Re: lingo-l Digital video control buttons

2001-08-15 Thread John Trentini

Sometimes the Video flickers at the start or, even worse, leaves behind a *ghost*
image of itself when navigating your score; in these cases setting the visibility
does not help at all.  So, as a normal development technique a lot of developer
use the *move the sprite* technique.

As the the setting the flag stuff, I have included the *if..then* example, try
and it should work but you may want to have a look in the help pages for :
global variables,  and the case statement.



mirianam wrote:

 Hi John
 Thanks for your help.
 The changing sprite position works well for me. It cerainly makes sense to me.
 Just out of interest what kinds of problems might result for setting visibility
 on and off?

 I haven't worked my way through the setting the flag stuff as I still can't get
 my head around that. Will work on it in nest few days.

 I'm now trying to work out about timeout and random!!!

 Again thatnks for your help

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Re: lingo-l Digital video control buttons

2001-08-14 Thread John Trentini

Hi Mirianam

I am not sure that I understend what you want to do with your contrl
button but here are some suggestions.

mirianam wrote:

 Thank you for your response.
 Yes I had figured out that the script had to be attached to the sprites and
 not the casts.

 This is what I did:

 on mouseDown
   set the visibility of sprite 31 to 1

Rather than setting the visibility on and off you should consider
moving the sprite  in and out of the stage area:

on mouseDown me
set the locH os sprite 31 = here you specify the locH you want
set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 1

Setting the visibility can cause  problems.

 on mouseUp
   set the movieRate of sprite 6 to 1

 on mouseEnter me
   set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to member pause all

 on mouseLeave me
   set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to member pause

 and for play I did the opposite ie visibility 0 and movierate 0. I had
 set visibility of sprite 31 to 0 in moviescript - on startmovie.

on mouseUp me
set the movie rate of sprite 6 = 0
set the locH of sprite 31 = - 1000

 Now the rollovers seem to work.
 Is there anything wrong with doing it like this?

 Now I want to make fastforward and fastreverse buttons but  I would like to
 make onMousedown set the movierate to 2 but on mouseUp either 0 or 1
 depending on whether the video was playing or paused when the button is
 clicked so that it doesn't get out of sync with the play/pause button.
 I have no idea how to go about doing this. I'm guessing that it's some kind
 of if then script but what?
 Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks

You have to set a flag that checks if the video is palying or not,
add this line to your *on startMovie* script:

set myflag = 0

Then on your sprite script:

on mouseDown me
global myflag
set the locH os sprite 31 = here you specify the locH you want
if myflag = 0 then
set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 1
myflag = 1
set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 2
end if

on mouseUp me
gloabl myflag
if  the movieRate of sprite 6 = 1 then
set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 0
myflag = 0
if the movieRate of sprite 6 = 2 then
set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 1
if the movieRate of sprite 6 = 0 then
set the movieRate of sprite 6 = -1
end if
end if
end if

A better way would be to use a case statement:

on mouseUp me

on checkMyFlag
global myflag

case of (the movieRate) true
2: then set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 1
0: then set the movieRate of sprite 6 = -1
1: then set the movieRate of sprite 6 = 0
set myflag = 0
end case

I am sure that there are more elegant ways of doing it but
this should put you on the right track.
(totally untested)



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Re: lingo-l Digital video control buttons

2001-08-12 Thread John Trentini

Attach your scripts to the sprite (not the cast members)
and your problems will, most likely, disappear.

As you  change the *cast member* with your rollover
script, only part of your script will execute .

You could hard code use a script like this:

on exitFrame
if rollover (6) then
if the member of sprite (6) = use a place holder here then
set the member of sprite 6 = your video file name
set the member of sprite 6 =  use your place holder here
end if
end if

And on your palce holder sprite (in this case 6)
attach your mouse up/Down scripts



mirianam wrote:

 This is what I've done so far:
 As I've 30 QTs I've attached the following scripts to the cast member
 (not sprite)
 For pause cast member:
 on mouseDown
 set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to member play

 on mouseUp
 set the movieratre of sprite 6 to 1

 And for play cast member I've reversed them.

 This works fine and the digital video plays and stops with the icon
 changing appropriately but I can't seem to get any rollovers to work
 without mucking something up, either the rollover doesn't roll back on
 mouseLeave but mosttl any rollovger script seems to make my original
 cast scripts stop working. This is whether I attach rollover script to
 cast script or sprite script. What am I doing wrong!

 What i would like to happen is this:
 The pause icon to rollover to playroll and back to pause and for
 play icon to rollover to pauseroll and back to play

 Any sugestions to get me onto the right track? Thanks

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Re: lingo-l playing multiple movies in a predefined order.

2001-07-31 Thread John Trentini

All you need is to make a stub projector
(documentation at

Place all of your movies in the same folder
as your projector.

For the navigation between movies, one way is to
hard code the buttons in each movie to take you
to the previous or next movie.

A more elegant way would be using a global list, unfortunately
I cannot help you with that (my lingo is not up to it yet) but some one
else from the list will be able to help you.


nick langridge wrote:

 Here's my problem. I have about 20 separate movies. Each movie represents a
 slide in a presentation.
 Each slide has animation, interactivity and buttons to move to the previous
 and next slides.

 I want to store the order that the movies are played (ie: the order of the
 slides in the presentation)  in a text file, and have a projector that reads
 the text file and plays the slides in the correct order.

 Does anyone know how I can do this?

 I want to avoid publishing all the slides inside one projector so that more
 slides can be added without the need to re-publish.

 With flash I could load the slide movies in and out of the parent movie, but
 as far as I am aware you cant do that in director (?)



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Re: lingo-l Can I program a MIAW to control the cursor?

2001-06-28 Thread John Trentini

A possible alternative is to use Snapz Pro 2.0.1
to capture excatly what you describe and save it as QT.

You talking head MIAW could then just 'open' this
QT when required to show the user how it is done.


Gene Fritzinger wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 I've created a simulated version of a complex software package for use in a CBT.  
There are many MIAWs and field members, drop-down menus, radio buttons, check boxes, 
etc.  This simulated software version will be used for tutorials where we will 
instruct the user how to perform different functions as well as involved exercises.  
My idea is to monitor their progress with a moveable talking head MIAW.  This MIAW 
will try to guide the user through the exercises.  But if the user gets stuck, I'd 
like the talking head MIAW to take control and actually do that part of the exercise 
for them.  Since there so many menu items, radio buttons, etc. , it seems the easiest 
way for the MIAW to take control would be to be able to control the cursor.  Move it 
across the screen, click on a menu item, click in a field to activate it, then enter 
text, push buttons, all the things an instructor would do, if needed by a user that 
just wasn't getting it. So my question is, can a MIAW control the c!
 sor to this extent?  I'm afaid the answer is NO, please let me know your thoughts.

 Thanx in advance,
 g fritzinger

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Re: lingo-l Sound control slider

2001-06-08 Thread John Trentini

I have worked it out!

thanks to Carl for putting me on the right track.

here's how I did it; not very elegant but it works lika a charm:


on exitFrame
   sprite(the currentSpriteNum).moveableSprite = True
 sprite(the currentSpriteNum).constraint =  the currentSpriteNum +1
 set the volume of sound(1) = (255 - (the locV of the currentSpriteNum -
-- 380 is the top of the constraining track -- *3 is a value arrived by dividing
255 (volume)
--by the total lenght of the track.


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lingo-l Sound control slider

2001-06-06 Thread John Trentini

Hi guys,

My project needs a sound control Vertical slider constrained
by the locV of a moveable graphic; no problem here but..

Setting the volume of sound(1) to the locV of a sprite makes
the volume increase as the locV increases.

I need the slider to work in reverse; that is I need the volume
to increase as the slider moves from the bottom-Up and vice versa.

Any help?


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Re: lingo-l Sound control driving me crazy!

2001-05-24 Thread John Trentini

From your last post it would appears that you are using just the one button;
you cannot have a multistate button that plays a sounds on each state and,
at the same time, perform as the master toggle button.

If you post your code and an explanation of how you are implementing
your code, we may be able to offer more specific help.


William Miller wrote:

 I have gotten all kinds of responses to my problem and I truly
 appreciate them all but I have had NO SUCCESS

 I need to turn off and on ALL sounds that I have used on my buttons
 with a master toggle or multistate button.

 I have the code for my multistate button and I got the sound in the
 channels to turn off and on with the soundEnabled code but the button
 rollover and clicks are still on..PLEASE HELP

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Re: lingo-l Sound off help

2001-05-22 Thread John Trentini

Now I think I've got it!

Your post was a bit confusing.  May I suggest , next time,
you start with explaining what you want to acheive and then
what you need help with.

If you just want to play certain sounds on mouse events (mouseUp/
Down, etc.) then you don't need a toggle button but a command that
palys a specific sound on any 'user defined' event.


on mouseEnter me
puppestSound 1, Tra-La-La-- Tra-La-La is the name of the sound file in
your cast.

on mouseLeave me
puppestSound 2, Oh my Dear

on mouseDown me
puppestSound 1, Why me?

on mouseUp me
puppestSound 2, Rhapsody in Blue

Use short sounds for these effects or you' end up demending too much of

Also make sure that the sound files are not set to Loop in the cast property
dialaogue panel.

Is this helpful?


William Miller wrote:

 Well I finally got the multistate button behavior in the Dir lib to
 work and it works great but..on the different states I need the
 sound to be turned off and on!  The sounds I need off and on are for
 buttons and effects and they are all in my cast...

 The control section of the behavior is where I believe the code
 should go but I am confused as to how to insert it and as to exactly
 what to write.I think that soundEnabled is the way to go
 William J. Miller
 P.O. Box 540303
 Houston Texas 77254

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Re: lingo-l Sound toggle button

2001-05-20 Thread John Trentini

on mouseUp
set the soundEnabled to not (the soundEnabled)


William Miller wrote:

 does anyone know or cant enlighten me on how to creat a toggle button
 for a project I am almost done with..I have two images for the
 different stated and I need the code to make it work!!...I am brain
 dead at this point...It is for the master sound control on the cd to
 turn it off and on...Thanks
 William J. Miller
 P.O. Box 540303
 Houston Texas 77254

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Re: lingo-l spritenum reference

2001-05-15 Thread John Trentini

The clickOn function could be the answer but you could you
not use a case statement?

Something on these lines?  ---suggestion only

on mouseEnter me
case (the rollover) of  -- you must know in which channels you sprites are
1 : sprite (the currentspriteNum).keyboardFocusSprite = 1 -- 1 set the
keyboardFocus to true
2 : sprite (the currentspriteNum).keyboardFocusSprite = 1
3 : sprite (the currentspriteNum).keyboardFocusSprite = 1
otherwise sprite (the currentspriteNum).keyboardFocusSprite = 0
end case

Is this any help?

Alan Robinson wrote:

  off the top of my pitifully hairless head,
  sprite() references something in a channel, so putting the member info in
  the () doesn't mean anything. you need to
   set the keyboardFocusSprite =

 This is fine until a sprite is moved to a different channel, maybe not too
 much of a problem for one field but suppose there are several fields.
 Is it not possible to check the location of the cursor? If not then it would
 be best to put all the editable fields in adjacent channels and increment
 the number from the first known one. Does that make sense??

   I am trying to set the keyboardFocusSprite by reference to a
   field name
   using the following code:
   set the keyboardFocusSprite =  sprite(member(teamname, team
   The problem is it returns either the number of an empty
   sprite channel or
   the cast membernum. Can you tell me where I am going wrong.

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Re: lingo-l Attaching Cursors

2001-05-08 Thread John Trentini


I sent you a suggestion before; did you get it?

Anyhow here it a revised version.

The way I do it is as follows:

Select the open rectangle Tool with the line set to none and draw
a small shape directly onto the stage and set its ink to transparent.

Place this shape off stage and then name the corresponding cast
member  (example: Pointer).

Add the following behaviour to your

on mouseWithin me
sprite(?).loc = point (the mouseH, the mouseV) ---(?) stands for
---the number of the channel where your Pointer is in the score.
sprite(?).member = the name of your image

on mouseLeave me
 sprite(?). loc = point (-2000, -2000)
sprite (?).member = Pointer

When you have finished you can simply swap the cast members
and place the sprite back off stage.



Jon_Rolph wrote:

 I am a student who is still at the basic levels of lingo.  I am working
 on a project in which I want to attach a downloaded jpg image as my cursor.
  I know how to attach cursors through the library pallette, but what lingo
 do I use to attach my own cursor?  Any other interesting cursor ideas you
 have would be appreciated.  Thank you all so much for your help.  I am
 just getting started but really enjoying what I am learning.

 Jon Rolph

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Re: lingo-l Attaching Cursors

2001-04-28 Thread John Trentini

The way I do it is as follows:

Select the open rectangle Tool with the line set to none and draw
a small shape directly onto the stage and set its ink to transparent.

Place this shape off stage and then name the corresponding cast
member  (ex: Pointer).

The following can be a frame script or a movie script, depends on your
requirements.  Let us assume you want to make it a frame script:

on enterFrame
sprite(?).loc = point (the mouseH, the mouseV) ---(?) stands for
---the number of the channel where your Pointer is in the score.
sprite(?).member = the name of your image

When you have finished you can simply swap the cast members
and place the sprite back off stage.



Jon_Rolph wrote:

 I am a student who is still at the basic levels of lingo.  I am working
 on a project in which I want to attach a downloaded jpg image as my cursor.
  I know how to attach cursors through the library pallette, but what lingo
 do I use to attach my own cursor?  Any other interesting cursor ideas you
 have would be appreciated.  Thank you all so much for your help.  I am
 just getting started but really enjoying what I am learning.

 Jon Rolph

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Re: lingo-l new(#type) madness!

2001-04-23 Thread John Trentini


Dierdre Dixon wrote:

 btw, is there a searchable archive version of this list, along the lines of

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Re: lingo-l Testing

2001-04-21 Thread John Trentini

Hi Fred,

This happened to me recently.

Just re-subscribe and everything will be fine


Fred Westermeyer wrote:

 I have not received any messages in four days can someone e-mail me back so I can 
check out my e-mail.


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Re: lingo-l Another weirdness

2001-04-21 Thread John Trentini

Your problem were the brackets ()
Ramesh just removed them.

Your script should have read:

on mouseEnter me
cursor 280

on mouseLeave me
 cursor -1


Victor Iwan wrote:

 Am I doing something wrong again...

 I create behaviors such us

 On mouseenter

 On mouseleave

 I put on 4 button... But only in 1 button which not work
 properlyit's not change cursor afterall
 Is it a bug ?

 Victor Iwan Kristanda
 Learning Is Fun !

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Re: lingo-l Object VR

2001-04-15 Thread John Trentini

Very quickly as an intro..

35mm cameras are just fine but hand holding them is not the best 
technology to use.

In creating an ObjectVR you have to *rotate* the object on its axis
and take a number of exposures at equal increments from the same angle and

For small object this is not a great problem, provided you have a tripod for
your camera (which you can use in horizontal or vertical position) and a
platform upon whose very centre you can rest your object and you can rotate 
in equal steps with a good degree of accuracy.

Be aware though, your object will jump position if it is not placed exactly
on the very centre of rotation due to the parallax effect.

Take as many photographs as you think proper allowing at least 50% overlap
for proper stitching; usually 24 if you use the camera horizontally and 36 if
you use it vertically.

Applying this to a full size car will represent somewhat of a challenge but only
as far as the construction of the rotating platform, everything else remaining 
the same.

It sounds more complicated than it really is; doing a search for QuickTimeVR
will return many useful sites where to gain more detailed info.


dimple uppal wrote:


 Very new at vr and stuck at the first step itself. I need to do an object VR
 for a car. can someone please tell me how i should photograph the car.I
 would like to know what equipment to use, and if it is possible to take
 these pictures with a 35mm hand held camera (i.e. not a video camera). I did
 take pictures but there is a lot of screen jumping happening between any two
 shots. I am using the VR toolbox demo right now, but if you think you know a
 better software than that then please let me know. I would also like to know
 if there are any sites / books where there may be tutorials on how to use
 this technology properly (I am basically looking for information related to
 taking of pictures of the object)

 B. Regds

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Re: lingo-l stubborn hilite in editable text

2001-04-02 Thread John Trentini

(Sheepishly and on tiptoe)

Could it be a case of a missing 'updateStage'
somewhere, by any chance?

clars danvold wrote:

 hello all-

 I'm sure this must be a repeat post:

 I have an editable text member.
 At different times its editable property gets set TRUE and FALSE,
 depending on the situation.
 Often after setting editable to FALSE, the entire text is highlighted.
 No amount of end user clicking can make this go away.

 The problem only surfaces in a projector.

 Repeatedly setting editable to FALSE has no effect.

 The strange thing is, text members shouldn't even have a

 Does anyone have a bug fix/ workaround?

 regards, Clars

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Re: lingo-l sorry only in italian language

2001-03-31 Thread John Trentini

Go Tab,
I actually thought I was replaying directly to Roberto
but you are just great!  (sheeesh!)

PS.  It would seem that re-subscribing fixed my problem
of not receiving mail from the list; now everything is
working just fine. (happy little 'vegemite' again!)

Obviously Netspace bounced my mail enough times for your
system to unsubscribe me.

Tab Julius wrote:

 Tutti i linguaggi sono benvenuto.

 - Tab

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Re: lingo-l sorry only in italian language

2001-03-30 Thread John Trentini

Non proprio un programmatore ma interessato,
mettimi in lista

Roberto Molari wrote:

 salve sono un programmatore Director di milano volevo fare una lista per
 italiani o comunque creare una comunita di programmatori italiani con
 informazioni non solo sulla programmazione ma anche sul lavoro
 rispondete numerosi

 roberto molari

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lingo-l Was Please don't look I am testing

2001-03-17 Thread John Trentini

Now, this is infuriating.

I managed to get this message but not any other traffic from the list.

My ISP assures me that nothing has changed at this end and yet...

Tab, please, I know I have sent you a direct mail and you
are probably looking into it (are you?) but any chance you could
let me know one way or the other, off list, of course.

Or perhaps someone could offer suggestions?

It is like a nightmare, you scream and scream but no-one can hear you!

John Trentini wrote:

 Still having problems receiving mail from the list.

 Ok, ok, it's a

 You are just hiding...Yes?

 Gees  you guys...where are you...hello?   anyone??

 I miss yo?

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lingo-l I am not getting mail from the list

2001-03-12 Thread John Trentini

Haven't got any mail in the last two days.
Something is wrong

(Suffering from withdrawal symptoms, I guess!)


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lingo-l Please Ignore this: No Mail From List?

2001-03-12 Thread John Trentini


Haven't got any mail in the last two days from the list.

Was it anything I didn't say?

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Re: lingo-l Desktop Capture

2001-03-07 Thread John Trentini

Sorry I am a PC man but
Tab suggested Lotus ScreenCam
grimmwerks CameraMan

Good Luck


Brad Hintze wrote:

 What about Windows?


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Re: lingo-l OT Desktop Video Capture

2001-03-06 Thread John Trentini

Or use Snapz Pro on the Mac,
you can get it at:


PS. When posting a new query, please start a new thread,
don't just piggyback on a different topic.

Tab Julius wrote:

 That's outside the scope of this list (which is dedicated to Lingo
 programming topics) but I'd suggest something like Lotus ScreenCam.  It
 should record .AVI at least that you could then play within Director.

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lingo-l OT: Comm+Shift+3

2001-03-04 Thread John Trentini

Sorry guys for the OT,

Command+Shift+3 (4), is there an equivalent on the PC?


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lingo-l Re:

2001-02-28 Thread John Trentini

Putting a *Subject* on your postings is not
only the polite protocol for any list, it will
also increase your chances for a reply as
many will not even read postings like yours
(with no subject)

nik max wrote:

 hi all,

 another shcockwave question:
 i am playing back shockwave audio files from within a shockwave movie. the swa files 
are placed in the same folder as the shockwave movie itself. i am streaming the first 
5 seconds of each of the 5 tracks into a buffer [e.g.: member("03 Demon 
Speed").preLoadBuffer()]. this only seems to work fine on the pcs of our studio, but 
produces a state 9 (error) on a mac.

 is there any mac specific code that needs to be added, or is this a bug of some kind?


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Re: lingo-l We've topped 3000

2001-02-26 Thread John Trentini

My sentiments entirely.

Go Tab!!


Lists wrote:

 And thanks to you for hosting us, Tab!

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Re: lingo-l X Music Loop X

2001-02-25 Thread John Trentini


1) You must place your sound  into an  external castLibrary,
 Make sure that all your movies are linked to this cast library.

2) Don't put the sound file into the sound channels but use lingo;
put the following into a movie script in your stub dir

on startMovie
puppetsound 3, "DoReMiFa"
---whatever else

With Mac you can use up to 8 *Virtual* |channels this way
in Windoh!ws there are limitations but I am not too sure which

Fades are controlled via lingo as well (from anywhere really:
a sprite script, a frame script or a timeout script) with:

on --whatever
sound fadeIn 3, 2*60 --this will fade the sound in over two seconds --


Brajeshwar wrote:


 I have posted this message before as a part of three message but this part was not 
 My problem is that I wanted a common music to loop througout the CD-ROM 
Presentation. If I put the music loop in the projector, it didn't work (my projector 
comprises of a stub director file only).
 If I put the music loop in all the movies and play them checking for sound.busy of 
the previous movie there is a latency in between the movies.
 So How do I play a single external music loop in a single cast to play throughout 
the presentation. And how do I control the fadin and fadout of this music.

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Re: lingo-l urgent............printscreen

2001-02-09 Thread John Trentini

For God's sake, man!
Don't start a new thread everytime you post a follow up.
and Stop repeating your posts.

Urgent is not really a it?!!
(I should have used all caps for this!)

rama krishna wrote:

 Hello everyone
 please ignore my mail with name Urgent
 As ramesh said
 You can use (the stage).picture command to capture
 the stage

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Re: lingo-l Flash sending Lingo to Director

2001-02-08 Thread John Trentini

Off the (very) top of my head!

Could something like this work?

Make a 'blend' from 0 to 100 of the background and put it in a loop.
Using a dummy sprite in front of your animation you can then
toggle the visibility of your fade.

Just a crazy idea.  Totally untested andperhaps even ..shhhsh!

nik max wrote:

 ps: initially i wanted to do the animatins with filmloops, but then my art director 
had the idea of adding fade-ins and outs and i could not find a way to send film 
loops to specific frames of their animation (namely the fade-out) when clicked on. 
maybe someone knows how to access/ cotnrol film loops int that way?

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Re: lingo-l Keyboard Questions

2001-02-08 Thread John Trentini

ie. your first Q.

in a movie script put this:

on prepareMovie
   set the exilLock = True

Then on a keyDown script you can process the events (key pressed)
by issueing a stopEvent command

Example follows:

on KeyDown
 if charToNum (the key) = 27   ---line continues
   or (the platform starts "Windows" and the optionDown line
and the keyCode = 118) then

if the commandDown then
   ---prevent Cmd/Ctrl-Q and Cmd/Ctrl-. from quitting
if (the key = "Q" or the key = ".") then
end if
end if
else pass
end if
end keyDown

I never tried but I am sure you can trap as many keys as you
want with this procedure.

(Dont' you go thinking I am that clever:  the above is a pretty close
rehack of good all Bruce Epstein's Lingo in a Nutshell)  :-)

Joe Carafelli wrote:

 Hey all -

 I'm making a two-player game (in D8) and some keyboard issues have
 been raised ...  First of all, it seems I can only detect three
 keypresses simultaneously - is there any way to increase this?
 Secondly, is there anyway to trap the ESC key?  Or the function keys?
 I haven't had much success.


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Re: lingo-l Delete an external Cast member

2001-01-31 Thread John Trentini

Chances are your castMember resides inside a n external *SharedCast*,
if this is so, you  need to update (save) each movie after having removed the

offending button from the sharedCast.


Jacques Baume wrote:

 Hello All

 I created a button in a movie and i have to the same button in few movie.
 I decided to import this button like an external Castmember (From the new
 movie i choosed File / Import / Director Cast.)
 Now for few reason, i would like delete this cast member and ... problem !
 How to destroy this cast member ?

 Thank a lot

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Re: lingo-l FW: Lingo-L Digest V1 #1807

2001-01-31 Thread John Trentini

You wouldn't have a custom palette into score, by
any chance, would you?


ian hobbs wrote:

  Reply to:   RE: lingo-l screen flash

 ian hobbs wrote:

 when a new movie is called
 the screen flashes between movies
 only a millisecond or so but enough to be really annoying
 the movie backgrounds are black.

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Re: lingo-l Sounds in Channel 1

2000-12-12 Thread John Trentini

Have you left  a single frame gap between the soundSprites


AndeanWinds wrote:

 I put my background sounds in channel 1 and they don't seem to work(the
 first one does but the rest don't).  Everything works fine if I put the
 sounds in sound channel 2 but If I remember correctly, sound channel 2
 doesn't work in lap-tops with Windows 98.  Is this completely correct?  Can
 someone give me a hand with
 channel 1.  I use uncompressed Wav sounds.

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Re: lingo-l Re: rollovers on enterFrame

2000-12-05 Thread John Trentini

rather than setting the visible of your rollOver sprites,
place them at a locH outside the stage (-2000)
and just change their locH on rollOver.



Marcus Brooke wrote:


 Is there a simplified script to do the same as my enterFrame script, but
 without the rollover sprites flashing on enterFrame???

 any advice would save my sanity and help me sleep!!!

 thanks in advance

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Re: lingo-l Changing member of sprite over and over..

2000-12-01 Thread John Trentini

You forgot a piece of code ( the locV) in the second if:

if  the locV of sprite 2  1890
if the member of sprite 2 ="leftgrass3" and the locV of sprite 21890


Kev wrote:


 if  the locV of sprite 2  1890
 thenThis works
 if the member of sprite 2 ="leftgrass3" and sprite 21890
 then--This does'nt

 Thanks in advance


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Re: lingo-l Re: colors RGB mixing

2000-11-29 Thread John Trentini

Hi Mats,

The link you have provided is not functioning but  thanks for sharing
I read you first post and, although unable to help, was very interested
possible solution .


Mats Leidö wrote:

 I sent the mail below the lines to lingo-l the 24th of october. I
 haven´t had any replys so far but as I solved the problem described
 below I would like to share it, in case anyone out there has the same
 problem  or a related one. The solution can be viewed at

 For those of you not familiar with swedish, just click on the arrow
 in the top of the shockwave-movie and you will step through the
 learning shell from beginning to end. The other buttons are just for
 navigating directly to the same stations.

 My problem was I needed to mix RGB and CMYK colors interactively, for
 images and "color blobs".
 I ended up with using the setalpha() function together with "Add pin"
 and "Subtract pin" inks for the images, where I divided both the CMYK
 and the RGB images´ channels into separate documents. The setalpha()
 function makes it possible for me to change the opacity between the
 image sprites in a much more reliable way than using "blend". The
 other "trick" was finding an ink mode that worked just like the
 "Screen" and the "multiply" layer blending modes in Photoshop. The
 closest ones I could find were "Add/pin" and "Subtract pin"
 respectively. Questions or comments? Just mail me.

 I am trying to make color blending between three sprites, lying on
 top of each other,  and a black background sprite( or black stage
 background) work. The sprites are respectively the red, green and
 blue channels from an RGB image. I am trying to find a way of
 blending each sprite so the three mixed together result in an RGB
 image like the original image with all three channels in one. (Hope
 I make myself understood here).
 To make a long story short: I can´t use an ink mode like "add"
 because it only works when I have 100% blend, if I change the sprite
 blend (and this is what I want to be able to do interactively later)
 the mixing falls apart. The only way I can see now is to use a
 32-bit image with alpha channel (or using another cast member as a
 mask). I tried importing with the same image with different
 alphachannels, and the blending seems to work on stage.
 If I could extract the built-in alpha channel, change its color and
 tell Director to use the new mask instead with Lingo, I would be on
 my way to interactivity. Does anyone know how to do this?
 I tried changing the color property of a cast member but I only get
 "property not found". It seems to work for sprites though...??? I
 use rgb(x,x,x,) as the description of the color.
 Thanks for any help,

  MacMeckarna i Göteborg  Tel: 031-7013840 Mobil: 0704-404056

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Re: lingo-l keyDownScript

2000-11-27 Thread John Trentini

Hi Frank,

Once you have set the exitLock to True you have to
manually *trap*(stopEvent) each keyDown event you want to control:

Revised fromLingo-In-A-Nutshell by Bruce Epstein

on controleerExit
  if charToNum(the key) = 27 or (the platform starts "Windows" and ¬
the optionDown and the keyCode = 118) then --The escape key code is

--different on PC/Mac
go to movie "exit1"
  end if
  if the commandDown then
if (the key = "q" or the key = ".") then
  go to movie "exit1"
end if
  end if



Frank wrote:

 I work with Director 7.0.2 on PC win98. I try to use the keyDownScript
 in the following script, but this does not seem to work. The projector
 quits when "Control Q" is pressed and also when "Esc" is pressed. What
 can be wrong?
 on startMovie
   global mijnwegA, mijnwegB
   set mijnwegA = FALSE
   set mijnwegB = FALSE
   set the exitLock to TRUE
   set the keyDownScript to "controleerExit"
 on controleerExit
   if the controDown then
 if the key = "q" then
   go to "exit1"
 end if
   else PASS
 end if

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Re: lingo-l re-quicktime framerate

2000-11-27 Thread John Trentini

Hi Jean-Louis,

I was afraid you would have a good reason for wanting
the frameRate.

In that case I can't help you but I have a feeling that a little
application could be written (in some programming language?)
that could access that info from the Quicktime Pro player.

Your problem will be that the end user will need to have
the Quicktime *Pro* version installed.

Hum,...doesn't look good

E-mail Bruce Epstein directly, he may like a challenge.

Also, the tech support at Apple might be able to offer suggestions.

Good luck


jean-louis valero wrote:

 Dear John
 Thank you very much for your response. Yes you can ask!
 I do need that information, because my Premiere-like application must
 inform the user about the framerate of every movie s(he) uses, to be
 frame-accurate (30,29.97,25,24, 15 im/sec) when s(he) derushes.
 If I can't obtain that, bye-bye my app, it's not serious to let the user
 guess the framerate!
 May be Bruce Epstein would have the answer but I can't find it in his
 marvellous "Lingo in a nutshell".

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Re: lingo-l quicktime framerate

2000-11-26 Thread John Trentini

Hallo Jean-Louis,

 If you use Quicktime Player to get Info
you must select  *Video Track * (by default it is
set to movie) from your options (left hand dropDown
menu) and then you can select FrameRate from the
right hand dropDown menu.

I don't know if you can access this info through
Lingo though!

Can I ask?
Why do you need the frame rate?
AFIK it is not that one can change it on the run!

Oh, wellI hope this helps.


jean-louis valero wrote:

 hello list
 Is it possible to know the real framerate of a  quicktime movie? I tried
 everything(of course may be not...) between digitalVideoTimescale and
 the timescale of member but I can't establish by lingo the number of
 frames per second a quicktime movie has been compressed with. I do need
 that information just after the opening of the digital movie.
 It seems not to be evident, because when I use Quicktime player itself,
 and ask it that information, it says it needs a playing file to answer
 to my question.
 Thank you very much for your ideas.

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Re: lingo-l need urgant help....

2000-11-26 Thread John Trentini

Hi Tom,

tom phillips wrote:

 2. How do I make 5 sprites move round half the stage
 randomly but stay on their half and stay on the stage.
 (The stage is split vertically down the middle)

First you create a rectangle (from the tool palette)
that takes up half your stage.  Make it transparent.
This will provide you will the area to constrain the
movement of your sprites to.

Next you can use the built in behaviour from the
library palette --Interactive--Constrain to Sprite.
(there you will also find a behaviour for Collision Detection).

Or make your own:

on beginSprite me
  sprite(whichSprite).constraint = --here you put the
  --sprite number of the transparent rectangle you have created.
end beginSprite

(Check out the Help files--Lingo help-- Constrain)

For the animation you will have to resort to some
math that I am afraid I can't help you with.  There is
a behaviour in the Library --Animation--Automatic
that may come in handy.



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Re: lingo-l Re: alpha in quicktime?

2000-11-23 Thread John Trentini

Or you can re-render the animation against a white background.

An other way is to export your QT as a Pict Sequence,
(you can do this in QuickTime4-Pro or After Effects) and
change the background to white in Photoshop and then
re-compile the pict Sequence as a QT Movie.

All in all, if it is only a spinning globe, the re-render in
Infini-D seems the easiest (and quickest) solution.


Sean Wilson wrote:

 I'm really not sure about an alpha channel _inside_ a QT movie, but perhaps
 you can acheive the effect you're after by using a mask with the QT member.
 Check the dictionary entry for "mask".

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Re: lingo-l locH

2000-11-23 Thread John Trentini

There is a function *rollOver()* that returns the spriteNum
whenevere the mouse is rolled over that sprite.

In your situation a case statement would help:

on enterFrame
case (the rollOver) of
  1: do your tweening here --or go to a marker or whatever
  2: do this instead
  3: whatever else
  4: someMore
  5: and anOther
end enterFrame

NB. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 refer to the sprite channel of each button.


apellicciari wrote:

 Hi dear list,

 I'm new with lingo and I have a project
 with 5 buttons, when I roll over
 them I need an image to come from the
 right (with a tween motion), and
 the actual image on the stage has to go
 off the screen to the left(with a tween
 as well). But they have to do this at
 the same time. it has to know which
 sprite is on the screen each time I
 roll over each buttom. I don't know how
 to start... Do you Know some example on
 the net?

 My idea first was to roll them all like
 in a sequence so I used the locH of the
 sprite but the problem is the distance
 between the first and the last button,
 the person will have to wait a sequence
 of images to pass in the stage in order
 to see the one he wants.

 thanks in advance

 (ON movimenta2

   if sprite(plogo).locHlogo and
 sprite(ptecno).locHtecno and
 sprite(pcases).locHcases and
 sprite(pprojetos).locHprojetos then
 repeat while sprite(plogo).locH
 logo and sprite(ptecno).locHtecno and
 sprite(pcases).locHcases and






 end repeat

 if sprite(plogo).locHlogo and
 sprite(ptecno).locHtecno and
 sprite(pcases).locHcases and
 sprite(pprojetos).locHprojetos then
   repeat while sprite(plogo).locH
 logo and sprite(ptecno).locHtecno and
 sprite(pcases).locHcases and




   end repeat
 end if
   end if
   end if

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Re: lingo-l RollOver Buttons?

2000-11-21 Thread John Trentini

Hi Bob,

Are you using a *shared* and linked castLib for this?

It sounds like the bOver cast member is missing
or has changed position whithin your castLibs.



Bob Solomon wrote:


 I've created some rollover buttons.  Here's an example of the scripts I
 used.  It seems to work fine the first time I open Director and test the
 movie.  But after I've jumped around several movies the Over State stops
 working.  The Down and Up states work consistently.

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Re: lingo-l Lingo for checking out the performance of the computer system

2000-11-14 Thread John Trentini

Hi Rob

I'm having the same problem (sort of) as Michael,
could you elaborate on how to create a multiple
bit-rate mpg video?



Robert Wingate wrote:

 Try encoding your video as a single multiple-bitrate mpg video file.
 Then different machines can play it @ the quality each can handle.

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Re: lingo-l projector win2k-plyaing in win98 issues

2000-11-08 Thread John Trentini

Hi Dr. Daniel D. Errampalli,

Are you running the projector from the CD?
Running it from the hard-drive considerably
improves performance.

Are you using a Stub Projector?
Compiled Projector are slower.

Never knew the play back could be *not exciting*
(exiting means: going out (Uscente)).
I'll never be able to look at another play back again
quite in the same way!

Besides all my play backs have been extremely exciting
and they get better with age.
(*The older I get the better I was!*)


"Dr. Daniel D. Errampalli" wrote:

 i made a projector in win2k and put all the files on a cd.
 i tried to run it on win98 computer, is does ok, but the play back is rather
 not that exiting.
 it seems its suffocating from loading the files into buffer.

 all help is sincerely appreciatedl.


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Re: lingo-l 4 - player game X-Tended post

2000-11-02 Thread John Trentini


Down boy, down!

Do you bite as well?

Jonas Brink Worsøe wrote:


 Anders wrote a very helpful script for you.
 If you want keyUp- and keyDown events in that, store the state and react when it 
 Enough hints. Figure it out!

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Re: lingo-l DIRECTOR 7

2000-10-27 Thread John Trentini

Well,  what do you know!?
Learn something new every day!

The quit button in my projects never really exit the
projector but takes you to a credit/closing page from
which the projector will exit, so I was totally
unaware of the halt command.
Very handy!



"Leif E. Wells" wrote:

 This is much better, and won't quit during authoriing:

 on mouseUp me

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Re: lingo-l QTVR flashing

2000-09-18 Thread John Trentini

What about placing the QTVR sprite 
off stage and setting its visible to 
true before changing its Loc back to 
the stage on a *on prepareFrame* or 
*exitFrame* script?

Haven't tried but should work?!


Brad Waite wrote:
 Here's a code snippet:
   sprite(18).visible = 0
   sprite(37).visible = 1
   sprite(18).member = VOID
 18 is a bitmap, 37 is my QTVR, and they show up in the same place on the stage.
 How can I keep the QTVR from flashing when it's turned on?  When I do the
 opposite and display a bitmap, there's no flash.  Ideas?
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Re: lingo-l sound loop

2000-09-06 Thread John Trentini

Hi Pua

First of all you should put your sound file cast member in a
separate, shared CastLib
(this will be linked to all the movies in your project). 

Make sure that the sound file is set to *loop* in the cast
member property box.

Then put this movie in the movie that you want to initialize
the sound

on startMovie
 --if you need to set the volume of sound 1 to anywhere
between 0 (mute) to 255, do it here.
 puppetsound 1  "put the name of the sound file castmember" --
end startMovie

This sound will play continuously and can only be controlled
by Lingo.
Sounds played from QT video members will play as well as any
placed in the sound channel 2.  Asking projectors to deal with
multiple sounds is asking for trouble though, be warned.

Remember that your *physical* channel 1 is now puppeted and
you cannot use it in
the score with other sounds in the usual fashion; for this
you now only 
have *physical* channel 2.

Of course you can call up to 8 (I think that is the limit)
on a Mac
but you may incur into problems on Windows machines if you

Hope it helps


pua jeand wrote:
 how do i play sound from 1.dir to 2.dir, but the sound still continue
 playing, without start all over again..(Lingo pls)
 (i also hope when qt movie playing that time, the sound still playing).

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