[sage-devel] Failed sage -upgrade to 2.10 on G4 PowerPC Mac OS X.4

2008-01-22 Thread kcrisman

It's easier for me to just download the new binary than to try to fix
this, but for development purposes the following messages may be

sage: An error occurred while installing ntl-5.4.1.p10
Please email sage-devel http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
explaining the problem and send the relevant part of
of /Applications/sage-2.8.12-powerpc-osx-PowerMacintosh-Darwin/

Unfortunately, there IS no such file.  But from the session in
Terminal it looks like while building NTL 5.4.1, after

*** the wizard is done!!

and in the midst of

* updating config.h

it failed.  The last messages are:

ld: flag: -undefined dynamic_lookup can't be used with
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable set to: 10.1
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[1]: *** [libntl.dylib] Error 1
Failed to build NTL dylib.


make: *** [installed/ntl-5.4.1.p10] Error 1

Attempting to use Sage yields the following final error message:

The complete error message is below.

| SAGE Version 2.10, Release Date: 2008-01-18|
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
   Traceback (most recent call

 in ()

python2.5/site-packages/sage/misc/preparser_ipython.py in ()
> 8 import sage.misc.interpreter
 10 import preparser

python2.5/site-packages/sage/misc/interpreter.py in ()
103 import os
--> 104 import log
106 import remote_file

python2.5/site-packages/sage/misc/log.py in ()
 52 import interpreter
---> 53 import latex
 54 import misc

python2.5/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.py in ()
 41 import random
---> 43 import sage.plot.all
 45 from misc import tmp_dir

python2.5/site-packages/sage/plot/all.py in ()
  2   text, circle, disk, hue, graphics_array,
  3   list_plot, networkx_plot, parametric_plot,
  4   polar_plot, contour_plot, arrow,
  5   plot_vector_field, matrix_plot, bar_chart,
  6   is_Graphics,

python2.5/site-packages/sage/plot/plot.py in ()

--> 128 from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
130 ## IMPORTANT: Do *not* import matplotlib at module scope.  It
takes a

: dlopen(/Applications/sage-2.8.12-
sage/structure/sage_object.so, 2): Symbol not found:
  Referenced from: /Applications/sage-2.8.12-powerpc-osx-
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

WARNING: Failure executing code: 'import sage.misc.preparser_ipython;
   Traceback (most recent call

 in ()

python2.5/site-packages/sage/misc/misc.py in ()
334 return 0
--> 336 from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
338 # alternative name for prod

: dlopen(/Applications/sage-2.8.12-
sage/misc/misc_c.so, 2): Symbol not found: _PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8
  Referenced from: /Applications/sage-2.8.12-powerpc-osx-
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

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[sage-devel] Re: wow 0^0 sure is inconsistent in Sage (was Re: [sage-newbie] Re: 0^0 undefined)

2008-01-29 Thread kcrisman

On Jan 29, 10:29 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 4:45 PM, Hector Villafuerte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jan 29, 2008 12:18 PM, Georg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > is there a way so that
> > > 0^0
> > > yields 1.
> > > thanks in advance, Georg
> It "works" if you using Sage's multiprecision reals, or Python floats or ints:
> sage: 0.0^0.0
> 1.00
> sage: float(0)^float(0)
> 1.0
> sage: int(0)^int(0)
> 1
> sage: RDF(0)^RDF(0)
> nan
> sage: CDF(0)^CDF(0)
> 0
> sage: CC(0)^CC(0)
> boom -- traceback
> sage: 1^1
> 1
> sage: 0^0
> boom -- : 0^0 is undefined.
> I'm surprised by this.  I thought 0^0 would be undefined
> everywhere, but instead it's undefined in 2 places, defined
> in others, and Nan in one.
> Paul Zimmerman -- what should we do?

Python is consistent, though:

>>> 0L**0L
>>> 0j**0j
>>> 0**0
>>> 0.**0.

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[sage-devel] Re: plotting cube root function

2008-02-21 Thread kcrisman

Sorry I never attached the graphic - it's on my desktop, but the
Google Groups help leads me to believe someone has turned off file
posting on this group (on sage-support it seems to still be available,
though, given recent posts).

> OK, now I'm curious.  I still get errors (with 2.10.1 and with
> 2.10.2.alpha0), as do a couple of people I asked to test this on IRC.
> What OS/architecture are you using?

Mac OSX.4, PowerPC G4

> Do you get different results than this:
> sage: import math
> sage: math.sqrt(float(-1))
> ---
>             Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> /home/cwitty/sage/ in ()
> : math domain error

Yes, I do!

sage: import math
sage: math.sqrt(float(-1))

My computer's native Python installation also provides:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1809)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import math
>>> math.sqrt(float(-1))

So presumably plot is somehow using this.  Personally, I think this is
a feature, not a bug - if one specifies an implied real range for a
function, non-real outputs should just be ignored, which should avoid
the messing up of internal calculations that having a "real" method or
something would imply.  For instance, on the same computer, the
following plots something nice and without complex branches or
something weird like that:

sage: show(plot(log(x),-5,5))

While looking into this I discovered:

sage: log(0)

[lots of stuff]
: error evaluating "log(0)":
Error executing code in Maxima
Maxima ERROR:
log(0) has been generated.

Presumably log(0) should provide a more helpful (and much shorter)
error message.  And what does this phrase, "log(0) has been
generated," mean?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: sage-edu, standard API, etc.

2008-02-22 Thread kcrisman

Great thanks are due to Jason G. for starting to distill some of the
issues involved in the developments leading to sage-edu in a very
gracious manner. I hope to add, in a similar vein (nothing about APIs,
sorry!), more commentary on some more of the underlying issues, and a
request to the "main development team" (a fluid term in an open source
project) for some suggestions to help the rest of us contribute more

As a relative newcomer to open source, it's been interesting watching
some of the same growing pains and sociological issues that Eric
Raymond (and other more scholarly outside observers) describes so
well.  Particularly interesting is that here it seems to come from the
(fairly atypical?) fact that a significant number of true end users of
a program have been directly involving themselves in development, even
if primarily via feature requests and not as much via code.

I say particularly interesting because the highest profile open source
projects (e.g. Mozilla, Apache) are used by millions of people daily
without any thought to development, and in my grad school days most of
us who used very important ones like Linux and TeX asked someone else
nearby with questions, and never thought to ask a developer for an
enhancement!  I sense a much higher proportion do with Sage.

In addition, with Sage we have a program with developers and end users
with remarkable affinities - to its credit.  It is being used by
scores of people outside the (early) original target audience who are
just expert enough to understand what is going on behind the scenes
and are also excited about the primary use (here, math research), and
yet is being developed by people who largely have some experience and
affinity to those additional uses (here, pedagogical).  This is
largely because, at heart, mathematics is a much more unified
discipline than some others.

However, there is nonetheless a fundamental asymmetry with any
technology between those who know how to use it most profitably and
those without that expertise (e.g. medieval users of Roman numerals
fighting against the introduction of decimals as a "leveling"
influence).  This asymmetry isn't inherently bad if the non-expert is
given the benefits of the technology fairly; in fact, it can promote
efficiency since the non-expert can become expert in something else.
Certainly in a case like Sage, it doesn't stand in the way of bugs/
features that *everyone* wants to catch/use being thought of with
amazing swiftness, because of my above point.

But this asymmetry can become a problem.  Sage seems to have fallen
victim to its own success, for instance in discussions about the cube
root of -1, or in increasing demands on time of the core developers
for what are essentially side issues.  Anyone in academia should be
very sympathetic to time constraints, but the real issue is not that
there isn't enough time, but that a conscious (and reasonable) choice
has been made to focus Sage development on things like modular forms.
However, that leaves the question of how to continue improving the
more pedagogically useful aspects of Sage (e.g., the notebook and
calculus package), which everyone seems to agree is a very good

(Here comes the part where I ask for help.)  I think that most
pedagogical Sage users would like to help in ways that they can, and
most research Sage users really do appreciate being able to make a
quality competitor to "the M's" for teaching purposes at no (monetary)
cost.  So what I am asking for (perhaps on sage-edu, certainly not
here) are concrete suggestions for how that can happen, given several
limiting factors.  I outline some of these limiting factors at length
below, and offer tentative suggestions for some of them.

The bottom line is this; what mechanisms can be put in place now to
help the education community create patches, and eventually
significant code, without needing to constantly divert developers from
the core directions of Sage?  Then a call to "show me the code" (which
Jason already pointed out is eminently unreasonable at this time)
might have a chance to be honored not just in the breach.  If we can
do this, for the first time a totally free option which supports
mathematics in pedagogically sound ways all the way from arithmetic
and geometry to arithmetic geometry will exist, with huge benefits for
anyone who cares about more than one level of mathematics.

- kcrisman

Here Follows A Perhaps Superfluous Long List Of Limiting Factors and
Suggestions Which Might Help Combat Them.

Limiting Factor 1: If research mathematicians and grad students are
pressed for time, many high school teachers and professors at teaching
institutions have been squeezed completely dry before they ever embark
on trying new things like Sage. Sometimes they are actively
discouraged from it, though that hasn't been my experience.  I don't
know that there is much on

[sage-devel] Re: sage-edu, standard API, etc.

2008-02-23 Thread kcrisman

I think, though I'm not sure, that mabshoff has perhaps misunderstood
my points, probably because my post was too long, for which I
apologize.  As I said, this post was very much in the conciliatory
spirit of Jason Grout's original one.  In particular, I was
emphatically not addressing any of the issues raised by Ted, most of
which I am entirely ignorant of, and I am sorry that I implied it
because of the reference to "show me the code", which I referred to
more generally than its actual use in the thread.  (I'm not even sure
what problems there are with the notebook, and if someone wants to
leave Sage because of that, it's their business.)  Similarly with
reference to "victim to its own success", in which I only referenced
things from frustrations I've seen aired on the list, and which I may
have overinterpreted; I was not referring to sage-newbie, because it
was clear what happened there.  The references to "brusque" and
"trivial questions" were intended to be hyperbolic.  Ah, electronic
communication - nothing like it :)

In general I tried very hard to use terms like "many" and "likely",
precisely because I know how many different situations there were, and
wanted to make it clear I was generalizing only in a limited fashion,
but still hoping to raise an important issue.  In fact, I agreed with
most of the (nontechnical) things mabshoff said, though the place I
said that may have gotten obscured.  Sage is definitely healthy,
definitely friendly, definitely catches tons of bugs (which I do
explicitly say), and definitely has the potential to involve lots of
education people beyond what it has - precisely because of the
relatively unified nature of mathematics, which is so immensely

The reason I refer to different roadblocks and things like where
people are employed is because I want that to succeed, and I have been
very proactive in promoting Sage where I can.  I do not see any viable
open-source competitor, and it is neat to read about where Sage also
beats the proprietary competition.  But my main point remains - and I
would welcome suggestions on sage-edu - that there is a difference in
kind between the research environment and the teaching one.

A research mathematician likely has time, resources, and vision for
implementing research-related code *largely on her own* with help from
lists or IRC if determined, and hence will be able to develop the
expertise, and all this falls squarely in her duties.  This isn't
always true, but it is likely, if she is determined.  (Presumably
Jason, as a grad student and postdoc at PhD-granting institutions, is
in this category, and David's expertise is of course long-standing.)

It is also likely that a teaching-focused mathematician has only two
of the three, if he is lucky, and may not get much support from
administration for developing the others, and hence won't be able to,
even if determined.  This isn't always true, but is likely, especially
if he is earnest in devoting attention to the students who would
benefit from Sage in the first place.  (I think my chair is in this
situation, as he's installed Sage on our local server, but has had
difficulty getting octave to play nicely with Sage where he wants it
to.  I have told him to email sage-support more times than I can
count, because there is probably an easy solution, but I think
realistically he just made a choice to not try further as the semester
started.  This is fine - not everyone has to use Sage - but he is also
someone with a lot of experience in mathematical computation and
server administration, so it gives me some pause as to my own ability
to do something significant without guidance.)

I totally hear you on the political aspect of educational grant-
seeking.  Maybe a friend of Sage would have a friend who has been
successful in that arena and could consult or even advocate for Sage?
I see many projects which, while useful, are not just not in the same
league as Sage, but maybe like AA baseball (or Landesliga, for that
matter) compared to the pros, yet which routinely get NSF CCLI grants
and supplements.

Anyway, it's possible that this is really all inherent, which would be
too bad, but sometimes things are like that.  I thought I'd raise it,
though.  If Sage could have even half as many education-focused
developers (which I am sadly not, at least not yet) as it has research
or internals developers, even if they aren't as competent, Sage should
easily be able to surpass the competition in that arena as well.

Thanks as always for a fantastic product, and thanks for the continued
invigorating discussion. (No irony intended!)

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Question on plot behavior

2008-03-25 Thread kcrisman

Regarding Jason's recent patch allowing

sage: plot(x^(1/3),-1,1)

to still output a plot where it makes sense in Sage, I wonder whether
the following might also be useful in the _call() method of plot.py,
at around line 3620:

if msg = "negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power" :
  print "In Sage, even odd fractional powers of negative numbers yield
complex roots"

so that people would know that (that is, people who don't have
experience with CAS behavior).  I suppose one would want to make sure
this printed only once, so there would probably have to be a dummy
variable to keep track of that too, but whatever.

A more ambitious, but perhaps not practical, idea would be to try to
catch the exceptions and then coerce them, at least if they are
written in the obvious way (which would not preclude the above error
message from being printed), just in case someone really did type in
an easy thing like x^(1/3), as opposed to (big thing which could be
complex)^(1/3) :

if msg = "negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power" :
try: replace (stuff)^(m/p) by (RR(stuff).nth_root(p))^m
data[i] = (float(xi),float(the tried thing))
except (Error) # all errors excepted!
print "In Sage, even odd fractional powers of negative numbers
may yield complex roots"

where some sort of pattern match (I assume it's possible in Python,
but is it pretty complex?) would happen in the "try" block, perhaps
better aligned with preparsing, with _pow_ or ** ... Though I'm a bit
hazy as to how to try to get both Integer(1)/Integer(3), which lives
in sage.rings.rational.Rational *and* .33, which lives in
sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber, but they both respond well to RR,

Is this worth trying to implement, or even possible to consider
implementing (I realize the grep-ish behavior might be too complicated
to bother with)?  I am sure there are mistakes in the pseudo-code
above, for that matter.  But if so, I would like to try.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Vertex colors

2008-03-29 Thread kcrisman

I asked a math major who also has difficulty seeing certain colors on
screens and projection, and here is what she said, if it helps make a

- kcrisman

I like the light pink the best.  The red is a little dark and makes it
hard to read the black lettering inside.  The yellow makes the
vertices disappear so I can't see them at all.  The light green is
also very difficult for me to read, though if I concentrate hard
enough it works.  I also like the light blue color, though I think it
would be nice if it was a little bit less bright, maybe a slightly
more muted blue tone.  The white works though it makes finding the
vertices slightly more difficult since they don't just jump out by
being a different color.

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[sage-devel] Should Sage have been mentioned here?

2008-04-04 Thread kcrisman


Just curious - sounds similar to the E8, and since William and massive
computer time are both mentioned, sounds like a likely spot for
publicity, though Sage is not specifically mentioned.
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[sage-devel] Re: Should Sage have been mentioned here?

2008-04-04 Thread kcrisman

Sorry - that was during our spring break and I must have missed it.
Anyway, nice to see it getting play on the MAA website as well, where
I saw it first.

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[sage-devel] Re: Initial support for posets

2008-04-24 Thread kcrisman

The following references would seem relevant for what a "typical"
mathematician might think coming to Sage who isn't directly involved
in either kind of lattice on a daily basis, though it's not clear that
it resolves this discussion, since the authors below are self-
selecting.  The idea that a "point" lattice (and hence Euclidean
lattice) is a special case of a "poset" lattice is interesting, though
I don't see how would that work for the cocompact definition or for
unordered fields...

- kcrisman


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[sage-devel] Re: documentation for 'view'

2008-05-09 Thread kcrisman

On May 9, 3:25 pm, John H Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've posted a patch to the trac server with some documentation changes
> along these lines:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3145

Just a question from the uninformed peanut gallery - under 2.10.3 in
the notebook, I get slightly different behavior for
where the show consistently seems to make all symbols the same size,
while view seems to shrink fractions - is this some difference between
$$ $$ and $ $ which might be dealt with in John's patch, or is it a
feature, or anything else?  It also typesets x+y as y+x, interestingly
(related to others threads, I think).  I apologize for using the older
version, that is what I have access to now.

Also, on a related note, should anything happen if one does not have
xdvi installed?  Sort of like show() uses the default .png viewer,
maybe is there a way to use a default .dvi viewer, if such a thing
exists.  This would be the case in OSX if one hasn't installed it via
Fink or some other way (and would one have to open X11 to do so even

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: documentation for 'view'

2008-05-11 Thread kcrisman

> > Just a question from the uninformed peanut gallery - under 2.10.3 in
> > the notebook, I get slightly different behavior for
> > view([f,x+var('y'),25*x^2])
> > and
> > show([f,x+var('y'),25*x^2])
> > where the show consistently seems to make all symbols the same size,
> First, these don't have anything to do with my patch.  In the
> notebook, I think that things are displayed using JSMath, about which
> I know nothing.  As far as I can tell from looking at the source code,
> though, 'view' typesets things in "in-line" mode, so fractions (for
> example) are typeset in a smaller font.  On the other hand, 'show'
> sets things in "displaystyle", which doesn't use the smaller font for
> fractions, etc.

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that your patch did have anything directly
to do with it - it just caused me to wonder whether things were
exactly what you confirmed them to be - thanks!

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Joint Math Meetings opportunities

2008-05-13 Thread kcrisman

Dear Sage-devel,

The JMM are in Washington, DC, this year, and I wanted to point out a
few opportunities/events of interest to Sage folks.

First, David Joyner, Marshall Hampton, and I have organized a panel
session on using open source technology in undergraduate courses.  We
will definitely have David speaking on Sage, as well as someone from R
and WebWorK.  It will be Tuesday afternoon of the conference, and I
*strongly* encourage anyone who gets this to attend this panel if they
are at the JMM.

Also, there are several contributed paper sessions of the MAA which
might be relevant if someone here has something really new to say and
is interested in presenting Sage to a wider audience.  See
http://www.maa.org/meetings/cps_jmm09.html .  Some sessions I think
might be relevant include "Demos and Strategies with Technology that
Enhance Teaching and Learning Mathematics", and "Mathlets for Teaching
and Learning Mathematics".  There will also be some other panel
sessions related to OSS and software use in general which may merit

I think there might be other Sage-related opportunities as well, but I
am not in the loop on the status of those so I won't be a spoiler on
that. I barely got the chance to meet many now-familiar names at the
San Diego ones, so I hope to see many of you there!

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: Change the default base_ring for matrices from ZZ to QQ

2008-05-15 Thread kcrisman

On May 15, 10:55 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Jason Grout
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jason Grout wrote:
> >> Based on some conversations with linear algebra people and classroom
> >> demonstrations in a linear algebra class, people are confused that when
> >> they create a matrix with matrix(3, range(9)), for example, that the
> >> echelon_form is not the rref output that they get from most any other
> >> program they have ever used, and certainly not what is taught in an
> >> undergrad linear algebra class.  There is additional confusion if the
> >> entries specified have a fraction in them; then the matrix defaults to
> >> being over QQ, and the echelon_form functino gives the expected naive
> >> rref!  The problem, of course, lies in the matrix defaulting to having
> >> base_ring == ZZ (i.e., non-field).
> >> What do people think about making the default ring for matrices QQ?
> >> Additionally, if the ring R is determined from the elements provided,
> >> then the matrix would be over R.fraction_field().  Of course, the
> >> documentation for matrix() would clearly indicate what is happening if
> >> the ring is not specified.
> > More concisely, this proposal could be worded:
> > What do people think of making matrix() return a matrix over a field by
> > default, unless a ring is explicitly specified.  The default field would
> > either be the fraction field of the ring containing the specified
> > elements, or would be QQ if no elements are specified.  This logic would
> > *only* be applied if a ring is not specified.  The documentation of
> > matrix() would also be changed accordingly.
> +1
> I suggested this idea.  I would never do this is Sage were "just for me",
> but Sage isn't.  Please keep that in mind when reading the above proposal...
>  -- William

I was just discussing this very issue with my chair yesterday.  He had
created some wrappers to make using the elementary operations a little
easier for linear algebra students (though I think ended up sticking
with Octave for this semester for unrelated reasons), and then noticed
this with scaling rows under his first implementation.

What happens if you start with something like matrix(3, range(9)), but
then want to turn it into a complex matrix and scale a row by (say) i/
2?  Under the current scaling code, this happens:

sage: N.rescale_col(2,i/2)
 Traceback (most recent call

: unable to convert I/2 to a rational

I certainly have no problem with matrices starting off as rational
ones - a great idea!  But it doesn't directly affect this sort of
issue - one could still start with a matrix over ZZ and then want to
multiply it later on by 1/2 without using change_ring().

What I am wondering is whether throwing an exception of TypeError
under the current code should be replaced by a try statement first
attempting N.changering(??) . The problem is I have no idea what to
use for ??, because unfortunately i/2 lives in Symbolic Ring, not in
CC, so I can't just put in ??=parent(i/2).  It would sort of be beside
of the point of making Sage easier to use in the linear algebra
classroom if we had to explicitly type CC(i/2) everytime we wanted to
use i/2.

In any case, what "should" happen in the scaling context when scaling
by something mathematically legitimate, but not in the ring the matrix
is defined over in Sage?

- kcrisman

(By the way, the wrapper code is nice and well-documented, at
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[sage-devel] Re: Change the default base_ring for matrices from ZZ to QQ

2008-05-15 Thread kcrisman

> I'm not sure I understand the problem.  Here is an example session in
> Sage 3.0.1.  Can you change this to illustrate what you mean?

Sorry, Jason, the example was sort of buried in my post.  Here is a
concise version.

sage: A=matrix(QQ,3,range(9))
sage: A

[0 1 2]
[3 4 5]
[6 7 8]
sage: A.rescale_row(2,i/2)
 Traceback (most recent call

: unable to convert I/2 to a rational

William is right about it being (nearly) orthogonal - the common
projection is to use in pedagogical circumstances.

This is now http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3212.
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[sage-devel] Improving rescaling of matrices

2008-06-02 Thread kcrisman

Referring to http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3212, I have to
do a little cleaning up before submitting it for review, but have some
code for allowing rescaling of matrices by "logical" scalars not in
the base ring.  However, in order to do this, I need to return a copy,
not modify the original, and robertwb raises the point that perhaps
then rescale_row etc. should *always* return a copy, for

I don't feel at all qualified to make this decision, and wanted some
feedback.  This seems like it could break other code which assumes
that a new reference doesn't have to be created, but of course this is
a place where inconsistency could be very confusing too.  Another
option is to scrap the idea altogether, but then we continue to have
the problem that one couldn't scale a row by an element of an
extension of the field of fractions of the base ring (e.g., one
couldn't scale a row of a matrix over QQ by I or \sqrt{2}).

Thanks for any feedback.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Improving rescaling of matrices

2008-06-02 Thread kcrisman

> >> Maybe rescale_row and rescale_col should retain their current
> >> semantics, and we should have new methods with_rescaled_row and
> >> with_rescaled_col that always return a modified copy and never modify
> >> the original.  Then rescale_row and rescale_col could catch the type
> >> error from #3212, and produce a new type error that says something
> >> like "rescale_row cannot change the base ring of the matrix; try
> >> with_rescaled_row instead".
> > +1 -- that's a great idea!
> Another +1, this is the best solution I've heard so far.
> - Robert

Unless someone continues this thread, I will assume that this idea
carries the day in finishing work on this ticket (which may now take a
bit longer).  Thanks very much for the input.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: osx, easy install, steps 4-6

2008-06-04 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 4, 12:13 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hi
> I just read the installation readme and built my own application to
> start the sageserver:
> Just start the Apple-ScriptEditor and enter the following code:
> tell application "Terminal"
>         do script "/Applications/sage/sage -notebook"
> end tell
> Well, that's all. Now only save the script as a program-bundle. After
> that, you can assign the .app file a nice icon and put it in your
> dock, click it, see firefox coming up and have fun.
> I'd propose that this app could be part of the sage-install
> bundle... ;-)
> Hope, you like this tip
> greeting,
> Kai-Philipp
> p.s.: I am absolutely new to sage, maybe someone knows some good
> resources for doing dsp in sage? Any tips appreciated. thnx

This is nice, with similar functionality to several other proposed
ways of doing it you might find by searching the threads.  I do like
that it makes a .app.

Unfortunately, this solution still doesn't behave like a "real" .app,
in the following senses:
1) Opens a Terminal window before opening the one Sage runs in (this
assumes Terminal is not already open, I think)
2) Requires one to do ^C^C in the Terminal window (and then Quit
Terminal) to finish everything off and completely quit Sage
Is there a way to modify the script so it would not do the first and
automatically do the second?  Just curious, as I've tried several
different "point-and-click" options and they all have some issue like
this; I'm definitely not saying that a way to do this actually exists,
or that if it exists it might not be really hard.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Bug Icon?

2008-06-26 Thread kcrisman


Here is an unsolicited idea which I am not capable of implementing but
which I think might be useful - or not.  See what you think.

The FF-based browser Flock is undergoing a beta, and at 
points out a "bug icon", which apparently you click on to get in their
bugzilla. This seemed like a very intriguing idea for me for the
notebook (and/or things like Knoboo); one could be sent to a form
which automatically sends something to sage-support, or be sent to
sage-support, or whatever.  I assume that there are security issues
with whatever such a thing did, but if not it would seem like
something that would make it easier for newbies to report (could have
Harald's guidelines linked) and easier for power users to report

My feeling is that anything which increases legitimate bug reports is
good, though I'm not sure whether this would help or hurt.  If it
seems good I can file a Trac for it, if not or it's too hard to
implement that's okay too.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Bug Icon?

2008-06-26 Thread kcrisman

1) and 4) - agreed, absolutely.
2) and 3) are good but miss my point - to make it one click from the
notebook to (for instance) the sage-support/post page, where of course
you would have to acquire a login. But maybe it is already pretty
clear what to do from the notebook help functionality? I've been using
command line only for a while now, I can't remember whether there is a
"bug reports" top-level thing, which there may be.
On the other hand, making this prominent says, "we want bug reports"
loud and clear. Or does it say, "buggy software" loud and clear?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Copying/moving worksheets

2008-09-02 Thread kcrisman

We are running a VMWare server for fall classes.  However, we have run
into the disturbing problem that if we want to use a newer version of
Sage (such as to get the plotting improvements), we would need to
(quoting William in the earlier version of this thread) "upload them
tediously one by one."  This basically means we can't upgrade Sage in
the middle of the semester if even a few students decide to use Sage,
and we are hoping for a score or two or them to do so.  Also, will the
user info migrate, or would they have to be readded?

One thing the admin has tried is copying old worksheets into different
possible directories, just as a crazy thing to do, for instance given
. Now, http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tut/node45.html makes it clear
where the worksheet pages are supposed to live.  But today I verified
that the version of at least one of my worksheets that in fact shows
up in the browser lives in ~/sage_notebook/worksheets/admin , while
others definitely live in ~/.sage/sage_notebook/worksheets/admin .  It
isn't a case of a reference, either, because there is an older version
of the first worksheet in the .sage directory, while in the other case
the worksheet *only* exists in the .sage/ directory.  So now I am
unsure whether I should even try to move my own worksheets around on
my personal computer!

I would love to try to fix this but unfortunately know nothing about
these issues, and our admin is not likely to try to fix the code.  Is
there any sense (on support or devel) of whether either of these
things might be resolved soon (or in the second case, if it's even
been noticed before - I haven't seen it in a fairly exhaustive sage-
support search)?  We would obviously prefer if yes, but even if not,
then at least we can prepare for this properly and not send students
on wild goose chases for their data.

Thanks much.
- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: Copying/moving worksheets

2008-09-03 Thread kcrisman

> All persistant user data, including worksheeds, should be stored in the 
> ~/.sage
> directory (unless specifically specified otherwise). I'm not sure why you
> have stuff in ~/sage_notebook (unless it's from a really old copy of
> Sage), but you if you copy ~/.sage from your old vmware image (or
> computer) to the new one, everything should be there. That's probably
> the easiest way to do it (for now). Have you tried that?
> - Robert

Sorry, I thought it had mentioned that the second issue was just on my
computer, which is a locally compiled 3.0.6 on PPC Tiger.  Yes, I did
once upon a time have a very old version of Sage, so that's why I have
~/sage_notebook at all.  But what is odd is that I've never asked the
notebook to go to a different place, yet for some reason it is
accessing two different locations.  The worksheet admin/2 is
definitely the one in sage_notebook, any admin/x for x>5 is definitely
in .sage (since there is no admin/x for x>5 in sage_notebook).  I will
check this again tomorrow if I get a chance, because it seemed very
bizarre to me too.  It doesn't cause any problems (other than not
Trashing, etc., which is universal), but it still gives me pause.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Notebook Version #

2008-09-23 Thread kcrisman

As far as I can tell, when one uses the notebook directly, there is no
announcement of the version number of Sage; for that matter, it's not
even on the front page of the help.  This is not a really big deal,
but might occasionally be nice, say maybe right under the "Sage
notebook" header on the home page and on individual notebooks.
I suppose it would be most useful for enhancing bug reports from non-
installing users.  In case anyone also thinks this is useful, for
posterity I have recorded it as http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4177
.  As usual, apologies if this one already exists; I couldn't find it
anywhere on the trac.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Notebook Version #

2008-09-23 Thread kcrisman

> You can always type "version()" in a cell to get the version number, but
> I agree, it would be a nice touch to have it

Yes, of course!  But it's unlikely a first-time bug reporter will know
to do that.

> yesterday, i had exactly the same idea ;)

Harald, glad I wasn't the only one!

> (but please make it small
> and not very distracting).

Yes, the request for small font is in the trac ticket.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Vote for TinyMCE spkg

2008-10-14 Thread kcrisman

On Oct 14, 11:11 am, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter wrote:
> > There is a WYSIWYG equation plugin for TinyMCE that has a demo page at
> >http://www.imathas.com/editordemo/demo.html.
> > On Firefox it uses MathML, and on other browsers it uses a graphics
> > images fallback approach.
> The javascript svg editor plugin there also looks very interesting.  The
> homepage for it is
> http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/asciisvg.html
> for further reference.

This is so much better and easier than WebEq (those who've used
Blackboard will know) that it's not even funny.  Shows that javascript
beats Java when you have small things to do, I suppose; wow!

Are any of these things very browser-compatible?  In particular I
refer to Safari and Opera - e.g. the svg page, or at least its
graphics, won't render properly in Safari 3.1.2, as the page points

I particularly like the possibility of using this to draw a graph of
sin(x) in a text box under a Sage-generated graph of sin(x) in a
cell... actually, I don't know if I like that or not, but it does have
a fairly intuitive structure as far as the graphs are concerned.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Final Sage 3.1.3 sources are out

2008-10-15 Thread kcrisman

Related to Mike's fix is the macports/fink error message; this is hard
to fix for those without a lot of shell experience.  Could this be
added to the build error message when /sw or /opt/local is in the
PATH?  It would have made things easier for me, and I was even
expecting this because of the thread a little bit ago on this issue.
(Borrowed from David H.'s fix, which worked for me.)

"To fix this, type env and copy the entry PATH.  Paste this somewhere
in a text editor and remove the directories involving /opt/local or /
sw, and copy this.  Then type
export PATH=...
where you now type in those remaining directories after the equals

I guess I assume people compiling it do know what a directory is, but
this seems safer than assuming they know how to change their PATH.  I
have no idea where this is located in the code, or I might try to do
it myself without destroying something.

Thanks, if this is an okay suggestion,
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Final Sage 3.1.3 sources are out

2008-10-15 Thread kcrisman

Builds fine in real  time  349m6.025s on PPC OSX.4

Same "problem", fixed by moving init.sage.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Notebook Version #

2008-10-17 Thread kcrisman

> > yesterday, i had exactly the same idea ;)
> Harald, glad I wasn't the only one!
> > (but please make it small
> > and not very distracting).
> Yes, the request for small font is in the trac ticket.

For those who were interested in this, a patch is up for review at

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Using Pynac variables in plot has problems

2008-10-21 Thread kcrisman

The new variables don't seem to work well with the plotting code as
is;  I give below output for two plots using old and new variables.  I
assume this is known, but just wanted to put it out there.

On the plus side, the new variables are MUCH faster.  How do I know?
Because for the first time ever using Sage, I don't have to wait for a
variable!  It is also nice to not see that "Exiting spawned Maxima
process." message.  So thank you to Burcin and the rest involved in

- kcrisman


Using old variables in 3.2.alpha0 works fine:
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: plot(x^2,0,1) [works]
sage: plot(x^2,x,0,1) [works]

Using new variables in same version, not so good:
sage: var('x,y,z', ns=1)
(x, y, z)
sage: (x+y).variables()
[x, y]  # proves we have the new variables
sage: plot(x^2,0,1)
verbose 0 (3605: plot.py, _plot) WARNING: When plotting, failed to
evaluate function at 400 points.
verbose 0 (3605: plot.py, _plot) Last error message:
''sage.symbolic.expression.Expression' object is not callable'
sage: plot(x^2,x,0,1)
verbose 0 (3400: plot.py, plot) there were 3 extra arguments (besides
UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call

/Users/.../site-packages/sage/plot/plot.pyc in plot(funcs, *args,
   3601 if do_show:
   3602 G.show()
-> 3603 return G
   3605 def _plot(funcs, xrange, parametric=False,

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'G' referenced before assignment

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[sage-devel] Re: Using Pynac variables in plot has problems

2008-10-21 Thread kcrisman

> If you wrap it in a python function, for now, you can get the functionality 
> you want:

> It might exist only in our heads :-)  But there is actually a file
> todo.txt that is here in sage-3.2.*:
>      devel/sage/sage/symbolic/todo.txt

Both answers are very helpful - thanks!

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Lazy Infinite Power Series

2008-10-29 Thread kcrisman

> By the way, I wish the queues *were* exposed via the hg_sage.*
> interface.

+1 to this, and that the documentation for it on the Wiki compared
things to action under the 'usual' commands, or that documentation for
it was under the Programmer's Guide.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: calling symbolic expressions, was: Why Sage needs var(...) commands unlike Mathematica?

2008-11-07 Thread kcrisman

> >>> The current syntax allows this:
> >>> sage: f(x,y) = a*x + b*y
> >>> sage: f(5)
> >>> b*y + 5*a
> >>> sage: f(5)(5)
> >>> b*y + 25
> >>> I think the last line should be a syntax error.
> >> I agree, since f was explicitly defined with variables x and y.
> >> f(5) should return a function g(y) = b*y+5*a
> >> I think this could be easily changed (just return a function that has
> >> explicit variables, rather than just a symbolic expression).
> > I would still like to check that the length of the arguments match, and
> > raise an error if they don't. So, continuing the above example,
> > sage: f(5)
> > should raise an error.
> > It might be better if
> > sage: f(5, None)
> > or
> > sage: f(5,y)
> > returned the function g(y) = b*y+5*a.
> I agree with both of those alternatives, and agree that it would be
> better to insist that f take two arguments.
> Jason

These last suggestions seem reasonable for symbolic expressions of
more than one argument/variable, very much in the spirit of the (very
important and useful) compromise to have 'x' predefined as a variable
but none others.

If x^2 isn't callable, though, I might as well not use Sage in the
undergraduate classroom, or at least not ask any students to use it.
Well, maybe that's a stretch for me to claim?  I'm not sure, honestly,
but ... it's just that computer mathematics systems are pedantic
enough as it is - for obvious reasons, but with too much of it I would
rather teach 1900-style and have them learn to visualize and compute
on their own (radical idea, I know!), since that also has a lot of
benefits pedagogically and mathematically.  But I would really rather
have both.

Just my two cents.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: calling symbolic expressions, was: Why Sage needs var(...) commands unlike Mathematica?

2008-11-07 Thread kcrisman

> How would x^2 being callable help?  Can you give a use case for showing
> that x^2 being callable is much easier/simpler than without it being
> callable?
> I'm not saying it shouldn't be callable; I'm just asking for your opinion.

Sorry, it is probably my ignorance showing here.  It sounded like the
thread was suggesting that perhaps if f=x^2 then f(2) should be 2x^2,
not 4, and my understanding was that this was what it meant to not be
callable.  Also it sounded like then plot(x^2,0,1) would have to be
plot(x^2,x,0,1) in that case.  If I am mistaken, that's fine.

I feel like by letting f=x^2 be available instead of f(x)=x^2, we are
lowering the bar to use of Sage; the more conventions like this to
remember, the harder it is to use - not because people can't use it,
but because the frustration quotient (especially in a big class) is
high enough to drop it, since there are better things to do with one's
time than have to explain this sort of thing again and again.  It
doesn't mean I personally would stop using Sage, just that I might not
use it as often as I would like in a class.  However, I am glad it's
being discussed - it is interesting to learn about the different
reasons for such things.

The real issue is that someone who has the option of getting a site
license for something else (or using an existing one) might decide to
use that instead of Sage - not because of this per se, but because
they weigh "larger user base and program I am familiar with, even if
it has minor annoyances" or whatever against "various minor
annoyances, including this one, in program I'm not very familiar with"
- even if both programs have the same behavior, which I don't know
since I don't have the opportunity to use them.

So if the goal of Sage is to compete with them, which for now (and
hopefully in the future too!) may mean needing to be even better than
them, then part of that should be to allow things like this.  It is a
minor annoyance to somebody either way, but it seems like this is a
case where it's a minor annoyance (as opposed to the major annoyance
of all letters being predefined as variables) for some, where the
other way would be a slightly more major annoyance for others.  At
least, that's how I view it, both in my research and teaching.  So
far, I think Sage has done a pretty good job balancing these things,
as someone else said earlier in the thread.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] [slightly OT] Interesting iPhone app

2008-11-13 Thread kcrisman


Just a reminder that there could be a very big 'market' for Sage Lite
if/when it appears... in the meantime sounds like a great way to get
some quick graphs on a phone.  In case you have that need sometimes.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4.2.alpha0 released!

2009-04-25 Thread kcrisman

Builds from scratch fine on OSX.4 on PPC G4.  I do have a couple
random things which came out of it, but I assume these are known -
just in case, I post them:

1. I get this error message during the Sphinx run:

docstring of
7: (ERROR/3) Unknown directive type "notes".

.. notes::

Primality of elements of S is not checked, and the output
is undefined if S is not a list or contains non-primes.

This only tests the given model, so should only be applied to
minimal models.

2. I get a lot of warnings like this during the Sphinx run:

WARNING: html_favicon is not an .ico file

3. I get this - maybe something wrong in this file:

sage/plot/plot3d/parametric_surface.pyx:203:20: cdef variable 'u'
declared after it is used

4. During cloning, I get a lot of this:

warning can't open dynamic library: libpari-gmp.dylib referenced
from: /Users/.../sage-3.4.2.alpha0/local/lib/libcsage.dylib (checking
for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory,
errno = 2)

Hope it helps,

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Wolfram Alpha and Google (Trendalyzer)

2009-04-28 Thread kcrisman

I believe these services are at least partially relevant to this list,
particularly the Wolfram announcement.  If they have been mentioned
recently here, my apologies.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: Trac server down?

2009-04-28 Thread kcrisman

> Is it just me?

No, I get the same thing right now.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: 3.4.2.rc0 reviews ... tick tock

2009-04-29 Thread kcrisman

> Yep. Small, localized fixes is exactly what we want at this stage :)

See #5438 (just a rebase of a positive review) and #5933 (doctests in
primes.py) for other examples of this.  I believe there might be a few
other documentation-only patches as well in trac, though perhaps some
have already been reviewed.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4.2.rc0 release!

2009-04-30 Thread kcrisman

Upgrades fine from 3.4.2.alpha0 on G4 PPC OSX.4.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4.2.rc0 release!

2009-05-01 Thread kcrisman

> >     sage: P>x^2+x
> > Expected:
> >     True
> > Got:
> >     False

Yes, I just added that test to show that Primes() has comparison.  I
was a little surprised to see the result, but it passed testing, so...

If someone posts a ticket with a suggested fix that makes Primes()
greater than everything, I can try to implement it - I  but for now I
just wanted to make sure it was clear Primes() did compare to weird
things and not throw an error.

Note in the docstring for comparing (current) symbolics that
Some comparisons are fairly arbitrary but
consistent::sage: cmp(SR(3), x) #random due to
architecture dependence-1sage: cmp(x, SR(3))
#random due to architecture dependence1"""
so perhaps it's not a Maxima thing but a symbolic comparison thing.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4.2.rc0 release!

2009-05-01 Thread kcrisman

> You should change the doctest to
> sage: P != x^2 + x
> True
> The comparison is completely arbitrary and will be machine specific.
> However equality or not is not arbitrary.
> > sage: cmp(SR(3), x) in [-1,1]
> > True

Okay, those both seem like reasonable suggestions - patch is up with
William's fix at  # 5959.

> In the future of python, things that don't have a sensible order throw a 
> TypeError when comparing:
> http://docs.python.org/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html#ordering-comparisons
> Why don't we just throw an error?

As for throwing an error, probably that should be done Sage-wide for
things that don't make sense, not piecemeal.  At least I don't feel
comfortable opening that can of worms!

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: NSF futures in comp alg conference: some comments

2009-05-02 Thread kcrisman

Great report!

David and I are now at the East Coast Computer Algebra Day which
followed his conference, and David Bailey is speaking about PSLQ.  Any
sense on the status of http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/853
?  It seems like this is one of the few things Maple etc. have that
Sage does not from this standpoint - or has a different implementation
since been added?  Also, there are some licensing issues probably,
just from perusing the relevant websites mentioned on that ticket.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4.2.rc0 release!

2009-05-02 Thread kcrisman

> For the record: This is now #5966 and will be fixed in 3.4.2.final.

It also has been #5959, with a patch, since yesterday morning -
figured if I caused the trouble, I should fix it :)  That doesn't
address "needlessly starting Maxima" but unfortunately I won't be able
to address that til at least Monday.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4.2.rc0 release!

2009-05-05 Thread kcrisman

Just FYI, Bressoud and Wagon's Computational Number Theory book has a
more elementary (and very readable) account of this type of formula -
starting with Legendre and going through Meissel and Lehmer, from
around page 130 to page 140 - including fairly explicit implementation

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Clarification of Sage and GPL

2009-05-06 Thread kcrisman

Wow, I really missed quite a thread.

So is there any final consensus on this?  Is the following Sage
program automatically GPL?


Or only in the following form?


Please no flames!  I only wanted to know if there was a consensus, I
got sort of confused by 50 messages on this in my RSS reader at once.

If there isn't a consensus (and it seems there is not) then please
don't reply, and I will go along with Rob B. and publish whatever Sage
worksheets I want to under whatever license I deem appropriate, if

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] loads(dumps(G)) for G a graphics object

2009-05-07 Thread kcrisman

Dear Devel,

I am hoping to help the push to 75% by adding some doctests to some of
the plotting primitives.  But for some reason, the following always

sage: G = some graphics object
sage: G == loads(dumps(G))

Nonetheless, no matter how hard I try, I cannot actually find a
difference between G and loads(dumps(G)) when I view both of them,
look at xmin(), options(), etc.  Why aren't they ==?

In any case, in plot.py and plot_field.py this is already worked
around by
sage: G = plot(something)
sage: H = loads(dumps(G))
so I'll go with that if there are no objections, but I would much
prefer == if possible.  Incidentally, sage -coverage does not complain
about the current H=loads(dumps(G)) test.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: loads(dumps(G)) for G a graphics object

2009-05-07 Thread kcrisman

> > Because graphics objects don't implement equality (there are no __eq__
> > or __cmp__ methods defined), so the default implementation is used,
> > which is "is" (object identity, pointer equality).
> > Carl
> Ergo, you should implement __cmp__.

Umm... how would I do that?  Or is "you" cwitty?  Maybe if one of you
pointed me to a "good" implementation of __cmp__ for a similar type of
object, that would be helpful.

I don't know that I could do that in time for 4.0, though, so I'll
keep working on the other stuff with current loads(dumps()) behavior,
since it is already in two of the plot files.

Thanks for any other input,
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Clarification of Sage and GPL

2009-05-07 Thread kcrisman

> Most of all, everyone, please go read the damn GPL!

Out of curiosity, does anyone on the list actually know a lawyer at
FSF?  I wouldn't be surprised if someone does with all the Boston

If so, getting even a small piece of FSF's "official" position,
without all the IANAL stuff, on whether (say) a notebook worksheet
containing small programs without "import" statements or whatever
would be a derived work or not might be actually useful in the long
run, not even sage-flame bait.  At this point it really seems like the
whole thread is about what a "derived" work that "links" is, and these
are not necessarily well-defined terms, at least judging by this
thread's length :)

Just putting it out there,
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Wolfram Alpha and Google (Trendalyzer)

2009-05-20 Thread kcrisman

> > It would be also an interface to mathematica.
> Good point.  Alpha does integrals as well.  That might be useful.

To be fair, integrals.wolfram.com has already done that for a while.

> Jason

The following page is particularly relevant to Vinzent's remark:
http://www.wolframalpha.com/examples/Math.html, e.g. the last example
calculates various things about the 8_1 knot, including braid rep,
Kaufmann polynomial etc.  Or, PrimeOmega[1000] yields 6 and explicitly
states it's computed by Mathematica.  You can even do things like
"solve 3x+4y=5 over the integers".

The answer to "solve y^2=x^3+1 over the integers" was substantially
less helpful, though technically correct, I think.  But typing in
Partitions[1000] yields that Wolfram Alpha isn't sure what to do with
your input (perhaps Alpha doesn't have the Combinatorica package
installed); even "Partitions" as input yields that result, which
surprises me, because a dictionary-like entry shows up for
"partitions".  Probably that bug will get fixed soon, one would hope.

So it is useful for casual computation and homework stuff, for sure -
which is a good resource to have freely available, kudos to Wolfram
for that.  But it doesn't look like it is even close to free
Mathematica notebook usage, either in having full capabilities (yet)
or in being able to structure things, write programs etc.

For what it's worth,
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: not all controls on interact should trigger an update

2009-05-21 Thread kcrisman

Something closely related was discussed but apparently never
implemented a while ago (a box to click for not updating immediately,
which would be unclicked when one wanted things to update again).
Would this idea be relevant to your needs?


- kcrisman

On May 21, 7:25 am, Pablo Angulo  wrote:
> > You are correct.  Right now one can't do what you want with controls.
> >  It would
> > be possible for us to implement it though.  How would you like to
> > specify that a control
> > doesn't cause a change?
> For example,
> @interact
> def _(var1=input_box(default_value=1, trigger_updates=False),
> var2=input_box(default_value=0, trigger_updates=True)):
>     ...
> > William
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 4.0.rc0 released!

2009-05-21 Thread kcrisman

Same problem here to some extent:

During upgrade from 4.0.alpha0 on OSX.4 G4 Powerbook, on the Sphinx
build process I repeatedly get the following or a similar error:

ImportError: dlopen(.../sage/symbolic/constants.so): Library not
loaded: .../local/lib/libpynac-0.1.2.dylib Reason: image not found

Then sage prompt appears after a similar error, and
sage: 2+2
sage: x
both fail for lack of definition of Integer and x.

Once I get rid of the same file, I have success, like Jaap:

| Sage Version 4.0.rc0, Release Date: 2009-05-21 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
sage: 2+2
sage: f(x)=x^2
sage: f(4)
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.18s, Wall time 0m22.67s).

No Maxima exit!!! :)  And to compare:

| Sage Version 4.0.rc0, Release Date: 2009-05-21 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
sage: %time f(x)=x^2;f(4)
CPU times: user 0.01 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.02 s
Wall time: 0.02 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.16s, Wall time 0m13.66s).

| Sage Version 3.4.1.rc1, Release Date: 2009-04-05   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
Loading Sage library. Current Mercurial branch is: hackbranch
sage: %time f(x)=x^2;f(4)
CPU times: user 0.05 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 0.11 s
Wall time: 1.15 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.25s, Wall time 0m17.31s).
Exiting spawned Maxima process.

- kcrisman

On May 21, 1:59 pm, Jaap Spies  wrote:
> mabshoff wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I gotta run to the airport, but sources and upgrade bits of 4.0.rc0
> > are in
> >    http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/release-cycles-4.0/rc0/
> > Once I get online I will post more info, but I am sure this will take
> > a couple hours. Sorry.
> Upgrading from alpha0 on Fedora 10 failed somehow. I had to remove 
> constants.so
> by hand.
> $ rm devel/sage/build/sage/symbolic/constants.so
> Now testing.
> On Fedora 9 I'll do a fresh install.
> Jaap
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[sage-devel] Re: not all controls on interact should trigger an update

2009-05-21 Thread kcrisman

> Actually, I did implement this 
> athttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5194, and it was merged in
> Sage 3.3.

Yes, this is documented - sorry for the mixup.  It works as advertised
- including that for now, the image disappears as soon as one changes
a control.

A quick search using the wiki's search engine yields no examples on
the Wiki, though, and the paragraph explaining it in interact? is a
little confusing in grammar though the example is clear.  Does anyone
have a non-trivial example they have already used which could be
posted on the wiki (perhaps under a separate heading, or maybe the
example on the front page could be modified...)

Sorry again for not realizing that had been merged; it's a great

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Thread for random comments about pynac review

2009-05-22 Thread kcrisman

My apologies if these comments belong on the ticket; my original
intent was simply to assist the "official" referees of this stuff in
case they missed them (assuming that they are in fact problems), but
it seems now have pointed out things that just possibly might engender
discussion, so I figure I'll post them here.  Everything refers to
changes of one kind or another brought on by the Pynac switch to
things in sage.calculus.

1. This is a very naive comment, but why are all the calculus/
calculus.py methods not in the form
and instead in the form
?  I understand why - in some sense it makes more sense than the usual
convention - but it runs counter to all other files I've seen, where
self is the first argument, including the same functions in the old

2. Also (unrelated), in calculus/all.py, we import diff, derivative,
expand, taylor, simplify from calculus/functional.py, but does not
import lim, limit, integral, or integrate.  As a result, the
docstrings for these functions are not the ones from calculus/
functional.py, but from calculus/calculus.py.  That isn't a problem
for limit or lim, because the docstring there seems to be slightly
better than the one in calculus/functional.py, but...

The one for integral/integrate is woefully tiny, coming as it does
from misc/functional.py (???), and doesn't even mention definite
integration.  (Note that previously integral? and integrate? gave
different docstrings, which was already weird.)  I suppose a side
issue is whether one needs them in calculus/functional.py at all if
they aren't imported, though if not the docstring issue should be

3. Also, in functional.py line 297 it should probably be "allows more
limits to be calculated", not "allows more integrals to be
calculated".  I think this occurs both places this docstring exists,
so it is likely from before the switch.

I hope such nitpicky things are okay.
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Thread for random comments about pynac review

2009-05-22 Thread kcrisman

> 1. This is a very naive comment, but why are all the calculus/
> calculus.py methods not in the form
> {{{
> function(self,parameters)}}}
> and instead in the form
> {{{
> function(ex,parameters)}}}
> or
> {{{
> function(expression,parameters)}}}
> ?  I understand why - in some sense it makes more sense than the usual
> convention - but it runs counter to all other files I've seen, where
> self is the first argument, including the same functions in the old
> calculus/calculus.py.

I think I answered this myself, sorry - they are not any longer
methods of a class.

But then it is even weirder that we have two functional versions of
"integral", one in misc/functional and the other in calculus/calculus
(not to mention calculus/functional).   Note that in fact the
docstring for calculus/calculus.py passes tests but is (implicitly)
testing the wrong functional integral, because the globally defined
integral calls only f.integral, while the integral defined in calculus/
calculus.py is different.  In fact:
 sage: integrate(sin,0,1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
as before, because it is trying to coerce sin to SR and then
apply .integral but never gets there (and hence never uses this
integral function), while
sage: from sage.calculus.calculus import integral as cool_integral
sage: cool_integral(sin,0,1)
-cos(1) + 1
Which IMHO, which I know is not shared, is correct.  [ I will even
concede that the indefinite integral of sin could happily throw an
error, but this case is unambiguous and the code is right there in
calculus/calculus.py, which never asks anyone to evaluate f=x^2 as a
callable, I promise :) ]

Anyway, calculus.calculus integral is used by symbolic.expression
self.integral, so it's not like the code is unused, but somewhere it
seems like there is redundancy here, and I figured this was worth
pointing out, even though I am not sure which one should be considered

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 4.0.1.alpha0 released!

2009-06-02 Thread kcrisman

> > Come on, guys; is it really so hard to run "sage -docbuild reference
> > html" and check the output before you submit (or give a positive
> > review to) a patch?
> > \end{grumble}
> I've added this to the patch review guidelines:
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/TracGuidelines#ReviewingPatches

Though I'll point out, for the sake of argument, that some of us have
such underpowered computers that even running full doctests is not
practical (i.e. everything times out), and given how long it takes to
build the documentation whenever I even upgrade, there could be
circumstances where this is also less practical.  Is there a way to
run the docbuild just on one file/one set of files?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage "Grand Tour"

2009-06-05 Thread kcrisman

> due to a *major* bug in the tinyMCE integration, which anybody who has
> seriously used the SAge notebook has run into.  Nobody has come up
> with a clean test case though.  My worksheet is unfortunately
> completely scrambled, and I'll have to spend an hour sorting it
> through.   Jason, since you wrote the tinymce integration into sage,
> any idea why it would randomly scramble things?

Yes, and it's always just before class is about to start.  It's SO

> If *anybody* has any idea how to systematically replicate this "random
> scrambling" of worksheet contents, please post.

I can't quite do it, though I've tried many times.  BUT I do know what
it does, I think.  I believe that somehow TinyMCE is recording the
inputs and eventually gets too much input if you don't save the
worksheet.  Then (I'm pretty sure, again can't replicate) everything
since your last save/the last time TinyMCE could handle it is appended
in REVERSE order at the bottom of the worksheet - check it out!  I
hope this helps Jason or someone else replicate it.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] TinyMCE issue

2009-06-06 Thread kcrisman

> >> due to a *major* bug in the tinyMCE integration, which anybody who has
> >> seriously used the SAge notebook has run into.  Nobody has come up
> >> with a clean test case though.  My worksheet is unfortunately
> >> completely scrambled, and I'll have to spend an hour sorting it
> >> through.   Jason, since you wrote the tinymce integration into sage,
> >> any idea why it would randomly scramble things?
> > Yes, and it's always just before class is about to start.  It's SO
> > annoying.
> Unfortunately, I just got done teaching my last class before the
> summer break, so now it'll be even harder to debug this!
> >> If *anybody* has any idea how to systematically replicate this "random
> >> scrambling" of worksheet contents, please post.
> > I can't quite do it, though I've tried many times.  BUT I do know what
> > it does, I think.  I believe that somehow TinyMCE is recording the
> > inputs and eventually gets too much input if you don't save the
> > worksheet.  Then (I'm pretty sure, again can't replicate) everything
> > since your last save/the last time TinyMCE could handle it is appended
> > in REVERSE order at the bottom of the worksheet - check it out!  I
> > hope this helps Jason or someone else replicate it.
> That makes some sense.  Not having looked yet, I'm guessing that the
> TinyMCE code in Sage doesn't properly verify that code was actually
> inserted by the server into the server's copy of the worksheet.  E.g.,
> when you insert a new cell in the notebook, you do *not* see that new
> cell inserted until the message goes to the server "insert this cell",
> then a message comes *back* saying "new cell inserted".Try the
> following:
>(1) start the notebook server
>(2) make a worksheet with some cells include some tinymce cells
>(3) kill the notebook server.
>(4) notice that you get a big error when you attempt to insert a cell
>(5) try to edit a tinymce cell.  Notice that everything appears to
> work fine, but in fact it can't be since the server doesn't exist.
> The above "proves" that if the message "this text cell has changed"
> from the web browser to the server somehow gets dropped, then one will
> silently just have edits vanish.   Maybe they get sent later, which is
> why they appear elsewhere in the document.
> In any case, irregardless of it fixing the reording bug or not, the
> tinymce integration code should be changed so that when you save your
> changes to a cell, it does a roundtrip to the server to make damn sure
> the changes really got sent.

Here are some possibly related issues which have come up on this list
and sage-support, which I record here for convenience.

1. Very often (but maddeningly not 100% reproducible, maybe 90% for
me) the second-to-last place one can Shift-Click will not create a
TinyMCE region, no matter how often one tries.

2. Open new worksheet, put text above and below the cell (don't bother
to put anything in the Sage cell). Now save/quit, and reopen; you will
have a new (2nd) Sage cell below your second text.  This is
reproducible, though I'm not sure it's a bug.

3. If you click on a text area too many times in a row before it saves
(again, not consistently reproducible, but three often does it),
perhaps before it sends to the server? then you will get a weird-
looking text box which is NOT TinyMCE, but just a box with save and
cancel buttons that do nothing; also, all text is now just plain
text.  At this point I usually have to just save the worksheet, reopen
it, and hope for the best.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: How do you doctest an underscored function?

2009-06-09 Thread kcrisman

> This means that you can either not have (semi)private functions in
> your code or any code submissions to sage will be automatically
> rejected due to the 100% doctest requirement, unless I am overlooking
> something silly.

What I will say is probably silly, but sometimes it's tripped me up.
Did you try adding the line
from doctest import _underscore
to your example?  I am never quite sure when that is necessary but
since presumably doctest.py isn't automatically imported into your
Sage, it could help.  I don't know why nounderscore would show a

However, there are plenty of well-documented underscored functions in
Sage, so that is not the problem per se.  Also, it appears you are
using a global Sage install, but I have no idea whether that would
affect anything.

Hope this helps, but it likely won't.  Good luck.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: announcements, history, release notes

2009-06-16 Thread kcrisman

> The file HISTORY.txt has been updated with releases up to and
> including Sage 4.0.1. It has been uploaded to the Sage website, and is
> available at
> http://www.sagemath.org/src/announce/HISTORY.txt

About time that happened, though it was a bear to do, I'm sure - great
work, Minh!

By the way, the release notes for 3.0.3 never happened, but they do
exist (somewhere) on sage-devel if you go through them enough (as I
had to once), so if you are looking for something to occupy a half-
hour (!) you could add those... ;)

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: typesetting partial derivatives

2009-06-16 Thread kcrisman

> So the conclusion is that we will go with the Mathematica style notation.

Does that also apply to Golam's earlier comment

   (a) If we all agree that there is no ambiguity when the particular
argument is a "symbolic variable" or "symbolic function" then
we should typeset them as those found in text-books.
(1)  D[0,0,0] (f)(x,y)=>  \frac{\partial^3}{\partial x^3} f
(2)  D[0] (f)(g(x,y), h(z)) =>  \frac{\partial}{\partial
g(x,y)} f(g(x,y), h(y))

so that we will no longer see nicely typeset partial derivatives even
in case (a)(1) (or even Leibniz notation at all?), or is it only in
the case (b) "when the argument is an expression"?    Thanks for the

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: announcements, history, release notes

2009-06-16 Thread kcrisman

> The release note for Sage 3.0.3 is already up at
> http://www.sagemath.org/src/announce/sage-3.0.3.txt
> Michael Abshoff also copied it to sage-announce at:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-announce/browse_thread/thread/853...

Like I said, I saw it before... but it's not included in
:)  That's all I'm saying.  Thanks again for the hard work.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] the case of two texture.py files

2009-06-19 Thread kcrisman

Dear Sage-devel,

There is a file sage/plot/texture.py, and there is a file sage/plot/
plot3d/texture.py.  It appears that the plot3d version is a much
improved (e.g. supporting jmol, doctested) version of the other one,
and the only places I could find either one referred to, the import
statement is of the plot3d version.  However, I thought I would ask
before opening a ticket to remove the (presumptively) older one - any

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: sage-4.0.2

2009-06-20 Thread kcrisman

Compiled fine on OSX.4 G4 PPC.
There were a lot of warnings in Sphinx at the very end about duplicate
references within the English tutorial, usually with bibliography.rst.
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 4.1.alpha0

2009-06-24 Thread kcrisman

The source tarball and sage.math
> binary are available:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/rlmill/release/sage-4.1.alpha0.tarhttp://sage.math.washington.edu/home/rlmill/release/sage-4.1.alpha0-s...
If you are involved with one of them, you
> are encouraged to try applying the patches to 4.1.alpha0 and see why/
> if they failed. Tom and I will eventually do this, but it would be
> helpful for people involved in the ticket to get things started:

Is there an -upgrade location to go to?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage on Wikipedia

2009-06-24 Thread kcrisman

> >     * Solvers for systems of equations, ODEs, PDEs, DAEs, DDEs and
> > recurrence relations
> no clue

perhaps desolve and friends?

> >     * Numeric and symbolic tools for discrete and continuous calculus
> yes.  I don't know what "discrete calculus" means.

Probably this means difference equations.

> >     * Constrained and unconstrained local and global optimization
> no clue

would that include cvxopt? other similar tools?

> >     * Continuous and discrete integral transforms
> no clue

maybe this means Fourier, Laplace, Mellin (cont.) and discrete Fourier

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage on Wikipedia

2009-06-24 Thread kcrisman

A related page to look at would be 
Note that Mma is declared there to be "ubiquitous" while Maple only
notes its libraries' sources are viewable.  Our friends at Axiom even
link from there to a video!

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 4.1.alpha0

2009-06-25 Thread kcrisman

> Is there an -upgrade location to go to?

If the answer is no for the foreseeable future, that's
understandable.  Just asking!

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage-4.1.alpha1

2009-06-25 Thread kcrisman

Upgrade from 4.0.2 failed (as predicted by the original poster!)
during build of sage.spkg on PPC X.4, with a lot of ImportErrors e.g.
no module named mercurial, no module named jinja (to import from).  It
also pulled the outputs of the documentation, which seemed strange to
me (as opposed to building it), e.g. sage-4.1.alpha1/doc/output/html/
Hope this helps.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Maxima Errors

2009-06-25 Thread kcrisman

Thanks for that explanation, gsw.  I feel like I have a better sense
of why that happened so often in class!

- kcrisman

On Jun 25, 4:10 pm, gsw  wrote:
> Hi,
> I suspect you're just running out of RAM.
> Not necessarily physically, but the construction Sage --> expect
> interface --> Maxima --> Lisp implementation is a fragile one. If the
> Lisp implementation "thinks" it runs out of space, this is not handled
> too gracefully by Maxima, and as a consequence the synchronization
> between Sage/the expect interface, and Maxima, gets lost more or less
> often.
> Three options (none, or all, might help):
> - alter your code to do your computations in "smaller pieces"
> - move to a "bigger" machine
> - use a current Sage version (maybe the clisp ---> ecl switch does
> heal your problem, or the pynac switch, or ...)
> Good luck!
> Cheers,
> gsw
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage-4.1.alpha1

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

Built fine on G4 OSX.4.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Anybody tried search_* in 4.1.alpha1?

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

In trying to find out what was going on in another post, I tried e.g.

sage: search_src("cannot;")
find: -exec: no terminating ";"

sage: search_doc("cannot")
find: -exec: no terminating ";"

Trying to add ; at various points didn't help.  Is this just me
(4.1.alpha1 fresh build on G4 X.4)?  Is GAP running in the
background?  But when I quit, there is no message about that, and in
any case presumably GAP doesn't do the codebase search.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: axes labels in plot() still buggy

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

> I remember that the axes labelling in plot() has been discussed a
> while ago, but it seems that it still has not been fixed. If the range
> on the y-axis contains only very small numbers, the labels disappear
> altogether. Example:
> plot(2^(-20*x),(x,1,10))
> This is in sage-4.0.2. Does anyone know if a ticket for this already
> exists or is anyone working on plot()?

There are several tickets for working on that aspect of plotting.  #
5649 seems most closely related, though # 5448, if finished, might
solve a whole slew of the issues at once.  # 1431 has been unresolved
for a year and a half!

More concretely, one problem is that plot/axes.py is not very well
documented.  However, you might want to look at _tasteful_ticks and
_draw_axes_labels.  Or you might want to try to finish # 5448.  :)

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Anybody tried search_* in 4.1.alpha1?

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 26, 8:47 am, William Stein  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 2:26 PM, kcrisman wrote:
> > In trying to find out what was going on in another post, I tried e.g.
> > sage: search_src("cannot;")
> > find: -exec: no terminating ";"
> Maybe you don't have grep installed?  What happens if you do
>    sage -grep cannot
> from the command line?

That works great.

> > sage: search_doc("cannot")
> > find: -exec: no terminating ";"
> > Trying to add ; at various points didn't help.  Is this just me
> > (4.1.alpha1 fresh build on G4 X.4)?  Is GAP running in the
> > background?  But when I quit, there is no message about that, and in
> > any case presumably GAP doesn't do the codebase search.
> > - kcrisman
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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[sage-devel] Re: axes labels in plot() still buggy

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

> Would it help to open a ticket for motivation? I noticed another issue,
> namely that the y-axis range is chosen randomly and the plots look
> different every time they are evaluated. I remember reading something
> about this bug a while ago but I don't remember where.

Believe it or not, this is not a bug per se, but rather a feature of
adaptive plotting that our show() command should be made perhaps to
work around.  The y-axis range encompasses whatever points were
actually evaluated (unless you use whuss' new asymptote-avoiding
option, though the points are still generated).  For polynomials this
will not be a problem, but for anything which has irregular behavior
like an asymptote, the actual y-values will depend on the (randomized)
points chosen.  If you put randomize=False this will not happen, I
think. See

sage: from sage.plot.plot import generate_plot_points
sage: generate_plot_points?

for more information.  Ticket # 3985 is what you want for this.
Probably the easiest fix is to use a heuristic to tell
generate_plot_points when to stop plotting, similar to the resolution
of #6035, but I am uncomfortable with this approach because it is hard
to predict just how slope-y "naturally occurring" functions should be.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] hg_sage in 4.1.alpha1

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

Upon using hg_sage.import_patch with options='--no-commit', everything
works fine but I get the following extremely non-informative message
from the python-2.6 hg.py module:

DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess
  x = os.popen3(s)

Hope this helps someone do something - maybe import_patch relies on
something in Python 2.5 which is now deprecated?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: axes labels in plot() still buggy

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 26, 9:47 am, Stan Schymanski  wrote:
> This makes sense, thanks. The function that made me discover this
> behaviour does indeed tend towards an infinite slope at the boundary of
> the range I prescribed. However, I am not sure if I understand
> correctly. Can it happen that points outside of the range specified by
> xmin and xmax are evaluated? It does not seem to make sense to me to
> choose random points outside of the specified range. I thought that all
> the points chosen would include the xmin and xmax plus any points chosen
> in between. If a function gets evaluated outside of the specified range,
> it could lead to all sorts of problems if this function is not defined
> outside of this range.

Insofar as I understand the plotting code, this should not happen -
and in fact quite a bit of work went into making sure that things plot
okay even if the function is not defined right at or near (say) your
lower bound.  However, the plot boundaries are different from the show
xmin and xmax options, so maybe that is the confusion?  But I don't
think what you are describing should happen; all randomization is
within the bounds prescribed e.g. plot(1/x,0,1) would randomize
between 0 and 1 but not plot outside that range, for the very good
reason you mention.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: problem with complex_plot and real_part

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

> ipdb> print ex
> arctan2(real_part(y) + imag_part(x), real_part(x) - imag_part(y))
> Both of these fail because Sage doesn't define a symbolic arctan2
> function. There is instead a simple wrapper around arctan in
> sage/functions/trig.py:
> sage: arctan2(x,y)
> arctan(x/y)
> It's possible that this worked on 4.0, and I broke it with #6244.
> I opened a ticket:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6421
> I don't think I will have time to fix this in the next few days. Feel
> free to replicate one of the Function_* classes in
> sage/functions/trig.py to define a new symbolic function called
> arctan2, with ginac conversion atan2.

Just FYI, in 4.0.1 neither of the original plots work (something about
calling float()...).


sage: arctan2(1,-1)
sage: atan2(1,-1)
sage: maxima.atan2(1,-1)
sage: math.atan2(1,-1)
sage: SR(1).arctan2(-1)

Question: Sage's current arctan2/atan2 seems to be the only such thing
that does NOT go from -pi to pi (because it is arctan(y/x), quadrant
is ignored).  Is this a problem, either for fixing #6421 or for other
reasons?  My inclination would be to have Sage's arctan2 simply call
math.atan2 or something else, but at any rate to be consistent.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Anybody tried search_* in 4.1.alpha1?

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 26, 11:28 am, Nick Alexander  wrote:
> > Trying to add ; at various points didn't help.  Is this just me
> > (4.1.alpha1 fresh build on G4 X.4)?  Is GAP running in the
> > background?  But when I quit, there is no message about that, and in
> > any case presumably GAP doesn't do the codebase search.
> Why do you think GAP is relevant? The relevant command seems to be

Only because of the ;

>      cmd = 'sage -grepdoc "%s" | grep "%s"'%(s,extra)
> (The default is extra='').  So can you try 'sage -grepdoc' on your  
> architecture?

Similarly to sage -grep, works like a charm.  This is the first Sage
installation where this problem has come up, so the problem must have
come in since 4.0.2.  Where is the code for these sage -foo commands?
I found them once but have forgotten where they are.

The following from man find might be relevant, since that is the error
message which I am getting:

 -exec utility [argument ...];
 True if the program named utility returns a zero value as
 exit status.  Optional arguments may be passed to the
 The expression must be terminated by a semicolon
(``;'').  If the
 string ``{}'' appears anywhere in the utility name or the
 ments it is replaced by the pathname of the current file.
 Utility will be executed from the directory from which
find was
 executed.  Utility and arguments are not subject to the
 expansion of shell patterns and constructs.

but I don't know where find is used here.  Does grep call find?  (That
is obviously a shell newbie question, apologies.)

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: Anybody tried search_* in 4.1.alpha1?

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 26, 12:06 pm, Nick Alexander  wrote:
> > Where is the code for these sage -foo commands?
> > I found them once but have forgotten where they are.
> SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/sage-foo


> > but I don't know where find is used here.  Does grep call find?
> Yes, depending on what parameters you give it.  The string you give to  
> search_doc is actually considered a shell command first and a regular  
> expression second.  Can you try "cannot\;" and "cannot\\;" (note  
> slashes)?  I am a little curious that just "cannot" fails at all.

I get the same result no matter what I put in.  Even

sage: search_src("p-adics")
find: -exec: no terminating ";"

though in 4.0.1 that gets a page of hits.

I'm really sorry this is so weird.  This is OSX.4 on a PPC, so perhaps
something got changed in those scripts recently?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: problem with complex_plot and real_part

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 26, 10:53 am, kcrisman  wrote:
> > ipdb> print ex
> > arctan2(real_part(y) + imag_part(x), real_part(x) - imag_part(y))
> > Both of these fail because Sage doesn't define a symbolic arctan2
> > function. There is instead a simple wrapper around arctan in
> > sage/functions/trig.py:
> > sage: arctan2(x,y)
> > arctan(x/y)
> > It's possible that this worked on 4.0, and I broke it with #6244.
> > I opened a ticket:
> >http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6421
> > I don't think I will have time to fix this in the next few days. Feel
> > free to replicate one of the Function_* classes in
> > sage/functions/trig.py to define a new symbolic function called
> > arctan2, with ginac conversion atan2.
> Just FYI, in 4.0.1 neither of the original plots work (something about
> calling float()...).
> Anyway:
> sage: arctan2(1,-1)
> -1/4*pi
> sage: atan2(1,-1)
> -1/4*pi
> sage: maxima.atan2(1,-1)
> 3*%pi/4
> sage: math.atan2(1,-1)
> 2.3561944901923448
> sage: SR(1).arctan2(-1)
> 3/4*pi
> Question: Sage's current arctan2/atan2 seems to be the only such thing
> that does NOT go from -pi to pi (because it is arctan(y/x), quadrant
> is ignored).  Is this a problem, either for fixing #6421 or for other
> reasons?  My inclination would be to have Sage's arctan2 simply call
> math.atan2 or something else, but at any rate to be consistent.

Just about have this ready.

But it does not fix the OP's problem - the messages about floats come
back.  By the way,
The following quits with a less than clear error message; it
would be nice if there was some input checking.
sage: complex_plot((x^2 + I).sqrt(), (-2, 2), (-2, 2)) # I forgot
should also (eventually) work fine; the original one got hung up
before the float question because of the real_part.

For whatever reason, fast_float and some other things used in plotting
don't play well with all expressions like this.  David rightly points
out that some symbolic expressions do, others need to be lambdas, and
even some don't work then:

sage: var('y')
sage: abs(3+2*I)
sage: f(x,y) = abs(x+I*y)
sage: plot3d(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2))
TypeError Traceback (most recent call

/Users/.../sage/symbolic/expression_conversions.pyc in __call__(self,
202 except TypeError, err:
203 if 'self must be a numeric expression' not in err:
--> 204 raise err
206 operator = ex.operator()

TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number

Something is going on with the fast_callable etc. that won't take
expressions like this.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Anybody tried search_* in 4.1.alpha1?

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

> > I'm really sorry this is so weird.  This is OSX.4 on a PPC, so perhaps
> > something got changed in those scripts recently?

> Yes, it got changed in #5806. Can you try
>  find SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage// \( -name *.py \) -exec grep -i -H
> cannot {} +

Same error.  I tried putting a ; in various places, but to no avail.
Reading # 5806 discussion seems to indicate perhaps something is
different for X.4 or for PPC?

> from the command line, replacing SAGE_ROOT with the appropriate path?
> Also, what does 'which find' tell you?  (Does anyone know whether the
> 'find' command changed from OS X 10.4 to 10.5?)


- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: axes labels in plot() still buggy

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

> should be the highest value of the plot. I assume that the show
> boundaries overwrite the plot boundaries. I can see that this is
> necessary if a function has a vertical asymptote in the plotted range,
> but maybe it would be helpful to still make sure that the values at the

Again, I don't think this is what is happening.  For instance,

sage: Q = plot(2^(-20*x),(x,1,10))
sage: Q.get_minmax_data()['ymax']
sage: 2^(-20)
sage: _.n()

All your data is plotted.

What is happening is that axis creation needs work.  In this case, it
turns out that the offense is that there is no check for numbers with
the e- notation for lots of zeros (e+ works without an explicit
check).  That probably wouldn't be too hard to fix for someone who is
comfortable with Python string stuff, though I am not sure exactly how
it would end up looking typeset.  For comparison, try

sage: plot(2^(20*x),(x,10,50))

which seems to be about as much as float can handle (e+300, about); it
can cut off the left-hand part of the numbers.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Anybody tried search_* in 4.1.alpha1?

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

On Jun 26, 2:24 pm, John H Palmieri  wrote:
> On Jun 26, 10:33 am, kcrisman  wrote:
> > > > I'm really sorry this is so weird.  This is OSX.4 on a PPC, so perhaps
> > > > something got changed in those scripts recently?
> > > Yes, it got changed in #5806. Can you try
> > >  find SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage// \( -name *.py \) -exec grep -i -H
> > > cannot {} +
> > Same error.  I tried putting a ; in various places, but to no avail.
> How about if you replace the "+" at the end with "\;"?


find Desktop/sage-4.1.alpha1/devel/sage/sage// \( -name *.py \) -exec
grep -i -H Palmieri {} \;

steenrod_algebra.py:- John H. Palmieri (2008-07-30): version 0.9
steenrod_algebra.py:#   Copyright (C) 2008 John H. Palmieri

Desktop/sage-4.1.alpha1/devel/sage/sage///misc/latex_macros.py:- John
H. Palmieri (2009-03)
Desktop/sage-4.1.alpha1/devel/sage/sage///misc/sagedoc.py:- J. H.
Palmieri (2009-04-11): fix for #5754 plus doctests

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[sage-devel] Re: axes labels in plot() still buggy

2009-06-26 Thread kcrisman

See # 5649.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: notebook as a separate project

2009-07-09 Thread kcrisman

> > Together with this:
> >http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html
> > it all makes perfect sense to me to be able to do *everything* in the 
> > notebook.
> :-)
> William

Probably a dumb question, but I assume Sage won't have any problems
running on this as well (as opposed to in the cloud)?  Linux + new
windowing system sounds ok, but figured I'd ask...

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: JSMath Fonts

2009-07-16 Thread kcrisman

On Jul 16, 2:19 pm, Alex Clemesha  wrote:
> Thanks for posting this!  I'm really surprised that Mozilla has lagged on this
> as much as they did.  Searching for "@font-face browser support" shows
> that IE has had this since 
> version4:http://webfonts.info/wiki/index.php?title=%40font-face_browser_support
> but now it looks like all the major browsers are getting this functionality.
> Anyways, it's great to see browsers getting better and better.

True.  Note however that IE has the following stipulation:
font formats:
Embedded OpenType (EOT) created by Microsoft's WEFT tool

That seems less than desirable, but maybe it's okay?

- kcrisman

> > At long last, the Mozilla team has heard the voice of reason, and
> > allows the browser to download fonts!  This means no more jsmath
> > warning!  Next week, I'm going to take a crack at remedying this
> > problem in jsmath itself, and submitting it upstream.  Failing that,
> > I'll put it into the notebook code.
> >http://craigmod.com/journal/font-face/
> >   --tom
> --
> Alex Clemesha
> clemesha.org
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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: CoMarketing: Sage & Sun

2009-07-20 Thread kcrisman

On Jul 20, 8:31 am, Jason Grout  wrote:
> Rob Beezer wrote:
> > William Stein wrote:
> > *  No license fees or budget hassles.
> > *  Easy setup for a central notebook server.
> > *  Rapid startup time to productive student use.
> I don't have any marketing ideas at the moment beyond what has already
> been mentioned.  However, I do have to say that if there was a
> reasonably-priced, pre-configured sage notebook server box from Sun, it
> would be *very* tempting (emphasis on the "reasonably-priced" above,
> though :).
> Such a box would be very tempting if:
> * you could run multiple notebooks with proper security layers between
> themselves and the system.
> * it was trivial to upgrade all of the notebooks or just some of them.
> * you could also do development on some of the notebooks.
> * all (or at least most) optional spkgs worked
> * it would be easy for IT to administer the server centrally (e.g., a
> rack version, as well as a standalone box version)
> I've set up servers for various classes based on old boxes that were
> laying around.  I've been asked to set up more servers, but didn't have
> the time to continue administering them and configuring them.  In
> particular, since they were running on old computers, the computers kept
> breaking or burning out, and I couldn't deal with trying to reset up the
> environment.
> If there were a simple pre-configured box that one could buy, I'd be
> telling people that would like to have their own server.  I'd definitely
> look into buying one at my university!
> Thanks,
> Jason

All the ideas in this thread are great. In particular, Rob and Jason
hit the nail on the head with their comments about the server.  Also,

- Do you have any customers in Education currently using Sun/Sage
source technology that could be referenced in these materials?

I think there are rather more of these than are currently active or
even subscribed to sage-support.

With regards to Sun specifically, it might also be pointed out that
eventually one could expect Sage workshops going on around the country
or online, similar to the various things Mma and Maple do, and leaders
of such workshops would presumably feel comfortable mentioning a)
sagenb.org and its support by Sun and b) a server such as Jason
described as ONE option among many other homegrown ones for
institutions.   I don't think it would be appropriate for us to
advertise a specific solution, but based on discussions with other
people using Sage servers, setting one up in a straightforward manner
that does not require a lot of IT time is often the biggest stumbling
block to wider Sage use.  This is because using many images is
tedious, and because IT might want to first be convinced that admin-
ing the server is worthwhile - at least I've heard this anecdotally.
We were lucky because our admin is also a faculty member who is
interested in open source solutions, but our ed IT department is very
reluctant to have anything to do with it.

This problem would potentially be much larger in the secondary ed
market, but I am not as sure Sage (in its current non-point-and-click
manifestation) has as large of a market there.

- kcrisman

PS This thread should perhaps also be cross-posted on sage-edu?
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[sage-devel] Re: slideshow mode for the notebook

2009-07-21 Thread kcrisman

> I gave a plenary talk at a big MAA meeting a few months ago.  It was
> entirely a live demo using the Sage notebook.  It went perfectly.
> Stan Wagon gave another talk in using the Mathematica notebook, and it
> surprisingly had numerous bugs/problems as a result of bugs in

Yes, the same thing happened to him at ECCAD.

> Mathematica's notebook.   The reason my talk went well was that:
>   (1) I carefully prepared it.
>   (2) I carefully tested it, especially deleting all input cells then
> clicking "Action --> Evaluate All" before the talk a few times, just
> to make sure the talk really worked.

Yes, yes, yes! This whole post is full of great comments.  Should be
required reading for those using Sage in lectures or more general

(You mean deleting all output cells, though.)

- kcrisman

> Using Evaluate All before the talk is absolutely critical.
> It's also a very good idea to always have a backup plan, i.e. some
> sort of static version of the talk (like what Marshall describes
> above, or just pdf of something) just in case. E.g, have a working
> version of the talk installed and tested on a remote server "just in
> case".  Another easier static version that feels must more like the
> notebook while being "safe" is to take screenshots of each slide in
> the worksheet.
> A big problem remaining with giving a talk is the sometimes potential
> random reordering of some cells when using TinyMCE, which is a real
> bug though nobody knows how to systematically trigger it.   This only
> happens when editing a lot, so as long as your talk is good right
> before you give it, then you're fine.
> Honestly, it is very hard to "sell" Sage as a tool for presenting
> mathematics to undergraduates when one is afraid to actually use it to
> give a talk.  It's especially hard when the other speakers are giving
> talks using Maple and Mathematica. Having a good presentation mode for
> Sage really is important.
>  -- William
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[sage-devel] Re: Mac OS X .app technique

2009-07-21 Thread kcrisman

On Jul 21, 1:14 pm, Žiga Lenarčič  wrote:
> Hi!
> After downloading sage I read readme.txt.
> If there is interest in getting Sage into an .app, it can be done via
> a free Platypus app[1]. I have succesfully used it to prepared the Mac
> OS X release of Maxima (and wxMaxima). You might inspect Maxima.app
> (download Mac OS X dmg from Maxima sourceforge) to see how it's done -
> basicly there is a script inside that runs a binary in Terminal.app.
> It's pretty straightforward. Octave.app is another such example. The
> only problem I had, was getting Maxima to know where to find it's
> files (since all files are within Maxima.app which can be put
> anywhere), but I solved it with some 'sh' magic.
> Sage weights 1.5 gb, so I don't know if it's smart to create a
> selfcontained .app.
> Regards,
> Ziga
> [1]http://www.sveinbjorn.org/platypus

This (and a number of other solutions) have been repeatedly discussed
on this list.  In fact, something like this was already added to the
binary creating part of Sage (see 
However, there are some issues - see e.g 
- and it's not clear to me (though presumably that is just my
ignorance) whether this has become the default distribution mode (see

Anybody else have any comments?  It would be great to have the .app
standard distribution for binaries when Snow Leopard comes out - as
well as to have it on the Mac downloads page - if it isn't already.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Mac OS X .app technique

2009-07-21 Thread kcrisman

Yes, and it's easy to modify the existing script to do that.

Has anyone tried using -bdist (whatever that is) to make the clickable
app lately?  It seems that it wasn't exactly broken, if memory serves,
just that it wasn't optimal for some reason so it didn't become the
default way to produce Mac binaries...

- kcrisman

On Jul 21, 4:52 pm, Marshall Hampton  wrote:
> I would think that is what most people would want.
> -Marshall
> On Jul 21, 3:42 pm, Robert Bradshaw 
> wrote:
> > On Jul 21, 2009, at 1:34 PM, gsw wrote:
> > > On 21 Jul., 22:13, Robert Bradshaw 
> > > wrote:
> > >> On Jul 21, 2009, at 11:25 AM, kcrisman wrote:
> > >>> On Jul 21, 1:14 pm, Žiga Lenarčič 
> > >>> wrote:
> > >>>> Hi!
> > >>>> After downloading sage I read readme.txt.
> > >>>> If there is interest in getting Sage into an .app, it can be
> > >>>> done via
> > >>>> a free Platypus app[1]. I have succesfully used it to prepared the
> > >>>> Mac
> > >>>> OS X release of Maxima (and wxMaxima). You might inspect Maxima.app
> > >>>> (download Mac OS X dmg from Maxima sourceforge) to see how it's
> > >>>> done -
> > >>>> basicly there is a script inside that runs a binary in
> > >>>> Terminal.app.
> > >>>> It's pretty straightforward. Octave.app is another such example.
> > >>>> The
> > >>>> only problem I had, was getting Maxima to know where to find it's
> > >>>> files (since all files are within Maxima.app which can be put
> > >>>> anywhere), but I solved it with some 'sh' magic.
> > >>>> Sage weights 1.5 gb, so I don't know if it's smart to create a
> > >>>> selfcontained .app.
> > >>>> Regards,
> > >>>> Ziga
> > >>>> [1]http://www.sveinbjorn.org/platypus
> > >>> This (and a number of other solutions) have been repeatedly
> > >>> discussed
> > >>> on this list.  In fact, something like this was already added to the
> > >>> binary creating part of Sage (seehttp://trac.sagemath.org/
> > >>> sage_trac/ticket/4817).
> > >>> However, there are some issues - see e.ghttp://trac.sagemath.org/
> > >>> sage_trac/ticket/5254
> > >>> - and it's not clear to me (though presumably that is just my
> > >>> ignorance) whether this has become the default distribution mode
> > >>> (see
> > >>>http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5296).
> > >> See alsohttp://wiki.sagemath.org/SageMacApplication
> > >>> Anybody else have any comments?  It would be great to have the .app
> > >>> standard distribution for binaries when Snow Leopard comes out - as
> > >>> well as to have it on the Mac downloads page - if it isn't already.
> > >> It looks like it's almost there, wonder why it stalled. Ironically
> > >> the majority of Sage develpers that I know use OS X, but the minority
> > >> prefer double-clicking on an .app to starting it up in terminal. This
> > >> is almost certainly the opposite of the potential OS X user pool
> > >> though.
> > > Perhaps this exactly is the point. Personally, I'd prefer a click on
> > > Sage.app being equivalent to "cd to the root of the Sage-version-of-
> > > the-day" and then do "./sage -sh". Explicitly, I'd not want to start
> > > up Sage, at least not immediately.
> > > Do we already have some, say ".sageshrc", which is executed by "./sage
> > > -sh" and which could easily be adapted to one's needs? So for Sage
> > > developers, it would say "stay in (Sage) shell mode", and for the
> > > "normal user" (or if not present at all) Sage would be started (i.e.
> > > the Sage interpreter)?
> > I was imaging that double-clicking on the app would fire up
> > Sage.app/.../sage -notebook (perhaps with a special browser), and it
> > wouldn't impact anyone who does it the "old-fashioned" way.
> > - Robert
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[sage-devel] Re: Linking aged debtors report with MS Access

2009-07-23 Thread kcrisman

Dear John,

Unfortunately, this is the support list for the mathematics software
Sage (http://www.sagemath.org), not the accounting software Sage.
There seems to be some support at 
but that's the best we can direct you.  Good luck!

- kcrisman

On Jul 23, 6:08 pm, John  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm really struggling with this one,
> 'All' I need is a single line of Aged Debtor analysis to appear on a
> form in Access, from a list of outstanding customer transactions,
> grouped by Current, 30 days, 60 days 90+ days, as the sage accounts
> does in the reports section.
> I have been playing around with the ms query on the sales ledger table
> but not sure how to get the transactions grouped into the appropriate
> 30, 60 90+ category.
> Any ideas on this one?
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[sage-devel] Re: barriers to community growth

2009-07-24 Thread kcrisman

Thanks, Minh, this was a neat document, clearly collating material
which is sometimes diffuse and disorganized.

> The document says: "The cost of not enforcing a rule of no deliberate
> rudeness, no ad hominem attacks, and making sure that in general
> people remain civil is that uncivil behavior will become the norm for
> your forums."
> I think we do a good job of avoiding rudeness, especially during the
> last few months we have been doing better and better.  The forums are
> I think very civil and when people are offended, they feel comfortable
> saying so, and there is always a quick apology.

Yes, I agree there has been improvement on this.

> * Do new employees get the keys to the house on their first day?
> Not applicable.

It's worth pointing out here, although it's not the point the author
makes since there are (mostly) not "employees", that there is a
"quarantine" period at least on sage-devel before messages are allowed
to pass through unmoderated - is that still the case?

> Obviously the above should be on our todo list.  Is anybody reading
> this interested in doing something about this?   A starter would be to
> trademark "sagemath" or "SageMath" and maybe a logo, and come up with
> a policy statement.  This is not of personal interest to me yet, and
> it hasn't happened yet, but I strongly encourage somebody to do it!

Is there any potential for (benign, hopefully, but still) conflict
with the various other Sages out there when it comes to this?

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: CoMarketing: Sage & Sun

2009-07-24 Thread kcrisman

> > And yes, I think it would help some students to understand what a
> > group or ring is if it is programmable in sage - but I say only some,
> > others might be confused or more happy with another approach! I think
> > there is no golden way that fits for all students, but more
> > opportunities and more representations of the same idea help to
> > abstract it.
> Groups and rings have been around over a hundred years, are one of the
> most basic ideas in mathematics, and the basic definitions can be
> learned by any math undergrad in a few hours.  They should all learn
> what groups and rings are.   This remark really has nothing to do with
> Sage.

Some of this thread is sage-edu material as well...

It's worth pointing out that using technology, whether log tables,
calculators, tablet computers, or Sage, in the classroom is only going
to be worthwhile if done well, and with an eye toward enhancing what
is already being taught, not as yet another thing to learn per se
(which is some of what rjf is getting at, perhaps).

That said, multiple representations of things definitely does help
some students learn the point of the object and to internalize it - so
e.g. a Newton-Raphson interact (Sagelet?) on basins of attraction
might help contextualize it (and drive home the point that math does
not always have cookie-cutter answers, as it is portrayed), or the
PascGalois project might, via visual cues, really get students to
really start understanding how small changes in a group or in which
elements one chooses could affect things.

However, as rjf points out, without this being valued in the course as
more than some extra work, one needs to integrate this in some way.
There are lots of ways that can happen - not just with a final exam
done on a computer, though I am sure there are more where Minh's
example came from!  But certainly there are successful examples (and
terrible ones) out there.  I've found that it takes several attempts
to make it seem really worthwhile for students - which one could
probably say about any other pedagogical strategy!

Anyway, with regard to this thread, I like Robert's point:

Whether or not to use computers in teaching is a huge, open-ended
question... however, if a professor/department/university decides
do so (or at least offer the option) the technical question is how
easy can it be set up and administered. This is where the "sage in
box" idea could be very appealing.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: barriers to community growth

2009-07-24 Thread kcrisman

On Jul 24, 11:20 am, Harald Schilly  wrote:
> On Jul 24, 4:56 pm, kcrisman  wrote:
> > > * Do new employees get the keys to the house on their first day?
> > > Not applicable.
> > It's worth pointing out here, although it's not the point the author
> > makes since there are (mostly) not "employees", that there is a
> > "quarantine" period at least on sage-devel before messages are allowed
> > to pass through unmoderated - is that still the case?
> As a moderator I can say that this policy is really necessary because
> of the spam. you really don't wanna read it ;)
> Apart from that, every new poster is set to "always allow" after the
> first posting. So, he/she gets the key very soon!
> H

Oh, neat - my impression was that in the past it took a few posts.
You are correct that I have absolutely no interest in seeing the spam.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage organizational structure, AWOL people

2009-07-30 Thread kcrisman

I agree that overall things are in good shape, with a few comments
about potential vulnerabilities:

1) Obviously 'was' is key at this point, as has already been pointed
out - though not necessarily for day-to-day operations, which is
already a huge step.  The more stuff written up, as Robert and Minh
suggest (and are doing), the better.

2) It seems (and this is just "seems") that there are far fewer people
involved who are intimately familiar with build procedures on the vast
panoply of architectures and OSes we do (or hope to) support.  Adding
code and spkg's seems to be quite streamlined now, but because Sage
wants to be buildable from scratch pretty much everywhere, detailed
technical knowledge not directly related to theoretical math or CS is
a must - knowledge of a type relatively few college-straight-to-the-
academy types will have, though I am always impressed that there are
so many Sage developers who do!  So if two or three (not just one, but
not a lot) people have a crisis, graduate, or become frustrated with
Sage, that could be problematic until that hole was filled.

3) In terms of sheer "man-hours" (whatever that is), we seem to rely a
little heavily on current graduate students interested in this sort of
thing, whether William's or others in related disciplines.  That's
fine, but recruiting will need to continue if they are ever to finish
and/or if their "real" jobs, when they come, are less flexible.  So
it's not exactly a problem in the sense of the article, but something
to be aware of which is related.

4) There are a few places where we are relying on forks of big
projects.  I don't know if these are robust from the standpoint of
this article - certainly Cython seems to be doing quite well! - but at
any rate we have to be aware if any vital upstream project is in a
position for something like this to happen.

But in general, long live Sage!
- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: what can we do with a database of primitive roots?

2009-07-31 Thread kcrisman

Most older # theory textbooks (or newer editions thereof) have a list
of smallest primitive roots of p for "small" p, as well as tables of
indices for index calculus.  I'm not sure whether that is quite as
useful now, since any individual discrete log problem might be solved
(slowly) by finding a primitive root and then using that... It
couldn't hurt, of course.

You should look for things related to the Artin conjecture if you
really want to know who might be interested in such tables or
calculations - I'm sure people researching this have done so.  Gauss
in particular conjectured that 1/p has repeating decimal of length p-1
for infinitely many p, which (if true) would prove the Artin
conjecture with n=10 (i.e., 10 is a primitive root for infinitely many
p).  I think I have that right :)

- kcrisman

On Jul 31, 7:06 am, Minh Nguyen  wrote:
> Hi David,
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 7:31 PM, David Joyner wrote:
> > If you just recorded the smallest primitive roots I'll bet the database
> > would get a lot smaller:-) Do you need all the prim roots in the
> > CrypTool tutorial for a particular purpose, eg discrete logs?
> That is part of a chapter on number theory for cryptography. The
> chapter discusses primitive roots so I introduced the Sage command
> primitive_root() and wrote some code to do simple calculations
> relating to primitive roots.
> > I'd guess a database of the smallest prim roots mod p for all primes
> > out to a million (for starters) would be interesting to some 
> > number-theorists.
> > I did a google search and could not find much online.
> Cool. Then I have a pretext to make more use of the machine sage.math :-)
> > I did find
> > Western, A. E. and Miller, J. C. P. Tables of Indices and Primitive
> > Roots. Cambridge, England:
> > Cambridge University Press, pp. xxxvii-xlii, 1968,
> > although I couldn't find what it had, and this page
> >http://www.ieeta.pt/~tos/p-roots.html
> > has a link to some related data.
> The author of that page also has done computations with the 3n + 1
> conjecture. Earlier this year, I did some simple calculations relating
> to that conjecture. Perhaps I should revive that mini project.
> --
> Regards
> Minh Van Nguyen
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[sage-devel] Re: possible bug in permutation/quotient group?

2009-07-31 Thread kcrisman

On Jul 31, 11:47 am, David Joyner  wrote:
> Maybe I don't understand your question. It seems you are claiming that
> if G is a permutation group and H is a normal subgroup then
> the quotient G/H embeds into G. Are you sure that is true?
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Robert Schwarz wrote:
> > Hi all, I was just playing around with permutations, when something
> > puzzled me:
> > sage: G = SymmetricGroup(4)
> > sage: H = G.normal_subgroups()[1]
> > sage: H
> > Permutation Group with generators [(1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3)]
> > sage: G.quotient_group(H)
> > Permutation Group with generators [(1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,3,5)(2,4,6)

Look at

sage: G.quotient_group??

It turns out that Sage asks GAP to create the image of the morphism G -
> G/H, as far as I can tell, and in so doing creates that image as a
separate (sub)permutation group.  In particular, it using
RegularActionHomomorphism to do this, and at
http://www.gap-system.org/Manuals/doc/htm/ref/CHAP039.htm#SSEC007.2 it
says "returns an isomorphism from G onto the regular permutation
representation of G" and certainly in this case G/H (the relevant
group) has six elements!

Though I agree that this could be confusing, the good part is that
this creates (an isomorphic) group without having to talk about which
element of the coset you pick each time.  It would be misleading to
say that (1234) was an element of G/H (which I think is what David was
getting at). There are ways to get cosets in GAP, of course (maybe
wrapped in Sage?) but I don't know much about them.

I hope this helps!

- kcrisman

> > Where do the 5 and 6 suddenly come from? In my understanding the
> > elements of the quotient group G/H are classes of elements of G, which
> > operates on {1, 2, 3, 4}.
> > Also, there is a method of G called "quotient", which raises and
> > NotImplementedError, which is a little confusing, given an
> > implementation of the quotient group is actually available.
> > Running Sage 4.1 on Arch Linux 64 bit.
> > --
> > Robert Schwarz 
> > Get my public key athttp://rschwarz.net/key.asc
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[sage-devel] Re: cool things coming up in matplotlib

2009-08-03 Thread kcrisman

Better axes would be so great. Will there be any support for native
log/semilog plots, an oft-requested feature (not by me)?  Also, custom
labeling of ticks (maybe that's already there)?

Resolving all this would not only be better practice (using upstream
instead of Sage-specific code, at least by wrapping) but also
hopefully allow for more new features as people like e.g. me (no
comma!) who don't know much matplotlib to get accustomed to it and
expose useful things for Sage.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Bressoud on Alpha

2009-08-20 Thread kcrisman

Dear sage-devel,

MAA president David Bressoud talks about Wolfram Alpha here:

The relevance to sage-devel is the interesting semantic interpreting
of various requests for integrals in the second or third paragraph.
Not that Sage will be going that way anytime soon, and perhaps
shouldn't have such semantic interpretation skills, but seems
interesting nonetheless.

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Explicit variable of integration

2009-08-25 Thread kcrisman

I know I'm losing this one, but for what it's worth, I think that not
only should (1), (2), and (3) be supported, but that integrate(f)
should do what is obvious where the variable is unambiguous.  :)

> > While (1) and (2) syntaxes are encouraged, (3) will
> > remain valid until we sort out the coersion issue
> > and update all doctests, tutorial etc. BTW, I did update
> > some of the doctests including the docstrings that you get
> > via "integrate?"
> Sounds like we should throw a deprecation warning on it.

Yes, this would definitely require it.  There should conceivably be a
check for whether there are x, a, and b, and if a and b are both
numeric types, allowing (3) indefinitely in that case (as opposed to
integrate(f,x,a,b) where a and b are symbolic endpoints).

On the plus side, FJ is correct that it is impossible to have multiple
integration in an unambiguous way without removing (3) eventually (so
as to allow integrate(f,x,y,x) and the like).  My preference would be
to require instead integrate(f,(x,),(y,),(x,)) or integrate(f,[x],[y],
[z]), but I think that those would not prove popular.  In any case, it
should be very easy to get multiple integration working with those,
and certainly with integrate(f,(x,a,b),(y,c,d)) with the current
framework, as they pretty much work as expected if you next integrates
(I prototyped this a while ago but discarded it due to the tickets
Jason mentions not being resolved).

Your work on symbolics is impressive and valuable, Golam - keep it up!

- kcrisman
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