Re: To: / From: Header

2004-05-09 Thread Michael Lewis

Sherman Wilcox sez:

It is frustrating to be trying to select text and instead end up
launching URLs or spuriously composing new messages etc.

I second this.

I have no problems and prefer it as is. URLs should be clickable. If a
preference is created which defaults to clickable behavior, so be it, but
every mail program I know of has clickable URL built in. Some even only
require ONE click, and I definitely prefer the DOUBLE click of PowerMail
over that.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

Re: To: / From: Header

2004-05-07 Thread Lane Roathe

on Fri, May 7, 2004 Wayne Brissette [EMAIL PROTECTED] may have said:

that being adding an
option to turn off double-clicking of URL's to launch them... this one is
critical to me).

I have to agree, this behaviour has always been a right pain in the ass.


What would you rather it do??

I want double-clicks to work like double-clicks work everywhere else; ie.
select a word. This is how it mostly works in PM too ... but not on URL's
... and as it happens to work nearly all of the words I need to select
are part of a URL ... leading to much frustration of spurious new
messages, switching applications, launching applications, etc.

Lane Roathe, President  Ideas From the Deep
Promoting the use of Turn Signals through Violent Video Games!

Re: To: / From: Header

2004-05-07 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 05 5 2004 at 12:23 pm -0400, Wayne Brissette wrote:

What would you rather it do??

I would rather have double-click select the word(s), just like in any
other text, and have command-click launch the URL, just like we are used
to in most other apps.

It is frustrating to be trying to select text and instead end up
launching URLs or spuriously composing new messages etc.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re(4): To: / From: Header [ Status: eMail virus free]

2004-05-07 Thread Lane Roathe

on Thu, May 6, 2004 ff-musikbüro may have said:

There is almost no databas faster in searching than Filemaker. If you
call Powermail fast, you should be more than happy with Filemaker. And do
you have the right script?

4D and Valentina were both magnitudes of order faster (esp. Valentina!)
in indexing and searching my DBs, but neither had a layout for an email
DB or a script for importing.

I am using another layout, that has all the information Powermail offers,
too, and searching can be made very easy. If you like, I will send you my
solution as attachement!

Thanks for the offer (really is appreciated), but even if the new FM is
now faster I am just not going to spend an extra $200 for searching.
(neither my FM or 4D are OS X native and I don't run classic apps anymore).

I do think it is very cool that PM'd developers went through the effort
to make their product flexible enough that everyone can find their own
method of searching and archive their DB.

Lane Roathe, President  Ideas From the Deep
Promoting the use of Turn Signals through Violent Video Games!

Re(3): To: / From: Header [ Status: eMail virus free]

2004-05-07 Thread cheshirekat

On Wed, May 05, 2004, the following words from ff-musikbüro
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

For me, it is so much better to export the files very early into a
Filemaker Pro database. That keeps Powermail fast, and searching within
Filemaker Pro is so much faster and efficent ... and you can answer mails
from within Filemaker via Powermail. The script was discussed here some
time ago, but whoever wants it, can get it from me!

I use FileMaker Pro also for my email. I like it because I can customize
my database to handle most of the things most email clients won't do,
which is display messages AND lists with a font size that is comfortable
for my eyes without scrunching the message Subject and From fields. With
my vision, the squished black text on white background is very tiring
when working with several such applications for hours at a time. That's
one of the reasons AppleScript support in applications is very important
to me - when I can't customize the appearance in one application, I like
the option of scripting the data into a comfortable environment so I can
lessen the migraines.

But, I can understand that most people want their email application to
conform to each individual's preferences for their money's worth.
Unfortunately, that's not likely to ever happen, and not just with email.
I am sure that most of us can find quirks in all software - even
FileMaker Pro. But, FileMaker Pro is the most comfortable for me because
I can customize it at will. One day, I can have a pale gray background
with deep blue embellishments or a pastel pink background and maroon
accented buttons the next week. For me, it's well worth the cost of
keeping FileMaker Pro upgraded. Now I only wish I had a much bigger hard
drive because there are so many fonts available but my hard drive has
been compromised by my very large iTunes addiction.

I know I'm probably one of the most pickiest users, though I really try
to bite my tongue so I'm not blasting PowerMail's shortcomings all the
time. I'm sure there are users who feel that PowerMail meets all their
desires because it does have many features that are solid and appealing.
But I don't expect the programmers to work around the clock to meet each
wish. I know I certainly can't work day and night making modifications
with FileMaker and I only have myself to satisfy, yet I continually want
new features and improvements that I have to prioritize since I don't
eat, sleep and drink FM Pro. Besides, I can still remember when there
were very few email clients for the Mac. I think I used webmail, Netscape
and Eudora with near loathing before using Emailer which I'd still use if
not for the great disdain I felt about surrendering a large chunk of my
RAM to run Classic. PowerMail never crashes and I don't think I've ever
seen any kind of error message - it's solid enough that I can usually
keep working through any irritation or imperfection. My last few pre- OS
X months were very calm, but I remember the frustration of crashes and
error messages enough that show-stopping bugginess is far more heinous
than the lack of a feature or two - especially as there is grass to
nibble on all sides should I choose to scale the fence for other email
pastures that are just as likely to have a few patches of unpalatable
weeds, crabgrass and vermin.

Oh. One thing I really and truly appreciate about PowerMail is that it is
wickedly fast. I'm sure there is a pitchfork-wielding demon harnessing
all my spam and converting it to the pure energy that makes PowerMail
live up to its name. It may be evil of me to appreciate that speed, but
after I've burned through a ton of unread messages; it's all good.
The music of an unhappy people, of the children of disappointment; they
tell of death and suffering and unvoiced longing toward a truer world, of
misty wanderings and hidden ways.
- W.E.B. (William Edward Burghardt) Du Bois (1868-1963), U.S. civil
rights leader, author. The Souls of Black Folk, ch. 14 (1903).

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *
* Addictions: iTunes 4 * WarCraft * The Sims * FileMaker Pro

Re: To: / From: Header

2004-05-07 Thread Wayne Brissette

Ben Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05 May 2004 stated:

On 05 5 2004 at 10:10 am -0400, Lane Roathe wrote:

that being adding an
option to turn off double-clicking of URL's to launch them... this one is
critical to me).

I have to agree, this behaviour has always been a right pain in the ass.


What would you rather it do??


The shining spark of truth cometh forth only after the clash of
differing opinions.
- Abdul-Baha

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Music Currently playing: Andy Leftwich Shark Tooth : Ride

Re(3): To: / From: Header [ Status: eMail virus free]

2004-05-07 Thread Lane Roathe

on Wed, May 5, 2004 ff-musikbüro may have said:

For me, it is so much better to export the files very early into a
Filemaker Pro database. That keeps Powermail fast, and searching within
Filemaker Pro is so much faster and efficent ... and you can answer mails
from within Filemaker via Powermail. The script was discussed here some
time ago, but whoever wants it, can get it from me!

I have used the script in the past, but it didn't work for me; I had to
purchase extra (very expensive) software, I had to have multiple
applications/files open, I had to perform searches in two applications, I
had to regularly move files over and this caused many headaches as my PM
folder structure evolved. Plus, with the it's search engine, I actually
found PM to be faster in searching the DB than FM.

And, of course, this in no way addresses seeing the information (ie,
from/to column); the FM ui was much (much) worse than PM's and was much
harder to use and find information within (for me; other's may like FM's
interface better or be willing to modify the FM ui to their liking).

For me, I really like having one app that has ALL my email in it, has a
powerful and fast search, and a great UI. I'm just pushing to get a 95%
perfect app to be 100% perfect :)

Lane Roathe, President  Ideas From the Deep
Life is cheap, but the accessories will break you.

Re(2): To: / From: Header

2004-05-05 Thread Philippe Braun

I asked the PowerMail devs in January 2000 if this Eudora feature might
make its way into Powermail... obviously it didn't.
Since I organize my mails into client or project folders, and thus have
all incoming and outgoing mails relevant  to them in one folder, this
feature would make a big difference to me.
Showing both the to and from colums is not really an option. In a
folder with, say, 500 received and 500 sent mails, having both columns
visible will mean that I'll see my own name (which by now I know quite
well enough, thank you) not 500 (superflous) times, but 1000.
PowerMail is visually much more cluttered anyway, compared to Apple's
beautiful, so I don't need *even more* distraction.
The automatic saving of attachments to files on disk (instead of bloating
the database), and the ability to automatically display html mails as
text, are two nice and very welcome features, though.

phil braun
made on a Mac

On 3 May, 2004, Lane Roathe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

on Mon, May 3, 2004 Phil Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] may have said:

Sorry if this has been asked before:
is it somehow possible to have PowerMail display a combined from:/to: 
header listing in the mail list view, like in Eudora, where the to: 
name is written in italics? I find this one of the most useful features 
in an E-Mail program... am I really the only one?

1. PowerMail has the wonderful ability to file outgoing messages, but the
REALLY annoying problem of having to have both from/to columns if you
want to know the correct information. See Claris eMailer or v1.5.1 of
MailSmith for correct implementation (which is a smart from column,
which shows to instead of from if mail is from myself. That you sent
the email is shown in the status column (with a reply arrow or stamp
icon), so it makes much more sense to show who you sent the email to.

Re(2): To: / From: Header

2004-05-04 Thread computer artwork by subhash

[Sherman Wilcox [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 4.5.2004 um 0:03 Uhr:]

In those folders that I store both incoming and outgoing messages, I
usually display the From column. This lets me easily see if it's an
incoming or outgoing message (although I also use the icons in the far
left column). I don't have any folders that display BOTH the To and From

I use the same setting (but I don't need spam rating anywhere).

In my theme folders for example I don't see to whom I sent a mail
because there are also incoming mails and I chose to see from which
person they came. Using To additionally I don't have the space (and it
is not very satisfactory because then I would have a field with
unnecessary infos with *every* message). I chose to see

online status


Re: To: / From: Header

2004-05-04 Thread Sherman Wilcox

computer said:

I know that but that needs much more space and I would have to scroll to
see all the data I need to see. Also it is no use to see that I have sent
a mail (I know that, I only want to see to whom) and that I received a
mail (I only want to see from whom, the account I can see anyway).

I still don't see why it won't work. My In Tray doesn't display the To
column (because, as you say, I know that it came to me), only the From
column. My folders that save sent messages include the To column and not
the From.

In those folders that I store both incoming and outgoing messages, I
usually display the From column. This lets me easily see if it's an
incoming or outgoing message (although I also use the icons in the far
left column). I don't have any folders that display BOTH the To and From

I'm on a PowerBook, so not a huge amount of screen real estate, and this
works for me. Whichever folder is open, I can see the info I need,
whether that is the To or From, account, spam rating (once a message gets
past my In Tray by means of filters, I don't display the spam rating, so
this means I only display the Spam Rating column in the In Tray, the
Recent Mail browser, and the Spam folder), etc.


Re(3): To: / From: Header

2004-05-04 Thread computer artwork by subhash

[Barbara Needham [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 3.5.2004 um 17:00 Uhr:]

You can of course make a from column and a to column at the present
time; and that can be set for each folder under view options.

I know that but that needs much more space and I would have to scroll to
see all the data I need to see. Also it is no use to see that I have sent
a mail (I know that, I only want to see to whom) and that I received a
mail (I only want to see from whom, the account I can see anyway).


Re(2): To: / From: Header

2004-05-04 Thread Barbara Needham

computer artwork by subhash on 5/3/04 said

[Lane Roathe [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 3.5.2004 um 13:20 Uhr:]

which is a smart from column,
which shows to instead of from if mail is from myself. That you sent
the email is shown in the status column (with a reply arrow or stamp
icon), so it makes much more sense to show who you sent the email to.

That would be very nice.

You can of course make a from column and a to column at the present
time; and that can be set for each folder under view options.
Barbara Needham

Re: To: / From: Header

2004-05-03 Thread Lane Roathe

on Mon, May 3, 2004 Phil Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] may have said:

Sorry if this has been asked before:
is it somehow possible to have PowerMail display a combined from:/to: 
header listing in the mail list view, like in Eudora, where the to: 
name is written in italics? I find this one of the most useful features 
in an E-Mail program... am I really the only one?

I have been requesting this feature for a long time now (item #1 below),
although your added idea of italics on To: listings is a good one :)

There is no need to tell me that I sent an email, I already know I sent
it! What I really need to know is _WHO_ I sent it to.

Anyway, here is my Wish List ... no idea on the 5.0 beta, email has
become too important to my business to rely on beta software just yet
(although I think I may need to try the next beta to be sure it handles
large DB's (over 1Gig). Heh, I remember complaining when Claris Emailer
started chugging after my DB got over 25MB ;)


0. Double-Click is supposed to select words, and does...unless PM think's
it is a URL when it changes behavior and launches the URL. Now, I realize
that this is a good feature to some people, and that's great. Still, for
those of us that do lots of copying this is quite annoying and a real
time, please add an option in the preferences to turn this
off. (When off, the standard Cmd-Click should still work!)

I have to select email addresses and other parts of URL's from emails
dozens of times per day, and this is the #1 time waster for me; both in
terms of having to very carefully select text and in accidently causing a
double-click and having to deal with a new message or web browser or ftp
app launch or what-not.

1. PowerMail has the wonderful ability to file outgoing messages, but the
REALLY annoying problem of having to have both from/to columns if you
want to know the correct information. See Claris eMailer or v1.5.1 of
MailSmith for correct implementation (which is a smart from column,
which shows to instead of from if mail is from myself. That you sent
the email is shown in the status column (with a reply arrow or stamp
icon), so it makes much more sense to show who you sent the email to.

2. Why can I change the account used to send an already sent email, but I
can't file it to a different folder? This makes no sense; you shouldn't
be able to change which account sent an email but you should be able to
move it to another folder. (yea, you can close the window, select the
containing folder, find the email, and then move it .. but the UI is not
correct as is, since you should not be able to change which account sent
an mail)

3. Pressing Option when PM is in the background uses lots of cycles as
PM draws and then corrects the  buttons to trash icons. PM should
ignore ALL keypresses when it's not the foreground application.

4. Select 400 or so emails. Click on redirect (or forward) toolbar
icon. Instead of a window asking me who I want to redirect/forward all
these emails to PM opens up every single one. It's very rare that one
would open multiple messages for redirect or forward and then want to
address them to different people; in this case it's 90% likely that the
user wants to redirect or forward those messages to the same individual(s).

Lane Roathe, President  Ideas From the Deep
If progress means moving forward, what does congress mean?

To: / From: Header

2004-05-03 Thread Phil Braun

Sorry if this has been asked before:
is it somehow possible to have PowerMail display a combined from:/to: 
header listing in the mail list view, like in Eudora, where the to: 
name is written in italics? I find this one of the most useful features 
in an E-Mail program... am I really the only one?

Phil Braun