Re: Panic!

2001-06-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

> Yous forgiven,  lol
> Too quiet methinks..

maybe something is afoot.


2001-03-04 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
> On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Andrew Collier wrote:
> >Just to update on this, I've tried to connect on the last couple of
> >unfortunately the lag is so severe at the moment that my client just
> >the connection :( There have generally been a couple of people on there
> >though.
> Is it a problem with undernet, or your internet connection in general? If
> the former, then we could always use another server? (
> #samcoupe?)

I've not been having any trouble with undernet recently... A lot of servers
dont connect, but mIRC is just setup to try on the next server if it takes
longer than 30sec to connect (I reduced that from 60sec)..  That way, if it
does get thru the server can't be that awful.

Im getting <1sec ping thru (I'm in the UK,
connecting thru Compuserve (its the only way I can connect to the net from
this phoneline ...really!!) ...but it might work for others?)

Try it.  You might like it.


Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around - my summary

2001-02-20 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

> ERM, You'd be surprised!, a local cabbie here got arrested and
> jailed for keeping a couple
> of hundred of gallons of petrol in his garage during the fuel crisis
> here in Old Blighty last year
> A major part of his defence centered on the fact, that he did not
> know that petrol was flammable!

Haha, that is fantastic.  I must remember that next time I try and burn
something down.  "It's...  flammable?... Sorry I was trying to put it

I dunno, but to pass on a defence like that is a bit insulting to your
intelligence (better than a fine?).


Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around - my summary

2001-02-20 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
> summary:
> I don't say that children should be kept in a black box.
> But I don't think it is clever to go and click anything I don't know.
> Especially if people don't know computers well, they should be careful, as
> in the real life. If you tak a power saw and cut out our hand, it's
> you weren't too careful. It doesn't mean that power saw is a bad thing and
> should be banned.

So, in summary, you never do *anything* without first having the proper
training, and asking someone more qualified than you, exactly what it is you
should be doing?

Do you have this same trauma every time you buy a new kitchen utensil? Those
potato peelers are pretty new-fangled.

Sure, people learn when something goes wrong, but they should have to learn
by their computer dying.  Much better if they get a warning that it *could*
destroy their computer, (i.e. before they run the file), if they *still*
click it, fair enough, they can't complain but otherwise, it's hardly
their fault.

Comparing getting an email to putting petrol in a car is a awful analogy...
People *know* petrol is flammable (even if they just watch bad Hollywood
films)... and there are signs for stoopid people saying "no naked flames,
switch off engine".   You don't see the equivalent in mail software, no
prominent signs saying "no clicking, switch on file extensions"...

How do you propose they are to know?  The best way to learn with computers
is to try stuff out but there should be protection to stop people doing
real harm, if even just a warning.  Better than laughing at their
(blameless) ignorance.

Summary: Unlike email programs, cars don't explode in your face cos you push
a button marked "I LOVE YOU".

And you've never pushed a button on a car (mobile, microwave, cooker) just
to see what happens?


Re: Xmas

2000-12-25 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick


Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year!

(This beats the postal service, eh?!)

Especially when you're sending cards on Xmas day :)

Do you think they'll get there on time?
Oh, and, Merry Christmas everybodies.

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam Coupe wake up call

2000-09-09 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Roy Staines wrote:
> Doing some belated spring cleaning, I and my son felt eager to set up the
> Sam Coupe and have a play around.  It hasn't been used for a few years and
> when a software disk is put in and F9 is pressed I got error code 53 NO
> DOS.  Tried several disks and got the same, does that mean that the
> internal disk drive has died (never woke up)?

Could do... er assuming that your disks used to have DOS on them? :)  I
guess you must have at least one that does, otherwise you'd have noticed
by now.

My drive used to do that occasionally if I remember rightly... Try any
of these:

1. Poke open the drive door and blow into it, hard. Try it again. Used
to work sometimes.. gets rid of dust (...and hopefully doesnt replace it
with spit).

2. When you stick the disk in & press F9 and it does its whirring, put
your finger under the back of the disk & lift it up (in the drive) 
This definately used to work, but maybe all my disks were bent.

3. Shake it.  The Sam, the disk, everything.  Never did me any harm.

Er... hope those really-untechnical tips help.


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: Outwrite Text Files

2000-07-17 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> If you don't like it, then don't use it.
> Outwrite was written by me years before I got a PC, the only thing I had to 
> go by was > Tasword.
> It does support bold,italic, underline etc, via control codes in the body of 
> the text, it > just isn't WYSIWYG.

And I always thought it was just lovely.

...I have a copy of SC_Word Pro somewhere.  It looked good but I never
quite got around to thinking of anything to do with it.


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: be back...

2000-07-05 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Aley Keprt wrote:
> >After 5 days being lost from the net, thanksfully to the biggest PC crash I
> >ever
> This happens to everyone, who thinks that making backups is something, what
> they don't
> need to waste their time with.

Think of it as an involuntary annual clearout.


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: Did I miss anything ?(forward test)

2000-07-03 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Edwin Blink wrote:
> set the wrong forwarding address this afternoon and probably caused a view
> bounces I guess
> (Don't take me of the list please !)
> last message I recieved was:
> Date:   Mon, 03 Jul 2000 13:10:45 +0100
> From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Did I miss anything ?

By my reckoning, one from Tim:


Re: scads
On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Andrew Gale wrote:
> Wow... looking back, it's hard to believe how much optimism people had
> in the Sam market, isn't it?! I remember that Graham Burtenshaw used to sell
> something like 200 of each issue of Enceladus and made a tidy packet
> (well, enough to make an A' level student feel rich). Am I the only
> Sam user that didn't make any cash?!

I made about 4 quid out of EGGBuM, urm, until you offset costs ;-)

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: scads

2000-07-03 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Andrew Gale wrote:
> > more info: only about 200 copies were sold... he set fire to the remaining
> > 800 manuals as they were taking up about half of his garage !
> Wow... looking back, it's hard to believe how much optimism people had
> in the Sam market, isn't it?!

Yeh, I would have been well chuffed with that many sales on a Sam :)... 
It was a fair price too... £24 or something when it first came out?

I never made much, never expected to either.

Shame.. scads was pretty good.

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: Big Trouble

2000-07-01 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

David L wrote:
> >
> > Ive heard some sams need a special call to boot, can it be the case
> It might be that at fault.
> Anyone got the PEEK for checking the Rom version? I suspect an early version
> myself (I'm drunk so I cant remember!)

Its a bad sign when alcohol starts to impede your ability to code :)..
What have you been drinking?

[staring madly at the keys... theyre moving, honest]

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: scads

2000-06-29 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

womoteam wrote:
> peter schrieb:
> > Would Someone send me a .dsk or similar of scads please
> > as the scads file on the ftp site is a .td0 file which i can`t use.
> >  cheers
> >Peter Harkess
> >
> >
> Hi Peter.
> Have send you all I have about Scads and demos fro in a zipped file. However, 
> I
> am still looking for the manual.

Hi Wo...

Whereabouts do you live?  Just that sending it to you might be quicker
:)  Given that Im still unpacking decorating and that kinda things.

I can take off the bgi binder and it probably wont cost so much in


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: Portugal

2000-06-26 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Jorge Canelhas wrote:
> Just needed to say this :

I often have the same problem myself.

But dont worry, it can be medicated ;)

So you think your going to win? (doesnt everyone


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: Web Sites

2000-06-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gordon Wallis wrote:
> > While we are talking about web sites etc.
> >
> > I'm thinking of buying a program to do web sites.
> > What do people use on this list?
> >
> Notepad. Ya can't beat it.

Except for NoteTab Light (err, download it from somewhere, like or something).  Its the same as Notepad really, but
with tabbed windows, search and replace (over all open documents) and
stuff.  Speeds up doing stuff quite a bit.

And it looks pretty.


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 11077801 Web:

Re: SAM Community on line

2000-06-13 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gavin Smith wrote:
> Ian Collier wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 12:07:57AM +0100, Gavin Smith wrote:
> > > I know this is a common problem with viewing
> > > websites on a Mac, and then a PC, so what am I doing wrong? Any ideas?
> >
> > Yes, it sounds like what you are doing wrong is expecting it to appear
> > identically on different browsers.  This isn't the nature of the web...
> >
> > imc
> Thanks for your helpful/patronizing words :) As I said, this is a
> *platform* issue, not a browser issue - it looks the same on all
> browsers on the Mac or PC, but the text appears bigger in the Windows
> browsers and therefore messes up alignment etc.

Mac's show the text at about 1 size smaller than on other machines, for
whatever reason.  SO for example, looking at Size 2 on a Mac looks the
same size as looking at Size 1 on a PC. Size 1 is almost unreadable on a
Mac (which is a bugger, cos its the nicest looking size on a PC).

The only option I've found is to use size 2 (which is probably what you
are doing) - its fine on a Mac, and as long as you stick to
verdana/sans-serif font it looks ok.  Bit annoying or what?

It is just a platform matter though - all browsers on a PC will display
the size fairly similar, (MSIE seems a bit bigger usually), and all Mac
browsers will display slightly smaller than a PC.  You can probably fix
it by setting up the browser settings.  Or buying Mac users really
strong specs.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Looking for SCADS manual

2000-06-07 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

womoteam wrote:
> Once upon a time I asked for the SCADS manual and someone wrotes, he would 
> scan
> it in and set it to the net.
> Hopefully that "someone" which name I not know yet is still alive, I like to
> know how things are in progess (if).

Was that me? I think it probably was.  To be honest, I havent started
yet - Just moved house to York, so been a "bit" busy.  But I'll do a bit
by bit & let you know how it gets on.

What format you want me to send it to you in?


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Wincoupe again...

2000-05-27 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
Hey Si,

Si Owen wrote:
> lost all motivation to work on it and stopped.  The fuss over releasing a
> GPL program without the source halted any further binary releases for people
> to play with - it was only ever given to people on this list as a private
> release, and not announced on any other sites.  I'm not really sure whether
> people are still as anti-SAM-emulation as before - anyone want to speak up
> on whether it should be buried for a bit longer?

Im definately interested in it, with my only Sam locked up in a box ..
and with little chance of using it really - to be able to mess aroudn
with something in the middle of doing *real* work on my PC, will mean I
might actually do something ...which is far less likely to happen if I
have to rig the whole thing back up and scuttle off to another room.  

Licenses: What is/was all the fuss about? Besides, if arguing over the
licences means that nothing gets released it doesnt make any sense... If
no one can agree how its to be released, well, just do it... people
always find something else to winge about eventually ;)

Emulator: The Sam needs one - no one (well, not *many* people!) are
going to shell out for a new Sam...  its a small scene and its only
going to shrink - unless you get more people involved & thats only going
to happen if they can get involved without forking out money.   So, er,
yay for emulation.

> If people are happy playing with unfinished, potentially buggy test
> versions, I don't mind making them available as new features are added.  I'm
> up for handing out the source in its current state, on request, and would
> welcome feedback and enhancements to it. 

Well... it/youve got my support anyhow...  it'd be good to see some new
developments.   If you could release "stable" versions every now and
then and "development" versions through that, people who want a workable
version can get what they want, ans do can people who want to see how
its coming along...

This place just needs some action :)...  We've gotr Edwin's diskimage
manager... might as well have WinCoupe doing something too!! :)


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Looking for SCADS manual

2000-05-18 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Edwin Blink wrote:
> > But I've just done scanning in the entire tech manual, so, well, I
> >want a break :)...  I'll get in done nexdt week sometime (Im moving
> >house this weekend, so its a bit impossible to do it now anyway :)
> Are you putting it online ?
> If not I'd like to put it online ?

Chris White OCR'd it.. and I think hes putting it up on his website (if
thats wrong Chris, lemme know & i'll just send it thru email to


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Looking for SCADS manual

2000-05-17 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
Hey ho,

> Since I see a great "SAM revival" here I am in a very good mood. So I have
> downloaded SCAD from nvg, but there is no manual.
> Can anybody help in this way? If someone would send it to me I can scan it and
> make Text- and/or PDF-file of it, so whoever it wants can set it on his 
> webside
> for all.
> The manual will be sended back of course as fast as possible.

Ive got the SCADS manual... and can scan it in for someone to pdf/ocr
it.  But I've just done scanning in the entire tech manual, so, well, I
want a break :)...  I'll get in done nexdt week sometime (Im moving
house this weekend, so its a bit impossible to do it now anyway :)


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Another one bites the dust

2000-05-04 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Edwin Blink wrote:
> with the best performance (better sound quality and no flickering of the TV
> picture if
> your Floppy drive start to spin up !)

I've always quite liked that.

Hands up, those in favour of "dodgy power supply" emulation to
Sim/Wincoupe? ;)


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Another one bites the dust

2000-05-04 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

womoteam wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I use my third SAM in eight (!) years, but my first power supply. Have I a
> golden one???
> I think the bigger problem is the keyboard which has drived my SAMs down. Does
> anybody know, where to get (buy) new ones nowadays? My keyboard has some
> dropouts from time to time! (Don´t believe in an positive result, but it is
> worth a try to ask)

Well, lucky ol me would have had wonderful, working (still) versions of
both... if it hadn't been for someone in mid-drunkenness picking the sam
up thinking it was some kind of spaceship model and throwing it across
the room.

It lots two of its keys, but boy did that baby fly.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: SAM website

2000-05-03 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> Sounds like a good Idea to me, I'll help support it.
> anyone else want to encourage Gavin.
> How about votes of confidence, words of wisdom, etc.

Yayayayayaayayayayaya, woohoo!

Will that do?

Oh, er, Gavin... if ya need any cgi type stuffy stuff, I can do that.
There.  How helpful :)


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Response Please.

2000-04-29 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Andrew Collier wrote:
> >Can anyone tell me if MasterDOS and MasterBASIC are freely available now,
> >or do we still have to buy it. If so, Where from.
> As far as I understand the current situation; you're not allowed to copy
> it, but no-one can sell it to you either.

I remember that towards the end Fred made MasterDOS PD, either that or
the person who wrote it did, who I forget.. But anyway, someone did.  So
thats free.  If anyone has a copy.  I do somewhere.

MasterBASIC isnt tho.  Or at least I dont think it is.  Well, it didnt
become PD at the same time as MasterDOS, so unless someone made it that
after that.

Heh, sorry for the disjointedness of the sentences, but well, I think
you can get the drift.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: MP3 on SAM?

2000-04-28 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Aley Keprt wrote:
> You wait at least when the VHS is at its end and you must rewind it
> to play it. Or when you want to move to particular point of the movie.
> You can't do it simply on the tape.

Yeh, but I guess Im one of the odd ones that rewinds things once I've
finished watching :).  Tho it is annoying when you have more than one
thing on a tape.
> Originaly, what we were talking about is MP3.
> MP3 is better than anything else, since you can very quicky play
> any song, without changing CD or MC, you don't need to rewind, etc.

Yeh, I hated MP3's until, er, about a day ago, when I was havint to
change cd's like every other song for what I was in the mood for.  But
still, I dont like doing it on PC's with the mouse, all a bit clunky.
> The same applies to MPEG video. But you need "a bit" bigger hard drive
> to store videos similar way as audio in MP3. :)))

And *thats* another reason I dont like MP3!! :).. Im only on a 56k
modem. Urk.

Now what would be good would be a stereo system which could network with
a pc, and play MP3's off it.  So then I could use the good ol remote.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: MP3 on SAM?

2000-04-28 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Paul Walker wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 10:10:49PM +0100, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > has to be the biggest wait involved of any home appliance.  You dont
> > need to wait for a stereo to boot up & load the os before you get to see
> > it.  Though Im sure someone will think of including this wonderful
> You turn your computer off?

Well no actually, except at night, but thats a bit of a small slice of
time (given its now 2am, and Im getting up around 8am)... I guess I'm
all old tech,  just prefer the push-plonk-push-push-push to the

Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: MP3 on SAM?

2000-04-27 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Aley Keprt wrote:
> My brother uses PC for everything, since he hates any waiting.
> He thinks all tape-oriented devices are very bad, and wants everything
> immediately,
> with no delay. He hates VHS video, audio casettes, etc.

I can understand hating audio casettes, but when do you need to wait
with VHS? I mean, the tape plays, the picture comes out (slightly
simplified I know), does he want the picture to be available before he
sees it?

Unless he's in the habit of fast forwarding to certain bits of tapes,
but I wont even think what thats for.

Anyways, it seems to be a bit weird to use a PC for everything - that
has to be the biggest wait involved of any home appliance.  You dont
need to wait for a stereo to boot up & load the os before you get to see
it.  Though Im sure someone will think of including this wonderful
"feature" some time soon.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Sam Tech manual needed

2000-04-25 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Jarek Adamski wrote:
> Dnia 00-04-22 Mac Buster pisze:
> > Could you please upload it somewhere and make it publically
> > downloadable ? There are not only Frans van Egmond need it :)
> In 1997 I made translation of "SAM Technical Manual" to Polish
> language. The translation is updated with informations taken
> from mouse driver, MasterDOS documentation and my own
> experience. Anyone interested?

I think it'd be good if a website could be put somewhere with copies of
all versions of the tech manual/any other information in whatever
language that they exist.  Just cos.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Sam Tech manual needed

2000-04-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Chris White wrote:
> oopss seem to have placed it in a safe place will hunt more :(

Chris... I've got a copy here, so if you're planning n scanning it it,
let me know & we can go half/half on the job of scanning it.  Just say a
res/filetype/thingy (technical term) and I'll do that.


Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Back from the dead...? Hmmm!

2000-04-18 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

The Mad Goose wrote:
> On 17 Apr 00, at 23:05, Steven Pick wrote:
> Hi Steve - its good to have the old famouns names coming back to
> the list.

Yeh, heloo Steve not that you know me. But hey.  Seems a lot of
ex-Sam users end up working in bit flash companies doesnt it?  Must be
something in the little rubber feet.

> A huge big SAM website, something along the lines of World of
> Spectrum, was something I toyed with a while ago - but like
> everything I think of it never gets off the ground.

Well, I might even be able to lend a hand on the sly myself :).. Web
design is all I do these days, basically because it pays well for the
effort involved :)... So something else a bit mroe creative would go
down a nice treat instead of typing up companies boring product details
( wouldnt believe how hard they try to make air purifiers sound
exciting and fun-packed).

So, er, if anyones wanting to give it a go, I'll lend a hand in spare
time & stuff... :)

Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Following on from Sam forsale

2000-03-30 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Frans van Egmond wrote:
> "You Lucky  Lucky B*st*rd !" - Pythonesque response...
> Well anyway, congratulations I think you should try it at least once to
> see if it functions...

~Getting images of him fitting the ASIC and unwittingly snapping of a

...I personally wouldnt dare neither.  Leave that to whoever you end up
selling it to before they buy it then if they break it, then they'll
have to pay ya back for it anyway :)

I was going to buy one of them, but then I spent all my money on holiday
somewhere.  Ahh well...


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: SAM pic converter ?

2000-03-25 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Frans van Egmond wrote:
> Does anyone have a program for Amiga or PC to convert IFF or BMP or whatever 
> pictures
> to
> SAM Coupe and back?

There was one on the SAM somewhere, if that would be any help?  I think
BMP actually come across ok anyway (er, minus the palette and a bit
skewed and at 90' i seem to remember :)...

It was on an issue of fred somewhere... Im sorry I cant be more


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Computer Shopper Feb 2000

2000-01-12 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Tim P wrote:
> has a picture of Sam in it.  The robot that is, not the computer or my
> old school friend.

What on earth for? The robot that is, not the computer or your old
school friend.

Is it out now? (Why do mags come out a month early??) If so I'll pop
down the newsagent and leaf through it annoying the newsagent as
normal.  Which page?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: your mail

2000-01-06 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gordon Wallis wrote:
> Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> >
> > David L wrote:
> > >
> > > Dont be pedantic
> > >
> > > A Z380 or Z280 machine would, I would imagine, be remotely of interest to
> > > some people on the list.
> >
> [snip]
> >
> > well, it interested me...  perhaps people here should eat more winegums?
> > ;)
> >
> Well, I second _that_!

ditto ;)

[oh no.. here we go again :)]

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: your mail

2000-01-06 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

David L wrote:
> Dont be pedantic
> A Z380 or Z280 machine would, I would imagine, be remotely of interest to
> some people on the list.

I thought the point you were making was about its method of emulating a
speccy right?.. About having a card in the pc's isa?..  If thats not
what it said, I've obviously been eating too many winegums.  I think I
got that from the "ISA" thing on the schematic... so its probably a bit
of a big leap thing... but I remember some mention of plug-into-pc sams
some while ago..

well, it interested me...  perhaps people here should eat more winegums?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Eh up, what's goin' on 'ere then?

2000-01-05 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Dave Laundon wrote:
> For the past couple of days I've noticed that I was receiving messages from
> Sam-Users at work that never appeared at home.  I've just done a quick 'who'
> to sam-users-request and found that I no longer exist, so I've just had to
> resubscribe!
> Whoever done this, could they explain?  Or could some automated process have
> done this?

I stopped recieving messages for a long time & lost the ability to
post... So its not just you :).. But I got added back on without asking,
so... urr :)

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert


2000-01-04 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
Oh.. err happy new year and stuff... :)... We survived, no fiery demons
bringing balls of wrath.

David Ledbury wrote:
> They did - Bob hijacked the ideas everyone put out but as usual it ended 
> up being just talk.
> Anyone remember the SAMSon discussions?

What is that?  I recognise the name...  but thats about it.
> > Clever clogs them Russians.
> >
> > Why didn't someone here think of that !!  :-(
> >

I remember the talk about something like this a while back, probably a
long while..  There are speccy emulators out there that do this too
aren't there?  You just buy the card, and basically its a speccy with
all the interface-to-pc gubbins..They seem quite a good idea for
teaching programming at high school or whatever for motor/robotics
control, instead of trying to get kids to make pcs to do all that
control stuff.. our school used something similar - with an interface
box - just a shame the language was so utter pants.  e.g. only type of
loop you could do was a for loop, and the only step you could have was
1, and you couldn't do multiplication (or any other kind of maths for
that matter)...  Nuff said.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Net stuff...

2000-01-01 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
[did this ever get thru sorry if it did for some reason mail
keeps bouncing off that server, maybe it was dead... said it didnt exist
or something]

All this net talk just made this weird little idea appear in my head.

Would it be possible to have Wincoupe allow sam-network communication
over the net?  Yknow some kinda conversion, la-di-da so then you
could set up a sam network (well, kind of) over the internet?

Not of incredible importance, practicality or value *BUT* it'd be a
nice little peculiarity.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert


1999-12-17 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

> Yup, we don't process every object in the entire map because even the single 
> player game would run like a dog, but we have to remember a certain number of 
> objects for the game to be even remotely believable.
> But it's a problem with the majority of games, and we're never going to 
> please everyone

The way I've got aroudn this with a game Im working on is only trasmit
the "creation" information, which brings with it a lot of assumed
stuff... Since this includes missiles etc. it doesnt matter - a missile
will follow the same path no matter which computer it is on, and given
that the environment is the same on each computer tht is enough to keep
it on track... With cars, I suppose you could pass the initial
speed/direction, then only retransmit when this changes?

How are you doing this at the moment then if not like that?... (hehe,
nice and off topic to sam users)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert


1999-12-17 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

> Several reasons. GTA (1 or 2) is not a game suited to multiplay in the same 
> way Quake is - 
> there are thousands of objects (cars, pedestrians, as well as physical 
> objects) that must
> all be kept track of - by all players.

But isnt it only cars in the nearby vacinity that are kept track of? 
When playing, if a car goes far enough into the distance on a straight
road it *disappears* even if you chase back to where it should be..  But
then, it'd take a lot of faffing to get the same cars on screen when two
players meet up if it worked this way... 

> They will run well on any half decent LANs, and modem-modem play is usable, 
> but we hold our hands up > and admit that Internet play is abysmal.

As it is for pretty much every game :)... 


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Free Mungus stuff

1999-12-11 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Stephen McGreal wrote:
> I didn't want to do a normal homepage so I just chucked some stuff about me
> on a site full of what I like to think of as art. Mostly nicked art, but

And badgers are an artform.  Of sorts.

> then I doubt Damien Hirst didn't rear that cow himself...

Personally I doubt he *did* (pick pick pick pick)

> It's possible I'm the Tetris girl, I've been wandering around
> in a drug-crazed transvestite haze for the last decade so I can't remember
> (Hey, we've all been there, haven't we? Haven't we? Oh dear)

Yeh, true, but only seperately to do them together is quite an
achievement (but probably preferable, cos then the memory aint so vivid

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Free Mungus stuff

1999-12-08 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

> (You'll have to track down the SAM page from there but it's easier now if
> you read the text attached to the badgers - Don't ask) :-)

I've become a convert fan of "Badger-Navigation" its more fun than a
finger of fudge.  And the tangerine page is nice too actually... pure
genius.. makes me hungry though.  I might sue.

Where has that pic of you been used before, just its another of those
"hmm, recognise that" things... You werent the Tetris girl were you? ;)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Kilroy on Monday

1999-12-08 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

David L wrote:
> Anyone watching Kilroy on monday may have seen a certain lady in the
> audience...
> Dawn Mackenzie & daughters
> Off topic, but nice to see them!

Strange you should mention Kilroy... my mums address is going to be
given out on that apparently, as "ICF UK Regional Host"... (sounds posh
dunnit).. Having said that, shes not entirely keen on the idea :)... 
Never liked Kilroy, its just something about the way, when he goes to
talk to someone and needs to sit down on the seat opposite, he just
manoeuvres himself backside first into them, forcing them to move out of
the way or have him sit on their face... no please or thankyous... tsk
people today.

And to top that its a pretty awful show... :)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-11-30 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Dan Dooré wrote:
> > OK! Correction. I have pretty much (99.99%) decided that I'm
> > wrong. The lady from Tetris is none other than Nastassia Kinski.
> > Original image is here:
> >
> That's the baby!

Really?... Hmm.. I didnt think the other one was the right one at first,
but attributed that to adolescent mind meanderings, but out of the two,
I recognise the first more... So, where is *she* from?... Some other sam
demo perhaps?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: FRED starts the ball rolling...

1999-11-24 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

> Why don't we purge the PD libraries and stick everything up there. Does
> anybody have contact with Derek Morgan?

Well, I've got his address around here somewhere... This gives me a good
excuse to actually get back in touch of those "back from the dead"
things... If he's ok with it I'll put all my old SCAD's games... ok...
so its not *that* great, but its something to stick in yer drive... 
Thats assuming the disks still work :)

...actually if you take of the sync, theyll run faster in
WinCoupe... maybe theyll be playable :)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: [OFF] Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)

1999-11-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gavin Smith wrote:
> If it wasn't, I certainly wouldn't be using it ;) It is, 24/7, permanent
> connection - but, as I said, it was a trial they were running, whilst
> the trial proved unviable for them (i.e. I probably stayed connected day
> and night pissing them off!), they decided not to introduce it publicly
> - so only 100 people have got it. Sorry!

But (blag coming, feel free to switch off).. Surely you could give us
all your login/password to your account so we can use it to log on any
time we like Yknow, out of the goodness of your heart & love of the
sam community... (blah blah blah)...? :)

Its similar to what I've done with my freecall-uk account.  I've given
my login id & password to loads of people to go on and use the
account and so run up the credits for me, without me going online
:)... So I just sit back and get to use the 0800 time (assuming they
start running it) :)  As long as I dont stay on too long, its
effectively free... :)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)

1999-11-20 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

David L wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 2:48 AM
> Subject: Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)
> > (unless youve got something going on with BT as well & dont have to pay
> > for phonelines... ;)
> I got my BT line for free... but it took ages to get them not to charge me
> for it!!!

Same here with our second line... it was "FREE" yet we had to pay for
it.  Great marketing ploy these BT folks have going on..  So they
charged it, we didnt pay, they threatened to take us to court for not
paying a non-existent bill... All the while, they over-debited our first
line, leaving them in debt to us of £500...

..So we demanded that back & it shut them up...  Why is it they demand
money off you and threaten with court if you miss the tiniest payment,
yet them owing you £500 is seen as "prefectly" alright..

So... needless to say, we've not got a second line anymore... but we've
got the nice white box on the wall, for free  Bargain.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)

1999-11-20 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gavin Smith wrote:
> Erm, I have an excuse though. You see, AOL were running an 0800 trial
> thing a while ago. Basically, 100 lucky people in the UK were sent the
> 0800 pack, which involves paying 30 quid a month, and you get 24 hours a
> day, totally free phone calls! So, erm I signed up :*) 30 quid a month
> and I leave the Mac connected. I even got a phoneline installed for the
> purpose. 

Er.. you *PAY* for a second phone line for the privelege of *FREE*
internet access.

Theres something about that sentence that doesn't seem quite right

(unless youve got something going on with BT as well & dont have to pay
for phonelines... ;)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)

1999-11-20 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Dave Whitmore wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 17:46:57 EST Sat, 20 Nov 99 00:19:11 GMT,
> >You bunch of stupid demo coders.
> So you were Bob all along!
> :)
> Seriously Johnna, AOL!?

Is it just me, or does everyone have this reaction.  Whenever I see a
company offering something "totally free", I always go and take, use,
eat whatever it is as much as is physicall possible (and then beyond),
just to put them right for being so stupid as to offer it for free..

Take for example supermarket "try one (ignore the one) trays" that they
put out around supermarkets with a nice smiling woman saying.. "excuse
me, would you like to try this new yoghurt drink which comes complete
with these bacteria which help restore the natural bacterial levels in
your stomach" ...  Is it only *me* that says "oh thankyou", and them
promptly empties her tray of yoghurts?  Hmm...

On that subject (before I swiftly switch and pretend that this never
happened)..  How can a yoghurt possibly "restore the natural balance of
bacteria in your stomach"??  Surely the "natural balance" is what
exists...?!...  Hmm.. perhaps that argument doesnt work after a curry &
doner kebab...

Maybe we should all get together & sign up for AOL...  Then during the
day, set our computers up to connect to AOL *FOR FREE*... regardless of
whether we're using the net or not?  Then, say you want to find a useful
bit of information, such as "does cliff richard come from kent" you
could just walk up and "surf" rather than actually waiting to

We'll show those damn AOLers   

Thinking (momentarily sanely) d'you think that making it free access
will increase the proportion on the net of "AOL wankers"?... And, would
it be possible to sue AOL for the distress caused by having to deal with
these wankers - since they are providing the medium through which these
wankers communicate...  Actually, a better idea would be to organise an
"AOL-meetup"... where everyone who uses AOL would go to teh AOL
headquarters... that'd show them.. (oh er.. sorry Johnna... you can
be excused.)

Ive finished now..


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Woohoo!

1999-11-12 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Graham Goring wrote:
> > If you're still around in a couple of years I
> >might try to blag my way into retrospec after I learn some PC stuff at Uni
> >(Abertay - Computer Games Technologies and Virtual Environments, no less
> >Oho yeah baby) :-)
> Ooh, proper videogaming course.
> "Now class, for homework I want you to write a paper on why it's
> inconceivable that such an original product like Waterworks hasn't
> been updated for a modern computer or console." :)

Or, more accurately...  

"Now class, for your first assignment I want you to go into Dundee and
look at computer games in shops"


"Now class, for your second assignment I want you to go to the back of
the room and play with yourselves (fnar fnar)" me, I know indirectly, but i know :)

> >Do I take it from the fact that Graham is the only person who's replied to
> >this topic that nobody else on sam-users knows who I am? Not famous enough.
> >Bummer :-(

You should have concentrated on writing more complete crap n nonsense
letters instead of coding... thats what people seem to recognise me
for...  charming... :)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: SAM Community Newsletter Issue 2

1999-10-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Graham Goring wrote:

> >> I believe that the Russian can supply them with the launchers for a
> >> very reasonable fee. Only last week I got a nuclear submarine for using
> >> along the canal.
> >
> >Shouldn't cost too much.  After all, the entire Russian economy is
> >worth what?   UKP2.50 these days?
> Slightly less.

So I could go and buy the whole Russian economy for "two of your english
pounds"?? Hmm. [Sound of brain trying to think of a dastardly evil plan]

Kinda begs the question: What do you do with a russian economy once
you've got one.? Just another of those impulse buys that gets put in
cupboard after a week no doubt.

"The Russian economy is for life, not just for Christmas"


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Re Finally

1999-10-04 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Chris White wrote:
> >
> > From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > (In an attempt to make this relevant)... Chris- yknow the lemmings
> > There is a PC DISK Zip of the GFX on the site call stuff from DMA , and they
> > contain IFF files that can be view with most GFX programs
> > In some respects they still belong 2 DMA , but not 2 sure , as long as its
> > not degrading to DMA/Lemmings then it should be ok??
> Ohh... would I do a thing like that? No no no no no :)  Not
> degrading at all.. :)... Not that I'm going to say what it is though.
> You'll all find out in good time (mu ha ha ha ha ha)

Annnd... I'm going to get in touch with them before I do it :)... So
nope there wont be a problem.  Though, there is a problem with the link,
it doesn't seem to work, I think it might be that the filenames on the
site have ".ZIP" as the extension instead of ".zip" (annoying or


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Re Finally

1999-10-03 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Chris White wrote:
> From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > (In an attempt to make this relevant)... Chris- yknow the lemmings

> There is a PC DISK Zip of the GFX on the site call stuff from DMA , and they
> contain IFF files that can be view with most GFX programs
> In some respects they still belong 2 DMA , but not 2 sure , as long as its
> not degrading to DMA/Lemmings then it should be ok??

Ohh... would I do a thing like that? No no no no no :)  Not
degrading at all.. :)... Not that I'm going to say what it is though.
You'll all find out in good time (mu ha ha ha ha ha)

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Re Finally

1999-10-02 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
> --
>   "like Hotmail but faster and a lot better"
>   Carol Vorderman, The Mirror, writing about

I have real trouble with this tag on the end... I read it as "Like Carol
Vorderman, but faster and a lot better"

Speaking of which, did anyone see Countdown at 5:30am on tuesday
morning?  it must be a classic, with Richard Whitely's "Oooh say it
again" eroticisms :)...

(In an attempt to make this relevant)... Chris- yknow the lemmings
artwork that you posted on your site?  Is it the animations for the
characters etc?..  Just cos I need the little lemmings for something I'm
doing as a joke..  I see its in SAD format.. will that go in SimCoupe? 
What format are the graphics in?.. Urrr... Is there are program to
extract them outta the file onto my PC?  Will they load into anything? 

Quite relevant in the end... Minus the Carol Vorderman/Richard Whitely


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sams worst game ever

1999-10-01 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gavin Smith wrote:
> Dan Dooré wrote:
> > My last word on the OT subject:
> >
> >
> >
> > Before & After shots.
> I'm not sure if she looks better before or after...

It took me a while to realise the black spots were for the distortion, I
was thinking "ooh, peculiar case of acne"...


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: One Final point on Finally

1999-09-29 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Chris White wrote:
> Oh who invented Htmls , said language - Case Sensitive , Slash Sensitive ,
> what next Colo(u)r Sensitive as well :
> C#
> Ps have correct all '\' to '/' for you Netscape User's , any others thing ya
> want changes ( and don't ask for the counters & Time as I don't know how )

Oooh... So sorry :).. May I beg your forgiveness... ;)...  About the
counters, maybe its because:

should be:

...Having said that, I tried the second and got nothing either. But
maybe you'll have more luck... Otherwise, get a better counter
( is free i think)... if you *want* one that is!!

Strangely...  the counter did display one time i loaded, but I can't
remember what I did :)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: One Final point on Finally

1999-09-29 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Chris White wrote:
> Is the place 2 go

The link to the Sam Coupe page has the directory slash the wrong way
round '\' instead of '/' which means it goes poopoo...

Just soes you know


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: South park

1999-09-28 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Maria Rookyard wrote:
> So it's not just me that disagrees with all the 7 year olds at school who
> insist it's a kids programme just because it's a cartoon?

What about akira or manga or whatever its called... (nope, like the
playstation, ive never seen *this* either... I like such a sheltered
life)..  thats hardly kiddy-corner is it?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Hi Sam Dudes,

1999-09-28 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Justin Skists wrote:
> > From: Martin Fitzpatrick [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Urmm.. welcome to the list Rik :)... A list where a half of people talk
> >techy stuff I try to convince myself I understand, while the rest of us
> >talk about Playstations...
> Heh.. Sorry.. :)

No need to apologise :).. I was including myself in the 'talk about
playstations' bit... despite never having seen one... (I guess I can
always fantasise...  urmm )


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sams worst game ever

1999-09-27 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Justin Skists wrote:
> I remember seeing this girl on the advert. I thought she looked ugly so
> I didn't take much notice. I'll take a closer look next time.

I like your heavily analytical approach to tv watching: 

"is she attractive?

:)... it seems a faultless system.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sams worst game ever

1999-09-27 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Ian Collier wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 01:52:33PM +0100, Nick Humphries wrote:
> > The one with the alien-like girl? VERY good make-up job that - doesn't look
> > fake, really strikes home.
> No it doesn't.  It is just disturbing.  And meaningless.
> And it isn't a make-up job, it's computerised.

Thank god... I was under the disturbed impression it was how she really

..that ad seriously annoys me but well, so what :) its not as if I
was going to buy one anyway :)

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sams worst game ever

1999-09-25 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gordon Wallis wrote:
> Maria Rookyard wrote:
> >
> > Gordon Wallis expressed the hope that:
> > >
> > >>... they be consigned to the most pestilent pits of Hell, there to
> > >>be forever Satan's sexual plaything.
> >
> > Which, to Justin, ...
> > >
> > >Sounds like you've seen the southpark movie...
> >
> > Which in turn got Maria thinking off on a tangent and asking...
> >
> > What's the absolute youngest age that you guys reckon Southpark (the series)
> > is aimed at?
> Mid-twenties?
> Personally, I loathe the series - it just seems so pointless. Granted, I
> seem to have missed all the 'classic' episodes...
> I don't believe that most teenagers, let alone younger kids, can fully
> appreciate what's going on. On the other hand, the movie was so
> blatantly Disney-backlash that it's likely to be appreciated by anyone
> brought up during Disney's steady decline into recycled schmaltz (ie,
> the last 30 years).

That old??  I'm only 19 :)... Hmm... are you telling me that I've been
missing something all this time?  And where do babies come from
again? ;)

bit like the Simpsons I guess whats that Futurama like anyone?... I
watched a clip and the lead character just got on my nerves... I was
hoping maybe hed turn normal Doesn't he look like the character in
simpsons that was either a pizza delivery boy or worked in a petrol
station... or ... or ? Uh?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Hi Sam Dudes,

1999-09-25 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gavin Smith wrote:
> Richard Moore wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sam Dudes,
> > I'm new to this list, I used to have a Sam Coupe back in those glory days,
> > and wasn't it great,
> > I was wondering if anyone knew the whereabouts of a certain Martin
> > Fitzpatrick, he used to run Metropolis software, I used to write music for
> > him.
> > Cheers dudes,
> > Keep the Coupe spirit going forever!
> >
> > Rich
> > "Just Reverse Your Eyes And See The Star Inside"
> > Scintillate Website -
> Martin is on this list - his email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Welcome to the list! Have you still got your SAM? If not, bloody get
> one, none of this poncy emulator stuff alright? ;)

..And... here I am :)... I emailed a reply, but kinda neglected to say I
had :).. Oh well...

Urmm.. welcome to the list Rik :)... A list where a half of people talk
techy stuff I try to convince myself I understand, while the rest of us
talk about Playstations...  which I've never had (but I saw one
once!!... wow!)...  Have you got the SimCoupe thang yet?

Actually.. to make this kinda less than worthless as a message (well,
ok, perhaps just worthless)...  Where is the latest Win32 version? Does
it have sound blah blah blah  I mean, I can't live without my POW

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Stewart Skardon wrote:
> On Mon 20 Sep 1999 (23:42:36 +0100), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >
> >Johnna Teare wrote:
> >>
> >> On 20 Sep 99, at 13:25, Gavin Smith wrote:
> >>
> [Snip]
> >
> >What is vegetable vacation?/ :)  I long to see it... (well, perhaps not
> >that much)
> If you are desperate, there is a DSK image of the playable demo on my
> siteURL below.

Urmm.. the zip aint there.  But the screenshot looks... urm.. weird. 
Why's the tomato purple?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Dan Dooré wrote:
> > Its a shame nobody did a conversion of Daley Thompsons Super Test (or
> > whatever) for the Sam.. I missed being able to knacker my joysticks (3
> > in total).. it was kinda comical when the handle dislodged itself and
> > you carried on wiggling for a while before realising...  Ahh...
> Wasn't Wayne Coles' Joystick Power a microswitch-mangler in the Decathlon
> tradition?
> I had a superb cheat device for Decathlon consisting of an alternate
> left-right wired rotary switch - It's in front of me now ;-)

Hehe...Excellent - did it work?  I always imagined that it would be
quicker than the joystick to try using yer fingers on the keyboard, but
it just wasn't possible.

You should have marketed the rotary switch device.  Just put some
lightening logos, flames, and "Roto-Zappa!" in large red/yellow
writing..  Nice black case..  etc. etc.  It'd have sold millions..  £45
to you mate...  Course, people might get a bit annoyed when they
realised what it is.  But a few hundred in your pocket, thankyouverymuch

I guess the thing wrong with Joystick Power is that it didn't have a
large red blob (Daley Thompson - I'm talking *on screen* here, before I
get sued) racing alongside a large green blob (Opponent chap).  The
canoeing was always the hardest bit.. after that it moved from being
about pure wiggling and into timing & skill, which was beyond me...


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 21 Sep 99, at 15:05, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> >
> >
> > David L wrote:
> > >
> > > > Ahh thats right :)...  Ahh.. the remeniscing :)  Them were the
> > > > days... (etc. etc.)...  Who'd have thought it'd still be affecting my
> > > > vocabulary today..  No wonder people give me weird looks sometimes
> > > > when i say it.
> > >
> > > All I can say to that is Wibble!
> >
> > And another :)...  Hmm... It's quite amazing the effect this had on me as
> > a child (and now it seems..).  I wonder how many new words they invented
> > in their time..  Time for an investigation.
> >
> > Anyway... what is columns?... Is it a bit like that thing on the game
> > gear... urm.. whatever it was called?
> Erm...columns?

I knew that was going to happen. :)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-22 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Simon Cooke wrote:
> From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > David L wrote:
> > >
> > > > Ahh thats right :)...  Ahh.. the remeniscing :)  Them were the
> > > > days... (etc. etc.)...  Who'd have thought it'd still be affecting my
> > > > vocabulary today..  No wonder people give me weird looks sometimes
> when
> > > > i say it.
> > >
> > > All I can say to that is Wibble!
> >
> > And another :)...  Hmm... It's quite amazing the effect this had on me
> > as a child (and now it seems..).  I wonder how many new words they
> > invented in their time..  Time for an investigation.
> Just had another thought... fnar may have arrived at YS by way of Viz... or
> it might have been the other way around. Not sure though...

Ahh... as in "Buster Gonads, the man with the unfeasably large
testicles"... or was it the other guy?... Hmm... something to do with
double entendre (probably more likely?).. Ohh well..  

If it went from YS to Viz, that must mean that the Viz people read YS...


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

David L wrote:
> > Ahh thats right :)...  Ahh.. the remeniscing :)  Them were the
> > days... (etc. etc.)...  Who'd have thought it'd still be affecting my
> > vocabulary today..  No wonder people give me weird looks sometimes when
> > i say it.
> All I can say to that is Wibble!

And another :)...  Hmm... It's quite amazing the effect this had on me
as a child (and now it seems..).  I wonder how many new words they
invented in their time..  Time for an investigation.

Anyway... what is columns?... Is it a bit like that thing on the game
gear... urm.. whatever it was called?

Never quite as good as tetris was it.

Its a shame nobody did a conversion of Daley Thompsons Super Test (or
whatever) for the Sam.. I missed being able to knacker my joysticks (3
in total).. it was kinda comical when the handle dislodged itself and
you carried on wiggling for a while before realising...  Ahh...

...apart from that the game was utter pants.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Justin Skists wrote:
> Sounds intruiging...
> Damn.. I gotta load it up again, now.. I don't remember anything dodgy
> going on with her lips...

This has got me intrigued Sad that this is going to be what finally
encourages to dig the Sam out off the shelf.. :).. Which disk was this
on btw?  Otherwise I'll be searching for hours...


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Simon Cooke wrote:
> > Btw. where did the whole fnar fnar thing come from?  In my head its a
> > peculiarly 'Sam' thing (probably Fred, i can't imagine it being Format
> > :o>)...
> It's from Your Sinclair ;)

Ahh thats right :)...  Ahh.. the remeniscing :)  Them were the
days... (etc. etc.)...  Who'd have thought it'd still be affecting my
vocabulary today..  No wonder people give me weird looks sometimes when
i say it.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 20 Sep 99, at 13:38, Andrew Collier wrote:
> > Another Columns clone STAX by Wayne Coles, which was much better...
> STAX was fantastic - the best freebie game ever, save for Tetris.

Would that be the tetris thing with the picture of that lass behing the
blocks things?... I remember (when aaah was a ladd) getting a seriously
distrubing interest in the Sam coupe, purely because it had a fit (or
'fine' for the americans :o>) girl on it... They were like "wow..
phwooaar this is an ace computer".. was liverpool after all


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-21 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 20 Sep 99, at 13:25, Gavin Smith wrote:
> > Most-hyped-game-that-turned-out-to-be-not-very-good goes to Legend of
> > Eshan.
> Hurrah! Somebody who agrees with me. I remember reviewing this
> for SAM2Sam and giving it something like 9% and I got loads of
> stick for it.
> Not the worst game ever, but the biggest disappointment.
> Worst game...vegetable vacation...looks great, but nothing to play
> with...fnar...

What is vegetable vacation?/ :)  I long to see it... (well, perhaps not
that much)

Btw. where did the whole fnar fnar thing come from?  In my head its a
peculiarly 'Sam' thing (probably Fred, i can't imagine it being Format


Martin Fitz

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Proposal for the FTP site...

1999-09-17 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Simon Cooke wrote:
> > Couldn't you just do that with some kinda cgi scripty thing.  As in, the
> > directory of the site is displayed using a cgi script which just goes
> > through and pieces all these things together into a nice structured file
> > thing?... Its just that would save you from having to bother running a
> > bot every now and then.  Now, as to writing the cgi thing, urmm... Any
> > volunteers :)
> Erm... isn't that exactly what I am proposing anyway? Except your version
> would put a lot of load on the server; mine is static and only updated when
> I run the program on the server.

A I get ya now :)  Duh :o) Fairy nuff, carry on & do yer
thing :)

..As  I say, if you need help creating the initial index just lemme know
what needs doing & I'll do some before I disappear.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Proposal for the FTP site...

1999-09-16 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Simon Cooke wrote:
> Can we add a "fileinfo.txt" file to every folder? I want to write a quite
> utility which will go through the site, and grab this info from each one,
> building an index on my web pages...

> This way, we'd be able to have an online directory of sorts, that I could
> run a bot on every now and then to update it. Only problem is getting people
> to put together the initial index... but if anyone's up to the job, we could
> parcel out tasks for it...

Couldn't you just do that with some kinda cgi scripty thing.  As in, the
directory of the site is displayed using a cgi script which just goes
through and pieces all these things together into a nice structured file
thing?... Its just that would save you from having to bother running a
bot every now and then.  Now, as to writing the cgi thing, urmm... Any
volunteers :) 

I suppose I could put a bit of time into creating the initial index, but
I'm off on my hols (Florida.. woohoo) in a while, and then going on one
of those year-out studenty things.  So it'd have to be pretty soon!! 
Nice idea though.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Atom Interface

1999-09-11 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gordon Wallis wrote:
> Andrew Gale wrote:
> > > How much interest is there to build the Atom dard disk interface.
> > >
> > > I'm planning to make a nice and clear gif shematic and put it online.
> > > If there is enough interest.
> > >
> >
> > Lots, I should think! I definitely would like to, so yes please!
> >
> Seconded!
> (not that I'm likely to build one...)

Yay... Me too, me too  Something else to add to my giant list of
"things to get around to doing"

Fitz :)

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: New hardware for SAM

1999-09-11 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Jarek Adamski wrote:

> >>  1. 4MB SIMM - 1/3
> > Agreed. What types of Simms are u thinking off? EDO is getting
> > scarecer.
> Perhaps EDO, perhaps not. I must try. I don't expect much
> difference in standard simple access. I have 1MB SIMM now and I
> still have to find the socket for it. I have a lot of sockets
> for short SIMMs, but I didn't make the extention some years ago,
> so they seem to be useless now. And I still don't know how the
> original extention works.

Well I've got a spare 4MB SIMM here if you want that... I just yanked it
out of an old 486SX33 (really past its best I thought)...  The sockets
are in there two, if you want em?? (if you're talking about the small
black things :o>)

> >>  4. ISA cross- 0/3
> > Interesting. But not so easy getting of ISA hardware these
> > days
> You should search at the attic. This is only for things like:
> COMs (also internal modems), LPTs and FDC. There is also access
> to HDC, but you lose half of harddisk (no matter if you have
> 4GB anyway).

Again I've got the bits if you're ever runnning low.  My life seems to
be terminally surrounded by bits of decaying computers.
> How many people will have this card? Or better I should start
> design of new computer apart the SAM? There will be only
> extention board with socket for ASIC to get SAM compatibility?

Might make more sense??... I mean, if you're going to be overriding all
the other bits of the board.  And I suppose this way you can plug it all
into a nice tower case (with the neccessary blue feet (though mine were
black :o<))...  I'd have one, just for the novelty of having another
weird computer to slot scraps of stuff into.  And I'd be far more likely
to program something :o)
> > Although a more direct 128K emulator sounds good, I'd prefer
> > some _new_ games ;-)
> Well, I can make only the former. :-( By the way, are there SAM
> versions of Doom, Worms and Mortal Combat? I have seen them on
> ZX128 already.

Doom?? On a Spectrum?... What an odd thought... "Aargh a large
blob of red is coming at me... Oh, that was *my* gun" :)... Ahh, them
were the days...
> The present voting is:
>  7. 28MHz CPU- 6/0
>  3. DMA  - 3/1
>  5. Interlacer   - 2/1
>  1. 4MB SIMM - 1/1
>  2. ZX128 emul   - 1/1
>  6. Amiga HDFDD  - 1/0
>  4. ISA cross- 0/1

I'd add 1 to everthing... except perhaps ZX128 emul, or maybe that would
be nice.   Just.. basically. Speed, Speed, Memory and Speed.

See ya,


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: SimCoupe 0.783a - ZIP

1999-09-11 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Andrew Collier wrote:

> the new incompatible files should have been given different extensions. If
> somebody gives me a .doc file, I don't know if I can read it or not until
> I waste my time trying. You don't think this situation is bad?

But the difference with the SAD (v2) is its just compressed inside, so
whats the problem?  Either get the latest version of software which
deals with SAD2, or get a program (which Aley mentioned!?) to convert
between them if its a problem.  Its hardly a big deal.

There aren't that many characters available for the end of filenames
anyway, if your going to be dos compatible you've got 3...

If the file mentions in the header what version it is, its fine - ok,
very old software might choke, but then you could just run all sads
through a converter (which being new would know that there were two
versions and only convert as neccessary)...

> Anyway, a well thought-out file format usually shouldn't need to be
> backwards incompatible. Look at html, for example (Old readers can't
> interpret new features, but they can properly extract all the useful data
> they can handle).

If its compressed how could a reader "properly extract all the useful
data"? It doesn't realise its compressed.  As Aley says, the file has a
header, if the programs using the file are written properly, they'll
check this header and only open files they know.  If it doesn't work its
the programs that are at fault not the file format.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: SAMDSK - a testimony

1999-09-09 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Thomas Harte wrote:
> > It's been a while since I wrote that so, to be honest, I really can't answer
> > any questions about error messages, bugs, or features!
> Any chance of posting the source? So that some of us can try and fix 
> it for
> DOS boxes?

Ive got another version (a kinda similar thing) that does some other
stuff to try and make screwed up disks worked (like dropping down to
sector/sector reading when a track has dodgy sectors in it)... I've got
the source (in Pascal I'm afriad... well, Pascal mixed with assembler),
and its kinda almost finished (apart from the disk writing bit, which I
never got around to)... But I'll finish it off & upload it with the
source (if you want it that is!!)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Now you can all play a lame game under emulation!

1999-09-08 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

James R Curry wrote:
> Blast Turbo, the updated version of Blast which was originally on
> Fred 56 (Blast Turbo itself was on a late Fred issue, but who knows
> which?) is now available for downloading.

That game is *ridiculously* fast :)... I can't cope, its kinda like
instant death, every time.  What was the SimCoupe command thingy for
setting it to run slower slightly (forcing something syncronisation
(very accurate aren't i))... Any ideas?  No doubt someone will know,


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: New hardware for SAM

1999-09-08 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Gordon Wallis wrote:
> I'd have to go for:
> >  5. Interlacer   - 0/3
> >  7. 28MHz CPU- 0/0
> But, then, I don't really understand techy stuff like DMA and ISA. SIMM
> compatibility would be nice, as would HDFDDs. Although a more direct
> 128K emulator sounds good, I'd prefer some _new_ games ;-)

I may actually write one one of these days.  The only problem being my
knowlege of z80 asm is dodgy to say the least, and I haven't used C for
about 3 years & promptly forgot it.

..Oh well.. And good z80 tutorial things out there?... Might give it a
bash on a rainy day.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Might be interested

1999-09-03 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

James R Curry wrote:

> I like Swansea.  Swansea is a nice place.  And it's one of the only
> places in Wales

Its in Wales??  Eeek.

> that doesn't have a name made out of hyroglyphics.
> ;-)

Theres always Bangor.

Or perhaps not.

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Might be interested

1999-09-02 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Robert van der Veeke wrote:
> > So... how *do* they pay me?
> Are they paying outside the States/Canada? That seems to be the case with
> those "get paid while you surf" plans.

Well, I think so... The form didn't ask for a credit card/etc. and only
had space for NI (or the american equiv.) number... Oh well :) If
its a bunch of lies I guess I just cancel it ... if they let me 


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Might be interested

1999-09-02 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> > Yeh.. a bit fishy.  What confuses me is presumably it'll come through from
> > one email address.  So all I need to do is sign up & then set me ISP to
> > delete email from the account its coming from? I like this already.
> > Ok, that kinda defies the point of it, but yknow...
> Exactly what I was thinking!

Now what confuses me is *how* they pay me.  They didn't ask for a credit
card number, and only have my address (no way am I giving them my phone
number... Ive was phoned by some weird American company once, and had a
massive conversation where they tried to convince me that I'd really
rung them and asked them to ring me... very strange).  

So... how *do* they pay me?

To make this marginally topical What are the pubs/clubs like in
Gloucester/Quedgely this seems the nicest idea, since thats where
all the shows were Though, then again, I've never been to Swansea
:)...  But I somehow doubt much of Samdom will remain after 10 years :)

Martin Fitz

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Might be interested

1999-09-01 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
Johnna Teare wrote:
> Just thought people might be interested in this...
> Sounds a bit fishy, but if they stick to their agreement, it could earn a 
> couple of
> quid a month...

Yeh.. a bit fishy.  What confuses me is presumably it'll come through
from one email address.  So all I need to do is sign up & then set me
ISP to delete email from the account its coming from? I like this
already.  Ok, that kinda defies the point of it, but yknow...

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Anybody know who Anonymity Smith was?

1999-08-31 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> I thought possibly graham because I remember he did some scifi
> stuff for SAM2Sam.
> I remember them being quite funny and sending up the hackneyed
> plots of scifi really well. Which is just the kind of stuff I'm after.

Was it him who did the Star Trek thing on FRED (or maybe Outlet?)
the one with the thing about the red jerseys etc. etc.?  Sort of
animation thing?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game? (was Re: Who Wants To Be A... )

1999-08-30 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick
Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Thomas Harte wrote:
> >
> > > Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
> >
> > Hey, if you have SCADS, any chance of uploading a DSK file to nvg 
> > to replace
> > the td0? I'm one of the many people who can't use teledisk any more, but I'd
> > really like to see SCADS.
> Yeh, I can do that... But as you mention in the other mail, if it needs
> the key disk thingy it might not work.  Depends on how it does it I
> guess Anyone have any idea about this?  Will it work thru a DSK
> image?  Hmm... Who knows.  I guess I can just try it out with the disk
> and see what I see.  In fact I'll do it now.

Well, I've tried, and failed :(.  I ran it through my own little dsk
program which handles dodgy sectors (I'll get around to uploading it one
day), but despite the fact that the sectors that are dodgy are all at
the end (only 16 in total!) the disk is naffed.

It will get a directory ok and some things load, but apart from that its
dodgy - end of file problems & somtimes just hanging the compiler.  

If I get my Sam out off its shelf in the near future I'll try and make a
copy of the disk on that & then run it through the DSK thing (the same
always seems a bit more resilient to [ignorant of?] dodgy disks that
PC's for some reason).

The problem with the backup is that the protection will most definately
be uncatered for.  Hmm.

I tried some of my old games too (the ones I wrote with SCADS), but
alas, all the disks seem to have been got by the MagnetoMonster... ohh
well :os

Martin Fitz.

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game? (was Re: Who Wants To Be A... )

1999-08-30 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Ian Collier wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 12:02:49AM +0100, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
> > peeved with Jupiter Software over that [SNIP]
> Er, I seem to be experiencing déjà vu...
> imc

Yay true.  Netscape's gone mad.  It gets exception errors every time
I try and Sync newsgroups & then forgets how many emails are in
folders.  Then, to top it off, when I try and send a bunch of emails I
acts like its sending but then doesn't remove them from the outbox.  So
I think "umm mustn't have gone", so I resend (same happens), so I resend
individually and it works :)

Sorry if you thought you were going weird,

Martin Fitz

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game? (was Re: Who Wants To Be A... )

1999-08-30 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 29 Aug 99, at 17:32, Thomas Harte wrote:
> > > Arcade perfect, is it? Does it have the coloured strips? Eh? Eh?!
> >
> >  Surely the coloured strips would be the easiest thing to get arcade
> >  perfect
> > because of the ease of switching palette entries halfway down the screen?
> >
> >   -Thomas
> >
> It was written in SCADs and iirc it didn't like pallette lines much. The
> actual games wasn't very faitful to the original - more of a cheap
> botched attempt like eveything I've written - love developing ideas,
> but hate writing the damn games!

Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
peeved with Jupiter Software over that - I wrote a game & sent it to
them, then they sent it back running about twice the speed.  Despite my
constant nudging they just wouldn't tell me how they'd done it, beyond
the slightly vague "tweaking"... hmph.

If only they'd brought out the SCADS compiler (i.e. if only they'd
written it)... it woulda been alright... Well, apart from its problems
will pallete lines, background screen images, scrolling (of any kind),
music (...etc.)

Hehe... I'm getting all reminiscent, I might even dig out my "Big Box"
of stuff that I wrote  Does it work on SimCoupe? (SCADS that is)


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 0009CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game? (was Re: Who Wants To Be A... )

1999-08-30 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Thomas Harte wrote:
> > Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
> Hey, if you have SCADS, any chance of uploading a DSK file to nvg to 
> replace
> the td0? I'm one of the many people who can't use teledisk any more, but I'd
> really like to see SCADS.

Yeh, I can do that... But as you mention in the other mail, if it needs
the key disk thingy it might not work.  Depends on how it does it I
guess Anyone have any idea about this?  Will it work thru a DSK
image?  Hmm... Who knows.  I guess I can just try it out with the disk
and see what I see.  In fact I'll do it now.

Martin Fitz

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game? (was Re: Who Wants To Be A... )

1999-08-29 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 29 Aug 99, at 17:32, Thomas Harte wrote:
> > > Arcade perfect, is it? Does it have the coloured strips? Eh? Eh?!
> >
> >  Surely the coloured strips would be the easiest thing to get arcade
> >  perfect
> > because of the ease of switching palette entries halfway down the screen?
> >
> >   -Thomas
> >
> It was written in SCADs and iirc it didn't like pallette lines much. The
> actual games wasn't very faitful to the original - more of a cheap
> botched attempt like eveything I've written - love developing ideas,
> but hate writing the damn games!

Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
peeved with Jupiter Software over that - I wrote a game & sent it to
them, then they sent it back running about twice the speed.  Despite my
constant nudging they just wouldn't tell me how they'd done it, beyond
the slightly vague "tweaking"... hmph.

If only they'd brought out the SCADS compiler (i.e. if only they'd
written it)... it woulda been alright... Well, apart from its problems
will pallete lines, background screen images, scrolling (of any kind),
music (...etc.)

Hehe... I'm getting all reminiscent, I might even dig out my "Big Box"
of stuff that I wrote  Does it work on SimCoupe? (SCADS that is)


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 0009CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Sam's worst ever game? (was Re: Who Wants To Be A... )

1999-08-29 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 29 Aug 99, at 17:32, Thomas Harte wrote:
> > > Arcade perfect, is it? Does it have the coloured strips? Eh? Eh?!
> >
> >  Surely the coloured strips would be the easiest thing to get arcade
> >  perfect
> > because of the ease of switching palette entries halfway down the screen?
> >
> >   -Thomas
> >
> It was written in SCADs and iirc it didn't like pallette lines much. The
> actual games wasn't very faitful to the original - more of a cheap
> botched attempt like eveything I've written - love developing ideas,
> but hate writing the damn games!

Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
peeved with Jupiter Software over that - I wrote a game & sent it to
them, then they sent it back running about twice the speed.  Despite my
constant nudging they just wouldn't tell me how they'd done it, beyond
the slightly vague "tweaking"... hmph.

If only they'd brought out the SCADS compiler (i.e. if only they'd
written it)... it woulda been alright... Well, apart from its problems
will pallete lines, background screen images, scrolling (of any kind),
music (...etc.)

Hehe... I'm getting all reminiscent, I might even dig out my "Big Box"
of stuff that I wrote  Does it work on SimCoupe? (SCADS that is)


Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 0009L/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Funny Thing

1999-08-17 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Simon Cooke wrote:
> From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > just ignore it"no big pictures of the sun in my eyes or anything
> > - just a might sensitive to light, so i get echos when going from light
> > to dark give it a few weeks... :o)
> >
> > ...a fair bit of it is probably psycho somatic anyway - if it had
> > happened on any other day of the year I'd probably be fine by now.
> You might also want to take beta-carotine and Vitamin D & E supplements for
> a while... they'll improve your night vision (or rather, your eyes ability
> to adapt to differing light levels), and that should help get rid of the
> effects you're seeing :)

Hehe... not only are you a bit good at coding, you also do a bit of
health advice :o)... Well, I'll do what you say... I'm already on
something (dunno what), can't help to add a bit more in there... At
worst it'll improve my diet.  

I've also taken to wearing shades (any excuse) to reduce the glare I
think I'll carry on after its sorted anyway - maybe cheaper in the long
run than buying lots of anti-glare screen things.  The only problem is
it gets a bit dark at night... But got to make sacrifices..

On another point, I went to the optician & they did this test thing (to
check if my eyes were aligned properly) by beaming a laser into my eye
(making a nice red line) horizontally and vertically I ended up
walking around with a 'cyborg-like' crosshair for the next few

Which (leading onto something vaguely sam related) - about the eye
things (yknow like headset things), didn't someone once mention making
one to do 3d animations or something on the Sam (or is that my
imagination)... It was definately in a sam magazine somewhere  (Was
it you Simon? :o>)...   Something to do with displaying an image to the
screen then obscuring one eye with an LCD, then showing another and
obscuring the other eye

Just outta interest... Im in the mood to build something ultimately
pointless yet strangely entertaining..

Anyways...  thanks for the tip


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Funny Thing

1999-08-16 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Simon Cooke wrote:
> From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Yeh mine did... But that might have had something to do with me looking
> > directly at the sun (duh).  Unintentional... but I was using them
> > glasses & then my mate handed me a different (better) pair.  So, still
> > staring at the sun I removed the first pair, not realising (duh) that
> > the other pair wouldn't suddenly start working and position themselves
> > in front of my eyes.
> 'sfunny... I used to stare at the sun for minutes at a time when I was
> younger... didn't affect me at all.

Yeh... I said that to me mum and she was all like "noo noo noo, if you
look at it you'll go blind straight away." blah blah blah  Clearly I
had not, so it wasn't true.
> ... now car headlights at night on the other hand...

I think that was kinda the point really... I'd been looking through the
glasses so it was all dark & then I took em off and *flash* ouch.. oh
buggery etc. etc.   Its actually not entirely better yet, but when I
went to the opticians today he said "oh, hmm, quite normal really... 
just ignore it"no big pictures of the sun in my eyes or anything
- just a might sensitive to light, so i get echos when going from light
to dark give it a few weeks... :o)

...a fair bit of it is probably psycho somatic anyway - if it had
happened on any other day of the year I'd probably be fine by now.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Funny Thing

1999-08-12 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> Hey my eyes went funny today at about 10 past 11
> Did yours

Yeh mine did... But that might have had something to do with me looking
directly at the sun (duh).  Unintentional... but I was using them
glasses & then my mate handed me a different (better) pair.  So, still
staring at the sun I removed the first pair, not realising (duh) that
the other pair wouldn't suddenly start working and position themselves
in front of my eyes.

Momentary stunning.  Ouch.  Damn.  A bit of "hmm, have I gone blind". 
Then realising that it was just a coloured blodge in my eyes.  Which

Having said that, it carried on for a while.  Maybe it was just

On a similar subject I was thinking - in the future when they
finally get around to producing 'eye headset' things - so you can watch
tv while walking around.  It'll be great need to go to cornwall (or
wherever).  Just switch on BBC and stare at the sky It'll be like
the real thing.


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-11 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Graham Goring wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Fitzpatrick
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >HTH : Hand To Heart (I'm being honest)
> Surely that'd be HOH, Hand *ON* Heart? (Or Head Over Heels... Eek!)

Dont argue with *me*... I only mindlessly cut and paste from search

...They have some obscure acronyms on there...  And the definition of
"MI5" is "British version of FBI"  Pretty lame for something which
is supposed to explain what acronyms stand for.  Perhaps the MI5 should
be called BVOFBI?


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-10 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Andrew Collier wrote:
> > For Some Values Of.
> This, BTW, is mentioned at
> which comes up on a
> search for FSVO at Altavista...

I've found this specific altavista tool thing which seems to do the


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-10 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Lee Willis wrote:
> Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > "Cowabunga, dudes" :o) Classic... Hmm
> > >
> > > FSVO Classic...
> >
> > Which would mean?... The only reference to 'FSVO' anywhere was about
> > uploading something, saying "uploaded to non-US (FSVO) "
> For Some Valus Of

Agghghhh... acronyms ...Ugh... Ugh... 

But... which version would it be:

HTH : Hand To Hand combat 
HTH : Hand To Heart (I'm being honest) 
HTH : Happy To Help 
HTH : Hope This Helps 

...and as for 'HAND'... 

... "Have A Nice Day" or "Hell And Nuclear Devices"? ;o)

Dont mess with the guy whos just found an acronym finder. :)

..Still have no idea what a quizibuk is though (James)

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-10 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Andrew Collier wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Andrew Collier wrote:
> > > Which would mean?... The only reference to 'FSVO' anywhere was about
> > > uploading something, saying "uploaded to non-US (FSVO) "
> > >
> > > So what is it? Tell me, tell me,... Now now now
> >
> > For Some Values Of.
> This, BTW, is mentioned at
> which comes up on a
> search for FSVO at Altavista...

Ohh well, i guess I didn't look hard enough - I did search on alta-vista
though... But, if I can't see anything in the first few lines that looks
*remotely* right, I generally give up (its a method thats served me well
so far... :o>)..

I checked on two acronym searches and found nothing tho..  Are you sure
you didn't make it up? :o)


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-10 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Graham Goring wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Fitzpatrick
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >
> >
> >Graham Goring wrote:
> >> >Should that be read "duke catastrophe" or "duck catasrophe"?
> >>
> >> :)
> >> Neither.
> >> Duke-tast-roff-ee
> >> It's a word taken from the excellent cartoon "The Critic".
> >
> >Well, you learn something everyday  In a similar vein..
> >
> >"Cowabunga, dudes" :o) Classic... Hmm
> Tsk! How could you compare TMNT to The Critic (which was consistently
> funnier than The Simpsons during it's short 23 episode life)? Pah!

Funnier than The Simpsons? I dont believe it.  Is is around in the UK
then?...  Besides, I hate TMNT (or more accurately TMHT)  I can't
believe there was talk of putting "Cowabunga" in the dictionary.

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-10 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Andrew Collier wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > Well, you learn something everyday  In a similar vein..
> >
> > "Cowabunga, dudes" :o) Classic... Hmm
> FSVO Classic...

Which would mean?... The only reference to 'FSVO' anywhere was about
uploading something, saying "uploaded to non-US (FSVO) "

So what is it? Tell me, tell me,... Now now now


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

Re: Fred n' speccy

1999-08-10 Thread Martin Fitzpatrick

Graham Goring wrote:
> >Should that be read "duke catastrophe" or "duck catasrophe"?
> :)
> Neither.
> Duke-tast-roff-ee
> It's a word taken from the excellent cartoon "The Critic".

Well, you learn something everyday  In a similar vein..

"Cowabunga, dudes" :o) Classic... Hmm


ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

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