Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-14 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter
On Jul 14, 2012 12:35 AM, John Rose wrote:

 On Jul 13, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
 I have run into my first obvious behavioral difference between the new
 and old code: the name argument (2nd arg) to bootstrap methods was
 interned under the old backend, but is not in the new backend. I don't
 know if there's anything in the spec to indicate it should be
 interned, but I figured I'd bring it up. It was the source of many
 test failures in JRuby because we had a key BSM that expected interned

 Oops, I'll intern the strings.  I see no reason not to.  It is slightly
surprising when strings which originate in the constant pool are *not*

Yeah, that's where my expectation came from. Granted, the name alone is not
found in the constant pool, but it still seemed like it should be interned.

- Charlie (mobile)
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-13 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter
Ok, updates.

Still looking good on general stability. Perf is a mixed bag but still
usually faster than non-indy.

I have run into my first obvious behavioral difference between the new
and old code: the name argument (2nd arg) to bootstrap methods was
interned under the old backend, but is not in the new backend. I don't
know if there's anything in the spec to indicate it should be
interned, but I figured I'd bring it up. It was the source of many
test failures in JRuby because we had a key BSM that expected interned

I'm working my way through JRuby's jit.threshold=0 and AOT test
suites, and so far that's the only indy-related issue. I'm looking
into another test that seems to fail sporadically but only on MLVM.

- Charlie
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-12 Thread Michael Haupt

Am 12.07.2012 um 07:47 schrieb Charles Oliver Nutter:
 I pulled down all updates from today, did a fresh build, and things
 appear to be working properly. Hooray!


 Perf isn't at u4 levels, but it isn't awful and stability seems pretty
 good...even including a few command lines that always triggered the
 dreaded NCDFE. Wonderful!

Can you say some more about the performance? How much slower is it?




Dr. Michael Haupt | Principal Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +49 331 200 7277 | Fax: +49 331 200 7561
Oracle Labs 
Oracle Deutschland B.V.  Co. KG, Schiffbauergasse 14 | 14467 Potsdam, Germany
Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help 
protect the environment

mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-12 Thread John Rose
On Jul 11, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

 I pulled down all updates from today, did a fresh build, and things
 appear to be working properly. Hooray!

Hooray indeed!  Now we are on the right track.  Thanks (again) for joining us 
on the bleeding edge.

— John___
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-12 Thread Stephen Bannasch
At 1:32 PM -0700 7/11/12, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
Ok, gents, Christian told me now might be a good time to start poking
at the new indy backend with JRuby, so I got a build together and have
been playing with it a bit.

First off, getting it to build...

Stephen B's gist still works fine:

But I had to issue one additional command to get xcode tools in the
right places for command-line build of OpenJDK:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

This is latest Lion and Xcode (4.3.2). I previously installed the
command-line tools through the Xcode interface.

Thanks for the feedback.

I fixed the BUILD location to reference the j2sdk-bundle in the script so when 
the result is copied to:


you get a JVM that shows up properly running:

  /usr/libexec/java_home --version 1.8 -V

I also cleaned up the documentation in the comments and added the xcode-select 
-switch tip.
mlvm-dev mailing list

Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter
Ok, gents, Christian told me now might be a good time to start poking
at the new indy backend with JRuby, so I got a build together and have
been playing with it a bit.

First off, getting it to build...

Stephen B's gist still works fine:

But I had to issue one additional command to get xcode tools in the
right places for command-line build of OpenJDK:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

This is latest Lion and Xcode (4.3.2). I previously installed the
command-line tools through the Xcode interface. the next thing was getting the patches to apply. I essentially
just disabled coro and removed -testable and -/meth from all
meth-related patches. I'm not sure if this is the right list, but
here's what actually applied before the build:

With that, I was able to build and things started to run. But not for long! :)

First thing I tested was fib, and it ran incredibly 3
orders of magnitude slow. So I figured it must not be compiling.
Turned on -XX:+PrintCompilation, got an AIOOB exception. Turned it
off, consistently getting either segfaults or an AIOOB exception.

Here's a couple dumps (exception during PrintCompilation, segfault,

So there it is for the moment :) Thoughts?

- Charlie
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter
FYI, this is a build from roughly 8AM CDT today. I don't think any
patches have landed post-build.

- Charlie

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
 Ok, gents, Christian told me now might be a good time to start poking
 at the new indy backend with JRuby, so I got a build together and have
 been playing with it a bit.

 First off, getting it to build...

 Stephen B's gist still works fine:

 But I had to issue one additional command to get xcode tools in the
 right places for command-line build of OpenJDK:

 sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

 This is latest Lion and Xcode (4.3.2). I previously installed the
 command-line tools through the Xcode interface. the next thing was getting the patches to apply. I essentially
 just disabled coro and removed -testable and -/meth from all
 meth-related patches. I'm not sure if this is the right list, but
 here's what actually applied before the build:

 With that, I was able to build and things started to run. But not for long! :)

 First thing I tested was fib, and it ran incredibly 3
 orders of magnitude slow. So I figured it must not be compiling.
 Turned on -XX:+PrintCompilation, got an AIOOB exception. Turned it
 off, consistently getting either segfaults or an AIOOB exception.

 Here's a couple dumps (exception during PrintCompilation, segfault,

 So there it is for the moment :) Thoughts?

 - Charlie
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread John Rose
On Jul 11, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

 So there it is for the moment :) Thoughts?

Thanks for testing.  Sorry it didn't get so far!  I think we have a depot bug 
and/or race condition.  It may be that more cores make the bug happen more.

I am able to grind through things like bench/bench_red_black.rb in several 
modes, such as [1].  Yes, it is slow, so something is out of tune.  We are 
going for correctness at the moment.

— John

[1] Is this a good test?

$ JAVA_HOME=$JAVA8X_BUILD bin/jruby -J-Xbootclasspath/p:$METH_BUILD/classes 
-J-ea -J-esa -J-XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError -J-showversion -J-d64 -J-Xbatch 
-J-XX:+TieredCompilation -J-XX:-UseCompressedOops 
-J-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -J-XX:+LogCompilation -J-XX:+PrintCompilation 
-X+C bench/bench_red_black.rb 4
   15951b  3   java.lang.Integer::rotateLeft (9 bytes)
   16052b  1   java.lang.Integer::rotateLeft (9 bytes)
   16071   3   java.lang.Integer::rotateLeft (9 bytes)   made not 
   16093b  3   java.util.Hashtable::hash (48 bytes)
Warning:  TraceDependencies results may be inflated by VerifyDependencies
openjdk version 1.8.0-internal
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-internal-jrose_2012_07_08_02_30-b00)
   16224 n 0   java.lang.System::arraycopy (native)   (static)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b16-jvmg, mixed mode)

   16335b  3   java.lang.Object::init (1 bytes)
   16456b  3   java.lang.String::charAt (29 bytes)
   16547b  3   java.lang.String::indexOf (70 bytes)
   16678b  3   java.lang.String::length (6 bytes)
   16699b  3   java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes)
   1673   10b  3   
java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal (16 bytes)
   1697   11b  3   java.lang.String::equals (81 bytes)
   1749   12b  3   sun.misc.Hashing::murmur3_32 (188 bytes)
   1777   13b  3   java.lang.CharacterData::of (120 bytes)
   1785   14b  3   java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::getProperties (11 
   1817   15b  3   java.lang.String::init (67 bytes)
   1839   16b  3   java.lang.String::getChars (62 bytes)
   1852   17b  3   java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (48 bytes)
   1868   18b  3   java.lang.Character::toUpperCaseEx (30 bytes)
 530728 2660b  4   java.util.IdentityHashMap::hash (18 bytes)
 530733 1183   3   java.util.IdentityHashMap::hash (18 bytes)   made 
not entrant
 530734 2259   3   org.jruby.RubyObject$1::allocate (10 bytes)   made 
 530735 2265   3   org.jruby.runtime.callsite.CachingCallSite::call (50 
bytes)   made zombie
 566829 2661b  4   java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/1997160570::guard (80 
 567198 2651   3   java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/1997160570::guard (80 
bytes)   made not entrant
 567201 2280   3   
org.jruby.ast.executable.AbstractScript::setVariable2 (12 bytes)   made zombie
 567201 2279   3   
org.jruby.ast.executable.AbstractScript::setVariable3 (12 bytes)   made zombie
 567201 2277   3   
org.jruby.ast.executable.AbstractScript::setVariable1 (12 bytes)   made zombie
 567201 2276   3   
org.jruby.ast.executable.AbstractScript::setVariable0 (12 bytes)   made zombie
 567206 2662b  4   java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/2083201325::guard (86 
 567501 2652   3   java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/2083201325::guard (86 
bytes)   made not entrant
 969865 2663b  1   java.util.Hashtable::access$600 (5 bytes)
 970025 2278   3   
org.jruby.ast.executable.AbstractScript::setVariable4 (12 bytes)   made zombie

mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 1:46 PM, John Rose wrote:
 Thanks for testing.  Sorry it didn't get so far!  I think we have a depot
 bug and/or race condition.  It may be that more cores make the bug happen

Oh yes, I should explain the system I'm on, in case it's relevant...

OS X Lion, newish MBP, 4-core, 16GB memory.

fib fails consistently in a variety of ways...NullPointer, ArrayIndex,
ClassCast. Here's a few more traces:

 I am able to grind through things like bench/bench_red_black.rb in several
 modes, such as [1].  Yes, it is slow, so something is out of tune.  We are
 going for correctness at the moment.

Indeed...I don't expect to see performance at this point. I was just
hoping to get JRuby green on the new work, and running these few
benchmarks were my sanity test before I proceeded with that.

red_black is a good benchmark, as are richards and neural. fib, tak,
and base64 are nice simple numeric benchmarks.

I was also able to run red_black for some time with your command line,
but the same command line failed to run fib successfully. Recursion?
Deep stacks?

Happy to try anything or provide dumps or log output.

My fib command line is generally:

jruby JVM options bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 10 35

- Charlie
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread John Rose
On Jul 11, 2012, at 2:12 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

 OS X Lion, newish MBP, 4-core, 16GB memory.

I have a 2009 MBP with 2 cores.  We have a creeping suspicion that the crashing 
is more common on the 4-core machines.

— John___
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread Christian Thalinger

On Jul 11, 2012, at 2:17 PM, John Rose wrote:

 On Jul 11, 2012, at 2:12 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
 OS X Lion, newish MBP, 4-core, 16GB memory.
 I have a 2009 MBP with 2 cores.  We have a creeping suspicion that the 
 crashing is more common on the 4-core machines.

I just fixed a problem that explains a lot of these intermittent failures 
(which I'm about to push after some sanity testing).  And Charlie applied the 
xbmh patch which might explain some of the performance problems (just a wild 

-- Chris

 — John
 mlvm-dev mailing list

mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
 I just fixed a problem that explains a lot of these intermittent failures
 (which I'm about to push after some sanity testing).  And Charlie applied
 the xbmh patch which might explain some of the performance problems (just a
 wild guess).

Still waiting on Christian's additional patch, but removing xbmh did
not appear to help anything. Rebuilt, ran fib, and...

system ~/projects/jruby $ jruby bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 10 35
LambdaForm$BMH:-1:in `reinvoke': java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.jruby.MetaClass cannot be cast to
from LambdaForm$DMH:-1:in `invokeStatic'
from LambdaForm$BMH:-1:in `reinvoke'
from LambdaForm$MH:-1:in `guard'
from LambdaForm$DMH:-1:in `invokeSpecial'
from LambdaForm$MH:-1:in `guard'
from LambdaForm$MH:-1:in `linkToCallSite'

None of these exceptions really make sense.

- Charlie
mlvm-dev mailing list

Re: Testing out latest work

2012-07-11 Thread Charles Oliver Nutter

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
 Still waiting on Christian's additional patch, but removing xbmh did
 not appear to help anything. Rebuilt, ran fib, and...

I pulled down all updates from today, did a fresh build, and things
appear to be working properly. Hooray!

Perf isn't at u4 levels, but it isn't awful and stability seems pretty
good...even including a few command lines that always triggered the
dreaded NCDFE. Wonderful!

Tomorrow I'll look at getting JRuby's jit immediately and AOT test
runs green so we can start to use that as a sanity test for the new
indy logic.

- Charlie
mlvm-dev mailing list