[Ltsp-discuss] Problems with Debian Stretch and NBD

2017-07-04 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I just upgraded to Debian Stretch, but I'm having major problems with NBD 

Is there a method to mount the squashfs root image over NFS instead of NBD?
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian Jessie LTSP server?

2016-10-11 Thread Robert Mavrinac
The last message was an incomplete reply - got sent prematurely.

I resolved the issue by creating a separate physical Ubuntu 16.04 server for 
these clients, Not exactly what I wanted, but it works for what I needed it for.

As for the additional chroot on the Debian server, the Ubuntu client never 
starts as a fat client. Any missing information from the last reply will have 
to be added later, when I can get back to it.

From: Vagrant Cascadian 
Sent: October 4, 2016 12:17 PM
To: Robert Mavrinac; ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian 
Jessie LTSP server?

> That sure doesn't give much to go on...

> What is the output of "ltsp-info"?

I'll have to rebuild the client to try this again. I had to clean up the server 
cluster for now.

> Are there any *.desktop files in /opt/ltsp/CHROOT/usr/share/xsessions/?

Yes. gnome-flashback-metacity and gnome-flashback-compiz.

> How much ram do the clients have?

8 GB

> Do you have both the old LTSP-PNP image and Ubuntu image present, and is
> it booting from the desired image?

Yes, both are present, and it is booting from the desired image.

> Any other *detailed* useful information you might be able to provide?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian Jessie LTSP server?

2016-10-04 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I finally came back to revisit this.

ldm was already installed in the chroot, but the client still only boots as a 
thin client.

These servers normally present clients configured using the ltsp-pnp method. I 
was trying to also add special purpose clients for occasional programming 
competitions and events. This is why I tried to add an Ubuntu client to a 
Debian LTSP server.

The client installs and boots fine as a thin client, but I stall can't get it 
to boot as a fat client.

From: Raphaƫl RIGNIER 
Sent: September 28, 2016 2:40 PM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian 
Jessie LTSP server?

Also, Fat client works only with ldm.
CHeck if it is installeld in chroot, and no param in lts.conf prevent the 
defaut behaviour (SCREEN_07=ldm).

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian Jessie LTSP server?

2016-09-27 Thread Robert Mavrinac
So I successfully built an Ubuntu 16.04 fat-client on a Debian Jessie server. 
Rather than installing from jessie-backports, I pinned the ltsp packages to the 
testing repository instead.

The client only boots as a thin client even with FAT_CLIENT=True in the 
lts.conf file.

Is a fat-client boot not supported with mixed server/client distributions? That 
would defeat the purpose of this experiment! What might I be missing if it is 
supported? Would more packages in the chroot fix this?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian Jessie LTSP server?

2016-09-22 Thread Robert Mavrinac
That worked. Thanks.


From: Vagrant Cascadian 
Sent: September 22, 2016 1:25 PM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian 
Jessie LTSP server?

On 2016-09-22, Robert Mavrinac wrote:
> VENDOR=Ubuntu ltsp-build-client --arch amd64 --chroot xenial  --dist xenial 
> --mirror http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu --fat-client-desktop 
> ubuntu-mate-desktop --prompt-rootpass --purge-chroot
> ERROR: invalid distribution: xenial
> you may need to specify the distribution with the --dist argument:
>   /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --dist etch
> error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally

You'll at least need the "debootstrap" package from
jessie-backports. Older versions of debootstrap do not support xenial.


live well,
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[Ltsp-discuss] Can I build an Ubuntu Xenial chroot on a Debian Jessie LTSP server?

2016-09-22 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I have tried the following command:

VENDOR=Ubuntu ltsp-build-client --arch amd64 --chroot xenial  --dist xenial 
--mirror http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu --fat-client-desktop 
ubuntu-mate-desktop --prompt-rootpass --purge-chroot

which yields this error:

ERROR: invalid distribution: xenial
you may need to specify the distribution with the --dist argument:
  /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --dist etch
error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally
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[Ltsp-discuss] A VMWare View kiosk (as promised)

2016-08-04 Thread Robert Mavrinac
This may seem like overkill, but I wanted two kiosks to be available on our 
ltsp clients on different screens, one for a web browser kiosk, another for a 
vmware view kiosk. The vmware view account is also required to be a member of 
audio, pulse and pulse-access. We're using the VMWare Horizon View client 
(VMware-Horizon-Client-3.5.0-200.x64.bundle) supporting PCOIP and USB 
redirection - there may be some library dependencies to be installed and at 
least one library soft link to create.

Add the following three (3) files to the LTSP server (they were copied from 
/usr/share/ltsp/screen.d/kiosk and /usr/share/ltsp/kioskSession, respectively:

(1) /etc/ltsp/screen.d/vmware-view:

* All VIEW* environment variables can set in /var/lib/tftpboot/lts.conf.

* Added VIEW_MESSAGE for echoing a "Please wait"
* Add qoutes around the gecos data ,,, in the adduser line - it may work in the 
script, but it doesn't always work from the command line.
* Add $VIEW_USER to the audio, pulse and pulse-access groups.
* Escaped quotation marks were added to pass VIEW_OPTIONS for su statement in 
vmware-view (and the eval in vmware-view-Session) to work properly

#--- begin /etc/ltsp/screen.d/vmware-view
# The following script works for LTSP5.
# This software is licensed under the Gnu General Public License.
# The full text of which can be found at http://www.LTSP.org/license.txt
#   To customize the vmware-view session, you can add "homedir" files
#   to $chroot/usr/local/share/ltspview/home/
#   AND to add startup scripts that run as the user, you can add
#   them as executables or symlinks to executables in:
#   $chroot/usr/local/share/ltspview/startup

PATH=/bin:$PATH; export PATH
. /usr/share/ltsp/screen-x-common

[ -n "$1" ] && VIEW_EXE=$1
[ -n "$2" ] && VIEW_OPTIONS=$2

if [ -z "${VIEW_EXE}" ]; then
if [ -x "/usr/bin/vmware-view" ]; then

if boolean_is_true "${VIEW_DAEMON:-"False"}"; then
export XINITRC_DAEMON="True"


sleep 5

if [ -z "$(getent passwd ${VIEW_USER})" ]; then
# create a ltspview user
adduser --no-create-home --disabled-password --gecos ",,," ${VIEW_USER}
adduser ltspview audio
adduser ltspview pulse
adduser ltspview pulse-access

# Create a tmpdir to be our homedir
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/.view-XX)
chown ${VIEW_USER} ${TMPDIR}

# Edit passwd homedir entry for programs that look it up from there
sed -i -e '\|'${VIEW_USER}'|s|[^:]*\(:[^:]*\)$|'$TMPDIR'\1|' /etc/passwd

VIEW_OPTIONS=\"${VIEW_OPTIONS}\" xinit $xinitrc /etc/ltsp/vmware-view-Session 
${VIEW_EXE} -- ${DISPLAY} vt${TTY} -nolisten tcp ${X_ARGS} -br" >/dev/null

rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
#--- end /etc/ltsp/screen.d/vmware-view

(2) /etc/ltsp/vmware-view-Session:

#--- begin /etc/ltsp/vmware-view-Session




if [ -x "${VIEW_WM}" ]; then
ln -s ${VIEW_WM} ${VIEW_USER_STARTUP}/00-view-wm

# Copy a default homedir if present
if [ -d  "${VIEW_HOME}" ]; then
cp -r ${VIEW_HOME}/* ${VIEW_HOME}/.??* ${HOME}

for file in ${VIEW_STARTUP}/* ; do
if [ -f "${file}" ]; then
ln -s "${file}" "${VIEW_USER_STARTUP}/$(basename ${file})"

[ -n "${XAUTHORITY}" ] && cp -a ${XAUTHORITY} ${HOME}

for i in ${VIEW_USER_STARTUP}/* ; do
[ -x "${i}" ] && eval "${i}" &

if [ "${VIEW_EXE}" = "unknown" ]; then
ldm-dialog --message "No program found."
eval ${VIEW_EXE} ${VIEW_OPTIONS} || ldm-dialog --message "Could not start 

[ "$USER" != "root" ] && pkill -u $USER
exit 0
#--- end /etc/ltsp/vmware-view-Session

(3) /etc/vmware/view-default-config:

#--- end 

(You may want to reduce the usb device families included - these work for our 
purposes, which includes Windows-based robotics programming)

Add these lines to the top of lts.conf:

  VIEW_OPTIONS="--fullscreen --once --nomenubar -q"
  VIEW_MESSAGE="\nPlease wait up to 30 seconds for the VMWare Horizon View clien

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

2016-08-03 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Actually I had as many as 5 servers. I'm in the process of upgrading 32-bit 
servers to 64-bit because we had only 32-bit thin clients. These are all 64-bit 
now, so the servers all need to be migrated as well.

I used to use ltsp-cluster. Since that doesn't work with ltsp-pnp, I now use 
ipxe boot menus to boot the clients and load-balancing the servers. All the 
clients boot using HTTP, not TFTP for their final image. I have one tftp boot 
server/dhcp server to load the first menu. When the ltsp option is chosen, the 
least loaded server is chosen.

The first server was upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit Debian Jessie - not simple 
or really supported, but not impossible. The second server was created with a 
bare-bones install and an RCP restore of the first server. I may have missed 
reconfiguring one of the files for the new server, which is when the SSH key 
problems started. Now that's resolved. The next upgrades should go without any 

As a  side note, I had posted earlier about a VMWare View kiosk. My solution 
for that was to recreate a separate screen and session file for View. Now we 
have a browser kiosk on screen 3, a vmware view kiosk on screen 5 and the usual 
ldm login on screen 7. I'll have to post those files later.


Robert Mavrinac
Server & Network Technician
School of Computer Science
Room 3104 Lambton Tower
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
519-253-3000 (4410)
Email: mavri...@uwindsor.ca

From: Valtteri Suojanen 
Sent: August 3, 2016 3:38:28 PM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error


yes. with two application (desktop ) servers.

ltsp-update-sshkeys -u srvname1...

Updating keys in network with two ltsp servers and both application servers got 
me thinking. I am just curious is (or how it is) in your setup ltsp network  
configured with two ltsp-pnp  perhaps as the defaults and in same network? In 
that case  you would have to manage the servers separately in the dnsmasq dhcp 
configurations also and having two dhcp servers in simple ltsp-pnp network is 
in my opinion not optimal for just 1-2 DE's or app servers  maintenance, 
especially when adding clients in such network . Maybe I just did not now 
understand the setup... and apologize if messing up too much.

In case you need to discuss about the setup in general there are some 
professionals and current developers also online in #ltsp .

3.8.2016 21.29 "Robert Mavrinac" 
mailto:mavri...@uwindsor.ca>> kirjoitti:

I think I just found the work-around.

Since this is an ltsp-pnp setup, I ran

ltsp-update-sshkeys -u server_name

on each application server, which by default creates 

I've run into issues in the past over hostname versus ip address in 
known_hosts, so I made sure each key begins with server_name,server_ip_address 
not just the server_name

sed -i '/^server_name/server_name,server_ip_address/g' 

ltsp-update-image --cleanup /

After rebooting the ltsp client again, everything seems good now on both 

From: SZABO Zsolt mailto:sz...@mm.bme.hu>>
Sent: August 3, 2016 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

On Wed, 3 Aug 2016, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

> Just to clarify, I login at the shell as 'root' in screen 1, and as a
> regular unprivileged user on screen 7.

Hmm... I know this :-)

Are there any messages about some ssh keys when logging in from screen 1?

Check the folder /root/.ssh... before and after the login.

I guess, that the ssh_known_hosts are incorrect in the folder /etc/ssh .

If so then scp the appropriate file from /root/.ssh/ to the server
and add the relevant keys from that to the appropriate file in

(Maybe the ltsp-update-sshkeys script did not run or you have some special
setup and it messed the keys up...)

# Just because they are called 'forbidden' transitions does not mean that they
# are forbidden.  They are less allowed than allowed transitions, if you see
# what I mean.
#-- From a Part 2 Quantum Mechanics lecture.

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

2016-08-03 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I think I just found the work-around.

Since this is an ltsp-pnp setup, I ran

ltsp-update-sshkeys -u server_name

on each application server, which by default creates 

I've run into issues in the past over hostname versus ip address in 
known_hosts, so I made sure each key begins with server_name,server_ip_address 
not just the server_name

sed -i '/^server_name/server_name,server_ip_address/g' 

ltsp-update-image --cleanup /

After rebooting the ltsp client again, everything seems good now on both 

From: SZABO Zsolt 
Sent: August 3, 2016 1:40 PM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

On Wed, 3 Aug 2016, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

> Just to clarify, I login at the shell as 'root' in screen 1, and as a
> regular unprivileged user on screen 7.

Hmm... I know this :-)

Are there any messages about some ssh keys when logging in from screen 1?

Check the folder /root/.ssh... before and after the login.

I guess, that the ssh_known_hosts are incorrect in the folder /etc/ssh .

If so then scp the appropriate file from /root/.ssh/ to the server
and add the relevant keys from that to the appropriate file in

(Maybe the ltsp-update-sshkeys script did not run or you have some special
setup and it messed the keys up...)

# Just because they are called 'forbidden' transitions does not mean that they
# are forbidden.  They are less allowed than allowed transitions, if you see
# what I mean.
#-- From a Part 2 Quantum Mechanics lecture.

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

2016-08-03 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Just to clarify, I login at the shell as 'root' in screen 1, and as a regular 
unprivileged user on screen 7.

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

2016-08-03 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Hmm ... the following is repeatable ...

After booting the ltsp client, if I login using 'ssh server' from screen 1 
(shell) on the ltsp-client (creating /root/.ssh/know_hosts with an entry for 
server), I am immediately able to login to the server from screen 7 (ldm).

If I reboot the same ltsp client, /root/.ssh/know_hosts is of course missing 
again and I can't login from screen 7 (ldm).

From: SZABO Zsolt 
Sent: August 3, 2016 10:40 AM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

On Wed, 3 Aug 2016, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

> All of a sudden I can't login to my LTSP clients (LTSP-PNP)

Did any update/upgrade happen @ltsp-server/dhcp-server?

> After a long delay on the LDM login screen, I get the following error on
> the login screen:
> "The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be
> established. ECDSA fingerprint is . Are you sure you
> want to continue connecting"
> and shortly afterwards the LDM login screen resets.
> How do I resolve this?

Try to access a shell (e.g. SCREEN_12 = shell in lts.conf and
then C-A-F12 @ltsp-client console),
and try to "ssh " or other to figure out where the
authentication method fails...


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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

2016-08-03 Thread Robert Mavrinac
That's the problem. I can login just fine to the server remotely from any other 
console, from a shell on the ltsp client, but not from screen 7 on the ltsp 
client (ldm).

And ltsp-update-sshkeys doesn't really seem to do anything in an ltsp-pnp 
setup. Where else would it be looking for keys?

As far as updates, none other than usual. I did add another server

From: SZABO Zsolt 
Sent: August 3, 2016 10:40 AM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

On Wed, 3 Aug 2016, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

> All of a sudden I can't login to my LTSP clients (LTSP-PNP)

Did any update/upgrade happen @ltsp-server/dhcp-server?

> After a long delay on the LDM login screen, I get the following error on
> the login screen:
> "The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be
> established. ECDSA fingerprint is . Are you sure you
> want to continue connecting"
> and shortly afterwards the LDM login screen resets.
> How do I resolve this?

Try to access a shell (e.g. SCREEN_12 = shell in lts.conf and
then C-A-F12 @ltsp-client console),
and try to "ssh " or other to figure out where the
authentication method fails...


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[Ltsp-discuss] Can't login on LTSP client due to SSH key error

2016-08-03 Thread Robert Mavrinac
All of a sudden I can't login to my LTSP clients (LTSP-PNP)

After a long delay on the LDM login screen, I get the following error on the 
login screen:

"The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be established. 
ECDSA fingerprint is  . Are you sure you want to continue 

and shortly afterwards the LDM login screen resets.

How do I resolve this?
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] How do I get a kiosk application to use the full resolution of any monitor?

2016-07-08 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Well ...

This only seems to be happening with our 32-bit servers, which will soon be 
retired when we replace the last thin clients over the next couple of weeks.
Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
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[Ltsp-discuss] How do I get a kiosk application to use the full resolution of any monitor?

2016-07-07 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I have kiosk applications working in LTSP, but I can't they don't use the full 
screen resolution.

Normally, I set this up per client using XRANDR_COMMANDs in lts.conf, like

XRANDR_COMMAND_1="xrandr --newmode 1280x1024  109.0  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 
1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync"
XRANDR_COMMAND_2="xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1280x1024"
XRANDR_COMMAND_3="xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1280x1024"

How do I get a kiosk applications to run at the full screen resolution of any 

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] I can't get the client to start in kiosk mode

2016-07-07 Thread Robert Mavrinac

Never mind responding to this request!

I got multiple kiosks working on different ttys with our ltsp-pnp environment. 
I will be posting a separate question regarding how to maximize the kiosk 
application to work at the full resolution of any monitor.
Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
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[Ltsp-discuss] I can't get the client to start in kiosk mode

2016-06-30 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I have several Debian 8 LTSP servers. For a summer program, I need to create an 
additional image for a kiosk option to load the VMWare View client.

These are the steps I used to create the image:


On the ltsp server:

ltsp-build-client --arch=i386 --chroot=vdi --dist=jessie 
--mirror=http://httpredir.debian.org/debian --kiosk --prompt-rootpass 

Enter the chroot and perform the following tasks:

ltsp-chroot -p -d -a vdi

cat > /etc/apt/sources.list << EOF
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie main contrib non-free
deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie-updates main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free

apt-get update
apt-get -y install vim aptitude linux-image-686-pae libxss1 openssl 
openssh-server libudev1 libglibmm-2.4 firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-realtek 
less wget
ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0
apt-get -y purge linux-image-586 linux-image-3.16.0-4-586 linux-image-486

sh VMware-Horizon-Client-3.5.0-200.x86.bundle
rm VMware-Horizon-Client-3.5.0-200.x86.bundle

cat > /usr/share/applications/vmware-view-client.desktop << EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Name=VMware View Client
Comment=Deliver rich, personalized virtual desktops with VMware View 6

cat > /etc/vmware/view-mandatory-config << EOF

(You can ignore the next 4 lines - I have a custom a update-kernels.conf)
rm -r /boot/pxelinux.cfg
scp root@`hostname`:/etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf
sed -i 's|ltsp/i386|ltsp/vdi|g' /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf
scp root@`hostname`:/boot/lpxelinux.0 /boot

adduser --no-create-home --disabled-password --gecos ",,," ltspkiosk
adduser ltspkiosk audio
adduser ltspkiosk pulse
adduser ltspkiosk pulse-access

Exit the chroot

On the ltsp server again:

ltsp=update-image vdi
rm -r /var/lib/tftpboot/lsp/vdi/pxelinux.cfg

Edit /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/vdi/lts.conf (add to top of section [default]):

KIOSK_OPTIONS="--fullscreen --protocol=PCOIP -s view.your.domain -l -d CSPC1"


Even if I comment out the KIOSK exe and options, the client still won't start 
in kiosk mode (e.g. Firefox) and just drops into the LTSP login screen.

Any suggestions?
Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] How do I limit logins to one per user now?

2015-10-30 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Thanks. I should have checked the lts.conf local man page first. Sorry about 

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[Ltsp-discuss] How do I limit logins to one per user now?

2015-10-30 Thread Robert Mavrinac
LTSP used to present a dialog "You are already logged in...". Now a user is 
able to login on more than one thin client at at time. How do I re-enable that 
with the latest versions, or restrict it that way for a particular group of 

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf doesn't appear to be sourced anywhere ...

2015-09-02 Thread Robert Mavrinac

That was it! Thank you.

For now I will delete PXE-related files in /boot, if they exist, before running 
"ltsp-update-image --cleanup /". I tested this and it works as expected. I did, 
however, have to edit /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to include the server's ip 
address explicitly in the nbdroot option (ltsp-update-image failed to evaluate 

The /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels script is the culprit, because it creates 
PXE files in /boot, which is expected in the image file. Normally this is 
supposed to be run in a chroot. The /usr/sbin/ltsp-update-kernels script copies 
those files to the tftp directory. Obviously, I should never run 
/usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels directly on the server set up using the LTSP PNP 

I also notice that only gpxelinux.0 and pxelinux.0 are included in 
/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386. You should also copy lpxelinux.0 there by default, 
because the distribution pxelinux.0 itself doesn't support chaining an http url 
on boot. I had to copy lpxelinux.0 to /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386 to get my 
LTSP clients to boot over HTTP.
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf doesn't appear to be sourced anywhere ...

2015-09-02 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Sorry, a typo...

Modified /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to contain (my primary interface is br0)

CMDLINE_NBD=${CMDLINE_NBD:-"root=/dev/nbd0 nbdroot=`ifconfig br0|grep "inet 
"|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F'addr:' '{print $2}'`:/opt/ltsp/i386"}

should read

Modified /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to contain (my primary interface is br0)

CMDLINE_NBD="root=/dev/nbd0 nbdroot=`ifconfig br0|grep "inet "|awk '{print 
$2}'|awk -F'addr:' '{print $2}'`:/opt/ltsp/i386"

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf doesn't appear to be sourced anywhere ...

2015-09-02 Thread Robert Mavrinac

Just so I'm clear.

First attempt:

I reverted /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels to the original file containing


Modified /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to contain (my primary interface is br0)

CMDLINE_NBD=${CMDLINE_NBD:-"root=/dev/nbd0 nbdroot=`ifconfig br0|grep "inet 
"|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F'addr:' '{print $2}'`:/opt/ltsp/i386"}

/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxeconfig.cfg/ltsp/i386/default contained the 
default settings.

Ran ltsp-update-kernels, but /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxeconfig.cfg/default 
is unchanged:

append ro initrd=initrd.img-3.16.0-4-686-pae init=/sbin/init-ltsp quiet 

Second attempt:

I changed /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to contain the default setting


Modified /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels to contain

CMDLINE_NBD=${CMDLINE_NBD:-"root=/dev/nbd0 nbdroot=`ifconfig br0|grep "inet 
"|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F'addr:' '{print $2}'`:/opt/ltsp/i386"}

/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxeconfig.cfg/ltsp/i386/default contained the 
default settings.

Ran ltsp-update-kernels and now 
/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxeconfig.cfg/ltsp/i386/default contains the new 

append ro initrd=initrd.img-3.16.0-4-686-pae init=/sbin/init-ltsp quiet 
root=/dev/nbd0 nbdroot=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/opt/ltsp/i386

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf doesn't appear to be sourced anywhere ...

2015-09-02 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Yes, I'm using "ltsp-update-image --cleanup /", and I think that is exactly the 
problem. I have tested this serveral times just now, and it still doesn't work 
with the base "/".

I am not using any chroot.

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf doesn't appear to be sourced anywhere ...

2015-09-02 Thread Robert Mavrinac

I have several Debian 8 LTSP_PNP servers. I tried to make a change in 
/etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf, but discovered it isn't actually sourced by any 
other files, so the changes are not propagated when the image or kernels are 

/etc/kernel/postinst.d/ltsp-update-kernels -> /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels 
contains the following text:

 # Relaunch update-kernels with its correct basename so that
 # ltsp-client-functions includes /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf.


 # Ensure default values for BOOT_METHODS, CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULTS, 
 # and CMDLINE_NBD. Distros *should* ship an /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf 
 # appropriate values for their distro.

I had to replace the CMDLINE_NBD varible directly in 
/usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels to include an appended option.

This was necessary according to an earlier post I made regarding load balancing 
multiple LTSP-PNP servers which I have resolved by booting with iPXE using HTTP 
urls. I wanted the client to boot from a server using HTTP and continue using 
the same server for NBD/applications. I created another server, which also 
hosts my ISC-DHCP service, to provide the PHP-generated iPXE scripts/menus, but 
no client images. The problem was that I needed 
"nbdroot={boot_server_ip_address}:/opt/ltsp/i386" to be appended to the 
CMDLINE_NBD variable (based on a hint from 
http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2014830.html) or the client would 
not boot over HTTP.

Shouldn't changes to update-kernels.conf also be sourced for LTSP_PNP?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Has anyone load balanced multiple LTSP-PNP servers without a common root server?

2015-08-13 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I have several identical complete LTSP-PNP servers using an external DHCP 

Without creating a separate root server, which would be a single point of 
failure, I'd like to load balance them  such that the client uses the 
application server with the least number of connections to boot from, since 
each application server is already a root server as well. Clearly this is 
different from load balancing application servers with a single root server. I 
haven't had much success yet using LVS and keepalived, but I'm still working on 
it. I'm looking into a pxe boot using HTTP instead of TFTP for the image - that 
might work, using the application server rating as a way to dynamically adjust 
a weighted round robin.

Any thoughts?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] LTSP-PNP and pam_group.so behaviour in thin clients, fat clients and ltsp-localapps

2015-07-23 Thread Robert Mavrinac
My apologies.

Setting SUID bit for /usr/bin/dumpcap works in all cases.

Also, getcap fails on the fat client and the thin client console, but works on 
the application server itself. I'm still curious about setting capabilities on 
the fat or thin client.

From: Robert Mavrinac 
Sent: July 23, 2015 3:25 PM
To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] LTSP-PNP and pam_group.so behaviour in thin clients, 
fat clients and ltsp-localapps

I am currently setting up a new cluster of LTSP-PNP servers running Debian 8.

I have the appropriate settings for adding all authenticated users to various 
groups automatically using pam_group.so,  modelled after settings in the 
debian-edu-config package and documentation at 

The group membership is correct for the user logged into a thin client, even at 
the console (Ctrl-Alt-F1).

Take wireshark, for example. It works fine on the thin client because the user 
is in the wireshark group, but I would like it to work on as an LTSP_LOCALAPP. 
If it is run as a localapp, it complains about permissions even though the user 
is in the wireshark group.

 offers some suggestions:

1. Additional capabilities are suggested to get dumpcap to work, but this 
doesn't work for ltsp-localapps or fat clients.

setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap

On the fat client getcap /usr/bin/dumpcap yields "Failed to get capabilities of 
file `/usr/bin/dumpcap' (Operation not supported)".

2. Setting SUID bit on for /usr/bin/dumpcap works for fat clients, but still 
doesn't fix the problem for wireshark as a localapp.

chmod u+s /usr/bin/dumpcap

Any ideas?

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[Ltsp-discuss] LTSP-PNP and pam_group.so behaviour in thin clients, fat clients and ltsp-localapps

2015-07-23 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I am currently setting up a new cluster of LTSP-PNP servers running Debian 8.

I have the appropriate settings for adding all authenticated users to various 
groups automatically using pam_group.so,  modelled after settings in the 
debian-edu-config package and documentation at 

The group membership is correct for the user logged into a thin client, even at 
the console (Ctrl-Alt-F1).

Take wireshark, for example. It works fine on the thin client because the user 
is in the wireshark group, but I would like it to work on as an LTSP_LOCALAPP. 
If it is run as a localapp, it complains about permissions even though the user 
is in the wireshark group.

 offers some suggestions:

1. Additional capabilities are suggested to get dumpcap to work, but this 
doesn't work for ltsp-localapps or fat clients.

setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap

On the fat client getcap /usr/bin/dumpcap yields "Failed to get capabilities of 
file `/usr/bin/dumpcap' (Operation not supported)".

2. Setting SUID bit on for /usr/bin/dumpcap works for fat clients, but still 
doesn't fix the problem for wireshark as a localapp.

chmod u+s /usr/bin/dumpcap

Any ideas?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Video card issues on thin client with an LTSP-PNP server running Debian 8

2015-06-24 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Regarding problems with resolution:

We were using ltsp-cluster for so long, the convenience of grouped settings 
will be sadly missed.

I used to have a custom xrandr script that would run when XRANDR_DISABLE=True, 
using the xrandr variables provided to the clients by the cluster 
configuration, to set the resolution correctly for a variety of client video 
cards and monitors.

Now, with lts-pnp and no ltsp-cluster, I have to script the creation of the 
lts.conf sections to configure all the clients individually with sections based 
on MAC. Seems like a lot of extra work, since I have about 200 clients. I'm 
hoping to find some a more efficient way to do this.

I now let the default xrandr script do the work. My problem was getting the 
sections right to include the correct xrandr settings, for example the lts.conf 
looks something like this:

  RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES="apache2 mysql dnsmasq nbd-server nfs-kernel-server"
  RM_THIN_SYSTEM_SERVICES="qemu-kvm virtualbox"
  XRANDR_NEWMODE_0="1280x1024 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034 1063 
-hsync +vsync"

  XRANDR_NEWMODE_0="1920x1080_60.00  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 
1088 1120 -hsync +vsync"


I like that I can easily switch between thin and fat client mode. I certainly 
need these ATOM clients to run as thin clients, with some local aps, to take 
advantage of some servers with lots of resources like CPUs and memory.
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Video card issues on thin client with an LTSP-PNP server running Debian 8

2015-06-23 Thread Robert Mavrinac
Never mind about the video resolution - I have it working now.
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Video card issues on thin client with an LTSP-PNP server running Debian 8

2015-06-23 Thread Robert Mavrinac
> From: Vagrant Cascadian 
> Sent: June 23, 2015 1:19 PM
> To: Robert Mavrinac; ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Video card issues on thin client with an LTSP-PNP 
> server running Debian 8
> On 2015-06-23, Robert Mavrinac wrote:
> > I have built a new i386 LTSP-PNP server, and "inxi -G" on the server yields:
> >
> > Graphics:  Card: Matrox Systems MGA G200eW WPCM450
> >Display Server: X.Org 1.16.4 drivers: mga (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
> >Resolution: 1680x1050@59.88hz, 1680x1050@59.88hz
> >GLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.5, 128 bits) GLX 
> > Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2
> The server's graphics hardware is not used for fat or thin clients.
> > The clients are mostly Atom N270 with Intel 945GSE integrated graphics.
> >
> >
> > As a fat client, "inxi -G" on the client yields:
> >
> >
> > Graphics: Card: Intel Mobile 945GSE Express Ingegrated Graphics Controller
> >
> >Display Server: X.Org 1.16.4 drivers: N/A
> >
> >Resolution: 1024x768@60.00hz
> >
> >GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel x86/MMX/SSE2
> >
> >GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.2
> >
> >
> > Question #1:
> >
> >
> > If the package xserver-xorg-video-intel is providing the graphics card
> > support, why is "inxi -G" reporting "drivers: N/A"? Surely I don't
> > need a proprietary driver.
> Never used inxi, no idea what it's querying. But yes, the
> xserver-xorg-video-intel is surely the correct package.

OK. So the driver is good.

inxi is just a handy little system information tool for the console.

> > Question #2:
> >
> >
> > If I run the client as a thin client, a notice displays that the
> > desktop is "Running in software rendering mode".
> Which desktop environment?
> It may be related to https://bugs.debian.org/776746
> > Isn't a thin client supposed to be using it's local X server and video
> > drivers?
> It uses the client hardware, but hardware accelleration requires
> coordination from the server-side software that typically isn't
> available via ssh X11Forwarding or even plain X11 traffic
> (e.g. LDM_DIRECTX=true).
> Many desktop environments no longer support running X remotely,
> unfortunately...

Now that makes sense. What desktop is best to use on the thin client for now? 

Also, I'm having problems setting the display resolution using xrandr settings 
in lts.conf. I was using ltsp-cluster settings, up to now, to set a custom 
variable if the xrandr settings were different than the default. I can't seem 
to get anything but 1024x768.

> live well,
>   vagrant

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[Ltsp-discuss] Video card issues on thin client with an LTSP-PNP server running Debian 8

2015-06-23 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I have built a new i386 LTSP-PNP server, and "inxi -G" on the server yields:

Graphics:  Card: Matrox Systems MGA G200eW WPCM450
   Display Server: X.Org 1.16.4 drivers: mga (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
   Resolution: 1680x1050@59.88hz, 1680x1050@59.88hz
   GLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.5, 128 bits) GLX 
Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2

The clients are mostly Atom N270 with Intel 945GSE integrated graphics.

As a fat client, "inxi -G" on the client yields:

Graphics: Card: Intel Mobile 945GSE Express Ingegrated Graphics Controller

   Display Server: X.Org 1.16.4 drivers: N/A

   Resolution: 1024x768@60.00hz

   GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel x86/MMX/SSE2

   GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.2

Question #1:

If the package xserver-xorg-video-intel is providing the graphics card support, 
why is "inxi -G" reporting "drivers: N/A"? Surely I don't need a proprietary 

Question #2:

If I run the client as a thin client, a notice displays that the desktop is 
"Running in software rendering mode". Isn't a thin client supposed to be using 
it's local X server and video drivers?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-09-19 Thread Robert Mavrinac
For anyone else following this, I neglected to mention that you do need 
to run 'make install_headers" from the aufs2-standalone.git directory in 
order to build aufs2-util.

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aufs/aufs2-standalone 

cd aufs2-standalone.git
git checkout aufs2.1-32
make install_headers

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aufs/aufs2-util aufs2-util.git
cd aufs2-util.git
git checkout aufs2.1
make install

Although I've managed to get this part done, I haven't been able to get 
a container to use aufs yet.

On 15/09/14 03:02 PM, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

On 29/08/14 01:07 PM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:

Looks like you need to load the overlayfs or aufs modules. It's not
uncommon for container technologies to disallow loading modules by
default, as that can compromise the security of the host machine. If you
manually load overlayfs or aufs from the host server, it might work.

I still haven't gotten any response on what the preferred kernel 
options for AUFS should be for LTSP.

I have built AUFS as a module, because I don't necessarily want it 
available to all containers as a feature. If anyone would kindly 
provide their suggestions for the following options, I'd appreciate 
it. I made the following choices, but I may not need all of them:

  Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support 
(AUFS_FS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m

Maximum number of branches
> 1. 127 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127) (NEW)
  2. 511 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511) (NEW)
  3. 1023 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023) (NEW)
  4. 32767 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767) (NEW)
choice[1-4?]: 1
Detect direct branch access (bypassing aufs) (AUFS_HNOTIFY) 
[N/y/?] (NEW) y

  > 1. fsnotify (AUFS_HFSNOTIFY) (NEW)
  choice[1-2]: 1
NFS-exportable aufs (AUFS_EXPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Readdir in userspace (AUFS_RDU) [N/y/?] (NEW)
support for /proc/maps and lsof(1) (AUFS_PROC_MAP) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Respect the attributes (mtime/ctime mainly) of special files 

Show whiteouts (AUFS_SHWH) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch (AUFS_BR_RAMFS) [N/y/?] 
(NEW) y

Fuse fs as an aufs branch (AUFS_BR_FUSE) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
Hfsplus as an aufs branch (AUFS_BR_HFSPLUS) [Y/n/?] (NEW)
Debug aufs (AUFS_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW)

Summary of what I have done so far:

The latest LTSP servers can be run as OpenVZ containers, but obviously 
require AUFS support in the hardware node (HN or CT0) kernel as 
pointed out above. I don't really want to give up PVE. The Proxmox 
Virtual Environment provides complete server virtualization management 
for OpenVZ containers that we've adapted to; its kernel currently uses 
the OpenVZ Kernel from sources listed below.

The Proxmox kernel sources are available from:



which includes sources and patches from



The AUFS 2.1-32 sources are available from:


git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aufs/aufs2-standalone 

cd aufs2-standalone.git
git checkout aufs2.1-32

Here is a summary of what I've done to replace the Proxmox kernel with 
a custom one.

Both vzkernel-2.6.32-042stab093.4.src.rpm and patch-042stab093 patch 
linux-2.6.32, change symbol names and relocate functions. This, of 
course, requires modifying the distributed patches for AUFS 2.1 to 
successfully rebuild kernel. I've created a complete aufs2.1-32 patch 
that has been created specifically to rebuild the Proxmox 2.6.32 
kernel packages. Note that this custom patch includes all files 
required to either compile aufs2.1 into the kernel or as a module. All 
of aufs2-base.patch, aufs2-kbuild.patch, aufs2-standalone.patch, 
proc_map.patch and loopback.patch have been included into this patch. 
I will continue to post new patches as the kernel gets updated

My current pve-kernel-2.6.32+aufs2.1-32.patch can be found on the 
owncloud link below, but will be updated to reflect the suggestions 
offered for the question at the beginning of this message.


To rebuild the kernel:

cd /your/src
apt-get install kernel-package lintian
git clone https://github.com/proxmox/pve-kernel-2.6.32 

cd pve-kernel-2.6.32.git
patch -p1 < /your/downloads/pve-kernel-2.6.32+aufs2.1-32.patch

The root changelog.Debian is patched with an arbitrarily large version 
epoch so this kernel doesn't get overwritten by an update. You should 
customize this changelog.Debian for your si

Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-09-15 Thread Robert Mavrinac

On 16/09/14 12:46 AM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:

On 2014-09-15 14:02:15 -0500, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

On 29/08/14 01:07 PM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:

Looks like you need to load the overlayfs or aufs modules. It's not
uncommon for container technologies to disallow loading modules by
default, as that can compromise the security of the host machine. If you
manually load overlayfs or aufs from the host server, it might work.

I still haven't gotten any response on what the preferred kernel options
for AUFS should be for LTSP.

Not sure which options are needed, but it's worked fine with standard
kernels built in Debian for at least the several years. Here's a grep of
the kernel config options:

   $ grep AUFS /boot/config-3.14-2-amd64
   # CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511 is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023 is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767 is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_HNOTIFY is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_RDU is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_SP_IATTR is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_SHWH is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_BR_RAMFS is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_BR_FUSE is not set
   # CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG is not set

This is exactly what I needed. Thanks.

I'm adding a config diff to the patch to reflect these kernel config 

Setting the epoch=99 was surely overkill - that value can just be a 
small non-zero integer. I suppose it may have just been sufficient to 
hold the package to prevent premature updates. I didn't want to change 
the package version or debian revision, but did want the changelog to 
document the addition of AUFS.

Hope that's helpful.

live well,

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-09-15 Thread Robert Mavrinac
On 29/08/14 01:07 PM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> Looks like you need to load the overlayfs or aufs modules. It's not
> uncommon for container technologies to disallow loading modules by
> default, as that can compromise the security of the host machine. If you
> manually load overlayfs or aufs from the host server, it might work.
I still haven't gotten any response on what the preferred kernel options 
for AUFS should be for LTSP.

I have built AUFS as a module, because I don't necessarily want it 
available to all containers as a feature. If anyone would kindly provide 
their suggestions for the following options, I'd appreciate it. I made 
the following choices, but I may not need all of them:

   Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support 
(AUFS_FS) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) m
 Maximum number of branches
 > 1. 127 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127) (NEW)
   2. 511 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511) (NEW)
   3. 1023 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023) (NEW)
   4. 32767 (AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767) (NEW)
 choice[1-4?]: 1
 Detect direct branch access (bypassing aufs) (AUFS_HNOTIFY) [N/y/?] 
(NEW) y
   > 1. fsnotify (AUFS_HFSNOTIFY) (NEW)
   choice[1-2]: 1
 NFS-exportable aufs (AUFS_EXPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
 Readdir in userspace (AUFS_RDU) [N/y/?] (NEW)
 support for /proc/maps and lsof(1) (AUFS_PROC_MAP) [N/y/?] (NEW)
 Respect the attributes (mtime/ctime mainly) of special files 
 Show whiteouts (AUFS_SHWH) [N/y/?] (NEW)
 Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch (AUFS_BR_RAMFS) [N/y/?] 
(NEW) y
 Fuse fs as an aufs branch (AUFS_BR_FUSE) [N/y/?] (NEW) y
 Hfsplus as an aufs branch (AUFS_BR_HFSPLUS) [Y/n/?] (NEW)
 Debug aufs (AUFS_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW)

Summary of what I have done so far:

The latest LTSP servers can be run as OpenVZ containers, but obviously 
require AUFS support in the hardware node (HN or CT0) kernel as pointed 
out above. I don't really want to give up PVE. The Proxmox Virtual 
Environment provides complete server virtualization management for 
OpenVZ containers that we've adapted to; its kernel currently uses the 
OpenVZ Kernel from sources listed below.

The Proxmox kernel sources are available from:



which includes sources and patches from



The AUFS 2.1-32 sources are available from:


 git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aufs/aufs2-standalone 
 cd aufs2-standalone.git
 git checkout aufs2.1-32

Here is a summary of what I've done to replace the Proxmox kernel with a 
custom one.

Both vzkernel-2.6.32-042stab093.4.src.rpm and patch-042stab093 patch 
linux-2.6.32, change symbol names and relocate functions. This, of 
course, requires modifying the distributed patches for AUFS 2.1 to 
successfully rebuild kernel. I've created a complete aufs2.1-32 patch 
that has been created specifically to rebuild the Proxmox 2.6.32 kernel 
packages. Note that this custom patch includes all files required to 
either compile aufs2.1 into the kernel or as a module. All of 
aufs2-base.patch, aufs2-kbuild.patch, aufs2-standalone.patch, 
proc_map.patch and loopback.patch have been included into this patch. I 
will continue to post new patches as the kernel gets updated

My current pve-kernel-2.6.32+aufs2.1-32.patch can be found on the 
owncloud link below, but will be updated to reflect the suggestions 
offered for the question at the beginning of this message.


To rebuild the kernel:

 cd /your/src
 apt-get install kernel-package lintian
 git clone https://github.com/proxmox/pve-kernel-2.6.32 
 cd pve-kernel-2.6.32.git
 patch -p1 < /your/downloads/pve-kernel-2.6.32+aufs2.1-32.patch

The root changelog.Debian is patched with an arbitrarily large version 
epoch so this kernel doesn't get overwritten by an update. You should 
customize this changelog.Debian for your site before rebuilding the kernel.



Install the kernel and headers packages created.

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-09-08 Thread Robert Mavrinac

On 29/08/14 01:07 PM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:

On 2014-08-29 08:56:43 -0700, Robert Mavrinac wrote:

Are you using chroot images? That I can do. The problem with OpenVZ is
OS-level virtualization, just the same way it might be for VServer.
Obviously from the output, I'm running this on a Proxmox server.

root@server:/# ltsp-update-image -c /
modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507
kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file
modprobe: FATAL: Module overlayfs not found.
modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507
kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file
modprobe: FATAL: Module aufs not found.
No overlayfs or aufs support detected

If you don't have this problem, I need to look at VServer.

Looks like you need to load the overlayfs or aufs modules. It's not
uncommon for container technologies to disallow loading modules by
default, as that can compromise the security of the host machine. If you
manually load overlayfs or aufs from the host server, it might work.
I've opted to recompile the Proxmox kernel to include aufs support. 
Currently, I've patched the Proxmox sources to have aufs compile into 
the kernel using the aufs2-standalone source for the 2.6.32 kernel. I'm 
still working on getting it to build a kernel module.

Are the default settings for aufs in the kernel config sufficient, or 
should some of them be changed?

live well,

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- Rob
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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-08-29 Thread Robert Mavrinac
On 29/08/14 01:07 PM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> On 2014-08-29 08:56:43 -0700, Robert Mavrinac wrote:
>> Are you using chroot images? That I can do. The problem with OpenVZ is
>> OS-level virtualization, just the same way it might be for VServer.
>> Obviously from the output, I'm running this on a Proxmox server.
>> root@server:/# ltsp-update-image -c /
>> modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507
>> kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file
>> '/lib/modules/2.6.32-31-pve/modules.builtin.bin'
>> modprobe: FATAL: Module overlayfs not found.
>> modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507
>> kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file
>> '/lib/modules/2.6.32-31-pve/modules.builtin.bin'
>> modprobe: FATAL: Module aufs not found.
>> No overlayfs or aufs support detected
>> If you don't have this problem, I need to look at VServer.
> Looks like you need to load the overlayfs or aufs modules. It's not
> uncommon for container technologies to disallow loading modules by
> default, as that can compromise the security of the host machine. If you
> manually load overlayfs or aufs from the host server, it might work.
> live well,

Well, I'm not going to rebuild the Proxmox VE kernel to include aufs 
support. I'm going test this with a Linux-VServer KVM. It looks like I 
can get that to work, so I may be migrating all of my openvz containers 
very soon.

- Rob

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-08-29 Thread Robert Mavrinac
On 29/08/14 10:54 AM, Ben Green wrote:
> Quoting Robert Mavrinac :
>> I quickly followed the steps outlined in a recent message 41981
>> (https://www.mail-archive.com/ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net/msg41981.html).
>> But clearly this fails on "tsp-update-image -c /" precisely because the
>> server is a container.
>> Any suggestions?
> We run LTSP in Linux-Vserver containers. You need to set a few options
> from the host, and NFS is more tricky, we stick to NBD, but basically
> it's totally possible.
> What problem do you get with OpenVZ?
Are you using chroot images? That I can do. The problem with OpenVZ is 
OS-level virtualization, just the same way it might be for VServer. 
Obviously from the output, I'm running this on a Proxmox server.

root@server:/# ltsp-update-image -c /
modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507 
kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file 
modprobe: FATAL: Module overlayfs not found.
modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507 
kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file 
modprobe: FATAL: Module aufs not found.
No overlayfs or aufs support detected

If you don't have this problem, I need to look at VServer.

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[Ltsp-discuss] Is it possible to run ltsp-pnp in an openvz container?

2014-08-29 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I have an existing LTSP cluster running on 4 Ubuntu 12.04 openvz 
containers, one for root/load-balancing/dhcp, the other three for app 

Generally, I have had no issues overcoming some of the limitations of 
the container (for example, indirectly supporting an nfs4 home directory 
by using a simfs mount, or nfs-kernel-server by having a dummy mount on 
CT0 and starting exportfs,rpcbind and nfs-kernel-server in the 
container), and I have had this cluster working for years.

Now I'm looking at upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04. Everyone seems to say that 
ltsp-pnp is simpler and that ltsp-cluster is no longer supported.

The load-balancing feature is important to our site, as is running the 
servers in containers.

I quickly followed the steps outlined in a recent message 41981 
But clearly this fails on "tsp-update-image -c /" precisely because the 
server is a container.

Any suggestions?

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[Ltsp-discuss] lts.conf parameters

2014-02-22 Thread Robert Mavrinac
And also note that new values can be added for use in custom scripts if you 
install ltsp-cluster. Look at documentation for rdp+ldm.config and 

 -Vagrant Cascadian  wrote: -

 To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
 From: Vagrant Cascadian 
 Date: 02/21/2014 01:14PM 
 Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] lts.conf parameters
   On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 08:53:26AM -0600, Mike Cammilleri wrote:
> Is there a list somewhere of all the fun parameters you can set in lts.conf?

If your distribution has packaged the ltsp-docs package, install it and look
at the lts.conf manpage. I can't promise it's perfect, but it's probably the
most comprehensive list available, and if anything's missing, please let us
know, or ideally file a patch to fix it!

live well,

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Clustering or app servers?

2013-09-06 Thread Robert Mavrinac
On 06/09/13 09:22 AM, Robert Lefebvre wrote:
> i have experimented with LDAP and had it working (I think) on what is 
> now our back up server. So do I absolutely have to use LDAP to cluster 
> servers?
No, you don't have to use LDAP to cluster the servers, but you should 
manage accounts from one source rather than trying to synchronize 
multiple password files. You could use NIS or Kerberos, but I wouldn't. 
The application servers all need to authenticate the same collection of 
> If so, I think I would opt to do a total new install on another box. 
> With your experience does that seem like the best approach?
I think it might be better if you send me a more complete description of 
what you want the final setup to look like. As I understand it, you need 
a root server for clients to boot from, which is also a cluster 
controller and load balancer. You want multiple teacher desktop's to 
become the application servers. I'm sure you would probably be 
interested in setting up the classroom management software (epoptes) as 

Some important questions to be answered are:

1. Do the teachers all have unique accounts?

2. If so, do you have network storage for their home directories? The 
reason I'm asking this is that LTSP will provide you with distributed 
resources - each teacher could log in to any LTSP client or their own 
desktop (an application server) and get the exact same environment.

3. Do the students have their own accounts, or are they using computers 
as guests or kiosks?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Clustering or app servers?

2013-09-05 Thread Robert Mavrinac
On 04/09/13 06:51 PM, Robert Lefebvre wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not following the advantage of doing this with VMs. I've only 
> dabbled with them but I'm thinking to add additional processing power 
> to the network. If possible, I would like to scatter the servers 
> throughout the school and have them double as workstations for the 
> teachers too. I know the term "server" is loosely used in LTSP and 
> isn't any special type of computer. In our network the teachers get 
> the best, strongest machines. Often they are idle though as they are 
> busy with students.
I wasn't suggesting you should use VMs.
> Am I correct in believing that once the load balancer assigns a 
> request to a particular server then that traffic would flow back and 
> forth direct from the client through the switch to the server?
That's how it works. You need one root server for the thin clients to 
boot from. As I said, this should also be your cluster control and load 
balancer. The teacher's computer's can act as application servers, but 
they need to be configured similarly, preferably identically, so the 
thin client user experiences the same environment everywhere.

Also, I am assuming you have centralized authentication like LDAP and 
shared network home directories.
> > Do you mean clustering beyond the load balancing LTSP would provide?
> Did I answer this above? Or is there some type of load balancing going 
> on in my single server system now? Like I said, I am thinking of using 
> teacher work stations as servers at the same time. Or is the idea 
> totally whacked?

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Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Clustering or app servers?

2013-09-04 Thread Robert Mavrinac
You should be able to install the ltsp packages easily. I put the 
ltsp-root, ltsp-loadbalancer and ltsp-cluster-control on one VM and run 
a number of application server VMs. Just make sure your application 
servers have the same configuration/packages once you start load 
balancing between them. You can pretty much follow the instructions for 
which packages to install on which server and just follow the 
instructions. Since you haven't already installed ltsp cluster packages, 
you are pretty much working from scratch, even with your existing server.

Do you mean clustering beyond the load balancing LTSP would provide? 
Clustering may require a lot of other work, including fencing and share 
disks to support fail-over scenarios and certainly doesn't make sense in 
an LTSP cluster.

Beyond load balancing

On 04/09/13 01:37 PM, Robert Lefebvre wrote:
We are currently running just one Edubuntu 12.04 server with a 6 core 
AMD processor and 32 GB of ram but I would like to add 1 or more other 

I've looked at the ltspcluster.org  site and 
for other tutorials but they all sort of start "from scratch".

What I was wondering was if I can add the LTSP cluster suite (such as 
the load balancer,ltsp-cluster-agent,ltsp-cluster-control etc) to my 
current installation.

And along with that I am wondering whether two independent servers 
each with edubuntu 12.04 installed can be clustered to work together?


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[Ltsp-discuss] How do I configure Debian LTSP server to use NBD for both root and swap (like Ubuntu) on the clients

2012-10-16 Thread Robert Mavrinac
I'm using an OpenVZ container and NFS is not an option. I need to use 
NBD for root and swap on the clients but prefer to use a Debian template 
instead of Ubuntu for the server.

What files need to be changed?

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