[PHP] ereg (Why, Does sort of work)?

2002-11-02 Thread David Jackson
I'm comparing the values of a check box, against another form field, and 
it sort of works, but I don't understand why (A better solution? is 
listed below it?

David Jackson

And part of the HTML Form:
Account Type:

Here's the one that's puzzling me:
if ( ereg("^1",$_POST['transid'])== ereg("^1",$_POST['coa_acct'])):
echo $_POST['coa_acct'];
else :
echo "Get off you Asset!";

The "better" solution using substrings?
if ( substr($_POST['transid'],0,1)== substr($_POST['coa_acct'],0,1)):
echo $_POST['coa_acct'];
else :
echo "Get off you Asset!";

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[PHP] Re: need help with project

2002-11-02 Thread David Jackson
Karl --
Before you go "reinventing the wheel" , you might check 
http://freshmeat.net ... of course there is nothing actually wrong with 
 "reinventing the wheel" *grin*

David Jackson

Karl James wrote:
Hello people
Im in need help with creating a system where it will let me 
Add/drop players off a web page..basically of a roster with salary cap
And I want to do trades as well
This is for a fantasy football page.
And I need to have username and passwords so my owners can login and
there is no cheating..
This is my site.
Please email me directly if you are interested in helping.
Karl james 

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[PHP] Re: Variables

2002-11-03 Thread David Jackson
Bryan McLemore wrote:

What is a variables value before said value has been assigned a value?


Wouldn't it be null or empty " "?

Just a guess,

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[PHP] radio buttons from MySQL query?

2002-11-03 Thread David Jackson
How do I go about building radio buttons using the results of a MySQL 
query. The record layout looks like this:


I want to use acct as the value="acct" in the input statement for the 
radio box. The code below almost works?


$header = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM chart
   ORDER BY acct ");

if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($header)) {
do {
   print '';
   print $row["acct"];
print "";
   print $row["cat"];
print "";
   print $row["descript"];
   } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($header));

} else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";}


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Re: [PHP] radio buttons from MySQL query?

2002-11-03 Thread David Jackson
OK, this works but there has to be a pretty way?
John, I'm not sure what you mean about the while loop?


- Works -

Operation Sticky Bun
Operation Sticky Bun 

$header = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM chart
   ORDER BY acct ");
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($header)) {
do {
   print '';
   print $row["descript"];print '';
   } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($header));

} else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";}

print '';

Rija wrote:

oups ... you're right !

- Original Message -
From: "John Nichel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "php" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "David Jackson"
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] radio buttons from MySQL query?

There is no reason to put brackets behind the name of the radio element.

The brackets are neccessary for multi-select elements like checkboxes, but
radio buttone are a single select element.

Your if statement should be a while loop.

I'm sure you don't want to set this ( value=acct[] ) as the value for each

radio button.  Do it that way, and no matter which one is picked, it will be
the same value.

rija wrote:

I don't think so,
Put the bracket with your radio's name not with your the value///

For example :
print "{$row['acct']}" ...
and so one/

- Original Message -
From: "David Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: [PHP] radio buttons from MySQL query?

How do I go about building radio buttons using the results of a MySQL
query. The record layout looks like this:


I want to use acct as the value="acct" in the input statement for the
radio box. The code below almost works?


  print '';
  print $row["acct"];
   print "";
  print $row["cat"];
   print "";
  print $row["descript"];
  } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($header));

   } else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";}


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[PHP] Warning: Cannot send session cookie

2001-12-26 Thread David Jackson

Greetings --
PHP + MySQL + sessions?

I'm trying use the script( and html page) to below to set session 
variables, but
keep getting the follow errors:
NOTE: I seen several posting re: using $HTTP_SESSION_VAR is another case 
that would apply?

Thanks in advance,
David Jackson

 Browser Error Messages -
Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output 
started at
/home/sites/site13/web/connect.php:13) in
/home/sites/site13/web/frontdesk/sales/login.php on line 15

Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output 
started at
/home/sites/site13/web/connect.php:13) in
/home/sites/site13/web/frontdesk/sales/login.php on line 15.

--- login.php -

Generic Time Tracker

Sales Entry Login screen:




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Re: [PHP] Exec as user

2001-12-27 Thread David Jackson

Charles ---
As a general run on an Unix server httpd is run as user and group "nobody".

> I have been looking through the docs and found no help on either
> finding which user the EXEC'ed commands run as, or how to specify which
> user they should run as.  I tried exec, system, and passthru running a
> batch file that would write %USERNAME% to a file.  And all three
> functions wrote nothing.  They would however write "hello world".  Has
> anybody else run into this.  
> I tried exec("test.bat");
> test.bat:
> echo %USERNAME% > test.txt
> when run from a command line it resulting in "Charles"
> when run from a webpage it resulted in "ECHO is on."
> if I added a line "echo off" above the echo username it resulted in
> "ECHO is off." again only from the webpage.
> In essense I need to update a DNS server through a web page.  It works
> if the script is local but not if it has to update a different server.
> Charles Killmer
> Windows 2000 Server, IIS 5.0, PHP 4.1.0
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Create a table with more than 1 column

2001-12-27 Thread David Jackson

Rodrigo ---
This is really an SQL question, not an PHP one? 
What database are you using? On what OS?
For MySQL check this link: 

If your running on a Unix server, and is something that runs on a regular
basis (say hourly or daily), you could use a simple shell script and
run it as a cron job.

Hope this helps,
David Jackson

> Hi list,
> I am in a big trouble. My deadline is coming and I couldn't solve my
> problem yet! I have this script that outputs a table that can be seen
> at
> http://www.celebnet.com.br/abc.php
> $ultletra = '';
> $row = '';
> while($resultado = $query->dados()) {
>$curletra = $resultado['letra'];
>if($curletra != $ultletra) {
>if (!empty($row)) {
>   $row .= "\n";
>$row .= "\n\n width=\"24\" height=\"24\">\n\n\n";
>$row .= " 
> ]\">".$resultado['Nome_Artistico']."\n";
>$ultletra = $curletra;
> }
> if (!empty($row)) {
>   $row .= "\n";
> }
> SQL is:
> lcase(left(Nome_Artistico,1)) as letra FROM categorias LEFT JOIN
> celebridades ON categorias.CategoriaID=celebridades.Categoria  WHERE
> CategoriaID='1' ORDER BY Nome_Artistico
> My problem is that I need to modify the script to output a 3 column
> table. I have tried everything but nothing works, and I've tried also
> all url about PHP that i could found. Please I'll appreciate any help.
> Thank's in advance and happy new year to all!!!
> Rodrigo Peres (Brazil)
> -- 
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[PHP] FOLLOW UP:[PHP] Warning: Cannot send session cookie

2001-12-27 Thread David Jackson

Michael (and list) --
I've made the adjustment suggested the scripts are below.
What I'm trying todo is pass the "uid" and "mid" to the sales.php script.
It works the first time!! But if I reload sales.html the next record( w/ 
same uid) isn't added or if I login in as a different id the records aren't 
Scripts: login.php and sales.php. 

Thanks for your time and knowledge,
David Jackson

-  login.php ---
echo "http://backoffice.pickledbeans.com/index.html\";>";
echo "";
mysql_free_result ($result);

} else {
   echo "We have winner:\n";

// parse out query output and resign to session vars
 list($id,$mid,$name) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "$id";
echo "$name";
$Uid = $id;
$Umid = $mid;
$Uname = $name;

// redirect to main menu page
mysql_free_result ($result);
echo "";
echo "http://backoffice.pickledbeans.com/sales.html\";>";
echo "";


-- sales.php ---
We need to goto login screen!!";
// } else { 
echo "Session uid set to:$Uid\n";
echo "Session uid set to:$Umid\n";
echo "Session date: $frm_date\n";
echo "Session amount set to: $frm_amount\n";
// Insert Sales data into sales table
mysql_query("INSERT INTO sales(id,mid,date,amount)
VALUES('$Uid','$Umid','$frm_date','$frm_amount')") ;

echo "";
echo "http://backoffice.pickledbeans.com/sales.html\";>";
echo "";


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[PHP] RESOLVED(maybe):Warning: Cannot send session cookie

2001-12-27 Thread David Jackson

All --
It appears that the problem was a table design problems,
my primary index wasn't set to auto-increment? So I was trying to
insert records with duplicate keys !!
This of course leads to another question, how do I return SQL error messages
to the browser?



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Re: [PHP] Session troubles

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Sean --
Don't know if this help but here's what I just worked for me.
What ver. of PHP are you using? It seem to me that 3.x.x needs 
PHPLIB: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phplib
to handle sessions?  -- David Jackson

--- sean.php ---

--- seaninc.php --

> On 12-29 09:59, Miles Thompson wrote:
>> Sean,
>> What's going on in incl.php. Are you issuing a session_start()?
> No, I was not.
>> What if it's rearranged like so, as I understand you have to register
>> the session variable  before using it.
>> include("incl.php");
>> session_start();
>> session_register("mine");
>> $mine++;
>> echo $mine;
> No dice, either. Actually, I had tried several permutations of the
> order  before posting. :)
>> There's the divide and conquer approach too.  What do you see if you
>> comment out the include, then issue a phpinfo() and a die()?
> Okay, I tried commenting out include, resulting in this code:
> session_start();
> session_register("i");
> $i++;
> echo $i;
> When I run the above, I get this:
> Fatal error: Failed to initialize session module in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/sesstest.php on line 6
> Which is getting somewhere, in a way. Line 6 is session_start(); 
> What part from phpinfo() output were you interested in? Or did you want
> to see all of it?
> Thanks for the help. 
>> HTH and Merry Christmas / Happy New Year - Miles Thompson
>> On Friday 28 December 2001 11:26 pm, Sean LeBlanc wrote:
>> > I asked this on php-install list, but got no response so here
>> > goes...
>> >
>> > I simply cannot get session to work correctly. Here's the test
>> > script:
>> >
>> > include("incl.php");
>> > session_start();
>> > $mine++;
>> > session_register("mine");
>> > echo $mine;
>> >
>> > incl.php includes code to save/retrieve session information to/from
>> > DB.  It calles session_set_save_handler at the end.
>> >
>> > What happens is I get an error because it is trying to read the
>> > variable out and I get a DB error, but my session writing routine is
>> > never called...I know, because I have a print in there. And of
>> > course, the var doesn't increment upon refreshes - it remains 1.
>> >
>> > I've seen this before, and it was fixed, but I forget how it was
>> > done, as I didn't actually implement the solution (I hear and I
>> > forget, I do and I remember, I guess). About my system:
>> >
>> > FreeBSD 4.4
>> > Apache 1.3.20
>> > PHP 4.0.6
>> >
>> > Any and all help appreciated.
> -- 
> Sean LeBlanc:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo:seanleblancathome 
> ICQ:138565743 MSN:seanleblancathome AIM:sleblancathome 
> One learns to itch where one can scratch. 
> -Ernest Bramah 
> Management QOTD:Get hopping on the domain expertise!!
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Session troubles

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Sean --
Do you get the same errors, with Netscape 4.x?

> On 12-29 12:56, David Jackson wrote:
>> Sean --
>> Don't know if this help but here's what I just worked for me.
>> What ver. of PHP are you using? It seem to me that 3.x.x needs 
>> PHPLIB: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phplib
>> to handle sessions?  -- David Jackson
>> --- sean.php ---
>> --- seaninc.php --
>> > session_start();
>> session_register("i");
>> $i++;
>> echo $i;
>> ?>
> I'm using 4.0.6. I believe session handling was added as part of
> standard 4.x, right (if configured to compile it)? 
> Some more info: I tried with Konqueror, as I know a cookie needs to be
> sent during the session_start() phase - I did get a dialog pop-up
> asking if I wanted to accept the cookie, but I still got the error:
> Fatal error: Failed to initialize session module in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/sesstest.php on line 2
> It says line 2 because I deleted some white space and commented out
> code thas was before session_start().
> I set logging errors on, and sent it to syslog. Here's what it says:
> Dec 29 12:12:57 free httpd: PHP Fatal error:  Failed to initialize
> session module in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/sesstest.php on line 2
> Dec 29 12:12:57 free httpd: PHP Warning:  Failed to write session data
> (user). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is
> correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0
> But /tmp exists, and is world writeable:
> free# ls -ld /tmp
> drwxrwxrwt  16 root  wheel  1024 Dec 29 12:14 /tmp
>> > On 12-29 09:59, Miles Thompson wrote:
>> >> Sean,
>> >> 
>> >> What's going on in incl.php. Are you issuing a session_start()?
>> > 
>> > No, I was not.
>> > 
>> >> What if it's rearranged like so, as I understand you have to
>> >> register the session variable  before using it.
>> >> 
>> >> include("incl.php");
>> >> session_start();
>> >> session_register("mine");
>> >> $mine++;
>> >> echo $mine;
>> > 
>> > No dice, either. Actually, I had tried several permutations of the
>> > order  before posting. :)
>> > 
>> >> 
>> >> There's the divide and conquer approach too.  What do you see if
>> >> you comment out the include, then issue a phpinfo() and a die()?
>> > 
>> > Okay, I tried commenting out include, resulting in this code:
>> > 
>> > session_start();
>> > session_register("i");
>> > $i++;
>> > echo $i;
>> > 
>> > When I run the above, I get this:
>> > Fatal error: Failed to initialize session module in
>> > /usr/local/apache/htdocs/sesstest.php on line 6
>> > 
>> > Which is getting somewhere, in a way. Line 6 is session_start(); 
>> > 
>> > What part from phpinfo() output were you interested in? Or did you
>> > want to see all of it?
>> > 
>> > Thanks for the help. 
>> > 
>> >> 
>> >> HTH and Merry Christmas / Happy New Year - Miles Thompson
>> >> 
>> >> On Friday 28 December 2001 11:26 pm, Sean LeBlanc wrote:
>> >> > I asked this on php-install list, but got no response so here
>> >> > goes...
>> >> >
>> >> > I simply cannot get session to work correctly. Here's the test
>> >> > script:
>> >> >
>> >> > include("incl.php");
>> >> > session_start();
>> >> > $mine++;
>> >> > session_register("mine");
>> >> > echo $mine;
>> >> >
>> >> > incl.php includes code to save/retrieve session information
>> >> > to/from DB.  It calles session_set_save_handler at the end.
>> >> >
>> >> > What happens is I get an error because it is trying to read the
>> >> > variable out and I get a DB error, but my session writing routine
>> >> > is never called...I know, because I have a print in there. And of
>> >> > course, the var doesn't increment upon refreshes - it remains 1.
>> >> >
>> >> > I've seen this before, and it was fixed, but I forget how it was
>> >> > done, as I didn't actually implement the solution (I hear and I
>> >> > forget, I do and I remember, I guess). About my system:
>> >> >
>> &

Re: [PHP] Session troubles

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Sean --

Give the attached scripts a shot, a post the results.

Note: Xitami(server+WinMe) + IE5.5 or Mozilla 9.7 works 
fine but with Netscape-4.9 it returns var names? But
when served from Unix/Linux and Apache all 3 work as expected !!

Anywhy give them shot. -- David

--- form.html ---


  No title


--- form.php 

echo "$Yellow";
echo "$Red";
echo "Verify that session_vars were 
// Get out of here


--- form02.php -
echo "";
echo "session_registers:";
echo "Green:$Green";
echo "Yellow:$Yellow";
echo "Red:$Red";
echo "";

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Re: [PHP] Templating solutions?

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Lauri --
You might want to take a look at: http://www.thewebmasters.net/php/
there's a tutorial located here: 

-- David
> Hi there!
> During the last two weeks or so, I've been bugged by a question deep
> inside me. It's about various templating solutions used with dynamic
> web applications.
> Oftentimes simply embedding the code into the HTML template does the
> trick. Othertimes the
> include("header.inc");and
> include("footer.inc"); works its magic.
> There are, however, also moments when such approaches aren't enough and
> something else is required.
> What does one do when the templates of most pages within one site
> differ in look and feel? One possibility would be to specify a
> template, load it into a variable and replace certain marked spots (a
> la "") with the dynamically created code/text using
> eregi_replace() or something similar.
> What are the templating solutions available? Pros and cons?
> How do you solve your templating?
> Yours,
> Lauri
> --
> Tharapita Creations
> [dynamic web applications]
> Mobile: +372 53 410 610
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Templating solutions?

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Woops -- first link is to the site for PHPFastTemplate.

> Lauri --
> You might want to take a look at: http://www.thewebmasters.net/php/
> there's a tutorial located here: 
> http://www.devshed.com/Server_Side/PHP/PHPFastTemplate/page1.html
> -- David
>> Hi there!
>> During the last two weeks or so, I've been bugged by a question deep
>> inside me. It's about various templating solutions used with dynamic
>> web applications.
>> Oftentimes simply embedding the code into the HTML template does the
>> trick. Othertimes the
>> include("header.inc");and
>> include("footer.inc"); works its magic.
>> There are, however, also moments when such approaches aren't enough
>> and something else is required.
>> What does one do when the templates of most pages within one site
>> differ in look and feel? One possibility would be to specify a
>> template, load it into a variable and replace certain marked spots (a
>> la "") with the dynamically created code/text using
>> eregi_replace() or something similar.
>> What are the templating solutions available? Pros and cons?
>> How do you solve your templating?
>> Yours,
>> Lauri
>> --
>> Tharapita Creations
>> [dynamic web applications]
>> Mobile: +372 53 410 610
>> -- 
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> -- 
> -- 
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[PHP] Handling checkboxs (MySQL+PHP)

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

ALL --
The snipet below is used to generate the table containing
product info (product_id(pid), title, amount) and checkboxs.
When submit is clicked the data is passed to "instert into"
sql statement. 

My question is how do I process checkbox when multi boxes have
been check. I keep thinking a array is created by check boxes?
-- David

// Define table
echo "";
// Generate book listing
$result = mysql_query("SELECT pid,date,title,subtitle,author,amount FROM 
catalog ") or die("Dis ain't right !!"); 
while ( 
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo "$title";
echo "Price: $amount";
echo "\n";
echo "";

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Re: [PHP] Session troubles

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Sean --

Does you standard (non session) seem to work ok? Such as:
echo "$more_stuff";
echo "$still_more_stuff";

Did you compile Apache and PHP from source? If so
could you provide me with the ./configure --options you used?
This is sound like a config/compile problem to me. 

You might also want to cross-post to linux-admin mail list?

-- David

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Re: [PHP] Handling checkboxs (MySQL+PHP)

2001-12-29 Thread David Jackson

Brian --
So I should change the line:
echo "";

echo "";

Or do I change the value=

Thanks -- David

> * David Jackson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 29. 2001
> 21:41]:
> [...]
>> My question is how do I process checkbox when multi boxes have
>> been check. I keep thinking a array is created by check boxes?
> Use string[] as the name(s) -- where "string" is the label for the
> array  you want.
> -- 
> Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
> Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
> Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly.
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] MySQL problem

2001-12-30 Thread David Jackson

Here's the example from the PHP manual:
The tutorial here are very helpfull: 

-- David

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
print "\t\n";
foreach ($line as $col_value) {
print "\t\t$col_value\n";
print "\t\n";
print "\n";

// Closing connection

> Hello,
> I am extremely new to MySQL and have never managed to get working
> smoothly with PHP before. I am trying really hard to understand
> how to work it, and am almost there.
> I have a problem which I do not know how to resolve and was
> wondering if anybody could help me. I have no idea what is wrong
> with the code and why I am getting the error message;
> Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
> C:\apache\htdocs\sams\chapter10\results.php on line 47
> I am currently using a book to aid me with MySQL, and this is an
> example from the book. It does not seem to work and I have no idea what
> I may have done wrong to obtain this warning.
> I have changed my login and password to question marks.
>  if (!$searchtype || !$searchterm)
>  {
> echo "You have not entered search details.  Please go back and try 
> again.";
> exit;
>  }
>  $searchtype = addslashes($searchtype);
>  $searchterm = addslashes($searchterm);
>  @ $db = mysql_pconnect("mesh", "bookorama", "bookorama123");
>  if (!$db)
>  {
> echo "Error: Could not connect to database.  Please try again
> later.";
> exit;
>  }
>  mysql_select_db("booktest");
>  $query = "select * from booktest where ".$searchtype." like 
> '%".$searchterm."%'";
>  $result = mysql_query($query);
>  $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
>  echo "Number of books found: ".$num_results."";
>  for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++)
>  {
> $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
> echo "".($i+1).". Title: ";
> echo stripslashes($row["title"]);
> echo "Author: ";
> echo stripslashes($row["author"]);
> echo "ISBN: ";
> echo stripslashes($row["isbn"]);
> echo "Price: ";
> echo stripslashes($row["price"]);
> echo "";
>  }
> ?>
> The problem seems to be around the lines of code;
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
> Any assistance is appreciated.
> Yours,
> GF.
> _
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] MySQL problem

2001-12-30 Thread David Jackson

I almost forgot add a or mysql_error() for each line like this:

This will return "human readable error messges"
Can you onto mysql database from command.
mysql -u root -p mysql
or mysql -u root mysql # A root password isn't usally get during install.

if so:
>select user,host,password from user;

select user,host,db from db;

My quesss you don't have any permission for the databases or to connect
to local host. If this is correct do:

GRANT ALL on db_name.* TO you@local host idendified by 'your_password';

> Hiya,
> Thanks for the quick reply. I used the PHP manual example and it
> connects to the database successfully but cannot select the database.
> I'm not sure why this is? I've looked hard at it and I cannot see where
> I have gone wrong.
> Thanks.
> GF.
>  - Original Message - 
>  From: David Jackson 
>  Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 1:48 AM
>  Subject: Re: [PHP] MySQL problem
>  Here's the example from the PHP manual:
>  The tutorial here are very helpfull:
>  http://www.melonfire.com/community/columns/trog/
>  -- David
>// Connecting, selecting database
>  $link = mysql_connect("mysql_host", "mysql_login", "mysql_password")
>  or die("Could not connect");
>  print "Connected successfully";
>  mysql_select_db("my_database")
>  or die("Could not select database");
>  // Performing SQL query
>  $query = "SELECT * FROM my_table";
>  $result = mysql_query($query)
>  or die("Query failed");
>  // Printing results in HTML
>  print "\n";
>  while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
>  print "\t\n";
>  foreach ($line as $col_value) {
>  print "\t\t$col_value\n";
>  }
>  print "\t\n";
>  }
>  print "\n";
>  // Closing connection
>  mysql_close($link);
>  ?>
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  > I am extremely new to MySQL and have never managed to get working
>  > smoothly with PHP before. I am trying really hard to understand how
>  > to work it, and am almost there.
>  >
>  > I have a problem which I do not know how to resolve and was
>  > wondering if anybody could help me. I have no idea what is wrong
>  > with the code and why I am getting the error message;
>  >
>  > Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
>  > C:\apache\htdocs\sams\chapter10\results.php on line 47
>  >
>  > I am currently using a book to aid me with MySQL, and this is an
>  > example from the book. It does not seem to work and I have no idea
>  > what I may have done wrong to obtain this warning.
>  >
>  > I have changed my login and password to question marks.
>  >
>  >   >
>  >  if (!$searchtype || !$searchterm)
>  >
>  >  {
>  > echo "You have not entered search details.  Please go back and
>  > try
>  > again.";
>  >
>  > exit;
>  >
>  >  }
>  >
>  >
>  >  $searchtype = addslashes($searchtype);
>  >
>  >  $searchterm = addslashes($searchterm);
>  >
>  >  @ $db = mysql_pconnect("mesh", "bookorama", "bookorama123");
>  >
>  >  if (!$db)
>  >
>  >  {
>  > echo "Error: Could not connect to database.  Please try again
>  > later.";
>  >
>  > exit;
>  >
>  >  }
>  >
>  >  mysql_select_db("booktest");
>  >
>  >  $query = "select * from booktest where ".$searchtype." like
>  > '%".$searchterm."%'";
>  >
>  >  $result = mysql_query($query);
>  >
>  >  $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
>  >
>  >  echo "Number of books found: ".$num_results."";
>  >
>  >  for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++)
>  >
>  >  {
>  >
>  > $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
>  >
>  > echo "".($i+1).". Title: ";
>  >
>  > echo stripslashes($row["title"]);
>  >
>  > echo "Author: ";
>  >
>  > echo stripslashes($row["author"]);
>  >
>  > echo "ISBN: ";
>  >
>  > echo stripslashes($row["isbn"]);
>  >
>  > echo "Price: ";
>  >
>  > echo stripslashes($row["price"]);
>  >
>  > echo "";
>  >
>  >  }
>  >
>  > ?>
>  >
>  > The problem seems to be around the lines of code;
>  >
>  > $result = mysql_query($query);
>  >
>  > $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
>  >
>  > Any assistance is appreciated.
>  >
>  > Yours,
>  >
>  > GF.
>  >
>  > _
>  > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
>  > http://messenger.msn.com
>  >
>  >
>  > --
>  > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>  > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To
>  > contact the list administrators, e-mail:
>  --


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Re: [PHP] web mail clients?

2001-12-31 Thread David Jackson

Philip --
If you just want to install one:
http://freshmeat.net "Browse" down to PHP project, there 4-6 are ready out

If you want to "roll your own" check out the tutorials at:

Note: The mail client I send this mail from appears to be a 
PHP front to "mailx", the saved mail is store in "Unix" type mail
folders in my home directory. i.e. it appends messages to the
end of a text file. 

Hope this helps.

> Hi,
> I'm looking into setting up a web based mail client for personal use.
> I've got most of it figured out (sending, recieving, forwarding etc..).
> I need to be able to use folders in the mail client to organise the
> messages. Whats the best way of moving messages around?
> Do i need to store them as files / in a database or is there an easier
> way to do it?
> Thanks.
> -
> Philip Jeffs
> The Tickle Group
> The Gate House
> Summerseat
> Bury
> Lancashire
> BL9 5PE
> United Kingdom
> W: http://www.tickle.co.uk
> T: 01706 823456
> F: 01706 829500
> E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (daytime)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (evening)
> -


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Re: [PHP] Select box won't display in Netscape 4.xx

2001-12-31 Thread David Jackson

Miles ---
Here's the link to W3C: HTML/XHTML and CSS validation page.
It's a excellent tool for debuging pages.


> Sounds like a problem with HTML syntax. NS is notoriously fussy and IE 
> remarkably lax. Capture your source and compare against the HTML
> standard.  I'm surprised NS6 is accepting what NS4 is choking on.
> Happy New Year - Miles
> PS I'd bet a cup of coffee that a closing tag is missing.
> At 12:06 PM 12/31/2001 +0100, Edwin Boersma wrote:
>>I'm developing a website for multiple browsers. In Netscape 4.xx (both
>>Win98 and Linux versions), the php-scripts display the select boxes in
>>my forms only as plain text. I cannot make any selections. In other
>>browsers (NS 6 and IE5), it works fine.
>>Anyone seen this behavior before?
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> -- 
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Re: [PHP] how to read posted data?

2001-12-31 Thread David Jackson

Also check out tutorials at:

-- david

> or something like that
> i'll look it up for you
> "Zhiqiang He" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> i have resolved this problem, use $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA.
>> On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:12:54 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zhiqiang He) wrote:
>> >problem like this:
>> >
>> >The data in HTML form POSTs is packaged into name value pairs. But
>> >when IE 5 exports its favorites file to a server (an HTML file), it
>> >sends a raw HTTP POST of the data (there are no names and values,
>> >just a raw text stream.
>> >
>> >On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 12:58:09 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >(=?Iso-8859-1?Q?Niklas_lamp=E9n?=) wrote:
>> >
>> >>Use $FieldName or $HTTP_POST_VARS.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Niklas
>> >>
>> >>-Original Message-
>> >>From: ZhiQiang He [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> >>Sent: 11. lokakuuta 2001 12:54
>> >>Subject: [PHP] how to read posted data?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>we want to use post data in php, how can we read it?
>> >>note, this post data is not sent by form.
>> >>thanks in advance, ^_^
>> >>
>> >>--
>> >>PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> >>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To
>> >>contact the list administrators, e-mail:
>> >>
>> >
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2002-01-01 Thread David Jackson

Try Cross posting to: linux-admin list

> When I run the "make" after a successful "configure", I get the
> following errors:
> stub.lo: file not recognized: File truncated
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [libphp4.la] Error 1
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> Any suggestions on how I may resolve this?
> Todd
> --
> Todd Cary
> Ariste Software
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Re: Need some Linux/Apache help

2002-01-01 Thread David Jackson

Todd --

Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In body of email: subscribe linux-admin

You might also check for distrbution specific forum/list
Slackware has one, I'm sure Redhat has some.

By the why, were you compile Apache/Mysql and PHP from *tgz sources ? 

> David -
> <<<
> Try Cross posting to: linux-admin list

> How do I join the list?
> Todd
> --
> Todd Cary
> Ariste Software
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] cron test

2002-01-01 Thread David Jackson

How about posting to the OS specific related forum?
For Linux try subscribing to linux-admin at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

for Solaris, HP-UX and other check news group list


> -Original Message-
> Sorry this is offtopic
> I have set up a cron job and this is the message I havereceived
> Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the screen or position the
> cursor.
> any ideas?
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Generating Static Pages

2002-01-01 Thread David Jackson

This may seem a little odd?
But what I want to do is use PHP/MySQL to generate static pages.
The applet I tinkering with is a sales worksheet and to start with will
consist of catalog/product maintience page, and a worksheet allow sales reps 
work up pricing for customers. Eventfully this would tie into an
"contact manager". The code to generate the catalog is below:
I'm sure it's a fopen(), passthru operation, I 'm just not sure what's
the most effective why to write the HTML out to file?

-- Thanks for your time -- David

- Make Catalog PHP -

Description: application/unknown-content-type-php_auto_file

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Re: [PHP] Generating Static Pages

2002-01-01 Thread David Jackson

Sorry here's the code unattached:

echo "\n";
echo "Sales Date:\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Sales Rep:\n";
echo "";
// Define table
echo "";
// Generate book listing
$result = mysql_query("SELECT pid,date,title,subtitle,author,amount FROM 
catalog ") or die("Dis ain't right !!"); 
while ( 
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo "$title";
echo "Price: $amount";
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
mysql_free_result ($result);

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Re: [PHP] Re: What the hell?!?!

2002-01-01 Thread David Jackson

copy php.log php.txt, now you have a static log to look at.
then do "more php.txt" this will display a screen at a time,hitting 
goes to the next screen.

To do more advanced work with text files goto:
http://simtel.net "gnuish" directory and download "gawk" and "grep", mainly
grep, NOTE: using grep is O.T. for this forum, but you in a nutshell,
the command string would look this: grep -i seach_string filename |more
or grep -i "fatal* filename |more, you get the idea.

> I need a program which will let me open it!
> Using notepat just runs wordpad which wont let me scroll down to see
> what it says because it's still processing the file.
> Internet explorer didnt work and MS-DOS editor just said "Out of
> memory" and closed on me
> Never mind!
> "Laserjetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> I've just been preparing a site for upload from my local test server
>> to
> the
>> net and have come accross a php.error.log file which was 13.4Mb! I'm
>> using PHP 4.1.0 and Apache 1.3.19 on Win98se and ever since upgrading
> to
>> 4.1 PHP
>> has been creating these error log files all over the place. Does
>> anyone
> know
>> what to change in php.ini to stop it doing this?
>> Also, apart from my coding being rubbish and causing lots of errors,
>> does anyone know of any reason why an error log file would grow to
>> such a huge size? The page has onle been accessed a few times and I
>> can't think of any way a single page could create 1Mb of error text on
>> each hit.
>> LJ
> -- 
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[PHP] test

2002-01-02 Thread David Jackson

Let see does my "PERSONEL" unsubscribe information appear at the bottom
of this email?

For the second time in 48hrs. someone submitted an unsubscribe request
using for me?

Yet I still get the list postings? 

How strange.

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Re: [PHP] Connect to IBM DB2

2002-01-02 Thread David Jackson

Jerry --
I didn't see any functions listed in:

for DB2 the ODBC maybe you only answers, heres the link:


> To connect to Microsoft SQL 7 I'm using the following script which
> works fine:
>  $query="SELECT * FROM DB1";
> $queryupd="UPDATE DB1 SET dateval='20010101' where dateval='2101'";
> $hostname = "dbserver";
> $username = "username";
> $password = "pwd";
> $dbName = "DB";
> mssql_connect($hostname,$username,$password) or die("DATABASE FAILED TO
> mssql_select_db($dbName) or DIE("Table unavailable");
> $result2 = MSSQL_QUERY($queryupd); // Execute Update Statment
> $result = MSSQL_QUERY($query);  // Execute Select Statment
> $number = MSSQL_NUM_ROWS($result);
> $i=0;
> if($number == 0) print "No data?";
> elseif($number > 0){
> print "Number of rows: $number";
> while($i < $number){
> $dateval = mssql_result($result,$i,"dateval");
> echo "$dateval";
> $i++;}
> }
> ?>
> Now, how to connect to a DB2 database server without ODBC ?
> My config is:
> Web Server: IIS on windows 2000 Server
> Database Server: IBM DB2 V7.1 on windows 2000 Server
> PHP4 for windows
> Thanks.
> Jerry
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] undefined symbol: uncompress

2002-01-27 Thread David Jackson

I've seen similar question in the archive, but here it goes?
Setup: Slackware-8.0, Apache-1.3.23, mysql-3.23.47-pc-linux-gnu-i686
Config options:
Apache: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/www --with-modules=most
compiles and run fine.

MySQl from binaires run fine into /usr/local/mysql (set ld.so.conf to
correct value).

PHP-4.1.1: ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/www/bin/apxs
cp php-ini-recommanded /usr/local/lib/php.ini
Added AddType statement to httpd.conf

Results in following error when I try to start Apache:

Syntax error on line 236 of /usr/local/www/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/www/libexec/libphp4.so into server:
/usr/local/www/libexec/libphp4.so: undefined symbol: uncompress

Line 236 of http.conf:
LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/libphp4.so

Thanks for you help.
David Jackson

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Re: [PHP] undefined symbol: uncompress

2002-01-27 Thread David Jackson

Mike --
Thanks for you reply, I made the changes an am stilling getting the same
On the other hand if I compile PHP with out specifing mysql home. I
don't get the error.

David Jackson

Miles Thompson wrote:
> Add the path to libphp4.so to the file /etc/ld.conf.so
> and run ldconfig
> or
> copy libphp4.so to the libexec directory found beneath the main apach directory.
> It's most likely in the libs directory of your php source directory.
> The second way is probably the best.
> HTH - Miles Thompson
> On Sunday 27 January 2002 03:11 pm, David Jackson wrote:
> > I've seen similar question in the archive, but here it goes?
> > Setup: Slackware-8.0, Apache-1.3.23, mysql-3.23.47-pc-linux-gnu-i686
> > Config options:
> > Apache: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/www --with-modules=most
> > compiles and run fine.
> >
> > MySQl from binaires run fine into /usr/local/mysql (set ld.so.conf to
> > correct value).
> >
> > PHP-4.1.1: ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/www/bin/apxs
> > --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
> > cp php-ini-recommanded /usr/local/lib/php.ini
> > Added AddType statement to httpd.conf
> >
> >
> > Results in following error when I try to start Apache:
> >
> > Syntax error on line 236 of /usr/local/www/conf/httpd.conf:
> > Cannot load /usr/local/www/libexec/libphp4.so into server:
> > /usr/local/www/libexec/libphp4.so: undefined symbol: uncompress
> >
> > Line 236 of http.conf:
> > LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/libphp4.so
> >
> >
> > Thanks for you help.
> > David Jackson

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Re: [PHP] undefined symbol: uncompress

2002-01-27 Thread David Jackson

Micheal --
Thanks for your replys.
What I see in /usr/local/mysql/lib is:


I'm wondering if the MySQL binaaries use static libs?


Michael Sims wrote:
> At 12:50 PM 1/27/2002 -0700, David Jackson wrote:
> >Mike --
> >Thanks for you reply, I made the changes an am stilling getting the same
> >error?
> >On the other hand if I compile PHP with out specifing mysql home. I
> >don't get the error.
> Check and see which directory libmysqlclient.so is in, and make sure that
> directory is listed in /etc/ld.so.conf and rerun ldconfig.  Then try to
> start the server.

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[PHP] Apache-2.0.35 + 4.2.0RC4: not seeing index.php

2002-05-03 Thread David Jackson

I'm trying to trouble shoot a problem with a site hosted on a local ISP.
They're running Slackware-8.0,apache-2.0.35 and PHP4.2.0RC4 and virtual

The problem is the site not seeing index.php as default directory index?
The SA assured me
that both the DirectoryIndex and AddType are setup up correct?

My question is what do they need todo to correct this, and how can I
recreate this error?
I'm running  Slackware-8.0, Apache-2.0.35 and PHP4.2.0?

Also I beleive there maybe some secruity issues with their PHP
configure, phpinfo() returns the following
for "Configure Command" (NO --enable-track-vars or

'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs'

Thanks in advance,

David Jackson

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[PHP] Re: Apache-2.0.35 + 4.2.0RC4: not seeing index.php

2002-05-04 Thread David Jackson

Vins --
Thanks very much for your reply, I think your really close to the
Remember were talking about an ISP/hosting company (I actualy don't work
for them) using "virtual hosting". Wouldn't a "DirectiveIndex" in the
  section of the httpd.conf override the
system directive? 
> I'm guessing that you've set the default directory index in the conf file
> for apache2 as follows.
> Directory Index   index.html index.php
> ???
Yes, my default index is setup on my local box this why.
I don't have any problems with it seeing index.php as the default index
but I not running virtual host. 

What are you thoughts on the security question raised reblow?

> >
> > Also I beleive there maybe some secruity issues with their PHP
> > configure, phpinfo() returns the following
> > for "Configure Command" (NO --enable-track-vars or
> > --enable-force-cgi-redirect):
> >
> > './configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs'
> >        '--prefix=/usr/local/php4'
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > David Jackson

Thanks again for you time and knowledge.
David Jackson

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[PHP] Is this valid: IF:.. ELSE: ENDIF:

2002-05-04 Thread David Jackson

Greeting ---
I was handed a broken form that contain:

IF (cond):




My Questions are:
1. Is this type of "IF:" code block valid in PHP4.x.x?
2. Shouldn't  it be --

IF (cond):

or maybe

IF (cond):
ELSEIF (cond):

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Re: [PHP] Is this valid: IF:.. ELSE: ENDIF:

2002-05-04 Thread David Jackson

Miguel --
Thanks for you reply, the if (ops) else is the only one
could find listed in the docs. and you right that's the
why "normal people do it", but this devoloper used to be a COBAL
programer which explain it.

Thanks again,

> On Sat, 4 May 2002, David Jackson wrote:
>> Greeting ---
>> I was handed a broken form that contain:
>> IF (cond):
>> .
>> ..
>> My Questions are:
>> 1. Is this type of "IF:" code block valid in PHP4.x.x?
> I think it is, but I've never heard of anyone using it. One teensy
> thing;  the endif should be followed by a semicolon rather than a
> colon, as it  terminates the compound statement.
> Of course, most normal people use:
>  if (cond) {}
>  elseif (cond) {}
> and 'endif' is then moot as the scope of the branch is terminated by
> the  last closing brace.
> miguel


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Re: [PHP] Message isn't received in form mailer

2002-05-04 Thread David Jackson

Jason --
This ain't pretty (and probly not even correct) but it works:


-- Mail Call PHP 

hello mail

$From";print "\n";
echo $Two;print "\n";
echo $Subject;print"\n";
echo $Comments;print "\n";

Jason Wong wrote:
> On Sunday 05 May 2002 00:39, Rodrigo wrote:
> > Hi guys, I'm trying to send the contents of a form thru the php script
> > under this message, but I'm not receiving the message itself, I just
> > receive the message in blank. Just with the subject and the from.
> > Does anybody know what the problem is?
> > Thanks for the help, Rodrigo
> >
> >  >  $Destino = "  [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> >  $Remetente = "$name <$email>";
> >  $Assunto = "Form Domain.com";
> >  $Mensagem = $coments;
> >  mail($Destino,"$Assunto",$Mensagem,"From:$Remetente\n");
> >  header("Location:http://www.domain.com/success.htm";);
> > ?>
> Presumably you've echo($Mensagem) and it does contain something?
> --
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
> /*
> timesharing, n:
> An access method whereby one computer abuses many people.
> */

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[PHP] Re: » PHP Installation Problems «

2002-05-04 Thread David Jackson

Vins --

Let me  see if  I can return the favor.
Here's what the seem to work for me with PHP4.2.0:

// Depending on wheather your using  POST or GET
$var_name1 = $_POST['form_var_name']'
// or
$var_name2= $_GET['form_var_name']'
echo $var_name1;
echo $var_name2;

Also I believe you used to have to ./configure --enable-track-vars? This 
maybe depreciated now ?
See variable sections of manaul for "sorid" details.

David Jackson

Vins wrote:

>I have installed php4 with apache 1.3.24.
>Downgraded apache again.
>When I wan't to submit a form from say  form.php to from2.php
>with the following fields   :   input field name=stuff
>input stuff contains  "Hello World"
>when i submit form.php
>form2.php displays nothing.
>I've set form2.php to echo $stuff;
>My php4 installation doesn't seem to be sending my variables.
>but the funny thing is that phpmyadmin works 100% fine.
>what could be the problem ?

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[PHP] Is --enable-track-vars still needed?

2002-05-04 Thread David Jackson

Is I still recommended that config be run with the --enable-track-vars flag?
Or has this been deprieciated? Recently? Does the chagnes to global vars 
come in to play here?

David Jackson

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[PHP] Re: help!!!

2002-05-05 Thread David Jackson

Jane --
Check http://www.freshmeat.net.
Keep in mind there's good and their simple.
Try searching on project, store, scheduler
also take a look at http://www.phprojetk.com ( or is it org).


"J. H." wrote:
> Can anyone here help me write a simple auto shop
> scheduling program? Would really appreciate it if you
> would help me out.
> Jane H.
> __
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Re: [PHP] Remote Hosting: Trouble shooting

2002-05-11 Thread David Jackson

Jason --
In actual fact the hosting company in question is used by a friend of 
mine, but not my me :)
And I agree he needs to "draw a line in the sand", I mean the guy uses 
them for 2 sites and
his ISP?! It's time to say fix it by Monday at 08:00 or I'm canceling my 
accounts, but that's
just me and you.

My hosting company CQHost, is gettiing ready to put up 4.2.0  but as you 
suggested they
sticking with 1.3.x  for now, what's kind of nice is they message saying 
 Hey, there's been
some changes to 4.2.0, check you scripts.

Thanks for you reply,

>If it has been going on for a month now then either the hosting company is 
>completely incompetent or you haven't been pushing for a resolution as 
>vigorously as you should have. If the former then witholding payment of your 
>hosting fees might 'help' them :)
>Did you know before you signed up that they were using cutting technology  -- 
>Apache 2.0.X and PHP 4.2.X -- which apparently don't play well together (yet).
>Your best bet is to stick to the tried and tested Apache 1.3.X series, maybe 
>you can persuade them to downgrade?

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[PHP] Re: Compatiblity: Zend-1.20 + PHP4.2.1

2002-05-14 Thread David Jackson

J --
Thanks your reply, I 'm a little confused as to the relationship between 
PHP and Zend?
I thought all request were processed by Zend? Or is Zend Optimizer 
something different from
Zend that built as part of PHP4.2.x? Who would a duplicate the error 
below on my Linux box.

Thanks for your time.

J Smith wrote:

>The change to register_globals doesn't affect the Zend Optimizer or any 
>other extension afaik. That's a non-issue.
>What is of issue are changes to the Zend Engine itself, which underlies PHP. 
>Changes have been made to ZE that affect binary compatibility, so ZO 1.20 
>doesn't work with PHP 4.2.1.
>Here's the error message you'll likely receive if you try:
>"Zend Optimizer requires Zend Engine API version 20010710.
>The Zend Engine API version 20020429 which is installed, is newer."
>David J Jackson wrote:
>>Is my hosting company trying to "pull the wool over my eyes"?
>>There response to upgrading to 4.2.1, was that it isn't
>>compatible with Zind optomizer 1.20?
>>The only *issue* I seen with 4.2.x is of course register_globals!
>>(which of course be changed in php.ini)
>>I don't  have a problem with them holding off, but I do have a
>>problem with them trying to "blow smoke up my ***".

Re: [PHP] Newbie challenge to brainiacs

2002-05-14 Thread David Jackson

Jay Blanchard wrote:
The burning issue that begs to be answered is, why reinvent the wheel?
There is a least a dozen blogs on freshmeat for PHP along... 
Unless your doing it just for kicks, which is OK.


> [snip]
>  > I want to try to find the hour that has the most hits
>  > The day of the week that has the most hits
>  > and the max and ave  no of hits of these.
> I haven't given it a whole lot of thought but I'd be tempted to dump the
> whole thing into an appropriately structured sql database and then use
> SELECT's to extract the information you want.  It'll likely end up
> faster and less processor intensive than doing it in php by itself I
> suspect.
> [/snip]
> +1
> Not only that, but then you will have the ability to create queries for
> other important factors in the logs without having to recode, or create
> code.
> Jay

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[PHP] HELP with "headers already being sent error?

2004-02-25 Thread DAvid Jackson
Howdy --
header already send error.
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
started at /u242/rumc1636/warehouse/scrapbook/config.php:8) in 
/u242/rumc1636/warehouse/scrapbook/login.php on line 47 and 48.

Here's lines 42 is if($action == "login")
Could it be related to the form actons i.e. Should that be a $PHP_SELF 

Finaly, plese note this code isn't mine, i'm just trying to tweak it 

-- open of config.php: Lines 1-8 

RUMC Youth Ministry

--- Login.php
$errors = "";
require "config.php";
if($action == "logout"){

   $query = "UPDATE scrapbook_users set loggedin='N' Where 
   if($logins > 6){
 $query = "UPDATE scrapbook_config set logins='3'";
   setcookie("mypass","", time() - 3600);
   setcookie("myuser","", time() - 3600);
   $query = "UPDATE scrapbook_config set loggedin='N'";
   print "You have been logged out";?>

function gothere(){
print "if you are still here reading this click this link"; exit; } if($action == "login"){ $loginok = false; $myusername = strtolower($myusername); if(($myusername == "admin") && ($mypassword == $password_admin_t)){ $loginok = true; setcookie("myuser","admin"); setcookie("mypass","$mypassword"); $logins++; $query = "UPDATE scrapbook_config set loggedin='Y',logins='$logins'"; $mydatabase->sql_query($query); } else { $query_d = "SELECT * FROM scrapbook_users WHERE myusername='$myusername' AND mypassword='$mypassword'"; $myrow_d = $mydatabase->select($query_d); if(count($myrow_d) != 0){ $loginok = true; $myrow = $myrow_d[0]; setcookie("myuser","$myrow[recno]"); setcookie("mypass","$mypassword"); $query = "UPDATE scrapbook_users set loggedin='Y' WHERE recno='$myrow[recno]'"; $mydatabase->sql_query($query); } } if($loginok == true){ print "You have been Logged In"; ?>
function details(theURL,winName,features) {//v1.0
function gothere(num){
if(num < 5){
} else {
http://craftysyntax.com/myscrapbook/abouts.php Method=GET name=mine TARGET=_blank> > > print "if you are still here reading this click this link"; exit; } else { $errors = "Invalid Password or username"; } } if ($tablewidth == ""){ $tablewidth = 250; } if ($section == ""){ $section = "thoughts"; } if ($page == ""){ $page = 1; } $nextpage = $page + 1; // // // Log in // ?> Logging in gives you greater permissions to ADD/EDIT/VIEW chapters of this scrapbook. If do not have a user account please send a email to :The Youth Cordinator PLEASE VISIT THE SUPPORT PAGE $errors "; } ?> function details(theURL,winName,features) {//v1.0 window.open(theURL,winName,features); }

// onmouseovers
r_about = new Image;
h_about = new Image;
r_about.src = 'images/about_pro.gif';
h_about.src = 'images/about_pro2.gif';

r_about2 = new Image;
h_about2 = new Image;
r_about2.src = 'images/about_web.gif';
h_about2.src = 'images/about_web2.gif';

Username:"> Password:"> Lost your password? http://craftysyntax.com/myscrapbook/abouts.php?v=&p= onmouseover="document.about.src=h_about.src" onmouseout="document.about.src=r_about.src"> http://www.hotscripts.com/cgi-bin/rate.cgi"; method="POST" target=_blank>Rate MyScrapbook Script @ http://www.hotscripts.com";>HotScripts.comSelectExcellent!Very GoodGoodFairPoor Powered by http://craftysyntax.com/myscrapbook/?v=&p= target=_blank>Myscrapbook -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] SQLite Support is library call?

Howdy --
SQLite supported by  a direct call the sqlite library?
As apposed to calling the executable?
Could I use ini_set(include_path=) to tall PHP where the SQLite lib is 

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Re: [PHP] Re: why use safe mode?

Joel Boonstra wrote:
This tread inerest me because I faced with a situation, where I have to 
work around don't having a database (out of my control).

What I want to do is use Pear + sqlite.so out of home directory of the 
home dir.(typical L.A.P vhost)?

I is modifying safe_mode relative directives the best/only option:
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Re: [PHP] Re: why use safe mode?

Please read for content... and excuse the crapping spelling


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[PHP] Testing Pear install

How can I test to see if and what portions of Pear are installed on a 
vhosted website?

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Re: [PHP] Re: why use safe mode?

Chris W. Parker wrote:
DAvid Jackson <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:20 AM said:

Please read for content... and excuse the crapping spelling


Chris --
See reply to this thread right before this, I fat fingered it :)
And also the questions I asked .
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[PHP] Re: Testing Pear install

Ben Ramsey wrote:

 You can download the PEAR packages yourself, though, drop them into a 
directory in your site (or outside the root of your site), and use 
ini_set() to set your include_path to the directory where your PEAR 
classes reside.  Then you can use PEAR without having to "install" it.
Ben --
It's looks like that's what I'm going to have to do :-(
My church made a poor decision, about which hosting company to go with
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[PHP] [4.3.4] Building with sqlite support

I looked the the configure --help but didn't see sqlite?
Or did I just miss it? How can I build the module for sqlite.

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[PHP] Re: Scripts for customer - service provider web available?

Denis L. Menezes wrote:
Hello friends.

I am in a hurry to make a website where suppliers can advertise their
products and services and customers can place their requirements so the
requirements can be matched with the service providers.
Also vistors should be able to seek suppliers and customers.
Can anyone tell me where I could find a ready made scripts program that does
the above?


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[PHP] Are $_POST and $_GET interchangable?

I understand the difference between how they process from data.
Most application seem to reply on $_GET which display the 
session/from/cookie values in the URL windows.

What I'm not clear on are there times when you have to either $_POST or 

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