[ppiindia] Many PC repairs involve easy disassembly

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik alexa.andrew07

PC Repairs Invove
Many PC repairs involve easy disassembly followed 
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More To Info

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Learn Portuguese As Second Language

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik gelay.love

Learn Portuguese As Second Language

If you are in search of a Portuguese English translator online, there is
a number of free online translation in Portuguese services. Some are
free tools and many people have businesses providing online translation
services.  More info

If you want a free online Portuguese vocabulary tutorial,
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Whether you want a Portuguese English dictionary online or a Portuguese
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you can think of, there are free and paid services online. Free services
are often good for a few simple lines 
html  of text but if you were to translate legal or business documents,
you would want to likely use professional translation services.
html   Learning the language fluently would also help you in this case.
More info...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Brigjen Waris Komandan Baru Paspampres

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik johnoei

Brigjen Waris Komandan Baru Paspampres

Jakarta, KabariNews.com - Komandan Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Paspampres) 
hari ini, Rabu (16/4), resmi diganti.

Mayor Jenderal Marciano Norman yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai komandan 
Paspampres digantikan oleh Brigadir Jenderal Waris.

Upacaraserah terima jabatan tersebut dilakukan di Markas Paspampres, di 
JalanTanah Abang II, Jakarta, dengan dipimpin langsung oleh Panglima 
TNIJenderal Djoko Santoso.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35062

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Learn Portuguese As Second Language

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik gelay.love

Learn Portuguese As Second Language

If you are in search of a Portuguese English translator online, there is
a number of free online translation in Portuguese services. Some are
free tools and many people have businesses providing online translation
services.  More info

If you want a free online Portuguese vocabulary tutorial,
html   there are online Portuguese translator software packages that
will help you with this. You can find English Portuguese online
dictionary listings, grammar exercises, writing exercises
html  , offers for downloadable online Portuguese dictionary files and

If you want English to Portuguese online translator,
html   you can find many options. There are English to Portuguese
dictionary online free sites that list other languages as well.  More

Whether you want a Portuguese English dictionary online or a Portuguese
html   to French option or just about any other language combination
you can think of, there are free and paid services online. Free services
are often good for a few simple lines 
html  of text but if you were to translate legal or business documents,
you would want to likely use professional translation services.
html   Learning the language fluently would also help you in this case.
More info...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] U.S. Wins Right to Abduct Innocent People with Impunity

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

The U.S. Wins the Right to Abduct 
Innocent People with Impunity

By Glenn Greenwal

July 15, 2010 Salon - June 14, 2010 
--  The Supreme Court today denied a petition of review
from Maher Arar, the Canadian and Syrian citizen who was abducted by
the U.S. Government at a stopover at JFK Airport when returning to
Canada in 2002, held incommunicado for two weeks, and then
rendered to Syria, where he spent the next 10 months being tortured,
even though -- as everyone acknowledges -- he was guilty of absolutely
nothing.  Arar sued the U.S. Government for what was done to him, and
last November, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal
of his lawsuit on the ground that courts have no right to interfere in
these decisions of the Executive Branch.  That was the decision which
the U.S. Supreme Court let stand today, ending Arar's attempt to be
compensated for what was done to him.I've
written in detail several times about Arar's case, including in
November when the appellate court upheld dismissal of his lawsuit; see here for 
how extreme his treatment has been
at the hands of the U.S. Government, which was most responsible for his
harrowing nightmare and then spent years fighting to deny him any
remedy for what was done.  I won't reiterate those points here, as
everything I have to say about the Supreme Court's actions today was
said in that November post
(read the last part of that post, where I excerpted the court's
description of what was done to Arar).  But I do want to highlight one
aspect of this episode:

compare how the American and Canadian Governments responded to what
everyone agrees was this horrific injustice.  The Canadians, who
cooperated with the U.S. in Arar's abduction, conducted a sweeping 
investigation of what happened, and then publicly
issued a scathing report that faulted Canada and the United States for
his deportation four years ago to Syria, where he was imprisoned and
tortured, and made clear he had done absolutely nothing wrong.  Then,
Canada's Prime Minister personally and publicly apologized to Arar, and 
announced that Canada would compensate him with a payment of $ 8.5 million.

By stark contrast, the U.S. Government, 
which played a far more active role in his abduction and rendition to Syria, 
has never apologized to Arar (though individual members of Congress have).  It 
has never clearly acknowledged wrongdoing (the only time it even hinted at this 
was when Condoleezza Rice called U.S. conduct in this case imperfect -- you 
think? -- and generously added: 
We do not think this case was handled as it should have been).  In
fact, it continuously did the opposite of providing accountability:  in
response to Arar's efforts to seek damages from the U.S. Government,
the U.S. raised -- under two successive administrations -- a slew of
technical arguments to persuade American courts not to hear his case at
all, including the argument that what was done to Arar involved state
secrets that prevented a judicial adjudication of his claims. 
The U.S. even continued to ban Arar from entering the U.S.
long after it was acknowledged that he had done nothing wrong, thus
preventing him for years from appearing before Congress or in the U.S.
to talk about what was done to him.  Indeed, after the Bush
administration spent years arguing that courts were barred from hearing
Arar's case on the ground of state secrets, the Obama administration
embraced those same arguments and then urged the Supreme Court not to hear his 

[ppiindia] ‘Discovery’ of Afghan Riches a Pro-war PR Scam?

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

‘Discovery’ of Afghan Riches a Pro-war PR Scam?

By Daniel Tencer

July 15, 2010 RawStory --  A New York Times 
announcing the US has found $1 trillion-worth of mineral deposits in
Afghanistan has some observers wondering if the news is part of a
public-relations effort to bolster support for the Afghanistan war as
the mission's death toll continues to climb.An article in Sunday's New York 
announces that previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of
iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium
— are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern
industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of
the most important mining centers in the world, the United States
officials believe.

article cites an internal Pentagon memo as saying Afghanistan could
become the Saudi Arabia of lithium -- the mineral used in the
production of rechargeable batteries, such as those found in cell
phones and laptops. It cites a small team of Pentagon officials and
American geologists as having made the discovery.

the dollar estimate -- $1 trillion -- may be new, it's hardly news that
Afghanistan sits on rich mineral deposits. In a 2007 press release,
the US Geological Survey announced that Afghanistan possesses
significant amounts of undiscovered non-fuel mineral resources. And,
as Marc Ambinder reports on his Atlantic blog, the Soviet Union was aware of 
Afghanistan's mineral potential as early as 1985.

“The ‘discovery’ of Afghanistan’s minerals will 
sound pretty silly to old timers,” a retired former senior US official tells 
Politico's Laura Rosen.
“When I was living in Kabul in the early 1970’s the [US government],
the Russians, the World Bank, the UN and others were all highly focused
on the wide range of Afghan mineral deposits. Cheap ways of moving the
ore to ocean ports has always been the limiting factor.”

why is this news now? To many, the story's timing suggests a Pentagon
public relations campaign designed to extend public support for the war
with the hope that, in time, Afghanistan may be able to raise itself
out of abject poverty.

Why the story broke in the NYT
on Sunday could be linked to a desire by the Pentagon to create a
reason why US troops might want to stick around in Afghanistan for some
time to come, writes Paul Jay
at the Huffington Post. Things are not going very well on the ground
and the promise of vast mineral riches would sound enticing.

veteran Afghan hands detect an echo of [Gen. David] Petraeus’ effort
to 'put a little more time on the Washington clock' for the Afghanistan
surge, as he once described his public 

[ppiindia] Wah.. Ada Skandal Pesta Seks Mantan Presiden AS Dalam Laporan FBI

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik johnoei

Wah.. Ada Skandal Pesta Seks Mantan Presiden AS Dalam Laporan FBI

Washington D.C, KabariNews.com - Berita mengejutkan seputar kehidupan mantan 
Presiden Amerika Serikat John F Kennedy baru saja keluar.

Dalamsebuah laporan dokumen Biro Investigasi Fedaral (FBI), terungkap 
bahwamantan Presiden AS tersebut pernah melakukan pesta seks.
Pesta tersebut juga melibatkan para kerabatnya yang juga publik figur, yakni 
Frank Sinarta dan Marlyn Monroe.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35063

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] WikiLeaks is Asking for Urgent Help

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

WikiLeaks is Asking for Urgent Help

By David Heath

July 15, 2010 iTWire -- Following
the arrest of the person suspected of leaking the “Collateral Murder”
video, WikiLeaks feels that it is under attack and is seeking urgent
support.iTWire received the
following message in the past few minutes, it’s meaning is very clear. 
We ask readers to assist where they can.

WikiLeaks may be under attack.

You were generous enough to write to us, but we 
have not had the labor resources to respond.

Your support is important to us. Please read all of this email to
understand what is going on. We apologize for not getting back to you
before. It is not through any lack of interest on our part, but an
enforced lack of resources.

One of our alleged sources, a young US intelligence analyst, Bradley
Manning, has been detained and shipped to a US military prison in
Kuwait, where he is being held without trail. Mr. Manning is alleged to
have acted according to his conscious and leaked to us the Collateral
Murder video and the video of a massacre that took place in Afghanistan
last year at Garani.

The Garani massacre, which we are still working 
on, killed over 100 people, mostly children.

Mr. Manning allegedly also sent us 260,000 classified US Department
cables, reporting on the actions of US Embassy's engaging in abusive
actions all over the world. We have denied the allegation, but the US
government is acting as if the allegation is true and we do have a lot
of other material that exposes human rights abuses by the United States

Mr. Manning was allegedly exposed after talking to an unrelated
journalist who then worked with the US government to detain him.


[ppiindia] Hati-Hati Membeli Rumah Indent, Agar Anda Tidak Merugi

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik ali
By : Alihozi

Suatu hari siang yg panas dan lalulintas yg padat datang seorang ibu muda ke 
kantor saya di  daerah Fatmawati.  Ibu muda itu kita panggil saja Ibu MD (nama 
samara red). Ibu MD sengaja memang menemui saya untuk mengkonsultasikan 
pengajuan KPR (Kredit Kepemilikan rumah) untuk rumahnya di salah satu perumahan 
di Jabotabek.

Ibu MD menceritakan kalau sebenarnya ia dan teman-teman kantornya berjumlah 
puluhan orang sudah pernah mengajukan pembelian rumah di salah satu developer 
yg tidak ternama.  Namun rumah yg akan dibeli tsb belum dibangun masih berupa 
tanah kavling (Indent) .  Ibu MD dan teman-temanya percaya kepada developer tsb 
karena pembeliannya bisa lewat KPR salah satu bank di Jakarta. 

Setelah  mereka membayar DP (Down Payment)  sebesar 10% dari harga rumah tsb, 
ternyata setelah jalan 2 tahun rumah tsb tidak jadi dibangun, developer 
perumahan tsb telah kabur alias melarikan diri. Akhirnya Ibu MD dan teman-teman 
kantornya harus menelan pil pahit kehilangan uang yg dibawa kabur oleh 
developer gadungan tsb.

Kejadian tsb adalah kejadian nyata yg diceritakan langsung oleh Ibu MD kepada 
penulis. Yang mana  kejadian dialami oleh Ibu MD banyak juga orang yang 
mengalami hal serupa. Yang menjadi pertanyaan sekarang bagaimana atau tips-tips 
apa agar kejadian Ibu MD dan teman-temannya tidak terulang lagi kepada kita 

Berikut jawaban dari saya selaku praktisi keuangan bank syariah :

1.Usahakan Anda ketika ingin membeli rumah adalah rumah yang sudah jadi bukan 
indent, dan sertipikatnya sudah pecah masing-masing rumah kalau memang 
developernya tidak ternama.

2.Kalau Anda ingin juga membeli rumah yang masih indent , pilihlah developer yg 
memang sudah memiliki track record yg bagus (sudah ternama), sudah banyak 
membangun perumahan dimana-mana.

3.Kalau Anda ingin membeli rumah yg masih indent, jangan mudah percaya dg 
ucapan atau janji manis developer tsb misalnya, rumah tsb akan segera dibangun, 
harga murah dan bisa KPR dg bank manapun. Pastikan memang Anda  sudah mengenal 
developer tsb dg baik , tahu rumah tinggalnya dan juga pekerjaannya sehari-hari.

4.Kalau Anda ingin membeli rumah yg masih indent, pastikan legalitas 
surat-surat tanah tsb memang tidak bermasalah dan sudah bersertipikat 

5.Jangan terburu-buru dalam memilih rumah, Anda harus menyediakan waktu yang 
cukup dalam memilih rumah. 

6.Berdo'a memohon petunjuk kepada Allah,SWT Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa sebelum 
membeli rumah.

Selamat Memilih Rumah dan berhati-hatilah agar tidak merugi.

Praktisi Keuangan Syariah Hp:0812-1249-001 email ali.h...@yahoo.co.id

[ppiindia] Iraqis feel rising Iran clout in their wallets

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Iraqis feel rising Iran clout in their wallets
Published Date: June 16, 2010 

KARBALA, Iraq: Iranian rials change hands as easily as Iraqi dinars in this 
holy city's old bazaar, its alleyways teeming with Iranian pilgrims bused in on 
package tours run by Tehran. The Ayatollah Khomeini banknotes and Farsi chatter 
aren't alone in lending a Persian flavor. Shelves in merchant stalls like 
Yassin Saleh's sit heavy with containers of honey, cosmetics and toothpaste, 
all made across the still-disputed border. Bestsellers include travel-size 
bottles of Iranian Sehat brand shampoo. They're cheap but effective, Saleh 
says, as boxy Iranian-built Barfab air coolers trundle away nearby. Some 
people don't care about the cost ... but those who want lower prices like the 
Iranian products.

Trade with longtime rival Iran is bringing Iraq investments it sorely needs. 
Billion-dollar pacts are being signed. Branches of Iranian banks blacklisted by 
the United States are opening. But the growing ties also frame a political 
imbalance the US is loath to see in a country struggling to rebuild after years 
of war. As America's influence wanes in Iraq, and its troops withdraw, Iran is 
capitalizing on centuries-old religious and cultural ties to secure greater 
leverage in the country - even as Washingto
n works to dissuade others from dealing with Tehran over its nuclear program. 
It's a political and economic tug-of-war the US risks losing, if only because 
Iraq's reconstruction needs open the door for a marriage of convenience.

Iran, squeezed elsewhere by sanctions, finds in Iraq a rare and ready market at 
a time when lingering security fears continue to discourage Western investments 
in the country. Iran would like to have a stronger presence in Iraq ... 
primarily because so many other places have been closed off to it. It's partly 
necessity, said Anoush Ehteshami, a professor at Britain's Durham University. 
Iran doesn't want to lose its footing again in Iraq.

Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq fought a ruinous eight-year war with Iran beginning 
in 1980 that killed hundreds of thousands of people and devastated both 
countries' economies. Many of Iraq's majority Shiites, persecuted by Saddam, 
sought sanctuary in Iran, only to return after the Iraqi dictator's fall in 
2003. Some now hold key government posts. Many others have bought homes and set 
up businesses in places like Karbala, relying on Farsi learned in exile to 
cater to Iranians.

That allows the trade links to keep growing - quadrupling to $4 billion last 
year compared to three years earlier, according to Iranian government figures. 
Senior Iraqi and Iranian officials meet frequently. The visits have netted a 
series of economic cooperation agreements, including power supply deals for 
Iraq and pledges to create cross-border free trade zones. Iran has offered its 
neighbor a $1 billion loan to buy Iranian goods.

In Basra, Iraq's second largest city and a nucleus for powerful Shiite groups, 
more than 60 Iranian companies gathered this year for a five-day trade fair. 
The fair was the biggest such Iranian-run event since the US-led invasion. 
Freezer trucks and motorcycles were on display, along with dairy products, 
canned goods, clothes and cement. The port city, which is also the springboard 
for the majority of Iraq's oil exports, last month signed off on a nearly $1 
billion plan for an Iranian construction company
to build thousands of homes, hotels and a mall, said Haider Ali Fadhil, who 
heads the Basra Investment Commission.

In March, Iran state-run Bank Melli opened its second Iraqi branch, even though 
the bank is under U.S. and European sanctions over its alleged ties to Iran's 
nuclear program. Two other Iranian banks on a US watch list, Parsian and 
Karafarin, plan to open in Iraq soon. Iranian embassy officials in Baghdad say 
actual trade levels are as high as $7 billion, making Iraq one of its biggest 
trading partners. Iran's Commerce Ministry is aiming for trade of $10 billion 
per year within three years.

For Iran, investing in places like Basra and the shrine cities of Najaf and 
Karbala is a supplementary means of exerting influence in Iraq, said Kenneth 
Katzman, a Mideast specialist at the US government's Congressional Research 
Service. I don't see the US as wanting to promote that. The U.S. interest is 
to ... isolate Iran, not encourage greater economic integration, he said. The 
increasing closeness also worries many of Iraq's minority Sunni Muslims, and 
Iraq's mostly Sunni neighbors, such as fellow OPEC member Saudi Arabia.

Tehran has for years pushed for a pipeline to carry Iraqi crude oil to Iran's 
Abadan refinery. Refined fuel would then be shipped in the opposite direction. 
Iran already exports fuel to Iraq, even though both lack the refining capacity 
to meet local demand. It's a strategy that analysts say makes little economic 
sense. It's a 

[ppiindia] Menkominfo Terseret Kasus Video Porno

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagaimana menkomifo, Taiful Sembiring bisa menjadi seorang ahli 
dalam bidang porno, kalau tidak melihat video atau lebih bagus lagi untuk 
mempertinggi mutu keahlian dalam bidang surga dunia ini tidak bisa lain dari 
pada turut berpartisipasi. Dengan keahliannya yang diperoleh dari parisipasi 
ini menkoinfo bisa mampu memberikan informasi terperinci dan tepat kepada umum 
tentang konsekwensi berporno-parni :-)


Menkominfo Terseret Kasus Video Porno 

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | 12:17 WIB 
Jakarta - Kasus video mesum dengan pelakon mirip Ariel, Luna Maya, dan Cut Tari 
menyeret lebih banyak pihak. Salah satunya Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, 
Tifatul Sembiring yang hari ini mengadakan rapat kerja dengan Komisi I DPR, 
Rabu (16/6). 

Secara resmi rapat itu membahas seputar dunia informasi dan komunikasi, namun 
kasus video mesum mirip artis itu dipastikan menjadi salah satu bahasan.

Mungkin salah satunya isu terakhir, soal video yang mirip Ariel-Luna Maya, 
kata Effendy Choirie, salah satu anggota Komisi I asal daerah pemilihan Jatim, 
pagi tadi.

Menurut Gus Choi, begitu ia biasa dipanggil, DPR perlu mengetahui pendapat 
Menkominfo karena pandangan para anggota DPR mengenai kasus ini berbeda-beda. 
Kalau saya pribadi, soal video itu mesti diproses secara hukum. Yang penting 
dipercepat prosesnya, katanya.

Gus Choi mengatakan, perbuatan asusila yang terjadi dalam video itu, dalam 
konteks agama dan moral-sosial tidak bisa dibenarkan. Tapi itu urusan pribadi 
mereka, kata Gus Choi. Masing-masing orang punya hak berbuat mesum atau 
berbuat baik, itu urusan mereka pada Tuhan, lanjutnya.

Meski begitu, pemerintah, kata Gus Choi, harus bertindak supaya penyebaran 
video itu tidak meluas. Kepolisian harus bertindak cepat atas nama kepentingan 
publik. Penyebaran video melalui media maya menggunakan gelombang frekuensi, 
gelombang elektromagnetik, itu kan sebetulnya harusnya digunakan 
sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat, tetapi oleh oknum tertentu dijadikan alat 
menyebarkan asusila, ujar Gus Choi. Negara harus bertanggung jawab, kenapa 
mereka begitu gampang menggunakan itu, tegasnya

Sebelumnya, Tifatul meminta Ariel, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari bersikap terbuka  
hingga bisa membantu penyelidikan kepolisian. Tifatul mengingatkan sesungguhnya 
yang menjadi korban video mesum tersebut adalah masyarakat, bukan pelakunya. 
Sebab para orangtua jadi gelisah lantaran khawatir anak-anak mereka ikut 
menyaksikan adegan-adegan mesum tersebut. 

Saya imbau supaya mereka bersikap gentle. Videonya ada dan tersebar luas, tapi 
tidak ada yang mengaku bertanggung jawab, kata Tifatul.

Ariel dan Luna Maya sendiri sepertinya tidak lagi bungkam terkait kasus ini. 
Pasangan penyanyi dan presenter ini dikabarkan akan curhat di stasiun televisi 
luar negeri, CNN. Hal itu diungkapkan pengacara mereka, O.C. Kaligis.

Dia (Luna Maya) bilang mau ngomong di CNN, di Metro (TV) juga, ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Luna merasa tidak harus bicara di media. Menurut Luna tidak mudah 
menjelaskan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi antara dirinya dan Ariel karena sulit 
mengubah opini masyarakat.

Kita (Kami) ngomong pun, media sudah memberikan opini-opini yang tidak 
terjadi. Kita nggak tahu apa yang terjadi nanti. Kita nggak mungkin hanya 
sekali bilang nggak, nggak, nggak atau iya, iya, iya, dan bisa mengubah opini 
publik, kata Luna saat diwawancarai TVOne, Selasa (15/6).

Beredarnya video porno itu membuat Ariel dan Luna merasa dirugikan. Mereka pun 
sudah mencurigai pelaku penyebar video porno yang menggemparkan itu.

Ada yang ingin hal ini terjadi. Ada beberapa orang yang kami curigai, ujar 
Boy Arvian, tim pengacara Ariel dan Luna, tanpa menyebut nama-nama yang ia 

Saat diwawancara TVOne, Ariel merasa sebagai korban pembunuhan karakter. Jika 
merasa sebagai korban, mengapa Ariel tidak lapor polisi?

Ya nantilah, ini, kan, lagi proses siapa sih pelaku sebenarnya, kata Boy. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Nyaris Tewas Demi Piala Dunia

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Nyaris Tewas Demi Piala Dunia 

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | 12:00 WIB 
JAKARTA - Mungkin tidak berlebihan jika Somalia mengharamkan tayangan pesta 
bola dunia 2010 guna mencegah timbulnya ekses negatif. Di Jakarta, ekses 
negatif itu mulai muncul.

Dua remaja nekat mencuri sepeda milik warga di daerah Sunter, 
Tanjung Priok, Rabu (16/6) dini hari, dengan alasan mencari modal untuk taruhan 
pertandingan sepak bola Piala Dunia.

Namun naas, aksi kedua remaja tersebut dipergoki warga lalu diburu 
dan berhasil ditangkap. Kedua remaja itu itu pun babak belur dan nyaris tewas 
dihakimi massa.

Kedua pelaku, Al, 18,dan Es, 17, tertangkap tangan setelah keluar 
dari sebuah gang di Jalan Telaga Murni, Sunter Jaya, Tanjung Priok sambil 
membawa sebuah sepeda yang bukan miliknya.

Mereka bukan warga sini, membawa sepeda milik warga di sini, ' 
ujar Eko, saksi mata yang juga warga sekitar.

Kedua pelaku pun tak berkutik ketika dituduh warga sebagai pencuri. 
Mereka sempat berusaha kabur, namun berhasil dicegah dan diringkus oleh warga.

Beruntung aksi brutal massa yang nyaris menghakimi kedua pelaku urung dilakukan 
begitu petugas Polsek Tanjung Priok tiba di lokasi kejadian.

Di hadapan warga, keduanya mengaku rencananya akan menjual sepeda itu lantaran 
terdesak kebutuhan modal untuk taruhan pertandinan sepak bola Piala Dunia 
antara Brazil dan Korea Utara. inc

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Menkominfo Janji Segera Usut Akun Facebook yang Menghina Nabi

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Menkominfo Janji Segera Usut Akun Facebook yang Menghina Nabi 
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 15:03 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi, Tifatul Sembiring 
berjanji akan segera mengusut kasus penghinaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad SAW 
melalui laman jejaring Sosial facebook. Menurutnya, undang-undang Informasi dan 
Transaksi Ekonomi sangat tegas mengatur hal itu.

Semua sudah diatur dalam UU ITE, kalau memang pelaku berasal dari Indonesia 
akan segera diusut dan ditindak, tukasnya usai menghadir rapat kerja dengan 
Komisi I DPR RI di jakarta, Rabu (16/6).

Ia juga mengatakan, akun facebook yang berisikan ajakan untuk menghina nabi 
akan segera diblok. Namun, Tifatul tidak menjelaskan langkah jangka panjang 
guna mengatasi kasus penghinan terhadap suatu agama.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, muncul sebuah grup di Facebook yang berpotensi 
menyebabkan kontroversi dengan menamakan dirinya Muhammad SAW bukanlah NABI, 
melainkan BABI. Hingga saat ini grup tersebut memiliki 1.124 anggota dan 
menuliskan kantor pusatnya berada di Mekah.

Namun, hampir seluruh komunikasi dilakukan oleh pencipta kelompok itu dengan 
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Kemudian, dalam akun grup tersebut juga memuat 
foto-foto yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dapat memicu kemarahan umat 

Hingga saat ini, grup tersebut masih aktif dan pihak Facebook belum melakukan 
aksi apapun terhadap akun kelompok tersebut.

Red: Ririn Sjafriani

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Astagfirullah, Satu Grup FB Sebut Nabi Muhammad sebagai Babi

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Astagfirullah, Satu Grup FB Sebut Nabi Muhammad sebagai Babi
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 11:48 WIB

screenshot/ririn s

Grup yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Kemudahan membuat grup dalam jejaring sosial 
Facebook, seringkali disalahgunakan untuk menyebar kebencian diantara kehidupan 
beragama dan rasis. Belum lama, sebuah grup di Facebook mengajak 
anggotanyauntuk menggambar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Kini muncul sebuah grup di Facebook yang berpotensi menyebabkan kontroversi 
dengan menamakan dirinya Muhammad SAW bukanlah NABI, melainkan BABI. Hingga 
saat ini grup tersebut memiliki 1.124 anggota dan menuliskan kantor pusatnya 
berada di Mekah.

Namun, hampir seluruh komunikasi dilakukan oleh pencipta kelompok itu dengan 
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Kemudian, dalam akun grup tersebut juga memuat foto-foto yang menghina Nabi 
Muhammad SAW yang dapat memicu kemarahan umat muslim.

Sebagai pengguna akun Facebook, dapat melaporkan setiap kelompok yang dirasa 
tidak pantas. Dengan klik tombol report group yang tersedia di bagian bawah 
dari akun tersebut.

Hingga saat ini, grup tersebut masih aktif dan pihak Facebook belum melakukan 
aksi apapun terhadap akun kelompok tersebut.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Mengapa Doa Kita Dikabulkan?

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Mengapa Doa Kita Dikabulkan?*

By: agussyafii

Saya pernah bertemu dengan bapak yang memiliki seorang putri, istrinya yang 
dicintainya sedang sakit keras tergolek di rumah sakit, setiap hari beliau 
datang ke rumah sakit menggantikan bajunya dan juga berbincang. Dokternya 
seolah kehilangan harapan namun beliau sebagai suaminya yakin akan kesembuhan 
sang istri.

Sampai pada suatu hari, beliau melihat sebuah kenyataan istrinya tubuhnya sudah 
pulih kembali bahkan beberapa hari kemudian dinyatakan telah sembuh dari 
sakitnya. Pernah saya berbncang-bincang mengenai hal itu. Beliau bertutur, 
'Saya yakin Allah akan Mengabulkan doa2 saya.' Keyakinan itulah yang 
menyebabkan doa2 beliau begitu mudah dikabulkan. Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari 
banyak di dalam hidupnya mendapatkan kemudahan dan sering dikabulkan doa-doanya.

Ada tiga kunci dikabulkannya sebuah doa:

1. Kualitas diri yang berdoa. Doa setiap hamba kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala 
akan dikabulkan sangat tergantung pada kualitas hambanya yang berdoa. Ada 
seorang Ibu yang berdoa ditengah malam senantiasa diiringi dengan tetesan air 
mata untuk anaknya agar diterima disebuah perusahaan maka keesokan harinya sang 
ibu mendapatkan kabar bahwa anaknya diterima diperusahaan tempat anaknya 
melamar pekerjaan.

2. Kualitas ketaqwaan yang berdoa. Setiap orang yang akan berdoa hendaknya 
meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaanNya sehingga jika doa kita dikabulkan memang 
karena patut untuk dikabulkan. Saya pernah bertemu dengan seorang pengusaha 
yang mengalami kemajuan pesat didalam usahanya bertutur pada saya, kemajuan 
dibidang usaha berbanding lurus dengan kemajuan dibidang spiritual. Sholatnya 
ditingkatkan, shodaqohnya ditingkat, maka dengan sendirinya perusahaan 
meningkat pesat karena doa semua karyawannya.'

3. Amal Kebaikan. Sebelum kita meminta dalam doa. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala 
akan mengabulkan permintaan kita, jika memang kita memang telah pantas menerima 
nilai yang seharusnya kita terima. Berilah kontribusi lebih besar dari apa yang 
kita inginkan dalam doa. Amal kebaikan yang telah kita lakukan salah satu 
faktor penyebab dikabulkan sebuah doa.

Maka tidaklah mustahil mengapa ada orang yang berdoa senantiasa dikabulkan oleh 
Allah karena memang ada orang yang sudah mencapai taraf kekasih Allah. Sebagai 
seorang kekasih apapun yang diminta oleh pujaan hatiNya, apapun yang diminta 
akan selalu diberi. Bahkan sebelum memintapun sudah diberi.

Dan apabila hamba-hamba-Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), 
bahwasanya Aku adalah dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa 
apabila ia memohon kepada-Ku. Maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala 
perintah-Ku) dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepada-Ku, agar mereka selalu berada 
dalam kebenaran. (QS Al Baqarah 2:186).

*Materi On Radio Bahana FM 101.8 FM Jakarta Malam ini

Yuk, hadir di Kegiatan 'Amalia Cinta al-Quran (ACQ).' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 20 
Juni 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, No.23 Komplek Peruri, 
Ciledug. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan partisipasi anda di 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii3, atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 087 8777 12 431


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Menko Kesra: Pelayanan Kesehatan Nasional Masih Rendah

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Reefleksi : Rakyat sudah tahu tanpa pernyataan menko kesra bahwa pelayanan 
kesehatan nasional masih rendah, karena para petinggi partai politik dan  
pengusasa negara  untuk check up pergi ke Singpaura tau Malaysia. 

Dengan mutu pelayanan kesehatan yang masih rendah apakah akan diimbangi namanya 
dengan didirikan rumah sakit di negeri orang? 


Menko Kesra: Pelayanan Kesehatan Nasional Masih Rendah

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 15:42 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Menteri Koordinator bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat, 
Agung Laksono, menilai kinerja pelayanan kesehatan masih rendah terutama di 
daerah tertinggal, terpencil, perbatasan dan pulau-pulau terluar.
Padahal kinerja kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam upaya 
peningkatan kualitas kesehatan penduduk, kata Menko Kesra Agung Laksono, Rabu 

Agung Laksono menjelaskan, kondisi itu menjadi tantangan pembangunan kesehatan 
di Indonesia yang perlu dukungan semua masyarakat. Selain kinerja pelayanan 
kesehatan yang masih rendah, Agung menambahkan tantangan pembangunan kesehatan 
lain adalah disparitas kasus kesehatan.

Meskipun secara nasional kualitas kesehatan masyarakat meningkat namun 
disparitas antar tingkat sosial ekonomi dan antar wilayah masih cukup tinggi, 
katanya. Tak hanya itu, tantangan lain yang harus diatasi yaitu beban ganda 
penyakit di Indonesia yang mengalami transisi epidemologi. Kondisi itu ditandai 
dengan prevalensi dan insidensi penyakit menular yang masih tinggi namun dalam 
waktu yang bersamaan terjadi peningkatan penyakit tidak menular.

Agung menambahkan, masih banyaknya masyarakat yang belum menjalani pola hidup 
sehat. Kongisi sanitasi yang rendah, lanjut dia, juga memperberat tantangan 
pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia. Menko kesra  tak ketinggalan menyinggung 
tingkat pelayanan rumah sakit daerah.  Kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang 
rendah ditandai kualitas pelayanan dibawah standar di sebagian rumah sakit 
daerah dan keterbatasan tenaga kesehatan. Itu harus diatasi, katanya.

Dia juga mengatakan hingga saat ini jumlah dan distribusi dokter, bidan serta 
perawat belum merata. Indonesia mengalami kekurangan pada hampir semua tenaga 
kesehatan yang diperlukan, katanya.

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[ppiindia] Mengapa Doa Kita Dikabulkan?

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Mengapa Doa Kita Dikabulkan?*

By: agussyafii

Saya pernah bertemu dengan bapak yang memiliki seorang putri, istrinya yang 
dicintainya sedang sakit keras tergolek di rumah sakit, setiap hari beliau 
datang ke rumah sakit menggantikan bajunya dan juga berbincang. Dokternya 
seolah kehilangan harapan namun beliau sebagai suaminya yakin akan kesembuhan 
sang istri.

Sampai pada suatu hari, beliau melihat sebuah kenyataan istrinya tubuhnya sudah 
pulih kembali bahkan beberapa hari kemudian dinyatakan telah sembuh dari 
sakitnya. Pernah saya berbncang-bincang mengenai hal itu. Beliau bertutur, 
'Saya yakin Allah akan Mengabulkan doa2 saya.' Keyakinan itulah yang 
menyebabkan doa2 beliau begitu mudah dikabulkan. Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari 
banyak di dalam hidupnya mendapatkan kemudahan dan sering dikabulkan doa-doanya.

Ada tiga kunci dikabulkannya sebuah doa:

1. Kualitas diri yang berdoa. Doa setiap hamba kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala 
akan dikabulkan sangat tergantung pada kualitas hambanya yang berdoa. Ada 
seorang Ibu yang berdoa ditengah malam senantiasa diiringi dengan tetesan air 
mata untuk anaknya agar diterima disebuah perusahaan maka keesokan harinya sang 
ibu mendapatkan kabar bahwa anaknya diterima diperusahaan tempat anaknya 
melamar pekerjaan.

2. Kualitas ketaqwaan yang berdoa. Setiap orang yang akan berdoa hendaknya 
meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaanNya sehingga jika doa kita dikabulkan memang 
karena patut untuk dikabulkan. Saya pernah bertemu dengan seorang pengusaha 
yang mengalami kemajuan pesat didalam usahanya bertutur pada saya, kemajuan 
dibidang usaha berbanding lurus dengan kemajuan dibidang spiritual. Sholatnya 
ditingkatkan, shodaqohnya ditingkat, maka dengan sendirinya perusahaan 
meningkat pesat karena doa semua karyawannya.'

3. Amal Kebaikan. Sebelum kita meminta dalam doa. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala 
akan mengabulkan permintaan kita, jika memang kita memang telah pantas menerima 
nilai yang seharusnya kita terima. Berilah kontribusi lebih besar dari apa yang 
kita inginkan dalam doa. Amal kebaikan yang telah kita lakukan salah satu 
faktor penyebab dikabulkan sebuah doa.

Maka tidaklah mustahil mengapa ada orang yang berdoa senantiasa dikabulkan oleh 
Allah karena memang ada orang yang sudah mencapai taraf kekasih Allah. Sebagai 
seorang kekasih apapun yang diminta oleh pujaan hatiNya, apapun yang diminta 
akan selalu diberi. Bahkan sebelum memintapun sudah diberi.

Dan apabila hamba-hamba-Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), 
bahwasanya Aku adalah dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa 
apabila ia memohon kepada-Ku. Maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala 
perintah-Ku) dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepada-Ku, agar mereka selalu berada 
dalam kebenaran. (QS Al Baqarah 2:186).

*Materi On Radio Bahana FM 101.8 FM Jakarta Malam ini

Yuk, hadir di Kegiatan 'Amalia Cinta al-Quran (ACQ).' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 20 
Juni 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, No.23 Komplek Peruri, 
Ciledug. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan partisipasi anda di 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii3, atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 087 8777 12 431


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[ppiindia] Mau menolong rakyat kecil, malah dipidana! (Kriminalisasi di UU Kesehatan)

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
From: Adyanto Aditomo adyantoadit...@yahoo.co.id
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 4:17 PM



  Kalau Aparat Hukum kita sudah tidak punya Hati Nurani, maka apapun 
dilakukannya untuk menghukum masyarakat yang tidak berdosa.
Bila Mentri Kesehatan gagal melindungi aparatnya yang diperlakukan secara 
sewenang - wenang oleh Aparat Hukum ketika sedang menjalankan tugasnya menolong 
masyarakat yang sedang sakit, sebaiknya Presiden SBY turun tangan untuk 
menyelesaikan kasus ini sebaik - baiknya.
Semoga saja ada Aparat Hukum atau Keluarganya yang menderita dan tewas akibat 
tidak ada dokter yang menolong ketika sedang sekarat, sedangkan tenaga medis 
lainnya diancam hukuman penjara bila berani menolong pasien yang sedang sekarat.
Apakah memang ada doktrin dari Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung bahwa: Abaikan Pasien 
yang sedang sekarat demi tegaknya hukum???
Adyanto Aditomo
Mantri Tolong Warga Dipidana
Kasus Misran Drama Pedih Kebijakan Pemerintah 
Andi Saputra - detikNews

Misran (foto: Anid/detikcom) 

Jakarta - Kasus Misran, mantri desa Kuala Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara, 
Kalimantan yang dipidana karena menolong warga menyita perhatian seluruh 
masyarakat. Menurut pengamat politik UI, Bonie Hargens, kasus tersebut 
merupakan salah satu drama pedih yang dipertontonkan pemerintah dalam mengurus 
kesehatan masyarakat.

Ini drama yang sangat pedih. Dipertontonkan oleh pemerintah ditengah banyaknya 
tragedi keadilan di negeri ini, dari kasus hukum, politik dan kini kesehatan, 
ujar Bonie saat berbincang dengan detikcom, Jumat, (6/5/2010).

Kesehatan sebagai hak asasi manusia harusnya tidak terhalang oleh 
peraturan-peraturan yang membingungkan masyarakat. Terlebih, penerapan hukum 
oleh polisi, jaksa dan hakim yang tidak mengedepankan keadilan  menjadi 
pelengkap tragedi Misran tersebut. 

Sebagai sebuah kejahatan terstruktural, ini kan sudah sempurna. Pemerintah dan 
wakil rakyat membuat UU. Penegak
 hukumnya menerapkan UU. Dan lagi-lagi yang dikorbankan adalah warga yang 
membutuhkan kesehatan, bebernya.

Bonie yang ikut sidang Mahkamah Konstitusi kemarin, mengaku miris. Dirinya tak 
bisa membayangkan ada pasien yang harus dibawa dengan sampan hingga 3 hari 3 
malam hanya untuk mendapat pertolongan dokter. Padahal, dilokasi pasien 
tersebut ada mantri yang standby 24 jam tapi tak boleh menolong karena larangan 

Ini kan sangat miris dan memprihatinkan. Saat saya ikut sidang, benar-benar 
tak bisa berkata apa-apa. Janganlah Indonesia ditambah dengan tragedi 
kemanusiaan lagi, pungkasnya.

Misran dipidana 3 bulan penjara oleh PN Tenggarong lalu dikuatkan oleh putusan 
banding PT Samarinda dengan tuduhan tak berwenang menolong. Akibat putusan ini, 
Misran beserta 12 mantri desa lainnya mengajukan permohonan penghapusan 
kriminalisasi UU Kesehatan. 

Dalam nota kesaksiannya di MK kemarin, Pemerintah lewat Kemenkes menilai UU
 tersebut sudah sesuai dengan konstitusi. Tapi dalam perersmian gedung baru 
RSCM, Menkes Endang Rahayu menyatakan sebaliknya, jika UU bermasalah maka perlu 
direvisi. Kalau pasal itu bisa multiinterpretasi, berarti itu harus 
diperbaiki, ujar Endang siang ini.





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[ppiindia] You've received a private message from a friend!

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik girlieihchick
I read your profile today, I thought I would drop you a line and hope to become 
your friend! Check my personal page here:

[ppiindia] Petani Tembakau: Boikot Rokok Putih Amerika

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Petani Tembakau: Boikot Rokok Putih Amerika 
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 15:56 WIB

- Pernyataan sikap Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag) Mari Elka Pangestu
mengenai tidak akan melakukan pemboikotan produk rokok putih produksi
Amerika Serikat, mendapat kecaman keras dari Asosiasi Petani Tembakau
Indonesia (APTI) Jawa Tengah.
Pasalnya, negara Paman Sam tersebut berani memboikot rokok kretek
Indonesia, kenapa sebaliknya Indonesia tidak berani memboikot rokok

Ketua APTI Jawa Tengah, Nurtantio Wisnu Brata mengatakan
memang harus ada keberanian dari pemimpin negara dalam mengambil
kebijakan. Sebagai contoh, merespon kebijakan dari Amerika yang
melarang masuk rokok kretek Indonesia ke negaranya.
Ya, kalau Amerika melarang, kita juga harus berani melarang atau 
memboikotnya, kata dia kepada VIVAnews, Rabu 16 Juni 2010.

tunduknya negara kita atas kebijakan tersebut, lanjut dia, berarti
negara ini masih belum bebas dari penjajahan. Hal itu telihat dari
sikap pemerintah yang masih mau diinjak-injak mengenai kebijakan rokok
Makanya minggu depan, kita akan ke Menteri Perdangan dan Menteri
Perindustrian untuk menyampaikan surat keberatan, tutur Wisnu.

isi surat tersebut dikatakan Wisnu, yakni berisi tuntutan untuk
melindungi kepada produk rokok kretek Indonesia. Sebab, rokok kretek
ini merupakan warisan budaya bangsa Indonesia.
Kita mengharapkan rokok kretek dijadikan sebagai warisan budaya. Dengan 
begitu, keberadaannya harus dilindungi, ungkap Wisnu.

apakah petani tembakau akan melakukan demo, dia mengaku saat ini para
petani sudah lelah karena untuk menghadang RPP Tembakau saja sudah
lelah. Mungkin nanti kita akan gelar aksi yang di dalamnya mencakup
demo tolak RPP Tembakau dan pemboikotan rokok putih, ujar dia.

Laporan: Fajar Sodiq | Solo


  Dipublikasikan : Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 15:56 WIB



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[ppiindia] Amerika Boikot Rokok Kretek Buatan Indonesia

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Amerika Boikot Rokok Kretek Buatan Indonesia

Antique, Agus Dwi Darmawan
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 14:17 WIB

 VIVAnews -
Menteri Perindustrian MS Hidayat mengetahui informasi mengenai
pemboikotan impor rokok kretek asal Indonesia oleh Amerika Serikat.
Menurut dia, pemboikotan rokok kretek tersebut hanya merupakan strategi

Hidayat mengakui, pemerintah sampai detik ini belum
menerima informasi secara resmi dari pemerintah AS. Pemboikotan itu
terjadi hanya karena business to business, ujar Hidayat di DPR, Rabu 16 Juni 

dia, sejauh ini pemerintah tidak secara resmi menyelesaikan persoalan
tersebut. Penyelesaian lebih ke korporasi, kata Hidayat.
Pemerintah, Hidayat menambahkan, juga tidak terlalu mempersoalkan
masalah itu, karena nilai ekspor ke AS untuk rokok kretek terbilang

Menteri Perdagangan Mari Elka Pangestu mengatakan bahwa
pemerintah sudah melakukan proses gugatan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa
perdagangan tentang rokok kretek. Kami sudah menanyakan tentang itu,
kata dia.

Jawabannya, kemungkinan akan diperoleh dalam jangka waktu dekat.
informasi yang diperoleh dari pengusaha adalah diskriminasi rokok
kretek ini adalah pelarangan impor karena rokok kretek diduga
mengandung zat addictive yang menyebabkan kecanduan. (mt)



  Dipublikasikan : Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 14:17 WIB



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[ppiindia] Komputer Berbahaya untuk Anak

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Komputer Berbahaya untuk Anak
Muhammad Firman, Harriska Farida Adiati

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 12:47 WIB

- Menurut psikolog Dr Aric Sigman, PC bisa merusak otak anak-anak yang
masih dalam usia perkembangan. Sigman mengungkapkan, anak-anak di bawah
umur sembilan tahun sebaiknya tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan PC.

Kepada harian The Telegraph,
seperti dikutip 16 Juni 2010, Sigman mengatakan bahwa memperkenalkan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) pada usia dini menyebabkan
kemampuan untuk mencurahkan perhatian pada suatu hal menjadi berkurang.

merujuk pada program Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), yang
diperkenalkan pemerintah Inggris pada 2008. Program tersebut memaparkan
12 hal terkait IT yang sebaiknya diperkenalkan anak-anak saat mereka
mulai menginjak usia lima tahun.

Program tersebut antara lain
melakukan penelitian dengan memperkenalkan sebuah komputer pada anak
berusia 22 bulan. Anak-anak juga kemudian diarahkan agar mampu
memanfaatkan fungsi-fungsi ICT sederhana, termasuk menggunakan mouse dan 
keyboard pada usia 40 bulan.

“Akhirnya ditemukan adanya konflik antara multitasking
dan konsentrasi  yang berkelanjutan. Hal-hal tersebut tidak bisa dan
tidak sebaiknya dikembangkan pada saat bersamaan,” kata Sigman.

menyebutkan, anak-anak bisa saja tertarik pada alkohol, senjata, dan
pornografi, tetapi bukan berarti kita harus memberikan mereka akses
pada hal-hal tersebut.
Ia juga menolak argumen yang menyebutkan bahwa berhubung hidup kita
saat ini dikelilingi PC, maka anak-anak perlu mulai dibiasakan
menggunakan PC pada usia dini.



  Dipublikasikan : Rabu, 16 Juni 2010, 12:47 WIB



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[ppiindia] Bahasa Perancis Tak Berguna

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Bahasa Perancis Tak Berguna

Chris Bryant, mantan menteri luar negeri Inggris

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | 20:29 WIB

LONDON, KOMPAS.com - Seorang mantan menteri luar
negeri Inggris, Rabu (16/6), membela pendapatnya yang menyatakan
Perancis merupakan bahasa yang tidak berguna. Menurut mantan menteri
itu, bahasa China dan Arab lebih penting dalam dunia global moderen
ketimbang Perancis.

Harian Telegraph melaporkan, Chris
Bryant, mantan menteri Eropa pada masa perdana menteri Gordon Brown
dari Partai Buruh, membuat komentar itu di parlemen Selasa. Komentarnya
itu langsung memicu protes dari Partai Konservatif yang menilai hal itu
tergolong menghina tetangga Inggris tersebut.

Kecuali kalau
kita memiliki jumlah orang yang memadai yang berbicara bahasa asing
yang modern, dan tidak hanya bahasa asing modern tak berguna seperti
Perancis, Inggris bisa menderita secara internasional, katanya
sebagaimana dikuti harian itu.

Masih membela komentarnya itu, Rabu, ia mengatakan kepada AFP,
Poin saya adalah bahwa Perancis tidak lagi bahasa diplomasi atau
bisnis dan bahwa kami di Inggirs tergolong buruk dalam mempelajari
bahasa asing yang modern. Itu sebabnya mengapa saya mendorong
pemerintah untuk melakukan pekerjaan dalam mendorong orang untuk
mempelajari bahasa Mandarin, Spanyol dan Arab yang sekarang dituturkan
oleh banyak orang di negara sedang berkembang pesat. 

secara tradisional dikenal sebagai bahasa diplomasi,  telah lama
menjadi bahasa asing pertama yang diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah Inggris,
diikuti bahasa Jerman dan Spanyol, meski pelajaran bahasa Mandarin
telah berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

menambahkan, ia berbicara bahasa Perancis dan Spanyol dan telah
menyuarakan pandangannya tentang topik itu sebelumnya, termasuk di
televisi Perancis.

Dapatkan artikel ini di URL:





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[ppiindia] Parlemen AS Cemaskan Perang Afganistan

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Parlemen AS Cemaskan Perang Afganistan

Komentar: AS tidak belajar dari kekalahan Uni Soviet di Afganistan! 3 bulan 
lalu sesumbar mau menaklukkan Taliban. Sekarang mulai ragu-ragu...

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | 13:49 WIB


Para anggota parlemen Amerika Serikat makin cemas terhadap perang di
Afganistan di tengah tanda-tanda bahwa serangan di Kandahar, tempat
kelahiran Taliban, tidak akan berjalan mulus sesuai harapan. Hal ini
dikatakan pemimpin Dewan Perwakilan, Rabu (16/6/2010). 

pikir ada kecemasan terhadap perang Afganistan. Saya pikir kami semua
merasakan kecemasan itu, kata Pemimpin Mayoritas Demokrat di Dewan
Perwakilan, Steny Hoyer, kepada para wartawan dalam penjelasan

Serangan itu tak akan berlangsung semulus yang
saya perkirakan. Kami kini justru mendengar bahwa di Kandahar segala
sesuatunya tidak bisa dipecahkan secepat mungkin, seperti yang kita
harapkan, katanya. 

Kongres AS diperkirakan segera akan
memutuskan rancangan undang-undang pengeluaran untuk perang darurat.
Pengeluaran tersebut untuk membiayai operasi-operasi di Irak dan
Afganistan, yang menghadapi perlawanan dari sekutu-sekutu Demokrat di
Gedung Putih. 

Menurut pandangan saya, saya mendukung permintaan Presiden, kata Hoyer. 

menegaskan, keberhasilan adalah hal yang sangat penting di Afganistan
dan Pakistan, terutama terhadap Taliban dan pemimpin jaringan teroris
Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden. 

Tapi saya rasa bahwa pertanyaan
Anda adalah apakah saya mendengar peningkatan pembicaraan ke arah itu.,
saya rasa jawabannya adalah 'ya', katanya menambahkan.


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[ppiindia] Bangun Pabrik Pupuk, Pemerintah Minta Pertamina ke Iran

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Bangun Pabrik Pupuk
Pemerintah Minta Pertamina ke Iran
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | 17:05 WIB

Kantor Pertamina Pusat, Jakarta Pusat.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Pemerintah akan 
mendorong PT Pertamina masuk ke Iran untuk membangun pabrik pupuk di wilayah 
itu menggantikan PT Pusri.

coba mengundang Pertamina masuk ke sana, kata Menteri BUMN Mustafa
Abubakar di sela Rapat Gabungan Menteri BUMN, Menteri Perdagangan,
Menko Perekonomian, Menteri Perindustrian dengan Komisi IV, VI, dan VII
di Gedung MPR/DPR Jakarta, Rabu (16/6/2010).
Mustafa, alasan mengundang Pertamina karena perusahaan migas tersebut
juga memiliki kerja sama pembangunan kilang di Iran.

Saat ini,
Kementerian BUMN sedang mengkaji kemungkinan penarikan Pusri dari Iran
karena perusahaan pupuk itu sedang fokus membangun pabrik di dalam
negeri, seperti pabrik di kawasan lapangan gas Donggi Senoro.

catatan, Pusri dan NPCI—perusahaan asal Iran—telah menandatangani nota
kesepahaman (MOU) pembangunan pabrik pupuk tersebut sejak April 2007.
Alasan memilih Iran karena sumber gas di Iran cukup memadai dan harga
relatif murah.

Diketahui, investasi pabrik mencapai 700 juta
dollar AS, di antaranya, yang berasal dari 100 juta dollar AS dari Bank
Pembangunan Islam dan 150 juta dollar AS dari Bank Iran. Adapun
pembagian saham antara Pemerintah Iran dan Pusri diperkirakan seimbang,
yakni masing-masing 50 persen.




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[ppiindia] Dianggap Tak Manusiawi, Ekspor Paha Kodok RI Diprotes

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Jutaan kambing, sapi, ayam, domba, bebek, burung merpati, disembelih tiap hari 
di Eropa dan seluruh dunia Jutaan ikan, udang, cumi, bekicot, ular, dll 
disantap orang tiap hari. Tidak ada yang mempersoalkan...?

Rabu, 16/06/2010 21:03 WIB

Dianggap Tak Manusiawi, Ekspor Paha Kodok RI Diprotes

  Suhendra - detikFinance


- Ekspor paha kodok Indonesia ke Uni Eropa diprotes oleh salah satu LSM
internasional di bidang lingkungan, karena produk tersebut dituding tak
sesuai dengan ketentuan Eropa soal pemotongan hewan. Aksi ini bisa
mengancam ekspor paha kodok Indonesia ke Eropa.

kodok diprotes oleh Greenpeace dengan alasan dibunuh secara tidak
manusiawi, kata Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengolahan dan Pemasaran
Produk Perikanan Indonesia (AP5I) Thomas Darmawan saat ditemui di Hotel
JW Marriot Jakarta, Rabu (16/6/2010).

Ia menuturkan masalah
tersebut padahal hanya mencakup kasus pemotongan hewan kodok hijau yang
dilakukan oleh peternak kodok rakyat yang biasa melakukan pemotongan
tanpa melalui rumah potong. Padahal itupun kata dia, hanya di konsumsi
di dalam negeri alias tidak diekspor.

Sekarang ini baru ada gerakan, sama seperti sawit, tambah Thomas.

untuk kodok-kodok yang tujuan ekspor khususnya untuk jenis bull frog
sudah diterapkan mekanisme rumah potong. Saat ini kata dia ada 12
eksportir yang bergerak di bidang ekspor paha kodok. 

Kita akan usul ke Bappenas untuk pengembangan rumah potong untuk kodok, 

menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh LSM internasional
tersebut tidak terlepas adanya undang-undang mengenai pri-kebinatangan
yang berlaku di Eropa. Aspek-aspek penanganan hewan termasuk dalam hal
memotong hewan cukup ketat di Uni Eropa, seperti juga mengenai aturan
kandang lebih luas bagi ayam.

Thomas menambahkan
kebijakan-kebijakan semacam itu pada dasarnya adalah untuk melindungi
konsumen. Namun ia berharap hal-hal semacam itu jangan terlalu ketat
karena nantinya justru akan merugikan konsumen di Eropa sendiri karena
membayar produk lebih mahal.

Uni Eropa jangan cuma protes bantulah, katanya.

mengatakan ekspor paha kodok Indonesia ke Eropa cukup laris di Perancis
dan beberapa negara Eropa lainnya yang biasanya digunakan sebagai
makanan yang lezat dan cukup digemari.

Bahkan kata Thomas
masalah hambatan dari Eropa dibidang perikanan bukan itu saja,
baru-baru ini masalah  soal daftar hitam kapal-kapal yang dianggap oleh
Uni Eropa ilegal dari seluruh dunia.

Di antara yang masuk dalam daftar itu, antara lain kapal-kapal dari Indonesia 
dan bekas kapal berbendera Indonesia.

Sehingga kapal itu tidak boleh mengekspor produk perikanan meski sudah punya 
sertifikat, katanya.





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[ppiindia] World Cup viewers killed in Somalia

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apa komentar Anda yang pandai ilmu agama illahi tentang larangan 
menonton bola, musik yang dilakukan oleh Hisbul Islam dan Al-Shabaab di Somalia?


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 
16:24 Mecca time, 13:24 GMT

World Cup viewers killed in Somalia 
Somalis use makeshift satellite dishes to capture foreign 
broadcasts from South Africa [Reuters] 

Somali fighters from the Hizbul Islam group have killed two people and arrested 
dozens for violating a ban on watching World Cup football matches on television.

Eyewitnesses said masked men from the group raided houses on Sunday and Monday 
in the Afgoi district, 30 km south of the capital Mogadishu, to make sure their 
ban stands.

Hizbul Islam killed two people and arrested 35 others, all World Cup fans, 
Ali Yasin Gedi, vice-chairman of the Elman rights group, told Reuters on 

Islamists unexpectedly entered houses in Afgoi district and then fired (at) 
some people who tried to jump over the wall to escape he said. 

Hizbul Islam and another group al-Shabaab, which are widely seen as al-Qaeda's 
proxy in the region, control large swathes of the country and much of the 

The groups enforce their own strict interpretation of Islam, routinely banning 
sport, music and dancing.

Hizbul Islam unexpectedly knocked on our doors. They jumped over our wall. It 
was midnight and my two sons and others from the neighbourhood were watching 
the World Cup, resident Ismail Sidow said.

Some residents in al-Shabaab-controlled areas are furtively watching the 
world's biggest sporting event, which is being staged in Africa for the first 
time, using makeshift satellite dishes to capture foreign broadcasts from South 

The first goal of the World Cup (scored) by South Africa is itself very great 
- we should be proud of it, said Mohamed Muhidiin Xute, a member of Somalia's 
Football Federation.

Three years of fighting in the anarchic Horn of Africa nation has left 21,000 
people dead and forced 1.5 million from their homes. Only small pockets of the 
capital remain in the hands of a Western-backed government and African Union 

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[ppiindia] A blow to the Brotherhood

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

 10 - 16 June 2010
Issue No. 1002
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

A blow to the Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood's failure to win a single seat in the Shura Council's 
mid-term election comes as no surprise, reports Gamal Essam El-Din 

The Muslim Brotherhood failed to win any seats in the mid-term Shura Council 
elections. The second run-off round was held on Tuesday, without any 
Brotherhood candidates running. 

Brotherhood leaders expectedly voiced sharp criticism of the ruling National 
Democratic (NDP), which swept the poll. The NDP secured 80 seats, the 
opposition won four seats and the independents won the remaining four seats. 
Essam El-Erian, the official in charge of the group's political agenda, accused 
the NDP, in collaboration with the security forces, of manipulating the poll.

The ballot lacked any judicial supervision and was rife with irregularities 
and fraud, he claimed . According to the Higher Electoral Commission (HEC), 
the election was marked by complete transparency.

Four opposition party-based candidates were able to secure seats: Tagammu's 
Salah Misbah in the Nile-Delta governorate of Damietta; Al-Geel's Ahmed 
Al-Agouz and the Arab Nasserist's Mohsen Attia in the Old Cairo districts of 
Gammaliya and Azbakiya, and Ghad's Moussa Mustafa Moussa in Giza. It is the 
first time the Nasserist Party has been represented on the Shura Council. 

According to El-Erian a handful of opposition candidates were allowed to win 
to give a false impression that the polls were not rigged. 

Days before the June poll El-Erian said the Brotherhood wanted to penetrate the 
Shura Council so that the movement gains greater legitimacy and prestige. 

The Brotherhood fielded 15 candidates, including three members of the People's 
Assembly. Their failure may well be behind the Brotherhood throwing its weight 
behind the political reform campaign of Mohamed El-Baradei, the former director 
of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). El-Baradei held a press 
conference on Tuesday with Mohamed El-Katatni, leader of the Brotherhood's 
parliamentary bloc, during which the movement announced it would help in the 
drive to collect a million signatures for El-Baradei's petition to change the 
constitution and introduce guarantees for free and fair elections, including 
the presence of international monitors. 

The failure to secure a single Shura Council seat will not, says El-Erian, 
dissuade the movement from contesting the elections to the People's Assembly, 
scheduled next October.

This is more important to us. The Shura Council lacks any real powers or 
popular appeal, he argued. 

The Brotherhood currently holds 86 seats in the 454-member People's Assembly. 
The movement has never occupied a seat on the Shura Council since it was 
established by president Anwar El-Sadat in 1980.

The Brotherhood's drubbing in the Shura elections, dominated by the NDP since 
1980, was expected, says Al-Ahram analyst Amr Hashem Rabie.

Rabie doubts the Brotherhood's alliance with El-Baradei will hold firm. This 
is a tactical move. Should the Brotherhood hold its seats in next October's 
elections the alliance will collapse, he predicts.

The liberal-oriented Wafd Party, which fielded 10 candidates, also failed to 
win a seat. The party hoped that Mahmoud Abdel-Wahed, its candidate in the 
Upper-Egypt governorate of Sohag's district of Baliana, will buck that trend in 
the run-off poll. 

Out of 88 contested seats the NDP has secured 66, said Intessar Nessim, 
chairman of the HEC. Add to this the 14 seats in which the NDP was standing 
uncontested and it has won 80 of the 88 seats up for grabs in the consultative 
upper house. 

Twenty candidates competed for the 10 seats in the run-off ballot on Tuesday. 
Of these, 11 belong to the NDP, one to the Wafd Party, and eight are 
independent candidates. 

Most, if not all, of the independents are NDP members who decided to run 
outside the party umbrella. 

According to Nessim, the turnout was 30.8 per cent (7.8 million) of registered 
voters during the first round. He denied that the voting was marred by any 

The election was marked by complete transparency. Vote-counting committees did 
their job in the presence of monitors from civil society organisations and 
foreign and local press correspondents, said Nessim. If it had the slightest 
doubt about the propriety of the elections the HEC would not have announced the 

Brotherhood officials, though, say their observers were barred from entering 
polling and vote- counting stations. They also complain that their supporters 
were systematically harassed by security forces.

Full judicial oversight of elections was cancelled in 2007. 

If there is any lesson to be learned from the Shura polls it is the necessity 
of again placing elections 

[ppiindia] Turkey muddies the water

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :Masalah air di Timur Tengah misalnya antara Siria, Irak dan Turki, 
serta antara  Israel-Palestinia-Yordania, apakah akan menjadi sumber sengketa 
dimasa mendatang?


 10 - 16 June 2010
Issue No. 1002

Turkey muddies the water
Syria's plan to divert the waters of the Tigris portends a long and bitter 
quarrel with Iraq, reports Bassel Oudat from Damascus 

Last year's severe drought in northeastern Syria dried up the Khabur River 
which is the lifeline in that region, causing some 500,000 Syrians to migrate 
to other areas inside Syria. In response, the government signed a deal with the 
Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development to begin a project on the Tigris 
close to the Syrian-Turkish-Iraqi border, diverting enough water to fertilise 
200,000 hectares.

Baghdad was infuriated by the project and called Damascus to an emergency 
meeting to clarify the details of the surprise plan which would divert river 
water over long distances inside Syrian territories. Iraq's Water Resources 
Ministry stated that any diverted water will affect Iraq's already meagre water 
quota, which would negatively influence local agriculture and the economy. 
Iraqi officials also predicted that the plan will jeopardise already worsening 
relations between the two neighbouring states.

Syria has not responded to Iraq's invitation. Informed Syrian sources asserted 
that the project was conceived decades ago, and not a new concept at all, as 
the Iraqis are claiming. In fact, it is an indicator of warming relations 
between Syria and Turkey, because Ankara gave Damascus the green light to go 
ahead and begin the project.

The plan is indeed old, but was delayed because previous governments in Turkey 
refused to sign any agreement to share water with Syria and Iraq. With 
encouragement from abroad, Ankara was fooled into believing that it would be 
stronger and have more leverage by controlling the water flow.

Syria and Iraq have fought over water resources in the past. In the 1980s, it 
threatened to ignite a war. Eventually the quarrel came to include Turkey, 
especially after Ankara began building large dams on the Euphrates and Tigris. 
So far, no three-way agreement has been reached because Turkey refuses to share 
the water with Syria and Iraq.

The heart of the problem lies in differences of interpretation of Syria and 
Iraq on the one hand, and Turkey on the other. Turkey believes the Tigris and 
Euphrates rivers, which originate in the Taurus Mountains in Turkey and pass 
through Syria and Iraq, to be marginally cross-border rivers because they 
barely pass inside the borders of Syria and Iraq. But Syria and Iraq consider 
them major international water bodies which should be evenly divided among 

When the regimes in Damascus and Baghdad fell out in the 1970-80s, this 
negatively affected their rights to the waters of the Euphrates and Tigris and 
a number of smaller rivers, because they refused to sit together or with the 
Turkish side. Ankara used Syrian- Iraqi tensions to exercise control over the 
waters of the rivers and keep a much larger share than stipulated in 
international water agreements for itself. It constructed massive dams on the 
rivers, using their waters in agricultural and industrial projects along their 
banks. It cut down the amount of water going to each country, and refused to 
recognise that the two rivers were international waterways but rather local 
Turkish rivers which happen to pass through Syria and Iraq on their way to the 
Arab shore, south of Basra in Iraq.

In 1974, Turkey began the Southeastern Anatolian (GAP) project which consists 
of 21 dams, 17 of which on the Euphrates including Ataturk Dam and four others 
on the River Tigris. It also included 19 power stations and 47 water 
reservoirs, and a variety of other projects in the fields of agriculture, 
industry, transportation, irrigation and communication. Ankara earmarked $32 
billion for the project and received a large part of the budget from 
international funding in the form of loans and grants, especially from the US, 
Canada, Israel and France.

In 1987, Syria and Iraq tried to gain some recognition over the waters of the 
two rivers, but it was too late. Turkey refused to negotiate with them as one 
party and dealt with each side separately, taking a disproportionate amount for 
itself. Damascus and Baghdad could do nothing, especially in light of the fact 
that Ankara continued its plans to construct dams and was able to cut off the 
flow of the river altogether to both neighbours.

In 1989, Syria and Iraq agreed to divide the quota of the Euphrates River given 
to them, whereby Syria's share amounted to 42 per cent and 52 per cent went to 
Iraq. Later, in 2000, the two sides agreed that Syria should receive a share of 
the Tigris water (which flows 50km inside its border), 

[ppiindia] Women's rights gain focus in the Kingdom

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Women's rights gain focus in the Kingdom

Published: Jun 15, 2010 15:40 Updated: Jun 15, 2010 15:40 

After years of stymied efforts, reform in Saudi Arabia is focused on women's 

A recent survey by the Researchers Center for Women's Studies in Riyadh 
examining Saudi newspapers and websites showed that from mid-January to 
mid-February 2010 some 40 percent of articles in print media and 58 percent of 
articles on websites addressed women's issues.

Empowering women has become a priority for local activists and various 
initiatives are springing up to secure basic women's rights. The most recent 
and ambitious of these efforts is a national campaign, driven by local actors, 
calling for women's participation in municipal elections scheduled for autumn 

Prominent human rights activists, women's rights activists, writers and elected 
municipal council members are spearheading this national campaign for electoral 
participation, which was launched in March 2010. The goal is to coordinate 
activities on this issue throughout the Kingdom, including advocacy and media 
coverage, public meetings and speeches, writing to officials and training 
candidates. The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has not yet ruled on 
the issue of allowing women to vote or to register as candidates.

The position taken by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah on 
fostering the role of women in Saudi society has created an opening for such 
initiatives. In February 2009 the king appointed a woman to be deputy minister 
of education, the highest public office in the country to be held by a woman so 
far. A few months later, a member of the Senior Religious Council was removed 
from his post after condemning King Abdullah University of Science and 
Technology's co-ed environment.

In December 2009, Lama Al-Sulaiman was the first woman to win a seat in the 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jeddah and became the vice chairman of the 
most prestigious business organization in the country. Following that, the 
Ministry of Commerce and Industry appointed four women board members to CCIs: 
Faten Bundaqji and Aisha Natto in Jeddah, and Hana Al-Zuhair and Samira 
Al-Suwaigh in the Eastern Province.

Taking into consideration the social and religious restrictions on women in the 
society, Saudi businesswomen have made major strides in the last few years 
toward breaking down barriers and gaining legislation that created a less 
restrictive business environment.

For instance, in 2008 Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, the governor of Makkah, modified 
Article 160 of the Labor Law, which prohibited men and women from interacting 
in a business environment. The Labor Ministry also revised labor laws in 2008 
in order to give women the choice to work. Women no longer require a male 
guardian's approval to get or leave a job. In the same year, authorities also 
reversed a ban on women staying in hotels alone.

A new law is expected to give women the right to travel abroad without a male 
guardian's approval and the ability to use their national identification cards 
to travel to Gulf Cooperation Council states.

Among many individual initiatives related to women's rights is a campaign 
called Where are my rights? headed by Khloud Al-Fahad, a businesswoman from 
Alkhobar, who seeks to educate women about their basic rights and equality 
between the sexes via publications, a website and frequent media coverage.

Suad Al-Shamary, the first women lawyer in the Kingdom, has pursued many cases 
related to violations of women's rights to divorce and protection, childcare 
and support, and compensation for injury. In cooperation with other lawyers, 
she is currently pushing for legislation to set the age for legal marriage in 
order to avoid the marriages imposed on young girls. Other initiatives include 
establishing centers to protect victims of domestic violence as well as 
campaigns on divorce rights, family laws and the rights of women married to 
non-Saudis. Most women's rights initiatives are currently headed by individuals 
rather than associations due to the heavy restrictions on civil society 
organizations in the Kingdom.

The growing activism of women - spurred in part by their awareness of the 
greater involvement in public life of women in neighboring states such as 
Bahrain and Kuwait, as well as attention from international figures such as 
Yakin Ertürk, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on 
Violence Against Women - have prompted tense debates between traditional 
ultra-conservative religious leaders and an increasingly outspoken liberal 
intellectual elite. Among the debated issues are gender interaction in schools 
and colleges, women's sports, participation in elections for chambers of 
commerce and municipal councils, women's driving, male guardian sponsorship, 
domestic violence, definition of 

[ppiindia] Somali Islamists kill two for watching World Cup

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Somali Islamists kill two for watching World Cup

Published: Jun 15, 2010 16:43 Updated: Jun 15, 2010 16:43 

MOGADISHU: Somali Islamist militants killed two people and arrested dozens of 
others for breaking a ban on watching the World Cup on television, residents 

They said the masked fighters from the Hizbul Islam group raided houses on 
Sunday and Monday in the Afgoi district, 30 km (19 miles) south of the capital 
Mogadishu, after hard-line Islamist groups banned Somalis from watching the 
tournament. Hizbul Islam killed two people and arrested 35 others, all World 
Cup fans, Ali Yasin Gedi, vice-chairman of the Elman rights group, told 
Reuters on Tuesday. Islamists unexpectedly entered houses in Afgoi district 
and then fired (at) some people who tried to jump over the wall to escape he 
added. Hizbul Islam and another group, al Shabaab, which is widely seen as 
Al-Qaeda's proxy in the region, control large swathes of the country and much 
of the capital.

The groups enforce their own strict interpretation of Islam, routinely banning 
sport, music and dancing.

Hizbul Islam unexpectedly knocked on our doors. They jumped over our wall. It 
was midnight and my two sons and others from the neighborhood were watching the 
World Cup, resident Ismail Sidow said. Some residents in Islamist-controlled 
areas are furtively watching the world's biggest sporting event, which is being 
staged in Africa for the first time, using makeshift satellite dishes to 
capture foreign broadcasts from South Africa. The first goal of the World Cup 
(scored) by South Africa is itself very great - we should be proud of it, said 
Mohamed Muhidiin Xute, a member of Somalia's Football Federation. A three-year 
insurgency in the anarchic Horn of Africa nation has left 21,000 people dead 
and forced 1.5 million from their homes. Only small pockets of the capital 
remain in the hands of a Western-backed government and African Union 

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[ppiindia] Sex tape sparks call to control Internet in Indonesia

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Sex tape sparks call to control Internet in Indonesia

Published: Jun 15, 2010 20:58 Updated: Jun 15, 2010 20:59 

JAKARTA: The release of video clips appearing to show top starlets having sex 
has sparked renewed calls for tighter Internet controls in majority-Muslim 
Indonesia and more use of a controversial anti-pornography law.

The anti-porn law, passed in 2008, was seen by many as a sign of the growing 
influence of religion in policy-making in traditionally moderate Indonesia, a 
worry for some investors hoping for pro-market reforms.

Police are now considering invoking it in an investigation into the release on 
the grainy clips that appear to show pop singer Nazril Ariel Irham having 
sex, in one clip with television star girlfriend Luna Maya, while in another 
with actress Cut Tari.

The stars have denied it is them. Local media reported Irham as saying his 
laptop was stolen last year and police have called the stars for questioning.

Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring has expressed disgust at the clips, 
which have dominated Indonesian news since being leaked earlier this month.

Why would anyone tape such a private thing? Sembiring was quoted as saying by 
local newspaper the Jakarta Post, which also reported him saying new rules were 
needed to ban negative Internet content.

Sembiring's Islam-based party PKS, seen as one of the most conservative parties 
in Parliament, is a key member of President Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono's ruling 
coalition and pushed earlier this year for more Internet censorship controls. 
The plan was dropped after public outcry.

The party's president, Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, told Reuters the clips showed 
inappropriate material was too easily accessible.

To protect a community, there must be control, we cannot have total freedom, 
said the Saudi Arabia-educated politician. To create comfort and overcome 
negative effects on communities who are not ready and not supposed to consume 
certain material, then controls are a very good idea.

When asked if he would support limiting access to sites like YouTube or 
Facebook, Ishaaq said he would if it was in the national interest. He 
expected the anti-porn law, used to charge nightclub dancers this year, to be 
used more often in future.

If letters to the editor are any judge, reactions from ordinary Indonesians to 
the country's first celebrity sex tape scandal have varied from voyeuristic 
interest to irritation.

I think corruption is worse for society than a few sex videos, one scribe, 
Peter, wrote to the Jakarta Post.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] The Sovereign Debt Crisis and Islamic Banking

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

The Sovereign Debt Crisis and Islamic Banking

By Lahem al-Nasser

Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- No sooner had the world begun to pick up the pieces in 
the wake of the US subprime mortgage crisis than another emerged, namely the 
sovereign debt crisis, which is something that I warned against in previous 
articles. I warned that the impact of this crisis on the economy and 
international stability would be greater than the previous crisis, since this 
crisis pertains to state debts, rather that individual or company debts. Until 
now the international financial system has yet to put in place laws to address 
state bankruptcy, despite the fact that this is something that has occurred on 
a number of occasions in the modern era. This is not the case with commercial 
debts, for there are laws which address civil institutions filing for 
bankruptcy and which reduce the effects of this. The sovereign debt crisis also 
represents such a threat because these debts are not just related to one 
country, but rather there are a number of countries who are expected to be 
unable to honor their financial commitments. This is something that will not 
stop with Greece, and international credit rating agencies have also downgraded 
Portugal's credit rating by two levels, and Spain's by one. What compounds the 
issue and exacerbates the magnitude of the sovereign debt crisis and its impact 
on the global economy is that this is something which is present within the 
largest monetary union in the world, namely the Euro zone, especially since the 
Euro today is the second most utilized currency in international transactions 
after the US dollar. This means that the crisis will reflect negatively on 
countries in the European Union, the largest economic bloc in the world. 
Therefore the panic that is spreading across the international markets is 
justified, especially as stock markets and energy values have plummeted around 
the globe, which is something whose influence nobody can escape. 

To say that the Islamic banking industry will not be affected by this crisis 
is, in my point of view, a clear and glaring inaccuracy. The Islamic banking 
industry does not operate independently from international markets, and so it 
is not immune to international financial fluctuations. We witnessed how the US 
subprime mortgage crisis affected the [Islamic banking] industry and its 
institutes, and here we must distinguish between direct and indirect impact in 
order to ensure that we do not misread reports issued by credit rating 
agencies, such as the one which claims that Greece's financial crisis will not 
have any direct impact upon Islamic banking. This means that Islamic banking 
has no assets that are directly connected to the sovereign debt crisis since 
assets such as securities and other debt instruments that are prohibited under 
Islamic Shariaa law. However this report did not mention the indirect impact 
this crisis will have on Islamic banking, which is bound to be substantial due 
to the crisis's effect upon economic factors that are stimulating the Islamic 
financial industry. One of the key fields which is stimulating the Islamic 
banking industry's development and which will be immensely affected by the 
sovereign debt crisis is the oil industry. Oil prices are expected to fall due 
to fears of a fall in demand as a result of the sovereign debt crisis, and this 
would lead to the oil industry losing financial liquidity. Another key factor 
which the Islamic banking industry's development relies upon heavily is its 
investments in the stock market and real estate markets. These investments 
constitute the bulk of Islamic financial investment assets, and are 
particularly vulnerable to currency fluctuations due to the absence of 
effective financial hedging [in Islamic banking] which could limit this. 

Therefore now that the Islamic banking industry has developed and matured, it 
must carefully study such crises and find ways of countering their effects and 
avoiding them. In addition to this, the Islamic banking industry should exert 
effort to establish a central bank for Islamic banking; a bank that would 
pursue common objectives and interests of all Islamic banking institutions, 
such as examining the possibility of creating a financial hedging system to 
offset currency fluctuations by linking Islamic financial institutes' reserves 
to gold. This central bank would also regulate short-term investment, act to 
rescue failing Islamic financial institutes, and set up a common market for 
investment, which would lead to the establishment of joint criteria within the 
Islamic banking industry. This proposed central bank for the Islamic banking 
industry would also pursue any other common objectives that are of interest to 
all parties involved in this industry. Some might say that the things that I am 
calling for already exist within the parameters 

[ppiindia] Growing Numbers of Thai Protesters Jailed

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

  Growing Numbers of Thai Protesters Jailed  
  Written by Our Correspondent 
  Wednesday, 16 June 2010  
  The Bangkok elite show little sign they favor reconciliation 

  As many as 435 Red Shirt protesters remain in Thai jails and prisons in 
the wake of the May 19 breaking of the two-month siege of Bangkok by police and 
soldiers, with more being added every day, according to a list supplied to 
opposition figures and released to the press Wednesday. 

  A careful examination of the lists indicates that the authorities are 
predictably punishing the protesters while so far allegations of violence 
concerning government soldiers and royalists have been ignored. Considerable 
evidence exists indicating that soldiers and others deliberately targeted and 
killed not only protesters but members of the international press. Two foreign 
journalists were killed during the confrontations and seven foreign and 
domestic reporters were wounded, several of them seriously.

  As Asia Sentinel reported on May 19, if the results of three previous 
revolts in 1972, 1976 and 1992 are considered, the defeated can expect little 
comfort. Thailand has experienced three major violent political upheavals in 
the 35 or so years before the present crisis began. There was little leniency 
shown to demonstrators in any of the three following the upheavals, despite the 
fact that in all three cases the authorities shared as much responsibility for 
the violence, if not considerably more, as the protesters. 

  Some 13 of the top leaders of the United Front for Democracy Against 
Dictatorship - the Red Shirts - have been incarcerated at Narasuan Military 
Camp in Cha-Am, in Petchaburi Province, an unknown number charged with 
terrorism. Among them, according to local media, are Veera Musigkapong, 
Natthawut Saikua, Nisit Sinthuprai, Kwanchai Praiphana,Yosvarit chooklom or 
Jeng Dokjig, Weng Tochairakarn, Wiphuthalaeng Pattanaphuthai and Korkaew 

  So far, according to the Red Shirt sources, another 417 of the prisoners 
detained as a result of the pro-democracy protests have been charged under 
various clauses in the Emergency Decree. More than 100 were charged with arson, 
apparently stemming from the torching of buildings as the protesters were being 
driven out of the center of Bangkok. More than 25 were charged with possession 
of weapons or explosives. 

  Other charges ranged from relatively minor ones like curfew violations to 
destruction of property to theft or possession of drugs. The protesters are 
being held in at least eight prisons from Ayudhaya to central Bangkok to 

  Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on June 9 in a nationally publicized 
address introduced a five-point reconciliation program that he said seeks to 
address social and economic disparities. The plan also seeks to impose new 
controls on the news media, which largely hewed to a pro-government line 
throughout the two-month confrontation, during which 88 people died, most of 
them protesters although several soldiers were gunned down by mysterious men 
in black snipers believed to be connected to the Red Shirts, although nobody 
has been able to pin down just who they were. 

  The embattled prime minister also said his plan would discuss 
constitutional reform and uphold the honor of the monarchy. Several 
commissions are to be appointed on June 17 to carry out the plan. 

  As the three past episodes have shown, in which dozens of leaders were 
jailed for long periods, the red leadership at all levels should expect to be 
targeted for judicial punishment and extra-judicial disposal. Given the numbers 
of people who have been jailed and the growing numbers who are expected to be 
jailed, it appears that will be the case in this episode as well. The elites of 
Bangkok believe they have won the skirmish and appear unlikely to cede any 
power to the protesters.

  Although Abhisit had earlier agreed under pressure to hold national 
elections in November, there has been no indication since the protesters were 
driven out of Bangkok that elections - the Red Shirt protesters' main goal - 
will be held any time soon. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Indonesia Draws Fresh Looks, But Old Problems Still Remain

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

June 16, 2010
Yessar Rosendar

LG Electronics and Caterpillar are among the companies considering 
manufacturing their goods in Indonesia, said Gita Wirjawan, chairman of the 
Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), right, in this file photo. (Antara 
Photo/Nila Fu'adi)

Indonesia Draws Fresh Looks, But Old Problems Still Remain

Foreign manufacturers are increasingly looking at setting up shop in Indonesia 
after sharp wage increases and labor unrest in China and political instability 
in Thailand. However, Indonesia's perennial bugbears - a lack of 
infrastructure, too much red tape and pervasive corruption - are putting the 
country at a disadvantage against rivals, experts say. 

LG Electronics and Caterpillar are among the companies considering 
manufacturing their goods in Indonesia, said Gita Wirjawan, chairman of the 
Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). 

Gita said the country offered competitive wages and an improving investment 
climate as well as an increasingly strong domestic market. 

Indonesia is still far from replacing China as a base for manufacturing, he 
said on Tuesday. But we still have the chance to increase our competitiveness 
as our economic condition improves. 

Clothing retailer Guess is also looking at building factories here, as well as 
in Vietnam and Cambodia, its chief financial officer, Dennis Secor, told Dow 
Jones Newswires this week. New Balance opened a factory in Jakarta in April and 
rival sportswear companies Reebok and Mizuno are reportedly looking at 
expanding their operations in Indonesia. 

Foremost among the factors limiting Indonesia's efforts to attract more foreign 
investment is the country's substandard infrastructure, said Eric Alexander 
Sugandi, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia. Investors generally 
look at three things when weighing where to invest - infrastructure, wage 
levels and government bureaucracy, he said. 

Investors certainly look for sufficient infrastructure, because it will cost 
them more to build infrastructure by themselves. 

Eric said the main things holding back developing more infrastructure were 
problems with acquiring land, a lack of coordination between local and central 
governments and the corrupt bureaucracy. 

The government has revised regulations on infrastructure investment and it has 
also established guarantees for infrastructure investors. I hope this will 
provide a boost for development, he said. 

James Castle, founder of CastleAsia, a Jakarta-based business consultancy, said 
that any company considering leaving China would also look at Vietnam and 
India. Those two countries were currently offering better tax incentives and 
making more land available than Indonesia, he said. Castle said tax incentives 
were vital and they generally paid for themselves over the long term. Tax 
holidays are the easiest way to attract investment, and you don't really lose 

Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, the chairwoman for foreign investment at the Indonesian 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), acknowledged that the nation's 
infrastructure was woefully inadequate and, in particular, improving port 
facilities and logistics systems was vital. 

We are still far from being an international hub like Singapore, Shinta said. 

But she expressed confidence that Indonesia would become a major investment 
destination in the years ahead. Our labor force is of better quality than some 
other countries and some investors have said this. I hope the situation will 
improve and result in the transfer of more technology and skills to Indonesia. 

The nation's myriad and often conflicting regulations, legal uncertainty and 
corruption are also deterring investment. Transparency International ranked 
Indonesia the 111th out of 180 countries in its annual corruption index 
released in November. 

In recent weeks, the government has taken several steps to attract more foreign 
investment. It revised the Negative Investment List (DNI), easing restrictions 
on foreign investment in sectors such as construction, health care and 
electricity generation. It also is considering granting a tax holiday to some 
foreign and local investors. 

According to Eric, India is Indonesia's biggest rival in attracting investment. 
The two countries both have massive populations, which result in an oversupply 
of labor keeping wages down, he said. Foreign investors were attracted to 
countries with higher gross domestic product per capita because that translated 
to stronger buying power among locals, Eric said. 

Indonesia needs to shift workers from the agricultural sector to manufacturing 
to boost its GDP, he added.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Indonesian Fans Help Miyabi Find Peterporn Sex Tape Video

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny
June 16, 2010
Jakarta Globe

A man wearing a Miyabi t-shirt in Central Jakarta. The Japanese pornographic 
actress spent two days attempting to track down the Peterporn sex tapes. (JG 
Photo/ Yudhi Sukma Wijaya)

Indonesian Fans Help Miyabi Find Peterporn Sex Tape Video

Maria Ozawa, popularly known as Miyabi, until recently Indonesia's most popular 
porn star, has thanked her local fans with helping her find the Peterporn 
celebrity sex tape footage on the Internet.

Writing on Twitter, the half French, half Japanese pornographic actress, said 
she had first learned of the sex tape after the word Peterporn became a 
trending topic on the social networking site.

Two of the clips feature Peterpan frontman Ariel and current girlfriend Luna 
Maya, who like Miyabi is half Western. A third clip allegedly features Ariel 
and Insert gossip show host Cut Tari.

Miyabi said that her Indonesian fans helped her finally locate the video after 
a mammoth search.

Guys, after 2 day search on the web, today I got the real video of peterporn ? 
Many thanks for my follower in indonesia who give the link.., Miyabi said on 
her Twitter account @ozawazone on Wednesday. 

She said she was sorry that she could not answer any questions regarding the 

So many mentions asking me about peterporn, sorry I cant answer for that, 
because I have quote don't judge the book from the cover, she said.

Related articles
Sex Tape Trio Not Wanted in Mojokerto
8:27 AM 16/06/2010

Sex Tape Celebrities Gain International Notoriety
1:28 PM 14/06/2010

FPI Threatens Action Over Porn Scandal
12:30 PM 14/06/2010

Police Going After Sex Video Stars Under Porn Law
1:33 AM 14/06/2010

Ariel and Luna Break Cover to Answer Police Call
11:41 PM 11/06/2010

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[ppiindia] Death strikes a blow to Aceh unity

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Jun 11, 2010

Death strikes a blow to Aceh unity
By Fabio Scarpello

DENPASAR - The death of Teungku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro, the founder of the 
former pro-independence Free Aceh Movement (GAM), could intensify existing 
divisions in Indonesia's historically restive Aceh region and complicate 
ongoing discussions with Jakarta concerning the implementation of a 2005 peace 
agreement signed in Helsinki. The 85-year-old Hasan di Tiro died of natural 
causes in Banda Aceh on June 3. 

Hendra Fadli, coordinator of human-rights group Kontras-Aceh, says Hasan di 
Tiro's charisma worked as a unifying factor that smoothed over some of the 
different interests present in Aceh. Fuad Mardhatillah, an analyst at the Aceh 
Institute, added that latent conflicts are widespread in Aceh, but yet to 
emerge and that di Tiro's death means that there is one less unifying figure 
that may keep the various players at bay. 

As a secessionist rebel leader di Tiro was Jakarta's number one enemy for 
decades, but he died as an Indonesian citizen after his request to regain his 
citizenship was granted by Jakarta - the official documentation was delivered 
to him on June 2, the day before he died. He fled to Sweden in March 1979 as 
the Indonesian Army closed in on him after he declared Aceh an independent 
state in 1976. As a political asylum seeker, he became a Swedish citizen in 

Throughout GAM's armed struggle, he maintained remote political control of the 
movement, relinquishing it only in his latter years as his health deteriorated. 
He was also respected by many Acehnese who did not subscribe to GAM's political 
objectives. This was evident when he was able to return to Aceh to a hero's 
welcome in October 2008 on the invitation of President Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono. On that occasion, di Tiro was unofficially hailed as Aceh's Wali 
Nanggroe, which loosely translates to guardian of the state. 

Elusive equilibrium 
Despite a transition to democratic governance and a large measure of local 
autonomy, Aceh is still in search of a post-conflict equilibrium. Analysts say 
fault lines still exist on at least three different levels. 

Aceh is the only province in Indonesia that has been allowed to implement the 
Islamic code of sharia. But this implementation has taken on political 
overtones, with the religious establishment maneuvering to work as a 
counterweight to local government authorities. 

On the streets, local police have had their authority challenged by sharia 
police, while in the provincial legislature sharia-inspired laws have pitted 
Islamic-oriented lawmakers against secular representatives. For example, 
current governor Yusuf Irwandi, himself a former GAM member, refused to endorse 
a law that allowed for the stoning to death of adulterers. The regulation was 
nonetheless passed into law without Irwandi's signature in October 2008. 

Tensions also exist between former GAM members that have entered mainstream 
politics since the conflict ended. The well-documented rift between the 
reformist wing, led by Irwandi, and the conservative wing, led by Malik Mahud, 
is alive and well. It stemmed from Irwandi's decision to run for governor as an 
independent candidate in 2006, defying Malik's endorsement of Humam Hamid. 

Malik was prime minister of GAM's government-in-exile and a signatory to the 
Helsinki peace accord. Malik is now viewed as firmly in control of Partai Aceh 
(PA), the party that was established in mid-2007 to bring former GAM members 
under one political umbrella. Although the two factions managed to work 
together during the 2009 local elections, when Irwandi endorsed the PA, deeply 
entrenched differences in outlook remain. 

Further tension has resulted from the unequal division of the peace dividend. 
On one hand there are the mid- to high-ranking former rebels associated with 
the network of patronage established after the 2006 and 2009 elections. In 
2006, ten of the 23 district chiefs elected in the local polls were from GAM's 
ranks. In the April 2009 election, the PA won 33 of the 69 seats in Aceh's 
legislature, plus a majority of seats in seven of Aceh's district councils. 

On the other hand are some former GAM foot soldiers that have remained on the 
periphery of the new power structure and have struggled to make a living. This 
group is alleged to be behind the spike in petty crime that was so evident in 
Aceh between mid-2007 and September 2009. 

In between the two blocs is the Aceh Transition Committee (KPA), a civil 
organization established shortly after the 2005 peace accord to represent 
former combatants of GAM's military wing. According to some sources, KPA has 
grown into an almost parallel power structure in some areas of the province. 

Legal maneuvers 
While divisions have grown among ex-GAM cadre, simultaneously the relationship 
between Aceh and Jakarta has also become fraught, specifically over the 

[ppiindia] Sultan of Brunei divorces former TV3 reporter

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Sultan of Brunei divorces former TV3 reporter 
In this 2008 photo, the Sultan of Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izuddin 
Waddaulah is accompanied by his wives Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha 
(left) and Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim.

The Sultan of Brunei has announced he is divorcing former TV3 reporter Azrinaz 
Mazhar Hakim after five years of marriage.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, one of the world's wealthiest men, married Azrinaz in 

Azrinaz gave birth to the sultan's 11th child, a baby boy, less than a year 
later and a daughter in 2008.

Brunei's palace announced on state television and radio late Wednesday that the 
sultan has divorced Azrinaz and revoked all her royal titles. No other details 
were made available. - AP

Published June 16 2010

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[ppiindia] Morals of nationalism

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

  Wednesday, June 16, 2010

  VIEW: Morals of nationalism -Muhammad Aftab Afzal

   The first casualty of disregard to nation-building goals was the 
evaporation of popular sentiments of pre-partition Muslim nationalism in the 
eastern wing of the united Pakistan when the road signs were changed into Urdu 
overnight in Dhaka in 1950

  Does anyone know the differences between nationalism and 
ultra-nationalism in practical terms and how Muslims can be defined and placed 
in a particular set of things - a nation by state or a nation by community? And 
more precisely, what would be the status of non-Muslim communities living in 
Pakistan who are as much loyal to this land and the people as are their Muslim 

  The dilemma is not that we lacked the ability to reach a consensus on 
certain issues and devise a future course of action for the new state at the 
time of Pakistan's inception, but we lacked discipline and integrity to 
implement the vision of Quaid-i-Azam in the years after his death. The Quaid 
wanted to see his creation as one country and one people, despite the fact that 
the two wings of the state were geographically separated by 1,000 km and the 
nation consisted of a diversity of people from different religious, cultural, 
ethnic and racial backgrounds.

  A trail of leaders who held the highest offices of the state after him 
believed that the spirit of Islamic brotherhood, which prevailed during the 
independence struggle, would remain intact by default. They chose to ignore 
their failure at nation building, which accentuated religious, ethnic and 
cultural differences. The first casualty of disregard to nation-building goals 
was the evaporation of popular sentiments of pre-partition Muslim nationalism 
in the eastern wing of the united Pakistan when the road signs were changed 
into Urdu overnight in Dhaka in 1950.

  The whims of the rulers were unnerving and unacceptable for the people 
and proved to be catastrophic for the state. It not only changed the chemistry 
of national politics, but also the course of history in East Pakistan. The move 
was taken as an unequivocal message from the super-patriots of the western wing 
to the Bengali populace that they had to learn Urdu without any other choice, 
and that this was the only parameter to check their patriotism in a specified 
term of reference. The result was the birth of an independent Bangladesh after 
less than three decades of independence, while Islam had been nowhere in sight 
as a binding force in the whole state of affairs. 

  Pakistan faced more challenges and fewer opportunities avowedly in the 
early years of independence. The foremost area of concern for the leaders at 
the helm was to frame the shape of state organs. The Quaid's death came as a 
major blow to the nascent nation, but the friction between the second and third 
tier of the Muslim League leadership also contributed to the destruction of the 
nerve plexus of the state and the nation. And what they had sowed, we are still 

  Then military intervention came in as our saviour, but the political 
vacuum became amplified, only to be filled by politico-religious elements. The 
soft and moderate image of Islam introduced by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at the time, 
met with tough resistance from rabble-rousing religious elements, who were 
backed by the propertied classes, whose interests were severely damaged by his 
socialisation policies. They were not ready to compromise on anything less than 
his death for this unpardonable crime. The rest is history. The conflict 
continues between those wanting to make Pakistan a theological state and those 
looking to make it a liberal state.

  The question remains: are we Muslims or Pakistanis by definition based on 
the modern nationalist concept? Going by the rule of thumb, a person is 
acceptable as a member of his clan besides being a member of a family, and a 
house on a street is part of the locality, and, in a broader sense, of the city 
and the country. What is the harm if a person is a Muslim and a Pakistani at 
the same time? I do not think it will violate any code of Islamic jurisprudence 
if a non-Muslim is placed in the same matrix. What if religion is placed in its 
right place and confined to our hearts and minds only?

  But the problem is more complicated than it appears. A majority of people 
in this nation think they are right and all others are wrong. They want others 
to be good Muslims without applying the same principles to their own personal 
affairs. We are ever ready to challenge the qualifications of other Muslims 
without making even the slightest effort to mend our own ways to conform to 
Islamic principles. We accept the sanctity of Islam as far as it serves our 
purpose, but sneak out when it comes hard on our interests. We never shy from 
dividing the 

[ppiindia] 56 countries join US-backed declaration on Iran rights

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

56 countries join US-backed declaration on Iran rights

GENEVA: Some 56 countries on Tuesday signed up to a US-inspired declaration 
calling on Iran to investigate a deadly crackdown on street protests following 
the contested presidential election a year ago.

The statement sparked controversy for a few hours at the UN Human Rights 
Council, as Iran stopped Norwegian Ambassador Bente Angell-Hansen reading it 
out. Other countries including Pakistan, China and Cuba raised objections until 
a compromise was found. The statement released by Western countries said, We 
cannot let this Human Rights Council session go by without marking the one year 
anniversary of these events this month.

The 56 countries that signed the joint statement came from Europe, North and 
South America and parts of the Asia-Pacific region, including 16 of the 47 
members of the UN rights council.

The states that have joined in making this statement wish to express their 
concern at the lack of progress in the protection of human rights in Iran, 
particularly since the events surrounding the elections in Iran last June. the 
violent suppression of dissent, detention and executions without due process of 
law, severe discrimination against women and minorities... and restrictions on 
freedom of expression and religion, it highlighted. The statement called on 
Iran to live up to its international commitments and to conduct an independent 
investigation regarding killings, arrests and detentions following the 
demonstrations following the 2009 elections. After losing to President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad in the June 12, 2009 election, opposition leaders dismissed the 
result as having been rigged, sparking street protests in the Islamic republic 
in the following months. Security forces cracked down heavily on dissent, with 
deadly violence and mass arrests, while prominent reformists, journalists and 
rights campaigners were put on trial - with many receiving stiff jail 
sentences. afp

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[ppiindia] Ahmadinejad under fire from hardliners

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Ahmadinejad under fire from hardliners
Publish Date: Thursday,17 June, 2010, at 12:50 PM Doha Time

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came under fire from other hardliners 
yesterday for opposing a social crackdown targeting dress and behaviour, mainly 
of women. In a televised interview at the weekend, Ahmadinejad said that he was 
strongly against such actions. It is impossible for such actions to be 

A senior hardline cleric responded by accusing Ahmadinejad of undermining 
efforts to fight corruption.  The president in his interview did not 
appreciate the sacred wave which advocates veiling and chastity and he 
belittled it, Ahmed Khatami said in comments carried by the moderate Shargh 
newspaper yesterday. 

The head of parliament's clerical faction, Mohamed Taghi Rahbar, also 
interpreted Ahmadinejad's comments as a green light to immodest dressing. 
Those who voted for you were the fully veiled people. The badly veiled 
'greens' did not vote for you, so you'd better consider what pleases God is not 
pleasing a number of corrupt people, Shargh quoted Rahbar as saying.  The 
Green Movement of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi won over Iran's urban 
youth by pledging more social freedom in last year's election. 

Iran's morality police have returned to the streets in recent weeks, 
confiscating cars whose male drivers are seen to be harassing women, local 
media have said, without clarifying what amounts to harassment.  The reports 
say the crackdown has become a major issue for Iran's predominantly young 
population, with police or hardline militiamen stopping cars with young men or 
women inside to question their relationship.  They say the Islamic dress code 
for women is also being more strictly enforced. 

But leading conservative lawmaker Ali Motahari noted Ahmadinejad's interior 
ministry declared its preparedness for this initiative... and the president 
undermines his own work by such comments, Shargh reported.  If the president 
insists on his stance, the parliament will s surely respond, warned Motahari, 
who is a vocal critic of Ahmadinejad

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[ppiindia] Hamas TV forced to halt broadcasts to Europe

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Hamas TV forced to halt broadcasts to Europe

Published Date: June 16, 2010 

GAZA CITY: A France-based satellite provider is halting broadcasts of the Hamas 
TV channel to Europe and parts of the Arab world because of concerns that it 
spreads incitement, a station official said yesterday. The decision will 
deprive Gaza-based Al-Aqsa TV of most of its viewers, said the channel's head, 
Hazem Sharawy. The Hamas station , best known for its children's programs 
glorifying violence against Israel , is the centerpiece of a growing media 
operation of Gaza's Islamic militant Hamas rulers.
Losing the satellite provider will hamper the group's attempts to spread its 
message and raise funds abroad.

The decision to cut off the Hamas station came six years after a similar move 
by France and the US against al-Manar, the channel of Lebanese guerrilla group 
Hezbollah. In Paris, Eutelsat spokeswoman Vanessa O'Connor said that last week 
the French broadcasting regulator CSA ordered it to stop beaming the Hamas 
channel into Europe by June 26. Al-Aqsa TV is part of a package of channels 
transmitted by Bahrain-based satellite operator Noorsat, which passes them in a 
single signal to Eutelsat, O'Connor said.

Eutelsat has passed on the CSA's order to stop transmitting al-Aqsa TV to 
Noorsat. O'Connor said it was up to Noorsat to block the al-Aqsa TV signal. She 
would not comment on what would happen if Noorsat doesn't comply with the CSA 
order by the June 26 deadline. Sharawy said Noorsat called late Monday, telling 
Al-Aqsa TV that its programs incite to hatred. The al-Aqsa chief alleged that 
the decision was politically motivated and meant to silence criticism of 
Israel. The enemy (Israel) can kill us, destr
oy our lands and blockade us. But we aren't allowed to expose them, Sharawy 

The Hamas channel immediately flipped into campaign mode Monday. The top left 
hand corner of the channel showed a countdown and read time remaining for 
broadcast. The satellite broadcasts, which reach Europe, North Africa and 
parts of the Gulf, are expected to be halted Thursday, Sharawy said. The 
channel is not beamed to the US Al-Aqsa's second satellite provider only 
reaches viewers in the Middle East, he said. Viewers can also still watch the 
station on the Internet.

Sharawy said he did not know how many viewers the station had, but that viewer 
phone calls and text messages indicate the bulk are from outside Gaza. He said 
the station's coverage during Israel's three-week war with Hamas in Gaza that 
ended in January 2009 dramatically boosted al-Aqsa TV's popularity. During the 
war, the station's building was bombed and employees broadcast from a secret 
location. In the past, Israel and others have repeatedly accused al-Aqsa TV of 
inciting against Israel, especially in
children's programs.

One of its most criticized programs, Tomorrow's Pioneers, once featured a 
high-pitched Mickey Mouse rip-off called Farfour who encouraged children to 
fight against the occupiers of Muslim countries, while taking calls from kids 
who were praised for singing about fighting Israel. After a wave of criticism, 
the station killed off Farfour with mock-Israeli soldiers beating him to death. 
But it has not toned down the message of its children's programs.

The station is popular with conservative Muslims in Gaza for its Islamic-based 
programming. Women wear headscarves and sometimes face veils on morning talk 
shows. Music videos show girls modestly dressed in headscarves singing, as well 
as gunslinging militants fighting Israel and chanting for revenge. The 
channel's lengthy interview programs provide the Hamas viewpoint to the world. 
Hamas sees media outreach as a vital part of the movement's success.

It has another television channel that broadcasts from Lebanon, several 
affiliated Web sites, a radio station, a glossy magazine for its military wing 
and two newspapers printed in Gaza. The militant group has also produced a 
movie glorifying one their militants and created animations boasting about 
their capture of an Israeli soldier held for the last four years in Gaza.

Six years ago, Hezbollah's Al-Manar television was also limited. At the time, 
France's highest administrative body banned satellite broadcasts by the 
Lebanese television station. Later, the US State Department placed the 
Hezbollah station on its list of terror organizations for broadcasting 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west of Sumatra SR 7.9

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Erisa

Donation Zakat, and alms Infaq to rebuild the infrastructure and facilities 
after the earthquake 7.9 Richter worship can be channeled

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb..Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west 
of Sumatra SR 7.9 is the kids were not the place to take your lessons because 
they recite already collapsed, Friday prayers were performed in the emergency 
tent / cabin beds / terrain which, if rain and pilgrims all more pitiful adzan 
never heard from again after the earthquake practical congregational prayer has 
never been there longer because they mosque have disintegrated since 8 (eight) 
months ago. 

We're certainly very concerned about this condition so that the acceleration of 
the reconstruction of this religious facilities have been very urgent and 
negotiable because the number of religious buildings to collapse and damaged 
thousands of units. 

Affirmation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs that the government does not 
provide funding / budget in national budget for infrastructure rebuilding 
places of worship after the 7.9 Richter earthquake which struck late last year 
West Sumatera all of us. Similarly Budgets Provinces / Districts / Cities in 
West Sumatra is not set aside funds to rebuild the Masjid / Mushalla / mosque / 
TPA / MDA which collapsed and damaged after the earthquake TSB 

GOD willing, the plan has been prepared In accordance Executive Committee 
Recreating  Rehabilitation surau (KPRRS) established  focus on improving the 
infrastructure facilities of worship for the first phase will improve the 180 
mosques, 897 mosque / surau, 89 TPA-TPSA / MDA of 7.9 Richter quake collapsed 
in Padang Pariaman, Pariaman  Agam, West Sumatra Province, Republic of 
Indonesia. For that please 
support in all forms for all our both overseas and in the realm of moral and 
material world saentero and convey this information to the rest of the Muslim 
Ummah around the world saetero 

Donation Zakat, and alms Infaq to rebuild the infrastructure and facilities 
after the earthquake 7.9 Richter worship can be channeled to the number 

a)  Account No. 7100 0220 0660 51, Bank Nagari Sharia (BPD Sumatra Barat) 
Padang Sharia Branch;

b) Account No. 2760 009 374, Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Padang Branch;

c) Account No. 0189 141 311, Branch Syariah BNI Syariah;

d) Account No. 9 0156  160, BTN Bank Padang Branch.

We also received assistance in the form of the Qur'an, Shalat equipment, Iqro, 
etc. The book assesses the child's equipment will be disbursed to
Mosque / Mushalla / mosque / TPA / TPSA / MDA in need and may be sent to the 
secretariat address Pariaman KPRRS in west Sumatra


Komite Pelaksana Refungsionalisasi  Rehabilitasi Surau

b. Abbreviation Name: KPRRS

c. Date Established: October 9, 2009 Masehi/19 Shawwal 1430 Hijri

d. Deed Establishment
1. Deed No.: 59
2. Date: December 1, 2009
3. Notary name: Rina Meilani, SH

e. Registered sign
1. Number: 005/KPL/I-2010
2. Agency: Agency and Well Kesbangpol
3. Permit Period: January 19, 2012

f. Domicile Certificate: 17/KG-PDS/SKD/I/2010

g. TIN: 02.998.

h. KPRRS Secretariat Address:
Tongga Nan Road Block A, No. 5 Village East Village Pariaman Gadang Pariaman 
District of West Sumatra Province - Republic
Indonesia 25 523
Phone: (+62-751) 8276781, (+62-751) 9826781, +6281363078890, +628197511300

Jazakum Allahu khairan for your continued support.


Rizki Mirdani Sikumbang
Presiden of KPRRS

[ppiindia] Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west of Sumatra SR 7.9

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Erisa

Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west of Sumatra SR 7.9

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb..Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west 
of Sumatra SR 7.9 is the kids were not the place to take your lessons because 
they recite already collapsed, Friday prayers were performed in the emergency 
tent / cabin beds / terrain which, if rain and pilgrims all more pitiful adzan 
never heard from again after the earthquake practical congregational prayer has 
never been there longer because they mosque have disintegrated since 8 (eight) 
months ago. 

We're certainly very concerned about this condition so that the acceleration of 
the reconstruction of this religious facilities have been very urgent and 
negotiable because the number of religious buildings to collapse and damaged 
thousands of units. 

Affirmation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs that the government does not 
provide funding / budget in national budget for infrastructure rebuilding 
places of worship after the 7.9 Richter earthquake which struck late last year 
West Sumatera all of us. Similarly Budgets Provinces / Districts / Cities in 
West Sumatra is not set aside funds to rebuild the Masjid / Mushalla / mosque / 
TPA / MDA which collapsed and damaged after the earthquake TSB 

GOD willing, the plan has been prepared In accordance Executive Committee 
Recreating  Rehabilitation surau (KPRRS) established  focus on improving the 
infrastructure facilities of worship for the first phase will improve the 180 
mosques, 897 mosque / surau, 89 TPA-TPSA / MDA of 7.9 Richter quake collapsed 
in Padang Pariaman, Pariaman  Agam, West Sumatra Province, Republic of 
Indonesia. For that please 
support in all forms for all our both overseas and in the realm of moral and 
material world saentero and convey this information to the rest of the Muslim 
Ummah around the world saetero 

Donation Zakat, and alms Infaq to rebuild the infrastructure and facilities 
after the earthquake 7.9 Richter worship can be channeled to the number 

a)  Account No. 7100 0220 0660 51, Bank Nagari Sharia (BPD Sumatra Barat) 
Padang Sharia Branch;

b) Account No. 2760 009 374, Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Padang Branch;

c) Account No. 0189 141 311, Branch Syariah BNI Syariah;

d) Account No. 9 0156  160, BTN Bank Padang Branch.

We also received assistance in the form of the Qur'an, Shalat equipment, Iqro, 
etc. The book assesses the child's equipment will be disbursed to
Mosque / Mushalla / mosque / TPA / TPSA / MDA in need and may be sent to the 
secretariat address Pariaman KPRRS in west Sumatra


Komite Pelaksana Refungsionalisasi  Rehabilitasi Surau

b. Abbreviation Name: KPRRS

c. Date Established: October 9, 2009 Masehi/19 Shawwal 1430 Hijri

d. Deed Establishment
1. Deed No.: 59
2. Date: December 1, 2009
3. Notary name: Rina Meilani, SH

e. Registered sign
1. Number: 005/KPL/I-2010
2. Agency: Agency and Well Kesbangpol
3. Permit Period: January 19, 2012

f. Domicile Certificate: 17/KG-PDS/SKD/I/2010

g. TIN: 02.998.

h. KPRRS Secretariat Address:
Tongga Nan Road Block A, No. 5 Village East Village Pariaman Gadang Pariaman 
District of West Sumatra Province - Republic
Indonesia 25 523
Phone: (+62-751) 8276781, (+62-751) 9826781, +6281363078890, +628197511300

Jazakum Allahu khairan for your continued support.


Rizki Mirdani Sikumbang
Presiden of KPRRS

[ppiindia] Forum Filsafat Pemikiran Rasional Mu’tazil ah di Salihara

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik MGR
Forum Filsafat

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010, 19.00 WIB
Pemikiran Rasional Mu’tazilah
Pembicara: Faiq Ihsan Anshori
(Alumnus Universitas al-Azhar, Cairo, Mesir)
Serambi Salihara
Terbuka untuk umum dan gratis


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Gus Mus: Banjet dan Dagang Sapi

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Ananto
Banjet dan Dagang Sapi

Oleh: Dr. KH. A. Mustofa Bisri

Datanglah sesekali ke pasar ternak, di tempat orang berdagang sapi! Anda
tidak hanya akan ketemu penjual dan orang-orang yang akan membeli sapi.
Anda, insya Allah, akan ketemu juga dengan jenis manusia yang tampak lebih
sibuk dari penjual maupun pembeli/calon pembeli sapi itu sendiri. Jenis
manusia itu, di tempat saya disebut banjet.

Di samping kepintaran menjalin hubungan dengan para pedagang atau pemilik
sapi karena pekerjaan pembanjetan memerlukan adanya naluri kkn dan
kongkalikong antara si banjet dan si penjual sapi  seorang banjet hanya
bermodal mulut dan sedikit keahlian berakting atau katakanlah sedikit
kelicikan, terutama dalam teknik tawar-menawar semu. Dengan bahasa yang
lebih canggih, seorang banjet mesti bisa membuat manuver atau melemparkan
move-move untuk menggoyang pasar.

Tujuan dan kepentingan pedagang sapi tentu saja agar sapinya terjual dengan
sebesar-besar keuntungan. Sedangkan tugas banjet adalah membantu memuluskan
keberhasilan si pedagang memenuhi kepentingannya itu, dengan keuntungan
memperoleh komisi. Kerja sama yang bagus antara si pedagang dan banjet-nya
merupakan faktor penting bagi kesuksesan tujuan tersebut. Para peminat atau
calon pembeli sapi atau bahkan yang sekedar melihat-lihat yang awam, jika
tidak langsung termakan manuver banjet, paling tidak akan tergoda atau
bingung. Sapi kurus yang nilainya tidak sampai satu juta rupiah, misalnya,
mungkin ditawarkan si pedagang sampai 5 juta dan si banjet akan berpura-pura
menawar antara 3-4 juta. Bahkan jika si pedagang dan banjet-nya lihai atau
peminatnya bloon, kambing congek pun bisa terjual semahal sapi.

Jika Anda mengira saya –dengan bicara seperti di atas sedang ancang-ancang
untuk bicara tentang politik, maka Anda tidak terlalu salah. Atau mungkin
malah benar. Saat ini seperti lazimnya menjelang pemilu, bahkan melebihi
biasanya semenjak reformasi dicanangkan kehidupan perpolitikan kita semakin
gegap gempita. Hampir tak ada sisi kehidupan yang tak meruapkan bau politik.
Bau itu tercium mulai dari pemilihan ketua dalam konferensi organisasi
tingkat anak cabang, pilihan bupati, pilihan gubernur, hingga hiruk-pikuk
menjelang pilihan presiden. Berpolitik tidak lagi menjadi monopoli para
politisi dan anggota-anggota dewan. Hampir semua orang  mulai dari pengurus
organisasi sosial, pengurus organisasi keagamaan, pengurus MUI, pengurus
persatuan artis, tentara, hakim, insan pers, guru, tokoh agama, pengusaha,
bandar judi, anggota gang, hingga tukang ojek, sudah ikut keranjingan
berpolitik atau minimal bicara politik.

Politik bagaikan makhluk halus; bisa dirasakan dan mempengaruhi, meski tak
jelas tongkrongannya. Karena banyak orang yang memahami politik hanya
sebagai siasat, maka pedagang sapi dan banjet pun boleh merasa sudah
mempunyai modal untuk terjun di bidang politik. Apalagi praktek-praktek
politik yang dipamerkan banyak pemimpin politik justru lebih mengambil
referensi dari perdagangan sapi dan per-banjet-annya. Bahkan siapa tahu
mereka memang hanya dididik di pasar ternak. Lebih ramai lagi, karena
umumnya politisi atau yang bermain politik di negeri ini, baru dalam taraf
belajar mensiasati kawan-kawan sendiri. Dalil untuk men-sahkan hal ini,
ialah dalil 'politik' yang mutawatir dan agaknya muttafaq 'alaih, yaitu:
tak ada kawan abadi dalam politik.

Seperti pedagang sapi, kepentingan 'orang-orang politik' itu ialah
mendapatkan keuntungan, kalau bisa sebesar-besarnya. Seperti pedagang sapi,
'politikus' juga punya banjet dan makelar yang nunut untung untuk dirinya
sendiri. Meski tak bermodal kecuali mulut, banjet dan makelar yang lihai,
bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih besar daripada si pedagangnya
sendiri. Banjet-banjet dan makelar-makelar yang lihai bisa 'bermain' dengan
dan terhadap si calon pembeli sekaligus dengan dan terhadap rekannya
sendiri, sang pedagang. Seandainya nasib tidak berpihak kepada mereka
sekalipun, mereka tidak rugi apa-apa. Paling-paling lelah sedikit dan itu
sudah menjadi resiko mereka yang berjuang untuk mencapai sesuatu. Dan
besar-kecilnya 'sesuatu' ini menentukan besar-kecilnya orang – apakah ia
pedagang sapi, banjet, makelar, atau politisi.

KH. Dr. A. Mustofa Bisri, Pengajar di Pondok Pesantren Taman Pelajar
Raudlatut Thalibin, Rembang, Jawa Tengah.

...menyembah yang maha esa,
menghormati yang lebih tua,
menyayangi yang lebih muda,
mengasihi sesama...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Berdikusi dg Santun  Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg 
Lebih Baik, in Commonality  Shared Destiny. 
Mohon Perhatian:

1. Harap tdk. memposting/reply yg menyinggung SARA (kecuali sbg otokritik)

[ppiindia] Pemerintah Ajak Masyarakat Cintai Pengobatan Dalam Negeri

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik johnoei

Pemerintah Ajak Masyarakat Cintai Pengobatan Dalam Negeri

Himbauan kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia untuk lebih mengutamakanpengobatan 
di rumah sakit dalam negeri semakin digencarkan, hal ini ditandaidengan 
pernyataan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesehatan Rakyat Agung Laksonoyang 
menghimbau kepada seluruh warga Indonesia untuk tidak berobat ke luarnegeri dan 
memilih pengobatan di dalam negeri pada acara pembukaan Munas Ke-4Asosiasi 
Rumah Sakit Daerah Seluruh Indonesia (ARSADA) di Jakarta (16/6).

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35064

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2010-06-16 Terurut Topik A Nizami
 TDL Naik karena listrik dikomersialisasikan agar INVESTOR ASING mau masuk 
membangun tenaga listrik. Investor asing, mau dapat untung yang besar hingga 
tarif listrik harus naik.

Harusnya pemerintah dgn pajak dan iuran listrik bisa membangun pembangkit 
listrik seperti dulu. Kenaikan TDL lebih untuk kepentingan Investor Asing. 
Bukan rakyat.

Kenaikan tarif listrik akan semakin memberatkan rakyat karena harga2 barang 
ikut naik.

Bisa jadi banyak pabrik tutup karena beban operasional terus meningkat dan 
pengangguran bertambah. Penerimaan pajak pemerintah pun akhirnya berkurang 
kecuali jika pemerintah ingin memerah sampai ke tulang...

Harusnya gas yang murah jangan diekspor ke luar negeri sebaliknya dipakai untuk 
mengganti BBM yang mahal untuk listrik.

Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
Belajar Islam via SMS:

[ppiindia] Pengusaha Sukses

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Pengusaha Sukses

By: agussyafii

Di Jakarta ada seorang pengusaha sukses justru ditengah gelombang krisis 
moneter terjadi. Namun ditengah kesuksesannya beliau dikenal juga sebagai 
seorang pengusaha yang peduli dengan kesejahteraan karyawan maupun orang-orang 
dilingkungan beliau tinggal. Berita itu menjadi istimewa ditengah masyarakat. 
Sampai pada suatu hari ada seorang reporter TV berhasil mewawancarai beliau.

'Kapan bapak mulai merasa sangat sukes dibidang usaha?' tanya reporter TV

'Ketika saya ingin beramal,' jawab sang pengusaha.

'Kapan bapak merasa ingin beramal?' tanya kembali reporter TV.

'Kapan saja, disaat saya merasa sangat kaya.' jawab pengusaha itu dengan 

Pesan kisah diatas, bahwa makna kesuksesan adalah ketika kita mampu menciptakan 
kehidupan yang kita memiliki menjadi bermakna sehingga disaat kita tua nanti, 
kita bisa mengingatnya ada sebuah kebahagiaan dalam hidup kita karena apa yang 
pernah kita lakukan.  Memberi adalah sumber kebahagiaan, ketika kita mampu 
memberi membuat kita merasa sangat kaya dan sangat bahagia dalam hidup kita. 

Yuk, hadir di Kegiatan 'Amalia Cinta al-Quran (ACQ).' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 20 
Juni 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, No.23 Komplek Peruri, 
Ciledug. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan partisipasi anda di 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii3, atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 087 8777 12 431


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Software Pendeteksi Wajah ( Gratis )

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik bagus fathi
Software Banana Screen

Ini satu software pengenal wajah yang bisa di download secara gratis.
Banyak software sejenis Face Login, fungsinya untuk mengakses komputer
Windows dengan wajah kita, jadi tidak perlu lagi mengetikkan password.
Ada versi berbayar, dan berikut adalah versi gratis. Silahkan Download disini : 

Semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih

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