Re: CS>FDA Study -- 'If you get the Pfizer vax, you're more likely to get COVID': Industry analyst flags serious problem

2021-10-01 Thread
Amazing.. just amazing.  And these are their figures, right?  Explains a lot.

- Original Message -
From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Fri, 01 Oct 2021 03:16:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>FDA Study -- 'If you get the Pfizer vax, you're more likely to get 
COVID': Industry analyst flags serious problem

'If you get the Pfizer vax, you're more likely to get COVID': Industry analyst 
flags FDA study - LifeSite

'If you get the Pfizer vax, you're more likely to get COVID': Industry 
a...LifeSite'So, when they weren’t injected, their infection rate was 1.3% and 
when they got injected, it was 4.34%. It went...

Re: CS>MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

2021-09-18 Thread
Agree, Diane.  One would suppose that funeral directors/technicians would be 
in Haz-Mat suits in order to handle Covid victims' bodies,  right?

- Original Message -
From: Diane Mackey 
Sent: Sat, 18 Sep 2021 00:14:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle 
on Covid

I never would have thought about the view of this scam from a funeral 
director.s stand point.  This  is an absolute must watch video and an urgent 
plea to save your children from the jab.

On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 4:02 PM  
excellent video... thanks for posting.  Confirms what we have all suspected and 
no one has
addressed how the victims of covid are handled when deceased.

- Original Message -
From: T. J. Garland 
To:, Ralph Petersen , Jeff Orr 

Sent: Fri, 17 Sep 2021 13:49:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on 

Someone who knows

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

Re: CS>MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

2021-09-17 Thread
excellent video... thanks for posting.  Confirms what we have all suspected and 
no one has
addressed how the victims of covid are handled when deceased.

- Original Message -
From: T. J. Garland 
To:, Ralph Petersen , Jeff Orr 

Sent: Fri, 17 Sep 2021 13:49:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on 

Someone who knows

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Fwd: Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of Unvaccinated”

2021-09-14 Thread
Follow the money?  This so-called 'free' vaccine is NOT free.  Our 
governmentand our tax dollars are footing the bill.  Has anyone questioned how 
much has been spent on the 'free' vaccine to date?  Did not think so.

- Original Message -
From: André Juthe 
Sent: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 03:35:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Fwd: Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 
Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of 

To say that the hospitals are full of the unvaccinated when you have to take 
more than two shoots to count as "vaccinated" is misleading to say the least. 
And now we have "experts" in Sweden who claim that we probably need two more 
vaccinations (should I point out that the "experts" are also selling the 
Den tis 14 sep. 2021 kl 08:11 skrev Cyndiann Phillips :
The hospitals are full of people like you who won't do what it takes to protect 
themselves and their families. Keep passing on lies while your friends die from 
a virus you could have prevented. Yeah, attempted murder at the least. You all 
need to be sent to prison.
Fucking assholes
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 11:17 PM Smitty  wrote:
Yes.the hospitals are fullof vaccinated people.And...will get 
'fuller'...I had a friend who one day was cheerfuland in good spirits, and 
the next day hehad a series of heart attacks...he was gonein 2 days.He had 
the jab a few weeks earlier because ofhis sickly wife
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 4:04 PM Jean Baugh  wrote:
Someone has a mental disorder and it isn't me.
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 8:53 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon
Begin forwarded message:

From: "T. J. Garland" 
Date: September 13, 2021 at 9:52:48 PM EDT
Subject:Fwd: Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. 
Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of Unvaccinated”

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon
Begin forwarded message:

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Date: September 13, 2021 at 6:50:24 PM EDT
To: "T. J. Garland" 
Subject:Re: Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. 
Government Lies and Claims a “Pandemic of Unvaccinated”

More fake news. The hospitals are full of the unvaccinated to the point where 
if someone has a heart attack there is no place for them to get help and people 
are dying.
You fucking moron.
On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 10:32 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon
Myrvägen 2674732 AlundaSweden

Re: CS>

2021-08-12 Thread
Anyone else see this on MSM news?  I don't watch the news
so missed this.  Supposedly, riots in italy also.
an excerpt    "PARIS (AP) — Thousands of people protested 
France’s special virus pass with marches through Paris and other French cities 
on Saturday. Most demonstrations were peaceful, but sporadic clashes with riot 
police marked protests in the French capital.Some 3,000 security forces 
deployed around Paris for a third weekend of protests against the pass that 
will be needed soon to enter restaurants and other places. Police took up posts 
along the Champs-Elysees to guard against an invasion of the famed avenue.With 
virus infections spiking and hospitalizations rising, French lawmakers have 
passed a bill requiring the pass in most places as of Aug. 9. Polls show a 
majority of French support the pass, but some are adamantly opposed. The pass 
requires a vaccination or a quick negative test or proof of a recent recovery 
from COVID-19 and mandates vaccine shots for all health care workers by 
mid-September."--- Original Message -
From: Rick 
Sent: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 21:20:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>

Well, likely a severe case of micro blood clots is in her future, especially if 
she continues dosing with additional boosters and yearly. It is only a matter 
of time and we won't be hearing from her anymore. Not that it makes me feel any 
better, but we have all tried without positive results. So if she is unwilling 
to read and listen and watch the experts herself and only wants to repeat the 
propaganda and smear campaigns, then what are we to do? It is all on her 
now...maybe she doesn't wish to live much longer? I guess we'll know when she 
stops commenting?

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 4:45 AM pal joey  wrote:
I think by now, all of us can see thats its pointless to try and school our 
resident brainwashed victim. No method of reaching a conclusion is going to be 
good enough.We're already hearing from the vax 
zombies, that a "wait and see",  "err on the side of caution", position is not 
going to be tolerated. If and when internment camps for the refusenics are 
employed, the vax zombies will cheer. This isn't speculation,  they already, 
actually think like that.  

RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread
I have a question and don't mean to start WW III.  How does the present 
administration justify mask enforcements for us common folk and allow
certain government, business and educational entities to demand that their 
employees get the shots or they are fired while they allow unmasked and 
unvaccinated illegals to not only cross the border into the US but they ship 
these people all over the country whether the localities like it or not?  Isn't 
that just a little hypocritical?  just a little disengenuous?  I haven't seen 
addressed any where.

- Original Message -
From: Linda Ellis 
Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 11:56:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and 
Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities 
blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening news 
back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.  
As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept me in my office at 
my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."  What I then heard on 
the evening news was most definitely NOT what I heard.  Ever since then (it 
actually may have been earlier - during the tobacco hearings, maybe, or the 
Bork hearings), the first question I ask when I hear something in a short 
soundbite on the evening news is, "is that true?"  How much I'm interested in 
the particular issue in question dictates how far I'll go in doing my own 

From: "Cyndiann Phillips" 
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
Subject: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths 
Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the 
“Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <> 
wrote:Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>PCR Test Kaput

2021-07-26 Thread
That has been my big question, Linda.  Why is she here?
Oh well... to each their own. 

From: Linda Ellis 
Sent: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 15:09:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>PCR Test Kaput

I've been following this whole thread, and have to wonder why Cyndiann Phillips 
is even on this list.  The nature of CS is open-minded thinking outside the 
box, and that clearly isn't where her head is at.

From: "Diane Mackey" 
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 2021 2:05 pm
Subject: Re: CS>PCR Test Kaput
So, even when the truth slaps you in the face, you still insist they lie.  You 
are really some kind of stupid.
On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:55 PM Cyndiann Phillips <> 
wrote:Natural News never tells the truth which is why Covid is still here. Keep 
it up, we will have a new variant that will just kill us all, even the 
On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:52 PM Diane Mackey <> 
wrote:Here is the official statement from the CDC.  Fortunately, Natural News 
does it research, but Cydieann just spews her garbage opinion..
On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 7:44 AM Cyndiann Phillips <> 
wrote:Natural News lies all the time. Why would you believe anything on that 
 I don't understand everyone's fascination with websites that intentionally 
don't tell the truth. Are you willing to die for it? Thanks to the unvaccinated 
we now have a stronger version of Covid than ever before. There goes our 
summer! The next variant could be much worse.
On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 4:49 AM Phil Morrison <> 

Re: CS>Moderator? group

2021-04-27 Thread
rowena  here is info for you.  It was a yahoo group
Jason was going to so don't know any more. Maybe
someone will contact Jason? 

On Friday, June 23, 2017 5:48 PM, Jason Eaton 

Greetings, everyone:

With our fearless leader MIA and no clear consensus of what the group
wants to do, I'm going to bid you all a farewell!  Over the years, this
has been one of my favorite lists to be a part of.

I am going to be reviving my old silver yahoo list, only because there
are still about 450 members.  It's been quiet on that list for a long
time, mainly because most of what needed to be said about silver has
been said.

However, that is changing.  While the Eskimo silver list has been pretty
sleepy, researchers out there have continued to pioneer new methods. 
There is also quite a bit of new research in the nano particle world.

If anyone has an interest in more advanced topics and wishes to join,
you would be welcome.  On this list, however, topics off health and
silver are not tolerated at all.  A zero tolerance policy means I simply
remove the member, rather than debate the matter! :)

This newly revised list will be great for people who:

..want to know how to make a product very similar to Mesosilver at home.

want to know how to encapsulate silver ions for transport into the body.

want to know how to make a 100+ PPM particulate silver colloid using
the chemistry method.

want to know how to make a 50 PPM electrically isolated ionic silver
solution (the "glass ceiling" of 24-25 PPM of silver ions in solution
has been broken.  It turns out, that was a false glass ceiling).

..want to study the potential toxic effects of silver.  My list has
always looked at both sides of all of the story.  A select few warned
people that EIS CAN cause argyria, even as we were chastised for doing
so.  We really need to look at the cytotoxicity of silver colloids as
more and more people on the "cutting edge" are creating higher and
higher parts per million colloids.

I'm not yet ready to start publishing formulations and methods, but I'm
getting closer!  As always, the project is about a collaboration between
like minded individuals, for the benefit of everyone.

I wish you well!


- Original Message -
From: Rowena 
Sent: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 21:07:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Moderator? group

Highly qualified and respected lister Jason Eaton did invite us to his 
silverlist but I have deleted most of my folders and mail and can't find 
past correspondence. Somebody else might be able to supply details.


On 23/04/2021 8:37 pm, p c wrote:
> Hopefully before our list is destroyed, one of the originals will 
> start a CS list just like this that is open to talk of silver and 
> other modalities. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Help! Lyme, etc heart condition

2021-04-01 Thread
Jenny... also meant to add that you might try the herb 'Hawthorne' for your 
heart?   I like the Nature's Way
brand, the one with the purple cap.  I have a-fib and the hawthorne helps a 
lot also some of the StandardProcess products.  As always, do your own due 
diligence and research.Lola
- Original Message -
From: jenny goodhealth 
Cc: jenny goodhealth 
Sent: Thu, 01 Apr 2021 17:22:46 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS> Help! Lyme, etc heart condition

Very sick from mycoplasma fermentan icognitious, lyme, babesia, and Bartonella. 
 About a month ago, irregular heart rate has returned (over 100 per minute at 
times).  It first started April of last year.  After taking artemisia July of 
last year, heart problem was temporarily resolved till a month ago.  Artemisia 
does not work against babesia any more.  Coiling (rifting) 432, 610 for Lyme, 
840, 832, 1518 for Bartonella, and 570 for babesia but do not help with heart 
condition. Also , on antibiotics but not helping either.
Please help.  Lyme, Bartonella & babesia all attack the heartThanks a 
Does colloidial solver cute  Lyme, Bartonella, babesia & mycoplasma?  


Re: CS> Help! Lyme, etc heart condition

2021-04-01 Thread
Jenny... did you or do you take a break from the ART a few days each  week?  
The effectiveness
of ART is diminished to about 30 % after 3 - 5 days.  So it is recommended that 
one should take
ART for 4 - 5 days then take a break for 2 - 3 days.  Also take it with a 
little fat at the same timeA tbs or two of yogurt or coconut oil is perfect.  
But do not eat a large meal or one that contains a lot of iron at the same 
time. You know more about ART and Lyme (parasites) than I.  I have used the ART 
as part of my cancer fighting protocol for the last 10 yrs or so, not to fight 
Lyme. I just went to order some Artemisinin this afternoon and 'bout fell out 
of my chair at how muchthe price has increased.  Yipes!!!  ridiculous.Lola- 
Original Message -
From: jenny goodhealth 
Cc: jenny goodhealth 
Sent: Thu, 01 Apr 2021 17:22:46 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS> Help! Lyme, etc heart condition

Very sick from mycoplasma fermentan icognitious, lyme, babesia, and Bartonella. 
 About a month ago, irregular heart rate has returned (over 100 per minute at 
times).  It first started April of last year.  After taking artemisia July of 
last year, heart problem was temporarily resolved till a month ago.  Artemisia 
does not work against babesia any more.  Coiling (rifting) 432, 610 for Lyme, 
840, 832, 1518 for Bartonella, and 570 for babesia but do not help with heart 
condition. Also , on antibiotics but not helping either.
Please help.  Lyme, Bartonella & babesia all attack the heartThanks a 
Does colloidial solver cute  Lyme, Bartonella, babesia & mycoplasma?  


Re: CS>Dr Lee Merrit Interview - YouTube

2021-02-22 Thread
V  .. fascinating !!  Always wondered where the CFR came from.  Yeah,the CFR 
that Hillary admits issues her marching orders. 
Thank you for posting.
- Original Message -
From: V 
Sent: Sun, 21 Feb 2021 18:29:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Dr Lee Merrit Interview - YouTube

But how could that work! Surely they have never lied before and this is all a 
con spiracy theory...isn't it...

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021, 1:32 PM,  
William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987“We’ll know our disinformation program is 
complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
- Original Message -
From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Sun, 21 Feb 2021 00:15:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Dr Lee Merrit Interview - YouTube

Perfectly legal for our own gov't to LIE to us...but people are too stupid to 
pay attention and take note of when that is shown right in our faces
Yes, US Government Propaganda Use Against American Citizens Is Officially Legal 

 On Saturday, February 20, 2021, 04:30:51 PM EST, Gmail 

The brutal reality is that the dollar was worth 1/40th ounce of gold fifty 
years ago and now is worth 1/1,900th ounce of gold. Someday, perhaps soon, it 
will be worth 1/10,000th ounce of gold.

Re: CS>Dr Lee Merrit Interview - YouTube

2021-02-21 Thread
William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987“We’ll know our disinformation program is 
complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
- Original Message -
From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Sun, 21 Feb 2021 00:15:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Dr Lee Merrit Interview - YouTube

Perfectly legal for our own gov't to LIE to us...but people are too stupid to 
pay attention and take note of when that is shown right in our faces
Yes, US Government Propaganda Use Against American Citizens Is Officially Legal 

 On Saturday, February 20, 2021, 04:30:51 PM EST, Gmail 

The brutal reality is that the dollar was worth 1/40th ounce of gold fifty 
years ago and now is worth 1/1,900th ounce of gold. Someday, perhaps soon, it 
will be worth 1/10,000th ounce of gold.

Re: CS>Delete me from enails

2021-02-19 Thread
Drop down to the end of the email page where there is information about the 
Silver List   find where it says unsubscribe.  You want to send an emailto 
the high-lighted address.  type   unsubscribe   on the subject line.Do 
NOT put anything in the body of the email nor anything else on thesubject line 
except   unsubscribe .  Then hit send.That should take care of it 
for you.Lola  
- Original Message -
From: S 
Sent: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:57:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Delete me from enails

Delete me fro your emails

-Original Message-

From: MaryAnn Helland 


Sent: Fri, Feb 19, 2021 12:38 pm

Subject: Re: CS>Delete me from enails

And once again -- you have to delete yourself -- no one can do that for you.  
Look at the bottom of your email.MA
 On Friday, February 19, 2021, 10:42:46 AM CST,  
Delete me fro your emails> silver-digest DigestVolume 2021 : 
Issue 33>> Today's Topics:>  Re: CS>Mindless Mask Mandates Likely  [ Lynn 
Greene  >   CS>Re: Give it a rest.[ 
Neville Munn  >   Re: CS>Mindless Mask Mandates Likely 
 [ Deborah Gerard  >   Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest.
[ Deborah Gerard  >   Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest. 
   [ Deborah Gerard  >   Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest.  
  [ Cyndiann Phillips  > http://www.silverlist.orgUnsubscribe:  
discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Make your own HCQ

2021-02-14 Thread
Thanks so much for posting this and I am going to do as you have done and 
save it in the freezer.  What a neat idea. Lola  
- Original Message -
From: Jim & Pat Steinle 
Sent: Sat, 13 Feb 2021 22:56:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CS>Make your own HCQ

I followed this recipe and made a gallon bag of about 1 oz (1
tablespoon) frozen HCQ (used ice cube trays) to keep in the freezer in case of
any need.  This is only my 2nd post on this forum and I do not claim this
truly is the way to make HCQ or not.  It appears to be a legitimate recipe
by Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
as can be found on this link:
I see many comments on the
forum about HCQ and do not know if this has been shown before, so am posting
this FYI.Jim

RE: CS>Rothschilds patented covid-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017

2020-12-31 Thread
I still find it utterly fascinating and rather amazing  that  a 2003 tv show 
mirrored a corona pandemic that was cured by  hydroxychloroquine.I mean 
really?  I think we have all heard of art mimicking lifeor vice-versa  but this is way too close to reality.  I am surprised that the 
information is still available and 'out there'.  Wonder how long that will 
- Original Message -
From: Ricardo Vieira 
Sent: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 07:34:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RE: CS>Rothschilds patented covid-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017

 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}
Fact check: Rothschild did not patent a test for COVID-19 in 2015 and 2017
The false claim that a testing method for COVID-19 was patented by Richard 
Rothschild in 2015 and 2017 has been shared online. The patent for a system that

De: Deborah Gerard 
Enviado: quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2020 22:53
Para: Silver-List 
Assunto: CS>Rothschilds patented covid-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017

Re: CS>Diverticulitis

2020-11-13 Thread
Funny you should ask  I am re-reading the book 'Charcoal
and the writer discusses adding bentonite clay to the 'slurry' (improves 
texture ..  seems to help get rid of the 'graininess' of the charcoal) and 
adding clay to the charcoalpoultice helps with the poultice staying moist 
longer.  Point being, it needn't be a either or situation, you can use both 
products together if you wish and if appropriate. As the book keeps harping 
 charcoal never hurts.  It either works or it doesn't.  Dotake it away from 
medications.  Activated charcoal is the supreme toxin neutralizer.It also has 
antibiotic, antiviral, anti-gas,  anti-inflammatory properties. Lola  
- Original Message -
From: pc 
Sent: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 22:59:25 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Diverticulitis

Interesting .  How does charcoal compare to bentonite clay ?   I've been taking 
the clay to pull toxins.  

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 9:05 PM Deborah Gerard  wrote:

Right charcoal detox's heavy metals too I take that daily also!

 On Thursday, November 12, 2020, 06:49:24 PM EST, 

Tricia... you are getting some wonderful suggestions.  Can you stand one 
more?Activated charcoal can be a wonderful addition to our medicine cabinets, 
especiallyfor stomach/gut maladies but also for so many other conditions.  And 
it can beused internally and externally such as in poultices. Just google 
activated charcoal and the condition and usually a treatment will pop up. 
Lola- Original Message -From: pc To: 
silver-list@eskimo.comSent: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 18:38:57 -0500 (EST)Subject: Re: 
CS>DiverticulitisThanks for the suggestions .. will do them all.  Tricia On 
Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 1:34 PM Nenah Sylver  wrote:> Does 
anybody have suggestions on how to make sure CS gets to the intestines so it 
can clear the infection.   Thank you.  TriciaI would try putting it in capsules 
and taking on an empty stomach, maybe a spoon full of baking soda just prior to 
weaken the stomach acid.Dave==That's a good suggestion. I would 
also drink lots of it on an empty stomach. Some of it should go straight to the 
intestines.Nenah Sylver, PhDauthor, The Rife Handbookof Frequency Therapy and 
Holistic Health, 5th  --The Silver List is a 
moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.  Rules and Instructions: 
discussions: <>List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Diverticulitis

2020-11-12 Thread
Tricia... you are getting some wonderful suggestions.  Can you stand one 
more?Activated charcoal can be a wonderful addition to our medicine cabinets, 
especiallyfor stomach/gut maladies but also for so many other conditions.  And 
it can beused internally and externally such as in poultices. Just google 
activated charcoal and the condition and usually a treatment will pop up. Lola
- Original Message -
From: pc 
Sent: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 18:38:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Diverticulitis

Thanks for the suggestions .. will do them all.  

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 1:34 PM Nenah Sylver  wrote:
> Does anybody have suggestions on how to make sure CS gets to the intestines 
> so it can clear the infection.   Thank you.  Tricia

I would try putting it in capsules and taking on an empty stomach, maybe a 
spoon full of baking soda just prior to weaken the stomach acid.



That's a good suggestion. I would also drink lots of it on an empty stomach. 
Some of it should go straight to the intestines.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition  


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

  Rules and Instructions:




Off-Topic discussions: 

List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ammonia?

2020-09-05 Thread
I am unaware of a link between cs and hepatic encephalopathy, a condition my 
husband had after
having to take several antibiotics to cure his sepsis.  They 'killed' his 
liver.  When we eat protein, bacteriabreaks it down and one of the by-products 
of this breakdown is ammonia in the gut.  Our liver normallyneutralizes this 
ammonia.  If/when the liver is damaged, this neutralization may never happen 
and ammoniacan build up in the body/brain to dangerous levels and one can die 
from it. One of the solutions to this condition is to 'kill' the bacteria that 
processes the protein which lessens theproduction of ammonia.  My husband was 
able to take an orphan antibiotic which only works on/in the gut and he lived a 
pretty normal life just couldn't pig out on protein.  There may well be 
other metabolic processes which produce ammonia in the body and brain but this 
condition is the one I ammost familiar with.Lola  
- Original Message -
From: Shar 
To: silver-list 
Sent: Sat, 05 Sep 2020 01:16:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Ammonia?

N,I recall my mom's doctor saying that my mom had little time left (to live), 
he could smell the ammonia on her breath.  Also if you go to nursing care 
facilities you'll smell ammonia in the air.
I was researching Parkinson's for a friend with the condition and I came across 
The article may have mentioned carnosine and an amino acid among other things 
to reduce the ammonia.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 1:31 PM Neville Munn  wrote:

Many years ago, before I joined the List, there was discussion here among 
several people regarding ammonia in the body.  This discussion was stopped and 
a particular member was banned.  I think enough time has lapsed for it to be 
re-opening of that discussion.
  I only have a snippet of that conversation as most of it had been deleted.

I am not interested or care about the personalities involved, but, I would like 
to find out more regarding ammonia in our bodies, which apparently negates 
efficacy when in the blood/body regarding our EIS.

Those who are/were involved with that discussion may have more information 
which they might be willing to impart onto others.

There is still much which has not been researched and understood thoroughly 
enough regarding the home made product over many years.

Perhaps someone could enlighten me regarding the cessation of that 
aforementioned ammonia vs EIS discussion many years ago.


Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

2020-08-14 Thread
There is a natural product called 'Collinsonia Root" that has a good track 
record for
treating hemorrhoids.  I like the Standard Process product.  I think you can 
check outthe reviews on Amazon and you can purchase the root from them.  Many 
start toexperience relief in just a few days/weeks. I always start off low and 
slow with any new product and work up to a full dose.  Sufferers sometimes work 
with their doc who may prescribe anywhere from 4 to 9 caps per day in divided 
doses.  As always do your own due diligence andresearch.Lola
- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:10:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

Prep H and a "butt plug" to hold things in a relaxed not under pressure without 
support state where they should be while it heals up

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 12:22 AM Reid Harvey  wrote:
I just turned 70 and that seems to be around the time the body begins giving 
out.  Does EIS/ CS help with hemorrhoids?  For other reasons the Beck Protocol 
seems to make sense as well.  Silverlisters, you are the salt of the earth.

Re: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores...

2020-08-05 Thread
'Cuz it works !!!  Anytime mainstream starts bad-mouthing an altenative, 
especiallyone that has been around a long time with a record of safety and 
effectiveness, I situp and take notice.  'They' are using this pandemic to go 
after many good alternatives,even Vit C.  sheeezzz.. ridiculous.  And that 
silly thing they bandied about how elderberry (Sambucol) was not to be used for 
covid... I smelled a rat with that one as did many of y'all also, I bet. We 
have terrible horse flies out here in the country and I found a place on my 
neck thatlooked like a bite.. red, swollen with a little white in the middle.  
ugh...  wadded up a4 x pc of gauze, soaked it in some CS and taped it down over 
the 'bite'.  Left it on thatday and all nite.  The next morning, removed the 
gauze and nothing but a little rednessshowing.  No swelling, no soreness, no 
whiteness either.  And that is just normal, run of the mill stuff that I use CS 
for. It  works wonders, is safe and relatively cheap.The establishment can't 
allow us lowly peons to have something like that, right?Lola --- Original 
Message -
From: RaVen Sequoia 
Sent: Wed, 05 Aug 2020 12:35:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores...

Why are they removing CS ?
On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 7:37 AM Neville Munn  wrote:

I wish a TRUE researcher could fund his/her own research on our product, the 
home made product, he/she would be a gadzilliianaire overnight.


From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 August 2020 7:00 PM
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores... Colloidal 
Silver Removed from All WFWhole Foods has officially removed all colloidal 
silver based products from their store shelves and online search products. Step 
by step we are seeing a direct campaign to remove colloidal silver at every 
turn. The concerted campaign against colloidal
 silver started immediately upon the COVID-19 pandemic. Surely it is not hard 
to read between the lines at this point. Spread this news to your family and 
friends who have been skeptical about colloidal silver and remind them it may 
be sooner than expected
 that colloidal silver will be an outlawed element of nature. We soon expect 
Amazon, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe and similar retail outlets to be targeted and will 
continue to keep you informed as of the latest news concerning colloidal silver 
and the agenda to remove
 it from the general population.

Quote: “Is your life story the truth? Yes, the chronological events are true. 
Is it the whole truth? No, you see and judge it through your conditioned eyes 
and mind - not of all involved - nor do you see the entire overview. Is it 
nothing but the truth? No, you select, share, delete, distort, subtract, assume 
and add what you want, need and choose to.”― Rasheed Ogunlaru

Re: CS>Moderating

2020-07-02 Thread
I must be totally weird but I LOVE OT.  lol... as long as it is about 
alternatives.  Yes, the
occasional political statement/observation makes it's way into the conversation 
but it rarely lasts very long and once in a while it really, really is 
pertinent..  What does your momma say?  Don't talk religion or politics 
socially. It is amazing the things I have picked up from various members in 
various groups andtheir willingness to share their experiences.  As a three 
time cancer survivor, my eyesare always open and my ear to the ground, eagerly 
waiting to hear about the latest researchand/or findings.  And I do like 
alternatives that have some solid science behind thembecause it is the wild, 
wild west 'out there' and you have to be careful, smart and alwaysdo your due 
diligence and homework. Lola
- Original Message -
From: Neville Munn 
Sent: Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:55:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Moderating

 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} 
I agree, this IS a knowledgeable group, at least we get the 'right' information 
by and large.  What concerns me the most in 2020 is that eventually we will 
disappear, one by one, by natural attrition, and I don't mean to sound morbid, 
but that's just a fact
 of life unfortunately.  Where is this List going to go then?  Some formats may 
look fancy, but the content leaves a little to be desired from my experience.

In my opinion, I would not change this email format, this way it keeps a lot of 
'undesirables' out, and it's worked well from my years of involvement in this 
Group.  For me it's not about a 'numbers' game or members, it's more about 
getting "factual" information.
  Those who wish to learn about Silver will find this place, just as I did 
years ago.

Sorry, I forgot to get my coat when I left before. 


From: S Khanna 
Sent: Thursday, 2 July 2020 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Moderating Agreed, MaryAnn. I had written and sent a note a few 
days ago, but it hasn't yet shown up in my inbox, so I guess it got lost.

I was saying that I have been on this list a long time also and have really 
appreciated sharing issues related to health, colloidal silver and

other forms of medicine and modalities. This is a knowledgeable group. OT 
really doesn't bother me; we can label it so and then it can be deleted by 
those not wanting to read a particular message.

Or, I am also open to switching to IO.



Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones

2020-06-29 Thread
V.. never thought about that before..."These groups are being targeted in my 
Another few groups I belong to are having sudden dissent going on over little 
or nothingas far as I can tell.  And no... it is not me doing any posting, just 
observing.  We do know there are forces arrayed against the world of 
alternatives but hate to sound paranoid.   lolLola
- Original Message -
From: V 
Sent: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 07:50:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones

 Off TopicI have seen this happen in another group. I got even private messages 
complaining of off topic posts even when marked off topic. I was assured by 
that list owner that the complainers were the problem. Names that had never 
posted were suddenly complaining but never offering anything useful on or off 
topic. These groups are being targeted in my opinion.
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 3:44 AM Nintaka Tuyo  wrote:
On 29 June 2020 8:34:20 am Deborah Gerard  wrote:

 On Monday, June 29, 2020, 01:46:22 AM EDT, Mary Scholer <> 

Off topic conversations could be sent directly to the interested parties not to 
this group. Other groups (with specific topics) ask that unrelated 
conversations be conducted privately.On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 8:25 PM Neville 
Munn  wrote:
LOL...No, there is only one person who walked through the door, which someone 
left ajar, 0h, that's right, that would be YOU who is 'trying' to ruin the 
group...LOL.  It won't work though, we are smarter than that, see ya .
Now, where were we people?   Dang it, there are trolls everywhere nowadays.
From: Cyndiann Phillips Sent: Monday, 29 June 2020 9:14 Subject: Re: CS>Cell phone 
Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones Throw your phone out and your 
computer too in case they track you. That should at least stop all the garbage 
being posted here. Nenah, please stop posting here. You are ruining a great 
group with your paranoia.
It's a notification system. not for tracking.

Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

2020-06-20 Thread
I love your quote. Never heard that one before.  Two of my favorites are  
"A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that 
puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” 
―   Milton Friedman "Nature smiles at the union of freedom and equality in 
our utopias. For freedom and equality are sworn and everlasting enemies, and 
when one prevails the other dies."  
Will DurantLola- Original Message -
From: Gmail 
Sent: Sat, 20 Jun 2020 17:18:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

I have been on this list for 20 years, and have never read a statement more 
insane than “Most reporters want the truth out there”This conversation needs to 
be on the off-topic list.

Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.  Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1762

On Jun 20, 2020, at 3:10 PM, Terry Ward  wrote:

"Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.”

On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:27 AM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:Most 
reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so often by 
conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.

Re: CS>Epsom Salts?

2020-06-08 Thread
RS It was CS that was sprayed and added to pet's bowl, NOT dmso.
Diluted dmso  is routinely patted on clean skin (not rubbed in).   Lola- 
Original Message -
From: RaVen Sequoia 
Sent: Mon, 08 Jun 2020 15:39:49 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Epsom Salts?

Hi Is the DMSO taken orally (spray, pill, capsule, tablet?) or.? 
On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 2:18 PM Jean Baugh  wrote:
I think you need to pay attention to the heat also, for in my opinion, heat is 
foremost beneficial to kill bacteria and viruses.  Also, if the wound is 
infected, it will hurt in the beginning, but as the infection is killed, the 
pain will go away.  After the hot Epsom salt soaking, is when I would spray the 
colloidal silver.  I know for a fact anything can be absorbed if placed on the 
skin because once I was standing in line to check out an aluminum screen, held 
between my fingers and suddenly had the most awful metallic taste in my mouth.
Also, I had the most interesting thing happen to me two days ago.  I was trying 
to keep a rescued 4 week old kitten in the car and in the rush to shut the 
door, had my left hand up and about 1/3 of the way from the front; the door 
slammed on my fingers, especially the knuckle around the next to the pinkie 
finger and my thumb.  It hurt on a scale of 10!  For twenty years I've been 
carrying around a bottle of DMSO in the glove department, just for this event 
(or in case of any kind of car accident), so told my sister to hand me the 
DMSO, quick!  It stopped the pain in about 3 seconds, no bruising or swelling 
One more thing, the rescued kitten is being fed milk, free choice.  I put about 
a teaspoon of CS in his milk to keep it from spoiling.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 12:49 PM Beth Toraason  wrote:
There’s a wound on my dog’s foot, and the vet said to soak it in an Epsom Salts 
solution.  May I add EIS/CS to this solution?TIA, Beth T
Quote: I'd never taken a job purely for money - I felt that would kill me - but 
I was afraid that I was heading that way. Then, my brother passing away was the 
final thing that kicked me over. It reminded me that life is short, and you'd 
better do what you want while you have a chance. Mark Ruffalo

Re: CS>Coronavirus from Hollywood, in 2003

2020-05-09 Thread
That is just chilling.  And some wonder why we are feeling manipulated and why 
we are
getting more cynical by the day because of the lies and half-truths?  Thanks 
for postingthis, Nenah.Lola
- Original Message -
From: Nenah Sylver 
To: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Sat, 09 May 2020 15:11:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>Coronavirus from Hollywood, in 2003

Sometimes the truth hides in plain sight. Seventeen years ago, the 
"Coronavirus Affair" was shown on TV! A naturopath friend of mine wrote me the 
following review: "I would give that a 100% rating. Even small details [were 
portrayed correctly], such as how chloroquine blocks the enzyme (furin) that 
does the snip allowing entry of the virus into the human cell. Whoever wrote 
this show had a very high level of knowledge of this subject. A biochemist. A 
virologist." See this link for the 3-minute video excerpt and feel free to 
forward to everyone you know. The YouTube heading is "Dead Zone - Plague." 
Better watch it before it's removed. Nenah 

Re: CS>Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV - YouTube

2020-04-07 Thread
thanks for posting this.  Very interesting and informative.
- Original Message -
From: Gmail 
Sent: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 13:25:46 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide 
About CV - YouTube

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and 
monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before 
tomorrow morning."Henry Ford

Re: CS>Vaccination or No Vaccination

2020-01-30 Thread
I think I just read that Bill Gates and his organization own the patent on this 
virus making headlines at the moment?  Maybe I misread?Lola
- Original Message -
From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 13:27:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CS>Vaccination or No Vaccination

"World Health Organization and UNICEF, which issued a joint statement admitting 
the vaccine is causing polio."
"Polio vaccines are often cited as a success story proving that vaccines work 
to eliminate infectious disease. In truth, nearly all the cases of polio in the 
modern world are caused by polio vaccines themselves."

Re: CS>OT - blood sugar control

2018-08-09 Thread
Hi yes, Zone diet is what I meant.  I think Sugar Busters is very similar
but stricter.  Lola
- Original Message -
From: PT Ferrance 
Sent: Thu, 09 Aug 2018 18:57:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>OT - blood sugar control

I just realized that I read your email re "Zone" as the Zone diet.  Is this 
what you meant?Thanks.PT

From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - blood sugar control

Husband came up with an A1C of 12.5 and bg of over 400  I worked on him for 
a month and got his bg between 200 and 250 but finally got him to the doctor 
becauseI felt his bg was still too high and damage might be going on. Biggest 
help was hubby's cooperation in eating 'Zone' (no blood sugar spikes), 
chromiumpicolinate, benfotiamine and cinnamon tea.  Nine months later we were 
able to forgo all diabetic meds (janumet mainly) and hisA1C was 6.+  (doc was 
thrilled) and bg was always less than 105 and was usually in thenineties (a few 
times down in the eighties).Lola ps another herb that some have raved about 
and had good results with is berberine.I have had no experience with this 
product. As always, do your own research and duediligence.- Original 
Message -From: Lynn Greene To: 
silver-list@eskimo.comSent: Wed, 08 Aug 2018 13:52:39 -0400 (EDT)Subject: Re: 
CS>OT - blood sugar controlGynostemma. Ron Teeguarden’s Spring Dragon tea is 
very good and tastes good, too or you can just take the pills. LynnOn Aug 8, 
2018, at 10:39 AM, PT Ferrance  wrote:Hi, Besides Ceylon 
Cinnamon, does anyone have another idea for controlling blood sugar... of 
course, keeping sugar intake down is understood.Thanks.PT

Re: CS>OT - blood sugar control

2018-08-09 Thread
Husband came up with an A1C of 12.5 and bg of over 400  I worked on him for 
month and got his bg between 200 and 250 but finally got him to the doctor 
becauseI felt his bg was still too high and damage might be going on. Biggest 
help was hubby's cooperation in eating 'Zone' (no blood sugar spikes), 
chromiumpicolinate, benfotiamine and cinnamon tea.   Nine months later we were 
able to forgo all diabetic meds (janumet mainly) and hisA1C was 6.+  (doc was 
thrilled) and bg was always less than 105 and was usually in thenineties (a few 
times down in the eighties).Lola ps another herb that some have raved about 
and had good results with is berberine.I have had no experience with this 
product. As always, do your own research and duediligence.
- Original Message -
From: Lynn Greene 
Sent: Wed, 08 Aug 2018 13:52:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>OT - blood sugar control

Gynostemma. Ron Teeguarden’s Spring Dragon tea is very good and tastes good, 
too or you can just take the pills. Lynn

On Aug 8, 2018, at 10:39 AM, PT Ferrance  wrote:Hi, 
Besides Ceylon Cinnamon, does anyone have another idea for controlling blood 
sugar... of course, keeping sugar intake down is understood.Thanks.PT

Re: CS>EIS in contact mode

2018-07-22 Thread
PT... When I was researching CS many moons ago, I think I read that most 
germs/viruseswould be killed by direct contact with CS in approx. 10 mins.  I 
think that was when Iwas reading about spraying meat, fresh veggies and fruit 
with CS.  For the life of me, Ican't find the reference now. From some booklets 
I have on hand on CS  "In laboratory experiments in vitro, he (Henry 
Crookes, experimenter) used collosol silver,as he called it, in concentration 
of one part in 2000 and found the B.tuberculosis was killedin four minutes and 
Streptococci and other pathogenic organisms were killed in 3 - 4 minutes."I 
know of no microbe that is not killed in lab experiments in six minutes."f rom 
'Colloidal Silver Today' by Warren Jefferson ... page 
 have another booklet 'Colloidal Silver - The Natural Antibiotic Alternative' 
by Zane Baranowski, CN  but I could not locate in my perusal any reference to a 
time that theCS took to work but I might have overlooked it. I may have just 
taken that previous 3 - 6 minutes referenced and extended it to 10 minutes 
justto make sure the CS would work and take care of most germs.Lola - 
Original Message -
From: PT Ferrance 
To: Mike Devour - Silver List 
Sent: Sun, 22 Jul 2018 15:59:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>EIS in contact mode

Hi, Does anyone know about how long it takes for EIS to kill microbes on 
contact like on counters, dishes when someone is ill, etc.?Thank you.PT

Re: CS>CS & kidney/renal failure

2018-02-12 Thread
RaVen... pretty sure DMSO will help the discomfort of your scar and I think it 
also helpful with scars?  Maybe someone else can address the scarring/DMSO.Just 
be sure to dilute it with distilled water and only use glass utensils.Lola 
- Original Message -
From: RaVen Sequoia 
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 22:35:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>CS & kidney/renal failure

Thanks Neville and Sandee for your reply. Appreciate the input and absolutely 
no disclaimer. The challenge is trying to persuade my friend to try alternative 
remedies. Plus he does not have any financial means to buy his own CS equipment 
and make it. He's still waiting to get in the hospital. 
Silly but fun discovery: today I was organizing a customer's cluttered bathroom 
closet. (I'm also a Professional Organizer)... andI spotted she had a blue 
glass bottle of a (store bought, oh well) Colloidal Silver! How neat and how so 
Another question, is C.S. good for removing scars? I have a fresh scar from 
last month that still smarts - sensitive nerves won't let up... will applying 
C.S. stop the pain and reduce the red scar? I don't remember reading anything 
about C.S. for scars. 
Cheers to all, 

On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 7:09 PM, Neville  wrote:
I'm certainly not qualified to answer this, BIG DISCLAIMER HERE, but, and I 
don't know if on dialysis or not (yet), so, being as I live in my world (they 
know me there), I would be ingesting a small amount of *home made*
 EIS and swirl it around under the tongue for a while before swallowing each 
morning before food.  Not the shop bought 'Colloidal Silver' product though.
I imagine a hospital/medicos is/are monitoring anyway, so any noticeable change 
should/would be picked up fairly quick I'd say.  Nothing to lose I'd be 
thinking.  EIS is NON toxic, so you have nothing to lose really by
 trying a small amount each day and observe.  My philosophy on a personal level 
is...If I never, never go, I'll never, never know.
But that's me.

From: RaVen Sequoia 
Sent: Saturday, 10 February 2018 4:13 PM
Subject: CS>CS & kidney/renal failure 
Hi all
Is CS safe for patients with renal failure?
My friend who lives in Ireland is struggling to get medical care due to entire 
island collapsing. So hospitals are overflowing with sick patients but not 
enough beds. My friend is dying and i am so worried for his life.Does colloidal 
silver help or is it too hard for those with renal failure? This is an 
unfamiliar health area for me. 

Quote: "Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together." 
-Robert South 

Re: CS>OT - Lugol's solution 7%

2017-07-27 Thread
Smitty is  This used to be offered
in a 7% concentration and also in 2 oz bottles.  Havebought from this company 
several times over the lastfew years.  Their price, even with shipping is less 
thanother name brands, if memory serves. Now I only see it offered in a 5% 
concentration and only inthe 1 oz bottle.  This company is very accommodating 
and you can call them directly to inquire about the 7% andlarger bottles if you 
- Original Message -
From: Smitty 
Sent: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 17:04:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>OT - Lugol's solution 7%

Try Amazon...They have everything...
On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:54 AM, PT Ferrance  wrote:
Hi, Does anyone have a supplier for Lugol's 7% or at least a brand?  I 
originally purchased from Tel but that is sadly no longer an option.  I found 
it on ebay but am a little concerned about purchasing something like this on 
Thanks.  PT

Re: CS>Final choices of units?

2017-04-01 Thread
and these are the kind of comments and observations that have my eyes glazing 
and keep me buying cs from others.

I wish I was of a mechanical/scientific bent but, alas, no such luck.  I hope 
Ode is
ready for me when I finally purchase a Silver Puppy.  I am sure I will need a 
lot of
- Original Message -
From: Joe 
Sent: Sat, 01 Apr 2017 13:54:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Final choices of units?

Hello All
I have the Silver Puppy but an acquaintance told me of a machine that uses a 
silver coin-sized electrode...lasts forever and produces fine particles. The 
name escapes me. 
If anyone can recommend a "cornerstone" document or book explaining the art and 
science of CS, I'd appreciate knowing that. For example, I don't understand 
"... I do like some of the info on the reducing agents to get colloidal silver 
versus ion silver and found that info interesting." Is CS made from the 
complete silver atom and ionic from the stripped, charged ions formed from 
silver atoms? Why is one better than the other? From a good cornerstone 
document I can branch out from there. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 31, 2017, at 3:51 PM, Top Dog  wrote:
> I do like some of the info on the reducing agents to get colloidal silver 
> versus ion silver and found that info interesting. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-31 Thread
Smitty... I so appreciate the link and the information about Tel tho I was 
that something like this had happened to him.  Very sad  he was always so 
kindto me.Lola
- Original Message -
From: Smitty <>
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 22:13:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

Tel died last year at 75.

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 3:37 PM,<> 
Thanks for the facebook page for Tel.  I agree... it seems no current posts nor 
any postssince 2012.  Gosh... I am terrible about time passing but I guess it 
could have been thatlong since I talked to Tel or purchased anything from him.  
Just hope he is okay. I was sure up the creek when I couldn't raise Tel and had 
no where to turn to purchaseCS.  Jerry Durand was kind enough to come to my 
rescue.  He too makes an excellentproduct... also a CS gel that is very handy.  
I keep promising myself that I am going topurchase a Silver Puppy and make my 
own 'brew' but here I am... still buying.  lol Folks like Jerry and Tel just 
make it too convenient to buy instead of making our own CS.Lola
- Original Message -
From: Smitty <>
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 21:10:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

Tel's Facebook...may not be up to date...

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 2:36 PM,<> 
Thank you, Brickeyk  Tel it was.  I sure am sorry that he has moved and 
'closed up shop'.  He
had some excellent products and often contributed/shared information on CS with 
the group.Lola
- Original Message -
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 19:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

Tel Tofelmire. I used his black salve on a crusty growth on top of my ear. 
Covered it with 1/2 a band aid for 1 day. 1/2 was loose and would not stick 
to my ear. My wife grabbed the loose band aid end and the crusty growth 
with  long roots came out. Tel divorced his wife and moved from Verde 
river, Arizona and I lost contac with him. He used a Indian recipe 
to make his salve.Brickey In a message dated 3/30/2017 3:33:53 P.M. Pacific 
Daylight Time, writes:purchased iodine and CS from him and they were both 
 quality.  Mymemory isn't what it used to can't remember his name 
 now.  Tol??  was that 

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread
Thanks for the facebook page for Tel.  I agree... it seems no current posts nor 
any posts since 2012.  Gosh... I am terrible about time passing but I guess it 
could have been thatlong since I talked to Tel or purchased anything from him.  
Just hope he is okay. I was sure up the creek when I couldn't raise Tel and had 
no where to turn to purchaseCS.  Jerry Durand was kind enough to come to my 
rescue.  He too makes an excellentproduct... also a CS gel that is very handy.  
I keep promising myself that I am going topurchase a Silver Puppy and make my 
own 'brew' but here I am... still buying.  lol  Folks like Jerry and Tel just 
make it too convenient to buy instead of making our own CS.Lola
- Original Message -
From: Smitty <>
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 21:10:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

Tel's Facebook...may not be up to date...

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 2:36 PM,<> 
Thank you, Brickeyk  Tel it was.  I sure am sorry that he has moved and 
'closed up shop'.  He
had some excellent products and often contributed/shared information on CS with 
the group.Lola
- Original Message -
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 19:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

Tel Tofelmire. I used his black salve on a crusty growth on top of my ear. 
Covered it with 1/2 a band aid for 1 day. 1/2 was loose and would not stick 
to my ear. My wife grabbed the loose band aid end and the crusty growth 
with  long roots came out. Tel divorced his wife and moved from Verde 
river, Arizona and I lost contac with him. He used a Indian recipe 
to make his salve.Brickey In a message dated 3/30/2017 3:33:53 P.M. Pacific 
Daylight Time, writes:purchased iodine and CS from him and they were both 
 quality.  Mymemory isn't what it used to can't remember his name 
 now.  Tol??  was that 

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread
Thank you, Brickeyk  Tel it was.  I sure am sorry that he has moved and 
'closed up shop'.  He
had some excellent products and often contributed/shared information on CS with 
the group.Lola
- Original Message -
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 19:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

Tel Tofelmire. I used his black salve on a crusty growth on top of my ear. 
Covered it with 1/2 a band aid for 1 day. 1/2 was loose and would not stick 
to my ear. My wife grabbed the loose band aid end and the crusty growth 
with  long roots came out. Tel divorced his wife and moved from Verde 
river, Arizona and I lost contac with him. He used a Indian recipe 
to make his salve.Brickey In a message dated 3/30/2017 3:33:53 P.M. Pacific 
Daylight Time, writes:purchased iodine and CS from him and they were both 
 quality.  Mymemory isn't what it used to can't remember his name 
 now.  Tol??  was that 

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread
Melisse.. the quailwood site was run by an elderly gentleman in either Arizona 
or New Mexico.. can't
remember now.  I purchased iodine and CS from him and they were both excellent 
quality.  My memory isn't what it used to can't remember his name 
now.  Tol??  was that it? Anyhow, when I went back to his site to order CS a yr 
or so ago, it was closed down and there was no answer when I called his number. 
 Like I said, he was elderly.  I don't know if he has just retired or what?  I 
think a lot of us tried 'hollering' at him on this site at the time and 
again... no response.Lola
- Original Message -
From: Melisse Gamache 
Sent: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 15:23:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve

unable to open quailwoodherbal site. 
On Mar 30, 2017 12:18 PM, "bob Larson"  wrote:
did it work?

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 30, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Lena Guyot  wrote:

Hi Dan,I've got my black slave from:Quailwood HerbalDewey, AZ 86327
They came well-recommended to me and I was impressed with their very thorough 
enclosed instructions.Be well,Léna
On Mar 30, 2017, at 12:49 AM, Dan Nave wrote:Does anyone have recommendations 
for where to purchase Black Salve?  What are the qualities of the Black Salve 
you recommend that make it different than any other one, if you know?
Thanks,  Dan

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread
But now that Google has removed the entity in question, there is nothing to
research or discern?  Whose agenda does that serve?  By the way, I agree with
- Original Message -
From: Jason 
Sent: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:37:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

...and furthermore, if we don't each take the time to research and 
understand what is going on, then we are only being manipulated to serve 
someone else's agenda.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:
> Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow 
> On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:
>> Hi Bob:
>> I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
>> grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.
>> ...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
>> fact, it's laughably ridiculous:
>> ...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
>> money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.
>> On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:
>>> the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
>>> their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
>>> before in other sesrch engines?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George >> > wrote:
 Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
 to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
 are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
 on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
 of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
 direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
 perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
 those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
 are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
 conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
 ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
 religion but spirituality !
 Peace, love and hugs
 An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! 
 Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
 Topical Gel & Eye Drops

>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New guy. Craig

2017-02-22 Thread
Years ago when broad spectrum antibiotics appeared on the scene, I asked my 
doctor what the
deal was.  He explained to me that there are gram negative bacteria and gram 
positive bacteriaand broad spectrum antibiotics could 'attack' both types, not 
just one type. Before the advent of broad spectrum antibiotics, my doc used to 
tell me to be sure and call theoffice after a few days if I wasn't feeling 
better (not well...just better) after he had prescribed me anantibiotic.  The 
reason?  he would have guessed wrong about which antibiotic to give me... 
onethat was for gram negative or gram positive bacteria.  By the way, I seemed 
to be most susceptibleto gram negative bacteria.  Gram negative bacteria used 
to be treated with sulpha type drugs for instanceand gram positive bacteria 
with penicillin type antibiotics.  I trust someone will correct me if mymemory 
has proven faulty.   :)Lola
- Original Message -
From: okierspike 
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 19:30:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>New guy. Craig

Negative gram never heard that term i love to learn. Thanks

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

 Original message From: Patricia Cassidy 
Date: 2/21/17 1:15 PM (GMT-06:00)To: 
silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: CS>New guy day 1
let us know your results pls.  : )

On 2/21/2017 11:50 AM, okierspike

I'm interested in injecting cattle with cs.  I know what the
 fda has to say about it

Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

2017-02-22 Thread
You are welcome, PT.  Just a note for anyone who thinks they can just ingest 
plain licorice.  Licorice can effect blood pressure ... high?? or low?? don't 
remembersince it has been a while since I did the research.  The DGL takes care 
of that sideeffect.Lola
- Original Message -
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 17:40:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

 body {height: 100%; color:#00; font-size:12pt; font-family:times new 
roman, new york, times, serif;}Hi, PT...  DGL stands for deglycyrrhizinated 
licorice extract.  I think Enzymatic makes a good
one.  Do research it... google (I use startpage)'alternative/natural cures for 
H Pylori' and see what comesup for you.  You can also ck out reviews on Amazon, 
Vitacost, Iherb, Swansons etc.  I think Solaraymakes a good mastic gum product. 
  Maybe someone on the list can make recommendations also?Lola
- Original Message -
From: PT Ferrance <>
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 16:28:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

Thank you, Lola.What is DGL?PT

From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

You might research Mastic Gum and DGL for H. Pylori.  They are recommended by 
someas a good alternative to the usual antibiotic protocol (which often doesn't 
eradicate theH. Pylori).  I don't think CS would be contraindicated while using 
these two naturalproducts but I have no first hand experience in treating H. 
Pylori so do your due diligence(as always).Lola- Original Message 
-From: PT Ferrance <>To: Silver-List 
<>Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 13:47:35 -0500 (EST)Subject: 
CS>OT - h. PyloriHi,  Does anyone have any good approaches to dealing with h. 
Pylori infection?  Has anyone had experience with CS and this bug?Thanks.PT 
Rev. PT Ferrance, L.Ac.

Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

2017-02-22 Thread
Hi, PT...  DGL stands for deglycyrrhizinated licorice extract.  I think 
Enzymatic makes a good
one.  Do research it... google (I use startpage)'alternative/natural cures for 
H Pylori' and see what comes up for you.  You can also ck out reviews on 
Amazon, Vitacost, Iherb, Swansons etc.  I think Solaray makes a good mastic gum 
product.   Maybe someone on the list can make recommendations also?Lola
- Original Message -
From: PT Ferrance <>
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 16:28:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

Thank you, Lola.What is DGL?PT

From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

You might research Mastic Gum and DGL for H. Pylori.  They are recommended by 
someas a good alternative to the usual antibiotic protocol (which often doesn't 
eradicate theH. Pylori).  I don't think CS would be contraindicated while using 
these two naturalproducts but I have no first hand experience in treating H. 
Pylori so do your due diligence(as always).Lola- Original Message 
-From: PT Ferrance <>To: Silver-List 
<>Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 13:47:35 -0500 (EST)Subject: 
CS>OT - h. PyloriHi,  Does anyone have any good approaches to dealing with h. 
Pylori infection?  Has anyone had experience with CS and this bug?Thanks.PT 
Rev. PT Ferrance, L.Ac.

Re: CS>OT - h. Pylori

2017-02-22 Thread
You might research Mastic Gum and DGL for H. Pylori.  They are recommended by 
someas a good alternative to the usual antibiotic protocol (which often doesn't 
eradicate theH. Pylori).  I don't think CS would be contraindicated while using 
these two naturalproducts but I have no first hand experience in treating H. 
Pylori so do your due diligence(as always).Lola
- Original Message -
From: PT Ferrance 
To: Silver-List 
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 13:47:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CS>OT - h. Pylori

Hi,  Does anyone have any good approaches to dealing with h. Pylori infection?  

Has anyone had experience with CS and this bug?Thanks.PT Rev. PT Ferrance, L.Ac.

Re: CS>question on H Pylori

2016-11-13 Thread
Hi, christel...  My understanding is that DGL and Mastic Gum can help to clear 
up H pylori.  You can
probably google alternative treatments of H pylori and find the protocol for 
using these two products.Lola
- Original Message -
Sent: Sun, 13 Nov 2016 15:02:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CS>question on H Pylori

Does anyone know if h pylori can be treated without the 20 antibiotics they 
want me to take?Thank youchristel

Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex

2016-08-31 Thread
Jess... some say that CS doesn't kill good bacteria.  I have no opinion.  I 
tend to
take probiotics all the time, doubling/tripling my dosage if I am fighting an 
which is a rarity.

I like Pb 8 brand for it's affordability and 'spike' it with the Nutricology 
brand of
Saccharomyces boulardii.  Nutricology is a little pricey but you will get a 
product since Nutricology independently tests every supplement that they sell 
for efficacy
and purity.  And no.. I am not affiliated with
- Original Message -
From: Jess <>
Sent: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 22:07:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex

Thanks Lola I was wondering if cs kills good bacteria too.  Jess

> On Aug 31, 2016, at 1:56 PM, "" <> 
> wrote:
> Jess... I have AM supplements I take and PM supplements.  I usually take a 
> probiotic
> each AM and each PM whether I am taking antibiotics/colloidal silver or not.  
> I usually
> take my CS 1/2 hr or so before lunch and/or dinner because I like to take it 
> on an empty
> stomach.  So.. that means I would be taking the probiotics in the AM a few 
> hours before
> the CS and taking CS in the afternoon an hour or so before dinner and my PM 
> supplements.
> Others may share their favored routine.
> Lola
> - Original Message -
> From: Jess <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 16:43:06 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex
> Lola how much time between the probiotics and taking the silver water? Jess
>> On Aug 30, 2016, at 7:19 PM, "" <> 
>> wrote:
>> Just a head's up It is always a good idea to take tons of probiotics 
>> when taking
>> any antibiotic.  And antibiotics do have their place in the grand scheme of 
>> things.
>> Lola
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Floyd Petri <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 21:47:23 -0400 (EDT)
>> Subject: RE: CS>CS instead of Keflex
>> Also Keflex is a good antibiotic. When I was a police officer I went to work 
>> many a day sick. I would stop by my Doctor's office and he would pump me up 
>> with Keflex and give me a prescription for them to take also. I took the 
>> Keflex because I was allergic to Penicillin. This was years before I ever 
>> heard of CS. Now I would say this. The wagon trains in the 1800's always put 
>> a silver dollar in their water barrels to make the trip from the East Coast 
>> to the West Coast. It kept their water sanitary or purified or something. It 
>> all makes sense now since the Romans did it too.
>> If you have streaks going up your leg if it was me to be safe I would take 
>> the Keflex for the inside. Take CS inside also and CS for the outside and 
>> put the cream and bandages on top after the CS dries. I always lay on the 
>> bed and have a fan dry it. Then I wet the bandage with CS and let the fan 
>> dry it and the silver kinda stays in the bandage to kill germs.
>> Floyd
>> -Original Message-
>> From: cassidy []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:43 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex
>> Thank you Floyd... you did exactly what the doc told me to do if i ever
>> have this problem again.  Its been about 4 weeks since I injured it and
>> it had turned totally black and i was getting red streaks which
>> indicated infection.  If I had known about the drill thing .. that would
>> have been great.  :/ tks for responding.  I'm gonna do the silver and
>> leave those pills in the bottle.
>>> On 8/30/2016 6:49 PM, Floyd Petri wrote:
>>> In 1962 while in SAC I dropped a heavy object on my big toe. I thought that 
>>> I would ride it out at home. Well after a few hours I thought that the toe 
>>> was going to explode and that I was going to die. I got the smallest drill 
>>> bit that I could find and I drilled a hole right in the center of the toe 
>>> nail. Blood shot all the way to the ceiling and it was over. I plugged the 
>>> hole with glue and the next morning I went to work on the Base and never 
>>> had a bit of trouble. I even saved the toe nail. Today I have a toe nail 
>>> fungus that the VA has prescribed every low bid salve and pill kn

Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex

2016-08-31 Thread
Jess... I have AM supplements I take and PM supplements.  I usually take a 
each AM and each PM whether I am taking antibiotics/colloidal silver or not.  I 
take my CS 1/2 hr or so before lunch and/or dinner because I like to take it on 
an empty
stomach.  So.. that means I would be taking the probiotics in the AM a few 
hours before
the CS and taking CS in the afternoon an hour or so before dinner and my PM 
Others may share their favored routine.
- Original Message -
From: Jess <>
Sent: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 16:43:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex

Lola how much time between the probiotics and taking the silver water? Jess

> On Aug 30, 2016, at 7:19 PM, "" <> 
> wrote:
> Just a head's up It is always a good idea to take tons of probiotics when 
> taking
> any antibiotic.  And antibiotics do have their place in the grand scheme of 
> things.
> Lola
> - Original Message -
> From: Floyd Petri <>
> To:
> Sent: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 21:47:23 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: RE: CS>CS instead of Keflex
> Also Keflex is a good antibiotic. When I was a police officer I went to work 
> many a day sick. I would stop by my Doctor's office and he would pump me up 
> with Keflex and give me a prescription for them to take also. I took the 
> Keflex because I was allergic to Penicillin. This was years before I ever 
> heard of CS. Now I would say this. The wagon trains in the 1800's always put 
> a silver dollar in their water barrels to make the trip from the East Coast 
> to the West Coast. It kept their water sanitary or purified or something. It 
> all makes sense now since the Romans did it too.
> If you have streaks going up your leg if it was me to be safe I would take 
> the Keflex for the inside. Take CS inside also and CS for the outside and put 
> the cream and bandages on top after the CS dries. I always lay on the bed and 
> have a fan dry it. Then I wet the bandage with CS and let the fan dry it and 
> the silver kinda stays in the bandage to kill germs.
> Floyd
> -Original Message-
> From: cassidy []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex
> Thank you Floyd... you did exactly what the doc told me to do if i ever
> have this problem again.  Its been about 4 weeks since I injured it and
> it had turned totally black and i was getting red streaks which
> indicated infection.  If I had known about the drill thing .. that would
> have been great.  :/ tks for responding.  I'm gonna do the silver and
> leave those pills in the bottle.
>> On 8/30/2016 6:49 PM, Floyd Petri wrote:
>> In 1962 while in SAC I dropped a heavy object on my big toe. I thought that 
>> I would ride it out at home. Well after a few hours I thought that the toe 
>> was going to explode and that I was going to die. I got the smallest drill 
>> bit that I could find and I drilled a hole right in the center of the toe 
>> nail. Blood shot all the way to the ceiling and it was over. I plugged the 
>> hole with glue and the next morning I went to work on the Base and never had 
>> a bit of trouble. I even saved the toe nail. Today I have a toe nail fungus 
>> that the VA has prescribed every low bid salve and pill known to man and has 
>> not even put a dent into it for years. I am 73 years old and I discovered 
>> CS. I have been using only CS and it has almost killed it completely. 
>> Remember no germ or virus can live in CS for over 7 minutes so I have been 
>> told and so I have verified for myself. I have out of control diabetes and I 
>> am blind. I trip and fall a lot. I have done serious injury to my toes 
>> several times. The Doctor at the VA bandaged them up and gave me antibiotics 
>> and a antibiotic cream and after months they just got worst and the Doctor 
>> said don't worry until they turn black and fall off. Well they were already 
>> black and I was waiting for them to fall off when I decided to use CS. Well 
>> they started getting better now. Since they had big gaping wounds I decided 
>> to use CS and they started getting better. What works for me may not work 
>> for you, but I am satisfied.
>> Floyd
>> -Original Message-
>> From: cassidy []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:17 PM
>> To: silver list
>> Subject: CS>CS instead of Keflex
>> Opinions please.  I Dropped a heavy object on my big t

RE: CS>CS instead of Keflex

2016-08-30 Thread
Just a head's up It is always a good idea to take tons of probiotics when 
any antibiotic.  And antibiotics do have their place in the grand scheme of 
- Original Message -
From: Floyd Petri 
Sent: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 21:47:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: CS>CS instead of Keflex

Also Keflex is a good antibiotic. When I was a police officer I went to work 
many a day sick. I would stop by my Doctor's office and he would pump me up 
with Keflex and give me a prescription for them to take also. I took the Keflex 
because I was allergic to Penicillin. This was years before I ever heard of CS. 
Now I would say this. The wagon trains in the 1800's always put a silver dollar 
in their water barrels to make the trip from the East Coast to the West Coast. 
It kept their water sanitary or purified or something. It all makes sense now 
since the Romans did it too.

If you have streaks going up your leg if it was me to be safe I would take the 
Keflex for the inside. Take CS inside also and CS for the outside and put the 
cream and bandages on top after the CS dries. I always lay on the bed and have 
a fan dry it. Then I wet the bandage with CS and let the fan dry it and the 
silver kinda stays in the bandage to kill germs.


-Original Message-
From: cassidy []
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS instead of Keflex

Thank you Floyd... you did exactly what the doc told me to do if i ever
have this problem again.  Its been about 4 weeks since I injured it and
it had turned totally black and i was getting red streaks which
indicated infection.  If I had known about the drill thing .. that would
have been great.  :/ tks for responding.  I'm gonna do the silver and
leave those pills in the bottle.

On 8/30/2016 6:49 PM, Floyd Petri wrote:
> In 1962 while in SAC I dropped a heavy object on my big toe. I thought that I 
> would ride it out at home. Well after a few hours I thought that the toe was 
> going to explode and that I was going to die. I got the smallest drill bit 
> that I could find and I drilled a hole right in the center of the toe nail. 
> Blood shot all the way to the ceiling and it was over. I plugged the hole 
> with glue and the next morning I went to work on the Base and never had a bit 
> of trouble. I even saved the toe nail. Today I have a toe nail fungus that 
> the VA has prescribed every low bid salve and pill known to man and has not 
> even put a dent into it for years. I am 73 years old and I discovered CS. I 
> have been using only CS and it has almost killed it completely. Remember no 
> germ or virus can live in CS for over 7 minutes so I have been told and so I 
> have verified for myself. I have out of control diabetes and I am blind. I 
> trip and fall a lot. I have done serious injury to my toes several times. The 
> Doctor at the VA bandaged them up and gave me antibiotics and a antibiotic 
> cream and after months they just got worst and the Doctor said don't worry 
> until they turn black and fall off. Well they were already black and I was 
> waiting for them to fall off when I decided to use CS. Well they started 
> getting better now. Since they had big gaping wounds I decided to use CS and 
> they started getting better. What works for me may not work for you, but I am 
> satisfied.
> Floyd
> -Original Message-
> From: cassidy []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:17 PM
> To: silver list
> Subject: CS>CS instead of Keflex
> Opinions please.  I Dropped a heavy object on my big toetoenail had
> to be removed.   Doc gave me Keflex 500 mg 2x a day for 10 days.. plus
> antibiotic cream to start in 7 days.  You guys think I would be safe to
> just put CS on it and also drink it a couple times a day.  I don't mine
> the cream but dang those pills really mess me up.  :/   Tks   Pat
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-03 Thread
Gail.. I agree about it not necessarily hurting anything (upside down).  Just 
seem very logical to me.  But.. what do I know?  LOL.  Let us know how your 
skillet turns
out, okay?
- Original Message -
Sent: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 15:22:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware


Thank u again!   My grandson says u can learn how to do anything u need to do 
on the internet,  but I like to be able to interact with the person and ask 
question back and forth.  I was thinking the same thing as u about why season 
the outside of the pan but did it cuz they said to.  I doubt if it really hurts 
one way or the other.  No clue tho as why u turn it upside down.  I'm going to 
go turn it right side up now. Lol


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 3, 2016, at 12:10 PM, "" <> 
> wrote:
> Gail. I have never seasoned my skillet(s) by putting them in the oven, 
> upside-down.  When
> I googled 'seasoning an iron skillet' and read a few posts, I saw that most 
> of them suggested
> this upside down thing.  They also recommended 'oiling' the skillet both on 
> the inside and
> on the outside of the pan.  I think that is why they suggest turning the 
> skillet upside down. 
> .. to catch any drips from this outside application. This seems kind of 
> defeating the point
> of seasoning the inside of the skillet which is to let the oil/grease soak 
> into the cooking area,
> right?  But, maybe that is just me and my reasoning.   
> They also recommend some high temps but
> less 'baking' time.  To be honest, I have never heard of seasoning the 
> outside of an iron 
> skillet.  Maybe someone else in the group has but I never have.  Not that it 
> is wrong necessarily,
> but it sure is different.  lol  Remember, whatever you do, whichever method 
> you choose, you can
> always reseason the skillet as often as you like.  Just don't let the 
> oil/grease build up and get
> 'tacky' on you.
> Lola
> - Original Message -
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 14:50:43 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware
> Lola,
> Thank u for the response.   But do u put ur skillet in the oven upside down 
> or right side up was what I really wanted to know?
> I did Google as well and decided to put it upside down at 250 degrees.   But 
> is upside down actually necessary I'm wonderingly?
> Gail
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 11:07 AM, "" <> 
>> wrote:
>> I googled 'seasoning iron skillet'  and there are all kinds of instructions 
>> 'out there'.
>> As I said, I am just a city transplant to the country and have had to depend 
>> on mother-in
>> -law and friends to 'educate' me about tending livestock, gardening, 
>> canning, sewing and
>> crocheting and cooking from scratch.  And I thank them all for their 
>> patience and 
>> expertise.  
>> There was a learning curve of course and, looking back, I am sure I was the 
>> source of 
>> politely concealed amusement at times. The most consistent response that I 
>> would receive
>> to my questions was usually met with the question   "You did what?"  
>> Best advice?
>> Get how-to information before tackling something, not afterwards or in the 
>> middle of. 
>> So.. no internet 30 - 40 yrs ago, just word of mouth and sharing.  The low 
>> temp and long
>> 'bake' time was from my mother-in-law and it has worked so far for me.  I am 
>> sure that, as
>> they say, there is more than one way to 'skin a cat' or season a skillet so 
>> what ever works 
>> for a person is the protocol they should follow.
>> Oh.. just another hint that mother-in-law shared with me.  She always said 
>> to never give up
>> on a piece of cast iron cookware.  If a piece seems to have hopelessly caked 
>> on old frying
>> crud, especially on the outside, she said you could put it in a fire (like a 
>> fireplace) and
>> when the skillet/piece gets really, really hot, the crud will be baked off 
>> and any residue that
>> is left can be easily scraped off.  Now, I have never had to try that but I 
>> never forgot
>> her telling me that.   I have often wondered what the melt point is for an 
>> iron skillet and at
>> what temperature it would become a blob of molten metal? I don't think most 
>> fireplaces or wood-
>> stoves can get that hot tho.
>> Lola
>> - Original Message -

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-03 Thread
Gail. I have never seasoned my skillet(s) by putting them in the oven, 
upside-down.  When
I googled 'seasoning an iron skillet' and read a few posts, I saw that most of 
them suggested
this upside down thing.  They also recommended 'oiling' the skillet both on the 
inside and
on the outside of the pan.  I think that is why they suggest turning the 
skillet upside down. 
.. to catch any drips from this outside application. This seems kind of 
defeating the point
of seasoning the inside of the skillet which is to let the oil/grease soak into 
the cooking area,
right?  But, maybe that is just me and my reasoning.   

They also recommend some high temps but
less 'baking' time.  To be honest, I have never heard of seasoning the outside 
of an iron 
skillet.  Maybe someone else in the group has but I never have.  Not that it is 
wrong necessarily,
but it sure is different.  lol  Remember, whatever you do, whichever method you 
choose, you can
always reseason the skillet as often as you like.  Just don't let the 
oil/grease build up and get
'tacky' on you.
- Original Message -
Sent: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 14:50:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware


Thank u for the response.   But do u put ur skillet in the oven upside down or 
right side up was what I really wanted to know?

I did Google as well and decided to put it upside down at 250 degrees.   But is 
upside down actually necessary I'm wonderingly?


Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 3, 2016, at 11:07 AM, "" <> 
> wrote:
> I googled 'seasoning iron skillet'  and there are all kinds of instructions 
> 'out there'.
> As I said, I am just a city transplant to the country and have had to depend 
> on mother-in
> -law and friends to 'educate' me about tending livestock, gardening, canning, 
> sewing and
> crocheting and cooking from scratch.  And I thank them all for their patience 
> and 
> expertise.  
> There was a learning curve of course and, looking back, I am sure I was the 
> source of 
> politely concealed amusement at times. The most consistent response that I 
> would receive
> to my questions was usually met with the question   "You did what?"  Best 
> advice?
> Get how-to information before tackling something, not afterwards or in the 
> middle of. 
> So.. no internet 30 - 40 yrs ago, just word of mouth and sharing.  The low 
> temp and long
> 'bake' time was from my mother-in-law and it has worked so far for me.  I am 
> sure that, as
> they say, there is more than one way to 'skin a cat' or season a skillet so 
> what ever works 
> for a person is the protocol they should follow.
> Oh.. just another hint that mother-in-law shared with me.  She always said to 
> never give up
> on a piece of cast iron cookware.  If a piece seems to have hopelessly caked 
> on old frying
> crud, especially on the outside, she said you could put it in a fire (like a 
> fireplace) and
> when the skillet/piece gets really, really hot, the crud will be baked off 
> and any residue that
> is left can be easily scraped off.  Now, I have never had to try that but I 
> never forgot
> her telling me that.   I have often wondered what the melt point is for an 
> iron skillet and at
> what temperature it would become a blob of molten metal? I don't think most 
> fireplaces or wood-
> stoves can get that hot tho.
> Lola
> - Original Message -
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 11:55:25 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware
> Cassidy,
> The skillets are old/used and don't even know where I got them, maybe a yard 
> sale or something.   
> I'm trying to season one now but wanted to sake r u suppose to put the 
> skillet upside down in the over or right side up?  The reason I'm asking is 
> because I just googled what temp to use as there were a couple suggestion and 
> I wanted to get it right.  The website I just looked at said 325, so now I 
> have three options. Lol.  But it was suggested turning the skillet upside 
> down in the oven.  The thought never occurred to me.
> Anybody that seasons their skillets are also welcomed to chime in.  Y'all 
> know more than me for sure.
> Gail
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jun 2, 2016, at 7:42 PM, cassidy <> wrote:
>> there should be instructions on the iron skillet when you purchase it.  You 
>> just coat it with crisco or coconut oil . inside and outside - .be sure to 
>> set it on a baking pan when you put in the oven so no drips on your oven..  
>> I seasoned mine at a higher temperature... seems like 400-450 for ab

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-03 Thread
I googled 'seasoning iron skillet'  and there are all kinds of instructions 
'out there'.
As I said, I am just a city transplant to the country and have had to depend on 
-law and friends to 'educate' me about tending livestock, gardening, canning, 
sewing and
crocheting and cooking from scratch.  And I thank them all for their patience 

There was a learning curve of course and, looking back, I am sure I was the 
source of 
politely concealed amusement at times. The most consistent response that I 
would receive
to my questions was usually met with the question   "You did what?"  Best 
Get how-to information before tackling something, not afterwards or in the 
middle of. 

So.. no internet 30 - 40 yrs ago, just word of mouth and sharing.  The low temp 
and long
'bake' time was from my mother-in-law and it has worked so far for me.  I am 
sure that, as
they say, there is more than one way to 'skin a cat' or season a skillet so 
what ever works 
for a person is the protocol they should follow.

Oh.. just another hint that mother-in-law shared with me.  She always said to 
never give up
on a piece of cast iron cookware.  If a piece seems to have hopelessly caked on 
old frying
crud, especially on the outside, she said you could put it in a fire (like a 
fireplace) and
when the skillet/piece gets really, really hot, the crud will be baked off and 
any residue that
is left can be easily scraped off.  Now, I have never had to try that but I 
never forgot
her telling me that.   I have often wondered what the melt point is for an iron 
skillet and at
what temperature it would become a blob of molten metal? I don't think most 
fireplaces or wood-
stoves can get that hot tho.
- Original Message -
Sent: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 11:55:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware


The skillets are old/used and don't even know where I got them, maybe a yard 
sale or something.   

I'm trying to season one now but wanted to sake r u suppose to put the skillet 
upside down in the over or right side up?  The reason I'm asking is because I 
just googled what temp to use as there were a couple suggestion and I wanted to 
get it right.  The website I just looked at said 325, so now I have three 
options. Lol.  But it was suggested turning the skillet upside down in the 
oven.  The thought never occurred to me.

Anybody that seasons their skillets are also welcomed to chime in.  Y'all know 
more than me for sure.


Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 2, 2016, at 7:42 PM, cassidy <> wrote:
> there should be instructions on the iron skillet when you purchase it.  You 
> just coat it with crisco or coconut oil . inside and outside - .be sure to 
> set it on a baking pan when you put in the oven so no drips on your oven..  I 
> seasoned mine at a higher temperature... seems like 400-450 for about 6 hrs 
> ..never wash with soap .  and when you clean it .. then sit it on a hot 
> burner to dry it and wipe with oil before putting away.  Awesome.  My skillet 
> is really old... about 50 yrs.  they never wear out .. this is something you 
> pass on to your kids .  I have some of my mom's pieces.
>> On 6/2/2016 5:50 PM, wrote:
>> Hi Lola,
>> I'm just curious, when baking the skillet, does the Crisco smoke up the 
>> oven?   If so, do u cover the skillet to keep it from escaping?
>> Thanks,
>> Gail
>> Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast iron skillet.  Used to... you 
>> would
>> slather up the skillet up real good with Crisco (this was back before 
>> trans-fats were
>> frowned upon) and put it in a 200 - 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You 
>> would
>> wipe out any excess, unabsorbed Crisco and you would be good to go. You never
>> wanted that skillet to 'dry out' during that baking time and would add extra 
>> Crisco
>> if need be.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 31, 2016, at 8:41 PM, "" <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast iron skillet.  Used to... you 
>>> would
>>> slather up the skillet up real good with Crisco (this was back before 
>>> trans-fats were
>>> frowned upon) and put it in a 200 - 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You 
>>> would
>>> wipe out any excess, unabsorbed Crisco and you would be good to go. You 
>>> never
>>> wanted that skillet to 'dry out' during that baking time and would add 
>>> extra Crisco
>>> if need be.
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-02 Thread
Hi, Gail...  when you are seasoning the skillet, the low temp (200 - 250) 
doesn't seem to 
generate enough heat to make the Crisco smoke or, at least, that has been my 
The skillet will be absorbing the oil/grease etc and you really don't want a 
smoky flavor
imparted to the skillet.  You don't want the skillet to be 'dry' but you don't 
want the
oil/grease to be in puddles either. You don't want to use an oil or grease that 
has a 
low smoke point regardless.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thu, 02 Jun 2016 18:50:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

Hi Lola,

I'm just curious, when baking the skillet, does the Crisco smoke up the oven?   
If so, do u cover the skillet to keep it from escaping?



Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast iron skillet.  Used to... you would
slather up the skillet up real good with Crisco (this was back before 
trans-fats were
frowned upon) and put it in a 200 - 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You 
wipe out any excess, unabsorbed Crisco and you would be good to go. You never 
wanted that skillet to 'dry out' during that baking time and would add extra 
if need be. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 31, 2016, at 8:41 PM, "" <> 
> wrote:
> Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast iron skillet.  Used to... you would
> slather up the skillet up real good with Crisco (this was back before 
> trans-fats were
> frowned upon) and put it in a 200 - 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You 
> would
> wipe out any excess, unabsorbed Crisco and you would be good to go. You never 
> wanted that skillet to 'dry out' during that baking time and would add extra 
> Crisco
> if need be. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-01 Thread
Jean.. too funny.  I thought I was a pretty good cook until hubby moved us all
to the country.  Boy, did I find out how much I didn't know.  Thank goodness for
my sweet mother-in-law.  She had the patience of a saint.  
- Original Message -
From: Jean Baugh <>
Sent: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 15:34:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>Non Stick Cookware


I eliminate browning the bottom of cornbread by letting the cast iron
skillet get to smoking (using bacon grease), pouring the cornbread into
the skillet and letting it bubble before placing it in the oven.  Cook
until the top is the color you like and that¹s it; top and bottom are done.

Of course this is from a person who once proudly cooked their first
Thanksgiving turkey for the whole family, not knowing there were innards
in there, and no clue that cloves in the pumpkin pie meant ground cloves.



>I have an iron skillet that is dedicated to baking cornbread and
>cornbread only.  You
>melt a good blob of lard/butter/coconut oil (the times have
> in a hot oven in
>your iron skillet, pull it out of the oven, pour in your batter.  Let it
>bake for 20 - 
>25 mins til set, remove from oven.  Cover the pan with a plate, invert
>the cake of 
>cornbread onto the plate and slip the cornbread back into the skillet,
>bottom-side up now.
>Continue to bake for another 10 - 15 mins.  Slide the cornbread out of
>the skillet onto 
>the serving plate.  Brush any crumbs out of the skillet and let cool
>before putting the
>skillet up.  I usually let it cool completely and then store it in a
>large Ziploc bag.  And
>I just dare anybody to use that skillet for anything but
> After 30 years,
>it is perfect.
>Lola, what temperature to u set the oven for this recipe?   Cast iron
>does seem to make things taste better.
>Sent from my iPad
>> On May 31, 2016, at 8:41 PM, ""
>><> wrote:
>> I have an iron skillet that is dedicated to baking cornbread and
>>cornbread only.  You
>> melt a good blob of lard/butter/coconut oil (the times have
>>  in a hot oven in
>> your iron skillet, pull it out of the oven, pour in your batter.  Let
>>it bake for 20 -
>> 25 mins til set, remove from oven.  Cover the pan with a plate, invert
>>the cake of
>> cornbread onto the plate and slip the cornbread back into the skillet,
>>bottom-side up now.
>> Continue to bake for another 10 - 15 mins.  Slide the cornbread out of
>>the skillet onto
>> the serving plate.  Brush any crumbs out of the skillet and let cool
>>before putting the
>> skillet up.  I usually let it cool completely and then store it in a
>>large Ziploc bag.  And
>> I just dare anybody to use that skillet for anything but
>> After 30 years,
>> it is perfect.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-01 Thread
Jerry... I was just reading up on those solar ovens and they sound intriguing 
and they are certainly reasonably priced.  I would have loved to have had one 
of those things when a hurricane blew thru here a few years back and we were
without electricity for 4 - 5 days.  They say to just think of it like it is
a slow cooker/crock pot but no
- Original Message -
From: Jerry Durand 
Sent: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 14:08:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

As long as we're on healthy, good tasting cooking...

We have a Sun Oven and can't believe what a nice job it does on things. 
Meats just somehow taste better!

Things like toss in a whole chicken* with next to nothing else in the
enameled covered rectangular pot, and after a few hours the skin is
browned, the chicken is falling off the bones (sometimes hart to pick it

Important thing with solar ovens, forget everything you know about
cooking temperatures (unless you have an Aga or such stove), just think
"cook until it's done" with maybe some version of "hot cooking" vs "cool

* (humor) I've found it is much better to take the chicken out of the
plastic bag first.  :)

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.
tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-01 Thread
Wanda.. just pulled Nannie's cornbread recipe card and read where you can also 
heat the 
skillet on the range top and melt the butter/coconut oil ect.  You want the 
hot enough so the cornbread mixture sizzles when you pour it into the  skillet.
You bake it at 350 degrees for 35 - 45 mins.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 13:57:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

I have an iron skillet that is dedicated to baking cornbread and cornbread 
only.  You
melt a good blob of lard/butter/coconut oil (the times have  in a 
hot oven in
your iron skillet, pull it out of the oven, pour in your batter.  Let it bake 
for 20 - 
25 mins til set, remove from oven.  Cover the pan with a plate, invert the cake 
cornbread onto the plate and slip the cornbread back into the skillet, 
bottom-side up now.  
Continue to bake for another 10 - 15 mins.  Slide the cornbread out of the 
skillet onto 
the serving plate.  Brush any crumbs out of the skillet and let cool before 
putting the 
skillet up.  I usually let it cool completely and then store it in a large 
Ziploc bag.  And
I just dare anybody to use that skillet for anything but 
After 30 years, 
it is perfect.

Lola, what temperature to u set the oven for this recipe?   Cast iron does seem 
to make things taste better.


Sent from my iPad

> On May 31, 2016, at 8:41 PM, "" <> 
> wrote:
> I have an iron skillet that is dedicated to baking cornbread and cornbread 
> only.  You
> melt a good blob of lard/butter/coconut oil (the times have  in 
> a hot oven in
> your iron skillet, pull it out of the oven, pour in your batter.  Let it bake 
> for 20 -
> 25 mins til set, remove from oven.  Cover the pan with a plate, invert the 
> cake of
> cornbread onto the plate and slip the cornbread back into the skillet, 
> bottom-side up now. 
> Continue to bake for another 10 - 15 mins.  Slide the cornbread out of the 
> skillet onto
> the serving plate.  Brush any crumbs out of the skillet and let cool before 
> putting the
> skillet up.  I usually let it cool completely and then store it in a large 
> Ziploc bag.  And
> I just dare anybody to use that skillet for anything but 
> After 30 years,
> it is perfect.
> Lola

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-05-31 Thread
My dear mother-in-law introduced me to the 'joys' of cooking with good old cast
iron cookware back when I was a dumb, young bride.  How dumb was I (and a 
citygirl to boot)?  She sent some fresh picked corn on the cob to me via hubby 
and Iboiled it for 40 mins.  Had no clue how long to cook it since I had never, 
ever fixedfresh corn before. Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast 
iron skillet.  Used to... you would slather up the skillet up real good with 
Crisco (this was back before trans-fats were frowned upon) and put it in a 200 
- 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You wouldwipe out any excess, unabsorbed 
Crisco and you would be good to go. You never wanted that skillet to 'dry out' 
during that baking time and would add extra Criscoif need be.   As Jerry said, 
you never, ever used soap or abrasives except very sparingly and onlyas 
necessary.  If soap or abrasives were used by some weird circumstance, you 
wouldhave to reseason the skillet in the oven again.  Always dry it very well 
before puttingthe skillet/pan up because it can rust. I have an iron skillet 
that is dedicated to baking cornbread and cornbread only.  Youmelt a good blob 
of lard/butter/coconut oil (the times have  in a hot oven inyour 
iron skillet, pull it out of the oven, pour in your batter.  Let it bake for 20 
- 25 mins til set, remove from oven.  Cover the pan with a plate, invert the 
cake of cornbread onto the plate and slip the cornbread back into the skillet, 
bottom-side up now.  Continue to bake for another 10 - 15 mins.  Slide the 
cornbread out of the skillet onto the serving plate.  Brush any crumbs out of 
the skillet and let cool before putting the skillet up.  I usually let it cool 
completely and then store it in a large Ziploc bag.  AndI just dare anybody to 
use that skillet for anything but After 30 years, it is 
- Original Message -
From: Jerry Durand 
Sent: Tue, 31 May 2016 22:17:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

 I thought I should expand on this since the concept of cast iron
 seems foreign to many modern people.

 Never, ever use soap/detergent!

 You clean with a stainless scrubby ball (get from most grocery or
 hardware stores for $1 or two) and warm to hot water.  Dry
 completely and put away.

 New cast iron (even pre-seasoned) needs to be fully seasoned, you
 can either do this by just using it with a little extra oil/fat in
 it or do it all at once by baking in oil.  You can find instructions
 on the web.

 No soap!

On 05/31/2016 09:08 AM, Jerry Durand
Seasoned cast iron.  Best non-stick ever if you
 take care of it (like not washing the seasoning off).

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.
tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886
Skype:  jerrydurand 

Re: CS>distilled water

2016-05-19 Thread
Well, that answers that   Makes sense.  Thank you, John.
- Original Message -
From: jpopelish . <>
Sent: Thu, 19 May 2016 20:45:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>distilled water

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 5:07 PM,<> 
I am just 'blue-skying' here but... what about those water filters called 
'Zero' filters?  Could one of those be used to filter
distilled water to help remove any undesirables or would it add TDS amounts?
I know zip-doo-dah about distilled watersand/or filters.  Just wondering.Lola
​An ion exchange filter removes minerals and replaces them with water, 
so they are a good part of preparing water for your distiller (it will stay a 
lot cleaner).  
But they also greatly reduce the conductivity (TDS) of tap water, 
if you can't find distilled water to make CS.​

John Popelish

Re: CS>distilled water

2016-05-19 Thread
I am just 'blue-skying' here but... what about those water filters called 
'Zero' filters?  Could one of those be used to filter
distilled water to help remove any undesirables or would it add TDS amounts?
I know zip-doo-dah about distilled waters and/or filters.  Just wondering.Lola 
- Original Message -
From: Jean Baugh 
Sent: Thu, 19 May 2016 16:48:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>distilled water

What happened with Great Value/Wal-Mart distilled water was, it worked great in 
the CS machine but then I got a whiff of overwhelmingly offensive odor.  I have 
no idea how long this had been going on but it was enough to make me stop in my 
tracks.  I decided to go ahead and make another batch of CS but it too stank to 
high heaven.  I have never used another gallon of Great Value distilled water.  
All the gallons of distilled water and the new batch of CS were tossed.  The 
odor was in the plastic jugs.  Out of curiosity, am I the only one who has 
noticed this?
I think you all are right, when you find a good source of distilled water, stay 
with it.  In this case it will be Walgreens even if I have to pay triple.
Interesting thought that if distilled water was unavailable, rain water would 
probably work fine.  
Thank you,

 I agree. I have a TT distiller and find that I am much better off
 buying the DW.

 As I recall Jean got a bad batch from Walmart. I get "Great Value"
 distilled water there - steam D, microfil & ozonation with never
 a bad gallon. I have had a bad Arrowhead brand from Groc. store.

Might be worth trying Walmart again.


On 5/19/2016 2:17 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
Lots of people seem to like the "Love" table top

 Distillers require maintenance and you will run into the
 same circumstances as the commercial distillers.

 Source water counts.
 Minerals build up  
Boil over contaminates coils.
Volatiles come through first.

Rain water is natures purest as it is distilled by
 nature..but comes out of a dirty container that should be well
 rinsed before using. [Let it rain a while before collecting]


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 9:14 PM, Jean
I called the toll free phone number of Clover Valley
 distilled water, last Friday but no answer nor a machine
 message.  I called back on Monday and asked if they were
 EST;  the man laughed and said, No, this is the
 Philippines.  He transferred me to their water expert
 but no answer and no message.
I called back a second time later to be conveyed to
 their water expert, Amanda Cannon but again, no
A forth and last time I told them I suggested they
 fire their water expert because no one answers and there
 is no message.  They excused themselves twice and found
 out the same thing.  The man asked what information I
 wanted about their distilled water and was told the two
 questions.  He said they would contact me by email.
Looking at the Walgreens distilled water label, I’ve
 decided it is harder to acquire but possibly worth it. 
 The brand is: 'NICE! distilled water distributed by
 Walgreens.  Purified by steam distillation, micro
 filtered and ozonated to ensure quality, bottled by
 Magic Mountain Water Co, LLC.  Source from a pure deep
 well in Shrevesport, LA’.
I’m going to look at the steam distillers again.  Has
 anyone bought a steam distiller and been satisfied with
 it.  If so, could you please tell us the brand and any
 other information?
Thank you,