Re: [Talk-hr] Naselja u OSM-u

2014-11-02 Per discussione Matija Nalis
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 12:14:58AM +0200, Janko Mihelić wrote:
 potaknut nestankom Zaprešića kojeg nismo primjetili nekih pola godine,
 zapeo sam i opet napravio popis naselja koje imamo i nemamo u OSM-u, ovaj
 puta u Google docs okruženju:
 Ovaj link je na tablice koje ne možete mjenjati, ali ih možete kopirati,
 sortirati, pretraživati i slično. Na prvom sheetu su podaci iz Popisa
 stanovništva 2011, a na drugom sheetu su podaci iz OSM-a. Ako je cijeli
 redak crven u prvom sheetu, to znači da to naselje nedostaje u OSM-u. Ako
 je redak crven u drugom sheetu, to znači da to naselje ne postoji u popisu
 naselja, što znači da je ili krivo napisano, ili je to zaselak koji spada
 unutar drugog naselja.

Cool! A kada je crven population na prvom sheetu, znaci da nije
populacija nije upisana u OSM? A ako je upisana kriva? imas neki
threshold +- koji gledas ili?

BTW na OSM sheetu mi pise #ERROR za ono sto bi trebalo biti jump
linkovi (ako help ne laze, trebalo bi ; umjesto ,?), 
a kada skinem kao .ods onda svi pokazuju na varazdin:

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

[talk-ph] New OSM website feature: changeset discussion

2014-11-02 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
Hi everybody,

The hardworking developers have just released a new feature on the
OpenStreetMap website which is called Changeset Discussions.

This allows OSM users to discuss individual changesets. You might say that
this is a bit similar to talk pages on Wikipedia. Here is an example
comment I left on maning's latest changeset:

Previously, if there were questionable changesets, other OSM users would
send the user who made the changeset private messages. This may lead to
multiple messages being sent and no public discussion on what the proper
way of mapping should be. In addition, the changeset discussion may occur
on other channels such as mailing lists and on social media like Facebook,
but the mapper who did the changeset is not aware of the discussion.

Have fun, and remember to be nice when leaving comments! Talk about the
edits and not the mapper. :-)
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] New OSM website feature: changeset discussion

2014-11-02 Per discussione maning sambale
Great news!  Expect my comments soon ;)

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 The hardworking developers have just released a new feature on the
 OpenStreetMap website which is called Changeset Discussions.

 This allows OSM users to discuss individual changesets. You might say that
 this is a bit similar to talk pages on Wikipedia. Here is an example comment
 I left on maning's latest changeset:

 Previously, if there were questionable changesets, other OSM users would
 send the user who made the changeset private messages. This may lead to
 multiple messages being sent and no public discussion on what the proper way
 of mapping should be. In addition, the changeset discussion may occur on
 other channels such as mailing lists and on social media like Facebook, but
 the mapper who did the changeset is not aware of the discussion.

 Have fun, and remember to be nice when leaving comments! Talk about the
 edits and not the mapper. :-)

 talk-ph mailing list

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] tagging footbridges with ramps for bikes and wheelchairs

2014-11-02 Per discussione maning sambale
how to tag this?

(PS: getting frustrated with footbridges where I have to carry my bike!)

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] tagging footbridges with ramps for bikes and wheelchairs

2014-11-02 Per discussione Erwin Olario
How about the wheelchair [0] combined with incline [1] tags?


*Erwin Olario*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
» email: erwin@*n**gnu**IT**y**.**net* |
» mobile: (PHL): +63 908 817 2013
» OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93 D56B

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 2:51 PM, maning sambale

 how to tag this?

 (PS: getting frustrated with footbridges where I have to carry my bike!)

 Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

 talk-ph mailing list

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Thomas


Ik heb de JSON-bestanden opnieuw aangemaakt met apptnrs en busnrs, deze 
keer als echte arrays. Ik zie dat je precies nu bezig bent met wat 
wijzigingen. Daarom even acties op elkaar afstemmen om geen conflicten 
te veroorzaken. Laat je weten als je een uur geen push zult doen? Dan 
pull-commit-push ik de nieuwe JSON bestanden op dat moment.


Sander Deryckere schreef op 1-11-2014 21:45:


In je spec staat dat busnummers en appartementnummers arrays zijn, 
maar in werkelijkheid lijken het comma-separated strings. Zou je het 
kunnen wijzigen naar arrays? Arrays lijken veiliger voor het geval een 
busnummer plots ook een komma bevat.

Verder zijn er idd eigenaardige adressen. Dit zijn er twee in mijn dorp:
  apptnrs: 0/1,0/2,1/1,1/2,1/3,2/1,2/2,2/3,3/1,3/2,
  busnrs: 1,11,3,
  hnrlbls: [
  housenumber: 22,
  lat: 50.94126031777649,
  lon: 3.061661179477891,
  municipality: Staden,
  pcode: 8840,
  source: afgeleidVanGebouw,
  street: Roeselarestraat

Let op, nr 22 heeft hier veel bus- en appartementsnummers, nummer 26 
blijkt er geen te hebben.

  apptnrs: 0/1,1/3,2/1,2/2,2/3,3/3,
  busnrs: 1,2,
  hnrlbls: [
  housenumber: 7,
  lat: 50.94025949900766,
  lon: 3.060482929425432,
  municipality: Staden,
  pcode: 8840,
  source: afgeleidVanGebouw,
  street: Roeselarestraat

In beide gevallen lijkt er totaal geen verband tussen de busnummers en 
appartementsnummers te bestaan. Ik zal morgen of overmorgen eens 
bekijken wat er daar nu net zichtbaar is.

Momenteel zal ik dus nog geen toevoegen aan de uitvoer. Iedereen die 
meer info kan geven is zeker welkom.


Op 1 november 2014 20:43 schreef Thomas

Het gebeurt in totaal 702 keer over alle adressen (inclusief
subadressen) heen. Daarbij zijn 211 huisnummers betrokken. Op 27
oktober mailde ik dit daarover:

Verder is er iets bijzonder aan de hand met de
huisnummer-labels. Die worden door het AGIV automatisch opgemaakt
per huisnummer, althans, zo hoort het. Toch heb ik met een check
in mijn script 702 afwijkende huisnummerlabels weten te vinden.
Die zijn gekoppeld aan 211 adressen, wat natuurlijk 'veel' is maar
tegelijkertijd slechts 0,008% van het totaal. Daarbij in acht
genomen dat 67% van die afwijkende huisnummerlabels zich voordoen
in postcode 8900 lijkt het mij om een fout in de database te gaan.
Wat er precies fout gelopen is op die punten weet ik niet. Ik heb
de lijst op mijn server geplaatst: 

In dat pdf-document krijg je een overzicht van huisnummer-labels
die niet systematisch gelijk zijn voor alle subadressen voor dat
huisnummer. Meestal lijkt het om vrij logische fouten te gaan.
Hoe het kan dat dit niet consistent is in de CRAB-adressenlijst is
mij niet duidelijk. Ik heb het gevoel dat het om een
versie-probleempje gaat, dat niet alle huisnummers systematisch
worden bijgewerkt wanneer een subadres wordt toegevoegd of wordt
verwijderd. Omdat ik geen verder onderscheid kon maken tussen
goede en foute huisnummers leek het mij het beste om ze gewoon
allemaal mee te geven in de JSON.


Sander Deryckere schreef op 1-11-2014 20:15:

Op 1 november 2014 13:12 schreef Thomas

Zoals eerder gezegd is de voornaamste wijziging die invloed
heeft op de huidige werking het feit dat huisnummerlabels nu
in een array meegegeven worden, zodat bij meerdere
huisnummer-labels per huisnummer, deze allemaal doorgegeven
kunnen worden. Dat kan Sander misschien helpen bij het
matchen met de gegevens uit OSM.

Gebeurt dit vaak? Het lijkt me sowieso een fout in CRAB als dit
gebeurt. Ik weet niet goed hoe ik foute data kan vergelijken,
buiten melden dat er ergens een fout zit. Zal het verder onderzoeken.

Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Jo
Wat die appartement en busnummers betreft, ik heb ook al gevallen gezien
waar het niet eenvoudig is om die te matchen. Zou het kunnen dat het
appartementnummer is, wat er op de bel staat en het busnummer wat je als
uitbreiding van het huisnummer op een enveloppe zou schrijven?

Dat zou dan betekenen dat iemand die dat wil nakijken met een survey,
gemakkelijker toegang zal hebben tot die appartementnummers. Misschien
kunnen we er de voorkeur aan geven om de appartementnummers in addr:flats
onder te brengen. Als beide er zijn de busnummers dan in een discardable
tag, ter referentie.
Als er geen appartementnummmers zijn, kunnen we natuurlijk gewoon de
gesorteerde busnummers in addr:flats onderbrengen.

Wat voor mij nog een twijfelgeval is, is wanneer er slechts 1 bus of
appartementnummer vermeld staat. Ik ben geneigd om dat dan niet mee over te


Op 2 november 2014 09:41 schreef Sander Deryckere

 Net mijn laatste wijzigingen gepushed. Zal in de volgende uren geen push
 meer uitvoeren.

 Zou je ook de wijzigingen aan loadStreets.js in een aparte comit kunnen
 steken? Dan is het eenvoudiger om de diff te bekijken.


 Op 2 november 2014 09:33 schreef Thomas


 Ik heb de JSON-bestanden opnieuw aangemaakt met apptnrs en busnrs, deze
 keer als echte arrays. Ik zie dat je precies nu bezig bent met wat
 wijzigingen. Daarom even acties op elkaar afstemmen om geen conflicten te
 veroorzaken. Laat je weten als je een uur geen push zult doen? Dan
 pull-commit-push ik de nieuwe JSON bestanden op dat moment.


 Sander Deryckere schreef op 1-11-2014 21:45:


  In je spec staat dat busnummers en appartementnummers arrays zijn, maar
 in werkelijkheid lijken het comma-separated strings. Zou je het kunnen
 wijzigen naar arrays? Arrays lijken veiliger voor het geval een busnummer
 plots ook een komma bevat.

  Verder zijn er idd eigenaardige adressen. Dit zijn er twee in mijn dorp:
   apptnrs: 0/1,0/2,1/1,1/2,1/3,2/1,2/2,2/3,3/1,3/2,
   busnrs: 1,11,3,
   hnrlbls: [
   housenumber: 22,
   lat: 50.94126031777649,
   lon: 3.061661179477891,
   municipality: Staden,
   pcode: 8840,
   source: afgeleidVanGebouw,
   street: Roeselarestraat

  Let op, nr 22 heeft hier veel bus- en appartementsnummers, nummer 26
 blijkt er geen te hebben.

   apptnrs: 0/1,1/3,2/1,2/2,2/3,3/3,
   busnrs: 1,2,
   hnrlbls: [
   housenumber: 7,
   lat: 50.94025949900766,
   lon: 3.060482929425432,
   municipality: Staden,
   pcode: 8840,
   source: afgeleidVanGebouw,
   street: Roeselarestraat

  In beide gevallen lijkt er totaal geen verband tussen de busnummers en
 appartementsnummers te bestaan. Ik zal morgen of overmorgen eens bekijken
 wat er daar nu net zichtbaar is.

  Momenteel zal ik dus nog geen toevoegen aan de uitvoer. Iedereen die
 meer info kan geven is zeker welkom.


 Op 1 november 2014 20:43 schreef Thomas

  Het gebeurt in totaal 702 keer over alle adressen (inclusief
 subadressen) heen. Daarbij zijn 211 huisnummers betrokken. Op 27 oktober
 mailde ik dit daarover:

 Verder is er iets bijzonder aan de hand met de huisnummer-labels.
 Die worden door het AGIV automatisch opgemaakt per huisnummer, althans, zo
 hoort het. Toch heb ik met een check in mijn script 702 afwijkende
 huisnummerlabels weten te vinden. Die zijn gekoppeld aan 211 adressen, wat
 natuurlijk 'veel' is maar tegelijkertijd slechts 0,008% van het totaal.
 Daarbij in acht genomen dat 67% van die afwijkende huisnummerlabels zich
 voordoen in postcode 8900 lijkt het mij om een fout in de database te gaan.
 Wat er precies fout gelopen is op die punten weet ik niet. Ik heb de lijst
 op mijn server geplaatst: 

  In dat pdf-document krijg je een overzicht van huisnummer-labels die
 niet systematisch gelijk zijn voor alle subadressen voor dat huisnummer.
 Meestal lijkt het om vrij logische fouten te gaan. Hoe het kan dat dit
 niet consistent is in de CRAB-adressenlijst is mij niet duidelijk. Ik heb
 het gevoel dat het om een versie-probleempje gaat, dat niet alle
 huisnummers systematisch worden bijgewerkt wanneer een subadres wordt
 toegevoegd of wordt verwijderd. Omdat ik geen verder onderscheid kon maken
 tussen goede en foute huisnummers leek het mij het beste om ze gewoon
 allemaal mee te geven in de JSON.


 Sander Deryckere schreef op 1-11-2014 20:15:

 Op 1 november 2014 13:12 schreef Thomas

  Zoals eerder gezegd is de voornaamste wijziging die invloed heeft op
 de huidige werking het feit dat huisnummerlabels nu in een array meegegeven
 worden, zodat bij meerdere huisnummer-labels per huisnummer, deze allemaal
 doorgegeven kunnen worden. Dat kan Sander misschien helpen bij het 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Heb nu postcode 1982 gedaan tot en met straten met een T*.  Heel veel
werkt, mijn RSI-pols is terug maar we zijn er bijna erdoor.

Er vallen mij wel aantal dingen op.

-1A vs 1a wordt door de tool als fout gemerkt, niet echt een probleem,
ik zet ze allemaal naar de hoofdletter versie, mss wel goed dat het
uniform is.

- CRab data voor 1982 is niet slecht meestal.  Ik vind niet veel fouten
eigenlijk tot hiertoe, meeste zijn twijfelaars ivm subaddressen

- Indien CRAB enkel officiele nummer vermeld (ik weet hier een 3-woonst
die enkel onder nummer 1 gekend is hier).  Maar ik heb er persoonlijk
een survey gedaan, dus 1/1,2,3 bestaan.  Dat zet ik onder addr:flats
indien gemeenschappelijke ingang.

Gaat prima tot hiertoe.  Geen noemenswaardige issues.


On 02-11-14 10:56, Jo wrote:
 Wat die appartement en busnummers betreft, ik heb ook al gevallen gezien
 waar het niet eenvoudig is om die te matchen. Zou het kunnen dat het
 appartementnummer is, wat er op de bel staat en het busnummer wat je als
 uitbreiding van het huisnummer op een enveloppe zou schrijven?
 Dat zou dan betekenen dat iemand die dat wil nakijken met een survey,
 gemakkelijker toegang zal hebben tot die appartementnummers. Misschien
 kunnen we er de voorkeur aan geven om de appartementnummers in
 addr:flats onder te brengen. Als beide er zijn de busnummers dan in een
 discardable tag, ter referentie.
 Als er geen appartementnummmers zijn, kunnen we natuurlijk gewoon de
 gesorteerde busnummers in addr:flats onderbrengen.
 Wat voor mij nog een twijfelgeval is, is wanneer er slechts 1 bus of
 appartementnummer vermeld staat. Ik ben geneigd om dat dan niet mee over
 te nemen.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
De appartementnummers en busnummers zijn nu toegevoegd aan de tools. Er
wordt ook gewaarschuwd indien zowel bus- als appartementsnummers aanwezig
zijn. Wees nog voorzichtig met deze tag. Ik heb nog geen tijd gehad om uit
te zoeken welke CRAB onderverdeling nu gebruikt wordt in welk geval.

Ik heb ook een test toegevoegd die moet helpen om de huisnummers te
standardiseren. Voor alles wat nu buiten het standaardformaat valt zal je
een waarschuwing voor krijgen (bijvoorbeeld 10_2, wat 10 bis of 10/2 zou
moeten zijn). Ik hoop dat er zo niet teveel vals-positieven gegenereerd
worden. We kunnen altijd nog die test terug verwijderen of versoepelen.


Op 2 november 2014 14:35 schreef Glenn Plas

 Heb nu postcode 1982 gedaan tot en met straten met een T*.  Heel veel
 werkt, mijn RSI-pols is terug maar we zijn er bijna erdoor.

 Er vallen mij wel aantal dingen op.

 -1A vs 1a wordt door de tool als fout gemerkt, niet echt een probleem,
 ik zet ze allemaal naar de hoofdletter versie, mss wel goed dat het
 uniform is.

 - CRab data voor 1982 is niet slecht meestal.  Ik vind niet veel fouten
 eigenlijk tot hiertoe, meeste zijn twijfelaars ivm subaddressen

 - Indien CRAB enkel officiele nummer vermeld (ik weet hier een 3-woonst
 die enkel onder nummer 1 gekend is hier).  Maar ik heb er persoonlijk
 een survey gedaan, dus 1/1,2,3 bestaan.  Dat zet ik onder addr:flats
 indien gemeenschappelijke ingang.

 Gaat prima tot hiertoe.  Geen noemenswaardige issues.


 On 02-11-14 10:56, Jo wrote:
  Wat die appartement en busnummers betreft, ik heb ook al gevallen gezien
  waar het niet eenvoudig is om die te matchen. Zou het kunnen dat het
  appartementnummer is, wat er op de bel staat en het busnummer wat je als
  uitbreiding van het huisnummer op een enveloppe zou schrijven?
  Dat zou dan betekenen dat iemand die dat wil nakijken met een survey,
  gemakkelijker toegang zal hebben tot die appartementnummers. Misschien
  kunnen we er de voorkeur aan geven om de appartementnummers in
  addr:flats onder te brengen. Als beide er zijn de busnummers dan in een
  discardable tag, ter referentie.
  Als er geen appartementnummmers zijn, kunnen we natuurlijk gewoon de
  gesorteerde busnummers in addr:flats onderbrengen.
  Wat voor mij nog een twijfelgeval is, is wanneer er slechts 1 bus of
  appartementnummer vermeld staat. Ik ben geneigd om dat dan niet mee over
  te nemen.

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Emergency rollback

2014-11-02 Per discussione Glenn Plas

FYI: This might influence the CRAB imports .


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [OSM-talk] Emergency rollback
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:11:36 +0100
From: Roland Olbricht
To: osm-talk

Dear all,

the Overpass API instance on will receive in a few hours
a data rollback to 22nd Oct 2014. This means a shutdown for two to three
hours. Then it will catch up from 22nd October to recent data.

The other instances on
aren't affected. They will continue to deliver current data.

Recent attic data will not be available for some days. I'm sorry for the
inconvenience. However, attic data before Oct 22nd should be
consistently available also during rollback.

Details about what most likely happened:
On saturday morning I've made a software update to version 0.7.51. As
there was no change in the database format, the change went smoothly and
all indicators looked fine.

However, I've wrongly configured the dispatcher for areas to also care
on meta data. Once the areas dispatcher triggered the first update of
areas, .i.e. a few hours later, it corrupted the meta data, in
particular the *.idx files.
The processes have run with
dispatcher --osm-base --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/ --attic
dispatcher --areas --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/ --attic
They should have run with
dispatcher --osm-base --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/ --attic
dispatcher --areas --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/

At this point I would like to thank the people that have complained.
This gives me the impression that a fast and prospectous resuce attempt
is better than a lengthy investigation without meta data. Given the
wrong parameter was the cause, future software versions will be
protected about these kinds of wrong parameters to the possible extent.

I'm sorry for the service disruption.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Glenn Plas
There's an error at the moment with the importer.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 


vim: tabstop=2:softtabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab

This is on chrome.


On 02-11-14 10:57, Thomas wrote:
 De nieuwe JSON-bestanden staan online. Nu zijn de busnrs en apptnrs wel
 netjes als array opgenomen en niet meer als comma-separated-string.
 Ik zag gisteren inderdaad dat het niet zo handig is om die mega-commit
 van die data-bestanden samen uit te voeren met wat losse wijzigingen in
 de code. Ik ga ze voortaan braaf in losse commits pushen ;-)
 Verder heb ik ook een doc-directory toegevoegd om de documentatie in te
 verzamelen. Daarin staan de documenten die ik eerder al op mijn server
 plaatste en ook een CSV-bestand met daarin de postcode-gemeentenaam
 Sander Deryckere schreef op 2-11-2014 9:41:
 Net mijn laatste wijzigingen gepushed. Zal in de volgende uren geen
 push meer uitvoeren.

 Zou je ook de wijzigingen aan loadStreets.js in een aparte comit
 kunnen steken? Dan is het eenvoudiger om de diff te bekijken.


 Talk-be mailing list

Everything is going to be 200 OK.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Thomas
De overpass-query wordt nu naar de Russische overpass-api gestuurd. 
Daarmee functioneert de import-pagina nu eerst weer. Uit de 
foutmeldingen in de javascript leid ik af dat het JSON-antwoord van die 
Russische api anders is dan die van de Duitse api. Ik heb een check 
toegevoegd die daarmee moet helpen. Uit de nu resulterende matches leid 
ik dan weer af dat toch niet alle huisnummers in OSM gedetecteerd 
worden. Blijkbaar zijn beide api's niet compatibel met elkaar.

Op zich werkt het nu dus, zij het met beperkingen. Als over enkele uren 
de Duitse api het weer blijkt te doen, zal ik die weer koppelen. Als 
compatibiliteit zo'n lastige zaak is, dan moeten we misschien maar 
genoegen nemen met een afhankelijkheid van de Duitse api.


Thomas schreef op 2-11-2014 23:43:
Bedankt voor beide meldingen! Het probleem ligt in dit geval bij de 
overpass-api. De JSON-response bestaat niet uit JSON maar uit xhtml. 
Wanneer de javascript dat probeert te verwerken als een JSON-response 
treedt er een fout op. Dat heeft vast te maken met de emergency 
rollback waar je eerder over mailde.

Ik heb even het request naar doorgestuurd 
waardoor het request op zich nu weer werkt. Verderop in het script 
loopt nu wat verkeerd omdat het antwoord van deze Russische variant 
blijkbaar inhoudelijk verschillend is van de originele Duitse website. 
Ik kijk even of ik dat op kan lossen, anders draai ik het geheel terug 
naar de originele Duitse variant en moeten we maar even wachten tot de 
emergency rollback voorbij is.


Glenn Plas schreef op 2-11-2014 23:19:

There's an error at the moment with the importer.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 


vim: tabstop=2:softtabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab

This is on chrome.


On 02-11-14 10:57, Thomas wrote:

De nieuwe JSON-bestanden staan online. Nu zijn de busnrs en apptnrs wel
netjes als array opgenomen en niet meer als comma-separated-string.

Ik zag gisteren inderdaad dat het niet zo handig is om die mega-commit
van die data-bestanden samen uit te voeren met wat losse wijzigingen in
de code. Ik ga ze voortaan braaf in losse commits pushen ;-)

Verder heb ik ook een doc-directory toegevoegd om de documentatie in te
verzamelen. Daarin staan de documenten die ik eerder al op mijn server
plaatste en ook een CSV-bestand met daarin de postcode-gemeentenaam


Sander Deryckere schreef op 2-11-2014 9:41:

Net mijn laatste wijzigingen gepushed. Zal in de volgende uren geen
push meer uitvoeren.

Zou je ook de wijzigingen aan loadStreets.js in een aparte comit
kunnen steken? Dan is het eenvoudiger om de diff te bekijken.


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] addr:street on way

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Jakka wrote:



this actually means that only cyclists are allowed.

as Andre pointed out   (by linking to the Belgian rules) highway=footway
means a road with vehicle=no,foot=yes. Thus something where only
pedestrians are allowed.

By then explicitly marking it as access=no, you remove all access rights
(also those for pedestrians). And  you only turn access on for cyclists by
adding bicycle=yes.

With respect to except that bicycle=yes is meaningless if there's no other
forbidding bikes such as access=no.   The access=no for cyclists is part
of highway=footway, so you do not have to tag that explicitly.

So yes, in the case of  highway=cycleway,bicycle=yes   the latter is
meaningless. Why ? Well highway=cycleway means foot=yes,bicycle=yes; so
there is no tag forbidding cyclist.
Please note that in some countries (e.g. Germany) highway=cycleway means
bicycle=yes, foot=no !

To summarise: there is no need to explicitly tag what is implicitly stated
by the type of highway. For that see
Only tag exceptions to those rules

nothing fuzzy about that.

regards  happy mapping

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] New feature on / Nieuwe functionaliteit op

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marc Gemis
It is now possible to discuss changesets on

Het is nu mogelijk om een publieke discussie te voeren over changesets.
Lees deze blogpost (in het Engels)

regards/met vriendelijke groeten

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Het zal wss zijn door de emergency rollback van overpass. Zie subject:

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Emergency rollback


On 03-11-14 01:32, Thomas wrote:
 De overpass-query wordt nu naar de Russische overpass-api gestuurd.
 Daarmee functioneert de import-pagina nu eerst weer. Uit de
 foutmeldingen in de javascript leid ik af dat het JSON-antwoord van die
 Russische api anders is dan die van de Duitse api. Ik heb een check
 toegevoegd die daarmee moet helpen. Uit de nu resulterende matches leid
 ik dan weer af dat toch niet alle huisnummers in OSM gedetecteerd
 worden. Blijkbaar zijn beide api's niet compatibel met elkaar.
 Op zich werkt het nu dus, zij het met beperkingen. Als over enkele uren
 de Duitse api het weer blijkt te doen, zal ik die weer koppelen. Als
 compatibiliteit zo'n lastige zaak is, dan moeten we misschien maar
 genoegen nemen met een afhankelijkheid van de Duitse api.
Everything is going to be 200 OK.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Contents Licence for OSM Data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Alex Barth
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Rob Myers wrote:

  For corporations its most of the time easier to spend 500K€ on a
  commercial dataset than to spend 5k€ on a Lawyer analyzing a
  licensing issue.

 If we add up the cost of all the time company representatives have
 spent trying to get OSM to change its licensing *a second time*, it
 would have been a lot cheaper for them to get together and just hire a
 lawyer who knew what they were doing.

1. I wish this was true.
2. I wish you described the problem.

There's a brake on adoption we put on OpenStreetMap by way of share alike
for no tangible benefit. This is not just about shaping the OSM license to
taste for certain 'company representatives' but about the overall growth
potential of the project which is limited by its applications. All we have
in favor of share alike is fear, and the fact that we've used it so far. We
have no significant third party ODbL data releases due to OSM share alike
to show for, but clear reasons and examples of people walking away from the
project because of share alike.

I've stated this argument before and I do understand that for many in the
community share alike represents an important protection for the project. I
don't follow this sentiment at all because of all the reasons Florian laid
out in his response [1]. But I do understand the desire for a strong,
lasting and independent OpenStreetMap. Maybe there's a way to think outside
of the box of a license and come up with guarantees or principles
the OpenStreetMap project would want to have to protect its interests.
Thinking out loud.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-11-02 Per discussione Alex Barth
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer

 2014-10-29 20:56 GMT+01:00 Alex Barth


 wouldn't it make more sense to come to a conclusion here before updating
 the wiki?

Hey Martin - the change you link to was to replace the term 'geocode' with
the more common 'geocoding result' - do you have a specific concern with it?
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-11-02 Per discussione Alex Barth
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Michal Palenik

 4.4.c. Derivative Databases and Produced Works. A Derivative Database is
  Publicly Used and so must comply with Section 4.4. if a Produced Work
  created from the Derivative Database is Publicly Used.

 which say, that it does not matter whether you declare geocodes produced
 work or derivative db. if this didn't exist, i could declare anything
 a produced work (things like any enhanced database) and the whold odbl
 would not exists.

Right, if your geocoding service is Public in the sense of the ODbL and it
uses an ODbL Derivative Database to look up geocoding results, the
Derivative Database must be disclosed per 4.4. Per 4.4 c this is the case
for both current interpretations on the guidelines. The disclosure
stipulations set forth in 4.6 apply.

Right now, the geocoding guidelines don't talk about the database a
geocoder uses to look up results though, they only talk about the database
geocoding results are stored in. This could change.
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-11-02 Per discussione Alex Barth
I have two questions on the Collective DB alternative:

 The derivative database consists of the data that has been used as the
input data for the geocoding process, as well as the data that has been
gained from OpenStreetMap in the process. Any additional data that may be
linked to this data, even sitting in the same logical database table, is
however not considered to be part of the derivative database (instead it
forms a collective database together with the derivative database) and
therefore, does not have to be shared under the ODbL.

1. Why is the input data part of the Derivative Database?
2. This language is not explicit about Geocoding Results from other
databases that are stored in the same database. Would they be part of the
Derivative Database?

An example to clarify my question in (2):

Say I have a database of Starbucks locations with addresses. I use
OpenStreetMap to geocode all addresses and store geocoding results (lat lon
pairs) from OpenStreetMap next to my existing records. A handful of
addresses failed to properly geocode so I use a geocoder with proprietary
data to backfill the results.

What specifically constitutes the Derivative Database here?

A) the input data + records I copied from OpenStreetMap
B) A + any additions of the same kind of Content, aka the lat lon pairs I
added from the proprietary geocoder

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 On 08/21/2014 06:42 PM, Rob Myers wrote:
  It would be great if people would help fill in the blanks, or
  correct me where I might have misrepresented the discussion.
  The page asserts:
  Geocodes are a Produced Work


  The rest of the page then silently slips


 I have tried to present the two different viewpoints in two columns. On
 the left is Alex' original version which claims what you summarized in
 your message (that geocodes are produced works etc.); on the right is a
 version that explicitly claims A database of Geocodes is a derivative
 database by the definition of the ODbL - which seems to be exactly the
 statement that you were aiming at, no?

 The blanks that need filling are the consequences of this different
 interpreatation for the various use cases. I added one for use case #1,
 but only an empty column for use cases #2-#4 and #7. I added no extra
 column for #5 and #6 because those struck me as identical under both
 interpretations but of course I might be wrong.


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-11-02 Per discussione Richard Weait
On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Alex Barth wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:


 Hey Martin - the change you link to was to replace the term 'geocode' with
 the more common 'geocoding result' - do you have a specific concern with it?

GEOCODE is a trade mark belonging to a litigious, oh I shouldn't get
personal, professor.  :-)  The background is on the wiki, but I
thought this was made clear earlier in the thread?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Contents Licence for OSM Data

2014-11-02 Per discussione Rob Myers
Hash: SHA1

On 02/11/14 02:11 PM, Alex Barth wrote:
 We have no significant third party ODbL data releases due to OSM 
 share alike to show for,

Then clearly OMS should have stuck with BY-SA for the database, as
that did gain third party data releases.

 but clear reasons and examples of people walking away from the 
 project because of share alike.

If switching to a license that is more amenable to proprietary use
hasn't stopped increasing numbers of people walking away then,
again, the project should have stuck with BY-SA.

So the stronger share-alike license got more of the positive results
that you are blaming the weaker license for not achieving, and caused
less of the alleged harm you are attributing to it.

That sounds like an argument for stronger copyleft, not weaker.

Version: GnuPG v1


legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Moderator statement. Please read before posting

2014-11-02 Per discussione Michael Collinson

Rule 1: Have Fun!

The OSM project depends on folks participating because we want to and 
because, measured in our own terms, we have fun. Whoever we are. 
Whatever we do.

Crowdsourcing depends on as many people as possible being involved and 
engaged. For us, that means women and men, professors and school 
children, folks from literally every country in the world, non-native 
and native English speakers.  All are on this list. Repeat: All are on 
this list.  We welcome you.  We hope you will stay and read ... and may 
be get into posting too.  We are not doing a very good job at that, are we?

So, Steve's better map thread. Let's end it.  Rational, courteous 
presentation and discussion of visions is of vital importance, 
particularly on this international list. So, if there are positive 
things you want to pick up as specific new threads, please go ahead ... 
but be guided by my advice below.

Lastly, and I know at least one of the principal players has signed up 
for this. A truly great free MOOC course is starting again tomorrow, 3rd 
November.  If you want to be more effective in forming opinion in 
OpenStreetMap to the point that things actually happen, sign up. At 
minimum, focus on watching the first and last videos in the course.  The 
course is much more general than the title suggests.

*Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence**
*** (English with English, 
Chinese (Simplified), Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian subtitles).


*Mike's personal checklist for dealing with stormy weather*

I have evolved this after many years on this list and our occasional 
storms.  I am aiming this at the active Thinkers within our community 
whose input I respect and encourage:

o Think of your whole audience (above) and how to engage them.  Most of 
your audience will never actually reply to you.  [Although every now and 
again you will get a really nice offlist message. They always make my day.]

o Engage positively, the academic buzz-word is Positive Attractors ... 
watch the first course videos.  After all, you want to persuade people 
that You Are Right.  That, whether you like it or not, is done 
emotionally as well as logically.

o When there is a storm. Post less (or may be not at all), not more.  
I am a native English-speaker and scan-reader (= I can read very 
quickly), but not even I can keep up with the current thread, so I miss 
interesting and thought-provoking things  ... so what about everyone 
else?  Wait a day, structure what you want to say strategically over two 
or three well placed mailings.  (If you follow the totality of *all* my 
postings to all lists over the last two weeks, you will see I am doing 
exactly this.  And I will win eventually!)

o Separate personalities from their arguments. If you want say You Are 
Wrong, it is perfectly possible to say this without direct personal 
attack. Yep, some people will violate this and upset you, just ignore it.

o Separate people's character from their ideas.  ... Oh, I have already 
said that.  :-)

o Lastly. A positive argument, crisis, storm, whatever, has two phases.  
The first can be unpleasant if we are not all 100% emotionally and 
socially very intelligent, which alas we are not. Airing dirty washing 
(English idiom = talking publicly about things that were previously 
private).  Violent disagreements. Healthy, but highly adversarial 
debate. And so on.  It is only positive if there is a second closure 
phase, that involves calm reflection, consensus-seeking, taking other 
people's views into account ... and deciding on a course of action that 
you may not be 100% happy with, but a large number of people are ... And 
we actually do something!  It really annoys how little we consciously 
move on to the that ultra-important phase 2!

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Steve's better map

2014-11-02 Per discussione Dave F.


My comment was actually pointing out good mapping techniques. We are a 
community of mappers - go out  map. Please, add data to improve the 
quality of the database.

Dave F.

On 02/11/2014 01:56, Ian Dees wrote:
On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Dave F. wrote:

On 01/11/2014 22:22, Ian Dees wrote:

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Dave F. wrote:

Like it, but unsure I'd give Round 8 to Steve. Deleting old
data is *good* if replaced with more accurate information.

Once again: this is a discussion, not a competition between Steve
and Simon. There are no rounds to give. Let's stop framing it
that way and move on.

If you don't like it, don't read it. Go out  map.

That's not how a community works. We keep our community forums free of 
childish behavior so that real meaningful discussion can happen.

Telling someone if you don't like it, don't read it doesn't solve 
the problem of hostile, childish, and negative behavior on the mailing 
list, it just repels normal people and leaves the negative people 
around to talk amongst themselves. Since we tell our new community 
members to join these mailing lists, I'd rather it be the other way 
around: the negative people should leave the list and go talk amongst 
themselves elsewhere.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Simon Poole

I would like to personally thank ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH for
developing and deploying this. A much wanted and needed feature.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione James Mast
I like!  Do you know if people comment on a changeset you make, will you 
automatically get an e-mail mentioning said comment, or will you be in the dark 
and have to stumble across said comment?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Tom Hughes

On 02/11/14 10:47, James Mast wrote:

I like!  Do you know if people comment on a changeset you make, will you
automatically get an e-mail mentioning said comment, or will you be in
the dark and have to stumble across said comment?

Yes you will get as email, as will anybody else that has previously 
commented on that changeset.

You can also choose to subscribe to the changeset without actually 
leaving a comment, in which case you will get emails.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Richard Weait
Wonderful.  Thank you and well done, ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH.  Great 
to have this long anticipated option.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Vincent Privat
Great job! Is there an API to get comments? I didn't find such on the wiki.
Also, are anonymous comments allowed?
Le 2 nov. 2014 12:20, Richard Weait a écrit :

 Wonderful.  Thank you and well done, ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH.
 Great to have this long anticipated option.
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Richard Weait

On Nov 2, 2014 6:29 AM, Vincent Privat wrote:

 Great job! Is there an API to get comments? I didn't find such on the wiki. Also, are anonymous comments allowed?
I had to sign in. Seems like anonymous comments are not allowed. But let's check the code? This appears to be the commit. I'm looking for the api stuff. :-)
Thanks again everybody!

 Le 2 nov. 2014 12:20, "Richard Weait" a crit :

 Wonderful. Thank you and well done, ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH. Great to have this long anticipated option.
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Changeset dicsussion function (was: Changeset comment function)

2014-11-02 Per discussione SomeoneElse

On 02/11/2014 10:36, Simon Poole wrote:

I would like to personally thank ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH for
developing and deploying this. A much wanted and needed feature.

Thanks from me too.  I think that it'll be really, really useful. 
Currently meta discussions happen elsewhere (on mailing lists, in IRC 
via exchange of pastebin messages, probably on Facebook etc. too for 
some OSM communities) and this is a great opportunity to bring those 
discussions out into the open.

One thought though - can we call it Changeset Discussions here (like 
it actually is on  Changeset comments (the comment that you 
supply when you save a changeset) are something else instead :-)



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Andy Street
On Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:36:38 +0100
Simon Poole wrote:

 A much wanted and needed feature.

I'm not attempting to disparage the hard work of those who contributed
to this feature but it is not immediately apparent to me how this
feature should be used. Perhaps one of those people who needed this
feature could give a brief description of why it is useful and when it
would be appropriate to use this method rather than sending a PM?


Andy Street

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset dicsussion function (was: Changeset comment function)

2014-11-02 Per discussione Richard Weait
Good call on discussion vs. Comment.

Also, I resisted the temptation to add first as a discussion for changeset/1.

On Nov 2, 2014 6:38 AM, SomeoneElse wrote:

 On 02/11/2014 10:36, Simon Poole wrote:
  I would like to personally thank ukasiu, emacsen, woodpeck and TomH for
  developing and deploying this. A much wanted and needed feature.

 Thanks from me too.  I think that it'll be really, really useful. 
 Currently meta discussions happen elsewhere (on mailing lists, in IRC 
 via exchange of pastebin messages, probably on Facebook etc. too for 
 some OSM communities) and this is a great opportunity to bring those 
 discussions out into the open.

 One thought though - can we call it Changeset Discussions here (like 
 it actually is on  Changeset comments (the comment that you 
 supply when you save a changeset) are something else instead :-)



 talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 02/11/14 11:48, Andy Street wrote:
  A much wanted and needed feature.
 I'm not attempting to disparage the hard work of those who contributed
 to this feature but it is not immediately apparent to me how this
 feature should be used. Perhaps one of those people who needed this
 feature could give a brief description of why it is useful and when it
 would be appropriate to use this method rather than sending a PM?

Personally I find this a missing link in discussion on changes that have
been made to the data. A private message may be appropriate if you do
not want public discussion, but often like the current debate on the
talk-gb list about 'automatic updates', people who were not originally
involved spot problems that they can either add their own fix for, but a
note on the problematic original change may well flag other similar
corrections which private messaging can never initiate.

I would probably go on to propose that grouping a large number of
similar but data wise unrelated changes be flagged as bad practice so
that elements of a change CAN be discussed better via this mechanism.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione moltonel 3x Combo
On 02/11/2014, Andy Street wrote:
 On Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:36:38 +0100
 Simon Poole wrote:

 I'm not attempting to disparage the hard work of those who contributed
 to this feature but it is not immediately apparent to me how this
 feature should be used. Perhaps one of those people who needed this
 feature could give a brief description of why it is useful and when it
 would be appropriate to use this method rather than sending a PM?

The most immediate use I see is for the original changeset author, to
amend a comment that was empty, lacking or wrong. Maybe at another
contributor's request. I sometimes PM to ask are you sure about that
changeset ?; the new feature allows this discussoon to happen in
public where it belongs.

 It might nice to be able to CC somebody when commenting, as an easy
to notify the DWG for example. But maybe PMs or MLs are still a better
tool for that ?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Richard Weait
I hope to use changeset discussions to publicly thanks new mappers in
my area as a way to encourage them. We have many communication tools
at our disposal, lists, fora, PM, social media, local meetings.  Such
diversity of channels allows subtleties of application.  :-)  The
potential risks are dilution of messages, and (over-)repetition across
channels.  So we'll want to watch that.

I think changeset discussions might be as instantly-useful as Mikel's
addition of the map of changeset bounding boxes.  To me they both
inspire, Wow, that is so helpful!

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Emergency rollback

2014-11-02 Per discussione Roland Olbricht

Dear all,

the Overpass API instance on will receive in a few hours 
a data rollback to 22nd Oct 2014. This means a shutdown for two to three 
hours. Then it will catch up from 22nd October to recent data.

The other instances on
aren't affected. They will continue to deliver current data.

Recent attic data will not be available for some days. I'm sorry for the 
inconvenience. However, attic data before Oct 22nd should be 
consistently available also during rollback.

Details about what most likely happened:
On saturday morning I've made a software update to version 0.7.51. As 
there was no change in the database format, the change went smoothly and 
all indicators looked fine.

However, I've wrongly configured the dispatcher for areas to also care 
on meta data. Once the areas dispatcher triggered the first update of 
areas, .i.e. a few hours later, it corrupted the meta data, in 
particular the *.idx files.

The processes have run with
dispatcher --osm-base --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/ --attic
dispatcher --areas --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/ --attic
They should have run with
dispatcher --osm-base --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/ --attic
dispatcher --areas --db-dir=/opt/ssd/v0.7.50/

At this point I would like to thank the people that have complained. 
This gives me the impression that a fast and prospectous resuce attempt 
is better than a lengthy investigation without meta data. Given the 
wrong parameter was the cause, future software versions will be 
protected about these kinds of wrong parameters to the possible extent.

I'm sorry for the service disruption.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Dave F.

On 02/11/2014 11:48, Andy Street wrote:

On Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:36:38 +0100
Simon Poole wrote:

A much wanted and needed feature.

I'm not attempting to disparage the hard work of those who contributed
to this feature but it is not immediately apparent to me how this
feature should be used. Perhaps one of those people who needed this
feature could give a brief description of why it is useful and when it
would be appropriate to use this method rather than sending a PM?

Similar to what Andy says, there's nothing wrong with this, but I'm 
failing to understand the benefits over existing PMs:

This example just mentions a cafe in a changeset that could be full of 
cafe amendments. For it to be clear which one is under discussion a 
hyperlink to the node/way still needs to be given which can just as 
easily be supplied in a PM.

As this still a direct message between two users, to truly make it 
'public' how does a third party become aware of the messages? Can I get 
a notification if it falls within 'my area'?

David F.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Serge Wroclawski

This is a good question. I'd hoped to write the blog post about the
feature before it went live, but it didn't happen. I did end up
writing it, and in my blog post, I presented several use case
scenarios for it:

As for utility vs PMs, I'd argue that a majority of the time when
communicating to someone about something OSM DB related, this should
be the preferred method. You can think of this as something akin to
the Discussion page on a wiki. If you compliment someone on their
work, make it public. If you have a question, make it public, etc.

I'd say the need for PMs in OSM should be greatly diminished with the
introduction of this feature.

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-02 Per discussione Serge Wroclawski

Yes, it's quite significant.

There are many events, eg at SOTM-US where I've felt very
uncomfortable both due to alcohol and noise.

It's hard to find public places to hold social events that don't serve
alcohol, though.

While I do drink on occasion (once every 3-4 months), I often feel a
bit uncomfortable with the alcohol culture of geek events in general.

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Mikel Maron
Fantastic to see Changeset Comments (or discussions: yes, agree a more clear 
Question: Is there a way to see a list of all the Changesets I have discussed? 
or have subscribed to?
If not, count this as a suggestion!


* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

On Sunday, November 2, 2014 6:58 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:


This is a good question. I'd hoped to write the blog post about the
feature before it went live, but it didn't happen. I did end up
writing it, and in my blog post, I presented several use case
scenarios for it:

As for utility vs PMs, I'd argue that a majority of the time when
communicating to someone about something OSM DB related, this should
be the preferred method. You can think of this as something akin to
the Discussion page on a wiki. If you compliment someone on their
work, make it public. If you have a question, make it public, etc.

I'd say the need for PMs in OSM should be greatly diminished with the
introduction of this feature.

- Serge

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comment function

2014-11-02 Per discussione Serge Wroclawski

Short answer: Not at this time.

Longer answer:

Yes, that's a good idea for sure. It's something I didn't have on the
roadmap, but after just a day of using the feature in real life, I
already want it.

There are a bunch of other features that would be nice to implement
based changeset discussions, some of which gave been discussed on the
thread, and some of which haven't been. But after the GSoC window
ended, Tom decided that we'd push to get the main functionality in
place first, and then we could always add more. I completely agree
with him on this. If we tried to do it all at once, it would just end
up delaying things.

You've already written code for, so you might even have less
of a ramp-up time to create a patch for this than even I would (I
haven't looked at this code since the summer).

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moderator statement. Please read before posting

2014-11-02 Per discussione Hans De Kryger
Well said Michael, thanks!

On Nov 2, 2014 2:26 AM, Michael Collinson wrote:

  Rule 1: Have Fun!

 The OSM project depends on folks participating because we want to and
 because, measured in our own terms, we have fun. Whoever we are. Whatever
 we do.

 Crowdsourcing depends on as many people as possible being involved and
 engaged. For us, that means women and men, professors and school children,
 folks from literally every country in the world, non-native and native
 English speakers.  All are on this list. Repeat: All are on this list.  We
 welcome you.  We hope you will stay and read ... and may be get into
 posting too.  We are not doing a very good job at that, are we?

 So, Steve's better map thread. Let's end it.  Rational, courteous
 presentation and discussion of visions is of vital importance, particularly
 on this international list. So, if there are positive things you want to
 pick up as specific new threads, please go ahead ... but be guided by my
 advice below.

 Lastly, and I know at least one of the principal players has signed up for
 this. A truly great free MOOC course is starting again tomorrow, 3rd
 November.  If you want to be more effective in forming opinion in
 OpenStreetMap to the point that things actually happen, sign up. At
 minimum, focus on watching the first and last videos in the course.  The
 course is much more general than the title suggests.

 *Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence*
 ** (English with English, Chinese
 (Simplified), Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian subtitles).


 *Mike's personal checklist for dealing with stormy weather*

 I have evolved this after many years on this list and our occasional
 storms.  I am aiming this at the active Thinkers within our community
 whose input I respect and encourage:

 o Think of your whole audience (above) and how to engage them.  Most of
 your audience will never actually reply to you.  [Although every now and
 again you will get a really nice offlist message. They always make my day.]

 o Engage positively, the academic buzz-word is Positive Attractors ...
 watch the first course videos.  After all, you want to persuade people that
 You Are Right.  That, whether you like it or not, is done emotionally as
 well as logically.

 o When there is a storm. Post less (or may be not at all), not more.  I
 am a native English-speaker and scan-reader (= I can read very quickly),
 but not even I can keep up with the current thread, so I miss interesting
 and thought-provoking things  ... so what about everyone else?  Wait a day,
 structure what you want to say strategically over two or three well placed
 mailings.  (If you follow the totality of *all* my postings to all lists
 over the last two weeks, you will see I am doing exactly this.  And I will
 win eventually!)

 o Separate personalities from their arguments. If you want say You Are
 Wrong, it is perfectly possible to say this without direct personal attack.
 Yep, some people will violate this and upset you, just ignore it.

 o Separate people's character from their ideas.  ... Oh, I have already
 said that.  :-)

 o Lastly. A positive argument, crisis, storm, whatever, has two phases.
 The first can be unpleasant if we are not all 100% emotionally and socially
 very intelligent, which alas we are not.  Airing dirty washing (English
 idiom = talking publicly about things that were previously private).
 Violent disagreements.  Healthy, but highly adversarial debate. And so on.
 It is only positive if there is a second closure phase, that involves calm
 reflection, consensus-seeking, taking other people's views into account ...
 and deciding on a course of action that you may not be 100% happy with, but
 a large number of people are ... And we actually do something!  It really
 annoys how little we consciously move on to the that ultra-important phase

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-02 Per discussione Kate Chapman
Recently I attended the Google Summer of Code 10 Year Reunion. All the
events there were set-up well for those that wished to drink and those that
didn't. I think the significant things that I noticed that really helped
were the following:

1. Good non-alcoholic options for those that didn't drink, also the events
weren't at a bar. One was at the San Jose Tech Museum and the other was at
a hotel.
2. Different spaces for people. Just meaning for example the Saturday event
night had live music and board games. If the live music was too loud though
there were places to retreat to not in the main ballroom. Of course this
was held at a hotel so there were multiple room options. The board games in
this case were really a nice touch for those drinking and non-drinking
alike that maybe aren't that comfortable making small talk.

Of course this is Google having a big event, so cost wasn't an issue. I do
think there are lower cost ways to do this though. Especially if a
conference is held at a university. In Washington DC when I lived there we
had daytime events on the weekends that were usually a combination of
mapping and editing data. Usually at a coffee shop or at one point outside
at the zoo. Another option is offices, bookstores, coffeeshops,
hackerspaces, community centers, libraries or other places that can be used
for gatherings.

Sometimes I find it funny having moved back from a country were the
majority of the people didn't really drink (Indonesia) to the United
States. There were way better non-alcohlic drinks in Indonesia as you might
suspect. Though there isn't a reason not to have a couple options.



On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:


 Yes, it's quite significant.

 There are many events, eg at SOTM-US where I've felt very
 uncomfortable both due to alcohol and noise.

 It's hard to find public places to hold social events that don't serve
 alcohol, though.

 While I do drink on occasion (once every 3-4 months), I often feel a
 bit uncomfortable with the alcohol culture of geek events in general.

 - Serge

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Addresses are a tiny fraction of what we do (was: The world’s best addressable map)

2014-11-02 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Paweł Marynowski writes:
  When you make import, people are starting make notes about
  imprecise data.

I would note that, for decades, the best way to get correct
information on the Internet has been to post incorrect information. I
don't think that has changed, so yeah, let's import data even if its
quality is not 100%.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

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Re: [OSM-talk] Addresses are a tiny fraction of what we do (was: The world’s best addressable map)

2014-11-02 Per discussione marekskleciak
No one does imports without audit of random samples.
We do it as well.
The percentage of errors checked in tested area corresponds to the average 
content errors 
created by OpenStreetMap mappers.

Of course, this must be checked each time, if we import data.
We should never believe in the quality of whole geodatabase, if we check only 
the part.
Best regards,

Dnia 3 listopada 2014 4:38 Russ Nelson napisał(a):

 Paweł Marynowski writes:   When you make import, people are starting make 
 notes about   imprecise data.  I would note that, for decades, the best 
 way to get correct information on the Internet has been to post incorrect 
 information. I don't think that has changed, so yeah, let's import data even 
 if its quality is not 100%.  --  --my blog is at Crynwr supports open source software 521 
 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815 Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog 
 ___ talk mailing list 

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Re: [OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-02 Per discussione Oleksiy Muzalyev
There's a variety of ways to meet and talk. At this event about three
thousand people meet every Sunday. As you can see they eat, drink and
talk together [1] all right.

There is also child-care service [2], and genders are represented about
equally [3], age groups too.

By the way, the main event takes place on December 5 - 6, 2014 [4]. The
online registration is open until November 9. It is an international
event with 35000+ participants. There are different age groups, from 6
to 70+ years.



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novidades

2014-11-02 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Acho que criar um desafio para copiar nomes de ruas do IBGE seria uma
excelente ideia. Vou trabalhar nisso.

Em 02/11/2014 20:07, Wille escreveu:

 Algumas novidades do OSM

 Changesets agora possuem o recurso de comentários:

 Quem for participar do State of the Map, no próximo fim de semana em
 Buenos Aires, vai acontecer um encontro das comunidades latinoamericanas.
 Vai ser no sábado às 14h30. Além disso, podemos marcar um horário para nós
 brasileiros batermos um papo também.

 Não sei se vocês sabiam, mas o MapRoulette possui tarefas em todo o mundo.
 Da última vez que eu havia usado, era apenas nos Estados Unidos:

 Foi publicado um tutorial de como criar desafios para o MapRoulette:

 até mais,

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novidades

2014-11-02 Per discussione Erick de Oliveira Leal
Antes de copiar os nomes, as ruas tem q existir, então o primeiro tinha q
ser desenhar o Brasil inteiro não? Eu to desenhando todas vias asfaltadas
num raio de 160 quilômetros de Brasília. To acabando.
Em 02/11/2014 23:00, Arlindo Pereira

 Acho que criar um desafio para copiar nomes de ruas do IBGE seria uma
 excelente ideia. Vou trabalhar nisso.

 Em 02/11/2014 20:07, Wille escreveu:

 Algumas novidades do OSM

 Changesets agora possuem o recurso de comentários:

 Quem for participar do State of the Map, no próximo fim de semana em
 Buenos Aires, vai acontecer um encontro das comunidades latinoamericanas.
 Vai ser no sábado às 14h30. Além disso, podemos marcar um horário para nós
 brasileiros batermos um papo também.

 Não sei se vocês sabiam, mas o MapRoulette possui tarefas em todo o
 mundo. Da última vez que eu havia usado, era apenas nos Estados Unidos:

 Foi publicado um tutorial de como criar desafios para o MapRoulette:

 até mais,

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novidades

2014-11-02 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Sim, são dois trabalhos. Mas uma vez que temos vias sem nome, podemos fazer
uma tarefa para preenchê-los.
Em 02/11/2014 23:04, Erick de Oliveira Leal

 Antes de copiar os nomes, as ruas tem q existir, então o primeiro tinha q
 ser desenhar o Brasil inteiro não? Eu to desenhando todas vias asfaltadas
 num raio de 160 quilômetros de Brasília. To acabando.
 Em 02/11/2014 23:00, Arlindo Pereira

 Acho que criar um desafio para copiar nomes de ruas do IBGE seria uma
 excelente ideia. Vou trabalhar nisso.

 Em 02/11/2014 20:07, Wille escreveu:

 Algumas novidades do OSM

 Changesets agora possuem o recurso de comentários:

 Quem for participar do State of the Map, no próximo fim de semana em
 Buenos Aires, vai acontecer um encontro das comunidades latinoamericanas.
 Vai ser no sábado às 14h30. Além disso, podemos marcar um horário para nós
 brasileiros batermos um papo também.

 Não sei se vocês sabiam, mas o MapRoulette possui tarefas em todo o
 mundo. Da última vez que eu havia usado, era apenas nos Estados Unidos:

 Foi publicado um tutorial de como criar desafios para o MapRoulette:

 até mais,

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novidades

2014-11-02 Per discussione Erick de Oliveira Leal
Em 02/11/2014 23:10, Arlindo Pereira

 Sim, são dois trabalhos. Mas uma vez que temos vias sem nome, podemos
 fazer uma tarefa para preenchê-los.
 Em 02/11/2014 23:04, Erick de Oliveira Leal escreveu:

 Antes de copiar os nomes, as ruas tem q existir, então o primeiro tinha q
 ser desenhar o Brasil inteiro não? Eu to desenhando todas vias asfaltadas
 num raio de 160 quilômetros de Brasília. To acabando.
 Em 02/11/2014 23:00, Arlindo Pereira

 Acho que criar um desafio para copiar nomes de ruas do IBGE seria uma
 excelente ideia. Vou trabalhar nisso.

 Em 02/11/2014 20:07, Wille escreveu:

 Algumas novidades do OSM

 Changesets agora possuem o recurso de comentários:

 Quem for participar do State of the Map, no próximo fim de semana em
 Buenos Aires, vai acontecer um encontro das comunidades latinoamericanas.
 Vai ser no sábado às 14h30. Além disso, podemos marcar um horário para nós
 brasileiros batermos um papo também.

 Não sei se vocês sabiam, mas o MapRoulette possui tarefas em todo o
 mundo. Da última vez que eu havia usado, era apenas nos Estados Unidos:

 Foi publicado um tutorial de como criar desafios para o MapRoulette:

 até mais,

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-de] Neues Feature auf OSM: Changeset-Diskussion

2014-11-02 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

ab sofort ist es auf der OSM-Webseite möglich, einen
Diskussions-Faden and Changesets zu hängen. Damit können
problematische Edits direkt und für alle sichtbar kommentiert werden,
und es dürfte seltener vorkommen, dass zig Leute einem Mapper eine
Nachricht schreiben. Aber auch für positives Feedback oder sogar
Willkommensnachrichten an neue Mapper ist das Feature geeignet.

Bislang musste man solche Diskussionen immer in einem anderen Medium
führen und zum jeweiligen Changeset linken; nun kann die Diskussion
direkt beim Changeset erscheinen.

Das ist sicherlich noch nicht perfekt und wird mit der Zeit noch
reifen, aber ich finde es schonmal eine sehr gute Sache.

Das ganze ist das Resultat eines Google Summer of Code-Projekts und
wurde von Lukasz Gurdek, einem Studenten aus Polen, implementiert.
Mentor in dem Projekt war Serge Wroclawski.

Eine detaillierte Beschreibung hier:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

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Re: [Talk-de] Neues Feature auf OSM: Changeset-Diskussion

2014-11-02 Per discussione Angie
Hash: SHA1

Am 02.11.2014 um 22:59 schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 ab sofort ist es auf der OSM-Webseite möglich, einen Diskussions-Faden
 and Changesets zu hängen.

mehr muss man dazu wohl nicht sagen.
Gefällt mir sehr gut
also eher +3 ;-)

MfG Angie

- -- 

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [Talk-de] Bettelampeln / Anforderungsampeln

2014-11-02 Per discussione DarkAngel
Am 31.10.2014 um 14:11 schrieb Richard Z.:
 On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 11:33:26AM +0100, DarkAngel wrote:
 gibt es eigentlich Tags für Bettelampeln d.h. Fuß/Radfahrer Ampeln
 die nur auf Anforderung grün werden?

 Die Dinger heißen Bedarfsampel und damit finden man sie auch unter

 Über den Rest kann man sich streiten, ich finde sie sinnvoller als bei
 Rot zu warten obwohl weit und breit kein anderer zu sehen ist. Würden
 mehr Ampeln nach Bedarf geschaltet würde der Verkehr auch flüssiger
 soso, die Autofahrer könnten auch mal einen Knopf drücken und warten,
 wie wäre das zur Abwechslung?


Das mit dem Knopf ist natürlich unpraktisch weil man den vom Auto
schlecht bedienen kann. Als Radfahrer kann ich aber bequem den Knopf
drücken, brauche nicht mal die Füße von den Pedalen nehmen und kann dann
hoffentlich bald weiterfahren. Allerdings gibt es für Kfz die
Induktionsschleifen, an denen die Fahrzeuge auf der Nebenstraße dann
auch anhalten müssen.

Letztlich gibt es diese Bedarfsampeln (zumindest bei uns) vorwiegend an
Stellen, wo nur selten Querverkehr (egal welcher Art) auftritt. Dann
haben auf der Hauptstrecke alle Verkehrsteilnehmer grün und die auf der
Nebenstrecke müssen ihren Bedarf entsprechend anmelden. Das macht Sinn,
weil sonst der Hauptverkehr ständig warten müsste auch wenn niemand die
Strecke queren möchte. Der Verkehr der Nebenstrecke muss aufgrund der
kürzeren Grünphasen bei einer regulären Ampelschaltung mit höherer
Wahrscheinlichkeit sowieso warten. Es macht also für den keinen großen

Gerade bei einzeln stehenden Bedarfsampeln sollte aber die Wartezeit,
bis der Querverkehr grün bekommt, extrem kurz sein.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione aborruso
Ciao Aury,
scusami la scarsa partecipazione.

Ti allego una versione del tuo testo in cui ho fatto delle modifiche. Se
attivi la visualizzazione delle revisioni, le vedi tutte chiaramente.
Fanne l'uso che ritiene più utile; a parte qualche piccolo errore, mi
sembrava necessario modificare qualche frase all'inizio.

Qui invece la copia piatta del testo con due commenti:

Pensavo di supportare la cosa, pubblicando un breve post con introduzione e
copia della lettera su OpenDataSicilia. E' ancora uno spazio piccolo e in
costruzione, ma sta ottenendo già dei piccoli risultati. La mia richiesta
alla Regione Siciliana di pubblicare meglio i dati sul Rischio
Idrogeologico (, a quanto pare sta producendo subito
dei risultati e i dataset verranno pubblicati a breve anche in formato
nativo. Un po' quello che chiedi anche tu.
Che ne pensi? Se ti fa piacere si crea un account per te, pubblichi la cosa
e si contribuisce a farla girare.

In bocca al lupo,



Andrea Borruso 

my 2.0 life:
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione John Doe
Ciao Andrea.
Volevo chiederti se fosse possibile per te coordinare una cosa del genere
su piano regionale, sulla scia di quanto avvenuto ad esempio in Sardegna
con il rilascio dei dati riguardanti tutti gli edificati della regione.
Riusciamo a scomodare qualcuno che possa aiutare noi poveri mappers di
Il giorno 02/nov/2014 10:16, aborruso ha scritto:

 Ciao Aury,
 scusami la scarsa partecipazione.

 Ti allego una versione del tuo testo in cui ho fatto delle modifiche. Se
 attivi la visualizzazione delle revisioni, le vedi tutte chiaramente.
 Fanne l'uso che ritiene più utile; a parte qualche piccolo errore, mi
 sembrava necessario modificare qualche frase all'inizio.

 Qui invece la copia piatta del testo con due commenti:

 Pensavo di supportare la cosa, pubblicando un breve post con introduzione e
 copia della lettera su OpenDataSicilia. E' ancora uno spazio piccolo e in
 costruzione, ma sta ottenendo già dei piccoli risultati. La mia richiesta
 alla Regione Siciliana di pubblicare meglio i dati sul Rischio
 Idrogeologico (, a quanto pare sta producendo subito
 dei risultati e i dataset verranno pubblicati a breve anche in formato
 nativo. Un po' quello che chiedi anche tu.
 Che ne pensi? Se ti fa piacere si crea un account per te, pubblichi la cosa
 e si contribuisce a farla girare.

 In bocca al lupo,



 Andrea Borruso

 my 2.0 life:
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione Aury88
aborruso wrote
 Ciao Aury,
 scusami la scarsa partecipazione.
 Ti allego una versione del tuo testo in cui ho fatto delle modifiche. Se
 attivi la visualizzazione delle revisioni, le vedi tutte chiaramente.
 Fanne l'uso che ritiene più utile; a parte qualche piccolo errore, mi
 sembrava necessario modificare qualche frase all'inizio.
 Qui invece la copia piatta del testo con due commenti:
 Pensavo di supportare la cosa, pubblicando un breve post con introduzione
 e copia della lettera su OpenDataSicilia. E' ancora uno spazio piccolo e
 in costruzione, ma sta ottenendo già dei piccoli risultati. La mia
 richiesta alla Regione Siciliana di pubblicare meglio i dati sul Rischio
 Idrogeologico (, a quanto pare sta producendo subito
 dei risultati e i dataset verranno pubblicati a breve anche in formato
 nativo. Un po' quello che chiedi anche tu.
 Che ne pensi? Se ti fa piacere si crea un account per te, pubblichi la
 cosa e si contribuisce a farla girare.
 In bocca al lupo,

Figurati, anzi scusami te se ti ho disturbato per questa faccenda, so che
hai già in ballo molto altro a cui pensare e dare giustamente precedenza.
Onestamente con questa lettera più che una richiesta alla specifica città
volevo dare una base ufficiale da utilizzare per eventuali future
richieste da parte anche di altri mappatori e non solo per comuni  o PA
siciliane, quindi la tua proposta di pubblicarla su OpenDataSicilia è più
che benvenuta :)
Mi piacciono molto le correzioni da te apportate quindi la versione che
utilizzero sarà quella da te proposta. Avrei solo tre altre domande: sai se
il sistema PEC accetta mail contenenti link? e se sì quali link consigli di
allegare? io ho trovato 4 trattazioni che analizzano vari vantaggi per la PA
nell'adozione di opendata ma forse 4 link sono troppi o quelli da me
proposti non coprono argomenti sufficientemente convincenti per un sindaco.
ultima domanda è come faccio il rimando ai link in fondo alla pagina.

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione aborruso
Ciao Aury,

Aury88 wrote
 Figurati, anzi scusami te se ti ho disturbato per questa faccenda, so che
 hai già in ballo molto altro a cui pensare e dare giustamente precedenza.

macché disturbo. E poi mica ho chissà quale incarico :)

 Onestamente con questa lettera più che una richiesta alla specifica città
 volevo dare una base ufficiale da utilizzare per eventuali future
 richieste da parte anche di altri mappatori e non solo per comuni  o PA
 siciliane, quindi la tua proposta di pubblicarla su OpenDataSicilia è più
 che benvenuta :)
 Mi piacciono molto le correzioni da te apportate quindi la versione che
 utilizzero sarà quella da te proposta. 

Mi fa piacere. E più verrà revisionata da te, me e altri, più migliorerà. 

 Avrei solo tre altre domande: sai se il sistema PEC accetta mail
 contenenti link? e se sì quali link consigli di allegare? io ho trovato 4
 trattazioni che analizzano vari vantaggi per la PA nell'adozione di
 opendata ma forse 4 link sono troppi o quelli da me proposti non coprono
 argomenti sufficientemente convincenti per un sindaco.
 ultima domanda è come faccio il rimando ai link in fondo alla pagina.

Aury se usi testo piano e un po' di pulizia non c'è PEC che tenga ;)
Aggiungerei la frase che trovi in fondo alla seguente e tra parentesi:
I vantaggi nel rendere i propri dati di pubblica fruizione e rilasciati con
licenze open sono talmente evidenti, numerosi ed importanti (vedi lista in

E alla fine del testo, magari dopo un separatore, la sitografia che hai
preparato. Trovi un esempio nel testo:

Non è detto il sindaco leggerà nessuno di quei post e non dipenderà dal

Prima di inviare il tutto aspetterei l'ok da qualcuno sulla frase con
licenza CC0 o CC BY. Dovrebbe andare bene, ma non si può sbagliare.

Ti faccio allora un account su OpenDataSicilia?

Buona domenica,


Andrea Borruso 

my 2.0 life:
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione aborruso
Ciao John,

John Doe wrote
 Ciao Andrea.
 Volevo chiederti se fosse possibile per te coordinare una cosa del genere
 su piano regionale, sulla scia di quanto avvenuto ad esempio in Sardegna
 con il rilascio dei dati riguardanti tutti gli edificati della regione.
 Riusciamo a scomodare qualcuno che possa aiutare noi poveri mappers di

non lo so quello che è possibile fare, ma finché non ci si prova ...
E quindi grazie per la proposta.

Partirei con una cosa limitata. Se parte una piccola palla di neve, poi
facilmente dovrebbe poter diventare valanga. La Regione Sardegna ha liberato
il layer poligonale degli edifici di sua proprietà? Parli di questo?

A dopo

Andrea Borruso 

my 2.0 life:
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione John Doe
Parlo di questo
È possibile fare lo stesso richiedendo i dati alla Regione Sicilia?
Il giorno 02/nov/2014 13:14, aborruso ha scritto:

 Ciao John,

 John Doe wrote
  Ciao Andrea.
  Volevo chiederti se fosse possibile per te coordinare una cosa del genere
  su piano regionale, sulla scia di quanto avvenuto ad esempio in Sardegna
  con il rilascio dei dati riguardanti tutti gli edificati della regione.
  Riusciamo a scomodare qualcuno che possa aiutare noi poveri mappers di

 non lo so quello che è possibile fare, ma finché non ci si prova ...
 E quindi grazie per la proposta.

 Partirei con una cosa limitata. Se parte una piccola palla di neve, poi
 facilmente dovrebbe poter diventare valanga. La Regione Sardegna ha
 il layer poligonale degli edifici di sua proprietà? Parli di questo?

 A dopo

 Andrea Borruso

 my 2.0 life:
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione aborruso
Ok John, questo lo conoscevo. Mi parlavi di edificati e ho pensato parlassi
di altro. Sorry.

Ok, inizierei dal farci un quadro dell'attuale catalogo dati, dei formati e
delle licenze usate, e poi darei inizio a tutto.

Che ne pensi?

Scusami per la brevità, ti sto scrivendo dal cellulare.

38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E EPSG:4326

Andrea Borruso 

my 2.0 life:
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione John Doe
Si, scusami, ho parlato di edificati; tieni conto che sono un mediocre
mappatore autodidatta con una limitatissima conoscenza del mondo della
geografia, dei servizi geografici territoriali, della burocrazia e di tutto
quel che ruota intorno a questo universo.
Da poco esperto inizio a chiederti (dato che ho sentito parlare di te come
una persona dalle profonde conoscenze in tal campo): vi sono fonti di dati
geografici per l'intera regione aggiornate, complete e valide per le quali
varrebbe la  pena scrivere? se si, quali sono? che licenza hanno? nello
specifico che tipo di dati contengono? a chi potremmo scrivere per vedere
rilasciato questo materiale con una licenza compatibile con OSM?
Il giorno 02/nov/2014 14:26, aborruso ha scritto:

 Ok John, questo lo conoscevo. Mi parlavi di edificati e ho pensato
 parlassi di altro. Sorry.

 Ok, inizierei dal farci un quadro dell'attuale catalogo dati, dei formati
 e delle licenze usate, e poi darei inizio a tutto.

 Che ne pensi?

 Scusami per la brevità, ti sto scrivendo dal cellulare.

 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E EPSG:4326
  Andrea Borruso

 my 2.0 life:
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione Luigi Toscano

Il 02.11.2014 13:04 aborruso ha scritto:

Prima di inviare il tutto
aspetterei l'ok da qualcuno sulla frase con licenza CC0 o CC 

Dovrebbe andare bene, ma non si può sbagliare.

Ma non potremmo evitare proprio CCBY, che per essere usata richiede 
comunque la presenza di un'eccezione sulle normali regole di 
attribuzione e personalmente la sento a rischio in caso di futuri cambi 
di licenza? Magari si potrebbe aggiungere altre licenze compatibili 
(includendo la ODbL stessa), se non si vuole lasciare una sola scelta.


Scopri istella, il nuovo motore per il web italiano.
Istella garantisce risultati di qualità e la possibilità di 
condividere, in modo semplice e veloce, documenti, immagini, audio e 

Usa istella, vai su

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione aborruso
Ciao Luigi,
ho rimosso CC By dal documento e inserito la ODBL. Aggiungi tu per favore
eventualmente le altre che ritieni più opportune?

Il testo è qui


Andrea Borruso 

my 2.0 life:
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione aborruso
Ciao John (ma come ti chiami?),

John Doe wrote
  vi sono fonti di dati
 geografici per l'intera regione aggiornate, complete e valide per le quali
 varrebbe la  pena scrivere? se si, quali sono? che licenza hanno? nello
 specifico che tipo di dati contengono? a chi potremmo scrivere per vedere
 rilasciato questo materiale con una licenza compatibile con OSM?

c'è l'immenso patrimonio delle Carte Tecniche Regionali (CTR). L'accesso
attualmente è soltanto in WMS, quindi soltanto alla loro rappresentazione e
non al dato grezzo, ed inoltre su queste esiste un decreto assessoriale
( che fissa i
termini economici della cessione dei dati, ma non la licenza (nel senso che
sembra valere quella che dichiarano nei servizi).
In ogni caso ad oggi il dato grezzo non è pubblicato, e quindi non è nemmeno
potenzialmente importabile.

Sto provando da un po' a parlare con l'assessorato Territorio e Ambiente, e
l'autorizzazione al tracciamento sulle ortofoto è anche un piccolo frutto di
questo dialogo. In questi giorni è cambiato il funzionario responsabile del
settore e quindi la cosa si è fermata. Il tema che volevo sviluppare era
proprio quello della licenza delle CTR. 
Potremmo iniziare a creare un gruppo di lavoro per portare avanti la cosa.

E' recentissima la pubblicazione di dati grezzi sui Piani Paesaggistici
delle Isole Egadi e di Trapani, che potrebbero contenere dati interessanti
Sono in CC-BY SA.


Andrea Borruso 

my 2.0 life:
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Re: [Talk-it] Altro caso di mancata attribuzione

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marcello

hai ragione, ho preso il link dalla barra degli indirizzi ma vedo che
inserendolo direttamente non funziona, scusate per il disguido.

Gli opendata si trovano partendo da e selezionando Dati Ambientali, in quella
pagina si trova il link agli opendata.

Per la cronaca ho scritto a, dato che quei
dataset non sono presenti tra quelli del sito della regione, vediamo se


Il 01/11/2014 22:30, Max1234Ita ha scritto:

 Uh che strano... la pagina dell'ARPA Umbria che c'è nel link risulta non
 esistente... MAH!  


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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione John Doe
Piacere, Massimo.

Sarei interessatissimo al discorso riguardante le CTR.

Domanda da ignorante in materia: in che formato dovrebbero essere
rilasciati i dati grezzi?

Sarei interessato ad un gruppo di lavoro (anche se momentaneamente solo per
via telematica attualmente vivo a Roma). Potremmo organizzare per iniziare
dei meeting via IRC, Skype, Hangouts o come meglio credete (sarei
disponibile più che altro nel week end per motivi lavorativi).

Il giorno 02/nov/2014 16:12, aborruso ha scritto:

 Ciao John (ma come ti chiami?),

 John Doe wrote
   vi sono fonti di dati
  geografici per l'intera regione aggiornate, complete e valide per le
  varrebbe la  pena scrivere? se si, quali sono? che licenza hanno? nello
  specifico che tipo di dati contengono? a chi potremmo scrivere per vedere
  rilasciato questo materiale con una licenza compatibile con OSM?

 c'è l'immenso patrimonio delle Carte Tecniche Regionali (CTR). L'accesso
 attualmente è soltanto in WMS, quindi soltanto alla loro rappresentazione e
 non al dato grezzo, ed inoltre su queste esiste un decreto assessoriale
 ( che fissa i
 termini economici della cessione dei dati, ma non la licenza (nel senso che
 sembra valere quella che dichiarano nei servizi).
 In ogni caso ad oggi il dato grezzo non è pubblicato, e quindi non è
 potenzialmente importabile.

 Sto provando da un po' a parlare con l'assessorato Territorio e Ambiente, e
 l'autorizzazione al tracciamento sulle ortofoto è anche un piccolo frutto
 questo dialogo. In questi giorni è cambiato il funzionario responsabile del
 settore e quindi la cosa si è fermata. Il tema che volevo sviluppare era
 proprio quello della licenza delle CTR.
 Potremmo iniziare a creare un gruppo di lavoro per portare avanti la cosa.

 E' recentissima la pubblicazione di dati grezzi sui Piani Paesaggistici
 delle Isole Egadi e di Trapani, che potrebbero contenere dati interessanti
 Sono in CC-BY SA.


 Andrea Borruso

 my 2.0 life:
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
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Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-02 Per discussione Aury88
aborruso wrote
 Aury se usi testo piano e un po' di pulizia non c'è PEC che tenga ;)
 Aggiungerei la frase che trovi in fondo alla seguente e tra parentesi:
 I vantaggi nel rendere i propri dati di pubblica fruizione e rilasciati
 con licenze open sono talmente evidenti, numerosi ed importanti (vedi
 lista in fondo).
 E alla fine del testo, magari dopo un separatore, la sitografia che hai
 preparato. Trovi un esempio nel testo:
 Non è detto il sindaco leggerà nessuno di quei post e non dipenderà dal
 Prima di inviare il tutto aspetterei l'ok da qualcuno sulla frase con
 licenza CC0 o CC BY. Dovrebbe andare bene, ma non si può sbagliare.
 Ti faccio allora un account su OpenDataSicilia?
 Buona domenica,

Ok perfetto! grazie ancora.
aspetterò allora conferma per la licenze di rilascio .
per quanto riguarda l'accout per me va più che bene ma considera che non
vivo in Sicilia ma sono residente in Lombardia ;)

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Re: [Talk-it] Altro caso di mancata attribuzione

2014-11-02 Per discussione Giuliano
Title: Firma


  Il 02/11/2014 16:22, Marcello ha scritto:

  hai ragione, ho preso il link dalla barra degli indirizzi ma vedo
  che inserendolo direttamente non funziona, scusate per il

Gli manca solo la x alla fine, poi funziona ;-) [1]
  Gli opendata si trovano partendo da e
  selezionando Dati Ambientali, in quella pagina si trova il link
  agli opendata.
  Per la cronaca ho scritto a,
  dato che quei dataset non sono presenti tra quelli del sito della
  regione, vediamo se risponderanno.
Il 01/11/2014 22:30, Max1234Ita ha scritto:


Uh che strano... la pagina dell'ARPA Umbria che c'è nel link risulta non
esistente... MAH!  

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[Talk-it] Discussioni sui gruppi di modifiche

2014-11-02 Per discussione John Doe
Giusto per segnalare questa nuova ed utile feature:
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Re: [Talk-it] Confronto DUG di OSM con ISTAT

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marco_T
Daniele Forsi-2 wrote
 La ricerca trova 7143 nomi (una settimana fa erano 7144: 33 nomi sono
 stati modificati, ma ne sono arrivati 32 nuovi, se continua così fra
 7133 settimane abbiamo finito, spero che arrivino).

Grazie Daniele per i tool che ci metti a disposizione.
Li ho usati volentieri piu' volte per le segnalazioni ortografiche.
Ora vedo se riesco a sistemare qualche DUG...


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[Talk-it] Fwd: Hackathon sulla mobilità

2014-11-02 Per discussione Fabri
Inoltro da Talk-it-Lazio se qualcuno vuole partecipare...

Ciao a tutti,
sono Mara di Codemotion.
Per metà dicembre stiamo organizzando un hackathon sulla mobilità a Roma e ci 
piacerebbe contattarvi per spiegarvi il progetto e coinvolgervi

Si tratta di un hackathon sulla mobilità che si svolgerà dal 12 al 14 dic, dove 
saranno coinvolti anche realtà molto attive nel settore (scusate non posso 
ancora scriverli pubblicamente perché il sito non è ancora online, ma già la 
prossima settimana sarà reso tutto pubblico).


L’obiettivo in generale è quello di arricchire la fruizione trasporto pubblico, 
sviluppando applicazioni e progetti più efficaci connessi alla mobilità.


L’Hackathon è rivolto a sviluppatori, designer, startup, studenti, maker ma 
anche a chi lavora nella comunicazione o nel settore mobilità. Avrà la durata 
di 36 ore continuative.


Abbiamo pensato di coinvolgere Open Street Map perché ci pare che ci sia 
attinenza :-) Quello che praticamente ci servirebbe è qualcuno del team che 
venga ad illustrare come funziona il sistema di Open Street Map e che risponda  
ad eventuali dubbi degli sviluppatori. Eventualmente sarebbe bello se un vostro 
team partecipasse all’hackathon proprio con un vostro progetto.


Un saluto, Mara 

Il giorno 30 ottobre 2014 13:40, Mara Marzocchi [hidden email] ha scritto:
Ciao a tutti, 

Per metà dicembre stiamo organizzando un hackathon sulla mobilità a Roma e ci 
piacerebbe contattarvi per spiegarvi il progetto e coinvolgervi. Posso avere un 
vostro riferimento?

Un saluto e grazie, Mara 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Possibilità di mappe offline

2014-11-02 Per discussione
visto l'enorme giro che si dovrebbe fare per ottenere lo possibilità di avere 
le mappe offline (che sia sul desktop o su dispositivo mobile) mi chiedevo se 
ci fosse un modo un pò meno macchinoso e meno impegnativo per poter dare la 
possibilità di avere le mappe offline?

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Re: [Talk-it] Possibilità di mappe offline

2014-11-02 Per discussione Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
copia locale del db per l'area d'interesse e render onthefly
On 3 Nov 2014 09:39,


 visto l'enorme giro che si dovrebbe fare per ottenere lo possibilità di
 avere le mappe offline (che sia sul desktop o su dispositivo mobile) mi
 chiedevo se ci fosse un modo un pò meno macchinoso e meno impegnativo per
 poter dare la possibilità di avere le mappe offline?


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Re: [Talk-it] Possibilità di mappe offline

2014-11-02 Per discussione emmexx

Il 11/03/2014 08:38 AM, scrisse:


visto l'enorme giro che si dovrebbe fare per ottenere lo possibilità di
avere le mappe offline (che sia sul desktop o su dispositivo mobile) mi
chiedevo se ci fosse un modo un pò meno macchinoso e meno impegnativo
per poter dare la possibilità di avere le mappe offline?

Senza offesa, incaricare di questa parte del lavoro qualcuno che lo 
sappia fare.

Ci sono vari programmi che scaricano tiles a richiesta, ad esempio questa:
Contatta lo sviluppatore, magari ti puo' aiutare.


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Re: [Talk-ar] Consulta uso notas

2014-11-02 Per discussione Sefer
Mi criterio es adherirar al punto 2: no tocar, a menos que tenga conocimiento 
personal del elemento (pase o consulte a alguien).

En cuanto a solucionar la cuestion, la opcion es consultar a las partes creador 
de POI (fagervan), y al creador de la nota ...

Saludos. Sefer.

De: Manuel Kaufmann
Para: OpenStreetMap Argentina 
Enviado: Domingo, 2 de noviembre, 2014 10:19:36
Asunto: [Talk-ar] Consulta uso notas


Estuve mirando el mapa (por cualquier otra razón) y me encontré con esta nota:

La nota señala que ese banco no está más en esa ubicación. Es todo lo que dice.

Ahora bien, ¿qué acción habría que tomar en estos casos?:

1. simplemente eliminar el banco del mapa
2. corroborar la veracidad de la nota: ¿cómo?. Yo no tengo acceso a
ese lugar... ¿Entonces? No me concierne y no debería hacer nada.
3. en este caso en particular, el autor de la nota NO ES ANONIMO...
por lo que se le podría dejar un comentario y ver si contesta
4. ¿otra sugerencias de acciones?
5. en páginas blancas no aparece ese banco ahí


PD: ¿hay alguna forma de hacer click sobre el ícono del banco y
obtener la misma info de etiquetas que se obtiene en JOSM?

Jajaja! Me fui a buscar Fiamabalá, Catamarca en Google Maps y me
encontré con... NADA:,+Catamarca/@-27.6891989,-67.6266937,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x969e30f162b7c3bf:0xd70071b33b64eb44

¡Qué buena onda OSM!

Kaufmann Manuel

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Re: [Talk-at] natural=valley (war: Namen von Objekten ohne Schild)

2014-11-02 Per discussione Holger Schöner
Hash: SHA1


Einen Nebenaspekt von Friedrichs Email aufgreifend:

Am 01.11.2014 um 19:46 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann:
 Leider kenne ich keine Karte, in der natural=valley (d.h. dessen
 Name) angezeigt wird. Weder die auf auswählbaren
 Layers, noch die Opentopomap, noch die Wanderreitkarte. Hoffentlich
 wird das noch.

Ich habe an einer Karte mitgearbeitet, bei der es uns (auch) auf
Gebirge/Kämme und Täler ankommt: [1]. Das Rendering ist noch nicht
perfekt, könnte sich aber mit den neuen mapnik Features jetzt noch
verbessern. Ein konkretes Beispiel ist die Gegend um Schladming [2]
(ggf. mit dem Filter rechts die Rad-Icons und -Routen reduzieren, um
die Beschriftung zu sehen), wo südlich davon in OSM auch ein paar
Täler entsprechend gemappt sind. Leider verwenden tatsächlich auch
nach meiner Erfahrung nur sehr wenige die Tags natural=ridge und
natural=valley ...


Viele Grüße, Holger
- -- 
Holger Schoener
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [Talk-at] natural=valley (war: Namen von Objekten ohne Schild)

2014-11-02 Per discussione Andreas Labres
On 02.11.14 22:30, Holger Schöner wrote:
 Leider verwenden tatsächlich auch
 nach meiner Erfahrung nur sehr wenige die Tags natural=ridge und
 natural=valley ...

natural=ridge ist mir schon mehrmals untergekommen, das liegt wohl nur am
fehlenden Rendering, dass das selten verwendet wird.

Aber natural=valley scheint mir nicht wirklich durchüberlegt. Sehr häufig fließt
wohl in einem Tal ein Bach/Fluß, und was man eigentlich will, ist dem
Bach/Fluß-Stück in diesem Tal einen weiteren Namen, nämlich den des Tals, geben;
anstatt einen weiteren Way zu machen. Und das geht wegen der doppelten
name-Verwendung dann nicht.


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[Talk-cz] pLPIS - nepřesnosti

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marek Chlup

Používám Tracer na vykreslování polí. Údaje z pLPIS se na mnoha místech
zdají velmi dobré pro určení zda jde o ornou půdu či chmelnici či
traviny a podobně tak v určení geometrie. Najdou se však místa, kde se
zdá z jiných zdrojů (různé letecké/satelitní mapy či náznaky z
katastru), že údaje v pořádku nejsou (neurčená či špatně určená
půda či chybná geometrie). U geometrie se někdy ukáže, že jakoby
nedotažené pole v pLPIS je v pořádku, jelikož tam, kde dříve bylo pole
se již staví... Nicméně jsou místa, kde se zdá chyba v pLPIS dost jistá.
Jak pak postupovat?

Já jsem již několikrát například při neurčené či chybně určené půdě
postupoval tak, že jsem ji doplnil či opravil a přitom nechal reference
na pLPIS. Při chybném určení geometrie jsem měl již několikrát tendenci
ji opravit a v některých případech referenci na pLPIS nechat a v
některých jsem ji raději zrušil (když již změn z mé strany bylo příliš).

Jak postupujete, když údaje z pLPIS vyhodnotíte jako nepřesné?

Uvedu příklad (i když vybral jsem takový, kde si nejsem jist, zda jde o
nepřesnost pLPIS či zastaralé letecké snímky):

* 49.703214 17.420063
  - pole se mi zdá v pLPIS do těchto míst přehnaně přetažené, naopak se
zdá, že zde začíná jiné pole, které v pLPIS chybí
- nejraději bych zde pole zkrátil (což bylo zatím již narychlo
  učiněno) a zakreslil navazující pole co v pLPIS není, ale dle Bing
* 49.705593 17.410795
  - jde o místo, kde dle pLPIS pole již není, ale dle Bing se zdá, že
jde o pokračování pole, které je v pLPIS jakoby náhle ukončeno


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Re: [Talk-cz] pLPIS - nepřesnosti

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marián Kyral
v LPIS nejsou úplně všechna pole. Jsou tam jen ta pole, na která žádají
farmáři dotace. Nicméně je to mnohem lepší než nic ;-)
Takže pokud v LPIS pole není, ale dle bingu/km tam pole je, tak jej tam
dokresli. Pokud tam dle km stojí budovy, nebo se tam staví, tak to zase
patřičně uprav. Možná by se hodilo i zkontrolovat datum od kdy to platí

Netuším jak je to s hlášením chyb. Možná něco najdeš v souvisejících


Dne 2.11.2014 09:23, Marek Chlup napsal(a):

 Používám Tracer na vykreslování polí. Údaje z pLPIS se na mnoha místech
 zdají velmi dobré pro určení zda jde o ornou půdu či chmelnici či
 traviny a podobně tak v určení geometrie. Najdou se však místa, kde se
 zdá z jiných zdrojů (různé letecké/satelitní mapy či náznaky z
 katastru), že údaje v pořádku nejsou (neurčená či špatně určená
 půda či chybná geometrie). U geometrie se někdy ukáže, že jakoby
 nedotažené pole v pLPIS je v pořádku, jelikož tam, kde dříve bylo pole
 se již staví... Nicméně jsou místa, kde se zdá chyba v pLPIS dost jistá.
 Jak pak postupovat?

 Já jsem již několikrát například při neurčené či chybně určené půdě
 postupoval tak, že jsem ji doplnil či opravil a přitom nechal reference
 na pLPIS. Při chybném určení geometrie jsem měl již několikrát tendenci
 ji opravit a v některých případech referenci na pLPIS nechat a v
 některých jsem ji raději zrušil (když již změn z mé strany bylo příliš).

 Jak postupujete, když údaje z pLPIS vyhodnotíte jako nepřesné?

 Uvedu příklad (i když vybral jsem takový, kde si nejsem jist, zda jde o
 nepřesnost pLPIS či zastaralé letecké snímky):

 * 49.703214 17.420063
   - pole se mi zdá v pLPIS do těchto míst přehnaně přetažené, naopak se
 zdá, že zde začíná jiné pole, které v pLPIS chybí
 - nejraději bych zde pole zkrátil (což bylo zatím již narychlo
   učiněno) a zakreslil navazující pole co v pLPIS není, ale dle Bing
 * 49.705593 17.410795
   - jde o místo, kde dle pLPIS pole již není, ale dle Bing se zdá, že
 jde o pokračování pole, které je v pLPIS jakoby náhle ukončeno


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Re: [Talk-cz] pLPIS - nepřesnosti

2014-11-02 Per discussione Marek Chlup

Děkuji za informace.

Moje otázka mířila spíše k tomu, co dělat, když pLPIS dává informace o
poli, ale je velmi pravděpodobné, že údaje nejsou ok. Předpokládám, že
značka ref má být nějakým pojítkem do pLPIS. Pokud vyhodnotím, že pole
ve skutečnosti končí dříve než je v pLPIS (či naopak je větší) a opravím
to, zda je vhodné tam nechávat ten údaj ref a možná i údaj

Předpokládal jsem, že to pojítko do pLPIS by mohlo být trvalejšího
charakteru a v budoucnu by se dala například z pLPIS dávkově tahat data
o změnách například využití půdy (změna geometrie asi by vhodná nebyla).
Možná však, že dynamika změn pLPIS bude tak velká, že stejně to ref nic
nebude za chvíli říkat.


On Sun, Nov 02, 2014 at 06:41:39PM +0100, Marián Kyral wrote:
 v LPIS nejsou úplně všechna pole. Jsou tam jen ta pole, na která žádají
 farmáři dotace. Nicméně je to mnohem lepší než nic ;-)
 Takže pokud v LPIS pole není, ale dle bingu/km tam pole je, tak jej tam
 dokresli. Pokud tam dle km stojí budovy, nebo se tam staví, tak to zase
 patřičně uprav. Možná by se hodilo i zkontrolovat datum od kdy to platí
 Netuším jak je to s hlášením chyb. Možná něco najdeš v souvisejících

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] une même adresse pour des équipement différents

2014-11-02 Per discussione Gwen

Merci pour vos réponses :)
Je vais pour le moment suivre la suggestion de Pieren (laissons les
applis s'adapter) tout en ayant en tête le conseil de Christian (évitons
les ambiguïtés) pour les fois prochaines.


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione Yves Pratter

J’ai passé du temps à corriger les erreurs sur les pharmacies avec Josm et 
Osmose sur une page web.
À force de crier, mes phalanges m’ont suggérées l’idée d’une plugin :-)

Une petite consultation du web, et miracle il existe depuis plus de 3 ans :-)
[OSM-dev-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

Je l’aurais bien essayé mais le lien n’est plus valable et il n’est pas 
disponible dans la liste des greffons de Josm.

Pouvez-vous m’éclairer ?

Merci d’avance,

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Corrections des erreurs pharmacies remontées par Osmose : un regroupement est-il possible ?

2014-11-02 Per discussione Yves Pratter

La correction des pharmacies est laborieuse — du moins si je veux faire 
disparaitre toutes les erreurs ;-)

Voici les manifs à faire, sachant que l’importante est la 8211 (l’ordre est 
variable et pas important) :

8210 : Pharmacie non intégrée - corrigé
2100 : En France toutes les pharmacies délivrent des médicaments sur 
prescription - faux positif
7150 : Pharmacie sans ref:FR:FINESS  - corrigé
8211 : Pharmacie, suggestion d’intégration - fix-josm (je choisi la 1ère 
option si le nom existe déjà et est bien saisi, sinon la seconde puis je 
corrige les majuscules, accents…)

L’erreur 2100 me semble fausse à 99% dans ce que j’ai pu corrigé jusqu’à 
présent — mais je recherche les pharmacies qui ne contiennent pas le mot « 
parapharmacie » ;-)

Serait-il envisageable de regrouper les erreurs 2100, 7150 et 8211 ?

Et si possible la 8210 ?
Mais c’est plus difficile car souvent/parfois ? le marqueurs se trouvent loin 
de l’objet pharmacie déjà dans OSM.

Peut-être que pour la 8210 on pourrait utiliser les adresses de BANO ?

Merci pour vos remarques,


PS: un regroupement d’erreurs est peut-être possible pour d’autres objets ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] A partir de quand un lieu-dit existe ?

2014-11-02 Per discussione Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 31/10/2014 09:10, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 Le 30 oct. 2014 à 17:56, Yves a écrit :

 Moi je n'aurait pas supprimé tout de suite parce que:
 - Il y a tant d'autres chose à faire dans OSM
 - OSM peux contribuer à établir l'usage qui en fera un lieu dit. 

 Le terme GAZAD est repris par la presse…

 Il y a même un « carte » dans ces illustrations



Il me semble tout d'abord que, selon l'étiquette d'OSM, il aurait été
préférable de commencer par demander les raisons qui avaient amené le
premier contributeur à cartographier ces éléments, s'il y avait un
doute, au lieu de commencer par les supprimer.

Je trouve aussi qu'il est peut respectueux de traiter de n'importe quel
quidam un contributeur expérimenté (avec, par exemple, 50 % d'ensembles
de modifications de plus de Pieren), dont j'ai pour ma part pu apprécier
d'autres contributions sur différentes parties du monde.

Il me semble ensuite que les hypothèses qui ont amené à cette
suppression (un simple point de rendez-vous au milieu d'un pré) ont
été démenties depuis par les éléments d'information apportés par
plusieurs des participants à cette discussion (et d'autres qui ne sont
pas très difficiles à trouver).

Il semble en effet bien y avoir des éléments plus ou moins durables sur
le terrain.

Sur la notion de plus ou moins temporaire ou durable, je voudrais
pouvoir considérer par exemple que l'hôpital de campagne contre Ebola
que je viens de cartographier à Monrovia a bien sa place dans OSM, même
s'il est fait de matériaux (tentes et bois) similaires à ceux de Sivens,
et si j'aimerais pouvoir espérer qu'il n'aura pas besoin d'être en place
trop longtemps.

Sur la notion de type de tag approprié, il me semble bien que les
liens sur Gazad donnés par Yves ci-dessus montre qu'il est bien utilisé
comme un nom de lieu, même si d'autres tags pourraient peut-être aussi
être appropriés. (D'ailleurs la stricte équivalence entre la balise
locality et la notion traditionnelle de lieu-dit en français
pourrait relever de subtilités sémantiques qui ne sont pas forcément
essentielles pour pouvoir alimenter OSM).

Et le fait qu'il soit utilisé par beaucoup de monde me paraît être un
argument de plus pour le garder dans OSM.

Donc j'espère que Pieren voudra bien prendre en compte les éléments qui
ont été apportés à la discussion qu'il a lancé pour revenir lui-même sur
ses suppressions.



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione didier2020
Le dimanche 02 novembre 2014 à 11:32 +0100, Yves Pratter a écrit :
 J’ai passé du temps à corriger les erreurs sur les pharmacies avec
 Josm et Osmose sur une page web.
 À force de crier, mes phalanges m’ont suggérées l’idée d’une
 plugin :-)
 Une petite consultation du web, et miracle il existe depuis plus de 3
 ans :-)
 [OSM-dev-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm
 Je l’aurais bien essayé mais le lien n’est plus valable et il n’est
 pas disponible dans la liste des greffons de Josm.
 Pouvez-vous m’éclairer ?

regarde plutot ici

 Merci d’avance,
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] A partir de quand un lieu-dit existe ?

2014-11-02 Per discussione Yves Pratter

 Donc j'espère que Pieren voudra bien prendre en compte les éléments qui
 ont été apportés à la discussion qu'il a lancé pour revenir lui-même sur
 ses suppressions.
Quoi, Pieren a supprimé la ville de Gazad au Cameroun ;-D

Plus sérieusement, je pensais moi aussi supprimer gazad le classant dans les « 
graffiti ».

Mais avec les arguments des uns et des autres… je me dis que ce n’est pas à 
nous d’en juger.
C’est un travail d’historiens, de sociologues… le temps nous dira ce qu’il 
convient de faire.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione Yves Pratter
 regarde plutot ici

Merci, je regarde demain :-)

Et aussi pourquoi il n’apparait pas dans la liste des greffons ;-)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione didier2020
Le dimanche 02 novembre 2014 à 13:01 +0100, Yves Pratter a écrit : 
  regarde plutot ici
 Merci, je regarde demain :-)
 Et aussi pourquoi il n’apparait pas dans la liste des greffons ;-)
ce n'est pas un greffon : qat_script utilise l'api d'osmose 
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione Yves Pratter
 ce n'est pas un greffon
c’est presque ça :-)
C’est parce que c’est un script… utilisé par le greffon Scripting ;-)

 qui  utilise l'api d’osmose
Pour info, une API peut-être utilisée par un script, un greffon, une 
application… ;-)

J’y suis presque ; Il manque une étape dans le tuto :
Il faut installer Jython : 
Python plugin support is disabled
The scripting plugin can load and run plugins written in Python. In order to 
use this feature the Jython interpreter has to be on the class path when you 
start JOSM. Currently, it isn't and Python plugin support is therefore disabled.

Quelqu’un sait faire ça (sur un Mac) ?



PS: j’ai téléchargé la version 2.5.4rc1 
puis fait une installation de base

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione didier2020
Le dimanche 02 novembre 2014 à 14:36 +0100, Yves Pratter a écrit :
  ce n'est pas un greffon
 c’est presque ça :-)
 C’est parce que c’est un script… utilisé par le greffon Scripting ;-)
  qui  utilise l'api
 Pour info, une API peut-être utilisée par un script, un greffon, une
 application… ;-)
 J’y suis presque ; Il manque une étape dans le tuto :
 Il faut installer Jython : 
 Python plugin support is disabled 
 The scripting plugin can load and run plugins written
 in Python. In order to use this feature the Jython interpreter
 has to be on the class path when you start JOSM. Currently, it
 isn't and Python plugin support is therefore disabled. 
 Quelqu’un sait faire ça (sur un Mac) ?
je sais pas s'il y a une spécificité pour mac mais under linux :
installer le plugin scripting
depuis préférence scripting (icone engrenage jaune), il y a un bouton
get jython 
 PS: j’ai téléchargé la version 2.5.4rc1 puis fait une installation de
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Utilisateur abusif?

2014-11-02 Per discussione Ronan Morin

Je me suis abonné récemment au RSS des erreurs remontées par KeepRight en 
Bretagne il y a quelques jours et hier, j'ai eu l'occasion de corriger une 
bonne 50aine d'erreurs venant du même utilisateur:
Au début, je n'ai pas trop fait attention, et je me suis juste dit qu'une fois 
fini, j'allais lui envoyer un message pour lui dire de faire attention à ses 
erreurs (principalement des routes non reliées au routes juste à coté). Quand 
j'ai voulu lui envoyer un message, je suis allé sur son profil m'attendant à 
tomber sur un débutant un peu trop enthousiaste, mais la personne a un an 
d'ancienneté ou presque et plus de 3000 modifications à son actif...

J'ai donc fouillé un peu plus, il s'avère que cet utilisateur ajoute 
principalement de chemins de randonnée un peu partout en bretagne, depuis ID et 
en soumettant un changeset quasi à chaque modification de route (atteignant 
parfois plusieurs 10aines de changeset par jour).

En regardant de plus près sur Osmose, je me suis rendu compte que cet 
utilisateurs a plusieurs centaines d'erreurs a son actif: . Je pense même 
qu'Osmose s'arrête a 500 mais qu'il en a bien plus. Les erreurs sont 
principalement des intersections entre des routes et des bâtiments. J'ai pu 
voir deux ou trois exemples ou les routes traversent les bâtiments de part en 

Il semble ne pas connaitre un certain nombre de règles de base, par exemple, il 
a ajouté le tag name=cul de sac a au moins 3 chemins de randonnée de ce que 
j'ai pu voir.

Mon message d'hier est jusqu'a maintenant sans réponse, bien qu'il ait fait des 
modifs aujourd'hui. Je pense que cet utilisateurs ajoute des informations 
pertinentes, mais de façon très incorrecte, générant au passage un nombre 
d'erreurs monumental...

Je ne sais pas trop quoi faire dans ce genre de cas, je ne suis inscrit que 
depuis un mois sur OSM, je voulais juste prévenir au cas ou il y aurait 
quelquechose à faire...

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Utilisateur abusif?

2014-11-02 Per discussione Ronan Morin
Au moment même ou j'ai envoyé mon message, j'ai reçu sa réponse:

Pas de souci, j'essaierai de faire un peu plus attention la prochaine fois.

A voir l'évolution des choses, j'essayerais de faire attention si les 
prochaines erreurs viennent de lui ou non.

En attendant, ca fait pas mal d'erreurs à corriger!

Subject: Utilisateur abusif?
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 16:11:41 +0100


Je me suis abonné récemment au RSS des erreurs remontées par KeepRight en 
Bretagne il y a quelques jours et hier, j'ai eu l'occasion de corriger une 
bonne 50aine d'erreurs venant du même utilisateur:
Au début, je n'ai pas trop fait attention, et je me suis juste dit qu'une fois 
fini, j'allais lui envoyer un message pour lui dire de faire attention à ses 
erreurs (principalement des routes non reliées au routes juste à coté). Quand 
j'ai voulu lui envoyer un message, je suis allé sur son profil m'attendant à 
tomber sur un débutant un peu trop enthousiaste, mais la personne a un an 
d'ancienneté ou presque et plus de 3000 modifications à son actif...

J'ai donc fouillé un peu plus, il s'avère que cet utilisateur ajoute 
principalement de chemins de randonnée un peu partout en bretagne, depuis ID et 
en soumettant un changeset quasi à chaque modification de route (atteignant 
parfois plusieurs 10aines de changeset par jour).

En regardant de plus près sur Osmose, je me suis rendu compte que cet 
utilisateurs a plusieurs centaines d'erreurs a son actif: . Je pense même 
qu'Osmose s'arrête a 500 mais qu'il en a bien plus. Les erreurs sont 
principalement des intersections entre des routes et des bâtiments. J'ai pu 
voir deux ou trois exemples ou les routes traversent les bâtiments de part en 

Il semble ne pas connaitre un certain nombre de règles de base, par exemple, il 
a ajouté le tag name=cul de sac a au moins 3 chemins de randonnée de ce que 
j'ai pu voir.

Mon message d'hier est jusqu'a maintenant sans réponse, bien qu'il ait fait des 
modifs aujourd'hui. Je pense que cet utilisateurs ajoute des informations 
pertinentes, mais de façon très incorrecte, générant au passage un nombre 
d'erreurs monumental...

Je ne sais pas trop quoi faire dans ce genre de cas, je ne suis inscrit que 
depuis un mois sur OSM, je voulais juste prévenir au cas ou il y aurait 
quelquechose à faire...


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] site web et sa page comment contribuer

2014-11-02 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
Je trouve que les captures d'écran ne sont pas très lisibles, et très 

L'autre solution, ce sont des mini vidéos. Voici ce que ça donne :


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Decathlon utilise OSM

2014-11-02 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry

Je n'ai pas souvenir d'avoir vu passer cette info* : sur ses sites, 
Decathlon utilise OSM pour situer ses magasins.

Constaté en France :
mais aussi en Italie, Espagne et Allemagne (au moins).

L'attribution est bien là, en revanche je suis étonné de voir qu'ils 
utilisent directement les tuiles d'


* désolé si ça doublonne

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Decathlon utilise OSM

2014-11-02 Per discussione Pierre Béland
Ils ont partiellement complété le transfert vers OSM
Le bouton S'y rendre affiche une carte Google où pourtant il n'y a pas les 
détails que l'on retrouvre sur la carte OSM. Pierre 

  De : Vincent de Château-Thierry
 À : Discussions sur OSM en français 
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 2 novembre 2014 12h15
 Objet : [OSM-talk-fr] Decathlon utilise OSM
Je n'ai pas souvenir d'avoir vu passer cette info* : sur ses sites, 
Decathlon utilise OSM pour situer ses magasins.
Constaté en France :
mais aussi en Italie, Espagne et Allemagne (au moins).

L'attribution est bien là, en revanche je suis étonné de voir qu'ils 
utilisent directement les tuiles d'


* désolé si ça doublonne

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione Yves Pratter

 je sais pas s'il y a une spécificité pour mac mais under linux :
 installer le plugin scripting
 depuis préférence scripting (icone engrenage jaune), il y a un bouton
 get jython
J’avais fait ça. Mais avec ton message je suis allé voir de plus près :
Le fichier récupéré par le greffon fait 161 octets contre 8,3 Mo pour celui 
téléchargé sur le site de Jython.

Curieusement il y avait un panneau sens interdit à sa gauche (je pensais que ça 
servait à l’enlever).

En regardant dedans, voici son contenu :
headtitle302 Found/title/head
body bgcolor=white
centerh1302 Found/h1/center
J’en déduis que le lien utilisé par le greffon n’est pas à jour (ou que le 
serveur était planté) et on a un beau message d’erreur 302 HTML au lieu du 
paquet Java !!

En recopiant le bon python.jar, le sens interdit est remplacé par une coche 
verte : ça progresse :-)

Il me reste à modifier le fichier /etc/bashrc ou /etc/profile en mettant la 
variable d’environnement CLASSPATH avec le bon chemin.
A suivre…


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] site web et sa page comment contribuer

2014-11-02 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
Finalement, qu'est-ce qu'il y a comme application équivalent à 
OsmTracker pour iOs ? J'ai beau chercher, je ne trouve pas vraiment 
Ou alors, plus simplement, une appli qui permet d'enregistrer des 
traces Gps et de les envoyer sur


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] site web et sa page comment contribuer

2014-11-02 Per discussione Christian Rogel
Le 2 nov. 2014 à 19:19, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
 Finalement, qu'est-ce qu'il y a comme application équivalent à OsmTracker 
 pour iOs ? J'ai beau chercher, je ne trouve pas vraiment d'équivalent.
 Ou alors, plus simplement, une appli qui permet d'enregistrer des traces Gps 
 et de les envoyer sur

Pour enregistrer mes traces sur mon IPhone, je suis très satisfait de Motion X 
- GPS qui est
un vrai couteau suisse et ce qui est appelé la carte terrain est tout 
simplement le fond OSM,
sur lequel on peut suivre sa trace en direct.
Dans un train, c'est un peu approximatif, mais, ça marche aussi.
Les traces peuvent être envoyée par mail, ce qui est pratique.

Christian R.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plugin Osmose pour Josm

2014-11-02 Per discussione didier2020
Le dimanche 02 novembre 2014 à 18:48 +0100, Yves Pratter a écrit : 
  je sais pas s'il y a une spécificité pour mac mais under linux :
  installer le plugin scripting
  depuis préférence scripting (icone engrenage jaune), il y a un bouton
  get jython
 J’avais fait ça. Mais avec ton message je suis allé voir de plus près :
 Le fichier récupéré par le greffon fait 161 octets contre 8,3 Mo pour celui 
 téléchargé sur le site de Jython.
 Curieusement il y avait un panneau sens interdit à sa gauche (je pensais que 
 ça servait à l’enlever).
 En regardant dedans, voici son contenu :
 headtitle302 Found/title/head
 body bgcolor=white
 centerh1302 Found/h1/center
 J’en déduis que le lien utilisé par le greffon n’est pas à jour (ou que le 
 serveur était planté) et on a un beau message d’erreur 302 HTML au lieu du 
 paquet Java !!
 En recopiant le bon python.jar, le sens interdit est remplacé par une coche 
 verte : ça progresse :-)
 Il me reste à modifier le fichier /etc/bashrc ou /etc/profile en mettant la 
 variable d’environnement CLASSPATH avec le bon chemin.
 A suivre…
si tu as le bon fichier jyton.jar,
il y a le bouton +ajouter = clic sur la ligne ajoutée puis selection
de ton fichier 

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Decathlon utilise OSM

2014-11-02 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Et visiblement leur géocodage a des problèmes, ils situent des magasins
même pas à l'adresse indiquée; exemple le Décathlon de Niort situé sur leur
carte juste en bordure de Chauray alors qu'il est sur la route de Limoges
dans la nouvelle ZAC des sports en bordure de rocade (le lieu correct est
pourtant bien marqué dans OSM)
Ils ont sans doute utilisé un vieux géocodage de leur ancien magasin mais
en changeant d'adresse le géocodage est resté mais il était déjà
approximatif car le lieu indiqué par eux dans la bulle et va le lien Google
Maps n'est pas le bon non plus)...
D'ailleurs une recherche par nom via Google Maps situe pourtant leur
adresse correcte actuelle.
Bref il n'y a que Décathlon qui se trompe dans ses propres adresses !

Le 2 novembre 2014 18:39, Pierre Béland a écrit :

 Ils ont partiellement complété le transfert vers OSM

 Le bouton S'y rendre affiche une carte Google où pourtant il n'y a pas les
 détails que l'on retrouvre sur la carte OSM.


  *De :* Vincent de Château-Thierry
 *À :* Discussions sur OSM en français
 *Envoyé le :* Dimanche 2 novembre 2014 12h15
 *Objet :* [OSM-talk-fr] Decathlon utilise OSM

 Je n'ai pas souvenir d'avoir vu passer cette info* : sur ses sites,
 Decathlon utilise OSM pour situer ses magasins.
 Constaté en France :
 mais aussi en Italie, Espagne et Allemagne (au moins).

 L'attribution est bien là, en revanche je suis étonné de voir qu'ils
 utilisent directement les tuiles d'


 * désolé si ça doublonne

 Talk-fr mailing list

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