[Proto-Scripty] Re: BGEffects: Animate your background images!

2011-11-13 Thread ncubica
Pretty neat job, thanks for the advice...

On 13 nov, 13:12, Pedro De Almeida almei...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just wanted to share with you my BGEffects component for
 script.aculo.us. BGEffects is a library for creating perspective animations
 (aka parallax effect) using background images from nested (but not only)
 containers. You can see it in action on the project page 

 BGEffects was initially released for Scripty2 but, as development seems to
 be in standby mode, I decided to port it to script.aculo.us and jQuery.
 Currently, I am still working on some performance issues and trying to
 delegate animation to native CSS3 transitions when available.

 Feel free to review the code and report any bugs, comments or suggestions.

 Have fun!

 Pedro De Almeida

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Image cache problem with Ajax

2011-09-29 Thread ncubica
i know you resolve your problem but It wont be easy if you delete from
the dom the img / tag storing the actual images then... create new
new Images() append to the div and finally add a query cheat link???
just a shot...


On 29 sep, 13:28, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
 I didnt address the caching because I had to look to see if I could find
 where I had saved this link off the last time I had this problem... found

 The caching is probably on the browser side, not the server side.  Setting
 the server side cache variables will only affect the page reload.

 The browser knows better than to cache on refresh/reload BUT technically, to
 the browser, you are not reloading and since the image has the same name it
 doesn't really know that you need a refresh.

 This guy had a solution that worked for me:http://www.irt.org/script/416.htm

 I have also used the cheap trick of adding a random query string on to the
 end of the image 
 url:http://www.somedomain.com/images/newname.jpg?id=random_numberand since 
 will always generate a new url, the browser will refresh the image.

 On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is an interesting problem... my first reaction is that you'd want
  to use onComplete to update the div's instead of onSuccess.

  Test this with a couple of alerts and see which one gets called first and
  which is last (just as onCreate is the first call, onComplete is the last).

  To my way if thinking, if you wait until onComplete gets triggered before
  you do any UI updates, all the images on the server should be properly in

  On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Richard Quadling 

  On 29 September 2011 16:58, Chris Sansom ch...@highway57.co.uk wrote:
   On 29 Sep 2011, at 15:51, Richard Quadling wrote:

   Does ALL the JS work take place inside the onSuccess callback?

   The Back in JS bit has to be part of the onSuccess callback
   otherwise it will happen out of sequence. The A in AJAX is potentially
   the hiccough here.

   That's what I suspected but yes, all the 'back in JS' stuff does indeed
  happen in the onSuccess. (I also tried onComplete, but got the same 
  I think the problem may be that the div, inevitably, is replaced right at
  the end of the process (at the end of the onSuccess), and only then is the
  offending img tag unleashed, calling either the image itself or my little
  php script... but then I'd have thought preloading it might help, but it
  doesn’t seem to. I also tried loading it via a php exec() call to the image
  script in advance of returning the output string to JS, but that didn’t

   What also convinces me that you're right about the A in AJAX is that
  when, for testing, I put a sleep(5) in the image script - which should hold
  it up by a whole 5 seconds - the div is still replaced immediately. When I
  first load the page (which also calls this script), I get a broken image
  icon where the image should have been, replaced after 5 seconds by the
  image, but when the div is replaced by the ajax call that doesn’t happen - 
  just get no change of image as before.

   It really would be /so/ nice if I could get this working! It's for a
  password-protected CMS, so the world at large will never get the benefit,
  and I could simply reload the whole page instead of just the one div, but
  it's become a challenge!

  Create a test case where it goes wrong. Write new clean code that
  doesn't want/need/use anything from the main project.

  At best, this will be a small HTML page with some divs and images, a
  JS file to allow the onclick to fire the AJAX code, along with the
  onsuccess and the server side code to handle the request and to return
  the new HTML markup.

  Without seeing the server and client side code, you are going to be
  stuck with a limited level of support.

  If you can't reduce the problem to something that can be read, I doubt
  anyone can realistically provide any more ideas on this.

  Richard Quadling
  Twitter : EE : Zend : PHPDoc
  @RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY : bit.ly/lFnVea

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Future of Prototype.js

2011-09-29 Thread ncubica
ok ... So T.J. I know you not have the ultimate decision for designate
a candidate for any position at Prototype community but certanly you
are the most near with the core team. So I would like to know if you
could email one of them and try to start designate person for
revitalize this community... I have a good widgets base with prototype
and I could build more... that's not a problem... but we need to
designate a OFFICIAL Site for hosted documentation and more important
EXAMPLES. scripteka is a good place to fine this, BUT doesn't have any
space for comments or is NOT organice in a way where you can easy find
the widget you are expect or more important ask to the community where
to find it or maybe build it by more experience developer,

I think is why jquery have grow that huge beside of the money behind
it. Cause a lot of designers with a lack knowledge of javascript can
use it... happend with php vs java... and a lot more examples out
there, We have to reinvent the way of how we communicate prototype...
to everybody out there

So please talk with them, I have a fully compromise for work with this
project a least 1 year... and this is because I explote my javascript
knowledge because this framework... and care about it.


On 27 sep, 08:58, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:00 AM, Marty Amberg wrote:

  One more thing.  Chevy and Ford and Honda, make lots of cars but that does 
  not mean they produce the best vehicles.   It be much for fun driving a 
  Ferrari  and they don't make as many.  The point being, just cause 
  something is popular does not mean its the best and there are a lot of 
  other frameworks out there..

 One talking point that got trotted out lots of times during the Dark Ages of 
 Macintosh vs. Windows was that cockroaches were the largest population in 
 numbers, but you wouldn't want one to write you a sonnet.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Future of Prototype.js

2011-09-25 Thread ncubica
Hi TJ, I would like to help in the implementation of the UI interface
for prototype, who do you think can lead this feature? I'm think I'm
best using prototype than working on the core, I could help in this
stage, and also I would love a renaissance of protoype.

I think in the same way of you... we have to do something in a way of
help Andrew...


On Sep 23, 11:19 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 This was _JUST_ gone into, in 

 I think this is a fair-ish (but incomplete) summary:

 1. Prototype is a spare-time activity for a very small number of
 people. In fact, at the moment I think it's mostly just Andrew, and he
 has other things he does (like, you know, hold down a full-time job).
 Just recently the project largely lost another major contributor to
 his job and family commitments.

 2. Andrew has no plans to stop working on Prototype on any time soon.

 3. Prototype work is done in fits and spurts, long periods of
 inactivity followed by a period (couple of weeks) of feverish

 4. jQuery has multiple corporate sponsors, not least Microsoft, and
 there are people paid to work on it full time. Thus it's able to be
 much more up-to-date and proactive than Prototype.

 A quote from Andrew in the thread linked above:

 On Aug 23, 1:07 am, Andrew Dupont googlegro...@andrewdupont.net

  I will say, though, that if we're crowning winners and losers, then
  jQuery won a long time ago. It is certainly the _de facto_
  JavaScript library for web development. The good news is that the
  losers of the war aren't looking so bad; libraries like Prototype,
  MooTools, and Dojo still have loyal user bases, and I doubt they're
  going away.

 My personal perspective, for what it's worth (e.g., possibly exactly
 what you're paying for it, nothing :-) ) is based on some data points:

 1. The last blog post on the Prototype blog was 10 months ago.

 2. The library has had basically no activity since v1.7 was released
 November 2010.

 3. The most recent three releases were:
    v1.7 - November 2010
    v1.6.1 - September 2009
    v1.6.0.3 - September 2008

 Three releases, in total, including dot releases, in the last three
 years. Compare with 16 releases (four major ones) of jQuery in that
 time period (v1.3 through v1.6.4).

 4. Absolute use and trends:

 Absolute use:http://trends.builtwith.com/javascript
 Prototype trend:http://trends.builtwith.com/javascript/Prototype
 jQuery trend:http://trends.builtwith.com/javascript/JQuery

 5. Questions tagged on StackOverflow:

 jQuery:    114,842
 Prototype:   2,152

 ...which could, of course, just mean that Prototype is so much better
 it generates fewer questions, or that people using Prototype don't use
 StackOverflow, or that people are mis-tagging JavaScript questions
 jquery (I see that a fair bit), or some combination of those.

 Does all this mean Prototype is dead? No, not a bit of it. But it has
 a very small staff with other major demands on their time, and has no
 funding. Andrew's quite clear that it's not dead, and also that it
 will continue in much the way it has these last three years.

 I made the business, not technical, decision years ago to use jQuery
 rather than Prototype. In many ways I prefer Prototype, although there
 are some good ideas in jQuery (also some phenomenally bad ones, such
 as how overloaded the API is). I still pitch in and moderate this
 mailing list, and still answer questions, but for me the business case
 is: Which library amongst the large number out there is kept up-to-
 date; jumps on testing new browser versions for compatibility; has a
 large ecosystem of code I can use; has a large pool of talent I can
 hire or contract; has well-maintained, frequently updated and
 extended, reliable, and documented UI helpers (jQueryUI vs.
 Script.aculo.us); and is likely to be around long-term without heroic
 effort from a single individual, or a small set of individuals. So I
 went with jQuery, despite preferring Prototype in many ways. [I also
 looked at Dojo, ExtJS, (more recently) Closure, and a few others.]

 It could have gone another way. People like me could have done more to
 contribute to the project; leadership could have focussed on core
 functionality, community-building, and developer (um) development
 rather than side-issues; corporate sponsorship could have been courted
 and perhaps ultimately found. But that didn't happen, and it didn't
 happen because the Prototype community and leadership didn't make it
 happen (perhaps corporate sponsorship wasn't desirable; fair 'nuff)
 and because luck didn't go Prototype's way. (And don't think luck
 isn't a big factor here.)

 I have nothing but respect and admiration for Andrew and everyone else
 who has made Prototype what it is. And there's absolutely no reason
 not to use it on your websites if you test with your target browsers
 and it does what 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype's evolution

2011-08-19 Thread ncubica
Please somebody from the prototype dev core team answer us!!! we
love prototype, but is dying!!!

On Aug 18, 7:57 pm, Brian Williams brianw1...@gmail.com wrote:
 that's  very good point, Phil.

 I've been reluctant to say anything on this, but maybe another voice will
 take a step closer to an action.

 Recently Prototype lost one of its largest clients -- Magento.  Starting
 with v2.0 Magento will be using jQuery.  This is a big blow to the
 framework, imo (I've been doing steady Magento work for the past 2.5 years)
 and nearly every single frontend person I have worked with has made jQuery
 into working in Magento to get the animation effects that they want, etc.

 It seems that everyone wants something more from this framework -- forking
 is *always* an option -- look at Kohana -- started as a fork of Code Igniter
 because CI didn't have things some people wanted.  Now look at FuelPHP -- a
 fresh new php5.3 based framework based on CI, Kohana with a dash of RoR
 thrown in.

 If there are people with the knowledge and the desire and the experience to
 say fork-it and go, I say more power to you -- just make sure you map it out
 and plan strategically, and where ever possible make it somewhat backwards

 Also, if you could get away from that whole $ magic function (say put it
 inside a wrapper?) -- that would make a LOT of frontend devs happy and dump
 a lot of confusion and headaches for some people.

 Of course just 2 cents from someone who really sucks at JS and is beyond
 inactive in the community, so feel free to ignore me.

 On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
  I believe this is the 3rd time this subject has been brought up in the past
  year and, to my knowledge, devs have made no comment nor provided any
  direction so, as they say, no answer is an answer!

  On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:20 PM, shellster shellsterd...@gmail.comwrote:

  Well written.

  As an opensource developer (aside from my day job), I am aware of the
  danger of caring too much about what the user thinks.
  I am also aware of the potential dangers of forking a project.

  What I want is some sort of answer from the Prototype devs on how they
  want the community to pitch in.  Do they want us to develop our own
  plugin websites, or do they want us to create an interface for their
  main site?  Do they want to develop it?  Do they want us to develop a
  comprehensive library as an extension of Prototype or as part of
  Prototype?  Will they ever official endorse such efforts (assuming
  certain obvious caveats)?  Unfortunately, it seems that the devs don't
  care to provide any feedback on any of these issues.  I am not
  expecting anything more from the devs, but as a matter of courtesy I
  would like them to explain how they would like us to get involved
  instead of users just doing their own thing.

  Also, the answer of submit a patch for consideration doesn't really
  cut it in this case, because I've personally seen patches never get
  acknowledged, let alone get added.  I've yet to see a patch get
  added.  Users aren't going to waste their time writing and cleaning up
  code, if there's not at least a good chance of their patch being

  In short PrototypeJS needs to address these questions before the
  project either falls into disuse or the users take matters into their
  own hands and strike out willy-nilly and fully fork the project.

  On Aug 17, 8:04 am, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
   This is the same old discussion that's been going on for months and I
   if it will ever get resolved to the satisfaction of those of us who use
   tool to enhance our sites.

   From what I can tell, there seems to be an uber-geek philosophy of make
   better and they will come and, to a degree that's correct. The problem
   history is filled with technically superior products that ultimately
   because of poor marketing and/or not listening to their users (betamax
   vhs and myspace vs facebook for two glowing examples).

   My fear is that prototype will ultimately face the same fate...  be a
   technically superior product with a few guys pitching in and carrying
   weight (anyone who follows this feed knows who the guys are who always
   in with an answer) while marketing, support, easy access to developed
   and all the other goodies go ignored which causes adoption of the
  product to
   dwindle because these things exist on another platform.

   Why is this important?  I have a buddy that has a very successful site
   written in cold fusion, he developed the site just to familiarize
   with the language.  Turns out, the site took off, he quit is day job,
   the site, and recently got a contract for heaps and tons of $$$ for the
   site.  The catch?  He has to rewrite the site in either .php or .net
   the buyer won't take it as a CF site.

   Does anyone 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype's evolution

2011-08-19 Thread ncubica
btw... google groups is closing... does anyone knows what is gonna
happen with this email group??

On Aug 19, 2:02 am, ncubica ncub...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please somebody from the prototype dev core team answer us!!! we
 love prototype, but is dying!!!

 On Aug 18, 7:57 pm, Brian Williams brianw1...@gmail.com wrote:

  that's  very good point, Phil.

  I've been reluctant to say anything on this, but maybe another voice will
  take a step closer to an action.

  Recently Prototype lost one of its largest clients -- Magento.  Starting
  with v2.0 Magento will be using jQuery.  This is a big blow to the
  framework, imo (I've been doing steady Magento work for the past 2.5 years)
  and nearly every single frontend person I have worked with has made jQuery
  into working in Magento to get the animation effects that they want, etc.

  It seems that everyone wants something more from this framework -- forking
  is *always* an option -- look at Kohana -- started as a fork of Code Igniter
  because CI didn't have things some people wanted.  Now look at FuelPHP -- a
  fresh new php5.3 based framework based on CI, Kohana with a dash of RoR
  thrown in.

  If there are people with the knowledge and the desire and the experience to
  say fork-it and go, I say more power to you -- just make sure you map it out
  and plan strategically, and where ever possible make it somewhat backwards

  Also, if you could get away from that whole $ magic function (say put it
  inside a wrapper?) -- that would make a LOT of frontend devs happy and dump
  a lot of confusion and headaches for some people.

  Of course just 2 cents from someone who really sucks at JS and is beyond
  inactive in the community, so feel free to ignore me.

  On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
   I believe this is the 3rd time this subject has been brought up in the 
   year and, to my knowledge, devs have made no comment nor provided any
   direction so, as they say, no answer is an answer!

   On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:20 PM, shellster shellsterd...@gmail.comwrote:

   Well written.

   As an opensource developer (aside from my day job), I am aware of the
   danger of caring too much about what the user thinks.
   I am also aware of the potential dangers of forking a project.

   What I want is some sort of answer from the Prototype devs on how they
   want the community to pitch in.  Do they want us to develop our own
   plugin websites, or do they want us to create an interface for their
   main site?  Do they want to develop it?  Do they want us to develop a
   comprehensive library as an extension of Prototype or as part of
   Prototype?  Will they ever official endorse such efforts (assuming
   certain obvious caveats)?  Unfortunately, it seems that the devs don't
   care to provide any feedback on any of these issues.  I am not
   expecting anything more from the devs, but as a matter of courtesy I
   would like them to explain how they would like us to get involved
   instead of users just doing their own thing.

   Also, the answer of submit a patch for consideration doesn't really
   cut it in this case, because I've personally seen patches never get
   acknowledged, let alone get added.  I've yet to see a patch get
   added.  Users aren't going to waste their time writing and cleaning up
   code, if there's not at least a good chance of their patch being

   In short PrototypeJS needs to address these questions before the
   project either falls into disuse or the users take matters into their
   own hands and strike out willy-nilly and fully fork the project.

   On Aug 17, 8:04 am, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
This is the same old discussion that's been going on for months and I
if it will ever get resolved to the satisfaction of those of us who use
tool to enhance our sites.

From what I can tell, there seems to be an uber-geek philosophy of 
better and they will come and, to a degree that's correct. The problem
history is filled with technically superior products that ultimately
because of poor marketing and/or not listening to their users (betamax
vhs and myspace vs facebook for two glowing examples).

My fear is that prototype will ultimately face the same fate...  be a
technically superior product with a few guys pitching in and carrying
weight (anyone who follows this feed knows who the guys are who always
in with an answer) while marketing, support, easy access to developed
and all the other goodies go ignored which causes adoption of the
   product to
dwindle because these things exist on another platform.

Why is this important?  I have a buddy that has a very successful site
written in cold fusion, he developed the site just to familiarize
with the language.  Turns out, the site took

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype's evolution

2011-08-19 Thread ncubica
T.J. As Always you're right sorry is not true google group is closing.
Thanks for the note. ;)

On Aug 19, 4:06 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 On Aug 19, 8:08 am, ncubica ncub...@gmail.com wrote:

  btw... google groups is closing... does anyone knows what is gonna
  happen with this email group??

 Where did you hear that? I don't see anything about it on the Groups
 main page[1] or help[2], or the Wikipedia page[3]. They recently
 rolled out a new UI update[4]. I don't think Groups is closing. It's
 clearly not a flagship Google product, it's slow as all get-out,
 administering groups can only be called byzantine, but...

 They have removed some features[5] (the about box on the group's
 Home page, group pages, and group files -- most of which are
 redundant with other, better, Google products) quite a long time back
 and they're finally deleting the files related to them at the end of
 the month (until then zips are still available for download), but
 Groups itself doesn't seem to be closing.


 You know, when I started out, I didn't expect or intend this note to
 be so long or to have so many references. It just
 kept...growing... :-) Sorry about that.

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Engineer
 tj / crowder software / com
 www / crowder software / com

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype Vs. JQuery

2011-05-01 Thread ncubica

@lvdesign you comment sound more that an advertising than an real
prove for why to move to jquery, I mean seriously I don't know
anything that you CAN'T do with prototype and do with jquery cause at
finally both are javascript, so the question is more about what is the
real future of prototype, why stay keep in touch with this library or
try to move in a new one. I mean if you have to talk about libraries
you have to realize that YUI is really better option than jquery in
several terms and is running in an architectural made by the famous
Douglas Crockford father of JSON. But here the question is what's
happend with prototype??? does anyone can help us???

On May 1, 4:33 am, lvdesign mail...@lvdesign.com.fr wrote:
 For me the problem is actualy
  Why are you using Prototype when jQuery is more efficient, intuitive
 et en plus more developed?
 And remember you,  jQuery accept other library with .noConflict()
 And  you can manage RoR with 

 So for me try to do something with Proto is a challenge because jQuery
 is so smart.


 On 1 mai, 02:45, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:

  The short answer is that there's no short answer. There's not really
  anything that either library can do that the other can't. It's mostly
  a question of the requirements of the project, or familiarity with
  either library's approach, etc.

  There's no conclusive answer  any answer you do get will be loaded
  with facts about each, but no single knockout argument to use one or
  the other.

  -joe t.

  On Apr 29, 2:22 pm, kstubs kst...@gmail.com wrote:

   Why Prototype over JQuery?  I am an avid fan of Prototype and have never
   used JQuery, but JQuery seems to be so popular.  Is it just that, popular?
    I love prototype, and learning something new and magical every day it
   seems, but is there something *better* that Prototype does that JQuery
   doesn't, or vice-a-versa?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype 1.7 EvalJSON Error Sintax on Date Eval

2011-01-07 Thread ncubica
I don't think that is the reason because actually is an array of
objects and without the When properties works, Im mean if you do
something like
  AspirantesComentarios_id: 6,
  AspirantesComentarios_id: 7,
  Comentario:another string,

Look I removed the when property and works you can see the images of
the debugger here[ http://ibp.mx/lnk/attch/debug.jpg ]. so I thinks is
something more about the date type or format, and been work before
with this type but I dont't know why is saying syntax error thanks
for the answer Luke and sorry for the format.

On Jan 7, 3:54 am, Luke kickingje...@gmail.com wrote:
 Afaik a JSON-Object (or string) must be wrapped in {}. What you have is an
 array (your string's wrapped with [ ]). Try:

       AspirantesComentarios_id: 6,
       When: new Date(1294268679000)


 or {[{Aspirante_id:37,AspirantesComentarios_id:

 Also, please, format your code when you paste it.

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[Proto-Scripty] Prototype 1.7 EvalJSON Error Sintax on Date Eval

2011-01-06 Thread ncubica
Hi I'm working with the evalJSON method many time before but some
reason now is sending me a Error Sintax when I try it to use with
any Date format.

the json string which I'm receiving in the responseJSON is the follow.


I'm doing something like [{Aspirante_id:
Date(1294268679000)}].evalJSON(); and I getting Error sintax but If
I remove the When Value with the date the evalJSON works without any
problem does any know why is this,  do I'm doing something wrong, Im
working this with Newtosoft and C#.

Code C# is a webmethod
var commentsFound = from comment in
aspirantescomentario.All() where comment.Aspirante_id  ==
Convert.ToInt32(id) orderby comment.When descending select new
{ comment.Aspirante_id, comment.AspirantesComentarios_id,
comment.Comentario, comment.Who, comment.When };
var js = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commentsFound,new
return string.Empty;

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Stack overflow... ???

2010-10-15 Thread ncubica
[off-topic] Hi TJ I just saw in your jsbin code the attribute span
data-picker='colors=blue'Blue/span data-picker is a real
attribute?? or you just add it for easy use with the $('*[data-
picker]') selector??

thanks in advance

On Oct 14, 10:35 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Thanks also for the short version of your setSelect()...

 Glad that helped!

  ...I tried in vain to do
  that for a full day... another example of how the prototype documentation
  really sucks!

 Okay, granted it's a bit 

 ...but I wouldn't have said it sucked. Regardless, I know from
 experience that they're very happy indeed to accept documentation
 patches to improve things...

 -- T.J. ;-)

 On Oct 14, 1:42 pm, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks TJ!

  I had fixed the Stack Overflow problem around 6a this morning... I would
  share what the problem was but then I'd have to kill my self! LOL

  Thanks also for the short version of your setSelect(), I tried in vain to do
  that for a full day... another example of how the prototype documentation
  really sucks!  It should have been a 2 minute find/do.

  Not gonna worry about the click handler because there are only 8 onclicks on
  that page and I doubt a user will use more than 1 or 2 of them... if they
  even realize those images work that way... just an easter egg is all it is.

  On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 7:33 AM, T.J. Crowder 


   I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do with all of those templates
   and that selector (the selector is invalid, looks like maybe you're
   trying to use a template in it, but it's all one big quoted string,
   so...). However, I _think_ you're trying to replicate the Prototype
   `Element#setValue` function. If I'm reading right, your `setSelect`
   could read like this:

   function setSelect(selID, strValue) {

   Live example:http://jsbin.com/aboyo

   Perhaps off-topic, but I wouldn't have all of those onclicks if you
   can avoid it:

   You can condense that a bit:

   HTH, apologies if I've gotten the wrong end of the stick.
   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Engineer
   tj / crowder software / com
   www / crowder software / com

   On Oct 14, 1:54 am, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
Hey All!

In my html doc I have a series of images... one for aol, yahoo, gmail,
facebook etc. and each image in written like this:
img src='images/aol.png' border='0' onclick='setSelect(thSelect,

In my javascript file I have setSelect defined like this:
function setSelect(strID, strValue)
  var selectIDTemplate = new Template('#{matchID}');
  var selectTemplate = new Template('#{matchString}');
  var selectThis = {matchID: strID};
  var selectID = {matchString: strValue };
    if(o.value == selectTemplate.evaluate(selectThis)){o.selected =


When I click on an image I get a Stack Overflow on line 29 error.  
with prototype.js 1.6.1

Any ideas? Suggestions?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Array merge problem

2010-09-28 Thread ncubica
Is not better to use an object inside of the Array. at least is more

var uri = [ { base : mypathbase/, img : image1.png },
   { base : mypathbase/, img : image2.png }]

var img = uri[0].base + uri[0].img; // mypathbase/image1.png


On Sep 28, 2:24 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Imagine two arrays:

 [one, two, three, four]
 [three, four, five, six]

 And I want to end up with [one, two, three, four, five, six] but I  
 have no guarantee that there aren't some repeated values in there -- I  
 can't just use Prototype's Array#uniq to do this -- because order of  
 elements is important. I need the equivalent of lining up two  
 transparencies on a light table, except with arrays.

 That's a very simplified model, let me explain what they really  
 represent: The first is the base HREF of the page, and the second is a  
 path to an image file. I need to construct an absolute URI to the  
 image, regardless of whether it was coded as a root-relative or page-
 relative URL in the HTML.

 Can anyone suggest a way to do this?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: window.open on ajax response

2010-07-10 Thread ncubica
I guess one easy option is to call a outside function like

   new Ajax.Request('someURL', {
  onSuccess: function(response) {
var success = response.responseText;
success == true ? openPopup(http://google.com;) :

function openPopup(site){

mmm but what I don't know is if the browser is going to keep blocking
the new window... the only difference with this is the scope.

but that should be work...

On Jul 10, 7:49 am, Hari hariharanwebm...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have hyperlink. When a user clicks on it, i would make a ajax call
 to get the location where a new browser window should be opened.

 for example:
        new Ajax.Request('someURL', {
           onSuccess: function(response) {
             var success = response.responseText;
             success == true ? window.open(http://google.com;) :

 But problem is the window.open is called as part of onSuccess
 callback. So the browser popup blocker blocks the call.

 How can I get around this problem and want the popup to open.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: referencing div when class event triggered.

2010-07-10 Thread ncubica
I guess you can do something like:

var o = Event.element(event); //and that's the object who was been
mouseovered X)

Here is a similar question did it time ago in this list best

in the new prototype 1.7 RC are a better way to doing this.


On Jul 9, 8:50 pm, Matt matthew.jones...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I am trying to figure out how to reference a specific div after
 it has been mouseOver, when i have an observe on a class-name that a
 bunch of div's share. The reason for this i want the code to be
 expandable where i can have multiple boxes with the same class,
 sharing all CSS properties, without having to sequentially id each
 div, and have X amount of observes; one for each specific div.

 So the basic JS would be something like:

 funcToCall(way_to_reference_div) );

 with a bunch of div's coded in html like:

 div class=className/div
 div class=className/div
 div class=className/div

 i understand if i have to add an id to each specific div, but i want a
 way to reference the id from a single observe statement that works for
 all div's sharing that class.


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[Proto-Scripty] Ajax JSON Request with Flickr URL response don't work in Firefox

2010-06-24 Thread ncubica
Hi every body I have a weird issue I been working with the Flickr API,
in Flickr for make a connection with the server is through url format
in my case something like this


If your run into any browser you are going to get a flickr function
and is ok, but Im trying to obtain with Ajax Im doing something like

new Ajax.Request('http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?
onSuccess: function(transport){
  var response = transport.responseText || no response text;
  alert(Success! \n\n + response);
onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }

And is working good in IE the response have what you can see in the
url of flickr but in Firefox I dont know why Im getting in the
responseText a blank string . does any have any clue what am I doing


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax JSON Request with Flickr URL response don't work in Firefox

2010-06-24 Thread ncubica
Yes thanks David, I just had read about this, and found this one for
Prototype http://www.dandean.com/jsonp-for-prototypejs/ and the js
file is in http://www.dandean.com/jsonp-for-prototypejs/src/jsonp.js
this let you make cross domain calls, (at least is what he is saying)
Im going to try in a few seconds.

Jquery have JSONP include it into there core options, do you know if
exist any intent to have it in prototype core'???.

this is the example in jquery.
$.getJSON('ajax/test.json', function(data) {
  $('.result').html('p' + data.foo + '/p'
+ 'p' + data.baz[1] + '/p');

thanks long live to prototype =)

On Jun 24, 12:53 pm, David Behler d.beh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Nahum,

 as far as I know Firefox does not allow for cross-domain AJAX requests.

 What you could to is to request a php file on your server and that php
 file does the call to the Flickr API.


 Am 24.06.2010 19:47, schrieb ncubica:

  Hi every body I have a weird issue I been working with the Flickr API,
  in Flickr for make a connection with the server is through url format
  in my case something like this


  If your run into any browser you are going to get a flickr function
  and is ok, but Im trying to obtain with Ajax Im doing something like

       new Ajax.Request('http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?
       onSuccess: function(transport){
         var response = transport.responseText || no response text;
         alert(Success! \n\n + response);
       onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }

  And is working good in IE the response have what you can see in the
  url of flickr but in Firefox I dont know why Im getting in the
  responseText a blank string . does any have any clue what am I doing


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax JSON Request with Flickr URL response don't work in Firefox

2010-06-24 Thread ncubica
and the JSONP works at least for flickr... thanks for the support =)

On Jun 24, 12:53 pm, David Behler d.beh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Nahum,

 as far as I know Firefox does not allow for cross-domain AJAX requests.

 What you could to is to request a php file on your server and that php
 file does the call to the Flickr API.


 Am 24.06.2010 19:47, schrieb ncubica:

  Hi every body I have a weird issue I been working with the Flickr API,
  in Flickr for make a connection with the server is through url format
  in my case something like this


  If your run into any browser you are going to get a flickr function
  and is ok, but Im trying to obtain with Ajax Im doing something like

       new Ajax.Request('http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?
       onSuccess: function(transport){
         var response = transport.responseText || no response text;
         alert(Success! \n\n + response);
       onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }

  And is working good in IE the response have what you can see in the
  url of flickr but in Firefox I dont know why Im getting in the
  responseText a blank string . does any have any clue what am I doing


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Javascript Prototype Best Practice Event Handlers

2010-05-11 Thread ncubica
h!!! that was great thank a lot I will improve my
code, and yes I was watch each individual li. I will post the answer
thanks T.J.

On May 10, 12:45 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 If you really want to watch each individual `li` directly, then what
 you have seems perfectly straightforward. But in that situation,
 barring a really good reason to do it that way, I wouldn't use a
 handler on each `li`; I'd listen for clicks on the elementToUpdate (or
 the `ul` within it) instead with just a single handler:

     $(elementToUpdate).observe(click, function(event) {
         var li;

         // Find out which `li` was clicked:
         li = event.findElement(li);
         if (li) {
             // Do something with the `li`

 Prototype 1.7 has a new feature to simplify that a bit:

     $(elementToUpdate).on(click, li, function(event, li) {
         // Do something with the `li`;  note it's given as the second
         // argument to the function

 ...where behind the scenes, Prototype is basically doing what I did
 above. You'll want the first version if you're still using 1.6 (and
 since 1.7 is still at RC1, I expect you probably are).

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On May 10, 4:09 pm, ncubica ncub...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi this question is more a consulting of best practice, Sometimes when
  I'm building a complete ajax application I usually add elements
  dynamically for example. When you'r adding a list of items, I do
  something like:

  var template = new Template(li id='list#{id}'#{value}/li);
  var arrayTemplate = [];
  arrayOfItem.each(function(item, index){
     arrayTemplate.push(template.evaluate( id : index, value : item))});

  after this I have two options add the list via update or insert

  - $(elementToUpdate).update(ul + arrayTemplate.join() + /

  the question is

  how can I add the event handler without repeat the process of read the
  array, this is because if you try add a Event before the update or
  insert you will get an Error because the element isn't still on the

  so what I'm doing by now is after insert or update:

  arrayOfItem.each(function(item, index){
     $(list + index).observe(click, function(){
       alert(I see the world);

  so the question is exist a better way to doing this??

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[Proto-Scripty] Javascript Prototype Best Practice Event Handlers

2010-05-10 Thread ncubica
Hi this question is more a consulting of best practice, Sometimes when
I'm building a complete ajax application I usually add elements
dynamically for example. When you'r adding a list of items, I do
something like:

var template = new Template(li id='list#{id}'#{value}/li);
var arrayTemplate = [];
arrayOfItem.each(function(item, index){
   arrayTemplate.push(template.evaluate( id : index, value : item))
after this I have two options add the list via update or insert

- $(elementToUpdate).update(ul + arrayTemplate.join() + /

the question is

how can I add the event handler without repeat the process of read the
array, this is because if you try add a Event before the update or
insert you will get an Error because the element isn't still on the

so what I'm doing by now is after insert or update:

arrayOfItem.each(function(item, index){
   $(list + index).observe(click, function(){
 alert(I see the world);
so the question is exist a better way to doing this??

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