[Marxism] Isolation is torture

2011-01-21 Thread Stansfield Smith
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I just signed a letter to the Commanding Officer at Quantico Brig to end the 
inhumane conditions of Private Bradley Manning's detention as he awaits trial.

Please join me in signing this important letter, and pass it on to your friends 
and family when you're done:




Hey Firedoglake Activist,

Bradley Manning spent his 23rd birthday on Friday completely isolated, just as 
he has every day for the last 5 months months in his cell at the Quantico 
Marine Base.

Manning is the Marine Private accused of leaking classified documents to 
Wikileaks. Since July, he has been held in cruel and inhumane conditions like 
violent, dangerous criminals in a Supermax prison. He spends each day 
completely isolated, with severe restrictions placed on basic activities like 
sleep and exercise. Yet he has not been convicted of any crime.

The extreme isolation in which Manning has spent every day of the last 5 months 
is grueling. It's already taking its toll: Bradley Manning's physical and 
mental health are suffering, according to his attorney and friend who have seen 
him in prison.

Bradley Manning deserves humane treatment while he awaits trial. Can you please 
add your name to our letter urging Commanding Officer of Quantico Marine Corp 
Base to lift the heavy restrictions of Manning's detention?


Bradley's friend, David House, will deliver your letter to the Commanding 
Officer at the Quantico Marine Base brig when he visits Bradley next month.

While Manning is held in maximum custody, the military's most severe 
detention policy, he is also under a longstanding Prevention of Injury (POI) 
order that adds additional restrictions beyond those of other prisoners. While 
POI orders typically last a week or two, Manning has been held under a POI 
order for more than five months.

A day in the life of Bradley Manning is isolating, lonely, and frustrating. 

 - Manning stays in his cell for 23 hours a day
 - Guards must check on him every 5 minutes, and he must respond each time
 - He is not allowed to sleep between 5am and 8pm
 - Substantive exercise is not allowed beyond walking, potentially in chains
 - Communication with other people in the brig is banned, and he cannot write 
to people outside beyond the few a list approved by the brig commander; any 
unapproved letters he receives are destroyed.
 - He has not been allowed to read newspapers or watch international news 
during TV time
 - Comfortable sleep is impossible; he must surrender his clothes each night, 
has only a heavy suicide blanket akin to an x-ray vest, and guards must be 
able to see his face at all times.
 - A psychologist has said Manning isn't a danger to himself or others, and the 
POI order is unnecessary. His lawyer has also been unable to remove the POI 
order. But it is clear that Bradley Manning has been subjected to undue, 
inhumane, and unnecessary punishment, and it must stop now.

Stop the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning. Please add your name to our 
letter urging the Marine Commander in charge of Manning lift the unnecessary 
POI order.


No matter what you think of Manning's alleged acts, there is no reason to 
subject him to these extreme conditions. Thank you for standing up for human 

Michael Whitney

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[Marxism] sign on letter for academics against the FBI witchhunt

2010-12-11 Thread stansfield smith
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  I hope the professors on this list will sign onto this letter supporting 
those being subpeonaed:
   The CP had a decent article about the recent subpeonas:
    And in their defense, they offered the Chicago defense committee their 
offices as the meeting place for our weekly meetings. Bye, Stan


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[Marxism] Being subpoenaed by the FBI

2010-12-08 Thread stansfield smith
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   This is a continuation of the FBI subpeonas issued in September. I read this 
statement for my daughter to a press conference/protest Dec. 6.
I Am Being Subpoenaed By the FBI

by Sarah  Smith on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 

On Friday morning, December 3rd, I received a phone call from an FBI agent. He 
asked if I had about 30 minutes to sit down and speak with him so he could ask 
me some questions. I asked about what and he said he “was not at liberty to 
discuss it.” I then asked if I needed a lawyer present and he said it was up to 
me but that I was not in any trouble and that they just had a few questions. I 
felt something suspicious about him telling me he wanted to ask me some 
questions, but he would not tell me what these questions were. So I said that I 
had to consult a lawyer and check my schedule and that I would get back to him. 
I reiterated that it would be easier for me to meet him if I knew why an FBI 
agent wanted to sit down with me. He then said that it had to deal with the 
trip I took this summer. He then emphasized, “I think you know which one I’m 
talking about.”

The trip I took last summer was to Israel and Palestine. I am Jewish and wanted 
to see first hand what life is like for Israelis and Palestinians. If I went on 
the standard tour to Israel, I would not be shown how Palestinians live. So I 
went on a tour that showed me both worlds, Israel, and the Israeli occupied 
Palestinian West Bank. I went with 2 Palestinian-American friends. You would 
think Jews and Palestinians going together to visit Israel and Palestine is 
something the U.S. government would encourage. Instead, we are now being 
ordered by the FBI to go before a Grand Jury for going on that trip.

The US government says it supports peace between Israel and Palestine. It says 
it supports separate Israeli and Palestinian states. So why does the FBI 
investigate us because we went to see the Palestinian land? Top US government 
leaders meet with Palestinian leaders, so why does the FBI investigate us 
because we talked to average Palestinians on the street? I went there so I 
could make up my own mind and talk about what I saw. It seems to me our 
government wants to hide what Israel is doing to Palestinians.
I would like to thank the Committee Against Political Repression for the 
support they have given me and I encourage everyone to check out 
www.stopfbi.net to learn more and to sign the petition against this witch hunt. 
You can help by donating to my legal defense by sending a tax-deductible check 
to NLG Foundation. In the memo write: FBI Raids. You can mail it to Sarah Smith 
at 2961 S. Bonaparte, Chicago, Il 60608. 



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[Marxism] Ahmadinejad deserves fair reporting

2010-10-24 Thread stansfield smith
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Ahmadinejad deserves fair reporting
by Mathew Cassel (source: The Guardian, UK) 
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Editor's note: Matthew Cassel is a journalist and photographer from 
Chicago currently based in Beirut, Lebanon. His website is JustImage.org. 

The complicity of western media with their governments could not have been more 
clear this past week, when the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, came to 
The message that his visit was a provocation, as it had been labelled by the 
US, French and Israeli governments, was dutifully reinforced by those 
countries' media. One American journalist, functioning more as a propagandist, 
wrote in Slate: This is Ahmadinejad's first visit to Lebanon, and he couldn't 
have picked a better time to provoke outrage.
But just who did he outrage exactly? In total, hundreds of thousands of mostly 
Shia Lebanese came out to the various events celebrating Ahmadinejad's visit. 
Even rightwing Christian politicians in Lebanon such as Samir Geagea – who 
couldn't be further away on the political spectrum from Hezbollah and Iran – 
came out to welcome Ahmadinejad, who he described afterwards as moderate in 
To add some colour to their articles, many reporters made a point of mentioning 
an incident where two camels and 10 sheep were apparently slaughtered during 
the welcoming ceremony. A Sydney Morning Herald article opened: Camels were 
sacrificed in his honour, their blood flowed through the streets and the air 
filled with a roar of welcome. Some even tried to explain the significance of 
animal slaughter in Islam.
I'm not even going to reach for a book on my shelf or search Wikipedia to find 
Islam's connection to animal killing. Instead I'll resort to common sense: 
human beings kill animals. In English we call them butchers. Not one article 
bothered to mention that the sacrificed camels, with their long, graceful 
necks slit open would actually be eaten afterwards. When it involves Arabs or 
Muslims, the implication is that they're savages killing merely for the sake of 
But more important than what was included in most western coverage of the past 
week was what was left out. The misrepresentation of Hezbollah and the Islamic 
Republic of Iran remains rampant in western media coverage. Both are always 
painted with a broad anti-western brush that neglects their origins.
The Islamic Republic was a result of 26 years of a western-imposed absolute 
monarch that brutally repressed all dissent, especially the Islamic movements. 
In 1979, those Islamists led a nationwide revolt that overthrew the west's 
In Lebanon, a few years later, Hezbollah was born. At a time when the 
predominantly Shia south of the country was under attack and occupation by 
Israel (the US's special friend in the region) those same Lebanese Shias 
organised and armed themselves with the aiding of the nascent Iranian regime to 
liberate their land. And they did, twice.
With such crucial historical context, it's not hard to understand how such 
groups can be both fiercely opposed to the policies of western governments and 
also have legitimate grassroots support.
Lebanon has always been the arena for many of the region's political battles. 
And Hezbollah, largely for its uncompromising resistance to Israel and the 
west, has become the most powerful player in the Lebanese political landscape. 
And by extension, Hezbollah's allies, Syria and Iran – operating amid 
western-backed despots and disastrous western-led wars and occupations – have 
also enjoyed an increase in their regional influence.
If Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon signalled anything, it's that the balance of 
power is shifting in the Middle East. And as that happens we'll most likely see 
even more leaders and movements in this region take stands against the policies 
of western governments. More camels may even be killed in the process.
Hopefully western media can distance themselves from their governments to 
accurately report these changes, rather than share in their condemnation and 
disappointment, paving the way for them to put their threats of war into 


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[Marxism] Ahmadinejad and Chavez highlight the need for unity in fighting imperialism

2010-10-23 Thread stansfield smith
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Ahmadinejad and Chavez highlight the need for unity in fighting imperialism

(source: Press TV) 
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo 
Chavez have underlined the need to expand cooperation in fighting imperialism.
Ahmadinejad and Chavez on Wednesday highlighted enhanced cooperation between 
Iran and Venezuela as a key factor in standing up to the enemy.
Ahmadinejad said that cooperation between the two countries was of high 
He said that the two countries were united to establish a new world order 
based on humanity and justice.
President Ahmadinejad condemned the expansion of militarism as well as the 
interference of bullying powers in Latin America.
Chavez, in turn, called Iran-Venezuela ties as a strategic alliance and 
described his visit to Tehran as significant in showing the depth of relations 
between Iran and Venezuela.
“Imperialistic countries are trying their best to stop our progress … But the 
more we resist and the more we try, no matter how hard they try or how much 
they threaten us, they will move toward graveyard by their action, Chavez said.
Today is the end of imperialism. It's very close, he added.
Chavez also reiterated his strong support of Iran's independence and condemned 
threats of military action against the country.
The Venezuelan president arrived in Iran on Monday for a three-day official 
visit, with the goal of boosting ties between Tehran and Caracas.
This is Chavez's ninth visit to Iran since taking power in 1999 and comes 
almost one year after President Ahmadinejad paid a visit to Venezuela.
Iran has developed amicable relations with numerous Latin American countries, 
including Venezuela.
Iran's soaring popularity in Latin America has dismayed the United States, 
which has been engaged in a tireless global campaign to isolate Tehran over its 
nuclear program. Washington considers Latin America as its strategic backyard.


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Re: [Marxism] Eva Golinger, narconews, upsidedownworld, EcuadorSolidarity Network

2010-10-15 Thread stansfield smith
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Artesian says the real issue is whether Golinger proves NED or USAID gave 
money to CONAIE. I don't know what world you live in, but the real issue was 
that there was a US backed coup in Ecuador and we should expose it. Artesian 
couldn't care less about that. Does Artesian oppose the coup? I don't read that 
he does. The real issue for him, like the Ecuador Solidarity Network is to 
attack one of the people who has exposed US roles in Latin American coups. What 
is Golinger's track record so far? On Venezuela and Honduras, has she written a 
lot of BS, or is it accurate?
  Does Artesian reject the made-up stories about Golinger that narconews or 
ecuadorsolidaritynetwork present? No.
   Evidently you are on the same side of the fence as Greg McDonald and those 
coup-makers and the CIA in Ecuador. If not, then say so.
    Do you think the CIA is just going to write a check directly to some leader 
of CONAIE? Sometimes they are stupid and sometimes they are professional. In 
Cuba there are sometimes many transfers of money between the US government and 
its final destination, to the dissidents. Maybe we should be attacking Cuba, 
not the US, because they uncover too many degrees of separation for our liking. 
   We can read the statement of the president of CONAIE on October 6 about the 
coup, where he was categorically opposed to Correa, and denied there was any 
coup attempt.  Is this the kind of statement someone would make who had 
been bought with US money? Yes. 
    USAID gave $38 million to groups in Ecuador this year alone. Golinger says 
because of the delay in finding out exactly where this went, we won't know for 
a few years. But in previous years, people connected with CONAIE got money.
    We should focus on the real issues: opposing the coup, exposing the US role 
in the coup. A minor issue would be criticising the stance the president of 
CONAIE has taken in support of the coup. Instead Artesian wants to divert 
attention from any of those issues to whether Golinger has enough 2010 
information about US funding to indigenous groups to prove her case. Well, we 
see where you stand.
    So what's next? Will you argue there's no real evidence to tie the FBI to 
the murders of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X?


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[Marxism] was the Ecuador coup an amateur job?

2010-10-15 Thread stansfield smith
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David writes:
I noted from the very *begining* of this discussion, on the day of the coup
attempt (or, whatever) that the whole thing seemed like the gang that
couldn't shoot straight (thank god). The cops COULD of juest offed Correa
and that would of parcipated a real coup by the armed forces. [you mean 

 Eva Golinger has answered that quite directly on her website:
   It seems to me the US put out the propaganda line that this coup was a 
bungled job, last minute thing, a sort of Ecuador police freelance thing, as an 
effort to cover its own role in it. 
   In any case, I am rather surprised that on a Marxism email list, a number of 
people on it can't make up their minds about who to condemn when there is an 
attempted US coup in a Third World country. It sounds like a little miniature 
version of the German Social Democrat Party when World War One broke out: do we 
support the international working class or do we support imperialism? Well, 
it's a tough decision, maybe we should just abstain on the war credit vote and 
see what happens. 


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Re: [Marxism] Behind the coup in Ecuador | Green Left Weekly

2010-10-09 Thread stansfield smith
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 Yes, this was a good article. As I wrote before, the statements of the head of 
CONAIE on October 6 and of PACHAKUTIK on September 30, both show they supported 
the coup d'etat which failed, regardless of a NED smoking gun.
  The only question now is did they receive NED money or not. For that, it will 
be worthwhile to keep up with what is on Eva Golinger's blog for October 7.  It 
is possible they supported the coup for free, as a free service to US 
imperialism, but I wouldn't bet on that. 
  In any case, they supported the coup. 
The Alleged Coup d’Etat, Democracy, and the Indigenous Organizations

By Marlon Santi

President, CONAIE

(my italics)

We, the Federation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE, in
its Spanish initials) and the Pachakutik Bloc, in response to the
events of September 30, 2010, and the claims made in recent days about
the alleged support by USAID-NED to indigenous organizations,
standing firmly on our historic process of bringing about a true
Pluri-national State, announce:

The struggle of the peoples and nationalities is not an individual
one, rather, it corresponds to the collective dream of constructing a
diverse country, inclusive of the diverse popular and social organized
sectors that seek a real change to end the old neoliberal,
exploitative structures and the decolonization of the institutions of
the State. We seek a pluri-national democracy, respectful of the
rights of individuals, of collective organizations and of nature.

We energetically announce that there never was any attempted coup
d’etat, much less a kidnapping, but an event that responded to the
uncertain political management of the government that causes popular
discontent through permanent aggression, discrimination and violations
of human rights consecrated in the Constitution.

We do not recognize this dictatorial “democracy” because of its lack
of freedom of speech, the kidnapping of all the powers of the state by
the executive branch in its political system of one government, that
does not generate spaces to debate the projects, and laws elaborated
from the indigenous movement and other social sectors.

We categorically refute claims that the CONAIE, the Pachakutik
Political Movement, the peoples and nationalities have any
relationship at all with the organism known as USAID, previously NED,
not today nor ever. To the contrary, we know that this organization
finances the “social programs” of this government like the forest
partnership and that, yes, is condemnable.

We demand the constitutional suspension of the National Congress for
its failure to comply with the constitutional mandate that it
legislate much less audit as it is well known that all laws are
approved by the president’s legal minister.

We condemn the usurpation of press freedom when on September 30 all
media not allied with the government was forced to broadcast
government news in “cadena nacional,” a means by which all access to
information is controlled and manipulated with a version of the facts
that does not inform about the real dimensions of the situation on
that day in the country.

Quito, Ecuador, October 6, 2010

Government of the Peoples and Nationalities,

Marlon Santi

  Does this support the coup? Well literally, no, it denies there was a coup.
Does he condemn the coup - no. 
Does he call for the suspension of the National Congress? yes.
Does he support the actions of the Correa gov. to defend itself against the 
coup? No. 
Does he criticize the coup-plotters? No.
Dooes he criticize the statement (below) of Pachakutik which called on 
Equadorians to actively support the coup? No.

SINGLE NATIONAL FRONT (September 30, 2010)

Press Release 141

In the face of the serious political turmoil and internal crisis generated by 
the dictatorial attitude of President Rafael Correa, who has violated the 
rights of public servants as well as society, the head of the Pachakutik 
Movement, Cléver Jiménez, called on the indigenous movement, social movements 
and democratic political organizations to form a single national front to 
demand the exit of President Correa, under the guidelines established by 
Article 130, Number 2 of the Constitution, which says: “The National Assembly 
will dismiss the President of the Republic in the following cases: 2) For 
serious political crisis and domestic turmoil.”

Jiménez backed the struggle of the country’s public servants, including the 
police troops who have mobilized against the regime’s authoritarian policies 
which are an attempt to eliminate acquired labor rights. The situation of the 
police and members of the Armed Forces should be understood as a just action by 

Re: [Marxism] Evidence of NED funding to Ecuadoran groups against Correa

2010-10-08 Thread stansfield smith
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  I knew a woman in the anti-war movement here who supported Free Tibet and the 
Dalai Lama. I explained to her that these groups received CIA funds, and that 
the Dalai Lama himself admitted being on the CIA payroll. She said she didn't 
believe it, so I told her to go to google and youtube and put in Dalai Lama and 
CIA or Tibet  and CIA.
  Later I saw her and she said she checked it out, but that she felt sorry for 
the Tibetans under that evil Chinese CP boot, and whether the CIA gave money to 
the Dalai Lama didn't matter, as his cause was just.. Obviously it suited her 
white paternalism quite well to keep a special place in her heart for her 
little brown brothers.
   Which brings us to Greg McDonald. Though the Tibet case is well documented, 
and the Dalai Lama is a longtime counter-revolutionary, which I will not say 
about Ecuador at all, there is still some degree of analogy:  switch the 
natives from indigenous Tibetans to indigenous Ecuadorians, the evil Chinese CP 
to the evil Correa, and this woman to Greg McDonald.
   At this point, it seems McDonald could be shown a check written by NED to 
his favorite indigenous leaders and he would explain it away, and still insist 
their opposition to Correa was defensible and should be supported.
   At least McDonald has taught me something about the skill and influence of 
the CIA. Their propaganda operations and marketing techniques can be very first 


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[Marxism] CONAIE and PACHAKUTIK did not oppose the attempted coup in Ecuador

2010-10-07 Thread stansfield smith
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We have already seen CONAIE statement where they indirectly support the 
attempted coup. Here is a press release from another group made during the 
attempted coup which is more explicit.
   If there was an attempted military coup against Obama would we come out with 
statements attacking Obama for all the things he has done, or would we come out 
in the streets to oppose the coup?
   I guess Greg McDonald and these two indigenous groups would find it 
appropriate to be attacking Obama not the coup plotters.
   Whether Eva Golinger has more evidence of their being in the pay of NED, we 
will wait and see. But certainly they are acting like they are on the US 
government's payroll. We at least know they aligned themselves with imperialism 
during the coup attempt - the only question is whether they got paid for that 
or did it for free.

Press Release 141

In the face of the serious political turmoil and internal crisis generated by 
the dictatorial attitude of President Rafael Correa, who has violated the 
rights of public servants as well as society, the head of the Pachakutik 
Movement, Cléver Jiménez, called on the indigenous movement, social movements 
and democratic political organizations to form a single national front to 
demand the exit of President Correa, under the guidelines established by 
Article 130, Number 2 of the Constitution, which says: “The National Assembly 
will dismiss the President of the Republic in the following cases: 2) For 
serious political crisis and domestic turmoil.”

Jiménez backed the struggle of the country’s public servants, including the 
police troops who have mobilized against the regime’s authoritarian policies 
which are an attempt to eliminate acquired labor rights. The situation of the 
police and members of the Armed Forces should be understood as a just action by 
public servants, whose rights have been made vulnerable.

This afternoon, Pachakutik is calling on all organizations within the 
indigenous movement, workers, democratic men and women to build unity and 
prepare new actions to reject Correa’s authoritarianism, in defense of the 
rights and guarantees of all Ecuadorans.

Press Secretary



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Re: [Marxism] CONAIE and PACHAKUTIK did not oppose the attempted coupin Ecuador

2010-10-07 Thread stansfield smith
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 artesian writes:
Would we come out under the banner of Return Obama to Office Defend 
Obama's Right to the Presidency? Or would we come out under our own 
banner, with opposition to the coup and opposition to the conditions that 
created the coup, the conditions that Obama himself has strengthened with 
the attacks on immigrants in and out of the workplace, with his support of 
the Bush doctrines on state secrecy and the immunity of the executive from 
judicial review in the treatment of prisoners, the brief given to the 
military and the security agencies to continue intelligence gathering 
against domestic groups, his consent to the FBI raids against the antiwar 
organizations in Minnesota?

You tell me.

    Are you trying to make me look stupid or yourself?  I suppose if the Tea 
Party and the military tried to stage a coup, you'd stay at home and make 
snotty comments about how screwed up the world is? If you do, maybe you could 
use you time a little better and acquaint yourself with a little episode 
starring Lenin, Kornilov and Kerensky.


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Re: [Marxism] CONAIE denies NED Charge

2010-10-07 Thread stansfield smith
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But that is not what CONAIE said in the early hours of the coup, when it 
released a press statement condemning it and expressing disappointment 
that Pachakutik had supported it.

Later, it published a statement condeming Correa's policies, but also 
condemning what it categorically refers to as a coup by the right.

It is only days later that Santi publishes his letter, which now states 
the unity of Conaie and Pachakutik, and is not signed by the leaders of 

- Juan
    Yes, you are right. As I read these statements over again, I saw I had 
overstated the case, and that what you write is a more correct 
description. CONAIE as a whole opposed the coup attempt when it happened, but 
its president on October 6 backtracked considerably, actually, over the fence 
to the other side.
 If Correa and these groups do not move to correct their serious errors, 
the CIA and its fronts will have ample space to take advantage of it. Then we 
will all suffer the consequences.


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[Marxism] Stop FBI Repression! National Call-in Day Monday October 4

2010-10-03 Thread stansfield smith
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Stop FBI Repression! National Days of Action October 4  5
Posted on September 30, 2010 by Committee to Stop FBI Repression 

Actions to Stop FBI Repression Take Place Across the Country! Further actions 
planned for coming week on October 4 and 5
Thousands have come together in response to the FBI raids on seven homes and an 
anti-war office on Friday, September 24, 2010. Across the country organizations 
and individuals are standing together to protest the United States government’s 
attempt to silence and criminalize anti-war and international solidarity 
Jess Sundin said, “These raids and subpoenas are an attack on anti-war and 
other progressive movements. It is an attack on our freedom to speak, our 
freedom to assemble with like-minded people, and our freedom to tell the 
government that their actions and policies are wrong. It is an attempt to clear 
the way for more wars and occupations of other countries by the U.S. military.”
Protests against the intimidation and harassment have taken place or are 
planned for 39 cities across the country. From Minneapolis and Chicago ,to Los 
Angeles, Atlanta, Kalamazoo MI and Dallas Texas, The response has been 
tremendous an continues to grow.
We are calling for further actions to take place in the coming week as the 
first Grand Jury Subpoenas call for activists to appear on October 5.
Monday October 4 : Call President Obama at 202-456- and U.S. Attorney 
General Eric Holder at 202-353-1555 
Demand :
**End repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists!
**Return all materials seized in the raid!
**Stop the Grand Jury Subpoenas of activists!
Tuesday October 5: Act in solidarity with activists called before the Grand Jury
Take action at local federal buildings and FBI offices! Organize demonstrations 
in your community!
Sign the Petition Now: www.iacenter.org/stopfbi
Funds for legal defense will be needed. We will announce where they can be sent 
in the next few days.
Reach out to your organization or community group and send a statement of 
Steff Yorek, a long-time antiwar activist and one of the activists whose homes 
was searched said, “The assistance and support we have already received has 
been tremendously encouraging, with your help we can stop this outrageous 
fishing expedition and attack on progressive movements.”
Click here to download the leaflet
***Please print and distribute at Oct 2 March in DC and in your community today!
Committee To Stop FBI Repression:
Email: stop...@gmail.com


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[Marxism] Call President Obama--National Days of Action October 4 and 5 to Stop FBI Repression

2010-10-02 Thread stansfield smith
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--- On Sat, 10/2/10, Tom Burke tom.burke.o...@gmail.com wrote:

Stop FBI Repression! National Days of Action October 4  5
Posted on September 30, 2010 by Committee to Stop FBI Repression 

Actions to Stop FBI Repression Take Place Across the Country! Further actions 
planned for coming week on October 4 and 5
Thousands have come together in response to the FBI raids on seven homes and an 
anti-war office on Friday, September 24, 2010. Across the country organizations 
and individuals are standing together to protest the United States government’s 
attempt to silence and criminalize anti-war and international solidarity 
Jess Sundin said, “These raids and subpoenas are an attack on anti-war and 
other progressive movements. It is an attack on our freedom to speak, our 
freedom to assemble with like-minded people, and our freedom to tell the 
government that their actions and policies are wrong. It is an attempt to clear 
the way for more wars and occupations of other countries by the U.S. military.”
Protests against the intimidation and harassment have taken place or are 
planned for 39 cities across the country. From Minneapolis and Chicago ,to Los 
Angeles, Atlanta, Kalamazoo MI and Dallas Texas, The response has been 
tremendous an continues to grow.
We are calling for further actions to take place in the coming week as the 
first Grand Jury Subpoenas call for activists to appear on October 5.
++Monday October 4 : Call President Obama at 202-456- and U.S. Attorney 
General Eric Holder at 202-353-1555 
Demand :
**End repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists!
**Return all materials seized in the raid!
**Stop the Grand Jury Subpoenas of activists!
++Tuesday October 5: Act in solidarity with activists called before the Grand 
Take action at local federal buildings and FBI offices! Organize demonstrations 
in your community!
Sign the Petition Now: www.iacenter.org/stopfbi
Funds for legal defense will be needed. We will announce where they can be sent 
in the next few days.
Reach out to your organization or community group and send a statement of 
Steff Yorek, a long-time antiwar activist and one of the activists whose homes 
was searched said, “The assistance and support we have already received has 
been tremendously encouraging, with your help we can stop this outrageous 
fishing expedition and attack on progressive movements.”
Click here to download the leaflet
***Please print and distribute at Oct 2 March in DC and in your community today!
Committee To Stop FBI Repression:
Email: stop...@gmail.com


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[Marxism] Statement by the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban Five: Stop FBI Raids and Harassment of Activists Opposing U.S. Intervention

2010-10-02 Thread stansfield smith
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Statement by the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban Five:
Stop FBI Raids and Harassment of Activists Opposing U.S. Intervention 
    in Colombia and the Middle East
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and 
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and 
no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or 
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the 
persons or things to be seized.
-The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
On September 24, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided seven homes and an 
office in Chicago, Minneapolis, and North Carolina and subpoena’d eleven 
activists in Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan to testify before a Grand Jury. 
We denounce this harassment of anti-war and Latin American solidarity 
activists. We call on the Department of Justice and the FBI to stop the grand 
jury investigation into their activities, and to return all their seized 
By seizing from those raided every computer hard drive, disk, cell phone, file 
and papers they could find, including unrelated personal possessions stretching 
back for 30 years, the authorities have simply revealed they are on a “fishing 
expedition.” The activists have not been charged with anything. Rather, the FBI 
has confiscated their possessions and will see if they can find something to 
charge them with. Like the Red Queen of Alice in Wonderland, who insisted that 
the execution of prisoners should take place before the trial, the FBI is 
making the confiscations before the investigation. The FBI is illegally 
violating the privacy and constitutional rights of those they have unjustly 
targeted with the sham excuse of combating terrorism.
 The subpoenas ordered the recipients to bring with them to the Grand Jury 
“(1) all pictures and videos relating to any trip to Colombia, Jordan, Syria, 
the Palestinian Territories, or Israel;
(2) all items relating to any trip to Colombia, Jordan, Syria, the Palestinian 
Territories, or Israel;
(3) all correspondence, including but not limited to emails and letters, with 
anyone residing in Colombia, Jordan, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, or 
(4) all records of any payment provided directly or indirectly to Hatem 
Abudayyeh [our note: director of Chicago’s Arab American Action Network], the 
Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (“PFLP”) or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (“FARC”);
(5) all records of any telephonic or electronic communications with anyone in 
Colombia, Jordan, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, or Israel; and
(6) any item related to any support provided to any designated terrorist 
organization, including the PFLP or the FARC.”
The FBI has indicated that the grand jury is looking for evidence that 
activists have violated the ban of “material support” for groups designated as 
“terrorist” by the United States government.  Under a recent Supreme Court 
decision, ‘material support’ is defined to include any ‘service,’ ‘training,’ 
‘expert advice or assistance’ or ‘personnel.’ As one of the losing lawyers in 
the case argued, under this interpretation, former President Carter would have 
recently violated this law by advising Hezbollah and other groups on election 
procedures.  Violations of the law are punishable by 15 years imprisonment.
We consider the current persecution of Colombia, Palestine solidarity and 
anti-war/trade union activists as a step towards criminalization of all actions 
in solidarity with governments and peoples of the world fighting corporate 
domination. We think this is an extremely dangerous attack on civil liberties 
by the Obama Administration and must be opposed.
The activists involved have done nothing wrong.  They do not use guns and 
bombs. They are not terrorists. Their weapons are leaflets, newsletters, and 
nonviolent demonstrations. They participate in groups like the Twin Cities 
Anti-War Committee, the Palestine Solidarity Group, the Colombia Action 
Network, Students for a Democratic Society, Freedom Road Socialist Organization 
and the Arab American Action Network. Most of these activists came together 
with many others to organize the 2008 anti-war marches on the Republican 
National Convention in St. Paul.
They have also been founding members of the Venezuela Solidarity Network, long 
time opponents of the U.S. blockade of Cuba, and supporters of the five Cuban 
political prisoners who have been unjustly imprisoned in the US for over 12 
years. Since the U.S. government lists Cuba, without any justification, as a 
“state sponsor of terrorism,” and since the recent Supreme Court ruling 

Re: [Marxism] Fidel to Ahmadinejad: 'Stop slandering Jews!'

2010-09-09 Thread stansfield smith
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

  What Tristan presents, below, is also a distortion of what Ahmadinejad said. 
In fact, on this list there is too much relaying of corporate propaganda about 
China and Iran. About Iran, I encourage people to get a copy of Phil Wilayto's 
book, In Defense of Iran. It is not a piece of apologetics about Iran (at 
least of my reading of it, though in the US it is not easy to access accurate 
information about Iran to do a systematic check.)  I think the title of this 
Atlantic article illustrates the nature of anti-Iranian propaganda in this 
country: there is nothing in the article Fidel to Ahmadinejad: Stop Slandering 
Jews!  that has any relation to the title.
 Wilayto in his book takes up this statement that Ahmadinejad denied there 
were gays in Iran on pp. 63-65, including the statement below. He also takes up 
the Holocaust conference, pp. 114-15.
Well Ahmadinejad DOES deny the existence of homosexuals in Iran like we
'have in this country [USA]'... So I hope we can all at least agree on the
fact that Ahmadinejad is a liar and a right wing populist.



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Re: [Marxism] Fidel to Ahmadinejad: 'Stop slandering Jews!'

2010-09-09 Thread stansfield smith
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Louis  wrote:

Look, they had an idiotic conference on the holocaust in Iran that 
extended an invitation to David Duke, the KKK leader. More to the point, 
Ahmadinejad has a tendency to stick his foot in his mouth just like 
Louis Farrakhan in the USA. No matter what his subjective intentions, he 
undermines the security interests of the Iranian nation through these 

in reply: 
  Insofar as the Holocaust Conference addressed the issue of how Israel and the 
Western imperialist powers use the Holocaust to justify brutality against 
Palestinians, that is perfectly sensible and legitimate. Insofar as they 
invited Holocaust deniers, that undermined its progressive aspects. I could see 
some justification to it if Iran wanted to make the point that in free, 
sensible Europe you can be imprisoned for denying  the holocaust, but here in 
repressive Iran you are not. 
   These anti-semitic statements that Jesse Jackson and Farrakhan made are 
views shared by most US rulers. It is made an issue in order for the US 
rulers to attack leaders they seek to discredit, not because they are opposed 
to anti-semitism. Any, even moderate opponent of imperialism, they have called 
anti-semitic. It has even been applied to Chavez and Fidel Castro. This 
accusation of anti-semitism is simply hypocrisy, and we should emphasize that 
and point it out. 
    The corporate media always try to paint enemies of imperialism as crazies: 
Castro, Chavez, Kim Jung Il, etc. About the biggest perverts (in the Vatican) 
and war-mongering madman in Washington DC, the corporate media regards as 
  That said, I agree, to defend Iranian independence against imperialism, 
Iran needs international solidarity, the Holocaust conference in Iran in 2006 
did not do their cause any good.
Ahmadinejad on the holocaust against the Jews:
On Sept. 24, Steve Inskeep, host of National Public Radio's Morning Edition 
program, interviewed President Ahmadinejad at his hotel in New York. The 
transcript (see
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=113175352ps=rs) says 
Ahmadinejad's remarks were delivered via a translator.
Here's the relevant section of that interview:
INSKEEP: We have, in a previous interview, discussed how you feel (the 
Holocaust) is being used unjustly to justify Israel, so we need not cover that 
ground again. But if you would like to describe to me what specifically you 
believe happened between 1942 and 1945, I would be interested.
AHMADINEJAD: But then 1942 to 1945 is still about the Holocaust, right? I do 
raise a couple of questions about the Holocaust, and you are a member of the 
media, and I believe that you should actually tell people what these questions 
are, and try to receive answers from them as well.
The first question is, is the Holocaust a historical event or not? It is a 
historical event. And, having said that, there are numerous historical events. 
So the next question is, why is it that this specific event has become so 
prominent? Normally, ordinary people and historians pay attention to historical 
events. Why are politicians giving so much attention to this particular event? 
Why are they so biased about it? Does this event effect what is happening on 
the ground this day, now? What we say is that genocide is the result of racial 
discrimination. Sometimes we look at history to learn the lessons of history.
INSKEEP: Are you acknowledging that millions of people were killed? Millions of 
Jews, specifically, were killed during World War II?
AHMADINEJAD: If you bear with me so that I can complete my statements, you will 
receive your answer. I'm asking, and I'm asking a number of serious questions. 
And I'm not addressing these questions to you, but to a wider audience — 
everyone — anyone who cares about the fate of humanity; who care about human 
beings and the rights of people. These are serious questions. If we are looking 
at history with the aim to learn — derive lessons from it, then what this 
indicates is that in the future, we should not carry out the same mistakes that 
were done in the past. While I personally was not alive 60 years ago, I happen 
to be alive now, and I can see that genocide is happening now under the pretext 
of an event that happened 60 years ago. So the fundamental question I raise 
here is that, if this event happened, where did it happen? As a form of an 
objection question, who was it carried by? Why should the Palestinian people 
make up for it?
Ahmadinejad on Gays:
by Ali Quli Qarai (source: CounterCurrents.org ) 
Sunday, September 30, 2007

First I want to make some remarks about that now 

[Marxism] We do not want to think of a world without Lucius Walker

2010-09-08 Thread stansfield smith
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

We do not want to think of a world without Lucius Walker

Aida Calviac Mora 
THE irony of the blow has shaken us all: when the threat of nuclear war hovers 
over our heads, one of the irreplaceable men of peace has left us, after 80 
years of sincere example. The death has taken place of Lucius Walker, the U.S. 
reverend who, close to 20 years ago, took up an uncompromising struggle against 
the obstinate and cruel policy of his country’s government in relation to Cuba.

Fidel greets the leader of Pastors 
for Peace at an event in the 
José Martí Memorial on 
July 26, 2010, during his last visit 
to Cuba.
Armed with faith and resistance, anchored to noble causes and social justice, 
Lucius arrived in this country in spite of the detentions and blows from those 
who have always feared Cuban realities being revealed and divulged. 
Prior to that, he left his mark of solidarity on liberation movements in 
Africa, on support missions to patriots in Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, Angola… 
Then in Central America, particularly in El Salvador and Nicaragua. This last 
destination, as he said on many occasions, inspired the emergence of the 
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO)/Pastors for Peace.
On August 2, 1988, my daughter Gail and I were among 200 civilians on a boat 
on the River Escondido in Nicaragua which was viciously attacked by the 
contras. Two Nicaraguans died and 49 passengers were wounded. That night in the 
hospital, while I was being treated for a bullet wound, I prayed to God seeking 
spiritual guidance to find an appropriate response to that act of terrorism. 
The inspiration that God gave me was to create Pastors for Peace to take 
caravans of material aid to the victims of U.S. aggression. 
Finally, this island captured his attention. In 1991, during a time of a deluge 
of lies about the Revolution, countdowns and apocalyptic predictions, a 
conversation with in Havana with the Reverend Raúl Suarez, director of the 
Martin Luther King Center, sparked an idea.
In an interview given to Granma the following year, Walker stated, At first we 
thought that our task ought to be sending caravans like we did to Central 
America. But , observing the situation more closely, we came to the conclusion 
that Cuba’s most urgent problems did not need much help from us, except for 
breaking the blockade. We realized that Cuba did not need the same kind of help 
as other countries, because even with the blockade, it had the capability and 
strength to provide for itself. Our leadership analyzed the situation and 
decided that our contribution would be to fight to end the blockade. 
In 1992 the news that a group of religious people had toured several American 
states in and organized a fleet of 45 vehicles in which to send medicines, 
school supplies, and food to Cuba, an action considered by the U.S. authorities 
to be an insult more than an act of civil disobedience.
The pilgrimage through at least 90 cities would reach its tensest moment when 
the caravan reached Laredo, Texas with 15 tons of humanitarian aid to be 
transported through Mexico. The [U.S.] government demanded an export license; 
however the Reverend had declared during the tour: We are not asking 
Washington for permission to carry cargo, because that would be to recognize 
the legality of the blockade and the right of the state to intervene in a 
mission of the Church.
Neither intimidating warnings nor manhandling by more than one agent of the 
Treasury Department or Customs had any effect. 
Lucius Walker’s men and women, following their leader’s determination, held 
fast in their will to take everything across the border into Mexico and not 
just the part allowed by U.S. legislation, knowing that the violation of the 
blockade could cost them fines of up to $250,000 and 10 years’ incarceration, 
risks that they decided to take.
Some members of the caravan crossed the border on foot, carrying over to the 
Mexican side those products which the regulations did not consider humanitarian 
aid. Among them, a wheelchair which Lucius, the first to cross, carried with a 
sign demanding: Let Cuba live. Lift the embargo.
That first step across the border bridge led to his detention for 10 hours, but 
the die was already cast.
1993 was the year of the second caravan, and the obstacles, far from 
diminishing, once again tested his firmness and stand as a man of faith. 
This time the customs agents confiscated a little yellow school bus on the 
strange pretext that it might be used to transport Cuban troops, and several 
members of the caravan responded with a prolonged fast, despite high 
temperatures in Laredo – more than 100 degrees – making their hunger 

Re: [Marxism] Fidel to Ahmadinejad: 'Stop Slandering the Jews'

2010-09-07 Thread stansfield smith
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 Louis and Eli noted that we should take what Goldberg says with a grain of 
salt. I also searched for this Castro criticism of Amadinejad and found 
nothing. But that raises the question of why Castro would choose this reporter 
out of all the possibilties he has available to make a statement. And then we 
would have to wait and see if Castro repudiates anything Goldberg said Castro 
Curiously enough, the provocative direct quote in the headline appears nowhere 
in the article, nor do ANY of the statements allegedly made by Castro with 
respect to Iran. For example, Goldberg says that Castro criticized Ahmadinejad 
for denying the Holocaust, but again, we don't see any direct quote to that 
effect. That's not to say the article isn't accurate in that reporting, but 
again, as Louis notes, anything from Jeffrey Goldberg must be taken which more 
than just a grain of salt.

Actually much more interesting than the headline claim was this (again, if 

I was, I admit, also surprised to hear him express such sympathy for
Jews, and for Israel's right to exist (which he endorsed

I refer in particular, of course, to the second half of the sentence, not the 

Eli Stephens


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[Marxism] M-L Today website

2010-08-23 Thread stansfield smith
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   A useful website that often has worthwhile articles.


--- On Sun, 8/22/10, edi...@mltoday.com edi...@mltoday.com wrote:

From: edi...@mltoday.com edi...@mltoday.com
Subject: [Mltlist] M-L Today website updated
To: mltl...@mltoday.com
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2010, 8:59 PM

Dear friend:

   The Marxism-Leninism Today website has been
updated at: http://www.mltoday.com/

   As always, we appreciate your comments, criticisms
and suggestions at:  edi...@mltoday.com

The Editorial Board

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We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American 
public believes is false.
-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


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Re: [Marxism] Harvard Divests from Israel

2010-08-15 Thread stansfield smith
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is there any other verification of this? I have not seen a word about this on 
all the lists I am on that regularly send out emails about Palestine. I would 
even think it would make it on yahoo news, as this is something major. For some 
reason I cannot access Alandershowirz.com, but I assume he would have already 
started a major counteract.
Bye, Stan

The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. 
Steven Biko 


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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Voice: Why We Boycott Israel: A Reply to the US SWP

2010-08-07 Thread stansfield smith
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Bustelo writes, The problem is NOT what the SWP or RCP or SLP or WWP or FSP or 
CP or PSL or even the non-p's like ISO or SA or SO or FRSO (both of them) 
do. Because they don't do shit, or as close to as makes no difference.

The problem is what they PREVENT. They prevent the fairly significant 
and sizable but atomized leftist/radical elements in the U.S. population 
from cohering into a movement.
This reply by Bustelo cannot go unanswered as it is borderline red-baiting. He 
attacks and ridicules all US groups calling themselves Marxist.
   I don't belong to any, but I know a good number of very good political 
activists who do  important political work who belong to these parties. They, 
like many others activists who are not members of parties, do exemplary and 
admirable political work, and I object to Bustelo singling out these communists 
or leftists, and saying they are all basically wreckers. 
   It is kind of incredible that Bustelo, allegedly complaining about 
sectarianism, engages in his own  more extreme form of anti-Marxist 
If none of these activist members of parties  were around, if none of their 
publications and books were around, we would be in a big hole. Maybe it would 
be like the McCarthyite red-cleaned1950s all over again, where the social 
landscape was (I believe) cleansed of any Marxist voice anywhere. Bustelo 
thinks that is some kind of progress? 
He writes, A real radical movement in the United States, if it could be put 
together today, would be a complete mess, monstrously incoherent, 
confused on just about every important question, lacking the mastery of 
even the ABC's of radical politics, never mind proletarian or 
revolutionary politics. That is as it SHOULD be, as it MUST be. The 
BEST that can be hoped for in the United States is that within a vague, 
amorphous radical movement a more coherent Marxist core can begin to 
consolidate on the basis of actual experiences, in other words, 
countless stupidities and mistakes.
 This kind of situation would inevitably create parties and then splits and 
splinters and reproduce the same kind of groups we have now. Has that not 
always been the case?
The *problem* is that the sects impede the avalanche from beginning. And 
the beginning of necessity is going to have to be extremely tentative, 
limited, and therefore easy to divert or frustrate. We need the sects 
--all of them-- to decide that the best thing they can do in the 
interests of building a revolutionary party and opening the door to the 
bright, communist future of humanity is to dissolve. Liquidate.
But then Bustelo says this,Because they don't do shit, or as close to as makes 
no difference.  So what is it? They don't do shit, or are they of such social 
weight in the US that the sects impede the avalanche from beginning?  
   And then Bustelo concludes after his categorical and blanket attack on all 
US Marxist groups, that he is going to join one himself! 
   That's quite a lot of contradictions for one email. 
   In any case, I want to register on this Marxmail list, that I, for one, 
strongly object to someone posting something on this list attacking 
every honest and hard-working and effective political activist in this country 
who happens to belong to what they consider a Marxist party.

The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. 
Steven Biko 


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Re: [Marxism] Marta Harnecker on the Latin American Left

2010-08-02 Thread stansfield smith
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  Some of Marta Harnecker's explanation of the mistakes of 20th century 

(b) theoryism and dogmatism, which led to strategism [great strategic goals 
were planned, e.g., the struggle for national liberation and socialism, but 
without any concrete analysis of the historical conditions]; and (c) a 
distorted “subjectivism” [reification of the historical subject] in analyzing 
reality—inappropriate strategies and tactics were used, based on an inability 
to see the historical uniqueness of the revolutionary social subject.

 This sounds exactly like the garbage I was forced to study and take seriously 
at University of Chicago social science grad school. Evidently Harnecker is not 
concerned with addressing and educating workers and peasants and 
revolutionaries, but in appealing to academics by speaking their own 
pretentious nonsense. I would think that for someone like Harnecker that it 
would be ABC that if you want to educate the classes that are going to make the 
revolution, you'd better speak their language.
The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. 
Steven Biko 


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Re: [Marxism] harnecker gets bad mark from disgruntled student

2010-08-02 Thread stansfield smith
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 Michael Lebowitz might want to note that I said nothing critical of other 
work Harnecker has done, only on what I quoted from what she wrote. That he 
deleted this from his reply and instead discussed some other work of hers. If 
you have some issue with the content of the email I posted, then explain what 
it is.
   Stan Smith
The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. 
Steven Biko 


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Re: [Marxism] Obama's collapse

2010-07-13 Thread stansfield smith
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  The beginning of this article has a vaguely, no, clearly unpleasant tone 
about it. The US government does not suck up to Israel. The US is Israel's 
boss. I will leave aside whether Jeremy Salt has issues about Jews. But he 
clearly has unfounded illusions in US imperialism. If all Israeli soldiers had 
on US military uniforms, would their behavior towards Palestinians be 
distinguishable from the US miitary's treatment of Iraqis or Afghans? The only 
real difference is that in Iraq and Afghanistan the US doesn't say We're 
moving in and you're moving out. They already did that here, in a much more 
brutal way than anythng Israel has done.
*By Jeremy Salt – Ankara*

 The spectacle of an American sucking up to an Israeli Prime Minister is
 familiar but no less sickening every time it happens. Not since Eisenhower
 has an American president had the guts to stand up to Israel. With this
 single exception, all of them have fallen over in their haste to give Israel
 whatever it wants and to hold it responsible for nothing, not even the
 murder of its own citizens. The recent meeting between Barack Obama


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Re: [Marxism] Sect, Party, Movement, Class - II

2010-07-11 Thread stansfield smith
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    I read most, but not all of what Joaquin wrote. As a person who works in 
various movements, to free the Cuban 5, end the US blockade of Cuba, defend the 
independence of Venezuela, fight the oppression of Palestinians, among others, 
I welcome all groups and individuals who want to participate. I am interested 
in how they contribute to doing the work, not what their ulterior motives are. 
    I do not care if 5 of the groups think they are the true Marxist-Leninist 
party. I do not care if someone participates because they want to meet a new 
girlfriend, because they think it their Christian duty. I think that is 
irrelevant. What matters is the work they do and how they contribute. The 
better they work, the more they deserve respect. (And in these cases, I find 
Workers World Party deserves a lot of respect.)
    Joaquin evidently thinks that is not sufficient, that we should hold up 
these self-described ML groups to a special standard and call them out on their 
ulterior motives and their other defects. I have read nothing in Lenin that 
would justify his position. 
    It would seem from Joaquin's logic, we should stay away from Malcolm X 
because he fought for some kind of Islamic brotherhood of people, or from 
Martin Luther King because he fought for some Christian brotherhood. We should 
have stayed away from Lenin's Bolshevik Party because in it Stalnism was 
    Should we work to end the US travel ban to Cuba, and then denounce every 
bourgeois politician who opposes the travel ban, because they see ending the 
travel ban as a way to undermine the Cuban social system? 
    The only non-sectarian approach in the movement is to work with all groups 
and individuals who share our demands and who work with us to achieve our 
goals. Ulterior motives, or maybe more correctly, Joaquin's interpretation of 
what their ulterior motives, is and should be irrelevant.


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