Way off topic: English usage

2007-01-10 Thread Don Williams
 From the LA Times today:

Shadow's anti-depressant medication helped cure the cat of urinating 
'outside of the (litter) box.'
(Brian Vander Brug / LAT)


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - Hot Chocolate Recipe

2007-01-10 Thread Don Williams
And keep the insulin handy!


Scott Loveless wrote:
 On 1/10/07, Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone got a recipe that they like for hot chocolate.  It's cold @ Casa
 Belinkoff these mornings, and I'm not satisfied with the various recipes
 and techniques I have here for hot chocolate.

 Yep.  This one's a little work, but it's worth it.

 You need:
 2 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate, broken into pieces
 1 can sweetened condensed milk
 4 cups boiling water
 1 tsp vanilla extract
 dash salt

 whipped cream and cinnamon if you like

 melt the chocolate over low heat.  stir in the condensed milk.
 gradually add the water.  after all that is blended add the vanilla
 and salt.  Should make about 6 cups.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: FS: Pentax SMC-A 35mm f/2

2007-01-10 Thread Don Williams
I made a filter for JCO almost a year ago and it's still in place.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:
 Has Mr. Hitler ever posted to the PDML?


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb 

 Try mute agreement, he might stop the personal attacks.
 Or, apply the internet rule about Adolf Hitler to JCO. 
 As soon as he enters a thread, it's effectively over.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: How does one unlock an SD card??

2007-01-09 Thread Don Williams
I often have trouble with a CF card in the reader. But in my case simply 
pulling out the USB cable for a second and plugging it back into the 
reader causes the drive to appear in a window immediately. But if the 
reader is in the PC case this may not be a practical solution.


Henk Terhell wrote:
 I'm also not so sure I like the switch from CF to SD. Never had any
 problems with CF in the istD, but the first SD card (Sandisk Ultra II) I
 put on my K10D was first OK but now already refuses to be read in the PC
 disk drive. I have not mistreated it in any way (but perhaps I'm too old
 for these tiny things?). Now I have to use the PC cable to unload this


 -Original Message-
 Digital Image Studio
 Sent: 09 January, 2007 8:30 AM
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: How does one unlock an SD card??

 On 09/01/07, John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bent pins are a nightmare, because you have to support the customer 
 for something they did from not following the instructions.  It's not 
 a manufacturing defect, but the customer will usually piss and moan 
 like it is.

 I think that was a big motivating factor for the switch to SD.

 Just pop your SD card in your DSLR only upside down and push real hard,
 you'll find something will break but most often it's the card. I'm also
 hearing more anecdotes about dirty contacts on SD cards causing
 read/write unreliability. Nothing's fool proof.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT Question (was Re: OT Is returning a phone message reallythat complicated)

2007-01-09 Thread Don Williams
There is nothing wrong with US English spelling; or UK English spelling 
either. But while US spelling may be more sensible, US spoken English is 
sometimes strange. Extra words thrown in where they are not needed and 
words left out where they are. An example  off of  and  out the door 
 -- or window perhaps. Also  I  where it should be  me . But the 
spelling is fine. However some differences need to be learned: elevator 
for lift; subway for underground; and many others. I use US spelling 
(when I remember) for PDML because most of the members are US English 
speakers. I recall writing something like this not so long ago.

If you want to hear examples of good US English don't listen to G W 
Bush. Without a script he'd be hopeless.
Oh yes ... another one that drives me crazy is  For free  meaning  
Free  or  No charge  or  Gratis .

Don (NPP)

Bob W wrote:
 they are both acceptable in British English. American English seems to
 be more restrictive in this instance.

 I think the Z spelling has been in British English for centuries (I'd
 have to check this to be sure).


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of K.Takeshita
 Sent: 08 January 2007 23:42
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: OT Question (was Re: OT Is returning a phone 
 message reallythat complicated)

 On 1/08/07 6:21 PM, Doug Franklin, 

 But if S is correct, then I have to mind to switch to S.
 Both are correct, though the folks that use the other way 
 are likely to
 look at you funny if you spell it one way.
 Actually, this was what concerned me.  I have no problem with 
 U.K. English
 used here in Canada as that's what I learned in school 
 (colour and centre
 etc, you know) but for some reason, I was always using Z 
 spelling for
 those words even though I was generally aware that Z is 
 usually used in
 U.S. English.  That was making me wondering how come I was 
 always using Z.
 When I saw S spelling, I did find it was funny and did not 
 quite feel
 right.  This is actually only area where my distinction 
 between U.K and U.S.
 English was fuzzy.
 I certainly wish to use correct spelling but this is 
 probably not a matter
 of correctness per se.  So, until I feel comfortable, I 
 intend to continue
 my usual practice.
 But thank you for your help, everybody.


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT Question (was Re: OT Is returning a phone message reallythatcomplicated)

2007-01-09 Thread Don Williams
Hi Shel,

Every single US website that offers free services, that I have ever 
seen, uses For Free! and not Free or Free of Charge or Gratis or 
any other correct combination of words. But if you look again you'll see 
that I write US spoken English is sometimes strange. And do not imply 
that this is always the case. But find me a website offer that is Free 
and not For free and I'll take back (most of) my words.

If you see a child with dirty sneakers up on the sofa cushions do you 
say Get you feet off the sofa or Get your feet off of the sofa?


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
 Those examples are  not American English.  Those are examples of
 incorrect American English, of people not knowing correct English grammar. 
 I'm sure there are people in every country that misspeak their language,
 use slang, jargon, or speak in the vernacular.


 [Original Message]
 From: Don Williams 

 There is nothing wrong with US English spelling; or UK English spelling 
 either. But while US spelling may be more sensible, US spoken English is 
 sometimes strange. Extra words thrown in where they are not needed and 
 words left out where they are. An example  off of  and  out the door 
  -- or window perhaps. Also  I  where it should be  me . But the 
 spelling is fine. However some differences need to be learned: elevator 
 for lift; subway for underground; and many others. I use US spelling 
 (when I remember) for PDML because most of the members are US English 
 speakers. I recall writing something like this not so long ago.

 If you want to hear examples of good US English don't listen to G W 
 Bush. Without a script he'd be hopeless.
 Oh yes ... another one that drives me crazy is  For free  meaning  
 Free  or  No charge  or  Gratis .


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT Question (was Re: OT Is returning a phone message reallythatcomplicated)

2007-01-09 Thread Don Williams
That was a mistake. I was typing too fast and didn't check what I'd written.


Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
 On Jan 9, 2007, at 7:37 AM, Don Williams wrote:

 Every single US website that offers free services, that I have ever
 seen, uses For Free! and not Free or Free of Charge or  
 Gratis or
 any other correct combination of words. But if you look again  
 you'll see
 that I write US spoken English is sometimes strange. And do not imply
 that this is always the case. But find me a website offer that is  
 and not For free and I'll take back (most of) my words.

 If you see a child with dirty sneakers up on the sofa cushions do you
 say Get you feet off the sofa or Get your feet off of the sofa?

 I would say Get your feet off the sofa!, eliding the of for  
 emphasis. Prepositions in US English are often elided compared to  
 British English, for various reasons. you feet where you is a  
 replacement for your is a dialectic shift mostly seen in certain  
 cultural groups, but not proper in written US English.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT Question (was Re: OT Is returning a phone message really that complicated)

2007-01-09 Thread Don Williams
Despite the grating 'gotten' is okay. Look it up in your Oxford. Another 
one that's interesting is plow, that, in UK English is plough. Plow is 
older and closer to the original than plough.


John Francis wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 04:07:41PM +0100, Thibouille wrote:
 I think those are nice example but they do not generate any buzz in my brain.

 Variations like Elevator/Lift are more notable and Through / Thru is
 like touching Reset button of my computer. Same with Night/Nite ... I
 feel like those american spellings jumping into my eyes and making fun
 of me ;)

 The ones that grate to my ear are things like gotten instead of got.

 There are also words like burglarized, which sounds really odd to me.
 Imagine my surprise when the OED shows this as the original variant;
 burgled is a much newer formation.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT Is returning a phone message really that complicated

2007-01-08 Thread Don Williams
When you dial another person's phone you are asking to be allowed to 
take up some of their time. It's like entering a room where someone is 
busy doing his or her own thing. You intrude upon their space and may, 
or may not, be welcome. I often find the telephone a bloody nuisance and 
may choose not to answer. I might be busy with a preparation, or 
following and videoing critters under a microscope, or just reading. 
There is no obligation on the part of the owner of a phone to answer a 
call, or the occupant of a house to open the door to someone who knocks. 
I think one needs to take this into consideration when placing a call, 
or pressing a doorbell. I only have a cell phone now having give up 
landlines years ago, I can see who is calling. If the number is withheld 
I never, ever, answer.

Skype is a much more useful way of communicating these days. I have a 
couple of Web Cameras connected and can even demonstrate things on a 
microscope using one that has been modified for the purpose. And it is 
such a simple matter to block unwanted calls. A friend in San Jose makes 
parts on his CNC machines for a project I have going here. I can see how 
things are progressing live, without having to lay out enormous sums for 
International calls -- without video. I remember attending Video 
conferences at Nokia ten or twelve years ago using equipment that cost 
tens of thousands of dollars. The only inconvenience is that it takes a 
week for the finished parts to reach Finland.


Malcolm Smith wrote:
 Cotty wrote:

 You guys are all nuts. I answer any phone call I get, mobile 
 or landline. Unsolicited canvassing calls amount to probably 
 less than half a dozen a year. We get / make many calls to / 
 from friends and relatives. Call me old-fashioned, but 
 chatting using voice is still my preferred method of 
 communication with fellow humans.

 I answer all the calls I get* and I get at least two canvassing calls a day
 on average. It's got to the stage that when I don't recognise someone's
 voice I automatically ask if they're trying to sell me something. Once or
 twice a year I'm pleasantly surprised with it not being a cold call. We also
 get a lot of doorstep calls - although I expect this is a living in London
 thing which puts us above the national average on both types of caller.

 * Assuming you get to it in time. I've set the answer 'phone to a long wait
 before cutting in to allow me to get to the 'phone and I normally stop what
 I'm doing immediately if there is a knock at the door, but you'd be
 surprised how many won't wait even a few seconds for a reply. Why bother at



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Gimme my fish

2007-01-06 Thread Don Williams
These things don't eat fish. They are filter feeders and and subsist on 
very small animal life such as rotifers, small nematodes (1 mm long) 
water fleas and suchlike.


P. J. Alling wrote:
 That's very good.

 Boris Liberman wrote:




Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: Occupations?

2007-01-03 Thread Don Williams
I learned to fly on Piper Cubs (1969) and did my solo in a Super Cub. 
Then on to a Cherokee 180 (Univerity Flying Club) and finally Cessnas 
from 140 up to 220. I got an instrument rating in 1965 and ended up with 
about 440 hours. I don't know where my logbooks are. The last plane I 
flew was a Cessna with floats in 1983 -- here in Finland -- about three 
hours. I haven't been in a small plane since. I didn't go on to get a 
Finnish licence -- far too expensive.


Christian wrote:
 Cory Papenfuss wrote:

  I hear you.  I've got almost 600 hours in my Cherokee 180, and 
 rewarded myself this fall by earning a tailwheel (1939 J-4!) and 
 HP/complex in my buddy's PA24-250.  I'd like to work on my commercial but 
 I can't justify the $120+/hour for a complex to train.  

 On a typical fed-up-with-my-career-want-to-do-something-different day a 
 few months ago I looked in to flight school.  Sent away for info and 
 talked to a rep at the PanAm flight academy.

 For roughly US$60k I could get a commercial, multi-engine, instrument 
 instructor rating (the idea is that you teach to get as many hours as 
 possible) with no prior ratings or experience.  The tuition and living 
 expense is easy to finance with loans so it was sounding like a good 
 idea.  I asked the school's representative what kind of salary a new 
 pilot could expect $18k to $20k  So much for my career change...


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Cleaning sensors

2007-01-02 Thread Don Williams
I use a modified web camera for photomicrography. It makes good stills 
and videos at high magnification. The modification involves removing the 
lens mount from the circuit board (exposing the CCD) cutting off a 
millimeter or so to enable a 12mm Marshall lens, that replaces the 
original, to focus to infinity. The CCD gets crap on it very easily. At 
the magnifications I use -- 1200X and more the dust specs are like 
boulders covering detail in the specimens. Cleaning is a very difficult 
job. because taking it all to pieces and putting it back outside a clean 
room is hopeless. I tried working with the camera inside a plastic bag, 
doesn't help much, if at all. Cleaning the *ist D sensor is a piece of 
cake. I use a Zerostat (probably contains Polonium isotopes) to give it 
a preliminary blow and then a Pasteur pipette with a rubber bulb on the 
back to give a final puff or two. So far it has been successful. But the 
Quickcam Pro is a real pain. I'm going to make a small hood -- wire 
frame and plastic sheet to work in before I try again.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Cleaning sensors

2007-01-02 Thread Don Williams
The astronomers sometimes cool their cameras to reduce noise for very 
long exposures. There are cooled cameras for microscopy as well. My main 
interest at the moment is high resolution stills and videos of protists 
where I have plenty of light so noise is not really a problem. But I'll 
be using UV soon and it will become troublesome at once. All I do is 
change the lenses in these cameras so that the camera lens covers the 
exit pupil of the photo eyepiece. For the Quickcam Pro 4000 a 12mm 
Marshall lens is a good choice and is well corrected and coated. But 
since it's really only working as a transfer lens it's far less 
important that the eyepiece. I use Leitz Photo Periplan eyepieces and 
Leica objectives for bright field and Lomo for phase contrast. The 
Pentax *ist D is used for low magnification photomicrography only 
because the Webcam 640 x 480 (and 1280 x 960) is more than enough for 
20X objectives and above.


Jostein Øksne wrote:
 In the amateur astronomy circles, mod'ed webcams are also very
 popular. Are their modifications in the same line as yours?


 On 1/2/07, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use a modified web camera for photomicrography. It makes good stills
 and videos at high magnification. The modification involves removing the
 lens mount from the circuit board (exposing the CCD) cutting off a
 millimeter or so to enable a 12mm Marshall lens, that replaces the
 original, to focus to infinity. The CCD gets crap on it very easily. At
 the magnifications I use -- 1200X and more the dust specs are like
 boulders covering detail in the specimens. Cleaning is a very difficult
 job. because taking it all to pieces and putting it back outside a clean
 room is hopeless. I tried working with the camera inside a plastic bag,
 doesn't help much, if at all. Cleaning the *ist D sensor is a piece of
 cake. I use a Zerostat (probably contains Polonium isotopes) to give it
 a preliminary blow and then a Pasteur pipette with a rubber bulb on the
 back to give a final puff or two. So far it has been successful. But the
 Quickcam Pro is a real pain. I'm going to make a small hood -- wire
 frame and plastic sheet to work in before I try again.

 D (NPP)

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


2007-01-02 Thread Don Williams

 From school -- Drawing Office/Toolroom Metal Box Company, Cape Town;
Ranching in Rhodesia for seven years; Big Game hunting safaris to make 
money; Built and customized big game rifles - also for money. 
Manufactured chambering reamers as well. Then used this money for --
University of Cape Town 1958 - 1975 BSc Microbiology; MSc Organic 
Chemistry; PhD Electron Microscopy (Bacteriology); Lecturer in 
Microbiology; Head of Electron Microscope Laboratory --
Medical Research Council - Director, Institute for Electron Microscopy 
1975 - 1982;
Moved to Finland 1982; University of Jyväskylä two years; Started 
Holosoft Oy, Turbosoft Oy and Borland Finland Oy; sold companies to 
Ravenholm, Denmark, in 1993.

Since then I've written a few dozen articles for Nokia, Telecom Finland 
and edited scientific publications for a couple of University 
departments. I have also examined theses; written a couple of novels; 
and still do private research in Protozoology. I sometimes take 
pictures; fell trees; ride a mountain bike whilst waiting for the day I 
shrug off these mortal coils.

This is a mess and incomplete.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Xmas and New Year

2007-01-01 Thread Don Williams
Hi all,

I'm back. I have just realised that while I sent a card to some members 
individually I neglected the group as a whole because I was 'off list' 
for a while. So I've posted my sad little card here for those interested 
enough to look:


Camera *ist D; Lens Sigma Apo Macro Super 70 - 300 @ F9.5; speed I 
forget. But I thinks the EXIF stuff is all there.

Don (NPP)

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


2006-12-01 Thread Don Williams
I apologize for picking the wrong address from my list to unsubscribe. 
I'll stay away until the new camera hysteria dies down.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Mohave Sky

2006-11-28 Thread Don Williams
I thought they were Joshua trees. Or do I need new specs?


Paul Stenquist wrote:
 The positioning of the two cacti and their similar shape make for an 
 excellent composition. Nicely rendered as well.
 On Nov 28, 2006, at 12:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmmm, looks like it has a dust spot I need to clone out...

 I rather like this one. :-)

 Took bunches, also have some of the landscape persuasion that have no 
 tree in front. There were also clumps of pretty yellow wildflowers 
 around. But, what the heck, I am a sucker for trees.

 Taken on the edge of the Mohave Desert, on the way back to Barstow,


 Comments welcome.

 Marnie aka Doe :-)

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Pushed OT by DW -- Ignored PESO .

2006-11-28 Thread Don Williams
Does it really worry you? No one bothers to say anything about mine. I'm 
quite used to the silence although a comment might be useful from time 
to time. I post a picture if I think it might be interesting to the 
group -- the colorful Audis for example. But on Monday Picassa counted 
the image files in my PC -- there were 20 955 of them -- including all 
scanned pictures, RAW and Converted from the D. Many of these would be 
interesting to the group I think -- but I haven't been tempted to become 
a 'PESO' or 'PAW' person. Hundreds of the scanned ones are from decades 
ago in Africa. And this morning I got an email from an old friend that 
is off topic, but very interesting. Here's a snip:

UCT, where we all soaked up wisdom is no longer what it was, nor could 
it be in a country like this. But what pains me, is that the security 
situation has deteriorated so very badly. There are car thefts, rapes 
and stabbings; such uncultured goings on here now. My only tie to the 
Alma Mater is the Cat and Bat where I have my jar of draught with a 
friend on a Wednesday or Friday, enjoying the reasonable charges for 
drinks and food.

UCT = University of Cape Town.

(I suppose this is not real news for those in the US where students at 
High Schools stab and mow each other down with automatic weapons in a 
most 'uncultured' way.)

Holy crap! I do ramble on don't I?


Rick Womer wrote:
 So I'm going to post it again:


 Tough to compete with all the K10D traffic...

 Plaudits, brickbats, and expressions of indifference
 all appreciated.



 Do you Yahoo!?
 Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

The kind of list I appreciate

2006-11-27 Thread Don Williams
Just when I was about to unsubscribe, because I'd become absolutely sick 
of the crap, Godfrey, Ann, Amita and Nate turned it back into a forum 
for friends.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

OT: Cars

2006-11-25 Thread Don Williams
I was in the city a couple of months ago and went to buy some Indian Red 
'touch up' paint for my car from the Audi Dealer. I saw about 3 million 
Euro worth of Audi lined up outside and a rather spectacular red one 
inside. I took a few dozen pictures. Here are two:


I thought some of the group would like the colours. I'm less of a motor 
car person these days having owned so many (including an original US 
Army Jeep and two Land Rovers) that they fail to thrill me now.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: K10 Photo request

2006-11-24 Thread Don Williams
Not if you have a medium sized mirror available. Then it would be two.


cbwaters wrote:
 Can one of the lucky few take some shots of a K10 next to the *ist D for 
 size comparison?  With  Without grips if possible
 I've seen the shots of the K10 next to the K110 but nothing with the D.


 Just thought about the fact that this request would require you to have 
 THREE digital cameras :) 


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: My First K10D BW

2006-11-24 Thread Don Williams
Agreed. Are you sure you haven't made a mistake? I can see no difference.


P. J. Alling wrote:
 Interesting, they look identical.

 Paul Stenquist wrote:
 Both at ISO 800. The first is with the DA 12-24, f4 @ 1/45th. The 
 second is at dusk with the DA 50-200, f5.6 2 1/125th.





Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: My long zoom expired. Help needed. Also WTB. Sigma 70-300mm f4.0-5.6 Apo Macro Super

2006-11-23 Thread Don Williams

Here's a shot taken with the Apo Macro Super at 300mm -- macro setting. 
If you'd like to see the original let me know:


I also set up a gallery of winter shots around the property -- all made 
with this lens.


There are pictures taken at all lengths from 70 to 300.

The lens is engraved APO Macro Super there is no II and the ring 
around the barrel end is Gold.


Raimo K wrote:
 IIRC the first version - which I have - is the best at the long end. It´s a 
 good lens.
 All the best!
 Raimo K
 Personal photography homepage at:

 - Original Message - 
 From: wendy beard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 5:47 PM
 Subject: Re: My long zoom expired. Help needed. Also WTB.

 I used to own one of the Sigma 70-300mm f4.0-5.6 Apo Macro Super
 lenses and it was pretty awful at the long end.
 I think my copy was the Apo Macro Super II.  There are newer and I
 should imagine improved incarnations of it, so just be careful if
 you're buying second hand.  Make sure you're not geting one of the
 older versions.


 On 11/22/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Boris,

 I have a Sigma 70-300mm f4.0-5.6 Apo Macro Super and find it really
 useful. I've used it regularly now for about a year and have no
 complaints. As a macro it works better than I expected and if you want
 to chase butterflies around the garden it's ideal; giving half life size
 images at the Macro 300mm setting. If you do a search on the web you'll
 find a few informative reviews. Its a 35mm lens of course. I don't know
 anything about the DG version. The MTF looks good for 35mm and looks
 *really great* for the smaller sensor of the *ist D. There are several
 other versions of this lens that don't perform nearly as well. There is
 no chromatic aberration to speak of -- even in the corners. I haven't
 used it on a film camera, but would expect to find them. Maybe some of
 our other members have the same lens? The Apo Macro Super has a gold
 band around the front and is on page 8 of the Sigma lens catalogue.


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: My long zoom expired. Help needed. Also WTB.

2006-11-22 Thread Don Williams
Hi Boris,

I have a Sigma 70-300mm f4.0-5.6 Apo Macro Super and find it really 
useful. I've used it regularly now for about a year and have no 
complaints. As a macro it works better than I expected and if you want 
to chase butterflies around the garden it's ideal; giving half life size 
images at the Macro 300mm setting. If you do a search on the web you'll 
find a few informative reviews. Its a 35mm lens of course. I don't know 
anything about the DG version. The MTF looks good for 35mm and looks 
*really great* for the smaller sensor of the *ist D. There are several 
other versions of this lens that don't perform nearly as well. There is 
no chromatic aberration to speak of -- even in the corners. I haven't 
used it on a film camera, but would expect to find them. Maybe some of 
our other members have the same lens? The Apo Macro Super has a gold 
band around the front and is on page 8 of the Sigma lens catalogue.


Boris Liberman wrote:

 It seems that my F 70-210 lens is expired. I was suggested how I could
 align it but my clumsiness caused the front element to detach and now
 I don't think I can return the lens even to its original state, where
 it would focus normally except infinity.

 I'd like to buy a longer zoom lens. Something like 100-300 or 80-320
 or Sigma/Tamron lenses in this range. Although this question has been
 asked many times - perhaps new Sigma DG lenses are worth my attention.
 Or may be FAJ 75-300 lens.

 Also, if you have one of these lenses that you'd like to sell, please
 let me know off list.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: My long zoom expired. Help needed. Also WTB.

2006-11-22 Thread Don Williams

Here's some more useful data:



Boris Liberman wrote:

 It seems that my F 70-210 lens is expired. I was suggested how I could
 align it but my clumsiness caused the front element to detach and now
 I don't think I can return the lens even to its original state, where
 it would focus normally except infinity.

 I'd like to buy a longer zoom lens. Something like 100-300 or 80-320
 or Sigma/Tamron lenses in this range. Although this question has been
 asked many times - perhaps new Sigma DG lenses are worth my attention.
 Or may be FAJ 75-300 lens.

 Also, if you have one of these lenses that you'd like to sell, please
 let me know off list.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - a gathering at the museum

2006-11-17 Thread Don Williams
Okay. I made a typing error. I think everyone's got the message by now. 
But what about these, since we're going to criticise each other's use of 

'your' for 'you're'; 'off of' for 'off'; 'out' for 'out of'; 'I' for 
'me'; 'me for 'I'; 'challange' for 'challenge'; 'it's' for 'its'; 'its' 
for 'it's' -- and very bad punctuation. Misuse of the personal pronoun 
is common, spelling is not very good and the article* is misused 
frequently. These are a few I remember. There have been +countless+ others.

We all know there are people on this list for whom English is a second, 
sometimes even a third language and at least one of them writes better 
English than some of our US cousins! And I am sure the majority of us 
welcome all informative posts in whatever kind of English they are 

And none of this worries me. But someone -- it was a joke and I took it 
as such -- drew attention to my mistake and it went on. So I thought I'd 
take the opportunity to say something now. People make mistakes. Some 
are more literate than others. This does not mean they are worse 
photographers because they can't spell, although this might be the case. 
But if we are going to pull each other's use of language to pieces, 
beware. Some of us are good at that kind of thing.

* Often a problem for those in whose native language verbs and nouns 
consist of a 'stem' plus an 'ending.'


David Mann wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2006, at 6:08 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

 My favorite misuse of metric prefixes, which, as a runner, I see all
 the time, is K for k. I get lots of entry forms for 5K races. I
 tell them that I never go running when it's that cold out.

 Many of the newspapers here print kmh as a unit of speed.  For some  
 reason that really annoys me.

 - Dave


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - a gathering at the museum

2006-11-16 Thread Don Williams
Very interesting. In 1978 I bought a system HP 2000 (running RTE III) 
for my Institute. It cost $175 000 and had a 15 mbyte hard drive the 
size of a washing machine, a reel to reel tape drive, a paper tape 
reader and 196 kbytes of memory. To do a 256 x 256 FFT -- masking -- and 
back TTF took most of a day. I can do the same (but 512 x 512) 
processing on this PC in the time it takes to press the return key. I do 
have to use the mouse to make the mask and that might take a minute or 
two. The *ist D has more processing power. The computer was housed in 
two 18 cabinets 6 feet high.

However -- here's a question. What happened to the young fellow from 
whom Gates bought the MS DOS operating system?


Bob W wrote:
 John Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just thought I'd share this one - a quick snap I took
 a few hours ago at the Computer History Museum.

 being a computer history museum, i hope there is a footnote 
 there about statements like 640k ram is enough for anyone and
 internet is just a passing fad... :))
 Hardly.   See, for example:



 Yes, it sounds just too much like the apocryphal remark attributed to
 IBM's Thomas Watson (a 1.0 version of Bill) that 5 computers would be
 all the world needed.

 My first job as a programmer in the early 80s was at a site running an
 ICL 1901T mainframe (http://pink-mouse-productions.com/icl/1900.htm)
 which was almost 20 years old at the time, which we programmed in
 assembler, and which didn't have an OS, just an executive. Input was
 on paper tape only (not even cards) and output was to a paper
 teletype, 2 very fast chain printers, mag tape and 2 enormous
 exchangeable disk packs. 

 There was great excitement one day when we took delivery of an extra
 640k (24-bit words, not bytes) for it. It was the size of a double
 door - just big enough to get into the machine room - and apparently
 cost close to £250,000.

 They have an example in the Science Museum here in London. In fact, I
 was rather taken aback to see how much stuff in the museum was stuff I
 had worked with in the past, and could probably still operate if I had
 a mind to.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - a gathering at the museum

2006-11-16 Thread Don Williams
It was used for holding the micro data calculated during processing 
density arrays (FFT) on microbes and virus particles. One of the HP 
(25000um) drives would be more suitable these days of course.

Adam Maas wrote:
 beats me, ask Don, he had one, not me ;-)


 mike wilson wrote:
 From: Adam Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/11/16 Thu PM 01:18:15 GMT
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: Re: PESO - a gathering at the museum

 Not necessarily, I did my first serious work on a Fox Z80. No drives, 4K 
 of RAM, all programming was via keying in hand-assembled hex. Rather 
 nice embedded training system. I was glad when I started to do PLC work 
 though, far easier to work with.
 So what precise use _is_ a 15millibyte hard drive?

 Nowadays I smack spammers for a living and don't do much in the way of 
 programming beyond a little bash shell stuff or perl.


 mike wilson wrote:

 From: Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 snip a 15 mbyte hard drive 
 Looks like you win the my computer was less capable than yours argument 
 by about 9 orders of magnitude.

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 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: I'm 37

2006-11-15 Thread Don Williams
I suppose I'm the oldest member then. To find my age change the numbers 
around and add one.

By the way -- a challange filter has reduced the number of PDML posts 
considerably so it's serving a dual purpose.


Cotty wrote:
 On 14/11/06, Gianfranco Irlanda, discombobulated, unleashed:

 I don't know who cares, but I'm getting old... :-O
 I turned 37 just yesterday, the 14th.

 Happy birthday for yesterday.

 I'm 12.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)

2006-11-15 Thread Don Williams
Then my taste has to be in my mouth. I think the colours are incredible 
and the lighting amazing. Of course it isn't real but that's what 
makes it so interesting -- to me. There are paintings on some Vatican 
walls that have a similar range of colour and intensity. I'll try to 
find one or two and post them to illustrate what I mean. I think the 
picture is great.


Tim Øsleby wrote:
 How about Photography Of Offensive Purpose?
 We should both wash our mouth now, shame on us.

 I was holding back because I didn't want to disrespect the photographer. He
 is an *ist user, and a nice guy ;-)

 What struck me, is that there is a thin line between HDR used for a
 photographic purpose, and where it is just a bad taste effect. 

 Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

 -Original Message-
 William Robb
 Sent: 15. november 2006 14:56
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)

 - Original Message - 
 From: Tim Øsleby
 Subject: RE: PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)

 BTW. I just saw an interesting, but terrible IMO, semi HDR picture.
 The light looks surreal. Kind of funny effect, but tiresome to the 

 There is a thumb below to the original. I'd like to hear some opinions 

 Fred Picker would have called it a
 Computer ReAdjusted Picture.

 William Robb 


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Metz flash repair in australia

2006-11-15 Thread Don Williams
Mine came with an AA cell holder and I use NiMH cells. They last twice 
as long as the pack ever did. To start with filling the holder was a bit 
of a fiddle.


Kevin Waterson wrote:
 I have several metz 45 CT series flashes and like most of them in the
 world, the battery packs are dead and no longer hold charge.
 The cheapest price I could find was $75.00 to repack them. Does
 anybody know of a better price somewhere?
 The most expensive price I got was $140.00.

 Kind regards


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Metz flash repair in australia

2006-11-15 Thread Don Williams
Hi Kev,

I don't understand that. The battery voltage drops a little after each 
charge, and each time the capacitors are charged it takes a little 
longer for them to reach their peak. The ready light should not come on 
until the capacitors are fully charged and the final voltage should be 
the same until the batteries run down and won't charge the capacitors at 
all. Some flashes will flash before they reach peak charge, but I don't 
think the Metz I have (CT45 - 4) is one of those. The cheap little ring 
flash I have certainly is and will flash feebly almost as soon as it's 
switched on.


Kevin Waterson wrote:
 On 11/16/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mine came with an AA cell holder and I use NiMH cells. They last twice
 as long as the pack ever did. To start with filling the holder was a bit
 of a fiddle.

 I found the NiMH batteries at 1.2 volt lessened the guide number of
 the flash. the orginal batteries are 1.6, or with the alkaline
 batteries at 1.5 volts give maximum output.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Using a Super Tak w/ istDS- A challange to the list?

2006-11-14 Thread Don Williams
And this entire stream of crap has been baiting me. I can hardly contain 
myself. Someone, about a thousand posts ago, said he'd been using lenses 
for 30 years -- was it JCO? Well, I've been using them for a hell of a 
lot longer than that and still can't focus the goddamn things. I have 
more trouble with 400mm than I've ever had with 50mm or even 30mm. And 
I'm used to lenses, believe me, not only those on cameras either. You 
can't make a rule that will apply to all and you can't even make a valid 
general statement about this matter either. Now lets see how many 
hundreds of posts this one generates.


Christian wrote:
 Cotty wrote:
 On 13/11/06, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

 You're correct on this JCO. Bill Robb is bating you. Ignore him and  
 he'll stop.
 Paul, stop bating Bill  ;-)


 Cotty, apologize immediately for baiting Paul. :-)


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: list abuse

2006-11-13 Thread Don Williams
The first movie camera I owned was a Bolx. It worked very well until it 
fell over a cliff on Table Mountain and became totally Bolxed.


mike wilson wrote:
 Date: 2006/11/12 Sun PM 05:28:28 GMT
 To: pentax list PDML@pdml.net
 Subject: Re: list abuse

 On 12/11/06, Bob W, discombobulated, unleashed:

 that would be the Bit-Oriented LX, or BOLX for short. 

 If Bill used it for shooting his Rottweilers it would be the dogs'
 If it could also accept film, you could load a BOLX.


 A short-fused owner could fix sticky mirror syndrome with a swift kick in the 

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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Attack of the Giant Salamander

2006-11-13 Thread Don Williams
The colour is not to my taste, but the design is very interesting. I 
don't think the house has ceilings. Those round poles are probably 
visible inside and there will be a lot of vertical space. The windows 
don't appear to open either. The fireplaces too might be quite 
interesting. I'd really like to see some inside pictures.


Bob Shell wrote:
 You beat me to it.  I was about to say that any house that pug ugly  
 deserves to be attacked.


 On Nov 12, 2006, at 9:53 PM, Rick Womer wrote:

 Anyone with a house that color deserves to have it


 --- Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Huge salamanders have been attacking and carrying of
 small pets and
 children in the sleepy village of Kensington.
 Recently these usually
 docile creatures have been wreaking their particular
 brand of havoc on the
 homes and businesses in the neighborhood.  This
 afternoon I caught a snap
 of one of these creatures attacking a home around
 the corner from Casa
 Belinkoff.  Arrgh!


 No time for tech details!


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


 Do you Yahoo!?
 Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: list abuse

2006-11-12 Thread Don Williams
Close your eyes and you might even see the spittle flying in one of 
JCO's recent posts. It reminds me of encounters with a borderline 
psychopath we had on the group many years ago. He vanished, suddenly, 
and without a trace. I was even threatened off list, as were others, 
with physical violence. There was another, also absent these days, who 
often became abusive and used four letter words with alacrity. But I 
shouldn't paint him black since I've used them myself. PDML has become 
much more civilized. But I learned, when I was still in Junior School, 
all you have to do to win an argument is make your opponent lose his 


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
 Civil?  LOL  Your language is less than civil.  Your attitude is
 condescending, you're rude and antagonistic, your tone hostile.  What was
 the personal attack that you suffered?  Please be specific.

 You probably should be thrown off the list, although, as an advocate of
 free speech, I will defend your right to behave like a jerk and speak like
 a gutter snipe.  However, I do believe the list would be a better place
 without you, even though you add a bit of interest, color, and amusement.


 [Original Message]
 From: J. C. O'Connell 

 thats easy for you to say, you werent the one
 personally attacked (unprovoked) in the middle of a 
 civil technical discussion for no reason.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

The decline of the English language

2006-11-12 Thread Don Williams
An extra 'of' where it is not required is a feature of American English 
that can be tolerated although it may grate the ear. But using 'your' in 
place of 'you're' is quite wrong.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: istD and that pesky battery issue question

2006-11-11 Thread Don Williams
I've had the same happen to me once in a while. The battery indicator 
shows half or even empty. Then all of a sudden it's okay again. This 
usually happens when I switch on with batteries that have been in the 
camera a while. I now take this as a sign that fresh ones will be needed 
soon. But even if they are not changed the indicator can sometimes show 
full again for many more shots -- then half and even full again. 
Changing them fixes the problem at once. Freshly charged cells never do 
this -- or have not done so up to now anyway. I came to the conclusion 
that Nickel Metal Hydride cells behave erratically.


John Francis wrote:
 How about the grip?  Does that have a set of batteries in it?
 I've found that I usually see this problem if I've got batteries
 loaded in both the grip and the camera, and one of the sets is
 less than fully charged.  Taking out one of the sets of batteries
 makes the problem go away.

 On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 10:45:46AM -0500, David J Brooks wrote:
 Thats what i thought Paul.

 I have brand new Energizer liths in there now.

 Maybe, 50 shots on them.


 Quoting Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It happens when the batteries are almost dead or if you have uneven
 cells. Put four new AA lithiums in it, and it should work fine.
 On Nov 11, 2006, at 8:56 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

 The fellow who had my daughters D on trial liked the camera, but did
 not like the no battery thing.

 Seems for him it would take several attempts to turn on and get a full
 battery icon.
 I asked my daughter about that, and she said it was doiing it for her
 lately, but failed to mention it to me,at least the severity of it.

 Has anyone who has this intermittent battery dead icon, ever send in
 their D for repair.Is it a simple repair or complicated and expensive.

 I can not sell or trade this camera if this is going to happen.Unless
 full disclouser and they acept that.


 Equine Photography in York Region

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


 Equine Photography in York Region

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Winter experiment

2006-11-05 Thread Don Williams
I forgot to mention the lens:

Sigma Apo Macro Super 70mm - 300mm; f4 - f5.6

and the fact that images 46 - 49 were taken from my study through three 
sheets of dirty window glass while I was warming my paws during a short 
break for tea.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Winter Experiment

2006-11-05 Thread Don Williams
It's cold in Toivakka. This morning it was -25C when I went out with the 
istD to find out how long it would work in real cold. Well I killed 
several birds with the stone. I discovered the camera went on working 
long after I was forced back inside with frozen fingers; I have to use 
quite thin gloves to manage the controls. I also took my mountain bike 
out and posed it at the bottom of my usual path up the hill. Its quite 
clear that riding up would be impossible in the snow and coming down 
(assuming the bike was carried up) fraught with danger. So it's back in 
the garage and will stay there till the spring. Finally I did some 
experimentation with light. The gallery is rather repetitive, but I've 
put in most of the pictures because there are subtle differences in 
lighting. There's nothing exciting to be seen, but there might be 
something to comment about for those who have the time.

Pictures are here:


There are quite a few.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Sensor cleaning tips anyone?

2006-11-04 Thread Don Williams
Read your instruction book -- it's all there.


Stephen D'Andrea wrote:
 Greetings all,

 I've got what must be a speck of dust on the sensor of my istDS.
 I've done a bit of research about how to remove it and the potential  

 What I really need to know first though, is . . . how do you get to  
 the sensor? I'd feel better if I could at least see where the dust  
 might be.

 When I remove the lens and carefully lift up the mirror what I see is  
 the blades of the shutter, not the sensor.

 Since I've only been shooting digital since June of this year, I keep  
 fighting the impulse to open the back of the camera.

 I await enlightenment from those so inclined.




Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Adults on bicycles

2006-11-02 Thread Don Williams
Okay I apologise. But a collapsed wheel from a pothole? That must have 
been a hell of a pothole.


John Coyle wrote:
 Don, I'll have to take you to task for suggesting that I did not maintain my 
 bicycle!  The problem was a large uneven pothole, which, because it was 
 dusk, I simply did not see.  I was meticulous in maintenance - almost 
 paranoid, in fact (reflecting Frank's contributions)

 John Coyle
 Brisbane, Australia
 - Original Message - 
 From: Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 5:42 PM
 Subject: Re: Adults on bicycles

 Hi John,

 There must have been something seriously wrong with the bicycle for a
 front wheel to collapse. A little maintenance might have helped -- as
 well as care and attention when riding? A serious fall would do me no
 good whatsoever at 74. I tweak the spokes and check my brakes regularly.
 The route I take over the hill to the village is rocky and steep and so
 these days I stay away from rough terrain when it gets below zero. Once
 my front wheel went sideways on an icy rock and I ended up in a heap.
 The damage was not serious and I was riding again in a week. But
 bicycles, especially those like mine, a Scott mountain bike, need a lot
 of care and attention because they get pretty rough treatment. Ten years
 ago I used to change the tyres in the autumn to a pair with spikes; but
 as the years went by I began to realise that I was not as young as I
 seemed to imagine. If I were to wear a helmet in the autumn (I have one
 for summer) my skull would freeze before I got half a kilometre.

 I'm just about to set off for the village by the way, there's about 50
 cm of snow on the hill. I'll go round and push the 1km to the road.


 John Coyle wrote:
 Having once, many years ago, gone over the handlebars when a front wheel
 collapsed, landing on my face and spending three days in hospital as a
 result, I would prefer to wear a helmet when riding, whether or not I was
 required to do so.
 Note that, in my case, I was on a quiet country road, no other vehicle was
 involved, and I was riding at a reasonably sedate pace, correctly 
 on the road.  No amount of care or caution could have prevented that
 accident, as far as I can see, negating some of the arguments put forward 
 this thread.
 It's really like wearing a seat-belt in a car: a helmet won't prevent 
 fatality, but it will reduce the severity of injury in a statistically
 significant number of cases.

 John Coyle
 Brisbane, Australia
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 4:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Adults on bicycles

 On Nov 2, 2006, at 10:49 AM, Bob W wrote:

 The best protection for cyclists is to learn how to cycle properly
 in traffic.

 That helps, but you need to bear in mind that drivers have blind
 spots, are often inattentive (especially while in a hurry), and in
 some cases, as much as I hate to say it, they can be downright
 inconsiderate.  Just as cyclists sometimes are.

 I haven't been bowled by a car for quite a while despite some close
 calls, but the most recent time was when I was hit from the side by a
 guy pulling out of a driveway.  He was running late and his token
 glance for traffic missed the only thing on that stretch of road.
 Sometimes shit just happens, and by then it's too late to wonder
 whether you're going to hit the concrete hard enough to matter.

 In then end, a helmet won't always save someone's life: the reality
 is that in a crash there is a certain amount of impact force applied
 to the head.  The helmet can absorb a certain amount, and spreads the
 rest across that side of the skull.  With a big enough impact nothing
 will save you, and you can easily be killed by other injuries
 anyway.  IMO the helmet gives me worthwhile protection of the one
 thing that won't heal, without getting in my way while riding.

 As you mentioned, prevention by careful riding is the best cure but
 my experience is that this can only reduce the danger - not eliminate
 it.  Riding offroad is an entirely different kettle of fish as the
 terrain is much more interesting, and because I ride that stuff for
 fun, fitness and challenge, crashing is much more likely and in many
 places there are pointy rocks to land on.

 The dynamics of any crash are far too variable to be able to make
 predictions of the outcome, and personally I'd rather have the helmet
 than not have it because I'm slightly on the paranoid side.  If
 someone wants to take their chances without a helmet that's fine by
 me, but I'll still mutter a few opinionated words to myself :)

 - Dave

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams

Re: Adults on bicycles

2006-11-01 Thread Don Williams
Hi John,

There must have been something seriously wrong with the bicycle for a 
front wheel to collapse. A little maintenance might have helped -- as 
well as care and attention when riding? A serious fall would do me no 
good whatsoever at 74. I tweak the spokes and check my brakes regularly. 
The route I take over the hill to the village is rocky and steep and so 
these days I stay away from rough terrain when it gets below zero. Once 
my front wheel went sideways on an icy rock and I ended up in a heap. 
The damage was not serious and I was riding again in a week. But 
bicycles, especially those like mine, a Scott mountain bike, need a lot 
of care and attention because they get pretty rough treatment. Ten years 
ago I used to change the tyres in the autumn to a pair with spikes; but 
as the years went by I began to realise that I was not as young as I 
seemed to imagine. If I were to wear a helmet in the autumn (I have one 
for summer) my skull would freeze before I got half a kilometre.

I'm just about to set off for the village by the way, there's about 50 
cm of snow on the hill. I'll go round and push the 1km to the road.


John Coyle wrote:
 Having once, many years ago, gone over the handlebars when a front wheel 
 collapsed, landing on my face and spending three days in hospital as a 
 result, I would prefer to wear a helmet when riding, whether or not I was 
 required to do so.
 Note that, in my case, I was on a quiet country road, no other vehicle was 
 involved, and I was riding at a reasonably sedate pace, correctly positioned 
 on the road.  No amount of care or caution could have prevented that 
 accident, as far as I can see, negating some of the arguments put forward in 
 this thread.
 It's really like wearing a seat-belt in a car: a helmet won't prevent every 
 fatality, but it will reduce the severity of injury in a statistically 
 significant number of cases.

 John Coyle
 Brisbane, Australia
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 4:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Adults on bicycles

 On Nov 2, 2006, at 10:49 AM, Bob W wrote:

 The best protection for cyclists is to learn how to cycle properly
 in traffic.
 That helps, but you need to bear in mind that drivers have blind
 spots, are often inattentive (especially while in a hurry), and in
 some cases, as much as I hate to say it, they can be downright
 inconsiderate.  Just as cyclists sometimes are.

 I haven't been bowled by a car for quite a while despite some close
 calls, but the most recent time was when I was hit from the side by a
 guy pulling out of a driveway.  He was running late and his token
 glance for traffic missed the only thing on that stretch of road.
 Sometimes shit just happens, and by then it's too late to wonder
 whether you're going to hit the concrete hard enough to matter.

 In then end, a helmet won't always save someone's life: the reality
 is that in a crash there is a certain amount of impact force applied
 to the head.  The helmet can absorb a certain amount, and spreads the
 rest across that side of the skull.  With a big enough impact nothing
 will save you, and you can easily be killed by other injuries
 anyway.  IMO the helmet gives me worthwhile protection of the one
 thing that won't heal, without getting in my way while riding.

 As you mentioned, prevention by careful riding is the best cure but
 my experience is that this can only reduce the danger - not eliminate
 it.  Riding offroad is an entirely different kettle of fish as the
 terrain is much more interesting, and because I ride that stuff for
 fun, fitness and challenge, crashing is much more likely and in many
 places there are pointy rocks to land on.

 The dynamics of any crash are far too variable to be able to make
 predictions of the outcome, and personally I'd rather have the helmet
 than not have it because I'm slightly on the paranoid side.  If
 someone wants to take their chances without a helmet that's fine by
 me, but I'll still mutter a few opinionated words to myself :)

 - Dave

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT - Free antirus program AVG now paid only?

2006-10-02 Thread Don Williams
I got a new version of the free AVG a couple of weeks ago.


John Forbes wrote:
 I recommended AVG to a friend, and it appears they have gone pay-only.   
 I've always used a free version.  Does anyone know if it is still possible  
 to get a free version, or do they have any other recommendations?




Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Street photography Cape Town style

2006-10-02 Thread Don Williams
In Cape Town just after the war there was a company called Movie Snaps. 
They may still be there for all I know. They employed half a dozen men 
with Leicas (with 50ft magazines) who took your picture as you walked 
along and handed you a card with a number. The next day you could go to 
the shop and get a print. After a few weeks the rack (a huge array of 
pigeon holes behind the counter) was cleared of unclaimed photos. A 
smart chap used to collect these. He stationed himself on the street 
(far from the other photographers) probably with an empty camera and 
after clicking the shutter handed out a card and collected, in advance, 
a fee of half a crown. The difference was that he guaranteed to post the 
picture to the victim the very same day. He did, one chosen at random, 
from the unclaimed ones he'd got from Movie Snaps. I don't know whether 
he stole them, got them from the garbage, or bought them. I have no more 
details -- but presume that if there had been a complaint he'd have 
mailed a refund without hesitation. How many would bother I wonder?


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Need help: Photoshop molested children portraits?

2006-10-01 Thread Don Williams
Like one of those horror movies in which dolls or Teddy Bears come to 
live and kill... kill ... kill.

The person who does that stuff needs professional help.


Bob Shell wrote:
 On Sep 30, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Matt Kelch wrote:

 Its still scary.

 The eyes are the worst... All of them have the exact same stare.


 Yeah, like taxidermist's eyes.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Back yard squirrel pic

2006-10-01 Thread Don Williams
That's a Grey Squirrel. An interesting little marauder of birds nests 
that can also be found in Cape Town. They were imported by some 
misguided idiot a couple of hundred years ago. They are quite different 
from the chaps we have here in Finland -- and other parts of Northern 


David J Brooks wrote:

 Taken last weekend. We have three squirrels that inhabit our back  
 yard(along with a Bluejay and Card's)This is the really brave one.

 istD with DA 50-200, with shade WB Raw conversion in ACR CS, and using  
 the pop up as fill and camera set at -2 EV.

 Just experimenting with the pop up and fill.

 Comments welcome


 Equine Photography in York Region


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - It must bee spring

2006-09-12 Thread Don Williams
I use the same lens on an ist D with a Tokina Auto Doubler.


J and K Messervy wrote:
 Thanks mate.  The lens is good, but I'd love to have a longer focal length. 
 It's hard to get shots of moving creatures with the 50mm as you have to get 
 physically close.  I did manage to spend about 3 hours harrassing the bees 
 in the garden today without getting stung though.  :)
 - Original Message - 
 From: Brian Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:54 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO - It must bee spring

 Yes - really top shot.  I particularly like the sharpness of the 
 reticulated patten on the wing and the grains of yellow pollen on the 

 A very busy little bugger.

 How do you like the 50 mm on the DL?  I have a 90 mm Tamron that I like a 
 lot on the DS but I've recently obtained an old (but nice) 50 mm macro 
 Takumar that I'll be trying out over the next few weeks.



 Brian Walters
 Western Sydney Australia

 Quoting Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Wow!  Excellent shot.  I have followed bees around in the past and
 never got anything I was really happy with.  Thanks for sharing.

 Best regards,

 Monday, September 11, 2006, 10:00:27 PM, you wrote:

 JaKM Spring has finally sprung here in the Southern Hemisphere, so
 I'd thought
 JaKM I'd try my first PESO post.  This was shot with my Sigma 50mm
 manual focus
 JaKM macro on the *istDL.


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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: House and Tree

2006-09-04 Thread Don Williams
There seem to be two left hand side shutters that won't close too easily.


John Forbes wrote:
 That's really a very nice picture.


 On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 03:14:58 +0100, Rick Womer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 Though I hate to interrupt the breathless speculation
 about the K10D...

 Here is another pic from our travels in Germany this
 past summer.  This house and tree in Augsburg seemed


 Ist D, FA 16-45, ISO 200, f/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/60, RAW file
 processed with ACR and PE4.

 Comments most welcome.


 (now back to the breathless K10D speculation, already
 in progress...)


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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Sushi

2006-09-02 Thread Don Williams
keith_w wrote:
 Roman wrote:
 this actually was at the sushi bar table...

 I'll guess:  frozen flower blossom, in lieu of ice.

 keith whaley

Looks like Borage.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: DCRP K100D Review

2006-09-01 Thread Don Williams
Some time ago I wrote an article on trouble shooting production lines 
for an industrial giant that shall be nameless. I went to Germany and 
studied the lines day after day. I can tell you, without any 
qualification, that the tiniest error in placement of a component on an 
assembly line can cause the loss of dozens of products before an 
operator can intervene. A half hour breakdown could cost (in this 
particular factory) 100 000 Euro. Cameras are not like mobile phones -- 
which can be assembled almost completely by robots. Cameras need skilled 
human hands and lots of them. But many of the components such as circuit 
boards will be assembled by machine and probably somewhere else anyway. 
I'm not surprised cameras are expensive, only that they are not much 
more so. So Pentax must have thought this all out very carefully: 'To 
warehouse or not to warehouse? That is the question.'


Mark Roberts wrote:
 P. J. Alling wrote:

 Pentax doesn't warehouse much in the way of product anymore. They  
 build to fill orders.  

 Yep. It's SOP for Japanese companies (and many smart non-Japanese
 companies). It's called the Kanban system. I saw it in action in
 detail on a tour of a Dunlop tire factory a few years after the
 company was bought by the Japanese. It depends greatly on being able
 to quickly change production lines from one product to another, but in
 return you get to minimize your inventory of both raw material/parts
 *and* finished product.

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Kite -- acronyms

2006-08-31 Thread Don Williams
I think 'approve' is the wrong word. Your approval doesn't matter one 
way or the other. I don't use acronyms because I don't need them -- my 
typing is fast enough. And I don't know them anyway. I think most stem 
from days of yore when amateur radio operators (HAMS) used Morse code to 
communicate (I did) and hundreds of such acronyms were in daily use -- 
some in voice communication as well. I remember a few and I'm sure those 
haven't changed much. But its a matter of taste and style that doesn't 
require approval or disapproval. I'm not trying to start an argument, 
merely making an observation.


Bob W wrote:
 Hi Shel,


 I don't approve of all these abbreviations, and I never think about
 them when I'm composing an email anyway. If people miss my pics, well
 that's too bad for me I guess.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
 Sent: 31 August 2006 01:41
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: RE: Kite

 Hi Bob,

 I like the space and the openness of the pic, but ,maybe 
 there's a little
 too much of it.  I have a photo that's somewhat similar - a woman on
 hilltop, sitting in a wheel chair, flying a kite, and every 
 time i see it I
 wish I'd gotten a little closer.

 BTW, may I suggest that you put PAW or PESO in your subject 
 line.  There
 are those of us - quite a few actually - who filter the pics 
 from the rest
 of the list traffic.  I mostly see your pics by accident when 
 reading the
 archives or when subscribed to the list because of a discussion that
 interests me.


 [Original Message]
 From: Bob W 

 It's a couple of years old, and I was disappointed with it because
 felt at the time that I hadn't got what I wanted. But revisiting
 (accidentally, while browsing my hard disk), I rather like the
 and the freedom but perhaps I'm letting my sentiment cloud my
 judgement. I'd be interested to hear what others think.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Kite -- acronyms

2006-08-31 Thread Don Williams
That hadn't occurred to me. I apologise.

By the way, does IMHO imply that the writer has a dishonest opinion as 
well? It's almost as bad as 'To tell you the truth' or 'To be truthful.' 
The way our language is abused is often amusing and sometimes annoying.


John Forbes wrote:
 It's not a question of whether you can type fast enough to type the whole  
 phrase in full.  It's a matter of putting a searchable string in the  
 subject line so that people can use it to filter out the pictures.


 On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 08:22:12 +0100, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 I think 'approve' is the wrong word. Your approval doesn't matter one
 way or the other. I don't use acronyms because I don't need them -- my
 typing is fast enough. And I don't know them anyway. I think most stem
 from days of yore when amateur radio operators (HAMS) used Morse code to
 communicate (I did) and hundreds of such acronyms were in daily use --
 some in voice communication as well. I remember a few and I'm sure those
 haven't changed much. But its a matter of taste and style that doesn't
 require approval or disapproval. I'm not trying to start an argument,
 merely making an observation.


 Bob W wrote:
 Hi Shel,


 I don't approve of all these abbreviations, and I never think about
 them when I'm composing an email anyway. If people miss my pics, well
 that's too bad for me I guess.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
 Sent: 31 August 2006 01:41
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: RE: Kite

 Hi Bob,

 I like the space and the openness of the pic, but ,maybe
 there's a little
 too much of it.  I have a photo that's somewhat similar - a woman on


 hilltop, sitting in a wheel chair, flying a kite, and every
 time i see it I
 wish I'd gotten a little closer.

 BTW, may I suggest that you put PAW or PESO in your subject
 line.  There
 are those of us - quite a few actually - who filter the pics
 from the rest
 of the list traffic.  I mostly see your pics by accident when
 reading the
 archives or when subscribed to the list because of a discussion that
 interests me.


 [Original Message]
 From: Bob W


 It's a couple of years old, and I was disappointed with it because


 felt at the time that I hadn't got what I wanted. But revisiting


 (accidentally, while browsing my hard disk), I rather like the


 and the freedom but perhaps I'm letting my sentiment cloud my
 judgement. I'd be interested to hear what others think.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List




Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Kite -- acronyms

2006-08-31 Thread Don Williams
QED -- Now you see why I don't use them -- with certain exceptions of 

mike wilson wrote:
 From: Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/08/31 Thu AM 08:30:20 GMT
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: Re: Kite -- acronyms

 That hadn't occurred to me. I apologise.

 By the way, does IMHO imply that the writer has a dishonest opinion as 
 well? It's almost as bad as 'To tell you the truth' or 'To be truthful.' 
 The way our language is abused is often amusing and sometimes annoying.

 H is for humble - often meant sarcastically.


 John Forbes wrote:
 It's not a question of whether you can type fast enough to type the whole  
 phrase in full.  It's a matter of putting a searchable string in the  
 subject line so that people can use it to filter out the pictures.


 On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 08:22:12 +0100, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 I think 'approve' is the wrong word. Your approval doesn't matter one
 way or the other. I don't use acronyms because I don't need them -- my
 typing is fast enough. And I don't know them anyway. I think most stem
 from days of yore when amateur radio operators (HAMS) used Morse code to
 communicate (I did) and hundreds of such acronyms were in daily use --
 some in voice communication as well. I remember a few and I'm sure those
 haven't changed much. But its a matter of taste and style that doesn't
 require approval or disapproval. I'm not trying to start an argument,
 merely making an observation.


 Bob W wrote:
 Hi Shel,


 I don't approve of all these abbreviations, and I never think about
 them when I'm composing an email anyway. If people miss my pics, well
 that's too bad for me I guess.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
 Sent: 31 August 2006 01:41
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: RE: Kite

 Hi Bob,

 I like the space and the openness of the pic, but ,maybe
 there's a little
 too much of it.  I have a photo that's somewhat similar - a woman on


 hilltop, sitting in a wheel chair, flying a kite, and every
 time i see it I
 wish I'd gotten a little closer.

 BTW, may I suggest that you put PAW or PESO in your subject
 line.  There
 are those of us - quite a few actually - who filter the pics
 from the rest
 of the list traffic.  I mostly see your pics by accident when
 reading the
 archives or when subscribed to the list because of a discussion that
 interests me.


 [Original Message]
 From: Bob W


 It's a couple of years old, and I was disappointed with it because


 felt at the time that I hadn't got what I wanted. But revisiting


 (accidentally, while browsing my hard disk), I rather like the


 and the freedom but perhaps I'm letting my sentiment cloud my
 judgement. I'd be interested to hear what others think.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA ? Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


 Email sent from www.ntlworld.com
 Virus-checked using McAfee(R) Software 
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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Kite -- acronyms

2006-08-31 Thread Don Williams
Well I checked. It's listed in the Internet Acronym Dictionary as both 
'honest' and 'humble'. I always thought it was honest, but obviously you 
have to consider who writes it to make that decision. So what I said 
goes only some percentage of the time.


P. J. Alling wrote:
 I always thought that IMHO stood for in my humble opinion though I 
 suppose that you could interpret your way.

 Don Williams wrote:

 That hadn't occurred to me. I apologise.

 By the way, does IMHO imply that the writer has a dishonest opinion as 
 well? It's almost as bad as 'To tell you the truth' or 'To be truthful.' 
 The way our language is abused is often amusing and sometimes annoying.


 John Forbes wrote:

 It's not a question of whether you can type fast enough to type the whole  
 phrase in full.  It's a matter of putting a searchable string in the  
 subject line so that people can use it to filter out the pictures.


 On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 08:22:12 +0100, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


 I think 'approve' is the wrong word. Your approval doesn't matter one
 way or the other. I don't use acronyms because I don't need them -- my
 typing is fast enough. And I don't know them anyway. I think most stem
 from days of yore when amateur radio operators (HAMS) used Morse code to
 communicate (I did) and hundreds of such acronyms were in daily use --
 some in voice communication as well. I remember a few and I'm sure those
 haven't changed much. But its a matter of taste and style that doesn't
 require approval or disapproval. I'm not trying to start an argument,
 merely making an observation.


 Bob W wrote:


 Hi Shel,


 I don't approve of all these abbreviations, and I never think about
 them when I'm composing an email anyway. If people miss my pics, well
 that's too bad for me I guess.



 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
 Sent: 31 August 2006 01:41
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: RE: Kite

 Hi Bob,

 I like the space and the openness of the pic, but ,maybe
 there's a little
 too much of it.  I have a photo that's somewhat similar - a woman on




 hilltop, sitting in a wheel chair, flying a kite, and every
 time i see it I
 wish I'd gotten a little closer.

 BTW, may I suggest that you put PAW or PESO in your subject
 line.  There
 are those of us - quite a few actually - who filter the pics
 from the rest
 of the list traffic.  I mostly see your pics by accident when
 reading the
 archives or when subscribed to the list because of a discussion that
 interests me.



 [Original Message]
 From: Bob W


 It's a couple of years old, and I was disappointed with it because




 felt at the time that I hadn't got what I wanted. But revisiting




 (accidentally, while browsing my hard disk), I rather like the




 and the freedom but perhaps I'm letting my sentiment cloud my
 judgement. I'd be interested to hear what others think.


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List









Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: K100D Review

2006-08-29 Thread Don Williams
David J Brooks wrote:

 Quoting Toralf Lund [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Doug, your getting like me, you spelt Canon wrong.
You mean you're of course.
 You mean, the correct spelling is Can*n?

 - T


 Quoting Douglas Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Here is a good (English) K100D review from Slovenia:

 A very impressive performance. I am especially
 impressed by the high ISO performance which looks even
 better than my C*non 20D (and that is pretty good).

 Unless there is something REALLY compelling about the
 K10D, I think I will buy one of these. Irresistible
 for the price...

 New Doug

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


 Equine Photography in York Region


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: Strange ebay experience

2006-08-28 Thread Don Williams
I haven't been able to find this camera at all.


Peter Loveday wrote:
 Thanks Bob. But why would I have lost four bids? I would think the
 next highest bidder would become the current buyer. Well, I still have
 a lot of watchers. Hope it closes with some activity. Only about 8
 hours to go.
 I've had this happen.  Four bids by different bidders would make me
 suspect that they're all actually the same person.  Sometimes if you
 have a reserve price you'll get multiple bids just to see what your
 reserve, and then all are suddenly canceled.  One guy made five bids
 on one auction, each one higher, just seeking out my reserve, and
 then cancelled them all, saying he had bid by accident.  By accident
 five times over a two day period???!!!   I reported him to eBay and
 they kicked him out.  Maybe you should report those bidders.

 Especially one of them, who has done like 60+ bid retractions in the last 6 
 months (you can see from their feedback profile).  Curiously though, none of 
 the others have done any.

 Love, Light and Peace,
 - Peter Loveday


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Plankton bragging

2006-08-23 Thread Don Williams
Hi Toine,

Have you used microscopes before?


Toine wrote:
 That's an interesting microscope. I ordered one, including the camera
 adapter. Thanks for the tip!

 On 8/21/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a small microscope with a camera adapter available that will be
 easier to use and less cumbersome that a couple of big lens. It has a
 built-in light source and is not expensive. It's called the 'Trekker'
 and you can find it here:


 You can also find them on eBay for a lot less. I don't know what the
 camera fitting is like but I've been thinking about getting one for some
 time. It would be perfect for snow crystals, you'd be able to use it
 outside with very little messing about. If you're interested I can ask
 some of my colleagues who have them. I've seen pictures taken with this
 little thing -- not bad at all. There must be reviews on the web.


 In a message dated 8/20/2006 4:56:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
 Still, I'm happy with it because it is a first proof of concept for a
 range of macro subjects I have not dared to explore until now, after
 my success with the snow crystals last winter.

 Plankton is usually reserved for microscopy photography in labs. One
 has to collect samples in the field and study them back home. My goal
 was to be able to shoot them on location, using ordinary photographic


 Next stage will be to explore lighting techniques. :-)

 Thanks for looking.

 Impressive, Jostein, even with graininess.

 Marnie aka Doe :-)

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Plankton bragging

2006-08-23 Thread Don Williams
There's quite a difference. If you have a 4X on one of your compound 
microscopes you'll appreciate what you'll be getting from the new one. 
Also the visual optical path goes through the slide, not the cover slip. 
But the Trekker has a very good depth of field anyway. What might be 
interesting is small plastic petri dishes of pond water. Glass dishes 
have wavy glass bottoms, but the plastic ones are nice and flat and 
optically quite good. Plastic cells culture flasks are even better -- if 
you can lay your hands on some.


Toine wrote:
 Yes I have several lomo's (dark field, phase contrast etc). I plan to
 use the Trekker in the field with the kids. If the image quality is
 ok, microphotography in the field would be very big fun.

 On 8/23/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Toine,

 Have you used microscopes before?


 Toine wrote:
 That's an interesting microscope. I ordered one, including the camera
 adapter. Thanks for the tip!

 On 8/21/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a small microscope with a camera adapter available that will be
 easier to use and less cumbersome that a couple of big lens. It has a
 built-in light source and is not expensive. It's called the 'Trekker'
 and you can find it here:


 You can also find them on eBay for a lot less. I don't know what the
 camera fitting is like but I've been thinking about getting one for some
 time. It would be perfect for snow crystals, you'd be able to use it
 outside with very little messing about. If you're interested I can ask
 some of my colleagues who have them. I've seen pictures taken with this
 little thing -- not bad at all. There must be reviews on the web.



 In a message dated 8/20/2006 4:56:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
 Still, I'm happy with it because it is a first proof of concept for a
 range of macro subjects I have not dared to explore until now, after
 my success with the snow crystals last winter.

 Plankton is usually reserved for microscopy photography in labs. One
 has to collect samples in the field and study them back home. My goal
 was to be able to shoot them on location, using ordinary photographic


 Next stage will be to explore lighting techniques. :-)

 Thanks for looking.

 Impressive, Jostein, even with graininess.

 Marnie aka Doe :-)

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Plankton bragging

2006-08-23 Thread Don Williams
I suggest using the 2 second delay which gives mirror lockup. I often 
don't bother with this because my compound microscope weighs about 35 kg 
and is on a granite slab and anti-vibration mounts. Fitting an analyzer 
would be tricky with the camera in position, but the polarizer could go 
on the magnetic slide holder; sheets of cellophane as retarders would 
work well. A petri dish will probably give very interesting figures and 
may be a good retardation plate itself. Grow your crystals in a dish. 
This should go off list I think; it has little to do with Pentax.


Toine wrote:
 4x and 10x are my favorites and I allways wanted to try a reversed
 microscope for observing pond flora and fauna without a cover glass.
 And now I can do this in the field. When I receive it I will post some
 pictures. Snow and ice next winter could be fun also. I hope I can fix
 polarizing filters and halfwave plates on the trekker.

 On 8/23/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's quite a difference. If you have a 4X on one of your compound
 microscopes you'll appreciate what you'll be getting from the new one.
 Also the visual optical path goes through the slide, not the cover slip.
 But the Trekker has a very good depth of field anyway. What might be
 interesting is small plastic petri dishes of pond water. Glass dishes
 have wavy glass bottoms, but the plastic ones are nice and flat and
 optically quite good. Plastic cells culture flasks are even better -- if
 you can lay your hands on some.


 Toine wrote:
 Yes I have several lomo's (dark field, phase contrast etc). I plan to
 use the Trekker in the field with the kids. If the image quality is
 ok, microphotography in the field would be very big fun.

 On 8/23/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Toine,

 Have you used microscopes before?


 Toine wrote:

 That's an interesting microscope. I ordered one, including the camera
 adapter. Thanks for the tip!

 On 8/21/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a small microscope with a camera adapter available that will be
 easier to use and less cumbersome that a couple of big lens. It has a
 built-in light source and is not expensive. It's called the 'Trekker'
 and you can find it here:


 You can also find them on eBay for a lot less. I don't know what the
 camera fitting is like but I've been thinking about getting one for some
 time. It would be perfect for snow crystals, you'd be able to use it
 outside with very little messing about. If you're interested I can ask
 some of my colleagues who have them. I've seen pictures taken with this
 little thing -- not bad at all. There must be reviews on the web.



 In a message dated 8/20/2006 4:56:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
 Still, I'm happy with it because it is a first proof of concept for a
 range of macro subjects I have not dared to explore until now, after
 my success with the snow crystals last winter.

 Plankton is usually reserved for microscopy photography in labs. One
 has to collect samples in the field and study them back home. My goal
 was to be able to shoot them on location, using ordinary photographic


 Next stage will be to explore lighting techniques. :-)

 Thanks for looking.

 Impressive, Jostein, even with graininess.

 Marnie aka Doe :-)

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Hummingbird help

2006-08-22 Thread Don Williams
Do messages get lost? I looked for this one and couldn't find it. Sent 
this morning. I apologise if this is a duplicate.

Right. They move up 3 inches and down 3 inches 100 times per second. 
This means they average about 50 feet per second. But, of course, the 
wings stop at the end of each up and down beat and accelerate/decelerate 
to the end of the next, so they'd be travelling somewhat faster than 50 
fps maybe even 100 feet per second at some stage. I don't think your 
shutter speed of 1/125 is going to cut it do you? The answer is to make 
sure ambient light contributes as little as possible to the exposure. In 
the dark it would be easier, but that only works with bats. You'd also 
need to make sure the flash duration is short. Circuit changes can be 
made to some of the older Vivitars (283 for example) to achieve pretty 
short flashes. But I've seen some very good Hummer pictures with blurred 


William Robb wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Tom C
 Subject: RE: Hummingbird help

 I don't quite understand why a flash is viewed as needed when their
 wings typically beat  100 times per second.  It would seem that 
 speed alone would capture it (though I've shot at 1/250 before and 
 still seen motion blur in the wings).

 Flash fires at 1/30,000 of a second. The fastest shutter speed on a 
 Pentax is more like 1/125 second, or whatever the flash sync speed is.

 William Robb 


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Hummingbird help

2006-08-22 Thread Don Williams
Bob Shell wrote:
 On Aug 22, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Don Williams wrote:

 Right. They move up 3 inches and down 3 inches 100 times per second.
 This means they average about 50 feet per second. But, of course, the
 wings stop at the end of each up and down beat and accelerate/ 
 to the end of the next, so they'd be travelling somewhat faster  
 than 50
 fps maybe even 100 feet per second at some stage.

 If I remember right, the wingtips of hummingbirds make an elongated  
 figure 8 movement, so they really don't stop moving at all.  I'm sure  
 this figure 8 movement puts less stress on the wings than stopping  
 and starting would.

Okay. I didn't remember that. I saw a high speed camera film of this 
once, but can't remember where. Perhaps it was one of the National 
Geographic ones? Maybe BBC Bristol?



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Screw mount bellows on the K100D (was - scanner question)

2006-08-22 Thread Don Williams
Yes. You need a short tube otherwise the bellows won't fit. The front of 
the flash housing interferes.


 I think Wheatfield tried this with an *istD and found that a short extension 
 tube had to be used between the bellows and the mount.
  -- Original message --
 From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a set of bellows in the basement somewhere -- I'll see if I can 
 successfully attach them to my DS2, which should be about the same 
 shape.  Of course, I'd have to successfully find them first.


 On Aug 22, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Scott Loveless wrote:

  What I haven't come across is whether
 or not I can attach a screw mount bellows to the K100D.
 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Plankton bragging

2006-08-21 Thread Don Williams
There is a small microscope with a camera adapter available that will be 
easier to use and less cumbersome that a couple of big lens. It has a 
built-in light source and is not expensive. It's called the 'Trekker' 
and you can find it here:


You can also find them on eBay for a lot less. I don't know what the 
camera fitting is like but I've been thinking about getting one for some 
time. It would be perfect for snow crystals, you'd be able to use it 
outside with very little messing about. If you're interested I can ask 
some of my colleagues who have them. I've seen pictures taken with this 
little thing -- not bad at all. There must be reviews on the web.


 In a message dated 8/20/2006 4:56:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
 Still, I'm happy with it because it is a first proof of concept for a
 range of macro subjects I have not dared to explore until now, after
 my success with the snow crystals last winter.

 Plankton is usually reserved for microscopy photography in labs. One
 has to collect samples in the field and study them back home. My goal
 was to be able to shoot them on location, using ordinary photographic


 Next stage will be to explore lighting techniques. :-)

 Thanks for looking.

 Impressive, Jostein, even with graininess.

 Marnie aka Doe :-)


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Plankton bragging

2006-08-21 Thread Don Williams
Its no toy. The university of Jyväskylä has bought them and use them in 
the field. You won't get pictures as good using any combination of 
normal lenses, never mind how hard you try. The M42 adapter will screw 
into a Pentax bayonet ring adapter directly. The microscope weighs 
hardly anything.


Jostein Øksne wrote:
 On 8/21/06, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Checked it out.
 The images looks pretty nice for a toy. I mean, that's what it looks like...
 I'd still like to experiment a little more with my Pentax lenses, though.

 Link is bookmarked.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

The *ist D sensor and hue

2006-08-20 Thread Don Williams
I have discovered that hue changes with exposure in the *ist D rather a 
lot at the red end. Deep reds can come out purple and vice versa. I've 
solved the problem by making sure I use several shutter settings and to 
do this have sometimes to use aperture settings that are not optimal. I 
have given up any idea of making stacks outdoors, it's hopeless. 
Windless days in Toivakka simply don't happen -- in summer anyway. So I 
may have to start using higher ISO settings, something I haven't done so 
far. Is the hue change a common problem with digital? I'm still pretty 
new at this.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Nature's Sculpture

2006-08-18 Thread Don Williams
This kind of folding is very common in South Africa on the Karroo. There 
is an exposed 'fold' called the Laingsburg Dyke that runs for hundreds 
of miles. Many of the Cape mountains have folds fifty or more metres deep.

Don W

 I haven't commented on others' PESOs for about a week, but I will soon and 
 try to catch up. With that in mind...
 I went out yesterday to photograph a famous landmark, which I will show 
 later, and also ended up photographing this. I am probably the only one that 
 like it. :-)
 I often find myself photographing the land, dirt, rock, etc., next to road 
 sides. Especially where it has been cut away or where the erosion from a 
 pervious cut away (maybe long before) has made interesting patterns. Okay, I 
 am weird 
 -- I find dirt, etc., interesting. This is one of the shots I have taken of 
 that type that I thought turned out better than most.
 I've already darkened this a little, I could darken it a bit more. It's okay 
 if you hate it.
 I don't know what it is, maybe shale?
 Comments welcome.
 Marnie aka Doe 

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: DA 100mm f2.8 Macro

2006-08-18 Thread Don Williams
The lens I use almost all the time since I got it -- a Sigma Macro Apo 
Super 70-300 has no aperture ring and I didn't notice until I read this 
post. I use it in aperture priority, set to macro, for about 80% of the 
pictures I've been taking this summer. The other two I use most are a 
Sigma 50/2.8 Macro EX Manual Focus* (sometimes with a Tokina Doubler) 
and a Tokina 28-70 AF. The other nine lenses are sitting in the cupboard 
unused. I didn't say gathering dust because they aren't.

* A great lens!

Don W

John Francis wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 10:00:13AM -0700, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
 On Aug 18, 2006, at 8:08 AM, Brendan MacRae wrote:

 .. I won't buy a lens without a f-stop ring since I shoot a great
 deal in Aperture Priority. I just don't want a plastic
 lens that's going to break the first time it's used. ..
 A lens without an aperture ring is less likely to break no matter  
 what you choose to do with it: it has fewer parts to break.

 If you shoot in aperture priority much of the time with any of the  
 DSLR bodies, an A setting and an aperture ring do exactly the same  
 thing: you set the aperture with the body.
 If, however, you use an MZ-S (which is, IIRC, the body mentioned
 earlier on in this thread) a lens without an aperture ring isn't
 an ideal match.

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: DA 100mm f2.8 Macro

2006-08-18 Thread Don Williams
Is there an SLR that does not allow direct setting of the aperture?

Don W

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
 On Aug 18, 2006, at 9:23 PM, Brendan MacRae wrote:
 Most of my A, F and FA series lenses have never been
 taken off the A
 setting since I bought them, and I shoot almost 95%
 of the time with
 the camera in Aperture Priority exposure mode.
 With the lens on A you're actually shooting in
 Shutter Priority AE mode.
 Not true. The aperture of any A/F/FA/DA lens is set by the body in  
 all modes with any of the Pentax DSLRs, presuming the aperture ring  
 (if the lens has one) is set to the A position. In Av and Manual  
 mode, you set the aperture with a control on the body, the body sets  
 aperture per your setting.
 I understand you are working with an MZ-S, which does not have body- 
 controlled manual aperture settings. So a lens without an aperture  
 ring can only be set to other than minimum aperture in Program and  
 Shutter priority modes. This is different on the DSLR models, which  
 operate more in line with the PZ-1p model (at least that's my  
 understanding ... I never owned a PZ-1p).
 In any event...

 While all of what you say is true I will never buy a
 lens without an aperture ring. It just doesn't feel
 like photography to me at that point. There are
 certain things, no matter how advanced or tweaked the
 technology gets, that I just can't do without. The
 feel of an SLR in my hands without a way to manually
 set the f-stop on the lens is just icky to me.
 Nearly all modern SLRs set the aperture manually via a control on the  
 body. Nikon, Canon, Minolta aka Sony, Pentax. In not so much time,  
 you might not have any option to buy anything else other than as used  
 But then I drink all of my scotch neat and my guitar
 amp is all tube so I just like things a certain way.
 I don't know what 'drink all of my scotch neat' means, and I don't  
 play the guitar. But I do know how to operate my cameras ... I do  
 drink my single malt without adulteration (water, ice, etc), if  
 that's what you mean! :-)
 Plus, I almost never shoot in Shutter Priority.
 Same here. The DS is almost permanently in Av mode, and occasionally  
 in Manual mode.
 Usually, when I want a particular shutter speed, I
 either adjust the lens (keeping DOF in mind) until I
 find it or go to manual exposure.
 Same here. On the *ist DS, setting the exposure mode to Av (and  
 presuming the aperture ring is set to A or there is none) the thumb  
 wheel controls the aperture. Just flick it back and forth to adjust  
 your lens opening.
 I would never buy an SLR that did not give me the option of direct  
 control over the lens opening. Whether the control is on the body or  
 the lens is irrelevant to me.

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Yellow Lily

2006-08-18 Thread Don Williams
Good picture but what is the flower?

Don W

Jack Davis wrote:
 This shot with A70~210 f/4 with extension ring (forget which one) and
 on macro setting. Been a favorite lens!
 Last offering for tonight and last flower for..(?)
 Comments encouraged!
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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Off Topic -- Books

2006-08-15 Thread Don Williams
Hi all,

Don't read this if you don't like self promotion.

Since the first publisher went out of business my books -- 'Thirty Steps 
to Heaven' and 'The Devil and Manuel de Salazar' have been without a 
home. Today they were moved to a new publisher and are available either 
as paperbacks or PDF files from


Don W
Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Holy Crap -- Pentax 10MP body

2006-08-14 Thread Don Williams
When I got the *ist D, about a year ago now, I soon had dust trouble. I 
thought this was because I was taking the lens off to put the camera on 
the microscope rather a lot. I work in atrocious conditions. This is an 
old wooden house and everything is covered with a layer of dust that 
returns within hours of being removed. However, I'm changing lenses now 
more often than before and the camera is open three or four times a day. 
Dust doesn't seem to be getting in as much as before. I found one tiny 
spot a few weeks ago and blew it off.

This is the second camera. The first had a flash board problem and was 
replaced after four or five months. I had to resort to quite drastic 
cleaning methods with the first. I don't understand why this one should 
be different.


John Francis wrote:
 Well, *my* biggest complaint about digital SLRs is the susceptibility
 to dust.  A sensor with in-camera SR has an obvious approach to this
 problem; shake the sensor very fast to shake the dust off. This is
 used in the Olympus E-series bodies, and also in the new Sony A100
 (which uses the 10.2MP sensor rumoured to be in the forthcoming K10D).
 I've been waiting to see if this trick shows up in the new bodies.
 On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 10:22:52PM -0700, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
 Intriguing. I await more information ... ;-)


 On Aug 13, 2006, at 6:01 PM, Aaron Reynolds wrote:

 I have just learned something about it that pretty much seals the deal
 -- I'll be buying it if I have to sell a kidney to do it.  It  
 my most basic complaint about digital.  It's a feature that's so much
 of a no-brainer, and yet as far as I know not a single DSLR out there
 at any price, including ones using the same sensor, have it.

 And unless I've missed some posts, no one has even speculated about it
 here.  Or even said gee, I wish it could do this.

 Brothers, I kid you not -- I may be selling my 67.  Naturally, I have
 to see it in action to see if it matches up to what the advantage
 should be in theory.  But if it does... holy crap.

 Mid-September we're going to be seeing some forehead-slapping amongst
 the competition in the DSLR world.

 Unless, of course, I've been fed a complete load of manure.  Which is
 entirely possible.


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Lens Blur Filter - Photoshop

2006-08-13 Thread Don Williams
Hi Shel,

The video is great (the presentation grates the nerves a bit) but I like 
the step by step approach that leaves nothing out.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
 Because of the greater DOF from the APS-C sized sensor, and the sometimes
 slower lenses available for digital cameras, this filter may come in handy.
 Tina Manley sent me the link after I showed her some of what the filter
 could do, and I'm very pleasantly surprised at how much more it can do than
 I knew before. I highly recommend reviewing the tutorial and saving it to
 your hard drive for future reference.

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Shooting at a flood-lit stadium

2006-08-08 Thread Don Williams
Kostas Kavoussanakis wrote:
 The time has come that my favourite Greek football team arrives in 
 Scotland for a Champions League qualifier (Hurray!, said the 
 football-mad immigrant :-)). So I hatched this crazy plan of shooting 
 Superia 400 with the F70-210/4-5.6 from the stand. I am pretty sure 
 that I won't be able to get anything more than snapshots due to 
 distance (or why would they let me), but will the light be enough, you 
 think? And will a lab be able to fix the colour-balance?

You might need a longer lens.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Arcella -- mainly for Tom

2006-08-08 Thread Don Williams
Since this little thing seems to be interesting some of us I've posted 
another DivX movie. I have a few dozen clips of Arcella but I also have 
more than 10 000 other images and clips of all sorts. After the last 
serious accident I had to reorganize and its very difficult to find 
anything at all. But if anyone really wants more -- with forked, 
branched and multiple pseudopodia -- I'll have a serious go at finding 
the files.


This file should take under 3 minutes to download using DSL.

Don W
Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Arcella -- mainly for Tom

2006-08-08 Thread Don Williams
Ooops! Sorry -- wrong address. This was for Microscope.


Don Williams wrote:
 Since this little thing seems to be interesting some of us I've posted 
 another DivX movie. I have a few dozen clips of Arcella but I also have 
 more than 10 000 other images and clips of all sorts. After the last 
 serious accident I had to reorganize and its very difficult to find 
 anything at all. But if anyone really wants more -- with forked, 
 branched and multiple pseudopodia -- I'll have a serious go at finding 
 the files.
 This file should take under 3 minutes to download using DSL.
 Don W

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: K10D - More News

2006-08-08 Thread Don Williams
I know a Pro who only uses pinhole cameras -- home made ones. He has a 
few Pentaxen, but they haven't been used for years.


Tom C wrote:
 I'm sure what you say is true.  That hasn't changed the fact that most pros 
 don't shoot Pentax.  I didn't say I was a pro BTW, I was only speaking to my 
 way of thinking.  If I was making my living from photography and I needed 
 something now, I would want it now, not later.
 Of course this issue of supply-demand-Pentax has been discussed how many 
 times on this list in the past 7 years? :-)
 Tom C.
 I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or 
 From: graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: Re: K10D - More News
 Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:25:47 -0400

 Most pros make a list of what they need, and when their suppliers' rep*
 stops in every month or so they hand it to him, and it arrives via Fed
 Ex in a few days. Oh? It doesn't work like that for you? Maybe you are
 not such a pro as you think you are. Suppliers determine whether you are
 a pro or not, by how much you order from them per year. Someplace around
 $100K/year you start getting that kind of service.

 Humm...? Digital must be hurting those suppiers' business something
 fierce, as 50+% of that $100K was film.

 *Not to be confused with the manufactures rep who would only stop in if
 you were spending a mil or so with that particular company. Suppliers'
 Rep usually represent several companies, so you could order about
 anything you needed from them.

 Idiot Proof == Expert Proof

 Tom C wrote:
 I'm sure all this true but it gets pretty circular.  Aside from market
 momentum, one of the reasons most pros don't use Pentax may be because
 they'd have to order it.

 If my income depended on my having the right equipment at the right 
 I'd go with a brand where I was pretty sure I could walk in and 
 purchase whatever lens, accessory, backup body I needed at the time.
 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: D and flash circuit problem

2006-08-07 Thread Don Williams
It happened to me with a new camera straight out of the box. It was 
replaced by the importers. It is/was quite a well known problem.


David J Brooks wrote:
 Sounds like a problem.
 My D will show a depleated battery after a few pop up flash shots,  
 even when full AA liths.
 My problem is the flash flashes, but out of 10 shots, i';ll get 2-3  
 pictures, the rest are blank screens.
 Quoting Thibouille [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 My brother just got an ist-D (from Ebay) and has a flash/battery problem.

 When you pops out the flash it will show a low battery alarm and fire
 anyway but without any flash. I tried to swap everything with my own D
 (swap batteries, CF, lens) and nothing beter.
 Tried batteries were fully charged 2000Nimh, 2500Nimh and AA Lithiums.
 They do all fail but only in its body, mine works fine.

 Its serial number is: 5752412. I understood there are comon problem
 with the flash circuitry. Is that such a case?
 * Can it be repaired easily or should my brother return it immediately
 to the seller?
 * If it is a known issue, would Pentax repair it even outside warranty scope?

 Thanks for your much appreciated help.
 Thibault Massart aka Thibouille
 *ist-D,Z1,SFXn,SuperA,KX,MX, P30t and KR-10x ;) ...

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

 Equine Photography in York Region

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: D and flash circuit problem

2006-08-07 Thread Don Williams
Send it back. You can probably buy a new one for less in Spain where 
they still have them -- I believe. The replacement D I got came from there.


Thibouille wrote:
 I hope Pentax will still repair it...
 What would you do? Repair or send it back considering he bought it
 about 500 euros ??
 Thibault Massart aka Thibouille
 *ist-D,Z1,SFXn,SuperA,KX,MX, P30t and KR-10x ;) ...

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: A few questions on a Zeiss Ikon, an old film and a studio lighting peace

2006-08-04 Thread Don Williams
What about Rodinal 1:50 for 12 minutes? On the other hand if you over 
develop -- say 20 minutes -- a ferri-cyanide solution could be used to 
reduce the density. What do you think might be on the film -- something 
valuable? In that case I'd cut off a short piece and try it first.


P. J. Alling wrote:
 Lasse Karlsson wrote:
 Hi all,

 I would appreciate some help on a few things.
 At the following adress there are a few pictures. They are self explanatory. 
 I got a few questions regarding what's in them.


 1) Regarding the Zeiss Ikon Nettar front piece: You can see this red 
 little thingy set at F.
 Now what does this red thing do there? What does F and M mean?

 It's for using F or M sync flashbulbs.  (M is the same as X IIRC).
 2) You'll see two pictures of one very old (exposed) film canister. a) Can 
 anybody estimate some dates for it's production? b) Any suggestions on what 
 process might get any pictures out of it?

 No Idea about the film.
 3) You'll see another thingy, which is a (infrared?) sender which will 
 trigger some Godard studio lights that I will start learning how to use. It 
 obviously needs a battery. Does anybody know of what voltage this battery 
 would be? (Or is this evident? There are batteries of different voltages 
 that will physically fit, right?)

 Looks like a connection for a standard 9 volt battery.
 Many thanks in advance for any answers or good clues.




Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: GESO: McKenzie Country

2006-08-04 Thread Don Williams
I find the buttons too small and indistinct. They are also not where you 
would expect them to be. The pictures are great.


David Mann wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've recently finished a long-overdue update to my gallery viewer.   
 On the surface not a lot has changed except a little prettifying, but  
 I've made some significant changes under-the-hood.
 With all the work I've put into it I really should show a gallery  
 every now and then, so I've put together some pics of one of my  
 favourite areas of my country.  They are presented in approximate  
 order of time-of-day, so the sequence progresses from dawn to night.   
 I think that quite a few of the photos have been shown here before.
 If anything doesn't work let me know... I've tested with most  
 browsers, so it should work OK even if you have Javascript turned off.
 - Dave (editing is hard)

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Stumped Over K10D

2006-08-03 Thread Don Williams
This is driving me barking mad!


Mark Roberts wrote:
 mike wilson wrote:
 From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 mike wilson wrote:

 Wait to see if Pentax has the nerve to introduce a K9.
 That would be a real dog.
 The bow-wow DSLR.  
 We've been waiting a long time for it. I hope Pentax decides to throw
 us a bone soon.

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: The Modern Fisherman

2006-07-30 Thread Don Williams
It's probably Bait and Switch!


Don Sanderson wrote:
 Good one!
 Thanks Bob.


 -Original Message-
 Bob W
 Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:40 AM
 To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
 Subject: RE: PESO: The Modern Fisherman

 Excellent! Perhaps he's conducting a phishing scam.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Don Sanderson
 Sent: 30 July 2006 02:48
 Subject: PESO: The Modern Fisherman

 Caught my eye at the park today:


 How times have changed! ;-)


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Talk about crap

2006-07-28 Thread Don Williams
Its an elaborate joke. Read the footnote on the main page.


mike wilson wrote:
 From: P. J. Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/07/28 Fri AM 03:34:01 GMT
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: Re: Talk about crap

 If Moon landing deniers are today's flat earth people, what the heck are 
 these wackos?


 They are Alaskans.  Over six months of the year wondering what to do..

 Jack Davis wrote:

 These folks are today's flat earth people. They are incapable of
 accepting logic and, in fact, covet the desperate claims of the
 rational as validation and a measure of their impact.
 I wouldn't expend further energy honoring their spewings with a

 --- Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The thing is the moon landing fraud claims are so ludicrous as to be 
 laughable.  No need to debunk each claim one by one.

 The entire Apollo project was so demonstrably big, over a number of
 employing 1000's, if not tens of 1000's of people, not to mention
 overseas connected with the project and the landings themselves that
 not part of NASA or the US government.  How would it be possible to
 a conspiracy that large?  The consciences of hundreds of
 would have prompted them to scream and shout.

 If the moon landig was myth, then what about the prior and subsequent
 programs including the shuttle, mars, voyager, etc.?

 The fact that the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment equipment set up on
 moon by Apollo 11 astronauts is still being used today by independent

 universities, provides ample proof.

 Not to mention that the USSR never doubted it as a fact.

 Tom C.

 From: Bob Shell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: Re: Talk about crap
 Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:46:06 -0400

 On Jul 25, 2006, at 9:06 AM, Aaron Reynolds wrote:


 I've read some interesting and compelling arguments for the

 fakery of

 the moon photographs, but I've read even more interesting and
 compelling debunkings of those arguments.

 Same here.


 That's part of why it's so important to let people talk about


 stuff -- you get specifics that you can examine and attempt to

 Right.  Let the nuts speak.  Otherwise you may never know what they
 might say.


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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Pass Road

2006-07-28 Thread Don Williams
Its a beautiful picture. The fence, so sharp and vanishing into the 
distance, is great. But the huge black sky and the glaring white was a 
bit disturbing. I downloaded your picture and cropped 21% from the top. 
The resulting semi-panorama is better -- I think. But I'm a bit of a 
philistine and not very artistic.


mike wilson wrote:
 From: Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/07/28 Fri AM 03:38:22 GMT
 To: pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: PESO: Pass Road

 It was bound to happen again..just a matter of a short time.


 Backdrop for a cowboy movie.  _Very_ painted-looking sky. Not sure I like it 
 in BW.  I keep wondering what the colours are.  A very striking image, 


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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Pass Road

2006-07-28 Thread Don Williams
This picture has the same effect on me as one Steve posted a while back 
-- of a tree covered hill near his new home. I'd like to touch the wire, 
put my hand on the top of one of those posts and then walk along the 
fence to see what's at the end. I don't think that wire would keep 
Coyotes from passing through, if that was the intention.


Jack Davis wrote:
 The crop you mention, also, produces an image I like. The size and
 shape of the sun area, while not my favorite element, provides the 
 weight I need to complete the scene. 
 Remarks very much appreciated. 


 --- Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its a beautiful picture. The fence, so sharp and vanishing into the 
 distance, is great. But the huge black sky and the glaring white was
 bit disturbing. I downloaded your picture and cropped 21% from the
 The resulting semi-panorama is better -- I think. But I'm a bit of a 
 philistine and not very artistic.


 mike wilson wrote:
 From: Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/07/28 Fri AM 03:38:22 GMT
 To: pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: PESO: Pass Road

 It was bound to happen again..just a matter of a short time.

 Backdrop for a cowboy movie.  _Very_ painted-looking sky. Not sure
 I like it in BW.  I keep wondering what the colours are.  A very
 striking image, though.

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 Dr E D F Williams
 41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: GESO - Classic Police Badges

2006-07-26 Thread Don Williams
Some of them must be pretty old. Most modern police badges have an 
identification number -- don't they? Some of yours do, but most are 
anonymous. In Finland the police do not have visible identification, but 
I guess they carry ID cards.


Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

 Each one posed it's own little lighting difficulty. Some are very  
 rounded and very reflective, others are pretty flat and not  
 particularly reflective. I didn't have enough foam core handy to  
 build the light stage/box that I wanted for the job so I ended up  
 using a tabletop setup, a single 30x30 inch board, a flash with a  
 MiniSoftbox diffuser, and white towel to bounce and diffuse the  
 light, and a darkened room. Some of them I made six or seven  
 different exposures, moving the flash head and reflectors around a  
 bit, others only took one or two shots. All settings were exclusively  

 At one point, I realized that the red/yellow shirt I was wearing was  
 putting some odd colors into the mix, so I switched to a black  
 shirt ... for some I used the self timer and ducked to take out  

 Overall, I know how to do this much better and I'll be ready when he  
 brings the next set over to photograph. As it is, though, he says  
 what I've done is very satisfactory ... for an hour's work total, end  
 to end, I'm happy with it. They look better in the full resolution,  
 300 ppi 8x10 frames, of course: the downsizing and sharpening for the  
 web blew out some of the contrast curves.

 fun stuff. I just love the stories those badges represent.


 On Jul 25, 2006, at 6:18 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

 Some are quite beautiful. Some appear to be much better lit than
 others. Did you use a stationary light setup? The deep shadows on
 some are puzzling.
 On Jul 25, 2006, at 8:55 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

 A little gallery every so often ... A neighbor asked me to record
 his collection of police badges. Some are quite beautiful. Just a
 quickie job: some of these JPEGs lost a bit when the gallery creator
 resized them, but they're fun to look at anyway.


 All taken with the Pentax DS + A50/2.8 Macro, a copystand and a very
 fast, crude flash setup.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Talk about crap

2006-07-25 Thread Don Williams
Someone posted a bit about the 'moon landing was filmed in Death Valley 
lunatics' the other day. Try this one for /real /bullshit:



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

OT: Talk about crap

2006-07-25 Thread Don Williams
Here's the point since you haven't got it: Someone prepared to teach 
students something which flies in the face of indisputable evidence has 
to be absolutely crazy, or the story itself is bullshit. Take your pick. 
There are plenty of explanations you can try. I can think of at least 
two other ways it could have been distorted or mis-reported. Academic 
freedom is a red herring. Of course he'd be free to talk rubbish to his 
students, but it wouldn't do them, or him, much good. It could very 
quickly ruin his career. I lectured for close to twenty years at two 
different universities -- before I moved into full time research and my 
teaching load dropped to a few lectures a year. I know a little about 
the academic world.


Bob Shell wrote:
 On Jul 25, 2006, at 3:49 AM, Don Williams wrote:

 Someone posted a bit about the 'moon landing was filmed in Death  
 lunatics' the other day. Try this one for /real /bullshit:


 Which part do you consider bullshit?  What the man proposes to teach,  
 or the university defending his right to teach it?  Personally, I  
 think freedom of speech must encompass ideas that the mainstream  
 considers repugnant.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Talk about crap

2006-07-25 Thread Don Williams
Forget the academic freedom bit. That's a red herring. He can think and 
say what he likes and teach it as well. I remember (vividly) a 
University Professor and Head of the Chemistry Department (Cape Town) 
who was crazy. The Vice Chancellor let him go on, and on, and in the end 
he holed up in his office with a .22 rifle and it became a nightmare. 
That's Academic Freedom in action. But it was an exception.

It's this man's nutty idea that needs to be examined. Is it true? Is the 
report factual or distorted? Newspapers are well known for getting 
things right out of context. If this is not the case he's digging his 
own grave. If he really believes that those buildings were deliberately 
blown up by the US government, then he's crazy and not fit to teach anyway.


frank theriault wrote:
 On 7/25/06, Bob Shell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which part do you consider bullshit?  What the man proposes to teach,
 or the university defending his right to teach it?  Personally, I
 think freedom of speech must encompass ideas that the mainstream
 considers repugnant.

 Right you are, Bob!

 For one thing, at university, they call them professors for a
 reason.  To profess is merely to affirm a belief.  At a post-secondary
 level, the assumption is that students are at a level that they can
 research the professors affirmations and form their own opinions as to
 whether the professor is right or wrong.

 Up to the end of high school we have teachers.  To teach is to
 impart knowledge.  The distinction between teachers and professors is
 an important one.

 This guy in Wisconson may (or may not be) a nutbar, but I defend his
 right to lecture whatever he wants.  Moreso, I defend his university's
 right to pay him and have him lecture there.  The fact that tax
 dollars go to that university does not give the taxpayers or the
 legislature the right to demand that the guy gets sacked.  At most, it
 gives them the right to pull those tax dollars out of the place, but
 then 90% or more of the students will be harmed due to (what's
 portrayed as) the rantings of this loonie.

 The other thing, of course, is that perhaps, just perhaps, if someone
 actually sat in on this guy's course and read the materials, he might
 have a few accurate things to say, and he might have evidence to back
 up his assertions.  Stranger things have happened.  It's hard to judge
 based on a newspaper article - and a biased one, at that.

 I've got to admit, I always wondered how it is that the Pentagon isn't
 one of the best defended buildings in the world, with all the latest
 detection devices and radar and defences.  I've always thought it a
 bit strange that something as complex and difficult to pilot as a
 modern airliner, flown by a rank amateur, managed to get through those
 defences and score a direct hit.  I'm not saying this guy's right, but
 it makes one wonder.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Sunrise over Mt. Brocoflower

2006-07-25 Thread Don Williams
Amongst the thumbnails there's one for a Stapelia flower. Whoever did 
the naming got it wrong. The Star of David is not five pointed.


 Fun pic. The limited DOF works well here, isolating your mountain. Never 
 saw this vegetable. While I find it picturesque, I don't find it very 
 appetizing. I hope it tastes better than it looks:-).
  -- Original message --
 From: David Savage [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 G'day All,

 Today I picked up my new flash unit. Today also happens to be the day
 when the weekly delivery of fresh vegetables arrives. Along with the
 carrots, onions etc. there was this (~120kb):


 I've always meant to photograph this rather interesting vegi, but it's
 usually eaten before I get around to it :-)

 As always, any comments appreciated but not necessary.



 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

eBay phishing attacks

2006-07-25 Thread Don Williams
I'm getting one phony eBay message a day now. They even write at the top 
'your registered name is included...' But there's no name of course.
They're usually unpaid strikes, or claims for non-delivery of something 
or other. Each one is designed to get one's back up and cause an 
inadvertent mouse click.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


2006-07-24 Thread Don Williams
This is quite interesting. Since we are all looking for our names I did 
a search for my own full name, in inverted commas, and got 529 hits -- 
all me. Some go back to publications as far back as the mid 1970s -- 
most refer to recent postings.

Of course Don Williams returns about 1.2 million hits of which a few 
hundredths of a percent are me. I've done searches for myself before but 
usually in association with other words and not in inverted commas; 
because, with a name like Don Williams, direct searching for the name is 
hopeless. There are at least two pretty well know people with that name 
out of hundreds. One sings the other illustrates. However, the 
interesting part of this is that I found some of my older publications 
cited in some recent papers. I had no idea they'd made /any kind/ of 
impression -- let alone a lasting one.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New telephoto lenses?

2006-07-23 Thread Don Williams
Here and in the UK the bodies rust and fall to pieces while the engines 
remain good.


John Coyle wrote:
 I wonder if the condition of the roads makes any difference? I don't know 
 whether Bill's locality has rough roads or not: but, for me, since 
 99.99(recurring)% of my driving is on city or highway surfaces, I'm not 
 surprised that my Honda Integra is now 10 years old and has cost me very 
 little apart from regular servicing.  One air-conditioning module in the 
 non-consumable range so far, and it's about to have the power steering seals 
 and the rear suspension bushes replaced, both due to the age of the vehicle. 
 No sign of any deterioration or breakages to the drive train at all.

 In Australia, Honda's have a very good reputation for quality and 
 reliability, which keeps their re-sale value well up!

 John Coyle
 Brisbane, Australia
 - Original Message - 
 From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:45 AM
 Subject: Re: New telephoto lenses?

 SNIP My Honda used to eat front suspensions and CV joints, my wife's 
 required regular CV joint replacement, and my Isuzu required an expensive
 tranny rebuild at about 100,000km (GM crap transmission to be sure).
 I'll stick to rear drive trucks now, they seem to have better reliability.

 William Robb

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: credentials

2006-07-23 Thread Don Williams
Godfrey, may I call you God for short?


Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

 I've never heard of you anywhere either despite being in the business  
 longer than you. What does that prove? Nothing. I've never heard of  
 the rest of the people on this mailing list either.

 By your logic, I shouldn't consider anything you or anyone else here  
 has to say as being credible. Perhaps you're right: I shouldn't. That  
 brings up the question of why you bother subscribing to this mailing  
 list at all, and the same for me.

 When I do a google.com web search for Godfrey DiGiorgi, I get 12  
 pages of hits on postings I've published and participated in that  
 date back as far as the 1980s, encompassing stuff I've participated  
 in diverse fields of interest including motorcycling, alfa romeo  
 cars, photography, computing science and development, etc. (If I add  
 searches for the various email addresses I've used since the ARPAnet,  
 the number expands to include thousands of hits.) I've had three or  
 four feature articles on my activities published as well ... From  
 Macworld, January 1986 to the Isle of Man Examiner, March 2006.  
 My name appeared on over 100 Apple Technical Notes published to the  
 developer community ... at least until Apple revised the technical  
 note format and elided all authors names in 2000. So while you  
 haven't heard of me, at least a couple of other people have.

 I get no hits for P. J. Ailing at all.



Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: An exercise in perspective adjustment

2006-07-22 Thread Don Williams

I've done a little more fiddling with perspective correction and find 
that it's possible to achieve reasonable results by squeezing the 
bottom. Using distort makes it possible to work from one side only. I've 
added a slightly improved picture of the manor house here:


The bottom left hand corner was moved inwards about 7 mm -- on my screen.

Although the building still slopes inwards -- it would be unnatural if 
it didn't -- the flagpole and the left hand edge match the right better 
than in the original. Finding a place from which to take the picture was 
not easy. There are trees and other obstructions including a steep bank 
to roll down backwards. It was also necessary to zoom wide -- 28mm -- 
and this contributes to the distortion of the verticals. I could not get 
the top of the lightning conductor in the picture without distorting the 
picture grossly. The only wide lens I have is the Tokina 28 - 70. I got 
rid of a Sigma 24-70 because it was not very sharp.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Jump

2006-07-21 Thread Don Williams
The psychiatrist held up the first Rorschach plate and asked the patient 
to comment.
Sex! was the immediate response.
Plate Two got the same response -- as did all the others.
The frustrated doctor then drew a wiggly line of a piece of paper.
What about that? he asked.
A straight line, two dots, a circle and a square all were met by cries 
of SEX! SEX!
Finally the exasperated doctor said, You're quite obviously obsessed by 
ME! ME! Obsessed? You're the one drawing all these filthy pictures!


Tom C wrote:

 Thanks for the clarification.

 I agree that nakedness need not = sexuality.

 I'm also pointing out that there is another collection of people, not quite 
 as vocal, but with the power of the law behind them, that are lurking out 
 there to pounce on people that they develop a desire to prosecute.

 Those are the ones that scare me, because guilt or innocence is not even the 

 Tom C.

 Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List pdml@pdml.net
 To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List' pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: RE: PESO - Jump
 Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 21:16:22 +0100

 Hi Tom,

 no - I'm not implying that, and I apologise if my posts read that way.
 But I do think that a lot of people are being cowed by the censorious
 and over-cautious.

 The overwhelming majority of people everywhere love watching children
 play and enjoy themselves, with or without clothes on, in the most
 innocent way, and think nothing of it. However there is a small but
 vocal group of people who are always ready to see wickedness and rush
 in to cover things up. These are the people who equate nakedness with
 sexuality, and who also think all sexuality is wrong. Unless the rest
 of us stand up to them and say no to their stupidity they will win,
 and they will impose their warped ideas on us again and again because
 we let them. Just think of the Victorians covering up table legs.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Tom C
 Sent: 20 July 2006 20:49
 To: pdml@pdml.net
 Subject: RE: PESO - Jump

 I've noticed that your words and others, seem to imply that
 those who had a
 problem with the photo being posted without a warning (not
 necessarialy the
 photo itself), have a perverse or distorted view of the subject.

 That was not the case.

 Tom C.


 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: An exercise in perspective adjustment

2006-07-21 Thread Don Williams
I took a few pictures of Svinhufvud's* summer cottage yesterday. Its on 
the way to our land some 50 kms from here. I squeezed the lower part of 
the picture with Perspective instead of expanding the top and it works, 
in this case at least, better than when I tried the top.

*One of Finland's National heroes -- the first Head of State (Regent) 
and later President -- called, literally, Swinehead. He was a good man 
if anyone cares to know that.


Adam Maas wrote:
 David Savage wrote:
 G'day Brian

 At 04:32 PM 21/07/2006, Brian Walters wrote:

 A shift lens?  Does anyone still make them? Not that I could ever
 afford one, much less justify the purchase

 Canon still lists them. Hartblei make some for 35mm as well I think.


 Nikon does as well. Hartblei's are MF lenses adapted to 35mm mounts.





Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - A Pair

2006-07-21 Thread Don Williams
Branta canadensis


frank theriault wrote:
 On 7/19/06, Brian Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah  I was about to ask what they were.  So I assume they are
 Canadian Geese?


 They are Canada Geese.  That's the name of the species, Canada Goose
 or Branta Canadensis for you scientific types.

 Canadian geese are any geese who happen to live up here.  In fact,
 most Canada Geese live in the US;  many more than live up here.  They
 were named Canada Geese by Americans, looking to slander our fine

 I hate Canada Geese, who foul our parks and our beaches, and chase
 little kids and sometimes their parents who are doing nothing more
 than minding their business sitting at a picnic table holding a cheese

 Bastards.  Sorry if I let personal issues and experiences colour my
 feelings for these vermin.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: An exercise in perspective adjustment

2006-07-20 Thread Don Williams
What program did you sue to make the correction?


John Francis wrote:
 It looks as though you've squashed it a little vertically
 in the process of correcting the perspective.

 On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 12:38:11AM -0500, Brian Walters wrote:
 Hi all

 I quite liked this photo of afternoon light on the sandstone walls of
 an old church in western Sydney.  Unfortunately it suffered from
 converging verticals so I had a go at correcting the perspective.

 It looks OK but perhaps it could have been done better.

 The adjusted image is at the top of the following link page and the
 original image is at the bottom:


 Comments and suggestions welcome.  Technical details available by
 clicking the i icon.




 Brian Walters
 Western Sydney, Australia

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Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

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