And when the Lewinsky thing went public there was more
dancing in the streets and on the lists with some morons predicting that
Clinton would resign by the end of the week.  You guys must feel like the
Chicago Cubs of political discussions.  ROTF!


On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 11:12:52 -0700 "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Sure Bill, the case is closed, Clinton has been vindicated, this was 
>all a
>vast right wing conspiracy.  It is Clinton that has allegedly been 
>doing all
>these things, not Starr.  Bennett may be a "good lawyer" (oxymoron if 
>there was one), but he has a bad client.   Ron
>Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
>>Newspaper: Starr Report on Clinton Under Way
>>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Independent counsel Kenneth Starr's 
>>have already written large parts of their report to the House of
>>Representatives on potentially impeachable alleged offenses by 
>>Clinton involving former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, The
>>Washington Post reported in its Wednesday editions.
>>The Post, citing sources close to the investigation, said the
>>"potentially impeachable offenses" being written up by Starr's office
>>may also include "material related to Clinton's sworn testimony about
>>Arkansas financial dealings."
>>Starr has been investigating whether Clinton perjured himself or 
>>to obstruct justice in the now-dismissed Paula Jones sexual 
>>case regarding an alleged sexual relationship with Lewinsky.
>>Starr's first focus was a failed real estate deal known as Whitewater
>>undertaken by Clinton and his wife Hillary when he was governor of
>>Arkansas in the 1980s.
>>"Starr and his legal staff have -- for the first time in their 
>>investigation of the president -- assembled evidence that they 
>>requires a report to the House of Representatives," the paper said.
>>The statute creating the independent counsel mandates that such a 
>>be made whenever prosecutors find "any substantial and credible
>>information ... that may constitute grounds for impeachment."
>>Clinton has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing in the Whitewater real
>>estate tangle and denied any effort to influence Lewinsky's testimony 
>>the Jones case, which a federal judge threw out a week ago as 
>>of a jury trial.
>>A White House spokesman, Joe Lockhart, declined comment on the Post
>>report, which cited sources as saying Starr's goal was to finish his
>>report on the Lewinsky matter and submit it to the House by the end 
>>next month.
>>The independent counsel's report on Whitewater could take months 
>>to put together, the Post reported. It said that report would go to 
>>federal judges who appointed Starr and would not raise impeachment
>>issues. Any new indictments by Starr could delay both reports, the 
>>Separately, the Post reported that Starr was looking into the failure 
>>Clinton and his attorneys to turn over correspondence from former 
>>House volunteer Kathleen Willey when directed to by lawyers for 
>>In a new angle to his investigation of whether Clinton committed 
>>or obstructed justice in the Jones case, Starr Monday subpoenaed her
>>Dallas law firm, seeking a "critical" document relating to Clinton's
>>withholding of the Willey letters in January.
>>Two months later, the White House made the letters public to undercut
>>Willey's televised allegation, denied by Clinton, that he made an
>>unwelcome sexual advance.
>>Several areas of Starr's investigation of Clinton appear to be
>>concluding without charges, the paper said, including:
>>-- the search of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster's office 
>>his July 1993 suicide.
>>-- the aftermath of 1993 firings in the White House travel office.
>>-- the mysterious discovery of Hillary Clinton's long-sought Rose Law
>>firm billing records detailing her work 

L&I Armey's Army

1998-04-09 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >   If one doesn't know that this is purely political has their head up
> >the elephant's ass.
> >
> Hi Mac,
> Of course it's political.  I bet the Clinton bashers aren't going to
> assume that Armey was guilty of anything just because he's being accused
> of it.
> Bill

Afternoon Bill,
   That was one of the points that I took from it also the fact that maybe he should
keep his mouth shut before he puts his other foot in.

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Re: L&I Johnson: Tuesday summary/Closing arguments

1998-04-09 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I agree with both of you, I expect a conviction on this case.
>moonshine wrote:

I predict a hung jury in this case, but it depends on the racial makeup of
the jury which I have never heard.  Not a big deal was made of it during the
trial, but the defendant is white and the victim was Black, and someone on
Court TV stated that this was the first Black child in that day care.
Johnny Cochran, the biggest racist of all, will be analyzing this case
tonight on his Court TV show.  I bet you anything he knows that Johnson did
it :-).  Ron

Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.

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Re: L&I Re: Reply from Iacono on the polygraph survey

1998-04-09 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jeez, Bill

You will turn my head!!  I just was so excited about all the stuff I got in
the mail yesterday I wanted to share it with you all.  Even though my week
started out pretty awful, the last two days have made up for it.  Good stuff
in the mail yesterday and our trip to watch the state supreme court hearing
oral arguments today.  Made up for Monday's Psychology test nightmare.


William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> HI Jackie,
> Wow, what a wealth of information you've included in this post.  Thanks
> for posting it!  I wonder if the Supreme Court had any of that
> information when they refused to prohibit the banning of lie detector
> results in court.  This is a classic example of needing to get ALL the
> information available before coming to a knee jerk opinion of the overall
> validity of lie detector tests with respect to determining whether a
> subject is telling the truth.
> My only comment about your numbers concerning those on death row is that
> it seems to prove the DP is not a deterrent to others.  If it were, then
> the numbers of people on death row should decrease instead of increase.
> Once again, you've become the star of the day on the law list. :)
> Bill
> On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 19:50:29 -0500 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Bill
> >
> >Just received the journal article written by Iacono and Lykken from
> >the APA.
> >Pretty interesting stuff for those interested in the polygraph
> >controversy
> >and interested in whether the methodology was flawed.  One interesting
> >thing
> >I found is that they had put their survey together based on the
> >recommendations of Dillman and his colleagues.   Dillman is "the
> >expert" in
> >survey construction, especially main surveys.  I spent many agonizing
> >hours
> >over his material--every research class I had included Dillman.
> >Iacono and
> >Lykken covered everything that could be covered, IMO--the respondents'
> >appraisal of the validity of the CGT  polygraph being administered
> >under
> >adversarial conditions by the police vrs being administered through a
> >defense
> >attorney, as an example.
> >
> >The other very interesting thing is the response rates of the Gallup
> >Poll,
> >The Amato survey, and this survey.  The Gallup Organization did not
> >provide
> >information on the response rate to their survey and was conducted in
> >1984;
> >the Amato survey had a response rate of only 30% and Iacono & Lykken
> >had a
> >response rate of 91% of the 214 deliverable surveys to
> >psychophysiologists
> >and of the 226 deliverable surveys of APA Fellows there was a 74%
> >retured
> >usuable questionaires.  The original number of surveys to SPR were
> >216--2
> >returned as nondeliverable.  For APA Fellows, 249 were mailed--9 were
> >nondeliverable, and 14 were either now deceased or unable to respond
> >for
> >health reason.  They violated radnomness to the extent of excluding
> >from the
> >SPR sample themselves, member of their department, and Raskin, et al.
> >For
> >APA, the only ones excluded were from their department.  Nothing
> >unethical
> >in this exclusion that I can think of.
> >
> >Also received in the mail (guess it was my lucky day) the latest
> >Bureau of
> >Justice Bulleting on Capital Punishment in 1996.  I was surprised to
> >learn
> >that at yearend, 1996, there were 3,219 prisoners under sentence of
> >death--5%
> >more than at yearend 1995.  Yep, Sue, California had the largest
> >number
> >(454).  There were 48 women under sentence of death in 1996.  Among
> >persons
> >(data available), average age at time of arrest was 28  On Dec. 31,
> >1996, 70%
> >were age 25 to 44, the youngest was 17 (1); the oldest, 81.  From 1977
> >to
> >1996, there have been 5,154 persons entering prison under sentence of
> >death.
> >During these years, 358 have been executed, and 1,957 were removed
> >from under
> >a death sentence by appellate court decisions and reviews,
> >commutations, or
> >death.  More than you ever wanted to know about capital punishment
> >prisoners
> >and hadn't asked. : )
> >
> >jackief
> >
> >.
> >
> >
> >
> >William J. Foristal wrote:
> >
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> >>
> >> On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 15:43:40 -0500 Jackie Fellows
> >> writes:
> >> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Hi Bill
> >> >
> >> >I don't think anyone was discounting the polygraph if used under
> >> >strict
> >> >procedures and with the knowledge that many other extraneous things
> >> >can
> >> >affect the readings.  However, putting blind faith into these
> >things
> >> >is not
> >> >"my cup of tea" simply because there is still too much controversy
> >> >about
> >> >them.  Honts, even although implicitly, verified that in he
> >realized
> >> >as a lie
> >> >detector he needed more educat

Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread hallinan


Hi Mac,

>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> Hi Mac,
>> >It seems like there is more than meets the eye and when you look at as a
>> whole >there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations. This makes me
>> suspicious >of the accuser and of the story they have to sell/tell.
>> Do you see your problem?
>No, enlighten me if you can.

I don't ordinarily go back to old posts to show something but you edited out
what is most material and you asked.  This was the critical portion:


>I have steadfastly reserved judgement until the facts come in.

And skipping on down:

>It seems like there is more than meets the eye and when you look at as a
whole >there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations. This makes me
suspicious >of the accuser and of the story they have to sell/tell.

Do you see your problem?


You said, like others, you are "reserving judgment" and then you turn around
and say "there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations."  You have
obviously bought the line about the famous vast rightwing conspiracy.  Kind
of like giving the lying bitches a fair trial before hanging them.  Your
objectivity is very dubious IMO.

>PJ has told many stories

Paula Jones has told one story.  The efforts to find discrepancies are
laughable, e.g. how far did Clinton run his hand up her leg?, was it the
crotch or pelvic area?, why didn't she describe a certain deformity in
Clinton's anatomy to her first lawyer?  Her story may, in fact, have been
massaged to have Clinton blocking her way in leaving but her very first
affidavit is little different from any story she has ever told.

>and her complaint took on a life of its own.

?  Her complaint has remained the same and quite consistent.

>There is onlyone truth and there is no need to change it. The president
denied >these allegations

Now there is a person who has told varying stories even when answering
briefly. He can't remember but he can remember he didn't do it.  His stories
have wandered all over the lot.  His story about Gennifer Flowers is the
funniest.  He would never have been nominated without his steadfast denial
about ever having an affair with Gennifer.  She was the "woman he never
slept with" during the campaign.  Then he admitted under oath one time
bedding her but now the latest spin is that he really didn't, it was just
one of those awful things that
the lawyers included as sex acts.  Nailing this piece of jello to the wall
is not easy.
>and IMO is listening to good advice. His adversaries have done him more
good >than harm.


Those Lewinsky tapes are going to put him right up there with Howard Stern.

>They have tried to use sex as a weapon and have failed in the eyes of the
>people.  So far the double standard still lies with you.

I have no double standard.  I don't think women should be molested.  Period.
Adultery?  I don't condone it but I leave it to the people involved.  I am
against covering up crime.  Where is your double standard.  What the hell
are your standards?

>> >> Nixon, after all this time, has been exposed as a crude
>> >> amateur compared to the current occupant of the White House.
>> >
>> >I think Nixon was a pro and hardly crude.
>> There were a lot expletives deleted as I recall.
>What are you referring to?...Mac

The "pro" Nixon taped himself committing crimes and showed himself to be a
boorish, foulmouthed idiot.  The tapes were unfit for family audiences.
Surely you must remember the numerous expletives deleted.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Steve:

They still haven't said what he was doing, but they did say it was
definately lewd.  And that he was alone.  It was also a misdomenor and
all that he could get out of it is at the very most a thousand dollar
fine, and/or a year in jail.

> George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct'
> Millionaire singer George Michael has been arrested in a public park
> in Los Angeles for "lewd conduct".
> The star was detained after he was spotted by an undercover officer
> committing the alleged offence in a public toilet in a memorial park
> in Beverly Hills on Tuesday evening.
> Police later confirmed that the man they arrested was the
> internationally famous singer.
> The British star, who has enjoyed a 15-year music career, was booked
> for lewd conduct and released after posting 500 dollars bail. He is
> scheduled to appear in court on May 5.
> Lieutenant Edward Kreins told a news conference the singer was
> arrested in the Will Rogers Memorial Park, in Beverly Hills, by
> undercover officers from the crime suppression unit.
> They had been on a routine patrol in the family park when they
> allegedly saw Michael engaging in "a lewd act", he added, confirming
> that the singer was alone at the time of his arrest.
> Michael at first gave police his real name, Georgios Kyriacos
> Panayiotou, and then supplied his stage name when asked if he used any
> other names. At the police station he described his occupation as
> "singer".
> An assistant of Michael's agent, Connie Filippello, told PA News: "We
> have no comment to make." Michael shot to fame in the 1980s as one
> half of the duo Wham! with Andrew Ridgeley before leaving to pursue a
> highly successful solo career.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Re: Mitchell Johnson--victim of sexual abuse

1998-04-09 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DocCec wrote:

> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-04-07 21:32:22 EDT, you write:
> << The case under appeal is a hearing on Miranda rights.  The state is
>  wanting the lower court's decision to suppress the confession because
>  Miranda rights weren't given at the beginning of the interview with the
>  suspect, but about 15 minutes into the videotaped interview >>
> Be sure to let us know the outcome of that one, jackief.
> Doc

Hi Doc

I can hardly wait to hear the decision they make.  It is under advisement
now.  It was a great experience.  I was really glad I had my students go,
and most of them appeared to really be impressed and excited about hearing a
real case.  I think when we meet again there will be lots of discussion.  It
was a sociologist's dream though above and beyond the cj aspect of it.  The
communication styles of the women justices compared to the men justices was
great to watch, especially as they didn't know they were being watched.
Alan Paige, a pro football player that really did something after retiring
from the Vikings, is one of the justices.  The questioning was interesting.
I think they will uphold the lower courts on this one.  I sort of chuckled
when one justice asked the lawyer for the state, if there was a way that the
police were able to turn a switch on and off to determine when the victim
was being asked questions as a potential victim/witness and a suspect.  This
was a real bonus for the students and for me.


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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: L&I Nixon beat his wife

1998-04-09 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I forgot about that guy.  You are right one of them did apologize.  He
was even on television defending his apology.  Go figure.


> Hi Sue,
> Terry is wrong again.  That guy who wrote the article for Spectator
> magazine that first mentioned a woman named "Paula" gave a very sincere
> apology to Clinton and to the public because he fell for the right wing
> conspirators' line of bull and helped them in a planned attack to destroy
> Clinton.  So some journalists DO apologize.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>They still haven't said what he was doing, but they did say it was
>definately lewd.  And that he was alone.  It was also a misdomenor and
>all that he could get out of it is at the very most a thousand dollar
>fine, and/or a year in jail.

Lewd conduct and he was alone.  Use your collective imaginations folks, one
way or another he was exposing his unit :-)   Ron

Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread hallinan


Hi Mac,

>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> >Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down from
>> hurtin' jackie put
>> >on him.
>> >...Mac
>> Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected her
>> wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.
>I wonder whyMac

Because she couldn't stand having her faith questioned.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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L&I COTD: Wise, Martha Hasel

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Born in 1885, by age 40 Martha Wise was an impoverished widow, living
alone on a farm near Medina, Ohio. She fell in love with Walter Johns, a
man much younger than herself, but members of her family were blunt in
their denunciation of the May-October romance, heaping ridicule on
Martha for her "cradle-robbing." Furious at her mother's nagging, Martha
poisoned the old lady on New Year's Day 1925, waiting a month before she
silenced her uncle and aunt, Fred and Lily Geinke, with a double dose of
arsenic. Her efforts to annihilate the Geinke family in a single stroke
were futile, other members of the clan recovering from grievous illness
after several days and taking their suspicions to the local prosecutor.

Under questioning, Martha confessed the three murders, but said, "It was
the devil who told me to do it. He came to me while I was in the kitchen
baking bread. He came to me while I was working in the fields. He
followed me everywhere." She also cleared the books on other felonies,
with her confessing to a string of burglaries and arson incidents. "I
like fires," she explained. "They were red and bright, and I loved to
see the flames shooting up into the sky."

At Martha's trial, sensational reports described her as the "Borgia of 
America." She pled insanity, and Walter Johns helped out with testimony
that Martha had "barked like a dog" during sex, but jurors found her
sane and guilty of first-degree murder. Sentenced to life imprisonment,
she subsequently died in jail.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Joe Six-Pack

1998-04-09 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Ron,

You, a ohysician , "Joe Six-pack"?   I don't think so!  Clit was talking
about a blue-collar guy.  :)

You wrote:

 I don't
know about the rest of you, but this a pretty demeaning comment about the
people that elected him, and I for one am insulted.   Ron

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Sorry to disappoint you--I said I did not want to discuss something with someone
who only negates, rather than examines and critique everything that does not fit
within that person's version of what is accurate.  When you have an opinion that
can be backed with something, be my guest.  But, so far this is what you have
offered in rebuttal of the polygraph info I posted and info that others have posted

1..An amicus brief written by Hont's, a person with a vested interest in having the
polygraph admitted (see his vita and his advertisement for professional consultancy
in regard to the polygraph).  He says the Iacono & Lykken survey  had flaws (not
that it was fraudulent like you posted).  If you like I can post the flaws that
were listed in the article concerning the over 10 year old survey conducted by the
Gallup organization that did not even provide their response rate and the Amato
survey with a mere 30% return rate that Honts relies on.  Citing flaws in others
work are SOP in the field.  That doesn't make the other scientist commit fraud as
you imply.

2.  Your absurd statement about Thomas being a perjuror because you have a
constitutional right to call him one, but then I think he might have the
constitutional right to sue you for statements like that said in the wrong context
that have no evidence to support your assertion.

Next came your evidence about the death penalty and killing children.

1.  An execution from the 40's.  And something about since the 1970's, how many
children were executed??  I just posted the number of children (1 person--aged 17)
as of yearend 1996.  And the individual was 17 at the time of arrest.  In today's
society, I hardly think a 17 year old is really much of  a child.

And then we have your evidence of why Judge Wright was biased.   You cite a case
against a politician that has only one similarity to the case brought against
Clinton--they both happened to be Democrats.  In the case you cite , the woman was
wearing a tape recorder (what every well-dressed job applicant wears on a job
interview--in fact, they are so common now I am surprised that one of the working
women's magazines haven't published an article "101 fashionable ways to wear your
tape recorder on your next job interview."

And everytime in these cases that someone posted a contrary view, your response was
that they didn't have it correct and any opposing evidence you simply dismissed as
fradulent, not creditable, or said because the person was a Clintonite, or part of
a dubious science (I still laugh at that one--the scientist you used for your
polygraph argument happens to teach psychology and is an experimental

Terry, it would be great if just once you acknowledged that others on this list
have some knowledge and that you may not be the only expert in a particular field
or another.  There are very informed people on this list who enjoy exercising their
minds by engaging in controversaries over lots of stuff, but most of us on the list
bow to the person that has either spent a lot of time looking into a topic or are
involved in that field and do know something the rest of us don't.  I wouldn't
think of conducting a gyn exam over the internet, but I know an individual on here
that can, and is expert at it so I bow to that person's expertise when it comes to
those kind of topics.



> Hi Mac,
> >moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Ronald Helm wrote:
> >
> >> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> >ASSAULT? I didn't know you were a witness to any assault! Strong words from
> >> a weak mind.
> >>
> >> Watch it Mac.  Where is Ed when we need him :-)  Are you going to take that
> >> from Mac, Terry?   Ron
> >
> >Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down from
> hurtin' jackie put
> >on him.
> >...Mac
> Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected her
> wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.
> Best, Terry
> "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 16:24:54 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Mac,
> >
> >>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >>Ronald Helm wrote:
> >>
> >>> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>
> >>> >ASSAULT? I didn't know you were a witness to any assault! Strong
> >words from
> >>> a weak mind.
> >>>
> >>> Watch it Mac.  Where is Ed when we need him :-)  Are you going to
> >take that
> >>> from Mac, Terry?   Ron
> >>
> >>Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down
> >from
> >hurtin' jackie put
> >>on him.
> >>...Mac
> >
> >Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected
> >her
> >wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.
> >Best, Terry
> >
> >"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
> ROTF..if you respected that opinion on all the groups you participate
> then you'd probably sell your computer and buy a Game Boy.
> LMAO..I've been surfing through some of the news groups on the web.
> Wow, you ARE a glutton for punishment.
> Bill

Bill, be nice .  That might be the only time in my life that someone
respected me--oh, I mean my wishes (LOL)


> _
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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> I don't ordinarily go back to old posts to show something but you edited out
> what is most material and you asked.  This was the critical portion:
> -
> >I have steadfastly reserved judgement until the facts come in.
> And skipping on down:
> >It seems like there is more than meets the eye and when you look at as a
> whole >there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations. This makes me
> suspicious >of the accuser and of the story they have to sell/tell.
> Do you see your problem?
> ---
> You said, like others, you are "reserving judgment" and then you turn around
> and say "there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations."  You have
> obviously bought the line about the famous vast rightwing conspiracy.  Kind
> of like giving the lying bitches a fair trial before hanging them.  Your
> objectivity is very dubious IMO.

No I have come to my own opinion as to who has fueled the allegations. The factssupport
that opinion. Look into the history of the case and see where and how it began
and follow the trail from there. It's a nasty political battle and many are being used 
pawns to advance an agenda. You can dance all around it but it doesn't go away.

> >PJ has told many stories
> Paula Jones has told one story.  The efforts to find discrepancies are
> laughable, e.g. how far did Clinton run his hand up her leg?, was it the
> crotch or pelvic area?, why didn't she describe a certain deformity in
> Clinton's anatomy to her first lawyer?  Her story may, in fact, have been
> massaged to have Clinton blocking her way in leaving but her very first
> affidavit is little different from any story she has ever told.

I believe it started out as the hem of her skirt then she was wearing coulottes andthe
hand went higher. Massage the truth? Is that like embelishing...adding to..etc.
Your whole arguement and credibility just went down the toilet. Don't forget to
jiggle the handle.

> >and her complaint took on a life of its own.
> ?  Her complaint has remained the same and quite consistent.

Wrong again Terry. How about that little addition in the end about her adversion to
sex?That didn't come out until very late...two kids late..and from an unqualified 

> >There is only one truth and there is no need to change it. The president
> denied >these allegations
> Now there is a person who has told varying stories even when answering
> briefly. He can't remember but he can remember he didn't do it.  His stories
> have wandered all over the lot.  His story about Gennifer Flowers is the
> funniest.  He would never have been nominated without his steadfast denial
> about ever having an affair with Gennifer.  She was the "woman he never
> slept with" during the campaign.  Then he admitted under oath one time
> bedding her but now the latest spin is that he really didn't, it was just
> one of those awful things that
> the lawyers included as sex acts.  Nailing this piece of jello to the wall
> is not easy.

Try super glue.

> >and IMO is listening to good advice. His adversaries have done him more
> good >than harm.

Stay down.


> Those Lewinsky tapes are going to put him right up there with Howard Stern.

Maybe.. but I think not. The whole mess is already on a long decline and willfizzle 
in due time.

> >They have tried to use sex as a weapon and have failed in the eyes of the
> >people.  So far the double standard still lies with you.
> I have no double standard.


>  I don't think women should be molested.  Period.

Neither do I

> Adultery?  I don't condone it but I leave it to the people involved

Good one!

> .  I am against covering up crime.

It must be hard living up to your double standards.

>  Where is your double standard.

I never had one.

> What the hell are your standards?

Alot higher than yours obviously.

> >> >> Nixon, after all this time, has been exposed as a crude
> >> >> amateur compared to the current occupant of the White House.
> >> >
> >> >I think Nixon was a pro and hardly crude.
> >>
> >> There were a lot expletives deleted as I recall.
> >
> >What are you referring to?...Mac
> The "pro" Nixon taped himself committing crimes and showed himself to be a
> boorish, foulmouthed idiot.  The tapes were unfit for family audiences.
> Surely you must remember the numerous expletives deleted.

I didn't hear what was deleted...someone must have deleted them.


" Idiot wind...blowing every time you move your mouth..." --Bob Dylan

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Gosh, Terry

Wrong again!!  You are certainly batting zero when it come to knowing anything
about this poster.  I just figured others on the list were getting tired of  me
"playing with your mind."  You were getting quite funny though with your
attempts at "wowing" us with your big words--epistomological, Cartesian.  Oh my,
I was so impressed, I almost had to stop yawning.  It was like reading an essay
answer from a student who hadn't read the chapters, but was going to try the
standard "bs against the wall" approach.



> Hi Mac,
> >moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> >Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down from
> >> hurtin' jackie put
> >> >on him.
> >> >...Mac
> >>
> >> Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected her
> >> wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.
> >
> >I wonder whyMac
> Because she couldn't stand having her faith questioned.
> Best, Terry
> "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues

In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-08 18:32:27 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< They had been on a routine patrol in the family park when they allegedly
saw Michael engaging in "a lewd act", he added, confirming that the singer was
alone at the time of his arrest. >>

What on earth can one do alone in the john that is "lewd" enough to warrant
arrest in LA?  And why were they snooping around anyway -- it's not like he
was propositioning someone or something.  Sheesh!

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread hallinan


Hi Mac,

>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> You said, like others, you are "reserving judgment" and then you turn around
>> and say "there appears to be a machine fueling the allegations."  You have
>> obviously bought the line about the famous vast rightwing conspiracy.  Kind
>> of like giving the lying bitches a fair trial before hanging them.  Your
>> objectivity is very dubious IMO.
>No I have come to my own opinion as to who has fueled the allegations. The
>that opinion. Look into the history of the case and see where and how it began
>and follow the trail from there. It's a nasty political battle and many are
being used as
>pawns to advance an agenda. You can dance all around it but it doesn't go away.

Thank you.  You proved my point better than I could.

>> >PJ has told many stories
>> Paula Jones has told one story.  The efforts to find discrepancies are
>> laughable, e.g. how far did Clinton run his hand up her leg?, was it the
>> crotch or pelvic area?, why didn't she describe a certain deformity in
>> Clinton's anatomy to her first lawyer?  Her story may, in fact, have been
>> massaged to have Clinton blocking her way in leaving but her very first
>> affidavit is little different from any story she has ever told.
>I believe it started out as the hem of her skirt then she was wearing
coulottes andthe
>hand went higher. Massage the truth? Is that like embelishing...adding to..etc.
>Your whole arguement and credibility just went down the toilet. Don't forget to
>jiggle the handle.

>> >and her complaint took on a life of its own.
>> ?  Her complaint has remained the same and quite consistent.
>Wrong again Terry. How about that little addition in the end about her
adversion to
>sex?That didn't come out until very late...two kids late..and from an
unqualified doctor.

The last is not Jones' story.  The story about Clinton's sexual assault has
not changed.  I don't blame you for trying to drag in specious additions.

>> >There is only one truth and there is no need to change it. The president
>> denied >these allegations
>> Now there is a person who has told varying stories even when answering
>> briefly. He can't remember but he can remember he didn't do it.  His stories
>> have wandered all over the lot.  His story about Gennifer Flowers is the
>> funniest.  He would never have been nominated without his steadfast denial
>> about ever having an affair with Gennifer.  She was the "woman he never
>> slept with" during the campaign.  Then he admitted under oath one time
>> bedding her but now the latest spin is that he really didn't, it was just
>> one of those awful things that
>> the lawyers included as sex acts.  Nailing this piece of jello to the wall
>> is not easy.
>Try super glue.

Doesn't work well on greasy surfaces surfaces.

>> >and IMO is listening to good advice. His adversaries have done him more
>> good >than harm.
>Stay down.
>> Those Lewinsky tapes are going to put him right up there with Howard Stern.
>Maybe.. but I think not. The whole mess is already on a long decline and
willfizzle away
>in due time.
>> >They have tried to use sex as a weapon and have failed in the eyes of the
>> >people.  So far the double standard still lies with you.
>> I have no double standard.

Yes they do.

>>  I don't think women should be molested.  Period.

>Neither do I

Just certain ones.

>> Adultery?  I don't condone it but I leave it to the people involved
>Good one!
>> .  I am against covering up crime.
>It must be hard living up to your double standards.
>>  Where is your double standard.
>I never had one.
>> What the hell are your standards?
>Alot higher than yours obviously.
>> >> >> Nixon, after all this time, has been exposed as a crude
>> >> >> amateur compared to the current occupant of the White House.
>> >> >
>> >> >I think Nixon was a pro and hardly crude.
>> >>
>> >> There were a lot expletives deleted as I recall.
>> >
>> >What are you referring to?...Mac
>> The "pro" Nixon taped himself committing crimes and showed himself to be a
>> boorish, foulmouthed idiot.  The tapes were unfit for family audiences.
>> Surely you must remember the numerous expletives deleted.
>I didn't hear what was deleted...someone must have deleted them.
>" Idiot wind...blowing every time you move your mouth..." --Bob Dylan
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>In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-09 Thread hallinan


Hi Jackie,

If you want to discuss anything I have an interest in I will be glad to.  If
I am boring or annoying the group I can take a hint.  If you just wish to
make statements about me feel free.

>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Gosh, Terry
>Wrong again!!  You are certainly batting zero when it come to knowing anything
>about this poster.  I just figured others on the list were getting tired of  me
>"playing with your mind."  You were getting quite funny though with your
>attempts at "wowing" us with your big words--epistomological, Cartesian.
Oh my,
>I was so impressed, I almost had to stop yawning.  It was like reading an essay
>answer from a student who hadn't read the chapters, but was going to try the
>standard "bs against the wall" approach.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> Hi Mac,
>> >moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >> >Afternoon Ron,  I don't think he has much choice. He's still down from
>> >> hurtin' jackie put
>> >> >on him.
>> >> >...Mac
>> >>
>> >> Jackie said she didn't want to hear my opinion any more.  I respected her
>> >> wishes.  It's a terrible loss alright but I can take it.
>> >
>> >I wonder whyMac
>> Because she couldn't stand having her faith questioned.
>> Best, Terry
>> "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
>> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
>In the sociology room the children learn
>that even dreams are colored by your perspective
>I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"
>Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-08 18:38:58 EDT, you write:

<< They still haven't said what he was doing, but they did say it was
 definately lewd.  And that he was alone. >>

Jacking off in the john -- what else could it have been?
Doc (who can contain her shock, really)

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-08 18:56:09 EDT, you write:

 Lewd conduct and he was alone.  Use your collective imaginations folks, one
 way or another he was exposing his unit :-)   Ron

If that's all it was, every guy who uses a urinal could be arrested.  Am I the
only one who thinks this is much ado about nothing?

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-09 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ronald Helm wrote:

> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rumor has it that Monica was sighted leaving the area, just before George
> Michael was arrested :-)   Ron

Mornin' Ron,
   Naw that was Newt Gingrich in a wig and some sexy black nightie.

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