RE: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-04-07 Thread David . LANDGREN

Jumping in late here, I was on holidays...

I'm afraid I need to disagree with this. I picked up linux mostly because
I wanted to have some understanding of unix, but it does have potential to
be a desktop os. Think about the ease of use complaints, the original
poster complained about not knowing how to even change directories. Would
it be so difficult to add alias dir="ls -F --color=tty" to the bash
defaults in the distro? I don't think so, and setting up some aliases for

In recent months, a new HOWTO has seen the light of day. It's called the
Config HOWTO, and in the words of its author "This HOWTO aims at making the
fine-tuning of your newly installed Linux box quicker and easier. Here you
will find a set of configurations for the most common applications, so you
can start to work with a well-usable system".

I found some of the information to be of great use. I certainly didn't see
anything glaringly wrong. I think many people would do well to read it, for
there is much to recommend it. And should you have a trick for easing an
installation that is not covered by the HOWTO... send it to the author.

Now I would say that it might be very educational for new users to read this
documentation, and apply some of the tricks and tips themselves... as part
of the installation process. They will feel like they are doing something

While we wait for mouse-pusher applets that front-end the editing of
resource files, getting new users to edit dot files and the like has three
important benefits: a) they learn what files control what behaviour, b) it
encourages them to explore and c) they get a warm-fuzzy feeling of
empowerment over their system. I'm sure the issues described in the Config
HOWTO could be encapsulated in a Tcl application. But hey, it's easier just
to grab the latest version of the HOWTO and follow the latest guidelines.

I draw a parallel to the market for packet-mix cakes back in the fifties.
Companies came out with packets of industrial powder where all you had to do
was add water and mix, and stick it in the oven. Instant cake. Sales were
disappointing. They then redesigned the glop by removing the powdered egg.
To make the cake you had to add water, *break an egg*, and then mix and
stick it in the oven. The sales took off overnight. The moral of the story
is that people like to feel they are doing something constructive.

The point to remember is that Whinedows does not install out of the box.
Sure, it's useable, but who really uses it "bare"? I find I spend a couple
of days installing things like PowerToys and KernelToys extensions, choosing
cursor packs, chasing down a backup of my favourite screen background,
tweaking the colour settings, etc., etc., and arranging things to be "just
so". This is a *big* part of the addiction problem people have with Windows.
It's too much fun wasting hours doing this sort of stuff.


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RE: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-04-07 Thread David . LANDGREN

Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?  

Ok, what about

$ cat dir
echo I think you meant ls... (see: 'man ls')
sleep 1
ls $*


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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Steve \Stevers!\ Coile

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, William T Wilson wrote:
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Greg Thomas wrote:
Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?

I have mixed feelings here.  The first thing I do whenever I install
a Red Hat version of Linux is fix all the little "preferences" which I
consider completely idiotic.  I change the default prompt so it looks
like Slackware; I can remember what system I'm logged in on but find it
useful to know what directory I'm in.

When you're regularly logged into three or four systems in multiple
xterms, having the system name in the prompt is pretty handy.  Whatever
the case, prompts are and always have been a very personal thing.
Everybody likes a different prompt.  Red Hat's default is no better or
worse than anyone else's.  Personally, I think RH should have stuck
with the shell defaults rather than set their own, but I don't think
it's a big deal either way.  Most users either don't care or are going
to change it anyway.

I get rid of the aliases on mv, rm, and cp, since all they do is slow
things down.

But that's good for newbies.  In a multi-user environment such as an
ISP, adding "-i" to everything is *very* valuable.  When I completely
redesigned our login scripts, I made a point of making sure those aliases
stayed in.

I add an alias to ls so it displays color.

Not always good in multi-user environments.  Not all terminal emulators
handle colors very well.

In short I make a couple little tweaks.  Who is to say that adding
a set of "DOS compatibility aliases" is so wrong?

Personally, I like the idea of environment options.  Say, if the user
has a certain file ($HOME/.dosenv), the system login scripts add certain
additional environment features to mimic DOS.  The login configuration
system we use here looks in a directory named .shellconf in the
user's login directory for a whole variety of configurable parameters.
For instance, if the user wants to define the $ORGANIZATION environment
variable, they need only put the defintion they want into a file named
"organization" in their ".shellconf" directory.  The advantage is that
users don't have to tinker with any shell scripts at all.  The down side
is that it slows login down a little.

Yes, it prevents the user from using the Unix commands and makes Linux
seem like DOS.  But for those familiar with DOS it may make things easier.
The best thing would be aliasing it to something like

alias dir="echo 'dir is a DOS command, you should use ls instead'; sleep
2; ls"

Except "dir" is not strictly a DOS command, and its existance in DOS
doesn't preclude its existance in any other environment.  There's no
reason Linux can't also have a "dir" command.

Steve Coile

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Steve \Stevers!\ Coile

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Bruce Tong wrote:
* Each machine will eventually be a web server as this is how individuals
will collaborate their work as well as access their own information
from remote locations. Already Linux is like this. MacOS now ships with
"Personal Web Sharing." Windows will follow suit in time.

HTTP is not designed well for file sharing and collaboration, just for
file publishing.  CIFS is better suited for collaboration.  The big
advantages of HTTP-based Web servers are (a) CGI and (b) content
negotiation, neither of which are really used by the average desktop user.

* Each machine could have its own database server, as needed. Today,
individuals maintain personal databases in "MS Works"-like applications.
SQL Servers have taken great strides to accomodate the net, and I see no
reason why this won't happen with the smaller databases, or the SQL
databases could scale down. Linux already does this.

Hopefully, future OSes will have mature database management systems built
in and used extensively for configuration purposes.  The Windows 95 and
Windows NT Registry is a step in that direction.  X's rdb was an early
attempt at such a system, but it never caught on well within the X world,
let alone outside of X.

Steve Coile

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread William T Wilson

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Steve "Stevers!" Coile wrote:

 the case, prompts are and always have been a very personal thing.

I think it's the first thing in a long time that we agreed on :)

 But that's good for newbies.  In a multi-user environment such as an
 ISP, adding "-i" to everything is *very* valuable.  When I completely

I disagree.  If you have to hit 'y' every time you issue a command, you
just start hitting 'y' all the time.  Soon it is no benefit at all, but
the hassle never goes away.

 Not always good in multi-user environments.  Not all terminal emulators
 handle colors very well.

Which ones don't?  All the common terminal emulators I know of either
ignore the color information or simply make colored text bold or
underlined or something they can do.  The only exception being that some
colors on my Apple // show up garbled, but I don't worry too much about
that. :)

 For instance, if the user wants to define the $ORGANIZATION environment
 variable, they need only put the defintion they want into a file named
 "organization" in their ".shellconf" directory.  The advantage is that

That's kind of neat.

 Except "dir" is not strictly a DOS command, and its existance in DOS
 doesn't preclude its existance in any other environment.  There's no

No, but it's most common in DOS, and the majority of users who will be
unfamiliar with the Unix command set will come from a DOS background.  The
most common OS's are DOS/Windows (which obviously follows the DOS command
set), Unices (where the users will already know the right commands),
Macintosh (which has no legacy command line at all), OS/2 (which also uses
the DOS command set), and a small fraction of VMS users (who probably will
at least be prepared to learn some new commands).  I don't think we need
to worry about users coming from a Commodore 64, Apple //, or CP/M
background (and CP/M uses the DOS commands anyway, or vice versa :) ).  In
short, I think, the DOS command set is the only one worth worrying about.

 reason Linux can't also have a "dir" command.

Except that the appropriate command for this in Linux is 'ls'.  It is hard
enough to go from one OS to another and learn all the commands, even
between BSD and SysV based Unices.  How much worse would it be if every
installation of Linux had a different set of commands too.

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Steve \Stevers!\ Coile

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Greg Thomas wrote:
Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?

Why should they have to?  If the aliases allow the users to get their
work done easily and without confusion, what difference does it make?

Steve Coile

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Greg Thomas

 Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
 or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
 What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?
 Why should they have to?  If the aliases allow the users to get their
 work done easily and without confusion, what difference does it make?

Yeah, but don't you think a pre-existing alias in a particular
distribution would cause confusion?  If somebody started new and typed in
md and it worked they would not even wonder if it was a Linux native
command.  So they get a job or something where there are Linux machines
and they go and try md and it isn't there, they're gonna go crazy, right?
Wrong?  I don't know, it just seems like it's playing the Microsoft game 
of making things easy to use at the expense of efficiency and knowing what's
really going on.  I really liked the idea of putting a little message in
the alias telling the user that it was a DOS command, they could then
either get rid of the message and continue using md or they could start
using mkdir.


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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Steve \Stevers!\ Coile

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Greg Thomas wrote:
...but don't you think a pre-existing alias in a particular distribution
would cause confusion?  If somebody started new and typed in md and
it worked they would not even wonder if it was a Linux native command.
So they get a job or something where there are Linux machines and they
go and try md and it isn't there, they're gonna go crazy, right?  Wrong?

But that's already going to be the case.  Every variant of UNIX (and thus
Linux) is different somehow.  There's always going to be some degree of
confusion moving between UNIX and Linux variants.

Another way to look at this: if organizations like Red Hat (and Caldera,
and Debian, ...) don't make an effort to improve the UNIX user interface,
who will?  Are we to hope that UNIX will have the same, cryptic interface
in 10 years that it has today, or should we hope that it will improve?

I don't know, it just seems like it's playing the Microsoft game of
making things easy to use at the expense of efficiency and knowing
what's really going on.

The problem with Microsoft is that they make it difficult to get at the
guts of the system.  Aliases just disguise the guts, they don't prevent
access to them.  I consider that a big distinction.

I really liked the idea of putting a little message in the alias telling
the user that it was a DOS command, they could then either get rid of
the message and continue using md or they could start using mkdir.


Steve Coile

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Steve \Stevers!\ Coile

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, William T Wilson wrote:
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Steve "Stevers!" Coile wrote:
 who will?  Are we to hope that UNIX will have the same, cryptic interface
 in 10 years that it has today, or should we hope that it will improve?

No, we should hope that it will improve.  But replacing all the Unix
commands with identical DOS commands is not a step in the right direction.

Don't get stuck in an "us versus them" mentality.  Just because Microsoft
does something doesn't mean Microsoft's doing it wrong.  If people
know and understand "dir", "ren", and "del", why not accomodate them?
We're not accomodating Microsoft, we're accomodating *OUR* users.

Linux should not pretend to be where Microsoft was 10 years ago.  It is
important to emphasize that Linux is not DOS.

I agree, but we shouldn't ignore conventions and expectations that
have developed.  We don't need to make things difficult just because
easy seems too "Microsoft".

That will simultaneously make new users realize that it is probably
BETTER than DOS,...

I'm afraid most people don't equate difficulty with "better".  We're
talking about command names here.  The best command name is one that
users find convenient.  If most people thought it was convenient to type
"moosebuckets" instead of "ls" or "dir", we should accomodate that.

...and at the same time if it does not try to pretend to be DOS then
users will be less likely to be upset when it turns out to not, in
fact, be DOS.  A user presented with a Linux (bash) feature such as job
control will be astounded.  Is it better to think "DOS doesn't have it,
I'm really using DOS, so I shouldn't use it here either" or to think
"this must be one of those neat Linux features."

But shouldn't we try to ease the transition from other operating systems
to Linux?  Hell, if Linux is so great, shouldn't it be able to make
users with any OS background comfortable?  Conceivably, we should be
able to provide user interfaces that are familiar to people with diverse

 The problem with Microsoft is that they make it difficult to get at the
 guts of the system.  Aliases just disguise the guts, they don't prevent
 access to them.  I consider that a big distinction.

Maybe for you as an experienced user, but insulating the user from
knowing what's going on also makes for uneducated users, users who must
continually call tech support for basic tasks.

I disagree with your implication that the average person will, if
presented with a difficult alternative and an easy alternative, will
choose the difficult alternative because it may potentially be possibly
better maybe.  If UNIX is kept difficult under the pretence of encouraging
users to learn the inner workings of it, UNIX will continue to founder
in the face of simple OSes like Windows 95.  Most people don't want to
learn the guts of their system.  Most people don't want to have to think
about their computer, any more than they want to think about how their
car works.

I'm not saying that users must know how to do everything, only that there
isn't any need to actively prevent them from learning about the system.

Putting aliases around commands is NOT "actively prevent[ing] [users] from
learning about the system."  NOT putting aliases in place specifically to
"encourage" users to learn more about the system is actively preventing
users from USING their system by forcing them spend time researching
operating of the system.

Steve Coile

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Steve \Stevers!\ Coile

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Joe Klemmer wrote:
Linux is NOT in competition with anything MS produces.

Huh?  Since when?  What, then, *is* Linux competing with?  What niche
market does Linux serve without competition?

Steve Coile

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread William T Wilson

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Steve "Stevers!" Coile wrote:

 Don't get stuck in an "us versus them" mentality.  Just because Microsoft
 does something doesn't mean Microsoft's doing it wrong.  If people

I'm not.  I don't have any religious dislike for Microsoft.  I like their
context sensitive help, for example.  (I just wish it were more helpful).
I do, however, believe that Linux should not attempt to pretend to be
Microsoft, because it isn't.  Users who use Linux want it usually because
it is NOT Microsoft, and they have (for whatever reason) gotten tired of
Microsoft.  Either the expense, the instability, the waste of system
resources, or maybe the interface (which drives me nuts).

Actually, I think I've been able to trace most of my irritation with
Microsoft interfaces to the fact that they present so many non-functional
controls and so many controls which vanish whenever some random program
decides it should be more important.  It is not uncommon for a Windows 95
system to take five minutes to boot and get all the startup programs
launched, and during this entire time you are sitting there trying to run
a program out of the start menu, except that it is constantly

 I agree, but we shouldn't ignore conventions and expectations that
 have developed.  We don't need to make things difficult just because

This is exactly what I have been saying, and it is why I recommend that we
stick to the existing Linux conventions.

 talking about command names here.  The best command name is one that
 users find convenient.  If most people thought it was convenient to type
 "moosebuckets" instead of "ls" or "dir", we should accomodate that.

What I am trying to avoid is a situation wherein a user goes to apply for
a position in some company, and they say "Do you have any experience with
UNIX?"  The applicant says, "Yes, I've used Linux on my home system for
five years!"  The applicant is hired, and is unable to use the Unix system
at the place of work.  Even worse, is for the boss to say "That doesn't
count, Linux is nothing like UNIX."

 I disagree with your implication that the average person will, if
 presented with a difficult alternative and an easy alternative, will
 choose the difficult alternative because it may potentially be possibly

A user will rarely choose the "more difficult alternative" under any
circumstances.  However, I don't think that 'ls' is any more difficult
than 'dir', and I don't think that 'mkdir' is any more difficult than 'md'
(except that it's longer to type).

When it comes to using a GUI, of course (which any user concerned about
ease of use will want), as long as it's "intuitive" then it doesn't
matter. These days Windows and Macintosh are less and less alike but
they're both "simple enough" so users can cope with it.  Just like it
doesn't matter too much whether you type 'ls' or 'dir' it doesn't matter
too much whether you switch between tasks by clicking on the button on the
taskbar or picking them out of the little menu in the corner of the
screen.  It all does the same thing, and I don't think there's any useful
way to say that one is 'easier' than the other. 

 better maybe.  If UNIX is kept difficult under the pretence of encouraging
 users to learn the inner workings of it, UNIX will continue to founder

I'm not advocating that.  I simply believe that a dialog box which says
"Windows has detected a conflict between installed devices and was unable
to resolve it." is much less useful than "Windows has detected that your
modem and mouse are both using the same interrupt line, and cannot
automatically resolve the problem.  One of the devices must be
reconfigured to use a different interrupt line." 

For the non-technical user who doesn't care how it works, then the two
errors have the same effect.  "My computer won't work."  But a curious
user will wonder "what's an interrupt line?"  He might even go look it up
in the documentation (which of course, no longer contains information like
this because it is much more concerned with telling users which end of the
mouse is up).  Technical support will have to spend much less time trying
to figure out what the problem is.  Overall it is better to present the
information.  But Microsoft does not do this. 

 Putting aliases around commands is NOT "actively prevent[ing] [users] from
 learning about the system."  

It is indeed.  A user who comes from DOS, knows dir, and never learns any
different because of the existence of this alias, has been prevented from
learning about the system.  A user whose dir alias makes a fuss, has been
encouraged to learn about the system.

 NOT putting aliases in place specifically to "encourage" users to learn
 more about the system is actively preventing users from USING their
 system by forcing them spend time researching operating of the system. 

I don't advocate this.  Don't forget, I was the one that suggested using
the aliases in the first place.  I simply believe 

Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Joe Klemmer

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I agree. I personaly don't like Windoze, but there are thing
 Linux can learn from MS: mainly, some easy to use interfaces that can
 help those who just bought Linux to configure their machines and learn
 the basics, so they would be able to go deeper after that.. 

The basic problem with all this is that Linux is NOT a desktop OS
like Win3/95 or OS/2 or the Mac.  It's a high end server OS.  It's not
even in the same category as Win95.  If you've tried to install NT you
know that it is much more difficult than installing 95.  And Linux is to
NT what the SST is to the Wright Brothers plane (yes, that is my quote) so
the inherent level of complexity will always be greater no matter what you
try to do to make it easier. 

It's like apples and oranges.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and taste
good with ketchup."

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Craig Kattner

  I agree. I personaly don't like Windoze, but there are thing
  Linux can learn from MS: mainly, some easy to use interfaces that can
  help those who just bought Linux to configure their machines and learn
  the basics, so they would be able to go deeper after that.. 
   The basic problem with all this is that Linux is NOT a desktop OS
 like Win3/95 or OS/2 or the Mac.  It's a high end server OS.  It's not
 even in the same category as Win95.  If you've tried to install NT you
 know that it is much more difficult than installing 95.  And Linux is to
 NT what the SST is to the Wright Brothers plane (yes, that is my quote) so
 the inherent level of complexity will always be greater no matter what you
 try to do to make it easier. 
   It's like apples and oranges.
I'm afraid I need to disagree with this. I picked up linux mostly because
I wanted to have some understanding of unix, but it does have potential to
be a desktop os. Think about the ease of use complaints, the original
poster complained about not knowing how to even change directories. Would
it be so difficult to add alias dir="ls -F --color=tty" to the bash
defaults in the distro? I don't think so, and setting up some aliases for
ease of use was among the first things I did when I got going. Little
things like this go a long way. Yeah, it might be a little more complex,
but maybe the installer could have options like installing packages as a
workstation, as a web server, etc. It's naive and counter productive to
say that becuase something is inherently complex that it can't be made
more easy to use. I know my machine is easier for me to use just because
of little thinks like that. Adding an easy to use window manager and some
aliases might just give some the inpetus to dig deeper. Don't throw them
off just because of any initial lack of sophistication.

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Greg Thomas

 I'm afraid I need to disagree with this. I picked up linux mostly because
 I wanted to have some understanding of unix, but it does have potential to
 be a desktop os. Think about the ease of use complaints, the original
 poster complained about not knowing how to even change directories. Would
 it be so difficult to add alias dir="ls -F --color=tty" to the bash
 defaults in the distro? I don't think so, and setting up some aliases for
 ease of use was among the first things I did when I got going. Little
 things like this go a long way. Yeah, it might be a little more complex,

Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?  

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Jean-Christophe Praud

I'm using RH 5.0 on my desktop, and planning to upgrade my users to it : 
- RH 5.0
- StarOffice 4.0, when StarDiv issue a french version
- Netscape Communicator 4
- Java intranet applications we're developping

We just need to choose compatible hardware. Most low-priced PC are
compatible with Linux.

Jean-Christophe PRAUD - LUDEXPRESS
Game  Web:
Perso Web:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu n'gah Bill R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Craig Kattner wrote:
   I agree. I personaly don't like Windoze, but there are thing
   Linux can learn from MS: mainly, some easy to use interfaces that can
   help those who just bought Linux to configure their machines and learn
   the basics, so they would be able to go deeper after that..
The basic problem with all this is that Linux is NOT a desktop OS
  like Win3/95 or OS/2 or the Mac.  It's a high end server OS.  It's not
  even in the same category as Win95.  If you've tried to install NT you
  know that it is much more difficult than installing 95.  And Linux is to
  NT what the SST is to the Wright Brothers plane (yes, that is my quote) so
  the inherent level of complexity will always be greater no matter what you
  try to do to make it easier.
It's like apples and oranges.
 I'm afraid I need to disagree with this. I picked up linux mostly because
 I wanted to have some understanding of unix, but it does have potential to
 be a desktop os. Think about the ease of use complaints, the original
 poster complained about not knowing how to even change directories. Would
 it be so difficult to add alias dir="ls -F --color=tty" to the bash
 defaults in the distro? I don't think so, and setting up some aliases for
 ease of use was among the first things I did when I got going. Little
 things like this go a long way. Yeah, it might be a little more complex,
 but maybe the installer could have options like installing packages as a
 workstation, as a web server, etc. It's naive and counter productive to
 say that becuase something is inherently complex that it can't be made
 more easy to use. I know my machine is easier for me to use just because
 of little thinks like that. Adding an easy to use window manager and some
 aliases might just give some the inpetus to dig deeper. Don't throw them
 off just because of any initial lack of sophistication.
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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Craig Kattner

  I'm afraid I need to disagree with this. I picked up linux mostly because
  I wanted to have some understanding of unix, but it does have potential to
  be a desktop os. Think about the ease of use complaints, the original
  poster complained about not knowing how to even change directories. Would
  it be so difficult to add alias dir="ls -F --color=tty" to the bash
  defaults in the distro? I don't think so, and setting up some aliases for
  ease of use was among the first things I did when I got going. Little
  things like this go a long way. Yeah, it might be a little more complex,
 Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
 or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
 What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?  
I use aliases for a lot of that stuff, but still need to some things that
I don't know, but am able to look in man pages, etc. Besides, does it
really matter that I can ls or dir? Different means to the same end in
this case is hardly faulty. And, if you don't like them odds are you know
how to change them. Also, whats more important, having a good, stable
system that you can use comfortably or just sticking with the lower
quality stuff because someone EXPECTS you to learn a myriad of new stuff?
There's a lot of talk on this list about using FVWM95 as a default window
manager because it's familiar, but what about command line familiarity? Is
there no value to that?

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Felix

Joe Klemmer wrote:

The basic problem with all this is that Linux is NOT a desktop OS
like Win3/95 or OS/2 or the Mac.  It's a high end server OS.
It's not even in the same category as Win95.


Claire Bradford wrote:
Unix is an opertaing system that does require a little bit of
patience and understanding. Which in my opinion makes it all the more fun.

I think this is what Linux could learn from MS.  Back in the "old days"
computers and computing was only for the elite few in government institutions.
Soon, hobby groups began putting together "personal" computers, much like more
recent hobbyists have put together a "personal" Unix.  But it took people like
Gates, Wozniak and Jobs to make a hobby into a necessity.
Humor an analogy: Most everyone with a car drives an ordinary off-the-lot
vehicle (windows), but many dream of that candy apple red hot rod (or
whatever).  However, even if a hotrod dream car was offered free of charge(ex:
Linux), few people would have the time and resources needed to learn auto
technology and maintain the car, and it would probably spend most of its time
in the garage.
Somehow, through documentation, installation procedures, powerful apps,
GUI's or what-have-you, Linux needs to step beyond the "High end server OS" and
"garage hobbyist" to appeal to the non-tinkerer types.  Only then can it really
compete with Windows (if that's what Linux want's to do, that is.)


| Andrew Duhan| Cereal is |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   g00d.   |
| |

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Greg Thomas

  Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
  or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
  What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?  
 I use aliases for a lot of that stuff, but still need to some things that
 I don't know, but am able to look in man pages, etc. Besides, does it
 really matter that I can ls or dir? Different means to the same end in
 this case is hardly faulty. And, if you don't like them odds are you know
 how to change them. Also, whats more important, having a good, stable
 system that you can use comfortably or just sticking with the lower
 quality stuff because someone EXPECTS you to learn a myriad of new stuff?
 There's a lot of talk on this list about using FVWM95 as a default window
 manager because it's familiar, but what about command line familiarity? Is
 there no value to that?

I still believe that if you provide an alias right off of the bat for
something like mkdir and somebody gets used to using md they are never
even going to wonder if md is the correct command.  They get a job or work
on somebody else's machine that doesn't have the alias and they freak out
because they can't get md to work.  Is this the right way to do things?

Also, I see more newbies, like myself, make their first post to the list
because they want to know how to get rid of FVWM95 because they don't want
something that emulates Win95 and they want to try something new.


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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Greg Fall

---Reply on mail from Greg Thomas about Not a Desktop OS

 Also, I see more newbies, like myself, make their first post to the list
 because they want to know how to get rid of FVWM95 because they don't want
 something that emulates Win95 and they want to try something new.

I suggest you look at something I've assembled:


Greg Fall

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread William T Wilson

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Greg Thomas wrote:

 Adding aliases to the dist, IMO, would be very bad.  People would use dir,
 or md, or whatever, without ever knowing the corresponding Linux commands.
 What would motivate people to learn the OS this way?  

I have mixed feelings here.  The first thing I do whenever I install a Red
Hat version of Linux is fix all the little "preferences" which I consider
completely idiotic.  I change the default prompt so it looks like
Slackware; I can remember what system I'm logged in on but find it useful
to know what directory I'm in.  I get rid of the aliases on mv, rm, and
cp, since all they do is slow things down.  I add an alias to ls so it
displays color.  In short I make a couple little tweaks.  Who is to say
that adding a set of "DOS compatibility aliases" is so wrong?  Yes, it
prevents the user from using the Unix commands and makes Linux seem like
DOS.  But for those familiar with DOS it may make things easier.  The best
thing would be aliasing it to something like

alias dir="echo 'dir is a DOS command, you should use ls instead'; sleep
2; ls"

Now the DOS users will still be able to get around, but they will quickly
become irritated with the 2 second pauses.  :)  Perhaps an initial
'tutorial' in place for the first time the system boots, which asks if the
user is familiar with Unix and, if not, would he like to see a brief
introduction to the commands (and possibly print out a quick reference

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Keith Dart

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Steve "Stevers!" Coile wrote:

 On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Greg Thomas wrote:
 So they get a job or something where there are Linux machines and they
 go and try md and it isn't there, they're gonna go crazy, right?  Wrong?
 But that's already going to be the case.  Every variant of UNIX (and thus
 Linux) is different somehow.  There's always going to be some degree of
 confusion moving between UNIX and Linux variants.

Well, if the GNU tools were everywhere this would be less of a problem,
and there's no reason they can't be.

 Another way to look at this: if organizations like Red Hat (and Caldera,
 and Debian, ...) don't make an effort to improve the UNIX user interface,
 who will?  Are we to hope that UNIX will have the same, cryptic interface
 in 10 years that it has today, or should we hope that it will improve?

This is simple a matter of learning. I've been using *nix for a while, and
I no longer consider the command line cryptic. In fact, I like it. You can
do more tasks more quickly with a good command line interface. To me, the
command prompt is my faithful servant, waiting to do my bidding on a
moments notice. 

The real question is whether or not we can have an interface that is best
suited for both the new user and experienced user alike. I'm not sure this
is possible, so both types of interfaces should be present.

 I really liked the idea of putting a little message in the alias telling
 the user that it was a DOS command, they could then either get rid of
 the message and continue using md or they could start using mkdir.

I like this idea. It would be a good weaning tool.

Keith Dart, Devtest Engineer   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cisco Systemsphone: +1.408.527.1391
Network to User Business Unitpager: +1.800.365.4578
internal web page: +1.408.527.3778
 .||..||.  The network kicks butt. No excuses.

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Joe Klemmer

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Felix wrote:

 Somehow, through documentation, installation procedures, powerful apps,
 GUI's or what-have-you, Linux needs to step beyond the "High end server OS" and
 "garage hobbyist" to appeal to the non-tinkerer types.  Only then can it really
 compete with Windows (if that's what Linux want's to do, that is.)

This is the key point.  Linux is NOT in competition with anything
MS produces.  A Lamborgini is not in competition with a moped.  Yeah, they
both get you somewhere but it's a matter of what you can do with them.

Actually, Linux is like a combination of a race car, semi-truck  a
bus.  But now we're getting way off topic.

"I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them."
-- Isaac Asimov

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread Junaid Pirzada

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Re: Not a Desltop OS (was: RE: thanks, but no thanks)

1998-03-27 Thread John E. Pearson

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Joe Klemmer wrote:
Linux is NOT in competition with anything MS produces.

Huh?  Since when?  What, then, *is* Linux competing with?  What niche
market does Linux serve without competition?

Many many scientists are rather fond of linux and much less so
of anything microsoft.
Steve Coile

John Pearson   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
XCM MS F645Phone:(505)-667-7585
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

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