Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / doppelter Login

2019-07-03 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hallo Sven,

die Displaykonfiguration muss man u.U. wirklich neu anlegen. Dies hängt damit 
zusammen, dass die neuen Treiber-Module andere Anschlußnamen setzen. Da sind 
wir leider an das gebunden was Debian vorgibt.

Wenn Du sagst, dass der Numlock nach dem Login vertauscht ist, dann meinst Du 
den Login am Linux-Desktop (lightdm), oder den am Windows (RDP-Sitzung)?

Die Sache mit dem Custom-Hintergrund nehmem ich als Issue auf.

Grüße, Jörn

Am 03.07.19 um 10:09 schrieb IT:

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe unsere Appliance einmal geklont und das Beta Update eingespielt.

- Die Dualmonitor-Einstellungen musste ich ALLE neu machen (Bei unserer Größe 
aber noch machbar)
- Die RDP Verbindung fragt nur noch einmal nach den Credentials und das 
einloggen funktioniert.
- Der Nummernblock ist trotzdem teilweise verrauscht (Allerdings erst nach dem 
- Mein Custom-Desktophintergundbild wird nicht mehr übernommen.

Beste Grüße

Am 02.07.19, 13:05 schrieb "Jörn Frenzel" :

 Hallo allerseits,
 Single sign on zur Umgehung dieses Problems zu verwenden - hmm, kann man machen.

 Doku bezgl. AD-Anbindung:
 Allerdings kommt mit der gestern erschienenen ersten Version 2019 ein neuer freerdp mit. Binaries als auch launcher wurden überarbeitet.

 Bitte testet mit. Bitte keine Nutzung in produktiven Umgebungen.
     Grüße, Jörn Frenzel

 Head of
 Development & Support
 Am 02.07.19 um 11:44 schrieb Stefan:

 > Ja, da muss man natürlich die Daten des AD eintragen. Da ich mir nicht 
100% sicher war ob ich den primary LDAP überschreiben soll, habe ich das so 
 > - Location: (eigene erstellt)
 > -- secondary directory:
 > --- LDAP URLs: ldap://server:389/ou=OUR_USERS,dc=example,dc=org
 > --- Read only principal/password: (benutzername und passwort des 
read-all nutzers, der im LDAP separat eingerichtet wurde)
 > -- Settings for users and groups:
 > --- serverversion "secondary LDAP directory"
 > --- use for: "read existing data"
 > Und dann bei FreeRDP "use single-sign-on" und die richtige domain 
eingestellt, damit die nutzer sich einfach mit Benutzername+Passwort, ohne Domain anmelden 
 > VG,
 > Stefan
 > *From: *"Benjamin Wilk" 
 > *To: *"openthinclient-user" 

 > *Sent: *Tuesday, 2 July, 2019 11:33:00
 > *Subject: *Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / 
doppelter Login
 > Hallo Stefan,
 > vielen Dank für deine Antwort. Ich hab jetzt mal ein Gerät des Typs 
Single Sign On erstellt und auf einen Client festgenagelt. Da kommt jetzt 
natürlich nach dem Hochfahren des Linux sofort eine Loginmaske – ich kann mich 
jedoch nicht mit den AD-Credentials anmelden, da der Openthinclient Server 
keinerlei Angaben zum AD-Controller hat. Wie habt ihr das denn gelöst?
 > Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 > Benjamin Wilk
 > Systemadministrator
 > --
 > Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
 > Karl-Heine-Straße 92-94
 > 04229 Leipzig
 > Tel: 0341 - 350 55 77 23
 > Fax: 0341 - 350 55 77 20
 > E-Mail: 
 > Internet: <>
 > Geschäftsführer: Steffen Kilian
 > Ust-IdNr.: DE261045761
 > Amtsgericht Le

Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / doppelter Login

2019-07-02 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hallo allerseits,

Single sign on zur Umgehung dieses Problems zu verwenden - hmm, kann man machen.
Doku bezgl. AD-Anbindung:

Allerdings kommt mit der gestern erschienenen ersten Version 2019 ein neuer 
freerdp mit. Binaries als auch launcher wurden überarbeitet.
Bitte testet mit. Bitte keine Nutzung in produktiven Umgebungen.

Grüße, Jörn Frenzel

Head of
Development & Support

Am 02.07.19 um 11:44 schrieb Stefan:

Ja, da muss man natürlich die Daten des AD eintragen. Da ich mir nicht 100% 
sicher war ob ich den primary LDAP überschreiben soll, habe ich das so 
- Location: (eigene erstellt)
-- secondary directory:
--- LDAP URLs: ldap://server:389/ou=OUR_USERS,dc=example,dc=org
--- Read only principal/password: (benutzername und passwort des read-all 
nutzers, der im LDAP separat eingerichtet wurde)
-- Settings for users and groups:
--- serverversion "secondary LDAP directory"
--- use for: "read existing data"

Und dann bei FreeRDP "use single-sign-on" und die richtige domain eingestellt, 
damit die nutzer sich einfach mit Benutzername+Passwort, ohne Domain anmelden können.




*From: *"Benjamin Wilk" 
*To: *"openthinclient-user" 
*Sent: *Tuesday, 2 July, 2019 11:33:00
*Subject: *Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / 
doppelter Login

Hallo Stefan,

vielen Dank für deine Antwort. Ich hab jetzt mal ein Gerät des Typs Single 
Sign On erstellt und auf einen Client festgenagelt. Da kommt jetzt natürlich 
nach dem Hochfahren des Linux sofort eine Loginmaske – ich kann mich jedoch 
nicht mit den AD-Credentials anmelden, da der Openthinclient Server keinerlei 
Angaben zum AD-Controller hat. Wie habt ihr das denn gelöst?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Benjamin Wilk



Taschenkaufhaus GmbH

Karl-Heine-Straße 92-94

04229 Leipzig

Tel: 0341 - 350 55 77 23

Fax: 0341 - 350 55 77 20


Internet: <>

Geschäftsführer: Steffen Kilian

Ust-IdNr.: DE261045761

Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 24287

*Gesendet:* Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019 11:02
*An:* openthinclient-user 
*Betreff:* Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / 
doppelter Login

Das lässt sich beheben, indem man Single Sign On statt Autologin verwendet. 
Bei uns funktioniert das sehr gut (mit FreeRDP nightly). Hat auch den Vorteil, 
dass wenn die Verbindung getrennt werden sollte, der Nutzer sich ohne erneute 
Passworteingabe wieder anmelden kann.

Mit dem Nummernblock hatten wir manchmal auch Probleme, aber das war eigentlich immer 
nur bei "rdesktop", nicht bei FreeRDP. Ggf. kann man im BIOS der ThinClients 

Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / doppelter Login

2019-07-02 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hallo Stefan,

das ist ein "known issue" - wenn auch nicht kommuniziert. Wir haben es selber 
erst vor drei Wochen gemerkt. Der virtuelle Channel ist in der Version einfach kaputt.

Mit der 2019 sollte das wieder gehen, dort ist dann eine neue freerdp-Verion 
drin. Bitte teste die Beta mit!

Grüße, Jörn Frenzel

Head of
Development & Support

Am 02.07.19 um 11:02 schrieb Stefan:

Das lässt sich beheben, indem man Single Sign On statt Autologin verwendet. Bei 
uns funktioniert das sehr gut (mit FreeRDP nightly). Hat auch den Vorteil, dass 
wenn die Verbindung getrennt werden sollte, der Nutzer sich ohne erneute 
Passworteingabe wieder anmelden kann.

Mit dem Nummernblock hatten wir manchmal auch Probleme, aber das war eigentlich immer nur 
bei "rdesktop", nicht bei FreeRDP. Ggf. kann man im BIOS der ThinClients den 
Numlock standardmäßig an oder aus schalten.


Stefan Seidel


*From: *"Benjamin Wilk" 
*To: *"openthinclient-user" 
*Sent: *Tuesday, 2 July, 2019 10:31:11
*Subject: *Re: [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / 
doppelter Login

Hallo Sven,

das mit den zweimaligen Anmelden ist bei uns auch so – leider. Wir konnten 
das jedoch noch nicht beheben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Benjamin Wilk

*Gesendet:* Montag, 1. Juli 2019 10:53
*Betreff:* [openthinclient-user] Terminalserver - Nummernblock / doppelter 

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe hier ein Problem nachdem ich von einem einzigen 2012R2 
Terminalserver auf eine kleine TS-Farm umgestellt habe.

Bei der Verwendung einer freeRDP Anwendung müssen sich die User nun 2-mal 
Authentifizieren, wenn sie sich mit der TS-Farm verbinden. Das ist leider sehr 
nervig und dazu kommt folgendes:

Nachdem ersten Login wird sporadisch der Nummernblock abgeschaltet (jedoch nicht die 
LED) ab da ist das verhalten dann umgekehrt und die User können sich bei der zweiten 
Authentifizierung meistens nicht anmelden, wenn sie "blind" zahlen vom 
Nummernblock eingeben, dass bei der ersten Authentifizierung noch lief.

Wenn ich im Management beim Sicherheitsprotokoll TLS auswähle, erscheint 
die Anmeldung etwas anders. (Ein Popup mit Credentials erscheint) Das wäre 
soweit auch kein Problem, allerdings wird der Anmeldevorgang abgebrochen.

"Fehler bei der Anmeldung des Diensts "Benutzerprofildienst". Das Benutzerprofil 
kann nicht geladen werden."

Erst nach X Versuchen kann sich der User anmelden.


The Open Source Thin Client Solution

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

[openthinclient-user] announce first beta version 2019.x

2019-07-02 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hallo Liste,

seit gestern steht die erste Betaversion 2019.x zum Download bereit.

Hier die wichtigsten Neuerungen und Änderungen:

- der bisherige Java-Webstart-Manager entfällt
- sämtliche Konfigurationen erfolgen nun über Management im Browser
- das ThinClient-OS wurde auf Debian-9 geupdatet
- alle Applikationen sind freigeschaltet
- Update diverser Anwendung, z.B. FreeRDP, Citrix Client, u.a.
- ab 50 ThinClients wird zukünftig eine Lizenz erforderlich sein

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um eine BETA-Version handelt.
D.h. wir raten von einem produktiven Einsatz ab.

Bitte machen in jedem Fall vorher eine Datensicherung Ihrer bisherigen 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

das openthinclient development team


yesterday we released the first beta version 2019.x .

Here are the most important changes:

- The previous Java Webstart Manager isn't necessary anymore
- All configurations are now done via management in the browser
- The thinclient OS has been updated to Debian-9
- All applications are unlocked
- Update of various application, e.g. FreeRDP, Citrix Client, etc.
- From 50 ThinClients, a license will be required in the future

Please note that this is a BETA version.
Do not use this version in production environment.
In any case, please make a backup of your current installation.

Best regards,

your openthinclient development team

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] DontVTSwitch

2018-11-28 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hi Sven,

just provide a conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ (with DontVTSwitch option in 
it) via the custom folder.

Regards, Jörn

Head of
Development & Support

Am 28.11.18 um 11:07 schrieb Sven Hinrichs:


how can i enable the DontVTSwitch Option?

Some Apps use the shortcuts with Ctrl + Alt + F1-12.

Thanks a lot.

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Problem with Exception-Message OpenThinClient Appliance 2018.1 ... working in Pales 2.1

2018-11-22 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hi Michael,

with tcos-libs version 2018.9 you should get a less annoying "bubble warning" 
instead of a full warning dialog. Right?

Regards, Jörn

Am 22.11.18 um 16:45 schrieb Michael Schmid:

Hi jörn,

…update … the exception appears only if I add the application „Desktop settings 

Kind regards,


Am 22.11.2018 um 14:49 schrieb Michael Schmid :

Hi Jörn,

I updated the tcos-libs tp 2018.9 … thanks a lot. With no applications added to 
a thinclient-profile the exception seems to be gone now.
If I add some applications like VNC, freerdp, etc., the exception appears 
again. I think, in this case the time delay of 120 seconds
seem to be slightly not enough (?) … can you please increase this value a 
little bit.

Kind regards,

Berufliche Oberschule Rosenheim

Am 20.11.2018 um 11:07 schrieb Jörn Frenzel :

Hi Michael,

the new version 2018.x tries to set a certain volume level wich can be set in 
the desktop application.
This is a new feature and should be useful for people using headphones or 

In your specific case the script waits for pulseaudio to come up and runs into 
a timeout.
We have seen this on some hardware but decided not to investigate on this any 
We expect this problem to be solved with debian 9.x.

Vladyslav will release a tcos-libs version with a more "silent" warning on this 
Stay tuned.

Kind regards,


Am 19.11.18 um 16:14 schrieb Michael Schmid:

I have been using openthinclient (Version Pales 2.1) with Siemens Futro S700 
clients without any problem.
Today, I have done some testing with OpenThinClient Appliance 2018.1. After a 
clean installation of the appliance,
I get the following error message on the client screen after booting (same 
result with 64 or 32 bit Kernel).
Can anyone give me some advice? It seems to be a problem with the sound card. 
How can I debug this more detailed?
Best regards,
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Problems with network within openthinclient

2018-11-22 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hi Jan,

this sounds really wiered to me. I'm quite sure that the client os uses only 
one mac address.
May i help you remotely to investigate on this?

Please contact me directly.

Kind regards,
Jörn Frenzel

Head of
Development & Support

Am 19.11.18 um 13:32 schrieb Jan Erlandsson (IKEA Industry Älmhult AB - Inter 
IKEA Group) via openthinclient-user:


Of some reason, the network card from our thinclients (HP t530) returns more 
than one mac address.

I can get up to 4 mac addresses from one network card, and it locks my ports in 
the switch.

One of the mac addresses I get is  0200..

I have about 40 pcs of this TC installed in my network, and it is starting to 
be a bit frustrating.

Anyone who has had the same problem and managed to solve it?

Some pictures of how it looks in the switch.

Med vänlig hälsning/Best regards

*Jan Erlandsson*



*IKEA Industry Älmhult*

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IKEA Industry Älmhult AB

Corporate ID No: 556216-8285

Registered office: Älmhult

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Problem with Exception-Message OpenThinClient Appliance 2018.1 ... working in Pales 2.1

2018-11-20 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hi Michael,

the new version 2018.x tries to set a certain volume level wich can be set in 
the desktop application.
This is a new feature and should be useful for people using headphones or 

In your specific case the script waits for pulseaudio to come up and runs into 
a timeout.
We have seen this on some hardware but decided not to investigate on this any 
We expect this problem to be solved with debian 9.x.

Vladyslav will release a tcos-libs version with a more "silent" warning on this 
Stay tuned.

Kind regards,


Am 19.11.18 um 16:14 schrieb Michael Schmid:


I have been using openthinclient (Version Pales 2.1) with Siemens Futro S700 
clients without any problem.
Today, I have done some testing with OpenThinClient Appliance 2018.1. After a 
clean installation of the appliance,
I get the following error message on the client screen after booting (same 
result with 64 or 32 bit Kernel).

Can anyone give me some advice? It seems to be a problem with the sound card. 
How can I debug this more detailed?

Best regards,


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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC Installation Failed to start Service

2018-04-23 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Hi Andy,

please note that the openthinclient software does not run with 
openjdk/openjre. It requires an Oracle jre >= 1.8

Regards, Jörn

Head of
Development & Support

Am 23.04.2018 um 11:19 schrieb Andy Feetenby:


My company has successfully tested the Openthinclient software installed 
on Server 2016.

I have now been asked however, to test on a Linux operating system. 
Something out of my comfort zone. I have been unsuccessful, which leads 
me to you.

I have attached the Log file, but admit Linux experience is limited, so 
am struggling to see the problem.

My understanding is the only prerequisite on the Server is for it to 
have Java Runtime installed

I installed from the terminal running the following commands

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Below is version installed

openjdk version "1.8.0_162"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)

I have downloaded 2.3.3 version of the sh file, and ran the following

sudo chmod +x ./Downloads/

sudo ./Downloads/

This begins the installation, extracting files. It then attempts to 
start the Openthinclient Manager service but prompts it is unable.

The following window then pops up, and says to connect to console 
entering address http://localhost:8080 but am unable to connect.

Any assistance you can give would be much appreciated. I will need 
handholding initially, on this unfortunately….

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC Display problems with new Intel NUC NUC5CPYH

2017-05-04 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Please update tcos-devices and all other updateable packages too!

Regards, Jörn

Am 04.05.2017 um 17:23 schrieb Milton Regalado:
> Hi,
> I can't find the 64Bit option, this is all that I have:
> default kernel
> non-PAE Kernel for older machines, max. 2GB RAM
> Kernel 3.2 for use with VIA-GPU
> Thanks.
> On 5/4/2017 10:05 AM, Jörn Frenzel wrote:
>> Hi Milton,
>> you need to run the newer 64Bit Kernel. This one is included since 
>> base 2.1-22. Please go to the clients hardwaretype and set the kernel 
>> to 64 bit.
>> Background: The 64Bit kernel was taken from jessie and is the more 
>> recent one. Newer kernel, newer modules - better support of new hardware.
>> Good luck!
>> Jörn
>> Am 03.05.2017 um 01:39 schrieb Milton Regalado:
>>> Hi,
>>> I got some new Intel NUC to use them within our Pales OTC, but I'm 
>>> having problems with the display outputs, one HDMI and one VGA.
>>> When I execute the command XRANDR, either having the NUC connected 
>>> through any of the ports, HDMI or VGA, I'm getting the following output:
>>> xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
>>> Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1920 x 1200, maximum 1920 x 1200
>>> default connected primary 1920x1200+0+0 0mm x 0mm
>>> 1920x1080 0.0
>>> 1600x1200 0.0
>>> 1280x1024 0.0
>>> 800x600   0.0
>>> 640x480   0.0
>>> 1920x1200 0.0*
>>> It can't recognize the HDMI nor the VGA port, and consequently, I 
>>> can't attach any Display Device through the OTC manager to these Thin 
>>> Clients.
>>> Have you had a similar case before?
>>> It looks like the OS can't find the right display driver for the 
>>> Intel HD Graphics.
>>> How I can fix this problem?
>>> Thanks & Best Regards.
>>> -- 
>>> Milton Regalado.
>>> Dieser Nachrichteninhalt wird auf Anfrage komplett heruntergeladen.
>>> Dieser Nachrichteninhalt wird auf Anfrage komplett heruntergeladen.
> -- 
> Milton Regalado.

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC Display problems with new Intel NUC NUC5CPYH

2017-05-04 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Milton,

you need to run the newer 64Bit Kernel. This one is included since base 
2.1-22. Please go to the clients hardwaretype and set the kernel to 64 bit.

Background: The 64Bit kernel was taken from jessie and is the more 
recent one. Newer kernel, newer modules - better support of new hardware.

Good luck!


Am 03.05.2017 um 01:39 schrieb Milton Regalado:
> Hi,
> I got some new Intel NUC to use them within our Pales OTC, but I'm 
> having problems with the display outputs, one HDMI and one VGA.
> When I execute the command XRANDR, either having the NUC connected 
> through any of the ports, HDMI or VGA, I'm getting the following output:
> xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
> Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1920 x 1200, maximum 1920 x 1200
> default connected primary 1920x1200+0+0 0mm x 0mm
> 1920x1080 0.0
> 1600x1200 0.0
> 1280x1024 0.0
> 800x600   0.0
> 640x480   0.0
> 1920x1200 0.0*
> It can't recognize the HDMI nor the VGA port, and consequently, I can't 
> attach any Display Device through the OTC manager to these Thin Clients.
> Have you had a similar case before?
> It looks like the OS can't find the right display driver for the Intel 
> HD Graphics.
> How I can fix this problem?
> Thanks & Best Regards.
> -- 
> Milton Regalado.
> Dieser Nachrichteninhalt wird auf Anfrage komplett heruntergeladen.
> Dieser Nachrichteninhalt wird auf Anfrage komplett heruntergeladen.

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Overheating

2017-02-10 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Tomás,

can you please provide more details. Please run "tcos-system-anaylse" 
and attach the output here.

Regards, Jörn

Am 07.02.2017 um 16:17 schrieb Tomás D. Zandoná - Mig-PLUS:
> Nobody?
> Tomás D. Zandoná
> Hello! I have some thinclients and they all worked relatively well with
> Consus. Now that I've upgraded to Pales, some are overheatingto the
> point of freeze the same. Any idea?

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] autostart won't work...

2017-01-06 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Nameless,

at first doublecheck that you have all updates installed! There have 
been some changes in autostarting apps the last 3 months. You should 
have at least tcos-scripts 2.1-28.6 installed.

Please ensure that your configured autostart apps appear in 
/home/tcos/.config/autostart/YourAppName.desktop . These files are 
picked up by mate, once mate itself has successfully started (not before).
If these files do exist correctly, but your app does not start 
automatically, hmmm

Please check your name resolution, routes/gateways and so on. You can 
also cat your /home/tcos/.config/autostart/YourAppName.desktop in a 
xterm (CtrlxAlt+x) and copy/paste the command right of "exec=". Run this 
command in the same xterm and look if there is any error.

Good luck!

Jörn Frenzel

Head of
Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 04.01.2017 um 19:21 schrieb
> Hi there, I installed the openthinclient-appliance 2.1 on a Hyper-V 2012 and 
> tested it with a hardware-client via PXE. I want to start rdesktop on a 
> Windows Server 2012 and everything seems to work well, incl. autostart of 
> rdesktop. But after 2 or 3 reboots the thinclient doesn't autostart the 
> rdesktop anymore (same configuration!). Manually starting it with the 
> rdesktop-icon is no problem!
> Nearly 2 hours I tried everything, but without success: different 
> configurations of rdesktop and freeRDP, rebooting the 
> openthinclient-appliance, using different hardwaretypes, deleting the 
> thinclient in the appliance and adding it new to it etc. etc. No chance. Same 
> with a cmd: no autostart.
> The strange is: if I use in rdesktop "shutdown thinclient when closing 
> rdesktop", the thinclient shutdown automatically ca 2 minutes after booting. 
> But without starting rdesktop itselfes before. So there seems to be any kind 
> of working autostart. (without this shutdown-option the client doesn't 
> shutdown automatically). If the boot screen closes, I see a white 
> mousepointer for a few seconds and afterwards the black watch for about 10 
> seconds. Starting rdesktop with delay (10 seconds) didn't also help, the 
> network is performant. And: also the "Desktop"-App has no influence, 
> independend of its configuration (e.g. Xfce-Kiosk).
> Any idea? The goal would be to start rdesktop automatically or - better - 
> directly in kiosk-modus.
> Thank You!!!
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most 
engaging tech sites,!
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] openthinclient-user Digest, Vol 107, Issue 1

2016-11-14 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hallo Wolfgang,

vermutlich hast Du das gleiche Problem wie Peter Fickinger (Mail hier 
auf Liste am 23.9.). Dein Intel-Grafikchip wird (noch) nicht von 
openthinclient unterstützt.

Wir arbeiten daran.

Grüße, Jörn

Am 09.11.2016 um 12:28 schrieb Max Huber:
> Hallo Jörn
> Anbei die .tsa
> Als direkter Output der shell kommt:
> Can't open display
> process 3190: arguments to dbus_move_error() were incorrect, assertion
> "(dest) = = NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((dest))" failed in file
> ../../dbus/dbus-errors.c
> l  ine 282.
> This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
> libhal.c 3483 : Error unsubscribing to signals, error=The name
> org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
> process 3257: arguments to dbus_move_error() were incorrect, assertion
> "(dest) == NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((dest))" failed in file
> ../../dbus/dbus-errors.c
> l  ine 282.
> This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
> libhal.c 3483 : Error unsubscribing to signals, error=The name
> org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
> Im OTC-Manager habe ich übrigens schon mal alle möglichen Anschlüsse
> (DVI1, DVI2... ) ausprobiert, das Fehlerbild hat sich aber nicht geändert.
> Hoffe Du siehst da die Ursache des Problems.
> Gruß
> Wolfgang
> 1. Re: Startproblem Dell Optiplex (Max Huber)
> --
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

[openthinclient-user] tcos-system-analyse for debugging

2016-11-08 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Users,

as i just wrote to Wolfgang, there is a small but helpful tool to 
analyse your hardware in case it doesn't start up properly.

Use the command

tcos-system-analyse > /tmp/yourfilename.tsa

via consloe or ssh, get a copy of the outputfile via scp and send it to 
the list. The file contains a text based collection of all relevant 
hardware details and logs.


Regards, Jörn

Head of
Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Startproblem Dell Optiplex

2016-11-08 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hallo Wolfgang,

die Screenshots nützen leider wenig.

Der Client läuft, d.h. man kann per ssh drauf und Dateien rauskopieren. 
Per ssh (user: tcos, passwd: 0pen%TC )bitte das Kommando 
"tcos-system-analyse > /tmp/dell.tsa" ausführen, die Datei /tmp/dell.tsa 
danach per scp rauskopieren und hier anhängen.

Grüße, Jörn

Head of
Development & Support
openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 06.11.2016 um 14:45 schrieb Max Huber:
> Guten Tag zusammen
> Nach dem Tipp den Splashbildschirm abzuschalten, sehe ich nun als letzte
> Meldung:
> [ok] Starting Light Display Manager: lightdm.
> Danach kommt nur noch der schwarze Bildschirm mit dem Cursor links oben.
> Im Log des OTC-Servers kommt in diesem Moment dann:
> "Server listening on ::port 22"
> Ab dann wiederholen sich immer nach etwa 60 Sekunden diverse Meldungen
> zu  usb input und hid-generic.
> Anbei die dazugehörigen Sreenshots.
> (Übrigens ist die Firewall des OTC-Servers testweise komplett aus, ein
> Virenschutz ebenfalls)
> Hat jemand hierzu noch eine Idee?
> Gruß
> Wolfgang
> --
> Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
> Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
> With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
> Training and support from Colfax.
> Order your platform today.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
Training and support from Colfax.
Order your platform today.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC freezes during the booting process and also after login

2016-10-27 Thread Jörn Frenzel

The fact you're refering differs from the one Milton is mentioning.

Boot issues should never be confounded with issues while the client is 

Am 21.10.2016 um 08:18 schrieb Weigt, Thomas:
> Hi,
> we have the same problem too, not at boot, but if the client run, it
> freeze sometimes.
> We've "solved" the problem with a reboot of the server every night.
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> ​Thomas​

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Startproblem Dell Optiplex

2016-10-27 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hallo Wolfgang,

bitte im Hardwaretypen den Splashscreen abschalten, dann den Client neu 
booten und schauen wo genau er stehen bleibt. Foto wäre am besten.

Grüße, Jörn

Am 18.10.2016 um 18:51 schrieb Max Huber:
> (hoffentlich jetzt besser formatiert - irgendwie kann ich dieser
> Mailing-List mit keinem eMail-Client recht machen was die
> Mail-Formatierung angeht)
> Guten Abend
> Ich versuche einen „Dell Optiplex 3030 All-in-One“ via OTC in einen TC
> zu verwandeln.
> Per DHCP (mit Option 67: „pxelinux.0“) bekommt der Dell auch eine IP,
> der Startbildschirm von OTS (OTC Logo und Meldung „booting“) erscheint
> für ein bis zwei Sekunden,
> dann nur noch schwarzer Bildschirm und ein feststehender Cursor links
> oben am Bildschirm.
> Im Serverlog des OTC-Managers stehen dann folgende Error:
> 2016-10-16 19:24:52,578 ERROR [org.openthinclient.tftp.tftpd.TFTPServer]
> READ: error starting transfer for / Error received:
> 0: TFTP Aborted
> 2016-10-16 19:24:52,672 ERROR [org.openthinclient.tftp.tftpd.TFTPServer]
> READ: file not found for /
> 44454c4c-5300-104c-8032-b4c04f344732
> 2016-10-16 19:25:01,951 ERROR
> [] Bad
> transition from state START_STATE, tag 0x73
> 2016-10-16 19:25:02,248 ERROR
> [] Bad
> transition from state START_STATE, tag 0x73
> 2016-10-16 19:25:02,826 ERROR [org.openthinclient.tftp.tftpd.TFTPServer]
> READ: error starting transfer for / Failed to
> transfer file: retries exceeded.
> (Auszug aus dem Log - komplettes Log im Anhang.)
> Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher ob diese 5 Fehlermeldungen sich wirklich
> auf die Ursache des Startproblems beziehen!
> Denn bei einem anderen Client (MSI All-in-One) kommen diese Fehler
> ebenfalls, trotzdem bootet der Client einwandfrei in OTC und man kann
> problemlos damit arbeiten.
> Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich die Ursache des Problems finden und
> beseitigen kann?
> Gruß
> Wolfgang
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC freezes during the booting process and also after login

2016-10-27 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Milton,

can you please provide some more details (harware specs) of the clients 
you're using?
Please disable the splashscreen inside the hardwaretype and boot again. 
On wich point does the client stop exactly? A foto would be nice.

Regards, Jörn

Am 20.10.2016 um 22:27 schrieb Milton Regalado:
> Hello,
> I have a small deployment of 20 thin clients using a Pales virtual
> appliance. Usually, almost all thin clients run smoothly and without any
> problem, however, occasionally some thin clients freeze during the
> booting process at different points of it. Sometimes they freeze at the
> splash screen, other times the users are able to login but once inside
> the thin client it gets frozen.
> I’ve tried different things but none of them has solved this problem.
> Since the manipulation of different settings in the OTC Manager to
> change network cards and memory modules on the computers, but without
> positive results.
> Does anyone can help me to solve this please?
> Thanks & Regards.
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Video card with DVI and VGA output

2016-10-04 Thread Jörn Frenzel

yes, working with a second graphic card can sometimes be verry difficult 
on Linux an so openthinclient too.

In some combinations (e.g. onboard intel and nvidia plugged in PCIe) 
you'll need to prevent the onboard adapters modules from loading 
(blacklisting). Benjamins problem sounds like this.

Some information in advance:

Base-Version 2.1-19 (avaiable from repo manager-beta, yes beta - you 
have been warned :-) ) has four nvidia packages inside - 96, 173, 304, 
340. This is quite much and exemplary.

Getting closer to jessie, we expect the next base 2.1-20 to be delivered 
with nvidia packages 304 and 340 only. What ever this means for you. 
Consult the lists of supported cards from jessie.

Regards, Jörn

Head of
Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 04.10.2016 um 15:44 schrieb Benjamin Wilk:
> Hello Frank,
> thanks for your reply.
> We use Version Pales 2.1-18. I think thats not a specific nvidia problem
> … Finally, I have tested it with a Radeon- same failure. Its a weird
> thing … for example a graphics card that is not working in a computer,
> but works in another pc. I dont get it. Now i use only graphics cards
> from different manufacturer with 2 x DVI and all is fine.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Benjamin Wilk
> Administration / IT
> --
> Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
> Karl-Heine-Straße 92-94
> 04229 Leipzig
> Tel: 0341 - 350 55 77 23
> Fax: 0341 - 350 55 77 20
> E-Mail:
> _
> Internet: 
> Geschäftsführer: Steffen Kilian
> Ust-IdNr.: DE261045761
> Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 24287
> *Von:*Frank Burnham []
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2016 14:26
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* Re: [openthinclient-user] Video card with DVI and VGA output
> Well, It depends on the card in, version of OTC you are using, and how
> you've configured OTC:
> I've run into this before. OTC has limited NVidia support and only on
> the latest release. If you're using an older version of OTC, you'll need
> to use another card having no NVidia going chips. AMD, or older ATI,
> model cards without NVidia chips on them, work fine.
> You may also need to try different settings on the card configuration in
> OTC from just DVI or VGA settings to DVI-0 and VGA-0. I can check my OTC
> config later.
> The release notes of the latest OTC version discusses which specific
> NVidia builds are supported in the release.
> Regards,
> Frank
> On Oct 4, 2016, at 3:54 AM, Benjamin Wilk
>  > wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a problem with video cards which have VGA and DVI output?
> If i use such cards I get a black screen with a blinking cursor in
> the left upper corner. When I look in the Xorg.log I see that no
> monitors were found. Is there a reason or some configurations wrong?
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Benjamin Wilk
> Administration / IT
> --
> Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
> Karl-Heine-Straße 92-94
> 04229 Leipzig
> Tel: 0341 - 350 55 77 23
> Fax: 0341 - 350 55 77 20
> E-Mail:
> _
> Internet: 
> Geschäftsführer: Steffen Kilian
> Ust-IdNr.: DE261045761
> Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 24287
> --
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Re: [openthinclient-user] Intel NUC mit Intel HD Graphics 5500

2016-09-23 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hallo Herr Fickinger,
hallo liebe Freunde der Intel HD-Grafik,

gestattet mir bitte einige genrelle Anmerkungen.

Es muss keiner Hardware bei uns kaufen. Unsere Software läuft auf "fast 
allem" was x86 ist.

Wir richten aber unsere Software immer an unseren eigenen Geräten aus. 
Nutzt man diese, bekommt man von uns eine Funktionsgarantie. Unsere 
Hardware ist genau beschrieben. Jeder kann die Datenblatter einsehen. 
Wir verkaufen starke (ähnlich NUC) Clients und auch etwas sparsamere und 
schwächer Modelle. Je nach Einsatzzweck und Kundenwunsch.

Will man andere Hardware nutzen, die dann aber nicht läuft (weil z.B. 
sehr neu), dann kann man:

a) Unserer System selbst anpassen, siehe:

b) Uns kontaktieren und sich einen Angebot erstellen lassen.

c) Warten bis es evtl. ein anderer bezahlt hat, oder die allg. 
Entwicklung an unserer Software abwarten - irgendwann wird es schon 
Jessie geben.


Bei uns gibt es, genau wie beim Mitbewerb, Garantie auf die Geräte. Auch 
eine Garantieverlängerung kann man erwerben.

Unsere Supportkunden dürfen eine "Hotline" anrufen. Unsere Kollengen 
sprechen dort (auch) deutsch und sind kompetent. Ich habe mehrfach 
gehört, dass dies bei unserem Mitbewerb nicht immer so ist.

Die Anpassung/Erweiterung unserer Software kann nicht mit einem 
Supportvertrag beglichen werden. Supportverträge garantieren dem Kunden 
eine Reaktionszeit für den Fall, dass es Probleme gibt. 
Anpassungsdienstleistungen werden extra berechnet.

Die Reise, geht natürlich nach vorn. Den Weg und das Ziel bestimmen 
vorwiegend zahlende Kunden.

Erst gemeinte Aufträge zur Anpassung bitte mit Alexander besprechen. 

@Herrn Fickinger: Ihr Angebot klingt ernst und für uns realistisch. Wir 
werden Sie kontaktieren.

Grüße, Jörn Frenzel

Head of
Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 23.09.2016 um 14:17 schrieb Peter Fickinger:
> Hallo die Herren,
> wegen selbigem Problem hatten wir bereits vor etwa 3 Monaten telefonischen
> Kontakt.
> Ich schilderte die Situation, dass OTC testweise bereits auf fünf NUC
> DN2820FYKH tadellos laufe und wir die Umstellung auf 25 weitere Clients
> planen. Leider ist nun die DN-Reihe nicht mehr am Markt verfügbar und die
> NUCs der neuen Generation geben keine GUI mehr aus.
> Ich habe in Aussicht gestellt, das Problem gerne für einen Betrag von bis zu
> 1000 Euro fixen zu lassen, wobei ich davon ausgehe, dass das für einen
> "Linuxer" innerhalb weniger Stunden zu bewerkstelligen ist.
> Wir finden OTC als sehr unterstützenswert, da wir damit vergleichsweise
> leistungsfähige Hardware wie die NUC's nutzen können. Bei den üblichen am
> Markt befindlichen Thinclients der einschlägig bekannten Hersteller bekommt
> man statt dessen lediglich einen hoffnungslos veralteten low-budget Rechner
> (vermutlich zu Herstellungskosten von 20$) für mehrere hundert Euro zu
> kaufen, der dann noch bei der eigentlichen Aufgabe, z.B. eine RDP-Session
> darzustellen, ins Schwitzen kommt.
> Wir kennen das Geschäftsmodell von Openthinclient nicht, aber uns ist klar,
> dass Openthinclient gerne seine eigene Hardware verkaufen möchte. Aber aus
> unserer Sicht - der Kundensicht - ist es genau das nicht, was wir wollen.
> Weil dann können wir auch bei den "Großen" kaufen. Denn für uns ist "von
> Außen" nicht ersichtlich, wer hinter OTC steckt, d.h. wieviel Personen
> stehen hinter OTC und wie stabil ist das Unternehmen. Das spielt natürlich
> eine Rolle, wenn man z.b. mal 50 oder 100 Thin-Clients benötigt.
> Wir sind gerne bereit, einen Teil des eingesparten Geldes in Form z.B. eines
> Supportvertrages an Openthinclient zurückfließen zu lassen, denn der Vorteil
> der Hardwareunabhängigkeit überwiegt für uns und wir sind an einer
> Weiterentwicklung interessiert.
> Mittelfristig stehen wir also vor der Wahl, entweder die vorhandenen
> Arbeitsplätze mit (aus unserer Sicht) überteuerten Geräten eines Herstellers
> mit einem "stacheligen" Namen auszustatten, dann aber mit der Gewissheit,
> dass wir dort 5 Jahre Garantie und den Vorteil einer erreichbaren Hotline
> genießen, oder uns für OTC entschließen, wobei wir nicht so genau wissen,
> wohin die Reise geht.
> Wir wären also über mehr aktuelle Informationen, z.b. über die
> Weiterentwicklung und die Ziele von OTC, sehr dankbar. Und ob, bzw. zu
> welchem Preis die aktuellen NUC's wieder zum Laufen gebracht werden können
> oder ob man lieber auf die generic Unterstützung durch Debian wartet, wäre
> auch sehr vorteilhaft zu wissen.
> Viele Grüße aus Hamburg,
> Peter Fickinger
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Andreas von der Reith []

Re: [openthinclient-user] Intel NUC mit Intel HD Graphics 5500

2016-09-08 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hallo Herr von der Reith,

die die genannte Grafikkarte ist schlichtweg zu neu für das Debian 
Wheezy welches derzeit noch die Basis von openthinclient ist. Es müssten 
dort neuere Intel-Treiber eingebaut werden, was vermutlich auch 

Wenn Sie dies als Dienstleistung bei uns beauftragen möchten, melden Sie 
sich bitte per Mail bei mir oder Herrn Stecher.

Grüße aus Dresden,

Jörn Frenzel

Am 01.09.2016 um 16:17 schrieb Andreas von der Reith:
> Hallo, ich habe hier einen Intel NUC NUC5i3RYK mit oben genannter
> Grafikkarte. Das Problem ist, dass ich kein Bild bekomme. Der
> Splash-Screen ist noch zu sehen. Danach bleibt der Bildschirm schwarz.
> Ich nutze den HDMI Ausgang. Der DisplayPort ist im BIOS deaktiviert.
> Gibt es hier bekannte Probleme? Welche Infos kann ich noch liefern?
> Gruß
> Andreas
> --
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [!!Mass Mail]Re: USB Printer dont work

2016-04-29 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Florian,

no, rdesktop is not able to forward USB-devices. FreeRDP can do this for 
you. Please read the freerdp docs.

You can also contact us for professional support.

Regards, Jörn

Am 27.04.2016 um 15:15 schrieb Florian Berzl:
> Hello,
> thanks for the answer. But the print would not print. I install it over 
> TCP/IP with the IP and Port 9100. But nothing happened.
> Is it possible to forward the printer 03f0:0c17 with a rdesktop 
> startparameter?
> Regards,
> Flo
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. April 2016 10:33
> An:
> Betreff: [!!Mass Mail]Re: [openthinclient-user] USB Printer dont work
> Hi Florian,
> in this case the client machine acts as a printserver. The openthinclient-os 
> listens on port 9100. It accepts "ready to use"
> rendered print data and redirects this to the usb port.
> Please configure a printer (with the proper driver) on the windows side and 
> use client_name_or_IP:9100 as connection type.
> Regards, Jörn
> Am 20.04.2016 um 12:03 schrieb Florian Berzl:
>> Hello all,
>> i use openthinclient pales. At one of my client i have a USB printer
>> on the usb port.
>> I found via "lsusb" the device ID 03f0:0C17. I added in the OT Manager
>> a printer and put into the option Device ID (udev) 03f0:0C17
>> I add the printer in OT Manager to my ThinClient. I start the
>> ThinClient and log in to TS Win 2012R2 via rdesktop. But in the
>> terminal I can't install the printer?
>> Can anyone help me?
>> Thanks
>> florian
>> --
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> The Open Source Thin Client Solution 
> --
> Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
> Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
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Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] USB Printer dont work

2016-04-27 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Florian,

in this case the client machine acts as a printserver. The 
openthinclient-os listens on port 9100. It accepts "ready to use" 
rendered print data and redirects this to the usb port.

Please configure a printer (with the proper driver) on the windows side 
and use client_name_or_IP:9100 as connection type.

Regards, Jörn

Am 20.04.2016 um 12:03 schrieb Florian Berzl:
> Hello all,
> i use openthinclient pales. At one of my client i have a USB printer on
> the usb port.
> I found via “lsusb” the device ID 03f0:0C17. I added in the OT Manager a
> printer and put into the option Device ID (udev) 03f0:0C17
> I add the printer in OT Manager to my ThinClient. I start the ThinClient
> and log in to TS Win 2012R2 via rdesktop. But in the terminal I can’t
> install the printer?
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks
> florian
> --
> Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
> Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
> your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
> reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Pales graphic drivers old intel chipset

2016-04-11 Thread Jörn Frenzel
What does "lspci -nnk" say about the build in graphics board? Can you 
provide a PCI-ID?

Regards, Jörn

Am 07.04.2016 um 14:51 schrieb David Fernandez:
> Similar problem here.
> I have the i915 intel chipset and it works, but only with vga connector
> on the old Dell Gx260
> I have also a dell 760 usff wich uses dvi and get a blank screen too.
> It could be an issue on dvi?
> lswh command shows
> *-display:0
> configuration: driver=i915 latency=0
> xorg log shows
> (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)
> (EE) No drivers available.
> no screens found
> What can we do further?
> Thanks.
> El 28/3/16 a les 10:34, Олег Маслов ha escrit:
>> Hello,
>> afte update to OTC-Pales from OTC-Consus some of my thin clients (old
>> desktop computers) with intel 865G chipset (Asus p5pe-vm motherboard)
>> have graphic problem.
>> When they boot's screen does not show anything - blank black screen.
>> Maybe i can add this driver to boot image by myself?
>> Thank you.
>> P.S. sorry about bad english.
>> --
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> --
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [!!Mass Mail]Re: OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection

2016-03-09 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Your interface is up but got no IP. Crazy!

Can you please try command "/sbin/udhcpc -q -t 5 -n -i eth0"?

Are you sure, that your dhcp server is well configured?

Regards, Jörn

Am 09.03.2016 um 16:31 schrieb Florian Berzl:
> "IP a s"
> 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue
>   Link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
>   Inet scope host lo
>   Valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>   Inet6 ::1/128 scope host
>   Valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 
> 1000
>   Link/ether 48:0f:cf:bb:bd:77 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>   Inet6 fe80::4a0f:cfff:febb:bd77/64 scope link
>   Valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. März 2016 16:12
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [openthinclient-user] [!!Mass Mail]Re: OTC-Pales : No LDAP 
> connection
> Hi Florian,
> nope, you sure have some different problem. Module r8169 is loaded - so you 
> should have a working network interface.
> Can you please  try commands "ip a s" and "ping IP.of.your.OTC-Server".
> Regards, Jörn
> Am 09.03.2016 um 15:41 schrieb Florian Berzl:
>> Hello,
>> i have exactly the same error with one thinclient. The thinclient receive a 
>> ip from dhcp and start the linux image. Then I receive the error No 
>> connection to openthinclient LDAP server [ServerIP]." > > "(DEBUGSHELL) : No 
>> LDAP connection possible, please debug."
>> Output of lspci -nnk
>> 00:00.0 Class 0600: 1022:1566
>> 00:01.0 Class 0300: 1002:9856
>> 00:01.1 Class 0403: 1002:9840
>> 00:02.0 Class 0600: 1022:156b
>> 00:02.3 Class 0604: 1022:1439 pcieport
>> 00:08.0 Class 1080: 1022:1537
>> 00:10.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7814 xhci_hcd
>> 00:11.0 Class 0106: 1022:7801 ahci
>> 00:12.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7808
>> 00:13.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7808
>> 00:14.0 Class 0c05: 1022:780b
>> 00:14.2 Class 0403: 1022:780d
>> 00:14.3 Class 0601: 1022:780e
>> 00:18.0 Class 0600: 1022:1580
>> 00:18.1 Class 0600: 1022:1581
>> 00:18.2 Class 0600: 1022:1582
>> 00:18.3 Class 0600: 1022:1583
>> 00:18.4 Class 0600: 1022:1584
>> 00:18.5 Class 0600: 1022:1585
>> 01:00.0 Class 0200: 10ec:8168 r8169
>> / #
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. März 2016 22:31
>> An:
>> Betreff: [!!Mass Mail]Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC-Pales : No LDAP
>> connection
>> Hi,
>> let me correct it a bit. We did not kick out nic drivers in 2.1 (pales).
>> We just changed the buildsystem and the way we're picking existing drivers.
>> Can you please send me the command output of "lspci -nnk" from consus.
>> Thanks, Jörn
>> Am 25.01.2016 um 20:30 schrieb
>>> Ok, I found the reason.. My client is an HP T5740e where the network
>>> driver seems to be no longer supported. It was in Consus.. L
>>> Why does it have been removed?
>>> Is there a way to correct it easily?
>>> *De :*
>>> []
>>> *Envoyé :* 25 janvier, 2016 13:19
>>> *À :*
>>> *Objet :* [openthinclient-user] OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection
>>> I just downloaded the OTC Appliance Pales and set it on my XenServer.
>>> Thin client set to boot on the PXE. When the thinclient boot, I got
>>> this error :
>>> "No connection to openthinclient LDAP server [ServerIP]."
>>> "(DEBUGSHELL) : No LDAP connection possible, please debug."
>>> I changed nothing on the server side but I did all OTC package
>>> updates and restart the Appliance VM.
>>> Can anyone help me please?
>>> Thank you.
>>> -
>>> -
>>> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application
>>> Performance APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just
>>> $35/Month Monitor end-to-en

Re: [openthinclient-user] [!!Mass Mail]Re: OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection

2016-03-09 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Florian,

nope, you sure have some different problem. Module r8169 is loaded - so 
you should have a working network interface.
Can you please  try commands "ip a s" and "ping IP.of.your.OTC-Server".

Regards, Jörn

Am 09.03.2016 um 15:41 schrieb Florian Berzl:
> Hello,
> i have exactly the same error with one thinclient. The thinclient receive a 
> ip from dhcp and start the linux image. Then I receive the error No 
> connection to openthinclient LDAP server [ServerIP]." > > "(DEBUGSHELL) : No 
> LDAP connection possible, please debug."
> Output of lspci -nnk
> 00:00.0 Class 0600: 1022:1566
> 00:01.0 Class 0300: 1002:9856
> 00:01.1 Class 0403: 1002:9840
> 00:02.0 Class 0600: 1022:156b
> 00:02.3 Class 0604: 1022:1439 pcieport
> 00:08.0 Class 1080: 1022:1537
> 00:10.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7814 xhci_hcd
> 00:11.0 Class 0106: 1022:7801 ahci
> 00:12.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7808
> 00:13.0 Class 0c03: 1022:7808
> 00:14.0 Class 0c05: 1022:780b
> 00:14.2 Class 0403: 1022:780d
> 00:14.3 Class 0601: 1022:780e
> 00:18.0 Class 0600: 1022:1580
> 00:18.1 Class 0600: 1022:1581
> 00:18.2 Class 0600: 1022:1582
> 00:18.3 Class 0600: 1022:1583
> 00:18.4 Class 0600: 1022:1584
> 00:18.5 Class 0600: 1022:1585
> 01:00.0 Class 0200: 10ec:8168 r8169
> / #
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. März 2016 22:31
> An:
> Betreff: [!!Mass Mail]Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection
> Hi,
> let me correct it a bit. We did not kick out nic drivers in 2.1 (pales).
> We just changed the buildsystem and the way we're picking existing drivers.
> Can you please send me the command output of "lspci -nnk" from consus.
> Thanks, Jörn
> Am 25.01.2016 um 20:30 schrieb
>> Ok, I found the reason.. My client is an HP T5740e where the network
>> driver seems to be no longer supported. It was in Consus.. L
>> Why does it have been removed?
>> Is there a way to correct it easily?
>> *De :*
>> []
>> *Envoyé :* 25 janvier, 2016 13:19
>> *À :*
>> *Objet :* [openthinclient-user] OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection
>> I just downloaded the OTC Appliance Pales and set it on my XenServer.
>> Thin client set to boot on the PXE. When the thinclient boot, I got
>> this error :
>> "No connection to openthinclient LDAP server [ServerIP]."
>> "(DEBUGSHELL) : No LDAP connection possible, please debug."
>> I changed nothing on the server side but I did all OTC package updates
>> and restart the Appliance VM.
>> Can anyone help me please?
>>Thank you.
>> --
>> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
>> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
>> Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now
>> Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
>> ___
>> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
> --
> Transform Data into Opportunity.
> Accelerate data analysis in your applications with Intel Data Analytics 
> Acceleration Library.
> Click to learn more.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution 
> --
> Transform Data into Opportunity.
> Accelerate data analysis in your applications with
> Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
> Click to learn more.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
> openthinclient-user@lists.sourc

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection

2016-03-08 Thread Jörn Frenzel

let me correct it a bit. We did not kick out nic drivers in 2.1 (pales).
We just changed the buildsystem and the way we're picking existing drivers.

Can you please send me the command output of "lspci -nnk" from consus.

Thanks, Jörn

Am 25.01.2016 um 20:30 schrieb
> Ok, I found the reason…. My client is an HP T5740e where the network
> driver seems to be no longer supported… It was in Consus…. L
> Why does it have been removed?
> Is there a way to correct it easily?
> *De :*
> []
> *Envoyé :* 25 janvier, 2016 13:19
> *À :*
> *Objet :* [openthinclient-user] OTC-Pales : No LDAP connection
> I just downloaded the OTC Appliance Pales and set it on my XenServer.
> Thin client set to boot on the PXE. When the thinclient boot, I got this
> error :
> “No connection to openthinclient LDAP server [ServerIP].”
> “(DEBUGSHELL) : No LDAP connection possible, please debug…”
> I changed nothing on the server side but I did all OTC package updates
> and restart the Appliance VM.
> Can anyone help me please?
>   Thank you.
> --
> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
> Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now
> Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Transform Data into Opportunity.
Accelerate data analysis in your applications with
Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
Click to learn more.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

[openthinclient-user] use your manager with java 8

2015-12-04 Thread Jörn Frenzel

English version below.

Der openthinclient-manager unterstützt nun Oracle-Java 8. Mit den ab heute 
verfügbaren Updates, ist die volle Funktionalität des openthinclient-Managers 
(unter Verwendung der letzten Version von Oracle Java) sichergestellt.

Bitte beachten Sie folgende Hinweise für das Update.


- Nutzen Sie bitte ausschließlich openthinclient 2.1 Pales.
- Ältere Versionen (z.B. 2.0 Consus) werden nicht mehr gepflegt. Für alle 
Versionen vor Pales werden die genannten Updates nicht bereitgestellt.
- Spielen Sie die Updates nur ein, wenn während der Installation keine Anwender 
an ThinClients aktiv sind.
- Das Update muss noch unter Verwendung von Java 7 vorgenommen werden.


- Suchen Sie im openthinclient-Manager über die Paketverwaltung nach Updates 
und installieren Sie bitte - mit AUSNAHME des Pakets "openthinclient-manager" - 
alle aktualisierbaren Paketupdates auf gewohntem Wege.
- Im zweiten Schritt wählen Sie nun das Paket "openthinclient-manager" und 
aktualisieren dieses.
- Der Updatevorgang des Pakets "openthinclient-manager" erfolgt ohne (!) 
Bestätigungsdialog, d.h. warten Sie, bis der Fortschrittsbalken 100% erreicht 
hat und sich schliesst.
- Beenden Sie nun den openthinclient-Manager.
- Löschen Sie in den Java-Einstellungen alle zwischengespeicherten Anwendungen 
und Caches. Unter Windows finden Sie die Java-Einstellungen in der 
Systemsteuerung, unter Linux nutzen Sie bitte das Programm "jcontrol".
- Starten Sie den Manager nun über die URL 
http://ihr-openthinclient-server:8080 neu. Nutzen Sie keinesfalls gespeicherte 
- Wiederholen Sie die letzten zwei Schritte auf allen Rechnern die den 
openthinclient-Manager nutzen.
- Nach dem Neustart des openthinclient-Managers können Sie sich wieder mit 
Ihrer Umgebung verbinden (Symbol gelber Blitz).

The anticipated support of Java 8 has been realized. The latest update enables 
you to use the openthinclient manager's full range of functions under the 
latest version of Oracle-Java 8.

Please note the following instructions for the update.


- Please use only openthinclient 2.1 Pales. Older versions (such as 2.0 Consus) 
are no longer maintained.
- Do not start the update process as long as users are working on ThinClients.
- The update has to be carried out under Java 7.


- Please use the openthinclient manager's package management to look for 
updates and install all available package updates as usual – EXCEPT the package 
- Only afterwards should you select the package “openthinclient-manager” and 
update it.
- The manager's update process takes place without (!) confirmation dialog, 
which means you have to wait for the progress bar to reach 100 %. The dialog 
will close automatically upon successful completion.
- In a next step, please close the openthinclient-manager.
- Please erase all downloaded applicatons and the cache in the Java settings. 
See "Java settings" in Windows system control, or use "jcontrol" under linux..
- Please relaunch the manager via the URL 
http://you-openthinclient-server:8080. Do not use saved launch.jnlp files under 
any circumstances!
- Repeat the last two steps on all computers (and user profiles) that use the 
openthinclient manager.
- After the relaunch of the openthinclient manager, you can reconnect to your 
environment (yellow flash icon).

Kind regards,
you OTC developers

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Java 8 problem solved?

2015-11-11 Thread Jörn Frenzel

the update of the Java server components is already done. See:

The relevant commit is this one:

Thanks to Francois!

We're struggling with the package management at the moment (to roll out 
this update). Stay tuned some more days!

Regards, Jörn

Head of
Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 11.11.2015 um 09:37 schrieb Warnecke, Toni:
> Hi!
> I'm on Java 8u51 (Linux) and works ... just as you say.
> But 8u51 (Windows) works, too. But it takes a lng time to start. After
> having some coffee and taking a nap :) the manager starts and seems to work
> properly (but no guarantee for that).
> Every thing >8u51 doesn't work (Linux & Windows)
> Greetings
> Toni
> Am Dienstag, den 10.11.2015, 10:39 + schrieb Benjamin Wilk:
>> Hi,
>> when i open otc manager on browser, the application starts (Linux with
>> java 1.8.0_51) … i do the same on windows with 1.8.0_* and it doesnt work.
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>> Benjamin Wilk
>> Administration / IT
>> --
>> Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
>> Karl-Heine-Straße 92-94
>> 04229 Leipzig
>> Tel: 0341 - 350 55 77 23
>> Fax: 0341 - 350 55 77 20
>> E-Mail:
>> _
>> Internet: 
>> Geschäftsführer: Steffen Kilian
>> Ust-IdNr.: DE261045761
>> Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 24287
>> *Von:*Winter, Jan []
>> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 10. November 2015 11:23
>> *An:* ''
>> *Betreff:* Re: [openthinclient-user] Java 8 problem solved?
>> Hi
>> There is a post of A.Stecher from 6. November:
>> Jan
>> *Von:*Benjamin Wilk []
>> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 10. November 2015 10:49
>> *An:*
>> *Betreff:* [openthinclient-user] Java 8 problem solved?
>> Hello,
>> i found this entry:
>> Is this solved? We get the same problem -> we us Java 1.8.0_65
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>> Benjamin Wilk
>> Administration / IT
>> --
>> Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
>> Karl-Heine-Straße 92-94
>> 04229 Leipzig
>> Tel: 0341 - 350 55 77 23
>> Fax: 0341 - 350 55 77 20
>> E-Mail:
>> _
>> Internet: 
>> Geschäftsführer: Steffen Kilian
>> Ust-IdNr.: DE261045761
>> Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 24287
>> --
>> ___
>> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
> --
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Freerdp no longer shutdown thinclient

2015-05-26 Thread Jörn Frenzel

I just created a new issue on GH.

We will fix this in the next version of this package.

Kind regards, Jörn

Am 01.05.2015 um 16:19 schrieb Stéphane Jacques:
> I recently updated my consus server. Since, freerdp no longer shutdown
> thinclient. This feature was working before.
> Freerdp-Git version 2.0.-1.2-12 (using version 1.2.x in the dropbox)
> Is there something new that I have to do?
> Thank you!
> *Stéphane Jacques *
> /Technicien informatique / Computer tech. /
> 819 535-5588  poste 253
> 100, avenue Industrielle   •   St-Boniface (Québec) G0X 2L0   •   Canada
> 1 800 567-2931• **
> --
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> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Old packages - any help whatsoever?

2015-03-19 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hello Henry

Am 19.03.2015 um 17:29 schrieb Mican Jindrich:
> Hello Alexander,
> 1)That´s great news. JI meant that on forum, there are mostly no answers
> since January, mostly are people asking, but in 2014 you could see even
> answers, now no so much. I´ll check the link, thank you.
Yes, the users contribution in this list is unfortunately poor. Have you 
tried openthinclient-developer? This could be even poorer, but could also 
have more substance.

> 2)Well, it is called v1.8.2 but when I look in thinclient into command line
> and will write rdesktop –ver, it will show me 1.7.1 which is confusing,
> even when I selected 1.8.2 in manager.

The rdesktop package triggers the binary you have choosen in manager. One 
is part of the base, the second one is parte of the rdesktop package



> 3)I have already made some, but I think that my problem is mostly aimed
> somewhere else – more into compatibility issues with current hardware… more
> into rdp communication of card reader that I am using.. Driver works fine,
> but it is not forwarding attributes about card inside etc.

I think you need professional consultance.

Regards, Jörn

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conversation now.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Old packages - any help whatsoever?

2015-03-19 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hello Henry,

are you sure trying on openthincleint version 2.x? OTC is still being 
developed. We have just released Version 2.1.

Have you read:

Regards, Jörn

Am 19.03.2015 um 16:16 schrieb Mican Jindrich:
> Hello,
> sorry for quite a lot messages, but I wanted to ask just few question…
> hopefully they will be ever answered…
> 1)Is this project even alive? I don´t see any answers since year 2015. I am
> trying to make some breakthrough in using OTC but without help I will be
> probably damned – already playing with it for almost 2 weeks.
> 2)Will there be new packages for rdesktop or smart-card lite … (or well
> pcsc-lite) which are out and are actually improving something..?
> 3)Is there a way to get explained how to make something which comes in
> tar.bz2 to be tcos/deb file… I am kinda trying to learn it all, but it is
> hard when I am getting into linux stuff for 11days (even that I think I
> have made great progress)
> 4)I could even assist with helping community if I would get more
> information how to actually work with OTC in general and would be able to
> create something valuable… But without answers, I can hardly get more far
> than I am.
> I am kind of sad that I see such a project being frozen in time..
> Hopefully I will have some answers from someone…
> Thank you
> “Henry” – J.M.
> --
> Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, sponsored
> by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
> things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to
> news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the
> conversation now.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, sponsored
by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to
news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the 
conversation now.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Custom resolution in Consus

2014-09-21 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Graham,

your mentioned screenshot applies to version 1.x. only. You should use 
version 2.x (a.k.a. consus).

Sorry, the translation (to english) of our documentaion still lacks. Please 
see this 
german screenshot on how to configure displays in version 2.x.
I just noticed, that the resolution you're looking for is not part of the 
list. There will be a update soon.

But any way, you need to ensure, that your hardware has a propper xrandr 
support. Please open a xtern (Ctrl+Alt+X) in a running consus client and 
type "xrandr -q" and look for your connectors names and their resolutions.

Regards, Jörn

Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 19.09.2014 um 11:38 schrieb Graham Brown:
> Hi,
> I need to create a resolution of 1366 x 768 for an LED monitor. I followed
> the instructions here:
> But, there is no modeline option.
> Has anyone been able to do this? Any pointers
> Thanks
> Graham
> 2974-AffinIT-logo-RGB
> t 01892 518915
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> w 
> AffinIT Ltd, The Warehouse, 1 Draper Street, Southborough, Kent, TN4 0PG
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> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Elotouch ET1715L not working

2014-09-19 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hello Stéphane,

can you povide a USB-ID?

Regards, Jörn

Am 18.09.2014 um 18:02 schrieb Stéphane Jacques:
> Hello,
> I try to use an Elotouch ET1715L (USB) touchscreen but unfortunately it's not 
> working.
> The screen works on Windows systems, but not on OTC-Client. I use the last 
> release of Consus 2.0-21 (release : 04-09-2014).
> Please help. :)
> Thank you.
> --
> Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC Manager on Consus Desktop - JAVA

2014-09-19 Thread Jörn Frenzel
No, there is no java at the moment.

Regards, Jörn

Am 18.09.2014 um 14:45 schrieb Thomas Bayard:
> Hi all,
> Is there no JAVA integrated in CONSUS? Because in the Minerva version I
> could made a CMD application with the command:
> *'/opt/sun-java6-jre/javaws/javaws' http://server_ip:8080/console/launch.jnlp*
> to use the open thinclient manager from the desktop
> Kind regards
> Thomas Bayard
> =
> *Bradford Exchange Services Ltd.
> *PC/LAN-Supporter
> IT
> Jöchlerweg 2
> CH-6340 Baar
> Tel. +4141 / 768'58'43
> =.
> --
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> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-07-22 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Julian,

should be fixable. But this is not our main focus at the moment. You could 
order this for money.

Regards, Jörn

Am 21.07.2014 12:58, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> Ohm & Meyer Immobilien

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] You have not chosen to trust

2014-07-21 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Let's enlight this more detailed. Copying your certs in to 
openthinclient\server\default\data\nfs\root\custom\packages is not sufficent.

- Your certs need to be in pem format.
- You need to c_rehash your keystore.
- c_rehash insists to get unix-linefeeded input files, or it will do nothing.
- If you have a self signed cert, you may need to import your own CA too.

Regards, Jörn

Am 18.07.2014 08:26, schrieb Gerken, Malte / CBH-Rechtsanwälte, Köln:
> Hi Jason,
> you can still use your Windows Server.
> Make a .tar.gz with your certificate and copy it to your server in the
> openthinclient\server\default\data\nfs\root\custom\packages
> After that it will works.
> Best Regards,
> Malte
> *Von:*Jason Coyne []
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014 18:35
> *An:* ''
> *Betreff:* [openthinclient-user] You have not chosen to trust
> I setup OTC and am using PXE to boot thin clients.
> I'm trying to setup my citrix receiver and I get this error "you have not
> chosen to trust 'blah blah Go Daddy Group blah blah' the issuer of the
> server's security certificate (SSL error 61)".
> I have the proper certificate to use to trust the server's certificate I
> just don't know where to put it so the client gets it.
> For instance, if I wasn't using PXE and I booted up a HP thin client I
> would copy our citrix.cer file to "/usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts" to
> the HP client then reboot. Then I could boot into my citrix VM with the HP.
> Where would I put that file to have all my PXE boot clients pick up that
> cert file? Right now I have OTC installed on a Windows 2008 server but I
> could also install it on a linux machine.
> Any recommendations?
> Thanks
> ---
> Salina Vortex® Corporation
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> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-06-26 Thread Jörn Frenzel
No problem, your decision.

But to make in clear again. There is no issue with the chipset. It is just 
a problem with the VIA graphiccard and not a Problem of the Kernel as the 
threads name may suggests.

Kind regards, Jörn

Am 26.06.2014 12:14, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> Normally you're right. But consus does not support my chipset. And
> everything special I need is
> Wlan
> Rdesktop
> So Minerva is working fine. Does everything I need. Just the wlan from my
> notebook does not work at this time. There I must have a closer look
> Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Julian Ohm
> --
> Ohm & Meyer Immobilien e. K.
> Inh. Gabor Sarkany
> Schiffbrücke 66
> 24939 Flensburg
> Tel.: 0461 / 840 31 0
> Fax.: 0461 / 840 31 11
> HRA 2190 FL
> Haftungsbeschränkungen/Disclaimer
> Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen und ist ausschließlich
> für den Adressaten bestimmt. Der Gebrauch durch Dritte ist verboten. Das
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> prohibited. The Company is neither liable for the proper and complete
> transmission of the message nor for the delay in its receipt.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014 11:09
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error
> Hi Julian,
> i think it's a bad idea to ride a dead hors. Minerva i no longer supported.
> All the development focuses now on version 2.
> Regard, Jörn
> Am 26.06.2014 10:28, schrieb Julian Ohm:
>> Hi Jörn,
>> ok seems like consus  is not the enviroment i need to use. Minerva
>> works fine for me. I just have the problem, that I can't get the wlan
>> from out notebooks working. So perhaps it's easier to get wlan working
>> in Minerva as getting via chipset working in consus.
>> Best regards / Mit freundlichem Gruß
>> Julian Ohm
>> --
>> Ohm & Meyer Immobilien e. K.
>> Inh. Gabor Sarkany
>> Schiffbrücke 66
>> 24939 Flensburg
>> Tel.: 0461 / 840 31 0
>> Fax.: 0461 / 840 31 11
>> HRA 2190 FL
>> Haftungsbeschränkungen/Disclaimer
>> Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen und ist
>> ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Der Gebrauch durch Dritte
>> ist verboten. Das Unternehmen ist nicht verantwortlich für die
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>> Nachricht. Diese Hinweise gelten auch für zukünftige Nachrichten.
>> This message may contain confidential information and is intended
>> solely for the use by the addressee. Use of this communication by
>> others is prohibited. The Company is neither liable for the proper and
>> complete transmission of the message nor for the delay in its receipt.
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014 10:10
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error
>> Hi Julian,
>> Yepp, you run into our lovely problem with all via graphic chipsets.
>> Background: Openthinclient does no longer support the old proprietary
>> via module since they (via company) stopped the the development for
>> kernel more recent than 3.8 . *bam*!
>> So we're forced to use the xserver-xorg-openchrome module. At this
>> very moment this module needs to be debugged. It constantly sends the
>> X-output to some internal connector which is physically not present.
>> This looks like a bunch of work. Any financial support is appreciated.
>> Please contact Alexander.
>> Regards, Jörn
>> Am 25.06.2014 14:09, schrieb Julian Ohm:
>>> Hi Jörn,
>>> I tried the lspci on working Minerva, so here is the output. If
>>> needed I
>> can try to get the output on consus this night.
>>> $ sudo lspci
>>> :00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8623 [Apollo
>>> CLE266]
>>> :00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro26

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-06-26 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Julian,

i think it's a bad idea to ride a dead hors. Minerva i no longer supported. 
All the development focuses now on version 2.

Regard, Jörn

Am 26.06.2014 10:28, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> Hi Jörn,
> ok seems like consus  is not the enviroment i need to use. Minerva works
> fine for me. I just have the problem, that I can't get the wlan from out
> notebooks working. So perhaps it's easier to get wlan working in Minerva as
> getting via chipset working in consus.
> Best regards / Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Julian Ohm
> --
> Ohm & Meyer Immobilien e. K.
> Inh. Gabor Sarkany
> Schiffbrücke 66
> 24939 Flensburg
> Tel.: 0461 / 840 31 0
> Fax.: 0461 / 840 31 11
> HRA 2190 FL
> Haftungsbeschränkungen/Disclaimer
> Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen und ist ausschließlich
> für den Adressaten bestimmt. Der Gebrauch durch Dritte ist verboten. Das
> Unternehmen ist nicht verantwortlich für die ordnungsgemäße, vollständige
> oder verzögerungsfreie Übertragung dieser Nachricht. Diese Hinweise gelten
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> for the use by the addressee. Use of this communication by others is
> prohibited. The Company is neither liable for the proper and complete
> transmission of the message nor for the delay in its receipt.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014 10:10
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error
> Hi Julian,
> Yepp, you run into our lovely problem with all via graphic chipsets.
> Background: Openthinclient does no longer support the old proprietary via
> module since they (via company) stopped the the development for kernel more
> recent than 3.8 . *bam*!
> So we're forced to use the xserver-xorg-openchrome module. At this very
> moment this module needs to be debugged. It constantly sends the X-output to
> some internal connector which is physically not present.
> This looks like a bunch of work. Any financial support is appreciated.
> Please contact Alexander.
> Regards, Jörn
> Am 25.06.2014 14:09, schrieb Julian Ohm:
>> Hi Jörn,
>> I tried the lspci on working Minerva, so here is the output. If needed I
> can try to get the output on consus this night.
>> $ sudo lspci
>> :00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8623 [Apollo
>> CLE266]
>> :00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266
>> AGP]
>> :00:09.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1510 PC card Cardbus
>> Controller
>> :00:10.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB
>> 1.1 Controller (rev 80)
>> :00:10.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB
>> 1.1 Controller (rev 80)
>> :00:10.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB
>> 1.1 Controller (rev 80)
>> :00:10.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 82)
>> :00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8235 ISA Bridge
>> :00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc.
>> VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
>> :00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
>> VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)
>> :00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102
>> [Rhine-II] (rev 74)
>> :01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8623
>> [Apollo CLE266] integrated CastleRock graphics (rev 03)
>> Mit freundlichem Gruß
>> Julian Ohm
>> --
>> Ohm & Meyer Immobilien e. K.
>> Inh. Gabor Sarkany
>> Schiffbrücke 66
>> 24939 Flensburg
>> Tel.: 0461 / 840 31 0
>> Fax.: 0461 / 840 31 11
>> HRA 2190 FL
>> Haftungsbeschränkungen/Disclaimer
>> Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen und ist
>> ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Der Gebrauch durch Dritte
>> ist verboten. Das Unternehmen ist nicht verantwortlich für die
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>> Nachricht. Diese Hinweise gelten auch für zukünftige Nachrichten.
>> This message may contain confidential information and is intended
>> solely for the use by the addressee. Use of this communication by
>> others is prohibited. The Company is neither liable for the proper and
>> comple

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-06-26 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Julian,

Yepp, you run into our lovely problem with all via graphic chipsets. 
Background: Openthinclient does no longer support the old proprietary via 
module since they (via company) stopped the the development for kernel more 
recent than 3.8 . *bam*!

So we're forced to use the xserver-xorg-openchrome module. At this very 
moment this module needs to be debugged. It constantly sends the X-output 
to some internal connector which is physically not present.

This looks like a bunch of work. Any financial support is appreciated. 
Please contact Alexander.

Regards, Jörn

Am 25.06.2014 14:09, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> Hi Jörn,
> I tried the lspci on working Minerva, so here is the output. If needed I can 
> try to get the output on consus this night.
> $ sudo lspci
> :00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8623 [Apollo CLE266]
> :00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]
> :00:09.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1510 PC card Cardbus 
> Controller
> :00:10.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 
> Controller (rev 80)
> :00:10.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 
> Controller (rev 80)
> :00:10.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 
> Controller (rev 80)
> :00:10.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 82)
> :00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8235 ISA Bridge
> :00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
> VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
> :00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
> VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)
> :00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] 
> (rev 74)
> :01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8623 [Apollo 
> CLE266] integrated CastleRock graphics (rev 03)
> Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Julian Ohm
> --
> Ohm & Meyer Immobilien e. K.
> Inh. Gabor Sarkany
> Schiffbrücke 66
> 24939 Flensburg
> Tel.: 0461 / 840 31 0
> Fax.: 0461 / 840 31 11
> HRA 2190 FL
> Haftungsbeschränkungen/Disclaimer
> Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen und ist ausschließlich
> für den Adressaten bestimmt. Der Gebrauch durch Dritte ist verboten. Das
> Unternehmen ist nicht verantwortlich für die ordnungsgemäße, vollständige
> oder verzögerungsfreie Übertragung dieser Nachricht. Diese Hinweise gelten
> auch für zukünftige Nachrichten.
> This message may contain confidential information and is intended solely
> for the use by the addressee. Use of this communication by others is
> prohibited. The Company is neither liable for the proper and complete
> transmission of the message nor for the delay in its receipt.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jörn Frenzel []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014 11:51
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error
> Hi Julian,
> can you login via console (CTRL+ALT+F1), or does the system freeze completely?
> If possible in any way, please send us the output of "lspci -k" and a 
> detailed description of your hardware.
> Regards, Jörn
> Am 25.06.2014 11:33, schrieb Julian Ohm:
>> hi Jörn,
>> I don't know, but maybe. Just searched around google and found something 
>> like "via c3" and "VT8623 (Apollo CLE266) integrated CastleRock graphics - 
>> Mit freundlichem Gruß
>> Julian Ohm
> --
> Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse Turn 
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> The Open Source Thin Client Solution 
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> Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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> Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
> __

Re: [openthinclient-user] dhcpclient

2014-06-25 Thread Jörn Frenzel

There is no standard way to switch this modes. But i would like to add some 
instructions to our documentation.

Shouldn't we start with the mode you actual need?
a), b),c) ?

Am 25.06.2014 11:57, schrieb Massimo Balestrieri:
> Hi,
> thank you
> But How can I switch to those modality?
> Jörn Frenzel  <>> ha scritto:
>> Hi Massimo,
>> openthinclient does not use the the programm dhcpclient. It uses udhcp in
>> the init process.
>> There are multilpe ways to get and/or update the hostname in the DNS. What
>> do you want to do?
>> a) Obtain the client name from the openthinclient manager and update this
>> name to your DNS (triggered by the client).
>> b) Let the client obtain its name from the DHCP server and update this name
>> to your DNS (triggered by the client).
>> c) Let the DHCP server update the client name to your DNS without
>> interaction of the client.
>> Regards, Jörn
>> Am 25.06.2014 09:41, schrieb Massimo Balestrieri:
>>> Hi,
>>> Openthinclient 2 base.sfs the dhcpclient is not installed and when it gets
>>> the address don't send hostname to dhcp for update dns

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] PXE problems

2014-06-25 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Phillip,

on some mainboards you need to explicitly "enable the bootrom" in BIOS. 
Setting the LAN as first match in the boot order isn't always sufficient.

But, if you NIC does not support PXE boot at all ... no openthinclient. Sorry!

Add a secondary card?

Regards, Jörn

Am 25.06.2014 11:16, schrieb Philipp Junghannß:
> We have some older Bluechip PCs which for some weird reason cannot boot
> over PXE.
> Adding insult to injury, they aren't even recognized within the OTC
> Management program.
> does anyone have an Idea?

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-06-25 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Julian,

can you login via console (CTRL+ALT+F1), or does the system freeze completely?

If possible in any way, please send us the output of "lspci -k" and a 
detailed description of your hardware.

Regards, Jörn

Am 25.06.2014 11:33, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> hi Jörn,
> I don't know, but maybe. Just searched around google and found something like 
> "via c3" and "VT8623 (Apollo CLE266) integrated CastleRock graphics - BUS 
> AGP4X"
> Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Julian Ohm

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] dhcpclient

2014-06-25 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Massimo,

openthinclient does not use the the programm dhcpclient. It uses udhcp in 
the init process.

There are multilpe ways to get and/or update the hostname in the DNS. What 
do you want to do?

a) Obtain the client name from the openthinclient manager and update this 
name to your DNS (triggered by the client).

b) Let the client obtain its name from the DHCP server and update this name 
to your DNS (triggered by the client).

c) Let the DHCP server update the client name to your DNS without 
interaction of the client.

Regards, Jörn

Am 25.06.2014 09:41, schrieb Massimo Balestrieri:
> Hi,
> Openthinclient 2 base.sfs the dhcpclient is not installed and when it gets
> the address don't send hostname to dhcp for update dns

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-06-25 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Julian,

let me guess. You have an VIA graphics chipset?

Regards, Jörn

Am 24.06.2014 10:57, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> Hi
> After updating sources.list to testing and using 2.0.20 base the boot works 
> until
> I would say until to that point when it tries to start the xserver. At this 
> point the system hangs and I find no error message.
> Someone an idea where to look for errors?
> Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Julian Ohm

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus CPU Kernel error

2014-06-21 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Julian,

the job is done already. The non-pae kernel ist part of openthinclient 
since base 2.0-20 (see changelog). Just asign the non-pae-kernel to your 
old client. Go to the clients properties in the manager and use 
"vmlinuz_non-pae" as name of kernel.

Good luck!

Am 21.06.2014 12:42, schrieb Julian Ohm:
> Hi Steffen,
> i just have installed the docker vm. Seems to work.
> I can see a kernel config "non-pae" in the core/Sources directory made
> yesterday. So did you made this config and build a non-pae kernel?
> Am Sonntag, den 15.06.2014, 22:59 +0200 schrieb Hönig, Steffen:
>> Hi Julian,
>> sure there is :)
>> Just clone this repo
>>, install the
>> tcos-dev utilities
>> from and
>> adapt the config to a non-pae kernel. As an alternative to this
>> procedure you may experiment with our "developer
>> vm" (
>>   Unfortunately there is no detailed howto for package developer as of
>> yet, but you may share your experiences
>> at So other people
>> could benefit of your experiences as well !
>> 2014-06-15 17:01 GMT+02:00 Julian Ohm :
>>  Hi
>>  I installed Consus and tried to boot my thinclients. But I get
>>  an error:
>>  This Kernel requires features that are not present on cpu:
>>  Pae cx8
>>  Is there a way to build a kernel that does not use this kernel
>>  flags?
>>  Best regards / Mit freundlichem Gruß
>>  Julian Ohm
>>  --
>>  Haftungsbeschränkungen/Disclaimer
>>  Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen und ist
>>  ausschließlich
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>>  others is
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>>  complete
>>  transmission of the message nor for the delay in its receipt.
>> --
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>> --
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>> Steffen Hönig
>> --
>> Development & Support
>> openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden
>> Frühlingstr. 11, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland
>> Telefon: +49 35141886215-1
>> Mobil:   +49 176 99635238
>> mailto:
>> openthinclient gmbh
>> Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, Deutschland
>> Telefon: +49 711 1378636-0
>> Telefax: +49 711 1378636-9
>> Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
>> Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher
>> --
>> HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
>> Find What Matters Most in Your Big Data with HPCC Systems
>> Open Source. Fast. Scalable. Simple. Ideal for Dirty Data.
>> Leverages Graph Analysis for Fast Processing & Easy Data Exploration
>> ___ The Open Source Thin Client 
>> Solution 
> --
> HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
> Find What Matters Most in Your Big Data with HPCC Systems
> Open Source. Fast. Scalable. Simple. Ideal for Dirty Data.
> Leverages Graph Analysis for Fast Processing & Easy Data Exploration
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution ht

Re: [openthinclient-user] mount IDE CDROM

2014-06-20 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Erik,

sorry, i did not know, that the ata stuff is disabled (deprecated)  in the 
kernel default configuration. For sure we all will need this to support 
older hardware (not uncommon in the thinclient business).

Expect ata support with next base update.

Anyway, it could be i good idea to explore the develop stuff (as Steffen 
already mentioned).

Regards, Jörn

Am 19.06.2014 15:23, schrieb Erik Walker:
> Hi folks,
> i am trying to rollout OTC Consus to a hundred of old tower-computers. For
> this I need to connect to the internal ide-cd rom. SATA works without
> problems but the computers mostly have ide installed.
> can anyone help?
> --
> mfg
> Erik

HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Find What Matters Most in Your Big Data with HPCC Systems
Open Source. Fast. Scalable. Simple. Ideal for Dirty Data.
Leverages Graph Analysis for Fast Processing & Easy Data Exploration
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Static IP/Statische IP

2014-05-23 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hello Phillip,

Am 23.05.2014 10:31, schrieb Philipp Junghannß:
> (English below)
> Hallo, mal ne Frage, gibt es eine möglichkeit für die Clients direkt feste
> IPs einzustellen, ohne dass man DHCP reservierungen bzw. statisches DHCP
> anlegt?


> Hello, I have a question.
> is there a way to directly set static IPs to the clients without using DHCP
> reservations/static DHCP?


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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] change display resolution

2014-05-22 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Sebastian,

i just double checked it. It works definetly!

user: tcos
pwd: 0pen%TC

Do you use a secondary LDAP for user and groups? This could explain your 

Regards, Jörn

Am 22.05.2014 09:09, schrieb Sebastian Klempin:
> Hi Jörn.
> Base 2.0.18
> Gruß Sebastian
> 2014-05-21 11:13 GMT+02:00 Jörn Frenzel  <>>:
> Which base do you use?
> Am 21.05.2014 09:35, schrieb Sebastian Klempin:
>  > Hello Jön.
>  >
>  > Thanks for the tip with xrandr.
>  > It worked.
>  > DVI is HDMI1, logical. ;)
>  >
>  > But the SSH user tcos dont't with all known default passwords.
>  >
>  >
>  > Gruß Sebastian
> --
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Re: [openthinclient-user] change display resolution

2014-05-21 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Which base do you use?

Am 21.05.2014 09:35, schrieb Sebastian Klempin:
> Hello Jön.
> Thanks for the tip with xrandr.
> It worked.
> DVI is HDMI1, logical. ;)
> But the SSH user tcos dont't with all known default passwords.
> Gruß Sebastian
> login as: tcos
> tcos@ <mailto:tcos@>'s password:
> Access denied
> 2014-05-20 17:00 GMT+02:00 Jörn Frenzel  <>>:
> Hi Sebastian,
> you need to find out the name of your display connector. Start without an
> assigned display and use "xrandr -q" to get the name.
> The username for autologon is "tcos".
> Regards, Jörn
> Am 20.05.2014 16:31, schrieb Sebastian Klempin:
>  > A thin client /monitor must be operated with a non-native resolution.
>  > (1024x768)
>  > How do i create the device? Intuitively not reach the goal.
>  > The monitor remains black after starting the x-server.
>  > It is a ZOTAC ID18 mini-PC.
>  > The monitor (22 "natriv 1650X) is connected to DVI.
>  > otcs-consus.
>  >
>  > ​
>  >
>  > In addition:
>  > What is the SSH user?
>  > The default password is supposed 0pen%TC. , but what is the username?
>  > root, openthinclient don't match.
> --
> "Accelerate Dev Cycles with Automated Cross-Browser Testing - For FREE
> Instantly run your Selenium tests across 300+ browser/OS combos.
> Get unparalleled scalability from the best Selenium testing platform available
> Simple to use. Nothing to install. Get started now for free."
> ___
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Simple to use. Nothing to install. Get started now for free."
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] change display resolution

2014-05-20 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Sebastian,

you need to find out the name of your display connector. Start without an 
assigned display and use "xrandr -q" to get the name.

The username for autologon is "tcos".

Regards, Jörn

Am 20.05.2014 16:31, schrieb Sebastian Klempin:
> A thin client /monitor must be operated with a non-native resolution.
> (1024x768)
> How do i create the device? Intuitively not reach the goal.
> The monitor remains black after starting the x-server.
> It is a ZOTAC ID18 mini-PC.
> The monitor (22 "natriv 1650X) is connected to DVI.
> otcs-consus.
> ​
> In addition:
> What is the SSH user?
> The default password is supposed 0pen%TC. , but what is the username?
> root, openthinclient don't match.
> Greeting Sebastian Klempin

"Accelerate Dev Cycles with Automated Cross-Browser Testing - For FREE
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] automatic shutdown vs. normal shutdown

2014-03-05 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Users,

there is no cron-daemon in openthinclient-OS - not in version 1.x and also 
not in version 2.x. That means the way of Piotr and Gary is the rigth one.

Please also try "init 0" as shutdown command in case of doubt.

Kind regards, Jörn

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jörn Frenzel

Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

Am 05.03.2014 23:09, schrieb Piotr Bzdyl:
> Hi,
> I haven't tried that with openthinclient but try to use following script
> for your manual shutdown script:
> shutdown -c || shutdown -h now
> shutdown -c will cancel the shutdown scheduled (if any) and then shutdown
> the system with shutdown -h now
> Best regards,
> Piotrek
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Andreas Mayer  <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> with my non existing linux knowledge I thought that I found out, that
> cronjobs don't work. I also had the idea to do it with a cronjob.
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> Am Di, 04.3.14 22:45, schrieb Julian Ohm:
>  > Hi Andreas,
>  >
>  > Have you tried a cronjob Solution? Start the shutdown by cronjob and
> not trough your application which Starts the shutdown process at System
> Start
>  >
>  > I don't know whether cronjob works on OTC. It's just an idea
>  >
>  > Best regards
>  > Julian
>  >
>  > Von meinem iPad gesendet
>  >
>  >> Am 04.03.2014 um 21:06 schrieb Andreas Mayer  <>>:
>  >>
>  >> Hello,
>  >>
>  >> I still have the problem that automatic shutdown of the thinclients
> does
>  >> not work and some clients in my school run for serveral days or weeks.
>  >>
>  >> When I create an application like
>  >>
>  >> sudo shutdown -h 20:30
>  >>
>  >> the client shuts down at 20:30. This is good for automatoc
> stuhdown, but when a user tries to shutdown a client manually, she
> shutdown process waits until 20:30 o'clock.
>  >> It seems that shutdown can only be run once.
>  >>
>  >> As we have also fatclients in our network, I don't want our pupil
> tu poweroff the thinclient by pressing the powerbutton.
>  >>
>  >> Any ideas to solve the problem?
>  >>
>  >> Thanks,
>  >>
>  >> Andreas
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
> --
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> <>
>  >>
>  >
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> Perforce.
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>  >
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>  > The Open Source Thin Client Solution
>  >
> <>
>  >
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> Perforce.
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Re: [openthinclient-user] Nvidia Twinview / RDP

2014-02-13 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Andreas,

are you using version 1.x or version 2.x of openthinclient OS?

With version 2.x  we're able to provide rdesktop and freerdp in recent 
versions, which will fix this issue. Rdektop 1.7.x is already available.

Kind regards ...

Jörn Frenzel

Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden
Frühlingstr. 11, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 351 41886215-0
Mobil:   +49 151 15045381

Am 13.02.2014 08:17, schrieb Andreas von der Reith:
> Hi!
> I would like to use  Nvidia Twin view with two displays. I want to connect
> to an Windows 2008 R2 Terminalserver. I have installed a test system with a
> Nvidia NVS290 graphics card. The desktop is stretched across the two
> displays. But if I connect to the Windows Server I get one big screen. The
> start button is on screen one on the left side. The Windows clock is on the
> right side of screen two. If I start an application in full screen modus it
> is stretched over both screens.
> On Windows 7 I get one screen with start button an clock (Screen one). The
> second screen is blank. An started application is only full screen on one
> screen. So I can have to applications, each on one screen simply by
> clicking on “maximize”. Is this possible with OTC?
> Thanks
> Andreas
> --
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Re: [openthinclient-user] IBM 5250 emulation - supported languages

2014-02-06 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Zdenek,

of course i'll encourage everyone to update to version 2.x. But in this 
case it does not matter, because the verison of the IBM package you'll get 
for version 2.x is just the same than in version 1.x.

It looks like czech charset is not part of the package, even it is offering 
this language. In case there is a czech version, we could easily implement it.

Feel free to contact me.

Regards, Jörn

Am 02.02.2014 21:53, schrieb
> Dear Users,
> I successfully installed the app IBM 5250 emulation into my OpenThinClient
> enviroment. I need to start this app with other language than EN or DE. In
> my case I need to use the Czech character set cs_CZ (iSeries code page
> 2975). I tried to switch it through the manual parameter "-LANGID cs_CZ"
> but unsuccessfully. The parameter "-LANGID de_DE" or "-LANGID en_EN" works
> well. Has somebody ever tried to use other language than EN or DE for IBM 
> 5250?
> I'm running OTC version 1; have not upgraded to the newer release yet
> Any guidance would be appreciated
> Thank you,
> Zdenek
> --
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Re: [openthinclient-user] SSL Error 61 when connecting to Citrix Netscaler

2014-02-04 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Aleks,

expect the documentation for version 2.x step by step. But there are no big 
differences in handling. It's more the underlaying OS.

Regards, Jörn

Am 04.02.2014 14:18, schrieb Al Hen:
> Hi Jörn,
> I downloaded the Consus Appliance and have it installed so as soon as the
> 2.0.11 has been release we'll have a go at it.
> Is this process also generally documented or will the documentation become
> available once 2.0-11 comes out?
> Cheers
> Aleks
> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:47:26 +0100
> From: J?rn Frenzel  >
> Subject: Re: [openthinclient-user] SSL Error 61 when connecting to
>  Citrix Netscaler
> To:
> Message-ID: <
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Aleks,
> i'm assuming that you're running a version 1.x because the citrix folder is
> not writeable.
> I strongly recommend to use Version 2.x . This will solve your problem. In
> version 2.x the whole filesystem is writeable. This allows you to place
> your certs.
> Get
> Expect a update (base-2.0-11) for version 2.x next week. We'll implement
> the old custom-folder feature. Than you'll be able to place a tgz (with
> your files inside) in the servers folder
> /opt/openthinclient/server/default/data/nfs/root/custom/root-fs/.
> These files will be fetched on client startup and extracted on top of the
> clients root-filesystem (/).
> Good luck!
> Regards, J?rn
> --
> Managing the Performance of Cloud-Based Applications
> Take advantage of what the Cloud has to offer - Avoid Common Pitfalls.
> Read the Whitepaper.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Managing the Performance of Cloud-Based Applications
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] SSL Error 61 when connecting to Citrix Netscaler

2014-01-31 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Aleks,

i'm assuming that you're running a version 1.x because the citrix folder is 
not writeable.

I strongly recommend to use Version 2.x . This will solve your problem. In 
version 2.x the whole filesystem is writeable. This allows you to place 
your certs.


Expect a update (base-2.0-11) for version 2.x next week. We'll implement 
the old custom-folder feature. Than you'll be able to place a tgz (with 
your files inside) in the servers folder


These files will be fetched on client startup and extracted on top of the 
clients root-filesystem (/).

Good luck!

Regards, Jörn

Am 30.01.2014 10:58, schrieb Al Hen:
> Nobody with a hint or tip on how to copy some certificates into the Citrix
> Receiver keystore..? I think it would benefit a lot of potential users to
> be able to login into a remote Citrix Site using Firefox.
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Al Hen  > wrote:
> I've been running some tests with openthinclient to see if I can
> connect to my workplace which is behind a Citrix Netscaler on the 
> internet.
> Using the VMWare  Virtual Appliance with an Intel based Thinclient
> using PXE boot.
> After booting, using the Firefox application to connect to the website
> on the internet , after logging in and starting a desktop I get this 
> error:
> you have not chosen to trust  of the server's security
> certificate.
> I can probably fix this by copying the correct certificates to the
> cacerts folder of the Citrix Receiver.
> However when I try this, I get this error:
> cannot create regular file /opt/ica-client-12/keystore/cacerts/cert.crt
> Read-only file system
> Is there a way to make this work..?
> Cheers
> Aleks
> --
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[openthinclient-user] sneak preview - build your own packages for version 2

2014-01-27 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Users,

as Mark guessed right on the dev-list, the old tcos-dev environment will 
not work with version 2. The new way to build packages is similar to the 
old one and the new tcos-dev tools are ready to use now. Use it in the same 
way like in version 1.x .

Please download the latest tcos-dev_2.0.0-XX_i386.deb or 
tcos-dev_2.0.0-XX_amd64.deb from

Throw it into a Debian Wheezy using "dpkg -i" but install the following 
packages beforehand.

apt-get install openssh-server build-essential git autotools-dev 
build-essential debhelper devscripts dh-make fakeroot squashfs-tools 
gcc-multilib apt-utils apache2 java-package xserver-xorg apache2 
debconf-utils debbootstrap screen ipython

Last week we started to consolidate all the dev-stuff and we hope to give 
you more detailed instructions for version 2.x soon. Please be patient one 
more week. Expect a compact howtow about "creating your own packages" and 
"building your own base".

By the way guys ... what about a developer weekend in spring or summer?

Kind regards, Jörn

Am 27.01.2014 17:54, schrieb Stecher, Alexander:
> Hallo,
> das ist ein Bug vom eingesetzten FreeRDP, der bei gewissen Konstellationen
> mit dem Vollbildmodus Probleme macht.
> Workaround: die gewünschte Auflösung "hart" im FreeRDP einstellen und dem
> Client entsprechend zuweisen.
> Für Consus ist FreeRDP noch nicht verfügbar.
> Alexander Stecher
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. (BA)
> Telefon: +49 711 1378636-1
> Handy:   +49 151 2761 2961
> openthinclient gmbh
> Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, Deutschland
> Telefon: +49 711 1378636-0
> Telefax: +49 711 1378636-9
> Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245177; USt-ID: DE216017092
> Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher
> Am 27. Januar 2014 14:05 schrieb Daniel Zabel  >:
> Hallo zusammen,
> ich habe das Problem, dass ich einige Arbeitsplätze auf eine Terminal
> Lösung umziehen muss. Die Plätze sind teilweise mit zwei Monitoren
> ausgestattet. Dadurch kommt an diesen Plätzen, wie mir schient nur
> FreeRDP in frage.
> Ich habe jetzt eine Testumgebung aufgebaut um die Konfiguration zu
> testen. Leider scheint bei mir der Fullscreen Modus nicht zu
> funktionieren, da zwar in der Startleiste die Anwendung auftaucht und
> nach einer kurzen Zeit wieder verschwindet. Ich meine auch gesehen zu
> haben, dass das bei anderen auf vorkommt, jedoch habe ich keine Lösung
> gefunden um drum herum zu arbeiten.
> Ich habe das mit Minerva und Consus probiert. Beim letzteren habe ich
> erst später gesehen, dass das noch nicht eingebaut ist. Arbeitsplätze
> mit einem Bildschirm kann und werde ich das mit rdesktop in Angriff 
> nehmen.
> Hat da jemand einen Tip für mich?
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Daniel Zabel
> --
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Can't mount installed applications on the Thin client

2014-01-20 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Users,

sorry Steffen, but technically it will not work to use the old packages 
because of the new squashfs implementation. The format of sfs-files changed 
and older sfs are no longer readable in OTC version 2.

Please never, ever mix up repos!

Regards, Jörn

Am 16.01.2014 12:31, schrieb Steffen Hönig:
> Dear Mark and Mahmoud,
> there is only a limited possibility of providing compatibilities for
> the mentioned packages. Due to the different filesystem structure and
> python libs, the typical launcher script changed a great deal.
> Technically you can mount a v1 package, but as you guys experienced,
> the launcher will only work partially if at all.
> Greetings  from Dresden
> Steffen
> On Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:30:46 AM CET, Mark D-B wrote:
>> Dear Mahmoud et al,
>>It was not clear to me that the "usual" applications, such as
>> FireFox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, do not yet exist in the v2 package
>> library. Mahmoud's posts however suggested to me that this may be the
>> case. Looking at the v2 area, it is clear that there is only the
>> fundamental OTC content there at the moment. I have found that the
>> following content for sources.list provides the capability to add
>> applications without upsetting the core components:
>> # v1 - needed for packages that don't exist in v2 yet!
>> deb ./
>> # v2 rolling
>> deb
>> ./
>>However, I have the same issue as Mahmoud when trying to use the
>> v1repository for FireFox and LibreOffice - the icons appear on the
>> client desktop but they are not mounted into /opt so do not work. Is
>> it simply that we can't use v1 packages with v2?
>> All the best,
>> Mark
>> On 14/01/14 21:46, Mahmoud Ramadan Ali wrote:
>>> Hello and welcome every one...
>>> I have successfully installed OTC Consus V2 on Debian V6.2 and i have
>>> installed some applications on the OTC server like Gedit and GTK from
>>> OTC V1 repository and assigned
>>> the installed application to appear on  my OTC client but during the
>>> client boot process i can NOT see the applications mounted so i can
>>> NOT access them from the client after it's boot is a
>>> snapshot to how it's look like on the OTC client during the boot
>>> process...plz help me to resolve this issue and thanks in advance...
>>> Inline image 1
>>> --
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CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Can't mount installed applications on the Thin client

2014-01-20 Thread Jörn Frenzel
In the case there where no entry for iceweasel in the main menu, please 
update all tcos-* packages. Today we released updates which modify the menue.

Am 20.01.2014 12:33, schrieb Steffen Hönig:
> Hello Mark,
> by now Iceweasel is part of the base package without an explicit,
> configurable manager entry and thus not a package within the realm of
> our deb repository. You may start it from the menu though, which is
> located at the top right or define a custom command to have a desktop
> launcher file instead.
> Greetings,
> Stef'
> On Sun 19 Jan 2014 12:07:19 AM CET, Mark D-B wrote:
>> Dear Jörn,
>> Where is IceWeasel please? I've tried "Search for updates" on Package
>> Management but all I get as Installable packages are "ibm" and
>> "rdesktop". I can't see any IceWeasel files in
>> either.
>> All the best,
>> Mark
>> On 16/01/14 13:25, Jörn Frenzel wrote:
>>> What Steffen means is: Please do never ever mix up V1 and V2 packages.  Old
>>> packages are binary incompatible with the version due to a new version of
>>> squashfs.
>>> Cleanup your sources list to use only one version!
>>> Btw: You'll find some of the "usual packages" already inside the
>>> base-package. IceWeasel and rdesktop are build in.
>>> Please also check our updates regularly. We have released some new packages
>>> after "consus" was born.
>>> Regards, Jörn
>>> Am 16.01.2014 12:43, schrieb Mahmoud Ramadan Ali:
>>>> so do u mean that some v1 packages will work fine and the others not or all
>>>> v1 packages will not be mounted on OTC V2 and if so  i want to know how to
>>>> mount any v1 package...can u guide us please through the steps required for
>>>> that...
>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Steffen Hönig >>> <>> wrote:
>>>>   Dear Mark and Mahmoud,
>>>>   there is only a limited possibility of providing compatibilities for
>>>>   the mentioned packages. Due to the different filesystem structure and
>>>>   python libs, the typical launcher script changed a great deal.
>>>>   Technically you can mount a v1 package, but as you guys experienced,
>>>>   the launcher will only work partially if at all.
>>>>   Greetings  from Dresden
>>>>   Steffen
>>>>   On Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:30:46 AM CET, Mark D-B wrote:
>>>>> Dear Mahmoud et al,
>>>>>   It was not clear to me that the "usual" applications, such as
>>>>> FireFox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, do not yet exist in the v2 
>>>> package
>>>>> library. Mahmoud's posts however suggested to me that this may be 
>>>> the
>>>>> case. Looking at the v2 area, it is clear that there is only the
>>>>> fundamental OTC content there at the moment. I have found that the
>>>>> following content for sources.list provides the capability to add
>>>>> applications without upsetting the core components:
>>>>> # v1 - needed for packages that don't exist in v2 yet!
>>>>> deb 
>>>> ./
>>>>> # v2 rolling
>>>>> deb
>>>> ./
>>>>>   However, I have the same issue as Mahmoud when trying to use the
>>>>> v1repository for FireFox and LibreOffice - the icons appear on the
>>>>> client desktop but they are not mounted into /opt so do not work. 
>>>> Is
>>>>> it simply that we can't use v1 packages with v2?
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> On 14/01/14 21:46, Mahmoud Ramadan Ali wrote:
>>>>>> Hello an

Re: [openthinclient-user] Can't mount installed applications on the Thin client

2014-01-16 Thread Jörn Frenzel
As already mentioned, we have a some of the essentials now inside the base. 
Use IcesWeasel as browser.

More apps are planned. We'll do this according to what our customers have 
ordered. That means money would speed up the things.

Please feel free to order missed features. Stay tuned for feature bid tool.

Kind regards, Jörn

Am 16.01.2014 14:40, schrieb Mahmoud Ramadan Ali:
> Hello Friend...
> Ok i will clear the  V1 repository  since it's NOT compatible with OTC V2
> and i will add the V2 repository which is this link i found on the website
>  but i
> can't see too much applications on this repository such as Firefox and
> adobe flash player and many others...
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Jörn Frenzel  <>> wrote:
> What Steffen means is: Please do never ever mix up V1 and V2 packages.  
> Old
> packages are binary incompatible with the version due to a new version of
> squashfs.
> Cleanup your sources list to use only one version!
> Btw: You'll find some of the "usual packages" already inside the
> base-package. IceWeasel and rdesktop are build in.
> Please also check our updates regularly. We have released some new 
> packages
> after "consus" was born.
> Regards, Jörn
> Am 16.01.2014 12:43, schrieb Mahmoud Ramadan Ali:
>  > so do u mean that some v1 packages will work fine and the others not
> or all
>  > v1 packages will not be mounted on OTC V2 and if so  i want to know
> how to
>  > mount any v1 package...can u guide us please through the steps
> required for
>  > that...
>  >
>  >
>  > On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Steffen Hönig
>  > <
> <>>> wrote:
>  >
>  > Dear Mark and Mahmoud,
>  >
>  > there is only a limited possibility of providing compatibilities 
> for
>  > the mentioned packages. Due to the different filesystem
> structure and
>  > python libs, the typical launcher script changed a great deal.
>  >
>  > Technically you can mount a v1 package, but as you guys 
> experienced,
>  > the launcher will only work partially if at all.
>  >
>  > Greetings  from Dresden
>  > Steffen
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > On Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:30:46 AM CET, Mark D-B wrote:
>  >  > Dear Mahmoud et al,
>  >  >
>  >  >   It was not clear to me that the "usual" applications, such as
>  >  > FireFox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, do not yet exist in the v2
> package
>  >  > library. Mahmoud's posts however suggested to me that this
> may be the
>  >  > case. Looking at the v2 area, it is clear that there is only the
>  >  > fundamental OTC content there at the moment. I have found
> that the
>  >  > following content for sources.list provides the capability to 
> add
>  >  > applications without upsetting the core components:
>  >  >
>  >  > # v1 - needed for packages that don't exist in v2 yet!
>  >  > deb
> ./
>  >  >
>  >  > # v2 rolling
>  >  > deb
>  >  >
> ./
>  >  >
>  >  >   However, I have the same issue as Mahmoud when trying to
> use the
>  >  > v1repository for FireFox and LibreOffice - the icons appear
> on the
>  >  > client desktop but they are not mounted into /opt so do not
> work. Is
>  >  > it simply that we can't use v1 packages with v2?
>  >  >
>  >  > All the best,
>  >  >
>  >  > Mark
>  >  >
>  >  > On 14/01/14 21:46, Mahmoud Ramadan Ali wrote:
>  >  >> Hello and welcome every one...
>  >  >> I have successfully installed OTC Consus V2 on Debian V6.2
> and i have
>  >  >> installed some applications on the OTC server like Gedit and
> GTK from
>  >  >> OTC V1 repository and assigned
>  >  >> the

Re: [openthinclient-user] Consus virtual machine - Java 7 Update 51

2014-01-16 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Thanks to Mark for this hint.

We'll check this issue. The signing of our manager packet is already in 

Regards, Jörn

Am 16.01.2014 00:48, schrieb Mark D-B:
> Dear All,
> As I suspected would happen in my post below, Oracle have now made it so
> that the OTC Manager will not run with Java 7 Update 51.
> The temporary (not for a production server) solution is to add
> http://localhost:8080 to the site exceptions as described at
> This then allows it to bring up the same complaint box as it used to.
> All the best,
> Mark
> On 11/01/14 17:32, Mark D-B wrote:
>> Dear All,
>>  I am running the Consus VM, with a view to migrating to it because of
>> the rolling release support and reduced admin overhead. However, I am
>> confused by that fact that it says "Stopping openthinclient,org 1.0.0"
>> when it is closing down. I thought Consus was the first in the 2.x family?
>>  In order to install VirtualBox guest additions, I have done a sudo
>> apt-get update. Whether this is causing the following I don't know.
>>  When I start the manager, I get a complaint from Java that it does
>> not like the publisher being "UNKNOWN" and that running these will be
>> blocked in a future release. I have to tick the "I accept the risk and
>> want to run this application" box every time I start the manager.
>>  Also, I am getting nothing when I refresh "Installable packages". Is
>> there something wrong with the package settings in the VM?
>> All the best,
>> Mark
>> --
>> CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
>> Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
>> Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
>> Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
>> ___
>> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
> --
> CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
> Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
> Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
> Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Can't mount installed applications on the Thin client

2014-01-16 Thread Jörn Frenzel
What Steffen means is: Please do never ever mix up V1 and V2 packages.  Old 
packages are binary incompatible with the version due to a new version of 

Cleanup your sources list to use only one version!

Btw: You'll find some of the "usual packages" already inside the 
base-package. IceWeasel and rdesktop are build in.

Please also check our updates regularly. We have released some new packages 
after "consus" was born.

Regards, Jörn

Am 16.01.2014 12:43, schrieb Mahmoud Ramadan Ali:
> so do u mean that some v1 packages will work fine and the others not or all
> v1 packages will not be mounted on OTC V2 and if so  i want to know how to
> mount any v1 package...can u guide us please through the steps required for
> that...
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Steffen Hönig  > wrote:
> Dear Mark and Mahmoud,
> there is only a limited possibility of providing compatibilities for
> the mentioned packages. Due to the different filesystem structure and
> python libs, the typical launcher script changed a great deal.
> Technically you can mount a v1 package, but as you guys experienced,
> the launcher will only work partially if at all.
> Greetings  from Dresden
> Steffen
> On Thu 16 Jan 2014 01:30:46 AM CET, Mark D-B wrote:
>  > Dear Mahmoud et al,
>  >
>  >   It was not clear to me that the "usual" applications, such as
>  > FireFox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, do not yet exist in the v2 package
>  > library. Mahmoud's posts however suggested to me that this may be the
>  > case. Looking at the v2 area, it is clear that there is only the
>  > fundamental OTC content there at the moment. I have found that the
>  > following content for sources.list provides the capability to add
>  > applications without upsetting the core components:
>  >
>  > # v1 - needed for packages that don't exist in v2 yet!
>  > deb ./
>  >
>  > # v2 rolling
>  > deb
>  > ./
>  >
>  >   However, I have the same issue as Mahmoud when trying to use the
>  > v1repository for FireFox and LibreOffice - the icons appear on the
>  > client desktop but they are not mounted into /opt so do not work. Is
>  > it simply that we can't use v1 packages with v2?
>  >
>  > All the best,
>  >
>  > Mark
>  >
>  > On 14/01/14 21:46, Mahmoud Ramadan Ali wrote:
>  >> Hello and welcome every one...
>  >> I have successfully installed OTC Consus V2 on Debian V6.2 and i have
>  >> installed some applications on the OTC server like Gedit and GTK from
>  >> OTC V1 repository and assigned
>  >> the installed application to appear on  my OTC client but during the
>  >> client boot process i can NOT see the applications mounted so i can
>  >> NOT access them from the client after it's boot is a
>  >> snapshot to how it's look like on the OTC client during the boot
>  >> process...plz help me to resolve this issue and thanks in advance...
>  >>
>  >> Inline image 1
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
> --
>  >> CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
>  >> Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
>  >> Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
>  >> Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> ___
>  >> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
> --
>  > CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
>  > Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
>  > Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
>  > Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > ___
>  > The Open Source Thin Client Solution
>  >
>  >
> --
> CenturyLink 

Re: [openthinclient-user] Open thin client boot issue

2014-01-16 Thread Jörn Frenzel

please uninstall the package rpcbind .

sudo aptitude remove rpcbind
sudo dpkg --purge rpcbind

will do the job. Please restart the otc-service when done.

Regards, Jörn

Am 13.01.2014 14:20, schrieb Warnecke, Toni:
> Hey!
> I was able to reproduce your issue by installing the OTC-Suite on a Debian
> 7.2 Server via the Java-Installer. On a Debian 6.0.2 Server and the same
> OTC-Suite - the Client boots correctly!
> For now, I don’t know why this happened, but the Wrapper-Log prints an
> error message while starting the OTC-Service:
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 | 14:15:40,871 FATAL [NFSService]
> NFS server died with exception.
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 | org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcException:
> ONC/RPC portmap failure
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 |   at
> org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcPortmapClient.setPort(
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 |   at
> org.acplt.oncrpc.server.OncRpcUdpServerTransport.register(
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 |   at
> org.acplt.oncrpc.server.OncRpcServerStub.register(
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 |   at
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 |   at
> org.openthinclient.nfs.NFSService$RpcServerThread.doRunServer(
> INFO   | jvm 1| 2014/01/13 14:15:40 |   at
> org.openthinclient.nfs.NFSService$
> Note: I’m using the Consus 2.0.0 release!
> Greetings!
> *Von:*Mahmoud Ramadan Ali []
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014 23:57
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* [openthinclient-user] Open thin client boot issue
> Hello all,
> i need ur help to fix the open thin client boot issue...i'm receiving this
> error message after the boot process
> _issue.png_
> _(18K)_
> i have dhcp options on my dhcp server...option 66 configured to the OTC
> server ip address and option 67 configured to the boot file name which is
> pxelinux.0...if u see something is wrong please correct me...waiting ur
> reply and thanks in advance...
> --
> CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
> Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
> Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
> Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

CenturyLink Cloud: The Leader in Enterprise Cloud Services.
Learn Why More Businesses Are Choosing CenturyLink Cloud For
Critical Workloads, Development Environments & Everything In Between.
Get a Quote or Start a Free Trial Today.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

[openthinclient-user] openthinclient® OS Version 2 freigegeben

2013-12-15 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Nach vielen Wochen Entwicklung, geben wir heute die neue Version unseres 
Thinclient-Betriebssystems openthinclient® OS frei. Die zugehörige Virtual 
Appliance trägt, traditionell benannt nach  Göttern der römischen 
Mythologie, den Namen Consus.

Was ist neu?

Anforderungen moderner Hardware erzwingen den Einsatz moderner 
Betriebssysteme. Wir haben uns daher für einen kompletten Austausch der 
alten Basis entschieden und ein stabiles Debian GNU/Linux (Wheezy) als 
Unterbau für das ThinClient OS gewählt.

Ein sehr neuer Kernel und neueste Xorg-Treiber ermöglichen nunmehr den 
Einsatz vielfältigster Hardware. Der Bootvorgang wurde deutlich 
beschleunigt, was unser selbst geschriebenen initrd zu verdanken ist.

Dualscreen-Settings können ab Version 2 problemlos im openthinclient® 
Manager konfiguriert werden. Die enthalten Treiber decken einen Grossteil 
der verfügbaren Hardware ab. Eine Ausnahme bilden im Augenblick noch einige 
VIA-Chips, die unter Umständen nur mit Signlescreen betrieben werden können.

Einige Anwendungen (rdesktop, spice) werden bei Consus schon im Basispaket 
bereitgestellt. Deren Konfiguration und Rollout kann im openthinclient® 
Manager mittels der Anwendung “Kommandozeile” erfolgen.

Durch ein völlig neues Buildsystem können wir zukünftig Updates der 
Grunddistribution schnell und einfach für das openthinclient® OS anbieten.

openthinclient® versteht sich nunmehr als "rollende Distribution". Pakete 
werden in nur noch einem Repository gepflegt. Die Bedienung und 
Konfiguration erfordert somit nur einen minimalen Administrationsaufwand. 
Bitte prüfen Sie regelmässig auf Updates oder neue Anwendungen.

Passend zum neuen Betriebssystem bietet die openthinclient ® gmbh auch neue 
Thinclient-Modele an.

Was bleibt?

Der openthinclient® Manager ist weitestgehend unverändert. Das gewohnte 
Handling bleibt erhalten, nur die Menge und Typen der konfigurierbaren 
Elemente wurde leicht angepasst. Der openthinclient® Server benötigt 
weiterhin lediglich ein installiertes Oracle Java und läuft somit auf allen 
gängigen Host-Betriebssystemen wie Windows, Linux oder OSX

Der Einsatzzweck der openthinclient® Software ist das Arbeiten mit 
Server-basierenden Anwendungen (server based computing), Zugriff auf 
virtuelle Desktops (VDI), Anwendungen über das Netzwerk (cloud computing) 
oder das Ausführen lokaler Anwendungen (z.B. Webbrowser, Emulator oder 
Textverarbeitung) auf den ThinClients selbst.  Dies erhöht die 
Verfügbarkeit und senkt gleichzeitig Kosten für Hardware, Strom und 


Einige Funktionen aus Version 1 (Minerva oder Ceres) sind vorerst noch 
nicht verfügbar. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel die Unterstützung lokal 
angeschlossener Drucker, das lokale Booten und Netzwerk per WLAN.
Die Weiterentwicklung von openthinclient® OS hat für uns oberste Priorität. 
Wir sind ständig damit befasst neue, oder aus der früheren Version bekannte 
Features zu implementieren. Dies soll im Dialog mit unseren Kunden 
geschehen. Alle Anwender - ob kommerziell oder nicht - sind aufgefordert 
Ihre Wünsche zu äussern und uns bei deren Umsetzung zu unterstützen.

Auf unserer Webseite wird es in Kürze möglich sein, die Umsetzung von 
Funktionen in einem Ranking-System (Feature-Bid) zu bewerten und finanziell 
zu unterstützen.

Download und Installation

Die Consus VM steht ab heute als Virtual Appliance zum Download bereit. Ein 
Update bestehender Installationen ist ebenfalls möglich. Eine Anleitung 
dafür senden wir per Mailingliste, bzw. wird diese auf unserer Webseite 

Einen Installer für Version 2 erwarten wir in den nächsten Wochen.


Wir danken allen Debian-Entwickler für Ihre hervorragende Arbeit.

Ganz besonderer Dank geht an Prof. Klaus Knopper, der uns mit seinem Rat 
zur Seite stand und uns grundlegende Ideen für diesen Neuanfang gab.

Mit den besten Grüssen,

alle Entwickler und Mitarbeiter der openthinclient® gmbh.

openthinclient gmbh
Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 711 1378636-0
Telefax: +49 711 1378636-9
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher

Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT 
organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance 
affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your 
Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro!
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

[openthinclient-user] openthinclient® OS version 2 released

2013-12-15 Thread Jörn Frenzel

After a long period of intense work, we hereby announce the public release 
of our new thinclient os,  openthinclient® OS.

In line with our tradition to name our virtual appliances after characters 
of roman mythology we chose the name “Consus” for the first appliance of 
openthinclient® OS version 2.

What is new?

First and foremost new hardware calls for a new OS core. We went for a 
complete overhaul and chose the reliable Debian GNU/Linux (wheezy) as a 
basis for the new thin client os. In combination with state of the art 
kernels and newest Xorg drivers this os enables the use of various types of 
hardware. The boot process has been noticably accelerated by the use of our 
own initrd.

As of version 2.0 settings for (dual) monitor setups can be configured 
effortlessly with the help of our java based openthinclient® Manager 
console.You may decide which display resolution you would like on which 
output connector. Apart from a few VIA based devices which suffer from dual 
screen issues (openchrome) most available display hardware should to be 

Some popular apps (rdesktop, spice) are already provided inside the root 
filesystem (base) of the Consus VM. You can configure these as  command 
line application via openthinclient® Manager.

Furthermore, we hope to provide application packages and core updates 
faster by using a completely new build environment. Expect openthinclient® 
OS to be a rolling distribution with only one repository for packages and 
updates from now on. This should immensely facilitate administrators' work.

Please update regularly and check whether new applications are available.

What remains?

The already mentioned openthinclient® Manager has undergone only slight 
changes which do not affect the well-known interface. The only requirement 
for an openthinclient® server is still just an Oracle Java installation 
(JRE) on your Computer which may run Linux, Windows, OSX and the likes.

The field of application remains server based computing (RDP, Citrix, VNC), 
accessing virtualized desktop infrastructures (VDI), using cloud based 
services, and to lesser degree working with local applications on the 
client itself. This helps to improve availability while simultaneously 
reducing the total costs for hardware, energy, and service.

What is to come?

Several functions of the former version 1 (Minerva or Ceres) - such as 
local printing or WIFI support - have not been integrated yet.
The further development of openthinclient® is our highest priority. 
Re-implementing features of older versions is part of this development and 
we want to improve our software with the help of your feedback and 
suggestions. All users, irrespective of whether they are  commercial 
customers or enthusiasts are welcome to share their opinions and wishes and 
thus help us to realize them.

We will soon launch a feature-bid system on our homepage where you can vote 
(or pay) for a special feature you would like to see implemented. This also 
helps to divide costs between interested parties.

Get it Now!

The Consus VM is available for download from now on. Go to our Sourceforge 
repository. You can also update existing installations. For further 
information on the installation procedure (next to the readme on 
Sourceforge) please subscribe to our mailing list or have a look at our 
homepage. We will provide some in-depth guides soon.


Many thanks to the Debian community and their relentless efforts to build 
the best Linux distribution on earth.

A special thanks goes out to Professor Klaus Knopper, who made the 
reinvention of our build system possible in the first place. Without his 
patience and know-how we would never have come this far.

Kind regards,

all developers and all members of our company

openthinclient gmbh
Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 711 1378636-0
Telefax: +49 711 1378636-9
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher

Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT 
organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance 
affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your 
Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro!
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

[openthinclient-user] java update obstructs openthinclient manager

2013-06-27 Thread Jörn Frenzel
deutsche Version unten
Dear Admins
dear Users,

please do not update your Java to version 1.7.0_25 (or higher) on machines 
you want run the openthinclient-manager on. Oracle made some fundamental 
changes in handling the trust of java webstart-apps. At the moment this 
changes will prevent the manager to run properly.
As far as we know today, the new version does not affect the server part of 
openthinclient. But we don't recommend to update java on the server either.

We're working on an update following the new rules of oracle.

Stay tuned.

Regards, Jörn

Hallo Admins und User,

bitte updaten Sie nicht auf die Java-Version 1.7.0_25 (oder höher) auf 
Rechnern die den openthinclient Manager ausführen sollen. Oracle hat 
massive Änderungen an der Ausführung von (per Webstart verteilten) 
Anwendungen vorgenommen. Dies führt dazu, dass der Manager nicht mehr 
vollumfänglich funktioniert.
Die Serverkomponente von openthinclient ist nach unserem derzeitign 
Kenntnisstand nicht betroffen. Das Update auf Serverseite wird trotzdem 
nicht von uns empfohlen.

Wir arbeiten an einem Update, welches den neuen Richtlinien von Oracle 

Wir geben u.a. hier Bescheid.



Jörn Frenzel

Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden

openthinclient gmbh
Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 711 1378636-0
Telefax: +49 711 1378636-9
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher

This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC and WDS, PXE boot in general

2013-06-21 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Im not sure if WDS has the option to run a proxy DHCP. Ask your MS tech stuff.

I was just explaining the two ways you can combine two PXE servers.

Regards, Jörn

On 21.06.2013 16:21, Andreas Mayer wrote:
> Hi,
> don't forget, I am an teacher - not an expert.
> How do I run a proxy DHCP? Is this an option in the DHCP on my WDS Server?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> Am Fr, 21.6.13 14:36, schrieb Jörn Frenzel:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> there are two ways to (or more) configure a setup with two PXE servers.
>> The first one.
>> Let's call this "mutual exclusion" by two proxy DHCP.
>> - the other PXE server (/WDS) also needs to run a Proxy DHCP -->
>> - the openthinclient server will only offer a pxe-boot to clients you've
>> accepted and configured. All other request will bei ignored.
>> - the other PXE server (WDS) has to act in the same way
>> - You do not need to set any option on your dhcp-server!
>> The second one.
>> Things are controlled by your DHCP server.
>> - have two classes (ranges) of machines configured in your dhcpd
>> - one class is instructed to boot OTC, the other WDS
>> - you need to set 66,67 for each class
>> - you can also have clients automatically assigned to one of the classes by
>> their mac-adresses
>> Example, if you have hundreds of the same client modell, their MACs will
>> usually start with then same byte pattern.
>> class "SomeClientModell" {
>>   match if (
>>   (substring(hardware, 1, 3) = 00:02:d3) or
>>   (substring(hardware, 1, 3) = 00:4f:18)
>>   );
>># DHCP options 66/67
>>   option tftp-server-name "";;
>>   option bootfile-name "./pxelinux.0;
>>   default-lease-time 2764800;  # 32 days
>>   max-lease-time 3024000;  # 35 days
>> }
>> hth!
>> Jörn
> --
> This email is sponsored by Windows:
> Build for Windows Store.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OTC and WDS, PXE boot in general

2013-06-21 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Andreas,

there are two ways to (or more) configure a setup with two PXE servers.

The first one.
Let's call this "mutual exclusion" by two proxy DHCP.

- the other PXE server (/WDS) also needs to run a Proxy DHCP -->
- the openthinclient server will only offer a pxe-boot to clients you've 
accepted and configured. All other request will bei ignored.
- the other PXE server (WDS) has to act in the same way
- You do not need to set any option on your dhcp-server!

The second one.
Things are controlled by your DHCP server.

- have two classes (ranges) of machines configured in your dhcpd
- one class is instructed to boot OTC, the other WDS
- you need to set 66,67 for each class
- you can also have clients automatically assigned to one of the classes by 
their mac-adresses

Example, if you have hundreds of the same client modell, their MACs will 
usually start with then same byte pattern.

class "SomeClientModell" {
 match if (
 (substring(hardware, 1, 3) = 00:02:d3) or
 (substring(hardware, 1, 3) = 00:4f:18)

  # DHCP options 66/67
 option tftp-server-name "";;
 option bootfile-name "./pxelinux.0;

 default-lease-time 2764800;  # 32 days
 max-lease-time     3024000;  # 35 days



Jörn Frenzel

Development & Support

openthinclient gmbh, Büro Dresden
Frühlingstr. 11, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland

openthinclient gmbh
Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher

On 21.06.2013 07:44, Andreas Mayer wrote:
> Hello,
> my problem seems to be, that I need to different PXE Servers. On for the
> Windows Deployment Services (WDS) to deploy Windows XP and Windows 7 to
> my fat clients. The startfile is on the Domain Controller. And the
> seccond PXE Server ist the Terminalserver where the pxelinux.0 for the
> thinclient ist.
> Is there a way to configer this?
> Thanks,
> Andreas

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Dual monitors with RDP

2013-05-07 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Expect a new freerdp package the next days. I'm not sure that it will have 
a dual-screen feature, but i hope.

Today it should alreaydy work with NVidia as mentioned.



On 07.05.2013 01:06, Luis R. Barahona wrote:
> Is there anyway to envoke the /multimon parameter using the RDP application
> within OTC?
> Is twinview with NVIDEA the only way to get dual monitors to work?
> On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Andreas Schneider  > wrote:
> /multimon and /span are mstsc (Windows) parameter
> Show for twinview (if you have an Nvidia Card)
> Mit freundlichen Grüssen
> Andreas Schneider
> JUERG SCHNEIDER AG Software - Computer
> Solothunerstrasse 7
> CH-4614 Hägendorf
> Tel.++41 62 216 51 46  
> Fax++41 62 216 51 47  
> Telefonzeiten: Mo-Fr, 8:00-12:00 Uhr + 14:00-17:00 Uhr
> Am 06.05.2013 21:57, schrieb Luis R. Barahona:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I have a Windows Server 2008 RDS server that my thin clients are
>> connecting to.
>> I would like to be able to use dual monitors for the RDP session.
>> I tried adding the /multimon and /span parameter to the RDP
>> application parameters, but that did not work.
>> Has anyone had success with this type of set up?
>> --
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> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
> --
> Luis R. Barahona
> 707.235.1448
> --
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> "Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and
> their applications. This 200-page book is written by three acclaimed
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> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

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"Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and 
their applications. This 200-page book is written by three acclaimed 
leaders in the field. The early access version is available now. 
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] VNC rejects connection after timeout

2013-05-02 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Michael,

you can modify the behavior of the RemoteControl (this is  VNC) in the 
desktop application. There is a way to auto accept clientrequests.

Regards, Jörn

On 30.04.2013 15:42, List Michael wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to change the vnc settings. VNC rejects connections after the
> timeout of 30 seconds, I would like to accept connections after the timeout.
> I found a process that shows that the vnc is running. Where can I change
> this settings?
> Greetings
> Michael
> --
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] Citrix ICA client dual monitor

2013-03-19 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hey Zach,

so you did the same like me. Indeed it is not that difficult. But when i 
tried it in this way, i had no USB-Device shown on windows side. I used 
lsusb for windows to check this - nothing. I also tried different device 
types (even USB sticks) - nothing.

May i can ask you some more questions.

- Wich base version of otc are you useing?
- Can you please post your 10-ica-usb.rules file?
- What kinds of server OS and Citrix version are you running?
- Have you done any special settings on the server side?
- What kinds of devices did you successfully forward?

About multi-mon: Is there any xinerama option in your nvidia config? Maybe 
wfica can not recognize booth of your screens if xinerama is enabled.

Citrix claims that "-span" has no effect on Seamless or normal windowed 
sessions (including those in maximised windows)."

Did you read the section "I want to make a session that spans multiple 
monitors" in this document already?

Regards, Jörn

On 15.03.2013 14:58, Zach K. Miller wrote:
> Hey Jörn,
> What we did is follow your instructions on the website for setting a dev 
> environment.  We then installed and packaged the Citrix Receiver 12.0 for 
> Linux.  Once packaged, we could go to our web interface and launch the 
> XenDesktop from Citrix.  Nothing special there, but to get the USB 
> redirection was more fun.  We ended up creating a command line applications 
> that runs the following:
> sudo bash -c "echo export ICAROOT=/opt/ica-client-12 >> /etc/environment"; 
> sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/; sudo ln -s 
> /opt/ica-client-12/ /etc/firefox-3/plugins/; sudo mv 
> /var/tcos/custom/85-ica-usb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/10-ica-usb.rules; sudo 
> /etc/init.d/udev restart; sudo /opt/ica-client-12/ctxusbdgo start; sudo 
> /opt/firefox-3/tcos/launcher 
> 636E3D46697265666F782033205765622042726F777365722C6F753D617070732C6F753D6F70656E7468696E636C69656E742C64633D6F70656E7468696E636C69656E742C64633D6F7267
> I'm guessing most of this could be trimmed out but I'll try to step through 
> it the best I can.
> 1. Add ICAROOT to environment path
> 2. Register libXm
> 3. Copy the npica plugin into the firefox plug-in folders
> 4. I uploaded a custom udev ruleset into the tcos/custom folder then I move 
> it over to ica-usb rules.  This was a must to get webcam redirection working.
> 5. Once rules were uploaded, restart udev to pick them up.
> 6. Call the ctxusbdgo app to start to accept usb redirection
> 7. The last call is specific to our environment.  We call firefox where we 
> include a proxy.pac file to restrict to specific websites and set the home 
> location to the citrix web interface we are using, so that long string is 
> just the starting parameter.
> Hopefully this helps you out from a perspective of how we got USB redirection 
> working.  The multi-monitor is another fun part.  We have gotten our cards to 
> work with OTC and see both monitors.  We can also run the hdxcheck util that 
> is included with ICA-12 and it says we are multi-mon supported.  The big 
> thing is this span option.  We have tried adding the export WFICA_OPTS="-span 
> o" to this pre-run script with no success.  I'm doing more reading and from 
> what I can tell, it may be required to use windowed mode instead of seamless 
> in order to get it to work, but I'm not sure at this point.  If there is 
> anything else I can help with please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Zach

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[openthinclient-user] openthinclient talk on CLT

2013-03-15 Thread Jörn Frenzel

For those of you living in Germany. Our CEO Alexander Stecher is giving a 
talk about the use of older PCs as thinclients on sunday.
The talk  is part of the "Chemnitzer Linux-Tag." We really recommend this 
conference this weekend.

The talk will be given in German, which is the conference language. We are 
happy to meet with you after the talk.

Looking forward to see you in Chemnitz.

Regards, Jörn

   Development and Support

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] Citrix ICA client dual monitor

2013-03-15 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Zach,

i tried to get the USB redirection working too. But i had not enough time 
and got stuck.  So it would be nice to participate in your experience. 
Could you please release your package somehow?

I also tried the dual screen feature. So far with no result. :-( But i 
would like to invest some more time.

The package "Citrix-Reciever 12.1" is nearly done. Once we have 
USB-Redirection and dual screen working, it could be the right moment to 
give it to the public.

Regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

On 14.03.2013 12:55, zmiller013 wrote:
> Hey Everybody,
> We have been using OTC in our production environment for some time now and
> have loved the feature set and flexibility of the product.  We had a
> requirement to get USB redirection working within a Citrix session so we
> built our own ICA-Client 12 package and it has been working great.  We have
> now expanded the deployment of OTC to include dual monitor support.  We use
> nVidia cards, so the setup for OTC was not horrible, however when we launch
> a Citrix session, it does not detect both monitors.  Through research we
> have seen that a parameter is required for the Citrix Receiver which is
> -span a.  We could also export an environment variable to it works with the
> web interface feature we use.  We have attempted both of these to no avail.
> I was hoping someone out there has already attempted this or found a way to
> get it to work.  If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Zach

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Re: [openthinclient-user] NoMachine in OpenThinClient

2013-03-14 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Nick,

could you give me a list of features you would like to have in the manager? 
Once i know this, i can send you an cost estimation.

As a already mentioned, there is already a little package. So half the job 
is done.

Regards, Jörn

On 13.03.2013 20:21, Nick Couchman wrote:
> I just need a NoMachine client package and the necessary schema
> extensions to support NoMachine connections to remote servers (both
> commercial NX and FreeNX).
> -Nick
>>>> On 2013/03/12 at 04:35, Jörn Frenzel
> wrote:
>> There are some Nomachine packages for some customers of
> openthinclient
>> (adapted to thier needs). So it works in general.
>> What exactly do you need?
>> Regards, Jörn
>> On 10.03.2013 01:12, Nick Couchman wrote:
>>> Curious if anyone has used the NoMachine client with OTC?
>>> --
>>> Nick Couchman
>>> Manager, Information Technology
>>> SEAKR Engineering, Inc.
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>>> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
>>> ___
>>> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
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Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Firefox 17 and GTK

2013-03-12 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Mark,

as far as i know, every firefox we (otc) have done, have a version in thier 
name. But please double check this. There maybe be other reasons why it 
does not work.

Just some more word about firefox.

Why are you trying to have an own firefox package? There is already one 
(the one inside the VM). Please use this repository to install it.

deb ./

As usual there is also a source package

Use this source and have your adaptions. See the README inside for 

Yesterday i've tried to build a package with firefox 19. But it seems we're 
missing some libs to run the new xul/xpcom stuff. We need a new base!

Regards, Jörn

On 11.03.2013 22:43, Mark D-B wrote:
> Thanks Jörn, that explains it. I'll stay with my own version of Firefox
> then as I can easily deploy the script that sets the path with it.
> With reference to "Please never have two packages with the same name in
> different repositories" - are you meaning that this is why my attempt to
> have a package called "firefox" didn't work? I can understand why it
> would cause problems if two packages have the same name, but I thought
> all the existing Firefox packages had the version on the end (-3, -5,
> -17). Is there another one that isn't visible from the Package
> management tree and is called just "firefox"?
> All the best,
> Mark
> On 11/03/13 10:42, Jörn Frenzel wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Firefox needs some newer GTK version than the base packages delivers. So
>> the newer one ist installed under /opt/gtk/ and must be used with
>> In the base version of "experimantal" the separate GTK was joined into the
>> base.
>> Please never have two packages with the same name in diffenrent repositories.
>> Regards,
>> Jörn
>> On 09.03.2013 23:25, Mark D-B wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>>   This problem is due to library paths. I've now got my own Firefox 17
>>> package with a script to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the correct version
>>> of GTK (/opt/gtk/lib) gets loaded but I'd ideally like to use the one
>>> from the OTC server. Does anyone know why it doesn't set the library
>>> path itself?
>>> All the best,
>>> Mark
>>> On 16/02/13 18:43, newsgroup account wrote:
>>>> When I try and run Firefox 17 on the client, I get an error saying
>>>> that Firefox needs GTK+ 2.10 but I only have GTK+ 2.8.  This seems
>>>> strange, as the server package manager says the installed package is
>>>> 0.4.5-2.16-2, which I infer to mean GTK+ 2.16. Is there something
>>>> wrong with paths?
>>> --
>>> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
>>> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
>>> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
>>> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
>>> ___
>>> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
>> --
>> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
>> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
>> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
>> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
>> ___
>> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
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> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
> ht

Re: [openthinclient-user] NoMachine in OpenThinClient

2013-03-12 Thread Jörn Frenzel
There are some Nomachine packages for some customers of openthinclient 
(adapted to thier needs). So it works in general.

What exactly do you need?

Regards, Jörn

On 10.03.2013 01:12, Nick Couchman wrote:
> Curious if anyone has used the NoMachine client with OTC?
> --
> Nick Couchman
> Manager, Information Technology
> SEAKR Engineering, Inc.
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> --
> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] OpenThinClient - LDAP question

2013-03-12 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Walczak,

the feature you're asking for ist not implemented. Please consider to 
enforce the password change some days before expiration.

Maybe we can add this feature for you. Please ask us for a cost estimate.

Regards, Jörn

On 07.03.2013 14:12, Walczak Jakub wrote:
> Hello
> I tested yours system - OPENTHINCLIENT - and I have one question.
> Is it possible that the connections to the LDAP database were using SSL or
> TLS?
> Normally it is not necessary, and everything works OK.
> I am using the Active Directory domain and when the user must change the
> password (the password has expired or is selected "user must change password
> at next logon") authentication via LDAP is not possible - Returns Incorrect
> credentials - the user can not log in to the thin client to by RDP to change
> your password
> Please send me some tips
> Thank you in advance and best regards

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Password for Virtual Testappliance

2013-03-12 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Christian,

please subscribe to the list. I just told the mailman to reject non-member 

Please us the credentials mentioned here:

Regards, Jörn

On 07.03.2013 09:13, Ullrich & Naumann - Admin wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed the test vma and want to update the OS and install a VNC 
> server.
> Unfortunately I can't find the password for the user openthinclient in the 
> documentation to run Synaptic.
> Kind regards,
> Christian Schildhorn
> System Administrator
> ---
> Patent- und Rechtsanwaelte
> Schneidmuehlstrasse 21
> 69115 Heidelberg
> Germany
> phone: +49 6221 604330
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> --
> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] italian keyboard

2013-03-11 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Leonard,

please read the docs of rdesktop and freerdp on how to set keyboard layout 
via commandline parameter. Use this parameters to adjust the languages.

Note: Further versions of this two clients will have the language 
selectable. I'm working on this.

Regards, Jörn

On 11.03.2013 16:35, Leonardo D. wrote:
> ciao
> does not work.
> if I open a remote desktop from my laptop (windows 7) to the server can not
> write all letters to configure the correct, if I use rdesktop client to
> openthin some characters are not written.
> if I use freerdp I can not even connect!!
> 2013/3/11 Häcker, Tobias A.  >
> Hey Leonardo,
> __ __
> create a new device -> Keyboard  -> Name: Italian -> Layout „italian“.
> The language (English, German) is only the language of the GUI.
> Put this into your THIN-Client configuration (devices).
> __ __
> That should do the trick.
> __ __
> Tobias Häcker
> --
> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution
> --
> Einen schoenen Tag
> Leonardo D.
> Alchimie IT ;)
> T: 0521310286
> Erreà Sport Spa
> --
> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Firefox 17 and GTK

2013-03-11 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Mark,

Firefox needs some newer GTK version than the base packages delivers. So 
the newer one ist installed under /opt/gtk/ and must be used with 

In the base version of "experimantal" the separate GTK was joined into the 

Please never have two packages with the same name in diffenrent repositories.



On 09.03.2013 23:25, Mark D-B wrote:
> Dear All,
> This problem is due to library paths. I've now got my own Firefox 17
> package with a script to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the correct version
> of GTK (/opt/gtk/lib) gets loaded but I'd ideally like to use the one
> from the OTC server. Does anyone know why it doesn't set the library
> path itself?
> All the best,
> Mark
> On 16/02/13 18:43, newsgroup account wrote:
>> When I try and run Firefox 17 on the client, I get an error saying
>> that Firefox needs GTK+ 2.10 but I only have GTK+ 2.8.  This seems
>> strange, as the server package manager says the installed package is
>> 0.4.5-2.16-2, which I infer to mean GTK+ 2.16. Is there something
>> wrong with paths?
> --
> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
> Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the
> endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to
> tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Updated JAR File

2013-02-28 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Nick,

i'm not sure if we'll release a new installer before the next major 
version. Please use the old one and update. Just read the docs about the 
sources.list and how to update. It is really easy.

But all of you can expect that we'll clean up the repos and release some 
updated versions of some packages.

Regards, Jörn

On 28.02.2013 00:11, Nick Couchman wrote:
> Looks like an updated virtual appliance was released a while back, I was 
> wondering if an updated JAR file will be available anytime soon?  We have 
> standardized on RPM-based Linux distros (openSuSE, SLES, CentOS, etc.), so 
> I'd like to be able to run the updated code on one of those platforms rather 
> than using the Xubuntu-based appliance.  Will this be available, soon, or are 
> there other steps I can take to use the existing JAR file and then pull in 
> the updates?
> Thanks,
> Nick
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> --
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> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] change language to English

2013-02-17 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Users,

hereby i promise to have english and german installed in the next VM. It's 
on the list now.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, Jörn

On 17.02.2013 15:39, Lee Garet wrote:
> Thank you very much for the link
> I was able to change the language to English and am very much on my way of
> getting started
> Do you know of a link to change the system passwords for this as well? When
> I logged off of Ubuntu, I wasn’t sure what password to use to log on.
> *From:*newsgroup account [
> ]
> *Sent:* Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:48 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [openthinclient-user] change language to english
> Sorry, forgot to paste this link
> which was where I got the info from.
> On 16/02/13 21:57, Lee Garet wrote:
> Just downloaded the 1.09 vm
> Started right up, but being a newbie to linux, I cannot figure out how to
> change the default language to English
> Any help would be appreciated
> Thank you
> lee
> --
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Schema files

2013-02-17 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Mark,

On 17.02.2013 14:12, Mark D-B wrote:
> Dear Jörn,
> I've updated the name on this account - sorry about that, I hadn't
> spotted that the wrong field was filled in. Having had issues in the
> past with mailing lists and newsgroups resulting in spam, I have a
> specific account for these but I have recently changed it.
Thank you so far.

> Regarding the salutation, this is a tricky one with mailing lists as
> list etiquette seems to vary, and I apologise if I have caused any
> offence. I have been reprimanded on other lists for using "unnecessary
> clutter" so I have adopted a policy of not including a salutation until
> I am responding to a specific individual.
OK, maybe i'm a little bit too pedantic. :-) You're right, it depends on 
the list.

> I realise now that "developers" is not such a restrictive term for
> openthinclient as it is in some other projects - it often means
> specifically those who write the code (Java, C, C++, etc). Whereas I am
> capable of programming in C I am not able to commit the time to do so
> outside work but I will read the developer's guide and hope to be able
> to contribute to this interesting project as a re-packager. I have a
> learning curve to deal with first as I don't normally use Ubuntu.
Yes, building packages is not that difficult. You don't need to exert 
yourself by coding  or hacking. You just need to know about libs, binaries 
and paths. A little bit python knowledge is recommended.

Regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with Geeknet, 
is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought 
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs, 
whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most 
recent posts - join the conversation now.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Schema files

2013-02-17 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear "newsgroup account",

normaly all of us have names here in the list. Pleas edit you mailclient 
settings to a more specific name. Please also consider to use a salutation 
as well as a form of greetings.

According to your questions: To understand the xml- and sfs stuff please 
read the  developers guide

Please find information about SFS here: .

A new package of libreoffice would be very welcome.

Kind regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

On 16.02.2013 23:18, newsgroup account wrote:
> I note that the schema directory says "developers only". However, its a
> bit sad that we can't make applications that are already in the package
> list have a form that fits (e.g. the right icon for OpenOffice and the
> ability to specify what we want to open). Is it really the case that we
> (users) can't create an xml file that matches one of the applications
> that isn't yet handled?
> Also, am I jumping to the wrong conclusion in thinking that the .sfs
> files are using the sfs technology described at
> If so, is it possible for
> non-developers to re-package Ubuntu packages using the toolset there? I
> ask because the OpenOffice version currently in OTC is quite old, and
> I'd prefer LibreOffice.
> --
> The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with Geeknet,
> is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
> leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs,
> whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most
> recent posts - join the conversation now.
> ___
> The Open Source Thin Client Solution

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is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought 
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs, 
whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most 
recent posts - join the conversation now.
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Empty profile on end of session

2013-02-17 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Pipo,

please edit you realm and set NFS server under section Boot options to 
:RAM: (with colons) to set this globaly. You can also have this setting per 
location. Edit you location to do so.

Regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

On 16.02.2013 21:28, Pippo Loporto wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> Where would this option be set ?
> Pippo
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 16 Feb 2013, at 21:20, "Stecher, Alexander"
>>> wrote:
>> Please use the option "home in RAM"

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is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought 
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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] ELO Touchscreen problem

2013-02-15 Thread Jörn Frenzel
OK, and did you also find out the serial device?

On 15.02.2013 12:11, clicker666 wrote:
> It's Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04e7:0022 Elo Touchsystems
> I just changed the physical keyboard, it was one of those stupid MS ones
> that was all curvy and extra buttons and such.  Normal keyboard = no probs.

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Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] ELO Touchscreen problem

2013-02-14 Thread Jörn Frenzel
On 14.02.2013 19:23, clicker666 wrote:
> I can't really say if it's supported because the Touchscreen page on the site
> only says:
> openthinclient supports touchscreens which are compatible to ELO-Touch
That's right so fare. But we need to differantiate between seral connected, 
or via USB connected touchscreens.

> It is an ELO Touch touchscreen, and I can't see all my list because my
> keyboard has the wrong keymap in terminal.
Please read the documentation and try yourself how to configure keyboard 
layouts in openthinclient. You'll really need this.

Please also consult the command "lsusb" to see attached USB devices.

Let me know if you've found out the right device for your USB connect.

Regards, Jörn

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Re: [openthinclient-user] FreeRDP Credentials

2013-02-14 Thread Jörn Frenzel

Add --no-nla to the command line arguments of this app.

Freerdp uses nla by default. This seems to be your problem,

Regards, Jörn

On 14.02.2013 17:09, Andreas von der Reith wrote:
> I installed freerdp for testing. But there is one problem. I only can
> log on to my win2008r2 server if I enter the user credetials into the
> freerdp config in the openthinclient management console.
> With rdesktop svn I left these fields blank and the user had to enter
> the credentials on the windows server.
> Now with freerdp and blank credentials the application won't start. Why?!?
> --
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Re: [openthinclient-user] ELO Touchscreen problem

2013-02-14 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Tony,

can you ensure that you have the right serial device configured. Does it 
exist? Keep in mind, that USB-Serial is often named /dev/USBttyS0 or 
something like that. Use the command:

ls -la /dev/*tty*

to figure out.

Are you sure, that the modell you're trying to configured is supported?



On 14.02.2013 13:45, Tony Cimello wrote:
> Can anyone help with this?  I'm really stuck here and getting ready just to
> install Windows XP stripped down.
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Tony Cimello  > wrote:
> I’m trying to setup a ELO USB Touchscreen monitor to the latest version
> of Openthinclient. The instructions say to open a console (I assume on
> the actual terminal device, not the server) by pressing CTRL + ALT +
> F1, then login as root, then execute:  /usr/share/evtouch/
> The script appears to execute and a white screen with X’s at the edges,
> center, and corners appears, asking you to touch all the X’s.  I touch
> them and there doesn’t seem to be any response – no feedback and the
> screen just sits there.

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Re: [openthinclient-user] Driver for Zotac ID13 or Intel GMA3150 GPU

2013-02-07 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hello Matthias,

did you update to the experimental version? It looks like you should do so, 
because this version uses the newer Xorg driver "intel".

Please ensure to have base 1.0.0-36 in use and force to use the module 
"intel" in the grafic card setup. Ensure this looking in the generated 
xorg.conf .

Furthermore, the  openthinclient company offers professional support for 
the openthinclient software.

Kind regards,


Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

On 06.02.2013 09:07, EDV Informatik wrote:
> Hello,
> i try to get a zotac id13 to work with a resolution of 1680x1050. But it
> doesnt work. Also tests with a graphics card configuration brings error
> messages from the xserver.
> Is it possible to add the driver for this gpu or has anyone an other idea?
> thx in advance
> matthias
> --
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> Buy your Sophos next-gen firewall before the end March 2013
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Re: [openthinclient-user] Dell Wyse T10 Thin Client for MS RDP under Openthinclient?

2013-02-07 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Tony,

sorry, but i'm sure it will not work on a Marvell Armada CPU. This kind of 
CPU is based on ARM technology. The kernel openthinclient uses can only 
handle x86-based CPUs.

There're plans to build an openthinclient system for ARM CPUs, but not in 
the near future.

The openthinclient company sells very robust thinclients - ready to use 
with the openthinclient software.
Please consider to visit and ask for our hardware.

Kind regards,


Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

On 07.02.2013 17:56, Tony Cimello wrote:
> I've setup Openthinclient to connect to my RDP server running on Windows
> 2003 R2.  Everything appears to work OK in a VM, and I now need to order
> some hardware.  I'll be connecting an ELO Touch  2201L touchscreen monitor
> and a USB bar code scanner to the machine.  It will be connected via GbE to
> our network.  We'll be running some repair shop accounting software which
> has a very small footprint on this unit exclusively.  (forced app right in
> RDP for the user)
> Is anybody familiar with the CPU - Marvell Armada 510/1 GHz or the actual
> hardware client itself?  I'd just like to be somewhat confident this will
> run RDP over PXE without any issues.

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[openthinclient-user] new virtual appliance

2012-12-31 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Users,

we wish you all the best for the new year!

We're happy to announce a new virtual appliance, ready to run as your 
openthinclient server. Inside this appliance you'll find a Xubuntu 12.04 
with a pre-installed openthinclient instance. It is already updated to 
"testing," including base-1.0.0-9 and firefox-17.01 . FullHD-Displays are 
now pre-configured and a wifi interface is waiting for your wireless 
parameters. Read:

for details.

You can download the appliance here:

Please note: We've build the machine ready to use with VirtualBox. If you 
want to import it into Vmware, please follow the instructions here:

The language inside the VM is intentionally set to german, but you should 
easily be able to change it to your needs. Use the settings menue to do so.

Kind regards and happy new year!


Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] FreeRDP 1.0.1 for Openthinclient

2012-11-13 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Corey,

please consider to read our development documentation: .

You'll find answer there. There is no need to touch sfs files manually. The 
tcos-dev tools will do this for your.

The launcher file is the right place to do any exports before starting the 

Regards, Jörn

On 13.11.2012 00:29, Corey Murtagh wrote:
> Thanks Peter, that's great work.
> My only problem with it is that I can't get the launcher to start the app 
> because of a problem with the library path.  From an X terminal I can set 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the lib folder for freerdp and manually run the 
> launcher or xfreerdp, but the application icon created by OTC doesn't work.
> I've been playing around in the file system looking for a simple solution but 
> it escapes me at the moment.  As near as I can figure adding 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/freerdp/lib to the launcher script's bang line would fix 
> the issue, but I don't have any tools for working with squashfs files at the 
> moment.
> Do you have another workaround for this?
> Regards,
> Corey Murtagh
> Asia-Pacific IT Support
> International, Cruise & Excursion, Inc
> Phone: 07 5514 3328
> -Original Message-
> From: Peter van Oord v/d Vlies []
> Sent: Sunday, 28 October 2012 6:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] FreeRDP 1.0.1 for 
> Openthinclient
> Hello,
> Please check this package.
> ./
> I had to build this for a customers and works.
> Kind Regards,
> Peter van Oord van der Vlies
> Corey Murtagh wrote:
>> I second this request... it would help out with our current setup
>> immensely.
>> Anyone?
>> Regards,
>> Corey Murtagh
>> Asia-Pacific IT Support
>> International, Cruise & Excursion, Inc
>> Phone: 07 5514 3328
>> From: Kevin Halstead []
>> Sent: Wednesday, 18 July 2012 12:49 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [openthinclient-user] FreeRDP 1.0.1 for Openthinclient
>> Hi,
>> Was wondering if anyone has successfully packaged FreeRDP 1.0.1 for
>> Openthinclient. This version supports Session Brokers for Terminal
>> Server Farms which I desperately need.
>> Checked the Alpha repository but doesn't exist. Would be great if we
>> are able to add it.
>> Many Thanks
>> Kevin Halstead

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] [Openthinclient-user] USB storage redirection

2012-10-05 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Wich version of rdesktop did you use?

Regards, Jörn

On 05.10.2012 08:22, SD5254942 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried the latest experimental TCOS base system 1.0.0-36 in kiosk mode
> to win2003 terminal using
> rdesktop , the usb storage key doesnt get redirected to the win2003 terminal
> box, any fix for that or workaround for that ?.
> thank in advance for any response

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Re: [openthinclient-user] Development

2012-10-04 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Dear Marcus,
dear User,

a little late, but here nonetheless my answer and some words in general.

Yes, OTC is still in development. Those of you who're reading the 
changelogs in our (!) repository will know, that there is a lot of activity 
in it. A new major release is comming up this year.

Sure, the installer you can find on sourceforge is quite old, but it is 
just the installer. Keep in mind, that openthinclient has its own package 
management inside.
To make it short, the installer did not change - but you can get a lot of 
updates from our own repos.

Please consider to read:

New version comming up soon!



   Development and Support

openthinclient gmbh, Heilbronner Straße 150, 70191 Stuttgart
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher, Martin Kreiner

On 14.09.2012 21:21, Marcus wrote:
> Hello,
> ist Openthinclient still in active development?
> The release date of 1.0.0 is quite a while ago and I couldn't find any 
> further updates.

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] Boot issue on HP t5745

2012-08-29 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Johan,

i sure the tg3 was recently updated by Martin. Try to use an experimentel 
version of OTC.

Experimental means experimental. Be carefull!

Regards, Jörn

On 29.08.2012 09:36, wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> The HP t5745 stops with a kernel panic when it tries to load NIC drivers.
> It uses the Broadcom BCM57780 chip. If i check the tg3 module i see that
> vendor & device ID(14e4, 1692) is missing for this chip.
> Is there any way to get this working other than waiting for OTC to move to
> newer kernel?
> Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards
> Johan Sturve
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] How to implement/install additional drivers?

2012-08-14 Thread Jörn Frenzel
"man linux" :-)

A PXE needs to load the module inside the initrd - this is by design.

Unlike this, a localboot loads the module from:
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/some-module

The module inside the initrd is just a copy from the other one, copied by 
mkinitramfs or mkinitrd (depends on your system).

Read the docs/man according to initramfs, depmod, modprobe, lsmod an so on.

Regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

openthinclient gmbh, Heilbronner Straße 150, 70191 Stuttgart
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher, Martin Kreiner

On 14.08.2012 14:42, Klammer Ludwig wrote:
> That’s the strange part about it:
> If i boot via PXE there’s no problem. Just if i use localboot and try to
> boot from local disc it keeps writing me that line…
> Maybe if i extract the initrd of pxe boot and load this into my localboot
> image?
> Best regards,
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Ludwig Klammer
> Systemadministrator
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.

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The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] How to implement/install additional drivers?

2012-08-13 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Ludwig,

yes, it looks like you're missing the driver for the network card. The 
driver must reside in the initrd. Unpack the initrd and add your driver 
(you need to build it according to the otc-kernel).


Once this is done, you'll be able to boot via PXE, but you'll may notice 
problems with the nic again once you're using localboot. To fix this, the 
driver needs to be added to the base too.

Please also consider to ask us for the implemetation.

Regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

openthinclient gmbh, Heilbronner Straße 150, 70191 Stuttgart
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher, Martin Kreiner

On 13.08.2012 08:35, Klammer Ludwig wrote:
> Good Morning,
> after i kept hanging in boot-proccess at the line
> „IP-config: eth0 hardware address [MAC ADDRESS] mtu 1500 DHCP RARP“
> I was searching for reasons or a way to pass this and read that this is
> caused by missing network drivers.
> Is that true? And is it possibe to manually include drivers?
> Thanky you for your replies!
> Best regards,
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Ludwig Klammer

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

Re: [openthinclient-user] "Serverless" installation?

2012-08-11 Thread Jörn Frenzel
Hi Jose,

yes, you can do this. But you need to setup the server part once. Then you 
can use the localboot feature to flash to system with all its settings to 
USB, flash, DOM - whatever.

Localboot clients can run without connection to the server. The benefit you 
have is that you can configure all your settings in the otc-manager. If one 
client is already flashed to local disc, just reconnect it to the server 
and reboot to commit updates or setting changes incrementally.

See also:

Regards, Jörn

Jörn Frenzel

   Development and Support

openthinclient gmbh, Heilbronner Straße 150, 70191 Stuttgart
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: HRB 245 177; USt-ID: DE216017092
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Stecher, Martin Kreiner

On 10.08.2012 21:30, José Román Bilbao Castro wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first post to the list. I am coming from thinstation and would
> like to know if it is possible to make this work without the server part. I
> mean, just generating a USB/CD with client IP, the destination Terminal
> Server IP, local printer, etc... and make this client work standalone.
> Just a yes or no will suffice ;-). I will do the rest ...
> Thanks in advance.
> Jose.
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
The Open Source Thin Client Solution

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