digital socialism by Evgeny Morozov

2019-06-02 Thread Örsan Şenalp
This is a relatively long but very intriguing text, 39 pages with

Somehow reminds me Julian Assange calling for system admins of the world to

ps. Maybe from the beginning, it had to be so. and it was a mistake of Marx
and Engels that we have to confront today. I mean, they thought of and
appointed another -the working- class as the protagonist of the revolution
they wanted to see. So why not the collective subject that should have led
the radical change and build a classless society was your own: the
(leftist) intellectuals? Instead, they were to help the main guy, by
bringing him his self-consciousness from outside by 'organizing' him, his
mind and soul in collective.

Kautsky and Lenin after him, later on, promoted the intellectuals to the
managerial post -sort of system administrators- to run things on behalf of
the proletariat. Maybe if Marx and Engels took the responsibility on
themselves, on their own class, and called the intellectuals to gain their
self-consciousness first (as the organizers of the society who organizes
its experience, emotions, ideologies, institutions, and increasingly
economies who are becoming rival to the capitalist classes) and pick a
side; Kautsky and Lenin could not dare to do what they did. And they had to
formulate a program, in which politically alliances with the impoverished
and oppressed classes, especially workers. Or they were to join in
Bogdanov's project: It was clear that the only way to dismantle all the
class privileges, in the economy, politics, and culture, was through
opening up and bridging the knowledge, the intellectual capacity, directly
to all the oppressed classes.

The theory and practice would have been united then and the intelligentsia
could have been accountable on its own right for the side it would choose
in class-struggle. Or in case it would take power for its own, as in
Leninist-Stalínist USSR, Fascist Italy, and Nazi Germany.

Morozov's vision sounds like it is an argument for data 'socialism' in the
former sense. But can it also be interpreted as an argument for
'managerial' alternative to capitalism?
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New Wikileaks File Dump

2019-04-14 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Wikileaks releases massive file dump after arrest of Julian Assange.
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Re: Managing complexity?

2019-03-31 Thread Örsan Şenalp
The elegant idea of "current global disorder results from a failure to
manage complexity" is the mirror image of the idea of 'order in chaos',
which ties increasing complexity and the emergence of the disorder
together. Thus it also calls for the manageability of complexity, no matter
how high is its complexity while it means time to time the unmanageability
problem will rise, for those, whoever they are, organizes societies
globally or global societal order. This latter is a 'class point of view',
of the organizer class.

For complexity and chaos theories emergence of the disorder is about
boundary conditions and emergence phenomena. For Gramsci, it is the time of
molecular changes, when old is dying yet the new can't be born. For
Bogdanov it is the type of crisis. Indeed as Joseph, you say it might be
about a complex system and its environment, two complex systems encounter.
Or as a result of the internal activities, differentiation of parts, of one
complex system.

There is an ongoing debate within systems and complexity thinkers'
community today which is about "what went wrong?". Prestigious systems and
complexity thinkers call for going back to the roots and original sources
to discover what went wrong or missed so that the unified science, the most
general general systems theory, promised by Bertalanffy or Boulding's
vision of GST, or Cyberneticıans failed.

As for Castell's suggestion about Russia and lack of PC-industry, it
implies that the Internet (the network) is the emergence phenomena. So it
is the noosphere getting flesh and blood (software and hardware). I think
there is a grain of truth in what Castell suggest. In this article ( David Rousseau et. al.
argue why the GST failed and describe what a genuinely universal GST would
look like. Funny enough, he is describing the first chapter of Bogdanov's
Tektology, the Russian version first ever emerged GST. See:


On Sun, 31 Mar 2019 at 13:54, Joseph Rabie  wrote:

> I have not been following this thread, so please excuse me if I repeat
> something already said.
> Brian, I do not agree with your definition of complexity (as below) as a
> form of disorder coming from malfunctioning entities.
> Complexity, in my view, is a natural phenomena caused by the multiple
> interactions that occur between different systems that collide with each
> other, by the fact that they operate autonomously (and not necessarily
> competitively) within the same body: whether it be our own, society, the
> world...
> As an urbanist, this is certainly the case of cities. As a "simple",
> physical example, look at all the utility networks (water, gas,
> electricity, telephone, optic fibre, sewage, drainage...) operating under
> our pavements. They do not compete, but when one sees the same pavement
> being dug up over and over again, one sees the difficulty of organising
> their coexistence.
> Joe.
> Le 30 mars 2019 à 21:19, Brian Holmes  a
> écrit :
> However, the surging sense of intellectual mastery brought by the phrase,
> "managing complexity," declines percipitously when you try to define either
> "management" or "complexity." The latter is vexing because  the disorder
> comes from so many sources: faulty airplane equipment, disgruntled voters
> in the north of England, the harvesting of behavioral data by Internet
> companies, persistent trade imbalances between Germany and Southern Europe,
> the volatile relations of US and North Korean leaders, etc. When exactly
> does complexity get bloody complicated, and for whom?
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A. Bogdanov was the founder of 'Critical' 'Cultural' 'Western' 'Marxism'

2019-01-29 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Bogdanov was the founder of 'Critical' 'Cultural' 'Western' 'Marxism'
as opposed to Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant versions of religious
and scolastic Marxism(s).

The below is the list of Alexander Bogdanov's main works in book format.

And here is the Russian language list compiled by one of the editors
of the Alexander Bogdanov library, Evgeni V. Pavlov:

Bogdanov's books in Russian:

Bogdanov A. Short Course of Economic Science. Moscow, 1897; St.
Petersburg, 1899; 1905; Moscow, 1920; 1922; 1923; 1924; Petrograd,
1922; 1923; Kharkov, 1922; 1923; Kursk, 1922; Novgorod, 1922; [15

Bogdanov A. Key Elements of Natural Studies. St. Petersburg, 1899

Bogdanov A. Cognition from Historical Point of View. St. Petersburg, 1901

Bogdanov A. On Psychology of Society (Articles of 1901-1904). St.
Petersburg, 1904; 1906

Bogdanov A. (as Ryadovoy). Olminsky M. Our Misunderstandings. Geneva, 1904

Bogdanov A. Empiriomonısm: Articles on Philosophy. Vol. 1. Moscow,
1904; Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905; Vol. 3. Moscow, 1906

Bogdanov A. Red Star: Roman-Utopia. St. Petersburg, 1908; Moscow —
Leningrad, 1924; 1929; [6 editions]

Bogdanov A. Destruction of a Great Fetishism. Faith and Science. St.
Petersburg, 1910

Bogdanov A., Stepanov N. Course of Political Economy. Vol. 1. St.
Petersburg, 1910; Vol. 2. Moscow-Prague, 1919-1920; 1925; [3 editions]

Bogdanov A. Cultural Aims of the Present. St. Petersburg, 1911

Bogdanov A. Engineer Manny. Fantastic Novel. St. Petersburg, 1912; Moscow, 1918

Bogdanov A. General Science. Tektology. Vol. 1, 2. St. Petersburg,
1913; Berlin — Petrograd, 1922; 1927; Vol. 3. Berlin — Petrograd,
1922; 1925; 1929; [3 editions]

Bogdanov A. Philosophy of Alive Experience: Essays. St. Petersburg,
1913; Moscow, 1920; 1923

Bogdanov A. Introduction in Political Economy (in Questions and
Answers). St. Petersburg, 1914; Moscow, 1917

Bogdanov A. Science about Common Consciousness. Moscow, 1914; 1918; 1923

Bogdanov A. Question of Socialism. Moscow, 1918

Bogdanov A. (as Werner N.) For What does Society Develop? Vyatka, 1918

Bogdanov A. Introductory Course of Political Economy. Moscow, 1918;
1920; 1924; Kazan, 1918; Tashkent, 1918; Tyumen, 1920; Kharkov, 1921;
Yekaterinoslav, 1921; Ryazan, 1923; Saratov, 1923; [11 editions]

Bogdanov A. The Elements of Proletarian Culture in Development of
Working Class. Moscow, 1920

Bogdanov A. Essays on General Science. Tektology. Samara, 1921

Bogdanov A. On Proletarian Culture: 1904 — 1924. Leningrad — Moscow, 1924

Bogdanov's books in English:

Bogdanov A. A Short Course of Economic Science. Ed. by S. M.
Dvolaitsky. London: Communist Party of Gr. Britain, 1923; 1927

Bogdanov A. Essays in Tektology. The General Science of Organization.
Transl. by George Gorelik. Seaside California, 1980

Bogdanov A. Tektology: The General Science of Organization. Transl. by
George Gorelik, 1989

Bogdanov A. BOGDANOV'S TEKTOLOGY Book 1 Ed. by Peter Dudley, 1996

Bogdanov A. Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia. Ed. by Richard
Stites, Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1982; Bloomington: Indiana UP,
1984; 2006

Bogdanov A. The Struggle for Viability: Collectivism Through Blood
Exchange, 2002

Bogdanov A. The Philosophy of Living Experience, 2016

Bogdanov's books in German:

Bogdanow A. Die Kunst das Proletariat. Leipzig Wolgast, 1918

Bogdanow A. Uber der Kunstnachloss; Die Kritik des Prolet. Kunst. Leipzig, 1919

Bogdanow A. Was ist proletarische Dichtung. Berlin: Seenol, 1920

Bogdanow A. Die Wissenschaft und die arbeiter Klasse. Berlin—
Wilmersdorf: Dia Diaktica, 1920

Bogdanow A. Algemeine Organisationslehre (Tektologie). Bd. I. Berlin,
1926; Bd. II. Berlin: Hirzel, 1928

Bogdanow A. Ruga Stelo. Fantasia romano. Leipzig, 1929

Bogdanow A. Sowjetphilosophie. Darmstadt: Hrsg. W. Goerdt, 1980

From the above list itself, it becomes crystal clear that it was not
Ernst Bloch, Karl Korsch, Gregory Lukács nor Antonio Gramsci, nor the
early Frankfurt school philosophers, nor Althusser who did produce the
first systematic Marxist work on ideology, consciousness, cognition,
and culture. It was Bogdanov who opened the path, starting from 1897
and developing his ideas in more than 6 books focusing on cognition,
culture, and ideology both in an integral way to the critique of
political economy and as an autonomous field of inquiry.

This fact alone makes Bogdanov the most important Russian follower of
Marx, Engels, and Dietzgen, who upgraded historical materialism for
the 20th century and shattering the myth of 'critical' 'cultural'
'Western' Marxism. This makes Bogdanov the precursor of all the
others, who were aware of Bogdanov and his work, as Gramsci who
secretly translated Bogdanov's Red Star (see Ghetti, 2016) during his
time in Moscow in a collaboration with his wife Iulia.

To remember, and put in perspective, Bogdanov's major contributions are:
1. Production of first vernacular study book on Marxian political economy.
2. Production of the 

Re: Foundations for "Anthropocene Socialist" Movement

2019-01-10 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Dear all,

The below text, an initiative launched by Ashish Kothari, calling for
participation (to the construction of the emergence) sounds like a
reply to this discussion:

The Global Tapestry of Alternatives

The world is going through an unprecedented crisis engendered by a
dominant regime that has resulted in deepening inequalities,
increasing and new forms of deprivation, the destruction of
ecosystems, climate change, the tearing off of the social fabric and
the dispossession of all living beings with immense violence. However,
the past two decades have witnessed the emergence of an immense
variety of radical alternatives to this dominant regime and to its
roots in the capitalist, patriarchal, racist, statist, and
anthropocentric forces. These range from initiatives in specific
sectors such as sustainable and holistic agriculture, community-led
water/energy/food sovereignty, solidarity and sharing economy, worker
control of production facilities, resource/knowledge commons, and
inter-ethnic peace and harmony, to more holistic or rounded
transformations such as those being attempted by the Zapatista and the
Kurds in Rojava, to the revival of ancient traditions or the emergence
of new worldviews that re-establish humanity’s place within nature and
the values of human dignity, equality and the respect of history.

The Global Tapestry of Alternatives is an initiative seeking to create
solidarity networks and strategic alliance amongst all these
alternatives on local, regional and global levels. It starts in the
local interaction among alternatives, to gradually organize forms of
agreement at the regional, national and global scale, through diverse
and light structures, defined in each space, horizontal, democratic,
inclusive and non-centralized, using diverse local languages and other
ways of communicating. The initiative has no central structure or
control mechanisms. It spreads step by step as an ever-expanding,
complex set of tapestries, constructed by already existing communal or
collective webs, organized as alternatives to the dominant regimes,
each of them autonomously weaving itself with other such webs.

It organizes mechanisms of interaction between those regional and
national structures and with the societies, in which they exist, in
diverse languages and different means, promoting periodically
regional, national and global encounters, when the conditions allow
for them, as well as close and synergistic linkages with existing
organizations, like the World Social Forum. The Global Tapestry of
Alternatives is about creating spaces of collaboration and exchange,
in order to learn about and from each other, critically challenge each
other, offer active solidarity to each other whenever needed,
interweave the initiatives in common actions, give them visibility to
inspire other people to create their own initiatives and to go further
along existing paths or forge new ones that strengthen alternatives
wherever they are, until the point in which a critical mass of
alternative ways can create the conditions for the radical systemic
changes we need.

A small group of activists from several regions of the world started
the initiative, which community-led its structure as it takes shape in
different parts of the world. The initial group will continue
supporting the initiative as long as necessary. It has some sponsors,
who subscribe to this document and will try to weave itself with
similar initiatives around the world. Anyone interested in following
the evolution of the initiative or participate in it may write a mail

On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 at 11:18, Prem Chandavarkar  wrote:
> > On 05-Jan-2019, at 9:28 AM, Brian Holmes  
> > wrote:
> >
> > Maybe you are part of some such attempt? Maybe you are involved in some 
> > experiment or initiative that you could describe?
> >
> Brian, I am afraid I do not have a clear answer to your request, as I am 
> still early in the search.  I can talk about some dimensions of that search, 
> and started out to do so as a response to your email.  Somewhere along the 
> way, it morphed into this blog post: 
> Best,
> Prem
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ACT 5: THIS TIME IT’S INTERGALACTIC | A call out from the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests)

2018-12-14 Thread Örsan Şenalp
ACT 5: THIS TIME IT’S INTERGALACTIC | A call out from the Gilets
Jaunes (Yellow Vests), for solidarity actions everywhere!

On Saturday the 15th of December 2018.

It began as anger against neoliberal climate policies, a revolt
against unfair petrol taxes that pass on the cost to working people
rather than the rich and the very multinationals most responsible for
polluting our planet. Now four weeks later, it has become a popular
uprising for dignity, a rebellion against the elite and their world, a
cry for equality. It has evolved into a powerful refusal of
representation, of spokespeople, political parties and unions. We have
all been overtaken by what has been happening, everyone has become
more than themselves; because we are impossible to define, the only
code we have is a color code, all the other codes are broken. We are
too diverse and decentralized to be called a movement, too different
to be categorized, let’s simply say we are an uprising! Some in Europe
have tried to turn this into an emblem of ideas from the extreme
right, attempting to instrumentalize our heterogeneity..The yellow
vests were at first a piece of road safety equipment, now it becomes
an unprecedented event which opens up the fault line that charts our
future, a chasm we must bridge, between social and environmental
justice. It invites us all to make a choice between the political
classes and the people, between closing borders and opening
possibilities, between despair and hope.
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Ideology, Culture, and Critique of Political Economy - an historical correction

2018-12-08 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Below is an announcement of a historical fact with hard proof, and an
essential correction with major implications for critical analysis in

Since the 1960s and 70s Marxian thinkers came to believe that it was
Gramsci who developed the first systematic ideas and concepts,
building on Marx and Lenin's ideas, on the issues of ideology and
culture, and developed a unique conceptualization of hegemony, as an
integral part of a theory of state and civil society. The influential
contributions based on Gramsci readings of Althusser, Laclau, and
Mouffe, Miliband, Poulantzas, Anderson, Frankfurt School theorists,
cultural studies of Stuart Hall, French post-structuralists have come
to inform the most important debates on the state, classes, ideology,
MNCs, social movements, new imperialism so on.

However, below quotation from the preface to the English translation
of the first ever Marxian Political Economy study book, by Alexander
Bogdanov, shows clearly, that 30-40 years prior to Gramsci's Prison
Notebooks, there emerged the first-ever systematic study of ideology,
culture, and social consciousness, both as an integral analysis or
critique of the political economy, and as an independent study titled:
The Science of Social Consciousness. Bogdanov's conceptualization and
strategy of cultural hegemony and revolution clashed with Lenin's
concept and strategy of political hegemony and revolution. Anderson
mistakenly identified that Lenin's conceptualization and strategy,
based on political dominance as the main influence on the ideas
Gramsci later developed. However, it has become obvious since the 80s
that Bogdanov's work, which caused the notorious strategical rivalry
with Lenin, actually was the main influence on Gramsci's thought and

"The chapters on ideology in this and the other courses by no means
serve as supplements to the main subject. Ideology is an instrument
for organizing economic life an is consequently an important condition
in economic development. Only within these limits and in this
connection is it touched upon here. It is dealt with independently in
a special textbook "The Science of Social Consciousness" which is
written in a form similar to this."

In solidarity,
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Re: Was cultural Marxism the leading force behind the new world order

2018-11-19 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Dear Brian, dear all,

Quinn's interview is great, and boo is greater! I do join the
recommenders of it. It is extremely helpful for the sake of

Yet, there is something else that must be recognized about the nature
of all this ‘toxication’ going on. Which is a fatal historical mistake
of the Left, first with the silence about the oppression of an
original paradigm at the time of its rise. An emancipatory vision of
cultural change as a constructive revolutionary force; which was/is
needed to be grown, as a better world building praxis, by generating a
new culture, the culture of the future, through figurative and
self-changing praxis today; it rised very near to Lenin, and supressed
by his conscious and decisive efforts. Then secondly this
has-reproduced along the 20th century. As Bifo would call it, it was

Next to Gramsci, amongst the pioneers of ‘cultural Marxism’, the names
of Early Frankfurt School thinkers like Adorno and Horkheimer, as well
as independent authors like Korsch, Bloch, Lukacs, Benjamin, Brecht,
Weil, so on are counted often. While the major source for the ideas on
the cultural question has always been the key debate which took place
between Lenin and Bogdanov between 1907-08 to Lenin’s death in 1924,
so the participants of this debate, not only intellectuals but artists
and workers alike.

All the names counted above were witness to Lenin’s wrath but
subscribed to it to oppose its worsened manifestation in Stalin. These
include Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev and other ‘leaders’ or
nomenclature; so-called leaders of the left and right opposition to
the center (which was held by Lenin first and occupied by Stalin after
him). They all obeyed and benefited from Lenin’s authoritarianism,
which suppressed the cultural question, together with Bogdanov’s
person; only a bright alternative. Lenin promoted Plekhanov’s crude
Materialism even over his own views in his Hegel study in 1914-15,
where he admitted neither Plekhanov nor him was a real Marxist. Of
course, he never published his notes, in opposite after Plekhanov died
he reclaims him as the father of the Russian Marxism (as father-son
and holy spirit). Gramsci was in Moscow between 1922 and 1924; from
the days when the proletarian culture debate made a comeback;
ProletKult suppressed by Lenin’s orders, and Bogdanov was arrested in
August 1923 for his ‘counter-revolutionary’ activities!

If  Icould i would attaching some excerpts from Noemi Ghetti's 2016
book: The Postcard of Gramsci which presents a major discovery. For
those who can read Italian, I strongly suggest reading this
beautifully written book. What Noemi's book puts forward is the proof
and expanding argument of Gramsci's, together with Iulca Schucht (his
wife and mother of his two sons), secretly starting to translate
Bogdanov's science fiction novel Red Star into Italian, in the Summer
of 1922 (pp. 30-31). The book proofs that Gramsci actually did proceed
and finalized the translation, together with Iulca. Since both Gramsci
and Iulca were lacking proficiency in the languages required (Gramsci
in Russian, and Iulca in Italian. The proof of the completion of the
translation is given in another letter exchange that took place in
January 1923, some telegrams between January and November 1923 when
Gramsci left to Vienne (pp. 99-102), and Gramsci asks Iulca if the
translation is finished or not; Iulca answers that she had it when
they met; and then Gramsci replies asking why didn't she gave it to
him when they met he could have taken with him to Italy and publish
it. In these letters, though there are no more mentioning of any
names, neither of the book nor Bogdanov; yet Gramsci calls himself a
'counter-Revolutionary' sarcastically -probably referring to
Bogdanov's arrest that took place several months before. Bogdanov
released in later October 1923. The rest of Noemi's story is
beautifully built around these delicate relationships between Gramsci
and his love in Moscow between 1922-24, under the shadow of Bogdanov
and Lenin rivalry around the status of the ProletKult, the
organization and movement, and in general with regard to the creation
of new proletarian culture in the aftermath of the revolution.

Below are some of the free access key sources on this connection of
Lenin-Bogdanov-Gramsci, which I believe is the ‘encapsulated’ (as Bifo
Berardi use the term) anti-toxin of contemporary toxicity of the term
Cultural Marxism. I think such encapsulation, by Lenin, Stalin and
others, and the continuation of such encapsulation by Marxian
orthodoxy, as well as the preservation of that encapsulated paradigm
by structural and post-structural heirs of this line has been one of
the main sources that allowed the ruling classes to benefit from the
post-modern and identity-based versions of “classless-cultural
analysis”; which was found of CIA, ford and Rockefeller Foundations,
Soros, USAID and European Commission...  this was class base of

Re: Was cultural Marxism the leading force behind the new world order

2018-11-16 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Hi Analoguehorizon, sounds like a good book, and I will definitely
listen to the podcast.

But just for the good sake of the self-criticism, I think, as a Marx
inspired revolutionary who sees all the others who claim to be so as
comrades, including comrade Marx himself, comrade Engels, Plekhanov,
especially comrade Lenin, not less than him, comrade Trotsky, worse of
all comrade Stalin, yet still comrade Bukharin; and all other Russian
comrades did contribute to the failure of the Marx' ideas, before, at
the time of, and after the Russian revolution took place. Following
the chain of events in the West indeed those comrades starting with
Korch, Bloch, Lukács, Horkheimer, Adorno, Brecht, and Benjamin
comrades; who followed dead of comrade Lenin, against comrade Stalin,
their heirs, all other neo-Hegelian comrades, worse then all Althusser
comrade, and comrades following him and breaking with him like comrade
Foucault, up to comrade Laclau and comrade Mouffe; and to comrades
Hardt and Negriwe all contributed to the failure of Marx' spirit,
and contributed to the rising of the post-modern nihilism; we got
co-opted with the hope to teach capitalist systems-engineers... and
accepting Soros, US Aid, and EC fundings...  we all failed humanity..
let alone Marx. One comrade warned as but not so many listened to him.
He was the original developer of Cultural Marxism, in Russia. And
these days he is coming back his real rehabilitation... guess who is
he?  :)


On Fri, 16 Nov 2018 at 17:40,  wrote:
> Hi Orsan,
> I recently listened to this interview with Quinn Slobodian in the second half 
> he talks about the developments from Mises to Rothbards Anarcho Capitalism 
> and it's links to the American Paleocon movement and subsequently the 
> development of the Alt-Right.
> I found his new book useful too 
> Best
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 3:34 PM Örsan Şenalp  wrote:
>> Dear Ico,
>> Thanks a lot, this is a very good reply to those at the extreme right and 
>> conservative side. I wonder how would you make of and counter the 
>> confirmation of such a crazy position by someone who is a fellow at Mises 
>> Institute, anarcho-capitalist someone?
>> Best,
>> Orsan
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Re: Was cultural Marxism the leading force behind the new world order

2018-11-16 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Dear Ico,

Thanks a lot, this is a very good reply to those at the extreme right and
conservative side. I wonder how would you make of and counter the
confirmation of such a crazy position by someone who is a fellow at Mises
Institute, anarcho-capitalist someone?

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Was cultural Marxism the leading force behind the new world order

2018-11-16 Thread Örsan Şenalp
 Dear list members,

I really wonder what would you make of this article by Antony Meuller of
Mises Institute? Is he implying the role really played by, at least, the
certain liberal post-Marxist Left in building up Neoliberlism, or is it
just a reaction against the growing power of the left?

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Against the Logistics of Exploitation (Stockholm Meeting, Nov 23-25) | Transnational Social Strike Platform

2018-11-03 Thread Örsan Şenalp

Against the Logistics of Exploitation (Stockholm Meeting, Nov 23-25) |
Transnational Social Strike Platform

Read the first program outline:

Unions and collectives from Sweden, UK, Germany, France, Poland,
Italy, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Spain, Norway, Slovenia, Slovakia
and Czech Republic have confirmed their presence. Please in order to
take part in the meeting fill in this registration form:

Read the call out in several languages:

Check out the Facebook event:

Against the Logistics of Exploitation: Notes from the TSS Platform

Over the weekend of November 23rd-25th, 2018, the Transnational Social
Strike Platform (TSS) calls workers, union members and activists from
across Europe and beyond to meet in Stockholm to discuss how to
organize against logistical command over labor. We call logistical
command a set of transformations that interests the whole world,
changing economies, political geographies and the functioning of
society and institutions. As logistics is one of the main forces that
affects the capacity of workers and migrants to organize and win, a
new assessment of the situation in which we act is needed in order to
increase the capacity of our struggles: logistics is a battlefield we
need to understand and practice if we want to reverse today’s power

Two are the intertwined dimensions of this logistical command we want
to focus on. The first one concerns the material connections that tie
together production sites across the globe:  what happens in one spot
of the chains of production and distribution affects the other spots.
Multinational companies, international subcontracting, posting of
workers, outsourcing, privatizations of formerly public enterprises:
all these processes place each workplace, factory, warehouse,
construction site into a wider and interconnected network. Moreover,
the development of international infrastructural projects such as The
New Silk Road, creating material, economic and political links between
China and Europe throughout Central Asia, pushes us to come to terms
with the coexistence of a wildly differentiated situation in terms of
working conditions and organizing practices. The second one concerns
the fact that such transformations are strictly connected to a
politics of regulations of labor and government of mobility that
affects every place, albeit in different ways, producing both
interdependency and fragmentation.

Logistics is first and foremost the transnational organization of
labor we need to confront. This organization has produced in the last
years new seedbeds of struggles: sensible points to be disrupted, new
concentration of labor force in strategic nodes, new strike waves and
connections between migrant and native workers. At the same time,
logistics responds to conflict by isolating, fragmenting and weakening
the possibility for a collective rebellion against exploitation and
its conditions. We thus need to elaborate a clear picture of the ways
in which the logistical management of labor acts in order not to make
our struggles be just temporary, isolated and predictable setbacks in
the gears of this transnational engine. While struggles are too often
confined to single industrial categories and based at the national
level, company and bosses benefit from different national labor laws
and wage differentials and “delocalization” effects are played out in
each locality through outsourcing, the multiplication of employment
forms and the hiring of blackmailed precarious and migrant labor. At
the same time, an increasing mobility of workers across labor sectors
and borders reveals a workers’ use of this very mobility against the
pretension of logistical command.

We witness a reality of widespread but scattered forms of
insubordination to logistical command, which shows the possibility of
its rejection. But all this calls for new forms of organization and
requires overcoming the narrowness of sectorial disputes and the
limits of the present forms of union organizing and activist
solidarity, especially in terms of transnational connections and
efficacy of the strikes: while nationalist discourses divide workers
leaving capital’s rule undisturbed, we need to surpass the idea that a
national dimension of struggle can keep up with the attack of
logistical command. The case of this summer’s Amazon strike launched
from Spain and then taken up by warehouses across Europe, is a
concrete example of the necessity to build on existing
insubordinations to 

#Googlewalkout employee interviews | Vox

2018-11-02 Thread Örsan Şenalp

Nearly 17,000 Google employees walked off the job yesterday.

The Google walkout was about sexual harassment as well as a lack of
transparency and accountability at the company, employees said.

Google employees in Cambridge, Massachusetts, join a worldwide walkout
in protest of company policies on sexual harassment.Lane Turner/Boston
Globe via Getty Images

Nearly 17,000 Google employees walked off the job yesterday as part of
a massive, worldwide protest against the company’s mishandling of
sexual harassment cases.

The walkout, which was organized by seven Google employees, was a
response to a New York Times report on the multimillion-dollar payouts
offered to high-level employees who had been accused of sexual
misconduct. Some protesters carried signs that read, “Happy to quit
for $90m,” a reference to the exit package Google gave Andy Rubin, the
creator of Android, who was forced to leave the company in 2014 after
an employee accused him of forcing her to perform oral sex on him.
“What do I do at Google? I work hard every day so the company can
afford $90,000,000 payouts to execs who sexually harass my coworkers,”
read another.

It was also an opportunity for Google employees — who have repeatedly
clashed with senior management on a number of topics, from censorship
in China to the company’s role in government projects — to put forth a
vision for a better, more equitable company.

“A company is nothing without its workers,” the organizers wrote in a
piece for the Cut. “From the moment we start at Google, we’re told
that we aren’t just employees; we’re owners. Every person who walked
out today is an owner, and the owners say: Time’s up.”

Some of the employees who chose to speak with me about why they
protested asked to be referred to by a pseudonym and to not specify
which campus they work at, but felt that it was important to come
forward. Two of the three people who agreed to speak with me are men,
as are nearly 70 percent of all Google employees, according to the
company’s annual diversity report.

All of them emphasized that despite enjoying their jobs, they felt
responsible for creating an environment where anyone could thrive,
regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, and where no one was afraid
to report harassment or assault. They also referred to past Google
controversies, like the sexual harassment reported by former Google
software engineer Kelly Ellis, who quit the company in 2014 because of
its “sexist culture”; and the fact that internal company
communications, including a video from an all-hands meeting, were
leaked to the right-wing website Breitbart.

Despite the massive size of the protests and the fact that Google
sanctioned the walkout, support for it wasn’t universal. One employee
told me that there were “people in the company who are against the
walkout” and disagree with the organizers’ demands. (It’s worth noting
that James Damore, the author of an “anti-diversity” manifesto who was
fired in 2017, had plenty of ideological allies at the company.) Those
who did participate in the walkout, though, view it as a necessary
step in the ongoing fight toward equity and transparency at one of the
world’s biggest companies.

Their responses have been condensed and edited for clarity.

Ashley*, a major US campus that isn’t Mountain View

I’ve worked here for 11 years. I’m now a manager with around two
people in my group. I have never experienced direct gender-based
discrimination at Google, which I count myself lucky for. I have heard
many other people’s stories, however — enough to make me sure that
there’s an overall problem.

I decided to participate because I wanted the execs to get the message
that this is something a lot of people care about. Whether I
participated was going to be visible to the people in my office,
because there are literally five women at my site at this level.

“I’ve been seeing more and more of a rift between the top-level execs
and the rest of the company”

We need to end forced arbitration in case of harassment and
discrimination. I would also like a real commitment to end pay and
opportunity inequity. I would be okay with starting with pay, which is
easier. Transparent data on gender, race, and ethnicity compensation
across all levels — accessible to all Google employees — would be
really nice. This is something the US Department of Labor asked Google
for, and [Google claims] it’s too expensive to provide while also
claiming there is no gap. That doesn’t make sense to me or a lot of
other people.

I’ve been seeing more and more of a rift between the top-level execs
and the rest of the company, and I’ve seen it growing slowly over
time. It seems like some people are actively trying to make it worse.
We have a real problem with [people] leaking internal communications,
especially to right-wing sites, in a way that’s extremely divisive
[and] corrosive to the idea of trust and open 

Re: Tech for good or evil: Pls help me collect readings, bibliographies, & syllabi

2018-11-02 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Great idea for a compilation Yosem. About categorization and organization,
I think it is possible to find an example of a use of technologies for good
and for evil for every field of human activity. That's why you might follow
a general line of categories of fields (like of Wikipedia's) as you are
doing here. You might like to add; military, police, intelligence,
covert-special operations, terrorism/counter terrorism, and the use of
technology for the sciences themselves.

On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 08:59, Yosem Companys  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Could you help me collect any and all info that may be available on the
> use of technology for good and evil?
> I'm looking for readings, bibliographies, syllabi, media articles, and any
> other resources you may know of.
> Below is a list of topics that I have mapped so far. If I'm missing any or
> you believe there's a better way to organizing them, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Yosem
>- Accountability, Corruption, Openness, and Transparency (e.g., Open
>Data, Freedom of Information - FOI)
>- Activism, Protests, and Movements (e.g., Occupy, Anonymous,
>- Agriculture, Farming, and Food Security (e.g., eAgri, Fishing,
>Mariculture, Aquaponics, Aquaculture)
>- Censorship, Repression, and Freedom (e.g., Freedom of Expression -
>FoE, Free Speech, NetFreedom, Right to Information - RTI)
>- Conflict, Disasters, and Resilience (e.g., Crisis Mapping, Robotics,
>Cyber Attacks/Defense, Cyber War, Harassment, Hate Crimes)
>- Construction, Housing, and Real Estate (e.g., Smart Homes, Internet
>of Things)
>- Democracy, Politics, Elections, and Voting (e.g., Netroots, Tea
>Party, eVoting)
>- Development (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
>Development - ICT4D, Tech for Development - Tech4Dev, Global Development -
>- Economics (e.g., Participatory Economy, Peer-to-Peer Economy,
>Commons, Unemployment, Job Creation/Destruction, Consumer Rights)
>- Education (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
>Education - ICT4E, Open Education, eLearning, MOOCs)
>- Ethics (e.g., how the design and use values of technology determine
>whether they're used for good or evil)
>- Energy and Power (e.g., Microgrids)
>- Entrepreneurship (e.g., Social Entrepreneurship - socent, Social
>- Environment (e.g., Brownfields, Landfills, Superfund Sites, Climate
>Change, and Land, Water, and Air Preservation)
>- Finance (e.g., Microfinance, FinTech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies,
>Participatory Budgeting, Crowdfunding)
>- Governance (e.g., eGovernance - eGov, Open Governance - OpenGov,
>Governance 2.0 - gov20, Internet Governance Forum, Civic Tech)
>- Health (e.g., eHealth, mHealth, Telemedicine)
>- Human rights
>- Inequality & Bias (e.g., Digital Divide, Cost of Living,
>Discrimination, Harassment)
>- Manufacturing (e.g., Additive Technologies, 3D Printing,
>Do-It-Yourself - DIY, Robotics, Open Innovation)
>- Media (e.g., Journalism, Social Media)
>- Organizing and Organizations (e.g., Nonprofits, Community-Based
>Organizations, Cooperatives, Labor Unions)
>- Physical Spaces and Locations (e.g., Libraries, Coworking Spaces,
>Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, Fab Labs, Tool Sharing Libraries, Smart Cities,
>- Policy and Law (e.g., Policy Innovations, Legal Innovations)
>- Privacy (e.g., Rules, Regulations, Laws, Frameworks)
>- Security, Physical or Cyber (e.g., Cybersecurity, Internet of
>Things, Sexual Harassment and/or Violence, Security by Design)
>- Social Science (e.g., Impact of Technology on Society)
>- Transportation and Supply Chain on Land, Water, and Air (e.g.,
>Hyperloop, Autonomous Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Drones, Smart
>- Volunteering (e.g., Crowdsourcing, Participatory Mapping)
>- Water Security (e.g., Watersheds, Water Purification)
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The rapid spread of wildcat strikes in China is mapped!

2018-10-20 Thread Örsan Şenalp

China’s move into a “mixed economy” has created a wealth inequality
crisis to rival any nation’s; wildcat workers’ strikes (aided by Young
Communist movements) have become increasingly common, though they are
not often reported in the news (it helps that Chinese state media and
the country’s official censors suppress these reports).

The Hong Kong-based China Labor Bulletin maintains a map of all these
strikes, which you can drill down into for news and other detail. As
Naked Capitalism notes, it’s instructional to view the map as a
time-series by filtering it by year; looking at the rise and rise of
strikes from 2011 to 2018 paints a picture of a country in real

You can also export the data from the map in a structured format,
which should be very useful for a certain kind of scholar or activist.

via Cory Doctorow’s blog
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will soon a network strike hit the Silicon Valley

2018-10-17 Thread Örsan Şenalp
How tech workers became activists, leading a resistance movement that
is shaking up Silicon Valley

Employees at Apple, Google, Microsoft and other tech companies are
discovering their power to bend the trajectory of multibillion-dollar
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Re: Gramsci nettime-l Digest, Vol 132, Issue 6

2018-09-11 Thread Örsan Şenalp
just a footnote:

This book just came out. Marx and Russia: The Fate of a Doctrine. It is
also about Gramsci's contribution, at least about the roots of his theory
of ideology, consciousness, and cultural revolution. The book fills the
most important crack in near history:


On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 12:53, ari  wrote:

>  I never got this argument.
>  Gramsci was an open Marxist, thus open to the abuse of all the closed
>  Marxists around. He kept his ear to the ground and during the rise of
>  Fascism, he was quite isolated and marginalised by his contemporary
>  closed Marxists because, amongst other things, he was trying to
>  seriously understand the phenomenon without jumping to facile
>  conclusions about the working class and its true destiny or false
>  consciousness. He could see well that there was no true destiny: the
>  revolution didn't happen, or rather, a revolution was happening, but not
>  of the sort Marxists like him wished for. And all their careful work of
>  political agitation was ultimately serving the wrong causes. But
>  analytically, Gramsci was in agreement with Lenin that all you have is
>  class formations. Nothing is static or prefigured. Everything
>  historical. This earned him enemies from both sides, but the genuine
>  sensitivity to changing subjects around him also earned him followers on
>  the ground. There is no notion of hegemony, in Gramsci, that isn't
>  rooted in class.
>  Jump from the 1930s to the 1980s and you have the Laclau and Mouffe
>  travesty. The pair put forward their celebration of identity politics on
>  the back of this open Marxist. What I am reading wherever I see this
>  evisceration of Gramsci's notion of hegemony is really a commentary on
>  Laclau and Mouffe. I can join critics of Laclau and Mouffe anytime. They
>  were useless to Marxism and quite pernicious influences on the new left,
>  precisely for allowing all considerations on the political economy of
>  class formation to fall out of view and interest. But when I see their
>  ugly painting of Gramsci as a post-class cultural theorists I must
>  object. There is no such thing.
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >1. Re: Quick Review.. (Florian Cramer)
> >2. Re: Quick Review.. (David Garcia)
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 00:58:33 +0200
> > From: Florian Cramer 
> > To: Brian Holmes 
> > Cc: a moderated mailing list for net criticism
> >   
> > Subject: Re:  Quick Review..
> > Message-ID:
> >   <
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> > Thanks, David - as I said in the discussion in Berlin, Stewart and I
> > ended
> > up
> > in a weird place where we practically taught the "Alt-Right" its own
> > history.
> > One shouldn't read too much into its grasp of Gramsci though. This is
> > what
> > Milo
> > Yiannopolous wrote about him in the original manuscript of his book
> > 'Dangerous' (that Simon & Schuster ended up not publishing):
> >
> > And so, in the 1920s, the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci decided
> > that the
> > time had come for a new form of revolution -- one based on culture,
> > not
> > class. According to Gramsci, the reason why the proletariat had
> > failed to
> > rise up was because old, conservative ideas like loyalty to one's
> > country,
> > family values, and religion held too much sway in working-class
> > communities.
> > If that sounds familiar to Obama's comment about guns and religion,
> > that's
> > because it should. His line of thinking, as we shall see, is directly
> > descended from the ideological tradition of Gramsci. Gramsci argued
> > that as
> > a
> > precursor to revolution, the old traditions of the west -- or the
> > 'cultural
> > hegemony,' as he called it -- would have to be systematically broken
> > down.
> > To
> > do so, Gramsci argued that "proletarian" intellectuals should seek to
> > challenge the dominance of traditionalism in education and the media,
> > and
> > create a new revolutionary culture. Gramsci's ideas would prove
> > phenomenally
> > influential. If you've ever wondered why forced to take diversity or
> > gender
> > studies courses at university, or why your professors all seem to
> > hate
> > western civilization ... Well ' you knew who to blame Gramsci.
> >
> > (Because of the lawsuit, the manuscript is publicly available here:
> >
> >
> > )
> > -F
> > --
> >
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> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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> #  

Re: morlock elloi

2018-04-09 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Jaromil, Soros is in us, he is everywhere don't you see that :)

Suicide bunny..  funny.. though I don't really get in what sense what
I do here would bring my end himm may be you're right..

I wish, instead, you would think of me being spastic or autistic, or
too naive in insisting on authenticity of radical politics. Then I
wouldn’t mind.

Well.. even in case of extremely well planned and organized
revolutionary counter-conspiracy, which I don't think neither possible
or desirable, it would be almost impossible to be so close to Soros as
Evgeny is, (which he is not hiding) and be able to seriously pursue
any radical politics. Which is claimed or attributed to him here, and
other places, mainly mainstream and liberal media.

The booklet you refer, I shared on the other thread, by Evgeny and
Bria shows that Evgeny and Bria are collaborating, in and on
Barcelona, and other cities. where there are lots of stuff happening
about cities (movements), digit rights (movements), independence
movements etc. So it should not come as a surprise that Soros pops up
from somewhere.

This is what Evgeny says in his wiki-page: he is involved in Online
Transitions (of Eastern Europe and beyond), he is a fellow at the New
America Foundation (chaired by Eric Schmidt and Ann Marry Slaughter),
he sits in a OSF fellowship chair, he is blogging for the 'Foreign
Policy', he is a Yahoo fellow at 'Walsh School of Foreign Service'..
you name it.

Moreover Morozov's role in all these places, as in Barcelona, and in
broader Europe makes him one of the most influential persons of 2018
right, according to some Italian magazine (bet it is not an ordinary
one)? Do you really think he is such influential? Does anyone else?
Anyone without Soros funding-income relation ties him to do so? Can
you see or feel such influence when he is around you? in his link to
Francesca for instance, or may be Ada Colau or in Catalan Movement of
independence? or the rising cities movement?

If one would say Morozov’s is a genuinely radical internet critic, and
he has an amazingly bright brain and the creativity in his critics is
like Picasso painting.. and that is what brought him to where he is
now, others would probably lough at it and claim the opposite. One can
easily claim that those who are crediting him are doing that because
they have feel obliged, by consent and for self-interest, to be able
to get access to the next round of funding etc. And they can only be
radical as a liberal can, not further than that. A person from outside
would either see Morozov as part of Soros' inner circle, or would
think that Soros is really a radical-critical even a leftist one. Or
if Evgeny is a really radical left critic, then Soros is a suicide
bunny J

Seriously, I do think that these guys are playing a suicidal game, but
I don’t think in bunny's  way.

There is a clear connection, a good hacker cannot miss here.

Probably an individual, and his individual political vision could be
able to keep sort of autonomy or independence while working in Soros
circle. Yet it can only be a modest one, a liberal kind. What we read
from Calin Dan's 97 email to net-time list, even that was quite not
possible. Morally, in my opinion it is not even an issue, being part
of conspiracies of Soros (not the Soros conspiracy) is not a simple
thing, or joke.

He does not rely only on soft-velvet glows to fist countries down; or
only deploys tech tools for online transitions. The guy has involved
and does involve in dirty stuff too; in his tool kit there are
assassinations, spying, military coups, civil wars, or financing
armament and war parties, you name it.

Worse of all about not having a proper theory of class fractions and
Soros place in fractured class struggle is deadly. Soros’ operations,
as a class actor, have contributed massively in regenerating fascism
in Hungary, Russia, Turkey, Egypt.. and Trump too is partly of his
creation -and partly of the other fractions of finance capital against
which he might be struggling or resisting, but they have built a
transnational ‘deep state’ during the 80s and 90s. Of course fascists
own creativity and the despair of the masses too are part of the
story. Still one can make a sad collection of standardized Alex Jones
stories, in every language now; Jones became millionaire but almost in
each country where Soros operated there emerged many Joneses, Soros’
class operations fed conspiracy theories, and in return they enriched
the right wing bases. When seeing the involvement of liberal / radical
left-civil society coalitions with Soros’ operations masses bought
conspiracy theories and Ergodan, Orban, Putin, gained and consolidated
their power. They are growing on the fear of external threat and they
too create their own conspiracies; then national leftists and
ultra-right merges at the bottom again against the Soros led (plus NWO
conspiracy as a bonus)... This shit almost everywhere. And liberal and
libertarian nativity, liberal-left alliances 

Re: Putting Soros to its place

2018-04-09 Thread Örsan Şenalp
sorry forgot to add the morozov-bria booklet:

On 9 April 2018 at 12:37, Örsan Şenalp <> wrote:
> It is still really hard to find non-(right wing and alike copy of
> left-wing)conspiracy analysis of Soros-left relationship, with good
> content as Geert Lovink was complaining in his 2000 The Art of Being
> Independent.   Just compiled to revalue Geert's very useful series of
> interviews and writings on the Soros issue below. These are the
> initial one I gathered to analyse, I am sure there are more written by
> Geert and others.
> Civil Society, Fanaticism, and Digital Reality: A Conversation with
> Slavoj Zizek by Geert Lovink (21/2/1996):
> May 10, 1997, Calin Dan's email to the net-time list:
> SubReal and Romanian new media arts, Geert Lovink interviews with
> Calin Dan — February 10, 2000:
> The Art of Being Independent. On NGOs and the Soros debate by Geert
> Lovink, 2000:
> ...
> and the last one below just got published two days ago, while the
> hearings of the Morlock case was opening on the list. It is a great
> text, which confirms my uninformed opinion on the connection between
> Soros' launch of war at Silicon Valley giants in Davos last January,
> and  following (isolated) Analytica-Facebook campaign. This reminds me
> Soros' 18 billion USD worth wealth transfer to OSF at the end of last
> year:
> Let’s Talk about Social MediaBy Geert Lovink, April 7, 2018 at 10:48 am
> In January, when Soros was kicking of his war, there came out another
> pamphlet from Rosa Luxemburg NY office, prepared by Evgeny Morozov and
> Francesca Bria which presents a critique of Smart Cities that are
> modelled in the image of Wall Street and Silicon Valley (fellowship of
> money dealing and interest bearing capital as in Capital Vol. 3 and
> meta-data capital).
> Geert was rightly asking and calling for a good left analysis of
> Soros, in his 2000 piece. I wonder if he thinks is there such critical
> analysis as such  today. In my opinion we have a good class based
> global political economy analysis that puts Soro, and the
> transnational civil society-chain it created, in its place:
> Looking at which one can analyse ones own and other's positioning
> culturally, politically, and economically in and around the complex
> class struggle taking all of us down.
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Putting Soros to its place

2018-04-09 Thread Örsan Şenalp
It is still really hard to find non-(right wing and alike copy of
left-wing)conspiracy analysis of Soros-left relationship, with good
content as Geert Lovink was complaining in his 2000 The Art of Being
Independent.   Just compiled to revalue Geert's very useful series of
interviews and writings on the Soros issue below. These are the
initial one I gathered to analyse, I am sure there are more written by
Geert and others.

Civil Society, Fanaticism, and Digital Reality: A Conversation with
Slavoj Zizek by Geert Lovink (21/2/1996):

May 10, 1997, Calin Dan's email to the net-time list:

SubReal and Romanian new media arts, Geert Lovink interviews with
Calin Dan — February 10, 2000:

The Art of Being Independent. On NGOs and the Soros debate by Geert
Lovink, 2000:


and the last one below just got published two days ago, while the
hearings of the Morlock case was opening on the list. It is a great
text, which confirms my uninformed opinion on the connection between
Soros' launch of war at Silicon Valley giants in Davos last January,
and  following (isolated) Analytica-Facebook campaign. This reminds me
Soros' 18 billion USD worth wealth transfer to OSF at the end of last
Let’s Talk about Social MediaBy Geert Lovink, April 7, 2018 at 10:48 am

In January, when Soros was kicking of his war, there came out another
pamphlet from Rosa Luxemburg NY office, prepared by Evgeny Morozov and
Francesca Bria which presents a critique of Smart Cities that are
modelled in the image of Wall Street and Silicon Valley (fellowship of
money dealing and interest bearing capital as in Capital Vol. 3 and
meta-data capital).

Geert was rightly asking and calling for a good left analysis of
Soros, in his 2000 piece. I wonder if he thinks is there such critical
analysis as such  today. In my opinion we have a good class based
global political economy analysis that puts Soro, and the
transnational civil society-chain it created, in its place:

Looking at which one can analyse ones own and other's positioning
culturally, politically, and economically in and around the complex
class struggle taking all of us down.
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Re: Francesca Bria: Our data is valuable. Here's how we can take that value back

2018-04-08 Thread Örsan Şenalp
One wonders if, as of 2018, there remained any non co-opted hackers who are
fighting back, or willing to do so, while acting autonomously from the
capital and the capitalist state.

I had my informed opinion about Barcelona but hearing from Simona now, I
think some one either has to spell it out, or give some references to open
up what sort of fraud it is, if it is.

In support of for Carlo's response, or for extended version of his point,
check out this fully automated loading port in China

This discussion is not 'digital fudalism' and how to fight against it.

It is about the number of 'poor'oletariat (plus precariat) or the world
reaching up to 4 to 6 billion if not more; surveillance/meta-data
capitalism and its mechanisms rising for socialisation-control-dispose of
these people. In this nexus it is also about how the future of IoT will
evolve around the cooperation between globalist/atanticist ruling classes
and China's state classes; the OBOR project, the networked hubs of
automated docks and ports so on. This is the base of the emerging new

I though that the Barcelona vision of techno sovereignty, or fearless
cities, were linked to a fraud mainly because of Morozov's, choosing
Barcelona as a base, as a Soros agent as he was during the Eastern European
transition operation (online transitions). This has been a global good
governance vision of the 1980-1990 era, before the rentier money capital
high jacked the commanding heights. There is no turning back to good global
governance neoliberal bullshit.

No voice coming from Barcelona, nor from other places, addressed how
hackers (as McKenize Wark uses the term) will take on the mission of
bridging and uniting the proletariat of the global south and precariat of
the global north, to rise up against the oppressors of all kinds weather
state, corporate, financial, industrial, military...

The oppressed people's reverse-engineers, or hackers, are those think of
and aim at the enemy at that global level. Like great worker engineer and
socialist Netti does in Bogdanov's 1912 novel Engineer Menni
, yet in another planet. The
question is can we manage what Netti did but on Earth?

On 8 April 2018 at 13:40, Jaromil  wrote:

> dear Joseph,
> On Sun, 08 Apr 2018, Joseph Rabie wrote:
> >Hallo all,
> >This statement by Jaromil is very revealing:
> >
> >  obviously you are reading just an opinion piece for the Guardian's
> >  large audience. I would love if we can find a way so that your
> >  attention is spent on more appropriate information that only you
> and a
> >  few other people can understand about DECODE.
> yes Joe but pleeease, I'm not revealing: I'm consciously writing. I
> love literature, I know we are in a public space and I definitely mean
> what I write. I'm not slipping things out of my mind so that can be
> "revealed" by people accusing me of being an elitist. So please Joe,
> chill pill, ok?
> >"that only you and a few other people can understand"...  So - if
> >I understand correctly - according to Jaromil, there is on the
> >one hand, a technically savvy elite, and on the other, the
> >ignorant rest of us.
> To acknowledge the problem, rather than negate it, is a start towards
> the solution. Please for a moment think about your slanted attempt at
> framing. Through the (rather enormous, yes, because we do work for
> that money) narrative of DECODE, you will clearly find that the effort
> behind the newly released software and other
> ongoing developments is that of making intelligible technical
> knowledge that only a few elites can understand and therefore manage.
> Actually, a lot of my hands-on and theoretical work on technology is
> about this.
> So then yes. I know Carlo knows C language and technical architectures
> very well and yes, knowing his level of knowledge: its a very limited
> minority of people who can read that and assess it.
> With regards to some specific domains, like that of cryptographic
> trasformations on privacy entitlements and credentials, I believe that
> through the development of domain specific languages the gap can be
> overcome. This is part of what I see as I perceive as my own political
> mission in DECODE. I articulated aspects of this approach here
> So my response to you is that, while you are accusing me of an
> elitarist crime, I'm trying to present to the list a project that is
> precisely addressing the techno-elitarian gap and does its best to
> overcome it. Nevertheless thanks for your participation and any other
> precious time you will dedicate in considering the contents of the
> DECODE project.
> ciao
> --
>   Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think  tank
>   Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower 

Re: Rude Awakening: Memes as Dialectical Images by Geert Lovink & Marc Tuters

2018-04-04 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Great text Geert, very timely!

Benjamin, for sure, got inspired by the earlier secular God-building
 practise of Gorky and
Lunacharsky in Capri, which they initiated in the aftermath of the 1905.

Capri, and Gorky's place on the island, was where Bogdanov, Gorky,
Lunacharsky, Bazarov, and others opened the first party school, and started
to design the project of 'proletarian culture'. Later party school moves to
Bologna. After October revolution, when ProletKult
 established in Russia, Gramsci
founded Turin branch
Probably Bogdanov wrote his Red Star here too.
The 'Red Star', one of the two iconic symbols or memes of the Revolution
and Communism, thus Communist Revolution is originated in Alexander
Bogdanov's first revolutionary utopian sci-fi novel Red Star
. This is what wikipedia says
about 'red star' meme :

"The star's origins as a symbol of a mass political movement date to the
times of the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922 and the end of the First World
War in 1918, but the precise first use remains unknown. It is most often
thought that Russian troops fleeing from the Austrian and German fronts
found themselves in Moscow in 1917 and mixed with the local Moscow
garrison. To distinguish the Moscow troops from the influx of retreating
frontliners, officers gave out tin stars to the Moscow garrison soldiers to
wear on their hats. When those troops joined the Red Army and the
Bolsheviks they painted their tin stars red, the color of socialism, thus
creating the original red star."
In 1908, when Red Star was published for first time Lenin published his
Materialism and Empricocriticism, where he launches a vulgar materialist
critic and fierce attack of Bogdanov's (and co.) ideas. As a follow up he
forces Bogdanov and his Vperyod comrades (Bogdanov and Co. as he calls) out
of the Bolshevik centre. Lenin's enduring enmity towards Bogdanov lasts
till the end of his life and this also explains why and how this knowledge
of Red Star, alongst with Tektology and ProletKult, was put under stress
between 1920 and 1924, and deleted from history by Stalin's purge. In
Materialism and Empriocriticism Lenin attacks Gorky and Lunacharsky's God
Building activities, in order to hit Bogdanov and Co.. Yet he also accepts
Gorky's invitation to Capri -in 1908- to talk about 'political' issues.
There is a nice Italian documentary <:>, though have some mistakes in
it, about Lenin's visit to the island.

Long time after that, Benjamin comes to Capri and stays there (between
May-September 1924). He meets Gorky and others, like Brecht, Reich, and
Bloch. Lacis is there too and Benjamin and Lacis collaborate on several
things. Around 1929 Benjamin writes “Program for a Proletarian Children’s
Theater*” *upon request by Lācis
. It is
impossible that Bloch, Brecht, Benjamin would not know of the story of
Bogdanov and Co.  There are some good references to their interactions in
the island in this book


If we return Gramsci, most recently Neomi Ghetti, Italian historian-author
documented that Red Star was actually the first book Gramsci requested its
translation from Russian in a letter he sent to his lover. Ghetti's book La
Cartolina Di Gramsci

focuses on 1922-24, times Gramsci spent in Moscow and reveals more about
Bogdanov's influence on Gramsci's thinking of proletarian culture,
ideology, hegemony.

Seems like not only the fact that the source of one of the most well known
memes of emancipation in contemporary times is forgotten, but it is
forgotten together with all these key relationships that was establishing
one critical Marxism with its inter-connected Eastern/Russian and Western
parts. Such a lost paradigm has generated artificially imposed and abused
division in critical thinking.
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2018-01-08 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Marx's analysis of society has traditionally advanced a two-class
framework; of worker and capitalist. In Managerial Capitalism, Gerard
Dumenil and Dominique Levy argue that a transition is underway towards
a new mode of production, shaped by a third, intermediary class:
managerialism. With a focus on the US and Europe in particular, the
authors provide a historically rooted interpretation of major current
economic and political trends. They argue that the transition towards
managerialism as a new mode of production is much more advanced than
usually understood, especially in the US. While reasserting the
explanatory power of Marx's theory of history and political economy,
they update the Marxian framework to incorporate the transformation
of relations of production and class patterns whose main expression
has been the rise of managerial features. The book makes the case for
a revision of Marxist analysis on analytical as well as political
grounds, to demonstrate that capitalism is entering a new period based
on managerialism.
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Re: Barcelona: nationalism, municipalism?

2017-10-04 Thread Örsan Şenalp
There is a parallel discussion going on over the reaction of
nation-statist forces against Southern Kurdistan's referendum -its
oppression by Turkish, Iranian, and Iraqi ruling classes, given
Russian support. If someone would have asked his opinion probably
Assad would have stood against it too. So curiously enough, although
this could have been used against itself, only Israel openly supported
the referendum, for the Independence of Kurdistan.

There might be some ties between Barcelona and Kurdistan referendums,
as well as between municipal sovereignty movement and the parallel
discussion on 'back to feudalism'. Although principally I do support
both referendums, thinking and hoping that positive end result might
actually provide safety for people from the aggessıon of fascistic
forces of the state. Yet on the other hand, both moves in Kurdistan
and Barcelona I am afraid might trigger even more aggression towards
ordinary people, if these are even slightly linked to agenda of
globalist establishment.

The climate in the world, is very similar to the one of 18th-19th cc
Europe, where dark forces of the ancient regime united against the
bourgeoisie claim for the nation-state and new sovereignty. Now
nation-statists forces of the ancient regime are uniting against the
forces of the new-feudalism.

Ordinary people of the world is an urgent need for a visionary
project, a progressive alternative to all regressive options, and the
bıg war.


On 3 October 2017 at 13:14, Felix Stalder  wrote:

> I think this is much more than identity politics, beyond the point that
> all politics that aim at a certain broad, popular support, are also
> about identity. That is, they need to address the questions of who are
> "we" and what directions should "our" collective efforts should take.

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Re: Managerial capitalism?

2017-09-21 Thread Örsan Şenalp
 The point of all good debate is to thrash out understandings,
 misunderstandings and counter-understandings, until some sharable
 form of clarity emerges.

   Brian thanks for your thoughtful response. My previous email is not
   really based on a worked out but on informed intuitions. Informed
   by the new class theory in Bogdanov and Bukharin -I didn't read
   what Trotsky wrote on the topic but am sure Burnham had read it,
   then I read Gramsci and his reading of Machiavelli and modern
   Machiavellians, especially Mosca.

   The fact that since 19th cc. this class has been in formation.
   Revolutionary leaps in science and philosophy, was the accumulation
   of 'capital' of this class, called knowledge. I seriously think,
   managerial science (cybernetics+GST+operations research units [and
   Burnham's role in the re-organisation of OSS into modern CIA was
   not a coincidence] has emerged in the hands of conscious class
   agency of future 'managerialism', consisted of certain fractional
   divisions some were close to social-democratic ideas (in line with
   Dewey, Bertallanfy, Wiener, Von Neumann, Von Forester etc.), some
   to anarcho-capitalism (Misses, Hayek, Friedman, Rand etc.) and some
   others even envisaged a full-fledged alternative for the aftermath
   of capitalism. So, if in managerial capitalism managerials are
   subordinate to capitalists, this needs to be reversed.

   Fascism and Nazism may be the version of state-capitalism that came
   closest to managerialism as another (worse) system. After their
   defeat in 1945, but also subsuming many minds running away from
   fascism and Nazism (also ex-nazi and fascist scientists runaways)
   the really existing managerial revolution arrived in the 50s and
   60s. In a sense, corporate-liberalism in the West, USSR and China,
   and NIEO were versions of 'managerial capitalisms' in variety and
   their competition dominated the world. In all these variations
   yet managerials subordinated to productive capital -filling key
   functions in line with Keynesian, socialist, and third worldists

   With the emergence of mass media, computer systems, behaviourism,
   TNCs, etc. we had Peter Drucker's, Henry Kissengers, Alvin
   Toffler's, and those who manage and serve to IMF, WB, OECD sort
   of bodies, as well as states and corporations. These segments of
   managerials, top managerials, had a deal with Hayek-Friedman-Coase,
   who aligned with the vision and interest of the money-capital
   fraction which was hibernated between 1920s and 70s. Formulation
   made of neoliberalism did eliminated or undermined the broader
   class base of managerials, in favour of a fusion between top
   managers and top money capitalist. Years when Rockefellar studies
   at LSE, and forms Club of Rome -as monarchs willingly turned to
   bourgeoisie in 17th 18th century we have now capitalist dynasties
   being raised as managerial. Also as a counter strategy to not to
   lose whole control to professional cadre of CEOs and top managers.

   So, rise of global market, liberalisation, good governance, collapse of
   class compromise, flexibilisation, internationalisation of production,
   ICT revolution, post-modernism, so on so forth. The rise of 'Empire'
   was a thrust to unify economic, political and military power in the
   hands of this class fusion of capitalist managers and it was in expanse
   of subordination of entire global production -first to finance/money
   capital; then the production and finance got subordinated to algorithms
   and data. The control was taken over, by money-dealing a specific
   segment of the class agency of money capital, based in Wall Street and
   the City. Such class is tearing apart all consensus base and triggering
   reactionary regression, calling for corrective war that will finish all
   the wars.

   As you say, China being closest to managerial capitalism and being
   the new hegemoni is not a good sign. Since it pushes all system to
   that direction. Climate change and other earth-systemic problems
   strengthen the hand of complexity managers so on. Some segments
   of managerial feel ease in aligning with fascist option. Putin's
   Russia represents a similar form, as Tayyip's Turkey. The system
   dynamics pushes even EU, after UK to that direction. In all cases,
   economic political and military power is being totalled in limited
   class of people, and it looks like big data, silicon valley, IoT,
   is not there to reverse these tendencies but enforcing them.

   As I said, these can be illusionary since I did not work through
   all these, instead as I said it is an informed intuition.
   Getting feedback from and debating it Brian is one of the best
   opportunities one might have to think these stuff through. So
   thanks for that.


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Re: Return to feudalism

2017-09-18 Thread Örsan Şenalp
When the OWS' twitter account and website got hijacked by certain Justine
Tunney and co., it was rare.
Those days when Tunney got hired by Google and started to promote her boss
and the working conditions at Google campus -like free lunch- it was pretty

Then she went on promoting minocracy on twitter, even publicly campaigning
for Eric Schmidt as CEO for the US.. it was like a sci-fi
Things changed when Snowden leaked about the PRISM, and all other stuff..
and Assange published the book about Google's visit..
This was Wikileak's first effective sabotaging to the upcoming US

Schmidt lost all his chance to make a serious candidate,
He became publicly as a bad candidate as say Anne Marie Slaughter, George
Soros, or Henry Kissenger's, excellency.
Hillary was not any better though.

Trump + Bennon, and Industrial Internet guy behind Cambridge Analytica, ran
a counter-campaign, not against a Clinton but against Tunney's premature US
CEO campaign for Google Party's Schmidt candidate.
Hillary was so unpopular after Wikileak's intervention that she looked even
worse to (global) public then Schmidt.
Then, Trump took over as the CEO of US.

Silicon Valley is in grief but there emerges a new contender candidate..
Elon Musk.
What is common in Musk, Schmidt, Soros, Slaughter, Kissinger,.. less but
also with Clinton and Trump being the worse of the worse?
We are looking at the realisation of Platos' dream of philosopher king.
These people do not belong to capitalist class anymore. They are
philosopher kings to be.
Especially Musk and Schmidt..
Kissinger and Soros do belong to the previous generation, still have to
bear an adviser position.

The agency of managerial class, which is preparing to claim full economic
and political power, unified, absolute is Musk, and Schmidt.
The way Trump translates such thrust, and by reversing towards national
capitalists, sounds and looks like fascism
Which was a form of managerial class power-claim; though was not aiming
absolute power.

Its contemporary varieties was developmental-nationalist and
Keynesian-corporatist, and nomenclature-socialist forms of state.
Managerial class,did not have the economic means to forge a full-scale
attack then.

It has today captured both Wall Street, Washington, Silicon Valley,
Beijing, Moscow, and Brussels..
Capitalists this time might really be f.cked up.
But worse then the capitalists, is the situation of those non-capitalist
and non-managerial ones.

Billions of whose lives are at fire as of today.
Some of those amongst the billions are against all forms of domination,
they are divergent class, los unmanagables giving the fight.
We are at the dawn of a last major fight to be given between the ruling/to
be classes hungry for absolute power
and those who would never accept to be ruled and bullied like this, also on
be half of the passivized.

On 17 September 2017 at 20:39, Morlock Elloi  wrote:

> This meme cannot be repeated often enough (even if one starts to resemble
> RMS).
> While esoteric discourses about consequences can be amusing, we really
> need to get back to the root causes. They are not novel, just often
> forgotten.
> From
> g-us-back-to-the-middle-ages-81435 :
> The underlying problem is ownership


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Let's re-think Modern Marxian Critique of Global (cultural-gender-enviromental-informational-transnational...)

2017-08-08 Thread Örsan Şenalp
   Dear all,

   Sharing an in progress call text, towards collectively re-imagining and
   re-building a (Wiki)encyclopedia, today, for the emancipation of the
   oppressed peoples/classes by and for themselves. It is supposed to be
   part of a common resource, a bibliography, part of an effort to build
   up a broader self-education and self-learning (by the oppressed)
   structure, 100 years after Alexander Bogdanov made his initial call at
   the all-Russia ProletKult congress in Moscow 

   Working title of the project is P2P, the Commons, and Tektological
   Critique of Global Political Economy at the moment, and draft text can be 
read here:

   And here where we try to develop an argument, which is also in
   progress, behind the call:

   This is an accompanying co-mapping project: Tektology of the
   Emergent Transnational Managerial Class and the Demise of Capitalist
   World System: From Imperialism to Cyber Imperialism, the Current
   Highest Probably the Last Stage of Capitalism

   Any feedback and contribution is more then appreciated!

   In solidarity

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nettime May Day 2015 Status Update | Networked Labour

2015-05-08 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Emancipation, Knowledge, and Production through Peer to Peer
Co-Operation Research

Networked Labour project was kicked off as an outcome of an
international seminar held in Amsterdam between 7-9 May 2013. The
seminar was initially supported by Networked Politics, transform!
europe, Transnational Institute and IGOPNET (Institut de Govern the
Pol??tiques P??bliques). At the end of the seminar several ideas have
emerged one of which was to improve a web space and try to transform it
into a transnational and distributed network space through which we
could build new ties and expand our nets of collaboration.

Collaborative learning of networks, organising, and emancipation

May 2013 and May 2015 period has been an intense analytical, political,
cultural, ecological and practical co-learning of the nature of changing
world of labour and production, emerging new movements, political
actors, old-new politics, and mode of thoughts. We have discussed, and
exchanged theoretical, political and practical knowledge and ideas on
these topics as well as in relation to the accelerating developments in
the ICTs, using mainly the Networked Labour e-mail list, hoping such
efforts and collaboration would create new synergies by bringing
together contributors, observers and participants to the recent social
changes, innovation, movements, protests, and mobilizations, and
believing that this would  enable us to increase our collective
understanding of the new possibilities emerging in front of all of us
for broader radical social change.

May Day 2015, status update: Towards an emancipatory co-operation
research unit

How to build sort of an integrated and p2p counter ???operation research???
unit, that would be focusing on intelligence, creative action and media
design for global emancipation of labour have become clear since May
2013, after exactly two years. Had to spend enormous time and energy on
learning ???how-to???s of complex technical aspects of web-mastering craft
and the craft of building something ???truly??? independent and autonomous
from any political, ideological, state, or corporate influence, while
staying genuinely being cooperative and political, in a useful and
productive way, one might get exhausted. As a facilitator have I become
more and more aware of the fact that such approach would run the risk to
stay isolated, unproductive under heavy burden and setting for own death
in isolated solo work, without coming up that would be something working
and used. Taking such risk caused by the huge costs of the oppressing
and co-optative systemic ???externalities??? on the one hand, and by
problematic ???internalities??? like tendency to enclose inward and generate
entropy out of hyperactivity on the other, however, becomes inevitable
to achieve something that would sincerely and genuinely focus on the
target like global emancipation with precision. Without producing
degenerative contradictions at the code level, by Machiavellian or
Jakobin politics. Hence, have I been more than aware of the fact that
one can hardly expect any organic cooperation under such conditions,
when old is dying and the new can not be born.

Alternative which has been the most important part embedded in the idea
of ???networked labour??? from the beginning, and has gained momentum
globally. So, in last two years Networked Labour has been developed as a
modular and integrated co-operative project. The current status of the
various parts and modules of the project, that are still needed to be
developed and integrated to others can be seen below. As you will see
such co-operative functions are built-in parts of the design.

Web-portal: and co-operative
learning platform (test):

Open Value Network (test):

Here is the cooperative funding campaign launched on
(though needs to be updated):

Any opinion suggestion, critic, and solidarity as always, is more then
welcome. And if you are interested in joining or following this open
discussion and development trajectory you can do this by simply choosing
any one or more channels listed below.

Facebook Page: The Facebook page is a tool for expanding in the debate
by spreading calls, papers, events, and other info posted on our blog or
the email list, within the groups of the embedded social network on our
web site etc. While we could expand in the public sphere, in return we
would be able to get feed*backs and info from Facebook to the blog and
so on.

Facebook Group: Facebook groups are very useful to expand and strengthen
ties amongst the nodes, by allowing a continuous exchange,. debate, so
producing and sharing information. Along the day.

Scoop.It: Is a app to harvest links from the Net and very useful in
creating an increased ripple effect when you want to spread viral via
your online networks. When 

nettime A co-operations research unit on networked labour university, in progress

2015-05-01 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Dear Net-timers,

This is about an open co-operations research unit kicked-off on
Networked Labour University (
where peers can co-operate by setting-up online regular meetings,
drawing maps, sharing files and
other materials, and organise public webinars, etc. to coordinate
communication and organise regular work-action groups. Anyone can join
in and build such group within a broader space for peer knowledge and
culture production. The group that is up now to build a Co-Operations
Research Agenda and Curriculum that would feed in other courses and
activities that are provided over NLU and other similar free education
platforms. The work group is initially titled as:

'P2P and Commons Critique of Great Transformation: From Industrial
Disciplinary Global Capitalism to Trans-Human Zombie Informationalism'

There is a wiki dedicated to build on:

The wiki will be regularly harmonised with a page previously
configured on the P2P-Foundation's website:

Any comment, critics, suggestion, and modification is more then
welcome and do feel free to share the word.


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nettime To Save the World… Preface by Bernard Stiegler for

2015-04-27 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Originally Posted ???

Michel Bauwens, peer-to-peer activist and founder of the Peer-to-Peer
Foundation, has a new book out, in French, entitled Saving the World:
Towards a post-capitialist society with peer-to-peer. In the book
Michel, with his collaborator Jean Lievens, argues that a new
distributed and de-centralised economic model is necessary to shake up
the world and  drive us towards a post-capitalist society. In a
wide-ranging, impassioned and ambitious, perhaps idealistic,
diagramming of a new mode of living and working Bauwens reaches for a
different way of performing economics and the political.

The book has a preface by Bernard Stiegler that has been shared on the
Peer-to-Peer Foundation website and so I have translated it. I have
offered this to the foundation and I would be pleased if it is of use
to them or to anyone else. The copyright of the text remains under the
license attributed to the original book.

Preface by Bernard Stiegler

To Bauwens, M. and Lievens, J. 2015. Sauver le monde. Vers une soci??t??
post-capitaliste avec le peer-to-peer, Editions Les Liens Qui
Lib??rent. [Saving the World: Towards a post-capitalist society with

Over the course of the next twenty years, automation will instigate
the decline of a society founded on salaried jobs: 49% of jobs will
disappear in the United States, 43% in Great Britain, 50% in Belgium,
56% in Italy and Poland[1]. This huge transformation, resulting from
the integration of digital automation, constitutes the horizon for the
argument put forward here by Michel Bauwens. He has studied and
promoted the new model of production made possible by digital
technologies and founded in peer-to-peer relations, which thereby
surpasses the proletarianisation that has hitherto been the basis for
industrial capitalism ??? here, proletarianisation principally signifies
the loss of knowledge.

Like Ars Industrialis and the Institute for Research and Innovation,
the P2P Foundation sets out the principle that digital reticulation is
no longer a model based on the functional opposition between
production and consumption. Rather it is based on the constitution of
communities of knowledge developed through relations between peers ???
that is to say, on the reconstitution of knowledge (of life skills
[savoir vivre], know how [savoir faire], and theoretical knowledge
[savoir th??oriser]) which have been systematically dismantled over the
last 250 years. This discourse affirms the possibility of salvation:
it attempts to save the world. Such claims will no doubt be scoffed at
by sceptics of all persuasions ??? they are deniers, who, like climate
sceptics, are still trying to ???convince the Marquise that everything
is fine??? [2]??? against all available evidence.

The evidence is the profound collapse of social cohesion in every
industrial society on Earth and the devastating effects on those
societies on the margins of industrialisation. Nothing is being done
in the short period of time we have available in the near-future to
address these issues, and this damage will only cascade like an
uncontrollable chain reaction. This situation arises through what we
have called, since the beginning of the 21st Century, the

The Anthropocene constitutes an unsustainable acceleration of entropic
becoming???to the extent to which it perturbs the meteorological,
oceanographic, atmospheric, hydrological and demographic equilibriums
while depleting fuel as well as social, psychic and physical or
cultural energies???which threatens a world which it should, in fact, be

A real salvation implies a radical change in the organization of work,
of social and economic relations, which take into account the changes
already accomplished by digitisation beginning with the emergence of
the World Wide Web and which goes beyond the state of affairs that
these relations have installed, to understand the global domination of
the increasingly sprawling reticular industries, stemming from the
California model of Silicon Valley, so well described by Evgeny
Morozov in ???the rise of data and the death of politics??? [3].

The present model of voluntary or involuntary contribution imposed by
the data economy exploited by the ???Big Four???, and by those prospering
within their ecosystem, is not only unjust but also bankrupt and
hyper-proletarianising: Far from deproletarianising individuals it
remotely controls them, as they increasingly rely on mimetic
technologies driven by an intensive calculation through algorithms,
processing massive data sources in real-time, which form a new kind of
???crowds???, in the sense that Freud discusses the crowd psychology of
Gustave Le Bon [4].

This is possible because bottom-up networks capture value and
hyper-standardise behaviour (they hyper-proleterianise in this sense)
storing and monopolising them through 

nettime Fwd: Global and Networked Solidarity with the Occupied UvA, The New University

2015-03-02 Thread Örsan Şenalp
The head office of the University of Amsterdam is under occupation and
the occupation has become a workshop for building new models

Support and stand in solidarity with this critical and historical
occupation and the resistance of the Dutch and international students,
who are being over exploited in the 'market' while they are programmed
to be exploited more as future labour force. Their resistance and
efforts to build liberated future models at the occupied Maagdenhuis,
the head office of the largest university-industrial complex in the
Netherlands, the sinking last welfare state, deserve massive support
from the academic knowledge workers, as well as unions, labour
activists from around the world.

If you are far to the Spui Straat 12, visit their website: The New
University -

The counter-occupations will be spreading!

Global Networked Labour University / GNUnion

We are here not only to commonify the disciplinary education and
liberate knowledge commons and the labour of the knowledge workers,
but to turn the model upside down and inside out and replace globally
with emancipatory knowledge production and socialisation apparatus
designed by and for the producing classes.

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#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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nettime submission: TSTG Duisburg Hardship Fund misuse

2015-02-12 Thread Örsan Şenalp
LABOURLEAKS.ORG  - Exposing wrongdoings in the workplace

This is a letter from the First Represantive of the IG Metall
Duisburg-Dinslaken, the German Engineering Union, to former employees
of the closed steel works TSTG in Duisburg which made rails for the
German railways. The letter is addressed to ex-employees who are still
in the union. It concerns those employees who have not managed to find
a job after a year after the company closed down. There are two
aspects of the letter that are questionable. Firstly, the works
council is involved in the discussion as to who gets what from the
hardship fund. This is strange because the council has long ceased
to exist. Secondly, the author states explicitely that the information
contained in the letter is only going to those colleagues who are
still members of the IG Metall. Everyone else may not be informed by
the union. No explanation is given as to why this is so and
ex-employees suspect that only union members will benefit from the
hardship fund.

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nettime Fwd: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Global square meeting on Friday

2015-02-02 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Commoning the commons politics, and the wsf, in Tunis?... yes you can!

-- Forwarded message --
From: ??rsan ??enalp
Date: 2 February 2015 at 17:56
Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Global square meeting on
Friday 6th of February
To: 2011movements-fsm, squares,

Thanks Marita, for the work, also thanks Rami, Carminda, Jasper,
myself, Marisa, Dean, Piran, Miki, Vica and others who has joined and
collaborated on this!

Here is the working pad, where participants can suggest and modify the

Below suggestions, to kick of the wiki 'agenda setting' process, that
is open to everyone, made by me.

Proposed Agenda

0. Check-ins and deciding who will do the moderation, notes, stacks,
and follow up work.

1. Updates and feelings about, as well as any relevant input re the
transnational networking at the grasroots level towards, in, around,
and beyond Tunis WSF 2015  Quebec 2016  as well as other events like
ECB action, COOP15, or election of Syriza, and support for Podemos?
the return of Hong Kong protestors,...

2. [Orsan] Presentation of Global Square, on social media, email
lists, to WSF participants and in general.

Adding somehing like this to text, and site, to welcome new people,
inform them more openly.
Hosting initiatives and individuals:

Global Square is an open idea and action to create collaborative and
inspiring commons spaces in around and beyond the World Social Forums.
Anyone who you like to join and collaborate with us ismore then
welcome. Please ask and request anything you need and like to know
about the backgound, processes, and vision we put forward
collectively. [Here I suggest we could give links from engaged people,
their initiatives, and from the GS website - adding these to FB event
as host, making collaboration and core info visible]

3. Proposed events:

[Orsan] Proposal for an open, horizontal, transnational work-group for
an event: Networking alternative modes of productions bottom up:
inviting those people directly involved in commons, floss, p2p
communities, worker and ciziten coops, and autonomous alternative
solidarty economy networks coming to Tunis, as well as the ngo/cso
type oganisations that for any purposes supporting these groups in one
way or another (draft text is in progress, inc. description, process,
targe groups, content.. will be posted here tomorrow or the day



6. Round up: Follow up work (and who will do what)
Nest meeting date
Checking out

Bst, Orsan

On 2 February 2015 at 13:34, marita wrote:

 event in facebook to invite people to the meeting


 El 29/01/2015, a las 13:02, marita escribi??:

 Call for the next Global square meeting on Friday 6th of February  6pm CET

 Check your local time here: time zone converter

 Proposal to open a ''Global Square'' during the World Social Forum 2015 in

 Our  squares are homes to our ideas and aspirations, in them we struggle, in
 them we shout  at injustices, in them we share alternatives and build
 dreams. During  the World Social Forum 2015 in Tunisia, the '' Global
 Square '' will be  open to all those who are fighting in the streets to
 build the necessary change.
 Using  the  ''open space'' methodology, the program (clearly indicated on a
 board during the WSF) will be permanently open to the organization of
 assemblies, workshops, creative activities, sharing of knowledge and
 methodologies, etc.
 And this space will also encourage spontaneous   meetings, music and

 Nuestras  plazas son los albergues de nuestras ideas y esperanzas, en ellas
 luchamos, en ellas gritamos las injusticias, en ellas compartimos
 alternativas y construimos suenos. Durante el Foro Social Mundial 2015  en
 Tunes, la ''Plaza Global'' (''Global Square'') se convertira en un  espacio
 abierto para todos aquellos y aquellas que luchan en las calles  por el
 Usando la  metodologia ''foro abierto'' a programacion (claramente indicada
 en un  tablero durante el FSM) estara permanentemente abierta para la
 organizacion de asambleas, talleres, actividades creativas, compartir de
 saberes y metodologias, etc.
 Y este espacio estara tambi??n abierto para  favorecer encuentros
 espontaneos, musica y creatividad...

 Nos  places publiques sont les h??tes de nos id??es et de nos aspirations. On
 y  lutte, on y crie les injustices, on y partage des alternatives et on y
 construit nos r??ves. Au cours du Forum Social Mondial 2015 en Tunisie,
 ''Global Square'' (''Place Globale'') deviendra un espace ouvert pour  tous
 ceux et celles qui luttent dans les rues pour construire le changement

nettime FairCoop as creative-construction of Commons Humanity as an antitode

2015-01-14 Thread Örsan Şenalp
   By Pablo Prieto and Enric Duran

   Some revolutionary activists have an amazing ability to avoid the
   economy. We have been iron-branded with the idea that the economy is
   not only evil, but the cause of all evil; that we should stay away from
   it and feel guilty about being involved with it. Like don Quixote, we
   are sane and pure-hearted, but we refuse to see this one truth: we need
   a new economy.

   A new economy begins with a new kind of money. If youâve managed to
   live in something close to a gift economy: congratulations, youâve made
   it! This only works for some of us, though, living in relatively small
   communities, and not on a global scale. You have to realize that youâre
   not really changing your neighborsâ world by trading Ubuntu installs
   for massage; youâre not overthrowing the hyperarchist system of human
   domination by paying for your tofu in rainbowcoins, now, are you?

   While complementary currencies do a great job at local level, theyâre
   just that: they complement other parts which together make up a whole.
   And what we really need is to build up a whole new way to live in this

   Here we go! So, we need money, we need decentralized international
   markets, financial tools, solid trade networks⦠a financial system,
   after all. Money, or food for that matter, arenât harmful: bulimia or
   capitalism are. Money can and should be used for the common good â and
   by money we donât mean fiat currencies, of course. Fiat currencies are
   created and controlled by an evil structure, and used for tyranny and
   planetary destruction (also, we donât see a way we are ever getting any
   of that pie).

   We need to create our own monetary system â a better one, one that will
   suddenly make theirs obsolete and their banks worthless, just like the
   electric car would do with the gas distribution network. And we need
   the transition to be fast enough so they donât have time to react and
   use it for their benefit. What youâve just read is the definition of
   the term disruptive technology.

   In 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, he came up with two
   disruptive technologies at once: the blockchain, a public, universal,
   unalterable digital ledger, and the proof-of-work (POW), a new network
   p2p security system. Together, thanks to the power of cryptography and
   the Internet, they allow us to decentralize, and hence democratize
   three things:

   Economy. The blockchain allows us to securely store and move our own
   money with no need for intermediaries. This automatically renders the
   current financial system useless, and is only the beginning of a new
   way to organize the whole economy.

   Politics. If we use banks and pay our taxes, the government will do
   whatever they please with our money, or maybe what the banks please. If
   we instead use our money to support the projects we would like to see
   happen, they will eventually happen. What matters here is that with the
   blockchain we have the real freedom to choose between supporting
   central governments or supporting a new, distributed way to organize
   our lives.

   Culture. Decentralizing technologies empower the p2p network
   society as a new way of thinking and doing thatâs quickly replacing
   many old-regime institutions and central authorities.

   Anyway, individualistic approaches to this new technology â like
   bitcoin â are very interesting experiences, but frightening. We can
   even picture a gloomy future ruled by cold algorithms and controlled by
   relentless DACs (decentralized autonomous corporations). We probably
   wouldnât like that much. Maybe the solution to state hierarchy is not
   completely math-based individualism. Maybe a middle path (as David
   Harvey would put it) is needed, where the potential of decentralization
   and the capacities of cooperations could join together.

   A disruptive technology is not revolutionary in itself, unless it comes
   wrapped in a new system of governance, and also in a new ethical
   paradigm, one thatâs broadly and honestly accepted, never imposed.
   Revolution is not only a political change, but a cultural and
   individual mindshift. The perfect political system wonât work unless we
   first learn how to love each other. Any revolution prior to that will
   lead to disintegration of power only long enough for the next populist
   leader to figure out how to get hold of it.

   And well, we also need to go further than a new financial systemâ¦

   Productive businesses are usually forced to make a big profit to pay
   back their debts to financial institutions. The so-called real
   productive system needs to be freed from the parasite, and when that
   happens we will clearly see how the financial system has absolutely
   nothing to offer to society, how it was all a gigantic scam, and how
   most of it is simply disposable.

   We (including you) have a lot of work to do in 

nettime Call to forums and networks for a pre-meeting on October 24-26 in

2014-10-05 Thread Örsan Şenalp
*Open Letter to Gezi Forums and networks on the idea of organizing the 3rd
Agora99 in Istanbul in 2015*

Starting in 2011, the world witnessed a wave of truly transnational and
global grass-roots uprisings. In Tunisia, Egypt, Iceland, Greece, Spain,
Israel, Chile, the UK, the US, Turkey, Brazil and in many other places
people took to the streets to protest against injustice and inequality and
for democracy. Struggles that had been ongoing for years gained new
visibility and new movements and struggles formed.

These uprisings spread from on place to another ignited by distinct local
issues. However, self-organisation, connectivity and horizontality have
become characteristics of all of these uprisings: They practice new forms
of democratic decision making and do not have leaders. They organize
through assemblies, working groups, and convergence spaces and allow mass
participation grounded in social networks and online meetings.

Also, transnational and translocal ties that connect groups, movements and
individuals on regional, national and international levels have allowed to
spread and continue these uprisings, creating networks of dignity across
the world. Larger assemblies allowed for self-reflexion and exchange. One
of them has been Agora99.

What is Agora99?

The idea of Agora99 emerged in the transnational general assembly held at
the end of the first Blockupy action in May 2012, in Frankfurt. An open
working group was created to coordinate and organise the efforts to set up
a transnational and transversal space for the autumn of the same year.

The first Agora 99 took place in November 2012 in Madrid, Spain. As an open
meeting, made up of transversal assemblies and thematic workshops, Agora99
allowed collectives, networks and individual activists who had joined 15M,
Occupy, Blockupy and other grassroots uprisings to come together, meet face
to face, exchange, support each others actions and consider the relevance
of the 15M uprising in the European context.

The second Agora99 was organised in November 2013 in Rome. It was similarly
organized in occupied factories and self-organised social spaces. There we
met and updated each other about the ongoing struggles at all levels, with
the energy received from the Gezi protests in May???June 2013. The Rome
Agora99 was participated by comrades from Germany, Italy, Spain, Romania,
Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, the UK and other parts of Europe. Uprisings in
Brazil, Bosnia and Bulgary brought fresh air to Rome. Turkish comrades
delivered a message from Gezi forums.

In Madrid and Rome, the Agora99 was organized along three thematic axes of
struggles: Debt, Rights and Democracy. In this way, many diverse struggles
could be brought together ??? struggles for the commons, for the right to
housing and the right to the city, against precarious labour and neoliberal
urbanism as well as struggles against war and militarization and for the
right to citizenship and free migration, and many more. Alongside with the
thematic workshops we reflected upon technopolitics to find and develop
practicies of organisation capable of linking together the local and global
struggles with new technologies.

We organize through open local and international meetings, but mostly
through the email list English) and regular
online voice chats (using the Skype-like Mumble software). In the
organizing process itself, we thus also tried to invent a democratic space
for all that would go beyond the traditional organizational forms and
cannot be controlled by a few.

Agora99 thus is neither ???just another academic conference??? nor a meeting of
delegates of various political organizations. Instead, the aim is to bring
activists across countries and across thematic topics together in order to
share strategies and experiences, contacts and ideas, tools and tactics.

Towards a new Agora99

Recently the idea of holding the third Agora99 in Istanbul was suggested.
The idea was widely welcomed by the people who collaborated in the
organisation of previous Agora99 events: Istanbul is located in a space and
a time where struggles are active and intense. Agora99 is an open process
that should go beyond the limits and boundaries of Europe. A meeting in
Istanbul could give us this opportunity and spread connections.

However attractive the idea of creating the next Agora space in Istanbul
is, we are well aware of the practical and political difficulties as well
as the massive ground work and local as well as transnational collaboration
required. Therefore we are calling on you to evaluate the possibility of
organising this together, bearing in mind that strong local participation
is needed. On the other hand, we know that we are capable of achieving
bigger aims through participation, distribution of tasks and swarm-wise
collaboration. Also, teams that participated in the previous Agoras would
help out with the organisation process.

We wrote this text in order to share this 

nettime Coding the Algorithyms of Emancipatory Modes of Production

2014-09-22 Thread Örsan Şenalp
This is a new book curated by Matteo Pasquinelli:

The above link is to Italian version of this exciting volume bringing
togather the Accelerationist Manifesto, reactions to it, and some
reflections relevant to what Toni Negri calls ‘the #Acclerationisty
politics’. Most of the articles are already online in English as well.
Below are some of the articles with links to the English versions:

#Accelerate: Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics by Alex
Williams and Nick Srnicek

Reflections on the Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics by Toni

Mattoe Pasquinelli: “To Anticipate and Accelerate: Italian Operaismo
and Reading Marx’s Notion of Organic Composition of Capital”,
Rethinking Marxism journal, vol. 26, n. 2, 2014.

[another good peiece from Pasquinelli: “The Power of Abstraction and
Its Antagonism. On Some Problems Common to Contemporary Neuroscience
and the Theory of Cognitive Capitalism”, Psychopathologies of
Cognitive Capitalism, Part 2. Berlin: Archive Books,  2014.:

Red stack attack! Algorithms, capital and the automation of the common
by Tiziana Terranova:

On this blog [] it possible to
follow other reactions and relevant discussion. Below is a friendly
critique by McKenzie Wark, taken from this blog:

#Celerity: A Critique of the Manifesto for an Accelerationist

To be honest #Accelerationist manifesto sounded to me, at first read,
like a call for a Kautskian and Plekhanovian politics 2.0. Since it
suggests that hunting down of the global networked cognitive
capitalism is possible if we lead it into a future trap; Accelerating
it till it is broken! Though it sounds excitingly good-crazy idea, I
have to say that it has always been hard to accept for me an idea that
suggest that to realize something first, if you want to negate and
transcend it. Even though political imagery says ‘push it harder
towards the cliff.’ It is great and energzing to hear about the anger
and hope such clearly formulated, crying that the time is up to get
away with this maniacal system. However, I find myself partly
sympatyizing with Wark’s strong critics below. I believe that there is
another way to the hack capitalist mode of production:

Here is how I would formulate my Hack, as a part of the code, yet to
be put in algorithmic form:

“Agreeing with many others who think global working class is currently
making it self
through ongoing and intensifying struggles, the form of
self-organisation of the global working classes, in my mind, needs to
be, simultaneously very well grounded, transnational, and global. It
also needs to be open to all the working people, so free [gratis and
accessible] to enter and leave, designed as modularly integrated
organized networks linking workers [including hacker-, academic-,
art-, sex-. ... so on workers],
social-environmental-cultural-informational-sexual justice activists.
Adoptable principles, in form of the ‘code’, which can be
pre-determined, as well as the coding process itself needs to be very
well documented, totally open and accessible to local, workplace,
neighbourhood, issue based, activist or other forms of political
collectives. In a way similar to Anonymous, 15M, Occupy, Gezi. or
other decentralized forms, but with more structured and open working
protocols, as it is in FLOSS projects, or grassroots and worker
cooperatives. It should not be including membership, service,
representation type logics that leads to reproduction of
disempowerment for the involving nodes. It should not be organized by
intellectual activists from outside in, and from top down towards the
working class. With an opposite perspective, it should be designed by
volunteer participation based on self-governing and representation
principles. It should be able to put forward creative, assertive and
effective direct non-violent mass action, which makes fun of and
ridicule the target by allowing the formation of collective
intelligence. Therefore active peer-to-peer self-learninig should be
the core cultural production and learning principle. Instead of having
teachers who must show the right and enlightened road to the candidate
working class members, who needs to get a self-consciousness, a global
and networked labour union should be providing working people with the
access to the tools, resources and key networks that would make self-

nettime Turkopticon: helps the people in the 'crowd' of crow

2014-09-20 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Thanks to Geert Lovink, we are aware of these very interesting
projects. Comrades are developing an online platform and
digita tools that are helping Amazon Maniacal-Turk's digitally enlaved
workers to get strength.

This is first one, the Turkopticon:

Turkopticon helps the people in the 'crowd' of crowdsourcing watch out
for each other—because nobody else seems to be.

Almost half of the Mechanical Turk workers who wrote their Bill of
Rights demanded protection from employers who take their work without
paying.Turkopticon lets you REPORT and AVOID shady employers.

snoogiebug from turkernation says, if you do not have this please get
it it does work and is worth it !!

Turkopticon Firefox
Turkopticon Chrome

How Turkopticon works:

Turkopticon adds functionality to Amazon Mechanical Turk as you browse
for HITs and review status of work you've done. As you browse HITs,
Turkopticon places a button next to each requester and highlights
requesters for whom there are reviews from other workers. Bad reviews
let you avoid shady employers and good reviews help you find fair
ones. You can view reports made against requesters with a quick click.

As you review HITs you've completed, are there HITs you weren't fairly
paid for? Turkopticon adds a button that lets you review requesters
from your Status Detail page.

Other Turking resources:

Turker Nation
MTurk Forum
CloudMeBaby Forum
mTurk Grind forum
mTurk List
MTurk wiki on the MTurk subreddit
Hide requesters script: for Greasemonkey; for Google Chrome
List of useful Turking scripts and add-ons from the
HITsWorthTurkingFor subreddit
Turking tips from the MTurk subreddit

Notes for requesters:

Low cost, high quality is a myth; you must pay for quality

And this is the related Dynamo project
DYNAMO, which ressonates a lot with the
ideas we have been developing with SaysUs.

Both Frank Kashner of Says-Us and friends from Dynamo will be in New
York, as I understood, at the Digital Labour: SWEATSHOPS, PICKET
LINES, AND BARRICADES event ( I hope these
projects will find a way to build a synergic collaboration.


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nettime Fwd: interference↘15.08/17.08↘amsterdam

2014-07-21 Thread Örsan Şenalp

Interference, n:

preventing (a process or activity) from continuing or being carried
out properly.
the combination of two or more electromagnetic waveforms to form a
resultant wave in which the displacement is either reinforced or

Interference is a gathering of people, perspectives, theories, and
actions that share a critical approach to society and technology. It
will take place at the Binnenpret in Amsterdam, NL from 15th to the
17th of August 2014. It will be a space where we can meet, debate,
share, learn, and find our affinities and oppositions. The event comes
as a response to the lack of a common ground for confrontation and
discussion over themes like hacking, technology, art and politics that
could break out of the existing containers and roles for such concepts
and practices.

Interference is not a hacker conference. From a threat to the
so-called national security, hacking has become an instrument for
reinforcing the status quo. Fed up with yet another recuperation, the
aim is to re/contextualize hacking as a conflictual praxis and release
it from its technofetishist boundaries. Bypassing the cultural
filters, Interference wants to take the technical expertise of the
hacking scene out of its isolation to place it within the broader
perspective of the societal structures it shapes and is part of.

Interference tries not to define itself. Interference challenges
hacker's identity, the internal dynamics of hackerculture and its
ethical values. It undermines given identities and rejects given
definitions. Interference is a hacking event from an anarchist
perspective: it doesn't seek for uniformity on the level of skills or
interests, but rather focuses on a shared basis of intuitive
resistance and critical attitude towards the techno-social apparatus.

Interference is three days of exploring modes of combining theory and
practice, breaking and (re)inventing systems and networks, and playing
with the art and politics of everyday life. Topics may or may not
include philosophy of technology, spectacle, communication guerrilla,
temporary autonomous zones, cybernetics, bureaucratic exploits, the
illusions of liberating technologies, speculative software, the
creative capitalism joke, the maker society and its enemies, hidden- 
self- censorship, and the refusal of the binarity of gender, life, and

Interference welcomes discordians, intervention artists, artificial
lifeforms, digital alchemists, oppressed droids, luddite hackers and
critical engineers to diverge from the existent, dance with
fire-spitting robots, hack the urban environment, break locks, perform
ternary voodoo, decentralise and disconnect networks, explore the
potential of noise, build botnets, and party all night.

The event is intended to be as self-organised as possible which means
you are invited to contribute on your own initiative with your skills
and interests. Bring your talk, workshop, debate, performance,
opinion, installation, project, critique, the things you're interested
in, the things you want to discuss. Especially those not listed above.

Please let us know how you would like to interefere by sending a
(brief) abstract of your proposal before June 15 to interference [at] (Our PGP key)

Interference's blog -
Preliminary program

Interference is happy to announce that the preliminary program is
online and can be found here. This is program release v0.1alpha,
expect several updates in the upcoming weeks.

Apart from the sessions mentioned in the program - and for everyone
who missed the deadline, but still wants to contribute something -
there are also the self-organised sessions.

You are cordially invited to come interfere with us. If you plan to do
so, please register and don't forget to donate.. thanks!

Read MoreAbout Preliminary Program

The anti-program

We know, we promised to present an exciting and eclectic program by
the end of the month. We lied. The proposals we received are both
exciting and eclectic, but the program is still a work in progress, so
you will have to bear with us. In the meantime we don't want to
withhold from you a handful of sessions we can confirm at this moment:

Tincuta Heinzel and Lasse Scherffig will set up their radio-based
sound installation Signal to Noise, dealing with the concreteness of
ideological discourses and imaginary of the Other. A volatile
acoustic space is created in which two concurring voices and
ideologies compete by broadcasting on the same frequency.

Johan Söderberg will present us with a reflection on the limitations
of instituted, sovereign power by means of a comparison between
hackers and psychonauts. Both assert their autonomy vis-à-vis the
State through the no-mans-land of the ever-evasive near future. Yet
this legal greyzone is concurrently being turned into an incubator for
corporate innovation.

Strike Now Collective will show and discuss their tool Universal

nettime Anonymous LabourLeaks Project is launched, please help and spread the

2014-05-19 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Independant and anonymous labourleaks project is launched and calling
for content from workers, labour, social justice and free knowledge
activists alike. Below text is taken from the website of the project:

Welcome to

OK. You know about press leaks: they are as old as the press. You know
about the famous/notorious online Wikileaks, this is only seven years
old and is one part of the subversive/emancipatory capacity of the
web. There are increasing numbers of such leaks, produced by
particular groups for particular purposes, for different kinds of
Well, we are labour activists, long active both on the shopfloor and
online. And we have ourselves had bad experience with company secrecy
and ‘managerial prerogatives’: some of us have been disciplined or
sacked for exposing information that is essential for ourselves or our
fellow workers.

This is why we have created LabourLeaks;

Please help out and spread the word, in solidarity.

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nettime ‘Organizing Digital Labour and Digital Labour Orga

2014-05-10 Thread Örsan Şenalp
*Preparatory an test call for the planning of the ???Organizing digital
labour  digital labour organizing??? workshop. The actual workshop is being
planned to take place in Berlin between 23-25 May 2014, during  Labour
Start's 5. Global Solidarity Conference*

*Original Post

To open up the preparation process for the workshop as wide as possible and
to allow those interested online participants to test and practice with the
online system we will be using, we will make several test conference calls
in coming days. The first call will take place on Wednesday 14 May, between
9.00 am and 15.00 pm [London time], so wider global participation will be
possible during the day.

The draft description of the workshop, which we be taken as the starting
point, can be found at ???Union Upgrading??? Group
Wiki created
on Organizing Network -which we will be testing
and using to document the workshop and the preperation, and to take the
minutes. If you like to participate the preparatory call, and the workshop
itself please add your name, affiliation, contact information, and any
ideas or suggestion of yours on the wiki and click on 'Save'. In order to
be able to use all the functions of the Organizing Network, for instance
the wiki, you will need to register first. Please read the user guide for
the ON 

The test call is open to all unionists, labour organizers, social justice
activists, free information and knowledge [h]activists, researchers
who are interested
in and experienced on the topic. The call is especially set up for those
who wish to actively collaborate in the preparation of the content of the
workshop, and who needs to practice with the digital tools we will be using.

In order to be able to join the call you will need a computer connected to
the Internet [the faster the better] that runs an updated version of Flash
Player [you can download
In order to be able to join the meeting with a smart phones and/or tablet
running Android or IOS you will need to click
, follow the video instructions and download Puffin Browser App. Then on
the event page 
, you have to click on the ???Join Conference??? button, on the left hand upper
corner. The cyber room for the meeting is already created. So if you like
to start practicing yourself right away please do not hesitate to
click here to
go to the room now. For more information on free libre and open source
(FLOS) distance education system BigBlueButton and how it works click

For those who might miss this first session there will be one more call set
up same time next week, Wednesday 21 May. The minutes of the call will be
taken, yet in case all participants would agree, we want to make audio and
video recording of the meetings, to make it accesible online for those who
can not join and follow the meetings and the workshop.

For any other questions, suggestions, concerns or any other reasons please
send a message by using the contact information provided at the end of the

Finally, we share our gratitude for the comrades at the May First / People
Link and Union Solidarity
International for
hosting this ethical meeting and collaboration tools and spaces in their
secured servers and providing for workers??? and activists??? use for free.

In Global Solidarity,

Orsan Senalp

E-mail networg [at] networg [dot] nl

Cell Phone +31 643242552

Skype: Orsan1234


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nettime Interview with Kees van der Pijl: Global Rivalries Today

2014-04-17 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Our recent interview published in Turkish and English (by Transform)

How have global rivalries shaped the world we live in, and how do
they continue to affect the way some of the most crucial geopolitical
decisions of our time are made? In this interview with renowned
political scientist Kees van der Pijl, we look at some of the most
pivotal events of recent years, from 9/11 to the Arab Spring and the
current crisis in Ukraine, to reveal the surprising underlying forces
at work.

reproduced at:


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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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nettime Erdogans' twitter ban

2014-03-21 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Tayyip Erdogan have chosen dictatorial line, under increasing attacks
coming from international (Islamic version of Moon) Gulen cult /
Movement, AKP (un)government finally decided to shut itself at the
head by shutting down Twitter, this morning after midnight, adding
Turkey in the short list of dictatorial capitalist regimes. Gulen
Movement has been instrumental for the Western imperialism, linked to
anti-communist underground networks organised by Gladio in 70s and the
80s. The cult got upgraded in the 90s in order to impose neoliberal
soft-Islamic regimes surrounding Russia, India and China belt, with
instalment of controlled regimes, most notable example has been
Malaysia. Gulen cult formed a coalition with reformist Milli Gorus
members, those who had ties to Muslim Brothers active in Arab
countries. In Turkey, this coalition supported by left-right liberals
during the first half of the 2000s in order brake down the ancient
regime or old-boys elite network controlled by another coalition or
historical block composed of military-bureaucratic elite and
capitalist hierarchy under the leadership of the Koc family. 2007-2008
crisis, made a demarcating effect on these kind of coalitions putting
global geopolitics in stress. In a many national context, located in
the new imperial frontiers like North Africa, inner Asia, Asia-Pacific
and Latin America sides involved in similar coalitions had to turn and
fight each other using the parts of state apparatus as it has happened
in Turkey; bringing state vs. state, deep state fighting against
parallel and surface-real (e)states.

The scene has globally and increasingly represented a Cold war 2.0
mess, thought with one crucial difference. Capitalistic tools like
Facebook and Twitter, although themselves are taking part in this new
cold war, they have provided a much wider public and open space in
which the dark side and the dirty clothes of all kinds of elite
fractions composing the ruling classes, 1%, including Facebook,
Twitter and Google owners themselves. Social opposition of any type
were provided with tools globally to train themselves in online
organising, developing creative distributed revolts that send feed
backs contributing in learning process towards building of a global
manoeuvre war against the rulers of the global capitalism.

So this last open counter offence coming from Erdogan, is not
challenging its local rivals for political power, it is clearly a
transnational class act being part of a global chess game played
harsher on the imperial frontiers. It might either add to the tensions
increasing between Russia and China and the West pushing towards
corrective inter elite war, or spark the public launch of the
worldwide class war between the rulers and the ruled. Comparing the
compact fuse state of the %1 -capitalists and rulers ready to eat each
other, and diffused and distributed state of %99 -the ruled and
oppressed multitude sectors all seek channels and protocols to build a
genuine and worldwide solidarity, it gets difficult to hope for the

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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:

nettime All the Net workers of the world, mesh network!

2014-03-19 Thread Örsan Şenalp

This wiki is a strike developing space. Inviting interested digital
and analog labour and union militia to use it for inventing,
initiating and networganising collective hactions to target Meta-Data
abuses of the Capital. Besides PRISM contractors, there is a need to
forge class struggle against digital capitalists of,
Huffington Post, and others who undermines human dignity and rights,
gained after hundereds of years fighting back!

*Operation PRISM Knock-out!
Objective: To stop PRISM contractors abusing people and data, and
promote an escape route to FLOSS alternatives
Targets: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Skype, Yahoo
Twitter: GNUnion - One Big Mesh Network
HashTag: #OPprismknockout
Planning: Irc

*Operation Mechanical Jurk
Objective: developing direct hacktion operation targeting's
Mechanical Turk mass-exploitative model
Twitter: @GNUnion
Hashtag: #OPmechanicalJurk
Planning: Irc

#  distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission
#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:

nettime Cyberpunk, anarchism, network thinking, and cooperatives - interview

2014-03-13 Thread Örsan Şenalp
very interesting interview by

Neal Gorenflo, from Shareable, Michel Bauwens, from the P2P
Foundationand John Robb, from Global Guerrillas, interview las Indias'
David de Ugarte

Translated/Re-edited * by Stacco Troncoso, edited by Jane Loes Lipton
- Guerrilla Translation!
Images by Las Indias and Shareable
Read the Spanish version here

In this interview, Shareable publisher Neal Gorenflo, John Robb of
Global Guerrillas, and P2P foundation's Michel Bauwens talk to David
de Ugarte, one of the originators of the Spanish cyberpunk scene,
about his more recent work developing a multinational worker
cooperative, Las Indias, that is a culmination of his community's
thinking and work for the last decade. Las Indias is the manifestation
of a unique socio-economic philosophy that synthesizes many strains of
thinking and culture including cyberpunk, anarchism, network thinking,
and cooperatives - all with a Spanish twist. It's important because it
points to a possible future for those who think outside of national
boundaries, and who desire or need to take control of their own
economic destiny. It's a possible future that takes the centuries-old
logic of cooperatives and remixes it for the urban-centered, global
network society we live in today.

Michel Bauwens: Explain to us what Las Indias is, where it comes from,
and what makes it distinctive?

David de Ugarte: Las Indias is the result of the Spanish-speaking
cyberpunk movement. Originally a civil rights group, during the late
90s it became strongly influenced by Juan Urrutia's Economics of
Abundance theory. We soon linked abundance with the idea of
empowerment in distributed networks. We are very clear on this point:
it is not the Internet by itself, it is the distributed P2P
architecture that allows the new commons. As one of our old slogans
put it: Under every informational architecture lays a structure of
power. Re-centralizing structures - as Google, Twitter, Facebook,
Megaupload, etc. do around their servers - weakens us all. The
blogosphere, torrents, freenet, etc. are tools of empowerment.

Cyberpunk was mainly a conversational / cyberactivist virtual
community. It became transnational quickly, and contributed some very
good discussions and theories that helped us understand the social
impact and possibilities of distributed networks.

But in 2002, three of us founded Las Indias Society, a consultancy
firm focused on innovation and networks dedicated to empowering people
and organizations. Our experience soon became very important in
understanding the opposition between real and imagined
communities, and the organizational bases for an economic democracy.
After the cyberpunk dissolution in 2007, the Montevideo Declaration
openly stated that our objective will be to construct a phyle, a
transnational economic democracy, in order to ensure the autonomy of
our community and its members.

We define ourselves around five main values:

Distributed network architectures as a way of generating abundance,
empowerment, and to ensure the widest plurarchy - the maximum of
individual liberties - for the members of our community.
Transnationality (which means a rejection of national identities as
well as universalism) as a consequence of putting the real community
of persons who live and work in Las Indias at the center of our work.
Economic democracy as the way to build personal and community autonomy
through the market.
Hacker ethics as a way to foster community knowledge generation,
common deliberation, personal passion, and a collective pleasure in
Devolutionism: all our production of knowledge - books, software,
contents, even recipes - is returned to the commons, generating more

Neal Gorenflo: What is the vision of Las Indias? What would the
classic, most developed form be in the future? What are you after in
terms of how it can transform individuals, interpersonal
relationships, and the world?

Neal Gorenflo

Our vision is not a universalist one. We don't proselytize and we
really believe that diversity is a desirable consequence of freedom.

But we have a vision for us - the phyle - and a wish: to see the birth
of a wider, transnational space of economic democracies. We imagine
networks of phyles generating wealth, social cohesion, and ensuring
liberties for real people rather than the governments' power and their
borders and passports.

We are not naive nor utopian. Distributed networks gave our generation
the opportunity to build a new world. But this new world, based on the
commons, communities, economic democracy and distributed networks,
isn't completely born. And the old world, based on the artificial
generation of scarcity, corporations, inequality, and centralized
networks, isn't dead.

It is very symptomatic that the European crisis manifests as a debt
crisis. Governments are suffocating society in order to feed
privileged groups - big corporations, some sectors dependent on public
money - who have captured state rents or 

Re: nettime How Silicon Valley's CEOs

2014-02-01 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Hi David, below is following is a free association and thinking form
of a response, the same post, so the argument is not too serious yet,
and apologies for the sloppy english:

- The day before, before reading Bernardo's piece (,
I was reading two other good text. One of them was Richard Barbrook's
The Class of the New, and the other one was Kees van der Pijl's Left
Managerialism and Gramsci. Both were making similar points and
references to the renaissance moment. Both were addressing the
critical point of 'division or unity' between manual and mental
labour; former creates and reproduce and protects the hierarchy so the
class society, the letter liberates, emancipates and brings
resilience, both to the generator of such unified labour and his/her
community. Until bourgeoisie in the West, taken over the power
structure from the hands of kings and emperors with which they formed
alliances during the Renaissance  -either by convincing them
peacefully or by force, and turning that power against the workers,
the wage slavery they have created- the horizon of the Renaissance
men's intellect was narrowed down or dismantled, developing and using
varying instruments by the new ruling classes. After this long
sentence, my point is, if we are to make today's Renaissance more
about global emancipation, so a path full of struggles that might
lead, this time, to a total liberation and classless human
civilisation, this had to be about dissolution of antagonism based on
the separation of mental and manual work, socialisation of property
and production, between work and care-loving-attention kind of labour
which is seen as feminine and demasculating, hence refused by man,
while in contrary it has been emancipatory and liberating.

Discussions around P2P, networked labour and practises emerging and
spreading, in a way, bear both option and perspective regrading this
unity and division point. It is a political / class choice to make,
depending where you stand, how to theorise the strategies the change,
inventing tools and tactics in buildings ties between action,
production, workers, makers, and other networks.. so on, towards which
way. Is it an option to theorise or putting a political practise
forward in favour of creation of a digital worker or produser
consciousness in contrast or superior to those non-digital workers
-those who has to produce but can not consume? To me, the way is to
theorise and practise is towards linking manual workers, say in
Bangladeshi textile sweatshops very often burn or crash down burying
hundreds of manual workers, and Foxconn's workers producing to
occupy-15M activists who wear those textile, or the technician and
engineers angry at the silicon valley -because he won't be able to
effort buy the next version of the iPhone he designed? such as the
99picket lines in US that organised and worked with Wallmart workers
to protest what happened in Bangladesh. Or think of hacker spaces,
fablabs, so on as labor-atories, ateliers where the unity of mental
and manual labour is being experimented and often achieved. DIY
culture, ethical economy, open source hardware production, so on are
similarly. Yet these guys needs to get linked urgently, to those who
has to work through temp agencies and can not effort smart phones,
tablet or PC in western cities as well as those mass manual labour
sites in Asia, Africa, and  south America.

We are living a period in which the dirt of older regime and its
rulers' is getting out there massively public, thanks to the Internet.
The way these guys used to and does operate is being documented,
recorded, and published. Now they want to shut down the Internet, and
people knows why. There is clearly emancipatory potential in what
emerges as new, but also something dark, may be darker then
capitalism. While capitalist and capitalism is becoming a very dirty
word, new actors emerging like Facebook and Google, while
simultaneously authoreterian state-classes are gaining power in China,
Russia aswell as other places, they are getting big resources under
control. Both actors are not properly capitalists yet at the moment
still they play capitalistic cards, aligning or working with
traditional capitalists. Yet there is a potential in what they are
developing in terms of reorganisation of value creation and production
globally, can be completely different then the capitalists logic. The
intelligence they gather, both state-class and Facebook-google like
PRISM partners, is about all of the others and everyone else. At the
moment they sell it to companies, but what if later they develop
another mechanism that can beat capitalism. Something more based on
open use of force then hegemony, similar to fuedual way, that puts
people at work and harvest the value created to pass for the joy and
use of those locked up in the cities surrounded 'protected' by high
walls (we started