RE: CS>DMSO and poke

2009-10-01 Thread Malcolm
Hi Steve;

There are a number of mushrooms that contain anti-viral compounds; most
of the research on this topic as well as other medicinal qualities of
fungi has been done in China or Japan.

Check out "Mycomedicinals" by Paul Stamets.

Available from Fungi Perfecti, P.O. Box 7634 Olympia, WA 98507
or go to:

I'd also highly recommend his book "Mycelium Running"

Take care,  

On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 18:30 -0500, Norton, Steve wrote:
> Doug,
> I certainly agree that pokeweed is interesting. 
> Both in it's unique antiviral properties: Three well-known  different 
> pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP)isoforms from the leaves of the pokeweed 
> (PAP-I from spring leaves, PAPII from early summer leaves, and PAP-III from 
> late summer leaves) that cause concentration-dependent depurination of 
> genomic virus RNA. And there is the pokeweed mitogen. I have not come across 
> mitogens in any other plant, although there may be some with mitogens. And in 
> it's immune stimulating properties.
> I have to admit that the roots worry me a little since they, along with any 
> red parts of the plant (not including the berries), contains the highest 
> amount of toxins. The berries are the lowest as long as you do not eat the 
> seeds. 
> When I grew up in Kentucky, pokeweed would be found anywhere you did not cut 
> or weed regularly. I have yet to see it in CA where I live now. I see that 
> you offer pokeweed for sale or trade on your site. What are your prices for 
> shoots, roots, leaves and berries and when are the seasons for each? I would 
> like enough berries for a pie and some jelly to try. The rest would be for 
> tincturing. Except for some shoots that I may cook if there are enough.
> Thanks,
>  Steve N
> -Original Message-
> From: polo [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>DMSO and poke
> Steve,
> I recommend a pure (upper 90s%) DMSO menstruum (herbal solvent), if you 
> are planning on tincturing the fresh green herb. If you are tincturing dry 
> herbs, I would go with the recommended ratios that are traditionally used and 
> varies from herb to herb. For instance it is recommended that when you 
> tincture dry poke root, you use a 50% ethanol/50% water solution, so I would 
> likewise use a 50% DMSO/50% water solution. Just substitute the DMSO for 
> ethanol.
> DMSO should not need a preservative if used at the higher strengths, just 
> like ethanol. Things usually do not grow in DMSO as they do not in ethanol, 
> presuming the strength is high. I would not be afraid of herbal tinctures 30% 
> or higher in DMSO concentrations. I mostly only use High purity DMSO in my 
> tincturing process and I have yet to have a tincture spoil.
> I have never tried to combine DMSO and ethanol as a combination 
> menstruum. Interesting concept! I can only see an advantage to this from a 
> solvent standpoint if both solvents can extract components of an herb, if one 
> by itself could not. If you are only adding DMSO to provide a more efficient 
> vehicle of herbal drug delivery, then yes, that might be an advantage too, 
> though most people detest DMSO. You could extract the herb by either using a 
> combined DMSO/ethanol menstruum or just tincturing each herb in a DMSO or 
> ethanol menstruum then combining the two. Either way should be ok to my way 
> of thinking.
> The eclectic medical movement that specialized in botanical medicines 
> from the late 1800s up till 1932 or so, found that the best poke root 
> tincture was made directly from the fresh green poke root. The dry poke root 
> is no where near as good or potent. The toxic qualities of poke weed are 
> highly exaggerated. No doubt if you ate the mature weed like you would the 
> young one or as you would any salad, you would suffer gastro-intestinal 
> distress, but that's about it--puking. In some circles, it is felt that 
> vomiting as a result of poke root is actually cathartic. This is held mainly 
> by the puke & cleanse old time herbalists. I would not be worried about the 
> widely publicized toxicity of poke. I know you will find that some young 
> children in the long ago past were said to be poisoned by the berry. Maybe 
> so. We don't know how much they ate, nor if they were compromised in some way 
> or if younger systems are more susceptible. In the adult, poke berries were 
> commonly used for arthritic conditions. As the old cliché goes, all things 
> are poison in the right amounts and most poisons are medicinal in smaller 
> amounts. Poke is no different. It is one of my favorite herbs and a superb 
> anti-viral and lymphatic stimulant. It is great as a topical DMSO tincture.
> doug
> - Original Message - 
> > Doug,
> > A little while back I asked you about making tinctures with DMSO 
> > (using the email address provided at your web site). If I rem

Re: CS>OT and borax ( fleas? ants!)

2009-10-01 Thread Malcolm
Hi, I don't know about boron, the element, but borax is definitely
deadly to ants of various persuasions that live around my area, from
sugar ants to leaf-miners with a few big ol' meanies in-between.

Apparently it tastes like sugar to them (though who figured that out I
dunno?)  They take it back to the nest where it wipes out the entire

I've never had to band it around the house or garden - as a matter of
fact I'd think rain would dissolve it? -  I just put it where they are
coming and going, with something overhead to keep the rain and dew off
if necessary - and they do the rest.

Take care,

On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 18:38 -0400, wrote:
> In a message dated 9/30/2009 3:49:31 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> I've also heard it's good for fleas? Is it?
> I have read that it works, also as an ant & other creepys barrier when
> put in a 2" line around the outside of your house...Haven't tried it.

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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Brickeyk
My GGGrandmothers uncle was killed by a Cherokee death squad when they just 
 arrived in Oklahoma. She said that was why our family did not register as 
NA.  "The Chief killed my uncle." Looking back I believe the chief was also 
a cousin.  I know his son is a cousin. So your own people and family can 
also be  pretty mean.

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2009 #607

2009-10-01 Thread Leo Regehr
Where can one get papaya leaves? Is the papain stronger than in the fruit? And 
which Clark site has them listed. I moderate one of them, but haven't noticed 
any reference to them.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 8:00 PM
  Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #607

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Melly Bag
I am in Austin, where in Texas are you?
In the Philippines we make pudding out of shredded cassava. Recipe is the same 
as bread pudding, just substitute the cassava for the bread.  We also make 
pancakes out of it, just add egg, sugar or sweetener of your choice - i  use 
stevia - and milk and fry just like pancake.  When top is a bit luminous then 
flip and cook the other side. Eat with powdered sugar or any sweetener of your  
choice, maple syrup and honey are good too.  We also boil with salt, then dunk 
in a bit of brown sugar. I like the second recipe best  coz i brown it so it 
gets a bit crunchy.  Just like the hash browns.

--- On Thu, 10/1/09, Garnet  wrote:

From: Garnet 
Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 8:29 PM

I noticed one of my favorite root vegetables is on this list, cassava also
called Yuca - not to be confused with the cactus Yucca.

Cassava is what Tapioca is made from, also high in B15, Pangamic Acid it
is eaten in Cuban cuisine cooked like a french fry it is delicious. It is also
made at Christmas as a traditional dish called Yucca con Mojo, with a garlic
oil. Yummy.

I discovered it when looking for a potatoes substitute. It spoils easily though
and comes heavily waxed. Breaking off a tip to make sure the flesh is pure
white and not moldy is tradition as well.

Local grocery stores carry it here in central Texas.


Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Alan Jones wrote:
> BTW, here's a web page which discusses the relative levels of B17 in
> different foods:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Donna

Your parents were great people!
Donna ACS

After reading all of the different stories here--two important things 
come to my mindAs a child when topics concerning race came up--- 
my Mom & Dad would say--"We all bleed the same color blood"--& If 
I ever got upset about breaking something They would say to me --" 
It didn't bleed"  which meant of course it was not that important... Lois
In a message dated 10/1/2009 10:10:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

My NA ancestors chose to not go to  a res- they feared extermination 
once all were corralled, which is what happened over and over, but 
happily not in all places. They moved West, which they said had much 
less hatred for blood and much more respect for the individual and
accomplishments; they intermarried, and by the time my grandmother
growing up, she was told she was part Cherokee, but to keep it a 
secret or it would be very bad. She had that lovely olive skin,
I have also been blessed with. As she taught languages, esp Spanish, 
she could pass for European. I also have some Cheyenne and some 
Canawaka. My ancestors found love to be the most important thing, so 
did not pay much attention to the issues of heritage. Sometimes I
the loss of that heritage.

I saw on PBS a man who paid money to have his blood analyzed by a 
genetic company, and it was found he was mainly NA. This was
he never knew, he looked Irish, and his family said he was Irish,
of the current generation knew anything about it. He started
the powwows, and enjoying his newly found connection.

I think if we looked into it in that kind of detail, we would see
most of us came from somewhere else at one time, it is only human 
nature to move around, fall in love, and put in new roots in a new 
place. If one's family has been on this continent long enough, it is 
probable that one has some NA ancestry. After all, in the 1600's, 
there were not many Europeans to marry, and with a growing
it is only natural to intermarry.

In my family, we have ancestors that have fought in every war and on 
every side- so who is to judge who is right or wrong?  It is
to honor everyone. One thing is we are taught to stand up for what
believe in, after thinking about if it is true, is it necessary,
is it 
kind? In a hundred years, what will happen if we follow this
course of 
action- will it be good or bad? Many things will not matter at
all, so 
best not to put too much attention there.

What is funny to me, is that living in Mn, everyone thinks I am from 
some foreign country, but my husband who has much more NA blood
than I 
do, looks totally white. It does come in very handy when travel 
abroad, though, I fit in just about everywhere I go, as long as I 
don't open my mouth- lol

Cheers,  Kathryn

On Oct 1, 2009, at 6:10 AM, zoe w wrote:

> Very well stated.
> Yes  it is still happening today and in some ways  its even worse 
> than it was hundreds of years ago.  But  we have survived !!!  
> tho  not many pure bloods left,  and most of us now of mixed 
> ancestry,  what  little  blood is left  is  very strong.   The 
> ancestors  are speaking  thru us   and I find it all  just 
> amazing.   AND   we seem to be finding each other in the most 
> unusual ways,  as on this list.   We shall not be forgotten,  nor 
> put in a cubbyhole for safe keeping.

> zoe
> Sandy wrote:
>> Yes, Zoe...I know. I've tried to learn from the things that have 
>> come my way whether good or bad. If we learn to be bett

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CS>My Lypo-C Experiment

2009-10-01 Thread ranosa2k

Hello All!

I just wanted to report on my Lypo-C? experiment.? I have a large US (Harbor 
Freight)?unit.? I put in my Vitamix:

4 1/2 cups of distilled water

9 T of Lewis Labs Lecithin

1 1/2 T. Sodium ascorbate (Now? brand)

1 1/2 T. Ascorbic Acid?? (Now Brand)

I blended it for 90 seconds and poured it into my US.? I stirred it? gently 
with a plastic spoon for?two 480 second cycles (16 minutes).? I then poured it 
into Mason jars.? The finished product did not form a meniscus overnight ?and 
has a 'pudding-like' consistency.? Thanks Brooks and everyone who have 
contributed to this subject!


Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

Excellent advice,  you were lucky to have that kind of upbringing.

zoe wrote:
After reading all of the different stories here--two important things 
come to my mindAs a child when topics concerning race came up--- 
my Mom & Dad would say--"We all bleed the same color blood"--& If 
I ever got upset about breaking something They would say to me --" 
It didn't bleed"  which meant of course it was not that important... Lois
In a message dated 10/1/2009 10:10:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

My NA ancestors chose to not go to  a res- they feared extermination 
once all were corralled, which is what happened over and over, but 
happily not in all places. They moved West, which they said had much 
less hatred for blood and much more respect for the individual and
accomplishments; they intermarried, and by the time my grandmother
growing up, she was told she was part Cherokee, but to keep it a 
secret or it would be very bad. She had that lovely olive skin,
I have also been blessed with. As she taught languages, esp Spanish, 
she could pass for European. I also have some Cheyenne and some 
Canawaka. My ancestors found love to be the most important thing, so 
did not pay much attention to the issues of heritage. Sometimes I
the loss of that heritage.

I saw on PBS a man who paid money to have his blood analyzed by a 
genetic company, and it was found he was mainly NA. This was
he never knew, he looked Irish, and his family said he was Irish,
of the current generation knew anything about it. He started
the powwows, and enjoying his newly found connection.

I think if we looked into it in that kind of detail, we would see
most of us came from somewhere else at one time, it is only human 
nature to move around, fall in love, and put in new roots in a new 
place. If one's family has been on this continent long enough, it is 
probable that one has some NA ancestry. After all, in the 1600's, 
there were not many Europeans to marry, and with a growing
it is only natural to intermarry.

In my family, we have ancestors that have fought in every war and on 
every side- so who is to judge who is right or wrong?  It is
to honor everyone. One thing is we are taught to stand up for what
believe in, after thinking about if it is true, is it necessary,
is it 
kind? In a hundred years, what will happen if we follow this
course of 
action- will it be good or bad? Many things will not matter at
all, so 
best not to put too much attention there.

What is funny to me, is that living in Mn, everyone thinks I am from 
some foreign country, but my husband who has much more NA blood
than I 
do, looks totally white. It does come in very handy when travel 
abroad, though, I fit in just about everywhere I go, as long as I 
don't open my mouth- lol

Cheers,  Kathryn

On Oct 1, 2009, at 6:10 AM, zoe w wrote:

> Very well stated.
> Yes  it is still happening today and in some ways  its even worse 
> than it was hundreds of years ago.  But  we have survived !!!  
> tho  not many pure bloods left,  and most of us now of mixed 
> ancestry,  what  little  blood is left  is  very strong.   The 
> ancestors  are speaking  thru us   and I find it all  just 
> amazing.   AND   we seem to be finding each other in the most 
> unusual ways,  as on this list.   We shall not be forgotten,  nor 
> put in a cubbyhole for safe keeping.

> zoe
> Sandy wrote:
>> Yes, Zoe...I know. I've tried to learn from the things that have 
>> come my way whether good or bad. If we learn to be bett

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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread ZZekelink
After reading all of the different stories here--two important  things come 
to my mindAs a child when topics concerning race came up--- my  Mom & 
Dad would say--"We all bleed the same color blood"--& If I  ever got 
upset about breaking something They would say to me --" It didn't  bleed"  
which meant of course it was not that important...  Lois
In a message dated 10/1/2009 10:10:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

My NA  ancestors chose to not go to  a res- they feared extermination   
once all were corralled, which is what happened over and over, but   
happily not in all places. They moved West, which they said had much   
less hatred for blood and much more respect for the individual and  his  
accomplishments; they intermarried, and by the time my  grandmother was  
growing up, she was told she was part Cherokee, but  to keep it a  
secret or it would be very bad. She had that lovely  olive skin, which  
I have also been blessed with. As she taught  languages, esp Spanish,  
she could pass for European. I also have  some Cheyenne and some  
Canawaka. My ancestors found love to be the  most important thing, so  
did not pay much attention to the issues of  heritage. Sometimes I feel  
the loss of that heritage.

I saw  on PBS a man who paid money to have his blood analyzed by a  
genetic  company, and it was found he was mainly NA. This was something  
he  never knew, he looked Irish, and his family said he was Irish, none   
of the current generation knew anything about it. He started  attending  
the powwows, and enjoying his newly found  connection.

I think if we looked into it in that kind of detail, we  would see that  
most of us came from somewhere else at one time, it  is only human  
nature to move around, fall in love, and put in new  roots in a new  
place. If one's family has been on this continent  long enough, it is  
probable that one has some NA ancestry. After  all, in the 1600's,  
there were not many Europeans to marry, and with  a growing population  
it is only natural to intermarry.

In my  family, we have ancestors that have fought in every war and on  
every  side- so who is to judge who is right or wrong?  It is important   
to honor everyone. One thing is we are taught to stand up for what  we  
believe in, after thinking about if it is true, is it necessary,  is it  
kind? In a hundred years, what will happen if we follow this  course of  
action- will it be good or bad? Many things will not  matter at all, so  
best not to put too much attention  there.

What is funny to me, is that living in Mn, everyone thinks I am  from  
some foreign country, but my husband who has much more NA blood  than I  
do, looks totally white. It does come in very handy when  travel  
abroad, though, I fit in just about everywhere I go, as long  as I  
don't open my mouth- lol

Cheers,   Kathryn

On Oct 1, 2009, at 6:10 AM, zoe w wrote:

> Very  well stated.
> Yes  it is still happening today and in some  ways  its even worse  
> than it was hundreds of years  ago.  But  we have survived !!!   Even  
>  tho  not many pure bloods left,  and most of us now of mixed   
> ancestry,  what  little  blood is left  is   very strong.   The  
> ancestors  are speaking   thru us   and I find it all  just  
>  amazing.   AND   we seem to be finding each other in the  most  
> unusual ways,  as on this list.   We shall  not be forgotten,  nor  
> put in a cubbyhole for safe  keeping.
> zoe
> Sandy wrote:
>> Yes,  Zoe...I know. I've tried to learn from the things that have  
>>  come my way whether good or bad. If we learn to be bett

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Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C/Lethicin/cats

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet  has non-soy lecithin.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lin Gregerson wrote:
Is all lethicin from some type of grain?  I got into making the 
Liposomal C primarly to help the cats and kitten in our shelter.  The 
soy based lethicin causes gastric upsets, no matter how small the dose 
in these cats.  They do ok with their regular 250mg doses of ascorbic 
acid, but not the Lip C as of yet.
Are there other options that I could try to make a Liposomal C that will 
work with felines (and dogs)?
I've been taking it without any problems and have done the testing with 
baking soda, so I'm confident in what I'm making.  I just don't think 
anything soy based can be digested by cats.

Any help will be appreciated. Lin

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C/Lethicin/cats

2009-10-01 Thread Lin Gregerson
Is all lethicin from some type of grain?  I got into making the Liposomal C 
primarly to help the cats and kitten in our shelter.  The soy based lethicin 
causes gastric upsets, no matter how small the dose in these cats.  They do 
ok with their regular 250mg doses of ascorbic acid, but not the Lip C as of 
Are there other options that I could try to make a Liposomal C that will 
work with felines (and dogs)?
I've been taking it without any problems and have done the testing with 
baking soda, so I'm confident in what I'm making.  I just don't think 
anything soy based can be digested by cats.

Any help will be appreciated. Lin 

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Re: CS>OT boron and borax{{ eyes & ears }}

2009-10-01 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/1/2009 3:02:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Marshall  Dudley wrote:
>> My dad was a pharmacist, and I can recall him mixing  up boric acid  
>> for eye drops many times back in the  50's.  That was it seems  
>> standard protocol for eye  inflammations.
>> Marshall

As a child I would get a sty on my eye  & the Dr.  would give Mom Boric 
acid to use---I still have the little eye cup we used.. It  was also prescribed 
for me when I got ear infectionsUsed to get boils in my  ears { which 
my Grandmother said was from peeing in the middle of the  road.}  until an 
old farmer told Dad to cut a bit of cork from a horses leg  & boil it in a 
small amount of vinegar & put it in my ears morning &  night for 3 days...Never 
to this day had another ear infection---  but I  also do not have any wax 
in my ears at all..  Lois

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet
I noticed one of my favorite root vegetables is on this 
list, cassava also

called Yuca - not to be confused with the cactus Yucca.

Cassava is what Tapioca is made from, also high in B15, 
Pangamic Acid it
is eaten in Cuban cuisine cooked like a french fry it is 
delicious. It is also
made at Christmas as a traditional dish called Yucca con 
Mojo, with a garlic

oil. Yummy.

I discovered it when looking for a potatoes substitute. It 
spoils easily though
and comes heavily waxed. Breaking off a tip to make sure the 
flesh is pure

white and not moldy is tradition as well.

Local grocery stores carry it here in central Texas.


Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Alan Jones wrote:

BTW, here's a web page which discusses the relative levels of B17 in
different foods:

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Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Peter Converse

Hi Steve,

Yes it was.


- Original Message - 
From: "Norton, Steve" 

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 6:09 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

Was your GSH soluble in water?
- Steve N

Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have made several batches of Lypo-C and have consumed various

ranging from two to fifteen 1.5 oz. doses in a day.

I have learned that best effects may be achieved by first taking
acid or some other buffered form of vit.C to bowel tolerance before 
taking the Lypo-C to achieve best possible saturation.

I purchased the 2.5 liter US cleaner, part # 95563  from Harbor
and find that using all ingredient volumes multiplied by 3 or 4 will 
produce equally good results. I opted for the larger cleaner to
the amount of work needed to keep my wife and I in a ready supply of 
product. So far, this seems perfectly adequate for our needs.

I am also using the Now Foods non-GMO soy lecithin as some others are

L-ascorbic acid from my local compounding pharmacy, along with

water. I decant the finished product into mason jars when its ready.

I have dissolved the lecithin on its own first by putting it into a

jar with the room temperature water and shaking it vigorously.
I have also tried using a blender to help speed up the process. This 
works very well but I have wondered if there might have ocurred some 
damage to the integrity of the liposomes.

With the one batch I did make with the blender, I'm not sure if this

my imagination (which is entirely possible) but the effects on a
virus I 

have been fighting seemed weaker to me.

I have ended up with heating the water beforehand up to around body 
temperature before adding the lecithin. By doing this the emulsifying

process is greatly sped up and much less shaking is needed.

When I take my doses over a long period of time such as an hour and a

half or more I find that my system handles it much better than if I

to take fewer and larger doses in less time. The faster I consume it,
more pronounced are the side effects of bloating and intestinal 
rumblings. When I've taken ten to fifteen doses within less than 30 
minutes the effects are the most noticeable and annoying.

I chose the former method in hopes of replicating, to some degree,

would be ocurring with an IV...a slow drip process that would

the vit.C in a slow, steady stream.

I have made just one batch with baking soda using a 3:1 ratio of AA
baking soda (prior to encapsulation). I will not repeat this! The 
bloating and intestinal theatrics which occurred afterwards,

sound effects, was almost unbearable after taking a steady stream of

oz. doses. I felt like a one-man methane plant! I'll stick to just AA

from now on or possibly calcium ascorbate!

I have also tried making Lypo-GSH by dumping 45 500 mg. capsules into

water, in lieu of Vit. C, using a 3X multiplication of all originally

given ingredients except for the vit.C. It seems to work as well as
my miniscus or layering at allfully homogenized.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Supporting Information: Liposomal Encapsulation Techniques

2009-10-01 Thread Peter Converse
Hi Brooks,

Thanks so much for addressing my concerns and clearing up any false notions I 
may have unwittingly passed on to the group.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:52 PM
  Subject: CS>Supporting Information: Liposomal Encapsulation Techniques

  Dear List Members, 
  I have been somewhat remiss in not supplying additional information which 
might make prosecuting an acceptable generation processsomewhat easier. To 
that end, I offer a few elaborating comments. 
  First, using some form of blender to enhance/accelerate the process, is 
perfectly acceptableand effective. However, one must understand the 
limitations of using this modality. To wit: Because the entire encapsulation 
process is, essentially, a refined homogenization process the researcher is 
bound within the limits of the chosen processitself. e.g. Using a blender 
in the early stages of the ultrasonic type protocol, places a limit (especially 
particle size) on the resultant compounds. As a general rule, the smallest 
liposomes achievable...are going to be larger than 150 nm in sizeeven after 
extensive aggitating. Therefore, if smaller particles are desired.some 
procedure must be invoked to achieve this. Ultrasonic energy is an excellent 
way to achieve this. Ultrasonic energy applied to solutions having, previously, 
been mixed using mechanical blenders (of the household type) will improve the 
encapsulation process greatly (sometimes as m! uch as an order of 
magnitude)through the immediate size reduction of the encapsulated particle 
size. Additionally, both power levels and exposure time experienced from the US 
energy..have a pronounced effect on the end product. e.g. simply by 
extending the time exposed to the US energy will yield a product with a 
majority of particles of a markedly reduced physical size (sometimes by more 
than one-half). Also, by increasing the power spectral density [energy 
delivered to the target], considerable size and complexity reduction may be 
achieved. (sometimes from larger, multiple-layered liposomes, down to 
single-layered liposomes of much smaller size). This one characteristic, alone, 
should justify the selection of the larger US unit over the smaller oneas 
the larger US power level output is much higher. The way to capitalize on this 
advantage is to limit the depth of the parent solution in the larger US unit, 
to 3/4" to 1". Because the distance from the US energy! source and the mass of 
the target material DOES, in fact, have a powe rful effect on the delivered 
energy. Direct visual observation alone, will confirm the powerful increase in 
cavitation (energy field) of the liquid medium. This type innovation will yield 
effects that in some caseschallenge the results of laboratory-grade, high 
pressure (over 3000 psi) impact plate systems.costing $10,000 and up. 
  What most commercial producers (and labs) do, is they RECIRCULATE their 
candidate order to achieve smallerand more isolatedend 
products. By extending your exposure time, using shallow solutions, DIYs many cases, actually challenge, to some degree, the levels 
accomplished by these very high dollar commercial machines.using their own 
DIY homemade systems. 
  Someone asked the question...does pre-aggitation via blending devices damage 
  compromise the candidate solutions. The short answer is NO. Almost any type 
of aggitation aids in the homogenization process. 
  I have some descriptive information relative to the use of blending devices, 
which may prove of use to the list membership, but I must go at this time. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
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Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Deborah Gerard

From: Melly Bag 
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:31:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer


If you decide to use papaya leaves, make sure not to use any metal cookpot.  
Preferably corningware or thick enamelled cookware.  Papaya's papain is so 
strong it reacts with metal.


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

>From: Deborah Gerard 
>Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer
>Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 9:00 PM
>the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)

From: Melly Bag 
>Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
>Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer
>google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves 
>--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
>>From: Deborah Gerard 
>>Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
>>To: "cs" 
>>Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM
>>I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she has lung 
>>cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would surely be 
>>appreciated by her family,
>>thanks deb


Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread aKa Jhon
 In my experience,prejudices have a reason,,
and if your definition of 'diversity means all thinking
the same,where is the place for prejudice peoples..
just give them a pill??? Maybe they wish for a pill that
would the 'others' go away'...
oh well

"I think that the lofty idea of 'the war on racism' is gradually turning into a 
hideously false ideology. . And this anti-racism will be for the twenty-first 
century what communism was for the twentieth century: a source of violence."

Mike I couldn't help my self,,,
Mayer coppa,,or something..


(There will always be individuals  who harbor  resentment  and 
animosity,  but mostly  they will keep it to themselves  these days.  We 
can perhaps have some control over how people act in public,  but we 
cannot govern  what they think.It would be wonderful  if there were 
some magic pill or elixir that would make this all go away.)

RE: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Norton, Steve

Was your GSH soluble in water?
 - Steve N

> Peter Converse wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I have made several batches of Lypo-C and have consumed various
>> ranging from two to fifteen 1.5 oz. doses in a day.
>> I have learned that best effects may be achieved by first taking
>> acid or some other buffered form of vit.C to bowel tolerance before 
>> taking the Lypo-C to achieve best possible saturation.
>> I purchased the 2.5 liter US cleaner, part # 95563  from Harbor
>> and find that using all ingredient volumes multiplied by 3 or 4 will 
>> produce equally good results. I opted for the larger cleaner to
>> the amount of work needed to keep my wife and I in a ready supply of 
>> product. So far, this seems perfectly adequate for our needs.
>> I am also using the Now Foods non-GMO soy lecithin as some others are
>> L-ascorbic acid from my local compounding pharmacy, along with
>> water. I decant the finished product into mason jars when its ready.
>> I have dissolved the lecithin on its own first by putting it into a
>> jar with the room temperature water and shaking it vigorously.
>> I have also tried using a blender to help speed up the process. This 
>> works very well but I have wondered if there might have ocurred some 
>> damage to the integrity of the liposomes.
>> With the one batch I did make with the blender, I'm not sure if this
>> my imagination (which is entirely possible) but the effects on a
virus I 
>> have been fighting seemed weaker to me.
>> I have ended up with heating the water beforehand up to around body 
>> temperature before adding the lecithin. By doing this the emulsifying

>> process is greatly sped up and much less shaking is needed.
>> When I take my doses over a long period of time such as an hour and a

>> half or more I find that my system handles it much better than if I
>> to take fewer and larger doses in less time. The faster I consume it,
>> more pronounced are the side effects of bloating and intestinal 
>> rumblings. When I've taken ten to fifteen doses within less than 30 
>> minutes the effects are the most noticeable and annoying.
>> I chose the former method in hopes of replicating, to some degree,
>> would be ocurring with an IV...a slow drip process that would
>> the vit.C in a slow, steady stream.
>> I have made just one batch with baking soda using a 3:1 ratio of AA
>> baking soda (prior to encapsulation). I will not repeat this! The 
>> bloating and intestinal theatrics which occurred afterwards,
>> sound effects, was almost unbearable after taking a steady stream of
>> oz. doses. I felt like a one-man methane plant! I'll stick to just AA

>> from now on or possibly calcium ascorbate!
>> I have also tried making Lypo-GSH by dumping 45 500 mg. capsules into
>> water, in lieu of Vit. C, using a 3X multiplication of all originally

>> given ingredients except for the vit.C. It seems to work as well as
>> miniscus or layering at allfully homogenized.
>> Blessings,
>> Peter

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Re: CS>Alkalizing

2009-10-01 Thread Del


Are you aware of this product from Alpha-Omega Labs?

I was wondering if you have at all evaluated their claims, and, if so, what 
you think of them.


- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:57 PM
Subject: CS>Alkalizing

Well, now that I have gotten my wife off of her high blood pressure 
medicine, and she says she fells better than she has in over a decade, I 
am wanting to do the same for her diabetes medicine.  I am trying to get 
her alkalized and chelated.  For the alkalizing I am adding 1 drop of MMS 
per quart of water in our water tank.  I am looking at adding some 
additional minerals to the water.

Exploring sodium bicarbonate I am concerned that it is strongly alkaline 
when it hits the stomach.  This immediately reacts with the stomach acid 
producing CO2, water and table salt.  This can screw up digestion, and 
long term cause the body to produce excess acid to counteract it.  The 
alkalizing is then done in the blood by the body replacing the HCl 
changing the NaCl in the blood to HCl in the stomach and sodium 
bicarbonate in the blood.  Having to produce extra HCl in an empty stomach 
concerns me, I think it can lead to digestive problems in the long term. 
Another consideration is that baking soda makes water taste pretty bad.

So upon investigating I found that citrates of the alkali metals are 
considered ideal for alkalizing the body.  Potassium citrate, which is 
often used, can lead to electrolyte imbalances, as can magnesium and 
calcium, unless they are balanced in the application.  Sodium citrate 
however is well tolerated by the body, with excessive sodium in the form 
of salt being quickly and easily eliminated by the kidneys.  So I am 
considering adding sodium citrate to my water as well.

Now, it seems that sodium citrate is not readily available locally, but 
can be ordered from soap making suppliers.  However sodium citrate can be 
easily made by adding one mol of citric acid to 3 mols of bicarbonate of 
soda ( 100 grams of citric acid to 85.8 grams of sodium bicarbonate ).  I 
have to be very careful to not put more citric acid in then is needed, or 
it will activate the MMS drops I am adding. Maybe I just need to test the 
pH and make sure that it is not under 7. Anyway, that is what I am working 
on, and will keep everyone posted on how thing are going as I try it.


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Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Kirsteen Wright
2009/10/1 Marshall Dudley 

> Yes they do. But being much smaller, it takes a lot more of them.
> Marshall
> Garnet wrote:
>> Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
>> of people eating them for this reason.
>> Garnet
>> zoe w wrote:
>>> That is good news indeed, since I consider apricot kernels a first
>>> defense against cancer.
>>> Marshall
>>> Yes,  but don't speak too loudly  or they will find a way  to take them
>>> away from us too.
>>> zoe
>>> --
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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w
I am so sorry you had to experience this.  In my observations across the 
country  anywhere you go in Tennessee  seems to be this way.   Please 
don't judge the rest of our beautiful country  by this yardstick.My 
apologies to any  Tennesseeans here who do not fit this pattern, this 
was my observation  based on a cross country  bus tour  a couple years 
ago.I simply could not believe how  different things are in that  state.
There will always be individuals  who harbor  resentment  and 
animosity,  but mostly  they will keep it to themselves  these days.  We 
can perhaps have some control over how people act in public,  but we 
cannot govern  what they think.It would be wonderful  if there were 
some magic pill or elixir that would make this all go away.
I have at one time or another lived in just about  every  area  in this 
land  except for the great  Northwest.   In most of these areas  great 
progress has been made  not only towards  blacks  and indians but other 
minorities  as well.   Even so ,  one will always encounter  certain 
individuals  who carry on the old  hateful ways.   Perhaps  in another 
500 yrs  or so.  Its really  seems  kind of ridiculous  
these days  when most of us  are  a  conglomeration  of many many 
cultures.   It is time  to  show  not tolerance,  but acceptance and 

My 2 cents worth.


Evans, Antonio F. wrote:

 Greetings all, my heritage includes Blackfoot Native Americans from a 
reservation at one point in South Carolina, Barbados descendants after slavery 
(Maternal side) and Colombian Natives, Panamanian Natives and Jamaican 
descendants from South America (Paternal side), I pass for a small deep brown 
skin African American male. I was just in Chattanooga Tennessee and the hate I 
felt from Caucasian men young, middle age and elderly was beyond belief in 
2009. You could just feel hate in their stares and blocking our car from the 
gas pump. A young Caucasian male would not allow my friend, who is half 
Caucasian and African American, he could pass for a 6'2 moroccon Arab. We 
needed to fuel the car to head back to Washington DC, after visiting his 
Caucasian mother who works in the Alexian retirement Center in the mountains of 
Chattanooga, such a beautiful place with hatefulness all around, did I miss 
something or should this still be expected? Pardon my description just painting 
a mental picture for you all, I wish CS mixed with DMSO could harmonize this 
issue with some of the American family

A. Evans/ Nanya Nufushu EL


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RE: CS>Alkalizing

2009-10-01 Thread Lisa
I'd be interested in getting myself balanced too -- would alkalizing be
similar to getting the body's ph "normal"?

And what is MMS?



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:58 PM
Subject: CS>Alkalizing

Well, now that I have gotten my wife off of her high blood pressure 
medicine, and she says she fells better than she has in over a decade, I 
am wanting to do the same for her diabetes medicine.  I am trying to get 
her alkalized and chelated.  For the alkalizing I am adding 1 drop of 
MMS per quart of water in our water tank.  I am looking at adding some 
additional minerals to the water.

Exploring sodium bicarbonate I am concerned that it is strongly alkaline 
when it hits the stomach.  This immediately reacts with the stomach acid 
producing CO2, water and table salt.  This can screw up digestion, and 
long term cause the body to produce excess acid to counteract it.  The 
alkalizing is then done in the blood by the body replacing the HCl 
changing the NaCl in the blood to HCl in the stomach and sodium 
bicarbonate in the blood.  Having to produce extra HCl in an empty 
stomach concerns me, I think it can lead to digestive problems in the 
long term.  Another consideration is that baking soda makes water taste 
pretty bad.

So upon investigating I found that citrates of the alkali metals are 
considered ideal for alkalizing the body.  Potassium citrate, which is 
often used, can lead to electrolyte imbalances, as can magnesium and 
calcium, unless they are balanced in the application.  Sodium citrate 
however is well tolerated by the body, with excessive sodium in the form 
of salt being quickly and easily eliminated by the kidneys.  So I am 
considering adding sodium citrate to my water as well.

Now, it seems that sodium citrate is not readily available locally, but 
can be ordered from soap making suppliers.  However sodium citrate can 
be easily made by adding one mol of citric acid to 3 mols of bicarbonate 
of soda ( 100 grams of citric acid to 85.8 grams of sodium bicarbonate 
).  I have to be very careful to not put more citric acid in then is 
needed, or it will activate the MMS drops I am adding. Maybe I just need 
to test the pH and make sure that it is not under 7. Anyway, that is 
what I am working on, and will keep everyone posted on how thing are 
going as I try it.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread aKa Jhon


- Original Message - 
From: "Evans, Antonio F." 

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: CS> Native American stories--OT

Greetings all, my heritage includes Blackfoot Native Americans from a 
reservation at one point in South Carolina, Barbados descendants after 
slavery (Maternal side) and Colombian Natives, Panamanian Natives and 
Jamaican descendants from South America (Paternal side), I pass for a small 
deep brown skin African American male. I was just in Chattanooga Tennessee 
and the hate I felt from Caucasian men young, middle age and elderly was 
beyond belief in 2009. You could just feel hate in their stares and blocking 
our car from the gas pump. A young Caucasian male would not allow my friend, 
who is half Caucasian and African American, he could pass for a 6'2 moroccon 
Arab. We needed to fuel the car to head back to Washington DC, after 
visiting his Caucasian mother who works in the Alexian retirement Center in 
the mountains of Chattanooga, such a beautiful place with hatefulness all 
around, did I miss something or should this still be expected? Pardon my 
description just painting a mental picture for you all, I wish CS mixed with 
DMSO could harmonize this issue with some of the American family

A. Evans/ Nanya Nufushu EL

-Original Message-
From: AHorse52251 []
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

  Apparently I have lived a much-too-sheltered life. I was not aware that 
there was such prejudice against NAs. I'm sorry.
  I look at things a bit backward from the rest of the world anyway. I 
remember as a child my mother was explaining to me how the Jews were hated 
and what Hitler had done. My question was why did people hate the Jews when 
it should be the Germans that were hated? Of course, no one nationality 
should be *hated* for anything. That would be like "throwing the baby out 
with the bath water." It can be hard, however...especially when it seems a 
whole country backs the craziness.

  I wonder how many times NAs have saved our white butts...

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Sandy  wrote:

From: Sandy 
Subject: Re: CS>  Native American stories--OT
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 10:29 PM Yes, Zoe...I know. I've
tried to learn from the things that have come my way whether good or
bad. If we learn to be better from the negative things then they in
one respect are a positive learning experience. My father's negativity
has taught me how to be a better parent...I will always be there for
my children and they know that.

I knew you all would understand what I was saying because we
experience similar things.

I guess the point I was making is...whether it happened hundreds of
years ago it is still happening today and unless you are aware of how
the NAs were treated most people would have no idea.

Prejudice is terrible and I have hopes that one day it will be done
away with but it will only happen through teaching the future
generations not to practice it.


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w 

> From: zoe w 
> Subject: Re: CS> Native American stories--OT
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 6:47 PM Sorry hit the wrong
> button earlier.
> Sandy thanks so much for sharing your story. It is unfortunate,
> but many of us suffered similar torments. Hang on to that pride,
> it will carry you thru many a trial and
> zoe
> zoe w wrote:
> > Sandy wrote:
> >> My Great-Grandmother was full blood Apache
but she
> died before I had the opportunity to meet her. My
> used to tell us stories about Geronimo and the
> Mountains in Arizona, my mother's birth place. She
took us
> to see the bluff [Medicine Bluff] where he and his
> jumped from into the Medicine River to get away from
the US
> Calvary...he lived and did get away.
> >>
> >> My Mother was a half-breed and as a child
> walking in Phoenix the white men would spit on her and
> family and then they [the white people] would cross to
> other side of the street so as to not be soiled by
> presence.
> >>
> >> I lived with prejudice from within my own
> family [his mother did not want anything to do with
> Native American brown skinned children]...even from my
> father. Now that my Mother has passed on my father
claims we
> are not Apache but he Mother was very proud
of her
> heritage and wanted her children to be proud of it too
> we are.
> >>
> >> Just thought I would share some of my Native
> American history.
> >>
> >> Sandy
> >> --- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w 
> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> --
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Re: CS>Supporting Information: Liposomal Encapsulation Techniques

2009-10-01 Thread Gail Rice
Thanks Brooks! This is very helpful. I'd like to  to begin experimenting
with this process for GSH. Do you have any successes with or tips for this
material? Do you know of a good source for glutathione that would be
appropriate for encapsulation?

--Gail Rice

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Jones
BTW, here's a web page which discusses the relative levels of B17 in
different foods:

Alan Jones

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Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Jones
Here's what wikipedia says on the "Almond" page:

Sweet and bitter almonds

There are two forms of the plant, one (often with white flowers)
producing sweet almonds, and the other (often with pink flowers)
producing bitter almonds. The kernel of the former contains a fixed
oil and emulsion. As late as the early 20th century the oil was used
internally in medicine, with the stipulation that it must not be
adulterated with that of the bitter almond; it remains fairly popular
in alternative medicine, particularly as a carrier oil in
aromatherapy, but has fallen out of prescription among doctors.

The bitter almond is rather broader and shorter than the sweet almond,
and contains about 50% of the fixed oil which also occurs in sweet
almonds. It also contains the enzyme emulsin which, in the presence of
water, acts on a soluble glucoside, amygdalin, yielding glucose,
cyanide and the essential oil of bitter almonds, which is nearly pure
benzaldehyde. Bitter almonds may yield from 4–9 mg of hydrogen cyanide
per almond.[12][13] Extract of bitter almond was once used
medicinally, but even in small doses effects are severe and in larger
doses can be deadly; the cyanide must be removed before

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Marshall Dudley  wrote:
> Perhaps bitter almond can refer to either.  Here are some sites indicating
> that bitter almond is an alternative name for apricot seeds:
> Interestingly all the sites seem to be associated with Chinese or India
> sources.
> Marshall

Alan Jones

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Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley

Yes they do. But being much smaller, it takes a lot more of them.


Garnet wrote:

Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
of people eating them for this reason.


zoe w wrote:
That is good news indeed, since I consider apricot kernels a first 
defense against cancer.


Yes,  but don't speak too loudly  or they will find a way  to take 
them away from us too.


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2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley
Well, now that I have gotten my wife off of her high blood pressure 
medicine, and she says she fells better than she has in over a decade, I 
am wanting to do the same for her diabetes medicine.  I am trying to get 
her alkalized and chelated.  For the alkalizing I am adding 1 drop of 
MMS per quart of water in our water tank.  I am looking at adding some 
additional minerals to the water.

Exploring sodium bicarbonate I am concerned that it is strongly alkaline 
when it hits the stomach.  This immediately reacts with the stomach acid 
producing CO2, water and table salt.  This can screw up digestion, and 
long term cause the body to produce excess acid to counteract it.  The 
alkalizing is then done in the blood by the body replacing the HCl 
changing the NaCl in the blood to HCl in the stomach and sodium 
bicarbonate in the blood.  Having to produce extra HCl in an empty 
stomach concerns me, I think it can lead to digestive problems in the 
long term.  Another consideration is that baking soda makes water taste 
pretty bad.

So upon investigating I found that citrates of the alkali metals are 
considered ideal for alkalizing the body.  Potassium citrate, which is 
often used, can lead to electrolyte imbalances, as can magnesium and 
calcium, unless they are balanced in the application.  Sodium citrate 
however is well tolerated by the body, with excessive sodium in the form 
of salt being quickly and easily eliminated by the kidneys.  So I am 
considering adding sodium citrate to my water as well.

Now, it seems that sodium citrate is not readily available locally, but 
can be ordered from soap making suppliers.  However sodium citrate can 
be easily made by adding one mol of citric acid to 3 mols of bicarbonate 
of soda ( 100 grams of citric acid to 85.8 grams of sodium bicarbonate 
).  I have to be very careful to not put more citric acid in then is 
needed, or it will activate the MMS drops I am adding. Maybe I just need 
to test the pH and make sure that it is not under 7. Anyway, that is 
what I am working on, and will keep everyone posted on how thing are 
going as I try it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet
You can't buy them in the US. Giada D' Laurentis talks about 
using them
in cooking on her Everyday Italian show on Food Network, she 
says you
can get them in Europe. There's a cookie that has them as 
part of the

recipe she likes to use as crumble topping on some dishes.


Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Alan Jones wrote:

Yes, but apricot kernels are supposed to be the best source of
B17/laetrile.  Before almonds were modified to be sweet they used to
be bitter and were a good source of B17, but modern sweet almonds have
almost none.  I'm not sure it's possible to buy bitter almonds


2009/10/1 Garnet :

Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
of people eating them for this reason.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Del at Dri-Wash

I have ordered many times in the past at:
Was a nice lady there named Alice and an 800#Sure she would answer your 


- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer

Perhaps bitter almond can refer to either.  Here are some sites indicating 
that bitter almond is an alternative name for apricot seeds:

Interestingly all the sites seem to be associated with Chinese or India 


Hanneke wrote:
I have done some searches Marshall but can't seem to find anything about 
the bitter almond being the apricot kernel.
Having  about 30 almond  trees,  I have  the sweet almond and bitter 
almond (best for producing essential oil),  soft and hard shells.
I do understand that almonds have been subjected to irradiation without 
the requirement for this process  to be mentioned on the labels but can 
still be called  raw.

I believe it might be incorrect to say that apricot kernels are the 
bitter almonds.  Perhaps Jason Vale could  shed some light on this.


At 01:14 AM 2/10/2009, you wrote:
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot pits 
( bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started requiring 
them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, so others 
started advertising that they were raw, which I understand they are not 
allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the supplier 
privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be raw to be of 
any use.


Carl & Deb wrote:

Hi Deb

Vitamin B-17, lots of information if you google it (or just buy some 
apricot pits).

Here's one site...

Deborah Gerard wrote:

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)

*From:* Melly Bag 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves


--- On *Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard //* wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
To: "cs" 
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she
has lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would
surely be appreciated by her family,
thanks deb

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Tested on: 2/10/2009 1:29:11 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

CS>Supporting Information: Liposomal Encapsulation Techniques

2009-10-01 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear List Members,
   I have been somewhat remiss in not supplying additional information which might make prosecuting an acceptable generation processsomewhat easier. To  that end, I offer a few elaborating comments.
First, using some form of blender to enhance/accelerate the process, is perfectly acceptableand effective.  However, one must understand the limitations of using this modality.  To wit:  Because the entire encapsulation process is, essentially, a refined homogenization process the researcher is bound within the limits of the chosen processitself.  e.g.  Using a blender in the early stages of the ultrasonic type protocol, places a limit (especially particle size) on the resultant compounds. As a general rule, the smallest liposomes achievable...are going to be larger than 150 nm in sizeeven after extensive aggitating.  Therefore, if smaller particles are desired.some procedure must be invoked to achieve this.  Ultrasonic energy is an excellent way to achieve this.  Ultrasonic energy applied to solutions having, previously, been mixed using mechanical blenders (of the household type) will improve the encapsulation process greatly (sometimes as m!
 uch as an order of magnitude)through the immediate size reduction of the encapsulated particle size.  Additionally, both power levels and exposure time experienced from the US energy..have a pronounced effect on the end product.  e.g. simply by extending the time exposed to the US energy will yield a product with a majority of particles of a markedly reduced physical size (sometimes by more than one-half).  Also, by increasing the power spectral density [energy delivered to the target], considerable size and complexity reduction may be achieved. (sometimes from larger, multiple-layered liposomes, down to single-layered liposomes of much smaller size).  This one characteristic, alone, should justify the selection of the larger US unit over the smaller oneas the larger US power level output is much higher.  The way to capitalize on this advantage is to limit the depth of the parent solution in the larger US unit, to 3/4" to 1".  Because the distance from the US energy!
  source and the mass of the target material DOES, in fact, have a powe
rful effect on the delivered energy. Direct visual observation alone, will confirm the powerful increase in cavitation (energy field) of the liquid medium.  This type innovation will yield effects that in some caseschallenge the results of laboratory-grade, high pressure (over 3000 psi) impact plate systems.costing  $10,000 and up.
What most commercial producers (and labs) do, is they RECIRCULATE their candidate order to achieve smallerand more isolatedend products.  By extending your exposure time, using shallow solutions, DIYs many cases, actually challenge, to some degree, the levels accomplished by these very high dollar commercial machines.using their own DIY homemade systems.
 Someone asked the question...does pre-aggitation via blending devices damage or
compromise the candidate solutions.  The short answer is NO.  Almost any type of aggitation aids in the homogenization process.
  I have some descriptive information relative to the use of blending devices, which may prove of use to the list membership, but I must go at this time.
  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Jones
Yes, but apricot kernels are supposed to be the best source of
B17/laetrile.  Before almonds were modified to be sweet they used to
be bitter and were a good source of B17, but modern sweet almonds have
almost none.  I'm not sure it's possible to buy bitter almonds


2009/10/1 Garnet :
> Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
> of people eating them for this reason.

Alan Jones

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Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

Hmmm,  not heard that one but worth checking into,  just in case.


Garnet wrote:

Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
of people eating them for this reason.


zoe w wrote:
That is good news indeed, since I consider apricot kernels a first 
defense against cancer.


Yes,  but don't speak too loudly  or they will find a way  to take 
them away from us too.


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Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

I haven't seen it for years  but Im sure its still around somewhere if 
you know where to look.   Perhaps a feed store.  All i use  now is  
CS  and that seems to be all I need.


Clayton Family wrote:
yes, that is what I remember too. But the witch hazel was the kind 
without alcohol in it. I am not sure it is still available.


On Oct 1, 2009, at 1:13 PM, zoe w wrote:

We had two things we used in our eyes when I was growing up.   One 
was Boric Acid,  the other was Witch Hazel.   and yes   This was 
standard protocol.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet

Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
of people eating them for this reason.


zoe w wrote:
That is good news indeed, since I consider apricot kernels a first 
defense against cancer.


Yes,  but don't speak too loudly  or they will find a way  to take them 
away from us too.


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Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Clayton Family
yes, that is what I remember too. But the witch hazel was the kind  
without alcohol in it. I am not sure it is still available.


On Oct 1, 2009, at 1:13 PM, zoe w wrote:

We had two things we used in our eyes when I was growing up.   One  
was Boric Acid,  the other was Witch Hazel.   and yes   This was  
standard protocol.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
My dad was a pharmacist, and I can recall him mixing up boric acid  
for eye drops many times back in the 50's.  That was it seems  
standard protocol for eye inflammations.


Melly Bag wrote:
Thanks for the valuable information Marshall.  I was always afraid  
of boric acid in the eyes.


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Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w
That is good news indeed, since I consider apricot kernels a first 
defense against cancer.


Yes,  but don't speak too loudly  or they will find a way  to take them 
away from us too.


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RE: CS>Lypo-spheric vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread ransley
Pat wrote: >Have any of you had stomach pains or worse?  The first two times
I took my Livon lipospheric C, I felt a little queasy...<

Just a few days ago I was given info that some people simply do not react
well to vitamin c or at least don't seem to get much benefit from raised
intake of it. My wife has taken 4 packs a day of the Livon product now for
over a month with nothing but good results from it. Go figure...


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>DMSO and poke

2009-10-01 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Melly I get this and all I do is drink CS every ten or so minutes and  
they subside also within minutes.  Once I had a huge swelling came up  
around my jaw and face, with a big soft swelling inside my cheek.  I  
kept on drinking the silver and all swellings had subsided within two  
hours, and completely gone in four.  dee

On 1 Oct 2009, at 19:21, Melly Bag wrote:


Thanks a nullion.  I might have to use poke weed as my lymph nodes  
have been hurting the past few days.

Really grateful for this info.


Re: CS>OT - Snails and moles - OT

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet

Citrus peel may work as well. I know it works on cats. They
hate the smell
and it will keep them out of potted plants and garden areas.
They have to
be fresh though.

The household cleaners with orange oil or d-limonene might
also work.


sms wrote:
 > The easiest way for a non-toxic way to get rid of snails 
without having

 > to resort to killing them is:
 > Pick them all up in the early morning hours when they 
come out, and take
 > them to the nearest park with ducks or geese, or to a 
neighborhood pond,
 > lake etc.  I spent about a week (total of about an hour) 
in the early
 > morning picking them up and doing this, and I have never 
found another
 > snail on my lawn again.  Call it weird or just plain 
silly, I know.  But
 > it worked.  If this has to be repeated, I don't find it 
a problem.

 > Regarding moles, I haven't tried this, but have read 
about it on a few

 > lists.
 > Saturate cotton balls with peppermint oil, and place 
them around the

 > Rodents don't like the smell and will disappear.
 > S-Max

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Re: CS>DMSO and poke- polo

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

polo wrote:
"Well, this is exactly the reason why many herbs have multiple medical 
indications. Plants are not refined, single drugs, but a package of many 
chemical compounds which work together to make that unique plant 
viable.  When one prescribes a whole herb extract, a whole series of 
extracted components are being given to the patient, not one.  Luckily, 
most of these plant compounds are synergistic and will often improve the 
medicinal values of the complete plant extract as a remedy.  As is the 
nature of the beast, that extract can have multiple uses and influences 
on varied metabolic functions."

Nature  provides its own balance,When you extract  a chemical or 
component  you have lost that balance.   This is why  there are so few 
side-effects from whole herb products as compared to  
pharmaceuticals.Whatever you need to balance  the effects is already 
contained in that same plant.This has been known for centuries,  but 
they never ever learn.

Thank you for all the good info on pokeweed.  It grows wild around here  
but I was unable to find any useful information about it.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet
Could that be a way for them to be shipped to the US since 
Bitter Almonds

are not allowed here?


Marshall Dudley wrote:
Perhaps bitter almond can refer to either.  Here are some sites 
indicating that bitter almond is an alternative name for apricot seeds: 

Interestingly all the sites seem to be associated with Chinese or India 


Hanneke wrote:
I have done some searches Marshall but can't seem to find anything 
about the bitter almond being the apricot kernel.
Having  about 30 almond  trees,  I have  the sweet almond and bitter 
almond (best for producing essential oil),  soft and hard shells.
I do understand that almonds have been subjected to irradiation 
without the requirement for this process  to be mentioned on the 
labels but can still be called  raw.

I believe it might be incorrect to say that apricot kernels are the  
bitter almonds.  Perhaps Jason Vale could  shed some light on this.


At 01:14 AM 2/10/2009, you wrote:
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot 
pits ( bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started 
requiring them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, 
so others started advertising that they were raw, which I understand 
they are not allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the 
supplier privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be 
raw to be of any use.


Carl & Deb wrote:

Hi Deb

Vitamin B-17, lots of information if you google it (or just buy some 
apricot pits).

Here's one site...

Deborah Gerard wrote:

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)


*From:* Melly Bag 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves


--- On *Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard //* wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
To: "cs" 
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she
has lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would
surely be appreciated by her family,
thanks deb

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Re: CS>Lypo-spheric vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread cking001
Oh, I take the whole two cup batch.

I don't do it every day, now, though.
Settled on once or twice a week.
Last night, noticed no reaction at all.

A pessimist counting his blessings: 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ...

On 10/1/2009 10:51:52 AM, Dan Nave ( wrote:
> How much of that do you take during the day?
> DAn
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:58 PM,   wrote:
> > Well,
> here's a stab at it...
> > When I make it, I use a heaping tablespoon of ascorbic acid powder.
> > Approx 20 grams.
> >
> > That amount (not liposomal encapsulated) would most definitely exceed
> > anyone's
> bowel tolerance.
> >
> > Going through the encapsulating process,
> it's tolerable although some
> > rumbling is noticeable and the stool is somewhat liquid.
> > I believe I'm
> pushing the envelope.
> >
> > I would not be surprised to hear that some might have a bit of
> > distress.
> > My longtime experience with regular large dose C is that you
> > accustomize to the dosage fairly quickly (a day or so).
> >
> >                                                Chuck
> > Virtual reality is its own reward.
> >
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Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley
After further research, I do believe I was confused, confusing the 
"almonds" with the "bitter almonds" some people call apricot kernels (or 
I read a message about it where the person writing the message was 
confused).  I found a nice page on them at 
(the link says it is about colon cancer, but it is really about apricot 
seeds, B17 etc.)

That is good news indeed, since I consider apricot kernels a first 
defense against cancer.


zoe w wrote:

Its the ALMONDS  that are being Pasteurized   NOT  the Apricots.  And 
since  California  controls virtually  100% of the almond market  its 
a mess.   Not only that  they are allowed to  sell the pasteurized 
almonds with  a RAW  label.  Can you believe this?  So raw almonds are 
not raw any more and haven't been for a couple of years.
There is a loophole in that law however.   The  actual farmer is 
allowed to sell  direct to the consumer   Un-pasteurized  almonds   so 
this is how most of us are getting them.   Its only  when there is a 
middle-man involved  that they have to be pasteurized. Check online 
for your  sources.  Truly  Raw almonds are now  sold as  Un-Pasteurized.

And  there are two  acceptable methods  of pasteurization-ONE  of 
them involves  radiationand  still they tell us  this is  SAFE.   
I  don't think so,  not for one minute.   Its  just  one more  way  
of  removing our  Healthy  foods  from us, in an attempt to prevent us 
from being healthy.A quick trip to Google  will verify all the 
above for you.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot 
pits ( bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started 
requiring them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, 
so others started advertising that they were raw, which I understand 
they are not allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the 
supplier privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be 
raw to be of any use.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley
Perhaps bitter almond can refer to either.  Here are some sites 
indicating that bitter almond is an alternative name for apricot seeds:

Interestingly all the sites seem to be associated with Chinese or India 


Hanneke wrote:
I have done some searches Marshall but can't seem to find anything 
about the bitter almond being the apricot kernel.
Having  about 30 almond  trees,  I have  the sweet almond and bitter 
almond (best for producing essential oil),  soft and hard shells.
I do understand that almonds have been subjected to irradiation 
without the requirement for this process  to be mentioned on the 
labels but can still be called  raw.

I believe it might be incorrect to say that apricot kernels are the  
bitter almonds.  Perhaps Jason Vale could  shed some light on this.


At 01:14 AM 2/10/2009, you wrote:
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot 
pits ( bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started 
requiring them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, 
so others started advertising that they were raw, which I understand 
they are not allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the 
supplier privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be 
raw to be of any use.


Carl & Deb wrote:

Hi Deb

Vitamin B-17, lots of information if you google it (or just buy some 
apricot pits).

Here's one site...

Deborah Gerard wrote:

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)


*From:* Melly Bag 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves


--- On *Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard //* wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
To: "cs" 
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she
has lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would
surely be appreciated by her family,
thanks deb

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Tested on: 2/10/2009 1:29:11 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet
Thanks Peter, that is helpful. I am trying to decide whether 
to buy the large ultrasonic cleaner

or the smaller one.

Lipo-GSH sounds like a very good idea.

I guess you can still make small batches in the large one?


Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Garnet,

I got my GSH from my local compounding pharmacy. I used the AOR brand 
which can be seen here:

I wish I could tell you how long the Lypo-C can be stored but we have 
consumed it all in less than 3 days each time. My Lypo-GSH is about a 
week old now and seems perfectly fresh so far.



- Original Message - From: "Garnet" 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

Hi Peter,

Great information!

Where did you buy your GSH?

How long can you store your Lipo-C in the refrigerator?



Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have made several batches of Lypo-C and have consumed various 
amounts ranging from two to fifteen 1.5 oz. doses in a day.

I have learned that best effects may be achieved by first taking 
ascorbic acid or some other buffered form of vit.C to bowel tolerance 
before taking the Lypo-C to achieve best possible saturation.

I purchased the 2.5 liter US cleaner, part # 95563  from Harbor 
Freight and find that using all ingredient volumes multiplied by 3 or 
4 will produce equally good results. I opted for the larger cleaner 
to reduce the amount of work needed to keep my wife and I in a ready 
supply of product. So far, this seems perfectly adequate for our needs.

I am also using the Now Foods non-GMO soy lecithin as some others are 
and L-ascorbic acid from my local compounding pharmacy, along with 
distilled water. I decant the finished product into mason jars when 
its ready.

I have dissolved the lecithin on its own first by putting it into a 
mason jar with the room temperature water and shaking it vigorously.
I have also tried using a blender to help speed up the process. This 
works very well but I have wondered if there might have ocurred some 
damage to the integrity of the liposomes.

With the one batch I did make with the blender, I'm not sure if this 
was my imagination (which is entirely possible) but the effects on a 
virus I have been fighting seemed weaker to me.

I have ended up with heating the water beforehand up to around body 
temperature before adding the lecithin. By doing this the emulsifying 
process is greatly sped up and much less shaking is needed.

When I take my doses over a long period of time such as an hour and a 
half or more I find that my system handles it much better than if I 
try to take fewer and larger doses in less time. The faster I consume 
it, the more pronounced are the side effects of bloating and 
intestinal rumblings. When I've taken ten to fifteen doses within 
less than 30 minutes the effects are the most noticeable and annoying.

I chose the former method in hopes of replicating, to some degree, 
what would be ocurring with an IV...a slow drip process that would 
introduce the vit.C in a slow, steady stream.

I have made just one batch with baking soda using a 3:1 ratio of AA 
to baking soda (prior to encapsulation). I will not repeat this! The 
bloating and intestinal theatrics which occurred afterwards, 
including sound effects, was almost unbearable after taking a steady 
stream of 1.5 oz. doses. I felt like a one-man methane plant! I'll 
stick to just AA from now on or possibly calcium ascorbate!

I have also tried making Lypo-GSH by dumping 45 500 mg. capsules into 
the water, in lieu of Vit. C, using a 3X multiplication of all 
originally given ingredients except for the vit.C. It seems to work 
as well as my miniscus or layering at allfully 



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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>DMSO and poke

2009-10-01 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks a nullion.  I might have to use poke weed as my lymph nodes have been 
hurting the past few days.
Really grateful for this info.

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, polo  wrote:

From: polo 
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO and poke
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:56 PM

           Medicinal Properties of Poke Root:      Medical qualities which have 
been linked to Poke are alternative (metabolism balancer), anodyne 
(painkiller), antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, 
antitumor (cancer fighting), cathartic (bowel evacuation), emetic (induce 
vomiting),  immune stimulant, laxative, and lymphatic decongestant.  Quite an 
impressive list, eh? This is probably why much of traditional Herbalogy is 
poo-poohed by the medical professions.  How can a medicine have so many uses?  
Certainly the modern refined drugs have only one or two specific indications. 
Well, this is exactly the reason why many herbs have multiple medical 
indications. Plants are not refined, single drugs, but a package of many 
chemical compounds which work together to make that unique plant viable.  When 
one prescribes a whole herb extract, a whole series of extracted components are 
being given to the patient, not one.  Luckily,
 most of these plant compounds are synergistic and will often improve the 
medicinal values of the complete plant extract as a remedy.  As is the nature 
of the beast, that extract can have multiple uses and influences on varied 
metabolic functions.

         Poke was first judiciously utilized and known in 19th century medicine 
as a emetic and cathartic.  Those were the days when our medical physicians 
highly relied on the process of purging body toxins via both the mouth and anus 
as a routine method of achieving lost health.  Such body evacuations have long 
gone out of fashion which is why I think Poke has been dismissed as a valuable 
medicinal herb.  It was the Eclectics of the last century that saw in Poke 
(Phytolacca) something much more valuable than its purging properties.

          John King's American Dispensatory reviews the other virtues of Poke.  
It says Poke is an important therapeutic aid in skin conditions.  It will kill 
scabies infestations, sooth inflamed skin, and aid in healing dermal 
abscesses/ulcerations/boils.  Phytolacca is indicated in chronic eczema, 
psoriasis, varicose veins, syphilitic types of eruptions, fissures, and painful 
lymphatic enlargements.  It can be employed both internally and externally for 
such conditions.  King's text further praises the usefulness of Poke in 
diseases of the mouth and throat:   laryngitis, tracheitis, influenza, 
diphtheria, tonsillitis, stomatitis, follicular pharyngitis, and ordinary sore 
mouth.  It will stimulate the mucous membranes of the mouth and promote 
glandular activity.  Sore, irritated, inflamed throats have been cured by it.  
The Eclectics held Poke in the highest esteem in glandular conditions of the 
mammary.  It shines as a remedy in acute
 mastitis.  It has further been shown of value in treating granular 
conjunctivitis and other eye inflammations.  It holds relieve for certain 
rheumatic conditions.  King describes the use of the root and leaves: "The 
root, roasted in hot ashes until soft, and then mashed and applied as a 
poultice, is unrivaled in felons (purulent infection) and tumors of various 
kinds. It discusses them rapidly, or if too far advanced, hastens their 
suppuration."  He goes on to tell that an infusion of the bruised leaves may be 
applied to indolent ulcers with the best of results.  Phytolacca has had a long 
history as a cancer fighting herb.  One of its name is Cancerroot.

          The benefits of Poke Root as an immune stimulant and lymphatic 
decongestant is a more modern revelation.  Simon Mills in his text, Principals 
and Practice of Phytotherapy, describes the immunological stimulating 
properties of Poke.  He cites PWM (poke weed mitogen) as the factor which 
stimulates lymphocyte production and increases the number of blood plasma 
cells.  Poke, also, contains LSF (lymphocyte stimulating factors) which induces 
lymphocytes to differentiate into lgM-secreting cells and multiply as such.  
Further, LSF causes polyclonal B-cells to differentiate into lgM-secreting 
cells.  Lastly, there seems to be an antiviral protein present showing 
laboratory activity against many plant and animal viruses.

     - Original Message -      From: Melly Bag
     Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:21 PM
     Subject: Re: CS>DMSO and poke

           Forgive me for butting in, but what is pokeweed good for?

Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Peter Converse

Hi Garnet,

I got my GSH from my local compounding pharmacy. I used the AOR brand which 
can be seen here:

I wish I could tell you how long the Lypo-C can be stored but we have 
consumed it all in less than 3 days each time. My Lypo-GSH is about a week 
old now and seems perfectly fresh so far.



- Original Message - 
From: "Garnet" 

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

Hi Peter,

Great information!

Where did you buy your GSH?

How long can you store your Lipo-C in the refrigerator?



Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have made several batches of Lypo-C and have consumed various amounts 
ranging from two to fifteen 1.5 oz. doses in a day.

I have learned that best effects may be achieved by first taking ascorbic 
acid or some other buffered form of vit.C to bowel tolerance before 
taking the Lypo-C to achieve best possible saturation.

I purchased the 2.5 liter US cleaner, part # 95563  from Harbor Freight 
and find that using all ingredient volumes multiplied by 3 or 4 will 
produce equally good results. I opted for the larger cleaner to reduce 
the amount of work needed to keep my wife and I in a ready supply of 
product. So far, this seems perfectly adequate for our needs.

I am also using the Now Foods non-GMO soy lecithin as some others are and 
L-ascorbic acid from my local compounding pharmacy, along with distilled 
water. I decant the finished product into mason jars when its ready.

I have dissolved the lecithin on its own first by putting it into a mason 
jar with the room temperature water and shaking it vigorously.
I have also tried using a blender to help speed up the process. This 
works very well but I have wondered if there might have ocurred some 
damage to the integrity of the liposomes.

With the one batch I did make with the blender, I'm not sure if this was 
my imagination (which is entirely possible) but the effects on a virus I 
have been fighting seemed weaker to me.

I have ended up with heating the water beforehand up to around body 
temperature before adding the lecithin. By doing this the emulsifying 
process is greatly sped up and much less shaking is needed.

When I take my doses over a long period of time such as an hour and a 
half or more I find that my system handles it much better than if I try 
to take fewer and larger doses in less time. The faster I consume it, the 
more pronounced are the side effects of bloating and intestinal 
rumblings. When I've taken ten to fifteen doses within less than 30 
minutes the effects are the most noticeable and annoying.

I chose the former method in hopes of replicating, to some degree, what 
would be ocurring with an IV...a slow drip process that would introduce 
the vit.C in a slow, steady stream.

I have made just one batch with baking soda using a 3:1 ratio of AA to 
baking soda (prior to encapsulation). I will not repeat this! The 
bloating and intestinal theatrics which occurred afterwards, including 
sound effects, was almost unbearable after taking a steady stream of 1.5 
oz. doses. I felt like a one-man methane plant! I'll stick to just AA 
from now on or possibly calcium ascorbate!

I have also tried making Lypo-GSH by dumping 45 500 mg. capsules into the 
water, in lieu of Vit. C, using a 3X multiplication of all originally 
given ingredients except for the vit.C. It seems to work as well as my miniscus or layering at allfully homogenized.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w
Right On !Ownership of anything   particularly the land,  was not a 
concept they understood at all.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

Sandy wrote:

Hi Donna...

It is sad the way some people treat others but if we learn from it 
[in a good way] then we will teach our children not to be prejudice.

The man who refused to buy a horse from your Grandfather shows how 
little he knew because it is a well known fact the Cherokee have a 
wonderful way with horses.

I suspect that the problem was the reputation long ago that Native 
Americans were what became termed "Indian Givers".  That is that they 
would give you something, then later want it back.  The problem was 
the difference in culture, from what I understand, many Indian tribes 
were communal, and personal ownership of items was not done on many 
things, they belonged to the tribe to be freely used by whoever needed 
it.  A brave could be in possession of something, and if another one 
needed it more, he would give it to him.  When the situation reversed, 
so did the transfer.  But the Europeans misinterpreted interpreted the 
giving of something to them as a gift, forever.  It was really a big 
unfortunate misunderstanding.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

We had two things we used in our eyes when I was growing up.   One was 
Boric Acid,  the other was Witch Hazel.   and yes   This was standard 


Marshall Dudley wrote:
My dad was a pharmacist, and I can recall him mixing up boric acid for 
eye drops many times back in the 50's.  That was it seems standard 
protocol for eye inflammations.


Melly Bag wrote:
Thanks for the valuable information Marshall.  I was always afraid of 
boric acid in the eyes.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley

Sandy wrote:

Hi Donna...

It is sad the way some people treat others but if we learn from it [in a good 
way] then we will teach our children not to be prejudice.

The man who refused to buy a horse from your Grandfather shows how little he 
knew because it is a well known fact the Cherokee have a wonderful way with 

I suspect that the problem was the reputation long ago that Native 
Americans were what became termed "Indian Givers".  That is that they 
would give you something, then later want it back.  The problem was the 
difference in culture, from what I understand, many Indian tribes were 
communal, and personal ownership of items was not done on many things, 
they belonged to the tribe to be freely used by whoever needed it.  A 
brave could be in possession of something, and if another one needed it 
more, he would give it to him.  When the situation reversed, so did the 
transfer.  But the Europeans misinterpreted interpreted the giving of 
something to them as a gift, forever.  It was really a big unfortunate 


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley
My dad was a pharmacist, and I can recall him mixing up boric acid for 
eye drops many times back in the 50's.  That was it seems standard 
protocol for eye inflammations.


Melly Bag wrote:
Thanks for the valuable information Marshall.  I was always afraid of 
boric acid in the eyes.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Melly Bag
I went to the Hulda Clark website you mentioned.  The first part of the article 
on papaya is ok.  The second part that said paw-paw has acetogenin is speaking 
of Northeast Paw Paw.  Totally different plant/tree from carica papaya.  Carica 
Papaya has papain and this is what was used by Sheldon and others.  Carica 
Papaya is called paw-paw in Australia where Sheldon stayed.
--- On Thu, 10/1/09, Sonja  wrote:

From: Sonja 
Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 5:57 AM


They have a great many of alternative medicine protocols listed there.


At 11:31 PM 9/30/2009, you wrote:

If you decide to use papaya leaves, make sure not to use any metal cookpot.  
Preferably corningware or thick enamelled cookware.  Papaya's papain is so 
strong it reacts with metal.

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 

Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer


Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 9:00 PM

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)

From: Melly Bag 


Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM

Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves 



--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 

Subject: CS>Lung Cancer

To: "cs" 

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she has lung 
cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would surely be appreciated 
by her family,

thanks deb

Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-01 Thread Jeff Maahs
Thank you Dan, Smitty and Garnet!

I've been going through the material. Looks like I'll start out by buying some 
(little pricey) and take it from there. 

Thanks again!

From: Dan Nave 
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2009 10:48:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started


Here is something I came up with on how to use Colloidal Silver.  I
think the initial cautions are overstated, but unless you have
something like food poisoning it is probably better to start slowly.


How To Use Colloidal Silver

Do not drink directly out of the CS bottle, or add things directly to
the CS bottle!
Pour the CS into your mouth or another container.

If you have never used CS internally before, start slowly and increase
the dose over a period of time.

1.  Very few people are allergic to silver.  To test, place several
drops of CS  on your tongue.   Monitor for allergic reactions for up
to ½ hour.

2.  Place 1 tsp CS in your mouth.  Swish it around for 2 minutes, then
spit it out.  Start out with only one or two doses a day.
3.  Increase dose to 1 Tbs CS at a time.  Swish it in mouth for 2 to 5
minutes, then spit it out.   Later, if you want, you can swallow this.
Swallowing CS is most effective on an empty stomach.  You can repeat
every ½ hour as long as you are not experiencing a healing reaction.

CS is strong and effective if used properly.
CS is only effective while it is actually contacting bacteria, etc.
It doesn’t linger.
CS only acts for a short time in the body.  Therefore, divided doses
taken over a period of time make it more effective.

Preventative dose:  1 tsp to 1 Tbs taken once or twice a day.  Swish
in mouth for 2 minutes and then swallow or spit it out.

Colds:  Spray CS in eyes and nose.  Use as you would use a nasal
spray.  Most effective when used at first sign of a cold.  Repeat
treatment every ½ hour for best results.

Established Colds:  Spray in eyes and nose.  Swish 1 tsp to 1 Tbs in
mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute and swallow.  Repeat every ½ hour or
as often as you wish.

Sore Throat/Bronchitis:  Take as above for Established Colds.  Let the
CS trickle slowly down the throat over a period of time.  Spray CS
into the back of the mouth while breathing in.  Repeat every ½ hour.

Ears:  Fill ear canal with CS for 2 to 5 minutes.  Can mix with 3%
Hydrogen Peroxide at any ratio – try ½ CS and ½  Hydrogen Peroxide.
Some people recommend straight Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) or ½ CS and ½
Hydrogen Peroxide in the ear canals for colds.  Leave in until the
bubbling stops.

Eyes:  Spray or use drops in the eyes for colds or infections such as
Pinkeye.  Repeat several times.

Nose:  Remove the top from a saline or nasal spray bottle and dump out
the contents.  Rinse 3 times with distilled water or a little CS.
Fill half way with CS and use as a nasal spray.

Mouth:  Use 1 Tbs as you would a mouthwash (2 to 5 minutes) and then
spit out.  For more severe gum problems you can add either an equal
amount of  3% Hydrogen Peroxide to the CS, or 2 parts DMSO to 8 parts
CS.  (Don’t add Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO to the same mix.)  Both
Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO taste horrible, but the results can be
worth it.  Do not swallow.

Cuts or infections:  Saturate clean gauze, cotton, or cloth with CS.
Place this over the wound for as long as necessary.  Keep wet with CS.
Change as necessary.  Hydrogen Peroxide will help CS penetrate mucus,
etc.  Ten to 20 % DMSO will help it absorb into the skin for deeper
penetration.  It is possible to heal the surface of a wound and still
leave infection underneath for deep wounds.  Make sure it penetrates.
Use CS orally too.

Burns:  Silver is used to treat severe burns.  Treat as for Cuts or
Infections above.  Seek medical attention if badly burned.

Food Poisoning:  Drink ½ to 1 cup of CS in one dose.  Repeat if necessary.

Maximum Dose:  Many people have taken 1 pint to 1 quart of 5 to 20 ppm
CS daily without problems.  There is no concern with taking ¼ cup (4
Tbs) for long periods of time, or up to ½ cup (8 Tbs) for shorter

Note: Colloidal Silver (CS) as used here refers to 5 to 20 ppm silver
ions and particles liberated by electricity in pure distilled water
without salt or other additives.  Very good and inexpensive CS can be
made at home.  Stay away from commercial silver products with very
high ppms and those made with silver compounds or silver proteins.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Jeff Maahs  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to start out with CS. It would be mainly for myself but perhaps
> also for my young kids at some point.
> Is there a standard email that can be posted with some advice for beginners?
> If I buy some is there a better manufacturer?
> Is there a standard ppm to use?
> Dosage amounts for everyday versus when you have come down with something?
> Is there a guide for making it yourself?
> Thanks!
> Jeff

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

Thanks Garnet.  dee

On 1 Oct 2009, at 17:37, Garnet wrote:

Yes, Ovarian Cancer is on the list.

Cancers that may respond to LDN:
Bladder Cancer
Breast Cancer
Colon & Rectal Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell)
Lymphocytic Leukemia (chronic)
Lymphoma (Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's)
Malignant Melanoma
Multiple Myeloma
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer (untreated)
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Throat Cancer
Uterine Cancer

You can find more information on LDN and the list of conditions it  
is thought may benefit here:


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Do you know if this would apply to ovarian cancer?  dee
On 1 Oct 2009, at 00:15, Garnet wrote:
Tell her to check out Low Dose Naltrexone. It raises endorphin  

by 300%. Cancers that are sensitive to endorphins, including lung
cancer, respond to this increase by shrinking.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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Address Off-Topic messages to:
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet

Hi Peter,

Great information!

Where did you buy your GSH?

How long can you store your Lipo-C in the refrigerator?



Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have made several batches of Lypo-C and have consumed various amounts 
ranging from two to fifteen 1.5 oz. doses in a day.

I have learned that best effects may be achieved by first taking 
ascorbic acid or some other buffered form of vit.C to bowel tolerance 
before taking the Lypo-C to achieve best possible saturation.

I purchased the 2.5 liter US cleaner, part # 95563  from Harbor Freight 
and find that using all ingredient volumes multiplied by 3 or 4 will 
produce equally good results. I opted for the larger cleaner to reduce 
the amount of work needed to keep my wife and I in a ready supply of 
product. So far, this seems perfectly adequate for our needs.

I am also using the Now Foods non-GMO soy lecithin as some others are 
and L-ascorbic acid from my local compounding pharmacy, along with 
distilled water. I decant the finished product into mason jars when its 

I have dissolved the lecithin on its own first by putting it into a 
mason jar with the room temperature water and shaking it vigorously.
I have also tried using a blender to help speed up the process. This 
works very well but I have wondered if there might have ocurred some 
damage to the integrity of the liposomes.

With the one batch I did make with the blender, I'm not sure if this was 
my imagination (which is entirely possible) but the effects on a virus I 
have been fighting seemed weaker to me.

I have ended up with heating the water beforehand up to around body 
temperature before adding the lecithin. By doing this the emulsifying 
process is greatly sped up and much less shaking is needed.

When I take my doses over a long period of time such as an hour and a 
half or more I find that my system handles it much better than if I try 
to take fewer and larger doses in less time. The faster I consume it, 
the more pronounced are the side effects of bloating and intestinal 
rumblings. When I've taken ten to fifteen doses within less than 30 
minutes the effects are the most noticeable and annoying.

I chose the former method in hopes of replicating, to some degree, what 
would be ocurring with an IV...a slow drip process that would introduce 
the vit.C in a slow, steady stream.

I have made just one batch with baking soda using a 3:1 ratio of AA to 
baking soda (prior to encapsulation). I will not repeat this! The 
bloating and intestinal theatrics which occurred afterwards, including 
sound effects, was almost unbearable after taking a steady stream of 1.5 
oz. doses. I felt like a one-man methane plant! I'll stick to just AA 
from now on or possibly calcium ascorbate!

I have also tried making Lypo-GSH by dumping 45 500 mg. capsules into 
the water, in lieu of Vit. C, using a 3X multiplication of all 
originally given ingredients except for the vit.C. It seems to work as 
well as my miniscus or layering at allfully homogenized.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RAW Almonds in California-UPDATE

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

It has just come to my attention that the laws  have changed again, 
since my last purchase.  Apparently  they found a way to close up that 

Please  read below  if you are interested.   If not   hit the Delete button  

Recently there has been much confusion in the popular press regarding 
the requirement of "pasteurization" of Almonds.  We are asked over and 
over if our Almonds are "pasteurized". 

_*Important News About Our Shippable 2008 Almond Crop !*_

D&S Ranches, an Orchard Grower in the San Joaquin Valley of California, 
has an Important Announcement to make regarding Pasteurization of our 
Naturally Grown California Almonds!  After the Almond Board Rule went 
into effect we began to extensively research the Best, most 
Non-Intrusive methods available to reduce bacteria on the skin of the 
nut without affecting the nut meat itself.

_*The Good News:*_

The Good news is that we have found a process that does just that !  
This method was developed for the Spices Food Group where any alteration 
or destruction of the interior of the nut or spice kernel would destroy 
the delicate value of the item. As it turns out we were able to get this 
technology approved for application on our Selma California Grown Nut Crop!


 _*How It Works:


 The process is very expensive and requires the latest in
 production technology. It is centered on Water Based Botanical
 Principles. We call this process H20-UN-Pasteurization.  The
 almonds are held in a chamber that draws down the air to a vacuum,
 so all the air born bacteria and pathogens are removed from the
 chamber, then a computer controlled mist of sterile distilled
 water dry stream is injected in to the chamber. This steam is
 computer controlled and balanced against the known weight of each
 nut. As the small amount of Steam condenses on the skin of the nut
 it transfers only minimal heat energy just to the surface it
 contacts! The nut meat is never heated internally!


 After the dry steam injection, a 4 to 6 second process, the
 chamber is then evacuated again causing the condensed purified
 water to evaporate from the skin of the nut. Next the chamber is
 brought back to normal conditions with HEPA Filtered Air.


 This process preserves the internal natural balance of enzymes,
 amino acids, proteins, and most importantly it preserves the
 natural living nature of the nut! You can sprout these Almonds !


 We are sure you will be very satisfied with this process, and as
 far as we know we are the only Ranch Direct Almond Grower in the
 San Joaquian Valley of California that is using this expensive,
 and time consuming process, so that we may bring you the very
 finest in US Graded Fancy #1 California Almonds !

_*Please beware of other processes:*_

We are concerned that there are a good number of other processes out 
there that are very inferior and some are outright dangerous! The most 
common is simple autoclave sterilization and this is, essentially, just 
cooking the nut. After an autoclave process, the nut is no longer 
living, it is dead, and all the valuable nutrients of the nut have been 
cooked and destroyed. Unfortunately the Almond Board, under pressure 
from the Big Almonds Handlers, Processors and Growers are calling and 
labeling these nuts as RAW !  They ARE NOT RAW!  They are COOKED !

Other processes are using PPO (Propylene Oxide Gas). You should never, 
every under any circumstances eat nuts exposed to PPO Gas.  PPO is a 
known carcinogen (causes cancer).  It is toxic and poisonous!.. The 
European Union (EU) has prohibited the use of PPO Gas on any Human Food 
Product.  The USDA and the FDA still allow it. Inquire with your store 
if their nuts have been exposed to PPO !  Make sure you know! This is 
serious business.

Its the ALMONDS  that are being Pasteurized   NOT  the Apricots.  And 
since  California  controls virtually  100% of the almond market  its 
a mess.   Not only that  they are allowed to  sell the pasteurized 
almonds with  a RAW  label.  Can you believe this?  So raw almonds are 
not raw any more and haven't been for a couple of years.

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Garnet

Yes, Ovarian Cancer is on the list.

Cancers that may respond to LDN:
Bladder Cancer
Breast Cancer
Colon & Rectal Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell)
Lymphocytic Leukemia (chronic)
Lymphoma (Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's)
Malignant Melanoma
Multiple Myeloma
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer (untreated)
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Throat Cancer
Uterine Cancer

You can find more information on LDN and the list of 
conditions it is thought may benefit here:


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Do you know if this would apply to ovarian cancer?  dee

On 1 Oct 2009, at 00:15, Garnet wrote:

Tell her to check out Low Dose Naltrexone. It raises endorphin levels
by 300%. Cancers that are sensitive to endorphins, including lung
cancer, respond to this increase by shrinking.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>RAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

Its the ALMONDS  that are being Pasteurized   NOT  the Apricots.  And 
since  California  controls virtually  100% of the almond market  its a 
mess.   Not only that  they are allowed to  sell the pasteurized almonds 
with  a RAW  label.  Can you believe this?  So raw almonds are not raw 
any more and haven't been for a couple of years.
There is a loophole in that law however.   The  actual farmer is allowed 
to sell  direct to the consumer   Un-pasteurized  almonds   so this is 
how most of us are getting them.   Its only  when there is a middle-man 
involved  that they have to be pasteurized. Check online for your  
sources.  Truly  Raw almonds are now  sold as  Un-Pasteurized.

And  there are two  acceptable methods  of pasteurization-ONE  of 
them involves  radiationand  still they tell us  this is  SAFE.   I  
don't think so,  not for one minute.   Its  just  one more  way  of  
removing our  Healthy  foods  from us, in an attempt to prevent us from 
being healthy.A quick trip to Google  will verify all the above for you.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot pits 
( bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started 
requiring them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, 
so others started advertising that they were raw, which I understand 
they are not allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the 
supplier privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be 
raw to be of any use.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Hanneke
I have done some searches Marshall but can't seem to find anything 
about the bitter almond being the apricot kernel.
Having  about 30 almond  trees,  I have  the sweet almond and bitter 
almond (best for producing essential oil),  soft and hard shells.
I do understand that almonds have been subjected to irradiation 
without the requirement for this process  to be mentioned on the 
labels but can still be called  raw.

I believe it might be incorrect to say that apricot kernels are 
the  bitter almonds.  Perhaps Jason Vale could  shed some light on this.


At 01:14 AM 2/10/2009, you wrote:
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot 
pits ( bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started 
requiring them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, 
so others started advertising that they were raw, which I understand 
they are not allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the 
supplier privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be 
raw to be of any use.


Carl & Deb wrote:

Hi Deb

Vitamin B-17, lots of information if you google it (or just buy 
some apricot pits).

Here's one site...

Deborah Gerard wrote:

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)

*From:* Melly Bag 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves


--- On *Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard //* wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
To: "cs" 
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she
has lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would
surely be appreciated by her family,
thanks deb

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Re: CS>borax and boron

2009-10-01 Thread Clayton Family
ok, again, I think boric acid to be like 4x stronger than borax, so  
use with caution. Maybe do the mat to come up with the safe dose.


On Oct 1, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Shirley Reed wrote:

 Well, it seems to be on the safest possible side, I will be using  
Boric Acid as soon as I can get to the druggist to get some!!   
Thanks for all the input.  pj

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Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is my understanding that you have to be careful on the apricot pits ( 
bitter almonds ) now.  Either California or the FDA started requiring 
them to be heated to destroy the enzyme that kills cancer, so others 
started advertising that they were raw, which I understand they are not 
allowed to do either now.  You may want to talk to the supplier 
privately to find out if they are raw or not.  They must be raw to be of 
any use.


Carl & Deb wrote:

Hi Deb

Vitamin B-17, lots of information if you google it (or just buy some 
apricot pits).

Here's one site...

Deborah Gerard wrote:

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)

*From:* Melly Bag 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves

--- On *Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard //* wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
To: "cs" 
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she
has lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would
surely be appreciated by her family,
thanks deb

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>borax and boron

2009-10-01 Thread Shirley Reed
  Well, it seems to be on the safest possible side, I will be using Boric Acid 
as soon as I can get to the druggist to get some!!  Thanks for all the input.  


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Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Peter Converse

Hi Folks,

I have made several batches of Lypo-C and have consumed various amounts 
ranging from two to fifteen 1.5 oz. doses in a day.

I have learned that best effects may be achieved by first taking ascorbic 
acid or some other buffered form of vit.C to bowel tolerance before taking 
the Lypo-C to achieve best possible saturation.

I purchased the 2.5 liter US cleaner, part # 95563  from Harbor Freight and 
find that using all ingredient volumes multiplied by 3 or 4 will produce 
equally good results. I opted for the larger cleaner to reduce the amount of 
work needed to keep my wife and I in a ready supply of product. So far, this 
seems perfectly adequate for our needs.

I am also using the Now Foods non-GMO soy lecithin as some others are and 
L-ascorbic acid from my local compounding pharmacy, along with distilled 
water. I decant the finished product into mason jars when its ready.

I have dissolved the lecithin on its own first by putting it into a mason 
jar with the room temperature water and shaking it vigorously.
I have also tried using a blender to help speed up the process. This works 
very well but I have wondered if there might have ocurred some damage to the 
integrity of the liposomes.

With the one batch I did make with the blender, I'm not sure if this was my 
imagination (which is entirely possible) but the effects on a virus I have 
been fighting seemed weaker to me.

I have ended up with heating the water beforehand up to around body 
temperature before adding the lecithin. By doing this the emulsifying 
process is greatly sped up and much less shaking is needed.

When I take my doses over a long period of time such as an hour and a half 
or more I find that my system handles it much better than if I try to take 
fewer and larger doses in less time. The faster I consume it, the more 
pronounced are the side effects of bloating and intestinal rumblings. When 
I've taken ten to fifteen doses within less than 30 minutes the effects are 
the most noticeable and annoying.

I chose the former method in hopes of replicating, to some degree, what 
would be ocurring with an IV...a slow drip process that would introduce the 
vit.C in a slow, steady stream.

I have made just one batch with baking soda using a 3:1 ratio of AA to 
baking soda (prior to encapsulation). I will not repeat this! The bloating 
and intestinal theatrics which occurred afterwards, including sound effects, 
was almost unbearable after taking a steady stream of 1.5 oz. doses. I felt 
like a one-man methane plant! I'll stick to just AA from now on or possibly 
calcium ascorbate!

I have also tried making Lypo-GSH by dumping 45 500 mg. capsules into the 
water, in lieu of Vit. C, using a 3X multiplication of all originally given 
ingredients except for the vit.C. It seems to work as well as my 
miniscus or layering at allfully homogenized.



- Original Message - 
From: "Del at Dri-Wash" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C


I have made two batches of liposomal absorbate using slight variation. 
I use the basic recipe below but add two oz. of DW in which I have 
dissolved the 3/4 tsp. of bob's baking soda.   I then slowly pour the 
baking soda/DW solution SLOWLY into the Vitamin C / DW solution.There 
really isn't much bubbling.   Then I combine with the dissolved lecithin 
solution in the blender and give about a 3 second blend before pouring 
into the ulta-sonic unit.

My belief is it results in the baking soda being encapsulated as well so 
(in theory) it will join the Vitamin C in the blood stream.   Would sure 
like Brooks or someone equally as adept to confirm this theory.   The 
process does make a good blend and absolutely no separation.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:55 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Liposomal Vitamin C

Not pretending to be any expert at this, and giving credit where it's due 

Brooks, Chuck and Del, here's an update to my own instructions that I used
again just yesterday:

UC: Ultrasonic cleaner (jewelry cleaner) I use the small cheap one from
Harbor Freight.

Any water for such a project, distilled or not, I always treat it with a
Blue Stirwand.

I am presently using NOW granular soy lecithin. Lewis Labs also makes it. 

one has yet shown me another non-soy granular lecithin that will work. If
anyone finds it, I'd love to know about it. Liquid lecithin will not work
because of oil in it.

I use non-GMO, non corn L-Ascorbic Acid from .

In a blender, 1 cup of distilled water + 3 level tablespoons of granular 

lecithin, blend well until no granules are visible, OR shake this in a jar
or "Blender Bottle" until dissolved. Do not let it set.

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of C powder in ½ cup DW. (alternative- add 1 
sodium bicarbonate and let it fizz an

Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Sandy
Thank you, Sandee...not only do our names [almost] match but we must have the 
same attitude and sense of humor. :)


--- On Thu, 10/1/09, Sandee George  wrote:

> From: Sandee George 
> Subject: Re: CS>  Native American stories--OT
> To:
> Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 7:08 AM
> Hi There Namesake with a y - I simply
> love your attitude and sense of humor, both of which make us
> who we are 
> Warmest regards
> Sandee
> --
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Re: CS>Lypo-spheric vitamin C

2009-10-01 Thread Dan Nave
How much of that do you take during the day?


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:58 PM,   wrote:
> Well, here's a stab at it...
> When I make it, I use a heaping tablespoon of ascorbic acid powder.
> Approx 20 grams.
> That amount (not liposomal encapsulated) would most definitely exceed
> anyone's bowel tolerance.
> Going through the encapsulating process, it's tolerable although some
> rumbling is noticeable and the stool is somewhat liquid.
> I believe I'm pushing the envelope.
> I would not be surprised to hear that some might have a bit of
> distress.
> My longtime experience with regular large dose C is that you
> accustomize to the dosage fairly quickly (a day or so).
>                                                Chuck
> Virtual reality is its own reward.
> On 9/30/2009 4:33:16 PM, Pat ( wrote:
>> I suppose all you who are making liposomal vitamin C are also taking it.
>> Have any of you had stomach pains or worse?  The first two times I took my
>> Livon lipospheric C, I felt a little queasy which went away soon as I ate
>> something.  The last time, Friday night, I took some late because I felt a
>> little funny like I might have something coming on or an allergy.  I woke
>> about 2 1/2 hours later with terrible sharp stomach pain which then turned
>> queasy.  (Runs X 3 after that) After sipping colloidal silver every 10 or
>> 15 minutes, I was feeling well enough to go back to bed in about an hour.
>> I was back to normal in 12 hours.  I probably had picked up germs from
>> eating persimmons off the ground, or who knows where, but
>> I'm a little afraid it was the C.  I'll wait for a good day when I don't 
>> have anywhere to go to try it again.
>> Pat
>> --
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Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-01 Thread Dan Nave

Here is something I came up with on how to use Colloidal Silver.  I
think the initial cautions are overstated, but unless you have
something like food poisoning it is probably better to start slowly.


How To Use Colloidal Silver

Do not drink directly out of the CS bottle, or add things directly to
the CS bottle!
Pour the CS into your mouth or another container.

If you have never used CS internally before, start slowly and increase
the dose over a period of time.

1.  Very few people are allergic to silver.  To test, place several
drops of CS  on your tongue.   Monitor for allergic reactions for up
to ½ hour.

2.  Place 1 tsp CS in your mouth.  Swish it around for 2 minutes, then
spit it out.  Start out with only one or two doses a day.
3.  Increase dose to 1 Tbs CS at a time.  Swish it in mouth for 2 to 5
minutes, then spit it out.   Later, if you want, you can swallow this.
 Swallowing CS is most effective on an empty stomach.  You can repeat
every ½ hour as long as you are not experiencing a healing reaction.

CS is strong and effective if used properly.
CS is only effective while it is actually contacting bacteria, etc.
It doesn’t linger.
CS only acts for a short time in the body.  Therefore, divided doses
taken over a period of time make it more effective.

Preventative dose:  1 tsp to 1 Tbs taken once or twice a day.  Swish
in mouth for 2 minutes and then swallow or spit it out.

Colds:  Spray CS in eyes and nose.  Use as you would use a nasal
spray.  Most effective when used at first sign of a cold.  Repeat
treatment every ½ hour for best results.

Established Colds:  Spray in eyes and nose.  Swish 1 tsp to 1 Tbs in
mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute and swallow.  Repeat every ½ hour or
as often as you wish.

Sore Throat/Bronchitis:  Take as above for Established Colds.  Let the
CS trickle slowly down the throat over a period of time.  Spray CS
into the back of the mouth while breathing in.  Repeat every ½ hour.

Ears:  Fill ear canal with CS for 2 to 5 minutes.  Can mix with 3%
Hydrogen Peroxide at any ratio – try ½ CS and ½  Hydrogen Peroxide.
Some people recommend straight Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) or ½ CS and ½
Hydrogen Peroxide in the ear canals for colds.  Leave in until the
bubbling stops.

Eyes:  Spray or use drops in the eyes for colds or infections such as
Pinkeye.  Repeat several times.

Nose:  Remove the top from a saline or nasal spray bottle and dump out
the contents.  Rinse 3 times with distilled water or a little CS.
Fill half way with CS and use as a nasal spray.

Mouth:  Use 1 Tbs as you would a mouthwash (2 to 5 minutes) and then
spit out.  For more severe gum problems you can add either an equal
amount of  3% Hydrogen Peroxide to the CS, or 2 parts DMSO to 8 parts
CS.  (Don’t add Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO to the same mix.)  Both
Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO taste horrible, but the results can be
worth it.  Do not swallow.

Cuts or infections:  Saturate clean gauze, cotton, or cloth with CS.
Place this over the wound for as long as necessary.  Keep wet with CS.
 Change as necessary.  Hydrogen Peroxide will help CS penetrate mucus,
etc.  Ten to 20 % DMSO will help it absorb into the skin for deeper
penetration.  It is possible to heal the surface of a wound and still
leave infection underneath for deep wounds.  Make sure it penetrates.
Use CS orally too.

Burns:  Silver is used to treat severe burns.  Treat as for Cuts or
Infections above.  Seek medical attention if badly burned.

Food Poisoning:  Drink ½ to 1 cup of CS in one dose.  Repeat if necessary.

Maximum Dose:  Many people have taken 1 pint to 1 quart of 5 to 20 ppm
CS daily without problems.  There is no concern with taking ¼ cup (4
Tbs) for long periods of time, or up to ½ cup (8 Tbs) for shorter

Note: Colloidal Silver (CS) as used here refers to 5 to 20 ppm silver
ions and particles liberated by electricity in pure distilled water
without salt or other additives.  Very good and inexpensive CS can be
made at home.  Stay away from commercial silver products with very
high ppms and those made with silver compounds or silver proteins.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Jeff Maahs  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to start out with CS. It would be mainly for myself but perhaps
> also for my young kids at some point.
> Is there a standard email that can be posted with some advice for beginners?
> If I buy some is there a better manufacturer?
> Is there a standard ppm to use?
> Dosage amounts for everyday versus when you have come down with something?
> Is there a guide for making it yourself?
> Thanks!
> Jeff

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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

Fantastic Story Kathryn  and not unlike my own.

My favorite quip  is that  some of my ancestors  came here on a boat  
and the rest were on the shore to greet them. :)

Yes  my  French ancestors  arrived here in 1685-  French Hugonauts(sp) 
fleeing from certain execution.  But after 3 generations they were no 
longer French,  only the name survived.  And there is more.  Anyone with 
French and Indian ancestry  is also most likely black  as they were 
close allies.  Almost no one in my family wants to own up to this  even 
tho  the geneology report  verifies.I have a picture of one of my 
great grandfathers and aside from being very Indian   his skin was 
unusually  dark  and his features  reminiscent of  West Indian.   Those 
few of us who did embrace this part of our heritage were quickly 
ostracized by the rest of our family,  so you see  prejudice  is not 
just  "out there"  we have it right within our family.  None of us  ever 
lived on a reservation   nor  do we wish to.  We "passed"  and got away 
with it.  (  OOOPS   I take that back.  My grandpas  oldest brother  
did  go to a Reservation and lived out his days there   thats a story 
for another time)
Interestingly  on the 1880 Census  every member of that family was 
listed as "mulatto".
By 1920  they had all moved to an adjoining county  and these  same  
people are now listed  as "white"   and have been ever since.   When  
having to fill out the question of nationality   I no longer claim   
either white  or  native american  but always  check "other"   and let 
them guess.  LOL Tis the  Indian side tho that tugs at my heartstrings
and I live as close to the earth as is humanly possible  in this day and 
At 65  I found myself a "mountain man"  and left my home to move to his 
mountain  and live off the land, etc.  Quite a change  and except for 
the isolation  I love it.


Clayton Family wrote:
My NA ancestors chose to not go to  a res- they feared extermination 
once all were corralled, which is what happened over and over, but 
happily not in all places. They moved West, which they said had much 
less hatred for blood and much more respect for the individual and his 
accomplishments; they intermarried, and by the time my grandmother was 
growing up, she was told she was part Cherokee, but to keep it a 
secret or it would be very bad. She had that lovely olive skin, which 
I have also been blessed with. As she taught languages, esp Spanish, 
she could pass for European. I also have some Cheyenne and some 
Canawaka. My ancestors found love to be the most important thing, so 
did not pay much attention to the issues of heritage. Sometimes I feel 
the loss of that heritage.

I saw on PBS a man who paid money to have his blood analyzed by a 
genetic company, and it was found he was mainly NA. This was something 
he never knew, he looked Irish, and his family said he was Irish, none 
of the current generation knew anything about it. He started attending 
the powwows, and enjoying his newly found connection.

I think if we looked into it in that kind of detail, we would see that 
most of us came from somewhere else at one time, it is only human 
nature to move around, fall in love, and put in new roots in a new 
place. If one's family has been on this continent long enough, it is 
probable that one has some NA ancestry. After all, in the 1600's, 
there were not many Europeans to marry, and with a growing population 
it is only natural to intermarry.

In my family, we have ancestors that have fought in every war and on 
every side- so who is to judge who is right or wrong?  It is important 
to honor everyone. One thing is we are taught to stand up for what we 
believe in, after thinking about if it is true, is it necessary, is it 
kind? In a hundred years, what will happen if we follow this course of 
action- will it be good or bad? Many things will not matter at all, so 
best not to put too much attention there.

What is funny to me, is that living in Mn, everyone thinks I am from 
some foreign country, but my husband who has much more NA blood than I 
do, looks totally white. It does come in very handy when travel 
abroad, though, I fit in just about everywhere I go, as long as I 
don't open my mouth- lol

Cheers,  Kathryn

On Oct 1, 2009, at 6:10 AM, zoe w wrote:

Very well stated.

Yes  it is still happening today and in some ways  its even worse 
than it was hundreds of years ago.  But  we have survived !!!   Even 
tho  not many pure bloods left,  and most of us now of mixed 
ancestry,  what  little  blood is left  is  very strong.   The 
ancestors  are speaking  thru us   and I find it all  just amazing.   
AND   we seem to be finding each other in the most unusual ways,  as 
on this list.   We shall not be forgotten,  nor put in a cubbyhole 
for safe keeping.


Sandy wrote:
Yes, Zoe...I know. I've tried to learn from the things that have 
come my way whether good or bad. If we learn to be bett

The Silver 

Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Clayton Family
My NA ancestors chose to not go to  a res- they feared extermination  
once all were corralled, which is what happened over and over, but  
happily not in all places. They moved West, which they said had much  
less hatred for blood and much more respect for the individual and his  
accomplishments; they intermarried, and by the time my grandmother was  
growing up, she was told she was part Cherokee, but to keep it a  
secret or it would be very bad. She had that lovely olive skin, which  
I have also been blessed with. As she taught languages, esp Spanish,  
she could pass for European. I also have some Cheyenne and some  
Canawaka. My ancestors found love to be the most important thing, so  
did not pay much attention to the issues of heritage. Sometimes I feel  
the loss of that heritage.

I saw on PBS a man who paid money to have his blood analyzed by a  
genetic company, and it was found he was mainly NA. This was something  
he never knew, he looked Irish, and his family said he was Irish, none  
of the current generation knew anything about it. He started attending  
the powwows, and enjoying his newly found connection.

I think if we looked into it in that kind of detail, we would see that  
most of us came from somewhere else at one time, it is only human  
nature to move around, fall in love, and put in new roots in a new  
place. If one's family has been on this continent long enough, it is  
probable that one has some NA ancestry. After all, in the 1600's,  
there were not many Europeans to marry, and with a growing population  
it is only natural to intermarry.

In my family, we have ancestors that have fought in every war and on  
every side- so who is to judge who is right or wrong?  It is important  
to honor everyone. One thing is we are taught to stand up for what we  
believe in, after thinking about if it is true, is it necessary, is it  
kind? In a hundred years, what will happen if we follow this course of  
action- will it be good or bad? Many things will not matter at all, so  
best not to put too much attention there.

What is funny to me, is that living in Mn, everyone thinks I am from  
some foreign country, but my husband who has much more NA blood than I  
do, looks totally white. It does come in very handy when travel  
abroad, though, I fit in just about everywhere I go, as long as I  
don't open my mouth- lol

Cheers,  Kathryn

On Oct 1, 2009, at 6:10 AM, zoe w wrote:

Very well stated.

Yes  it is still happening today and in some ways  its even worse  
than it was hundreds of years ago.  But  we have survived !!!   Even  
tho  not many pure bloods left,  and most of us now of mixed  
ancestry,  what  little  blood is left  is  very strong.   The  
ancestors  are speaking  thru us   and I find it all  just  
amazing.   AND   we seem to be finding each other in the most  
unusual ways,  as on this list.   We shall not be forgotten,  nor  
put in a cubbyhole for safe keeping.


Sandy wrote:
Yes, Zoe...I know. I've tried to learn from the things that have  
come my way whether good or bad. If we learn to be bett

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CS>OT - Snails and moles - OT

2009-10-01 Thread sms
The easiest way for a non-toxic way to get rid of snails without having to
resort to killing them is:
Pick them all up in the early morning hours when they come out, and take
them to the nearest park with ducks or geese, or to a neighborhood pond,
lake etc.  I spent about a week (total of about an hour) in the early
morning picking them up and doing this, and I have never found another snail
on my lawn again.  Call it weird or just plain silly, I know.  But it worked
  If this has to be repeated, I don't find it a problem.  

Regarding moles, I haven't tried this, but have read about it on a few lists

Saturate cotton balls with peppermint oil, and place them around the holes.
Rodents don't like the smell and will disappear.

At 06:22 AM 9/30/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if they have any non-toxic ways of getting rid of both
>of these garden pests! My girl friend has cats they like to lay any where,
>and every where. And I don't like the idea of poison in my food from
>residues that might up-take into, or get on our veggies. Thanks for any
>idea's that might help with these two problems we are dealing with!

Re: CS>The pH miracle for diabetics

2009-10-01 Thread Day Sutton
Are you sure it didn't have something to do with not being hungry, and
therefore not eating as much; especially sugar...

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Ode Coyote  wrote:

>  100% of those who underwent gastric bypass surgery were no longer diabetic
> in a day or so.
> ..there's something about the upper part of the stomach.[PH detection
> maybe?  ...really wild guess.]
> Ode
> At 09:58 AM 9/30/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>> I think a better book would be "INFECTIOUS DIABETES" by Doug Kaufmann.
>> Talk about food for thought! Going further, if diabetes is fungi based as is
>> the book's premise, this would offer some basis for the use of sodium
>> chlorite for treating diabetes. My sparse experience with MMS was with my
>> dog that seemed to develop canine diabetes and I seemed to have reversed it
>> with sodium chlorite. So far I am intrigued and elated.
>> doug
> --
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Day Sutton

Re: CS>DMSO and poke

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

  Dinner. [big broad leaves, tastes sorta like a sweet spinach when young, 
like collards when older]

 Bring to boil, change water, heat it up again, drain and eat.
 Any toxins are water soluble and mostly just make ya really "regular"
 Poke Salit Annie ?
..that's about all they had to eat.

 Folx used to dig up the big ole roots and put them in pots in the 
basement next to the little the sprouts all winter long.

 Quite high in Vits A and C

Berries make good indelible purple ink.
 Birds eat em..they're already "really regular"...Fall is purple bird poop 


At 06:21 PM 9/30/2009 -0700, you wrote:

Forgive me for butting in, but what is pokeweed good for?


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, polo  wrote:

From: polo 
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO and poke
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:42 PM

Oh, just reimburse me for the postage and I can send you some fresh root. 
It needs to be dug after our first frost which is a ways off yet. Berries 
would be much harder and I don't generally pick or sell them.


- Original Message - From: "Norton, Steve" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 6:30 PM
Subject: RE: CS>DMSO and poke

> Doug,
> I certainly agree that pokeweed is interesting.
> Both in it's unique antiviral properties: Three well-known  different 
pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP)isoforms from the leaves of the pokeweed 
(PAP-I from spring leaves, PAPII from early summer leaves, and PAP-III 
from late summer leaves) that cause concentration-dependent depurination 
of genomic virus RNA. And there is the pokeweed mitogen. I have not come 
across mitogens in any other plant, although there may be some with 
mitogens. And in it's immune stimulating properties.

> I have to admit that the roots worry me a little since they, along 
with any red parts of the plant (not including the berries), contains 
the highest amount of toxins. The berries are the lowest as long as you 
do not eat the seeds.

> When I grew up in Kentucky, pokeweed would be found anywhere you did 
not cut or weed regularly. I have yet to see it in CA where I live now. 
I see that you offer pokeweed for sale or trade on your site. What are 
your prices for shoots, roots, leaves and berries and when are the 
seasons for each? I would like enough berries for a pie and some jelly 
to try. The rest would be for tincturing. Except for some shoots that I 
may cook if there are enough.

> Thanks,
> Steve N

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Re: CS>Another questions

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote
 Docs refer to the official opinions that never studied CS in a healing 
context, only the double mega extremes of Agyria and nerve necrosis.
 In that context, no one would ever drive a car due to the danger of 
driving it off a mountain cliff in Illinois.
 They know what they are told to know and any deviation out of that box is 
an opening for a lawsuit.

Thus, patients establish limitations for the establishment.
 Doctors have no use for what doesn't come out of the book of 
approvals..they CAN'T pass it on or implement it.

 Even if they do know something beyond approvals, they can't say.

 You don't need their box of  legal safety limits that exclude their 
unknowns that they don't know are unknowns, but then, can only sue yourself.

There was some adventurous person on this list that used logic and back 
filled his bladder with IES/CS [pissing in reverse] and almost instantly 
cured his chronic bladder. infection.
 A friend of the family cured his lung infection with CS/EIS and a spray 
bottle after his doc pronounced him doomed to die. After periodic check ups 
with steady improvement... The reaction?  "I don't want to know what you 
are doing...just keep doing it"


 At 12:46 PM 9/30/2009 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Ken! I don't have shortness of breath, caughing or access mucas. But 
the VA gives me inhalers etc. I don't think i have Astma, etc. But if i 
get a cold. It immediatly becomes a severe breathing problem. But i think 
that is just a part of the cold/flu. The same with my re-occuring bladder 
infections. Both i feel are treatable with CS. Which i intend to treat 
with your spray and drinking it after holding in my mouth as long as i 
can. My VA nurse, that comes out once a week. She has become very 
interested in CS, my organic food and natural healing. She wanted to take 
a prelimanary blood/uran samples. Then in a few weeks another. So, Monday 
a nurse from my VA Dr. called and left a message. That my antisipated use 
of CS is VERY much frowned upon. I read the book CS today that i just 
baught from you. I wonder if there is some info that could talk in Dr. 
talk why, how and when the bennifits of CS. My Dr. is from India and 
turned me on to Soy Milk has been very interested in my doctoring my 
herbalist was doing and my ongoing vitamin/mineral regiment. Since my Dr. 
and I have a agree to disagree arrangement. I can request another Dr. 
visit at any time. I've already gave him several CD's on various subjects. 
Even the bad additives of the H1N1 and other contraversal subjects. I 
believe that he, my nurse and many other Americans. Just don't know. 
Because we just don't have time to fallow. But i would appriciate your 
help in making more people receptive to CS treatment. Now, if you haven't 
sent out replacement for my funnel and dropper please include them on my 
next order of the battery pack and whatever else you think i should order. 
You have my CC # so you can just use that! Thanks again Ken! I really 
appriciate your far away friendship! Oh, here in Portland, Or. there isn't 
much sun to heat a jug. God Bless!  Larry

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Re: CS>The pH miracle for diabetics

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

 100% of those who underwent gastric bypass surgery were no longer 
diabetic in a day or so.
..there's something about the upper part of the stomach.[PH detection 
maybe?  ...really wild guess.]


At 09:58 AM 9/30/2009 -0500, you wrote:
I think a better book would be "INFECTIOUS DIABETES" by Doug Kaufmann. 
Talk about food for thought! Going further, if diabetes is fungi based as 
is the book's premise, this would offer some basis for the use of sodium 
chlorite for treating diabetes. My sparse experience with MMS was with my 
dog that seemed to develop canine diabetes and I seemed to have reversed 
it with sodium chlorite. So far I am intrigued and elated.


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Re: CS>Snails and moles

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

  Sounds logical...
 Snails have a pace
..anything that would pick up that pace..
 How about Meth crystals ?
 You suppose a snail could out run a mole without having a heart attack?
Hummm Snails with the jitters? ..can't be good.
 The alien writings they do on algae covered surfaces just might start to 
be readable.

 Oh wait..That's ME with too much caffiene.


At 09:54 AM 9/30/2009 -0500, you wrote:

We are coffee drinkers, and this summer my husband applied all our
used grounds to the hosta beds, since we were having slug problems.
They really don't seem to like the coffee grounds. Can't be fun to
crawl over either.

On Sep 30, 2009, at 9:28 AM, Dan Nave wrote:

Slugs are repelled by caffeine.  I would suspect snails are too. You
could try sprinkling coffee grounds around (or spray Mountain Dew?).


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Jayson 

Can anyone tell me if they have any non-toxic ways of getting rid
of both of these garden pests! My girl friend has cats they like to
lay any where, and every where. And I don't like the idea of poison
in my food from residues that might up-take into, or get on our
veggies. Thanks for any idea's that might help with these two
problems we are dealing with!

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Re: CS>The pH miracle for diabetics

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

  Where all that stuff goes to first is extrmely acidics.
 Like all that about corn matter what sort of sugar, it 
ALL turns into Glucose.


At 01:43 PM 9/30/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Steve,

Sorry to break in here. But due to our Western diet most of us lean toward 
the acidic side of the scale anyway. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, 
medications, excessive protein and sugar in the diet, pollution, and 
probably a few others y'all could point out. The body uses calcium to 
buffer acid, and a good portion of people in the US don't get the RDA of 
calcium, much less more than the RDA. Bones and teeth suffer as a result. 
I don't remember the numbers, but it takes so much water and or calcium to 
buffer just one soft drink. I'm not an expert in chemistry mind you and I 
could be wrong, but that's what I understand from my own digging around on 
the subject.


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Re: CS>Snails and moles

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

 The old timey way for snails and slugsleave them a jar cap full of beer.
Moles eat insect larvae in the ground

Although similar in appearance to mice, moles are classified as 
insectivores, and are more closely related to shrews and bats than to 
rodents. They eat meat, primarily in the form of insects, spiders, and 
earthworms. In this aspect of their lives they could be considered 
beneficial to gardeners, since they destroy a number of important soil 
insect pests.


*Cats and dogs: Can be very successful but entirely depends on the nature 
of the pet. Some cats and some dogs are great molers, others could care 
less. [Them digging can be as destructive as the moles digging.]

*The Pet Inevitability Phenomenon: Have the kids name the mole, fall in 
love with the mole, and within a short time the mole will run into the road 
and get hit by a car. This seems statistically to work as well as any 
other. :-)


At 06:22 AM 9/30/2009 -0700, you wrote:
Can anyone tell me if they have any non-toxic ways of getting rid of both 
of these garden pests! My girl friend has cats they like to lay any where, 
and every where. And I don't like the idea of poison in my food from 
residues that might up-take into, or get on our veggies. Thanks for any 
idea's that might help with these two problems we are dealing with!

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Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

Boron Overview

Boron is a trace element which has an important influence on both calcium 
and magnesium metabolism. Boron is concentrated in the bone, spleen, and 
thyroid indicating borons functions in bone metabolism and suggesting a 
potential role for boron in hormone metabolism. Boron is thought to be 
useful to increase muscle mass; increase muscle strength; maintain bone 
density; improve calcium absorption; decrease body fat.

According to the USDA, boron is a trace mineral that helps bones develop 
and grow normally. Boron becomes especially important when there is not 
enough vitamin D in the diet. Boron may also prevent arthritis in the elderly.

Research has shown that low boron diets have been associated with reduced 
testosterone levels and boron supplements have been shown to increase serum 
levels of testosterone in postmenopausal women. This finding caused an 
increase in boron supplements targeting athletes and bodybuilders for 
boosting testosterone levels, strength and muscle mass. However, specific 
research on athletes has not yet confirmed this association that boron 
alone will boost testosterone.

Dietary Sources: Dried fruits, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables, 
applesauce, grape juice, and cooked dried beans and peas. Meat and fish are 
poor dietary sources of boron. One mg of boron is found in 1.5 ounces of 
raisins or prunes; 2 ounces of almonds or peanuts; 4 ounces of red wine

Dosage: Daily needs for boron probably fall somewhere around 1 mg.

Side Effects: 1-10 mg per day is considered safe, but caution is warranted 
at higher intake levels as consumption of 50 mg or more may be linked to 
toxicity, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, lethargy, and 

(Source: and

Research Overview

A review of animal and human research on boron yielded the following 
information which points to a much more comprehensive view of boron.

Deficiency in boron has been shown to contribute to:
1. Abnormal embryo development
2. Decreased sperm count
3. Ovarian deterioration
4. Damage in reproductive function
5. Decrease in electrical activity in the brain
6. Sub optimal mineral metabolism
7. Poor manual dexterity
8. Impaired hand-eye coordination

Boron supplementation was found to:
1. Increase steroid hormone levels (testosterone) and therefore may be of 
interest to athletes

2. Increase bone growth and strength
3. Augment estrogen function and therefore may help prevent atherosclerosis
4. Improve brain function and cognitive functioning
5. Reduce HDL cholesterol
6. Affect thyroid hormone levels
7. Alleviate harmful effects of vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium 
deficiency in postmenopausal bone loss

8. Play a role in the prevention of osteoporosis
9. Be of benefit in the treatment of arthritis
10. Prevents calcium loss in postmenopausal women

Some information about Boron:
1. Dried prunes are a good source of boron
2. The bones of humans using boron supplement are harder to cut
3. Research indicates that areas of the world with highest intake of 
dietary boron have the lowest incidence of arthritis

4. Boron increased life span in animal studies
5. Boron works synergistically with calcium and magnesium
6. Boron balances vitamin D3 deficiency
7. Boron contributes to growth cartilage maturation

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Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

Addition of boric acid or borax to food supplements
BfR Health Assessment No. 006/2006, 16 November 2005
Food supplements are foods containing one or more nutrients like vitamins, 
minerals or trace
elements in concentrated form that are sold as tablets, capsules or coated 
tablets. They are
governed by the valid provisions of the Food and Feed Code (LFBG) and 
Regulation (EC)

No. 178/2002. According to them, foods may not be harmful.
In Germany the addition of the trace element boron as boric acid or borax 
to food supplements
was not permitted up to now. However, this situation could soon change 
since the
laws in the EU Member States are to be approximated and its addition is 
permitted in other
European countries. If this happens, boron could also go on the market in 
Germany as an
ingredient in food supplements. Against this backdrop, the Federal 
Institute for Risk Assessment
(BfR) evaluated the risk to health which boric acid or borax could entail 
in food supplements.

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Re: RE: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

Borax, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium 
tetraborate, is an important boron 
compound, a mineral, and a 
salt of 
boric acid. It is usually a white 
powder consisting of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily in water.

Borax has a wide variety of uses. It is a component of many 
cosmetics, and 
enamel glazes. It is also 
used to make buffer solutions 
in biochemistry, as a 
fire retardant, as an 
anti-fungal compound for 
fiberglass, as an 
insecticide, as a 
flux in 
metallurgy, and as a precursor for 
other boron compounds.

The term borax is used for a number of closely related minerals or chemical 
compounds that differ in their 
crystal water 
content, but usually refers to the 
decahydrate. Commercially sold 
borax is usually partially dehydrated.

Food additive

Borax, given the E number E285, is 
used as a food additive in some 
countries but is banned in the United States. In consequence certain foods, 
such as caviar, produced for sale in 
the U.S. contain higher levels of salt 
to assist 
In China it was found to have been added to hand-pulled noodles 
needed] In Indonesia it is a 
common, but forbidden, additive to such foods as noodles, meatballs and 
steamed rice. The country's Directorate of Consumer Protection warns of the 
risk of liver cancer with high 
consumption over a period of 510 


Sodium borate is an ingredient in the vaccine 
Gardasil, manufactured by 


Borax, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, is not acutely toxic. 
(median lethal dose) score is tested at 2.66 g/kg in rats. 
This does not mean that it is safe, merely that a significant dose of the 
chemical is needed to cause severe symptoms or death. The median lethal 
dose for humans tends to differ for a given compound from that of rats. 
Simple exposure can cause respiratory and skin irritation. Ingestion may 
cause gastrointestinal distress including nausea, persistent vomiting, 
abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Effects on the vascular system and brain 
include headaches and lethargy, but are less frequent. "In severe 
poisonings, a beefy red skin rash affecting palms, soles, buttocks and 
scrotum has been described. With severe poisoning, 
erythematous and 
rash, unconsciousness, respiratory depression, and renal failure." 

A reassessment of boric acid/borax by the 
States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs found 
potential developmental toxicity (especially effects on the 
Boric acid solutions used as an eye wash or on abraded skin are known to be 
especially toxic to infants, especially after repeated use because of its 
slow elimination 

At 03:38 PM 9/29/2009 -0500, you wrote:

we went thru this situation a year or so ago. many supporters of using "up 
to the first finger joint" for a dose. you have peeked my int

Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

 Nor is vitamin A or Aspirin pancakes, but know of a few folx that "eat" 
rat poison every day to prevent strokes and such.


At 03:27 PM 9/29/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Borax IS NOT safe to eat
Frank ND

Fuzzmom wrote:

Isn't borax a laundry soap is it safe to eat/

- Original Message -
*From:* Melly Bag 
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:05 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>OT boron and borax

I use borax to wash my kitchen countertops and floor also in the
laundry as it is a good disinfectant - like chlorine.  Why don't
you just buy the supplement Boron.  There is a liquid supplement
of  silica with boron which i take by jarrows.


--- On *Tue, 9/29/09, Shirley Reed />>/* wrote:

From: Shirley Reed 
Subject: CS>OT boron and borax
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 3:01 PM

   Does anyone know of any negatives regarding the use of
borax as a dietary source of boron???  Have read that just one
joint of the index finger coated with borax and popped into
the mouth will give enough boron to suffice for daily 
needs. Need confirmation as to this information.  tia  pj

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RE: CS>CS as a sterilizer

2009-10-01 Thread Ode Coyote

 It's more like the difference between EIS/CS and the twenty.
 Is it sand or clay or just soil.
 EVERYTHING is called CS., ground, sputtered, chemically precipitated, 
various compounds, covered with jello, broken mirrors in a pond, hijacked 
out of a strong box on a stage couch and peed on.silver in any form + 
water is called CS.

So, what we make needed a first name to denote the individual within the 


At 09:10 AM 9/29/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Would I be opening up a can of worms if I asked what the difference 
between the two is?

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick []
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS as a sterilizer

EIS is electrically isolated silver which is what we all make on this 
list.  it is wrongly called CS.  dee

On 29 Sep 2009, at 12:54, Lisa wrote:

Whats EIS?

From: Melly Bag []
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS as a sterilizer



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Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

Do you know if this would apply to ovarian cancer?  dee

On 1 Oct 2009, at 00:15, Garnet wrote:

Tell her to check out Low Dose Naltrexone. It raises endorphin levels
by 300%. Cancers that are sensitive to endorphins, including lung
cancer, respond to this increase by shrinking.

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Re: CS>Snails and moles

2009-10-01 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

Ha-ha!  dee

On 30 Sep 2009, at 19:08, wrote:

Nah! They get rowdy and start smashing up the lawn furniture...

Gawd...can't help myself today

Not all men are fools, some are bachelors.

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Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

Good point Marshall.  dee

On 30 Sep 2009, at 16:28, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Directly, that is correct. It can kill other things though by  
killing the flora it needs for digestion. I found that out the hard  
way by having it tested on honeybees.


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Silver cannot kill anything other than a single celled organism.  dee

On 30 Sep 2009, at 08:48, Fuzzmom wrote:

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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Namesake with a y - I simply love your attitude and sense of  
humor, both of which make us who we are 

Warmest regards

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Re: CS>subscribing address

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

One would think.   Has anyone heard  from  Mike?


sol wrote:

zoe w wrote:
It would appear that the silverlist website is  down.   All we have 
now is the  main page.   Hopefully  this is temporary   
and will be back up soon.

Well that worries me, I have no confidence in eskimo. A site being 
down or temporarily unavailable doesn't usually disappear the links to 
that site
Shouldn't there still be links to the silverlist subcribing info at 
either eskimo or at which is where it always 
used to be?


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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

Predjudice is born out of ignorance.Human beings  tend to fear what 
they don't understand.  Education  is the key to understanding,  but its 
a long slow arduous process.
We make inroads  in one area  only to get  slapped in the face in 
another.   And Yes,  NAs as you put it  have  saved  our butts  many 
many times.   The Navajo code talkers for instance   was the   only  
code  the  Japanese couldn't break  during  WWII  but look how they were 
treated  until just recently.

My ancestry lies  on  both sides of the fence  so to speak  as well as a 
few other fences   so you will often  see  me referring to another side  
as  mine.   I travel all those roads with equal balance   and I think  
it  contributes to my understanding  of  the nature of things.


AHorse52251 wrote:

   Apparently I have lived a much-too-sheltered life. I was not aware that 
there was such prejudice against NAs. I'm sorry.
   I look at things a bit backward from the rest of the world anyway. I remember as a 
child my mother was explaining to me how the Jews were hated and what Hitler had done. My 
question was why did people hate the Jews when it should be the Germans that were hated? 
Of course, no one nationality should be *hated* for anything. That would be like 
"throwing the baby out with the bath water." It can be hard, 
however...especially when it seems a whole country backs the craziness.
   I wonder how many times NAs have saved our white butts...

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Sandy  wrote:


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Re: CS>OT boron and borax

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

If this link doesn't work   then just go to  and do a search 
on Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.The one I bought is now  13.99 for the 
gallon  and  .99cents  shipping

Can't  beat that.


Fuzzmom wrote:
Yikes my store is lie 9 per bottle!!! How much is a gallon I imagine 
the shipping is out of this world?

- Original Message -
*From:* zoe w 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 6:25 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>OT boron and borax   sells it by the gallon.


Roger and Lisa Royal wrote:

Are you in the US?  I buy ACV at the health food store or Kroger,
etc.  for about $4 per 16 oz.  I only use about a tablespoon in
his drinking water--maybe even half of that (1/2 tablespoon) 
Yes, you need the cloudy kind with the "mother".

- Original Message -
*From:* Fuzzmom 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:34 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>OT boron and borax

Oh thank you will get..need about a gallon of it..and i
assume youmean the raw cloudy type? where would I find a
large amount the small bottles are expensive.


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Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread zoe w

Very well stated.

Yes  it is still happening today and in some ways  its even worse than 
it was hundreds of years ago.  But  we have survived !!!   Even tho  not 
many pure bloods left,  and most of us now of mixed ancestry,  what  
little  blood is left  is  very strong.   The ancestors  are speaking  
thru us   and I find it all  just amazing.   AND   we seem to be finding 
each other in the most unusual ways,  as on this list.   We shall not be 
forgotten,  nor put in a cubbyhole for safe keeping.


Sandy wrote:

Yes, Zoe...I know. I've tried to learn from the things that have come my way 
whether good or bad. If we learn to be better from the negative things then 
they in one respect are a positive learning experience. My father's negativity 
has taught me how to be a better parent...I will always be there for my 
children and they know that.

I knew you all would understand what I was saying because we experience similar 

I guess the point I was making is...whether it happened hundreds of years ago 
it is still happening today and unless you are aware of how the NAs were 
treated most people would have no idea.

Prejudice is terrible and I have hopes that one day it will be done away with 
but it will only happen through teaching the future generations not to practice 


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w  wrote:


From: zoe w 
Subject: Re: CS>  Native American stories--OT
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 6:47 PM
Sorry   hit the wrong
button earlier.

Sandy  thanks so much for sharing your story.  It
is unfortunate,  but many of us  suffered 
similar torments.Hang on to that pride, 
it will carry you thru  many a trial and tribulation.


zoe w wrote:

Sandy wrote:

My Great-Grandmother was full blood Apache but she

died before I had the opportunity to meet her. My Mother
used to tell us stories about Geronimo and the Superstition
Mountains in Arizona, my mother's birth place. She took us
to see the bluff [Medicine Bluff] where he and his horse
jumped from into the Medicine River to get away from the US
Calvary...he lived and did get away.

My Mother was a half-breed and as a child when

walking in Phoenix the white men would spit on her and her
family and then they [the white people] would cross to the
other side of the street so as to not be soiled by their

I lived with prejudice from within my own father's

family [his mother did not want anything to do with us
Native American brown skinned children]...even from my own
father. Now that my Mother has passed on my father claims we
are not Apache but he Mother was very proud of her
heritage and wanted her children to be proud of it too and
we are.

Just thought I would share some of my Native

American history.

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RE: CS> Native American stories--OT

2009-10-01 Thread Evans, Antonio F.

 Greetings all, my heritage includes Blackfoot Native Americans from a 
reservation at one point in South Carolina, Barbados descendants after slavery 
(Maternal side) and Colombian Natives, Panamanian Natives and Jamaican 
descendants from South America (Paternal side), I pass for a small deep brown 
skin African American male. I was just in Chattanooga Tennessee and the hate I 
felt from Caucasian men young, middle age and elderly was beyond belief in 
2009. You could just feel hate in their stares and blocking our car from the 
gas pump. A young Caucasian male would not allow my friend, who is half 
Caucasian and African American, he could pass for a 6'2 moroccon Arab. We 
needed to fuel the car to head back to Washington DC, after visiting his 
Caucasian mother who works in the Alexian retirement Center in the mountains of 
Chattanooga, such a beautiful place with hatefulness all around, did I miss 
something or should this still be expected? Pardon my description just painting 
a mental picture for you all, I wish CS mixed with DMSO could harmonize this 
issue with some of the American family

A. Evans/ Nanya Nufushu EL

-Original Message-
From: AHorse52251 [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: CS> Native American stories--OT

   Apparently I have lived a much-too-sheltered life. I was not aware that 
there was such prejudice against NAs. I'm sorry.
   I look at things a bit backward from the rest of the world anyway. I 
remember as a child my mother was explaining to me how the Jews were hated and 
what Hitler had done. My question was why did people hate the Jews when it 
should be the Germans that were hated? Of course, no one nationality should be 
*hated* for anything. That would be like "throwing the baby out with the bath 
water." It can be hard, however...especially when it seems a whole country 
backs the craziness.
   I wonder how many times NAs have saved our white butts...

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Sandy  wrote:

> From: Sandy 
> Subject: Re: CS>  Native American stories--OT
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 10:29 PM Yes, Zoe...I know. I've 
> tried to learn from the things that have come my way whether good or 
> bad. If we learn to be better from the negative things then they in 
> one respect are a positive learning experience. My father's negativity 
> has taught me how to be a better parent...I will always be there for 
> my children and they know that.
> I knew you all would understand what I was saying because we 
> experience similar things.
> I guess the point I was making is...whether it happened hundreds of 
> years ago it is still happening today and unless you are aware of how 
> the NAs were treated most people would have no idea.
> Prejudice is terrible and I have hopes that one day it will be done 
> away with but it will only happen through teaching the future 
> generations not to practice it.
> Sandy
> --- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w 
> wrote:
> > From: zoe w 
> > Subject: Re: CS>  Native American stories--OT
> > To:
> > Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 6:47 PM Sorry   hit the wrong 
> > button earlier.
> > 
> > Sandy  thanks so much for sharing your story.  It is unfortunate,  
> > but many of us  suffered similar torments.    Hang on to that pride, 
> > it will carry you thru  many a trial and
> tribulation.
> > 
> > zoe
> > 
> > zoe w wrote:
> > > Sandy wrote:
> > >> My Great-Grandmother was full blood Apache
> but she
> > died before I had the opportunity to meet her. My
> Mother
> > used to tell us stories about Geronimo and the
> Superstition
> > Mountains in Arizona, my mother's birth place. She
> took us
> > to see the bluff [Medicine Bluff] where he and his
> horse
> > jumped from into the Medicine River to get away from
> the US
> > Calvary...he lived and did get away.
> > >> 
> > >> My Mother was a half-breed and as a child
> when
> > walking in Phoenix the white men would spit on her and
> her
> > family and then they [the white people] would cross to
> the
> > other side of the street so as to not be soiled by
> their
> > presence.
> > >> 
> > >> I lived with prejudice from within my own
> father's
> > family [his mother did not want anything to do with
> us
> > Native American brown skinned children]...even from my
> own
> > father. Now that my Mother has passed on my father
> claims we
> > are not Apache but he Mother was very proud
> of her
> > heritage and wanted her children to be proud of it too
> and
> > we are.
> > >> 
> > >> Just thought I would share some of my Native
> > American history.
> > >> 
> > >> Sandy
> > >> --- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w 
> > wrote:
> > >> 
> > >>  
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
> > Silver.
> > 
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> > 
> > To post, address your messag

Re: CS>Lung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Sonja


They have a great many of alternative medicine protocols listed there.


At 11:31 PM 9/30/2009, you wrote:


If you decide to use papaya leaves, make sure not to use any metal 
cookpot.  Preferably corningware or thick enamelled 
cookware.  Papaya's papain is so strong it reacts with metal.


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 9:00 PM

the leaves are even on Hulda Clarks site...I love this group :)

From: Melly Bag 
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:57:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lung Cancer

google papaya leaves 4 cancer and also Stan Sheldon + papaya leaves


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard 
Subject: CS>Lung Cancer
To: "cs" 
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:05 PM

I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she has 
lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would surely 
be appreciated by her family,

thanks deb