Re: QT map widget

2010-06-11 Thread Simon Pickering

A start may be this widget:

You might also want to look at the marblewidget (
As far as I know it can be built without any kde dependency, and is pretty

Apparently it's also already running on an N900 (from the bottom of the 
linked page, just in case anyone missed it):


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT map widget

2010-06-11 Thread Simon Pickering

On 11/06/2010 10:02, Till Harbaum wrote:

with the switch to qt i think there's a need for a qt map widget. I really
see a need for a unified widget to be used by all applications. The
current situation with multiple different map widgets on maemo5
shows what imho should be prevented:

- They store cached tiles at different locations wasting bandwidth as
well as device flash space
- No central point for map maintenance (e.g. cleaning the map cache
or downloading entire areas into the cache for offline usage)
- No easy and central way to add new map sources
- The overall look and feel is different although they intend to provide
  similar function
- Some widgets work behind network proxies, some don't
- None of these widgets is really developer friendly

I should add that I totally agree with the goal here. The question is 
whether it would be better to decide exactly what we want (in terms of 
features, hw accelerated rendering, etc.) and write something new, or to 
modify an existing piece of code.

Certainly if this qmapcontrol is suitable that would make life easier 
(and from a quick glance it looks ok).

Would a wiki page be useful to determine people's wishes for such a 
widget? Just thinking off the top of my head there are things like:

Multiple map sources. Would that include things that are available but 
not necessarily fully legal e.g. Google maps - at least it should 
provide a way for third parties or users to enable such things?

What about deciding what sorts of local POI lookups, routing, traffic 
info, etc. might be wanted, and whether it should/can come from online 
or local vector map data (e.g. OSM), or even RDS ;) and how these should 
be provided.

Overlays are another important point - this was a stumbling block for 
Maemo-mapper for a long time iirc.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: QR-Code

2010-05-13 Thread Simon Pickering

 Is there a project to QT QR-Code ? 

Take a look at the Qt branch of the maemo-barcode Garage project, or install
mBarcode from extras-devel.

We use libzbar for the QR decoding (thanks derf for writing the decoder) via
a Gstreamer wrapper (thanks ensonic).

More developers for the core of mBarcode and especially plugins always
welcome as my time is currently rather short and I think Svenn-Arne is
suffering from the same problem.

 Thank's !



 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of 
 Roberto Teixeira
 Sent: 13 May 2010 03:01
 Subject: QR-Code
 Hi !Is there a project to QT QR-Code

 Is there a project to QT QR-Code ?
 Thank's !

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: QR-Code

2010-05-13 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Daniil,
   QR is not mentioned in Debian package description.
   I think maintainer should be contacted.

It was introduced fairly recently (in 0.9 iirc) and fwiw we have 0.10 in the
extras-devel feed iirc. 

See here:



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: GStreamer, mp3 playback and the DSP

2010-04-10 Thread Simon Pickering

 I'm currently using GStreamer to play mp3 files. I'm trying 
 to move all mp3 decoding to the DSP but I'm unable to find 
 any useful info on the matter.

May I ask why you're trying to move mp3 decoding to the DSP? Are the mp3s
the sound track/effects for a game, etc., so you want to have more CPU
cycles to do useful work?

 The only thing i got so far is this paragraph from the wiki:
 Most of the audio encoders and decoders are wrapped under the 
 OpenMAX IL interface [OMAX], which abstracts the codec 
 specific implementation (which in general can run on ARM or 
 DSP). Unless a different solution is needed (due e.g. to 
 sourcing problems, performance requirements or to fulfill 
 some specific use cases) all the audio codecs will be running 
 on the ARM side to simplify the audio architecture and to 
 avoid the additional latency and load over the data path due 
 to the routing of the audio data first to DSP and then back to ARM. 
 So, obviuosly a different solution is needed but I coudn't 
 find any documentation whatsoever. :) Anyone can help here?

Are there any existing OpenMAX mp3 decoders targetted at the TMS320c64x DSP?
If not, it would probably not be too painful to port one (where pain is all
relative, but at least this would be less painful than trying on the more
constrained and 8bit-less c55 ;)



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: GStreamer, mp3 playback and the DSP

2010-04-10 Thread Simon Pickering

  I'm currently using GStreamer to play mp3 files. I'm 
  trying to move 
  all mp3 decoding to the DSP but I'm unable to find any 
  useful info on 
  the matter.
  May I ask why you're trying to move mp3 decoding to the 
  DSP? Are the 
  mp3s the sound track/effects for a game, etc., so you want to have 
  more CPU cycles to do useful work?
 Yes, it's an emulator actually, and mp3 decoding is 
 noticeably stealing CPU cycles.

Ok, I just wanted to check that your reason was something valid and indeed
it is.


  So, obviuosly a different solution is needed but I coudn't 
  find any 
  documentation whatsoever. :) Anyone can help here?
  Are there any existing OpenMAX mp3 decoders targetted at the 
  TMS320c64x DSP?
  If not, it would probably not be too painful to port one 
 (where pain 
  is all relative, but at least this would be less painful 
 than trying 
  on the more constrained and 8bit-less c55 ;)
 Thats what the wiki article I quoted seems to imply, but it's 
 not very clear and I couldn't find any further info. There's 
 a multimedia framework diagram suggesting that there are 
 OpenMAX audio codecs that run in the DSP via DSP-bridge, but 
 not sure if this applies to maemo 5 and there's no info on 
 how to use them.

I must admit that I've not done any DSP work on the c64, though I did pay
attention to it when the N900 was originally announced (and I thought I'd
get a Pandora to fill the gap until it was shipped, glad I didn't pin my
hopes on that now ;). Anyway I imagine some of the Nokians (and others) will
know from first hand experience so please someone jump in if I've got the
wrong idea.

So yes, my understanding is that that is exactly what's involved, therefore
it should be possible to write an OpenMAX compliant codec that uses the DSP
bridge to transfer data back and forth to a decoder running on the DSP. 

There were docs and examples on one of the websites (this one iirc: and DSP coding docs on this
site:, not sure about the
OpenMAX docs, but I guess there will be example code floating about
somewhere (or you might just wrap the DSP bridge interface stuff directly in
a Gstreamer plugin and skip the OpenMax stuff completely).

I think that writing/porting this should be reasonably straight-forward,
optimising it less so, but at least afaiu the code shouldn't need major
changes to get rid of 8bit types.

However on the N8x0 devices it was not possible to directly output audio
from the DSP due to a lack of api docs (it would need a re-write of the DSP
kernel or reverse engineering the DSP audio codec api, which are things that
would now be good for Mer, but would take some time, but that's another

I don't know if it is currently (or would be relatively easily) possible to
output audio directly from the N900's DSP. This is something you should try
to find out, as on the N8x0, needing to pass data both to and back from the
DSP (in this case for SBC encoding) clobbered video decoding on the CPU (CPU
load was lower with SBC encoding on the DSP, but something, presumably
memory contention due to the way the data was passed to and fro for both the
DSP and framebuffer, dropped the mplayer decoded framerate down from iirc
~25fps to ~1fps). 

I imagine/hope the N900 + DSP bridge setup is better, but I really don't
know. Does anyone know? Could a Nokian tell us about the possibility of
direct audio output from the DSP and how efficient the data passing is in
the absence of direct audio output?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: music player with .lrc support !

2010-03-16 Thread Simon Pickering
 Personally, I think it's too small for a 3 month project, though.
 However getting LRC parsing into gstreamer or MAFW for use by 
 the Nokia media player would be a fine challenge for three 
 months, IMHO.

This certainly sounds useful.

 But since the Nokia media player is closed source, it would 
 be kinda hard to make it display lyrics. An alternative would 

Wasn't the whole idea of MAWF to make it easy to replace the Media Player
and only need to write the GUI stuff (leaving all the playlist stuff to
MAWF, decoding to Gstreamer, and finding files to trackerd)?

I've not looked at it though, so perhaps it's difficult to work with hence
the lack of replacement players. Though if not, writing a proof of concept
player to display the lyrics too shouldn't be too hard (he says).



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Performance of floating point instructions

2010-03-10 Thread Simon Pickering

   in maemo-mapper I have a lot of code involved in doing 
  transformations from latitude/longitude to Mercator 
  coordinates (used in google maps, for example), calculation 
  of distances, etc.
  I'm trying to use integer arithmetics as much as 
  possible, but sometimes it's a bit impractical, and I wonder 
  if it's really worth the trouble.

Is the code slow at the moment and is it specifically the fp stuff that's
slowing it down? If not, I'd say it's probably not worth the effort unless
you're doing this for fun/out of interest.

  Does one have any figure about how the performance of 
  the FPU is, compared to integer operations?
  A practical question: should I use this way of 
  computing the square root:
  (but operating on 32 or even 64 bits), or would I be 
  better using sqrtf() or sqrt()?

I'd suggest writing some benchmark code for the functions you wish to

  Does anyone know any tricks to optimize certain 
  operations on arrays of data?

There are SIMD extensions

 Basically, what we did with ThinX OS, is have a full blown 
 soft-float toolchain which then used the already proven and 
 highly optimized GCC's stack floating point operations. 
 However , Maemo is not soft float, so I'd recommend to 
 experiment with rebuilding Mapper using such a soft float 
 enabled toolchain, statically linked to avoid glitches to 
 system's libc or have a seperat LD_LIBRARY_PATH to avoid 
 memory hogging, and see where it gets you.

Soft-float is significantly slower than using the VFP hard-float (using
mfpu, etc., flags on GCC on the N900 and the N8x0 for that matter), there
should be emails containing benchmarks on the list from a long while back
otherwise I can dig them out again. But Alberto's situation is slightly
different as his integer-only code need not deal with arbitrary fp numbers
(as is the case for the soft-float code) as he knows what his inputs' ranges
will be, therefore he should be able to write more efficient and specialised
fixed point integer functions that avoid conversion to and from fp form and
that trim significant figures to the minimum he requires.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: External Repository and HAM

2010-03-09 Thread Simon Pickering

 Marius Vollmer wrote:
 To be fair, libraries do not _need_ to be shared, sharing them is an
 True, but this is very inefficient on small-memory devices. It makes a
 huge difference to have, say, 3 applications sharing a library instead
 of having 3 copies in memory instead.

And it's also rather a waste of the developers' time if someone has
already gone to the effort of Debianising/getting it to work in general.

 How to resolve this? Ideally, library K should now be taken over by
 some maintainer (who could be one of the two mentioned, or someone
 else), but this time built as a universal library with all features
 enabled, useful for all developers.  The good thing about a shared
 repo here is that at least the issue comes to a head quickly. Do we
 have procedures for handling this?

Is this actually a problem? I've done this a fair few times, either had
someone ask me if I'd recompile something with different configure
options, or said the same to someone else. 

I don't see much point in building with all options until/unless they
are needed as you increase the effort/build time/probably the installed

I've got to say I find this a real annoyance when porting Debian
packages that include every possible combination of external libs in
their requirements (recursively), when not many of them are probably
necessary for what I want and it means I need to get even more support
libs working (and when I'm thinking of FORTRAN apps here, that's often
actually a real pita).



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Extras-testing improvements

2010-03-09 Thread Simon Pickering
  Also, the idea that an application can both be low 
  quality and end user ready is bizarre.
  If the general Nokia view is that Extras apps should also 
  look pretty
  and have nice design (i.e. so they reflect well on the 
  device), which is
  a good goal for all apps, but should not be a requirement, 
  then we need
  another repo layer between Extras-testing and Extras 
  proper, where apps
  that work but are perhaps not up to the stringent 
  prettiness standards
  can be placed.
 I do not represent the general view of my employer or anyone 
 else, just myself. 

My apologies.

 But poor quality applications reflect badly on 
 community as well. Do you want to be part of a community 
 which is known for its low quality standards? 

From the list you show below, quality is obviously something that people
judge differently. For me quality is not that an app doesn't crash or
break things, but that it looks nice, spelling is good, it works
efficiently and quickly, etc.

 Notice that the current extras-testing QA requirements are quite low:
 1. [ ] Bug database exist.
 Annoying, but not hard to add (particularly if you choose a 
 tmo thread 
 instead of bugzilla).
 2. [ ] Licensing ok.
 3. [ ] No illegal/dubious content.
 Yep, no piracy is acceptable.
 4. [ ] Working provided features.
 Yep. crashing apps are bad.
 5. [ ] No missing announced features.
 If something doesn't work (yet), don't advertize it. Don't 
 dissapoint users.
 6. [ ] Optification ok.
 Should we start accepting packages that break SSUs ?
 7. [ ] No performance problems.
 8. [ ] No power management issues.
 This could be clarified to belong only to always-running apps 
 (such as 
 hildon-desktop plugins).
 9. [ ] No known security risks.
 This is a bit sketchy, but certainly allowing things like default 
 password ssh server would be very very bad for endusers.

I wouldn't call these things the quality of an app, and I think using
that word is rather misleading. But anyway we're all still singing from
the same hymn sheet, so that's good.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Extras-testing improvements

2010-03-09 Thread Simon Pickering

   Also, the idea that an application can both be low quality and
   user ready is a bizarre.
  I completely agree with Graham Cobb here, Extras should contain apps
  that work no matter how pretty or poorly spelled they are.
 To repeat myself, this is not really the issue here. Some testers
might get 
 carried away (at which point they need to be corrected), but the
 guidelines are quite clear about certain things being blockers, and
 (like aforementioned spelling and general prettiness) not. There are 
 borderline cases (like icons, bugtrackers, etc) but still, 
 those are just shades of gray, they do not change the process

Ok, I'm quite happy with that, my only issue is with the repeated use of
the words Quality of an app which means different things to different
people (as shown by the way reviewers, and we, act and respond




maemo-developers mailing list

RE: External Repository and HAM

2010-03-08 Thread Simon Pickering

 remove it if they don't like it.  It is not about the quality 
 of the app itself: its usability, its GUI, how well it works, 
 whether it is useful, whether it has screen shots, etc -- 
 that is what crowd-sourced rating systems are about (the 
 stars, the reviews, the comments).  Any app without a 
 screenshot is not going to get good comments or make its way 
 to the front page of the Downloads section.  Poor apps will 
 drop to the bottom -- but being at the bottom does NOT mean 
 they should be excluded.

I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding for (some) users who at least
sometimes give a thumbs down because some feature hasn't been
implemented/doesn't work very well/etc/etc.

But then should the promotion process also take into account whether the app
is unfinished/has spelling mistakes/etc. These are all bad things and
perhaps an app shouldn't be promoted if these are present, but they are
vastly less important than if an app is badly behaved and could crash your
device/steal your wife/etc.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Maemo extras repository package uploader/maintainer verification?

2010-01-22 Thread Simon Pickering

  What checks there are in place to verify that the package 
  uploader and
  the package maintainer field (shown to people who install 
  the packages)
 I think Niels has a check for that in the QA software he has 
 written, in fact, I am certain of it. :) This check does not 
 currently default to stopping the incorrect uploader / 
 maintainer from uploading the package. It is possible to 
 change this behavior and I think in the future this check 
 will default to stopping package uploads that do not have the 
 correct maintainer information.

I'd suggest that the autobuilder checks to see that the uploader's email
address is included in one of the *Maintainer fields; but there is the
slight problem of what happens when someone is uploading someone else's
package (e.g. as a favour when they are away from a build machine)?

I'd also be tempted to move the existing Maintainer field to
XSBC-Maintainer and substitute the uploader's name/email automatically
if they are not already in the Maintainer field, though again this
suffers from the uploading package for a friend problem.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Maemo extras repository package uploader/maintainer verification?

2010-01-22 Thread Simon Pickering

  I'd suggest that the autobuilder checks to see that the 
  uploader's email
  address is included in one of the *Maintainer fields; but 
  there is the
  slight problem of what happens when someone is uploading 
  someone else's
  package (e.g. as a favour when they are away from a build machine)?
  There's also packages which are maintained by a team but uploaded by
  an individual.
 And there are also packages taken from Debian/Ubuntu and uploaded
 without any change.
 I don't think we should stop them from coming. It's possible to find
 real uploader name in autobuilder logs and might be in the /packages
 web UI as well.
 Bringing new checks like this to the system wouldn't make entrance
 barrier lower for newcomers.

Automatically fixing the Maintainer field of these straight re-compiles
would actually make the entrance barrier slightly lower, the compiler
(person) would have one less job to do editing debian/control. And
really it is the straight re-compiles that are the issue here and
certainly we don't want to stop them.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Maemo extras repository package uploader/maintainer verification?

2010-01-22 Thread Simon Pickering

   Thanks -- I have no issues with dropping my name into 
 the maintainer field; I just didn't want to steal any credit 
 from the real authors of
 those things that I just repackaged.   I do know the language 
 of everything
 I've repackages; and could probably muddle my way through 
 something I didn't know. ;-)

Change the original Maintainer field to iirc XSBC-Original-Maintainer and
add yours in the place of the original.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Autobuilder build error (unmet dependencies)

2010-01-20 Thread Simon Pickering
  Is this an effect of the PR 1.1 problem and I have to rebuild 
  libIllumination, too?
 Yes. What you see there is that libillumination0 is built 
 against newer gstreamer and libosso (from pr1.1)
 The fastest way to solve this is to submit the package again (increase

Have all the existing extras-* packages been (automatically) tested against
the new SDK? I suppose that's the best way to make sure that they will all
be installable. 

Apologies if I missed the announcement of this.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: How to access geotag information?

2010-01-08 Thread Simon Pickering
   GPS data is stored in tracker for images only. Till wants GPS data 
   *all* file types.
  I really REALLY think tracker is the only useful way to deal with 
  geotags especially in a mobile device where indexing may really be 
  expensive with respect to CPU power and  battery.
  We have two problems:
 1) Who set the location information? Responsibility of applications.
 2) Where should that information be stored? In tracker. 
  but ...
 1) No application is really setting location information 
 except the image viewer (and only for images)
 2) Tracker 0.6 cannot store efficiently that information. We 
 could try to add a File:Location property, so you could set 
 location for everything known by tracker, but it is going to 
 be very very inefficient. This will be fixed in 0.7 .

It would be preferable to also store the lat/lon information so that
applications could use that if they see fit (e.g. map apps) as well as the
pre-reverse geocoded location name, otherwise there's additional overhead
and severe inaccuracy of the geocoding.

From a quick websearch I can see that video can and is geocoded at least
(either once uploaded, or for e.g. some Sony camcorder with a built-in GPS),
so adding support for geocoded videos would be nice.

I can also envision other files adding geocoding metadata about themselves
to the tracker database, even if the file itself doesn't support internal
geocoding metadata (is that possible, I guess it should be?) so adding a
geotag field (or fields I hope for name and lat/lon) would be a nice, cool
and future proof thing to do (but yeah it will waste some space for files
that don't use it, but probably not much, though I've not looked at the db
so I don't know for sure).

Anyway I think it's a shame we don't make more use of our geo-information
and the ability to enable it in general on the N900 - the IM app doesn't
report actual location data which is a real shame (and hence my interest in
using Google's Latitude instead), contacts can contain addresses but not
more accurate lat/lon, etc.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: FM RDS data

2010-01-07 Thread Simon Pickering

  I'm thinking of a small usage, a app that found the freest frequency 
  (by listening fm with the transmitter) and change the frequency of 
  transmitted music to the found one and send an rds signal by the 
  transmitter, so you don't have to change frequency on your 
 car receiver (or everything else).

Great to hear this, I was thinking of trying something similar when I had
some time. The FM transmitter also has a basic receiver built in (afair from
the spec sheet), i.e. not the one that is built into the Bluetooth chip that
is used to listen to the radio, which I imagine is designed for just such a
usage (I think it just returns a signal level for each frequency, but I'd
have to take another look at the sheet to be sure) does anyone know if we
can access this at the moment?



 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Martin Grimme
 Sent: 07 January 2010 07:23
 To: Benoît HERVIER
 Cc:; Aldon Hynes
 Subject: Re: FM RDS data
 yes, RDS PS and RDS RT can be modified. See
 2010/1/7, Benoît HERVIER
  About FM and RDS modifying RDS signal transmited from the tablet is 
  possible ?
  I'm thinking of a small usage, a app that found the freest 
  (by listening fm with the transmitter) and change the frequency of 
  transmitted music to the found one and send an rds signal by the 
  transmitter, so you don't have to change frequency on your 
 car receiver (or everything else).
  I know that fm transmitter emit an rds signal ... but can 
 that be changed ?
  Does there is documentation about the fm transmitter and receiver 
  somewhere on Maemo ?
  Thanks a lot
  2010/1/6 Martin Grimme
  the FM receiver's interface for RDS is exposed via sysfs. So any 
  application can read RDS data from it.
  The frequency bands the receiver is capable of are US/EUR (87.5 - 
  108.00 MHz) and Japan (don't remeber, but I think starts 
 somewhere at 
  70 MHz). A region switch in the driver (sysfs-Interface 
 again but as
  root) switches between the frequency bands.
  2010/1/6, Aldon Hynes
   I have been approached by a person interested in sending 
 data from 
   via FM to a cellphone which would in term transmit this 
 data to the 
   Internet.  I am interested in figuring out if this is something 
   be done with an N900.  With that, I have a few specific 
   First, can anyone point me to information about how to 
   programatically receive RDS data?  I've read that the FM receive 
   app is supposed to do
   but I haven't managed to receive RDS data that way yet, 
 and I don't 
   source code.
   Second, does anyone have any idea what frequencies the 
 FM receiver 
   into?  The programs I've seen have focused on the traditional 
   band, 88 Mhz to 106 Mhz.  Can the FM receiver tune in higher or 
   lower frequencies?  If so, what is the real frequency 
 range of the 
   FM Receiver.
   Third, are there other data formats that can easily be 
 sent and/or
   from the Nokia phone?  If so, can people point me to any 
 of these 
   Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
   maemo-developers mailing list
  maemo-developers mailing list
  Benoît HERVIER -
 maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Developing Map-based apps for N900

2009-12-08 Thread Simon Pickering
 If I want to develop an app that integrates with a map 
 plugin, then obviously I want to use Ovi maps but the Ovi 
 Maps SDK doesn't support Maemo and as far as I know the Ovi 
 Maps app for Maemo can't be used as a plugin.
 There must be work going on behind the scenes to resolve this 
 situation - in the mean time I would be greatly appreciated 
 if someone from Nokia could provide some direction so 
 developer like myself avoid wasting time on solutions that 
 might be dead-ends when the real solution is eventually announced.
 The way I see it there are several potential solutions:
 1) I could write a Qt App that embeds Ovi Maps into a 
 QtWebKit widget.  I don't think this is currently possible 
 due to it's lack of support for Maemo/Linux but I will do 
 some prototyping here any way and see how far I get.
 2) Write a Qt app that embeds Google Maps into a QtWebKit widget.
 3) Wait for a dedicated Ovi Maps plugin for Maemo to be 
 developed.  Will there ever be such a plugin?
 Can someone from Nokia comment on this please?

I'm not from Nokia, though I would like to know if the mapping situation
will improve out of the box. 

With that said, Maemo-mapper is now available for the N900 as is Emerillon
in Extras-devel (uses liblocation but needs its menus hildonising still).
Emerillon is plugin based so that might give you another useful option.



maemo-developers mailing list

Google Latitude

2009-12-08 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

Though this is probably more of a -users subject, I thought some testing
might be worthwhile to begin with, plus I'd hate to have to actually pay
attention to the -users list ;)

I've been wondering about Google Latitude for a while now (ever since we
were at the summit and trying to meet up in the same pub in a place were we
didn't know the geography and couldn't pronounce the street names).

Anyway, this seems to work to some extent:

Install the maemo-geolocation plugin for the browser;

In the browser open which is
the page the iPhone opens. There doesn't seem to be a check on the useragent
(except if you try to open directly).

I guess it will be something similar for you guys in the US, a combination
of desktop Firefox + User Agent Switcher + tcpdump should tell you exactly
if you can't work it out by guessing.

Then click away and use the (web)app.

Not sure how location updates work, whether they are handled automatically
or not, something to be tested. It also might be a better bet to work out
the protocol the Google maps Latitude page uses to avoid the overhead of
having the browser running all the time. But I don't know, it might be ok
powerwise - anyone thoughts?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Google Latitude

2009-12-08 Thread Simon Pickering
 Not sure how location updates work, whether they are handled 
 automatically or not, something to be tested. It also might 

I'm sat in my flat (i.e. with only a cell id location), and can see myself
jumping all around Bath, so I guess updates are handled automatically.

The one strange thing is that the last update message doesn't seem to be
set by this webapp, while it is set by the Google homepage Latitude plugin,
not sure/not looked how to fix that as it would be useful to know when the
last update was.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Google Latitude

2009-12-08 Thread Simon Pickering
 I'm trying this right now, but belive me: using Google 
 services (Gmail, Maps, Reader, ecc...) with N900 is something 
 that make you
 say: what is this shit?! I want an iPhone! :(
 GOOGLE: PLEASE, release your suite for Maemo! Thanks!

Well yeah, it would be good if they would, but for Latitude at least, it
doesn't seem to bad (though the webpage design leaves something to be
desired as some buttons are in the bottom right hand corner where you have
to tap to un-maximise the window.

Have you seen Macuco (I think it's called) which is a Qt webkit app which
masquerades as an iPhone browser? Does that work any better for e.g. Gmail?



maemo-developers mailing list

Debianisation help with packaging libgmp

2009-12-06 Thread Simon Pickering
Hello everyone

I've packaged up and pushed libgmp to extras-devel, but obviously made a
mistake in the Debianisation as it's trying to install a file to my
build directory (so don't try installing it yet). I can guess why the
code I inserted is wrong, but can't work out what to put in to actually
make it work. I've tried altering the rules file, but to no avail.

We're talking about the debian/rules file in the install: section, which
currently looks something like this (tabs removed).

install: build-stamp install-prep
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/tmp -C build install

dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmp3c2
dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmp3c2

dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmpxx4ldbl

dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmp3-dev
dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmp3-dev usr/lib/lib*.a
dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmp3-dev
dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -plibgmp3-dev usr/include
dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/build -plibgmp3-dev -Xgmp-mparam.h
# dh_install -plibgmp3-dev build/gmp-arm.h

# Install upstream ChangeLog, AUTHORS, NEWS, and README only in -dev
dh_installchangelogs -plibgmp3-dev
dh_installdocs -plibgmp3-dev AUTHORS NEWS README

The build/packaging failure message is this: 
dh_install --sourcedir=/home/simon/build/Octave/gmp/gmp-4.3.1+dfsg/build
-plibgmp3-dev -Xgmp-mparam.h usr/include/gmp*.h
dh_install: libgmp3-dev missing files (usr/include/gmp*.h), aborting

This part should install the arch specific header file (e.g. gmp-arm.h)
from the $(CURDIR)/build directory. I put in the commented out line
(just after the one I repeated above) which worked, but fails for the
x86 build of course, so back to something generic.

The gmp-arm.h file that I'm interested in installing does exist in the
$(CURDIR)/build directory just in case you were wondering.

Any help appreciated.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Geocoding library for Fremantle?

2009-11-11 Thread Simon Pickering

  GeoClue offers a geocoding api, but as we use liblocation rather
  GeoClue, and as I remember someone saying at the summit (in the
  presentation on location stuff) that there would be an api to do
  (reverse)geocoding, I was just wondering if this is indeed the case
  when we might see such a thing? Named libaddress perhaps?
 Maybe this is what you want:

Thanks for the pointer, but I think that api only has access to a
limited number of cities contained in the database used by the world
time app. This is on the device, which is an advantage, but I think I'll
have to use something like GeoClue or to obtain enough
accuracy/range of cities.

Something is used to reverse genocide the liblocation supplied lat/lon
and to set the contact message location, so it may as well be available
for us to use rather than having to write our own for every app.



maemo-developers mailing list

Geocoding library for Fremantle?

2009-11-10 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

I'm looking for a geocoding library to run on the N900. I want to take
the location string attached to those N900 using online contacts who
provide it, and plot that on a map (Emerillon). 

Of course having to parse the message string and then do the geocoding
is rather wasteful (of CPU, network traffic and accuracy) and it would
be vastly more efficient and useful to just have a contact contain the
raw lat/lon/accuracy data, but we've got to work with what we've got.

GeoClue offers a geocoding api, but as we use liblocation rather than
GeoClue, and as I remember someone saying at the summit (in the
presentation on location stuff) that there would be an api to do
(reverse)geocoding, I was just wondering if this is indeed the case and
when we might see such a thing? Named libaddress perhaps?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-27 Thread Simon Pickering
  So I'm more than happy to do this (after I look at libgdigicam to
  out how to focus the N900's camera and turn the LED on), as long as
  people want to use it, I don't want to waste time chopping things
up if
  no-one wants to use it afterwards.
 I want to use it. =)
 An easy-to-use wrapper like that can encourage the creation of scanner

 software for business applications: consider the use of nokia internet

 tablets as part of a cost-effective distributed system for inventory.
 Many specialized scanning devices on the market are disgustingly high:

 for about $2000, you get a mobile computer/scanner with stats 
 (Intel XScale PXA255 Processor @ 400MHz, 64MB RAM, Windows Mobile
 that the N810 can wipe the floor with. At lower prices, you devices
 archaic OSs and hardware specs. At $700, you get just the scanner 
 without the computer. The nokia internet tablets are a steal!

Well controlling the N900 camera is reasonably straight forward using
the gst_photography_*() commands, I'll write up a page and stick that on
the wiki asap.

I've moved the backend (i.e. the decoding part) to use zbar for 1D and
QR codes and am still using libdmtx for Datamatrix codes (would be nice
to get that linked in as part of zbar so there's just one api to deal
with). I also just uploaded the zbar files to the autobuilder (and it
failed as I forgot to add a Python dep).

So basically all of the low level components are (or will soon be) in

Will keep the list updated with the progress of the wiki  zbar

On the topic of mBarcode itself, I've got the autofocus working, and you
can grab a test code here for the N900 (and a zbar deb too):

I'll (try to) debianise it this evening and also check the Diablo code
to see that it still builds after all the hacking around the N900 stuff
has needed.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-15 Thread Simon Pickering

  For 1D codes mbarcode will attempt a very basic webscrape of Amazon and
  will (hopefully) return a title (rather than a segfault). For URLs
  encoded in a QR code/datamatrix it will open the webbrowser and for
  vCards it will add them to your contacts.
 Why is it necessary to do a webscrape of Amazon. Amazon has plenty  
 of simple APIs for getting data freely and easily. The REST based ones  
 are extremely simple and you get back an XML document with everything  
 you need.

It quite possibly isn't necessary, this is certainly not my area of
expertise, just something I wanted to get working ASAP. When I looked at
how to do this I found a mixture of web scraping tools and ones that use
Amazon Web Services. AFAIK AWS requires that you register to obtain a
key, and I'm not sure of the exact terms and conditions, but I presume
they will not want me to share my key, but I may be wrong about this.

I guess you're also talking about AWS? What is your take on the key
issues - share mine, or get each user to register themselves and get a
key? Perhaps the registration could be automated. Any thoughts? Patches
welcome of course.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-15 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Kimmo,

  So all in all it's still work in progress, but it does at least work
  well enough to test. Except that I use dialogs to ask the user if they
  want to open a decoded URL/add a decoded vCard, and if these dialogs are
  displayed the UI locks up straight afterwards. If I comment them out the
  code continues quite happily after opening the browser/adding the URL,
  so the fault must presumably lie with the dialogs.
 What kind of windows you are playing with?  We have a special feature in
 Fremantle where Gtk+ dialogs do not use pointer grabs anymore (*, so
 it's possible that Gtk+ gets confused there when it does not receive the
 pointer events.
 *) This is done to allow the touch screen lock to do the pointer grab
 and discard all pointer events even if a dialog is open.

It's just a plain dialog afaik (GUIs also not being my area of
expertise). The dialog does close, so I imagine that means it's getting
the click event, but after it closes the rest of the UI locks up.

The exact code is here:

Scroll right to the bottom to see either the openURL() or addVCard()
functions, which are the ones that use dialogs and then lock up.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-15 Thread Simon Pickering

   For 1D codes mbarcode will attempt a very basic webscrape of Amazon and
   will (hopefully) return a title (rather than a segfault). For URLs
   encoded in a QR code/datamatrix it will open the webbrowser and for
   vCards it will add them to your contacts.
  Why is it necessary to do a webscrape of Amazon. Amazon has plenty  
  of simple APIs for getting data freely and easily. The REST based ones  
  are extremely simple and you get back an XML document with everything  
  you need.
 It quite possibly isn't necessary, this is certainly not my area of
 expertise, just something I wanted to get working ASAP. When I looked at
 how to do this I found a mixture of web scraping tools and ones that use
 Amazon Web Services. AFAIK AWS requires that you register to obtain a
 key, and I'm not sure of the exact terms and conditions, but I presume
 they will not want me to share my key, but I may be wrong about this.

Replying to myself, another option (which is the same one that Android
Scan/CompareEverywhere uses) would be to move the scraping to a
server. This might let me use a single key for all the queries (though
it may still break the terms and conditions, I'd have to look) and would
also reduce on-device processing and the amount of data that needs to be

Or we could try hooking into the Android Scan/CompareEverywhere
webservice ;)

Any thoughts?



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-15 Thread Simon Pickering
On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 10:43 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
 On Thursday 15 October 2009 09:10:44 Simon Pickering wrote:
  Replying to myself, another option (which is the same one that Android
  Scan/CompareEverywhere uses) would be to move the scraping to a
  server. This might let me use a single key for all the queries (though
  it may still break the terms and conditions, I'd have to look) and would
  also reduce on-device processing and the amount of data that needs to be
 While you are tolerating discussion of enhancements!...

lol :)

 If you do use a server, it would be great if you implemented an offline 
 where I could scan barcodes all day without network connectivity and, later, 
 process them when I am online.  Some of the places one might want to scan 
 barcodes (barcodes on display adverts, on buildings like in Westergasfabriek, 
 or in warehouses) might not have great network connectivity.  Most 
 professional barcode readers which I know of seem to do the scanning offline 
 and process the barcodes once they are plugged into their docking/charging 

Yes, in any case I was planning on allowing the raw data to be saved if
a lookup is not possible (for e.g. isbns and also for web urls, etc.), I
currently assume an internet connection (which should apparently be fine
for Fremantle ;)), but I need to get the code to ask for one and/or have
an offline scanning setting (oh dear more gui elements - a menu!)

 This brings up a slightly larger question of how modular is your current 
 implementation?  It feels like it would be good to have a library (accessible 
 from C and Python) which would have an API like scan the barcode the user is 
 currently pointing the camera at and give me back something that tells me 
 what sort of barcode it was and the data it contains (maybe with some sort 
 of callbacks to allow some user interaction if needed to give them 
 help/feedback with the scanning).  

 The subsequent processing (database, lookup, etc, etc.) is the sort of
 that various people might create separate applications for, although it might 
 be useful to expose some useful APIs there as well: lookup this barcode 
 number on Amazon, save this barcode in barcode database called 'My Books', 
 Is that how it works at the moment or something you are looking in to?

Yes this is indeed a good idea. At the moment it's not modular as
everything is mixed in, however the code is structured such that it
won't take long to separate out the processing from the video taking
from the gui etc.

The question is then how many separate layers? I guess a wrapper/lib to
process a barcode from an image buffer. An extra optional layer that can
be placed ontop of this to allow the user to see what they are pointing
at and to click Scan! (which we may do away with once the camera app
is opened up, then we can add the bottom-most layer as a plugin to
optionally analyse stuff taken with the main camera app). On top of
these/using these one can do the other stuff such as web-lookups,
databases, etc.

The web-lookups should possibly also be part of the bottom-most layer
though, or perhaps separated off into their own package as they will
generally be needed no matter the app.

Someone mentioned sending the barcodes out over DBUS, is this of
interest? Any use cases?

So I'm more than happy to do this (after I look at libgdigicam to work
out how to focus the N900's camera and turn the LED on), as long as
people want to use it, I don't want to waste time chopping things up if
no-one wants to use it afterwards.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-15 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Jody,

On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 21:42 +0300, Jody Fanning wrote:
 On 15.10.2009 10:57, Simon Pickering wrote:
  For 1D codes mbarcode will attempt a very basic webscrape of Amazon and
  will (hopefully) return a title (rather than a segfault). For URLs
  encoded in a QR code/datamatrix it will open the webbrowser and for
  vCards it will add them to your contacts.
  Why is it necessary to do a webscrape of Amazon. Amazon has plenty
  of simple APIs for getting data freely and easily. The REST based ones
  are extremely simple and you get back an XML document with everything
  you need.
  It quite possibly isn't necessary, this is certainly not my area of
  expertise, just something I wanted to get working ASAP. When I looked at
  how to do this I found a mixture of web scraping tools and ones that use
  Amazon Web Services. AFAIK AWS requires that you register to obtain a
  key, and I'm not sure of the exact terms and conditions, but I presume
  they will not want me to share my key, but I may be wrong about this.
  I guess you're also talking about AWS? What is your take on the key
  issues - share mine, or get each user to register themselves and get a
  key? Perhaps the registration could be automated. Any thoughts? Patches
  welcome of course.
 I'm pretty sure you are able to share the key. I do have an AWS account 
 and have used it for my own stuff (in Java though). But all those 
 applications around must have a key embedded since they never ask you to 
 register yourself. There must be some other open source applications 
 around that fetch data from Amazon using AWS.
 Amazon did make things a little more complicated a few months ago 
 though. All requests must be signed, but they generally provide code 
 samples for how to do everything. One thing is to check the licensing of 
 the interfaces. There was something recently about different licensing 
 between mobile devices and other uses that came up with the iPhone. But 
 the advantage is that you won't have any problem with the page layout 
 breaking things. Plus their APIs provide pretty much every detail about 
 an item you could think of.

OK thank you, I'll take a look at this. 

Of course if anyone knows about this and/or wants to submit code
patches, they will be greatly appreciated!



maemo-developers mailing list

mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-14 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all

I've been hacking away at maemo-barcode (now called mbarcode to remove
the maemo bit as we're not supposed to use that;) and have made some

The code is here:

binaries here: (you need to install libdmtx0, then just run the mbarcode
binary after chmod'ing it):

I should add that the code should also run on Diablo, but the diablo dir
on the above webpage is out of date so you'll need to compile it
yourself (please let me know if it doesn't compile/run). I plan on
supporting both Fremantle and Diablo devices, don't worry!

In terms of features:
1D (EAN13/UPC12), datamatrix and QR codes are supported.

For 1D codes mbarcode will attempt a very basic webscrape of Amazon and
will (hopefully) return a title (rather than a segfault). For URLs
encoded in a QR code/datamatrix it will open the webbrowser and for
vCards it will add them to your contacts.

The UI is very rough and ready and needs serious work; the webscraper is
very basic and could do with more love (there are some other basic codes
in the source, but they are disabled as I've not had time to debug them
yet); the database functions on the latter notebook pages also need
serious work (the goal being to be able to store details about barcodes
you've scanned - mainly 1D products, e.g. DVDs, Books, etc.).

So all in all it's still work in progress, but it does at least work
well enough to test. Except that I use dialogs to ask the user if they
want to open a decoded URL/add a decoded vCard, and if these dialogs are
displayed the UI locks up straight afterwards. If I comment them out the
code continues quite happily after opening the browser/adding the URL,
so the fault must presumably lie with the dialogs.

Any ideas what might be going wrong here?

I am also open, of course, to patches for anything, but especially
webscraping fixes, debianisation, UI thoughts, etc.

I imagine I'm going to have to split the source code into some separate
files for diablo/fremantle (e.g. camera code, gui code as these will be
significantly different) rather than using lots of #ifdefs, does this
sound reasonable?

Thanks for looking,


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: mbarcode/maemo-barcode dialog oddity and progress report

2009-10-14 Thread Simon Pickering

 The code is here:
 binaries here: (you need to install libdmtx0, then just run the mbarcode
 binary after chmod'ing it):
 I should add that the code should also run on Diablo, but the diablo dir
 on the above webpage is out of date so you'll need to compile it
 yourself (please let me know if it doesn't compile/run). I plan on
 supporting both Fremantle and Diablo devices, don't worry!

I've just uploaded a diablo binary to

vCard importing is disabled for the time being (as I've not looked at
the syntax for Diablo), and although the code opens the browser, it just
seems to open the start page for me.

In fact for both platforms, I should place the URL/text in a text box so
that people can select and copy it. Note to self! :)

Curiously the Diablo code doesn't seem to suffer from the lock-up after
opening the dialog to ask if I want to open a URL. Your theories/patches
for the Fremantle code are welcome, as are enhancements for the Diablo
code items that aren't working currently (URL opening, vCard adding,
etc.) and for anything else you see.




maemo-developers mailing list

Built-in reverse geocoding in Maemo 5?

2009-10-13 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

I seem to remember hearing that reverse-geocoding is provided by Nokia
on Maemo 5, and was just wondering which package contains this
functionality and if there are any docs/examples of its use?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Becoming root in maemo 4 SDK

2009-09-29 Thread Simon Pickering
Use the fakeroot command [1].




 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Akshey Jawa
 Sent: 29 September 2009 14:39
 Subject: Becoming root in maemo 4 SDK
 How to become root in maemo 4 sdk?

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: How to use extras-testing correctly?

2009-09-24 Thread Simon Pickering
 this has been a good informative discussion.
 since we are working on beta, can i suggest something.
 anidels point about app feedback *from the device itself* is 
 if me as a user selects extras testing and installs a an app 
 because anidel said his new version  is there from that 
 moment on, it should be the device itself that monitors the process.
 in the same way the crash reporter pops up and asks a 
 question after a crash, can we discuss a path to similar for 
 testing apps?
 perhaps if the app itself in testing had a flag added to its 
 desktop file (or some other way, a list perhaps *hand 
 waving*) and when the user has run the app they are testing, 
 or 1/2/12/24 hours after installing the user was directly asked
 what are your feelings on this app?

That would annoy me something rotten. I'd prefer an opt-in system, e.g. by
adding a Feedback/ratings section to the application manager in which
installed apps are listed and users can then rate/comment on them. That way
if there's something especially good/bad I can go there and comment, but if
I don't want to I don't have to.

However, I do like the idea of asking people why they are uninstalling
something, just as long as it uses radio buttons/listbox for the responses
(so it's quick and I don't have to type anything if I don't want to), with a
text input box for extra comments/description.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: How to use extras-testing correctly?

2009-09-24 Thread Simon Pickering

 you have installed an app from the -testing repository.
 you are therefore signing up to be a tester.
 i dont expect normal apps to have this procedure.
 it is merely a way to expedite feedback 

Ah yes, forgot this was specific to -testing.


maemo-developers mailing list

N900 camera control - focus movement, white balance, auto-focus calcs, etc.

2009-09-22 Thread Simon Pickering
Hello everyone,

I'm looking into how to use the camera on the N900 when it is released,
I would like to be able to write some code in Python if at all possible,
but I guess I can move my app back to C if needs must.

Anyway, the camera will need to be focused, so I have been trawling
through the kernel code and gstreamer source to try and work out how to
do this, but I thought I may as well just ask as it may save me some

I see there are ioctls for the ad5820 focus piezo controller which could
be used (though I've not looked to see if there's a dev entry for that
device yet), and Qole pointed out that the /dev/video0 device reports
that it has v4l2 extended controls, including the ability to move the
focus (though no mention of autofocus there afaict).

I understand I should be able to adjust the focus through a gstreamer
element such as camerabin or the photography interfaces, but ideally I'd
like to do this from Python. Is v4l2camsrc linked to these btw?

The other option (which means I don't have to wrap one of the gstreamer
elements for Python) is to use the v4l2 extended control command ioctls
directly on the /dev/video0 device. I'm assuming that should be possible
anyway, certainly the Python part looks pretty straight forward (see

While we're on the subject, I see some header files for what I presume
is a Ti binary blob named isp_*.h. isp_af.h contains header information
for autofocus functionality afaict. Is this functionality exposed to
userspace anywhere?

Looking through the package list, I came across a libgdigicam, might
this be involved...?

Anyway I'm going to keep experimenting with the above, but thought I'd
see if anyone else has any bright ideas.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Entry widget in Fremantle toolbar

2009-09-02 Thread Simon Pickering
 GPE Contacts has an entry widget in the toolbar so people can enter
 directly.  This works fine on earlier versions of Maemo but in
Fremantle I 
 can't click in the widget or enter text into it.
 Any ideas what is wrong?

The Home applets don't support text input.



 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Graham Cobb
 Sent: 02 September 2009 16:06
 Subject: Entry widget in Fremantle toolbar
 GPE Contacts has an entry widget in the toolbar so people can 
 enter searches 
 directly.  This works fine on earlier versions of Maemo but 
 in Fremantle I 
 can't click in the widget or enter text into it.
 Any ideas what is wrong?
 maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Entry widget in Fremantle toolbar

2009-09-02 Thread Simon Pickering
 in the toolbar 

Ah sorry, misread, ignore me :)


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Graham Cobb
 Sent: 02 September 2009 16:06
 Subject: Entry widget in Fremantle toolbar
 GPE Contacts has an entry widget in the toolbar so people can 
 enter searches 
 directly.  This works fine on earlier versions of Maemo but 
 in Fremantle I 
 can't click in the widget or enter text into it.
 Any ideas what is wrong?
 maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fremantle OpenGL wrapper?

2009-06-03 Thread Simon Pickering

 OpenGL is not available in the device but OpenGL ES2 is. Notice that
 this is a big problem when porting OpenGL applications from the desktop
 PC world.  Some kind of OpenGL to OpenGLES conversion layers are
 possible but with some FPS cost, I assume.

Something like this perhaps, I imagine there are also others:



maemo-developers mailing list

Location framework question

2009-06-03 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

Just a small question about the location framework, I understand that
the framework will use different backends, in the same sort of way that
GeoClue does (see [1]),  are we allowed to know what backends will be

GPS is in there, what about things like WiFi access point locations
(i.e. the same thing that the iPhone does) and cell tower id numbers?

I'm just wondering how continual the reporting of the location
information will be, and therefore what sorts of cool apps would be
possible. I'd also be interested to know the power hit that using things
like the GPS and communicating data will have on overall battery life.
Not much point having a cool context/location aware app that tracks your
movements if it halves your battery life, etc.




maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fremantle OpenGL wrapper?

2009-06-03 Thread Simon Pickering

 Am Mittwoch 03 Juni 2009 schrieb Qole:

 I really want the next Maemo device to succeed, and one of the first things
 the gadget blogs and technophiles will want to see is the games. This means

 Playing games? What input method do you expect to use?


Bluetooth games controller/kb! :)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Gsoc Idea Barcode Reader

2009-03-31 Thread Simon Pickering

 Producing a useful interface to let people obtain a decoded
 string/etc. from whatever sort of barcode is a worthy goal (and having
 the code select from a range of decoders preferably), as is improving
 the speed of some of the 2D decoders, as is producing web scraping
 functions that could be used to obtain info about a decoded barcode.

 This came up in discussion recently on irc.

 Can I suggest you look at providing a dbus interface.

 This should give you hooks into a few areas and some well defined but well
 linked breakpoints for the project. It also lets you link to   
 non-python solutions.

Absolutely. C/C++ is a better choice for the decoder parts anyway as  
they have to be fast and memory efficient. The C/C++ library which  
performs the barcode decoding functionality would then be wrapped to  
allow its use in Python, etc.

I've added a page on the wiki with some thoughts about areas that  
could be attacked by GSoC (and in general for that matter). I've not  
added any links to examples (e.g. Delicious, Andoid Scan) to  
illustrate my thoughts yet.

Please feel free to add ideas/comments (and please say who you are  
when you do so).



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Gsoc Idea Barcode Reader

2009-03-31 Thread Simon Pickering

 I've added a page on the wiki with some thoughts about areas that
 could be attacked by GSoC (and in general for that matter). I've not
 added any links to examples (e.g. Delicious, Andoid Scan) to
 illustrate my thoughts yet.

Oops, might pay to add the link of course :)



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Gsoc Idea Barcode Reader

2009-03-30 Thread Simon Pickering

 Also, i think we should look at GOCR as the alternate toolkit 
 that can be used for the project.

Looks like that project has been renamed to Conjecture now


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Gsoc Idea Barcode Reader

2009-03-30 Thread Simon Pickering

 Also, i think we should look at GOCR as the alternate toolkit
 that can be used for the project.

 Looks like that project has been renamed to Conjecture now

 Reading the EAN-13 barcode should not require to complicated ocr software
 I think the basic is to draw 3 lines over an image , make it black white
 and look for known patterns (first only a series of black white and
 then looking at the length).

 Do you think I am underestimating this part of the problem?

No you're not underestimating it really, though in real life the black  
and white are not so black and white, more shades of grey ;)

Anyway this particular part of the problem (1D decoding) has already  
been solved many times and it seems somewhat pointless to do it again  
(as the existing 1D codes are pretty fast).

Producing a useful interface to let people obtain a decoded  
string/etc. from whatever sort of barcode is a worthy goal (and having  
the code select from a range of decoders preferably), as is improving  
the speed of some of the 2D decoders, as is producing web scraping  
functions that could be used to obtain info about a decoded barcode.

I'm sorry I've been pretty busy in the past couple of weeks, but will  
write up some (useful, I hope) comments regarding this project (on the  
wiki page? Or on the GSoC page?).



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Gsoc Idea Barcode Reader

2009-03-23 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Steffen,

 some month ago i tried to port
 to the maemo platform.
 The Zebra Barcode Reader can decode barcodes from a live video stream
 (v4l) an static images (jpeg, bmp, etc.).

Thanks for the pointer. For maemo-barcode we currently use the main  
logic provided by the Batoo project  
(, but it looks like zebra  
decodes more types of 1D barcode so I'll have a look at it.

 If im informed correctly, the n810's webcam has also a v4l interface
 that could be used for the barcode decoding.
 It should be quite easy to port it. Its coded in C and its sourcecode is

I'll try to get it compiled in the week.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Gsoc 2009: Barcode Scanner

2009-03-10 Thread Simon Pickering

 I am interested in working for maemo in this year's Gsoc. I am in
 particular interested in the idea 'Barcode Scanner' listed on maemo's
 idea page for  this year's Gsoc. I have quite a lot of experience in
 Python and hope to use the same for the development purpose.

Dunno about GSoC, but take a look here:

In C though I'm afraid.

hacky binary here:

I've been developing this (slowly) from the test code a group of us  
put together last year to test 1D barcode recognition (and others -  
QR, dtmx, etc.).

I've been very slow as I've had little time and have also needed to  
learn the wonders of SQLite and GTK+ (~lart listboxes). The code is  
pretty messy, but hopefully the idea is clear: Barcode scanner, with  
web-lookups and various lists into which the barcodes and their  
web-looed-up data can be saved (e.g. DVDs I own, DVDs I'd like, etc.).  
My driving force was the fact that I have lots and lots of books, and  
can never remember which ones of a series I still need.

I was hoping to get this all cleaned up far more before putting it out  
for public consumption, but all the talk of GSoC made me realise  
there's little point in people re-doing the bits I've already done  
(though some may vote to wipe the slate clean of course ;)).

I'd be more than happy to have some help to speed up cleaning things  
up and getting everything working (for example I've just noticed that  
my data view doesn't currently update when you add a new record,  
search dialog is currently un-implemented, probably lots of bugs in  
the GUI actually, same for the database code too I imagine),  
web-scraping functions are currently stubs, the GStreamer output  
wasn't bring displayed when the analysis loop is running (loop too  
tight?), etc.

Apologies for unleashing this mess on the world! ;)



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Reliably Getting Position Information From Gstreamer

2009-03-08 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Nick,

 I'm trying to figure out if there's a bug in Maemo's gstreamer or if I'm
 doing something wrong. It seems that if I seek too many times in rapid
 succession gstreamer will report a false position (normally 0) when
 query_position is called.

 I hacked together a sample player[1] that demonstrates this behavior
 (from the pygst tutorial example 3.1). Once the file starts playing
 seek_from_current is called once every 0.1 seconds. On a regular Linux
 desktop it works perfectly, but on Maemo the song will end up being
 reset to 0 every few seconds (this is because query_position is
 reporting a wrong number that's 0 or close to it).

The DSP GStreamer sinks (and for mp3 you'll be using the dspmp3sink)  
have problems with returning their stream position afair.

These was a question long ago about why the DSP continues to run at  
full pelt when the player is paused and iirc it came down to the fact  
that the DSP could not accurately return its current stream position  
and then (accurately) start from there again.

This is my guess of what's causing your problem, but I'm sure one of  
the Nokia/Gstreamer chaps will be able agree/disagree with this and  
point you in the right direction.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to create a BMP image using c or python

2009-02-23 Thread Simon Pickering

 hi All,
 I know that  Jpeg  image  can be created  with Gstreamer , while how to
 create a  BMP format image by c or python?
 Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

Google? A bitmap is just a header followed by the data (which can just  
be raw data if you don't want to implement RLE code).

E.g. format of the file:

and here's an implementation that you could copy and change:

All you need is some data and stdio.h



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: How to create a BMP image using c or python

2009-02-23 Thread Simon Pickering
Look at this:

You can replace the create_jpeg() fn with one that does what you want
with the buffer of raw data that is passed to it.


 -Original Message-
 From: dongmei zhou [] 
 Sent: 23 February 2009 12:37
 To: Simon Pickering
 Subject: Re: How to create a BMP image using c or python
 hi All,
  Thank you for your tips and  I  want to  add  a point that  
 I  want to  get BMP file form N800 camera,You know that  we 
 can get jpeg file  through Gstreamer  got from N800 Camera, 
 what about  BMP file?

 2009/2/23 Simon Pickering
   hi All,
  I know that  Jpeg  image  can be created  
 with Gstreamer , while how to
   create a  BMP format image by c or python?
   Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
   Google? A bitmap is just a header followed by the data 
 (which can just be raw data if you don't want to implement RLE code).
   E.g. format of the file:
   and here's an implementation that you could copy and 
   All you need is some data and stdio.h

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Does anyone know the mechanism in Nokia's LCD driver?

2009-01-13 Thread Simon Pickering
  Would the manual mode help to avoid tearing?
 Yes, and it does help to avoid tearing. At least this works fine for
 XV extension. But getting tearfree scrolling/panning in GTK
 applications for example is a bit more challenging. I can provide a
 more detailed explanation if anybody is interested.

Yes please :)



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Need information about GStreamer elements

2008-12-12 Thread Simon Pickering

 Just to clear more, I only have stream of raw data to play. 

When you say raw, what type of raw? i.e. there would be differences
between playing raw pcm data if it's alaw or ulaw, etc.

 I was able to play it using playbin and setting its URI 
 property with 'file:///xxx'.

What was the xxx in the above? Do you have a sample?



 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of 
 Vikrant Mhaske
 Sent: 12 December 2008 05:56
 To: 'Vikrant Mhaske';
 Subject: RE: Need information about GStreamer elements
 Just to clear more, I only have stream of raw data to play. 
 I am ignorant about its type or anything. I know I have to 
 use some low level element as source element. 
 I was unable to find such source element which takes only raw 
 data as a source. 
 Any pointer in this regard would be appreciated. 
 From: Vikrant Mhaske [] 
 Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:45 AM
 To: ''
 Subject: Need information about GStreamer elements
 Hi all, 
 I have been trying to play audio file inside maemo. 
 I was able to play it using playbin and setting its URI 
 property with 'file:///xxx'.
 But the thing is, in my application I get the stream of type 
 say iostream from internet. 
 Now how could I use available GstElements to play this stream. 
 Playbin only allows me to use file or http protocol to specify source.
 Vikrant Mhaske
 DISCLAIMER == This e-mail may contain privileged and 
 confidential information which is the property of Persistent 
 Systems Ltd. It is intended only for the use of the 
 individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not 
 the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, 
 retain, copy, print, distribute or use this message. If you 
 have received this communication in error, please notify the 
 sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent 
 Systems Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected mails.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Application Manager and Extras-devel: Dealing with unstable software

2008-11-25 Thread Simon Pickering

 the unstable repository--whatever, so the user decides (perhaps with
 the encouragement of some of their peers) to dive in, add the unstable
 repository and install the application.

Use an install file to install the application in question? Assuming  
the application needs libraries which are contained in the  
extras-devel repo, you'd need to temporarily enable that repo. My  
feeling is that the repos enabled/added as part of install files  
should be disabled immediately after the app in question has been  
added in any case, so I suggest this change is made to the way  
Application Manager handles the install files.

Would that achieve the desired goal? It would require that a list of  
application install files are available (perhaps auto-generated from  
the contents of the repo, or perhaps by the author in question?)

 packages origin (color coding, a small icon) and notices might also
 help (this package is unstable software, and may contain many
 significant bugs, are you sure you want to install it?), or even some
 sort of apt pinning system to ignore certain updates.

I also like the idea of flagging applications that come from somewhere  
other than Extras, and I suppose it would be possible to have an  
Updates section with Stable and Unstable candidates in it (or perhaps  
allow updates to be sorted by their origin repo - and have Extras as  
the default origin). But these are still more for power users, simply  
disabling the repo immediately after use is imo a better bet for  
unskilled users.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Beyond Application Manager Categories

2008-11-07 Thread Simon Pickering

 But the current AM is a pretty unfriendly place for browsing 
 a long list
 of available applications.  In the past, I kept saying that I 
 don't want
 the AM to turn into a portal for applications, that should be left to
 the browser.  We have, which is this portal.  Are
 people using it?  As a thought experiment, could we remove the Browse
 installable applications button from the AM and get by with just  Should we work on better integration?

Definitely not until the browser works faster and it's easier to click
links. For me, AM is far quicker and less frustrating than having to browse
that site (slowly) and click the little links.

 There is another angle: many applications are extensible with plugins
 and add-ons, etc.  There is a lot of potential there to simplify
 juggling with these packages.  For example, there is no point to even
 show the pidgin-l10n-klingon package if you don't have Pidgin 
 This add-on management is probably a bit hard to do for a portal site
 like  But the current AM is not much better.

We spoke about this before (not sure whether it was on the list or not, does
anyone have a link - Jaffa?), but basically I would like to be able to see
what plugins an app has before installing it. I might want to see if Pidgin
has current support for Gadu (or any other protocol, etc.), I'd prefer not
having to install it to be able to see the available plugins. I do agree
though that hiding them would clean up the list and would be suitable for
most of the time (though it should be possible to unhide them if needed).



maemo-developers mailing list


2008-11-05 Thread Simon Pickering

 Can anyone tell me if the dsp tasks for pcm output allows 
 non-blocking calls and if it supports async operation via 

You should be able to tell by looking at the ARM-side (and available) source
for the Gstreamer DSP plugins. 



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Projects Nokia should support (yours?)

2008-11-01 Thread Simon Pickering

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would VLC ( be a good client ?
 There was a port for Maemo but it was underpowered.
 It has the capacity to be embedded and could be a very good all-purpose
 (all-codec) media player ...

   Perhaps this is one of the days when VLC developers regret the
 decision to not synchronize/collaborate with GStreamer when GStreamer
 was there? Since Nokia supports GStreamer for very obvious (to the
 maemo community) reasons, supporting a competitor project wouldn't be
 a very wise idea.

   DISCLAIMER: This is my very personal opinion and it may very well be wrong.

Agreed, we have officially supported GStreamer and the excellent  
mplayer which can be wrapped if someone wants a (different) gui. VLC  
certainly doesn't classify as a killer app bearing these in mind IMHO.

Something with more mileage, though still not really a killer app,  
would be working on optimisation of the backend libs that all three  
media players use (therefore any media player would benefit). But this  
will have to wait until we see what the hardware is capable of really.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Proposal for Diablo's authoritative list of package categories

2008-10-29 Thread Simon Pickering
 - Development worklow? Do you want to have a structured 
 process with an
 agreed set of features in scope, a UI plan and so on or do you see
 better to continue the ad hoc approach of discussion+patches? 
 if you expect us providing i.e. nice icons this is not something that
 needs more planning from our side.

I think some formalised set of features would be useful, especially to draw
in more developers (so they know what's going on and who's doing what and
what they could do). Though we should leave it somewhat open-ended and allow
extra features to be added to that formalised set as and when they come up
and are discussed (otherwise people might get bored as they can't hack on
what they want to do).

 - Collaboration channels? Do you want something like a garage
 environment + git + or do you prefer to continue the
 thread in maemo-developers?

Personally I'd prefer a Garage project/environment, that way it's all
centralised rather than being mixed in with the more general
maemo-developers list.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Application manager category view proposals

2008-10-28 Thread Simon Pickering
 Having thought about it a bit more, I think there are 3 
 realistic scenarios:
 1) Force the Application Manager to do it, based on a simple rule
like having an i18n label defined.
 2) Force the Application Manager to do it, with an 
 external package
defining the metadata.
 3) Force the Application Manager to do it, sourcing the metadata
from *

I like #3 personally.

 In all 3, I think there's a case for a setting which ignores this.
 Then, if someone is selling tablets with a bespoke environment, they
 can still push updates from their own repository which only applies to
 their walled-garden users, not general mainstream end-users.

Just allow the Red-Pill mode (for example) to disable updates. Then anyone
who wants to can manually alter their own cached/local Sections list and
leave it be.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: printing logs (printf) when application starts from menu

2008-10-23 Thread Simon Pickering

 I wrote an application named My_app  that plays audio and also records
 voice from microphone. I usually use this application from command
 prompt. There are lots of printfs in it for debugging purpose which gets
 printed on terminal when the application is run. I just put the
 application in the start menu and it does not behave properly as it
 should. More particularly the recording from mic is problematic. I have
 no way of accessing the printf at present as the application is starting
 Start Menu - Extras - My_app

 Is there any way that I can get this printf printed in some file when I
 start this application from the menu. It will be still much better if I
 can open another window and it keeps printing the printf even when I
 start My_app from the menu.

Sounds like this would be a useful feature for the hildon-launcher to  
support. I would like to see hildon-launcher reporting errors to some  
central server (a la M$ Windows error reporter) and any stdout/stderr  
output would would be a useful thing to have. This reporting tool does  
actually exist within Nokia for internal testing, but would probably  
also be useful for the outside world, obviously with tweaks to where  
the debugging information is sent.

I remember on Opie (running on the Zaurus) there was a central log  
screen which showed the output of all of the Opie applications. I  
wonder if this would be an option, or perhaps just automatically  
piping the output from individual applications a pid-specifc temporary  
log file under /var (which could then be sent off with an error report  
should one occur, or would otherwise be deleted when the app closes).

Hildon launcher is here:

Have a look and see what patches you think might do the job.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Projects Nokia should support (yours?)

2008-10-22 Thread Simon Pickering
  It's a little unclear whether it's targeting volunteer developers
  working on this in their spare time who might be interested 
 in making a
  living on it, or companies who are working on free software, or
  volunteers who just want a hand, but are very happy staying 
 We are referring here to community projects, which imply open planning
 and development. In practice this calls primarily to 
 volunteers and open
 source code but maybe there are exceptions worth considering 
 - you decide.

Sounds good, so where shall I lay out initial ideas for how I'd like
maemo-barcode (name to be changed, suggestions welcome as part of this
process) to move forward and to get suggestions and help in doing this? In
the Garage project itself on its mailing list, or on some more visible page
(in the wiki perhaps)?

I'm all for this, my gut feeling about why projects never quite make it is
that the (probably sole) developer runs out of time/motivation/moves on to
other things; with collaboration there is more motivation for developers to
keep working (moral support and karma) and even if someone drops out there
are others to keep going with it.

Financial support is always nice, but I do wonder how that will work with
the idea of community collaboration and projects with multiple contributors.
Certainly it would be good for specific (perhaps odious) tasks (vorbis on
the DSP for example, as there's no other way to motivate it afaict) but
perhaps not for applications unless they really are one-man projects.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Projects Nokia should support (yours?)

2008-10-22 Thread Simon Pickering
 I still don't know if I can propose an application that is 
 not started yet.
 Just in case you don't remember, I explain my idea again.
 My goal is creating a GPS position sharing client. What this
 application will do? I try to explain in few simple steps...

 3) you start adding other people to your contact list and you choose
 if you want to share your GPS position with them (I suppose yes, else
 why you add them?? :P )

There is already a method of providing location data over the XMPP/Jabber
protocol which the built in messenger uses (thought it's not implemented at
the moment): 

By using the existing IM infrastructure you'd not need to register anywhere,
you just tell and obtain position info from your existing contacts (which is
fine IMO, I don't want any old person, even if they register on some website
to know my position).

 4) At this point, when you walk around in your city, in your country
 ecc... and you're connected to internet (with UMTS you can be always
 connected, right? I use to be always connected using N810+N73+Tre
 Italy UMTS), you can share your position to your contact list.


 Think about a situation like we were in Berlin:
 - Hey John! Where are you?
 -- Well... I'm... at that corner... don't know the street name...
 uhm let's try to get at McDonald...
 - Which one? There are at least 3-4 McDonald here!
 this is just an example where those two people could use it. I think
 there are lot of situation where real time gps position sharing could
 be usefull.

Yes, sounds nice. Though I'd focus on trying to find the beer gardens ;)

 I hope someone find this idea interesting. Please, don't limit to
 steal the idea, let's try to create this together.

Quite, will presence data and for that matter GeoClue as a location provider
be available in Freemantle?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Projects Nokia should support (yours?)

2008-10-22 Thread Simon Pickering
  3) you start adding other people to your contact list and you choose
  if you want to share your GPS position with them (I suppose 
 yes, else
  why you add them?? :P )
 There is already a method of providing location data over the 
 protocol which the built in messenger uses (thought it's not 
 implemented at
 the moment): 

Sorry, should probably be this one:


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: ALSA sound driver for Nokia 770 and DSP programming

2008-09-26 Thread Simon Pickering
  Recently I have been trying to make it running and seems 
  like we have a very
  good chance to have it working nicely. It is also 
  interesting, that the
  linux-omap guys seem to be developing a new driver [3] for 
  AIC23 which may
  eventually become a better alternative.
  Very nice!

Good stuff Siarhei :)

Have you built a replacement DSP-kernel yet?

 I will try your patch in mamona which IMO provides the most 
 easy way to
 test those things out. Mamona is based on OpenEmbedded and every other
 distribution made from it bases its sound core on ALSA not 
 gstreamer ...

Sounds like a useful test-bed.

 It is good that a new driver is in development, however I have doubts
 that we will be able to run 2.6.27+ on the N770 soon ;).
 Is the AIC23 also in the N8x0 devices?

From the N810 datasheet, it looks like it contains a TVL320AIC33NIZQER, or
in shorter form a TVL320AIC33:

I seem to remember there being something different in the N800, anyone got
the datasheet handy for the N800?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Maemo-mapper vector data backend follow-up

2008-09-24 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Till, 

 do you want an honest reply: Don't do that. Maemo-Mapper 
 isn't meant to handle
 vector data. Period.

Indeed, but maemo-mapper will not be handling the vector data, that will be
the job of the render/routing server; maemo-mapper will continue handling
bitmap data.

 These are my concerns:
 - Plenty of duplicate data will get stored that isn't 
 required since Maemo-Mapper 
   will locally cache tiles that have been generated on the 
 device itself.

This can be disabled - only a memory cache is used, no file cache; though it
might be useful to cache the tiles to a file cache and clear that when the
app closes to avoid unnecessary processing when panning. I don't know.

 - Rendering is less than optimal because Maemo-Mapper asks 
 for tiles. You'd 
   have to a) render most things several times as most objects 
 will span several 
   tiles and b) have to render more data than required as 
 Maemo-Mapper does
   some caching in advance.

True, this then boils down to how fast the rending can be performed and with
what CPU load.

 - You'd need massive interfaces between your renderer and 
 Maemo-Mapper for
   all kinds of interaction with the maps. You'd e.g. have to 
   POI details, street details, etc etc ...

Well the only interfaces that are really required are ways of sending
rendered tiles, and sending GPX routes from A to B, and lookups of the
lat/long of POI locations/street locations, etc.

 - The entire thing will not be trivial to use and debug as 
 you are basically
   planning to cut an already complex navi application into 
 two parts which
   then need proper coupling.

I'm sure it won't be trivial, but the rendering engine and routing engines
should be pretty well self contained, I can't see why it should be any more
difficult than it appears at first glance.

 - All navigation functionality of Maemo-Mapper is imho done 
 on an external
   server in advance. You'd also have to port a navigation 
 engine onto maemo
   and couple it with maemo-mapper as well as with your tile renderer.

Indeed, this is the idea.

 I'd rather use software that was designed to use vector data. 
 E.g. navit has
 been ported to maemo by a bunch of people incl. myself. We 
 all didn't put
 much effort into this and the results are barely useable. But 
 it's imho way
 more effective with respect to vector data to continue with a 
 program like 
 navit than Maemo-Mapper.

You are probably right there (certainly things like 3D views are outside the
scope of maemo-mapper), but there is a desire to support local vector-data
backends, and this is a discussion of whether it can be done.

I fully support the work on Navit and other navigation/mapping programmes,
this is simply looking at an expansion of the abilities of maemo-mapper.




maemo-developers mailing list

Maemo-mapper vector data backend follow-up

2008-09-23 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

A few of us sat down with John Costigan (aka Gnuite) after his presentation
at the Maemo Summit and as well as drinking a few beers/vodkas discussed how
to achieve the end goal. I just thought I'd start the conversation going
here and summarise my thoughts (John has probably not even made it home

For those who didn't see the presentation, it was basically asking for input
on how to use vector data as a backend to provide tiles and routing
information, without needing to completely re-write Maemo-mapper and change
the way it handles data.

The idea that John presented was that we should store the vector data
locally and act like the OSM/Google server and serve Maemo-mapper with image
tiles and route GPX data in just the same way as already happens. The
advantage here is that the two projects are pretty well separated (though
John said he'd be happy to make alterations to Maemo-mapper if needs be).

The other positive aspect of this split is that if someone were to reverse
engineer the TeleAtlas/Navteq storage format, which might be slightly
controversial, it wouldn't impact on Maemo-mapper or any other backend (e.g.

So, considering OpenStreetMap as our vector data set (Garmin is another
option as I believe there's an open source library which can understand
their database format; likewise for British University users Ordnance Survey
data is available; and for those in the US there is Tiger census data;
world-wide NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission contour data; i.e. there's
at least a few sets of data which could be used), these are my initial

The OSM data is stored in a MySQL data base (though the data we download as
*.osm is an XML dump I think); there is an API to query the database using
XML. As we'd already be running as a server, and would gain no advantage in
using the API should the database format change (as we access the database
directly, so need to implement the db-side of the API), I would propose we
ignore that, and act on the data directly, should we decide that it doesn't
need pre-processing. The only disadvantage to this, it that if we
implemented the API, we could also work online and talk to the main OSM
database directly. Not sure how much use/interest there would be in that.

So, we have some data, now we have to be able to do something with it. There
are a number of programs which can render OSM data that we should look at
adapting rather than writing it all from scratch. 

Tile rendering

There's a list of OSM rendering programs here [0].

Mapnik [1] is the program which renders the map tiles currently downloaded
by Maemo-mapper. This requires that the OSM MySQL database be processed and
turned into a PostGIS database. It doesn't look like this is something that
could be done on-device due to the time and memory requirements. PostGIS
rendering is probably a good thing as other map data is stored in this
format. This is supposed to be difficult to setup though, and I don't know
the cpu/memory requirements.

Other applications such as Navit [2], Gosmore [3] also require that the
database be processed to turn it into something other than MySQL. Pyrender
[4] might be a possibility, though it is designed to work from a tile server
(where a tile is a tile of metadata rather than image data) rather than the
MySQL database.

I'm tempted to quickly pull together something using pyrender (it currently
parses XML directly afaik, so will need some tweaking to read from MySQL if
that's the backend of choice). Using a proper db rather than parsing the XML
should hopefully allow it to scale better than it is supposed to do atm.

Obviously C will be faster, but perhaps more people will get involved if
it's Python...? Any thoughts on this?


Again, there are a number of programs which do this [5]. Again Gosmore [3]
and Navit [2] and another Python program, Pyroute [6], are on the list. I
don't know much about these, how processor intensive they are or how fast
they are. Does anyone have any ideas?

Pyroute appears to use raw OSM vector data (though not as a MySQL database
as that's not a dep, unless that's assumed for a Python install?); Navit and
Gosmore both use their own converted data formats.

Again I'm tempted to try using Pyroute with a MySQL db. Same arguments as

So to summarise, it looks to be possible. Let discussion commence!




P.S. Rana is a combination of Pyroute and Pyrender, search for it on the osm

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Maemo-mapper vector data backend follow-up

2008-09-23 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Pierre,

 I have been looking at pyrender and did try recently to have a on the
 fly vector map rendering in python. It was so slow i decided to use pre
 made tiles instead.

Hmm, ok, well that's indicating that we should use C then.

 I also used most part of pyroute to try to make off line route

 It works but it eats too much memory.

Thanks, I'll take a look at that - is it because it stores the data in  
memory rather than using a db?

 I also dont know how one could represent big enough a route to connect 2
 foreign city (but, as i do not own a car, this is only a theoretical
 problem :-) )

I had been thinking exactly the same thing, how to parse the database  
and chose the route without needing all of the data in memory/a very  
long time. Presumably this problem has been solved and there must be  
papers which explain either how to pare down the data, or how to store  
memory-efficient route representations. Obviously it could be done by  
iteratively loading the data for a given area, not sure how much  
memory would be needed to store the possible routes though as it  
iterates along the path. Sounds interesting :)

Navit is supposed to be able to do general routing (beyond a single  
city which is stated as a limitation of Pyroute due to memory reqs.  
see, so looking at/transplanting  
that code might be a starting point (and it does rendering too).

Those graphs on the link above look cool :)

Anyway, good to see that there are others interested in the topic :)



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Moderator speak up - is maemo multitouch thread ok or not

2008-09-05 Thread Simon Pickering

 Someone else mentioned possible patent infringements, I
 don't know how much
 of a factor this is.

 Who said so ?
 What parent infringements ?
 I have carefully analyzed patent applications by Apple and full-text  
  patents granted to Apple
 and there is nothing what can be infringed with another multitouch   
 solution by Nokia, Samsung, Google or others.
 Just learn to read patent law and patent full texts.

Great, I have some experience with reading patents (mainly for  
Jazelle), could you give us the patent numbers (preferably US patents  
so we can use the Google search) so we can also look at them?

 putting together good
 business cases to say how multi-touch will be beneficial
 ask Steve Jobs

I don't have his email; do you?

 No-one is stopping you, in fact if you can get the
 non-multitouch resistive
 screen to produce useful multitouch-like
 behaviour, which is what Gary
 (lcuk) has been looking at, I'm sure we'll all be
 very pleased.

 Who is Gary ?

Gary is lcuk on IRC.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Moderator speak up - is maemo multitouch thread ok or not

2008-09-04 Thread Simon Pickering

 I am really surprised, there is a small group of maemo developers
 showing interest not to discuss maemo multitouch and showing 
 interest to have maemo no-multitouch in next years.

I think Igor was fairly explicit in what he said, capacitive multi-touch was
not very precise, therefore a resistive screen was chosen. This is fine by
me as I do want to have very find control over where I click with my stylus.
Someone else mentioned possible patent infringements, I don't know how much
of a factor this is.

I'm not sure anything we say will affect this, though putting together good
business cases to say how multi-touch will be beneficial (and being explicit
about how) would probably be a good start (in the same way that we have been
justifying why the PowerVR driver should be released, etc., on the wiki).

 Quite contrary to iPhone developers , doing their best to 
 make iPhone No.1 gizmo.

Not through their discussion of multi-touch mind you :)

 Multitouch is hot and market added value.
 You can try to stop multitouch development but please offer 
 something better.

No-one is stopping you, in fact if you can get the non-multitouch resistive
screen to produce useful multitouch-like behaviour, which is what Gary
(lcuk) has been looking at, I'm sure we'll all be very pleased.



maemo-developers mailing list

dsp-sbc and video output problems

2008-08-13 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi everyone,

As at least some of you know, the dsp-sbc task works (for all the  
music I've tried anyway, but I know there are some oddities, which I'm  
going to investigate - e.g. qwerty's music ;).

This is all well and good, but we don't gain much, except possibly  
better battery life if we scale the CPU speed right back while we  
decode (and even then I don't know if it will be more efficient). The  
goal had been to offload sbc encoding to the DSP to allow e.g. mplayer  
to use more cpu to do video decoding.

I and others have done some testing with the dsp task, and with the  
cpu at 400MHz, although the sbc encoding works fine, the video  
stutters quite severely (producing 1fps output). This is obviously  
not workable, so it needs fixing if possible.

I've converted the existing task, which uses bulk transfers (where the  
copying is done in the kernel) to use shared memory and word transfers  
for synchronisation. This should cut the amount of time the kernel  
spends doing memory copying by some significant margin (i.e. ~4 bytes  
data copied rather than 512+78 bytes per transfer, of which there are  
375/sec). This hasn't improved things though, the video is still at  

Before I look at DMA or other exotics, I thought I'd ask if anyone  
knows about the bandwidth limitations of the memory controller/memory?

The dsp mp3 task which works with mplayer while displaying video  
consumes (not quite sure how to work out exact bitrate here), let us  
say a 5Mb file in 3min or so, which gives 28.4kb/sec (kilobytes that  

My sbc encoder eats 48000hz stereo 16bit data, which equates to  
187.5kb/sec input. It also spits out 78 bytes for every 512 bytes it  
reads in, which adds an extra 28.5kb/sec to the total bandwidth  

So, am I running up against a fundamental limitation of the memory  



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Navigating on OSM data on maemo

2008-08-08 Thread Simon Pickering

 The big issue at the moment is that the  
 OSM data (which is what I'll be using at least as I don't have any  
 Garmin maps for Navit) lack certain metadata which would be useful.  
 The main thing here is the road speed, or some indicator of what the  
 road speed might be (e.g. road type data - in town/country/etc.)

 currently you will have difficulties to determine if a way, for  
 example, is in
 a certain country or within a residential area. I guess it still will last a
 while until we have enough such data in our database.

There are probably some hacky ways around this in the absence of the  
actual data, avoiding a given radius around a town location (and  
perhaps even caching data on the population so we know what radius, or  
knowing the radius itself if this is available). Obviously bypasses  
will probably not work too well with this though. Hacky as I said ;)

 But does it matter right now? Some examples already show that   
 routing based on
 OSM data is possible, and that the results can copete with the results of
 commercial routers.

No, not really. We may as well get a handle on how to do routing at  
least. One thing that might be complimentary to the existing on-line  
routing methods is calculating tracks back to the existing route (e.g.  
if you stray or need to divert), in this case it wouldn't matter too  
much about the speed of the road as the distance wouldn't be too great.

 BTW: There's some discussion about standardizing a binary file format for
 mapping applications @OSM-dev (Call to mobile developers: OSM binary file
 format). No clue if it will be successful, but at least there's a wiki
 page :) :

Thanks, I'll take a look at that.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Navigating on OSM data on maemo

2008-08-06 Thread Simon Pickering

 I am wondering if currently anybody is working actively on porting
 navigation software with offline routing to maemo with osm data.

 I know that somebody worked on navit somebody else on Gosmore, but I have
 not seen updates since a long there anything else going on?

 Navit could be a perfect companion on Maemo. Compiles, runs and routes
 nicely - as long as there's no gps signal... :(

 Unfortunately it frequently freezes as soon as gpsd is running. Unfortunately
 my C knowledge is rather nonexistent so I cannot debug or improve this

 There are (rather dated) packages on [1]. The author asks for patience
 regarding updates as he's working on some stuff.

These updates are apparently a new GUI and routing in libgarmin.

I am certainly interested in navigation software (thanks for pointing  
out gosmore, I'd missed it). The big issue at the moment is that the  
OSM data (which is what I'll be using at least as I don't have any  
Garmin maps for Navit) lack certain metadata which would be useful.  
The main thing here is the road speed, or some indicator of what the  
road speed might be (e.g. road type data - in town/country/etc.)

I imagine there may be ways to get around this and still have a half  
decent routing system, and then implement these sorts of checks once  
the metadata catches up. I've not been able to try Navit (probably due  
to the mentioned gpsd problem) - it never wanted to do anything when I  
was running it. I'm more tempted to take a stab at gosmore as I assume  
it will be simpler code and easier to hack and modify ourselves.

I should add that onion is planning to add routing abilities to his  
fork of maemo-mapper (see here:  
so developing a bear-bones routing system would probably benefit lots  
of different projects (and most of all, be interesting to do).

Anyway, count me in :)



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Navigating on OSM data on maemo

2008-08-06 Thread Simon Pickering

 I am wondering if currently anybody is working actively on porting
 navigation software with offline routing to maemo with osm data.

As well as the previously mentioned:

Navit (
Gosmore (

There are a couple of others which should be mentioned, which can use  
(free) OSM data. See here:


Roadnav as preliminary support for OSM  
( It says it can do navigation to  
anywhere in the USA, but with the right maps I suppose this would  
scale to anywhere.

Pyroute/Rana does/do routing in Python using OSM data  
( being replaced by

There is a mailing list linked from the osm routing page, as well as a  
couple of other wiki pages about routing which would probably be worth  



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: PowerVR MBX driver for Maemo?

2008-08-01 Thread Simon Pickering

 We are not providing it at the moment for legal / Licensing reasons.
 The current closed source driver for Omap 2420 is not GPL compliant
 and Nokia can't deliver such a driver.
 We are working to get some version of driver available to 
 developpers but
 it won't be any Nokia supported version.  The plan is least tell in 
 Maemo Summit
 could we resolve existing problem and make driver some way available.
 More info from

Thanks for that Kate :)


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: DSP SBC encoder update

2008-07-10 Thread Simon Pickering
 I should add that running DSP tasks will move the CPU frequency to 330MHz,
 so this is probably not the answer to everyone's prayers with regard to
 freeing the CPU to do Xvid decoding or the like. There is a kernel patch
 not force the CPU to 330MHz (the DSP runs slower) and I'll do some testing
 to see if the DSP task can run in real-time at the lower DSP clock speed.
 Then it will be significantly more useful. 

Right, I've tested the SBC encoder task with the ARM running at 400MHz (and
therefore the DSP running at 133MHz (rather than its top speed of 220MHz
with the ARM running at 330MHz). Thanks qwerty for the link to the patch.
Anyway the task runs and plays music, but there are far too many drop-outs
and the sound gets progressively deeper on the run up to each dropout (due
to the encoder being too slow). So it certainly needs more optimisation
before it could be considered for this role.

 The change which has allowed it to encode an entire song rather than just
 few seconds was to move the input and output buffers from SDRAM (OMAP main
 memory) to SRAM (DSP fast single access memory). There are probably other
 things which would benefit from being moved, the sbc-priv data (or parts
 thereof) for one. This structure is pretty big so I allocated it in SDRAM,
 but at least parts of it might be better off in faster local memory. This
 something to look at.

I looked at this yesterday evening (thanks to derf, crashanddie, and others
for answering my C questions), trying to move some parts of the priv
structure to SARAM (sorry for the SRAM typo above). Unfortunately just
moving the bare minimum (the X array) won't happen as there's not enough
SARAM (so dsp_dld tells me). I don't know where it's all gone, anyone have
any ideas?

I currently have a fast_in[] array in SARAM to which I copy part of the data
from the slow (SDRAM) X[] array in the sbc_analyze_eight/four() fns before
it's used in the _sbc_analyze_eight/four() fns. These two fns are inlined,
so this memcpy is performed in every loop through the code (called something
like 150,000 times in total for my test file iirc). I'm not sure if the
faster manipulation of the data makes up for the copy overhead (it is a
faster 32bit copy at least). No clocks available, so I'll try removing this
optimisation and testing what it sounds like.

More importantly, if the whole X array could be placed in SARAM, there'd be
no need for my memcpy anyway and I'd have the benefits of faster access. I'm
not too sure how to analyse the code to work out how much data is allocated
in SARAM (to work out if I'm close to fitting it or have no chance).

Talking about SARAM, the input and output buffers (which the dsp task uses
for bulk transfers) are in SARAM, this is what I changed to make the task
play in real-time so this obviously makes a difference. It would be good if
I could avoid having to copy from the input buffer into one of the priv
structure arrays (which holds the PCM data). This is probably not really a
big saving compared to optimising the main loop as the read fn is not called
all that often (~5000 times for my test file), but every little helps and
obviously did before. The input array is currently read into a 2D array, I
need to check and see the array dimensions and whether I could write the
data into it directly (and place it in SARAM rather than the input array).
The output array has data packed into it, so I'm not sure I'll get any
savings from fiddling with this.

There may yet be other little bits of code which would benefit from being
moved to faster memory (or intrinsic-ised), it's just a bit hard to quantify
the memcpy slowdown vs. any possible memory access speedup gains without any
way of timing individual parts of the code :(

I'm currently revisiting my attempt to re-write the inner loop to use lots
of DSP intrinsics and the like in the hope that this will provide some sort
of speed up. Again to be tested with the mk1 ear ;)

Anyway, that's about where I am. If anyone wants to take a look at the code
and suggest possible locations for optimisations I'm all ears :)

Thanks for reading,



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: DSP SBC encoder update

2008-07-10 Thread Simon Pickering
  I looked at this yesterday evening (thanks to derf, crashanddie, and
  for answering my C questions), trying to move some parts of the priv
  structure to SARAM (sorry for the SRAM typo above). Unfortunately just
  moving the bare minimum (the X array) won't happen as there's not enough
  SARAM (so dsp_dld tells me). I don't know where it's all gone, anyone
  any ideas?
 Do you use any buffers allocated by malloc? My guess is that malloc
 does allocation of DARAM and SARAM memory.
 In any case, memory returned by malloc should be not worse than the
 memory buffer explicitly statically placed to EXTMEM.

Yes, I think you're right, in the avs_kernelcfg.cmd file it talks about a
DARAM_heap and a SARAM_heap, presumably it's possible to allocate from
either somehow (using the CSL MEM_* calls probably, I don't know off hand
which heap is used for task data, but will have a look this evening). It
also talks about a/the stack being in SARAM.

To answer the question, only if the thing to be malloc'd is small. In this
case it's only a couple of structures (and they are large), so I've manually
created them in EXTMEM2. I know this is not ideal, but they won't fit in

Over lunch I had a play with the things I talked about in my last email.
Removing the memcpy (from the slow SDRAM X[] array to the fast SARAM
fast_in[] array) made the code marginally slower - at least there were more
drop outs, so it appears that the memcpy() overhead is less than the extra
time needed to access the data in SDRAM.

I shaved a few array elements off the output[] SARAM array (down from 100 to
78 elements, this fits the current Bluez encoder parameters, but if they
were changed upwards, both the input[] and output[] arrays would probably
need to be made bigger). I also removed the #PRAGMAs I had been using to
place the const data from sbc_tables.h in SARAM as from looking the
avs_kernelcfg.cmd file, .const data is already placed in SARAM (SARAM_DATA
section) and I thought this might free up some room to fit the X[] array in
SARAM directly. It didn't. Moving the const tables freed 72x32bits, removing
the fast_in[] array (not needed if X[] itself is fast) freed 80x32bits, but
the X[] array requires 2x160x32bits. It still doesn't fit :(

Brad (Midgley) was talking earlier about implementing zero-copy; this would
be good as then at least some of the data could be left in the SARAM
input/output arrays (both faster because these are SARAM and because it
doesn't need a copy). I'll have a look at this.

So onto trying to optimise the inner loop...



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: DSP SBC encoder update

2008-07-10 Thread Simon Pickering
  Do you use any buffers allocated by malloc? My guess is that malloc
  does allocation of DARAM and SARAM memory.
  In any case, memory returned by malloc should be not worse than the
  memory buffer explicitly statically placed to EXTMEM.
  Yes, I think you're right, in the avs_kernelcfg.cmd file it talks
about a
  DARAM_heap and a SARAM_heap, presumably it's possible to allocate
  either somehow (using the CSL MEM_* calls probably, I don't know off
  which heap is used for task data, but will have a look this
evening). It
  also talks about a/the stack being in SARAM.
 I'm sorry if it was not clear enough. Just use normal malloc from C
 without any CSL_MEM_* stuff. You can add some debugging prints for the
 of allocated blocks and identify what kind of memory they are actually
in (DARAM,
 SARAM, SDRAM). By the way, this information is especially important if
you want
 to use DMA, as you need specifically configure the type of memory (not
 address) when setting up DMA transfer.

No, I understood, I was just mentioning that there appear to be two
heaps to chose from - presumably one is used by the DSP tasks (malloc is
probably #defined as one of the CSL MEM* fns in the DSP Gateway task

  Over lunch I had a play with the things I talked about in my last
  Removing the memcpy (from the slow SDRAM X[] array to the fast SARAM
  fast_in[] array) made the code marginally slower - at least there
were more
  drop outs, so it appears that the memcpy() overhead is less than the
  time needed to access the data in SDRAM.
 Yes, accessing SDRAM memory is extremely slow. And if you access SDRAM
 memory using 16-bit accesses instead of 32-bit accesses, the overhead
 doubles. So if your data processing algorithm does not deal
 with 32-bit data accesses, you are better not to run it to process
 in SDRAM memory. Copying data to a temporary buffer in DARAM or
 SARAM, processing it there and copying results back to SDRAM would be
 faster in this case.

The X[] array data type is an int32, so even accessing 32bit from SDRAM
is still slower than using a local buffer (depending on what you need to
do with it of course).

  I shaved a few array elements off the output[] SARAM array (down
from 100 to
  78 elements, this fits the current Bluez encoder parameters, but if
  were changed upwards, both the input[] and output[] arrays would
  need to be made bigger). I also removed the #PRAGMAs I had been
using to
  place the const data from sbc_tables.h in SARAM as from looking the
  avs_kernelcfg.cmd file, .const data is already placed in SARAM
  section) and I thought this might free up some room to fit the X[]
array in
  SARAM directly. It didn't. Moving the const tables freed 72x32bits,
  the fast_in[] array (not needed if X[] itself is fast) freed
80x32bits, but
  the X[] array requires 2x160x32bits. It still doesn't fit :(
 2x160x32 bits is only 1280 bytes, which is hardly too big. Try to
 buffers with malloc and copy constant tables there on initialization.

It know there's not much free SARAM memory (note that the DSP Gateway
kernel also appears to hold the majority of its data in the DSP internal
memory). But parts of the SARAM and DARAM are reserved for the stack and
heaps, which may well have free space on them. It appears that 0xc00
(8bit) bytes are reserved for the stack, the DARAM heap is 0xbf40 bytes
in size and the SARAM heap is 0xd000 bytes long. So this may mean that
there's enough space in the SARAM if I use malloc to get the memory from
the heap. I had thought that the heap would be fairly small so I was
#PRAGMAing my large structures to be placed in SDRAM; this was probably
the wrong thing to do.

I'll test and report back.



maemo-developers mailing list

DSP SBC encoder update

2008-07-07 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

I'm happy to say I've got the DSP task working for more than 4s now, in fact
it even runs all the way to the end of the song, as expected ;).

You can download version 1.0.0 from here: This is for Diablo only.

This consists of a tarball containing the DSP task and command file, a
tweaked Bluez-utils which can use said DSP task for SBC encoding (so it will
just work with mplayer and the like) and an installation script which writes
some config data about the new task to the DSP dynamic loader conf file and
then extracts the tarball, installs the deb and tells you to reboot.

[Note to would-be DSP hackers: rather than rebooting, you can just run
dsp_dld in the terminal to restart the loader daemon, but make sure you've
made a symlink from /lib/dsp/dsp_dld_avs.conf - /lib/dsp/dsp_dld.conf as
this is where it expects to find the conf file.]

If you want to go back to software encoding, rename the sbcenc.o file (in
/lib/dsp/modules) and it will automatically fall back to the original
software method (it falls back whenever the DSP fails, and renaming the task
will cause it to fail). I've not checked to see if the fallback method is as
quick as the original code, I'd be interested to know though if anyone is
bored. I should add some logic using an env var or similar to switch method
- anyone have some example code I could use?

You still need to enable a2dp with either johnx's a2dp deb which can be
found here:
or manually (use the deb, far easier).

I should add that running DSP tasks will move the CPU frequency to 330MHz,
so this is probably not the answer to everyone's prayers with regard to
freeing the CPU to do Xvid decoding or the like. There is a kernel patch to
not force the CPU to 330MHz (the DSP runs slower) and I'll do some testing
to see if the DSP task can run in real-time at the lower DSP clock speed.
Then it will be significantly more useful. In the meantime, it may or may
not use less power this way, please let me know if you do any testing.

Next bit is for those interested in the gory details:

This is pretty much the same code I had running a week ago or thereabouts,
and it was only encoding ~4s of audio in real-time (using bulk transfers 
ioctls for sync). I tested the SW encoder and it would encode a test file
more slowly than the DSP method but would output more seconds worth of audio
when testing with mplayer, which made me wonder if the DSP was just cursed
(or perhaps something to do with the CPU speed being set to 330MHz when the
DSP is running...). The released code is from my mk2 branch:

The change which has allowed it to encode an entire song rather than just a
few seconds was to move the input and output buffers from SDRAM (OMAP main
memory) to SRAM (DSP fast single access memory). There are probably other
things which would benefit from being moved, the sbc-priv data (or parts
thereof) for one. This structure is pretty big so I allocated it in SDRAM,
but at least parts of it might be better off in faster local memory. This is
something to look at.

I tested the speed of the bulk transfers (29s au file, took ~20s to encode
with the DSP and ~9s to just transfer the data), which are pretty slow as
you can see. I then decided to convert the task to use shared memory and
some polling and sleeping to synchronise (mk4 branch: The
mk4 code takes absolutely forever to run though, the same test file which
takes ~20s with the bulk transfer method (mk2) takes ~45s using shared
memory. Unfortunately there appear to be no clocks available in the DSP
kernel (which makes benchmarking code quite tricky) and also means you can't
sleep() between polling memory.

So the DSP task sits in a tight polling loop (bad!) and the ARM sleeps for
1us and then polls the shared memory. Anyway, there's something not right
and I'm not sure what it might be (the DSP manages ~650 loops before the ARM
presents it with input data), the DSP then processes and the ARM sleeps for
1 loop (1us) before the DSP gives it back the encoded data, and so on. This
is not a good method for the task to use, but I am interested to know why
it's so slow, so may do some more work on it eventually.

Talking about a lack of clocks, the mk3 branch was my attempt to rewrite the
sbc conversion fns using DSP intrinsics, dual MACs, and the like. It doesn't
produce the correct output data (probably some issue with my Q15 arithmetic,
this was only the first hack at the code) but also didn't improve the speed
of the code (and with no clock fns it's hard to tell where the bottleneck
is) so I'm leaving it alone for the time being.

Last but not least, even when running at 165MHz (or whatever the
conservative governor produces) the sw fall back code doesn't produce any
error messages (when 

AGPS performance

2008-07-03 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

Just a quick question. Diablo has seen the introduction of working AGPS
(yay!), but I've been wondering if we'd gain better performance by having a
more accurate way of telling the SUPL server (which sends us the data we
need about satellite positions, etc.) where we are?

The tail-end of has some
comments on this (and Quim told me to make an enhancement bug, but I'm not
yet sure whether this will enhance anything, hence the email). Does it make
any difference if we have something more accurate than the ~300km radius
Marko is talking about?

If it does make some (minor?) difference then it would be worth having an
API to be able to access the SUPL service so that it could be integrated
with maemo-mapper (which has much higher magnification on the map and
therefore would give more precise locations than the ~50mile square pixels
in agps-ui) and/or integrate it with GeoClue to use other backends to
provide an initial location.

I don't know enough about this stuff. Does anyone know if:
a) the SUPL server calculates the ephemeris/etc. data for the exact position
that is sent to it, or does it only calculate for some specific sized grid,
then returns the nearest set of data? 
b) The area over which the ephemerides/etc. are actually valid (is it really
a ~300km radius or is this just good enough for most cases)?



maemo-developers mailing list

dsp-sbc task update

2008-07-03 Thread Simon Pickering

Just a quick note really. Thinking that I ought to try to optimise the  
_sbc_analyze_eight()/_sbc_analyze_four() fns as these are called lots,  
I re-wrote them to use DSP intrinsics, dual-MACs, etc.

I hasten to add that my code doesn't actually work, I get what I  
understand is saturated output - loud white noise. So there's still  
some sort of problem in there (not unexpected for the first run after  
conversion). The real issue is that this has done nothing in  
particular to the overall decode time.

So either my optimisations are rubbish (quite possible, but afaict  
I've done what needs to be done) or the code is being held up  
somewhere else. So, this is where the problem comes - from SPRU376A,  
the TMS320C55x DSP Programmer's Guide (Rev. A), ch3.3, it says to use  
the clock() fn to time individual parts of the code.

I've tried this, and the function always returns the same value (each  
16bit part (high and low) of the 32bit integer = -1792 (when output  
with %d for signed short; the dbg() fn can only output 16bit values)).

Any clues? I'm not sure how to go about timing the code without some  
sort of clock, other than to just look at the code and guess at what  
might be optimisable.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Power management is going to drive me mad!

2008-06-19 Thread Simon Pickering
 Is it possible on the N800 to programatically shut down the wifi
 interface and bring it back up?
 I have an application that very occasionally needs network
 connectivity. If I leave my device connected to wifi, the battery dies
 too quickly. I would like to have the software turn on the wifi
 interface, do its thing, and then turn the interface off to conserve
 energy. I've considered other solutions, but I think this is the
 simplest answer.

If you change the settings to allow auto-connect it will automatically
connect whenever libconic (or whichever one it is) asks for a connection. To
get it to disconnect you can set the idle timeout to something suitably
short (5min I think).

This ought to work, though is perhaps not ideal if you have other apps which
will keep the connection busy once your chosen app has finished using it
(though you shouldn't really have any of these. Likewise if you have any
apps which try to connect more frequently, these will also be allowed and
might increase your power consumption.

I'd personally like to be able to specify connection intervals and then
allow all apps to use the connection for a specific time interval, without
worrying about whether it will idle for long enough to switch off, and
whether some other app will ask libconic to open a connection more
frequently than I want (e.g. connect every hour for 5 min, then disconnect
even if something is still using the connection). This would have to be done
at the libconic level, so that apps which call it were none the wiser.

I should add that this is not such a big issue with the N810 as it can quite
happily sit connected to the network (running ssh  sftp sessions) all
evening every day of the week without needing a charge.



maemo-developers mailing list

DSP work updates (SBC Tremor)

2008-06-19 Thread Simon Pickering
Hello everyone,

Just some updates. The SBC task appears to run correctly, it just runs  
too slow to be used for more than ~1s by Bluez. The next task is to  
speed it up. I will crack on with this, but if anyone fancies a look,  
then please feel free and send me advice/patches/abuse/etc.

The output of gprof (run on X86) is shown below:

   %   cumulative   self  self total
  time   seconds   secondscalls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name
   0.00  0.00 0.00   160672 0.00 0.00  _sbc_analyze_eight
   0.00  0.00 0.00   160672 0.00 0.00  sbc_analyze_eight
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5023 0.00 0.00  __read
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5021 0.00 0.00  __write
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5021 0.00 0.00  sbc_analyze_audio
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5021 0.00 0.00  sbc_calculate_bits
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5021 0.00 0.00  sbc_crc8
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5021 0.00 0.00  sbc_encode
   0.00  0.00 0.00 5021 0.00 0.00  sbc_pack_frame
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  encode
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  sbc_encoder_init
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  sbc_finish
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  sbc_get_codesize
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  sbc_get_frame_length
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  sbc_init
   0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  sbc_set_defaults

So basically _sbc_analyze_eight()  sbc_analyze_eight() are the things  
to look at speeding up.

To give people a head start, here is where you should be looking to  
work out how:
A2DP specification which says how the SBC encoder is supposed to work:

 From here (Ti DSP docs):

SPRU281F.pdf - TMS320C55x Optimizing C/C++ Compiler User's Guide
Ch3 - Optimizing Your Code

SPRU376A.pdf -  TMS320C55x DSP Programmer?s Guide
Ch3 - Optimizing C Code

SPRU422I.pdf - TMS320C55x DSP Library Programmer?s Reference

On to Tremor. I've gone back to debugging why it doesn't recognise the  
Vorbis stream (while it's unpacking the code books) and it looks like  
some sort of buffer corruption.

Here's the output from the DSP (the = A,B form is low,high 16bits):

[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: check alignment, byte 1 = 17218
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: check alignment, byte 2 = 86
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: Mapping Case 0
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: s-used_entries  0x= 128
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: s-used_entries16  0x = 0
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: s-entries  0x= 128
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: s-entries16  0x = 0
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: s-dec_nodeb=2
[276990.164062] vorbis_book_unpack: s-dec_leafw=1
[276990.164062] _make_words: Entered; n=128, 0; quantvals=0, 0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=0,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=1,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=2,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=3,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=6
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=8,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=5,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=6
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=9,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=6,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=6
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=14,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=8,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=6
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=15,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.164062] _make_words: entry=9,0
[276990.164062] _make_words: l[i]=6
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=20,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=11,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=2
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=2,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=26
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=0,336
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=5
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=12,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=31
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=32,10752
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=18
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=20481,1
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=30
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=17,5376
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=12
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=1345,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=3
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=6,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: l[i]=1
[276990.171875] _make_words: entry=0,0
[276990.171875] _make_words: Overpopulated tree, return -1
[276990.171875] _make_decode_table: _make_words() 2 True
[276990.171875] vorbis_book_unpack: Error in  

Re: DSP SBC debugging

2008-06-13 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Brad

 Right, well goodish news, the dsp sbc encoder appears to work. It can be
 used with mplayer to play ~1s of audio, then it all goes quiet.

 this is how it was when trying the floating point version on an
 emulated fpu. There's no way it could keep up.

Ok, so the symptoms sound familiar, that's a good start.

 though as I understood that the code could run in real-time on a 200MHz
 StrongARM chip, I'd thought the DSP would be able to also run it without any

 the dsp is not going to perform well on general-purpose code. There
 are a few matrix ops that need to be rewritten first probably.

 sbc_analyze_{four,eight} are the main culprits. These have been
 optimized to combine  remove multiplications whenever unnecessary,
 but to preserve symmetry on a dsp you'll undo that to get it optimal.

Yes, ok. Is there, lurking around somewhere, a copy of the first code  
that was written, before the various optimisations were put in? It  
would be interesting/useful to look at something like that to see  
where the DSP might be changed.

If not then fair enough, I'll have to work through the code and as you  
say undo the optimisations before applying DSP-specific ones, etc.

 Anyway, what I'm saying is that at first glance I can't really see a faster
 way of transferring the data across (though I will do some testing to see
 what the cold hard figures say), but if anyone spots a mistake or two in my
 logic please pipe up.

 I'm not sure how this impacts you but the soft codec could benefit
 from zero copy. We'd need to change the internal representation to
 match host-endian stereo audio and only copy it if the incoming data
 is not in that format. There is a complication in that the codec has
 some state from previous encode calls, so we'd need to rework things
 so a buffer we refer to isn't changed by the client between calls.

Zero-copy could work if I used a shared memory buffer, but that would  
mean I'd need to open the DSP device and map the shared memory buffer  
somewhere earlier in the code, and be able to pass that buffer address  
back to the code for it to use it.

In the meantime, I'll test just how long the bulk transfers take (I  
did a quick cheat test by not calling sbc_encode() on the DSP side  
(but accepting the data, and then passing it back) and just setting  
len and encoded to the values I know the code produces. Unfortunately  
the encoder stalls at the end of the stream (which doesn't help time  
very much to get an accurate value). I need to have a fiddle with the  
code and see what sbc_encode() returns when there's no/not enough data  
to process to try to avoid the stall when I'm faking it.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: community leadership - the Community Council

2008-06-13 Thread Simon Pickering
Hello Darius, 

 Council is not the best solution, as council still has no 
 rights but obligations.

What rights does the council need if it is elected by the community? It has
the power of the people.

 One thing should be discussed and disclosed yet,
 what is a role of Nokia in
 to avoid legal issues and problems in the future.
 Linux developers should be fully aware in advance if they 
 work and devote their time
 for Nokia Corporation, for  not-incorporated,  - organization , incorporation pending or just 
 work for fun, for free, for the community.

Well this is to be a community project. The copyright of the name
will be held by Nokia so they have a final veto (they also pay for and
maintain the site), but my understanding is that they would like the
community to run/organise/develop the site for the community. Therefore any
developers (web developers I guess you mean) will be working for fun, for
their community. 

I should add that there are a few people (Dave Neary - docs, Niels Breet -
website and to a lesser extent Andre Klapper and Karsten Braeckelmann -
bugtrackers) who are paid by Nokia to work on/for part-time. I
imagine that that they will be doing what the community wants them to do. I
don't see this being a problem.

 Working for Nokia Corporation on corporate products is really 
 great think.
 But please aware, any software code is still copyrighted to 
 its author not Nokia
 and today and forever.
 So you at Nokia need to establish legal relations between 
 copyright holders and the Nokia Corporation.

Presumably the copyright of the website  contents will be under a Gnu Free
Documentation Licence (a la Wikipedia) or a Creative Commons Licence. What's
the current licensing model ( This
is presumably something that could be discussed if people have a preference
one way or the other.

 Another way is to discuss such contractual relations between 
 Linux developers and corporations having global status and 
 set terms, have lawyers from Free Software Foundation and 
 other organizations to represent developers in relations with 
 to facilitate  intellectual property rights transfer
 under US, EU IT rights protections acts, rules, regulations.

There are no contracts. This is community for community. If someone decides
they can no longer take part (in the council for example), they will need to
be replaced. How this would happen is something that has to be worked out
(by this discussion for example).

 But please don't advice Nokia to incorporate third party 
 copyrighted Linux code into one of its product without such 
 writtenm contract or agreement on transfer of intellectual 
 property rights.

We're talking about a website and community infrastructure here, not a
released software product.

 And you at Nokia and from Nokia,
 please follow an example by Apple, having developed iPhone, iPod Touch
 and new 3G GPS iPhone
 please look at repositories of community made software, look 
 at SDK policy.

If there's a real problem here (what's wrong with the SDK policy - email me
in a separate thread please), then this is the sort of thing the
council should be addressing when it has its meetings with Quim.

 Global Corporation like Nokia can't risk investing into 
 community projects, products, developed for free by 
 developers volunterring their work for the community.

It already has

 Nokia should incorporate as a business entity, corporation
 and nominate directors, board, officers
 and have job done under supervision and management provided by Nokia.

The whole point of this is to allow the community to exist and grow without
being controlled by Nokia, but rather to be a partner in the direction of
that growth. I think your opinions, while interesting, are at odds with
those of the majority.


Simon (aka lardman)

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: community leadership - the Community Council

2008-06-13 Thread Simon Pickering
I'll humour you...

 Council is not the best solution, as council still has no
 rights but obligations.

 What rights does the council need if it is elected by the community? It has
 the power of the people.

 -- (sorry no chance to edit properly under Google Groups editor)
 -- exactly
 replce hte power of the people by
 the power of the corporation
 and you can make a business and manufacture Nokia Internet Tablet
 to be hot product, market challenge.

Fine, if we wanted to we could indeed, possibly, do this. But we don't  
want to. That is not the point of the community. This email  
thread was started with the goal of obtaining feedback about how to  
organise a community council. If you have anything relevant to say  
about *that*, please do say it, otherwise you're going off-topic.

 One thing should be discussed and disclosed yet,
 what is a role of Nokia in
 to avoid legal issues and problems in the future.
 Linux developers should be fully aware in advance if they
 work and devote their time
 for Nokia Corporation, for  not-incorporated,  - organization , incorporation pending or just
 work for fun, for free, for the community.

 Well this is to be a community project.

 -- Ok. Hardware is corporate project, Nokia Internet Tablet.
 No chance to have community to finance development and production of  

Indeed. That is not the goal, see my reply above. We are not planning  
on taking over the Maemo project and creating competing hardware +  
software but rather on making the community - Nokia interaction as  
productive and easy as possible.

 The copyright of the name
 will be held by Nokia

 -- ok. But copyright to service name, trademark makes no software
 What makes Linux software is developers.

You're off topic again; we're talking about a community and  
documentation, not about software.

 so they have a final veto (they also pay for and
 maintain the site),

 You need pocket money to buy and pay for web site
 or you can even get one for free.
 To register a new domain cost you another pocket money.
 So money is not an issue.

Indeed money is probably not an issue, this could happen somewhere  
else, but why not here, where the well known name points (  
and with the cooperation of Nokia (after all the point here is to work  
with them, that's the reason we're doing this!)

 Issue is developers.

Not with regard to how to organise the community - Nokia interaction  
it is categorically nothing to do with programmers. It would be great  
to encourage more programmers to develop for the platform and the  
establishment of a community driven should facilitate that  
(well at least it would make me happier and I'm a developer).

 Therefore any
 developers (web developers I guess you mean) will be working for fun, for
 their community.

 -- ok, great
 and what about a case, another nice web place, website
 created asks developers from maemo to move to their website
 and work for another project ?

So be it. If they offer a more compelling platform on which to develop  
then they can and will leave. It's up to Nokia + the community to  
provide both compelling hardware and a useful community. This is not  
about trying to lock people into the platform, except by virtue of it  
being so cool that why would you want to leave and do something else.

 I should add that there are a few people (Dave Neary - docs, Niels Breet -
 website and to a lesser extent Andre Klapper and Karsten Braeckelmann -
 bugtrackers) who are paid by Nokia to work on/for part-time. I
 imagine that that they will be doing what the community wants them to do. I
 don't see this being a problem.

 -- very bad solution
 The ruler is one you hires you and pays for your services.

And if the paymaster says that they should do what the community asks  
of them - works for me.

 Paying a community , paying some members of the community
 to organize other members of the same community to work for free
 is not a good idea as it makes Maemo a corporate project
 and no more community project.

People have been hired based on their skill sets - I see no problem in  
having a number of people who know what they are doing to advise how  
the website documentation should be organised and to maintain the  
underlying website infrastructure, etc. I do not know how to do  
either, and indeed it may take up quite a bit of my free time (which  
is when I do my DSP hacking and write these emails) to be able to do  
these tasks. I assume that when the time comes and we have a large  
enough community contributing, etc, some of these roles may no longer  
be necessary as they will be taken over by community members. To get  
the ball rolling, we need (and have) these people now.

 Community project is really general term used on the Internet if
 you with collaborators to work for you for free
 under non-for-profit status
 or you can't afford to 

RE: community leadership - the Community Council

2008-06-13 Thread Simon Pickering

 be so nice not to say what I should write

My apologies, I hope that you will therefore be so polite as to not  
bother other people who are interested in the theme of the  
thread/question by not posting off-topic replies. I'll take that as a  

 if we wanted to we could indeed

 who is we ?
 no more community ?

You brought it up, you explain - I see no reason why *a* community  
couldn't do so, just not *this* community (or at least not this one  
with my participation).

 If you have anything relevant to say
 about *that*, please do say it, otherwise you're going off-topic.
 If you expected my YES as the only on-topic, you were wrong.
 NO is the same relevant as your YES.

I don't care if you say YES or NO, just that you answer the questions  
on-topic rather than going off on a tangent.

 I say NO for your Council.

Thank you for your input, can you tell me why (and this is probably  
the first on-topic theme in this series of emails) or what alternative  
you think would improve the situation?

 If you are already self-nominated to your Community Council,
 just say so and don't waste our time for any discussion.

I am not. The point of the thread (if you go back and read the first  
post) was to work out what sort of structure a community council  
should have, how many people it should contain, how they should be  
elected, what they should do, etc. It's not really a community council  
if the community aren't involved... hence the question. If people want  
me to be a part of it I would be happy to be, if not I'm fine with  
that too.

The fact that a number of us have been thinking about this does not  
give us defacto positions, as I repeatedly say, the community must  
decide what and who it wants. This email thread was to ask the  
community's opinion and someone had to start it (and it wasn't even me  

 Nokia , as a corporation, has one business goal
 to generate profit to the corporation , in vestors and shareholders.
 There is no other goal for business corporations.
 Look at Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and others.
 You can still attract volunteers, but your goal is making money.
 Today, tommorrow and after tommorow.
 For Nokia, their goal is to manufacture Nokia Internet Tablets
 and sell at a reasonable price, to compete with Sansung, Apple and others
 and generate profit for investors, shareholders.

Yes indeed. And supporting the community will benefit all  
parties: the community members by better organising documentation,  
streamlining and improving interaction with Nokia (bugs,  
feature/status requests, hopefully beta code testing, etc.); and Nokia  
by making it a more pleasant/easier/more productive place for  
independent developers to do good work.

I've probably missed lots of things off there, but that's my view with  
my developer's hat on anyway.

 Any activities by communities financed, sponsored, donated by Nokia
 or other corporations, must follow the basic goal of the corporation.

In general yes, and here the community adds value to Nokia. So there  
should be no problem unless this is all simply a rant against  
Nokia/commercial use of Linux, and in fact you had no intention of  
giving any useful input to the questions that were posed?


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: DSP SBC debugging

2008-06-11 Thread Simon Pickering

 I've moved to Diablo as it uses bluez-utils-3.28 which has the same  
 API as version 2.32 on which I based the DSP code. Patching the DSP  
 SBC encoder into bluez-utils 2.38 I can use sbcenc (good sign) so I  
 tried to play music from mplayer using the a2dp tools produced by  
 johnx to set it up.

Sorry about the typos in the version numbers there. That paragraph should
read as follows:

I've moved to Diablo as it uses bluez-utils-3.28 which has the same  
API as version 3.32 on which I based the DSP code. Patching the DSP  
SBC encoder into bluez-utils 3.28 I can use sbcenc (good sign) so I  
tried to play music from mplayer using the a2dp tools produced by  
johnx to set it up.

 I get the following error message:


 DEBUG: _snd_pcm_bluetooth_open: Bluetooth PCM plugin (Playback)
 DEBUG: audioservice_send: sending BT_GETCAPABILITIES_REQ
 DEBUG: audioservice_recv: trying to receive msg from audio service...
 DEBUG: audioservice_recv: Received BT_GETCAPABILITIES_RSP
 alsa-lib: pcm_bluetooth.c:1589:(bluetooth_init) BT_GETCAPABILITIES  
 failed : Input/output error(5)
 alsa-init: playback open error: Input/output error
 Could not open/initialize audio device - no sound.
 Audio: no sound
 Video: no video
 Exiting... (End of file)

Good news, I also get this error with the standard un-DSP-enabled
bluez-utils-3.28. So it's (probably) not my fault. It would still be
interesting to know why it happens mind you as I'd like to use a2dp. Does
a2dp work for anyone else using Diablo?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: DSP SBC debugging

2008-06-11 Thread Simon Pickering
  DEBUG: _snd_pcm_bluetooth_open: Bluetooth PCM plugin (Playback)
  DEBUG: audioservice_send: sending BT_GETCAPABILITIES_REQ
  DEBUG: audioservice_recv: trying to receive msg from audio 
  DEBUG: audioservice_recv: Received BT_GETCAPABILITIES_RSP
  alsa-lib: pcm_bluetooth.c:1589:(bluetooth_init) BT_GETCAPABILITIES  
  failed : Input/output error(5)
  alsa-init: playback open error: Input/output error
  Could not open/initialize audio device - no sound.
  Audio: no sound
  Video: no video
  Exiting... (End of file)
 Good news, I also get this error with the standard un-DSP-enabled
 bluez-utils-3.28. So it's (probably) not my fault. It would still be
 interesting to know why it happens mind you as I'd like to 
 use a2dp. Does
 a2dp work for anyone else using Diablo?

Ah, user error - need to re-pair the headset. Sorry for the noise. Ball's
back in my court now, some more DSP code debugging to do (it doesn't seem to
like the type of data that's being passed to it, which is not unexpected as
it's only been tested using one type of input file thus far).



maemo-developers mailing list

DSP SBC debugging

2008-06-10 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

I've moved to Diablo as it uses bluez-utils-3.28 which has the same  
API as version 2.32 on which I based the DSP code. Patching the DSP  
SBC encoder into bluez-utils 2.38 I can use sbcenc (good sign) so I  
tried to play music from mplayer using the a2dp tools produced by  
johnx to set it up.

I get the following error message:

(none):/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds# a2dp enable
(none):/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds# mplayer Moby-In_My_Heart.mp3
MPlayer 1.0rc1-maemo.27.n8x0 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
Internet Tablet OS version: RX-34+RX-44+RX-48_DIABLO_4.2008.22-8_PR_MR0

[MENU] Can't open menu config file: /root/.mplayer/menu.conf
Menu inited: /etc/mplayer/menu.conf

Playing Moby-In_My_Heart.mp3.

Audio file file format detected.
Trying to force audio codec driver family dspmp3...
Opening audio decoder: [dspmp3] MP3 audio pass-through for Nokia  
770/N800 (fake decoder)
ADecoder preinit failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad...
Opening audio decoder: [libmad] libmad mpeg audio decoder
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000-176400)
Selected audio codec: [mad] afm: libmad (libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3)
DEBUG: _snd_pcm_bluetooth_open: Bluetooth PCM plugin (Playback)
DEBUG: audioservice_send: sending BT_GETCAPABILITIES_REQ
DEBUG: audioservice_recv: trying to receive msg from audio service...
DEBUG: audioservice_recv: Received BT_GETCAPABILITIES_RSP
alsa-lib: pcm_bluetooth.c:1589:(bluetooth_init) BT_GETCAPABILITIES  
failed : Input/output error(5)
alsa-init: playback open error: Input/output error
Could not open/initialize audio device - no sound.
Audio: no sound
Video: no video

Exiting... (End of file)

Note that I've uncommented the #define ENABLE_DEBUG line in  
pcm_bluetooth.c to get some more info out. I have tried following the  
code back from bluetooth_init(), where the error occurs, but can't  
work out where/why it should occur (the code ends in an IPC and I  
don't know enough about the code to know where it goes to/from). I'd  
be very grateful for some advice/help in debugging this problem.

If you'd like to test for yourself (and you probably need to be  
running Diablo for package compatibility), the ARM code which should  
be substituted into the bluez-utils-*/sbc directory can be found in  
the Garage svn under dsp-sbc/mk2/arm/ and a binary DSP task can be  
found here:  
(rename to sbcenc.o and place in /lib/dsp/modules/) to go with the  
sbcenc.cmd file which can be found in dsp-sbc/mk2/dsp/ (again place  
this file in /lib/dsp/modules/)

You will need to add an entry line to the /lib/dsp/dsp_dld_avs.conf  
file like this:
sbcenc tab _task_sbcenc tab 1 tab /lib/dsp/modules/sbcenc.o  
tab /lib/dsp/modules/sbcenc.cmd

Then restart the dsp_dld to reload the conf file (by simply running  
dsp_dld in a terminal). DSP output can be seen in dmesg.

A compiled bluez-utils can also be found here:



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: DSP SBC encoder task

2008-06-08 Thread Simon Pickering

 I've re-written the original thread-based (async) code today and it's
 now synchronous - a call is made to sbc_encode() on the ARM and it's
 passed through to the DSP and the work is done and the data passed back.

 This should all fit in without any changes to the code which calls the
 sbc_* functions. They still call just sbc_init(), sbc_encode() and
 sbc_close() and all the DSP stuff is handled in the background. If
 there are parts which need access to lower level data (the example
 sbcenc code doesn't), then I'll have to write a link in to the DSP to
 retrieve that data. Not a big issue, but I'll have to take a look at
 the Bluez code and GStreamer bits to see if this is needed (or someone
 let me know). A couple of questions still remain about the maximum
 size of a single PCM or SBC data transfer (so I can make the DSP
 buffers as small as possible) - any thoughts?

 Other than that, I'm hopeful it should just drop in to replace the
 contents of the sbc directory in Bluez-utils and compile and work. I
 just tried to cross-compile Bluez-utils, and other than the lack of
 Flex (which is a dep) Scratchbox is complaining about not being able
 to run binaries it has produced. Any suggestions? Too late in the
 evening here to do any more today, but I'll get it working tomorrow.

 In theory it should be fairly easy to create a new GStreamer element
 that overrides the software one.

 With regard to overriding, I tried a bit of code to look at an env var
 and choose SW/DSP from that, but it doesn't seem to work. Strange, as
 I've also written the DSP code so that if the DSP fails for any reason
 it will fall back to using the sw encoding method (and that works).
 Probably a silly error I've missed, but it's late so I'll take a look
 at it tomorrow.

 The latest code is available in the Garage project under the mk2
 directory if anyone wants to have a play with it while I'm asleep :)

Right, I've created some binary DSP modules, which are available for  
the 770 and os2008 (chinook) devices for download from the Garage  
page. The SBC code seems to drop straight into the bluez-utils-3.32  
code (certainly it compiles), however there is an error when I move  
the updated bluez-* files over to my N800 test machine and try running  
mplayer over a2dp. I think this basically means I'll need to recompile  
something else. If anyone knows what, or fancies having a go please  
speak up :)

The error (returned by mplayer) is:

Nokia-N800-50-2:/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds# mplayer Moby-In_My_Heart.mp3
MPlayer 1.0rc1-maemo.27.n8x0 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
Internet Tablet OS version: RX-34+RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_MR0

[MENU] Can't open menu config file: /root/.mplayer/menu.conf
Menu inited: /etc/mplayer/menu.conf

Playing Moby-In_My_Heart.mp3.
Cache fill:  0.00% (0 bytes)
Audio file file format detected.
Trying to force audio codec driver family dspmp3...
Opening audio decoder: [dspmp3] MP3 audio pass-through for Nokia  
770/N800 (fake decoder)
ADecoder preinit failed :(
ADecoder init failed :(
Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad...
Opening audio decoder: [libmad] libmad mpeg audio decoder
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000-176400)
Selected audio codec: [mad] afm: libmad (libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3)
alsa-lib: pcm_bluetooth.c:1505:(audioservice_recv) Error receiving  
data from audio service: Success(0)
alsa-lib: pcm_bluetooth.c:1521:(audioservice_expect) Bogus message  
alsa-init: playback open error: Invalid argument
Could not open/initialize audio device - no sound.
Audio: no sound
Video: no video

Exiting... (End of file)

Which looks like some sort of API change. I'm not sure if  
needs to be recompiled (though I seem to get a plugin for it when  
compiling bluez-utils, so I'm doubtful), or if mplayer needs to be  
recompiled (which I'll try in a minute to see).

Anyway, as I said, the DSP binary (and source) code (which tends to be  
the limiting factor with people playing with these things) is  
available for download, so all you then need to do is use the sbc  
source from the Garage repo and compile away and test things.

Let me know if it works :)



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: DSP SBC encoder task

2008-06-07 Thread Simon Pickering

 It would be easier to plug your work into everything else if you wrote
 it up as a patch to the regular sbc.c so it transparently chooses the
 soft or dsp codec at runtime. It would work with the alsa plugin, gst,
 and eventually pulse without extra work.

 Marcel will have to weigh in if it's to be accepted upstream.

 In any case, we'd need an override. It could be done with an
 environment variable like SBC_CODEC with values eg soft, dsp,
 auto with auto the default if it's not set. This does step around
 gstreamer a little, but anyway, alsa and pulse don't have the greatest
 gstreamer integration to start with...

 Yes, that sounds like a good idea. At the moment I'm effectively
 running all of sbcenc.c on the DSP, while I should just be doing
 sbc_encode() + whatever init and clean-up routines are needed to
 handle the DSP on the ARM and to pass it the stream format data. I've
 started looking at the Bluez code and it looks like it should be
 reasonably easy (he says!) to have just these bits running on the DSP
 (expect lots of questions still though).

 Would it be synchronous? I mean, that the encoding will start with
 sbc_encode, and before the function returns the output would be ready.

 I haven't done DSP development, but I've used DSP libraries and all of
 them seem to be asynchronous.

I've re-written the original thread-based (async) code today and it's  
now synchronous - a call is made to sbc_encode() on the ARM and it's  
passed through to the DSP and the work is done and the data passed back.

This should all fit in without any changes to the code which calls the  
sbc_* functions. They still call just sbc_init(), sbc_encode() and  
sbc_close() and all the DSP stuff is handled in the background. If  
there are parts which need access to lower level data (the example  
sbcenc code doesn't), then I'll have to write a link in to the DSP to  
retrieve that data. Not a big issue, but I'll have to take a look at  
the Bluez code and GStreamer bits to see if this is needed (or someone  
let me know). A couple of questions still remain about the maximum  
size of a single PCM or SBC data transfer (so I can make the DSP  
buffers as small as possible) - any thoughts?

Other than that, I'm hopeful it should just drop in to replace the  
contents of the sbc directory in Bluez-utils and compile and work. I  
just tried to cross-compile Bluez-utils, and other than the lack of  
Flex (which is a dep) Scratchbox is complaining about not being able  
to run binaries it has produced. Any suggestions? Too late in the  
evening here to do any more today, but I'll get it working tomorrow.

 In theory it should be fairly easy to create a new GStreamer element
 that overrides the software one.

With regard to overriding, I tried a bit of code to look at an env var  
and choose SW/DSP from that, but it doesn't seem to work. Strange, as  
I've also written the DSP code so that if the DSP fails for any reason  
it will fall back to using the sw encoding method (and that works).  
Probably a silly error I've missed, but it's late so I'll take a look  
at it tomorrow.

The latest code is available in the Garage project under the mk2  
directory if anyone wants to have a play with it while I'm asleep :)



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: DSP SBC encoder task

2008-06-06 Thread Simon Pickering

 Just a quick note to say that the DSP task encodes the test .au file
 correctly. Still a minor ;) issue that the DSP crashes after the DSP
 has finished the encoding task (I think this is probably due to a
 non-existent semaphore being written to, will have to test my theory


 in case of using GStreamer, you should provide a GStreamer element that
 allows you to offload the SBC encoding to the DSP. Currently we are
 using sbcenc which will do it for us.

Atm we have to use ALSA to produce A2DP output, is the data sent  
thought here simply piped straight into sbcenc running standalone?

I'd like to make sure that the people who currently use it (e.g. from  
mplayer) are also able to continue doing so using the DSP.

Certainly a GStreamer wrapper is next on the list of ToDos after I  
stop the DSP from crashing ;).



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: DSP SBC encoder task

2008-06-06 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Chaps,

 I have been thinking more about this and I think another approach
 could be considered.

 It would be easier to plug your work into everything else if you wrote
 it up as a patch to the regular sbc.c so it transparently chooses the
 soft or dsp codec at runtime. It would work with the alsa plugin, gst,
 and eventually pulse without extra work.

 Marcel will have to weigh in if it's to be accepted upstream.

 In any case, we'd need an override. It could be done with an
 environment variable like SBC_CODEC with values eg soft, dsp,
 auto with auto the default if it's not set. This does step around
 gstreamer a little, but anyway, alsa and pulse don't have the greatest
 gstreamer integration to start with...

Yes, that sounds like a good idea. At the moment I'm effectively  
running all of sbcenc.c on the DSP, while I should just be doing  
sbc_encode() + whatever init and clean-up routines are needed to  
handle the DSP on the ARM and to pass it the stream format data. I've  
started looking at the Bluez code and it looks like it should be  
reasonably easy (he says!) to have just these bits running on the DSP  
(expect lots of questions still though).

What do you mean by it stepping around GStreamer? From my quick look  
at the code, the same init/clean-up and sbc_encode() routines seem to  
be used for both GStreamer and the ALSA bits; what more does GStreamer  
need to know?



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: DSP SBC encoder task

2008-06-06 Thread Simon Pickering

 I only say stepping around gstreamer since the gst way would be to
 make one gst plugin for soft and one for dsp codec and let gst choose
 one when building a pipeline. ie, they're prepared for multiple
 implementations of a given codec.

Ah, ok, I'm with you now.

Well as you said before, let's not worry to much about complying with  
that way of doing things hey :)


maemo-developers mailing list

DSP SBC encoder task

2008-06-05 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that the DSP task encodes the test .au file  
correctly. Still a minor ;) issue that the DSP crashes after the DSP  
has finished the encoding task (I think this is probably due to a  
non-existent semaphore being written to, will have to test my theory  

I've not looked at the rest of the Bluez code, so am not sure exactly  
how to plumb this DSP task in (though I'm hopeful it will be pretty  
much a drop-in replacement. Fingers crossed :) ).

The code (and some binaries if you're daring) are in the Garage  
dsp-sbc project.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Hello Maemo - CFSONID 2008

2008-06-04 Thread Simon Pickering
  So the answer is no. As long as Maemo's goal is not 'providing a 100%
  free platform' as well I[0] will not contribute[1] to it and I expect
  that with more and more freedom respecting projects/products you will
  have a hard time finding people who do.
 This is what I had in mind in my LinuxTag presentation: there
 are people who will not want to contribute to Maemo just because Nokia
 does not completely adhere to the free software principles.
 By that I did not mean to imply that Nokia should put free software
 above their bottom line.  My point was that Nokia should evaluate the
 extra value received from free software zealots (this word is probably
 too strong, but I don't have the time right now to pick a better one)
 with value lost from opening their proprietary components.

Is zealotry that wide-spread and that much of a stumbling block for some
people? I'd prefer it to be open, but if it is possible to work within the
constraints that Nokia impose (due to IP/NDA/etc. restrictions), as long as
they are helpful in providing ways to use the functionality of the closed
components, then I can accept that there are real reasons for the
limitations and still be happy to use and develop for the device.

 Unfortunately I'm no economist and I cannot evaluate either.  Looking
 at the increasing popularity of free software in the IT sector it seems
 to me that free software benefits outweigh proprietary benefits, but
 this is not a choice I can make for Nokia; it's one Nokia has to make
 for themselves.

Perhaps, but we are quite often talking about interfacing with hardware from
a company which makes lots of mobile devices, rather than software only
service providers. My feeling/understanding is that closed components such
as BME will stay closed as the IP is too valuable to release to competitors;
the best we can hope for is some sort of API to communicate with the
hardware via a closed component. This is not a problem for me as long as it
is available. Likewise the wifi driver will not be open sourced as it
belongs to someone else. We won't see the source for this released either,
but perhaps we will see a more open source friendly version in a later
tablet as long as it is cost-effective (same goes for the charging hw).

Closed software-only (as in they don't talk to hardware) components are
something we have more chance with; quite a few of the closed components
don't seem to contain anything very hi-tech, but are just closed. This might
just be because no-one has thought to open them; or to avoid competitors
copying the whole interface/os in one go (though it wouldn't be beyond a
company to just re-write these parts I'd guess); or perhaps to avoid
developers screwing up the Nokia UI spec. and then releasing images which
reflect badly on Nokia.

Lots of perhapses of course :)



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: LinuxTag ticket?

2008-05-18 Thread Simon Pickering
Hi Michael,

 Just a quick question. Do presenters need to buy a ticket or do they get in
 free as they are presenting? I'm not bothered either way but would like to
 know so I can get one in advance and get the discount.

 I just asked the organizers.

 Presenters will get free access to LinuxTag. Besides that, as Simon
 already pointed out, we're having this snowball like system to give free
 tickets to the community. So, how many snowball do you need? just email
 me.. ;-)

Great! Do we just state our names when we get to the front gate, or do  
we need a (free) physical ticket?


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Help with YV12-YUV420 converter

2008-05-16 Thread Simon Pickering
 You can find the code I wrote here:
 A whole bunch of DSP related documents and things I collected 
 are here:

Thanks Buck

I'll take a look.



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: SBC DSP task, converting from 8bit to 16bit chars, any spare eyes?

2008-05-16 Thread Simon Pickering
Thanks to those who replied. I've had a couple of mistakes/places where I've
added unnecessary code/optimisations pointed out to me :)

I'll fix those and see where we go from there.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Simon Pickering
 Sent: 15 May 2008 23:33
 Subject: SBC DSP task, converting from 8bit to 16bit chars, 
 any spare eyes?
 If anyone's bored and fancies looking for some of the 
 mistakes I've no  
 doubt made converting the BlueZ SBC encoder code to use the DSP's  
 16bit chars rather than the more normal 8bit chars, please 
 take a look  
 at the code in the dsp-sbc Garage project and let me know what I've  
 messed up, or any other thoughts you might have.
 P.S. I'll be happy to never again see a bitwise operator!
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