CScs,rife and pregancy

2008-07-18 Thread zeb caffe
Does anyone know if it is safe to use CS and to use a rife machine if you are 


CScoconut oil

2008-07-15 Thread zeb caffe
I was wondering if someone had insight or comments about coconut oil. I use it 
to help with dry skin.It is very effective when taken internally. I have been 
able to cut back on skin lotions since using it. I do however notice the side 
effect of what seem like increased yeast problems and also liver pain.I cant 
figure this out. Also does anyone know how it effects cholesterol numbers? Are 
there any studies on this? thanks in advance to anyone who answers. Several 
folks have asked about silver purchased in the health food stores. I talked to 
a manager of a health food store recently again.she told me that she goes to 
seminars  to learn about silver and according to her , the best by far is 
Argentyn brand for purity and effectiveness. Does anyone have any info on Adion 
ionic minerals?


CSweb page to johnathan

2008-06-27 Thread zeb caffe
I was not able to acess that web page you posted on hemp or cannibus


CSweak blood vessels to dee

2008-06-27 Thread zeb caffe
what about vitamin K and bioflavanoids?


CSsalt baths to kathryn

2008-06-19 Thread zeb caffe
Kathryn, do you use regular salt or have you tired epsom salts?


CSoregano to kathryn

2008-04-01 Thread zeb caffe
kathryn, google carvacol oregano. It is supposed to be the best.
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CSskin rash

2008-04-01 Thread zeb caffe
eczema can also be a food allergy caused from milk. or wheat It  is also helped 
by vitamin A(fish oil) and fatty acids
You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
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CSmms and anise

2008-04-01 Thread zeb caffe
If anise helps malaria, I wonder if it would be beneficial for lyme disease as 
there are ( I think similarities between the two) also, does mms propose a 
problem for those who have high blood pressure due to it relation to salt?
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CSdogs with allergies

2008-03-15 Thread zeb caffe
It sounds like what you give your dog should be pretty benign. My dog also 
struggles with allergies and i notice certain foods are more irritating. The 
yeast could be problematic like someone mentioned. Also, a Vet tech just told 
me that adding enzymes and probiotics can be helpful for dogs with allergies.  
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CSdogs ear infections

2008-02-26 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks for the help regarding the dog food and advantage advice. I agree with 
you about using an internal pill for parasites. something about that just 
doesnt seem good for an animal. I do worry about heart worm because it is very 
prevalant apparently where I live. I stopped taking her to parks or anywhere 
that she could come in contact with a lot of dogs because I havent wanted to 
give her the heart worm pill. The name of the herbal that I use for my beagle 
is called Veterinarians Best Ear Relief Wash and then there is a drying agent. 
IT is a two step process. It is around 21 dollars and well worth the money. You 
can purchase it at pet co and pet mart. If you dont have one where you live, 
the number is 1-800-866-PETS. You can order it thru the mail. My dog suffered 
terribly with ear infections and it was a constant route with antibiotics and 
then she would get fungus and we would have to use a blue anteseptic to wash 
that out. Now, I just use this product and it seems to
 clear her ears for a long time inbetween uses.They recommend using it all the 
time but I havent needed to. It is very important to use when the dogs ears get 
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CSteeth to paula and a question for the group

2008-02-25 Thread zeb caffe
Paula, I have been using something called allimed for a chronic infection that 
I acquired in my jawbone due to infected dental implants that had to be 
removed. I heard about it from a lyme doctor who said that they had some 
success with it with lyme patients. You have to order it and it is expensive 
but I think it is a very good antimicrobial and anti fungal. I just recently 
started using it and it seems to work well for my jaw. I have a feeling that 
this infection in my jaw is going to be long term for me and I need something I 
can tolerate. I know of a lyme patient that said it has cured her thrush .she 
was using nystatin rinse that was doing nothing for her. I tried oregano and it 
didnt do much for me with the jaw infection but burn like anything. I have read 
good results from others about oregano however. Have you tried the carvacol 
  A question for anyone in the group. I use alternatives with my dog for most 
things. I have found herbals effective for ear infections and I also give my 
dog high quality food. I took her to the vet today and I was told that heart 
worm is becoming a big problem and can carry risks to humans now. I keep my dog 
flea free by using a flea comb and vacuuming the carpet daily. Because she is a 
small dog and rarely goes outside and we have no cats, fleas have never been a 
problem so I dont use advantage because the dog sleeps in my bed and I  know 
that this advantage stuff can get in your enviroment. I am however worried 
about heart worm and some other parasites that seem to be emerging with pets. 
does anyone have any suggestions for heartworm or should I just bite the bullet 
and give her the pill? Also any natural suggestions for fleas would be helpful 
as my vet doesnt think I am doing my dog justice by refusing advantage. I hate 
giving my dog a pill that is an internal
  Thanks to everyone who has answered my questions in the past.

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CSsymptoms to kirstee,

2008-02-24 Thread zeb caffe
was there anything that you can think of that caused an onset of your symptoms 
like a flue bug, getting bitten by anything, an accident(car) etc?
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CScomment on smittys post to kirsteen

2008-02-24 Thread zeb caffe
I clicked on to the post that smitty posted to kirsteen and couldnt believe 
what I read. A very dear family friend of ours(and health care worker) suffered 
these same exact symptoms after having the Hep B shot. She was required to do 
so for her job. This happened to her over five years ago and she has never been 
the same since. I dont think she is exploring the alternative health system as 
I feel that there must be some answers to this. But this cannot be coincedental 
about the shot. They are making this shot  mandatory for many jobs now.
  What a terrible medical system we have. It is so scary.

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CScat to leigh

2008-02-21 Thread zeb caffe
Leigh, have you tried any holistic practioners for animals? I dont know where 
you live, but  there must be a web site that can give suggestions. I have a 
beagle that had chronic ear infections. We tried the antibiotic regime for a 
year and she just kept getting it back along with fungus. I finally went to Pet 
Mart and got product that had some herbs that fight infection and fungus. I 
only have to use it about twice a year now. It has completly cured her. Are you 
sure that it is infection and not a tumor? This can be caused from the water 
supply according to a vet that my brother went to when two of his hounds got 
mouth cancer.
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CScoconut oil to daddy bob

2008-02-21 Thread zeb caffe
what brand of oil do you use? I have tried several. Havent noticed that it 
helps pain but sure notice that my skin isnt as dry. soomething that I have 
notice helping with knee pain is biosil. I just started using it so I am not 
sure that this is what is really doing it but I plan to keep using it for a 
while. It is supposed to help the bones.
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CSurinary stones to gayla

2008-02-21 Thread zeb caffe
How do you know when an animal gets urinary stones? Is this common with goats 
in particular. I wonder if this formula would work with people. HOw long does 
it usually take before you know the stones are disolved? I tried your web site 
was unable to access it
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CSsilver protein to steve

2008-02-21 Thread zeb caffe
I have been to this web site also. The interesting thing about this brand of 
silver protein is that this is the same brand that two natural health 
practioners I know of use on patients. I dont know if they are ill informed or 
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CSarticle to marshall

2008-02-19 Thread zeb caffe
Just a complimentry post to marshall and anyone who helped write the 
silver-lightening thread. It was very iimformative and easy to read. I have 
several family members call me when the blue man was interviewed. I plan to 
copy and show them this article.
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CSdetox foot pads

2008-02-19 Thread zeb caffe
Just wondering if anyone had some knowledge about the effectivness from these? 
I have heard both positive and negative. The positive-a friend became ill from 
the detox and thought it was doing some good.the negative-it is another  
selling gimmick. I would really appreicate a response.
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CSTJ garland ando anyone-kidney stones and lemon juice

2008-02-19 Thread zeb caffe
I was wondering about disolving the stones with the lemon juice and tea. I  
have been told that the passing of the stones was the painful part. Do you know 
the theory as to why they would cause pain being dissolved? Also, someone 
mentioned that the lemon was good for dissolving calcium stones. I wonder if 
the same would hold true for dissolving calcium deposits elsewhere in the body?
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CSbladder to sam

2008-01-22 Thread zeb caffe
Have you been checked for interstitial cystitis?
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CScandida to kathryn

2008-01-21 Thread zeb caffe
Are you doubting candida as a health issue, or just the theory that dmso helps 
candida? I agree that many pathogenic substances or different fungi can be 
mistaken for candida but also I believe that candida is a very real health 
problem.  My only experience with dmso has been to use it for jaw infection and 
also for bladder cystitis.Both times, I felt very clear headed and did at the 
time contribute it to possibly having something to do with killing fungus but I 
really am just guessing here. I would be interested in knowing what you thought 
about this.
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CSvitamins to ole

2008-01-20 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks for posting those web sites ole. I have been wondering about these 
issues with supplements myself due to kidney problems.I do take supplements and 
know that they help because of my blood work improvement  and the fact that I 
never seem to get flues or colds anymore(a constant problem for me in the past( 
I still have many health problems thou. I have wondered about inonic minerals 
that are plant based. I have heard good reports about these and yet there has 
been reports on alot of heavy metal contamination with ionic minerals. My 
biggest problem now is that I have bone problems and the beginning of 
osteoporosis and so taking minerals is important but I have alot of calcium 
deposits in various areas  that show up on xrays. I think minerals are very 
important but it is crucial to get the right kind that are absorbed and get 
into the bone. Taking magnesium is important when taking calcium.(everyone on 
this forum already knows this already). I would post more but know it
 should be moved off topic. I dont seem to have any luck getting  on that 
forum. I finally got on it last year after many tries but then somehow was 
taken off . I am not sure how that happened . I hope no one minds me posting 
health related off topic issues.
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CSseveral things

2008-01-18 Thread zeb caffe
IF the FDA does this, it is totally against our constitutional rights. I have 
written letters to my congress people and representitives and only recieved one 
back and it was full of platitudes. There must be something that can be done. 
There are to many people now that rely on natural things and supplements. There 
is going to be an uproar for sure.
  Someone asked about distilled water and plastic containers. Some grocery 
stores and co-ops and natural health food stores sell this kind of water. They 
in kegs and you have to bring in your own containers. I think that whole foods 
sells it this way. Also you can buy distillers but I dont know how much they 
cost. sell distillers for water but I think that they are expensive.
  The forum has had several posts about the human growth hormone that is 
natural or from amino acids.(life extension sells one) anyway, I was wondering 
if anyone had done any research or heard of maca root? Someone at a  conference 
I attended was speaking of the positive affects from taking maca root. It is 
supposed to be a good thing for aging and helps your hormones in a natural way.
  Also,, there havent been many posts lately(if any) on morgellons disease but 
this week, I came across an article written by a doctor that was claiming that 
it was a disease that people imagined. HE referred to it as some kind of 
neurotic parasite disease that people thought they had. HE said if people 
brought their fibers in a  plastic baggie zip lock, this was a sign . HEre is 
an article I read and there is another one that I will post when I can find it 
  This has a sarcastic bent but the other article is serious.(I wish I could 
find it)

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2008-01-14 Thread zeb caffe
So it is basically just amino acids and nothing else?
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CSselenium to mike D

2008-01-14 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks Mike for answering my question;.That is very good information to have as 
I see selenium mentioned on many forums. 

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CSmagnesium to Brooks

2008-01-12 Thread zeb caffe
I also have experienced leg cramps like Faith described  during the nite when 
taking large amounts of magnesium. I can take 200 mill without this happening 
but anything beyond that causes the leg cramps. I have tried it both with and 
without calcium. I wondered if you had any theories on why this happens. You 
mentioned kelp. Does this balance something that excess magnesium needs? 
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CSquestions for Mike D and Patticake

2008-01-10 Thread zeb caffe
Mike did you mean milligrams on the selenium? Many of the multis have 200 
micrograms. The amount you mentioned seemed kind of low but I know you have to 
be careful with minerals.
  Pat, what particular test for vitamin D do you recommend? I think that like 
thyroid tests, vitamin D tests are measured differently than other vitamin 
tests. The controversy over vitamin D is confusing because of the scare with 
vitamin D and sarcoids according to the marshall protocol. Also arent the 
effects of D irreversable if you get to much? It can be so confusing to try to 
keep up on the latest information. 

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CSroot canaled tooth to Seth

2007-12-11 Thread zeb caffe
Depending on the age of the person  and amount of teeth that he has, I would 
seriously consider having the tooth extracted. root canal teeth harbor bacteria 
which is not to say that many people do fine with them. But, if he is having an 
abcess, chances are, it has been building up infection for a while and this can 
eventually invade the bone. I would us the CS after the extraction to kill any 
residual infection.
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CSminerals to gail

2007-12-11 Thread zeb caffe
Gail, wasnt there a discussion a while ago on this forum about collodial versus 
ionic minerals? I cant remember but I thought that collodial minerals were 
thought to be tainted with heavy metals and ionic were thought to be safer and 
from plant sources,. I am not stating this as a fact at all. I am just 
wondering if I have the facts straight.
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CSUTIs to acmeair

2007-11-28 Thread zeb caffe
There are several good herbal remedies. There is one that  can be purchased at 
whole foods called UTI vibrance. Also Native Remedies puts out an herbal 
tincture that you can order over the internet. If she is to acidic, herbals can 
be problematic so she could try some homopathic remedies . For the burning 
urine, slipperly elm is very soothing and will help with the pain. It is 
important if the UTIs are a constant problem and keep re occuring, to find the 
cause and very important to have the urine cultured to see what antibiotic(If 
necessary to use antibiotic) is effective. sometimes, I have been able to avert 
an infection at the very beginning by drinking parsley tea. I use organic 
parsley and boil it to make a tea. I have tried to cure an infection with 
silver and havent had much luck but that doesnt mean that it wont work for 
someone else.
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CShelpful web site on illness

2007-10-30 Thread zeb caffe
A long read but very worth it.
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CSerror on web site address

2007-10-30 Thread zeb caffe
If you cant get to this web site, try typing in I had it in my 
favorites but couldnt get to it by clicking on the address when putting it on 
the forum. I hope you can access it as I learned alot from it.
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CSdoctors to ode

2007-10-18 Thread zeb caffe
I dont believe that it is self defense that inhibit most doctors from 
practicing better. I believe more in what John said in the last two paragraphs 
about them being arrogant, nasty, etc etc. Sorry I have had just to many bad 
experiences with medical people to be able to think any other way. ITs sad but 
true. I dont trust that they have the best intentions towards me or their 
patients and worst of all, I dont trust that they know what they are doing most 
of the time, except like JOhn mentions, maybe to remove a bullet .
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2007-10-03 Thread zeb caffe
Dianne, I was just wondering if you can tolerate spelt flour? Some who have 
wheat problems can use spelt. I agree with Jodi about celiac. I do not think it 
is rare and unfortunately most doctors dont realize how prevelant it really is 
and many folks who have health problems should  get tested although like I 
previously stated, from the research I have done, some people can test negative 
and still have it. IT was interesting to read in someones post that they did 
not have issues with wheat until it became genetically modified. Maybe this 
accounts for the rise in celiac disease.
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CScomment on ACEs and comment to Marshalee about tourettes

2007-10-02 Thread zeb caffe
I went to the web site about ACES. I had never heard of it before and think it 
sounds very interesting. I would be interested in hearing what anyone else has 
to say about it.The web site is worth reading.  My only comment is regarding a 
certain person who  endorses it or has given it a safety approval. I wont 
mention his name but once was his patient and did not have a very good opinion 
about him at all. Marshalee, even if your grandson tests negative for 
Tourettes, I would advise your daughter to put him on a gluten free diet as I 
have read about connections with celiac and tourettes. I  have two family 
members that have celiac and because of this have been recently doing alot of 
research on this illness. IT is much more prevalant(like lyme and so many other 
things) than the mainstream medical system is aware of. The symptoms once 
thought to be only gastro related are vast and diverse. Anyone with numerous 
unresolved heath issues should be tested. From doing research and
 from family members experience, I learned that  you can test negative and yet 
still have it. The best way to tell, is to put the person on gluten free diet 
and see if the symptoms are greatly decreased .
  some of the symptoms are anemia, lupus diagnosisl,arthritis, migranes,body 
aches,weight loss and interestingly enough cancer(specifically throat). There 
was a program on television last year about a family that had celiac and they 
all had different symptoms. I think only one had the gastro problems.

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CSConcentrace to dee

2007-10-01 Thread zeb caffe
Dee, this brand has a vitamin mineral liquid that I just purchased. It has a 
decent amount of both vitamin and minerals. I think the calcium is 600 and the 
magnesium 300. It comes in a fairly big bottle. it has to be refrigerated once 
opened. I have only used it several days so cant tell how much better it is 
than other supplements. IT seems to be in a very bioavaliable form. I bought it 
at my local health food store.IT is called Liqui mins liquid multi Vita-Mineral 
with concentrace. It is orange flavored and is 32 ounces. the web site is and the phone number on the bottle is 801-731-6051. Aside 
from having vitamin and minerals, it has the trace minerals that concentrace 
has. I have heard good things about the ionic minerals from plant sources but 
have never used them so cant recommend them.
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CSto Gayle and Wayne-magnesium

2007-09-27 Thread zeb caffe
Gayle, I wasnt able to acess that site. Maybe it is down today. Wayne, you 
didnt mention the glycinate form of magnesium.  do you know anything about 
that?I think the sulfate form is what is in Epsom salts.
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2007-09-26 Thread zeb caffe
I take the glycinate form of magnesium. I dont know how good it is but I was 
taking the citrate forms of calcium and magnesium and the citrate forms of 
things always make my mouth break out in sores.Funny because I was told to take 
the citrate forms because they alkalize the system. They seem to cause alot of 
acid with me. I was reading the post on lithium and niacin. another good 
example maybe would be Red Rice Yeast? They sell it in health food stores but 
now folks are being warned due to the fact that it has statins in it and may 
not be natural. I would think it would be safer to take than prescription 
statins but maybe statins in any form be it natural or otherwise is not 
safe.What a mess all this supplement regulating has become. The commericals for 
so  many prescription drugs are almost laughable. Some of the side effects are 
worst than the actual illness.
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2007-09-23 Thread zeb caffe
There was an article in this mornings paper advising people not to take 
supplements. It stated that it was more safe to take prescription drugs because 
they were at least regulated by the FDA and it also stated that supplements and 
drugs were both chemicals so at least it was preferable to take something that 
was regulated by the govt. It made the inference that the reason supplements 
could not be regulated was because so many people had made a big outcry 
regarding supplement regulation because they thought the govt was trying to 
take away supplements when all it was trying to do was regulate its safety. I 
couldnt believe it.
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
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2007-09-20 Thread zeb caffe
So what is the purpose for chemtrails? 
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CSlyme to Kurt

2007-09-19 Thread zeb caffe
I know you are probably aware of this already but I wanted to add to your list 
that lyme can also have a fungal etiology to it as well. The fungus can set in 
as a result of antibiotic usage but also some of the latest information that I 
have read about involves research on the differeing bacterias that various 
ticks can carry and fungus is one of the things, it can infect you with.
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

CSvitamin C to Ruth

2007-09-19 Thread zeb caffe
You might try ester C for the buffering effect. There is also a new vitamin C 
that is buffered that also includes some aloe in it but I cant think of the 
name of it. IT would be good for your burning and also healing as well.
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

CSeye to Deb

2007-09-19 Thread zeb caffe
Deb, I think that if this continues to happen, you should be seen by an 
opthmalogist. I see  a real good eye doctor once a year and he has all the 
latest technology. He can now take pics of the retina which shows alot of 
things about your health. Docs can tell some significant things about your 
health fom a good eye exam. It is probably nothing to worry about but I would 
have it checked just to be on the safe side.
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CSstomach to ruth

2007-09-18 Thread zeb caffe
Ruth do you actually have kinks in your intestines? A gastro doctor told me 
that people who have had multiple surgeries in the abdominal area frequently 
develop adhesions,kinks and scar tissue that lead to abnormal twists in the 
intestines making colonoscopys somewhat difficult. I think and agree with you 
that even the continual invasion of the test itself can be upsetting to the 
stomach and can possibly scar it. YOur rib pain sounds like it is possibly from 
liver troubles. Have you had any recent scans(ultra sound) to check for this? 
Some soothing herbs you might try would be slippery elm and DGL. They are very 
easy and safe on the digestive tract. Your problem sounds like it is very 
difficult and I Know it is not easy to have an ailment that does not respond to 
the normal courses of action that one usually responds to.At least you have 
tried to explore other options before rushing into surgery
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CScancer to Carol Ann and sun allergy

2007-09-15 Thread zeb caffe
Carol, you used alot of alternatives in your treatment of cancer didnt you? I 
think that there are so many variables at work in the recovery of cancer 
patients. I would like to see studies done on folks who had similar cancers 
that choose all alternatives and others who choose all conventional. Most of 
the people I know of who have had cancer that used alternatives, also went the 
conventional route. Two of them were told not to use dietary supplements 
because it feeds cancer I think this is bull.
  Regarding the  comments on sun allergys, I wonder if this had anything to do 
with the Marshall protocols theory about illness and vitamin D allergy because 
of the vitamin D and sun connection? Just a thought

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2007-09-13 Thread zeb caffe
I notice that it was mentioned that it made full pulp juice but that for clear 
juice, a green star was needed. I thought that it was preferable to have the 
pulp in the juice. I have tried using juicers and find them so much trouble but 
have been recently interested in a vitamix but am more interested in using it 
as a juicer than for bread or ice cream.
Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
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CSomegas oils to john and silver biotic

2007-09-13 Thread zeb caffe
thanks for that great  information on oils John. What do you think of those 
newer margarines that have plant sterols in them to lower cholesterol? Have you 
ever heard of Siberian sea buckthorn oil?
  I also wanted to know if anyone had ever tried the CS from the candida 
wellness association. I think it is called silver biotic?

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CSWaynes posts

2007-09-13 Thread zeb caffe
I very much enjoy the knowledge you share and many of your comments.but I 
sometimes have difficulty knowing which is your opinion or who you are quoting 
when you are debating a subject. An example  would be your post on potassium. 
Maybe it is my poor ability to interpret some of the posts due to my health 
issues so I apologize for asking clarification on things at times. I have this 
problem with some of the other posts as well. any advice on how I can be more 
clear on who is saying what??
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CSmagnesium and calcium to catherine

2007-09-07 Thread zeb caffe
why do you advise not taking these two together?
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CSlyme to Tony, several thoughts on leg cramps

2007-09-06 Thread zeb caffe
Tony, it is possible that lyme symptoms can resolve with CS or antibiotics and 
you can be well  This can be permanant but with other people, the lyme can 
re-emerge. I am not really clear if you ever really get rid of lyme. Most 
people I know seem to go in remission when treated only to have it return but I 
know that this is not the case with everyone. 
  ON the subject of leg cramps, I just wanted to share some of the conditions 
that I have noticed will cause leg cramps
  wearing shoes to tight
  When I am in the midst of a bladder or kidney infection or when it is just 
  calcium and magnesium defiency
  strangly enough, if i take either supplement(calcium or magnesium) 
individully without the other for several days, I will get leg cramps. This 
doesnt seem to happen when I take them together.
  These are usually what causes leg cramps for me but some other things that 
can cause them are  detoxing ,lyme disease and also some people get leg cramps 
when taking msm supplements.
  I wouldnt think that the quinine that is in highlands formula would not  be 
harmful as it is a homopathic and very gentle.My grandfataher years ago used to 
get leg cramps in the middle of the nite and his doctor gave him quinine  which 
seemed to do the trick for him

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CSraw milk to marshall

2007-09-06 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks marshall for the comments on refrigeration and raw milk. I would like to 
find a source that sells smaller containers. I love the raw creme which does 
come in a small container but I dont use it often either.

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CSsicko and health care

2007-09-04 Thread zeb caffe
I havent seen that movie but I am in agreement with the idea that health 
covergage for all is not going to solve the problem of how medicine is 
practiced. It will just mean that everyone will have acess to poor quality care 
instead of just some people. What really is needed, is freedom from the medical 
system and the pharmacy companies who dictate the ineffective manner medicine 
is practiced.Doctors in medical school should be learning more about how to 
find and treat  the root cause of illness, learn more about nutrition and learn 
how to listen to patients. They rely so much now on lab tests and computers 
that they dont look at you any more or ask diagnostic questions.
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2007-09-03 Thread zeb caffe
thanks to Wayne, Dee,Marshalee.Dee,Barbara and anyone else I  may have left 
out. I always enjoy hearing the opinons of others and each one was helpful and 
Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car 
Finder tool.

CSeggs to Pat

2007-09-03 Thread zeb caffe
That must have been horrible. I always had that fear which is why I never 
wanted to eat fertilized eggs although they are supposed to be good for you. 
You are pretty brave as I think that I would not have eaten eggs for a lot 
longer than a year had that happened to me. Life can be full of interesting 
Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
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CSraw to wayne

2007-09-02 Thread zeb caffe
Wayne ,you advocate the use of eggs and milk. I wonder if you think that 
pasturized milk and eggs that are not organic are still beneficial? Of course I 
am sure that you prefer the raw organic over not but if a person is unable to 
eat raw or organic, do you still think that milk and eggs are good?I have heard 
that people who are lactose intolorant can tolerate raw milk but if it is not 
raw, they have gastro problemsThe best eggs I have seen, have come from farmers 
markets where the yolk is a deep color. The grocery store eggs that are in the 
organic section dont seem to look or taste any better. I still buy them over 
the conventional eggs. Raw milk is hard because it comes in such big bottles 
and it goes bad quickly so it never gets finished before it gets sour.
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CSoff topic

2007-09-02 Thread zeb caffe
The problem with posting to off topic, is that there is not much activity there 
and most of it is not health related which is fine with me but if I want a 
health question answered or wish to share some health related subject, I am 
more apt to have it read or responded to on this list.If this is still a 
problem, I can post to off topic first if that would be helpful.
Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
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CScalcium and mag ororate

2007-09-02 Thread zeb caffe
Marshalee do you mind sharing what brand you use of this?
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
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CSslow mail

2007-08-16 Thread zeb caffe
Is the list slow lately again? I am only recieving one a day on average
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CSto Ransley and carlos

2007-08-14 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks daddy bob for your reply on magnesium. Carlos, a suggestion for sugar 
substitute is date sugar. I use it in baking all the time and I really like it 
better . You can google recipies or deserts with date sugar and come up with 
alot of different ideas. If your friend has taken any raw foods classes, she 
will learn how to bake with date sugar. That is where i learned about it.
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

CSto brooks and ransley

2007-08-11 Thread zeb caffe
I feed my dog a very expensive high quality dog food that I purchase at the 
health food store. It has vitamins included in it.Do you think that it is 
necessary to add a multi vitamin to this or will it tax her kidneys? The vet 
says if the food is high quality, that you should not add vitamins. I eat very 
healthy myself and yet still take lots of supplements so I dont know why I 
should not give them to my dog.She is very healthy so I hate to add to what I 
do. Also does anyone have any ideas on alternatives to heartworm medication? I 
want to protect her from this but dont want to give her this poison pill. I 
only use natural flea soaps and refuse to use advantage on her but still worry 
about the heartworm.
  Ransley did you sent something to me via email? I get alot of junk mail in my 
bulk mail which gets deleted and I think I may have accidently deleted 
something from you. I am sorry if this is the case. I would post this off topic 
but most of off topic is political and so I dont know who is recieving the mail 
  on this list.

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CShomozon and zeolite

2007-08-03 Thread zeb caffe
I have asked this before but dont know if an answer has been posted. I am way 
behind reading posts. Does homozon also address parasite issues? Also wanted to 
post to the forum that last week, I was at a local food co-op and noticed in 
the natural cleaning section, they had a new product called zeolite. It was in 
a big plastic container and looked like thick natural salt(dark spots in it 
like the salt) It is apparently used for removal of pet odors and other things 
in carpet. They claim that it is better than baking soda for this purpose. I 
had never seen it before. It looked like a really good product and I was 
wondering if anyone had seen or used it before?
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CScs and lyme

2007-08-03 Thread zeb caffe
I have two family members with lyme disease and have read on various forums 
many differeing opinions regarding the use of CS and lyme. From what I can 
conclude from all the reading and testimonies is that some people really 
benefit from it and others dont seem to notice any difference. I am thinking 
that it must have something to do with several factors- the different brands of 
CS, the amount used and the different ways it is made effecting the quality of 
the silver. I know that the silver protein is supposed to have some real 
problems but some people swear that it is much more effective for treating 
infections. I wish I knew the answers.
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CSTo daddy bob and larry

2007-08-03 Thread zeb caffe
Larry, I have some web sites on the Marshall protocol if you would like me to 
pass them on to you. They also have a forum that you could join and ask 
questions to.
  Bob, I use magnesium glycinate and was wondering if you think the chloride 
form is superior and why? I am referring here to the use of mag for lyme and 
just for regular use. The citrate forms of minerals seem to make me very sick.

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CSquestion about homozon

2007-07-29 Thread zeb caffe
I have posted a question about homozon before and it was answered but I dont 
remember seeing an answer about this particular question. I may have missed the 
answer or have forgotten. does homozon address parasites as well ? Is it safe 
for long term use or just occasional cleansing ? thanks in advance
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CSsalt sensitivity to Bob

2007-07-28 Thread zeb caffe
Just wondering if you have ever been on medications preferably antidepressants 
of any type(not to get personal here) but, a friend of mine had used some type 
of anti anxiety drug and when she tried to go off of it, she had terrible 
reactions (panic etc) She was given anti depressants which made it worse. ONe 
of her syptoms was salt sensitivity and a nurse once explained to me why this 
was and I have forgotten the salt-anti anxiety med connection. anyway, she was 
greatly helped by doing cleanses starting with colon,liver and kidney.I cant 
remember which one she used thou.

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CSmercury fillings- to Miranda

2007-07-28 Thread zeb caffe
I dont know if it matters what chelators you use to get rid of mercury but I 
have read on other forums that it is important to get rid of amalgm fillings 
before chelating mercury.
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CSherxing to charles

2007-07-21 Thread zeb caffe
I wanted to know if you had an opinion on this subject. Lots of folks get 
herxing reactions when using medications ie, herbs ,antibiotics etc. when 
treating lyme or candida. Would you advise using this same method of charcol 
and clay for help with detox? It sounds like it would be very helpful for 
symptoms but I wonder about the clay absorbing the medications to much thus 
making them ineffective.
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

CSsome questions

2007-07-19 Thread zeb caffe
I was wondering Dee, have you had a thyroid check about your weight gain? Also 
wanted to comment about almonds that Wayne mentioned. I have always heard and 
have found with experience that almonds seem to put weight on., I find the same 
thing with peanut butter. Also a question about homozon. Is it also effective 
for parasites as well?
  I still think that there seems to be a descripency about whether collodial 
silver is good for yeast or if it promotes yeast growth. I am referring to the 
post someone wrote about it making their foot fungus worse.
  Last but not least, I found the cell salt post very informative and wanted to 
know if these salts could be used concurrently with other minerals?

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

CSbook that wayne suggested.

2007-07-08 Thread zeb caffe
Can you purchase this book at a regular book store or do you have to special 
order it from somewhere? Also did you stop using dissacated liver due to 
comtaminants that have been found in liver tablets? I liked  your outline for 
thyroid. I take many of these supplements. I am a little cautious about the soy 
thou and feel better using the fermented types.When I use soy milk, I seem to 
experience hormonal problems and I havent quite figured out why yet. I am kind 
of experimenting with this.
  I am in the midst of researching different absorbable and effective calcium 
and magnesium supplements. I have lowered my blood pressure using these two 
minerals. There is a supplement called TriSalts that has these with the 
addition of sodium and potassium. I am not sure of the sodium source as I use 
only the Real Salt myself.

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2007-07-08 Thread zeb caffe
Have you tried discussing this with a doctor? Some doctors would be willing to 
give you a prescription for extra oxgen while you are  in colorado. If not a 
regular doc, maybe a Naturopathic doctor would do this. It is not that 
difficult to get a tank . If you used oxygen while you were in Colorado and you 
were not experiencing difficulty, then at least you could rule other things out 
and you would know it was an oxygen problem. You mentioned TMJ. This proposes 
another question- do you have any or many root canals? A freind of mine had 
teeth damage from a fall and had root canals in the front of her teeth. 
Everytime she went in high altitiude, she would get head aches and pressure 
from where she had the root canals. She finally had the teeth pulled and it 
stopped this problem.(a drastic measure I know, and of course is just a thought)
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CSliver cysts to gail

2007-07-08 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks for your post gail. They initally thought it was a simple liver cyst but 
upon doing a second scan, it is thought to be a complex liver cyst. My doctor 
didnt explain one thing to me about it so I am going to have to research this 
on my own. the problem is that every web site I have been on, is so technical. 
I am concerned about the worm and parasite issue as you mention as I did read 
that somewhere. There were other things mentioned about my liver but I wasnt 
sure what it meant. A follow up scan will be done next month. I am looking into 
various gentle liver cleanses. Some of them mention not using them if there are 
problems with the liver or the liver ducts. I would hate to have a stone get 
stuck. I am thinking of doing the epsom salt cleanse.
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CSbile salts

2007-07-02 Thread zeb caffe
I was just wondering if anyone had experienced any burning with enzymes or bile 
salts. Also does anyone know anything about complex liver cysts?
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2007-07-02 Thread zeb caffe
sol, I think I read somewhere that the reason that some people are not better 
after gall bladder surgery was because the stones were actually in the 
liver.Maybe that was discussed here. which is why maybe Wayne was referring to 
the fact that some or many operations were unnecessary. Some liver forums claim 
that if you do liver cleanses, you can remove alot of the gall bladder issues. 
I wanted to comment on the coconut oil. I love the taste and use it often but 
cannot use it daily due to migranes when using to much fat of any kind. but, I 
also notice that I get liver pain when using coconut oil and I thought it was 
interesting that someone on the forum mentioned that it is not digested by the 
liver. I have liver lesions and maybe that is why? 
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CSa few questions

2007-06-21 Thread zeb caffe
By pathogenic arthritis do you mean arthritis caused by bacteria that one would 
normally take antibiotics for? Also, if a person has a weak heart valve, does 
anyone know of ways to strenthen the valve? I understand that something like 
vitamin E and co Q 10 would bring more oxygen to the heart but I wonder if  
there is an actual supplement that would cause the valves to become stronger if 
they are weak? Those posts on the heart by the person who was supposed to have 
a transplant were so interesting. 
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CSstrong blood vessals to Wayne

2007-06-18 Thread zeb caffe
What types of things can a person do to build strong blood vessals? Mineral 
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CSliver to paula and vitamin a to marshalee

2007-06-15 Thread zeb caffe
thanks for the suggestion Paula. I just bought a liver cleanse last week and am 
planning to use it after I have a scan done. Marshalee, do you know a good 
quality source of vitamin A? I have found plenty of good E sources. I have 
taken A but dont know how good it is due to the mercury issues and the fillers 
that they use in vitamin A(soy based)
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CSagree with Dee

2007-06-15 Thread zeb caffe
I am in agreement with Dee about off topic subjects. Esp now given the threat 
to supplements. We need to stay informed about health issues even if they are 
not related to CS. Regarding off topic un-health issues,  even thou I dont 
generally participate ,  I usually find them interesting. when I have the time  
to read them, I wish that more of the simple questions about CS would be 
answered by some of the more experienced members. Many of us are not 
technological and just want to know about certain CS products and like to 
discuss the pros and cons of silver for different health concerns. Simple 
questions can be just as important as intricate scientific questions. (just a 
friendly suggestion) and I  do appreciate all the knowledge that everyone knows 
and shares.
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CSto Wendy

2007-06-15 Thread zeb caffe
That was interesting about the pampered chef products. I wonder if many of 
these clay products , mineral supplements, etc, also are considered toxic as 
well? the bottom line is that we really dont know anymore for sure what is safe 
and what isnt.  
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CSnatural immunogenics and organic produce

2007-06-15 Thread zeb caffe
I spoke with a women in a health food store and she also endorsed natural 
immunogenics. she told me that she had been doing research on various silver 
products and had been to conferences and labs and had a really good feeling 
about their products. She worked in the store and sold various brands of silver 
so to my knowledge, she did not have  a vested interest in the product other 
than helping people.
  ON the subject of organic produce. I was wondering if anyone had read any 
negative things about using organic foods? I try to buy all organic and have 
for several years. I read in a science magazine that organice produce is 
organic  because when they grow the produce, they put some type of natural 
pesticides in the seeds that make bugs and disease resistant to the food and 
this is just as harmful. Anyone know anymore about this?

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CSoff topic subjects to mike

2007-06-15 Thread zeb caffe
I just posted something about being okay with off topic subjects. I posted this 
before I read your post(I am catching up on past posts going back weeks), 
concerning off topic subjects. (sorry) If I had read your post first, I wouldnt 
have posted that. By off topic, I wasnt referring to the heated issues which I 
agree are inappropriate esp when people tend to become angy at others. The off 
topic sujbects that I am primarily interested in, are subjects that have to do 
with supplement regulation, new cancer discoveries, and any alternative 
medicine helps.
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CSseveral things-msm,cookware, and staph in semen

2007-06-14 Thread zeb caffe
I dont have any personal experience with this but I have heard that Olive leaf 
extract is very good to fight staph infections. I would try garlic as well. The 
questions about cook ware can be difficult because we are not left with many 
options. One thing that I do when using a baking sheet, is I put parchment 
paper on the bottom so the food doesnt touch the bake ware. I dont know if it 
does any good but I feel better about it. I also use ironstone to fry with. Did 
anyone see the caution coming from  study out of JOhn HOpkins University about 
msm and dsmo usage? I wonder how much was used before cellular damage was done. 
Last nite, I saw a program on the drug companies. A statement was made that 
some drug which has caused numerous problems had five reports on it and they 
only used one and that was the only one with a positive outcome. So, who knows 
what type of study was done on msm. Just thought I would pass it on. 
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CSherbal biotics to Hannke

2007-06-14 Thread zeb caffe
The web site is
  They do mail order if you call. I just send a check and they send it to 
me.they have been easy to deal with and I have ordered it twice with no 
problems. Everyones stomach flora is different so I just want to mention that I 
needed to take a pro biotic with this because It seemed to change my flora 
somewhat. You may not need to do this as it says that it actually is good for 
the stomach. ONe thing that I think helped me was to hold it in my mouth trying 
to get it next to the infection site before swallowing it. I really hope this 
helps you as I know how painful this condition can be. Let me know if  you have 
any problems ordering this or if I can be of further help to you

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CSantibiotic to hannke

2007-06-14 Thread zeb caffe
I know that you have been cautioned about clindomycin by someone on the forum 
and it was very necessary and  appropriate what was said about this antibiotic. 
I am not trying to be opositional about the opinion stated  because I am in 
agreement but I wanted to tell you that the antibiotic protocol that was 
recommened for you can be just as harmful as clindomycin. i have used several 
antiiotics for this infection and have had the best luck with clindomycin. I 
would do a search on the two prescribed, clindomycin and then your condition 
and see which one is maybe the best one for you. If you are finding that you 
are feeling ill and feverish, it is very important to treat this as an 
infection . I would not hesitate to use antibiotics in this case and I am firm 
believer in avoiding drugs whenever possible.
  Just be sure to use a good probiotic-very very important with clindo or any 

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2007-06-13 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks for the warning about clindomycin and I am in agreement with the danger 
or using this drug  and the warning about being cautious. I should have 
mentioned this and also mentioned about the importance of using a very good 
probiotic. I am very cautious with drugs  so I see the need for heeding what 
you said. I also know the danger of having an infection in the jawbone which 
can also lead to death. After sufferiing with this for going on five years now, 
I have been put on various antibiotics to no avail. When I finally was put on 
Clindomycin, I was able to get relief  due to its bone penetration abilities . 
Because of this, It is very good for dental infections when penicillin wont 
work. That being said, it is important to take antifungals also as this 
infection can also have a fungal componant to it which the antibiotics will 
futher complicate.Use with caution(clindo) but if nothing else is helping, it 
is worth trying.
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CSto rowena

2007-06-13 Thread zeb caffe
I read with interest the things you shared with Hanneke. There were some good 
ideas  for infection. I  am always interested in this subject due to my 
struggle with osteomyelitis. I was just curious if you know of anyone who has 
had success with oil pulling and tissue salts. I am wondering what they would 
be good for . It is always nice to hear from someone that has actually had 
success with something like this. 
  I also wanted to tell you (and Hanneke) that if a person is unable to afford 
the infa red treatments, there are lamps or smaller units that one can use on 
their face. I saw an advertisment in a lyme magazine once.

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CSHannke on dental infections

2007-06-11 Thread zeb caffe
This can be serious. I know as I have suffered from something similar. Oral 
sugeons know very little about this unfortunately. You may have to have an 
infectious disease doc to get involved. If you can get a dentist to prescribe 
clindomycin, please try this as it is one of the best for jawbone infections 
due to its bone penatrating qualities. Also, I order a product from Washington 
called herbal biotics that is very helpful for this type of infection. If you 
need more help, you can email me.
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CSnew silver product?

2007-06-05 Thread zeb caffe
For anyone who is suffering from lyme,candida, mycoplasmic illness, I just came 
across a product called microbe-flush. I dont know anything about it but it has 
some good ingredients, including olive leaf, grapefruit seed extract, 
silver,pau d arco, and cats claw. It might be worth looking into.
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CScarpal tunnel

2007-06-05 Thread zeb caffe
A good quality cod liver oil supplement to add to the B vitamin regime
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CSNac to harrold and head pain to Ruth

2007-05-31 Thread zeb caffe
I think I read where N-A C is also used to protect the kidneys from iodine dye 
when used for CT scans. Ruth, have you ruled out any dental infections for your 
head pain?
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CSliver to sol

2007-05-31 Thread zeb caffe
Just wondering what type of liver troubles you have. I just got a report that I 
have a  lesion on my liver. I have to have further testing. I have had liver 
pain for years. Do you think that advil is as harmful as tylenol? I dont know 
whether to take tylenol or advil for pain when i have it. I think advil is hard 
on kidneys and tylenol on the liver. I have problems with both so pain meds are 
a challange for me.
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CSessiac tea to garry and rash to leslie

2007-05-18 Thread zeb caffe
Thanks for answering my question about the essiac. It was helpful. Leslie, have 
you tried doing any de tox for the poisoning that you experienced? I have a 
friend that had some major problems after using drugs. Even after she quit 
using them, she had problems. She went thru a detox of colon,kidney, and liver 
cleansing and it was very beneficial for her. I am wondering if treatments with 
far infared saunas would help as well.
Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

CScancer and essiac

2007-05-16 Thread zeb caffe
Isn't the pre mixed essiac okay to use? i have seen it in health food stores 
already in a bottle mixed.

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CSvitamin c to charles

2007-05-15 Thread zeb caffe
Charles what is L-ascorbate and why is it preferable? Do you have an opinion on 
Ester C? It is the only C that I seem to tolerate without having acidic problems
You snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
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CSgarlic and mange

2007-05-12 Thread zeb caffe
The fact that garlic is helpful for mange would suggest that maybe parasite or 
fungus is at work here. Garlic is good for so many things. I know that fungus 
can cause loss of hair. I have experienced this myself after being on high dose 

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CSsusan and dogs

2007-05-12 Thread zeb caffe
Susan, you might want to have your dogs checked for lyme disease if they have 
been outside alot . My vet just told me that they are seeing more cases of this 
in dogs.they are frequently diagnosed with arthritis and or ms just like 
humans. Just a thought and it may not apply at all. The reason I mention this 
is that sometimes the treatment  for ms or auto immune diseases involves the 
use of steroids and using steroids if one has lyme is very very bad.It will 
drive lyme deeper into the tissues(at least with human hosts)
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CScharles and supplements

2007-05-12 Thread zeb caffe
I agree with you so much regarding the usage of supplements versus whole foods. 
Because I have kidney issues, I am aware of the toll that supplements and 
medications can take on the system. I agree with you also that the idea manner 
to get nutrients is in the most natural way and your suggestions were very 
appropriate(ie, spirulina,cayenne etc) . Some people esp those with allergies 
and candida problems, cannot tolerate alot of the greens like spirulina, 
chorella etc. I have many times tried those whole food supplents only to have 
severe reactions to them. I seem to do better with vitamin supplements in a 
pill form.they do not give me the bad reactions. I try to use the most natural 
forms of Vitamin E,and A. I would like to use the ascorbate form of C that you 
mentioned as I have heard it is best but it is to acidic for me. The biggest 
challange is in vitamin Bs and minerals. I am always open to suggestions as I 
am constantly researching supplements and find the subject
 very interesting. thanks for your input
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CSvitamin studies

2007-05-12 Thread zeb caffe
I am in agreement with the opinion that Charles stated. I think alot of those 
anti supplement studies are flawed. I think that the type of anti oxidents used 
make a difference.There are differences in the types of vitamin E and C. I 
certainly am in agreement with the opinion that supplements should not take the 
place of a good diet but I think that they can enhance a good diet 
greatly.(just my opinion of course)
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CSrun down from being a vegetarian

2007-04-29 Thread zeb caffe
Just wondering if you were taking vitamin b-12? the raw food folks found that 
their followers were having problems and they discovered it was from a b-12 
deficiency from lack of meat in their diet so now, they advocate taking a 
supplement. I think it is best to take this with b-6 and folic acid.
  There was mention of an amino acid sleep aid. I was taking a natural sleep 
aid and it had hops and valarian in it. I am not sure but I think that one of 
these ingredients really aggravated my candida as I noticed an increase when 
using it. I also woke up very groggy.

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CStrytophan to sol

2007-04-29 Thread zeb caffe
that reminds me of the quackwatch article years ago by Barrett when he was 
trying to negate the theory of candida and prove that it was dangerous for docs 
to diagnose this. He cited some very rare example of a doctor that gave to high 
a dose of antifungal to a child. this made the child very ill. I cant remember 
if it was fatal or not but he tried to point the finger against candida 
diagnosis based on the fact that a child was over treated by a prescription 
medication. That is like saying that it is dangerous to diagnose diabetes if a 
doctor gives to much insulin to a patient.
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