Re: Windows, IDLE, __doc_, other

2009-12-20 Thread W. eWatson
Add to this. Isn't there a way to see the arguments and descriptions of 


Re: Using Python to Execute a C or FORTRAN Program (Windows)

2009-12-17 Thread W. eWatson

sturlamolden wrote:

On 17 Des, 03:41, W. eWatson wrote:

His program was originally written in Python, but a new
hardware device (capture card) had no good interface with Python, so he
wrote it in C++, which does. From my knowledge of the Python program
before the entry of c++, it seems he could have farmed out the hardware
interface in much the same way he had done it before with a capture card
well know to him.

This sounds a bit incompetent.

Why didn't he just write an extension module in C++?

Also, if you don't know how to spawn a subprocess, I'd question your
competence as well.

I can't read his mind.

Re: Either IDLE Can't Start a subprocess or a firewall software firewall is blocking the connection (Win)--Battlin McAfee

2009-12-17 Thread W. eWatson

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* W. eWatson:
See Subject msg from Python 2.5 Win XP. It is preceded by a Socket 
Error. It happened while I had a simple program displayed, and I 
wanted to see the shell. The msg occurred when I pressed Shell on Run 
from the menu. I played around for awhile, but got nowhere. Same msg. 
I did remove my McAfee firewall protection, and it worked once, but 
reverted to not working.

I rebooted and the first time I could use Shell, it succeeded. After 
that it failed. Comments? Geeze! Mcaffe turned on the firewall again 
after the reboot.

All seems well now. Nope. McAfee turned the firewall back on. It 
decided to warn me it was off, but now has allowed me to ignore the 
fact it is no longer protecting me. I'll just let Win firewall do 
that, thank you.

Nope it's back. I'll just stop here and let anyone who wants to just 
chime in. If I get it to stop, I'll be back.

I recall vaguely some similar problem caused by a program attempting to 
connect to localhost, and the solution then was to edit the hosts file 
(don't ask me for details, but perhaps that'll help you search: that 
problem had entirely to do with Windows' very over-zealous security 

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

As it turns out, I can sneak around it, so I'm putting it aside.

Either IDLE Can't Start a subprocess or a firewall software firewall is blocking the connection (Win)--Battlin McAfee

2009-12-16 Thread W. eWatson
See Subject msg from Python 2.5 Win XP. It is preceded by a Socket 
Error. It happened while I had a simple program displayed, and I wanted 
to see the shell. The msg occurred when I pressed Shell on Run from the 
menu. I played around for awhile, but got nowhere. Same msg. I did 
remove my McAfee firewall protection, and it worked once, but reverted 
to not working.

I rebooted and the first time I could use Shell, it succeeded. After 
that it failed. Comments? Geeze! Mcaffe turned on the firewall again 
after the reboot.

All seems well now. Nope. McAfee turned the firewall back on. It decided 
to warn me it was off, but now has allowed me to ignore the fact it is 
no longer protecting me. I'll just let Win firewall do that, thank you.

Nope it's back. I'll just stop here and let anyone who wants to just 
chime in. If I get it to stop, I'll be back.


Re: Using Python to Execute a C or FORTRAN Program (Windows)

2009-12-16 Thread W. eWatson

Mensanator wrote:

On Dec 14, 8:14�pm, W. eWatson wrote:

I think Python is capable of executing a compiled C or FORTRAN program,

Sure, if it was compiled to an .exe file.

and maybe even getting some parameters passed back.

Sure, if the program prints to stdout.

Does anyone have a
example of how this might be done? I'm running under Win XP Pro.

Here's one. The test program is factor.exe (included in
the MIRACL library). I recompiled it (factor!.exe) to
produce consitent output.

Thanks. OK, I think I can follow that. I want to pass it along to 
someone who either missed this possibility in some coding, ignored it, 
or felt more comfortable about just writing the whole program from 
scratch in c++. His program was originally written in Python, but a new 
hardware device (capture card) had no good interface with Python, so he 
wrote it in C++, which does. From my knowledge of the Python program 
before the entry of c++, it seems he could have farmed out the hardware 
interface in much the same way he had done it before with a capture card 
well know to him.

Would the same Python interface work for a compiled C++ program?

Re: What is the significance of after() in this code?

2009-12-07 Thread W. eWatson

Martin P. Hellwig wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

See Subject.
def StackImages(self):
self.after_id = self.master.after(1,self.GetFrameOne)

If you are talking tkinter here, it is an alarm callback.

Very good. I recall encountering this once before. I knew it had to be 
something like that, since the code does not provide a method called 


Why Doesn't XP Pro Show Size, Time and Date Mod of a Created File?

2009-12-07 Thread W. eWatson
I created a folder, and wrote a file to it. When I look at what files 
are in it, they are correct. However, The Size, Type, and Date Mod are 
not shown. Why am I missing those columns? I'm writing files with a 
suffix of dat, which seem only to match up with video CD movie.


Re: Why Doesn't XP Pro Show Size, Time and Date Mod of a Created File?

2009-12-07 Thread W. eWatson

Mensanator wrote:

On Dec 5, 11:38�pm, W. eWatson wrote:

I created a folder, and wrote a file to it. When I look at what files
are in it, they are correct. However, The Size, Type, and Date Mod are
not shown. Why am I missing those columns? I'm writing files with a
suffix of dat, which seem only to match up with video CD movie.

Got to the View menu and select Details.

Once in the Details view, click on the column
headings and select which details to view.

That's strange. I had gone to details before without any luck, but now 
it's showing the above columns.


What is the significance of after() in this code?

2009-12-06 Thread W. eWatson

See Subject.
def StackImages(self):
self.after_id = self.master.after(1,self.GetFrameOne)

Why Can't I Delete a File I Created with Win XP?

2009-12-05 Thread W. eWatson
I'm trying to store analytic data in a folder called Analysis. If the 
user doesn't have the folder, I make one for him, and then write a txt 
file into it. In this case a histogram of values, x and frequency. 
However, it appears that I made a mistake somewhere and cannot delete it 
using the Win XP delete. Here's the code that determines if Analysis 
exists, and whether to create it.

print Path for Histogram, self.current_path
s = self.current_path
s = Analysis
s = os.path.join(Analysis,s)
print s joined ,s- debug print
if not os.path.exists(Analysis):
f = file( s, wb)
if not f:
self.LogError( Histogram file creation error 1 )
return False

In writing the code to handle all of this, I forgot to write the txt 
folder to the file, nor did I close it. It was someone else's code, and 
I got caught up in the creation of Analysis. Here's what XP tells me 
when I try to delete the folder.

Very funny. I just tried it to get the content of the msg, and XP 
deleted it. Let me recreate it and try again. OK, here it is:

  Error Deleting Folder or File.
  Cannot delete Analysis: It is being used by another person or program.
  Close programs that might be using it and try again.

There is no file created, just the folders Analysis\Analysis. One too 
many. The second Analysis shows as an icon for a file of size 0KB.

I printed with the debug print above:
  Path for Histogram Events\v20070206_055012.06.dat
  s joined  Analysis\Analysis
Analysis\Analysis should only be Analysis.

Re: Why Can't I Delete a File I Created with Win XP?

2009-12-05 Thread W. eWatson
The program code is not mine, but I wanted to modify it to produce an 
Analysis folder when the user wants histogram file, basically, a txt 
file to appear in Analysis.

Elsewhere in the program this is done for another type of data that is 
directed to an Events folder. I figured I could copy the code from there 
and use it here. Here's other code for Events.

# He's building a time stamp for the file name.
# I'll use this with a slight modification to the name in
# my code
millisecs = int((event_time - int(event_time))*100)
s = v%4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.%02d.dat % (
t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday,
t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec, millisecs )
#OK, he's got the file name assembled
s = os.path.join(Events,s)
if not os.path.exists(Events):
f = file( s, wb )
if not f:
self.LogError( File creation error 1 )
return False

I caused the redundancy by just changing the meaning of s with a new 
statement below it. I should have commented the first one out. Yeah, I 
probably screwed up here and should have and,for purposes of debugging, 
just used another file name like s=ADATAFILE2009_mmdd.txt, which does 
not exist at this point of the coding stage. So I should have produced
Analysis\ADATAFILE2009_mmdd.txt. If I had done that then I would have 
ended up with an empty file in the Analysis folder. However, even at 
that, why can't I delete this empty file called Analysis?

When I said I was able to get rid of the file, it's probably because I 
had rebooted at some time after I puzzled over the problem, and now OS 
somehow released it's grip, that is, whatever process was trying to use 
the file too.

John Machin wrote:

On Dec 5, 9:57 pm, W. eWatson wrote:

 s = self.current_path

s referred to something ...

 s = Analysis

but now s refers to Analysis ... at best, there is redundant 
confusing code; at worst, the source of your problem.

 s = os.path.join(Analysis,s)

and now s refers to rAnalysis\Analysis (on your platform)

 print s joined ,s- debug print


There is no file created, just the folders Analysis\Analysis. One too
many. The second Analysis shows as an icon for a file of size 0KB.

I printed with the debug print above:
   Path for Histogram Events\v20070206_055012.06.dat
   s joined  
Analysis\Analysis should only be Analysis.

Huh?? s = os.path.join(fubar, fubar) should produce rfubar
\fubar (as documented) ... If you don't want s to refer to rAnalysis
\Analysis, then quite simply don't do that!


Re: Why Can't I Delete a File I Created with Win XP?

2009-12-05 Thread W. eWatson

J wrote:

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 20:32, J wrote:

connections eventually.  So being able to find who has a lock on a
given file or directory if the program dies unexpectedly would be

Google tells me that the program Process Explorer from SysInternals
will provide most of the functionality of lsof... so I'll look into
that and see if it will work.  Certainly will help once I start
opening and writing output files with my python scripts on Windows

What I'm trying to do is really simple. In the Win XP NG, I have two 
suggestions to get rid of the Analysis folder and the empty file in it. 
One is to use a program like you suggested, and the other is to delete 
it from DOS. I just tried cmd prompt, but was not successful. My DOS 
skills are long gone, so I have no idea if there is something I 
overlooked there. I bored down to Analysis and the into it. DIR showed 
an unnamed empty file, so I tried DEL *. I seriously doubt it was removed.

Well, I'm going to reboot sometime later this evening, and knock it out 
as I described I was able to do once before after a reboot. Thne I'm 
going to fix the Python program and write a file correctly.


Re: Why Can't I Delete a File I Created with Win XP?

2009-12-05 Thread W. eWatson
The original program and code are not mine. I have no idea if that 
specific piece of code has ever been tested. Generally the program works 
quite well, and when needed creates the Events folder without any 
difficulty. That folder is used heavily by writing new data files to it 
thousands of times over a month.

I'm trying to do a very simple thing. I go to the Analysis folder, and 
try to use Win XP Pro to delete the empty and unnamed file in it. One 
just does a right-click on the empty file, and then uses Delete. It 
won't let me delete it. If I back up to the folder level, it won't let 
me delete the folder, since it's not empty. See the post I made to J 
moments ago.


Re: Why Can't I Delete a File I Created with Win XP?

2009-12-05 Thread W. eWatson

J wrote:

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 21:14, W. eWatson wrote:

What I'm trying to do is really simple. In the Win XP NG, I have two
suggestions to get rid of the Analysis folder and the empty file in it. One
is to use a program like you suggested, and the other is to delete it from
DOS. I just tried cmd prompt, but was not successful. My DOS skills are long
gone, so I have no idea if there is something I overlooked there. I bored
down to Analysis and the into it. DIR showed an unnamed empty file, so I
tried DEL *. I seriously doubt it was removed.

Well, I'm going to reboot sometime later this evening, and knock it out as I
described I was able to do once before after a reboot. Thne I'm going to fix
the Python program and write a file correctly.

And those are your only options, really.  From what I've been able to
see, there is no native ability in Linux to actually see who has a
lock on a file that's been opened.  And I completely understand your

I've not used the process explorer program, so I really can't say how
well it works for this kind of thing.  But every post I found
searching for this indicates that it will at least tell you what still
has a lock on the file and maybe then you can figure out what needs to
be closed from there.

Rebooting should always work in cases like this.  Rebooting the system
should clear all file locks and is a last resort for a persistent
stale file lock.  So yeah, by rebooting, you'll always be able to
release the lock on that file and then delete it once the system is
back and running.

However, that's not something you'd want to do on a production system
except as a last resort.  At least, that's not something that I'd want
to do.

So anyway, since you said the code is not yours, does the code
actually close the files anywhere?  I'm assuming that it does at some
point, but if not, that really is something that needs to be added in.
 As I said in my last post, I am just a novice in the Python stuff,
but I've written enough code in my life to know that you never assume
that a file will be closed properly by the system once the program is
finished running.  I'm not saying that YOU specifically are doing
this, but just making the suggestion as this is the kind of problem
that can happen.

Of course, a program that's dying for some reason is a different story... :-)
Well, I'm pretty well done now. I fixed the program so it would write 
the file and close it. It did this successfully. I'll worry about 
getting the oddball file deleted later.


The Strong Relationship between MatLab and MatPlotLib? What One Needs to Know?

2009-11-30 Thread W. eWatson
Although MatPlotLib has plenty of examples, they do not seem to cover 
the fundamentals like figure. It seems as though in someway this is 
dependent upon a user's knowledge of MatLab. Is this true, or oes 
MatPlotLib provide some description of how forming a figure works?


Object Not Callable, float?

2009-11-29 Thread W. eWatson

Here's an traceback error msg I get.

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 467, in ShowHistogram

mean = sum(hist)
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

for the code:
sum = 0.0
avg = 0.0
nplt_bins = 32
for i in range(len(hist)):
# msg = %5d %6d\n % (i,hist[i])
msg = %5d %6d\n % (i,hist[i])
sum = sum + hist[i]
text.insert( END, msg )
for i in range(len(hist)):
avg = avg + (i*hist[i]/sum)

mean = sum(hist)   -- faulty line
mean = mean/256.0

hist is a list of 256 integers. What does float have to do with this?

Re: Object Not Callable, float?

2009-11-29 Thread W. eWatson

Ben Finney wrote:

W. eWatson writes:

line 467, in ShowHistogram
mean = sum(hist)
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

It means you're calling an object of type ‘float’. The line where it
occurred shows that you're accessing that object through the name ‘sum’,
which means you've bound the name ‘sum’ to a float object.

for the code:
sum = 0.0

Here you clobber the existing binding of ‘sum’, binding it to the float
value 0.0.

avg = 0.0
nplt_bins = 32
for i in range(len(hist)):
# msg = %5d %6d\n % (i,hist[i])
msg = %5d %6d\n % (i,hist[i])
sum = sum + hist[i]

Here you keep re-binding the name ‘sum’ to new float objects of
different value.

text.insert( END, msg )
for i in range(len(hist)):
avg = avg + (i*hist[i]/sum)

mean = sum(hist)   -- faulty line

Here you try to call the object referenced by the name ‘sum’, which is a
float object.

hist is a list of 256 integers. What does float have to do with this?

You explicitly bound the name ‘sum’ to an object of type ‘float’.

Solution: Choose names wisely, and if you want to use a built-in name
like ‘sum’ for its built-in putpose, don't clobber that binding before
using it.

Yikes. Thanks very much. Python seems to act unlike other language in 
which words like float are reserved. I'll use asum.


Re: Object Not Callable, float?

2009-11-29 Thread W. eWatson

John Bokma wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Yikes. Thanks very much. Python seems to act unlike other language in 
which words like float are reserved. I'll use asum.

The problem is that there is a function sum and you creating a float sum:

sum = 0.0


mean = sum(hist)

even if both could exist side by side it would be very confusing IMO.

I think I understand it, but how does one prevent it from happening, or 
know it's the cause? That msg I got?

I think PL/I, FORTRAN, ALGOL, etc. have reserved words.

A More Concise Description of Numpy than the Guide to Numpy?

2009-11-23 Thread W. eWatson
I'm looking the 300+ page pdf of the Guide to Numpy. Is there a more 
concise and practical guide to its use in science and mathematics?


Re: A More Concise Description of Numpy than the Guide to Numpy?

2009-11-23 Thread W. eWatson

Robert Kern wrote:

On 2009-11-23 11:49 AM, W. eWatson wrote:

I'm looking the 300+ page pdf of the Guide to Numpy. Is there a more
concise and practical guide to its use in science and mathematics?

You will want to ask numpy questions on the numpy mailing list:

You may also find the NumPy User Guide more up your alley:

Thanks. I think I'll join the list, and the last link looks like a good 


Re: Anyone with Experience Using WinTV Capture Cards?

2009-09-26 Thread W. eWatson

Tim Roberts wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
A friend is looking for some help with how to use Python to access a 
WinTV (Go Plus) capture card, and how to display an image from it. Is 
there some facility that might help him, or does anyone have experience 
with such use that might suggest sources?
Win XP OS. Any general methods for dealing with such commercially built 
capture cards?

Let me Google that for you.

Most such devices use DirectShow, so you need a C++ extension.
He's headed down the c++ path now, and MSDN might be a better place to 
discover what can be done with Python and WinTV. A google there has 
proven fruitful, but my friend will have to determine how fruitful. I'm 
waiting for Hauppauge to respond to my request.

His facilities do not allow him to get out to the internet.

Anyone with Experience Using WinTV Capture Cards?

2009-09-24 Thread W. eWatson
A friend is looking for some help with how to use Python to access a 
WinTV (Go Plus) capture card, and how to display an image from it. Is 
there some facility that might help him, or does anyone have experience 
with such use that might suggest sources?


Re: Anyone with Experience Using WinTV Capture Cards?

2009-09-24 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:
A friend is looking for some help with how to use Python to access a 
WinTV (Go Plus) capture card, and how to display an image from it. Is 
there some facility that might help him, or does anyone have experience 
with such use that might suggest sources?

Win XP OS. Any general methods for dealing with such commercially built 
capture cards?


Adding the Copy Property to a Simple Histogram

2009-07-05 Thread W. eWatson
The code below produces a text window 60hx20w with a scroll bar. The 
contents are something of a histogram of values from 0 to 255. If one tries 
to copy the contents, Windows doesn't allow it. What needs to be done to 
allow a copy and paste?

def ShowHistogram(self):
if not self.current_image:

if self.histogram:

t = Toplevel( self.master )
t.bind( 'Destroy', self.DestroyHistogram )
text = Text( t, height=60, width=20 )
scroll = Scrollbar(t, command=text.yview)
text.pack(side=LEFT, fill='both', expand=1)
scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
self.histogram = t

hist = self.current_image.histogram()
for i in range(len(hist)):
msg = %5d %6d\n % (i,hist[i])
text.insert( END, msg )
   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Adding the Copy Property to a Simple Histogram

2009-07-05 Thread W. eWatson

Simon Forman wrote:

On Jul 5, 9:48 pm, W. eWatson wrote:

The code below produces a text window 60hx20w with a scroll bar. The
contents are something of a histogram of values from 0 to 255. If one tries
to copy the contents, Windows doesn't allow it. What needs to be done to
allow a copy and paste?

 def ShowHistogram(self):
 if not self.current_image:

 if self.histogram:

 t = Toplevel( self.master )
 t.bind( 'Destroy', self.DestroyHistogram )
 text = Text( t, height=60, width=20 )
 scroll = Scrollbar(t, command=text.yview)
 text.pack(side=LEFT, fill='both', expand=1)
 scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
 self.histogram = t

 hist = self.current_image.histogram()
 for i in range(len(hist)):
 msg = %5d %6d\n % (i,hist[i])
 text.insert( END, msg )
W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

Do you mean that the Text widget doesn't let you copy-and-paste copy
its contents using selection and Control-c?  That shouldn't have
anything to do with the contents of the Text widget.
Whoops, I missed it. I'm not quite sure what I did to make it seem like it 
doesn't copy, but it does. I fooled myself. All is well.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Conventional Y Axis Label in pylab plot

2009-04-29 Thread W. eWatson
I'd like to label the plot axes as x and y. All I see is xlabel and ylabel. 
ylabel puts y on its side, rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal. Is there 
way to put it in a normal reading (science/math) position?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: after_cancel?

2009-04-18 Thread W. eWatson

Saul Spatz wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
I'm looking a program that I'm not real familiar with that uses an 
after_cancel method and after_id variable.  Are they related to some 
particular widget and what is there function? Perhaps they are related 
to a Cancel button on a widget? 

Thanks. There was a chance it belonged to another part of the program the is 
processes an after event image.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: after_cancel?

2009-04-18 Thread W. eWatson

Saul Spatz wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
I'm looking a program that I'm not real familiar with that uses an 
after_cancel method and after_id variable.  Are they related to some 
particular widget and what is there function? Perhaps they are related 
to a Cancel button on a widget? 

Thanks. There was a chance it belonged to another part of the program the is 
processes an after event image.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:



2009-04-17 Thread W. eWatson
I'm looking a program that I'm not real familiar with that uses an 
after_cancel method and after_id variable.  Are they related to some 
particular widget and what is there function? Perhaps they are related to a 
Cancel button on a widget?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Writing a Raw Image to a File (Win, PIL)

2009-04-11 Thread W. eWatson

I have an image of described as:
Img Info:  {}
 size:  (640, 480)
 format:  None
 mode:  P
 palette:  ImagePalette.ImagePalette instance at 0x02393378
 bands:  ('P',)
 type:  type 'instance'

I'd like to write it to a file. Apparently, I need to convert it to a string 
first. How do I do that? Pickle?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet


Re: Writing a Raw Image to a File (Win, PIL)

2009-04-11 Thread W. eWatson

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

W. eWatson schrieb:

I have an image of described as:
Img Info:  {}
 size:  (640, 480)
 format:  None
 mode:  P
 palette:  ImagePalette.ImagePalette instance at 0x02393378
 bands:  ('P',)
 type:  type 'instance'

I'd like to write it to a file. Apparently, I need to convert it to a 
string first. How do I do that? Pickle?

Did you bother reading the PIL documentation just for about 30seconds?

Hint: look for save.

So, you are telling me what? To save it as a jpg file, or maybe a bmp file? 
All of them have headers, right?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Writing a Raw Image to a File (Win, PIL)

2009-04-11 Thread W. eWatson

MRAB wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

I have an image of described as:
Img Info:  {}
 size:  (640, 480)
 format:  None
 mode:  P
 palette:  ImagePalette.ImagePalette instance at 0x02393378
 bands:  ('P',)
 type:  type 'instance'

I'd like to write it to a file. Apparently, I need to convert it to a 
string first. How do I do that? Pickle?

Have you tried the .tostring() method?
Perfect. Works exactly like I had hoped, 640x480 bytes--nothing more. 
Thanks. I had noticed it, but didn't get the connection. Then I wandered 
around nearby in the PIL description, and noticed something about decoding 
and write. Unknown territory to me. However, if I had followed up there was 
a connection between tostring and raw decoding.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Problem with PIL/Tkinter Program Example

2009-04-09 Thread W. eWatson

Something is amiss here. The program produces a canvas in which one can move 
an object around. The input file is hard coded (see open). If you want to 
try it, you'll need to provide a file. Python error below. Name space 

#Mouse movement
from Tkinter import *
import PIL
import Image

class data:

def startmotioncallback(event):

def motioncallback(event):
# should put some limits on where the cirle is moved
# left as exercise.

def Demo(root):
# resize window
# make a canvas
data.cnv=cnv'jupa9810.jpg')  # some image you have.

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 45, in module

line 35, in Demo

NameError: global name 'ImageTk' is not defined

Re: Problem with PIL/Tkinter Program Example

2009-04-09 Thread W. eWatson

Peter Otten wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Something is amiss here. The program produces a canvas in which one can
move an object around. The input file is hard coded (see open). If you
want to try it, you'll need to provide a file. Python error below. Name
space difficulty?

Traceback (most recent call last):


line 45, in module


line 35, in Demo
NameError: global name 'ImageTk' is not defined

If you want to use the ImageTk module you have to import it first:

#Mouse movement
from Tkinter import *
import PIL
import Image

  import ImageTk

[rest of your code here]


Very good. Thanks.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


PIL\Tkinter and Transparencies, Rubber Lines, and Dragging Image Objects

2009-04-07 Thread W. eWatson
Basically, I'd like to know how one (broadly, e.g., references in Win-land) 
does IP (image processing) and drawing techniques such as rubber lines, and 
dragging image objects across the canvas. I know there are some pretty 
powerful toolkits out there, but I'd like to limit this to PIL and Tkinter. 
If it can't be done with them, then I'll consider other possibilities.  As a 
starter, on the topic of transparencies, consider this program that I pulled 
off the web and was posted in 1999. It purports to illustrate how one might 
produce a transparency.

   # see
   from Tkinter import *
   import Image, ImageTk
   import tkFileDialog

   class Transparency:
def __init__(self, parent):
 self.canvas = Canvas(parent, bg='green')
 b = Button(parent,, text=Select graphics file)

def open(self):
 filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
 if filename != '':
  im =
  if im.mode != RGBA:
   im =
   source = im.split()
   R, G, B, A = 0, 1, 2, 3
   mask = im.point(lambda i: i  0 and 255) # use black as transparent
   im = Image.merge(im.mode, source)  # build a new multiband image

  self.graphic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=im)
  self.canvas.create_image(100, 100, image=self.graphic)
   if __name__ == __main__:
root = Tk()
test = Transparency(root)

It colors the canvas green, and produces a black background. An image is
merged with the background. I tried out the program. It executes, but I
do not see where the transparency is apparent. I used a gif with a
picture of a telescope on a white background, and the result is what I
would see if I pasted the telescope and white background onto the green

If there's something missing in my observation, I'd like to know what it is.

To further explore drawing graphics, what roughly is the capability of 
Tkinter or PIL to allow one to place a transparent layer (mode, I guess in 
PIL may be roughly equivalent to a layer in tools like Photoshop) on top of 
an image and then move the transparency around over the image with a mouse?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PIL\Tkinter and Transparencies, Rubber Lines, and Dragging Image Objects

2009-04-07 Thread W. eWatson
You got it. That lamda did look a little odd. The white background is opaque 
and the telescope is seen as green. The program will ask for a file. I 
didn't write the code.

Eric Brunel wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Basically, I'd like to know how one (broadly, e.g., references in Win-land)
does IP (image processing) and drawing techniques such as rubber lines, and
dragging image objects across the canvas. I know there are some pretty
powerful toolkits out there, but I'd like to limit this to PIL and Tkinter.
If it can't be done with them, then I'll consider other possibilities.  As a
starter, on the topic of transparencies, consider this program that I pulled
off the web and was posted in 1999. It purports to illustrate how one might
produce a transparency.

OK, maybe I'm dumb but:

# see
from Tkinter import *
import Image, ImageTk


 - Eric -

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


PIL Handbooks

2009-04-02 Thread W. eWatson
I'm very new to PIL, and don't see any handbooks for 1.1.6 or the 
forthcoming 1.1.7. In fact, this looks like the extent of them:

* Python Imaging Library Handbook for 1.1.5 (online)
* Python Imaging Library Handbook for 1.1.3 (PDF)

Somewhere in my recent search I see that 1.1.6 has some features like 
digital cameras and scanners. Ah here, Any other news?

I'd settle even for a 1.1.5 pdf of the handbook right now.
   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PIL Handbooks

2009-04-02 Thread W. eWatson

Irmen de Jong wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
I'm very new to PIL, and don't see any handbooks for 1.1.6 or the 
forthcoming 1.1.7. In fact, this looks like the extent of them:

* Python Imaging Library Handbook for 1.1.5 (online)
* Python Imaging Library Handbook for 1.1.3 (PDF)

Somewhere in my recent search I see that 1.1.6 has some features like 
digital cameras and scanners. Ah here, Any other news?

I'd settle even for a 1.1.5 pdf of the handbook right now.

Download the source package tarball , it contains the HTML documentation.

In the Doc foler, I see a bunch of html files, but nothing about a handbook. 
 It seems like the front sections are missing in that folder. Concepts, 
tutor, whatever.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Default Tkinter Structure of a 640x480 PIL BMP File?

2009-04-01 Thread W. eWatson
See Subject. Does it have a header, DIB,  palette, and data section? What is 
the default depth?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-31 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything 
available for Win (xp)?
I'm now on the scipy mail list. Things look hopeful, according to the 
first respondent, to meet my criteria mentioned in another sub-thread to 
this one:

I'm hoping the use of this library will be relative simple for my
purposes, which are basically to write an image to a fits file with a
somewhat simple header, which might include lat/long, date, image size,
date-time, and a comment.

Apparently, the first chapter or several pages or so of a manual 
distributed with PyFits is enough.

The link I mentioned in another sub-thread here about the U of Wash. is

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-30 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:
It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything 
available for Win (xp)?
I'm now on the scipy mail list. Things look hopeful, according to the first 
respondent, to meet my criteria mentioned in another sub-thread to this one:

I'm hoping the use of this library will be relative simple for my
purposes, which are basically to write an image to a fits file with a
somewhat simple header, which might include lat/long, date, image size,
date-time, and a comment.

Apparently, the first chapter or several pages or so of a manual distributed 
with PyFits is enough.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-29 Thread W. eWatson

Michiel Overtoom wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything 
available for Win (xp)?

According to

PyFITS’s source code is pure Python. It requires Python version 2.3 or 
newer. PyFITS also requires the numarray module. PyFITS uses python’s 
distutils for its installation. To install it, unpack the tar file and 
type: python install

It looks like PyFits is platform-independent.


That link gives me a Resource Not Found!, but does have info about STSci. I 
think this gets me back to their page with a tar file. I see tar comes up 
below, so I'll appear down there.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-29 Thread W. eWatson

John Yeung wrote:

On Mar 28, 4:03 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux.
Isn't there anything available for Win (xp)?

To install it, unpack the tar file and
type: python install

It looks like PyFits is platform-independent.

Perhaps the original poster is referring to the tar file, which isn't
natively supported by Windows and possibly isn't understood by WinZip
either (not sure about that one).  I recommend downloading and
installing 7-Zip, which is free and handles more formats.  It will let
you extract the contents, which you can then install normally with the
setup script as shown above.

Yes, I keep getting to a tar file with Google and just going to the STSci 
site. I use IZarc. Maybe it handles tar files. I'll give it a try.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-29 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:

Michiel Overtoom wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything 
available for Win (xp)?

According to

PyFITS’s source code is pure Python. It requires Python version 2.3 
or newer. PyFITS also requires the numarray module. PyFITS uses 
python’s distutils for its installation. To install it, unpack the tar 
file and type: python install

It looks like PyFits is platform-independent.


That link gives me a Resource Not Found!, but does have info about 
STSci. I think this gets me back to their page with a tar file. I see 
tar comes up below, so I'll appear down there.

I downloaded the tar file, and untarred it with IZarc. That's a strange way 
to package it, that is, for Windows. This almost suggests not many Win users 
are using it.

One of the pages,, 
has a lot of tutorial material. It almost looks like overload on the 
subject. I'm hoping the use of this library will be relative simple for my 
purposes, which are basically to write an image to a fits file with a 
somewhat simple header, which might include lat/long, date, image size, 
date-time, and a comment.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-29 Thread W. eWatson

andrew cooke wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

I downloaded the tar file, and untarred it with IZarc. That's a strange
to package it, that is, for Windows. This almost suggests not many Win
are using it.

One of the pages,,
has a lot of tutorial material. It almost looks like overload on the
subject. I'm hoping the use of this library will be relative simple for my
purposes, which are basically to write an image to a fits file with a
somewhat simple header, which might include lat/long, date, image size,
date-time, and a comment.

i have no idea what the current status is, but there used to be a python
implementation of the iraf astronomy image processing system (iraf) called
pyraf.  if was developed by stsci, if i remember correctly.  you might
find that useful.  it will certainly support manipulating fits files etc,
but may be a bit heavweight for your needs.


Along these lines, there was an astronomy python site at the U of Washington 
not many months ago. The link is broken. Any idea where it went? I sent the 
astro dept a msg about it a few hours ago. NASA has one too, but it's not 
loading today. The govt. sites seem to have troubles on the weekend.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Grayson, Tkinter, Chapter 5

2009-03-28 Thread W. eWatson
Fragments of Grayson's Python Tkinter are on the web at The site contains all the examples in the 
book. Chapter 5 is there as a pdf. In it he describes an image editor, p86f.
I suspect only users of Grayson's book can answer these questions, but maybe 
reference to the site will do. (I may have answered my own question in the 
last few sentences.)

The code pulls in 9, possibly 10, images to populate a grid. It looks like 
he's dealing 150x150 thumbnails. The overall grid contains 15 rows by 8 
columns, which are broken into blocks of 5 rows by 2 columns. That is, there 
are 12 blocks, 3 rows by 4 columns.

The imgfile seems to be missing for Chapter 7, but there are a number of 
individual image files in the Image folder for the chapter. Does any one 
have it or is it there?

Why is he putting images in the blocks? That is, why did he need rows and 
columns within the blocks? Are these rows and columns in a block somehow 30 
pixels on a side, so the block is 150x60, which looks about the size of the 
calculator images shown in figure 5.19? Perhaps the need for all the rows is 
the manner in which he needs the radio button, plain button, combo box, etc 
in the lower right corner. In fact, I suspect that's exactly it. Well, I 
just leave this open for comments anyway.It is a very instructive example on 

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-28 Thread W. eWatson
It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything available 
for Win (xp)?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Geometry package

2009-03-28 Thread W. eWatson

Justin Pearson wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a geometry package in Python; something that will let
me define line segments, and can tell me if two line segments
intersect. It would be nice if the lines could be defined in n-space
(rather than be confined to 2 or 3 dimensions), but this is not a hard
constraint. Other functionality might include support for polygons,
convex hulls, etc.

I've searched Pypi and found a package called Shapely, but when I
followed its installation instructions, it threw a bunch of errors and
tried to re-install Python :(.

Is there a well-known geometry package I'm missing?

Thanks for your help,
Somewhere book marked I have a reference on intersection determination. I 
need to reference it myself, and will look later. In the meantime, a Google 
search on robotics imaging line intersection might do the the trick. Now 
that I think about it, the article was aimed at finding the minimal distance 
between two lines in space. Anyway, the Google tip might get you started.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Tkinter book on current versions

2009-03-21 Thread W. eWatson

Paul Watson wrote:

Has anyone tried the Grayson book, Python and Tkinter Programming,
with a recent version of Python?

The first example code (calculator) generates a single row of buttons.
Perhaps I have not applied the errata correctly.  Has anyone been

I am using:

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Dec  1 2008, 17:47:46)

If you mean, I had no trouble with under 2.5, but 
uses Pmw, which I do not have. calc2 has a few problems with mixing tabs and 

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Tkinter--Column Alignment in a Dialog

2009-03-20 Thread W. eWatson

The code below produces:

Label title frame
lat/long fields in a frame
x,y label fields in a frame
Standard OK-Cancel buttons

How do I fix it so the lat/long left most field lines up with the x,y left 
most field?

That is, I get something like:

Lat: BOX Long: BOX
   pixel-x: BOX pixel-y: BOX
I want the second line to be pushed to the left. BOX is just a data entry 
field. I want the two rows as far to the margin on the left.

# Prototype for dialog
from   Tkinter import *
from   tkSimpleDialog import Dialog
import tkSimpleDialog
import tkMessageBox

class DialogPrototype(Dialog):

def body(self, master):

# Titles
fLocationTitle = Frame(master)  # fL..., f for frame

# Frames
fLocationTitle = Frame(master)
fCoords = Frame(master)

fZenithTitle = Frame(master)
fZenith = Frame(master)

self.title(Enter Site/Misc. Data)

# Latitude and Longitude
Label(fLocationTitle, text=Geographic Location).grid(row=0,column=0)

Label(fCoords, text='Latitude:').grid(row=0, sticky=W+E, padx=5, 

lat = Entry(fCoords, width=12)
lat.grid(row=0, column=1)

Label(fCoords, text='Longitude:').grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=3)
long = Entry(fCoords, width=12)
long.grid(row=0, column=3)

# Zenith pixels
Label(fZenithTitle, text=Zenith Pixel 
Position).grid(row=0,column=0, pady=4)

Label(fZenith, text='Zenith x:').grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=3)
zenith_x = Entry(fZenith, width=6)
zenith_x.grid(row=0, column=1)

Label(fZenith, text='Zenith y:').grid(row=0, column=2,padx=5,pady=3)
zenith_y = Entry(fZenith, width=6)
zenith_y.grid(row=0, column=3)

def apply(self):
print apply
print self.long.get()

print setting

root = Tk()
   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-11 Thread W. eWatson
I happened to notice that BJ and Rhondi started a small subthread to this, 
so I thought I'd explore it. It led to interesting things, but not for its 
content. I reviewed some things. I'll do you the courtesy or wrapping this up.

I'll get straight to the point and be a minimal as possible in my response, 
without accusing or implying anyone of anything.

My guess is that the first culprit was here:
   entry = Entry(master, width=10, ...
   entry.insert(0,self.slowdown)   --- no affect.
The next culprit was this:
   self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )
One must be very careful of what is in anumber.

That's it. Nothing else.

The changes I've made in the 2000 lines of code work, as I had intended. The 
sample code now works as I had intended. (And no, I am not providing it. 
This thread doesn't need more explanation.) I can now proceed to eliminate 
all the control variables.

You'll have to be satisfied with what I've said. I have no more to say. All 
parts of this thread I consider closed.

Include me out. -- Yogi Berra

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread W. eWatson

Rhodri James wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 04:14:51 -, W. eWatson

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 04:22:57 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 22:20:09 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

 You didn't answer my question why entry is necessary at all. The
 original author thought it was necessary to return entry. I'll give
 you a peek at a segment of the code I'm working with here:

 class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):

  def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
  self.sdict = sdict
  tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

  def body(self,master):
  self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)

  Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
  self.anumberVar = StringVar()
  entry = Entry(master, width=10,
  self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )

  return entry
 `entry` is unnecessary here.  But that was not obvious from your
 previous example, as you trimmed the code.  Now it is clear that
 `entry` is always `None` because that's what `grid()` returns.

 But according to the docs this method should return the widget, that
 should get the focus, so maybe the author really wanted to return the
 `Entry` instance here, instead of `None`.
 He's got to return something, because he uses it upon return, as here:
  `entry` is always `None`, so it is the same as returning nothing
 because every function has an implicit ``return None`` at the end.

  def Set_Enter_Data(self):
  sdict = {}
  sdict[ ok ] = False
  sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
  dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog( self.master, sdict ) ---
  That's not a call to the `body()` method so that ``return`` is
 irrelevant here.  Here an instance of `Enter_Data_Dialog` is
 created.  No ``return`` involved.
  BTW if this is really just a dialog to enter a number, the functions
 `askinteger()` or `askfloat()` from the `tkSimpleDialog` module can
 be used.
 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
 What you are seeing here as an example, is a paired down version of
 the 2000 line program to focus on the particular problem at hand. The
 full code uses up to 20 variable of various types, via the dialog
 object. It uses them successfully to get the values the user has
 entered. How can it be irrelevant if it works? The author thought this
 was the way to do it. It's not my invention. It's no fluke. He does
 the same thing in another dialog that brings back about 6 values.

  def body(self,master):

 You're misunderstanding.  The line that you arrowed above has absolutely
 nothing whatsoever to do with the method body(), so keeping on showing
 us ever fuller version of that isn't going to prove anything.  Now if
 you were to show us a line like something = dialog.body(something_else)
 then you might be onto something, but personally I suspect you're going
 to find that rather hard.

I'd be happy to comply. Perhaps I'm mistaken as what I was responding to in 
the entanglement of responses, but I think I was making a point (again) that 
the technique by the author works. This should clear matters up completely. 
Here's the full 80+ lines of the example code. Note wrapped lines.

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog
import tkMessageBox

class IntVar_GUI:

def __init__(self, master):

master.title('Control Variable Fun')

self.frame = Frame(master,takefocus=1,
   highlightthickness=2, highlightcolor='blue')
#self.frame.bind(KeyPress, self.HandleKey)

self.anumber = 123  # Want name and value to be configurable

self.master = master
menu = Menu(master)

self.mainMenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label=My Menu,menu=self.mainMenu)
self.mainMenu.add_command(label=Enter Data, 


def Set_Enter_Data(self):
sdict = {}
sdict[ ok ] = False
sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog( self.master, sdict )
print Howdy, set data. Number is:, dialog.anumberVar.get()
print dict:, dialog.sdict
if not dialog.sdict[ok]:
self.anumber = int(eval(dialog.anumberVar.get()))
print OK
print Not OK
print self.anumber:, self.anumber

def Quit(self):
self.running = False

def Focus( self ):

class Enter_Data_Dialog

Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread W. eWatson
	Down, Fang! Down, boy. Down. -- Soupy Sales, Comedian, talking to 		his 
imaginary animal, circa 1960.

Thank you very much. One more quote before I continue. A favorite.

The trouble with most folks isn't their ignorance. It's knowin' so
many things that ain't so. by Josh Billings, a 19th century
humorist (and not Mark Twain).

I could quote my wife next, but I'll skip it. As I believe I've repeatedly 
said, (aren't those interesting words? Sort of sound huffy, don't they?), I 
am not the author of the code. If I didn't mention it before, I am not about 
to wholesale change his code for the purposes I have at hand, so I try to 
remain faithful to what was written. As far as taking your grid suggestions, 
I believe I did, very likely in the 2000 lines of father code (the author's 
original code.) For whatever reason, they didn't work. Yes, even I am as a 
lowly newcomer to Python and Tkinter have heard the eval story. Again, I do 
not want diversions while I'm adding to this program.

Just to be clear about what I'm adding, the program needed, IMHO, a 
configuration file. I've already added a menu item in other parts of the 
code to save it, and to initialize the 'global' values the author uses in 
IntVar_GUI. That's the alias here for Sentinel_GUI in the big program. Now I 
can proceed to initialize the dialog and others without using control 
variables. This config effort I could have skipped, but thought it's now or 
never. I have things to add to the program that are way more interesting 
than this, and will have big payoffs to the users (a closed group of about 
40 users).

Despite my no messing with code technique policy, I may have to take into 
consideration some of your changes here, and your follow up. And, yes, I 
think I can now begin to tune up my geometry knowledge of Tkinter.

So again, thanks for your help. (I hope you don't mind my repetition here.) 

r wrote:

OK, here is a slightly cleaned up version of this horrible code. I did
not change too much at one time for fear of confusing you. The main
problem is you did not explicitly grid the entry like i told you
earlier, and why you are using eval is beyond any measure of sanity...

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog

class IntVar_GUI:
 def __init__(self, master):
 self.master = master
 master.title('Control Variable Fun')
 self.frame = Frame(master, height=200, width=200,
takefocus=1, highlightthickness=2, highlightcolor='blue')
 #self.frame.bind(KeyPress, self.HandleKey)
 self.anumber = 123 # Want name and value to be configurable
 menu = Menu(master)
 self.mainMenu = Menu(menu)
 menu.add_cascade(label=My Menu,menu=self.mainMenu)
 self.mainMenu.add_command(label=Enter Data,

 def Set_Enter_Data(self):
 sdict = {ok:False, anumber:self.anumber}
 dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog(self.master, sdict)
 print Howdy, set data. Number is:, dialog.anumberVar.get()
 print dict:, dialog.sdict
 if not dialog.sdict[ok]:
 self.anumber = int(dialog.anumberVar.get())#why the heck
where you using eval here?
 print OK
 print Not OK
 print self.anumber:, self.anumber
 def Quit(self):
 self.running = False
 def Focus( self ):

class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
 def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
 self.sdict = sdict
 tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
 def body(self,master):
 self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)
 Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
 self.anumberVar = StringVar()
 entry = Entry(master, width=10, textvariable=self.anumberVar)
 entry.grid(row=0, column=1) #i told you to explicitly grid a
widget you want to call later
 self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )
 return entry
 def apply(self):
 self.sdict[ok] = True

def Process():
 root = Tk()
 app = IntVar_GUI(root)

if __name__ == __main__:

The next message i send will be a rewrite of this code in a proper
Pythonic fashion, this frankly is a plate of spaghetti!

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread W. eWatson

r wrote:

On Mar 10, 10:52 am, W. eWatson wrote:
[snip: biting the hand that feeds]

This is not the first time you have come to with hat in hand
seeking help and then scoffed at suggestions made by well respected
posters. I should have known you would just do the same again. I don't
know what you want but help is defiantly not it although that is
exactly what you need!

If I didn't mention it before, I am not about
to wholesale change his code for the purposes I have at hand, so I try to
remain faithful to what was written. As far as taking your grid suggestions,
I believe I did, very likely in the 2000 lines of father code (the author's
original code.) For whatever reason, they didn't work. Yes, even I am as a
lowly newcomer to Python and Tkinter have heard the eval story. Again, I do
not want diversions while I'm adding to this program.

[snip: non-sensical rambling]

You think my changes where wholesale. I untangled your spaghetti
code and showed you how it should be done with the same output you
originally had(while at the same time trying hard not to confuse you
by making the code too perfect), only unlike your mess, my code
doesn't throw 10 exceptions. There is nothing in there that will break
compatibility with your code, heck you said it was broken to start.

Just to be clear about what I'm adding, the program needed, IMHO, a
configuration file. I've already added a menu item in other parts of the
code to save it, and to initialize the 'global' values the author uses in
IntVar_GUI. That's the alias here for Sentinel_GUI in the big program. Now I
can proceed to initialize the dialog and others without using control
variables. This config effort I could have skipped, but thought it's now or
never. I have things to add to the program that are way more interesting
than this, and will have big payoffs to the users (a closed group of about
40 users).

If this 80 line code you posted actually is a line by line copy paste
from your suposedly high and mighty original author's code, you would
be much better off trashing this garbage and starting from scratch,
because apparently he had no idea what he was doing either. Using
naming conventions like IntVar_GUI instead of IntVarGui, and
Enter_Data_Dialog instead of EnterDataDialog . Not to mention this
redundant stupidity
sdict = {}
sdict[ ok ] = False
sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
Only a complete noob would do something like that! Not to mention that
he created a Focus method that calls one line of code. This is a
classic case of the blind leading the blind.

good day pal... and oh yea, good luck!

Pardon me, it was White Fang.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-09 Thread W. eWatson

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 22:20:09 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

You didn't answer my question why entry is necessary at all. The
original author thought it was necessary to return entry. I'll give you
a peek at a segment of the code I'm working with here:

class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):

 def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
 self.sdict = sdict
 tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

 def body(self,master):
 self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)

 Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
 self.anumberVar = StringVar()
 entry = Entry(master, width=10,


 self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )

 return entry

`entry` is unnecessary here.  But that was not obvious from your previous 
example, as you trimmed the code.  Now it is clear that `entry` is always 
`None` because that's what `grid()` returns.

But according to the docs this method should return the widget, that 
should get the focus, so maybe the author really wanted to return the 
`Entry` instance here, instead of `None`.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

He's got to return something, because he uses it upon return, as here:

def Set_Enter_Data(self):
sdict = {}
sdict[ ok ] = False
sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog( self.master, sdict ) --- returning
print Howdy, set data. Number is:, dialog.anumberVar.get()
print dict:, dialog.sdict
if not dialog.sdict[ok]:
self.anumber = int(eval(dialog.anumberVar.get()))
print OK
print Not OK
print self.anumber:, self.anumber

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-09 Thread W. eWatson

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 04:22:57 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 22:20:09 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

You didn't answer my question why entry is necessary at all. The
original author thought it was necessary to return entry. I'll give
you a peek at a segment of the code I'm working with here:

class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):

 def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
 self.sdict = sdict
 tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

 def body(self,master):
 self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)

 Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
 self.anumberVar = StringVar()
 entry = Entry(master, width=10,


 self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )

 return entry

`entry` is unnecessary here.  But that was not obvious from your
previous example, as you trimmed the code.  Now it is clear that
`entry` is always `None` because that's what `grid()` returns.

But according to the docs this method should return the widget, that
should get the focus, so maybe the author really wanted to return the
`Entry` instance here, instead of `None`.

He's got to return something, because he uses it upon return, as here:

`entry` is always `None`, so it is the same as returning nothing because 
every function has an implicit ``return None`` at the end.

 def Set_Enter_Data(self):
 sdict = {}
 sdict[ ok ] = False
 sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
 dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog( self.master, sdict ) --- returning

That's not a call to the `body()` method so that ``return`` is irrelevant 
here.  Here an instance of `Enter_Data_Dialog` is created.  No ``return`` 

BTW if this is really just a dialog to enter a number, the functions 
`askinteger()` or `askfloat()` from the `tkSimpleDialog` module can be 

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
What you are seeing here as an example, is a paired down version of the 2000 
line program to focus on the particular problem at hand. The full code uses 
up to 20 variable of various types, via the dialog object. It uses them 
successfully to get the values the user has entered. How can it be 
irrelevant if it works? The author thought this was the way to do it. It's 
not my invention. It's no fluke. He does the same thing in another dialog 
that brings back about 6 values.

def body(self,master):
self.title(Box Settings)

print body from BSD

frame_delay = Entry( master,
   width=10 ).grid( row=2, column=1, sticky=W )
Entry( master,
   width=10 ).grid( row=4, column=1, sticky=W )
self.untrigger_threshold_var.set( %d %
   self.sdict[untrigger_threshold] )

return frame_delay

BTW, forget the textvariable use. They are irrelevant.
   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-08 Thread W. eWatson
I'm looking at some Tk code written by someone else, and am curious about a 
methodology in the code. A setup object called SetDlg contains to code to 
set up parameters for some widgets for a dialog of radio buttons, 
checkboxes, and text/string entries. It then calls ShowDlg. After it returns 
in resets any new values entered for parameters. It's return is entry, which 
is of class Entry. The curious code is in ShowDlg. It looks like

Radiboutton(master, textvariable = ...
Radiobutton(msster, textvariable = ...
Checkbox(master, text=...
entry = Entry(master, width=10, ...
entry.insert(0,self.slowdown)# testing a default methodology
Label( master, text=Max...
Entry(master, width=10, textvar...
return entry

First, what is the meaning of entry=Entry(...? That is, other than create an 
Entry, why that particular position, and why not with say Checkbox? Further, 
SetDlg has used ShowDlg by calling dialog=ShowDlg(( self.master, set_a... 
dialog is then used to get at the parameters set by the user. I thought I'd 
give ShowDlg an attribute by using entry.insert(0,self.slowdown inserting it 
 before return. Upon return from ShowDlg, which was invoked by, dialog = 
ShowDlg( self.master, set_a ..., I thought I'd grab slowdown with x= 
dialog.slowdown. The program didn't get that far, so, second, I'd like to 
know why it died on the insert statement? That line, produced 'NoneType' 
object has no attribute 'insert' , and entry and its type are None and type 
'NoneType' What has gone wrong?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-08 Thread W. eWatson

r wrote:

On Mar 8, 9:34 pm, W. eWatson wrote:

Radiboutton(master, textvariable = ...
Radiobutton(msster, textvariable = ...
Checkbox(master, text=...
entry = Entry(master, width=10, ...
entry.insert(0,self.slowdown)# testing a default methodology
Label( master, text=Max...
Entry(master, width=10, textvar...
return entry

First, what is the meaning of entry=Entry(...? That is, other than create an
Entry, why that particular position, and why not with say Checkbox?

It sounds like you don't understands some fundamentals of Tkinter
programming. You only need to create a reference(instance) to a tk
widget if you plan to access it later. Widgets like labels (in some
cases) will never change, so creating an instance is just furturing
your capal tunnel avancment. :). Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons use
Variables to query thr widget so they also do not need to be

Something else that you need to understand, You must explicitly  pack
(), place(), or grid() a widget instance if you wish to call that
instance later or you will get an error.

#-- this no work --#
entry = Entry(master).pack() #cannot call entry.method()

#-- this works --#
entry = Entry(master)

SetDlg has used ShowDlg by calling dialog=ShowDlg(( self.master, set_a...
dialog is then used to get at the parameters set by the user. I thought I'd
give ShowDlg an attribute by using entry.insert(0,self.slowdown inserting it
  before return. Upon return from ShowDlg, which was invoked by, dialog =
ShowDlg( self.master, set_a ..., I thought I'd grab slowdown with x=
dialog.slowdown. The program didn't get that far, so, second, I'd like to
know why it died on the insert statement? That line, produced 'NoneType'
object has no attribute 'insert' , and entry and its type are None and type
'NoneType' What has gone wrong?

I would suspect a geometry manager issue here but you really should
post all the code for this dialog.

Guilty as charged, somewhat. I'm modifying someone else's code to provide 
new features, and have modest understanding of how Tk works. However, the 
reason for making them an instance is not unreasonable at all. This should 

I really don't think the geometry mgr has anything to do with it. If there's 
an early miscue here on my part, it's about using insert. My understanding 
is that insert will allow me put something into the entry area shown in the 
widget on the screen. That is if, I put up: Enter Data Here: __, the 
_ represents the entry widget created. What I'm trying to do is 
initialeze it with, say, 1234.

You didn't answer my question why entry is necessary at all. The original 
author thought it was necessary to return entry. I'll give you a peek at a 
segment of the code I'm working with here:

class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):

def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
self.sdict = sdict
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

def body(self,master):
self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)

Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
self.anumberVar = StringVar()
entry = Entry(master, width=10,
textvariable=self.anumberVar).grid(row=0, column=1)
self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )

return entry

This code works. What I'm trying to do is to eliminate the unnecessary use 
of control variables. As it, stands the calling program sets up the default 
value for anumber and returns whatever new value enters.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Simple Tkinter Control Program--Slight Problem

2009-03-06 Thread W. eWatson

I like to see closure on a thread. This should do it.

from Tkinter import *
# Use of control variables and callbacks

def mycallback():
print User entered: , e.get()
print Operation by 2 gives: , e.get()*2, and, v.get()*2

master = Tk()

print v,type(v)
print v, type(v), type(v.get())
e = Entry(master,textvariable=v)
b = Button(master, text=Push to Print, width=10, command=mycallback)



   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Configuration Files and Tkinter--Possible?

2009-03-04 Thread W. eWatson

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Wed, 04 Mar 2009 03:13:43 -0200, W. eWatson 

I'm converting a Tkinter program (Win XP) that uses widgets that 
allows the user to change default values of various parameters like 
start and stop time in hh:mm:ss, time of exposure in seconds, and 
whether certain options should be on or off. The initial values are 

don't have to track changes to the variables (by example, a zoom 
slider might provide feedback by zooming the image).

So in the Options... menu item in your application, you:

- create the dialog with the required widgets.
- call a method .setvalues(config) which receives a config 
object with all the settings, and assigns them to each corresponding 
- have a method .getvalues(config) that does the inverse 
operation: from widget contents into the config object.
- display the dialog (you must use a modal loop; see ). If you use 
tkSimpleDialog, make sure the .apply() method calls .getvalues

- on exit, the config object contains the final values.

That's fine, but I think my problem boils down to one question. There seem 
to be two ways to communicate with a dialog (I mean a collection of widgets 
assembled in a window that requires the user enter various parameters, 
integers, strings, yes/no button, etc.): 1. a callback and 2. control 
variables. Which one should be used?

To be more explicit, look at this code from your source above (This is about the simplest 
dialog one can have.) :

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()
e = Entry(master)
def callback():
print e.get()
b = Button(master, text=get, width=10, command=callback)
Note that above this example, the author mentions:
You can also bind the entry widget to a StringVar instance, and set or get 
the entry text via that variable:

v = StringVar()
e = Entry(master, textvariable=v)

v.set(a default value)
s = v.get()

Why have two ways of doing this?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Configuration Files and Tkinter--Possible?

2009-03-04 Thread W. eWatson

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Wed, 04 Mar 2009 12:12:50 -0200, W. eWatson 

That's fine, but I think my problem boils down to one question. There 
seem to be two ways to communicate with a dialog (I mean a collection 
of widgets assembled in a window that requires the user enter various 
parameters, integers, strings, yes/no button, etc.): 1. a callback and 
2. control variables. Which one should be used?

The simplest way that probably works. The one you feel most comfortable 
with. The one best fits your application. There is no single answer.

To be more explicit, look at this code from your source above (This is about the simplest 
dialog one can have.) :


Note that above this example, the author mentions:
You can also bind the entry widget to a StringVar instance, and set 
or get the entry text via that variable:

Why have two ways of doing this?

You may have some related widgets, and want to keep them syncronized. By 
example, a slider 0-100 and a text entry for some percentage. Moving the 
slider changes the number displayed, and editing the number moves the 
slider accordingly. There are other ways of doing the same: you may 
react to some events in one widget, and alter the other accordingly. But:

- that requires that you know *which* events actually modify the value
- increases coupling between all your widgets (consider what happens 
when you want to add an image showing the effect of moving the slider)

So, in some cases, it is more convenient to use bound variables. You may 
consider this as a micro-application of the Model-View-Controller pattern.

That said, I seldom use bound variables (but I seldom write GUIs using 
Tkinter either).

Thanks, unfortunately I have no choice. I'm modifying a program that uses 
Tkinter, and so not to take on extra work, I need to stick with Tkinter. The 
author, for some reason, found it useful to use control variables.

In trying to add a configuration file to the code, the control variables 
make it difficult. I have already coded the config file reading, writing, 
and setting of variables (setattr came in very handy to get the fixed code 
out of the way). However, to set them in the main dialog, is not easy, 
because it uses code like self.colorVar = IntVar() and 
dialog.colorVar.get(). To get rid of this written (hard) code, I have to 
manufacture it somehow by forming it from the names found in the config 
file, e.g., color=1. I'm aware of eval and exec, but wary of their use. It 
seems like the solution to all this is not to use control variables, if 
possible. Presently, I have no idea whether it is absolutely needed for the 

From what I can see on the web, and the few texts I have had access to, no 
one makes a clear distinction between the two choices by way of words or 
examples. This comes close:

From Tkinter reference: a GUI for Python
One special quality of a control variable is that it can be shared by a 
number of different widgets, and the control variable can remember all the 
widgets that are currently sharing it. This means, in particular, that if 
your program stores a value v into a control variable c with its c.set(v) 
method, any widgets that are linked to that control variable are 
automatically updated on the screen.

I'm just getting into Tkinter, so that doesn't quite do it for me.

I originally mentioned,  ... it seems as though someone should have had a 
similar problem in the past. What I meant was implementing a config file 
arrangement with Tkinter. I was suggesting this seems nearly, if not, 
impossible with control variables, so there must be another way. I think the 
other way is described in the example I provided.

Well, I think it's now time to go back to the code, and see what I can do to 
get rid of the control variables.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


A Simple Tkinter Control Program--Slight Problem

2009-03-04 Thread W. eWatson

Here's what I think the author meant in discussing a control variable sample 

from Tkinter import *


e = Entry(master, textvariable=v)

v.set(a default value)
s = v.get()


The problem is that Python objects to v=.
AttributeError: class Tk has no attribute 'StringVar'

What corrects this?
   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Simple Tkinter Control Program--Slight Problem

2009-03-04 Thread W. eWatson

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

On Wed, 04 Mar 2009 10:09:10 -0800, W. eWatson wrote:

Here's what I think the author meant in discussing a control variable
sample program.

from Tkinter import *


e = Entry(master, textvariable=v)

v.set(a default value)
s = v.get()


The problem is that Python objects to v=.
AttributeError: class Tk has no attribute 'StringVar'

What corrects this?

Learn how to copy code 1:1 from a web page or understand Python's import 
and namespaces.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
It wasn't a matter of copying. I had experimented with the code and found a 
note that suggested using Tk, and another way of getting the job. It didn't 
work. I missed removing it (Tk).

Never assume!--Spencer Tracy, cautioning Katharine Hepburn in a puzzle he 
is about to give her in the movie Desk Set.

Here's the segment the author singled out:

v = StringVar()
e = Entry(master, textvariable=v)

v.set(a default value)
s = v.get()

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Looking for a General Method to Configure Tkinter Widgets

2009-03-03 Thread W. eWatson

odeits wrote:

On Mar 2, 7:14 am, W. eWatson wrote:

I'm modifying a Tkinter Python program that uses hard coded initial values
for several widgets. For example, latitude = 40. My plan is to put the names
and values for configuration purposes into a file. For example, a pseudo
statement like the one just given. ConfigObj provides a mechanism for it.

I am only at an early stage of learning Tkinter, but it looks like a hang up
is in the use of control variables passed between widgets and non-Tkinter
objects that setup up the widget and retrieve the changed values. Roughly,
the main loop contains code like self.longitude = 40. Non-Tkinter objects
set up the parameters to the widgets, and when a widget* is complete the
setup program resets the main loop globals. As I see it, it looks like
IntVar, etc. used must be hard coded, as in the original program, to
preserve types like boolean, strings, integers, floats, etc. It's either
that or use of eval or some like function. Comments?

* For example, in one setup program, I see code like this after its call to
a dialog returns:

 s = dialog.stopVar.get()
 d = [ int(x) for x in s.split(:) ]
 self.stop_time = datetime.time(d[0],d[1],d[2])

stop_time is a string like 10:30:15.
W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

I am sorry, I am a bit confused. Is your question how to preserve the
value and/or type of the data in the config file? Or are you having
trouble getting the values from the file to the widget?

I'm probably confused too. :-) Let's try this. In
I'd like to eliminate the statement and replace it with something like:
s=dialog. + stopV.get()
)and execute that--I'm aware of the exec operation--problems)
where StopV is a string name taken from the config file. That is, in the 
config file there would be something like:

stop_time = 18:00:00, stopV.

Initially, when starting the program, reading that line would create a 
self.stop_time variable with the value 18:00:00 (string). To communicate 
with the dialog widget where the user enters a new value, I need to use 
control variables. but ones that are not in the code itself. Instead, I 
would like to manufacture them from what I see in the config file.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


A Simple Menu , Stretching the Window Width--Tkinter

2009-03-03 Thread W. eWatson
I'd like to create a simple Menu bar with one item in it, say, called My 
Menu, and have a few submenu items on it like Change Data and Exit. I 
can do that but I'd like the title I put on the enclosing window to be 
completely visible. The title is, for example, Hello, out there. This is a 
simple menu. Presently the window shrinks in width the accommodate My 
Menu, and I see Hello, out th. How do I force the width to accommodate 
the whole title?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Looking for a General Method to Configure Tkinter Widgets

2009-03-03 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:

odeits wrote:

On Mar 2, 7:14 am, W. eWatson wrote:
I'm modifying a Tkinter Python program that uses hard coded initial 
for several widgets. For example, latitude = 40. My plan is to put 
the names

and values for configuration purposes into a file. For example, a pseudo
statement like the one just given. ConfigObj provides a mechanism for 

I am only at an early stage of learning Tkinter, but it looks like a 
hang up
is in the use of control variables passed between widgets and 
objects that setup up the widget and retrieve the changed values. 
the main loop contains code like self.longitude = 40. Non-Tkinter 

set up the parameters to the widgets, and when a widget* is complete the
setup program resets the main loop globals. As I see it, it looks like
IntVar, etc. used must be hard coded, as in the original program, to
preserve types like boolean, strings, integers, floats, etc. It's either
that or use of eval or some like function. Comments?

* For example, in one setup program, I see code like this after its 
call to

a dialog returns:

 s = dialog.stopVar.get()
 d = [ int(x) for x in s.split(:) ]
 self.stop_time = datetime.time(d[0],d[1],d[2])

stop_time is a string like 10:30:15.
W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

I am sorry, I am a bit confused. Is your question how to preserve the
value and/or type of the data in the config file? Or are you having
trouble getting the values from the file to the widget?

I'm probably confused too. :-) Let's try this. In
I'd like to eliminate the statement and replace it with something like:
s=dialog. + stopV.get()
)and execute that--I'm aware of the exec operation--problems)
where StopV is a string name taken from the config file. That is, in the 
config file there would be something like:

stop_time = 18:00:00, stopV.

Initially, when starting the program, reading that line would create a 
self.stop_time variable with the value 18:00:00 (string). To communicate 
with the dialog widget where the user enters a new value, I need to use 
control variables. but ones that are not in the code itself. Instead, I 
would like to manufacture them from what I see in the config file.

I've been told that there may be another way to communicate with Tkinter 
than control variables. I'm not quite sure what, but will probably know 
tomorrow. I think I will discontinue this thread, and re-post if necessary.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Simple Menu , Stretching the Window Width--Tkinter

2009-03-03 Thread W. eWatson

John Posner wrote:
  I'd like to create a simple Menu bar with one item in it, 
  say, called My 
  Menu, and have a few submenu items on it like Change 
  Data and Exit. I 
  can do that but I'd like the title I put on the enclosing 
  window to be 
  completely visible. The title is, for example, Hello, out 
  there. This is a 
  simple menu. Presently the window shrinks in width the 
  accommodate My 
  Menu, and I see Hello, out th. How do I force the width 
  to accommodate 
  the whole title?

If you're having trouble with the size of the overall (root or toplevel)
window, this might help:

  rootwin = Tk()
  # width=500, height=350, upper-left-corner at (50,50) -- revise to suit
  rootwin.resizable(False, False)
  rootwin.title(Hello, out there)


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Yep, that works. Thanks.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Configuration Files and Tkinter--Possible?

2009-03-03 Thread W. eWatson
I'm converting a Tkinter program (Win XP) that uses widgets that allows the 
user to change default values of various parameters like start and stop time 
in hh:mm:ss, time of exposure in seconds, and whether certain options should 
be on or off. The initial values are set in the code. I can pretty well 
modify matters, so the values of parameters can be saved and restored from a 
config file for use outside the widgets (dialogs). Basically, a list of 
parameter names and values are kept in the file.

However, it is a tricky job to set up values for a widget that allows the 
current values to appear in a dialog, and then return them to internal 
storage for use elsewhere. The problem is in trying to make control variable 
dynamic instead of as fixed code. There may be a solution, but it seems as 
though someone should have had a similar problem in the past.

Is Python or Tkinter capable of solving this problem in some fashion? It may 
be that there's another way to set and return values to the widget. However, 
there seems to be an implication one can only do this with Tkinter control 
variables? Another way of saying this is is why are control variables needed 

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Looking for a General Method to Configure Tkinter Widgets

2009-03-02 Thread W. eWatson
I'm modifying a Tkinter Python program that uses hard coded initial values 
for several widgets. For example, latitude = 40. My plan is to put the names 
and values for configuration purposes into a file. For example, a pseudo 
statement like the one just given. ConfigObj provides a mechanism for it.

I am only at an early stage of learning Tkinter, but it looks like a hang up 
is in the use of control variables passed between widgets and non-Tkinter 
objects that setup up the widget and retrieve the changed values. Roughly, 
the main loop contains code like self.longitude = 40. Non-Tkinter objects 
set up the parameters to the widgets, and when a widget* is complete the 
setup program resets the main loop globals. As I see it, it looks like 
IntVar, etc. used must be hard coded, as in the original program, to 
preserve types like boolean, strings, integers, floats, etc. It's either 
that or use of eval or some like function. Comments?

* For example, in one setup program, I see code like this after its call to 
a dialog returns:

s = dialog.stopVar.get()
d = [ int(x) for x in s.split(:) ]
self.stop_time = datetime.time(d[0],d[1],d[2])

stop_time is a string like 10:30:15.
   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

Matimus wrote:

On Feb 19, 8:06 pm, W. eWatson wrote:

I'm using IDLE for editing, but execute programs directly. If there are
execution or compile errors, the console closes before I can see what it
contains. How do I prevent that?
W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

Open a console window and type in the name of the script rather than
just double clicking on it. Or, you can terminate your script with a
'raw_input(press enter to quit)'.

I can open the Python command line from Start, but how do I navigate to the 
folder where the program is?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do with a
command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window (w/o
the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute

If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter 
c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title of the 
black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in it is 
Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python console window?

What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on its name 
to display the console window with the program or syntax errors shown 
without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw in it doesn't work, 
since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do with a
command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window (w/o
the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute

If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter 
c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title of 
the black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in it is 
Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python console window?

What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on its 
name to display the console window with the program or syntax errors 
shown without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw in it 
doesn't work, since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

Whoa! What's going on here? I just looked at About IDLE, and it shows 1.2.2, 
but yet the second edition of Learning Python talks about going to 2.3 as 
the book is about to go to press, 2004. I thought IDLE came bundled with 
Python. I have Py 2.5. 1.2.2??? Puzzled.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:05:08 -0200, W. eWatson 

Whoa! What's going on here? I just looked at About IDLE, and it shows 
1.2.2, but yet the second edition of Learning Python talks about going 
to 2.3 as the book is about to go to press, 2004. I thought IDLE came 
bundled with Python. I have Py 2.5. 1.2.2??? Puzzled.

IDLE is a separate product; the version of IDLE that comes with Python 
2.5.4 is 1.2.4

Where do I get 2.x.x, or the latest?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

Catherine Heathcote wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do with a
command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window (w/o
the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute

If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter 
c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title 
of the black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in it 
is Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python console 

What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on its 
name to display the console window with the program or syntax errors 
shown without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw in it 
doesn't work, since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

you need to open a dos prompt before doing the steps above. Go to 
start-run and hit cmd enter without the quotes.
Something is amiss here. There's the MS Command Prompt, which I'm looking at 
right now. Yes, it has cd, and so on. I'm also looking at the Python command 
line window. It allow one to run interactively.

If I write a simple python program with just raw_input, by clicking on the 
file name, I get a window with the the title \Python25\pythonexe that 
shows the prompt. If I deliberately put a syntax error in the program, and 
run it by clicking the file, then A window appears and disappears so quickly 
that I have no idea what it said. How do I keep that window up?

Which, if any, of these is the real Python console? What is the window 
called in the example I gave with raw_input?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

Catherine Heathcote wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Catherine Heathcote wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec 
comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do 
with a

command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window 

the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute

If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter 
c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title 
of the black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in 
it is Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python 
console window?

What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on 
its name to display the console window with the program or syntax 
errors shown without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw 
in it doesn't work, since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

you need to open a dos prompt before doing the steps above. Go to 
start-run and hit cmd enter without the quotes.
Something is amiss here. There's the MS Command Prompt, which I'm 
looking at right now. Yes, it has cd, and so on. I'm also looking at 
the Python command line window. It allow one to run interactively.

If I write a simple python program with just raw_input, by clicking on 
the file name, I get a window with the the title \Python25\pythonexe 
that shows the prompt. If I deliberately put a syntax error in the 
program, and run it by clicking the file, then A window appears and 
disappears so quickly that I have no idea what it said. How do I keep 
that window up?

Which, if any, of these is the real Python console? What is the window 
called in the example I gave with raw_input?

Run the program from within the MS command line, not by double clicking it.
Shirley, you jest? DOS? To do this? How ugly. I barely recall the DOS 
commands. I get to drill my way down 4 levels of folders. What DOS cmd 
allows one to list only folders?

Still, why would one design a window that disappears, when it has useful 
data in it? I see that if I click on the window, it has properties, width, 
height, etc.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:29:35 -0200, W. eWatson 

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:05:08 -0200, W. eWatson escribió:

Whoa! What's going on here? I just looked at About IDLE, and it 
shows 1.2.2, but yet the second edition of Learning Python talks 
about going to 2.3 as the book is about to go to press, 2004. I 
thought IDLE came bundled with Python. I have Py 2.5. 1.2.2??? Puzzled.
 IDLE is a separate product; the version of IDLE that comes with 
Python 2.5.4 is 1.2.4

Where do I get 2.x.x, or the latest?

You may update your Python version to 2.5.4 (the latest release in the 
2.5 series).  Then IDLE will report 1.2.4.  They are separate products, 
their version numbers are uncorrelated.

Ah, I see, the book is referring to version 2.3 of Python and not IDLE.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

David Smith wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do with a
command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window (w/o
the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute


If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter
c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title of
the black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in it is
Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python console window?

What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on its
name to display the console window with the program or syntax errors
shown without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw in it
doesn't work, since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

What I meant was open open the command prompt, type cd, space, DO NOT
hit enter yet.  Drag the folder with your script into the command prompt
window.  Then go to the command prompt window and hit enter.  This
should compose a command similar to the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\user cd C:\Documents and Settings\user\My
Documents\My Project

C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Project _

Ah, I thought I'd be clever and do a copy on the path name in the address 
area at the top of the folder. That doesn't work. I'm quite surprised though 
that one can do the drag as you say. But, hey, it works. Thanks. I wonder 
what else non-DOS things can be done in it?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:

David Smith wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do 
with a

command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window 

the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute


If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter
c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title of
the black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in it is
Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python console window?

What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on its
name to display the console window with the program or syntax errors
shown without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw in it
doesn't work, since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

What I meant was open open the command prompt, type cd, space, DO NOT
hit enter yet.  Drag the folder with your script into the command prompt
window.  Then go to the command prompt window and hit enter.  This
should compose a command similar to the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\user cd C:\Documents and Settings\user\My
Documents\My Project

C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Project _

Ah, I thought I'd be clever and do a copy on the path name in the 
address area at the top of the folder. That doesn't work. I'm quite 
surprised though that one can do the drag as you say. But, hey, it 
works. Thanks. I wonder what else non-DOS things can be done in it?

Well, there is a difficulty with this method. The path is very long, and one 
must change the property width of the window. However, putting the name of a 
long py file further complicates this.

The negative surprise here is that I'm trying to avoid executing the program 
in IDLE, because I'm told elsewhere it produced erroneous error msgs. They 
are exactly the same here. I'll take this up on another thread.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Which Version of wxPython for Win XP

2009-02-19 Thread W. eWatson
I'm going to try out wxPython 2.8.92 for py25. It seems like the ansi 
version is the choice for me. The other choice has unicode. Do I care?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Which Version of wxPython for Win XP

2009-02-19 Thread W. eWatson wrote:

On Feb 19, 8:22 am, W. eWatson wrote:

I'm going to try out wxPython 2.8.92 for py25. It seems like the ansi
version is the choice for me. The other choice has unicode. Do I care?
W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

There is a good chance you don't care...  I think the other is for
internationalization...  best to look..  It would be easier to answer
the question if you said what you are going to do with it, and who
needed to use your software.  It's even possible that you might want
to try pygame depending on what you want to use it for and who the
audience is (and how good thier computers are)

Thanks. I think I'll take the chance. Somewhat simple programming.
Off I go to install it. It can always be un-installed.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Which Version of wxPython for Win XP

2009-02-19 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote: wrote:

On Feb 19, 8:22 am, W. eWatson wrote:

I'm going to try out wxPython 2.8.92 for py25. It seems like the ansi
version is the choice for me. The other choice has unicode. Do I care?
W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

There is a good chance you don't care...  I think the other is for
internationalization...  best to look..  It would be easier to answer
the question if you said what you are going to do with it, and who
needed to use your software.  It's even possible that you might want
to try pygame depending on what you want to use it for and who the
audience is (and how good thier computers are)

Thanks. I think I'll take the chance. Somewhat simple programming.
Off I go to install it. It can always be un-installed.

Well, that was an interesting experience. It appears to have recompiled a 
lot of stuff, and probably some libraries. IDLE is still with me as the way 
to open py files. Apparently, if I want to get around IDLE, I may have to 
install some other editor.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Which Version of wxPython for Win XP

2009-02-19 Thread W. eWatson

Mike Driscoll wrote:

On Feb 19, 11:29 am, W. eWatson wrote:

W. eWatson wrote: wrote:

On Feb 19, 8:22 am, W. eWatson wrote:

I'm going to try out wxPython 2.8.92 for py25. It seems like the ansi
version is the choice for me. The other choice has unicode. Do I care?
W. eWatson
  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet
 Web Page:

There is a good chance you don't care...  I think the other is for
internationalization...  best to look..  It would be easier to answer
the question if you said what you are going to do with it, and who
needed to use your software.  It's even possible that you might want
to try pygame depending on what you want to use it for and who the
audience is (and how good thier computers are)

Thanks. I think I'll take the chance. Somewhat simple programming.
Off I go to install it. It can always be un-installed.

Well, that was an interesting experience. It appears to have recompiled a
lot of stuff, and probably some libraries. IDLE is still with me as the way
to open py files. Apparently, if I want to get around IDLE, I may have to
install some other editor.

W. eWatson

The compiling you are referring to is just making the py files into
pyc files. This is normal and is a speed improvement. In fact, a lot
of the scripts you write will create a pyc file when first run.

In other words, wxPython does not affect your Python install in any
way other than making itself available as a 3rd party package (i.e.
adding itself to the path), just like any other good 3rd party
package. I'm not sure why you're even talking about IDLE...wxPython is
a GUI toolkit, not an IDE.

Thanks. Yes, I finally discovered that the need here was not what I wanted 
afterall. Un-installed now.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-19 Thread W. eWatson
I'm using IDLE for editing, but execute programs directly. If there are 
execution or compile errors, the console closes before I can see what it 
contains. How do I prevent that?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread W. eWatson

Terry Reedy wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

 From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to 
run it

*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a 
Tkinter program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE 
doesn't issue a standard warning that says, Get out of here with your 
Tkinter program, it will fail when you try to run it here. You have 
entered Tkinter hell. Good-bye.

Re-read my post about kids fighting to control a television.  Maybe they 
work together, maybe they crash the TV.  Hard to predict.

***ANY*** Python program that tries to grab and control the same 
resources that TK does may conflict with it.  There is no way that IDLE 
can have a list of, for instance, all event-grabbing mainloop programs.

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying to 
find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's execution 
facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think it's evident 
that I'm not going around this problem easily with the IDLE execution 
attempts, and that another solution is required.

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active 
pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct? Therefore, it is immune from 
such problems, correct?

Second, maybe I missed it above, but when I posted the output from the 
program that showed the failure, was there anything that said, IDLE 
problem or would even give a clue that's the culprit?

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for editing 
and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution of the program, 
I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. Perhaps there is a 
better way than clicking on it in the folder. For example, putting it on the 
desktop. As I look at the folder, previous copies only differ by a digit, I 
can easily find myself executing an earlier version, differing as Dev4, to 
Dev5 at the end of each name.

Let me ask this. When I install Active Python, am I getting something beyond 
their interface? That is, does executing the code there result in using the 
same python interpreter that is used by IDLE? My use of their editor has 
been somewhat exasperating. It does not seem as friendly as the IDLE editor.

I still find it bizarre that the original creator of this program can spend 
months using IDLE to develop this program, and that I've spent maybe 10 days 
recently now adding to it without having much, if any, problem with IDLE and 
the programs execution within IDLE. I asked him almost a year ago what tool 
he used. IDLE, was the reply. Maybe it was really IDLE with no execution 
from inside IDLE. I'll ask him.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread W. eWatson

Scott David Daniels wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

 From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to 
run it

*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a 
Tkinter program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE 
doesn't issue a standard warning that says, Get out of here with 
your Tkinter program, it will fail when you try to run it here. You 
have entered Tkinter hell. Good-bye.

Re-read my post about kids fighting to control a television.  Maybe 
they work together, maybe they crash the TV.  Hard to predict.

***ANY*** Python program that tries to grab and control the same 
resources that TK does may conflict with it.  There is no way that 
IDLE can have a list of, for instance, all event-grabbing mainloop 

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying 
to find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's 
execution facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think 
it's evident that I'm not going around this problem easily with the 
IDLE execution attempts, and that another solution is required.

That's correct, but you still don't understand _why_ it is correct.
I suggest you re-read the thread and try to understand everything you
are being told.

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active 
pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct? Therefore, it is immune 
from such problems, correct?

Wrong.  I was the one who said that ActiveState had a product to debug
Python programs across a nertwork connection.  The product is _not_
ActivePython (the freely distributed system), but rather the Komodo IDE,
which does cost money.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't you, and had no relationship to what you brought 
up earlier several messages up the thread. There are other forums.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for 
editing and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution 
of the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. 
Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder. For 
example, putting it on the desktop. As I look at the folder, previous 
copies only differ by a digit, I can easily find myself executing an 
earlier version, differing as Dev4, to Dev5 at the end of each name.

OK, you are using the oldest and least useful revision control system,
rename and remember.  I'd suggest you get and use bazaar, but you'll
just ask for shortcuts on how to use it without understanding what it does.
It works for me, and, frankly, I'm not interested in going to Linux, SunOS 
or other revision systmes. These are way in my distant past, and the only 
reason I'm currently, and begrudgingly, once again writing programs is that 
the Python software program I am using is limited in its ability. I've 
finally, after 2-3 years of hoping someone else would do it, taken up the 
torch to add new features. Frankly, I'd rather be doing something else with 
my time.

And, yes, you are somewhat correct in your earlier assessment of my goals, 
the sooner this is over the better. You may not like my philosophy, but it 
serves me well at the moment, and I'm moving ahead nicely now.

As I recall from the old movie Desk Set, a conversation between their two 
characters regarding a puzzle he was about to give her as a test of her 
office abilities: Tracy cautions Hepburn, Never assume! before relating 
the famous detective problem. Never assume.

Nevertheless, thank you for your responses.
Be kind to your keyboard.


--Scott David Daniels

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread W. eWatson


How can it?  It's not IDLE's problem, it's yours.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for 
editing and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution 
of the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. 
Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder.

Typing at a command prompt.

For example, putting it on the desktop.

This causes an extra file read as Windows indirects through the desktop
link.  It's unlikely to be a noticeable delay at startup, but I'd
hesitate to call it better.

As I look at the folder, previous copies only differ by a digit, I can 
easily find myself executing an earlier version, differing as Dev4, to 
Dev5 at the end of each name.

I'd suggest spending a while reading up on version control systems.

See my response to Scott. Thanks for your reply.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson
It appears if one moves between IDLE and pythonWin (pyWin) that two separate 
loops (threads?) can occur, and that IDLE can produce incorrect results. 
Since I have preferred IDLE over pyWin, that leaves me currently in a 
quandry. How do I renew these processes, so that I can proceed with IDLE?

I noticed that I had about 10-15 copies of pythonw.exe as I tried to reach 
some understanding of what was going on. Killing these tasks didn't help 
restore order to IDLE. It seems my only choice now is to reboot? Comments?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

It appears if one moves between IDLE and pythonWin (pyWin) that two
separate loops (threads?) can occur, and that IDLE can produce incorrect
results. Since I have preferred IDLE over pyWin, that leaves me currently
in a quandry. How do I renew these processes, so that I can proceed with

I noticed that I had about 10-15 copies of pythonw.exe as I tried to reach
some understanding of what was going on. Killing these tasks didn't help
restore order to IDLE. It seems my only choice now is to reboot? Comments?

Gosh no, rebooting shouldn't be needed. Just quit all idle  pywin
processes, including of course the main programs. Which *should* be
anything that is needed anyway. 
Done that. Been there. It doesn't work. If I take another py tkinter program 
and run it in IDLE, it *will work*. The current program goes boom.

And you still seem to not understand what is really happening.
Whether I understand it exactly or not is not the issue. The issue is how do 
I execute IDLE *now* to get the correct results it once allowed? The fact of 
the matter is that I was happily working in IDLE for days and hours. I 
encountered a problem in IDLE that seemed suspicious, so I then fired up 
pyWin to see if it gave the same results. It worked fine. Then my problems 
with IDLE got worse.

Working between pywin and idle is perfectly fine, they are separate
programs. You can start as many instances of a program as you want and
happily work with them. Even several instances of idle and pywin, unless
these come with some logic to prevent multiple starts  - some windows app
do that.

How could this be true; otherwise,  I wouldn't be complaining?

What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to run it
*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

Personally, I like running entirely in IDLE.

If there is no other way than you suggested in NOT work, then I may just 
uninstall pyWin.


   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson

I simply ask, How do I get around the problem?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson
As with Diez, I simply ask, How do I get around the problem? Are you two 
telling me that it is impossible?

OK, here's my offer to both of you. Do you have IDLE for Python 2.5 and have 
 good familiarity with Tkinter? If so, I'll send you the code and you can 
try it yourself. My guess is that it will work, and if not, and you are 
sufficiently skilled with Tkinter and debugging, you may find the problem in 
the code. The steps to create the problem are very easy.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:
As with Diez, I simply ask, How do I get around the problem? Are you 
two telling me that it is impossible?

OK, here's my offer to both of you. Do you have IDLE for Python 2.5 and 
have  good familiarity with Tkinter? If so, I'll send you the code and 
you can try it yourself. My guess is that it will work, and if not, and 
you are sufficiently skilled with Tkinter and debugging, you may find 
the problem in the code. The steps to create the problem are very easy.

Well, this may be a bit trickier than I thought. I'd have to give you the 
same PIL, tkinter, numpy libraries the program users. However, Im willing 
to send the files for them to you. Here's the start of the code

from Tkinter import *
from numpy import *
import Image
import ImageChops
import ImageTk
import ImageDraw # wtw
import time
import binascii
import tkMessageBox
import tkSimpleDialog
from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar

from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename, asksaveasfile
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename

import MakeQTE
You'd also need clut.txt, wagon.gif, and MakQTE. All small files.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson

Greetings and salutations.

I just uninstalled all traces of (Active) pythonWin 2.5.2 from this machine, 
In fact, I uninstalled python 2.5.2 with IDLE from this machine. I then 
reinstalled the latter. Then I ran the program. XP Pro.

I then went to another machine that has never had pythonWin on it all, but 
does have python 2.5.2 with IDLE. I ran the same program there. W2K.

In both cases, I got the output below. Your conclusions?

===Output on Interactive Shell Screen===
GUI self---:  __main__.Sentuser_GUI instance at 0x02154058
counter:  3
OSett self =  __main__.Sentuser_GUI instance at 0x02154058 type = type 

gray scale now--wtw:  True
Set OSDiag sdict
body from OSDialog, self = .35167928 type = type 'instance'
apply OSD ok
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\Lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 553, in OperationalSettings

dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__

tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\Lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .35167928 was deleted before its visibility changed

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-12 Thread W. eWatson

From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to run it
*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a Tkinter 
program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE doesn't issue a 
standard warning that says, Get out of here with your Tkinter program, it 
will fail when you try to run it here. You have entered Tkinter hell. 

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 552, in OperationalSettings

dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__

tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a menu, 
 select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the dialog, 
press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.

(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I just 
execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no 
problems. IDLE is unhappy.

Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between my 
last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had two lines 
where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly from briefly 
using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin had no trouble 
executing the program. My guess is that while briefly editing there, I hit 
some odd combination of keys that produced, perhaps, an invisible character 
that pyWin ignores.

Not the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I would 
again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code that 
destroys the dialog.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson

Mike Driscoll wrote:

On Feb 11, 10:28 am, W. eWatson wrote:

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
 return self.func(*args)
line 552, in OperationalSettings
 dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__
 tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
   File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
 self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
   File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a menu,
  select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the dialog,
press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.

(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I just
execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no
problems. IDLE is unhappy.

Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between my
last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had two lines
where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly from briefly
using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin had no trouble
executing the program. My guess is that while briefly editing there, I hit
some odd combination of keys that produced, perhaps, an invisible character
that pyWin ignores.

Note the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I would
again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code that
destroys the dialog.

You don't really say what your code does or if it uses a GUI toolkit
and if so, which one. But my guess is that you are using some kind of
GUI and its GUI and IDLE's are clashing somehow. I see this sort of
thing with some of my wxPython programs from time to time, although
IDLE usually just crashes with no error message.

I would recommend using the command line or something that can open it
in a completely separate process, such as Wingware's IDE.

Tkinter. Isn't just clicking on the py file enough to side step either of 
the two? I did it and it worked fine. The code is for a GUI that has five or 
 so menus on the main window bar, and manipulates video that is downloaded 
to it from a video camera. The problem occurs in a dialog in which a user 
enters configuration values, like the time to start/stop the camera. As soon 
as I press OK on the dialog the program dies as above. It wasn't doing that 
at all for days despite some heavy editing. A WinMerge shows its quite 
faithful to it's last working predecessor. That's how I found the get problem.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 552, in OperationalSettings
dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a
menu,  select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the
dialog, press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.

(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I
just execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no
problems. IDLE is unhappy.

Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between
my last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had
two lines where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly
from briefly using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin
had no trouble executing the program. My guess is that while briefly
editing there, I hit some odd combination of keys that produced,
perhaps, an invisible character that pyWin ignores.

Not the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I
would again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code
that destroys the dialog.

Well you have to remember that you are trying to run a windowed GUI
under the control of another windows GUI, so it isn't surprising that
you hit trouble.

With IDLE the issue will be that IDLE already created a main window
before your program started running. With PythonWin you are using two
different toolkits, so it isn't really surprising that breaks down -
there will be two entirely separate main loops competing with each other.


Not quite. I take down IDLE when I run pyWin, and vice versa.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)

line 552, in OperationalSettings
dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )

line 81, in __init__
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a
menu,  select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the
dialog, press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.

(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I
just execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no
problems. IDLE is unhappy.

Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between
my last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had
two lines where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly
from briefly using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin
had no trouble executing the program. My guess is that while briefly
editing there, I hit some odd combination of keys that produced,
perhaps, an invisible character that pyWin ignores.

Not the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I
would again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code
that destroys the dialog.

Well you have to remember that you are trying to run a windowed GUI
under the control of another windows GUI, so it isn't surprising that
you hit trouble.

With IDLE the issue will be that IDLE already created a main window
before your program started running. With PythonWin you are using two
different toolkits, so it isn't really surprising that breaks down -
there will be two entirely separate main loops competing with each other.

Not quite. I take down IDLE when I run pyWin, and vice versa.

The two separate loops being PyWin (which uses MFC) and your program
(which uses Tkinter). You just can't mix GUIs in the same process like
that, sorry.

I have no idea what MFC is or how it relates to Tkinter. Neither IDLE and 
pyWin are being run together.

Assume neither is running.
a. run IDLE, and execute program
b. close IDLE script, and interactive window. Kill py program
result: boom
c. run pyWin and execute program
d. do same as b for pyWin
resulst: all OK
e. repeat a and b.
Result: boom

Repeat the above and you get the same results.

I had running IDLE successfully w/o using Pywin, and IDLE goofed, as above. 
I switched to it to see if it work there. It did. I double clicked on the py 
file, and it worked fine. Can you explain this?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson

Mike Driscoll wrote:

On Feb 11, 3:27 pm, W. eWatson wrote:

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 552, in OperationalSettings
dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a
menu,  select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the
dialog, press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.
(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I
just execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no
problems. IDLE is unhappy.
Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between
my last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had
two lines where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly
from briefly using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin
had no trouble executing the program. My guess is that while briefly
editing there, I hit some odd combination of keys that produced,
perhaps, an invisible character that pyWin ignores.
Not the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I
would again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code
that destroys the dialog.

Well you have to remember that you are trying to run a windowed GUI
under the control of another windows GUI, so it isn't surprising that
you hit trouble.
With IDLE the issue will be that IDLE already created a main window
before your program started running. With PythonWin you are using two
different toolkits, so it isn't really surprising that breaks down -
there will be two entirely separate main loops competing with each other.

Not quite. I take down IDLE when I run pyWin, and vice versa.

The two separate loops being PyWin (which uses MFC) and your program
(which uses Tkinter). You just can't mix GUIs in the same process like
that, sorry.

I have no idea what MFC is or how it relates to Tkinter. Neither IDLE and
pyWin are being run together.

Assume neither is running.
a. run IDLE, and execute program
b. close IDLE script, and interactive window. Kill py program
result: boom
c. run pyWin and execute program
d. do same as b for pyWin
resulst: all OK
e. repeat a and b.
Result: boom

Repeat the above and you get the same results.

I had running IDLE successfully w/o using Pywin, and IDLE goofed, as above.
I switched to it to see if it work there. It did. I double clicked on the py
file, and it worked fine. Can you explain this?

W. eWatson

  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Web Page:

What Steve (and I) are saying is that IDLE has it's own mainloop and
your program has a mainloop too as it sounds like it is running a
Tkinter app. Sometimes when you run a Tk app from another Tk app, the
two mainloops clash and have weird issue like this one.

If you just double-click it or run it from the command line, you only
have one mainloop (i.e. the one that's part of your app). Thus, no


So, how do I get rid of it? reboot?

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson wrote:

On Feb 11, 2:51 pm, Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 552, in OperationalSettings
dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a
menu,  select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the
dialog, press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.
(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I
just execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no
problems. IDLE is unhappy.
Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between
my last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had
two lines where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly
from briefly using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin
had no trouble executing the program. My guess is that while briefly
editing there, I hit some odd combination of keys that produced,
perhaps, an invisible character that pyWin ignores.
Not the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I
would again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code
that destroys the dialog.

Well you have to remember that you are trying to run a windowed GUI
under the control of another windows GUI, so it isn't surprising that
you hit trouble.
With IDLE the issue will be that IDLE already created a main window
before your program started running. With PythonWin you are using two
different toolkits, so it isn't really surprising that breaks down -
there will be two entirely separate main loops competing with each other.

Not quite. I take down IDLE when I run pyWin, and vice versa.

The two separate loops being PyWin (which uses MFC) and your program
(which uses Tkinter). You just can't mix GUIs in the same process like
that, sorry.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


The question now is what can I do about it? reboot?

Just to re-iterate the answer I provided the answer to above, I'm using 
Tkinter for the program's GUI.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Who's on First, IDLE or pythonWin? Dialog Problem?

2009-02-11 Thread W. eWatson wrote:

On Feb 11, 2:51 pm, Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Steve Holden wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

My program in IDLE bombed with:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
line 552, in OperationalSettings
dialog = OperationalSettingsDialog( self.master, set_loc_dict )
line 81, in __init__
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 69, in __init__
self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 415, in wait_visibility'tkwait', 'visibility', window._w)
TclError: window .34672232 was deleted before its visibility changed
It runs fine in pythonWin performing the same entry operation. Open a
menu,  select an item to open a dialog, select a select button in the
dialog, press OK to leave the dialog. Boom, as above.
(This does not mean pythonWin doesn't have problems of its own. ) If I
just execute the code (double click on the py file, the console shows no
problems. IDLE is unhappy.
Another side to this is that I use WinMerge to find differences between
my last saved copy and the current copy. I found the current copy had
two lines where a abc.get() was changed to abc.get. This was undoubtedly
from briefly using the pyWin editor, when I mis-hit some keys. Yet pyWin
had no trouble executing the program. My guess is that while briefly
editing there, I hit some odd combination of keys that produced,
perhaps, an invisible character that pyWin ignores.
Not the 34672232 window is a dialog that I closed by pressing OK. I
would again guess, that, if there is a problem, it occurs in the code
that destroys the dialog.

Well you have to remember that you are trying to run a windowed GUI
under the control of another windows GUI, so it isn't surprising that
you hit trouble.
With IDLE the issue will be that IDLE already created a main window
before your program started running. With PythonWin you are using two
different toolkits, so it isn't really surprising that breaks down -
there will be two entirely separate main loops competing with each other.

Not quite. I take down IDLE when I run pyWin, and vice versa.

The two separate loops being PyWin (which uses MFC) and your program
(which uses Tkinter). You just can't mix GUIs in the same process like
that, sorry.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


The question now is what can I do about it? reboot?

Just to re-iterate the answer I provided the answer to above, I'm using 
Tkinter for the program's GUI.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


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