RE: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

2002-09-18 Thread Rob Brigham


 -Original Message-
 From: Alan Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 18 September 2002 11:25
 Subject: Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!
  Has anyone seen the comparison in the August Practical Photography,
  the F100, EOS 3, and the MZ-S?  Admittedly, these are all 
  cameras, but the reviewer appeared to deduct points because 
 the MZ-S 
  has a mere 6 metering segments, although he had to admit that the 
  metering was very accurate.  It's a pity so many people base their 
  judgement on specifications, rather than performance, which is what 
  actually counts.
 I think it was the mistake of Pentax. They should jam-pack 
 the sensor with 20 or 30 fake segments but actually use 6 
 segments only for metering. This way, nobody would doubt the 
 quality of MZ-S's metering quality.
 Alan Chan

Re: OT: visit to Ansel Adams at 100 in London

2002-09-18 Thread Cotty

Hi Bob,

It's an interesting combination to show in the same gallery. I went
with Frits a few weeks ago. I wasn't particularly familiar with
Eggleston's work before. That is, I hadn't had a look at lots of his stuff
all in one go. The pairing with AA worked extremely well, I think. I
liked Eggleston's work a lot. I think it's more interesting than AA's.
However, I was pleasantly surprised by the AA part of the show. I
liked the way you can trace his development, and see old prints
alongside newer ones. I still can't call myself a fan, but one thing I
do think he does very well is to contrast several textures within the
frame, in an abstract way. I'm thinking particularly of the 'Surf
Sequence' from 1940, and the 'Frozen Lake and Cliffs' from 1932. Both
of these are in his book 'Examples', which is the only book of his
that I have.

The 'Surf Sequence' was excellent, along with the other sequences. I've 
always been a fan of Ansel Adams. I was fortunate enough to visit 
Yosemite as a child and later a teenager, camping with friends.  In those 
days you could just bowl up and find a pitch. These days (so they tell 
me) you can't even get into the valley without booking well in advance. 
Such is the popularity of the place.

Having stood at the top of El Capitan, I can vouch for the amazing 
scenery g.

I have a few old Adams prints from yesteryear (nothing grandiose, just 
poster shop stuff), one of which is a tranquil shot of an orchard made in 
the 50's in Santa Clara. Years later the land is full of houses, and we 
lived in one. The pic reminds me of those times, and the countryside 
around the south Bay Area. So I have a sentimental attachment to AA's 
work, which perhaps colours my views.

The Eggleston collection left me cold. Technically, I found the quality 
very inconsistent. Some of the prints featured blobs and dust spots, and 
the contrast on one of them is appalling. Sure, one could argue that this 
is the way that the artist (sic) intended them to be seen, as surely he 
must have complete control over his work on display, no? If that is the 
case, then I wasn't impressed.

As far as the style of work goes, there were hints of this and that. I 
liked the way he used limited depth of field, particularly on bright, 
sunny exteriors, which is quite difficult to do, as we know. But frankly 
they left me cold. I was interested to see the shots in the 70s in 
particular because that's when I was there, and I recognised the 
paraphernalia and street furniture of the time, but I simply felt no 
emotion form the pics at all. Not his fault, the poor chap! I just don't 
like the style.

Yet when I look at Robert Frank, I see something totally different! 
Weird, I can't explain fully, why.

 In the morning we went to see the Body Worlds exhibition in Brick Lane. 
 Not for the feint of heart, it's a very 'medical' display using real 
 corpses, demonstrating the 'plastinisation' procedure whereby bodies and 
 parts thereof may be preserved and displayed. Fascinating stuff though. 
 For those interested:

I can't bring myself to go to that one. I really can't see the point
of it. In addition, I'm led to believe that there are some
'plastinisated' (?) children in the exhibition. I really don't see
how a child could possibly give informed consent to such a thing, and
I'd find it very distressing to look at.

That part was very difficult to get through. There were various displays 
involving everything from embryos at selected stages of development, 
through to post-natal infants, even a woman with child in womb. That as 
hard enough, but there were several fetuses with severe abnormalities, 
including siamese twins, and that was very difficult to take in. I 
noticed a few women sniffling, and Alma was no exception. It was real 
'lump in the throat' time. And I'm supposedly hardened to this: we often 
film children who are terminally ill, cancer patients etc.

[Who am I kidding! I once cried so much during the interview that the 
tears were dripping off my specs and into the viewfinder. The hardest 
part was trying not to make a noise or it would have ruined the 
interview. At the end, all the hankies came out and we blew for England!]

This area is a seperate room and can be avoided if necessary.

I found the displays both fascinating and appalling at the same time. I 
can see the value for students of medicine and biology, but for the rest 
of us it appeared to be morbid curiosity. Funnily enough, I was actually 
underwhelmed by it, in the sense that I was expecting it to be much more 
shocking or somehow 'revelatory'. In fact, the displays could easily have 
been non-human plastic exhibits, created by model-makers. There was 
nothing that immediately related the items to actual humans other than 
this was a given from the start. Sure, it all looked like what it was 
supposed to, but there was no 'humanity' to the displays, that I could 

I have filmed in operating theatres (ORs) several times, 

RE: Another one bites the dust and PDML Portraits

2002-09-18 Thread Cotty

Those are very good photographs for anyone. The fact that they were taken by
an 8 (almost 9) Y.O. is nothing short of amazing. Your son does have a great
eye. I'm curious, does he also have any musical talent. I took a series of
aptitude tests and according to them music and photography share similar
aptitudes. Congratulate him, and tell him we expect him to start submitting
to the PUG VBG

Hi Butch,

Thanks on his behalf. Actually he does - he took viola and guitar 
lessons, but his trouble is he has the attention span of a gnat. I'm of 
the opinion that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot *make* him 
drink. Accordingly, he bored of the music, and in fact I think he is not 
of the right temperament to be a fully dedicated musician. After all, 
they *are* a breed unto themselves g.

I enjoy music, and self-taught myself the mandolin years ago. I'm rusty 
now, but can pick it up a knock a tune together.

Kind regards


Oh swipe me! He paints with light!

Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Re: OT: visit to Ansel Adams at 100 in London

2002-09-18 Thread Cotty

Up? Up from whereabouts?

Hi Keith,

Near Oxford.


Oh swipe me! He paints with light!

Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

RE: Silicon Film is still alive... (??????)

2002-09-18 Thread Jostein

Not sure about the camera thinking it's empty.
With the Z-1, you have to pull the film lip well to the right of 
the shutter window before the camera tries to wind it on.
OTOH, I have a suspicion that this might also have something to do 
with the ISO recognition system...

Now you got me curious. Got to check out a few things with the Z-1 
when I get home from work.


-- Original Message --
From: Rob Brigham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 11:19:06 +0100

Actually, you are right although I do still wonder.  The 'dry-
firing' I
should have thought of is a good point, but will a camera 'dry-
with a film canister inside the camera?  Surely it would try to 
load a
film and when unable to do so, signal an error?  This could be 
the key -
how does the efilm make the camera think it is empty?  Also, it 
then only work with cameras that had manual ISO setting?  How 
many entry
models does this count out (not that I am worried).  Frame 
counting is
not really an issue when you can zap old frames and they are all
different sizes - only memory usage left.

Advice needed urgently

2002-09-18 Thread Dr E D F Williams

Hi all,

I need guidance - how much, in dollars or Euros, does one pay for the

50mm/1.4 SMC M
100mm/4.0 SMC M Macro

Both new and unblemished. The macro seems not to have been used at all. The
normal lens may have been used, but it's impossible to be sure. These are
part of a collection of lenses from an estate most of which have already
been sold. I have to step lively to get them.



Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

Re: Matrix metering

2002-09-18 Thread Mark Roberts

Michel Carrère-Gée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Propose us to modify the MK lens to permit the matrix metering
Some what consists this modification  ?

To enable matrix metering on cameras that have it, the lens needs to tell the
camera its minimum and maximum apertures. This is achieved with a series of
conductive and non-conductive contacts in the lens mount flange that short out
(or do not short out) contacts in the lens mount of the camera. These are among
the 7 contacts in the lower left-hand section of the lens mount of the camera
which you can see when you remove the lens. 

One of these contacts transmits digital data from autofocus lenses and is not
used for matrix metering. 

Another one tells the camera if the lens is set to A for shutter priority or
program autoexposure; this one also has nothing to do with matrix metering. 

The remaining 5 contacts are where the min/max aperture data necessary for
matrix metering are conveyed. On A series and later lenses, there are plastic
insulators in one or more of the positions corresponding to these five contacts.

If there's a plastic insulator, that contact is open. If there's no plastic
insulator (bare lens mount), the corresponding contact on the camera body is
shorted to ground. The pattern of which ones are grounded and which aren't tells
the camera body what the maximum possible aperture is for the lens (and also
what the minimum aperture is). On a 50mm f1.4 there's only one insulator and on
a 400mm f5.6 there are four. A 20mm f4.0 and a 300 f4.5 both have three, but in
different arrangements.

This is the information that allows matrix metering to work. 

Basically, I drill a slight divot in the flange of the lens mount at each
position that needs to be insulated, corresponding to the pattern appropriate
for the lens in question. Then I put a drop of epoxy paint in the divot. It's a
very simple procedure, but it requires that getting the divots in just the right
locations. I've built a jig that allows me to get them exactly where they belong
with a minimum of fuss. As a measure of my confidence in the procedure, the
first lens I tried it out on was my K-series 15mm f3.5 and I'm very happy with
how it's worked out; I find matrix metering especially useful with wide angle

If you ever want to restore the lens to its original condition, all you have to
do is replace the lens mount flange, which anyone can do with a couple of
jewelers screwdrivers. I think the plain k-mount flange is still available from
Pentax, but even if it's not there are millions of M50/2.0 lenses that can be
had for a few dollars to become parts donors.

You can email me dirctly, but you'll have to sign up for Hotmail or some other
free email address because is blacklisted form my domain because of
extensive spam problems.

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing

Re: For repair techs or just tinkerers

2002-09-18 Thread Mark Roberts

David A. Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark Roberts wrote:

 I've just added the K2 service manual to my web page at

Downloading as I type.  Thanks Mark... now I might be tempted to fix my 
shutter release button which seems to be less smooth than it used to 

A K1000 service manual will be available eventually, thanks to Alan Abbot, who
helped me get one from from an eBay seller. Unfortunately, it's an
all-image-file type PDF and the quality of the scans is very poor so it's
taking a lot of work to turn it into anything presentable. Give it a month and I
should have it on line.

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing

Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

2002-09-18 Thread Artur Ledochowski

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

 I think it was the mistake of Pentax. They should jam-pack the sensor with
 20 or 30 fake segments but actually use 6 segments only for metering. This
 way, nobody would doubt the quality of MZ-S's metering quality.

Actually the review was pretty favourable for the MZ-S. They praised the
slanted top plate, well-thought controls set-up, magnesium housing, built-in
flash, data impinting and the ability to take virtually any Pentax K
bayonet lens. They also noticed, that the camera is the cheapest of the
The two other rivals - F100 and EOS 3 are IMHO tough ones and the latter won
the whole test. However, the margin of the victory is slight, since all
three models have their good points.
The Practical Photography is one of few magazines that notice Pentax
products and show their strengths. Its editor, Will Cheung, constantly uses
two cameras - EOS 3 and Pentax 645NII.

Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

2002-09-18 Thread Mark Roberts

Posted in as an example as to why it's important to
crop your photos properly before putting them on the web...

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing

Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

2002-09-18 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, September 18, 2002, at 05:25  AM, Alan Chan wrote:

 I think it was the mistake of Pentax. They should jam-pack the sensor 
 20 or 30 fake segments but actually use 6 segments only for metering. 
 way, nobody would doubt the quality of MZ-S's metering quality.

 Alan Chan

Alan, I think you are on to something.

Less is more, is a hard concept to mass market (excluding bikinis and 
the like, of course). Pentax could add decoy bells and whistles in the 
form of buttons, sliders, and thumbwheels—even, perhaps, dancing led 
bargraphs. Put all the crap interface elements on a removable sleeve 
fitting the various bodies and, viola!, cameras that appeal to clutter 
junkies and Pentax fans.

Current Pentax fans could pop the real bodies out of the useless sleeves 
and make a few bucks reselling them on eBay to ravers or something.

Dan Scott

FS: A28/2.8

2002-09-18 Thread Bojidar Dimitrov


I have added an A28/2,8 lens in excellent condition to my list of for
sale items on the KMP:


Re: Advice needed urgently

2002-09-18 Thread Mike Ignatiev is a good guide: look at their retail prices and ask them for an instant 
online quote as if you were selling.
I would pay anything under $100 for M50/1.4 in LN condition.


-Original Message-
From: Dr E D F Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 14:32:21 +0300
Subject: Advice needed urgently

 Hi all,
 I need guidance - how much, in dollars or Euros, does one pay for the
 50mm/1.4 SMC M
 100mm/4.0 SMC M Macro
 Both new and unblemished. The macro seems not to have been used at all. The
 normal lens may have been used, but it's impossible to be sure. These are
 part of a collection of lenses from an estate most of which have already
 been sold. I have to step lively to get them.
 Dr E D F Williams
 Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
 Updated: March 30, 2002

KMP next Update

2002-09-18 Thread Bojidar Dimitrov

Hi all,

I have found the time to finish up the next KMP update.  Thanks to some
Java programming, the lens-summary pages now display all lens products
and the lens-detail pages display all variations of each lens.

My next projects:
  - generate a list of all lens unknowns
  - collect the Pentax 5-digit catalog numbers


 _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
   0(` O-O ')0   A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov  author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
   __   __

NEEDED: Pentax 5-digit catalog numbers

2002-09-18 Thread Bojidar Dimitrov

Hi all,

In order to make the KMP lens data even more complete, I would like to
collect the Pentax 5-digit numbers for all lenses.  These are the
numbers found on the cardboard packaging boxes as well as in dealer

Please note variations of the same lens in different colors have
different numbers.  When submitting a 5-digit number, please be specific
for which lens color it applies.  The KMP now displays the few lens
numbers known to me.  It also displays unknown for all which I do not

So, if you have the packaging box of a Pentax lens or a dealer catalog,
please e-mail me directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and tell me the lens
name and its 5-digit Pentax number.

Thanks in advance,

 _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
   0(` O-O ')0   A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov  author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
   __   __

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread dick graham

This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has every 


At 10:14 PM 9/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
**Note, I tried this as an attachment but didn't think it would work, and it
didn't :)**

Ok, this is an ad off the back cover of Outdoor Photographer March 2001.  It
can be argued irrelevent due to it's date, but it's still sometihng. but  I
have another Outdoor Photographer mag with the same ad on it, don't remember
the date.  It's a quick scan, did my best to keep the size down.  As to
commentary, It is a first class ad, one in a popular magazine, and on the
back cover.  However, they seem to be targeting low-end entry-level SLR
market, with the
ZX7.  Not only that, but they put that crappy FA 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 on
thereoh well, but at least they are advertisingHope this stimulates
some more commentary on their methods of attracting customers.

Brad W. Dobo, HBA (Eds.)
ICQ#: 1658

Re: OT: visit to Ansel Adams at 100 in London

2002-09-18 Thread Flavio Minelli

Cotty and Bob wrote:
 I can't bring myself to go to that one. I really can't see the point
 of it. In addition, I'm led to believe that there are some
 'plastinisated' (?) children in the exhibition. I really don't see
 how a child could possibly give informed consent to such a thing, and
 I'd find it very distressing to look at.
 That part was very difficult to get through. There were various displays
 involving everything ...

I carefully read your and Bob's messages and went to see the link you
Although I can understand you interest and I don't find it particularly
morbid I couldn't to it and I feel it as quite beyond the limit of
decency. I mean MY point. I don't think I could stand it, really. I know
some people have to study corpses in order to learn how a uman body
works but I can't see the point for the average person.

This, of course, doesn't imply any judgement of your morale, it's just
my sensation, and I myself am a bit disconcerted by my own reaction. Go

I guess this expo wouldn't be possible, here.

Ciao, Flavio

RE: Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

2002-09-18 Thread MANGUM,MARK (HP-USA,ex1)

This could be posted on PhotoSig in exotic/nudes
and get 3TU. ;)

Mark Mangum

-Original Message-
From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:02 AM
Subject: Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

Posted in as an example as to why it's important to
crop your photos properly before putting them on the web...

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing

Buying an LX - Hot Damn, I managed to find one

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Yehle

After watching a couple on ebay, I managed to find one locally:   LX, Grip
B, FA-1W, seems to focus to infinity alright (I've only used my k1000, never
a split screen before though), and overall pretty clean, some brassing on
the MLU lever, and a little loose leather corner on the back...  I'm quite

Waiting for my 1st 2 rolls of velvia to dry but it looks to be dead on, even
in the darkest corner of Notre Dame (available darkness anyone?)

Thanks to all for the advice, I see what all the fuss is about now...

Mike Y

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk

dick graham wrote:
 This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has 
 every run!
Actually I have seen ad of MZ-S with FA 24-90 (the one with half 
men-half camera) in Polish magazine Foto about 1/2 year ago.


RE: Buying an LX - Hot Damn, I managed to find one

2002-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's the way the camera meters that pleases me the most Michael.
Meters off the film plane so, even though I sometimes think I've messed up,
the camera somehow knows as well and corrects for it :)  Or at least it
SEEMS to do this :)

Maybe my LX is possessed?

Keep your eye open for different screens as well - I only recently
re-installed the split screen to try it out and I hated it.  I much prefer
the plain matte screen that has no microprism or no split. It's much easier
for me to focus with.



Original Message:
From: Michael Yehle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 15:07:58 +0200
Subject: Buying an LX - Hot Damn, I managed to find one

After watching a couple on ebay, I managed to find one locally:   LX, Grip
B, FA-1W, seems to focus to infinity alright (I've only used my k1000, never
a split screen before though), and overall pretty clean, some brassing on
the MLU lever, and a little loose leather corner on the back...  I'm quite

Waiting for my 1st 2 rolls of velvia to dry but it looks to be dead on, even
in the darkest corner of Notre Dame (available darkness anyone?)

Thanks to all for the advice, I see what all the fuss is about now...

Mike Y

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

OT: Vanished Monuments of St. Petersburg

2002-09-18 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

This is a site with as few vintage photographs of St. Petersburg churches
destroyed by Stalin, if anyone is interested.


Re: Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

2002-09-18 Thread andre

But he managed to crop the beer bottle!

Posted in as an example as to why it's important to
crop your photos properly before putting them on the web...

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing


Re: Matrix metering

2002-09-18 Thread Dan Scott

Mark, this info would be most EXCELLENT as a web page. (hint, hint)

Dan Scott

On Wednesday, September 18, 2002, at 06:31  AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

 Michel Carrère-Gée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Propose us to modify the MK lens to permit the matrix metering
 Some what consists this modification  ?

 To enable matrix metering on cameras that have it, the lens needs to 
 tell the
 camera its minimum and maximum apertures. This is achieved with a 
 series of
 conductive and non-conductive contacts in the lens mount flange that 
 short out
 (or do not short out) contacts in the lens mount of the camera. These 
 are among
 the 7 contacts in the lower left-hand section of the lens mount of the 
 which you can see when you remove the lens.

 One of these contacts transmits digital data from autofocus lenses and 
 is not
 used for matrix metering.

 Another one tells the camera if the lens is set to A for shutter 
 priority or
 program autoexposure; this one also has nothing to do with matrix 

 The remaining 5 contacts are where the min/max aperture data necessary 
 matrix metering are conveyed. On A series and later lenses, there are 
 insulators in one or more of the positions corresponding to these five 

 If there's a plastic insulator, that contact is open. If there's no 
 insulator (bare lens mount), the corresponding contact on the camera 
 body is
 shorted to ground. The pattern of which ones are grounded and which 
 aren't tells
 the camera body what the maximum possible aperture is for the lens (and 
 what the minimum aperture is). On a 50mm f1.4 there's only one 
 insulator and on
 a 400mm f5.6 there are four. A 20mm f4.0 and a 300 f4.5 both have 
 three, but in
 different arrangements.

 This is the information that allows matrix metering to work.

 Basically, I drill a slight divot in the flange of the lens mount at 
 position that needs to be insulated, corresponding to the pattern 
 for the lens in question. Then I put a drop of epoxy paint in the 
 divot. It's a
 very simple procedure, but it requires that getting the divots in just 
 the right
 locations. I've built a jig that allows me to get them exactly where 
 they belong
 with a minimum of fuss. As a measure of my confidence in the procedure, 
 first lens I tried it out on was my K-series 15mm f3.5 and I'm very 
 happy with
 how it's worked out; I find matrix metering especially useful with wide 

 If you ever want to restore the lens to its original condition, all you 
 have to
 do is replace the lens mount flange, which anyone can do with a couple 
 jewelers screwdrivers. I think the plain k-mount flange is still 
 available from
 Pentax, but even if it's not there are millions of M50/2.0 lenses that 
 can be
 had for a few dollars to become parts donors.

 You can email me dirctly, but you'll have to sign up for Hotmail or 
 some other
 free email address because is blacklisted form my domain 
 because of
 extensive spam problems.

 Mark Roberts
 Photorgaphy and writing

Demoulder on da MZ-60

2002-09-18 Thread Rob Brigham

Anyone seen Amateur Photographer's review of the MZ-60?  Looks like our
old friend Damien REALLY does not like this one!

Havent bought the mag, so not sure if his opinions are right or even
truly objective or not, but skimming it the main problem seems to be the
2 segment metering - he says it is dreadful.  He actually says that the
ONLY reason for even considering buying this camera is if you are into
astro-photography because it will take just about any lens and has a 32
MINUTE shutter speed!!!

Have they made a duffer?

Is 32mins a record for long shutters?

Re: Demoulder on da MZ-60

2002-09-18 Thread Chris Brogden

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Rob Brigham wrote:

 Havent bought the mag, so not sure if his opinions are right or even
 truly objective or not, but skimming it the main problem seems to be the
 2 segment metering - he says it is dreadful.  He actually says that the
 ONLY reason for even considering buying this camera is if you are into
 astro-photography because it will take just about any lens and has a 32
 MINUTE shutter speed!!!

But no bulb setting, nor any provision for a cable release or remote.

 Have they made a duffer?

Yup.  Horrible shutter, as well.  Fire it and you'll cringe.


Re: Matrix metering

2002-09-18 Thread Mark Roberts

Dan Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark, this info would be most EXCELLENT as a web page. (hint, hint)

It's all on Boz's most excellent web page already!

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing

Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

Don't say cheapest say least expensive.

At 01:48 PM 9/18/2002 +0200, you wrote:
- Original Message -
Subject: Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

  I think it was the mistake of Pentax. They should jam-pack the sensor with
  20 or 30 fake segments but actually use 6 segments only for metering. This
  way, nobody would doubt the quality of MZ-S's metering quality.

Actually the review was pretty favourable for the MZ-S. They praised the
slanted top plate, well-thought controls set-up, magnesium housing, built-in
flash, data impinting and the ability to take virtually any Pentax K
bayonet lens. They also noticed, that the camera is the cheapest of the
The two other rivals - F100 and EOS 3 are IMHO tough ones and the latter won
the whole test. However, the margin of the victory is slight, since all
three models have their good points.
The Practical Photography is one of few magazines that notice Pentax
products and show their strengths. Its editor, Will Cheung, constantly uses
two cameras - EOS 3 and Pentax 645NII.

Re: Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

All I can say is hairy.

At 08:01 AM 9/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Posted in as an example as to why it's important to
crop your photos properly before putting them on the web...

Mark Roberts
Photorgaphy and writing

Re: Advice needed urgently

2002-09-18 Thread Fred

 I need guidance - how much, in dollars or Euros, does one pay for the

 50mm/1.4 SMC M
 100mm/4.0 SMC M Macro

I would say a little less than $100 USD for the M 50/1.4, assuming
mint condition.  I would estimate twice as much for the M 100/4
Macro, again, assuming mint condition.  Just my own estimates...


RE: more Photokina info

2002-09-18 Thread Rob Brigham

From C d'I:

SLRs at Photokina

Much noise currently circulating in connection with the innovations of
Photokina. Some are founded, others not... C d'I sorts between
information and rumours. 

A few days before Photokina, the rumours are rife in connection with
what one will see there... of what one could see there... but also the
converse - what one will not see there! Maintained by the policy the
embargoes, which often transforms rumours into information, many things
circulate, in particular in connection with the SLRs, which remain the
flagship products of the photo market. Thus let us try to sort it out. 

*** Canon Eos-1 Ds 

It is not any more a rumour, it is fact: Canon will reveal, in
Photokina, a new version of its Eos-1 D, whose name will be Eos-1 Ds. 

The apparatus takes again the same physical characteristics exactly as
current the 1-D and, outside, it is different from it only by its logo. 
Under the cap, Canon placed Cmos (and not a CCD!) whose size is roughly
the double of that of Eos-d60: it offers a resolution of 11,1 mégapixels
on a surface of 24x36mm (23,8 X 35,8 exactly!), that is to say 4064x2704

The large advantage of Eos-1 Ds is to allow the use without restriction
nor coefficient of conversion the wide-angle lenses. 
It is a little slower than Eos-1d, but has all the same finctions, with
3 fps for 10 successive images. 

This apparatus will be marketed in December and its probable price is of
10.000 euros.

*** NIKON D2-x  D2-h 

Several Internet sites announce two new Nikon D1 with, for one of them,
a resolution of 14 Mpix: SORRY, BUT They ARE FALSE! 

Nikon will not again introduce a pro SLR before spring 2003. 

As for knowing what this will be, one can only speculate. As we wrote
during the test of D1-x, it is obvious that engineers of Nikon work on a
track: after having divided the pixels into two in the height, it
remains to them to divide them into two in the width, which would enable
them indeed to reach 11, even 14 Mpix if the sensor were slightly
increased. But for the moment, this is only assumption. 

Photokina 2002 will therefore be quiet for Nikon and the immediate
innovations are: 
- a version 3Mpix of Coolpix 2500; 
- probably, the availability of an UPDATE of the software of Coolpix
5000 which, inter alia improvements, would enable recording Raw files. 


Alas, nothing again under the sun. The stand will thus be occupied by
Dimâge 7Hi (alias Dimâge 9!) and the rumours of SLR with interchangeable
lenses are not founded for the moment. 


There exists... and it is even on sale. A new version of its software
even arrived this week. In light of the Eos-1 Ds, future prospects for
this 24x36 camera are concerning because of its colossal price. 


It will undoubtedly be one of the largest information of Photokina...
even if it is still about a remote project.  Consortium 4/3  tries to
impose its standards as regards size of sensor and bayonet (to read
separate information). 


True alarming spectre, this SLR which was to be marketed in March and
whose exit has, since, deferred 15 days in 15 days HAS NOT GIVEN UP! 

It will even be on one of the stands of Photokina and the visitors will
be able, this time, to test it and carry true photographs! 

If all is well, it will be on sale in November. 
And, if all is well, it will be as definitely less expensive as Nikon
D-100 and Canon D-60 which, since their arrival on the market, chamboulé
the things. 

With the occasion of Photokina, Sigma reveals four new lenses which
should salivate amateurs and professionals. 

The time when Sigma teased the large manufacturers with cheap objectives
is gone: from now on, the turbulent Japanese maker seeks to innovate, as
the four new lenses testify: 

- zoom trans-standard 28-70 mm f/2,8-4 HSZ: will be available as of
October 2002 in mountings Canon, Nikon D, Minolta D, Pentax AF and

- télézoom 80-400 mm f/4,5-5,6 EX OS  Optical Stabilizer . Yes, you
read well...  80-400 stalibilized !!! 
A true innovation, with two modes of stabilizations: Mode 1 (H + V) for
the static subjects, mode 2 (H only) for the follow-up of subjects
moving. Like the other objectives with ultrasonic motorization HSM, it
authorizes the permanent final improvement of the point without
disengaging of l.AF. 

- zoom 120-300mm F2,8 EX IF HSM is a lightweight ultra télézoom constant
F2,8 and HSM. 

- zoom 300-800mm F5,6 EX IF HSM is an ultra télézoom with constant F5,6
and HSM. 

These three new EX zooms will be compatible with Canon, Nikon and...
Sigma, which means that, contrary to certain rumours, the Sigma SLR is
far from being buried. 

*** Significant: you can take all that precedes like INFORMATION
It is not a question of rumours and, even if some of these infos are not
yet official, they are exact. 


Re: Demoulder on da MZ-60

2002-09-18 Thread Michel Carrère-Gée

Rob Brigham a écrit:

Anyone seen Amateur Photographer's review of the MZ-60?  Looks like our
old friend Damien REALLY does not like this one!

Havent bought the mag, so not sure if his opinions are right or even
truly objective or not, but skimming it the main problem seems to be the
2 segment metering - he says it is dreadful.  He actually says that the
ONLY reason for even considering buying this camera is if you are into
astro-photography because it will take just about any lens and has a 32
MINUTE shutter speed!!!

Have they made a duffer?

Is 32mins a record for long shutters?

32 minutes ???
On data sheet is 30 sec AND buld !!


RE: more Photokina info

2002-09-18 Thread Rob Brigham

Unfortunately still no mention on Pentax, unless that is the 'embargoes'

 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Brigham 
 Sent: 18 September 2002 16:31
 Subject: RE: more Photokina info
 From C d'I:
 SLRs at Photokina
 Much noise currently circulating in connection with the 
 innovations of Photokina. Some are founded, others not... C 
 d'I sorts between information and rumours. 
 A few days before Photokina, the rumours are rife in 
 connection with what one will see there... of what one could 
 see there... but also the converse - what one will not see 
 there! Maintained by the policy the embargoes, which often 
 transforms rumours into information, many things circulate, 
 in particular in connection with the SLRs, which remain the 
 flagship products of the photo market. Thus let us try to 
 sort it out. 
 *** Canon Eos-1 Ds 
 It is not any more a rumour, it is fact: Canon will reveal, 
 in Photokina, a new version of its Eos-1 D, whose name will 
 be Eos-1 Ds. 
 The apparatus takes again the same physical characteristics 
 exactly as current the 1-D and, outside, it is different from 
 it only by its logo. 
 Under the cap, Canon placed Cmos (and not a CCD!) whose size 
 is roughly the double of that of Eos-d60: it offers a 
 resolution of 11,1 mégapixels on a surface of 24x36mm (23,8 X 
 35,8 exactly!), that is to say 4064x2704 pixels. 
 The large advantage of Eos-1 Ds is to allow the use without 
 restriction nor coefficient of conversion the wide-angle lenses. 
 It is a little slower than Eos-1d, but has all the same 
 finctions, with 3 fps for 10 successive images. 
 This apparatus will be marketed in December and its probable 
 price is of 10.000 euros.
 *** NIKON D2-x  D2-h 
 Several Internet sites announce two new Nikon D1 with, for 
 one of them, a resolution of 14 Mpix: SORRY, BUT They ARE FALSE! 
 Nikon will not again introduce a pro SLR before spring 2003. 
 As for knowing what this will be, one can only speculate. As 
 we wrote during the test of D1-x, it is obvious that 
 engineers of Nikon work on a
 track: after having divided the pixels into two in the 
 height, it remains to them to divide them into two in the 
 width, which would enable them indeed to reach 11, even 14 
 Mpix if the sensor were slightly increased. But for the 
 moment, this is only assumption. 
 Photokina 2002 will therefore be quiet for Nikon and the 
 immediate innovations are: 
 - a version 3Mpix of Coolpix 2500; 
 - probably, the availability of an UPDATE of the software of 
 Coolpix 5000 which, inter alia improvements, would enable 
 recording Raw files. 
 Alas, nothing again under the sun. The stand will thus be 
 occupied by Dimâge 7Hi (alias Dimâge 9!) and the rumours of 
 SLR with interchangeable lenses are not founded for the moment. 
 There exists... and it is even on sale. A new version of its 
 software even arrived this week. In light of the Eos-1 Ds, 
 future prospects for this 24x36 camera are concerning 
 because of its colossal price. 
 It will undoubtedly be one of the largest information of 
 Photokina... even if it is still about a remote project.  
 Consortium 4/3  tries to impose its standards as regards 
 size of sensor and bayonet (to read separate information). 
 True alarming spectre, this SLR which was to be marketed in 
 March and whose exit has, since, deferred 15 days in 15 days 
 It will even be on one of the stands of Photokina and the 
 visitors will be able, this time, to test it and carry true 
 If all is well, it will be on sale in November. 
 And, if all is well, it will be as definitely less expensive 
 as Nikon D-100 and Canon D-60 which, since their arrival on 
 the market, chamboulé the things. 
 With the occasion of Photokina, Sigma reveals four new lenses 
 which should salivate amateurs and professionals. 
 The time when Sigma teased the large manufacturers with cheap 
 objectives is gone: from now on, the turbulent Japanese maker 
 seeks to innovate, as the four new lenses testify: 
 - zoom trans-standard 28-70 mm f/2,8-4 HSZ: will be available 
 as of October 2002 in mountings Canon, Nikon D, Minolta D, 
 Pentax AF and sigma. 
 - télézoom 80-400 mm f/4,5-5,6 EX OS  Optical Stabilizer . 
 Yes, you read well...  80-400 stalibilized !!! 
 A true innovation, with two modes of stabilizations: Mode 1 
 (H + V) for the static subjects, mode 2 (H only) for the 
 follow-up of subjects moving. Like the other objectives with 
 ultrasonic motorization HSM, it authorizes the permanent 
 final improvement of the point without disengaging of l.AF. 
 - zoom 120-300mm F2,8 EX IF HSM is a lightweight ultra 
 télézoom constant F2,8 and HSM. 
 - zoom 300-800mm F5,6 EX IF HSM is an ultra télézoom with 
 constant F5,6 and HSM. 
 These three new EX zooms will 

Re: Demoulder on da MZ-60

2002-09-18 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk

Michel Carrère-Gée wrote:

  32 minutes ??? On data sheet is 30 sec AND buld !!
Yes it is true - MZ-60 has built in timer for exposures up to 32 minutes
- something that you can buy separately for MZ-S (TS-110 cable timer) 
for 150 USD extra :-)


Re: KMP next Update

2002-09-18 Thread Michel Carrère-Gée

Bojidar Dimitrov a écrit:

Hi all,

I have found the time to finish up the next KMP update.  Thanks to some
Java programming, the lens-summary pages now display all lens products
and the lens-detail pages display all variations of each lens.

My next projects:
  - generate a list of all lens unknowns
  - collect the Pentax 5-digit catalog numbers



You can find actual product catalog with 5 digir code:

Couple of eBay auctions just started

2002-09-18 Thread Cotty

2 auctions, mine:

Tokina 300 2.8

Motor Drive LX



Oh swipe me! He paints with light!

Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Re: Couple of eBay auctions just started

2002-09-18 Thread Tom Sapienza

 Motor Drive LX

Speaking of Motor Drive LX ... I was in a photo shop the other day and
they had the Motor Drive setup for an LX.  I had seen the rechargable
battery packs for it before, but they had a mammoth beast of a battery
grip which stood 6 or more inches tall and took 12 AA batteries.  This
things looked incredibly unwieldly.  Anyone know Pentax's reasoning in
building it like they did?  Why not make it flat and fit to the bottom of
the Motor Drive, instead of sticking out?

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Brad Dobo

Yup, knew about the age of it.  Sadly, I cannot believe no MZ-S ads were
runseems foolish.

- Original Message -
From: dick graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: Pentax ads

 This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has every


 At 10:14 PM 9/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
 **Note, I tried this as an attachment but didn't think it would work, and
 didn't :)**
 Ok, this is an ad off the back cover of Outdoor Photographer March 2001.
 can be argued irrelevent due to it's date, but it's still sometihng. but
 have another Outdoor Photographer mag with the same ad on it, don't
 the date.  It's a quick scan, did my best to keep the size down.  As to
 commentary, It is a first class ad, one in a popular magazine, and on the
 back cover.  However, they seem to be targeting low-end entry-level SLR
 market, with the
 ZX7.  Not only that, but they put that crappy FA 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 on
 thereoh well, but at least they are advertisingHope this
 some more commentary on their methods of attracting customers.
 Brad W. Dobo, HBA (Eds.)
 ICQ#: 1658

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Brad Dobo

Excuse my ignorance, but what is the 'half men-half camera'?

Brad Dobo
- Original Message - 
From: Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: Pentax ads

 dick graham wrote:
  This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has 
  every run!
 Actually I have seen ad of MZ-S with FA 24-90 (the one with half 
 men-half camera) in Polish magazine Foto about 1/2 year ago.

Re: Advice needed urgently

2002-09-18 Thread Gatis Visnevskis

I got mine M50/1.4 in excelent condition for about 100 euros.
In Helsinki, btw.


Fred wrote:

I need guidance - how much, in dollars or Euros, does one pay for the

50mm/1.4 SMC M
100mm/4.0 SMC M Macro

 I would say a little less than $100 USD for the M 50/1.4, assuming
 mint condition.  I would estimate twice as much for the M 100/4
 Macro, again, assuming mint condition.  Just my own estimates...

Re: Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

2002-09-18 Thread Camdir

Is he not taking the piss with the item title?


not my auction, although that is rapidly appearing familiar :o) 

Re: Demoulder on da MZ-60

2002-09-18 Thread Brad Dobo

- Original Message -
From: Rob Brigham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 10:05 AM
Subject: Demoulder on da MZ-60

 Is 32mins a record for long shutters?

I know someone through the internet that lives in Sweden, he went out into
heavy woods and spent the entire night (no moon) with the shutter open.  I
think he said it was 6-8 hours.  I haven't seen the shot, but he says you
get some really weird colours and patterns, and not to mention bug bites!

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Chris Murray

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, dick graham wrote:

 This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has every 
 At 10:14 PM 9/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
 **Note, I tried this as an attachment but didn't think it would work, and it
 didn't :)**

PhotoLife, a Canadian photography magazine, has an add for the MZ-S, or
other pentax cameras every 2nd issue or so.  The magazine, with Pentax are
giving away a MS-S, BG-10, AF360FGZ combo as well.

Aside from that, its a good magazine, it dosn't focus on equipment either
like the others, its about taking pictures.

- Chris

Chris Murray   /\   
Cell: 604.861.8307 / \/

ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread gfen

Hi there,

Some confusion on circular versus linear polarizers... I know that the PL
is supposed to ONLY be good for manual focus, and that for AF you need a
C-PL. Then, I've also read that some cameras can't meter with a PL, and
require a C-PL.

Well, I didn't buy a C-PL, but just a regular PL when I bought into the
Cokin P system this past weekend (BH was out of the C-PL, and I wanted to
take one with me to try out, as I was primarily buying it for my LF
camera, I wasn't concerned at the time).

I tried out the PL on my 28-70/4 yesterday, and noticed both the meter and
the AF both appeared to work just fine. Now I'm completely baffled.

Does anyone know if the metering will definatly be off without using the
circular varient? And how did AF work correctly, then?

 The destructive character is cheerful.  - Walter Benjamin

Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: gfen
Subject: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

 Hi there,

 Some confusion on circular versus linear polarizers... 
 Does anyone know if the metering will definatly be off without
using the
 circular varient? And how did AF work correctly, then?

Circular polarizers are recommended for cameras that have a beam
splitter in them, to prevent cross polarization. I believe the
only Pentax that uses a beam splitter for exposure is the LX.
The AF SLRs use a beam splitter for AF operation, but not for
light metering.
The use of a regular polarizer may blind the AF to the point of
it not working anymore (you'll know this because the AF will
start to hunt), but it should not affect exposure metering, as
it is still done off the focussing screen.
At least I think this is how it is..

William Robb

This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To
go to and follow the directions. Don't
forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Pat White

Pentax have had full-page ads featuring the MZ-S and a PS camera in Photo
Life, the Canadian photo magazine.

Pat White

Re: Seen this eBay acution yet? ;-)

2002-09-18 Thread Fred

 Posted in as an example as to why it's
 important to crop your photos properly before putting them on the

Focal length selection can be helpful, too.  Sometimes a
wide-angle is not always the best choice...  ;-)


Motor Drive batteries (was: Re: Couple of eBay auctions just started)

2002-09-18 Thread Cotty

 Motor Drive LX

Speaking of Motor Drive LX ... I was in a photo shop the other day and
they had the Motor Drive setup for an LX.  I had seen the rechargable
battery packs for it before, but they had a mammoth beast of a battery
grip which stood 6 or more inches tall and took 12 AA batteries.  This
things looked incredibly unwieldly.  Anyone know Pentax's reasoning in
building it like they did?  Why not make it flat and fit to the bottom of
the Motor Drive, instead of sticking out?

I'll take a stab at this, but it seems pretty simple really.


Basically, the Motor Drive LX ,and indeed the drive for the MX, are 
basically quite similar, even though far from identical. The fundamental 
difference is that in the LX drive, the actual motor is in the base unit 
itself, and so has no 'grip' part. The MX drive has the motor in a 
vertical grip part, and conversely the base part is much slimmer than the 
LX drive. This is because the MX doesn't have add-on grips like the Grip 
B, etc. The LX does, and it must have seemed reasonable at the time to 
design the drive based on this. Hence a Motor Drive MX needs only the 
drive and a NiCad underneath, whereas the LX needs both those, and a Grip 
B etc to achieve the same form. Of course, you don't *need* the Grip B...

Aside from NiCad battery packs, how would you power the drive? The 
designers probably tossed this one over in their minds for a few 
sleepless nights. Viz: ' Look, you *have* to provide a cheaper 
alternative to full professional concepts like expensive NiCad packs. 
Even if only as a failsafe. So that means hardware that basic consumers 
can get a hold of. Like AA batteries. Fine: AA batteries - right that's 
the given. Now what form factor can we come up with? If we make it like 
the Nicad pack, IE: stick all the batteries underneath the camera, it's 
going to look mighty silly, in fact [due to the power requirements of a 5 
fps drive] we're gonna need 12 of the mothers. If we stack 12 AAs 
underneath, that's going to make an AA pack about 3 or 4 inchesd tall! 
Won't work. Where the heck are we gonna put 12 AAs??' And then some 
bright spark is inspired. 'I know: we'll double it up as a ceremonial 
Bull Elephant Tusk. No wait - how about this: a handle, underneath?'

[And so the Battery Pack MX was born. Peter at CamDir will correct me cos 
I think that's not entirely the right nomenclature, but probably close. 
Anyway, there it is. It's basically a way of shoe-horning 12 AA batteries 
together in a manner that doesn't make it look entirely ridiculous when 
attached underneath a camera. I think it was designed for the MX rather 
than the LX, and I'm not sure it will even attach to thje LX drive. 
Peter? Anyone?]

What were their alternatives?

1. To have a seperate pack with cord attached to camera. The amateur 
market would not accept that. Pros would, and do (think external flash 
2. To have a much less powerful energy source, say 4 AAs. That would give 
you 5 fps for, in fact, 5 frames... okay, we'll call that a winder at 2 
fps instead ;-)
3. To not have an AA pack at all.

I think they did pretty well considering the parameters. What gets me is 
this: when was that battery grip designed? And what do you see festooning 
the checkout at Toys R Us even today?

At this rate, I would estimate that the diminutive AA battery will be 
still with us in another 25 years. What does that say for battery 

(You can tell I'm in a writing mood)


Oh swipe me! He paints with light!

Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

I think Pentax has a novel marketing campaign built upon an air of mystery.

At 12:40 PM 9/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Yup, knew about the age of it.  Sadly, I cannot believe no MZ-S ads were
runseems foolish.

- Original Message -
From: dick graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: Pentax ads

  This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has every
  At 10:14 PM 9/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
  **Note, I tried this as an attachment but didn't think it would work, and
  didn't :)**
  Ok, this is an ad off the back cover of Outdoor Photographer March 2001.
  can be argued irrelevent due to it's date, but it's still sometihng. but
  have another Outdoor Photographer mag with the same ad on it, don't
  the date.  It's a quick scan, did my best to keep the size down.  As to
  commentary, It is a first class ad, one in a popular magazine, and on the
  back cover.  However, they seem to be targeting low-end entry-level SLR
  market, with the
  ZX7.  Not only that, but they put that crappy FA 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 on
  thereoh well, but at least they are advertisingHope this
  some more commentary on their methods of attracting customers.
  Brad W. Dobo, HBA (Eds.)
  ICQ#: 1658

RE: Long Range Zoom Advice?

2002-09-18 Thread J. C. O'Connell

Tamron MF 70-210 f3.5, outstanding optics.

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Cross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 2:41 PM
 To: Pentax Mail
 Subject: Long Range Zoom Advice?
 I'm looking for a high-quality consumer long zoom.  I have considered 
 the following:
 SMC-A 70-210 f/4 Zoom
 SMC-F 70-210 f/4-5.6
 Autofocus would be nice, but optical performance is more important.
 What do you think?  Any others I should consider?
 Thanks for the input!

Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

There's a pretty good explanation of Polarizers and how to use them in current
(Sept. 2002?) Pop Photography.  The main reason I picked it up.  It includes
a description of the difference between Circular and Linear polarizers and how
they interact with semi-silvered mirrors.  I know from personal experience that
the meter accuracy is adversely effected when using a linear polarizer.

At 01:06 PM 9/18/2002 -0400, gfen wrote:

Hi there,

Some confusion on circular versus linear polarizers... I know that the PL
is supposed to ONLY be good for manual focus, and that for AF you need a
C-PL. Then, I've also read that some cameras can't meter with a PL, and
require a C-PL.

Well, I didn't buy a C-PL, but just a regular PL when I bought into the
Cokin P system this past weekend (BH was out of the C-PL, and I wanted to
take one with me to try out, as I was primarily buying it for my LF
camera, I wasn't concerned at the time).

I tried out the PL on my 28-70/4 yesterday, and noticed both the meter and
the AF both appeared to work just fine. Now I'm completely baffled.

Does anyone know if the metering will definatly be off without using the
circular varient? And how did AF work correctly, then?

  The destructive character is cheerful.  - Walter Benjamin

Re: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread Christian Skofteland

KEH has black MXs all the time.  Just VERY pricey!  Some on eBay too


On Wednesday 18 September 2002 15:58, Malcolm Smith wrote:
 Fred wrote;

   I've spent some years trying to find a black MX!
  Ooh - sorry, Malcolm.  I had a near-mint black MX that I sold a
  little less than a year ago.  You'd have liked it...
  I've also spent some time before finally locating a beautiful black
  MEF body.


 I wish you luck in your search.

 I have never seen a black MX face to face, only via pictures. I would like
 one (notes depressing trend in accumulating cameras), but it would fit in
 with the LXs and the 67.

 Long live film cameras!


Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Peter Alling
Subject: Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

 There's a pretty good explanation of Polarizers and how to use
them in current
 (Sept. 2002?) Pop Photography.  The main reason I picked it
up.  It includes
 a description of the difference between Circular and Linear
polarizers and how
 they interact with semi-silvered mirrors.  I know from
personal experience that
 the meter accuracy is adversely effected when using a linear

Peter; Which body(ies) have you noticed wonky metring with?

William Robb

This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To
go to and follow the directions. Don't
forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

Black MXs was: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread Malcolm Smith

Christian Skofteland wrote;

 KEH has black MXs all the time.  Just VERY pricey!  Some on eBay too

Yes, I have seen them.

I am now used to recommendation, as I bought my original MXs when they were
just on the second hand market. I have really looked after my camera
equipment - as I am sure everyone on PDML does - of course we take care of
our equipment!

A lot of cameras come up in stores and eBay, but you have no idea how it was
treated, other than cosmetic signs if there is a photo, or what treatment it
had in use.

This is why I bought the LX that Cotty had for sale; knowledge he is an
excellent photographer and therefore someone who looks after his equipment.
Which I can assure all he most certainly did.

I need that assurance again - when I have funds of course :-)


Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Chan

 The two other rivals - F100 and EOS 3 are IMHO tough ones and the latter
 the whole test. However, the margin of the victory is slight, since all
 three models have their good points.
 The Practical Photography is one of few magazines that notice Pentax
 products and show their strengths. Its editor, Will Cheung, constantly
 two cameras - EOS 3 and Pentax 645NII.

On the other hand, a Japanese magazine tested the F100, EOS3 and Minolta 9
(I think 2 years ago), EOS3 scored the worst regarding AF tracking, daylght
 flash metering accuracy.

Re: MZ-S in PP/Thanx, Doug!

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Chan

 Less is more, is a hard concept to mass market (excluding bikinis and 
 the like, of course).

No wonder 2 door cars are usually more expensive than 4 doors.  :)

Alan Chan

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk

on 18.09.02 18:42, Brad Dobo at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excuse my ignorance, but what is the 'half men-half camera'?
Well the picture in advertisment is divided in two halves - left is a body
of strong men (1/2 head and left arm as I remember) right half is body of
MZ-S (1/2 to be exact).


Re: Long Range Zoom Advice?

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Chan

I think the F should be better since it has 1 ED element. Perhaps wait till
the Photokina and see if Pentax would release an FA*70-210/4ED[IF]?  :)

Alan Chan

 I'm looking for a high-quality consumer long zoom.  I have considered
 the following:

 SMC-A 70-210 f/4 Zoom
 SMC-F 70-210 f/4-5.6

 Autofocus would be nice, but optical performance is more important.

 What do you think?  Any others I should consider?

Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

That should have been the meter accuracy of my LX is adversely 
effected.  I should
proof read these things.

At 04:37 PM 9/18/2002 -0400, I wrote:
There's a pretty good explanation of Polarizers and how to use them in current
(Sept. 2002?) Pop Photography.  The main reason I picked it up.  It includes
a description of the difference between Circular and Linear polarizers and how
they interact with semi-silvered mirrors.  I know from personal experience 
the meter accuracy is adversely effected when using a linear polarizer.

At 01:06 PM 9/18/2002 -0400, gfen wrote:

Hi there,

Some confusion on circular versus linear polarizers... I know that the PL
is supposed to ONLY be good for manual focus, and that for AF you need a
C-PL. Then, I've also read that some cameras can't meter with a PL, and
require a C-PL.

Well, I didn't buy a C-PL, but just a regular PL when I bought into the
Cokin P system this past weekend (BH was out of the C-PL, and I wanted to
take one with me to try out, as I was primarily buying it for my LF
camera, I wasn't concerned at the time).

I tried out the PL on my 28-70/4 yesterday, and noticed both the meter and
the AF both appeared to work just fine. Now I'm completely baffled.

Does anyone know if the metering will definatly be off without using the
circular varient? And how did AF work correctly, then?

  The destructive character is cheerful.  - Walter Benjamin

Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

The LX bodies.  See my corrected post.  (I'm a bit to fast on the trigger 
at times).

At 03:09 PM 9/18/2002 -0600, you wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Peter Alling
Subject: Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

  There's a pretty good explanation of Polarizers and how to use
them in current
  (Sept. 2002?) Pop Photography.  The main reason I picked it
up.  It includes
  a description of the difference between Circular and Linear
polarizers and how
  they interact with semi-silvered mirrors.  I know from
personal experience that
  the meter accuracy is adversely effected when using a linear

Peter; Which body(ies) have you noticed wonky metring with?

William Robb

This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To
go to and follow the directions. Don't
forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

Re: Black MXs was: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

I'm not sure how I should take this since I've smashed a couple of cameras
in my time.  I really didn't mean to

At 10:26 PM 9/18/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Christian Skofteland wrote;

  KEH has black MXs all the time.  Just VERY pricey!  Some on eBay too

Yes, I have seen them.

I am now used to recommendation, as I bought my original MXs when they were
just on the second hand market. I have really looked after my camera
equipment - as I am sure everyone on PDML does - of course we take care of
our equipment!

A lot of cameras come up in stores and eBay, but you have no idea how it was
treated, other than cosmetic signs if there is a photo, or what treatment it
had in use.

This is why I bought the LX that Cotty had for sale; knowledge he is an
excellent photographer and therefore someone who looks after his equipment.
Which I can assure all he most certainly did.

I need that assurance again - when I have funds of course :-)


Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

Either that's just as dumb looking as it sounds or you had to see the original.

At 11:52 PM 9/18/2002 +0200, you wrote:
on 18.09.02 18:42, Brad Dobo at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Excuse my ignorance, but what is the 'half men-half camera'?
Well the picture in advertisment is divided in two halves - left is a body
of strong men (1/2 head and left arm as I remember) right half is body of
MZ-S (1/2 to be exact).


Re: Couple of eBay auctions just started

2002-09-18 Thread Rob Studdert

On 18 Sep 2002 at 12:27, Tom Sapienza wrote:

 Speaking of Motor Drive LX ... I was in a photo shop the other day and
 they had the Motor Drive setup for an LX.  I had seen the rechargable
 battery packs for it before, but they had a mammoth beast of a battery
 grip which stood 6 or more inches tall and took 12 AA batteries.  This
 things looked incredibly unwieldly.  Anyone know Pentax's reasoning in
 building it like they did?  Why not make it flat and fit to the bottom of
 the Motor Drive, instead of sticking out?

Hi Tom,

Aside from what everyone else has already noted the Battery Grip M design is 
older than the LX system so is really a legacy device in some respects. Why it 
is useful is that the LX + Motor Drive LX + Ni-Cd Battery Pack LX is quite 
mechanically unstable lot on a tripod in any case. So if the battery packs are 
separated from the Motor Drive LX using the Power Cord M then you achieve more 
mechanical stability and have a handy remote. In this case the Battery Grip M 
also offers a better remote shutter trigger than the Ni-Cd Battery Pack LX :-)


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

Re: Pentax ads

2002-09-18 Thread Brad Dobo

Ah thanks got it now :)

Brad Dobo
- Original Message -
From: Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax ads

 on 18.09.02 18:42, Brad Dobo at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Excuse my ignorance, but what is the 'half men-half camera'?
 Well the picture in advertisment is divided in two halves - left is a body
 of strong men (1/2 head and left arm as I remember) right half is body of
 MZ-S (1/2 to be exact).


Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread Brad Dobo

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

 That should have been the meter accuracy of my LX is adversely 
 effected.  I should
 proof read these things.

Ya, before we start calling you a spammer! g

RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread Lukasz Kacperczyk

Oh yeah, a black MX is a beautiful beast. It looks totally different from
the chrome version. At least mine does (I couldn't help myself, sorry :)))


-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

Fred wrote;

  I've spent some years trying to find a black MX!

 Ooh - sorry, Malcolm.  I had a near-mint black MX that I sold a
 little less than a year ago.  You'd have liked it...

 I've also spent some time before finally locating a beautiful black
 MEF body.


I wish you luck in your search.

I have never seen a black MX face to face, only via pictures. I would like
one (notes depressing trend in accumulating cameras), but it would fit in
with the LXs and the 67.

Long live film cameras!


RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread J. C. O'Connell

I passed on a Black MX body at a camera show once for $150.
I've been sorry ever since

 -Original Message-
 From: Lukasz Kacperczyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:18 PM
 Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

 Oh yeah, a black MX is a beautiful beast. It looks totally different from
 the chrome version. At least mine does (I couldn't help myself, sorry :)))


 -Original Message-
 From: Malcolm Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:59 PM
 Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

 Fred wrote;

   I've spent some years trying to find a black MX!
  Ooh - sorry, Malcolm.  I had a near-mint black MX that I sold a
  little less than a year ago.  You'd have liked it...
  I've also spent some time before finally locating a beautiful black
  MEF body.


 I wish you luck in your search.

 I have never seen a black MX face to face, only via pictures. I would like
 one (notes depressing trend in accumulating cameras), but it would fit in
 with the LXs and the 67.

 Long live film cameras!


RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread Lukasz Kacperczyk

I bought mine for around $200 with M 50/1.7 and haven't regretted yet :)


-Original Message-
From: J. C. O'Connell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 1:43 AM
Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

I passed on a Black MX body at a camera show once for $150.
I've been sorry ever since

 -Original Message-
 From: Lukasz Kacperczyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:18 PM
 Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

 Oh yeah, a black MX is a beautiful beast. It looks totally different from
 the chrome version. At least mine does (I couldn't help myself, sorry :)))


 -Original Message-
 From: Malcolm Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:59 PM
 Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

 Fred wrote;

   I've spent some years trying to find a black MX!
  Ooh - sorry, Malcolm.  I had a near-mint black MX that I sold a
  little less than a year ago.  You'd have liked it...
  I've also spent some time before finally locating a beautiful black
  MEF body.


 I wish you luck in your search.

 I have never seen a black MX face to face, only via pictures. I would like
 one (notes depressing trend in accumulating cameras), but it would fit in
 with the LXs and the 67.

 Long live film cameras!


RE: Vintage Camera Display bases

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Alling

I understand.  At one time you could buy one new for $150.00

At 07:42 PM 9/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
I passed on a Black MX body at a camera show once for $150.
I've been sorry ever since

  -Original Message-
  From: Lukasz Kacperczyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:18 PM
  Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases
  Oh yeah, a black MX is a beautiful beast. It looks totally different from
  the chrome version. At least mine does (I couldn't help myself, sorry :)))
  -Original Message-
  From: Malcolm Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:59 PM
  Subject: RE: Vintage Camera Display bases
  Fred wrote;
I've spent some years trying to find a black MX!
   Ooh - sorry, Malcolm.  I had a near-mint black MX that I sold a
   little less than a year ago.  You'd have liked it...
   I've also spent some time before finally locating a beautiful black
   MEF body.
  I wish you luck in your search.
  I have never seen a black MX face to face, only via pictures. I would like
  one (notes depressing trend in accumulating cameras), but it would fit in
  with the LXs and the 67.
  Long live film cameras!

Re: more Photokina info

2002-09-18 Thread Bruce Rubenstein

That was it. All the news that's fit to print.

From: Daniel J. Matyola [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What about Pentax?

Brown Spotmatic?

2002-09-18 Thread John Mustarde

I once had a brown Spotmatic (SP 500, actually, I think), which
slipped away from me in a bad camera swap. Are the brown ones rare? 

Please say they are common, so I won't feel so bad about losing it
(and the nice Pentax 50/f4 Macro and Viv 200/3.5 and solidly built
Soligor 105 and 135 lenses that went with the set.)

John Mustarde

Re: Brown Spotmatic?

2002-09-18 Thread Tom Sapienza

 I once had a brown Spotmatic (SP 500, actually, I think), which
 slipped away from me in a bad camera swap. Are the brown ones rare?

 Please say they are common, so I won't feel so bad about losing it
 (and the nice Pentax 50/f4 Macro and Viv 200/3.5 and solidly built
 Soligor 105 and 135 lenses that went with the set.)

Man, I haven't heard one person on this list say good things about
trading/selling any of their old Pentax gear ... making a mental note to
not make the same mistake.

Thanks Amita

2002-09-18 Thread Robert Woerner

Hi Amita,

Thanks for the suggestion of using for free email.
One day later and I'm still subscribed to the list.

Again, thanks,

With regard,

Robert Woerner

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Re: Thanks Amita

2002-09-18 Thread Doug Brewer

you're  a fun guy, bob.

At 4:59 PM -07009/18/02, Robert Woerner  wrote, or at least typed:
Hi Amita,

Thanks for the suggestion of using for free email.
One day later and I'm still subscribed to the list.

Again, thanks,

With regard,

Robert Woerner

Douglas Forrest Brewer
Ashwood Lake Photography

Re: ZX/MZ bodies and LINEAR polarizers.

2002-09-18 Thread gfen

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Peter Alling wrote:

 The LX bodies.  See my corrected post.  (I'm a bit to fast on the trigger
 at times).

From what William said, this is the only Pentax body to use a beam
splitting meter.

Ergo, I'm still good to go.. althouhg I've also read the Cokin filters
also have a colour cast... Which means I won;t feel bad when I replace it
with something more expensive, and definatly circular (again, as I've read
that a C-PL is more effective in colour saturation).

 The destructive character is cheerful.  - Walter Benjamin

SMC-A 35-105 f3.5 - Debate Continues ?

2002-09-18 Thread David Chang-Sang

I've just about had it :)

I love this lens.


I'm confused by my lack of memory.  Is this lens varifocal ?
For one reason or another I keep thinking I DON'T have to refocus if I zoom
OUT from 105 to 35.

Tell me I'm wrong or right.. before I go crazy and sell this lens at a
ridiculously low price :)

Thanks a ton,

P.S. (I'm joking about selling the lens.. but tell me if I'm right or wrong
on this anyway) :)

Aaron's shop

2002-09-18 Thread frank theriault

Dave Chang-Sang and I made the trek from Toronto out to Aaron's shop in
Oakville tonight.  It was my first time out there.

Loads of fun!!  I bought a 77mm red filter for my Vivitar S1 24-48 for a
pretty decent price, and Dave bought a bunch of chemicals and stuff.

After talking with Dave and Aaron, I think I'll definitely take the
plunge and invest the few dollars necessary to start to develop my own
bw negs.  Seems like it'll be cheap, easy and fun.  Aaron also had (on
consignment) a Besseler enlarger and a Rodenstock enlarging lens, for
what seemed a good price.  Too bad I live in a little bachelor
apartment, with no place to put an enlarger, let alone use it.  Even so,
it's still very tempting...

Also saw some beautiful prints of Prague that Aaron took with the 6x7 on
his honeymoon.  Aaron has a terrific eye, and that camera really rocks,

All in all, a good time.  I'll have to make the trip out there again
soon (to pick up my chemicals).


The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
pessimist fears it is true. -J. Robert

slightly obscure observations

2002-09-18 Thread tom

1 - The AF500FTZ focus assist beam doesn't work within about 5 feet.
It aims too high.
2 - The FA 45-85/4.5 focuses closer than the 75/2.8.


Re: Tokina [or VS1] Macro Extender w/ Other Lenses

2002-09-18 Thread Pentxuser

I don't remember if I've shot any since. Just because the situation hasn't 
arisen where I need it. I'll tell you what, though. I'll go out and shoot 
some more this week and report back..asap

Re: SMC-A 35-105 f3.5 - Debate Continues ?

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Chan

 I'm confused by my lack of memory.  Is this lens varifocal ?

NO!!! If it change focus while you zoom, it means the lens was serviced but
something is wrong.

 For one reason or another I keep thinking I DON'T have to refocus if I
 OUT from 105 to 35.


 Tell me I'm wrong or right.. before I go crazy and sell this lens at a
 ridiculously low price :)

I once saw a bad sample which changed focus a lot as I zoomed. Even the
service guy said it was very sick and wonldn't want to touch it. Btw, it's a
damn complex lens to strip.

Alan Chan

Setting ISO on flash

2002-09-18 Thread Stephen Hoffman

I think I may have made a mistake while shooting with my AF360FGZ flash
today but then again I may have been lucky.  I shot quite a few frames in
TTL mode then switched to Auto.  At that time I realized the flash was set
to ISO 400 while the film I was using was ISO 100.  Of course while shooting
the next frames in Auto mode I did switch the ISO setting on the flash to
100.  My question is: did I do any harm while in the TTL mode or does the
camera simply read the light and adjust accordingly regardless of the ISO
setting on the flash?  Thanks.


(I'd rather be good than lucky but lucky will do in this case)

Re: Matrix metering

2002-09-18 Thread Michel Carrère-Gée

Mark Roberts a écrit:

Michel Carrère-Gée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Propose us to modify the MK lens to permit the matrix metering
Some what consists this modification  ?

To enable matrix metering ..


Thank's Mark, very fun your answer !!

Bonjour de France, Michel

Re: Setting ISO on flash

2002-09-18 Thread Mishka

i think, the whole point of ttl is that the camera, not the flash, takes
care of the exposure. i think no harm was done.


- Original Message -
From: Stephen Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 12:13 AM
Subject: Setting ISO on flash

 I think I may have made a mistake while shooting with my AF360FGZ flash
 today but then again I may have been lucky.  I shot quite a few frames in
 TTL mode then switched to Auto.  At that time I realized the flash was set
 to ISO 400 while the film I was using was ISO 100.  Of course while
 the next frames in Auto mode I did switch the ISO setting on the flash to
 100.  My question is: did I do any harm while in the TTL mode or does the
 camera simply read the light and adjust accordingly regardless of the ISO
 setting on the flash?  Thanks.


 (I'd rather be good than lucky but lucky will do in this case)

Re: Thanks Amita

2002-09-18 Thread Robert Woerner

Hi Doug,

Fun like watching a game of ping pong, eh?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you also.

With regard and THANKS,


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