Re: Keyboard & Mouse Ergonomics + Qwerty/Dvorak/Colemak

2011-07-06 Thread Preet Sangha
I second this. I learned to use the mouse with my other hand in about week
too. I know swap the hand from time to time.

I've also used an MS Natural type keyboard for about 10 years (give or take
- though I've just switched off it for a couple of months rest to get used
to a normal one for a while). I'm not a full touch typist but these
keyboards enabled me to type way faster (so may have led to the problem

After I switched to using the mouse with both hands, work bought me an
 Evoluent Vertical Mouse 2 (left handed version), as an aid to the pain I
was getting in my right wrist. I now have both mice plugged in. And swap as
I see fit. The only problem with the left handed mouse is that's wired
upside down. This means I cannot use my preferred technique of right handed
buttons on the left hand. I have to swap the mouse buttons in Windows to do

I also saw a physio for a few weeks who helped  retrain my muscles to work
more ergonomically.

This is completely anecdotal but correcting the bad posture and movements +
resting the hand periodically has completely removed any pain.

I do remember this quote that prompted me in to action "This could be a
career killing condition".

I urge anyone to to get professional help for something that
could ultimately stop them from working and lets face it, keyboards and mice
are in our foreseeable future.

-- preet

On 7 July 2011 08:33, noonie  wrote:

> Totally unsubstantiated opinion...
> "Faster" keyboard = more clicks per minute > more chance of repetitive
> strain.
> Years ago I learned to mouse with my off hand. Took about a week. Just
> think "left button"/"right button" instead of "index finger"/"middle finger"
> and you're golden.
> Changing hands made the pain go away.
>  On Jul 6, 2011 9:53 PM, "Les Hughes"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey All,
> >
> > This is kind of long (eeep), but here goes:
> >
> > Lately I've have been getting a little tense in my mid-right back area
> > and right wrist which I believe is been caused by a lot of the mouse
> > work I've been doing over the past few weeks in which my right arm is
> > constantly extended out around 30-40 centimetres from the home position
> > on the keyboard.
> >
> > I thought here would be a good place to ask for advice in how everyone
> > else, whom, like me, spends upwards of 60 hours per week behind their
> > battlestations. (check: for info
> > on 'battlestations')
> >
> > The main areas I am currently looking at are Keyboards, Mice, and
> > Keyboard Layouts.
> >
> >
> > Keyboards
> > -
> > I currently use a Microsoft Ergonomic 4000 Keyboard (
> >
> > ) and am starting to think that the space between the right control key
> > (below the right shift and enter keys) where the arrow buttons and
> > numeric pad are just get in the way.
> >
> > So far I am thinking about moving to a smaller keyboard to limit the
> > space I need to move for the mouse, ideas so far are the
> >
> > - Truly Ergonomic keyboard @
> > &
> > )
> >
> > - Kinesis Freestlye VIP @
> > -
> >
> >
> >
> > Mouses - mice, mices :P
> > -
> > I am leaning towards a trackball, but have also considered something
> > more vertical:
> >
> > - Kensington Expert Trackball @
> >
> > (favourite so far)
> >
> > - Logitec M570 @
> >
> >
> > - EZ Vertical Mouse @
> >
> >
> > Keyboard Layouts
> > -
> > Perhaps a religious battle, but:
> >
> > I was thinking if I am going to go along the whole self improvement
> > route with better devices, why not visit my keyboard layouts? Most of us
> > use QWERTY:
> >
> > Much of my reading seems to point towards qwerty being a terrible
> > layout, and something that should have died with the typewriter (it's
> > keylayout is meant to slow you down, and has more to do with stopping
> > those thingies on the typewriter from getting stuck together... those
> > who have used typewriters will know what I mean)
> >
> > Besides QWERTY, there are a few others that seem to be gaining traction,
> > they are:
> >
> >
> > Colemak:
> >
> > Colemak so far looks the most appealing to me if I were to change,
> > h

Re: TestQuest

2011-07-11 Thread Preet Sangha
Do you do mobile dev?

On 11 July 2011 20:33, Stephen Price  wrote:
> I've got Visual Studio constantly writing to a file in my temp folder called
> ..\AppData\Local\Temp\TestQuest-2011-07-11-08-28-37.sil
> I've done a search for it, no idea what it's for. I've disabled all of my
> plugins and addins in case its one of them, but it's still doing it. my
> Devenv.exe task is just sitting at 13% when its doing it and everything
> grinds to a halt while its doing its thing. Very annoying. I've rebooted and
> still no luck stopping it.
> Anyone else actually have this file in their Temp folder? Know what it is?
> The contents of the file is a heap of nulls, etx, eot, my machine name, with
> a header of SILF.
> Also some what looks like calls
> to AutoMainDTE2010CodeView.get_CurrentFileNameMyMACHINENAME
> It's cramping my style.
> cheers,
> Stephen

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [ot] Junior dotnet/web programmer required to start yesterday!

2011-07-17 Thread Preet Sangha
Despite my feelings being similar to yours, someone has to hire juniors in
order to make them into non junior developers.

On 18 July 2011 10:59, Scott Barnes  wrote:

> urgent Jnr Developer  wanted = Can't afford Snr Developer Pay. Spidey
> senses tell me this is a classic case of "McDonalds Cook vs Jnr Developer"
> equation. My money would be McDonalds ;) work less hours for the same pay :D
> ---
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:14 PM, David Connors  wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Michael Ridland wrote:
>>> What a great opportunity. I would love an opportunity to work in
>>> someone's backyard and have my main job priority being able to meet
>>> deadlines. I'm sure those deadlines were set by someone very experienced at
>>> software estimation and are very realistic.
>>> Can we ban this spammer please?
>> As per Les' comments - job ads/request for offers are fine so long as
>> you're not some mindless recruiter dumping CVs into the list. We're here to
>> help each other and that includes finding jobs and filling jobs (even if the
>> pay and conditions are not what you want).
>> There is no point in starting a ban war anyway because anyone can join
>> ozdotnet and I don't moderate or vet new members.
>> David.
>> PS: fwiw, I agree that DOES sound like some
>> sort of MLM/work from home blah spam address ... but the market will sort
>> that out.
>> --
>> *David Connors* | |
>> Software Engineer
>> Codify Pty Ltd
>> Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417
>> 189 363
>> V-Card:
>> Address Info:

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Toshiba Satellite Notebook BIOS password

2011-07-17 Thread Preet Sangha
What is the aim? To access the data or to recover access to the laptop as

Obviously I'd suggest ripping the disk out and copying the data off in the
first case.

For the the second I have heard about tools that crack these but I've never
used them and wouldn't know how to get them from. There is an interesting
page here : but I
suspect you've already found that.

On 18 July 2011 18:38, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, a relative just loaned me a Toshiba Satellite Notebook of some sort
> (I can’t find any identification on it) which stops and asks for a
> fingerprint swipe or the BIOS password. We’re locked out of it. I ran some
> web searches on the matter and some suggest that you pull the BIOS battery
> out, some say this won’t work and you have to pull a jumper pin, and some
> say that won’t work and it has to go back to an authorised service centre.
> ** **
> I’ve never dismantled a notebook before and I’m not going to waste hours
> trying to get the motherboard battery and pins deep inside by just bumbling
> around.
> ** **
> Does anyone have better advice on this matter? Is there a workaround, or is
> it back to the dealer?
> ** **
> Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Toshiba Satellite Notebook BIOS password

2011-07-18 Thread Preet Sangha
LOL I just read that Toshiba is a back door password - worth a try I

On 18 July 2011 18:57, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> What is the aim? To access the data or to recover access to the laptop as
> is?
> Obviously I'd suggest ripping the disk out and copying the data off in the
> first case.
> For the the second I have heard about tools that crack these but I've never
> used them and wouldn't know how to get them from. There is an interesting
> page here : but I
> suspect you've already found that.
> On 18 July 2011 18:38, Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> Folks, a relative just loaned me a Toshiba Satellite Notebook of some sort
>> (I can’t find any identification on it) which stops and asks for a
>> fingerprint swipe or the BIOS password. We’re locked out of it. I ran some
>> web searches on the matter and some suggest that you pull the BIOS battery
>> out, some say this won’t work and you have to pull a jumper pin, and some
>> say that won’t work and it has to go back to an authorised service centre.
>> ** **
>> I’ve never dismantled a notebook before and I’m not going to waste hours
>> trying to get the motherboard battery and pins deep inside by just bumbling
>> around.
>> ** **
>> Does anyone have better advice on this matter? Is there a workaround, or
>> is it back to the dealer?
>> ** **
>> Greg
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Application crash

2011-08-03 Thread Preet Sangha
Assuming that you have  Intermec CN50s in the office, can you swap one of
the customers ones for yours for testing?

also I've not done it on mobile devices, but you might want to consider
OutputDebugString ( as
your logger.


On 4 August 2011 15:23, David Richards  wrote:

> Greetings all,
> I'm looking for some ideas on how I can debug a windows mobile app.
> The main difficulty being the application crashes without any logged
> exception, without an unhandled exception prompt and without a native
> exception prompt.  It just disappears.  It is apparently random,
> occurring at different points in the application each time.  Our
> client is using about 5 instances of this on Intermec CN50s and
> regularly sees this happen.  We have not had it happen once in our
> office.  Currently, our next step is to trial it on a different device
> to rule out the device being the cause.  I've already checked and
> rechecked the code for every thread in the app to make sure any
> exceptions will be caught (or should that be catched).  I will be
> getting someone else to review the code for anything I may have missed
> but I don't have high hopes for this finding anything.  I'm currently
> considering adding extremely detailed (and performance destroying)
> activity logging of all threads in the hope this will give me a clue.
> David
> "If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes
>  will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
>  -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama

Re: Does .net 4.0 cover .net 3.5

2011-09-06 Thread Preet Sangha
My gut feeling is that they are separate due to the new CLR in 4.0

On 7 September 2011 15:15, Michael Ridland  wrote:

> Hey All
> Just a quick question.
> If I have .net 2.0 and 4.0 installed on my workstation, do I also need to
> install 3.5 SP1 or is it covered in 4.0? I thought it was covered.
> Thanks in advance.
> *Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital*
> Managing Director
> P. 0404 865 350
> E.
> W.
> T.
> L.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Getting Microsoft hotfix - MS links don't appear to work.

2011-09-07 Thread Preet Sangha
Guys I wonder if I'm doing this right.

I found a KB article:

And I then went :

and filled out the form, on submission it told me that I'd get an email
with relevant links.

However the links in the email don't appear to work (IE or chrome)  - I get

Here's the 32 bit HF link

Location: (,%20Windows%202003,%20Windows%20Vista,%20Windows%20Server%202008,%20Win7,%20Windows%20Server%202008%20R2%20(MSI)/nosp/DevDiv923477/30319.343/free/418758_intl_i386_zip.exe)

here's the 64 HF bit

Location: (,%20Windows%202003,%20Windows%20Vista,%20Windows%20Server%202008,%20Win7,%20Windows%20Server%202008%20R2%20(MSI)/nosp/DevDiv923477/30319.343/free/418759_intl_x64_zip.exe)

Here is full email.


For your convenience, we put the hotfix that you requested on an HTTP site.
You can download the hotfix from this site without us filling up your e-mail

WARNING   This hotfix has not undergone full testing. Therefore, it is
intended only for systems or computers that are experiencing the exact
problem that is described in the one or more Microsoft Knowledge Base
articles that are listed in "KB Article Numbers" field in the table at the
end of this e-mail message. If you are not sure whether any special
compatibility or installation issues are associated with this hotfix, we
encourage you to wait for the next service pack release. The service pack
will include a fully tested version of this fix. We understand that it can
be difficult to determine whether any compatibility or installation issues
are associated with a hotfix. If you want confirmation that this hotfix
addresses your specific problem, or if you want to confirm whether any
special compatibility or installation issues are associated with this
hotfix, support professionals in Customer Support Services can help you with
that. For information about how to contact support, copy the following link
and then paste it into your Web browser:

For additional support options, please copy the following link and then
paste it into your Web browser:

Before you install this hotfix


If you decide to install this hotfix, please note the following items:

Do not deploy a hotfix in a production environment without first testing the

Back up the system or the computer that will receive the hotfix before you
install the hotfix.

Additional hotfix information


NOTE   For your convenience, we send the hotfix location to you in a
hyperlink. To connect to this hotfix location, you can click the hyperlink
in the "Location" field that is listed in the table at the end of this
e-mail message to have your Web browser open that location. However,
sometimes e-mail program settings disable hyperlinks. If the hyperlink in
this e-mail message is disabled, please copy the hyperlink in the "Location"
field and then pastes it into the address box of your Web browser. Make sure
that you include the exact text (without spaces) between the parentheses in
the http:// address.




KB Article Number(s): 2277657

Language: All (Global)

Platform: i386

Location: (,%20Windows%202003,%20Windows%20Vista,%20Windows%20Server%202008,%20Win7,%20Windows%20Server%202008%20R2%20(MSI)/nosp/DevDiv923477/30319.343/free/418758_intl_i386_zip.exe)


KB Article Number(s): 2277657

Language: All (Global)

Platform: x64

Location: (,%20Windows%202003,%20Windows%20Vista,%20Windows%20Server%202008,%20Win7,%20Windows%20Server%202008%20R2%20(MSI)/nosp/DevDiv923477/30319.343/free/418759_intl_x64_zip.exe)

NOTE   Make sure that you include all the text between "(" and ")" when you
visit this hotfix location.


Re: Getting Microsoft hotfix - MS links don't appear to work.

2011-09-07 Thread Preet Sangha
Thank you ken.

On 8 September 2011 14:47, Ken Schaefer  wrote:

>  The closing ) seems to be included in the links below. Remove that, and
> the links work for me
> ** **
> Cheers
> Ken
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
> *Sent:* Thursday, 8 September 2011 6:18 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Getting Microsoft hotfix - MS links don't appear to work.
> ** **
> Guys I wonder if I'm doing this right.
> ** **
> I found a KB article:
> ** **
> And I then went :
> ** **
> and filled out the form, on submission it told me that I'd get an email
> with relevant links. 
> ** **
> However the links in the email don't appear to work (IE or chrome)  - I
> get 
> ** **
> Here's the 32 bit HF link
> Location: (
> here's the 64 HF bit 
> Location: (
> ** **
> ** **
> Here is full email.
> ** **
> For your convenience, we put the hotfix that you requested on an HTTP site.
> You can download the hotfix from this site without us filling up your e-mail
> inbox.
> WARNING   This hotfix has not undergone full testing. Therefore, it is
> intended only for systems or computers that are experiencing the exact
> problem that is described in the one or more Microsoft Knowledge Base
> articles that are listed in "KB Article Numbers" field in the table at the
> end of this e-mail message. If you are not sure whether any special
> compatibility or installation issues are associated with this hotfix, we
> encourage you to wait for the next service pack release. The service pack
> will include a fully tested version of this fix. We understand that it can
> be difficult to determine whether any compatibility or installation issues
> are associated with a hotfix. If you want confirmation that this hotfix
> addresses your specific problem, or if you want to confirm whether any
> special compatibility or installation issues are associated with this
> hotfix, support professionals in Customer Support Services can help you with
> that. For information about how to contact support, copy the following link
> and then paste it into your Web browser: 
> For additional support options, please copy the following link and then
> paste it into your Web browser:
> Before you install this hotfix
> --
> If you decide to install this hotfix, please note the following items:
> Do not deploy a hotfix in a production environment without first testing
> the hotfix. 
> Back up the system or the computer that will receive the hotfix before you
> install the hotfix.
> Additional hotfix information
> -
> NOTE   For your convenience, we send the hotfix location to you in a
> hyperlink. To connect to this hotfix location, you can click the hyperlink
> in the "Location" field that is listed in the table at the end of this
> e-mail message to have your Web browser open that location. However,
> sometimes e-mail program settings disable hyperlinks. If the hyperlink in
> this e-mail message is disabled, please copy the hyperlink in the "Location"
> field and then pastes it into the address box of your Web browser. Make sure
> that you include the exact text (without spaces) between the parentheses in
> the http:// address.
> Package:
> ---
> --

Latest MS Sync Framework?

2011-09-11 Thread Preet Sangha
Looking at the sync framework home page ( I see that CTP 4.0 (from
October 2010) is listed. Is this really the last update - that seems pretty
ancient? Or is there codeplex type releases that I should be looking at
instead. It look like an interesting technology for off line phone

Also thinking about it, does anyone on the list use it or a competing

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Embed file name into compiled source

2011-09-12 Thread Preet Sangha
in the constructor:

class x {

static string currentFile = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true


On 12 September 2011 21:34, Michael Minutillo

> Hey all,
> Hopefully a simple one (or impossible). Is there a way to embed the current
> filename into a class using the preprocessor? i.e. In Ruby you can use the
> predefined variable __FILE__ (or something I don't remember the specifics).
> I want this info for reasons that are complex and boring and I really don't
> want to have to dig into pdb files or write my own precompilation step to
> achieve what I need.
> Michael M. Minutillo
> Indiscriminate Information Sponge

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Embed file name into compiled source

2011-09-12 Thread Preet Sangha
Doh!!! I mean in the class :-)

On 12 September 2011 21:37, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> in the constructor:
> class x {
> static string currentFile = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true
> ).GetFrame(0).GetFileName();
> }
> On 12 September 2011 21:34, Michael Minutillo  > wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Hopefully a simple one (or impossible). Is there a way to embed the
>> current filename into a class using the preprocessor? i.e. In Ruby you can
>> use the predefined variable __FILE__ (or something I don't remember the
>> specifics).
>> I want this info for reasons that are complex and boring and I really
>> don't want to have to dig into pdb files or write my own precompilation step
>> to achieve what I need.
>> Michael M. Minutillo
>> Indiscriminate Information Sponge
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Embed file name into compiled source

2011-09-12 Thread Preet Sangha
Now I dare you to put it into shared library and see it fail :-0

On 12 September 2011 21:45, Michael Minutillo

> Perfect. And much simpler than the crazy ideas being bandied about in my
> brain. Thanks!
> Michael M. Minutillo
> Indiscriminate Information Sponge
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> Doh!!! I mean in the class :-)
>> On 12 September 2011 21:37, Preet Sangha  wrote:
>>> in the constructor:
>>> class x {
>>> static string currentFile = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true
>>> ).GetFrame(0).GetFileName();
>>> }
>>> On 12 September 2011 21:34, Michael Minutillo <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey all,
>>>> Hopefully a simple one (or impossible). Is there a way to embed the
>>>> current filename into a class using the preprocessor? i.e. In Ruby you can
>>>> use the predefined variable __FILE__ (or something I don't remember the
>>>> specifics).
>>>> I want this info for reasons that are complex and boring and I really
>>>> don't want to have to dig into pdb files or write my own precompilation 
>>>> step
>>>> to achieve what I need.
>>>> Michael M. Minutillo
>>>> Indiscriminate Information Sponge
>>> --
>>> regards,
>>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Assembly binding woes

2011-09-19 Thread Preet Sangha
Matt, can you try and use a probe path using a symbolic linked subdirectory
to the real directory?

On 19 September 2011 18:27, Matt Siebert  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have some assembly binding weirdness happening that I don't fully
> understand.  I have some theories but I'd like to understand it a bit
> better.
> I have a solution with two primary entry points:
> 1.  A .NET 4.0 WPF application
> 2.  A .NET 3.5 class library that is loaded as a plugin for a 3rd party
> application
> Both of these assemblies have a dependency on Autofac, but the .NET 3.5
> class library uses Autofac for .NET 3.5 while the .NET 4.0 WPF app uses
> Autofac for .NET 4.0.
> Obviously, when sending build output to the same folder one Autofac.dll
> overwrites the other so I've added post-build commands to move Autofac to
> relevant sub-folders ("NET35" and "NET40").
> For the WPF app I've added an app.config file with a  privatePath="NET40" /> element which correctly resolves the dependency.
> For the .NET 3.5 DLL it's a little trickier.  I can't add a 
> element since it would need to go in the 3rd party host app's config file,
> and the path would be outside the host's appbase path.  Instead, my DLL
> provides an AssemblyResolve event handler that finds and loads the DLL.
> This all works fine.
> The plugin DLL described so far, let's call it "Lib1.dll", implements a
> type, say "DerivedType", that is inherited from BaseType in Lib2.dll.
>  DerivedType overrides a method with a ContainerBuilder parameter so it can
> add registrations to the container.  The sequence of events is as follows:
> 1.  Host app loads Lib1.dll and calls DerivedType.Startup
> 2.  DerivedType.Startup calls BaseType.Startup
> 3.  BaseType subscribes to AssemblyResolve and calls SomeMethod that
> directly uses a ContainerBuilder
> 4.  The AssemblyResolve handler finds and loads Autofac.dll
> 5.  BaseType.SomeMethod executes and calls
> SomeVirtualMethod(ContainerBuilder builder)
> DerivedType in Lib1.dll overrides SomeVirtualMethod but this doesn't get
> called, however, BaseType.SomeVirtualMethod does execute.
> This seems consistent with the dependency being loaded into the LoadFrom
> context and therefore not being used to resolve dependencies of Load context
> assemblies, but the code is using Assembly.Load(), not LoadFrom().
> I'm not sure if I've explained this very well, but hopefully somebody can
> shed some light on why this is happening?
> Cheers.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Security clearance for work in Canberra

2011-09-26 Thread Preet Sangha
I hope it's easier than getting uk security clearance. You're not considered
for contracts until you have it and you can't get it until you have a job or
some company to sponsor you. Meh

On 26 September 2011 13:32, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Gday,
> Moving to Canberra in a few months and I hear getting a security clearance
> would help find jobs in the government. Any advice on the process for this?
> Is it possible to secure a claerance on my own? Costs? How? No luck with my
> Googling skills yet
> Cheers
> Tom

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: ozdotnet vs ozwinrt etc

2011-09-26 Thread Preet Sangha

On 27 September 2011 11:41, David Connors  wrote:

> Howdy,
> Given the architectural changes in Windows, I am canvasing what we should
> be doing with a number of these lists. WinRT is the new replacement for
> Win32 moving forward. WPF an SL become marginalised/legacy with XAML on
> WinRT being the new way forward.
> So, any thoughts on new list structures and so on to inflect the
> new/pending reality?
> My thinking is that:
>- ozdotnet, ozwpf and ozsilverlight would end up being legacy toward
>the release of Win8.
>- ozwinrt (registered it last night) would be a point of unifying the
>audiences from the above three lists.
> Thoughts, comments?
> David.
> --
> *David Connors* | |
> Software Engineer
> Codify Pty Ltd
> Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417
> 189 363
> V-Card:
> Address Info:

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: WinRT vs World+Dog

2011-09-27 Thread Preet Sangha
On 28 September 2011 14:24, David Connors  wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 11:08 AM, David Kean wrote:
>>  If you think that WinRT got rid of UI threads and message pumps, you’d
>> be wrong. :)
>> **
> That is really disappointing.

Why? The technologies are tried and tested and have years of stability
behind them. If you watch the build 875 video you'll see how MS leverage the
existing COM infrastructure to bridge the worlds. Personally I think using
existing working stuff is what makes the new stuff interesting.
Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2011-10-01 Thread Preet Sangha
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Preet

Preet Sangha
Principal Developer/Consultant at Iridium Technology
New Zealand

Confirm that you know Preet Sangha:

You are receiving Invitation to Connect emails. Click to unsubscribe:

(c) 2011 LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Re: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2011-10-01 Thread Preet Sangha
Sorry guys that was a silly slip of the mouse

On 2 October 2011 19:53, Preet Sangha  wrote:

>  [image: LinkedIn]
>  *From Preet Sangha*
> Principal Developer/Consultant at Iridium Technology
> New Zealand
> I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
> - Preet
> Confirm that you know 
> Preet<>
>   You are receiving Invitation to Connect emails. 
> Unsubscribe<>
> © 2011, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043,

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: In praise of DirectoryInfo Framework 4

2011-10-02 Thread Preet Sangha
Doesn't reflector have an addin to dump out source code to file or project?
I suspect large portions of the files will be the same (class names etc). A
diff tool (like beyond compare) could highlight differences.

On 3 October 2011 14:01, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Many years ago someone in an MSDN magazine article used reflection to dump
> all public classes and members of Framework 1.1 and the (then new) 2.0 and
> then compared them to see what had changed. I was tempted to write something
> similar to compare 2.0 and 4.0 but don’t have the spare time. Maybe someone
> else has already done this, either formally or informally. It would be
> fascinating -- Greg
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET

2011-10-07 Thread Preet Sangha
my suggestion is one of these

1. if you need a small subset of the functions write a P/Invoke or MC++
 wrapper for the functions you need.
2. If you need to use a large subset of it, recompile it using MC++ with
appropriate exposure to functions you need using MC++

On 8 October 2011 16:28, Tom Gao  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> ** **
> I’m trying to use crypto++ I have found a binary that’s compiled using msvc
> 2005
> ** **
> However I’m not sure how I can interface it with .NET C#. I know I can’t
> add it as a reference and I need to create a wrapper class. But surely
> there’re easier ways to do this than manually creating all the functions.
> Has anyone used SWIG or any other
> tools to do this.
> ** **
> Thank you,
> Tom

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET

2011-10-07 Thread Preet Sangha
Just had a thought. You could use SWIG to generate a python wrapper that
could possibly be used from IronPython 1.1 (CLR 2+) or the 2.7 (CLR4+)

On 8 October 2011 17:44, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> my suggestion is one of these
> 1. if you need a small subset of the functions write a P/Invoke or MC++
>  wrapper for the functions you need.
> 2. If you need to use a large subset of it, recompile it using MC++ with
> appropriate exposure to functions you need using MC++
> On 8 October 2011 16:28, Tom Gao  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> ** **
>> I’m trying to use crypto++ I have found a binary that’s compiled using
>> msvc 2005
>> ** **
>> However I’m not sure how I can interface it with .NET C#. I know I can’t
>> add it as a reference and I need to create a wrapper class. But surely
>> there’re easier ways to do this than manually creating all the functions.
>> Has anyone used SWIG or any other
>> tools to do this.
>> ** **
>> Thank you,
>> Tom
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET

2011-10-07 Thread Preet Sangha
Python painful? Hahahahah I found it one of the best .net languages for it's
clean syntax and interoperability. But that aside. MC++ is just C++ for the
CLR and you use Visual Studio as it's part of the pacakge, Since the library
is written in MSVC then I suspect the compile to MC++ may not be as hard.
However you still have to put wrappers on.

Have a look at this example see if it's something that suits : Code
Project Managed
C++ - Learn by Example <>

On 8 October 2011 18:09, Tom Gao  wrote:

> Thanks that sounds rather painful to have to go to python.
> ** **
> I was hoping there were an easier way. P/Invoke isn’t exactly the easiest
> thing to use.
> ** **
> Also what’s the IDE for MC++?
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
> *Sent:* Saturday, 8 October 2011 3:47 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET
> ** **
> Just had a thought. You could use SWIG to generate a python wrapper that
> could possibly be used from IronPython 1.1 (CLR 2+) or the 2.7 (CLR4+)
> ** **
> On 8 October 2011 17:44, Preet Sangha  wrote:
> my suggestion is one of these
> ** **
> 1. if you need a small subset of the functions write a P/Invoke or MC++
>  wrapper for the functions you need.
> 2. If you need to use a large subset of it, recompile it using MC++ with
> appropriate exposure to functions you need using MC++
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> On 8 October 2011 16:28, Tom Gao  wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I’m trying to use crypto++ I have found a binary that’s compiled using msvc
> 2005
> However I’m not sure how I can interface it with .NET C#. I know I can’t
> add it as a reference and I need to create a wrapper class. But surely
> there’re easier ways to do this than manually creating all the functions.
> Has anyone used SWIG or any other
> tools to do this.
> Thank you,
> Tom
> ** **
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> ** **
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET

2011-10-07 Thread Preet Sangha
I don't think VS will create a wrapper for you. What you need to do is
determine what functions in the DLL you need to use. Then work out what code
and structures need wrapping and to what complexity. Once you worked that
out then you can design the wrapper to map into the .net domain.

Personally I wouldn't attempt to wrap third party library until I understood
it and how I needed to use it first.

On 8 October 2011 18:37, Tom Gao  wrote:

> Thanks for that.
> ** **
> I see a lot of wrapping projects having a readme note like the below do you
> know what Application Wizard is? Or how I can generate a wrapper it seems to
> be something default in Visual Studio? But I can’t find it.
> ** **
> ** **
> DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY : shamirsharp Project Overview
> **
> **
> ** **
> AppWizard has created this shamirsharp DLL for you.  
> ** **
> This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files
> that
> make up your shamirsharp application.
> ** **
> shamirsharp.vcproj
> This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an
> Application Wizard. 
> It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated
> the file, and 
> information about the platforms, configurations, and project features
> selected with the
> Application Wizard.
> ** **
> shamirsharp.cpp
> This is the main DLL source file.
> ** **
> shamirsharp.h
> This file contains a class declaration.
> ** **
> AssemblyInfo.cpp
>Contains custom attributes for modifying assembly metadata.
> ** **
> /
> Other notes:
> ** **
> AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you
> should add to or customize.
> ** **
> /
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
> *Sent:* Saturday, 8 October 2011 4:32 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET
> ** **
> Python painful? Hahahahah I found it one of the best .net languages for
> it's clean syntax and interoperability. But that aside. MC++ is just C++ for
> the CLR and you use Visual Studio as it's part of the pacakge, Since the
> library is written in MSVC then I suspect the compile to MC++ may not be as
> hard. However you still have to put wrappers on.
> ** **
> Have a look at this example see if it's something that suits : Code
> Project Managed C++ - Learn by 
> Example<>
> ** **
> On 8 October 2011 18:09, Tom Gao  wrote:
> Thanks that sounds rather painful to have to go to python.
> I was hoping there were an easier way. P/Invoke isn’t exactly the easiest
> thing to use.
> Also what’s the IDE for MC++?
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
> *Sent:* Saturday, 8 October 2011 3:47 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: using win32 C++ Dynamic Dll in .NET
> Just had a thought. You could use SWIG to generate a python wrapper that
> could possibly be used from IronPython 1.1 (CLR 2+) or the 2.7 (CLR4+)
> On 8 October 2011 17:44, Preet Sangha  wrote:
> my suggestion is one of these
> 1. if you need a small subset of the functions write a P/Invoke or MC++
>  wrapper for the functions you need.
> 2. If you need to use a large subset of it, recompile it using MC++ with
> appropriate exposure to functions you need using MC++
> On 8 October 2011 16:28, Tom Gao  wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I’m trying to use crypto++ I have found a binary that’s compiled using msvc
> 2005
> However I’m not sure how I can interface it with .NET C#. I know I can’t
> add it as a reference and I need to create a wrapper class. But surely
> there’re easier ways to do this than manually creating all the functions.
> Has anyone used SWIG or any other
> tools to do this.
> Thank you,
> Tom
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> ** **
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

New laptop

2011-10-09 Thread Preet Sangha
I'm thinking of getting a gaming laptop for development purposes. I'll be
doing lots of SQL Analysis Server Cube processing and want something with

The one at the top of the list currently is the MSI GT 680 at approx $2k.

The primary reason I'm thinking of using a gaming laptop is the sheer power
of the CPU coupled with a RAID0 striped SSD combo and upto 16GB as future

I've used VS2010 for two years now and frankly I've yet to see it perform
well on any business machine  I've used. I figure that it's just time to
bite the bullet and get a machine designed for more.

Can anybody comment on whether think I'm just overspending.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: New laptop

2011-10-09 Thread Preet Sangha
I'm going to use SSD's

This particular model has space for 2 drives in ROAD 0 combo, so I'm
thinking of a couple of 64gb in a stripe and then possible upgradfe to 120
or 240's next year, but leave most of the rest of storage on a USB3

On 10 October 2011 16:49, Michael Ridland  wrote:

> Most devs that move to a SSD love them.
> Whenever I've opted for a faster machine it's always been well worth the
> money, there's not a chance your overdoing it. Make sure you have multiple
> monitors also, at least two.
> It's in the top 4 of programmers priorities, so says Hanselman.
> It's an easy sell to the business because it makes you more productive
> meaning your solving more customer problems hence your company makes more
> money.
> Do it now! :)
> *Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital*
> Managing Director
> P. 0404 865 350
> E.
> W.
> T.
> L.
>  <>
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> I'm thinking of getting a gaming laptop for development purposes. I'll be
>> doing lots of SQL Analysis Server Cube processing and want something with
>> grunt.
>> The one at the top of the list currently is the MSI GT 680 at approx $2k.
>> The primary reason I'm thinking of using a gaming laptop is the sheer
>> power of the CPU coupled with a RAID0 striped SSD combo and upto 16GB as
>> future proofing.
>> I've used VS2010 for two years now and frankly I've yet to see it perform
>> well on any business machine  I've used. I figure that it's just time to
>> bite the bullet and get a machine designed for more.
>> Can anybody comment on whether think I'm just overspending.
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: New laptop

2011-10-09 Thread Preet Sangha
I've never understood that with companies that prefer to waste money in
people hours rather than buy cheap hardware. Different budgets I assume

On 10 October 2011 18:56, DotNet Dude  wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Michael Ridland  wrote:
> >
> > Most devs that move to a SSD love them.
> >
> > Whenever I've opted for a faster machine it's always been well worth the
> > money, there's not a chance your overdoing it. Make sure you have
> multiple
> > monitors also, at least two.
> >
> > It's in the top 4 of programmers priorities, so says Hanselman.
> >
> >
> > It's an easy sell to the business because it makes you more productive
> > meaning your solving more customer problems hence your company makes more
> > money.
> >
> Easy hey? Never had any luck with this myself
> > Do it now! :)
> >
> > Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital
> > Managing Director
> > P. 0404 865 350
> > E.
> > W.
> > T.
> > L.
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Preet Sangha 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm thinking of getting a gaming laptop for development purposes. I'll
> be
> >> doing lots of SQL Analysis Server Cube processing and want something
> with
> >> grunt.
> >> The one at the top of the list currently is the MSI GT 680 at approx
> $2k.
> >> The primary reason I'm thinking of using a gaming laptop is the sheer
> >> power of the CPU coupled with a RAID0 striped SSD combo and upto 16GB as
> >> future proofing.
> >> I've used VS2010 for two years now and frankly I've yet to see it
> perform
> >> well on any business machine  I've used. I figure that it's just time to
> >> bite the bullet and get a machine designed for more.
> >> Can anybody comment on whether think I'm just overspending.
> >>
> >> --
> >> regards,
> >> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: New laptop

2011-10-11 Thread Preet Sangha
I think it's a lot to do with movie resolutions and the convergence of
media. The largest market is for movie sized panels

On 11 October 2011 21:29, Stephen Price  wrote:

> Ok, I just priced up a Dell XPS 17 laptop (not buying, just looking at
> current specs) and was surprised to notice the highest screen resolution I
> could choose was
> 17.3" (43.94cm) FHD WLED TL (1920x1080).
> Thats the 3D version (they also have a touch screen version but
> the resolution is lower 1600 x 900).
> I've also noticed its increasingly hard to find monitors that do 1920x1200
> (they all seem to be 1920 x 1080). Samsung dont seem to make their 2650x1600
> 30" monitor anymore (leaving only Dell and Apple). What the hell is going
> on? Are people getting older and so can't see their screens anymore? Why the
> backward step in resolution
> I can't make sense of it. Anyone? It's not something to do with movie
> screen ratios or something is it? That's dumb.
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:24 PM, DotNet Dude wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Michael Ridland 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Definitely these days it should be a no brainer. Any smart business
>> person
>> > knows the importance of investing in technology and talent. I wouldn't
>> work
>> > for a company that doesn't.
>> This is exactly why hardware is one of the questions I ask about in
>> interviews; that and Internet access. I still can't believe the number
>> of organisations (public service mainly) that block access to most
>> websites useful to developers.
>> >
>> > Something that's a little bit harder is private offices for developers,
>> but
>> > I think ROI is most definitely worth it, seriously whats the price of a
>> > wall?
>> >
>> > Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital
>> > Managing Director
>> > P. 0404 865 350
>> > E.
>> > W.
>> > T.
>> > L.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:56 PM, DotNet Dude 
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Michael Ridland 
>> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > Most devs that move to a SSD love them.
>> >> >
>> >> > Whenever I've opted for a faster machine it's always been well worth
>> the
>> >> > money, there's not a chance your overdoing it. Make sure you have
>> >> > multiple
>> >> > monitors also, at least two.
>> >> >
>> >> > It's in the top 4 of programmers priorities, so says Hanselman.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > It's an easy sell to the business because it makes you more
>> productive
>> >> > meaning your solving more customer problems hence your company makes
>> >> > more
>> >> > money.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> Easy hey? Never had any luck with this myself
>> >>
>> >> > Do it now! :)
>> >> >
>> >> > Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital
>> >> > Managing Director
>> >> > P. 0404 865 350
>> >> > E.
>> >> > W.
>> >> > T.
>> >> > L.
>> >> >
>> >> > On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Preet Sangha > >
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I'm thinking of getting a gaming laptop for development purposes.
>> I'll
>> >> >> be
>> >> >> doing lots of SQL Analysis Server Cube processing and want something
>> >> >> with
>> >> >> grunt.
>> >> >> The one at the top of the list currently is the MSI GT 680 at approx
>> >> >> $2k.
>> >> >> The primary reason I'm thinking of using a gaming laptop is the
>> sheer
>> >> >> power of the CPU coupled with a RAID0 striped SSD combo and upto
>> 16GB
>> >> >> as
>> >> >> future proofing.
>> >> >> I've used VS2010 for two years now and frankly I've yet to see it
>> >> >> perform
>> >> >> well on any business machine  I've used. I figure that it's just
>> time
>> >> >> to
>> >> >> bite the bullet and get a machine designed for more.
>> >> >> Can anybody comment on whether think I'm just overspending.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> regards,
>> >> >> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: XMLSerializer error

2011-10-11 Thread Preet Sangha
I wonder if that's for the serialiser assembly. I'm trying to recall but
doesn't the serialisation/deserialisation take advantage of custom code if
you have it.

On 12 October 2011 17:17, Ian Thomas  wrote:

>  I have a class called root, which describes an XML data structure that I
> read from a disk file into a stream. 
> All works OK, but this line 
> Dim xSerializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(root))
> produces two consecutive  System.IO.FileNotFoundException errors. This
> doesn’t cause any problems at all, but I’m interested in why this occurs and
> what the fix is. 
> ** **
>  --
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Generics/Type question

2011-10-11 Thread Preet Sangha
So you want to create the list generically?

This SO question should help:

so my suggestion is to create a List instance for each type
(Activator.CreateInstance) in your types array and store the lists in an
IList[]. Finally iterate over this IList[] to call add on each one with the
vars entity.

On 12 October 2011 18:23, Les Hughes  wrote:

> Hey all,
> It's kind of difficult to explain what I am looking to do, and it might
> seem a little wacky, but here goes a simplified version of the question
> I've got some lists of data in a database which I have a GenericList
> interface for (from the database), so no matter what type of data is in the
> DB, it has a way of displaying it as a GenericList.
> Each bit of data can be loaded into a data cache by using:
> public void loadData(vars) where T : GenericList
> To load lots of data at once I would do this
> void someMethod()
> {
>   ClassType vars = new ClassType();
>   loadData(**vars); // load settings
>   loadData(vars); // load cat pictures
>   loadData(vars); // load other memes
> }
> What I am wondering if I can do something like this: (obviously the code
> below isn't valid, but it should illustrate what I am trying to do)
> void someMethod()
> {
>   Type[] typeArray = new type[]{ Name.Space.Settings,
> Name.Space2.catPictures, Name.Space2.otherMemes };
>   ClassType vars = new ClassType();
> for (int i = 0; i < typeArray.length; i++)
>   {
>   loadData(vars); // load each one of those types
>   }
> }
> --**---
> Any ideas? Thanks heaps :)
> --
> Les Hughes

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: monitor stand

2011-10-12 Thread Preet Sangha
Thank you for this info for me it's just up the road :-)

On 13 October 2011 01:55, Ian Thomas  wrote:

>  This is $75 from local suppliers, I’m told – 3-monitor arm, for up to 24”
> screens -
> -
> and you can put another bank (3 screens) on top. 
> Or do you have something else in mind? 
>  --
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, Western Australia
>   --
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Tom Gao
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:25 PM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
> *Subject:* OT: monitor stand
> ** **
> Hi Guys,
> ** **
> I’m looking to get a Hex monitor stand. Does anyone know a seller local in
> Australia. Most good quality stand that I find online cost an arm or leg.
> Usually starting $600 and up the ones that are cheaper will cost an arm and
> leg to get shipped out here.
> ** **
> Thanks in advance.
> ** **
> Tom

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Name of process

2011-10-13 Thread Preet Sangha
I suspect that this would be a great question for

On 14 October 2011 19:29, David Boccabella <> wrote:

> Hi there
> I am trying to find the name of a process so I can then  look for coding
> example on google to do it. Unfortunately it will be in VB6.
> ** **
> Imagine.
> ** **
> You have an irregular shaped circle with 400 points on the circumference.
> Each point is represented numerically as the radius from the center to that
> point.
> ** **
> Now - you need to give this to a system that requires 1000 point, so you
> need to  'generate' additional points  that would lie on the circumference
> if the original circle was plotted with 1000 instead of 400.
> ** **
> I think the term is interpolating with bsplines but I am not sure.   The
> company I work for manufactures lenses for specticles and some of the
> equipment will trace the shape of a lens using 400, 100, or 1000 points. And
> other machines that cut the lenses want 1000 points. So I need to convert
> the 400 point traces to 1000 ones.
> ** **
> Many thanks for any advice
> Dave
> ** **
> ** **
> David J. Boccabella
> Proprietor
> Anubis Systems
> Phone: 0433 808 525
> Fax: 3200 0085
> Email: 
> This e-mail and it's contents is confidential to Anubis Systems.
> This e-mail, any attachments, or any part of can not be reproduced
> without the express written permission of Anubis Systems
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Name of process

2011-10-13 Thread Preet Sangha
hahahahahaha snap!

On 14 October 2011 19:43, Arjang Assadi  wrote:

> Ask the experts :
> On 14 October 2011 17:29, David Boccabella
>  wrote:
> > Hi there
> >
> > I am trying to find the name of a process so I can then  look for coding
> > example on google to do it. Unfortunately it will be in VB6.
> >
> >
> >
> > Imagine.
> >
> >
> >
> > You have an irregular shaped circle with 400 points on the circumference.
> > Each point is represented numerically as the radius from the center to
> that
> > point.
> >
> >
> >
> > Now - you need to give this to a system that requires 1000 point, so you
> > need to  'generate' additional points  that would lie on the
> circumference
> > if the original circle was plotted with 1000 instead of 400.
> >
> >
> >
> > I think the term is interpolating with bsplines but I am not sure.   The
> > company I work for manufactures lenses for specticles and some of the
> > equipment will trace the shape of a lens using 400, 100, or 1000 points.
> And
> > other machines that cut the lenses want 1000 points. So I need to convert
> > the 400 point traces to 1000 ones.
> >
> >
> >
> > Many thanks for any advice
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > David J. Boccabella
> >
> > Proprietor
> > Anubis Systems
> > Phone: 0433 808 525
> >
> > Fax: 3200 0085
> > Email:
> >
> > This e-mail and it's contents is confidential to Anubis Systems.
> > This e-mail, any attachments, or any part of can not be reproduced
> > without the express written permission of Anubis Systems
> > 
> >
> >

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Hosted Source Control/Issue Tracking recommendations

2011-10-16 Thread Preet Sangha

I've been asked to evaluate cloud hosted source control and issue tracking
and was wondering if you guys have any recommendations.

We're currently looking at:

   - Hosted TFS
   - Fogbuz/Kiln

I personally prefer a DVCS based solution as this really is the future but
my my colleagues and I are familiar with TFS so may be it's a get up and go
quickly solution for them

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Hosted Source Control/Issue Tracking recommendations

2011-10-17 Thread Preet Sangha
Bitbucket doesn't have an issue tracking system like the two I mentioned.
Git is not being considered as mercurial has better windows support.

But thank you for the suggestions.

On 17 October 2011 22:38, Joseph Cooney  wrote:

> Other than github and bitbucket?
> On 17/10/2011, at 1:09 PM, Preet Sangha  wrote:
> Guys,
> I've been asked to evaluate cloud hosted source control and issue tracking
> and was wondering if you guys have any recommendations.
> We're currently looking at:
>- Hosted TFS
>- Fogbuz/Kiln
> I personally prefer a DVCS based solution as this really is the future but
> my my colleagues and I are familiar with TFS so may be it's a get up and go
> quickly solution for them
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Hosted Source Control/Issue Tracking recommendations

2011-10-17 Thread Preet Sangha
Thank you I'll look at BitBucket again.

On 18 October 2011 01:51, Joseph Cooney  wrote:

> bitbucket has issue tracking.
> Although I prefer mercurial git seems to work for me, and a number of other
> people, on Windows.
> Joseph
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> Bitbucket doesn't have an issue tracking system like the two I mentioned.
>> Git is not being considered as mercurial has better windows support.
>> But thank you for the suggestions.
>> On 17 October 2011 22:38, Joseph Cooney  wrote:
>>> Other than github and bitbucket?
>>> On 17/10/2011, at 1:09 PM, Preet Sangha  wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> I've been asked to evaluate cloud hosted source control and issue
>>> tracking and was wondering if you guys have any recommendations.
>>> We're currently looking at:
>>>- Hosted TFS
>>>- Fogbuz/Kiln
>>> I personally prefer a DVCS based solution as this really is the future
>>> but my my colleagues and I are familiar with TFS so may be it's a get up and
>>> go quickly solution for them
>>> --
>>> regards,
>>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> --
> w:
> t: @josephcooney

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Setting DOS environment variables

2011-10-22 Thread Preet Sangha
Does reg query work?

   - set a user env var: (your app etc)
   - get it with reg query and put into a variable locally for processing :
   *for /f "tokens=3" %f in ('reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v
   someVar') do @set someVar=%f*

I set the variable after the command prompt has been started.

C:\Users\preet>for /f "tokens=3" %f in ('reg query
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v someVar') do @set someVar=%f

C:\Users\preet>echo %someVar%



On 23 October 2011 14:48, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Several years ago I tried to find a way of setting (creating) DOS
> environment variables in code and then using the values in batch files. I
> remember I failed because the variables only existed for the duration of the
> process. I had a fresh look at this problem today and was thrilled to see a
> 3rd argument added to the 
> SetEnvironmentVariablemethod.
>  I wrote a console app with this single line of code:
> ** **
> Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Foo", string.Format("{0:HHmmss}",
> DateTime.Now), EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
> ** **
> In a bat file I then called this app followed by a "set f" command. But
> sadly the Foo value is not present. I tried setting target to Machine, but
> this requires admin privileges to write to HKLM. Even more sadly it does
> work either because it seems to write the reg entry but the new value is not
> immediately picked up by the batch file.
> ** **
> Does anyone know of a trick to programmatically set environment variables
> for use in a bat file?
> ** **
> Greg
> ** **
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Hosted Source Control/Issue Tracking recommendations

2011-11-03 Thread Preet Sangha
Thank you

On 3 November 2011 22:56, David Connors  wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Liam McLennan wrote:
>> I like Github better that Bitbucket but they are both good. There is also
>> Assembla and Unfuddle.
> We're using Redmine with GIT integration for a startup I am working with
> at the moment. Early days but it looks pretty promising.
> --
> *David Connors* | |
> Codify Pty Ltd
> Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417
> 189 363
> V-Card:
> Address Info:

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: IIS permission problem on network share

2011-12-29 Thread Preet Sangha
Have you set the app pool credentials correctly?

On 30 December 2011 19:57, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I just created a web site virtual directory in IIS on my Win2008
> server. The path of this virtual directory points to something like
> ** **
> \\OTHERMACHINE\shared\stuff
> ** **
> When I go to a client machine and browse to this folder I get a Windows
> Authentication prompt, which I discard and IIS says 401 - Unauthorized:
> Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
> ** **
> On the web server procmon shows
> ** **
> ACCESS DENIED \\OTHERMACHINE\shared\stuff\index.htm
> Generic Read
> Impersonating NT AUTHORITY\IUSR
> ** **
> To try and get around this I’ve spend hours adding every friggin’ account
> I can think of to the permissions, but nothing makes any difference. I’ve
> even tried everyone, authenticated users, IUSR, websever\IIS_IUSERS, and
> many more stupid combinations and absolutely nothing changes the problem.*
> ***
> ** **
> What trick am I possibly missing?
> ** **
> Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] 10-11 inch notebook

2012-01-10 Thread Preet Sangha
Though I've not owned one. I've used one on occasion and find the following

   - Screen size. I tend to scroll down not across - the net book
   experience is not good. So it's hard to read the odd doc them.
   - low power - boot up and apps like word take for ever to start - of
   course that was aolder generation and I'd now use an ssd

Internet and docs are the only things I used the net book for.
If get another, I'm getting a tablet and removable keyboard to go with it.
I feel that is the best of all worlds.

Of course your experience my vary (I used to have one of my screen in
vertical mode on the mdesktop too :-)

On 11 January 2012 10:36, Dave Walker  wrote:

> Bought this and words great.
> Not sure about word and all that but probably can use online tools..
> On 10 January 2012 21:34, Bec Carter  wrote:
>> G'day
>> I'm after a 10-11 inch netbook/notebook which I will probably only use
>> for internet, occasionally working on word or excel and of course I
>> need a keyboard which is why a tablet won't do. I want something cheap
>> so no ultrabooks or anything like that..
>> I realise most netbooks are about the same so was more after any
>> issues people here have had with them and which ones to avoid if any.
>> Cheers
>> Bec

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: The way NuGet works

2012-01-25 Thread Preet Sangha
It is possible to create a nuget 'master libs' type arrangement. I recall
doing it in my last role.

You create a nuget.config file in the same directory as the solution file
 containing the shared location. It worked great
On 25 January 2012 20:46, Michael Minutillo wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> Check out
>  details of how to get nuget to manage the dependencies without checking
> in all of those files into source control. This gets even more powerful if
> you have a corporate NuGet server so that you get to control all of the
> dependencies without duplicating them over and over in the repository.
> Michael M. Minutillo
> Indiscriminate Information Sponge
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Peter Gfader  wrote:
>> Hi Greg
>> >>Then I see that it has created a packages folder under my solution
>> folder containing 55 files in 4 folders with a total size of 3.8MB. Now
>> this seems a bit heavy-handed ... it will create duplicated and redundant
>> files in projects everywhere, multiple tool versions can be installed, and
>> it will make version control and deployment trickier.
>> Why would you say that it makes deployment trickier?
>> I am not a big fan of having lots of duplicated files either, for every
>> little pet project. But the advantage is that it just works: Get latest
>> from source control -> all references can be resolved...
>> .peter.gfader.
>> fat fingers + tiny touchscreen -> short emails
>> On Jan 25, 2012 7:53 AM, "Greg Keogh"  wrote:
>>> People have been talking about NuGet a bit so I thought I’d try it out.*
>>> ***
>>> ** **
>>> The very first thing that confused me was the relationship between the
>>> NuGet packages I install and those that I have already installed by other
>>> means. For example I get packages for Entity Framework, Nunit and SQL CE,
>>> but I already have these installed. So I opened a small console app and
>>> added the NUnit package to see what happens. I see that it adds 3
>>> references like this sample:
>>> ** **
>>> E:\dev\command\myapp\packages\NUnit.\lib\nunit.framework.dll
>>> ** **
>>> Then I see that it has created a packages folder under my solution
>>> folder containing 55 files in 4 folders with a total size of 3.8MB. Now
>>> this seems a bit heavy-handed ... it will create duplicated and redundant
>>> files in projects everywhere, multiple tool versions can be installed, and
>>> it will make version control and deployment trickier. I’m utterly
>>> bewildered by what NuGet has done and find it hard to believe that anyone
>>> would find this acceptable.
>>> ** **
>>> Am I missing something?
>>> ** **
>>> Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: C# training in Brisbane

2012-02-01 Thread Preet Sangha
I cannot recomend any training houses as I'm in NZ, but I can recommend the
paid for Pluralsight Training. As experienced as I am, I still get lots of
value from their courses.

On 2 February 2012 14:35, Richard Moore <> wrote:

> Anyone recommend a good place to get some C# training?
> ** **
> We are a Delphi house that’s moving to C# so don’t need a how to program
> type course, more an “intermediate” level course that’s more showing the
> .NET framework’s wares and how it’s done in C#
> ** **

Re: Anyone doing XBAP?

2012-02-07 Thread Preet Sangha
We did.

We built the xbap to load the local directories and then run the app form

On 7 February 2012 19:50,  wrote:

> XBAP looking pretty cool,   but wouldn’t it be better to have a app that
> works on more platforms?  I assume this will not work on an ipad
> considering it is using dotnet3
> ** **
> ** **
> Anthony
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Kirsten Greed
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 7 February 2012 5:45 PM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
> *Subject:* Anyone doing XBAP?
> ** **
> Hi All
> Just wondering if anyone is using XBAP for line of business applications?*
> ***
> Where should I go to get a feel for the work involved in converting a WPF
> app to run as XBAP?
> Thanks
> Kirsten
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Distributed Logging Experiences

2012-04-06 Thread Preet Sangha
I wonder if this could be easily extended to a cloud solution.

MSMQ locally and then HTTP offsite to an EC2 type beast to aggregate and

On 7 April 2012 10:35, Joseph Cooney  wrote:

> I've seen people use msmq to write a log entry locally and have it read
> from the local machine into a centralized location, but that was on a
> system with only about 20 web nodes. I've also seen ppl write to the
> windows event log, and use monitoring tools like SCOM to aggregate (also on
> about 20 nodes).
> I'm curious to know what you're doing that requires that many nodes. I
> know a lot of household name web sites that run on a 10th or 20th of that.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 06/04/2012, at 11:20 PM, Dave Walker  wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > looking for ideas or proven experiences involving logging from larger
> applications e.g. 200+ web nodes. Our current system of log4net into files
> on each server is quickly proving to be a nightmare - We are struggling to
> find out when, where, how and why things are breaking because of the rapid
> growth we have experienced.
> >
> > E.g. things we have thought about include log4net into a DB that we can
> pull into a centralised location, MSMQ, file watchers etc.
> >
> > What have you guys done in the past?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave Walker

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: unsubscribe

2012-05-04 Thread Preet Sangha
LOL don't mean to be rude but talk to the bot, the list ain't listening

On 4 May 2012 19:21, David Loo  wrote:

>  ** **
> ** **
> *David Loo ***
> *Analyst/Programmer**
> *
> [image: Description: Description: email_signature_logo]
> *IT Vision Australia Pty Ltd* (ABN: 34 309 336 904)
> PO Box 881, Canning Bridge WA 6153
> Level 3, Kirin Centre, 15 Ogilvie Road, Applecross, WA, 6153
> P:  (08) 9315 7000F:  (08) 9315 7088
> E:
> ___ 
> NOTICE : This e-mail and any attachments are intended for the addressee(s)
> only and may
> contain confidential or privileged material. Any unauthorised review, use,
> alteration,
> disclosure or distribution of this e-mail (including any attachments) by
> an unintended recipient
> is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the
> sender as soon as
> possible by return e-mail and then delete both messages.
> ___
> ** **
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature database 7109 (20120503) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] PC Anniversary

2012-05-24 Thread Preet Sangha
I was in the UK . Got my first PC from Amstrad 640k 20Mb hard drive (and
was an 8086). I had to choose between a hard drive and colour - parents
could only afford one. Man booting DOS off of a hard drive as opposed to
floppy - magic!!!

Used it for my final year project programming in Modula 2.

On 25 May 2012 11:29, David Richards  wrote:

> I got my first PC around that time.  Maybe '91 or '92.  Prior to that
> was C64 and A500.  4MB RAM, 128MB HD. Those were the days of the turbo
> button, industrial deafness from printers and an audible click
> whenever you changed screen resolution.  What I find interesting is
> when you look at your phone compared to these old PCs.  It's just
> astounding.  Assuming the trend continues, it wont be long before
> we're all carrying "super computers" to tell everyone what we had for
> breakfast.
> David
> "If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes
>  will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
>  -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama
> On 25 May 2012 09:12, Greg Keogh  wrote:
> > Folks, it’s a Friday in late May 2012 and I just realised that this week
> is
> > the 20th anniversary of buying my first PC. It cost $5000 from Microway
> and
> > it had (I think) a 486-DX2 processor, 16MB of RAM a 240MB HD, two floppy
> > drives and a 14" monitor, nothing else. It came with floppy discs to
> install
> > DOS 5 and Windows 3.1, both of which had only just been released.
> >
> >
> >
> > Several weeks later I had my first encounter with the knuckle-whitening
> > frustration that would be a part of my life with PCs for the next 20
> years:
> > I bought a Sound blaster card which was faulty. It randomly worked and
> then
> > didn’t, and it would popup "Error 2". After days of suffering I guessed
> that
> > it was a hardware fault and asked the Dick Smith store to let me try
> another
> > card, and it worked immediately. This was the first piece of hardware I
> ever
> > added, and it was cactus, what luck! Also, luckily a friend showed me
> how to
> > install video drivers and I managed to get the 640x480 display up to the
> > maximum of 1024x768 with high colour.
> >
> >
> >
> > I build a new PC for my wife last night and compared to my original PC it
> > has 500 times more RAM, 5000 times the disc space and the CPU is so much
> > faster and different that I’m not sure a comparison would be meaningful.
> > With SSD, memory sticks, LCD screens, disc burners, networking, Internet
> > etc, we’ve come a long way, thank heavens.
> >
> >
> >
> > Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: ASP.Net 1.0 in 3.5 container

2012-06-12 Thread Preet Sangha
I've not done this, but I'm wondering if you can just use two virtual
directories each with a different WebApplication framework/type? And
Hyperlink between them? You can upgrade the old pages as time allows, and
 as time allows add new functionality the 3.5 application?

On 13 June 2012 17:04, Grant Molloy  wrote:

> Hi all..
> So my boss came to me yesterday and asks me to look into and build a
> prototype for an ASP.Net 3.5 web app which would need to act as a container
> for an ancient ASP.Net 1.0 app..
> 1.0 app is well and truely past due for life cycling, but org doesn't want
> to do big bang tech refresh, as have recently had fingers burnt on another!
> The request...
> "The prefered approach would be to come up with a solution that allows
> existing functionality to remain 'as-is' and new functionality to be
> developed in .Net 3.5.
> Over time existing functionality can be upgraded (from 1.0 to 3.5) as the
> need arises.
> Can you look at building a simple prototype in 3.5 that acts as a
> container to 'Project ABC' web presentation functionality? The focus would
> be to identify possible options for integration between 3.5 and 1.0 at a
> presentation level..  Some key challenges include
> * how to host 1.0 components within a 3.5 container
> * how to integrate navigation from UIP (3.5) to 1.0 model
> * how to sync data between 3.5 and 1.0 (eg. Session state)
> * how to best isolate 1.0 functionality to allow clean separation from a
> maintenance perspective, as well as ease to be able to upgrade any piece of
> 1.0 functionality independently of other functionality. "
> As I'm waiting for my environment to be commissioned, I've been
> fruitlessly scouring the web. It seems like the web has cleansed itself of
> most. Net 1.0 info!!
> Has anyone out there faced and defeated (or turned and run away screaming
> for their mummy) this type of beast?
> Can you use. Net 1.0 user controls in 3.5?
> Grant

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: ASP.Net 1.0 in 3.5 container

2012-06-13 Thread Preet Sangha
Sorry Michael I don't know - I've not touched ASP.NET (except for WCF) for

On 13 June 2012 18:58, Michael Ridland  wrote:

> With that you can also use a distributed session state.
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> I've not done this, but I'm wondering if you can just use two virtual
>> directories each with a different WebApplication framework/type? And
>> Hyperlink between them? You can upgrade the old pages as time allows, and
>>  as time allows add new functionality the 3.5 application?
>> On 13 June 2012 17:04, Grant Molloy  wrote:
>>> Hi all..
>>> So my boss came to me yesterday and asks me to look into and build a
>>> prototype for an ASP.Net 3.5 web app which would need to act as a container
>>> for an ancient ASP.Net 1.0 app..
>>> 1.0 app is well and truely past due for life cycling, but org doesn't
>>> want to do big bang tech refresh, as have recently had fingers burnt on
>>> another!
>>> The request...
>>> "The prefered approach would be to come up with a solution that allows
>>> existing functionality to remain 'as-is' and new functionality to be
>>> developed in .Net 3.5.
>>> Over time existing functionality can be upgraded (from 1.0 to 3.5) as
>>> the need arises.
>>> Can you look at building a simple prototype in 3.5 that acts as a
>>> container to 'Project ABC' web presentation functionality? The focus would
>>> be to identify possible options for integration between 3.5 and 1.0 at a
>>> presentation level..  Some key challenges include
>>> * how to host 1.0 components within a 3.5 container
>>> * how to integrate navigation from UIP (3.5) to 1.0 model
>>> * how to sync data between 3.5 and 1.0 (eg. Session state)
>>> * how to best isolate 1.0 functionality to allow clean separation from a
>>> maintenance perspective, as well as ease to be able to upgrade any piece of
>>> 1.0 functionality independently of other functionality. "
>>> As I'm waiting for my environment to be commissioned, I've been
>>> fruitlessly scouring the web. It seems like the web has cleansed itself of
>>> most. Net 1.0 info!!
>>> Has anyone out there faced and defeated (or turned and run away
>>> screaming for their mummy) this type of beast?
>>> Can you use. Net 1.0 user controls in 3.5?
>>> Grant
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> --
> *Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital*
> Managing Director
> P. 0404 865 350
> E.
> W.
> T.
> L.
>  <>

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Fridy OT [OT] : Functional programming vs OOP

2012-06-14 Thread Preet Sangha
I don't have a demonstration per se,

But I see the big difference between the two paradigms as data flow
vscontrol flow, Where the functional languages are more like data flow
data transformation if you prefer) like say SQL  vs control flow languages
like C or OOP variants.

They both allow you to define data structures, but they fundamentally
operate upon them in different ways. But like all languages there are
overlaps that allow you to do the other type of flow (if/else & cursors
etc. in SQL or say Linq in C#) if you prefer.

Maybe I'm wrong - but the paradigm works in my head :-)

On 15 June 2012 13:12, Joel Pobar  wrote:

> Go watch, then read this:
> and this
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Arjang Assadi wrote:
>> Ok , been wondering about type of problems that according to functional
>> purist makes F#, Haskel a must have tool.
>> Can anyone suggest a (simple) problem to demontrate the effciency of
>> handling it in F#, Haskel etc. vs C#?
>> Anyone using any functional programming for real world anything that
>> would not be possible/infeasible with C#?
>> Regards
>> Arjang

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Windows Phone 8 developer story - is it better that 7.x?

2012-06-20 Thread Preet Sangha
I've been reading the other thread about the cost of upgrading phones
ornot for windows 8. But I've a deeper concern. Is there any info on
the data
 for developing on window 8 phones?

As a windows dev through and through for 20+ years I find that the  Windows
Phone 7.x is  incredibly difficult to develop for.  My biggest gripe is the
side loading experience and the inability to access the phone itself
outside the sandbox. I appreciate that MS has decided on this model for
security reasons but is it likely that this will continue.

Will windows phone 8 have the same developer limiting experience? I note
that WP8 will allow admins to set up corporate appHubs - are these likely
to be only domain based?

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: no more Macros for VS2012!

2012-06-29 Thread Preet Sangha
Just discovered this:

Now I want use macros where ever I need

Alas they're going

On 30 June 2012 08:48, Jano Petras  wrote:

> Cheers guys, all valued advices. Will try to play with those. Thanks.
> On 29 June 2012 16:58, Wallace Turner  wrote:
>> Jano, Resharper also fixes the problem if you use Code Cleanup (Ctrl-E,
>> C) and select the default profile 'Reformat Code'
>> It will remember your last profile so you can quickly run it, allbeit
>> with a few more keys.
>> On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:39 PM,  wrote:
>>> I have ctrl+q (in editor) do the following.
>>> Reformat, order usings, and close the file.
>>> Davy
>>> Hexed into a portable ouija board.
>>> --
>>> *From: * "Mark Thompson" 
>>> *Sender: *
>>> *Date: *Fri, 29 Jun 2012 20:01:37 +0930
>>> *To: *'ozDotNet'
>>> *ReplyTo: * ozDotNet 
>>> *Subject: *RE: no more Macros for VS2012!
>>> Hi Jano,
>>> ** **
>>> I use CTRL + E, D (“Format Document” under Edit > Advanced menu in
>>> VS2010) – this should remove any trailing whitespace from all lines as well
>>> as format the file as per the formatting settings you have set under Tools
>>> > Options >Text Editor.
>>> ** **
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mark.
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *Jano Petras
>>> *Sent:* Friday, 29 June 2012 7:26 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet
>>> *Subject:* Re: no more Macros for VS2012!
>>> ** **
>>> Well, I do have one usage of macros - to strip off trailing whitespace
>>> from all lines in a code file. I have mapped it to Ctrl-W and using it all
>>> the time.
>>> Is there a built-in command that can do this now? If not, I will be
>>> affected, and will need to do something about it.
>>> Are any of you guys using something similar to perform this? Or hanging
>>> whitespace at the end of lines does not bother you ?
>>> Cheers,
>>> jano
>>> On 28 June 2012 08:56, Arjang Assadi  wrote:***
>>> *
>>> FYI Evryone who uses macros, they are gone from VS 11 since less than 1%
>>> of people were using them:
>>> But as one of the posts pointed out they were being used by super users
>>> that most likely would turn off the usage data gathering features.
>>> Regards
>>> Arjang
>>> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Ok I have a tablet (nexus 7) - now what? (friday off topic)

2012-08-24 Thread Preet Sangha
I've resisted buying an ipad or a tablet for years but I've just decided to
on a whim to purchase a nexus 7 and a nice little bit of kit it is too.
However as a died in the wool keyboardy person this touchy feely world is a
bit alien to me.

I bought it primarily to read the web and technical Ebooks (I like colour),
but I hear you can use them for fun too. So what would guys recommend I use
the tablet for other than the Ebook thing. Seems like Lync won't work on it
just yet so no work emails for a while.  I might give mono a go or even
(deep breath) java but I feel I have a toy and am trying to justify
spending all that moolah!

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Ok I have a tablet (nexus 7) - now what? (friday off topic)

2012-08-24 Thread Preet Sangha
Bugger - I should have bought it from OZ! I had my brother send me one over
from the UK 199 UKP...

On 24 August 2012 21:17, David Connors  wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> I've resisted buying an ipad or a tablet for years but I've just decided
>> to on a whim to purchase a nexus 7 and a nice little bit of kit it is too.
>> However as a died in the wool keyboardy person this touchy feely world is a
>> bit alien to me.
>> I bought it primarily to read the web and technical Ebooks (I like
>> colour), but I hear you can use them for fun too. So what would guys
>> recommend I use the tablet for other than the Ebook thing. Seems like Lync
>> won't work on it just yet so no work emails for a while.  I might give mono
>> a go or even (deep breath) java but I feel I have a toy and am trying to
>> justify spending all that moolah!
> I have a Nexus 7 and I view it as a companion to my work PC. Re 'all that
> moolah' - it is only ~$250 and really well built for that. I think in the
> context of what most other devices cost - it is really cheap.
> It is the *right* form factor for reading crap on the Internet on the
> couch (much more so than an iPad/Surface). I don't think of it as a primary
> computing device - more of an e-reader on steroids.
> --
> David Connors
> | M +61 417 189 363
> Download my v-card:
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Connect with me on LinkedIn:

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Ok I have a tablet (nexus 7) - now what? (friday off topic)

2012-08-24 Thread Preet Sangha
Yeah I guessed... we don't have it over the ditch yet. So I now I really
have to justify the moolah :-)

On 24 August 2012 21:28, David Connors  wrote:

> I bought mine from Google Play - They shipped from Singapore somewhere and
> it arrived in ~2 days.
> Just checked my work visa statement and it was $268.99 delivered. The
> price was $249 aussie pesos + shipping, not usd as I said below.
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> Bugger - I should have bought it from OZ! I had my brother send me one
>> over from the UK 199 UKP...
>> On 24 August 2012 21:17, David Connors  wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>>>> I've resisted buying an ipad or a tablet for years but I've just
>>>> decided to on a whim to purchase a nexus 7 and a nice little bit of kit it
>>>> is too. However as a died in the wool keyboardy person this touchy feely
>>>> world is a bit alien to me.
>>>> I bought it primarily to read the web and technical Ebooks (I like
>>>> colour), but I hear you can use them for fun too. So what would guys
>>>> recommend I use the tablet for other than the Ebook thing. Seems like Lync
>>>> won't work on it just yet so no work emails for a while.  I might give mono
>>>> a go or even (deep breath) java but I feel I have a toy and am trying to
>>>> justify spending all that moolah!
>>> I have a Nexus 7 and I view it as a companion to my work PC. Re 'all
>>> that moolah' - it is only ~$250 and really well built for that. I think in
>>> the context of what most other devices cost - it is really cheap.
>>> It is the *right* form factor for reading crap on the Internet on the
>>> couch (much more so than an iPad/Surface). I don't think of it as a primary
>>> computing device - more of an e-reader on steroids.
>>> --
>>> David Connors
>>> | M +61 417 189 363
>>> Download my v-card:
>>> Follow me on Twitter:
>>> Connect with me on LinkedIn:
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland
> --
> David Connors
> | M +61 417 189 363
> Download my v-card:
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Connect with me on LinkedIn:

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: DirectShow

2012-08-27 Thread Preet Sangha
>From the DirectShow
)  I
found this:

*How can I detect whether DirectShow is installed on a given machine?*

Call *CoCreateInstance* to create an instance of the Filter Graph Manager.
If this call succeeds, DirectShow is installed on the machine. The
following code shows how to do this:

IGraphBuilder *pGraph;

HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph,
IID_IGraphBuilder, (void **) &pGraph);

You should be able to call this from .net using the DirectShow.NET see here
for some thing that you could crib from

On 27 August 2012 21:37, Ian Thomas  wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to test for DirectShow installs on Windows (XP
> onwards; mobile platform not included)? Is it still a standard install
> (without users opting to download and install it themselves) for Windows 7
> and Windows 8 versions? 
> Note that I’m aware that DirectShow.NET is a non-Microsoft wrapper for DS.
> ** **
> --
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Nexus 7

2012-09-20 Thread Preet Sangha
I bought one. I use the kobo app and it's fine. Yes the brother's kindle is
a million times better but  I wanted to read tech books and colour
magazines. It's ok but I've not used it in real anger yet.

So in summary? TBD.

On 21 September 2012 17:41, Ian Thomas  wrote:

> Does anyone use a Nexus 7 tablet as an eBook device? I can’t imagine it
> could compare with Kindle or other e-Ink devices in extremes of ambient
> light – but I would be interested in comments.
> ** **
> --
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Nexus 7

2012-09-21 Thread Preet Sangha
Yes it's basic. I think I need to do more research. I use the tech stuff
mostly in PDFs and novels in kobo.

On 21 September 2012 19:12, Ian Thomas  wrote:

> Preet – I have only used the Kobo application for Windows (for a tech
> publication that I bought – written by Mal Bryce), and I thought it was
> diabolical. I haven’t researched the available eReader software for the
> Nexus 7 – I assumed I could get a range of free eReader apps that suit the
> various formats. Yes? 
> ** **
> --
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, Western Australia
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
> *Sent:* Friday, September 21, 2012 2:10 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Nexus 7
> ** **
> I bought one. I use the kobo app and it's fine. Yes the brother's kindle
> is a million times better but  I wanted to read tech books and colour
> magazines. It's ok but I've not used it in real anger yet. 
> ** **
> So in summary? TBD.
> ** **
> On 21 September 2012 17:41, Ian Thomas  wrote:
> Does anyone use a Nexus 7 tablet as an eBook device? I can’t imagine it
> could compare with Kindle or other e-Ink devices in extremes of ambient
> light – but I would be interested in comments.
> --
> Ian Thomas
> Victoria Park, Western Australia
> ** **
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Nexus 7

2012-09-21 Thread Preet Sangha
WOW - that looks fantastic - thank you!

On 21 September 2012 20:28, Michael Minutillo

> Well if they are not DRM'd then I highly recommend grabbing a copy of
> It'll even run a web server that serves up your ebooks in your house (or
> out if you're feeling adventurous) :)
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Stephen Price 
> wrote:
>> Be nice if there wasn't so many formats. Then you could read all of your
>> books in one app instead of having a dozen readers installed.
>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Michael Minutillo <
>>> wrote:
>>> I use Aldiko on an Android tablet. The killer feature for me was the
>>> fact that I could adjust the brightness by sliding my thumb up and down the
>>> left-hand side of the screen. Not sure if any other apps have this now but
>>> at the time it was something I sorely needed. AFAIK Aldiko has no "store"
>>> it's just a player but I was reading eBooks so
>>> that didn't matter.
>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Stephen Price <
>>>> wrote:
 Page turns on the Kindle app slide the page in the turned direction.
 Not a bad experience.
 Page turns on the Google Play (when reading ebooks) gives a nice page
 furl slide animation. Really nice, slick and not overdone. This reader is
 my favourite but the books you get on Google seem to differ to Amazon. More
 novels, less technical books I think. I could be wrong. Google also seems
 cheaper a little.
 Page turns on Safari Online app. Atrocious. When reading online it
 downloads the page (what no preloading?) and takes a second or two.
 Annoying. If you download the book and read it in offline mode, I found
 that turning pages will turn two pages at a time and it does it too fast.
 You dont know if you changed one page or more. Not happy with this app,
 which is a shame because of the number of books I can read on Safari
 Online. Wish they would fix this. (have reported to them as a bug).

 PDF reading is also nice in the built in Adobe (I think I might have
 installed their app). has continuous mode (vertical scrolling. no thanks)
 or single page, similar animated slide like Kindle. Still prefer Google
 Play reader. I'm sure there are others. s many others. Thats a plus,
 you have choice. (mind numbingly confusing to despair choice.)

 On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:25 PM, mike smith  wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:
>> Does anyone use a Nexus 7 tablet as an eBook device?
>  Yes, I use it for 'American' published account (its difficult to
> change between Aussie and US accounts)
> Its a comfortable size to hold.
>>  I can’t imagine it could compare with Kindle or other e-Ink devices
>> in extremes of ambient light
> Why?  It probably isn't good for full sun, but that's a bad reading
> environment anyway.  It beats e-Ink stone cold dead when reading in the
> dark. :)
>  Also, I like the faster page-turn you get with Nexus 7 and non e-Ink
> devices.
> – but I would be interested in comments.
>> ** **
>> --
>> **Ian Thomas**
>> Victoria Park, Western Australia
> --
> Meski
> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills


Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Nexus 7

2012-09-21 Thread Preet Sangha
:-) I no longer use kobo The news feature of the calibre + it's library
management has sold me. I'm now using the amazon kindle reader.

I've put the the library in my dropbox as it says when installing that it
will use a given library of it finds one. So I'm going to see if I can run
it from multiple computers too.

On 21 September 2012 20:51, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> WOW - that looks fantastic - thank you!
> On 21 September 2012 20:28, Michael Minutillo  > wrote:
>> Well if they are not DRM'd then I highly recommend grabbing a copy of
>> It'll even run a web server that serves up your ebooks in your house (or
>> out if you're feeling adventurous) :)
>> <>
>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Stephen Price > > wrote:
>>> Be nice if there wasn't so many formats. Then you could read all of your
>>> books in one app instead of having a dozen readers installed.
>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Michael Minutillo <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I use Aldiko on an Android tablet. The killer feature for me was the
>>>> fact that I could adjust the brightness by sliding my thumb up and down the
>>>> left-hand side of the screen. Not sure if any other apps have this now but
>>>> at the time it was something I sorely needed. AFAIK Aldiko has no "store"
>>>> it's just a player but I was reading eBooks
>>>> so that didn't matter.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Stephen Price <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Page turns on the Kindle app slide the page in the turned direction.
>>>>> Not a bad experience.
>>>>> Page turns on the Google Play (when reading ebooks) gives a nice page
>>>>> furl slide animation. Really nice, slick and not overdone. This reader is
>>>>> my favourite but the books you get on Google seem to differ to Amazon. 
>>>>> More
>>>>> novels, less technical books I think. I could be wrong. Google also seems
>>>>> cheaper a little.
>>>>> Page turns on Safari Online app. Atrocious. When reading online it
>>>>> downloads the page (what no preloading?) and takes a second or two.
>>>>> Annoying. If you download the book and read it in offline mode, I found
>>>>> that turning pages will turn two pages at a time and it does it too fast.
>>>>> You dont know if you changed one page or more. Not happy with this app,
>>>>> which is a shame because of the number of books I can read on Safari
>>>>> Online. Wish they would fix this. (have reported to them as a bug).
>>>>> PDF reading is also nice in the built in Adobe (I think I might have
>>>>> installed their app). has continuous mode (vertical scrolling. no thanks)
>>>>> or single page, similar animated slide like Kindle. Still prefer Google
>>>>> Play reader. I'm sure there are others. s many others. Thats a plus,
>>>>> you have choice. (mind numbingly confusing to despair choice.)
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:25 PM, mike smith wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Ian Thomas 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Does anyone use a Nexus 7 tablet as an eBook device?
>>>>>>  Yes, I use it for 'American' published account (its difficult to
>>>>>> change between Aussie and US accounts)
>>>>>> Its a comfortable size to hold.
>>>>>>>  I can’t imagine it could compare with Kindle or other e-Ink devices
>>>>>>> in extremes of ambient light
>>>>>> Why?  It probably isn't good for full sun, but that's a bad reading
>>>>>> environment anyway.  It beats e-Ink stone cold dead when reading in the
>>>>>> dark. :)
>>>>>>  Also, I like the faster page-turn you get with Nexus 7 and non
>>>>>> e-Ink devices.
>>>>>> – but I would be interested in comments.
>>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> **Ian Thomas**
>>>>>>> Victoria Park, Western Australia
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Meski
>>>>>> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
>>>>>> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8

2012-09-28 Thread Preet Sangha
We were having a discussion at lunch time about tablets and tablet like
interfaces. And though we weren't talking about win8 per se there was two
schools of thought. One camp thought that keyboards will always provide
a high bandwidth to computer interaction for us (devs) content creators.
And that the tablet interfaces will never suffice.

While my view was that as abstractions mature more software enabling that
content creation through these interfaces will appear, and will improve the
bandwidth sufficiently.

My view is when wimps appeared keyboard hacks like me found them hard use
and to maintain productivity. But as they matured things improved
considerably. Key things that come to mind are IDEs with data/tool tips and
interactive text windows.

And thought I 'hate' windows 8 for being a giant phone it's only
a temporary thing until  the software matures -  In fact I'm
going as far to bet my career on it again.

-- preet

On 28 September 2012 19:32, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> >Greg, embrace the change. It's a beautiful world. Just remember, if
> everyone could do it, everyone would. Things could be worse. You might have
> a job digging holes. Not saying that's bad, we need holes. Just not for me,
> thanks.
> ** **
> Steve, strangely enough, I’m actually complaining this time, well, not in
> the usual way. I normally do love change (for the better) and I’ll bet that
> like most of the people in this group my motto is “If it ain’t broke, fix
> it until it is”.
> ** **
> David K has answered my conundrum and saved me hours of suffering trying
> to get VS2012 going on Win8 RC. So who is it in here that was doing some
> Metro development a few weeks ago? Were you using an emulator or some other
> sleight of hand?
> ** **
> There have been many times over the last couple of years where I think
> digging holes would be more enjoyable than writing software. I’m sure than
> any holes I dug would be incompatible with other holes unless I downloaded
> a special beta digging tool before the official spade went RTM, then I’d
> find that the final release spade would need to be assembled from
> downloaded parts with hotfix screws to hold it together, then for rocky
> soil I’d have to upgrade to Spade Premium Edition which would require
> complete dismantling of the old spade.
> ** **
> Greg
> ** **

Windows 8 and the Start Button

2012-09-28 Thread Preet Sangha
Stardock has (in beta) an application that lets you put a windows 7 type
start button back into Windows 8.

The best thing I think is the ability to start in desktop mode.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Windows 8 and the Start Button

2012-10-01 Thread Preet Sangha

On 2 October 2012 15:56, Corneliu I. Tusnea  wrote:

> That is quite hilarious. Buy a plugin so you can make Windows work like
> Windows :)
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>> Stardock has (in beta) an application that lets you put a windows 7 type
>> start button back into Windows 8.
>> The best thing I think is the ability to start in desktop mode.
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Almost Friday: New Programming Language, Objective CorporateSpeak++

2012-10-04 Thread Preet Sangha

2012/10/5 Les Hughes 

> language-objective-**corporatespeak
> :)
> --
> Les Hughes

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Windows Server 2012 on the desktop

2012-10-09 Thread Preet Sangha
In the old days you could put a server OS on you devstation to sun server
software for development, and configure the UI to look like a desktop. Does
windows server 2012 still have this facility or is it not worth the bother
any more.

Most of dev is done on 16Bg + i7 + 2 x Raid 0 SSDs so it's got hunks of

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Win8 Start Button

2012-10-10 Thread Preet Sangha
Just checked the case you're pulling our legs :-)

On 10 October 2012 20:20, Glen Harvy  wrote:

>  Hi,
> Has anyone else noticed that the Start button functionality has been
> 're-instated' in the latest Win8 update? Just move your mouse to where the
> start button used to be and you will be shown the link to the Start screen.
> Glen.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Just seen the prices of Window 8 RT Surface devices....

2012-10-16 Thread Preet Sangha
Looks like I wont' be splashing out for a while

Don't know how competitive these prices are but they seem a little high but
then maybe they are fighting Apple and not Android.

US 500 without cover/keyboard
US 600 with  cover/keyboard

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Just seen the prices of Window 8 RT Surface devices....

2012-10-16 Thread Preet Sangha
the new stuff is all part of the Surface brand I suppose.

599 for a coffee table that would get kids dropping plates on is not going
to happen in this house :-)

18 K for magic coffee table NOPE can't justify it ever I suspect.

On 17 October 2012 18:37, mike smith  wrote:

> I thought Surface was the big coffee-table sized thing.  Colour me
> disappointed.

Re: Just seen the prices of Window 8 RT Surface devices....

2012-10-17 Thread Preet Sangha
This I don't doubt.

On 18 October 2012 16:48, David Kean  wrote:

>  Don’t get me wrong. This will happen. We’re (in my completely biased
> opinion) in an awesome position to take the workplace by storm – Surface
> Pro runs the full Windows, so you get the best of both worlds. 
> **

Re: Using async/await without .NET Framework 4.5

2012-10-24 Thread Preet Sangha

This is good news. The idea that good ideas can/have to be implemented in
the BCL and not just the language is great for those of us who are
abstraction wonks.


> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:25 PM, David Kean wrote:
>>  We just released an updated async package that enables async/await on
>> .NET Framework 4, Silverlight 4 & 5, Phone 7.5 and portable library
>> combinations:
>> ** **
>> Tell me what you think.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

USD $8 App dev accounts

2012-10-30 Thread Preet Sangha
According to

You can get appdev accounts for on USD $8 for the next week.

They say that they'll charge 99 in local currency but refund the difference
in the next month. My local currency in NZD but they want 70.

I wonder if this is a ex rate reversal?

What do you guys get for AUD?

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Windows 8 - Windows Defender API to scan files

2012-11-17 Thread Preet Sangha
Let's assume I wanted to write a program that would scan files using
Windows Defender.

I know I can use System.Process to the command line, but I was wondering if
there is an API that I could connect to and issue commands.

It's just a pet project to and nothing too serious, but my google fu is
failing me.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] God Mode for Windows 8

2012-11-23 Thread Preet Sangha
very cute!

On 23 November 2012 21:08, Ian Thomas  wrote:

> Friday nonsense: I didn’t know about this until recently – apparently it
> works in Vista+ (certainly OK in Win7)
> ** **
> --
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Managing databases

2012-12-17 Thread Preet Sangha
Thanks Brendan.

I used to use IronPython big time as a customisation hook. The ability to
load some code from the DB as an upgrade channel was great.

I really hope that it's Visual Studio experience is a lot better. In my
currently role do less straight code and more functional & declarative code
and Iron Python would really help connect the dots.

On 18 December 2012 14:52, Katherine Moss  wrote:

>  That’s so cool.  I plan to learn Python in the future.  C# and
> PowerShell in Tandem, then Python, then EAGLE (or TCL via the .NET
> Framework).  What else is still up in the air depending on what the heck I
> need to be learning for whatever I’m working on.  Dang, you’re on the
> project?  That’s like, awesome!  It’s a small world in the tech sphere,
> isn’t it?  I go by the handle chromebuster on CodePlex, if you’re ever
> looking for me on there.  
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *BC
> *Sent:* Monday, December 17, 2012 8:45 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Managing databases
>  Hi Katherine, 
> ** **
> IronPython is still being actively developed and a new release is coming
> early 2013 (at least that's the current plan). Version 3.0 compatibility is
> nearly complete in the 2.7x versions of IronPython, but from memory Jeff
> has full completion slated sometime next year.
> ** **
> Regards, Brenden
> ** **
> On 18 December 2012 11:40, Katherine Moss 
> wrote:
> Interesting.  I think I guessed IronRuby since that plugs right into .NET,
> you know?  By the way, is that even still being developed?  It doesn’t seem
> that IronPython is; the last update for it is version 2.73, though C Python
> is all the way at 3.0.  What’s with that, I wonder?  Maybe all of the
> members of those projects left or something?  
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Ben Scott
> *Sent:* Monday, December 17, 2012 8:38 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Managing databases
> Just plain Ruby. I think I used RubyInstaller for Windows -
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Katherine Moss <
>> wrote:
> Is that written in IronRuby, by any chance?
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Ben Scott
> *Sent:* Monday, December 17, 2012 8:29 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Managing data
> I have a similar system but I have a simple ruby script that applies
> migration scripts. I can run it against development databases and when I'm
> deploying a new version of the system I just run it against the production
> database. It includes a bootstrap migration to create the schema version
> table, and if the first migration is a dump of the existing schema and you
> insert the migration record on production you can create development
> databases totally in script. I've open sourced the script at
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Stuart Kinnear 
> wrote:
> I guess this is an age old problem, managing database changes such that
> they respect applications dependent on them.  We are bolting more
> applications to a couple of sql databases so the management exercise is
> becoming more complex, risky and expensive to maintain.
> Currently we have a database version number, use schema naming for
> application specific views and procedures and have a folder of each change
> in sequential order that has to be applied to production.
> Over the holiday break I thought I might research how we can improve our
> approach.  What systems have you or your organisations adopted  to keep it
> all under control , and are they successful? 
> --
> -
> Stuart Kinnear
> Mobile: 040 704 5686.   Office: 03 9589 6502
> SK Pro-Active! Pty Ltd
> acn. 81 072 778 262
> PO Box 6117 Cromer, Vic 3193. Australia
> Business software developers.
> SQL Server, Visual Basic, C# , Asp.Net, Microsoft Office.
> -
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: VS2012 - Colours

2012-12-18 Thread Preet Sangha
I love the owner name/description of the project - the guy sounds like he
has a good sense of humour.

On 19 December 2012 16:26,  wrote:

> Looks like you've already found something, but I used 'SExColor' (yes I
> know, stupid name) in VS2010 as I wanted to see the current file in more
> contrast.
> I have not tried to see if it's ok for VS2012 though.
> Steve.
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there any option to turn some colours in VS2012? This "metro" is
> > insanely bad. I have the solution open and everything in the Solution
> > Explorer is freaking black. with a bit of green that is hardly visible on
> > today's high resolution screens. My eyes instead of finding information
> at
> > a glance I have to struggle to figure out icons and read the tree to find
> > out what I want:
> >
> > [image: Inline image 1]
> > This is incredibly hard to use. I'm tempted to write a plugin just to fix
> > all those colours.
> > Or is there a plugin already?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Corneliu.
> >

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Live Mesh Replacement

2013-01-01 Thread Preet Sangha
Sorry james I don't know. But can you tell me how live mesh is different to
the other cloud technologies like skydrive/drop box etc?

On 2 January 2013 16:09, James Chapman-Smith  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> ** **
> You have probably heard that Live Mesh is being retired on Feb 13 this
> year. It's a bit of a bugger as I make heavy use of peer-to-peer sharing
> with colleagues in the office and SkyDrive, the anointed successor, doesn't
> have this feature.
> ** **
> Can anyone suggest a good replacement for the peer-to-peer folder sharing
> feature of Live Mesh?
> ** **
> Happy New Year!
> ** **
> James.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: VS2012 unit testing

2013-01-11 Thread Preet Sangha
I think I've lost more sleep on MS Test than any other technology from MS
including COM! I believe it's a tool from the pre MS accepting the open
source ecosystem and it did show it's 'me too'

I've not used it since vs2010 and wouldn't wish that tool on my enemies.
Well maybe some all of them.

I believe that MS have put a lot of effort in to VS2012 testing and that
can only be a good thing. I've not played with it yet (well only tiny tiny
bits), but I pray to the non existent god of mine that it's not as crap as
it used to be.

I look forward to being pleasantly surprised.

On 12 January 2013 16:37, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Forget my problem with the test output. I was dumping rows from an empty
> database table, so there was no output.
> Now I can see all of the 4 types of WriteLines appearing in a new pane
> when I click the 'Output' link. It's curious that the Console output comes
> first, then the Debug and Trace output mixed together, finally the
> TestContext.
> Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: vs 2010 and 2012

2013-01-15 Thread Preet Sangha
It's annoying how the BI team isn't keeping up with the SQL team. We have
the BI stuff stuff at VS2010, SQL Server at VS2012 (and VS2010), and to top
it all to support existing software the BI stuff VS2008.

I'd love to upgrade the Bi stuff to a better (slightly less opaque DTS/SSRS
and more forgi\ving ) environment

On 16 January 2013 11:20, Greg Low (  wrote:

> Another is that the SQL BI projects are still all VS2010 based.
> ** **
> Regards,
> ** **
> Greg
> ** **
> Dr Greg Low
> ** **
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: **
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 16 January 2013 3:15 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* RE: vs 2010 and 2012
> ** **
> One example is that VS 2012 doesn't support MSI setup (.vdproj) projects.*
> ***
> ** **
> See the following blogs for additional differences:
> ** **
> ** **
>  Original Message 
> Subject: RE: vs 2010 and 2012
> From: Katherine Moss 
> Date: Tue, January 15, 2013 10:45 am
> To: ozDotNet 
> I’m rather curious as to why somebody would want to do that though if the
> 2012 version supersedes the previous one in so many ways?
> *From:* **  [*
>* ] *On
> Behalf Of *David Loo
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:58 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: vs 2010 and 2012
> triple yes!
> On 15/01/13 12:28, **  wrote:
> Can you install vs 2012 in parallel with vs 2010?  
> -- 
> David Loo
> ** 

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Office 2010 and windows 8 possible or what will work?

2013-01-17 Thread Preet Sangha
Yes. Have been using it for ages.

On 18 January 2013 13:41,  wrote:

> Anyone know if office 2010 works on windows 8 or is there a compatible
> version for it?
> ** **
> ** **
> Anthony
> ** **
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: IPrinciple question

2013-02-21 Thread Preet Sangha
Does this help

On 22 February 2013 16:40, Stephen Price  wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm trying to get AppDomain's SetThreadPrinciple to work in a WPF app. Any
> new threads created have a genericPrinciple, not the one that I set on the
> AppDomain.
> There's an example in a console app that works how I'd like but something
> in WPF (related to security and the dispatcher I believe) that makes this
> not work.
> Have been searching for a workaround. Is the only way around this really
> to manually set the Thread.CurrentPrinciple each time a new thread is
> created?
> Crossposted because its so quiet. Apologies for ppl on both lists.
> cheers,
> Stephen

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Super Sync Sports

2013-02-27 Thread Preet Sangha
Bloody interesting look at the future of immersive computing.

On 28 February 2013 11:33, David Connors  wrote:

> All HTML5. This is amazing.
> --
> David Connors
> | M +61 417 189 363
> Download my v-card:
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Connect with me on LinkedIn:

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

(sorry slightly off topic) Laptop Backpack

2013-03-04 Thread Preet Sangha
I need a new laptop bag (the previous one that came with MSI Laptop has has
finally given up the ghost).

Does anyone here walk or cycle distances (I'm doing 15k a day)  carrying
their laptop in a backpack? If so would you recommend you case?

Ideally I need enough space to pack a towel and a bit of running gear too
 :-) yes I know I probably need a military style burgen  but no I'm not
getting one of those.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: (sorry slightly off topic) Laptop Backpack

2013-03-04 Thread Preet Sangha
Thanks Nathan, is it this one

On 5 March 2013 11:22, Nathan Chere  wrote:

>  Standbags has a “Navarro” backpack for about AU$40 which survived
> roughly 600km of backpacking and music festivals while protecting a 15”
> laptop, external hard drive and DSLR +lenses. Handled travelling much
> better than a Targus pack I paid 3-4x as much for on my last trip. Still
> using it as my day pack for work now, only major wear is the mesh water
> bottle nets on the side. I’m pretty sure they have stores in NZ as well,
> don’t know if they’d have the same stock but worth a shot.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 5 March 2013 7:36 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* (sorry slightly off topic) Laptop Backpack
> ** **
> I need a new laptop bag (the previous one that came with MSI Laptop has
> has finally given up the ghost).
> ** **
> Does anyone here walk or cycle distances (I'm doing 15k a day)  carrying
> their laptop in a backpack? If so would you recommend you case?
> ** **
> Ideally I need enough space to pack a towel and a bit of running gear too
>  :-) yes I know I probably need a military style burgen  but no I'm not
> getting one of those.
> ** **
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland 
> ** **
> Click here <> to
> report this email as spam.
> This message has been scanned for malware by Websense.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: (sorry slightly off topic) Laptop Backpack

2013-03-06 Thread Preet Sangha
thanks everyone. I'll going to look at the motorcycle ones .

On 5 March 2013 12:04, Filip Kratochvil  wrote:

> Carl Franklin on DotNetRocks ( always talks
> about "Brain Bags" from "Tombihn"
> Haven't got one so can't comment
> HTH,
> Filip
> Regards,
> Filip Kratochvil
> mob. 0438 001 110
> On 5 March 2013 09:57, David Szkilnyk  wrote:
>> I have been using a Tatkonka Server Pack for the last 10yrs,  one word
>> perfect!
>> For me I ride a motorcycle (150klms a day)  rain hail or shine with it
>> and it has carried all my laptops over the years from my current 13in dell
>> xps, to a asus 17in.  
>> It goes everywhere with me, it’s my man bag, I have done several overseas
>> trips with it as well. 
>> It’s quite comfortable, I would mind getting a new one as I have 1 zip
>> that has an issue with it, they don't make them any more (I have been
>> unable to find a new one) , the only thing that has come close is the
>> motorcycle backpacks - but it’s a touch smaller
>> than what I have been used to so I keep putting it off. 
>> The thing with Kriega is they are designed to sit on your back without
>> you knowing it, they extremely well made and comfortable. 
>> ** **
>> Good luck
>> Dave
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 5 March 2013 7:36 AM
>> *To:* ozDotNet
>> *Subject:* (sorry slightly off topic) Laptop Backpack
>> ** **
>> I need a new laptop bag (the previous one that came with MSI Laptop has
>> has finally given up the ghost).
>> ** **
>> Does anyone here walk or cycle distances (I'm doing 15k a day)  carrying
>> their laptop in a backpack? If so would you recommend you case?
>> ** **
>> Ideally I need enough space to pack a towel and a bit of running gear too
>>  :-) yes I know I probably need a military style burgen  but no I'm not
>> getting one of those.
>> ** **
>> --
>> regards,
>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland 

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Running code snippets

2013-03-11 Thread Preet Sangha
Not sure about VS but I've used linq pad to do this.

On 12 March 2013 12:57, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, what's the best way of conveniently running code snippets from
> inside Visual Studio 2012? Years ago I used some app to run snippets, but
> it was inconvenient and I never reinstalled it. Perhaps there are new
> tricks in the Immediate window or some similar window I'm not aware of.
> Quite often I want to just run one to five C# lines of code and see the
> output, then forget it.
> Greg K

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Dll Version Tool Utiliuty exist?

2013-03-12 Thread Preet Sangha
If you use Powershell you can grep a list of files: Get-Item?

and then use this logic to get the version

 [Reflection.AssemblyName]::GetAssemblyName('full path to the

You shoul dbe able to grok something up quite quickly?


On 13 March 2013 16:39,  wrote:

> It would be great if their existed a find file tool that allows you to
> find a dotnet dll with a particular version no?
> ** **
> I have many projects using the same dll reference but sometimes the
> versions differ, hence, having issues deploying.
> ** **
> ** **
> Anthony
> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Anybody else experiencing issues with the Cloud TFS?

2013-03-24 Thread Preet Sangha
Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Cloud TFS

2013-04-05 Thread Preet Sangha
We use TFS in the cloud. Have been since it was called TFSPreview (about
1.5 years) . We are only a half dozen people and we use this as out primary
source control repository.

It's a very full version of TFS.

What do we use?
 - source control
 - tasks
 - shelvesets
 - I've dabbled a bit with the local agents and automated builds, but it's
not a priority in our work so I'm just playing still
(all integrated into VS)

I also use the TFS Power Tools (from MS) to allow me to finesse the command
line !

What did we install?
Most of the people use VS2010+SP1 + HF (for Cloud Auth). I just use VS2012

the only issues? It and the wet string we have here called internet can go
down occasionally.

What else?

I believe it now supports the Git interface, so you can do use variant of
the git tools if you like that world.

On 5 April 2013 21:36, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, while stuffing around today I noticed that VS2012 has an option to
> create a TFS account, so I made https://*mybusiness*.visualstudio.comaccount, 
> then I created a new Team Project for my current hobby project.
> My only questions are now ... what have I done and what can I do with it?
> For comparison, a few months ago I created a Bitbucket account and I've
> been using the TortoiseHG Workbench client app to move stuff in and out.
> It's working quite well and I like having my projects in the cloud,
> just like my backups and email (ignoring security issues for now!). So I
> suppose I've created an account that is in direct competition with
> Bitbucket, is that right? If I have, what's the advantage? I get the
> impression that Visual Studio's version control can work directly with my
> new account, is that right? It would be nice to have the version control
> integrated into the VS IDE if that's what I can get. Then I worry that I
> have the wrong version of Visual Studio or there are dependencies on other
> TFS stuff I have to install.
> Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if someone is using "projects in the
> cloud" and can give me a potted summary of what advantage I can gain
> quickly and what I might need to install.
> Cheers,
> Greg K

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Wiki

2013-04-09 Thread Preet Sangha
I know people like web based solutions. But I find Microsoft OneNote with a
skydrive behind it - to the be the perfect wiki engine.

- WSIWIG ot archane syntax
- cut and paste
- web links

 - Everyone needs either one note installed locally or some online licensing

Perhaps Evernote?

On 9 April 2013 22:47, Emily Waghorne  wrote:

> Hi Clint,
> I use Wikidot, and am very happy with it, but no idea how many users it's
> limited to.
> Emily
> On 9 April 2013 08:04, Clint Colefax  wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> ** **
>> I’m looking for a free hosted, private wiki. Anyone know of one? I don’t
>> need anything fancy, but I need it to support at least 30 users (up to 70).
>> Most of the free hosted one I’ve found, that have private options have a
>> limit to like 5 users..
>> ** **
>> Thanks
>> [image: Clint_C]
>> ** **

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

(OT) The linq induced facepalm moment

2013-04-09 Thread Preet Sangha
Was racking my mind this morning trying to work out how to build up some
cross joins using linq (2 objects) and then did a wee google search and lo
there was the answer on stack overflow - from me.

My excuse is that I can't possible remember everything :-)

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: (OT) The linq induced facepalm moment

2013-04-09 Thread Preet Sangha
I find I prefer SO to blogging these days. I've not updated my blog for
nearly two years.

On 10 April 2013 13:38, Michael Minutillo wrote:

> That's what blogging is :)
> Michael M. Minutillo
> Indiscriminate Information Sponge
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:39 AM, Corneliu I. Tusnea <
>> wrote:
>> It's a good thing you backup your thoughts in the cloud :) You never know
>> when you need them back...
>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
>>> Was racking my mind this morning trying to work out how to build up some
>>> cross joins using linq (2 objects) and then did a wee google search and lo
>>> there was the answer on stack overflow - from me.
>>> My excuse is that I can't possible remember everything :-)
>>> --
>>> regards,
>>> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Office365 ?

2013-04-11 Thread Preet Sangha
Use it for our company. Excellent. Onenote (sharepoint) , and Exchange are
the biz!

Lync never offered much to us.

We skype between offices (US, NZ and UK), lync offered nothing much over

Sorry don't know about AU offerings.

On 12 April 2013 12:18, Corneliu I. Tusnea  wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone tried Office365 + Lync?
> Is it worth it? Is it only available via Telstra or can I buy it in other
> ways? How is customer support and what is the quality of Lync vs Skype?
> Thanks,
> Corneliu.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Office365 ?

2013-04-11 Thread Preet Sangha
There was some issue with Lync, not getting messages offline or similar -
but I can't remember the details. I'll ask the boys when they get back from

On 12 April 2013 12:34, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> Use it for our company. Excellent. Onenote (sharepoint) , and Exchange are
> the biz!
> Lync never offered much to us.
> We skype between offices (US, NZ and UK), lync offered nothing much over
> this.
> Sorry don't know about AU offerings.
> On 12 April 2013 12:18, Corneliu I. Tusnea  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone tried Office365 + Lync?
>> Is it worth it? Is it only available via Telstra or can I buy it in other
>> ways? How is customer support and what is the quality of Lync vs Skype?
>> Thanks,
>> Corneliu.
> --
> regards,
> Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider

2013-05-19 Thread Preet Sangha
Did check the fusion log to see what was being probed for?

On 20 May 2013 11:09, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> I copied EVERY dll referenced by the project over to the test machine and
> it still fails. I was suspicious that the test machine it did work on had
> Visual Studio 2012 installed on it, so I uninstalled VS2012 and all other
> development tools (it's an old spare VM) and now it crashes there as well.
> So VS2012 is putting something on the machine that allows my app to run.
> I'm absolutely stumped, and I thought I knew how this stuff works. I just
> can't find what is the missing ".Net data provider".
> As an aside: I just noticed that the Framework library project references
> are to files in these folders:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5\System.Data.Entity.dll
> Didn't they used to be in the GAC? When did they move over to Program
> Files?
> Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider

2013-05-19 Thread Preet Sangha
Hope it helps.

My standard debugging technique is to now always check any and all logs I
know about just in case something somewhere has recorded a little titbit of
info that could be relevant.

You'd be surprised what windows logs

On 20 May 2013 13:14, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Did check the fusion log to see what was being probed for?
> Ah! fuslogvw ... Good idea, I'll try it tonight when I get home -- Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Missing provider cause found

2013-05-20 Thread Preet Sangha
What's the APPBASE for the AppDomain?

On 20 May 2013 19:56, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> I have found the cause, but not the reason for the behaviour.
> All data access code in my solution has been isolated to run an AppDomain
> and is only seen through an interface and some shared classes. I like the
> way this abstracts away features and it means the main app does not need
> any references to the heavyweight libraries used for database work. When I
> create the AppDomain I do it like this:
> string datafolder = (a subfolder);
> string libraryFilename = (the entry point dll);
> string configFilename = (the config file in the subfolder);
> var setup = new AppDomainSetup()
> {
> ConfigurationFile = configFilename,
> ApplicationBase = datafolder
> };
> domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Data Domain", null, setup);
> dataProxy = (IDataCore)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(... , ...);
> You can see that I specify the config file to be used by the AppDomain,
> and I know it's being used as it has config stuff for Entity Framework and
> other things.
> I created some tiny experimental apps and xcopied them over to the test
> machine. This showed me that Entity Framework 5 was working, but as soon as
> I added SQLite it died. Although I specify the SQLite factory in the
> AppDomain's config file it wasn't being used. I put the same config lines
> the main App's config file and it works.
> So I'm not sure who's to blame for this. Is SQLite not obeying the rules
> of locating config files? Am I missing some extra obscure configuration
> tricks? Have I outsmarted myself by using AppDomains? Who knows! At least I
> have a workaround.
> Greg K

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Missing provider cause found

2013-05-20 Thread Preet Sangha
Yeah that's the one. I know you've spent too long on this already but I
think a look through the source of the SQL lite provider will reveal this.

I hate silly issues like this.

On 20 May 2013 21:49, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> What's the APPBASE for the AppDomain?
> I'm setting the ApplicationBase property (is that what you mean?) for the
> AppDomain to be the subfolder under the main app's folder where everything
> needed by the domain resides. I was hoping and expecting that 
> *everything*needed by the domain would live in that subfolder, and up until 
> tonight it
> seemed to be true. It looks like someone is unexpectedly "breaking out" of
> the subfolder and reading the main app's config file.
> Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Great SSMS add in

2013-06-03 Thread Preet Sangha
Thanks. Normally I just use the Info schema but this is way better :)

On 4 June 2013 13:55, David Burstin  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> A friend of mine wrote this *free *add-in for SSMS. It's a great search
> tool for finding and manipulating tables, stored procs, functions and views.
> I love it. Of course, YMMV.
> Cheers
> DB

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: Lightweight database

2013-06-03 Thread Preet Sangha
Not done this myself recently but what about an MDB file? Should
'.net'/Ado/OLEDB/ODBC out of the box and I think the licensing is that if
you have developer edition of office then you can distribute the runtime
for free (but I could be wrong).


On 4 June 2013 14:24, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, an app has just grown with a new feature that needs to store  of
> "users", "jobs" and "reports" and the joins between them, If I was using
> SQLite it would be 3 tables with joins. However, rather than use SQLite
> this time I'd like to consider an alternative that's even more lightweight
> to setup and use. The app does not currently use any database technology
> and the guys managing the project are actually scared of them.
> Can anyone recommend an in-process database (not necessarily relational!)
> that is has a friendly managed API, small footprint, not too
> complicated and is easy to get going? I know this is a lot to ask, but
> there may be some NoSQL options around that I'm not aware of. The most
> important issues for me are: (1) *Minimal dependencies* (2) *Simple
> managed API*.
> I'm running a few web searches now for such things, and I can see Redis,
> Mongo, Couch, Raven, db4o, Cassandra, Eloquera, Lucene, and the list goes
> on and on. There are too many choices and it would take many days of hard
> slog to work out which one would be suitable. So perhaps someone has
> already been through this process?!
> I've been tempted many times over the last 10 years to write a pure
> managed single-file database with indexes, and nothing much else (no
> transactions, no client-server, no schemas, etc). However, I decided to
> leave it to the experts, and it looks like there are too many of them, and
> they all over-engineer their works.
> Cheers,
> Greg K

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Re: [OT] Old IT books

2013-06-07 Thread Preet Sangha
Ask the local college/senior school if they want any of them. They might
say no - but then again they might actually want to put then to use.

On 8 June 2013 13:29, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> I've some old IT books I want to get rid of. Vb6, vc++6, c# v1?, wcf
> unleashed, 2, old java, tcp/ip and so on.
> Anybody want them or know anyone that would? They've been laying around
> long enough!
> Cheers

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

(friday off topic) Fast hardware

2013-07-11 Thread Preet Sangha
About 2 years ago I opted to purchase a laptop that was the fastest I could
afford but not paying stupid money.

My work these days is mostly heavy database work so every gram of
performance helps. It has a Sandybridge I7 and 16G of Ram. The key thing
that sold me this laptop was that it supports 2 x sata III hard
drives.These I replaced with a RAID-0 pair of fast SSDs.

Anyway the point of this email is not that I'm boasting but that I cannot
ever imagine going back to working on slower hardware ever again. The
experience of not waiting to rebooting the machine, opening apps like
visual studio or rebooting virtual machines in mere seconds (in fact  I
built a new Windows7 VM in about 6 minutes from scratch) .

If I can recommend anything to fellow dev,s especially those that do the
paid time consultancy, is that please don't cripple yourself with bad

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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