Re: [PHP-DB] Really weird problem: cross-server databasing *g*

2001-09-02 Thread Doug Semig

Hi Markus--

It sounds like the provider that only allows local connections to their
database went through some pains to protect their database.  I suggest
talking to them about your needs and not trying to circumvent their
security measures.  Maybe they have a system to open up their database for
you for a monthly fee?


At 04:42 AM 9/2/01 +0200, Markus Mayer wrote:
Hi folks!

Let's say you have two servers, on the first one (A) you have your website
containig all those nice php scripts and co but only a crazy small database
(2 megs), on the second one (B) you have a really big database available
but the problem, that the provider won't allow you to access the database
from any other place than from your account on B. That wouldn't be the
problem, but B opens pop ups each time, you open a website there - and that
couldn't be the solution.

Has anyone an idea how to access the database on B without opening a webpage
there (and with this, without opening a popup) from server A?

ANY help much appreciated!

Markus Mayer

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Re: [PHP-DB] Searching sql database using php

2001-09-02 Thread Doug Semig


If you have a specific question, please post it and I'm sure folks will be
willing to try to help you out.


At 12:50 PM 9/3/01 +1000, Devon wrote:
As per topic anyone know how to do it?


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RE: [PHP-DB] Simple database error (SPACE)

2001-08-30 Thread Doug Semig

DW was correct, Nagasea.  The way to do what you want to do is to use the
urlencode (and perhaps the urldecode) PHP command(s).  They are in the PHP
manual.  I don't understand what it was that DB told you to do, so I cannot
comment on that, but the correct solution to your problem lies with urlencode.

Additionally, you will want to put quotes around the HREF in your anchor
tag.  Perhaps if you rewrote your echo to something like this

echo a href=\m_template.php?nick=;
echo urlencode($myrow[3]);
echo \;
echo $myrow[3];
echo /a;

Oh, yeah, and I broke it apart for easy reading.  You could concatenate it
all in one big echo, but think maintainability.

Hope this helps,

At 05:01 PM 8/30/01 -0700, Nagasea wrote:
it's still not working :(

maybe u need my script to see

$db = mysql_connect(localhost, ,pass);

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM big_member WHERE position='Squads'
ORDER by first LIMIT 0,300,$db);

while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
a href=m_template.php?nick=$myrow[3]. $myrow[3] ./a);



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Re: [PHP-DB] Database Transactions and HTTP statelessness

2001-08-29 Thread Doug Semig

Hi BP--

0. User A loads Record R.
1. User B loads Record R.
2. User B edits and saves Record R.
(Saving involves starting a transaction, retrieving R from the DB,
comparing the values with the original values to make sure it is 
the same record, and then the UPDATE and then commiting the
3. User A edits and saves Record R.
(Saving involves starting a transaction, retrieving R from the DB,
comparing the values with the original values to make sure it is 
the same record, and when it's not, rolling back the transaction and
notifying the user that the record has already been modified by 
another user or process).

Hope this helps!

At 02:02 AM 8/29/01 GMT, Bopolissimus Platypus wrote:
hello all,

I've got a question about what's got to be a common problem.
I'm sort of doing a survey to see how others have solved this
problem before so that I can choose one that's best for me.

The software is a web based data entry system.
Sessions are maintained (so that users don't have to
 login after every database operation, and for 
 security - users can only perform actions that
 are allowed to their login or group0.

Use Case:
0.   User A loads Record R.
1.   User B loads the same Record R.
2.   User B edits and saves Record R.
3.   User A edits and saves Record R.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Database Transactions and HTTP statelessness

2001-08-29 Thread Doug Semig

Hi BP--

There's also named cursors, but then you're going to have the problem of
time.  That is if you create a cursor FOR UPDATE and the user never saves
the record or never cancels the edit (just closes her browser, for
instance), then you're messed up and have locks floundering around in the db.

In the HTTP stateless scenario, you really do want to do everything within
the timespan of a single page-view.  Dave Watkinson's suggestion for a
column in the table to store some kind of version info (a timestamp or some
other identifier that is updated every time the record changes) is a good
one because it makes detecting an updated row a lot easier than comparing
all of the original values from the originally loaded record to what's
there when you finally go to save it.  

However, there may be times when Dave's suggestion can be overly
restrictive.  Let's say User A changes one column of Record R and User B
changes a different column of Record R.  In that case, the changes do not
step on each other and probably should be allowed.  Dave's suggestion for a
per-record version identifier would kick out the 2nd person to save the
record's edits with the this record has been changed by another user or
process message.  Perhaps that's correct for your application, perhaps it
is not.  You and your customer have to decide.

That's why I tend to compare the originally loaded values of the fields
that have been changed by the user with the fields as they appear in the
record during the transaction that UPDATEs the record.  If they're
different then those fields really have been modified by another user or
process and the transaction should be abandoned until the user gets a
chance to review the situation.

Hope this helps,

At 12:13 PM 8/29/01 GMT, Bopolissimus Platypus wrote:
On Wed, 29 Aug 2001 03:18:01 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug Semig)
thanks.  that was one of the alternatives i'd been considering.  
heh, i was trying to avoid the complexity.  after all, if the database
already has locking and data consistency built-in, why reinvent
the wheel, right?  but that denial of service thing is a problem
(and it would be a SELF-denial-of-service :).  thanks for voting
for this alternative.  i'll wait a few days for others to comment
and maybe provide alternatives before committing to one 
approach :).


--Doug's Signature File
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Re: [PHP-DB] SELECT giving too much :)

2001-08-29 Thread Doug Semig

Hi Beau--

This is just a wild guess (I've only glanced at your SQL), but do you have
two locations in your locations table?

You might want to try yanking locations out of the join since you're not
using it in your WHERE clause or showing any info from it.


At 12:06 PM 8/30/01 +0800, Beau Lebens wrote:
Hi guys, I have a set-up to query a database by allowing the user to build a
query from selecting fields, restrictions etc etc.

It produces the following;

SELECT students.fname, courses.title AS course FROM students, courses,
course_enrolments, groups, locations, staff WHERE
(students.studentID=course_enrolments.studentID AND
course_enrolments.courseID=courses.courseID) AND
(students.groupID=groups.groupID) AND (staff.staffID=courses.staffID) ORDER
BY fname ASC

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RE: [PHP-DB] SELECT giving too much :)

2001-08-29 Thread Doug Semig

Hi Beau--

Alternatively you could probably include an AND for the location ID to link
up with whatever it is supposed to link up to in the WHERE clause.

But I have no idea how you responded to my message in 2 minutes flat!  Are
you a remarkably complex AI autoresponder that knocks the socks off of
ELIZA (or whatever it was) style programs?  Dang!  2 minutes!  Good job


At 12:33 PM 8/30/01 +0800, Beau Lebens wrote:
Actually yes I do :)
thanks for that - it fixes it when i remove the FROM locations
although I didn't want to have to pull it, because it is going to mean some
ugly testing and stuff that I wanted to avoid - oh well, looks like I have
no choice now :)



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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL DB CleanUp Help!

2001-08-23 Thread Doug Semig

Or of course one could compile PHP as a standalone and simply cron the
script itself.

No matter how PHP is invoked, though, IMHO scripts like this that require
no human interaction should be a bit more robust than interactive systems.
For example, one would probably want to code it to make sure the two
instances of the same script cannot run simultaneously (and if an instance
tries to run simultaneously, it should send an email to the admin and quit
instead of performing its duties).  Also error checking should email
problems to the admin.  As an alternative to emailing the admin, you could
log status messages and errors to syslog or a file or a db table.

Good luck!

At 03:30 PM 8/23/01 +0800, Jason Wong wrote:
- Original Message -
From: Arcadius A. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] MySQL DB CleanUp Help!

 Hello !
 I'd like to automatically delete old entries from my MySQL 

Here's one way to do it:

Create a php page which when accessed will do deletions you require.
Create a cron job which uses wget to access that page.

Jason Wong
Gremlins Associates

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RE: [PHP-DB] 2 Tables- 1 Insert Problem

2001-07-29 Thread Doug Semig

Beyond that excellent answer, this is exactly the kind of situation where
transactions would be helpful (and in a lot of cases, mission critical).

So an expanded quasi-pseudocode rendition of olinux's answer could be:

$result_bt = mysql_query('[whatever it takes to begin a transaction]');
$result_1 = mysql_query($sql1);
if (!$result_1) {
  $result_rb = mysql_query('[whatever it takes to rollback a transaction']);
  /* whatever else you want to do, such as show an error message */
else {
  $result_2 = mysql_query($sql2);
  if (!$result_2) {
$result_rb = mysql_query('[whatever it takes to rollback a transaction']);
/* whatever else you want to do, such as show an error message */
  else {
$result_et = mysql_query('[whatever it takes to commit a transaction']);
} }

If your implementation of MySQL supports transactions (and if it doesn't
then either change databases or web hosts), use them.  It helps ensure the
integrity of the data.  Please feel free to be more elegant in the error
checking...the above is just an example and would undoubtedly not be used,
even fixed up for syntax, on a production site.


At 10:25 PM 7/28/01 -0500, olinux wrote:
Not possible.

do this $result_1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die('Insert 1 failed');
do this $result_2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die('Insert 2 failed');


-Original Message-
From: Steve Fitzgerald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I'm trying to insert data into two separate tables using 1 INSERT.
  ... snip ...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: enum !!

2001-07-16 Thread Doug Semig

I applaud your efforts to learn SQL.  

I wonder, though, if the PHP-DB list the best place to learn SQL.  I would
think that a book or a web-based tutorial on SQL would be more conducive to
your efforts.

In the example you have given below, you would probably want to use LIKE.
For example, SELECT * FROM test WHERE cat LIKE '%c%'; or similar ought to
do it.  Of course, I hope that the example is merely an example because if
you really designed a production table like that then you wouldn't be
taking advantage of the relational part of your relational database
management system.

So please keep learning's a fantastic skill to have.  If you have
a specific SQL problem every once in a while there are those on this list
who would undoubtedly enjoy helping out.  Several beginner-level questions
back-to-back, though, is way beyond the charter of this mailing list.  The
overall purpose of this particular mailing list is for discussions about
PHP's ability to interface with databases.  There may possibly be an SQL
beginners mailing list on egroups or someplace might find an
environment like that better than the PHP-DB list to help you with this stuff.


At 02:56 PM 7/16/01 -0400, McShen wrote:
ok. I use set to make a table. here is my table 'test'
| name  | cat  |
| shen  | a,c  |
| shen1 | b,c  |

How can I find all records that contain 'c'?
i tried
select * from test where cat='c';

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Re: [PHP-DB] sql problem

2001-06-26 Thread Doug Semig

A quick glance suggests to me that it is a nonstandard proprietary
extension to SQL that provides a way to set a kind of a variable and use it
in a subsequent nonstandard proprietary SQL-looking statement that is
awfully procedural.  You'll probably want to either consult the
documentation for the RDBMS you use or ask your question on a mailing list
tailored to users and/or developers of the RDBMS you're using for a
definitive answer.

I can verify for you that it's not standard SQL, though.  And it looks to
me like they've gone and made what appears to be an extension that extends
SQL so it has some procedural capabilities.

There are problems on many levels with using SQL as a procedural language.
The most obvious problem with using nonstandard proprietary procedural
extensions to SQL is that (for example) you couldn't change backend
database without recoding all your nonstandard SQL-looking statements.  But
I suppose they can be helpful because you couldn't possibly do the same
thing with PHP (or perl, or a C program, or...) and standard SQL.  Oh,
wait.  You can do procedural things with de-facto standard and standard
procedural languages?  Well, I'm sure there's a reason to have nonstandard
proprietary extensions that add procedural capabilities to SQL or they
wouldn't have them.

(Note the clever way I mentioned PHP, since this is a PHP mailing list and
both the question and the answer have nothing to do with PHP.  It still
doesn't bring it on topic, but at least I tried.)


At 11:54 AM 6/26/01 +0800, Fai wrote:
SELECT @A:=SUM(salary) FROM table1 WHERE type=1;
UPDATE table2 SET summmary=@A WHERE type=1;

What does @A: mean?

Thank you very much!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Treelike data: adjacency list or nested sets?

2001-04-20 Thread Doug Semig

I almost always use "adjacency lists" along with another table for the
actual categorization of the info (in your case, published articles).

I find the "nested sets" design limiting unless you have complete
foreknowledge of your tree/categories when initially populating the table.
If you have to modify the tree/categories later on, it can get hairy.


At 02:40 PM 4/20/01 +0200, Toms GarcY+0=a Ferrari wrote:

I'm developing a system (with PHP-MySQL) in which I will have different
articles published. Any given article can correspond to a category (or
sub-category (or sub-sub-category)). Something like this:

Cat 1
Sub 1.1
Sub-Sub 1.1.1
Sub-Sub 1.1.2
Sub 1.2
Sub 1.3
Cat 2
Sub 2.1
Sub 2.2
Sub-Sub 2.2.1
Sub-Sub 2.2.2

As per my research on this topic of publishing 'treelike information', there
are two posibilities:

a) Adjacency list

id | parent | label
1 0  Cat 1
2 1  Sub 1.1
3 2  Sub 1.1.1
[so on...]

b) Nested sets (as explained in the book JOE CELKO'S SQL FOR SMARTIES
(Morgan-Kaufmann, 1999, second edition), that I don't have...)

label   | lft | rgt
Cat 11 12
Sub 1.1 27
Sub 1.1.1   3   4
Sub 1.1.2   5   6
Sub 1.2  8   9
Sub 1.3  10 11
[so on...]

Anybody is doing something like this that can share experience with us? I
can not find a clue yet if one system is better than the other for what I
need. I realized that the 'Nested Sets' system have a very good approach and
is very easy to get all the sub (and sub-sub) categories on a given category
(any record where lft is between lft and rgt:
FROM example as e1, example as e2
WHERE e1.lft BETWEEN e2.lft AND e2.rgt
AND e2.label = 'Cat 1';

But I'm having problems trying to find -as example- which are all the
Categories (in the other system are all the records where parent = 0)...

Any ideas?

Tomas Garcia Ferrari


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Re: [PHP-DB] Concurrent update to database (PostgreSQL or MySQL) ??

2001-04-18 Thread Doug Semig

As others have mentioned, this is a tricky thing to do.

What others haven't mentioned is a way to do it.

Let's say you just showed the update form to two users.  It contains the
fields that they are allowed to update and the values in those fields had
been retreived from the database.

Both users see a form like this:

Today's High Temperature

City:   Detroit
Temp (degrees F):   47

   ( Submit )

The city field is not available for update (presumably the editor/user
selected it off of a previous menu), and their task is to update today's
high temperature for Detroit.  One of the editors has information that the
high temperature reached 49 degrees F, and the other editor has information
that the high temperature has reached 50.  (Perhaps one of the editors is
overworked and hadn't gotten to enter the new high, or the temperature is
changing very quickly.)

So one of the people enter 50 and the other enters 49.  Both hit submit.

What needs to be done right at that moment to protect it from changing the
value to 50 degrees (which is the correct, most recent, data) and then
immediately changing the value to 49 degrees (which is now out of date)?

Basically, you have to pass the original value to the script that is the
ACTION of the HTML form.  This way, you have the original value that may
have been updated and the new value.

The first thing the HTML form's ACTION script has to do is get the record
from the database again.  (Use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE if available, so the
RDBMS might lock the row.)  If the value you get from the SELECT is the
same as the original value, go ahead and run the UPDATE to change the value
to the new value.  If not, then generate and display a screen telling the
editor that the value has been updated by someone can show the
value and ask if they want to proceed with the update, but that's all up to
you and/or your interface designers.

This is all similar to how folks design old fashioned screen-oriented
database systems (like with CICS).

Good luck,

At 01:47 PM 4/18/01 +0200, Nicolas Guilhot wrote:

How can I avoid two or more users to update the same record at the same time

Ideally, I would like to lock the record when a user open it for
modification. So if another user try to open the same record he'll be warned
or get record values as read only. Is this possible and how to do it with
PHP ?? How can I know that the user that has locked the record has finished
with it, if he never commits his changes ? Is there an FAQ about this ?



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Re: [PHP-DB] php with mysql or interebase?

2001-04-17 Thread Doug Semig

[In a deadpan voice...] Oh, what a fascinating twist. is where this particular list is

That's where you can learn a lot about the individual programs, and you may
find out little bits of wisdom like:  each database has strengths and
weaknesses, you really should pick the platform based upon your needs, even
the best database will not help you if you start with a poorly designed


At 02:33 PM 4/17/01 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to decide whether to use interbase or mysql with php.
Both are free and both have a php api.

So with is better to use with php?
Or does it matter?


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Re: [PHP-DB] SELECT query

2001-04-13 Thread Doug Semig

Have you thought about normalizing your data model?  It could make your
task a lot easier.


At 11:33 PM 4/13/01 +0530, Sharmad Naik wrote:
I have three table called table1, table2, table3 all having fields like:
table1 contain id and username and id referencing table4
table2 contains id and parallel_username and id referencing table4
table3 contains id and other_username   and id referencing table4
table4 is the main table containing id as primary key
I want to develop a search engine which shows unique record after searching
all the three table but shouldn't contain multiple answers for same SEARCH
Pls help me,

The secret of the universe is @*!'^#+ NO CARRIER
___  _  _  _
|_|_||_||_||\/||_|| \
_|| || || \|  || ||_/

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Re: [PHP-DB] Postgres auto increment.

2001-04-13 Thread Doug Semig

Just off the top of my please forgive any typos or blatant

CREATE SEQUENCE sequencename;
CREATE TABLE mytable (
  id int DEFAULT NEXTVAL('sequencename'),
  whatever varchar(32),


At 11:28 PM 4/13/01 -0600, John Starkey wrote:
I've been using mysql too much lately.

Can anyone tell me how to set up an auto increment in postgres? I need
to select a row based on a user's menu selection. Requiring them to type
in a text entry and get it right would obviously be pretty inefficient.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Best way to check if a query succeeded

2001-03-29 Thread Doug Semig

I see you there's been lots of responses already, but there's an important
related bit of news folks might want to know.

Everyone who uses the mysql_affected_rows() should know that a bug was
fixed in 3.23.36 that evidentally reports affected rows incorrectly if
MySQL was compiled without support for transactions.  Go to and
scroll down to section F.2.2.  It's the 8th item in the list.

So shy away depending on mysql_affected_rows() for anything unless you're
absolutely sure you're running at least 3.23.36 or have transaction support
compiled in.


At 12:00 PM 3/29/01 +0100, Jordan Elver wrote:
i was just wondering what you guys do to check if a wquery suceeded or not?
I know about mysql_num_rows() and mysql_affected_rows(), just wondered what 
you guys do?

I normally do something like:

$sql = "SELECT something FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(@mysql_num_rows($result)  0) {
   echo'Query Suceeded';
} else {
   echo'Query failed';



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Re: [PHP-DB] help with a parse error

2001-03-28 Thread Doug Semig

You didn't mention if the parse error was coming from PHP or from MySQL.
The PHP syntax looks okay to me at first glance (that is, a quick look
through indicates that there appears to be appropriate numbers of
semicolons and closing braces).

So perhaps the thing issuing the parse error is MySQL?  In that case, I'd
hazard a guess that you don't have a table named products.  Check the
spelling, capitalization, whether it's the plural "products" or the
singular "product."  What helps me say this is that the INSERT statement
above your line 52 inserts into a table called "JShistbau" and your SELECT
statement appears to pull data from a table called "products."  I'm not
saying that that's necessarily wrong, because it could very well be
perfectly valid.  But without knowing more about your database layout,
that's all I can think of.

By the way, (and it shouldn't matter...) but have you also tried removing
the space in the "end if;" (part of your larger if:-else:-endif;
statement)?  I personally don't use that alternative syntax, so I don't
know if the space matters.


At 01:22 PM 3/29/01 +1000, Petra wrote:


I just subsribed to this list with the hope you can help me.

I am working on this code and I get a parse error in line 52 which is ...

I been going through it over and over and can't find a glue.

Has anyone out there a solution for me  please?
I am a beginner in PHP and like to hear about anything I need to know.

Kindest Regards


// Connect to the database server
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
if (!$dbcnx) {
echo( "PUnable to connect to the " .
   "database server at this time./P" );

//Select the products database
if (! @mysql_select_db("JShistbau") ) {
echo ( "PUnable to locate the Product " .
   "database at this time./P" );

// If a Product has been submitted,
// add it to the database.
if ("SUBMIT" == $submitproduct) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO JShistbau SET " .
   "cdescription='$productdescription', " .
if (mysql_query($sql)) {
   echo("PYour Product has been added./P");
} else {
   echo("PError adding submitted product: " .
mysql_error(). "/P");
echo("P Here are all the products in our database: /P:);

// Request the text of all the products
$result = mysql_query(
   "select * from products");  !this is line 52!!
if (!$result) {
   echo("PError performing query: " .
 mysql_error() . "/P");

// Display the text of each product in a paragraph  
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
   echo("P" . $row["cdescription"] . "/P");

//When clicked, this link will load this page
//with the product submission form displayed.
echo("PAHREF='$PHP_SELF?addproduct=1'" .
   "Add a Product!/A/P");

end if;


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Re: [PHP-DB] help with a parse error

2001-03-28 Thread Doug Semig

Gee...all I looked at were the semicolons and the braces (those are what I
mess up on the most).

I guess it's a good thing I mentioned the space in the endif!  It turns out
that if you use that syntax, you cannot have a space there.


At 01:19 PM 3/29/01 +0930, Timothy Aslat wrote:
Petra wrote:
 I just subsribed to this list with the hope you can help me.

We can try

 echo("P Here are all the products in our database: /P:);  
add a " before the ; here
 // Request the text of all the products
 $result = mysql_query(
 "select * from products");  !this is
line 52!!

Your problem is the previous line, you are missing a " on the end of it



| Disclaimer:| Timothy Aslat
| The sender of this email is a figment  |
| of a deranged imagination and leaves it| Spyderweb Consulting
| to your own devices to decide whose... | P: 82270800M: 0401088479

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Re: [PHP-DB] simple sql question

2001-03-27 Thread Doug Semig

There is no date that was before Jan 4th and on or after March 1st
simultaneously--not even March 27th.  

Today might be a special day to individuals for varying reasons (birthdays,
anniversaries, new jobs, promotions, whatever) but it's not THAT special
that it simultaneously exists in two mutually exclusive sets of dates.

How about "...WHERE startDate = '2001-03-01' AND startDate  '2001-04-01'"
to pull out all of the March events?


At 06:49 PM 3/27/01 -0600, Paulson, Joseph V. \"Jay\" wrote:
I'm running MySQL and php and when I run the query below I don't get any
return rows.  As you can see I search for events that are happening between
a certain date.  The "startDate" field is type DATE in MySQL and the date in
the database that should be returned in "2001-03-27" but I'm not getting any

select * from events where startDate='2001-03-01' and

Any help on what I could be doing wrong would be great!

Jay Paulson
Developer, Web Technologies
Viatel, Inc.

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Re: [PHP-DB] upperCase

2001-03-11 Thread Doug Semig

Your personal dancing monkey says:




At 06:01 PM 3/11/01 +0800, Hoo Kok Mun wrote:

I am using mysql-3.22.32 with php4.

I have a little problem with the uppercase.
I wanted to display a user input field in CAPS.

This is what I did and it did not work.
$userfield = upper('$userfield');
echo "User Field - $userfield";

Errors (tried both ucase and upper)
Call to undefined function: upper()
Call to undefined function: ucase()

Really appreciate any help that I can get.

"Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions, they are a lot easier to
  handle than dumb mistakes."
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Re: [PHP-DB] case insensitive search

2001-02-10 Thread Doug Semig

You could use the UPPER function.  Fortunately you're using PostgreSQL,
which conforms with much of the ANSI standard.  UPPER and LOWER are
implementations of the fold functions required by ANSI SQL.  This would be
the most standard way to solve your problem (with the notable exception of
support for this on MySQL, don't get me started on how brain dead MySQL is
about string comparisons...though it is a tiny little bit better with its
glaringly non-standard BINARY keyword).

You could alternatively use the much older ~* syntax that PostgreSQL
inherited from its ancestors.  But that's completely non-standard, and
there's only one reason to use it since PostgreSQL has the UPPER function
and a LIKE predicate that very closely conforms to the ANSI SQL standard.
That reason is if you want to use regex-like pattern specifiers instead of
SQL-like pattern specifiers.

If you're running a brand-spanking-new 7.1 (beta), you could use the
popular (but non-standard, as far as I can tell--at least I couldn't find
any mention of it in ANSI SQL '92 and I haven't looked at '99 yet) ILIKE.
(Actually, '92 gives ILIKE reserved word status, but does not specify
anything else for it.)

To sum it up, try these:

... WHERE UPPER(blah) LIKE UPPER('%blah%')
... WHERE blah ~* '*blah*'   (Note the regex-like pattern specifiers)
... WHERE blah ILIKE '%blah%'   (Only on the next version)


At 06:36 PM 2/10/01 +1000, Cameron wrote:
im trying to do a case insensitive search in pgsql with a "WHERE blah
LIKE '%blah%'"

the problem is that currently if something contains Blah not just blah
it wont return that. suggestion? i know i can suck out every row and
then eregi them but that is majorly slow and inefficent . . .


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