Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BI LANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Rully

Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go to court 
so you can prove your allegation?


  - Original Message - 
  From: PH™ 
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
  Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! 

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu


Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the market 
regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, nothing much has 

However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
and the regulator — not to mention the interests of small investors — it now 
appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even 
Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision 
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency 

In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi 
Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an investor and 
media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were overpriced. 

It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which was never given 
— ­and that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, 
the Bakrie group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 

However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with 
was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370 
billion too high. 

But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do was 
renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which it says 
it is now in the process of doing. 

The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise — a view that 
many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the transactions 
took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on Dec. 
30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7. 

Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval for a 
transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 
percent of its market value. In this case, the combined value of the 
transactions would have required such approval had they not been completed in 
different years. 

On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the question is 
now irrelevant. 

Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said 
that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent 

“The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” 
he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in abandoning its 
affiliation probe. 

Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully 
Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing to 
renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.” 

Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been 
nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A meeting 
had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday. 

“We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said. 

But despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s shareholders, 
doubts nevertheless persist, not to mention concerns over the future of 
corporate governance here as a whole, with one analyst having aptly 
characterized the entire affair as “nothing more than a game.”

Jakarta Globe



Re: [ob] Latest Palm Oil Chart

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Kesini aja pak:


PAL2MALY:IND --- indeks cpo


fyi, untuk coal, kodenya CLSPAUNE:IND

2009/6/20 b3tonsportz

 Pak DE, bisa tolong compare dengan saham2 CPO di BEI? thanks


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Re: [ob] Fw: Adrian Mowat Presentation at J.P. Morgan China Conference 2009 (10 - 12 June)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik boyz

Makanya kayaknya gak terlalu relevan lagi kalau melototin DJIA trus.
Indeks yg relevansi agak lumayan thd IHSG kayaknya = MSCI Emerging
Market Indeks, AORD, Bovespa...


--- In, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 --- In, jkunci jkunci@ wrote:
  Cuma grafik terakhir yg saya agak geh'. Semakin hebat krisis maka
recoverynya juga makin kenceng... he he he itu doang. Pokoknya bull dah,
you know what to do lah..

 Maksudnya grafik hal 25, iya kan:

 Embah coba bikin EXECUTIVE SUMMARYnya:

   Artinya: Bukan Makin Cepat Makin Baik... hehehe...

 Krisis yg sangat DAHSYAT akan menghasilkan BULL MARKET yg akan
 memberikan KEUNTUNGAN TERBESAR selama karir investasi anda,
 dan ini mungkin hanya terjadi SEKALI dalam hidup anda. So

 Jangan jangan si EL nyontek dari disini, pantes suruh invest terus.

 Krisis Finansial yg terjadi sekarang mempunyai skala yg paling
 besar dari segi KERUSAKAN dan KECEPATAN merusaknya terhadap
 ekonomi dibanding krisis Mexico, krisis Asia, Internet Bubble
 dan Perang Teluk. Tapi Krisis Finansial ternyata paling cepat
 skala Recoverynya. Dalam 7 bulan, Recovery Index Emerging market
 sudah mencapai 30%. Jadi masih ada 70% lagi euy, say in 18 month ?.

 Menarik engga Executive Summarynya ?.

 Kalo tertarik baca hal 25, kalo mau lebih detail baca semua,
 dan kalo ada yg engga ngerti Call embah, biaya jelasin murah
 cuman Cepe Ceng per lembar... hehehe...

  --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
   Mbah bener banget...banyak yang posting grafik dan grafiknya
cangih²  tapi tanpa komentar malah membuat newbie bingung dan
terkesan yang buat grafik tidak PD dengan grafik yang di hasilkan,  atau
mungkin tidak ikhlas dalam berbagi pandangan TAnya.
   BTW, mengenai PD jadi inget Volume, makin PD makin besar volumneya
seperti mbah dan prof JT...hehehe.
   Grafik Canggih dengan komentar misalnya:
   - You know what to do
   - Siap - siap
   - Semoga membantu
   - Crispy enuff
   - Can we have a bounce
   - etc etc
   Koq kesannya ngak punya pendirian.
   Sent from my BlackBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
   -Original Message-
   From: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:21:36
   Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Fw: Adrian Mowat Presentation at J.P.
Morgan China Conference 2009 (10 - 12 June) - The Biggest Bull Market
of Your Career
   Sedikit OOT pak Joe,
   Report yg pak Joe kirim kemilis termasuk report tehnis yg hanya
   dimengerti sebagian kecil penduduk OB. Dibodohin juga banyak
   yg engga sadar karena engga ngerti. Di OB ada banyak profesional
   tapi mereka umumnya SILENT, mereka ngerti tapi jarang posting.
   Yang posting itu banyaknya selevel embah yang belum pantas
   disebut analis profesional, mereka itu orang biasa, pedagang,
pengusaha dll yg belajar saham banyaknya tanpa pendidikan
   Report yg pak Joe kirim itu mirip Report perhitungan konstruksi
   gedung 20 tingkat yg dibuat insinyur sipil, hanya sanggup dibaca
   oleh insinyur sipil lagi. Sedang si Bowheer yg punya duit cuman
   sanggup liat Report gambar gambar dan maket yg dibuat oleh
   Kalo si Analis saham mau reportnya dibaca ama investor yg punya
   duit dan engga dijadikan hiasan doang, si Analis seharusnya mem
   buat report yg bisa dibaca oleh yg PUNYA DUIT, sehingga reportnya
   MARKETABLE kepada investor dan bukan pada analis.
   Memang membuat report ini menjadi report yg bisa dimengerti oleh
   SBY atau Megawati tanpa mengurangi keilmiahannya engga gampang.
   Tapi itulah tantangan bagi para analis.
   Alternative lainnya ialah membuat EXECUTIVE SUMMARY dibagian
   depan dan detail technical/analysis dibelakangnya.
   Jadi orang awam seperti embah yg tidak pernah pake MACD atau
   RSI, cukup baca tulisan seperti baca koran biasa, tapi semua
   HAL PENTING yg mau disampaikan pada Audience MENCAPAI SASARAN
   secara efektif..
   Terus terang aja, embah engga pernah mau melihat grafik tehnikal
   dengan segala macam indikatornya kalo engga ada SUMMARY dari
   grafik tsb. Yg embah perlukan adalah KESIMPULAN dari grafik
   dan kalo tertarik dengan kesimpulannya, baru embah baca
   grafiknya dan mencoba untuk mengerti...
   - Report diatas ditujukan untuk conference dan yg datang mungkin
 cuman analis doang, jadi mungkin cocok untuk mereka.
   --- In, Joe Grunk joe_grunk@
Ada komentar?
--- Pada Jum, 19/6/09, Joe Grunk joe_grunk@ menulis:
Dari: Joe Grunk joe_grunk@
Topik: [ob] Fw: Adrian Mowat Presentation at J.P. Morgan China
Conference 2009 (10 - 12 June) - The Biggest Bull Market of 

Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik boyz

Senin merah dong?


--- In, M|C michael.cup...@... wrote:

 Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..

 On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... wrote:

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Pro blem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVE STOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
Dear PH,
I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.

Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
we can't take any legal action.
In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
It's about ethics in social relationship.

Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
ensure that you will settle it.


 Original Message 
Subject:[ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
Date:   Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
From:   PH™

PH™ wrote:

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 


   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
 nothing much has changed.

 However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
 and the regulator — not to mention the interests of small investors — 
 it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with 
 analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
 are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
 Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
 three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
 Energi Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
 an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
 were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
 transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which was 
 never given — ­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
 affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
 obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.

 However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
 recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
 up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi 
 Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do was 
 renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which 
 it says it is now in the process of doing.

 The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
 transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
 different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise — a view 
 that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa 
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar 
 Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.

 Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
 minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval 
 for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s 
 revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined 
 value of the transactions would have required such approval had they 
 not been completed in different years.

 On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the 
 question is now irrelevant.

 Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said 
 that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent 

 “The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are 
 reasonable,” he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was 
 justified in abandoning its affiliation probe.

 Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully 
 Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing 
 to renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.”

 Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been 
 nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A 
 meeting had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday.

 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
 affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said.

 But despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s shareholders, 
 doubts nevertheless persist, not to mention concerns over the future 
 of corporate governance here as a whole, with one analyst having aptly 
 characterized the entire affair as “nothing more than a game.”


Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Thomas Frederick
Moga2 ngga.
Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya.. Darn!!

Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia malah 
merah. Sebel dehh...

Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39 
Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

Senin merah dong?


--- In, M|C michael.cup...@... wrote:

 Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..

 On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... wrote:

Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Melisa Lais
Apa ada hubungan antara harga *coal futures* dengan BUMI ?Bukannya BUMI dan
banyak tambang batu bara memakai *Contract*?

2009/6/20 Thomas Frederick

  Moga2 ngga.
 Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya.. Darn!!

 Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia
 malah merah. Sebel dehh...

 Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO

 *From*: boyz
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39 -
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

  Senin *merah* dong?


 --- In, M|C michael.cup...@... wrote:
  Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
  On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... wrote:


Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik fifi young
*Iya neh...
Target EL 1000 orang donasi,
sekarang sudah 291...
warga OB ada 8000,
CEPAT daftarkan nama anda
dan jumlah lot yang diberikan
sebelum ketinggalan kereta.

caranya...? klik di

2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang digagas
 oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu hajatanya
 spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan lokal
 dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR).
 Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi korporasi
 guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan harga BNBR
 ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni 2009. Pada
 perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp 93.


Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem ’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SE MUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Melisa Lais
*Another prita?*

2009/6/20 Aria Santoso

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.

 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us;
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us.
 It's about ethics in social relationship.

 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to
 ensure that you will settle it.


  Original Message 
 Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PH™

 PH™ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse
  and the regulator — not to mention the interests of small investors —
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of
  three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo
  Energi Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which was
  never given — ­and that some of the coal firms were actually
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do was
  renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which
  it says it is now in the process of doing.
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise — a view
  that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar
  Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of
  minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval
  for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s
  revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined
  value of the transactions would have required such approval had they
  not been completed in different years.
  On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant.
  Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said
  that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent
  “The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are
  reasonable,” he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was
  justified in abandoning its affiliation probe.
  Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully
  Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing
  to renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.”
  Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been
  nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A
  meeting had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday.
  “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the
  affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said.
  But despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s shareholders,
  doubts nevertheless persist, 

Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Masa kalah sama votingnya bora-bora... heheh.. ayo mbah udah jagain OB
selama 9 TAHUN (cmiw), kita sebagian besar blm pernah ngasih apa2 ke mbah.
Natal tinggal 6 bulan lagi, apa susahnya nahan 5 lot bnbr selama 6 bulan..

btw bu Fifi ngapain malem2 gini online?


Pada 20 Juni 2009 13:29, fifi young menulis:

 *Iya neh...
 Target EL 1000 orang donasi,
 sekarang sudah 291...
 warga OB ada 8000,
 CEPAT daftarkan nama anda
 dan jumlah lot yang diberikan
 sebelum ketinggalan kereta.

 caranya...? klik di 

 2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang
 digagas oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu
 hajatanya spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan lokal
 dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR).
 Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi korporasi
 guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan harga BNBR
 ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni 2009. Pada
 perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp 93.


Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik boyz

Ya merah juga Gpp, asal minusnya dikit aja :P

Optimis sajalah... IHSG masih BULL, trend-nya blum patah, kan?


--- In, Thomas Frederick
thomaszone_2...@... wrote:

 Moga2 ngga.
 Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya..

 Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia
malah merah. Sebel dehh...

 Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39
 Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

 Senin merah dong?


 --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
  Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
  On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ wrote:

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ruz7
Court Settlement saja Om Rully :)

Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Rully

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 12:58:02 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No
 Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BI


Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go to court 
so you can prove your allegation?


  - Original Message - 
  From: PH™ 
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
  Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! 

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu


Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the market 
regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, nothing much has 

However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
and the regulator — not to mention the interests of small investors — it now 
appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even 
Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision 
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency 

In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi 
Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an investor and 
media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were overpriced. 

It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which was never given 
— ­and that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, 
the Bakrie group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 

However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with 
was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370 
billion too high. 

But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do was 
renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which it says 
it is now in the process of doing. 

The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise — a view that 
many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the transactions 
took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on Dec. 
30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7. 

Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval for a 
transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 
percent of its market value. In this case, the combined value of the 
transactions would have required such approval had they not been completed in 
different years. 

On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the question is 
now irrelevant. 

Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said 
that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent 

“The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” 
he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in abandoning its 
affiliation probe. 

Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully 
Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing to 
renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.” 

Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been 
nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A meeting 
had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday. 

“We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said. 

But despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s shareholders, 
doubts nevertheless persist, not to mention concerns over the future of 
corporate governance here as a whole, with one analyst 

Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Thomas Frederick
Patah sih ngga...

Cuman ngocoknya kalo terlalu keras in stiff mode gini bisa patah lhooo 

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:34:03 
Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

Ya merah juga Gpp, asal minusnya dikit aja :P

Optimis sajalah... IHSG masih BULL, trend-nya blum patah, kan?


--- In, Thomas Frederick
thomaszone_2...@... wrote:

 Moga2 ngga.
 Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya..

 Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia
malah merah. Sebel dehh...

 Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39
 Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

 Senin merah dong?


 --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
  Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
  On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ wrote:

Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Peter Alimin
Sbnrnya kan mslh psikologi harga coal ini. Sbagian bsr perush coal indo sdh 
contract, misal aja itmg udah kontrak di 75-80 thn ini
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:34:03 
Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

Ya merah juga Gpp, asal minusnya dikit aja :P
 Optimis sajalah... IHSG masih BULL, trend-nya blum patah, kan?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@, Thomas Frederick
 thomaszone_2...@... wrote:
  Moga2 ngga.
  Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya..
  Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia
 malah merah. Sebel dehh...
  Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
  -Original Message-
  From: boyz m457...@...
  Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39
  To: obrolan-bandar@
  Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81
  Senin merah dong?
  --- In obrolan-bandar@, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
   On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ wrote:

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Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
Dear Melisa,
Do u read thorougly the allegation to Mr Oetomo Rully by PH?

Prita shares the fact. Story of her life...
She doesn't do this kind of allegation: *Even leader / representative of 
Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(*

Freedom of speaking is good, but what will you do when people accuse u 
in public?
Is it character killing: The one who tried to defend us now getting 
accused in accepting bribe.

I'd self voluntarily left this community if most of the people here 
could accept this kind of action.
Hope to hear a word from the moderator...

With best regards,

Melisa Lais wrote:

 /Another prita?/

 2009/6/20 Aria Santoso

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.

 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many
 of us;
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking
 thing so
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left
 for us.
 It's about ethics in social relationship.

 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to
 ensure that you will settle it.


  Original Message 
 Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PH™

 PH™ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di
 beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets
 in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the
  and the regulator — not to mention the interests of small
 investors —
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,”
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of
  three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT
  Energi Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million)
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which was
  never given — ­and that some of the coal firms were actually
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies,
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam
 could come
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar
  Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do was
  renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level,
  it says it is now in the process of doing.
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took
 place in
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise —
 a view
  that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all
 of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar
  Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of
  minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder
  for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s
  revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In this case, the
  value of the transactions would have required such approval had
  not been completed in different years.
  On the affiliation issue, 

Re: [ob] Re: Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik mh
Pak Adi Putra,

Terima kasih atas penjelasannya, sori ya pak, banyak nanya.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: aput1976

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 05:27:46 
Subject: [ob] Re: Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

bagi para trader yg sdh menguasai TA ,FA ,BHSH and BLSH anda bisa
membaca arah postingan saya dan bagi yg belum ,sy berusaha menjelaskan
dgn contoh dan anda bisa lihat sendiri chartnya. SIIP ,meta,cmnp,roda
,BNBR dll merupakan gorengan Low colesterol kita hanya menunggu pull
back ke atas karena pull down terbatas, amag,ahap,bryna,almi,inai dll
gorengan high kolesterol ,bila anda tdk bisa stop loss ketat maka
nyangkut bila melakukan BHSH. sedangkan tins,antm,asii,bca,bri sdh break
out dari IHSG 2400
maaf bila saya tdk mengirimkan chart,ulasan yg lebih detail karena sy
anggap anda semua adalah profesional yg mencari uang di atm IHSG.Good
luck for all
--- In, Adi Putra aput1...@... wrote:

 Pertama 2 kami ucapkan selamat dari koreksi pada hari ini bagi para
trader dan sepuh OB, sesuai dengan postingan kami terdahulu bagi yg
melihat dan membaca maka akan selamat dalam koreksi dalam minggu ini
,karena IHSG TA,psikologis dan future market dalam waktu 1 minggu yang
lalu sudah mulai konfirm terhadap keadaan kedepan.Kami sdh berusaha
mengingatkan para OB apa yang akan terjadi pada beberapa hari kedepan.
Good Luck for all
 Saran kami hindari dulu BC yg sdh mahal secara PER dan Break OUT price
pada IHSG 2400
 Sell Saham Gorengan High kolesterol  and Buy low kolesterol



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Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Pro blem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVE STOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
saya harap anda yg mengusulkan hal ini siap menjadi saksi...

Ruz7 wrote:

 Court Settlement saja Om Rully :)

 Powered By FREN BondBerry. (Bayar Pake Daun). Indeksbei3000®

 *From*: Rully
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 12:58:02 +0900
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA 
 Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go 
 to court so you can prove your allegation?

 - Original Message -
 *From:* PH™
 *Sent:* Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
 *Subject:* [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di
 beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang


   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in
 the Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by
 the market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources
 probe, nothing much has changed.

 However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the
 bourse and the regulator — not to mention the interests of small
 investors — it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out
 of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders
 suddenly saying they are happy with the decision of the Capital
 Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase
 of three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT
 Pendopo Energi Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593
 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material
 transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which
 was never given — ­and that some of the coal firms were actually
 affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies,
 through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.

 However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the
 recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could
 come up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT
 Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do
 was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable”
 level, which it says it is now in the process of doing.

 The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
 transaction question, saying that since the transactions took
 place in different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not
 arise — a view that many would consider excessively legalistic
 given that all of the transactions took place within little more
 than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi
 Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.

 Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of
 minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder
 approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the
 company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In this case,
 the combined value of the transactions would have required such
 approval had they not been completed in different years.

 On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant.

 Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant,
 said that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the
 independent appraiser.

 “The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are
 reasonable,” he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was
 justified in abandoning its affiliation probe.

 Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully
 Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is
 willing to renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.”

 Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been
 nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval.
 A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday.

 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the

Re: [ob] Re: Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik coderman
Pa Adi putra apakah menrut analisa bapak semiggu depan dan sampai ahir bulan
ini IHSG cenderung dominasi Merah ?


On 6/19/09, aput1976 wrote:

 bagi para trader yg sdh menguasai TA ,FA ,BHSH and BLSH anda bisa
 membaca arah postingan saya dan bagi yg belum ,sy berusaha menjelaskan
 dgn contoh dan anda bisa lihat sendiri chartnya. SIIP ,meta,cmnp,roda
 ,BNBR dll merupakan gorengan Low colesterol kita hanya menunggu pull
 back ke atas karena pull down terbatas, amag,ahap,bryna,almi,inai dll
 gorengan high kolesterol ,bila anda tdk bisa stop loss ketat maka
 nyangkut bila melakukan BHSH. sedangkan tins,antm,asii,bca,bri sdh break
 out dari IHSG 2400
 maaf bila saya tdk mengirimkan chart,ulasan yg lebih detail karena sy
 anggap anda semua adalah profesional yg mencari uang di atm IHSG.Good
 luck for all
 --- In,
 Adi Putra aput1...@... wrote:
  Pertama 2 kami ucapkan selamat dari koreksi pada hari ini bagi para
 trader dan sepuh OB, sesuai dengan postingan kami terdahulu bagi yg
 melihat dan membaca maka akan selamat dalam koreksi dalam minggu ini
 ,karena IHSG TA,psikologis dan future market dalam waktu 1 minggu yang
 lalu sudah mulai konfirm terhadap keadaan kedepan.Kami sdh berusaha
 mengingatkan para OB apa yang akan terjadi pada beberapa hari kedepan.
 Good Luck for all
  Saran kami hindari dulu BC yg sdh mahal secara PER dan Break OUT price
 pada IHSG 2400
  Sell Saham Gorengan High kolesterol and Buy low kolesterol


Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
trader, saat merah atau ijo harus tetap PeDe menyesuaikan strategy dong...
kalo yg cuma bisa nonton doang, ya tinggal melongo.
ya kan bro?

boyz wrote:

 Ya merah juga Gpp, asal minusnya dikit aja :P

 Optimis sajalah... IHSG masih BULL, trend-nya blum patah, kan?


 --- In, Thomas Frederick
 thomaszone_2...@... wrote:
  Moga2 ngga.
  Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya..
  Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia
 malah merah. Sebel dehh...
  Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
  -Original Message-
  From: boyz m457...@...
  Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39
  Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81
  Senin merah dong?
  --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
   On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ wrote:

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem ’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SE MUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
bung Rully..mau tanya aja ...

Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing
to renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.”

Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been nonmaterial,
Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A meeting had been
scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday.

“We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the affiliation
issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said.

itu beneran bung Rully yang bilang ?

cuman pingin tahu aja


On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Rully wrote:


 Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go to
 court so you can prove your allegation?


 - Original Message -
 *From:* PH™
 *Sent:* Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
 *Subject:* [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call...
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu

 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the Asian
 Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the market
 regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, nothing much
 has changed.

 However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse and
 the regulator — not to mention the interests of small investors — it now
 appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and
 even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the
 decision of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of three
 coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi
 Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an investor
 and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material
 transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders — which was never
 given — ­and that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with
 Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through obscure
 cross-shareholding arrangements.

 However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment
 of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was that
 the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370
 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to do was
 renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which it
 says it is now in the process of doing.

 The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different fiscal
 years the issue of materiality did not arise — a view that many would
 consider excessively legalistic given that all of the transactions took
 place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on Dec. 30,
 Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.

 Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of minority
 shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval for a
 transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s revenue or 20
 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined value of the
 transactions would have required such approval had they not been completed
 in different years.

 On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the question
 is now irrelevant.

 Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said that
 Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent appraiser.

 “The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” he
 said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in abandoning its
 affiliation probe.

 Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo,
 said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate
 and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.”

 Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been nonmaterial,
 Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A meeting had been
 scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday.

 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the
 affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said.

 But despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Pro blem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVE STOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
sambil kita menunggu jawaban penjelasan dari Pak Rully, saya bisa 
sampaikan bahwa jika Pak Rully masih dongkol atau tdk setuju dengan 
tindakan manajemen pun, tidak akan bisa melakukan tuntutan secara hukum 
kepada perusahaan tanpa bisa membuktikan adaya cacat hukum dalam aksi 
perusahaan apalagi jika semua investor juga telah bisa menerima apa yg 
telah diumumkan oleh mappi dan diterima oleh otoritas bursa.

seberapa banyak mereka yg tidak menerima akuisisi ini telah bergabung 
dalam KIPS BUMI?
seberapa banyak investor yg akan hadir di rups BUMI?
apakah benar para investor BUMI peduli dengan aksi perusahaan?
apakah para pemegang saham BUMI peduli...?
sudahkah menghubungi corsec utk menanyakan agenda  undangan RUPS?

atau hanya bisa diam saja... menunggu harga naik?  :)

Cougar Boy wrote:

 bung Rully..mau tanya aja ...


 Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is 
 willing to renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.” 

 Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been 
 nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A 
 meeting had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday. 

 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
 affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said. 

 itu beneran bung Rully yang bilang ?

 cuman pingin tahu aja


 On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Rully wrote:


 Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we
 go to court so you can prove your allegation?

 - Original Message -
 *From:* PH™
 *Sent:* Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
 *Subject:* [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ -

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di
 beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena
 margin call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu
 dari orang tertentu


   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets
 in the Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and,
 judging by the market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT
 Bumi Resources probe, nothing much has changed.

 However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of
 the bourse and the regulator — not to mention the interests of
 small investors — it now appears that it’s a case of “out of
 sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s minority
 shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory
 Agency (Bapepam-LK).

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s
 purchase of three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18
 trillion ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry
 over allegations that the acquisitions were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a
 material transaction requiring the approval of Bumi
 shareholders — which was never given — ­and that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the
 Bakrie group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding

 However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included
 the recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault
 Bapepam could come up with was that the price paid for one of
 the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way out — all it had to
 do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of

 The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
 transaction question, saying that since the transactions took
 place in different fiscal years the issue of materiality did
 not arise — a view that many would consider excessively
 legalistic given that all of the transactions took place
 within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on
 Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7.

 Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests

Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik fifi young
kok malem sih?
emangnya Pak DE pake jam bagian mana?
ato masih mengira saya masih di New York ya...?
udah balik ke Jakarta atuh Mas... [?][?][?]
2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 Masa kalah sama votingnya bora-bora... heheh.. ayo mbah udah jagain OB
 selama 9 TAHUN (cmiw), kita sebagian besar blm pernah ngasih apa2 ke mbah.
 Natal tinggal 6 bulan lagi, apa susahnya nahan 5 lot bnbr selama 6 bulan..

 btw bu Fifi ngapain malem2 gini online?


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 13:29, fifi young menulis:

 *Iya neh...
 Target EL 1000 orang donasi,
 sekarang sudah 291...
 warga OB ada 8000,
 CEPAT daftarkan nama anda
 dan jumlah lot yang diberikan
 sebelum ketinggalan kereta.

 caranya...? klik di 

 2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang
 digagas oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu
 hajatanya spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan
 lokal dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk
 (BNBR). Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi
 korporasi guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan
 harga BNBR ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni
 2009. Pada perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp



Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik druidsz agustinus
knp boss misuh2 sendiri, telat dpt barang murah yahh atau jgn2 dah ilang barang 
kwkwkw dah la boss market gak hr ini doank ada hari senin selasa rabu ada bulan 
depan juli agustus september , kalo gak yah tungguin murah lagi la, kapan? yah 
kalo ada crash lagi , pls no offense

correct me if i'm wrong



(bukan siapa-siapa dan tidak ingin menjadi siapa-siapa)

--- On Fri, 6/19/09, PH™ wrote:

From: PH™
Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO 
Date: Friday, June 19, 2009, 11:04 PM

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... jadi 
boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu

 - - -
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
nothing much has changed. 

However, despite the potential
damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator — not to
mention the interests of small investors — it now appears that it’s a
case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
(Bapepam-LK) . 

In January, the agency launched a probe into the
Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms — PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara — for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
the acquisitions were overpriced. 

It was also alleged that the
acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
of Bumi shareholders — which was never given — ­and that some of the
coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 

after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
370 billion too high. 

But even here Bumi was given an easy way
out — all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
“reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 

market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise — a view that many
would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
Sakti on Jan. 7. 

Capital market regulations designed to
protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
such approval had they not been completed in different years. 

the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
question is now irrelevant. 

Indra Safitri, an independent
capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 

other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” he
said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
abandoning its affiliation probe. 

Meanwhile, a representative
of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
price for Fajar Bumi.” 

Rully said that since the transactions
were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek
shareholder approval. A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose
this coming Friday. 

“We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the affiliation 
issue if we are happy with 

Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Jacob Oen
Pak DE,

Yakin BNBR bisa naik sampai Rp. 500 (50 % of EL Target)  hingga end of this 

If yes, I'm willing to donate 20 lot BNBR demi kemajuan OB milis.


Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 13:34:07 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

Masa kalah sama votingnya bora-bora... heheh.. ayo mbah udah jagain OB
selama 9 TAHUN (cmiw), kita sebagian besar blm pernah ngasih apa2 ke mbah.
Natal tinggal 6 bulan lagi, apa susahnya nahan 5 lot bnbr selama 6 bulan..

btw bu Fifi ngapain malem2 gini online?


Pada 20 Juni 2009 13:29, fifi young menulis:

 *Iya neh...
 Target EL 1000 orang donasi,
 sekarang sudah 291...
 warga OB ada 8000,
 CEPAT daftarkan nama anda
 dan jumlah lot yang diberikan
 sebelum ketinggalan kereta.

 caranya...? klik di 

 2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang
 digagas oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu
 hajatanya spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan lokal
 dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR).
 Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi korporasi
 guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan harga BNBR
 ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni 2009. Pada
 perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp 93.


[ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik harrywijaya81
--- In, PH™ vaulst...@... wrote:
 PH ...
   kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
   w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
sensitif gt donk tolol . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
 case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to
 protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
 seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
 this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
 such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
 the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent
 capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
 actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
 other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” he
 said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
 abandoning its affiliation probe. 
 Meanwhile, a representative
 of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
 fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
 price for Fajar Bumi.” 
 Rully said that since the transactions
 were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek
 shareholder approval. A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose
 this coming Friday. 
 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
 affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,” Rully said. 
 despite the newfound 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
lebih tepat jari kali ya :D
ini kan email...

joke :D

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@yahoo.comwrote:

 --- In,
 PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
  PH ...
 kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
 w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ...
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn
 sensitif gt donk tolol .

 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  “reasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of doing.
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years.
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant.
  Indra Safitri, an independent
  capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
  actions on the findings of the independent appraiser.
  other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,†he
  said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
  abandoning its affiliation probe.
  Meanwhile, a representative
  of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
  fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
  price for Fajar Bumi.â€
  Rully said that since the transactions
  were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek
  shareholder approval. A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose
  this coming Friday.
  “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the
 affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,†Rully said.
  despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s shareholders, doubts
  nevertheless persist, not to mention concerns over the future of
  corporate governance here as a whole, with one analyst having aptly
  characterized the entire affair as “nothing more than a game.â€
  Jakarta Globe


Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
sebentar saya ketawa dulu ... (kekeke *dalam hati*)

ehhmmm,... EL targetnya 1000 orang pak, buka rp.1000. tapi EL mmang secara
implisit bilang bisa kasih gain 5x, atau sekitar 80x5=400. Apakah akan
kecapai? walahualam, nanti kita lihat desember.


Pada 20 Juni 2009 15:00, Jacob Oen menulis:

 Pak DE,

 Yakin BNBR bisa naik sampai Rp. 500 (50 % of EL Target) hingga end of this

 If yes, I'm willing to donate 20 lot BNBR demi kemajuan OB milis.


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: Dean Earwicker
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 13:34:07 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Masa kalah sama votingnya bora-bora... heheh.. ayo mbah udah jagain OB
 selama 9 TAHUN (cmiw), kita sebagian besar blm pernah ngasih apa2 ke mbah.
 Natal tinggal 6 bulan lagi, apa susahnya nahan 5 lot bnbr selama 6 bulan..

 btw bu Fifi ngapain malem2 gini online?


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 13:29, fifi young menulis:

 *Iya neh...
 Target EL 1000 orang donasi,
 sekarang sudah 291...
 warga OB ada 8000,
 CEPAT daftarkan nama anda
 dan jumlah lot yang diberikan
 sebelum ketinggalan kereta.

 caranya...? klik di 

 2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang
 digagas oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu
 hajatanya spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan
 lokal dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk
 (BNBR). Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi
 korporasi guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan
 harga BNBR ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni
 2009. Pada perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp


Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Thomas Frederick
Jangan berantem dehh...

Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita se 
milis ngolok2in juga no problem.

Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan


Minimum di publikasikan di OB.

-Original Message-
From: harrywijaya81

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23 
Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

--- In, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
 PH ...
   kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
   w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
sensitif gt donk tolol . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
 case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with analysts and even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable� level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to
 protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
 seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
 this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
 such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
 the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent
 capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
 actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
 other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,� he
 said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
 abandoning its affiliation probe. 
 Meanwhile, a representative
 of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
 fact that Bumi’s management is 

[ob] ARM

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Tommy Jayamudita
Embah, kemarin ada berita yang mengatakan 27 kepala negara UNI EROPA ngasih 
statement bahwa mereka melihat tanda pertama SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC RECOVERY, 
jadi mereka menganggap stimulus tambahan sudah tidak perlu seperti policy 
BUDGET DEFICIT, nah bagaimana tentang berita bahaya ARM ini.

ARM Picu Krisis Baru
Bencana Kegagalan Hipotek Segera Terjadi
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009 | 07:00 WIB
WASHINGTON, — Para pakar ekonomi memperingatkan, sebuah gelombang 
baru bencana keuangan dalam bentuk kegagalan bayar surat utang bernama ARM 
segera datang. Besaran jumlahnya mengimbangi bahkan melebihi bencana akibat 
kehancuran sektor properti di AS tahun 2008.
Potensi bencana baru itu akan mempersulit keadaan ekonomi yang belum pulih 
akibat kejatuhan perumahan AS, yang mengorbankan triliunan dana perbankan 
global, yang memicu krisis ekonomi.

Jenis surat utang itu diberi nama adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), surat utang 
dengan suku bunga yang selalu disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasar. Makin tinggi 
suku bunga, makin besar beban bayar dan sebaliknya.

Jumlah ARM yang statusnya meragukan saat ini sekitar 230 miliar dollar AS. Ini 
adalah turunan dari produk-produk pinjaman ”kreatif” yang banyak ditawarkan 
pada saat bisnis perumahan AS mengalami masa jaya.

Seorang peminjam surat utang ARM bisa melakukan cicilan pembayaran lebih rendah 
dari seharusnya setiap bulan. Namun, sisa pinjamannya dimasukkan ke dalam pokok 
pinjaman yang jumlahnya terus membengkak.

Banyak pakar telah memperkirakan akan terjadinya ledakan gagal bayar pada musim 
semi 2009, atau lebih dari 564.000 unit ARM. Kegagalan bayar itu kini masih 
bisa terselamatkan karena suku bunga sedang turun hingga tingkat terendah 
sepanjang sejarah. Hal ini menunda ledakan ARM, yang oleh banyak pengamat 
perumahan dianggap sebagai bom waktu.

Dikatakan bom waktu karena peminjam ARM belum bisa menuntaskan utang yang 
pernah dipakai untuk membeli rumah di masa lalu. Karena tidak bisa membayar 
utang, pembeli rumah diberi pinjaman baru melalui ARM. Dengan kata lain, ARM 
dipakai untuk mengatasi kegagalan bayar surat utang sebelumnya, yang disebut 
sebagai subprime mortgage. Ini adalah surat utang dengan kualitas rendah, yang 
melahirkan krisis yang disebut sebagai subprime mortgage crisis.

”Mereka kemungkinan akan gagal bayar dan akan membuat ledakan subprime tampak 
lebih kecil,” kata Rick Sharga, Wakil Presiden Senior RealtyTrac, peneliti sita 
jaminan di Irvine, California.

ARM berjangka waktu lima tahun, yang umum ditawarkan antara tahun 2004-2007. 
Pinjaman-pinjaman ARM itu sangat rentan gagal bayar di negara-negara bagian 
seperti California, Florida, dan Nevada, daerah tempat harga-harga rumah telah 
turun jauh. Di wilayah ini banyak pemilik rumah kini masih kesulitan membayar 

Pembayaran bulanan atas surat-surat utang ini akan segera disesuaikan dengan 
tingkat suku bunga pinjaman yang lebih tinggi antara tahun 2009 dan 2012.

Bahayakan ekonomi

Elizabeth Warren, profesor hukum dari Universitas Harvard, menilai warisan ARM 
itu membahayakan ekonomi AS. Pemegang surat utang ARM rentan terhadap penyitaan 
rumah. Jumlah potensi gagal bayar telah mencapai lebih dari satu juta hanya 
antara Maret hingga Mei 2009. ”Kita tidak akan bisa memulihkan kembali nilai 
perumahan ketika sebuah risiko serius menghadang bahwa serangkaian surat utang 
akan runtuh,” kata Warren.

Asosiasi Bankir Hipotik (MBA), yang mewakili para pemberi surat utang, 
berpandangan lebih optimistis. Michael Fratantoni, Wakil Ketua Peneliti MBA, 
mengatakan, ARM tak akan menjadi masalah seperti yang dibayangkan banyak orang.

Harapan untuk menghindari kegagalan bayar ARM adalah pemulihan ekonomi. (AP/OKI)

[ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik harrywijaya81
--- In, Cougar Boy boysngi...@... wrote:
 maaf bozz ...
  d terlalu esmosi neh ...
  masa org yg mau bela2in investor bumi , dituduh terima suap
  itu manusia atau bukan tu ??? :))

 lebih tepat jari kali ya :D
 ini kan email...
 joke :D
 On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@...wrote:
  --- In,
  PH™ vaulstrad@ wrote:
   PH ...
  kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
  w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ...
  kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn
  sensitif gt donk tolol .
  mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
  rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
   2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
   nothing much has changed.
   However, despite the potential
   damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
   mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
   case of “out of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even Bumi’s
   minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
   of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
   In January, the agency launched a probe into the
   Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
   Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
   ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
   the acquisitions were overpriced.
   It was also alleged that the
   acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
   of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
   coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
   group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
   after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
   an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
   that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
   370 billion too high.
   But even here Bumi was given an easy way
   out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
   “reasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of doing.
   market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
   question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
   fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
   would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
   transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
   was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
   Sakti on Jan. 7.
   Capital market regulations designed to
   protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
   seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
   percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
   this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
   such approval had they not been completed in different years.
   the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
   investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
   question is now irrelevant.
   Indra Safitri, an independent
   capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
   actions on the findings of the independent appraiser.
   other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,†he
   said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
   abandoning its affiliation probe.
   Meanwhile, a representative
   of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
   fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
   price for Fajar Bumi.â€
   Rully said that since the transactions
   were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek
   shareholder approval. A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose
   this coming Friday.
   “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the
  affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,†Rully said.

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
santai aja bos harry, kalo menuduh orang terima suap artinya menuduh yg 
memberi suap juga.
ini pertama kalinya KIPS BUMI bisa kolaborasi dengan manajemen BUMI 
untuk menjemput PH di rumahnya jika masalah ini tidak diklarifikasi.
kawan team IT chatroom siap membantu melacak rumah, kantor ataupun 
warnet yg dipakai PH.

harrywijaya81 wrote:

 --- In, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
  PH ...
 kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
 w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , 
 jgn sensitif gt donk tolol .

 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
 it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some 
 of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down 
 to a
  “reasonable� level, which it says it is now in the process of 
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years.
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant.
  Indra Safitri, an independent
  capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
  actions on the findings of the independent appraiser.
  other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,� he
  said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
  abandoning its affiliation probe.
  Meanwhile, a representative
  of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
  fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a 
  price for Fajar Bumi.�
  Rully said that since the transactions
  were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek
  shareholder approval. A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose
  this coming Friday.
  “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
 affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,� Rully said.
  despite the newfound acquiescence of the company’s shareholders, 

[ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
Itu kenyataan? kenapa bisa pindah pihak??

pikir donk.. ini si logika kali..

masih nunggu kapan cepet selesai...

--- In, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@... 

 --- In, PH™ vaulstrad@ wrote:
  PH ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
 sensitif gt donk tolol . 
 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
  jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced. 
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high. 
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7. 
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant. 
  Indra Safitri, an independent
  capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
  actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
  other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” he
  said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
  abandoning its affiliation probe. 
  Meanwhile, a representative
  of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
  fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
  price for Fajar Bumi.” 
  Rully said that since the transactions
  were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
I guess it is about how you stand.

first for that article, i am not the writer. 

Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how you 
should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. If 
BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 

This is call independent. 

I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

--- In, Aria Santoso ariasant...@... wrote:

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
 It's about ethics in social relationship.
 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
 ensure that you will settle it.
  Original Message 
 Subject:  [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PH™ vaulst...@...
 PH™ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
  and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with 
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
  three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
  Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was 
  never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi 
  Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was 
  renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which 
  it says it is now in the process of doing.
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view 
  that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa 
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar 
  Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
  minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval 
  for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s 
  revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined 
  value of the transactions would have required such approval had they 
  not been completed in different years.
  On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the 
  question is now irrelevant.
  Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said 
  that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent 
  “The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are 
  reasonable,” he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was 
  justified in 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik bank bni
Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang sopan 
Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum

Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok tuh...pak 
Admin user nya.


From: Cougar Boy
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 

ini kan email...

joke :D

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@.. . wrote:
 PH  ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
sensitif gt donk tolol  . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
  - - -
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
 case of “out of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 (Bapepam-LK) . 
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to
 protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
 seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
 this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
 such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
 the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent
 capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
 actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
 other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,†he
 said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
 abandoning its affiliation probe. 
 Meanwhile, a representative
 of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
 fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
 price for Fajar Bumi.†
 Rully said that since the transactions
 were found to have been nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek
 shareholder approval. A meeting had been scheduled for this purpose
 this coming Friday. 
 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
 affiliation issue if we 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad


Dari article di bawah saja sudah jelas orang sudah judge kita jelek. 

  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency

you see?? ...suddenly saying they are happy with decision of the capital 

Please ini sangat merusak kreabilitas bursa saham kita. Gimana Asing bisa stay 
lama disini dan beli di harga premium di banding dengan negara2 lain nya.

--- In, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... 

 Jangan berantem dehh...
 Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita 
 se milis ngolok2in juga no problem.
 Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan
 Minimum di publikasikan di OB.
 -Original Message-
 From: harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@...
 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23 
 Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
 --- In, PH™ vaulstrad@ wrote:
  PH ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
 sensitif gt donk tolol . 
 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
  jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced. 
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high. 
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the 

[ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
maaf judge from that article aja :) 

kelepasan. Tapi kenapa bisa cepet berubah yah. gimana kita bisa di pandang oleh 
orang lain???

that from jakarta globe indonesia yah.

--- In, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@... 

 --- In, Cougar Boy boysngirls@ wrote:
  maaf bozz ...
   d terlalu esmosi neh ...
   masa org yg mau bela2in investor bumi , dituduh terima suap
   itu manusia atau bukan tu ??? :))
  lebih tepat jari kali ya :D
  ini kan email...
  joke :D
  On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@wrote:
   --- In,
   PH™ vaulstrad@ wrote:
PH ...
   kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
   w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ...
   kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn
   sensitif gt donk tolol .
   mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
   rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
nothing much has changed.
However, despite the potential
damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s 
case of “out of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even Bumi’s
minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
In January, the agency launched a probe into the
Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
the acquisitions were overpriced.
It was also alleged that the
acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of 
coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
370 billion too high.
But even here Bumi was given an easy way
out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to 
“reasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of doing.
market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
Sakti on Jan. 7.
Capital market regulations designed to
protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
such approval had they not been completed in different years.
the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
question is now irrelevant.
Indra Safitri, an independent
capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
actions on the findings of the independent appraiser.
other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,†he
said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
abandoning its affiliation probe.
Meanwhile, a representative
of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik harrywijaya81
--- In, bank bni bankbni...@... wrote:
  gini pak ...
   bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
   tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
   apa dia d ada bukti ???
   kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???

 Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang sopan 
 Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
 Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok tuh...pak 
 Admin user nya.
 From: Cougar Boy boysngi...@...
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
 lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
 ini kan email...
 joke :D
 On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote:
  PH  ...
 kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
 w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
 sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
  jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
   - - -
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
  it’s a
  case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  (Bapepam-LK) . 
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar 
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced. 
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some 
  of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high. 
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of 
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7. 
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. 
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant. 
  Indra Safitri, an independent
  capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
  actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
  other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,†he
  said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
  abandoning its affiliation probe. 
  Meanwhile, a representative
  of Bumi’s minority 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ruz7
Is there any proof of this statement:

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Vaulstrad

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

I guess it is about how you stand.

first for that article, i am not the writer. 

Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how you 
should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. If 
BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 

This is call independent. 

I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

--- In, Aria Santoso ariasant...@... wrote:

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
 It's about ethics in social relationship.
 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
 ensure that you will settle it.
  Original Message 
 Subject:  [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PHâ„¢ vaulst...@...
 PHâ„¢ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
  and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with 
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
  three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
  Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was 
  never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi 
  Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was 
  renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable� level, which 
  it says it is now in the process of doing.
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view 
  that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa 
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar 
  Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
  minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval 
  for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s 
  revenue or 20 

RE: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Slasher McGorok

gak perlu buktilah Oom ... gw gak suka counter BG sih ... hehehe ... canda 
Oom... kalem aja lah ... ini kan OB, inget OB! Jadi ya kayak gini, kalo gak 
suka kan tinggal unsubscribe saja tho ... terus kalo kangen lagi ya tinggal 
subscribe lagi, kan cuma cepek ceng doang lah ...

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:24:31 +
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

--- In, bank bni bankbni...@... wrote:
 gini pak ...
bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
apa dia d ada bukti ???
kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???

 Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang sopan 
 Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
 Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok tuh...pak 
 Admin user nya.
 From: Cougar Boy boysngi...@...
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
 lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
 ini kan email...
 joke :D
 On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote:
  PH  ...
 kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
 w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
 sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
  jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
   - - -
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
  it’s a
  case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  (Bapepam-LK) . 
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar 
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced. 
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some 
  of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high. 
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of 
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7. 
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. 
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
Sorry rully that me just upset from the article from Jakarta Globe. There is no 
need to go to court to prove. because i have nothing to prove. 

I am one of the minority shareholder. Of course we depend on you. Please kindly 
explain why there is sudden change. 

My mistake for my statement. I fully take it back. Hope you forgive me. Of 
course all statement below are for jokes only. Like margin call etc. But if you 
take that seriously I am sorry.

--- In, Rully rullymainsa...@... wrote:

 Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go to court 
 so you can prove your allegation?
   - Original Message - 
   From: PH™ 
   Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
   Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the market 
 regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, nothing much 
 has changed. 
 However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the 
 bourse and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors 
 †it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” 
 with analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
 are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial Institution 
 Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK). 
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
 three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
 Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an 
 investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were 
 It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
 transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was never 
 given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with 
 Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through obscure 
 cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
 recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up 
 with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was 
 Rp 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was 
 renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, which it 
 says it is now in the process of doing. 
 The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
 transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
 different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that 
 many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the transactions 
 took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on Dec. 
 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
 minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval for a 
 transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 
 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined value of the 
 transactions would have required such approval had they not been completed in 
 different years. 
 On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the question 
 is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said 
 that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent 
 “The other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are 
 reasonable,” he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified 
 in abandoning its affiliation probe. 
 Meanwhile, a representative of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully 
 Oetomo, said: “We welcome the fact that Bumi’s management is willing to 
 renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.” 
 Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been 
 nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A meeting 
 had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday. 
 “We will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
 affiliation issue if we 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ruz7
The article is not yours, but this statement is :
Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

May I Know the reason behind that statement ?

Btw: Tanda Alam, Milis Dibikin Rame. RUPS sebentar lagi. :)
Be There, Be Behind or Left Behind
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Vaulstrad

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

I guess it is about how you stand.

first for that article, i am not the writer. 

Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how you 
should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. If 
BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 

This is call independent. 

I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

--- In, Aria Santoso ariasant...@... wrote:

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
 It's about ethics in social relationship.
 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
 ensure that you will settle it.
  Original Message 
 Subject:  [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PHâ„¢ vaulst...@...
 PHâ„¢ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
  and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with 
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
  three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
  Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was 
  never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi 
  Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was 
  renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable� level, which 
  it says it is now in the process of doing.
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view 
  that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa 
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar 
  Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Pak Paul SUDAH minta maaf dan sudah MENARIK statement yg menyinggung
pak Rully... Pak Rully juga menerima permintaan maaf pak Paul kan ?.

Case is CLOSED... We are all brother and sister, rite ?.

Embah tadi sengaja melepaskan perdebatan ini dimilis untuk
menjadi pembelajaran: 
- Kalo posting, konsentrasi pada masalah dan jangan pada PRIBADI,
  Kalo pak Paul mengutarakan masalahnya pada pak Rully secara
  baik baik, kan engga akan ada KERIBUTAN ini. Malah akan jadi
  topik yg menarik.

--- In, Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:

 Sorry rully that me just upset from the article from Jakarta Globe. There is 
 no need to go to court to prove. because i have nothing to prove. 
 I am one of the minority shareholder. Of course we depend on you. Please 
 kindly explain why there is sudden change. 
 My mistake for my statement. I fully take it back. Hope you forgive me. Of 
 course all statement below are for jokes only. Like margin call etc. But if 
 you take that seriously I am sorry.
 --- In, Rully rullymainsaham@ wrote:
  Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go to 
  court so you can prove your allegation?
- Original Message - 
From: PH™ 
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di 
  beli... ;( 
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in 
  the Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the 
  bourse and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small 
  investors †it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of 
  mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly 
  saying they are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK). 
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase 
  of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
  Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an 
  investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were 
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was never 
  given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with 
  Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through obscure 
  cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up 
  with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, 
  was Rp 370 billion too high. 
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do 
  was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable” level, 
  which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view 
  that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was 
  bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti 
  on Jan. 7. 
  Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of 
  minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval for a 
  transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s revenue or 
  20 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined value of the 
  transactions would have required such approval had they not been completed 
  in different years. 
  On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the question 
  is now irrelevant. 
  Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said 
  that Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent 
  “The other issues become irrelevant if the 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
Like i say before I have no reason except that i am disappointed with the 
leader. I do not even know him. That my mistake. I am sorry for that.

I add that margin call all bullshit because i am just upset at that moment. I 
realise now that i make mistake and do not think properly at that time.

So there is no reason to follow this up. Like i say i am sorry.

Everyone have the right to be upset. maybe mine is just too much. 

--- In, Ruz7 indeksbei3...@... wrote:

 The article is not yours, but this statement is :
 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
 May I Know the reason behind that statement ?
 Btw: Tanda Alam, Milis Dibikin Rame. RUPS sebentar lagi. :)
 Be There, Be Behind or Left Behind
 Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).
 -Original Message-
 From: Vaulstrad vaulst...@...
 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 I guess it is about how you stand.
 first for that article, i am not the writer. 
 Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
 still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how 
 you should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. 
 If BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 
 This is call independent. 
 I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
 shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
 longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.
 --- In, Aria Santoso ariasantoso@ wrote:
  Dear PH,
  I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
  Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
  however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
  we can't take any legal action.
  In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
  It's about ethics in social relationship.
  Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
  ensure that you will settle it.
   Original Message 
  Subject:[ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
  Date:   Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
  From:   PH™ vaulstrad@
  PH™ wrote:
   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
   In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
   nothing much has changed.
   However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
   and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †
   it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,” 
   analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
   are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
   Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
   In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
   three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
   Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
   an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
   were overpriced.
   It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
   transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was 
   never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
   affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
   obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
   However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
   recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
   up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi 
   Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
   But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was 
   renegotiate the price and bring it down to a 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
maaf pak harry. tidak ada yg perlu di lanjutkan.

--- In, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@... 

 --- In, bank bni bankbnijkt@ wrote:
   gini pak ...
bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
apa dia d ada bukti ???
kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???
  Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang sopan 
  Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
  Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
  tuh...pak Admin user nya.
  From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
  lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
  ini kan email...
  joke :D
  On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote:
   PH  ...
  kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
  w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
  kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
  sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
  mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
  rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
    - - -
   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
   2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
   nothing much has changed. 
   However, despite the potential
   damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
   mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
   it’s a
   case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
   minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
   of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
   (Bapepam-LK) . 
   In January, the agency launched a probe into the
   Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT 
   Fajar Bumi
   Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 
   ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
   the acquisitions were overpriced. 
   It was also alleged that the
   acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
   of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that 
   some of the
   coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
   group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
   after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
   an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
   that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
   370 billion too high. 
   But even here Bumi was given an easy way
   out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down 
   to a
   â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of 
   market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
   question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
   fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that 
   would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
   transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
   was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
   Sakti on Jan. 7. 
   Capital market regulations designed to
   protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
   seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
   percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market 
   value. In
   this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
   such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
   the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
   investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
   question is now irrelevant. 
   Indra Safitri, an independent
   capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
   actions on the findings of the 

AW: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ -

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Cleopatras Cat
duh. untung gue ga ngerti inggris. lg pada ngomongin apaan sih?

Von: Ruz7
Gesendet: Samstag, den 20. Juni 2009, 15:32:00 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

The article is not yours, but this statement is :
Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

May I Know the reason behind that statement ?

Btw: Tanda Alam, Milis Dibikin Rame. RUPS sebentar lagi. :)
Be There, Be Behind or Left Behind
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Vaulstrad

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

I guess it is about how you stand.

first for that article, i am not the writer. 

Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how you 
should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. If 
BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 

This is call independent. 

I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

--- In, Aria Santoso ariasant...@... wrote:

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
 It's about ethics in social relationship.
 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
 ensure that you will settle it.
  Original Message 
 Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PHâ„¢ vaulst...@...
 PHâ„¢ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
  and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with 
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
  three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
  Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was 
  never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi 
  Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was 
  renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable� level, which 
  it says it is now in the process of doing.
  The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
  transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
  different fiscal years the issue of materiality did 


2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
Dear Pak Rully,

Saya personally minta maaf atas statement saya apabila statement saya membuat 
bapak marah atau tidak senang.

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Vaulstrad
maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya.

--- In, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@... 

 --- In, bank bni bankbnijkt@ wrote:
   gini pak ...
bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
apa dia d ada bukti ???
kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???
  Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang sopan 
  Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
  Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
  tuh...pak Admin user nya.
  From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
  lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
  ini kan email...
  joke :D
  On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote:
   PH  ...
  kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
  w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
  kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
  sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
  mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
  rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
    - - -
   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
   2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
   nothing much has changed. 
   However, despite the potential
   damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
   mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
   it’s a
   case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
   minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
   of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
   (Bapepam-LK) . 
   In January, the agency launched a probe into the
   Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT 
   Fajar Bumi
   Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 
   ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
   the acquisitions were overpriced. 
   It was also alleged that the
   acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
   of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that 
   some of the
   coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
   group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
   after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
   an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
   that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
   370 billion too high. 
   But even here Bumi was given an easy way
   out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down 
   to a
   â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of 
   market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
   question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
   fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that 
   would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
   transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
   was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
   Sakti on Jan. 7. 
   Capital market regulations designed to
   protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
   seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
   percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market 
   value. In
   this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
   such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
   the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
   investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
   question is now irrelevant. 
   Indra Safitri, an independent
   capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
   actions on the findings 

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: 'No Probe? No Problem' - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
Rully is the founder of KIPS BUMI who was quoted as a representative of 
Bumi's minority shareholders. He is not part of MAPPI members.
KIPS BUMI is on investor's side.

where do u stand?

Vaulstrad wrote:

 I guess it is about how you stand.

 first for that article, i am not the writer.

 Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and 
 BUMI still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. 
 This is how you should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to 
 BUMI for the outcome. If BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let 
 adjust it to everyone favour.

 This is call independent.

 I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of 
 minority shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if 
 this thing take longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

 --- In, Aria Santoso 
 ariasant...@... wrote:
  Dear PH,
  I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
  Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us;
  however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so
  we can't take any legal action.
  In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us.
  It's about ethics in social relationship.
  Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to
  ensure that you will settle it.
   Original Message 
  Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE
  Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
  From: PHâ„¢ vaulst...@...
  PHâ„¢ wrote:
   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di 
 beli... ;(
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
   In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
   nothing much has changed.
   However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the 
   and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small 
 investors â€
   it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of 
 mind,� with
   analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they
   are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial
   Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
   In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of
   three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT 
   Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) 
   an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions
   were overpriced.
   It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material
   transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was
   never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually
   affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, 
   obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
   However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the
   recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could 
   up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi
   Sakti, was Rp 370 billion too high.
   But even here Bumi was given an easy way out †all it had to do was
   renegotiate the price and bring it down to a “reasonable� 
 level, which
   it says it is now in the process of doing.
   The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
   transaction question, saying that since the transactions took 
 place in
   different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †
 a view
   that many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
   transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma 
   was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar
   Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7.
   Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of
   minority shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval
   for a transaction if its value exceeds 10 percent of the company’s
   revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In this case, the combined
   value of the transactions would have required such approval had they
   not been completed in different years.
   On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
   investigation without coming 

Re: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ruz7
Maaf Pak PH, Bp anggota KIPS juga ?

Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Vaulstrad

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:11:03 
Subject: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

Itu kenyataan? kenapa bisa pindah pihak??

pikir donk.. ini si logika kali..

masih nunggu kapan cepet selesai...

--- In, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@... 

 --- In, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ wrote:
  PH ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
 sensitif gt donk tolol . 
 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
  jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed. 
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced. 
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high. 
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  “reasonable� level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7. 
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant. 
  Indra Safitri, an independent
  capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
  actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
  other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,� he
  said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified 

Re: AW: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ -

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ruz7
Guten Abend Mr. CC
Would you like me to translate in German ? :)

Btw, WIKA bagaimana Bos ? TP akhir tahun brp :)
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Cleopatras Cat

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:42:15 
Subject: AW: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe?
  No Problem’ -

duh. untung gue ga ngerti inggris. lg pada ngomongin apaan sih?

Von: Ruz7
Gesendet: Samstag, den 20. Juni 2009, 15:32:00 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

The article is not yours, but this statement is :
Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

May I Know the reason behind that statement ?

Btw: Tanda Alam, Milis Dibikin Rame. RUPS sebentar lagi. :)
Be There, Be Behind or Left Behind
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Vaulstrad

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

I guess it is about how you stand.

first for that article, i am not the writer. 

Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how you 
should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. If 
BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 

This is call independent. 

I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

--- In, Aria Santoso ariasant...@... wrote:

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
 It's about ethics in social relationship.
 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
 ensure that you will settle it.
  Original Message 
 Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PHâ„¢ vaulst...@...
 PHâ„¢ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
  and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †
  it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with 
  analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 
  are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 
  Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK).
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 
  three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 
  Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 
  an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 
  were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
  transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders †which was 
  never given †­and that some of the coal firms were actually 
  affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through 
  obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
  recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come 
  up with was that the price paid for one of the targets, 

[ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik harrywijaya81
--- In, Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:
 gpp sir ...
  saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar
  mohon dimaafkan jg ... :)
  kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :)

 maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya.
 --- In, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:
  --- In, bank bni bankbnijkt@ wrote:
gini pak ...
 bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
 tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
 apa dia d ada bukti ???
 kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???
   Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang 
   sopan atuh
   Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
   Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
   tuh...pak Admin user nya.
   From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@
   Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
   Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
   lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
   ini kan email...
   joke :D
   On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote:
PH  ...
   kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
   w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
   kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
   sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
   mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
   rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

 - - -
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
nothing much has changed. 

However, despite the potential
damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
it’s a
case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
(Bapepam-LK) . 

In January, the agency launched a probe into the
Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT 
Fajar Bumi
Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 
($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
the acquisitions were overpriced. 

It was also alleged that the
acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that 
some of the
coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the 
group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 

after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
370 billion too high. 

But even here Bumi was given an easy way
out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down 
to a
â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process of 

market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that 
would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
Sakti on Jan. 7. 

Capital market regulations designed to
protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market 
value. In
this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required

Re: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik toto aja
Nah, karena sudah bermaaf2-an (mirip lebaran), gimana biar tambah akrab,
dilanjut dengan plesiran bareng. kebetulan ada bos Freeport mau ke jakarta 1
hari lagi ya ?


On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:48 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@yahoo.comwrote:

 --- In,
 Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:
  gpp sir ...
 saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar
 mohon dimaafkan jg ... :)
 kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :)

  maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya.
  --- In,
 harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:
   --- In,
 bank bni bankbnijkt@ wrote:
gini pak ...
   bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
   tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
   apa dia d ada bukti ???
   kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???
Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang
 sopan atuh
Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok
 tuh...pak Admin user nya.

From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
lebih tepat jari kali ya :D
ini kan email...
joke :D
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:
--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ .
 PH  ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ...
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn
 sensitif gt donk tolol  .
mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di
 beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang

  - - -
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi
 Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed.

 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator â€
 not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that
 it’s a
 case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and
 even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 (Bapepam-LK) .

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa,
 PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations
 the acquisitions were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and
 that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding

 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti,
 was Rp
 370 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it
 down to a
 â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the
 process of doing.

 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view
 that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar

[ob] Tuduhan: Ketua KIPS makan suap

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
sekedar pembelajaran buat kita semua, harap memahami dengan baik apa yg 
kita baca dan hati-hati dalam menuduh oarng di depan publik.
penjelasan dan minta maafnya di milis OB sudah cukup 
bagi saya. Kiranya maalah ini boleh ditutup sampai di sini saja.

kelihatannya beliau salah paham karena tdk mengerti apa tujuan KIPS BUMI 
dan pernyataan Pak Rully.
saya undang vaulstrad utk bertemu saya jika ingin lebih jelas mengenai 
perjuangan KIPS BUMI.

 Original Message 
Subject:RE: [KIPS-BUMI] Tuduhan: Ketua KIPS makan suap
Date:   Sat, 20 Jun 2009 15:41:56 +0700
From:   Aria Santoso

dalam pemberitaan oleh Jakarta Globe, Pak Rully mewakili suara pemegang 
saham minoritas.

*Meanwhile, *a representative of Bumi's minority shareholders*, Rully 

said: We welcome the fact that Bumi's management is willing to renegotiate
and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.*
dan *representative of Minority shareholder* dituduh oleh melalui posting email 
di milis OB telah menerima suap.

**Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(**

untuk kawan2 semua:
saya ingin kita coba merenungkan perbedaan antara hukum  etika.
pelanggaran hukum bisa dituntut tapi pelanggaran etika tidak bisa dituntut.
contoh sederhana:
* jika saya mengambil barang milik anda tanpa ijin walaupun nilainya 
kecil, maka saya bisa dituntut karena bisa dikenakan pasal pencurian 
selama ada bukti dan saksi.
* jika saya melukai anda, maka saya bisa dituntut karena bisa dikenakan 
pasal penganiayaan selama ada bukti dan saksi.
* jika saya meludahi anda di muka umum, maka saya bisa dituntut karena 
bisa dikenakan pasal perbuatan tidak menyenangkan selama ada saksi yg cukup.
* jika saya kentut di dekat anda, dan saya tidak mengaku. anda tinggal 
kebauan, dongkol, tapi saya tidak bisa dituntut. hanya secara etika 
pergaulan saya akan tidak disukai jika memiliki kebiasaan seperti itu.

apakah anda bisa menuntut mereka yg tidak terbukti bersalah secara hukum?
terlepas dari anda suka atau tidak suka.
itulah kenyataannya...

*Sent:* Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:07 PM
*Subject:* RE: [KIPS-BUMI] Tuduhan: Ketua KIPS makan suap

Lho koq jadi pak Rully yang kena tuduhan? Setahu saya yang melakukan 
penilaian itu kan MAPPI bukan KIPS-BUMI. Emang ketua MAPPI nya pak Rully 

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:57:33 +0700
Subject: [KIPS-BUMI] Tuduhan: Ketua KIPS makan suap

 Original Message 
Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: 'No Probe? No Problem' - APA GUE
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: PHT


Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call...
jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu


Bumi Investors Say: 'No Probe? No Problem'

In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the Asian
Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the market
regulator's apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, nothing much
has changed.

However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse and
the regulator - not to mention the interests of small investors - it now
appears that it's a case of out of sight, out of mind, with analysts and
even Bumi's minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the
decision of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency

In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi's purchase of three
coal firms - PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi
Batubara - for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an investor
and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were overpriced.

It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material transaction
requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders - which was never given - -and
that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi's owners, the
Bakrie group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.

However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment
of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was that
the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370
billion too high.

But even here Bumi was given an easy way out - all it had to do was
renegotiate the price and bring it 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
saya siap pertemukan anda dengan Pak Rully apa back up yang bisa anda 
apakah anda member KIPS BUMI?

Vaulstrad wrote:



 Dari article di bawah saja sudah jelas orang sudah judge kita jelek.

   2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
   nothing much has changed.
   However, despite the potential
   damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
   mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
 it’s a
   case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with analysts and even 
   minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
   of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency

 you see?? ...suddenly saying they are happy with decision of the 
 capital market...

 Please ini sangat merusak kreabilitas bursa saham kita. Gimana Asing 
 bisa stay lama disini dan beli di harga premium di banding dengan 
 negara2 lain nya.

 --- In, Thomas Frederick 
 thomaszone_2...@... wrote:
  Jangan berantem dehh...
  Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan 
 dimaki-maki. Kita se milis ngolok2in juga no problem.
  Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan
  Minimum di publikasikan di OB.
  -Original Message-
  From: harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@...
  Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23
  Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
  --- In, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ wrote:
   PH ...
  kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
  w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah 
 ... kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di 
 bumi , jgn sensitif gt donk tolol .
  mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
  rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .
   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di 
 beli... ;(
   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
   Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
   2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
   nothing much has changed.
   However, despite the potential
   damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
   mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
 it’s a
   case of “out of sight, out of mind,� with analysts and even 
   minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
   of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
   In January, the agency launched a probe into the
   Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar 
   Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 
   ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations 
   the acquisitions were overpriced.
   It was also alleged that the
   acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
   of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that some 
 of the
   coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
   group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
   after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
   an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
   that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, 
 was Rp
   370 billion too high.
   But even here Bumi was given an easy way
   out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it 
 down to a
   “reasonable� level, which it says it is now in the process of 
   market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
   question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
   fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view 
 that many
   would consider excessively legalistic given that all of 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Matt Nowo
Peace to all. Guna menjaga kenyamanan bersama, mari kita jaga etika ber-email. 
Sent from my BearBerry®
powered by ISAT  TLKM

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Re: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ruz7
Gathering Room #OB dong..
Setelah RUPS aja ..
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: toto aja

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 15:53:44 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF 
... :)

Nah, karena sudah bermaaf2-an (mirip lebaran), gimana biar tambah akrab,
dilanjut dengan plesiran bareng. kebetulan ada bos Freeport mau ke jakarta 1
hari lagi ya ?


On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:48 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@yahoo.comwrote:

 --- In,
 Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:
  gpp sir ...
 saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar
 mohon dimaafkan jg ... :)
 kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :)

  maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya.
  --- In,
 harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:
   --- In,
 bank bni bankbnijkt@ wrote:
gini pak ...
   bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
   tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
   apa dia d ada bukti ???
   kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???
Weleh...weleh...weleh..., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang
 sopan atuh
Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok
 tuh...pak Admin user nya.
From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
lebih tepat jari kali ya :D
ini kan email...
joke :D
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:
--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ .
 PH  ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ...
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn
 sensitif gt donk tolol  .
mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di
 beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang

  - - -
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi
 Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed.

 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator â€
 not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that
 it’s a
 case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and
 even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 (Bapepam-LK) .

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa,
 PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations
 the acquisitions were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and
 that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding

 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti,
 was Rp
 370 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it
 down to a
 â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the
 process of doing.

 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material

[ob] Technical Analysis untuk saham SIDEWAYS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik jimmywidjaya
Hi Guys...
Kalo untuk saham sideways..kira kira teknikal analisisnya cocok pake apa ya ?

Thank You Guys...

Jimmy Lesmana Widjaya
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

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Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UD AH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik druidsz agustinus
if you upset pls think with cool headed man, not like childreen, sudden judge 
the other or yelling at, hope you and we all take a learn from this happen

correct me if i'm wrong



(bukan siapa-siapa dan tidak ingin menjadi siapa-siapa)

--- On Sat, 6/20/09, Vaulstrad wrote:

From: Vaulstrad
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 4:36 AM

  Like i say before I have no reason except that i am disappointed with the 
leader. I do not even know him. That my mistake. I am sorry for that.

I add that margin call all bullshit because i am just upset at that moment. I 
realise now that i make mistake and do not think properly at that time.

So there is no reason to follow this up. Like i say i am sorry.

Everyone have the right to be upset. maybe mine is just too much. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Ruz7 indeksbei3000@ ... wrote:

 The article is not yours, but this statement is :

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(

   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 

   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 



 May I Know the reason behind that statement ?


 Btw: Tanda Alam, Milis Dibikin Rame. RUPS sebentar lagi. :)

 Be There, Be Behind or Left Behind

 Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).



 -Original Message-

 From: Vaulstrad vaulst...@. ..


 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 

 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 



 I guess it is about how you stand.


 first for that article, i am not the writer. 


 Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
 still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how 
 you should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. 
 If BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 


 This is call independent. 


 I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
 shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
 longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.







 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Aria Santoso ariasantoso@  wrote:


  Dear PH,

  I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.


  Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 

  however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 

  we can't take any legal action.

  In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 

  It's about ethics in social relationship.


  Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 

  ensure that you will settle it.







   Original Message 

  Subject:[ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 


  Date:   Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)

  From:   PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@

  Reply-To:   obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com




  PHâ„¢ wrote:




   Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(

   Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 

   call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 




    - - -



 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’


   In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 

   Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 

   market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, 

   nothing much has changed.


   However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 

   and the regulator †not to mention the interests of small investors †

   it now appears that it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind,� 

   analysts and even Bumi’s minority shareholders suddenly saying they 

   are happy with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial 

   Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) .


   In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumi’s purchase of 

   three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo 

   Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after 

   an investor and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions 


[ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Yudizz
Sebelumnya terima kasih buat kawan2 member OB semuanya.

Dari ribut2 di milis ini saya telah menemukan TANDA2 ALAM bahwa market akan 
berbalik arah.

Salam cut loss,

Powered by BEI Berbullish™
May The BULL Be With You

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Thomas Frederick
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:16 PM
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

Jangan berantem dehh...

Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita se 
milis ngolok2in juga no problem.

Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan


Minimum di publikasikan di OB.

From: harrywijaya81 
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23 -
Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
--- In, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
 PH ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
sensitif gt donk tolol . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
 case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †Âand that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to
 protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
 seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
 this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
 such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
 the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent
 capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
 actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
 other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,” he
 said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
 abandoning its affiliation probe. 
 Meanwhile, a representative
 of Bumi’s minority shareholders, Rully Oetomo, said: “We welcome the
 fact that Bumi’s management is willing to renegotiate and seek a better
 price for Fajar 

Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Balik keatas kan?


2009/6/20 Yudizz

 Sebelumnya terima kasih buat kawan2 member OB semuanya.

 Dari ribut2 di milis ini saya telah menemukan TANDA2 ALAM bahwa market akan
 berbalik arah.

 Salam cut loss,

 Powered by BEI Berbullish™
 May The BULL Be With You
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Thomas Frederick
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:16 PM
 To: OB
 Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

 Jangan berantem dehh...

 Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita
 se milis ngolok2in juga no problem.

 Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan


 Minimum di publikasikan di OB.
 From: harrywijaya81
 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23 -
 Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
 --- In, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
  PH ...
 kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
 w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ...
 kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn
 sensitif gt donk tolol .

 mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
 rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
 call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang
  Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
  2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
  Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
  market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
  nothing much has changed.
  However, despite the potential
  damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
  mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
  case of “out of sight, out of mind,† with analysts and even Bumi’s
  minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
  of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
  In January, the agency launched a probe into the
  Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
  Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
  ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
  the acquisitions were overpriced.
  It was also alleged that the
  acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
  of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †Âand that some of the
  coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
  group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements.
  after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
  an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
  that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
  370 billion too high.
  But even here Bumi was given an easy way
  out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
  “reasonable† level, which it says it is now in the process of doing.
  market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
  question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
  fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
  would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
  transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
  was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
  Sakti on Jan. 7.
  Capital market regulations designed to
  protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
  seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
  percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
  this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
  such approval had they not been completed in different years.
  the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
  investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
  question is now irrelevant.
  Indra Safitri, an independent
  capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
  actions on the findings of the independent appraiser.
  other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are reasonable,† he
  said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in
  abandoning its affiliation probe.
  Meanwhile, a representative
  of Bumi’s 

Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik re...@trade
Maksudnya berbalik arah dr bullish ke bearish ato dari bearish ke bullish Pak 
Yudizz?  SOL

Sent from TradingBerry®
sponsored by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Yudizz

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:12:58 
Subject: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

Sebelumnya terima kasih buat kawan2 member OB semuanya.

Dari ribut2 di milis ini saya telah menemukan TANDA2 ALAM bahwa market akan 
berbalik arah.

Salam cut loss,

Powered by BEI Berbullish™
May The BULL Be With You

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Thomas Frederick
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:16 PM
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

Jangan berantem dehh...

Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita se 
milis ngolok2in juga no problem.

Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan


Minimum di publikasikan di OB.

From: harrywijaya81 
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23 -
Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
--- In, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
 PH ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
sensitif gt donk tolol . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
 case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †Âand that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to
 protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
 seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
 this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
 such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
 the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent
 capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
 actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
 other issues become irrelevant if 

Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik I believe in Elaine
Yup , you're absolutely right .
Baru aja gua mau bilang , kalo barang yg kemaren kucuci gudang , kayaknya mulai 
besok bisa dapat harga bawah nih ! Hahaha
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: Yudizz

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:12:58 
Subject: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

Sebelumnya terima kasih buat kawan2 member OB semuanya.

Dari ribut2 di milis ini saya telah menemukan TANDA2 ALAM bahwa market akan 
berbalik arah.

Salam cut loss,

Powered by BEI Berbullish™
May The BULL Be With You

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Thomas Frederick
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:16 PM
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

Jangan berantem dehh...

Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita se 
milis ngolok2in juga no problem.

Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan


Minimum di publikasikan di OB.

From: harrywijaya81 
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:04:23 -
Subject: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
--- In, PHâ„¢ vaulst...@... wrote:
 PH ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , jgn 
sensitif gt donk tolol . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ...
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin call... 
 jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that it’s a
 case of “out of sight, out of mind,” with analysts and even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations that
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †Âand that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the Bakrie
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it down to a
 “reasonable” level, which it says it is now in the process of doing. 
 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in different
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi
 Sakti on Jan. 7. 
 Capital market regulations designed to
 protect the interests of minority shareholders require a company to
 seek shareholder approval for a transaction if its value exceeds 10
 percent of the company’s revenue or 20 percent of its market value. In
 this case, the combined value of the transactions would have required
 such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
 the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its
 investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the
 question is now irrelevant. 
 Indra Safitri, an independent
 capital market legal consultant, said that Bapepam had based its
 actions on the 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik herman ardiyanto
Jangan lupa topik utamanya BUMI membeli DEWA (secara tidak langsung)
di harga 354/lb. saham sementara harganya di pasar saat itu 61/lb.

Kalah boleh, asal jangan lupa.

Jadi, untuk investasi jangka panjang, perusahaan apa saja yang masih
tepercaya (nggak beli barang kemahalan, jual kemurahan, produksi di
bawah normal)?

RE: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Yudizz
Pake ilmu psikologi aja.

Dengan adanya ribut2 ini menunjukkan bahwa secara mental para pelaku market
sudah LEMAH. Tidak ada persatuan menunjukan tidak ada lagi perasaan OPTIMIS.

Kalo bandar mau gebuk itu tinggal masalah waktu doang. Semudah Manny
Pacquiao meng-KO Ricky Hatton.

Mudah2an saya salah, karena saya memang bukan pakar bandarmologi.


Powered by BEI Berbullish™
May The BULL Be With You

From: []
On Behalf Of re...@trade
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

Maksudnya berbalik arah dr bullish ke bearish ato dari bearish ke bullish
Pak Yudizz? SOL
Sent from TradingBerry®
sponsored by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: Yudizz 
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:12:58 +0700
Subject: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS
Sebelumnya terima kasih buat kawan2 member OB semuanya.

Dari ribut2 di milis ini saya telah menemukan TANDA2 ALAM bahwa market akan
berbalik arah.

Salam cut loss,

Powered by BEI Berbullish™
May The BULL Be With You

From: []
On Behalf Of Thomas Frederick
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:16 PM
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

Jangan berantem dehh...

Kalo rully bener2 bisa dibuktikan terima duit... Silahkan dimaki-maki. Kita
se milis ngolok2in juga no problem.

Tapi kalo lu ngga bisa buktikan


Minimum di publikasikan di OB.

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Yang dulu beli herald gak ditanya-tanya? udah jadi apa sekarang? apakah udah
mulai nambang?

Note: berita lama


Pada 20 Juni 2009 16:21, herman ardiyanto herman.ardiya...@gmail.commenulis:

 Jangan lupa topik utamanya BUMI membeli DEWA (secara tidak langsung)
 di harga 354/lb. saham sementara harganya di pasar saat itu 61/lb.

 Kalah boleh, asal jangan lupa.

 Jadi, untuk investasi jangka panjang, perusahaan apa saja yang masih
 tepercaya (nggak beli barang kemahalan, jual kemurahan, produksi di
 bawah normal)?

AW: AW: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Pr obe? No Problem’ -

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Cleopatras Cat
Guten Abend, p R7 [ - suka Ronaldo yaa? ]

translate ke german kalimat yg mana p R7? 

WIKA? anno 09 ini? lha wong target saya sampai saya balik kampung lg kok. saya 
masih punya ber ember2 WIKA. Dezember ini saya mo daftar les inggris lho. biar 
ngerti tadi lg ngomongin apaan. kayanya les intensive 13 minggu sama Mbak Mano 
bisa deh. - inggris nya fasih yaa.

ini ada sedikit penggalan unek2 dari salah seorang sahabat di DE. saya 
terjemahkan dengan bahasa BCL yaa. biar pas  ga kaku kaku pisan. tidak perlu 
ditanggapi serius. diterima apa adanya saja.

Nachdem ich die Knaben von der B**I-Leitung
zusammengestaucht habe, hat man sich das dort offenbar hinter die Ohren
geschrieben !! Das erquickliche Kursziel von (EUR 0,18) sowie das
motivierende Rating (Maintain BUY) beweisen es ja ... Jetzt muss sich der ganze 
Salat nur noch in die Tat umsetzen !??An dieser Stelle Vielen Dank für die Mühe 

setelah gue marah2 in  menyatakan ketidaksukaan gue kepada beberapa orang yg 
duduk di , rasanya mereka mulai mencamkan nya setidaknya memperhatikan nya. 
TP 0,18 EURO sebagaimana jg Vorschlag yg disampaikan u/ [maintain BUY] 
setidaknya ya membuktikan bahwa memang ada usaha ke arah itu. Sekarang semuanya 
tergantung yg menjalankannya u/ mencapai tujuan kita bersama. Dalam hal ini gue 
sampaikan terima kasih u/ bantuan nya!!

Von: Ruz7
Gesendet: Samstag, den 20. Juni 2009, 15:47:19 Uhr
Betreff: Re: AW: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ -

Guten Abend Mr. CC
Would you like me to translate in German ? :)

Btw, WIKA bagaimana Bos ? TP akhir tahun brp :)
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

From:  Cleopatras Cat 
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:42:15 + (GMT)
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: AW: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe?   No Problem’ -

duh. untung gue ga ngerti inggris. lg pada ngomongin apaan sih? 

Von: Ruz7 indeksbei3000@
An: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Gesendet: Samstag, den 20. Juni 2009, 15:32:00 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

The article is not yours, but this statement is  :
Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

May I Know the reason behind that statement ?

Btw: Tanda Alam, Milis Dibikin Rame. RUPS sebentar lagi. :)
Be There, Be Behind or Left Behind
Powered By FREN BondBerry.  (Bayar Pake Daun).  

-Original Message-
From: Vaulstrad vaulst...@yahoo. com

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:16:23 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 

I guess it is about how you stand.

first for that article, i am not the writer. 

Of course i know that if we keep talking this issue never resolve and BUMI 
still at the lowest level. But it is not about the share price. This is how you 
should stand. Even Mappi can extend time to talk to BUMI for the outcome. If 
BUMI agree that it is publish. If not let adjust it to everyone favour. 

This is call independent. 

I believe that he should stand for us. that what the leader of minority 
shareholder right? maybe he forget. He is just worries if this thing take 
longer time BUMI share price will be at rock bottom.

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Aria Santoso ariasantoso@ ... wrote:

 Dear PH,
 I suppose that u need to learn about the difference of law  ethics.
 Should u do fart in front of us, it would be unfavorable to many of us; 
 however we couldn't sue you for that. It's not a law-breaking thing so 
 we can't take any legal action.
 In fact we are not happy for that action and the bad smell left for us. 
 It's about ethics in social relationship.
 Below allegation in public is managed under law. Please be so kind to 
 ensure that you will settle it.
  Original Message 
 Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ - APA GUE 
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
 From: PHâ„¢ vaulst...@.. .
 Reply-To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 PHâ„¢ wrote:
  Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;(
  Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
  call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik herman ardiyanto
Perlu dicatat juga tuh, Pak.

Masuk company profile versi investor.

2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker
 Yang dulu beli herald gak ditanya-tanya? udah jadi apa sekarang? apakah udah 
 mulai nambang?

 Note: berita lama


Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
emang penting ya ??
berapa ya harganya..

kalau gak salah antara 2.5 - 5T

2009/6/20 Dean Earwicker

 Yang dulu beli herald gak ditanya-tanya? udah jadi apa sekarang? apakah
 udah mulai nambang?

 Note: berita lama


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 16:21, herman ardiyanto herman.ardiya...@gmail.commenulis:

 Jangan lupa topik utamanya BUMI membeli DEWA (secara tidak langsung)
 di harga 354/lb. saham sementara harganya di pasar saat itu 61/lb.

 Kalah boleh, asal jangan lupa.

 Jadi, untuk investasi jangka panjang, perusahaan apa saja yang masih
 tepercaya (nggak beli barang kemahalan, jual kemurahan, produksi di
 bawah normal)?


Re: [ob] Technical Analysis untuk saham SIDEWAYS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
Pak Jimmy Yth,
coba pake mata telanjang aja dulu pak.
Saat anda menentukan saham tsb sedang sideways artinya sdh menggunakan 
metode membacaan ciri trend.
Tinggal tentukan area Support  Resistance-nya.

Supaya jelas, kira-kiranya, saya lampirkan contoh nyata dengan 
menggunakan saham bei.

ace wrote:
 Hi Guys...
 Kalo untuk saham sideways..kira kira teknikal analisisnya cocok pake apa ya ?

 Thank You Guys...

 Jimmy Lesmana Widjaya
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


inline: sideways.png

Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Aria Santoso
Pak Yudizz,
Yang ribut kan cuma saya, jadi cuma saya yang mentalnya lemah.
yang lain nyantai aja...
semua member OB sini mentalnya kuat. terbukti mampu melewati bearish 
2008 dan survive!
saya satu2nya member milis OB yang paling lemah mentalnya.


Yudizz wrote:

 Pake ilmu psikologi aja.

 Dengan adanya ribut2 ini menunjukkan bahwa secara mental para pelaku 
 sudah LEMAH. Tidak ada persatuan menunjukan tidak ada lagi perasaan 

 Kalo bandar mau gebuk itu tinggal masalah waktu doang. Semudah Manny
 Pacquiao meng-KO Ricky Hatton.

 Mudah2an saya salah, karena saya memang bukan pakar bandarmologi.


 Powered by BEI Berbullish™
 May The BULL Be With You

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[ob] Buy, sudah Oversold ?

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik DR
Menurut saya,
Kalau baca grafik, hampir semua emiten, ternyata.. rata-rata sudah terlihat 

Coba cek, grafik emiten berikut:
Banking    : BBRI, BDMN, dll.
Tambang  :  ANTM, TINS dll.
Property    : CTRP, SMRA, dll.
Konsumer : INDF, dll.
Manufactur: ASII, UNTR dll.

Rabu-Kamis kemarin, IHSG turunnya cukup dalam, bila dibanding dgn index 
regional lainnya..

Wallstreet sudah konsolidasi/naik, bahkan NASDAQ +1,09, padahal hari jum,at 
menjelang libur lho..

Buy? wait  see ?? atau nunggu naik?

(Ngobrol yg lebih bermanfaat, lebih baik)-on disclaimer



2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dudung Soetopo
Sangat gentleman sekali.
Hope selesai, peace aahhh

On 6/20/09, Vaulstrad wrote:
 Dear Pak Rully,

 Saya personally minta maaf atas statement saya apabila statement saya
 membuat bapak marah atau tidak senang.

Sent from Gmail for mobile |

Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Ndak perlu. Dulu pake nama fuyi kan ya?


Pada 20 Juni 2009 16:52, noknik menulis:

 yang dulu sudah ndaftar nggak perlu ndaftar lagi khan Pak DE?... saya coba
 klik SINI nya nggak berhasil.

 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:19, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@gmail.commenulis:

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang
 digagas oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu
 hajatanya spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan lokal
 dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR).
 Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi korporasi
 guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan harga BNBR
 ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni 2009. Pada
 perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp 93.



Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik noknik
yang dulu sudah ndaftar nggak perlu ndaftar lagi khan Pak DE?... saya coba
klik SINI nya nggak berhasil.

Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:19, Dean Earwicker menulis:

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang digagas
 oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu hajatanya
 spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan lokal
 dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR).
 Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi korporasi
 guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan harga BNBR
 ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni 2009. Pada
 perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp 93.



RE: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Yudizz
Kalo mau kuat2an mental sama Pak Rei aja tuh. PTBA dibanting dari 17000 ke
4000, dia santai2 aja, malah bisa buy lagi at lowest.

Andai semua investor lokal kita mentalnya seperti beliau pasti udah maju
bursa kita ini.


Powered by BEI BerbullishT
May The BULL Be With You

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Aria Santoso
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

Pak Yudizz,
Yang ribut kan cuma saya, jadi cuma saya yang mentalnya lemah.
yang lain nyantai aja...
semua member OB sini mentalnya kuat. terbukti mampu melewati bearish 
2008 dan survive!
saya satu2nya member milis OB yang paling lemah mentalnya.


Yudizz wrote:

 Pake ilmu psikologi aja.

 Dengan adanya ribut2 ini menunjukkan bahwa secara mental para pelaku 
 sudah LEMAH. Tidak ada persatuan menunjukan tidak ada lagi perasaan 

 Kalo bandar mau gebuk itu tinggal masalah waktu doang. Semudah Manny
 Pacquiao meng-KO Ricky Hatton.

 Mudah2an saya salah, karena saya memang bukan pakar bandarmologi.


 Powered by BEI BerbullishT
 May The BULL Be With You

Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik herman ardiyanto
Ini cuplikan LK BUMI 2008:
Pada tanggal 31 Juli 2008, Perusahaan telah menyelesaikan akuisisi
Herald dengan nilai perolehan sebesar AS$ 541.544.752. Nilai wajar
aset bersih Herald pada tanggal akuisisi adalah sebesar AS$
84.531.696. Selisih antara harga pembelian dengan nilai wajar aset
bersih sebesar AS$ 457.013.056 dicatat sebagai goodwill.

Meleceng sedikit,
Untuk menghitung GNI kan (GDP + bunga/dividen dari negara lain -
bunga/dividen ke negara lain). Nah, RI pernah punya bunga/dividen DARI
negara lain nggak ya?

2009/6/20 Cougar Boy
 berapa ya harganya..
 kalau gak salah antara 2.5 - 5T

Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik noknik
iya pak.. wah surprise juga Pak DE msh ingat... (soalnya kalau FUYI selalu
dipanggil Pak je hehehe)...kalau noknik... rada deket toktik.. eh tiktok
hehehe lagi ah.. malem minggu ini sedikti OOT boleh dong,.. habisnya agak
pusing juga tadi ada yg agak panas... mending lihat pastingan yg kmr mgn
EL... bikin ketawa...

Pada 20 Juni 2009 16:56, Dean Earwicker menulis:

 Ndak perlu. Dulu pake nama fuyi kan ya?


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 16:52, noknik menulis:

 yang dulu sudah ndaftar nggak perlu ndaftar lagi khan Pak DE?... saya coba
 klik SINI nya nggak berhasil.

 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:19, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@gmail.commenulis:

 berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang
 digagas oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:

 Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
 sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
 penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.

 Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
  japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.

 Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.


 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, menulis:

 Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
 jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
 target waktunya...

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™
 *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
 *To*: Obrolan
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
 Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
 Disc on ye...

 - VF -

 *From*: datasahamku
 *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
 *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

 lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
 broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu
 hajatanya spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?

 Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
 semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
 beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya

 --- In,
 datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:
  justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
  --- In,
 aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
   hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
 avanza hehehe...
   disclaimer on
   --- In,
 Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:
Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan
 lokal dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk
 (BNBR). Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi
 korporasi guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan
 harga BNBR ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni
 2009. Pada perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp




RE: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Sanjaya
Pak DE,


Dulu saat BUMI dan ANTM saling bersaing harga membeli Herald, orang tidak
peduli tuh hrg Herald mau pada hrg brp (dlm arti mahal / tidak), krn
saat itu org terlena pada kondisi masih BULLISH, sehingga yg terpenting ada
corporate action (dlm hal ini beli beli perusahaan lain utk ekspansi) yg
bisa mendrive hrg saham yg bersaing (ANTM  BUMI) ke level lebih tinggi
(BUMI s/d di analisa bakal ke Rp.12 ribu). Kalau ngak salah waktu itu
masing2 (BUMI  ANTM) sudah meneliti Herald dgn perusahaan independent dlm
menilai hrg wajar Herald.


Sehingga saat hrg saham berguguran krn krisis global financial, hrg BUMI yg
tertinggi Rp.8.000 terjun bebas s/d mencapai level terendah Rp.300an. Dan
dgn kondisi tsb orang yg megang BUMI di hrg atas (anggap kata Rp.5.000)
tentu saja TIDAK RELA BUMI melakukan corporate action dgn membeli DEWA di
hrg Rp.345/shm , padahal saat itu hrg DEWA di pasaran cuma Rp.60an..ini
tentu yang dipertanyakan : apa dasar BUMI beli saham DEWA lebih mahal 5x
(lima kali) lebih mahal, knp ngak beli aja di pasar ? Kalau pun mau beli dgn
harga premium, tentunya ngak s/d 5x lipat gitu ..


S/d sekarang kayaknya adem2 aja tuh kabar soal Herald, apa sudah ditambang
atau belum, tidak ada info/beritanya lagi .hehehe


From: []
On Behalf Of Dean Earwicker
Sent: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!


Yang dulu beli herald gak ditanya-tanya? udah jadi apa sekarang? apakah udah
mulai nambang?

Note: berita lama


Pada 20 Juni 2009 16:21, herman ardiyanto

Jangan lupa topik utamanya BUMI membeli DEWA (secara tidak langsung)
di harga 354/lb. saham sementara harganya di pasar saat itu 61/lb.

Kalah boleh, asal jangan lupa.

Jadi, untuk investasi jangka panjang, perusahaan apa saja yang masih
tepercaya (nggak beli barang kemahalan, jual kemurahan, produksi di
bawah normal)?


[ob] Re: Technical Analysis untuk saham SIDEWAYS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik boyz

Coba pakai Stochastic, William%R atau RSI, pak...

Untuk lebih optimal, mungkin bisa di backtest dan di adjust periode


--- In, jimmywidj...@... wrote:

 Hi Guys...
 Kalo untuk saham sideways..kira kira teknikal analisisnya cocok pake
apa ya ?

 Thank You Guys...

 Jimmy Lesmana Widjaya
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik kucing_liar1
katanya trader...baru dikasih segitu udah ribut wkwkwkwkww...

--- In, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... 

 Moga2 ngga.
 Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya.. Darn!!
 Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia malah 
 merah. Sebel dehh...
 Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...
 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81
 Senin merah dong?
 --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
  Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
  On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ wrote:

RE: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik artomoro9

Bisa Galak juga mas harry wie jen ini. Biasanya kalem aja tuh di room #ob.  
Tapi mestinya emang harus ada etika kok. Katanya mau ada gathering room irc #ob 
ya? Boleh ikutan? Gmana daftarnya?

harrywijaya81 wrote: 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , Vaulstrad vaulst...@. .. 
 gpp sir ... 
   saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar 
   mohon dimaafkan jg ... :) 
   kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :) 
 maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya. 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@  
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bank bni bankbnijkt@  wrote: 
gini pak ... 
 bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ... 
 tp jgn main nuduh aza ... 
 apa dia d ada bukti ??? 
 kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ??? 
   Weleh...weleh. ..weleh.. ., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang 
   sopan atuh 
   Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum 
   Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
   tuh...pak Admin user nya. 
    _ _ __ 
   From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@  
   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
   Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM 
   Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! 
   lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
   ini kan email 
   joke :D 
   On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote: 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote: 
PH  ... 
   kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ... 
   w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
   kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , 
   jgn sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
   mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ... 
   rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap . 

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... 
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
call... jadi boke dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

 - - - 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ 

2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
nothing much has changed. 

However, despite the potential 
damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not 
mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
it’s a 
case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision 
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency 
(Bapepam-LK) . 

In January, the agency launched a probe into the 
Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT 
Fajar Bumi 
Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 
($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations 
the acquisitions were overpriced. 

It was also alleged that the 
acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval 
of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that 
some of the 
coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the 
group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 

after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of 
an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was 
that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was 
370 billion too high. 

But even here Bumi was given an easy way 
out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it 
down to a 
â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process 
of doing. 

market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction 
question, saying that since the transactions took place in different 
fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that 
would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa 
was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar 
Sakti on Jan. 7. 

Capital market 

RE: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik artomoro9

Bisa Galak juga mas harry wie jen ini. Biasanya kalem aja tuh di room #ob.  
Tapi mestinya emang harus ada etika kok. Katanya mau ada gathering room irc #ob 
ya? Boleh ikutan? Gmana daftarnya?

harrywijaya81 wrote: 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , Vaulstrad vaulst...@. .. 
 gpp sir ... 
   saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar 
   mohon dimaafkan jg ... :) 
   kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :) 
 maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya. 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@  
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bank bni bankbnijkt@  wrote: 
gini pak ... 
 bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ... 
 tp jgn main nuduh aza ... 
 apa dia d ada bukti ??? 
 kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ??? 
   Weleh...weleh. ..weleh.. ., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., Yang 
   sopan atuh 
   Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum 
   Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
   tuh...pak Admin user nya. 
    _ _ __ 
   From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@  
   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
   Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM 
   Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! 
   lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 
   ini kan email 
   joke :D 
   On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote: 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ . wrote: 
PH  ... 
   kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ... 
   w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
   kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , 
   jgn sensitif gt donk tolol  . 
   mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ... 
   rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap . 

Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... 
Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
call... jadi boke dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 

 - - - 
Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’ 

2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources 
nothing much has changed. 

However, despite the potential 
damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator †not 
mention the interests of small investors †it now appears that 
it’s a 
case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and even 
minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the decision 
of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency 
(Bapepam-LK) . 

In January, the agency launched a probe into the 
Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa, PT 
Fajar Bumi 
Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18 
($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations 
the acquisitions were overpriced. 

It was also alleged that the 
acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the approval 
of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and that 
some of the 
coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the 
group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 

after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment of 
an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was 
that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was 
370 billion too high. 

But even here Bumi was given an easy way 
out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it 
down to a 
â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the process 
of doing. 

market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material transaction 
question, saying that since the transactions took place in different 
fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view that 
would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the 
transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa 
was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar 
Sakti on Jan. 7. 

Capital market 

[ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik datasahamku

saya sendiri belum tahu target price BNBR dr broker YU, besok senin sy coba 
tanya analisnya, untuk time frame target price fundamental biasanya 12 bulan ke 
depan alias 1 tahun.katakanlah TP 200-250 td benar dan kita ambil aja 150 
(pesimis) artinya masih ada upside/potential gain 50% dr harga sekarang dan 
saya kira broker YU akan terus BELI di harga  100 perak...hingga saat ini YU 
sudah BELI BNBR 1 JUTA Lot, belum lg broker RX yang juga banyak membeli 
BNBR..melihat jumlah yang cukup besar yg di beli broker YU tsb sptnya investtor 
yg time framenya jangka panjang yang baru akan menjual klo harganya sudah masuk 
target investasi mereka katakanlah di harga 170 krn untuk menjual kembali/exit 
strategy saham yg cukup besar maka mau ga mau harga harus di NAIKIN terlebih 
dulu buat distribusi
nah apa yg harus kita lakukan jika sdh tahu ada BD masuk ke BNBR??...ya tinggal 
ikut aja BELI :)
Selain induknya BNBR kita juga bisa investasi di warrantnya/BNBR-W 
buat yg mau donasi 5 lot BNBR linknya:

 Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:19, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... menulis:
  berhubung bnbr lagi joget, saya mo posting lagi donasi buat OB yang digagas
  oleh EL bbrp waktu yg lalu:
  Sumbangan *sukarela* 5 lot BNBR (senilai 242.500 rupiah), beli dan simpen
  sekarang, dan dijual seluruhnya desember  ini sebelum natal, dan hasil
  penjualannya di transfer ke Mbah.
  Yang berminat monggo diisi sendiri di 
   japri ke saya dengan subjek donasi.
  Total donatur terkumpul 291 orang, target EL adalah 1000 orang.
  Pada 20 Juni 2009 12:09, paramanand...@... menulis:
  Pls deh, kalo TP gak pake timeframe, katanya sama juga bodong, krn nggak
  jelas kpn nyampenya. Artinya: semua org juga bisa ngomong TP kalo gak ada
  target waktunya...
  Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
  *From*: F¤®Ûñ€ ™ vnnfortuna...@...
  *Date*: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:05:48 +
  *To*: Obrolan
  *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !
  Target dr CIMB, utk BNBR 200-250 katanye...
  Tp ga tau deh nyampenya kapan jangka panjang ato pendek...
  Disc on ye...
  - VF -
  *From*: datasahamku
  *Date*: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:24:07 -
  *Subject*: [ob] Re: Cermati BNBR !
  lumayan hari ini dapet Alphard dr BNBR hehehe...
  broker YU dan RX terus BELI BNBR, biasanya sih ga cukup seminggu hajatanya
  spt dulu waktu buang2jgn2 ini kerjaannya neng El ?
  Embah bisa dapet donasi Alphard desember nanti :))
  semoga Senin bisa tembus 100
  beli BNBR-W lebih murah dari induknya
  --- In,
  datasahamku datasahamku@ wrote:
   justru beli sekarung BNBR bisa dapet Alphard pak hehehe..
   --- In,
  aritech97 aritech97@ wrote:
hmmmmending ngincer Alphard yang lagi didiskon besar2an daripada
  avanza hehehe...
disclaimer on
--- In,
  Data Saham datasahamku@ wrote:

 Menurut, SEJUMLAH broker asing dan lokal
  dikabarkan akan mengakumulasi kembali saham PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk 
  Menurut sumber Investor Daily, perubahan susunan direksi dan aksi korporasi
  guna menyelesaikan utang perseroan dijadikan momentum penguatan harga BNBR
  ke level Rp 125. Perseroan akan menggelar RUPS pada akhir Juni 2009. Pada
  perdagangan kemarin, BNBR ditutup naik Rp 2 (2,2%) ke posisi Rp 93.



2009-06-20 Terurut Topik boyz

Yup, ikut salut... sangat Gentlement.

To Pak Vaulstrad:

Sebaik-baiknya orang bukanlah orang yang tak pernah salah. Tetapi adalah
orang yang ketika sadar dia melakukan kesalahan, dia meminta maaf dan
tidak mengulangi-nya.

To Pak Rully:

Sehebat-hebatnya orang bukanlah orang yg mampu menundukkan orang lain.
Tetapi orang yang mampu menundukkan amarah-nya dan memaafkan orang yg
berbuat salah padanya, walaupun dia mampu untuk melepaskan
(merealisasikan) amarah-nya kepada orang tsb.


--- In, Dudung Soetopo soetopo...@...

 Sangat gentleman sekali.
 Hope selesai, peace aahhh

 On 6/20/09, Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:
  Dear Pak Rully,
  Saya personally minta maaf atas statement saya apabila statement
  membuat bapak marah atau tidak senang.

 Sent from Gmail for mobile |

Re: [ob] Re: ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :)

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik fifi young
ikutan dong Jend Arto.
kasih tau caranya dong.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 5:18 PM, artomoro9 wrote:

 Bisa Galak juga mas harry wie jen ini. Biasanya kalem aja tuh di room #ob.
 Tapi mestinya emang harus ada etika kok. Katanya mau ada gathering room irc
 #ob ya? Boleh ikutan? Gmana daftarnya?

 harrywijaya81 wrote:
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , Vaulstrad vaulst...@. ..
  gpp sir ...
  saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar
  mohon dimaafkan jg ... :)
  kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :)
  maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , harrywijaya81
 harrywijaya81@  wrote:
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bank bni bankbnijkt@ 
gini pak ...
   bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ...
   tp jgn main nuduh aza ...
   apa dia d ada bukti ???
   kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ???
Weleh...weleh. ..weleh.. ., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya...,
 Yang sopan atuh
Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum
Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok
 tuh...pak Admin user nya.
 _ _ __
From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@ 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!!
lebih tepat jari kali ya :D
ini kan email
joke :D
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote:
--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ .
 PH  ...
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ...
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah
 ... kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi ,
 jgn sensitif gt donk tolol  .
mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap .

 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di
 beli... ;(
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin
 call... jadi boke dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang

  - - -
 Bumi Investors Say: ‘No Probe? No Problem’

 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the

 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the

 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi
 Resources probe,
 nothing much has changed.

 However, despite the potential
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator â€
 not to
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears
 that it’s a
 case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with analysts and
 even Bumi’s
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency

 (Bapepam-LK) .

 In January, the agency launched a probe into the
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT Darma Henwa,
 PT Fajar Bumi
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 6.18
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations
 the acquisitions were overpriced.

 It was also alleged that the
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †­and
 that some of the
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s owners, the
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding

 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti,
 was Rp
 370 billion too high.

 But even here Bumi was given an easy way
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and bring it
 down to a
 â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now in the
 process of doing.

 market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material
 question, saying that since the transactions took place in
 fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise †a view
 that many
 would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the
 transactions took place within little more than one week. Dharma
 was bought on Dec. 30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar
 Sakti on Jan. 7.

Re: [ob] Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik wintama
Ternyata setelah cari cari postingan Pak Aput, ketemunya pas tanggal 2

IHSG kami perhitungkan akan mengalami koreksi min dalam 1 hari kedepan

itu pas IHSG berada di 1991,xx

OB-ers profesional yang bisa interpretasi dengan benar pesan yang
tersirat congratulations..!

--- In, Yudizz yudiz...@... wrote:


 Hehehe, canda ya..


 IFM Yudizz

 Powered by BEI BerbullishT

 May The BULL Be With You


 On Behalf Of mh
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 8:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [ob] Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

 Pak Adi Putra,

 Mohon maaf yah, mau nanya neh secara terus terang rekomendasi bapak

 Kalo saya baca email2 bapak, saya bener2 ga mudeng alias ga ngerti.
 Kalimat dalam email bapak bersayap seperti artinya bisa iya atau

 Kalo bapak ga keberatan mungkin bapak kasi rekomendasi secara TA atau
 biar yang bacanya jelas.

 Kalo ujuk2 keluar kalimat sesuai postingan saya saya jadi bingung
 garuk2 kepala postingan bapak yg mana yah?

 Mohon maaf yah pak adi putra, harap dimaklumi masih newbie jadi masih
 bisa menangkap kalimat yang tersirat

 Pisss ah


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerryR


 From: Adi Putra
 Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:24:39 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: [ob] Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

 Pertama 2 kami ucapkan selamat dari koreksi pada hari ini bagi para
 dan sepuh OB, sesuai dengan postingan kami terdahulu bagi yg melihat
 membaca maka akan selamat dalam koreksi dalam minggu ini ,karena IHSG
 TA,psikologis dan future market dalam waktu 1 minggu yang lalu sudah
 konfirm terhadap keadaan kedepan.Kami sdh berusaha mengingatkan para
OB apa
 yang akan terjadi pada beberapa hari kedepan. Good Luck for all
 Saran kami hindari dulu BC yg sdh mahal secara PER dan Break OUT price
 IHSG 2400
 Sell Saham Gorengan High kolesterol  and Buy low kolesterol



Re: [ob] Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik coderman
Minggu depan koreksinya udahan atau masih lanjut ne pa Aput ?

2009/6/20 wintama

 Ternyata setelah cari cari postingan Pak Aput, ketemunya pas tanggal 2

 *IHSG kami perhitungkan akan mengalami koreksi min dalam 1 hari kedepan*

 itu pas IHSG berada di 1991,xx

 OB-ers profesional yang bisa interpretasi dengan benar pesan yang
 tersirat congratulations..!

 --- In, Yudizz yudiz...@... wrote:
  I TOLD YOU.!!!
  Hehehe, canda ya..
  IFM Yudizz
  Powered by BEI BerbullishT
  May The BULL Be With You
  From: [mailto:]
  On Behalf Of mh
  Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [ob] Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG
  Pak Adi Putra,
  Mohon maaf yah, mau nanya neh secara terus terang rekomendasi bapak apa?
  Kalo saya baca email2 bapak, saya bener2 ga mudeng alias ga ngerti.
  Kalimat dalam email bapak bersayap seperti artinya bisa iya atau enggak.
  Kalo bapak ga keberatan mungkin bapak kasi rekomendasi secara TA atau FA
  biar yang bacanya jelas.
  Kalo ujuk2 keluar kalimat sesuai postingan saya saya jadi bingung dan
  garuk2 kepala postingan bapak yg mana yah?
  Mohon maaf yah pak adi putra, harap dimaklumi masih newbie jadi masih
  bisa menangkap kalimat yang tersirat
  Pisss ah
  Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerryR
  From: Adi Putra
  Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:24:39 -0700 (PDT)
  Subject: [ob] Brave or affraid to hold stocks tomorow for IHSG
  Pertama 2 kami ucapkan selamat dari koreksi pada hari ini bagi para
  dan sepuh OB, sesuai dengan postingan kami terdahulu bagi yg melihat dan
  membaca maka akan selamat dalam koreksi dalam minggu ini ,karena IHSG
  TA,psikologis dan future market dalam waktu 1 minggu yang lalu sudah
  konfirm terhadap keadaan kedepan.Kami sdh berusaha mengingatkan para OB
  yang akan terjadi pada beberapa hari kedepan. Good Luck for all
  Saran kami hindari dulu BC yg sdh mahal secara PER dan Break OUT price
  IHSG 2400
  Sell Saham Gorengan High kolesterol and Buy low kolesterol

[ob] Ikuti Survey Berhadiah Blackberry Bold dan Javelin

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik vnnfortunatus

Hi Friend,

Ada kesempatan menarik nih, untuk dapetin Blackberry Bold dan Javelin gratis, 
cuma dengan mengikuti survey di bawah ini :

Klik link di bawah ini untuk mengikuti survey RedMango Indonesia:

venan fortune

[ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
IHSG: Marketwise Technical

Terlampir analisa IHSG, uraiannya ada pada gambar:



[ob] ASIA boleh mulai dipelototin

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik wintama
ASIA target 2 minggu cuan min 10%.

Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: â?~No Probe? No P roblemâ?T - APA GUE BILANG! INDO UDAH RUSAK! INVESTOR LUAR LARI SEMUA

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Rully
Rekan-rekan milis OB yang saya hormati,
Rekan-rekan milis saham yang saya hormati, (Bang Ian, mohon ijin crossposting)
Pak Aria, Ruz7, dan Harry yang saya banggakan,
Pak Paul yang baik,

Mohon maaf, saya baru dapat merespon mengenai diskusi hangat mengenai BUMI dan 
KIPS BUMI di milis kita tercinta sekarang ini, karena kesibukan saya yang tidak 
bisa saya tinggalkan.

Postingan Pak Paul merupakan postingan yang membuka mata. Bisa jadi sebagian 
besar komunitas pasar modal, terutama Investor BUMI, memikirkan hal yang sama, 
dan berpendapat sama, namun tidak menemukan jalan untuk sampai kepada kita 
semua. Untuk hal ini, kita semua, terutama saya, patut berterima kasih kepada 
Pak Paul.

Masalah akuisisi 3 perusahaan oleh PT. Bumi Resources, telah ditanggapi oleh 
Bapepam (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal). Tanggapan Bapepam adalah dengan meminta 
pihak independen untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap penilaian yang dilakukan 
oleh penilai yang ditunjuk perseroan (Yanuar Bey). Ditunjuklah MAPPI 
(Masyarakat Profesi Penilai Independen) untuk melaksanakan tugas mulia ini.

Langkah Bapepam ini telah memberikan hasil. Sebagian hasil akhir dan 
akibat-akibatnya kalau tidak salah menyebutkan bahwa regulator menyatakan bahwa 
Perseroan tidak diwajibkan untuk meminta keputusan RUPS Independen karena tidak 
material. Ini regulator yang bicara, berdasarkan regulasi atau hukum positif.

Dari hasil penilaian MAPPI, ada satu akuisisi yang dinyatakan bermasalah, yakni 
FBS yang dinyatakan dibeli dengan harga yang kemahalan. Lalu manajemen 
memberikan reaksi positif terhadap penilaian ini, dengan tindakan negosiasi 
ulang, bahkan manajemen kalau tidak salah menyatakan bahwa kalau negosiasi 
ulangnya tidak berhasil, transaksi bisa dibatalkan.

Tidak ingin membawa-bawa seluruh anggota KIPS BUMI, saya sekarang ini tidak 
berbicara mewakili KIPS BUMI. Ijinkanlah saya dibawah ini menyatakan pemikiran 
dan pendapat saya pribadi.

Regulator yang netral (independen, tidak dipengaruhi oleh pihak manapun, dan 
karena posisinya adalah pemerintahan, tentunya mengambil posisi yang mengayomi 
seluruh rakyatnya, yang diantaranya adalah emiten maupun investor), meminta 
bantuan auditor independen (auditor, yang memiliki kode etik sendiri yang 
sangat dijunjung tinggi) dan manajemen memberikan reaksi positif. Saya tidak 
melihat jalan lain, selain mendukung hal ini.

Anggaplah saya sebagai Investor publik PT Bumi Resources tidak mendukung hal 
ini, saya bisa apa? 

Sedari awal sampai sekarang dan selalu disampaikan kepada para wartawan yang 
bertanya kepada saya (tapi entah mengapa tidak dimuat, mengenai hal ini) bahwa 
KIPS BUMI hadir untuk mendukung dunia permodalan di tanah air. KIPS BUMI 
bercita cita untuk dapat melihat bursa yang dipercaya, dengan dorongan bagi 
para emiten untuk melaksanakan good corporate governance dan transparansi, 
serta dukungan kepada regulator untuk dapat menjadi wasit dan hakim yang adil 
bagi kita semua. Betapa rindunya saya, melihat adanya perusahaan yang IPO di 
BEI, dengan hasil IPO yang akan digunakan untuk bersaing di tataran global! 
Kalau bursa kita tidak dipercaya, rasanya kita semua tidak akan pernah bisa 
menyaksikan hal itu.

Kalau saya tidak mendukung langkah regulator dan menyampahkan hasil karya rekan 
sebangsa dan setanah air di MAPPI, apa gunanya buat kita semua?

Oetomo Rully Susanto

A lot of people die fighting tyranny. The least I can do is vote against it.
- Carl Icahn at Texaco annual meeting. Jan. 20, 1988

  - Original Message - 
  From: jsx_consultant 
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 5:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: â?~No Probe? No Problemâ?T - APA GUE 

  Pak Paul SUDAH minta maaf dan sudah MENARIK statement yg menyinggung
  pak Rully... Pak Rully juga menerima permintaan maaf pak Paul kan ?.

  Case is CLOSED... We are all brother and sister, rite ?.

  Embah tadi sengaja melepaskan perdebatan ini dimilis untuk
  menjadi pembelajaran: 
  - Kalo posting, konsentrasi pada masalah dan jangan pada PRIBADI,
  Kalo pak Paul mengutarakan masalahnya pada pak Rully secara
  baik baik, kan engga akan ada KERIBUTAN ini. Malah akan jadi
  topik yg menarik.

  --- In, Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:
   Sorry rully that me just upset from the article from Jakarta Globe. There 
is no need to go to court to prove. because i have nothing to prove. 
   I am one of the minority shareholder. Of course we depend on you. Please 
kindly explain why there is sudden change. 
   My mistake for my statement. I fully take it back. Hope you forgive me. Of 
course all statement below are for jokes only. Like margin call etc. But if you 
take that seriously I am sorry.
   --- In, Rully rullymainsaham@ wrote:

Would you be kind enough to 

Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik anru . sing

Kalau kucing liar ketemu cleopatra's cat apa yg terjadi hay. :)

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: kucing_liar1

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 09:22:10 
Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81

katanya trader...baru dikasih segitu udah ribut wkwkwkwkww...

--- In, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... 

 Moga2 ngga.
 Barusan bangun pagi liat bloomberg.. Ehhh beritanya turun coalnya.. Darn!!
 Liat gelagat bumi di akhir sesi 2 juga bikin ga enak tuh. Tarik2an dia malah 
 merah. Sebel dehh...
 Moga2 aja dehh tetep IJO
 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...
 Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:19:39 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Australian thermal coal price drop 7.7% to $70.81
 Senin merah dong?
 --- In, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
  Busyet dah, senin nyusruk lg nih..makasih infonya..
  On 6/19/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ wrote:

[ob] Re: ph. MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :) Jend disuap!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sylar_fang
... ane dapet rumor yg udah ane check kebenaran na ... ternyata jendral arto 
juga disuap ... disuap ama seketaris na ... hahaha ... 


--- In, artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:

 Bisa Galak juga mas harry wie jen ini. Biasanya kalem aja tuh di room #ob.  
 Tapi mestinya emang harus ada etika kok. Katanya mau ada gathering room irc 
 #ob ya? Boleh ikutan? Gmana daftarnya?
 harrywijaya81 wrote: 
--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , Vaulstrad vaulstrad@ .. 
  gpp sir ... 
saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar 
mohon dimaafkan jg ... :) 
kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :) 
  maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya. 
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bank bni bankbnijkt@  wrote: 
 gini pak ... 
  bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ... 
  tp jgn main nuduh aza ... 
  apa dia d ada bukti ??? 
  kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ??? 
Weleh...weleh. ..weleh.. ., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., 
Yang sopan atuh 
Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum 

Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
tuh...pak Admin user nya. 


 _ _ __ 
From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@  
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM 
Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! 

lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 

ini kan email 

joke :D 

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote: 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ 
. wrote: 
 PH  ... 
kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ... 
w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , 
jgn sensitif gt donk tolol  . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ... 
rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap . 



 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... 
 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
 call... jadi boke dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 
  - - - 
 Bumi Investors Say: â€ËÅNo Probe? No 
 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 
 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT 
 Bumi Resources probe, 
 nothing much has changed. 
 However, despite the potential 
 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator 
 †not to 
 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears 
 that it’s a 
 case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with 
 analysts and even Bumi’s 
 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the 
 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency 
 (Bapepam-LK) . 
 In January, the agency launched a probe into the 
 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT 
 Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi 
 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 
 6.18 trillion 
 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations 
 the acquisitions were overpriced. 
 It was also alleged that the 
 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the 
 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †
 ­and that some of the 
 coal firms were actually affiliated with Bumi’s 
 owners, the Bakrie 
 group of companies, through obscure cross-shareholding arrangements. 
 after a seemingly interminable probe that included the recruitment 
 an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with was 
 that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was 
 370 billion too high. 
 But even here Bumi was given an easy way 
 out †all it had to do was renegotiate the price and 
 bring it down to a 
 â€Åreasonable†level, which it says it is now 
 in the process of 

[ob] KIPS BUMI, mau kemanakah kita sekarang?

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Rully
Rekan-rekan Investor PT. Bumi Resources,

Baru saja saya mengirimkan posting ke milis obrolanbandar dan saham, dan pada 
postingan saya tersebut, saya menulis begini: Anggaplah saya sebagai Investor 
publik PT Bumi Resources tidak mendukung hal ini, saya bisa apa?

Mohon maaf kepada rekan-rekan di KIPS BUMI, saya tersadar bahwa kalimat saya 
tersebut bisa dianggap mengecilkan seluruh dukungan dari rekan semua yang telah 
memberikan dukungan bagi kebaikan investasi kita di PT Bumi Resources dan bursa 
kita pada umumnya. Mengenai hal ini, saya hendak menyatakan permintaan maaf 
dari rekan-rekan yang masih setia mendukung KIPS BUMI.

Seorang Investor BUMI, pada awal pertemuan KIPS BUMI pernah menyatakan bahwa 
sangat mudah bagi siapa pun untuk membubarkan KIPS BUMI, cukup dengan 
mengangkat harga BUMI ke 2000an, maka KIPS BUMI dengan sendirinya akan bubar. 
Pada awal berdirinya, KIPS BUMI tumbuh dengan pesat, dan dalam waktu kurang 
dari satu bulan sudah mencapai jumlah anggota ratusan orang. 

Ketika dulu dibuka kesempatan untuk memberikan sumbangan Rp 1/lembar saham, 
hanya 30an orang saja (Pak Aria, yang memiliki data tepatnya, mohon bantuannya) 
yang memberikan dukungannya. Pada pertemuan KIPS BUMI beberapa bulan lalu, 
hanya 10 orang yang hadir, dan dengan rasa pilu, saya sampaikan bahwa dalam 
rangka RUPS tanggal 26 Juni 2009 nanti, hanya 20an orang saja yang bertahan.

Meskipun merasa bersalah kepada rekan-rekan KIPS BUMI, yang masih terus 
memberikan dukungannya sampai saat ini, ketika saya menyampaikan pesimisme saya 
diatas, rasanya sangat sulit juga bagi saya untuk tidak pesimis...

Oetomo Rully Susanto

A lot of people die fighting tyranny. The least I can do is vote against it.
- Carl Icahn at Texaco annual meeting. Jan. 20, 1988

btw, rekan-rekan investor BUMI, sudah dapat bahan untuk RUPS kah? koq sampai 
sekarang, semua yang saya tanya, masih belum dapat juga... ketika rekan saya 
mau minta surat kuasa langsung ke kantor perseroan, koq rasanya berbelit belit 

ada apa ya...???

Re: [ob] RE: OB Ribut2 Lagi, Besok Gue CUT LOSS

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sulistyo_winarto
Pak Aria Santoso, sejak kapan lemah mental?. becanda aja boss ini.

--- In, Aria Santoso ariasant...@... wrote:

 Pak Yudizz,
 Yang ribut kan cuma saya, jadi cuma saya yang mentalnya lemah.
 yang lain nyantai aja...
 semua member OB sini mentalnya kuat. terbukti mampu melewati bearish 
 2008 dan survive!
 saya satu2nya member milis OB yang paling lemah mentalnya.
 Yudizz wrote:
  Pake ilmu psikologi aja.
  Dengan adanya ribut2 ini menunjukkan bahwa secara mental para pelaku 
  sudah LEMAH. Tidak ada persatuan menunjukan tidak ada lagi perasaan 
  Kalo bandar mau gebuk itu tinggal masalah waktu doang. Semudah Manny
  Pacquiao meng-KO Ricky Hatton.
  Mudah2an saya salah, karena saya memang bukan pakar bandarmologi.
  Powered by BEI Berbullish™
  May The BULL Be With You

Re: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik anru . sing

Kok newbie? Berarti saya rookie newbie :)

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Yudizz

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 19:09:17 
Subject: RE: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

Mbah, newbie mau tanya.

Kejadian 2 hari terakhir, yang bisa kita sebut sebagai fase FORCED CUT LOSS,
apakah Embah mendeteksi BD melakukan re-akumulasi? Atau mereka justru hanya
nge-DUMP barang doang?

Kalo logika investor awam, posisi dekat uptrend itu kan sebenarnya level
yang baik untuk reload portofolio?

Trims sebelumnya.


Powered by BEI Berbullish™
May The BULL Be With You

From: []
On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:38 PM
Subject: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

IHSG: Marketwise Technical

Terlampir analisa IHSG, uraiannya ada pada gambar:


Re: [ob] ASIA boleh mulai dipelototin

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik anru . sing

Pak, ada yg bisa kasih gain  lg?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: wintama

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 11:42:09 
Subject: [ob] ASIA boleh mulai dipelototin

ASIA target 2 minggu cuan min 10%.

Re: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In, Yudizz yudiz...@... wrote:

 Mbah, newbie mau tanya.
 Kejadian 2 hari terakhir, yang bisa kita sebut sebagai fase FORCED CUT LOSS,
 apakah Embah mendeteksi BD melakukan re-akumulasi? Atau mereka justru hanya
 nge-DUMP barang doang?

- Hari Kamis jelas distribusi sambil maksa orang Cut Loss, tapi
  investor yg ikut distribusi juga ada karena Trigger jebolnya
  formasi Head and Shoulder. Ini tentunya membuat kepanikan
  dimana index turun dalam dalam waktu yg singkat.
- Tapi kemungkinan BD dan Investor yg pasang ember pada Uptrend
  Support juga pasti ada, sehingga pada level 1940 rebound.
- Pada hari Jumat, index digocek dengan HEBAT, artinya banyak
  trader yg TERLEMPAR dari kereta. Dan yg mendapat muntahannya
  tentu investor jangka panjang dan BD. Tapi BD saat menggocek
  kebawah tentu akan kehilangan barang lagi.
- Saat IHSG rebound tentu BD akan beli tapi pasti tidak bisa
  banyak. Sifat index adalah elastis dan akan membal sehabis 
  penurunan dalam. Jadi tanpa dibeli BD pun, otomatis index
  akan rebound jika BD tidak pasang MUKA di posisi offer.
- Jadi kesimpulannya: BD belum beli banyak
- Faktor lainnya: Karena trader banyak yg Cut Loss pada Formasi
  V maka IHSG akan menjadi Ringan dan Liar. IHSG akan mudah
  diangkat oleh BD tapi bisa juga digebug lagi karena BD belum
  banyak belanja. Jadi gerakan hari Senin akan susah ditebak
  tapi sepertinya akan mengikuti gerakan index regional Asia.

 Kalo logika investor awam, posisi dekat uptrend itu kan sebenarnya level
 yang baik untuk reload portofolio?
 Trims sebelumnya.
 Powered by BEI Berbullish™
 May The BULL Be With You
 From: []
 On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:38 PM
 Subject: [ob] IHSG: Marketwise Technical
 IHSG: Marketwise Technical
 Terlampir analisa IHSG, uraiannya ada pada gambar:

Re: [ob] Re: ph. MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :) Jend disuap!

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Zamuzaki Inc.
Inilah klo masalah duit memang rumit.. sesama saudara OB bs jd bertengkar,
Dibawa santai saja, klo turun ya tunggu sampai naik, cuma permainan waktu aja.. 
mari kita dukung terus investor lokal biar asing pada kecele... BEI Ke 3000? 

--- On Sat, 6/20/09, sylar_fang wrote:

From: sylar_fang
Subject: [ob] Re: ph. MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! SAYA JG MINTA MAAF ... :) 
Jend disuap!
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 8:14 PM

  ... ane dapet rumor yg udah ane check kebenaran na ... ternyata jendral 
arto juga disuap ... disuap ama seketaris na ... hahaha ... 


--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, artomoro9 artomo...@. .. wrote:


 Bisa Galak juga mas harry wie jen ini. Biasanya kalem aja tuh di room #ob.  
 Tapi mestinya emang harus ada etika kok. Katanya mau ada gathering room irc 
 #ob ya? Boleh ikutan? Gmana daftarnya?


 harrywijaya81 wrote: 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , Vaulstrad vaulstrad@ .. 

  gpp sir ... 

saya jg minta maaf kalo kata kata saya kasar 

mohon dimaafkan jg ... :) 

kita di  perahu  yg sama , mohon jgn saling ribut ... :) 

  maaf pak harry. saya tarik balik semua statement saya. 




  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ 


   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bank bni bankbnijkt@  wrote: 

 gini pak ... 

  bukan mksd mau bicara kasar ... 

  tp jgn main nuduh aza ... 

  apa dia d ada bukti ??? 

  kalo dia yg dituduh org ... bgmana ??? 



Weleh...weleh. ..weleh.. ., bahasanya kok jadi bagus banget ya..., 
Yang sopan atuh 

Jangan terlalu terbuka gitu ah...ini kan milih umum 

Maaf yamungkin kalau bahasanya seperti ini terus , bisa di blok 
tuh...pak Admin user nya. 


 _ _ __ 

From: Cougar Boy boysngirls@  

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:12:10 PM 

Subject: Re: [ob] ph ... MULUT U TOLONG DIJAGA ...!!! 

lebih tepat jari kali ya :D 

ini kan email 

joke :D 

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:04 PM, harrywijaya81 harrywijaya81@ wrote: 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, PHâ„¢ vaulstrad@ 
. wrote: 

 PH  ... 

kalo u ngomong , mulut tolong dijaga , jgn asal keluar aza ... 

w tau , mgkn u salah satu org yg sangkutz di bumi wkt 8000 an yah ... 
kekekkeke ... rasain u ... kalo emang lg sangkutz berat di bumi , 
jgn sensitif gt donk tolol  . 

mgkn anda tdk kenal dkt dgn rully , tp saya sangat kenal dgn rully ... 

rully bukan type org yg bisa disuap . 




 Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... 

 Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
 call... jadi boke dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang 



  - - - 

 Bumi Investors Say: â€ËÅNo Probe? No 






 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 

 Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the 

 market regulator’s apparent whitewash of the PT 
 Bumi Resources probe, 

 nothing much has changed. 


 However, despite the potential 

 damage to the credibility of the bourse and the regulator 
 †not to 

 mention the interests of small investors †it now appears 
 that it’s a 

 case of â€Åout of sight, out of mind,†with 
 analysts and even Bumi’s 

 minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy with the 

 of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency 

 (Bapepam-LK) . 


 In January, the agency launched a probe into the 

 Bumi’s purchase of three coal firms †PT 
 Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi 

 Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi Batubara †for a total of Rp 
 6.18 trillion 

 ($593 million) after an investor and media outcry over allegations 

 the acquisitions were overpriced. 


 It was also alleged that the 

 acquisitions amounted to a material transaction requiring the 

 of Bumi shareholders †which was never given †
 ­and that some of the 

 coal firms were 

Re: [ob] ASIA boleh mulai dipelototin

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Amin
Boleh tau nga berdasarkan apa ? Ty
-Original Message-
From: wintama

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 11:42:09 
Subject: [ob] ASIA boleh mulai dipelototin

ASIA target 2 minggu cuan min 10%.

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