Re: [Talk-it] Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Marco Ciampa
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 02:58:48AM +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> > Il giorno 25 ago 2016, alle ore 00:23, Federico Cortese 
> >  ha scritto:
> > 
> > Infatti in OSM si può aggiungere il nome nella lingua locale (es.
> > name:sc=*) conservandolo per il futuro e permettendo di realizzare
> > appositi rendering che utilizzino solo quel dato.
> si, ma quando una Piazza ha un nome in Sardo, solo in Sardo, ed è
> scritto sulla targa, allora dovrebbe essere quello il nome da mettere nel
> tag name, no?
> i nomi name:codice_lingua vanno bene per tutte le lingue, ma qui il
> problema è cosa mettere in name

Sto leggendo con molta attenzione anche se non sono un utente OSM molto
esperto né attivo. Perdonate se però vi faccio notare una cosa che
ho notato.

L'esempio portato un paio di messaggi fa su questo thread sulla piazza
che ha solo nome sardo sulla targa, scusate se ve lo faccio notare, non
sta in piedi.

Anche io posso mettere sotto casa mia un cartello con nome in dialetto
della piazza. Giustamente il postino non la guarda. A Bolzano, al
contrario, sulla targa ci sono tutti e due i nomi, il postino porta la
posta all'indirizzo segnato, che sia in italiano o in tedesco, e OSM è
fedele a ciò. Quando accadrà lo stesso in sardegna, OSM potrà mostrarlo
di conseguenza. Fintanto che ciò non accade mi pare che sia tutta una
forzatura e giustamente se lo si fa in sardegna bisogna farlo nel resto
d'italia. Se le cose rimangono così, ditelo che parto a modificare tutti
i nomi delle vie dalle mie parti con i dialetti locali diversi a distanza
di 10 km come d'altronde la gente del posto chiama i paesi e le vie da
secoli... Trent, Rovereo, ecc.

Rimettete i nomi principali in italiano e i nomi in sardo (nelle varie
tipologie di sardo) nei campi appositi. Poi se si vuole fare una mappa
renderizzata in sardo rimane solo da stabilire che sardo usare ma ho
come l'impressione che sarebbe guerra anche lì...


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

 GNU/Linux User #78271
 FSFE fellow #364

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] OSC東京 2016秋の申込み

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Taro Matsuzawa



On 2016/08/25 11:06, Takahisa TAGUCHI wrote:



開催日: 2016/11/5(土)、11/6(日)
会場: 明星大学 日野キャンパス 28号館 2F



Talk-ja mailing list

Georepublic Japan Ltd.
c/o CommunityLink
5-3-1 Kumoidori, Chuo Ward
Kobe 651-0096

Taro Matsuzawa
Senior Developer


Tel: +81 (03) 6868 5418
Fax: +81 (03) 3374 0291

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] broken forests in eastern Canada

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alan Richards
I believe these are the result of importing Canvec landuse data for some
areas and not for others. Because the data is in square chunks, you end up
with these unnatural looking squares on the map. Really it's just a case of
the other areas don't have detail yet.

Across the border it looks like the US just has parks and national forests,
etc. mapped, and not the general natural=forest that you see across Canada.

Alan (alarobric)

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Antoine Beaupré 

> hi everyone (allo tout le monde!!)
> one of the most frustrating experiences I have with Openstreetmap in
> Canada is this ugly forest display:
> Just compare how the forests and parks are mapped between the US and
> Canada. On our side of the border, you got huge chunks of square forests
> that definitely do not reflect the current reality, whereas down south
> you clearly see national parks, forests and no weird square things.
> I don't really understand how this happened, but it's been there a long
> time. I feel it's some Canvec import that went wrong, but it's been
> there for so long that it seems people just forgot about it or moved on.
> I looked around in the .qc and .ca wiki pages and couldn't find anything
> about it, so I figured I would bring that up here (again?).
> Are there any plans to fix this? How would one go around fixing this
> anyways?
> In particular, I'm curious to hear if people would know how to import
> *all* the park limits in Québec. It seems those are better mapped in
> Ontario, and I can't imagine those wore drawn by hand..
> Thanks for any feedback (and please CC me, I'm not on the list).
> A.
> --
> We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more
> humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
> - John Perry Barlow, 1996
> A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] broken forests in eastern Canada

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Antoine Beaupré
hi everyone (allo tout le monde!!)

one of the most frustrating experiences I have with Openstreetmap in
Canada is this ugly forest display:

Just compare how the forests and parks are mapped between the US and
Canada. On our side of the border, you got huge chunks of square forests
that definitely do not reflect the current reality, whereas down south
you clearly see national parks, forests and no weird square things.

I don't really understand how this happened, but it's been there a long
time. I feel it's some Canvec import that went wrong, but it's been
there for so long that it seems people just forgot about it or moved on.

I looked around in the .qc and .ca wiki pages and couldn't find anything
about it, so I figured I would bring that up here (again?).

Are there any plans to fix this? How would one go around fixing this

In particular, I'm curious to hear if people would know how to import
*all* the park limits in Québec. It seems those are better mapped in
Ontario, and I can't imagine those wore drawn by hand..

Thanks for any feedback (and please CC me, I'm not on the list).


We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more
humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
- John Perry Barlow, 1996
A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Crowdsourcing buildings - project with StatCan

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)
Pierre, oui je connais bien MBTiles. J’ai déjà travaillé avec ça pour un projet.

Je produisais mes tuiles pour le Canada sur un vieux MacBook Pro avec TileMill. 
Je laissais rouler la nuit, tout un plaisir le matin de trouver qu’il y avait 
une erreur.
Good times !

Je vais regarder Overpass à tête reposée ce weekend et jouer un peu avec 

Merci beaucoup, Pierre je t’en redonne des nouvelles !


From: Pierre Béland []
Sent: August-12-16 1:56 PM
To: Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN) 
Cc: '' 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Crowdsourcing buildings - project with StatCan

Je n'ai pas utilisé OSMLint. Ce sont de nouveaux produits de contrôle de 
qualité en développement par MapBox.

Pour une petite zone telle que Gatineau-Ottawa, des requêtes Overpass offrent 
beaucoup de flexibilité pour l'analyse qualité, les statistiques et le suivi 
des contributeurs. On peut sélectionner des couches particuilères telles que 
immeubles, adresses, etc.

Les outils tels que OSMLint sont aussi intéressants mais demandent davantage de 

Avec OSMLint, on sélectionne une zone BBOX, et les données sont produites sous 
forme de tuiles MBTiles pour visualisation de cartes avec outils OpenLayers ou 

On utilise la même technologie que pour les images 256 x 256 pixels utilisés 
sur les cartes. Les tuiles sont produites pour différents niveaux de zoom Un 
fichier MBTiles est un fichier SQLite et des procédures permettent de lire ces 
fichiers dans OpenLayers ou Leaflet, de sélectionner les données pour le niveau 
de zoom et la zone sélectionnée.

Ce format permet de produire une couche de données et de visualiser sur une 
carte un grand nombre de données, comme l'exemple sur cette page :
Data quality + vandalism detection in 


De : "Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)" 
À : 'Pierre Béland' >
Cc : "''" 
Envoyé le : vendredi 12 août 2016 12h58
Objet : RE: [Talk-ca] Crowdsourcing buildings - project with StatCan


Ces scripts sont intéressants. Je vais regarder ça de plus près.

As-tu essayer osmlint? Tu as une opinion sur cet outil?


From: Pierre Béland []
Sent: August-12-16 11:43 AM
To: Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN) 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Crowdsourcing buildings - project with StatCan

Bonjour Bjenk

Le script python suivant permet d'obtenir des statistiques de contribution pour 
une zone rectangulaire - BBOX.
Pour chaque Changeset OSM, il retourne le uid de l'usager plus stats de 
modification des objets.  Il fonctionne relativement bien pour une petite zone. 
Mais lorsque les serveurs OSM sont surchargés comme actuellement, il y a 
souvent des interruptions, et les données ne sont pas toutes transférées.

Une solution simple est de lancer régulièrement le script Overpass suivant et 
de simplement modifier la date Newer: (objets modifiés depuis date Newer). On 
peut voir visuellement où il y a eu des modifications depuis date donnée. On 
peut aussi importer dans JOSM ou encore importer les données pour analyse à 
l'aide d'un XML-Parser.


De : "Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)" 
À : "''" 
Envoyé le : vendredi 12 août 2016 9h23
Objet : [Talk-ca] Crowdsourcing buildings - project with StatCan


I wish to share with you what we are planning on doing to track progress and 

Baseline: we will do an extract of OSM before launch. We will take note of the 
number of buildings in Ottawa/Gatineau, number of users, number of tags per 
Periodically, we will monitor for change in number of buildings, tags per 
buildings and number of users and their contributions.

Any good reference on what can be done for analysis or users contributions? I 
know Mikel presented something at SOTM US and I am trying to track that down.

Mikel Maron suggested osmlint. If anyone else has suggestions, insights for the 
methodology and tools, indicators, please don’t hesitate!

Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD

Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l’exploration et 
l’intégration de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004 (Ottawa / Gatineau)

Re: [Talk-de] Help needed for mapping missing navigation data in Germany

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Nikhil Prabhakar

im Zusammenhang mit unseren Anstrengungen die Qualität der Navigationsdaten
in OpenStreetMap zu verbessern haben wir letzte Woche schon unsere
vorläufigen Analysen veröffentlicht. Diese befinden sich in unserem
Tagebuch-Post [1]. Wir haben dazu eine Menge Feedback/Fragen aus der
Community erhalten die sich mit der Nutzung von Mapillary als primäre
Quelle für Abbiegebeschränkungen beschäftigen.

Um diesen Fragen und Bedenken nachzugehen haben wir einen Testlauf
gestartet und haben einige fehlende Abbiegebeschränkungen und ein paar
Spezialfälle in den Städten Berlin, Stuttgart und Wolfsburg gefunden. Für
diese haben wir OSM notes erstellt, damit die Community diese evaluieren
kann und, wenn nötig, die Daten modifizieren und updaten kann.

Unsere Entdeckungen haben wir zusammen mit Links zu den OSM notes in einem
weiteren Tagebuch Post veröffentlicht [2]. Es wäre super, wenn ihr euch
diese anschauen könntet und uns eure Fragen und Feedback zukommen lassen

[1] -

[2] -

Viele Grüße,
Nikhil Prabhakar U

2016-08-19 14:38 GMT+05:30 Nikhil Prabhakar :

> Hallo,
> wir möchten euch für alle Gedanken und Vorschläge danken die uns erreicht
> haben. Um die Bedenken und das Feedback der Community zu adressieren haben
> wir einen detaillierten und überarbeiteten Plan für unsere Arbeitsabläufe
> erstellt, wie wir auch schon in unserem Tagebuch-Post [1] angegeben haben.
> Wir planen diesem während all unserer Arbeiten zu folgen.
> Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback und alle Vorschläge zu diesem
> Arbeitsplan. Wir würden uns über euren Support und eure Mitarbeit bei
> diesem Vorhaben sehr freuen und hoffen, dass wir das Ziel dieses
> Mappingprojekts klar machen konnten: OpenStreetMap zur besten Karte zu
> machen :)
> [1] Tagebuch-Post -
> user/nammala/diary/39255#comment35719
> PS: Wir haben den Bug-Report auf der OSM navigation map korrigiert. Ihr
> könnt die Karte über erreichen
> Beste Grüße,
>  Nikhil Prabhakar U
Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-ja] OSC東京 2016秋の申込み

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Takahisa TAGUCHI



開催日: 2016/11/5(土)、11/6(日)
会場: 明星大学 日野キャンパス 28号館 2F



Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] friendly notice: Atlanta road construction rendering imagery out-of-date

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Jack Burke
I never thought of that.  When they get around to rerouting Windy Hill over
the Interstate, I might have to try that.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 9:29 PM, Mike N  wrote:

> On 8/24/2016 9:14 PM, Jack Burke wrote:
>> Since I'm on e-mail tonight, I thought I'd bring folks up-to-date on
>> some ongoing road construction north and south of Atlanta that is
>> rendering some pretty important imagery out-of-date.  So before you go
>> about trying to "fix" something that doesn't match the spy photos,
>> please check around to be sure that what you're trying to change isn't
>> already right.
>   Thanks for the information!  On local projects here, I always add an
> empty way matching the old image with a note stating that aerials before
>  are out of date.
>   I suppose that will be the next frontier in cleanup projects after
> imagery receives the next major update.   On the plus side, since the new
> projects are often 1 or 2 GPS traces, removing them will remind me to
> compare with new aerials.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] friendly notice: Atlanta road construction rendering imagery out-of-date

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Mike N

On 8/24/2016 9:14 PM, Jack Burke wrote:

Since I'm on e-mail tonight, I thought I'd bring folks up-to-date on
some ongoing road construction north and south of Atlanta that is
rendering some pretty important imagery out-of-date.  So before you go
about trying to "fix" something that doesn't match the spy photos,
please check around to be sure that what you're trying to change isn't
already right.

  Thanks for the information!  On local projects here, I always add an 
empty way matching the old image with a note stating that aerials before 
 are out of date.

  I suppose that will be the next frontier in cleanup projects after 
imagery receives the next major update.   On the plus side, since the 
new projects are often 1 or 2 GPS traces, removing them will remind me 
to compare with new aerials.

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] friendly notice: Atlanta road construction rendering imagery out-of-date

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Jack Burke
Since I'm on e-mail tonight, I thought I'd bring folks up-to-date on some
ongoing road construction north and south of Atlanta that is rendering some
pretty important imagery out-of-date.  So before you go about trying to
"fix" something that doesn't match the spy photos, please check around to
be sure that what you're trying to change isn't already right.

First up, we have the new I-75 South Metro Express Lanes.  Due to open in
early 2017, these are reversible toll lanes being installed in the median
between the northbound and southbound Interstate roadways.  Because these
are fairly simple lanes, I've recently started drawing in the construction
so that we can quickly convert it to a usable roadway once it opens (and
I'll try to do GPS traces as soon after that as I can).  I've been using
numerous Mapillary sequences that have been made as a helper.

Next, we have the Northwest Corridor project.  Because it's more
technically complex (huge portions are having to be built as elevated
roadway), this reversible toll road won't open until 2018, and it's also
harder to draw in, but I'm working on it bit by bit (more by taking really
good looks at sections as I drive by than using Mapillary, but that also
helps).  This one extends up I-75 all the way from the Perimeter, up both
I-75 and I-575 a considerable distance.

Finally, we have the *5* projects all happening to poor Windy Hill Road at
the same time, mostly because of the new Atlanta Braves baseball stadium
nearby (which ended up costing the county commission chairman his
reelection bid, by the way).

The part of Windy Hill Road heading east from I-75 to Powers Ferry Road is
pretty much done, and I have corrected the lane counts and alignment.

The Windy Hill Road bridge and interchange is being rebuilt as a diverging
diamond, which has also affected a few other nearby roads, some of which
have been rerouted (done in OSM), and others of which are closed for
rerouting (also done in OSM).

The section of Windy Hill Road west from I-75 to US 41 is having the center
turn lane replaced with a raised median.  That project started this week,
and I've also already (mostly) divided the road in OSM,  (Even though the
entire section hasn't had the center turn lane dug up yet, I've gone ahead
and divided it in OSM because the destruction part will be done fairly

If anyone has any questions, comments, or complaints, feel free to ask me.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 25 ago 2016, alle ore 00:23, Federico Cortese 
>  ha scritto:
> Infatti in OSM si può aggiungere il nome nella lingua locale (es.
> name:sc=*) conservandolo per il futuro e permettendo di realizzare
> appositi rendering che utilizzino solo quel dato.

si, ma quando una Piazza ha un nome in Sardo, solo in Sardo, ed è scritto sulla 
targa, allora dovrebbe essere quello il nome da mettere nel tag name, no?

i nomi name:codice_lingua vanno bene per tutte le lingue, ma qui il problema è 
cosa mettere in name

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Jack Burke
And I, too, have a preference for using "none" instead of leaving and
endless line of "|" to try to parse.  My eyesight isn't getting
better as I get older.

Having said that, if that had been the only thing they did, I wouldn't have
bothered saying anything.  But when their edits turned continuing lanes
into exit-only lanes...well, then it became a *problem*.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Tod Fitch  wrote:

> I’m of half a mind to use a script to find the edits in my area where they
> changed something like “left|none|none|” to “left||” and then revert them
> manually.
> I know they are both officially acceptable variations but for those of us
> editing by hand counting the occurrences of “|none” to make sure the lane
> count is correct and matches what is on the ground is harder than counting
> the “|” occurrences. At least it is for me and I’ve had decades of practice
> counting open and close parens to make sure compilers wouldn’t squawk at me
> because they weren’t balanced.
> And while I haven’t seen a “none;slight_right”, it looks syntacticly
> correct and I can imagine cases where it might be used and would defer to
> the local mapper who used it. (The ones in my area are much more likely to
> be “through;slight_right”.)
> On Aug 24, 2016, at 4:52 PM, Jack Burke  wrote:
> No, it's
> And they appear to be telling me that the combination "none;slight_right"
> isn't valid.
> Also, in their reply to me, they do specifically mention that they know
> none is valid, yet they're replacing it anyway.  And the worst part of it
> is that while they're using a script to *find* what they think is invalid,
> they're *manually* making the changes.
> --jack
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Hans De Kryger  > wrote:
>> The link Jack's talking about,
>> Regards,
>> Hans
>> On Aug 24, 2016 4:09 PM, "Toby Murray"  wrote:
>>> Mind sharing the link to the GitHub issue?
>>> Do they think that "none" is an invalid option and are replacing it
>>> with a blank globally? If so, this should be shut down immediately.
>>> "none" and blank are both valid values and while I wouldn't mind
>>> seeing it be consistent, any such edit would need to be discussed
>>> before it is done.
>>> Toby
>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jack Burke  wrote:
>>> > An active OSM group (leaving names, etc. out while they check out what
>>> I
>>> > reported) is running a script or plug-in or challenge called "to-fix"
>>> that
>>> > is apparently supposed to help fix incorrect turn:lanes values (and
>>> maybe
>>> > other things, I haven't investigated deeply enough).
>>> >
>>> > The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section
>>> of road
>>> > that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an
>>> exit.
>>> > My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was
>>> replaced by
>>> > "slight_right".
>>> >
>>> > While, per the wiki, there's nothing particularly wrong with a null
>>> value
>>> > for a field vs. specifying "none" as the value, it *does* make a
>>> difference
>>> > when there are two values in the field, as in my example above.  They
>>> turned
>>> > a continue-on-or-exit lane into an exit-only lane.
>>> >
>>> > So if you find broken lane guidance like that, with empty fields where
>>> > "none" would also be appropriate, that's probably what happened.
>>> Check the
>>> > history on the way and see if you can backtrack what happened
>>> (fortunately,
>>> > the group involved here included a url to a github issue where they are
>>> > tracking what they're doing).
>>> >
>>> > Now I have 200 miles of Interstate to go back through and re-check.
>>> >
>>> > --jack
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > Talk-us mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Talk-us mailing list
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Tod Fitch
I’m of half a mind to use a script to find the edits in my area where they 
changed something like “left|none|none|” to “left||” and then revert them 

I know they are both officially acceptable variations but for those of us 
editing by hand counting the occurrences of “|none” to make sure the lane count 
is correct and matches what is on the ground is harder than counting the “|” 
occurrences. At least it is for me and I’ve had decades of practice counting 
open and close parens to make sure compilers wouldn’t squawk at me because they 
weren’t balanced.

And while I haven’t seen a “none;slight_right”, it looks syntacticly correct 
and I can imagine cases where it might be used and would defer to the local 
mapper who used it. (The ones in my area are much more likely to be 

> On Aug 24, 2016, at 4:52 PM, Jack Burke  wrote:
> No, it's 
> And they appear to be telling me that the combination "none;slight_right" 
> isn't valid.
> Also, in their reply to me, they do specifically mention that they know none 
> is valid, yet they're replacing it anyway.  And the worst part of it is that 
> while they're using a script to *find* what they think is invalid, they're 
> *manually* making the changes.
> --jack
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Hans De Kryger  > wrote:
> The link Jack's talking about,
> Regards,
> Hans
> On Aug 24, 2016 4:09 PM, "Toby Murray"  > wrote:
> Mind sharing the link to the GitHub issue?
> Do they think that "none" is an invalid option and are replacing it
> with a blank globally? If so, this should be shut down immediately.
> "none" and blank are both valid values and while I wouldn't mind
> seeing it be consistent, any such edit would need to be discussed
> before it is done.
> Toby
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jack Burke  > wrote:
> > An active OSM group (leaving names, etc. out while they check out what I
> > reported) is running a script or plug-in or challenge called "to-fix" that
> > is apparently supposed to help fix incorrect turn:lanes values (and maybe
> > other things, I haven't investigated deeply enough).
> >
> > The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section of road
> > that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an exit.
> > My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was replaced by
> > "slight_right".
> >
> > While, per the wiki, there's nothing particularly wrong with a null value
> > for a field vs. specifying "none" as the value, it *does* make a difference
> > when there are two values in the field, as in my example above.  They turned
> > a continue-on-or-exit lane into an exit-only lane.
> >
> > So if you find broken lane guidance like that, with empty fields where
> > "none" would also be appropriate, that's probably what happened.  Check the
> > history on the way and see if you can backtrack what happened (fortunately,
> > the group involved here included a url to a github issue where they are
> > tracking what they're doing).
> >
> > Now I have 200 miles of Interstate to go back through and re-check.
> >
> > --jack
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-us mailing list
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Mike N

On 8/24/2016 6:19 PM, Jack Burke wrote:

The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section of
road that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at
an exit.  My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right"
was replaced by "slight_right".

  I tried to hash this out on the tagging list, and the consensus 
seemed to be that the value 'none' was the correct terminology.

   I began commenting on changesets, some were corrected by the 
original fixer, others I just went back and fixed.

  This message was a direct comment about the task -

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Jack Burke
No, it's

And they appear to be telling me that the combination "none;slight_right"
isn't valid.

Also, in their reply to me, they do specifically mention that they know
none is valid, yet they're replacing it anyway.  And the worst part of it
is that while they're using a script to *find* what they think is invalid,
they're *manually* making the changes.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Hans De Kryger 

> The link Jack's talking about,
> Regards,
> Hans
> On Aug 24, 2016 4:09 PM, "Toby Murray"  wrote:
>> Mind sharing the link to the GitHub issue?
>> Do they think that "none" is an invalid option and are replacing it
>> with a blank globally? If so, this should be shut down immediately.
>> "none" and blank are both valid values and while I wouldn't mind
>> seeing it be consistent, any such edit would need to be discussed
>> before it is done.
>> Toby
>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jack Burke  wrote:
>> > An active OSM group (leaving names, etc. out while they check out what I
>> > reported) is running a script or plug-in or challenge called "to-fix"
>> that
>> > is apparently supposed to help fix incorrect turn:lanes values (and
>> maybe
>> > other things, I haven't investigated deeply enough).
>> >
>> > The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section of
>> road
>> > that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an
>> exit.
>> > My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was
>> replaced by
>> > "slight_right".
>> >
>> > While, per the wiki, there's nothing particularly wrong with a null
>> value
>> > for a field vs. specifying "none" as the value, it *does* make a
>> difference
>> > when there are two values in the field, as in my example above.  They
>> turned
>> > a continue-on-or-exit lane into an exit-only lane.
>> >
>> > So if you find broken lane guidance like that, with empty fields where
>> > "none" would also be appropriate, that's probably what happened.  Check
>> the
>> > history on the way and see if you can backtrack what happened
>> (fortunately,
>> > the group involved here included a url to a github issue where they are
>> > tracking what they're doing).
>> >
>> > Now I have 200 miles of Interstate to go back through and re-check.
>> >
>> > --jack
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-us mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v2.42.0

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman

On 8/24/2016 5:25 AM, Dave F wrote:


Has label positioning with irregular polygons been improved? If so, it 
works very well:

I don't think we've made any changes there. It could be something else 
that has changed in the data. We actually don't have anything to do with 
label positioning algorithms beyond a couple basic options, the details 
are handled by Mapnik.

Is there a list of your emails regarding changes. As an end user I 
don't find the 'full list of commits' particularly easy to understand.

If you're talking about past releases, there is no list of emails. We've 
had open 
for generating a changelog but haven't decided what action to take.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Hans De Kryger
The link Jack's talking about,


On Aug 24, 2016 4:09 PM, "Toby Murray"  wrote:

> Mind sharing the link to the GitHub issue?
> Do they think that "none" is an invalid option and are replacing it
> with a blank globally? If so, this should be shut down immediately.
> "none" and blank are both valid values and while I wouldn't mind
> seeing it be consistent, any such edit would need to be discussed
> before it is done.
> Toby
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jack Burke  wrote:
> > An active OSM group (leaving names, etc. out while they check out what I
> > reported) is running a script or plug-in or challenge called "to-fix"
> that
> > is apparently supposed to help fix incorrect turn:lanes values (and maybe
> > other things, I haven't investigated deeply enough).
> >
> > The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section of
> road
> > that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an
> exit.
> > My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was
> replaced by
> > "slight_right".
> >
> > While, per the wiki, there's nothing particularly wrong with a null value
> > for a field vs. specifying "none" as the value, it *does* make a
> difference
> > when there are two values in the field, as in my example above.  They
> turned
> > a continue-on-or-exit lane into an exit-only lane.
> >
> > So if you find broken lane guidance like that, with empty fields where
> > "none" would also be appropriate, that's probably what happened.  Check
> the
> > history on the way and see if you can backtrack what happened
> (fortunately,
> > the group involved here included a url to a github issue where they are
> > tracking what they're doing).
> >
> > Now I have 200 miles of Interstate to go back through and re-check.
> >
> > --jack
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-us mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Toby Murray
Mind sharing the link to the GitHub issue?

Do they think that "none" is an invalid option and are replacing it
with a blank globally? If so, this should be shut down immediately.
"none" and blank are both valid values and while I wouldn't mind
seeing it be consistent, any such edit would need to be discussed
before it is done.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jack Burke  wrote:
> An active OSM group (leaving names, etc. out while they check out what I
> reported) is running a script or plug-in or challenge called "to-fix" that
> is apparently supposed to help fix incorrect turn:lanes values (and maybe
> other things, I haven't investigated deeply enough).
> The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section of road
> that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an exit.
> My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was replaced by
> "slight_right".
> While, per the wiki, there's nothing particularly wrong with a null value
> for a field vs. specifying "none" as the value, it *does* make a difference
> when there are two values in the field, as in my example above.  They turned
> a continue-on-or-exit lane into an exit-only lane.
> So if you find broken lane guidance like that, with empty fields where
> "none" would also be appropriate, that's probably what happened.  Check the
> history on the way and see if you can backtrack what happened (fortunately,
> the group involved here included a url to a github issue where they are
> tracking what they're doing).
> Now I have 200 miles of Interstate to go back through and re-check.
> --jack
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Toby Murray
The tg:// URL is intended to be opened on a mobile device with the
Telegram app installed. Using this link on such a device will open the
Telegram app to the specified channel/group (or whatever Telegram
calls it)


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Dave F  wrote:
> On 23/08/2016 17:04, Federico wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently developed a Telegram Bot (
> This URL is sending me to:tg://resolve?domain=SearchAroundBot
> & give this error message:
> Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following
> protocols (tg) isn't associated with any program or is not allowed in this
> context.
> Same with IE.
> to enable users to easily add POI (currently only drinking water and toilets
> amenities) into OSM. Here is the OSM wiki page here:
> I'd like to ask you to have a look at it and let me know if you have any
> specific suggestion for improving it. If so please go to the osm forum:
> Thanks for your attention,
> Federico
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] October ADB mapathon survey

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Erwin Olario
I'm good on either dates, for now, at least.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016, 00:40 Eugene Alvin Villar  wrote:

> Hi all. As you may know, OSMPH is currently collaborating with ADB for
> their RETA 8884 project that uses OSM as a platform for disaster resilience
> mapping:
> ADB wants the community to organize a whole-day mapathon to update the
> base map of Padre Burgos, Quezon and Santa Josefa, Agusan del Sur. ADB will
> provide the venue (at ADB HQ in Ortigas Center), electricity, Internet
> access, snacks, and lunch.
> The first decision that needs to be made is the date of the event. When
> are you guys available to attend this mapathon if you are interested: on
> October 8 or October 15 (both are Saturdays)?
> For those on Facebook, I have put up a poll:
> ~Eugene
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list

-- Dispatched by mental telepathy via Ansible
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

On 24/08/2016 22:41, Michael Reichert wrote:

Beermap edits name, beer types and wifi

Does it? I've never been able to get it to work, always had to open in 
iD so end up just editing normally

Dave F.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Federico Cortese
2016-08-24 19:20 GMT+02:00 Francesca Valentina :
> Per la storia, la cultura dei territori dell'isola i luoghi in Sardegna
> @hanno un nome , qua denominato senza approffondire il tema linguistico, in
> "sardo". OpenStreetMap é l'unico strumento al mondo in grado in grado non
> soltanto di rispettare quella storia e cultura, ma anche di promuoverlo e
> conservarlo per il futuro ben piú di strumenti burocratici, ahimé anche
> delle leggi.

Infatti in OSM si può aggiungere il nome nella lingua locale (es.
name:sc=*) conservandolo per il futuro e permettendo di realizzare
appositi rendering che utilizzino solo quel dato.
Quello che molti di noi non riescono a condividere è la necessità di
mettere tutti e due i nomi nel name=*, coi relativi dubbi poi di quale
vada messo prima e quale dopo, una situazione quindi che crea solo
Mi dispiace però che si arrivi a discussioni di 200 messaggi, che poi
cadono nel nulla perchè non si arriva a nessuna conclusione, salvo
riaprire poi il vespaio tra qualche mese.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Jack Burke
An active OSM group (leaving names, etc. out while they check out what I
reported) is running a script or plug-in or challenge called "to-fix" that
is apparently supposed to help fix incorrect turn:lanes values (and maybe
other things, I haven't investigated deeply enough).

The problem is, it's breaking the values instead.  I found a section of
road that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an
exit.  My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was
replaced by "slight_right".

While, per the wiki, there's nothing particularly wrong with a null value
for a field vs. specifying "none" as the value, it *does* make a difference
when there are two values in the field, as in my example above.  They
turned a continue-on-or-exit lane into an exit-only lane.

So if you find broken lane guidance like that, with empty fields where
"none" would also be appropriate, that's probably what happened.  Check the
history on the way and see if you can backtrack what happened (fortunately,
the group involved here included a url to a github issue where they are
tracking what they're doing).

Now I have 200 miles of Interstate to go back through and re-check.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Michael Reichert
Hi Frederik,

Am 24.08.2016 um 23:16 schrieb Frederik Ramm:
> On 08/24/2016 03:18 PM, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
>>> Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
>>> actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
>>> contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
>>> account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
>>> be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.
>> Aren't there several cases where this isn't followed, like Wheelmap?
> Wheelmap is the only case I know of. If you know of more, please tell.

Kort and Beermap. Kort has a difficult review mechanism and therefore
has few contributions to OSM. Beermap edits name, beer types and wifi

> The wheelmap case has been much discussed and their "wheelmap visitor"
> edits are tolerated because they never add new objects, and only
> add/modify one single tag between one of three settings. 

wheelmap_visitor nowadays also adds/edits toilets:wheelchair=*.

Best regards


Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: [gulliver] Journées du patrimoine : sur OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Yannick

 Message transféré 
Sujet : [gulliver] Journées du patrimoine : sur OSM
Date : Wed, 24 Aug 2016 22:56:13 +0200
De : Vincent Mahe 
Répondre à :
Pour :


Fait notable, le site français des journées européennes du patrimoine
est basé sur Open Street Map :



Vincent MAHÉ

 Liste gulliver 
Bons usages,

Nul n'a droit au superflu tant que chacun n'a pas son nécessaire
(Camille JOUFFRAY 1841-1924, maire de Vienne)
Créateur CimGenWeb:
Journées du Logiciel Libre:
Généalogie en liberté avec Ancestris

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 08/24/2016 03:18 PM, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
>> Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
>> actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
>> contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
>> account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
>> be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.

> Aren't there several cases where this isn't followed, like Wheelmap?

Wheelmap is the only case I know of. If you know of more, please tell.

The wheelmap case has been much discussed and their "wheelmap visitor"
edits are tolerated because they never add new objects, and only
add/modify one single tag between one of three settings. This was
considered limited enough to be unlikely to risk copyright violations or
trigger edit wars.

Allowing wheelmap to do what they do was, however, never meant as a
carte blanche for everyone to add data under "proxy users"; other
requests to do that on a broader scale have routinely been rejected
because they risk running into all kinds of trouble - legally and
community wise.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose-dev: bâtiments fractionnés par le Cadastre.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden osm . sanspourriel

La double validation me semble bien.

Pour revenir à la remarque pertinente de Christian sur la nécessité de 
ne pas tirer trop sur l'imagerie spatiale et d'avoir de la validation 
multiple une idée c'est de proposer quelques endroits (1 par région ?) 
pour commencer et de continuer à travailler sur le coin.

Et pour la validation de faire un peu comme TranslateWiki : on a des 
propositions de relecture.

Ou des présentations graphiques : deux boutons : les formes non 
fusionnées ou les formes non fusionnées.

On clique et on passe au lieu suivant.

Si on chaîne logiquement (même geoash par exemple), les relecteurs 
peuvent valider les zones assez rapidement.

Et oui c'est vite fait. Je sais que je répare rarement a la mano. Via un 
outil comme ça on peut gagner en productivité.

N. B. : en Italie, les bâtiments fractionnés ne sont pas dus au cadastre 


Le 24/08/2016 à 11:06, Tyndare - a écrit :

On 24/08/2016 07:40, Christian Quest wrote:
Le 24 août 2016 à 00:01, Jérôme Seigneuret 
> a 
écrit :

Pour les retours en effet, je pense qu'on peut aussi hacker le
code d'opensolarmap pour améliorer l’auto-détection des
découpages sur l'ortho en post traitement des détections
existante pour valider ou annuler la génération d'une alerte.

Il est possible de reprendre la logique d'opensolarmap pour une 
confirmation rapide.

Une Interface comme OpenSolarMap se prêterais bien effectivement pour 
analyser les cas de bâtiments fractionnés. Je pense qu'on pourrais 
peut être même envisager une correction automatique si il y a double 

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Extraire une géométrie représentative d'une relation

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden François Lacombe
Merci pour vos retour, j'ai essayé de mieux définir le besoin

Voyez ci-dessous

Le 23 août 2016 à 17:53, Topographe Fou  a écrit

> Bonjour
> Quid de l'algorithme de Douglas-Peucker ? C'est efficace pour éliminer le
> bruit. Quant à l'appliquer sur autre chose qu'une *unique* ligne *non
> fermée* cela demandera un peu d'adaptation.

Merci pour le nom, je ne connaissais pas :)

Ça s'approche oui, et si ce n'est pas le processus complet, en tout cas ça
peut aider

Le 23 août 2016 à 18:54, Christian Quest  a écrit :

> Je ne suis pas sûr que ça donne un résultat pertinent et surtout en ne
> définissant pas clairement ce que tu veux en sortie je pense qu'on peut
> sortir plein de choses bien variées. Si tu veux précisément la géométrie de
> la ligne sans les autres objets de la relation (même cas pour une ligne de
> bus) il faut filtrer sur le rôle et éventuellement le type de géométrie
> (linestring ou polygon).
Non vraiment je ne souhaite travailler que sur la géométrie, pas de
filtrage sur le rôle ou les attributs et que ça soit valide pour toute
Le rôle n'est pas représentatif de la géométrie mais plus de la fonction.
Pour faire un "dessin grossier" de ce à quoi ressemble une relation sur le
terrain, on ne vas pas regarder la fonction des éléments (la conduite
forcée issue d'un barrage peut mesurer 50m comme 10 km)

Pour la définition je pense à : "ne garder que les éléments qui ont des
dimensions à l'échelle de celles de la relation entière".
Pour une autoroute par exemple, on ne va pas garder les petites bretelles
qui sont négligeables mais celle-ci par exemple, un peu plus :

Il faudrait préalablement assembler les segments de chemin avec des
attributs équivalents (ou avec les mêmes rôles) qui sont placés les uns à
la suite des autres pour obtenir les plus grands objets possibles avant de
filtrer sur leur taille.
Ici travailler en relatif sur les attributs/rôle pose moins de problème :
on compare les membres de la relation entre eux et on a pas besoin de
définir des règles absolues.

L'autoroute est d'ailleurs un bon exemple à bien des égards : le besoin est
de sortir l'itinéraire en supprimant tous les petits éléments de part et
d'autre en ne regardant que la géométrie de ces éléments.
Bon sous OSM, les relations sont uniquement constituées des voies
principales sans ajouter les péages et autres bretelles, mais vous voyez
l'esprit non ?

Il y a aussi une fonction "squelette" dans postgis, elle permet par exemple
> d'avoir une ligne médiane d'un polygone.
> Pour le placement de textes, c'est utile, ça permet d'avoir des textes qui
> suivent la forme globale plutôt que d'être placé à l'horizontal, mais je
> n'ai pas encore essayé d'utiliser ça pour les rendus.
Comme l'algo de topographe fou, ça peut être utile.

Bref, vaste sujet ;)
A plusieurs c'est quand même plus pratique pour réfléchir :)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 144, Issue 40

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Federico

> On 24 Aug 2016, at 20:04, wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On 08/23/2016 06:04 PM, Federico wrote:
>>> I've recently developed a Telegram Bot
>>> ( to enable users to easily add POI
>>> (currently only drinking water and toilets amenities) into OSM. Here is
>>> the OSM wiki page here:
>> Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
>> actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
>> contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
>> account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
>> be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.
> Aren't there several cases where this isn't followed, like Wheelmap?

Thanks Nicolás for bringing this into attention.
Indeed SearchAroundBot follows the same approach of Wheelmap: is a 
community project – everyone can get involved. You don’t even need to register 
to map places!
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 144, Issue 40

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Federico
Hi Dave,

>> I've recently developed a Telegram Bot 
>> (
> This URL is sending me to:tg://resolve?domain=SearchAroundBot
> & give this error message:
> Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the 
> following protocols (tg) isn't associated with any program or is not 
> allowed in this context.
> Same with IE.

strange, that behaves differently in my case. On my laptop using firefox i get 
redirected to the webapplication of telegram 
( On my phone it opens the 
telegram application.

It seems that this is not yet the default behavior in all browsers/OSs.

You may want to create an account on telegram (i.e., on the web interface and manually add the user SearchAroundBot.

This is some related discussion

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti - Utilizzo dei dati

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro

Il 24/08/2016 21:14, Fabrizio Carrai ha scritto:

Non so però una cosa: adesso abbiamo un certa
situazione pre-evento, quando saranno disponibili le immagini aggiornate
avremo quella dopo il sisma: ci sarà una comparazione delle mappe ? Con
quali tool ?

Appena saranno disponibili le immagini post-evento potremo indicare le 
strade e ponti non più accessibili, i building=collapsed eccetera (se ho 
inteso il senso della domanda).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Homepage - Fehlermeldung

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Holger Jeromin
lars lingner  Wrote in message:
> Hallo Liste,
> seit einigen Wochen wird an der IT hinter und
> gearbeitet. Gestern erfolgte die Umstellung auf den neuen
> Server. Der neue Server hat noch kein "richtiges" Zertifikat und Browser
> zeigen daraufhin berechtigterweise eine Warnung an.
> Es ist möglich im Browser eine Ausnahme zu konfigurieren. Dadurch kann
> dann weiterhin auf die Webseite zugegriffen werden.
> Die richtige Lösung ist aber auf dem Server ein gültiges Zertifikat zu
> hinterlegen. Daran wird gearbeitet. Bitte habt noch einige Tage Geduld.
> Manche Fehler fallen auch jetzt erst auf, da so einige "alte Zöpfe"
> abgeschnitten wurden.
> Bei weiteren Fragen oder gar Bedenken könnt ihr gerne hier auf der Liste
> fragen.
> Viele Grüße aus Berlin

Erstmal danke für die Administration der Server. 
Habt ihr beim Umzug

vergessen? :-)


Android NewsGroup Reader

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

Il 24/08/2016 21:09, Massimo Zotti ha scritto:

Nel frattempo ho dato un'occhiata all'immagine acquisita dalla 
European Space Imaging stamattina con i satelliti di DigitalGlobe, ed 
ho notato che è stata acquisita con un angolo di off-nadir elevato: 

Essendo la zona montuosa, servirebbe un'ortorettifica per poterla 
sovrapporre correttamente ai dati esistenti (ortofoto e OSM) su 
Amatrice. Credete che possa essere utile comunque?

Ciao Massimo,
se non c'è di meglio direi che va benone: essendoci già strade ed 
edifici mappati in precedenza abbiamo un sacco di punti di riferimento 
relativi che chi fa fotointerpretazione da anni ;-) ci lavora benissimo 
lo stesso.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti - Utilizzo dei dati

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio Carrai
Sto contribuendo anch'io seguendo l' OSM Tasking Manager (grazie Alessandro
Palmas). Non so però una cosa: adesso abbiamo un certa situazione
pre-evento, quando saranno disponibili le immagini aggiornate avremo quella
dopo il sisma: ci sarà una comparazione delle mappe ? Con quali tool ?

A presto

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Massimo Zotti
Ciao Napo,

> Leggevo che anche Copernicus potrebbe essere utile
> Sai qualcosa?

il servizio di gestione delle emergenze ha già avviato la produzione delle
mappe relative alle aree colpite:

Su diversi comuni stanno producendo in questo momento le mappe del livello
di danno (perdonate la traduzione approssimativa di "grading maps", trovate
la descrizione qua )

Nel frattempo ho dato un'occhiata all'immagine acquisita dalla European
Space Imaging stamattina con i satelliti di DigitalGlobe, ed ho notato che
è stata acquisita con un angolo di off-nadir elevato:
Essendo la zona montuosa, servirebbe un'ortorettifica per poterla
sovrapporre correttamente ai dati esistenti (ortofoto e OSM) su Amatrice.
Credete che possa essere utile comunque?


Il giorno 24 agosto 2016 19:53, Maurizio Napolitano  ha

> Leggevo che anche Copernicus potrebbe essere utile
> Sai qualcosa?
> Grazie
> Il 24 ago 2016 18:30, "Massimo Zotti"  ha
> scritto:
> >
> > Questa è l'anteprima dell'immagine acquisita dai satelliti di
> DigitalGlobe questa mattina su Amatrice
> >
> >
> > Appena riceviamo l'immagine a risoluzione piena e georeferenziata la
> condivido.
> >
> > Massimo
> > ​
> >
> > Il giorno 24 agosto 2016 16:08, Luca Delucchi  ha
> scritto:
> >>
> >> Il 24/ago/2016 09:57, "Alessandro Palmas"  it> ha scritto:
> >> >
> >> > Dunque 
> >> > visto che ci sono utenti che ci stanno lavorando (ma con quali dati?)
> e iniziano a crearsi conflitti, stiamo tirando su un task.
> >>
> >> Mi è stato detto che Digital globe ha già dato l'ok per donare le foto
> aeree, provate a sentire loro.
> >> Io sono al FOSS4G e sto cercando altre ditte interessate a donare o
> dati, se ho novità vi aggiorno
> >>
> >> >
> >> > Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
> >> >
> >>
> >> Ciao
> >> Luca
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-it mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-it mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to check the historic popularity of a tag?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 24 August 2016, Martin Raifer wrote:
> I'm currently working on exactly such a tool. I haven't gone out with
> it yet, but a first working prototype is here:
>, the source code and some
> instructions/caveats are found on github:

Very nice.  

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Contribution à OpenStreetMap sur Android

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Rogelio Canedo
Salut Loïc,
Moi aussi je suis partant.

Le 22 août 2016 5:34 PM, "loic ortola"  a écrit :

> Bonjour à tous,
> il y a un peu plus d'un an, on a lancé OSM Contributor, une appli
> Android de contribution à OSM.
> Après un StateOfTheMap FR très encourageant, l'équipe a décidé de
> tordre le cou à la roadmap inspirée par de nombreux membres de la
> communauté (merci à eux), et de préparer une nouvelle version de
> l'appli.
> Au menu:
> - OAuth et Sign-in with Google
> - Fonds de carte vectoriels
> - Détection de type de données et widgets adaptés (horaires, date, etc...)
> - Marketplace Opensource pour ajouter des presets (un mode dégradé
> permettant à des utilisateurs non techniques de contribuer de façon
> fléchée et SIMPLE) (
> - Beaucoup d'améliorations de l'expérience utilisateur
> - Mode hors-ligne (possibilité de charger des régions hors-ligne)
> - Duplication de POI
> - Amélioration du crawler h2geo (
> On souhaite release la version majeure pour le State-Of-The-Map à
> Bruxelles, et recherchons des volontaires pour beta-tester
> l'application avant sa sortie.
> Si vous êtes tentés pour l'utiliser pour une Cartopartie ou juste pour
> vous, on serait vraiment très heureux de pouvoir vous confier une
> distribution et prendre vos retours.
> Les types de retours qui nous sont chers:
> - Love / Hate: les choses qui font sens, les choses qui ne servent à
> rien, les nice to have, les choses appréciées, les choses géniales
> - Bugs: Nous avons déjà un bug tracker, mais il ne filtre évidemment pas
> tout
> - Feature requests: Des choses qui manquent et que vous voudriez, ou
> que vous voyiez de manière différente.
> L'objectif d'OSM Contributor, c'est de "réduire le cout d'entrée à
> OpenStreetMap" (pour paraphraser Christian Quest) et de permettre à
> des utilisateurs débutants comme confirmés de contribuer sans blabla.
> Merci infiniment pour ceux qui auront la patience de s'y intéresser,
> n'hésitez pas à répondre à ce mail pour avoir votre accès à la beta.
> Screenshot:
> Loïc
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto 24-9-2016 centro Italia

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Stefano
Il giorno 24 agosto 2016 20:03, Stefanof  ha

> Salve, le zone dove è necessario avere più info sono:
> Amatrice, Accumoli, Sommati, Cittareale, San Benedetto, Colle Magrone,
> Norcia (con 1 Km di Buffer dove dovrebbero stazionare molte funzioni di
> socorso), Popoli, Villanova, Poggio Casoli, San Giovanni.

Ciao Stefano,
Ho inserito nella descrizione le aree prioritarie, adesso vedo di capire
come funziona anche l'evidenziazione delle aree sul tasking manager.

> Se ho altre info riguardo necessità operative vi faccio sapere.
> Ps. entro poche ore e-GEOS>COPERNICUS metterà a disposizione orto a 50cm.
> Grazie mille


> --
> View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.
> com/Terremoto-24-9-2016-centro-Italia-tp5880697p5880703.html
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Digest di Talk-it, Volume 117, Numero 79

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Stefano Frittelli
Salve, le zone dove è necessario avere più info sono:
Amatrice, Accumoli, Sommati, Cittareale, San Benedetto, Colle Magrone, Norcia 
(con 1 Km di Buffer dove dovrebbero stazionare molte funzioni di socorso), 
Popoli, Villanova, Poggio Casoli, San Giovanni.
Se ho altre info riguardo necessità operative vi faccio sapere.
Ps. entro poche ore e-GEOS>COPERNICUS metterà a disposizione orto a 50cm.

iPhone Stefano

> Il giorno 24 ago 2016, alle ore 19:54, ha 
> scritto:
> Invia le richieste di iscrizione alla lista Talk-it all'indirizzo
> Per iscriverti o cancellarti attraverso il web, visita
> oppure, via email, manda un messaggio con oggetto `help' all'indirizzo
> Puoi contattare la persona che gestisce la lista all'indirizzo
> Se rispondi a questo messaggio, per favore edita la linea dell'oggetto
> in modo che sia più utile di un semplice "Re: Contenuti del digest
> della lista Talk-it..."
> Argomenti del Giorno:
>   1. Re: Edit war Sardegna (F.)
>   2. Re: Edit war Sardegna (Francesca Valentina)
>   3. Re: Terremoto Rieti (Francesco Pelullo)
>   4. Re: Terremoto Rieti (Alessandro)
>   5. Re: Terremoto Rieti (Maurizio Napolitano)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2016 09:56:31 -0700 (MST)
> From: "F." 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Edit war Sardegna
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Salve,
> ho contribuito saltuariamente ed ero iscritto tempo fa, fino alla prima
> discussione dei toponimi della mia Regione ora ripresa. Nel mentre sono
> rimaste valide tutte le obiezioni e se ne sono aggiunte di nuove.
> È chiaro che non esiste nessun consenso o coesione, né nazionale né locale,
> a meno di ignorare i miei e altri contributi, e credere che i revert
> provengano dalla Mongolia.
> Ci cita la legge 482/99 e la si applica in modo fantasioso in una sola
> Regione a e non nel resto del Paese. Aggiungendo arbitrio ad arbitrio si
> scelgono altri idiomi a piacere: quindi il toponimo ligure in Sardegna
> compare, in Liguria no (sic). Oltretutto la 482/99 non prevede alcuna
> ufficialità, co-ufficialità, doppio toponimo con barre, trattini o
> quant'altro ci si possa inventare.
> Si citano inesistenti ufficialità e co-ufficialità, ignorando Costituzione e
> Statuto. Si cita la legge regionale 26/1997 che non sancisce e non può
> sancire alcun impegno effettivo, per nessun altro ente e nemmeno per la
> stessa Regione. Si aggiungono toponimi che in metà dei Comuni manco
> risultano approvati e documentati legalmente (
> !) invogliando gli
> utenti a inserire ciò che vogliono prima del toponimo ufficiale (!).
> Tralasciando le leggi, si trattano le lingue locali in modo curioso. A
> Bergamo si parla lombardo, la città si chiama Bèrghem, ci sono cartelli col
> toponimo locale, e sulla mappa resta visualizzato Bergamo. Nel Friuli c'è
> una tutela persino maggiore della Sardegna: ma in Friuli la mappa rimane
> normale, e solo in Sardegna spazio alla fantasia.
> In Sardegna esistono 377 comuni con relativi siti: qualche decina di Comuni
> ha una versione in sardo. Se c'è una logica una decina di Comuni, e tutti
> Comuni minori, non prevalgono sulla stragrande maggioranza. Notare che si
> tratta di siti con una versione in sardo, non bilingui. I siti bilingue non
> esistono: in tutti i siti tutti i documenti, avvisi, atti e delibere sono
> pubblicati in italiano. Esistono una decina di siti in cui alcuni contenuti,
> con aggiornamento estemporaneo e casuale, sono tradotti a parte da qualche
> esperto. Altrimenti per i siti con una versione turistica in lingua
> straniera, inglese, francese o russo sarebbero da considerare lingue
> ufficiali o co-ufficiali del Comune (!).
> Ciliegina sulla torta: la discriminazioni fra lingue locali. A Olbia
> esistono due toponimi locali, Terranoa e Tarranoa, in sardo e gallurese. Ora
> OpenStreetMap ne prende uno e ignora l'altro, forse per evitare di decidere
> fra le 6 sequenze possibili coi 3 toponimi (sic). ldem per i nomi delle
> province: dov'è il gallurese? Idem per il nome della Sardegna: dov'è
> l'algherese? Arbitrio, su arbitrio, su arbitrio.
> Ma anche tralasciando l'incoerenza e arbitrarietà dell'attuale situazione:
> si può ignorare e contraddire persino l'imponente cartografia regionale (
> ) della stessa Regione? Perché nella
> cartografia sarda non esistono toponimi locali che scavalcano quelli
> ufficiali, e nemmeno combinazioni con barre e trattini. Se un territorio si
> dà delle leggi e segue delle consuetudini si dovrebbe seguirle: non
> ignorarle o 

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Pelullo
Il 24 ago 2016 19:58, "Maurizio Napolitano"  ha scritto:

> Provo a stimolare i giornalisti che conosco al fine di raggiungere un
po'di massa

BTW, a voler fare un esempio di uso pratico, molto elementare, basta dirgli
che con OSMAnd+ (5€) e l'abbonamento alle mappe Live (1,22 €/mese) si
possono ottenere mappe vettoriali offline, aggiornate ogni ora.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to check the historic popularity of a tag?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

Very nice. Provides just what I want.

Initial thoughts for possible improvements:
A way to remove unwanted tags/traces
make checkable items more obvious (reset zoom) or make zoom automatic maybe?
A way to share the webpage & not just an image of the graph.

I look forward to seeing its next incarnation

Dave F.

On 24/08/2016 19:03, Martin Raifer wrote:

I'm currently working on exactly such a tool. I haven't gone out with
it yet, but a first working prototype is here:, the source code and some
instructions/caveats are found on github:

I hope this fits your needs.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 7:30 PM, Christoph Hormann  wrote:

On Wednesday 24 August 2016, Dave F wrote:

I want to find out if a tag's usage is on the increase or decrease.
Is there a service which provides that data?

I looked at Taginfo but couldn't see any obvious way to do it.

Taginfo does not currently provide historic data but you are not the
first to ask for it:

The easiest way to determine this for low volume tags at the moment
probably is via overpass API.  For high volume tags you need to process
the history planet.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to check the historic popularity of a tag?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Martin Raifer
I'm currently working on exactly such a tool. I haven't gone out with
it yet, but a first working prototype is here:, the source code and some
instructions/caveats are found on github:

I hope this fits your needs.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 7:30 PM, Christoph Hormann  wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 August 2016, Dave F wrote:
>> I want to find out if a tag's usage is on the increase or decrease.
>> Is there a service which provides that data?
>> I looked at Taginfo but couldn't see any obvious way to do it.
> Taginfo does not currently provide historic data but you are not the
> first to ask for it:
> The easiest way to determine this for low volume tags at the moment
> probably is via overpass API.  For high volume tags you need to process
> the history planet.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto 24-9-2016 centro Italia

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Stefanof
Salve, le zone dove è necessario avere più info sono:
Amatrice, Accumoli, Sommati, Cittareale, San Benedetto, Colle Magrone,
Norcia (con 1 Km di Buffer dove dovrebbero stazionare molte funzioni di
socorso), Popoli, Villanova, Poggio Casoli, San Giovanni.
Se ho altre info riguardo necessità operative vi faccio sapere.
Ps. entro poche ore e-GEOS>COPERNICUS metterà a disposizione orto a 50cm.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
> Sì, la protezione civile nazionale usa *anche* il layer OSM per le
visualizzazioni. Però sul territorio molti volontari manco sanno che esista
e in giro tra i volontari c'è un fai-da-te da brividi

Provo a stimolare i giornalisti che conosco al fine di raggiungere un po'di
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
Il 24 ago 2016 19:31, "Francesco Pelullo"  ha scritto:
> Il 24 ago 2016 10:30, "Maurizio Napolitano"  ha
> >
> >
> >
> > Presenza di:
> > - soccorsi che fanno uso di OpenStreetMap
> Segnalo che il sito INGV utilizza OSM, inoltre nei servizi TV dalla
operativa della protezione civile si vedono mappe su monitor che
dall'aspetto ricordano osm

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
Leggevo che anche Copernicus potrebbe essere utile
Sai qualcosa?

Il 24 ago 2016 18:30, "Massimo Zotti"  ha scritto:
> Questa è l'anteprima dell'immagine acquisita dai satelliti di
DigitalGlobe questa mattina su Amatrice
> Appena riceviamo l'immagine a risoluzione piena e georeferenziata la
> Massimo
> ​
> Il giorno 24 agosto 2016 16:08, Luca Delucchi  ha
>> Il 24/ago/2016 09:57, "Alessandro Palmas" 
ha scritto:
>> >
>> > Dunque 
>> > visto che ci sono utenti che ci stanno lavorando (ma con quali dati?)
e iniziano a crearsi conflitti, stiamo tirando su un task.
>> Mi è stato detto che Digital globe ha già dato l'ok per donare le foto
aeree, provate a sentire loro.
>> Io sono al FOSS4G e sto cercando altre ditte interessate a donare o
dati, se ho novità vi aggiorno
>> >
>> > Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
>> >
>> Ciao
>> Luca
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro

Il 24/08/2016 19:30, Francesco Pelullo ha scritto:

Il 24 ago 2016 10:30, "Maurizio Napolitano" > ha scritto:
 > Presenza di:
 > - soccorsi che fanno uso di OpenStreetMap

Segnalo che il sito INGV utilizza OSM, inoltre nei servizi TV dalla
operativa della protezione civile si vedono mappe su monitor che
dall'aspetto ricordano osm.

Sì, la protezione civile nazionale usa *anche* il layer OSM per le 
visualizzazioni. Però sul territorio molti volontari manco sanno che 
esista e in giro tra i volontari c'è un fai-da-te da brividi :-O

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] dotaz na tagování Skokovské stezky

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Pavel Machek

> Při dovolené jsem se ocitl u opravovaného poutního místa Skoky u Žlutic. 
> Zjistil jsem, že zde je vyznačena poutní cesta vedoucí z kláštera v Teplé k 
> poutnímu kostelu ve Skocích a následně dále do Žlutic v celkové délce 66 km.
> Tato cesta je vyznačena bílou mariánskou hvězdou na modrém podkladu - viz 
> Chtěl jsem se zeptat jakými tagy mám tuto stezku tagovat - jde mi zejména o 
> tagování pomocí osmc:symbol

Tak pry

Please note that, in order to be truly useful to renderers, the number
of different values for the subparts should be kept small. Always try
to approximate the symbol of your hiking route using existing values
first. If you need a frequently used symbol added, contact Nop with
suggestions. Don't invent a new tag, simply use text/textcolor or
refrain from using osmc:symbol altogether.


Ja bych dal osmc:symbol=blue:blue:white_star

..ale to by chtelo hvezdu pridat do seznamu povolenych
symbolu. ... Coz ale dava smysl, hvezda je asi docela rozumny znak.


(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to check the historic popularity of a tag?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 24 August 2016, Dave F wrote:
> I want to find out if a tag's usage is on the increase or decrease.
> Is there a service which provides that data?
> I looked at Taginfo but couldn't see any obvious way to do it.

Taginfo does not currently provide historic data but you are not the 
first to ask for it:

The easiest way to determine this for low volume tags at the moment 
probably is via overpass API.  For high volume tags you need to process 
the history planet.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Pelullo
Il 24 ago 2016 10:30, "Maurizio Napolitano"  ha scritto:
> Presenza di:
> - soccorsi che fanno uso di OpenStreetMap

Segnalo che il sito INGV utilizza OSM, inoltre nei servizi TV dalla
operativa della protezione civile si vedono mappe su monitor che
dall'aspetto ricordano osm.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-dk] Vi har et problem med stier.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Niels Elgaard Larsen

Se kommentar på:

Og der er formodentlig ca 400 fejl. "emergency", og "military" kunne fx
være korrekt, men dem er der ingen af. "dismount" kunne være korrekt,
men skabe forvirring, men dem er der heller ingen af.
"destination" kan godt være korrekt, men det er nok meget sjældent.
Jeg er fx ikke helt sikker på:
Til gengæld er helt sikkert
forkert, selvom jeg selv er den sidste, der rettet vejen.

Og det er kun for footways.

paths er lige så slemt.

Og cykelstier

Er sværere at afgøre da de jo ofte er fysisk brede nok til at biler kan
køre på dem. Men "access=yes" kan jo fx ikke være rigtigt.


Det er naturligvis kun rigtig slemt i de tilfælde hvor sådan en sti er
forbundet til en bilvej i begge ender. Men det er der mange af dem, der er.

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Francesca Valentina
per intenderci, casa mia sta in una piazza che esiste solo in sardo,
conosciuta con il nome in sardo e addirittura con la targa in sardo.
La posta arriva in un indirizzo in italiano che non é una piazza ma una via
e in generale se si nomina la piazza in sardo si comprende precisamente il
luogo se si nomina la via in italiano con il civico si ha idea solo
Nel centro sardegna si indicano le localitá prevalentemente in sardo e in
alcuni paesi, si parla prevalentemente in sardo e ci sono cartelli a volte
prima in sardo e dopo in italiano.
Come la mettiamo? Dovremo togliere la versione in italiano ( spesso una
traduzione comica)? Non mi pare un ragionamento sensato.
Su Olbia non so dirti, non ho messo io la voce ma hai controllato prima di
fare questa nota la delibera comunale?

Per la storia, la cultura dei territori dell'isola i luoghi in Sardegna
@hanno un nome , qua denominato senza approffondire il tema linguistico, in
"sardo". OpenStreetMap é l'unico strumento al mondo in grado in grado non
soltanto di rispettare quella storia e cultura, ma anche di promuoverlo e
conservarlo per il futuro ben piú di strumenti burocratici, ahimé anche
delle leggi.
E queste cose le ho imparate non tanto mappando la sardegna ma mappando
regioni del mondo di cui , a volte, non capivo nemmeno l'alfabeto.
Altri 2 cents, ;-)
ho contribuito saltuariamente ed ero iscritto tempo fa, fino alla prima
discussione dei toponimi della mia Regione ora ripresa. Nel mentre sono
rimaste valide tutte le obiezioni e se ne sono aggiunte di nuove.

È chiaro che non esiste nessun consenso o coesione, né nazionale né locale,
a meno di ignorare i miei e altri contributi, e credere che i revert
provengano dalla Mongolia.

Ci cita la legge 482/99 e la si applica in modo fantasioso in una sola
Regione a e non nel resto del Paese. Aggiungendo arbitrio ad arbitrio si
scelgono altri idiomi a piacere: quindi il toponimo ligure in Sardegna
compare, in Liguria no (sic). Oltretutto la 482/99 non prevede alcuna
ufficialità, co-ufficialità, doppio toponimo con barre, trattini o
quant'altro ci si possa inventare.

Si citano inesistenti ufficialità e co-ufficialità, ignorando Costituzione e
Statuto. Si cita la legge regionale 26/1997 che non sancisce e non può
sancire alcun impegno effettivo, per nessun altro ente e nemmeno per la
stessa Regione. Si aggiungono toponimi che in metà dei Comuni manco
risultano approvati e documentati legalmente ( !) invogliando gli
utenti a inserire ciò che vogliono prima del toponimo ufficiale (!).

Tralasciando le leggi, si trattano le lingue locali in modo curioso. A
Bergamo si parla lombardo, la città si chiama Bèrghem, ci sono cartelli col
toponimo locale, e sulla mappa resta visualizzato Bergamo. Nel Friuli c'è
una tutela persino maggiore della Sardegna: ma in Friuli la mappa rimane
normale, e solo in Sardegna spazio alla fantasia.

In Sardegna esistono 377 comuni con relativi siti: qualche decina di Comuni
ha una versione in sardo. Se c'è una logica una decina di Comuni, e tutti
Comuni minori, non prevalgono sulla stragrande maggioranza. Notare che si
tratta di siti con una versione in sardo, non bilingui. I siti bilingue non
esistono: in tutti i siti tutti i documenti, avvisi, atti e delibere sono
pubblicati in italiano. Esistono una decina di siti in cui alcuni contenuti,
con aggiornamento estemporaneo e casuale, sono tradotti a parte da qualche
esperto. Altrimenti per i siti con una versione turistica in lingua
straniera, inglese, francese o russo sarebbero da considerare lingue
ufficiali o co-ufficiali del Comune (!).

Ciliegina sulla torta: la discriminazioni fra lingue locali. A Olbia
esistono due toponimi locali, Terranoa e Tarranoa, in sardo e gallurese. Ora
OpenStreetMap ne prende uno e ignora l'altro, forse per evitare di decidere
fra le 6 sequenze possibili coi 3 toponimi (sic). ldem per i nomi delle
province: dov'è il gallurese? Idem per il nome della Sardegna: dov'è
l'algherese? Arbitrio, su arbitrio, su arbitrio.

Ma anche tralasciando l'incoerenza e arbitrarietà dell'attuale situazione:
si può ignorare e contraddire persino l'imponente cartografia regionale ( ) della stessa Regione? Perché nella
cartografia sarda non esistono toponimi locali che scavalcano quelli
ufficiali, e nemmeno combinazioni con barre e trattini. Se un territorio si
dà delle leggi e segue delle consuetudini si dovrebbe seguirle: non
ignorarle o interpretarle a piacimento. È chiaro in ogni aspetto legale, è
evidente in ogni contesto quotidiano con che appellativo principale vengano
descritte le località, e non è quello al momento inventato da alcuni utenti
su OpenStreetMap.

Spero quindi che si torni alla situazione originale, prima che si proponesse
una brutta imitazione di Google Maps, dove anni fa dei vandalismi
organizzati su MapMaker sono apparsi a causa di errori tecnici.


View this message 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cela vaut le coup ?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden David Crochet


Quand je reviens à l'histoire du pont mathilde de rouen, OSMR avait pris 
en compte l'info en 3-4 jours. Mais maintenant lorsque je prend 
l'exemple de OsmAnd, lorsqu'on l'utilise, il est à jour avec des données 
très récent (après avoir ajoute des turn:lanes:*=* dans OSM, le 
lendemain, OsmAnd les affichait correctement et la synthèse vocale était 

Cela veut dire que l'on se retrouve avec les réutilisation quasiment en 
direct des données.

et le "est-ce que cela vaut le coup", c'est de savoir si les données 
temporaires de durée non négligeable sont a intégrer dans OSM. Comment 
définir non négligeable.

Autre exemple avec
Ici les travaux vont modifier la circulation jusqu'en juin 2017. Donc 
elle seront logiquement dans OSM car cela va changer radicalement.

Ensuite je rejoins ton avis sur le "retour à la normale".

Je sais que pour ma part je suis friand des "notes" et que je verrais 
bien une note du style : "Merci de réactualiser les données sur cette 
zone à partir du xx/yy/ afin de remettre les informations suivante : 
suppression du access:conditional=*" par exemple.


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] How to check the historic popularity of a tag?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

Hi All

I want to find out if a tag's usage is on the increase or decrease. Is 
there a service which provides that data?

I looked at Taginfo but couldn't see any obvious way to do it.

Dave F.

talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] dotaz na tagování Skokovské stezky

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Zdeněk Pražák
Při dovolené jsem se ocitl u opravovaného poutního místa Skoky u Žlutic. 
Zjistil jsem, že zde je vyznačena poutní cesta vedoucí z kláštera v Teplé k 
poutnímu kostelu ve Skocích a následně dále do Žlutic v celkové délce 66 km.

Tato cesta je vyznačena bílou mariánskou hvězdou na modrém podkladu - viz
Chtěl jsem se zeptat jakými tagy mám tuto stezku tagovat - jde mi zejména o 
tagování pomocí osmc:symbol

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden F.
ho contribuito saltuariamente ed ero iscritto tempo fa, fino alla prima
discussione dei toponimi della mia Regione ora ripresa. Nel mentre sono
rimaste valide tutte le obiezioni e se ne sono aggiunte di nuove.

È chiaro che non esiste nessun consenso o coesione, né nazionale né locale,
a meno di ignorare i miei e altri contributi, e credere che i revert
provengano dalla Mongolia.

Ci cita la legge 482/99 e la si applica in modo fantasioso in una sola
Regione a e non nel resto del Paese. Aggiungendo arbitrio ad arbitrio si
scelgono altri idiomi a piacere: quindi il toponimo ligure in Sardegna
compare, in Liguria no (sic). Oltretutto la 482/99 non prevede alcuna
ufficialità, co-ufficialità, doppio toponimo con barre, trattini o
quant'altro ci si possa inventare.

Si citano inesistenti ufficialità e co-ufficialità, ignorando Costituzione e
Statuto. Si cita la legge regionale 26/1997 che non sancisce e non può
sancire alcun impegno effettivo, per nessun altro ente e nemmeno per la
stessa Regione. Si aggiungono toponimi che in metà dei Comuni manco
risultano approvati e documentati legalmente ( !) invogliando gli
utenti a inserire ciò che vogliono prima del toponimo ufficiale (!).

Tralasciando le leggi, si trattano le lingue locali in modo curioso. A
Bergamo si parla lombardo, la città si chiama Bèrghem, ci sono cartelli col
toponimo locale, e sulla mappa resta visualizzato Bergamo. Nel Friuli c'è
una tutela persino maggiore della Sardegna: ma in Friuli la mappa rimane
normale, e solo in Sardegna spazio alla fantasia.

In Sardegna esistono 377 comuni con relativi siti: qualche decina di Comuni
ha una versione in sardo. Se c'è una logica una decina di Comuni, e tutti
Comuni minori, non prevalgono sulla stragrande maggioranza. Notare che si
tratta di siti con una versione in sardo, non bilingui. I siti bilingue non
esistono: in tutti i siti tutti i documenti, avvisi, atti e delibere sono
pubblicati in italiano. Esistono una decina di siti in cui alcuni contenuti,
con aggiornamento estemporaneo e casuale, sono tradotti a parte da qualche
esperto. Altrimenti per i siti con una versione turistica in lingua
straniera, inglese, francese o russo sarebbero da considerare lingue
ufficiali o co-ufficiali del Comune (!).

Ciliegina sulla torta: la discriminazioni fra lingue locali. A Olbia
esistono due toponimi locali, Terranoa e Tarranoa, in sardo e gallurese. Ora
OpenStreetMap ne prende uno e ignora l'altro, forse per evitare di decidere
fra le 6 sequenze possibili coi 3 toponimi (sic). ldem per i nomi delle
province: dov'è il gallurese? Idem per il nome della Sardegna: dov'è
l'algherese? Arbitrio, su arbitrio, su arbitrio.

Ma anche tralasciando l'incoerenza e arbitrarietà dell'attuale situazione:
si può ignorare e contraddire persino l'imponente cartografia regionale ( ) della stessa Regione? Perché nella
cartografia sarda non esistono toponimi locali che scavalcano quelli
ufficiali, e nemmeno combinazioni con barre e trattini. Se un territorio si
dà delle leggi e segue delle consuetudini si dovrebbe seguirle: non
ignorarle o interpretarle a piacimento. È chiaro in ogni aspetto legale, è
evidente in ogni contesto quotidiano con che appellativo principale vengano
descritte le località, e non è quello al momento inventato da alcuni utenti
su OpenStreetMap.

Spero quindi che si torni alla situazione originale, prima che si proponesse
una brutta imitazione di Google Maps, dove anni fa dei vandalismi
organizzati su MapMaker sono apparsi a causa di errori tecnici.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Maps.ME User: Private Nodes auf OSM-Server

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Martin Raifer
> Getan hat sich von seiten der app-entwickler aber (noch?) nichts.

Also, zumindest in dem Punkt mit den falschen "name"-Tags scheint der
Entwickler bereits nachgebessert haben: Wenn ich das richtig sehe,
kann man seit einiger Zeit (zumindest auf Android) über die
Maps.Me-Editierfunktion nur noch die "name:xx"-Tags bearbeiten. Dabei
werden offenbar immer die Sprache des jeweiligen Benutzers und die
Sprache des jeweiligen Landes standardmäßig angezeigt. Weitere
Sprachen lassen sich über einen weiteren Klick hinzufügen. Ganz
optimal ist das jetzt allerdings auch nicht, weil man im
Bearbeiten-Formular jetzt den eigentlichen "name"-Tag gar nicht mehr
sieht, und man so als Anfänger evtl. einen eigentlich nicht unbedingt
notwendigen name:xx-Tag zu einem bereits benannten Objekt hinzufügen
könnte. (Aber besser als die Situation vorher ist es allemal.)

> Ich persönlich habe diese App nicht, und weiß somit nichts über deren 
> Funktionsweise.

Ich empfehle dringend, euch mal die App zumindest zu Testzwecken zu
installieren, um euch ein wenigstens grobes Bild über dessen
Bearbeitungs-Funktion zu machen. Das beugt Missverständnissen vor und
macht es um einiges leichter, mangelhafte Edits von Maps.Me-Benutzern
zu verstehen und zu erklären wie man es besser machen könnte.

> Es scheint aber, dass die App dem User nicht sagt, was mit den Daten passiert.

Das kann ich nicht bestätigen. Nach der ersten Bearbeitung eines
Objekts bekommt der User einen riesigen Dialog zu Gesicht, der in
großen Lettern erklärt: „Melden Sie sich an, damit andere Benutzer
Ihre Änderungen sehen können“. Vielleicht war das in älteren Versionen
der Software noch etwas weniger eindeutig formuliert.

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] JOSM: purge import pictures into sequence after use

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Laura O'Grady
Hi Stewart,

Thanks for your response.

I'm not sure if I had a layer for this. I will check next time I use this 
option. Excellent suggestion. Can't believe I didn't think of that.

Re: which plugin - that's a good question. I didn't include that detail as I'm 
not sure. I have more than one photo-related one installed. I was hoping 
someone would recognize which one by my comments.

I now think it is this one by Mapillary:

Details about using the "import into sequence after use" feature are not 
provided in the wiki entry linked above.

I was able to solve it by rebooting. This is obviously not a long term 

However, according to the info at the link I need to click on the image(s) and 
delete. Kind of tedious when you have 50 + but I guess it's better than 


> On Aug 24, 2016, at 11:52 AM, Stewart C. Russell  wrote:
> Hi Laura,
>> TL;DR How do you remove one entry of "import pictures in sequence"
>> after completing and uploading edits?
> In the Layers pane, select and delete the "Geotagged Images" layer
> between image imports, perhaps?
> What plugin are you using to get the "import pictures into sequence"
> File menu entry? I don't see it, but got the same effect by opening
> images directly via File → Open …
> cheers,
> Stewart
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cela vaut le coup ?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Disons que c'est fait pour ça... pour compléter OSM sur des données trop 
temporaires pour avoir leur place dans OSM, des données liées à la géo 
et au temps...

Ceci dit, il n'y a pas encore d'utilisateur de l'API et des données, 
mais il faut bien commencer par quelque chose, un oeuf ou une poule...

Le 24/08/2016 à 15:40, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
Pour avoir déjà posé la même question, la réponse qui me fut donnée 
était : "faut mettre ça dans open event database !"
C'est donc par là que ça se passe, semble-t-il :


Le 24 août 2016 à 15:24, Jérôme Seigneuret 
> a 
écrit :

Je pense que sur des événements  non permanent lié à des
perturbations il vaut mieux gérer ça en surcouche... Ce qui n'est
pas exploitable en l'état dans la carto générale...

Il faut la base OSM et une surcouche perturbation que l'on
pourrait alimenter avec des formulaires et exploiter pour le routing.
Dommage que l'interface générale ne le permette pas. C'est le
système exploiter par google il me semble. Les événements sont
plus ou moins permanent avec des clôtures conditionnelles (selon
une durée ou une date de fin)
Ca permettra aussi d'avoir les opérateur autoroutier dans le
système quand il décideront d'une fermeture autoroutière pour
cause de travaux.

En l'état il faudra aussi que tu ajoutes l'année dans ta condition
pour éviter que ce soit conservé dans les résultats d'itinéraires
après un retour à la normale en attendant qu'un contributeur
supprime la condition car celle-ci ne se supprimera pas toute seule.

Il faudra un *fixme *pour une remise en état normal. Et une note
pour expliquer qu'il faut supprimer la clé *access:conditional*
car elle sera inutile une fois les conditions revenues à la normale

access:conditional=/*no @ 2016 Aug 24-31 : 00:00-24:00 "Currently
closed for renovation work"*/
fixme: supprimer access:conditional à partir de la semaine 36 de
l'année 2016

PS: Yohours ne reconnait pas ce format mais il répond au

Pour le moment il n'y a pas d'application pour faire des fixme
avec une date de prise en compte ni de niveau d'urgence des
corrections à réaliser ou d'auto suppression de tag à date ou
d'auto-reverter sur des infos temporaires.
Il y a surement quelque chose à faire ;-)


Jérôme Seigneuret

Talk-fr mailing list


Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

Il 24/08/2016 16:08, Luca Delucchi ha scritto:

Mi è stato detto che Digital globe ha già dato l'ok per donare le foto 
aeree, provate a sentire loro.
Io sono al FOSS4G e sto cercando altre ditte interessate a donare o 
dati, se ho novità vi aggiorno

Grazie Luca,
ho mandato la richiesta. Effettivamente hanno una buona immagine quasi 
completamente sgombra di nubi, la seconda visibile a questo link

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Prince Edward County - Sandbanks.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Denis Carriere
Should be fixed now and the OSM geocoding of "West Lake, Prince Edward
works as well.

*Denis Carriere*
*GIS Project Manager*

*Twitter: @DenisCarriere *
*OSM: DenisCarriere *
GitHub: DenisCarriere 

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Greg Franks  wrote:

> Greetings.  Please forgive me if this is the wrong list.
> West Lake in Prince Edward Country (ON) is not identified as such, rather,
> it is labelled “Lake Ontario”.  I would rename it except that the body of
> water is connected to Lake Ontario at Wellington through the canal located
> there (the satellite imagery doesn’t quite match the lake boundary
> either).  I gather I need to split the polygon, but I am not familiar on
> doing so, and I don’t want to mess up all of Lake Ontario if I try.
> I did name “East Lake” (previously un-named).  However, the polygon
> includes the “Outlet River” which drains the East Lake into Lake Ontario,
> so it too needs splitting.
> Thanks.
>   ..greg
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 144, Issue 39

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Federico
Hi Frederik,

> On 24 Aug 2016, at 14:00, wrote:
> On 08/23/2016 06:04 PM, Federico wrote:
>> I've recently developed a Telegram Bot
>> ( to enable users to easily add POI
>> (currently only drinking water and toilets amenities) into OSM. Here is
>> the OSM wiki page here:
> Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
> actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
> contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
> account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
> be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.

Thanks for the feedback.

This is precisely the delicate matter I was talking about. There is a technical 
issue and a social issue involved here:

- technical: telegram is not a web application and as far as I know there is no 
way to authenticate users using OAuth (but please explain me how if you think I 
am wrong here). The only solution would be to ask the user for their 
username/password and use them to authenticate directly, but this doesn't sound 
like an healthy approach.

- social: probably the majority of users using the bot does not have a OSM 
account. They might even have no idea of how to create one, but they might 
still want to send their contribution if it involves a simple interaction. 

Since i'm the owner of the SearchAroundBot OSM account I will take personal 
responsibility of the data which is submitted by Telegram users via the bot and 
I will verify it as best as I can (e.g., checking the picture the user has 
provided, making sure it doesn't overlap with other elements in the map, 
etc...), contact them directly in case of problems, or banning them from the 
bot if running into malicious behavior.

Hope i was able to address your concerns.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Prince Edward County - Sandbanks.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Denis Carriere
Hey Greg,

Dealing with complex relations can be a hard task, I've started cleaning up
the area and I'm going to add West Lake after I'm finished.

I will still keep the same geometry for Lake Ontario except add an
additional relation for West Lake.

Thanks for the OSM notification! :)

*Denis Carriere*
*GIS Project Manager*

*Twitter: @DenisCarriere *
*OSM: DenisCarriere *
GitHub: DenisCarriere 

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Greg Franks  wrote:

> Greetings.  Please forgive me if this is the wrong list.
> West Lake in Prince Edward Country (ON) is not identified as such, rather,
> it is labelled “Lake Ontario”.  I would rename it except that the body of
> water is connected to Lake Ontario at Wellington through the canal located
> there (the satellite imagery doesn’t quite match the lake boundary
> either).  I gather I need to split the polygon, but I am not familiar on
> doing so, and I don’t want to mess up all of Lake Ontario if I try.
> I did name “East Lake” (previously un-named).  However, the polygon
> includes the “Outlet River” which drains the East Lake into Lake Ontario,
> so it too needs splitting.
> Thanks.
>   ..greg
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] JOSM: purge import pictures into sequence after use

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Stewart C. Russell
Hi Laura,

> TL;DR How do you remove one entry of "import pictures in sequence"
> after completing and uploading edits?

In the Layers pane, select and delete the "Geotagged Images" layer
between image imports, perhaps?

What plugin are you using to get the "import pictures into sequence"
File menu entry? I don't see it, but got the same effect by opening
images directly via File → Open …


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Prince Edward County - Sandbanks.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Pierre Béland
Greg j'ai decoupé la rivière et exclu de relation East Lake. J'ai aussi retracé 
les contours de la rivière.voir

  De : Greg Franks 
 À : 
 Envoyé le : mercredi 24 août 2016 10h45
 Objet : [Talk-ca] Prince Edward County - Sandbanks.
Greetings.  Please forgive me if this is the wrong list.  
West Lake in Prince Edward Country (ON) is not identified as such, rather, it 
is labelled “Lake Ontario”.  I would rename it except that the body of water is 
connected to Lake Ontario at Wellington through the canal located there (the 
satellite imagery doesn’t quite match the lake boundary either).  I gather I 
need to split the polygon, but I am not familiar on doing so, and I don’t want 
to mess up all of Lake Ontario if I try.
I did name “East Lake” (previously un-named).  However, the polygon includes 
the “Outlet River” which drains the East Lake into Lake Ontario, so it too 
needs splitting.


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cl] Planificador de rutas multimodal

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Exequiel Gaete Pavez
El error que describe Julio lo cometí varias veces. Quizás mencionar
explícitamente en la wiki este punto en el apartado de ciclovías pueda

2016-08-24 10:27 GMT-03:00 Julio Costa Zambelli <>:

> Ignacio,
> Respecto de lo último que dices, me imagino que ya te ha tocado ver gente
> tanto que traza la vía en paralelo a una calle etiquetada con
> cicleway=track (Ricardo Lyon, Isabel La Católica, etc.), como gente que
> crea nuevas vías sobre otras (nodo por nodo). Me parece que ambos son
> errores de novato o en general de contribuyentes con poca experiencia.
> Lamentablemente no se si hay alguna forma de evitar esto, más que estar
> siempre revisando. Quizás con una etiqueta note=* en la vía que contiene la
> ciclovía, pero de todas formas esta aproximación supone que el usuario hará
> click en esa vía y leerá las etiquetas antes de hacer cualquier cosa.
> Saludos,
> Julio Costa Zambelli
> Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
> Cel: +56(9)89981083
> 2016-08-23 18:47 GMT-03:00 ignacio abé :
>> Como complemento al wiki, y basándome en la realidad local, sobre todo en
>> el manual antes mencionado.
>> La OGUC, u ordenanza general de urbanismo y construcciones, dicta que las
>> ciclovías deben ir por la calzada (es una modificación reciente). El manual
>> refuerza esta idea y entrega directrices para la ejecución de estas
>> ciclovías.
>> Algunas ciclovías recientes que han ignorado estas recomendaciones, han
>> tenido que denominarse por el gobierno de otro modo, como ciclopaseo, vía
>> verde, u otro término generalmente eufemístico. En otras palabras, según la
>> ley actual, si van por la vereda no son ciclovías. Aunque no creo que tenga
>> sentido ignorarlas, creo que al menos es necesario tener en cuenta estos
>> aspectos.
>> De todos modos, dibujar las ciclovías por la vereda como vía aparte con
>> highway=cycleway me parece un modo razonable de diferenciarlas y captar un
>> poco más sus comunes sinuosidades y entuertos. El problema viene cuando la
>> calle ya tiene etiquetada la ciclovía y se dibuja encima la vía aparte, y
>> quedan ambas.
>> Saludos
>> I.A.
>> El 23 de agosto de 2016, 16:25, Julio Costa Zambelli<
>>> escribió:
>>> Ignacio,
>>> De la introducción "The highway=cycleway tag indicates a separate way
>>> for the use of cyclists." uno entiende que las ciclovías sobre la vereda
>>> irían con ese par clave=valor.
>>> Sin embargo, la definición de cycle track en la página de cycleway: "A
>>> cycle track is separated from the road by curbs, parking lots, grass
>>> verges, trees or another physical barrier, but is running parallel and next
>>> to the road. In North America this is called a protected bike lane,
>>> separated bike lane, bike path, greenway, green lane, or class I facility"
>>> da a entender que también abarcaría a las primeras.
>>> Al final me quedo con el argumento inmediatamente a continuación, el que
>>> parece favorecer la postura de trazar (a mi entender solo las que están
>>> sobre la vereda) por separado, lo que permite capturar con mayor detalle la
>>> realidad: "Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate
>>> way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway. Both methods each
>>> have their pros and cons. While adding a single tag to an existing way
>>> takes less time and still often describes the cycle track accurately, a
>>> separately tagged cycle way is generally more flexible and allows to
>>> capture more detail. When mapping a cycle track as its own way, do not use
>>> any of the tags described below".
>>> Saludos,
>>> Julio Costa Zambelli
>>> Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
>>> Cel: +56(9)89981083
>>> 2016-08-23 15:38 GMT-03:00 ignacio abé :
 Es verdad que la calidad de una ciclovía es algo bastante ambiguo si no
 se establecen parámetros. Por otro lado, una evaluación verdadera va más
 allá de los parámetros que se pueden establecer en Openstreetmap. A pesar
 de esto, hay dos herramientas que son útiles para establecer esto.

 Primero, me toca trabajar frecuentemente con organizaciones y entidades
 relacionadas al ciclismo urbano. Y hay una especie de concenso tácito sobre
 cuáles ciclovías son buenas (cumplen con el estándar) cuáles son
 deficientes pero utilizables, y cuáles son sencillamente un despropósito.

 Por otro lado, existe un manual de ciclovías, elaborado por el
 Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo, que establece cuáles son los parámetros
 que determinan la calidad de una ciclovía.

 Creo que es un tema prioritario tomando en cuenta que varias de las que
 se están construyendo o planeando hoy en día caen en la tercera categoría.

 Y un par de 

[Talk-GB] Birmingham City Council URLs have changed

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Andy Mabbett
Birmingham City Council have changed their website, and all URLs in the format:

are dead.

Many short URLs, in the format:

are also not working, but should be checked on a case-by-case basis,
as some do work.


Andy Mabbett

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ca] Prince Edward County - Sandbanks.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Greg Franks
Greetings.  Please forgive me if this is the wrong list.  
West Lake in Prince Edward Country (ON) is not identified as such, rather, it 
is labelled “Lake Ontario”.  I would rename it except that the body of water is 
connected to Lake Ontario at Wellington through the canal located there (the 
satellite imagery doesn’t quite match the lake boundary either).  I gather I 
need to split the polygon, but I am not familiar on doing so, and I don’t want 
to mess up all of Lake Ontario if I try.
I did name “East Lake” (previously un-named).  However, the polygon includes 
the “Outlet River” which drains the East Lake into Lake Ontario, so it too 
needs splitting.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
Il 24/ago/2016 09:57, "Alessandro Palmas" 
ha scritto:
> Dunque 
> visto che ci sono utenti che ci stanno lavorando (ma con quali dati?) e
iniziano a crearsi conflitti, stiamo tirando su un task.

Mi è stato detto che Digital globe ha già dato l'ok per donare le foto
aeree, provate a sentire loro.
Io sono al FOSS4G e sto cercando altre ditte interessate a donare o dati,
se ho novità vi aggiorno

> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování rozcestníků - dotazy/nápady

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Tom Ka
Dne 24. srpna 2016 14:14 Radim Bureš  napsal(a):
> Ahoj,
> v konferenci jsem nově, ale nějakou chvíli již OSM sleduji a něco jsem už i
> upravoval ( K mapování jsem se
> dostal přes geocaching školení, které pořádal Zby-cz a od té doby se snažím
> zakreslovat věci, co v mapě nejsou. Před nedávnem jsem objevil projekt
> focení rozcestníků a jelikož jich při výletech se skautem či na keškách
> potkám dost, začal jsem je fotit a postupně přispívat.
> Teď ale k jádru věci. Jakožto nováčka, který čte weeklyOSM a koukne na web
> jsou některé informace ohledně mapování rozcestníků matoucí a nejasné, tak
> než se pustím do nahrávání dalších nafocených, rád bych si to ujasnil a
> případně třeba pomohl k zjednodušení a sjednocení informací.
> 1) informace / návod
> - nalezl jsem 3 různé návody, kde každý se trochu liší. Který je ten
> nejaktuálnější/nejsprávnější?
lehce jsem upravil

tohle je VOPovo dilo, podle mne tohle neni navod pro novacky, lepsi
pro tebe asi ignorovat.

tohle popisuje mapovani turistickych tras, resp. synchronizaci tohoto
usili pres HTP manager.

> 2) kde nahrávat?
> - v návodek kolují 2 varianty, jedna přes a
> druhá přes vrstvu chybné rozcestníky přímo přes
oboji udela ve vysledku to same, dnes asi obecne lepsi  vrstva chybne
rozcestniky na

> - u první varianty jsem se různě v archivu konference či někde na wiki a
> osobních webech dočetl něco o následném párování s rozcestníky, pro
> začátečníka matoucí, tak snad to nyní dělám dobře.

delaji se automaticke kontroly, muzes se podivat, jestli tebou
nafocene fotky autmat byl schopen dobre pouzit (predevsim maji spravne
umisteni fotky vuci rozcestniku) -

> 3) jak správně tagovat a označovat
> - co je správně, nahrávat více fotek (pokud je rozcestník z více stran) a
> nebo je lepší to spojovat do jedné fotky?
dnes radeji vice fotek

> - jak správně uvádět číslo rozc. vs. trasy? Někde je údaj stejný, někdy je
> rozdílný a v mapách jsou obě varianty. Např.
> ( ,
> Je to takto správně, a nebo má být ref. id KO204m a v relaci 3011/9?

v ref rozcestniku nikdy neni to pismeno na konci, ma byt KO204. Tohle
je nove znaceni rozcestniku. Pokud je pouzito i stare (ID cesty/km kde
je rozcestnik), pak je vhodne zapsat oboji takto:




> 4) budoucnost, využití?
> - kromě kontroly, že na trase nechybí nějaký rozcestník, má to šanci i na
> nějaké další využití?

ano, napr. ze v danem bode existuji vsechny potrebne trasy, da se
pouzit nadm. vyska apod.

> - je možné např. nad úseky uvést nějak vzdálenosti z rozcestníků?

ne, tohle asi nedava smysl

> - kdyby to mělo do budoucna nějaký smysl, tak se klidně mohu zapojit do
> postupného přepsání dat z fotek do nějaké struktury, která se později
> využije v OSM

to se prave postupne deje s pomoci foceni rozcestniku, kontroly
OsmHiCheck a dalsich.

> Budu rád za odpovědi a rady, jak přispívat do nejužitečněji.

Mej se a at te to bavi.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cela vaut le coup ?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Francescu GAROBY
Pour avoir déjà posé la même question, la réponse qui me fut donnée était :
"faut mettre ça dans open event database !"
C'est donc par là que ça se passe, semble-t-il :


Le 24 août 2016 à 15:24, Jérôme Seigneuret  a
écrit :

> Je pense que sur des événements  non permanent lié à des perturbations il
> vaut mieux gérer ça en surcouche... Ce qui n'est pas exploitable en l'état
> dans la carto générale...
> Il faut la base OSM et une surcouche perturbation que l'on pourrait
> alimenter avec des formulaires et exploiter pour le routing.
> Dommage que l'interface générale ne le permette pas. C'est le système
> exploiter par google il me semble. Les événements sont plus ou moins
> permanent avec des clôtures conditionnelles (selon une durée ou une date de
> fin)
> Ca permettra aussi d'avoir les opérateur autoroutier dans le système quand
> il décideront d'une fermeture autoroutière pour cause de travaux.
> En l'état il faudra aussi que tu ajoutes l'année dans ta condition pour
> éviter que ce soit conservé dans les résultats d'itinéraires après un
> retour à la normale en attendant qu'un contributeur supprime la condition
> car celle-ci ne se supprimera pas toute seule.
> Il faudra un *fixme *pour une remise en état normal. Et une note pour
> expliquer qu'il faut supprimer la clé *access:conditional* car elle sera
> inutile une fois les conditions revenues à la normale
> access:conditional=*no @ 2016 Aug 24-31 : 00:00-24:00 "Currently closed
> for renovation work"*
> fixme: supprimer access:conditional à partir de la semaine 36 de l'année
> 2016
> PS: Yohours ne reconnait pas ce format mais il répond au spécification
> Pour le moment il n'y a pas d'application pour faire des fixme avec une
> date de prise en compte ni de niveau d'urgence des corrections à réaliser
> ou d'auto suppression de tag à date ou d'auto-reverter sur des infos
> temporaires.
> Il y a surement quelque chose à faire ;-)
> --
> Cordialement,
> Jérôme Seigneuret
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Tom Ka
Dne 24. srpna 2016 9:29 Pavel Machek  napsal(a):
> Cervene jsou dlouhe a vyznamne? Ano, vypada to ze jsou. Co si o tom
> mysli kct je dost jedno.
> iwn je jasny. Cervena Exx. lwn je jasny: naucny stezky a odbocky.

jen postreh - vetsina NS , studanek, vrcholu apod. jsou rozhodne LWN,
ale jsou i vyjimky, nelze to tedy prehulit globalne.

Asi u vsech techto pravidel to bude zaklad, ale mohou byt pripady, kdy
to proste nebude sedet a je lepsi to udelat jinak nez rika

> Tak co takhle otagovat zbytek jako rwn... a kdyz/jestli se zjisti, ze
> je nejaky dobry duvod oddelovat rwn od nwn, tak se to proste
> pretaguje?


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cela vaut le coup ?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Jérôme Seigneuret
Je pense que sur des événements  non permanent lié à des perturbations il
vaut mieux gérer ça en surcouche... Ce qui n'est pas exploitable en l'état
dans la carto générale...

Il faut la base OSM et une surcouche perturbation que l'on pourrait
alimenter avec des formulaires et exploiter pour le routing.
Dommage que l'interface générale ne le permette pas. C'est le système
exploiter par google il me semble. Les événements sont plus ou moins
permanent avec des clôtures conditionnelles (selon une durée ou une date de
Ca permettra aussi d'avoir les opérateur autoroutier dans le système quand
il décideront d'une fermeture autoroutière pour cause de travaux.

En l'état il faudra aussi que tu ajoutes l'année dans ta condition pour
éviter que ce soit conservé dans les résultats d'itinéraires après un
retour à la normale en attendant qu'un contributeur supprime la condition
car celle-ci ne se supprimera pas toute seule.

Il faudra un *fixme *pour une remise en état normal. Et une note pour
expliquer qu'il faut supprimer la clé *access:conditional* car elle sera
inutile une fois les conditions revenues à la normale

access:conditional=*no @ 2016 Aug 24-31 : 00:00-24:00 "Currently closed for
renovation work"*
fixme: supprimer access:conditional à partir de la semaine 36 de l'année

PS: Yohours ne reconnait pas ce format mais il répond au spécification

Pour le moment il n'y a pas d'application pour faire des fixme avec une
date de prise en compte ni de niveau d'urgence des corrections à réaliser
ou d'auto suppression de tag à date ou d'auto-reverter sur des infos
Il y a surement quelque chose à faire ;-)

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cl] Planificador de rutas multimodal

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Julio Costa Zambelli

Respecto de lo último que dices, me imagino que ya te ha tocado ver gente
tanto que traza la vía en paralelo a una calle etiquetada con
cicleway=track (Ricardo Lyon, Isabel La Católica, etc.), como gente que
crea nuevas vías sobre otras (nodo por nodo). Me parece que ambos son
errores de novato o en general de contribuyentes con poca experiencia.

Lamentablemente no se si hay alguna forma de evitar esto, más que estar
siempre revisando. Quizás con una etiqueta note=* en la vía que contiene la
ciclovía, pero de todas formas esta aproximación supone que el usuario hará
click en esa vía y leerá las etiquetas antes de hacer cualquier cosa.


Julio Costa Zambelli
Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
Cel: +56(9)89981083

2016-08-23 18:47 GMT-03:00 ignacio abé :

> Como complemento al wiki, y basándome en la realidad local, sobre todo en
> el manual antes mencionado.
> La OGUC, u ordenanza general de urbanismo y construcciones, dicta que las
> ciclovías deben ir por la calzada (es una modificación reciente). El manual
> refuerza esta idea y entrega directrices para la ejecución de estas
> ciclovías.
> Algunas ciclovías recientes que han ignorado estas recomendaciones, han
> tenido que denominarse por el gobierno de otro modo, como ciclopaseo, vía
> verde, u otro término generalmente eufemístico. En otras palabras, según la
> ley actual, si van por la vereda no son ciclovías. Aunque no creo que tenga
> sentido ignorarlas, creo que al menos es necesario tener en cuenta estos
> aspectos.
> De todos modos, dibujar las ciclovías por la vereda como vía aparte con
> highway=cycleway me parece un modo razonable de diferenciarlas y captar un
> poco más sus comunes sinuosidades y entuertos. El problema viene cuando la
> calle ya tiene etiquetada la ciclovía y se dibuja encima la vía aparte, y
> quedan ambas.
> Saludos
> I.A.
> El 23 de agosto de 2016, 16:25, Julio Costa Zambelli> escribió:
>> Ignacio,
>> De la introducción "The highway=cycleway tag indicates a separate way for
>> the use of cyclists." uno entiende que las ciclovías sobre la vereda irían
>> con ese par clave=valor.
>> Sin embargo, la definición de cycle track en la página de cycleway: "A
>> cycle track is separated from the road by curbs, parking lots, grass
>> verges, trees or another physical barrier, but is running parallel and next
>> to the road. In North America this is called a protected bike lane,
>> separated bike lane, bike path, greenway, green lane, or class I facility"
>> da a entender que también abarcaría a las primeras.
>> Al final me quedo con el argumento inmediatamente a continuación, el que
>> parece favorecer la postura de trazar (a mi entender solo las que están
>> sobre la vereda) por separado, lo que permite capturar con mayor detalle la
>> realidad: "Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate
>> way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway. Both methods each
>> have their pros and cons. While adding a single tag to an existing way
>> takes less time and still often describes the cycle track accurately, a
>> separately tagged cycle way is generally more flexible and allows to
>> capture more detail. When mapping a cycle track as its own way, do not use
>> any of the tags described below".
>> Saludos,
>> Julio Costa Zambelli
>> Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
>> Cel: +56(9)89981083
>> 2016-08-23 15:38 GMT-03:00 ignacio abé :
>>> Es verdad que la calidad de una ciclovía es algo bastante ambiguo si no
>>> se establecen parámetros. Por otro lado, una evaluación verdadera va más
>>> allá de los parámetros que se pueden establecer en Openstreetmap. A pesar
>>> de esto, hay dos herramientas que son útiles para establecer esto.
>>> Primero, me toca trabajar frecuentemente con organizaciones y entidades
>>> relacionadas al ciclismo urbano. Y hay una especie de concenso tácito sobre
>>> cuáles ciclovías son buenas (cumplen con el estándar) cuáles son
>>> deficientes pero utilizables, y cuáles son sencillamente un despropósito.
>>> Por otro lado, existe un manual de ciclovías, elaborado por el
>>> Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo, que establece cuáles son los parámetros
>>> que determinan la calidad de una ciclovía.
>>> Creo que es un tema prioritario tomando en cuenta que varias de las que
>>> se están construyendo o planeando hoy en día caen en la tercera categoría.
>>> Y un par de aclaraciones sobre etiquetado. Según el wiki de osm,
>>> *cycleway=lane* es para ciclobandas, esto quiere decir ciclovías en la
>>> calle sin segregación física. *cycleway=track* es para ciclovías con
>>> segregación física, aunque no sea continua. No existe una categoría para
>>> ciclovías por la vereda, aunque en general, en santiago, se ocupa
>>> *track*

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Nicolás Alvarez

> On Aug 24, 2016, at 05:54, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 08/23/2016 06:04 PM, Federico wrote:
>> I've recently developed a Telegram Bot
>> ( to enable users to easily add POI
>> (currently only drinking water and toilets amenities) into OSM. Here is
>> the OSM wiki page here:
> Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
> actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
> contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
> account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
> be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.

Aren't there several cases where this isn't followed, like Wheelmap?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

On 23/08/2016 17:04, Federico wrote:


I've recently developed a Telegram Bot 

This URL is sending me to:tg://resolve?domain=SearchAroundBot
& give this error message:
Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the 
following protocols (tg) isn't associated with any program or is not 
allowed in this context.

Same with IE.

to enable users to easily add POI (currently only drinking water and 
toilets amenities) into OSM. Here is the OSM wiki page here:

I'd like to ask you to have a look at it and let me know if you have 
any specific suggestion for improving it. If so please go to the osm 

Thanks for your attention,

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v2.42.0

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Dave F


Has label positioning with irregular polygons been improved? If so, it 
works very well:

Is there a list of your emails regarding changes. As an end user I don't 
find the 'full list of commits' particularly easy to understand.

Dave F.

On 03/08/2016 20:45, Matthijs Melissen wrote:

Dear all,

Today, v2.42.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on has been released.

Changes include:
* Add rendering of amenity=charging_station and tourism=artwork
* Change icon of shop=department_store
* Increase font size for various labels
* Change playground color
* Various bug fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including David
Gianforte, a new contributor.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

Kind regards,
Matthijs Melissen

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] Mapování rozcestníků - dotazy/nápady

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Radim Bureš

v konferenci jsem nově, ale nějakou chvíli již OSM sleduji a něco jsem už i
upravoval ( K mapování jsem se
dostal přes geocaching školení, které pořádal Zby-cz a od té doby se snažím
zakreslovat věci, co v mapě nejsou. Před nedávnem jsem objevil projekt
focení rozcestníků a jelikož jich při výletech se skautem či na keškách
potkám dost, začal jsem je fotit a postupně přispívat.

Teď ale k jádru věci. Jakožto nováčka, který čte weeklyOSM a koukne na web
jsou některé informace ohledně mapování rozcestníků matoucí a nejasné, tak
než se pustím do nahrávání dalších nafocených, rád bych si to ujasnil a
případně třeba pomohl k zjednodušení a sjednocení informací.

*1) informace / návod*
- nalezl jsem 3 různé návody, kde každý se trochu liší. Který je ten
*2) kde nahrávat?*
- v návodek kolují 2 varianty, jedna přes a
druhá přes vrstvu chybné rozcestníky přímo přes
- u první varianty jsem se různě v archivu konference či někde na wiki a
osobních webech dočetl něco o následném párování s rozcestníky, pro
začátečníka matoucí, tak snad to nyní dělám dobře.
*3) jak správně tagovat a označovat*
- co je správně, nahrávat více fotek (pokud je rozcestník z více stran) a
nebo je lepší to spojovat do jedné fotky?
- jak správně uvádět číslo rozc. vs. trasy? Někde je údaj stejný, někdy je
rozdílný a v mapách jsou obě varianty. Např. ( ,
Je to takto správně, a nebo má být ref. id KO204m a v relaci 3011/9?
*4) budoucnost, využití?*
- kromě kontroly, že na trase nechybí nějaký rozcestník, má to šanci i na
nějaké další využití?
- je možné např. nad úseky uvést nějak vzdálenosti z rozcestníků?
- kdyby to mělo do budoucna nějaký smysl, tak se klidně mohu zapojit do
postupného přepsání dat z fotek do nějaké struktury, která se později
využije v OSM

Budu rád za odpovědi a rady, jak přispívat do nejužitečněji.


P.S. Aby to nevyznělo, že jenom říkám, jak jsou informace roztříštěné.
Dobrovolnou práci jednotlivců si samozřejmě uvědomuji a jsem případně
připraven se o tom s někým pobavit a pomoci sepsat, jak to je teď nejlepší
v podobě nějakého článku/návodu na web.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Karel Volný

> Jeste uvazuji nad pravidlem trasy nad 200km jsou nwn, coz by bylo
> konzistentni s Rakusaky. Ma na to nekdo nejaky nazor?

nevím, jak to vypadá v Rakousích a jak na tento limit přišli, ale v našich 
podmínkách mi 200 km přijde dosti ... a řídil bych se primárně významem, 
nikoli prostě délkou

co třeba taková Jiráskova cesta, ta má "pouhých" 170 km (a ještě navíc to není 
jedna trasa)

to je nejdelší, co mě napadá, a podle délky by si nwn nezasloužila? - významem 
si myslím, že určitě ...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Cela vaut le coup ?

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden David Crochet


Cela vaut le coup d'un access:conditional=no@week 34 Mo-Su 00:00-24:00; 
week 35 Mo-We 00:00-24:00 ?


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Maps.ME User: Private Nodes auf OSM-Server

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Robin Däneke
Hallo nochmal,
Hinzuzufügen wäre noch, dass alle dieser User mir zurückschrieben, dass Sie die 
Nodes eigentlich nur Privat / für sich selber anlegen wollten. Somit scheinen 
viele Leute Maps.ME wie Offline-Karten oder private Map-Apps zu nutzen, obwohl 
die App offenbar ein OSM-Editor ist.
Woher kommt diese Verwechslung?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robin Däneke (emergency99)

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 24 ago 2016, alle ore 09:56, Alessandro Palmas 
>  ha scritto:
> iniziano a crearsi conflitti

si possono limitare caricando dei changesets molto piccoli 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Petr Holub
> Tak co takhle otagovat zbytek jako rwn... a kdyz/jestli se zjisti, ze
> je nejaky dobry duvod oddelovat rwn od nwn, tak se to proste
> pretaguje?

Vzhledem k tomu, ze se ke kontaktu s KCT nikdo nehlasi, tak asi ano.

Jeste uvazuji nad pravidlem trasy nad 200km jsou nwn, coz by bylo konzistentni
s Rakusaky. Ma na to nekdo nejaky nazor?


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose-dev: bâtiments fractionnés par le Cadastre.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Tyndare

On 24/08/2016 07:40, Christian Quest wrote:
Le 24 août 2016 à 00:01, Jérôme Seigneuret 
> a 
écrit :

Pour les retours en effet, je pense qu'on peut aussi hacker le
code d'opensolarmap pour améliorer l’auto-détection des découpages
sur l'ortho en post traitement des détections existante pour
valider ou annuler la génération d'une alerte.

Il est possible de reprendre la logique d'opensolarmap pour une 
confirmation rapide.

Une Interface comme OpenSolarMap se prêterais bien effectivement pour 
analyser les cas de bâtiments fractionnés. Je pense qu'on pourrais peut 
être même envisager une correction automatique si il y a double validation.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose-dev: bâtiments fractionnés par le Cadastre.

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Tyndare

On 23/08/2016 16:18, Christian Quest wrote:

En croisant avec un peu plus d'infos, il serait possible d'être plus fin.

Je pense à un croisement en amont avec les parcelles et les adresses 
des parcelles. Lorsque 2 polygones de bâtiments on la même limite que 
les parcelles et que ces parcelles ont la même adresse, on a de fortes 
chance pour qu'il ne s'agisse que d'un seul bâtiment...

C'est un traitement à faire en amont, avant import dans OSM, mais 
qu'on pourrait aussi tester sur les bâtiments qui ont été importés 
sans aucun déplacement.

Tu avais déjà mention cette idée intéressante sur la liste dev-fr, mais 
j'avoue je n'ai pas voulu me lancer dans cette analyse car je
n'était pas convaincu du bénéfice, faut dire que j'ai une vision 
biaisée, j'ai vu trop de cas tordus dans les adresses du cadastre...

J'ai essayé de regarder rapidement quelques cas sur Caen: si on ne 
considère que les parcelles ayant une adresse complète (avec un numéro 
de rue),
l'info semble effectivement pertinente, peut être autant pour éliminer 
des faux positifs que pour détecter de nouveaux cas.
Par contre pour la mise en œuvre d'un tel rapprochement je ne vois pas 
trop comment faire pour l'instant (surtout à l'échelle de la France).

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

Pubblicato il Task

Prego tutti di volersi coordinare tramite il Tasking Manager per evitare 
i conflitti quando poi uploadate.
continuate a seguire la Mailing List, se ci sono novità sulla 
disponibilità di foto aeree aggiornate lo scriveremo qui e su twitter


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto 24-9-2016 centro Italia

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

Davide e gli altri: continuiamo sull'altro Topic. Questo ha anche la 
data sbagliata del 24 settembre

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 08/23/2016 06:04 PM, Federico wrote:
> I've recently developed a Telegram Bot
> ( to enable users to easily add POI
> (currently only drinking water and toilets amenities) into OSM. Here is
> the OSM wiki page here:

Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto 24-9-2016 centro Italia

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Davide Mangraviti
Si sta mettendo su un Task specifico di mappatura per quella zona, per creare
anche un pò di ordine sull'inserimento dei dati.
Io ho iniziato da stamattina, ad inserire un pò di edifici.
Verrà data comunicazione


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Gianmario Mengozzi

Il giorno 24 agosto 2016 09:56, Alessandro Palmas <> ha scritto:

> Dunque 
> visto che ci sono utenti che ci stanno lavorando (ma con quali dati?) e
> iniziano a crearsi conflitti, stiamo tirando su un task.
> Abbiate un minimo di pazienza e tra poco vi daremo il link in modo da non
> pestarci i piedi e lavorare ognuno su una zona.
> Il problema è capire quali aree delimitare. Qualcuno ha informazioni
> valide?
> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

- Gianmario
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Nybörjare

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Per Eric Rosén

Jag vandrar en del och såg att Skåneleden hade vissa sträckor som behöver
”inventeras”. Vad innebär det rent konkret?

Kolla var stigarna går, om de existerar än. Gärna göra anteckningar om 
raststugor, info-tavlor osv. Stigar särskilt i skog är notoriskt svåra 
att spåra från flygbilder och därmed ett angeläget objekt att undersöka på 

/Per Eric
^): Per Eric Rosén
/ GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311___
Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
A costo di portarmi dietro qualche antipatia, faccio alcune
considerazioni che reputo importanti nell'operazione.
Credo siano fondamentali questi requisiti.

Presenza di:
- soccorsi che fanno uso di OpenStreetMap
- foto aeree aggiornate
- persone sul posto che verificano e/o mappano

Qualcuno ha già contatti per avviare questo processo?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Gianmario Mengozzi
potremmo mettere in piedi un sistema (non ricordo il nome della
piattaforma) per la mappatura condivisa in remoto. ho partecipato mesi fa
ad un progetto analogo realizzato qui in lista con risultati
ricordo discreti.
in questo caso, dato tra l'altro la relativa limitatezza territoriale
dell'intervento (se ho letto bene dalle prime agenzie sarebbero
sostanzialmente 3 paesi coinvolti in maniera grave dal sisma) si potrebbe
procedere con relativa velocità a mappare in primis edifici e strade.

my 2 cents..

Il giorno 24 agosto 2016 09:56, Giuliano  ha scritto:

> Ciao,
> ho visto che in zona Amatrice manca parecchio su OSM. Non parlo di negozi
> e fontane ma già strade residenziali, strade minori e track.
> Io ho cominciato a tracciare i percorsi che mancano senza mettere molti
> dettagli (che non si possono capire dalle immagini e che non potrebbero
> essere più attuali).  Distinguo solo highway  in road, residential e track.
> In pratica penso che adesso sia necessario fare la parte più lunga di
> inserire i percorsi così che quando saranno disponibili immagini aggiornate
> sia più veloce aggiungere solo i tag corretti.
> Ciao
> Giuliano
> Il 24/08/2016 08:56, Francesco Pelullo ha scritto:
> Che si fa?
> Ciao
> /niubii/
> ___
> Talk-it mailing 
> listTalk-it@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

- Gianmario
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

visto che ci sono utenti che ci stanno lavorando (ma con quali dati?) e 
iniziano a crearsi conflitti, stiamo tirando su un task.
Abbiate un minimo di pazienza e tra poco vi daremo il link in modo da 
non pestarci i piedi e lavorare ognuno su una zona.

Il problema è capire quali aree delimitare. Qualcuno ha informazioni valide?

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Giuliano

  ho visto che in zona Amatrice manca parecchio su OSM. Non parlo di
  negozi e fontane ma già strade residenziali, strade minori e
  Io ho cominciato a tracciare i percorsi che mancano senza mettere
  molti dettagli (che non si possono capire dalle immagini e che non
  potrebbero essere più attuali).  Distinguo solo highway  in road,
  residential e track. 
  In pratica penso che adesso sia necessario fare la parte più lunga
  di inserire i percorsi così che quando saranno disponibili
  immagini aggiornate sia più veloce aggiungere solo i tag corretti.

Il 24/08/2016 08:56, Francesco Pelullo
  ha scritto:

  Che si fa?
Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Pavel Machek
On Mon 2016-08-22 10:54:39, Petr Holub wrote:
> Ahoj,
> > Přednostní volba barev pro značky:
> > 
> > *  
> > červená –
> > dálkové nebo hřebenové trasy
> > * 
> >  modrá –
> > významnější trasy
> > *
> >   
> > zelená –
> > místní trasy
> > *
> >   
> > žlutá –
> > krátké trasy, spojovací cesty, zkratky
> ano - toto lze najit i na wikipedii. Ale mas to overene z KCT?

Proc je tu relevantni overeni KCT? Podle me neni.

Cervene jsou dlouhe a vyznamne? Ano, vypada to ze jsou. Co si o tom
mysli kct je dost jedno.

iwn je jasny. Cervena Exx. lwn je jasny: naucny stezky a odbocky.

Tak co takhle otagovat zbytek jako rwn... a kdyz/jestli se zjisti, ze
je nejaky dobry duvod oddelovat rwn od nwn, tak se to proste

(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] Terremoto 24-9-2016 centro Italia

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden mircozorzo
Possiamo fare qualcosa come mappatori OSM?

Ciao, Mirco

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Pelullo
Il 24 ago 2016 9:06 AM, "Alessandro Palmas" 
ha scritto:
> Se c'è bisogno di tirare su un'istanza del Tasking Manager italiano ci
mettiamo 10'

Ci servirebbero immagini satellitari post sisma con licenza compatibile.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

Il 24/08/2016 08:56, Francesco Pelullo ha scritto:

Che si fa?

Non ho avuto tempo per informarmi, su alcuni giornali c'è scritto 
"distrutti interi paesi". Bisogna capire se le notizie sono corrette.

Se c'è bisogno di tirare su un'istanza del Tasking Manager italiano ci 
mettiamo 10'

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Terremoto Rieti

2016-08-24 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Pelullo
Che si fa?

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