Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Morris
Just an fyi, the quadro k4000 is around 4 times slower than a 780 gtx for
redshift rendering...

On Wednesday, 2 April 2014, Stephen Davidson wrote:
 btw...most scenes, that you have already built in Softimage, will render
just fine with the Redshift render
 instead of the mentalray render. You probably won't have to re-plug any
nodes, unless you used bump or displacement.
 There are some differences, but as I said before, not many.

 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:15 PM, David Rivera wrote:

 Hello everyone. I´ve been recommended -not enough through :) - that I
switch to Redshift render.
 So finally I upgraded my Quadro card to K4000. Up until now, I´m very
very very much impressed
 with MODO 3D (my 3d package of transition) and results are astonishing.
I can almost feel the
 Realtime engines like Crytek or UDK for PS4.
 So being our software of preference, I´m trying to pick up a GPU
renderer (Redshift) in softimage.
 One thing I´m trying to wrap my head around it´s the entire rebuild
connectivity of materials
 for redshift.

 So if anyone, please, has a blog or an article to share to strat up my
baby steps on using Redshift I´d appreciate it
 deeply thankful to help me out with that.


 David Rivera
 3D Compositor/Animator
 VFX Reel


 Best Regards,
   Stephen P. Davidson
(954) 552-7956

 Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

   - Arthur C. Clarke


Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Raffaele Fragapane
Yeah, if you're on time for a return it might be worth considering. The K4K
isn't great bang for buck, it has a massive quadro label overhead to the
price and it's not really that well featured.
I don't know if 4x is an actual measure of the difference, I don't have
both cards at hand to test nor redshift, but it's openly underspecced.

Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Brent McPherson
So, do you folks really use Center mode all that much?

That was really a pre-pivot workflow that XSI inherited from SI|3D and it 
simply applies a transform to the object and a mirror transform to the geometry 
thereby giving the *illusion* that that center has changed. Of course, reset 
transforms will mess up the center. (unless you also set the neutral  pose)

As someone who worked on that area in SI I'm really curious to know what the  
main use cases for Center are?


[] On Behalf Of John Richard 
Sent: 27 March 2014 16:38
To: XSI List to post
Subject: Re: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5

So I got my first Maya job in years and here I am trying to figure out how to 
rotate a Pivot ( center in xsi). No you cant rotate a center in Maya you can 
just move it. WTF

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Tim Borgmann
I've both cards and the 780 seems to be round about 3 times faster than 
the quadro when rendering with redshift.

Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Stephan Haitz
What really speeds up Redshift is VRAM on the graphicsCard to avoid slow 
PCIe Traffic... 4GB and more makes a big difference.

I select my cards with this priorities:

2. GPU-Cores
3. Mhz
4. ...

Good idea is a second card only for rendering: no memory used for 
display stuff, complete VRAM for Rendering...

BTW: They are just out with the V1!

Regards Stephan

I've both cards and the 780 seems to be round about 3 times faster 
than the quadro when rendering with redshift.

Re: A Good Read!

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares
I believe so too, both the animation tools and rigging tools are evolving 
extremely fast and is certainly something I am going to dive in once I finish 
the project I embarked.

Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 05:35, Sergio Mucino wrote:

 Modo's rigging capabilities are fairly underrated, IMO. It's not yet at the 
 level of Soft or Maya, but it's pretty capable and I'm hopeful it'll get 
 better. I'm in the process of porting over to Modo some ICE nodes that I've 
 used quite a bit as Assemblies (Modo's version of an ICE Compound), and I'm 
 happy about having them back. Mostly math-related. Modo's schematic 
 environment will let you do the equivalent to ICE Kinematics, and it's 
 particle system is node-based too, but there's not way yet to access mesh 
 data, so don't expect to go as crazy as you can with ICE. Still, I've already 
 delivered a few rigs in Modo over to clients, and I'm happy about them. 
 Looks like Modo + Houdini will keep me cozy and warm (and I do need to start 
 looking into Blender more seriously). 
 Sergio Muciño.
 Sent from my iPad.
 On Apr 1, 2014, at 10:49 PM, Eugene Flormata wrote:
 wow I've never touched modo but that modo zen thing looks amazing. that 
 mixed with non-linear weighting/rigging from XSI would be awesome in any 
 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Maurice Patel 
 No I had not, thanks for sharing
 Maurice Patel
 Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134
 [] On Behalf Of Sebastien 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: A Good Read!
 Maurice, did you see the CAD Junky Zen slim UI presentation ? that is your 
 solution right there. show people what it could be like, give them the 
 option, doesn't have to be compulsory, Maya has that one thing going, that 
 you can completely reshape the interface, every palette, role out menu, 
 viewport. this would not be an expensive endeavor. and would give you a lot 
 of good press. like it did for modo.
 On 1 April 2014 20:39, Maurice Patel wrote:
 That article was a very interesting read. IMO (and I stress that is my 
 opinion only): the one big challenge in the entertainment industry is the 
 constant need  to be creative which means that as soon as you have perfected 
 your formula 1 race car, someone now wants it to fly to the moon, or to dive 
 into the Marianas trench or do the Paris-Dakar or do something else it the 
 designers never imagined doing in the first place - whereas in racing, any 
 given track is a pretty fixed entity and the skill is indeed about 
 optimization. This is also where ME differs from many other production 
 processes such as manufacturing. While it is feasible these days to program 
 robots to build cars it is not even remotely possible to do the same thing 
 for VFX. I also agree that usability is THE big barrier in 3D. My wife is a 
 jewellery designer and metalsmith who just started her first foray into 
 Rhino and is not enjoying it (in her craft it is the industry standard). I 
 have not had to replace any monitors yet but I soon might be :).
 We often discuss this problem here. The Mudbox team went all out to focus on 
 usability but there is this unfortunate damned-if-you-do, 
 damned-if-you-don't problem in our industry. Everyone wants more in the 
 product and they are all doing different things, have different pipelines, 
 different ways of working before you know it you have several ways of doing 
 the same thing. And deep down people want more features - it is the only 
 thing they really want to pay for. While everyone will argue that stability 
 and usability are important they don't want to pay for it (and these things 
 are complex and costly to solve). 3ds Max 2015 focused heavily on these 
 aspects - making five clicks two, cleaning up key problem areas of UI such 
 as the scene navigator and we took a beating for it. And we know we have to 
 do this for Maya too. The usability 'issue' is a very, very real one for all 
 3D applications and one that I don't think anyone has figured out a perfect 
 solution for yet. The curve the author describes is pretty accurate. The 
 problem is that you cannot easily keep things at that optimal point.
 Maurice Patel
 Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134tel:514%20954-7134
  On Behalf Of Sebastien Sterling
 Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:25 PM
 Subject: Re: A Good Read!
 Here is a better race related analogy

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares
Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was blocked by 
excessive traffic!!!


Jordi Bares

On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users forum… things 
 are moving fast.
 Jordi Bares
 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:
 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean on them 
 after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you wanted to turn on at 
 frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at frame 34, move a frame, then 
 key it on at frame 35.  You can absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR 
 you can just type $FF  34 in the activation field.  
 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save them for 
 later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them, meaning you can 
 make them more accessible at the top level to tweak and adjust without 
 having to always dive down into the lower level nodes themselves.  So say 
 you built a noise and want to pass it off to another artist, you can only 
 promote say the Amplitude field and let them play with that, but not promote 
 the frequency field because they have no business touching that.  
 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control everything 
 from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do so.  It's not 
 called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly powerful stuff.
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:
 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini way, so 
 instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd() function in the box.
 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster then plugin 
 nodes all the time.
 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:
 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to do the 
 expressions, you could still connect everything in a nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick shortcuts using those 
 short expressions.
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:
 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing stuff  which is off 
 putting at first it does seem to provide a way of doing stuff that has an 
 Ice approach. Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen from 
 an ICE users point of view.
 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended 
 solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or 
 opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
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 If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take 
 any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone.
 Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in 
 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400
 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini
 I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel like this was ICE on 
 steroids (as someone put it yesterday).
 Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine doing in ICE at all, 
 the way it was done. Switching context (as we would in ICE),
 is called Promoting an Attribute. It works really well, and allows for some 
 fantastic effects. ICE's Switch Context is usually much harder to use
 (in my experience) and doesn't work the way this does.
 I urge all of you to watch this as see how ICE-like this is:
 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Martin Contel wrote:
 LOL!!! I love it:
 halfdan wrote:
 Fixed in tomorrow's build.
 tomorrow, like the day after today? 
 tomorrow, like the day after today?
 Thats how we roll here in Houdini land 
 Martin Contel
 Square Enix (Visual Works)
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Jordi Bares wrote:
 My pleasure, I am bit by bit chipping away and will certainly finish it.
 And what you highlighted is very true, support and bug fixing is 
 spectacular. I can't jump on a job now without knowing these guys have my 
 back and if that means it is a bi more expensive so be it. 

Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Morris
Just double checked my test figures and it is more like 3 times, sorry for
the confusion. This is on an indoor environment with a single character
with hair, GI and DoF. On heavier environments/multiple characters the
titan really shines.

2 quadro k4000 - 284.8 s

quadro k4000 - 509.7

Titan  - 146.8 s

GTX 780- 172.5 s

On 2 April 2014 09:59, Tim Borgmann wrote:

 I've both cards and the 780 seems to be round about 3 times faster than
 the quadro when rendering with redshift.


Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Peter Agg
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by what 'the main case uses are' - I just
use it to do exactly what it says it does! It's just a flexible and
intuative way of working.

For example: if I've made a rig control that floats outside some geometry,
but I want it's pivot to match an object I have in the rig already (maybe a
bone it's meant to control... something like that). I can make and shape
the control curve how I like, turn on Centre mode, do a Match Transforms to
that object and hit Freeze. Very quick and very easy to do.

On 2 April 2014 09:55, Brent McPherson wrote:

 So, do you folks really use Center mode all that much?

 That was really a pre-pivot workflow that XSI inherited from SI|3D and it
 simply applies a transform to the object and a mirror transform to the
 geometry thereby giving the *illusion* that that center has changed. Of
 course, reset transforms will mess up the center. (unless you also set the
 neutral  pose)

 As someone who worked on that area in SI I'm really curious to know what
 the  main use cases for Center are?


 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of John Richard Sanchez
 Sent: 27 March 2014 16:38
 To: XSI List to post
 Subject: Re: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5

 So I got my first Maya job in years and here I am trying to figure out how
 to rotate a Pivot ( center in xsi). No you cant rotate a center in Maya you
 can just move it. WTF

RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Brent McPherson
Politics!? You obviously never worked in a large company before? ;-)

Do you seriously think that in a competitive market a company can/will sit back 
and drip out features as part of some evil master plan? Success can obviously 
lead to complacency (which is why competition is healthy/important) but a large 
product with a diverse customer base will also find it much harder to satisfy 
all their customers and the hallmark of good product management and leadership 
is knowing what to focus on.

Sorry, just getting tired of all this conspiracy bullshit.

[] On Behalf Of Sebastien Sterling
Sent: 01 April 2014 17:12
Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

AD has always played politics with its upgrades, it's not about giving you the 
most efficient tools today, but releasing them in a slow staggered and 
incomplete fashion, so it takes several release and considerable investment 
before you actually get a functional addition to your workflow. they say it's 
so people have time to adjust to the change which is all so much commendable 
bullshit. Now and again they'll chuck a few sweets out when people get rowdy 
often followed by the statement You SEE !!! we really do have your best 
interest at heart or  WE really do listen to you !
It's what they did for Syflex, Nex and the viewport enhancements in 3ds max to 
name just a few.
and it's what they will do with bifrost, totting up every marginal update as a 
NEW feature. New Bifrost! now with tear of Menus, Gasp !
Most of these modeling enhancements such as the shrink wrap are things that 
could have been added years ago, but are only being added in recent releases. i 
refuse to believe that these sort of tools are that difficult to implement.
A lot of this shitty attitude hearkens back to the years of stagnation during 
the three package monopoly.

You might argue that ICE took several release to have the functionality it has 
but then you would have to go watch this:
and realize that ICE offered considerably more in its first incarnation, then 
Bifrost will in even it's third iteration.

On 1 April 2014 12:52, Xiaodong Xu wrote:
I’ve been waiting for 15 years just for the late coming shrinkwrap deformer. 


 代表 Eugen Sares
发送时间: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 7:35 PM
主题: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Did anything change already with Maya 2015 to the better?

Not that I very much long to use it...
I'm curious, though, if Autodesk can be taken by it's word this time - to 
'humanize Maya', and the pace at which this is happening.

Anyway, it will be most interesting to learn what the most forthcoming option 
will be in the near future.
I hope with Modo 801 and Houdini 14 (or whatever next version) it will become 
clear enough where things are heading to, to make a (part time) transition.

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: Sebastien Sterling
Gesendet: 01.04.2014 12:29:36
Betreff: Re: March 28, 2014

Maya is the best choice for character creators
Why ?
What makes it so ?
You can do this in any number of DCC's, you can do it in max and softimage.
In maya you will have to deal with the worst skinning tools ever conceived, not 
to mention the myriads of scripts just to ensure contemporary functionality.
I don't understand this argument. specialy considering Maya's established roll 
as a studio tool, where the pipeline is broken up into fields. people using 
maya for generalist purposes is not the norm usually they stick to their fields.


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Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Javier El Elástico

Hey! That it is good!

El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:

Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
blocked by excessive traffic!!!


Jordi Bares

On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
forum… things are moving fast.

Jordi Bares

On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
in the activation field.

You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
they have no business touching that.

In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
powerful stuff.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
function in the box.

this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
then plugin nodes all the time.

On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
nodal way,
he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
shortcuts using those short expressions.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:

Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
from an ICE users point of view.




This email and any attachments to it may be confidential
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whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed
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If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you
must neither take any action based upon its contents,
nor copy or show it to anyone.

Please contact the sender if you believe you have
received this email in error.

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel
like this was ICE on steroids (as someone put it yesterday).
Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine
doing in ICE at all, the way it was done. Switching
context (as we would in ICE),
is called Promoting an Attribute. It works really well,
and allows for some fantastic effects. ICE's Switch
Context is usually much harder to use
(in my experience) and doesn't work the way this does.

I urge all of you to watch this as 

RE: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Brent McPherson
Thanks. That is an interesting use of center I hadn't thought of before...

[] On Behalf Of Peter Agg
Sent: 02 April 2014 10:19
Subject: Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by what 'the main case uses are' - I just use 
it to do exactly what it says it does! It's just a flexible and intuative way 
of working.

For example: if I've made a rig control that floats outside some geometry, but 
I want it's pivot to match an object I have in the rig already (maybe a bone 
it's meant to control... something like that). I can make and shape the control 
curve how I like, turn on Centre mode, do a Match Transforms to that object and 
hit Freeze. Very quick and very easy to do.

On 2 April 2014 09:55, Brent McPherson wrote:
So, do you folks really use Center mode all that much?

That was really a pre-pivot workflow that XSI inherited from SI|3D and it 
simply applies a transform to the object and a mirror transform to the geometry 
thereby giving the *illusion* that that center has changed. Of course, reset 
transforms will mess up the center. (unless you also set the neutral  pose)

As someone who worked on that area in SI I'm really curious to know what the  
main use cases for Center are?


 On Behalf Of John Richard Sanchez
Sent: 27 March 2014 16:38
To: XSI List to post
Subject: Re: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5

So I got my first Maya job in years and here I am trying to figure out how to 
rotate a Pivot ( center in xsi). No you cant rotate a center in Maya you can 
just move it. WTF

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Martin Contel

Martin Contel
Square Enix (Visual Works)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Jordi Bares wrote:

 Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
 blocked by excessive traffic!!!


 Jordi Bares

 On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users forum...
 things are moving fast.

 Jordi Bares

 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean on them
 after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you wanted to turn on
 at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at frame 34, move a frame,
 then key it on at frame 35.  You can absolutely do it this way in Houdini.
  OR you can just type $FF  34 in the activation field.

 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save them for
 later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them, meaning you can
 make them more accessible at the top level to tweak and adjust without
 having to always dive down into the lower level nodes themselves.  So say
 you built a noise and want to pass it off to another artist, you can only
 promote say the Amplitude field and let them play with that, but not
 promote the frequency field because they have no business touching that.

 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control everything
 from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do so.  It's not
 called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly powerful stuff.


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante cgc...@gmail.comwrote:

 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini way, so
 instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd() function in the

 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster then
 plugin nodes all the time.

 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to do the
 expressions, you could still connect everything in a nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick shortcuts using
 those short expressions.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall hack...@outlook.comwrote:

 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing stuff  which is
 off putting at first it does seem to provide a way of doing stuff that has
 an Ice approach. Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
 from an ICE users point of view.




 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are
 intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any
 views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not
 necessarily represent those of Hackney Effects Ltd.

 If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither
 take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone.

 Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email
 in error.

 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

 I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel like this was
 ICE on steroids (as someone put it yesterday).
 Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine doing in ICE at
 all, the way it was done. Switching context (as we would in ICE),
 is called Promoting an Attribute. It works really well, and allows for
 some fantastic effects. ICE's Switch Context is usually much harder to use
 (in my experience) and doesn't work the way this does.

 I urge all of you to watch this as see how ICE-like this is:


 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Martin Contel 

 LOL!!! I love it:

 *halfdan wrote:*  Fixed in tomorrow's build.

 tomorrow, like the day after today?


 *Quote:*  tomorrow, like the day after today?

 Thats how we roll here in Houdini land 

 Martin Contel
 Square Enix (Visual Works)

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Jordi Bares jordiba...@gmail.comwrote:

 My pleasure, I am bit by bit chipping away and will certainly finish it.

 And what you highlighted is very true, support and bug fixing is
 spectacular. I can't jump on a job now without knowing 

Re: cam rig

2014-04-02 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Cool! Thanks for sharing Martin.


Den 1. april 2014 kl. 19:11 skrev Martin Yara

 I was doing a camera animation today and wanted to try this Vertigo effect
 so I wrote an script. If it helps, you can download it here:
 Select your cam, execute.
 What it does:
 Create a PPG with your screen width and height in SI units according to
 your Camera and Interest distance and your Pic Ratio.
 Add an expression to your Cam angle to keep this screen size.
 It supports vertical and horizontal FOV modes.
 I ended up with a slightly vertigo like animation so I didn't use this
 script. lol
 I'm not sure yet how to modify this to make it easier to manipulate and
 animate, but it is a start. Maybe someday. Maybe in another DCC.
 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:33 AM, Eugene Flormata  wrote:
  school so it took a while to relearn off google images search.
  Anyways  Stephen's code was more pseudo and not copy paste. And I learned
  there's an atan! Which I only tried to solve the rig with tan.
  I'll post my rig up once I clean it up a bit.
  Now all I need to do is remake my rig in after effects and maya, I'm not
  getting these maya expressions at all.
  On Monday, March 31, 2014, Stephen Davidson  wrote:
   Could you elaborate on how you made it work?
I tried and had no luck...just curious...thanks.
   On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Eugene Flormata 
hah! nevermind! I figured it out thanks! now my rig can do everything i

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Eugene Flormata 
 Thanks for the tip!
 Just tried it but nothing!
 but not sure how to implement that expression, do you have a sample
 On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 10:19 AM, patrick nethercoat  wrote:
  Hi Eugene,
  Here's a simple way with an expression:
  1. Give your camera a custom parameter (CPSet is called Vertigo,
  Camera.Vertigo.width_at_interest) to define the width at the
  interest that
  needs to remain static.
  2. An expression on the camera FOV:
  atan( Camera.Vertigo.width_at_interest / ctr_dist( Camera.,
  Camera_Interest. ) ) * 2
  That should hopefully do what you want.
  On 28 March 2014 11:34, Eugene Flormata 
   I'm still new to TD type things
   can I get an opinion on how to build out a dolly zoom into soft?
   I think the extent of my ability is to drag and drop expression
   I'm trying to upgrade my camera rig for animating.
   at first i tried
   just plotting out a curve to see what it looked like, and then
   maybe try to
   rig up a driver with the parameter connection editor. couldnt'
   wrap my head
   around how to link this one up.
   then I found the website above that calculated the dolly/fov shift
   some trig.
   the original rig is designed to do more orbital type movements,
   and I just
   wanted to be able to do anime type camera moves (gundam, naruto)
   it is mainly animated with a null with the camera parented to it.
   camera itself only moves on position Z relative to it's parent
   I had a whole bunch of custom parameters that calculated the
   camera frustum
   with some trig. and then one parameter is controlling the
   dollyzoom fov.
   and then I tried to automate the
   but the calculations are messing up in the expressions. I can't
   tell if
   it's calculating it out of order or anything.
   and I tried rigging it with ice
   and I always fumble there, can't get variables to show up, can I
   hook this
   into a parameter maybe?
   and I have no idea how to use python.
   any help would be appreciated
  Brandt Animation
  020 7734 0196
   Best Regards ,
 Stephen P. Davidson
   (954) 552-7956 tel:%28954%29%20552-7956

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Max Evgrafov
It's great news ! :-

2014-04-02 13:34 GMT+04:00 Martin Contel


 Martin Contel
 Square Enix (Visual Works)

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Jordi Bares wrote:

 Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
 blocked by excessive traffic!!!


  Jordi Bares

 On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users forum…
 things are moving fast.

  Jordi Bares

 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean on
 them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you wanted to turn
 on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at frame 34, move a
 frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can absolutely do it this way in
 Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34 in the activation field.

 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save them
 for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them, meaning you
 can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak and adjust without
 having to always dive down into the lower level nodes themselves.  So say
 you built a noise and want to pass it off to another artist, you can only
 promote say the Amplitude field and let them play with that, but not
 promote the frequency field because they have no business touching that.

 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control everything
 from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do so.  It's not
 called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly powerful stuff.


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante cgc...@gmail.comwrote:

 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini way, so
 instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd() function in the

 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster then
 plugin nodes all the time.

 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to do the
 expressions, you could still connect everything in a nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick shortcuts using
 those short expressions.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall hack...@outlook.comwrote:

 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing stuff  which is
 off putting at first it does seem to provide a way of doing stuff that has
 an Ice approach. Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
 from an ICE users point of view.




 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are
 intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any
 views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not
 necessarily represent those of Hackney Effects Ltd.

 If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither
 take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone.

 Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email
 in error.

 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

 I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel like this was
 ICE on steroids (as someone put it yesterday).
 Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine doing in ICE
 at all, the way it was done. Switching context (as we would in ICE),
 is called Promoting an Attribute. It works really well, and allows for
 some fantastic effects. ICE's Switch Context is usually much harder to use
 (in my experience) and doesn't work the way this does.

 I urge all of you to watch this as see how ICE-like this is:


 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Martin Contel 

 LOL!!! I love it:

 *halfdan wrote:*  Fixed in tomorrow's build.

 tomorrow, like the day after today?


 *Quote:*  tomorrow, like the day after today?

 Thats how we roll here in Houdini land 

 Martin Contel
 Square Enix (Visual Works)

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Jordi Bares jordiba...@gmail.comwrote:

 My pleasure, I am bit by bit chipping away and will certainly finish

 And what you 

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Peter Agg
No problem - it's always hard to answer these questions when all these
things have been so deeply ingrained into your work patterns. :)

On 2 April 2014 10:33, Brent McPherson wrote:

 Thanks. That is an interesting use of center I hadn't thought of before...

 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Peter Agg
 Sent: 02 April 2014 10:19
 Subject: Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

 I'm not 100% sure what you mean by what 'the main case uses are' - I just
 use it to do exactly what it says it does! It's just a flexible and
 intuative way of working.

 For example: if I've made a rig control that floats outside some geometry,
 but I want it's pivot to match an object I have in the rig already (maybe a
 bone it's meant to control... something like that). I can make and shape
 the control curve how I like, turn on Centre mode, do a Match Transforms to
 that object and hit Freeze. Very quick and very easy to do.

 On 2 April 2014 09:55, Brent McPherson wrote:
 So, do you folks really use Center mode all that much?

 That was really a pre-pivot workflow that XSI inherited from SI|3D and it
 simply applies a transform to the object and a mirror transform to the
 geometry thereby giving the *illusion* that that center has changed. Of
 course, reset transforms will mess up the center. (unless you also set the
 neutral  pose)

 As someone who worked on that area in SI I'm really curious to know what
 the  main use cases for Center are?


 From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.commailto: [mailto:
 softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.commailto:] On Behalf Of John Richard
 Sent: 27 March 2014 16:38
 To: XSI List to post
 Subject: Re: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5

 So I got my first Maya job in years and here I am trying to figure out how
 to rotate a Pivot ( center in xsi). No you cant rotate a center in Maya you
 can just move it. WTF

RE: A Good Read!

2014-04-02 Thread Morten Bartholdy
Like Sebastien wrote:  It's about enabling an individual's,  and giving
them peace of mind.

I understand the part about 3D having become immensely more complex
throught the pat decade, requiring more advanced tools and subsequently
more skills from the artist, but I really also think the software devs put
way too little effort into making these tools userfriendly and easily
accessible, so the artist can concentrate on the task at hand rather than
how to stick it together at all.

Maya is a great example here - lots of power but fairly poor UI makes it
difficult for a non technically inclined artist to do quite advanced stuff.
Softimage is much better in this respect, but also here there is a lot of
room for improvement. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out how
to make simple stuff work in ICE which ought to be really simple to do and
just get on with it. Context mismatches and lack of high level nodes for
everyday nuts and bolts stuff makes ICE hard at times for a guy like me. I
do like learning and think it is good since, as Olivier say, it empowers
you when you unlock more of the tech under the hood, but most of the time,
I can't find the time to do this - I just need to produce.

Don't get me wrong - I love ICE too, and use it on probably 80-90% of my
productions (mostly simple stuff and that which can be done with the
excellent tools by Mootzoid, Exocortex and others), but I would love to
spend much less time trying to figure out the how-to, so I can focus on
making it look great. Mind you, I am not asking for a Kais Power Tools for
3D, but there is no reason why advanced stuff shouldn't be easier to do -
it would make a lot more people do great work, and thus boost the industry.

It will be interesting to see how far the Humanize Maya will go in this
respect. Given that the devs are on a path to provide as much functionality
as possible in a short timeframe I am afraid real UI improvements will not
be prioritized enough.


Den 1. april 2014 kl. 20:55 skrev Angus Davidson

 I think we have had this discussion before that things should have been
 further along by now ;)  I just said that Softimage was very good at
 allowing the very skilled and the very new to easily achieve great things.
 Having taught Maya and Softimage to people new to 3D its very easy to see
 the difference between an application that can do that well and one that
 cant. When you are in education you see that learning curve being tackled
 over and over again.
 I think Sebastiens race car analogy and conclusions put it far better then
 I did.
 From: Luc-Eric Rousseau []
 Sent: 01 April 2014 08:04 PM
 Subject: Re: A Good Read!
 it's interesting blog but I don't think that guy is saying anything that
 would suggest Softimage is doing any better... (if you read the bit about
 rigging having not evolved)...
 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Angus Davidson  wrote:
  I think the original author does have a point but I dont think he expressed
  it the way he wanted to. I can feel his frustration.  If you think of where
  we are and  its been 20 years or so, shouldn't things be simpler?
  Zbrush is a good example , immensely powerful program but such an uphill
  battle to get used to the interface to do anything useful. HeadUs and their
  unwrap interface is another one. yes you can get beautiful results with it,
  but in the time it takes you figure crap out, you could have done just as
  good a job sticking to massaging a standard unwrap
  The idea is that your software should enable you from the beginning no
  matter your expertise with it. Yes you will get highly skilled with it if
  you stick to using it , but you shouldn't have to put your fist through a
  few monitors to get there.
  Its one of the things I will miss a lot about teaching Softimage. It
  enabled both he novice and the professional to do amazing things out the

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答复: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Xiaodong Xu
I don't think it is anything related to polictics, but there must be something 
wrong in the feedback between user and developer. 

Maya is a strong, flexible software, and used by a lot of top production 
houses, which have very strong RD ability. I think they can easily write their 
own shrinkwrap deformer long time ago. I think Maya listen little from those 
individuals or small companies. Those feedback are really important to improve 
humanity of Maya, since those feedback are based on Maya delivered by AD, not a 
customized Maya. 

Shrinkwrap is so useful in both modeling and animation, I can't imagine that 
Maya dev team knows little about it. When I started to use Maya from very early 
version (around 3.0), I've asked if there would be such kind of deformer 
(finally we wrote our own). Until 2015, that deformer finally gets added to 
Maya. Is it that useless to you?

Maya's learning curve is steeper than other packages especially for those 
individuals and small teams. I've been using both Softimage and Maya for more 
than 10 years, and used to be the lead TD of a Maya-based studio. The most 
interesting thing is: after some time not using Maya (like 1-2 months), you 
will easily forget some operation. This seldom happens on Softimage. 
For Softimage, when I forget something, with a little memory and some human 
logical thought, I can easily pick it up. But for Maya, I have to obey Maya 

So this thread is to help Maya to be more human. I have enough experience on 
both packages, and I can tell Softimage is indeed more artist friendly. 


[] 代表 Brent McPherson
发送时间: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 5:24 PM
主题: RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Politics!? You obviously never worked in a large company before? ;-)

Do you seriously think that in a competitive market a company can/will sit back 
and drip out features as part of some evil master plan? Success can obviously 
lead to complacency (which is why competition is healthy/important) but a large 
product with a diverse customer base will also find it much harder to satisfy 
all their customers and the hallmark of good product management and leadership 
is knowing what to focus on.

Sorry, just getting tired of all this conspiracy bullshit.

[] On Behalf Of Sebastien Sterling
Sent: 01 April 2014 17:12
Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

AD has always played politics with its upgrades, it's not about giving you the 
most efficient tools today, but releasing them in a slow staggered and 
incomplete fashion, so it takes several release and considerable investment 
before you actually get a functional addition to your workflow. they say it's 
so people have time to adjust to the change which is all so much commendable 
bullshit. Now and again they'll chuck a few sweets out when people get rowdy 
often followed by the statement You SEE !!! we really do have your best 
interest at heart or  WE really do listen to you !
It's what they did for Syflex, Nex and the viewport enhancements in 3ds max to 
name just a few.
and it's what they will do with bifrost, totting up every marginal update as a 
NEW feature. New Bifrost! now with tear of Menus, Gasp !
Most of these modeling enhancements such as the shrink wrap are things that 
could have been added years ago, but are only being added in recent releases. i 
refuse to believe that these sort of tools are that difficult to implement.
A lot of this shitty attitude hearkens back to the years of stagnation during 
the three package monopoly.

You might argue that ICE took several release to have the functionality it has 
but then you would have to go watch this:
and realize that ICE offered considerably more in its first incarnation, then 
Bifrost will in even it's third iteration.

On 1 April 2014 12:52, Xiaodong Xu wrote:
I’ve been waiting for 15 years just for the late coming shrinkwrap deformer. 


 代表 Eugen Sares
发送时间: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 7:35 PM
主题: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Did anything change already with Maya 2015 to the better?

Not that I very much long to use it...
I'm curious, though, if Autodesk can be taken by it's word this time - to 
'humanize Maya', and the pace at which this is happening.

Anyway, it will be most interesting to learn what the most forthcoming option 
will be in the near future.
I hope with Modo 801 and 

RE: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Angus Davidson
Good on them.

I know I downloaded the iterations a few times ;)

From: Jordi Bares []
Sent: 02 April 2014 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was blocked by 
excessive traffic!!!


Jordi Bares

On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users forum… things 
are moving fast.

Jordi Bares

On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean on them 
after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you wanted to turn on at 
frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at frame 34, move a frame, then 
key it on at frame 35.  You can absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you 
can just type $FF  34 in the activation field.

You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save them for 
later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them, meaning you can make 
them more accessible at the top level to tweak and adjust without having to 
always dive down into the lower level nodes themselves.  So say you built a 
noise and want to pass it off to another artist, you can only promote say the 
Amplitude field and let them play with that, but not promote the frequency 
field because they have no business touching that.

In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control everything from 
within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do so.  It's not called an 
operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly powerful stuff.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:
I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini way, so 
instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd() function in the box.

this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster then plugin 
nodes all the time.

On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:
Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to do the expressions, 
you could still connect everything in a nodal way,
he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick shortcuts using those 
short expressions.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:
Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing stuff  which is off 
putting at first it does seem to provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice 
approach. Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen from an ICE 
users point of view.




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Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error.

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel like this was ICE on 
steroids (as someone put it yesterday).
Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine doing in ICE at all, 
the way it was done. Switching context (as we would in ICE),
is called Promoting an Attribute. It works really well, and allows for some 
fantastic effects. ICE's Switch Context is usually much harder to use
(in my experience) and doesn't work the way this does.

I urge all of you to watch this as see how ICE-like this is:


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Martin Contel wrote:
LOL!!! I love it:

halfdan wrote:
Fixed in tomorrow's build.

tomorrow, like the day after today?


tomorrow, like the day after today?

Thats how we roll here in Houdini land 

Martin Contel
Square Enix (Visual Works)

RE: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Eric Thivierge
Yeah that is something that I do very often as well.

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Rob Wuijster
'center to vertices' command, just another way to quicly change the 
center of an object.
And using the TAB key for quickly moving the pivot around for snapping, 
moving stuff around is a no-brainer.

Things I use a lot on a daily basis..



On 2-4-2014 12:38, Eric Thivierge wrote:

Yeah that is something that I do very often as well.

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Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread olivier jeannel

140 pages pdf !

Le 02/04/2014 11:32, Javier \El Elástico\ a écrit :

Hey! That it is good!

El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:

Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
blocked by excessive traffic!!!


Jordi Bares

On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
forum… things are moving fast. 

Jordi Bares

On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
in the activation field.

You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
they have no business touching that.

In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
powerful stuff.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
function in the box.

this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
then plugin nodes all the time.

On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
nodal way,
he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
shortcuts using those short expressions.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:

Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
from an ICE users point of view.




This email and any attachments to it may be confidential
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If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you
must neither take any action based upon its contents,
nor copy or show it to anyone.

Please contact the sender if you believe you have
received this email in error.


Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

Subject: Re: SI and Houdini


I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel
like this was ICE on steroids (as someone put it 

Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine
doing in ICE at all, the way it was done. Switching
context (as we would in ICE),
is called Promoting an Attribute. It works really well,
and allows for some fantastic effects. ICE's Switch
Context is usually much harder to use
(in my experience) and doesn't work the way this does.


Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares
err…. yeah… they have been growing..

So far I am in page 321 and there are easily another 400 pages to be put 
together but I am sure over this month I will finish it.


Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 11:54, olivier jeannel wrote:

 140 pages pdf !
 Le 02/04/2014 11:32, Javier \El Elástico\ a écrit :
 Hey! That it is good!
 El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:
 Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
 blocked by excessive traffic!!!
 Jordi Bares
 On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:
 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
 forum… things are moving fast.
 Jordi Bares
 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:
 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
 on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
 wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
 frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
 absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
 in the activation field.
 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
 them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
 meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
 and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
 nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
 to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
 let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
 they have no business touching that.
 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
 everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
 so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
 powerful stuff.
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:
I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
function in the box.
this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
then plugin nodes all the time.
On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:
Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
nodal way,
he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
shortcuts using those short expressions.
On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:
Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
from an ICE users point of view.
This email and any attachments to it may be confidential
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Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400
Subject: Re: SI and Houdini
I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel
like this was ICE on steroids (as someone put it yesterday).
Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine

RE: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Angus Davidson
The man has been busy :) Also very easy to understand which is great for folks 
undergoing the migration

From: olivier jeannel []
Sent: 02 April 2014 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

140 pages pdf !

Le 02/04/2014 11:32, Javier \El Elástico\ a écrit :
 Hey! That it is good!

 El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:
 Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
 blocked by excessive traffic!!!


 Jordi Bares

 On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
 forum… things are moving fast.

 Jordi Bares

 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
 on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
 wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
 frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
 absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
 in the activation field.

 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
 them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
 meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
 and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
 nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
 to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
 let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
 they have no business touching that.

 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
 everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
 so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
 powerful stuff.


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
 way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
 function in the box.

 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
 then plugin nodes all the time.

 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
 do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
 nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
 shortcuts using those short expressions.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:

 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
 stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
 provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
 Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
 from an ICE users point of view.




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 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

 I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel
 like this was ICE on steroids (as someone put it
 Some of the things you could easily do, I can't imagine

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread olivier jeannel

SideFx should make you some superdiscount price

Le 02/04/2014 13:19, Angus Davidson a écrit :

The man has been busy :) Also very easy to understand which is great for folks 
undergoing the migration

From: olivier jeannel []
Sent: 02 April 2014 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

140 pages pdf !

Le 02/04/2014 11:32, Javier \El Elástico\ a écrit :

Hey! That it is good!

El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:

Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
blocked by excessive traffic!!!


Jordi Bares

On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
forum… things are moving fast.

Jordi Bares

On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
in the activation field.

You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
they have no business touching that.

In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
powerful stuff.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
 way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
 function in the box.

 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
 then plugin nodes all the time.

 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
 do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
 nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
 shortcuts using those short expressions.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:

 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
 stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
 provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
 Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
 from an ICE users point of view.




 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential
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 If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you
 must neither take any action based upon its contents,
 nor copy or show it to anyone.

 Please contact the sender if you believe you have
 received this email in error.

 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:39:01 -0400

 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

 I just watched this tutorial and it REALLY made me feel
 like this was ICE on steroids (as someone put it

Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread olivier jeannel

I have a Quadro 4000 and this has been discussed other Redshift forum.
It's not bad for Open GL working, but defenetly not for rendering

Quadro 4000 has around 400 cores while Titan has around 3000 cores. Also 
comes the Memory 2Gb against 6Gb, and I can't tell for the Mhz but 
overall it doesnt compare at all.

According to the RS team you could expect the Titan to be at least 3 or 
4 time faster than Quadro 4000

Le 02/04/2014 09:13, Raffaele Fragapane a écrit :
Yeah, if you're on time for a return it might be worth considering. 
The K4K isn't great bang for buck, it has a massive quadro label 
overhead to the price and it's not really that well featured.
I don't know if 4x is an actual measure of the difference, I don't 
have both cards at hand to test nor redshift, but it's openly 

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Peter Agg
I think the key thing with something like this is that Centre mode isn't
something that's used for a specific, single problem - say you implemented
a 'Match Centre to Object' button in Maya, that would only solve that
single workflow I mentioned earlier.

Having the Centre mode work the way it does in Soft, I know I can carry on
working the same way I would normally - I can Match Transforms (Maya really
needs this as well, btw :) ), use constraints or whatever I feel like and
the Centre mode toggle handles it all behind the scenes. It's a far more
elegant way of adding functionality than throwing more buttons and tools at
each individual problem.

On the flip side there's Child Compensation in Soft, which is really nice
and everything, but doesn't work with Match Transforms, which turns a
useful tool into something very frustrating. Keeping things consistent is
key with this kind of working.

Anyway, I'm sure you're fully aware of all this, Brent. But better to say
it than to not.

On 2 April 2014 11:50, Rob Wuijster wrote:

  'center to vertices' command, just another way to quicly change the
 center of an object.
 And using the TAB key for quickly moving the pivot around for snapping,
 moving stuff around is a no-brainer.
 Things I use a lot on a daily basis..



 On 2-4-2014 12:38, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 Yeah that is something that I do very often as well.

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RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Brent McPherson
Um. I have always been on the list. (well since 1998 when I joined Soft. :-)

In the absence of information people usually end up drawing their own 
conclusions. One of the downsides of working in a public companies is that you 
can't really talk freely about plans etc. so this is something devs like myself 
generally avoid. Having someone higher up like Chris engage this list gives us 
a little more freedom to open up on the initiatives that have been publically 


[] On Behalf Of Angus Davidson
Sent: 02 April 2014 12:38
Subject: RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Hi Brent

Just to clear up this is far more about perception then conspiracy. Before you 
guys all joined the list this month we had been in pretty much a vacuum as far 
as information goes.

He does have a very valid point on the marginal update thing though. Autodesk 
has done that a lot over the years.  To give you an example in Softimage they 
touted the camera sequencer as one of the major updates of the previous 
release. An item that

a) was paid for by a specific japanese games company (so not done via 
b) was pretty much useless to anyone else as it couldn't handle motion blur 
directly forcing you to do that in post.

Also company politics was very much in game for softimage as it was incredibly 
difficult to buy it in many countries via resellers. So if people seem upset 
and wary about Autodesk you can now understand why.

Great to have you on the list. Hopefully little things like the centering 
methodology can broaden you understanding of our workflows

Kind regards


From: Brent McPherson []
Sent: 02 April 2014 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014
Politics!? You obviously never worked in a large company before? ;-)

Do you seriously think that in a competitive market a company can/will sit back 
and drip out features as part of some evil master plan? Success can obviously 
lead to complacency (which is why competition is healthy/important) but a large 
product with a diverse customer base will also find it much harder to satisfy 
all their customers and the hallmark of good product management and leadership 
is knowing what to focus on.

Sorry, just getting tired of all this conspiracy bullshit.

[] On Behalf Of Sebastien Sterling
Sent: 01 April 2014 17:12
Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

AD has always played politics with its upgrades, it's not about giving you the 
most efficient tools today, but releasing them in a slow staggered and 
incomplete fashion, so it takes several release and considerable investment 
before you actually get a functional addition to your workflow. they say it's 
so people have time to adjust to the change which is all so much commendable 
bullshit. Now and again they'll chuck a few sweets out when people get rowdy 
often followed by the statement You SEE !!! we really do have your best 
interest at heart or  WE really do listen to you !
It's what they did for Syflex, Nex and the viewport enhancements in 3ds max to 
name just a few.
and it's what they will do with bifrost, totting up every marginal update as a 
NEW feature. New Bifrost! now with tear of Menus, Gasp !
Most of these modeling enhancements such as the shrink wrap are things that 
could have been added years ago, but are only being added in recent releases. i 
refuse to believe that these sort of tools are that difficult to implement.
A lot of this shitty attitude hearkens back to the years of stagnation during 
the three package monopoly.
You might argue that ICE took several release to have the functionality it has 
but then you would have to go watch this:
and realize that ICE offered considerably more in its first incarnation, then 
Bifrost will in even it's third iteration.

On 1 April 2014 12:52, Xiaodong Xu wrote:
I’ve been waiting for 15 years just for the late coming shrinkwrap deformer. 


 代表 Eugen Sares
发送时间: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 7:35 PM
主题: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Did anything change already with Maya 2015 to the better?

Not that I very much long to use it...
I'm curious, though, if Autodesk can be taken by it's word this time - to 
'humanize Maya', and the pace at which this is happening.

Anyway, it will be most interesting to 

Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Leendert A. Hartog
Well, there still is a marked difference between someone who is
ill-informed and makes an odd remark based on this and someone who
actively engages/believes in conspiracy theories.
Throwing the term conspiracy theory around in these kind of
discussions somehow might give the impression someone is thinking the
other to be some sort of nut-job.
And such confusion should be avoided, I guess...



Leendert A. Hartog �C Softimage hobbyist
AKA Hirazi Blue �C Administrator  @, NOT the owner of

RE: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES]
All the time. Say I have an aileron, flap or other control surface on an 
aircraft. Most of these surfaces ( in planform view) are similar to trapezoids, 
parallelograms, or other irregular surfaces. More importantly however most of 
these shapes have sides which are never parallel to an X or Z axis and are 
often deviant in both axis (or diagonal). The rotation angle for these surface 
are 99% of the time on the diagonal.  So how do I deal with this in Maya vs 

Maya:   I have to create a  set of multiple nulls with custom rotations to set 
up the angle of rotation properly for the surface. If I want to rotate the 
surface I have to dig through all these nulls to get to the right one, select 
and rotate it just to rotate the surface.

Soft:I select Center, rotate it to the angle I need, select the object and 

If I have to change the pivot after the fact:

Maya:   I have to deconstruct part of the hierarchy, rotate the null 
responsible for the rotation angle, and then reconnect the hierarchy so that 
Maya will not adversely rotate the objects underneath the rotation angle.

Soft:  I  select the Center and rotate.

Joey Ponthieux
LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
Mymic Technical Services
NASA Langley Research Center
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

[] On Behalf Of Brent McPherson
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 4:56 AM
Subject: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

So, do you folks really use Center mode all that much?

That was really a pre-pivot workflow that XSI inherited from SI|3D and it 
simply applies a transform to the object and a mirror transform to the geometry 
thereby giving the *illusion* that that center has changed. Of course, reset 
transforms will mess up the center. (unless you also set the neutral  pose)

As someone who worked on that area in SI I'm really curious to know what the  
main use cases for Center are?


 [] On Behalf Of John Richard 
Sent: 27 March 2014 16:38
To: XSI List to post
Subject: Re: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5

So I got my first Maya job in years and here I am trying to figure out how to 
rotate a Pivot ( center in xsi). No you cant rotate a center in Maya you can 
just move it. WTF

Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Mirko Jankovic
Good point

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Leendert A. Hartog hirazib...@live.nlwrote:

  Well, there still is a marked difference between someone who is
 ill-informed and makes an odd remark based on this and someone who actively
 engages/believes in conspiracy theories.
 Throwing the term conspiracy theory around in these kind of discussions
 somehow might give the impression someone is thinking the other to be some
 sort of nut-job.
 And such confusion should be avoided, I guess...



 Leendert A. Hartog - Softimage hobbyist
 AKA Hirazi Blue - Administrator  @, NOT the owner of

Re: A Good Read!

2014-04-02 Thread Sergio Mucino
I don't know how that will work out, but if you found ICE troublesome, Maya is 
going to kill you (or maybe not... Who knows!). I actually never had much 
problems with the Maya UI. I think the biggest issue people have is with the 
workflow behind it. I also got used to that. What I found very difficult to 
deal with is getting changes to work (once you get into complex stuff). For 
example, there are certain things that cannot be reordered unless you do it 
manually, and doing so is extremely tricky, given the relationships that exist 
within the DAG. To make matters worse, Maya has to have the most unintuitive 
and anti-user friendly node editor from all the ones I've tried, to the point 
where I preferred to work with the Hypergraph (I just got the hang of it a few 
months ago after fiddling with it a bit, and then it was ok, but a lot of thing 
are still not user friendly. It's basically a nicer-looking Hypergraph. Nothing 
else changed). 

Maya does need quite a bit of work in the usability area. Some things are easy 
once you're familiar with them, but getting to that point can be painful. 
Others are kinda ridiculous, actually (like its weights painting system. It's 

Of course, it has nice things too. I like the rigging tools. Can't speak much 
for the rest of the applications, since I just rig. 

Sergio Muciño.
Sent from my iPad.

 On Apr 2, 2014, at 6:03 AM, Morten Bartholdy wrote:
 Like Sebastien wrote:  It's about enabling an individual's,  and giving them 
 peace of mind.
 I understand the part about 3D having become immensely more complex throught 
 the pat decade, requiring more advanced tools and subsequently more skills 
 from the artist, but I really also think the software devs put way too little 
 effort into making these tools userfriendly and easily accessible, so the 
 artist can concentrate on the task at hand rather than how to stick it 
 together at all.
 Maya is a great example here - lots of power but fairly poor UI makes it 
 difficult for a non technically inclined artist to do quite advanced stuff. 
 Softimage is much better in this respect, but also here there is a lot of 
 room for improvement. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out how 
 to make simple stuff work in ICE which ought to be really simple to do and 
 just get on with it. Context mismatches and lack of high level nodes for 
 everyday nuts and bolts stuff makes ICE hard at times for a guy like me. I do 
 like learning and think it is good since, as Olivier say, it empowers you 
 when you unlock more of the tech under the hood, but most of the time, I 
 can't find the time to do this - I just need to produce.
 Don't get me wrong - I love ICE too, and use it on probably 80-90% of my 
 productions (mostly simple stuff and that which can be done with the 
 excellent tools by Mootzoid, Exocortex and others), but I would love to spend 
 much less time trying to figure out the how-to, so I can focus on making it 
 look great. Mind you, I am not asking for a Kais Power Tools for 3D, but 
 there is no reason why advanced stuff shouldn't be easier to do - it would 
 make a lot more people do great work, and thus boost the industry.
 It will be interesting to see how far the Humanize Maya will go in this 
 respect. Given that the devs are on a path to provide as much functionality 
 as possible in a short timeframe I am afraid real UI improvements will not be 
 prioritized enough.
 Den 1. april 2014 kl. 20:55 skrev Angus Davidson 
 I think we have had this discussion before that things should have been 
 further along by now ;)  I just said that Softimage was very good at allowing 
 the very skilled and the very new to easily achieve great things. Having 
 taught Maya and Softimage to people new to 3D its very easy to see the 
 difference between an application that can do that well and one that cant. 
 When you are in education you see that learning curve being tackled over and 
 over again.
 I think Sebastiens race car analogy and conclusions put it far better then I 
 From: Luc-Eric Rousseau [] 
 Sent: 01 April 2014 08:04 PM 
 Subject: Re: A Good Read! 
 it's interesting blog but I don't think that guy is saying anything that 
 would suggest Softimage is doing any better... (if you read the bit about 
 rigging having not evolved)...
 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Angus Davidson  
 I think the original author does have a point but I dont think he expressed 
 it the way he wanted to. I can feel his frustration.  If you think of where 
 we are and  its been 20 years or so, shouldn't things be simpler?
 Zbrush is a good example , immensely powerful program but such an uphill 
 battle to get used to the interface to do anything useful. HeadUs and their 
 unwrap interface is another one. yes you can get 

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Martin Yara
In SI we use both pivots and centers. Pivots lack rotation or at least I've
never found how to use them so we use Centers for that.

Being able to use SRT in custom angles is quite useful. In SI you have
centers and reference planes. You have also pivots.

In Maya you only have a pivot that you can only specify it's position. The
rotation axis works only for rotation and custom axis orientation are
Translation and Scale tools options that work separately from the object
rotation axis and you can only manipulate it in the viewport. And since
it's a tool option you can only have 1 custom angle for translation and
scale (1 per tool).

You can't move, let's say, an object 10.54 units in diagonal 30 degrees
without calculating it or scripting. In SI you can do it in a few seconds
with precision and you have multiple ways to do it.

You can't do this with components either in Maya.

So, I think Maya needs at least half of the Softimage MCP.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:30 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:

  All the time. Say I have an aileron, flap or other control surface on an
 aircraft. Most of these surfaces ( in planform view) are similar to
 trapezoids, parallelograms, or other irregular surfaces. More importantly
 however most of these shapes have sides which are never parallel to an X or
 Z axis and are often deviant in both axis (or diagonal). The rotation angle
 for these surface are 99% of the time on the diagonal.  So how do I deal
 with this in Maya vs Softimage?

 Maya:   I have to create a  set of multiple nulls with custom rotations to
 set up the angle of rotation properly for the surface. If I want to rotate
 the surface I have to dig through all these nulls to get to the right one,
 select and rotate it just to rotate the surface.

 Soft:I select Center, rotate it to the angle I need, select the object
 and rotate.

 If I have to change the pivot after the fact:

 Maya:   I have to deconstruct part of the hierarchy, rotate the null
 responsible for the rotation angle, and then reconnect the hierarchy so
 that Maya will not adversely rotate the objects underneath the rotation

 Soft:  I  select the Center and rotate.


 Joey Ponthieux

 LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)

 Mymic Technical Services

 NASA Langley Research Center


 Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not

 represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Brent McPherson
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 02, 2014 4:56 AM
 *Subject:* Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

 So, do you folks really use Center mode all that much?

 That was really a pre-pivot workflow that XSI inherited from SI|3D and it
 simply applies a transform to the object and a mirror transform to the
 geometry thereby giving the *illusion* that that center has changed. Of
 course, reset transforms will mess up the center. (unless you also set the
 neutral  pose)

 As someone who worked on that area in SI I'm really curious to know what
 the  main use cases for Center are?




 *From:* []
 *On Behalf Of *John Richard Sanchez
 *Sent:* 27 March 2014 16:38
 *To:* XSI List to post
 *Subject:* Re: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5

 So I got my first Maya job in years and here I am trying to figure out how
 to rotate a Pivot ( center in xsi). No you cant rotate a center in Maya you
 can just move it. WTF

Houdini Engine for MAYA

2014-04-02 Thread Marc-Andre Carbonneau
Hey guys,
Don't remember if it has been mentioned here but do check out Houdini Engine 
for Maya...
It could help you out if you already have Houdini licenses or plan to purchase 

Watch the videos and try it out for free.

Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Luc-Eric Rousseau
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Leendert A. Hartog wrote:
 Well, there still is a marked difference between someone who is ill-informed
 and makes an odd remark based on this and someone who actively
 engages/believes in conspiracy theories.
 Throwing the term conspiracy theory around in these kind of discussions
 somehow might give the impression someone is thinking the other to be some
 sort of nut-job.
 And such confusion should be avoided, I guess...

Nice to trim the post, but let's  reread what was posted before
defending it as not conspiracy-like. AD has always played politics
with its upgrades, it's not about giving you the most efficient tools
today, but releasing them in a slow staggered and incomplete fashion,
so it takes several release and considerable investment before you
actually get a functional addition to your workflow

It's heading towards conspiracy territory indeed.  That it all could
have been done years ago in one shot, but the company simply chose to
not do it to get more money.

This type of releases would be an encouraging sign of constant
development for Modo or Houdini, or anyone else, including Softimage
at Avid.

We could cynically say Softimage always knew it had a particle
problems from day one, but they knew users wouldn't jump to ship, so
they waited as long as they could before doing anything.  Then of
course they were panicking with the loss of some clients and started
to be listening a lot to uses all the sudden about it and made ICE.
Why didn't they listen the 10 years before that?  Particles didn't
start being to be a problem in 2006!

Or we could cynically say Softimage always could have support third
party renderers (even talked about PRMan support at one point), but
decided to only support Mental Ray, and a pipeline based on
softimage's proprietary shaders, so that they could get people trapped
into paying them for mental ray licenses. Politics! Then finally
around V6 they decided to open up an API they must have had all along
internally and declared they were listening and how open they were

See, anyone can be cynical and make stuff up that sounds real.  And
anyone has the right to call you out on that.

I could do this all day!  Let's do more, just to fan the flames??  No?
 OK anyway!

How about  Softmage doing absolutely nothing in animation in the last
10 years probably because they were not losing any japanese
subscription money over that!  The last thing done was the Shape
Manager, a project probably paid by a big client. How about turn
edge?? That was touted a big feature but it's a trivial thing game
modellers have been asking since the days of Softimage|3D!  How about
user normals!  That was a implemented as a plugin in the netview and
it took 10 years before that was finally put in natively and then they
touted it as big feature even though it must been trivial since
they must have had all the code already!  Etc.. etc..  etc..

It is the upmost cynicism to say that stuff like Bifrost or viewport
enhancement is getting released incrementally to get more money.
Every user of every package out there saying, give us more frequent
updates, help us validate your features by seeing them and using them
as they are being developed.  There are monthly drops in the beta
forums, and then if something is ready to go, it's released in an
extension release to get it out there to a larger audience ASAP.

Drawback, if you release things it adds more time to the development
time because you have to clean some things up earlier. For example
Softimage people worked between 2 and 3 years on ICE v1.0.  Although
it was probably impossible for that project, if they had made an
intermediate release it might have added another year to the full
V1.0.  But the team did drop things like IK, applying ICE trees in
branches and other stuff to make v1.0.

Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Leendert A. Hartog

I am not defending or even attacking anyone here.
I posted my doubts over the use of the term conspiracy theory for what 
it implies...
I do strongly feel it doesn't help any discussion to imply the other is 
a nut-job...



Leendert A. Hartog – Softimage hobbyist
AKA Hirazi Blue – Administrator  @, NOT the owner of

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Ed Manning
Trying to look at this from a high-level non-TD user perspective...

In Soft, whether it was intentional design or just fell out of the toolset
that evolved, any geometrical object (not using the word in the programming
sense) has, through centers, pivots, reference planes, neutral poses,
constraint compensation and child compensation, effectively got a complete
and fairly intuitive rig already embedded.  The ability to toggle in and
out of various manipulation modes easily is very important in terms of
usability.  The combination of the tabbed PPGs and operator stack allow
people to drill down to the atomic level if necessary, but don't tend to
interfere with the user experience.  The fact remarked on above, that all
the tools continue to work in all modes, is also key.

In Maya, it seems to me that an underlying assumption was made that
everything should be REALLY atomic, and that users should do everything by
assembling things into mostly single-purpose, single-mode rigs or tools.  I
guess this makes sense in a pipelined, scripted environment, especially
when you have TDs to build and deploy a stable toolset, but it's hell on
Earth for a sole-practitioner/generalist who is expected to quickly produce
results from scratch.  I gather that you *could* devise a rig, using
locators and constraints and whatnot, that would emulate the flexibility of
all the Softimage transform controls, and use a script to apply it to any
object that gets a transform node, but unless you also spend considerable
time to make a custom UI for it, the usability would be awful.  Not to
mention the mess you'd have in the node editor or outliner.

To me, this goes along with the silly amount of clicking on things you have
to do in Maya -- it's all very logical and sensible from a really granular
standpoint, but scales poorly (in the sense that repetitive tasks become
REALLY repetitive) and neglects the difference between things that need to
be done frequently and things that are rarely needed.

And I guess the tendency toward single-purpose single-mode tools and
operations is also related to this, with the often-disastrous effect of
being unable to make even a simple change without recreating the whole
history of operations.  Again, if you do everything with a script, that
might not be a big deal -- you edit the script to make the change, then run
the whole thing again.  But if you are trying to keep everything live and
editable, and don't have scripting skills, or a TD who does, Maya is
intrinsically more limited.

I'm resigned to the prospect of dusting off scripting skills I haven't
exercised in nearly 20 years, but I'm not happy about what is basically a
regression in the state of the art.  And I know that scripting and coding
are hugely powerful tools -- there are things that you can, or should, ONLY
do with them -- but I am not nearly as facile with those tools as the ones
in the Softimage workflow/toolset.  Besides -- it's wasteful and inane to
use a sophisticated, powerful tool to do a simple frequent task.  Just
because I could use a 6-axis CNC milling machine to drill a hole in a board
doesn't mean it's a better tool for the job than my old Makita driver
drill. Yes, if I needed to make several dozen holes, all precisely sized
and spaced, at different angles, in several different boards meant to fit
together at a later stage, that CNC machine would be handy -- but 99.99% of
the time, all I need is that one simple hole, right NOW, and I don't want
to take the workpiece off the jobsite back to the machine shop.

RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Brent McPherson
When someone is throwing about unfounded accusations/speculation why not call 
them out on it?

Sometimes you need to be told you are being an ass and not tiptoe around it. 
The original post was not a setup for polite and constructive discussion IMO 
and I don't think my usage of the term conspiracy theory was as bad as you 
are making it out to be.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Leendert A. Hartog
Sent: 02 April 2014 15:07
Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

I am not defending or even attacking anyone here.
I posted my doubts over the use of the term conspiracy theory for what 
it implies...
I do strongly feel it doesn't help any discussion to imply the other is 
a nut-job...



Leendert A. Hartog – Softimage hobbyist
AKA Hirazi Blue – Administrator  @, NOT the owner of

attachment: winmail.dat

Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Marc-Andre Carbonneau
Oh my... things are getting interesting!

Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Leendert A. Hartog

Ah well, case closed then...


Leendert A. Hartog – Softimage hobbyist
AKA Hirazi Blue – Administrator  @, NOT the owner of

Re: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares
I agree with you Brent, we should be fair.

Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 15:21, Brent McPherson wrote:

 When someone is throwing about unfounded accusations/speculation why not call 
 them out on it?
 Sometimes you need to be told you are being an ass and not tiptoe around it. 
 The original post was not a setup for polite and constructive discussion IMO 
 and I don't think my usage of the term conspiracy theory was as bad as you 
 are making it out to be.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Leendert A. 
 Sent: 02 April 2014 15:07
 Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014
 I am not defending or even attacking anyone here.
 I posted my doubts over the use of the term conspiracy theory for what 
 it implies...
 I do strongly feel it doesn't help any discussion to imply the other is 
 a nut-job...
 Leendert A. Hartog – Softimage hobbyist
 AKA Hirazi Blue – Administrator  @, NOT the owner of

RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Angus Davidson
Hi Luceric

You conveniently seem to forget a few things

a) You are on the inside (with all the knowledge )looking out as opposed to 
have no information and looking in.
b) Places like the Foundry and SideFX engage with their clients on a level AD 
has even come close to. Even in the last month.
c) You should be worrying less about conspiracy theories and more about how 
unprofessional your last post makes you and by extension your employer look 
d) Treating people with respect even when they are wrong goes down much better.
e) There is a big difference between calling people out and correcting things, 
and purposely trying to make them feel stupid.

So done here.

From: Luc-Eric Rousseau []
Sent: 02 April 2014 03:48 PM
Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Leendert A. Hartog wrote:
 Well, there still is a marked difference between someone who is ill-informed
 and makes an odd remark based on this and someone who actively
 engages/believes in conspiracy theories.
 Throwing the term conspiracy theory around in these kind of discussions
 somehow might give the impression someone is thinking the other to be some
 sort of nut-job.
 And such confusion should be avoided, I guess...

Nice to trim the post, but let's  reread what was posted before
defending it as not conspiracy-like. AD has always played politics
with its upgrades, it's not about giving you the most efficient tools
today, but releasing them in a slow staggered and incomplete fashion,
so it takes several release and considerable investment before you
actually get a functional addition to your workflow

It's heading towards conspiracy territory indeed.  That it all could
have been done years ago in one shot, but the company simply chose to
not do it to get more money.

This type of releases would be an encouraging sign of constant
development for Modo or Houdini, or anyone else, including Softimage
at Avid.

We could cynically say Softimage always knew it had a particle
problems from day one, but they knew users wouldn't jump to ship, so
they waited as long as they could before doing anything.  Then of
course they were panicking with the loss of some clients and started
to be listening a lot to uses all the sudden about it and made ICE.
Why didn't they listen the 10 years before that?  Particles didn't
start being to be a problem in 2006!

Or we could cynically say Softimage always could have support third
party renderers (even talked about PRMan support at one point), but
decided to only support Mental Ray, and a pipeline based on
softimage's proprietary shaders, so that they could get people trapped
into paying them for mental ray licenses. Politics! Then finally
around V6 they decided to open up an API they must have had all along
internally and declared they were listening and how open they were

See, anyone can be cynical and make stuff up that sounds real.  And
anyone has the right to call you out on that.

I could do this all day!  Let's do more, just to fan the flames??  No?
 OK anyway!

How about  Softmage doing absolutely nothing in animation in the last
10 years probably because they were not losing any japanese
subscription money over that!  The last thing done was the Shape
Manager, a project probably paid by a big client. How about turn
edge?? That was touted a big feature but it's a trivial thing game
modellers have been asking since the days of Softimage|3D!  How about
user normals!  That was a implemented as a plugin in the netview and
it took 10 years before that was finally put in natively and then they
touted it as big feature even though it must been trivial since
they must have had all the code already!  Etc.. etc..  etc..

It is the upmost cynicism to say that stuff like Bifrost or viewport
enhancement is getting released incrementally to get more money.
Every user of every package out there saying, give us more frequent
updates, help us validate your features by seeing them and using them
as they are being developed.  There are monthly drops in the beta
forums, and then if something is ready to go, it's released in an
extension release to get it out there to a larger audience ASAP.

Drawback, if you release things it adds more time to the development
time because you have to clean some things up earlier. For example
Softimage people worked between 2 and 3 years on ICE v1.0.  Although
it was probably impossible for that project, if they had made an
intermediate release it might have added another year to the full
V1.0.  But the team did drop things like IK, applying ICE trees in
branches and other stuff to make v1.0.

table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 
td align=left style=text-align:justify;font face=arial,sans-serif 
size=1 color=#99span style=font-size:11px;This communication is 
intended for the 

Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Eric Thivierge
Can we all try to put in some extra effort into trimming posts please? 
It's getting a bit out of hand lately. I'd greatly appreciate it and I 
think many others would too.

Eric T.

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares

I am doing it for the Softimage community, not for Side Effects although they 
may benefit… if anything you should be giving thanks to whoever took the 
decision to kill Softimage, otherwise I wouldn't feel the need to embark in 
such a mammoth task.

And my wife is not happy I can tell you that but in a month I will be done so 
let's see where this whole thing takes me.


Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 12:22, olivier jeannel wrote:

 SideFx should make you some superdiscount price
 Le 02/04/2014 13:19, Angus Davidson a écrit :
 The man has been busy :) Also very easy to understand which is great for 
 folks undergoing the migration
 From: olivier jeannel []
 Sent: 02 April 2014 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini
 140 pages pdf !
 Le 02/04/2014 11:32, Javier \El Elástico\ a écrit :
 Hey! That it is good!
 El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:
 Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
 blocked by excessive traffic!!!
 Jordi Bares
 On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:
 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
 forum… things are moving fast.
 Jordi Bares
 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:
 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
 on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
 wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
 frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
 absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
 in the activation field.
 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
 them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
 meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
 and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
 nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
 to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
 let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
 they have no business touching that.
 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
 everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
 so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
 powerful stuff.
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:
 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
 way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
 function in the box.
 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
 then plugin nodes all the time.
 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:
 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
 do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
 nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
 shortcuts using those short expressions.
 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:
 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
 stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
 provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
 Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
 from an ICE users point of view.
 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential
 and are intended solely for the use of the individual to
 whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed
 are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
 represent those of Hackney Effects Ltd.
 If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you
 must neither take any action based upon its contents,
 nor copy or show it to anyone.
 Please contact the sender if you believe you have
 received this 

RE: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Angus Davidson
You can tell your wife from us that there are a lot of folks who really do 
appreciate it. ;)

From: Jordi Bares []
Sent: 02 April 2014 04:45 PM
Subject: Re: SI and Houdini


I am doing it for the Softimage community, not for Side Effects although they 
may benefit… if anything you should be giving thanks to whoever took the 
decision to kill Softimage, otherwise I wouldn't feel the need to embark in 
such a mammoth task.

And my wife is not happy I can tell you that but in a month I will be done so 
let's see where this whole thing takes me.


Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 12:22, olivier jeannel wrote:

 SideFx should make you some superdiscount price

 Le 02/04/2014 13:19, Angus Davidson a écrit :
 The man has been busy :) Also very easy to understand which is great for 
 folks undergoing the migration

 From: olivier jeannel []
 Sent: 02 April 2014 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: SI and Houdini

 140 pages pdf !

 Le 02/04/2014 11:32, Javier \El Elástico\ a écrit :
 Hey! That it is good!

 El miércoles, 02 de abril de 2014 11:14:07, Jordi Bares escribió:
 Latest news, now hosted by Side Effects after my dropbox account was
 blocked by excessive traffic!!!


 Jordi Bares

 On 28 Mar 2014, at 18:19, Jordi Bares wrote:

 You may want to keep checking my dropbox folder or the SI users
 forum… things are moving fast.

 Jordi Bares

 On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Meng-Yang Lu wrote:

 I didn't like the expressions at first either.  But you kinda lean
 on them after awhile.  Say you had a particle emission that you
 wanted to turn on at frame 35.  Most other packages you'd key a 0 at
 frame 34, move a frame, then key it on at frame 35.  You can
 absolutely do it this way in Houdini.  OR you can just type $FF  34
 in the activation field.

 You can make your own randomize nodes using VOPSOPs and yes, save
 them for later.  And you can build the parameters and promote them,
 meaning you can make them more accessible at the top level to tweak
 and adjust without having to always dive down into the lower level
 nodes themselves.  So say you built a noise and want to pass it off
 to another artist, you can only promote say the Amplitude field and
 let them play with that, but not promote the frequency field because
 they have no business touching that.

 In the past few days, I've learned you can pretty much control
 everything from within Houdini and quickly build an interface to do
 so.  It's not called an operating system for 3D for nothing.  Truly
 powerful stuff.


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

 I could be wrong but those expressions are part of the houdini
 way, so instead of adding a randomize value you insert a rnd()
 function in the box.

 this is probably a bit more complex for our ICY eyes, but faster
 then plugin nodes all the time.

 On 27 March 2014 15:44, Perry Harovas wrote:

 Yeah, and from what I understand, you don't really need to
 do the expressions, you could still connect everything in a
 nodal way,
 he just seems to be comfortable with some of the quick
 shortcuts using those short expressions.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:

 Apart from all the dollar blah blah abstract typing
 stuff  which is off putting at first it does seem to
 provide a way of doing stuff that has an Ice approach.
 Probably the most interesting Houdini sequence i've seen
 from an ICE users point of view.




 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential
 and are intended solely for the use of the individual to
 whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed
 are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
 represent those of Hackney Effects Ltd.

 If you are not the intended 

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares
I am learning a lot so it is all good.

Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 15:30, Saeed Kalhor wrote:

 Thanks Jordi, that's a great help.

Re[2]: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Eugen Sares

thanks for your efforts from my side as well! Copied your pdfs on my
Wacom companion, so I can read in bed at night... ;}

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: Jordi Bares
Gesendet: 02.04.2014 16:48:26
Betreff: Re: SI and Houdini

I am learning a lot so it is all good.

Jordi Bares

On 2 Apr 2014, at 15:30, Saeed Kalhor wrote:

Thanks Jordi, that's a great help.

Diese E-Mail ist frei von Viren und Malware, denn der avast! Antivirus Schutz 
ist aktiv.

Re: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Jordi Bares
I will buy her some nice present once it is finished.



On 2 Apr 2014, at 15:51, Rob Wuijster wrote:

 pretty sure that doesn't help him much ;-P
 On 2-4-2014 16:47, Angus Davidson wrote:
 You can tell your wife from us that there are a lot of folks who really do 
 appreciate it. ;)
 From: Jordi Bares []
 Sent: 02 April 2014 04:45 PM

RE: SI and Houdini

2014-04-02 Thread Jeff McFall

These are awesome - thank you so much for taking the time / effort to produce


Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Luc-Eric Rousseau
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:
 Maya:   I have to create a  set of multiple nulls with custom rotations to
 set up the angle of rotation properly for the surface. If I want to rotate
 the surface I have to dig through all these nulls to get to the right one,
 select and rotate it just to rotate the surface.

Is that always true in your scenarios?  Moving center in Softimage is
like moving all the points of the geometry. (What brent calls
transforming the geometry)
Knowing that it does that, wouldn't the simplest work-around for your
specific scenario in Maya be to select all points and move/rotate

Single frame subregion parameter for batch render.

2014-04-02 Thread Robert Cole
I need to render individual tiles of a very high resolution image (and 
stitch them together after, most likely w/ Photoshop). I can no longer 
find the documentation on Image Resolutionsubregion parameter for batch 
rendering..anybody have a hint?  And, if anybody would like to chime in 
on another, possibly less tedious way of rendering out and saving 
individual tiles , I would be very grateful.  (The requested image is to 
go on a 20' wall...)

Thank you,

Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Leoung O'Young

Is that the GTX 780 ti or just the regular GTX 780?

On 02/04/2014 5:17 AM, Matt Morris wrote:
Just double checked my test figures and it is more like 3 times, sorry 
for the confusion. This is on an indoor environment with a single 
character with hair, GI and DoF. On heavier environments/multiple 
characters the titan really shines.

2 quadro k4000 - 284.8 s

quadro k4000 - 509.7 s

Titan - 146.8 s

GTX 780 - 172.5 s

On 2 April 2014 09:59, Tim Borgmann wrote:

I've both cards and the 780 seems to be round about 3 times faster
than the quadro when rendering with redshift.


Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Morris
Its a regular 780 -  Gigabyte 780 windforce 3x - and one of the older gen
asus titans.

On 2 April 2014 16:35, Leoung O'Young wrote:

  Is that the GTX 780 ti or just the regular GTX 780?

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Christoph Muetze

On 02/04/14 17:25, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:
Is that always true in your scenarios? Moving center in Softimage is 
like moving all the points of the geometry. (What brent calls 
transforming the geometry) Knowing that it does that, wouldn't the 
simplest work-around for your specific scenario in Maya be to select 
all points and move/rotate them. 

Whenever I need to relocate a pivot temporarily for whatever reason I 
usually snap a mesh to R/T 0/0/0 world space, leave the offset of the 
mesh in place (aka don't freeze S/R/T), then move/rotate the pivot to 
some other position, do whatever I need to - when i'm done I reposition 
the pivot to R/T 0/0/0 world again and roll everything else back - 
Tadaa..  \o/ It's just a few clicks AND is completely nondestructive, 
too ...without ever even touching the operator stack...

also i use tiny polygons outside of (mostly character-) meshes regularly 
to simulate whatever COG of an object i might need... sometimes using 
this trick to storing several COG's outside the geometry (as in: another 
object), quickly deleting and merging them back into the mesh as needed...

location location location :)


RE: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Manuel Huertas Marchena
wow!! that looks great... is the forest cgi as well? props to the otoy team. 

IMDB | Portfolio | Vimeo
| Linkedin

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 10:33:44 -0400
Subject: Octane 2.0 motion blur

Oh my… things are getting interesting!   

RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Graham Bell
I'm sorry I wouldn't necessarily agree with the second point below.

I'm not saying that we're perfect, but there are different levels of engagement 
and we're not as invisible as many might seem to believe. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Angus Davidson
Sent: 02 April 2014 15:40
Subject: RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Hi Luceric

You conveniently seem to forget a few things

a) You are on the inside (with all the knowledge )looking out as opposed to 
have no information and looking in.
b) Places like the Foundry and SideFX engage with their clients on a level AD 
has even come close to. Even in the last month.
c) You should be worrying less about conspiracy theories and more about how 
unprofessional your last post makes you and by extension your employer look 
d) Treating people with respect even when they are wrong goes down much better.
e) There is a big difference between calling people out and correcting things, 
and purposely trying to make them feel stupid.

So done here.

w unless the University agrees in writing to the contrary. /span/font/td 
/tr /table

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Siew Yi Liang

Hi Luc-Eric:

A simple problem I had with the lack of a center/offset rotation pivot 
attribute in Maya was when I was rigging this guy:

His eyelids are using a combination of weighted joints to control major 
movement and clusters, to control the side-to-side. For the clusters, 
however, I needed their centers to match the rotation of the eyelid 
bones exactly
so that I could use set driven keys to connect the control curves to 
their movement. I ended up having to make a quick hack script that would 
makea temporary orientConstraint, grab the offset values, then delete 
the constraint and piping those values into the rotateAxis of the 
clusters instead to bring them back into original position.

There is probably a better way to do this and avoid having to work 
around like this (I was originally going to do bones all over the 
eyelids but it would have been a nightmare setting SDKs for that), but 
with the time limit, it was all I had and what I could do. A secondary 
transform attribute that was common to all transform nodes would go a 
long way towards helping XSI  Maya transitions, I think, especially 
when you need like exact pivot matches instead of rotating things around 
manually to kind of estimate it. :P Plus then you wouldn't have to worry 
about geometry VS clusters VS whatever node it is, as long as it has a 
transform, you know you're safe since you have access to a second pivot 
instead of having to create an intermediate null object for that purpose 
(and in any case that doesn't work as well for relative-deforming clusters)

Hope that makes sense!

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 4/2/2014 8:25 AM, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:

Maya:   I have to create a  set of multiple nulls with custom rotations to
set up the angle of rotation properly for the surface. If I want to rotate
the surface I have to dig through all these nulls to get to the right one,
select and rotate it just to rotate the surface.

Is that always true in your scenarios?  Moving center in Softimage is
like moving all the points of the geometry. (What brent calls
transforming the geometry)
Knowing that it does that, wouldn't the simplest work-around for your
specific scenario in Maya be to select all points and move/rotate

Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Leoung O'Young
Thanks Matt, I am just shopping for some cards and find there are so 
many makers and flavors.
I narrowed down to these 3, although the 770 are quite a bit cheaper 
than the 780

 EVGA Nvidia GTX 680 Graphics card 2GB

*EVGA GeForce GTX780 Dual w/ ACX Cooler FTW 980MHZ 3GB 384BIT 6008MHZ 
DVI HDMI SLI Graphics Card*

 GIGABYTE GV-N680OC-4GD GeForce GTX 680 4GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express
 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card

On 02/04/2014 11:56 AM, Matt Morris wrote:
Its a regular 780 -  Gigabyte 780 windforce 3x - and one of the older 
gen asus titans.

On 2 April 2014 16:35, Leoung O'Young wrote:

Is that the GTX 780 ti or just the regular GTX 780?

RE: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Phil Harbath
I have both and the 780 is probably worth the price difference

-Original Message-
From: Leoung O'Young
Sent: ‎4/‎2/‎2014 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

Thanks Matt, I am just shopping for some cards and find there are so 
many makers and flavors.
I narrowed down to these 3, although the 770 are quite a bit cheaper 
than the 780

  EVGA Nvidia GTX 680 Graphics card 2GB

*EVGA GeForce GTX780 Dual w/ ACX Cooler FTW 980MHZ 3GB 384BIT 6008MHZ 
DVI HDMI SLI Graphics Card*

  GIGABYTE GV-N680OC-4GD GeForce GTX 680 4GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express
  3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card

On 02/04/2014 11:56 AM, Matt Morris wrote:
 Its a regular 780 -  Gigabyte 780 windforce 3x - and one of the older 
 gen asus titans.

 On 2 April 2014 16:35, Leoung O'Young wrote:

 Is that the GTX 780 ti or just the regular GTX 780?

python 'print' in softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Halim Negadi
Hello Gang,

print used to work in xsi back in version 4 or 5 but no longer does.
I use a generic library that uses it massively for debug purposes.
Is there any way to wrap it so Softimage logs python print messages ?

Thanks in advance,


Re: python 'print' in softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Halim Negadi
google just found the workaround:
This community rocks, please guys lets keep it alive no matter what.



On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

 Hello Gang,

 print used to work in xsi back in version 4 or 5 but no longer does.
 I use a generic library that uses it massively for debug purposes.
 Is there any way to wrap it so Softimage logs python print messages ?

 Thanks in advance,


Re: python 'print' in softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Ognjen Vukovic
Theres also
si = Application
log = si.LogMessage

log(hello mars)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

 google just found the workaround:
 This community rocks, please guys lets keep it alive no matter what.



 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

 Hello Gang,

 print used to work in xsi back in version 4 or 5 but no longer does.
 I use a generic library that uses it massively for debug purposes.
 Is there any way to wrap it so Softimage logs python print messages ?

 Thanks in advance,


Re: python 'print' in softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Andreas Böinghoff
nice exploration. I was always wondering why this is not working with 
the external python.

On 4/2/2014 6:30 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

google just found the workaround:
This community rocks, please guys lets keep it alive no matter what.



On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

Hello Gang,

print used to work in xsi back in version 4 or 5 but no longer does.
I use a generic library that uses it massively for debug purposes.
Is there any way to wrap it so Softimage logs python print messages ?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Morris
If you can wait (and have slightly deeper pockets) the 780 6Gb will be out
at the end of april - shouldn't be that much more expensive than the 780
according to early reports.

That will be the best bang for buck card for RS, as the memory will really
help with larger scenes.


Re: Redshift - GPU accel on Quadro K4000

2014-04-02 Thread Leoung O'Young

Matt, thanks for the suggestion.

On 02/04/2014 12:46 PM, Matt Morris wrote:
If you can wait (and have slightly deeper pockets) the 780 6Gb will be 
out at the end of april - shouldn't be that much more expensive than 
the 780 according to early reports.

That will be the best bang for buck card for RS, as the memory will 
really help with larger scenes.


Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Eric Thivierge

Then why is this what many might believe in the first place?

On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:05:44 PM, Graham Bell wrote:

I'm sorry I wouldn't necessarily agree with the second point below.

I'm not saying that we're perfect, but there are different levels of engagement 
and we're not as invisible as many might seem to believe.

Re: python 'print' in softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Cristobal Infante
google or Stephen Blair?

Give the man some credit ;)

On 2 April 2014 17:37, Andreas Böinghoff wrote:

  nice exploration. I was always wondering why this is not working with
 the external python.

 On 4/2/2014 6:30 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

   google just found the workaround:
  This community rocks, please guys lets keep it alive no matter what.



 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Halim Negadi wrote:

Hello Gang,

  print used to work in xsi back in version 4 or 5 but no longer does.
  I use a generic library that uses it massively for debug purposes.
  Is there any way to wrap it so Softimage logs python print messages ?

  Thanks in advance,


Re: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Steven Caron
where did you find the info about this being all cg?

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

 Yep it's all CG, here is a bit of rendering info on the net: Render time
 is about 4-5 min/frame on 4 Titans. 1280x720. ~3mil Objects, Displacement,
 Motion Blur, SSS Fog.

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Sebastien Sterling
Was thinking this as well, snip snip.

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Jeremie Passerin
Still looking for the option to do that automatically in gmail... I don't
think it exists :(

Re: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Cristobal Infante
Aprils fool? ;) wait a sec:

On 2 April 2014 18:12, Steven Caron wrote:

 where did you find the info about this being all cg?

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Cristobal Infante cgc...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yep it's all CG, here is a bit of rendering info on the net: Render time
 is about 4-5 min/frame on 4 Titans. 1280x720. ~3mil Objects, Displacement,
 Motion Blur, SSS Fog.

RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Andi Farhall
i could be wrong but,

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended 
solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or 
opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
represent those of Hackney Effects Ltd.If you are not the intended recipient of 
this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy 
or show it to anyone.Please contact the sender if you believe you have received 
this email in error.

 Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 13:09:10 -0400
 Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014
 Then why is this what many might believe in the first place?
 On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:05:44 PM, Graham Bell wrote:
  I'm sorry I wouldn't necessarily agree with the second point below.
  I'm not saying that we're perfect, but there are different levels of 
  engagement and we're not as invisible as many might seem to believe.

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Stephen Davidson
Actually, Gmail, by default, will trim your mail.
The problem lies in that it determines  the trim based on what you have
seen. If that changes by one character, it no longer gets trimmed.

Look below this email, which I have not manually trimmed.
You should just see ... (which indicates automatically trimmed text.)

If you see the previous message, then it has been altered in some way.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Jeremie Passerin gerem@gmail.comwrote:

 Still looking for the option to do that automatically in gmail... I don't
 think it exists :(


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke

Re: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Steven Caron
very nice!

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

 Aprils fool? ;) wait a sec:

Re: Single frame subregion parameter for batch render.

2014-04-02 Thread Hans Payer
If you can script, you can do this using a script and xsibatch. the script
is simply setting the subregion before xsibatch renders the image. You can
pass arguments for
the passe.CropWindowWidth, passe.CropWindowHeight, passe.CropWindowOffsetX
and passe.CropWindowOffsetY and renaming you output image.
there's a reference on how to call the command here at the bottom of the
page, the Using Scripts to Set Renderer Specific Options section.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Robert Cole rob...@texturelighting.comwrote:

 I need to render individual tiles of a very high resolution image (and
 stitch them together after, most likely w/ Photoshop). I can no longer find
 the documentation on Image Resolutionsubregion parameter for batch
 rendering..anybody have a hint?  And, if anybody would like to chime in on
 another, possibly less tedious way of rendering out and saving individual
 tiles , I would be very grateful.  (The requested image is to go on a 20'

 Thank you,

RE: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Lind
The point of the center mode (from the user's perspective) is to be able to 
preserve the geometry as you see it while being able to correct the transform.

Center mode is heavily used here.  It's not strictly for corrective purposes, 
but also for assisting in setting up manipulations for modeling and rigging.  
We align centers to ensure that objects enveloped to the same deformers move 
together in unison without separating from each other.  That's *really 
important* when doing squash n' stretch or other non-uniform deformations.

Center mode is a staple in the toolset, please implement it into Maya if not 
already there.   While you're at it, implement softimage scaling.  It would 
save us months/years of re-rigging a very large arsenal of assets.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric Rousseau
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:
 Maya:   I have to create a  set of multiple nulls with custom rotations to
 set up the angle of rotation properly for the surface. If I want to 
 rotate the surface I have to dig through all these nulls to get to the 
 right one, select and rotate it just to rotate the surface.

Is that always true in your scenarios?  Moving center in Softimage is like 
moving all the points of the geometry. (What brent calls transforming the 
geometry) Knowing that it does that, wouldn't the simplest work-around for 
your specific scenario in Maya be to select all points and move/rotate them.

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Steven Caron
it doesn't always do a good job, as the threads get longer, more people
respond with different language/locations and email clients, before you
know it you have a wall of text, couple of big signature images, corporate
email disclaimers, etc.

trimminess is next to godliness...

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Stephen Davidson magic...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 Actually, Gmail, by default, will trim your mail.
 The problem lies in that it determines  the trim based on what you have
 seen. If that changes by one character, it no longer gets trimmed.

3D Printing experience on Softimage

2014-04-02 Thread David Rivera
Hey everyone, thanks for your replies on the previous subject of Quadro K4000.

Yesterday I was googling around for 3d printers. I really liked this one:

I was wondering if anyone has already start printing some 3D stuff over anyone 
of these 3d printers?
I know there is a software that comes along with it so you can input your 
models and print them out.

David Rivera
3D Compositor/Animator
VFX Reel

Re: Single frame subregion parameter for batch render.

2014-04-02 Thread Robert Cole

Thank you Hans!
The syntax is exactly what I was looking for. (pass.CropWindow/etc). I 
have been playing with setting a pass crop region from the renderRegion, 
it works ok for what I need today, but I'll be able to write up a nice 
script now with this syntax.


RE: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

2014-04-02 Thread Maurice Patel
It's natural and logical that they believe it and the answer lies in factorial 
The number of combinations increases as a factorial as both company size and 
customer base increase, and that has a direct impact on interaction. Autodesk 
has more interactions with customers (total volume) than smaller companies but 
the sheer number of combinations makes it impossible to have the same level of 
intimacy between everyone at Autodesk ME and every customer. So there is a 
very real reason why large organizations appear less intimate, they are. But it 
does not mean we  either care less or communicate less or that small companies 
are necessarily more open. They won't tell you everything either. If asked all 
the companies discussed on this list to comment on the following question Have 
never in the past nor will ever in the future consider selling yourself to 
Autodesk? I wonder how many would really truthfully answer that question.

Maurice Patel
Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 1:09 PM
Cc: Graham Bell
Subject: Re: 答复: Re[2]: March 28, 2014

Then why is this what many might believe in the first place?

On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:05:44 PM, Graham Bell wrote:
 I'm sorry I wouldn't necessarily agree with the second point below.

 I'm not saying that we're perfect, but there are different levels of 
 engagement and we're not as invisible as many might seem to believe.

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Rob Chapman
So to re-iterate, if you see the .. then it has NOT been trimmed properly
as not everyone is reading these in the full gmail app, I always have to
scroll through  a mile long email just to read the next post on my phone.

Re: 3D Printing experience on Softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Stephen Davidson
It does not start shipping till June

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:13 PM, David Rivera

 Hey everyone, thanks for your replies on the previous subject of Quadro

 Yesterday I was googling around for 3d printers. I really liked this one:

 I was wondering if anyone has already start printing some 3D stuff over
 anyone of these 3d printers?
 I know there is a software that comes along with it so you can input your
 models and print them out.

 *David Rivera*
 *3D Compositor/Animator*
 VFX Reel


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Alan Fregtman
At the same time, I feel keeping the last post (and trimming the rest) is

Sometimes if people trim completely and many trimmed replies come in at
different times, it's hard to realise who was replying to what comment.
WIth at least 1 response below it for context, it's a lot easier to follow.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Rob Chapman wrote:

 So to re-iterate, if you see the .. then it has NOT been trimmed properly
 as not everyone is reading these in the full gmail app, I always have to
 scroll through  a mile long email just to read the next post on my phone.

Re: 3D Printing experience on Softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Doeke Wartena
To reply to your topic title. I 3d printed some stuff and i used Softimage
but since sizes had to be very correct Softimage was quite a bitch.

2014-04-02 21:04 GMT+02:00 Stephen Davidson

 It does not start shipping till June

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:13 PM, David Rivera wrote:

 Hey everyone, thanks for your replies on the previous subject of Quadro

 Yesterday I was googling around for 3d printers. I really liked this one:

 I was wondering if anyone has already start printing some 3D stuff over
 anyone of these 3d printers?
 I know there is a software that comes along with it so you can input your
 models and print them out.

 *David Rivera*
 *3D Compositor/Animator*
 VFX Reel


 Best Regards,
 *  Stephen P. Davidson*

 *(954) 552-7956 %28954%29%20552-7956 *

 *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

- Arthur C. Clarke

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Eric Thivierge
Yeah I didn't mean trim everything, just the irrelevant stuff from the 
previous post.

Eric T.

On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 3:08:39 PM, Alan Fregtman wrote:

At the same time, I feel keeping the last post (and trimming the rest)
is ideal.

Sometimes if people trim completely and many trimmed replies come in
at different times, it's hard to realise who was replying to what
comment. WIth at least 1 response below it for context, it's a lot
easier to follow.

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Stephen Davidson
Yes, that is how I understand it

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Rob Chapman wrote:

 So to re-iterate, if you see the .. then it has NOT been trimmed properly
 as not everyone is reading these in the full gmail app, I always have to
 scroll through  a mile long email just to read the next post on my phone.

Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke

Re: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Doeke Wartena
how is redshift doing on motionblur?

2014-04-02 19:45 GMT+02:00 Steven Caron

 very nice!

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Cristobal Infante cgc...@gmail.comwrote:

 Aprils fool? ;) wait a sec:

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Rob Chapman
the most succinct response is only to quote the original section you are
directly responding to.  If I trim the lot rather than just the last mail
it is clear I am not only responding to the last person's email, but in
general to the thread, that is all.

but yes it has been very messy of late and must admit to being lazy too. :)


Re: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Rob Chapman
Seems like Redshift's (motion blur) is implemented long before Otoy did ;)

*Octane 1.5 supports native render time motion blur for the camera
animation only. Future versions are going to full support native motion
blur at render time for objects transformations and deformations*

*Redshift supports three types of motion blur:*

   - *Camera motion blur, where blurring happens because of camera movement*
   - *Transformation motion blur, where blurring happens because of
   rigid-body motion (object/light transforms)*
   - *Deformation motion blur, where blurring happens because the object
   vertices got deformed (due to morphing/skinning/etc)*

On 2 April 2014 20:14, Doeke Wartena wrote:
 how is redshift doing on motionblur?

Re: 3D Printing experience on Softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Stephen Davidson
I thought 1 SI unit = 1 cm.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Doeke Wartena wrote:

 To reply to your topic title. I 3d printed some stuff and i used Softimage
 but since sizes had to be very correct Softimage was quite a bitch.

 2014-04-02 21:04 GMT+02:00 Stephen Davidson

 It does not start shipping till June

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:13 PM, David Rivera wrote:

 Hey everyone, thanks for your replies on the previous subject of Quadro

 Yesterday I was googling around for 3d printers. I really liked this one:

 I was wondering if anyone has already start printing some 3D stuff over
 anyone of these 3d printers?
 I know there is a software that comes along with it so you can input
 your models and print them out.

 *David Rivera*
 *3D Compositor/Animator*
 VFX Reel


 Best Regards,
 *  Stephen P. Davidson*

 *(954) 552-7956 %28954%29%20552-7956 *

 *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

- Arthur C. Clarke


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke

Re: 3D Printing experience on Softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Stephen Davidson
sorry...I meant 1 si unit = 10cm

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Stephen Davidson magic...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 I thought 1 SI unit = 1 cm.

 Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke

Re: Please Trim posts!!

2014-04-02 Thread Steven Caron
exactly, trim the 10 extra posts and not the last one or two.. if they are

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Alan Fregtman alan.fregt...@gmail.comwrote:

 At the same time, I feel keeping the last post (and trimming the rest) is

 Sometimes if people trim completely and many trimmed replies come in at
 different times, it's hard to realise who was replying to what comment.
 WIth at least 1 response below it for context, it's a lot easier to follow.

RE: 3D Printing experience on Softimage

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Lind
I saw the Form 1 in depth at Siggraph last year.

For desktop printers under $5,000 USD, it's definitely the best quality 
printer.  It's the only stereo lithography printer available at that price and 
can print with at least 4x better / finer resolution than the extrusion based 
printers such as Makerbot.  Even though the device is targeted for prototyping, 
it has enough quality to be used as final output for some applications.   Down 
side is the print volume is quite small, your very limited on choice of 
printing materials (which also have relatively short shelf life), and the 
agents used in the process are caustic.  You need to wear protective gloves to 
remove the output from the printer and give it a chemical bath before it's safe 
to hold with your bare hands - they don't tell you that part until you open the 


[] On Behalf Of David Rivera
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:14 AM
Subject: 3D Printing experience on Softimage

Hey everyone, thanks for your replies on the previous subject of Quadro K4000.

Yesterday I was googling around for 3d printers. I really liked this one:

I was wondering if anyone has already start printing some 3D stuff over anyone 
of these 3d printers?
I know there is a software that comes along with it so you can input your 
models and print them out.

David Rivera
3D Compositor/Animator
VFX Reel

RE: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES]
I'm not sure I see how that would easily solve my problem without introducing 
other problems, risks, or complex workflow. I don't even see how it competes 
with Softimage's method.

I have geometry that is sometimes generated in CAD or provided from other 
sources. The geometry, and its relative components often have to remain in 
their  relative positions. But I need to define custom articulations. I often 
have more freedom to cheat on the articulations than I do on the topology.

If in Maya I select the aileron, rotate it till the pivot matches the rotation 
angle I want, then select all the points of the aileron and attempt to back 
rotate them until the geometry matches its previous position against the new 
rotation angle, can I do that? Yes, but with caveats:

1. If I select components and proceed to back rotate the geometry by using the 
Channnel editor, why do I lose the numerical channel editor transform entries. 
This would have been the intuitive approach because that's how we do this with 
object selection. But there is no congruency here. It would be my first 
anticipation on how it might be achieved.

2. Might it be possible to eyeball the back rotation with just the manipulator? 
Yes, but what does that do to the accuracy of my geometry position? I might 
possibly be less concerned for the accuracy in the rotation angle than in the 
placement of the geometry. Either way one or the other must sacrificed. In this 
scenario Maya forces me to sacrifice geometry position. What if I don't want to 
sacrifice that?

3. What if I am rotating this on more than one axis? Can I use the Channel 
Editor's CV list to accomplish this? How do I know what vertex coordinates to 
enter here? Can I use it at all? Strike three in anticipating a potential 

4. polyMoveVertex .  So yes there is a way to do this in Maya. Assuming I have 
an object under another in a hierarchy I:

a. select the child object that I want change its pivot angle

b. rotate the object -30 degrees in Z

c. select component type
*in the event you were in component type already and selected the object from 
the outliner, component type is still active but object is selected, you then 
have to select object type and reselect component type just to get back to 
component selection or make a new component selection. 

d. select all components on the  object

e. go to polygon module (if you're not there already)

f. go to Edit mesh - Transform Component  (I now get a polyMoveVertex  
operator in my Input stack).

g. enter a positive 30 degrees in Z, geometry is now back rotated

h. return to object type

i. hit Edit - Delete by Type - History ( Assuming I have construction 
history on.  Further why can't Ijust right-click delete history 
on this operator?)

Yet how simple are any of these approaches compared to:

Select the Object, Select Center, enter -30 at the Rotate transform?

Yes in Maya I can do this, but is it easy? Is it risky if I tried to do it 
using solely a manipulator? Is it intuitive? Why must I use a polyMoveVertex 
operator to do this? Why can't I just switch to Component Type and maintain use 
of the Channel editor's Transform entries? How much planning is required?

Is there another way in Maya to do this? I don't recall, I got used to making 
null rigs.

In Maya its easier, more forgiving, and simpler to just go the null rig route. 
I think its potentially appropriate to argue that it might also be good form. 
It introduces far less risk or possibility of mis-selecting vertices, putting 
the vertices in the wrong place, damage to geometry. But it's not more 
intuitive than Center.

Yes the null rig method can also be done in Softimage as an alternative method 
to using Center. Softimage also supports the vertex back-rotation through a 

This is not an issue of whether Maya provides us the ability to do these 
things. It does. And very reliably. The question is whether it provides these 
abilities in an intuitive and user friendly manner. It's a matter of human 

But to be fair, Softimage had its own issues with this problem. Just far fewer 
than Maya.

Joey Ponthieux
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not 
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:softimage-] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric Rousseau
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)
 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:
  Maya:   I have to create a  set of multiple nulls with custom rotations to
  set up the angle of rotation properly for the surface. If I want to
  rotate the surface I 

Re: Octane 2.0 motion blur

2014-04-02 Thread Rob Chapman
also just found this latest from Brigade Engine (mentioned earlier) which
is really quite beautiful to behold

just 2 x gtx titans

Component Selection done in ICE?

2014-04-02 Thread pedro santos
Tried to use clusters. I've thought it was the rational thing to do, but
apparently I cannot set them.

How do you guys go about this?

Can Python create on-thefly Trees to return values or such?


Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread John Richard Sanchez
I don' know if you saw my rant about this on a Maya job I did last week but
all I can say is HELL YES we use the center a lot. I am not sure why you
even have to ask.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:50 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:

 I'm not sure I see how that would easily solve my problem without
 introducing other problems, risks, or complex workflow. I don't even see
 how it competes with Softimage's method.

 I have geometry that is sometimes generated in CAD or provided from other
 sources. The geometry, and its relative components often have to remain in
 their  relative positions. But I need to define custom articulations. I
 often have more freedom to cheat on the articulations than I do on the

 If in Maya I select the aileron, rotate it till the pivot matches the
 rotation angle I want, then select all the points of the aileron and
 attempt to back rotate them until the geometry matches its previous
 position against the new rotation angle, can I do that? Yes, but with

 1. If I select components and proceed to back rotate the geometry by using
 the Channnel editor, why do I lose the numerical channel editor transform
 entries. This would have been the intuitive approach because that's how we
 do this with object selection. But there is no congruency here. It would be
 my first anticipation on how it might be achieved.

 2. Might it be possible to eyeball the back rotation with just the
 manipulator? Yes, but what does that do to the accuracy of my geometry
 position? I might possibly be less concerned for the accuracy in the
 rotation angle than in the placement of the geometry. Either way one or the
 other must sacrificed. In this scenario Maya forces me to sacrifice
 geometry position. What if I don't want to sacrifice that?

 3. What if I am rotating this on more than one axis? Can I use the Channel
 Editor's CV list to accomplish this? How do I know what vertex coordinates
 to enter here? Can I use it at all? Strike three in anticipating a
 potential method.

 4. polyMoveVertex .  So yes there is a way to do this in Maya. Assuming I
 have an object under another in a hierarchy I:

 a. select the child object that I want change its pivot angle

 b. rotate the object -30 degrees in Z

 c. select component type
 *in the event you were in component type already and selected the object
 from the outliner, component type is still active but object is selected,
 you then have to select object type and reselect component type just to get
 back to component selection or make a new component selection.

 d. select all components on the  object

 e. go to polygon module (if you're not there already)

 f. go to Edit mesh - Transform Component  (I now get a
 polyMoveVertex  operator in my Input stack).

 g. enter a positive 30 degrees in Z, geometry is now back rotated

 h. return to object type

 i. hit Edit - Delete by Type - History ( Assuming I have
 construction history on.  Further why can't Ijust
 right-click delete history on this operator?)

 Yet how simple are any of these approaches compared to:

 Select the Object, Select Center, enter -30 at the Rotate

 Yes in Maya I can do this, but is it easy? Is it risky if I tried to do it
 using solely a manipulator? Is it intuitive? Why must I use a
 polyMoveVertex operator to do this? Why can't I just switch to Component
 Type and maintain use of the Channel editor's Transform entries? How much
 planning is required?

 Is there another way in Maya to do this? I don't recall, I got used to
 making null rigs.

 In Maya its easier, more forgiving, and simpler to just go the null rig
 route. I think its potentially appropriate to argue that it might also be
 good form. It introduces far less risk or possibility of mis-selecting
 vertices, putting the vertices in the wrong place, damage to geometry. But
 it's not more intuitive than Center.

 Yes the null rig method can also be done in Softimage as an alternative
 method to using Center. Softimage also supports the vertex back-rotation
 through a Cluster.

 This is not an issue of whether Maya provides us the ability to do these
 things. It does. And very reliably. The question is whether it provides
 these abilities in an intuitive and user friendly manner. It's a matter of
 human factors.

 But to be fair, Softimage had its own issues with this problem. Just far
 fewer than Maya.

 Joey Ponthieux
 Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
 represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:softimage-] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric Rousseau
  Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:26 AM
  Subject: Re: Center mode 

Re: MODO webinar for Softimage Users - tomorrow, April 3 - Register here...

2014-04-02 Thread Tim Crowson

Trying to find out now...

On 4/2/2014 5:20 PM, James De Colling wrote:
will this be put online for those of us who aren't able to watch it at 


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Tim Crowson wrote:

This is really short-notice (as in... it was just set up
today) Brad Peebler has set up a webinar for *TOMORROW, April
3, at 11:00 AM Pacific time*. */Since this is very short notice,
he's also setting up a /**/second/*/*one that will happen at a
later date*./ As it stands now, that second webinar will be April
17. I'll update you if that changes, and I'll post the
registration once it's confirmed.

Register here...

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread Sebastien Sterling
If you are working with a lot of previz assets, this allows you to move
things from there center without having to set their pivot.

On 2 April 2014 23:33, John Richard Sanchez youngupstar...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don' know if you saw my rant about this on a Maya job I did last week
 but all I can say is HELL YES we use the center a lot. I am not sure why
 you even have to ask.

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:50 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:

 I'm not sure I see how that would easily solve my problem without
 introducing other problems, risks, or complex workflow. I don't even see
 how it competes with Softimage's method.

 I have geometry that is sometimes generated in CAD or provided from other
 sources. The geometry, and its relative components often have to remain in
 their  relative positions. But I need to define custom articulations. I
 often have more freedom to cheat on the articulations than I do on the

 If in Maya I select the aileron, rotate it till the pivot matches the
 rotation angle I want, then select all the points of the aileron and
 attempt to back rotate them until the geometry matches its previous
 position against the new rotation angle, can I do that? Yes, but with

 1. If I select components and proceed to back rotate the geometry by
 using the Channnel editor, why do I lose the numerical channel editor
 transform entries. This would have been the intuitive approach because
 that's how we do this with object selection. But there is no congruency
 here. It would be my first anticipation on how it might be achieved.

 2. Might it be possible to eyeball the back rotation with just the
 manipulator? Yes, but what does that do to the accuracy of my geometry
 position? I might possibly be less concerned for the accuracy in the
 rotation angle than in the placement of the geometry. Either way one or the
 other must sacrificed. In this scenario Maya forces me to sacrifice
 geometry position. What if I don't want to sacrifice that?

 3. What if I am rotating this on more than one axis? Can I use the
 Channel Editor's CV list to accomplish this? How do I know what vertex
 coordinates to enter here? Can I use it at all? Strike three in
 anticipating a potential method.

 4. polyMoveVertex .  So yes there is a way to do this in Maya. Assuming I
 have an object under another in a hierarchy I:

 a. select the child object that I want change its pivot angle

 b. rotate the object -30 degrees in Z

 c. select component type
 *in the event you were in component type already and selected the object
 from the outliner, component type is still active but object is selected,
 you then have to select object type and reselect component type just to get
 back to component selection or make a new component selection.

 d. select all components on the  object

 e. go to polygon module (if you're not there already)

 f. go to Edit mesh - Transform Component  (I now get a
 polyMoveVertex  operator in my Input stack).

 g. enter a positive 30 degrees in Z, geometry is now back rotated

 h. return to object type

 i. hit Edit - Delete by Type - History ( Assuming I have
 construction history on.  Further why can't Ijust
 right-click delete history on this operator?)

 Yet how simple are any of these approaches compared to:

 Select the Object, Select Center, enter -30 at the Rotate

 Yes in Maya I can do this, but is it easy? Is it risky if I tried to do
 it using solely a manipulator? Is it intuitive? Why must I use a
 polyMoveVertex operator to do this? Why can't I just switch to Component
 Type and maintain use of the Channel editor's Transform entries? How much
 planning is required?

 Is there another way in Maya to do this? I don't recall, I got used to
 making null rigs.

 In Maya its easier, more forgiving, and simpler to just go the null rig
 route. I think its potentially appropriate to argue that it might also be
 good form. It introduces far less risk or possibility of mis-selecting
 vertices, putting the vertices in the wrong place, damage to geometry. But
 it's not more intuitive than Center.

 Yes the null rig method can also be done in Softimage as an alternative
 method to using Center. Softimage also supports the vertex back-rotation
 through a Cluster.

 This is not an issue of whether Maya provides us the ability to do these
 things. It does. And very reliably. The question is whether it provides
 these abilities in an intuitive and user friendly manner. It's a matter of
 human factors.

 But to be fair, Softimage had its own issues with this problem. Just far
 fewer than Maya.

 Joey Ponthieux
 Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
 represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

  -Original Message-

Re: Center mode (was RE: humanize Maya, SOFT top 5)

2014-04-02 Thread John Richard Sanchez
ok to be more constructive let me give you a real world example. I had a
headset with big ear buds that the client wanted me to animate rotating.
Its a cad file with a 10 parts for the ear bud. It was grouped but the
orientation was way off. All I wanted to do was move the orientation of the
pivot so that it would move correctly. It would have been 1 click in XSI.
In the end I sent the scene to Softimage. Got a null matched transforms for
the ear bud. Rotated so that it was at the right angle and then sent the
nulls as locators to Maya and put the Earbud group under the locator. I
didnt do that with maya because I didnt want to do the redundant workflow
of point constraining locator to ear bud group  and then removing
constraints. Again one click in XSI. Match all transforms.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:33 PM, John Richard Sanchez wrote:

 I don' know if you saw my rant about this on a Maya job I did last week
 but all I can say is HELL YES we use the center a lot. I am not sure why
 you even have to ask.

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:50 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:

 I'm not sure I see how that would easily solve my problem without
 introducing other problems, risks, or complex workflow. I don't even see
 how it competes with Softimage's method.

 I have geometry that is sometimes generated in CAD or provided from other
 sources. The geometry, and its relative components often have to remain in
 their  relative positions. But I need to define custom articulations. I
 often have more freedom to cheat on the articulations than I do on the

 If in Maya I select the aileron, rotate it till the pivot matches the
 rotation angle I want, then select all the points of the aileron and
 attempt to back rotate them until the geometry matches its previous
 position against the new rotation angle, can I do that? Yes, but with

 1. If I select components and proceed to back rotate the geometry by
 using the Channnel editor, why do I lose the numerical channel editor
 transform entries. This would have been the intuitive approach because
 that's how we do this with object selection. But there is no congruency
 here. It would be my first anticipation on how it might be achieved.

 2. Might it be possible to eyeball the back rotation with just the
 manipulator? Yes, but what does that do to the accuracy of my geometry
 position? I might possibly be less concerned for the accuracy in the
 rotation angle than in the placement of the geometry. Either way one or the
 other must sacrificed. In this scenario Maya forces me to sacrifice
 geometry position. What if I don't want to sacrifice that?

 3. What if I am rotating this on more than one axis? Can I use the
 Channel Editor's CV list to accomplish this? How do I know what vertex
 coordinates to enter here? Can I use it at all? Strike three in
 anticipating a potential method.

 4. polyMoveVertex .  So yes there is a way to do this in Maya. Assuming I
 have an object under another in a hierarchy I:

 a. select the child object that I want change its pivot angle

 b. rotate the object -30 degrees in Z

 c. select component type
 *in the event you were in component type already and selected the object
 from the outliner, component type is still active but object is selected,
 you then have to select object type and reselect component type just to get
 back to component selection or make a new component selection.

 d. select all components on the  object

 e. go to polygon module (if you're not there already)

 f. go to Edit mesh - Transform Component  (I now get a
 polyMoveVertex  operator in my Input stack).

 g. enter a positive 30 degrees in Z, geometry is now back rotated

 h. return to object type

 i. hit Edit - Delete by Type - History ( Assuming I have
 construction history on.  Further why can't Ijust
 right-click delete history on this operator?)

 Yet how simple are any of these approaches compared to:

 Select the Object, Select Center, enter -30 at the Rotate

 Yes in Maya I can do this, but is it easy? Is it risky if I tried to do
 it using solely a manipulator? Is it intuitive? Why must I use a
 polyMoveVertex operator to do this? Why can't I just switch to Component
 Type and maintain use of the Channel editor's Transform entries? How much
 planning is required?

 Is there another way in Maya to do this? I don't recall, I got used to
 making null rigs.

 In Maya its easier, more forgiving, and simpler to just go the null rig
 route. I think its potentially appropriate to argue that it might also be
 good form. It introduces far less risk or possibility of mis-selecting
 vertices, putting the vertices in the wrong place, damage to geometry. But
 it's not more intuitive than Center.

 Yes the null rig method can also be done in Softimage as an alternative
 method to 

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