Re: Breaks in mod_perl, works in Perl

2002-03-06 Thread Jeremy Howard

Mark Hazen wrote:
 Hmm, then create a ramdisk and read from the file virtually stored in
 the RAM.


 This is an elegant solution that I had not thought of.  My problem is that
 can't get ramdisks to work on my Red Hat 6.2 with 2.4.9 machine.  But
 really my problem, and you've all been a big help.

Have a look at TMPFS. It creates a RAM-based filesystem that is more
flexible than a RAM disk. Add to your /etc/fstab:

none  /tmpfs   tmpfs  defaults,noatime,size=200M 0 0

...or something similar, and away you go!

Re: [OT] email attachments; was modperl growth

2002-02-02 Thread Jeremy Howard

Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
 Er, that's not strictly true.  Outlook handles encrypted and/or signed
 email as well as any other client.  Outlook displays the signed email
 with a unique icon to identify it as such.  The attachment contains the
 actual PGP info (in case you want to see it).  I think that's fair
 enough isn't it?

 I don't know about Outlook Express though (which is a completely
 different mailer).

Outlook Express handles S/MIME, but OpenPGP multipart/signed messages
confuse it.

Re: mod_deflate problem with chunked encoding

2002-01-18 Thread Jeremy Howard

Geoffrey Young wrote:
 Philip Mak wrote:
 The following webpage on a mod_deflate enabled server is not working
 correctly in some browsers:

 a few of us have been wondering where all the traffic on these modules
 has been coming from, is all - I thought it might genuinely be some
 mis-documentation or something...

I originally introduced these modules to this list in an earlier post titled
Report on mod_accel and mod_deflate in which I promoted these modules as
an excellent tool for creating a front-end accelerator to mod_perl web
applications. It included brief documentation for installing and configuring
the modules--previously there had only been Russian documentation.

There's been no other location for English language discussion of these
modules. So the discussion has ended up here. I take full responsibility for
any OT pollution as a result. ;-)

Given that these modules are new, don't have an active discussion home in
English yet, and are very relevent to mod_perl programmers, I'd like to see
discussion remain here, or at least have Igor post the occassional update on
new releases etc.

If that bothers anyone then I'm happy to set up a mailing list elsewhere, of

mod_accel/mod_deflate update

2001-12-29 Thread Jeremy Howard

mod_accel and mod_deflate are the modules I discussed a couple of weeks ago
to allow you to create an efficient HTTP accelerator front-end to your
mod_perl servers.

I incorrectly reported 2 days ago that mod_deflate does not work with
Mozilla-based browsers. It turns out that the problem is nothing to do with
mod_deflate, but is actually the combination of mod_accel and mod_ssl and
how Mozilla handles keep-alives. Igor Sysoev has done a marvellous job of
diagnosing this problem, and has identified the workaround that in your SSL
virtual host section you need to add:

   SetEnvIf User-Agent .*Gecko.* \
nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

This is not necessary with mod_proxy HTTP accelerators because mod_proxy
always uses HTTP/1.0.

mod_deflate warning

2001-12-28 Thread Jeremy Howard

I posted a couple of weeks ago about how well the mod_deflate/mod_accel
combination works on a front-end HTTP accelerator. I've just discovered a
problem that I thought I'd mention here for anyone who's trying this out.

It appears that Mozilla-based browsers fail when using gzip encoding with
POST requests. I've added
  DeflateDisableRange MSIE 4. Mozilla
to my httpd.conf as a workaround for this bug. The bug appears
intermittently, and I haven't yet worked out exactly how to replicate it.
However, it's been reported by many of my users and I have experienced it
myself, so I'd suggest being wary of this combination.

Re: mod_accel reverse proxying?

2001-12-28 Thread Jeremy Howard

Philip Mak wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Igor Sysoev wrote:
  I think it should have reverse syntax:
  AccelReverse   /
  Or not ? Of course it complicates porting from mod_proxy to mod_accel
  but I think it's clearer then ProxyPassReverse syntax.

 I don't think either order is more clearer than the other, but since
 ProxyPassReverse has it like /, my personal opinion
 is that AccelPassReverse should have it in the same order too to avoid

On the other hand, I find mod_proxy's syntax weird and support Igor's
proposal. Still, either one would be very handy!

Re: Report on mod_accel and mod_deflate

2001-12-20 Thread Jeremy Howard

Philip Mak wrote:
 In (where I have been told to
 download mod_accel/mod_deflate from before), I see another file called
 mod_realip-1.0.tar.gz just released one week ago. From looking at the
 keywords in the documentation, it looks like a module to be installed on
 the backend httpd that will parse these X-* headers to retrieve the
 original IP address.

Correct. This is a simple module that fills out $R-connection-ip with the
X- header added by mod_deflate.

Report on mod_accel and mod_deflate

2001-12-19 Thread Jeremy Howard

Igor Sysoev mentioned recently on this list that he has written a module
called 'mod_accel' that provides a caching HTTP accelerator, as well as a
mod_gzip replacement called 'mod_deflate'. These modules are both used on
Kaspersky labs' busy sites, as well as at the popular portal mod_deflate is used at around 700 sites.

So why haven't we heard more of them? Because the docs are only in Russian,
and almost all implementations have occured on Russian sites. Well, the good
news is that I've now implemented a mod_accel/mod_deflate front-end on, allowing me to announce a substantial speedup to our

You may notice in the linked announcement that I mention I've been able to
remove the restriction that attachments have to be downloaded within an
hour. We previously had this restriction because even with mod_proxy as a
front-end, uploads larger than the TCP buffer get fed through bit by bit,
keeping the mod_perl handler open the whole time... So we had code like:

||   my $oldalarm=alarm(0);
||   alarm 3600;
||   my $Status = $R-parse;
||   alarm $oldalarm;

Without that, the backend app server can hang around for ever serving one
client. We had similar code for downloads, as well as uploads. BTW, Joe
Schaefer has posted a mod_proxy patch to this list that fixes this for POST

Well, mod_accel gets around this problem by automatically buffering large
uploads and downloads onto the filesystem! :-) In fact, mod_accel reads the
backend response and sends it to client asynchronously, so the client sees
the first part of the response even before the backend has completed the
request. But the backend is never blocked by the client, since it is
buffered to the file-system as required.

mod_deflate works really well with mod_accel so that both dynamic forwarded
requests and static requests are compressed. mod_deflate also has lots of
intelligence to avoid compressing content to buggy browsers that can't
handle it.

OK, enough evangelism. On to practical matters. Many of the following
snippets and comments were provided to me by Igor in private email, so thank
him, not me. Firstly, here's how to compile everything (including mod_ssl on
the front-end) and install it into /usr/local/apache_accel:

tar -zxvf mod_accel-1.0.7.tar.gz
tar -zxvf mod_deflate-1.0.9.tar.gz
tar -zxvf mm-1.1.3.tar.gz
cd mm-1.1.3
./configure --disable-shared

cd ../mod_ssl-2.8.5-1.3.22
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.22_accel/ \
  --with-crt=/INSERT_APPROPRIATE_PATH.crt \

cd ../mod_accel-1.0.7
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.22_accel/ \

cd ../mod_deflate-1.0.9
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.22_accel/

cd ../apache_1.3.22_accel/
EAPI_MM=../mm-1.1.3 SSLBASE=SYSTEM ./configure --enable-rule=EAPI \
  --prefix=/usr/local/apache_accel --disable-rule=EXPAT \
  --enable-module=most \
  --enable-module=rewrite \
  --activate-module=src/modules/accel/libaccel.a \
make install

mkdir /var/accelcache
chown nobody:nobody /var/accelcache/
/usr/local/apache_accel/bin/apachectl startssl

Now, in /usr/local/apache_accel/conf/httpd.conf, append the following:

   AccelCacheRoot  /var/accelcache 1
   AccelWaitBeforeBodyRead  100
   AccelUnlinkNoCached  off
   AccelSetXHost on
   AccelSetXRealIP on
   AccelSetXURL on

This creates an HTTP accelerator without any caching. I don't know much
about the caching directives and haven't tried them out, so I can't provide
any guidance there.

The AccelCacheRoot directive sets the number of levels of subdirectories in
the cache. 16 first level subdirectories named 0 .. f and 256 second level
subdirectories named 00 .. ff are used by default (i.e. AccelCacheRoot
path 1 2). Since I'm not caching, my config above does not specify any
directory hashing (i.e. AccelCacheRoot path 1).

AccelNoCache simply turns off caching.

AccelPass specifies that I want everything under /mail/ forwarded to the
backend. You can also specify '/' for AccelPass, and then use something like
AccelNoPass  /download  /images  ~*\.jpg$ to create exceptions (uses
standard regex syntax).

Note that mod_accel can also be called by utilising the mod_rewrite [P]
directive, just like with mod_proxy.

AccelWaitBeforeBodyRead sets the time in milliseconds to wait between
receiving the response header and the first part of the body. It is useful
over Ethernet where packets are small. If mod_accel waits a little it can
read most of the body or even the whole body with one just one
select()/read() pair of syscalls. You can see the first read size and the
number of reads in the log with %{accel}x in a CustomLog directive. Igor
usually uses 100-200 

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-15 Thread Jeremy Howard

Rob Mueller (fastmail) wrote:
  And ++ on Paul's comments about Devel::DProf and other profilers.

 Ditto again. I've been using Apache::DProf recently and it's been great at
 tracking down exactly where time is spent in my program.

One place that Rob and I still haven't found a good solution for profiling
is trying to work out whether we should be focussing on optimising our
mod_perl code, or our IMAP config, or our MySQL DB, or our SMTP setup, or
our daemons' code, or...

Can anyone suggest a way (under Linux 2.4, if it's OS dependent) to get a
log of CPU (and also IO preferably) usage by process name over some period
of time?

Sorry to move slightly off-topic here, but in optimising our mod_perl app we
have to work out which bit of the whole system to prioritise.

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Also, I'd like to see MLDBM + BerkeleyDB (not DB_File) with BerkeleyDB
 doing automatic locking, and IPC::MM, and IPC::Shareable, and
 IPC::ShareLite (though it doesn't serialize complex data by itself), and
 MySQL with standard tables.  Of course I could just do them myself,
 since you were kind enough to provide code.

IPC::ShareLite freezes/thaws the whole data structure, rather than just the
hash element being accessed, IIRC, so is probably going to have extremely
poor scaling characteristics. Worth adding to check, of course.

MLDBM+BDB without using MLDBM::Sync is a cool idea that I hadn't thought of.
That will certainly be interesting.

Another interesting option is mapping a MySQL table data structure directly
to the data structure being stored. This can be faster because you don't
have to serialise, and also don't have to update the whole structure, just
the fields that change (which is common in session handling and similar).
Unfortunately this is hard to include in this benchmark, because the
benchmark creates random complex structures. Maybe we'll create a custom one
for this option for the sake of reference, even although it won't be
directly comparable.

I'm not sure what a 'standard table' in MySQL is any more... Berkeley,
MyISAM, ISAM... I guess we can try all these, but that's benchmarking the DB
rather than the caching scheme, and we're not about to try every DB server
we can find!

Re: Locating infinite loops

2001-11-20 Thread Jeremy Howard

Matt Sergeant asked:
 I have an error on my server that I think is caused by an infinite loop in
 perl code [*]. Does anyone have a reliable way to detect where this is
 happening on a server with lots of code?

  $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
Carp::confess(Got Apache::Event ALRM);

Replacing 300 with some amount which any process should finish in.

Not elegent, but it seems to work. For instance, this:

use Carp;

$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
Carp::confess(Got Apache::Event ALRM);
sub temp {
} this result:

Got Apache::Event ALRM at line 4
main::__ANON__('ALRM') called at line 9
main::temp() called at line 7

...which even shows which line Perl was up to when the SIGALRM was called
(line 9 in this case).

Re: [OT] Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-19 Thread Jeremy Howard

 By the way, I noticed he documented still another gotcha due to a sneaky
 closure.  Does anyone know off-hand whether the Perl 6 folks plan to
 change the closure syntax so they don't sneak into your code this way?

Closures, references, et al are being thoroughly revised, such that there
will be far fewer gotchas. However, these kinds of memory leaks will be less
of an issue anyway because Perl 6 will be garbage collected. Also, proper
exception handling will be built into the language.

PS: I haven't seen many of the regulars here on the Perl 6 lists. There's
both language design and internals streams currently happening, so
everyone's interests and skills should be catered for. Please have a look at and consider getting involved. It's interesting work and
there's a similarly positive and intellectual spirit on the P6 lists to what
we experience here.

Re: Catching user-presses-stop early

2001-10-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman wrote:
 Gunther Birznieks wrote:

  Would sending a null byte work with a reverse proxy method of mod_perl
  if the reverse proxy caches and doesn't deliver the data right away? I
  don't know if there is a way to control this or what the behavior is.

 The technique in the guide doesn't work with apache as a reverse proxy,
 only with direct connection. I didn't try with squid though.

Anyone know of a technique that does work through mod_proxy (since that's
the system that we're moving to).

  As an aside, why not just send whitespace instead of a nullbyte? It's
  supposed to be ignored anyway unless you are sending binary data.
  At 06:35 AM 10/13/2001, Jeremy Howard wrote:
  Our site is suddenly getting to the point where resource constraints
  becoming an issue for the first time. So, apologies in advance if I
  lots of optimization-related questions over the next couple of weeks...
  One thing I would like to catch is the related problems of:
   - Users pressing stop in the middle of a long process
   - Users double-clicking rather than single-clicking links
 (resulting in 2 processes handling the request)
  I've read the 'user-pressed-stop' bit of the Guide (thanks Stas!) and
  although I think I understand the issues now, I'm looking for practical
  advice on approaches people use. I'm thinking that I should try writing
  null byte to the client:
   - At the beginning of the handler
   - Every few iterations of potentially long loops
   - Before creating large files to send to the client.
  If I do this then Apache should receive the signal that the client has
  away, and should terminate the process happily (as long as I clean up
  properly, of course).
  So, does this sound like the right approach? Any way to simplify this
  avoid explicitly adding print-a-null-byte lines to every loop? I'm
  whether it's possible to add an alarm() and SIG{ALRM} handler or
  like that, which sends a null byte every second or 2. Anyone using
  like this successfully? Any potential problems from sending a null
  byte to a
  Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company


 Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Apache 1.3.22 is out

2001-10-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

I just noticed that Apache 1.3.22 is out. Details here:

3 security patches included, plus enhancements to ab, mod_auth (now
understands FS permissions), and the manual, plus numerous other bits and

Catching user-presses-stop early

2001-10-12 Thread Jeremy Howard

Our site is suddenly getting to the point where resource constraints are
becoming an issue for the first time. So, apologies in advance if I have
lots of optimization-related questions over the next couple of weeks...

One thing I would like to catch is the related problems of:
 - Users pressing stop in the middle of a long process
 - Users double-clicking rather than single-clicking links
   (resulting in 2 processes handling the request)

I've read the 'user-pressed-stop' bit of the Guide (thanks Stas!) and
although I think I understand the issues now, I'm looking for practical
advice on approaches people use. I'm thinking that I should try writing a
null byte to the client:
 - At the beginning of the handler
 - Every few iterations of potentially long loops
 - Before creating large files to send to the client.

If I do this then Apache should receive the signal that the client has gone
away, and should terminate the process happily (as long as I clean up
properly, of course).

So, does this sound like the right approach? Any way to simplify this to
avoid explicitly adding print-a-null-byte lines to every loop? I'm wondering
whether it's possible to add an alarm() and SIG{ALRM} handler or something
like that, which sends a null byte every second or 2. Anyone using something
like this successfully? Any potential problems from sending a null byte to a

Re: Apache::Hello

2001-09-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

Ray and Lara Recendez wrote:
 I am trying to get Apache::Hello to work. 

Turn PerlWarn On as described here:

Also try running Apache in single-user mode:
  /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -X

This helps you pick up problems in simple scripts.

Re: keeping perl in memory

2001-09-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Miroslav Madzarevic wrote:
 I don't wan't anything related to Apache (no Apache, not even
 Apache::Registry or anything else, I'm a mod perl, Mason programmer so I'm
 familiar with them).

 I just wanted to have perl binary persistent in memory (_like_ in
 so that perl doesn't have to be loaded #!/usr/local/bin/perl on each
 request and there could be many of requests (once per email).

 If there is another list to wich I should direct questions like these
 direct me.

The newsgroup comp.lang.perl.misc is most appropriate forum for general Perl
questions. Also, comp.lang.perl.modules is for discussing use of Perl
modules. If you don't have access to a Usenet (NNTP) server you can use the
web interface at

Re: Info required

2001-09-07 Thread Jeremy Howard

Medi Montaseri wrote:
 Having said thatI recommend Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
 known as the 'eagle book'. See Chapter 3, 'The Apache Module Architecture
 and API' and for  a quick feeling, see Figure 3-3, page 60, The Request

 Of course I'm new to mod_perl, so if Pokymon Masters find me in fault,
 please train me as I want to be the best pokymon trainer...yes I got a
 four-year old...

Well if you're new to mod_perl the Eagle is exactly the book to help you on
your way to becoming a Poki-master. However, other Poki-masters have
distilled their experience into a great tome that they make available to you
as a great gift--the mod_perl Guide:

You must read both of these ancient texts to complete your quest.

Re: timing?

2001-09-01 Thread Jeremy Howard

Ed Loehr wrote:
 I recently read that AxKit was in the process of becoming an ASF xml
 project.  Does anyone have a sense of the timing for when this might
 happen and when will return/arrive?
 Also, does anyone know of a mirror site for
You can see where Matt's up to at his diary; details here:

Re: mod_perl memory consumption

2001-08-30 Thread Jeremy Howard

Paul DuBois wrote:
 mysql_store_result/mysql_use_result determine whether or not the server
 sends all the rows to the client at once, or one at a time as the client
 asks for them.  mysql_store_result is therefore more memory intensive
 for the client (which must hold the entire result set).
 mysql_use_result is less memory intensive for the client, which needs
 memory only for one row at a time, but can cause other processes trying
 to use the server to block, because the tables from which you're
 retrieving rows are read-locked for the duration of the query (that is,
 until the client actually fetches the last row).

For more information see Paul's great book 'MySQL' (New Riders), p257-259.
If you're not lucky enough to have the book, there's a brief description

Re: using mod_perl

2001-08-24 Thread Jeremy Howard

 Hi! I am wondering if anyone could tell me how to actually run
 modperl on my webserver i have perl modules installed to run without
 modperl and dont know how to invoke the process to get them working
 can anyone help?

The best place to learn mod_perl is the Guide:

Sorry for the 'RTFM' reply, but you'll find that this document answers
beginner questions better than anyone here can in a quick email, and it's
kept very up to date thanks to the marvellous Stas Bekman.

Re: Subroutine xxxx redefined

2001-08-22 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman wrote:
 Something forces the reload of your files. I'd suggest putting something

 use Carp;
 cluck(I was loaded);

 in one of the files
 run the server in single server mode (httpd -X)
 and check the trace on the second reload.

Nice idea. You might also try 'warn @INC' in one of your modules to see
what the include path looks like. You might have a path appearing twice in

Re: mod_perl install for win32

2001-08-21 Thread Jeremy Howard

Steven Sajous wrote:
 From: Jeremy Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Steven Sajous wrote:
  referring to nmake with VC++
  It comes with it? I don't see it
  Yes it does. Run the batch file Robert mentioned and it'll work from
  command line. You can also download it from:

  PS: Please add your message _after_ quoting the previous message,
  otherwise you get a confusing set of quotations as you see here.
 Thanks :-)

 I used nmake but after going for a little while I get there this error
 'cl' is not recognized as an internal command operable program or batch

cl.exe is the compiler that comes with VC++. It sounds like you haven't run
the .bat file that Robert pointed you too yet. Running that batch script
allows you to use VC++ tools from the command line. If you have VC++, you
definitely have cl.exe, since otherwise you wouldn't be able to compile
anything through the IDE!

Re: Looking for answers using mod_perl and windows nt.

2001-08-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Boyd, David wrote:
 I am using Windows NT, running apache with mod_perl.

 The problem that I am having is that I am dynamiclly filling in the
 of a select box from a
 database.  now when a user selects a value, I expect that value to be on
 URL, but it is not.  I
 am currently saving the selected value to a hidden field, which does show
 on the URL.  Anyone
 know the reason why.

I'm not sure I understand your question, David. If you're saying that you
would expect the result of pressing a submit button in a form to be that
request is sent like '', then you need
to ensure that the form in your HTML is set to GET rather than POST style
encoding. But that's not really a mod_perl issue...

Re: file upload memory leak

2001-07-26 Thread Jeremy Howard

Jack Cushman wrote:
 I am having a problem with very large file uploads (eg 100 MB). While the
 files load, the apache process stays at about 12000 K (the ps VSZ size).
 When the file finishes uploading, the thread suddenly jumps to over
 My guess is that something is loading the whole file into ram, but I'm not
 sure what.

 I am running version 2.56, mod_perl version 1.25, and Apache

Try the latest version of libapreq.

  perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache::Request'

should do it.

Re: note on wombat

2001-07-26 Thread Jeremy Howard

brian moseley wrote:
 for those of you who were at the presentation this morning
 and wanted more info on wombat - here are the urls:

Unfortunately I wasn't at the preso, but I've looked at the slides you've
got up on your site.

But... I don't get it :-( Where does this fit--it's all very new to me?

Is it another templating engine? ;-) Is it a session manager? Is it solving
some other problem that I haven't come across yet?

In the preso you mention an IMAP layer. What is this, and how would it work?
Would it provide an IMAP server, or is it an interface to an existing IMAP

Sorry for the dumb questions--from the web site it all sounds intriguing,
but it's gone straight over my head!

Re: [OT] WebMacro (was: RoboWeb 1.0b, web application test suite generator)

2001-07-25 Thread Jeremy Howard

 Please be aware that WebMacro is a moderately popular Java templating tool
 hosted at

 Naming it WWW::WebMacro might be a bit confusing.
 It's your choice.  I just wanted to make you aware of the other WebMacro.

You're right--I just remembered that...

Back to the drawing board :-(

The saying is right--the hardest part of writing a Perl module is finding a
suitable name...

[OT] WebMacro (was: RoboWeb 1.0b, web application test suite generator)

2001-07-24 Thread Jeremy Howard

Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 If you guys end up finally collaborating, one very minor request I would
 have is that it goes into CPAN as something more standard like WWW::
 namespace rather than a marketing name like RoboWeb.

The current plan is for the 'scripting language' which provides a simple
interface for scripting interactions will be called 'WWW::Automate'. The
project that combines RoboWeb and WWW::Automate into a flexible recorder for
web interactions might be 'WebMacro' which would appear in CPAN as
'WWW::WebMacro'. These are all preliminary suggestions and open to

HTTP::WebTest already is in an appropriate place in the hierarchy, and is
descriptively named. HTTP::WebTest will probably be able to use
WWW::Automate scripts (either as a plugin in just through its generic Perl
API) but this doesn't require any new project or name.

If anyone is interested in contributing, note that RoboWeb is already on
SourceForge, and WWW::Automate will be up in the next week or two. Contact
me privately if you'd like more information on getting involved.

mod_dev + mod_perl very nasty conflict

2001-07-07 Thread Jeremy Howard

A number of people have come across a problem where mod_dav shows the
contents of the filesystem root:

I have also come across this problem, and narrowed it down (at least for me)
to a conflict with mod_perl.

I have no other non-core modules installed, no DSO install, and the
out-of-the-box httpd.conf. If I just install mod_dav and add the mimimal
httpd.conf lines for mod_dav, everything works perfectly:

DAVLockDB /usr/local/apache/DAVLock/DAVLock
DAVMinTimeout 600
DAVDepthInfinity On

Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/DAVdocs

Now I delete everything and untar it all again, and repeat the exact same
process but install mod_perl as well after mod_dav with:

cd ../mod_perl-1.25
perl Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.20
make test
make install

cd ../apache_1.3.20
SSLBASE=../openssl-0.9.6a ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
--enable-module=most --disable-module=auth_dbm --disable-module=digest --ena
ble-module=auth_digest \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
make install

Now I get the problem of seeing the filesystem root when using DAV. This
problem occurs with both a cadaver 'ls' and with MS Web Folders. The
httpd.conf file is identical to when it worked fine (ie without mod_perl),
and it contains no IfModule mod_perl.c sections.

Any suggestions/workarounds/patches? Anyone using mod_perl + mod_dav
successfully? What versions?

Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscriptsthat contain un-shared memory

2000-12-22 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 What I was saying is that it doesn't make sense for one to need fewer
 interpreters than the other to handle the same concurrency.  If you have
 10 requests at the same time, you need 10 interpreters.  There's no way
 speedycgi can do it with fewer, unless it actually makes some of them
 wait.  That could be happening, due to the fork-on-demand model, although
 your warmup round (priming the pump) should take care of that.

I don't know if Speedy fixes this, but one problem with mod_perl v1 is that
if, for instance, a large POST request is being uploaded, this takes a whole
perl interpreter while the transaction is occurring. This is at least one
place where a Perl interpreter should not be needed.

Of course, this could be overcome if an HTTP Accelerator is used that takes
the whole request before passing it to a local httpd, but I don't know of
any proxies that work this way (AFAIK they all pass the packets as they

Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscriptsthat contain un-shared memory

2000-12-22 Thread Jeremy Howard

Joe Schaefer wrote:
 "Jeremy Howard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I don't know if Speedy fixes this, but one problem with mod_perl v1 is
  if, for instance, a large POST request is being uploaded, this takes a
  perl interpreter while the transaction is occurring. This is at least
  place where a Perl interpreter should not be needed.
  Of course, this could be overcome if an HTTP Accelerator is used that
  the whole request before passing it to a local httpd, but I don't know
  any proxies that work this way (AFAIK they all pass the packets as they

 I posted a patch to modproxy a few months ago that specifically
 addresses this issue.  It has a ProxyPostMax directive that changes
 it's behavior to a store-and-forward proxy for POST data (it also enabled
 keepalives on the browser-side connection if they were enabled on the
 frontend server.)

FYI, this patch is at:

Re: load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  How much of a performance penalty does using Apache::SizeLimit have?

 Not enough that you'll notice it.

It really depends on 2 things:
 - What OS you're on
 - How complex your scripts are.

Here's the code that does the size check, which varies depending on your OS:

# return process size (in KB)
sub linux_size_check {
my $size = 0;
if (open(FH, "/proc/self/status")) {
  while (FH) { last if (($size) = (/^VmRSS:\s+(\d+)/)) }
} else {
  error_log("Fatal Error: couldn't access /proc/self/status");

sub solaris_2_6_size_check {
my $size = -s "/proc/self/as" or
  error_log("Fatal Error: /proc/self/as doesn't exist or is empty");
$size = int($size/1024); # to get it into kb

sub bsd_size_check {
return( (BSD::Resource::getrusage())[2] );

As you can see, your mod_perl handler would have to be _extremely_ simple
for this code to take a non-trivial proportion of its run-time.

Re: greetings and questions

2000-12-15 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman wrote:
 Come'n, are you sure you have ever looked at

 Books and Documentation:

Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C book by
Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.

  ==   Start learning mod_perl with the mod_perl Guide
by Stas Bekman.
I remember when I started with mod_perl last year, I didn't notice the guide
until I saw it mentioned on the list. is a long page, and
it's not obvious what order to read the various links in... The FAQ linked
to on this page includes 'What documentation should I read?' and doesn't
include the Guide in the answer... The link to the guide is the 32nd of 97
links on this page... It is one of 11 documentation links... So I guess what
I'm trying to say is that it's not that obvious ;-)

Maybe the mod_perl site could start with:

New to mod_perl? First, a href=""download/a
it and then a href=""learn/a to
install it. Now read a href="""The Guide"/a
and become and mod_perl guru!

...or something like that.

Re: fork inherits socket connection

2000-12-15 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman wrote:
 But you don't need to call setsid() when you fork. Why looking for
 complicated workaround when you can do it properly without any workaround.
 Have you ever seen an example of fork that uses setsid?

But your Guide says:

A much better approach would be to spawn a sub-process, hand it the
information it needs to do the task, and have it detach (close STDIN, STDOUT
and STDERR + execute setsid()).

[OT] Re: is morning bug still relevant?

2000-12-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman wrote:
 Apologies Tim, somehow I always thought that 'infamous' is better than
 just 'famous'... I meant the 'famous'... sorry about that. I've corrected
 it in the guide.

 Thanks, Tom for clearing this out for me ;)

Yeah, this is one of the more confusing words in English... Check out the
film 'The Three Amigos'--the premise of the entire film is based around the
lead characters thinking that 'infamous' means 'extra famous'!

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-12-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Per Moeller wrote:
 A couple of days ago I asked the question below, but nobody seemed to be
 able to answer it.

 Well, in case somebody else runs into this problem I can tell that my
 solution to the problem was to use perl5.005 and not install perl5.6.0
 after i completed the installation of mod_perl / Apache and the modules i
 needed for it.

I suggested applying this patch:

Did this not work? After applying the patch did you recompile both Perl
_and_ mod_perl?

Re: Trouble with AxKit at runtime - XML parsing stage

2000-12-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Dave Rolsky wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Khachaturov, Vassilii wrote:
  seems to yield only one bug relevant to my particular error message
case -
  which is still open. No patch/patchid seen there.
  Did you mean this bug, or another? Is there some informal patch around?

 I'm pretty sure that's the bug.  Sarathy said it was patched ages ago.  I
 don't know why the bug's still open (you might want to let P5P know about

The patch is here:

Re: greetings and questions

2000-12-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Darren Duncan wrote:
 Now some questions that I hope some of you can help me with.  Hopefully
 each has short answers.
Hi Darren,

I think that all of your questions are answered in the mod_perl guide, which
is at:

I don't have time right now to post a link to the answer to each individual
question, but after you've had a good look through the guide feel free to
ask again if you can't find the answer to a particular question, or if you
need clarification on some point.

PS: I hope you're not offended by this 'RTFM' reply--but the Guide will give
much better answers than I can since it's been revised over some time by the
whole community...

Re: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

 Maybe it's time we spun off a mailing list for this discussion,
 unless it's still interesting to the rest of the onlookers.
 Anyone care to host it or take that on?

I would have thought that most people here are interested in how to teach
mod_perl--a lot of us bring on staff who need to learn mod_perl. Personally,
I'd be happy to see the discussion stay here...

Re: Email (mod_perl) Apache module?

2000-12-14 Thread Jeremy Howard

George Sanderson wrote:
 I think it would be cool to have an email Apache module.  I was thinking
 that if the URL was something like:

 it would activate the module.

 The module would allow the users to read and send email.  Kind of like how
 I did Apache::FileMan (an Apache web site file manager).  This would allow
 sites to get email interfaces up and running very quickly and provide a
 common user interface.

 Now that would be advocacy;-)

IMHO, the best open source WebMail servers are PHP based:

There is a Perl based WebMail server at:

although I haven't tried it.

[OT] Re: Which is good mailing list for perl developers.

2000-12-13 Thread Jeremy Howard

John Michael Soileau wrote:
 Excuse me if I make an error.  This is my first post to this list and not
 sure how it all fits together exactly.   I just joined the news perl list
 you selected to have a look at it and now wonder why you don't put this
 mailing list in the same type of setup.  There may be a way to do it that
 don't know about and if there is, info greatly appreciated.  Anyway,  It
 very tough keeping up with all of the emails and subjects.  I now see that
 should have joined with an email address created just for this list so
 I could filter it to a folder somewhere.
 Anyway, why doesn't someone put this list on a news feeder.  It would be
 much easier to maintain from a users point of view.

Setting up a Usenet group is quite a lot of work, and the mod_perl list may
not be high enough volume to justify it.

Using Procmail or Sieve makes it easy to work with mailing lists. Create a
folder for each list, and then create a rule where any message with to/cc
containing '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is moved to that folder.

Re: Apache::Session benchmarks

2000-12-12 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
  Apache::Session::File - Dual-PIII-600/512MB/Linux 2.2.14SMP: Ran 4
  First time: ~2.2s. Second time: ~5.0s. Third time: ~8.4s. Fourth time:

 Is there any reason not to use a file tree approach (splitting first and
 second characters of filenames into separate directories) like mod_proxy
 does?  This seems like a pretty easy solution to the problem of degraded
 performance on larger sets of data.

If you use File::Cache for storage, then it does this for you, to a
user-defined depth.

Re: Linux Hello World: TT Optimized...

2000-12-11 Thread Jeremy Howard

Joshua Chamas wrote:
 If you are using object methods, I would worry about calling
 all those methods to build your HTML and if you are performance
 minded, I would use them frugally.

IIRC, is actually slower to run the functional syntax than the object
syntax. This is because accessing CGI's functions end up getting dispatched
through a complex autoload(ish) mechanism.

I haven't benchmarked this though, so it's only theory!

Re: persistent connections for handlers

2000-12-09 Thread Jeremy Howard

 I'm also interested in this problem. I've
 been piping my mails to sendmail and I'm
 told that this is not a good idea with mod_perl.
 I find that talking to SMTP server is noticeably
 slower although I don't know whether the slowness is
 just in the initial connection.  I am using the local
 sendmail daemon as the SMTP server.

 On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 11:05:50AM -0500, John Saylor wrote:
  I am writing a mod_perl handler that takes a HTTP POST and sends mail.
  I'd like to do is to open up a connection to the SMTP server [a
  object] and a log file [filehandle] that exist outside of the handler.
  that when the handler is run, it has access to these items, and can send
  data to them, but that they don't get opened up and brought down each
Have a look at the Apache::DBI source, which keeps a pool of connections
open like you need. Use a PerlChildInitHandler to set up a connection for
each process (if you do it in you have to share one between
processes, which isn't ideal).

There's nothing wrong with piping to sendmail though. If you fork() under a
decent operating system, most memory is shared between processes. So just
fork() and open a pipe to sendmail.

For logging you might prefer to use Unix::Syslog rather than opening a file

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[OT] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Take23

2000-12-07 Thread Jeremy Howard

 On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

  OK, so this isn't really much of an announcement, since its still the
  web site. Anyway, I'm renaming to
  DNS should propogate shortly. Until then its available at (and will continue to be available there).

 Looks like DNS isn't working at all... I'm a complete DNS moron - is there
 anyone out there willing to offer me very a simple DNS setup on their
 primary and secondary servers?

Sure, I can look after that. Shoot me a private email with the details.
Through your registry, set your primary NS to, and secondary to

PS: You can also use for free DNS.

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Re: debuggers

2000-12-07 Thread Jeremy Howard

martin langhoff wrote:
 I wonder how do those hardcore guys that develop using handlers debug.
 Mhhh. They must write 'perlfect' code, I guess, and/or understand those
 cryptic debuggers ...

Actually, debugging handlers is pretty easy. Just run httpd with the -X flag
to make it single process, and use Apache::DB to get mod_perl to run under
the debugger. Get Apache::DB from CPAN

  perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache::DB'

and read its docs

  perldoc Apache::DB

When Apache hits your Perl code, you are dropped into the standard Perl
debugger. Although typing '?' at the debug prompt shows a bewildering array
of options, you can do a lot by knowing:

 n - Step over
 s - Step into
 x expr - Print the value of expr
 w - Show a few lines either side of the current one
 b sub - break at sub
 c - continue (stop debugging)
 c line# - continue, and break at line#


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Re: shared mem [was: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection]

2000-12-06 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Paul wrote:
  I was pointed to IPC::Sharable, IPC::Sharelite.
  I'll look at those.

 Take a look at IPC::MM for a shared memory hash implemented in C.  Also,
 File::Cache is sometimes faster than the IPC modules.  I don't think any
 of these solve problems like sharing sockets and file handles though.

Is there _any_ solution to sharing sockets? My WebMail server keeps a pool
of IMAP connections open (one per user) but it currently needs to create a
connection for every user for every process that they use. This is awfully
inefficient. I'm planning on creating a little Unix Socket daemon that keeps
a single pool of connections, and make all IMAP connections go through the
daemon. This seems like it should be unnecessary though--isn't there some
way of sharing sockets amongst processes?

PS: I second your suggestion to look at File::Cache--I use it for my session
store and find it excellent. Speed depends on your OS's bufferring, however.

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Re: [ libapreq ] desesperatly need of .32 or .33

2000-11-22 Thread Jeremy Howard

 But before anyone bites off more than they can chew, perhaps some
 discussion of the current bugs and future needs for libapreq should
 be aired out.

 My own problems with libapreq revolved around the multipart buffer
 code, and since I patched it a while back, I haven't bumped into
 any other snags.

I agree--the multipart buffer memory issues are the key problem with the
current 'official' release. There are at least two multipart buffer fixes
around though, so it would be nice to merge one of these into the CPAN

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Re: Re:coredump on Carps in

2000-11-19 Thread Jeremy Howard

 PJ When I start up apache (apachectl startssl), I get a core dump.
 PJ Attached is an "strace httpd -X" for those of you who find this

 FWIW, I have the same issue also. I noticed it when using CGI::Carp.
 My solution was not "use" CGI::Carp; in (a real lame
 solution, I know ;-), but my goal was to deal with it later (I needed to
get my development
 environment back on-line)

You may find that this patch fixes things for you:
urk: no such article
archive = 'modperl'
thread = 'sningvezerd'
article = '26091135.MAA1456'

Make sure it's all on one line:

You'll probably need to copy and paste the line into your text editor first,
since I suspect that my mailer will put a new-line in it by default.

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Re: Re:coredump on Carps in

2000-11-16 Thread Jeremy Howard

 PJ When I start up apache (apachectl startssl), I get a core dump.
 PJ Attached is an "strace httpd -X" for those of you who find this

 FWIW, I have the same issue also.  I noticed it when using CGI::Carp.
 My solution was not "use" CGI::Carp; in (a real lame
 solution, I know ;-), but my goal was to deal with it later (I needed to
get my development
 environment back on-line)

You may find that this patch fixes things for you:

Re: Querying MS Access DB from ASP files through ODBC

2000-11-09 Thread Jeremy Howard

 I'm not sure if this is the right place, but here goes my problem:
 I'm running Apache::ASP on apache 1.3.14 with mod_perl 1.24_01 on a i686
 with RH 6.2. I've got a database query system written in ASP that at some
 point uses an ODBC connection to an MS Acess database to query it. The
 unusual thing is that both ODBC components need to run on the linux box
 and that therefore there  can be no NT box involved. I'm basically trying
 to migrate the whole thing from a Windows NT 4 box to my linux box.
 Is there a free / GPL app that can help me accomplish this and where could
 I find a detailed manual on it? Or are there any appropriate resources
 online where I should look?

Presumably your ASP system is currently written in VBScript or JavaScript.
Apache::ASP requires that you write your script in Perl, so you'll have to
do some rewriting.

You'll also have to deal with migration of the Access database, which isn't
really mod_perl related, so you might prefer to email me directly if you
need more help beyond what follows...

Basically, I'd suggest moving to a light-weight Linux database rather than
trying to use an Access DB through ODBC, if you have to get NT out of the
equation. MySQL ( has a similar feature set to Access,
although it is a server-based rather than file-based database system. It
does not support transactions, updatable joins, or subqueries--if you need
these you could try PostgreSQL (

To transfer your database you can use MyODBC to create a connection to your
MySQL database from Windows, and then create Make Table queries in Access
setting the destination database to your MySQL database in View-Properties.
You'll have to create indexes yourself if you take this route. I've got a
VBA script that creates MySQL scripts from an Access DB that I can send you
if you prefer, although it's a bit flakey.

libapreq (Apache::Request) unhappiness

2000-08-04 Thread Jeremy Howard

Jim Winstead back on June 26 finished debugging a patch to libapreq (that's
Apache::Request) that avoids the problem of the mod_perl process eating up
all the memory required for an upload (and then some!) and not giving it

Joe Schaefer then rewrote this to avoid some unnecessary malloc()s,
which David Mitchell then patched to make more portable.

Why this history lesson? Well, Joe and David's version, I've just
discovered, fails to correctly deal with large POSTs that are not file
uploads. In particular, I just wrote a lengthy (3 hours!) email in my
webmail system, and when it got to the recipiant only the first and last
bits were there :-(

I've replicated this behaviour with a number of large POSTs, and the problem
always occurs (under Linux 2.2+latest stable mod_perl and Apache).

The good news is that Jim's version doesn't have this problem. Are there any
volunteers to fix Joe and David's more efficient version? (Sorry, I'm no C

  Jeremy Howard

Re: ignore header_only()?

2000-08-04 Thread Jeremy Howard

Ken Fox said:

 Sorry to be a pain, but I still haven't heard anything back about my

 Ken Fox wrote:
  I was using $request-sent_header and found out that it's
  not terribly useful if PerlSendHeader is off -- sent_header
  always returns 1. I changed mod_perl_sent_header so that
  it returns 0, 1 or 2:
0 - headers have not been sent (PerlSendHeader on)
1 - headers have not been sent (PerlSendHeader off)
2 - headers have already been sent

 Is this the right list for change proposals? Should I re-submit my

You could try:

The dev list is for discussions about the development of the core mod_perl

Subscription information.

  a.. subscribe to the list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  b.. unsubscribe from the list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  c.. get help with the list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Doug popped his head up a few weeks ago to say he's in read-only mode at the
moment. I don't know why--maybe he's busy with v2 at the moment. If you
don't have any luck on the dev list you could try mailing him directly, I

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Prototype mismatches?

2000-08-01 Thread Jeremy Howard

 ...redefined constant sub warning...
 This warning also appears with any scalar constant created with -- pretty darn annoying for cgi error_logs.  Is there 
 a more 'official' fix or suggestion why mod_perl triggers this?
It's not 'official', but I patched so that at the end of the
import sub, it checks that the sub isn't already defined. Just wrap this
around the last block in import():

if (!(defined {"${pkg}::$name"})) {
import the const sub

I don't have this problem anymore with 5.6 though...

  Jeremy Howard
  FastMail--Sign up at

Re: [OT] Error reads: Do you need to predeclare new?

2000-08-01 Thread Jeremy Howard

From: "Kenneth Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I wrote a module CGI::CommonObject which is a subclass of CGI.
  If I preload them both in conf/, error occurs when I try to
  instantiate CGI::CommonObject.
my $q = new CGI::CommonObject;

Kenneth, _never_ use that style of calling class methods. To really
understand why, read Damien Conway's excellent 'Object Oriented Perl', in
which in gives an excellent overview of the many problems this causes with
inherited classes.

Instead, use:
my $q = CGI::CommonObject-new();

It's less pretty, perhaps, but _much_ more reliable.

Re: further adventures with taint

2000-07-26 Thread Jeremy Howard

 I see intermittent Apache error_log entries like:
 [Mon Jul 24 04:08:02 2000] [error] Insecure dependency in require 
 while running with -T switch at (eval 85) line 3.
 I suspect MIME::Lite, but the code won't work if I remove it

Yes, MIME::Lite needs special treatment to be taint-safe. Get the latest
version from CPAN, then do a 'perldoc taint'. I submitted a patch to the
author which he has documented, that enables a taint-safe mode.

Apache always prints the line number and module the error occurs on when
I've had taint issues. I don't know why it doesn't for you... maybe you
just need to add:
use Apache qw(warn);
at the start of your modules?

I suggest rereading perldoc perlsec a few more times--there's a lot of
info in there and it took me a while for it to sink in. Setting your
ENV{...} safely isn't enough--any unsafe function (such as open() used by
MIME::Lite) must have its input data cleaned unless it's input data is a
constant. To clean the input data you can use (off the top of my head):

$dirtyData =~ /^([^|]*)$}/;
if ($1) {
  my $cleanData = $1;
  # do stuff with $cleanData in unsafe functions
} else {
  # handle error nicely

The regex here detects obvious problem characters in Unix. A more robust
version would specifically check for safe chars, rather than removing
unsafe chars.

  Jeremy Howard
  FastMail--Sign up at

Re: further adventures with taint

2000-07-26 Thread Jeremy Howard

 I'm only passing scalar text to MIME::Lite - no file attachments, so 
 it shouldn't open(). Anyway, if it were, why don't I see "Insecure 
 dependency in open" instead of " require"?
Yes, good point. The open() is only used for sendmail, not for Net::SMTP

Perhaps you need to add to your (before any 'use' statements):

  Jeremy Howard
  FastMail--Sign up at

Re: SIGNAL 11 - Help anyone?

2000-07-25 Thread Jeremy Howard

 ...segv trace...
 I also encountered occasionally the "Bizarre copy of ARRAY in aassign at
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/Carp/ line 79" error discussed some time before
 on the list.

Both the segv and the 'bizarre copy' are fixed by this Perl 5.6 patch:

 //depot/perl/cop.h#49 (text) 
Index: perl/cop.h
--- perl/cop.h.~1~  Thu Jun  8 06:58:03 2000
+++ perl/cop.h  Thu Jun  8 06:58:03 2000
@@ -106,13 +106,9 @@
#endif /* USE_THREADS */

-   /* junk in @_ spells trouble when cloning CVs, so don't leave any */
-#  define CLEAR_ARGARRAY() av_clear(cx-blk_sub.argarray)
-#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
+/* junk in @_ spells trouble when cloning CVs and in pp_caller(), so
+ * leave any */
+#define CLEAR_ARGARRAY()   av_clear(cx-blk_sub.argarray)

#define POPSUB(cx,sv)  \

 //depot/perl/t/op/runlevel.t#16 (xtext) 
Index: perl/t/op/runlevel.t
--- perl/t/op/runlevel.t.~1~Thu Jun  8 06:58:03 2000
+++ perl/t/op/runlevel.tThu Jun  8 06:58:03 2000
@@ -349,3 +349,18 @@
B 2
+sub n { 0 }
+sub f { my $x = shift; d(); }
+sub d {
+my $i = 0; my @a;
+while (do { { package DB; @a = caller($i++) } } ) {
+@a = @DB::args;
+for (@a) { print "$_\n"; $_ = '' }
End of Patch.

  Jeremy Howard

File upload gateway (was Re: Forking off lengthy processes)

2000-07-10 Thread Jeremy Howard

I said:
  The other place I'd like to avoid holding up my mod_perl processes is in
  waiting for file uploads to finish (which is a common situation as people
  upload attachments for their emails). Is there a any way to do this...
  perhaps by using some kind of 'gateway' server?

Barrie Slaymaker wrote:
 The most often wished-for approach is for a http cache to accept the whole
 request before passing it through to the main httpd, but I'm not aware of
 any that do that.
Exactly! If anyone is doing something similar to this could you direct me
to the code you use? The beauty of it would be that the upload (and other
CGI params) could be passed from the cache to the mod_perl server over
the fast internal network link (so the mod_perl process doesn't wait
long), while the slow upload from a user's modem only holds up a small
httpd process.

I guess this really should be a module written in C, since that would be
the smallest way of doing it memory-wise (I'd rule out a Perl CGI since
it has to be recompiled each time, and this gateway would presumably be
high volume).

How do proxy servers like Squid work? Do they just pass the packets on,
or do they accept the whole request and _then_ pass it on?

  Jeremy Howard

Forking off lengthy processes

2000-07-09 Thread Jeremy Howard

I've just read the Guide's advice on fork and system calls, but it
doesn't really seem to offer a resolution to the problems it raises.

I'm trying to set up an SMS gateway for my webmail users. The gateway
just uses LWP to contact a web-SMS provider and sends a POST request
(following some redirects in the process). This can be a lengthy process,
so rather than have my mod_perl process waiting, I'd like to pass on the
request to another process. Here are the potential solutions I can think
of and their problems:
* fork(): Memory hog, since it copies the entire Apache process (is this
right--does it share the memory for all the modules etc...?)
* system(): Slow--would have to start up a new Perl process
* Create a simple preforking server and have mod_perl just pass a request
to it through a socket: Seems like overkill.

The most hopeful possibility seems to be fork(), but the Guide says to
avoid it. Isn't almost all the memory shared though?

The other place I'd like to avoid holding up my mod_perl processes is in
waiting for file uploads to finish (which is a common situation as people
upload attachments for their emails). Is there a any way to do this...
perhaps by using some kind of 'gateway' server?

  Jeremy Howard
  FastMail--Sign up at

Re: Apache::Request and memory

2000-06-24 Thread Jeremy Howard

...Problem with patch to fix memory blow-out with file uploads...
 Okay, I think I tracked this down to a one-byte buffer overflow.
 Try the attached patch to see if that fixes it (it fixes things
 in my testing).
Thanks--certainly an improvement. I tried a 25k file, which worked fine.
However a 1.8MB file still caused a segfault.

If you can't replicate the problem, let me know what diagnostics you'd
like me to run. I'm not familiar with gdb, so I'm not sure where to

 Unfortunately, the overflow seemed to sneak through with no problems
 on FreeBSD, and on Linux if you compile with -g.
I'm running latest Apache, mod_perl, and Perl, under Linux (2.2 kernel).

PS: Can anyone point me to a tutorial on debugging XS modules? From time
to time Doug provides some magic gdb commands which are really
helpful--I'd love to be able to do this kind of stuff myself...

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Apache::Request and memory

2000-06-24 Thread Jeremy Howard

 Okay, I think I tracked this down to a one-byte buffer overflow.
 Try the attached patch to see if that fixes it (it fixes things
 in my testing).
Oops. Please ignore my last message. Your fix works just fine... I had
some code to automatically kill my process after it got an upload 1MB,
in order to work around the libapreq bug that your patch fixed!

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Apache::Request and memory

2000-06-23 Thread Jeremy Howard

Apache::Request eats up memory during a file upload
 Attached is a patch to libapreq that addresses this problem.

Thanks for this, Jim. Unfortunately, I'm having some problems with the
patch. When I try and upload a file greater than a couple of k, I get a
segfault in httpd. Could you possibly email me your current working
libapreq sources?--perhaps there's some other differences hiding

Has anyone applied this patch and got it working with large uploads?

  Jeremy Howard

Perl 5.6+mod_perl--nearly there now!

2000-06-10 Thread Jeremy Howard

I've been testing the patch posted to this list yesterday to fix the
problem with Perl 5.6 'over-optimising' by leaving junk in @_, that
causes problems with CGI::Carp and others.

The patch fixes up all the problems I had, except for using CGI::Carp
under Apache::DB, when importing CGI::Carp with
use CGI::Carp ();
and then using it with
CGI::Carp::croak('some message');

To get this to work, I had to change the EXPORT_OK line in CGI/
@EXPORT_OK = qw(croak carp confess carpout fatalsToBrowser wrap
set_message cluck);

I don't know why this is necessary, but otherwise I get a segfault using

  Jeremy Howard

Fwd: Re: [ID 20000527.001] Carp::Heavy - Bizarre copy of HASH in aassign

2000-06-07 Thread Jeremy Howard

You might remember the 'Bizarre copy of HASH in aassign' when using
CGI::Carp I posted a workaround for... Here's an update from Perl 5
Porters--it's being fixed in the next release:

- Original message -
From: Gurusamy Sarathy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jeremy Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2000-06-07 11:04:22
Subject: Re: [ID 2527.001] Carp::Heavy - Bizarre copy of HASH in

On Wed, 07 Jun 2000 16:00:57 +0200, Richard Foley wrote:
The following causes a 'Bizarre copy of HASH in aassign' error
perl -MCGI::Carp -d -e 'print croak(1)'
Then press 'c' to continue in the debugger

It only occurs in debug mode.
I don't know if there's any reason the DB package was used in
Carp::Heavy... If so, this fix may break something.

Yes, that will break things.

The real problem should be fixed in 5.6.1 (coming sometime before
mid-July, I hope).


  Jeremy Howard

Re: Memory usage for libareq uploads

2000-06-06 Thread Jeremy Howard

Jie Gao said (talking about avoiding memory problems with
 What I do is kill the child process after uploading is finished:


 Not an elegant way, but it works for the time being.

Good idea. I've implemented something which uses this approach if the
file upload size is 'too big'. Here's the code I use--I hope someone else
finds it useful:

use constant MAX_SIZE_KILLPROC = 200;
my $TotalSize = 0;
foreach my $ThisAtt ($R-upload()) {
  # Check that filehandle for uploaded file is valid
  if ($ThisAtt-fh) {
SaveAtt ($MsgId, $ThisAtt)
### Replace next line with your own error handler
  || return $Self-SignalError(ERR_UPLOAD_FAILED);
$TotalSize += $ThisAtt-size();
  } # If valid fh

  # Work around bug in libareq-parms, that uses up too much memory
  $R-post_connection(sub {$R-child_terminate()})

  Jeremy Howard

  Jeremy Howard

Memory usage for libareq uploads

2000-06-05 Thread Jeremy Howard

Way back in the annals of history (well, err, 24 Feb 2000, anyway) there
was some discussion about uploads chewing up memory in libareq...

Jim Winstead said:
Is it just me, or is it pretty dodgy code? It allocates memory like
its going out of style (it doesn't appear to reuse any of the
buffers it allocates from the pool), resulting in server processes
that balloon up to five times the uploaded file's size. Its also
appears to be flat-out slow because of all the extra work it is

Just an observation. I (or a coworker if I'm lucky :) will be
rolling up my shirt-sleeves and diving in tomorrow. This is just
my found-the-leak-now-I-get-to-sleep-on-it-and-hope-it-was-fixed-
already-or-I'm-being-dumb mail.

to which Doug replied:
it's pretty dodgy code :)  the multipart buffer code in libapreq is
actually just a translation from's Perl code to C.  notice the
comment: /*XXX: we can optimize this loop*/ 
meaning, I'm aware it's not reusing the buffer, but it's using a subpool
which is cleared at the end of multipart_buffer_fill, each call to that
should be no more than 4k or so.  I have a recent mail (not to the list)
from somebody who experienced the balloon, looked into it, and thinks
ap_clear_pool() is not working.  anyhow, my plan is to get 1.22 out, then
revisit libapreq, then onto modperl-2.0

Well, I'm facing this problem now. The parms() method (or parse() or
anything else that calls parms()) chews up enormous amounts of memory
when uploading large files. I like to give my webmail users freedom to
upload pretty much whatever size attachments they like, but that means my
Apache processes grow very large, and never shrink again.

What can I do to avoid this? I know I can use one of the various
directives that kills off large processes, but that seems a bit
aggressive... Has anyone got any sample code that spins off file upload
activity to an external CGI and then returns to a mod_perl handler when
the dirty work is done? ...Or is there some new code out there (or coming
Real Soon Now) that avoids this whole issue?


  Jeremy Howard

Re: Bugs 5.6.0 modperl use?

2000-06-02 Thread Jeremy Howard

   [Wed May 24 19:58:28 2000] [error] PerlRun: `Bizarre copy of HASH in aassign
   at /usr5/perl/lib/5.6.0/Carp/ line 79.
  Do the following:
  In Carp::Heavy, change 'DB' to 'DB_tmp':
  Line 39: while (do { { package DB_tmp; @a = caller($i++) } } ) {
  Line 79: @a = @{DB_tmp::args}; # must get local copy of args
  In CGI::Carp, change Line 257:
  FROM: my $message = shift;
  TO: my ($message) = @_;
 do you have small test case to reproduce this bug?

Well, that turned out to be a challenging request! Here's a module that
always segfaults, if you run with
httpd -X -Dperldb -Dperlsi

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package MailApp::temp;
use CGI::Carp ;
use Apache ();
if (Apache-server-dir_config('InDB')) {
use Email::Valid ();
$a = Email::Valid-mx(1);

And here's my perl.conf (which defines the perldb and perlsi symbols):
IfDefine perldb
  PerlSetVar InDB 1
  PerlFreshRestart On
PerlRequire   conf/
IfDefine perlsi
  PerlModule Apache::StatINC
  PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
  PerlSetVar StatINCDebug On
IfDefine !perldb
  PerlTaintCheck On
Location /test
  IfDefine perldb
PerlFixupHandler Apache::DB
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler MailApp::temp
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

Note that there's no 'use Apache::DB'--httpd segfaults with or without
it... So it doesn't seem to be a debugger bug.

If I remove _any_ of the lines from the test module, I don't get the
error. That's why it's so hard to debug and replicate.

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Bugs 5.6.0 modperl use?

2000-06-02 Thread Jeremy Howard

 Well, that turned out to be a challenging request!
 Here's a module that always segfaults, if you run with
 httpd -X -Dperldb -Dperlsi

Sorry, I forgot to mention... the segfault only occurs if you _don't_
have Net::DNS installed.

  Jeremy Howard

Perl 5.6+mod_perl bugs (was Re: Win32 mod_perl binary [update])

2000-05-30 Thread Jeremy Howard

Randy Kobes said:
 - the patch posted to this list a few days ago by
 Jeremy Howard for an error about a "Bizarre copy of HASH ...":
 In Carp::Heavy, change 'DB' to 'DB_tmp':
 Line 39: while (do { { package DB_tmp; @a = caller($i++) } } ) {
 Line 79: @a = @{DB_tmp::args}; # must get local copy of args
 In CGI::Carp, change Line 257:
 FROM: my $message = shift;
 TO: my ($message) = @_;
 also fixes a problem with both Apache-ASP and HTML-Mason
 under Perl-5.6.0 of the (0.6) mod_perl binary. The minimal
 prerequisites for both ASP and Mason are included in this binary.
Although these changes get around the immediate segfaults and errors when
using Perl 5.6, there are a few things to be aware of if you are looking
at using mod_perl + Perl 5.6.

Basically, when problems in mod_perl come up after moving to Perl 5.6,
I've found that they tend to appear as segfaults in httpd, which I never
used to get under 5.005_03. Problems I'm aware of:
*  I'm still working with Lincoln to properly fix CGI::Carp (the patch I
submitted, and his original code, ignores all but the first argument to
die()). Unfortunately any attempt to access beyond the 1st argument
causes a segfault under certain circumstances
*  Many problems appear running under Apache::DB. In particular,
Apache::Util::escape_uri causes a segfault under Apache::DB in some
circumstances, as does Apache::Request::register_cleanup (when called as
a class rather than an object method)
*  Slight changes to code can cause a segfault for no apparent reason.
For instance, under Apache::DB, the following causes a crash (from

$Resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver unless $@;

...while the following works fine...

if (!$@) {
  $Resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver;

You may well not hit any of these problems, since many only come up with
certain combinations of modules loaded. Having said that, I'd recommend
avoiding Perl 5.6 for the time being until these issues are sorted out,
since if you do hit one of these issues they are a real pain to debug.

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Bugs 5.6.0 modperl use?

2000-05-25 Thread Jeremy Howard

 CGI::Carp preloaded.
 DBI preloaded.
 [Wed May 24 19:58:28 2000] [error] PerlRun: `Bizarre copy of HASH in aassign
 at /usr5/perl/lib/5.6.0/Carp/ line 79.
 Anyone else seen these?

Oh yes, I've been battling that tonight...

Do the following:

In Carp::Heavy, change 'DB' to 'DB_tmp':
Line 39: while (do { { package DB_tmp; @a = caller($i++) } } ) {
Line 79: @a = @{DB_tmp::args}; # must get local copy of args

In CGI::Carp, change Line 257:
FROM: my $message = shift;
TO: my ($message) = @_;

Yes, this really does matter--I carefully reproduced a problem that only
occured when 'shift' was used!

I'll contact the relevant authors tomorrow. I don't know if this is a
Perl 5.6 bug, or a module bug that 5.6 has surfaced.

  Jeremy Howard

Re: XHTML_DTD redefined?

2000-05-25 Thread Jeremy Howard

 I'm getting this on every startup:
 Constant subroutine XHTML_DTD redefined at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ 
line 175.
 what's this about?
This isn't actually a mandatory warning any more (as others have
suggested), but of course being a good boy you've got -w on, so you get
the warning anyway ;-)

I'm a good boy too, so rather than just turn -w off, I've patched my so that in the import sub, it first checks whether the
symbol is defined in the calling package (and if so, it does nothing).

I'd attach the patch, but since I upgraded to 5.6 this problem has fixed
itself, so I haven't got the patched version anymore (I'm a bigger
masochist than you, Randal--I upgraded Perl, mod_perl, and Apache all at
the same time!)

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Prb: Apache::DB plus Perl 5.6 doesn't break

2000-05-19 Thread Jeremy Howard

 i am able to set breakpoints no problem with 5.6.0 (perl-current,
 actually).  i would suggest stripping back your Perl config to something
 simple (i tested with b Apache::Status::handler) and make sure
 require Apache::DB/Apache::DB-init is the first piece of Perl code to
Thanks heaps, Doug--moving require Apache::DB/Apache::DB-init to the top fixed it!

Previously I had 'use Apache' 1st, which worked fine under the "old" version... It's 
funny the things that change between versions, isn't it? In fact, Apache::DB is now 
working better than before--I used to have some subs outside of modules that wouldn't 
break properly... now they work fine!

Is anyone aware of any specific reason not to switch to 5.6.0 with mod_perl for 
production machines (other than just 'in case')?

  Jeremy Howard

Re: [preview] Search engine for the Guide

2000-05-18 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, We have a preview ready for you. Randy Kobes worked hard to prepare
 this one. So your comments are very welcome. If you like it we'll put this
 into production. 
 Please keep either the list CC'ed or if you reply to me in person, make
 sure you keep Randy CC'ed -- all the kudos should go his way :)
When I search for 'dbi' or 'DBI', it finds nothing, and the search box shows 'dby'!

It looks like it's try to helpfully change my search pattern...

  Jeremy Howard

Prb: Apache::DB plus Perl 5.6 doesn't break

2000-05-18 Thread Jeremy Howard

Well, that subject line looks a bit odd, doesn't it? What I mean is that with Perl 
5.6.0, Apache::DB is broken, because it doesn't break... Er, that is, you can add 
breakpoints, but Apache::DB never actually breaks on them.

Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a new version in the works?

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Prb: Apache::DB plus Perl 5.6 doesn't break

2000-05-18 Thread Jeremy Howard

 Well, that subject line looks a bit odd, doesn't it? What I mean is that
 with Perl 5.6.0, Apache::DB is broken, because it doesn't break... Er,
 that is, you can add breakpoints, but Apache::DB never actually breaks on
 Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a new version in the works?

I've got a bit more info on this now. Nothing has changed on my PC (Linux RH 6.2) 
since this morning, other than updating Perl from 5.005_03 to 5.6.0. Apache::DB _was_ 
working fine.

When I add a breakpoint, tab completion works fine to enter a sub name, and no errors 
are given by the debugger. However, doing an 'L' doesn't show any breakpoints, and no 
breaks occur.

I've tried replacing in 5.6.0 with the version from 5.005_03, but the 
behaviour is the same.

Anyone else having this trouble? Anyone successfully used Apache::DB in 5.6.0?

  Jeremy Howard

Guide search engine (was Re: multiple copies of a module)

2000-05-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

Stas Bekman wrote:
 Hold on, at this very moment a few mod_perl fellas are working on having a
 good search engine for the guide. Just give it some more time, I'm trying
 to bring the best so it'll take a while...
I'm glad you brought this up again. Since I mentioned I'd be happy to host such a 
thing, and asked for suggestions, I've got a total of one (from Stas--thanks!). That 
suggestion was to use ht://dig

Has anyone got a search engine up and running that they're happy with? Stas has made 
the good point that it needs to be able to hilight found words, since the pages are 
quite large. If anyone has a chance to do a bit of research about (free) search 
engines, I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know what you find out. It'd be 
nice publicity if it was mod_perl based, I guess, but it doesn't really matter.

My only concern is that it seems a little odd to keep this just to the Guide. Wouldn't 
it be useful for the rest of I wouldn't have thought it's much extra 
work to add a drop-down box to search specific areas of the sight (the Guide being 

If there's a good reason to have the Guide's search engine separate to the rest of, should it have a separate domain (,

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Guide search engine (was Re: multiple copies of a module)

2000-05-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

 BTW: Your email client is broken and not wrapping words.

I know--sorry. I'm fixing that this week. I'm just going through the RFCs to see 
exactly how to implement this right... (The email client is a web-based thing I've 
written in mod_perl--of course ;-)
 I just wrote a very simple SQL based engine - so I would say I'm happy
 with that. It's fast and it's all in perl. I could very simply rip out the
 search parts of the code for someone to play with if they wanted to.

Sounds good. Personally, I'd rather a simple engine we can fiddle with ourselves than 
a big system written in C. Does your engine generate a database from flat files? Is 
there some basic parameterisation (a 'stop list' for common words, definable 'keyword' 
characters, ...)?
 I think word highlighting is overrated. It's only necessary in this case
 because the guide is so damn huge now. The size problem could be
 eliminated by making the guide split itself up into smaller sections. My
 proposal would be to do that by converting the guide to docbookXML and use
 AxKit to display the resulting docbook pages. The AxKit docbook
 stylesheets are nice and friendly, and written in Perl, not some obscure
 XML stylesheet language. And after all that, it would make converting the
 guide to a format O'Reilly likes to publish (i.e. docbook), trivial.
Your word highlighting statement is, I suspect, controversial. On the other hand, 
converting to docbook is unlikely to meet much resistance from users--as long as Stas 
doesn't mind maintaining it!... To get the best of both worlds, why not simply chain 
the search engine result through a filter that does the highlighting. I bet someone's 
written such a filter already--anyone?

  My only concern is that it seems a little odd to keep this just to the
  Guide. Wouldn't it be useful for the rest of I
  wouldn't have thought it's much extra work to add a drop-down box to
  search specific areas of the sight (the Guide being one)... already has a search engine.
So I've heard, but:
*  Where is it? (doing a Find on the front page doesn't show it)
*  Does it do highlighting?
*  Can you select a subset of the site? (e.g. just the Guide)

  If there's a good reason to have the Guide's search engine separate to
  the rest of, should it have a separate domain
  (, ?
Looks like is taken:

   Domain Name: MODPERL.ORG
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Name Server: DNS2.BASCOM.COM
   Name Server: DNS.THAKKAR.NET
   Updated Date: 24-nov-1999

They're not using it though--maybe they would transfer? Probably better to stick in 
the domain though.

BTW, thanks to everyone who's already responded privately to my renewed request. Keep 
it up!

  Jeremy Howard

Re: Guide search engine (was Re: multiple copies of a module)

2000-05-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

...the search facility
  *  Where is it? (doing a Find on the front page doesn't show it)
 At the bottom of all guide pages.
How funny--I'd never even noticed it!

I see that it's using 'Swish-E' Stas--did you 
get that up and running? Can we tailor it for our needs?

Here's an attempt at listing what I think we've decided we should aim for:
- Allow restriction of search to just the guide
- Allow searching of other documents through a popup selection (probably make the 
guide the default?)
- Highlight found words
- Try and index in a way that suits programmers, not English writers. e.g. include @, 
%, $, ::, in indexed words.

Have I missed anything? (I'm ignoring the docbook issue for the moment since it's not 
directly related, and I guess it's really Stas' call anyhow.)

I would have thought the best bet would be to put it on the footer of every page. A popup which allows selecting a subset of the site might 
default to either 'whole site' or 'mod_perl Guide', or maybe it changes it's default 
to whatever part of the site is currently being viewed...

The outstanding issues, I believe, are:
- Who looks after the search facility? Are they happy to expand its 
functionality as described?
- What tool? Potential options so far are Swish-e, htdig, or custom Perl (perhaps 
based on Matt's engine). Any of these could be piped through a word-hilighting filter
- What's the best 1st step? i.e. How can we get a simple search going quickly, while 
providing the foundation for a more complete system down the track?
- Who's going to do the actual work? As I've mentioned, if a machine is required, I'm 
happy to provide it. However, I don't have the experience in this area to lead the 
work--although of course I'll contribute where I can! It would be nice to get a 
private mailing list going to avoid filling up this list too much more.

Anyone who's interesting in getting involved, email me, and I'll ensure that I add 
your name to the list. You don't have to be a programming guru, of course... there's 
always plenty of ways to get involved in these things.

  Jeremy Howard

Re: speed up/load balancing of session-based sites

2000-05-09 Thread Jeremy Howard

Murali said:
 As I understand from this discussion we have 2 methods involving creating a
 session-server which will store all session data.
 a) NFS mount a server which will store all session data
 b) Have a DB in this server which stores this data. Through a network
 connect to the DB and retrieve the info.

I don't think you have to take either approach to store all session specific data. 
When a session is started, simply use a redirect a go to a URL that includes the IP 
address of the machine that will serve this session. From then on, the session will 
always go to the same machine, and therefore the session data doesn't have to be 
centralised or distributed.

The downside of this is that bookmarked pages will not contain your normal internet 
address, but instead the address of the specific server that is serving the current 
session. Although a little unattractive, it doesn't really matter. Just make sure that 
when this bookmark is used, you deal with it properly. That is, notice that this 
session id is no longer active on this machine, and create a new session just like the 
'front-end' server would. The 2nd downside is that the first connection in a new 
session may have one additional redirect. The front-end server needs access to a 
central data store to do authentication (since it needs to know about _all_ users), 
but that only generally needs a username/password/userid, so it's unlikely to cause 
very much network traffic.

  Jeremy Howard

Re: [OT] Great book!

2000-05-09 Thread Jeremy Howard

 another great one ive yet to purchase is object oriented perl
 there is some sample chapters 
 online somewhere

It really is a tremendous book. I thought I knew OO Perl pretty well, but after 
reading Conway's book I realised I'd hardly begun!... Some of the useful techniques 
*  Using closures to create static class data
*  Encapsulation with Pseudo-hashes and 'use fields'
*  Secure encapsulation with SecureHash and the flyweight pattern
*  Auto generating classes with Method::Maker
*  Implementing persistance
*  Inheriting class data
*  Blessing regexps, subs, and globs

I could keep going, but there's a taste... There's a good forum at the attached 
web-site that Conway visits regularly.

  Jeremy Howard

Re: search engine for the Guide

2000-05-05 Thread Jeremy Howard

At 01:28 PM 5/4/00 +0300, Stas Bekman wrote:
Two things:

1) I'd better concentrate on improving the content and structure of the
Guide and will leave this search engine task to someone who needs to use
the Guide but find it unusable without the proper search engine.

2) doesn't have mod_perl installed, so it's better to use
some other site. I don't have any.

I'd be happy to host a search engine on my site. I'm not prepared to write one from 
scratch though, so if anyone has any suggestions of what the best 'off-the-shelf' 
solutions are I'd love to hear.

One option is to use Google. Have a look at this link
(put it on one line, of course). It highlights the searched terms ('mod_perl' 'guide' 
in this case). Google doesn't allow searches within a site. However, if the same 
unique string were placed on each page of the guide, adding that string to the search 
query would only return hits from the guide. I think the best way to do this would be 
to create a custom search page that links to Google, and automatically includes the 
unique string in the request.

Of course, if there are any free search tools that provide this functionality and come 
with source, that would be even better!

Re: [request] live server updates + ideas for guide/control.html

2000-05-02 Thread Jeremy Howard

On 5/2/00 2:19 PM, Stas Bekman wrote: 2. 
The other request is about the "Controlling and Monitoring the Server" 
chapter itself. Do you think that in addition to the existing items (see 
below) you/we want to see other things related to this chapter.
I'd be interested in seeing information on safe 
production updates in multi-server situations. Another interesting angle here 
would be how to get CVS to help with the process as much as 

I'd also like to see ideas on how to run 
maintenance on data without taking down the server. For example, I've got a 
number of 'clean-up daemons' (basically big SQL update statements that check the 
consistency in a MySQL database) that I'd like to run regularly, but some of 
which require an exclusive lock on the tables.

Finally, in the 'An Intentional Disabling of Live 
Scripts' section, I think a neater solution is to have an IfDefine 
in your .conf file, like:
IfDefine maint PerlHandler Construction
IfDefine !maint
 PerlHandler MyApp

An then create aliases which add -Dmaint to calls 
to httpd/apachectl during the maintenance process.

Security in displaying arbitrary HTML

2000-04-27 Thread Jeremy Howard

I'm interested in providing 'HTML email' support for my users (like HotMail, Outlook 
Express, Eudora 4.0, etc provide), but I'm very nervous about security. Essentially, 
providing HTML email involves letting any arbitrary HTML get displayed by Apache...

Has anyone done this, or can anyone provide any tips on what the minimum amount of 
HTML laundering I need to do to avoid security holes? I say 'minimum', because I would 
like to maximise the amount of working HTML users can receive.

I assume I don't have to worry about PHP/EmbPerl/etc tags, since by the time mod_perl 
is finished with it, it's too late for other handlers to step in (unless I 
specifically chain them). Is that right? The only potential holes I can think of are 
'javascript:' URLs, which I could just filter out, and cross-site scripting URLs (does 
anyone have any code that recognises hrefs with potential cross-site scripting 


Re: Avoiding redefining constant subs

2000-04-13 Thread Jeremy Howard

  I've been getting frustrated by the mandatory warning created by 'use
  constant' under mod_perl, caused by constant subroutines being redefined
  when imported. In particular, with Archive::Zip this was adding hundreds
  lines to my log every restart.

 what version of Perl are you using?
 the mandatory constant-sub-redefined warning went away in 5.004_66:

Sorry--you're quite right... it's not a mandatory warning at all any more. I
run all my scripts when developing under -w, so I still get the warning.

I think it would be useful to specifically check that the sub is not already
defined in the caller's namespace:
if (!(defined {"${pkg}::$name"})) {
import the const sub

This works fine for me... without it, it's very hard to notice many warnings
which provide useful diagnostic information. Worse still, some people may
just turn off -w altogether to avoid their logs filling up.