[Mpls] Donating to the City

2005-12-01 Thread Sheldon Mains
You could make the check out to the Friends of the Minneapolis Public
Library.  The building portion of the capital campaign is complete but there
is still a chance to contribute to improving the collection.  Pledge form is

Sheldon Mains
Trustee Elect to the Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis

Original Message..
Matty Lang wrote:
 In all seriousness, I was thinking about doing this  today.  But, to 
whom do I write the check?  The Minneapolis  Finance Department?  If I wrote

and sent an unsolicited check to  the City would it deposit it?  Would the
City  Council need to take  an official action to accept my gift?  Would I
be able to  earmark  my gift to a department/program of my choice?  
  I just searched the City's website without luck.  I entered a  number of 
different phrases into the search engine about paying exta  taxes and making

contributions to the City without finding instructions  on how to do so.  I 
even checked the Minneapolis One Stop page  without success.  
  Any help would be welcome.  
  Matty Lang, 

Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2718 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406 

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Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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[Mpls] Strib Editorial

2005-11-07 Thread Sheldon Mains
So, I can't resist reminding the list of my post back on October 3

> Star Tribune - Editorial: Land swap might help new library 
> Pelli's beautiful building deserves a more aesthetic setting.
> Star Tribune:  http://www.startribune.com/stories/1519/5709346.html

> -Original Message-----
> From: Sheldon Mains [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 10:37 AM
> To: 'mpls@mnforum.org'
> Subject: RE: [Mpls] "Opus asks Mpls. to swap land"
> The site OPUS wants is the old Nicollet Hotel block, just 
> north of the new Central Library.  A block the city has been 
> unsuccessful at developing as a joint project with a bus 
> transfer facility. At one time it was planned to be part of 
> the Central Library but when it was not needed, the city 
> restarted its efforts for a joint private/public development. 
> In an ideal world, the block north of the new Library should 
> be a park.  It would tie the library with the river, it could 
> be a fitting tribute to the old Historic Bridge Square 
> (although I believe Bridge Square was one block closer to the 
> river).  The ideal could happen if the city used the $10 
> million federal transportation grant it has to build the bus 
> transfer facility underground with a park on top of it 
> (although I don't know what the costs are for that option--it 
> may be more expensive than the $10 million).  But the city 
> wants (needs??) a mixed use development with a private 
> developer.  Also, the proposed OPUS land swap would put the 
> bus transfer facility next to the light rail station--a good thing.
> So, since the city is only getting 2/3 of the square footage 
> in the exchange, and is giving up one of the most visible 
> blocks downtown, it seems to me that the city could put some 
> controls on the proposed Nicollet Hotel site development--say 
> keeping a green space on the Hennepin side to provide a 
> pedestrian friendly entrance to the City and keeping the 
> Hennepin side of the development very low rise (say 0 to 2 
> stories) to maintain a view of the library and planetarium.  
> Also, getting the developer to pay for a skyway link to the 
> Library and a skyway link from the library across 4th 
> Street--the new library is designed for those links). (OK, 
> I'm probably asking for a lot but might as well start with the ideal)
> sheldon
> ...
> Sheldon Mains
> DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library 
> Board of Trustees http://www.MainsForLibrary.org 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149 Mains for Library 
> Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 
> "It is incredibly important to this country that we have 
> people who run libraries that actually believe in reading 
> books instead of burning them."
>Howard Dean
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Gaarder
> > Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 7:35 AM
> > To: mpls@mnforum.org
> > Subject: [Mpls] "Opus asks Mpls. to swap land"
> > 
> > 
> > OPUS proposes swapping a 50,000 square foot parcel it owns
> > for a 75,000 square foot parcel that the city owns.
> > 
> > 
> > >From the article:
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > "It's an innovative concept," said Mike Christenson,
> > Minneapolis' planning director.
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > One complication is that the Powers site, located along South
> > Fifth Street between Nicollet Mall and Marquette Avenue, 
> > doesn't have access to South Fourth 
> > Street, which would be required for the site to work as a bus depot.
> > 
> > http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2005/10/03/story
> 1.html?page=2
> 1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at 
> http://www.e-democracy.org/rules. If you think a member is in 
> violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> before continuing it on the list.
> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> For state and national discussions see: 
> http://e-democracy.org/discuss.html
> For external forums, see: http://e-democracy.org/mninteract 
> Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic 
> Discussion - Mn E-Democracy Post messages to: 
> mailto:mpls@mnforum.org Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: 
> http://e-democracy.org/mpls

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Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

[Mpls] last chance you can pretend to be a political pundit

2005-11-04 Thread Sheldon Mains
This Saturday, November 5 there will be a fundraiser for Laura Waterman
Wittstock's and my campaign. 

It will be one of your last chances to talk with other political types,
pretend you know who will win in each ward, predict who will be our next
mayor, and pontificate on the value of having independent boards. 

Don't worry, we won't force you to make these predictions and there will be
plenty of people to talk with about non-political things--and there will be
some great art to check out.

OK, I'll stop trying to be humorous.  (I probably should leave humor writing
to the professionals.)

Seriously, you are invited to our fundraiser:

Join us at the very cool Frank Stone Gallery and meet artists from all 
over the city that support Sheldon and Laura. Arts are vitally 
important to the cultural life of Minneapolis and libraries are 
irreplaceable resources that artists use in creating and showing their 


WHEN: Saturday, November 5, 2005
TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Frank Stone Gallery 1224 Second Street NE, Minneapolis 55413 
SUGGESTED CONTRIBUTION: Artists: $10.00 Others $35.00

Enjoy tasty tidbits and wine provided through the generosity and 
support of Sam & Sylvia Kaplan

Rosy Simas Guthrie, Choreographer
J.T. Guthrie, Painter, Photographer
Michael Thomsen, Painter
Marilyn Lindstrom, Public Artist, Painter
Marcie Rendon, Writer
Malichansouk  Kouanchao, Painter, Web Designer
Britta Hallin, Performance / Visual Artist
Dawn Strom, Dancer
Kristina Graber, Dancer
Kelly Morgan, Painter
Aldo Moroni, Sculptor
Nathanael Flink, Painter
Julie Buffalohead, Painter
Jina Penn, Dancer/Sketch Artist
Robert DesJarlait, Muralist

Thanks! - Laura and Sheldon
Como Neighborhood and Seward Neighborhood

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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[Mpls] Library Budget

2005-11-04 Thread Sheldon Mains
Catching up from a busy week.

On Monday Craig summarized the library budget information I talked to him
about in Ballot Box

You can find more detail on my website at http://www.MainsForLibrary.org.
Just click on the budget link at the top center.

Also, the Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library have background
information at

This budget information shows why we need library board members who can
understand detailed and confusing budgets and who can and will work with all
the council members and whoever is elected Mayor.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
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Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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[Mpls] (no subject)

2005-10-31 Thread Sheldon Mains
Strib Editorial: 
Library crisis calls for stronger board

We favor Duckor, Wittstock, Mains, Thaden, Krueger and Hooker to guide city
libraries through hard decisions.


Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at http://www.e-democracy.org/rules. If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
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Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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[Mpls] Important Ways and Means Committee Wednesday

2005-10-10 Thread Sheldon Mains
Come and support the Minneapolis Library System tomorrow:

2006-2008 Library Budget Presentation to the City Council Ways & Means
Committee by Director Kit Hadley

Wednesday, October 12 at 10:30

Room 317, City Hall, 350 S.5th Street

More info at www.MainsForLibrary.org

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at http://www.e-democracy.org/rules. If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
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Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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RE: [Mpls] "Opus asks Mpls. to swap land"

2005-10-03 Thread Sheldon Mains
The site OPUS wants is the old Nicollet Hotel block, just north of the new
Central Library.  A block the city has been unsuccessful at developing as a
joint project with a bus transfer facility. At one time it was planned to be
part of the Central Library but when it was not needed, the city restarted
its efforts for a joint private/public development. 

In an ideal world, the block north of the new Library should be a park.  It
would tie the library with the river, it could be a fitting tribute to the
old Historic Bridge Square (although I believe Bridge Square was one block
closer to the river).  The ideal could happen if the city used the $10
million federal transportation grant it has to build the bus transfer
facility underground with a park on top of it (although I don't know what
the costs are for that option--it may be more expensive than the $10
million).  But the city wants (needs??) a mixed use development with a
private developer.  Also, the proposed OPUS land swap would put the bus
transfer facility next to the light rail station--a good thing.

So, since the city is only getting 2/3 of the square footage in the
exchange, and is giving up one of the most visible blocks downtown, it seems
to me that the city could put some controls on the proposed Nicollet Hotel
site development--say keeping a green space on the Hennepin side to provide
a pedestrian friendly entrance to the City and keeping the Hennepin side of
the development very low rise (say 0 to 2 stories) to maintain a view of the
library and planetarium.  Also, getting the developer to pay for a skyway
link to the Library and a skyway link from the library across 4th
Street--the new library is designed for those links). (OK, I'm probably
asking for a lot but might as well start with the ideal)

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Gaarder
> Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 7:35 AM
> To: mpls@mnforum.org
> Subject: [Mpls] "Opus asks Mpls. to swap land"
> OPUS proposes swapping a 50,000 square foot parcel it owns 
> for a 75,000 square foot parcel that the city owns.
> >From the article:
> ...
> "It's an innovative concept," said Mike Christenson, 
> Minneapolis' planning director.
> ...
> One complication is that the Powers site, located along South 
> Fifth Street between Nicollet Mall and Marquette Avenue, 
> doesn't have access to South Fourth 
> Street, which would be required for the site to work as a bus depot.
> http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2005/10/03/story
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Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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RE: [Mpls] Zimmermann Denies Accusations on NRP

2005-10-03 Thread Sheldon Mains
Slight correction, it was on Minnesota Public Radio, not NPR(National Public

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> "Minneapolis City Councilmember Dean Zimmermann says he 
> didn't take any bribes or solicit them. Zimmermann is the 
> target of a federal corruption investigation. He has not been 
> charged, but he has been accused by an FBI agent of accepting 
> several thousand dollars in bribes from a local developer."
> http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/2005/09/29_will

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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RE: [Mpls] Re: Mpls Digest, Vol 21, Issue 69

2005-10-01 Thread Sheldon Mains
It was a great event--the music was awesome.  I think I had wild rice fixed
8 different ways.  Great buffalo and great venison.  Brought a friend from
my previous job who lives in the Woodbury and she was loved it.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of gemgram
> Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 9:54 PM
> To: Phyllis Kahn; mpls@mnforum.org
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] Re: Mpls Digest, Vol 21, Issue 69
> Thank you for coming Phyllis.  About 350 people came and 
> bought tickets, and 
> like you very much enjoyed the food and fun. We had an 
> additional 50 elders 
> who were provided with tickets. Even so we had lots of food 
> left over.  No 
> Buffalo, and only a little fried bread,  but plenty of beef, 
> pork, venison, 
> turkey, wild rice and other things. Well not really left 
> over, because it 
> all went to Anishinabe Wakaigun to feed the folks there.  
> Next year please 
> bring your friends, we will again make enough to feed 100 
> more than we 
> expect. I honestly can not imagine where anyone could get 
> more or better 
> food for ten dollars.  And have that ten dollars be a 
> donation to help 
> children!
> Several political folks were in attendance and were giving 
> donations rather 
> than asking for them. A quality I can appreciate in a politician.
> Thank you, to all the folks who came and helped.
> Jan Graham organized and directed the whole thing, but all of 
> the staff and 
> volunteers had fun pitching in as a team. Some of the staff 
> such as Destiny 
> Rawls, Jan Graham, Iva Bunker and others were working and cooking at 
> midnight last night and then up and cooking at 4:00 or 5:00 
> AM this morning 
> to make the food.  Though we men helped, to be brutally 
> honest, it was the 
> women who did most of the planning as well as most of the 
> work.  Thank God 
> for them.
> Jim Graham,
> Ventura Village
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Phyllis Kahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 2:48 PM
> Subject: [Mpls] Re: Mpls Digest, Vol 21, Issue 69
> > Thanks so much for the posts about the American Indian 
> lunch. I went 
> > and it was terrific. I was only sorry I didn't bring all sorts of 
> > people with me. Please, next year, post a bit earlier so 
> those of us 
> > who react a bit more slowly can get organized.
> >
> > Phyllis Kahn   State Rep 59B
> 1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at 
> http://www.e-democracy.org/rules. If you think a member is in 
> violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> before continuing it on the list.
> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> For state and national discussions see: 
> http://e-democracy.org/discuss.html
> For external forums, see: http://e-democracy.org/mninteract 
> Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic 
> Discussion - Mn E-Democracy Post messages to: 
> mailto:mpls@mnforum.org Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: 
> http://e-democracy.org/mpls

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Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

RE: [Mpls] N4N Candidate Forum

2005-09-30 Thread Sheldon Mains
It was impressive to see all the City Council candidates in one long line.
Appeared to be more candidates that "real" public. (I was surprised at the
poor turnout at the N4N event--neighborhood activists should know how
important it is to be involved in the political process.) 

I was there from 6:15 to about 7:15 but had to attend another event.  (And
while community parks and community libraries are very important for strong
neighborhoods, there was no time for those candidates).

In general, the lack of "real" public (not people there to support one
candidate or another) has been consistent through the campaign.Just
about all the Library Candidate forums had more candidates than audience
(even counting campaign people in the audience).  Both the Chamber of
Commerce and the GetBOB events before the primary were poorly attended by
the public.  

I'm not faulting the organizations that are putting on the events--many have
gone out of their way to publicize the events.  It is just very difficult
for people to find the time in their busy lives to attend these things. I
have talked to many more voters at community events like Seward's King's
Fair or the Pratt Ice Cream Social.  To fit into people's lives, candidates
have to go to where the voters are. 
An additional problem is the lack of coverage of the election by any of our
major media.  (There is a great story about the local primary elections in
the Onion this week--
 http://www.theonion.com/content/node/40979 )

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at http://www.e-democracy.org/rules. If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
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2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

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Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

[Mpls] Former ED of MTN to be on Democracy Now! Friday...

2005-09-30 Thread Sheldon Mains
See below for details.

Tony was the Executive Director of MTN when MTN moved to St. Anthony Main
and when MTN started its Internet service and Internet classes. The Alliance
for Community Media is the national association of cable TV public access

This airs at noon on KFAI.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 8:23 PM
> Subject: I will be on Democracy Now! Friday...
> A quick note to let you know that I will be representing the Alliance 
> for Community Media on Democracy Now, Friday morning, Sept 30.
> The segment will be about the telecom bills making their way through 
> Congress.  If passed as they were released, some of them have the 
> potential for changing our society forever, eliminating community 
> space in electronic media, consolidating all information sources and 
> allowing the owner of the wire to censor and control all information 
> going into and out of your home.  Untold power, not science fiction. 
> Tune in and have your friends tune in.
> anytime for 24 hours via www.democracynow.org, audio or video 
> 8a est at www.mnn.org live stream
> Check listings in your area...
> Anthony Riddle
> Executive Director, Alliance for Community Media

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Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

RE: [Mpls] how taxes work...

2005-09-22 Thread Sheldon Mains
Just a few comments on Wizard's comments on the new central library.  I am
not on the library board now (nor have I ever been) but I do think building
the new downtown library was the right decision.

>WizardMarks, Central:
> The new library did not need to be built, but the old 
> central library did need to be repaired, which repairs could have been 
> done for far less than $110 million. What's worse, we knew--or should 
> have known, it wasn't a secret--going into the election that the $110 
> million was not enough to build the new library and the planetarium. We 
> also knew that MPL had no fund raising apparatus, which meant it had no 
> clue about how to raise funds other than the referendum or raising the 
> mil rate. However, raising the mil rate wasn't an option since the city 
> council and the mayor refused to back raising the mil rate.

The old central library had the following problems:
* Did not meet fire code
* Major ADA accessibility problems
* Was not sprinkled
* Did not meet OSHA standards (a structural issue with the "stacks")
* 85% of the books out of public reach in the "stacks"
* Outdated heating, AC and power systems
* Power and communications wiring not designed to be modified
* Limited parking

Yes, most of that could have been fixed --new stair wells, sprinkling the
whole building, new mechanical and electrical systems, new restrooms,
pulling out half of the basement floors so there was adequate clearance.  It
would have been very expensive (If I remember right, at least $50 million
but I could be wrong).  And we would have been left with a building that
still had limited parking, 85% of the books out of public reach (the stacks
could not have been made accessible to the public), and still an ugly 1960's
urban renewal building. (Yes I would have preferred that the old library at
10th and Hennepin had been kept but that decision was made almost 50 years
ago and it is now--still--a parking lot.)

The new central library is designed to allow for easy updating of power and
communications systems as technology changes, will have 85% of the books
open to the public, will cost less to heat and cool (buildings built in the
60s were notorious for lack of energy considerations), significant public
parking under the library, and require less staff (for one thing, there is
no longer the need for a legion of "gophers" running around the unsafe
stacks to retrieve books based on public "call slips.")

I'm not sure where Wizard is going with the fundraising comments.  Yes, the
library board had a REALLY bad (maybe no) record for raising funds but, with
the help of an invigorated Friends organization (Colin Hamilton--the ED of
the Friends--needs to get an award for what he has done with the Friends),
they will reach the fundraising goal of $15 million (they have less than
$70,000 to go).  (One thing I want to do as a Library Board member is to
build on that success to do a better job fundraising for the collection and
for special programs and build on that success to build a grassroots
lobbying organization to promote the Library System.)

With regard to the Planetarium, that was never planned to be in the
referendum.  In fact, past Library Boards really didn't like having it. It
is now in the plan, the building was designed and the structure has been
built to accommodate it (and it is still coming in under budget), the
legislature has approved the state funds needed and the fundraising has
started.  Construction of it is planned to start next summer.  

Yes, we probably could have built a concrete box warehouse like central
library outside of the central business district for less but I would argue
that libraries are important buildings and should be designed to feel
important. The design specifications Andrew Carnage required for all the
libraries he funded were designed to make sure libraries felt like important
places and that the people going into a library felt important.  You could
also look at libraries as our society's monuments to the Bill of Rights.  

I admit that some people don't like the design of the new library (I happen
to like well designed modern architecture and like the building--my request
is that people wait to judge it until it is completed.).  But it will be an
important downtown building.  It will be the library that is most accessible
to people who rely on public transit.  It will be the building that housing
most of the special collections.  It will have a children's area and a teen
area that will be destinations for families.  It will be one of two
library/planetarium combinations in the world--the other one in Alexandria,

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RE: [Mpls] Latest Vikings Stadium Proposal

2005-09-21 Thread Sheldon Mains
A little known fact:
Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington was paid for and built by the City of
Minneapolis in the early 1960's in an effort to get a major league baseball
team for the Minneapolis side of the river when both Minneapolis and St.
Paul were working on getting a team. (I am not sure of the funding structure
but I think it was municipal bonds paid for by stadium income)

 (I have always questioned whether we really got a "major league" team.")

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 
> How long were the Vikings in Bloomington before coming to Minneapolis?
> .
> Chris Johnson
> Fulton

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RE: [Mpls] Turnout: Best and Worst by Precinct

2005-09-16 Thread Sheldon Mains
Looking at the numbers in more detail:

The 14% voter turnout is calculated using the registered voters from last
year.  Last year's election saw a surge in voters because of the contentious
presidential race.  So the number of registered voters for this election is
artificially high.

Voter turn out is always higher in Presidential years because of the media
coverage (and in the Governor elections).  In a city race, you will not see
candidates buying advertising on TV (too expensive); you don't see media
providing much coverage of Minneapolis City elections (Minneapolis City
population is less than 10% of the market for the major papers or TV).  All
this means that the race is much less visible to the general public(and this
is even more true for a primary election).

Low precincts:
W2 P4 .78%  -- U of M dorms and the "Frat row" account for more than 95%.
Students are not back yet.  Also, voting was unusually high in the
Presidential election.

W2 P 11 2.26% --almost the same, but does have some non-dorm housing in the
Neighborhood between the 94 exit and Oak Street.

W3 P1 2.14% --Dinkytown east of I 35--mostly student housing. 

Not sure about why 5-7 and 4-9 were low (5-7 includes the major
re-development of the North side public housing area) 

High precincts:
W2 P2 32.13%--the part of Seward south of Franklin, next to the river--just
east of my house.  (Just south of Cam Gordon's home.  Cara Letofsky lives
right in the center of the precinct.)
> 2) W7 P2 29.55%
> 3) W8 P7 28.81%
> 4) W13 P6 27.39%
> 5) W13 P7 26.76%

On average, all of the high precincts are higher income areas (all bordering
the river or a lake except 8-7)

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
http://www.MainsForLibrary.org [EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

> -Original Message-
> From: Aaron Klemz
> Questions of overall turnout are interesting, but I'm
> fascinated by the unevenness of turnout. So I went and did a 
> quick look see of the highest and lowest turnout
> precincts:
> Lowest (by percentage):
> 1) W2 P4 .78%
> 2) W3 P1 2.14%
> 3) W2 P11 2.26%
> 4) W5 P7 5.12%
> 5) W4 P9 5.14%
> Highest (by percentage)
> 1) W2 P2 32.13%
> 2) W7 P2 29.55%
> 3) W8 P7 28.81%
> 4) W13 P6 27.39%
> 5) W13 P7 26.76%
> We talk about high and low turnout wards, but the
> numbers tell a complicated story of wide precinct
> level swings in turnout. In my home Ward 2 - the
> highest turnout and two of the lowest are in the Ward.
> A shout out to my neighbors in my home precinct (W2
> P2) for leading the city in turnout. Any theories
> about the outliers as to why they are so high or low?
> Part of the problem I have in interpreting the results
> is that I'm not as aware of the different precinct boundaries, but 
> those of you who live in these precincts might offer theories as to 
> why.
> aaron klemz
> cooper
> W2 P2 Voter
> +++
> Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota
> +++
> __
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RE: [Mpls] My spin on the 2005 primary, citywide and 8th ward

2005-09-15 Thread Sheldon Mains
> RT Rybak's support in the SW wards put him on top in the 
> primary, but might 
> not carry him to victory in November. The specific gravity of the SW 
> Minneapolis vote is almost certain to be much lower in 
> November. I suspect Rybak is much 
> less popular with Green Party voters than 4 years ago.

I was just doing some analysis for my campaign so I was looking at the 2001
general election results.

In the 2001 general election, Wards 11, and 13 (the far southwest and south
central wards of Minneapolis) produced 23.08% of the vote.  If each ward
voted equally, the total should have been only 15.38% of the vote.  

So, what is my point?  Before we speculate on what will happen, lets look at
the history.  The President has provided us with enough faith based
analysis.  I really don't need to read it on this list.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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[Mpls] DFL Central Committee tonight--any move for endorsements?

2005-09-15 Thread Sheldon Mains
It was a non-event.

No motions to endorse anyone for any of the offices that do not have current
DFL endorsed candidates.  No debate, no discussion--just no endorsements.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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RE: [Mpls] election results

2005-09-14 Thread Sheldon Mains
First, in a field of 19, 10% is very good.  The percent on the table is
calculated using the total number of votes cast in the Library election.
This is up to six votes per voter.  If every candidate got an equal number
of votes, that would mean that each would have received 5.26% of the vote.

Second: Besides the 10 forums that Laura Wittstock organized, Laura and I
have been out campaigning since this spring--at a number of neighborhood
events, door knocking and getting our literature to the doors of voters.
I've also seen Alan Hooker, Rod Krueger, Laurie Savran and Gary Thaden out
in the communities and neighborhoods of Minneapolis. 

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

> > Library Board
> > Only Wittstock breaks 10% in that crowded field.
> > Talk about a confusing selection for voters.  How many
> > of those candidates actually did any campaigning?  For
> > someone who hasn't been able to go to debates, I had
> > to do some real deep researching to find any info on
> > them.  HEY CANDIDATES, join the 20th century and put
> > up at least a boilerplate website!

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[Mpls] RE: results page

2005-09-13 Thread Sheldon Mains
Doing some paper work and found this line in a city mailing:

"Due to changing wireless technologies for transmitting election results on
election night, Minneapolis will not be able to provide immediate unofficial
election results following the closing of the polls...Unofficial
election night results will start to be available on the City website by
approximately 9:15 pm..."

Anyone know the details of why the results we be delayed by an hour?

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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RE: [Mpls] FBI jurisdiction

2005-09-12 Thread Sheldon Mains
silly me, i thought that the current so called "republicans" claimed to
stand for less government and a "strict interpretation" of the constitution.

WARNING--Sarcasm alert--the above was an attempt at sarcasm.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> Ed Felien wrote:
> >David Brauer raises an interesting point about the 
> appropriateness of 
> >the FBI intervening in this case.  The FBI assumes a mandate because 
> >the City of Minneapolis is using Federal funds somewhere in 
> its budget.  
> >This narrow justification strains credibility, and it was 
> the basis of 
> >Basim Sabri's appeal that went all the way to the U. S. 
> Supreme Court.  
> >Unfortunately, the activist and interventionist Supreme 
> Court overruled 
> >the Appeals Court verdict and granted the FBI power to intervene 
> >everywhere Federal dollars are spent.
> >  
> >WizardMarks, Central
> Is that crashing sound I hear yet another right of autonomy falling 
> away? "Some days it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather 
> straps." --Emo Phillips

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RE: [Mpls] Unconditionally support Dean Zimmerman

2005-09-09 Thread Sheldon Mains
I've known Dean Z for years--from when he first was elected to the Park

Dean take a bribe?  You've got to be kidding! 

While I'm not supporting him in this election (I had a hard choice between
two friends brought on by some stupid redistricting), I'm behind him and
Jenny 100 percent in this fight. He is one of the most understanding and
caring politicians we have in this city.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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RE: [Mpls] How taxes work. Why taxes are going up.

2005-09-09 Thread Sheldon Mains
One of the interesting things about the Republican/Ventura property tax
changes (reduced rates on commercial, industrial and some residential rental
property) is that the rental residential tax break was designed to only help
the larger property owners.  There was NO reduction in tax rates for owners
of duplexes or triplexes.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

.From Jason S., Harrison.
> . 
> Nonetheless, my own analysis of the tax burden would lead me 
> to believe the range within the rental-market tax base itself 
> is quite wide with the largest relief having gone to the 
> largest developers.  Hence, those dollar-weighted averages in 
> published reports do not equally display the smaller landlord 
> rental environment which is likely not as favorable.

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RE: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys etc

2005-08-22 Thread Sheldon Mains
To get a little away from the corporate naming issue:

Here are some suggested names for parts of the new Central Library.

1. Something BIG named after Gratia Countryman (Like the whole building).
She didn't start the Minneapolis Library System but made it a great system
and defended it during the Great Depression.

2. The central atrium or auditorium: "The Nellie Stone Johnson Hall"
Johnson was the first Black elected official in Minnesota (elected to the
Minneapolis Library Board), community and union organizer. (See www.
WorkDayMinnesota.org, search on Nellie Stone Johnson or click on:

3. The Government Documents section should be named for Eileen Cooke, former
head of the Washington Office of the American Library Association (and a
former employee of the MPL).  Besides getting significant federal funding
for libraries, she was working on telecommunications policy, copyright law
and government information policy before anyone thought it was important.

Just some ideas to think about.  We need to do a much better job of honoring
the great women of our community.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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RE: [Mpls] KFAI candidate lists and profiles

2005-08-22 Thread Sheldon Mains
KFAI contacted me almost 4 weeks ago. I received an email from a KFAI
volunteer about this back on July 25. And I know they contacted the Friends
of the Minneapolis Library to find more Library candidates.  But even if you
didn't receive a notice from KFAI, don't blame them--they are low budget,
rely on volunteers and did make an effort. It has been on their Website for
weeks. Candidates and campaigns are responsible for finding out about
opportunities (I know how hard it was for the Friends of the Minneapolis
Public Library to contact all the Library Board candidates).  

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dan McGrath
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 7:45 PM
> To: mpls@mnforum.org
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] KFAI candidate lists and profiles
> I don't think KFAI made much of an effort to contact 
> candidates about this otherwise really neat feature. I just 
> recently stumbled across it, and Dave Shegstad's recorded 
> audio message will be appearing there soon. Prior to my 
> notice of it, our campaign staff was unaware of the feature.
> Dan McGrath
> Longfellow
> http://www.shegstad.us
> > I am amazed to review the entire list of candidates in this 
> City and 
> > see that very few of them have taken advantage of the free 3-minute 
> > tape, profile and link to your website you get by the coverage of 
> > KFAI.
> >
> > It is an amazing service for the public and many of the candidates 
> > seem to not be using it as a way to get their "stump" speech out to 
> > the masses.
> >
> > Amazing, just amazing!
> >
> > And this is not a solicited ad - I am honestly just personally being
> amazed
> > and wanting to share it with you!
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> before continuing it on the list.
> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> For state and national discussions see: 
> http://e-democracy.org/discuss.html
> For external forums, see: http://e-democracy.org/mninteract 
> Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic 
> Discussion - Mn E-Democracy Post messages to: 
> mailto:mpls@mnforum.org Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at: 
> http://e-democracy.org/mpls

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RE: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread Sheldon Mains
> Wizard Marks wrote:

> For example: no 
> one seemed to understand that libraries are only about books 
> secondarily. Libraries are about people 
> Fourth: not one candidate had anything to say about thinking 
> outside the box

Topics I talked about (besides books)
Partnering with the Park Board and School board to better serve kids
(beyond the current summer reading program
Roy's (Hosmer Librarian) and Sally's (Franklin Librarian) activities
to involve their diverse communities.
Talking about libraries using new technology to help everyone be a


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RE: [Mpls] Skyway News story on Frank's Plumbing, Woodland

2005-08-16 Thread Sheldon Mains
> It's the sole grungy, industrial, secret treasure
> hold out building left in the neighborhood.  

It has all that weird plumbing stuff you need to keep the plumbing working
in the 90 year old house--and with the cost of some of the stuff, I've
probably made significant contributions to their bottom line.

> Down the street...the wood stove store Woodland has
> just moved out and the Twin City Florist Supply...another
> old building that was bursting with silk flowers, ribbons,
> and glass vases appears to be finally out of business.
> It's all getting too pretty and too shiny.

Woodland just moved to my Neighborhood--Seward--at 29th and Franklin--about
1.5 miles away.  According to our neighborhood newspaper, Woodland moved
because they needed a lot more space.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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[Mpls] Hosmer Library Forum will be recorded by KFAI

2005-08-15 Thread Sheldon Mains
Tomorrow night's library candidate forum at Hosmer Library will be recorded
for editing and use by KFAI in their news programming and on their website
(it will not be broadcast live).

This should make for an interesting forum and it would be great if we had
more public than candidates and campaign volunteers.

6:30 to 8:00 PM.  Tuesday, August 16

Hosmer Community Library
347 E. 36th St.
Minneapolis MN 55408
(4th Ave S and 36th Street--just get off I-35 and head west about 3 blocks)

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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RE: [Mpls] Absurdly long posts

2005-08-04 Thread Sheldon Mains
One more suggestion, if you want your post to be read by other list members,
KEEP IT SHORT! (Yes, I am yelling).

Also, make it easy to read, easy to skim. If I see an email that fills the
screen with only one or two paragraph breaks, I just delete it.  Use
paragraph breaks, use sub titles or section titles (you can highlight these
with two * at the beginning and end).  

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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[Mpls] Park thought police

2005-08-03 Thread Sheldon Mains
OK, that was a little strong.

But I had a little run in with a park manager at a National Night Out event
in a park who tired to tell me I had to "stand in one place and do not
approach anyone". I was campaigning for myself and Laura Wittstock for
Library Board and handing out our literature.  I ignored her statement and
she came back with a letter from Jon Gurban dated June 23 (it is the letter
rescinding the permit requirement for free speech).

The actual wording of the letter:

"I am also asking that any individual or small group who are in the Park
distributing literature to use common sense!  By that I mean please do not
block access or egress to Park Buildings or block or impede traffic on
parkways or paths.  Do not litter or bother parents  and guardians who may
have children in wading pools or people playing on athletic fields."

"Most importantly, the peaceful enjoyment and solitude of park patrons must
be respected."

Since I was not breaking up a basketball game, blocking a park building or
standing in the middle of a parkway or bothering parents or guardians
watching their children, I kept campaigning.  How she interpreted the letter
as "you have to stand in one place and don't approach anyone" is beyond me.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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RE: [Mpls] not quite rabbits

2005-07-21 Thread Sheldon Mains

Wizard--Just remember, according to Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Universe author) Humans are only the third most intelligent animals on
earth. Mice are actually the most intelligent and are really running
experiments on us (after fighting mice every fall when they find their way
into our 95 year old house, I tend to believe that).


Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor Endorsed
(And one of two candidates who admit to being Science Fiction fans) 
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

> -Original Message-
> From: wmmarks
> Subject: [Mpls] not quite rabbits
> Along with the Lake St. dig, I am having my back yard dug up and 
> revamped to add off street parking. Between Lake St. and my 
> workers, we 
> have honked off every field mouse, church mouse, country mouse, city 
> mouse, and vole around here. They are running all over the 
> place because 
> their habitat has been disturbed. They're coming in the house 
> where the 
> cats, true to form, are torturing and killing them. It's a sort of 
> Abu-Graib deal right here. Ish. I hate when the cats torture critters.

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RE: [Mpls] library forum tonight at Franklin

2005-07-21 Thread Sheldon Mains
> Thursday, July 21 
> 6:30 - 8:00 pm
> Franklin Community Library
> 13th Avenue and Franklin
> (parking on street)
> The first community library forum sponsored by the 
> Friends of the Minneapolis Library
> Question for the night--
> How many of the 18 candidates will show up?

This Saturday at 2 PM is the second forum at Washburn Community Library

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor endorsed
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
(one of 19 candidates--should be an interesting primary election)
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] library forum Tomorrow evening (Thursday

2005-07-20 Thread Sheldon Mains
Thursday, July 21 

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Franklin Community Library
13th Avenue and Franklin
(parking on street)

The first of 10 community library forums sponsored by the Friends of the
Minneapolis Library

Question for the night--
How many of the 18 candidates will show up?


Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor endorsed
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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RE: [Mpls] Met Council: Minneapolis loses population...

2005-07-19 Thread Sheldon Mains
>From the engineer in me:
Estimates to six significant figures are very odd (and not very
scientific)-- I thought statisticians new better.  I would also question the
four significant figures in the 2004 estimate as pretending to be much more
accurate than it really is.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406
> The change looks sort of like a rounding error:
> 2000: 382,747
> 2004: 382,400
> Thanks to everyone who stayed!
> David Brauer

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RE: [Mpls] Re: Park Board policy on campaigning

2005-06-14 Thread Sheldon Mains
it would be great to have this policy clarified since I was planning on
walking around Juneteenth this weekend with campaign literature. I would
prefer not to be stuck in the DFL booth the whole time.  Couldn't find
anything on the Park Board website.


Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] Campaigning on park property

2005-06-12 Thread Sheldon Mains
Campaigning is prohibited on park property?  Since when?

-Many of this year's DFL ward conventions were held on park property--with
many candidates campaigning --including current Park board members.

-Candidates campaign at neighborhood festivals--for example, at Windom and
Prospect Park last Friday I was campaigning.  At Prospect Park I saw a least
two Mayor candidates, two 2nd Ward candidates and at least one member of
Park Board.
Pride at Loring Park--always lots of candidates.

I plan on actively campaigning at all neighborhood events this year in city
parks and at Pride in Loring Park in two weeks.  I invite Gurban to have me
arrested. We'll have an interesting discussion of the first amendment. I
don't think that will happen because I expect (hope) the Park Board resolves
this issue before Pride.

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for 
Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis Unwired

2005-06-10 Thread Sheldon Mains
How does rating in the top 10 of the wi-fi cities (out of 100 that were
rated) give us a low wi-fi rate?  


Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

> -Original Message
> Minneapolis has a low wi-fi rate for its population. Thank 
> goodness for the  
> independent coffee shops. Here is the link: 
> _http://www.startribune.com/stories/535/5443822.html_ 
>> Bill Dooley

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RE: [Mpls] Insanity at Airport

2005-05-20 Thread Sheldon Mains
If my memory is correct from some airport history:
The land the airport sits on is a combination of Fort Snelling land, land
that was originally owned by the Minneapolis Park Board (I think it was a
auto race track), land in Minneapolis City limits and land in Richfield City

Anyone else have more info?  Am I right???


Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] Minneapolis DFL Convention Size

2005-05-17 Thread Sheldon Mains
To provide information for this debate, here are the number of actual
delegates for each ward (not the number allowed, not the number who came to
the ward conventions, not the number who came to the City convention. This
is the number of people who are on the lists from the precinct caucuses.

Ward Delegates
1 167   
2 319
3 152  
4 140   
5 162   
6 134  
7 251
8 314
9 156   
City 2895  

(For those of you who think wards 7, 10, 11, 12 , 13, are the largest wards,
take a look at Wards 2 and 8.  They were also the two largest wards at the
convention--and thus were the two that and to move to the bleachers first.)

Tim, do you have the actual turnout numbers by ward for the city convention?
(not on website)

sheldon, Seward neighborhood

Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] Minneapolis City DFL Convention Parking and other things

2005-05-13 Thread Sheldon Mains
Delegates, three important things regarding the rules for tomorrow:

If you think libraries are important, please plan to remain at the
convention until after the endorsements for Mayor, Board of Estimate and
Taxation and Park Board are finished.  The Library Board endorsements are
after these on the agenda and it may take a long time to get there.

Question period:
The rules for the convention do not include a question and answer period for
the Independent Board candidates (Library, Park and Board of Estimate and
Taxation) so, if you have any questions for me, please email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  or call my cell at 612/618-7149 (even during
the convention).

(I just received this from the arrangement committee.  It doesn't appear to
have gone out to delegates):
Parking is available in the Yellow Ramp that is North of the HealthPartners
Riverside Clinic (From Riverside, turn North on 23rd Avenue, go past the
Health Partners building.  The ramp is on the left.) Special rate $5.00
(each time you enter the ramp)
To get this rate, be prepared to show evidence of attending the convention.

If you want to find out more about me or my ideas about the library system,
visit my new, improved website at http://www.MainsForLibrary.org

Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] e-Democracy/Minneapolis Issues at the City DFL convention this Saturday?

2005-05-11 Thread Sheldon Mains
I only have one volunteer so far--We need MORE if we are going to make this

Are there list members interested in being at a table at the Minneapolis DFL
City convention to get people to sign-up for the list?  We have a banner and
a neat "electronic town square" model to draw people in.  

I'll print up sign-up forms and make the table reservation.  We'll find the
$60 fee someplace.  We just need volunteers.  Saturday, May 14, 9 AM until
at least 3 PM.

Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2718 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406 

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RE: [Mpls] Insane Obstacles to Common Sense at Library

2005-05-08 Thread Sheldon Mains

> >By the way, since we're talking about libraries, who else
> >thinks that the huge awning sticking out over Nicollet and Hennepin at
> >the top of the new Central Library is ugly.
> >
> WM: It will look quite a bit different when the planetarium is put up.

It will also look very different when it is done--you are seeing the basic
structure now, not the finished product.  While I liked the design drawing
of it, I'm withholding final judgment until the building is done.

Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
http://www.MainsForLibrary.org [EMAIL PROTECTED] 612/618-7149 
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

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[Mpls] Minneapolis Issues Forum PR at DFL convention?

2005-05-08 Thread Sheldon Mains
Are there list members interested in being at a table at the Minneapolis DFL
City convention to get people to sign-up for the list?  We have a banner and
a neat "electronic town square" model to draw people in.  

I'll print up sign-up forms and make the table reservation.  We'll find the
$60 fee someplace.  We just need volunteers.  Saturday, May 14, 9 AM until
at least 3 PM.

Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2718 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406 

1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at http://www.e-democracy.org/rules. If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list.

2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

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[Mpls] Candidate forums for Park and Library Board

2005-04-29 Thread Sheldon Mains
Thought the list would be interested in this:
> From: Joel Bergstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Forums for At-Large, DFL Park Board and Library Board 
> Candidates
> Unsure who's running for Park Board city-wide?  Confused about the 
> candidates for Library Board?  The SD60 DFL and the SD62 DFL are 
> sponsoring two forums to help inform you as delegates to the City DFL 
> Convention.
> SD60 is sponsoring a forum for Minneapolis Park Board 
> Commissioner-At-Large next Thursday, May 5, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 
> MLK Park and Rec. Center, 4055 Nicollet Ave. S.  Candidates seeking 
> DFL endorsement (Rochelle Berry Graves, Mary Merrill Anderson, Paula 
> Gilbertson, Meg Forney, John Lilly, and Tom Nordyke) have agreed to 
> participate.  For more information please check www.sd60dfl.org. If 
> you have any questions, Please call Ernie Lewis at (612) 605-8426.
> SD62 is sponsoring a forum for the at large Library Board candidates 
> on Tuesday, May 10th, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the CWA Hall located at 
> 35th Ave. and East Lake St. For more information contact Earl Netwal 
> All Delegates to the Minneapolis City DFL Convention (Saturday, May 
> 14) will have an opportunity to vote on endorsements in these 
> important races, so take this chance to learn more about the 
> candidates!

Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] Answer to Minneapolis traffic

2005-04-29 Thread Sheldon Mains
Adapted from SiliconValley.com - Good Morning Silicon Valley:

The answer to Minneapolis traffic: Not wider highways. Skinnier cars:

[Humor alert--this is a joke]


Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
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Post messages to: mailto:mpls@mnforum.org
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[Mpls] Ethics of rules committee elections

2005-04-20 Thread Sheldon Mains
I've been at many of the DFL ward conventions when the Rules committee
elections were held.  I the cases I've seen, there are usually candidates
from both Mayor races nominated. Those supporting RT have usually been
wearing RT stickers when they addressed the conventions.  Those supporting
McLaughlin have in not mentioned who they are supporting and, in most cases,
are not wearing the red McLaughlin buttons when they get up to talk to the

This difference is probably driven by different strategies in the two

Neither tactic is more ethical than the other--they are just different
> gemgram wrote:
> > Speaking of ethics, I was surprised to learn that one of RT's staff
> > ran for election to the DFL Rules Committee to the City Convention 
> > from the 6th Ward, and failed to disclose the fact that she WAS a 
> > staff member of RT Rybak.

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[Mpls] Planetarium included in bonding bill

2005-03-30 Thread Sheldon Mains
 $22 Million for the Mpls planetarium is included in the agreement just
reached on the bonding bill.

$24 million was requested for the $28 million dollar project.  See
http://www.mplanetarium.org/planetarium.htm for details


Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2718 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406 

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[Mpls] KBEM Update

2005-03-09 Thread Sheldon Mains
Great news for KBEM (to sign up for their email newsletter, go to

>From KBEM Newsletter:

> We are very pleased to announce the KBEM And Mn/DOT have 
> reached an agreement to continue our Traffic Radio 
> Partnership for another year,  effective March 15, 2005
> Mn/DOT has agreed to $200,000 in support for the 1 year 
> agreement, effective through March 14, 2006, enabling KBEM to 
> continue our transition to  self-sufficiency.
> In addition, Mn/DOT has agreed to provide KBEM access to the 
> RTMC (Regional Traffic Management Center)  facility for the 
> purpose of providing traffic information updates. 
> The agreement stipulates that KBEM may continue to broadcast 
> from the Regional Traffic Management Center in Roseville  
> beyond 2006,  but does not currently include financial 
> support  for this activity.
> We're excited about this great news and we'll  be actively 
> pursuing business and community sponsors to guarantee the 
> existence of this vital community service for years to come!
> Thanks so much for your advocacy and support for saving this 
> valuable service! 
> We couldn't do it without you!
> Thanks for listening
> Kevin Barnes
> Jazz88 KBEM  

Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2718 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406 

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RE: [Mpls] Stormwater Utility Fee

2005-03-08 Thread Sheldon Mains
In general, the change to charging for storm water runoff is a good idea but
I'm guessing something is wrong someplace. But Scott, I'd love to here from
the people who actually provided these estimates.

> Scott Vreeland:  
> ... What does this mean to the average single-family residential
home in 
> Minneapolis? An average single-family residential property 
> will pay  $8.72 per month 
> in stormwater utility fee and see little or no change in 
> their  current 
> monthly bill.

My small Seward duplex is getting hit with about $25 per month stormwater
utility fee. 

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota  

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[Mpls] Motional Award named after Minneapolis Native

2005-03-07 Thread Sheldon Mains
A Minnesota group that for years has been helping keep public information
free and accessible is getting a national award--cool.

Minneapolis connection: A Mpls resident is accepting the award and the award
is named after a Mpls native and former staff person at the Mpls public


The American Library Association, an organization of nearly 60,000
individual and organizational members, announces that the Minnesota
Coalition on Government Information has been selected as recipient of the
inaugural Eileen Cooke State and Local Madison Award.

Named for distinguished Minnesota native, Eileen Cooke, the award will be
presented annually on the anniversary of the birth of James Madison,
champion of access to information.  For the past fifteen years the American
Library Association and other supporting groups have celebrated March 16 as
Freedom of Information Day.  http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/woawards.

Since 1989 the Minnesota Coalition on Government Information has sponsored
Freedom of Information Day and the annual John R. Finnegan Freedom of
Information Award.  In announcing the national recognition , Carol
Brey-Casiano cited the Minnesota Coalition for having been "persistent in
promoting open access and the role of the state in that process.  It is a
tribute to the Coalition that you have sustained your work for fifteen years
with a remarkable diversity of partners."

The State Madison Award is named for Eileen Cooke, a Minneapolis native,
graduate of the College of St. Catherine and member of the staff of the
Minneapolis Public Library.  Ms. Cooke rose to national prominence as the
Director of the Washington Office of the American Library Association.  For
three decades she was, in effect, the chief  lobbyist for libraries, freedom
of access and literacy.  Ms. Cooke died in May 2000.

The national award will be presented at the Freedom Forum's World Center  in
Arlington, VA on March 16.
Mary Treacy will accept the national award on behalf of the Minnesota
Coalition Government Information.  Ms. Treacy's leadership as Director of
Metronet, a Minnesota consortium of Twin Cities libraries of all kinds,
provided memtum for Minnesota to offer its own Freedom of Information Award
for the past fifteen years.

For additional information, contact:

Mary Treacy
612 781 4234
Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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[Mpls] FW: Freedom of Information Day Awards and Events

2005-03-07 Thread Sheldon Mains
This is of interest to anyone interested in data privacy: 

The Minneapolis connection is that the Director of the Minneapolis Public
Library is presenting the award.


Donald A. Gemberling, "guru" of the state's Data Practices Act, is the
recipient of the 2005 John R. Finnegan Freedom of Information Award.  Since
1989 the Minnesota Coalition on Government Information  (
http://www.leg.state.mn.us/foi/cogi.html ) has conferred the award to
recognize individuals and organizations whose efforts have helped to ensure
that  citizens  have access to public information.

Gemberling, who retired in May 2004, from the Minnesota Department of
Administration, served for three decades as the "go to" person on the Data
Practices Act.  A 2002 cover story in City Pages, noted that "since 1974,
when the Legislature passed the first incarnation of the law, Gemberling has
weighed in on virtually every significant debate affecting its makeup,
subtly and sometimes not so subtly shaping the ways the state government
handles the ever-increasing volume of information it collects and
maintains."  Retiree Gemberling will still be found pounding the marble
halls of the State Capitol as data practices issues increasingly emerge on
the public agenda.

The award will be presented at the 2005 Freedom of Information Day awards
ceremony which will be held at Noon on March 16 at the Minnesota History
Center.  The award will be presented by Marvin Anderson, Director of the
Minnesota State Law Library (Retired).  Kit Hadley, Director of the
Minneapolis Public Library, will  offer reflections on Freedom of
Information Day. The ceremony event is sponsored by the Coalition each
year on March 16, the birthrate of James Madison, advocate for the citizens'
right to know.  The awards ceremony is free and open to the public. 

The Freedom of Information Award is sponsored by the Minnesota Coalition on
Government Information.  The award is named in honor of John R. Finnegan,
retired senior vice president of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, co-founder and
chair of the Joint Media Committee.  It recognizes his dedication to
openness in government and work on behalf of the people's right to know.

The Minnesota Coalition on Government Information, an interest group of
individuals and organizations committed to open access to public information
in print, electronic and digital format, is modeled on a national coalition
initiated in 1986 by the American Library Association.  The Minnesota
Coalition on Government Information has recently been designated recipient
of the inaugural Eileen Cooke State and Local Madison Award.

Mary Treacy
612 781 4234
Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: Hiawatha Stoplights (was Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit)

2005-03-04 Thread Sheldon Mains
>  Perhaps someone else 
> on the list can find a citation to the article or another 
> source of information.  I believe that there is actually some 
> inadequacy with either the signal actuation, or sensing that 
> makes effective coordination of train and auto traffic 
> impossible without substantial additional investment.

>From a variety of news reports and conversations, I understand there are a
variety of things causing the problems:
1. The trains are running slower than designed because people didn't want
the horns blaring (Federal law requires the train to sound horns at each
intersection above a certain speed.  Below that speed they can use bells.)
The sensors on the track that start the traffic light sequence were located
assuming a faster speed.  So the sensors have to be physically moved to
correct for the change in speed and reduce the length of the cycle.

2. Trains are tending to be at stations longer than designed.  This
lengthens the cycle (people who ride the LRT should try riding the Chicago L
or the DC Metro to understand that you start moving to the door BEFORE the
train stops!!) (sorry-- a sore point of mine).  I think the software is
being adjusted to account for this.

3. The software will be changed so that the walk cycle will only happen if a
pedestrian actually presses the button (It is now automatic on all cycles)

4. I think a previous post was partially right: While there are vehicle
sensors in the road, they do not seem to be used to adjust the cycle timing
(especially on the left turn lights).

5. It turns out that it is a lot easier to manage a joint rail transit/car
right of way if the rail is down in the median of the roadway, not off to
one side.  This is a design trade-off.  Stations are more accessible if they
are on the side of the right-of-way.

6. An extremely tight budget resulted in not enough computer modeling before
the thing started.  (Forcing public projects to do things at the lowest cost
possible does have its own costs)

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RE: [Mpls] RE: Caucuses

2005-03-02 Thread Sheldon Mains
> Ray Marshall wrote:
> >Anybody who isn't the product of the caucus system can't get an 
> >endorsement. Yet the caucus system keeps producing "more of 
> the same."  
> >And "more of the same" can't win elections any more.
> >  

Not sure what you are referring to here.  If you are referring to Democrats
loosing to Republicans or Greens, , they also use the caucus system.  But
more important, the DFL candidates for legislature in Minnesota in the last
election came very close taking control of the Minnesota house. 

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota  

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RE: [Mpls] Update on the future of wireless internet in Minneapolis

2005-03-02 Thread Sheldon Mains
Jumping into this discussion late--

I'm guessing that the wireless Internet service RFP will result in
Minneapolis granting a franchise to a company or group of companies to
provide the service and use city right-of-way to do so.  The franchise
could include any number of provisions (price caps, security requirements,
aesthetic considerations--how ugly the transmitters can be, free workshops
for residents). It will also likely include a franchise fee (basically rent
to use the public right-of-way for a commercial purpose).

I just hope that this goes better that the cable TV franchise wars of 20
years ago.  After getting some very good public benefits written into the
franchise, the cable company (Rogers Cable at that time) came back with a
sob story--"our marketing projections were wrong, we can not afford what we
agreed to"--and the city backed down/caved in.  Minneapolis lost a lot of
the potential benefit.

This city initiative deserves the attention of all of us.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] T-H-E W-I-N-G

2005-02-02 Thread Sheldon Mains
If I remember correctly, The Library Book: Centennial History of the
Minneapolis Public Library (probably available at most Mpls branch libraries
and downtown) noted that the reasons for building the new library in the 60s

1. "Experts" thought the old library was to expensive to update to modern
fire, safety, heating/AC and space needs.
2. The building was "old" (it was at the time of the Gateway renewal
3. There was a need for a building to kick start construction in the Gateway
4. Plans for a new building of some kind at 10th and Hennepin

A great picture of the old library at 10th and Henn is at:
as well as a brief history of the Mpls Public Library system

And the site on 10th and Hennepin is still a parking lot--44 years after the
old library was torn down.

> YES! The first time anyone has commented on why did they 
> move the library to begin with?  The old library was 
> beautifulthe floors were unbelievable.  The only reason I 
> can come up with is they were cleaning up the Gateway area  
> and needed something to build...no one wanted them to build 
> at that time so it was done as cheap as possible. Such a 
> mistake! dorie gallagher nokomis
Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] T-H-E W-I-N-G

2005-02-02 Thread Sheldon Mains
md wrote:

>"Rising costs of Keeping T-H-E  W-I-N-G Snow-free
> Shuts down rest of Minneapolis Libraries!

and why would you have to remove snow from the wing?

This issue of shutting down libraries has a lot more to do with the
Republicans in the Legislature and Governor Scarcity making major cuts in
Local Government Aid and having a "stick it to Minneapolis" attitude.

Taking md's comments to the logical conclusion--
so we should have just torn down the Sumner Olson Library and built a cement
block box instead of restoring the old building and building an addition
that complimented it.


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RE: [Mpls] NRP - Accounting

2005-01-26 Thread Sheldon Mains
Lets do a quick calculation.

A "full audit' of a nonprofit organization by a CPA (only CPAs can do full
audits) would cost between $3000 and $6000 for a small organization.  $3000
is 6% of $49,999.

And this doesn't count the time of the nonprofit staff or the volunteer
board treasurer to prepare for and participate in the audit.

The simple reason for not requiring a full audit for under $50,000 is that
it just doesn't make economic sense.

A related note.  In general, nonprofit organizations is only required by the
IRS to have a formal audit if their total revenue is over $350,000 (I think
this is also a State of MN rule)

Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis Babble and Denial--the rest of the story

2005-01-26 Thread Sheldon Mains
The U.S. Census has historically underestimated Minneapolis (and St. Paul)
population between censuses (remember, the 2003 number was an ESTIMATE).
The Met Council 2004 estimate is 382,295 a net loss of population in
Minneapolis since the 2000 census of 452 people or about one tenth of one
percent. (The statistician in me always wonders about "estimates" of six
significant figures.)  Most statisticians would say this is not statically

Some quotes from the STib article on those Census estimates (the same one
that published the estimates Vicky is quoting): from

"There's a growing gap between what they are saying and what we believe is
going on," said Tom Gillaspy, the state demographer.

And Minneapolis Planning Director Chuck Ballentine said he finds it "hard to
believe" the figures show his city shrinking. 

The estimates, Gillaspy said, are based on indicators that no longer reflect
what's happening, especially in Minneapolis.

"They are using data showing large-scale demolitions of housing in
Minneapolis and carrying forward this data as though it were still
happening," he said. "In reality, high-density housing has gone up on some
of those same sites."

Ballentine said other signs that point to continued growth are low vacancy
rates and various indications that the flow of immigrants into Minneapolis
and the region continues to be high. "There's no reason to suspect that
there is anything but growth," he said. 

For another look at the exidus/inodus, here is the Met Council employment
estimates for Mpls in 1990 and 2000 (I think the only years available)

1990278,438 2000301,826 

Some really fun Excel spreadsheets are at:

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 
> -Original Message-
> From:  Victoria Heller
> Subject: [Mpls] Minneapolis Babble and Denial
> [Vicky here]  Please cite your source.  Here's mine which was
> also published in the Strib a few months ago.
> The population of Minneapolis was estimated by the Census
> Bureau to be 373,188 residents as of July 1, 2003. That was a 
> decrease of 0.7 percent from a year earlier and a decrease of 
> 2.5 percent from the 2000 Census.
> According to the 2000 Census, Minneapolis's population was
> 382,618 residents, an increase of 3.8 percent from the 
> 368,383 residents in 1990. During the previous decade, the 
> city's population had decreased by 0.7 percent from 370,951 
> residents in 1980.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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[Mpls] RE: Libelous claims about Cedar Square West

2005-01-16 Thread Sheldon Mains
I wasn't planning on continuing this discussion but in response to the
request for more info and substantiation of my comments:

A great article on Rapson and the project was in Mpls St. Paul Mag in 2003.


Here is a sampling of four quotes from the article that substantiate my
comments (about half way through the article):

"In 1968, Congress passed legislation providing federal funds for New Towns
(though not all of them were "in town") around the country. In Minnesota,
the initiative would result in the creation of Jonathan, twenty-five miles
southwest of downtown Minneapolis, and the Cedar-Riverside development near
the city's historic heart." 


"Loans would be guaranteed by the Department of Housing and Urban


"By the late eighties, HUD had foreclosed on the project, CRA was out of
business, and the new owners comprised a consortium including local
developer George Sherman, other private and nonprofit developers, and Cedar
Square West's tenant organization."


"A lawsuit brought by opponents challenging the project's environmental
impact statement first delayed, then finally stopped, the development in its

It is my recollection that besides Cedar Riverside Associates, defendants in
that lawsuit included the City of Minneapolis (actually maybe the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority) and the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board.

For another source (with a good list of Rapson's projects):
U of MN Press Release, (http://www.cala.umn.edu/PressReleases_rapson2.html)

"the Cedar-Riverside housing complex in Minneapolis, 1962-73 (the first
federally funded New-Town-in-Town in the U.S.)

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> -Original Message-
> From: Victoria Heller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Libelous claims about Cedar Square West
> Vicky here:  Mr. Mains, you had better be able to furnish
> proof of these false and malicious claims:

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RE: [Mpls] Cedar Square West receives 25 year award from AmericanInstitute of Architects

2005-01-14 Thread Sheldon Mains
Regarding that Infamous Minneapolis Landmark-- Cedar Square West:

There are times I find the awards that the AIA gives out amazing (other
times I strongly agree).  In the case of Cedar Square West:

First, it was a failed project--only one phase of this massive project* was
ever built and HUD ended up foreclosing on it.  (* What was built was only
the first of six planned "neighborhoods" of high-rises--plus a commercial

Second, while I really like some of Rapson's buildings (Hope Church on Cedar
Avenue, the Glass House, parts of the original Guthrie), not everything of
his was great* (Not everything Frank Lloyd Wright designed was great
either--he had some real duds).  In the case of Cedar-Riverside, I view it
as a very poorly executed copy of Le Corbusier's apartment building in
Marseilles, France that seemed to be on steroids.  It also had (and probably
still has) a lot of the same problems as the infamous Cabrini Green project
in Chicago. (*Rarig Center at the U of M also comes to mind as a ugly

And regarding Victoria's claim of never taking government money for anything
(OK, I'm paraphrasing here)--

- How about all the government support of Cedar Riverside Associates (CRA)
against the community groups in Cedar Riverside that were opposing the CRA

- How about the funding for Cedar Square West from Housing and Urban
Development under the New Town program.

- How about the foreclosure by HUD for nonpayment of the mortgage?

Just thought I'd provide an alternative view of Minneapolis history.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> -Original Message-

>Victoria Heller
> The following link highlights the award that I accepted as 
> President of Cedar-Riverside Associates along with our 
> architect Ralph Rapson.
> http://www.aia-mn.org/awards/25YearAward.cfm
> The property accumulation in Cedar-Riverside, led by my late 
> husband, was the largest privately financed land assembly in 
> the history of the United States, at that time anyway...

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RE: [Mpls] KBEM

2005-01-12 Thread Sheldon Mains
Lets get some reality here.  KBEM does get underwriting from various jazz
businesses (clubs, music stores) but the idea below is really pie in the

The amount of money bike shops and environmental groups have for advertising
is really limited.  They have to look at what gets to the  biggest chunk of
their potential clients.  Getting underwriting for great shows is NOT easy.
Just ask KFAI--a radio station that does what Wendy was suggesting.  Or even
ask MPR--even with their deep pockets and national reach, the couldn't get
enough underwriting to keep a travel advice show on the air.

Radio is not cheap.  Producing a good show is very time consuming.  Getting
the potential listeners aware of the show and to tune in is not easy.  

A few years ago, a bunch of people started both Minneapolis
Telecommunications Network (the local cable access service) and Regional
Channel 6 (Metro Cable Network).  One of the funding sources envisioned was
underwriting.  Today underwriting is a joke at MTN and MCN has gone to
selling its soul to local infomercials.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> I couldn't agree more with Wendy's suggestion, and 
> encouragement about a great opportunity for creating revenue 
> for KBEM. Here is a few suggestions: 1) A  bicycle (Bike Coop 
> or others) store could sponsor an hour of radio focused 
> towards bike commuters. 2) Urban Environmental News sponsored 
> by local and national environmental groups, discuss important 
> environmental issues of the day. 3) Blue Green Hour, an hour 
> of radio sponsored by Unions and Environmental orgs 
> discussing important issues of common interest. 
> I would be willing to make a few calls to investigate the 
> possibility of finding revenue if KBEM folks have any 
> interest in any of these ideas.
> Ken Bradley 

> Wendy Wilde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not turn KBEM into a true community radio station, 
> offering one hour chunks of time to any metro area 
> organization that has something to say?
> Each organization can secure its own funding or underwriters, 
> whether non-profit, municipal, or business based.
> Wendy Wilde

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RE: [Mpls] City Council politicking

2005-01-10 Thread Sheldon Mains
Second Ward has a large list running for DFL endorsement.  (Anyone have a
current list?)
Plus Cam Gordon is running again as a Green (lost by something like 150
votes last time to Paul Zerby.

Anyone know anything about other races (Park, Library and Board of Estimate
and Taxation)

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] Blowers Unite!

2005-01-07 Thread Sheldon Mains
Comments imbedded in two posts below:

> -Original Message-
> Victoria Heller
> If government can "regulate" conduct on private property, 

Gee, so the government shouldn't tell me I can not have a meth lab in my

> what's to keep it out of your bedroom?  Based on my own 
> fading memories, bedrooms are far riskier than bars.  Bedroom 
> conduct has become a major health issue, generating 
> incredible public cost.

And isn't it the defenders of sacred private rights--the Republicans--that
want to regulate sexual relationships--in bedrooms?

While I too think that leaf blower regulation is dumb, I just had to comment
on the inconsistency of the arguments of the right end of the Republican

> -Original Message-
> Mark Wilde

> I think the city should ban leave blowers.  As Stephen
> said, we put bans on noise and pollution all the time.
>  Leaf blowers are loud and irritating, waste limited
> natural resources, and contribute to asthma and other
> lung ailments. 

Electric ones are noisy?  And the particulate pollution caused by the
blowing settles out quite quickly (as fast as the particulate pollution
caused by electric lawn mowers)

Would you also ban leaf suckers?  (leaf blowers in the sucking mode)

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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[Mpls] Minneapolis link to Gonzales hearing missed by media

2005-01-06 Thread Sheldon Mains
Douglas Johnson, executive director of the Minneapolis-based Center for
Victims of Torture was one of the experts testifying in the Gonzales
confirmation hearings today.  Interesting that none of the "leftist" local
TV news covered this Minneapolis connection. See http://www.cvt.org/main.php
for more info on this local resource.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] What would PRT look like

2005-01-05 Thread Sheldon Mains
Barb, lets try to be realistic.  What is shown at
http://www.skywebexpress.com are very basic concept sketches.  You can not
tell if the guideways are small or sleek or big or ugly.  Also, in a good
PRT layout, you would only have one track on any street except at the
stations--where there is a "siding" for the station (which is what is shown
at skywebexpress).  

Whether the guideway fits in or is unbelievable ugly will depend on the
details like:
--how big it is
--how high it is
--the profile of it
--where it is (hiding part of the Convention Center may be a good thing ;-)
--the size and spacing of the supports
--the size and design of the stations
--whether or not you can keep the trees

An example of ugly is the bridge approaches (:medieval legos") for the LRT
at 28th Street and 31st Street.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> -Original Message-
> Barbara Lickness
> Actually Sheldon, I went to the PRT proponents
> marketing information and looked at what they propose
> for tracks. As you suggested, I want to make sure we
> are making honest comparisons here. 
> The system requires not one but two tracks to operate
> and  according to their own presentation they do not
> appear to be small or sleek. 

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[Mpls] Comparing apples to bolts

2005-01-05 Thread Sheldon Mains
Barbara--this site is about the Seattle Greenline Monorail.  It is not about
PRT. There is a sigificant difference in scale.  A 3 to 4 passenger PRT
vehicle requires a much smaller support structure than a light rail sized
monorail train.   There is much more difference here than apples to oranges.
(I also thought it was funny that the "loss of trees" section showed before
pictures in the summer--with leaves-- and the after pictures in the fall or
winter--without leaves).

I find it interesting how PRT has generated a love-hate culture.  Either you
love it and can not see any of the flaws or you hate it and can not see any
of the benefits. I am not necessarily a supporter of PRT--it is one of many
options that should be considered.

Lets try to stick with honest comparisons.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

 > Barbara shared:
> The problem of visual pollution of monorail structures
> is explored on this website:
> http://www.WhatDoesItLookLike.com/

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RE: [Mpls] KBEM

2005-01-04 Thread Sheldon Mains

Forgot to include source:


also forgot to sign:
Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] KBEM

2005-01-04 Thread Sheldon Mains
Broadcast power of sample Twin City FM Radio stations (FCC License)
KBEM 2.15kW (2150W)
KFAI 125W (0.125kW)
KNOW 100kW  
KWRS 100kW
WGVX 2.6kW  (105.1 FM Drive 105 - Lakeville)
WGVZ 5.8kW (105.7 FM Drive 105 - Eden Prarie)
K294AM 170W KFAI St. Paul translator (106.7 FM)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Cross
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 5:46 PM
> To: Minneapolis Issues
> Subject: [Mpls] KBEM
> Steve Brandt said:
> "I wonder if Steve is mixing KBEM up with KFAI, which IS hard 
> to receive much outside the central cities."
> But...
> Yes, I know the difference because I also listen to KFAI.  My 

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RE: [Mpls] RE: Should the Mpls Schools be operating a radio station

2005-01-02 Thread Sheldon Mains
Ray, you did a great job of setting up a straw man and knocking him down.
But please re-read my email. It was NOT about training people to work in
radio stations!  It was about using the KBEM program (and other programs) to
reach kids that have no interest in academic subjects. (I would also point
out that in this economy, any help wanted ad that includes a livable wage
and health benefits is swamped by applicants.)

Your other point--which programs would be cut--assumes that the $400,000 has
to come from the existing MPS budget.  Who said that was the only option?

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Marshall
> Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 9:23 AM
> To: mpls@mnforum.org
> Subject: [Mpls] RE: Should the Mpls Schools be operating a 
> radio station atall
> This may be true.  But the question remains:  what other 
> programs will be subject to a $400,000 cut to enable the 
> continuation of  the radio curriculum? Is the demand for 
> radio station employees that great that school systems feel 
> the need to provide that vocational education.  I have a 
> feeling that most radio stations are swamped with 
> applications when they post help wanted ads. A friend who 
> worked at a radio station in Stillwater once indicated that 
> every day people more talented and educated than he was would 
> knock on the door to apply for his job. Ray Marshall Minnehaha
> Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2005 13:27:20 -0600
> From: "Sheldon Mains" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [Mpls] RE: Should the Mpls Schools be operating a
> radiostation at all
> What is great about the KBEM program at North is that it 
> integrates the academic courses with the radio curriculum.  
> In some ways, it is a great way to get the students who are 
> not interested in academic subjects to pay more attention to 
> things like English, science and math.  Courses like "Writing 
> for Radio" (e.g. an English writing course) and "Reading and 
> pronunciation for radio" (e.g. public speaking) integrate the 
> radio and academic sides of North High.  These are not the 
> type of course that Brown offers.

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RE: [Mpls] "Bust the bank failure" in Minneapolis (today's Strib)

2005-01-02 Thread Sheldon Mains

> > The entire article by Fritz Knaak, former state senator and 
> attorney: 
> > http://www.startribune.com/stories/562/5161890.html
My  favorite funny part of the article is:

"This hasn't really mattered to the rest of us until now because of the
crushing dominance of the DFL coalition in Minnesota government for nearly
two generations. Those serving in or observing the Legislature in the long
periods of large DFL majorities can remember very well the irritating and
phenomenal ability of senior members of the Minneapolis legislative
delegation to "bring home the bacon," whether in the form of favorable aid
formulas to cities or schools, or major capital expenditures like the

But if you look at the numbers, St. Paul has received more state funding of
projects than Minneapolis.  And don't forget that Minneapolis is a net
contributor to the state's bank account--more taxes go into the great State
of Minnesota bank than Minneapolis gets back in all forms of state support.

As for Republicans not ignoring Minneapolis, maybe if they actually ran a
good, traditional Republican in the southern legislative districts in
Minneapolis, the could win.  Someone who is fiscally conservative and
socially liberal (think Al Quie or Elmer Anderson or Arne Carlson). Running
people who are only interested in extremist Christian issues is no way to
win.  I would love to see a Republican legislator from Minneapolis--the
person could counter all the lies that are told about Minneapolis in current
Republican circles.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] RE: Should the Mpls Schools be operating a radiostation atall

2005-01-01 Thread Sheldon Mains
> On 12/28/04 12:04 PM, "Michael Hohmann" wrote:
> > Perhaps the high school students (from many city schools) 
> could attend 
> > radio broadcasting-oriented classes at Brown (for 
> instance), just as 
> > they can take college-level coursework at the U of M while still in 
> > high school. 

(Note:  My knowledge of the North High programs is about 5 years old but I
don't think things have changed much)

What is great about the KBEM program at North is that it integrates the
academic courses with the radio curriculum.  In some ways, it is a great way
to get the students who are not interested in academic subjects to pay more
attention to things like English, science and math.  Courses like "Writing
for Radio" (e.g. an English writing course) and "Reading and pronunciation
for radio" (e.g. public speaking) integrate the radio and academic sides of
North High.  These are not the type of course that Brown offers.

Another problem with using Brown Institute is transportation.  To use the
post secondary option, the student is responsible transportation to the
course.  This isn't a big problem for MCTC, Dunwoody, Metro State, or the U
of M, but is a problem for Brown Institute (in the south suburbs). This is a
significant obstacle for a large number of the low income North High
students. Also, I don't think the post secondary option is available for
for-profit schools.

The interesting thing about North, at least compared to South (the two
schools I know the best) is their ability to work with students who are not
"that interested" in school.  While South does a great job of providing a
great education to the kids who want to learn, it struggles with the
students who are not motivated.  North is more successful at getting those
kids motivated with a variety of non-traditional activities (e.g. building a
solar powered boat, KBEM, the video program, bringing Terry Lewis and Jimmy
Jam in for programs.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] Non-profit needing a computer?

2004-12-27 Thread Sheldon Mains
If the computer is not one you would use at home or one that you would use
for your business, it is probably not worth it to a nonprofit or a school. 

In most cases, accepting a used computer is a net loss for a nonprofit.
Compared to the cost of a new computer, it usually costs more to get it
working (e.g. get a network card, buy a legal and up-to-date operating
system, and buy legal software and the cost of staff or consultant time
needed to get it set up to work with their other computers). 

The only cases where this is not necessarily true are nonprofits that run
computer labs that work with kids to refurbish used computers.  In other
cases, the nonprofit is usually stuck with a computer that qualifies as
hazardous waste that they have to pay to dispose of (all computers are
hazardous waste).

http://www.twincitiesfreemarket.org/ is a good option.

Sheldon Mains
Technology solutions for nonprofit organizations.
612-618-7149, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2718 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406 

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 

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RE: [Mpls] Urban Park Nirvana - Outside Perspective

2004-12-20 Thread Sheldon Mains

> Peter Vevang Writes:
> But there is a disproportionate tilt of resources to areas that are
> already well served by the park system.  NE is not well  served well by 
> the park system. .. We had to raid our NRP money to get our
> improvements.  

Welcome to the real world.  Here in Seward, we had to use NRP funds for the
upgrades to Matthews Park.  I think that is the standard way the park system
is now operating.  If I remember right, from the 1950s through something
like the 70s or 80s, neighborhood park improvements were only made through
urban renewal money or if the neighborhood somehow raised funds themselves. 

My point is that every neighborhood has complaints with the Park Board.  NE
does not seem to be singled out.  

And, if you are, talk to your NE park commissioner, Walt Dziedzic.

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 
(I'm back!)

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RE: [Mpls] Roosevelt, Southeast, Webber Park and the Walker libraries to close?

2003-03-12 Thread Sheldon Mains
With this post I'm probably making the decision not to try again for a
Library Board seat:

Forgot to sign the last email-new computer--haven't posted for a

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [Mpls] Roosevelt, Southeast, Webber Park and the Walker libraries to close?

2003-03-12 Thread Sheldon Mains

With this post I'm probably making the decision not to try again for a
Library Board seat:

During the last election I raised the issue of closing some branch
libraries a few times --much to the displeasure of the people in the
neighborhoods.  Here's my take on it.  The more I looked into the
system, the more I thought this had to happen but I did kind of keep a
low profile on the issue.

First, the Board needs to look at all cost savings and possibilities for
raising income--including earned income and fundraising/grant writing.
But both those options are limited.  The big savings will only come from
closing some branch libraries. We just have too many libraries for the
budget.  Look at a map (http://www.mpls.lib.mn.us/locations.asp) to
decide what to close (along with use, building condition, neighborhood

First, the Board should have NEVER agreed to the new Pierre Bottineau
Library.  It's right between NE and North Regional libraries.  It
probably should be one of the first closed.  But with the investment in
the new library and the political power of the neighborhood, that will
never happen.  The last board got pressured into it by a former board
chair and the neighborhood. The idea behind the old Pierre Bottineau
library was to provide basic library services at low cost in a store
front.  That was a good, economical way of expanding services. The new
library that is being build at the old Grain Belt complex will be
great--but it is in the wrong place! 

Next, in my neighborhood, Roosevelt is one mile from the Lake Street
Library and a little over that from two other libraries (I'm going to
get a lot of heat from neighbors and friends over this one).  It's old,
not accessible, small, on a small lot and can not be expanded where it
is.  However, the Friends of the Library provide great homework helper
service there (especially useful to the East African students at
Roosevelt).  Maybe work with the Mpls Public Schools to provide homework
helper in Roosevelt (or maybe get some space in a local park).  Some of
the gap in service may be filled by shifting the location of Lake Street
and Nokomis Libraries (also not popular in the neighborhoods but both
have limited land for the proposed remodels/expansions.)

Linden Hills.  It is a great old building but in the wrong location.
Look, the City moves Fire Stations to get good, efficient coverage.  A
location more accessible to people outside that immediate neighborhood
should have been found.  The remodeling of that library building was a
mistake--again the Library Board bowed to neighborhood pressure.  They
should have found a better location and built a new library to replace
it and Walker.

Walker--the building was a good idea executed very poorly--It has lots
of structural/water problems.  Closing it makes sense but it leaves a
hole in the coverage of the City (see the paragraph about Linen Hills)

Southwest:  Again, a library in the wrong building and the wrong
location.  But closing it will leave a big hole.  On the East Side it
should have been Bottineau to close but I guess this is a good second
choice.  A better choice to more equally cover neighborhoods would be to
close NE and SE and build a new library near East Hennepin and 10th Ave
NE (the plan was to expand NE library and build a new SE library).

Weber:  Closing that library leaves a big hole in the far north part of
Minneapolis (both sides of the River).  But--all the times I visited the
branch libraries (and I visited all of them many times) Weber had the
least activity--even considering its small size.  The only one that
seemed as dead was North Regional.  With Sumner Library being remodeled,
and no need to spend money on Webber, maybe the solution is to build a
new North Regional library a little North and East of its current
location. That would be more expensive than the current plan to just
remodel North Regional but with the money from the Webber
remodel/expansion, it might be possible.  That would also help fill the
hole in the far north part of NE (especially if NE regional is moved to
East Hennepin and 10th (see above paragraph).

Finally, regarding Mike's idea of moving some of the Referendum money
from capital to operating.  I understand that legally that possibility
could be summed up as "in your dreams."

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RE: [Mpls] Uptown Apartment Bldgs Sold (City Regulations Blamed)

2002-11-18 Thread Sheldon Mains
OK, this makes it clear some people who claim regulatory problems don't
have a clue.

Minneapolis does not charge for "storm water"  It does charge for
sanitary sewer use.  In Minneapolis it is illegal to have storm water
run-off going into the sanitary sewer.  

Minneapolis charges for SANITARY sewer use based on the amount of water
used in the building in the winter (don't know how that is defined
exactly). The theory is that, in the winter, all the water used in a
building goes down the sewer.  The summer bills are estimated based on
the winter bills so you are not charged for SANITARY sewer use for water
you put on your garden or your yard or use to wash your car.  How this
penalizes multifamily buildings is beyond me.
Sheldon mains, seward, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The key issue raising (Frenz's) blood pressure is the way Minneapolis
calculates storm-water fees based on the amount of water used within a
building. Most cities instead calculate how much runoff storm water a
property produces, he said.

"Minneapolis' method unfairly penalizes multifamily apartment buildings
because those buildings use more water, but that additional water use
has nothing to do with storm water, Frenz said."

Bill Dooley

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RE: [Mpls] Pawlenty supporting Minneapolis Corporate Welfare

2002-11-18 Thread Sheldon Mains
Now most people will say I'm left of center (Seward is one of the few
places in the country where I can feel like a conservative) but:

Since when is it automatic that when something is good for a
corporation, it's bad for the neighborhood?  I just don't follow the
logic of that!

sheldon mains, seward, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Piehl writes:

Is anyone suprised that Pawlenty is supporting a major
corporate welfare opportunity?  Pawlenty's statement
of support included language to the effect that we
needed to do this to support Allina and Wells Fargo;
that does tend to run contrary to what Smith Parker &
Peter McLaughlin tell us!! (their message being that
it is "good" for the neighborhood)

David Piehl

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[Mpls] Blame the legislature for the big residential tax increases

2002-11-14 Thread Sheldon Mains
It is my understanding that much of this change (INCREASE) is because of
the property tax law changes made at the legislature.  They (and I hold
both the house and senate responsible) significantly reduced property
taxes on commercial/industrial property.  They also said they reduced
property taxes on rental residential property.  The same property tax
funds have to be supplied somehow.  This means that homeowners pay
more--much more.  It also turned out, at least for us, that there was NO
reduction in the tax we pay on the duplex we own next door--the taxes on
that property went up to.  So, if I'm right, don't blame the city--blame
the legislature that has been bought by the business interests.

I'm not 100% sure of all the details above and would love to hear from a
legislator or city tax specialist.

Sheldon Mains

JIM  GRAHAM wrote:

I do not know about the rest of Minneapolis, but our actual property
rose by an average of 22 1/2% on my and my wife's houses. How can this
possibly be possible or rationale while City "Leaders" are telling us we
going to have to tighten our belts for the budget shortfall ahead.  And
please, please, do not tell us it is because of the Republicans.  As a
lifelong Democrat I am absolutely insulted by such rhetoric.

Remember folks this IS NOT the 8% additional increase the politicians
promised for next year. Inflation is going crazy in this City, and it IS
because of Republicans, it is because of our own elected Democratic and
Green Party "Leaders".  Dennis Schulstad has been gone for a long time,
I don't remember the Republican before him. I have a good memory, but I
think it has been thirty years.  Wasn't Jens Christensen voted out in

The hardest hit part of the population will be the poor renter, who
tax increases will be passed along to. How can our politicians even
to be concerned with "Poor People" and "Affordable Housing" when they
such a burden on the poor?  This tax increase does more to increase a
persons cost of housing than anything I have seen. Responsible Rental
Property Owners are on such a small margin that this tax increase must
passed directly to the renter. Renters, the working poor, and the
members of this City toil under the burden of such tax increases.
renters; the poor management downtown directly affects what YOU pay for

We need to have a referendum to put a ceiling on property taxes so that
PUBLIC APPROVAL.  The only way we can stop our elected politicians from
their addiction to spending or giving away our money is to create
roadblocks in the form of actual laws.  Minneapolis is a public
chartered by the State of Minnesota; perhaps we need a State Law
the City and County Officials to act in a proper "Fiduciary" manner when
dealing with a public trust.  I also ask the Feds to do the same with
corporations like Enron.  There is a public trust that not only
CEOs are violating.

Which large public giveaways should we cut next, how about all of them?
about requiring a referendum for any corporate subsidy (read Grant) of
$500,000.  I know that this is a lot of money to us little people, but
can't expect Mayor and City Council to go "Cold Turkey" after so many
of offending. How will they raise funds for guaranteeing the incumbent
stay in office if you can't pay your "friends" with a few million of
taxpayer dollars?  And what about those Multi-unit housing developers
large "Non-Profit" developers who we want to subsidize to build
housing?  You don't think the Brightons, Shermans, and the Project for
in Livings should have to compete with "Real" Developers in the "Real
World", do you?  How would you ever get "Target" downtown if you didn't
them those millions?  You would have to settle for Opus, who wants to
money without public subsidy, what a disgusting idea. Without a few
how are you ever going to get CUB forced into NorthEast and on Lake
Why you would have to resort to people like the 60th Street CUB who
their own money. Now I ask you, how is a politician going to ask for a
"Political" contribution from someone like that? Isn't it "New Urbanism"
"Smart Growth" to suck public dollars to build something the public

Yes folks, we have to demand that our politicians spend money in a
responsible manner, and take their fiduciary responsibility more
So I am calling for a referendum. Do we need the State Legislature to
act in
order to do such a referendum?  Could Brian Melendez, Lisa McDonald, or
Long help us out

RE: [Mpls] property taxes(Theft by government)

2002-11-14 Thread Sheldon Mains

Stephen Jester writes:

> I'm starting to think about moving, just because I really can't stand
having my money stolen
> each year. Legally by the city and the county.

And where do you expect to move to?  I regularly compare my property
taxes to those of some folks in Eden Prairie.  For the size house, my
taxes in Seward in Mpls are a lot lower.

Sheldon Mains, Seward, Mpls, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[Mpls] A little information on running this list

2002-10-07 Thread Sheldon Mains

Since late last week I've been filling in for David on the administrative
duties of the list manager.  This basically amounted to checking posts that
the software automatically holds because of problems (usually posts held
because of the spam and virus protection it does).  I have renewed
admiration for David's work.  Those administrative issues take a
significant amount of time!

Thank you David for returning!

. > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > .
sheldon mains  cell   612/618-7149
 board memberhome 612/729-4088
 minnesota e-democracy  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Minnesota's electronic town square:
 Sign up for e-mail based political discussions about
Minnesota political issues and events, Minneapolis issues,
St. Paul issues or announcements of Minnesota political events
at the web site.


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[Mpls] Not a Mpls Issue: Got Ethanol? (a tanker just went down)

2002-10-06 Thread Sheldon Mains

.>..,,, From what I've been able to surmise from several
>sources (bbc.co.uk, cbc.ca, cnn.com, voa.com) a tanker has gone up in

>   Despite the fact that this is a drop in the bucket of world
>oil supply, we can expect fuel prices to take off on excuse of a "war

Look, if you are going to be a member of this email community, read and
follow the rules.  This list is about Minneapolis Issues.  Check
for the rules.  No way is this a Minneapolis Issue.

Note that by signing up to be a member of this list, you agreed to follow
the rules.

The rules are established by Minnesota E-Democracy to keep these lists
useful for the majority of the participants.  We will enforce the rules!


. > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > .
sheldon mains  cell   612/618-7149
 board memberhome 612/729-4088
 minnesota e-democracy  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Minnesota's electronic town square:
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Re: [Mpls] Glass, heating, and new library

2002-10-03 Thread Sheldon Mains

Traditionally libraries and museums were meant for the privileged class.
We want the library to be for everyone.  The new library should invite
people in--we want to invite people to use the books, use the resources,
use the Internet connections.  Things in a library are meant to be used,
not locked away (except for a good historic collection that is a very small
percentage of the library).  There are research libraries and museums that
are there to protect historically significant resources.

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

Holle Brain wrote:
>Glass may raise possibilities for solar heating. But when I look at the
>proposed glass faced Library, all I can think of is the bombing of Dresden.
>There is a reason why libraries and museums traditionally look like
>fortresses. They house irreplaceable cultural relics. Their design says
>"there is something of value here within," not "come on in and use our free
>internet connection."
>-- Holle Brian
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Re: [Mpls] New Central Library--oops forgot to sign

2002-10-01 Thread Sheldon Mains

Opps--forgot to sign

>How disappointingly predictable: another glass box.   Ann Berget Kingfield

Actually, it is far from a glass box.  The central atrium will be a great
public space.  The mixture of textures on the exterior (including Kasota
(Minnesota) Stone(Norwest Tower material), the roof of the atrium, the
planitarium all make it much more than a glass box.

For the clear glass (it will have a mixture of clear glass, patterned
glass, opaque glass, and solid panels) will be "low-iron" very transparent
glass.  There are now examples of this type of glass in Minneapolis
buildings that the architects know of so it is hard to describe.  It is
just very clear! (there will have to be some creative work on sun shielding
for heat and light control).

I think it strikes a good balance between extreme modern architecture (New
Guthrie, Wiesman (sp?) and overly "traditional" like Gavide (sp?) Common,
and industrial commercial (Convention Center).

It meets the limitations well-- a small site, five to six story building,
and works well as a library and center of the community.

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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Re: [Mpls] New Central Library schematic design: web link

2002-10-01 Thread Sheldon Mains
>How disappointingly predictable: another glass box.   Ann Berget Kingfield

Actually, it is far from a glass box.  The central atrium will be a great
public space.  The mixture of textures on the exterior (including Kasota
(Minnesota) Stone(Norwest Tower material), the roof of the atrium, the
planitarium all make it much more than a glass box.

For the clear glass (it will have a mixture of clear glass, patterned
glass, opaque glass, and solid panels) will be "low-iron" very transparent
glass.  There are now examples of this type of glass in Minneapolis
buildings that the architects know of so it is hard to describe.  It is
just very clear! (there will have to be some creative work on sun shielding
for heat and light control).

I think it strikes a good balance between extreme modern architecture (New
Guthrie, Wiesman (sp?) and overly "traditional" like Gavide (sp?) Common,
and industrial commercial (Convention Center).

It meets the limitations well-- a small site, five to six story building,
and works well as a library and center of the community.

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Lucky!!For Free Speech/Unfinanced Voices Count!!

2002-07-05 Thread Sheldon Mains

>Candidates normally join political parties to hook into financial backing, but
>of us running independent campaigns because of ethical or philosophical
>may not consider this a viable option.

>Michael Atherton

This is an interesting theory but WRONG.  My endorsement by the DFL last
year for Library Board meant that I got to PAY the DFL for my share of
their joint literature.  I got no money from the DFL.  In fact, I still owe
the Mpls DFL for some of it (Tim--it will be paid eventually)

This is the norm at least in the DFL.  I've been involved with a number of
campaigns and none of them got any money from the party.

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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Re: [Mpls] Power out of XCEL

2002-07-01 Thread Sheldon Mains

>One would think that the august, over-educated, superior Mpls-List
>population could properly spell the name of a company to which they write a
>check most every month?! ;-)

>Paul Kuettel
>NE Quandrant, Falcon Heights, Spit'n distance from Roseville, Can see
>Nordeast on a clear day.

If the local corporations would stop changing their names to made-up words,
maybe we could spelll them.

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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[Mpls] Decorum

2002-07-01 Thread Sheldon Mains

>Matthew asks:
>> Mr. Graham's post is so disrespectful and bogus. If JIM GRAHAM cannot
>> moderate his abusive rhetoric he should find another venue for his blather.
>> Where is the list moderator? FOUR letter swearing? PAAHlease.

As a volunteer board member of Minnesota E-Democracy (the owner of this
list), I need to say a few things here.

Minnesota E-Democracy is an ALL volunteer organization.  If you have
problems with the management of our lists, email us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and volunteer to help.

The emails to this list are not approved by anyone.  There is no
"moderator" as in some email lists.  We do have a volunteer list
manager--David.  His job is to respond to complaints, keep the list on
topic, and keep the list useful for the majority of list members.

We hope that this list will behave as a community and we assume you are all
adults.  This means that if you are really upset about a list member's
 1. Wait a day--this is a general rule I use--never send something when upset.
 2. If you are still upset, send the person an off-list, respectful, calm
message suggesting that his or her emails would have more impact if he or
she modified the tone.

Also, assume that your grandmother is reading all your emails--with 700
members to this list, she may be!

If you want to discuss this futher, email me off list.  One thing that can
kill and email community is a discussion of the rules/tone/"bad" list
managers on the list.  When that happens, we see mass unsubsriptions to the

. > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > .
sheldon mains  cell   612/618-7149
 board memberhome 612/729-4088
 minnesota e-democracy  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Minnesota's electronic town square:
 Sign up for e-mail based political discussions about
Minnesota political issues and events, Minneapolis issues,
St. Paul issues or announcements of Minnesota political events
at the web site.

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Re: [Mpls] Statues to be built, Activist Hall of Fame

2002-06-04 Thread Sheldon Mains

David and Earl and the list.  Yes we need to acknowledge our activists. It
shows people that you do not need to hold eleective office to make a
differnce.  Below is a suggestion I made last fall and again last winter.
RT said it was a good idea. I'm still waiting for a few more people to
speak up. It's time to push the Library Board, Library implementation
committee and Architect to see this happen

p.s. i'm really tied up with my real work and have little time to devote to
this so I NEED HELP!

...orig. message...
Below is a draft of the beginning of a proposal that
probably should go to the New Library Implementation Committee and a few
local foundations.

We are lucky that Nellie Stone Johnson had a city-wide, even state-wide
visibility.  We are actually going to honor her for being an activist.

But what about  all those neighborhood activists that have made this city
great but haven't risen to the visibility of Nellie.  Every neighborhood
has them but no one beyond the neighborhood knows who the are or what they
did.  If we don't honor these people--if we don't make these people
visible--we run the risk that people will think you have to be
extraordinary (like Nellie) to have an effect.

Here's the idea:  Last year I was in Chicago and the conference center of
one of the downtown colleges has a hall of neighborhood activists.  About
ten activists from Chicago neighborhoods were featured.  Each had a
sculpture, a painting, and a short description of what they did.  It was
one of the most powerful public art exhibitions I've ever seen.

The new Minneapolis Downtown Library is planned to have a "significant
public space."  Lets take the Chicago idea and expand on it:

   "The Nellie Stone Johnson Hall of Community Activists."

A statue of Nellie Stone Johnson as you enter the building.  Then in the
first year we start with five activists, each with a sculpture, painting
and story.  Every three or four or five years, we add an activist.

Here's the first rule for picking the activists: Except for Nellie, no one
who was elected to office can qualify.

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[Mpls] How about a Community Technology Day in Mpls?

2002-05-23 Thread Sheldon Mains

so, could we get Minneapolis and St. Paul to declare CTC day??

>Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 11:07:29 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Al Panico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Community Technology Day
>Dear Colleagues,
>I'm very pleased to announce that today, May 21st, has been declared
>Community Technology Day by both the City and County of San Diego!  This
>honor recognizes the growth of the local CTC scene, with more than 120
>community tech centers and close to 200 people participating in the San
>Diego Community Tech and local PowerUP listserves.   The Waitt
>Family Foundation
>is also unveiling the region's first online map of San Diego public
>access locations, hosted at
>http://www.waittfoundation.org  This project has been 2 years in the making,
>and represents an extraordinary volunteer effort from the San Diego
>Community Tech Group and its members.  The Waitt Family Foundation is
>delighted to help bring it to fruition and give it a home.
>The City and County will present their proclamations at a recognition event
>for San Diego's PowerUP sites.  We've posted the text on our website and
>encourage other cities to honor their CTCs as well.
>San Diego has accomplished a great deal in just a few years, despite having
>fewer resources than other cities.  We've seen the launch of InfoTAP,
>Digital Connections, and Making Connections -- three San Diego programs
>providing technical assistance to nonprofit organizations, CTCs, and
>community development corporations -- along with 25 new PowerUP sites, a
>mobile E-Bus, web resources for people with disabilities, a fully-wireless
>CTC in City Heights, a broadband wireless network connecting universities
>and eighteen Native American reservations in the northern part of the county,
>hosting the 2001 CTCNet conference, the area's first Regional Community
>Tech Symposium, and many more achievements. The Waitt Family
>Foundation is proud to be part of the San Diego community, and we
>encourage others to get involved in San Diego as well.
>Al Panico

Here are URLs for the websites Al mentions:

Waitt Family Foundation http://www.waittfoundation.org

InfoTAP http://www.infotap.org/

RTA's Digital Connections (look under Community Development)

LISC's Making Connections http://www.liscnet.org/sandiego/

San Diego Community Tech Group http://www.mediamanage.net/sdctg.html

Southern California Tribal Digital Village  http://www.sctdv.net/

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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Re: [Mpls] nellie stone johnson

2002-04-03 Thread Sheldon Mains

You can check www.workdayminnesota.org's bio of Nellie using the links at
the bottom of

(note, if this is too long for your email program,you may
have to cut and past the link into your browser).

Alos,it's time to start the discussion of the Nellie Stone Johnson Hall of
Community Activists again.  I sent this last June:

For the new downtown library:
The Nellie Stone Johnson Hall of Community Activists

Loki Anderson wrote:
>And, maybe, it's overdue to bring back David's idea to
>honor Nellie with a statue or some other honor when we
>build our new library. She has devoted a great deal of
>her life to this city (she's nearly 100) and her
>lifetime of activism should be honored where one of
>her greatest achievements took place, ie. the library.

This got me thinking.  Below is a draft of the beginning of a proposal that
probably should go to the New Library Implementation Committee and a few
local foundations.

We are lucky that Nellie Stone Johnson had a city-wide, even state-wide
visibility.  We are actually going to honor her for being an activist.

But what about  all those neighborhood activists that have made this city
great but haven't risen to the visibility of Nellie.  Every neighborhood
has them but no one beyond the neighborhood knows who the are or what they
did.  If we don't honor these people--if we don't make these people
visible--we run the risk that people will think you have to be
extraordinary (like Nellie) to have an effect.

Here's the idea:  Last year I was in Chicago and the conference center of
one of the downtown colleges has a hall of neighborhood activists.  About
ten activists from Chicago neighborhoods were featured.  Each had a
sculpture, a painting, and a short description of what they did.  It was
one of the most powerful public art exhibitions I've ever seen.

The new Minneapolis Downtown Library is planned to have a "significant
public space."  Lets take the Chicago idea and expand on it:

   "The Nellie Stone Johnson Hall of Community Activists."

A statue of Nellie Stone Johnson as you enter the building.  Then in the
first year we start with five activists, each with a sculpture, painting
and story.  Every three or four or five years, we add an activist.

Here's the first rule for picking the activists: Except for Nellie, no one
who was elected to office can qualify.  (I'll be nominating Al Hage).

Sheldon Mains, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
--Laurie Anderson as reported in wired

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Re: [Mpls] re: snow emergency

2002-03-17 Thread Sheldon Mains

>I live on 2nd Av S near the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.  It is 8:15 pm on
>Friday, approximately 24 hours after the heavy snowfall ended and my street
>has not yet been plowed.  However, my alley has.  What's that all about???

Minneapolis tries to plow allies as soon as possible to give people a way
of getting their cars off the street.  It makes it easier to then plow the

BTW, in St. Paul, the city does NOT plow the alleys--ever!

I should also note that on Friday morning when I went to work, the through
streets in Seward and SE had been plowed. The same could not be said for
St. Paul.

sheldon mainsseward neighborhoodminneapolis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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[Mpls] Snow Emergency/What's a parkway?

2002-03-15 Thread Sheldon Mains

Visited the City website today--saw two interesting things:
First, besides English and Spanish, the snow emergency announcement was
also in Somali

Second, I clicked on the link "what is a parkway".  (No parking on parkways
the second day of the snow emergency).  If you want a laugh, read the

Why couldn't they just list the streets that are parkways instead of going
on for a page and a half.  I thought I knew what a parkway was, after
reading the page, I'm confused. ;-}

sheldon mainsseward neighborhoodminneapolis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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Re: [Mpls] Richard Rose

2002-02-21 Thread Sheldon Mains

I can not really say much more--It was very shocking to hear of his death
Wednesday morning.

He was one of the major reasons that my unsuccessful campaign was so much fun.

He had a life that deserves to be celebrated.  In 2006 we will have a great
celebration of his life with the dedication of the new library. The
referendum would not have passed without him.

sheldon mains

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RE: [Mpls] Central Library site

2002-02-14 Thread Sheldon Mains

>Frankly, it looks like the library didn't want to give on
>any of it's program AND wants the presentation of the
>building as a city statement as many others had wanted

Being one of the people who have had major questions about the library
program plan, I found the presentation by the Peli team convincing that it
really can not work well. The Peli team even brought in their own library
planner.  The staff even proposed shrinking some of the program space.  It
was still a tight fight.  I actually think this work was useful.  It
started a good review of the previous planning efforts.
>The much more plausible plan would have been for the library
>to give a little on it's program and create a grand plaza
>perhaps paired with the planetarium on the south block.

If building the library on the north block is tight (which everyone agrees
with), how do you get space for a grand plaza and library on the north

Building the planetarium separate from the library will not work.  It would
greatly increase both the construction and operating cost of the
planetarium. It also reduces possibilities for the synergies between the
library and planetarium (which actually work better on the south block).

Regarding having a park on the north block.  Carol provided a lot of the
reasons.  I have a couple others.

 * First, that block would tie the gateway park to the old fed reserve plaza.
 * Second, a park on the north block would work great for a larger space
for performances by using both the Fed Res. plaza and the north block park.
 * Third, it ties to history. The old Gateway park was there.
 * It opens up views from the inside of the library to something other than
buildings (remember, in 10 to 20 years, all the blocks will likely be built
up with tall buildings.

Finally, views of the building.  The NW Tower is a landmark because you can
see it.  The Weisman is a landmark (some like, some hate) because you can
see it.  The new Walker and Guthrie will be landmarks because you will be
able to see them.  The courthouse is a landmark because you can see it (on
the skyline and with plazas on two sides). Without the North block park,
there will be NO good view of the new library.

I would also argue that it is important that the library be a landmark. The
public library in a city is probably the best monument and reminder of our
egalitarian democracy, of US history.  It is the monument to freedom of
speech and the Bill of Rights.

Sheldon Mains, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
--Laurie Anderson as reported in Wired

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Re: [Mpls] THE appalling Redistricting Commission

2002-02-13 Thread Sheldon Mains

 I find it appalling that there is only one person who lives east of
Bloomingon Avenue (south)/River (north).  This commission is to represent
the city--why is everyone in the western half (quarter?) of the City?
Why is there only one person to represent half (Females) of the population.
It also appears there is only one person of color.
There is no one from any neighborhoods that are majority people of color.
There is no one from the low income neighborhoods.

Anyone interested in seeing if there is a court challenge possible?

There can be no excuse for the make-up of this commission.

It is appalling

>   Annie Young wrote, "And don't forget Tony Scallon and Scott Neiman
>from the Park Board.  I see we have a real balance in gender and color and
>lots of people from the wards and districts where there is likely to be the
>most change. Seems very skewed to me - but what do I know?"
>   [BRM] I agree with Annie, and I'll go a step further: The Charter
>Commission's appointments are shockingly unbalanced, and the City Council's
>and the Park Board's appointments do not improve the picture.  Let's look at
>the appointments in context (party and ward in parentheses):

sheldon mainsseward neighborhoodminneapolis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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[Mpls] Central Library site

2002-02-12 Thread Sheldon Mains

>Interesting meeting at the Library Implementation Committee this afternoon.

Sorry--forgot to sign it

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
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[Mpls] Central Library site

2002-02-12 Thread Sheldon Mains

Interesting meeting at the Library Implementation Committee this afternoon.

First, the architects discussed the lay-out options for the north (smaller
block). They basically said that while it could be done, that they would
not recommend the north block because it was too tight--just not enough
space to allow for the best layout.

They then proposed their brainstorm of putting the library on the south
block and making the north block a park.  Hey, didn't we talk about that
option on this list back three weeks ago.  It's interesting that this list
wasn't mentioned as the source of the idea(just doing my bit as an
E-Democracy board member to get us due credit).

The architects proposal included moving the planetarium to the north block
with a "large" skyway connecting it to the library.  This proposal was from
the same team that ruled out a having the planetarium on a separate block
because of the cost (construction and operation) a separate building would
add to the planetarium.

After a lot of discussion:
 the Mayor preaching fiscal constraint against the park
 Ellie Webster asking us to consider this in light of seven future generations
 One citizen member concerned about the cost of a park
 another citizen member urging a park
 numerous comments that the planetarium needed to be integrated with the
 NO real numbers on the cost of the park, the amount of tax increment the
housing would generate (other than it was less than they expected), no
costs for parking (although they said underground parking was looking more
feasible financially than initially.

Finally, three separate motions from Carol Becker
1. Library on South Block passed unanimously
2. Planetarium on South block (I think it was 5 yes, Carol and Ellie no,
Otis Anderson abstaining)
3. Get real numbers on parking, housing, park, and other options for north
block (this is really paraphrased) (appeared to be all yes, Otis Anderson
abstaining because he wanted to insure a park)

Thank goodness Carol is pushing for real numbers--I thought she has said
those would come out at this meeting.  The staff seems very reluctant to
provide them.

One concern of mine is the Mayor's comment that the decision on the north
block was not with the committee but with Planning and MCDA--I sure hope
that he just mis-spoke.  This is clearly a decision for elected officials
to make, not city staff.  (And with the joint agreement the City and
Library Board have on this project, it appears that both have to agree.)

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Re: [Mpls] New Guthrie

2002-02-09 Thread Sheldon Mains

Now this is just based on seeing the information and pictures in the STrib but:

I tend to like the proposal for the Guthrie.  (I also think the Weisman is
a great addition to a rather boring campus.

An "industrial" looking building does not have to look industrial. I think
this one works.  It seems to work just like the Duluth Aquarium--the
Aquarium fits great into the working waterfront of Duluth--bright colored
metal siding, visible structure.  The overlook could be great.

I do have some concerns:

The shops/parking building needs to be not just a typical concrete
structure--it needs some of the "attitude" of the Theater building.

I'm concerned about the cost of the overlook--that is not going to be a low
cost addition to the building. I just hope it doesn't cause cost cutting on
the theaters and back-stage areas.

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[Mpls] fundraising for mpls community organizations

2002-02-08 Thread Sheldon Mains

I thought the people on the list involved in community organizations and
neighbohrood groups may be interested in this:

There is still time to sign-up for great fundraising resources at MAP.

Finding Grants and Getting Funding with the Web
February 12
8:30 AM to 11:00

This workshop shows you how to use the Web as a research tool to find
funding opportunities and then use the Web to find tips, statistics and
information to write a better grant application. Taught by Ann Treacy
(http://decipherit.com/about.htm) from Decipher IT.

(This is part of a series of four classes designed to help nonprofits use
the Internet.  For more information about the series check
http://www.mapnp.org/classes/UseInternet.html.  You can take all four
classes for $200.)

Call or email now to save a place, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 651/647-1216.

FUNDRAISING...grantwriting...planned giving...annual campaign...special
events...capital campaign...planning...Where and how do you start?

MAP's Fundraising Clinic -- $50 off if you sign up NOW
Five Wednesdays 8 to noon, starting February 27

For years MAP has been the proud sponsor, in partnership with the
Association of Fundraising Professionals, of a twice-yearly Fundraising
Clinic that has enabled hundreds of Minnesota nonprofits to take their
fundraising capacity to the next level. We are now taking registrations for
our Spring Clinic that begins February 27th. Save $50 if you reserve your
spot citing this offer. Limited MAP scholarships are also available. The
session is filling up fast.

For more information, http://www.mapnp.org/classes/Spring2002FRClinic.html.

Call or email now to save a place, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 651/647-1216.

Both the workshop and clinic take place at MAP's office at 2233 University
Avenue West, St. Paul, Minnesota.  MAP is a nonprofit organization that
provides management help to other nonprofits.

sheldon mains, seward neighborhood, minneapolis
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
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[Mpls] Minneapolis e-Library

2002-01-29 Thread Sheldon Mains

We've discussed the new physical downtown library.  Time to change the
subject and talk about what can be done to improve our virtual library.

MPL has taken some small steps to use the Internet to improve service and
access to information:
The on-line catalog (this was a REALLY big deal just last century ;-} )
Checking your account on-line
On-line access to databases http://www.mpls.lib.mn.us/database.asp
The reference gateway http://www.mpls.lib.mn.us/reference.asp
The Seth Eastman Sketchbook online
  (but checking the site map, it looks like the only way to get to this one
is by doing a search)

But what can be done?

Here are a couple examples of what is possible:

1. A great digitized collection of historic maps.  (Keep zooming in on an
image--you will not see any digital effects) http://www.davidrumsey.org/,
(use the "View Collection with Insight Browser" link)

2. The ultimate digital museum. The Experience Music Project web site
(financed by Paul Allen--sp??--former number 2 at Microsoft)
http://www.emplive.com/.  Click on "EMP Digital Collection", then "Load
digital collection"

Think what this would be like using the EMP technology for the Minneapolis
historic collection.  It could make it accessible to everyone (and a lot of
the items you don't want greasy finger prints on) .

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Re: [Mpls] Library Site Selection

2002-01-19 Thread Sheldon Mains

>Karen states:
>Carol you bring up some good points for choosing the current site for the
>library.  But I want to bring up one down fall to that choice.  That if the
>current site is chosen then the collection has to be moved to another site
>and then of course moved back again.  I have heard from a person who
>currently works at the library that this process could add $10 million
>dollars to the library cost.  Has anyone else heard this?

This was a major issue all summer.  I attended the Implementation Committee
meeting when the staff went through the numbers.  It turns out that while
the move and lease and associated costs of a temporary library will be
about $8 million (Carol--correct me if my numbers are off).  However, it
was estimated that it would cost at least $3 million to stay in the current
library because of major health and safety improvements that have to be
made (It does not come anywhere close to meeting current fire codes for
public buildings) and repair of things like heating and air conditioning
(it was without AC for about a week last summer because they could not find
a replacement part for the 40 year old equipment) and I think a roof--I
think those costs totalled about 2 million. Finally, if the second block of
the two block project is not started at about the same time as the library
(independent of which block it is built on), we loose the tax increment
that is to pay for some improvements (including the skyway connection.)
Carol mentioned $10 million. I seem to remember $3 million tax increment.

The idea of just turning the north block into underground parking with a
park on top is a great idea.  It could result in the best of both worlds.
All the city is getting for it is housing (assuming the housing market
downtown doesn't tank before it's built) and the tax increment.  If it is
only $3 million, maybe we can turn up the private fundraising a notch (now
aimed at $12 million) and try to get $15 million in private support.  (And
this would be much better than the VERY small public plaza that could be
included in the south block plans),

And, how about getting a 100 year lease for a plaza on the western 1/4 of
the Ritz block? (The city has a 100 year easement of some type on the plaza
on the Marquette Plaza block)  If we're thinking out of the box, this could
really make the whole north end of the mall great.

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[Mpls] New library: Floors, design flexiblity

2002-01-18 Thread Sheldon Mains

Wizard marks wrote:
>Factoid: Every additional floor raises staff costs.

Off list, another person also noted that additional floors would add cost
to the library.

Fact:  Whether the library is on the north or south block, all library
functions can fit in a five story building (plus the "basement").

You say "how can that be--the north block is smaller."
Good question.
The library program plan has more square feet required on the first floor
than on any other floor (. 72,826 gross square feet on floor 1; 59,745 GSF
on floor 2;  62,936 floor 3; 55,626 floor 4; and 43,582 on floor 5.  By
expanding some of the upper floors, you get the same square feet in the
same number of floors with a smaller foot print.

The south block does offer more flexibility. For example, on the south
block, the Planetarium/space center could either be in one corner of the
block on floors 2 through 5 or on top in floor 6.  On the north block, the
only option for the planetarium is on the top (6th floor).  Also, the south
block could hold more underground parking (if we can find a way to pay for
it--underground parking is not in the budget).

So, all of you who are against the north block because it will add a floor
to the library can now support the north block. ;-}

Another interesting thing about this argument :
On April 17, 2001 the Library staff and consultant presented a modification
of the program plan to the Implementation committee.  That change reduced
floor sizes and changed the plan from four to five floors. Library staff
and the consultant at the time had no concerns that this would increase
staffing costs.

I do want to make it clear that I can see strengths and weaknesses for both
blocks.  This post is to just to keep the discussion based in the facts.
(and i did go back and take out some rather nasty editorial comments that
were in the first draft).

sheldon mainsseward neighborhoodminneapolis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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