Re: Issue 2223 in sympy: Rename top level apply_operators to qapply

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Labels: -NeedsReview PassedReview

Comment #3 on issue 2223 by Vinzent.Steinberg: Rename top level  
apply_operators to qapply

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 2000 in sympy: Inconsistencies with limit()

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Status: Fixed

Comment #4 on issue 2000 by Vinzent.Steinberg: Inconsistencies with limit()

This is in.

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Re: Issue 2222 in sympy: Matrix([Matrix, ...]) should check the row length of empty matrices

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #11 on issue  by Matrix([Matrix, ...]) should  
check the row length of empty matrices

Yes, I mean slicing.

Now I see that all variants of usage and generalization must be examined  
deeper. (I also have not looked and the current usage of it in Integration3)

But I tend to separate classes with different behavior and to do not mix  
the code of them with the aim of `a single multi-purpose class`, especially  
when Python allow us to `mix them in usage` in convenient and right way.

The heritage of the past (mathematics of past century, and even theory of  
group of 1930x) with no object oriented approach without that put the many  

Additional info:
Empty matrix in mathematics [1], empty matrix in matlab [2], also there is  
so called 3D matrix (which can by applied for multi-algebra )



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Re: Issue 828 in sympy: In sympy.geometry many docstrings are not good enough

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #9 on issue 828 by In sympy.geometry many  
docstrings are not good enough

I'll fix the Triangle docstrings.

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Re: Issue 950 in sympy: put all _sage_ methods to one place

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #5 on issue 950 by put all _sage_ methods to one  

As I understand the same (about Ronan's Having to hack the core) is with  
_pretty_ and so on. Is not this?

I cite the old correspondence (the answer of Aaron to my first letter in  
this mail-list, on wich I have not time to answer myself):

Aaron wrote:
By the way, I am assuming from the name and from the fact that you want to  

this that MyClassExpr is inheriting from Expr.  How would this work if your
class is a part of some other SymPy class, like an Add or a Mul?  I'm not  
familiar with how it works, but I know that pretty() internally has some  
stuff to make the 2-dimensional printing work correctly with each other  
if you have an expression that is 3 lines tall surrounded by parentheses,  
you need parentheses that are 3 lines tall).  Would your idea work  

with this?

The current situation is that:

* we have base class (Basic with _sage_, or Expr with _pretty_), others  
inherited classes (SameExpr), and the processor (sage.var or prettyPrint),  

But processor have its own internal station.

* while the task of process with sage or pretty  print arise then processor  
created for parsing expression in recurrence (or more complicated) mode.

* when processor parse SomeExpr then
   #1 it check if in Processor class or Basic class the method like  
_pretty_SomeExpr exists
This way allow to the processor use its own state's variables, which it  

if #1 is not then:

   #2 it check SomeExpr._pretty_ method existence and call it

But the situation for #2 as that that while calling SomeExpr._pretty_ he do  
not supply processor (and state) itself.

In such a way the dilemma is raised how to isolate code and where to place  
On the one hand SomeExpr._pretty_ do not know about precise processor  

On the other processor do not know precisely about SomeExpr.

The variant which had chosen is to place implementation to the processor,  
or to base Basic._pretty_.

My opinion is that #2 must be corrected to permit calling with additional  
unnecessary parameter - processor.

In this way I can fully create class with _sage_ or _print_ handlers in  
isolated mode, without modification of any core files of Basic or Epr, and  
at the same time I can operate with the state of processor, and (only if it  
really needed) I can also modify only processor code.

I suppose that the task which described here is solved by adding a two  
lines (near #2 checking), and by adding unnecessary parameter in _pretty_  
definition of *all classes*.

I am going to make experiment about this reorganisation of architecture,  
but before the idea must be discussed - all remarks are welcome.

May be it must general way for _handler_ like handlers, or there are  
specificities for _sage_ or _pretty_ ways.

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Re: Issue 341 in sympy: sympy-merge: matrices: dirac conjugation is broken

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #9 on issue 341 by sympy-merge: matrices:  
dirac conjugation is broken

physics/ provides a working replacement for Pauli called msigma.

Whereas pauli tries to implement the pauli algebra directly (and fails for  
things like Product(Number, Pauli)), msigma just creates the relevant  

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Re: Issue 2224 in sympy: Number('5').__class__ == Real

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #4 on issue 2224 by Number('5').__class__ ==  

Issued pull request through github.

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Re: Issue 1242 in sympy: Simplifying of complex exponentials

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #3 on issue 1242 by Simplifying of complex  

Yes, I indicate that this works in current SymPy.

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Re: Issue 1935 in sympy: Sum doesn't rebuild itself

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #4 on issue 1935 by Sum doesn't rebuild itself

I indicate that this works in current SymPy now:

 expr = Sum(x**k, (k,1,5), (x,0,9))
Sum(x**k, (k, 1, 5), (x, 0, 9))

Sum(x**k, (k, 1, 5), (x, 0, 9))

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #1 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

A few of the matrix norms seem to depend on undeveloped machinery (i.e.  
SVD). Is it best to throw NotImplementedErrors or to wait on this all  

Can anyone think of a method to find
max_x(|Ax|/|x|) A a matrix, x a vector without computing the largest  
singular values?

Actually, does anyone know of an algorithm to compute the SVD analytically?  
The method I'm familiar with is iterative. Is this a solvable problem?

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Re: Issue 1935 in sympy: Sum doesn't rebuild itself

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Status: Fixed

Comment #5 on issue 1935 by asmeurer: Sum doesn't rebuild itself

I think this was fixed with issue 2070.

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Re: Issue 2222 in sympy: Matrix([Matrix, ...]) should check the row length of empty matrices

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #13 on issue  by Matrix([Matrix, ...]) should  
check the row length of empty matrices

Thanks, I understand the model now, but it seems that it is extension.

May be similar as complex extends reals or other fields, to permit some  
operations. But not at the expense of reals reorganization itself.

However, this issue has a low priority, and I think it can be discussed  
further, in  more proper time.

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Re: Issue 1242 in sympy: Simplifying of complex exponentials

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #5 on issue 1242 by Simplifying of complex  

In current master:

In [1]: c = cos(x)._eval_rewrite_as_exp(x)

In [2]: t = tan(x)._eval_rewrite_as_exp(x)

In [3]: simplify(c*t)

In [1]: c = cos(x)._eval_rewrite_as_exp(x)

In [2]: t = tan(x)._eval_rewrite_as_exp(x)

In [3]: simplify(c*t)
Out[3]: (I - I*exp(2*I*x))*exp(-I*x)/2

In [5]: simplify(c*t).expand()
Out[5]: -I*exp(I*x)/2 + I*exp(-I*x)/2

It is correct, but .expand() usage is needed.

But (3 hours ago and now) I have tested in my fork, where
`simplify(c*t)` yield `-I*exp(I*x)/2 + I*exp(-I*x)/2`  straightly, without  

Also, I do not the precise politics of `simplify` what to do simpler  
(Out[3] or Out[5]).

In any case, the tests have to be presented in sympy about it.

So, formally, issue is not fixed now (no test).


(it is out of this issue, but may be another new),
to avoid many similar problems with comlexes - it is a question,
I will cite myself:

Complex numbers:

I observe that there are two ways to operate with them.

Pure symbolical way (with assumption option): I can operate symbolical with  
complex variable with the help of standard operations (multiplicity, abs,  
conjugate and so on):

Another way with the aim of I symbol: I can observe real and imaginary  
parts, and with the aim of I behaviour operations are maintaining:

E.g. for
1 + cos(x) + I + sin(x)*I

if I multiply this by I, than sympy scan every sub-expression in Add class  
and every sub-expression is multiplied by I.

I wonder that there is no class of complex number as like as Rational(p/q),  
which tracking real and imaginary part. In this way, this operation would  
be separated:
1 + cos(x) moved to imaginary field of class and 1 + sin(x) to real field  
of class.

The reason is not only for complex number, but for one way to operate with  
para complex numbers (where I**2 = 1) or dual numbers (I**2==0 ), and for  
extension for other dimensions (quaternions, Clifford algebra and so on).

But I am not sure is it a poper time for rising it right now.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #3 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

Pull request issued

Included is Matrix.norm, Matrix.singular_values, Matrix.condition_number

I didn't include the main SVD work. I'll set up another issue for this.

Comments appreciated.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #5 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

I have looked at the code (one eye), nice.

Some *preliminary* remarks, I put there

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #4 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

Sent in a Pull request

This includes work on Matrix.norm, Matrix.singular_values, and  

I left the main SVD algorithm for another issue. Some basic test-cases are  
in matrix/test/

Comments appreciated

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #6 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

Response to an e-mail comment.

I chose to make the standard matrix norm the spectral norm. This matches  
the standard vector 2-norm mathematically. The spectral norm is the matrix  
equivalent of the 2 norm. This has nicer mathematically although poorer  

This deviates from numpy, which chooses to use the easily computable  
Frobenius norm as standard. Should we be consistent with Numpy or  
consistent with Mathematics?

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Status: NeedsDecision
Labels: NeedsReview MRocklin

Comment #7 on issue 2225 by asmeurer: Enhancing Matrix Norm

Maybe someone with more knowledge of it could decide about that norm thing.

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Re: Issue 1117 in sympy: Setup buildbot (again)

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Summary: Setup buildbot (again)
Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-Critical

Comment #8 on issue 1117 by Setup buildbot (again)

I'm raising the priority on this. Stuff like this is just too embarrassing:

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #10 on issue 2225 by asmeurer: Enhancing Matrix Norm

You should not edit the mpmath files.  mpmath is a separate library that we  
include with SymPy, so any changes there should be backported to mpmath.

This change actually does belong in sympy/matrices/  From what  
I understand, symbolic norms are planned, but are currently not possible  
due to the lack of a Max function that works for an arbitrary number of  
arguments in SymPy.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #11 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

@asmeurer: I don't think there is such a thing as symbolic norms. Correct  
me if I'm wrong.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #15 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

To be clear I don't think this will often be useful (except for simple  
educational cases). As long as we have the ability to compute eigenvalues  
symbolically though why not put it in? It's no less silly and not very much  

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #16 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

As long as we have the ability to compute eigenvalues symbolically

Could you elaborate what you mean by this ?

You're right that's not much code, but we do have to consider its  
usability. We can't put in code that's not usable.
Ideally, norm calculations should be sent to mpmath to be solved. But one  
idea for symbolic norms is to compare matrices. I'll elaborate.

A matrix A defined in terms of symbol x, and another matrix B, which is  
either numeric or defined in Symbol y,

Consider the question, for what range of x and y, is A  B or A  B.
This is not a trivial project. And there would be many more cases. This is  
just the simplest example.

That would be a good symbolic matrix addition.

Ask if you want clarification.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #17 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

OK, I get what you mean by As long as we have the ability to compute  
eigenvalues symbolically

Yeah, I'd let the core team decide if this is important enough to be put  
in, considering we don't want code cluttering.

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Re: Issue 2223 in sympy: Rename top level apply_operators to qapply

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Labels: -NeedsReview PassedReview

Comment #3 on issue 2223 by Vinzent.Steinberg: Rename top level  
apply_operators to qapply

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 2223 in sympy: Rename top level apply_operators to qapply

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Status: Fixed

Comment #4 on issue 2223 by Vinzent.Steinberg: Rename top level  
apply_operators to qapply

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 2000 in sympy: Inconsistencies with limit()

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Status: Fixed

Comment #4 on issue 2000 by Vinzent.Steinberg: Inconsistencies with limit()

This is in.

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Re: Issue 2224 in sympy: Number('5').__class__ == Real

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Labels: NeedsReview MRocklin

Comment #5 on issue 2224 by asmeurer: Number('5').__class__ == Real

In the future, make a note of the pull request number here on the issue.   
This one is at

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Status: NeedsDecision
Labels: NeedsReview MRocklin

Comment #7 on issue 2225 by asmeurer: Enhancing Matrix Norm

Maybe someone with more knowledge of it could decide about that norm thing.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #8 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

I am not sure about what to do now, I just rise up question. I will answer  

And do not worry, as I begin to discuss your GitHub pull request I  
automaticaly joind to your pull, and receive all your answers by the mail.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #9 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

This approach only works for purely numerical matrices.
Check out sympy/mpmath/matrices/
That is the library that deals with numeric matrices. Any numeric  
algorithms would be preferred to be added there, and not in  
sympy.matrices/, the one that deals with symbolic matrices.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #10 on issue 2225 by asmeurer: Enhancing Matrix Norm

You should not edit the mpmath files.  mpmath is a separate library that we  
include with SymPy, so any changes there should be backported to mpmath.

This change actually does belong in sympy/matrices/  From what  
I understand, symbolic norms are planned, but are currently not possible  
due to the lack of a Max function that works for an arbitrary number of  
arguments in SymPy.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #11 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

@asmeurer: I don't think there is such a thing as symbolic norms. Correct  
me if I'm wrong.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #12 on issue 2225 by asmeurer: Enhancing Matrix Norm

Certainly there are. They are as defined in the OP.  So, for example, the 2  
norm of the vector [x, y, z] is sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2).  Just about  
anything in mathematics that can be done numerically can be expressed in a  
symbolic way.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #13 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

What I mean is, Norms make sense only when the matrix is completely known,  
and thus when it is purely numerical. 'Norm' aims to associate a number  
with a matrix that is a reasonable measure of its largeness, so that we can  
compare matrices. Adding norm to symbolic matrices is not very useful,  
since most norm definitions are eigenvalue-based algorithms, which itself  
is a purely numerical matrix property. We can however implement some  
trivial norms, which are not based on eigenvalues, but doing so for a  
symbolic matrix will just return a complicated expression for norm. Doable,  
but not very useful.

I understand that we're not allowed to change mpmath, but this idea does  
belong to mpmath.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #14 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

I e-mailed this to the list, it doesn't appear to be coming up. I apologize  
if a repeat post happens.

Spectral norm of a matrix (standard 2-norm) can be defined as the largest  
singular value of that matrix. This is the maximum amount that the matrix  
can grow the 2-norm of a vector.

We can define the principal singular value of a matrix A as the square root  
of the largest eigenvalue of (A.T * A) (real).

We have symbolic methods to compute eigenvalues (you learned them briefly  
in high school) so this is alright so far.

The issue I'm having is that I need to return the largest of the  
eigenvalues and I don't know apriori which that is if things are symbollic.  
Ideally (I think) I'd return some sort of Max object like how we deal  
with Adds and Pows.

consider A = Matrix([[1 0], [0, x]])
norm(A) == max(1,x) #I'm not sure which it should be yet. We can decide  
once we have a value for x.

sherjilo... you're right that they end up coming out as very complicated  
expressions. For even very simple matrices they're often hideous.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #15 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

To be clear I don't think this will often be useful (except for simple  
educational cases). As long as we have the ability to compute eigenvalues  
symbolically though why not put it in? It's no less silly and not very much  

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #16 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

As long as we have the ability to compute eigenvalues symbolically

Could you elaborate what you mean by this ?

You're right that's not much code, but we do have to consider its  
usability. We can't put in code that's not usable.
Ideally, norm calculations should be sent to mpmath to be solved. But one  
idea for symbolic norms is to compare matrices. I'll elaborate.

A matrix A defined in terms of symbol x, and another matrix B, which is  
either numeric or defined in Symbol y,

Consider the question, for what range of x and y, is A  B or A  B.
This is not a trivial project. And there would be many more cases. This is  
just the simplest example.

That would be a good symbolic matrix addition.

Ask if you want clarification.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #17 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

OK, I get what you mean by As long as we have the ability to compute  
eigenvalues symbolically

Yeah, I'd let the core team decide if this is important enough to be put  
in, considering we don't want code cluttering.

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #19 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

I think it can be useful.  Remember that CASs like SymPy can handle easily  
very large symbolic expressions that you could never feasibly handle by  
hand.  Also, just because something *can* be large doesn't necessarily mean  
that it *will*.  If someone gives it a large symbolic non-diagonal matrix,  
then it might be large.  But there are cases where it won't (like if the  
matrix is small, or if it is diagonal).

There are other functions that can also blow up.  For example, if you try  
computing integrate((a*x**2 + b*x + c)/(d*x**2 + e*x + f), x), it will take  
about an hour to finish, and the result will be several full-screens of  
output (I think you might have to do this in my integration3 branch due to  
a bug in master).  But that doesn't mean that we should ban integrate().   
In fact, it is one of the most important functions in SymPy.  It is not to  
difficult to come up with other examples where even the input is small, but  
the output will be large (like expand((x + y + z)**1)).

Also, don't assume that you know what will and will not be useful to  
people.  It may surprise you what various things are applied in more  
advanced mathematics (or physics or whatever) that you don't even know  
about.  An example I can think of off the top of my head where symbolic  
eigenvalues would be useful is in classifying systems of second order PDEs  
with symbolic or with non-constant coefficients. Based on the signs and  
other properties of eigenvalues, it will have a different classification,  
elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic.  If the coefficients are non-constant,  
different regions of the domain will have different types.  I think there  
are other methods that you can use other than eigenvalues to determine this  
for second order PDEs, but perhaps not so for higher order ones (this is  
something that I just learned recently in my PDEs class, so I hope what I  
just said is all correct).

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Re: Issue 2225 in sympy: Enhancing Matrix Norm

2011-03-23 Thread sympy

Comment #20 on issue 2225 by Enhancing Matrix Norm

I think both Sherjil and Matthew make good points here. There are cases  
where you want .norm() to return an explicit result but if you consider a  
100*100 matrix with a handful of parameters, trying to compute the norm  
will just kill the interpreter with an OutOfMemoryError after hours of  
thrashing, even though the numeric calculation would be nearly  
instantaneous. In that case, you actually want .norm() to return some  
Norm(matrix) object, so that you can get on with your calculations and  
obtain explicit values later on when you've specified the value of the  
parameters. The difficulty is to make sure that the calculations are done  
only when they're both doable and useful.

Nobody actually cares about the explicit value of integrate((a*x**2 + b*x +  
c)/(d*x**2 + e*x + f), x), because it's always easier to do the computation  
for specified values of a,b,c,d,e,f than to use the explicit result.

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011 - Oleksandr Gituliar

2011-03-23 Thread Brian Granger


 my name is Oleksandr Gituliar and I'm a second year PhD student at The
 of Nuclear Physics [1] in Krakow, Poland.

 As a physicist I mainly deal with theoretical calculations in QCD
 (namely, next-
 to-leading order corrections to solutions of DGLAP evolution equation
 and all
 stuff related to that like Feynman graphs, regularization techniques,
 theorems, etc.) as well as Monte-Carlo simulations of different kind.

Nice, your experience could be very helpful.

 As a programmer I'm involved in a freelance activity [2] as well as my
 opensource mini projects [3] and [4]. I'm mainly programming in Python
 and C/C++,
 however also familiar with Scheme.

 A more detailed list of projects proposals will follow soon as a wiki
 page, but
 briefly I can say that physics projects as well as symbolic
 mathematics are under
 my consideration.

 PS. Sending this letter I express my strong interest in participating
 in GSoC 2011.

Here is what I suggest:

* have a look at the ideas page on github (see recent threads for the link).
* For QCD related things, I think it would be *very* interesting to
implement SU(N), in a similar manner to how we have implemented spin
(see sympy.physics.quantum.spin).
* There are a number of other topics, such as second quantization that
you may be intersted in.
* I highly recommend digging into the code ASAP and starting to
contribute before the application deadline.
* Don't hesitate to ask questions!




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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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Re: [sympy] GSoC_Symbolic Quantum Mechanics

2011-03-23 Thread Brian Granger


 My name is Dieudonne Nkulikiyimfura and I have been looking for a
 project to work on during this summer and I found that your
 organization have a quiet interesting project for me: Abstract Dirac

 In fact, I am a master student in Interdisciplinary IT at Konkuk
 University (South Korea) and I am a holder of B.Sc in Physics but I
 don't have experience in quantum computing, I am now using Java and C+
 + languages. As I have seen, the project have been partially done, can
 I know its progress, how they proceeded and what is its next steps?

There are many things still left to do.  The best thing to do is to
dig into the code, start playing with it and figure out what you are
interested in.  Start asking specific questions about the code a
potential topics.  Have you seen the ideas page?



 Hoping to hear from you soon,

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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
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Re: [sympy] Re: One more GSoC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Brian Granger
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
 HI Anatolii,

 On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 5:43 PM, weralwolf wrote:
 Can you write a few more words about the project? Which disturbance
 theory, how the corrections would be calculated and how sympy would be
 used, and which features will be improved?

 Thanks for questions, Ondrej.
 Perturbation theory comprises mathematical methods that are used to
 find an approximate solution to a problem which cannot be solved
 exactly, by starting from the exact solution of a related problem.
 Perturbation theory is applicable if the problem at hand can be
 formulated by adding a small term to the mathematical description of
 the exactly solvable problem. For example if we should calculate
 approximation for hydrogen atom in magnetic field using eigenfunctions
 and energy levels calculate without field.
 Corrections will be calculated due to classic theory through
 perturbation matrix elements. More about .

 Oh, I didn't know you meant perturbation theory by disturbance
 theory. I know what perturbation theory is. I even have some notes

 SymPy will be used as tool set for it, because there implemented large
 part of required functionality.
 Also I want implement working with creation and annihilation operators
 which will be good improvement, cause it simplify many calculations in
 quantum theory.

 There already is some implementation of the annihilation and creating
 operators in sympy.physics.quantum, but it surely needs improvements.
 Perturbation theory would be really cool, as those calculations are
 really tedious to do by hand.

 Definitely, I think lots of people would be interested in such a
 project. I would suggest you to try to play with the current quantum
 module in sympy and then see (in details) what things to improve and
 what exact steps would have to be done to implement the perturbation

Yes, we would be interested in perturbation theory, especially in an
abstract sense, so a wide range of system, from single particle
non-relativistic to many particle rel. could be treated.  I would
check out the existing code, especially the second quantization stuff
and see what you think could be done.




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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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[sympy] Comments about GSoC projects related to sympy.physics

2011-03-23 Thread Brian Granger

I hope everyone who is interested in the GSoC program is getting a
feel of sympy's codebase and community.  This year, we are getting a
lot of interest, which is fantastic.  A good number of folks are
interested in various parts of sympy.physics and I have some thoughts
for all of you.

* Start to dig into the code now.  The code in sympy.physics is
non-trivial and will take a while for you to get to know it well
enough to write a good GSoC proposal.
* Hang out on IRC and ask us questions on the mailing list.
* Look through the ideas page to get ideas on potential topics:

* Aaron has a great blog post here about how to proceed here:



Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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[sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 - Oleksandr Gituliar

2011-03-23 Thread oleksandr gituliar
  my name is Oleksandr Gituliar and I'm a second year PhD student at The
  of Nuclear Physics [1] in Krakow, Poland.

  As a physicist I mainly deal with theoretical calculations in QCD
  (namely, next-
  to-leading order corrections to solutions of DGLAP evolution equation
  and all
  stuff related to that like Feynman graphs, regularization techniques,
  theorems, etc.) as well as Monte-Carlo simulations of different kind.

 Nice, your experience could be very helpful.

Thank you Mr. Granger.

  PS. Sending this letter I express my strong interest in participating
  in GSoC 2011.

 Here is what I suggest:

 * have a look at the ideas page on github (see recent threads for the link).

In progress...

 * For QCD related things, I think it would be *very* interesting to
 implement SU(N), in a similar manner to how we have implemented spin
 (see sympy.physics.quantum.spin).

Concerning SU(N) representations of the rotation group I agree that it
would be extremely interesting to work on it especially in a symbolic/
analytical form. As for the same things in QCD, did you mean Lorentz
group SU(N) representations (with bispinors, 4-vectors, relativistic
objects with a higher spin)?

 * I highly recommend digging into the code ASAP and starting to
 contribute before the application deadline.
 * Don't hesitate to ask questions!


PS. I'll let you know once I finish working on my idea list.


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[sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 - Oleksandr Gituliar

2011-03-23 Thread oleksandr gituliar
Here [1] I started a wiki page with my ideas and proposals. Note it is
not complete and is supposed to be constantly updated. Feel free to
make any corrections and/or proposals.


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[sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 Application

2011-03-23 Thread Yuri Karadzhov
 The first and third item would be useful to have, but they are not really big 
 enough projects for a summer of code.  The second one could be, though.  I 
 would need to see a more detailed plan on what you plan to implement to see 
 if it is big enough.

 Aaron Meurer

Actually it was one idea which include three smaller ones because they
are connected with each other. The rough plan of implementation:

1. Implement pattern matching functionality. Function like Maple
indets which can return the list of subexpressions of given type from
given expression is required.

e.g. indets(f(x)+2*x+sin(y+cos(t)),'function')
should return the list
f(x), sin(y+cos(t)), cos(t)

This immediately give us the solution of the third problem (concerned
with dsolve)

2. Implement function which return minimal list of linearly
independent functions of one variable form given one.

e.g. linind(cos(t+1), sin(t), cos(t))
should return
sin(t), cos(t)

This helps to solve the first problem.

3. Then singular function should be implemented. This function should
return values of parameters which make given expression singular.

e.g. singular(tan(c)*y/(d*(a+b*x)),(a,b,c,d))
should return
(a=0, b=0),(c=Pi/2+Pi*N_1)

This helps to implement parametrizer.

4. Implement parametrizer casemap which do the require operation

e.g. casemap(dsolve, diff(f(r),r)=a*f(r)+b*r+c, (a, b, c))
should return
(f(r)=C_1*exp(a*r)-b*r/a-(b+a*c)/a^2 , a!=0), (f(r)=b*r^2/2+c*r+C_1,
the same method can be used for rank calculation using determinant
method because
A=Matrix((1, x), (1, 1))
casemap(det, Inverse(A), x)
should return
(1/(1-x), x!=1), (infinity, x=1)

This solve the second problem, but it's assumed that ODE module is
able to solve ODE's without checking of parameters. If it's not — the
improvement of ODE module should be done first.

This idea is not obligatory and if you need improvements of ODE or PDE
module or anything else, I will be glad to help.

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[sympy] Re: Another GSoC Idea

2011-03-23 Thread Yuri Karadzhov
On Mar 22, 11:31 pm, Aaron Meurer wrote:
 I think this idea could work, but would like to see more details
 (anyway, there will need to be a lot more details in the application).

 Aaron Meurer

At least it is possible to implement basic the most routine
1. Generate infinitesimal operator of given variables
2. Calculate the extension of infinitesimal operator of given order
3. Calculate differential sequence of given equation (system of
4. Apply the infinitesimal operator to the equation (system of
5. Obtain system of determining equations
6. Calculate commutator and anticommutator of two operators
Then some additional functionality can be added
1. Obtain the classification and determining equations for the
classification problem
2. If tesor module allow – implement above functionality for arbitrary
order of dependent and independent variable e.g. x = (x_1,...,x_n), y
=(y_1,...,y_m), where n and m is unknown
3. If PDE module allow – solve the system of determining equations
4. If above is true – completely solve the classification problem in
simple cases

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Re: [sympy] Re: Another GSoC Idea

2011-03-23 Thread Brian Granger
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 6:26 AM, Yuri Karadzhov wrote:
 On Mar 22, 11:31 pm, Aaron Meurer wrote:
 I think this idea could work, but would like to see more details
 (anyway, there will need to be a lot more details in the application).

 Aaron Meurer

 At least it is possible to implement basic the most routine
 1. Generate infinitesimal operator of given variables
 2. Calculate the extension of infinitesimal operator of given order
 3. Calculate differential sequence of given equation (system of
 4. Apply the infinitesimal operator to the equation (system of
 5. Obtain system of determining equations
 6. Calculate commutator and anticommutator of two operators

For operators, commutators, etc., check out:




 Then some additional functionality can be added
 1. Obtain the classification and determining equations for the
 classification problem
 2. If tesor module allow – implement above functionality for arbitrary
 order of dependent and independent variable e.g. x = (x_1,...,x_n), y
 =(y_1,...,y_m), where n and m is unknown
 3. If PDE module allow – solve the system of determining equations
 4. If above is true – completely solve the classification problem in
 simple cases

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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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Re: [sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 - Oleksandr Gituliar

2011-03-23 Thread Brian Granger

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:51 AM, oleksandr gituliar wrote:
  my name is Oleksandr Gituliar and I'm a second year PhD student at The
  of Nuclear Physics [1] in Krakow, Poland.

  As a physicist I mainly deal with theoretical calculations in QCD
  (namely, next-
  to-leading order corrections to solutions of DGLAP evolution equation
  and all
  stuff related to that like Feynman graphs, regularization techniques,
  theorems, etc.) as well as Monte-Carlo simulations of different kind.

 Nice, your experience could be very helpful.

 Thank you Mr. Granger.

  PS. Sending this letter I express my strong interest in participating
  in GSoC 2011.

 Here is what I suggest:

 * have a look at the ideas page on github (see recent threads for the link).

 In progress...

 * For QCD related things, I think it would be *very* interesting to
 implement SU(N), in a similar manner to how we have implemented spin
 (see sympy.physics.quantum.spin).

 Concerning SU(N) representations of the rotation group I agree that it
 would be extremely interesting to work on it especially in a symbolic/
 analytical form. As for the same things in QCD, did you mean Lorentz
 group SU(N) representations (with bispinors, 4-vectors, relativistic
 objects with a higher spin)?

I was simply thinking that when doing various types of computations in
QCD, it would be useful for have access to all the SU(N) machinery in
symbolic/numerical form.

I had a look at your ideas page.  A few comments:

* Under the basic QM notation section.  I think everything listed
there has already been implemented, at least initially.  Definitely
have a look at the code for that.  But there is definitely more to do,
especially with continuous Hilbert spaces with differential operators.
* Perturbation theory + variational methods.  I would love to see a
lot of detail here as we would very much be interested in this topic.



 * I highly recommend digging into the code ASAP and starting to
 contribute before the application deadline.
 * Don't hesitate to ask questions!


 PS. I'll let you know once I finish working on my idea list.


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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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Re: [sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 Application

2011-03-23 Thread Mateusz Paprocki

On 23 March 2011 13:49, Yuri Karadzhov wrote:

  The first and third item would be useful to have, but they are not really
 big enough projects for a summer of code.  The second one could be, though.
  I would need to see a more detailed plan on what you plan to implement to
 see if it is big enough.
  Aaron Meurer

 Actually it was one idea which include three smaller ones because they
 are connected with each other. The rough plan of implementation:

 1. Implement pattern matching functionality. Function like Maple
 indets which can return the list of subexpressions of given type from
 given expression is required.

 e.g. indets(f(x)+2*x+sin(y+cos(t)),'function')
 should return the list
 f(x), sin(y+cos(t)), cos(t)

This actually can be solved with SymPy already:

In [1]: var('t')
Out[1]: t

In [2]: (f(x)+2*x+sin(y+cos(t))).atoms(Function)
Out[2]: set(cos(t), f(x), sin(y + cos(t)))

 This immediately give us the solution of the third problem (concerned
 with dsolve)

 2. Implement function which return minimal list of linearly
 independent functions of one variable form given one.

 e.g. linind(cos(t+1), sin(t), cos(t))
 should return
 sin(t), cos(t)

 This helps to solve the first problem.

 3. Then singular function should be implemented. This function should
 return values of parameters which make given expression singular.

 e.g. singular(tan(c)*y/(d*(a+b*x)),(a,b,c,d))
 should return
 (a=0, b=0),(c=Pi/2+Pi*N_1)

This is interesting. Have you looked into sympy.solvers and checked what was
already done in this direction and what more has to be done?

 This helps to implement parametrizer.

 4. Implement parametrizer casemap which do the require operation

 e.g. casemap(dsolve, diff(f(r),r)=a*f(r)+b*r+c, (a, b, c))
 should return
 (f(r)=C_1*exp(a*r)-b*r/a-(b+a*c)/a^2 , a!=0), (f(r)=b*r^2/2+c*r+C_1,
 the same method can be used for rank calculation using determinant
 method because
 A=Matrix((1, x), (1, 1))
 casemap(det, Inverse(A), x)
 should return
 (1/(1-x), x!=1), (infinity, x=1)

 This solve the second problem, but it's assumed that ODE module is
 able to solve ODE's without checking of parameters. If it's not — the
 improvement of ODE module should be done first.

 This idea is not obligatory and if you need improvements of ODE or PDE
 module or anything else, I will be glad to help.

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[sympy] GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory

2011-03-23 Thread weralwolf
Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
use all sympy features, so if it possible guide me.

P.S. Why my previous discussion(One more GSoC Introduction) was


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[sympy] GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory example

2011-03-23 Thread weralwolf
Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
use all SymPy features, so if it possible guide me.

P.S. Why my previous discussion(One more GSoC Introduction) was


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Re: [sympy] GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory

2011-03-23 Thread Alexey U. Gudchenko

23.03.2011 19:57, weralwolf пишет:

P.S. Why my previous discussion(One more GSoC Introduction) was


Is it you're talk about?

I found it in:
Click View all near 9 of 8344 messages

Alexey U.

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[sympy] GSOC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Friedman
Hello SymPy people,

I’m a Computer Science student currently completing my Master’s thesis
at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

I am looking to participate in gsoc this year. I would like to
contribute to sympy because I have both an interest in mathematics and
Python. Python is currently my language of choice. I use Python in my
studies and I also tutor Python in undergraduate classes.

I’m considering the Cython project to optimise the core. I used Cython
in Master’s project to optimise processor/memory intensive methods.
With Cython I increase the performance of my code while leaving the
original Python code unchanged by adding Cython headers (.pyx) to
modules to convert the Python into C++. It would be very interesting
to be involved in doing the same to sympy.

Currently looking through the discussion topics to see what would be
required of the Cython project. Just wanted to express my interest in
this project at this moment.

Ben M.

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[sympy] GSOC Application

2011-03-23 Thread Tom Bachmann
Dear list,

I would like to express my interest in working no the symbolic
integration capabilities of sympy as part of a GSOC project.

My name is Tom Bachmann and I study mathematics (second year) at the
university of cambridge, england. Here is an overview of my computer
programming experience: I have previously worked on the Hurd project
(in C), I did a project that started the port of the kaXen/afterburner
pre-virtualisation environment to amd64 (in C++), and I have extended
the wikireader codebase to handle ebooks from project gutenberg
(mostly python). I can supply more details and/or references if you
wish. I have also created some fun projects on my own, the most
relevant here being probably what I call fz [1], a program to plot
various special functions in the complex plane and on riemann surfaces
(in C++). Finally here in cambridge there are so-called CATAM [2]
(computer-aided teaching of all of mathematics) projects on which I
got excellent results; this may or may not be meaningful to you.

With this background settled, let me say that I find both of the
proposed approaches to symbolic integration (resdiue theorem and Mejer
functions) very interesting. I believe I do understand well the
mathematics behind both. Depending on what you perceive to be more
important, I would be happy to work on either, with possibly a slight
preference for the residue method. What is the state of any existing
implementation in sympy?

If there is any specific other information that you want me to supply,
please don't hesitate to let me know.



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[sympy] GSoC 2011: Porting to Python 3

2011-03-23 Thread VPeric

I'm a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech
Technical University in Prague. I'm studying Open Informatics, which
is a study program orientated towards research and the utilization of
new technologies.

While I have experience with several languages (notably C, Java,
Prolog), Python is by far my favorite language. I find the issues
related to conversion to Python 3 particularly interesting, and would
like to work on porting SymPy to Python 3. The porting is inevitable
if SymPy is to survive, and doing it sooner rather than later offers
advantages that could be helpful in increased adoption (and hence
increased development), so I consider it a very worthwhile pursuit.

My main problem is whether this is simply big enough for a GSoC
project? While it is listed on the Ideas page, after a cursory glance
at the code I don't see any major problems here (or I simply missed
them, of course). I have read about the last time such a conversion
was attempted and the problems encountered, but as that was over 18
months ago, I believe most of those problems can be solved now.

My plan would be to first run in 2.6 with no errors (ie. Python -3),
which shouldn't be too difficult (around 150 errors, most of which
look trivial), and then try to maintain a dual codebase with automatic
running of the 2to3 tool when building for Python3 (which is the
recommended procedure). Problems might arise from the fact that SymPy
currently supports Python 2.4 or higher, but this would have to be
solved as it comes up. I hope it will be possible to keep supporting
2.4, though limiting it to 2.6 would likely result in cleaner code.

Thank you for your time,
Vladimir Perić

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[sympy] GSOC 2011: Improve the plotting module

2011-03-23 Thread Viktor
Hi Sympy Community,

My name is Viktor Ikonnikov. I'm a PhD student of South Ural State
University from Russia. My basic specialization is modeling and
control of dynamic systems. I have a good experience of working with
matplotlib, cairo, opengl and Python is my favorite language :)

I want to improve the Sympy plotting module and add ability to use
other plotting backends. As minimum I can integrate Sympy with

Can I take participate in GSOC from Sympy Community with this Idea?


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[sympy] Re: GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory

2011-03-23 Thread Julien Rioux
On Mar 23, 12:57 pm, weralwolf wrote:
 Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
 perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
 use all sympy features, so if it possible guide me.

I think you forgot to put
from sympy import S

at the top.

Did I get it right that you calculate the ground state energy of the
1D infinite potential well of width $a$ with a perturbation which is
linear in $x$, up to second order in perturbation?

I think in general your code is fine. What you might want to do is
- have V an operator
- same for the unpertubed Hamiltonian H
- being able to write those operators in matrix form in a particular
- find the basis which diagonalizes H
- use this basis to represent H and V in matrix forms
- compute perturbation theory to first, second, etc. order by looking
up the matrix forms
- make it general enough to handle degenerate cases

I think some of this is possible already, but I haven't looked deeply
into it.

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[sympy][gsoc]Improving simplification

2011-03-23 Thread Владимир Лагунов
About me:
Lagunov Vladimir, 21 years, living in Russia, Novosibirsk.
Studying in magistracy of Novosibirsk state technical university,
Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering.
email and xmpp: lagunov.vladimir _at_
xmpp: werehuman _at_

My coding skills:
I prefer Python for my programs: i’m familiar with python much more
than with other languages. But also i can write on C++, and i’m
somewhat familiar with C, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Haskell.
I worked with Django and Twisted.Web.

I have no large list of big projects. My first average (more that 200
lines) program on Python was a xmpp-chat bot for quiz game, i wrote it
3 years ago. In this three years i slightly earned by improving one
site based on Django and wrote a lot of small but useful scripts for
myself. Or useless but funny pieces of code like
, that i used in internet “holywars”. Now i’m writing web-interface
for my master’s thesis on twisted.web.

My experience doesn’t limited by Python only. My bachelor’s work was
an DirectConnect client, written in Java and Swing (but this client
doesn’t works as i wanted). Also i have some experience with C++ and
Qt (concretely with QtGui and QtNetwork), and of course i can work
with PyQt4/PySide.

My task:
I want to improve simplification algorithms. Somehow i just recently
discover SymPy, although i needed such library has long. Nevertheless,
in few days of SymPy usage, i saw that functions for expressions
simplification sometimes doesn’t work as expected.

Firstly i try to extend simplify() function to support more expression
types. When i’ll done these task, i’ll start working on other tasks
from GSoC 2011 wish list, associated with simplification.

Expression simplification is an inalienable part of whole SymPy, all
other components of framework are using these functional. Improving of
expression simplification will affect on all parts of SymPy.

I’m interested in this project for two reasons: at first i like
Python, therefore i want to improve good programs on good language; at
second, theme of my masters work is associated with symbolical

Education plan does not give me a chance to work full time 40h/week
because i have an session in June and “manufacturing practice” (i will
work by my specialization in some organization that i don’t know yet,
this is a part of education plan in my university) in July. But there
are many holidays in Russia, and also i can do something in evenings,
so i think that i cope with my goal.

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[sympy] Re: Another GSoC Idea

2011-03-23 Thread Yuri Karadzhov
Good to know it's already done. So it can be changed to
6. Classify algebra according to commutation relations and present the
table of commutation.

The other problems remain actual

On Mar 23, 6:24 pm, Brian Granger wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 6:26 AM, Yuri Karadzhov
  On Mar 22, 11:31 pm, Aaron Meurer wrote:
  I think this idea could work, but would like to see more details
  (anyway, there will need to be a lot more details in the application).

  Aaron Meurer

  At least it is possible to implement basic the most routine
  1. Generate infinitesimal operator of given variables
  2. Calculate the extension of infinitesimal operator of given order
  3. Calculate differential sequence of given equation (system of
  4. Apply the infinitesimal operator to the equation (system of
  5. Obtain system of determining equations
  6. Calculate commutator and anticommutator of two operators

 For operators, commutators, etc., check out:




  Then some additional functionality can be added
  1. Obtain the classification and determining equations for the
  classification problem
  2. If tesor module allow – implement above functionality for arbitrary
  order of dependent and independent variable e.g. x = (x_1,...,x_n), y
  =(y_1,...,y_m), where n and m is unknown
  3. If PDE module allow – solve the system of determining equations
  4. If above is true – completely solve the classification problem in
  simple cases

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 Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor of Physics
 Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Gracjan Olbinski

2011-03-23 Thread Mateusz Paprocki

2011/3/22 Gracjan Olbiński

 Hello SymPy community!

 Let me introduce myself. My name is Gracjan Olbinski, I'm a second year
 student of Computer Science and a first year of Math on Wroclaw Univeristy
 of Technology, Poland. I'm interested in foundation of mathematics and
 computer science in particular set theory and algorithmic logic.

 Right now I'm working on new technology of GPGPU computing which is develop
 by nVidia CUDA with student organisation KNSI (there is a www page but only
 in Polish language, you could find it at and
 I am interested in participating in Sympy 2011 GSoC project. My proposals
 to SymPy:

- *Implement symbolic (formal) logics and set theory*
- *Implement definite integration algorithm using residues* (from
detailed list of projects)
- *Implement symbolic integration via Marichev-Adamchik Mellin
transform* (this will need to made a reserach on it, so will require
some more time to introduce through it before starting coding)

 Can you tell us more about your ideas?

Formal logics and set theory are subjects that were already exploited quite
a lot and SymPy has already support for this. It would be good to point out
what exactly is missing and what subset of this you would like to implement.

Definite integration is very weakly supported by SymPy, so this contribution
would be very useful. As you want to use residues, did you check if SymPy
has already a function for computing residues? If it has, maybe it needs
improvements (possibly part of your project would have to be a contribution
to other modules: solvers, series, etc.).

Symbolic integration via G-functions (the last one) would be a very
important contribution. Together with recursive Risch algorithm, that is
being implemented by Aaron, this would allow SymPy to handle most integrals
that can be found in the mathematical literature. I strongly suggest that
you do research on this algorithm now and make sure that you realize, when
writing your proposal, what has to be implemented (e.g. representation of
G-functions, conversion algorithms, ...).

How about my experience in Python? On course Introduction to Algorithms
 (similiar to MiT course by Leirserson) all programs which we had to code I
 wrote in python. Of course there weren't big projects e.g. B-Trees
 implementation + visualisation in PyQt. Programming in C and Python gives me
 most fun.
 I have learned about SymPy by GSoC list of participating Organizations, so
 knowledge of this library actually is not so large but in next few days I'll
 learn about it.

 Thank you.

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[sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 Application

2011-03-23 Thread Yuri Karadzhov
Great! The pattern matching ability is the basis of any CAS. If it is
done I can do a lot more on parametrization and so on. Than you for
your advise, now I play around with sympy and after it I'm going to
look into code more precisely.

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Re: [sympy] Re: One more GSoC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Jeron Smuta
I place example code into GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory
discussion, cause I can't view this or another discussions posted by my or
anyone else after 22.03.11

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Re: [sympy][gsoc]Improving simplification

2011-03-23 Thread Mateusz Paprocki
Hi Vladimir,

On 23 March 2011 10:38, Владимир Лагунов wrote:

 About me:
 Lagunov Vladimir, 21 years, living in Russia, Novosibirsk.
 Studying in magistracy of Novosibirsk state technical university,
 Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering.
 email and xmpp: lagunov.vladimir _at_
 xmpp: werehuman _at_

 My coding skills:
 I prefer Python for my programs: i’m familiar with python much more
 than with other languages. But also i can write on C++, and i’m
 somewhat familiar with C, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Haskell.
 I worked with Django and Twisted.Web.

 I have no large list of big projects. My first average (more that 200
 lines) program on Python was a xmpp-chat bot for quiz game, i wrote it
 3 years ago. In this three years i slightly earned by improving one
 site based on Django and wrote a lot of small but useful scripts for
 myself. Or useless but funny pieces of code like
 , that i used in internet “holywars”. Now i’m writing web-interface
 for my master’s thesis on twisted.web.

 My experience doesn’t limited by Python only. My bachelor’s work was
 an DirectConnect client, written in Java and Swing (but this client
 doesn’t works as i wanted). Also i have some experience with C++ and
 Qt (concretely with QtGui and QtNetwork), and of course i can work
 with PyQt4/PySide.

Thank you for being interested in contributing to our project. Your will
find information here

about GSoC application procedure.

 My task:
 I want to improve simplification algorithms. Somehow i just recently
 discover SymPy, although i needed such library has long. Nevertheless,
 in few days of SymPy usage, i saw that functions for expressions
 simplification sometimes doesn’t work as expected.

Can you tell us more about what didn't work or worked not the way you
expected it to work?

 Firstly i try to extend simplify() function to support more expression
 types. When i’ll done these task, i’ll start working on other tasks
 from GSoC 2011 wish list, associated with simplification.

 Expression simplification is an inalienable part of whole SymPy, all
 other components of framework are using these functional. Improving of
 expression simplification will affect on all parts of SymPy.

Do you plan to only extend simplify() to support more classes of functions
and rewrite rules, or you would like to implemented complexity measures and
make this function a decision procedure for minimization of symbolic
expressions (or both)? Maybe there are other areas of expression
simplification you would like to explore, e.g. context based simplification,
preservation of initial structure of expressions, etc.

 I’m interested in this project for two reasons: at first i like
 Python, therefore i want to improve good programs on good language; at
 second, theme of my masters work is associated with symbolical

What problems do you solve (or plan to solve) employing symbolic
computations? Maybe you can share some practical examples where SymPy can be

 Education plan does not give me a chance to work full time 40h/week
 because i have an session in June and “manufacturing practice” (i will
 work by my specialization in some organization that i don’t know yet,
 this is a part of education plan in my university) in July. But there
 are many holidays in Russia, and also i can do something in evenings,
 so i think that i cope with my goal.

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Re: [sympy] Re: GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory

2011-03-23 Thread Jeron Smuta
2011/3/23 Julien Rioux

 On Mar 23, 12:57 pm, weralwolf wrote:
  Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
  perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
  use all sympy features, so if it possible guide me.

 I think you forgot to put
 from sympy import S

 at the top.

Yes, thanks, I really miss it! I just remove it in the last moment before
highlighting code.

Did I get it right that you calculate the ground state energy of the
 1D infinite potential well of width $a$ with a perturbation which is
  linear in $x$, up to second order in perturbation?

Yes, you are right. I try to calculate the ground state energy for that case
what you describe.

 I think in general your code is fine. What you might want to do is
 - have V an operator
 - same for the unpertubed Hamiltonian H
 - being able to write those operators in matrix form in a particular
 - find the basis which diagonalizes H
 - use this basis to represent H and V in matrix forms
 - compute perturbation theory to first, second, etc. order by looking
 up the matrix forms
 - make it general enough to handle degenerate cases

 I think some of this is possible already, but I haven't looked deeply
  into it.

Thanks, I'll look deeply, may be I'll find some solutions of this points.
 I'll search methods to solve it in current SymPy state.

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Re: [sympy] GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer
I don't think it's possible to delete a discussion on a public mailing list.  
But I think Google Groups has a bug where sometimes it does not show 
discussions when searching or when browsing for whatever reason.  But they are 
still there (you can usually find them by doing a normal Google search).

Aaron Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 10:57 AM, weralwolf wrote:

 Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
 perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
 use all sympy features, so if it possible guide me.
 P.S. Why my previous discussion(One more GSoC Introduction) was
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Re: [sympy] GSOC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer
You might read through this thread from a few days ago
  Note that there might be a problem with the Cythonizing the core because we 
still need to remove the old assumptions (this would itself be a whole GSoC 

However, if you are still interested in Cython, you might look at cythonizing 
other core parts of SymPy.

Aaron Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Friedman wrote:

 Hello SymPy people,
 I’m a Computer Science student currently completing my Master’s thesis
 at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
 I am looking to participate in gsoc this year. I would like to
 contribute to sympy because I have both an interest in mathematics and
 Python. Python is currently my language of choice. I use Python in my
 studies and I also tutor Python in undergraduate classes.
 I’m considering the Cython project to optimise the core. I used Cython
 in Master’s project to optimise processor/memory intensive methods.
 With Cython I increase the performance of my code while leaving the
 original Python code unchanged by adding Cython headers (.pyx) to
 modules to convert the Python into C++. It would be very interesting
 to be involved in doing the same to sympy.
 Currently looking through the discussion topics to see what would be
 required of the Cython project. Just wanted to express my interest in
 this project at this moment.
 Ben M.
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Re: [sympy] GSOC Application

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 6:43 AM, Tom Bachmann wrote:

 Dear list,
 I would like to express my interest in working no the symbolic
 integration capabilities of sympy as part of a GSOC project.
 My name is Tom Bachmann and I study mathematics (second year) at the
 university of cambridge, england. Here is an overview of my computer
 programming experience: I have previously worked on the Hurd project
 (in C), I did a project that started the port of the kaXen/afterburner
 pre-virtualisation environment to amd64 (in C++), and I have extended
 the wikireader codebase to handle ebooks from project gutenberg
 (mostly python). I can supply more details and/or references if you
 wish. I have also created some fun projects on my own, the most
 relevant here being probably what I call fz [1], a program to plot
 various special functions in the complex plane and on riemann surfaces
 (in C++). Finally here in cambridge there are so-called CATAM [2]
 (computer-aided teaching of all of mathematics) projects on which I
 got excellent results; this may or may not be meaningful to you.
 With this background settled, let me say that I find both of the
 proposed approaches to symbolic integration (resdiue theorem and Mejer
 functions) very interesting. I believe I do understand well the
 mathematics behind both. Depending on what you perceive to be more
 important, I would be happy to work on either, with possibly a slight
 preference for the residue method. What is the state of any existing
 implementation in sympy?
 If there is any specific other information that you want me to supply,
 please don't hesitate to let me know.

Currently, SymPy is getting pretty strong with indefinite integration, thanks 
to my  project to implement the Risch Algorithm.  However, there is really no 
progress with definite integration.  The integrator basically uses the 
fundamental theorem of calculus (integrate and evaluate at the end points) to 
evaluate definite integrals, and that is it.  So there is definitely much room 
for improvement in this area.

Now, the Meijer G function project would be much more general (i.e., powerful) 
than the residue one, but I think it would also be more difficult.  If you are 
interested in that one, you might look at the paper by Kelly Roach [1].

The residue project would probably be easier, but again, much less powerful.

By the way, the integration algorithms are my particular interest in SymPy, so 
I would like to discuss this more with you. If you want, we can talk on IRC.  
Our channel is #sympy on Freenode.

Finally, I want to remind you that we require all student applicants to submit 
at least one patch to the project that gets reviewed and pushed in.  See for a guide on how to 
submit a patch.  Some easy to fix issues that can get you started are labeled 
EasyToFix at our issue tracker.  See

Aaron Meurer

[1] - K. Roach. Meijer g function representations. In ISSAC ’97: Proceedings of 
the 1997 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, pages 
205–211, New York, NY, USA, 1997. ACM.

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Porting to Python 3

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 8:31 AM, VPeric wrote:

 I'm a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech
 Technical University in Prague. I'm studying Open Informatics, which
 is a study program orientated towards research and the utilization of
 new technologies.
 While I have experience with several languages (notably C, Java,
 Prolog), Python is by far my favorite language. I find the issues
 related to conversion to Python 3 particularly interesting, and would
 like to work on porting SymPy to Python 3. The porting is inevitable
 if SymPy is to survive, and doing it sooner rather than later offers
 advantages that could be helpful in increased adoption (and hence
 increased development), so I consider it a very worthwhile pursuit.
 My main problem is whether this is simply big enough for a GSoC
 project? While it is listed on the Ideas page, after a cursory glance
 at the code I don't see any major problems here (or I simply missed
 them, of course). I have read about the last time such a conversion
 was attempted and the problems encountered, but as that was over 18
 months ago, I believe most of those problems can be solved now.
 My plan would be to first run in 2.6 with no errors (ie. Python -3),
 which shouldn't be too difficult (around 150 errors, most of which
 look trivial), and then try to maintain a dual codebase with automatic
 running of the 2to3 tool when building for Python3 (which is the
 recommended procedure). Problems might arise from the fact that SymPy
 currently supports Python 2.4 or higher, but this would have to be
 solved as it comes up. I hope it will be possible to keep supporting
 2.4, though limiting it to 2.6 would likely result in cleaner code.
 Thank you for your time,
 Vladimir Perić

So we are planning on dropping 2.4 support after the next release (see  This should make it 
much easier to support Python 3 (indeed, it is already difficult to support 
Python 2.4 without supporting Python 3).  We do plan on keeping Python 2.5 
support into the future, though.

Maybe others can comment on whether they think this is a suitable project or 
not.  Previously, there were quite a few things that needed to be done for 
Python 3 support, but many of them have already been fixed.  Definitely one 
thing that needs to be done is to automate as much as possible the process of 
handling Python 3 code.  We do not want to have two separate code bases, so the 
best way would be if we could just code in Python 2 like we do now and have 
everything transferred over to Python 3 automatically.  Another thing that 
should be considered is setting up buildbots that automatically run the tests 
in all versions of Python (including Python 3) to make sure everything is 
running OK.

So I think you would have to consider a Python 3 project to be less about 
fixing the code base to work with Python 3 (which should not take very long), 
and more about making it as painless as possible for us to support it.

Aaron Meurer

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Re: [sympy] GSOC 2011: Improve the plotting module

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer
Yes, fixing our plotting module is something that we need to have done.  We 
currently ship with Pyglet, but it would be better if we modularized our 
plotting module to work with matplotlib, pyglet, etc. as external libraries.

Just a note: to participate in GSoC, we require that you submit a patch that 
gets reviewed and pushed in.  See for a guide and for some easy to 
fix issues.

Aaron Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 11:06 AM, Viktor wrote:

 Hi Sympy Community,
 My name is Viktor Ikonnikov. I'm a PhD student of South Ural State
 University from Russia. My basic specialization is modeling and
 control of dynamic systems. I have a good experience of working with
 matplotlib, cairo, opengl and Python is my favorite language :)
 I want to improve the Sympy plotting module and add ability to use
 other plotting backends. As minimum I can integrate Sympy with
 Can I take participate in GSOC from Sympy Community with this Idea?

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Porting to Python 3

2011-03-23 Thread Mateusz Paprocki

On 23 March 2011 12:15, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:


 On Mar 23, 2011, at 8:31 AM, VPeric wrote:

  I'm a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech
  Technical University in Prague. I'm studying Open Informatics, which
  is a study program orientated towards research and the utilization of
  new technologies.
  While I have experience with several languages (notably C, Java,
  Prolog), Python is by far my favorite language. I find the issues
  related to conversion to Python 3 particularly interesting, and would
  like to work on porting SymPy to Python 3. The porting is inevitable
  if SymPy is to survive, and doing it sooner rather than later offers
  advantages that could be helpful in increased adoption (and hence
  increased development), so I consider it a very worthwhile pursuit.
  My main problem is whether this is simply big enough for a GSoC
  project? While it is listed on the Ideas page, after a cursory glance
  at the code I don't see any major problems here (or I simply missed
  them, of course). I have read about the last time such a conversion
  was attempted and the problems encountered, but as that was over 18
  months ago, I believe most of those problems can be solved now.
  My plan would be to first run in 2.6 with no errors (ie. Python -3),
  which shouldn't be too difficult (around 150 errors, most of which
  look trivial), and then try to maintain a dual codebase with automatic
  running of the 2to3 tool when building for Python3 (which is the
  recommended procedure). Problems might arise from the fact that SymPy
  currently supports Python 2.4 or higher, but this would have to be
  solved as it comes up. I hope it will be possible to keep supporting
  2.4, though limiting it to 2.6 would likely result in cleaner code.
  Thank you for your time,
  Vladimir Perić

 So we are planning on dropping 2.4 support after the next release (see  This should make
 it much easier to support Python 3 (indeed, it is already difficult to
 support Python 2.4 without supporting Python 3).  We do plan on keeping
 Python 2.5 support into the future, though.

Leaving Python 2.5 support is important because Python runtime environment
in Google App Engine is based on 2.5 and SymPy must run in App Engine.

 Maybe others can comment on whether they think this is a suitable project
 or not.  Previously, there were quite a few things that needed to be done
 for Python 3 support, but many of them have already been fixed.  Definitely
 one thing that needs to be done is to automate as much as possible the
 process of handling Python 3 code.  We do not want to have two separate code
 bases, so the best way would be if we could just code in Python 2 like we do
 now and have everything transferred over to Python 3 automatically.  Another
 thing that should be considered is setting up buildbots that automatically
 run the tests in all versions of Python (including Python 3) to make sure
 everything is running OK.

 So I think you would have to consider a Python 3 project to be less about
 fixing the code base to work with Python 3 (which should not take very
 long), and more about making it as painless as possible for us to support

 Aaron Meurer

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Gracjan Olbinski

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Mateusz Paprocki wrote:

 2011/3/22 Gracjan Olbiński
 Hello SymPy community!
 Let me introduce myself. My name is Gracjan Olbinski, I'm a second year 
 student of Computer Science and a first year of Math on Wroclaw Univeristy of 
 Technology, Poland. I'm interested in foundation of mathematics and computer 
 science in particular set theory and algorithmic logic.
 Right now I'm working on new technology of GPGPU computing which is develop 
 by nVidia CUDA with student organisation KNSI (there is a www page but only 
 in Polish language, you could find it at and 
 I am interested in participating in Sympy 2011 GSoC project. My proposals to 
   • Implement symbolic (formal) logics and set theory
   • Implement definite integration algorithm using residues (from 
 detailed list of projects)
   • Implement symbolic integration via Marichev-Adamchik Mellin transform 
 (this will need to made a reserach on it, so will require some more time to 
 introduce through it before starting coding)
 Can you tell us more about your ideas?
 Formal logics and set theory are subjects that were already exploited quite a 
 lot and SymPy has already support for this. It would be good to point out 
 what exactly is missing and what subset of this you would like to implement.
 Definite integration is very weakly supported by SymPy, so this contribution 
 would be very useful. As you want to use residues, did you check if SymPy has 
 already a function for computing residues? If it has, maybe it needs 
 improvements (possibly part of your project would have to be a contribution 
 to other modules: solvers, series, etc.).
 Symbolic integration via G-functions (the last one) would be a very important 
 contribution. Together with recursive Risch algorithm, that is being 
 implemented by Aaron, this would allow SymPy to handle most integrals that 
 can be found in the mathematical literature. I strongly suggest that you do 
 research on this algorithm now and make sure that you realize, when writing 
 your proposal, what has to be implemented (e.g. representation of 
 G-functions, conversion algorithms, …).

By the way, a useful paper to get you started on this is [1].

Aaron Meurer

[1] - K. Roach. Meijer g function representations. In ISSAC ’97: Proceedings of 
the 1997 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, pages 
205–211, New York, NY, USA, 1997. ACM.

Aaron Meurer

 How about my experience in Python? On course Introduction to Algorithms 
 (similiar to MiT course by Leirserson) all programs which we had to code I 
 wrote in python. Of course there weren't big projects e.g. B-Trees 
 implementation + visualisation in PyQt. Programming in C and Python gives me 
 most fun.
 I have learned about SymPy by GSoC list of participating Organizations, so 
 knowledge of this library actually is not so large but in next few days I'll 
 learn about it.
 Thank you.
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Re: [sympy] Re: GSoC 2011 Application

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 6:49 AM, Yuri Karadzhov wrote:

 The first and third item would be useful to have, but they are not really 
 big enough projects for a summer of code.  The second one could be, though.  
 I would need to see a more detailed plan on what you plan to implement to 
 see if it is big enough.
 Aaron Meurer
 Actually it was one idea which include three smaller ones because they
 are connected with each other. The rough plan of implementation:
 1. Implement pattern matching functionality. Function like Maple
 indets which can return the list of subexpressions of given type from
 given expression is required.
 e.g. indets(f(x)+2*x+sin(y+cos(t)),'function')
 should return the list
 f(x), sin(y+cos(t)), cos(t)
 This immediately give us the solution of the third problem (concerned
 with dsolve)
 2. Implement function which return minimal list of linearly
 independent functions of one variable form given one.
 e.g. linind(cos(t+1), sin(t), cos(t))
 should return
 sin(t), cos(t)

Do you know of an efficient algorithm to compute this?  I know that it can be 
done, since the set is finite and the wronskian will tell you if it a set is 
linearly independent or not, but it seems that a naive implementation would 
have poor asymptotic (and actual) performance. 

 This helps to solve the first problem.
 3. Then singular function should be implemented. This function should
 return values of parameters which make given expression singular.
 e.g. singular(tan(c)*y/(d*(a+b*x)),(a,b,c,d))
 should return
 (a=0, b=0),(c=Pi/2+Pi*N_1)
 This helps to implement parametrizer.
 4. Implement parametrizer casemap which do the require operation
 e.g. casemap(dsolve, diff(f(r),r)=a*f(r)+b*r+c, (a, b, c))
 should return
 (f(r)=C_1*exp(a*r)-b*r/a-(b+a*c)/a^2 , a!=0), (f(r)=b*r^2/2+c*r+C_1,
 the same method can be used for rank calculation using determinant
 method because
 A=Matrix((1, x), (1, 1))
 casemap(det, Inverse(A), x)
 should return
 (1/(1-x), x!=1), (infinity, x=1)

This could be a useful function.  Probably the new assumptions could help it 
out (though sadly they are not fully implemented yet).

Aaron Meurer

 This solve the second problem, but it's assumed that ODE module is
 able to solve ODE's without checking of parameters. If it's not — the
 improvement of ODE module should be done first.
 This idea is not obligatory and if you need improvements of ODE or PDE
 module or anything else, I will be glad to help.
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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Porting to Python 3

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 1:30 PM, Mateusz Paprocki wrote:

 On 23 March 2011 07:31, VPeric wrote:
 I'm a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech
 Technical University in Prague. I'm studying Open Informatics, which
 is a study program orientated towards research and the utilization of
 new technologies.
 While I have experience with several languages (notably C, Java,
 Prolog), Python is by far my favorite language. I find the issues
 related to conversion to Python 3 particularly interesting, and would
 like to work on porting SymPy to Python 3. The porting is inevitable
 if SymPy is to survive, and doing it sooner rather than later offers
 advantages that could be helpful in increased adoption (and hence
 increased development), so I consider it a very worthwhile pursuit.
 My main problem is whether this is simply big enough for a GSoC
 project? While it is listed on the Ideas page, after a cursory glance
 at the code I don't see any major problems here (or I simply missed
 them, of course). I have read about the last time such a conversion
 was attempted and the problems encountered, but as that was over 18
 months ago, I believe most of those problems can be solved now.
 It's a good question whether this is big enough. Surely it's important 
 enough to consider this as a GSoC project. I think that the biggest problem 
 currently (unless I forgot about something else) are __cmp__ methods. We are 
 gradually taking care of this issue across SymPy but there is still a lot of 
 work to be done in this area. It's up to you to recognize issues that have to 
 be fixed and figure out a schedule you would like to follow (don't hesitate 
 to ask, because we already made some effort to make SymPy compatible with 
 Python 3 and we have some code in development branches that could help you). 
 If it happens that there is not enough work in porting SymPy to Python 3, 
 then you might consider widening the project and make SymPy run in a subset 
 of Jython, PyPy, IronPython, etc. (I don't remember which are already 

That is also a good idea.  From what I remember, that are test failures in most 
of these (basically because we take advantage of some feature of Python which 
is actually just an implementation detail from CPython).  And if you set up a 
build system, you could also add these to it.

By the way, I thought the main __cmp__ problem was the _compare_pretty 
function, which you have replaced in your polys12 branch.  Is there some other 
that still remains?

Aaron Meurer

 My plan would be to first run in 2.6 with no errors (ie. Python -3),
 which shouldn't be too difficult (around 150 errors, most of which
 look trivial), and then try to maintain a dual codebase with automatic
 running of the 2to3 tool when building for Python3 (which is the
 recommended procedure). Problems might arise from the fact that SymPy
 currently supports Python 2.4 or higher, but this would have to be
 solved as it comes up. I hope it will be possible to keep supporting
 2.4, though limiting it to 2.6 would likely result in cleaner code.
 Thank you for your time,
 Vladimir Perić
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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Porting to Python 3

2011-03-23 Thread Mateusz Paprocki

On 23 March 2011 12:34, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:

 On Mar 23, 2011, at 1:30 PM, Mateusz Paprocki wrote:


 On 23 March 2011 07:31, VPeric wrote:


 I'm a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech
 Technical University in Prague. I'm studying Open Informatics, which
 is a study program orientated towards research and the utilization of
 new technologies.

 While I have experience with several languages (notably C, Java,
 Prolog), Python is by far my favorite language. I find the issues
 related to conversion to Python 3 particularly interesting, and would
 like to work on porting SymPy to Python 3. The porting is inevitable
 if SymPy is to survive, and doing it sooner rather than later offers
 advantages that could be helpful in increased adoption (and hence
 increased development), so I consider it a very worthwhile pursuit.

 My main problem is whether this is simply big enough for a GSoC
 project? While it is listed on the Ideas page, after a cursory glance
 at the code I don't see any major problems here (or I simply missed
 them, of course). I have read about the last time such a conversion
 was attempted and the problems encountered, but as that was over 18
 months ago, I believe most of those problems can be solved now.

 It's a good question whether this is big enough. Surely it's important
 enough to consider this as a GSoC project. I think that the biggest problem
 currently (unless I forgot about something else) are __cmp__ methods. We are
 gradually taking care of this issue across SymPy but there is still a lot of
 work to be done in this area. It's up to you to recognize issues that have
 to be fixed and figure out a schedule you would like to follow (don't
 hesitate to ask, because we already made some effort to make SymPy
 compatible with Python 3 and we have some code in development branches that
 could help you). If it happens that there is not enough work in porting
 SymPy to Python 3, then you might consider widening the project and make
 SymPy run in a subset of Jython, PyPy, IronPython, etc. (I don't remember
 which are already supported).

 That is also a good idea.  From what I remember, that are test failures in
 most of these (basically because we take advantage of some feature of Python
 which is actually just an implementation detail from CPython).  And if you
 set up a build system, you could also add these to it.

 By the way, I thought the main __cmp__ problem was the _compare_pretty
 function, which you have replaced in your polys12 branch.  Is there some
 other that still remains?

It's slow and as I recall it needs improvements before we could run the
whole test suite using it (though for printing is't already fine). But
anyway, this is what should be a starting point for fixing __cmp__ issue.

 Aaron Meurer

 My plan would be to first run in 2.6 with no errors (ie. Python -3),
 which shouldn't be too difficult (around 150 errors, most of which
 look trivial), and then try to maintain a dual codebase with automatic
 running of the 2to3 tool when building for Python3 (which is the
 recommended procedure). Problems might arise from the fact that SymPy
 currently supports Python 2.4 or higher, but this would have to be
 solved as it comes up. I hope it will be possible to keep supporting
 2.4, though limiting it to 2.6 would likely result in cleaner code.

 Thank you for your time,
 Vladimir Perić

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Re: [sympy] GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory example

2011-03-23 Thread Ondrej Certik
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:04 AM, weralwolf wrote:
 Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
 perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
 use all SymPy features, so if it possible guide me.

Nice! I ran your script, and got a number:


Then I printed E_n(_n, _a, _mass).n() and I got:


so the 0.197... is the original energy, and -0.281... is the corrected one?

Indeed, I agree with your conclusions, it'd be really cool to make
this work with brakets.

 P.S. Why my previous discussion(One more GSoC Introduction) was

I am quite sure nobody has deleted any discussions intentionally ---
is this the discussion you are referring to?!topic/sympy/Pmoc8sHP05M

Maybe google groups failed to show it temporarily?


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Re: [sympy][gsoc]Improving simplification

2011-03-23 Thread Владимир Лагунов
Hello, Mateusz.

 Can you tell us more about what didn't work or worked not the way you
 expected it to work?

I'll firstly looked at unittests of simplification and saw, that ratsimp() 
fails. For example (but my improvement isn't 
ideal too).
Also i didn't noticed yet, but at #sympy i was told, that thrigonometrical 
simplification is weak too.

 Do you plan to only extend simplify() to support more classes of functions
 and rewrite rules, or you would like to implemented complexity measures and
 make this function a decision procedure for minimization of symbolic
 expressions (or both)? Maybe there are other areas of expression
 simplification you would like to explore, e.g. context based
 simplification, preservation of initial structure of expressions, etc.

Well, i haven't decided yet about descriptive plan of work. I can say that i 
want to improve sympy as much as i can. But i'll start working on quality of 
expressions simplification, and when i'll be satisfied, i'll pass to functional 

 What problems do you solve (or plan to solve) employing symbolic
 computations? Maybe you can share some practical examples where SymPy can
 be used.

My masters theme is about algorithms, not about appliance. But if i find such 
examples, i'll share.

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[sympy] Re: GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory

2011-03-23 Thread weralwolf
Problem was solved when I reconnect from other network. Because before
I haven't see any discussions after 22.03.11

On 23 Бер, 20:52, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
 I don't think it's possible to delete a discussion on a public mailing list.  
 But I think Google Groups has a bug where sometimes it does not show 
 discussions when searching or when browsing for whatever reason.  But they 
 are still there (you can usually find them by doing a normal Google search).

 Aaron Meurer

 On Mar 23, 2011, at 10:57 AM, weralwolf wrote:

  Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
  perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
  use all sympy features, so if it possible guide me.

  P.S. Why my previous discussion(One more GSoC Introduction) was


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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Gracjan Olbinski

2011-03-23 Thread Gracjan Olbiński
Thank you for your replies. Right now I'm exploring SymPy library and 
reading the Complex Analysis textbooks. As you said the logic and set theory 
is implemented with quite hight level, so firstly I want to focus on 
Cauchy's integral theorem and complex plain representation. As soon as I can 
I will remark all of my ideas. Currently I'm adding some Analytic Function 
and Complex Analysis Theory on my googlesite:

About G-functions I have been reading just few days ago when I saw it on 
ideas list and I thought that is something not so simple to learn but it is 
feasible, I think. I will not conceal that the last project is looking 
really hard for me and I will need lot time to introduce to it.

Thank you.

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Gracjan Olbinski

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer
Indeed the Miejer G function project would be more difficult.  Don't be afraid 
to do something simpler if you don't feel comfortable doing it.

Aaron Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Gracjan Olbiński wrote:

 Thank you for your replies. Right now I'm exploring SymPy library and reading 
 the Complex Analysis textbooks. As you said the logic and set theory is 
 implemented with quite hight level, so firstly I want to focus on Cauchy's 
 integral theorem and complex plain representation. As soon as I can I will 
 remark all of my ideas. Currently I'm adding some Analytic Function and 
 Complex Analysis Theory on my googlesite:
 About G-functions I have been reading just few days ago when I saw it on 
 ideas list and I thought that is something not so simple to learn but it is 
 feasible, I think. I will not conceal that the last project is looking really 
 hard for me and I will need lot time to introduce to it.
 Thank you.
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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Gracjan Olbinski

2011-03-23 Thread Mateusz Paprocki

2011/3/23 Gracjan Olbiński

 Thank you for your replies. Right now I'm exploring SymPy library and
 reading the Complex Analysis textbooks. As you said the logic and set theory
 is implemented with quite hight level, so firstly I want to focus on
 Cauchy's integral theorem and complex plain representation. As soon as I can
 I will remark all of my ideas. Currently I'm adding some Analytic Function
 and Complex Analysis Theory on my googlesite:

 About G-functions I have been reading just few days ago when I saw it on
 ideas list and I thought that is something not so simple to learn but it is
 feasible, I think. I will not conceal that the last project is looking
 really hard for me and I will need lot time to introduce to it.

As you are interested in definite integration, you should give G-function
approach a try, at least to understand which classes of functions you will
be able to cover and which not. G-functions allow to handle definite
integration of very many classes of functions by just simple manipulation of
G-functions's coefficients. For example here

you will find a complete set of definite integration rules (you should be
most interested in the Conditions part). The problems are: how to obtain
G-function representation of an expression and how to return from G-function
representation after integration to a more familiar representation (i.e.
in terms of elementary, special and hypergeometric functions, if possible).
In the article that Aaron suggested you will find (more or less) working
solution to the later issue. For know I don't know any systematic approach
to solve the former (besides pattern matching, which isn't a very systematic
approach but what is used in other systems).

 Thank you.

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Re: [sympy] Re: GSoC Introduction. Perturbation theory example

2011-03-23 Thread Ondrej Certik
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:42 PM, weralwolf wrote:

 On 23 Бер, 21:48, Ondrej Certik wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:04 AM, weralwolf wrote:
  Hello, where my simple example of calculations corrections due to
  perturbation theory for hole with infinite walls. I thinks I didn't
  use all SymPy features, so if it possible guide me.

 Nice! I ran your script, and got a number:


 Then I printed E_n(_n, _a, _mass).n() and I got:


 so the 0.197... is the original energy, and -0.281... is the corrected one?

 Yes, you are right, it's exactly what I mean in script.

How hard would it be to do more perturbation terms, so that we can see
some kind of convergence in the energies? People don't do that by
hand, because it is tedious, but with sympy, it might be possible.
That'd be really cool.

 Indeed, I agree with your conclusions, it'd be really cool to make
 this work with brakets.

 It should be really shorter and simply. Can you guide me to get
 application for this idea?

Definitely. Go to the wiki:

and start crafting it up, then ask for feedback, and I and other
people will try to help.


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[sympy] GSoC and wiki

2011-03-23 Thread Alexey U. Gudchenko


For those who edit wiki pages about GSoC, remarks about titles.

I think that the titles of pages must be conditioned somehow.

Now in it is very hard to 
orient about GSoC program:

About me:
GsoC 2011 Application Geoffrey Ehrman
GSoC 2011 Application by Oleksandr Gituliar
Google Summer of Code 2011 Application Template
Gsoc 2011 application yuri karadzhov
Google Summer of Code 2011 Project Ideas
GSoC 2011 Organization Application
GSoC Current Applications
GSoC Previous Applications
Random Variables

I supposed that it is because of GitHub wiki processor which 
automatically parse pages and extract *title of pages* (Markdawn, 
reStructuredText formats, but not MediaWiki format).

E.g for Markdown format:

# Title of Page

for reStructuredText  format:

Title of Page

And do it independently of the *page name* (bold in edit mode, that 
related with url of page):


So I offer:

To use `GSoC-2011`. Neither `GsoC-2011` nor `GSoC`.
with Uppercase of your name and application word,

But be careful, if you change the page name (not page title) then do not 
forget relink it in others pages.


Alexey U.

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Re: [sympy] GSoC 2011: Gracjan Olbinski

2011-03-23 Thread Gracjan Olbiński
Tommorow I'm gonna consult with my professor about G-function if he will be 
able to introduce me to G-functions theory (of course first I'll read and 
try to understand this article). I have little time to get through all of 
it. Oh, and I have to write this path as soon as possible.

Thank you for you advices

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[sympy] Re: GSOC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Friedman
Thanks for the link Aaron.

What other parts of SymPy could be optimised without working on
deprecated code? I could try to produce a dependence graph to find the
most referenced modules.

I read in that thread that removing the old assumptions could be a
challenging project. What skills does it rely on? Is it more
mathematics or software engineering? I have more experience in the
later doing a Comp. Sc. degree (encapsulation, modularity, OO design

On Mar 24, 7:56 am, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
 You might read through this thread from a few days 
 Note that there might be a problem with the Cythonizing the core because we 
 still need to remove the old assumptions (this would itself be a whole GSoC 

 However, if you are still interested in Cython, you might look at cythonizing 
 other core parts of SymPy.

 Aaron Meurer

 On Mar 23, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Friedman wrote:

  Hello SymPy people,

  I’m a Computer Science student currently completing my Master’s thesis
  at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

  I am looking to participate in gsoc this year. I would like to
  contribute to sympy because I have both an interest in mathematics and
  Python. Python is currently my language of choice. I use Python in my
  studies and I also tutor Python in undergraduate classes.

  I’m considering the Cython project to optimise the core. I used Cython
  in Master’s project to optimise processor/memory intensive methods.
  With Cython I increase the performance of my code while leaving the
  original Python code unchanged by adding Cython headers (.pyx) to
  modules to convert the Python into C++. It would be very interesting
  to be involved in doing the same to sympy.

  Currently looking through the discussion topics to see what would be
  required of the Cython project. Just wanted to express my interest in
  this project at this moment.

  Ben M.

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Re: [sympy] Re: GSOC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Ronan Lamy
Le mercredi 23 mars 2011 à 16:09 -0700, Friedman a écrit :
 Thanks for the link Aaron.
 What other parts of SymPy could be optimised without working on
 deprecated code? I could try to produce a dependence graph to find the
 most referenced modules.
 I read in that thread that removing the old assumptions could be a
 challenging project. What skills does it rely on? Is it more
 mathematics or software engineering? I have more experience in the
 later doing a Comp. Sc. degree (encapsulation, modularity, OO design
I think it's mostly software engineering (refactoring, interface
design, ...) with a side dish of hardcore CS/AI topics (knowledge base
maintenance and indexing, inductive reasoning, ...) We probably also
need to implement simplification of boolean expressions.

 On Mar 24, 7:56 am, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
  You might read through this thread from a few days 
Note that there might be a problem with the Cythonizing the core because 
  we still need to remove the old assumptions (this would itself be a whole 
  GSoC project).  
  However, if you are still interested in Cython, you might look at 
  cythonizing other core parts of SymPy.
  Aaron Meurer
  On Mar 23, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Friedman wrote:
   Hello SymPy people,
   I’m a Computer Science student currently completing my Master’s thesis
   at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
   I am looking to participate in gsoc this year. I would like to
   contribute to sympy because I have both an interest in mathematics and
   Python. Python is currently my language of choice. I use Python in my
   studies and I also tutor Python in undergraduate classes.
   I’m considering the Cython project to optimise the core. I used Cython
   in Master’s project to optimise processor/memory intensive methods.
   With Cython I increase the performance of my code while leaving the
   original Python code unchanged by adding Cython headers (.pyx) to
   modules to convert the Python into C++. It would be very interesting
   to be involved in doing the same to sympy.
   Currently looking through the discussion topics to see what would be
   required of the Cython project. Just wanted to express my interest in
   this project at this moment.
   Ben M.
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Re: [sympy] GSoC and wiki

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Alexey U. Gudchenko wrote:

 For those who edit wiki pages about GSoC, remarks about titles.
 I think that the titles of pages must be conditioned somehow.
 Now in it is very hard to orient 
 about GSoC program:
About me:
GsoC 2011 Application Geoffrey Ehrman
GSoC 2011 Application by Oleksandr Gituliar
Google Summer of Code 2011 Application Template
Gsoc 2011 application yuri karadzhov
Google Summer of Code 2011 Project Ideas
GSoC 2011 Organization Application
GSoC Current Applications
GSoC Previous Applications
Random Variables
 I supposed that it is because of GitHub wiki processor which automatically 
 parse pages and extract *title of pages* (Markdawn, reStructuredText formats, 
 but not MediaWiki format).

Does it?  I though it asked your for the page name when you create a new page?

 E.g for Markdown format:
# Title of Page
 for reStructuredText  format:
Title of Page

 And do it independently of the *page name* (bold in edit mode, that related 
 with url of page):
 So I offer:
 To use `GSoC-2011`. Neither `GsoC-2011` nor `GSoC`.
 with Uppercase of your name and application word,

Yes, let's use this convention.  Title the page like GSoC 2011 Application 
Your Name.  Someone go ahead and rename all existing pages to this format.

Aaron Meurer

 But be careful, if you change the page name (not page title) then do not 
 forget relink it in others pages.
 Alexey U.
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Re: [sympy] Re: GSOC Introduction

2011-03-23 Thread Aaron S. Meurer
Yes, maybe you could look at cythonizing the logic code (ilke the SAT solver).  
Another idea that comes to mind is the matrices.  The other really big main 
part aside from the core is the polys, but Mateusz has already been working on 
cythonizing the core of that.  Maybe you could see what he has done and if more 
could be done (see the @cythonized decorators in some of the files in 

Aaron Meurer

On Mar 23, 2011, at 5:44 PM, Ronan Lamy wrote:

 Le mercredi 23 mars 2011 à 16:09 -0700, Friedman a écrit :
 Thanks for the link Aaron.
 What other parts of SymPy could be optimised without working on
 deprecated code? I could try to produce a dependence graph to find the
 most referenced modules.
 I read in that thread that removing the old assumptions could be a
 challenging project. What skills does it rely on? Is it more
 mathematics or software engineering? I have more experience in the
 later doing a Comp. Sc. degree (encapsulation, modularity, OO design
 I think it's mostly software engineering (refactoring, interface
 design, ...) with a side dish of hardcore CS/AI topics (knowledge base
 maintenance and indexing, inductive reasoning, ...) We probably also
 need to implement simplification of boolean expressions.
 On Mar 24, 7:56 am, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
 You might read through this thread from a few days 
   Note that there might be a problem with the Cythonizing the core because 
 we still need to remove the old assumptions (this would itself be a whole 
 GSoC project).  
 However, if you are still interested in Cython, you might look at 
 cythonizing other core parts of SymPy.
 Aaron Meurer
 On Mar 23, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Friedman wrote:
 Hello SymPy people,
 I’m a Computer Science student currently completing my Master’s thesis
 at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
 I am looking to participate in gsoc this year. I would like to
 contribute to sympy because I have both an interest in mathematics and
 Python. Python is currently my language of choice. I use Python in my
 studies and I also tutor Python in undergraduate classes.
 I’m considering the Cython project to optimise the core. I used Cython
 in Master’s project to optimise processor/memory intensive methods.
 With Cython I increase the performance of my code while leaving the
 original Python code unchanged by adding Cython headers (.pyx) to
 modules to convert the Python into C++. It would be very interesting
 to be involved in doing the same to sympy.
 Currently looking through the discussion topics to see what would be
 required of the Cython project. Just wanted to express my interest in
 this project at this moment.
 Ben M.
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[sympy] Test failures in sympy master

2011-03-23 Thread Tomo Lazovich
Hello everyone,

I just forked the git repository for the first time and ran test
in order to make sure everything was working fine on my system before I
started changing things. Unfortunately, I seem to have gotten a couple of
errors that I do not quite understand, and I was hoping that someone on the
list could help me. These tests are run with Python 2.5.2. Note that I
haven't actually changed anything yet...this is just me trying to test my
forked version of the master.

 xpassed tests

__ /home/lazovich/sympy/sympy/utilities/tests/
  File /home/lazovich/sympy/sympy/utilities/tests/, line
except CodeGenError as e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

__ sympy/solvers/tests/
  File /home/lazovich/sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/, line 231,
in test_tsolve_1
[-((4*log(7) +

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Tomo Lazovich

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Re: [sympy] Test failures in sympy master

2011-03-23 Thread Ronan Lamy
Le mercredi 23 mars 2011 à 21:38 -0400, Tomo Lazovich a écrit :
 Hello everyone,
 I just forked the git repository for the first time and ran
 test in order to make sure everything was working fine on my system
 before I started changing things. Unfortunately, I seem to have gotten
 a couple of errors that I do not quite understand, and I was hoping
 that someone on the list could help me. These tests are run with
 Python 2.5.2. Note that I haven't actually changed anything yet...this
 is just me trying to test my forked version of the master. 

You don't have any actual problems. We've just been remiss in our
testing of different platforms and Python versions. We really need to
get buildbot or similar back up again.  
Please ignore these errors for now.

  xpassed tests
This says that a test that's known to fail in some cases passes for you.

 __ /home/lazovich/sympy/sympy/utilities/tests/
   File /home/lazovich/sympy/sympy/utilities/tests/,
 line 1063
 except CodeGenError as e:
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
This is a bug in the test file. That syntax is only valid starting from
2.6, but we want to support 2.4+.

 __ sympy/solvers/tests/
   File /home/lazovich/sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/,
 line 231, in test_tsolve_1
 [-((4*log(7) +
Actually, I just reported that one:

 Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
 Tomo Lazovich
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[sympy] One more GSoC idea

2011-03-23 Thread chu-ching huang

I'm developing an Python packages for solving stochastic differential
equations (SDE's).
Both solvers for symbolic and numeric (scitools) are included. The
sources are available from
Fey-kac.gif (simulation)

Could this package be added to the idea?

Best regards,

chu-ching huang
Math Group, CGE
Chang-Gung University, Taiwan

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[sympy] More GSoC Ideas

2011-03-23 Thread Tim Lahey

I've been thinking about GSoC and looking at the various ideas people have been 
posting. By the way, I'd like to see perturbation theory included in general 
(i.e., not just for quantum mechanics) since it's used in stability analysis.

I have a few linear algebra related ideas I'd like to see. One is abstract 
linear algebra. That is support for arbitrary matrix and vector calculations. 
So, one would just indicate that a symbol is a matrix/vector without stating 
the size. Then you could work with them. The non-commutative support is a 
start, but the transpose operation would need to be added along with 
derivatives. I have a Maple worksheet that has a crude version of this. This is 
used quite a bit in the Ritz approach to Finite Element Analysis.

The other linear algebra thing to add is support for block matrices. So, one 
could specify a matrix like

M = [[A,B],[C,D]] 

where A, B, C, and D are arbitrary matrices. Then, you could take the inverse 
and other standard linear algebra. This fits in with the abstract linear 
algebra support. This kind of thing pops up a lot in control theory.



Tim Lahey
PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo

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