RE: ARCserve vs Retrospect Server Backup

2001-03-08 Thread Adam Cohen

I used to use ArcServe to backup an NT Server 4 as well as 50 Clients.  What
a nasty, bad, nightmare ect  experience(especially for restoring).  Now
comes the good news.  I have been using Retrospect 5.15 to backup the same
at this client and at many other clients as well.  It is simply GREAT.  The
best part and what we are using it for which is the Restore functionality.
Very clean and simple.  I can't say enough great comments on the product.

On top of that is the Support.  Computer Associates can't come close.  Dantz
has the right idea.  Make a product that works and support its customers.

On Open File manager.  I use the current version 7.0 and works without a
hitch with Retrospect.  Even backs up an Open Exchange Server Post Office.
Previous versions 6.0 and before didn't work very well with Retrospect.

Adam Cohen
CyberDoctors, Inc.

-Original Message-
Of Ben Eastwood
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:42 PM
To: retro-talk
Subject: Re: ARCserve vs Retrospect Server Backup

Are you also using Open File Manager, and if so does it work OK in Win2k
with Services for Mac? ( I know this is not really a retrospect issue, but
not totally offtopic..)
Ben Eastwood
IT Manager

> From: "Kraut, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 17:11:38 -0500
> To: 'retro-talk' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: ARCserve vs Retrospect Server Backup
> I use it to back up a mix of (20) NT4 and Win2000 Servers.  The retrospect
> program is running on a 2000 Server and works fine.  I've also used
> in the past and wild horses couldn't drag me back to that nightmare of a
> product!!  :)
> David Kraut
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 8:53 AM
> To: retro-talk
> Subject: ARCserve vs Retrospect Server Backup
> I've been using ARCserve for many years to backup my NT 4.0 Server and
> NT Workstations and long time ago to backup a Novell server.  For the
> Mac side of things though I've always preferred and used Retrospect.  I
> prefer Retrospect because it's much easier to install, use and maintain
> than ARCserve.  Both products have been very reliable though I'd have to
> say that Retrospect has proved to be a little more reliable than ARCserve.
> Now I'm finding myself needing to upgrade ARCserve to the new ARCserve
> 2000.  However, I'd really rather drop ARCserve and switch to Retrospect
> Server Backup to perform the NT 4.0 Server (and eventually Windows 200
> Server) and NT Workstation backups.  Comparing the the two product's
> features and supported drives looks to be essentially the same.
> Anyone out there with experience using Retrospect Server Backup on a
> Windows NT 4.0 Server?  I'd love to get some feedback about it.
> Thanks!!
> --
> Tom Roth  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  tel 336.716.4493
> Wake Forest University School of Medicine
> Dept of Biomedical Communications
> Medical Center Blvd  *  Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1011
> --
> --
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Ecrix VXA-1

2001-02-28 Thread Adam Cohen

Hello All:

I am a avid user of Retrospect on the PC and Mac platforms.  I implement PC
Server Retrospect as well and absolutely love the product.  Credit has to go
where it is deserved and Dantz deserves it.  They have outdone much larger
companies like Computer Associates and Veritas.

This post is not about a problem but to let anyone who may be interested
know that I have an Ecrix VXA drive available.

I am sorry if this is not the correct forum to let users know but since we
talk about backup it seemed that this drive could help someone in the field.




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RE: Purchasing a new system

2001-01-24 Thread Adam Cohen

I have to put my .02 in here.  Although I had initially had issues with
Ecrix I believe there technology if far superior to what is available on the
market at the same price.  Since I know have it working it hasn't failed me
yet.  I do nightly full backups of 18 gig at 247 meg/min.


-Original Message-
Of Pam Lefkowitz
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 2:45 PM
To: retro-talk
Subject: Re: Purchasing a new system

>My boss is really leery of Ecrix, no matter how much I push it. She's 
>worried that, should something happen to the company in two years or 
>so (since they're the only one doing this kind of tape/drive now), we 
>won't have the $$ in our budget to purchase a whole new system. I 
>keep working on her. :)


I don't buy that argument. What if Sony decides to stop making AIT's? 
Then what? Sony's AIT is just as proprietary as Ecrix's VXA. After all, 
isn't the MacOS proprietary -- now? And DLT was proprietary at the 
beginning too. I look at it like this...somebody has to be the first and 
they're going to work with their proprietary formula until some other 
company decides to pay the licensing or OEM (or whatever they're called 
in hardware) fees. 


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RE: VXA vexations

2001-01-23 Thread Adam Cohen

I had a VXA 1 LVD SCSI with many problems.  The SCSI chain would loose the
device and Windows 2000 would report many SCSI timeout errors.  This all was
finally resolved when Ecrix replaced the drive and they also sent me a metal
plate that resides on the cable.  This plate removes any interference.

The drive now works like it should have.  Very nice although it took way to
long to resolve.  It appears that VXA drive are much more sensitive to any

Hope this helps,

Adam Cohen

-Original Message-
Of David Thornton
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:05 PM
To: retro talk
Subject: VXA vexations

I've got a VXA drive with the low-voltage differential SCSI
interface, and Retrospect is giving me 206 errors whenever I
try to back anything up to the drive.

When first received, the drive was attached to my desktop G3
(beige) for testing, and worked very well. Once I felt it
was ready for full use (and when I finally found the time)
the drive and the ATTO SCSI card were moved to another beige
G3 desktop that serves as our primary backup machine. Now I
can't get the thing to back up anything without giving the
dirty heads, bad media error. Same SCSI card, same cable,
same tapes (tried several), very similar computer, same OS,
same version of Retrospect; the only thing that seems to be
different is the location of the drive. The backup machine
is located in the server closet, along with lots of other
equipment. I've tried a few different locations within the
space that's available to me, but that has done nothing to

The Retrospect knowledgebase says something about
interference from another device being the culprit in
something like this. Has anyone else seen stuff like this
from VXA drives, or is it just me, or perhaps something
gone south on the drive?
David G. Thornton
Mac Systems Manager *
CCL Label, Sioux Falls, SD

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High CPU Usage

2000-10-30 Thread Adam Cohen

Just installed a DDS-4 hooked to an Adaptec 39160 card.  Backing up three
hard drives and when Retrospect hits drive 2 CPU usage jumps to 95-100% and
stays there.  Task manager shows Retrospect taking all the CPU.   Usage when
backing up and comparing drive 1 is around 12%.

What could cause this?

System Specs
Win2K Pro
384 Ram
Adaptec 39160


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RE: restoring windows 2000 registry?

2000-10-28 Thread Adam Cohen


I am a relatively new user of Retrospect 5.15 on the Win2K environment
and simply love it.  Have used Veritas and ArcServe and both don't even come
close.  Dantz support as well as respect for the Customer is just
They are one awesome company.

As to your question I have to say using backup software to restore the
registry is doable but hasn't ever really worked for me.  Don't have an
answer to get you out of the jam your in but here is something that could
help in the future.  There is a program that could be used in conjunction
with Retrospect called ConfigSafe (  This
enables you to backup the registry and export to external media.

I just give this info to be helpful, not to sell any product.


>>Is there a way to do restore a client's Win2K registry from Retro 4.2
>>Client has 5.1.5 on it.
>Is there any chance at all that you used Dantz' Registry Backup Manager?
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RE: Advice requested: tape system

2000-09-18 Thread Adam Cohen

Is the VXA-1 that much better than DDS 4?

Adam Cohen

-Original Message-
Of Daniel Knight
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:10 AM
To: retro-talk
Subject: Re: Advice requested: tape system

>However our company has grown some over time and the use of CD-R is no
>a real option as it takes too long to do a full backup of the 30GB or so of
>data on the LAN.

I like VXA. Tapes hold 33 MB before compression, although I haven't hit 
that level on my home network -- probably due to slow 6100s and Quadras 
not able to send data fast enough. Cost for the drive ranges from $600 to 
$1200+, depending on the deal you manage to find. Tapes are $80 each.

At work, we use AIT, which has a native capacity of 25 GB and averages 
about 35 GB compressed. AIT seems to work better backing up older, slower 
Macs on the network. I've never run *under* the tapes rated capacity, as 
I did with my first VXA tape at home. Cost of drives is much higher 
($2000+). Tapes are about $80, also.

I have no experience with DLT.

Dan Knight, IS manager/webmaster  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Baker Book House Company <>
6030 East Fulton   616-676-9185 x146
Ada, Michigan 49301 fax 616-676-9573

  Macs for productivity, Unix for stability, Windows for solitaire

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Retrospect and Adaptec 39160

2000-08-29 Thread Adam Cohen

Hello All,

He is what is happening.  I had a 2940U2W that powered my two LVD hard
drives and a DDS4 Dat drive.  Performance was great.  Backup ran at around
250 meg/min.  All termination was done with active terminators connected to
the cables.

I have since changed to the Adaptec 39160.  On channel A I have a HP 9210
CRW.  Channel B has 2 IBM LVD drives and the DDS4 Dat drive.  Performance on
the hard drives is fine.  Dat drive now backs up at 30 meg/min.

I have installed the most current drives from the adaptec site for Win 2000.

What is going on.  Adaptec has no idea??  Is this something to do with

System Specs
Windows 2000 Pro
PIII 600
384 Ram
Two 9 Gig IBM Hard Drives LVD
Diamond 770 Video Card
Adaptec 39160 SCSI Card
Backup Software - RetroSpect


Adam Cohen

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RE: DDS4 or AIT 35/70

2000-07-24 Thread Adam Cohen

By the 
way I am using Retrospect 5.11 for Windows 2000 and it works great.  The 
others including ArcServe, Veritas and Ultrabac don't even come close.  

to my origianl question.  I know both drives are great just not sure which 
to get.

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adam CohenSent: 
  Monday, July 24, 2000 7:20 PMTo: 
  I am trying to 
  decide which to buy for a customer to backup an NT Server 2000 with 5 Clients 
  (Mac and PC).  
  HP 40i DDS4 

DDS4 or AIT 35/70

2000-07-24 Thread Adam Cohen

I am trying to 
decide which to buy for a customer to backup an NT Server 2000 with 5 Clients 
(Mac and PC).  
HP 40i DDS4 


DDS 3 Compression problems

2000-06-12 Thread Adam Cohen

I have a APS DDS 3 
external unit.  Can't get more than 10 gig out of it.  Native should 
be 12.  Retrospect shows hardware compression enabled in the storage set 
but in the script the box for software compression isn't grayed out like it 
should be.  This indicates that hardware compression isn't really 
Called APS and they 
are useless.  They keep saying that it's the type of files I am backing up 
even though this new unit replaced an older DDS 3 that backup up the same drives 
(17 Gig).
Please help.  


Update 5.1

2000-03-15 Thread Adam Cohen

Just did the 5.1 update on a Win 2000 pro machine.  After such, Outlook 2000
seemed to have been corrupt. The .PST file can't be imported or read.  Not
sure what happened.  Anyone else having problems.  The v5.1 seems to be
working fine but the outlook problem really caused me grief.  I did manage
to restore the .PST file but lost all of todays mail.

Adam Cohen

Adam Cohen
CyberDoctors, Inc.
47 Maple Street
Suite 103
Burlington  VT  05401
(802) 860-2430


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RE: Retrospect and Microsoft Exchange

2000-03-08 Thread Adam Cohen

Retrospect itself can't handle backing up an open MS Exchange PostOffice.  I
use Open File manager ( which backs
up anything that is open including SQL and Exchange.  This product is great.

If a restore is necessary you have to restore the entire PostOffice.  Can't
just select a users mailbox.  To restore a mailbox Dantz would need to come
up with a MS exchange Agent.

Adam Cohen

-Original Message-
Of Aaron Golub
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: Retrospect and Microsoft Exchange

Has anyone used Retroscpect to back up the mail store on a Microsoft
Exchange 5.5 server?  How does it handle this? Does the backup actually
work? Can you recover email from the backed-up mail store?

Feel free to email me directly if this has already been covered on the list.


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RE: Backing up FileMaker Pro 5 on a PC

2000-02-25 Thread Adam Cohen

Another option is to use a product called Open File Manager from St Bernard
Software (  Backs up all open files no matter what they
are.  OFM assentially takes a snapshop of the open file/s then deletes the
snapshot after they are backup up.  This product even can backup the NT SAM
files and an Exchange Post Office while open.  It works very well and takes
little resources.

I use it with all my NT Servers.  In my office we run a Filemaker 5 database
for customer tracking and billing.  OFM handles it with no problem.  So nice
not to worry that a database or any other file is open.

Version 6.2 of OFM does work with Retrospect.

Adam Cohen

Adam Cohen
CyberDoctors, Inc.
47 Maple Street
Suite 103
Burlington  VT  05401
(802) 860-2430


-Original Message-
Of Jon Gardner
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 6:11 PM
To: retro-talk
Subject: Re: Backing up FileMaker Pro 5 on a PC

on 2/25/2000 4:33 PM, Aaron Kopel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am wanting to back up FileMaker Pro 5 databases that are hosted on
> a WINNT machine. I was curious as to some other people's strategies.
> I am running into the "file open" problem. We are using retrospect 4.2

Set up a server script in FileMaker Pro to backup the databases just before
the Retrospect backup is supposed to happen. Retro will be able to read the
backup files, since they won't be open.

Jon L. Gardner '89, Computer Systems Manager <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Texas A&M University Dept. of Food Services <>
Tel 979.458.1839 Fax 979.845.2157 ICQ 34792860
PGP public key available at <>

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RE: Mac Client problem with Win2K

2000-02-07 Thread Adam Cohen

Thanks.  It now works and works 
great.  I must have not rebooted inbetween installs.  


  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg 
  JewettSent: Monday, February 07, 2000 11:25 AMTo: 
  retro-talkSubject: Re: Mac Client problem with 
  Win2KReinstalling the client can be tricky. It will 
  remember the client password unless you first, delete the control panel, 
  reboot, reinstall the control panel and reboot again. Then all should be well. 
  It should be asking you for a password at installation. Make sure the 
  notorious CAPSLOCK is not down when entering the password on install, nor when 
  entering the password when attempting to connect at the 
  server...Greg- * Think Different * 
  -Greg Jewett, Server/Project Engineer Phone: 
  (512) 996-4257 Motorola IT Department Pager: (800) 478-4034 Parmer 
  Lane - IT Department ePage: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Mac Client problem with Win2K

2000-02-06 Thread Adam Cohen

I am having a very unusuall problem.  The windows machine is running Win2k RC2 and Retrospect Server
5.  The client is a PowerBook G3 running
OS9.  When configuring the server it
sees the IP address of the Macintosh Client.  In the add function the server requests the password of the
client but refuses to take the one that I entered when installing the Mac
client.  Tried this five times
including reinstalling the Mac Client. 
No luck.  Is there some compatibility
issue between Windows 2000 running Retrospect 5 and OS9?


Retrospect version is the 1/14/2000 Build

Mac Client is 4.2


I hope this is clear.  






Adam Cohen




New Server 5.0 User Questions.

2000-01-22 Thread Adam Cohen

I just purchased the server version after having
much grief with Veritas Backup Exec and have a few problems.


I called Dantz before buying the product and they
said yes to the 9210 being supported however when the media is in the drive it
does not show up on the list.  
The device area in Retrospect shows there is not a driver available for
the 9210 or the DVD drive or even the zip.  I do have media in the drives.  What might I be doing wrong.


When doing a backup with a DDS3 tape it should
handle 12 gig uncompressed or 24 gig compressed.  When it gets to 12 Retrospect is asking for another
tape.  I even tried to select
choices for software compression but since drive has hardware Retrospect will
use that.  The manual says that if
the drive says DC it supports Hardware Compression.  The attached image shows the properties of the drive. Ideas??  I have dried several DDS3 tapes.  I have also erased tapes several
times.  Format choices is not


System Properties

Windows 2000 Server RC 2 Build 2128

Micron PIII 600

320 Meg Ram

2 9 gig LVD SCSI Hard drives

HP 9210 CDR

Hitachi DVD Ram drive

HP 40i DDS4 tape drive

Internal Zip Atapi

Adaptec 2940u2 LVD controller card


The hard drives and the 40i are on the same SCSI
chain with active termination set and hooked onto the 68 pin LVD connector on
the SCSI card.  The CDrom and the
CDR and are on another chain hooked into the 50 pin connector on the 2940
Adaptec card.  


Thanks in advance,



New Server 5.0 User Questions.

2000-01-22 Thread Adam Cohen

I just purchased the server version after having
much grief with Veritas Backup Exec and have a few problems.


I called Dantz before buying the product and they
said yes to the 9210 being supported however when the media is in the drive it
does not show up on the list.  
The attachment shows there is not a driver available for the 9210 or the
DVD drive or even the zip.  I do
have media in the drives.  What might
I be doing wrong.


When doing a backup with a DDS3 tape it should
handle 12 gig uncompressed or 24 gig compressed.  When it gets to 12 Retrospect is asking for another
tape.  I even tried to select
choices for software compression but since drive has hardware Retrospect will
use that.  The manual says that if
the drive says DC it supports Hardware Compression.  The attached image shows the properties of the drive.
Ideas??  I have dried several DDS3
tapes.  I have also erased tapes
several times.  Format choices is
not available.  


System Properties

Windows 2000 Server RC 2 Build 2128

Micron PIII 600

320 Meg Ram

2 9 gig LVD SCSI Hard drives

HP 9210 CDR

Hitachi DVD Ram drive

HP 40i DDS4 tape drive

Internal Zip Atapi

Adaptec 2940u2 LVD controller card


The hard drives and the 40i are on the same SCSI
chain with active termination set and hooked onto the 68 pin LVD connector on
the SCSI card.  The CDrom and the
CDR and are on another chain hooked into the 50 pin connector on the 2940
Adaptec card.  


Thanks in advance,
