Re: CSAcne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread Roger and Lisa
Many years ago, Adele Davis said that psoriasis is the result of an inability 
to digest fats.  That was definitely true for me.

I have never had psoriasis in my life, then, when I started having digestive 
problems, I got it.  I knew I was having trouble digesting fat, and when I 
looked into the psoriasis I was not surprised to find what Adele said.  In my 
case a liver flush made it go away.  I had not flushed in about a year, decided 
it was time, and was thrilled to have my ps disappear.  Now, I am sure it would 
not be that easy for someone with chronic ps, but it would be worth looking 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:48 AM
  Subject: Re: CSAcne anfd psoriasis

  Thanks again for more feedback. Her Psoriasis is only on her head and the 
diagnosis was plaque psoriasis.
  I never heard of that.

  In a message dated 1/29/2014 11:30:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

What is the size (mg) of the milk thistle capsules you take?


 Lena Guyot wrote: 

Along with Borax, Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle 
has helped the liver issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one cap a 
day and it did nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a couple 
weeks. Fumaric acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil carried in 
olive, coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big difference on some of 
my patches.
Be well,
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM, wrote:

 Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with Psoriasis.
 All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do about that
 In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Boron which is what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them 
literally take the boron from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed 
for calcium uptake and healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in pill 
form if one prefers.
 Of course vitamin D.   I think most people are low in it and not even 
 DE is also suppose to be good for bone health as well as MSM for joints.  
One guy said he healed his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high doses of 
 I take a little of all of them.
 On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, wrote:
 did you find anything for your bones?If so would you mind sharing?
 In a message dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 No, actually I was reading some testimonials on ''  They 
have a section on borax.  I really like the stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  Got 
into it when looking for something to strengthen my bones.  This 'old gray mare 
ain't what she use to be.' chuckle
 On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

 Is the borax group on yahoo?
 Thanks, Debbie :)
 On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM, Gail Naranjo wrote:
 Hi CJ,
 My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for him.   My 
daughter also uses it and it worked great.
 However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as well.  
Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's acne is gone now 
but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and sweating so much.  I 
gave him some borax and he said it worked really well.
 My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down with skin cancer, so 
now she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments, skin peals and such.  He 
skin looks really healthy now.  She also uses proactive.
 So if you have the money or insurance covers it, a dermatologist does 
work really well as does proactive.  But is money is an issue, the 20 mule team 
borax works just as well.   I love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of course, 
at 64 I don't have acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and leaves my skin 
silky smooth.  Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your hair silky clean.
 On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM, wrote:
 My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this 
list know what can be done to help this condition?

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Re: CSToenail Fungus

2012-11-02 Thread Roger and Lisa

Yes, tell, tell!!

- Original Message - 

Cc: 123 456
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: CSToenail Fungus

What brand of lotion do you use?


 123 456 wrote:

Hey, everyone,
I keep saying this and mayb, just MAYbe someone will eventually try this.
The Muscadine grape seed lotions kill fungus because it has two (2)
extra chromosomes in teh seed for exactly that function... to kill
fungal growth.
I use the lotion (trans dermal herbal therapy) on my clients feet (I
am a certified Reflexologist BTW) and in a few days they start to see
the moons on their toe nails and NO fungus recurring.
Just a thought.

On 11/1/12, Zoe W wrote:

Thank you Marshall,

Years ago I used WD-40 to ease my arthritis pain, it worked really 

I never understood why. Of course in those days DMSO meant nothing to me
either. You have helped solve a mysterious puzzle for me.


 From: Marshall
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2012, 10:22
Subject: Re: CSToenail Fungus

Thinking out loud here. WD40 is made up of a lubricant oil plus a carrier
for that oil for penetration. The oil itself is pretty thin but still not
sufficient since they add a carrier which is DMSO. Seems DMSO would be the
best choice to me.


On 10/31/2012 9:18 PM, mgperrault wrote:
On 10/31/2012 5:55 PM, Melly Bag wrote:

Tea Tree Oil should be good for fungus IF you use a carrier oil. From the
post i read the best carrier oil to use is Jojoba Oil because it is very
thin and can get through the nails. I did use it on my very brittle
cracked nails on my hands and it seems to help, the problem is i kept
forgetting to apply regularly.


Are you sure tee tree isnt itself a carrier oil? Why is jojoba

  better exactly? Is clove oil a carrier oil? how about oregano?
  Is Emu really the ultimate carrier oil? If carrying is what we
  want, why not DMSO? DMSO has a smell that is not
  attractivedoes this mean the body has an aversion to it? A
  drop on my table melted the finish right off. Seems pretty

How about peanut and castor oils? (Cayce and others) How do we

  know we are saying something truthful, or just repeating something
  somebody else said who doesnt know either? Anyway, I read tee
  tree is a low viscosity carrier oil that slips between the skin
  cells This and the DIY LET lists sure have a lot of
  posts! Everyone thanks everyone and then thanks them for thanking
  them, and then a dont mention it added on before another your so
  dearits difficult to keep up with it.

Your welcome.

no, please,.dont mention it.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

CSReliable source?

2012-09-17 Thread Lisa
Hi All,


Does anyone know where I could find a reliable source for organic
nutritional yeast powder and flakes? I haven't been able to find much that
has both available in quantities (reasonably affordable of course). I'd love
for anyone to share if they know of a place.


Thank you.




RE: CSOT - black salve

2012-06-06 Thread Lisa
Does anybody think that black salve would remove a boil (or very old
pimple)? I had one on my back several months ago and it's gotten smaller but
there's still a lump there. I've often thought if I had someone put some
black salve on it whether or not it would draw whatever is in there.out. 









From: phoenix23002 [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: CSOT - black salve


Where are you trying to apply the salve?  I reread the instructions I
received with Cansema and. it says..  spread over the lesion in a thin
covering, almost lightly caked.. and it goes on...It is also a good idea
to place a bandage over the area, particularly if the eschar is on a place
prone to bumping or bruising in the course of daily activity.   So..  you
should be able to place a bandage/tape around and under the salve (cuplike?)
to hold it in place.  I wouldn't make it air tight but..  just my thoughts.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick

can anyone give me a tip on how to get this to stick on the target please?
it just seems to roll off at the moment.  All help appreciated.  dee

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List Owner: Mike Devour


CSBruise with hard center?

2012-06-04 Thread Lisa
Hello All,


My daughter woke up this morning with a light purplish bruise on the lower
part of her shin bone. It's about 2-3 inches in diameter with a light yellow
center which feels like a small stone (tender to the touch). She does not
remember banging herself yesterday - but she is a very active 9 year old and
I can't rule it out. However, at the same time - I wonder if it could also
be a spider bite of some sort.


Either way - what's the best course of treatment at this time? I can make a
poultice of EIS (silver water) and then I was thinking perhaps a comfrey
poultice. Is there any way I can draw any of the toxin out if it is indeed a
spider bite? 


Thanks for your help!

Lisa (in NH)

RE: CSBruise with hard center?

2012-06-04 Thread Lisa
I doubt it's a tick bite as we do daily (tick) checks and she had just had a
shower last night too and it would've been caught. Any tick would (and
should have) still been attached having not been fully engorged overnight.
At least that has been my experience.


The hard part actually feels like it's a chipped piece of bone.very unusual
I think. When she comes home from school today if it's any worse - we may go
to the Dr. to rule some things out.



From: Mark [] 
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: CSBruise with hard center?


Tick bite?





On 04 Jun 2012, at 15:02, Lisa wrote:

Hello All,


My daughter woke up this morning with a light purplish bruise on the lower
part of her shin bone. It's about 2-3 inches in diameter with a light yellow
center which feels like a small stone (tender to the touch). She does not
remember banging herself yesterday - but she is a very active 9 year old and
I can't rule it out. However, at the same time - I wonder if it could also
be a spider bite of some sort.


Either way - what's the best course of treatment at this time? I can make a
poultice of EIS (silver water) and then I was thinking perhaps a comfrey
poultice. Is there any way I can draw any of the toxin out if it is indeed a
spider bite? 


Thanks for your help!

Lisa (in NH)

RE: CSBruise with hard center?

2012-06-04 Thread Lisa
Could I get Ledum and Cunpowder (or is that gunpowder) from our local co-op
health store??? I actually may have Ledum - will check after I write this,
but I've never heard of the latter. Where can I get some???


And when you say 12x .please explain dosage? 12 drops? 







From: Jane MacRoss [] 
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: CSBruise with hard center?


Not that you would want a homeopathic opinion but I have to say I would give
Ledum 12x in case it is a bite and Cunpowder 12x in case it isn't.



- Original Message - 

From: Lisa  



Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 11:02 PM

Subject: CSBruise with hard center?


Hello All,


My daughter woke up this morning with a light purplish bruise on the lower
part of her shin bone. It's about 2-3 inches in diameter with a light yellow
center which feels like a small stone (tender to the touch). She does not
remember banging herself yesterday - but she is a very active 9 year old and
I can't rule it out. However, at the same time - I wonder if it could also
be a spider bite of some sort.


Either way - what's the best course of treatment at this time? I can make a
poultice of EIS (silver water) and then I was thinking perhaps a comfrey
poultice. Is there any way I can draw any of the toxin out if it is indeed a
spider bite? 


Thanks for your help!

Lisa (in NH)

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RE: CSBruise with hard center?

2012-06-04 Thread Lisa
aHA!  And I have all of these ingredients on hand - I'll definitely be
trying this (still looking for the ledum) and it's more of a bruise rather
than the bulls-eye rash that goes with a tick bite. I agree that I believe
it's a spider bite that got her sometime last night. She was coughing for
about an hour in her sleep.and I wonder if that had anything to do with it
(as I know some folks get nausea and other symptoms with spider bites).


I'll make a poultice of the comfrey (I've got fresh and tinctured),
Echinacea, lobelia, activated charcoal with some EIS - that sounds potent





From: PTFerrance [] 
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: CSBruise with hard center?



Does this draw out the poison or neutralize it?




From: Bob Banever [] 
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: CSBruise with hard center?




  If you can make an extract of comfrey, ecinachia, and lobelia and add
some activated charcoal that would be the best for a spider bite.  You can
add colloidal silver to that.  If you can't, a raw onion finely sliced or
chopped as a poultice works well for most spider bites.   You can also make
a poultice of baking soda, activated charcoal, and colloidal silver.  Not as
good as the lobelia, but should work well.





From: Mark [] 
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: CSBruise with hard center?


Tick bite?





On 04 Jun 2012, at 15:02, Lisa wrote:

Hello All,


My daughter woke up this morning with a light purplish bruise on the lower
part of her shin bone. It's about 2-3 inches in diameter with a light yellow
center which feels like a small stone (tender to the touch). She does not
remember banging herself yesterday - but she is a very active 9 year old and
I can't rule it out. However, at the same time - I wonder if it could also
be a spider bite of some sort.


Either way - what's the best course of treatment at this time? I can make a
poultice of EIS (silver water) and then I was thinking perhaps a comfrey
poultice. Is there any way I can draw any of the toxin out if it is indeed a
spider bite? 


Thanks for your help!

Lisa (in NH)


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No virus found in this message.
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Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5044 - Release Date: 06/04/12

CSUpdate on 6yr blister burns on ears (sunburn)

2012-05-30 Thread Lisa
Hi All,


I have to say that I am VERY pleased with the results of the treatment(s) I
did on my son's blistered ears!  I used a combination of EIS (probably 90 or
95%), with some comfrey tincture and lavender essential oil and I was able
to add some melted coconut oil to this. We sprayed this on his ears as many
times a day as we could - even had the school nurse doing it while he was at
school! In between I merely rubbeb (softly mind you) a small amount of
coconut oil on them.


The blisters never broke and overnight they started to shrivel up. Over the
course of 5 days.they got smaller and smaller. He received his sunburn on
Sunday and treatment started that afternoon and continued until they were
healed. The smaller of the two blistered sloughed off on day 3 or so and the
bigger blister started to lift off on day 5. I worked it gingerly with
coconut oil until I could remove the whole thing (it had shrunk to at least
half its original size) and knowing that it was hanging there as it is, my
son probably would have ripped it off at some point and I wanted to ensure
that it was removed as carefully as possible.


On day 6 (Saturday) there was no sign whatsoever of his burns (actually
after I worked the bigger blister off - you could really say it was Friday)
that healthy skin was there. I agree with the many people that said the EIS
was evident in healing the skin underneath the blister first and everything
else helped it along. I do remember using a bit of DMSO the first day or two
which my son tolerated but when you get DMSO on good skin it has a
tendency to burn and tingle which he could not handle (it dribbled a bit
down his ear and I heard about it for sure). After the first day or two I
just used the spray I had and would make sure I covered the blisters well
and even used my fingers to make sure they were definitely coated with the


So, lesson learned: EIS works wonders with burns!!!


Thank you everyone :-)



RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-23 Thread Lisa

Thank you so much for this invaluable information! You have such great
knowledge and it's wonderful that you're willing to share it.

My concern with essences (I do have all the Bach flower essences) and
although I would love to expand with mores...I'd worry about any poisonous
flowers that would cause harm. I know that we have several different things
here in the Northeast and I wouldn't trust myself to be sure that a pretty
flower would help rather than harm. What's your suggestion on this?

Thank you.


-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

Essences are very easy to make.  There's no trick to it, and you don't have
to 'talk' to plants to make it--though it helps.  :)

The more you make essences, the more you work with plants, the more you
learn to communicate with them.  But I tell beginners to just go with
whatever flower they are drawn to.  Go outside and notice the plants, the
flowers.  See which one you are drawn to.

Then ask the plant if it wants to be an essence for you.  I've always gotten
a yes except one time--and that wasn't a no, it was a 'wait'.  I had to wait
a whole year, so there must have been something the plant wanted to do
before working as an essence.  Plants LOVE to work with people.

Anyway--ask if it is ok to take some flowers to make an essence.  You will
feel a yes or no, a positive or negative feeling inside you.  If you get a
positive feeling you then ask how many flowers you will need.  The first
number that pops into your head will be how many.  Don't second guess
yourself.  Normally I usually get 3 or 4, but sometimes it has been 6 and
sometimes only 1.  

Now, you need a small jar, like a baby food jar.  You can make as much of an
essence as you want, but since you literally use drops of the mother
tincture and then drops of the stock bottle, a little goes a long way.
Making even a half cup of essence will last you and your family a lifetime.

So, small jar with good water.  Well water, spring water or distilled water.
A pair of scissors, a lid for the jar, a small strainer.  Fill the jar half
way with water (leaving room for alcohol as a preservative).  

Ask the plant how many flowers.  When you get the number take  the scissors
and clip that many flowers into the lid of the jar.  I do this so as not to
touch the flowers, trying to keep 'me' out of the essence--though of course
the energy of the maker does get in.

Once the flowers are clipped into the lid, tilt them into the jar of water.
Set the jar in the sun, lid off.  I rarely have bugs get in.  I think the
energy is too strong.  I pick a spot that is 'bare' to set the jar.  I use a
tree stump, but you can use a sidewalk, or a driveway.  If you set it on the
ground or in other plants you will pick up that energy.  

I place my hands around the jar, not touching it, and say a prayer asking
the light of the sun to place the energy of the plant into the water so that
all who partake of the essence will be healed.  You will feel the energy
stop flowing from your hands, so stop then.

Leave the jar sitting in the sun for however long you like.  I learned that
the summer south texas sun will evaporate a LOT of water in just 2 hours,
lol, so I usually try to do mine in the morning.  Sometimes it sits for an
hour, sometimes 2 or 3.   

When you feel the essence is ready, bring it in.  strain out the flowers and
put the water back into the jar.  Now add the same amount of alcohol (I use
vodka but traditional is brandy, use what you like) as you have water.  If
you have a quarter cup water add a quarter cup alcohol.  

Label this as your mother tincture, with the name of the flower.  Sit with
this and after a while you'll get what this essences is for.  Or just take
it and see what happens.

To make your dosage bottle you take your mother tincture, get another bottle
with half water, half alcohol.  Ask the mother essence how many drops you
need to make the stock bottle.  The number that pops into your head is
right.  Place that many drops of essence into the new bottle, label it as
your stock bottle and put the flower name on it.

Now from the stock bottle, you will make your dosage bottle.  Take a dropper
bottle, fill with half water, half alcohol.  Ask the stock bottle how many
drops you need to put into the dosage bottle.

Now you have your essence!  You can see that you need very little of the
mother essence because you use just drops of that to make a stock bottle and
then drops of the stock to make your dosage bottle.  

Any questions--just ask.


-Original Message-

Would you share how you make the essences?

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RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-23 Thread Lisa
WOW! Would I just LOVE to sit with you for a month and learn as much as I
could :o)

I'm interested in the essences that you're using for:

The plants want to help us grow, develop.  They work on raising
vibration, on bringing in more joy, on opening to being a channel, to
helping with getting better luck, more romance,

...and any that you know of for weight loss (sugar/carb cravings etc.)
Would you be willing to share the plants that I could use to create these
essences? Would I be able to find them in the northeast (NH specifically)?

Thanks again.., I thoroughly am enjoying being your humble student!


-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

Lol--I have poison oak flower essences!  Haven't had a lot of use for it
yet, and it's for stubbornness (to relieve it) and I thought perhaps an
antidote to poison oak rash, but it's not.  That was just MY thinking--the
antidote thing, not from the plant itself.

First you have to know your plant, to know if it is poisonous or not.  You
need to get a very good wild flower book, and/or a wild plant book for your
local area.  I have 3 that I use all the time for our area, because no one
book will have them all.  If I find a plant I don't know it's usually in 2
of the books but not the third, so if I only happened to use the one book
that didn't have it, I wouldn't learn the plant.  So go through your books
at the store to see how many cross-overs they have.  My third book is a book
on local trees, bushes and flowers, which is great if I find a bush I don't

Then you still need to sit with the plant to see what it will do, essence
wise, to see if you want/need it or not.  You do not have to worry about the
essence doing what the plant would do if you touched or ate it--because the
energy of the physical plant is different than the energy of the flower

Still, if you are worried about a plant being poisonous, then simply don't
use it.  With literally hundreds of different plants at your fingertips, you
can certainly pass up a couple.  You will find that if you start making a
lot of essences, many of them will be for the same type of thing.  Like I
have probably 4 that are all grounding, though each has secondary things
that are different from each other.  

It's best to make just a few essences and try them to see if you like them.
I know what it's hard at first because you want to make them ALL!  Lol
especially if the plants start calling you.  But unless you have a client
base to use them on (we did, my partner and I, and we had a hypnotist that
used them with her clients, etc) there's not a lot of need for 100 essences.

I found the difference between Bach's essences and most other 'modern'
essences is that Bach really restricted his practitioners.  He worked with
people right after the war and they were dealing with all sorts of negative
issues, so all his essences were basically for negative things--to fix them.
Sadness, depression, grief, etc.  when he had all he felt that covered all
their problems he said--that's it, that's all you will ever need, don't make
any other essences!  That's why you'll see makers like me and others have
hundreds of essences and Bach only has his few (in comparison).  His
practitioners can't go making new essences!

But in reality, essences are far more than for relieving negative issues.
The plants want to help us grow, develop.  They work on raising vibration,
on bringing in more joy, on opening to being a channel, to helping with
getting better luck, more romance, and all sorts of things that Bach never
even considered.  He got what he NEEDED and then didn't look any further.
The plants have so much more to offer us.  

So don't be afraid of plants--be aware of touching a dangerous plant that
you might have a reaction to, but you won't get any dark or negative energy
from any essence.  I have never, ever found that in any of mine (about 200
different ones) nor have I ever heard of any maker running across this.  

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations


Thank you so much for this invaluable information! You have such great
knowledge and it's wonderful that you're willing to share it.

My concern with essences (I do have all the Bach flower essences) and
although I would love to expand with mores...I'd worry about any poisonous
flowers that would cause harm. I know that we have several different things
here in the Northeast and I wouldn't trust myself to be sure that a pretty
flower would help rather than harm. What's your suggestion on this?

Thank you.


-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 11:15 PM

CSQuick help needed please!

2012-05-20 Thread Lisa
My 6yr old son just came back from a T-ball game and has blisters on the top
of his ears.sunburn obviously.


What can I put on them to take care of them



RE: CSQuick help needed please!

2012-05-20 Thread Lisa
Should I just give him a paper towel of CS and make him elfin ear caps to
keep them in place or something like that?

I've used some CS and DMSO dabbing with a Q-tipbut he won't let me do
that for very much longer.

I was also going to use some comfrey, lavender oil and coconut oil. Should I
wait on those and just use the CS?

Thank you SO much for a quick response :o)

-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSQuick help needed please!



Lisa wrote:

 My 6yr old son just came back from a T-ball game and has blisters on 
 the top of his ears.sunburn obviously.

 What can I put on them to take care of them


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSQuick help needed please!

2012-05-20 Thread Lisa
Thanks SO much once again.

He tolerated everything (except the DMSO that dripped down his ear and did
the tingling thing) -- as soon as I wiped it clean with a damp CS wipe, he
was much better. We then had to go out and I had him put on makeshift paper
towels with CS in between stops. One ear is worse than the other (with a
blister at least 1 1/2 long)...the other only about 1/4. 

I don't want to break the blisters as I want them to heal naturally as
opposed to forcing it along. I'll continue the CS...add some a bit of DMSO
to it and see if I can't create something that will keep it on all night
long (but I doubt it will stay).

Gads...we did get him a fedora hat to wear for the next several weeks to
keep his ears covered and safe. He'll look cool if I can get him to
remember to wear it on the playground at school (wishful thinking).

Thank you very much!!!


-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSQuick help needed please!

Lisa wrote:
 Should I just give him a paper towel of CS and make him elfin ear caps
 keep them in place or something like that?

 I've used some CS and DMSO dabbing with a Q-tipbut he won't let me do
 that for very much longer.

 I was also going to use some comfrey, lavender oil and coconut oil. Should
 wait on those and just use the CS?
  I'd keep on with the CS and DMSO mix as long as he will let you. Maybe 
your mix is too strong? I have read that DMSO is effective to get silver 
into tissues at concentrations of as little as 2% added to the CS. The 
only time I used lavender oil along with CS/DMSO (on a wound in a 
fingernail) it stained the nail very dark brown, which had to grow out. 
I don't know that it hurt anything otherwise, but I also don't know if 
it helped. Lavender oil is very good for stopping the pain of burns, 
bites, and small wounds, for me anyway.
I have at times put on CS or CS/DMSO and then applied coconut oil to 
keep if from drying so fast.
Some MSM added to the mix of CS/DMSO is very soothing to skin, I have 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSQuick help needed please!

2012-05-20 Thread Lisa
The blisters have NOT burst and I'd actually like to keep them that way.


I have a feeling as he sleeps tonight (and rolls around) that they'll be
popped when he wakes up.


He has NO pain at this time.and right now it's a matter of using whatever
will get them to heal the fastest - he's a VERY active little boy) and
keeping him from going outside is going to be near impossible! I can't see
him getting exposed to sun any time soon until they heal!


I'll continue with the CS, dabbed with occasional DMSO (and CS following
it).I'll also catch some of his urine and dab them with that - I'm familiar
with UT.interestingly enough, he had to go pee so badly while we ran our
errands that I had him do so in a water bottle (only to have thrown in out).
Silly me!  I haven't used coconut oil yet.maybe I should put some of that on
before he goes to bed?!?!?!  And yes, I did use some lavender oil and even


I appreciate everybody's help! I am SO thankful for this site and it's
wonderful having such timely feedback. Please know that everyone's
suggestions are greatly appreciated - I can't thank you enough! With the
blisters and's just making me a mess with concern - and for
those that have experienced it and gone through it, it's great to have
validated and tried and true feedback. 


Thank you all once again and I'll keep you posted how we make out (he just
got out of the tub - no shower for him as I didn't want warm/hot water
falling on the top of his ears) and I was able to soak some TP with a bit of
urine and dabbed him with that. Before he goes to bed I'll do some CS/dmso
and then coat them with some coconut oil. Then before I go to bed I'll try
and do it a couple times with coconut oil while he's sleeping.


I sure hope that all works out!





From: James McDonald [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: CSQuick help needed please!


White vinegar, It may smell but will take out the sting and prevent peeling.
Have used this for over 40 years, on myself,kids and grandkids. I make a mix
of CS and aloe and apply after vinegar dries apply mixture.


From: Kirsteen Wright
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSQuick help needed please!


CS is fine, Aloe vera gel is fantastic, even yoghurt will help cool them.
Coconut oil is great too. Are the blisters burst or not?


On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Lisa wrote:

My 6yr old son just came back from a T-ball game and has blisters on the top
of his ears.sunburn obviously.


What can I put on them to take care of them





RE: CSother healing modalities

2012-05-11 Thread Lisa
Thank you Renee!!!

-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 9:52 PM
Subject: CSother healing modalities

Here's a link where you can sign up for the free tapping thing--many of the
most famous EFT practitioners teach and you can learn much by listening in
and tapping along on each teleseminar.  You don't need to buy their material
unless you are so moved.

check it out here and join the over 500,000 registeredYes tapping is
huge and growing!
Remember it's 100% fr*ee to attend online, but you only have 24 hours to
hear each set of speakers.

 You sign up, and they notify you each day someone speaks, and if you can't
make it 'live' you have 24 hours to listen to a recording.  Then they take
the recording down.

DMT:  simpler tapping method, based on Huna and a Huna explanation of why it
works.  Very simple yet great for physical problems especially.  I
personally prefer EFT for emotional problems (and to set new habits in
place) but prefer DMT for physical problems.  

MIR  very basic but seems to be powerful.  We are
seldom touched and seldom touched in such a comforting way.  It's good to
know you can do it for yourself and since it's quick and easy and free,
totally worth trying.  The videos shows exactly how to do it if there is any
question about the written explanation.

The Emotion Code: This is a course in muscle testing to get the body to
correctly answer questions.  Then from there it teaches you a simple
fool-proof way of finding out exactly WHICH emotion the body is hiding a
memory of, and how to get rid of the blocked emotion.  Dr. Nelson use to
offer a free copy of the ebook on his site but that form is missing now,
that I can see.  Here are a couple places to get it for free, it seems like:  seems to be totally free with
Nelson's blessings
d-Emotions-for-Abundant-Health-Love-and-Happiness-  seems to be free after
you sign up and choose the free 'membership' which only allows 5 ebook
downloads a month, but The Emotion Code is one of these so you will get it
for free.
And Dr. Nelson still has the page up for sending any soldier you know, who
tells Nelson he/she is interested in receiving the book, Nelson will send
the soldier a free copy--because it's SO good for helping get over PTSD
(better even than EFT I think, and that's basically what EFT was originally
designed for!) 

SSS Cards: these are frequency/prayer cards, meaning that they have
thousands of prayers behind them, included with the frequency.  This
wonderful homeopathic doctor in India went from village to village helping
sick people, but when he left the village, even if he left medicine, the
medicine soon ran out and there was no one trained enough to continue
helping the people.  So he prayed for inspiration and was given these
symbols.  He now can go into each village and teach one person how to use
the cards, then leave a set of cards in each village and they can cure
themselves!  He's so wonderful he put the whole system on line for free for
anyone.  People all over the world use these cards and the energy in them is
very powerful.  I cured my gallbladder problem with these cards--the
unbearable pain ceased in 10 minutes.  I was so impressed with his work and
his generosity that I wrote him because he said the cards were also now in
book form, but I could not find it anywhere.  He wrote back and said it was
published and sold in India but that they shipped them anywhere and gave me
the name of the company.  I'd never bought one thing on line before, and
just KNEW someone in India was going to confiscate my credit card and take
all my money (:-) but as I said, I wanted to support his wonderful work, so
held my breath and ordered it.  It came in a few weeks and the box smelled
SO wonderful, spices from India!  Lol  But the whole book is on line for
free.  Download the cards and print them out.  I placed them into a baseball
scrapbook--that holds baseball cards, so that I can see them and set the
water on top without worrying about damaging the cards from getting wet.
The whole explanation is on line, though it can be hard to figure out at
first.  The first link I'm sending is to the cards and the explanation of
how to use them.  The second link is the background on the cards, how they
came to be, etc.  (check back often as he adds cards
as needed, though you can sign up for a newsletter that only comes out when
he adds cards)  

SEM labels: these are also frequency 'cards' in the form of labels that you
put on water bottles for an hour, then you drink the water.  Kind of 

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-10 Thread Lisa
WOW! That's a lot of different things -- and I for one would LOVE to learn
more about them.

Are there groups and/or web links that you could provide for us to learn
more about these different methods?


-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 10:25 PM
Subject: RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

You sure have collected a lot of different healing methods! I wonder how
many others there are you haven't mentioned yet:)

Oh, lots and lots.  :)  Been at this alternative stuff for over 25 years
now, ever since I had cancer.  Just love to 'collect' information on
healing.  Never sick here so don't have a lot to experiment with, but I
usually try things out when I can, just to see.

I think some of the BEST methods are the easiest and are free to do.  My
favorite is The Emotion Code, then EFT, then DMT, then MIR.  The Emotion
Code is remarkable and uses muscle testing to release trapped emotions.  EFT
is a more complicated tapping procedure but once you learn it it's
invaluable.  DMT is a simplified tapping procedure that works wonders for
physical problems.  MIR is a new method I've just learned that I think will
be very powerful, and is super simple to do.

These emotional things SEEM to be 1) too simple to work 2) most people don't
understand the emotional part of illness

Because they are simple and free people often overlook them and don't
understand their power.  And then most people do not understand the
underlying reason for illness, which is almost always buried in emotions.
Even if you cure the physical problem if you don't deal with the emotions
the problem simply comes back, usually in the same form but a different
area, but sometimes even in the same area.  That's why it's so common for a
person to get cancer again--the doctor's famous '5 year' thing (if you make
it 5 years cancer free you could possibly stay cancer free) because most
people get it back in under 5 years.  Just because you have it cut out,
burnt out, etc, but you have NOT addressed the emotional aspects, the
thought processes and looked for some spiritual answers, it just comes back.
Address those 3 and you are almost sure never to be bothered by cancer

It is said--and I believe it, that everything starts on the spiritual level
and if corrected there we'd never get sick.  But we are almost totally
unaware of the spirit level.

From there it goes to the mental level.  Again, if we were aware and fixed
the mental issue we would never get sick.

Then it goes emotional level.  If we stopped it there we'd never get sick.
But we simply don't understand our emotions, let alone deal with them.  So
because we don't, then the body takes on physical symptoms of illness.  We
can't ignore that like we can emotions, thoughts and spirit.  

So though we may fix the physical symptoms, if we haven't dealt with the
emotions especially, but also the thoughts and spirit, then illness simply
comes back.  And usually dealing with the emotions kind of also takes care
of the thoughts that go along since thoughts and emotions are very closely
linked.  The spirit--well, any truly healthy person has a healthy spiritual
side.  You cannot live in darkness and be healthy.  But it does help to
address the spiritual side when ill, because that allows the physical 'cure'
to happen faster.

We are such wondrous beings!

Oh shoot--how can I forget the SEM water cards and the SSS cards?  They are
also free and very powerful.  :)  and they work through the frequency


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  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Lisa
Yes, please send a link for the frex device...

-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.

Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:  
here's dr loyd's list

neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CStooth problems- can EIS help?

2012-04-29 Thread Lisa
Hey Bob, FANTSTIC stuff!


When you say “cavitations” in your teeth – do you mean “cavities”? 


I guess I have nothing to lose if I zap my (6yr old) son who has 5 cavities
of different sizes – dentist of course wants to fill them. I don’t want them
touch, but would like to reverse the damage. Do you think doing the Godzilla
twice a day (morning/evening) and then swishing out with hydrogen peroxide
and then EIS would do the trick? Will this possibly stop the damage and then
it’d be a matter of reversing it? Any idea on how to reverse the damage of







From: Bob Banever [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:24 PM
Subject: RE: CStooth problems- can EIS help?


I easily destroyed several bacterial infections in the roots of my teeth as
well as cavitations in  teeth.  I used a Godzilla… a battery hooked up to
two wires with sponges on the ends used as electrodes.  The DC current kills
the bacteria instantly inside the tooth or root.  You can use as little as 1
½ volts or up to 6 volts but no higher.  9 volts is dangerous and overkill
in any event.  Just a flashlight battery will do.  Go to
microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo for info and schematics on how to
make the device… it costs less than $10 and has saved me thousands in dental
bills.  Good luck.





From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: CStooth problems- can EIS help?



You did the correct thing.

According to Dr. Mercola

During a root canal, there is no way to sterilize your tooth; after the root
canal, dangerous bacteria hide out in the tooth and are unreachable with

*  Root-canaled and filled teeth harbor bacteria that morph into very toxic
forms, which then can migrate to other tissues in your body and cause
serious medical conditions, including diseases of your heart, kidneys,
bones, and brain 

*  There is no other medical practice that permits leaving a dead body part
inside your body, because it triggers your immune system to attack 

*  If you have a diseased tooth, or if you’ve already had a root canal, I
highly recommend consulting a biological dentist about have it extracted 


In a message dated 4/27/2012 9:19:10 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I would choose losing the tooth over a root canal any day!



RE: CStooth problems- can EIS help? Double A Battery

2012-04-29 Thread Lisa
How can you do it with a Double A battery?


I'd be interested in this (I do already have a bigger battery set up) - but
never heard of a single battery being used. Please share.




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: CStooth problems- can EIS help? Double A Battery


In a message dated 4/28/2012 9:55:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

*  If you have a diseased tooth, or if you've already had a root canal, I
highly recommend consulting a biological dentist about have it extracted 

I cured a real nasty abscess with a Double A  battery. It will kill
infection.  Lois

RE: CSchelation therapy costs

2012-04-25 Thread Lisa
What's HMD?

-Original Message-
From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSchelation therapy costs

total zeolite, liposomal glutathione, a hard to find cheap liposomal
EDTA (one does exist though), HMD, trace minerals.  All oral.  Cheaper
and easier than IV.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:13 PM, wrote:
 I did 20 IV Chelations in Los Algodones, Mexico in 1995. Cost was $50 per
 IV. Then I did 10 IV Chelations per year until the last 3 years as
 maintenance. The result was shown by before and after blood tests each
 My first Chelation removed 17 kidney stones and lots of plaque, which I
 verified by using a kidney stone strainer. So for me I know what it does.
 Lately I use a do it yourself system I have not verified this
 with blood tests or used my strainer to check. To get good results I had
 increase my urine flow to at least 32 ounces per day. I had to drink
 tea to increase urine flow. As the kidneys must get rid of anything broken
 loose by Chelation. One guy had junk broken loose that lodged in his
 eye, loosing his sight in that eye. He said that showed him to take more
 Chelations. Lately my blood pressure is increasing, Chelations used to
 my blood pressure, so I better try more do it yourself Chelations. I also
 bought oral Chelation pills.If you do it yourself Chelation you need to
 vitamin C plus any other vitamin you take as Chelation removes both the
 with the bad.


 In a message dated 4/24/2012 5:02:57 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Does anyone have experience with chelation therapy?  How much does it

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  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSMRSA infection

2012-04-17 Thread Lisa
Does anybody have a recipe?



From: PTFerrance [] 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: CSMRSA infection


I wonder if Tel would be interested in adding this gunpowder salve to his line?



From: Dr. James McCourt [] 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 6:40 PM
Subject: RE: CSMRSA infection


Black powder is still available. USE EXTREME CAUTION! The finest grade I know 
of is called 4FG.  



From: Marshall [] 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: CSMRSA infection


Gunpowder today is what is called smokeless powder. It is not the same thing as 
was used back then. That stuff is now called black powder. Of course you can 
always make you own, I made it many a time when I was a child.


On 4/15/2012 11:33 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote: 


Can you buy gunpowder these days? As a homeopathic remedy it is miraculous at 
times - get a 12x potency and you wont need a salve? If  you can get gunpowder 
still tho you would just add it to the base of your choice.

- Original Message - 

From: Maple Springs  Farm 


paul's great grandfather used to make a really powerful black salve 
that was made out of gunpowder... i still have a bit of it here... 
wish i had the recipe it is AWESOME stuff! 



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RE: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?

2012-04-17 Thread Lisa
Can you share where you get your serrapeptase from? I need to buy more and
the place I got it from before no longer carries it (and it was more







From: [] 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?


I've been taking serrepeptase for years...  but one should start small and
work up.  I buy Dr. Best Serrepeptase at $12+  a bottle.

connie 53
Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried 

RE: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?

2012-04-17 Thread Lisa
Thank you!



From: Sandee George [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?


Attitude is Everything


On Apr 17, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Alan Jones wrote:

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Lisa wrote:

Can you share where you get your serrapeptase from? I need to buy more and
the place I got it from before no longer carries it (and it was more







From: [] 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:47 AM

Subject: Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?


I've been taking serrepeptase for years...  but one should start small and
work up.  I buy Dr. Best Serrepeptase at $12+  a bottle.

connie 53
Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

Alan Jones

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

CSQuestion on monosodium phosphate

2012-03-07 Thread Lisa
Does anybody know a good reliable source for (bulk) monosodium phosphate?


I've found NaturVet has some available - which is for horses. Anybody know
(or use) this for human consumption and if it's ok?



RE: CSBeck zapper

2012-02-06 Thread Lisa
Hi Asif,

I'd love to have those designs please.


-Original Message-
From: asif nathekar [] 
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: CSBeck zapper

I have designs for both zappers should anyone require them.

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Feb 2012, at 04:28, Dan Nave wrote:

 I just made one using a 555 timer chip as a square wave oscillator
 operating at about 30KHz.  This is the same as her old schematic for a
 zapper.  I think there is a 1 K ohm resistor in series with each
 I guess that is as clear as mud...
 Nowadays the zapper they sell is much more sophisticated but I don't
 know if it is any better or not.  But much more expensive as it is a
 really fancy electronic device.
 On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 10:05 PM, Joyce Miller wrote:
 Where did you get your zapper? I use Dr. Clark's liver and gall
 bladder cleanse, and it always says to zap for a week before doing so.
 I had no idea where to get a zapper or what it entailed to use it, so
 since my health adviser said I could go ahead and use the cleanse, I
 did, and it worked very well. But it has to be done every couple of
 months at first and then less and less frequently.
 So please tell us more about zappers . . .
 On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:40 PM, Dan Nave wrote:
 I have used a Hulda Clark type zapper on myself (and others) for
 shingles.  The more longstanding the shingles episode was before
 zapping, the longer it took to clear it, but it did clear up fresh
 outbreaks quickly and resolved a longstanding episode (many months
 long) within a few weeks.  My son had an episode of infectious
 mononucleosis which was diagnosed medically, then I rushed a zapper to
 him.  He used it for 1 course of zapping per Hulda Clark's protocol
 and then vomited so he didn't do any more zapping.  For all practical
 purposes, the next day he was over it and didn't have any relapse or
 need any period of extended rest, or anything like that.  So, it
 definitely works on some things.  I would not hesitate to use it on
 someone with boils, but I might also use some other protocols as well,
 such as colloidal silver orally, and transdermally as a pack mixed
 with some DMSO.
 On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Asif Nathekar 
 I have built one from dr becks reference design that swings from positive
 27v to negative 27v square wave at around 4 hz, although one may use up to
 100 HZ to reduce some of the undesirable effects
 I have seen other designs like hulda clarks which pulses a 0v to positive
 9-18v in a square wave at around 20-25khz, I have one of these too but
 neglected to use it.
 I can see from the discussions and stated science, how the beck zapper
 could work but require something more than sales brochure to actually
 beleive that it could work.
 Basically I require human verification that it works, and how they used it,
 so that i could use it the same way. I have bought sticky adhesive gel
 electrode pads for a TENS machine as electrodes..
 any testimonies...???
 thanks again.
 From: Brooks Bradley
 Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 11:02 PM
 Subject: Re: CSBeck zapper
The Beck zapper is a very useful device (at least it has
 been in our researches), however,
 there present..several other---more recent designs;  more
 powerful in effect than is the original
 device developed by Robert.  A brief survey of the Internet using
 zapper  as the key word, will illicit
 a number of valid references.  If you are unsuccessful email me
 personally and I will attempt to offer
 some useful guidance in your search.
   Brooks Bradley.   Harborne Research Foundation.
 On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 4:53 PM, asif nathekar
 Hi group,
 Has anyone got any anecdotes for the beck zapper to share
 As I want to use one on my mate with the boils  if it's potentially
 Sent from my iPhone
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour
 Self care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of
 the only gift that I have.”   Parker Palmer

RE: CSbrain a barrier?

2012-01-05 Thread Lisa
Does anyone have a link/website for this download? I definitely would love
to have it!







From: D Glover [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: CSbrain a barrier?


You can download the entire book free still, 'The Body Electric' by Robert O
Becker M.D. and Gary Selden. My solver sol definitely reaches the brain, as
I can feel a great peace in my mind when I take it (both through chakra
activation and I think a quieting of whatever pathogenic organisms that may
be present) and a definite oomph in my brain just moments after taking the
silver sol in my mouth. Silver does indeed certainly present potential for
stem cell research too, if more researchers could be persuaded to take it
seriously, though most of them just go where the money goes I think,
otherwise they don't get their research grants. Dave Glover

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:13 PM, mgperrault wrote:

Is there information on silver crossing the blood brain barrier?  Informed
person says it does.   I witnessed someone putting a poultice of c silver on
the arm and this seemed to cause a slightly raised, de pigmented scar tissue
like area.

If I can vaguely remember, Becker said that silver can de differentiate
cells and that skin mediated voltage fields can sustain a re differentiation
and thus some regeneration of limb and bone, even cancerous.  I may not have
it right, but I dont have the book anymore.  Another part of the conundrum
is that when the silver forms brown stains on the colloidal making
apparatus, this is very difficult to clean.  So I imagine the silver
staining the brain and causing dedifferentiation and this seems totally
frightening.  What is uncontrolled de-differentiation?  Perhaps almost a
cancer, perhaps a scar tissue, but anyway, not good I can imagine.   Sorry
if this has been covered, I looked at the archives but didnt find



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: 


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour



2011-07-29 Thread Lisa
Hi Dan, do you think a castor oil pack would work on removing a mole?

Granted, it'd be more like putting a large bandaid over a soaked gauze of
castor oil...but just wondering aloud if it'd work -- or not?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: CSslap tear/CASTOR OIL QUERY

I don't have technical information, but there are many general
articles on the net such as this:

It helps just about everything.  The herbalist Dr. Schulz indicated
almost in an aside that every one of his cases of cancer and many
other ailments were to do a castor oil pack nightly along with the
other remedies.  The castor oil pack in this case was usually not
heated but was worn while sleeping.  I think this is one of the
reasons for his success...

I have personally used it sucessfully for several things.


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Jim Holmes wrote:
 Hi Dave et al,

 Do you have any cites for the Castor oil helping muscles?


 On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Dan Nave wrote:

 It may not actually help the bones themselves (don't know for sure)
 but it certainly will help the tissues around the area heal and will
 probably reduce pain as well.


 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:
  Would this help cracked ribs? Anyone?
  - Original Message -
  From: Faith Saint Francis
  Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 5:08 AM
  Subject: RE: CSslap tear
  A suggestion:
  Try the Edgar Cayce's
  Castor Oil Packs,
  or write me at 
  Be good,
  Take care of someone,
  Leonardo Faith

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour


2011-07-19 Thread Lisa
That being said, what are some of the name brands that people are buying
that are reputable, cold pressed, extra virgin and reasonably priced? I've
bought it before but now want to make sure going forward I get the right


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSEVCO

  Um, not in my experience.  If the label does not specifically say 
cold pressed than it isn't.  There are all kinds of word tricks used 
to make it seem as though it is the special kind, when its not.  And 
some companies that say they are cold pressed even, need to be studied 
further, as some of them do the first press as a cold press, but then 
use a heated (low heat, but heat) process for finishing.  Those that do 
that, and still label it as cold press, believe they are completely 
natural and healthful, believe that killing off the enzymes in the oil 
is a good thing, making the oil last longer than it would otherwise.  So 
be careful, do your research.  don't just buy something from your 
favorite market because it has cold pressed on the label - find out 
what they mean by that.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 2:40 AM, Hanneke wrote:
 I don't know about this company of course, but Extra in the  label 
 usually means cold pressed virgin coconut oil..

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSOT question: plastic buckets

2011-07-15 Thread Lisa
An obvious off-topic question.., but here goes.


I've got several white plastic buckets (that used to hold a variety of
icings/jellies etc. from a local bakery). I've washed them, rinsed etc. and
am now storing pastas, beans and the like in them. They seal fairly well,
but quite frankly I'd feel better if I could actually suck all the air out
of them. Isn't there a way I can do this without having to purchase dry ice
or lots of mylar bags/oxygen absorbers? I figured with all the brilliant
minds we have on this list I'm sure that somebody has been able to do this
successfully.would you please share?





RE: CSOT question: plastic buckets

2011-07-15 Thread Lisa
Yes I’ve done that “suck and zip” method before :-)


I do have a Food Saver device that is capable of removing the air. I also
have the adapters that will remove the air from quarts and wide-mouth mason
jars (very, VERY handy). I’ve seen on TV a hand held pump that you can pump
out the air (probably by extraction I suppose) on different sized jars etc.,
I guess this is what I’m looking for. I do have a hand held pump – they sell
them for special Ziploc bags. I just wonder how I can get that special
portion of the Ziploc bag onto/in a bucket so I could then do the same. Does
this make any sense?


And yes, I’ve got 5 buckets thus far…and hope to get up to a baker’s dozen –
hahA! Check any major food stores that have a bakery department and most
will give them away, but you have to hit them at the right time as lots of
folks are after them.





From: Guyot Léna [] 
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: CSOT question: plastic buckets


Hi Lisa,

Like the old-fashioned Tupperware, If you press down hard on the lid
(provided it's also somewhat flexible plastic), as you snap the last  of the
lid rim down, you'll at least create negative pressure inside, but not
complete vacuum. 


If you're sealing dry ingredients, this should help prolongue their shelf
life a bit. If you're using zip-bags, a plastic drinking straw stuck in an
unzipped corner and some good lung-power can suck out all extra air and then
you quick withdraw and zip simultaneously. This is great for freezing stuff,
but it's also good for sealing smaller quantities of things that can then
fit well into buckets without extra air in the bags.


If you scouted the internet, you might find the small rubber or plastic
valves the some vacu-seal containers use, but then you'd still have to
vacuum. There are some food-storage vacuum systems, but they get pricey
fast. Still, your buckets sound like a great resource!


Be well,


On Jul 15, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Lisa wrote:

An obvious off-topic question.., but here goes.


I’ve got several white plastic buckets (that used to hold a variety of
icings/jellies etc. from a local bakery). I’ve washed them, rinsed etc. and
am now storing pastas, beans and the like in them. They seal fairly well,
but quite frankly I’d feel better if I could actually suck all the air out
of them. Isn’t there a way I can do this without having to purchase dry ice
or lots of mylar bags/oxygen absorbers? I figured with all the brilliant
minds we have on this list I’m sure that somebody has been able to do this
successfully…would you please share?






CSFluoride q's

2011-07-14 Thread Lisa
Hi All,


Does anybody have any documentation (scientific) that points to fluoride as
NOT being good for you. I've switched dentists and he is quite receptive and
actually listens quite well. I'd like to offer up something for him that
shows just how bad fluoride is (he agrees to the extent where too much
fluoride is bad for you). If anybody's got any documentation/papers etc.,
that I could point him to - I'd really appreciate it.





RE: CSFwd: 'Ole Bob's Colloidal Silver Book

2011-07-11 Thread Lisa
Add me to the list please.





From: Dr. Matthias Weisser [] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: CSFwd: 'Ole Bob's Colloidal Silver Book


A also would like one.


Am 11.07.2011 00:32, schrieb Donna M Lewis: 

I'd like a copy too :-)




RE: CSSerrapeptase Dosage and My Personal Experience

2011-07-09 Thread Lisa


Can you please explain just how this can be accomplished?





From: olushola camara [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: CSSerrapeptase Dosage and My Personal Experience


You will get even better results if you take it as part of a systematic
enzyme. The effect will be synergistic.


On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Steve G wrote:

Just wanted to add in my recent experience.  The day I read a post on the CS
list about Serrapeptase is the day I ran out to the health food store and
bought a bottle.   I've been taking 40,000 IU twice a day now for almost two

My personal priority has been my blood pressure.   A number of years ago my
doctor put me on 25 mg (a modest dose) of Toprol XL, a beta blocker.  It did
a good job of  bringing my blood pressure down from approx. 150/95 down to
120/70.  Time has marched on and I continue to take the stuff as it
appears to be a lifelong habit once started.   In the last six months I have
been paying closer attention to my bp, discovering that it has gradually
continued to worsen and was around 160/95 approx. occasionally going 'much

I was worried about it but hadn't yet gone to my doc for an increase to my
prescription.  This was my frame of mind when I started taking this

It's been about two weeks now, and in the last few days I have seen numbers
regularly in the 140's/ 80's.  This morning I came in at 136/80.

I know this is unreliable anectdotal evidence, but it's pretty compelling to
me.  I think the Serrapeptase is doing its job for me!

I am indebted to the silver list.  Without this tip I know what direction I
would have been headed.  I think I'm now on the right path.

Yesterday, my mail order arrived, with a bottle of 90 capsules of 120,000 iu
each.   I won't be taking more than one of THESE capsules a day.



RE: CSeczema ticks

2011-07-04 Thread Lisa
The “Ticked Off” spoon shaped device is MUCH better…it removes any sized
tick whether it’s engorged or not!



From: Patricia Cloonan [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSeczema  ticks


I use the tick twister it works twisting the tick they let
go...much better than pulling them off;
ie=UTF8qid=1309748920sr=1-3 ie=UTF8qid=1309748920sr=1-3



On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 10:34 PM, PTF wrote:

Thanks for that information.  We used to use the heat of a cigarette to get
them to back out.  Don't smoke any more so I don't know what I would use.
If you can't smother them and can't use heat, what is the best way to get
rid of a tick?  Does anyone know?



- Original Message - 

From: Guyot  Léna 


Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 6:19 PM

Subject: Re: CSeczema


RE: removing a tick: Wish this were so, but ANY liquid that suffocates the
tick can cause it to regurgitate into the bite: highly undesirable if the
stomach contents have Lyme pathogens, (unless you really want to increase
your chances of infection). That also goes for applying a blown-out match
or really anything that might created a startled reaction. 


Be well,


On Jul 3, 2011, at 2:56 PM, PTF wrote:

This came from another list...


Exzema  can be controlled with castor oil which is by itself is sometimes
too irritating to the skin so it is recommended to be blended with another
good vegetable oil such as olive, sunflower in a 20/80 blend and put on the
scalp or skin and allowed to soak well. As far as ticks are concerned a tip
from the internet is to use a cotton ball and vegetable oil (castor oil) and
completely cover the ticks
body heavily with the oil. This stops the tick from being able to breathe
and they will back out of the skin grab them with the cotton ball and
dispose then clean the site with alcohol. 




RE: CSgeranium oil

2011-06-14 Thread Lisa
Sounds much geranium oil are you using per gallon...OR how
much are you using in what sized hot tub/spa and/or pool? I'd love to not
use any bromine!

-Original Message-
From: Shirley Reed [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 8:57 PM
Subject: CSgeranium oil

This is to whomever posted about using geranium oil in hot tubs and spas
and maybe swimming pools.  I am unable to access the archives so can't look
this up.  Anyhoo,  the geranium oil has completely eliminated our use of ANY
pool chemicals whatsoever. Our water is beautiful and never fails the ph
test.  I don't like hot tubs and spas so my husband is the main beneficiary
of this practice.  So we are chlorine and bromine free and I thank the lady
who posted about this.pj

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSSoap

2011-05-25 Thread Lisa
I'm sure this is off-topic but I'd love to know how to make biodiesel the
way your SIL makes it. Can you share (or have him share)?





From: Marshall [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSSoap


My son in law made biodiesel by mixing lye with fat.  It produced both the
biodiesel as well as glycerin.  Now it is my understanding that soap is made
the same way.  Does anyone know why some people end up with biodiesel and
others soap when those two are mixed?


On 5/24/2011 11:40 PM, Melly Bag wrote: 

I don't think the soap manufacturers will list glycerin as an ingredient if
they did not add it while making the soap.  The glycerin is naturally
created when fat is mixed with the lye/water.

So if you buy  a soap without glycerin in the list of ingredients, it can
still have it.  Comments please.




CSGlycerin soap

2011-05-24 Thread Roger and Lisa
Can someone remind me why we don't want glycerin in our soap?  TIA!

CSglycerin soap

2011-05-24 Thread Roger and Lisa
OK, thanks!

Re: CSHow To Make Non-glycerin Soap | LIVESTRONG.COM

2011-05-24 Thread Roger and Lisa
I don't get this.  If you can't buy non-glycerin soap, how can you make your 
own using commercial soap?  Can you use soap with glycerin and somehow make 
it into non-glycerin?  The article says you can't remove it at home.  Very 
confusing to me.



- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSHow To Make Non-glycerin Soap | LIVESTRONG.COM

How to Make Non-Glycerin Soap


Glycerin is a natural byproduct of the soap-making process. All soap
initially contains glycerin but commercial soap makers often remove
the glycerin and replace it with other softening agents. Glycerin
removal requires an industrial steam and filter process that is beyond
the means of most home soap makers, therefore, all homemade soap still
has glycerin. However, you can make your own, non-glycerin, scented
soaps by using unscented commercial soap and adding your own

Now that's the problem, isn't it.  Where does one get  an unscented
commercial soap!...


Read more:

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Brooks Bradley 

I neglected to include this, second, variation for making
glycerin-free soap, in my
previous email. Brooks Bradley.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSOzonating water

2011-05-16 Thread Lisa
Can anyone suggest a great water ozonating machine? I've heard of different
[water] purifiers/machines etc., and get overwhelmed as to what works best.
Feedback please?


-Original Message-
From: Tad Winiecki [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 5:16 PM
Subject: CSOzonating water

My husband just underwent abdominal surgery, a colectomy, and had a good 
report, the tumor had not gone through to the outer layers of colon nor 
spread to lymph nodes, so he will not have to have further treatment.  
But I want to prevent any metastases or recurrences so I'm looking into 
ozonating water, which has a good report from several persons who 
digestive tract cancers in the past.  He has a commercial corona 
discharge machine with a large ~3 outlet.  I want to find a way to step 
it down to a hose that could be inserted in water with a glass bubbler.  
Any ideas or suggestions? 

I also don't understand if we could just bubble the present output into 
water or if something needs to be done to limit nitrogen from the air in 
the water.  I've seen some people using Oxygen concentrators, I don't 
know how they work or if they are necessary.  Or how one would run 
medical oxygen through a machine like we already have.  I also haven't 
seen any air pumps that have an input as well as an output if the 
pressure from the unit was insufficient.  I am going to check on a pond 
store today.

I'm putting CS on his incision, which has mostly healed up except the 
deep part in the navel, which seems to have some of the strip tape 
actually going down into the wound and covering the edges so they can't 
close.  We are going in to urgent care today to get it removed.

Thanks, Nancy

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSThank you...

2011-05-12 Thread Lisa
What's used to strengthen the arteries?



From: Smitty [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: CSThank you...



Popular belief is cayenne pepper supposedly keeps arteries clear and
maintains good circulation.
How much, in how much water, is open to researching for individuals



Dr. Christopher has some info on cayenne for high blood pressure =


Also, Serrapeptase is good for scrubbing veins  arteries.

Google for a supplier.



RE: CSThank you...

2011-05-12 Thread Lisa
I think a very strong tincture can be made too (as opposed to using the





From: Neville Munn [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:38 AM
Subject: RE: CSThank you...


Popular belief is cayenne pepper supposedly keeps arteries clear and
maintains good circulation.
How much, in how much water, is open to researching for individuals
Information I've read over time suggests a tablespoon per 8 ounces of water
for immediate use, or a teaspoon for every day consumption {don't know in
how much water tho}.  Has to be drank in one sitting, and as quick as
comfortable for it to be paletable.
I don't have a need to drink it - yet - but if I did have, or may develop a
circulatory problem sometime in the future, this is what I intend doing.
I'm not into alternatives, herbs, home remedies or supplements and whatever
else, {outside of silver}, but this one I believe may work, just don't ask
me why g.
I have my own belief that EIS may do similar, because the particles are not
spherical but more irregularly shaped.  This could be argued I spose, and
most likely will be, but it's my belief.  I'll let you know in another 10
years or so, that should be time enough for my body to be well on the way to
self destruction, considering I've been a smoker for over forty five years.
Could be useless info, but thought I'd throw it in the ring anyway Mike.
 Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 23:49:29 -0500
 Subject: CSThank you...
 Hi everyone,
 Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes for my brother, et. 
 He came through the procedure well. The doctor was able to place a 
 stent in the biggest of the three occluded grafts, which, combined with 
 the other successful graft, has restored more than 50% circulation to 
 the heart. He will go back for additional stents to be inserted in one 
 or both the remaining grafts after he's had a month for his kidneys to 
 recover from the iodine (dye) they inject to visualize the arteries, 
 and to otherwise recover his strength and heal.
 He's home now and bouncing back much more quickly than he did from the 
 initial bypass surgery. I've been preparing his meals and making sure 
 he gets his various meds, though at the rate he's improving I expect 
 him to take over much of this relatively soon.
 He saw his surgeon today and got good marks for the healing of his 
 incisions. They are giving him much less pain and discomfort, 
 Now, how can he actually clean out his arteries and prevent a 
 recurrence of this nonsense? He's been using the Pauling protocol for 
 several years, and though it maybe slowed things down, it certainly 
 didn't fix it all.
 Again, thank you everyone. That procedure had to go well or things 
 could have gone downhill rapidly. It was comforting to know you were 
 with us.
 Mike D.

RE: CSPrayer request...

2011-05-03 Thread Lisa
Absolutely Mike! At the Wray household your brother will be in our


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 9:01 AM
Subject: CSPrayer request...

Hello folks,

One of the reasons I've been so quiet lately is that we're dealing with 
my brother's health situation.

He's undergoing a critical cardiac procedure this morning, to attempt 
to open and place stents in at least three of the grafts he received 
during a quadruple bypass operation 2-1/2 weeks ago, which evidently 
collapsed starting Sunday morning.

He's only 60 years old, and a basically good, gentle person, often 
bemused by this thing called... life. I've asked that divine healers 
and the Christ attend him along with his worldly doctors. Please send 
him your prayers and well-wishes.

Thank you.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRE: CM - My Use Question

2011-04-08 Thread Lisa
Are you talking about cetyl mysteriorate as CMO? Just wanting to confirm -
I've purchased some and haven't had time to capsule learning that
the yogurt trick would work would be awesome. AND, having the fullness as a
side effect would be pretty cool too :-)





From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: CS: CM - My Use  Question


Four approximately 4 day I've been using the CM 3 times a day; but I've been
putting a heaping teaspon in yogart each time.  Is anyone else adding the CM
to food instead of placing into capsules?   Just want to make sure that this
method is good.   Since I've begun taking the CM I also noticed a mark
decrease in hunger...   which was really quite dramatic.  Even when hungry I
would reach full very quickly.  Not sure if this a side effect of the CMO.

Also I believe my back pain have subsided...  hard to tell as some times
then come and go.

Do you think I should just put the CMO in caps.


connie Official Site
1 huge daily deal on the best stuff to do in your city. Try it today! 

RE: CSlecithin question

2011-03-26 Thread Lisa
Hmmnever thought of that -- guess I should now go put what I do have
in the fridge!

-Original Message-
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSlecithin question

You would need to be careful about buying lecithin in bulk - depending on
how much you use of course - because lecithin is very perishable and you
wouldn't want rancid lecithin as that would be detrimental.  I always buy
small amounts and refrigerate.  dee

On 25 Mar 2011, at 13:27, Lisa wrote:

  Where can I get a quality soy lecithin in bulk for my LET C? Is the
lecithin that Beyond A Century ok to use (it's not soy based)? Does it have
to be SOY lecithin or will any lecithin do?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSlecithin question

2011-03-25 Thread Lisa
 Where can I get a quality soy lecithin in bulk for my LET C? Is the
lecithin that Beyond A Century ok to use (it's not soy based)? Does it have
to be SOY lecithin or will any lecithin do?





RE: CSOsteoarthritis Question

2011-03-17 Thread Lisa
Thanks Brooks, would love to hear it if you come up with anything.


-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSOsteoarthritis Question

Dear Lisa,
   Unfortunately I cannot help you in outlining a successful
method of extracting/concentrating a CMO fraction
from animal processing residue.  I am instructed that there are
several distinct steps (more than 4) requiredplus
some definitive process-control procedures required, which might place
successful extraction/concentration beyond
the immediate talents of the DIY amateur.
I will make further inquiries and if a usable protocol is
available, I will send it along to you.

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Lisa wrote:
 Thank you Brooks for this information! I wonder if you have any idea as to
 how to extract Cetyl Myristoleate from animal fat and actually processing
 oneself? I've got an abundance of organic/grass fed beef suet and know
 that is where CM can be derived...but have no clue as to how to accomplish
 it (and have looked online with little success). Would you happen to know?



 -Original Message-
 From: Brooks Bradley []
 Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 1:36 PM
 Subject: CSOsteoarthritis Question

                                  Dear Day,
                                  We have been unsuccessful in
 achieving any benefit from an address for
 any form of arthritis.  However, we HAVE  achieved near phenomenal
 results in addressing the entire
 litany of arthritis insults (all forms)  affecting any of the
 articulating joints in the human body
 via the implementation of a simple Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) protocol.
 Independent researches confirmed.year ago
 (circa 1975) that  CMO was VERY EFFECTIVE in controlling/remedying the
 negative influence of T-cells within the
 joint capsules of all articulating jointsamong higher
 mammalsincluding humans.
                        I will not burden you with an extended litany
 of the documented causes of the various presentations of
 arthritis manifesting among humans..but I will summarize the
 DOCUMENTED research efforts of reliable, INDEPENDENT
 RESEARCH SCIENTISTS.  Basically, what seems to occur within the human
 community is that sometime near mid-=life
 (usually around 55 years chronologically) the T-cells present in the
 fluid of the articulating joints (most especially the extremities)
 seem to lose the ability to differentiate between LIVE and DEAD tissue
 (within the capsule joint area).  What this means is that
 the T-cells, literally, begin to consume a portion of ALL exposed
 tissue within the synovial fluid within the capsuled environment.
 This leads to tissue erosion---sometimes quite rapid.  This attack
 affects both ligaments and cartilagewithout differentation /
 preference.  What CMO does is that it, simply, TURNS OFF the
 T-cellsthus, stopping the insult.  The body, then, can effect
 repairs and maintain the restoration effect.  As a general rule, only
 one 10 day protocol of 6 capsules (divided into 3 dosages)
 daily (#2 gelatin size) has, generally, been sufficient to remedy the
 -at least such has been our experience since we inaugurated this
 protocol in 1994.  In about 85% of the cases ONLY one
 course of the protocol was required for a long-term or permanent
 effect.  Additionally, we have determined  the validity of
 the claim that CMO demonstrates excellent efficacy as a BENEFICIAL
 reduced levels  of around 400 to 500 mg daily).
             I can , with confidence, state that we have achieved what
 we regard as near-miraculous results among a large population of
 (over the immediately-past 15 years) through the application of this
 simple protocol.  CMO is completely non-toxic (actually, it is quite
 near to composition).
             CMO may be obtained from a myriad of sources, via the
 internet.  If one is concerned with cost, I recommend obtaining  CMO
 in bulk form.  Our most reliable supplier of powdered CMO, in both
 efficacy and pricehas been Beyond-a-Century.  We have NO
 what-so-ever with that supplierthey are just the best we have
 encounteredfor this type product.
                                     I wish you well in your
 experimental endeavors,   Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


RE: CSOsteoarthritis Question

2011-03-14 Thread Lisa
Thank you Brooks for this information! I wonder if you have any idea as to
how to extract Cetyl Myristoleate from animal fat and actually processing it
oneself? I've got an abundance of organic/grass fed beef suet and know that
that is where CM can be derived...but have no clue as to how to accomplish
it (and have looked online with little success). Would you happen to know?



-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley [] 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 1:36 PM
Subject: CSOsteoarthritis Question

  Dear Day,
  We have been unsuccessful in
achieving any benefit from an address for
any form of arthritis.  However, we HAVE  achieved near phenomenal
results in addressing the entire
litany of arthritis insults (all forms)  affecting any of the
articulating joints in the human body
via the implementation of a simple Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) protocol.
Independent researches confirmed.year ago
(circa 1975) that  CMO was VERY EFFECTIVE in controlling/remedying the
negative influence of T-cells within the
joint capsules of all articulating jointsamong higher
mammalsincluding humans.
I will not burden you with an extended litany
of the documented causes of the various presentations of
arthritis manifesting among humans..but I will summarize the
DOCUMENTED research efforts of reliable, INDEPENDENT
RESEARCH SCIENTISTS.  Basically, what seems to occur within the human
community is that sometime near mid-=life
(usually around 55 years chronologically) the T-cells present in the
fluid of the articulating joints (most especially the extremities)
seem to lose the ability to differentiate between LIVE and DEAD tissue
(within the capsule joint area).  What this means is that
the T-cells, literally, begin to consume a portion of ALL exposed
tissue within the synovial fluid within the capsuled environment.
This leads to tissue erosion---sometimes quite rapid.  This attack
affects both ligaments and cartilagewithout differentation /
preference.  What CMO does is that it, simply, TURNS OFF the
T-cellsthus, stopping the insult.  The body, then, can effect
repairs and maintain the restoration effect.  As a general rule, only
one 10 day protocol of 6 capsules (divided into 3 dosages)
daily (#2 gelatin size) has, generally, been sufficient to remedy the
-at least such has been our experience since we inaugurated this
protocol in 1994.  In about 85% of the cases ONLY one
course of the protocol was required for a long-term or permanent
effect.  Additionally, we have determined  the validity of
the claim that CMO demonstrates excellent efficacy as a BENEFICIAL
reduced levels  of around 400 to 500 mg daily).
 I can , with confidence, state that we have achieved what
we regard as near-miraculous results among a large population of
(over the immediately-past 15 years) through the application of this
simple protocol.  CMO is completely non-toxic (actually, it is quite
near to composition).
 CMO may be obtained from a myriad of sources, via the
internet.  If one is concerned with cost, I recommend obtaining  CMO
in bulk form.  Our most reliable supplier of powdered CMO, in both
efficacy and pricehas been Beyond-a-Century.  We have NO
what-so-ever with that supplierthey are just the best we have
encounteredfor this type product.
 I wish you well in your
experimental endeavors,   Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS: Liposomal Vitamin C,Lecithin protocol

2011-03-10 Thread Lisa


I actually tried this and found that no matter how much I solution
continued to fizz - can you give us an idea as to how much *may* be the
appropriate amount to add before the fizzing stops?




From: Harold MacDonald [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 12:17 AM
To: Silver list
Subject: CSCS: Liposomal Vitamin C,Lecithin protocol



After trying a few different ways to make Lipo-C,I settled on putting 3
tblspns of Soy Lecithin in one cup of DW and let it sit  at room temp.until
Lecithin was fully in solution.Then I put two[2] tspns of Ascorbic acid in
1/2 cup of DW plus one tspn of bicarb [1],let it fizz right down.If I see
any sedimentation on the bottom,then I tweak it by adding a pinch of
Vit.C.,if it fizzes then I add a bit more until no reaction.If the first
pinch of C does nothing,then I add a pinch of bicarb,if it fizzes then I
repeat the process until no reaction.I have found this to give me as close
to 100% as you can hope for.In my last four brews I had two with very slight
traces of Leci. floating on top.These seemed to be from larger sized

When I measure the Lecithin I do notice that the size of the granules do
vary.If I had a precise scale I would try doing it by weight, just to see.



I use the jewellry cleaner from Harbour Freight now.

RE: CSNew nasal sprayer

2011-02-03 Thread Lisa
As [another] FYI.., I’ve been able to find nasal misters at our local dollar
store. I’ve had good luck with them and for $1, I merely dump out whatever
comes with it and then put my own stuff in. For the price, you can’t beat





From: Guyot Léna [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: CSNew nasal sprayer


Hi Renee,

I just LOVE discoveries like this! Might not have bought it if you hadn't
actually tried it out. My old Afrin mister IS ungainly. Will look for this
product today!

Thanks and be well,


On Feb 3, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Renee wrote:

I don't know if others have seen this or not, but it's a first for me, as I
almost never look in the OTC med section of any store.  But I've been having
some serious sinus issues this past week and finally decided it just wasn't
going away on its own like it normally does.  So I went to Walgreens to see
about buying a nasal mister that I could pry the cap off of and fill with


To my surprise I found the BEST sprayer.  It's called SinuCleanse Kids Mist.
It was developed by a children's doctor.  It is extremely sturdy, the fill
part being solid clear blue plastic.  It has a pump on top with a long tube
mister attached.  The tube snugs down into a small clamp like device to keep
it from moving around if you are carrying it in your purse.  You unclamp the
tube so that you can unscrew the top to refill it.  The tube can actually be
bent upwards at the end to angle it better into the nose.


It came with 3 containers of 'non-drug' liquid which is, of course, saline
solution.  The main part of the container holds 100 measured sprays, so
enough to last a long time before needing to refill.


It can be thrown into a purse or pocket and it won't leak.  The spray comes
out as a very fine mist.  The spray end is small so that it will fit into a
child's nostril, but that just makes it easy to put inside an adult nose
without feeling like it's filled your whole nose like you do with an adult
spray bottle.


I've filled it with CS and sprayed my nose and my throat and inhaled into my
lungs.  Very nice, very handy.


It cost $10 and I think it will prove to be worth it, as it's going to last
a very long time before a part wears out.  The Afrin I was looking at,
walgreens own brand, was $5 for a bottle that I would have had to force the
top off of, and it's large to carry around, plus (because I did buy it too)
it does not mist anywhere near as good as the Child's Mist. 






RE: CSLeg Rash

2011-01-16 Thread Lisa
Is there one location in which we can find all of Brooks recipes//findings?
Do the SilverList archives have them all?





From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: CSLeg Rash


I've tried almost everything I can think of on my husbands leg rash, both
lower legs, - previously he did have MRSA on his lower legs in an
anti-hypertensive induced raised red, pustula rash, right around both lower
legs, side-effect. Since compression bandaging, the swelling is less and
there are no breaks in the rash, but yesterday I thought I'd have another go
at reducing this rash further and tried a CS wash followed by Olive 1:1
tincture, DMSO 50% Dr Jacob's gel and lastly Olive Gold . I felt this
overkill might help resolve all aspects of this problem - will let you know
if anything happens, as nothing so far has reduced the extent of the rash in
the 7 years I have tried with all of those things seperately, as well as
other creams and lotions too.


Hi Jane, one of the very best things to use for skin conditions is a mix
that was in one of Brooks Bradley's posts. I call it the  Brooks Mix .  It
has helped so many folks around here with psoriasis, exama,( sp) 
more--- The mix is --

75 CS (EIS) ---10% DMSO, --- 15 % glycerin...I use a bartender's shot
glass to mix it.---3 shots of CS---1 shot of DMSOA little over a shot of
glycerin.  Add the DMSO last--It will get warm to the touch... Give it a
shake shake shake before each use... Try it on a small area first  If it to
make sure it feels ok. You can add or lessen the DMSO to suit... Make sure
you wash the area where you are going to use it as the DMSO will carry
whatever is on the skin in... {Thanks to Margaret's suggestion} clean the
area with CS...Or you can use distilled water... There are folks around here
making their own now... Good luck---Lois


2011-01-15 Thread Lisa
Does anyone know where you can purchase 100% pharmaceutical grade DMSO (in
glass bottles)?


I've got the industrial strength 99.9% pure from the local Agway store and I
understand it really shouldn't be used due to the impurities. I'm in the
Northeast so would love to hear from everyone, but certainly northeastern
places would help with shipping costs.





RE: CScardiovascular disease

2011-01-09 Thread Lisa
This is fantastic news and I thank you again Brooks for valuable

A question for everyone, I take aminos but would love to hear what people
have used and liked. I remember almost 20 years ago I found a liquid amino
that had a very interesting (likeable) taste, almost malty and it made me
feel wonderful. Being fairly poor at the time I couldn't afford to buy it
and can now not remember what brand it was -- with the likelihood that it's
still made would be a long shot.

So, I've got pill form (with liquid gel) and would love to hear some
feedback from folks on what they're using and how they like it (and where
they got it). As after all these years, it's probably the only supplement I
specifically remember that I got [immediate] positive results from.



-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: CScardiovascular disease

Hello PT,
  The article you refer to is both interesting...and helpful.  I
am stimulated to relate a
brief synopsis of our recent experiences relating to experimental
research on the complete spectrum of cardiac
arrhythmia presentationsand their' fellow travelers.  Early on,
in our literature searches we came across the work of   George Eby
and William Halcomb.  Our early experiments yielded very promising much so---that we expanded our endeavors in this
investigation.   Without relating laborious details I summarize:  The
simple protocol involving the use of Taurine and L-Alanine yielded
very powerful positive response among volunteers presenting with both
Premature Atrial Contractions ([PAC) and Premature Ventricular
Contractions (PVC).  Using the dosage range recommended in their
research (i.e.  approximately 12 grams Taurine and 4 to 6 grams L divided (2) doses...per day), we were successful in
mitigating against the occurence
of both of these challenges.  Some of the volunteers were beyond 82
yearsand had been manifesting
pronounced skips, pauses and rhythm excursions..FOR
YEARS..enjoyed total corrections of ALL
VARIATIONS in normal heartbeat.  This, ALONE, was the most striking
positive effect that we have EVER any cardiovascular research endeavor that we have
ever undertaken.  Just, simply, amazing.
The correction rate was 90% among a population of 14 subjects and the
TOTAL positive correction percentage
(from the entire experimental group) was over 80%.   This was almost
unbelievable.for us.   I was one of the volunteers..having
suffered from both contraction excursionsand pauses.for over
20 years.   After about 20 days on the protocol, my pauses and
ventricular variations were reduced by 10%.   After 4
months..reduced by 80%.  It is hard to express my surprise...and
delight---just like getting a 25% increase in cardiac output.
I will not extend this diatribe any longer, but I strongly
suggest that interested/concerned members
conduct a Google search for Eby and Halcomb's Interenet
articles..and make a considered judgment
relating to the possible benefits of this totally non-toxic,
vascular system support protocol.
I must go now.Best Regards to All for the coming year,
Brooks Bradley.

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 11:51 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:
 This article was posted on another list I am on.  I thought the
 fascinating and potentially of great assistance to those with
 disease.  Much of it is technical but much of it is readable by people
 myself (non-hard science types).  I thought it might be of interest to
 on this list.  I'm going to try and figure out the formula.  My parents
 all of my grandparents had cardiovascular issues.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-13 Thread Lisa
Indeed, I'd care for this information myself!



From: vicki hood [] 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 6:44 PM
To: Renee;
Subject: Re: CSArthritis  vitamin B5


Renee, It would be beautiful to publish source of this homemade as it
probably won't be long before big pharma, AMA and our government powers
regulate supplements   Others,  Keep this in mind and share info because we
may be making our own supplements.  

- Original Message - 

From: Renee  


Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 10:07 AM

Subject: Re: CSArthritis  vitamin B5


Since what I bought was 'home made' by a guy, it simply came in big chunks
that my brother would scrape off (it kind of crumbles) a quarter teaspoon,
twice a day.  He ate it with his meals.  It's not bad tasting, particularly,
but very greasy, so best taken with some other fatty type food to make it go
down.  What this dose would translate to in capsules, I have no idea.








---Original Message---



Would you share the dosage used?




RE: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-13 Thread Lisa
Hmmm.well if *he* was able to make some home-made stuff perhaps it's a
matter of doing some research and coming up with a recipe or two to cross
reference. I'll give it a go.



From: Renee [] 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 8:26 PM
Subject: RE: CSArthritis  vitamin B5


I'd love to give it to you, but he's retired and not making it anymore.  I
feel bad because I've told a couple people but they can't get it.  








---Original Message---



Indeed, I'd care for this information myself!





CSArthritis - CMO (topic change)

2010-12-13 Thread Lisa
So, I did do some research and found the two websites:


Here's where I found the information on how cetyl myristoleate was



Harry Diehl's patent is here:


and this is a way of creating cetyl myristoleate synthetically (as opposed
to his first method of extracting it from mice)



A charge of 150 mg of cetyl alcohol, 150 mg of myristoleic acid, 50 mg of
p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate of 20 ml of benzene were heated together
under reflux conditions for four hours and then washed with a -10% sodium
hydroxide solution. The benzene layer was recovered, dried and evaporated in

This procedure produced 300 mg of a mobile oil which was identified as cetyl
myristoleate (v.sub.max.sup.neat 1782 cm.sup.-1) (nuclear-magnetic-resonance
and infrared spectroscopy).

CSArthritis - CMO (topic change)

2010-12-13 Thread Lisa
Sorry folks.I had a fat finger episode - here's the missing info:




So, I did do some research and found the following informative websites:


This has some good information on how to use it:



Here's where I found the information on how cetyl myristoleate was



and the founder: Harry Diehl's patent is here:


and this is a way of creating cetyl myristoleate synthetically (as opposed
to his first method of extracting it from mice)



A charge of 150 mg of cetyl alcohol, 150 mg of myristoleic acid, 50 mg of
p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate of 20 ml of benzene were heated together
under reflux conditions for four hours and then washed with a -10% sodium
hydroxide solution. The benzene layer was recovered, dried and evaporated in

This procedure produced 300 mg of a mobile oil which was identified as cetyl
myristoleate (v.sub.max.sup.neat 1782 cm.sup.-1) (nuclear-magnetic-resonance
and infrared spectroscopy).



So, ultimately I believe I have found the recipe on how to make it:
however, I'm no chemist and wouldn't have a clue as to how to do the above.
Is there anybody out there that would be able to put it in layman's



RE: CSWas: Dr. Simeon's hCG Diet; Is: homeopathic HCG link

2010-12-12 Thread Lisa
I'm curious to find out what the ingredients are of the homeopathic version
of hcg. I've done the original hcg - had great results but didn't follow
through with the maintenance phase well and eventually all the weight came
back and more. At the same time: however, I am battling adrenal/thyroid
issues so that continues to work against me no matter what diet I'm on -
until my adrenals are functioning again (and my thyroid after) THEN my
weight should come off successfully. 

But, what are the ingredients of the homeopathic version of hcg?



From: Renee [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: CSWas: Dr. Simeon's hCG Diet; Is: homeopathic HCG link


Wondering about how the diet turned out.  Did the weight stay off once you
went off the diet?  Or are you still on it?  








---Original Message---



Just caught this threadHow timely, Tomorrow I will have just finished my
1st round of the HcG diet.It lasts for 23 days by taking .36 cc
homeopathically for 1 bottle 23 days. I lost 20 lbs in the 23 days. It was
amazing as I do not lose easily. I was not hungry nor hyper on it. The
instructions say to go on a maintenance diet for the next 3 weeks then you
wait  some time before starting another round if you need to. Facebook has a
good supportive group. It is very strict and restrictive but you are just
not hungry. I did a lot of reading and psyching myself up to start it and am
glad I did. I feel great. The only days I did not lose was days when I had
cheated while out socially with friends, that is your downfall the social
aspect of eating.  

--- On Sun, 8/1/10, sol wrote:

From: sol
Subject: Re: CSWas: Dr. Simeon's hCG Diet; Is: homeopathic HCG link
Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 4:12 PM

I assume it is like everything else--nothing works for everyone, but
everything works for someone.

Renee wrote:
 If someone tries this, let us know.  I had read where the homeopathic
method did not work.  You never know who to believe!
 Renee  /---Original Message---/
  [Lisa] Nenah, do you have a link for the homeopathic recipe for the HCG?

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List Owner: Mike Devour





RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

2010-12-09 Thread Lisa
I've actually gotten involved in urine therapy -- but didn't keep it up
because I just couldn't get used to the smell after rubbing it on my skin
etc. Is there any way to mask the odor or make it easier?


-Original Message-
From: Louise Larabie [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

Tears are diluted urine so seems that would be OK to me.

Some use urine to get better skin for instance.

Fermented urine is use for burns.

Potentized urine is used for remedies (homeopathic) in low potency, tends to
balance the body and high potency for urine infections.


From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 3:09 PM
Subject: CSRe: DRY EYES

Would it be ok for a diabetic to use her/his own urine for your formula?

--- On Sun, 12/5/10, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #906
Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 9:02 PM

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

2010-12-09 Thread Lisa
Thank you Brooks and yes I agree wholeheartedly.

I consider myself fairly hydrated (of course in the morning I believe
everyone's urine is on the darker side merely because of doing voiding as
many times during the night as you would during the day). 

Perhaps I am merely more sensitive to the smell and think that everybody
could then smell it as I've tried doing the rubs -- and stopped. When doing
the rubs you are supposed to use 4 (or even 8) day old urine and no matter
how light that will eventually smell. I was also doing urine therapy
(drinking one's urine) but didn't find any results and I did it fairly
consistently for over a month. 

I know you can purchase urea crystals -- but of course that's a hindrance on
the wallet, so I'd love to figure out another (or better or useable) way. 

Do you think putting urine in a shallow pan and letting it evaporate would
leave useable crystals behind?

Thanks for your valuable feedback...I consider you a pioneer of many things!


-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

Dear Lisa,
 In the overwhelming majority of casesstrong-smelling urine is
the result of systemic dehydration.  That is, not ENOUGH water
is ingested for optimum functioning of the body's systems.  Fluid
volumes drop FIRST among the more tolerant (less critical) components
and last among the most critical
(the brain dies last from dehydration).  Urine taken from a
well-hydrated, basically healthy, person should be almost clear to
very light yellow in color and be very slightly saline
in taste...almost like sea water water diluted 4X.
 This observation is past on as general informationnot medical
advice or diagnosis.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Lisa wrote:
 I've actually gotten involved in urine therapy -- but didn't keep it up
 because I just couldn't get used to the smell after rubbing it on my skin
 etc. Is there any way to mask the odor or make it easier?


 -Original Message-
 From: Louise Larabie []
 Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 11:03 AM
 Subject: RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

 Tears are diluted urine so seems that would be OK to me.

 Some use urine to get better skin for instance.

 Fermented urine is use for burns.

 Potentized urine is used for remedies (homeopathic) in low potency, tends
 balance the body and high potency for urine infections.


 From: Melly Bag []
 Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 3:09 PM
 Subject: CSRe: DRY EYES


 Would it be ok for a diabetic to use her/his own urine for your formula?



 --- On Sun, 12/5/10, wrote:

 Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #906
 Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 9:02 PM

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

2010-12-09 Thread Lisa
Very true...and the recommended UT for rubbings is at least 4 day old urine
(and I've also seen perhaps 8 day) -- so how do you combat this?

-Original Message-
From: Louise Larabie [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

If the urine is fresh it does not smell.  It only gets a smell if kept
sitting around before being used.


-Original Message-
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 6:27 PM
Subject: RE: CSRe: DRY EYES ~ Urine

I've actually gotten involved in urine therapy -- but didn't keep it up
because I just couldn't get used to the smell after rubbing it on my skin
etc. Is there any way to mask the odor or make it easier?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure

2010-12-04 Thread Lisa
Is this the site?


From: Renee [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure


I think that site is gone now.  When you put in alphaomega labs all you get
is a crummy, empty page, with a search box.  They are hardly selling
anything here in the US now.  I had bought dragon's blood from them, and was
going to send someone else there to buy some--but thought I'd better check.


It's a shame what the FDA has done to them.  If you didn't get that info
while you had the chance, it's too late now.











RE: CSblack salve

2010-12-04 Thread Lisa
What's the reasoning behind cooking the herbs? When I made my own BS I don't
recall cooking any of the herbs. 




From: Tel Tofflemire [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSblack salve



The Zinc Chloride is something that came with the Alph-Mega Casema (sp) ? I
use it in my BS but not near as much as they did.  I found that it burns the
skin and is very uncomfortable. Instead I use more natural cancer fighting
herbs, and cook them on a double broiler on low heat for most of a day.

The (ground up) Herbs get very playable and it makes a nice smooth salve.


RE: Zinc Chloride it is very strong and we did not ever use it with cattle 

We did not know about it back then and it worked fine without it.  I only
later had many conversations, with the Omega people in Australia who
mentioned Zinc Chloride.

I will post my own Cancer treatment on this site if it will take them?

Tel Tofflemire


From: Dan Nave
Sent: Sat, December 4, 2010 11:00:36 AM
Subject: Re: CSblack salve


Without giving away proprietary information, can you comment on how
important you think that the zinc chloride, and the amount of zinc
chloride, is in a preparation of this sort?

(And, as far as price goes, that sounds very reasonable...)



On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Tel Tofflemire wrote:
 A- $15.00  tub is not expensive for a cancer removal, It will last for
 years,  and the tub for $29.00 is huge for animals, or someone who has
 of skin cancer to work with for weeks.  Oh I have seen rio off's @ $59.00
 tub same size as my $15.00 tub.  You have to trust the Herbalist who you
 work with.

 Tel Tofflemire
 Dewey, AZ.

 From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
 Sent: Sat, December 4, 2010 10:44:49 AM
 Subject: CSblack salve

 I have looked at a few sites for this product and think its
 expensive.  I know people say your health is worth every penny, but just
 wondered why this product should be so expensive.  Is there a special way
 processing the herbs or something?  Just curious.  dee

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


RE: CSBlack Salve Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread Lisa
Now this is interesting :o)

So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in it
(just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches

Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: CSBlack Salve  Psoriasis?

  I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd 
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of 
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water - 
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully 
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive 
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to 
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for 
treatment.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure

2010-12-04 Thread Lisa
Indeed.I remember that site - not sure whether or not I captured their info.
If I ever recover the hard drive that crashed.I'll let you know.


From: Renee [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 5:56 PM
Subject: RE: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure


Yes!!  Great find.  That's them.  Shame now that most of the info is gone
from the site.  Use to be there was all the long explanations of each
product, how to make their black salve, all about the discovery and use of
H3o, etc, as was mentioned here in another post.  But at least now I know we
can still buy most of their products.  








---Original Message---


Is this the site?





RE: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure--Jimmie??

2010-12-03 Thread Lisa
I'm not sure if this is necessarily true (as far as not taking it
internally). I do know that however black salve is used, it should most
definitely be used with care, understanding and respect! When I've heard of
using it internally it is very miniscule amounts (less than a size of a pea)
AND placed within a capsule before swallowing. 


Contact me off list and I'll dig up the documentation I have on this.





From: bob Larson [] 
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure--Jimmie??


used on skin it can create large holes going deep.

not the thing for internal use at all.



From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure--Jimmie??

Hi Jimmie, Where do you get your black salve ?? does anyone know how
deep the cancer can be caught by the salve ???

   There is a gal that has a growth wrapped around a place on her spine
about the size of a softball. Wonder if it would work there ??? Lois

RE: CSBlack Salve skin cancer cure

2010-12-02 Thread Lisa
Not sure.but banana peels will :-)


.or duct tape





From: Donna M. Lewis [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 9:19 PM
Subject: RE: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure


Would Black Salve work on a stubborn Planters Wart?



RE: CSre: making your own vitamins

2010-11-16 Thread Lisa
Alas, remember that any store bought kefir will undoubtedly be pasteurized
-- which in essence (in my opinion) kills just about every healthy thing it
has to offer. Homemade, with raw milk is best!


-Original Message-

{snip snip}

Kefir is healthy for you because it has something like 42 different strains
of friendly bacteria [probiotics]. That's way more than in yogurt or any
probiotic pill. Also, usually store bought kefir does not have the amount of
friendly bacteria as fresh made. In my opinion drinking kefir is one of the
better things you can do for your body.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSre: making your own vitamins

2010-11-16 Thread Lisa
Can you explain how you do this (particularly with the ACV).


One way you can make ACV cheaper is to buy one of the bottles with the
mother and then add some (half cup or so) to a gallon of unpasteurized
cider. It will eventually turn to ACV. You can also use a juicer with apples
and do the same thing. 


I've never heard of adding probiotics to stuff though (except to milk when
you add yogurt to it to make more yogurt). I'm intrigued !





From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: CSre: making your own vitamins


In a message dated 11/16/2010 9:10:26 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Alas, remember that any store bought kefir will undoubtedly be pasteurized
-- which in essence (in my opinion) kills just about every healthy thing it

I add probiotics back in pasteurized products. I learned when making wine
one procedure said to kill the yeasts then add back good yeasts or else some
bad ones could dominate and wreck the wine. I make my own sauerkraut and
have to can it in order for it to keep longer than a week. Canning kills the
yeasts. I even add probiotics to ACV instead of paying 500% more for
unpasteurized versions.


RE: CSre: making your own vitamins

2010-11-15 Thread Lisa
Hi Elan,


I ask you this as it appears that you know a bit about fermented foods: but
awhile ago (couple weeks now) I took some cabbage and blenderized with the
thought that I'd drink it over a few days to increase my gut flora. I did
use some, but one of the bottles wound up in the back of my fridge and I am
hesitant in drinking it at this point. The bottle must've been the last part
of it as it's mostly just cabbage juice, which I'm sure is quite fermented.
Could it have gone bad? Is it ok to drink at this point?





From: elan spire [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:32 PM
Subject: CSre: making your own vitamins


A healthy population of friendly flora in our guts will actually manufacture
some vitamins inside our very own bodies.

Healthy intestinal flora also helps us to digest our food, properly
assimilate the nourishment it contains, and strengthen our immune systems.

Many cultured (naturally fermented) foods such as kimchee and sauerkraut are
rich sources of B vitamins as well as live enzymes and beneficial bacteria,
and are super beneficial to consume on a regular basis to help support good
digestive health and a strong, natural immunity to disease.

Making your own ferments is inexpensive, easy and fun, and consuming them is
one of the best ways to help improve one's health on several different


One thing we could do that would be very powerful is to make our own 
vitamins. It's time for those who know how to make these things to
share their knowledge and their recipes. Many on this list make thier
own silver water. Why not the rest of the stuff. So, share your recipes and
techniques for everything.


RE: CSre: ferments

2010-11-15 Thread Lisa
Yes thank you - I can't remember if I used any salt or not (and it smells


I do like the sounds of the pineapple kraut might give that a go
and let this move on!





From: elan spire [] 
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 3:52 PM
Subject: CSre: ferments


Dear Lisa,


As I understand it, fermenting cabbage properly involves the use of salt.
The brine that's created by breaking down the vegetable's cell wall and
combining its released water with salt acts as a kind of mild 'antiseptic'
in a way, and keeps too many potentially harmful pathogenic bacteria from
proliferating, while still allowing beneficial organisms to gradually
reproduce and thrive.


This balance between the 'good' bugs and the potentially 'bad' bugs that's
achieved via the process of fermentation, along with the fact that the
bacteria eat sugars and convert them to lactic acid, are what serve to
preserve fermented foods for a very long time. These processes are what make
ferments safe to consume even after long periods of time have passed after
their initial preparation.


So...if you just shredded your cabbage and stuck it directly into the
fridge, rather than adding some salt and leaving it at room temperature for
at least a few days to ferment, I couldn't really say if its really and
truly fermented, thereby ensuring that it was properly preserved and
therefore safe to drink after all this time.


Personally, I'd probably lean toward being safer rather than sorry, and put
that old shredded cabbage in the compost. On the other hand, if you're not
so inclined to let this food go to waste, you can always let your eyes and
nose be your guides in making your decision. If you don't see any visible
mold or other signs of decay, and if it passes your own personal sniff test,
you could give it a sip and see what you think.


Good luck and I hope this helps,






Hi Elan,


I ask you this as it appears that you know a bit about fermented foods: but
awhile ago (couple weeks now) I took some cabbage and blenderized with the
thought that I'd drink it over a few days to increase my gut flora. I did
use some, but one of the bottles wound up in the back of my fridge and I am
hesitant in drinking it at this point. The bottle must've been the last part
of it as it's mostly just cabbage juice, which I'm sure is quite fermented.
Could it have gone bad? Is it ok to drink at this point?





RE: CSCODEX The first shot has been fired

2010-11-11 Thread Lisa
I am appalled that these things happen and probably more often than we could
ever imagine. The bottom line is greed.and it will be the ruin of this
country if things like this continue.


What's their website?






Mrs. Dews told me they had 3 warehouses around the country and will sell off
the products that are there, and that will be the end of the Dews
Twenty-First Century label. Jim will continue his consulting with Texas AM
for awhile.


I WISH I had enough spare $ to stock up on so many of their products! I
love, and depend on, their Vital Glands, for instance as well as many of
their digestive aids. But it's the shampoo, believe it or not, that I will
miss the most. It's the best shampoo I have ever used in my life!

Unfortunately this is not the whole story. She said they found out that
*five* other supplement companies will soon also be put out of business, but
she didn't know which ones they were!


Sadly reporting,




2010-11-10 Thread Lisa
Hello All,


Has anybody heard of mycoplasma (a bacteria) - which can effect different
things including one's immune system?


Will using EIS kill this bacteria dead!?!?



RE: CSmycoplasma

2010-11-10 Thread Lisa
Thank you Steve, I am thrilled with your response as it makes a lot of sense
to me. I know of  LDN, MMS1 and MMS2 - and of course EIS.


I've got LDN though have never taken it regularly (does this ever go bad)?
I mixed a batch and it's been in the fridge as I know you're only supposed
to take 2-3mg (I believe) and each pill is 50mg so you have to dissolve it
and then go from there (for me a dropperful is about the right dose) -
though I wonder if it's no good because it's been in the fridge so long.


I did MMS2 before and will start doing it again. Do you suggest using the
old protocol or the new protocol? And I never fared well with the MMS2
so I'd like to just stick with MMS1 if you think that will do the trick.
I'll reach out to the MMS group and ask - but since you're way a head of me
with your wife, I'd love to hear what seems to be working with her (I've got
Grave's and have never felt right for years now and I'm tired of it: haha,
literally and physically).


Thanks again.





From: Steve G [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSmycoplasma


Mycoplasma are pretty well-known, but normal medicine can't touch it since
these bacterium have no cell walls, and that is what standard antibacterials

Fortunately, mycoplasma can be addressed through MMS1 and/or MMS2.  I don't
know whether EIS has any effect though.

Standard medical theory is that a person has a 'normal' immune system, then
one day 'something' happens and the immune system goes crazy and starts
attacking it's own cells.

Another theory that doesn't get much press, is that auto-immune diseases are
mostly NOT a matter of immune systems magically going insane one day, but
rather the immune system is working the way it was designed.  The problem is
that the mycoplasmas have infected skin, joints and/or organs and have
penetrated the cells.  They are putting out foreign waste within the cells,
and the immune system starts fighting these infections, but not very
effectively.  In the meantime, the immune system is always overwhelmed and
the body is more susceptible to other diseases as well.

Standard medical treatment for autoimmunities includes immune suppression as
with steroids.  This makes the patient feel better quickly, since the immune
system has backed off and is no longer causing inflammation in the affected
tissues.   Unfortunately, the side-effect of suppressing the immune system
is that this allows the mycoplasma infection to become more invasive and
affect additional joints, organs, or skin areas.

That's my take anyway.

I believe that auto-immune diseases can be more effectively treated by use
of LDN therapy, MMS1,  MMS2, and maybe CS as well.  Having said that, we are
still struggling with my wife's auto-immune disease using both allopathic
and non-traditional methods.  I don't know the best protocol to address
auto-immune disease, but I do believe the answer lies in enhancing or
reinforcing the immune system rather than suppressing it.

Steve G.


--- On Wed, 11/10/10, Lisa wrote:

From: Lisa
Subject: CSmycoplasma
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 3:20 PM

Hello All,


Has anybody heard of mycoplasma (a bacteria) - which can effect different
things including one's immune system?


Will using EIS kill this bacteria dead!?!?




RE: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

2010-11-08 Thread Lisa
Hmmm...I didn't originate the message regarding herbs soaked in DMSO -- I
just wondered (out loud) as to whether or not you could use those same
herbs, whatever they may be and DMSO to address (bulging) varicose veins?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Jane MacRoss [] 
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

Which herbs did you use Lisa?

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - 
From: Lisa
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 2:47 AM
Subject: RE: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

 Ooh hey, if this is true I wonder how it would do on bigger (perhaps
 varicose) veins?

 -Original Message-
 From: Jane MacRoss []
 Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 9:22 PM
 Subject: Re: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

 Depends which herbs you used - I thought DMSO eliminated spider veins.


 So I soaked the herbs in the DMSO for a while then put the extract on my
 knee.  I developed tiny spider veins or varicosities in 3 places on the
 side of my knee, apparently from what I was doing.  So, was that an
 effect of the DMSO and is that very common, because if I were trying to
 treat wrinkles and developed little patches of broken veins on my face
 that would not be cool.  Was this a causative situation or not?  Does
 DMSO do this?

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

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RE: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

2010-11-07 Thread Lisa
Ooh hey, if this is true I wonder how it would do on bigger (perhaps
varicose) veins?

-Original Message-
From: Jane MacRoss [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

Depends which herbs you used - I thought DMSO eliminated spider veins.


 So I soaked the herbs in the DMSO for a while then put the extract on my 
 knee.  I developed tiny spider veins or varicosities in 3 places on the 
 side of my knee, apparently from what I was doing.  So, was that an 
 effect of the DMSO and is that very common, because if I were trying to 
 treat wrinkles and developed little patches of broken veins on my face 
 that would not be cool.  Was this a causative situation or not?  Does 
 DMSO do this?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-11-07 Thread Lisa
Is it necessary to let it stand in the fridge???



From: Jerzy Zieba [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: CSLET C


I have just prepared liposomal vit C using sodium ascorbate rather than
ascorbic acid plus bicarb soda. This alowed me to avoid

all the pH problems etc ... I dissolved 100g of Sodium Ascorbate in 150 ml
of warm water. Than I dissolved 150 g of lecithine powder 

in approx. 450 ml water (letting it soak up over 2 hours in the fridge) .
Than mixed it and liposomized it in a US cleaner (2,5l 170 W).

Unfortunately I do not know how can I verify how much sodium ascorbate has
found its way into the liposomes.  How to chceck for 

the change (if any) in the residual sodium ascorbate that did not get into
the liposomes ? Any idea ? 



- Original Message - 

From: David  AuBuchon 


Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 9:48 PM

Subject: Re: CSLET C


Dr. Levy says 4 to 6 grams of lipo-C is equivalent in effectiveness to 50
grams IV C.  He also stated lipo-C is ten times as effective at resolviing
infections as IV C.  What exactly these two statements mean even still need
some minor clarifications.  

I think Brooks stated somewhere between 50% and 80% encapsulation.  And
liposomes on the order of 150 nanometers I think.  I don't think 500 has any


On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Dick Rochon wrote:


Hi, Brooks, or anyone who can answer.


I have read that encapsulating Vitamin C in Lecithin can increase the
effectiveness up to 500 times, similar to intravenous. Did I read that


If so, then using the recipe of 1 Tbs of Ascorbic Acid would be 12,000mg,
and this is dissolved in 4 ounces of distilled water and added to 3 Tbs of
lecithin dissolved in 8 ounces of water. In other words, a total of 12
ounces. Therefore you would have 12,000mg of Vitamin C in 12 ounces of
water, or 1000mg in one ounce of water. So, if I took one ounce of LET C I
would be taking the equivalent of 1000mg times 500, or 500,000mg of Vitamin
C. Is this correct? Of course, I am assuming 100% encapsulation, which is
probably not possible with our system using an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.


But even if we got 70% encapsulation that should give us the equivalent of
350,000mg Vit C in one ounce of LET C. That would be the same as 700 pills.


Please correct my math if I am wrong.




KsiÄ?gowa radzi: Jak zaÅ?ozyÄ? firmÄ? w 15 minut? 

RE: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

2010-11-03 Thread Lisa
It's not even my call: however, I'd hate for this to happen. A cosmetic
company would then call it it's own, patent it and then modify it, change it
and add all sorts of other stuff to it. Leave it for public domain and in
Brooks more than capable hands!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:13 PM
Subject: CSPromising Wrinkled Skin Treatment

I do work for a cosmetic company, can I share this with them and use your
name as a contact?

Randy Scott

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSMaking CS at home

2010-10-19 Thread Lisa
Jaxi, I too have a Silverpuppy and have been very happy with it. Do you use
a quart mason jar and how many drops of H2O2 do you put in it and what's the





From: jaxi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: CSMaking CS at home


Preference and price I think, people speak highly of both.  If you go to the
main list website I believe there are links to both Silvergen and
Silverpuppy web sites or goggle them.  I researched both (and several others
out there) and settled on the silverpuppy (the white domed one that sits on
top of a jar) with the magnetic stirrer.  I couldn't be happier.  Total plug
and play.  Set it up (auto and switch) and walk away.  When the light goes
off it is done.  I move it to a different jar, date it and put it in my hall
closet upstairs.  Once at least 3 days have passed I add the H2O2 and good
to go for me, my partner and the many critters running around my house (6 of
them).  And every so often I make a uber strong topical batch for spraying
on stuff.


I know Ode at silverpuppy offers a money back guarentee.  Free shipping too
as I recall.  And he is active here on the list so if you have questions as
you get started he can answer.




On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Gene and Joann Porter

Thanks so much, Jaxi.  I think this is the way we will go.  What is the
difference between Silver Gen and Silver Puppy?


- Original Message - 

From: jaxi  


Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 9:37 AM

Subject: Re: CSMaking CS at home


The simplest way to do it is to buy a device from silverpuppy or silvergen
that are plug and play devices.  I set mine up, walk away, come back later
and it's is made and done.  Auto switching, stirring device and auto off
when done.  Worth the extra money.  I LOVE my silverpuppy. 




On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Gene and Joann Porter


Thanks so much for your response, the only one we received regarding our

As far as details are concerned:  we attempted three times to do this
procedure using the instructions written in Warren Jefferson's book
Colloidal Silver Today.  Are you familiar with this book?

We were not able to see any yellow wisp or cloud on our water.  We cleaned
the rods as instructed, and it seemed to be looking as though completed,
after a couple of hours (the book said 30 minutes should do it).

We are not chemists and are very disappointed that this is so complicated.

We want to understand the simplest way possible of doing this.  Do you have
a recipe or formula which you think is the best?  My husband, Gene,  made
his home device from scratch and we are wondering if we made a mistake
somehow.  Could you please help us?  I don't know what details you need from

We used distilled water and two silver rods, batteries, etc.

Thank you for your help.






RE: CSCS: Liposomal encapsulating others

2010-10-15 Thread Lisa
Is it necessary to add baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the LET
(encapsulated lecithin and vit C)? My first batch I didn't.



From: Dick Rochon [] 
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 4:00 PM
To: paul catania
Subject: Re: CSCS: Liposomal encapsulating others


Maybe you can encapsulate coconut milk, but not sure about the oil. Just try


 I have the big Harbor Freight Ultrasonic jewelry cleaner, and let it run
480 seconds with Vit C and Glutathione. They work fine. I measured the Ph of
the Vit C after adding the 3/4 tsp sodium bicarbonate, and it was still
acidic, so I kept adding the soda until it read over 7. Not sure that is
necessary, but it encapsulated ok. And the lecithin read about 7 before and
after adding the Vit C.


I tried encapsulating magnesium chloride, but it didn't work. I am taking
the magnesium chloride for hypertension and leg cramps, and am wondering if
it would be more effective if it was encapsulated and went directly into the
blood and cells where needed instead of through the digestive system.



RE: CSSilver gel

2010-10-15 Thread Lisa
Can't you make a gel per se by merely adding some EIS to some aloe? I read
that somewhere online...seems like it would do the trick.

-Original Message-
From: Sandee George [] On Behalf Of Sandee George
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: CSSilver gel

Hi There Dave - I do not understand what you are talking about with  
the gel you say you make/made - I have been making Colloidal Silver  
gel for the past six years and have never had the problems you say you  
have, Ode has a
perfectly good gel kit for sale on his website, all you have to do is  
buy it, follow his directions by mixing it with colloidal silver (EIS)  
and you have a perfectly good gel.   This comment is not directed at  
your personally, how ever I observe many on this list in need of doing  
their own thing, when a perfectly good way has been achieved by many  
here over the years, who are the base for all we know and are able to  
share with those who wish to learn. However if there are those who are  
so into their egos that they cannot accept the work of others which  
has been perfected then so be it.   As a result of this observation  
there are many new-comers who are completely confused by all the ego  
suggestions !

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSLiposomal info pls

2010-10-14 Thread Lisa
So are you supposed to dissolve the serrapeptase WITH the lecithin and
ascorbic acid  (Which one should it be dissolved with or does it matter
OR should it be dissolved by itself)?


I made my first LET batch today (YEA!) and everything went fine but I used
only the lecithin and ascorbic acid.and then swallowing a serrapeptase after
the fact. Is that the way to go?





From: needling around [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: CSLiposomal info pls


Well, I don't know why the serrapeptase would not dissolve in distilled
water.  I wouldn't dissolve it in non-distilled water because you don't know
if there is any non-living protein in it which is what I read serrapeptase


- Original Message - 

From: Leo Regehr  


Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 6:45 PM

Subject: CSLiposomal info pls


I thought you have to dissolve the serrapeptase or curcumin, vitamin C etc.,
in water before it is encapsulated. So if the stuff settles down to the
bottom, can it really be encapsulated? 
And if the stuff is dissolved in non-distilled water, what difference does
that make? This is a fascinating learning experience for me. Leo

CSLET C - ascorbic acid...

2010-10-12 Thread Lisa
Does anyone have a good resource on where to purchase (reasonably priced)
ascorbic acid for doing the LET C??? 




2010-10-10 Thread Lisa
So are you saying that using oil of cloves rubbed on one's foot for plantar
fasciitis will help relieve the pain (with the possibility of a brief bout
of painful urination)? Anything else you used specifically for the PF? My
Mom is suffering from this and I feel helpless with the inability to help





From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 8:28 PM
Subject: RE: CSDMSO


He said that a DR at his school researched DMSO and concluded that pain
relief was due to DMSO killing nerves. He said don't let DMSO even come near


Typical scare tactic crap from the white coated priests. I have been rubbing
DMSO on my right foot for weeks to both relieve pain and accelerate healing.
It was actually not very effective for my severe plantar fasciitis but the
pain sure came back after the DMSO wore off and truth be told it never did
too much to relieve this pain. If this were true then you would end up with
a numb spot. 


BTW, Oil of Cloves DID work, and I discovered it is much more potent at
going through the skin and subsequently through the body than DMSO. Only
problem is that the first urination after application was painful, burning
urethra, but that quickly subsided.



RE: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

2010-10-08 Thread Lisa
Couldn't one make their own electrolyte mixture?

-Original Message-
From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

Also interesting, I just got herx from 8 oz CS + 1 tsp of an
electrolyte concentrate (peltier electrolytes).  It seems it does
increase the effectiveness as reported by others.

Question: Do electrolytes affect the CS in such a way that there is
more concern for argyria?


On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Marshall Dudley
  On 10/7/2010 6:37 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

 Regarding making silver citrate:

 I recently tried adding citric acid to finished EIS and 8 oz gave me a
 barely noticeable herx.  Regular EIS currently does not do so.

 That will only give you a silver citrate concentration of about 20 ppm or

 I must say I want to try a higher PPM experiment.  I have had 5 IV
 treatments with silver protein that could have been in the thousands
 of PPM for all I know.  No argyria yet...  I am willing to try higher
 PPM silver citrate which I am gathering would be on the order of
 hundreds of PPM at most.

 I would definitely stay out of the sun with higher ppm silver citrate.

 Steve and others: May I ask when you brew your own silver citrate, how
 daring have you been in the amount you have ingested over time?  Also,
 is there anyway to guesstimate if a batch is nearing saturation
 besides observing stuff plating onto the cathode or observing a drop
 in current?  I have a battery powered generator that runs on 2 AA's.
 I have no clue how long it would take.  I added 3 tsp of citric acid
 (1/16th of a cup) to a quart of distilled water and shook it up and
 started brewing today.

 Silver citrate has a solubility of .28 g/l, or 280 ppm in cold water. This
 works out to be 58 ppm of silver, or about 2 1/2 time what one can get
 without the citrate. Much much higher in hot water. You will need
 approximately 0.007 ounces of citric acid for that to be balanced for a
 saturated quantity of silver citrate in 32 ounces of water.



 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 List Owner: Mike

RE: CSOn a personal note............

2010-10-07 Thread Lisa
What is considered excess?

-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: CSOn a personal note

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
 I understood that thyroid problems could be caused by 'lack' of iodine.

Excess iodine also causes thyroid problems.

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSOn a personal note............

2010-10-06 Thread Lisa
Thank you Sandy! This is exactly what I did (but I've got iodine beads
rather than crystals) and I don't have any grain alcohol in mine. I used
strictly distilled water and I currently take 15 drops a day (I've got
Grave's) and am trying to my thyroid numbers back in line. How much do you
take a day?




From: Sandy [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSOn a personal note


Hi Tel,

You can get everything you need to make iodine on Ebay.

Here is a recipe for making 7% iodine from a poster on another forum.

1. I mixed 8.2 grams of potassium iodide with 80 ml of distilled water
2. I mixed 12.7 grams of iodine crystals with 80.8 ml of 95% ethanol (grain
3. I mixed both solutions together using a wooden spoon in a glass container
(with a glass lid and rubber seal)


--- On Tue, 10/5/10, Tel Tofflemire wrote:


The problem is you can not buy any of these ingredients except distilled
water anymore.  Some un-professional's  have been letting drug dealers 
drug makers buy it and re-sell it in a meth form,,, now you can only sell
Lugol's by the OZ. or smaller. I am a dealer in Herbal supplies. I know the

Tel Tofflemire





CSLiposomal C question

2010-10-06 Thread Lisa
Hi All,


I've searched to find some directions on how to make Liposomal Vit C
(lecithin and Vit C) when using either a stick blender or blender (basically
how to do it without an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner which I don't have). Can
someone help me out as I believe this is something that I should start




RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book

2010-10-06 Thread Lisa

Would adding EIS to a gallon of raw milk inhibit the benefits of actually
consuming raw milk (for the healthy critters etc)???

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:05 PM
Subject: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book

Subject: Excerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book

The History of Colloidal Silver

Silver has been used throughout history by the aristoc-racy for plates
and drinking vessels, and its use has been a source of protection from
the ravages that affect the mass of humanity. Our pioneers would add a
silver dollar to the milk buckets to prolong the useful life. If you
so choose you can add a tablespoon of your silver product to a gallon
of milk and it will not spoil for weeks.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book

2010-10-06 Thread Lisa
I do make kefir (and kefir cheese) but everybody around here likes just milk
on their oatmeal :-)



From: needling around [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book


Of course, one could just add some kefir granules and have wonderful kefir
or kefir cheese as well.


- Original Message - 

From: Nenah  Sylver 


Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:25 PM

Subject: RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book


Excerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book: The History of Colloidal Silver

Silver has been used throughout history by the aristocracy for plates and
drinking vessels, and its use has been a source of protection from the
ravages that affect the mass of humanity. Our pioneers would add a silver
dollar to the milk buckets to prolong the useful life. If you so choose you
can add a tablespoon of your silver product to a gallon of milk and it will
not spoil for weeks.


[Lisa] Would adding EIS to a gallon of raw milk inhibit the benefits of
actually consuming raw milk (for the healthy critters etc)???


Great question, Lisa.


Yes, adding CS to raw milk would kill the beneficial bacteria. However, the
advantage to milk that's raw and unadulterated is that for the most part, it
DOES NOT SPOIL. It will ferment naturally into something that's quite
drinkable. I say for the most part, because the types and amounts of
bacteria in raw milk can vary and sometimes you get a fermented end product
that's more drinkable than what you get at other times.


CS is most useful for adulterated (pasteurized and homogenized) milk.
Adulterated milk DOES spoil, and quickly (because there are no beneficial
bacteria present to produce a natural ferment.) That's where CS can do the
most good.


When I have had raw milk in the past, I've gotten some lovely ferments
simply by keeping the milk in the fridge for several weeks. I have very
rarely had to throw it out.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

electromedicine specialist and author

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)  

RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book

2010-10-06 Thread Lisa
I've never thrown out any raw milk either (regardless of its age). I agree
that it never spoils. it just changes consistency :-)

But, certainly my kids won't drink the cheesy, clumpy stuff let alone put it
on their oatmeal.and I haven't made cheese in awhile - so I rarely let it
get to that point if when it does get to the stage where the flavor
changes.I mix it in the chicken feed and they eat it like there's no
tomorrow! No waste here.



From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book


Excerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book: The History of Colloidal Silver

Silver has been used throughout history by the aristocracy for plates and
drinking vessels, and its use has been a source of protection from the
ravages that affect the mass of humanity. Our pioneers would add a silver
dollar to the milk buckets to prolong the useful life. If you so choose you
can add a tablespoon of your silver product to a gallon of milk and it will
not spoil for weeks.


[Lisa] Would adding EIS to a gallon of raw milk inhibit the benefits of
actually consuming raw milk (for the healthy critters etc)???


Great question, Lisa.


Yes, adding CS to raw milk would kill the beneficial bacteria. However, the
advantage to milk that's raw and unadulterated is that for the most part, it
DOES NOT SPOIL. It will ferment naturally into something that's quite
drinkable. I say for the most part, because the types and amounts of
bacteria in raw milk can vary and sometimes you get a fermented end product
that's more drinkable than what you get at other times.


CS is most useful for adulterated (pasteurized and homogenized) milk.
Adulterated milk DOES spoil, and quickly (because there are no beneficial
bacteria present to produce a natural ferment.) That's where CS can do the
most good.


When I have had raw milk in the past, I've gotten some lovely ferments
simply by keeping the milk in the fridge for several weeks. I have very
rarely had to throw it out.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

electromedicine specialist and author

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)  

RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book

2010-10-06 Thread Lisa
I'd love to have it.feel free to email off list if need be.



From: needling around [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book


I do believe I have a recipe for sour milk cookies or something like that if
you would like.  Also you can drain the whey from it and make cheese.


- Original Message - 

From: Lisa  


Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 3:33 PM

Subject: RE: CSExcerpt from Ole Bob's CS Book



RE: CSOn a personal note............

2010-10-05 Thread Lisa
The only EDTA is what I remember being in some kind of mayonnaise (haha).
Is this an acronym for something and where can I purchase some?


-Original Message-
From: Heidrun Beer [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: CSOn a personal note

On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 06:08:14 -0400, Ode Coyote wrote in

   MY dad started using sea salt and the more he used, the more his BP went

  Apparently sodium retention and elimination is keyed to the availability 
of other minerals.

Yes, potassium in this case.

BTW today I was at the doctor's and had him take out
500 ml of blood. After that my blood pressure was 
at 130/82, in the ideal range. It had gone up quite
badly in the last very stressful months.

Tried last week to donate blood, after I had read how
well that works against high BP, but they wouldn't
take me because of a lyme infection earlier this years.

Another thing that was successful for me was 10 bottles
of EDTA last year. After that I had to quit the BP 
pills, because I would get too dizzy. 

I would have gone back for more, but can't afford it 
at the moment. If your Dad can afford EDTA, this would
be ideal, in my opinion. Not only brings BP down, but 
also opens the blood vessels. All circulation related
problems go away - bad hearing, bad vision, ED, 
smoker's legs etc. etc. Saves a heart bypass operation.

Heidrun Beer

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CShelp re cholesterol / serrapeptase

2010-10-05 Thread Lisa
What's CMO?

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: CShelp re cholesterol / serrapeptase

  Yes, serrapeptase can help with nasal drip problems.  I have not heard 
of it helping arthritis. I cured my arthritis with CMO.


On 10/4/2010 10:08 PM, Del wrote:
 I would like to mention that I have just begun taking serrapeptase 
 (about 160,000 units per day - Doctor's Best) in hopes that it will 
 reduce or cure my sinus problems.
 I have always had constant post-nasal drip, and as I get older it is 
 This is especially bad for me as a singer, as the mucus frequently 
 tangles around my vocal cords.
 My wife told a friend to take serrapeptase for her arthritis (don't 
 know why, haven't heard that it does anything for arthritis).  After a 
 year, the friend told her that it had not helped her arthritis, but 
 had cleared up her

 sinus problems.
 Here's hoping!

 - Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: CShelp re cholesterol / serrapeptase

  On 10/4/2010 3:29 PM, wrote:
 In a message dated 10/4/2010 3:15:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 If you get rid of the inflammation and take some
 serrapeptase your veins will be as clean as a new born babe in a


 *How much serrapeptase should one take ???  Lois*
 I would take no more than 200,000 a day until they are clean, to give 
 the body time to strengthen the vessels as the plaque is removed, and 
 to also to prevent large chunks from breaking off.  Once the veins 
 are clear, probably a month unless you have some virtually totally 
 blocked veins, drop it to maybe 40,000 every day or probably every 
 few days to keep them clean.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSOn a personal note............

2010-10-05 Thread Lisa
Lugol's iodine is fairly common - google it, make it yourself.



From: Craig Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: CSOn a personal note


Hi PT,

Do you have a source for that?



needling around wrote: 

Yes, but taking iodine has been linked with autoimmune thyroid disease.


- Original Message - 



Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 4:27 PM

Subject: Re: CSOn a personal note


In a message dated 10/4/2010 9:51:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Replace his table salt with sea salt.

(without him knowing)

That way he'll get some minerals to

Good idea but remember sea salt does not have iodine added like table salt.
You might have to also giv e him some kelp to make up for the iodine loss.


-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe: Archives: Off-Topic
discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CSPrill beads

2010-10-04 Thread Lisa

I'm interested in knowing just how your son uses magnets on his house water.
How and where does he place the magnets (and of what size)?




Water undergoing shear in a magnetic field gets restructured.  According 
to Brookes this results in among other things an increase in 
solubility.  I also know that my son uses magnets on his house water 
which appear to stop all scaling in his pipes by the same mechanism.  


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CShelp re cholesterol

2010-10-04 Thread Lisa
I'm taking serrapeptase...but at the dosage on the bottle (I've read that
others increase it substanstially). Marshall, can you give an approximate
dosage amount in which this would happen in about a month?


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: CShelp re cholesterol

  I concur with that completely.  Cholesterol being deposited in the 
veins is not due to high cholesterol but to inflammation of the veins.  
That is why research has found that anti-inflammation agents such as 
aspirin, and low level antibiotics reduce this problem.  The correct 
answer is to remove the inflammation, not remove the stuff to try and 
reduce it.  If you get rid of the inflammation and take some 
serrapeptase your veins will be as clean as a new born babe in a month.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-29 Thread Lisa
I'd like a copy also please.



From: Smitty [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens


I would also like a copy if possible.



Thank you,



On pathogens

 I now have the full article. Anyone wanting it please let me know and
I will email it to you.

There are some problems with their methodology.


RE: CS Nasal spray,more info

2010-09-27 Thread Lisa
And as an FYI.I found a nasal sprayer bottle (two actually) from a Dollar
Store. Price was perfect, considering I also dumped the contents for the
sprayer pump itself.





From: Harold MacDonald [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 10:30 PM
To: Silver list
Subject: CS Nasal spray,more info


My apologies for not giving H2O2 info.For myself I put in 4 drops of 35%
food grade Hydrogen peroxide[this I get from a compounding pharmacy, without
stabilizers,etc.].For a child I would use a smaller amount as their nasal
passages will be more delicate, try 1 drop in the mix at first.

The sprayer was one from the Pharmacy with a nasal spray in it,which I
emptied out.The bottle was  2 ounces in size with a tapered spout pump.

Incidentally, this mix is also ideal for ear aches too.Same for children, a
smaller amount of H2O2 at first.

For a family I would use my original strength mix in a larger quantity and
if and when necessary,dilute with EIS for a small child.

Sometimes the regular MSM can be a bit harsh,so experiment with it too.

I now use pure Sulfur Crystals instead of MSM, which is a poor form of
Sulfur.Go to for info re same.

I hope this is of some help.



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