1999-03-19 Thread MARUJO

Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My project with MegaRAM uses a double-bank  of  mapped 
 registers (16 bytes select ever 8kb block).
And how do you think you'll make the registers? Will you use the even
addresses to select LSB and odd addresses to select MSB?

The great idea is more or less this:
OUT (8Fh), A disable G-RAM (or enable ROM)
OUT (8Eh), A enable LSB exp. address for bank switch
OUT (8Ch), A enable MSB exp. address for bank switch

IN A, (8Ch~8Fh)  disable  write  protection   and   bank  
 switching,  but  not  modify   register 
 state of "8Fh".

 Reference for Mapped circuits are available on Elektor
 Electronics Magazine.
Elektor? That magazine is made for begineers.

"Beginner" is my secound name.
"Ambitious" is my third name  :

I prefer "Circuit Cellar",by Steve Ciarcia

I collect copies of circuit cellar on BYTE small systems
journal (USA/1979~1988). Thanks for remind !

If you don't remember, Steve Ciarcia is the writter of the book called
"Construct your own Microcomputer using Z80", McGrawHill.

I have a copy, too. :
And plan to make a PCB for this schemes.

 -EXACTLY what memory ranges do these blocks occupy?
 There are blocks in the area 4000h-5FFFh, 6000h-7FFFh, 8000h-9FFFh and
Graphic block diagram is: 
Since that the mirror effect was known, this diagram isn't absolutely 
the truth.

Ok, I made new correct ASCII block diagram. 

The most mysteriuos MegaRAM's feature is the mirror :)
MSB of address bus (A15) is ignored by MegaRAM!
Yes, the creator of Megaram (Ademir Carchano) told me that he 
ignored A15 to make the hardware much more simple, 
and to fit in a standard cartridge box.

Jeannie...(ops!) Ademir... is a genious! 

So, you can use Megaram on page 0 and page 3, but when you're in "block
select mode" 
No, "block select mode" is accessed by a OUT (8Eh),A

I made a mistake when read EAB's Programmers Guide  :(((
You're right.

Everything that I was talking about is valid only when all
pages are selected over the slot where Megaram is connected.

(correct) Diagram for illustrate this resource:

+-+  ---+-+ 
| h-3FFFh |  | h-1FFFh |   Block 0
+-+  +-+
| 4000h-7FFFh |  | 2000h-3FFFh |   Block 1
+-+  +-+
| 8000h-BFFFh |  | 4000h-5FFFh |   Block 2
+-+  +-+
| C000h-h |  | 6000h-7FFFh |   Block 3
+-+  --+ +-+
   | | 8000h-9FFFh |   Block 0'
   | +-+
   | | A000h-BFFFh |   Block 1'
   | +-+
   | | C000h-DFFFh |   Block 2'
   | +-+
   +| E000h-h |   Block 3'

(Blocks marked with "'" are mirrors of same block)

That can happen when you do a reset while Megaram is in "write enable
mode". But I don't know how much memory will be detected as normal RAM.
Does the BIOS verify if the mirror effect happens?

Ok, the CHKRAM started on E000h,  and  decrease  counter 
when search RAM... don't know how more is effective.

 MegaRAM are "RESET-insensitive". See technical informa
 tion and electrical diagram on CPU MSX Magazine nr 35.
Don't trust in that magazine! I'll analyse the contents of those
schematics to see if there aren't any bugs.

The scheme do not use /RESET signal  for  clear  MegaRAM 
registers. I'm based on CPU MSX scheme.

 Simple and good method: select (in descending order) each possible 
 block, write its number in it in at some test address, and then 
 (starting with block 0) check up until which block the block number 
 matches what you find at the test address when selecting each block.
 Many faults for a test program... 
Then show us which faults you are seeing!

Checking for multiple-redundance nodes,  and  check  for
individual address bus lines  minimize  time  on  search
size of available RAM.

Think how much time CPU  need  for  measure  the  entire
RAM connected at slots. This way is unreasonable!

 I shop 4 ICs WD2793BL... but no have schematics for!!!
A friend of mine sended to me a copy of the port based disk interface, and
I saw that it really uses WD2793 FDC. 

The same friend send to me the copy of diagrams of  this
interface, too. But I don't know to make adjust.

FDC concepts?

Thanks for explain.

 But one of the difficulties is to understand how the all kinds
of MSX hardware work, because the variability is really big
I think 1st priority detect all kinds of RAM.
That's the easy part.



1999-03-19 Thread Patrick Kramer

 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Wulms [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: vrijdag 19 maart 1999 0:13
 Subject:  Re: MegaRAM 
 ] My question is: why the data behavior is symmetric (pages even and pages
 ] odd) and the block-switching isn't, I mean, why in Konami Megaroms the
 ] block number can't be selected via pages 0 and 3?
 This mystery can be solved quite simply if you look at the specifications
 the MSX slot. In a cartridge slot, you have three signals, just for the 
 convenience of the hardware designer:
 CS1: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 1
 CS2: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 2
 CS12: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 1 or
-8--cut to save space---8-

 Funny to realize that all these amazing discoveries are well documented.
 should definetely get a good site up and running with all technical 
 documentation available about the MSX. It will save a lot of people a lot
 time with tracing and disassembling the MSX ROMS.
I'm currently collecting about every tech data I can find on MSX,
and putting it in an Excel sheet with links  (which can be converted of
course).  Instead of just putting all textfiles together, I want to combine
it and filter out double info. Kind of like Ralf Browns interrupt list for

If   I have anything ready I will put it on my MSX page (but this
may take a while)



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R: C for Gerald all

1999-03-19 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

If you want to learn clean c and you really want to do it on msx
use hisoft-c or hi-tech c instead. They are much more compatible and
portible with what's out there (although the code they produce is crap!)

Send me them, or let me know where can I find them !


Bye  thanks,
Fronteddu Stefano
Student in Software Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Sardinia, Robotics, Friends   MSX Soft Tips Page
Member of Miri Software - Italy
ICQ: 21401454

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Re: R: C for Gerald all

1999-03-19 Thread Marco Frissen

At 08:12 PM 3/18/99 +0100, Stefano wrote:
:Send me them, or let me know where can I find them !
sigh, doesn't anyone use search engines anymore?

for hitech-c


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R: LOG(x) BASIC function

1999-03-19 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

very much like a log. You could use the taylor-series, which can be
calculated quite quick, but is not a very good approximation. I don't know
the taylor-series by heart, but I could look it up. In case you want to
start programming, it will be of the form:

Taylors rule says that 

log (1+x) = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 +  + (x^(2n+1)) / (2n+1)!


log x = (x-1) - (x-1)^2/2 + ... +(-1)^n-1 * ((x-1)^n) / n

I hope to be helpful to you, bye
Fronteddu Stefano
Student in Software Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Sardinia, Robotics, Friends   MSX Soft Tips Page
Member of Miri Software - Italy
ICQ: 21401454

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Re: FDC x 1.44Mb

1999-03-19 Thread Erik Maas

Try to look at

It is a FDC from National Semiconductiors.
They seem to have samples.

I have received 7 of these about a year ago.
(they shipped it to the netherlands at no costs for me)

They are PC FDC controllers, but that shouldn't be
a problem.

Greetings from Erik Maas

-Original Message-
Cc: Walter Bernardo Nunes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: vrijdag 19 maart 1999 6:16
Subject: RE: FDC x 1.44Mb

Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Maarten ter Huurne wrote:
Do you know a FDC that supports 1.2Mb and 1.44Mb drives and is still being
produced, and have good documentation?

I think these docs and ICs are unavailable today.

Note that 3.5MHz is too slow to allow reading of 1.44MB disks. The "inner
loop" of the sector read routine is too slow to cope with the data flow.

Drivers 1.44MB uses 360 r.p.m. when 720kb uses 300 r.p.m. ?

if you want to create 1.44MB drives for MSX, you either have to use 7MHz
Z80 or use some kind of buffer for reading sectors.

Are you sure? A 720kb disk works with a FDC that handles 250kbits/s, a
1440kb disk works with a FDC that handles 500kbits/s.

I don't know, but if angular speed  is  360 * 2 * PI / 60 ,
that required more CPU speed OR _DMA_ for flow control.

This means that the
main routine should be able to read 12500 bytes per turn. It means that
this routine should run 12500 times in 0.2 seconds. Then, the routine
should spend a maximum of 16 microseconds. In a 3.57561149MHz, this means
57 clockcicles.

If I used a trigger for control signal "data available"  on
hardware (i.e. waiting for "Wait" signal comes  up),  avoid
you routine ?
I see possibilities. Control is set on read on D0h port.

Only for information, the correct number of states (T):

 LD HL,address  10T
 LD C,D3h7T
LOOP:IN A,(D0h)  ; 12 clocks11T  - Start Loop
 RRCA; 5 clocks  4T
 JR NC,LOOP  ; 9 or 12 clocks 9-12T
 RRCA; 5 clocks  4T
 RET NC  ; 9 clocks  5T
 INI ; 21 clocks16T
 JP LOOP ; 10 clocks10T
[Reference: Signectics Z80 family data sheet]

TOTAL 11+4+12+4+5+16+10 = 62 T-cicles if no-wait inserted.

If wait-logic is used, the read routine is:

 LD HL, address   10T
 LD  C, D3h7T
LOOP:IN  A, (D0h) 11T - WAIT INSERTED (Hardware tests
 RRCA  4T   data bus  D7 )
 INI  16T

TOTAL 11+4+4+5+16+10 = 50 T-cicles + waits.

Conclusion: you're right, it's not possible
to use 1.2Mb or 1.44Mb disks with Z80 at 3.57MHz.

I try to work on this scheme, but I need 1.44M FDC IC.
Who know this IC commercial number ?

___ _   _ ___ ___
|   | |_| |_ __  _  __| WALTER BERNARDO NUNES |
| /|| |_   _|  \| |/ /| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
\  /  || | | |_|  / / Graduacao Fisica-UFRGS |
   \  /|| |_| |_  |_| |/__|
 \__/__||___|___|___|_|_ /[tag not available yet]
 / \

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Re: Round 16... FAT! (help wanted!!)

1999-03-19 Thread Alwin Henseler

Nestor Soriano  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 SET the disk change flag? Why do you need to do that?
 The behavior of my driver when a function call is made is the

 - Check if the disk has been changed via CALL #4013.
 - If not, read an internal table which contains the type of the
 drive. If FAT16, process function call. Else (FAT12) do not
 process and let DOS to do it. - If yes, read boot sector in
 order to determine the type of drive. If FAT16, build new DPB
 and process function call. Else, let DOS to do it. Update the
 drive type table in both cases.

 Well, suppose that disk was changed and it is FAT12 type. My
 driver must do nothing and let DOS to execute funtion call. But
 what will do DOS at first? To check if the disk was changed. But
 my driver did it already!! So DOS will obtain a "disk not
 changed" status, even if the disk was changed, and will not
 update the drive's work area. This is very dangerous...

 How to solve it: if the disk was changed and it is FAT12, set
 again the disk change flag, so next call to #4013 (check disk
 change), performed by DOS, will return "disk was changed"
 status. I know how to do it but only on MegaSCSI.

You could figure out how to set this disk change flag for other 
interfaces, but it's disk hardware-specific, so better leave it 

Possible solutions for the above:
-Avoid making a "disk changed?" call. If you do need it: maybe you 
can use the result of a "disk changed?" call made by DOS earlier?
-Maybe you can use another interception point for your routine, at a 
point where DOS already determined this disk change status?
-DOS does this call again, after your code? Maybe you can use a 
different exit point from your code, skipping this next DOS call, and 
pass on the result of the "disk changed?" call you made?
-Or: intercept somehow this next "disk changed?" call made by DOS 
(difficult, tricky)

 If it only works with MegaSCSI, then it's really a MegaSCSI 
 modification, not some kind of 'driver'. If so, I think you'd better 
 re-do it.
 No. It is NOT a MegaSCSI modification, because I don't change anything of
 MegaSCSI SRAM. My driver resides in a RAM segment. Besides when a FAT12
 drive is accessed, my driver does nothing, and normal DOS code is executed:
 no modification at all then.

MegaSCSI modification = adding something, that only works with 
megaSCSI, not other interfaces.
What it does with the megaSCSI itself, or where that added code 
stays: I don't care!

 b) If possible, simply return/jump back to the original end of a 
 What? Sorry I don't understand what you mean. Anyway I think you are maybe
 speaking about "ignore" option, not "abort"...

Dos HAS code for handling "Abort", right? You can do the same, but 
instead, you could also jump back to that DOS code handling "abort" 
(and don't care what happens from there). That was the idea.

 I also don't know how sector buffers works, as well as "fork a child process"
 (what the hell is this???) X-)

See MSX-DOS 2 function call documentation, functions 60  61h.


Alwin Henseler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) MSX Tech Doc page

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MSX2 memory mappers

1999-03-19 Thread Alwin Henseler

Hi  all,

Ooohh, it's really hard to explain those Brazilians all about memory 
mappers! (don't they have any?).

Some facts:

An MSX2 doesn't need to have a memory mapper to be a true MSX-2. 
Example: Sony HB-G900. 64K RAM, no mapper, but true MSX-2, nothing 
wrong with it.

Apparantly there exist Philips MSX-2's without a mapper (not the 
8220, which has a mapper), because I made a schematic once for 
building 128K mapper in those (if all Philips MSX-2's had mappers, I 
wouldn't have). I suppose the VG 8230 could be such a machine. If you 
have a VG8230: check it! Does this one have a mapper, or not? Be sure 
it is a 8230: I've helped build a 8235 into a 8230's casing once...

128K mappers in Philips machines:

Sony HB-F9P: 128 K, mapper

Almost every Japanese-built MSX2 or 2+: 64K mapper

Philips NMS 8220 has only 64K, but this IS a mapper. Really a 128K 
mapper with 2nd half empty, so switching blocks, you get:
Block 0, 1, 2, 3, "nothing", "nothing", "nothing", "nothing", block 0 
again, 1 again, 2 again, 3 again,  "nothing", "nothing", "nothing", 
"nothing", 0 again, 1 again, etc.

Not standard? Absolutely standard!
Mapper=64K = 4 blocks (0-3), selecting block 0, 1, 2, 3 gets you 
mapper blocks 0, 1, 2, 3 - all ok.
Reading the mapper ports on this machine would return other 
values as you might expect, but reading mapper ports SHOULD 
be considered unreliable, right?

Turbo-R: 256K (ST) or 512K (GT), mapper
Sony HB-G900AP (note the "A" in there!): 512K or 1 MB., mapper


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Re: BrMSX mapper emulation

1999-03-19 Thread Alwin Henseler

Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

   The MegaRAM was not added to BrMSX to improve game play.
   Instead, I added it as a development tool.
   I don't know what is your opinion, but I think it's much better to
 develop programs in an emulator than in the real machine. I can compile
 large files very fast in the PC, using a cross-compiler, and to test it, I
 use the BrMSX fudebug (I think it's the best MSX debugger available,
 mainly due to the step-by-step tracing and true breakpoints).

I prefer emulation as well in many cases, if it's good. I also wrote 
a BASIC program once, to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a power 
supply (including the transformer's wire resistance, diode voltage 
drop, peak currents, voltage difference needed by regulator etc.), to 
optimise for efficiency and reliability. Adjusting the variables in 
that is much easier than getting out soldering iron and voltage meter 
and change a real power supply under construction.

   As a matter of fact, both "MUST" and "VIP" were 100% developed in
 the PC, I just used the MSX to test the final version. Of course I
 couldn't just the BrMSX mapper emulation - I don't have a real memory
 mapper at home, and there's no point in developing programs for a system
 you don't have.

You're writing an MSX emulator, and you don't even HAVE a memory 
mapper? Go get one!

BTW. Adding memory mapper emulation to a MSX-1 emulator should be 
easy, and really usefull. There's lots of programs that claim to need 
MSX-2, but can run on MSX-1, if it has a memory mapper. Unusual 
combination, but works fine! (my R-Type crack runs on that, for 
example  ;-)


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Alex Wulms wrote:

 This mystery can be solved quite simply if you look at the specifications of 
 the MSX slot. In a cartridge slot, you have three signals, just for the 
 convenience of the hardware designer:
 CS1: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 1
 CS2: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 2
 CS12: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 1 or 2

I already knew this signals, but I never understood how to create a ROM in
pages 0 and 3.

 As you might understand, the cartridges which are 'mirrored' all over the 
 place simply ignore the CSx signals. While the megarom cartridges, which can 
 only be addressed in page 1 and 2, use the CS12 signal.

Then, normal Konami Megaroms use CS12 signal, and Konami SCC Megaroms
don't use. Is that right?

 Funny to realize that all these amazing discoveries are well documented. We 
 should definetely get a good site up and running with all technical 
 documentation available about the MSX. It will save a lot of people a lot of 
 time with tracing and disassembling the MSX ROMS.

Yes, it will save too much time!

But how can be made cartridges with 64kb of normal continuous RAM?

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

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Re: MSX2 memory mappers

1999-03-19 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha

 Ooohh, it's really hard to explain those Brazilians all about memory 
 mappers! (don't they have any?).

Not to ALL brazilian. Just to the "fudeba" ones. :)

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

 *** NEW URL! AdrianPage now is at ***

* My next Pentium(tm) computer will be a Silicon Graphics Workstation *

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1999-03-19 Thread Patrick Kramer

 -Original Message-
 From: Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: vrijdag 19 maart 1999 13:12
 Subject:  Re: MegaRAM 
 On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Alex Wulms wrote:
  This mystery can be solved quite simply if you look at the
 specifications of 
  the MSX slot. In a cartridge slot, you have three signals, just for the 
  convenience of the hardware designer:
  CS1: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 1
  CS2: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 2
  CS12: This signal becomes active if the Z80 addresses memory in page 1
 or 2
 I already knew this signals, but I never understood how to create a ROM in
 pages 0 and 3.
Well, you don't need these signals then.
Example: if you want to have a 16K ROM in page 0, you would have to
select this ROM whenever the slot is selected, AND address space -3fff
is addressed. This means A14 and A15 MUST be low.
So as a _CS for the ROM you would have _SLTSL OR A14 OR A15.
  As you might understand, the cartridges which are 'mirrored' all over
  place simply ignore the CSx signals. While the megarom cartridges, which
  only be addressed in page 1 and 2, use the CS12 signal.
 Then, normal Konami Megaroms use CS12 signal, and Konami SCC Megaroms
 don't use. Is that right?
  Funny to realize that all these amazing discoveries are well documented.
  should definetely get a good site up and running with all technical 
  documentation available about the MSX. It will save a lot of people a
 lot of 
  time with tracing and disassembling the MSX ROMS.
 Yes, it will save too much time!
 But how can be made cartridges with 64kb of normal continuous RAM?
Well, only use _SLTSL as a _CS for the RAM. There is no need for
page-related chip selects as all pages are addressed.
(A14 and A15 are used)
 Greetings from Brazil!
 Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   "Apple" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton
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Re: Round 16... FAT! (help wanted!!)

1999-03-19 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 07:01 PM 3/18/01 +0100, you wrote:

SET the disk change flag? Why do you need to do that?

The behavior of my driver when a function call is made is the following:

- Check if the disk has been changed via CALL #4013.
- If not, read an internal table which contains the type of the drive. If
FAT16, process function call. Else (FAT12) do not process and let DOS to do
- If yes, read boot sector in order to determine the type of drive. If
FAT16, build new DPB and process function call. Else, let DOS to do it.
Update the drive type table in both cases.

Well, suppose that disk was changed and it is FAT12 type. My driver must do
nothing and let DOS to execute funtion call. But what will do DOS at first?
To check if the disk was changed. But my driver did it already!! So DOS
will obtain a "disk not changed" status, even if the disk was changed, and
will not update the drive's work area. This is very dangerous...

What you could do, instead of setting the disk change flag, is to either
update or mark as invalidated any data that can change if a disk is changed.

What info does DOS keep of a disk? Is it only the disk buffers, or is there

If it's only the disk buffers, the solution is simple: perform "invalidate
disk buffers" (standard DOS2 call) whenever disk change status is
"changed". If a FAT12 disk is accessed, DOS will read a "disk not changed"
status, but this doesn't matter as there is no info left about the disk
that was changed.


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Re: LOG(x) BASIC function

1999-03-19 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 05:22 PM 3/18/99 +0100, you wrote:

I was wondering how BASIC calculates LOG(x). Does it use a look-up table
(would require massive amounts of memory), some sort of algorithm (would
require massive amounts of CPU time), or some mixed method?

There must be using a way that requires only a little memory. There are
many math functions present in the math pack in the ROM, for example LOG,
EXP, SIN, COS, TAN, ATN. They can't all use large tables, there is simply
not enough space in a 32K ROM.

They might use Taylor sequences or a technique like that. Although it's not
fast (on a Z80), it results in compact code that needs no tables.

I'm trying to speed up multiplication and division (in machinecode) by
using the following:
log(x) + log(y) = log(x*y)
log(x) - log(y) = log(x/y)

You'll need an EXP function as well, to get from "log(x*y)" to "x*y".

I calculated I'd need about 96kB for a look-up table with reasonable
accuracy. Because log(256*256)=4.8164 I'd need 48164 x 2 bytes.

I don't understand that calculation.

By the way, there is not just a 10log, you could use 2log or ln (e-log)

Although I don't mind wasting that much memory, there has to be a smarter

If you don't mind wasting memory, why not make a 256x256 table that
contains the result of x*y? It would take 128K, but it's fast. Although
slot switching would degrade the performance a bit.

Anyway, I don't think using logs will get your multiplications any faster.
Maybe it's a better strategy to cut down the number of multiplications you
need to perform?

I think that the fastest way of multiplying a large amount of numbers on
MSX would be to use a GFX9000. Think about that... ;)


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 02:53 PM 3/18/99 -0300, you wrote:

 Philips 8235, 8245, 8250, 8255 and 8280 were all sold with 128K mapper.

Only Philips did it? Did other manufacturers do only 256kb of Mapper

I think there may be a few. Manual would probably say "check the hardware
list". Philips MSX2 machines (which were built by Sanyo, by the way) were
very popular in Holland.

 ROM version of Royal Blood is 1MB.

8-megabit Megarom??? That's impressive! Is it downloadable in any site?

I don't think so. I know it exists because Takamichi has one. It contains a
bit of SRAM as well. There is also a disk version of this game, so the ROM
version is interesting mostly as a curiousity.

I have also seen a Korean compilation cartridge (probably illegal) which
contains many 16K ROMs combined in a single cartridge. It had a ROM of 2MB.
I still have the ROM image on my harddisk.

 Why didn't people from Japan create a kind of Megaram?
 Maybe they don't like doing illegal things?

Take it easy!

Don't get me wrong, I copied lots of MSX games. Only recently I started
buying games (MSX and PSX). Now I have a part-time job (Java programming)
and I can afford them, before I needed all my money for hardware (MSX2,
color monitor, FM-PAC).
I get the feeling the Japanese are not as fanatical crackers and copiers
like Dutch, Spanish or Brazillians. Although maybe under the surface the
Japanese are not the perfect citizens they may appear to be? Otherwise, why
would games released for the Japanese market alone be copy protected?

I was talking about one manufacturer (for example, Konami)
sells Megaram cartridges and sell disks with the games separately. This
would be much cheaper.

If they wanted to go for disks, they wouldn't really need a MegaRAM
cartridge. They would just write the game in such a way that it runs on the
internal RAM. After all, Japanese MSX2/2+ software all works on 64K RAM.

Cartridge is extra quality (no loading time, more durable) compared to
disk. Also, it is harder to copy.

 In Europe, for a long time software was available in normal stores. But

Was Japanese software available in normal stores?

Software from Japanese software companies was released in Europe. Examples:
Nemesis 1, 2 and 3, Metal Gear 1, King's Valley 2 (only MSX1 version).

 around 1990 we had to rely on imports for games like SD Snatcher and Solid

Importing games? Wasn't it too slow and too expensive?

It was slow and expensive, but clubs offered that service and it was used.
It was the only way to get originals.
By the way, SD Snatcher is more expensive now than it was back then...

Total: 71 clockcicles. Conclusion: you're right, it's not possible to use
1.2Mb or 1.44Mb disks with Z80 at 3.57MHz. It's BAD!

Henrik Gilvad once told me.

Then, there's still a chance only for Turbo-R.

The built-in FDC can handle HD according to Henrik. But you would need to
write a new diskROM...

For normal MSX1/2/2+, 7MHz is an option. But old FDCs can't handle HD
speeds either, so they would have to be replaced.

Another option is to use some kind of buffered hardware. Like Superdisk
connected to IDE, as Peter Burkhard mentioned.

But a Superdisk drive is quite expensive, maybe someone wants to make a
buffered HD floppy interface? It could be very simple: two banks of 512
bytes (1 sector) of RAM. Could be two ICs or a single dual-ported IC. One
bank is filled by the FDC, while the other is LDIR-ed to MSX main RAM.
Although 3.5MHz is too slow for polling the FDC, it would be fast enough
for LDIR-ing. After LDIR-ing an entire sector it would poll for moment the
next sector is available.

It would be a real benefit:
- 720K disks are hard to find, 1.44MB disks are still available everywhere
- double the amount of data fits on a single disk
- disk transfer rate is doubled, making your MSX load faster
Anyone interested in making a prototype?


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 17:13 18/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
 Hydlide 3 is 512K.
 ROM version of Royal Blood is 1MB.

Royal Blood? I've never heard about this game... 
Does anyone can tell me more? Thankx.

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

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RE: LOG(x) BASIC function

1999-03-19 Thread Hans Otten

Last time i looked into the Microsoft Basic interpreter i remember seeing
appromation of functions like log(x) with things like Taylor sequences. And
quite a reasonable approach for the accuracy needed. 
I still have the commented source of the Basic rom of the Commodore PET,
6502 cpu code (so you know i am old, that was several years before the MSX
was born), and Bill himself added code to that basic interpreter..
All Microsoft interpreters for 8 bit cpu's were constructed in the same way,
very compact code with a small footprint, whether the cpu was 8080, Z80 or
Boy, did Microsoft change...


-Original Message-
From: Maarten ter Huurne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: vrijdag, maart 19, 1999 01:00 uur
Subject: Re: LOG(x) BASIC function

At 05:22 PM 3/18/99 +0100, you wrote:

I was wondering how BASIC calculates LOG(x). Does it use a look-up table
(would require massive amounts of memory), some sort of algorithm (would
require massive amounts of CPU time), or some mixed method?

There must be using a way that requires only a little memory. There are
many math functions present in the math pack in the ROM, for example LOG,
EXP, SIN, COS, TAN, ATN. They can't all use large tables, there is simply
not enough space in a 32K ROM.

They might use Taylor sequences or a technique like that. Although it's not
fast (on a Z80), it results in compact code that needs no tables.

I'm trying to speed up multiplication and division (in machinecode) by
using the following:
log(x) + log(y) = log(x*y)
log(x) - log(y) = log(x/y)

You'll need an EXP function as well, to get from "log(x*y)" to "x*y".

I calculated I'd need about 96kB for a look-up table with reasonable
accuracy. Because log(256*256)=4.8164 I'd need 48164 x 2 bytes.

I don't understand that calculation.

By the way, there is not just a 10log, you could use 2log or ln (e-log)

Although I don't mind wasting that much memory, there has to be a smarter

If you don't mind wasting memory, why not make a 256x256 table that
contains the result of x*y? It would take 128K, but it's fast. Although
slot switching would degrade the performance a bit.

Anyway, I don't think using logs will get your multiplications any faster.
Maybe it's a better strategy to cut down the number of multiplications you
need to perform?

I think that the fastest way of multiplying a large amount of numbers on
MSX would be to use a GFX9000. Think about that... ;)


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Re: 64K VRAM?

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

 Maybe you mean the NMS 8220?
 That machine had only 64K RAM (normal memory mapper), but did still
 have 128K VRAM, like every MSX2 I've ever seen...

How can 64kb of RAM be memory mapper? Memory Mapper with only 4 memory
blocks is a bit unuseful!

NOT!!! With a non-memorymapped 64k RAM the blocks are on fixed adresses. If
a small game for example executes from #C000, and it has the fielddata at
#8000. Well if you include a music-replayer which uses the area #8000 for
music-data, then you can switch the music-data to that adres with
memory-mapped RAM, but you can't do that with non-memorymapped 64k RAM... So
now you understand that 64k mapped and 64k fixed are not the same?



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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

 BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I knew
 had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory Mapper?

 Memory Mapper is part of the MSX2 standard.

So the NMS 8220 e.d. where not part of the MSX2 standard?

This 64k of memory IS mapped. Besides, it isn't required (I think), it's
only defined in the standard.


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Re: 64K VRAM?

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

But the main utility of the Memory Mapper is to create a block switching
system that allows the slot to contain much more than 64kb of RAM. Using
Memory Mapper only to exchange memory contents isn't a big deal, because
you still can do it using LDIR (or using a famous technique called swap,
like this:)

Not true to my opinion.
What if you want to load code (in Dos) from # using the BDos-routines???
Yup, right, you load it in #4000 and then switch it to #.

Besides, believe me, moving 16k using LDIR is MUCH slower than a simple
12-T-states-long OUT-instruction. LDIR is slow...

Of course Memory Mapper if much faster, but it's not much flexible,
because the block size to be exchanged is fixed in 16kb. If you want to
change 8kb basic programs, you'll need to use the above technique.

Copying is not the main use, ofcourse not.
But, as I stated before, if you write a .BIN-program for Basic, then you
might not want to switch page 0 away to use the lowest 16k of RAM because
then you switch away the interrupt. Then switching it to page 1 or 2 is much

Is there a program that takes profit of the 64kb memory mapped?

Absolutely. Track, for example, works with 64k (if you don't load any
music). But it doesn't 'remove' page 0 because it doesn't want the
BIOS-interrupt to be disabled. So it switches page 1...


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1999-03-19 Thread Gerald Stap

Stefano Fronteddu wrote:
 Hi to all,
   I'm here again to talk about C.
 In the documentation I have the author talks about MSX-C and he lists the
 following files:
 cf.comck.relstdio.h   clib.rel  bdosfunc.h  crun.rel conio.h  cend.relctype.h
 direct.h   io.h  malloc.h
 memory.h   process.h setjmp.h
 stdlib.h   string.h type.h
 Taken from MSX-C by Freddy Vulto.
 I need this MSX-C as soon as possible. Let me have it if you can. Bye 

This isn't msx-c, it's ASCII-C. Try mailing Alex wulms.
He wrote an optimizer for it!


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

  No, with the IDE-Interface and a LS120 you can read 1,44MB disks

 And what is this LS120? And can you write and format 1.44Mb disks with
DalPoz, esse "LS120" e' um tipo novo de drive que suporta discos com
capacidade de ate' 120Mb, esse disco tem as mesmas dimensoes de um disco
de 3.5" comum. Alem desse disco especial o drive LS120 suporta
tranquilamente discos de 3.5" normais (de 720Kb ou 1.44Mb).
(espero que o pessoal da lista nao fiquem chateados por eu nao ter
escrito em ingles, minha cabeca nao esta' muito boa agora, acho que e'

Thank you for this Spanish explanation. Ofcourse, all non-spanish (or what
is it, Brazilian?) speaking people already know what this is. They are much


Ok, If I'm correct LS120 is a FDC (Floppy Disc Controller)???


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

 the NMS8220 does have a mapper, and the mapper is 128Kb wide , but only
 64Kb of
 ramis used.

What do you mean with that? It has 64kB, but reacts as 128kB? so:
would return b1000 in stead of b1100? That would be against
MSX-standard! I must be misunderstanding you, I think...


Issuing an IN on the mapper-ports is against the MSX-standard!!!
NEVER IN the Mapper-ports. The result is ABSOLUTELY unreliable and
machine/mapper-dependant. One computer inverts the result, another sets the
highest bits and other computers always return zero or crap.


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

 I'm currently collecting about every tech data I can find on MSX,
and putting it in an Excel sheet with links  (which can be converted of
course).  Instead of just putting all textfiles together, I want to combine
it and filter out double info. Kind of like Ralf Browns interrupt list for

 If   I have anything ready I will put it on my MSX page (but this
may take a while)

Err... So you'll have to download the whole document first before you can
read it? HTML-structure with hyperlinks seems easier to me. But I don't
care, I'll download it if I have to.

Maybe you can do both. With all the internet-implemented programs nowadays
you can probably publicize the document to HTML... I think at least Word or
WP can do that...

And by the way, don't forget the info you can find on the mailinglist, eh?
And ofcourse, don't forget Joynet.


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

Funny to realize that all these amazing discoveries are well documented. We
should definetely get a good site up and running with all technical
documentation available about the MSX. It will save a lot of people a lot
time with tracing and disassembling the MSX ROMS.

Yeah, absolutely!

Err... Alex... You're very experienced... and...


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

] That's strange. I think that it's more natural to expand memory first,
] after expand video capabilities.
] Who needs more memory when all games are in ROM cartridges?
] Only people who want to play illegal versions of those ROM's... :-)
Ever heard of a RAMDISK? That is something which you really need if you are
working on your MSX. For example, when you are writing programs. Floppy and
harddisk on MSX are too slow to be really usefull when you are constantly
loading, saving, editing, assembling and the whole stuff.

Harddisk is fast enough I think, although the amount of extra speed using
disk-cache with a program like LUNA is amazing!!!


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

 When accessing the I/O-ports (there's a pin on the Z80 which indicates it)
 the board switches the processor back to 3.5 MHz... Later, 'smart'
 7MHz-boards (called Advanced 7MHz) appeared, which only switched back to
 3.5MHz when there was VDP I/O. This way, SCSI, Memory, MoonSound etc. I/O is
 all done at maximum speed.
 I'd like to have the last one too (or better: 10MHz!) but I don't know where
 to get it...

I guess Alwin's MSX Super Turbo (See his homepage) is advanced! 
Tell us, Alwin...

(Geez, Laurens! Please keep down the mail-flow a bit! Already got 9 mails of 
you today!)

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my homepage at 

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

 Ofcourse not, Laurens. Sony HB-G900P and Philips VG-8230 is really MSX2,
 but have no mapper. They're really, really, really 100% MSX2!
 They have 64k non-mapped memory?

You're finally getting it? 
(Hint: read all your mail before replying to the mailinglist... That would 
decrease the mail-flow from you a bit...)

 Well then it was not part of 'the MSX2 standard'. But at least it was
 standarized and introduced together with the MSX2.

No, because the 8230 and G900P were the very first MSX2 models... Really!

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my homepage at 

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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

 When accessing the I/O-ports (there's a pin on the Z80 which indicates
 the board switches the processor back to 3.5 MHz... Later, 'smart'
 7MHz-boards (called Advanced 7MHz) appeared, which only switched back to
 3.5MHz when there was VDP I/O. This way, SCSI, Memory, MoonSound etc. I/O
 all done at maximum speed.

 I'd like to have the last one too (or better: 10MHz!) but I don't know
 to get it...

I guess Alwin's MSX Super Turbo (See his homepage) is advanced!
Tell us, Alwin...

(Geez, Laurens! Please keep down the mail-flow a bit! Already got 9 mails
you today!)

:) big smile... another one!


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Laurens Holst wrote:
 Thank you for this Spanish explanation.

It's portuguese :)

 Ofcourse, all non-spanish (or what is it, Brazilian?)
 speaking people already know what this is. They are much

I think dutch is much more difficult :)))
He said:

 DalPoz, that "LS120" is a new drive type which supports
 disks with up to 120Mb capacity, that disk has the same
 size of a normal 3.5" disk. Besides, the LS120 drive
 supports normal 3.5" (720Kb or 1.44Mb) disks easily.
 (I hope the list people don't get upset with me not
 not writing in english, my mind is not very good now,
 I think it's a cold...)

I hope you could understand it, I'm very
bad in english :)

 Ok, If I'm correct LS120 is a FDC (Floppy Disc Controller)???

No, it's a disk technology. Zip-alike, it seems.

`:) Parn
ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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Presentacion and first questions

1999-03-19 Thread Mario Carugno

Hello everybody in this list. My name is Mario and i'm from
I'm a unconditional msx fan and is glad to know people working for msx 
survival. I want to contribute too.

Well, here my first questions ?

1 - There's production of MSXs today? if not, what's the
latest MSX model?
2 - Where can i download or upload soft for emulators ?
3 - The emulator msx2 (CJ) have a problem on shutdown when
is running under DOS. Do you know how to solve this
problem without having to run it from windows ?

That's enough by now.
Thanks to all.
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Re: BrMSX mapper emulation

1999-03-19 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Alwin Henseler wrote:

 You're writing an MSX emulator, and you don't even HAVE a memory 
 mapper? Go get one!

I already bought, but Ademir Carchano is SO SLOW to send my
enhanced machine...
 BTW. Adding memory mapper emulation to a MSX-1 emulator should be 
 easy, and really usefull. There's lots of programs that claim to need 
 MSX-2, but can run on MSX-1, if it has a memory mapper. Unusual 
 combination, but works fine! (my R-Type crack runs on that, for 
 example  ;-)

It was very easy to add, indeed. I added it some time ago, just to
make the KGC games playable (I always wanted to hear Nemesis with SCC
sound! :)

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Save the trees: eat more woodpeckers"

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Re: BrMSX mapper emulation

1999-03-19 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha

   It was very easy to add, indeed. I added it some time ago, just to
 make the KGC games playable (I always wanted to hear Nemesis with SCC
 sound! :)

Oooops, ooops, ooops!!!
That's something I never pay attention!
Stupid question: so the KGC games need Mapper to run?
Not only a 64kb MSX?
Sorry, but I never executed them in a non-mapped MSX...

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

 *** NEW URL! AdrianPage now is at ***

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Re: BrMSX mapper emulation

1999-03-19 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:

  It was very easy to add, indeed. I added it some time ago, just to
  make the KGC games playable (I always wanted to hear Nemesis with SCC
  sound! :)
   Oooops, ooops, ooops!!!
   That's something I never pay attention!
   Stupid question: so the KGC games need Mapper to run?
   Not only a 64kb MSX?
   Sorry, but I never executed them in a non-mapped MSX...

The original version of KGC uses the RAM contained in the SCC+.
The cracks to run KGC with the normal SCC use the mapper to simulate the
SCC-RAM. However, the only two games that require 128kb mapper are "Twin
Bee" and "Nemesis". All the others run with a 64kb mapper.

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Save the trees: eat more woodpeckers"

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1999-03-19 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

I've search in my archive the Alex's e-mail address but I haven't it. Can
someone give it to me ?
Thanks a lot,

-Messaggio originale-
Data: venerdì 19 marzo 1999 16.36
Oggetto: Re: MSX-C

Stefano Fronteddu wrote:

 Hi to all,
   I'm here again to talk about C.
 In the documentation I have the author talks about MSX-C and he lists the
 following files:

 cf.comck.relstdio.h   clib.rel  bdosfunc.h  crun.rel conio.h  cend.relctype.h
 direct.h   io.h  malloc.h
 memory.h   process.h setjmp.h
 stdlib.h   string.h type.h

 Taken from MSX-C by Freddy Vulto.

 I need this MSX-C as soon as possible. Let me have it if you can. Bye

This isn't msx-c, it's ASCII-C. Try mailing Alex wulms.
He wrote an optimizer for it!


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Re: MegaRAM

1999-03-19 Thread Laurens Holst

 DalPoz, that "LS120" is a new drive type which supports
 disks with up to 120Mb capacity, that disk has the same
 size of a normal 3.5" disk. Besides, the LS120 drive
 supports normal 3.5" (720Kb or 1.44Mb) disks easily.
 (I hope the list people don't get upset with me not
 not writing in english, my mind is not very good now,
 I think it's a cold...)

I hope you could understand it, I'm very
bad in english :)

 Ok, If I'm correct LS120 is a FDC (Floppy Disc Controller)???

No, it's a disk technology. Zip-alike, it seems.

A... Yes... ZIP-alike... ok, I get it...


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Re: Booting form Navaxis SCSI

1999-03-19 Thread Maico Arts


with ID 0 (my corrupt scsi HD). However... when we set the host ID to 6
guess what the zipdrive booted!
Is this normal behaviour for a Novaxis?

It sure is not.

If you have a rom version 1.59 the novaxis is able to boot in a normal way
from a zip drive, or any other device whit id number 0 to 6. The lower
versions  all can boot form a scsi device ID 0 to 4.

Maico Arts
Isabella van Portugalstraat 9
5346 PJ  OSS
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RE: MSX fair in Madrid, MadriSX´99 - review for MSX magazines and diskmagazines

1999-03-19 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha

 6- Boh Ken, this new programmers asociation came with new software,
 final beta versions of Puddle Land and KPI Ball were presented,
 another FAT16 routines and they sold Sonyc and games translations.
 Members: Manuel Pazos and Sutchan.

Manuel Pazos is "fudeba"! :) :)

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

 *** NEW URL! AdrianPage now is at ***

* Speed kills! Switch to Windows ... *

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MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-19 Thread jam

Hola Marco Antonio:

   MH It is possible to make an MSX2 with only 64K VRAM. Such a
   MH machine would not have SCREEN 7 and SCREEN 8, not even a single
   MH page, because VRAM timing requires two RAM ICs connected. Does
   MH anyone know if machines with 64K VRAM were ever actually made?
  Mitsubish ML-G1 had 64K VRAM, I think.
 MP But did it have 1 64kb VRAM IC or 2 32kb VRAM IC's?

I don't know But I think they are smaller IC's, 8KB or 16KB each.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada
... I, Snatcher.

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ascii - Sea Sardine

1999-03-19 Thread jam

Hi, Sandy !!!

  Yes, it is.
  It's made with the Yoshida Editor.
 SP So they are the same as:
 SP - Space Warrior
 SP - Super zealogue
 SP - Twinkle Star
 SP - Twinkle Star 2
 SP Or Not ?


... Evolution waits for no one .

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MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-19 Thread jam

 MP Yes, but sometime ago, someone in this list had talked about a 768kb
 MP Megarom game. Does someone know something about it?

It's a Koei game, I remember.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada

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1999-03-19 Thread jam

Hi, Marco Antonio

  Maybe you mean the NMS 8220?
  That machine had only 64K RAM (normal memory mapper), but did still
  have 128K VRAM, like every MSX2 I've ever seen...
 MP How can 64kb of RAM be memory mapper? Memory Mapper with only 4 memory
 MP blocks is a bit unuseful!

Why do you think it's unuseful?
For example, it's very useful for accessing the entire RAM using only the
#8000-#BFFF segment.
And DOS2 *needs* the memory to be mapped in order to manage the RAM properly.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada

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1999-03-19 Thread jam

Hi, Manuel !!!

  I have never seen a MSX2 before 1987. And this copyright doesn't
  mean that the production really started at 1985. When did you buy
  your 8235?
 MB They did, Dutch magazines report MSX2 in 1986.

And Spanish ones too :)

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada
... LSD A, (HL)  ; ponemos en el acumulador el trippy al que apunta HL.

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ascii - Sea Sardine

1999-03-19 Thread jam

Hi, Laurens:

  Yes, it is.
  It's made with the Yoshida Editor.
 LH WHAT editor??? Something like GameBuilder? If you can make games like

I have never seen GameBuilder bub I think it's something similar.
Yoshida Editor was release by ASCII MSX Magazine, and it is great!

 LH this with it it must be very good...


I think it is on Funet.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada

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MegaRAM (was: cracked 24k ROMs)

1999-03-19 Thread jam

 MP Beyond Metal Gear 2, do you know other Megarom games with 512kb of
 MP more?

I know Hydlide 3 and a collection of 100 games in 1 made in Korea (similar to
NES cartridges). It have 1024KB, I think. Also Koei released ROMs version of
the same games released as diskettes.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada
... colorauto gotolist run

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1999-03-19 Thread jam

Hello, Marco Antonio:

 MP BTW, memory mapper wasn't born jointly with MSX2. Many MSX2 that I
 MP knew had only 64kb of RAM. Does your 8235 have internal Memory
 MP Mapper?

You are wrong. Every MSX2 must have Memory Mapper. Even with only 64K of RAM,
it's mapped RAM. Read the MSX2 Technical Handbook (by ASCII) and check it.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada
... I, Snatcher.

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Re: IDE troubles....

1999-03-19 Thread Jose A. Lancharro

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a sunrise IDE-interface, but I can't get it to work
 100%... I'm using it on a NMS8250 with a 
 Maxtor 71084 AP hdd of 1Gb (1084Mb),
 but when I connect it to my msx, and try to fdisk it. It gets
 splitted into 6 drives (a to f) and my 2 floppy drives become
 drive g  h. but all drives on my hdd are only 32 mb large,
It is normal.
The MSX DiskRom only accept 8 drives (a-h).
H is reserved for disk-ram.
So I guess that E and F are your two floppy drives.

And you partitions are only 32 mb large because MSXDOS use FAT12.

 so if  6x32=192Mb then that's like not even 20% of my total 

You can use the tools: "enapar" and and "dispar" to enable or disable the
partition number you want. Then you can assign a letter of drive to some
active partition with the tool "par".

For example:
If you have 31 partitions (32Mb each one), when you start your computer
you have: 
A assigned to partition 0 
B assigned to partition 1
E assigned to partition 4

Then, when you wanto to use partition number 12 (for example) you can do:

enapar 12
par a=12

So now, you can access to the partition 12 using the A drive.

Jose Antonio Lancharro.
fidonet: 2:347/13.7

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