Re: [Suggestion] A syntactic sugar for cast.

2018-08-03 Thread Stefan_Salewski
You may read again the manual section ncrosby cited, or read tutorial:


In Nim we generally avoid casts, but we may do type conversion:

if obj of Child:
let child = Child(obj)


Set of enums with holes

2018-07-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Recently someone complained about gintro not working well with latest Nim 
devel. Well not too surprising due to a few breaking changes.


I have just tried to try it with latest devel -- do not yet see the gorge 
issue, but can see this minor problem when compiling gintro/glib.nim

  TestTrapFlag* {.size: sizeof(cint), pure.} = enum
ignoreThisDummyValue = 0
#ignoreThisDummyValue1 = 1
#ignoreThisDummyValue2 = 2
#ignoreThisDummyValue3 = 3
#ignoreThisDummyValue4 = 4
#ignoreThisDummyValue5 = 5
#ignoreThisDummyValue6 = 6

silenceStdout = 7
silenceStderr = 8
inheritStdin = 9
  TestTrapFlags* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = set[TestTrapFlag]


$ nim c t.nim
Hint: used config file '/home/stefan/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: t [Processing]
t.nim(15, 46) Error: ordinal type expected


For Nim <= 0.18 it was necessary to have ignoreThisDummyValue = 0 to be 
compatible with intended C flags. Now it seems not to compile any more due to 
the holes. When I add all the commented dummy bits it seems to compile again. 
Do I have to fix the generator script to add all that dummy values for all the 
related gtk3 flags?

Re: Generating pascal interface

2018-08-01 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I think what you wants to do is plain text processing. For that you do not need 
Nim macros, you may use module strutils and related modules, maybe also pattern 
matching. Basically you parse the input nim file, and then write the pascal 
interface file with that data.

Re: Going to Haxe. Nim In Action book available.

2016-08-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Got it. I will bookmark it in my mail folder, so i can send you the book 
> later.

Why that effort? See google or Manning page:


Section shipping:

I need to change my shipping address on a pending order.

Please send a message to and we can update your address for 
all pending orders.

Re: nim-ffmpeg wrapper: how to continue?

2017-11-02 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Yes, the reordering can be much manual work.

For the gintro module, I do it automatically now, but it takes a few minutes to 
finish -- and it is based on gobject-introspection.

The ugly way is to put all types into a single type section at the front of the 
module. Many modules from early days like the gtk2 ones do that. But of course 
that is mud mixing, the resulting module is very unfriendly for the human 
observer. Someone recommended in the past to ship one mudmixed module for the 
compiler and one virgin one for humans. You may do that.

Or, you may ask Araq for the pragma name which allows forward declarations. I 
tested it one year ago, it was working fine indeed. But was not really 
advertised or recommended. Or, you may wait -- future compiler versions may 
support forward declarations out of the box. 

Re: Differences: Object variant vs static conditional fields

2017-09-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
You can store variables of type Node all in one single seq.

For node2: I really think that there is no way to store variables of type 
Node2[nkInt] and Node2[nkFloat] in the same seq.

So Node 1 is more dynamic. But I am not really sure, have never used object 

Re: completely new to programming

2017-11-13 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I say this as someone who spent decades writing C code

So you did exactly what I suggest 

Of course it is difficult to make suggestions to puwad as we don't know him.

But starting with Nim TODAY for a real beginner is really hard. And Nim in 
Action is not a book teaching Nim for beginners. The Nim tutorial may be OK for 
a really smart beginner, maybe.

Generally people who start with higher level languages like Java, Ruby, Python 
and never learned a real low level language are doing some really stupid stuff 
later from time to time ore are asking some really stupid questions -- as they 
have no feeling what a computer really is and what it does.

30 years ago there was Pascal as a teaching language for beginners, a mix of 
low level language with some higher level components. But learning Pascal would 
be waste of time today. Now most students seems to start with Java -- well not 
a nice language, but it will help finding a job, even for people who do not get 
a degree as the left after a few semesters.

Re: Partial casing is foo_bar

2016-07-19 Thread Stefan_Salewski
@cdunn2001 > partial-casing causes problems.

Can you provide examples?

For the gtk related libs, I had initially indeed problems two years ago when 
Nimrod was fully style insensitive. But now with partial casing there are no 
problems, types like Buffer start with capital letter, and procs or templates 
are written buffer(). (Indeed it was not that easy, there where private C types 
with underscore like _buffer which are mapped to public types without 
underscore -- but I was able to solve that with text substitution scripts.)

If you can provide examples with real problems: I suggested long time ago to 
allow underscore as first or last character of an identifier and use that as 
the same time to indicate that this identifier is fully case sensitive. That is 
easy to implement and allows to fix ALL of the rare real problems. 

Fun with deduplicate

2016-11-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I wonder if sequtils.deduplicate() should be renamed to deduplicated() as it 
returns a seq like sorted()? And maybe it should be noted that it is O(n^2), 
which is fine for small collections, but not so nice for large ones.

And maybe we should add a O(n) deduplicate to stdlib -- sets modul is really 
fast as shown below.

import sets
import random, times
import sequtils # deduplicate

# O(n)
proc uniqCopy[T](s: openArray[T]): seq[T] =
  let h = s.toOrderedSet
  newSeq(result, h.len) # can we avoid the unnecessary initialization?
  var i = 0 # is there no items with index for sets?
  for el in h:
result[i] = el

# O(n)
proc uniq[T](s: var seq[T]) =
  let h = s.toOrderedSet
  var i = 0
  for el in h:
s[i] = el

# O(n^2)
proc xdeduplicate[T](s: var seq[T]) =
  var i, j: int
  while i < s.len:
s[j] = s[i]
var k = j
while k > 0:
  dec k
  if s[k] == s[j]:

var a = @[1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 5, 2]
var b = a
echo a.uniqCopy
echo a
echo b

var t: float # cpuTime()
var x: array[1000, int]
for el in mitems(x): el = random(1000)

var z = @x
t = cpuTime()
z = z.deduplicate
echo "sequtils.dedublicate: ", cpuTime() - t

z = @x
t = cpuTime()
echo "inplace dedublicate: ", cpuTime() - t

z = @x
t = cpuTime()
z = z.uniqCopy
echo "uniqCopy: ", cpuTime() - t

z = @x
t = cpuTime()
echo "uniq: ", cpuTime() - t

# nim c -d:release t.nim
# Output
# @[1, 3, 2, 5]
# @[1, 3, 2, 5]
# @[1, 3, 2, 5]
# sequtils.dedublicate: 0.0001411
# inplace dedublicate: 0.0001329
# uniqCopy: 3.099e-05
# uniq: 2.711e-05

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-10-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I just got version 9 of the meap.

I was curious about the actual improvement work of the manning people. My early 
expectation was that they would not do much, indeed I think they can not do 
much, just because they do not understand the matter. So only a few grammar 
fixes remain to them, and I have the feeling that is what they did.

But they still have not discovered that in the "Welcome" preface there are 
still 10 chapters mentioned, while we all know that only 9 are left.

And in the first chapter this weak paragraph is still present:

" One feature of the language makes it particularly well suited to systems 
programming. You will find that Nim is a compiled language, but the way in 
which it is compiled is special. When source code is compiled by the Nim 
compiler, it is first translated into C code. C is a pretty old but well 
supported systems programming language; because of this, more direct and easier 
access to the physical hardware of the machine is allowed. As such, Nim is very 
well suited to writing operating systems, compilers, device drivers, embedded 
system software, and more.


Applications written in Nim are very fast, in many cases just as fast as 
applications written in C and more than 13 times faster than applications 
written in Python. "

Of course that is not really wrong and most of us do know what Dom wants to 
express, but it is a very weak wording. And exactly 13 times -- funny. So I 
wonder what the Manning contribution to the books is? 

Re: Extending objects and initialization

2017-06-02 Thread Stefan_Salewski
That is very interesting, thanks.

(As you know, I am using your module combinatorics.nim in 
 Would be nice if that module would be put into Nim's standard lib -- it works 
fine, but I have never tried to understand it yet, I guess it is not trivial...)

Re: How to implement a dynamic array

2017-06-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I got a Data Structures book

Which book do you have? Do you like it?

> I know how to do it with Java

Can you show us your code? I would like to learn how to do it in Java.

Basically, what you need to build something like Nim's seq is allocating chunks 
of memory from the OS. You may inspect Nim's low level modules to find it out. 
But of course there exists much more interesting and useful data structures to 
build. Maybe a robin hood or hopscotch ordered hash table (I was playing 
recently with that) or some of the structures boost lib has? 

Re: Games made in Nim

2017-05-18 Thread Stefan_Salewski



I think there are already more, some commercial seems to be in development.

Re: Full nimble support for gintro package (high level GTK3 GUI) available

2018-03-04 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Should work for Windows 10 also now.

As Araq recommended, I removed the single quotes in the wget and nimgrab 
command strings.

You just have to ensure that all needed GTK3 libs are installed on your Windows 
box before gintro install.

You may follow user zetashift's advise, but don't forget to install the 
separate file

Re: Nim GC Performance

2016-12-02 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Thanks for the link, sounds interesting, will read soon...

For your test code, I am not really sure what the purpose is. Nim's realtime GC 
is tunable, so you can get very short pause time with a tradeoff in throughput. 


You seems to test only only pause time for the default, which may be more tuned 
to throughput. (For my understanding, for most software pause times are not 
critical, or at least pause times of a few ms are fully OK, as for action 
games. For hardware control pauses may be critical, but if we do not allocate 
GC memory in critical parts, then the GC will not run in that critical part.) 
And when you are testing, you may test the boehm Gc as well.

I hope my understanding is not too wrong, I have newer spent time 
investigationg or understanding the GC.

For your code itself there is some room for improvement of course, for example

for i in items( result[] ):
result[i] = byte( n )

should be writable as

for i in mitems( result[] ):
i = byte( n )

Re: Compiler crashes while compiling module with

2018-02-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I managed to reduce the crash to this

Great. Maybe test if it only occurs for Natural or also for int, and create an 
issue for github issue tracker. Should be a task for Zachary.

Why is integer multiplication so slow here?

2018-04-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski

proc main =
  var s = 0
  for i in 0 .. 10:
if i * i == 49:
#if i == 7:
  s += 1
  echo s


For this test, using "if i == 7" instead of "if i * i == 49" gives half runtime 
on my box. This is a bit surprising as multiply is considered very fast 

Nim Compiler Version 0.18.0 [Linux: amd64]

Re: question about templates / namespaces / modules

2017-11-12 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Have you tried something like

when AVX2_Available():

Of course that can only work when your AVX2_Available() is known at compile 

Re: Get base object from inherited object.

2017-09-01 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Calling getType() multiple times may give you the parents, I did that here:


I got it from a hint of Araq, I have no idea what really is happening.

Re: Though about identifiers in text editors.

2018-04-04 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Why not calling Nimsuggest on space hits and carriage returns only ?

Yes this is one solution, but I was not really happy with it. In the general 
case one single keystroke can change highlight of the whole file. For example 
when we modify a var or type definition all occurrences of that var or type in 
that file can become invalid, and I think highlight should show that 
immediately. So only cursor movements are keystrokes which for sure do not need 
a new nimsuggest query. And if I remember correctly nimsuggest does send for 
each query the information for the whole file, which is a lot traffic and CPU 

Re: Question about arrangement of source files with modules

2017-03-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Yes, nimsuggest works really not bad now. For example I can investigate 
tables.nim fine, jumping to impl works also. One problem are still the generic 
procs, that symbols seems to be inactive, I guess there is already an hard 
issue in bug tracker.

Now I consider supporting the outline and highlight commands also. Seems that 
these send always info for the full file, which can be some thousand lines. And 
format for both commands is very different currently:

highlight   skConst 11088   5
highlight   skConst 11235   12

> outline engine.nim:engine.nim:120:0
outline skVar   engine.ENDG 
/home/stefan/nim-chess2/engine.nim  13  4   ""  100
outline skProc  engine.deleteIf 
/home/stefan/nim-chess2/engine.nim  15  5   ""  100

Testing should be easy, so maybe I will do. But processing thousand of lines 
for each keystroke may be a bit slow 

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-12-24 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I'm confused in all that pointer-reference-object_itself stuff

I have already downloaded the source code of librsvg-2.40.16. Seems to be 
really a tiny lib, and the c headers contains not many strange macros, so 
building the wrapper should be easy. (There are bitfields used, but fortunately 
latest c2nim supports that :)

I do not understand that lib well, so testing will be some work. For example I 
still wonder about your mentioned rsvg_handle_close (). From the API 
documentation: "Closes handle , to indicate that loading the image is complete. 
This will return TRUE if the loader closed successfully. Note that handle isn't 
freed until g_object_unref is called.". No idea currently.

I think the wrapper will be finished in a few days, but maybe I will just 
ignore testing.

Re: Basic pointer question

2018-02-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
OK, I think I see your problem.

In Nim an empty subscript [] notation can be used to derefer a reference or 
ptr. So if p is a pointer to string, in C++ you would write '*'p to dereference 
it, but in Nim you write p[]. And in Nim you can write p[n] to access the n'th 
character in that string. I would guess that p[][n] == p[n] but I have never 
tried if that compiles. In C++ we could write ('*'p)[0] to access the first 
character, in Nim that is p[0]. That is easier to write, and I think that 
implies no restrictions, as we do no pointer arithmetic in Nim like p++ in C.

Note: I put wrong '' around the star to make forum work... 

Why does this not compile, and how can I fix it?

2017-09-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski

import strutils

  App = ref object of RootObj
i: int

proc isDigit(app: App) =

macro xconnect(widget: RootRef; signal: string; p: typed; arg: typed; 
ignoreArg: bool): untyped =

proc main =
  let app: App = nil
  xconnect(app, "activate", isDigit, "", true)


# nim -v
# Nim Compiler Version 0.17.2 (2017-09-08) [Linux: amd64]
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Andreas Rumpf
# $ nim c button.nim
# button.nim(15, 11) Error: type mismatch: got (App, string, proc (app: 
App){.noSideEffect, gcsafe, locks: 0.} | proc (c: char): bool{.noSideEffect, 
gcsafe, locks: 0.} | proc (s: string): bool{.noSideEffect, gcsafe, locks: 0.}, 
string, bool)
# but expected one of:
# macro xconnect(widget: RootRef; signal: string; p: typed; arg: typed; 
ignoreArg: bool): untyped

Re: Subtle memory management error found

2017-09-15 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Can you show me how to do that?

When you are using the Nim compiler from the command line, then in the current 
working directory a subdirectory with name nimcache is created. For example 
"nim c test.nim" creates "nimcache/test.c". You can inspect that intermediate C 
code. When you have clang installed, you may try "nim c --cc:clang myprog.nim" 
to use the clang compiler. Or try compiling with and without option 
"-d:release" to see if it makes a difference. Other C compiler options you may 
specify in the global or local nim.cfg file. For example I generally use in my 
working directory something like

gcc.options.speed = "-march=native  -O3  -flto -fstrict-aliasing"

fstrict-aliasing may not work properly as Mr R. Behrends recently told us, so 
use better -fno-strict-aliasing which is the default. -flto is link time 
optimazion, it gives smaller executables generally. -O3 is highest gcc 
optimazion, you may try -O0, -O1, -O2 also. And also without -march=native.

Do you have a recent, but not too new gcc version?

Re: compiler error in 0.18.0 ??

2018-03-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
jzakiya, you may wonder why your program eats that much memory.

I had just looked at you code, and tried this:

#for byt in seg[0..Kn-1]:   # count the twin primes in the segment
  #  primecnt += uint(pbits[byt]) # count the '0' bit pairs as twin 
  for jj in 0 .. Kn-1:   # count the twin primes in the segment
primecnt += uint(pbits[seg[jj]])

$ nim c --cc:gcc --d:release --gc:none h.nim

$ ./h
Enter integer number: 500_000_000_000
segment has 262144 bytes and residues groups
prime candidates = 1333; resgroups = 167
create nextp[6x57081] array
perform Twin Prime Segmented SoZ
last segment = 75435 resgroups; segment slices = 63579
total twins = 986222314; last twin = 4062+/-1
total time = 205.109 secs

Seems to work now, so that part of your code seems to generate a copy of the 
seq for each call.

Re: Dynamic Object Type Fields

2016-07-29 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> So soemthing like Python's setattr() doesn't exist then?

I think when you want support for dynamic runtime attributes, you have to 
prepare for it in a compiled language. For example you can add a field of type 
seq or table to your object and a proc for adding data to this field. Of course 
in a typed language like Nim adding arbitrary data types like ints, strings, 
objects may not work. If that is necessary you may wrap your attributes in 
objects, maybe in variant types? 

Re: Howto make arbitrary macro parameters persistant (non volatile)

2017-06-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Yes sure, Nim's strings are garbage collected, so GC_ref is available. But the 
user can pass really arbitrary data, maybe plain ints. Maybe I should just use 
"when compiles(GC_ref(data))". Maybe not the smartest solution, but should 
work. Then I only still have to learn how I copy data, I guess something like 
malloc() and copyMem() is available... Not Sure about deepCopy still. 

Re: float64 hash

2017-04-29 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Hashing floats is not that trivial. A common problem are rounding errors. Do 
you want/need identical hash for i.e. (3.0 + 4.0) and (7.0)? If yes, then it 
may be necessary to mask the less significant bits before applying the hash 
function. So, before choosing a concrete optimal hash function, it may be 
necessary to consider the range of your numbers. In the simplest case, it may 
be enough to do some plain mathematical operation on your numbers before 
hashing to get what you want, maybe just adding always the same constant.


and of course, for more information you may ask google, i.e.


Re: What do you think about Redox and Electron?

2017-01-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I heard about Rust OS some months ago (Is there one more than Redox). I think 
that is very interesting, indeed that would be my main motivation to learn Rust 
language deeply.

But it is very hard for new operating systems to become popular. For Linux it 
was a bit different, because it was only a Unix clone, so it was not necessary 
to develop new ideas, and some people where already familiar with Unix.

Most other new OS failed. Most critical are device drivers, for which often 
only closed source drivers exist. Using these may be difficult, and may destroy 
the benefits of a new, secure OS. And developing other state of the art core 
components is much work, as Wayland display system, GUI toolkit, OpenGL/Vulkan 
support or a file system like BtrFs. And all the other Tools -- for Linux we 
still have no real good CAD or Photoshop, just to name 2. Of course with a good 
language it is a lot easier and faster, but still take much man power.

But maybe Rust OS will get strong support from a very big company or 

Re: Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison

2017-12-01 Thread Stefan_Salewski
And can you please try to avoid the ugly cast:

#var u:array[4,int64] = cast[array[4,int64]]([60,1,342,0])
var u: array[4, int64] = [60.int64, 1, 342, 0] # should work -- if not tell 

Re: Generating a const by a proc -- unexpected result

2016-09-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski

Should I add that example to Nim's github issue tracker? 

Re: Fastest way to count number of lines

2017-10-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
If speed is really important for you, you may consider SIMD instructions.

D. Lemire gave an example for this in his nice blog:


Re: Windows nim binaries freeze

2016-06-26 Thread Stefan_Salewski

GetType() for object type macro parameter

2017-08-28 Thread Stefan_Salewski

import macros

  S = string
  I = int
  O = object
i: int
  P = ref O

var i: I
var s: S
var p: P
var o: O

macro mconnect(arg: typed): typed =
  let at = getType(arg)
  echo $(at.toStrLit)
  if at.len > 1:
echo $(at[1].toStrLit)


Output is

Hint: macros [Processing]

How can I get P instead of ref[O] and O instead of object i ? I need that for a 
cast in gtk connect macro. (I think I may get what I need when I use type() 
outside of the macro and pass the result as an additional parameter to the 
macro. But I had the feeling that getType() can do it also?)

Re: Help with parallelizing a loop

2017-11-03 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Indeed Jack, I think sync() is nonsense when parallel statement is used.

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-10-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> IMO your rewording of the explanation of forward declaration also leaves 
> something to be desired.

Yes, it is difficult to explain, for me, in english. I just tried, as only 
complaining is sometime too easy.

For the forward declaration, I think there is already a secret pragma to make 
it unnecessary, I once tried it, was working, but have never really used it. 
Relaxing forward declarations was mentioned a few times, some people would 
really love it. Recently someone in IRC talked about new problems when forward 
declarations would be relaxed, I think it was related to templates or macros 
and their order 

Re: Shift operation for array elements

2016-09-24 Thread Stefan_Salewski

Sorry, can not really understand... Somethink like memCopy or memMove? That was 
my first idea, but I was very unsure what would happen when array elements are 
not somethink like plain ints, but objects with refs. Would that confuse the GC?

And of course one may ask if array shifting is a good idea at all -- for many 
use cases other data structures may be a better solution. I was in need for 
that shifting for may chess game -- there position in the array is bound to 
ply, use of array is very convenient and overhead is very low. I can not 
remember if i inspected Nim sources before i started coding the shift proc -- I 
think so, but coding time was some months ago. I guess for seqs there may exist 
a deleteAt() which we may inspect.

Re: Strings and C.

2018-02-18 Thread Stefan_Salewski
It is generally a bad idea to send the whole seq to C function because there 
may reside additional data like seq length at start of memory chunk. Try to use 
address of first element of the sequence instead.

My first nimble package

2017-07-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski

stefan@nuc ~/gintro $ ls -lt
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 1 stefan stefan   210 Jul  7 00:31 gintro
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan  2288 Jul  7 00:30 gintro.nimble
drwxr-xr-x 1 stefan stefan48 Jul  6 17:32 tests
drwxr-xr-x 1 stefan stefan94 Jul  6 15:27 examples
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan   113 Jul  6 15:27 nim.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan 25629 Jul  6 15:27 README.adoc
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan  1071 Jul  6 15:26 LICENSE
stefan@nuc ~/gintro $ cat gintro.nimble
# Package

version   = "0.1.0"
author= "Stefan Salewski"
description   = "High level GObject-Introspection based GTK3 bindings"
license   = "MIT"
skipDirs = @["examples", "tests"]

# Dependencies

requires "nim >= 0.17.0"

import ospaths

#mode = Whatif

proc prep =
  let this = thisDir()
  let td = getTempDir()
  let wd = "gintrosalewski"
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("ls -lt")
  exec("ls -lt " & this)
  echo this
  echo(this / "tests" / "gen.nim")
  cpFile(this / "tests" / "gen.nim", td / wd / "gen.nim")
  cpFile(this / "tests" / "combinatorics.nim", td / wd / 
  cpFile("nim-gio/src/gio.nim", td / wd / "gio.nim")
  cpFile("nim-atk/src/atk.nim", td / wd / "atk.nim")
  cpFile("nim-glib/src/glib.nim", td / wd / "glib.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gdk3/src/gdk3.nim", td / wd / "gdk3.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gtk3/src/gtk3.nim", td / wd / "gtk3.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gobject/src/gobject.nim", td / wd / "gobject.nim")
  cpFile("nim-cairo/src/cairo.nim", td / wd / "cairo.nim")
  cpFile("nim-cairo/src/cairo_pragma.nim", td / wd / "cairo_pragma.nim")
  cpFile("nim-pango/src/pango.nim", td / wd / "pango.nim")
  cpFile("nim-pango/src/pango_cairo.nim", td / wd / "pango_cairo.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gdk_pixbuf/src/gdk_pixbuf.nim", td / wd / "gdk_pixbuf.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gir/src/gir.nim", td / wd / "gir.nim")
  exec("nim c gen.nim")
  exec(td / wd / "gen")
  let mods = listFiles("nim_gi")
  for i in mods:
let j = i[7 .. ^1]
echo j
cpFile(i, this / "gintro" / j)

task prepair, "prepairing gintro":
#before install:
  echo "prepairing gintro"

Well, not yet pushed to github, but when I execute nimble in the gintro 
directory it does indeed work.

If you don't know what it is: It is nimble install for 
 with new name gintro suggested by Araq.

But a few questions remain:

Currently I have to type "nimble prepair" followed by "nimble install". I guess 
some users may prefer to type only "nimble install". So I tried the before 
install hook. but that does not work, the hook seems to be not executed. What 
"nimble prepair" does: It generates all the modules like gtk.nim, glib.nim, 
pango.nim ... into the gintro directory. That dir is initially empty. If that 
is done, then "nimble install" installs that files into 

That is fine, and after that I can place my applications everywhere, use 
imports like gintro/gtk and I can compile them. Great.

Next question: mode = Whatif as mentioned in nimscript module would make 
debugging easier, but I got it not working, Whatif symbol was undefined.

Next: In ~/.nimble/pkgs/gintro-0.1.0/gintro I get all the generated modules, 
and that modules partly import each other. Currently the modules still use 
plain import, for example gtk.nim uses import glib, gobject. Seems still to 
work. Should I fix that to import gintro/glib, gintro/gobject?

Next: What shall I do with the example files from the tutorial in examples 

Next: listFiles() seems to give not plain file names, but directory prefix, 
which is difficult to remove. Is there a better way.

Well, the dependency check for gtk developer files are still missing, I will 
add that tomorrow. And some more checks and cleanup when possible. 

Re: int literals and if statement

2017-07-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Kerp, you are working on the Vulkan bindings? Great!

For C flags you should strongly consider using Nim's sets! I did that for the 
high level GTK bindings recently. Have code like

  RegionFlag* {.size: sizeof(cint), pure.} = enum
even = 1
odd = 2
first = 3
last = 4
only = 5
sorted = 6
  RegionFlags* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = set[RegionFlag]

So you can pass procs sets as parameter. The empty set {}, or something like 
{RegionFlags.sorted, RegionFlags.even}. It is not a very compact notation for 
pure Enums unfortunately. I hope this will work fine for GTK, have not yet 
tested. Of course that needs some mangling, flagNone=0 is generally removed, 
first=8 becomes first=3.

Another solution is using distinc ints. Or enums, but than you have to define 
some operations. 

Re: Tabulation symbols not allowed

2016-09-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> The big problem I've had with tabs was in team programming,

But there is no problem, as long as tabs and spaces are not mixed for 
indentation purpose in a single file. And no one wants to allow mixing.

There is one big advantage of tabs: Indent width can be freely configured, 
without the need to modify the source code itself.

And spaces can be very tiny for some proportional fonts, so that the default 2 
spaces per indent step are too small, so I use 3 or four spaces per step, which 
is again large for people with other fonts.

Forbidding tabs is a very strong restriction for our freedom. But there is one 
reason why I am currently willing to accept it -- github makes tabs equal to 8 
spaces, so for github hosted files I would have to replace my tabs to spaces 

Error: illegal capture 'a' -- I have no idea what that means

2016-12-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski

import random, algorithm

# a < b ==> cmp(a, b) < 0
proc cmp(a, b: int): int =
  (a > b).int - (a < b).int

proc quicksort(a: var openarray[int]; left, right: int; cp: proc (a, b: 
int): int) =
  proc qsort(left, right: int) =
var l, r, p: int
let len = right - left
let len2 = len div 2
if true: # insertion sort on tiny array
  for i in left + 1 .. right:
for j in countdown(i, left + 1):
  if cp(a[j], a[j - 1]) >= 0: break # this is the line with error
  swap(a[j], a[j - 1])
  qsort(a.low, a.high)

  x: array[, int]

quicksort(x, x.low, x.high, cmp)

e.nim(15, 17) Error: illegal capture 'a

I tried writing it in this way because recursively passing the cmp proc makes 
sorting a bit slower. I tried pragmas procvar and closure, but that seems to 
make no difference.

Seq with custom fields

2017-01-04 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I think I have still not really learned that. I think I may write something like

  ExtSeq = object
s: seq[int]
timestamp: string

   es: ExtSeq
   # init
  echo es.s[0]
  echo es.timestamp

But I would like to just write

echo es[0]

Of course I have ideas how to do it. I may define customs procs or maybe 
templates. But I am not sure what is the best solution or where I can find an 

Re: cannot countProcessor in compile time

2018-05-21 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> If you really need to know the number of processors on a system, you could 
> always compile a sub-program during compile-time and invoke it.

Indeed I assumed that. But I have no idea how to do it in detail in a user 
friendly way -- so that user can still do a plain "nimble install myTool". Note 
that this is not limited to number of CPUs, we may be interested in available 
ram, GL version, GPU and much more at compile time.

Re: Is this a compiler bug?

2016-09-09 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I would have expected that the compiler sees that the proc parameter does not 
match and so ignores that proc and assumes that a type conversion is intended.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-12-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> @Stefan_Salewski, seems that RsvgHandle has not svg data it's nil instead

Of course making such a gtk related wrapper is not fully trivial.

I think I once said that RSVG is not a very big library, so it should not be 
too much work to make the wrapper. Unfortunately I have never used RSVG myself, 
so I would have to read about it first a bit, so that I can do at least some 
minimal testing. So for me I assume it would be about one week fulltime. May be 
justified when people really need it.

Can var proc parameters be faster than function results?

2017-04-18 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Of course for plain compilers var parameters can be faster, because without 
smart optimizations result objects can be first allocated on the proc stack and 
then copied back to the caller variable. But I had the strong feeling that this 
optimization is generally done, so I never tried to avoiding result parameters. 
But my current observation is that a var parameter can be indeed faster, by 10 
to 20 % in my test case. (I discovered that fact by tuning my chess engine, so 
it is a real life observation...)

import random, times

  Data = tuple
a: array[16, int]
age: int

proc p1(): Data =
  for i in mitems(result.a):
i = random(7)
  result.age = random(7)

proc p2(res: var Data) =
  for i in mitems(res.a):
i = random(7)
  res.age = random(7)

proc main =
  var h: Data
  var sum: int
  var t: float # cpuTime()
  t = cpuTime()
  for x in 0 .. :
h = p1()
sum += h.age
  echo sum
  echo "p1: ", cpuTime() - t
  t = cpuTime()
  for x in 0 .. :
sum += h.age
  echo sum
  echo "p2: ", cpuTime() - t


# $ nim c -d:release  ups.nim
# ~/nim-chess2 $ ./ups
# 29915
# p1: 0.000519
# 60011
# p2: 0.00042

Re: Blog post about Nim performance tuning

2017-04-29 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Nice -- I already saw it some days ago. Will read it carefully soon...

Re: Why takes this code 22ns with cstring and 52ns with string?

2017-01-24 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Indeed -- putting all that test code in a proc make differences disappear!

I am aware of performance problems of code outside of procs, but I really had 
not thought that that was the problem in this case. And I had not assumed that 
it makes 30 ns difference for a proc call.

I think in future I really should avoid global code even for small tests. 

Re: My first nimble package

2017-07-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Well, this is the cleaned up version. We do check for dev packages on ubuntu, 
check if tmp dir already exists and delete tmp dir when done. Problem with mode 
= Whatif was that Whatif is a pure enum, issue is posted. The modules still 
import each other directly, without the gintro prefix. Seems to work fine, I 
hope that is indeed intended and desired.

I can install my local package fine with "nimble prepare", "nimble install". 
From bug


I think I can not avoid that nimble prepare. But I am still not sure if "nimble 
prepare" will work for remote packages at all!

$ cat gintro.nimble
# Package

version   = "0.1.0"
author= "Stefan Salewski"
description = "High level GObject-Introspection based GTK3 bindings"
license   = "MIT"
skipDirs = @["tests"]

# Dependencies

requires "nim >= 0.17.0"

when defined(nimdistros):
  import distros
  if detectOs(Ubuntu) or detectOs(Debian):
foreignDep "libgtk-3-dev"
  elif detectOs(Gentoo):
foreignDep "gtk+" # can we specify gtk3?
  #else: we don't know the names for all the other distributions
  #  foreignDep "openssl"

import ospaths

proc prep =
  let this = thisDir()
  let td = getTempDir()
  let wd = "gintrosalewski"
  if dirExists(wd):
quit("gintro: tmp directory already exists!")
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  exec("git clone;)
  cpFile(this / "tests" / "gen.nim", td / wd / "gen.nim")
  cpFile(this / "tests" / "combinatorics.nim", td / wd / 
  cpFile("nim-gio/src/gio.nim", td / wd / "gio.nim")
  cpFile("nim-atk/src/atk.nim", td / wd / "atk.nim")
  cpFile("nim-glib/src/glib.nim", td / wd / "glib.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gdk3/src/gdk3.nim", td / wd / "gdk3.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gtk3/src/gtk3.nim", td / wd / "gtk3.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gobject/src/gobject.nim", td / wd / "gobject.nim")
  cpFile("nim-cairo/src/cairo.nim", td / wd / "cairo.nim")
  cpFile("nim-cairo/src/cairo_pragma.nim", td / wd / "cairo_pragma.nim")
  cpFile("nim-pango/src/pango.nim", td / wd / "pango.nim")
  cpFile("nim-pango/src/pango_cairo.nim", td / wd / "pango_cairo.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gdk_pixbuf/src/gdk_pixbuf.nim", td / wd / "gdk_pixbuf.nim")
  cpFile("nim-gir/src/gir.nim", td / wd / "gir.nim")
  exec("nim c gen.nim")
  exec(td / wd / "gen")
  let mods = listFiles("nim_gi")
  for i in mods:
let j = i[7 .. ^1]
cpFile(i, this / "gintro" / j)
  rmDir(wd) # cleanup

task prepare, "preparing gintro":
#before install:
  echo "preparing gintro"

Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-11-12 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Reading this blog post


> I just remembered a discussion some time ago:

S. Salewski wrote:

> A consequence may be, that for algorithm.sort() we do not need a cmp() proc 
> parameter (which can not be inlined and is a bit slow so). We may just define 
> a plain cmp() proc in our module for the types which we pass to compare?
> Some months ago I tested a quicksort proc, and found out that giving a cmp() 
> proc for custom types decreases performance by about 25 percent compared to 
> using a default cmp proc for known standard types.

So maybe we should provide indeed a sort proc without cmp() function.

Re: Why is integer multiplication so slow here?

2018-04-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Hlaaftana, thanks for confirming. I was really tired yesterday and though I was 
doing something wrong.

cdome, your message makes not too much sense for me currently.

Indeed I tried using unlikely() for this test, which made no difference, as 
expected, as automatic branch prediction should work fine here.

Indeed I wonder if Nim supports branchless cmov instructions at all currently, 
maybe not because of so much goto use? At least I have not seen a cmov in Nims 
assembler listings yet.

My feeling is, that mul is indeed slow in this special loop -- will inspect 
assembly listing when I have some more time. 

Re: pixbuf_new_from_stock

2016-12-09 Thread Stefan_Salewski
What do you think where the problem is? Are you following a C example or the 
Krause book?

As you know I am using only GTK3 -- but from my memory of examples and the 
Krause book I think that the second parameter of gtk_image_new_from_stock is 
generally a C enum of type GtkIconSize. So allowed values may be 0,1,2... and 
the absolute size value 32 may be invalid. Well just a guess, I have not the 
gtk2 sources or the gtk2 nim wrapper available currently.

For your last question, the number (5319) is the process id, so it contains no 
information of error location. GTK developers generally compile whole GTK (and 
maybe other libs too) with debugger support, and then seems to be able to find 
error locations with gdb. I tried that once to find the reason for a gtk 
warning, but was not really successful. Generally it is easier to write just 
correct code, so you need no low level debugging.

Re: register pragma

2017-01-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Have you tried something like

var mycounter {.register.} = 0

You can check the C sources if it is applied, but as the manual says, in nearly 
all cases the (C) compiler knows better.

Re: Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available

2017-04-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Version 3 is now available!


Ram usage is reduced to about 340 MB, and I tried some other improvements.

Not much tested yet.

Nimble install is still not possible, but for Linux a copy and past of the 
provided instruction followed by a "bash thisScript" works.

The old versions are still available at 

Re: TaintedString.parseInt problem

2016-08-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Why not use echo to see the content of the string you pass to parseInt?

Note: for bash command expr / indicates integer division. For Nim / is floating 
point division, you may use div for integer division, or you may round the 
floating point result. So may guess is that you pass a floating point number to 
parseInt, which it may not like.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-31 Thread Stefan_Salewski
No not as a library. But I have not investigated the remaining crashes.

I worked on it two months ago for the last time and used the editor then while 
working on the chess game. For me some crashes are no problem, I saved every 
ten minutes. And I think there are no other users beside me.

One reason why I have not done further investigations was that there are still 
some bugs open in nimsuggest bug tracker, and I wanted not to add more. I think 
you have more important work to do.

When I started with Nim two years ago I had a short look into aporia code -- 
there all nimsuggest related code was incapsulated deeply in try/except blocks 
with permannently restarting the nimsuggest process. I was not really happy 
with that design.

My current code has no try/except and no restart of nimsuggest. For some 
problems I know why they occur, I have reported a few at nimsuggest bug 
tracker, and can report some more. For the remaining problems I have to do some 
investigations. Some problems my be GTK related, fixing these should be easy.


Re: Using cstringArray and allocCstringArray

2017-07-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> but allocCstringArray wants a openarray of string.

So you should give it one. You should know how you can create an array or a seq 
of strings. When you know that 256 chars are desired for each string, then you 
fill the array with strings with at least this size. And finally you pass that 
array or seg to allocCstringArray().

Fast branchless sign() function

2016-09-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski

I would like to have a sign function in std lib.

I was really surprised that the brachless variant makes such a difference -- I 
had expected nearly no difference because result dominated by random() 
function, or due to identical assembler code of gcc 5.4.0.

import random

#proc sign(x: int): int =
#  if (x > 0): return 1
#  elif (x < 0): return -1
#  else: return 0

proc sign(x: int): int =
  (x > 0).int - (x < 0).int

#proc sign(x: float): int =
#  if (x > 0): return 1
#  elif (x < 0): return -1
#  else: return 0

proc sign(x: float): int =
  (x > 0).int - (x < 0).int

var j = 0
for  i in 0 ..
  j += sign(random(7).float - 3.0)
echo j

j = 0
for  i in 0 ..
  j += sign(random(7) - 3)
echo j

stefan@nuc ~/sign $ nim c -d:release s.nim
stefan@nuc ~/sign $ time ./s

sys 0m0.000s
stefan@nuc ~/sign $ nim c -d:release s.nim
stefan@nuc ~/sign $ time ./s

sys 0m0.000s

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-08-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
The plain Nim GTK3 editor is now available in version 0.2


I have added multiview support, fixed the GTK related modules and added a short 
Asciidoc Readme. Not really tested yet. You should be able to compile it at 
least on 64 bit Linux systems. Nimsuggest is still fragile and can generate 
crashes. Working with multiple files at the same time seems to be a problem. 
Maybe we have indeed to restart mimsuggest when we switch files? And 
suggestions do not work reliable yet. 

Re: Howto make arbitrary macro parameters persistant (non volatile)

2017-06-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Araq, the deepCopy() part works fine with string and int parameters, but 
unfortunately not with objects. I got it working, when I substitute at by 
"ParObj" literal everywhere: (Of course that makes no sense for general use 

  ParObj = object
x: float

proc clicked(button: XButton; arg: ParObj) =
  echo arg.x
  echo button.x

macro connect(widget: Widget; signal: string; p: untyped; arg: typed): 
typed =
  let wt = getType(widget) # widget type
  let at = getType(arg) # argument type
  let signalName = ($signal).replace("-", "_") # maybe we should just use 
plain proc names
  let procNameCdecl = newIdentNode("connect_for_signal_cdecl_" & signalName 
& $ProcID)
  let procName = newIdentNode("connect_for_signal_" & signalName & $ProcID)
  let scName = newIdentNode("sc" & signalName)
  result = quote do:
proc `procNameCdecl`(button: ptr Object00 , data: pointer) {.cdecl.} =
  var h: pointer = g_object_get_qdata(button, Quark)
  `p`(cast[`wt`](h), cast[ParObj](data))
  #`p`(cast[`wt`](h), cast[`at`](data))

proc `procName`(self:  `wt`;  p: proc (self: `wt`, arg: ParObj); a: 
ParObj) =
  when false:#compiles(GC_ref(a)):
`scName`(self, `procNameCdecl`, cast[pointer](a))
#var ar: ref `at`
var ar: ref ParObj
deepCopy(ar[], a)
`scName`(self, `procNameCdecl`, cast[pointer](ar[]))
`procName`(`widget`, `p`, `arg`)
 connect(button1, "clicked", clicked, parObj)

So "let at = getType(arg)" in macro and using at is not identical to ParObj. 
While for base types int and strings it works. I have the feeling that 
getType() gives only plain object type. Is there a way to get real object type, 
which is ParObj here? 

Re: Big integer litterals

2018-03-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski

Nim 0.18 is correct indeed -- see language manual:

Pre-defined integer types

These integer types are pre-defined:

the generic signed integer type; its size is platform dependent and has the 
same size as a pointer. This type should be used in general.
An integer literal that has no type suffix is of this type if it is in the 
range low(int32)..high(int32) otherwise the literal's type is int64.

Re: Bug (?) with templates

2018-01-02 Thread Stefan_Salewski

template bar() =
  echo a

template foo() {.dirty.}  =
  let a = 5

echo a

I would expect exactly that behaviour. As templates a hygienic by default, we 
need dirty pragma for foo() to make variable visible outside. 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Without main function: 5.004 s With main function: 3.126 s

That is really some magic which we should investigate, document and remember.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-09-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Yes, a couple of fixes and it worked. If you want I'll write more detailed.

Yes, would be fine.

Araq just told me that he regards proc names like int32 invalid -- they shadow 
type conversions. So I have to filter all the GTK3 related modules for proc 
names which may conflict with type names. Will take some time...

My ned editor -- well there are some bugs still. For example currently it works 
only when started from its directory. Otherwise the gsettings configuration are 
not found. For Linux one solution is this:

#  And for making gsettings available system wide one method is, as root
# /usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/gdm
# cd /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas
# cp org.gtk.ned.gschema.xml .
# glib-compile-schemas .

I would prefer a solution which needs no root access, and I have no idea how to 
do that on Windows. I will ask at the gtk mailing list, but do not expect to 
get an answer.

Re: Will Nim in Action also be printed in colorful?

2016-07-22 Thread Stefan_Salewski
The paper version was announced as "printed in black & white". 

But the ebub and PDF version has color and looks nice. There is no reason to 
buy paper in these days (if the book is not about string theory, quantum 
mechanics or compiler construction) -- better buy electronic version without 
discount, maybe one more for a friend, and support bounty source. My opinion. 

Creating a new seq is not that fast

2017-04-17 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Of course not, there is much allocation work involved. But about 500 ns (a few 
thousand CPU cycles) is indeed more as my expectations. I discovered that when 
tuning my chess engine -- using one more tiny seq noticeable reduced 
performance. Of course seq's are convenient, because of existing add() 
operation. A plain array allocated on the stack is faster, fixed size is OK, 
because I have to store only the moves or captures for current position, but I 
would have to track current add position. Chess is recursive, so I can not use 
one single global seq. My current idea is to use a global seq as as first 
buffer for collecting captures, and only swap() that buffer with a new 
allocated seq when it turns out that there are possible captures at all 
available. (I guess swap will not copy data, but only pointers, so it may be 
fast) Or I may use my own defined container which is allocated on the stack. 
For that case I would have to define my own add() and sort() operations. I 
don't think that I will get trouble with stack size...

import times, random

  MyBuffer = tuple
d: array[128, int]
len: int

proc test(): int =
  var s = newSeqOfCap[int](128)

proc tx(): int =
  var s: MyBuffer

proc t0(): int =

proc main =
  var t: float # cpuTime()
  var i: int
  t = cpuTime()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  i = test()
  echo "10 * test: ", cpuTime() - t
  t = cpuTime()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  i = tx()
  echo "10 * tx: ", cpuTime() - t
  t = cpuTime()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  i = t0()
  echo "10 * t0: ", cpuTime() - t


# nim c -d:release t.nim
# 10 * test: 5.013e-06
# 10 * tx: 0.0
# 10 * t0: 0.0

Re: Total noob, statically allocated circular buffer on microcontroller question

2018-05-01 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> running Nim code on a medium size MSP430 32K Flash, 4K RAM. The 
> MSP430F5510-STK board from Olimex.

Interesting. Can you access all the registers already? Do you use GC? Your 
project based on 

Circular buffer should be your smallest problem I guess 

Note, Dom's book has no microcontroller chapter, it is more intended for PC 

Re: compile time code execution problem

2017-11-04 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Coming from Ruby/Elixir,

Maybe some C exercises would help 

Note that modpg.unit and rescnt.uint are not plain casts (reinterpretation of 
bit pattern) but type conversions. Type conversions may ensure that the values 
are not negative before conversion and raise exceptions otherwise. I don't know 
if -d:release will turn of that check. And when you use a type conversion, then 
the compiler can not work with real constant values any longer, which may 
degrade performance. If you are sure that conversion is valid, you may use a 
plain cast like cast[uint](modpg).

But why are you not using uint from the beginning for your constants if you 
desire uints?

I would assume that this compiles.

  modpg= parameters[0].uint

Well, that will not work for the seq.

Maybe try to fix the proc signature to this:

proc genPGparameters(prime: int): (uint, uint, uint, seq[uint]) =

Re: Fun with rdtsc() microbenchmarks

2016-12-15 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Well, more meaningful and even more funny is this code with random numbers, 
where the compilers really can not remove the proc calls:

import random
proc rdtsc(): int64 =
  var hi, lo: uint32
  asm """
:"=a"(`lo`), "=d"(`hi`)
  result = int64(lo) or (int64(hi) shl 32)

proc sort1(d: var openarray[int]) {.inline.} =
  template SWAP(x, y: int) =
let a = min(d[x], d[y])
let b = max(d[x], d[y])
d[x] = a
d[y] = b
  SWAP(1, 2)
  SWAP(4, 5)
  SWAP(0, 2)
  SWAP(3, 5)
  SWAP(0, 1)
  SWAP(3, 4)
  SWAP(1, 4)
  SWAP(0, 3)
  SWAP(2, 5)
  SWAP(1, 3)
  SWAP(2, 4)
  SWAP(2, 3)

proc sort2(d: var openarray[int]) =
  template SWAP(x, y: int) =
if d[x] > d[y]: swap(d[x], d[y])
  SWAP(1, 2)
  SWAP(4, 5)
  SWAP(0, 2)
  SWAP(3, 5)
  SWAP(0, 1)
  SWAP(3, 4)
  SWAP(1, 4)
  SWAP(0, 3)
  SWAP(2, 5)
  SWAP(1, 3)
  SWAP(2, 4)
  SWAP(2, 3)

proc testIt =
  var a = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
  var b = [5,4,3,2,1,0]
  var x: array [6, int]
  var now, start: int64
  for i in 0 .. 5: x[i] = random(6)
  start = rdtsc()
  now = rdtsc()
  echo "Cycles: " & $(now - start)
  for i in 0 .. 5: x[i] = random(6)
  start = rdtsc()
  now = rdtsc()
  echo "Cycles: " & $(now - start)
  for i in 0 .. 5: x[i] = random(6)
  start = rdtsc()
  now = rdtsc()
  echo "Cycles: " & $(now - start)
  for i in 0 .. 5: x[i] = random(6)
  start = rdtsc()
  now = rdtsc()
  echo "Cycles: " & $(now - start)

when isMainModule:

[0, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5]
Cycles: 36
[0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 5]
Cycles: 36
[0, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]
Cycles: 140
[0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5]
Cycles: 164

Re: Nim GC Performance

2016-12-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski

Is your conclusion really fair?

The Go benchmark seems to include no special tweaking. Araqs version switched 
of cycle detection. That may be fine for this small example. But when I have a 
real word complex program, can I be sure that I can switch of cycle detection? 
For all my tests with cycle detection enabled I got pause times of about 8ms, 
which is similar to that what Dom got and what Go offer. 

Re: Big integer litterals

2018-03-03 Thread Stefan_Salewski
That is an interesting topic. When you try

var x: int = 10 * 1_000_000_000

it seems to compile fine on a 64 bit Linux box. So problem is the constant 

But what I really ask myself: How does

var x = 10 * 1_000_000_000

behave on 32 and 64 bit OS. Is x int or int64.

What GTK3 are you using? I guess it will be one of my bindings, but is it 
oldGTK3 or gintro? And on Linux, Mac or Windows? 

Is for procs only one generic parameter allowed?

2017-12-01 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I tried to create a generic RTree. Beginning was easy, tests of union() and 
intersect() was working fine. But I did not got search() working -- it gets a 
rtree parameter and a box, which both are generic. I tried with proc p() which 
compiles when one of the parameters is used, but not when both are present.

I have to admit that such a generic RTree is really hard for the compiler. 
Maybe I should use a non generic search box (with fixed high enough dimension) 
for search proc.


# RT: range type like float, int
# D: Dimension
# M: Max entries in one node
# LT: leaf type
  Dim = static[Natural]
  Ext[RT] = tuple[a, b: RT] # extend (range)
  Box[D: Dim; RT] = array[D, Ext[RT]]
  L[D: Dim; RT, LT] = tuple[b: Box[D, RT]; l: LT]
  N[D: Dim; RT] = tuple[b: Box[D, RT]; n: N]
  LA[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref array[M, L[D, RT, LT]]
  NA[M, D: Dim; RT] = ref array[M, N[D, RT]]
  H[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of RootObj
parent: H[M, D, RT, LT]
  Leaf[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of H
a: LA[M, D, RT, LT]
  Node[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of H
a: NA[M, D, RT]
  RTree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object
root: H[M, D, RT, LT]

proc newRTree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](): RTree[M, D, RT, LT] =
  new result

var rt = newRTree[50, 2, float, int]()

proc union(r1, r2: Box): Box =
  for i in 0 .. r1.high:
result[i]. a = min(r1[i]. a, r2[i]. a)
result[i]. b = max(r1[i]. b, r2[i]. b)

proc intersect(r1, r2: Box): bool =
  for i in 0 .. r1.high:
if r1[i].b < r2[i].a or r1[i].a > r2[i].b:
  return false
  return true

proc search[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; b: Box[D, RT]) =
  #return newSeq[int]()

proc p(t: RTree; s: Box) =

var m, n: Box[2, int]

m[0].a = 1
m[0].b = 2
m[1].a = 5
m[1].b = 7

n = [(a: 2, b: 3), (a: 3, b: 6)]
echo union(m, n)

echo intersect(n, m)
#search(rt, m)
p(rt, m)

$ nim c rtree.nim

rtree.nim(60, 2) Error: type mismatch: got (RTree[50, 2, system.float,], Box[2,])
but expected one of:
proc p(t: RTree; s: Box)

Re: To optimize operation of replacement of lines in the file

2016-07-14 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Do you want to search for regular expressions or for plain strings?

Plain strings should be faster of course.

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Now in your code there is no spawn at all!

For parallel processing, you have to ensure that there are no conflicts when 
parallel tasks are accessing your data, otherwise the compiler may make copies 
of the data before, which may make it slow. And for parallel processing a good 
use of the CPU cache is also important -- many parallel processes will give no 
speed increase when data is always fetched from slow RAM instead of cache.

Re: progress while binding libxl

2017-06-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> still be Greek for me.

Well, the when statement is really easy to understand and well explained in the 
manual, so maybe you should read it again. It is good to understand it.

What you may be looking for is a converter, see manual. A converter allows 
automatic conversion of proc parameter types. So you may define a converter 
which converts cstrings to cwidestrings, and then whenever there is a proc that 
needs a cwidestring and you pass it a cstring, then that converter is called 
automatically and does the needed conversion. Note, that use of very many 
converters may make compilation slower, as the compiler has much effort to 
select all the right converters.

For your code example

proc s(val: string|Widecstring): Widecstring =
when not type(val) is Widecstring:
return newWideCString(convert(val, "utf8", "gb2312"))
return val

I am not sure if that shape make much sense. As Nim is statically typed, a proc 
signature like "proc s(val: string|Widecstring): Widecstring =" generates two 
procs, one with string, the other with Widecstring argument. Due to the when 
statement, the later really does nothing. What you may want here is just a proc 
or converter that converts from string to WideCString or whatever. 

Re: Howto make arbitrary macro parameters persistant (non volatile)

2017-06-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Well, I have a working solution. I can pass a string, an int, and object from 
the stack to the callback and it works. (Removing a button and reinserting does 
not work currently, but that is a different problem.) But I still wonder why I 
have to use the strange name(type(arg)) way to get the type of the callback 
parameter, and getType(arg) in macro does not work. Of course this code always 
makes a deep copy of the callback parameter, that wasted some ram.

# plain test for high level gi based GTK3 Nim wrapper
import gtk, glib, gobject
import macros
import strutils
import typetraits

  ParObj = object
x: float

  XButton = ref object of Button
x: int

# TODO: will be moved to library module!
let Quark = g_quark_from_static_string("NimGIQuark")

# TODO: will be moved to library module!
proc initWithArgv*() =
cmdLine{.importc.}: cstringArray
cmdCount{.importc.}: cint
  gtk.gtk_init(cmdCount, cmdLine)

proc clicked(button: XButton; arg: ParObj) =
  echo arg.x
  echo button.x

proc clicked2(button: Button; arg: string) =
  echo arg

proc clicked3(button: Button; arg: int) =
  echo arg

proc bye(w: Window; arg: string) =
  echo arg

var ProcID: int

# TODO: this macro will be moved to library module!
macro mconnect(widget: Widget; signal: string; p: untyped; arg: typed; rrt: 
string): typed =
  let wt = getType(widget) # widget type
  #let at = getType(arg) # argument type
  let signalName = ($signal).replace("-", "_") # maybe we should just use 
plain proc names
  let procNameCdecl = newIdentNode("connect_for_signal_cdecl_" & signalName 
& $ProcID)
  let procName = newIdentNode("connect_for_signal_" & signalName & $ProcID)
  let scName = newIdentNode("sc" & signalName)
  let at = newIdentNode($rrt)
  result = quote do:
proc `procNameCdecl`(button: ptr Object00 , data: pointer) {.cdecl.} =
  var h: pointer = g_object_get_qdata(button, Quark)
  `p`(cast[`wt`](h), cast[`at`](data))

proc `procName`(self:  `wt`;  p: proc (self: `wt`, arg: `at`); a: `at`) 
  var ar: ref `at`
  deepCopy(ar[], a)
  `scName`(self, `procNameCdecl`, cast[pointer](ar[]))
`procName`(`widget`, `p`, `arg`)

template connect(widget: Widget; signal: string; p: untyped; arg: typed) =
  mconnect(widget, signal, p, arg, name(type(arg)))

proc work =
  var window: Window = newWindow(WindowType.topLevel)
  window.setTitle("First Test")
box = newBox(Orientation.vertical, 0)
button1: XButton

button2 = newButton("Wrapper")
button3 = newButton("Int button")
parObj: ParObj
  parObj.x = 3.1415
  button1.setLabel("Nim GI")
  button1.x = 99
  connect(button1, "clicked", clicked, parObj)
  connect(button3, "clicked", clicked3, 1234567)
  connect(window, "destroy", bye, "Bye")
  button2.connect("clicked", (proc(button: Button; arg: string) = echo 
arg), "Bye")
  #box.remove(button2) # this does not work currently
  let p = button1.getParent
  assert(p == box)

proc main() =


Re: Partial casing is foo_bar

2016-07-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> would like to have a new "alias" functionality

Was thinking about it a few times...

For example, I have a longer proc with return type View. Can use predefined 
result variable in the proc, but then I have to remember that result is view. 
Or I use "var view: View ... return view". alias view result would be one line 
instead of two. But of course alias can generate confusion if used in the wrong 
way, so Araq will not like it. (As for my Tabs.)

For style: After some thinking, I still have no clear opinion. But my feeling 
is, that the advantages of partial casing are really not that important (don't 
have to remember if I have to write filename or fileName) but disadvantages 
exists due to reduced name space. And of course, some people will not use Nim 
just because they do not like style insensitivity.

Re: Do we have a RTree or R*Tree for Nim?

2017-12-09 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Currently I favour to let the shape of the code as it is.

One question arise: Would it make sense to rewrite code like this


for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
  if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = union(b, Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[j].b)
  elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = union(b, Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[j].b)
assert false

For max speed into something like this:

if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
  let h = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n)
  for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = union(b, h.a[j].b)
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
  let h = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n)
  for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = union(b, h.a[j].b)
  assert false

Some languages like Oberon had type guards and the with clause for that, I 
think it was code like WITH n:Node[M, D, RT, LT] DO or similar, which saves a 
temporary h pointer. But maybe all that rewriting is unnecessary as the 
compilers optimize it. 

Re: Allocation on heap somehow unstable - Why does this crash?

2017-07-18 Thread Stefan_Salewski
We had a very similar thread recently:


Re: How do you install the gtk 3 development libraries and toolchain on Windows 64bit?

2016-09-24 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Which directory are your GNOME development libraries themselves installed,

I am not using Windows. For gentoo linux, command is just "emerge -av gnome". I 
can search for directory paths, but I guess that will not really help you for 

Personally I would be very interested how well GTK3 works for windows, but I 
can not really recomment GTK3 for windows users. GTK/Gnome is very death on 
Linux currently, and I think it is much more death on Windows.

The page seems to be accessible again (slow) the recommended install 
for windows users is


"The preferred way to obtain GTK+ and its dependencies in binary form for 
Windows is to use the MSYS2 project."

Please let us know if that works for you. 

Re: NEd GTK3 editor is available in v 0.3 now -- with full nimsuggest support

2016-12-01 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I tested it, but I did not have any syntax highlighting.

I assume on Linux. Do you have syntax highlighting at all, for example in 
gedit? Do you have syntax highlighting for other files, maybe xml?

You may try with another file extension, like

./ned nimdark1.xml

but I just discovered that it will crash at program termination with xml. 
Sorry, will try to fix it soon.

Of course, as I wrote in the doc: " Maybe you want to try the included color 
scheme and syntax highlight XML file? In that case you may consult the gedit 
instructions. On my Linux box I put these file where the other GtkSourceView 
files reside: "

# as root
cp nimdark1.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/
cp nim.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/

For the build script -- yes I will consider that when there should exist people 
really interested using it. But I heard that VSCode and other editors work fine 
with Nim, so maybe I will remain the only single user :) (I read the nimble 
chapter in Dom's book, my impression was that it is really hard to provide a 
nimble install without conflicting with old GTK2. And unfortunately the 
gsettings install require root permission, which some people may not really 
like. I will ask on gtk mailing list is there may be a solution which does not 
require root, but the lists and IRC are very death currently, and I think as 
long as there are no real users, the few remaining gtk people will not care.) 

Re: Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison

2017-12-02 Thread Stefan_Salewski
One more explanation for a factor of 3 - 4 in performance can be of course SIMD 
instructions. Maybe latest Julia is very good in using SIMD? Maybe you can try 
clang instead of gcc to see if clang can better apply SIMD and related parallel 
instructions to your code. (Or Julia may pre-compute some of your code?)

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-10-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
You may try first


The readme contains the instructions, which I tested recently with Nim v 0.15.2 
on Linux.

For Linux you can copy the commands to a file and run the script, bash

I know that it does not work for OSX, can not help. Of course a nimble install 
would be more nice, but I can not provide that currently, and I think there are 
indeed no users.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
And of course nimx and QML.

And note that latest GTK 3.20 wrapper is at 
[](, I will delete the old 
3.15 wrapper in the next days...

Re: Nim Dynamic Libraries: exporting functions that return pointer-based types

2017-07-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I'm trying to create a Ruby extension in Nim,

Interesting, maybe you can collect your insights in a blog or forum post.

I have used Ruby too in the past, and I wrote some C extensions for using CGAL 
and Boost library. While I was told that extending Ruby with C was easier than 
extending Python with C, it was some hard work, mainly due to the CGAL and 
Boost C++ template stuff and due to Ruby GC.

So I am happy that I can do all in Nim now. Well, for Ruby I got the GTK3 
bindings for free, and I still may need CGAL and Boost support...

To your question, returning Nim strings and using that outside of Nim can not 
work out of the box. Nim strings are garbage collected, so when there is no 
longer a reference to a Nim string in the Nim universe, than that string is 
freed by the GC. (I guess for your array example it is similar.). We have 
various possibilities to solve that problem. 1. You can call GC.ref() on the 
returned Nim string, so that CG can not collect it. 2. You can completely turn 
of GC. 3. You may compile your program without GC support. 4. You may copy the 
Nim string to a C string by calling alloc() to create a untraced memory 
location on the heap, copy the string to this location and return that location.

Re: How to debug a compile error in a template?

2017-12-05 Thread Stefan_Salewski

nim check mycode.nim

But it is true, if errors are in code with generics, templates or macros it can 
occur that there is absolutely no useful hint to the real error location. For 
example as error position code in system.nim is showed. And some hours ago I 
had a case with generics where there was shown an WRONG line number for error 

Re: Proc call is blocking call of finalizer

2017-06-09 Thread Stefan_Salewski
OK, that is what I guessed more or less...

I think I will try to put all the relevant code into another proc and then call 
GC_fullCollect() when that proc is finished, then all stack of that proc should 
be released and finalizer should be called for that objects. Will continue 
testing GTK3 GC behaviour soon...

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Do i have to learn a new GUI language for that programming ?

When you have experience in GTK3 programming in C already, you can just start 
with GTK3 and Nim, it is very similar. You can even convert C GTK3 code to Nim 
with the tool c2nim, do some modifications, and are done.

But to be serious, you told us that you are new to Linux, new to Nim and new to 
GUI programming. And I guess new to programming at all? So maybe better start 
with a more traditional language and GUI, maybe Java with its own GUI, or C++ 
or Python with Qt. Or Windows native GUI, Android GUI, or Mac Swing language. I 
think for these more detailed tutorials exist. Later you may come back to Nim.

Re: Is it possible to avoid default array initialization?

2018-02-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
>From the manual:


The implicit initialization can be avoided for optimization reasons with the 
noinit pragma:

  a {.noInit.}: array [0..1023, char]

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-10-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Well, writing books in a foreign language is not easy...

You may have noted that this remark from chapter 2 is still not very nice

Order of procedures

It is important to note that the order of procedures and procedure calls 
When calling a procedure, it must be defined above the call site like in 
the example
above. This will likely be changed in a future version of Nim.

So I tried for fun to rewrite it. I also mention a proc forward declaration -- 
I can not remember if you mention it at all:

Order of procedure definitions and invocations

Before a procedure can be called, the compiler has to be aware of it. That 
means that
it has to be defined in advance -- at a position in the source file above
the first use, or in an already imported module.

When it is necessary to call a procedure before it can be defined, you may 
a forward declaration: You specify only the procedure header (without the 
sign and the procedure body) before the first use of the procedure, and 
give the
full definition at a later location.

This restriction and the need for forward declarations may be relaxed in a 
future version of Nim.

Re: Best 2D game engine for nim?

2016-07-31 Thread Stefan_Salewski
There is a fine tutorial by Dennis:


Re: Best way to convert sequence of bytes to uint32

2016-11-18 Thread Stefan_Salewski

  i: uint32
  s: seq[byte]
  p: int

s = newSeq[byte]()
i = (cast[ptr uint32](addr s[p]))[]

echo i

output is 256, maybe not that wrong. But I am still confused, maybe Dom can add 
a few more pages to his book.

Re: Macro, same parameter in typed and untyped version, and other problems

2017-09-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Yes, I have seen that in the Nim manual.

Unfortunately such a concept construction is a bit difficult because all the 
code is automatically generated by use of gobject-introspection. Maybe I will 
make one manual test case to see if it would work. For now I have broken down 
the procs into multiple instances in the macro:

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: CellEditable; path: string)): culong 
{.discardable.} =
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: SpinButton; path: string)): culong 
{.discardable.} =
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: ComboBox; path: string)): culong {.discardable.} 
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: SearchEntry; path: string)): culong 
{.discardable.} =
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: ComboBoxText; path: string)): culong 
{.discardable.} =
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: AppChooserButton; path: string)): culong 
{.discardable.} =
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

proc connect_for_signal_editing_started2(self: CellRenderer;  p: proc 
(self: CellRenderer; editable: Entry; path: string)): culong {.discardable.} =
  scediting_started(self, connect_for_signal_cdecl_editing_started2, nil)

connect_for_signal_editing_started2(r, handler2)

Seems to work, due to overloading the compiler can select a proc definition 
which matches for handler2.

At least the test case which a user posted compiles now -- I have to wait for 
user reply: 

Any ideas for the "Port already in Use" nimsuggest socket error?

2016-11-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
In the last days I was going to spent some time debugging the random NEd Nim 
editor crashes. Unfortunately, while I got some crashes some weeks ago when 
working on the chess game, I was not able to generate crashes when testing. So 
I think I have to wait until a real crash occurs again, and then try to 
remember how it was generated...

One problem persists. That is terminating NEd and launching it again 
immediately. For this case the port is still in use, and communication with 
nimsuggest does not work. After about two minutes port is destroyed by OS and 
all works again.

That is a well known net communication problem of course, and not a big problem 
in real life. One solution is of course just waiting 2 minutes (can be up to 4 
minutes from socket specs.) Another solution may be not using a fixed port 
number, but choosing one from a random range. But of course both is not nice. 
So I spent two hours for googling yesterday -- I found many questions with 
similar problems, but was not able to extract a solution. At least not a 
solution which works without modifiing nimsuggest. With modifying nimsuggest, 
there may be a few: Using port number 0, so that OS chooses a free port number. 
Or maybe ensuring that client always closes socket connection first. Or maybe 
setting SO_REUSEADDR flag before bind(). SO_LINGER flag with timeout 0 was also 
mentioned, but not recommended.
$ ./ned test.nim
Traceback (most recent call last)
os.nim(153)  raiseOSError
Error: unhandled exception: Connection refused [OSError]

Re: Is nimsuggest expected to work with latest devel?

2016-08-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Sorry Araq, IRC just banned my IP again, so I can not answer there...

No, I don't used -d:release explicitely. But nimble install should have done 
that I guess?

Will try now with -d:release without nimble.

Re: Execution speed Nim vs. Python

2016-08-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> that it is really the const seq which is causing most of the slowdown

That is very interesting! I strongly assume that const seg is identical to 
const array?

Have you tested? So this may indicate that we should avoid const arrays when 
speed is important.

Set of enums -- some caution is needed

2017-09-13 Thread Stefan_Salewski

  E = enum
a = 0
b = 1
c = 2
d = 8
  EventFlag* {.size: sizeof(cint), pure.} = enum
exposure = 1
pointerMotion = 2
pointerMotionHint = 3
buttonMotion = 4
button1Motion = 5
button2Motion = 6
button3Motion = 7
buttonPress = 8
buttonRelease = 9
keyPress = 10
  EventMask* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = set[EventFlag]

echo cast[int]({E.a})
echo cast[int]({E.b})
echo cast[int]({E.c})
echo cast[int]({E.d})

echo cast[int]({EventFlag.buttonPress})

$ nim c -r t.nim

Did you expect number 128 for last output line? Well I expected 256.

Seems if we use sets of enums for mask in wrapper code, we have to ensure that 
lowest enum is zero. And insert a dummy zero if necessary.

EventFlag* {.size: sizeof(cint), pure.} = enum
dummy = 0
exposure = 1
pointerMotion = 2

Re: which part of std. lib can work without GC?

2018-05-08 Thread Stefan_Salewski
r3, regarding microcontrollers without operating system you may follow this 
thread carefully:


As you may know, when we program tiny controllers like 8 bit AVR in C or C++ we 
generally avoid library stuff like printf, malloc() or C++ >> << in out 
operations. So we would avoid that in Nim also.

Current Nim stdlib uses GC, for example for strings and seq. So we may not use 
that, at least not when we need GC to free the objects.

Note that for later Nim versions it is intended to have a stdlib which works 
without GC fine, so that restrictions will relax.

So let us just try it, Nim should be a really nice language for embedded 

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   >