RE: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Neimke

Hah!  Yes, I should have put Mobile there.  Please don't take that graph as 
being anything more than my way of informing this discussion that there are 
many different dimensions to view things through.
I also left regular expressions off of that graph, which I apologize to the 
gods of System.Text for. 


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 16:04:00 +1000
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

I notice "Mobile" is missing from your graph. What are you telling us Darren? 

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

As I just posted on Paul's blog, maybe it's all a matter of perspective?   
Seems logical that within a Silverlight technical group like this that you'd 
focus on things down at that level of detail.  From a different perspective you 
could easily see a lack of focus on any of these technologies?  Here's the type 
of view I mean:


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 15:34:52 +1100
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

Nice post. But I'm not sure MS is pushing that much (or even that little) for 
WPF internally or externally. 

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Paul Stovell  wrote:

I took the liberty of graphing this:

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Stephen Price  wrote:

Wow. You mean, "the right tool for the right job" still applies?

*feigned shocked look*

I've been saying Silverlight is for Apps and HTML is for sites for

ages. Nothing changed here.

Should be interesting how they clarify the statement. :)

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Miguel Madero  wrote:

> I like how Shawn puts it,


>> Silverlight is good for Apps; HTML is good for sites.


> That said, WPF is better for apps. So that leaves a handful of use cases for

> Silverlight, e.g. Web Apps, need of Mac support, easier deployment (not much

> different really), WP7 (which could've been just WPF for Phone), other

> devices (maybe?).





> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Paul Stovell  wrote:


>> least for non-phones:





>> Paul

>> ___

>> ozsilverlight mailing list







> --

> Miguel A. Madero Reyes

> (blog)



> ___

> ozsilverlight mailing list






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Paul Stovell


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Paul Stovell

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RE: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Neimke

As I just posted on Paul's blog, maybe it's all a matter of perspective?   
Seems logical that within a Silverlight technical group like this that you'd 
focus on things down at that level of detail.  From a different perspective you 
could easily see a lack of focus on any of these technologies?  Here's the type 
of view I mean:


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 15:34:52 +1100
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

Nice post. But I'm not sure MS is pushing that much (or even that little) for 
WPF internally or externally. 

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Paul Stovell  wrote:

I took the liberty of graphing this:

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Stephen Price  wrote:

Wow. You mean, "the right tool for the right job" still applies?

*feigned shocked look*

I've been saying Silverlight is for Apps and HTML is for sites for

ages. Nothing changed here.

Should be interesting how they clarify the statement. :)

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Miguel Madero  wrote:

> I like how Shawn puts it,


>> Silverlight is good for Apps; HTML is good for sites.


> That said, WPF is better for apps. So that leaves a handful of use cases for

> Silverlight, e.g. Web Apps, need of Mac support, easier deployment (not much

> different really), WP7 (which could've been just WPF for Phone), other

> devices (maybe?).





> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Paul Stovell  wrote:


>> least for non-phones:





>> Paul

>> ___

>> ozsilverlight mailing list







> --

> Miguel A. Madero Reyes

> (blog)



> ___

> ozsilverlight mailing list






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Paul Stovell


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Miguel A. Madero Reyes (blog)

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RE: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Neimke

>> How do you form those opinions?

I start by learning what not to listen to.


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:06:24 +1000
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

Hi Darren,
How do you form those opinions? Do you ignore the quote from Bob Muglia 
completely ("what does a Microsoft VP know about anything Microsoft makes 
anyway?"), or do you just ignore the opinion pieces over the top of it?

We're in such a vendor-dominated ecosystem, I worry that regardless of what we 
think about the technology, it's the opinions in the market that matter most 
when deciding whether something is a good long-term bet.  


On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

Thanks Scott, I haven't read all of your reply yet, but I did skim through it 
quickly.  By the way, I knew that you'd win the award for the longest answer :-)

My judgement is that, regardless of what the Win8, 9, or 10 team thinks.  
Regardless of what Mary, Peter and Paul think.  At the end of the day, it's 
only my opinion that really matters to me - and I feel perfectly capable of 
having a clear view based on what I've seen and heard for myself.  However, I 
do accept that there will be people - both inside and outside of Microsoft - 
who do feel the need to be given their opinions by the aforementioned crowd.



Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 12:52:46 +1000

I guess you can believe the below, clench your fists and sing in a righteous 
voice "viva la silverlight" walk away thinking all this PR and community 
aggravation is misguided and that the highest ranked executive aside from 
ballmer himself got it wrong despite being briefed on silverlight every 3 
months ranging on topics from ubiquity to roadmap selection criteria. Sure I 
can buy that but to sit and swallow that this is all just a misguided youth 
getting all sugary high from some bad journalists and how blind loyalty to the 
Microsoft ux strategy that has yet to really be shown despite constant signs of 
abandonment throughout the last 2 years is now a taboo topic of choice... Yeah 
that I can't buy just yet.

Win8 team don't want silverlight. I want it, we all on this list want it. Wpf 
is dead, I love working with wpf and I do so very day and think myself lucky .. 
But it's dead in terms of marketing and future investment..

The reality is this, right now the eyeball economy is bring used by factions 
internally as a beating stick on "why se should or shouldn't continue to 
invest" - I've personally seen 3 separate threads leaked with that pulse in 

Inside the teams we don't get to see data about how you all adopted it etc and 
so public opinion would often sway decisions ... As pathetic as that sounds.
I sang loud and clear wpf is dead, journos picked up on it and ran with it. A 
month later the wpf team are working hard to proove my theories wrong. It's not 
like it's the first hey heard about it... It just finally got public momentum.

As for Microsoft learning that the public can't be trusted with honesty? Hate 
to be the one that breaks this to all but that's the default posture held by 
majority of Microsoft teams.. Hence why MVP summits are often just a mix/pdc 
circle jerk with a different name..

Hate this all u like but this is doing a lot of good internally on silverlight 
vs HTML5 budget forecasts and resource allocations for the future.. Which means 
more toys for you all to play with if it sways to silverlights favor.

There isn't an unlimited supply of engineers / marketing inside Microsoft .. 
Internally it cab become a zero sum game ;)
--Sent from my mini iPad nano(excuse my spilling and grammar as I have giant 
man like fingers and this device as small keys)

On 01/11/2010, at 12:27 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

It's worse than that.  If anything, think about what *we've* effectively just 
told Microsoft:
If you ever dare to try to tell us the truth, or give us information which is 
in the least bit honest, we will beat you up with a fu#$ing great big stick! 


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:24:34 +1100
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?


I agree. This whole Silverlight debate is a beat up over nothing.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

There's a couple of things here that I think are really, really sad.  
Firstly, a department within Microsoft comes out at an event, and they use 
plain English to show that they are supporting an exciting new technology.  
Next, a couple of groups - who make money from ey

RE: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Neimke

Thanks Scott, I haven't read all of your reply yet, but I did skim through it 
quickly.  By the way, I knew that you'd win the award for the longest answer :-)

My judgement is that, regardless of what the Win8, 9, or 10 team thinks.  
Regardless of what Mary, Peter and Paul think.  At the end of the day, it's 
only my opinion that really matters to me - and I feel perfectly capable of 
having a clear view based on what I've seen and heard for myself.  However, I 
do accept that there will be people - both inside and outside of Microsoft - 
who do feel the need to be given their opinions by the aforementioned crowd.


Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 12:52:46 +1000

I guess you can believe the below, clench your fists and sing in a righteous 
voice "viva la silverlight" walk away thinking all this PR and community 
aggravation is misguided and that the highest ranked executive aside from 
ballmer himself got it wrong despite being briefed on silverlight every 3 
months ranging on topics from ubiquity to roadmap selection criteria. Sure I 
can buy that but to sit and swallow that this is all just a misguided youth 
getting all sugary high from some bad journalists and how blind loyalty to the 
Microsoft ux strategy that has yet to really be shown despite constant signs of 
abandonment throughout the last 2 years is now a taboo topic of choice... Yeah 
that I can't buy just yet.
Win8 team don't want silverlight. I want it, we all on this list want it. Wpf 
is dead, I love working with wpf and I do so very day and think myself lucky .. 
But it's dead in terms of marketing and future investment..
The reality is this, right now the eyeball economy is bring used by factions 
internally as a beating stick on "why se should or shouldn't continue to 
invest" - I've personally seen 3 separate threads leaked with that pulse in 
Inside the teams we don't get to see data about how you all adopted it etc and 
so public opinion would often sway decisions ... As pathetic as that sounds.
I sang loud and clear wpf is dead, journos picked up on it and ran with it. A 
month later the wpf team are working hard to proove my theories wrong. It's not 
like it's the first hey heard about it... It just finally got public momentum.
As for Microsoft learning that the public can't be trusted with honesty? Hate 
to be the one that breaks this to all but that's the default posture held by 
majority of Microsoft teams.. Hence why MVP summits are often just a mix/pdc 
circle jerk with a different name..
Hate this all u like but this is doing a lot of good internally on silverlight 
vs HTML5 budget forecasts and resource allocations for the future.. Which means 
more toys for you all to play with if it sways to silverlights favor.
There isn't an unlimited supply of engineers / marketing inside Microsoft .. 
Internally it cab become a zero sum game ;)
--Sent from my mini iPad nano(excuse my spilling and grammar as I have giant 
man like fingers and this device as small keys)
On 01/11/2010, at 12:27 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

It's worse than that.  If anything, think about what *we've* effectively just 
told Microsoft:
If you ever dare to try to tell us the truth, or give us information which is 
in the least bit honest, we will beat you up with a fu#$ing great big stick! 


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:24:34 +1100
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

I agree. This whole Silverlight debate is a beat up over nothing.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

There's a couple of things here that I think are really, really sad.  
Firstly, a department within Microsoft comes out at an event, and they use 
plain English to show that they are supporting an exciting new technology.  
Next, a couple of groups - who make money from eyeballs - come out with 
inflammatory comments about what has been said.  Finally, people like *you* 
(whomever is reading this right now) give justification to the comments made by 
those groups by going on about it.

So in short, 
I don't really care who Mary Foley or TechCrunch are, or what qualifies them to 
publish stories with such an audacious and misleading title as: "Microsoft: Our 
strategy with Silverlight has shifted"

Every minute and therefore money (via our eyeballs) we give to Mary and 
TechCrunch, is a minute that is not spent working out how to get the best out 
of these 2 technologiesThink about the people who are writing about this 
"debate" (debate?  really?) and ask yourself what their motive is for writing 
in the first place

Darren neimkedarren.nei...@

RE: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Neimke

It's worse than that.  If anything, think about what *we've* effectively just 
told Microsoft:
If you ever dare to try to tell us the truth, or give us information which is 
in the least bit honest, we will beat you up with a fu#$ing great big stick! 


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:24:34 +1100
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

I agree. This whole Silverlight debate is a beat up over nothing.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

There's a couple of things here that I think are really, really sad.  
Firstly, a department within Microsoft comes out at an event, and they use 
plain English to show that they are supporting an exciting new technology.  
Next, a couple of groups - who make money from eyeballs - come out with 
inflammatory comments about what has been said.  Finally, people like *you* 
(whomever is reading this right now) give justification to the comments made by 
those groups by going on about it.

So in short, 
I don't really care who Mary Foley or TechCrunch are, or what qualifies them to 
publish stories with such an audacious and misleading title as: "Microsoft: Our 
strategy with Silverlight has shifted"

Every minute and therefore money (via our eyeballs) we give to Mary and 
TechCrunch, is a minute that is not spent working out how to get the best out 
of these 2 technologiesThink about the people who are writing about this 
"debate" (debate?  really?) and ask yourself what their motive is for writing 
in the first place


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 10:51:38 +1000
Subject: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
To: least for non-phones:


ozsilverlight mailing list


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ozsilverlight mailing list

RE: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Neimke

There's a couple of things here that I think are really, really sad.  
Firstly, a department within Microsoft comes out at an event, and they use 
plain English to show that they are supporting an exciting new technology.  
Next, a couple of groups - who make money from eyeballs - come out with 
inflammatory comments about what has been said.  Finally, people like *you* 
(whomever is reading this right now) give justification to the comments made by 
those groups by going on about it.
So in short, 
I don't really care who Mary Foley or TechCrunch are, or what qualifies them to 
publish stories with such an audacious and misleading title as: "Microsoft: Our 
strategy with Silverlight has shifted"Every minute and therefore money (via our 
eyeballs) we give to Mary and TechCrunch, is a minute that is not spent working 
out how to get the best out of these 2 technologiesThink about the people who 
are writing about this "debate" (debate?  really?) and ask yourself what their 
motive is for writing in the first place


Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 10:51:38 +1000
Subject: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
To: least for non-phones:


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RE: HTML5 vs WPF/SL - continued!

2010-09-15 Thread Darren Neimke

Just to extend yesterday's discussion about SL vs. X vs. Y... what do people on 
this list think about this site:
Use of Silverlight for a site like that?  Good?  Bad?  Meh?
Note that the site itself was created by teams which are internal to Microsoft:
 >> "Project Emporia is an Alpha release from FUSE Labs and Microsoft 



Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 14:01:58 +1000
Subject: Re: HTML5 vs WPF/SL - continued!

Good points... but I wonder, what's going to happen to smooth streaming 
actually, it sounds a lot like the HTTP Live Streaming standard that Apple 
made, which got people talking the other week when they had the ipod keynote 
live stream.

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Jose Fajardo 

Eg. Let's say a lot of the really cool features of SL make it into MS's HTML5 
1. Smooth Streaming 
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RE: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

2010-09-14 Thread Darren Neimke

>> It's exposing a lot of hidden conversations both internally and externally, 
>> is that good or bad?
Which I think is taunting with this...

I'm sure that it is meant well, but it comes across as being rather unethical 
to me.


Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 14:31:08 +1000
Subject: Re: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

Hi Scott,
>> It's exposing a lot of hidden conversations both internally and externally, 
>> is that good or bad?
I appreciate the work you put in while at Microsoft to make sure issues from 
guys like me were being raised internally (I mean that). The problem I had with 
this post isn't that you kicked off a good discussion about 
HTML5/Silverlight/WPF (which I agree needs to be had), it's that it was done by 
exposing those internal conversations, without full context or evidence. 

I care about Microsoft and the direction that they go in, and I care about 
progress, but I care a lot more about stability. I'm happy to have discussions 
that help define the direction and create progress, but airing internal issues 
damages stability. There are plenty of small ISV's and IT departments building 
Silverlight/WPF applications right now. A few days ago, they were pretty sure 
Microsoft had it all planned out and they were confident they were going in the 
right path. Now, assuming they've seen the news articles that picked up on your 
opinion piece, they're not confident. It puts business at risk. I care about 
that a lot more than I care about Silverlight v HTML 5 :)

If you were just an Average Joe writing an opinion piece, it would be one 
thing. As a former insider, people take what you say a lot more seriously. And 
you weren't just airing your own opinions, you were airing opinions you claim 
to be from Microsoft. 

It's the difference between Average Joe writing a rant about the mining tax in 
The Advertiser's opinion section, and Mark Latham writing a rant in the AFR 
about the internal divides he's overheard within the Labor party on the mining 
tax. In the first case, no one listens. In the second case, employees at mining 
companies are worried about their jobs, they stop spending, and small 
businesses close down. Personally, I care less about the hurt feelings of 
governments and mining companies, and a lot about small businesses. I'd argue 
that for the sake of stability (plus just being a nice guy), it's better to 
leave internal conversations internal. 

I hope that explains where I'm coming from. I'm grateful for the work you did 
(and perhaps still do) as an influencer within Microsoft to improve things. I 
just don't think it was a good thing for the market to do it the way you did. 


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Scott Barnes  wrote:

Hmm, I'm a little shocked of all people you wrote the below Paul ? (i

mean that with sincerity).

You and i have had a few discussions around this space, you've shown

frustration that Silverlight has gotten more attention than WPF and so

on. The reality is that whether you agree or disagree with the way i

went about the approach I took, at the heart of it all is that kind of

conversation that yourself, others and myself have had over and over.

I initially started out with some venting tweets sitting in LAX after

reading yet another "great feedback, lets take that offline" dismissal

from some folks on an issue that another community member put forward.

I still stand by my decision as being one of good intentions for the

greater good of WPF/Silverlight and it's created a polarizing

conversation around the globe at the moment on this subject. It's

exposing a lot of hidden conversations both internally and externally,

is that good or bad? i honestly don't know, but i do know it needs to

be had.

I knew the moment i posted it i'd expose myself to first character

attacks but also yeah, it does put parts of my career into a red flag

area - yet, thats ok, as long as we get to the root of what dead vs

alive is.

You state that WPF is done? really, engineering wise sure, i can argue

that with you - there are some things i'd like to still see but that

aside, WPF is done. Now what? you've built it how do you then go to

market with it? market opportunity is 6million+ developers and we are

probably sitting at around 7% of that... is that done? when was the

last event you saw WPF being shouted from the roof tops about this

year? How was teched? get much out of the amounts of WPF discussions

there? What's the last Windows development campaign you saw? Seen any

Evangelists talk about WPF recently at your local User Group?

Which is more popular, Wp7 or WPF at the moment? When Windows 7 came

out, did you hear much in the way of value propositions around WPF

development for the new Windows platform? even if it was the same as

Vista still, go

Re: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

2010-09-14 Thread Darren Neimke
Great and gutsy email Corneliu... I agree with and fully support what you have 
said.  Scott needs to walk away and take a good hard look.

- Darren Neimke

From: Corneliu Tusnea 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:06 PM
To: ozSilverlight 
Subject: RE: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

Sorry to tell you but I'm so sick of Scott's overly-opinionated attitude. He 
has(had) access to a fair bit of internal knowledge inside Microsoft that he 
saw through his own eyes and now he got out and he's spitting everywhere around 
him having no clue about the (moral) damage he does to people he used to work 
with ... and maybe even his friends (though I doubt he had too many).

We all know there is no company that is perfect and everywhere there are 
communication issues and we are all people with different attitudes and 
different opinions and yes, sometimes we don't agree but that's why we are 
smart and can talk and come to agree or disagree and move on.
I so much dislike his attitude and "I've been there I know it all, it's doom 
day and all Microsoft should do the way I think cose they are all dead".
I bet you he left Microsoft because someone refused repeatedly his request to 
"move up the food/management chain" in a position where he can take bigger 
decisions that he thinks can do .. which got him extremely frustrated :)

I would not like to work with next to him in any project as I would feel the 
day he leaves he will turn around and spit on everyone's head.

The article (just like his daily tweets that people hand on to like God's 
words) is yet another massive frustration throw up and "I know everything" 
attitude. Some comments are very good at exposing this.

My 2 cents, (very personal opinion)

PS>> I do take notes of his opinions when he stops being "morally and verbally 
violent" to the people around him and his ex-colleagues and a complete 
frustration declaration. This is simply called being polite to your peers.

[] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September 2010 6:33 PM
To: ozSilverlight
Subject: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

Via CodeProject 'Daily News' (14/09/2010) -

Dr. Dan Lazner, PhD | Software Architect/Engineer/Developer

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RE: Images invisible

2010-05-27 Thread Darren Neimke

It's all to do with the Red Queen Hypothesis...
"At the top of the hill, the
Red Queen begins to run, faster and faster. Alice runs after the Red Queen, but
is further perplexed to find that neither one seems to be moving. When they
stop running, they are in exactly the same place. Alice remarks on this, to
which the Red Queen responds: "Now, here,
you see, it takes all the running you can
do to keep in the same place"

Kind Regards, Darren  

Subject: RE: Images invisible
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:18:30 +1000

certainly find all the issues. Remind me to give you a ping if i'm ever looking
for a beta tester. :p


I’m not even trying to find issues, they just happen, continuously,
unexpectedly. I don’t want any issues. I have been writing software for
30 years in COBOL, Algol, Fortran, IBM assembler, REXX, Clist, C, C++, Java, 
C#, VB6, VB.NET on ICL, Burroughs, Honeywell, Unix and Windows 3.1 to 7 and I
have never had a worst experience before the arrival of XAML, Blend, 
WPF and WCF. I’m deadly serious, all you evangelists out there, all you
keen demo makers and spruikers ...


stuck using two major expensive and utterly different products on two screens
at once (VS and Blend) to write my UI

and VS produce different designer errors and compile failures on the same

more than 2 years of releases I’m still getting Catastrophic Error

documentation is scattered everywhere (if it exists at all) for different 
and kits

spend half my life web searching for answers to weird behaviour or
incomprehensible fatal errors

have to jump through hoops to bypass security lockdowns

VS designer crashes 10 times a day in XAML and I have to uninstall VS plugins
as an attempted cure

takes hours to get any new control working acceptably

spend hours tweaking weird unexpected sizing behaviour trying to get the
appearance I desire

the Blend designer sizes weirdly

there were too few controls, now there are too many and too many choices and I’m
getting bloated with DLLs from everywhere and only using tiny bits of each of 

binding code takes 20 times longer than in Winforms as all the code is pushed
into converters

takes 20 times longer to write anything in XAML compared to WinForms. One of my
WPF edit screens has dozens of different data types and collections bound to
it, and after a week of writing general purpose Type converters and validators
I still haven’t got all of the two-way binding working acceptably.

all of my images have vanished.

a new dev machine to compile Silverlight projects requires a nightmare of

live in constant fear that every time I boot my dev machine or open a
Silverlight project that something incomprehensible will go wrong


fu*king fed up with Silverlight, WPF and WCF. Maybe VS2010, Framework 4 and
Silverlight 4  will improve things, but I can’t migrate until a
batch of releases is finalised over the coming several weeks.


well, back to work.



The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
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RE: Any good books on Silverlight 3 & 4 and on MVVM

2010-03-28 Thread Darren Neimke

You've read that Jordan?  What are some of the things that make this a 
worthwhile resource?

Kind Regards, Darren  

Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:18:07 -0700
Subject: RE: Any good books on Silverlight 3 & 4 and on MVVM

Check out From: 
[] On Behalf Of Vinay Tripathi
Sent: Monday, 29 March 2010 2:34 PM
Subject: Any good books on Silverlight 3 & 4 and on MVVM Hi , I was just 
wondering if you guys got any suggestions on some good books on Silverlight 3 & 
4 and on MVVM?  Regards, Vinay Tripathi National Australia Bank Ltd - ABN 12 
004 044 937
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RE: Any good books on Silverlight 3 & 4 and on MVVM

2010-03-28 Thread Darren Neimke

On the topic of good Silverlight resources, I can highly recommend the new 
Design Toolbox tutorials:
Easily the highest quality (and most enjoyable) way that I have found to learn 
about developing Silverlight solutions so far.

Kind Regards, Darren  

Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:49:28 -0700
Subject: RE: Any good books on Silverlight 3 & 4 and on MVVM

I’d recommend spending the same amount of time watching the videos from 
Mix10 Especially these MVVM 
sessionsUnderstanding the MVVM pattern your own MVVM framework There are a few sites that list 
all of the pure Silverlight sessions, but if you scan down through them you can 
easily pick out which ones would be the most relevant for you-David Burela  
[] On Behalf Of Vinay Tripathi
Sent: Monday, 29 March 2010 2:34 PM
Subject: Any good books on Silverlight 3 & 4 and on MVVM Hi , I was just 
wondering if you guys got any suggestions on some good books on Silverlight 3 & 
4 and on MVVM?  Regards, Vinay Tripathi National Australia Bank Ltd - ABN 12 
004 044 937
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The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.
ozsilverlight mailing list

RE: Silverlight site.

2010-03-11 Thread Darren Neimke

Look, I appreciate the passion that is shown by the people on the list, and if 
a side effect of taking this indirect route to giving feedback is that it does 
affect some small change then that's great.  Personally I think that the 
creative energy and enthusiasm could be used for better purposes.  
And after all, we are talking about the Microsoft Corporate Marketing site 
after all... I mean if you really wanted to criticise... where to start! 
:-)Kind Regards, Darren  
Kind Regards, Darren  

Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:29:09 +1100
Subject: Re: Silverlight site.

Maybe change? The download progress has changed from the default to "Loading 
Silverlight Experience" since yesterday.

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Darren Neimke  wrote:

Not really sure what we're trying to achieve with this conversation.  

Kind Regards, Darren Neimke  

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 11:23:59 +1000


I must admit, I was underwhelmed. 


Ross McKinnon


Michael Hill Jeweller

A: 7 Smallwood Place, Murrarie QLD 4172, Australia

P: +61 7 31663344 M: +61 413 128877 F: +61 7 33990949




Sent: Friday, 12 March 2010 11:19 AM


Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.


I’d go even further than that.  I’ve never worked for
Microsoft so I don’t have a feel for the internal political struggles.  My
comments are purely as a developer.


History tells us one of Microsoft’s greatest strengths lies in
the creation and support of developer communities.  From the dawn of (MS)
time with Geekfest, throughout the monkey-boy Balmer days and until today,
Microsoft’s mantra has been “developers developers developers developers
developers...”.  The developer community now has a life of it’s own, yet
remains a cornerstone of Microsoft’s success.  And Microsoft continues to
innovate such that the community grows stronger, broader, and can react quicker
than any other developer community.  It’s an amazing thing to be a part of.


Given all that, it is such a fantastic shame that Microsoft
can’t get it together (and put the icing on the cake) as far as their developer
product websites go.  Somehow during the design of these sites, the
message seems to become lost that developers are wonderful craftsmen and women
with an insatiable desire for technical detail.  It’s the ultimate
let-down that we can’t point to a Microsoft showcase site and say “this is what
it’s all about”; instead we are ignore these dungheap sites Microsoft deploy 
now and again and focus back inwards to our communities a little embarrassed by
it all.


I’m a proud Microsoft developer and I do love the company. 
But websites like this take a little bit of the shine off my pride when I know
it could be just that much better.


Hopefully this hasn’t been the ramblings of old hand.  I
will continue to love the company, and hope for the day I can come out as such.


My opinions are my own yadda yadda yadda,



[] On Behalf Of Scott

Sent: Thursday, 11 March 2010 11:50 PM

To: ozSilverlight 

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.


My vote is to fold mscom/expression and mscom/silverlight into


Tim is touching only the tip of the iceberg, as having 4 sites
all talking about the same thing is just counter-productive and it kind of
makes me chuckle a bit as given the problem of XAML was to ensure both sides of
the isle (developer <-> designer) collaborate. Yet the first thing
Microsoft does is segregate the audiences? J It retards the potential for skill 
pollination (teach devs to
design, and devs teach design to code etc) and if anything all it really does
is bolster internal political and egos within (currently 4 factions duking it
out over ownership rights :D)


Now the stark reality is most sites in Microsoft only follow a
typical quantitative analysis for their given sites, which is essentially a
popularity contest in terms of traffic. Yet, the closer i looked at the data
the more I saw nobody was really doing a qualitative analysis as had they done
that, they'd see about 80% of the sites are actually utter failures and are
offering zero value to their consumer base J


" long as the graphs keep ascending to the upper right,
it's no questions asked..."


Silverlight.NET is really the only site that

RE: Silverlight site.

2010-03-11 Thread Darren Neimke

Not really sure what we're trying to achieve with this conversation.  

Kind Regards, Darren  

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 11:23:59 +1000

I must admit, I was underwhelmed. 


Ross McKinnon


Michael Hill Jeweller

A: 7 Smallwood Place, Murrarie QLD 4172, Australia

P: +61 7 31663344 M: +61 413 128877 F: +61 7 33990949




Sent: Friday, 12 March 2010 11:19 AM


Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.


I’d go even further than that.  I’ve never worked for
Microsoft so I don’t have a feel for the internal political struggles.  My
comments are purely as a developer.


History tells us one of Microsoft’s greatest strengths lies in
the creation and support of developer communities.  From the dawn of (MS)
time with Geekfest, throughout the monkey-boy Balmer days and until today,
Microsoft’s mantra has been “developers developers developers developers
developers...”.  The developer community now has a life of it’s own, yet
remains a cornerstone of Microsoft’s success.  And Microsoft continues to
innovate such that the community grows stronger, broader, and can react quicker
than any other developer community.  It’s an amazing thing to be a part of.


Given all that, it is such a fantastic shame that Microsoft
can’t get it together (and put the icing on the cake) as far as their developer
product websites go.  Somehow during the design of these sites, the
message seems to become lost that developers are wonderful craftsmen and women
with an insatiable desire for technical detail.  It’s the ultimate
let-down that we can’t point to a Microsoft showcase site and say “this is what
it’s all about”; instead we are ignore these dungheap sites Microsoft deploy 
now and again and focus back inwards to our communities a little embarrassed by
it all.


I’m a proud Microsoft developer and I do love the company. 
But websites like this take a little bit of the shine off my pride when I know
it could be just that much better.


Hopefully this hasn’t been the ramblings of old hand.  I
will continue to love the company, and hope for the day I can come out as such.


My opinions are my own yadda yadda yadda,



[] On Behalf Of Scott

Sent: Thursday, 11 March 2010 11:50 PM

To: ozSilverlight 

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.


My vote is to fold mscom/expression and mscom/silverlight into


Tim is touching only the tip of the iceberg, as having 4 sites
all talking about the same thing is just counter-productive and it kind of
makes me chuckle a bit as given the problem of XAML was to ensure both sides of
the isle (developer <-> designer) collaborate. Yet the first thing
Microsoft does is segregate the audiences? J It retards the potential for skill 
pollination (teach devs to
design, and devs teach design to code etc) and if anything all it really does
is bolster internal political and egos within (currently 4 factions duking it
out over ownership rights :D)


Now the stark reality is most sites in Microsoft only follow a
typical quantitative analysis for their given sites, which is essentially a
popularity contest in terms of traffic. Yet, the closer i looked at the data
the more I saw nobody was really doing a qualitative analysis as had they done
that, they'd see about 80% of the sites are actually utter failures and are
offering zero value to their consumer base J


" long as the graphs keep ascending to the upper right,
it's no questions asked..."


Silverlight.NET is really the only site that has value, the rest
are just mediocrity being celebrated out loud.



[] On Behalf Of Tim Heuer

Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 1:40 AM

To: ozSilverlight

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Silverlight site.


Welcome to the world of MSFT ;-0 are usually ‘marketing’ sites –
displaying decision-maker information and case studies, etc. serves as a developer community resources:
forums, learning resources, samples, etc. -- *for developers*




Tim Heuer | +1 (602) 405-4567 | Microsoft

blog: | twitter: @timheuer


On Behalf Of Vishwanath Humpy

Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:28 PM


Subject: Re: RE: RE: Silverlight site.


What is the story with  ? .  Will
it disappear?

On a positive note it

RE: ozsilverlight Digest, Vol 6, Issue 4

2010-02-02 Thread Darren Neimke

>> Maybe you should tell them that tweeting is the new blogging

That was my view last year; I tweeted a couple of thousand tweets and didn't 
post a single blog entry... looking back though I regret that decision.  This 
year I am back to blogging (and tweeting) again.

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 

Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 11:24:03 +1100
Subject: Re: ozsilverlight Digest, Vol 6, Issue 4

Maybe you should tell them that tweeting is the new blogging. Or maybe you can 
aggregate all your tweets and just paste it in a post and post that haha.

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
ozsilverlight mailing list

RE: sketchflow styles

2010-01-06 Thread Darren Neimke

I wonder why those need to be DynamicResource's?  Is that just because that's 
Blend's view of the world?

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 


Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 02:24:32 +
Subject: Re: sketchflow styles

I understand now.  It is nothing special.  Just the fontfamily and fontsize is 
inhereted from parent panel.

I created a new style very easily by copying one of the others from 

This can be done I suppose for any UI element that doesn't have a default 
sketch style :

<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{DynamicResource 
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16"/>
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{DynamicResource 

On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:47:18 +0530 wrote
>I am doing a sketchflow prototypes and blend is now my friend since the good 
>advice the other day. Wpf but I dont think that matters much.
>I put a listview inside a tabcontrol / tabitem and the listview seems to 
>automatically inheret the sketchflow style from the tab or something. It 
>automatically using the sketchflow font etc for both the column header and 
>I put a listview on other screen without a tabcontrol in the same sketchflow 
>project it doesn't automatically have the sketchflow style.
>I like it works automatically as this saves me from creating a style and looks 
>strange as default style when everything else is sketch.
>I tested and if I put a tabcontrol / item around the other listview it has the 
>sketch style.
>I wonder how / why this happens in a tabcontrol / tabitem and I wonder how I 
>can do it without a tabcontrol?
>ozsilverlight mailing list
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
ozsilverlight mailing list

RE: Our new silverlight site

2009-12-01 Thread Darren Neimke

And why would/should they want to know.  I just want my music!  For example, I 
could care less what technology this site uses:


It could just as easily be built using any one of several technologies.  It's 
the user experience (how they've implemented it) that is impressive.



Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 


Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 10:23:19 +1100
Subject: RE: Our new silverlight site

I find mum and dad users don't even know what tech they are using. "Do you have 
flash installed?". "What?". "Can you play youtube videos?"

[] On Behalf Of Shane Morris
Sent: Wednesday, 2 December 2009 8:48 AM
To: ozSilverlight
Subject: RE: Our new silverlight site
I don’t find that sad. Average users should not have to think about whether 
something is Flash or Silverlight. We think the technology is cool, users 
should just think the site is cool. Hopefully users today don’t say ‘nice PHP 
web site’? J
Shane Morris  |  User Experience Evangelist  |  Microsoft Australia  |  |

[] On Behalf Of Winston Pang
Sent: Wednesday, 2 December 2009 7:51 AM
To: ozSilverlight
Subject: Re: Re: Our new silverlight site
One thing I find sad about all this stuff is, the average user is going to say 
"Nice Flash website". :(

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Miguel Madero  wrote:
I just noticed that you integrated 3 videos with the deep zoom. It looks cool. 


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Miguel Madero  wrote:

Wow that's nice :)


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:30 PM,  wrote:

The company history page is another interesting use of deep zoom : 

Click the pause button to skip the video 

On 01/12/2009 10:45am, Miguel Madero  wrote: 

> Thanks for sharing. 
> What do you mean by Application lifetime objects / client side services? 
> It's nice the way you use deepzoom. Altough I was thinking I could zoom in 
> out of the products and then I noticed that it was mainly to "preload". 
> That's nice. 
> It would be good to know a bit more on some topics, for example security, how 
> you used deep zoom, SEO and analytics. 
> I agree with most of the comments around navigation, slot transitions and 
> movies. It's some valuable feedback. 
> Miguel. 
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Tatham Oddie> wrote: 
> Sounds like some really cool technical work you’ve done! 
> From an interaction perspective, Nick’s response correlates with Twitter as 
> well: 
> Thanks, 
> Tatham Oddie 
> au mob: +61 414 275 989, us cell: +1 213 422 7068, skype: tathamoddie, 
> landline: +61 2 8011 3982, fax: +61 2 9475 5172 
> my business: – Ticketing without the dramas 
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nick Randolph 
> Sent: Tuesday, 1 December 2009 10:55 AM 
> To: ozSilverlight 
> Subject: RE: Our new silverlight site 
> Ross 
> Since as you said this was a bit of a “cheap marketing email” I’m going to 
> retaliate by providing what I hope will be constructive criticism: 
> -  I hate menus that disappear! The way the menus disappear 
> completely makes the site hard to use.  I flipped windows whilst the site was 
> loading (sorry short attention span) and when I came back the menus had 
> already gone – took me a while to find them. 
> -  The site’s infuriatingly slow – all the ui transitions are too 
> slow for my liking. 
> -  There are some positioning issues whereby the close icon is half 
> cut off by the edge of the screen 
> -  When you go into looking at one of the products 
> (

RE: Installing Silverlight

2009-11-11 Thread Darren Neimke

Hi David, apparently the list software allows you to supply a reason when you 
reject messages - perhaps you could consider using it so that the person whose 
message you are rejecting knows how to correct the problem.  In my case I had 
no idea how big those images were as I just pasted them into my email client 
from a relatively small screen crop image that I took.

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 

Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 08:44:40 +1000
Subject: Re: Installing Silverlight

2009/11/12 Darren Neimke 

Hi Tim, apparently the list moderator (whomever that is) rejected the images 
that I forwarded to the list - so I've emailed them directly to you.

Hi, it is me. The messages were 3 meg each which I thought some people on slow 
links might object to. The lists are set to park anything greater than 200KB, 
and I allow them or reject them based on how much > than 200KB they are.

I'm happy to increase this if there is a general consensus on this list to do 
so - however in my experience people get rather sh1tty at large attachments and 
I presume that 3 meg is beyond what most people would think is reasonable.

David Connors (
Software Engineer
Codify Pty Ltd -
Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417 189 

Address Info:

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection.
ozsilverlight mailing list

RE: Installing Silverlight

2009-11-11 Thread Darren Neimke

Hi Tim, apparently the list moderator (whomever that is) rejected the images 
that I forwarded to the list - so I've emailed them directly to you.

As mentioned, the issue with not being able to install Silverlight is possibly 
related to my use of Firefox and NoScript (maybe).  I would suggest that you 
guys do some testing around this scenario as the NoScript plugin has (at the 
time of writing) 56+ million downloads.  I have no problem reproducing this 
behavior on any of my machines that run this configuration (which is all of 

To see how the workflow should work, try viewing a page which has a Flash 
plugin and see how that interaction works - e.g.: I can simply click on the 
Flash NoScript block image and it will immediately allow the Flash movie to 
start playing.

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 

Subject: Re: Installing Silverlight
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 21:35:05 +1030

I will, just watching some Stargate.  I suspect 
that it *could* have something to do with the fact that I run:
* Firefox as my browser
* NoScript
Not sure about that... just guessing for now... back to 
Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 
mob: 0439 
855 046

From: Tim Heuer 
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:05 PM
To: ozSilverlight 
Subject: RE: Installing Silverlight

Feel free to send directly to me ? I may be 
sporadic in my reply as I?m traveling at TechEd Europe and in between 

Heuer | (602) 405-4567 | Microsoft 
| twitter: @timheuer

[] On Behalf Of Darren 
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: Installing 

I've forwarded a 
screenshot of the error message to this list but it is currently in the hands 
the "moderator"... apparently.



Darren Neimke 
mob: 0439 
855 046


From: Tim Heuer 

Sent: Wednesday, November 
11, 2009 8:36 PM

To: ozSilverlight 

Subject: RE: Installing 

What is the failure message ID 
and error say?

Heuer | (602) 405-4567 | Microsoft 
| twitter: @timheuer

[] On Behalf Of Darren 
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 3:02 AM
Subject: Installing 

I've been reluctant to ask this 
but... does anybody else have trouble installing Silverlight?  I do.  
I don't have any of the Silverlight dev bits installed, so I'm coming at it as 
user... if I try to view this page for example:


I download the exe, I "unblock" 
the download file, Run as Administrator... and it fails.



Darren Neimke 
mob: 0439 
855 046

mailing list

ozsilverlight mailing 
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection.
ozsilverlight mailing list

RE: websitespark

2009-09-24 Thread Darren Neimke

Excellent initiative.  This is a massive step towards cleaning up software 
licensing issues.  As a budding MicroISV, this means that I can easily gain 
access to the tools that I need to develop and manage my software solutions.


I'd like to learn more about the DotNetPanel control panel and I'd like to know 
why this wasn't linked to Azure in any way.

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 


Subject: websitespark
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 01:03:02 +

As per
I would love to hear your comments.
(apologies if duplicated)
I am VERY excited to announce the launch of a new *SPARK program at Microsoft 
for Australia; WebSiteSpark you’ll see that the gu has already post about this.
WebSiteSpark is aimed specifically at those who are developing in the web 
platform and we’re giving them a jumpstart to get started on the Microsoft 
The Australian launch of WebSiteSpark will be on the 8th of October at Web 
Directions South – Hope to see you there!
So very simply, here are the Gets and Gives:
What to we give you?
Software licenses that you can use for three years AT NO COST.  Once enrolled, 
you can download and immediately use the following software from Microsoft: 
•3 licenses of Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition 
•1 license of Expression Studio 3 (which includes Expression Blend, Sketchflow, 
and Web) 
•2 licenses of Expression Web 3 
•4 processor licenses of Windows Web Server 2008 R2 
•4 processor licenses of SQL Server 2008 Web Edition 
•DotNetPanel control panel (enabling easy remote/hosted management of your 
The Windows Server and SQL Server licenses can be used for both development and 
production deployment.  You can either self-host the servers on your own, or 
use the licenses with a hoster.  WebsiteSpark makes it easy to find hosters who 
are also enrolled in the program, and who can use your licenses to provide you 
with either dedicated or virtual dedicated servers to host your sites on. 
In addition to software, WebsiteSpark provides partner opportunities to grow 
and build your business  through referrals and product support training.
Who can get WebSiteSpark?
This is really simple:
1.Your company builds web sites and web application on behalf of others. 
2.Your company currently has less than 10 employees. 
If you meet these requirements you can sign up today. As part of the enrollment 
process you can pick a network referral partner such as a hoster or enter a 
code that you have received at an event or from a Microsoftie. Once you have 
that code you can enrol and start downloading the software – If you’re in 
Australia you can send an email to me: and i’ll hook you 
up – otherwise .
After 3 years?
You have no obligation to continue using the software just a $100 fee for the 
use of the program. By this time we hope you would have made a decision on 
whether you’re happy to continue to work with Microsoft and be part of the 
Microsoft Partner Network. 
What’s happening in Australia?
The official launch of WebSiteSpark in Australia will be at Web Directions 
South on the 8th of October and from the start we’ve partnered with two of 
Australia’s best hosting companies to provide the network services, Melbourne 
IT (under WebCentral) and Westnet – you’ll see more information around these 
guys as they give WebSiteSpark participants special offers.
So as you can see this is an AWESOME initiative – and I’m very excited to be a 
part of this. If you have any questions / comments – please email me: – follow me on twitter: @jorke and follow the 
@websitespark twitter account.
you’ll see some press releases going out today all about this :)
- jorke
Jorke Odolphi | Web Platform Architect Evangelist | 
Microsoft Australia | e: | im:| 
+61 2 8817 9126 | +61 488717714
Microsoft brings you a new way to search the web.  Try  Bing™ now 
ozsilverlight mailing list

Re: SQL 'in' Silverlight

2009-07-13 Thread Darren Neimke
>> I still have a query as to why Isolated Storage + LINQ couldn't do all of 
>> the below

Disclaimer: I haven't used Isolated Storage commercially since .NET 2...

Last I remember, Isolated Storage was a pig to work with in a reliable manner.  
It was limited by the amount of storage space that you had; it was difficult to 
properly ascertain the scope that you needed to work within; and it was 
unreliable that the data would be there next time your app started up.

Question: Has all of this been addressed/fixed in subsequent .NET releases?

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 
mob: 0439 855 046

From: Scott Barnes 
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 4:33 PM
Subject: RE: SQL 'in' Silverlight



We should chat more when I'm in Melbourne on this. I still have a query as to 
why Isolated Storage + LINQ couldn't do all of the below? The only thing I can 
think of is maybe the way LINQ handles WHERE statements is from memory limited 
to one filter instead of multiple. Still multiple ISO's could solve the problem 


The only reason I ask is I'm trying to separate the difference between a basic 
CRUD storage cookie vs an indexable mini SQL database which you can really 
begin to do some offline aggregated views on.



From: [] 
On Behalf Of Miguel Madero
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: SQL 'in' Silverlight


There're several scenarios, but some of the ones that come to my mind are:

1. The typicial not reliable connection like using your cellphone as a modem or 
a mobile broadband. I don't want my whole app to crash, I'd love to be able to 
click save and even start registering a new client, even close the browser go 
gome and submit my changes the next morning. RIA Services has a good solution 
for these problem. 

2. The working offline scenarios. Google reader is a perfect example, it's 
using Gears to allow me to download the content and read offline, when I get 
back online it would replicate the state of my read items. 

3. Caching data. Most LOB apps have a big amount of static data, mainly used 
for reference, like countries, zip codes and other specific to your busines 
domain. Having this data always available in the client can avoid round trips 
allowing you to scale, providing a better user experience, and also abstracting 
your devs from async calls.  



On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Barry Beattie  wrote:

yeah, I'm a bit unsure of the usage.

if it was a WPF or Adobe AIR app, with reconnect sync of data then I'd
understand and appreciate. but in-browser Silverlight... still runs in
a browser... which means being online ...

the only thing I can think of is something I've done with Flex and
LocalSharedObjects ... basically a "super cookie" for remembering data
when next using the app.

very, very curious of the use cases (methinks something interesting to
learn here)

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Scott Barnes wrote:
> I do have one question, what specifically are you looking to store in
> offline storage? In that poor man's LINQ to SQL via isolated storage can get
> you by but it's got limitations as all would most likely know but as to what
> you store and why, that's got our curiosity into over-drive.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Miguel Madero
> Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SQL 'in' Silverlight
> Yesterday on twitter Miguel de Icaza and others were talking about this,
> they were mentioning something about migrating SQL Lite line by line to
> managed code.
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Joseph Cooney  wrote:

> I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a managed DB talking to isolated storage
> in a future version of silverlight.
> Joseph
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Craig Dunn  wrote:
> Hey everyone - played around a bit with porting an old c# version of HSql
> (from java) to Silverlight. I'm not sure of the utility but it was an
> interesting exercise - still figuring out the kinks in isolatedstorage...
> seems to work fine 'in memory' though.
> post:
> play:
> the 'default' SQL includes some basic data & queries - you can Execute the
> entire block, or select text to execute just like MgmtStudio... (just don't
> habitually hit F5 like was doing during testing!). the UI is pretty basic,
> so you must 

Re: Launch my new Silverlight newcloudapp

2009-07-10 Thread Darren Neimke
Very very cool John.  Where's the voting link?

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 
mob: 0439 855 046

From: John OBrien 
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 3:00 PM
Subject: Launch my new Silverlight newcloudapp

If anyone is interested my Traffic in the cloud Silverlight (2 L ) app just 


It provides a geo / deepzoom interface on public traffic cameras throughout the 
world. Windows Azure makes sets of frames into a sprite (as suggested by Jose 
at remix) so you get a little bit of history / animation on each camera. You 
can sign in (liveID) and add your own. I've added a bunch from Sydney, Brisbane 
and Seattle.

Full post here with source code snippets (DeepEarth):

And please vote for me if you like it!


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Re: Silverlight/Expression Aussie Tour Thoughts welcomed.

2009-06-27 Thread Darren Neimke
Yep, cya in Adelaide Scott.  Adelaide - Home of Silverlight and Innovation 

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 
mob: 0439 855 046

From: Scott Barnes 
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Silverlight/Expression Aussie Tour Thoughts welcomed.

Hey All,


I'm coming home for a month  and was thinking of doing an Aussie Tour of 
Silverlight/Expression 3 and answer any questions around our products futures 


The below are the dates I'm thinking and was keen to get folks in each city to 
provide feedback around the said dates.


· 08th JulyBrisbane

· 22nd July   Perth 

· 23rd JulyMelbourne.

· 27th JulySydney 

· 28th JulyCanberra.


The material will be some exciting stuff that you guys haven't seen yet, and 
can't wait to show you some of the goodness we've been cooking up here in 


Does this sit well with all?



Scott Barnes 
Rich Platforms Product Manager

Microsoft Corp. | Blog: | Office: +1 (425) 
5382410 X82410

Twitter: | MSN:
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RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10

2009-06-01 Thread Darren Neimke

To help keep this conversation focussed on the theme of the list... One of the 
things that I do like about what you are doing Scott is that you are asking 
your "customers" about what they want; you do seem to be listening.  


For me, MS has become a top-down behemoth that too often seems not to listen.  
If they did bother to ask - and listen - more often, there's probably some 
chance that Bing would have more Silverlight in it.


Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 21:21:18 -0700
Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10

Silverlight puts the Bling in Bing J

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Steven Berry
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 9:10 PM
Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
Wow from Wave to Bing to Silverlight 3, its all happening…
Good old RIA bashing…. Lol, just a passing phase, think next gen RIA in Bing 
will be Silverlight, don’t think they prepped the code in Silverlight prior to 
Bing release, being a search engine I think the use of Flash or Silverlight can 
and cant be used in a good way, but either way, whats presented to the user 
whether Silverlight or Flash doesn’t really matter does it? 
As long as its usable (But then again the old HD video war who got in first 
brings back memories. H264).

From: Nick Hodge [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2009 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
Also note that much of the video on the web is in the proprietary flv format … 
which is opaque to Silverlight
Thankfully, H.264 is coming on youtube + Silverlight 3
… oh, oops, don’t mention the war.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2009 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
Oh, wait... Bing is not totally without Silverlight goodness. Found some 
Silverlight islands on the page. Ok, I'm happier now. :)


It's hard to find them though... Oh, I think its because its only on the US 
page. Australia page doesn't have them.(yet)

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Craig Dunn  wrote:
The 'map', graph and grid are Flash too :-(

(link courtesy of @shanselman)

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Scott Barnes  wrote:

Which video playback ? i.e. the “videos” section is based on what site who owns 
it nominates. For us to go in an hijack these and play them inside Silverlight 
well there’s a whole set of legal pain that we’d rather avoid.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 6:57 PM


Subject: Re: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10

While we are on the subject of new releases, I draw your attention to the new 
Microsoft search site, I'm a little surprised that Silverlight is not 
being used for video playback, rather Flash. They could have put code in there 
to check if you have Silverlight and fall back to Flash rather than just use 
Flash exclusively? Come on! We want Silverlight! :)

comments? is this sending the wrong message out? I can totally understand 
Silverlight is not everywhere yet but what a perfect opportunity to get it 
everywhere. Give them an option to go with Silverlight and if they say no, then 
fall back to Flash. 



p.s. Insert  tags above as appropriate. :)

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Tim Heuer  wrote:

No you didn't (at least that's my opinion)...but the interwebs are clogged with 
people agreeing with one person that there is a comparison. I suspect people 
actually didn't read his article but rather just the titilating headline.

I agree that Silverlight could be a client to the wave protocol/communication 
platform at some point.


tim heuer | (602) 405-4567 | im:
blog: | twitter: @timheuer

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Scott Barnes []
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 5:48 PM

Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10

I don’t understand why people are comparing the two? Google Wave = Protocol, 
client is just the “default” skin if you will. Developers will always game 
companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc if the said solution is popular. 

RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10

2009-06-01 Thread Darren Neimke

>> with all those nice tools to use :)


Wow... where do you get those from?  

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke 

> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 11:20:34 +1000
> From:
> Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> To:
> I don't know which will "win" (HTML 5 vs RIA), but all I know is that to do 
> that stuff in HTML 5 seems far more difficult than in a RIA app - with all 
> those nice tools to use :)
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Tim Heuer
> Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2009 11:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> No you didn't (at least that's my opinion)...but the interwebs are clogged 
> with people agreeing with one person that there is a comparison. I suspect 
> people actually didn't read his article but rather just the titilating 
> headline.
> I agree that Silverlight could be a client to the wave protocol/communication 
> platform at some point.
> -th
> tim heuer | (602) 405-4567 | im:
> blog: | twitter: @timheuer
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Scott Barnes []
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 5:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> I don’t understand why people are comparing the two? Google Wave = Protocol, 
> client is just the “default” skin if you will. Developers will always game 
> companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc if the said solution is popular. 
> Providing a shared protocol for all to tap into is a platform play ☺
> Silverlight could be part of that client story? So it’s no different to 
> Google releasing GMAPS tomorrow? Seems a bit weird to compare the two – or 
> did I miss the ball completely on this one? ☺
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Tim Heuer
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 5:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> Ha! I hope people actually read my post deeper…because that’s what I’m saying 
> specifically. Google Wave instantly drew comparisons from an article based on 
> “karma” – which based on drawing comparisons to Silverlight and Wave. I 
> thought that was incorrect myself. Now if people want to debate HTML5 vs. RIA 
> platforms…
> Cheers,
> -th
> Tim Heuer | (602) 405-4567 | im:<>
> blog: | twitter: 
> @timheuer<>
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Steven Berry
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 4:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> Either way its great for Scott to keep us on edge….
> On a side note Google 
> I/O<>
>  Silverlight/Flash killer?
> Now come on that’ll never be the case ……….
> From: Perry Stathopoulos []
> Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2009 9:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> Well that sucks as a comment...unless the smiley is meant as a wink to mean 
> that it's true but you can't say.
> From: Scott Barnes<>
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 1:19 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: RE: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10
> No comment ☺
> --
> Scott Barnes
> Rich Platforms Product Manager
> Microsoft Corp.<> | Blog: 
> | Office: +1 (425) 5382410 X82410
> Twitter:<> | MSN: 
> P Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this 
> e-mail
> From:<> 
> [] On Behalf Of Perry Stathopoulos
> Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 9:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Silverlight 3 to be released July 10